N,ew Registration Successful Congratulations are in order Everything was compact and sysfor the Administrative Depart- tematic. Upperclassmen were ments and the instructors of roving the floor to help anyone Peru State College for a well who might have a problem, An regulated registration process. innovation to registration was This is the first tjme in the the seperate tables which were past few years that there has alphabetized, according to the been no long lines waiting at student's last name, and used the doors, no students n.mning for punching class cards. This around the gymnasium like aided in keeping the lines from chickens with their heads cut piling up and jamming the prooff, and no instructors and ad· cedure. ministrators pulling their hair A representative froni the out because of exhaustion and State of Nebraska computer secconfusion, Tables were placed tion stated that this was the most and charted for the students orderly college registration that in a · manner which kept the he had witnessed. registration process in orderThis year, students found an ly progression. Students did added attraction at the end of not have to wander from one the registration line - gift end of the gymnasium to the packs. These packets, gifts other to collect the necessary from the Student Governing Asmaterials and pay their fees, sociation (SGA), contained tooth~ paste, hair tonic, aspirin, bar
"Take one of these and one ot these or you're one ot those - IA."
Vol. 64
No. 1
soap, shampoo, and other items that a student might need during the school year. The SGA was also responsible for the handling of freshmen dues and the sale of beanies to the freshmen. Because of a newly created program called "September Observance," seniors, whousually register the first day that classes had not been closed to them, and any class which they might need to fill out their academic needs was available. The administration did a fine job of handling this situation. If at the next registration, the ·same procedure is used, and any flaws which might have existed are corrected, an even smoother procedure will we!· come everyone involved.
September 23, 1968
''No it's at 7:30 so that it doesn't conflict with ... "
"Now let's see - English 101, Sw1rnrnrng, and first per-
iod ... "
"Where's the kitchen sink?"
Toast of Friendship to Freshmen It will take many a shampoo and bicarbonate for the freshmen to forget this year's initiation, An undersized and out numhered pig was chased by
Warkins Wim Talent Show The First Annual Peru State Talent Show was held Wednesdav. September 11 in the Auditorium. There nine entries who perform· ed a variety of acts. The jud· who made the momentous :ut:oi>wu as to the winners were chosen from the SGA and were Dana Henry, Don Buskirk, and Doo Dodge, The winner was Jr, Dick War· kins who sang a mtdley of Si· moo and Garfunkel hits and accompanied himself on the guitar. Second place went to Ar;·.me Johnson, anotherJunior, who · sang and did a humorous ogue, Dick Owens received rd place. He sang folk songs played harmonica and .gui-
at least one-third of the freshmen to start the activities. The second event was a box beating contest, while one person is situated inside a large box, another pounds the box into the ground while trying not to dent the fragile merchandise inside. During this event ample amounts· of cocktail juice was hastily downed by eager freshmen. The S,G.A. held the entire affair in tact by hoarse threats and unending patience, The most successful spectator event was the oot-marathon with contestants resemblingtheaftermath of squadron 663 paratrooper reunion. Good will was the theme of the shoe pile as participants tried to find their own little sizes among the large ones. At this point a nervous freshman went A,W,O,L. with an S.G.A, honor guard in hot pursuit, she. was finally and artfullypursuaded to rejoin the troop. A final toast of friendship was given to the freshmen in the form of a traditional shampoo, A mixture .of ketchup, mustard,
syrup, oatmeal, and flour for that puritan christening cemented the corner stone of affection toward the S.G.A. and honor guard. The Olympian bonfire was serenely and ceremonially dispatched in the common interest of sportsmanship, The Peru color song was attempted to the amazed and disenchanted upper classmen. It was a fine revulsion of "little acorns to mighty oaks" from a cow's vantage,
·;:~1\')~· ;·,":?4~
-.-& L~
Melons Ar.e Enjoyed Monday, September 9, the "Pit" was the scene for the meeting of seventy-four S.G,A. watermelons and an even larger number of hungry Peru State students. This was the setting for the reuniting of ola races and an introduction to the many new ones,_ Bright blue beanies, sticky hands and faces, and the sprinkling of watermelon seeds lead tnis to be a memorable event for all who attended.
( {
"M-m-rn-rn, love that home brew:"
'L,.;,, >! 0
Page 2
THE PED, Set_:>tember 23, 1968
Welcome from Your President
EditOridl/y Spedl<ing.. Freshmen Withstand At long last, freshmen can walk the Peru CamP!ls with peace of mind, carefree and beanie-free, having survived their first and last "Freshmen Initiation Week." What seemed to be a week of wasted time, embarrassment, and at times, down-right humiliation, will be enjoyed immensely, no doubt, for the next three years, by these same tortured and persecuted' individuals, In the future it will be they who will assume the task of administering the necessary "breaking-in" of each new frosh class. However, taking a closer look at Freshmen Initiation Week, is it being carried out as it should? Are the upperclassmen too severe in their dealings? Are they too lax? Should the initiatll:>n period be lengthened? How about having it shortened? Should it be done away with entirely? To say that the previous week was an unnecessdry evil and should be brandished from Peru State would be a definate falsehood, Some type of indoctrination for newcomers is employed almost everywhere, and is not restricted to collegiate concerns. A "rookie" designation is applied to first-year men in all professional sPorts, for example, These individuals are frequently the butt of practical clubhouse jokes and pranks, Other groups also have special programs mapped out in detail for their new members, Social fraternities and sororities usually have a plan for pledges to follow for an entire semester, the climax being a week of constant work throughout each night, with no sleep at all, barring the possible exception of cat-naps in class, Compared to this harsh treatment, Peru's Initiation week is a breeze. Yet is the Peruvian program too severe? Ask most freshmen this question right now and the answer will probably be an emphatic "Yes!" In actuality, however, one can take stock in the fact that there were no deaths, broken bones, or other major injuries incurred during the previous week, with the Possible exception of a few broken eardrums due to the heinous singing. Yes, the Color Song did take quite a butchering. Actually some freshmen seemed to enjoy the whole bit to some extent, as evidenced by the fact that they ci:mstantly "walked right in" to the most menacing vicinity; the front steps leading to the cafeteria;. It was there that practically all of the merriment took place, Any· freshman really wanting to avoid the situation stood a far better chance of escape by using the bookstore entrance. I I
I i I I I
The only major change that might help Peru's Freshmen Initiation Week would· be the elimination of the traditional. beanie, It is just a little too "cute" for college students to wear, especially during the first. week, when everybody is noticing everybody else with such close scrutiny, Perhaps a blue and white armband would be· a suitable substitution. Not only would .it be easier to wear and less to worry about, but it would also add a little challange to proceedings for the upperclassmen, They would have to look harder for their victims 1 and they couldn't holler at someone halfWay across the campus.
M any rate, the dreaded week has come and gone, although it will inevitably come alive again in dormitory conver, sations and coffee breaks for some time to come, And oh!! .... just wait 'till next fall!!!!!! BOB AMMON
"Reflection of Mood" That much predicted loog hot summer is now past. It was preceded by several singular moments of anguish: the shooting of Martin Luther King, rioting in our nation's c~pital, and the assasination of Robert Kennedy. It was climaxed by calamity: the Democratic Convention in Chicago. Vietnam was the issue precipitating trouble this time, Th<i leadership of these two men lent distinction and respectability to the act of dissent, The intellectual community, Democratic liberals, young idealists, and Senators like J, William Fulbright were being joined· by increasing numbers in qµestioning our nation's foreign policy. In strange and extreme cootrast stood the powerful machine boss, the "pro:iuct of the politics of another time," Richard J, Daley, He was aligned with the position of the administration and the officers of the convention. A clash was inevitable. Television played a part in the interpretation of the roles and happenings, D:iley was cast as the villain, hippies and yippies were the martyrs. Scenes held a nightmare quality: Crowds yelling "the whole world's watching" while policemen dragged demoostrators to paddywagons. • •••Senator Abraham Rubicoff, taunting Daley from the platform. , •••The Illinois delegation surrounded by plain clothes guardsmen. Deliberate and sensitive oratory by Hubert Humphrey rallied the party and eased tensions in the final moments. He dared, at the last, to speak the nam.3 which had been avoided by others, the nam•3 of the President of our natioo, Lyndoo Baines .Johnson, The Democratic Convention of the long hot summer of 1968 was a reflection of the mood of the nation, ANITA NORMAN
Contest A contest is being sponsored by the Pedagogian to find a cover design for the 196869 Peruvian. Three prizes will be awarded for the top three designs. First prize will be $20, second $10, and third $50 The person who designs the cover will also receive a copy of the Peruvian with his name engraved on ito Designs are to be turned in to Room316 of the Education Building by October
First Change Since 1922 The college auditorium is currently undergoing the first major changes made in it since its construction in 1922. Work began on the auditorium in the first part of May and completion is expected soon after the first of the year. The work is being done. by architects Clark & Enersen, Olsson, Burroughs & Thomsen of Lincoln and is coil· tracted by C .& R Engineering of Beatrice, Nebraska. Improvements being made will include: an accoustical ceiling, additional dressfag rooms, more storage space, new walls, better lighting, new floor covering, air conditioning, better heating and ventilation, more readily accessible public dressing rooms, and better seating. The auditorium, when completed, will have a seating capacity of 652, somewhat less than before the renovation. Mr Ebner, college business manager, said the new seats will be similar to those in the Fine Arts Aud• itorium. Total cost of the project is $246,000. This sum was appropriated by the State Legislature,
The faculty and staff of Peru State College welcome you to the Campus of a Thousand Oaks! Rich in the tradition of more than a century of service to state and nation, we look forward with anticipation to this and future years. The College proposes to maintain · a high level of academic performance commensurate with the needs of the times and abilities of its student body, We are impressed by the seri~ ousness of the majority of our students to develop a sense of responsibility, purPose and service to others. To these aims we pledge our fullest support. In an ever-changing society the College proposes to promote standards of citizenship in harmony with the best interests of the entire college community. We do not propose to cling to that which is old just because it is old, nor do we propose to embrace that which is new just because it is new, We do propose to establish mutually-acceptable patterns of behavior, conductandperformance which will best serve the college community, College attendance is a privilege available to only a fraction of college-age-youth, thus it· is :Something to be guarded and cherished by those fortunate enough to be a member of a college community, The citizens of the state of Nebraska have invested millions of dollars to provide facilities and programs for you, Thus not only your interests but those who have provided a major share of your eel-' ucational opportunity must be protected and nurtured. A well-prepared and dedicated staff is here to assist you, but it will be your attitudes, your use of abilities and time that will determine the degree of your success,
YEARBOOK PICTURE Monday, September 30th Thru Tuesday, October 1st Underclassmen 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
STOP Take Note! It has been observed that class elections at Peru State have not been efficient. Officers are often elected by a small minority of their classmates, and more often than not, they would · rather not have been elected. To combat this Inefficiency, a new system of electing class officers has been enacted by the S,G,A, Any student wanting to run for president of his class should sel{lct a slate of officers, (Vice president, secretary-treasurer) and obtain twenty-five signatures of members of his class in the form of a petition. This peiition should then be submitted to any S,G,A, member. Each class will be limited to five petitions, with the exception of the freshman class. The freshman class will be limited to five petitions for class officer elections and seven petitions for membership in the S.G.A. Any student not on probation may file a petition, or have his name on a petition, At least three petitions from each class will be received before elections will begin. The students In this college will be expected to accept this responsibility. If they don't there will be no class officers, and consequently less student voice. Surely no student wants this,
Seniors and Faculty 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Check Posters For Package Rate
Governing Board OkaysP.S,C.Budgct Peru State College's request for capital construction during the 1969~71 biennium was approved by the governing board of state colleges at its September 14 meeting, according to President Neal S, Gomon, The $3,263,775 package will next be submitted to the state budget director and the 1969 legisla~ ture, Included in the request are seven projects. Top priority is for funds to meet new fire safety regulations 1;overing all existmg academic and housing facilities with a price tagof$193,431, If requests for remodeling and replacement of facilities are approved, the total would be ·
The next months will be important to you and your future. You cannot afford to waste a minute of this gold opportunity for self-improvement, enrichment and service, May you have many pleasant and profitable months on the campus of Peru State! Sincerely, Neal S, Gomon, President
reduced to $121,570, Other requests in order of priority are: remodeling and renovations of the Hoyt Science Hall, $309, 786; construction of a new health and physical education building and student health center, $1,329,775; remodeling and renovation oflhe education building (formerly the Campus School), $605,992; and addition to the library, $422,685; installation of the firft phase of a central air conci:•;oning system, $273,064, and development of physical education outdoor facilitites and extension of Oak Bowl seating, $129,042, .(Cont'd.on page 4).
If you c o n s i de r the money that's raked in by institutions of higher learning, you can better appreciate references to "the 'iaulg of ivy."
PERU PEDAGOGIAN Monday, Sept. 23, 1968 Volume 64
Number 1
Published weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR . , .. , .. , Lynn Sailors BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . , . , Greg Vaughn PHOTOGRAPHERS . , , .. , , .. Bob Beran ADVISOR . . . . . , : . Jam es Keck Th0 signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of the Pedagogian but of individuals. The editor reserves the right to edit them for publica·tion.
THE PED, September 23, 1968
Peru Races to Victory vill be imour future. o waste a Jpportunity 1t, enrich1y you have profitable :ampus of y,
:iomon, 1t
p lote! dthatclass .te have not irs are ofiall minornates, and they would m elected. :riciency, a :ting class enacted by ing to run :lass should cers, (Vice -treasurer) ' signatures class in the his petition itted to any il class will itions, with a freshman 1 class will atitions for ns and sevnbership in dent not on a petition, 1 a petition. itions from ·eceived bebegin, The ege will be is resPQnsi1ere will be and conselent voice, wants this,
ournalism Unplanned Career Newspaper work for John W. for a Position on the Supreme ahn, assistant professor of Po- Court, ical Science, came as an unHis return to Taigu City, his ned career. In 1945 he was home town, brought himtonewsKorean student in Japan. He Paper work. He covered podied law, attending the best litical affairs and sports events w school in Japan, Chue Uni- for three years. rsity in Tokyo, At the end of the war he · Back in Japan,· he had· .returned to Korea, there to or-. ·sumed his law studi,es when the nize a student group active in· Korean War broke out, Due to Uecting money for the poor · the occupation there was no direct communication between 0 were returning to Korea m M;mchuria, "Korea," said· Korea and the Japanese daily Hahn, "was in turmoil. You papers lacked information about uld hardly predictthefuture." Korea. With two other Koreans, He decided to go to Seoul, the former foreign minister and capital, to see things there. the publisher of the Orient Press impressions of his first day of Seoul, he established a news still vivid, "In the morn- service, the Korean Press in I could see all the walls which the UP service held ex.the old palace decorated by elusive rights, munist propaganda papers Sponsored by the Vi~presi'ch had been posted during dent and General Manager of Far night. In the evening they Eastern Affairs of the UPI, Mr had been removed and none of Hahn came to the United States. em could be seen but all the "I was fortunate to get acquaintpers emphasized the pro- ed with many excellent faculty merican propaganda." The members, good friends, nice merican - Soviet joint com- teachers," Because of the close ittee for the unification of relationship between politics and rea was in serious trouble. j)urnalism, Mr Hahn concentrate situation as a whole he didn't ed his later studies in the field 'ke even though he had a chance of Political Science,
ntra-mural Deadline Tuesday An organizational meeting for ra-mural football will be held esday, September 24, in room 5 of the Science Building at 30 p,m, Mr Jerome Stemper 'll be in charge. Coaches who ve not entered teams by that e must attend if they wish play,
This year each player is required to write his initials by his name on the team list. If more information is required, check the gym bulletin board or see Mr Stemper, Administration Builaing, room 303b,
de r the ed in by ier learn- appreci-
Oh, we could give
to "the
you the sales pitch But why?
'.)GIAN 3, 1968
Number 1
The Peru State man knows a good thing when he sees it
during the ept holidays ters by the ate College,
Lynn Sailors
REDFERN CLOTHING · "The st~re of standard brands"
;reg Vaughn
; printed in eel the opin:n but of inreserves
for publica-
Support The Bobcats Team support is as important an ingredient to a ball club as are the players. Knowing that there is some one on the sidelines cheering you -to victory can be motivation enough to get the job done, This weekend the Peru state College Bobcats host their first grid game of the 6868 season. The Bobcats have two road games under their belt now and are looking forward to playing before a large partisan crowd of Peru state fans. Now it is up to the school to show the spirit necessary to win ball games by lending their moral support to get something physical accomplished. So this week let's start a trend that will coo· tinue throughout the year and bring home to PSC many athlet· ic victories and show our athletes we appreciate their hard work.
. ~1f/K!S,
Bobcats hold back the Owls.
Owl Air Game Ruins Peru A balanced Tarkio team displayed field superiority Saturday in beating the Peru Bobcats 26 to 7, All scoring was finished by the end of the first half, with the second half being a grueling defensive battle, The outstanding player of the game was Tom Devlin, a junior from W. Sayville, New York. The first score for the Owls was a· Griffith to Devlin passrun for fifty-eight yards. Larry O'Neill set up Tarkio's next touchdown with an interception on the forty-five yard line of Tarkio, and returned it to the Bobcat thirty-seven. Griffith then hit Steve Shields with a thirty..fi ve yard pass for the touchdown. Near the end of the first quarter, Griffith fired a thirteen yard pass to D\lvlin for another touchdown. In the second quarter, Peru's offense showed signs of life as they ground out yardage to make their only score of the night. The brightest spot for Peru was Sherwin Williams from Omiha with several fine efforts in the second quarter. The final score of the game was probably the best play of the game, Quar-
Auto Repaln Major engine work Automatic trans. Wrecker service Steam cleaning Lubrication
m-no1 AAA Service
Coach Pitts
terback Griffith handed to the left halfback who in turn handed to end Tom Devlin on a flanker reverse for sixty yards and his third touchdown of the g; ;ne, In the secood half, Peru made several tries for a score. In the third quarter inside the Tarkio ten yard stripe, Peru lost the ball after four tries, and in the last quarter, a fourth and six pass failed for the touch· down. Peru, however, was not without its moments as the defense made several brilliant goal line stands, The final one was ended with an interception by Arnold Johnston in the end zone, Game statistics: p
17 First downs 197 Yards rushing 86 Yards passing Total yards gained 283 3-96 Punts returned Ki ck-off returned 4-48 4-0 Fumbles-lost Penalties-yards 6-53 Peru Tarkio
T 18 215 198 413 2-77 1-4 0..() 6-55
0 7 0 0- 7 20 6 0 0-26
Coach's Corner
.Fast-Dependable Service
"PED" I!':
Celluloid, the first synthetic plastic, was patented in 1870 by the Hyatt broth'~ John Wesley Hyatt ran a checker and domino factory but developed celluloid in an effort to win a prize offered for a cheap substitute for ivory in billiard balls.
e e e e e
Bob Beran James Keck
Peru State College's cross country team which won the Nebraska College Conference, the NA!A District XI, and placed seventh in the nation last year, ran away from the rest of the field in winning their first cross country meet of the year-the se· cond annual University of South Dakota Cross Country lnvi· tational meet at Vermillion, South Dakota, Peru placed seven of the first thirteen runners, and captured a.1 unofficial total of 25 points, 51 points better than their nearest contender, Wayne State Col· lege which ended the meet with 76 points. South Dakota state finished third with 87 points, and the University of South Dakota rounded out the top four with 101 points. Jack Weyers, who last year gained All-American status in cross country, won first place with a time of 15:36 over the three mile course. Van Allen, co-captain of the Peru team, placed fourth in a time of 15:· 57, while Dave Harris, a fresh· man from Auburn, captured fifth place in a time of 16:15. Ray Uher came in seventh in 16:25 Dave Hillman eighth in 16:27 Jay Hagerman nipth in 16:28 and Ron Jones thirteenth in a time of 16:46. Points were not recorded for Hagerman and Jones. Peru's next meet wm be this coming weekend in the South Dakota State University Invitation• al at Brookings, South Dakota.
Page 3
Coach Pitts, after the opening loss to Tarkio, was able to peer through a gloomy cloud of poor pass defense and find some bright spots in the Peru ground attack. "We had several fresh·
man backs wholookedgood.Sherwin Williams looked exceptional. Virgil Mitchtlll and Dave Bohl· ken looked good as running backs as did the veteran John Bristol. John Barnard and Larry Jackson, two other freshmen, look· ed good in the offensive line and Lee Dunekacke and Mike Mulvaney, both veterans, played their · usual good game," the coach commented. Peru escaped the gam.3 with no serious injuries although Coach Pitts cited the absence of two regulars, Don Morris and Chuck Mizerski. Neither was able to suit uP-Morris with a pulled hamstring muscle and Mizerski with a boil, Looking ahead to next week, Pitts said, "We're going to have our hands full with Yankton. They've lost two games in two years, both times to Westmar."
P --~ 4
THE PED, September 23, 1968
A.F. Recruiter Calendar Here Today
D. Levitt will o~ce again direct the All-college Variety show. Students with talent should contact him; others should make plans to attend.
I ' I
(Cont'd from page 2) •Funds for improvmg fire safety include a complete overhaul of the campus water system with additional fire hydrants as needed, additions to fire alarm and protection systems and installation of improved containment barriers in all buildings, Remodeling of Hoyt Science Hall includes renovationandairconditioning of 15,360 square feet devoted to classrooms, laboratories and offices, To be replaced is antiquated equipment in all laboratories and most classrooms and offices, The present gymnasium to be razed and replaced by a new health and physical education building at a new location, The new facility will include adequate space for both men's and women's physical education programs, a multi-purpcse swimming area and space for student health services, The Education building (formerly the Campus School) to be completely renovated and airconditioned for expansion of home economics, business education, education and instructional media plus general classroom facilities for other programs. Proposed is a 3-storv 100'x50' addition to the library which will provide and additional 15,000 square feet of floor space for student study areas, reference areas,. improved stack areas, browsmg rooms, instructional media and instructional materials facilities, With all proposed renovated buildings and new construction requiring air-conditioning a first phase of a central air ~on ditioning plant to be located in available space near the boiler room is requested, All new and renovated bupdings will be served by individual systems conne~~ to the central plant as ex1stmg systems require. replacement. Limited areas for outdoor recreation and intramural ·pro-
grams is to be relieved by the development of playing fields for field hockey, softball, outdoor basketball, archery, tennis, etc,, in an undeveloped section of state-owned property south and east of Oak Bowl, This project will include the addition of seating for 1000 connected to the north end of present seating at Oak Bowl, "Peru State College requests conform to the six-year building program presented to the 1965 legislature," Pre&ident Gomon said. "Only deviations are in the renovation of the Education building for strictly college purposes as opposed to rehabilitation for the laboratory school which was in operation at that time, and the combining of a men's and women's health and physical education building, initially recommended as sep. arate facilities,"
Author to be Guest of English Club Nellie Snyder, author of the book, "Cattle Kingdom", and writer of frontier biographies, will be a guest of the English Club, according to Mrs Silas Summers, EnglishClubsponsor, Meetings of the English Club will be held every second Monday of each month Mr Summers siiid, Those interested keep an . eye on bulletin boards for place of meeting, "Sifting Sands", a book of student writings, will again be published this year, Any student may submit a writing, There is, however, no guarantee it will appear in the book. Mr Summers indicated the club will spcnsor a freshman essay contest, There will probably be a small monetary prize for the writer judged the winner, The club will also join the other campus organizations in a Christmas party, Members will have their own spring dinner,
Mtmhlf F.Dl.C.
JOHN L. LEWIS, Vice Pres. & Cashier
Although the Air Force Officer Training School program is presently closed to some college graduates, a vital need exists for college seniors and graduates to fill positions as pilots and navigators. The Air Force OTS Selection Team will be on campus 23 of September 1968, to explain this program and to test eli• gible seniors and graduates. Some of the physical requiremmts which must be met for the flying program include 20· 20 vision in both eyes, normal color vision, heighth not less than 5'4" nor more than 6'4" no hisotry of unconsciousness, asthma, hay fever orothertypes of allergies or serious physi· cal disorders. According to Capt Dennis F, Knecht, OTS Selection Officer of the Omaha Recruiting Detach· ment, Jan.graduates must apply immediately to be considered for Feb,-Mar,-Apr. 69 classes. All seniors should al so inquire about the program now to assure assignment to an OTS class as soon as possible following graduation. Air F,orce pilot and navigator trainees receive a starting . salary of $6,900 and can expect a salary of over $12,000 after four years service,
Drama Club Goal - "U.S.A." The Homecoming activities would not be complete without the Homecoming play. The Drama Club will present a dramatic review, "U.S.A.", written by Paul Shyre and John Pos Dassos, The characters are Don Dodge, DavidKramer,Ed Vadas, Kathy Cole, Sherleen Hill, and Patty Bindrum, It is under the direction of Mr Moore, The play will be presented in the Fine Arts auditorium, Since it only seats 210, it will be presented two nights, the preceding Friday at 8:00 and then Saturday evening at 7:00, You will be able to reserve seats for either night, There is an admission fee of $LOO.
""[?'" ,,....,_ ~GISTEREO
MONDAY, September 23 9 a,m.-3 p.m.-Air Force representative, Student Center. WEDNESDAY, September 25 9:10 a.m.--Organizational meetings, FA Auditorium, Newman Club, west dining hall student center FR\DW, September 27 . • 3 p.m.~ross c01mtry, Wayne, here. SATURDAY, September 28 7:30 p.m.-Football, So, State, here. MONDAY, September 30 Social Science Society picnic. Neal Park (Alternate date October 7). '
"Coffee, tea or Broughton kool-ade?"
Picnic Supper Served You'll find Peru Staters, wherever there's free food. This fact was reaffirmed Wednesday evening, September 10 at 5:00. in .the Oak Bowl as students lined up to be served at the all school picnic, Proceeding under the guiding .spirit of the cheerleaders, the pep rally
which followed was highlighted by remarks from the playersJ a short skit. and ·some enthus·. iasti c cheering from the student body. To conclude the event, the freshmen, decked out in their traditional beanies, led the group in the singing of the color song,
You'l I never forget the day you chose your Keepsake. Its matchless beauty and elegant styling will always remind you of your most wonderful moment ... your engagement day. Ringi e!'largcd t~.~J:i.ow detail. T?adc.~ark
If you're going to get fat - you might· as well do it the best way possible.
For after store hours appointment call collect-245-4252.
Eldon tries harder now.
ate, Oc-
Vol. 64
No. 2
September 30, 1968
Queen Candidates Selected Five lovely young ladies were selected Monday night to rep. resent the various dorms in the contest for Homecoming Queen 1968, F.ach dorm selected a candidate to represent their dorm, and now the burden of choosing the Homecoming Queen will rest with the Student Body, Delzell Hall picked Kathy Buf· furn, a junior from Magnolia, Iowa, to represent their hall, Kathy is majoring in Home Economics and minoring in Art, She is a member of Newman Club and the Home Economics Club, She spent her freshman year at Peru and then attended Clarinda Junior College for one year, The men at Delzell are very happy that Kathy chose to return to Peru,
Betty O'Conner, a senior from Worcester, Mass,, will represent Morgan Hall, Betty is a Physical Education major; minoring in Social Science, She is a member of S,G,A,, PSEA, Newman Club, and W,A,,A, Representing Majors Hall is Jody Meyer, a senior majoring in Elementary Education, Jody is a member of Newman ·club and is treasurer of that organization, She has been a cheerleader for two years, was her Sophomore Class S,GA, representative, was her Junior Class attendant for May Fete, and was Sophomore Class treasurer, Jody is from Nehawka, Nebraska. Lynda Shanahan, a junior ma· joring in Speech and English, will carry the banner for Pal·
Kathy Buffum
Bobette M:isters
Jody Meyer
Betty O'Connor
P.S.C. Poll Chooses Nixon
ighlighted ' players, 1e enthus· he student the event, out in their dthegroup olor song,
ieels that college students have unique problems.
Upen door Policy for Students Dr. stephen Cox, Director of Gui~ance, addressed faculty and students of Peru State at a con· vocation on September 18, Dr, Cox's talk, "Guides to Guidance'', pointed out that there were three types of decisions, all inseparable: educational, vocational, and personal. He stated that college students are a unique group of people
Fair a Success as
mer-Davidson Hall, Lynda is a member of PSEA, Dramatics Club, English Club Newman Club, and is representing the S,G,A, on the Student Center Board, She was a president of her class as a freshman, a ladyin-waiting, and onthedormcouncil as a sophomore, Lynda is from Morse Bluff, Nebraska, Representing Clayburn-Mathews will be Bobette .Masters, a junior majoring in Physical Education and minoring in English, Bobette is a member of PSEA, White Angels, W,A,A,, and has been a cheerleader for two years, She was also the Sophomore class May Fete attendent last year. The off-campus students have not .yet picked a candidate but will still have a week to do so,
"The Organizational Fair was very successful," said chair· man Steve Mason. Under SGA sponsorship, the first organizational Fair was held September 18 in the student Center from 7:00 to 10:00 p,m, The fair helped to stimulate and promote interest in the various campus organizations, Over 20 different organizations were represented,
with unique problems and that he would be willing to discuss problems with any student whenever possible. Dr. Cox feels students are the decision· makers, .but that any service performed is designed to help. The Guidance Office, located in 307 in the Administration Building, also offers a testing service, including aptitude and reading tests, and personality tests, There is no charge on individual tests, 11s there is on nation-wide testing programs. Dr, Cox referred students to Mr Johnson, Director of Placement, for answers to questions aboutjobsorgeneralbackground information, It was brought to the attention of the sutdent body that .on October 9, Frank Morrison, for· mer Nebraska Governor, will talk on a study of problems in India, Everyone is urged to attend,
In a poll recently conducted by the Ped staff, a representative percentage of the student body was asked for their selection among the three candi· dates, The students polled were 39 per cent republican, 41 per cent democrat, and 32 per cent independants, The results were as follows: Nixon 54 per cent Humphrey 16 per cent Wallace. 9 per cent Undecided 21 per cent A computation of the student body that are registered voters yielded the following figures, Nixon 52 per cent Humphrey 19 per cent Wallace 9 per cent Undecided 20 per cent The pollers were quick to ask for reasons behind a selection and not so quick to get answers, The following are some of those that did come up with reasons for their choice among thethree .contenders. -Nixon is the best ofthethree evils,
-Nixon is the less of three evils, -.,I liked McCarthy, -.,I don't like any of the candidates, • -None of them are any good, -My candidate was killed, -Cause I don'tlikeHumphrey, -Because I was for him in gradeschool, -Why? Cause I wanted McCarthy, Why? Cause I didn't like Humphrey, Why? Cause he's too much like Johnson, How? I dunno, he just is, A second drain on the innocent student· was the question as to Agnews state, The answers ranged from "fairly sane" to "Idaho," In the end about 50 per cent of the students knew the correct answer proving that 50- per cent didn't know the answer, Another strange correlation was that the six people who voted contrary to their political party convictions were all in their early twenties, proving about as much as the question on Agnew,
India's Views on U.S. Foreign Policy in Asia India has a number of politi· ar political camp does not seem cal parties ranging from ex• to solve these interests. The treme right to extreme left, and Communist Parties of the left their attitudes would be deter- and the Swatantra (Independent) mined by their ideological orien· Party of the right have advocattations. and objectives, If votes ed a policy of close association for various parties are any in· with the Communist and Ameri· dication, however} the govern• can camps respectively. But ing Congress Party has always the larger coocensus of people advocated a neutral attitude and is for neutrality, India's attiregards military pacts of Asian tude toward SEATO and other counties with any Western pow• Asian military pacts under Am· er, including the U.S., with sus• erican influence can be viewed picion, Beginning the 60' s, from this approach, The very India has had a boundary dis- fact that in recent years even pute with Communist China, those countries of Asia which which has resulted in war. Nev• had been closely aligned with ertheless, India has avoided America are taking a more and joining the Western camp, On more neutral part has confirmed many issues, Indian foreign po- and justified this policy, In the licy is motivated by national self (Cont'd on pg. 2) interest, and joining a particul·
Lynda Shanahan
S. 6.A. Plans Homecoming The Homecoming theme for Peru State's 1968 Homecoming is "The World and It's Countries." F.ach organization will choose a country to build a theme on and then relate that theme to the football game with Chadron, Carol Schlosser, Chairman of the S,G,A, Display Committee, announced that each organization has been assigned a site to build their display, Any questions about this should be directed to her, She also asked that each organization should contact the S,G.A. when they decide which country they are using, This would eliminate duplication, To provide incentive, the S,G,A will award trophies to the best three displays.
Page 2
THE PED, September 30, 1968
Editori1H"T Sp.e1kino" letters to the ·Edtfor, ~'
Used Candidate to Try Agam Martin Luth~r King once said, "Richard Nixon is irrelevant to our times." Born out of a gruel of conservatism and old party debts, Richard Nixon was served to the nation as a Barry who was not quite Barry• tt•s true. Barry was perti· nent. Nixon is now concentrating on his own "for. gotten American". At first thought, it looks as though he's in favor of aid to Indians as the original "forgottesi. Americansu. He isn't. He's in favor of "gut power,,. His "forgotten American" is middle class, mid· dle ·aged, and mad. The riots have bothered our "forgotten AmericanH and hejs beginning to put on weight. He's about to buy another television set and his wife gets her hair done once a week. The "forgotten American" is tired of being called "middle class'j. So is Nixon. Other than his nose. the most striking charac· teristic of Nixon is his choice of vice-presidential material. Agnew is middle class, has two and one-third· children, and doesn't really dig ob freedom of speech. This year's catchword is "law and order". Dick doesn't like disorder. Spiro doesn't like disorder. The "forgotten American" doesn't like disorder. Lenny Bruce doesn't care. Nixon's middle class backlash vote should be sufficient to catapault him into the White House and Wallace into the shed out back. DON DODGE
Welcome or Punishment? Freshman initiation has long been a regular. occurrence in the freshman orientation program at Peru State. Perhaps it has been around too long. The regular orientation week activities include events which are enjoyable, encouraging, and do not arouse disgust. Initiation night also includes some activities which are humorous, yet do not degrade or anger the individuals involved. In talking to a freshman pre-initiation night, there is an, air of excitement. Talking with a freshman post- ''beauty treatment", the air is cold, the individual is distant, and the freshman is beginning to wonder if he made the right decision. How many people realize how difficult it is to get eggs, honey, and other atrocious ingredients out of long hair?
Dear Editor, . Rumor has it that each of the girls dorms will have a meetthis year and pick a candidate to represent them for Homecoming Queen. This way all the girls will vote on _who will be Queen, or will they? Will every one be represented in the election? How about the commuters? They make up from a third to a half of the campus enrollment yet they or any choice they would make would not be eligible, This isn't the only time when the commuters have been slighted! All representation of the students is through organizations, the class elections, and dorm elections, Most · commuters can not come to organizational meetings and since they do not live in the dorms they have no representation, How's that for the democratic American way of doing things? Here every group but one of the largest on campus is represented, Why haven't they been rep.. resented? For one reason and that is organization. Since they can't get together to air and present their grievances the S.G,A and Administration tends to forget them, or if they do hear a complaint they ignore it, I ask you, how can you forget and ignore a third of the students when it comes to student affairs, fhis a gross discrimination of the worst kind. This must cease, The ones to do it are the students themselves through the S.G.A Jerry Barnard
Dear Editor: With all the attention now being focused on the need for new and better-in the students' op.. inion-dorm hours, I think now is also the time for us to give some serious consideration to the plight of the womoo stu• dents on this campus who are 20 or over. Our problem is that we are still forced to live in a dorm. We are legally voters. That is supposed to mean that we are responsible people, capable of making mature decisions. We share a. responsibility for what goes oo politically in this country, just as do the administra· tors who .determine college policy. But evidentally someooe still deems us incapable ofmak· ing a mature decision about where we want to live and the manner in which we conduct ourselves once we're there. There is also a very practical aspect to our complaint. When somebody said that a man's home is his castle,Idon't think he meant that we have to
pay the price of a castle. One need not be very en garde to real· ize that dorm..cype castles are much more expensive than those that are outside the Campus Kingdom. Here's one peasant who would be grateful for a revision in the King's Decree Touche? ' BARB DERRICK, Age 23 Castle: Morgan Hall Dear Editor: • School spirit should hit an all· time high this year at Peru State. We have more than 100 years of tradition behind us. Spirit is often confined to ath· letic events only. This year we want to promote interest in all activities, The Student Govern· ing ·Association attempted to stimulate more interest by spon• soring the "Organization Fair" and they were successfui. S.G.A. is a strong organiza· tion this year. We've got new leaders who are interested in what happens to Peru. We need more enthusiastic organizers who are willing to work for the betterment of our school. Blue Devils aitd White Angels r~ally have the ole school spirit this year. Both organizations are promoters of pep and work together in stimulating the Bobcat athletic teams. We have a great football team this year which definitely has skill, but they need our confidence in them to back them up. Peru State, college of a thousand oaks, is a school to be proud of. Not only Peru's tra· dition but her sense of loyalty has caused much pride among Peruvians. She deserves all the support and praise you can give her• Be a Bobcat booster and support your school and all her activities. The spirit this year ~ only be what we as Peru• vtans make it. · Bobette Masters
YEARBOOK PICTURE Monday, September 30th Thru Tuesday, October 1st Underclass men 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Seniors and Faculty 2:00' p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Check Posters For Package Rate
Considering last week's initiation night•s activities, it must be ·admitted that the events were well organized .and presented. However, they were ~boring- to a certain extent. The areas most appreciated were those where all freshmen could participate- where no one was singled out to receive a "special service". There are positive sides to initiation, if they are presented as a welcome and not as a punishment. Welcome week should be just that! Freshmen should be encouraged to develop a sense of belonging instead of trying to remember faces who admini· stered unpleasantries. Initiation is okay within certain limits, those limits being the following: 1.
interests of its own development . India has to rely on alargenumber of countries; and America alone, in spite of a high stan• dard of technology and willingness to help, is unable to supply all the necessary finances and know-how; and therefore, an alignment with America at the cost of antagonizing the Communists and other countries does not seem to suit these interests. American policy In Asia is said to be based on the national interests of the non• Communist world, and for the preservation of its economic and political hegemony. An alignment with the American block is also an encouragement to the leftest tendencies, which may gain strength as a reaction to such an alignment. Some of the Anti • Americanism in countries like the Philippines Thailand, and Malaysia, which are closely under American influence can be viewed in this light, Increase in American presence in itself may be a cause of such an Anti-Ameri· canism. To Indians, American foreign policy in Asia has been a failure so far as the fulfill· ment of its professed objective that is, the containment of Com• munistic or Socialistic systems. This is obviously clearfrom her predicament in Vietnam and the attitudes and reactions of countries like Cambodia, Burma and Pakistan, particularly the latter where American failure to help against India has pushed that country more and more into the Russian and also the Chinese camp. If American motive in Asia was containment of Communist influence, there seems to be no guarantee of its fulfill• ment in the near future, There ·are a large number of unsettled issues and disputes among ma· ny Asian countries which lead to the disruption of military pacts and cut at the very root of American policy. American policy in Asia has failed to bring these disputes to terms in the interests of its professed Anti· Communism. Some of the Asi· an countries are also afraid to antagonize the Chinese mam· moth next door and make friend· ship with a distant country. In· dians have, therefore, always regarded'American involvement in Asia as unfortunate, and not in the ultimate interests of the Am.erican people; but the dif· ferent political parties have va· rying attitudes on this issue, BY MR RAM AGARWAL Because of the vast Middle East sources of petroleum, about 85 per cent of the total northbound traffic in the Suez Canal toward European ports consists of oil or oil products. PERU PEDAGOGIAN Monday, Sept. 30, 1968 Volume 64
Published weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . . Greg Vaughn PHOTOGRAPHERS . . . . . . , . . Bob Vana and Bob Beran. ADVISOR . . . . . . . . Jam es Keck
The event leaves no room for personal injury.
2. The event is not disgusting. 3. The exercise involves no prejudice. 4. All present can participate an.ct observe on a good-humored and equal basis. You'RE MELLOWIN6 • I See YOU'RE
India's Views (Cont'd from pg, 1)
Fl~AL.LY ~ SOMEnflNS,t.,.
The signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of the Pedagogian but of individu:rls. The · editor reserves, the right to edit them for publica. tion. ·; .";;
)pment :enumrnerica il Stan• Yilling-
to supnances refore, rica at ng the 11Dtries ese in· licy in oo the e noo· tor the onomic An 1erican gement , which l reac:, Some 1ism in ippines , which .can in· in this ierican 'f be a Ameri· 1erican lS been fulfill· 1jective >f Com· 'Stems, 'Om her and the 1f counma and
to help that into the ~hinese
1tive in f Com· ~ems to fulfill· There 1settled 111gma· cl! lead 1ilitary ry root 1erican :obring ; in the d Antiile Asi· 'raid to mamfriend· ry. In· always vement and not of the he dif· ave va· issue, !\L Middle oleum, e total e Suez 1 ports )ducts.
tmber 2
lng the holidays by the College,
In the lowest scoring contest • ce 1965, Peru state surpristhe Yanktoo Greyhounds, 6-2 last Samrday's contest at ankton. The second quarter of e game was a crucial ooe for th teams, who spent most of e night battling between the •rty-yard stripes. Yanktoo got the game's first k early in the second perwhen a punt was fielded the Peru six by Mike Duks, the next play halfback SherWilliams, was trapped in the_ zone fora safety, sophomore rterback Mark Weiler, tossa jump pass to junior split Wayne White, who eluded seral would-be tacklers, and ced to the Yanktoo three bee being brought down from hind, 0.1 fourth down at the e, Weiler dived for the lone chdown of the night, The ~.T, kick was wide to the
right, Ya.nldon threatened late in the stanza when a short punt was fielded at the Peru 36. The Greyhounds moved to the 25, where a field goal attempt by Bob Wilson was short and"wi.de to the right. With both clubs being stifled by tough defenses, the only.two deep second-half penetrations came by Yanktoo following short Peru punts •.. The Greyhounds took over on the Peru 24 on the first occasion only to lose the ball when halfback Tom Ru· bel fumbled and defensivetackle Rich Smith, Park Ridge, Ill., recovered, The other opportunity began at the Peru 36, from where the hosts moved on down to the 25, The Peru defense stiffened at that point and Wilson's field goal try was again wide and short.
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Vaughn >h Beran .es Keck
;nted in he opinLt Of inreserves
public a-
AUBURN :; , You pay Iess at B·u' 1 l ''
The Blue Devils, the men's pep organization on the Peru Coach Pitts campus held its second meeting ot the semester last Monday Peru won their first football with Bob Lovejoy presiding, The game of the season Saturday meeting involved the introducing of new pledges by regu- night, evening· their record of lar members. Thepresentmem- 1-1, The 6-2 victory over bership consists of approximate- Yankton did result in injuries to three players, however. The ly 35 active members withabout three injured players were line15 pledges present for last Monmen Mike Mulvaney and Chuck day's meeting, The following Monday $ept- Mizerski and defensive back ember 30) the pledges will be Mike Dukes. All of them susvoted upon to determine wheth- tained ankle iqjuries with Mul. er or not they are accepted. vaney being the most seriousThe pledges then will be on a ly hurt, expected to be out for probationary period to find out at least two weeks. Coach Pitts had a lot of praise if they are worthy enough to for his defensive unit saying, be fullfledged members. As with the regtilar members, "I thought our defensive plathe pledges will be required to toon played very well. We movattend all meetings and home ed Virgil Mitchell, Dave Bohlgames, or face the possibility ken, and Mike Dukes back to the deep spots and they all did of losing their membership, It was also suggested by Nick a real fine job back there," Petril() to pick Italy as the homecoming theme for the Blue Devils which w a s accepted unanimously, The cheerleaders also gave a demonstration of new rouThe White Angels held its tines which will be used this year with the Blue Devils giv- opening meeting for the 196869 season Tuesday, September ing their hearty support, 17, at the Campus school, President Carol Shanklin called the meetingto order, Dianne Copen! haver, secretary, read them~· utes of the last meeting, Jackie Pummel was appointed poster chairman with Barb Lampke as her assistant. Sue Hall was appointed attendance chairman. The following members were elected to the evaluation committee: Glenrose Jackson, Sue Hall, Mickey Weber, Carol Shanklin and Miss Rowaldt, Volunteers were asked for to represent. th~ Whi~e Angels lit the Organ1zat1on Fair, held WedWith finger pointed at nesday Septeil!ber 18, and asthe viewer, a grim Uncle signments were made, Sam commands from The· Cherub pledge system was America's most famous requestioned and ~scuss~d, !twas cruiting' poster: "I want decideq to contmue this discusyou!" The illustrator, sion, if necessary, at a later James Montgomery Flagg, date, achieved fame when four The President pointed out that million copies of his poster the purpose of the organizatioo were distributed during was to cheer for the Bobcats World War I, The World and encourage others to do so, Almanac says. As one of 45 The next meeting will be a recruiting posters drawn by Coke party togetacquaintedwith Flagg "Uncle Sam" had a the Cherubs. BobcatboQ§~er.Mgreat ~ffect on enlistments. tons will also be sold at this time,
Angels Meet
. appliances . . sporting goods ... name-brand tools .... hunting & fishi~g permits BOWMAN'S HARDWARE
Page 3
Coach's Corner
eru Prevails Over ·Yankton Pledges
TI!E PED, September 30, 1968
The final "threat" of the even· ing came at 9:23 of the final period when a 41-yard scoring run by Yanktoo was nullifi~ by an illegal procedure violation, p y 6 9 First down 105 114 Rush yard 8-2-2 22-4-0 Passes Pass yardage 95 11 0 2 Intercepted by 8-34,8 ~3.6 . Punts 2 1 Fumbles lost 28 50 Penalty yardage
The coach also praised his defensive line saying, "We had good line play defensively. I~' s hard to single out any one mdividual when they hold the other team like they did." "Over all, the thing I was most pleased with was that we kept our poise throughout the . game, We played most of the game with our backs to the wall where one mistake could have killed us," Turning to offense, the coach said "Our offense didn't opera~ as well as it did against Tarkio. Our passing offense didn't show up very well, although it did account for our only touchdown on a 77 yard pass from Mark Weiler to Wayne White, setting up a TD sneak by Weiler." Looking ahead to next week, Pitts commented, "Southern State lost to Chadron' 21-20 in their first ball game and then beat General Beadle 24-10 Saturday night, so we're expecting a handful."
W.A.A. Highlights Sports The Women's Athletic Association is an organiza~ion for women who enjoy participating in events, First year members may earn a school letter by participating in sports and recreational activities, Second and third year members may receive gold bars by furthur participation, Four year members are eligible for physical education book when they graduate. One of the highlights of the year is the annual high school invitational volleyball tourn• ament sponsored by W.A.A. Members also attend sports clinics to enable girls toearnDWGS rating as officials, Through the years there has been considerable intercollegiate competition in volleyball and basketball among the various wom~n's physical education organ1za· tions of other schools, Women intramurals are open to all women who desire to participate in any one sport or activity of their choice, W,A,A, members may participate in all sports. Tournaments will be held for Touch Football (Powder PufO, Volleyball, Basketball, and Softbal.l, Other-activities include trampoline, tumbling and swimming, The gym will be open to women students every Wednesday evening8:009:00 p,m,
Lulnication. ad Gas Most Brands of Od IT PAYS
Delco Batteries AU. CREDIT CARDS
Page 4
THE PED, September 30, I968
MONDA)'. , September 30 Yearbook pictures, FA Auditorium; Social Science Society Picnic, Neal Park (Alternate date, October 7) TUESDAY, October 1 Yearbook pictures, FA Auditorium. FRIDAY, October .4 7-12 p.m. - Hayrack ride,
Groups offerec for Concerts
MENC (Alternate date, October 11) SATURDAY, October 5 7:30 p.m. -Football, Empora - ia State, here; Dance, MENC, FA Lobby after game.
Three s m a l l instrumental groups will be offered for concert playing this year. The Clarinet Choir, a newly organized group of 12 members and complete instrumentation, will fill a need for this particular kind of playing, A basson and flutes will also be added to it for special numbers. Peru is one of the few colleges in the state developing this type of organization. Brass Choir and Woodwind Choir will also be organized again this year. Mr Wilson announced that these groups will be available for playing after October 1, for any organizations that wish them to be part of their program.
MONDAY, October 7 4 p.m. -Faculty Association Meeting, FA Auditorium.
PSEA Elects New Officers The Peru State College branch of the Student Education Association held its first meeting of the school year last Monday evening. September 16, in the Fine Arts Auditorium. Greeting J;Ae students was PSEA sponso~ Harold Johnson, who spoke to a crowd of over 100 members and guests. The newly-elected officers of the organization were introduced to the assembly. They are: Barbara Lampe, president; Merri Bennett, vice-president; Jane Budler, secretary; Elaine Grundman, treasurer, and Carolyn Payton, historian. Business of the meeting included explanation of the SEA and its purpose, dues, qualifications .for membership, distribution. of "Today's Education/' the journal of the National .Edu-
cation Association, and the election of class representatives to Peru State's Executive Committee, Elected to the Executive Committee were: Freshman class, Sharon Olderog; sophomores, Kathy Gregory; juniors, Dick· Owen; seniors, Jody Meyer. Following a positive vote on the question of the organization's sponsorship of a display for Homecoming festivities, the members split into small "buzz" groups to discuss possible programs for the November convocation of which PSE.A is in charge. The club will meet again October 21. All persons in teacher education who have not been contacted by PSEA are urged to attend this meeting.
Something Old Something · New Something new has been added to our campus since last spring. It is the Historical Land Marker erected during the summer by the Historical Land Mark Council of Nebraska.
Picnic Planned Scholarships to P. S. C. Student,s Receiving Knights of Ak...Sar- · to four this year, and are valBen scholarships at Peru State ued at $200. Misses Rengstorf College for the 1968-69 school and Ryan are freshmen majoring term were Kyra Rengstorf of in mathematics, Mr Seawall is Sterling, Steve Seawall of Tecumseh, Patricia Ryan of Daw- a junior majoring in chemistry son, and Wayne Willcoxon of Gen- and mathematics and Mr Willeva. The number of scholar- coxon is a senior majoring in ship were increased from two English.
Band Will Make Tour Instrumental 'music under the direction of Gilbert Wilson, Will hf:lve a varied and spirited org~ization.
Two days of tour will take place on October 21 and 22. High schools in northwest Missouri will be visited on the 21, and schools in southwest Iowa on the 22 by the Wind Ensemble. The Willa Ensemble is a select concert organization composed of 45 members. Director Wilson said that this should be the best group in years as it i'> the best balanced. All instruments have been
completely overhauled, Several new instruments were purchased and these include chimes, Contra-bass clarinet, Contra-alto clarinet and an E-flat clarinet. A sizeable sum was also spent on new literature. The Wind En.semble will be playing a varied program with something for even the most descriminating. The group will also make a field appearance on October 19, Homecoming · night and the Clarinda · band from Clarinda, Iowa, will give a marching exhibition on November 2.
25c Washing • . lubrication Gas • • Oil • • Tires • • Battery
The first meeting of the Student Wives' Club was held Monday, September 16, at 7:30 P.M.in the dining room of the Student Center. There were 29 wives present. The purposes and rules of the club were discussed, and a copy of the PhT degree (Putting Hubby Through) was passed around. Refreshments were servedand everyone had a good time getting acquainted. · A wiener roast for the members and their families is being planned for the near future. The next meeting will be held Monday, September 30, at 7:30 P.M"
This marker briefly tells some of the historical facts in Peru's growth. The . information on this marker includes --such in:formation as: Peru was the first state-supported school in the state of Nebraska, it was first known as Mount Vernon Seminary, the school was first started with one hall and sixty acres of land, and the campus has grown to include over 100 acres of land and housing for over 1,000 stude~ts. _ From this marker, new students and visitors to our campus will be able to gain a brief resume of Peru's history.
Tea Drinkers Americans are not a nation of tea drinkers. Per capita yearly consumption of tea in the United States is about %pound, while the average person in Great Britain and Ireland drinks about 10 pounds of tea annually.
It Could Be Fun It could be Science - Assimilation, Enation, Agnation, Metathesis, Epenthesis, ana Epithesis. Or Football -Clipping, Acronymy, Blending, and Back Formation. Or Political Science - Immediate Constituents, Coordination, and Multiple Constituents. Or Business - Morphonemic Rules and Rules of Order. Or Agriculture - Rules of Order for Non.lternels. Or Biology - The Transformational-Generative Approach. But no, it's English, the study of which has, in this twentieth century, become alive and changing to a remarkable degree. The chapter titles above were taken from textbooks in English and they indicate the extent of change. Traditional grammar has become ·the "new grammar" and emphasis is on phonology and semology. Students nowadays are to sense "something of the marvelous complexity of lang- · uage," and English majors on this campus have realized the truth in this statement.
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1ffere certs l in stru meni offered for ; year, )ir, a newly. 12 members rumentation, )r this parring, A bas-. also be addial numbers, few colleges 1ing this type
I Fun
KPSC brings the top thirty to Peru's campus.
P.S.C. Has Own Radio Station It may surprise some of you Thirty selections, which are upto know that Peru State has its · dated as new selections appear own radio station, on the national charts, Radio KPSC, Peru, broadcasts Anyone interested in radio or from 6:00 to 11:00 p,m, Mon- broadcasting may find out more day through Thursday at 620 about KPSC by contacting Robert .ki!Ocycles on your radio dial. Beran, or Rich Hinkle or by KPSC plays the latest Top writing box 138, campus mail.
ince - As· Agnationt hesis, ana
New Touch To Homecoming
nar has bemmar" and onology and > nowadays ething of the ity of lang1 majors on realized the mt,
Eldon Baker to go to University of Ohio.
Eldon Baker Promoted
:et the day Its ind elegant remind you wonderful
~ngagement nged to show detail, Trade-Mark Reg.
Beatrice -Senior High: Marilyn Sugden; Junior High: Oren Bednar, Charles Mizerski; Elementary: Nicholas Petrillo, Martha Mullen, Bellevue -Senior High: Alan Burr, Terry Petsche, Roger Schumaker; Junior High: Pegeen Swisegood, James Butts, Duey
mce - Ims, Coordina· :onstituents. [orphonemic )rder. - Rules of ls, e Transfor· Approach. .h, the study is twentieth re and changble degree. above were sin English he extent of
Seventy-seven Peru students have received their student teaching assignments for the fall semester according to the announcement of Dr. Lloyd Kite, Director of Student Teaching, Auburn and Nebraska City schools have the largest number assigned to them, nine, Eight will go to Bellevue and the next largest group, seven, will go to Shenandoah, Iowa, The complete list of assignments is as follows: Auburn -Senior High: Robert Agnew, Mike Castle,MrsSherry Rains, Thomas Romick; Junior High: Maree Finchem; Elementary: Mrs Lorin Bohling, Nancy Kay McMullen, Ann White, Jean Glenn,
}ping, Acroi Back For·
No. 3
October 7, 1968
Teaching Assig11nents Announced
d Woodwin ie organized 1ounced that be available October 1, ins that wish Jf their pro-
Vol. 64
Mr Eldon Baker, manager of Broughton's Food Service at Peru State, has been promoted to a position at the University of Ohio in Athens, Starting Monday October 7, Eldon will be in charge of Broughton's operations at the University of Ohio. Previous to his arrival at Peru in July of 1967 Eldoo worked for Broughton at Mom· ingside College in Sioux City,
Iowa for four years, (Eldon is looking forward to another possible promotion to district manager in the near fu· ture as a result of his latest promotion to Athens,) The Ped staff wishes him luck in his new venture. Eldon's .replacement is Mr Glen Hunter from Tarkio College in Missouri.
Interviews Start October 9 The first inverview date for October in the Placement of~ fice will be Wednesday, October 9, At this time, Civil Service Representatives will inform stu• dents areas such as health, edu· cation, welfare, and social se· curity. Interview appointments
should be made immediately, The Federal Civil Service Entrance Examination will be given Saturday, October 13, at no cost, It will start at 9:00 a.m. in room 212 of the Fine Arts Build· ing,
A new tact will be initiated at Peru's Homecomingthis year:· Instead of cash prizes, trophies will be awarded to the winning displays, The P,S,C, campus has been divided into sections delegated to organizations to use for their Homecoming displays, All or• ganizations should have recei ved a copy of instructions regarding the specific section of campus they are to use for their display, When clubs have chosen a country, they wish to present they should immediately notify Larry Sorensen or Carol Schlos· ser so there will be no dupli· cations of displays. Larry or Carol should also be notified should any questions arise con· ceming location of displays, etc, Also as a new addition to Homecoming, each dorm is asked to build a float for the queen candidate they chose,
Cheerleaders Elected Try-outs for alternate cheer· leaders were held Wednesday, September 25th during convocation. Two freshman girls were elected out of the 13 .girls that tried out. The two alternates elected were Ruth Erisman and Suzie Hunt. Cheerleaders for the 1968-69 year were elected last spring, They are Colleen De Koning, sophomore; Dee Dee Farson, junior; Linda Knippelmeir, junior; Charlotte Lash, sophomore; Bobette Masters, junior; and Michelle Weber, junior.
Omaha - Tech High School: Oestmann, Albert Smith, John Dave Rainforth; Elementary: Webster. Fairbury -Senior High: John Gary Ahlin, Pawnee City - High School: Bures, Eugene Fiet, Larry RodPaul Hore!; Elementary: Mrs er, Walter-Slick, Falls City - Senior High: Mavis Marti. Platteview -HighSchool: LesLarry Bausch, Ronald Fine, Janet Schneider; Elementary: Pat- lie Hlavac, Plattsmouth - High .. School: ricia Kiekhaefer. Glenwood, Iowa-Senior High: Alice Massoth, Ronald Steiner, Randall Turner, Sheryl Wolken; Jerry Jobe, Hamburg, Iowa -High School: Elementary: Phyllis Sheley, Shenandoah, Iowa - Senior Donald Roberts, Humboldt -High School: Kent High: Kathy Copas, Janice Kelly, William Massie, Larry MarcusDorste. Johnson -High School: James son, Danny Vokt; Elementary: Watson. Dawn Nibola, Jane Webb. Lincoln - Lincoln Southeast: Sidney Iowa - High School: Anita Austin; Junior High: Stev- Robert Kelly, Virginia McVicker, en Brodersen, Millard - High School: GerSouheast Consolidated, Stella ald Allen, Edward Corwin, Bob -High School: Clarence Haws, Ridenour; Elementary: Richard Janice Sears, Russell Sears. Carbone. Syracuse - Dunbar - Senior Nebraska City -Senior High: High: Richard Anderson, Giles Terry Hutchings, James Kleve- Smith; Junior High: Lorin Barland, Ronald Pendergraft, Mark tels, Wendt, Larry Henderson, Mary Tecumseh -HighSchool: DonJane Hitch; Elementary: Janene .aid Shaw; Elementary: Carolyn Anderson, Margaret Egger. Lenker, Faye Cooper,
Dick and Phil play it like it is.
Variety Show Plays To large Audience The annual fall variety show, directed by J ,D, Levitt, was held Thursday evening, Septem· ber 26, It was held in the gym due to remodeling of the audi· torium. However, it was just as big a success as al ways, Mistress of Ceremonies was Pam Rohrs, The spectacular show opened with twenty freshman girls in the "psycodellic '' kickline. They were directed by Mickie Weber, Donna Farson, Jan Dorrence, and Bobbette Masters. Frieda Rowoldt was the highlight of the show with her act, "The Big Brown Bear'\ and re-
cei ved standing ovation. Other presentations were a reading by Pat Bindrum, Paul Chatterton on the drums, folk music by Dick Owens, a reading by Sherleen Hill, folk music by Phil Marsh and Dick Warkins, music by the Tree Freshman, a monologue by Amie John· son, Pam Rohrs and Judy Frech on the tram@line, and music by the band. Assisting with the show were production manager, Steve Ma· son; assistants, Steve Knittle and Sara Weber; and publicity, Larry Sorenson and Don Dodge.
EWELER Society ASK A 68355
.rs appoint-
Morrison at Convo
Oct. 9
Page 2
THE PED Octobc!'r 7, 1968
Editorially Speaking" Apathy Isn't The Word For It
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Everyone at Peru continually gripes about the nothingness of the town · and the lack of activities and entertainment at the collegeo If its true this year, the only nothingness . at P~ru is its student bodyo The SGA has sponsored various activities during the beginning of the school year, but there has been only a mediocre attendance and a minimum of · participation in all of them. In two weeks, homecoming will be here, and one is afraid to think of the great big "zilch" that Peru's student body will aide it with. There is more to homecoming than building displays that. may win your club first prize. The.re are five very pretty girls who want your votes for homecoming queen; there are "umpteen" football players Who want you ·at the game to yell for them, and to yell at them if the occasion warrants the chiding0 There is a homecoming play which will have two performances so that everyone will have a chance to see it. As usual, though, the student body of Peru will be packing their cars toward home when the time comes for them to add a little spirit to the festiyities0 It seems that Joe Blow, the high school buddy back home, takes precedence over the obligations the Peru student has to his col· lege and its activities. . In the coming year, students at Peru will . have the chance to see several programs with entertainment that will be intellectually stimulating as well as entertaining. Fr.ank B. Morrison, ex-governor of Nebraska ....a.nd a member of President Johnson's commission which recently returned from a fact finding tour of India, will appear before the Peru faculty and student body on October 9. On October 21, WES (World Entertainment Series) brings the EL TRIO ROMANTICO, a singing guitar trio with all the color and pageantry of old Spain and Mexico, to Peru's campus. Other WES attractions during the . '68-'69 school year will include "Journey to El Dorado", a dramatized portrait of Ed· gar Allen Poe, on January 7; Ronald Jacobowitz concert pianist, on February 18; and Bhaskar and Shalar, masters of the native dances of India, on March 11. These are only a few of the programs that the students at Peru will have a chance to see0 They are worthless, though, if no one attends them - worthless to the student and to the people who worked hard to obtain them. Peru isn't nothing unless YOU make it nothing. Leave your suitcases in the· forms. It takes YOU to make your college worko If the weekends at Peru are dead, its be· cause YOU are at home instead of being on campus. Stay and help them come alive~ Organize events and bac~ events that can make everyone's college life a time to re· member. Bring your college alive.
You really can't blame some of the Juniors for not coming because, "we didn't know if anybody was running or what." The Junior class was the only one that didn't have campaign posters all over the campus. There is a good reason for this though, nobody had turned in a petition until they were drafted. No one had even thought about running for officeo It was rather useless for the candidates to talk about the apathy of students when over half of the class didn't come to the meetingo When the officers are elected and the complaining starts, will you have a right to be complaining? Lvnn Sailors
Try to do Something Last week Ped contained a letter to the editor complaining about girls dorm hourso Several more editorials have been received concerning this same subjecto Everywhere girls gather the conversation turns to this subject0 Before this· continues, I would like to present some factso About three weeks ago, Danna Henry and I, representing the S.G,A., attended dorm meetings where both girl's halls were re· presentedo We informed the girls that we felt that the S.G.A, could do something about extending dorm hourso We did ask, however, that a petition be presented to the S,G.A, before we took any action. We asked that this petition c·ontain the names of a majority of the students on campuso We asked for this petition simply to find out how much student support there would be for changing hours. After two weeks we have only received 180 nameso This does not indicate very much support, but more than that it indicates that the girls in the dorms don't seem to want later hours bad enough to work for them. All the · signatures obtained were gotten by simply putting the petition on the bulletin boards of the girls' dorms and hoping that one-half the students on campus would stop by to sign it0 Of course this didn't happen and the petition seems deado Most of the girls on campus will probably become quite irate when they have read this editorial, but girls - before you write a reply, or before you complain anymore about dorm hours, try to do something about them. LARRY SORENSON
Dear Editor: I was surprised at the result of Peru State College's pall of presidential candidates. It showed that more than half of the Peruvians advocate Nixon, I'm not saying that Peruvians· are too conservative or tooprogresg sive, but I could not understand the fast change of their ideol ogy. Remember the excitement of students on this campus when Bob Kennedy came to Auburn? There is a parade going oo. Why don't you come? Get your camera. 0
Don't miss this chance. I don't know, really. Anyway, he is supposed to be very famous. Everybody is going, Let's go. Campus was empty except for several dogs. After awhile, peo. pie bewitched by Kennedy came back and started putting the stickers on everything they could find, Then where have all the Ken· nedy supporters gone? Yes, Bob Kennedy is not in this world, yet his idea is still alive, He is different from Humphrey or Nixon, but listen carefully. Who has the closer ideas to Ken· nedy's'? Who started the movement of civil rights? Which ooe is more eager and has more specific ideas on stopping the war? We are lucky enough to be able to make our ovm decision, Study carefully before you do, You must taste an apple to kn ow if you like it or not, Don't say ·you like an apple because your girlfriend does. SHALOM, KIM YAMAHIRA
P.S.C. request $3,777,223 Peru :::.tate College has re-quested $.1,777,223 fo;r college operation during ~ 1969-71 biennium, according to President Neal s. Gomon, The request has been approved by the gov· erning board of state colleges and has been transmitted to the office of Governor Tiemann. Of the total amount, $2,652,722 is requested from tax sources and $1, 124,501 from institutional cash funds, primarily student tuition and fees, During the 1967-69 biennium the college is receiving $1,513,542 from tax funds and $1,040,208 from institutional cash receipts. (Cont'd on page 3) PERU PEDAGOGIAN Monday, October 7, 1968 Volume 64
Number 3
Published weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the stud.ents of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421.
Congratulations Juniors Congratulations Juniors. You have taken top honors again! If the school handed out an award for the best "I don't care" attitude, the Junior class would get it hands down. Wednesday each class held a meeting to hear class candidates and to voteo Twentynine people out of Junior class members actually took time to come. Six of those present were running for office so they had to come,
Letters to the Editor
STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . . Greg Vaughn PHOTOGRAPHERS . . . . . . . . . Bob Vana and Bob Beran ADVISOR . . . . . . . . James Keck
A 5TUDY DAiE' TO-NlfE.11 .
The signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of the P edagogian but of individuals. The editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
TI! E PED October 7, 1968
Peru Pours It On Pointers
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, What sta.rtoo out as a tough lefensive ball game ended as a )igh scoring lop-sided victory (s the Peru State College Bob)ats all but anialated the South!rn boys from ~uth Dakota, p the first half only a break tway 57 yard jont by freshman ~ve Bohlken prevented the two \rid teams from entering_ the bcker at the half on even terms, : The second half ended just as ~ began as the Bobcats rolled iP a devastating ground game '1d gave the Pointers, a few ~inters, on how to move the
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punts several times and the half ended with Peru out ii1 front 7-0, 3rd Quarter Action The 3rd stanza was packed with more offensive fireworks than the entire first half as the Bobcats blew the game open. An early break for P,S,C, came with 12:65 to play as Pointer halfback Wayne Brown fumbled on his own 39 and Larry "Slug"· Aylor Pounced on the pigskin, Peru took over and backs John Bristel and freshman sensation Sherwin Williams blasted holes in the Southern defense before Bristol capped the eight play39 yard drive with a one yard plunge making it 14-0 with Dan Nix's placement, Williams threaded-the - needle down the west sideline to set up the score ,as 10:05 remained, Peru gave the Southern team one more try before taking over again as Mike Dukes fielded a punt on the Peru 35 and returned it to the South Dakota 20 on a fine display of broken field running, but a Peru clip nulli· fied the gain. Peru took over oft their 31 and quarterback Mark Weiler and Company took over. Going the distance in 7 plays, Sherwin Williams sped 21 yards around left end and with Nix converting, Peru led 21-0 with 4:54 remaining,
Page 3
up a first down on the Southern 25. Satterfield then ran to the 10 and followed with a pass to the 4 yard line to Wayne "Wizard" White. With 8:20 showing it was 3rd and one as Peru rushed for a first down at the 2 and Satterfield followed two plays later scoring with 7:25 remaining. Nix converted with P.S,C. leading 28-0, Peru's final score came on a backbusting run by Amie Johnston as he blasted right end for 18 yards and the score. Dan Nix made it a perfect 5-5 at the conversion line and Peru lead 35-0 with 3:09 showing, Southern finally cracked the scoring column on a beautiful pass-run play from Jim Uttecht , to Jerry Vaughn covering 39 yards with 1:10 remaining. The score was set up as the Pointers recovered a Peru fumble on the 50,
W.A.A. New Officers
The intramural football season promises actioo and comThe Women's Athletic Associ· petition with the return of the ation met Wednesday night SepSpartans, last year's over all tember 25th.PlansfortheHomeintramural championship team coming display were discussed and top flight players from other and it was decided that White of last years teams, Angels and W,A,A, would work together on a display. The defending champions will New officers were elected for return 7 SClJad men from last this year. The officers are: jall. year's team. Even so, they still Ivajean Erisman, president; Dimay be pressed by such team& ane Collingham, vice-president; 1st Quarter Action as the Cook Jerks, the Studs, Sandy Shaw, secretary-treasand the Iron Butterflies. urer; and Sue Bosserman, point . With 9:16 remaining freshThis year's competition will chairman. Bonnie Goodman was Dave Bohlken slammed off bring back 7 members of last elected as S.G.A. representaft tackle and raced ·57 yards year's all star team, They are tive for W,A,A, r the 'TD, Dan Nix convertIntramurals for touch football Richard Gibsoo, Dan Koch, Les and the Bobcats led 7-0, with ter Morris, Ross Ridenour, Rob- (powder puf0 was also disst 46 seconds remaining ert Vogt, Tom Vrabel, and Jack cussed. All girls who desire to eru's Mike Dukes, another play touch football are to get a Game Comments Cook. shrnan, received a Pointer team together and elect a capt on the South Dakota 45 Play starts Monday, Septem· tain, and then contact Miss Rutz, Peru is recording their sec· :fnd returned it to the 24 beond victory . in three games ber 30, W,A,A, sponsor. Touch football i>re being hauled down. Peru showed bulldozing power in the will be played from six o'clock ldn't capitalize on this brea.k, ground, picking up 325 yards for to ei?ht o'clock each Wedneson 4th and six, Hugo Villtheir efforts but only added 10 Karate and Judo Club day night. The tournament scheds, attempted a field goal via the air, Offensively leaders ule Win be posted in the gym. f(>m the 25, which was blocked were : Sherwin Williams pickls the Pointer lineman found a ing up 68 yards, Dave Bohlken The Peru State Karate and Ju· (Cont'd from page 2) ¥>le and knocked down the ball, 40, and Arnie Johnston 53, do Club is back in action again Included in the request is $2,· Southern was held to just 49 this year. The Club meets from 990,649 for continuation of ex2nd Quarter Action over the ground and 63 through 3:30 to 5:00p.m.Mondaythrough l the air for a total offense mark Thursday at the college gym. isting programs at the same level of enrol!ment(1244 students) lnerense was the key during of just 112, 4th Quarter Action Instructions on the Martial ie second stanza as Dan Nix, A fine home crowd cheered Arts and self-<lefense are of· recognizing average salary in· Jn Everhart, and defensive end, Reserves added to the cause the Bobcats in their home open- fered to anyone who would like creases of 6 percent for profes· "E. J, Cool" Johns.on, came in the final stanza as two vet- er and an equally exciting game to join, No experience is ne- sional and 4 percent for non-professional staff members each with some fine tackles stop- erans hit paydirt. Carl Satter.::_ should be in the making as the cessary, year of the biennium, increased the Pointer backs in their field scored first as the drive Hornets of Emporia State invade There are thirty members, to , ks. Both sides exchanged . began when Don Morris picked the Oak Bowl, Saturday, Oct, 5. date, Eighteen of these are wo- costs of services and goods and reducing the student-teacher ramen. The instructors are Tom tio to recommended norms. A Kohler, brown belt in Karate total of $589,337 is reClJested and Hugo Villegas, brown belt for the improvement of present in ·Judo, Both are students at programs, $99.431 for addition· Peru State. al staff and other· expenses creIf you wish to join, or just to ated by anticipated increased enobserve, you are welcome to atrollments, $21,336 for expanded tend one of the work-outs at the ··services and $76,480 for new gym. summing up Peru's victory individual. "Our downfield programs. ter Southern Stat~, Coach Pitts blocking was good, but I'm still !IJlarked, "I think that's the concerned about our inability to ~ game we've played .in sevpass," ~'.:, ,fal years. The one thing that ppressed me the most was our Looking ahead to EmPoria, the tthusiasm and hustle." coach said, "Emporia will throw l>itts had praise for his de- the ball real well. They have a pse, which has allowed only freshman end who caught five Uioints in the last two games. touchdown passes last week in Coach Pitts . defense for the last two a 4141 tie with Central Miss has been real strong, souri State." Em1mia hadtrail. e managed a good rush .ed by four touchdowns in the l the passes and this takes a final quarter of that game, "The The first international yacht t of pressure off the. secon- thing that worries me the most race took place Aug. 22, 1851, is the fact that they have an en- with the yacht America outturning to offense, Pitts re- rollment of about 10,000 and have racing the B r i t i s h yacht ~ed to single out any one a fine athletic program," Aurora.
~oach' s Corner ~
71 bie-
sident ~quest ~gov•
gesand the of· 1. Of 722 is ~sand
ttional tudent ng the ollege
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PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Helping Peru State look just t~at much better for over 51 years.
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ted in
e opin-
e! inserves "blica-
JOHN L. LEWIS, Vice Pres. & Cashier
Eldon Allgood
BEATTY GARAGE Fast - Dependable Service e e
Auto Repair Wrecker Service
• Steam Cleaning
Lubrication Gas for Less
872-3201 Peru AAA Service
Page 4
THE PED Oct~ber 7, 1968
Johnson to NSEA Convention
Debate Squad Plans Trips
Mr. H.W. Johnson, Director of Placement, attended the meeting of the Nebrask~ St!!te Education Association in Lincoln,Saturda:t, September 21, Mr Johnson is a committee member on the NSEA Commission on Instruction. Mr Johnson revealedthatPeru State College is participating in a nation-wide employment opportunity program. The progr~m, COMPU-JOB concerns seniors and grad students primarily in non-teaching fields. He stated he had already informed some students and that further information may be found in the Placement Office.
On October 14, the debate squad is going to the Univera sity of Nebraska at Omaha to observe. In addition,fourteams from Peru and elsewhere will be participating. Don Dodge and Larry Sorensen will be assi sting with judging. Another one of theirfirsttrips will be November 8th to the University of South Dakota at Vermillion. York College has also invited the team to their college for a debate, but no date has been set. The debate team looks very promising this year. Assisting Mr Levitt are three of last year's debntors, Don Dodge, Larry Sorensen and Jerry Barnard. Larry Sorensen states, "It looks like a great year for the debate team."
Angels to
New Interview
MOND.:'.'..', October 7 4: p;m, · - Faculty Association Meeting, FA Aud. 5 p,m, - Kappa Delta, Student Center 6:30 p.m. - Blue Devils, Scien\:.e 105 7 p,m. - Social Science Society, FA 211 TUESDAY, October 8 4 p.m. -Cross Country, Northwest Missouri 6 p.m. - White Angels, Ed, 300 • 7 p,m. - MEN, Student Center WEDNESDAY, October 9 6 p.m, -Gamma Delta, FA 104 6 p.m. -LSA, FA 104 6:30 p,m, - Wesley Fellowship, Science 105 8 p.m. - Epsilon Pi Tau, IA6 8 p.m. -WAA, Gym 9:10 a.m. - Convo, Frank Morrison, FA Aud.
Sell Mums
Tri Beta Gamma Delta Elects Officers Helps Boy
· Beta, Honorary Bio Beta Beta logy fraternity, held its first J¥eeting of the year Monday, Sept. 30. New officers for this year were elected as follows: LaVelle Hitzemann, president; Emanuel Nurin, vice-president; Sidney Swanson, secretary and Dave Langer as historian. Fourteen new members were admitted, They include Howard Isaacs, Don Hobscheidt, Ron Cotner, Elaine Grundman, John Burch, Ron Burns, Ben Mertes, Hugo Villegas, Dean Teten, Ow· en Henderson, Duane Chon~ Dennis White, Richard Samson and Fred Sikora. Next week, Oct. 11 and 12, the Pi chapter of Beta Beta Beta at Peru State will be represented at the regional convention • at Northwest Missouri State college in Maryville, Mo.
Gamma Delta Lutheran Clubis doing their part to help the Vietnamese people by sending a y,oung boy, Thon Luong, to school. He is able to attend elementary .b school because of the contn u· tions of the Gamma Delta members. Themoneyenablestheboy to attend school and learn about God and to be a much happier, healthier boy, The boys' mother is a jani· tor and has- to work very hard because his father is dead, Thon says he is hap£Y and healthy and thankful foilhe people who help him. Gamma Deltafirststartedco!'> · responding with Thon during the first months of 1968.
Newman Cub Movies, FA Au THURSDAY, October 10 4:45 p.m. - Circle K, Stud Center , 6 p.m. -Social Science Socie · Picnic, Neal Park FRIDAY, October 11 Applications due for mid-ye certificate of completion Cross Country, Midweste Here Alternate date for hay rack ri SATURDAY, October 12 2 p.m. - Football at Kearn 8:30 - 2 Civil Service Exa FA 212 MONDAY, October 14 .6 p.m. - Home Ee Club, 324 6:30 p.m. -Blue Devils, S ence 105 7:30 p.m. - Alpha Mu Orne Science 104 8 p,m. - English Club FA 1
WHO or WHAT is it?
It was decided that the White Angels would again sell Mums for Homecoming, October 19, However, this year orders will be taken at the dorms and the flowers must be paid for in advance. The corsages sell for $1.25 each, During the discussion, it was al so decided that the White Angels and the Women's Athleti(! Association would combine efQ forts on a Homecoming display this year. The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 8 in the Educa tion building, Approximately thirty - five members attended the meeting of the White Angels Tuesday evening in the Education build· ing. Carol Shanklin, president called the meeting to order. Dianne Copenhaver read the min· utes of the previous meeting and Candy Willey gave the treasurer's report. 0
Role of Educational Television Increases
Most students and instructors are aware of the increasing role that television is playing in toInterview dates for late Oc- day's education. The Nebraska tober have been arranged in the Educational Television Network, Placement Office. October 17, broad casting from the Uni verthe Minnesota National Life In· sity. of Nebraska, has done a surance Company will be re• tremendous job of making this presented and a representative senice available to the stu· from General Telephone will be dents of this state. in Peru October 23. Students Each year, the network introinterested in jobs in these areas duces new telecourses that gen· should make appointments for· erate interest and enthusiasm interviews as soon as possible, among its ~iewers. The organi· Every senior should start a zation responsible for this ex· confidential file in Placement cellence in programming is the to further their job oriportuni- Nl)braska Council for Education· ties after graduation. There al Television, Inc, is no charge to institute such Many areundertheimpression a file. Further information may that education television is only be obtained in the Placement for the grade and high school Office, level student, This is a mis· Seniors of Peru State College take, Many of the programs may use the services of COM· are directed at the college stuPUJOB, a new nation-wide job dent especially. The famous opportunity program, at no plays, for instance, that air on charge. Application forms are Friday nights, or the NETCHE available in the Placement Of· series of lectures, fice, NETCHE stands for Nebraska Educational Council for Higher No G w e n d o l y n, they Education. NETCHE, for thirty don't' hold stag parti'es at weeks, will present lectures by the zoo for deer friends. authorities in various fields of
Dates Arranged
McADAMS STANDARD Wheel Alignment • Balancing
COMPLETE CAR SERVICE 25c Washing .. Lubrication Gas .. Oil .. Tires . . Battery
interest for college students. The list of guests for the year is very impressive indeed. Reuben Nakian, internationally famed sculptor; Dr. Raven McDavid, Professor of English at the University of Chicago; Dr, Ruth Sager, geneticist, Hunter College, N,Y.; and Dr. Edwin Colbert, of the American Museum of Art are just a few of the famous people who will lecture on the series. The NETCHE group is making plans for many more collegeoriented programs for this and future years. It is expected that television will play an increasingly ima portant role in education as time passes, so those students who get in the habit of viewing will profit from itlater.
What is this and what is the function? It was located on the campus within the last two years.
Horses to Cars The Studebaker brothers, before they turned to manufacturing automobiles, were once the world's largest manufacturers of horse-drawn vehicles, producing more than 750,000 wagons during the late 19th century, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
. appliances .. sporting goods ... name-brand tools ; ... hunting & fishing permits "'[?""",,--..,,,_~~!STEREO
You'll never forget the day you chose your Keepsake. It matchless beauty and elega styling will always remind yo of your most wonder! moment ... your engageme day. Rings en!:u"ged to show Trade-Mark
FRUITS and VEGETABLES Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday Phone 872-4351
For after store hours appoint ment call collect-245-4252.
Class Officer Elections Held
ies, FA er 10 le K, :ience k ll
for mid-year' npletion Midwestern,. hay rack ride\ er 12 l at Kearney!'· ~rvice Exam,.• !'
Ee Club, Ed,i
Devils, Sci-f L
Mu OmegaJ
El Trio Romantico to visit Peru State campus.
.Spanish Troubadours I~· To Appear Here
Club FA 104
EL TRIO ROMANTICO, three · singing, strumming troubadours from the mountains of Northern New Mexico will perform in the Fine Arts Auditorium Monday evening at 8:00 October z.i. Members of the trio, Ramon Hernandez, Antonio Mendoza and Vincente Saucedo play flamenco, classical, and folk guitar. Vincente also is accomg plished on the mandolin and the requinto-a small 5 string guitar-like instrument. Presently on an extensive tour of the Central States, the trio splits up much of the year and each member plays separately
in one of Taos' colorful restaurants. On holidays and at Fiesta they have always combined· their talents and appeared as EL TRIO ROMANTICO. These three artists will present a program of solos, duets, and trios-both vocal and instrumental, The spirit of Old Mexico and the Southwest with its colorful rhythms and hauntingly beautiful melodies will produce a ''fiesta of sound" as Ramon, Antonio and Vincente combine the warmth of their Spanish voices and the magic of their guig tars in both the old and the new music of Mexico and Spanish speaking United States.
Wednesday, October 2, was the kick-off of a two-day class officer election period which drew the votes of 57 per cent of the Peru student body. During convocation period, hopefuls for the office of president put their success and the success- of their running mates on the line when they gave their campaign speeches and platforms to their respective ~lasses, Immediately following the speeches, balloting began. for the next two days students placed their "X's" for their best friend, for the best look· ing girl, or for the person they believed was most deserving of the office, Meanwhile, candidates not only reminded their backers to vote, but in the end, transported them to the site of the voting tables and showed ·them where their "X" should be placed, When the clock struck six
on Thursday, October 3, the voting ended and the counting began. When the ballots were tallied, the results were soon known to every candidate and their followers. The new senior class president was John Creamer who out-distanced his two opponents, Wayne Willcoxon and Phil Herbster, by votes of 67-53 and 6741 respectively. 68 per cent. of the senior class turned out at the polls. . Dick Owen was elected junior class president by an ove~ whelming vote of 87-27. His opponent was Don Buskirk. 52 per cent of the junior class voted. Steve Emert ended up "top dog" in a hotly contested race for the sophomore class presi· dency, Emert beat his nearest rival, Dale Hunzeker, by a slim margin of six votes, while Dennis Day came in a distant third with a total of 38 votes. The
sophomores showed the best representation with 71 per cent of the class casting their ballots. The freshman class elected Mike Dukes as their president by giving him a total of 78 tallies in comparison to 56 for Bob Reilly and 51 for Chuck Crawn. The freshmen also elected three representatives to the SGA from a list of eight candidates. Winning the posts were Mike Callahan with 94 votes, Dennis Allison 11ith 89, aild Diana Schneider with 84 votes. The freshmen had the poorest class turnout at the polls with 45 per cent. Larry Sorenson, president of the Student Governing Associa tion, stated that he was somewhat pleased with the total turnout for the elections. He further stated that he hoped for as good a student body representation in the voting for homecoming queen which \\ill take place on October 16, Voting places will be posted.
Vol. 64
No. 4
October 14, 1961l
Graduate Program
ocated on
Mr. Silas Summers presents Frank Morrison at convo.
Morrison at Convocation ED
iake® INGS
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Frank Morrison,Ex-governor, was the guest speaker at the PSC convocation on October 9, 1968, Governor Morrison has recently . returned from India where he was sent by the state department to analyze our aid program to the Indians, Governor Morrison stresses ficuriosity and humanity in our ves, "If we are moving on in human eXPeriences •• ,we have t t 1 •th h th " o ge a ong wi eac o er, He talked of life in India. For example: in Calcutta alone one half have of thenopopulation (three million) toiletfacilities, Approximately, one hundred thousand have no homes. The cost of living in India is the
/;';"~,';',:t,~:;:,- ~~=~:
less than one hundred dollars. The governor emphasized that even though India was far away, she was still our problem. Soon er or later, there will be mil· lionafr.es Iiving alongside of paupers. There would be even° tually a revolution. Politics are the answer. The United States can build or they can destroy. Politics can be dirty with corrupt. brutal men or can be worthwhile and honest with young ideas, We have to help make it the latter. Governor Morrison stated that India definitely has the capabilities to be a major eXPorting nation, She lacks the training and the know-how needed. It is up . to us, the ones. with this training and Rnow-h6W to help,
For the past 3 years Peru has been working on the design and organization of a graduate program with the advice and counsel of a North Central Association Consultant. A Study to determine feasibi· lity of a graduate program is being conducted by Dr. Keith Melvin, Dean of the College, The survey instrument was prepared by the Bureau of Educational Research, University of Denver, The results will show amount and area of interest in this program. Letters and questionnaires have been sent to superinten· dents and principals asking their co-operation in conducting the survey. The geographic area involved includes 23 Nebraska counties, 10 counties in South· west Iowa, 4 counties in North· east Kansas and 3 counties in Northwest Missouri. Questionnaires were given to present seniors by S,G,A, members Den Dodge, Carol Schios• ser, Lynn Sailors, Greg Reirdes, Tom Howell, Jon Miller and senior class president candig dates, Wayne Willcoxon and Phil Herbster, who were under the guidance of president, Larry Sor. en sen, Further consideration will. be given this project when Dr, El· mer Clark, Dean of College of Education, Southern Illinois Uni· versity, Carbondale; Illinois, will be on campus Monday and Tuesday, October 14 and 15, Dr. Clark will be serving in the capacity of North Central Association Consultant and will confer with the Graduate Coun· cil and staff members relative to a graduate program being instituted here at Peru State, Attention will be given to the matter of faculty, library, and other resources necessary for a graduate program,
Larry Sorensen, President of the S.G .A., is shown with the three trophies to be given for the best Homecoming displays.
Two New S.G.A. Committees Formed Two committees recently will meet at a specified time formed under s.G.A. supervis- and place every week to receive ion as eXPressed in the S.G.A, and review complaints from-the Constitution, Article VI -Sec- student body before referring tion 3, are the Judiciary Board the complaints to the s.G.A, and the Complaints Committee, Advisor to the committee is respectively, Mr Tom Fitzgerald. CommitMembers of the Judiciary tee members are Tom Howell, Board are Chairman Larry So~ Ron Meier, Carol Schlosser, tmsen, TomHowell;~mnaHenry· John Cre.amer, and Dennis AlDave Kramer, Carol Schlosser~ lison. The time and place where Don Dodge, and Linda Knippel- complaints will be recei \'Cd 11111 meir. The Judiciary Board will be announced later. Students review discipline cases refer- are encouraged to make their red to it by Dean Rosenberg. complaints known to this comThe Complaints Committee mittee, ·
Page 2.
THE PED October 14, 1968
Editorially Speaking..
Letters to the Editor
On The Politics of Positivity
Once again, the ms.sses of people in this country have shown that they believe in a man with. simple answers to their questions. They will accept a come::lian because he,s "sick and tired of bein, sick and tired'' as they are. George Wallace has shown that there is still an American somewhere who has never heard that progress brings new problems., He tells jokes and yells at the demonstrators to show that all one needs to be right is volumeo This seems to reek of that old tactic of treating the symptoms and ignoring the disease. Just because you,ve silenced a man doesn't mean you've convinced him. George Wallace, a maa with no obvious qualifications for the office except that he,s ma:l., seems to be the greatest advocate of totalitarianism in this country. Letts look at what he advocates: 1. no freedom of speech. 2. no freedom of public assembly. 3. no restrictions on police. 4. no freedom of press 5. no skin pigment Have you noticed a common word? This is the politics of negative postitivity. There should be positively no dissent. · Perhaps the time has come in our history to admit that radicals exist on more than one side of an issue. We can hope that there is enough sanity left to reject a radical from the right wing as well as the left Maybe someone will realize that freedom of speech means just that. George Wallace is a symbol of a sickness that borders on malignancy. In time, our country ma.y reject the dictatorship of the majority. Until that day, we must only hope that the nation will ma1ntain enough reason to reject a bigot of the overwhelming scope of George Wallace. Don Dodge
Where will you be? There are basically three classes of Peruvians: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and the overwhelming majority who have no idea what is happening,
Student class officers and the S,G,A, make things happen, They can not go the road alone. With only a small minority of active
PERU PEDAGOG!AN Monday, October 14, 1968 Volume 64
Number 4
Published weekly d~ring the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the s"tudents of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . . Greg Vaughn PHOTOGRAPHERS . . . . . . . . . Bob Vana and Bob Beran .ADVISOR . . . . . . . . Jam es Keck The signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of the Pedagogian but of individuals. The editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
supporters, party platforms are defeated before they are begun, Many students idly watched; while, f e 1 1 o w classmates tramped into the auditorium for speeches of party candidates. Others lumbered past voting booths, preferring to head the chow line instead of voting.Some wondered why students were stopping at those silly tables. Must be some gimmick they thought, and ambled on. After elections were over and results known1 Jl1ese students were the first to complain. Women want extended dorm hours. The people who do things organized a committee and met with various groups, Only 180 women signed the petition while, the others talked and watched it happen, Talk to the others, They will say, "sure I want later hoors, who doesn't?" We no longer have the right to com· plain about this issue, Those who made things happen lacked the full support of those who wanted things to happen, Where were you? "There just isn't a thing to do over the week-ends." There has been a free admission dance, football games, a hayrack ride, and another dance, Where were you? Everyone wants "the biggest and . the bestest" homecoming float, Work details and com· mitties are being organized now. Where will YOU be?
Homecoming Voting (Wednesday Oct. 16, 1968) 11 :00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at both cafeterias 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Bob Inn
Convocations lmprove.d The Convocation series at Peru has combined this year with the World Entertainment Series of the city of Auburn, The result is that both Peru and the WES benefit by widely expanded programs, The four evening convocations planned for Peru are: Oct. 21: El Trio Romantico, a singing guitar trio. Jan, 7: Journey to El Dorado a dramatized portrait of Edgar Allen Poe. Feb, 18: Ronald Jacobowitz, concert pianist. · March 11: Bhaskar and Sha· lar, dancers of India.
In addition, three perform· ances will be held at the high schqol auditorium in Auburn. The college has purchased 150 tickets for each of these performances. Those.desiringtick· ets can pick them up from Mrs Camealy at the Student Center a few days before each performance. They need only bring their student activity ticket for identification, The schedule for Auburn is: Nov, 12: Hans Gonoser, ski adventurer, Dec, 7: The Carsons, a vocal team. April 23: Edwin Baron, hypnotist,
Peru: Not Just the Oak Let's face it. As far as trees go, the oak is king on Peru State's campus. However, the woody-minded student shouldnot forget that our campus is also abundant with more than fifty other varieties of trees and shrubs, Dr, John C, Christ, head of the science and math division, is working in cooperation with the Federal Soil Con· servation Service in a project to label these different varieties of trees and shrubs, Permanent weather-proof markers will appear in the near future, Dr, Christ states, "The purpose of this program is to acquaint students and the public with common trees and shrubs which grow abundantly in this area, It is hoped that this will serve to foster an interest on campus." The college and Dr. Christ
are assisted in the project by Robert J. Lemaine, conservation officer in Lincoln, and Virgil Overbeck, regional conse1.'' vation biologist at Auburn. Besides its namesake, the Campus of a Thousand Oaks tree inventory also includes such rare varlettes as the Japanese yew, the bur-chinkapin oak hybrid, winged euonymus, and four rare ginkgo trees, a disease and insect-resistant tree native to Northern China and Japan, Dr, Christ believes 1hat due to the rich, fertile land found along the banks of the Missouri, the area around Peru would rank high in number of plant species when compared to al· most any other section of the country, Similar projects are being promoted by the SCS on college campuses across the nation,
Mr Glen Hunter started his first day at Peru with the rote firing of several cafeteria busboys and cutting many others' time in half, having no preference to the poor, indepted or married, Broughton Food is paid hundreds of thousands of dollars ·a year by the student. Is it too much to expect them to pay a few impoverished students afew dollars a week? After deductions a busboy recei ves 90 cents for working the evening meal. If Mr Glen Hunter feels that this superciltin spending will earn him promotion, I would like to remind him ? that Eldon was a real success · because he got along with his help, They worked for him not because of him, How much is it worth to have Tyrus's contagious laugh around at meal time? How will you eat without it? DAVID BfilGHAM
Library Adds 3M '400' In the past the library has been composed of books, magazines, filmstrips, recordings, pictures and ephmeral material in the vertical file to aid stu• dents and instructors with their work. The library has now added a 3M "400" Reader-Print· er. This new machine will be an asset to students in doing research and writing term papers, It will be of value to instruc• tors in making copies of ma• terials for reference and class use. This new automatic machin serves a three-fold purpose in the library. This machine is easily operated. The user sits in front of the screen and threads the machine with a microfilm cartridge, on which whole issues of newspapers may be printed The picture is focused on th screen so the user can r any part of the newspaper h desires. Microfiche, another type of film, may also be used in this machine, From ten to eighteen individual pages of magazines are filmed on specially-made cards. The user may foe the lens on ea.ch separate p for reading, The third purpose of the Read er-Printer is the most interest ing, .The user may make an in stant photograph of any portioo of the film he desires by mer ly pushing a button. The copy is ejected fro!il the top of the machine where he can tear it off.
Enrollment Up Peru State College has s another all - time enrollme record with 1242 students a tending classes on-campus. Ac cording to Dr, Kelly Liewer, registrar and director of ad missions, the enrollment at Ne• braska's oldest college is u 4.7 percent over a year ago The record high previous to thi year was 1186 students in 196 The men ou1numberthewome 764 to 478 at Peru State, The are 422 freshmen of whom 29 are men and 132 are women 258 sophom)res of whom 16 are men and 93 are women· 25 juniors with 136 men and 12 women; 278 seniors with 167 men and 111 women- 25 un classified of whom 6 ar~men an 19 are women.
TIIE PED October 14, 1968
tarted his h the rote iterla busny others' no prefer1depted or oodispaid . of dollars :, Is it too 1topaya lents afew busboy re•orking the rlenHunter 1tin spend· ?romotlon, mind him 11 success g with his 1r him not
The two outstanding players picked from the football squad this week were Lee Dunekacke and Bill Everhart. Lee, a second semester jun· ior, has played football since coming to Peru. He is a graduate of the Johnson Nebraska high school, where he participated in basketball, track and played halfback on the football team. Senior Bill Everhart is playing football for his fourth year at Peru. He plays defensive guard as well as offensive guard and has also participated in baseball. Bill is a graduate of Bed· ford Community high school in Bedford, Iowa, where he participated in all sports. Both men agreed that the back field has a lot of depth, more so than the line; but Bill pointed out that injuries have taken their toll in the line, Lee was optimistic about the October 12 contest at Kearney but both men feltthatPeru would be victorius with good team work and support from fellow Bobcats. Hats off to you two outstanding guards and we hope that you continue your good work. ·
rth to have ugharound rill you eat
M '400' .brary has oks, maga·ecordings, 11 material to aid stu· : with their .snow add:der-Print· ne will be n doing rermpapers, to instruc• .es of ma· ' and class .c machine purpose in nachine is e user sits mdthreads microfilm hole issues be printed, sed on the can read vspaper he 'r type of :ed in this to eighteen magazines ially-made may focus •aratepage 1f the Read· >t interest· nake an inmy portion s by mereThe copy top of the :an tear it
Start Good
Outstanding Bobcats Named
'Coach's Corner After Saturday night's disap- "On defense, they just rll(l the pointing 41-0 loss to Emporia ball down our throats. They had State, Coach Pitts reflected, "I the treat of passing all the time, think we were playing the best which made their rushing football team we will be play- offense more effective." Coach Pitts could find consoing this fall. They were big, quick, and they executed their lation in the fact that there are plays well. They were also very no new injuries. Mulvaney remains the only question mark strong defensively." Concerning the Peru offense, for the Karney game. Looking ahead to Kearney, · Pitts said, "We were disappoint• ed with our offense, The cut up · Pitts said, "We're playing the field probably hurt our light best team in the conference. OSa offensive backs more than it entowski has a hurt thumb on ' hurt their offense. We com= his left hand and Scott Davis pleted 10-19 passes which is will probably start, although Osbetter than it has been, ·Our entowski should see action. They offense was more balanced than have been throwing the ball a at any other time this year." lot, but they still have a bal= Turning to defense, Pitts said~ anced team,"
has set enrollment :udents at= 1mpus. Ac~ .y Liewer, tor of adnent at Ne· ege is up year ago, l.ous tothis LtS in 1967, :the women :ate. There whom 290 re women; whom 165 vomen; 259 m and 123 ; with 167 m; 25 un· .remenand-
Show your I. D. Card and save 10 o/o on at Bill' S Bill's Clothing & Shoes FOR MEN & WOMEN
.You pay less at Bill 's AUBURN
Defense was the name of the game as Iritramural touch foot· ball started out with many a heartbreak. The defending champion, Spartans were nearly upset by the tough defense of the Iron Butterflies, but the champs were able to come through with a double extra point to win 8 to 6, A little later the Studs were matched by the cool and calm of the Marksman but, the Studs were able to recover from their earlier shock, to wipe out the Shady Oak Bombers later in the week. However it was not the well known teams which demonstrat• ed the defensive prowness. The Cherry Pickers and the Dol· phines did that, The only trouble was the defenses were matched by each others offenses, the offenses just could not move as the game ended with no scores. Other results were the Cool Jerks escaping the Green Jack· ets and the Mysterians defeating the Nads. The scores {Ire: A little mud aids Cool Jerks 13 Green Jackets 12 The Hornets of Emporia State Cherry Pickers 0 Dolphins O Spartans 8 Iron Butterflies 6 swarmed over the Bobcats of Peru State with a first quarter Marksmen 6 Studs 6 · ground attack and a third quarMysterians 14 Nads 6 Studs 23 Shady Oak Bombers O ter aerial bombardmentthatnet· ted 41 points to zero for the host. Playing in the muck left by a continuous all day rain that never let up until just after half time, the Hornets built up an early 22-0 lead in the 1st quarter and went on to breeze to the
in the tackle.
bination to get the field position they needed to threaten. The final tally of the first half came as a result of another short punt by Gregory that gave the Hornet possession on the Bobcat 28. With just three seconds remaining in the 1st quarter halfback Ted Woods slammed one yard for the TD and Tighe converted for a 22..\l lead and ooly one-fourth of the game had win, , been played, Peru couldnevergetuntracked The rain sort of cooled things as the Bobcats received the kick· during the 2nd period and the off but afterbeingunabletomove teams entered the lockerathalfwere forced to punt, Punter Bob time with the Hornets still leadGregory kicked off the side of his ing 22-0 . foot and it went only 10 yards as The second half was different the Hornets took over on the from the first only in the meth· Peru 35, This was the beginning ods used by Emporia to put points of a long night for Peru as it on the board, Emporia came only took Emporia onlytwo plays out flinging.forward passes that Coach Pitts to crack it over from there. Full is-as three more TD-s were NCC back Charles Divitto blasted 22 scored by the visitors in the 3rd Conference Overall yards up the middle and Frank period, WL WLPtsOpp · Chadron ........... 1 o 4 o 161 26 Tighe converted to make it 7--0 The first came on a 23 yard Kearney ............ 1 O 2 2 97 97 Pe·ru ............... o o 2 2 48 76 with just 1:49 gone, pass from Bob Janesko to Chuck Wayne .............. 0 1 2 2 43 63 Peru recei_yed another kickoff Sulzen, then Janesko found Tom Hastings ........ OT~Eks 1 3 92 141 and led by Carl Satterfield the Sheble with a 31 yard bomb Doane .... 4 0 180 31 31 99134 Bobcats. moved to their own 38 and finally Janeskodril!edoneof Hiram Scott ....... . Nebr. Wesleyan ...... . • 348108 before Emporia middle guard seven yards to freshman Bruce Tom Buttamonte snared a Sat• Cerone grab marked his 11th terfield pass and returned it 21 touchdown pass of the year, four yards to the Peru 14 before be- short of the NAIA record. ing hauled down. Em_porla ttren Over all Peru had little to drove to the six yard'1ine before boast about, F:or the night · Divitto smashed over for his Sherwin Williams led the Bobcat second TD of the night and as rushers with 25 yards in ten carthe conversion try failed Empories. Dave Bohlken picked up ria led 13-0, Dinners • Short Otdan 23 yards on 7 carries and John It was a bad night for punter Bristol 22 yards on 8 carries, Gregory as the Hornets smoth· 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.-, Carl Satterfield connected on 7of ered him in the end zone with 16 passes for 34 yards but had eTery day 6:35 left in the 1st quarter for 3 intercepted. The Bobcats pick· a safety and a 15-0 lead, Much ed up a net 58 rushing and 59 of the game was play deep in passing for a meager total ofCat territory as the Bobcats fense mark of 117 compared to couldn't find the necessary com· a net rushing 137 yards and 128 passing for a 265 total offense effort from the Hornets. Peru picked up 15 first downs to 13 for Emporia but the Hornets had only one pass intercepted and lost 1 of 4 fumbles compared to 1 of 5 for Peru • WANTED BY RECORD CLUB 0.F AMERICA
all of your purchases ~
Stings the Bobcats
Page 3
Write for information to: Mr. Ed Benovy, College Bureau Manager Record Club of America, Club Headquarters York, Pennsylvania 17401
Page 4
THE PED October 14, 1968 j
Calendar MONDAY, October 14 6 p.m.-Home Ee Club, Ed 324 6:30 p.m,-Blue Devils, Sc 105 7:30 p.m.-Alpha Mu Omega, Sc 104 8 p.m.-English Club, FA 105 TUESDAY, October 15 3 p.m.-Cross Country, Tarkio, Here 4:30 p.m. - Davidson-Palmer dorm meeting, lounge 5:30 to 7 p,m.-UN Dinner, Ed Aud, Home Ee Club 6 p.m.-White Angels, Ed 300 G:30 p.m.-PE Club, FA211 7 p.m.~rt Club, FA225, 7 p.m.-MEN, Student Center WEDNESDAY, October 16 6 p,m.-Camma Delta, FA 104 6 p.m.-LSA, FA 212 6:30 p.m.-Wesley Fellowship, Sc 105
8 p.m.-WAA, Gym THURSDAY, October 17 All Day-WSOE Conference, Dr, Freeburne, FA Aud. 4:45 p.m. - Circle K, student Center 6:30 p.m.-8GA, Student Center 8 p,111, -Freeburne -Jorgensen Concert, FA Aud FRIDAY, October 18 Homecoming play, FA Aud Cross Country at Omaha U SATURDAY, October 19 2 p.m .-Football, Chadron, Here Homecoming play, FA Aud MONDAY, October 21 Band Tour 6:30 p.m.-Blue Devils, Sc 105 6:30 p.m.-MENC, FA 111 6:30 p.m.-PSEA, FA Atld EI Trio Romantico (Evening convo)
Peru Coeds Attend Athletic Convention Seven schools attended the Nebraska Athletic and Recreation Federation of College Women. The University of Nebraska at Lincoln and Omaha, the College of St, Mary's Midland, Doane, and Chadron were those that attended the convention held at Crete. Three Peru State coeds attended the conference. They were Diane Reeve, Diana Collingham and Sandy Shaw. The purpose of the fecteration is to further athletic and recreation interests and activities for women in Nebraska colleges and universities accordingtothe highest and soundest standards of sports and recreation and to
Library Adds New Staff Members The college library has a new staff member, Miss Smith, who will do the cataloging for the libarary. Before coming toPeru Miss Smith worked in military libraries in the far East for nine years. The countries in which she worked includeJapan, Formosa, Korea, and Okinawa, She also worked at ColllyJunior College at New London, New Hampshire.
Student Wives Meet ! l
' A meeting of the Student Wive~
Club was held in thedining rooni of the Student Center on Monda~ Septeml;.er 30. ' It was decided that caramel apples would be sold at the r~ maining home football ·games! A wiener roast for the mcml bers and t'rni.r families was sel for Tuesday, October 15, at 6:0g p.m. Also, a Halloween Party wa tentatively set for 9:00 p.m. Thu;rsday, October 31. Th wives and their husbands are come in costumes and a priz will be awarded for the best one
Art Club Discusses Display
Miss Smith took graduate study at Lebenon Valley College, Annville, Pennsylvania and reQ The Art Club met Tuesda celved her Masters of Science September 30, in the Fine A Syracuse University. She has Building. About 15 new me furthur the platform of the Ath- at attended Sophia University, bers were present. letic and Recreation Federation also Tokyo, Japan, University of MaPresident Shari Wolken o ,of College Women. The Fed- ryland and University of Kened the meeting by asking for eration shall strive to increase tucky, mi,nutes of the previous mee consciousness of its purpose which were read by Alan Bu during and after college. She is a member of Pi Lambda The main topic of discussi The conference began Friday Sigma Library Honorary SocietY, was the club's homecoming di September 27. The convention American Library Association, play for the October 19th ga consisted of buzz groups, conQ Special Library Association, As- against Chadron State, sociation for Asian Students and theme will be "Sandwich stitutional committee meetings, panel discussions, and demon- Beta Phi Mu National Library lands." Honorary Society, Money to finance the displa strations and activities. may come from the showing of proposed movie by the art clu depicting candid shots of s Phi Beta Lambda dents going about the Peru Ca us. Faculty sponsor Mr Stewa Holds Organizational Hitch then showed a movie th he and his friends took, depi ing humerous scenes such Meeting the demolition of buildings the NU Campus. Another money raising pr New members were inducted to Attend Ci.inic Those of you here last yeq.r ject that was discussed was and the officers were installed at the regular monthly meeting have probably noticed that a few possible decorating of window of the Epsilon Tau Chapter of of the faculty members have not on holidays in Auburn. ucator and ad visor for LeBlanc Phi Beta Lambda, honorary returned. Four of these, Mr Instrument CompanyofKenosna, business organization held on Clyde Barrett, Mr Leland SherWisconsin. wood, Mr Scott Williams and Mr Thursday, October 3, John Clark are on leave this PSC May Receive The members of the group The officers installed for the year to study for their doctormaking the trip areStevenBrodQ academic year 1968-69 are as ates. Computers ersen, Margaret Lutt, Carolyn follows: Sherry Kramer, secPayton, Jolene Piper, Anne Bil- retary; Margaret Zeiner, trea~ Mr Barrett, assistant profesA new computer may be th ler, Cathy Ullsperger, Martha urer; and Barb Derrick, historsor of English, is at the Univer<o answer to tiresome proble ,Seibert, and Sue Vanderford. , ian. Jerry Jobe acted as install· sity of Arkansas in Fayetteville. the Registrar's Office, ing official for the ceremony. He is studying for a doctorate in computer would be linked wi in English and plans to have it a main branch in the state' A constitution prepared by the Other members include Penny completed in 1969, capital. The computer coul Hay, Marie Ballue, Bob Pat- executive committee was disQ answer qilestions about a s terson, Ron Gies, and Tom Os- cussed, corrected and adopted, Mr Sherwood is studying for dent's school record in a matt Other business included the born. members' acceptance of the his doctorate in art at the UniQ of seconds. homecoming committee's sug- versity of Indiana in Blooming= gestion that the country Tibet ton, Indiana and will have his be used as the club's theme work completed in 1970. for the homecoming display. Following this discussion the meetBoth Mr Williams and Mr ing was adjourned, Clarke are. studying at the Uni= professional leadership in inversity of Nebraska in Lincoln, dustrial arts education, inMr Williams is working for a cluding the trusteeship of Eta , doctorate in geography, and Mr No matter how old a felchapter of Epsilon Pi Tau and Clarke for one in history. Both the state presidency of the Neg low gets, when a pretty girl will be finished in 1971, passes by it's never too late braska Council on Industrial All four of them will be coming to yearn, Arts Teacher Education. back to teach at Peru State next September.
' Four Working
on Doctorates
PSC Musicians Peru State College will be represented by the Woodwind Choir at the annual meeting of the Nebraska Music Educators Association on November 21, 22, and 23, at Grand IsQ land, Nebraska. The noted French Composer and arranger, Lucien Cailliet, will conduct a woodwind clinic using the PSC Woodwind Choir and the Clarinet Choir which makes up a large percentage of the Woodwind group, Mr Cailliet is the music edQ
Dr. Russell Honored PERU, Nebr. - Dr, Lester Russell, assistant professor of industrial arts at Peru state College, has been awarded the Laureate Citation of Epsilon Pi Tau, international honorary fraternity in industrial arts. A member of the Peru state College faculty since 1956, Dr, Russell received his doctorate from the University ofNebraska last January. The citation, in part, reads: "For a rich varc iety of technical and recreational interes~s, for an exceptionally fine record of scholarship and
Dr. Russell's dissertation at the University of Nebraska concerned an analysis of industrial arts ·secondary school trends in Nebraska, To be eligible for the citation, approval must be given by the national board of trustees of Epsilon Pi Tau.
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cs Meet
that caramel ;old at the reoi;ball games. the mem· nilies was set ber 15, at 6:00
en Party was : 9:00 p.m. on >er 31. The 1sbands are to s and a prize r the best one,
splay net Tuesday, the Fine Arts 15 new memo Wolken open. asking for the li.ous meeting, by Alan Burr, of discussion iecoming dis· 1er 19th game State, The 'Sandwich Ism
e the display showing ofa r the art club ;hots Of Stum 1ePeruCamp i
Mr Stewart a movie that took, depict1es such as buildings on raising pro1ssect was me ~ of windows :rn.
Members of the Board of Trustees of the Peru Achievement Foundation who attended the October 5th meeting included (from left) front row- John L. Lewis, Peru, ·president; L. B. Mathews, Peru, vice-president; Mrs. Caryll Ubben, Peru, Mrs. Maxine Moore, Lincoln; Mrs. Alice Rothert, Auburn; A. V. Larson, Peru, treasurer; back row- Dr. Keith L. Melvin, Peru; Claude E. Matthews, Auburn; Dr. Ivan Schmucker, Brock; Fred A. Rothert, Auburn; M. Allan Casey, Auburn; Dr. Neal S. Gomon, Peru, Larry Ebnew, Peru; Ross Adams, Peru. Trustees absent are from the communities of Plattsmouth, Elmwood, Omaha, Nebraska City, Shenandoah, Iowa; Wichita, Kansas; and LaMirada, California.
Scholarships Announced Scholarships totaling $4,253,50 and matching funds to provide loans totaling $33, 950 for the fall semester at Peru State Col· lege have been made available through the Peru Achievement Foundation, Inc., according to John L, Lewis, Peru, president of the foundation. The informatioo was contained in the report of A,V. Larson, Peru, treasurer, at the semi· annual meeting of the foundatioo at the Peru State Student Cen° ter, Saturday evening, October 5th.
Fifty-four scholarships were granted for the first semester, coming from .alumni gifts, and scholarships funds provided by business. industrial, service, fraternal, educational, and stu· dent organizations. The scholarships range in amounts from $25 to $300, A total of $286, 075 has been made available for the National Defense student Loan program at Peru State since it began in 1958, The foundation 'h'as provided the matching funds for the entire program in the amount of one-ninth of the total,
larged toshowdttail.
> EWELER Society 'ASKA 68355
irs appoint-
-245-4252 ..
Jody Meyer, a pretty petite senior, was elected Queen of the 1968 Peru State Homecoming last Wednesday by the Student body of Peru. Jody was representing Majors Hall. Jody is Jl!ajoring in Elementary Education, is a member of Newman Club, and has been a cheerleader the past two years. She was her Sophomore Class S.G.A. representative, was the Junior Class May Fete attendant last year, and was treasurer of her Sophomore Class. Jody was to be crowned by Dr. Goman at halftime of last Saturday's game with Chadron, and was to reign at the Homecoming dance held in the Student Center. Jody is from Nehawka, Nebraska, and surely the people of Nehawka are as proud ·of Jody, as are the students of Peru. Congratulations, Jody!
The Pooped S.C.B. Meets Minority
The student Center Board met
Home Ee Club serves annual U.N. Dinner.
5et the day eepsake. Its and elegant remind you wonderful engagement
October 21, 19 68
Jody Meyer, representing Majors Hall, is Homecoming Queen for 1968.
·may be the ne problems Office, The l linked with the state's 1puter could about a stu· din a matter
No. 5
1968 Homecoming Queen
Vol. 64
U.N. Dinner Served A United NatibnsDinnerSmorgasbord was served by members of the Home Economics Club at Peru State College, Tuesday, October 15, in the Auditorium of the Education Building, from 5:30 to 7:30 p,m, The dinner included such fa· vorite dishes as ham loaf, beef and noodles, sliced turkey, seal· loped potatoes, sweet potato balls, green beans with chee_se
sauce and buttered com. The salads included cranberry-apple jello salad, five-bean salad and a fruit plate, while dessert con· sisted of upside-down cake and fruit cup. A choice of coffee, tea, milk, or orange drink ac· companied the meal, along with white and whole wheat rolls. Jolene Piper, senior from Norfolk, provided the piano back ground music. The public was invited. 0
Basketball, trampoline ac• tivity, rope climbing, and vol· leyball were the order of the day for the off-campus married students, wives and children for the last two Sundays, The rewards for their enthusiasm and exercise were four fun-filled hours which produced blistered feet, aching muscles, stomach cramps, and a few bruises from the basketbail game which at times looked like a football game, and at times like a wrest• ling match, Oversized fannies and stomachs bounced as n;mch as the game balls. Clothes look· ed as if they had just come out of a washing machine - wat and wrinkled, The panting and gasping of the over-fed and un· der-exercised marrieds could be heard all over the gym. The only thing that was missing was the use of the swimming pool this only because everyone had left their suits in the old home town. Maybe the wives were lucky, though, for there may be a few husbands who want to be single again, If there are any other brave, out of shape married students who want to share in the mass murder, come on and die. Just b.e at the gym on Sunday afternoons at four o'clock.
on Thursday, October 10, and discussed many items of interest to Peru's student body, A petition was presented to the S,C,B, concerning the campus cafeteria and the complex cafeteria, The new manager of Broughton Food Service at Peru reassured the petitioners that changes were needed and would be made, A motion was made and seconded to supportMrHun· ter in his program. The motion carried. Plans were accepted by the Student Center Board for an addition to the present bulletin board in the student Center. The plans were drawn up by the l,A, Club, S.C,B, members were notified that a table will be placed under the stairs for the purpose of making available to students a school calendar, a student directory and a complaint box of which students may use to in· form the Board of any com· plaints they may have about the services offered in the Center, or misuse of Center facilities which they may encounter. The homecoming display was discussed and members volun· teered their assistance for its construction. The theme of the display is "Gdalrush '68,"
English Proficiency Test November 21
Tearns Plan Debate Trip Uni varsity of South Dakota will be the host for the Peru State College Debate teams on November 8 and 9, The teams entering the novice-di vision will be Kathy Schnitzer-Wayne Wil· coxon, Jerry Bernard-Cheryl Prokupek, and Diane Forke-Bill Austin, In the varsity di vision will be Don Dodge-Larry Sorenson, The debaters will also enter the following individual events: Wayne Wilcoxon and Don Dodge interpretive reading; Jerry Barnard, TV speaking; Bill Austin, radio speaking; Larry Sorenson, and Kathy Schnitzer, extemporaneous speaking; Diane Forke and Cheryl Prokupek, orG iginal oratory. Mr Levitt, who has prepared the teams through debates in his debate class, will be traveling with the teams as sponsor.
Troubadours Will Perform El Trio Romantigo, three sing· ing, strumming troubadours, will perform in the Fine Arts Auditorium tonight at 8:00. The troubadors will present a program of solos, ducts, and trios, They will i;:i ve both vocal and instrumental treatment to a fine selection of numbers in the tradition of old l\lexico, This program promisl's to \x> uniquely entertaining as well a~ educational,
Page 2
THE PED October 21, 1968
Editorially Speaking..
To Hubie, With Love Hubert Horatio Humphrey, a side the Texas White House. one-time liberal, .is back trying Even if Hubie is the most lito prove that he is or isn't, beral candidate, he is a sad subas the crowd may dictate. He stitute for a real liberal since 'must, for some reason not read· he accepted Lyndon. One bleak spot in the campaign ily discernable, prove that he can yell as loud as George was the rare moment of good Wallace, remain as aloof as taste in which Hubie picked Mus• Nixon and be as nice and smart kie as his vice-presidential canas Gene. In short if you vote didate. Although Muskie is lit· for Hubie, you get everybody, tle more public a figure than Ag· including Lyndon. Mostly, you new (Spiro who?), he seems to be capable of thought. get Lyndon, Our one hope is that all the Humphrey has been embroiled wity John son for so long that leading candidates will abdicate he can no longer function out- in favor of John Lindsay.
'~)~ jJ 1t;P_
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New Books Added To P.S.C. Library More than 200 books were added to the Peru State College Library during the month of September. Many of the new books are displayed on top of the bookcases in the Browsing Room. Others are placed in the special book rack at the entrance to this room, A partial listing of the September acquisitions indicates the wealth of information continually being made available in the Peru Li· brary, Fiction - Dostoevski, FedorThe Idiot; Hailey, Arthur - Airport; James, Henry - The Am· · bassadors. Non-fiction -Haywood, Charles - A Bibliography of North American Folklore and Folk· song; Bryson, Lyman - An Out• line of Man's Knowledge; Key, Vladimir • Public Opinion and American Democracy; Hunter, David - The Slums: Challenge and Response; Mohamad, Fad· hi! - Foundations of Arabic-ls· lamic Political Thought; Tocqueville, Alexis - Democracy in America; Charles, Joseph The Origins of the American Party System; Australia, Dept. of Labor - Professional Opportunities in Australia; Aubrey, Henry - The Dollar in World Affairs; Friendly, Alfred Crime and Publicity; Schlissel, Lillian - ·Conscience in America; Elman, Richard - The Poor~ house State; Assoc, for Super. & Curr. Dev. - Humanizing Ed· ucation; Bohling, Beth ~And Cat• tle AteTheSchool;Healey, Wm.Physical Education Demonstra-
tions Made Easy; Natl. Conf. on Research in Eng. - Research in Oral Language; U.S. Atomic En• ergy Comm. - Nuclear Terms; Natl. Aeronautics and Space Adm. - Gemini Midprogram Conf, Including Exp, Results; The United State Astronauts and their Families, a Pictorial Pre· sentation; Hackett, Alice - The New Seventy Years of Best Sellers, 1895-1965; Muller,JosephEmile - 100 Years of Modem Painting; Dart, Thurston - Interpretation of Musi C7'-Leed, J acob - The Computer and Literary Style; Goodman, Benny B. • Kingdom of Swing; and Cady, John - Southeast Asia.
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Right to Dissent
Letters to th e Ed.1tor Dear Editor: I have heard a lot of com· plaining around campus this year by people whom I regarded as responsible individuals: Th~ essence of these complaints 1s these people think that the "Negroes are taking over the Stu• dent Center Lounge." I was, of course concerned about this so I observed the activity in the lounge for some time, - These are my con· clusions. 1. When the Blacks are in the lounge the Whites avoid it. 2. When the Whites are in the lounge the Blacks avoid it. These are not strict rules of behavior, naturally. Occasionally some brave souls mingle with those people of the other group. I think it's about time that narrow - minded little people· opened their eyes and realized that we live in a world that 'demands' OPEN-MINDEDNESS. To those individuals who will be offended by this letter, I offer this old cliche'; "If the Shoe Fits Wear It",
Dissent and protest, as com- !>resident of the United States pared with civil disobedience, in his car, hit the window8and are "lawful means of disagree- body of the car with fists and ment," says the president of shout obscenities, this is civil the American Bar Association, disobedience in its most virulent form, and it is unlawful," Earl F. Morris. Morris defined civil disobedMorris points· out that through ience as the open, willful break- the techniques of a lawless act ing of a law considered unfair may be momentarily effective, or unjust with a view toward they are self-defeating in that changing the law -or the com-. toward the countries and the mittee of a singularly unlawful books they have chosen in evi-· act to influence government pol- dent, Some of the essays are deeply moving. - Richard icy. Dissent, on the other hand, is Byrne's on Wolgang Borchert's the "legal expression of one's THE MAN OUTSIDE and T,B, nonconcurrance with agenerally Harward's on Vercours' LE SIprevailing opinion, usually by LENCE DE LA MER. E,C, Rimeans of the written or spok- ley, writing about Spain, deen word," Protest, he added, clares with excitement that a is the "legal expression of ob- generation of youngnovelists has jection, disapproval or opposi- been growing up, "the biggest tion, more often in the form of event in Spanish writing since 1936. , , ,whose most striking some type of action." Students marching on campus characteristic is their urge to in orderly, peaceful fashion and be ruthlessly honest," He calls faculty members criticizing the Juan Goytisolo "the fiercest of legality of America's position in them all," Alpha Mu Omega - Oct. 21, This 96 page book, the proVietnam, in a paper are legal 5:30 p.m. In front of Science forms or dissent, protected by duct .of young scholarship, is a Hall, the First Amendment, Morris recent acquistition of the Peru Alpha Rho Theta-Oct. 21, 6:00 State College Library. Its point said, p.m. In front of Fine Arts. But, he warned, "when stu- of view is that of the new genBeta Beta Beta-Oct, 21, 5:45 dents obstruct the work of in- eration, It should be of inp,m, Student Center, terviewers representing the terest to Peru students and esBlue Devils-Oct. 21,5:15 p.m, CIA, the armed forces and cer- pecially to those who want to Football Field, by the "P" keep up with the European littain private. corporations; Circle K-Oct. 30, 4:45 p,m, when students storm the vice erary scene. West Dining Room · Dramatics Club-Oct. 21, 5:00 p,m, On lawn in front of Student Center, Epsilon Pi Tau-Oct, 22, 5:00 PERU PEDAGOGIAN p.m. In front of I A Building, Gamma Delta -Oct. 30, 6:00 Monday, October 21, 1968 p,m ., Fine Arts. Young writers in Europe are The sympathy and emotional Volume 64 Number 5 Home Ee Club-Oct. 22, 5:15 beginning to identify beyond the understanding of the essarists p.m, Library, borders of their own countries; I A Club -Oct. 22, 5:10 p,m. emerging is a concept and a they endanger the individual Published weekly during the I A Building perspective that is European. freedoms they intend to maniacademic year, except holidays Kappa Delta Pi - Oct. 22, This is the rationale behind the fest, Furthermore, he said, EUROPEAN PATTERNS for a the concept of civil disobedience and between semesters by the 5:3 p,m, Behind Delzell, L S A -Oct, 30, 5:45 p,m, collection of critical literary es- may be distorted to justify viostudents of Peru State College, says written by students and lence and anarchy. He conceded, Fine Arts Peru, Nebraska 68421. MENC - Oct, 28, 5:45 p,m. graduates of the University of however, that the only available Dublin in Ireland and edited by effective method of testing the Fine Arts. STAFF validity of a law is to break Newman Club-Oct. 30, 5:15 T. B. Harward. EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors p.m. Student Center. Most ·of the writers are Mod- it. The last idea has the agreeP Club-Oct. 28, 5:30 p,m, ern Language students who have BUSINESS MANAGER .. Football Field, by the "P", spent time on the continent. Each ment of many~ campus demonGreg Vaughn Phi Alpha Theta-Oct. 22, 5:45 essay is a review of a Euro- strators who see- the new RePHOTOGRAPHERS . . . . . , . . . pean book or play, either con- gents' rules as a threat to their p,m, Ad Building. Bob Vana and Bob Beran Phi Beta Lambda-Oct. 28, temporary or a classic, Rep. right to protest. Hopefully, they ADVISOR . . . . . . . . James Keck resented are the countries of will consider this in the light 5:15 p.m. Student Center. Germany, France, Italy, Spain, of what theyaretryingtoachieve Sigma Tau Delta-Oct. 28, 5:15 The :;igned letters printed in England, and Ireland, Some of and determine whether their p,m, Behind Delzell thi:: µ~pN d0 not. reflect the opinSocial Science Club Oct. 22, the authors are: George Orwell, methods are only temporarily Jr.. ri r.. f t.h(: P0dagogian but of inPratolini, R, s. Ferlosia, Al- effective or lasting, 6:00 p,m, Fine Arts. 'li ·1ir:i'1;al~;. Th8. editor reserves The rights of dissent and proStudent Center Board Oct. 28, bert Camus, Wolfgang Borchert, irJr.: right trJ is-dit them for publicaVercours, and Frank O'Conner, test must be protected without 6:00 p.m. Student Center, Dates are subject to change. Vercours, and Frank O'Connor, abuse,·
Yearbook Pictures
To Be Taken
Gallery for Books
Sincerely, Jim Butts
If You Drink, Don't Drive The old saying, "If you drink, don't drive -If you drive, don't drink," is still best. Dr, Julian Waller, a Berkeley, California, physician, offers this guide for those who must on occasion mix these two actiVities: "No matterhowwellonethinks he can hold his liquor, he should not have more than one drink (a single 1V2 ounce jigger) per hour. He should dilute it with water, soda or other non-alcoholic liquid and should eat food with his drink," Food can reduce blood alchohol concentration to a great extent. Hosts and hostesses serving food before drinks will re· duce blood alcohol concentration, by about a half, Concentration can be reduced by one-fourth to one-half, by the serving of food with drinks, Dr, Waller adds, "While many adults can get away with drink· ing one or two before driving, the teen-age and young adult driver cannot. No person with less than two years driving ex· perience or who has been drink· ing hard liquor for less than two years should not under any circumstances consider driving after drinking." Among those drivers and adult pedestrians who have been fatally injured in highway crashes, the records show abouthalfhave been drinking, "If I can get away with one or two, maybe I can get away with three." Dr. Waller points out that long before a person appears intoxicated, they are adversely affected by alcohol, Often a person who has had 5 to 10 drinks looks as if he had only "a couple." This person is extremely dangerous as a driver or a pedestrian, CORRECTION In last week's story about the Phi Beta Lambda meeting, the names of two officers were ommitted, They are LeRoy Koeh· ler, president and Jane Budler, vice-president, .
f i
' t t! !
to tor
~ntelopes Bury The o.~~~~~~~"
ot of comus this year ·egarded as tls. The es>laints is at the "Neer the stu-
lacks are bites avoid 'hites are 1e Blacks trict rules rally, Ocrave souls eople of the
Ernie directs trattic as there is a fight for the ball.
'. Rich Osentowski put on a one
· an act to the delight of 6000
earney fans as he led the KearSincerely, Jim Butts
1k, you drink, rive, don't Dr, Julian ;alifornia, guide for asion mix one thinks he should one drink gger) per te it with non-al cod eat food xx! alchogreat exsses ser:s will re:entration, :entration >-fourth to ag of food
'hilemany ith drink! driving, ung adult rson. with riving ex· ~en drink· less than mder any ~r driving and adult 1e-en fatal· crashes, :half have with one get away er points a person they are alcohol. has had as if he rhis pererous as
' y Antelopes from a 21-14 de-
. cit to a 56-21 win. "The Bobcats started in a hur1 as Mike Dukes picked off Scott Davis pass and return• it 48 yards to pay dirt and ve the visiting Bobcats a · lead as Dan Nix converted only 2:48 having been play'he lead was short lived though Kearney received the kickoff started on fueir 15 yard line., first play from scrimmage the home town fans hopping John Mako vi ca raced 85 yards d left end to score. La· me Troudt converted and wifu 33 left in the first quarter score was knotted 7 all. idway through the same perKearney again went the dis· ce as Don Wells pulled in a ard pass from starting quarback Scott Davis, capping a yard drive and going out in t 14-7 as Troudt again add· the paint after. efore the period was up Peru s able to put together a sils· drive of 63 yards with the bined efforts of a tough of• · ve line and the bulldozing of Bristol 1Sherwin WilliamSi Don Morris who crunched the al yard with 41 left in_ the st period. But if the crowd hand thought they had seen works in the first quarter,
they had to be just a little bit dazed by half-time. Peru State bounced back early in the 2nd quarter as quarterback Carl Satterfield led the way on a 58-yard scoring drive. Satterfield first found Sherwin Williams with a 34-yard pass before running 11 himself. With the ball at the Antelope five Williams sped around right end for the score, Dan Nix again found the range and Peru led 21-14. At this point Osentowski enQ tered the game replacing D~s and almost immediately the com·· plexion of the game went sour for the Bobcats. The Antelopes shifted to a shotgun offense, a move that completely baffled the P.S.C. defense and Osentowski led his team to the Peru 2 before Bob Buller ran the final distance and Troudt converted knotting the score 21-21. Peru received the kickoff but couldn't move and were forced to punt. The Antelopes took ov· er on the P.s.c. 44 and OsenQ towski again manned the conQ trols. First he hit Don Wells ·for 30 yards then faced with a third and six at the ten he fired a scoring bomb to Buller and with Troudt's kick Kearney led 28-21. Minutes later Kearney scored again as Troudtintercepted a Satterfield pass and Osentowski went fue final 3 yards and Kearney was on top 35-21 with Troudt's kick.
ended, at least for the first half as he hit Gary Thompson with a four yard pass and Troudt converted with 32 s.econds left Wyers Sparks Bobcat in the half to give the Antelopes a 42-21 half time lead. ( ( For all intents and purposes ,ross ountry tam Peru was down but not out. During the second half the Peru de· Peru State's All - American fense held the high powered Jack Weyers set two school Kearney offense to justtwoTD's marks in the last two crossbut the P.S.C. offense couldn't country meets of the Bobcats. find the power needed as three On Friday, October 11, Peru Bobcat passes were intercepted met Tarkio and Midwestern Col· and 3 fumbles were lost. lege of Iowa at a neutral field Kearney's second half TD's at Red Oak and came home with came on a seven-yard pass from a victory. In the meet Peru Osentowski to Gary Thompson took the first three places and in the 3rd quarter and a final six out of the top seven. period 5-yard pass from Jim Jack Weyers was first with a Willets to Dennis Sand with 36 time of 19:46 to break the re• seconds left in the game. Troudt cord of 19:18 set by Tim Henconverted seven times for Kear- dricks. Van Allen was second ney and Bill Patterson once. with a time of 20:42 and Jay If ever Peru had a thorne in Hagerman was third with a time its side it had to be Osento- of 21:19, Other finishers from wski who had his hand in on five Peru were Ray Uher, Dan Trout Antelope touchdowns. During and Jerry Stukenholtz. the second period alone he was On Tuesday, October 15, Peru responsible for 20 plays and 186 met Tarkio in the Bobcat's only yards, home meet of the year. Peru For the game Peru lead in won the meet 15-50 as Weyers rushing with 143 to 126, trailed ran the foul"mile course in 19:50 in passing 118 to 285 and lead to break the old course record in return yardage 160 to 68. of 19:56 set by Steve Cornelius Peru hit on 5 of 16 passes comQ in 1966. Van Allen placed second pared to Kearney's aerial games with a time of 20:28 and Ray of 21-37-1, Uher placed third with a time Next week Peru faces and unQ of 21:44. Ron Jones, Dan Trout defeated, 5-0, Chadron team for Dave Hillman and Jerry StukenQ Peru States homecoming. Peru holtz placed fourth, fifth, sev· now stands 2-3 on the year and enth, and eighth in the victory. 0-1 in NCC play, Peru will next travel to Omaha to face UN-Omaha on Friday October 18
NCC Games
8:30 a.m. to 10:00
Helping Peru State iook just that
every day
Nebraska College Conference play started with a bang as four of the conference's schools collided on Saturday, October 12. Wayne won their homecoming encounter over Hastings, 16-7. Freshman cornerback Pat Hols· ton intercepted a Bob McAuliff pass and returned it 75 yards for the go-ahead score that clinched the victory, Grubough of Wayne also added a 36 yard field goal in the fourfu quarter. Kearney rolled over Peru 5621 behind Rich Osentowski and 285 aerial yards. The only conference team playing an outside foe was Chad· ron State, Chadron kept its rec· ord unblemished (5-0) with a 30-7 pasting of South Dakota Tech, Chadron is at Peru October 19, NCC CONFERENCE OVERALL WL WL PTS OPP Chadron. 1-0 5-0 191 33 2-0 3-2 153 118 Kearney 1-1 3-2 59 70 Wayne 0-1 2-3 69 132 Peru 0-2 1-4 99 157 Hastings
"Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner at Eldon's You're the Winner"
Eldon Al Igood
Coach Pitts
Peru lost to Kearney State 56-21 Saturday, bur according to Dr, Pitts, the shoe could have been on the other foot, "!thought there was a cruicial time midway in the second quarter." Coach Pitts was referring to the time Kearney went into the shotgun formation, "We knew they would go into a shotgun when they thought they were in trouble, We had all the momentum and if we could have put out the fire right then, we could have won the game. They really cut
JULIE AS YOU LOVE HER ... Singing, Dancing, Delighting!
over 51 years.
Cherry Pickers Blank Spartans
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Oct. 27-28-29-30
much better for
Ann Beatty
Page 3
The Cherry Pickers, Iron Butterflies, and Studs served notice that they will be the teams to beat following the second week of fierce intramural touch foot· ball competition. Th~ Cherry Pickers and Dol· phins have the distinction of holding opponents scoreless this season. The clash between the Pickers and Dolphins resulted in a scoreless tie the first week of competition. The Nads, the cellar team, received no sympathy from the Iron Butterflies and the tough Studs. Both of these exhibited the spirit and punch which make them championship contenders, The Mysterians are truly the mystery of the league. They are now 2-0 after dumping the Shady Oak Bombers, but they have not opposed a team with any victories. This week's scores: Cherry Pickers 2 Spartans 0 Iron Butterflies 33 Nads 0 Studs 26 Nads 0 Mysterians 19 Shady Oak Bombers 0
ABC Tourney The 1969 ABC tournament in Madison, Wis. will run r'eb. 22 through April 29.
Coach's Corner
of Interest
Shor! Orders
1bout the ing, the 1ere om· JY Koeh· Budler»
concerned· served the e for some e my con-
time that ttle people id realized world that IDEDNESS. ls who will letter, I of· 'If the Shoe
THE PED October 21, 1968
BEATTY GARAGE Fast - Dependable Service
AO"AIS510N 50< aand $1.25
8 Days - Opens Wednesday, Oct. 16 EVEN MORE FUNNY ON THETSOCRC~~s~fGAENs'i:.rtJi ASABROAOWAYANDCITY· •
Jack Lemmon andWalterMatthau are
us up with the shotgun; they passed nearly at will on us," Pitts observed. "Early in the game, our defense broke down ?n two long plays, but we still lead, 21-14. If we could have cut off the shotgun, they would have had to go back to their regular formation and there was a good chance we could have beat them.· "i thought we plt;;ed our best offensive game all year during the first half, but we were trying to play catch-up ball, Satterfield was more effective passing than he has been before this year. The line blocking was the best it's been this season, I thought Sherwin Williams ran real well," Pitts said of the Peru offense. When asked about the injury situation, Coach Pitts quipped, "We have a real tough Blue Cross team." Major injuries included: Satterfield out for the season, Arnold Johnston out ' ,_. the season with a fractured wrist, Mike Mulvaney possibly out for the season with a bad ankle, Lesser injuries to othkey players: Virgil Mitchell, D1Ve Bohlken, John Bristol, and Ron Meier all questionable for the next game. Mark Weiler also has a bad arm. _ "We probably have the most serious injury situation since I've been here,'' Pitts said,
• Auto Repair
Wrecker Service
Steam Cleaning
The Odd Couple
• ,
Nebrask~ city
Gas for Less Peru 87 2-320 I AAA Service
Page 4
THE PED October 21, 1968
Calendar MONDAY, October 21 Band Tour 6:30 p.m.-Blue Devils, Sc 105 6:30 p.m.-MENC, FA 111 6:30 p,m,-PSEA, FA Aud 7 p,m.-Football, B Team, Dae na, here El Trio Romantico (Evening) TUESDAY, October 22 Band Tour Cross Country at Doane 3:30 p,m,-Ad, Council Meet• ing Ad 202 6 p.m.-White Angels, Ed 300 7 p,m.-MEN, Stu\ient Center
WEDNESDAY,October23 6 p,m,-Gamma Delta, FA 104 6 p,m,-LSA, FA 212 8 p.m.-WAA, Gym THURSDAY, October 24 NSEA Convention, no school FRIDAY, October 26 NSEA Convention, no school SATURDAY, October 26 Cross Country, Nebr, College Conference, at Kearney 7:30 p.m.-Football at Wayne MONDAY, October 28 6:30 p.m.-Blue Devils 7 p,m.-Football, B Team, at Tarkio 7:30 p,m,-Tri Beta, Sc 304
\r· ~
SDS !!Academic ·
Grave-diggers" / I
"Nothing less than the de· struction of society itself" ••• the ultimate goal of the Students for a Democratic Society. This shocking analysis is presented to us by Eugene Methvin, Read· er's Digest author, who states that this was a direct quote from SDS officials and members, Is this microscopic organization really that dangerous? Af· ter all, its membership is only an iota of America's total col· lege population. And, more important, is is communist inspired? Revealing evidence that SDSis a serious potential threat to the American way of life and not only to our cherished academic freedom, is found in Methvin's Digest article, Already, SDS has managed to play a leading role in .the violence, bloodshed, and arson that have exploded across our campuses in the pre· vious few years, This is only a foundation from which SDS in· tends to build however. Actually, the word "democra· tic" in SDS' title couldn't be further from the truth. Again quoting an SDS speaker from their national convention at East Lansing, Michigan last June: "The ability to mani· pulate people through violence and mass media has never been greater, the potential for us as radicals never more exciting than now," This is democratic? FBI director J, Edgar Hoover has said: "They are a new type of subversive and their danger is great." Some SDS tactics seem, on the surface, to be nothing morethan high school pranks: pulling fire alarms, starting trash can fires, making appointments with deans and registrars by the hundred:, to "overuse the bureaucracy," checking out large numbers of books -from libraries to disrupt This hell • bent organization must be curbed immediately. Methvin declares that firmer action by school authorities in the recent upheaval at Columbia University, particularly in the area of supporting the anti-radi· cal "Majority Coalition," would have averted escalating violence that culminated in cancellation of classes at Columbia,
It must be carried further than merely a stronger hand by offi· cials, however, An overwhelming majority of students against these SDS radicals is absolutely necessary if our campuses are to be violence-free. To help attain this majority, legitimate grievances by students must rec cei ve "far more attention" from officials than they have. This closer bond between the majority of students and their administrators through closer contract on actual studentgripes must not merely be a program for the future, but something that happens here and now. It must happen before these "Stu· · dents" for a "Democratic" Society have become, as Sidney Hook, New York University philosophy professor, put&.j.t, "The true grave-diggers of c.cademic freedom in the United States.''
study programs and registering under false names 'SO -"federal agents will spend much time attempting to track down people who do not exist.'' Extremely more dangerous, however, is the SDS' link wit'l hard-core communists. Known communists have sat in on SDS meetings and coached organizers since the organization was founded in 1962, SDS leaders frequently travel to Red capi• tals; two of three national officers chosen at last June's con• vention were self-proclaimed communists.
Broderson Presents Recital Steve Broderson presented his Senior music recital Sunday, October 13, at 3:00 p,m, in the Benford Recital Hall of the Jin· dra Fine Arts Center. Broderson, a music major from Ayrshire, Iowa, is a stu• dent of Gilbert E, Wilson. lie was accompanied on the piano by Mrs Wilson, Mr Broderson has been very active in the college band and chorus and was president of the MENC, He willbestudentteach· ing this semester in Lincoln.
,..J;r ·-
The late 1800's brought with skirt provides a festive- aura. them the beginning of the bus- The sleeves have been deflated tle, The "amazingly innocent quite a bit and the pigeon• coquette" took hours to dress breasted quality has switched to her hour-glass figure, using cor- an innocent fragil curve, making sets and many petticoats to re- a very versatile costume. tain her "shape", the ideal of Fashion versus Flesh was the the era. The belle of this time keynote to the vogue in the was actually bell-shaped in cos- early 1900's. The process of tume and did not talk of lines, slenderizing took over and the but talked of curves. Huge leg- end has not yet been seen, The of-mutton sleeves and long, flow- corset took on a straight form ing skirts were the centers of and women's figures became the interest. The .sleeves of 1895 . exclamation points of the world, required about as much mater- Curves were replaced by lines ial as did a whole frock in the and the "vamp" caine into being. war days of 1918. The ideal in the mode of the The effect of the "bustle age" moment was a being· of slim can be seen clearly in today's grace of a sapling, who took fashion world, The tight-fitted her figure from nature - and bodice provides an excellent her face from art, This marked look of fe~ininity and the full the advent of the youthful being
Tri Beta Pledges New Members PERU, Nebr, -Fourteen students have been pledged into membership of the Peru State College chapter of Beta Beta Beta, national honorary biology fraternity, according to La Velie E, Hitzeman, senior, Table Rock, chapter president, The new members of the chap. ter, spansored by Dr. John C, Christ, head of the division of science and mathematics, includes two seniors, four juniors, seven sophomores, and one freshman,
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The new members: Seniors John Burch, Brock; Duane Choutka, Lindsay; Juniors -Elaine Grundman, Talmage; Don Hobscheidt, Murray; Dennis White, Edgar; Merle D, Teten, Talmage; Sophomores -Ron Cotnew, Whiting, Ind;; Howard Isaacs, Unadilla; Tom Kunkel, Falls City; Dick Samson, 1508 Emeline, Omaha; Ben Mertes, Table Rock; Fred Sikora, Falls City; Hugo Villegas, Lima, Peru; Freshman - Owen Henderson, Brock.
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JOHN L. LEWIS, Vice Pres, & Cashier
who continues to rulethemod Hats of all kinds became ve fashionable and hair styles cosmetics were new id passed over the backyard fen of society columns, The Greek inspiration w very strong in the flapper Its influence on modem m is easily recognized in the lo belted, kabuki-sleeved garme in fashion magazmes, Althou there is more contour totoda fashion following, the you appearance is still intact. Many tend to think skirts a getting longer and that soon the will no longer be such a thi as a micro-mini-skirt, How the women of today are too dependent to let the fashi world rule their lives comple ly, The variety Is so greatt · even the young iaay With most unattractive face a'.nd ure can find a garment wh compliments her. Instead of coming narrow-minded about shion trends, the average man of today will be able encompass more of the op tunities offered her in the n future by the fabulous world fashion, ·
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You'll never forget the d you chose your Keepsake. I matchless beauty and elega styling will always remind y of your most wonder! moment ... younengageme day.
Twelve Named
lo Who's Who ~
Vol. 64
No. 6
October 28, 1968
Jody Meyer 68 Queen
Named to Who's Who at Peru State College for 1968-69 listing include: (from left) front row - Janice Kelly, Falls City; Janice Wheeldon Sears, Brownville; Sherry Schwiesow Kramer, Omaha; Sherry Seibert Rains, Brownville; Marilyn Sugden, Adams; back row - Wayne Willcoxon, Geneva; Allan Sherwood, Hightstown, N. J.; Bill Everhart, Bedford, Iowa; Kenneth Carnes, Auburn; John Creamer, Worcester, Mass.; Gary Ahlin, Bark River, Mich.; John Bernadt, Wymore. Selection to Who's Who is based on excellence and sincerity in scholarship, leadership in academic and cocurricular activities, service to the school, and promise of future usefulness to society.
1spiration w 1e flapper e modem mod .zed in the lo 'eved gannen mes, Altho 1tour to today• , the youthf ll intact, hink skirts a I that soon the e such a thi skirt.Howev lay are too· lt the fa .ives compl ls so greatt laClY with
face and fi garment whi • Instead of b ind ed about f
Queen Jody Meyer (center), senior from Nehawka, stands with her attendants and· escorts following the announcement of her selection as queen of the 47th annual Homecoming at Peru State College. The attendants and escorts (from left) are Tom Kiritsy, Worcester, ;Mass.; Miss Kathy Buffum, MagnoJi~, Iowa; Stan Zbylut, Omaha; Miss Bobette Masters, Nebraska City; Meron Solonynka, Omaha; Queen Jody Meyer; David Langer, Worcester, Mass.; Miss Betty O'Connor,·Worcester, Mass.; Frank Topolski, Utica, N. Y.; Miss Lynda Shanahan, Morse Bluff.
ccThe WorldanditsCountnes" s the theme of the 47thannual mecoming at Peru State Col' Saturday, October 19. The splays, which were entered by different campus groups and anizations, were judged at 30 aJ11, The judges were Senr Calista Hughes, Humboldt; L, Lewis and L.B. Matws, president and vice-presit, respectively, of the Peru ·evement foundation; Jack_ Kent, principal of Auburn Ele-
entary schools; and Miss '1:,ynn Sailors, editor of the Pedagogian. This year, for the first time trophies, instead of money were given to the first three placed entries, The first place trophy, a large gold-plated cup, went to the Industrial Art club for their display entitled "Tower over Cha· dron". France was the coun· try and a replica of the Eiffel Tower was featured.
"A Victory in the Pouch" was the title of the second placed Alpha Mu Omega (Math ·fraternity) exhibit. Australia was the country and the display showed a kangaroo bouncing upanddown on a Chadron football player. Third place went to the Student Center board for 'Goal Rush' of '68", with an animated mule and a prospector. The featured country was Canada. It is not certain whether trophies will be given again next year.
Freehurne, Jorgensen Present Concert An evening concert of selec• ference which was sponsored by_ tions from the works of Mozart, the United States OfficeofEducaSchumann, Brahms, Strauss, tion's Humanities and Social.Sci• Gersnwin, Purcell and other not· ences Development program. ed composers highlighted an all· Conference speakers were Dr. day music conference at Peru Jorgensen and Dr. Archie N, State College on Thursday, Oc- Jones. ·Dr. Jorgensen, chainnan of tober 17. The 8 p.m, concert in the Benford Recital Hall of the di vision of fine arts at North· the Jindra Fine Arts Centerfea· east Missouri State College, tured Dr. Dale Jorgensen, Bari· Kirksville, Mo., keynoted the 'tone and Dr. Frederick Free- morning session. Dr. Jones, dean of the Conservatory of bume at the piano • Members of the music facul· Music of the University of Misties of all Nebraska colleges souri at Kansas City, Spone were invited to attend the con- at the afternoon session.
Seniors To Take Teacher Exams
ES m
Peru State College is a testcenter for all four dates on ·ch the National Teacher Exinations will be given. Colseniors preparing to teach ool may take the exams on any of the four dates announced by the Educational Service, a non-profit, educational organi:.zation which prepares and administers this testing program. New dates for the testing of prospective teachers are: No-vember 9, 1968, February -1, April 12, and July 19, 1969. The test will be given at nearly .500 locations throughout the United States. Some colleges, including Peru te, require all seniors prering to teach to take the exinations, Results of the Naonal Teacher Examinations used by many large school ricts as one of several facrs in the selection of new teachs and by several states for rtification or licensing of teachers. On each full day of testing, prospective teachers may take the Common Examinations which measure their proional preparation and gencuitural background, and a ching Area Examination ich measures mastery of the bject they expect to teach.
Approximately 40 percent of the qualified. students in Peru State will be taking the tests November 9, mainly those graduating in January in teacher education. The Guidance Office has contacted and registered most of the students for tl\e examinations. There is no ne~ for students to register individually as they are taken care of by the Guidance Office.
STUDENT VOICE (ACP)-The American Association of University Professors has overwhelmingly recommend ed that sludents have a larger voice in making policy, · More than 500 delegates representing the 90,000 - member organization of college and university teachers endorsed at its 54th annual meeting a statement that supports the concept of "student power." . The statement already has recei ved backing from the National Association of student Personnel Administrators, National Student Association, Association of American Colleges, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators and National Associations of Women Deans and Cunsellors.
Left to right-Don Dodge, Ed Vatas, Dave Kramer, Shirlene Hill, Cathy Cole and Pat Bindrum.
Homecoming Play Presented "U.S.A." was first presented by Howard Gottfried and Nick Spanos .at the Martinique Theatre, New York City, on October 28, 1959. Chosen as the Homecoming Play for 1968, "U.s.A." is a.dramatic revue rather than a play and was staged in that way. Consisting of two acts, the action of the revue took place between the tur,1 o,' C1c Century and 1930. The revue presemeJ
the history of the United States through narration,, dialogue and acting. Staged in the Fine Arts Auditorium, · Director Robert Moore and his workers were at a disadvantage as to space, lighting and facilities. However, despite many difficulties and several renovations of the stage, the production went well for a total crowd of approximate-
ly 220 persons. There seem:.id to be an excess of enthusiasm among present college students - ; i poor showing for a student body su interested in all other facets of homecoming. Assisting Mr MJOre was Bill Austin, a senior speech major from Omaha. Steve Mason from Nebraska City, also a speech major, was in charge of light· ing and scenery,
1 '.~
Page 2
1HE PED October 28, 1968
Editorially Speaking.. Letters to From The SCB From The SG~
A few verbal "pats on the back" seemed to be in order regarding the success of this year's homecoming event. In the planning of any successful event, there must be some evidence of organization, co-opera· tion and hard worko These requisites were all apparent in the organizational dis· plays that blossomed under the guiding
· the Editor
influence of the S,G, A,, in the fine production which evolved through the efforts of the ·drama department, and even in the much • better · than • / usual attendance at the homecoming dance To all the students and faculty who had a hand in making this day one to remember, Pd just like to say, "Well doneln Barb Derrick 0
-------With another week of rain behind us, there arises the question as to whether anything will ever be done about the poor state of the Ma· jor Hall's parking lot. One day out of sevenp the lot achieves a happy medium with no dust or mudo Al· so, the lot isn't big enough. To get all the cars in, many must be double-parked resulting in anywhere from 10 to 20 cars being hemmed in a would-be catastrophe if an emergency occurred. Both Belzell and Morga.Q. Halls hav~ ·suitable parking areas~ well graded, and kept solid with crushed rock. The complex boasts a concrete surface. We're asking only for a little crushed ':'ock and a little more room, nothing resembling the complex parking area. --. Are we asking too much?
Several weeks ago each and Homecoming is over for ~ every student that attends Peru other year, and thanks to thl State received a copy of the 1efforts of several groups, it wal Student Center Board Rules and very successful. i regulatioos. These were dis· The displays were in the: opicl Dear Editor, tributed for your benefit and the ions of many faculty member~ In the last issue of THE PED, Jim Butts wrote a letter to the majority of the students have "The best we've ever seen'1 editor in which he said that "re- faithfully obeyed them. Yet, Congratulations should be give!fl sponsible individuals" were despite signs and repeated warn· to the three winning display ' becoming alarmed with the sup- ings there is a minority of stu· particularly the I.A. club, : posed fact that "the Negroes dents-both black and white- several others were excellen are taldng over the student ·Cen· who consistantly continue to ig· The Blue Devils display didn ter Lounge," He went oo to nore thern, Therefore, this ad- rate among the top displa but certainly took a lot of wor' say that it is about. time that dressed to that minority. You will begin to comply with and was an attribute to Hom people oo this campus wake up to what is needed in this world: the rules concerning the TV coming, The senior class di room, or it will be locked in· play was built by only a few • open-mindedness, dividuals, but rated high witha It is good to know that there definitely. You will comply with all of the the judges. The P.s.s.s.s. d'. are people like Mr Butts rules concerning the game room play also. rated high with · though they are fortunately few - who realize that open-mind· or it will be locked indefmite- judges. The only flaw in the Ho edness is perhaps the only key ly, The members oftheS,C,B,are corning was that Peru lost to understanding and apprecia· tion between the races.Mr Butts sorry that themajoritymustsuf• football game, but the team n is to be commended for his well fer because of a minority, but er gave up, and most fans w written and honest statements, the Board Members feel that very satisfied in the way But why is it that Black stu· those rules must be enforced and team performed. With Homecoming over, dents are together in a group it they will be. Secoodly, Mr Hunterhasasked S.G.A. can now move on to ~ no~ced _with some .~egre~_Qf_ alarm and uneasiness oo the for, and received s.c.B. support ferent problem areas on t in e11!orcing tlie rules fie believes campus. The first problem part of Whites? Black people stick together to be necessary in the dining hall. be considered will be gir dorm hours. The officers because they have to - but In the future S,C.B. members more correctly because they will be present at the evening both girl's dorms are nowfor WANT to. For such a loog, meal. Repeated violations of ulating plans, and when th long time, Negroes have been those rules will put the offen· are finished, the S,G.A. will a separate etlmic group because ders before the S.C.B, for ju· to assist the dorms in ge of a lot of pressures imposed diciary action. Violationers af· one of these plans acce It is anticipated that th by the White man, but the young ter one appearance before the Negro today is proud of his S.C.B. Judiciary Board will re- will be several openings on ethnic background and of his sult in S.G.A, action against the S.G.A in the near future, S offenders. · eral members of theS,G,A. ha sldn color. Again MrHunterand theS,C.B, not done a satisfactory job Some people oo this campus - indeed, MOST people oo this are sorry that such matters even participating in S,G.A even campus - seem to assume that need to be mentioned, but there and will be asked to re · when there is more than one are always a few who practice . Should these openings be Black face within a certain area, making life unpleasant for ev- available, the officers oft G.A, will have interviews there is a coospiracy of some eryone else. The S.C.B, .would like to in• students interested in bee sort at hand. All I can say is that prejudice is a poor sub- vite all students to stop at the ing S.G.A, members, and S.C,B, information table under recommendations to the S, stitute for thinking. the Student Center stairs. The The time and place of t Sincerely Linda Emery · board members on duty is there interviews will be annou both to help you and to enforce later. the rules. If you have a ques· Any students who have ti.on, complaint, or suggestion plaints about anything on c Dear Editor, Money does not grow oo trees concerning anything in the Stu· pus should direct their c neither does clothing, It has ap- dent Center please feel free to plaints either to the S,G,A, c parently been established that fill out a form provided for that plaint committee, or to the apparel can be freely selected, purpose; we will try to help -C.B. complaint committee, so- suggestions could be dir borrowed and worn from the cur- you. GREG REINDERS tect '00._these committees, or rently fashionable shop, .the· members of either org laundry room. Qualifications zation , for admission coosist of such Hom~omfug is over, butt characteristics as ''the big a growing amount of immature should not siknal the end nerve," ''the crafty sneak," sly people when it comes to this Satan ways, stickyfingers,a trot- problem. They think it is the student activity on this ca pus until May Fete, Manyth' ter's gait, plus a blacken heart. ''tough" to use vulgar terms, Stealing is a harsh word, but and it is "really tough" to can be done to improve P borrowing is too kind. Such voice them in the presence of State College, Its your cam - Improve it, actions as these aren't befitting young women. Larry.E, Sorense to teachers .not even to Satan's I am getting tired of hearPres., S.G.A. disciples. ing tired of hearing this unIf this is an example of ma· necessary vulgarity. It dis· turity, than' the dormitory chi!· plays the language of the uned· dren have relinquished their ucated, and we are certainly Keep busy every minut rights to squawk at the present not in this category at this in· of the working day and th dormitory hours. rest of the crew will g stitution of higher learning. Do a nice rest. you people I am writing about think you are mature? If not, Dear Editor: you don't beloog in college This year a most disgusting here at Peru or anywhere else. PERU PEDAGOG!AN problem is developing on our Sincerely, Monday, October 28, 1968 campus - cussing. I think it Bob Pattersoo is time this situation is noticed Volume 64 and improved NOT laughed off. While sitting in the girls' dormitory lounge, I have heard Published weekly First Coed College guys talking about females in academic year, except holi Oberlin College, established a most degrading manner and and between semesters by in 1833 in Ohio, which state certainly one most unappropri· ate for a girls dorm. The Ian• today has more colleges and students of Peru State Coll guage repeatedly heard at foot• universities per capita than Peru, Nebraska 68421· ball games displays a lack of any other state in the Union, STAFF maturity oo the part of the was the nation's first coeduspeaker. It is not very plea· cational college. EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn S sant to hear a continuous flow BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . of cuss words directed at the Greg Va players, coaches, and referees. PHOTOGRAPHERS . . . . . . Another example ·of lack of ma· Bob Vana and Bob turity is shown when boys ho!· ADVISOR . . . . . . . . Jam es ler at the top of their lungs four letter words that should not The signed letters printe be voiced in the first place let this paper do not reflect the alone acros& tne J?anung lot. ion of the P edagogian but o Young men and women who Save your pennies. It's dividuals. The editor res enroll in college are mature or at least should be on the road about all you can manage to the right to edit them for pub tion. to maturity, but I feel we have save these days.
The young people of today have a gigan· tic problem facing them if they wish to gain respect as adultso They must learn not to ask questions. They must learn not to ask: Why are we in Viet Nam? Why is the draft constitutional if the Constitution forbids in· voluntary servitude? Why are food prices higher in the ghettos? Why should it matter if my hai:i: is long? Why is America unpopular in the rest of the world? Why must we kill as a symbol of Ol}r debt to this society? Why must some of us die? Paul Walters said, in seconding the nomination of Harold Stassen this year, "o o o the greatest guilt in this life is to die without good reason. u To be an adult you must accept death for no reason at all. The young of this generation were raised in something other than the depression and find it hard to believe in the all-important money motivation. They have never seen a cause that was limited to nationalism. They see a cause that makes nationalism indecentp hu· man . dignity. The y9ung today are trying to be heard because they have the will to be heard, a thing almost non-existant in those who are already accepteq as adults. The password of our society seems to be that respect is due only to tho'se with whom you agree. The young must realize that resepct will be granted only with unawareness and apathy. Young people (that1 s us) can work their way to respected adulthood through maturation (coercion). We must learn to be oblivious be· fore we will be granted entrance to its trea· sured circle of adulthood. Why can't an adult return the ability to disbelieve? DON DODGE
THE PED October 28, 1968
5 is over for anmd thanks to the eral groups, itw 'ul. rs were in the:.opinfaculty members, e've ever seen" ns should be giv winning display the I.A. club, .·s were excell vils display di the top displ took a lot of work Lttribute to Hom senior class dis t by only a few in rated high with a The P.s.s.s.s. dis ted high with th law in the Hom that Peru lost th , but the team ne nd most fans wer :l in the way th ed. coming over, th >W move on to · im areas on t first problem d will be girl' The officers rms are nowfor , and when th the S.G.A. will t dorms in gett' ~ plans accepte ipated that th al openings on near future. S ; of theS,G,A, ha :atisfactory job in S.G.A event asked to res· openings beco officers of th ·e interviews rested in bee imbers, and :ons to the S d place of t ill be announc s who have com anything on cam lirect their com to the S,G,A, com ;tee, or to the S 1t conunittee. Al 1s could be direc :ommittees, or ' either organi :. is over, but this ®ial the end ivity on this ca Fete, Manything to improve Per Its your campu
Bobcats 'Homecoming Game Spoiled By The Eagles A heavily favored and undec feated Chardon Eagle team camo soaring into the Oak Bowl, Sat• urday, October 19, but before .they left a few tail feathers were noticably missing as an injury riddled, but Homecomc ing inspired band of Bobcats just missed at what would have been one of the biggest up sets in the school history. It was a close game all the way and the home fans on hand were delighted with the showing the Bobcats made despite the narrow lose,
CHADRQN OPENS SCORING In the first quarter Peru State received the ball and started oo their own 15 as Kirk Talley return the kick. The Bobcats were able to move to mid-field but that was all as a big 4th and 20 faced them and Bob Greg· ory punted. Chadron's Kevin Kirwan took the punt on his own 23 and burst down the far side line for a 77 yard TD, Larry Gold converted and the Eagles lead 7-0 with 10:05 remaining. Peru received the kick-off but was unable to maintain posses. sion and were forced to punt. · Chadron seemed to be on their way to another score but a fumble on the Peru 25 gave the Bobcats another chance. Peru's offense again had trouble and gave the ball up via a punt. The quarter ended on even terms but Peru's defense came up with some big plays as on two con• secutive downs, with 2:30 left, the .Chadron quarterback Mike Winchell was dumped, first for 11 yards from the Peru 40, then for a 13 yard loss to 1he Chad· ron 36.
LONG BOMBS THE RULEThese fine defensive plays lead indirectly to Peru's first score as it put Chadron deep in their om territory and they weren't able to recover. Peru's first real break came with 10:37 left in the second stanza, Eagle quarterback Winchell faded back to pass and as his arm came for-
'Y. E. Sorensen ·es,, S,G.A.
ctober 28, 1968
·eekly during t " except holid semesters by t eru State Colle a 68421. ['AFF . . . . Lynn Sail
<AGER . . . . . . .
An early break in the third stanza put Chadron ahead to stay. Chadron received the kickoff and started on the Peru 39 but the stiff Peru defense picked off an Eagle pass at the 30 yard line. Unable to move Gregory lined up to punt on fourth down but the snap was wide. and low and Chadron downed him at the 19 before he could recover. From there Chadroo neede:d ooly five plays to score as fullback Ken Parks smashed the final yard, Gold converted and the Eagles went ahead 21-14 with 10:32 remaining. Neither team mount· ed a serious threat the remain· der of the quarter but action was soon to pick up. SCORING HIGH IN THE FOURTH QUARTER Scoring reached a fast clip in the final period as both teams went all out. Chadron increased its lead early as they took over oo their own 31 following a Peru punt and capped a 69-yard drive
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Greg Vaug
:ERS . . . . . . . . 'ana and Bob Be . . . . . James K letters printed .ot reflect the op· lagogian but of · e editor reserv 't them for public
when Winchell found Kirwan with a 15-yard aerial Gold's kickwas wide but the Eagles upped their lead 27-14 with 10:48 remaining •. On the ensuing kick-off fresh· man Mike Dukes took the ball on his own 15 and sped around left end for an apparent TD, only to have the play nullified oo a clipping penalty. Peru was unable to score but kept Cha· dron deep in their own territory causing the Eagles to attempt a quick kick at 7:26. The kick was a wobbler and Peru took over at the 50. At this point Mike Challis came in to replace sore arm- ·Mark' Weiler as quarterback in an attempt to get a quick TD. The results couldn't have worked better as on the second play Challis hit Virgil Mitchell with a screen pass and Mitchell blasted between two Chadroo defenders and raced the distance to paydirt. Nix' s kick made it 27·21 with 6:57 remaining. Chadron put the game out of reach soon after as they capi• talize oo another break, The Bobcats deep in their own territory were forced to punt, Mike Dukes back to receive the snap watched it soar over his head and recovered at the Peru State 10. Three plays later, Gold smashed from the three for a 33-21 lead as Dan Gables kick failed. With just 49 seconds remain· ing Peru put one last effort together to the deligbt of the home fans. Dukes received the kick· off at the 15 and returned it to the Chadron 46. Challis then hit Wayne White for 33 yards to the 13, then Virgil Mit· chell 12 yards to the one, With only 4 secoods remaining Gary Colgrove dove for the score and as Nix added his fourth coo· version Peru trailed 33-28, An on-side kick by Peru ran out the clock and the Bobcats dropped a heart-breaker to the powerful Chadron Eagles. Sherwin Williams led· Peru rushers with 105 yards but as a team P.s.c, netted ooly 124. Mike Challis amassed 103 yards oo 4 of 9 passes.
Knoxville Site
minute ng day and the crew will get
By DWE DAVISON ward a Peru defender jarred into him sending the ball wobbling into the air. Middle-guard Bill Everhart fielded the ball and picked his way 30 yards down the side line for the TD and Dan Nix converted to knot the score 7-7. The score didn't remain there long though as both teams ex· changed kicks and then with 2:57 remaining in the quarter Win· chell hit flanker, Rick Watsoo with an 86-yard pass-run scoring bOmb. Gold's kick set the score at 14-7, With just under 3 minutes left in the half Peru came back not to be denied. On the third play after receiving the kick off, Sherwin Williams blasted 65 yards and as Dan Nix cooverted the score was tied 14-all with just 1:16 left. Both teams intercepted pass• es to halt any further thoughts of scoring as the teams entered the .locker at the half deadlock· ed 14 a piece.
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Short Orders
6:30 a.m. to 10:00 · p.~ eTery day
Weiler uncorks a pass.
Kearney Chadron Wayne Peru Hastings
3-0 2-0 1-2 0-2 0-2
4-2 176 133 6-0 224 61 3-3 74 93 2-4 97 165 1-5 112 205
Blue Devil Pledges Undergo Probation The Blue Devils announce that the following pledges are now going through a six weeks probationary period, Mike Allen, David Bierbaum, Ralph Bodie, Tom Brandt, Steve Dalton, steve Dean, Doug Dierks, Steve Emert, Don Epp, Steve Ernest, Bill Everhart, Jerry Greany, Larry Green, David Hammer, Tom Howell, Larry Humphrey, Mike Irwin, Paul Johnson, Alan Kraeger, Rodney Kuhlman, Tom Mosser, Ken Morrissey, Tom Patton, Mike Rosso, Tom Scefkin, Calvin Smith, Bill Trotta, Keith Wil· cox, and Stan Sbylut. At the termination of this period, the evaulation com· mittee will determine if the pledges are eligible to become full.fledged members. The evaulation committee bases its selections on how active the pledges participate such as their attendance record at regular meetings and home games and alsotheirenthusiasm and spirl.t.
Intramural Standings 1. Mysterians 3-0-0 2, Studs 3-0-1 3. Spartans 2-1-0 4, Cherry Pickers 2-1-1 5, Cool Jerks 2-2-0 6. Marksmen 1-0-2 7, Iron Butterflies 1-1-1 8. Nads 1-3-0 9. Shady Oak Bombers 0-2-0 10, Dolphins 0-2-1 11. Green Jackets 0-3-0 Results of intramural gam~s Spartans 6 Green Jackets O Cherry Pickers 12 Cool Jerks 6 Cool Jerks 7 Dolphins O Marksmen 20 Green Jackets O Nads 13 Dolphins 6 Iron Butterflies 12 Marksmen 12 Mysterians 2 Cool Jerks O Studs 12 Cherry Pickers 6 Next weeks games Stefanich Riecord . October 28, 1968. Jim Stefanich is the only 3:40 Iron Butterflies-Green bowler to,; win ABC team, Jackets 4:40 Shady Oak Bobbers- singles, doubles and all events titles. Marksmen.
Coach's Corner "We had some mental lapses that really killed us," Coach Pitts said in reference to Chad· ron's long scoring plays in Sat• urday's homecoming 33-28 defeat. "Overall, our kids played some real gocXl football outside of the mental lapses," he con• tinued. "I was especiallypleased that we played as well as we did, playing without the services of three offensive starters and two defensive regulars." "I thought Chadron's defense was real strong, and made our offense look a little weaker. Sherwin Williams and Virgil Mitchell looked real good on their touchdowns." Turning to defense, Pitts said, "The defense wasn't bad, The only thing that looked bad was a long pass completion for a touchdown, but otherwise they
looked good.'' Pitts was dis· appointed with the punt protection, pointing out that twice Chad· ron tackled Peru's punter before he had a chance to get the ball off, and on one other oc• casion they let Chadron run back a punt for 77 yards and a touch· down.
Looking ahead to Wayne, Coach Pitts evaluated them as being "real strong defensively. I expect them to have a real well balanced team, but I think they will be stronger defensively than offensively. Sam Sin· gleton is a strong ball carrier, and as a club, they are big and strong." The injury situation is essen· tially the same this week as it was last week, according to Coach Pitts.
THE PP.D October 28, 1968
Angels Piaures
MONDAY, October 28 4 p.m.-Phi Alpha, Ad 105 6:30 p.m.-Blue Devils, Sc 105 7 p.m.-Football,BTeamatTar-
It ·was announced at Tuesday night's meeting of the White Angels that pictures will be taken Tuesday, October 29 at 6 o'clock p.m. · in the Library. Members are asked to wear their White Angels uniforms, At the meeting, the girls decided that they would vote on which pledges would be activated at the next meeting. November 5 has been set as the date for the Pledge Party and initiation • All the Mums for Homecoming were also reported to have been sold.
7:30 p,m.-Tri Beta, Sc 304 TUESDAY, October 29 6 p.m.-White Angels, Ed 205 6:30 p.m.-Home Ee Dept., May· tag Demonstration, Ed 300 7 p,m.-MEN, student Center 7-9:30 p.m.-Data Processing, Ad 202 . WEDNESDAY, October 30 Newman Club, student Center Dining Hall 9:10 a.m.-Convo, Mr Wilsoo, Gym 6 p.m.-Gamma Delta, FA 104 6 p,m.-tSA, FA 212 6:30 p,m.-Wesley Fellowship, Sc 105 7:30 p.m.-8tate Dept. ofHealth, FA Aud THURSDAY, October 31 Cross Country; Mid-Western 8 p.m.-English Club Party at Mr Summers' home
To be misunderstood, reject• ed, unappreciated though a gen• ius, lost in madness and despair, committed to an insane asylum-this is tragedy in a very deep sense and it is the tragedy of the life of Vincent Van Gogh, It can be read in perhaps ten minutes in a new book at the Peru State Library, Van Gogh, which contains besides the read· able brief biographical sketch, 91 color reproductions and crit· ical notes on Van Gogh's works, The paintings and the biography illumine one another. Van ·Gogh's paintings are of "extra• ordinary power and brilliance •• •••testaments both to his vision and his suffering." The book · is lightweight and small; its' potential worth is considerable.
October 29
Spanish Troubadours Appear Here
Gallery for Books
Alumni Luncheon Nearly 100 persons attended the Alumni Luncheon at the Stu· dent Center prior to the game, another of the events contribut· ing to the over-all success of the 1968 Homecoming Activities 11 You ~EEM 10 ~i: QUALIFIE:ll AS A HCl'.JS600Tli~- /'low 1F at Peru. Tables were decorat· 1 Ml6J-1T HAYe A GL.OGER L.Oot< Al\HOSE RE'COMMl:NPATIONS!1 ed with Peru pennants and chry· santhemums. Blue tablecloths and white napkins effectively , · I carried · through the color
Hauntingly beautiful melodies and very colorful rhythms of Old Mexico flowed forth from Spanish voices and guitars as the FRIDAY, November 1 El trio Romantico appeared in End of Nine. Weeks concert at the Jindra Fine Arts Center, October 21, 8 p,m, SATURDAY, November 2 1 El Trio Romantico present~ 1 Cross Country, AAU Meet, ed a "fiesta of sound" with a Kearney 7:30 p.m.-Football, Hastings, program of vocal and instru- : . · .. : mental solos, duets and trios, Here One artist, Vincente Saucedo, played the mandolin and the reMONDAY, October 4 5 p.m.-Kappa Delta, student qufuio - a small five string Center guitar like instrument. All three 6:30 p,m.-Blue Devils, Sc 105 artists played classical and folk 1 .l' I 7 p.m.-Lambda Delta, Sc Bldg. guitar in both the old and the 1 · J 7 p.m.-&cial Science Society, new music of Mexico and the • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · Spanish speaking United States •. FA 211 Known as El trio Romantico, Ramon Hernandez, Antonio MenAn English Club slave and doza, and Vincente--.Saucedo junk auction .will be held at each play separately during Are Grades Out? Mr Silas Summers' residence much of the year in colorful 700 Washington Street, at 8:00 restaurants at Taos, New Mexp.rn., October 31. Should Nebraska colleges have ico, Nestled at the foot of the· a grading system? What are snow capped Sangre de Cristo George Woods, president and "high risk" students? These mountains, Taos has long been auctioneer of the English Club said that late contributions may were some of the questions dis- a mecca for summer tourists and be brought directlytotheauction cussed at"a meeting of the Ne- winter sports enthusiasts, braska Association of CollegiEach member on holidays and ate Registrars and Admissions at Fiesta have always combined The proceeds will not goto the Officers (NACRO) on Thursday their talents and appeared as contributors but to the English and Friday, October 17and18. El Trio Romantico, Club treasury. Besides Peru, which was repBoth Ramon and Antonio are resented by Dr. Kelly Liewer, accomplished painters and An28 other Nebraska colleges and tonio is a prolific composer. junior colleges were represent- Vincente and Antonio have studNebraska ied guitar with the finest teached. City On the first day, the main ers in Mexico City, Their concert was the first topic was concerned with the "high risk" student, that is, of the Peru State Special Proltn. Mon. Tue. Wed. Oct. 27-28-29-30 the student who, is either a grams - World Entertainment JULIE AS YOU LOVE HER... financial or academic risk. Al- series. so discussed was the questioo Singing, Dancing, Delighting! of the school calendar, that is, There's something about JULIE TECHNICOLOR whether the colleges should op- Halloween that es~pes us~ eratP on a 9-week semester, A.ND~EWS or tri-semester basis, The next usually the kid who rings the MA.~YTYLE~ day was spent mainly in discus- doorbell and runs. MOO~E sing the role of the registrar and admissions officers in the ?ltoROUGttli1 lf0.1>-u M{liLlE If you can remember "cabadministratioo and whether they AO>.llS5/0N SOc aand $1.25 have an obligation to speak out, bage night," "doorbell night" The final topic was whether or not Nebraska colleges should keep a grading system, and the majority were for agrading system. According to Dr, Liewer, we may have a grading system for quite a while, until something better can be devised to take 1 and "gate night," you're much too old to go Halloweening its place. this year.
r.• • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
POWDER PUFF l FOOTBALL GAME! R~~~:..~::~!rum."'OBER oc 31, 1968
IN PERU IT'S HILL'S REXALL DRUG Complete Line of School Supplies Cologne - Perfume - After Shave Cosmetics KODA~1 &
SUPPLIES fast film service
Tri Beta Attends
dents attended the regional Tri Beta conference last week at Maryville, Missouri. Aecompanied by Mr Brady and Dr. Christ of the Science Department, the group attended regular meetings during the twoday conventionandobservedwild game and foul at the National Squaw CreekGameReservenear Mound City, Missouri. Eleven Midwestern colleges were represented including Kearney State, Nebraska Wesleyan, Peru, and colleges from Kansas, Missouri, andNorthand South Dakota. Those attending from the local chapter of Tri Beta were LaVelle Hitzemann, president; Sidney Swanson, secretary; Emanuel Nurin, vice-president; Elaine Grundman, Howard Isaacs, Ben Mertes, and Richard Samson.
l:?'",,....... ~GISTERED
You'll never forget the 'day you chose your Keepsake. Its matchless beauty and elegant styling will always remind you of your most wonderful moment ... your engagement day. Rings enlarged to sb.ow detail. Trade-Mark Reg.
Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday
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For after store hours appointment call collect-245__;4252.
X>ks :ood, rejecthough a gen• ss and des• > an insane agedy in a nd it is the · of Vincent
perhaps ten book at the , Van Gogh; les the read· ical sketch, 1n s and crit· 1gh's works. the biograt0ther. Van e of "extrabrilliance •• to his vision ' The book small; its• Jllsiderable.
incheon ms attended n at the Stu· ~the game, ts contribut· success of 1g Activities ere decorat· ts and chry· tablecloths effectively the color white.
nds tmg
ollege Papers Forecast Nixon . MINNEAPLIS - (ACP) Rich· ard Nixm will be the next pres-. ent of the United States acrding to 91 percent of the ation's college newspaper edi· tors, . The opinion survey cmducted by Associated Collegiate Press was based oo representative mail poll of 7 percent of college editors selected by the ~ search division of the school of journalism and mass communi... cation at the University of Min· nesota. Criteria included re· ·..giooal location, circulation and •· !z:equency of publi~tion. If the election had been held . during 1he secood week ci. October, 50 percent indicated they would vote for Nixon, 37 percent for Hubert Humphrey, 1t/2 ...• percent each forGeorge Wallace ·.·· and Dick Gregory and 10 percent undecided. Only 7 percent expect Hum· phrey to be elected. Based on individual party af· filiatfon the survey indicated the following results: 1. lf the presidential election were held today, I would vote for: )iEPUBLICAN-30 percent. Nixoo. • • •· ••• , ,83 percent Humphrey. • • • • ,6 percent Wallace. , , , ••• , .4 percent Gregory ••• , •• , , ,0 percent Undecided ••••••7 percent
Humphrey•••• .64 percent Wallace, • , • , •• ,0 percent' Gregory. • • • • • .8 percent Undecided, , , , • ,8 percent INDEPENDENT-46 percent Nixon. • • • , • , .43 percent Humphrey, • , , ,30 percent Wallace. , ••• ,4 percent Gregory, •• , •• ,2 percent Undecided, ••• , .17 percent No one. • • • , .4 percent ALL CLASfilFICATIONS Nixoo, • • • • • • .50 percent Humphrey •••••37 percent Wallace. , •••• ,1,5 percent Gregory •••••• , ,1,5 percent Undecided or no ·ooe •••••• , ,10 percent 2. I believe the following man will be elected President: REPUBLICANS Nixon. • • • • ,99 percent Humphrey. , ••••• ,!percent Undecided. • • • • .O percent DEMOCRATS Nixon. • , • • • ,80 percent Humphrey. • • • ••16 percent Undecided. • • • .4 percent INDEPENDENTS Nixon. • • , • • .96 percent· Humphrey•••••4 percent Undecided, • • • ,0 percent
ALL CLASSIFICATIONS Nixon •••••••• ,91 percent DEMOCRAT-24 percen~ Humphrey. , , ••7 percent Nixon. • • • • • • ,20 percent Undecided, , , • , , 2 percent
1e Peru stu:-egional Tri .st week at i. Accomdy and Dr. ice Depart:tended reg. Ilg the twolServed wild he National eservenear 1. :n colleges including ~ska WesUeges from 1dNorthand rom the loBeta were president; secretary; e-president; Ioward Isaind Richard
P.S.C. band under direction of Mr. Gilbert W'ilson performs at Convo .
Wind Ensemble Presents Concert An appreciative audience re- liams wa~ the band's very lively· will graduate in January, sponded enthusiastically to an opening number. Versati'llty . The final number, "Kitchen excellent cmcert presented by was demoostrated in the playing Symfunny," featured the Pel"the Peru State College Band cl. Mozart's "Marriage of Fi· cussioo sectioo, replete with wash tub, scrub board, fruitjars during the Coovocation hour m · . garo." and hammer. This provided Wednesday, Oct. 30th. Especially well received was opportunity for clowning and it Director Gilbert E, Wilsm the currently popllar "Jamai• was enj6yed both by 1he parti· introduced each number, 1he can Suite." Another highlight cipants and the audience, All program being agreeably bal• was a Rhoodo from a Mozart sections performed capably, ovanced with traditional, modem, Concerto with a clarinet solo ercoming te accoustical handand classical selections and coo- by st:eve Broderson, Mr Bro- icap of 1he gymnasium and cm• cluding with a novelty number. derson and Jim Butts were in- tributing to a performance <i. The "Gastlegap March" by Wil· troduced; they are seniors who high quality.
New York (CPS) .s.erves young mi.litants of toThe student movement has day as a pretext for greater been hit by the generation gap. belligerence, Old definitims of "correct poThe involved students want litical struggle" are under at- action this year. Altlx>ugh they tack, and new forms are be- may not have a clearly definginning to emerge - from the ed "analysis of racism and imriots of Berkeley in July, to perialism," the students are the confrontatioo. at Chicago in ready to move, The act of de- . . ·August, to campus protests as fiance, the "movement -capithey have unfolded this fall. tal M,'' is becoming less and Jn the wake of these shifts, , less the medium. Since the Nea mood is spreading. Older po- groes declared for black powlitical types are left with the er ·and white radicals began: r~ questions of dieology concern- defining the doctrine of noning th new-style activities. So violence, the "Movement" is revered in the past, rhetoric perhaps the most important
to be on Campus Mr. Wendel and Mr. Gfeller inspect vandalism on historical marker. D
"t the day ;,psake. Its nd elegant emind you Nonderful ngagement ·gcd to show detail. Trade-Mark Reg.
:wELER )ociety \SKA 68355
·s appoint245~4252.
Vandals strike campus Sometime during the earlv morning hours of October 2~li somebody or somebodies took a paint brush and a spray can of paint to the P.s.c. campus. ''U, fo N," "Hi Suzy," and "Dave and SUzy" are painted and sprayed in several places on the school grounds. This act d vandalism is costing the maintenance men many headaches and ,backaches as 1hey try to undo the damage, Mr Wendel, head of the Maintenance department estimates 1hat it will take approximately ooe year for these painted words to wear off naturally, ' He stated that all the trash, cans on cam-
No. 7
November 41 1968
Generation Gap Serious
M. D. Bean
Vol. 64
pus and the newlandmarkerout· side of the Education building will have to be repainted, Fred Gfeller, maintenance man is now in the process of trying to aid nature in riding the bricks of the paint. Mr Gfeller stated that the black paint is relatively easy to remove. However, the white paint which is the most abundant, is the most difficult. To the persoo or persons who did this damage, let it be known that this is an act of vandalism, wanton destruction of property with possible high penalties to the guilzy•.
Mr Maurice D. Bean, coun_try director for Malaysia $ingap0re Affairs, u.s. Department of State, will serve as a resource person in history classes at Peru State College on Tuesday, November 11, Mr Bean, aHowardUniversity graduate, · will visit the Peru campus under the sponsorship of the Kansas-Nebraska Educational Consortium. Previous to appointment to his present post in 1966, he served with the U.S. Peace Corps from 1961 in Malaya, Indonesia and the Philippines. He holds an MA from Haverford (Pa,) College and has completed advanced studies at the School of Advancedintemational Studit!s, Jolm Hopkins University. ·
clash of sensibilities withiri the yooth Left, The Democratic National Convention was the crucial case in point, It seems nothing has been the same since Chicago. For many, the confrontation was the climactic moment in a whole series of events beginning with the 1963 death of Jack Kennedy, This led past the dissolution of the Great Society; into an increasingly brutal war. Two assassinations and the automated nominations of Humphrey and Nixon for President brought the conclusion into focus.
Serene Evening Interrupted Nearly every student here at Peru State has heard, at least partially the story of Eliza Morgan's haunt of Morgan Hall. Of course, it almost certainly was not the same story because it varies with each telling. Each year there is at least ooe serious ghost scare at Morgan Hall, which causes a few of the more excitable residents to bar their doors and sleep with lights on. Seances are held by those staunch believers who are will· ing to brave the ridicule of others, and, many times the girts IDS!st that Eliza Morgan does indeed communicate with them during the ritual. · Some of the stories that float around are pure fantesy and a few have a minute basis in fact. The stories are so di· verse in cootext that it is dif· ficult w get any ooe straight. They r8nge from ooe telling of
a murder early in the history of the hall that keeps Eliza Morgan from her rest to ooe saying that she comes back to warn those who come in late of the error of their ways. Morgan Hall has already had its first big scare of the year, It was very vague, Most didn't even know what had brought about the scare, but soon all conversations turned to speculation s about the origin and present state of Eliza Morgan's ghost. Girls could be seen hurrying to their rooms wideeyed and fearful. Occasional screams were heard, but after a while, the girls got to sleep. Situatioos like this may not be the best thing for a scholarly atmosphere, rut they CeJ:'lo tainly add excitement to otheJ:'lo wise serene evenings at Mor. gan,
Page 2
THE PED ~ovember 4, 1968
ASoldier's Reward
"It is a far, far better thing·
to have a firm anchor in non•
sense than to put out on the troubled seas of thought,"
Mourn him for a day - only a day. Give him a flag to colrer his coffin
This wry parody is intended as a succintstatementoffallacy. It is taken from J.K. Galbraith's "The Affluent Society" and it appears in the anthology edited by Lewis B, Mayhew, "Higher . Education in the Revolutionary Decades", one of a long list of new books in the Pero State College Library.
.,Gunned salute, Bugle and drum to sing his lament. Accept his medal, Extoll his deeds, Give him a moment of silence - for he has nee.d of it now. Sow the grass on his grave., Bring him flowers once a year.
All of us are aware of the countless number of lives being taken by the Vietnam War. Death statistics have become an everyday matter onthe6o'clocknews. It goes almost without question that each day a telegram edged in black bearing the eversuspected but never-reallx::_ ·dreamed-of news is solemnl,ydelivered to some average American familyinanyaverageAmerican town. For, in my small town of about 6,000, five such telegrams have already been delive~ed. Only last weekafamily was presented four medals awarded to their son and brother -posthumously. Onewould never expect to associate anything inspiring or joyous with such a grim and grief-filled occasion, However, I experienced those very emotions when confronted with one such incident. The star football player and "everybody's buddy'' of a Memphis, Tennessee, high schoolrefused an athletic scholarship and surprised everyone by joining the Marines. He was a guy searching for what people call a "meaning to life." He volunteered to go t.o Vietnam for reasons his parents or girlfriend couldll't ui1uerstand.
They presumed he was still searching for his thing in life, When he came home on leave he related to his girl that he realized he needed God to go with him through the jungles and rice paddies, and spent many hours discussing God and his purpose in life, Jn his letters home he never mentioned killing rut instead told of the little children who dug their hands in his pockets searching for candy. Then in what was to be his last letter he related that, ''I knownowthat He heard my prayers and He is with me now, so you don't have anything to worry about. rm in good hands." The next week that telegram arrived. Pfc. Jerry Michael Cash was killed by shrapnel as he rushed to the aid of a ruddy who had collapsed on a mine. Perhaps that feeling of inspiraThe Drama Department at tion and joy which overpowered the grief was a product Chadroo presented "Pure as the of the boy himself. He 1mew Driven Snow," October 4 as he had a purpose in life and part of the HomecQming festiapparently in Vietnam also, He vities. October 5, Homecoming had found himself and knew he ceremonies started with a pawould never walk alone, He rade of 17 bands from South taught himself and others to ac- Dakota, Wyoming, and Nebrascept and defend t!iliJ..war and that, ka. The,college choir persoonel chose twenty-one students in itself, is inspiring. for the Eaglaires, the select singing group of CSC. Three guest musicians visited Concordia October 11-12,and demonstrated new ideas in music education, A new course, "Frootiers in Science", is offered on a pass-fail basis. This course serves as a general information course concemingthe many branches of science. Robert Whitcomb, a graduate Each aid works with a group of of Washburn University, donatstudents, The duties of the ed his collection of Japanese teacher aid include helping the prints, "swords and sword group organize a group project guards, and Japanese Yatate t.o present to the class, help- (writing materials)." ing students with individual proOctober 21, Alexander von jects, preparing short quizzes over material covered in the Hase spoke at the Student Union, book, and helping instructors tc Activities Forum oo the topic evaluate the students in their "Germany between East and West." A student from Dengroup. The second purpose the teach- mark, Mette· Schmit..Jenson, is er aids serve is to individualize studying for ooe semester at the class more. In a large Wshburn. October .16-17, a discollege class a student often cussion series "Confrootation feels lost, The smaller groups -Two Areas" took place on the within the class give each in· campus. The new Fine Arts dividual a change t.o put his Center was dedicated in a cereown ideas forward and to help mooy October 20. A new library is under conwith a group project, With a student aid working close to struction at Dana College. The the students in the small groups next new project is to be a new the instructor will be able to women's dormitory. October evaluate the students more fair- 10, students were entertained by '.fhe Sweethearts of Soul, Peachly. The twenty-one teacher aids ~s and Herb, "T-he Male Animal" was the working on the grade school level range from beginning name of the play presented by freshmen t.o first semester sen- the Drama Department at Dana iors, These students gain teach- October 18-20, Dana has acquiring experience whileworkingun- ed a new computer, the Re-Con, der the supervisioo. of a class- which matches student credenroom teacher The teacher aids tials with job openings. During also make it possible to work the fall Spiritual Emphasis with the children on a one to Week, Nelson W, Trout was the guest speaker. "Words, Images, one basis. Some of the ·duties of thti and Pictures in a Cootemporary teacher aids include playground Danish Playright," was the topand lunchroom duty, making or-· ic of Dr. Elias Bredsdorff, who ders for supplies, taking roll spoke at the college October and keeping attendance records, 21. Several guest speakers, planning and making bulletin John Hlavacek, Dr. Harold Stern boards, and making duplicate Dr. Alan Watts,· and Madame copies of papers. The teacher Lydia Na Ranong, presented a aids also have the opportunity series of lectures October 24to discuss with Dr Shelley any 25, on the topic "The Challenge problems they encounter while of the East." working-with the children.· · There .a:re more. college cam-
Future Teachers Gain Experience The Directed Study Program, under the direction of the Educational Department, gives col-· lege students an opportunity to gain experience in working ·with children and a chance to discover if they really want t.o enter the teaching profession, Students in this program work for five hours a week to receive two hours of creditforone semester. Using the teacher aids in the Human Growth and Development class serves a two-foldpurpose, The first purpose is t.o give future teachers experlence in group leadership and teachiJik, PERU PEDAGOGIAN Monday, November 4, 1968 Volume 64
Number 7
Published weekly during the .academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . . Greg Vaughn PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Beran ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . Bob Vona ADVISOR . . . . . . . James Keck
The signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of the 'Pedagogian but of in~ dividuals. The editor reserves . the right to edit them for/ublication.
Gallery for Books
David Sarnoff and John w. Gardner are other well known names among the many contibutors; all write with authority. Each presents ooe issueorpoint of view organized by the editor int.o the general theme, American Higher Education and Social Change.
Campus to Campus puses than the one located at Peru, However, we do not know what is happening at these other places. "Campus to Campus" is designed to give you an insight into the activities J>f other colleges. A new · science building is being constructed at Wayne State. This new building will house a planetarium area and a computer room. "Voluntary Study Sessions" have been stan.: ed in an effort to help students study more effectively and to use their study time more efficiently. The Drama Department presented their first play, ''My Sister Eileen," October 20. October 9 was Homecoming and Miss Kathleen Klein was crowned as queen. Student teachers are giving five-minute talks in front of television cameras so they can see where they need improvement. Eric Berendt, a missionary t.o Japan, visited Midland College October 14-18. During his visit he spoke t.o various classes and at coovocation. A grouI of faculty members and students traveled to Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, t.o at,tend a meeting of the Association of Lutheran College Faculties October 4-5. The Drama Department is diligently working oo the play "The Imaginary Invalid," which is t.o be presented November 7-9. Earlier this month, The Tarkio Drama Depatment present'ed the Greek Tragedy "Oedipus Rex." The Drama and Music Departments are busy working on the musical production of "TakeMeAlongisWholesome," which will be presented November 21-24. The Tarkio Head Start Program has asked - college students to volunteer to help them with their work. Dr. Ruth E. Bacon, Director of the Office of Regional Af· fairs in the Bureau of Bar Eastern Affairs, spoke to stndents at CenraL¥fssouri State Col. lege on "Communism in the FarEaSt." Betty Jean Powers was crowned Homecoming Queen October 12 at Kearney, Dr, John W, Gustad, coordinator of state colleges, visited the campus October 14-15. The annual Kearnewy State.Band Day' was held October 19. Forty-eightNebraska High school bands participated in the.festivities.
.'he result is a comprehensive and erudite analysis of the major issues both in higher educatioo and in society today. There is also an attempt to anticipate . the futnre, a necessity made clear in statistics such as these: The acquisition of new scientif· ic information is now near the' rate of 250 million pages annually. It is estimated that 50 · per cent of the jobs to be held. ten years from now do not exist today. The acceleration of his-' tory is compelling us toward rapid change. The "advance of science," the writerGeraldPiel claims, "allows no time for evolution." These are revolutionary decades. James A, Perkins in his chapter discussing "The Dy• namics of University Growth" asks the question, "Can the uni· versity keep pace with the modem world, let alone bear the t.orch that lights the way?" From Berkely to Harvard, from policy statements t.o considerations of automation and technology, from the military aspect to problems of population, this anthology embarks on those troubled seas of thought and in so doing contributes to the lighting of that t.orch.
625 Once there was a man Whose name was Uncle Sam Who carried a sword for his own protection ·Always could be heard Explaining why it got bigger Had a lighter trigger Till finally he tripped on it tripped into war Before L.B.J. (Also known as Tiny · Lyn famous singer of "Tip Toe By the Pueblo") arrived oo the scene Read around and between All the dope oo the war Still his generals gave him more Finally he reached a decision he quit reading Dabrigham
Roaring from nether hell and filled with ice Blasting the royals like a cannonade, Darkness came. .The blackness crunched all memoryDenser it grew, A withering rush of death. And now, Fiery tears of candles, Moaning and sighing of silence.
fve begged Almighty Soul, body, bra.in Smothered
Goa -
THE PED November 4, 1968
·Books better thing · :hor in noo• out on the ight."
is intended lt of fallacy. Galbraith's ~ty" and it )logy edited w, "Higher !Volutionary a loog list Peru State i John w. well known any cootib1 authority. sue or point y the editor me, Ameri· )n and So-
1prehensive of the major >r educatioo f, There is 1 anticipare ssity made 1ch as these: ew scientif· 1w near the' . pages anted that 50 to be held :lo not exist ti.on of hisus toward 'advance of Gerald Piel o time for lonary deckins in his "The Dy• ! Growth'.' ,an the umth the mod· e bear the ray'?" From from policy lerations of ology,from o problems thologyemled seas of doing con· ;ing of that
Jncle Sam .on d got bigger
ped 1
as Tiny
r of "Tip
"PED"~ ...
SC WINS CROWN Peru State captured its secood secutive Nebraska College erence Cross • Country pionship as All-American, k Weyers and Van Allen the Bobcats victory. The more breathless, Weyers t a sizzling pace over the rug• four-mile course finishing e than a minute ahead of the in 20:17. Van Allen finish· in 21.:31. Peru's Allen, who d be the star and top runner any other cooference t.eam ed secood ooly to the mag~t Weyers,
NCC crosS'.'.Country meet result: Peru 27 Wayne 40 Kearney 59 Hastings 107 Chadroo-did not compete WEYERS SETS THE PACE Peru State cross country runners remained undefeated as Jack Weyers and Van Allen lead the Bobcats in a sweep of 7 of· the first eight places and a 1845 route of the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Oct. 18. Weyers 20:41 was the best time recorded by a Peru state runner oo the Elmwood course beating his own record of 21:07. Allen finished second in 21:41 with Rich Carey of UNO a distant third • WEYERS LEADS AT DOANE
At Doane, Oct. 22, Peru harriers steamrolled Doane's un· defeated Tigers 22-39. Bobcat Jack Weyers set Doane course records for three and four miles. He ran the first three miles in 15:34 then he kicked a abulous 4:18 mile to finish a excellent 19:52, Van Allen placed third while other Bobcats dominated 5th thru 10th.
Harrier boss Coach Pilkington .... ,, However, tne impressive ooetwo punch was not enough to asaure a Bobcat victory, Dave Barris, Ron JooesandDan Trout tfnished fifth,ninth and tenth rea:pecti ve while Ray Uher andJay Haggerman also received medals as seven Peru harriers !placed in the top fifteen; Wayne State landed secood place in the team standings with Larry Kuehl running a stroog ihird place and teammates, Lar. ry Brockelman, Gary Day and :Steve Dosh finished sixth, sev· enth and eighth. Kearney State wound up third with sophomore Rich Molczyk leading team hooors with fourth place and captain Bill Young fin· ishing a poor 11th.
Peru Shut Out 7 · 0 The Peru State Bobcats suffered their secood shut out ri. the 1968 campaign as well as their fifth defeat in seven games as they traveled to Wayne State and came oome oo the short end 7-0 and still tied !':'!' the eel· iar in the N.c.c. with Hastings. In losing Peru is ·assured of a losing sea,~ for the sixth con• secutive year as the Bobcats face Hastings in the Oak Bowl, November 3, in the seasoo finale, Both teams had to combat a 40 mile-an-hour wind and stiff defenses as well as the loss of 2V2 banks ri. the stadium lights in the hard fought cootest. Neal" ly 52 minutes of the game was scoreless but both t.eams had ample opportunity to cas!Hn. The first half saw both teams get two breaks apiece rut neith-· er side could capitalize. Peru received the first two as the Bobcats were beld oo their own 38 and were forced to punt.Earl Johnson punted and as the ball came down it bounced into a Wayne blocker at the Wildcat 38 and Peru recovered to main· tain cootrol of the ball. Three plays netted eight yards and Peru went with a fourth and two at the Wayne 30 ooly to have Virgil Mitchell stopped short of the 1st down. The secood opportunity presented itself when Mike Dukes intercepted a Chuck Trickler pass at the Peru 44 and returned it to the Wayne 45. Things bogged down again for the Bobcats and they gave up the ball. After giving Peru two breaks Wayne was the recipient of two of its own. The first was very much like the ooe P.eru had ex· perienced. A Wayne punt in •the secood period took a crazy bounce and hit a Peru block· f er. Wayne recovered and mov· ed to the Peru 41 before the . Bobcats defense held, On the following play, a Mark Weiler
pass was picked off by Den Grubough. The P.S.C. defense again came up with the effort needed and held the Wildcats at the Peru 21 as the half ~~'!'] 1).1),
Peru threatened first in the secood half as the Bobcats mov· ed from their own 40tothe Wild· cat 29 before" the loss of a fumble halted the march. Wayne came right back early in the 4th quarter and started oo the Peru 46 following a short punt. Their drive moved to the Peru 32 before it stalled Don Grugaugh then attempted a 50-yard field goal that fell short and wide. Peru took over oo their own 20 rut very unable to move and pmted to the Wayne 38. Three plays lat.er Wayne made the play of the night as QB Trickler hit John. Perkins on a fullback delay pass and he raced 48 yards to the Peru 10 before being hauled down. It came up third and goal at the eight before Perkins got the call again and he blasted over left tackle for what turned out to be the ooly score in the ball game. Grubaugh cooverted and with 8:21 · remaining in the game Wayne lead 7-0. Peru made ooe last valliant try. Mike Dukes returned the ·kick-off 23 yards to the Peru 34 and in eight plays had the ball at the· Wayne 27. A foorth and two situatioo came up again ana oo the attempt from the 27 Nick Petrillo was nailed inches short and Wayne took over the ball. Peru was able to regain the ball before the game was finished but there wasn't enough time left for the Bobcats to crack the board Peru is at home November 3: for their final game of the season with Hastings. Peru is now 0-3 in N.c.c. play and Wayne closed out at 2-2.
Coach's .Corner
..•.. and his golden boy Jack Weyers.
7. Days - Opens Thu~y, October $l
1e een .r ihimmore a decisioo
"We made some serious mistakes offensively. We fumbled once at their 25 and we mis.sed. a first do\m. at .their 25 by about an inch. The thing that made it tough ri.fensi vely was the wind factor (a cross wind), We had about the same rushing sta· t!!_s__ that they did. We weren't able to run the ball because they were able to gang up their defense in the line and we weren't able to throw because of the wind," commented Coach Pitts about the Wayne statePeru State game, "Our defense was good except Coach Pitts for a screen pass of about 40 yards which put them on our 10. tings will be a good football They just punched it oo in from t.eam. They were leading Chadthere, I don't think they were ron 14-0 at the half, They inside our 30 other than that also played Kearney and Wayne in real tough games. Hastings time." Looking ahead to Hastings, will have real good speed. If Coach Pitts commented ''Has- they have a deficiency, it will
· hell and
The Cherry Pickers and the Studes remained idle, while other top teams were knocked cif. The top ranked Mysterians were edged by the upset minded Dolphins while the Cool Jerks held the tough Spartans to a 6-6 tie. The Iroo Butterflies improved their league standings by anni· hilating the Green Jackets and Shady Oak Bombers. The ooly other games before last Thursday saw the Marksmen defeat the Shady Oak Homers 15 • 0, Results: Iron Butterflies 52 Green Jackets 6 Shady Oak Bombers 0 Marksmen 15 Dolphins 7 Mysterians O Cool Jerks 6 Spartans 6 Iron Butterflies 18 Shady Oak Bombers 0
NCC Games of Interest In the Nebraska College Coo· ference last week four teams saw action as a fifth was idle. Undefeated and co-conference leader Chadroo tuned'up ·for its showdown with Kearney by coming.(rom-behind in the final quarter to pull out a victory, 26-14, over Hastings. It marked the secood week in a row now that Chadroo has spoiled a homecoming, barely edging Peru State, 33-28 the week before. The Broncos had lead 14-0 before the Eagles Kent Parks scored the first touchdown for Chadron, Two last period tal· lies plus the hard - running of Larry Gold, 22 carries for 171 yards, spelled doom for Hastings, The only other actioo saw Peru fall to Wayne 7-0 and set .the stage for the Hastings-Peru game that will determine the ' cellar - dweller in the N.C.C. • Wayne completed its slate 2-2. Kearney was idle October 26 and faces Chadroo November 2, for the N.C.C, championship. N.c.c. Cooference Overall WL WL PTS OPP 3-0 7-0 250 231 Chadroo Kearney 3-0 4-2 176 133 Wayne 2-2 4-3 81 93 0-3 2-5 97 172 Peru 0-3 1-6 126 231 Hastings
be a lack of depth, the .same weakness we have." In summlrig- up tlie injury sit.. uation, Pitts remarked "Out of our starting 22 players (cl· fensive and defensivr;) we have eight who cannot even suit up for our final game. That partially explains , our lack of depth." Eight other players have been elevated into starting positions and have perform· ed quite capably.
ABC Seniors
The 1969 ABC National Seniors meet will be held at Red .C.a r p_ e t lanes in Mil·
waukee, Wis.
lke a caned all
">f silence, r
Goa -
ELDON'S CAFE After a Game or a Date Go to Eldon's the Place that rates
Eldon Al Igood
BEATTY GARAGE Fast - Dependable Service • Auto Repair • Wrecker Service • Steam Cleaning • Lubrication Gas for Less
872-3201 Peru AAA Service
Dlnnus • Short Ordm
6:30 a.m. to 10:00 ~
ITerf day
TIIE PED November 4. 1968
Page 4
Mooday, November 4 6:30 - Blue Devils, Sc 105 7 p.m.-Lambda Delta 7 p.m. - Social Science S&ciefy, FA 211.
Thursday, November 7 4:45 p.m. -Circle K, Stu· dent Center · 6:30 p.m. -SGA, Student Center
Tuesday, November 5 4:30 p.m. - Davidson-Palmer dorm meeting, lounge 6 p,m, - White Angels, Ed 300 6:30 p,m, - P Club, FA 211 7 p.m. - MEN, Student Center 7 p.m, - Art Club, FA 205 Phi Beta Lambda trip to Auburn.
Friday, November 8 Cross Country, Wayne at Omaha ·
Wednesday, November 6 6 p.m. -LSA, FA 212 6 p.m. - Gamma Delta, FA 104 8 p.m. - IA Club, IA 29. Sp.m.-WAA, gym
Three Coeds In Beauty Pageant
Men's Fashions Emphasized Today there is an much emphasis on men's fashions as there is on women's, · Gentlemen have a choice of 'looks' from such a variety as continental, conservative,_ Far East, Western, and the thirties-look plus man.v more, Accessories to the gentleman's wardrobe now incl~di a variety of medalions to be worn · with turtle neck shirts or Nehru shirts and coats, Belt buckles are back, usually of gold or silver and encrusted with anything from precious gems to old-world coins. Rings have been accepted worn on any or an fingers. At one time it was ascots; now it is scarves ot every kind, They are available in several different sizes, shapes, colors, and patterns, They may come with or without rings, The best thing about them is they have no rules. How one chooses to wear them is entirely up to himself. The thirties scene has staged a comeback. Blame it on Bo nie, chalk stripe it up to Clyd but gangster stripings, hero-s iz shoulders, and falunty lapel are here again,
Saturday, November 9 8 a.m. - 5 p,m, - Nation• al Teachers Examination, FA 212 Monday, November 11 6 p.m. - Home Ee Club, Ed 324 6:30 p.m. - Blue Devils, Sc 105
7:30 p.m. - Alpha Mu Om~ ga, Sc 104 8 p,m, - English Club, FA. 105, These girls deserve all the suppart we can give them; and if passible, this includes attending the Pageant. As Carol so aptly sums it up, "This pageant will be a terrific experience for any girl, besides being a lot of fun,"
_Peru State College Will be well-represented at the Miss Nebraska CityBeautyPageanton November 30 when three lovely coeds participate in this annual event.· Phi Alpha Theta Carol Abbott is a sparkling green-eyed blonde. She is a 19The members of Phi Alpha The Western look has always year-<>ld sophomore majoring in Theta, the honorary history frabeen around but really not naElementary Education. Carol ternity, met in the Ad. Building tionalized until this year. The is a member of White Angels, on October 22, 1968 and voted look is characterized by fur was secretary of her freshman to accept as members Carolyn lined leather jackets and bright class and is presently secre- Christopher, Inez Brettmann, necker-cheifs along w:lth boots, tary of her sophomore class, Don Ducan, Charles Arnold, Ron cr'hese boots are not necessarCarol's hobbies include sewing,. Chamberlain, Jim Shilts, Jolm ily (cowboy),) Trousers may be swimming, and poetry, In the Miller and Lawrence Finke Inobtained that are cut a bit more future, Carol plans on enter- itiation for the new members loosely around the calf to allow ing the field of special edu- took place at a ceremony held for boots 1 cation for the visually-handicap. on October 28. ped. Election of officers for the The Guru brought withhimthe Nancy Golden,, a 20-year-olcl . year was also ~d during the look of the Far East; especialsophomore Art major, has hazel .October 28 meeting; toose elect·.1y that of India. The Guru coat eyes and 11ot1ey-1>1onde hair, ed are: Dick Linder, Presihas a round, straight collar and . Nancy is a 2-year member of dent; Dave Swantek, Vice Presis skirted at the waists, The Alpha Rllo Theta, She enjoys' ident; Jolm Miller Secretary· coats are worn for formal atsewing, reading, and painting Ron Steiner, Treasurer, ' tire as well as for casual dress, This is an example of fashion change back to yesteryear. in her spare time, Nancy's Discussion wasthen held conThese days the man who goes plans for the future are to ob- cerning the passibilicy of Peru 'continental' must have a very tain a Masters Degree in Art. sending a team to represent large wardrobe, As styles study sculpture, and teach Art the school in the Peru State change in different parts of the a at the secondary level. Social Science Society to see United States, they change even Bev Rawlings, a 20-year-old if there is enough interest in SCORPIO (October 24-Novem- ·more world-wide, Formal dress AQUARIDS (January21-Februbrown-eyed brunette, is a junior that organization to cooperate ber 22) Your love beads will is becoming more liberal what majoring in Elementary Educa- with Phi Alpha Theta on the pro- ary 19( You will swallow your break and roll all over the cafe- with dress turtle necks to regum once too often and undergo tion. Bev is a member of White ject, ?lace stiff collars and bow ties an emergency operation for a teria, You will then slip and and Guru coats that don't require Angels, W.A.A., P.S.E.A., and fall and break yoor nose; you'll "plugged esophagus," Art Club, Her hobbies include a cummerbund. PSEA PISCES (February 20-March be ·on crutches the rest of the sewing, painting, and drawing, year. The Peru Student Educatioo 20) You are slowly going blind These fashions are relativ Bev plans to be an Elementary SAGETTARIDS (November 23Association met for its regu- from trying to read the "crib" ly new but are being quickly ac teacher. December 22) You will be arlar meeting Monday evening, sheet underneath your paper. rested and jailed on "Suspicion cepted by men across t October 21, Members discuss- (Print larger or write on the of walking against a red light." country. The conservative loo ed the organization's picture desk'top,) still exists and will be aroun (In Peru?) ARIES (March 21~April 20) for the yearbook and the fall for sometime, but after the ne CAPRICORN ())ecember 23convention of the Student Educa· You will slam down your books January 20) Woe to the wicked! ten years it will be almost i tion Association of Nebraska. and knock out tfie dentures of Your juiciest love note will be Possible to walk into a clot · The convention will be held Sat- .the guy in front of you. confiscated by the Ped and pub- store and come out with a pla · TAURUS (April 21-May 21) urday, November 9, at Creighblue business suit, lished in the next issue. ton University in Omaha. Presi- You will trip and slide down the dent Barb Lampe told the mem- three flights of stairs in the edubers about the proposed state cation building on your fanny, GEMINI (May 22..June21)You constitution which will be voted on at the cooyention and ex- will be chosen as a foreign plained changes which would af- exchange student, You will leave fect Peru's members. next month for Viet Nam. Wheel Alignment • Balancing Mr Bare Bayley, Director of CANCER (June22-July23) Befor the Nebraska State Education cause you smoke three packs Association, presented the pro- a day, your namesake has caught COMPLET.e CAR SERVICE gram, His informal presenta- up to you. (You have had it!) tion covered two of Nebraska's LEO (July 24-August 23) You propased constitutiooal amend- will drop your books in front of 25c Washing . . lubrication ments, lowering the voting age Mr Summers and out drops prohibiting a state income a book of nursery rhymes. . ~TisE~ke®. and Gas . · . Oil • . .Tires . . Battery tax; teachers' strikes; organizaVIRGO (August 24September DIAMOND RINGS tions of educators; and other top- 23) You will be late getting up ics affecting teachers and future and upandressingyoubreakyour You'll never forget the day teachers both in Nebraska and zipper. (liope you make it you chose your Keepsake. Its the natioo. through the day!) · matchless beauty and elegant State president Steve HarLIBRA (September 24-0ctober styling will always remind you ringtoo will entertain and speak 23) You will stay out four hours of your most wonderful at PSEA's next meeting, Mon- beyond cur(ew, You will be moment ... your engagement day evening, November 18. grounded until you're thirty. daY· Rino mlaraed to show detail.
Astrology h'1$
Word for it
Tndt--M.d: Rq.
Mtmher F.D.LC.
. appliances .. sporting goods ... name-brand tools .. . . . hunting & fishing permits
For afte; store hours appoint"
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BOWMAN'$ HARDWARE ~i>1*"'1p)?,.,_.~,,'." . .,.~·.:~-'
<.fARROLL LEWIS, Pres_ide1't
. JOHN L. LEWIS, Y~c:~ .Pres. & Cashier
ed much emfashions as n's. · Gentle:e of 'looks' ty as contine,_ Far East, thirties-look in
!he_gll.i:i!!einclude a .s to be worn hirts or Neoats, Belt , usually of icrusted with ious gems t.o Rings have m on any or e time it was ; scarves of f are availrerent sizes, 11d patterns. th or without thing about orules. How ;iar them is
elf. 1e has staged ne it on Bo t up to Clyde gs, hero-size 11.unty lapels
The word "dialogue" is getting to be old hat and "communication" is perhaps even more overused, but both these words are attempts to· describe in sophisticated terms what it is of im. portance that hiippens over a cup of coffee. And an integral part of the college community is its coffee-house or meeting placeat Peru, the Bob Inn. Time spent at the Bob Inn varies from student to student and from professor to professor. If the conversation is good, one Peru professor claims he extends his usual 15 minutes at the Inn to an hour. A few students spent 3 or 4 hours a
with him the t; especialhe Guru coat ht collar and ;vaists. The r formal at:asual dress, ian who goes have a very As styles parts of the change even 'ormal dress liberal what 1ecks to reand bow ties im 't require :ire relativeg quickly acacross the ervative look ll be around tfter the next e almost im1to a clothing ; with a plain
EWIS, Cashier.
day there while many students never get there at all, among them commuters and those who schedules continue without a break. Personnel at the Bob Inn estimate that they serve nearly 150 cups of coffee daily and that many soft drinks. They sell perhaps 40 hamburgers a day and three or more trays of sandwiches. If these figures represent the use of the Bob Inn it would seem that relatively few -even less than one-third •- of Peru's student body make use of the Inn. For want of ~ better term, what they are missing is "dialogue" and "communication,"
Rabbi John Rosenbaltt will be the featured speaker at the convocation on Wednesday, November 27 at 9:10 a.m. His topic will be: "What Every Christian Should Know About The Orgin of His Faith."
Rabbi John Rosenblatt
Rabbi John Rosenblatt received his B.S. Degree in Social Sciences from American University, Washington, D.C. in 1950, and completed a two year co1rse in Social Work as a Charles C. Stillman Graduate Fellow at Ohio State University. The rabbi was ordained at the Hebrew Union College. Rabbi Rosenblatt is the spiritual leader of Temple Adath Joseph, in St. Joseph, Missouri,
He formerly served congregations in Lake Charles, Louisiana; in Northport, East Northport and Commack, New York. The rabbi is a member of the Rotary International and has been elected into the British Psychological Society. The rabbi is the author of "Reasons for Giving" a study in volunteer giving. The rabbi lectures on college camp:ises under the auspices of the Jewish Chautauqua Society, an organization which creates better understanding of Jews and Judaism through education, The Jewish Chautauqua Society 'is sponsored by the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods,
TELEVISION SPECIAL "MICHELANGELO" "The Secret of Michelangelo: Every Man's Dream," a 3M Special, examines as never before what has been called the greatest of all Renaissance Jllasterpieces, the Sistine Chapel ceiling, which will be seen in color on Thursday, December 5, 9:30 - 10:30 EST on ABC-TV. Produced by Peabody Award-
bas always :!ally not na; year. The lzed by fur ts and bright ~ with boots, 1ot necessar.sers may be rt a bit more calf to allow I
Rabbi at Convo
Come On In, The· Coffee's Fine
wJn.'*1£ produceMirector Mil· Questions about Dratt Many of you senior man who will be graduating soon may have questions regarding an occupat• ional deferment from your draft board. Under the advice of the National Security Council ofFebuary 16, 1968, deferment was limited to registrants l.n medicine, dentistry, and other medical specializations. 1f you have any questions concerning this, the information contained in your Selective Sel'vice file in the registar's of. fice may be examined, and any questions should be directed t.o Dr. Liewer.
ton Fruchtman, the Special will be narrated by Christopher Plummer and Zoe Caldwell who will portray voices of the characters in the painting which depict stories from the Old Test· ament. Alexander Eliot, former Time magazine art edit.or, wrote the teleplay which attempts t.o tell what was in Michelangelo's mind as he painted the famous fresco more than 450 years ago.
Vol. 64
No. 8
November 11, 1968
Nine Weeks Grades Coming· Student Center Board Contrary to what many students have thought, 9-weekgrade reports will be coming put this semestiir. These can be pickett .• UJ>. on NoviimberJ:5Jn~the office of yout advisor. All obligations, such as library fines, parking tickets. etc., must be paid or the grades will be held in the registrars office until they are.
Electronic Aids for Students The Kresge Library at Oakland University makes extensive electronic audio-visual aids for its students. This library serves 1800 day students and 1500 night students in an attractive modern building which houses 52,000 volum.~s. Aerials or "learning loops" as they are sometimes called, were installed in those rooms which were to be used as training centers, attached to a transmitter, which in effect, made a small broadcasting station. An ordinary tape recorder plugged in to provide material. The whole broadcasting unit was installed in a few hours and included no large installation expense, and, as it was noted later, no expensive maintenance. Individual headsets were provided for students to check out. These functioned as battery-powered receivers anywhere within · range of the loop. The headsets left the students free to wander wherever they wished in the library. An elaborate b.!dget is not · required in the use of this type of teaching aid, The broadcasting station set up in the Kresge Library costs only $300 complete and the headsets are purchased for only $77 a piece, An expenditure of this nature could easily be worked into the budget of a small school. The unit .was installeq as an experiment in January of 1965 and has become nearly indispensible to all departments.
The Music Department was the nrst to see the applicab~W.Y of the stystem. Listening assign.:. ments were difficult to schedule on a class basis and it · was nearly impossible to make up missed work, but with the library playback unit, any student who wished could go and hear the score for an assignment at his leisure. The English Departm11nt now makes more use of the drama and literary recording because they are much more accessible to the students. Aprofessor who, for somli reason, cannot make regular class, can record his lecture and the class members can come and hear it in their spare time. One of the m:ist ingenious uses for this system was devised by the Political Science Department, This department holds an orientation period for its students to show them the tremendous amount of useful resources in the Kresge Library. The headsets leave them free to roam and so they can be directed to any stack that is important to the Political Science course. The p)tentialities of this and other systems seem t.o be unlimited. The cost of tape preparation and updating tape is minimal compared to the cost of film, video tape, and other audio;.visual articles. Perhaps someday all schools will employ some type of electronic audio-visual aid.
The student Center Board had a supper meeting on Thursday, O~tober 31. .. After an.enjoyable meal, and the miriutesoftheprevious meeting read and accepted First on the agenda of the Board was the appointment of a com· plaints committee. Appointed to this committee were Wayne Willcoxon (chairman), Donald Dodge, Robert Beran, and Sally Weber. Other matters, includQ ing SCB sponsored activities, were dis~ussed, and will be reported at a later date.
Notice to Students Beginning Wednesday, November 13, members of the Student Center Board will supervise the supper mealtime proceduredress, line-bucking, food waste, etc. All students are to ·comply to any suggestion given to them by a SCB member, or face the SCB Judiciary Board with apos· sible social probation being accessed to the students who do not comply. Any student who fails to appear before the SCB Judiciary Board will automatically answer to the SGA Judiciary Board or the Administration.
New Coke Machine Mr Hunter asked the Student Center Board to inform the student body of Peru that a Coke machine will soon be placed in the cafeteria in the Student Center.
New Clock The Student Center Board has received a number of requests suggesting the placing of a clock in the cafeteria. The Board notified Mr Hunter about this request and he informed the Board that the matter is presently being taken care of, and there will be a clock in the cafea teria in a matter of two weeks.
Three Proposals Mr. Hunter, Manager for Broughto11 Food Service at Peru State CrJege, asked the Student
Answers Complaints Center Board to close off approximately one-hair of the campus cafeteria during the. final 30 minutes of mealtimes for the purpose of a more expedient and efficient method of cleaning the tables and the floor. Mr Hunter stated that by 5:30, 90 per cent of the students have eaten their meals, and that the closing off of half the dining area will in no way deter the provision of adequate seats for the remainder of the students who have not eaten, The Stu· dent Center Board agreed to support this idea on an experimental basis. Mr Hunter also stated that he wished to close the West Dining. Room at mealtime except for organizational meetings. He told theSCB that some students mistreated the room's furnish• ings, and that the room was in no way needed to accommodate the mealtime volume. The SCB agreed to this idea, as the West Dining Room was created for supper or lunch meetings of the various campus organizations. A1third suggestion made to the SCB by Mr Hunter was a change in location of the drink machin· . es in the cafeteria. He. pointed out that if the machines were taken from their present location and placed by the east wall of the cafeteria, line progression would be quickened. He stated that students could take their food t.o a table, and then go for their drink. He told the SCB that this change would not only quicken line progression, but would also deter accidents in the food line, and would also help in keeping food which the students receive warmer- this because of the speedier process, of getting through the food line. The SCB unanimously supported this suggestion.
Suggestion Considered There have been many complaints sent in or given to members of the Student Center Board, The Board has gone over all of
these and will try to solve as many as possible. It is asked, however, that if students have complaints, they should give the Board some helpful suggestions as how to solve them. One of the biggest gripes was that of having to eat cold food. Mr Hunter· feels that this is a legitimate gripe. He has already been trying to prevent it. After Thanksgiving, theStudentCenter lunchroom will probably be changed around. Salads, and other so-called cold foods will be served first. The main course, the hot food, will be served last. This is done in the Complex cafeteria. Mr Hunter also hopes to have a different type of warming tray. This, in all probability, will keep the food warmer than those now in use, Many of. the commuters complained of the Bob Inn.not opening until eight o'clock. If the Bob Inn would open up at seven in order to accommadate them, it will probably close a halihour earlier. Another alternative Mr Hunter suggested is that students be allowed to go into the. cafeteria to buy coffee and-or the breakfast being served until the Inn opens. · Prices, especially on cokes, have been loweredalready. They were 15 cents plus tax, Now, the price is 10 cents. The Bob Inn has a rule that it will not accept any more checks. This is not Mr Hunter's idea but that of the company. Mr Hunter would like all of the students to read a letter in which he received concerning this subject, It is as follows: To: Glen Hunter - 302 From: Bob Yarnall It appears from your hank deposit slips that you are cashing personal checks and-or payroll checks. Last April Ed Chapman sent a memo to all managers and supervisors which discontinued the policy of cashing checks from unit funds for anyone. This was necessiated by the large numbers of bad checks we were receiving, Please discontinue this practice at your earliest opportunity.
Page 2
THE PED November 11, 1968
Editorially Speaking.. Campus Democracy Yes Tomorrow, you may be dead for believing in democracy. You may be dead for believing in the right. You may be dead because you believe in liberty. Mostly, you may be dead because you believe that democracy is an uncomfortable form of government. The great majority of our country today seems to believe that democratic ways are 'on the smooth road of comfort. That road runs straight and true. It has overpasses to miss opposing traffic. The trouble inherent in that road is that it never leads upward. It continues on the level infinitely. The road that democ· . racy takes is not level. It is not smooth. It ls twisted and rough, covered with the rocks of individual opinion. Althougb the road is winding and rocky, it leads undoubtedly upward, It progresses every time adivergentopinionisheard. Democ· racy lives on divergent opinion. If a democracy is not flexible, if it cannot .listen to a minority opinion, if it cannot make room for everyone, then it must eventually fall. We find ourselves at a point where people cannot abide divergent opinion and think that it's righ~ that they don't. They think that a democracy consists of everyone who agrees with them. They believe that we should not use the freedoms that we are supposedly fighting for. A democracy seems somewhat meaningless if you cannot use the freedom that it guarantees. Our government was formed by a bunch of long-haired radicals that we refer to today as the founding fathers. They disagreed with most everything and were persecuted by ~ conservatives of the time, the Tories. Theywanted liberty, the liberty to dissent, the liberty to belong to a minority, and the liberty to be heard. If the people of this country cannot believe in the things that they supposedly stand for, if they cannot accept liberty as the rocky road that .it is, then perhaps they don't deserve it. We must treat democracy with the respect it dese.rves and remember always thatamajority does not mean any more than conscience. Rights and right are not dependent on how many people believe in them. They exist of themselves and cannot be destroyed by inattention. We must accept the burdens of democracy as well as the advantages. Don Dodge
Your Own Opinion Pernaps one of the most talked-about of recent happenings was the marriage of Jaqueline Kennedy to 62-year-old Edward Onassis. Gossip sessions suddenly boasted juicy,· new subject matter as each self-appointed marriage expert(of which there-was an amazing abundance) predicted about a speculated upon, defended or condemned the marriag-e. Here is one area in which Americans are quite expert. We all seem to consider it' our duty to pass along our opinions about other people's personal lives, and if that "people" happens to be well known, as in the case of Jackie Kennedy, so much the better. People were saying, "What a disaster! She could have done so much better." Or, on the other extreme, "I think its great. Think of all that lovely money the children will have!" What real difference should it make to us? It just might pay us to devote more attention to our own affairs, thus leaving us less _time to pass judgement on the personal decisions of others. .. J3arb.Derriek
Campus David Schoenbrun, award win· ning CBS news correspondent, discussed current events at Hastings College, October, 17. October 9, thirty students attended a lecture by Jo Miel· ziner, Broadway designer. Dr. John Smith was guest speakerat the Founders Day Coovocation October 25. Earl F. Murphy, Danforth Speaker, spoke on the topic "A Law for Life" at the October 31, convocation. "The Skin of Our Teeth," was presented November l~, by the Drama Department. Thirty-ooe Chadroo State seniors have been named to "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Uni· versiti.es." Judy Roth reigned as 1968 Homecoming Queen October 5. Thirty-seven Washburn Air Force ROTC cadets toured John F. Kepnedy Space Center October 25. Gizi Szanto prefonned at a benefit coocert November 3. Twenty seniors have been named to "Who's Who inAmerl· can Colleges and Universities." Wayne State will soon start operating its own radio statioo. Dr. Knutsoo, chairmanoftheDepartment of English at the Uni· versity of South Dakota, will speak at the Honors Convocat· ion November 11~ Dr John, w.._ Gustad, the new coordinator of State Colleges visited the campus October 22-23. Dr. L. Uate Lund. was ina· gurated as Midland College pres· ident October 21. Guest convocation speaker October 25, was Dr•. David Zimmerman, who spake on the 1:opic "The Need: A New Model for College Edu· cation." Seventeen students were named 1:o "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities." October 22, contemporary novelist John Dos Passos lectured on his works at Central Missouri State College, The Archaeology classes are working oo the excavatioo of a burial mound oo Monkey Mountain, which they hope 1:o complete by winter. .The play,''Knight of the Bum• ing Pestle,'' was presented November 6-8. Glen .Yarbrough presented acoocertNovember4. John lllavacek spoke 1:o the tarkio students October 25, about the 1968 presidential election. The college was host to eight teachers from Japan, October 26. October 29, Con· gressman Thomas Curtis was the guest convocation speaker. Fifteen.seniors havebeennamed to "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Uni· versities."
"THE SCIENTIST" "The Scientist," first of a series of "Man and His Universe" Specials being spon· sored by North American Rock· well Corporation, will be seen in color on Friday,November29 on ABC-TV, 10:00 -11:00 P.M,EST. The Special will focus on the public and private lives of a group of young scientists and the contributions they are mak· ing 1:o our future through their efforts to unravel some of life's secrets, "The Scientist" will look into the lives of Dr. James D. Wat• son, Nobel Prize-winner, and Dr. Walter Gilbert, c~rectors of. th.e Harvard Biochemistry Laboratory, along with a group of graduate students.. . ...
Q The Puzzle Through the years my character was built; Pebble by pebble the puzzle fell in1:o placeAnd I could not conceive my being. Sometimes I would go inside myself Deeply searching, looking for my soul. My puzzle person would talk with my soul, Questing what could be altered 1:o make The pieces fit. I liked going inside myself Out of the atticofboredom,anger,anddisgust, I woUJ.d go iriside to the paradise ·
Of my soul.
I liked my soul, which was growing-·
Becoming more.alive within me. My soul would talk with me, But dominate me when I was alooe. It taught me to like walking in the rain, I saw tile grass ot spring, And the brilliance of cracking autumn.
Snow became sparkling diamonds Instead of cold white ice, I wished I could be like my soul,
Tears trickled down my patterned face As I realized the contrast of Jagged jaws and soft soul, But my soul comforted meAnd I found myself-
Exit Speaker Ban, Enter Sanity How can yourunadecent,morally upstandinguniversityor col~· lege without a "speaker ban." Well, the North Carolini. Board of Trustees decided to do it as "sanely" as possible with a six point policy suggested by the presi®nt of Consolidated University, The poliCies are fair to the university and the state alike. They insure academic freedom on the one hand and protect the state from having the university become a center of command for the state on the other hand. The new policy assures that anybody can speak on campus as long as he comes at the in· vitation of a legitimate campus group. This guarantees students and faculty members the freedom to bring in any speaker they please, while safegqarding the university from -having a radical speaker downgrade the "'s~te. ,
Sharleen Hill
You h a v e a hangover, friend, if the goldfish blowing bubbles is making too much noise. PERU PEDAGOGIAN Monday, November 11, 1968 Volume 64
Number 8
Published weekly during the academic year; except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421, STAFF EDITOR , , , , , , , , Lynn Sailors BUSINESS MANAGER . , , , , , , , . Greg Vaughn PHOTOGRAPHER . , Bob Beran ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . , , .. Bob Vana ADVISOR . , , , , . , James Keck The signed· letters printed in this paper dr not reflect the opin· ion of the Pedagoqian but of in~ dividuals, The editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
IBE PED November 11, 1968
ONCOS BOUNCE BCATS 13-0 State gridders begm preons for 1969 as the"68" closed out the season on note for a 2-6 record and a very poor 0-4 ence showing, Hastings Broncos going all their effort to remain one above the NCC basement, up with the drives and needed to cope the vicIn losing it marked the .· . game this season that Peru )been shut out. ·•fensive led oown by Peru a sustained 48-yard drive , stings spelled doom for the as both resulted in scorr the visiting Bronocos. y-nine minutes and 47 ds of the first half were eless before a Scott Koch McGuire 45- yard bomb the Broncos ahead 7-0 at half. The first half up to · time looked like a Peru dod game although no points been scored. Late in the quarter Peru was on the s eight with a fourth and but a Mark Weiler pass incomplete halting that e. Twice in the second Peru was insidetheHastthirty only to be shut off.
CATS WIND UP IN CELLAR With 17 seconds showingonthe clock Peru gave up the ball on tl!eir own 45 after failing on a 4th down attempt, Then came the defensive let oown as Koch set and fired to McGuire who had slipped behind the PSC secondary and fell intothe end zone. with 10 seconds showing on the clock. Benny Coigrove's PAT made it 7-0, The scoring for the night was concluded early as Hastings hit paydirt mid-way in thethirdperiod. Hastings second score came after they covered a Peru fumble on the host 48-yard line and put together a 13 play drive that ended with Bill Johnson's one-yard plunge. Bill Everhart OIOcked the PAT and the SlOry had a 13-0 unhappy en~ing for Peru. From there on, itwasallHast~ ings as the two quick scores got.them fired up enough to completely throttle the Bobcat machine. The Cats could only managed 36 yards offensively in the· second half. The final game was played before a fine crowd who also witnessed a magnificent performance by the Clarinda, Iowa, High School band at halftime.
e knew that Hastings was a Pitts continued, "I think it le better than we expected, was our offense that ·got us , :' . improved over last year, into trouble because we didn't. 1t that we had our chance to scorewhen we should have. We · '.Jhe ballgame in the first half, were especiallyineffectivein the-. · h Pitts reflected in review~ second half and this threw an · ' the Peru State.Hastings Col- score when we should have. We contest, "I think this is a second half and this threw an example ofwhatpsychology extra burden on our defense." · ' do in a football game. We · Jn conclusion, the coach stated, several opportunities · to "I was satisfiedwithourdefense but couldn't cash in. Short- except for that one scoring play fore the half they threw the in the first half." With a season's experience bomb for the touchdown we were behind 7-0. It behind this year's team, and a ed to me that they played hope for fewer injuries,· next '. ired ball the second half. year should have a different came out and played a lot prospect. er in the second half and Shotguns no looger have to be ''•weren't as tough as we had plugged in Nebraska to limit . • I think basically that it the capacity to three shells a game of psychology." except when hunting waterfowl .or other migratory birds.
NCC Games· of Interest
The Antelopes of Kearney left no doubt who the Nebraska College Conference champion was Saturday, November 2. Kearney traveled to Chadron to meet theEagles of Chadron in a showdown of the co-leaders in the NCC and all but trampled the previously unbeaten birds into the gridiron as they came out on the long end of the score 52-20. Kearney (4-2 going into the game) and Chadron (7-0) had downed all otherconferencefoes leading up to the crucial game. The victory gave Kearney the championship for the second year in a row. Kearney took command early and was never challenged.Kearney's first score came on a 30-yard field goal by Laverne Troudt who also added a 7 for 7 PAT performance to the Antelope scoring parade. Rich Osentowski ran 13 yards for another 1st period tally and Bob Buller a 6-yarder before Chadron cracked the board oo a 3-yard burst by powerful Larry Gold, Kearney leading 17-6 at halftime exploded for 21 points in the 3rd stanza to put the game out of reach. The only other conference contest saw Hastings escape the cellar by shuting out Peru state 13-0. Hastings scored on a Scott Koch to Bill McGuire 45-yard bomb and a 1-yard blast by Dave Johnson. The standings NCC Conference Overall WL WL PTS OPP Kearney 4-0 5-2 228 153 Chadron 3-1 7-1 270 127 Wayne 2-2 4-4 93 120 Hastings 1-3 2-6 139 231 Peru 0-4 2-6 97 185 Games for Saturday, November 9th. Kearney state at Morningside (Iowa) Chadron host s. W. Minnesota, Nebr. Wesleyan at Hast· ings. Peru and Wayne have comP~~ed tbeir. seasons-.Perii State Jr, varsity was bombarded 38-12 Monday night, October 28, by the Tarkio Owls at Tarkio, The loss concludes the Peru season and gives the Bobcats a final 2-2 mark •
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Kearney Takes Conf. Crown
Athletes of the Month Each month the coaching staff at Peru state picks an athlete or athletes they believe has done the most to enhance In· tercollegiate Athletics. The second of such representatives finds two young men who have lead the .PSC harrier squad to an undefeated season. The picture (below) shows the competiti ve spirlt that has earned Van Allen and Jack Weyers the honor of being named Peru State's Athletes of the Month for October. "··
Btll 's
um.t DINER
has yet to experience a team dual meet loss. He was runner up in the 1968 NCC champion· ships. Jack Weyers, SophomoreThe former Sterling, Nebraska, state class C ooe-mile, two. mile cross-country champion has Iived up to his high school credentials as a Bobcat ''hilland-daler". As a frosh, he was an NAIA All-American finishing 13th in the national NAIA cross-country meet and was king of the NAIA District ll Championships. As a sophomore, he has paced the harrier efforts at Peru State and at present has added to his laurels an individual dual and .triangular season and has stolen the indl vidual croim at the South Dakota University Invitational, the NCC Hub and the Midwest AAU. He is an oddsoo..favorite to repeat as indi vi· dual champ of the District II NAIA meet. Jackpresentlyholds a majority of the cros&-eountry and spring track records on the Campus of a Thousand · Oaks, Coach Pilkington feels 1hat his best effort to this point in his first two years of col· legiate competition was a 20:41 time on the Elmwood Park Course (Omaha), which most likely is the second fastest time recorded by a Nebraska college runner on this rugged, hill-bound course.
Van Allen, SeniorNemaha High School graduate PERU GOES FOR who at the end of this season TRIPLE CROWN will have earned four letters in cross-country and three track Peru state College successful· letters. He has served as co- ly defended the first two legs of captain this season in cross the Nebraska small college country and has been very in- cross country ''Triple Crown," fluential as a leader on the taking the Midwest AAU Meet 1968 Peru state cross country at Kearney Saturday, November team which Coach Pilkington 2. In 1967, the Bobcats won feels is the best squad in the all three state championships history of the -sport at Peru. and have to repeat onlytheNAIA Although forced lilto the second District xI championship Fri· spot on the squad by sophomore day, November 15, at Omaha. Alh\merican JackWeyers, vans In taking the Midwest AAU, times and performances have Jack Weyers sped to victory been of the quality to allow covering the four-mile course !Um .to be an individual champ- in 19:57 thirty-five seconds ion m other years. Beyond his ahead of the nearest opponent. running abilities, his great deBobcat Tim Hendricks ran 20:sire and leadership have been 40 to place third behind Kearconsistently valuable factors for neys Pat Rinne.Hendricks com• the Bobcats as they attempt pleted his athletic eligibility last to complete a second state year rut was allowed to compete "triple-crown" which includes since the meet was ilon-lnterthe NCC championship, the Mid· collegiate. ' west AAU championship andthe Van Allen, Dave Harris and NAIA District ll championship. Jay Hagerman added solid supBy the end of this season, Van port finishing sixth, eighth and will have been a member of eleventh respectively. Ron Peru State teams which have Jones also ran well but rm• won two NCC. Championships two ished a non-scoring fourteenth. Midwest AAU championships, Peru's second squad placed two Nebraska Wesleyan Univer- fifth in the team standings with sity Invitational Championships, co-captain Dan Trout coming one Peru State Invitational in fifteenth while Ray Uher ran Championship, three NAIA Dis- eighteenth, Dick Warkins, Jerry trict I Championships, and the stukenholtz and Dave Hillman 196.8 So.uth Dakota University placed 22nd, 23rd and 24th rein tati al Ch respectively, VI on ampionship, As Peru's final dual meet wi'll be a 4 year veteran of the Peru State cross-country wars Van Wayne State at Omaha, Fri· -------.--.....--.......-----'--.· dy, November 8.
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6130 a.m. to lOiOIL~.
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THE PED November 11, 1968
Calendar MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 6 p.m. - Home EcClub, Ed 324 6:30 p.m. - Blue Devils, Sc 105 7:30 p.m. -Alpha Mu Omega, Sc 104 8 p.m, - English Club, FA 105 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 9:10 a.m. - Convo, State Department Lecturer, FA Aud 6 p.m. - White Angels, Ed 300 6:30 p.m. - Dramatics Club, FA 105 7 p.m.-MEN, StudentCenter Program in Auburn, Hans Gmoshen, Ski Adventurer WEDNESDAY, "NOVEMBER 13 Newman Club movie, FA Aud 6 p.m. -Gamma Delta, FA 104 ' 6 p.m. -LSA, FA 212 6:30 p.m. - Wesley Fellowship, Sc 105
8 p.m. -
Improvements for the Typist
Choir to go on Tour Epsilon Pi Tau,
IA 6
8 p.m. -WAA, Gym THURSDAY,NOVEMBER14 4:45 p.m. - Circle K, Student Center 5 p.m.-Btudent Center Board, Student Center 7:30 - 9 p.m. - Basketball officials meeting, Dr. Pitts, FA Aud 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. 8 p.m. - Sophomore class dance Gym FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Cross Country, NAIA District II, Omaha. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 3 -5 p.m. -Woodwind choir practice MONDAY,NOVEMBER18 6:30 p.m. - Blue Devils, Sc 105
6:30 p.m, - MENC, FA 111 6:30 p.m. - PSEA, FA Aud
Vocal music has elected officers for the year. They are, president, Ken Carnes; vice president, Rich Shelton; and secretary, Jane Johnson. It is the job of the president and vicepresident to be assistant conductors and to rehearse and conduct one number Withthechoirforthe tour. The approximate date for the tour is the middle of Novem· ber, Many high schools in the area will be visited. Period music, or music from many different centuries will be presented. A Latin Mass by Vaughan Williams will be presented along with "Some Where My Love" from the recent motion picture "Dr Zhivago", "Red Roses" will be done in a new realm accompanied by a small com~ bo. An ensemble, comprised of mem':>ers from the choir, will sing "Liebeslieder" under the direction of Dr Frederick Freeburne, A musical production is slated for next semester, but one has not been decided upon as yet. Choir director Edward Cameazy, said that the choir is very well balanced. Awroximately 75 per cent of its members are music major,s,
"Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party." The author of this noble calJ to duty was Wisconsin editor Christopher Sholes. who composed it as a test for his invention - the fir st really pra cti cal typewriter, It was patented in 1868, first manufactured in 1873. When the NewYorkCityYoung Women's Christian Association announced that it would give a six months' training' course in typing for young ladies, m~n howled that this type of arduous work was too much for the female mind and constitution, The first eight students, chosen for physical strength rather than looks or intelligence were graduated with flying colors and without a single breakdown among them, Impertantly I this opened up the field of office work for women. The first keyiJOunders never heard of touch-typing. That was the invention of McGurrin, a typist who spent 10 years per~ fecting his system before he revealed it in 1888. The early typists had had a formidable machine to wrestle with. Sholes machine had orily. capital letters and typed "blind" - that is, the keys struck the underside of the roller, making it impassible for the typist to see what she had written until she turned the platen around. The woundrous improvements of a shift key, and typebars with Mr Silas Summer's garage was both capitals and lower-case letthe scene Tlmrsday night for the ters appeared a few years later, English Club's spook-out. Hal- An eye-opening typewriter of loween found approxim1tely 30 1897 banished "blind" writing members patiently listening to forever. president George Woods auction Soon after this, Thomas Edisuch items as books; mirrors, son bJilt a typewriter which was irons, and other valuable ob- operated electrically - by a jects, while secretary Ruth Rath- series of m1gnets. However bun kept track of the I.O.U,'s. the machine proved too cumAfterwards, everyone enjoyed bersome and too expensive to refreshments, which consisted be successfully marketed. The of coffee and cake, and cider first practical electric typewritand doughnuts. er was invented in 1914 by James Field Smathers of KanStudent Wives Meet sas City, Missouri, To:lay the latest developm~nt At the Student Wives' meet- in belles 'lectrics is a coning which was held on October temparary-designed office elec28, the following appointments tric typewriter with a memory were made: Historian-Wanda The "memory" prevents im·Johnson, News Reporter-Jackie proper spacing between words, Willcoxon, Sunshine and Wel- The machfue Will hold the space come Chairman-Kathy Runk- in memory until the letter has les, Refreshment Chairman- printed, then release the space Sharon Strecker, and Program . in normal sequence to prevent Directors- Jamie DeSimoneand any misaligned letters. The Cheryl Brigham. ~ng time" is only a few · The details were worked out thousandths of a second, for a Halloween party which was Oddly enough, despite all held Halloween night at 9:00 technical advances, the standard The members and thefr spouses typewriter keyboard has nevwere to come in costumes of er been changed. The present their own choosing. A prize keyboard, and its letter placewas awarded to Bill Everhart ment date b1ck to the original for having the most original cos- Sholes Machine, The keys were tume. He was dressed as a wo- then placed so that the most man and received a free dinner frequently-used letters would be for two at Arbor Manor in Au- spaced as far apart as passible to avoid the clashing of type burn.
English Club Spook-out ·
It's the Beatles as Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, the soulful music men of Pepperland, in "Yellow Submarine.'' The Beatles in "Yellow Submarine," starring Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, is a King Features Production presented by Apple Films and produced by Al Brodax for United Artists release. George Dunning direc_ted and Heinz Edelmann designed the film.
Professor Screenwriter for Beatles literature, blending them with current satire to form a "modOdyssey," Them~in characters appear as Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, roles played by the Beatles. "Yellow Submarine" has proved to be a starting paint for Segal' s career as a screenwriter. Among the plays and m:ivies he has authored are these: "In Somi~one Else's Sandals," "You Can't Get There From Here," and "The Landlord." His lyrics were accepted by the Beatles for their film song, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds," Segal thinks that this "sideline'' may actually improve his work as a scholar. And, he says, "If I had to choose one classical backgro'.l!ld, He used life or the other it would be m;rthology, Greek and Roman the university."
Yale professor, Erich Segal, turned screenwriter for one of the truly innovative films of the year, "Yellow Subm:crine." An animated Beatie picture; early reviews have given it high praise for the inventiveness of its script and for its use of contemporary art forms. Segal, the son of a Brooklyn rabbi, continues on the faculty of Yale as assistant professor of classics and his papularity has soared. But even before . his recent succe;;s, students were enthusiastic about his classes. When he took over a course on Greek.Tragedy, enrollment jumped from 60 to 300, In writing "Yellow Subm~r ine," Segal made use of his
IN PERU IT'S HILL'S REXALL DRUG Complete Line of School Supplies Cologne - Perfume - After Shave
Turkey Day Nears November 28 is the da : Thanksgiving, 1968', 347 y after the Pilgrims in New: land celebrated the first T . giving day. In those three . uries, much progress has place, notably in the fiel science and industry. Y still have something in co with those first settle have :iust as much, if not to give thanks for. The first Thanksgi · celebrated because our tors had arrived safely in of plerity, and they were ful. Another reason given first day of Thanksgiving i the Pilgrims thought of C mas as pagan and sinfu they tried to abolish it. ever they had to have som to take its place, so th a thanksgiving celeb Twenty-three years first Thanksgiving, the gov of New England issuedaT _ giving proclamation, whicli that this day .was to be ·• brated each year. Ho Thanksgiving was celebra a different day by each until 1863, when MrsSara editor of "Godey' s Lady's managed to get Presiden coln to proclaim the last day - in the month as n Thanksgiving days ha celebrated as long as had something to eel Some people say that the of our Thanksgiving day i ti val which is celebrated ober 3 in Leyden, Holla celebrate the deliverance city from the Spaniards · Others say it originated fr ancient Hebrew Reast oft bernacles. Whatever the the First Thanksgiving spantaneous offering of t Thanksgiving day is part national heritage, and is thing to be proud of and t part in,
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bars. Another reason why t keyboard remains is even . basic. If the keyboard .c changed today, it would m worldwide retaining of al ists! And what typist,:' able to work with the s ·· electricity, wants to ret the days when they . literally watch her p's an.
You'll never forget the you chose your Keepsak matchless beauty and el styling will always remind of your most wond moment ... your engage day. ·
Reflections on Recent Elections
m why the ns is even m keyboard w it would me ining of all 'iat typist, lth the spee its to retu they her p's and
r. lllksgiving 1se our anc safely in al iey were gr son given for ksgiving is iught of C md sinful, olish it. H have somet :e, so they : celebrat iars after ig, thegove :ssuedaT · tion, which ras to be
mg as man to celeb
y that the o li.ng day isa lebrated on m, Holland, liverance of aniards in 1 ginatedfro Reast of the tever the o ksgiving wa iring of tha y is part of ~. and is s 1d of and to
arlv December Finishing Date Work on the auditorium locatpended on an aiigle to accomisouth of the science build- date the overhead spotlights. has been progressing slowWorkmen were in the process but should be completed by of welding hand-rails in the seatly December. ing area and removing pieces o date, duct work for a com- of capped pipe that were protion hot-air and air con- truding from the railings, onmg system has been inSeating has been reduced by ed, but because of a lack approximately 100 seats and the funds, the idea of air con- audience will now enjoy a view oning the structure has been that is not hampered by looking ned. Steam heat will be around corners. The stage area in combinatioo with the has been made deeper, allowing air system. more room for backdrops and e plaster ceiling that for- equipment in the back stage ly was used for ascoustical area. ses has been torn down and All of the walls have been be replaced by tile. A steel rounded off and this will -Relp t-walk bas also been added ··the -sound as wen-as add beauty d the ceiling will be sus- to the interior design,
oetry Contest Being Offered The sixth annual Kansas City o,) Poetry Contests, offering a 1 of $1,900 in prizes andpubation of a book-length manu·pt, have been announced by lmark Cards. One of four sponsors, Hallark will again offer six $100 sh awards to single poems full time college and unisity students in the United s, More than 2,000 stusubmitted entries in the competition. addition, the Devins Mem~ Award offers a $500 adon royalties for a bookpoetry manuscript to be hed by the University of ouri Press and the Kansas lty Star offers seven -$100 izes for single poems. The fourth sponsor is the ily of H, Jay Shark, a Kans City patron of student writ' which will award four $25
prizes for poemt• by high school students of Missouri and bordering states. The deadline for submission of entries is February 1, 1969, and winners willbeannouncedon April 24 at the closing reading of the 1968-69 American Poets Series of the Kansas City Jewish Community Center. The judges have not yet been announced but in the past have included Conrad Aiken, Louis Untermeyer, Robert Penn Warren, Philip Booth and Edwin Honig. All entries are judged anonymously, The author's name is enclosed in a sealed envelope attached to his entry, Complete contest rules may be obtained by sending a stamped self-addres'Sed envelope to: Kansas City Poetry Contest, 8201 Holmes Road, Kansas City, Mo. 64131
CB Answers Complainers a
forget the - Keepsake. ty and eleg 1ys remind y ;t wonder ur engagem 1gs enlarged to show
IES em Society o BRASKA 683
The SCB has recel.Ved num- lowed because of a waste facr of complaints from the stu• tor. The portion being served ents of this campus and would is considered as what the avel''ke to clarify the positions on' age student eats. If a student several of these. (Complaints) wants more he may go back for The subject of the food at the se.conds on almost all items, 'Cafeteria has come up again. Mr Hunter would rather see all The most of the complaints re- the food eaten than have part of cei ved were about having the it thrown out because a student same food, having what the stu- doesn't eat all of the portions ents want and not having big served to him. This is why nough portions. These three the standard sized portions are omplaints can be lumped to- now being served. ther. Mr Hunter has stated Games such as chess and he is perfectly willing to cards are not allowed in the Inn ve the students what they because they take up table space t, if they are willing to pay which might be used by a stur it: He bas a budget to run dent who wishes to eat. It is and can only serve what can felt that these games consume e accommodated into the budg- to much space which might otht. Bigger portions aren't al· erwise be used.
The major leagues should give a special citation for the comeback player of the sixties. Tricky Dick found out the best things in life are usually last. Nlxoo -is earnest when he says, that he will cut a great deal of fedel'" al spending, They now plan only a small bridal receptioo in the White House, donations are needed so to those who contribute five dollars or more, they will receive a piece of cake. Humphrey will probably be sellinl! his reserved stock of Truman buttons during the inauguration. There's one born every minute and most of them . will be there. Humphrey's next political adventure will be his running for mayor of Chicago, Mr Daley will then resume his .old job, after taking a course on political science. That rriad meadow lark from Alabama must have chocked on too many homony grits, because he did even finish with a good· orotest. , The political race wasn't the
only feeling of animosity -displayed during the election. In fact, the coverage would take a wide lead in the entertainment if viewed in a wide scope. A.B.C., N.B.C., and C.B.s. finished in that order so far as predicting national elections in the states. A,B,C. had the most active and accurate editor in Bill Lawrence, especially when he was shooting down the Hal'" ris and Gallop polls saying, Harris overrated Nixon or Gallop underrated Humphrey. One interesting aspect from A,B,C. was their ability to concede un~mportant states fifteen minutes in advance of N.B.C. also the important states five minutes ahead of N.B.C. As for C.B.S., well nine hours after all the poles were closed in the continent of the United States C.B.S. was still standing firm that it was too early to tell anything, except that we had three candidates instead of the usual two. In Nixon's downtown head-
Vol. 64
quarters in New York, after the victory celebration at three A,M., one man locked himself in the restroom of the lobby and started shouting, "Now we gott'a get those damn com· munists." Obviously for good old party loyalty, but one might wonder why in the restroom? It's the ill conceived feelings of most people, after a twelve hour horse race. If the computer is supposed to be any more effective it hasn't been proven yet. What happened in Dallas this year or Los Angeles in 64, or Chi· cago in 60? It is not to be presumptuous to say that as the computer goes, so goes the state, sooner or later, to the usual growing agony of the late morning hours. Add this to the almost unforgivable sin of running five different commercials around twenty times in a twelve hour span and it becomes very abnegated to the viewer. If all this seems like a bad dream, that's because it is.
No. 9
November 18, 1968
A. B. Clayburn Expires A. B, Clayrum; professor emeritus of geography at Peru State College, died November 1, 1968, Among the several contributions he made to his field are a geography text for elementary grades, Our Nebraska, and "Nebraska Cities" which was published in Grollier Encyclopedia. Mr Clayburn served on the faculty of Peru for forty years, Services were held in Aururn Thursday, November 7, Mr Clayburn is survived by his wife, two sonsandonedaughter. A memorial has been established, the A. B. Claylmn scholarship fund ofthePeruAchievement Foundatioo.
Home. Ee students patiently decorate cakes in class.
FOOD DEMONSTRATION CAKE DECORATING Mrs Janet Zimmers, the Home The Cake Decorating Unit has Service Representative for Peo- just been completed in Mrs KreHelp Being Offered ples Natural Gas, gave an illu- gel's Beginning Foods class. Fundamentals, given by MrsEd-strated talk oo "Cooking With ATTENTION- FRESHMEN Gas" for the Beginning Foods ith Allgood, included the making Now that nine weeks grades class, Tuesday morning at 9:30. of butter cream and royal icing, edible glitter, borders, are out, some of you might be suffering (gradewise) from the She explained and demonstrated leaves, roses, poinsettas, pannewness of college life and the the features and care of our Cal· sies, writing, numerous party stress of studies. If you are oric ranges. Using a snack favors and the application· of having this problem and you attachment oo the rotisserie, icing decorations using tips, feel your grades are a little she prepared stuffed and ripe parchment, and plastic decorabelow what you could_havethem, olives and wedges of pineapple tor bags. Much talent and originality there might be help coming your and vienna sausage, shish·kawas displayed when each stuway. Mu Epsilon Nu, an honol'" bob s.tyle, for the class. dent decorated a cake during the ary fraternity for men in education, is offering a study-. skills These Caloric Gas ranges, last class meeting. Cakes are t>rogram for you fu partake like the G.E. electrical appli- many times used as the centel'of ln hopes that you can better ances, were purchased through piece for a special meal or event your pn:~~•• ,,iA11'1l.ug <111\l ruai\e the Educational Plan, and will or in honor of a particular peI'" son. Theirs included-a colon· it possible for you to progress in the future. Not to sound be sold at a reduced price at ial doll, Christmas, birthdays, exclusive, but this program, as the end of the school year, when "21", a book (illustrating the ~et up, is solely for freshmen. the dealer replaces them with Basic Four), football, race tracks, and anniversaries. 1~a.lly of you will be notified the latest models. though the mail of this oppoi-Uinity. However, if you would would like to participate. :n.,.. member this is being provided to help you. A wora to the wise SilO!dU ;,., ;)UlllClt:llt. ·111e first get acq:::::....ted meeting is sci1euu1eu 101 <t:OO P.M., Tuesday, November 19, in F,A, 212. SEE POSTERS FOR TIME AND PLACE
English Proficiency Test November 21, 1968
Page 2
THE PED November 18, 1968 candidate has a majority in th electoral college. At least t Republicans heaved a sigh of re lief because Humphrey would have been elected by the Demo• cratic majority in the House.'' "The election increased our dissatisfaction with the Elector al College m<3thod. Nixon i probably the last president wh will be elected under that arch aic system. I predict that w will change that system -an very soon." "If we change from ·'.he Electoral College method to dire election of the president, we wil have to come up with a Uni form minimum voting age i all states, Thus, Nebraska yout may yet get to vote at age nin teen. Maybeeverythingahoutth nineteen-year-old vote (Amend (Cont'd on page 4)
Editori(///y Spe(/l<ing.. Unsportsmanlike Attitude reached the highest level of rudeness possible. If the audiences at su~h events are going to continue to display their ignorance andmannerlessness, it might be a good policy to employ a bouncer to remove any and all undesirables. Peru has a proud athletic tradition and we have more reason than most to take pride in our athletic program. Let's not let an incident like last Wednesday night happen again. For those of youwho complain of nothing to do on the weekends, it is recommended that you take advantage of those hours on Saturday and Sunday afternoons that the gym is open. There is a wide variety of wellsupervised activities to choose from. Among these are swimm~g, basketball, tumbling, or jumping on the trampoline. You might be surprised at the amount of good that two to four hours of rigorous physical activity a week can do. Many students are already enjoying the gym facilities on weekends and are probably better off for the exercise, At any rate, it When asked by a Pedagogian couldn't hurt to invest a little reporter to express his opintime in the interest of physical ions on the November 5, elecwell-being, tion, Lyle G, Strom, .Associate Professor of History, was read.y and willing, His comments, given on the day following the election were precise and surprising, Reporter: "Mr Strom, the Bellevue College has added meeting of the Associated Coltwo new buildings to its cam- legiate Press and National Coun- editor of The Ped asked me to pus. A new Fine Arts Build· cil of College Publication in get your reactioos concerning ing has been added and a new New York City October 26. The the November 5 election," Mr Strom: "Very well, start gymnasium is scheduled for Washburn Student Union held completion in November. Stu· its Student carnivai- November writing." dents have started work on their 2. After the carnival students "Mr Nixon made one of the · first theatrical production danced to the music of "The most remarkable comebacks "Blithe Spj.rit" which will be Morning Dew," presented December 13-14. The Olaeta Basque Featival from political oblivion that we Pearl S, Buck was the guest of Bilboa presented a program have ever witnessed. Within the convocation speaker November of bright costumes, joyfu} danc- past eight years, he has been 8, at Kearney. Twenty colleges ers and music of an unknown defeated for the presidency and from five states attended the world to Concordia students No- for the governorship of Cali26th annual Platte Valley In· vember 1. The Basques, by the fornia, '.['hen he bade 'farewell ter. • Collegiate Forensic Toul'- way, are one oftheoldestgroups to politics.' Now he is presinament at the college Novem- in Europe, who may date back dent-elect. Certainly, we have ber 1-2. Thirty-four seniors as far as the Stone Age, Simon seen a triumph of persistence. have been named to "Who's Who and Garfunkel provided enter- He did not make the major blunIn American Universities and tainment for Concordia students der which the Democrats were waiting and hoping for, Mr NixColleges.'' Maurice D. Bean, a November 9~ on was able to win despite some representative from the United Carole Vickery reigned as States Department of State vis- 1968 Homecoming Queen at Cen- rather artless campaign stateited the campus November 15. tral Missouri State College Oc- ments by his running mate, Mr November 4, YassHakoshima tober 26. November 2-9, stu- Agnew, regardedbysomeasNixa Japanese pantomine artis~ dents observed "A Week of on's closest thing to a blunder." "Mr Nixon will become anothentertained the students at Mid- Appreciation" to the State of land College. The college held Missouri and the people who er minority president, joining its annual Parent's Day Novem- have made possible the growth such notable predecessors as ber 9. The Drama- Department of the college. Activities dur- Truman, Woodrow Wilson, Gropresented its first play, ''The ing the week included the dedi- ver Cleveland, Benjamin Harrihnaginary Invalid," November cation of the new science and son, Hayes, .Lincoln, and a few 9. educational buildings, the 25- others. The combined vote Washburn University s.tudent house of various buildings the against Nixon by supporters of representatives from the stua ·performance of ''The Knight of Humphrey and Wallace was about dent newspaper and the year- the Burning Pestle," and Par- 56 percent. Nixon has been involved in two of the closest book attended the combined ent' s Day November 9. presidential elections in history. We can hardly call his present status a clear. mandate." ''I wonder if the bombing halt had come two or three days later whether it might not have caused a switch of many votes to the .Democrats as it was the people had time enough to recover from their first reaction of exultation. South Vietnam's reaction seemed to indicate that his did not milan inunediatepeace." "Nixon will haveaDemocratic Congress. Other Presidents have had opposing majorities in Congress, but these always came along at mid-term. Mr Nixon will be the first president since the start of thetW<>iJarty system to take office without his party in charge of Congress. If we had a Parliamentary type of government, Humphrey would be President," "Mr Nixon is no symbcilic figure like Mr Eisenhower. Mr nA FT!:~ A 6RtEF L.E:CTURE" - W£ BROKE UP INTO Nixon does not. seem to be one . ~MAU. Ol~LJG6/0N &RoUP..:;.11 destined to be loved like some
There was a surprising amount of spirit shown at the Weclnesday night game between the Peru State varsity· and second team, both by the team members and the spectators. However, very little of it was the kind that a school wants by or for its teams. The prevalent spirit of the crowd. and players was that of animosity. Boos and catcalls were the players; rewardforevery miscue. This situation made the players more tense and resulted in friction between the teams. When our crowd begins to boo the members of our own team, it is time to take a long look at the state that our school spirit is in, Athletics have definite purposes in schools: that of increasing student identification with the school, that of in· creasing pride in the school,and that of making students attending a certain school more unified in its interest. If these purposes are not fulfilled by athletic competition, it is time to turn our attention toward other ~ means, Booing and hooting at boys who are doing their part to give our school pride is pretty low and a crowd tmt does this has
P~ofes so rs
Letters to the Editor
Speak Out presidents. With the Democrats entrenched in Congress, Mr Nixon can be expected to have problems getting his programs passed. Nixon's strong desire for consensus may produce some type of coalition of the center or right center in Congresspossibly a fusion of Republicans with some of the Southern Democrats. There has been such an unorganized alliance in past Congresses and it has been capable of producing majorities at times Maybe we will even see a bipartisan cabinet." "Prominent Democrats, including Mr Humphrey, have indicated they will not obstruct those parts of Nixon's program which are acceptable to them, Nixon's knack for antagonizing Democrats has ceased to be an asset, However, Nixon will have the backing of American tradition which causes Americans to accept the decision of the voters and to close ranks following elections, A close election usually leads to revolution or disorder in less mature democracies particularly those to our south. We are a mature democracy and most of us recognize that it is in the interests of all of us to have effective government, ·irrespective of which political party pro· duces such posture, All, except the most violent partisans, wish Mr Nixon well," "The ele.ction of November 5 may have administered a setback to the noHoo that charisma is an essential political q~lU:ication in this day of campaigqmg by television, Neither Nixon nor Humphrey can be accused of Possessing charisma -nor for that matter, can Wallace." "The Wallace threat, the real unknown factor in the election really did not develop, Th~ election may have demonstrated tha! "".allace was a regional peculiarity; not a national phenomenon, He i:arried only five southern states and his percentage of the total vote was less than 15 percent. Maybe we can conclude that the voters prefer political center. However George Wal1ace ran much bet~ ter than recent third;;>arty candidates Strom Thummond and Henry Wallace, It is possible however, that the George Wal: lace candidacy was a factor in turning out an unusually large Black vote in certain areas " . "America heaved a sigh of;e. l,ief that the election did not go to the House of Representatives for decision, as.re~red when ~o
Dear Editor, Last week when I was he for a meeting, I happened be on campus at the time wh they (the custodial staff) we taking in the National and Sta Flags. The method employ was, to saytheleast,deplorabl The State Flag was the fi to come down and was bunc up; upon arrival of the Nati Colors down the pole, the were wadded up into a ball carried off in thatfashion. Wh I was Y6er and went f military fl!tse to military ba living on them in many stances, two things were ins · ed into me that I can not and not forget. First, proper pect for our nation's flag; so thing which also could be sh to the flag of the state in w · we are attaining an educati Secondly, there are ways which the flag of the Unit States of America is to be han led and treated. For those · of you who a not clued in on what this enta · I shall endeaver to explain so of the proper methods oft ment. First, in folding the fl and putting it away in the ev ing, it should be folded in · elongated form twice and t turned in from the corner the field withabluefieldshow· upon completion. In handling th flag, it should never be handl or carried in such a manne that would allow it to touc the ground. Also, I have neve except at Peru State Colleg seen the flag still up afterni fall or in inclement weathe The flag, in its symbolism, n only stands for our nation' greatness, but the greatness each individual which compris its citizenship, To show a li respect to our nation's sym isn't too much to ask I thin ' Shi! Jimmie L.
PERU PEDAGOGIAN Monday, November 18, 1968 Volume 64
Published weekly during th academic year, except holiday and between semesters by th students of Peru State College Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailor BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . Greg Vaugh PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Ber ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . Bob Van ADVISOR . . . . . . . J mnes Keck The signed letters printed i this paper do not reflect the opi ion of the P edagogian but of i dividuals. The editor reserv the right to edit them for publica lion.
THE PED November 18, 1968
Page 3
tjority in the . At least the a sigh ofrephrey would >ythe Demothe House." creased our the Elector• Nixon is resident who er that archdict that we vstem -and >m 1'.he Elecod to direct ident, we will with a uni>ting age in braskayouth e at age nine. ling about the ote (Amend.ge 4)
With the end of the football season so ends the grid careers of the seniors who led the team through the campaigns. This year 12 seniors hang up the pads for the last time. They are: (alphabetically) Larry Ayler, 6-1, 235lbs, tackle, Table Rock, Nebr., Duane Choutha, 6-1 218 lb guard tackle, Lindsay, Nebr., John. Creamer, 6-2, 220 lb. 0-end, Worchester, Mass., Lee Dunkacke, 5-10, 215 lb. 0-guard, Johnson Nebr., Bill Everhart, 6-0, 225 lb Q-guard, Bedford Iowa, Roger Grable, 6• 1, 220 lb o-tackle, steinaur, Nebr., Arnold Johnston, 5-10 170 lb· Q-halfback, Cleveland, Ohio, Charles Mizerski, 6-1, 210 lb. 0-tackle, Granite City Illinois, Carl Satterfield, 5-11 180 lb. quarterback, Nebr. City, Nebr., Rich Smith, 6-3, 270 lb. D-tackle, Park Ridge, Illinois, Mike Tynon, 5-10, 205 lb. 0guard, Peru, Nebr., Nick Petrillo, 5-5, 160 lb. 0-halfback, Granite City, Illinois. Thanks boys for your desire and hard work during the 68' season.
to itor was heading happened to he time when l staff) were nal and State od employed t, deplorable. as the first was bunched ' the Nationai >ole, tne two to a ball and i.shion. When :I went from 1ilitary base, 1 many in were instill· n not and will proper ress flag; someuld be shown tate in whi cl!, n education.
ou who are t this entails1
~xplain some ods of treatding the flag in the even· folded in an ice and then 1e comer to '.ieldshowing handling the r be handled i a manner it to touch· I have never 1te College; >afternight• nt weather.1 nbolism, not· ur nation's greatness of ·h comprises show a little on's symbol tsk, I think. \ L. Shilts
~ ynn
Olympian At 14 Youngest member. of the 1968 U.S. Olympic team for the winter games was Janet Lynn, 14, Or 'Rotkforct,_,_m. She's a figure skater.
' 18, 1968
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:reg Vaughn Bob Beran fER . . . . .
Bob Vana James K;eck printed in ct the opin1 but of in>r
for publica-
The juniors and seniors overran the freshman and sophomores in their Powder .Puff Game Halloween night 6-0, The game began with the juniors and seniors, "The Great Pumpkins" winning the toss. They chose'to receive, whilethefreshmen and sophomores chose to defend the north goal. Playing as quarterOO.ck for the upperclassmen was Iva Jean Eir· sman, while Sandy Clements played quarterOO.ck for the underclassmen. From the very beginning it was the Pumpkins' size and strong bl.eking power that kept the speedy underclass-men scoreless. Jan Duensing made quite a bit of yardage for the junior and senior team as she bolted through the underclassmen's defensive line.
It was defensive end, Bev Rawlings, a junior, who scored for the upperclassmen in the second quarter. Quarterback Sandy Clements attempted a pass to Colleen DeKoning, while Bev in· tercepted the pass and ran for a winning touchdown. "The Great Pumpkins" ran for the extra paint, rut it was no good, so at half-time the score was still 6-0. The second half both teams proved to be tough, each holding its own, Team members became fired up and there were a few injuries; Most of the injuries consisted of a few rumps and bruises and possibly a little rigormortis the following day. The game ended with a junior and senior victory.
during the •pt holidays :ers by the rte College,
Girls Huff and Puff in Powder Puff Game
·. You· pay less at Bill's
NCC Teams Only three teams in the Nebr-
aska College Conference played Sat., Nov. 9, as the season for the other two squads have come to a close. NCC champ Kearney traveled to Sioux City, Iowa and was shocked 47-14 by strong Morningside College. For Morningside, fullback Dan Gipple sm~.shed for· three TD's and quarterback Don Zeleznapassed for three others. Gary Pettit set a career record of 67 receptions for the Iowans, Kearney cracked the bo1rd on an 82-yard punt return by Riessland and a 16 yard pass play from Scott Davis to Jacobsen. In other action Chadron ran its record to 8-1 as the powerful Eagles smashed Southwest Minnesota 44-7. Chadron is enjoying on of its finest seasons in recent years. The Hasting Bronco_s entertained Nebraska Wesleyan and
In Action staged a fourth quarter comeback to win a close 27-20 victory. The contest was in doubt all the way as the score seesawed back and forth. With 72 seconds left in the game and the gam& tied 20all, a Wesleyan drive was halted on the Bronco 33. Hastings took over from there and on the 1st play John Dvorak blasted off tackle and raced 67 yards for the winning tally, It was. the 7th loss in a row for Wesleyan and Hastings third victory, Both teams closed out their seasons. The standings NCC Conference Overall W-L PTS OPP Kearney 4-0 5--1 242 200 3-1 8-1 242 200 Chadron Wayne 2-2 4-4 93 120 Hastings 1-3 3-6 166 251 Peru 0-4 2-6 97. 185 FINAL INTRAMURAL STANDINGS W-L-T Team 1. Studs 3-0-1 2. Mysterians 3-1-0 3, Marksmen 2-0-3 4. Iron Butterflies 3-1-1 5. Spartans 2-1-1 6. Cherry Pickers 2-1-2 7. Cool Jerks 2-2-1 8. Dolphins 1-2-1 9. Nads 1-4-0 10. Green Jackets 1-4-0 11. Shady Oak Bombers 0-4-0
Page 4
THE PED November 18, 1968
CalendJJr MONDAY, November 18 p.m, - Blue Devils, Sc 105 6:30 p.m. - MENC, FA 111 6:30 p.m. - PSEA, FA Aud 8 p.m. - College Choir Coo· cert, FA Aud TUESDAY, November 19 Choir Tour 4:30 p.m. - Davidsoo•Palmer dorm meeting, lounge 6 p.m. - White Angels, Ed 300 6:30 p.m. - P Club, FA 211 7 p.m. - Art Club, FA 205 7 p.m. -MEN, student.Center WEDNESDAY, November 20 Choir Toor Navy Officer Information Team, student Center 8 p.m, - 5 p.m. - Yearbook pictures, FA Aud 6 p.m. -Gamma Delta, FA.104 6 p.m. -LSA; FA 212
Cc( Cont'd tro~ p~~e
2) mennJwas right except the timing of the propostioo Demonstrators on college campuses, goofy minorities, draft-card burners, hippies, pot parties, and other teenage absurdities have created an unfortunateimage of your generation. If you are one of the angry 19 or 20. year-olds, keep COOl--3'00 will Ix members of the despised older generation in a few years, Maybe the 21-year-olds anq up. wards didn't do too good job either. A nearby city I understand elected a man to the school board who had long since moved out of town." "Somebody once called Nebraska the state of hayshakers, hogs and Republicans, The Republican part is eorrect, atleast. Nebraska's vote for Nixon, percentage-wise, was the highest of any state, Nebraskans made some discerning judgements in voting on the many amendments, if we assume that they Were not confused bY the trick;Y wording of some of them," "Nixon will have many problems not the least of which ·will be that of uniting this country, The American people will give him the chance, bat not without considerable partisan sniping, Both NixonandWallace were beneficiaries of the electorates frustrated mood, Although Nixon is a minority president, he becomes, in a sense a majority president when you add to his vote totals that part of the Wallace vote which can be considered a "protest" vote against the present administration, Obviously, the columnists · will have a pleasant four years ahead with· Nixon available to be kicked around, He should become a cartoonist's delight," ~iXon will certaney give-toit prioirty to ending the Vietnam war. He faces a difficult problem and he will obviously confront it with vigorous diplomatic initiative, Nixon will not tamper with social security. He may overhaul many programs. He will use tax incentives to stimulate employment and reduce poverty, He will emphasize private enterprise in solving the nation's problems. "The final Harris poll, which showed Humphrey a victor by a few percent, was wrong. However, Nixon, may have peaked too soon and he may have acted too much like the winner before the election was held. He also handed Humphrey the advantageous role of underdog." The future of the Democratic pai:ty may depend quite~ bit
8 p.m. -WAA, Gym THURSDAY, November 21 Alumni basketball game, Gym 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. - English Proficiency Test, FA 211-212 4 - 10 p.m. -Woodwind Choir Practice, FA Aud 4:45 p.m~ - Circle K, student Center · 6:30 p.m. - SGA, Student Cen· ter · FRIDAY, November 22 Woodwind Choir to Grand Island
SATURDAY, November 23 Cross Country NAIA Nationals at Oklahoma City MONDAY, November 25 Basketball at McPherson, Kan· sas 6:30 p.m. - Blue Devils, Sc 105 7:30 p.m. -Tri Beta, Sc 304 of Nixon's performance in the presidency. I would conjecture that the Democrats were hurt · more by dissidents who stayed · away from the polls than were the Republicans. However, that party still retains its old coali· tion of labor, the low-income, certain intellectuals, the minority groups, strength in the East, , added to other traditional back· ers of the party. It seems to have upcoming leaders in Muskie, Ted Kennedy,orothers. The 1964 Republican obituaries proved to be premature. The Republicans looked dead after the 1964 election, but they came back in mid-term 1966 and in presidential-year 1958.. Mr. Goldwater even goes back to the Senate after a victory in Ari· zona oo Nov. 5. Wallace's temporary annalgam in the south may evaporate and the Democrats may start winning regularly in that section a~ when present passions subside, It does not seem likely that Humphr~Y.... w!ll ... b~ . a . Dem oci:a~.c presidential candidate again, To many, he became the image of. "the machine candidate" who emerged from · the. chaotic Chicago convention. The midwest resumed its traditional role as Republican country in 1968. Mr Nixon gathered in the farm vote, the middle class, the middle-aged, the well-to-do, and the suburbanites. He programmed his campaign to influence the forgotten, middle-class taxpayer. He gobbled up the border states which Wallace had expected to carry. He did very well in the west. Nixon's coat-tails did not prove strong enough to pull Republican congressipnal candidates to victory, however. Apparently, ticket-splitting was the rule; not the exception. The Repudlican gains in the Senate and .House""\vere negligible: To illustrate, Rafferty lost in California and Hughes defeated the Republican senatorial candidate in Iowa."
"The Republicans will control most statehouses-31 to be ex· act. The Democrats will have only 19 governors." . ''We now go into a several· week interrignum until the new president takes over in January. The president-elect will usethis time to make appointments and formulate plans. There will be many resignations as the out· going Democrats return t~ pri• . vate jobs. Some international crises may hitduringthisperiod of waiting or as soon as the new president takes office. It seems logical that tile Russians will test thenewp·resident. Maybe something will .develop in Berlin or in the middle-East. Certainly· we will. have a lesspersonalized presidency during the next four years. We can expect Nixon to decentralize." "The Nixon girls will now return to college, Maybe we will have·· some more White house weddings before long." "Finally, both Mr Johnson and Mr Humphrey have expressed a desire to do college teaching, now that they are out of jobs. Their new presence at the top of the academic ladder may shove somebody off the bottomand 'it well might be, I suppose that would make me available for some federal appointment. Most lame ducks wind up that way,
The wit and communicative ibility of M:: Robert Bohlken combine to make him one of Peru's fine lecturers. This is the word from speech students who are enthusiastic about his classes and about the way he holds attention and interest._ I~ is well to be highly regardect in view of the fact that Mr. Bohlken is himself engaged in research on the relationship of trust in communication and teaching effectiveness.
We Want a Fire He has been conducting his Anyone walking pastDavidson• study at the University of KanPalmer one night a few weeks sas, Lawrence, by means of pre ago would have seen a strange and post tests of 500 students sight-Thecontentsofthedorm, clad only in nighlgowns and curl• in public speaking. Withthecomers, huddled up againstthewalls pletion of his dissertation, he for protection against the cold expects, this spring, to receive night air. In the background could his Ph.D from the University of be heard the sound of a buzzer. Kansas. After a while, the buzzer stopped,..and the girls pushed. and shoved their way back into the dorm. The phenomenon known herself off. The girl washing as a fire drill, has occurred her hair makes the comment that twice since the beginning of she'd rather bum than catch pneumonia, The other two school. This however, is only the outward appearance of a fire drill. girls, and the girl who had been To a resident of the dormitory, taking a shower, walk half-hearta fire drill is sometimes a nui- edly outside, where· all three sance, even though it is nec- stand shivering along with essary. As we look into one room, we see one girl in the everyone else. The next mornshower another washing her ing, all three wake up with colds hair in the sink, another cram- and the one with the test feels ming for a test, and another so miserable that she flunks writing a paper which is due it. the next morning. As the buzzer sounds, the girl in the show- , Oh well. Maybe the next time er lets out a few choice ex- that trip downstairs will be worth clamations, then hurriedlydries it.
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A native Nebraskan, Mr Bohlken's home was Talmage, "Human involvement" is what he likes about rural communities, At Peru, it is the chance to know his students personally that pleases him. ·
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he was active in other areas of speech, While working on his M.A. at the University of Nebraska, he directed a play at the University Theatre. As an undergraduate at Peru, Mr Bohlken was the recipient of the senior award in acting, Also at Peru he spent one year on a debate team. His record, he recalls, was "very bad,"
Phone 872-4351
Dinnen • . Short Orders
enry dar
In Mr. Bohlken' s field, that of speech communication, em· phasis is on the psychological, on inter-action, semantics, and linguistics, Before specializing,
Research, Key to Success
IN PERU IT'S HILL'S R-EXALL DRUG Complete Line of School Supplies Cologne -·Perfume - After Shave
Ri1w rnlati;td to show detail. Trndc.--Mnrk Reg.
M. Bean Speaks at Co,nvo The relatively small crowd that attended the special convocation Thursday was rewarcJ... ed by an interesting and very informative talk by Maurice Bean of the United States Department of State. Mr Bean is a graduate of Howard University in Washington, D.C. He has done extensive foreign work in the State Department and is presently the Country Director of Malasia and Singapore. The extent of Mr Bean's talk concerned the American Foreign Aid policy, concentrating mainly on Southeast Asia. He explained that more advice on the Southeast Asian situation is offered than in any other area and that advisory panels have oeen formed to deal with this
;s field, that :ation, em-· ·chological, antics, and iecializing, ther areas ·king on his sity of Nea play at re. As an u,MrBohlent of the ng. Also at year on a record, he iad,"
Tour time is here again for the Pero State Choir which per·. formed before the student body on November 18, in the Fine Arts Auditorium. On November 19 and 20, the choir was hosted 'by four schools in Iowa and Nebraska. A Wednesday morning concert was presented at Johnson, Ne.braska where two grads are currently teaching. They are vocal instructor, Mrs. Katby Rotter and instructor Dale DuenMusic for the concert was selected by director, Edward . (;ameajy and. ~ncluded RVaugnan Williams; "Gloria in ·excel• sis" for the MASS IN G MINOR. The Mass was done by splitting the choir in half since it was written for double choir, and also made use of four soloists who were Jane Johnson, Crystal
Shelton, Rich Shelton, and Ron Iles. "Red Roses For ABlue Lady," was sung by the ormen of the choir, accpmpanied by Ron Iles on the string bass. It is a modern comoo arrangement by Ralph Hunter. Baritone soloist Don Buskirk, and tenor Ken Carnes were featured in a spiritual entitled, "I Have AMother in The Heaven:' A Hawaiian song in that ver• nacular entitled, "Kuu Ipo" was sung by the men of the choir. Several small groups, including a Barber Shop Quartet ai;. well. as a_ double-:mixed qual"'. ted were featured. An ensemble comprised of members of the choir sang Liebeslieder, which is German for love soqg. Dr. Frederick Free Burn:e an<l Mrs. Robert Appleoff accompanied the group.
"The Brain" Helps Mate
iamond g within ced free
IELER ciety KA .eeae~
300 00
87.50 125
Trndr-Mntk R<'g.
In order to eliminate the economic and social ills of Asia, we must work "in cincert" with other countries. Following this point, several organizations have been developed including the Asian Development Bankand SEAMS (Southeast Asia Ministry Secretariat) which is devoted to meeting the educational needs of all countries. Mr Bean again stressed that, "We must work in concert with other
countries. Their goals must be consonant with ours. Our goals must be interlocked." In response to the big question of why America is involved in Southeast Asia, he remarked that Americans couldn't stand by and watch 2-3 of the world population live under as adverse conditions as are now present. But he said our moti ves are not entirely idealis· tic; that there is some selfinterest motivation, such as commerce and trade. He summed it all up by sayiQg what all of us are thinking and hoping, "We must help to create a world in which all global conflicts are eliminated." A brief question and answer period concluded the convocation.
···Choir Tours ·Area
Mr Bohlnage, "Hus what he mmunities, chance to !Oilally that
problem. Mr Bean also outlined the five objectives of United States involvement in South· east Asia and pointed out that our main interests were irr the development of the country's economic and social status, and in halting Communist aggression.
"The Brain", today's com-· puter, was considered miraculous yesterday because it was just as indispensible tool of • industry, business, the military and the government. The fact that it could compile financial statements, control stocks of inventory, analyze sales, and schedule production was thought ·to be the ultimate. All of .that was yesterday only. Every kind of problem that was formearly too large for even hosts of highly skilled clerical workers, .can now be solved by the ul.tra-up-tcrdate "mechanical brain.'' Now encompassing the social cene, "The Brain" helps comti.ble people find each other, and mate. Plus, the comr decorates their brand new es to match their person'es!
A really personalized, com· putorized decorating service the very latest thing on the com· putorized scene -is offered by The Flintkote Company, manufacturer of vinyl flooring, The world's most powerful IBM computer - the 360 - is utilized in combination with a distinguished panel of the country's leading decorators and psychologists. Crammed with an im(Cont'd on page 4)
SGA Trip to Omaha
Five executive members of SGA and their sponsor, Alan Shipley attended the fall convention of the Nebraska Student Governing Association held at the University of Nebraska at Omaha November 14-16. Thirteen colleges throughout the state were represented bymembers of their respective Student Senates. Kicking off the convention was The Pero State Debate squad a banquet Thursdaynight.Randy d well at the debate touma- . Owens NSGA president, served ment at Vermillion, South Da- as Master of Ceremoniesforthe kota, on November 8th and 9th. evening, Mrs Maxine MornThe squad came home with 11 son addressed the youth preswins out of a possible 24. ent and stressed the importance The teams in the novice-di- of their unique contributions to vision were Austin-Forke, Wil- the future of our country. Emcoxen-Schnitzer, and Barnard-- phasis on youth was· presented Biller. The varsity debating again when Dr. Stromer from ' team was Sorensen-Dodge. Scottsbluff spoke to SGA repMr Levitt, who has prepared rasentati ves present. the teams by initiating a simFriday was a day of meetings ulated tournament in his debate concerned with the problems of class, traveled with the squad · Student Senates and possible solas sponsor and. was a judge at utions to remedy them, the tournament. Saturday new state officers The squad travels to Wichita were elected to serve for the the 15th and 16th of November. coming year.
Peru Debaters 'Are Successful
Vol. 64
No. 9
November 25, 1968
A ·sign of the Times Times are changing, and so are colleges •. Antioch College, a small school in Yellow Springs, Ohio, is the grandfather of liberal arts experimental colleges. Problems are resolved by the people involved during discussions or with the aid of a Student Personnel Committee, composed of half faculty, half students and the dean of students. There are no house mothers or proctors at Antioch, except for freshman dorms where there are upperclass advisers living. Hall units determine their own hours within dormitories and most of them vote to stay "open" 24 hours. Nobody has to be in at any given time. Although it is no more policed than other dormitories, Antioch has three coed dorms in which male and female students are separated by floors, Due to the open-<lorm system, the school has a considerable number of prowlers in the women's dormitories. Dean Janis says, ''Having men living on the first floor is reassuring, It makes the girls feel more secure." The sex life of its students is not categorized as a major problem at Antioch. Dean of Students, Will Sikes says, "When specific instances emerge that we have to deal with, they usually tum out to be personal growth problems. Sexuality is a big growth problem for everyone, so they are worked out the way we work out other things here." "Making a decision about one's sex life," Sikes says, "whether it's yours or mine or the student's is a personal thing. Originally, colleges built dorms and made rules for •••• purpose of controlling student sex behavior. I think we now have to get away from controls. We feel our legitimate taskhere is to help our students make growthilroviding. fulfilling decisions about their relationships."
Smoke Ring's Fill Gym Peru State students crowded into the gym Thursday, November 14 to enjoy listening and dancing to the music of the ·'Smoke Ring." TheSmokeRing's rendition of their own current
hit recording, "No, Not Much" was enthusiastically received, The recording artists were sponsored at Peru State by the sophomore class.
'1ntern~ Program The Di vision of Education is currently in the process of developing an experimental program of "INTERNSHIP IN TEACHER EDUCATION." The program would place the student teachers in a public school one full semester for the student teaching assignment. Although details of the program must still be completed, junior students who may be interested . in taking part in the program as seniors next year, 1969-70 should c0ntact Dr. Shelley, Head of the Division ofEducation immediately. One very interesting part of the program from the students view point is the fact that they would be paid approximately l/2 the salary of a beginning teacher for their services to the school. It would be necessary to complete two or more courses of the professional semester
during the summer prior to LlltJ "Internship". Interns. would be placed with master teachers and be given primary responsibilities for class or classes during the semester in the schools. The master teachers may have two or three "Interns" under their supervision. A very close relationship would be sought between the students preparation in college and the activities in the school. The program as currently invisioned would include five or more interns the first semester and alike number the second semester. Students would be paired with a master teacher thereby providing an "In· tern" for the same classes both first and second semester. All juniors who are interested in this program should contact Dr. Shelley immediately.
Page Z-
THE PED Nove.mber 25, 1968
It's OK, Son,
ltlitoridHp Spedking~ Everybody WOULDN'T IT BE LOVELY?.
In the two ·years which I have attended classes at Peru, there has been only one thing that has really perplexed me. But before stating the problem, I wish it tc)i be known that the administration is undoubtedly aware of it and realizes that it exists not only in the Lan· · guage Arts Division, but in other di"\tisions also. Since my arrival at Peru, I have only wished for one thing, a building which the Language Arts Division could call its own. At the present time the English, speech, and foreign language departments are using the Fine Arts Building, the Science Building, the Administration Building, and the Education Building for class purposes. Offices for the instructors in these departments are housed in three buildings-the Fine Arts, Administration, and Education buildings. Although all the facilities on campus are closely Knit, this handicap does make many disadvantages for the Language Division or any other division affected. For myself, I can only speak for the ·Language Arts Division. If this division had its own building, the advantages would be limit· less. A very important part of education is research. With a building of its own, research facilities cfould be added which woulq much improve the caliber of students graduated from Peru, and in this way augment the reputation of the college and make it much more attractive to prospective students. Labo.fatories could be installed to supplement class work. At the present time, one class especially- Speech Correction and Development- could be greatly enhanced if there were lab facili.ties to accommodate observation of corrective measures on people with speech impediments. Last year an instructor informed me that if there were facilities for a division research library, he would gladly bring books from his personal library for research use on the part of the students, but he would not permit stu· dents to borrow his books for use at home because he could not be assured of their return. With a division library and research room, the books could be available for project work and be under supervision at the same time with little danger of misuse or loss.
From the SGA
On the 14, 15 and 16 of Novem ber the five officers of the SGA .attended a Nebraska student Governing Association Convention. All thirteen member schools of the. NS!!A. attended the convention, and two major When Tom was six years old, resolutions were adopted. The first concerned the philhe was with his father when they were caught speeding. His fath· osophy of In Locis Parentis., er handed the officer a five-do!· prevelent in most of the Nelar bill withhisdriver'slicense. braska colleges. This is the "It's OK, Son," his father said policy where the college takes as they drove off, "Everybody the place of the s1udent's parents. The members of NSGA redoes it." When he was nine, his mother solved to do everything in their power to curtail this philosophy, too~ him to his first theatre production. The box office man and instructed the new officers couldn't find any seats until his of NSGA to work toward the ul· mother found an extra two dol- timate dissolution of the lars in her purse, "It's OK, doctrine of In Locis Farentis. Son," she said, ''Everybody The second resolution adopted concerned the Black S1udents on does it." When he was fifteen, Tom the campuses in Nebraska. The made right guard on the high resolution is as follows: school football team, his coach "RE: The Black S1udent showed him how to block and at the same time grab the oppos- Be it resolved that the NSGA ing end by the shirt so the of· recognizing that Black S1udents ficial couldn't see it. "It's OK," have been prevented through the they told him, ''Everybody does subtle and implicit repressive it. tendencies of the contemporary · When he was eighteen, Tom' societal values which accrue and a neighbor applied for a col· from the various power struclege scholarship. Tom was a 1ures in Nebraska and, marginal student. His neighbor was in the upper three per Realizing that the mission of cent of his class, but he each educational insti1ution of couldn't play right guard. Tom the State of Nebraska can nevgot the assignment. "It's OK," er be obtained without the ulthey toJd him, ''Everybody does timate reali z.ation that the Black it." S1udent must take his legal and When Tom was nineteen, he ethical position in the main· was approached by an upper- stream of American life, and classman who offered him the must specifically assume his answers to a test for three rightful place in the decision dollars. "It's OK," he said. making process of the state and nation, ''Everybody does it."
Does It
Tom was caught and sent home in disgrace. "Ho_w could you do this tD your mother and me?" his father asked. "You never learned anything like this at home.;• If there's· one thing the adult world can't stand, it's a kid who cheats."
Vandals Strike Vandals broke into the Book· store, Saturday, November 9th. They entered by breaking the front window and pushing the medicine counter over. There seems to be nothing missing but it won't be certain until an in· ventory is taken. ..,
Campus to Campus
Creighton University observed its annual College Day October 26. Over three hundred ' s1udents from the Omaha area schools. attended. The Happen- . ing s played at the second allcollege concert on November 10. A cast composed of alumni and Does hereby demand that: The ,SGA place its primary emphasis s1udents presented the Shakesupon alleviating the subtle and pearean tragedy, "Romeo and implicit repressive tendencies Juliet," at Washburn University within the established value sys- November 15-17. Students at tems of the various educational , Washburn selected Kathy Anderinstilutions within the state, and son as s1udent of the month for further: Evaluate and discuss October. institutional racism. Provide North Platte students now have channels for discussion between their own weekly program black and white students. Rec- on KNOP radio. The North ognize the place of Black cul· Platte College Players are busy , ttire in historical, as well as, working on twoplays, ''The Mon· contemporary society. Incorporate recognition of the key's Paw" and "The Murderof . Lidice," which they will present mtegral Black contribution in November 22-23, all segments of academic en· deavor, and In essence no longOctober 26, thirteen Tarkio er tolerate racist activity among College psychology Association member institutions." at the Lake of the Oz.arks.
Another advantage which is easilyunderrated is that of communication improvement. There are many times that a student or an instructor will spend hours to a complete day searching out another student or instructor. With a division building, a full time secretary could be hired who could take all calls and assure delivery of all messages:
The Aeolian Trio from he School of Music, Depauw University, presented a concert November 7 at Hastings State Col· lege. November 8,facultymem· bers entertained s1udents with Faculty Follies. The college choir went on tour November
PERU PEDAGOGIAN Monday, November 25, 1968 Volume 64
A division building would also do way with the chess· game method of going to classes- hopscotching from one building to another- and it really isn't as stupid as it sounds, fight the acquisition of colds, et11 which at times like last year at Christmas can cause the dismissal of classes. Running from one warm building into cold or wet air and into another warm building is asking for those little germs. As I stated before, I -realize that there are other departments affected by this problem, and that any remedy costs money which is not always available. I also realize that the situation at Peru is not as bad as it is at other colleges, but it is a problem and its diminishment would benefit students, instructors, and the. cpllege.. - -.....
We recognize that this statement itself will do nothing for the problems of the Black stu· dent, and therefore Danna Henry and Myself ask that all Black Sludents meet with us 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 26, The location of this meeting will be announced. It should also be announced that a committee will be appointed to s1udy the problems that arise from the philosophy of in Locis Parentis. The find· ings of this committee will be printed in the Ped at a later date. Three very capable students w~re elected as officers of NSGA, and we of the SGA have committed ourselves to help them in any way possible to.im· prove the colleges of the~ ·of Nebra-slta. In order.to help the NSGA we will need the help of the srudents on this campus. I'm sure we can count on your help. Larry E. Sorensen . Pres., S.G.A.
Published weekly during academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421· STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors BUSINESS 'MANAGER . . . . . . . . Greg Vaughn PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Beran ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . Bob Vana ADVISOR . . . . . . . James Keck
\l.OcP ft MAC!! LE~ St~ Y'OL1RSTUD£NT fCJ)'(CARp.1•
The siqned letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of the Pedagogian but of in~ dividuals. The editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
·, THE PED November 25, 1968
t this st.ate-
nothing for Black stuDanna Hen1at all Black JS 2:30 p.m, 26. The loting will be
ill Everhart Named Mythical Eleven
Girls Play Volleyball
Bill Everhart, Peru State's tough middle guard, was named to the 1968 NAIA District XI all"star team, Everhart, from Bedford Iowa, has been a mainstay in the Bobcat defensive eleven and one of the most consistent and outstanding players on the team. Bill, a four-year starter, was the top Bobcat tackler, blocked a conversion kick and intercepted two passes, The two interceptions were returned for 34 yards and one touchdown. D:Jane College and NCC champ K~arney each placed six players on the squad, which represents the best that Nebraska small-college football has to offer.
· announced 1be appointJblems that ilosophy of The find· :tee will be at a later ·I e stud ents officers of e SGA have s to help sibletoim· ~the~
!er.to help 1ed the help [s campus. mt on your
The Women's Athletic Association has begun its volleyball intramural program, ARound Robin tournament will be used starting November 13th until January 8th, each Wednesday night at 8:00 p.m, Seven teams have entered the tournament. Team captains are team 1, none designated; team 2, "The Snoopy's Spotter's Club," Ivajean Erisman; team 3, "The Good, The Bad, The Uglies," Bobette Masters; team4, "Super Jocks" Sandy Shaw; team 5, Beth King; team 6, Sandy Clements; and team 7, Lois Rieschick.
Harriers Look Toward Nationals
Sorensen S.G.A.
Coach Mcintire looks over the schedule with his returning lettermen: No. 32 Wayne Heine; 6'4, No. 40 Pete Stewart; 6'8, No. 20 Mike Johnson; 6'0, No. 3 Tom Patton; 6'0, No. hidden Leon Portrey; 5'10, No. 22 Clyde Wilkins; . 5'11, and kneeling Ross Ridenour; 6'4 •. The season opens for the MacMen on the road Monday, Nov. 25-27 at the McPherson Kansas Tou,rnament.
to ty observ:e Day Ocie hundred maha area he Happen;eci:Jnd all· vember 10. alumni and he Shakestomeo and University tudents at :thy Andermonth for :snow have program 'he North >are busy ''TheMonMurderof ill present
en Tarkio ssociation rks. from he ~wUniver
>ncert NoSt.ate Col~ultymem
lents with 1e college November
Coach's Corner ..... The 1968 undefeated Peru State cross coun. try team preparing for their trip to Oklahoma City. They are (from left to right): Front row, David Hillman, Jerry Stuckenholtz, · Bob Beach, Dave Curtis, Dick Warkins. Second row, Tom Bernardt, Dan Trout, Jay Hagerman, Jack Weyers, Mike Cole. Third row, Van Allen, Ron Jones, Ray Uher, Calvin Smith. Coach Pilkington, the harrier boss, .overlooks his squad. Not pictured is Dave 1
.When Tony Jacklin, 23, won e Jacksonville Open' last · ch he became the first lish Golfer to win erican PGA tournament.
, · CHICAGO .(UPO-f be .Chicago Bears . lave placed · Gale Sayers on the reserve list and called. up end Bob. Jones from "themt.~ ·
Bois Is The Boy Michigan State's hockey team is captained by Dick Bois from Espa~ola, Ont.
GIAN 25, 1968 Number
,0 .
luring the t holidays rs by the e College,
•nn Sailors •q Vauqhn 3ob Beran R ..... Bob Vana mes Keck
•rinted in the opinbut of in: reserves
r publica-
be tougher because it looks like the Conference is going to be tougher. I think the conference race is going to be between Peru, Hastings and Wayne." •'I think that we are going to have better balance and more experience than a year ago. We'll also have better bench strength than we have had."' There is a real 00gfight going on for the guard positions." Portrey, Wilkens, Patton and John son are contending for guard position. Heine, Morton, Brown, Pokorney and Beerbaum are fighting it out for the forward positions. Green, a center, will become eligible the second semester. The Bobcats officially open their season at the McPherson (Kansas) Jaycee Tournament, Nov. 25 · (tonigfit). The tournament runs through Nov. 27 and Peru State is the top seeded team.
First For Jacklin
Page 3
Coach Mdntire First of a series of Coach's Corner with Basketball Coach Jack Mcintire: "l think we're going to be a lot tougher than we were a year ago. We are going. to have to
'.·UTRI,De CAFE ,Dinnen • . Shod
Knute Rockne, Notre Dame football coach, was killed in a plane crash near Bazaar, Kan., March 31, 1931.
The Peru State cross-country team sets its sights on Oklahoma City after having swept past all foes and compiling an 11-0 record in all competition. The James Pilkington harrier squad has been looking forward to and building toward the championships in Oklahoma City all year and it appears they are ready to go, Thus far the PSC harriers have won the Nebraska College Conference meet, MidwestAAU, and the NAIA District XI. Fine leadership has been given by co-captains Van Allen and Dan ~rout.
In the latest meet, the NAIA _District XI, Peru won with a low total of 26 points. Sophomore All-American Jack Weyers of Sterling led in the win with a rme 26:04 over the five-mile course in Omaha's Elmwood Park,
Also placing for Peru were senior co-captain Van Allen of Nemaha, 2nd in 28:02 and freshman Dave Harris of Auburn one second slower. Also right behind was Jay Hagerman of Humboldt who finished five seconds behind Allen, and senior Ron Jones, Red Oak, Iowa, placing tenth in 28:33, The NAIA natiooal championships are run Saturday, November 23, with a review of the course on Friday,
:8:30 a.m. .to lOiOO.;~
enrr d'aT
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Page 4
THE PED November 25, 1968
Just One Of Those Days
Calelldlr MONDAY, November 25 Basketball at McPherson, •Kansas. 6:30 p.m. - Blue Devils, Sc 105, 7:30 p.m. -Tri Beta, Sc 304 6 - 10 p.m. -Intramurals,
6:30 p.m. - P Club, FA 211 7 p.m. - Art 'Club, FA 205 7 p.m, - MEN, Student Center 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. - Dance
TUESDAY, November 26 Basketball at McPherson, Kansas. 6 p.m. - White Angels, Ed 300. 7 p.m, -MEN, Student Center
WEDNESDAY, December 4 Newman Club Movie, FA Aud 6 p.m. - Gamma Delta, FA 104. 6 p.m. -LSA, FA 212 8 p.m. -IA Club 8 p.m.-WAA
WEDNESDAY, November 27 Basketball at McPherson, Kansas.· 9:10 a.m. -Thanksgiving Program, FA Aud 6 p.m. - Gamma Delta, FA 104. 6 p,m, LSA, FA 212. 6:30 p.m. - Wesley Fellowship, Sc 105. 8 p.m. - WAA, Gyni THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, November 28, 29, & 30 Thanksgiving Recess MONDAY, December 2 5 p.m. - Kappa Delta Pi, Student Center 6:30 p.m. - Blue Devils, Sc 105 · 7 p.m. -Lambda Delta 7 p.m. - Social Science Society, FA 211 TUESDAY, December 3 Basketball at Tarkio 4:30 p.m. - Davidson-Palmer dorm meeting, lounge. 6 p.m. - White Angels, Ed 300.
7 p.m, - Phi Beta Lambda Christmas party at Mr Cox's
THURSDAY, December 5 4:45 p.m. - Circle K, Student Center 6:30 p,m. -SGA, Student Center 8 p.m. - Clarient and Woodwind Choir FRIDAY, Dect:mber 6 Basketball, NW Missouri SATURDAY, December 7 Program in Auburn - The Carsons (Vocal-team) MOl'iDAY, December 9 Basketball, South Dakota State 6 p.m. - Home Ee Club, Ed 432 6:30 p.m. - Blue Devils, Sc 105 7:30 p.m. -Alpha Mu Omega, Sc 104 8 p.m. - English Club, Fa 8p.m. - English Club, FA ·105.·
Dick Smothers Racing Enthusiast
Dick Smothers is a first-class fessional series sanctioned by car nut and his employer, CBS- the Sports Car Club of America. TV isn't too happy about it. But Dick is stubborn and committed. He races cars. Since he recei ved a racing license less than a year ago, he has competed in some 22 races. "The racing thing," says Smothers, "is simply a logical ex· tension of my life-long interest in cars. Racing is where it's happening and I wanted to be involved." He competes in a Formula B car, a single seat, open wheeled racer. So what's it like out there? "You're all alone," says Dick. "The car is long and skinny, tbe wheels are all around you; the car is tremendously controllable and the noise is incredible. It's a very exciting feeling." "You take your turns one at Rabbi John Rosenblatt a time," he explains. "You're 0. \..>.. not thinking about the whole Rabbi John Rosenblatt will be course. It's something thatgets into your mind after a while. the featured speaker at the conThe first few times I took the vocation on Wednesday, Novemcar my lines weren't right, and ber 27 at 9:10 a.m. His topic I made mistakes, but slowly you will be: "What Every Christian Should Know About The Orgin piece things together." Smothers picked up the basics of His Faith." of competition driving at a professional school in California. "After you learn the rudiments,'' he continues, "it's a ouestion of experience. You've DR. G. E.MANN got to race, With my taping and rehearsing schedules at CBS, OPTOMETRIST it's sometimes hard to find the time, But so far I've been able CONT ACT LENSES to do it."
The television star is not only a driver but also sponsors a racing team of which he, not surprisingly, is proud, His driver Dr, Lou Sell, recently won the formula A championship, a pro-
Salute to legs Tllrougll Time If you have trooble keeping yourself in hosiery, pity the Djmge Women of Africa -they weave stocking of their own hair! M-Jngolian natives wrap sheep's tails around their legs to keep warm! It's easy to spotthemarriag&.able girls in the Fiji Islands: they're allowed to cover up their legs. On the other hand, quarrelsome wives in Tibetareforced to go without stockings for a month. Hengry vm endorsed stockings of Spanish silk; while, the Scottish Highlanders sPortedthe first knitted hose -probably of ·wool. Although men wore leotardtype garments of striped jersey later, fashionable males of the 12th Century struttedaround in short, tight breeches of leather or velvet. No ma.tter what the occasion, Mary, Queen of Scots put her best food forward: at her execution, she wore worsted blue stockings edged and trimmed with silver, Elizabeth I of. England, who did !>:>or Mary in, was a lover herself of handknitted, highly expensive silk hose, · Up until the late 1770' s, hose came in silk or velvet and were twilled or plaited, Men's stockings were the elaborate ones, at one point, when women hid their legs under long skirts. Women's legs bacame more socially acceptable, By the end of the 19th century, their stock-
ings boasted fancy fronts Of lace or silk, with elaborate embroidery. Many sported two tones: a red top with a brown leg, a light blue leg with a maroon foot. A demand developed for sheer hosiery during the "Roaring Twenties." Eventually, this led to the stylish nylons in many textures and shades available to today's shoppers. The first nylons went to the market on May 15, 1940; after, they were exhibited at the New York World's Fair in 1939. Women wore hose of hlggy rayon or used leg make-up, when the embargo on silk from Japan and the use of nylon in parachutes during World War Il led to a shortage of material for stockings, Men remember the leg make-up well, because, at dances, it rubbed off on trouser legs. Women went for dark shades like navy, blackandgreen when nylons came back around 1947. In the sixties, panty hose became an overnight success after skirts skipped over the knee. Color becama fashion's favorite legwear look, in addition,to complexion tones in panty hose. Hanes Hosiery introduced the first solid color crepes called opaques in 1966. The company also led in the development of· all-sheer Agilon panty hose and support hosieryinpastel shades, So woman be thankful that the sheerest nylons today have been perfected through the ages past,
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You'll know it's going to be "o of those days" when: 1. Your breakfast cereal go "putt-putt-putt" instead "snap, scrackle, PoP.'' . 2. You get up on the wrong si of the bed and fall out your second story window. 3. You brush yoor teeth wi shaving cream and they sti say "you rave the fresh mouth in town.'' 4. Your chewing gum loses · flavor on the bedpost ov night. 5, Your gum falls out of mouth as Mr Wilson glan your way during band. 6. You sleep through TV 1 ture in economi.cs and lat find out it was a thrill 7. Your steady wears white so to class. 8. The pimple on your c turns to leprosy. 9. Your contact lens falls o your plate at dinner, not discover until dessert, 10 You slip and fall flat your face on the way to cl - hope you're hurt ba enough to be pitied.
The Brain(Cont'd from page l)
pressive wealth of knowled concerning the home decora · arts, the 360's have been c piled to scrutinize indi vid tastes in art, food, hobbies, tertaining. It also probes in the subtle andpsychological wi "Which attitude do you ·most in yourself••••? kind of people annoy you most This is in addition to the vious, "Which room is inv ed ••••What's its size?••• colors do you like?" The questionnaire isfreefro its retail outlets across count or from Flintkote, E, Ruthe ford, N. J, For only a dolla the questionnaire is process sending back to the question a valuable decorating portfoli including an analysis of h personality profile - plus ditional helpful decorating formation, an actual sample suggested vinyl tile floo · and a detailed decorating pl
You'll never forget the da you chose your Keepsake. I matchless beauty and elega styling will always remind yo of your most wonderf moment ... your engageme day.
CARROLL LEWIS, ; Preside1,t
JOHN L LEWIS, Vice Pres. & Cashier
For. after store hours appoin men! call collect-245-425
arriersGainN ationalEsteem
m: pop," 1e wrong sid I fall out y window. r teeth wit nd they still the freshe
VAN ALLEN • out of your ilson glances
lllgh TV lee cs and later a thriller, s white socks
1s falls onto nner, not to ;sert, fall flat on rvay to class hurt badly
r knowledge e decoratirlg
e been com' individual hobbies, enprobes into >logical with do you like ••? What you most"? to the ob~ is invol v- • ie?, •• What ·
The James Pilkington coached record time of 30:34.2 over ru State cross country team 61/4 mile course. His time broke ped an undefeated season, the AAU mark of 30:47 .1 set by turday, November 23, with an Bruce Kidd of Canada in 1963. eventh place finish in the Fort Hays finished third in that · .I.A. cross country cham- meet. ships in Oklahoma City. In Oklahoma City, the prev.. he high note of the meet ious Saturday, Fort Hays walked peru was sophomore Jack off with the championship with ers seventh place finish, and the low total of 106. Kansas rovement for seven spots State Teachers College at Emr last season, a season in poria was· second with 110 and 'ch Jack wa.s named to the Eastern Michigan University all-American team.Jack's third with 126. Peru State caport came against 330 compet- tured 11th 309 points leadingthe rs as he covered 'the five- Nebraska entrants. This is the e course in 24: 12 only 30 sec- fifth straight year Peru State s slower than the 1st place has finished in the top 15teams. sher John Mason of Fort Other Nebraska schools were: s, Kansas. Mason, a 5- Kearney State, 18th (506); Wayne -10, 140 lb.distance runner, State, 24th (645); U.N. at Omao won the event for the sec- ha, 28th (776). year in a row, was an almate to the 1968 U.S. OlymPeru State scoring was roundc 1500 meter team. November ed out by Van Allen, 41st; Dave , in New York, Masoo also Harris, 50th Dan Trout, 94th; k 1st in the AAU cross-coun- Jay Hagerman, 116th; Ray Uher, •FY championship run, in the 118th; and Ron Jones, 125th.
eath of an Era
· -
Curriculum Library Added To Library
Student Teaching
Vol. 64
NOTICE The Teacher Education Committee at their meeting on November 14, 1968 approved 81 students for student teaching the second semester of this year. Letters of notification have been sent to all students who submitted · their applications. Any student who has not been notified or completed their application for student teaching should contact the chairman of the Division of Education, room 200 in the Education Building immediately, Karen Achtemeier, Ted Allison, Steven Anderson, Mildred Appleoff, William Austin, Larry Aylor Jim Baker, Linda Bedette, Bob Beeson, Shirley Benson, John Bernadt, Roy Bleich, Caroline Bliss, Lorin Bohling, Bill Brown, Mary Budler, Kenneth Carnes, Diana Collingham, John Creamer, Barb Derrick, Joyce Dewey, Bob Dicesare, Don Dodge, Renee Eberhard, Gerald Eickhoff, Marjorie Engelman,
No. 11
December 9, 1968
Throw-aways Offered so: L:!~;~: no: ~1:! 1
diologicaC evaluations and aged fathers and mothers may speech classes. There ~e only be _digging oot old g~uafioo five or six deaf teachers, since outfits from dusty attic storit is preferable that the students age .space~. . . come into as much contact as With a little pulling-m of the possible with people who still .sto~ach and standing up retain their hearing.·· straighter, chances are the. outSports, such as basketball, fits wiU look just as good then· swimming, and wrestling are as they do now ••• .even thoogh offered. Dances are included they are inexpensive <lisposable in the extracurricular activitie~ "paper" caps and gowns· from As soon as the IXIPilS enter the Scott Paper Co. school, they learn to "hear" The ''Throw away" caps and by vibrations coming from the gowns that nobody throws away floor and the walls. Jn this are fast replacing conventional way they "listen" and dance cloth cap and gown rentals at to the music. many of the coontry's univerThe school is very well equip- sities, colleges, and high ped and includes services such schools, according to Scott as vocational guidance psycho- Paper. logical evaluatioos, ~rid special And. the souvenir aspect of tutoring. The ratio of pupil to the disposable caps and gowns teacher is never more tran 10:1 is only one reason for their in each class. growing popilarity, accordingto After graduatioo, some of the Thomas W. Klein, Scott vice. students go on to Gallaudet Col- president and president of the lege in Washington D.C. This company:s. Disposable Textiles, is the only college in the Uni- Inc: subSidiary. ted States exclusively for deaf When the graduate gets his people, diploma, he is finished; he doesn't have to worry about standing in line for 30 or 40 (Cont'd on page 2)
Stu dents .Approved for
Human Growth Class ; F. Id T · . · Takes .·le r1p
On Thursday, November 14, 1968, Group 3 of Dr. Meyer's Human Growth and Development class took a field trip to the Iowa School for the Deaf in Council Bluffs, Iewa, The trip was conducted by Mr Hines, the high school principal, who took the visitors on a tour ofthecampus. returning home only during In 1855, the Iowa School for Christmas vacation. Bust as the Deaf was originally known years turned to decades the as "The Institution for the Eduschool grew up, built dorms catioo of the Deaf and Dlmb". and fed their students. The Jn 1866, th~ school was moved train was laid to waste and the to its present location, and in car became prevailent. Students 1888 the name was changed to now residing at the college no Iowa School for the Deaf of longer formed a bond between Council Bluffs. school and town, and were soon to ·leave them both behind, even The school includes elemenon weekends. As slowly as the tary and secondary grades. Beold river town had awaken it sides learning academk .>ubwent back to sleep, never again jects, the students can take 7 to house the students it loved, years of vocational training, never to be woke again by the such as auto mechanics, home steamboats whistle. Even na- economics, business. The ture performed a bitter irony schoo'l is much the same as a when the Missouri altered its school for normal hearing chilcourse, leaving Peru to the ages. dren, except for such differences as rhythm classes, ai 1•
It is a sultry summer's day, a prosperous midwest town, is free from en a magnificent fuming >ss country mboat chums the bending E, Ruther-. ver and pulls toward the wharf y a dollar, .· its 1 long haul between St. Joe processed, · St. Louis. The captain questioner ; ts its horn wailing, wakingthe g portfolio, lazy town, bring people and con-_ ;is of her fusion from every door. The town - plus adnow alive, flows its inhabitants,orating inmerchants, children, and dogs sample of .towards the wharf along with .e flooring, the banging and clattering of ating plan. . the carts and wagons. The steamboat, loaded with barrels and sacks, crowded with color.fill soldiers. Indians and strange well-dressed people exchange cargo with the town merchants and manufacturers. Soon the boat pulls off down the river away from the chaotic crowd who long after beam and bustle tllen again fall back to sleep · ·awaiting the next arrival. The year was 1853, and the town, Peru, Nebraska. The exact The multipurpose room of the location was main St. which is library will be moved their durstill located beside the present ing Thanksgiving vacation. jlOSt office and once led to the The curriculum library gives .nver which ran just behind Mcstudents in their professional Adams gas station. semester an opportunity to For 'ten years during the gol- examine textbooks they will be den age of the steamboat, Peru using while student teaching. and all the other river towns The books are arranged into thrived and grew. Until finally in the 1860's the train two divisions. There is one GS halted the flow of steamboats. section for books on the secHowever the railroad reached ondary level and one for books ;t the day Peru in 1875 and again Peru ·on the elementary level. With;psake. Its lived in the modern age. It in each of these divisions, the ld elegant was also at this time that the books are arranged according to emind you State Normal school in Peru subject matter, 11onderful began to effect the towns growth. The curriculum library also igagement ·· For in the years that followed included a variety ofpul>iisher's io::ed to detail. numerous families moved to Trade-Mark Reg. Peru to educate their children. catalogs, several set.s of enThere were no boys dorms forc- cyclopedias which includes ing male students to house with "New Book of Knowledge, an :WELER ·Peru Inhabitants thus becoming old and new set of "Compton's ;ociety very much a part of the town, Encyclopedia," and various SKA 68355 They would arrive on the train dictionaries ·for children on the elementary and secondary level. s appointloaded down with baggage from The curriculum library is open 245-4252. ·. as far away places as Omaha, during the regular library hours,
Bill Everhart, Mary Everhart, Jane Givehand, Roger Grable, Carol Greathouse, Nancy Grebert, Fran Gyhra, Jan Harbour, Charles Hays, Wayne Heine, Phil Herbster, Lavelle Hitzemann, Dan Johnson, RodneyKettlehut, Daniel Koch, Sherry Kramer, LeRoy Koehler, Larry Landwehr, Bob Lovejoy, John Mcintire, Mary Martin, John Meyer, James Milburn, Bob Mobl~y, Robert Morris, Dean Naumann, Anita Norman, Emanuel Nurin Elizabeth O'Connor, Linda Oldfield, Robert Patterson, Carolyn Payton, Leon Portrey, Diane .Racine, Dan Reed, Greg Rainders, '.Dwight Reins, Ross Ridenour, Connie Roelfs, Gary Schoenrock, Carol Shank· lin, Allan Sherwood, Jimmie Shilts, Suzanne Slemp, Larry Sorenson, Donna Sporer, David Swantek, Pat Thompson, John Vanderford, Mike Tynon Ro!J.. ert Vogt, Tom Vrabel, James Waltke, Wayne Willcoxon, Margaret Zeiner.
Memberships Available Due to. the fact that resi?rratforis from two members of SGA have been received, measures are being taken to fill the vacancies. Both the Vice President and a member at large resigned because of personal reasons. Anyone interested in either of these openings on SGA should submit a petition by three o' clock on December 20, 1968. The petition for Vice President requires signautes and student identification numbers (Social Security numbers) of 100 students. The petition for Member at Large requires signatures and ID numbers of 50 students Qualifications for SGA require that the individual have a grade point average of 5,5 and be free of any kind of probatioos. 1
Page 2
THE PED December 9, 1968
Editorially Speaking
SDS Promotes Lawless Action
In 1954 the enrollment of Peru State college was 343 students. Ten years later it rose 250 percent to a total of 866. The town fi. na.ncial record for this period shows that during these . ten years the assessed value of Peru dropped by over 10,000 .dollars. In the following four · years the college grew another 50 percent in the enrollment, yet the town's assessed value rose only in the last year because of a reassessment. The · trend indicates that the student, equipped with a car, is fast turning the town into a place of bare necessities, those being gas, hamburgers, mail and money. It is evident that the growth of the college will never effect 1;!le town. It is also evident that any car on the seven· mile-stretch is bound for Peru, not passing through, meaning that no one else will effect the growth of Peru except the people of Peru The people of Peru like Peru just as it is. Therefore, when you return to Peru in forty years I believe you shall find it as it now stands. DABRIGHAM
Buzz Off The people of this country and the people of this college have stagnant minds. They find it impossible to use their minds when it . is necessary. Think, to them, implies regurgitate. The American Public is incapable of original thought. The television has taken the place of the cerebrum. Walk around the campus and ·see how great a percentage of those you meet hold opinions that belong to Cronkite, Huntley-Brinkley, or Lawrence Harvey. If you stand up in any one of your classes and tell the rest of your class that they nol.only don't, but cari't do anything for themselves, you'll find that possibly one person will argue with you. How can a college class be held and any type of learning situation develop if the minds of the class . are nothing but a blank slate? If an instructor on this campus were to say, "John Kennedy ·was our third president,", it would go down _in al?Qut three·~ourtlJ~.-of the _note· books on this campus. About half of the notebooks_ tha~ w.smldn't be scarred yvith this would It's about time that the people of this campus said something about their feelings just to prove that they have some. The groups of this school have to use a limited number of people for of· ficers. If one of this group of not necessarily qualified people doesn't belong to your organization, the club will probably be inactive. If the people of this campus cannot learn how to think, if they cannot find something worthwhile to complain about, if they cannot find more than a few qualified people to lead them, then I don't think anybody should give a damn what they want. Do you really think the administration of this college is going to give consideration to the opinions of a bunch of orangutans? If you can't wake up and think, don't waste the time of people who might be thinking of something worthwhile. DON DQDGE
Peru Staters Being Left Out The excitement of Christmas is being felt everywhe~ certain Peru Staters are being left out. What ever happened to the old· fashioned Christmas? Some of our dorms are not being allowed to have real Christmas trees in their rooms. What should be fair for one should be fair for all, Some of these donn residents, not knowing of the new rule, had
already purchased- real Christ· mas trees. Artificial trees are quite expensive and also don't have a fragrant smell like a real fir or pine tree does. If each resident agrees to dis". pose or their tree ·before going home on vacation and cleans up the pine needles on the floors and carpets, then I see no rea· son for not allowing real Christ· mas trees. They are the ones that will be held respon~ible.
Calling themselves Students the SDS. Strategy calls for for a Democratic Society, a . pouncing on any issue that will small but highly active band of excite students. At the Univercollege students are doing ev- sity of Texas, it was the preerything they can to dispense §ence of a Confederate flag, at with both democracy and so- San Francisco state a foodprice protest and demand to take over ciety. During the past year, college the cafeteria and book store, at campuses exploded with blood- Princeton letting girls in the shed, violence and arson across dormitories, at the University the United States from Columbia of Chicago a controversy over to Stanford. As classes resumed draft - deferment exams and this fall, educators and police class rankings. Fonner SDS Vice President were braced for more trouble Carl Davidson advises, "Every from the SDS. attempt should be made to conThis is a sample of SDS's nect campus issues with off. recent record. SDS - led dem- campus questions." "In the · onstrators occupied the ad- high schools, raise demands to ministration building at the Uni- wear long hair and miniskirts versity of Georgia, demanding and then politicalize them," a that women students be allowed California SDSer prescribes. Dr. Loren F. McKeown ha to drink and stay out all night. Another reports at Wisconsin, been teaching in the Englis After an SDS - organized riot "We organized dormitory stu- Department at Peru since Se against Dow Chemical Co. re- dents around rules, and then it tember of 1967. He came fro cruiters, 70 persons were in· was easy to move on such issues Oklahoma where. he began as jured at the University of Wis· as the university's relation to high school English teacher · con sin. SDS launched a ram· Chase Manhatten Bank." Davenp0rt, becoming princi page of looting, brawling and _ Such tactics for throwing mon- of the lili!h school in 1962. attempted arson of a campus key wrenches into the machinery years 1953-56 were spent in th bookstore at San Francisco state of society include: checking out U. S, Marine Courps. all in the name of defending four an inordinate number of books Dr. McKeown received hi , hoodlums who had beaten up the to disrupt libraries and study student newspaper editor. At programs; making appointments B.A, and M,Ed. from the U the University of California in by the score mth university versity of Oklahoma State, Sti Berkeley, the SDS in an assault deans and registrars-to "over· water. Combining his 'interes on the Oakland Induction Center use the bureaucracy"; starting · in education and English, he co deployed radio - directed stu- trash-can fires and pulling fire ducted research for his disse dents as shock troops, fought alarms in high schools as tation in the field of English us pitched battles with police, and '!forms of protest"; disrupting age. His study revealed tha erected barricades. draft boards by registering un- high school English teache prefer traditional standards A gathering of 59 collegians der a false name so "federal acceptability in English despi agents will spend much time at· activated. the SDS in June 1962. the modern descriptive approa By mid-1968, SDS claimed to tempting to track down people which allows more freedom have 35,000 unregistered parti· who do not exist." The ultimate usage. cipants in 250 chapters with goal of such tactics is nothing Dr. M·~Keown likes teaching another 6300 dues-paying mem· less than the destruction of soand he likes his subjects. H be rs . This is all under the ciety itself. "By their lawless actions, the sees them as "important in t direction of SDS headquarters in a shabby two-room flat on members of SDS threaten to be- same sense that anything Chicago's West Madison Street. come the true grave diggers of humanities is important," academic fre!lAom in the United. terature is" a mod· · Such big issues as civil rights, States," sums up Sidney Hock, influence in personal life, slum poverty and the Vietnam New York University Philosophy broadens perspective, it hel war have attracted students to Professor. establish an understanding inherent human dignity."
Campus to Campus Twenty-five Nebraska Wesleyan University students have been named to ''Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges." Maurice D, Bean, a State Department career officer visited the campus November 13. The Wayne State Drama Departm.~nt presented three plays "The Elevator," "GloriaMundi," and "The Man in the Bowler Hat," November 11.
Inspite of bad weather, 400 visitors attended Parent's Day at Midland College November 9• Dr. Richard Jon Land borg, associate professor of chemistry at AugustanaCollege, was the guest convocation speaker November 15, At the November 20, convocation Dr. W, K. Beggs, dean of the Teachers College at the University of Nebraska, spoke on the topic, "The Education Explosion,"
Distinctive and effective teac ing is the result of this kin of a philosophy, Dr. McKeo has both a genuine interest student and subject and this gained him the respect of his students.
· (Cont'd from page 1)
minutes to tum in his rental outfit in order to get back his $15 deposit. Other disposables in the Scott line include- blazers, gowns smocks, surgical scrub shirts' cover-alls, etc. ' Additional information from Scott Paper Company (Caps and Gowns) Philadelphia, Pennsyl· vania 19113. PERU PEDAGOGIAN Monday, December 9, 1968 Volume 64
Published weekly during th academic year, except holiday and between semesters by th students of Peru State College Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Saile BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . Greg Vaugh PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Ber ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . .
The signed letters printed iif this paper do not reflect the opin· ion of the P edagogian but of individuals. The editor reserves the right to edit thei:n for publication-. t!-
THE PED December 9, 1968
Page 3
obca ts Open HoopCampaign · Varsity Cracks Century Mark on Alums
:Keown has the English ' 1 since Sep'came from began as a 1 teacher in g principal 11962, The spent in the
The Bobcat cage season was officially opened, Thursday, v. 21, as the varsity took an 0-92 win over a highly t,al;~ted group of Peru alumni. The .win marked the 12th wm m 13 tries forJackMclntii:e coach·~ Bobcats over an alumni 5. A tight 61-59 contest was broken up midway through the secmd half as the varsity ripped Off ten straight points and were le to set the pace the re"nder <:i the game. Leading e Cat cagers were soph, Pete wart and freshman Charles
oa<h' s Corner
ceived his 1m the UniState, Stillis ·interests lish, he conhis disserEnglish us•vealed that .h teachers tandards of · lish despite veapproach freedom in s teaching, bjects. He rtant in the rnything in rtant," Limodifying 1al life, it e, it helps ;tanding of ty." ::tiveteachf this kind ·• McKeown interest in .nd this has pect of his·
ge I)
·s, gowns, rub shirts,
)GIAN . 9, 1968
"Bobo" Morton with 23 .each, followed by Wayne Heine's 15, The Bobcats connected on 47 of 106 shots for 44.3 percent. The alums were represented by Bob Buttenzbach, Dean Caine, Larry Rathe, Tom Yopp, Dick Estes, and Charlie Francis. Rathe had 18, Yopp 16 and Francis 15 to lead. Steward lead in rebounds with 14 while Estes snared 10 caroms. The alumni were only slightly less effective from the floor. They hit 37 of 85 tries for 43.5 percent.
This a Coach's Corner special
to salute Coach James Pilkingand his Peru State CrossCountry team for another high· ly successful season. The Bob~ts, for the second consecutive r, won the Nebraska College le crown which is the Neraska College Conference eet, the AAU meet, and the ·strict 11 Championship. According to Dr. Pilkington, e of the better team efforts s the District 11 Champion·p at Omaha's Elmwood Park. 'Peru's Jack Weyers was the inGfvidual champion running the 5 miles in 26:04, 1 min. 42 •Sec. ahead of highly touted Rich Carey from UN-0, The other eru runners finished as folws: fourth-Van Allen, 28:02;
fifth-Dave Harris, 28:03; sixth .:...Jay Hagerman, 28:07 tenthRon Jones, 28:33; thirteenth- · Ray Uher, 29:04, and fourteenth -Dan Trout, 29:10. Peru State had five runners who beat Ron Bork of Midland, the 1968 Tristate Conference individual champion. This team effort produced the most decisive vic· tory for Peru state in any 1968 major meet. The scoring was as follows: Peru-26; Wayne-59, Kearney-63, and UN-0-81. Dr. Pilkington commentedthat "Jack Wyers' 24:12 5-mile time in the NAIA National Meet was probably the most outstanding effort produced by a Nebraska College runner in ··the histon' of the NAIA meet. T!!!s effort resulted in a 7th place finish for Wyers (7 places bet• ter than his 1967 performance) This individual performance will give Wyers a second straight berth on the NAlA All-Amercan Cross-Country Team." Commenting on the rest of the Peru performances in the NAIA National meet. ·PilJdllgtoo said, "Van Allen had a very creditable time of 25:46 for 49th position and Dave Harris clocked a 25:55 for 59th place. Both of these times were faster than teammate ·Weyers' District 11 championship time of 26:04, The other team finishers in the Nationals were: Dan Trout, Jay Hagerman, Ray Uher, and
ATTENTION STUDENTS Show your I. D. Card and savej 10 ·o;o on all of· your purchases. ·at :BILL'S
Ron Jones. All reduced their best 5-mile times by two minutes or more. Of the 370 runners competing in the National finals, Peru's seventh man finished !25th. Of the six runners who defeated Weyers in the Nationals, Coach Pilkington observed that "Two were members of the Olympic teams and a third spent the weeks prior to the Olympics in the United States Olympic camp." Reflecting on Peru's success the past several years, Pilking.ton noted "This season, in which the Bobcats were undefeated in all meets except the Nationals, gives Peru a 6-year record <:i 140 victories and 17 losses."
The Peru S~te Bobcats were left with the scraps for Thanksgiving Day as the hot shooting Cavaliers from St. Mary of the Plains College, Dodge City,Kansas, took home the "Turkey" with an impressive 194-75 vietory, in the championship game of the three-day McPhersonJaycee Tournament, Nov. 27. The third~seeded Cavaliers nearly set the nets ablaze with a torrid 74percentaveragefrom the floor in the first half on 19 <:i 26 tries, but meanwhile the Bobcats kept things from getting too hot as they shot a cool 32 percent on 13 of 41 tries during the same period. The Bobcats had averaged 100 points per game in their first three outings but were unable to contain the balanced St. Mary's attack as five Cavaliers hitdouble figures. St. Mary's lead at halftime 5131 behind the gunning of Walker, who finished with 27 points,
Nebraska City
By Owls Tarkio Teachers College overpowered the Peru Bobcats 9164, Tuesday, Dec. 3, as the host used a fast break effectively to open a first half lead 3927 and coast to the win. The contest was the season opener for Tarkio and left Peru 3-2 on the year. High scorers fQr PSC were Pete Stewart 24, Wayne Heine 16. Foor players hit double figures for Tarkio. They were: Howard 20, Carter 18, Hart 17, Magiera 17. The Owls are hosted by the Bobcats en Febr. 4th in a rematch.
to the finals. Stewart snared 17 rebounds and scored 20 points in the romp, followedbyCharles "Bobo" Morton's 12, Earl Brown's 11 points and 11 rebounds, and Clyde Wilkins 11 points. In both of Peru's opening victories the Cats led by a good margin in rebounds but wereunable to either hit from the floor consistently or out grab st. Mary's in the final. . Notable achievements in the tournament for Peru State were: Wayne Heine, who led Peru scorers with 51 points in three games and took over seventh place on the all-time Peru scoring list with 1102 lifetime points replacing Tom Yopp of Nebraska City. In the balloting for the all tourney team, Peru placed three players; center Pete'Stewart, and guards Tom Patton and Clyde Wilkins. The Most Valu·able Player award went to Bob Rohl of St. Mary's for his play making genius.
Clyde Wilkins
Tom Patton
A5C Tourney . - Tonite Thru Wed.
Will Not Show Sun.
and Cain, 18 points. Peru State seeking a third straight title was lead by Wayne-Heine's 26 points and Pete Stewart's 11 points. St. Mary's coupled their shooting eye with a 5139 edge in rebounds to notch their second tournament title in 8 years. The Bobcats had reached the finals by clipping Sterling College in the first round, 98-80 after a rocky first half which saw the Bobcats take a meager 38-33 lead into the locker. The Bobcats put the game away in the second half as they came back to hit oo 25 of 40 shots and score 60points.Perudominated the boards with 60 rebounds to 49 for Sterling as Pete Stewart snared 11 caroms and scored 18 points to lead the attack. Bill Thayer, of st. Mary's, took scoring honors with 25 points. In the second round Pete Stewart again lead the way as the MacMen downed Baker University 92-72 to put the Bobcats in-
Pete Stewart
or publica-
The PSC junior varisty squad opened their 1968-69 season with a thirtl place finish in the Highland Junior College Tournament at H.ighland, Kansas, oo Nov. 22-23. In the first round Peru was edged 68-67 in the final seconds by St. Bendict's of Kansas. Allen Pokorny and Tom Patton lead Peru with 19 and 18 points respectively. Peru was able to place third as they bombed Kansas City Junior College the following night 92-64. Patton lead with 22 points followed by "Bobo" Morton, 19 and Larry Green, 17.
Peru Downed
The All-Tourney Trio
Bill's Clothing &.Shoes AUBURN ,, ,, ·: You pay less at Bill' S--
Cagers Open
PSC 2nd In Pre-HolidayTourney
printed in :t the opinbut of in-
J. V,
i·he 1969 ABC · toutn~ment in Madison, Wis. will ru! Feb. ,22 through April !9.
The first international yacht race took place Aug. 22, 1851, with the yacht America outracing the B r it i s h yacht Aurora.
Helping Peru State
EDY WILLIAMS ..men.oroduced.ond dirtcled b, GEORGE AXELROD
color by Deluxe
look just t~at much better for over 51 years.
Page 4
THE PED December 9, 1968
Gallery for Books Potpourri One of several books on Willa Cather published recwtly bythe University of Nebraska Press and added last month to the Peru Library is "Music in Willa Cather's Fictioo" by Richard Giannone. A project of the University of Nebraska Press has been to gather, edit, and print Willa cather's early Writing, her criticism as well as her fiction. And, along with these books ·in the series, is this study on the theme of music in Cather's works. Because Cather's fame rests strongly on her protrayal of the pioneer, literary criticism, to some extent, has neglected her other dominant the1he, the aspiring artist, It is the struggle-both of the pioneer and of the artist- that to Cather is heroic. Not only is music imPortant · symbol in all of her fiction, Cather "defines personality through voice," and she "defines a moral atmosphere through musi~." This is thefirstthoroughstudy of Cather's use of the symbol of music and it is a good one, Another new book worth noticing is "Dialogu~ with Mothers" by Bruno Bettelheim, professor in the DepartmentsofEducation, Psychology, and Psychiatry at the University of Chicago, Bettelheim offers help for parents of normal children on their day-to-day problems, insisting that parents are trUstrated by those books on child guidance which neither fit their child nor their particular problem. Complicating the pe11>lexmg problems of -child-:Parent. re-
You'l I never forget the day you chose your Keepsake. Its matchless beauty a'nd elegant styling will always remind you of your most wonderful moment ... your engagement daY. Ricgs enlarged to show detail. Trade-Mark Reg.
lationships is this attitude: "Nowadays we wantourchildren to make their own decisions, wt we expect trose decisions to please us.'' The solution that he offers is a method of investigating the "whole" situation based, in part, on self-understanding The book is a compilation of transcribed group sessions with young mothers, the wives of students at the University of Chicago. Readers can use their own judgement in accepting the opinions of this expert; but, at least, the advice is free, "The Road to Serfdom,, by the Austrian economist living in England, Friedrick Hayek, was ·written in 1944 and has become a classic in political literature, Its title intimates its thesis, that nations moving toward socialism are moving toward a new form of slavery, Jn the words of De Tocqueville whom Hayek quotes, "Democracy extends the sphere .of individual freedom, socialism restricts it...Democracy and socialism have nothing in common. but one word: equality, But notice the·difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude," This book was written as a warning to Britlin; it remains imPortant for its reasoned ap. proach to social planning, and for the logic of its. arguments against socialism.
Toy Demorrstr.a.tion A toy demonstration was the main reason for the meeting of the student Wives' Club which was held in the dining room of the Student Center on November 25, The members and several guests had a Wide selection of toys to choose from for children of all ages. In addition to the many toys, a variety of decorative items and several useful gifts for men were shown. This provided an inexpensive way to do some Christmas shopping without running from store to store. As an added incentive, thedubistorecei ve a share of the profits for its treasury. A committee of several members volunteered to make Thanksghing favors for the trays of the patients at the ·Nemaha County Hospital.
6:30 p.rii. - Wesley Fellowship, Sc 105 8 p.m. - Epsilon Pi Tau, IA
324 6:30 p.m. -i3lue Devils, Sc ·105 7:30 p.m. -Alpha Mu Omega Sc 104 8 p.m. - English Club, FA 105
. TUESDAY, December 10 Intramurals, Gym 4 p.m. - Study Skills, FA 212 6 p.m. - White Angels, Ed 300 6:30 p.m. - Dramatics Club FA 105 6:30 p.m. -SGA, Student Cen-
ter. 7 p.m. -MEN, Student Center
WEDNESDAY, December 11 Basketball Midland College. Newman Club, Student Center 6 p,m. - Gamma Delta, FA 104 .6 p.m. -LSA, FA 212
A long time ago, when the world first began, Adam and Eve were invited to a party. Even knew she would need an extra fig leaf, and some berries to crush and color her lips, and - oh yes, a badger's paw to comb her hair. But how could she possibly carry , all this plus some filmy spider's webs to blow her nose, a boxelder leaf to file her nails, and Polished rock to look at her reflection in? She would have her hands full helping Adam name all the animals. God looked down uponEve in her dilemma and said, "Put your trust in me, Child. I will give you a leather sack to put yourthings in, and we will call it a purs!!. No more will woman suffer the counting of numerous articles every ti.me she leaves her domain. She can take her boudoir with her." And God looked down upon His creation and saw that it was good. And ever . since then, woman has not had to count numerous articles every ti.me she leaves her domain. She must merely search through the maze of the compartmentalized objects in her purse to find the one small item she wants - like her apartment key. Woman has not changed, but her accessories have Figleaves are long out of date,.:· Those berries are now compressed into a small easy-to-operate tube of lipstick. Rnoivs what Eve used, anyWay?)
Rex Raini
REGISTERED ·JEWELER American Gem Society esaee
For after store hours appointment call colleat-245-4252.
THURSDAY, December 12 Intramurals, Gym 4:45 p.m. -Circle K, student Center 5 p.m. -Student Center Board 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. - Dance Student Center FRIDAY, December 13 Basketball, South Dakota College. SATURDAY, December 14 8 - 12 p.m. - ACT Test, FA 212 SUNDAY, December 15 3 p.m. -Choir Concert MONDAY, December 16 Intramurals, Gym 6:30 p_.m. - Blue Devils, Sc 105 6:30 p.m. - MENC, FA 111 6:30 p.m. - PSEA, FA Aud
Would You Believe ?
MONDAY, Decemt>er 9 Basketball, South Dakota state 6 p.m. - Home Ee Club, Ed
Comos of all sorts and sizes are now available, as are brushes. Yick-spider's webs! Kleenex packets sound much more probable. Emery boards or nail files take up considerably less room than leaves; and one might add they aren't nearly so messy. Of course, no modem Eve feels comfortable without the presence of a small compact containing a looking-glass and marvelous invention called pov.der which covers up those unsightly freckles. Our Lady of Today uses a billfold to organize pictures of her family and her old beaus, her money (providing she has some), her driver's license, numerous identification cards, and other cars aiding her in some way. She carries a glasses case, at least two combs and a brush a nailfile, gum, candy; safety pins, at least three pens or pencils (in case one runs out of ink), note cards (at midterm), rubber bands, paper clips, manicure scissors, a small calendar, a note pad, a complete array of emergency ~a~e-up.repair items, and asp1nn to offset the anxiety acquired in the panic of ''purseloss". A woman is aportable grocery store, department store, and beauty parlor. God told me just the othe day that He thought He really overdid Himself when He made the first purse.Amen!!
NOTICE The Peru state Social Science Society Christmas Party will be held December 9 1968, at Room 300 in the Educational Hall.
Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday ,, Phone 872-4351
Short Orders
6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
IN PERU IT'S HILL'S REXALL .DRUG Complete Line of School Supplies .Cologne -· Perfume - After Shave ~
every day
Ann Beatty
Who Has. More Fun?
Probably one of the mostasked questions of recent years nei..t to "Why are we in Vietnam?" of course, would be "Is it true blondes have more fun?" Being myself a brunette, I was at first astounded and an noyed at such discriminati and attention, Wt also being a female I was curious and deci ed to explore this timely ques tion. First of all, I asked myse why, if the statement were true would blondes hame MORE than the average dark-complect ed person? After some deli eration I concluded that sine blondes are fewer in quantit there's a greater demand, Also, for this reason they m consider themselves a specia breed and therefore attempt be more fun-loving, gay an carefree; more or less tr · to live up to their golden ima and obligation as a member the "elite" fairhaired. Whatever the reason for thi sudden universal Pondering ove blondes and the extent of social lives, I'm all for a n slogan-"Is it true brunett have MOST fun?" Blondes the world, Unite!••• .and sta pondering.
Happiness Minu Egotism Equals Popularity Bet it is a surprise to you too but movies are rated by t reaction of the audienc gastronomically, That is, amount of popcorn and can the audience eats andtheamo of soda pop consumed. Classed as probably the papcorn movie in recent year audiences liked "Mary Poppins very munch, "The Graduate is the worst from the standpo · of eating. This movie laid egg at the popcorn counter esd a boxoffice smash. John Wayne and Sean Conne are leading Popcorn actor "Tom Jones" is more ofa can movie. These observations are dra from concessionaires who ar meeting in San Francisco. A m1ist .15 to 20 per cent of mo theaters' revenue comes fro drink and food, f{ you want to be the ur suave type, lay off the PoPC The more sophisticated t movie audience, the less it inclined to gorge itself, Anywa popcorn is fattening,
Home Ee Club The State Home Economi Club Workshop was held No ember 23, at Omaha Universit The theme centered aro "Let Home Economist's the Way," Along with Henry, State Club Histori those attending were: Kay Lov Mary Lutt, MarySchlange, L· Oldfield, Linda Moody,Ka ine Beery, Charlotte Lov· Jereleen Fierce, Carolyn E Miss Hovey, and Mrs Krege
* * *
Of co u rs e hurricanes
bear girls' names; whoever heard of a male blowhard doing any damage?
KODAK & SUPPLIES fast fiim service
the mosticent years ve in VietJUld be "Is nore fun?" 1runette, I ed and an:rimination so being a and decid. mely ques1ed myself were true, MORE fun :-complectome delibthat since n quantity iand, Also, :hey may a special attempt to gay and .ess trying lden image nember of l. m for this leringover 1t of their for a new brunettes Blondes of .and start
Positions To Be Filled Applications are now being apply. accepted for membership on the A letter of application should Student Center Board. Que to be submitted to Mrs Camealy those members who will be grad· in the Student Center no later uating in January, four positions than Noon, Friday, December 20 with full voting privileges must 1968. In the Jetter of applicabe filled. Six alternate positions tion state any activities in which are also available. The alter- 'Yoq, have participated while in nates will have discussion priv- h~g~· school and college. Also ileges but will not assume fuU.. 't~;: why you believe you should voting membership on the Board, · ·b.e considered for membership until March when those who wiU · the Board. Interviews will be student teaching leave. · be conducted after Christmas This membership drive is for vacations and you will be notithose who wish to be on the Sill- fied by letter when these will dent Center Board, and is Sl!P- take place. arate from the cmpmi~es REMEMBER: applications which will be working With the are due by Noon, Friday, DeBoard. camber 20, 1968 to Mrs CamAnyone may apply for mem· ealy in the Student Center. If bership on the Board who has you have any questions feel free a GPA in accordance with his to ask any Student Center. If class standing: is not on any to ask any' Student Center Board probation other than athletic member. probation; and is willing to work THE STUDENT CENTER hard. Freshmen are welcome to BOARD
to you too, audience iat is, the and candy the amount
..y the best ent years, rPoppins" Graduate" standpoint ie laid an ounter buy
the urban ~popcorn.
cated the less it is :. Anyway,
held Novniversity. around st's Lead .vith Dana Historian, Kay Lovitt age, Linda Jy, Kather:e Loving 'Olyn Een, ·s Kregel, ·ricanes vhoever :owhard
Debate Squad Travels to Wayne The Peru State College De, bate Squad. attended the Wayne ~te Forensic and Debate Tournament on December 6 and 7, The third: tournament for the squad proved more beneficial in that two members reached the forensics finals, and the novice debating teams earned a wonloss tabulation equal to or bet- . ter than the other teams from eleven colleges located in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and South Dakota who attended the tournament. Diane Forke reachedthefinals of oratory,andreceivedonefirst place ballot, one fourth, and one fifth for a placing of fourth in a field of 22 contestants. Kathy Schnitzer garnered fifth place in extemporaneous speaking. She receivedonefourthplace lllllot and two fifthplace ballots. There were 25 contestants in the extemp division, Larry Sorensen, extemp, and Don Dodge, oral interpretation of literature, did not reach the finals, but earned third place in each of t.heir respective seCtions in fll'st round competition. Two novice debate teams and two varsity teams earned a total of eight wins in sixteen debates, In the varsity division, Na."lCY Hunzeker and Phil Herbster won one of their four debates, and Larry Sorensen and Don Dodge won one of their four debates, Taking into consideration that this was thefll'sttournamentthat Nancy and Phil has participated in and that they were debating teams with one and two years experience behind them, they did very well,
Vol. 64
Time for Seniors to Start Time for senior to start 24448 Each senior planningtograduate in 1969 should start a credential file in Placement by December 20 in order to receive the most possible help in securing a position upon graduation. This applies to both education and non-election m1jor. Every personplanningtoteach will receive a free national directory of schools and job opportunities when applications for credentials are presented. If any students have already presented applications and did not receive a directory, please call for one. Each non-edllcation major may get a free copy of the 1969 College Placement Annual listing the ernplo_yment oppor-
President's Office
Minus 1uals ed by the
The Peru College secretaries invite everyone (students, faculty, campus visitors) to stop ' in the lobby of the Administration Building for Christmas cookies and tea the afternoon of December 20-this could be your last stop before leaving for Christmas recess. Happy Holidays to all!
The two novice teams fmished with six wins and two losses, Diane Forke and Bill Austin won three of their four debates as did Kathy Schnitzer and Wayne Willcoxon. No novice team was 4-0 for Mr George Eggleston, Area the tournament, so the first Manager for Lincoln Tel. & and second place winners in the Tel, Com_;iany at Auburn,andthe novice debate division were Superintendent of Auburn Public awarded on the basis of speaker Schools will appear as guest points. Kearney State's novice · speakers Tuesday, January 7 team won first place and a team at 6:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts from Black Hills College won Auditorium. The event is sponsecond. sored by Phi Beta Lambda, The next tournament that honorary business oreynization, Peru's squad will attend is at ant the meeting is open to all Northwest Missouri State in students. The two speakers will Maryville, Missouri, · The reveal the qualities they look tournament takes place on for during interviews with poDecember 13and14 tential teachers and businessmen and women. The meeting shouid be of value to all students, and everyoneis cordially invited,
All Students
Test che d uIes
AV a .I,a bIe Test schedules are available in both the library and the registrar's office, for those of you who haven't picked one up yet. The point should be stressed that, on the bottom of the schedule, mention is made of the fact that no final exams will be given other than the time in which they are scheduled. Room assignments will also be given as soon as the teacher is notified. Registration for the spring term is during the 20th and the 21st of January, and there will be no pre-registration this year.
SCB Attends ACU-1
Eleven members of Peru State Student Center Board plus sponsors attended the 5th Annua!Region Eleven Conference of the Assocation of College UnionsInternational held in Lincoln, December 6-7. Included in the agenda were speakers of national reknown, such as Mr Chester Berry, who conducted sessions on such facets of the union as relation,,._ ships, staff, hospitality, publicity, and entertainment. Bob Beran represented Peru State as discussion leader in the session on Staff-Student Relationsmps in Unions, Students attending from Peru State were greatly inspired by the convention, and have many new ideas which will be showiqg up in the Board's future activities.
tunities of some 2,000 business firms and governmental agencies. Free personal data sheets to accompany letters of application are also available. Other opportunities open include summer jobs in governmental agencies. Afew summer camp openings have been received, such as: counselors, crafts, recreation directors, swimming instructors, etc. It is not too early to apply for these positions. A new guidebook to Nebraska schools is now available in the Placement Office and in the Library. This book contains much information about schools and communities for future teaching opportunities. Omaha Chamber of Commerce
No. 12
December 16, 1968
is sponsoring a Ca_reer Opportunity Day on Friday, December 27, 1968, at the Civic Auditorium for seniors interested in employment in the Omaha area, The project is called "Operation Native Son". New interview dates have been released, Students who are interested are urged to make appointments as soon as possible, Monday, December 15-representative from S.S. Kresge, interested in those IXJrsuing careers in store management; Tuesday, .December 16-representatives from Northwestern Bell Telephone Company and Western Electric, both of Omaha, Students should try to make appointments for mornings,
Testing for Higher Learning (ACP) - Chronicle of Higher Education. The College Entrance Examination Board appears ready to concede that its admissions testing program is · geared primarily to serving institutions of higher educatioo and that, as a result, a kind of imbalance exists between this service and the individual needs of students who want to continue their education beyond high school. But the board does not seem prepared to make any radical departures in its basic program of aptitude and achievement tests, Its emphasis more likely will be on offering additional services to help students make more enlightened judgments about themselves and the educational institutions they might
attend. That was the impressioo left at the board's annual meeting here by its president, Richard Pearson and by the chairman and vice chairnian of its commission oo tests. The 21-member commission was appointed early in 1967 to conduct a "broad review" of the theory and practice of the College Board's testing program. It was charged with gathering . "evidence of the need for Nevertheless, in his annual report to the College Board, Mr Pearson gave a persooal assessment of where the commission may go. His remarks hinted at a possible framework for resolving the present impasse within the commission,
Governing Board of State College Meet The governing board of state colleges at its December 9 meeting accepted the bid of the Metropolitan Stage Equipment Co. of Omaha for furnishing equipment and furnishings for the stage of the Peru State College auditorium in the total amount of $16,775, The contract award was for furnishing and installing theater-type draping and lighting including front curtain and valance, olio curtain; a complete set of cyclorama setting, 5 new counterweight riggings and rehabilitation of existing rigging, a complete dimmer panel coosole, houselight and stage light systems, auxiliary stage light circuits, a complete port spotlight batten, two stage lighting battens, ten fresnal spotlights, eight floodlights and six Lekolites plus minor items to assure a first - class stage setting for many types of productions. Installation of this equipment is scheduled for mid-February and if completed at that time should assure full use of the auditorium by March 1, 1969. The board al so approved a call for bids on equipment for the science hall addition. Award of a contract or determination of the type of built-in equipment is essential before final plans and specifications for the science hall addition itself can be completed. Each supplier of laboratory equipment has a dif-
ferent requirement of hook-upto utilities and space utilizatioo thus the architect must know the equipment to be used to assure proper descriptions in general plans and specifications. Equipment bids will be opened sooo after the first of the year. It is hoped final plans can be completed by February 1 with a construction contract awarded by \larch 1 with the addition ready for occupancy by the beginning of the secood semester of the 1969-70 academic year. The Quiz Graphic Arts Co., Ord, Nebraska, was awarded the contract for printing 6,500 copies of the 1969-70 college catalog. Routine approval was given to President Gomon's report on first semester enrollment, residence halls occupancy, fiscal operation and faculty load reports. At an informal dinner Sunday evening, December 8, E, Albin Larson, secretary ofthegoveming board, was hooored for the completion of 25 years of service to the board. Mr Larson is a 1933 graduate of Peru State College. Attending the dinner from Peru were Dr. Neal s. Gomon, president, Lawrence' A. Ebner, business manager and A.V. Larson, emeritus professor of Industrial Arts. A.V.Larson and E. Albin Larson are cousins.
Page 2
THE PED December 16, 1968
Editorially Speaking To Be Or Not To Be Sines the beginning of colleges, there has placed an excessive burden on Administrators and faculty alike - tho policy of "in locis parentis." Jn . recent years college students have brought about an awareness that this policy is not only undesirable for the most part, but is unwanted by the majority of college students. .On our own campus, one aspect of "in locis parentis" is falling under heavy criticism from many students. This is the policy of many instructors concerning class absences. It is rumored that several instructors are trying to adopt a policy whereby any student who has five or more absences in any course would fail that course. In the past two years
we have seen a policy where one grade point was deducted for every two absences, and a policy where absences had to be excused by one of the deans. Nei· ther of these policies seems to have been effective as they have both been abandoned. This further searching of the faculty to find a way to get students to class will also fail for a very siinple reason. No threat will suffice to make a student go to a class unless he is interested in that course. It would seem then, that the best way to make students attend a class is by making that class interesting enough to attend. Instructors should set their goals for high professional skills - not greater threats. Larry E. Sorensen
Nineteen or Never The youth of today are not the same as yesterday. Words tend to incriminate people by fonning them into stereotype extremist groups. Words of this nature, however become impaired the minute meaning is formed. Beatnick is an old and common description of a person adventuring into the unreality on his own behalf. This word, however, employs its self-destruct fuse when it becomes defined, so a "beatnick" exists only in the word and not in the definition. The words "hippie" and "yippie" share a similar distinction, but t"~se words are printed as a ste, Jtype for most people of college age. What people tend to forget is that the word has no ruling dominance over everyone, only the individual. It is foolish, and you've heard this before, to chastise everyone because of a handful. To a great number of young people being a leftist is undesirable. Semantics? No, just one big reason for letting most people decide what they want. From Berkeley to Columbia is a great distance, and here's Peru with its' fellow state col· leges, yeah! Even we have been tagged as delinquents by the actions of these two giant col· Jeges, and similar ones, es· pecially by the unicameral. There have been only minor problems in the state colleges most of them necessary, to disturb the "Sky Pilots" of the
playing "Jumping Jack Flash" by helping cut down the bean pole which the second amendment was preceding down? This is an obviously unanswered question to which very little will be discovered. Did the unicameral acquire a Terry Carpenter personality, especially in the light of its almost passing? Why didn't it pass on election night? A great number of the voters were under age when similiar legislation ~s proposed, so they should know just how badly most young people want the vote. Where were they on election night; at the polls or at the television, when we needed their support, There is very little that can be done from the underage group, or it appear. ed that way, to help their own cause. There are obviously a lot of unanswered questions that need to be answered to explain the failure of his amendment when a large majority of the other amendments were so generously passed, if it holds true about the apparent lack of knowledge by the average citizen on election night. There's a new sun rising up and it isn't over Japan. · · Nineteen or Never, Greg Vaughn
Student Protest
PERU PEDAGOGIAN Monday, December 16, 1968 \'olume 64
Number 12
Published weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . . Greg Vaughn PHOTOGRAPHER . Bob Beran ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . Bob Vana ADVISOR . . . . . . . James Keck The signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of the P edagogian but of individuals. Th.e editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
(ACP) - Chronicle of Higher Education, If the bombing halt in Vietnam leads to an end of the war there, the principal cause of student protest in this country will have been removed. A nationwide survey by Educational Testing Service showed that the war now ranks firstahead of dormitory regulations and civil rights issues -in causing unrest among students. The survey showed that dur· ing the 1967-68 academic year, protests. directed at American policy on Vietnam were reported by 38 percent of the responding institutions, while dormitory regulations were said to have caused prote!itS at 34 percent of the institutions. In contrast, ci vi! rights is· sues, which a few years ago were by far the leading cause of· student demonstrations, last year dropped to third place-accounting for protests at 29 percent .of the institutions. ,
1- Christmas Message The morchants' drive to rid November of its hindering Thanksgiving has of late tapered off. For in the wake of a commercialized floor it has been buried in Yule decor by a rich American population eager to spend its annual forty billion Christmas dollars. How sick I feel with the advertising parade all around and seeing the merchant's mutation, "Xmas", While these mechanized men steal Christmas, the meek men of religion still pathetically fight the tinsel by a nostalgic connection with the quaint but failing nativity scene. For myself it took the environment of a very old and dirty insane asylum with the hopelessly deformed and retarded. where T w~.~ ""llplnved dur-
ing my nineteenth Christmas. To myself or anyone who The state had brought gifts, once young and anxious in decoration, food, and even Santa eyes of Christmas and who Claus, Themenopenedthepres- mother had stretched the me~ ents, ate the food, and sm,ked er gifts with such apples a Santa's cigarettes, Thus com- pencils, this cartoon becom pleted, Christmas was over, a cold lance to the heart. This pathetic scene in ward is not humorous that we spo D1 moved me g-reatly, yet I children instead of loving the then realized we too are un- that we should try in vain consciously in ward Dl, victims express in money what we of the same abortion. The mer- longer express in chant feeds our guilt with ex- warmth. pensive gifts, where-upon, we As for my self, I want release it by dropping a sad spend the hours of Christ quarter in the hand of poverty, eve, in quiet closeness w Again this season l was bit- .the one I most love, to say terly awakened by a cartoon things I should have said in the Omaha paper which showed hope to say a hundred tim a child in Santa's lap, his moth- again; to talk of fears and er li,stening nearby. The boy dream; to listen to hers; said, "And don't try wrapping speak of those who can not apples and junk again, to make here; to laugh or to be sa it look liRe a lot of presents." to sense God.
Putting Christ Into Christmas Christ cannot be put into Christmas by those who do not believe in Him; -putting Christ into Christmas is a challenge only to Christians. For nonChristians a superficial and sentimental ackhowledgment of a baby Jesus dishonors this very Christ Ch:Jd who, for Christians, is God become man and born to fulfill a m;ssion of redemption. But the observance of Christma;; as a holiday has reached proportions larger than the church. Christmas belongs to the world now. In this respect it parallels the observance of Sunday where religious custom prevails in "secular society." The joys of Christmas are not limited. Christians do not begrudge the celebration of Christmas byallofsociety.Gifts given in love and friendship, happiness for children, beauty in decorations, music that cannot be matched, letters of kind rememberance and greeting, family gatherings - these joys are the joys of Christm1s that belong to all. Nor do Chrfstians hold an attitude of superiority about THEffi celebration. Christians do not claim Christmas as their gift to the world. Surely, it is God's - whose might and power cannot be contained and whose desires is for good things for all people,
;let the Divine Light that shone brightly upon the shepherds on the day of our Saviour's birth bring joy to you and your family this season. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Campus fo, Campus Dr. Samuel Calian assistant professor of theology at Dubeque Theological Seminary, spoke to Hastings State College studentsNovember 22, on the topic "Christian Materialism: Marx-
ist or Biblical." Francis W, Carpenter of t United State Department ofS was the guest convocation spea er at Chadron State November 21, Chadron students held the' first Hootenanny November 2 Concordia students present the play, "Princess Rebec Birmbaum," November 22. T Cappella Choir presented i Christmas concerts Decembe 7-8. Appearing with the choi were three guest artists: Pro fessor Arnold Schatz, concert master of the Lincoln Sympho Professor WilliamGaenasteno soloist and Mrs Betty Gale as soprano soloist. Folk singers Dave Webbe and Colleen Fitzsimmons pr vided entertainment for College students November 16 Murray Brown, an actor great distinction in the fiel of one-man theater, presente Hans Christian Anderson, Chi! of Life, November 20, Mayor Robert Haworth of Bellevue has declared the month of December "Bellevue College Month." The Wichita State University Homecoming show November 23 featured Hollywood star Jo ' Davidson and English comedians Tony Hendra and Nie Ullett, Students from approximately 60 colleges and universities participated in the 13th Annual Shocker Invitational Tournament November 22-23.
THE PED December 16, 1968
e who was ious in the and whose I the m~ag- ; apples and i becomes . heart, It t we spoil ving them; in vain to rhat we no personal
ATS SHINE IN DEBUT Bobcats,, Rip-Zip to Home Victory By DA VE DAVISON The Peru State Bobcats, after smarting from two consecutive road losses, returned home for a four-game home stand and reel·ed off three straight wins to raise their season mark to 5-2, (Sports Editors note: the fourth game of the series, Peru vs. Huron College of S,D .. , was played after printing time and was unable to be included in this report,) The Bobcats thur far have shown an enormous improvement in bench strength and rebounding power. The play of three new-comers to the cage scene this season: CarrollJohn· son, Bob Morton, and Dave Bierbaum has aided Coach Mcintire in spelling his starters without losing much effectiveness.
I want to Christmas mess with to say the ~ said and red times 1rs and of 1 hers; to ~an not be o be sad;
~W _Missouri
ete Stew art, 6' 8 sophomore enter, reaches high for a rebound against Midlands Ohm.
Olympian At 14
th Ill.
avid, a
Youngest member. of the 1968 U.S. Olympic team for the winter games was Janet Lynn, 14, ol ROtkford,--c-IlL She's a figure skater.
Stefankh Riecord Jim Stefanich is the only bowler to,.' :Win ABC team singles, doubles and all event~ titles.
Edged 83- 80
The first game in the Cat home stand was played Saturday, Dec. 7, against the tough Bearcats of Northwest Missouri State. The Bobcats held a 4533 halftime lead but had to rely on their rebounding strength in the second half to s@eak out a close 83-80 win. Strong dominance of the boards was evident in the 65-39 margin Peru held. After Peru breezed to a 16 point lead early in the second half, the Bearcats made their come-back behind the charge of Pat Donovan, the game high scorer with 19. The Bearcats and the Bobcats clawed it out on nearly even terms the second half b~ the big lead Peru had built up was too much to overcome, even though it was cut to a little as four points near the end, Donovan's jumper at the buzzer cut it to the final three point margin.
The Bobcats two most potent ingredients were mixed well in the victory as five PSC players connected for double figures and the big rehounding edge was ac-
complished with Pete Stewart ers attack with 15 points and snaring 22 and Wayne Heine Ton Cole added 10 points and seven in rebounds. Peru Stato 21. Lwon Portrey, making his first hit 54.5 percent from the field varsity start of the year, lead while Southern was icy at ~ts.ti Peru scor1»·~ with 17. r,,11~·voo percent. by Heine and Wilkins; 16 each, Bobcats Zip Past Warriors :Stewart, 15 and Morton, 12. MacMen Rip Southern
Wed., Dec. 11; Midlands ColOn Mooday, Dec, 9, the Mac- lege of Fremoot, Nebr., invaded Men found the going a little Peru maples for the third game easier rut oolythroughtheirown of the series. It looked from efforts, as the Pointers of South- the beginning astillughPeru was ern State from South Dakota in for a fight as the Warriors were pasted 105-71. hooped it up behind guard Jeff Behind a stingy defense and Dramel who hit 19 first half fantastic outside shooting by points to deadlock the Bobcats Clyde Wilkins and in side hitting 37-37 at the break. A tremen· by Pete Stewart, the Bobcat mov- dous thiro quarter surge bythP ed out to a 14 point lead, 39- Bobcats put the game out of 25, with 5: 11 remaining in the reach as they out classed and half and steadily increased the out scored the visitors 21-9 in margin to lead at halftime, 56- a six minute burst after the 34, The Cats hit 62 per cent start of the secood half and from the floor in the opening went on to a 90-SO romp. period oo Clyde's 4 of 6 jumpDramel was the difference for ers and Pete's 8 of 10 hooks and layups, Midlands in the first as he conThe PSC strong bench again tinued to hit consistently from showed brilliantly as all 13 var- the 30-40 foot range. Dramel's sity-members contributed at output was off-set by Pete Stewleast two points to the cause. art and Clyde Wilkins who canWU.kins ended with 23 points. ned 16 and 11 points respectivetaJ:ing scoring honors by one ly in the first half to keep Peru p01~t from Stewart. R•:bounding in the game, Stewart lead all again proved to be the othei scorers as he lead the third strong point as Wayne Heine quarter surge and ended with a grabbed 12 and Pete Stewart '68 season high of 34. Another 11 to lead the team which snar- factor leading to the victory ed 67 all totaled to 47 for the was Dramel's inability to conPointers. nect like he had the first half. Perhaps the longest point of He hit only two free throws the the game came after the Bob- _ second half and finished with 21 cats had reached the 99 point points. Midlands, one of the shorter plateau with 6:32 remaining in the contest. At this point Mac teams Peru has faced, boasted cleared the bench and the subs only one senior and no players had_ the fansinthestandsontheir taller than 6'5. Peru senior, feet until with 1:32 remaining, Wayne Heine, sat out nearly 6-4 freshman Earl Brown con- the whole game, suffering what nected on a jumper to crack the appeared to be an ankle injury. Huron College of South Daalways-4lard-to-attain century kota was at Peru Friday, Dec. mark. Senior Ron Bush lead the Point- 13.
Zero Predicts: Bowl Season Arrives er of the nt of State ion speak~ovember
held their 'mber 22, presented Rebecca ir 22.The ;ented its :>ecember the choir .sts: Pro. concertSymphony nastenor tty Galen Webber profor Dana mber 16, actor of the field presented ;on, Child rlOnS
th of Belhe month ~vue Collniversity imber23, :tar John omedians ic Ullett, mately60 ities par:h Annual urnament
Page 3
Now that the college football ason is ended a few select s are looking forward to post season bowl appeares. These bowl games do · things, first the winning m gains national prestige, secondly all schools parcipating and their respective nferences gain financial benets. My predictions for the holiay bowl games are based on orough study of teams and eir respective conference and es and are wholly my own.
Zero's predictions: Missouri will face Alabama in the Gator Bowl. This should be an interesting game because both teams must depend on their stout defense. Alabama's of· fense has shown it can't move the ball when it should and Missouri doesn't have a super star quarterback who can move the team. Look for Missouri to pull this one out of the hat, but by a slim margin, 14-13 . The Bluebonnet Bowl will feature two high scoring teams, Oklahoma and Southern Metho-
dist University, The Sooners rely on the running of their sensational tailback, Steve Owens while SMU relies on the passing of Chuck Hixon and the running of Mike Richardson.Oklahoma, with their diversified offense should be able to defeat SMU in the high scoring game, 39.28. The Orange Bowl has long been noted for it's brilliant halftime shows, but this year it may be remembered for the fireworks of Penn State and the University of Kansas, Rock Chalk Jayhawk: has been heard throughout the midlands this football season, While back east Penn State rooters continue to say that their Nittany Lions are No. 1 and they could be. The Nittany Lions have two of the best · halfbacks in the
Clyde Wilkins, 5' 11 playma· king guard, hustles past a Southern player enroutc to two more Bobcat points.
lntramurals Volley Ball Nears End After six rounds of volleyball competition the Cool Jerks remain undefeated. Close behind are the Studs and Stingers. A Cool Jerk class and a final win by either the Studs or Stingers would result in a play-Qff game for the championship. If both the Stingers and Studs win with a Cook Jerk loss it would be a three team play-off. A Cool Jerk win would clench the championship. Intramural basketball will start Monday, December 16,
east. Bob Campbell and Charlie Pittman are strong and fast runners. Kansas relies on Bobby Douglass, Donnie Shanklin, John Riggins, and a talented group of ends. Going into the game Kansas has a 9-1 record, while Penn State is 10-0. When its over Kansas will be 9-2 while Penn State will be 11-0. Penn State 29- Kansas 27. O.J, Simpson and Co. versus Volleyball Standings W-L a young and talented Ohio State 1. Cook Jerks 6-0 team in the Rose Bowl. This 2-3. Studs 5-1 game will decide who is real- 2-3 Stingers 5-1 ly No. 1. It looks like. 0-State 4. Spartans 4-2 can bottle Orange Juice,,On the 3-3 other hand the U,S.C. defense 5-6-7 Marksmen 5-6-7 Iron Butterflies 3-3 against the rush leave a little 3·3 to be desired. Ohio State's 5-6-7 Mysterians 8-9-10 Shady Oak Bombers 2-4 coach Woody Hayes likes· his 8-9-10 Dolphins 2-4 team to play ball control. They 8-9-10 Green Jackets 2-4 should be able to do just that 1-5 against U.S.C, 1 predict that 11. Nads 0-6 the Ohio State Buckeye's will 12. Cherry Pickers stun the Trojans from Southern California, 24-21.
Knoxville Site
See you next ·week with my predictions on the Sugar, Cotton and Super Bowls:
The 1970 American Bowling Congress ·tournament will be held in Knoxville, Tenn.
JOHN L LEWlS, Vlce Pres. & Cashier
SAT.. P.M.
119 N. 8th St.
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Page 4
THE PED December 16, 1968
Santa's Dead Ca/eMlr Who Said 7 Who said Santa Claus doesn't exist? Well, doo't believe them. If you want to believe in the spirit of giving, which the figure of Santa Claus represents, then go ahead. And Santa Claus will exist in your heart and be exemplified in your actions, In analyzing the traditional conception of Santa, one comes up with the mental picture of a fat, jolly old gentleman who has time for everybody. Maybe he even looks .like Grandpa. But, kids are getting too smart, now. They know where those gifts under the tree come from. Thus, they miss the real gift Santa brings them. Mucq has been said about commercialized Christmases, but how often have you heard anyone mention leaving the spirit of Santa out of Christmas? So, all you kids, get together and show .the older generation that Santa is not dead. He lives! And he doesn't Jive just at Christmas, he lives the whole year round. Creating and reviving the old spirit of Santa for your personal benefit may be one of the most rewarding experiences you enjoy - and employ.
NOTICE Notice! There will benoPSEA meeting Monday, December 16, 1968. .
MONDAY, DECEMBER 16 Intramurals 6: 30 pm-Blue Devils, Sc 105 6:30 pm-MENG, FA Ill 6:30 pm-PSEA, FA Aud 7: 30 pm-Secretaries Christmas meeting, Student Center 8:00 pm-Christmas Music, FA Aud TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17 Intramurals 4:30 pm - Davidson-Palmer dorm · me!'ting, lounge 6:00 pm-White Angels, Ed 300 6:30 pm-P Club, FA 211 6:30 pm-SGA, Ed Building 7 :00 pm-MEN, Student Center 7:30-10:30 pm-Delzell Hall Open House WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18 Language Arts Christmas Party, Student Center 6:00 pm-Gamma Delta, FA 10 4 6:00 pm-LSA, FA 212 8:00 pm-WAA, Gym THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19 lntramurals 4:45 pm-Circle K, Stud. Center FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20 Basketball, Auburn High Basketball-Tarkio, Missouri Tournament 12 noon to 5 pm-Christmas recess begins
Diet Did you know ••••• A masterpiece of advertising, the so-called drinking man's diet is a masterpiece of de-· ceit for the would-be weight loser. Alcohol in almost unlimited quantities is permitted, as a part of the low carbohydrate system of dieting, but the diet restricts carbohydrates, not calories,
Dr. Phillip White, Director of the Missouri Health Association, says "Protein, fat, carbohydrates and alcohol all contribute calories, and the only la sting way to lose pounds is to reduce the total caloric intake from all these sources."
rou'll never forget the day you chose your Keepsake. Its matchless beauty and elegant styling will always remind you of your most wonderful moment ... your engagement day.
Rinp tnlugt:d to show .detail.
Trade-Mark Reg.
Perhaps the worst feature of· the diet is that it could be damaging to nutritional well-being if observed for very Jong. Dr. White blamed both reputable manufacturers andhealthquacks for the American public's confusion over nutrition.
At Peru State there are organizations for students, faculty, faculty women - so it had to come, an organization for secretarial-clerical workers. A group met October 7 and elected officer: Mrs Gnade, president; Mrs Stephens, vice-president in charge of programs; Mrs Giesecke, secretary-treasurer. At a meeting November 18 a constitution was adopted stating the purpose of the organization is to emphasize good relations with employees, fellow workers, faculty and students. This is an organization for anyone who works in a college office. If student office workers are interested, they are urged to contact one of the regular s-~cretarial-clerical staff members ~d come to the meetii!gs -which are scheduled forthethird Monday of the month.
Simple Hie Has Problems:
HOW TO GIVE ADVICE New York (NAPS)-Advice 1s · the one commodity almost everyone likes to give and almost nobody likes to take. Yet there comes a time in every life when to advise seems necessary-even, one might say advisable. However, unles~ you're a Marine sergeant or a Miss Lonely hearts, it's going !o ta~e a Jot more than good illtentions to get your· message across. In other words, the way you present your suggestions will have a decided effect on whether or not they ar'e followed. Psychologists, who make their living by advice-giving offer the following tips on the ~ubject: 1. Don't Call Them; Let Them Call You. If possible, wait until you 're asked. This is not always easy but you'll receive a more cordial hearing if you can hold out Despite an overwhelming urg~ !O ady,ise, the object of your good illtentions may learn his lesson better the hard way. Of course ~ere are occasions when yo~ Just can't afford to wait for an opening-and that's· where tl:e challenge lies. In this case:
Dinners - . Short Orders 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. eve.ry day
Ann Beatty
and Ono,.,,
It is things like this that make me long for the "simple life". Sometimes I curse the gadgets . and appliances which persist in pestering me; sometimes I wish I were in Aborigine, Do these people worry about their TV exploding in the middle ) of their favorite show? Do they 2. Sugar-coat Your Sl!g'gesdevelop ulcers over the side' burns that j.ist grow? Are they tions. In most cases, if the advice plagued by flat tires on their riding lawnmower? Absolutely offered can be concealed in a more palatable form-such as not!!!! But neither do theyenjoyHam· a compliment, an offer of help let movies for English, or our or a confidence-it will be swal: school meals, or journalism lowed with far greater relish. If, for instance, you 're a mothclass with Mr Keck, • • • • On second thought, PH keep my er-in-law eager to persuade a modern "conveniences", if only young wife that stew makes a to stay in touch with the furies fine_ substitute for steak, don't and frustrations of "Jiving - stress her extravagance. It's far better to praise her culina60's style." ry talents, then offer several new gourmet recipes for stew which you feel sure she can "cook to perfection". 3. The "Third-Party" Line. Husbands hate nagging wives, but the clever spouse can offer advice so tactfully that her ~ . other half never knows he's a victim. The conceited fellow sees I to I with himself on ev"Don't you think Bill Bailey erything. was a fool to gamble away all that money at the races?" followed by "It's comforting to know you'd neverdoadumbthing like that" is _a wiser way to handle a husband bound for a CLEANERS & TAILORS paker game than the "Don't you be a fool like Bill Bailey" routine. Or, if your overweight teenHelping Peru State age daughter insists on eating look just t~at sweets all day, advising her much, better for to go on a diet may merely goad her on to greater gorging O\'<l'f· 51 years. sprees ..More persuasive might be such a third-person approach as: "~on't you think Betsy looks
marvelous since she's thi down? (Even better might the practical approach of se ing low calorie meals and drinks, minus the commen 4. Accentuate the Posi It's not al ways what you that makes a person bridle; how you say it. For instan the r.hild who suffers from a · (which can spell tragedy t6. teenager) only suffers m& when asked, "Why don't you· something about it?" A mJ better approach is to bring ho· a jar of Ice-0-Derm or so··1 similar product, with a positf "Here's something you may ' useful." · 5. Never say "I told you so• Above all with teenagers (f with anyone else), this phra is a sure-fire way to get ., fu_ture advice turned down co· so avoid it like dynamite whe er your advice is taken or ign6 ed. 6. The Other Side Of Coin. No one likes to have the o guy do his thinking for him at least doesn't like to admi If you can offer two solution a problem, you permit your
The toaster chars my morning's meal; the electric toothbrush completes a circuit through my metal fillings; the electric blanket toasts my tootsies; the garbage disposal mangles tny pointer; the alarm clock scares the Hades out of me at 4 a.m.; and on and on
For after ator• hours appoint· merit ..U ·colleet~.&252.
Officers Elected to New Organizations
Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday Phone 872-4351
visee to make a choice. feels that he, not you, is sol the dilemma. And what do care who gets the credit, as I as he gets tlie message? 7. Watch Your Watch. There are certain times day when it's fatal to give a vice: early in the mo · before a meal or immedia after work. The best times early in the evening, after ner, or over· a weekend wh you and your subject are !axed. And, if you must advi do so in private since any n tural resentment is doubled the presence of a third pa 8. Wait Till The Mood Rise R~member, your own m and that of the recipient are i portant elements in the fine of giving advice. So try to cho a time and occasion when of you are in your most chee ful state of mind , Happily, there is historic e dence to prove that good advi when properly given is som times accepted gracefully ;_ the great satisfaction of all c cerned. More than 400. yea ago Samuel Pepys was. so i pressed with his own advic ·giving talent that he noted · his famous diary: "Got m father brother Tom, and m self together, and I advised m father to good husbandry, and be living within the compass 50 pounds a year, and all · such kind wordsasnotonlymad both them, but myself, to weep.'
IN PERU IT'S HILL'S REXALL DRUG ,Complete Line of School' Supplies Cologne -· Perfume - After Shave
KODAK & SUPPLIES fast fiim service
E she's thinn 1tter mtiht :oach of serv 1eal s and sof ~ comments) the Positive; what you sa .on bridle; it' For instance ~rs from acne tragedy to suffers mo y don't you d .t?" A muc to bring home erm or some 1ith a positive : you may find told you so.'~ teenagers (a , this phras · 1y to get all ed down cold~ 1amite whethi akenorigno
ave the othd 5 for him-or .e to admit itj
solutions to rmit your ad,
em ester egistration As you have probably noted by w, there will be no pre-regration for second semester. stead, the registration will be Id on January 20 for Juniors d Seniors, and on January for Freshmen and Sophoores. The exact times are follows: 8:30.11:00 11:00-11:30 1:30-3:00 3:00-4:30 8:30-10:00 10:00-11:30 1:30-4:30
Time cards will be necessary for admittance to registration. ese will be available at the gymnasium door from 7:30 on both registration days. These '.cards will state what time you are to register and will be valid for that time only. An information sheet explain'ing the registration procedure ·will be .distributed to the s1lldents at either the library or the office of the registrar. It ·may be of value for each s1lldent to confer with his or her advisor prior to registration :to discuss programs of study for the coming semester.
choice. He u, is solving: what do you; redit, as long· age? i.tch. in times of' to· give ad•.' 1e morning,; immediately; st times arei g, after din~ekend when! ect are remust advise': nee any na-·· ; doubled in·. third party. \1ood Rises. own mood.· ient are im-• the fine art, :ryto choose· 1 when both most cheer-: listoric evigood advice n is some-· :efully :..._to : 1 of all con- · 1 400. years .vas. so im-wn advicee noted in "Got my 1, and myadvised my tdry, and to compass of and all in it only made f,toweep.''
Sadie Hawkins Stomp The -Peru Student Center Board sponsored a Sadie Hawkins' Day on December 12. Activities began in the afternoon with a pieeating contest and a rubble gumblowing contest. Meron Solonynka proved he had the biggest appetite by downing three frozen chocolate and cocoanut cream pies. Greg Hazen blew bubbles tbe size of his head for first place in the rubble-blowing contest. A dance was held in the evening with prizes awarded to the best female and best male dancers. Costume awards were also given for the best Daisy Mae and Lil Abner costumes, Billy Graham won the best male dancer award, and Sher-. leen Hill the best fem1le dancer. Steve Mason and Carol Abbot won the prizes for the best Lil Abner and Daisy Mae costumes. A dance combo, The Moods Inc., from Omaha played for the dance.
Vol. 64
lJanuary 6, 1969
Pizza &Dancing Mr Hunter has a.uounced that starting January 10, dances will be held in the Bob Inn on Fri· day nights when there are no horn.~ basketball games. There will not be any admission charge for these dances and free music from the box· will be furnished. Any small groups on campus that wish to play for the dances will be wel· comed. The reason these dances are being started is because the Bob Inn belongs to the students and Mr Hunter believes the students · should rcei ve the full enjoyment from it. The Bob Inn will also start serving pizza on January 10. It will be sold at a special introductory price of fifty cents on this date.
ChristmasMusic Concert Held
The Christmas Music Concert was held Monday evening, Dec. 16, at 8:00 in the Fine Arts Auditorium. A good crowd en· joyed the hour-long concert, Second semester class sche- comprised of the chorus and dules are available at the reg- small sections of the band. The Woodwind Choir opened istrar's office. Each student is .entitled to only ONE copy. the program with the "Suits Your cooperation in this regard of Carols". The Clarinet Choir t h e n presented three would be appreciated. It is hoped that this registra- selections. Both groups were · · tion procedure will cut down on under the direction· of Mr Wilson. confusion and wasted time. Mr Camealy led the chorus, Tuesday, January 7, Robert accompanied by Doug Kottich, Minford will present "Journey in the "Precessional" from the to Eldorado" in the Fine Arts Ceremony of Carols. The men's Auditorium at 8:00 P.M. Mr. quartet, with Mike Schawang as Minford is a native ofNewYork, soloist, followed by singing he began his theatrical career "What Child Is This". The dou- at Pasadena Playhouse in Calble quartet, made up of tioth men ifornia, He has appeared in and women, sang a fast-moving many of the leading theaters "Oh well, there's no rush. "Here We Come A Wasseling". throughout the country with such I can do it tomorrow.'' Sound The full chorus concluded the stars as Richard Basehart, Stefamiliar? Then you are a mem· program with a rendition of phen Boyd, and Zasu Pitts. His ber of that one of a kind group " 'Twas The Night Before television performances number that is mtircifully called "Pro- Christmas," featuring solos by close to one. hilndred including crastinating Students." I .say Ken Carnes, Willard Peterson, . three years on the Series RAWmercifully because there are and Charlotte Lash, with various HIDE, and spot performances on half a dozen other names for speaking solos. . ROUTE 66, DR. KILDARE, and these rugged individualists. The chorus and a brass en· GUNSMOKE. semble, lead by Ken Carnes Such as: lazy, n015ood bum; Several years ago Minford's crummy hippie; lousy com- and Tom Osborn respectively, idea of a one-man show centermie; the list goes on forever. joined the audience in singing ed around the life works of EdBut these people are undeserv- · five traditional Christmas Car- gar Allen Poe began. In preing of such unfair criticism and ols to end the night's festivities. paration for his full-length show, · name calling. They are pracMil_lford spent _several years o~f titioners of a rare and sacred art that they have perfected to an exacting degree. The art of doing nothing. if completed at that time should The governing board of state W11Ue this may sound like an assure full use oftheauditorium easy task, it gets more involved colleges at its December 9meetthan. one would imagine, A ing accepted the bid of the Metro-• by March 1, 1969. true Procastinator is able politan Stage Equipment Co. of The board also approved a call to do nothing, and yet appear Omaha for furnishing equipment for bids on equipment for the and furnishings for the stage of to be the businest person of all. science hall addition. Award of Whenever someoae is watching the Peru State College audia contract or determination of he makes sure he is doing sonrn- torium in the total amount of the type of built-in equipment thing that looks im1iortant. But $16,775. The contract award is essential before final plans as they say, looks can be de- was for furnishing and installing and specifications for the sci· theater-type draping and light- ence hall addition itself can ceiving. ing including front curtain and A good Procrastinator is al· valance, olio curtain, a com- be completed. Each supplier of laboratory equipment has a. so the master of a thousand plete set of cyclorama setting excuses. And he can use them 5 new counterweight riggings and different requirement of hook· up to utilities and space utili· with the accuracy that amazes rehabilitation of existing rigging zation thus the architect must even a veteran bull-thrower. A a complete dimmer panel conllnow the equipment to be used to true master can easily make a sole, houselight and stage light assure proper descriptions in teacher feelsorry for him besystems, auxiliary stage light cause he was unable to attend circuits, a complete port spot• general plans and specificaclasses for the last two months. light batten, two stage lighting tions. Equipment bids will be opened soon after the first of battens, ten fresnal spotlights, So the procrastinating student eight floodlights and six Leko- the year. It is hoped final is not a leech on society, nor lites plus minor items to assure plans can be completed by February 1 with a construction coo• does he endanger the solidara first - class stage setting for ity of the United States. He many types of productions. In· tract awarded by March 1 with is a true artist in his chosen field and deserves recognition stallation of this equipment is the addition ready for occupancy scheduled for mid-February and by the beginning of the second for a job well done.
68 Teaching Positions
'Jourlley' Tomorrow
Students ;Procrastinate
No. 13
and on, reading, researcning, editing, andfinallyperforming the show. Now Minford has decided to continue the journey throughoutthecountrybringing the story of Edgar Allen Poe to the schools. The dramatized protrait is presented in two acts, recreating many of the shattering moments in Poe's life. It includes many of his famous works, set against the background of the exact replica of the Fordham cottage, in which he lived just a few weeks before his death. Mr Minford portrays a close friend of his and takes the audience on the haunting, intimate, and revealing journey through the mind of Poe who for forty years searched for Eldorado, a dream of life that was never revealed to him.
Governing Board of State Colleges Meet semester of the 1969-70 academic year. The Quiz Graphic Arts Co.; Ord, Nebraska, was awarded the contract for printing 6,500 copies of the 1969-70 college catalog. - Routine approval was given to President Gomon's report oo first semester enrollment, resi· dence halls occupancy, fiscal operation and faculty load reoorts. At an informal dinner Sunday evening, December 8, E. Albin Larson, secretary of the governing. board, was honored for the completion of 25 years of service to the board. Mr Larson is .a 1933 graduate of Peru State College. Attending the dinner from Peru were Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president, Lawrence A. Ebner, business manager and A.V. Larson, emeritus professor of Industrial Arts. A. V. Larson and E. Albin Larson are cou• sins.
Two maps, one of the United States and one of Nebraska, are displayed on the bulletin board opposite the Office of Education. Dotted with pins, they show the cities where last year's graduates in the department of education now hold teaching positions. The graduates are identified; name tags are connected by strings to the pins. The pins show that 1968 Peru alumni have scattered over a wide area-to C:ilifornia, Nevada, Colorado and eastward, too. Most are congregated in southeast Nebraska. If you haven't already seen the display. it is worth a special visit to the education building.
Peru Debaters To Maryville· Peru State College's debate team attended its final tournam•)nt for the first semester on Dilceml>er 13-14. Making the trip to Northwest Missouri State College at Maryville were two varsity teams - Larry Sorenson, Don Dodge and Bill Austin - Diane Forke - and two novice teams - Linda KilgorCheryl Prokupec and Kathy Schnitzer - Wayne Willcoxon. In individual forensic events, the sq1ad brought home eight certificates of excellence. Those participating in forensic events were Schnitzer and Procupek, extemporaneous speak.ing; Forke and Kilgore, original oratory; Dodge and Austin, oral interpretation of lite ra1llre. The varsity debaters did not fare well in the .debate col-' umns, but had the satisfaction of being beaten by the top teams of the di vision. Both of the varsity teams ended the tourna· ment with a 1-5 record. In the novice division theteam of Prokupec and Kilgore was 0-6. This was the first tournament which this team attend· ed. · The novice team of Schnit· zer and Willcoxon ganiered fourth place in the novice di· vision of the tournament with five wins and one loss. Twenty-four schools from South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska attended the tournament, and the competition was of a very high caliber.
Page 2
January 6, 1969
Alcoholism. Poses Serious Problem
Campus to Campus
Student Apathy, Alienation Grows,
(ACP) - The Maneater, Uni- · "Sunrise and Sunset was the versity of Missouri, Columbia, Alcoholism is definitely be- ious problem, and now the only theme of the annuafDolphin Club Missouri, Today's alienated coming a serious and continuous way out is to seek medical show at Washburn University and apathetic students, although problem in our society today. or psychiatric help. It is usu- December 4-6. December 5, increasing in number, form the ally hard to convince anyone in Dr. Marvin J, Taylor spoke to same two to three percent of The main question is what can we do to discourage teenagers this state of mind that he does students on the topic "New Left the nation's youth as in previous and young adults from develop- need help, for he is too con- on the College Camptis: Fact or years, Dr. Paul T. King, direcing a severe case of alcoholism? cerned about himself and doesn't Fiction." Colonel Earl N,Fran~ . tor of the Testing and Counrealize he is acting abnormal. klon, Chief of the Air Force seling Service said in ManThe answer is perhaps one that Many people drink because Service Officers at Philadel- eater interview Tuesday. remains somewhat unanswered. When and why do most young ;hey are afraid to face reality, phia, Pa. was the guest speakHowever this two to three such as problems and fears that er at the ·annual Air Force percent is becoming more vispeople start to drink? The average probabfy take their first are hard to overcome. They be- ROTC Dinner December .6. Miss ible to society, he said. drink during their last two years lieve drirlking will give them a Marilyn Berg was crowaed 1968The apathetic and alienated in high school and thatfirstyear feeling of security, or perhaps 69 Hom.~coming Queen Decem- students can be classified in in college, or possibly justaway a good, high superior feeling ber 7. The annual Christmas seven major categories based from home. Of course, this about themselves. This may Vespers were held Sunday, De- on results of national research varies with the individual, the be true, but these reactions cember 15. on student values, King said. Thlrty-six Creighton Uni ver· community in which he lives, can not last forever; in fact, The study has not yet revealed and his environment. They us- , they will last only a few hours. sity students have been named the reaMns for alienation or ually begin with just one little Then everything is all over, to "Who's Who Among Students apathy. drink to see what it is really and it is time to face reality. · in American Universities and King outlined the seven catelike. Before long, someone is What has one gained? Absolute- Colleges." Folk singer Danny gories as follows: Cox entertained students with a forcing them to take another, ly nothing! The passive withdrawn stuIt is our duty as well-educat• concert December 2. and then another. They begin to dent. drink socially and just on spe- ed growing adults and well-re"The Doctor in Spite of Him· The passive and uncommunicial occasions. It is very com- spected citizens of our society, self," was the name of the play cative student. mon for college students todrink to help the young people of to- presented by Kearney students The activist who is deeply socially. They also drink be- day realize the dangers they December 10-14. The Winter committed. cause they are afraid of not, be- are facing when they start to Festival, sponsored by the The student who attempts to ing accepted if they don't. j?e- drink. They shoold understand SUAC, included in its activi- gratify himself (this includes lng socially accepted is a veg that the first little drink they ties, a Christmas tree, a hay bead wearers and drng takers) .mp0 rtant thing in our society take could very easily lead them ride, snow games, and a Candy Supporters of the status quo, ;oday, especially in that first to excessive drinldng, in which Cane Dance during the week of such as those who join the Junyear out when one is making ma- they will have to seek help to December 11-15. Students were ior Chamber of Commerce. 1y new acquaintances; so na- overcome the problem. After entertained ..December The lonely student who sees .. 4,. by the urally they feel they must con- all, they too, are someday very the need for change but is afraid orm to what everyone else is soon going to be the leaders of "Outsiders" a national record- to act. loing. However within a very our society. Therefore, if we ing group from Cleveland. The The political game player and staff presented strategist. ;hort time they feel they can are to have a healthy and edu- planetarium 1ot get along. without a drink cated society in the years that several performances of "The From his research and readChristmas Story" as shown by ing, King has collected a numbus drinking becomes an every- follow, they must have an unthe stars during the month of ber of theories that attempt to lay habit, just -like eating. Al· derstanding of the problem of D.icember. Bill Sands, one- explain student apathy and alie:oholism becomes a very ser- alcoholism! time cellmate of "Red-lightBan- nation. These theories are not dit" Caryl Chessman, was guest necessarily King's. convocation speaker DecemPressured by society to beber 9. come professionals causes stuMany people seem to think much in, and no end is in sight. dents to rebel against this pres;hat the chief value of attending I personally think that many A "Festival of Carols" was sure and withdraw from· a soan institution of higher learning young men who are nowdiligent- presented December 13, by Con· ciety and life that makes them is the avoidance of the draft. ly avoiding the draft would make cordia's Chorales to celebrate strive, King said. This assumption is gaining in a complete turn-about if this con- the birth of Christ. King also explained that a poIUlarity all the time, and, flict did not exist. The prosfast moving society causes a Hastings stuaents presentea a depending on your point of view, pect of being sent to a swampy psychological numbing affect. it may seem justifiable. Be battlefield where insects are series of one act plays D.icem- The youth sees an environment realistic: How many young men thick and rations are thin is ber 6, which included "The that is difficult to control and of college age a.re willing to hardly encouraging to a fellow Bear," "The Questioning of and "Wurzel Flumrisk their lives for our old who is just getting ready to try Nick," friend and protector, Uncle his hand at the free and in· mery." The Hastings Chorale Sam? The number is small and dependent life. And, though many Union and the Hastings College doubt it, there are those who Orchestra presented the "Mesgetting smaller. Of course, this attitude is ooly find the war religiously and siah" December 8. popllar with those that hold it. morally objectionable. There must be answers to the Self righteous adults preach oo Parasite an on about the glories of ser- question of our young citizens Mistletoe is bad for a tree. and there must be . a greater ving your country and they The relaxation experienced couldn't be more right•••••• understanding between the two It is a parasitic plant that But we all know just what it factions. Until this happens, fastens itself upon the tree, during the two - week Christmas is that puts a damper oo the there will still be the unrest p e n e tr a t e s its tissues and vacation is fast-forgotten when the student returns to school. draws nourishment from it. patroitic spirit of many young and alienation of our yotith. Not only does he have all that people. • • the Vietnam war. unpacking looking him in the Never has there been a con· face, but finals also want to hold flict that has met with more a stare-down. opposition from within our own Two years of deep cuts in U.S. To many proponents of (ACP) - Chronicle .of Highcountry~ Yet, we an• still ver;i er Education. Programs un- Office of Education facilities "finals - after - vacation" pol· der the first education act sign- grants and loans have pared icies, vacation is the perfect PERU PEDAGO~. ed by President Johnson are be- funds far below the amounts time to bone - up on all those Monday, January 6·~ ig59 coming atrophied. needed to provice adequate aca- things one is going to cram for Shrinldng funds for grants and demic space to meet burgeon- the week he returns. How many Volume 64 Number 13 supporters of this outlook spend loans under the Higher Educa- ing enrollments. For many institutions the cut- Christmas vacation maldng out tion Facilities Act of 1963 mean back mean more years ofover their multiple-guess, mismatch, Published weekly during the serious dislocations on the nacrowded classrooms, inade- or who-knows questions instead academic year, except holidays tion's campuses. quaLt: librarinc, incr;:;:.,~ stuof helping Johnny with his new and between semesters by the dent fees, reluctantly raised ad- erector set, baking cooldes, or students of Peru State College, mission standards to ease the simply sitting by the fireplace Peru, Nebraska 68421, pressures on space, faculty re- "just being?" cruitment difficulties, curtailThere should be some method STAFF ment of curriculums, andinabil- of revamping the present finals ity to offer new courses. system to include a period of EDITOR . . . . . . . , Lynn Sailors The Martha Washington Tea The Office of Education ex- study, which would be used senBUSINESS MANAGER , , .. , ... has been scheduled for the afpects more of the same in fis- sibly by the majority of stuGreg Vaughn ternoon of February 20, 1968, cal 1970. dents.. One suggestion for use PHQTOGRAPHER .. Bob Beran Preparations have already been in future years would be to started for the Tea by the Home ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . have finals before Christmas vaU.S. Mints Bob Vana Economics Club, This includcation, combining this vacation Since the establishment of ed the candying of citrus fruit ADVISOR .. , , ... James Keck and semester break. This would peels and pineapple which were the first U.S. mint in Philadel- mean the student would really phia, there have been seven have a rest before getting back The signed letters printed in used in the 57 Pounds of fruit cakes baked December 11, Jac- mints in operation at various to the old grindstone. His menthis paper do not reflect the opin- que Golden will be the cake times. At present, there are tal outlook should be refreshion of the P edagogian but of in- decorating chairman, She plans only three-Philadelphia, Den- ed and he should be ready for di viduals. The editor reserves to decorate the cake as a Cherry ver and San Francisco-and almost five more months of the righ'. _t~ edit th~m for pµ\>lica- . J;ree Silhouette. . Be. sure . to. the :S~!l Francisco mint is ·no - '"book-learnin' ". What do you !ion. make this date onyoorcalendar. longer issuing coins. think?
:allege or the Swamps
What Do You Think?
Cuts in Funds Hit Campuses
withdraws from it. Parental permissiveness may be another reason behind aliena~ tion and apathy. Parents afraid to exert real parental authority, King said. A theory King does not agree with contends that the unres in youth is a sympton of neur ticism. "The youth are acting out of their own morbidity," he said. Television is partly respon sible for alienation, Dr. King said. After sitting in front a TV for thousands of hours, ''the youth' cannot relate to in di victuals. He has little prac tice in personal relationships." Some psychologists feel there is really nothing wrong with youth, Dr. King said. Aliena tion is an effort, dictated by s ciety's need for reform, to r cognize what is wrong, he said. Lacldng confidence in ''theEstablishment,'' students are criticizing and opposing it. They view adults, the government an university administrators as representatives and perpetrators of this "established way oflife," King said. King also says that students feel the system is so ironclad that it cannot be changed through ordinary means, Sotheybelieve in destroying the system, he said "There is a feeling of urgency about these students. The world is changing so fast thattheyfear the values their parents teach them are going to be outmoded. "Because of this, they don't take seriously the ideas of their parents," King said. He also feels the so-called "generation gap" is really a• communicatons gap. Parents listen, he says, but they don't get the right meaning.
Books Gallery 285 books were added to the. Peru State College Library· during the month of October. Among them are: Prudence and the Pill, Hugh Mills; The Hills Beyond, Thomas Wolfe; The Moraliy of Scholarship, Northrop Frye; A Classified Bibliography of Argumentation and Debate, Arthur Kruger; The Black American and the Press, Jack Lyle; Psychology of Adjustment, James Saurey; Christianity and World Revolution, Edwin Rian. Th Ghost of Stalin, Jean-Patil Sartre; The Folklore of Capitalism, Thurman Arnold; How to Read the Financial News, Charles Stabler; Psychology for Effective Teaching George Mouly; Teaching for Thinkin~ Louis Raths; Clinical Teaching,~ Robert Smith; Growing ltlth Children Through Art, Aida Snow; Teaching Physical Education in Elementary Schools, Maryhelen Vannier; Electrostatics, Arthur Moore; Biochemistry, Abraham Canerow. Health and Fitness, Nelson Walke; A Primer of Modern Art, Sheldon Cheney; Picasso, Theodore Reff; The Photographic Portrait, Otto Coy; Songs of the American West, Richard Lingenfelter; Theatre Backstage from A to A, Warren Lousbury; Twentieth 'Century Interpretations of The Scarlet Letter, Michael Cowan; Eighteenth Century Vignettes, Austin Dobson. Demosthenes' Public Orations Demosthenes; Africa and Africans, Paul Bohannan; Six Faces of Mexico, Russell Ewing; Mao and the Chinese Revolution, Jerome Ch'en; Quest for SecurityPenfield Roberts; The Tudor Age, James Williamson; Dateline Vietnam, Jim Lucas.
THE PED January 6, 1969
------------------------· "PED"
eness may .ind aliena1rents are l parental
-------·---------------beats Tune Up For '69
he Peru State College Bobstretched their season re to 7-3 as they won two of games played_ before stmas vacation and closed he 1968 portion of the scheo on winning note to set the e for the 1969 opener atBri liff. e Bobcats lead by Pete Ste· 's 35 points put down the on Scalpers 93-79 to win r fourth straight Wednesday ember 18. eru jumped to a quick lead 19 lead in the first ten min° and then extended the maf'o to 50-38 at halftime. uron made its come back in second half with Dan Wall and Skip Beaton leading the • The Scalpers hit the .first points cutting the lead to 7 before Pete Stewart hit on ook and two free throws to ve out 54-47. Huron again eatened moving to withinfour 2, but again Stewart and m Patton hit to put the game t of reach. ·Friday and Saturday, Decem r 20 and 21 Peru traveled 0
not agree he unrest : of neuroare acting 1idity," he
y respon· Dr. King n front of of hours, ate to inttle praconships.'' feel there rong with , Alienated by som, to re:, he said, n "theEsnts are git.They lment and >rs as re?etrators yoflife," students ironclad dthrough Jbelieve n,he said furgency [he world they fear its teach utmoded. iey don't ; of their
to Tarkio to participate in the pre-holiday Tarkio Invitational. The four team tourney consisted of Peru, Central Missouri State Concordia of Nebra_ska and host Tarkio. In the first round Peru was pitted against Central Missouri 'and lost a heartbreaker 79-72 in overtime. Clyde Wilkins hit a 45ofooter just before the buz zer to put the game into overtime although Peru lead most of the way from three to seven points but made errors that were costly. The next night Peru captured third place with a 108-92 victory over Concordia. Clyde Wilkins and Pete Stewart lead in the win with 26 and 24points respectively. Pete fouled out with 15 minutes to go. Thus far Pete Stewart is leading the squad with a 23 point per game average followed by Wilkins 16"6 and Wayne Heine 15-4. Peru is at Briar Cliff, January 9 and host Doane January 11. 0
ry d: to the
Library October. ence and :he Hills fe; The , North· I Biblio1andDehe Black ss, Jack 1stment, urlty and in Rian. m-Paul CapitalHow to s, Charigy for George 'hinkin&._ eaching, · 1g with t, Aida 1 EducaSchools, Electroe; Bio:anerow. Nelson Modern )" .1casso, tographSongs of ardLin1ckstage i Lous-
Show your I. D. Card
>rations 1d AfriK Faces 1g; Mao ion, Je:ecurity Tudor ; Date-
The Intramural basketball season got underway the week before Christmas vacation wit!: a full slate of games beginning on Monday, December 16 and running through Thursday, December 19, being announced by Intramural Director Jerome Stemper. ' This year due to the vast interest and number of teams competing the league has been divided into two divi-sion s. The two divisions, called American· and National consist of IO teams each. The schedule will consist of 5-6 rounds of interleague games then the top four teams in each division will enter a double elimination tourney to decide the overall champion of Intramural basketball. The round robin schedule is due to be completed by February 18. The teams an~ their coaches are: Nationals: 1. Kingsmen-Charles Mizerski. 2. Nebraska City Comets-Dave Davison. 3. Cool Jerks-Greg Maguire. 4. Mysterians-Don Day. 5. Nads-Clayton Strong.
6. Iron Butterflies-David Hammer. 7. Shady Oaks Bomber-Ron Montang. 8. Professionals-Mike Tynon . 9. Studs-Frank Mikes. 10. Stingers-Malastasi Togafau. Americans. 1. Pata Thi Hi-Gerald Grasso. 2. PSC Ebony-Edgar Neal. 3. Markamen-Gene Finke. 4. SGA-Larry Sorenson. 5. Floor Runners-Mark Marcum. 6. Green Jackets-Howard Isaacs 7. Dolphins-Manny Nurin. 8. Spartans-Bob Diceasare. 9. Cherry Pickers-Al Pokerny. 10. Lakers-Ernie Douglas. The results in the first week of action were: Monday, December 16 Kingsmen 36 Stingers 31 Cool Jerks 44 Professionals 34 Mysterians 38 Shady Oak Bomb· ers 32 Iron Butterflies 48 Nads 23 Tuesday, December 17 Studs 45 Nebr. City Comets 37 Pata Thi Hi 30 Lakers 28 Cherry Pickers 2+ PSC Ebony 0
all of your purchases at BILL .. S Bill's Clothing & Shoes FOR MEN & WOMEN
AUBURN ~ ~ \ You pay less at Bill's .
Marksmen 50 Spartans 49 Thursday, December 19 Dolphins 52 SGA 51 Green Jackets 43 Floor Runners 35 Iron Butterflies 40 Cool Jerks 31 Shady Oak Bombers 57 Games of tonight (Monday, Jan. 6) finds the remainder of the teams finishing their two games before intramural basketball is called to a halt until second semester. Monday, Jan. 6 Nads vs Mysterians ~Professionals vs Stingers Kingsmen vs Studs Pata Thi Hi vs Cherry Pickers Tuesday, Jan. 7 Dolphins vs PSC Ebony Spartans vs Lakers Green Jackets vs Marksmen Floor Runners vs SGA
+PSC Ebony violated rule No. 9 of the General Intramural
Rules causing them to lose by forfeit to the Cherry Pickers. the ruling is against the wearing of school equipment during intramural games.
Everhart Named
Coach Mcintire of our over-an play, gave us a winning stride that I'm in hopes will continue throughout the remainder of the season," was Coach Mclntire's evaluation of Peru State basketball to date.
Sugar Ray In Finals Sugar Ray Robinson outpointed Mickey Walker, 145 points to 141, over the 15· round limit to earn the right to .meet Stanley Ketchen in the finals next week of the all-time computerized middleweight boxing tournament.
PERU, Nebr.-Peru State College senior Bill Everhart has been awarded all the possible honors that those who choose Nebraska's top small - college football players can offer. Everhart, a 6-0, 225, senior middle guard from Bedford, Iowa, was named as the defensive middle guard on all four of the major all-star clubs. The teams to which he was named include the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletes District XI team; the coaches' Nebraska College Conference team; the Omaha World Herald All· State squad; and the Lincoln Journal and Star All-State club. Honorable mention selections included: Lee Dunekacke, offensive guard, 5-10, 210, John· son, All-NCC, Lincoln and Omaha All...State; John Creamer, of· fensive end, 6-2 215, Worcester, Mass,, All NCC and Lincoln All-State; Mark Perry, defen si ve end, 6- I, 225, Des Moines, Iowa Lincoln and Omaha All...State; Mike Tynon, Peru, offensive guard, 5-10, 205, Peru, Lincoln All...State; and Dan Nix, defensive linebacker, 6-0, 210, New Haven, Ind.,All-NCC.Dunekacke, Creamer and Tynon are seniors, while Nix is a junior and Perry is a sophomore.
and save 10 o/o on
y Inter-
let Let:hteenth in Dob-
Intramural Highlights
"We feel that after playing six games the team is beginning to jell. We're starting to play more with each· other helping one another on both offense and defense. We think our overall play has improved in general," said Head Basketball CoachJack Mcintire. "We started off playing two good ball games in the McPherson College Tournament against Sterling, Kansas, and Baker University. Then we had a little lapse and played poorly against St. Mary's of the Plains." Peru had three all-tournamentperformers at McPherson in Tom Patton, Clyde Wilkins and Pete stewart. "We played poorly at Tarkio and this, coupled with poor shooting from the field, caused us to take another defeat. We seemed to regain our shooting eye against Northwest Missouri State and Southern South Dakota. This together with improvement
so-called really a Parents 1ey don't
Page 3
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6: 30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day
Ann Beatty
Helping Peru State look just t_hat much better for over SI years.
THE PED January 6, 1969
What's a Man?
FINALS ,SCHEDULE THURSDAY, January ii 7:30 - 9:20 - Pr 3 MWF and-or4&5days 9:30 - 11:20 - Pr 3 TT and with double period 12:30 - 2:20 -Special: Math 100 (.See 1, 2, 3) Special: Math 105 ( Sec 1, 2,)
2:30 - 4:20 - Pr 8 TT and with double period · 7:00 - 8:50 - Special: Eng 204 (Sec 1, 2, 3, 4) FRIDAY, January 10 7:30 - 9:20 - Pr 2 MWF and - or 4 & 5 days . · 9:30 - 11:20 Pr 2 TT and ·with double period 12:30 .__ 2:20 - Special: Hist 113 (Sec 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,) ' Special: IA 337 (Sec 1, 2,) . 2:30 - 4:20 - Pr 8 MWF and-or4&5days 7:00 - 8:50 - Special: PE 205 (Sec 1, 2, 3) SATURDAY, January 11 7:30 - 9:20 -Special: Eng 100 (Sec 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Special: Eng 101 (.Sec 1 through 12) Special: E11g 102 (.Sec 1, 2, 3, 4,) 9:30 - 11:20 -Special: IA
121 (Sec 1,2) .MONDAY January 13 7:30 - 9:20 - Pr 1 MWF and-or4&5days 9:30 - 11:20 _,.. Pr 1 TT and with double period 12:30 - 2:20 -Special: Hist 201 (Sec 1, 2, 3) 2:30 - 4:20 - Pr 7 TT and with double period 7:00 - 8:50 - Special: Geog 101 (Sec 1, 2) · Special: IA 233 (Sec l, 2) TUE5DA Y, January 14 7:30 - 9:20 - Pr 6 MWF and - or 4 &.5 days 9:30 - 11:20 - Pr 6 TT and with double Period 12:30 - 2:20 -Special: Govt 201 (Sec 1, 2) 2:30 - 4:20 - Pr 7 MWF and - or 4 & 5 days 7:00 - 8:50 - Special: Econ 220 (Sec 1, 2) ·
SyMBOL -Frustratioo! ACCEPTED ATOMIC WEIGHT -165. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Retains heat and will explode if tampered with. Cools off slowly; retains durability throughout, · . OCCURRENCE - Wherever action or activity is present, ("Standing on the corner watching all the girls go by,") CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Frame of steel, mind of wood (because it will warp.) Reacts positively to curves; able to absorb food in great quantity; and turns sour if affection is given . to another.· · USES - Support, protection, warmth, well-being; and used to off~set the expenses of. the op. posite sex, CAUTION - Very fragile! Handle with care! from Jefferson's "Quill"
WEDNESDAY, January 15 7:30 - 9:20 - Pr 5 MWF and - or 4 & 5 days . 9:30 - 11:20 - Pr 5 TT and with double period 12:30 - 2:20 - Pr 4 MWF and - or 4 & 5 :lays 2:30 - 4:20 - Pr 4 TT and with double period.
What's a Woman?
Analysis of the creature known as woman as seen through the eyes of the chemist: SYMBOL - Woe. ACCEPTED ATOMIC WEIGHT -120. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Boils at nothing and freezes at any minute, melts when properly treated, very bitter if not well used. OCCURRENCE - F o u n d The top five characteristics wherever man exists. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES that men ·want -iii-a are dependable character, mutual Possesses great affinity for attraction, emotional stability, gold, silver, platinum, and precpleasing disposition and desire ious stones. Violent reaction if for home and children. Good left alone, able to absorb great looks was 11th and similar re- amount of food matter. Turns ligious background held down green when placed beside a better-looking specimen. the 14th place. USES - Highly ornamental, The top five characteristics that the women looked for in a useful as a tonic in acceleraman are emotional~tability, de- tion of low spirits and an equalpendable character, mutual at- izer of the distribution of wealth, Is probably the most effective traction, pleasing disposition and a desire for home arid chil- income-reducing agent known. CAUTION -Highly explosive dren. The women placed good financial prospect 12th and good in inexperienced hands, from "The Echoes" looks 17th. Abraham Lincoln Hudson said that the study reHigh School, Council Bluffs vealed that students seek essentially the same qualities in a marriage partner today as did their counterparts in 1939.
Chastity Emphasis Declines (ACP1-state rress, Arizooa State University, Tempe, Arizona. College students are plac-1ng less emphasis ori chastity in selecting a mate than theydid 28 years ago, according to University sociologists Dr. John W, Hudson and Mrs Lura Henze. In a survey entitled "Cam. pus Vlaues in Mate Selections," 566 students from four universities, including the University, were asked to rank 18 characterisitcs they seek in a mate. Chastity has declined from 10th place in 1939 to 15th in 1967. Hudson said that the decline doesn't mean that it is less important, rather, it may be that other attributes have become more meaningful since 1939.
It's Give_ 1\Dd Take The montone continued, but not Thus I completely dissolved for me. My eyes soughttheclear all my embarrassment for my blue through the classroom win- classroom siesta. Convinced dow pane. There was nothing I could go about my business, in the sky, but my mind filled I got up to leave, but it seemed in the details. The ducks were that a hand grabbed me by the flying low and I was taking im· seat of the pants and a· little aginary aim. Then a tap on the voice said, "Lets be fair about shoulder broke my reverie. this, Have you really covered "Prof asked you a question." all the points that make a class whispered a student neighbor. boring? Where do you, as a Following my embarrass· student, fit?" ment, I gave thought to why my -I have been very critical of mind left the classroom. · my instructor, can I be as crit· Naturally in the beginning I ical of myself? laid all the blame on the teachIs it riot a student's obligaers doorstep, not feeling I was tion to become interested in the. my own worse enemy. I have now come to the con· subject? Even wheri it means clusion that my initial criticism forcing his attention during class time? makes me a real stinker. My How about my own enthusism, mind wondered because the did I take it to class or leave teacher did not make the subit at home? ject interesting. Many students including my· Where was his contagious en· self will soon be teachers. Prethusism? Some visual aids venting boroom will probably be might have kept my eyes towaro the front of the class. Principles the greatest task facing us. of good speech would have gain- Classroom interest is a twoed my immediate attention atthe way street. The teacher has his part, but the student must beginning of the lecture. . Specific, crisp, down to earth meet him halfway • examples would have kept my interest in the lecture. Not satisfied by tearing down the teacher for his lack of these good speech principles, I tore into him in a personal way.Why does he stand in one spot? Why Senior Pictures are here. does he look only at a se\ected You may pick them up in Mr. few? I know he understands Keck's office. Education Build· his subject, but where is my ing ~316right to question and participate?
Calen_dat On Pragmatis
· William James tells a st MONDAY, January 6 about a squirrel clinging Classes Resume tree with a man on the o Intram1rals site side trying to get a look 5:00 p.m. - Kappa Delta Pi, the squirrel. However as Student Center man proceeds around the t 6:30 p,m., - Blue Devils, Sc the squirrel also moves aro 105. the tree at the same pace ne . 6:30 p.m. - P Club~ FA 211 allowing the man to see it, fi' 7:00 p.m" - Lambda Delta the tree is always between 7:00 p.m. - Social Science two. The question is does Society, FA 211 : man go around the squirrel? der .any other philosophies .TUESDAY, January 7 · a·rguement would never be Intramurals : tied, yet pragmatic stand 6:00 .p.m. - Special meeting . allow a means to totally des of Phi Beta Lambdil, FA Aud., - most of this kind of dis All students invited, . A pragmatist would say 6:00 p.m, - White Angels Ed practical difference woul 300, ' make if one notion was tru 6:30 p.m. -SGA not the other? If none can 7:00 p.m, -Alpha Rho Theta found the alternatives are p FA 205 ' tically the same and all dis 7:00 p.m. - MEN Student is idle. Center. ' The principle applies to facet of thought. One must himself what sensations mu WEDNESDAY, January 8 6:00 p.m • .:...Gamma Delta, FA expect, and what reactions 104 I prepare. The answers wh 6:00 p,m, - LSA, FA 212 er immediate or remote then 6:30 p,m, - Wesley Fellow- come our total conception of ship, Sc 105 object or thought, its only 8:00 p,m, -Epsilon Pi Tau, to us and therefore its IA 6 reality. Peirce would tell "All realities influence 8:00 p,m, -WAA, gym. practice and that influence their sole meaning to us." THURSDAY, January 9 Intramurals Basketball at Briar Cliff 4:45 p,m. - Circle K, Stu:!ent Center · PERU 5:00 p.m. - Student Center Board, Student Center CLEANERS & TAILOR SATURDAY, January 11 Basketball, Doane gym Schoolmen's Day ' 7:30 - 9:30 a.m, - ACT Test, English 100 people, FA 212 MONDAY, January 13 6:00 p.m . - Home Ee Club, Ed 324 6:30 p,m, - Blue Devils, Sc 105 7:30 p,m. - Alpha Mu - Sc 104 J 8:00 p,m, - English Club, FA 105
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tells a story; clinging to a on the oppo-' get a look af vever as the und the tree 10ves around. e pace never: o see it, for between the. is does the >quirrel? Un· osophies the ever be set· .c standards tally destroy; of dispute. ld say what e would it was true and none can be
Vol. 64
. The Process As winter progresses so does the work on the remolding of the auditorium. As the rejuvination process takes place considerable c·hange may be noted, The stage area will be completely changed to accomodate more space than was previously available. Although the seating capacity will be slightly smaller than in the old auditorium, tjle delapi· dated old seats ·will be replaced by those much more comfortable. At the present it is thought that the new auditorium will I e completed within the coming year.
to llS."
Contest ·-winners Announced
State hat for l!S.
Highlights '68
ociety ; appoint-
!45-4252. :300
iOO ;; 87.SO ; 125
January 13, 1969
Rejuvenation In
,plies to any )ne must ask Ltions must Ii actions musti ;wers wheth_. mote then be,.' eption of the. its only link lre its only )Uld tell US 1 1uence our, influence ·
No. 14
The general reaction to the passing of 1968 is one of a deep sigh of relief and hopes that such a year never returns. It was a year of revolution, riots, and assassination. Presi· dent Johnson shocked the world by renouncing a second term, supposedly opening the way for Hubert Humphrey. As the elec· tion later disproved this theory, Richard Nixon, a "two-time loser" was elected as the next President of the United States. In connection with the election this year Chicago was the scene of riot and turmoil as the Democratic National Convention resulted in disaster. The capture of the Pueblo in January and its release in · December is still of major concern to the U. s. in '69 and the nation awaits details of this, another disastrous affair. With the capture of the Pueblo and the recent astounding flight of Apollo 8, where Earthlings first viewed themselves from their closest collllterpart, TIME magazine made the following comment, man was able to "conquer alien space but could not master his native planet." The assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy startled America as United States' prestige declined abroad and American pridediminished at home. In France, a near-revolution by students and workers came close to toppling Charles de Gaulle in May; its economic aftermath in November certainly discrediting France's role as "power broker" of Europe. The rape of Czechoslovakia by Russia and Alexander Dubcek's liberal government brought sympathy from Americans as we realized we were not the only country in the world suffering politically.
Even the Summer Olympics in ·Mexico City was torn _apart on the eve of its opening by gun battles between soldiers and students. America and the entire world seemed to be stricken with a ''universal sick· ness" of which the cure is yet to be perfected.
Faculty Works For /111prove111ents
Peru State College is now in the second year of an extensh1e study of its educational requirements. This is a joint effort of the four state colleges, and it is financed largely by the federal government. The first part of the study, l'lhich began last year, concenLooking· at the lighter side of trated on an examination of the '68, fashion took a twist from goals and methods of the varithe Mod look to that of the 30's, oos areas of specialization. all the way from lipstick to the Eight areas were given the at· vamp hairstyles and clothing. tention of a committee whose In music the usual variations head was given the title, Cur· occurred. Tiny Tim, that man of . riculum Specialist. Dr. Ed Mymen, made his "Tip-toe" debut. ers headed the committee on eleThe electric sounds of the Jimi mentary education, and Dr. Hendrix Experience and the James Pilkington headed the pounding soul of Mother Earth committee on physical edudominated concert halls every· cation. Associates, or reprewhere, while the "strictly sentati ves from the other col· soul" of Aretha Franklin con- leges, served with these men, tinued to move audiences from Also, a number of our faculty coast to coast. Dances ranged served on the other six comfrom the Skate and the African mittees. The director of the Twist, to the current Fllllky entire project is Dr. Lyle SeyBroadway. mour, Dean of Instruction at Wayne State College. Dr. All in all 1968 was not a year Eugene M. Highes of Chadron to be reminisced with pleasant State College is project coorthoughts in the future, but per- dinator. haps the world learned a lesson These committees spent last in brotherhood, and who knows, year visiting outstanding col· maybe 1968 will be remembered leges and universities, interas the year hatred ceased to be. viewing specialists in the vari-
oos fields, studying available literature - in general, doing \\hatever seemed necessary to give them a clearer perspective of what should be done in each field. This work ended this past summer when carefully prepared, written reports were made available to the four colleges. It is one thing to know what should be done, which these reports reveal; it is another to be able to do them. Conse~ently, these committees are making an effort this year to implement the program> they have recommended. This past September, the curriculum study project was expanded to include General Education, that is, those studies that should be required of every study, no matter what the field of specialization may be. The committee making this study is composed of the Deans ri the four state colleges plus ooe faculty member form each. Dean Keith Melvin and Professor Silas Summers represent Peru. Dr Leonard Paulson of Chadron is chairman. In its work, it is following somewhat the procedures of the other committees.
Early in December, the girls of Davidson-Palmer each were to decorate their doors and rooms for the Christmas season. A contest was held to judge which ones were the best. First place winners were Lin· da Windle, Laurie Schock, Jackie Pummell and Duane Copenhaver, They received ten dollars for their decorated door, Second place winners were Ruth Leuenberger, Kathy Gregory, Kathy Mathe)l's and Connie Knoll,· They received five do!, Jars for the decorations in their room. Third place winners were Diana Kriefels, Donna Spargur, Merri Lynn Bennett, Judy Holt, Jackie Golden and Jane Frehrichs, They received two dollars for the decoration of their room.
Registration Begins January 20
Page 2
UiE PED January 13, 1969
Editori1/ly Spe11<ing January was held sacred to the Romans because the word was derived from Janus for whom the month was named. He was primarily the god of gates and doors of all beginningso January is the beginning of a New Year. A year in which you can always take time to begin over, a time to be unselfish, a time to be charitable, a time to keep on trying, a time to take advice, a time to be considerate, a time to profit by m;stakes, and a time to forgive and forget. But we must also take time to Laugh - it is the music of the soul. Take time to Think - it is the source of power. Take time to Play - it is the source of perpetual youth. Take time to Read - it is the fountain of wisdom. Take time to Pray - it is the greatest power on earth. Take time to Love and be Loved - it is a God given privilege. Take time to be Friendly · it is too short a day to be selfish. Take time to Work - it is the price of success.
S.6.A. Plans The first semester of this year has been fairly productive for the S.G.A, Even though our budget is nearly expired, the second semester can be equally productive. The first project the S.G.A. will undertake du-ring the secc ond semester will be to revise and bring to life the dormitory judiciary boards. At the present the S.G.A. judiciary board is functioning quite well; howc ever, it could function better if the dormitories could have a judiciary board of their own. This board could handle smaller problems, and would take this burden off the housemother. The second projectthes.G.A. will undertake is to rewrite it's constitution. This constitution is not only .ambiguous, but is also not updated tocurrentS.G.A. powers. It also has been noticed that the S.G.A. is not necessarily representative of all the students on this campus; therefore, the structure of the S.G.A will also be revised. One plan under consideration is to have the S.G.A. composed of: a pres· ident and vice-president elect·, ed by tlie student body, the four class presidents, the five dorm presidents, a' student Jiving off campus, and a student elected from organizations of each of the seven divisions.
This next semester can be very productive for the students on this campus, but each student must do his part to help. If you have any suggestions for change, or suggestions concern• ing any part of campus life, co>:tact a S.G.A, member. Make Peru State a better college, and help yourself to a better education. Larry E. Sorensen President, S.G.A.
Campus to Campus
Mr Colin Jackson, British House of.Commons member, was the guest convocation speaker at Midland Colleg~ January 6, Moorhead State College presented its annual Christmas Concert on December 1-2, The theme for the winter ball at Chadron State this year is "Winterland of Love," The .ball will be held in early February. The foreign students at the college wrotearticlesforthe school newspaper telling how they observe Christmas in their homelands. Six of the dormitories at Kearney State College held an Open House December 15, Five students will represent the college at the Midwest Model UniPERU PEDAGOGIAN ted Nations at St. Louis FebMonday, January 13, 1969 ruary 18-22. Dana College had its Santa \' olume 64 Number 14 Lucia ceremony December 13. The college choir will be on tour January 19-26, Published weekly during the The guest convocation speaker academic year, except holidays at Central Missouri State Coland between semesters by the lege December 9 was Bunchana students of Peru State College, Atthakor, Thailand Ambassador. ·Peru, Nebraska 68421· He spoke on the topic "Modern Thailand Problems and ProsSTAFF pects," The college is going to hold a Best Dressed Girl EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors Contest on January 27. BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . . Each member of the Women's Greg Vaughn Fellowship of Multnomah School PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Beran of the Bible, Portland, Oregonj ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . assumed the role as a "ChristBob Vana mas angel" for another girl in ADVISOR . . . . . . . James Keck her dorm and did special favors for her, such as tidying her The signed letters printed in room, changing her bulletin this paper do not reflect the opin- board, and providing snacks for ion of the P edagogian but of in- her, Shari Dodson, of North Platte dividuals. The editor reserves College, was crowned Court the right to edit them for publicaQu~~n December 13, at the bastion. ketball 'game; · • ·
athletics in $tart w reshman J. red on ti Cross-ec d was pre: fthe Peru game. T ition of 'sh in the
How to Understand Women New York (NAPS) -"When ed to spend a night strapped towomen get to thinking they're gether in a hammock shared with people, that's when every- a large number of hungry ants. body has trouble." In the morning, if they're still These words were first speaking, the marriage takes scratched on the walls of a place. cave in lower Afghanistan by While this method is not reca Neanderthal hero - or so ommended most civilized tradition hath it. After a couples, youfor might try a mild· fierce struggle which had near- er test on your lady. For inly cost him his life, he had stance, take her for a weekend finally dragged home the boar's head only to be bawled out by visit to your most repulsive his Missus for (1) being so slow relatives where she'll have to abQ,ut it; (2) picking up sue.ti a help with the housework, be untough cut; (3) getting his new comfortable and bored silly. If tiger skin all torn up and (4) she still loves you on Monday, completely forgetting that it was chances are its the real thing. 3. Do's and don'ts of flattertheir anniversa~. ing the female. Accordingtoex"'\ Since then, it is reported the perts at Shulton, Inc., the maksame comment has been whis- ers of a popilar line of men's pered, shreiked, bellowed, toiletries, every woman loves bandied about, moaned, groaned, to think of herself as unique mumbled and grumbled by some (like every man) and the most 27,492,859,213 males - more flattering thing you can tell her or less -to 27,492,859,213 oth- is: "Darling, you're different er males - or to nobody in from all the rest. Wonderful, particular. special and diff~rent ." In order to understand women, however, the first point to keep in mind is that they do, indeed, tend to harbor the illusion that they are people. Once a man has faced up to the fact that he must humor the female in this respect, he is ready to proceed to the first lesson. 1. How to deal with the Femine Mystique. Since women usually do tend to think they are people, it is wise to treat them as you would almost anybody else - with a few exceptions. When a woman insists that she IS a person, for instance, don't argue with her as you will never win. Instead, pretend to agree, then change the subject to something quite impersonal such as how much you love her new hairdo.
2. How to know when a woman is telling the truth. According to one legend, Hsi Ju Ying, a Chinese sage of the T'ang dynasty actually .discovered a foolproof method for this. Rumor hath it that he sold his secret to the emperor for a couple of walnut-sized rubies. Unfortunately, when theydeparted this life it was lost to posterity forever. Since then, each man has had to play it by ear. Naturally, you can't always believe a woman when she murmurs "I love you". Jn fact, several primitive tribes in Africa and South America insist on a traditional rite which puts every woman's devotion to the test. After a young couple beeu.t•.,~ engaged; they.are fore-
But when saying this you have to be cautious not to blunder into the one . thing you should NEVER tell her, according to Abu I1:n Tarif, noble chieftain of a roving band of 9th century Bedouins. Beware, he says, of saying "how much sweeter is her kiss than that of any other. For the wrath of a woman thus compared to anotheris as the wind in the desert." 4, How to woo and win a woman. Women know instinctively tbat ALL the senses play an important role in courtship and marriage - hence their generous use of perfumes, scented lotions, make-up, soft lights, sweet music, tinkling jewelry, delicately - flavored lipsticks, breath-sweeteners and skin soft· eners to snare and hold the male in that tender trap. But, don't forget that their sorceries work both ways and what is enticing to the gander is equally alluring to the goose, though many men are careless about appealing to a woman's senses. County Baldassare Castiglione' s JI Cortegiano ("The Courtier"), a 16th Centucy handbook on the art of being a gentleman, advises all men to wash and perfume their beards regularly. And, today, whether bearded or smooth-shaven, many men add "scents-appeal" to their courtship with a hearty dash of after-shave or cologne. Adding spice to it all is the increased number of masculine scents on the market,· such as
Old Spice, a major factor in the increasing popularity of cos· metics for American men.
eteam; 8 tracks~ Kearney the high-1 Jack Wey1 two milE ble winne1 e record otherPeI Bert Fa1 Mulvaney kery, sho to competE
5. How to give a gift she'll appreciate. Selecting gifts that will please a woman depends somewhat on the time andplace. Among the ancient Goths, a barrel of wine was the standard gift of a man to his fiancee, while a walrus tusk is as close to Tiffany's as any Eskimo girl ever gets, but she's grateful anyway.
But, though diamonds are reputedly a girl's best friend you Cfon't have to be a mil· lionaire when buying a present for your one and only. Accordil)g to an Indian proverb, a maiden's heart is like a magnifying glass. "It enlarges the small and sees nothing of the large." Translated this means if you want to make a big hit with a girl give her a little gift for no reason· at all, rather than a big one for an ob• vious occasion. But, by all means, stay away from candy if she's on a diet and go easy on books if she's not the brainy cype, or she might reply, like the chorus girl who received one: "But I've already got a book"! 6. How to know when she wants to be kissed. If a chick invites you up to her pad to hear her latest tape recordings .•.• you can be pretty sure she'll grab you if you don't get th~re first. When dealing with an oldfashioned type who is less aggressive, take a tip from a New York City taxi driver who's probably witnessed m o r e smooching through his reaview mirror than a Hollywood · censor sees in a lifetime of wide-screen expo$ure. · "Most kisses," he reports, "begin when, the meter reaches the 50-cent mark. That's after the girl has a chance to get settled and the guys works up the necessary nerve • For those who aren't sure when to kiss a girl, she's ready when she drops her arms to her sides. I've never seen it fail/' But probably the wisest ad· vice on the subject is contained in a Lerner-Lowe song from the musical "Camelot". Few females failed to agree when Richard Burton, who played King Arthur in the Broadway production, sang: "The way to handle a woman is to love he.r, Siinply to love her .••• .'; '"'
tball con first se1 the tal like the ' Mysteriai and Cool notice they v title.
. .
Stuart Milla
THE PED January 13, 1969
l t --------------------------· "PED"
·ne Recaps Peru Sports 1968
for in of cos: she'll 'ts that epends place. a barmdard ancee, is as ny Esshe's
Lre refriend i milpresy. Acoverb, . mag-
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This fall, Peru's football team athletics in 1968 got off start with Sterling, had a losing season, rut did maneshman Jack Weyers age bright spots, Peru upset ored on the NAIA All- Yankton 6-2 at Yankton, Mark Cross-country team. Weiler scored the only touchd was presented at the down after having it set up by · of the Peru-Wayne State his 77 yard pass and run to end 11 game, This was done Wayne White. Peru followed ition of Jack's 14th this with a 3S-7 pasting of Souish in the 1967 NAI;\ thern State of Sioux Falls, S,D, Freshman half back Dave BohlCross-country meet. sports, there were ken opened Peru's scoring pionships, but there with a 57 yard run off tackle. tstanding indi viduals, The other Peru scores were Pelisek's baseball team produced by John Bristol, Sherme below ,500 with a win Williams, Carl Satterrd, Peru's conference field, and Arnold Johnston, Dan was an even 4-4, all four Nix had a perfect night kicking coming by one point. Pit- points after touchdown, Peru Bill Everhart and Jim then outplayed NCC champion along with infielder and Kearney for a half, before suchitter Jim Waltke were cumbing 56-21, The 1968 Cross-country team to the NCC Allstarted the season witha victory ce team; 1968 track squad finished in the South Dakota University to Kearney in the NCC Invitational cross country meet, s the high-light of the The team went on through the Jack Weyers took the season undefeated winning the d two mile for Peru's Nebraska Conference meet, the ble winner, He set a · Midwest AAU and the District ce record in the two Il NAIA meet. This made the he other Peru gold meda- second year in a row that Peru re Bert Faullmer, jave- won the NebraskaCross-country ike Mulvaney, discus; and triple cro-WU, The co-captains Vickery, shot, Mulvaney were Daniel Trout of Lewiston to compete in national and Van Allen of Nemaha, The team finished 11th in the National ition.
sketball competition (jiot on first semester overrt) the talented Kingslook like the team to beat the Mysterians, Iron But, and Cool Jerks have notice they will challenge title.
rathm obV all
candy >easy >rainy , like ~eived
NAIA meet in Oklahoma Ciiy with All-American Jack Weyers moving fro.m 14th a year ago to 7th, Dr. James Pilkington was pleased with the season and the National NAIA meet finish, The other members of the team besides the two co-captains and Jack Weyers were Senior Ron Jones of Red Oak, Iowa, Jay Hagerman of Humboldt, Nebraska, Dave Harris of Auburn, Ray Uher from Daykin and Jerry Stukenholtz from Nebraska City, Jay Hagerman and Ray Uher are the 1969 co-captains, They were named at the annual Crosscountry banquet at Arbor Manor shortly after the close of the season. Congratulations to the 68 cro-ss-country team for putting Peru on the national sports map,
1 ue fierce basketball competition will move into second semester followed by swimming, softball, and the annual traak. meet. The swim meet appears it will be stiff competition with the return of several record holders, Next will be softball. The teams will be performing up to their abilities since it can be the t!eciding factor in the championship race, However the one dai track meet usually attracts more spectators. This meet always lures a couple of outstanding performers pushed to t.op performances by other participants, With basketball, · swimming, track, and softball se(!()nd semester intramtirals should be exciting, Basketball results, Monday,
got a wants in>hear
Jan. 6: Mysterians 49 Nads 42 Professionals 48 Stingers 28 Kingsmen 46 Studs 42 Pata Thi Hi 50 Cherry Pickers 48 Points toward overall championship (not complete until all sports have been played) 10 points are given for a first place finish, 9 for second, 8 for third, t.o one point for a tenth place finish. l/2 :;ioints in· dicate a tie for 2nd place. The points for the two places are added up and divided between the teams that tied, for those places. studs 10 9 19 Mysterians 9 5 141/2 Cool Jerks 4 10 14 ~rtans 6 71/213 1/2 Marksmen 71/z 51/213 Iron Butterlies 71/2 31/2 ll Stingers 1 Cherry Pickers 5 70/2 71/2 5 Green Jackets 3 l1/2 41/2 Dolphins l 1/2 0 l1/2 Nads Shady Oak 0 Bombers
WHO SAID? Dancing is a contact sport, football is a eollison sport. (answer next week)
old;s aga New who's o re ; reaywood ne of 1
Ross puts the lid on -: for PSC
Peru vs Kearney Bobcats NCC Opener
Tuesday 1, January 14 SHOW SPIRIT! SUPPORT THE TEAM!!
THE NCC AT A GLANCE BY DA VE DAVISON Sporting what may be one of the most talented array of state College basketball teams in the conference history, the Nebraska College Conference, opened the 1969 hoop campaign with the Wayne state-Chadron state game won by Wayne 90-61. This year it appears that the conference race could go down to the wire with all clubs having the talent, height, and scorers it takes to win the NCC. Defending champion Wayne State proved their out to win by the easy victory over sometimes classy, sometimes dull Chadron. Chadron, earlier in the
>Orts, 'aches after :o get ·ks up those > kiss n she sides.
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tained m the !W feRich• King ·<Jduc-
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Peru entered the 1968-69 basketball season with a young but fine-looking team, They opened by placing second in the McPherson College Tournament.In tournament competition they defeated Sterling College 98-80 and Baker University 92-72 before being cooled by hot-shooting St, Mary of the Plains 104- 75 in the championship game, The Peru record, at present,. stands at 7-3,
lntrar- al Highlights mural competition was over first semester and rs more exciting for secmester. semester intramurals dominated by the Studs, ran away with the touch 11 title and finished a second in volieyball, fight for second was mpletely different matter ''four teams being separat···· only ll/2 points, The .. rians wound up second a. of the Cool Jerks Spar.. and Marksmen, respective-
Page 3
Peru ·87 2-320 I AAA Service
season had a perfect 44 for 44 home victory record snapped in a holiday invitational and haven't been the same team since. Our own Peru State Bobcats are indeed a contender as they o_pen conference play Tuesday (tomorrow night) against a vastly improved Kearney Antelope five. KSC started fast but have tapered off from their early season form, Hastings, last but not least has the potential behind the leadership of 6'7 Glenn ,May, an all-conference forward in '68, to go all the way. After a rocky start the Broncos are d~vel~p ing and will be tough to handle as the curtain goes up and the chips are down. The prediction from the Ped sports desk sees the pale blue of the PSC Bobcats in the District XI playoff if injuries to key personnel can be avoided and the Cats put an end to the jinx most teams have encountered when traveling to Chadron for conference games with the Eagles. Look for the Peru State at Wayne state game Feb. 26 to provide an answer to the :fli4,000 question! Who's top in the NCC? NCC Conf. All Off Dec. W L W L Avg Avg. Wayne 1 0 9 1 86.1 68.1 Peru O 0 7 3 88.0 80.8 Kearney O 0 5 5 89 .3 86 .5 Hastings 0 0 4 8 80.1 83.3 Chadron 0 1 8 5 73.9 74.4 ',.:,,·;(<•
_ ..j
THE PED ] anuary 13, 1969
Calendar Horoscope Predicts AU MONlJA Y, JANUARY 13 6:30 p,m,, Blue Devils, Sc 105; 7:30 p,m,, Alp?a Mu, Sc 104; 8:00 p,m,, Enghsh Club, FA 105 TUESDAY, J.4NUARY 14 Basketball, Kearney; 6:00 p,m., White Angels Club, Ed 300; 6:30 p,m., Dramatics Club, FA 105; 6:30 p.m,, SGA, Ed Build. •1: 00 p,m,, MEN , Student mg; center WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 156:00 p,m,,GammaDelta, FA 104; 6:00 p,m,, LSA ' FA 212 ; 6:30 p,m,, Wesley Fellowship, Sc 105; s:00 pm ' '' WAA ' Gym THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 Semester Break, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 . semester; Ba sketball End first at Hastings; 7:30 p,m,, Dance, Bob Inn MONDAY, JANUARY 20 Registration
A new year has beguh and it is time for new resolutions and a new you. If you are a true believer, a horoscope has been
AQUARIUS -(January20-February 18) _From the first to the fifteenth you may suffer sev-
is reach for them. You'll probably find Wednesdays, your lucky day, the best time to take
advantage of the good fortune
little personal upsets,
possibly a quarrel with a close circulating around you. If you friend or pressures in work, are between loves, there could be The new moon on the eighteenth a breakthrough with somebody could shift things for the better, new, There may be a chance for you SCORPIO - (October 23-Noyour new year. -(December21· and conCAPRICORN to multiply your finances an d vem be r 22) - Pas sion January19)-Thiswillprobably speed upyour 1ove l11·•e after the -flict are ahead, An Arien and b twentieth, a Pisces figure are in your be a lucky month for you, utone PISCES -(February19-March stars now, You will probably warning: mixstudies) work with (and that meansDon't job or 20) - The stars predict t hat be more attracted to the Arien, love. It's possible that a Leo all your major problems could but the stars prefer Pisces bebe t'ied up m · one mag'c knot cause your personalities will or Sagittarius business acquain1 tance or professor might show and made to disappear. But blend harmoniously, the oppo. lif H you'll have to come off your site is true of Ariens, There's up in your socra 1 e now, e just-gliding Pisces nature for a chance that you can fatten up can make for a difference, advancement you, but theanstars a bit and do something that ca lls your spending or sa11incts .~.,, money, indicate that these men can be for some initiative, or else the SAGITTARIUS - (November bad romantic risks for Capripossibility will slip right by. 23-December 20) - Your mind ARIES -(March 21-April 20) is likely to wander and center corns, -For you, here comes the judge on unimportant matters this of your life, or at least some- month. As the new year might one who will influence it tern- carry a wealth of career opporporarily, If he or she is an tunities for you, you should Aquarian, a good type for you, polish up your skills and work In 1920, the scenes changed all the better. The time: pro- up an impressive resume. Rosomewhat. Tendivisionsandthe bably around the third, when the mance equals zero until the nineadministration were present. full moon will open up the way teenth of the month, They were Biology; Education; f~~- adventure. -In the mean~ English; Physical Sciences; time, pay strict attention to all Foreign Languages; Geography; details, TAURUS - (Aprfl 21-May 20) History; Sociology; and EconoVery likely the flight to the - The stars suggest that this mics; Mathematics; and Rural month will be slow. In addition, moon has won new respect Education. you may find it difficult to cope around the world for American Summarizing one area of the with personal or financial pro- power and scientific capability. 1920 catalogue gives these re· blems now, But don't worry; Apollo 8 also illuminates the sults: there's the strong possibility insidious gap between the techPhysical Education Training- that someone marvelous will nological prowess of the AmeriElementary gymnastics, Tumbl· come along who will restore all can people and their incapacity ing, Advanced team tumbling, of your wavering self-confi- thus far to stop the decay of Advanced gymnastics, Theory of dence, their inner city neighborhoods Physical Training for Athletes, GEMINI - (May 21-June 20) and resolve the racial problem, Playground Supervision, Coach· -The events stacked up for you The most urgent single need ing and Managing Indoor-Outdoor now are mostly favorable, in a world that possesses nuc· Athletics, but you are likely to make some !ear weapons is the comity of errors at work, If you have peoples of different races and P.E. for Women-Light gymstopped carrying a torch re- nationalities. If the United nastics (two course), Aesthetic cently, it looks as if there is States could find the answer Dancing, Playground Supersomeone on the way to flare it in its domestic crisis, and if vision, Physiology of Bodily Ex· up again, Get ready; he may turn tl)ey could show the world how ercise, Methods of Teaching up in the very near future, such comity might be achieved; P,E., Theory of Athletics. CANCER - (June 21-July 20) the United States would be the - Moon babies, your life now great companion piece to the Tuition was free, but fees were may take off like a rocket, in triumph in space. charged for labs, locker keys, stages, First to put you in I would be a tragedy if the typewriter rental, etc., so exact cost would be difficult to deter- orbit the stars indicate a musi- two goals in the afterglow of the cally inclined person entering astronaut's success, because mine. your life, Second, you might of rival claims on resources enter a very productive period and human energy, were found And in 1945, four programs in which doors once closed to to be hopelessly in conflict. were offered. Costs for a 4year study were approximate- you are opened. Third, the stars imply a boost in salary ly $283 per year; tuition was free, Physical Education ma;. or fringe benefits, LEO - (July 21-August 21)jors were required to take the It's prowl and hunt time, but be following courses: careful, A Scorpion is likely to Freshman Year - First Se- fall into your trap after the mester, Education 108, English seventeenth, He is not the type · A new major is being offer· 101 or 102, Science or math, who will surrender uncon- ed in the Practical Arts Di· Major P,E, -Second semester ditionally, On the other side of ·vision, according to Dr. Versame as first, events: ~erhaps you can ~~ke ·non Siegner, Division Head. The great strides toward fulflllmg major is called industrial manSophomore Year -History and a long-ti.me goal, the ne'Y moon agement technology, and con· Social Science, Major, Minor on the eighteenth may brmg you sists of business and industrial Physiology Hygiene 205 or Mi· luck, arts courses, together with nor, P.~. -Second semester, VIRGO - (August 22.,Septem- some science and mathematber 22) - Forces at work now ics. same as first. are disruptive and a drain on The 1968 fall semester was Junior Year - Education 304 your energy, Someone you least the first time this major had or 331 Special Methods, Major expect may unsurp the position been offered, with an enrollMinor. Second Semster, Art 306 you hold now, or a misunder- ment of eleven students. Inquiror Music 311 Education Elec· standing within your family ies have already been received tive Major Minor. may occur, However, the from IBM workers in New York appearance of three different zo- who are interested in this new Senior Year - Education 424 diac types Will make the blows area of concentration. Tom or Teaching 411 Major, Mm- easier to take, Sanders, a pilot student who has or, Minor. Second Semester, LIBRA - (September 21-0c- completed the requirements for same as first. tober 22) - Money and oppor- industrial management techAs you can see the clioi ces tunity are moving into your house nology, is now working at Cess· of courses now offered are much and it appears all you have to do na Aircraft in Wichita, Kansas. broader and the student has a greater opportunity to enlarge his vocational outlook. So next time you gripe about-the "have to's", stop and think of the ladies and gents reading Virgil and thank the American way. After a Game
made for the month of January, It will give you hints of what you may expect in beginning
Instruction Advances Comparing courses ofinstruc· tion offered at P.S. C. over the years would prove to be a dif· ficult task since catalogues are available from 1870. But, the change in outlook on areas em· phasized is most apparent when one skips a period of years. In 1870, Peru was known as a State Normal School. Ladies and gents (as the catalogue refers to them) could attend school tuition-free for a cost of about $160 per year. Normal, model, and seminary were thedhisions of the Normal SchooL Courses of study for everyone were basically the following: First YearFirst term-Reading and Orthography, Mental and Written Arithmetic, Descriptive Geog· raphy, English Grammar, Penmanship, Vocal Music, READ WELL - "Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching." Second term - Sounds and Powers of Letters, Arithmetic, Geography, Map drawing, Gram· mar and Analysis, Vocal Mus· ic . READ WELL - "Cowdry' s Moral Lessons" Third term -Advanced Arith· metic, Physical Geography, Analysis and Correction of False Syntax, United States History, Drawing, Practical Teaching, READ WELL - ''Holbrook's Normal Method" and "E.A, Sheldon's Objective Teaching" Junior Year First term -Algebra (to powers), Latin Grammar, Physi· ology, Drawing, Vocal Music, Book Keeping. S e c o n d term -Algebra (through quadratics), Latin Readers (through Roman History), Natural Philosophy (to optics) Drawing, Vocal Music. Third term - Latin (first book of Caesar), Botany, Phi· losophy, Zoology, Exercises in Elocution, Composition, and Practical Teaching held throughout the year. Senior Year First term - Virgil (two books, Geometry (five books), Algebra (completed), Rhetoric. Second term - Geometry (completed, Chemistry, Astronomy, Mental Philosophy. Third term -·Trigonometry, Moral Philosophy, Geology, Civil government. Practical teaching and criticisms all year.
Flig.ht Conflict
New FieldNovi lllfered
or·a Date
. appliances .. sporting goods ... name-brand tools .... hunting &-fishing permits BOWMAN'S HARDWARE
Go to Eldon's the Place that rates
Eldon Al Igood PERU, NEBR.
There's usually' space available f who let success go heads.
* :·
The next time the we seems too bad to tack attempt to get to work call that the atmos around home is going t pretty grim, too, by end_
* * *
You can always find { the Yellow Pages, if so. one will just clue you: how the darned things · indexed.
* * *
After attending one,; p e r s o n understands they hold company m . ings only ; -"··
For SWC The Student Wives' Club a potluck supper Christmas: ty on Sunday, December 15 the members and their fami Each memberbroughta "W elephant" gift for the grab_ The president, Cheryl R. ards, made Christmas coo for the Hoover Rest Home in' burn, 7 The club voted to have a ner on Monday, January · Arbor Manor in Auburn inh '. of those members who are l · ing at the end of the first serq ter, Ph T degreeswill be aw: ed at this time to the folio ' members: Georgia Aistr' Karen Pendergraft, and v Romick,
i;:., -
r se led to c quirements 1968-69 fal: 20, will cc according t er, registr< The list o two student degrees: R Bachelor o of Arts in D, Klevela Bachelor ol elor of Sc The candid< grees inclu Bachelor - Robert Ridge Driv ree Finche ranee M. Iowa; RogE 433 South Smith, Per 7030 North Bachelor cation -Si Ayrshire, I Bellevue; , Nebraska Woklen, Le Bachelor tion-Gary River, Micl erson, Tee Anderson, · sy E, Boh ard J, Car Avenue, E Faye E. Coe Richard W, Road, Auoo H. Dietrich, Fine, Hopk Glynn, Sur Clarence W City Jerr Iowa; Jamel braska City; fer, Falls C er, Dunbar; dilla; Larry Oak, Iowa; A Manley; Vi Vicker, 111 nell, Iowa;
You'll never forget the . you chose your Keepsake.} matchless beauty and ele · styling will always remind of your most wondei, moment ... your engagem: day_
Many of th have found j jority tea chi Those tea schools are son, Pierce, derson, Tr~ Butts, Atlant win, Ralstc Finchmen, C Kleveland, 1 Pendercraft, Iowa; Donal tine, Iowa; i ca, Kansas; la, Nebr.; W town, Pa.; M trice, Nebr. Those wor education ar· ers, Mich.; Aµburn, Net Bartels, Ne Bohling, Au ard Carbon Jean Glynn, Patricia Ki Kansas; Jan Iowa. William P a job in CrE as a Marketi
ifty-Four Graduate At Mid-Term
ime the wea 1ad to tack!' get to work' :he atmosp e is going t · , too, by d
* *
* *
mding one, derstands ompany mally.
'VC Wives' Club r Christmasi December 15 nd their fa broughta" for the grab'. 1t, Cheryl · ristmas co liest Home· d to have a·
y, January
Auoom in rs who are 1· the first se es Will be aw to the folio · >rgia Aistr · ·aft, and V:
'Peru State College will hold 1Ooth annual commencement . May 25, 1969, At .this time ifty-four seniors who are scheduled to complete degree requirements at the close of the l 968-69 fall semester, January 20, will confer their degrees, according to Dr, Kelly J, Liewer' registrar. The list of candidates includes two students who are seeking two degrees: RobertAngew,Omaha, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts in Education and James .D. Kleveland, Nebraska City, .·Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Science in Education, The candidates for mid-year degrees include: Bachelor of Arts in Education - Robert Agnew, 3905 Blue Ridge Drive, Omaha; Doris Maree Finchem, Elliot, Iowa; Terrance M. Hutchings, f'orning, 0aker, ;Iowa; Roger Donn S 433 South 26th 011' )ert 'Smith, Peru; John 'lter, .7030 North 53rd, chelor of Fine · mEdution -Steven w. Brodersenj Ayrshire, Iowa; James N, Butts, :Bellevue; James D, Kleveland, Nebraska City; Sheryl Floyd Woklen, Leigh, Bachelor of Science in Educa'tion-Gary M. Ahlin, RRl, Bark r; Mich.; Carolyn Kay Andn, Tecumseh; Richard W,erson, Nebraska City; PatE, Bohling, Auoom; Richd J, Carbone, 104 Kimberly enue, East Haven, Conn.; :Faye E, Cooper, Nebraska City: ;Richard w, Corwin, 37 Warren ,Roiid, Auoom, Mass.; Connie H. Dietrich, Auburn; Ronald D.,'Fine, Hopkins, Mo,; Jean .K.,p1ynn, Summerfield, Kansas; Clarence W, Haws, Jr., Falls .City Jerry A, Jq])e, Tabor, Iowa; James D, Klevelarid, Nebraska City; Patricia A. Kiehaefer, Falls City; Janene A, Lenker, Dunbar; Viola Maloy, Unadilla; Larry K. Marcusson, Red Oak, Iowa; Alice Marie Massoth Manley; Virginia Mullen McVicker, 1115 Reed Street, Grinnell, Iowa; Duey L. Oestman,
January Grads
Find Jobs RINGS
forget the r Keepsake. J 1ty and eleg' iys remind ' 5t wonder' ur engagem'
ES m Society
.TY $300 TO 500 RING 87.so RING 125
Many of the Januarygraduates have found jobs alrea<tj the majority teaching. Those teaching in secondary schools are: Richard Anderson, Pierce, Nebr.; Steve Broderson, Treynor, Iowa ·James Butts, Atlanta,Mo.;EdwardCorwin, Ralston, Nebr.; Maree Finchmen, Carson, Iowa; James Kleveland, Tabor, Iowa; Donald Pendercraft, ·Williamsburg,· Iowa; Donald Roberts, Muscatine, Iowa; Larry Roder, Seneca, Kansas; Russell Sears, Stella, Nebr.; Walter Slick, Norristown, Pa.; Marilyn Snyder, Beatrice, Nebr. Those working in elementary education are: Gary Ahlin, Powers, Mich.; Carolyn Anderson, Auburn, Nebr.; Janene Lenker, Bartels, Nebraska City; Patsy Bohling, Auburn, Nebr.; Richard Carbone, Millard, Nebr.; Jean Glynn, Summerfield, Neb.; Patricia Kiekhaefer, Reserve, Kansas; Jane Webb, Red Oak, Iowa. William Aistrope has found a job in Creston, Iowa, working as a Marketing' Consultant.
Notice A reminder to the undergraduates who had their pictures ta,ken last fall, They are here and you are remindeq to pick them up in Mr Keck's office, Bd .316. '
Johnson; Ronald L. Pendergraft Villisca, Iowa; Terry L, Petsche, West Union, Iowa; Cheryl A. Seibert Rains, Peru; Donald Bruce Roberts, Loveland, Iowa; Larry L. lloder, 2246 South 51st Street, . Lincoln; Thomas M, ~omick, 200 South Cotner, Lincoln Janet Kay Schneider, Humboldt; Betty Jean Richardson Schuetz, Humboldt; Janice E, Wheeldon Sears, Peru; Russell L. Sears, Jr., Peru; Walter R. Slick, Rt. 1, Alum Bank, Pa Marilyn K. Sugden, Adams; Randall J; Turner, Yutan; James H, Watson, Red Cloud; Jane M, Webb, Red Oak, Iowa Mark B, Wendt, Nebraska City; Doris E, Windels, Unadilla; Ann Marlene White, Griswold, Iowa, Bachelof of Arts-Robert Agnew, 3905 Blue Ridge Drive, Omaha; Ralph A, Procaccini, 301 Clifton Avenue, Newark, N.
Bachelor of Science-William Aistrope, Auburn; Richard M. Bales, Jr., Beatrice; William Robert Jones, 801 Colton Avenue, Newark, N.Y.; David Lee LaMomtague, 670SouthRutledge, Kankakee, Ill.; Samuel J, Smith, Curlew, Iowa; Gerhart J, Wehrbein, Burchard.
Vol. 64
No. 15
February 3, 1969
Faculty Resignations, Appointments Announced tary to the Division ofEducation or to then, he was editor of the January 17, 1969; and Henry . Greenfield, Tennessee TriRoyer maintenance staff, Jan- County Observer. He received his AB degree from the Univeruary 10,·1969, Dr. Freeoorne has been head sity of Tennessee and his MA of the Division of Fine Arts from Memphis State University, and piano professor since Au- He plans to return to graduate gust, 196~. Before coming to school. Before joining the Peru State :Peru State, he was Director of the Yankton, South Dakota, Con- staff in September, 1968, Miss servatory of Music, 1946-49,gra- Smith held various positions at duate fellow at Indiana Univer- Air Force, Army and Navy lisity, 1949-52; Associate Profes- braries, including several oversor of Music at Baylor Univer- seas, She received an AB desity, 1952-55; Chairman of the gree from Lebanon Valley ColUniversity 6f Nevada Music~De lege, Anniville, Penn., and an partment, 1955-59; Woodbury MSLS degree from Syracuse UniCollege Music ·Department versity. Chairman, 1959-63; and AssoMrs Faith Friest former Camciate Professor ofMusic,North east Missouri• State College, pus School librarian, is temporKirksville, 1963-65. He receiv- arily replacing Miss Smith, The ed his AB degree from Kansas new secretary to the head of the Mike Castle worked in the State Teachers College, Empor- Division of Education is Mrs speech department at Auoom, ia, and his MA and PhD degrees Margaret Wendel, Henry McNebraska. Mike felt that speech from Indiana University. He Knight has replaced Henry Royis a difficult subject to grade. has not announced his future er on the custodial staff, Mrs Barbara Chenette is temporar~ Speech is graded upon values and plans. Mr Chenette joined the Peru ily employed on the library clera student might do well on one . subject and p00r in another. State staff4n August,_1967, Pri- ical staff, Dave Rainforth who taught in· dustrial arts at Omaha Tech Pia~, spoke about teaching in the ghetto schools. These .schools reMr Moore will direct the Col- ment in facilities." cpire more than just straight lege Spring Play which is tenThe new auditorium will also teaching. The teacher must battatively scheduled for March 6 host the District High School tle with family problems, workand will also supervise the Dis- Speech and Drama Contest.Last ing conditions, etc. trict High School Speech and year the contest attracted about All the student teachers dis· Drama Contest which will be 300 entries, and more are excussed the discipline needed in held March 21. pected this year. About twelve teaching. They all agreed that Plans for the Spring Play have to f!fteen one-act plays, disthe teacher must be stem the been slightly delayed because of cuss10ns, debates, television first few weeks. If the teacher the uncertainty about the com- speeches, humorous and drais not stem the ·students will pletion date of the remodeled matic readings, and choral dratry to do anything, and the teachauditorium. Completion now mas will be presented. er will have no discipline conseems likely by the end of FebAnyone wanting to see some trol. After the discussion quesruary. Mr Moore is "excited excellent free entertainment tions were brought up from the about the prospects ·of pre- should mark their long-range floor. senting a play for the first calendars now. These two At .the end of the meeting a time in the new auditorium which events are too good to be missspring convention for the state will provide a great improve- ed. PSEA was discussed briefly.
The governing board of state colleges accepted the resignations of three professional and two service staff members at their meeting in Lincoln on January 21, 1969, Dr. Frederick Freeburne, Head of the Division of Fine Arts, and Edward B. Chenette Director of Student Financial Aids, resigned effective June 30, 1969, Miss Mary S, Smith Assistant Librarian, resigned effective January 15, 1969, Other resignations and their effective dates are: Mrs Gladys Steffensmeier, Davidson~ Palmer Housemother, May 31, 1969; Mrs Vicki Romick, secre-
Experiences Reviewed The PSEA meeting held Monday evening, January 27, was an interesting review of the studl!fit teachers' experiences. The mee_j:ing· .was conducted by the president, Barb Lampe, with Dr. Kike and Mr Johnson as sponsors. The panel of five studentteach• ers were: Jan Kelly who taught iii'the phy• sical education department at S:ienandoah, Iowa. She spoke on the emotional probleinsinvolved in teaching her students. Jan felt that the emotional problems affected the grades of these students. Martha Mullen taught eight year olds at Beatrice, Nebras• ka. Martha felt that each of her students were individuals, One chil~ mightexcelinonefield yet be lacking in another, therefore, they seemed to be different students in each class. Martha said that these students also had emotional and psychological problems. Don Shaw taught math in the Tecumseh Nebraska school system. Don spoke on the outside help high school students require. He felt that the students really appreciated talking outside of class. Don also felt that the parent-teacher conferences were good for better understanding.
SCB Meets This semestertheStudentCenter Board is going to be divided into twelve committees. The following is a list of the committees and their heads: Executive, M.rs Camealy, Mr Kaloti and Mr Cattle; Complaint, Wayne Willcoxon; Food, Meron Solonynka; Publicity, Sherleen Hill; Hospitality, Sally Weber; Special Projects, Allan Sherwood; Cultural, Don Dodge; Recreation, Christine Harris; Socialg Steve Goode; Policies, DawnNebola; Campus Coordination, Tom Albin; Research, Bob Beran, Pamphlets were handed out at registration that explain the purpose of the committees. Anyone interested in serving on one of them may sign up for it at Mrs Camealy's office in the Student Center •
SCB Member
Speech Contest, March
The Space Thing
Outer space, Just a few years ago it was science fiction. Now it is science, As each space venture journeys a small step further into that endless vacuum The Student Center Board has of emptiness, the darkness that started the New Year off right surrounds the earth slowly gives with adopting a mascot for the way to knowledge. Men, far bedining hall napkins. This mas- yond bravery, and confident that cot will be a Bobcat dressed in the secret of space was meant to a waiters unifonn. be shared, enclose themselves A request was made for each in tiny capsules atop mammoth member who was involved with rockets and are thrown from this the December ACU-I Regional wor Id into a world of lonely siConvention to hand in a report lence. A slight mistake in huon what took place at this con- man judgement or a mechanical vention. Another of these col- failure could hang them in space lege union conventions will be forever. Yet, the astronauts and held in February. This is pri- the cosmonauts prefer the danmarily a con venti.on for the Mid- gers of space to the lesser danwest and some of the states in- gers of earth. Perhaps it's cluded are Missouri, Kansas, the challenge of exploring a place South Dakota and Nebraska. entirely devoid of life that draws Even though May seems along them into the space program, way off, plans for May Fete have Perhaps it's the thought of bestarted. And of course the Stu- ing so completely away from dent Center Board has some- the earth and in "God's Counthing else up their sleeve along try", Or perhaps it's the glory the entertainment line which ma,y and satisfaction of having the come in February, but ideas are opportunity to be the first one pending. there. It's exciting to go where Last but not least, the respon- no other has gone before-to be sibilities of each committee for the first. But, the space race, the Student Center Board were at least the race to the moon, discussed by the committee heads. This was the January will soon be won. Where will man go, after the moon is his? 23rd meeting of our SCB.
Of course, there are other planets, other places to race to. An entire universe is waiting to be discovered, It has waited for millions of years, It will wait for millions more, We can conquer space, we have proven that repeatedly. We can blast ourselves away from the earth, journey thousands of miles into space and return safely, We do it almost without the smallest of errors. But now, with the moon soon to be overtaken, we must stop-to think. Theworldwelive on is in an uproar. We can't get along with our neighbors, we're split with the sadness of racial conflict, we're watching others starve and die, and worst of all, we're beginning to enjoy hate. It's too bad man isn't involved in a race to conquer himself, To conquer himself with understanding-the guns, with understanding - the guns, the battles, the hatred replaced by patience, respect, consideration. Space exploration is good, Only when it becomes an obsession, a race, does its spirit tarnish. Outer space will be up there for a long time to come-forever really. But, inner space, the space 'Jside of us all, will last only as long as we do.
P_age 2
IBE PED February 3, 1969
Editorially Speaking Pr~g~ess Lies
· Within Student
Questionaire Revealing What do STP, DMT, or LSD mean to you? They could be oil additives, but they are not. They are the newest rage on the college campuses of today. According to the Gallop Poll, five to six per cent of the seven million college students are drug abusers. Three hundred fifty to four hundred twenty thousand students have experimented with hallucinogens. Included in this group of drugs are non-addictive drugs such as marajuana, and psychadelic drugs as LSD, STP, and DMT. Barbituates as well as amphetamines are also classified as hallucinogentic drugs. The campus of Peru State is not an exception to this rule. A brief, representative's survey was made on our campus to determine exactly how the average student felt about the possibility of drugs at Peru. As with all cross-section polls, the returns were quite varied. Those surveyed were asked ten questions to drug usage at P.s.c. In answer to the question, "Do you believe there are drugs on our campus?" Eighty two per cent answered yes while eighteen per cent felt there were no drugs here. Theeighteenpercent also felt that drugs would eventually be found on our campus. When asked what drugs they felt could be found, their ans·.,.ers were primarily marajuana, secondly amphetamines, and third· ly barbituates. Drugs such as LSD were the., least suspected hallucinogentics. r~ferring
Fifty-five per cent of those people inter· viewed admitted to taking some kind of drug during their educational career, while forty· five per cent said they had never taken any form of illegal drug. Those questioned were also asked for an estimate student percentage of users. The answers ranged from seventyfi ve per cent to zero per cent, but the average was fourteen per cent and the mode was ten per cent. "Why do they take these drugs?" was the next question. There were three basic ans· wers. First, for a change or experiment with no definate purpose. It was called an exper· ience, curiosity, and something to try. The second answer was to feel sophisticated and be accepted by those who were taking drugs. Finally, the majority of those who were talked to felt drugs were used as an escape from reality and social pressures. An unstable person with extreme nervous tensions would be in this categury. A small portion of those consulted felt there could be some sttldents with psychological, or physical, or mental types of addiction or de· spondence with the drugs. The majority surveyed could see no justification for those taking drugs to be doing so. Others decided each person must supply his own justification, only the individual could make this decision. Nearly everyone felt some drugs should be legalized. Marajuana coulq be legalized in a pure form with few problems, however, the stronger and addictive drugs should remain outlawed. This lega~ization would remove the elements of thrill and tension. If a person wanted the drug, they could get it illegally, so it may as well be legalized. The majority of the poll said they would not try or increase their usage if_ it w~s made legal•.
· Americans, the great "fad finders", have launched themselves into a new trend~tter education. But is it really better? The American school system has gradually improved since the establishment of the Boston Public Latin School in 1835. The so-called improvements include ability grouping, modular scheduling, individualized in· struction, and teaching machines. They are intended to improve the quality of education for the intellectually gifted and bolster opportunities for disadvantaged students, With all of the superimposed improvements; however, the progress of education still lies within the student, Real education is the thirst for lmowledge now lmowledge itself. lt is an inquiring spirit, the willingness to work beyond the minimum. If you want to be really educated, you must be self-disciplined and self-educated. you will do outside readings beyond that required by an instructor: You will not be satisfied with getting by the easiest way, but you will be interested in absorbing every possible morsel that will be of value to you, It is a teacher's responsibility to help develOP this inspiration to work beYond the bare essen~ tials, People constantly stress the importance of collegeandeducation, All of this stress and emphasis is forcing people who are neither qualified nor interested in college to attend an institute of higher learning, The ultimate goal in life is to obtain a college degree, One author has called this American trend "theSheep. skin Psychoses," Colleges are filled with students who are there because it is the thing to do, Everybody goes to college, becausl;l people look up to them. It's one big game, With attitudes like this, can one truly get a real education? Are all our improvements and campaigns bettering our education?
·Are You Doing It Right?
Students Opp.o.se , :.. ;
President Nixon , · In a recent article published by the College Press Service, a counter-inaugural protest designed to keep the pressure on Nixon to ''tum our country away from the racist and Violent policies of the past" was brought to light. War has been the major issue of the political campaign with demonstrations, violent andnonviolent, dramatizing the ill feel· ing in the nation over it. So called students constantly vent their feelings against the war, and yet, elements of war are in evidence all over this country. Insurrection constantly may be noted in colleges and universities, Administration buildings are damaged, administrators are held in-lieu of more rights for students. Now, these same students would attempt to make a · mockery of the inauguration of our president. This war in Vietnam has had great emotional and political impact on this country. The rights and wrongs of this war are to numerous to mention in this short space, and I respect the right of dissent. However, I also respect the office. of the presidency, even though I may disagree with the man holding the office.
seem subordinate, yet he must · hold a substantial gradein them. He will have no probl,em if he uses basically the same study pattern for these courses as he does the ones in his major field. Although there are several prescribed ways of study, they are usually speciJlli zed and fitW! to one type of material. For example creative writing is not primarily memorization, and most history does not leave room for originality. Therefore ones own ·habits should fluctuate so as to meet the demands of any subject. A few basic study points which usually prove helpful, are good lighting, proper facilities such as desk and chair, and access major field, it is one that to needed materials. It's usinterests him, one in which he ually a good idea to choose a mshes to. excel to his fullest specific time and place for capacity. All other courses study, this way it can be fit. r· ted into a schedule and not put
.We of college level realize the importance of study; and that coordination of study ·habits is a large faCtor in .determining the amount of lmowledge learned. The only hang up is getting into the habit of studyillg. The way in which one chooses to study isn't important as iong as he benefits from it. Tne foremost thing is that the stu~ dent chooses to study in one form or another. It is difficult to say how one acquires the taste for stud.Ying, but sooner or later there is no choice left but to do it; even if it isn't your thing. Interest may be the key to study. When one chooses a
Student Revolt
Most study habits are quite similar. The way in which they are applied is the difference. After defining ones own study habits it may be easier to apply them so they will be most beneficial to you.
The students of San Francisco State College seem to have found the perfect way to get an extended Christmas vacation, Amid violence and controversy Acting President SJ. Hayakawa closed the school a week early to let hot issues cool. To say that the move failed would be an understatement, Jn the interim, more problems have arisen, including the serious threat of a teachers strike, The student strike, ·which started the truble at the school began November 6 over a list of 15 demands issued by nonwhite student groups, These include the establishment of a black studies department, con· trolled by its own faculty, establishment of a school of ethnic studies the admis~on of a larger number of minority students and unlimited admission of such students in the fall. A black studies department 'will begin operating next month l:ut wi1hout the control of its faculty and more minority students will be admitted in the fall. It is unlikely that the administration will meet all of the (_,..()\"
t , ·:;
(cont'd on page 3)'
PERU PEDAGOGIAN Monday, February 3, 1969 -· , Volume 64 Number 15
Published weekly academic year, except holidays. and between semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 6842!. STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . . Greg Vaughn PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Beran ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . Bob Vana ADVISOR . . . . . . . James Keck
The signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect th~ opinion of the Pedagogian but of individuals. The editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
.ew Members Urged
Join Circle K the club has not picked up mbership at theendofyear 11 probably be disbanded," Richard Linder, the Presi, of Circle K. His statement ;· means that the activities ' h have been carried out by le K such as the K.P.s.c. . o program, inviting speak.,. to college·convocations and lood drive, will disappear this campus, cle K, which is sponsored e Peru Kiwanis Club, has one of the strong organis on Peru Campus, It approximately 10 members, most active members school recently and most
ement Interviews
I I-20
(; '12E' NO
he must ~inthem. ~m if he
ne study ses as he jorfield. veralprethey are nd fittee .al. For lng is not ion, and ot leave herefore uld flucthe de1ts which are good ies such l access It's us~hoose a .ce for i be fit! not put re quite n which e differnes own c easier will be AN 1969 mber 15
cing the holidays. by the College,
ebruary rviewers from the followchool systems will be at within the next two weeks, ruary 4-0maha Pubhool System ruary 6 - Bellevue c Schools ruary 7 - Dubuque, Public Schools ruary 12 - Council , Iowa Public Schools o on February 12, officials the Social Security Office be on campus to interview seniors interested in apfor government jobs, . rs interested in any of the . . positions should sign up interviews in the Placement seniors expecting to grain 1969, are urged to a confidential file in the ement Office if they haven't dy done so. This will save when· being interviewed,
PERU EANERS & TAILORS lelping Peru State look just that much better for over 51 years.
current members are seniors drawing members is one of pro-' jects . of the club this year. Any students who are academically in good standing and who are willing to serve community and school will be welcome, · Members are required to attend meetings on every Thursday night at 6: 30 in the west dining room of the Student Center. Membership dues are $1 a month and the initiation fee is $5, The club is planning to have a dinner party at a restaurant in Nebraska City in the near future. The club is going to continue the K,P.S,C, radio program which is serving from 6:30 till 11:00 every evening except weekends at station 610, Anybody can be an announcer merely by talking to one of the· Circle K members. Circle .K wants to share parts of K.P .s.c. with other college organizations so that the students can get more variety in the program, The S,G.A, has already been taking advantage of the offer and at the same time backing up K.P.s.c.
Peru State's debate team, thus far, has had a very satisfying season. They have traveled to debate at Wayne State College, the University of South Dakota, Kansas state University and to Maryville in Missouri, The team has won over sixty per cent of all debates in which they were involved, ..., Those students who have traveled to debate are: Bill Austin, Dianne Forke, Wayne Wilcoxon, Kathy Schnitzer, Larry Sorenson, Don Dodge, Phil Herbster, Nancy Hunzeker, Ann Biller, Cheryl Prokupek, and Linka Kilgore. In debate, varsity teams include those who have had two or more years of college debate, Peru State's varsityteams are Larry Sorenson and Don Dodge and Phil Herbster and Nancy Hunzeker. Novice teams are those who are in their fir st year of debate. The current question of debate is: "That executive con-
Show your, I. D. Card and save 10 o/o on all of your purchases at :BILL .. S
n Sailors
Bill '.s Clothing &·Shoes
Vaughn b Beran
ob Vana es Keck lnted in h~ opin1t of in~ reserves
Improve PSC
Peru Debaters ,Excel trol of United States foreign policy should be significantly curtailed," At the moment, Peru State's debaters are not sure as to the site of their next debate.
Art Club to Present Variety of Films Future plans of the Peru State Art Club include a series of films, These films will provide something to do and bring culture1 education and entertainment to the campus, They will be shows that cannot be seen on television. Each time, there is to be a foreign film from such countries as Germany, Japan and Russia and France. The series will also include such films as Zorro and great classics such as W,C. Fields and Charlie Chaplin. Season tickets will be sold for $5.00, These films will be shown at the Fine Art's auditotium at times and dates published later in this newspaper. It is sincerely hop. ed that you will support this film club if you are interested in bringing and keeping such activities to the C\).mpus.
bell tower is also being investigated. It would ring .in conjunctioo with the class bells for"the benefit of those students living off the campus proper, Their final proposal would be a television raffle with proceeds used to finance a scholarship program for any deserving male enrolled in education Me Epsil~n Nu is one of the few organizations on this campus organized to improve our school and its students. It is not a club only for its own sake. MEN has goals and purposes which they live up to in trying to make this institution a better place for all. Hats off to a real organization r
c·(J'IM'fJUS Ill
amf) us
"· &.,
Concordia College is now celebrating their Diamond Jubilee, They are making preparations and plans for this year's 75th anniversary. The A Cappella choir of Concordia made its first extensive tour in 1948 and has since then appeared in most of the United States, In the summer of 1961 the choir traveledtoEurope,and toured Germany, Switzerland, England, Holland, Belgium, and France, This yearthechoirwill tour California and the West coast, Central Missouri state College will present a Linguistic Institute March 17-19, under the direction of Herbert Eschliman ~ead of the department of Eng: lish. The institute will focus on applied linguistics and will feature classroom demonstrations showing implementation on theory presented in the addresses Eight Central Missouri Stat~ Coeds will represent the college at the 1969 Ski Queen Pageant at Tan-Tar-A resort at Lake of the Ozark January 24-25, They will compete with twelve other Missouri College coeds for the title, Miss Agnes Moorehead television personality, appeared on the Eastern Montana College ca.mpus Saturday, January 25, Miss Moorehead, starring as Eudora in "Bewitched,'' presented a solo dramatic performance titled, "Come Closer: I'll Give You An Earful."
ELDON'S CAFE After a Game or a Date Go to Eldon's the Place that rates
Eldon Al Igood
Planned By College Band : A lawn concert. is being planned by the WmdEilsemble sometime this semester. Thirty-five members are practicing chorales, along with selections such as "Cappriccio," "Kismet" and "Exodus.'' The Wind Ensemble consists of Wood Wind Choir Brass Choir, which plays Baroque style and Stage Band, which started last semester. Five saxophone, four trombone and five trumpet players are planning to entertain Peru students wi •, jazz in the near future.
Peru to Host NSHAA + 4-H Peru State College will host the NSHAA District Speech and Dramatics contests March 21 and the NSHAA District Music contests Apri1 24 and 25, Preliminary plans are also being made to host the Midwest 4-H Youth Leadership Development Conference August 17-20 with young adult leaders from 20 states attending.
Legislative Bilb Proposed Bids on the construction ofthe addition to the Science Hall will open on Wednesday, February 5, 1969, at 10:00 a.m. in the East Senate Chamber of the State Capito~ in Lincoln, Contracts are expected to be awarded by the governing board at its meeting February 19, Actual work on the project should begin March 1, 1969, with completion scheduled for January, 1970,
Auditorium Almost Finishe,d March 1, 1969, is the scheduled date of occupancy of the remodeled auditorium. The seating contractor will begin work the last week in January, The stage equipment will be in· stalled about February 10, 1969,
(cont'd from page 2) students' demands, and unlikely that there will be full attendance until they do. It appears doubtful that the troubles of the college can be resolved in the near future. Both sides have taken their stands and refuse to budge. There can only be more trouble if police continue to use commando tactics on picketing students. Continued reports of beatings and injury to students arouse even stronger anti-authority sentiment. The only solution would be for each side to give a little in order to come to terms. The administration must begin to zero in on the problems at hand.
. PHONE 872-2811
Member F.DJ.C.
;'You pay less at Bill 's-''
WED. & SAT. P .M.
119 N. 8th St.
Nebr. City
Page 3
MEN Aims To Mu Epsilo~ N~ is one of the newest organizations on campus as well as oneofthemostact1ve, In the. past their acco~plishments !11cludedateachera1dprogram _m the. Auburn school system · m wh1.ch they act.ed as teacher ass1~nts. This. acted as a preview to professional semester. MEN has sponsored a teach~ day at .Lourdes Centr~l HJ?h School 111. Nebraska City with members m complete control of the classroom s.ituations. this was an?ther supplement to the prnfe~s10nal semest:r. A study-sk1lls prog~m is operat~d every second nme weeks to aid and improve students' study haJ>. its. MEN has several activities in the planning stages, Possiblythe most beneficial to the college would be the production of a film on the college, It would include segments on college life, activities, organizations, and their functions, The film would be shown to various high schools in this area to promote Peru, The possibility of a campus
f ebruary 3, 1969
JOHN L. LEWIS, Vi_ce Pres. & Cashier
THE PED February 3, 1969
'CATS GIVE MAC 100th HOME WIN role in the victory. Freeman be a long night and this should Beville, White Plains New York; be an area Coach Mcintire will pay special attention to when the Clarence "Boo" Glover, Yonk· Bobcats travel to Wayne Februers, New York; and Larry Green ary 26 for the season final. Brock, Nebraska; who were all Wayne State was paced by playing in jusltheir second game Schneider's 25 points, and Bill as Bobcats, came up with great efforts to pace the team to vic- Kruse's 19. tory. Beville lead all scorers with 29 points, followed byGlovDoane Squeaks er's 24 and Green's 14. Clyde Wilkins was the other Peru star in double figures with 14. Green Peru State was the victim of another cliff-hanger, January 11 also lead in rebounds with 10, as the Doane College Tigers The Bobcat victory came as a result of the charity line where squeaked out an 84-82 win on Peru capitalized on 28 of 38two free-throws by guard Jaclde attempts compared to Wayne's Owen after the final buzzer. 16 of 26, Both squads connect· The loss was particularly ed on 50 percent of their shots tough for the Bobcats who had from the field with Wayne having battled back from an 11 pointde101 More Pleasing the edge here 33 of 66 to Peru's ficit to knot the score at 82-82 31 of 62, with just 28 seconds remaining. Undoubtedly Coach Mcintire The game started off like it At this point Doan.e called time was elated over the 100th home was going to be all Wayne as out to set up for the final shot. court victory but 101 had to be the Wildcats hit the first six Doane worked the ball to high the most pleasing as his under- points of the game before Peru scoring Leslie Grant whose shot dog Bobcats trimmed the high• cracked the nets. But the Bob- fell short with two seconds left, ly touted Wayne State Wildcats , cats, behind Beville, came roar- but in the scramble for the re90-82. The loss marked only ing back with 11 of the next 13 bound Peru's Clyde Wilkins was the second conference defeat points to keep it tight. The first called for a foul and Owens Ste.IP for Wayne in two years and half was a game of spurts as ped to the line with the clinchthe Bobcats were the spoilers both sides were unable to hold ing tosses. on both occasions, knocking a head. A ten Point rally just Peru was out rebounded 48them off 79-77 last year at Peru before half time put Wayne on 30 by the visitors from Crete before dropping the other con- top 40-38. but it was just a matter of test 100-67 at Wayne. The second half was all Peru breaks that decided the outIt was a hard fought game all as the crowd spurred the Bob- come. Clyde Wilkins lead Peru the way but the Bobcats held cats through one of the most ex· scorers with 26 points, and Pete their poise and played what was citing halves of basketball ac- stewart added 20. probably their best game of the tion to be witnessed on the "Cam· Peru is at Doane February year to take a giant step toward pus of a Thousand Oaks." Center 11, 1969. a possible eleventh Nebraska Dave Schneider was all thatkept College Conference basketball ~ayn,e in the ball. game as the Cats Split With Kearney title.'· Wayne came intothegame ~- 6 9 centercontinuallypogied 13-1 on the year and 37-4 over m Jump shots.over. 6'.8 Pete SteThe Peru Bobcats traveled to the past two years. Wayne's on· ;;:itrte 'm· Sthchne1thid~rdr lllJUrrted a legd Kearney state, February 29, to ly defeat this season came at e. . qua er an gain a split for the season with ttie, hands of Dakota Wesleyan, 'ououtrthuntibult m1dwayb thckrouglh the Antelopes by notching an 95-93, in the second game of to fouli' t' f th came a Won Y 83-78 victory Kearney had the year. Since that time they ou o e game as a)le ' had zipped past all foes and had was mak:11g a comeback. beaten the Bobcats in the NCC been allowing their opponents A contributing factor in the opener between the two teams ooly 65.2 points per game. victory was the 46-38 edge in reoo January 14, by the score of · to the Peru bounding · by Peru, If you don't 82-81 · Three newcomers . • ~ a _Jump shot bYJer ry $!?~age scene played a key ---~aj;- -~e on the boards it could 2 1ley with JUSt _Elle:_ sec_~>n~s The Peru State Bobcats helped Coach Jack Mcintire attain one milestooe in his 13-year career as head hoop mentor at PSC as they treated him to his 1OOth home court victory with an 8776 victory over the Concordia Bulldogs. The victory highlights a year which may very well see · Coach Mcintire's charges go all the way in the NCC and finish with one of the better records in Peru history. As d this writing the Bobcats had equaled the 196 7-68 season record of 12 wins and were tied with defending NCC champs Wayne State for the conference lead with identical 3-1 records.
Conference Standings NCC
left. The Bobcats were facing a much improved Kearney 5, a team they had beaten twice last year. Peru lead 42-41 at halftime but the visitors pulled away the second half before Peru came roaring back to take an 8180 lead with 48 seconds remain· ing. Kearney putthe whole game oo the one final shot· by Wiley and edged PSC in a real heartbreaker. ,
Conf. Ov. Off,
WL WL Avg,
Peru Wayne Chadron Kearney Hastings
3-1 12-5 3-1 13-2 83,4 1-1 12~7 75.8 1-2 6-7 85.4 0-2 5-13 74,6 !f
NCC Disband~
Bobcats Notch 1st.NCC Win The Peru B'obcats traveled to Hastings, January 17, and whopped the Broncos 72-62 to register their 1st NCC win of the season. The win left Peru 11 in Conference play and 10-5 on the season. Pete Stewart lead Peru to a 37-31 halftime lead. on 15 first - half points and six rebounds. Hastings came back to knot the score 48-all with 12:30 left, when Coach Mcintire inserted four guards and a pivotman to play a "pattern weave" offense.Peru went on to outscore Hastings 24-14 for the win. Stewart finished with 24 points and Hast· ings w~s lead by Frank Higgins 16 points. It was the four straight set back for Hastings. Peru snapped a two game losing streak. Briar Cliff Victim Peru state edged Briar Cliff of Sioux City, Iowa, January 9,
96-95 despite a 40 point produc· tion by Jim Hinrich. Peru had been behind as many as 16 points, but cameback behind the gunning of Mike Johnson and ch..i Wilki h ed 28 <:d"2e5 . ns w o .scolr an points respectiye .Y· Peru State vs Tarkio 10 a rematch Tuesday,' February 4' in the Peru = zmrsw!::.,~ _,,___ ., _
I f ---------~---------------~· I : "PED"
Peru State will be looking• a new conference after June' 1969, the date set for the . braska College Conference to, band. The State Normal Bo _ approved the decision by , four state colleges in their m .· ing January 21. The organi tion has been in existencej years. The move was started by tion earlier this fall when . president of· Hastings Col( announced that his school w• withdraw from the_ confe , at the close of the 1968-69 a demic year. Dr. Neal S, Go,· president of Peru state Coll • submitted the reqcest to NorrrJal Board on behalf of presidenti:: of Waynestate,K,, ney, Hastings and Chadron. ; Dr. Gomon stated "every·: fort has been made to con · the conference but with the ., drawal of the last of the vate or church-rel11ted sch (Hastings) perpetuati®. ofaf . team conference is indef ble." Gomon also pointed :. that it was meaningless to ~. tinue as a four-team confererl, because under the rules -of National Association of Inter '. legiate Athletics, a confe ' with fewer than five mem . is not recognized by NAIA:E an entity for qualification NAIA District and Nati meets. The prime difficulty enc 4 tered in attracting new me hers to the NCC is the wide ference in enrollmentamoog braska colleges ranging f ' 750 students at Doane coll • to nearly 5,300 at Kearney Si There are several possibili for NCC members; each me_ ber becoming an independ · , organize an athletic conferei1 amor.6 schools in Nebras ,Iowa, Missouri and South Da_, ta; or work out a new conf. ence among Nebraska colle" of similar size. ~ Dr. Gomon, in regard to Pe State College, stated "we . honor all contracts with p, sent members of the NCC propose to continue· athletic lationships with the other s colleges as long as it is fea' ble. 0
SPORTS ! ..------------------------... COACH'S CORNER
Pete goes high against Wayne Stater Bill Kruse as Larry Green (43) and Freeman Beville look on.
Reflecting on the tough victory the front line and Beville should over Wayne State, Coach Jack develop into a real fine player Mcintire credited the win to the with more experience as well as Bobcats poise and hustle giving us height up front." Coach throughout the game, along with Mcintire pointed out the differa great desire to win. "Our ence between this years squad boys came out of the dressing and last years is the degree of room at halftime, down 38-40, experience, This year our startknowing that they had to play ers have a year of game expertougher defense and I felt we ience under their belt and have accomplished this." , shaken off freshman mistakes When asked about the three and are. performing more as a new members of the team: Lar- unit. With the addition of some ry Green, Freeman Beville and new faces we should develop inClarence "Boo" Grover, Mac to a much improved team. had this too say, "I believe In looking ahead to the remainGlover will give us the leader- ing schedule Mcintire noted that ship that we have needed the having to play four of the repast few years, Green is a real maining five NCC games on the hard working and hustling ball road was a tough situation but player who is also going to give believed that the boys were up us the added height we need on to doing it.
50¢ :~:. 2 5 'C:::·
rachel!I rachel
GROCERIES MEATS FRUITS and VEGETABLES Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday Phone 872-4351
.Duffey Daugherty, head fd ball coach of Michigan St'. said "Dancing is a· c-on{ sport, football is a collis: sport. ,
Phi Bet;
busir taking a r Beginning ~m hold ;oonth-th month wil ml the ti
Februai d. the St . ~tion in talk cone e.ation in
business play in th
Peru States remaining ho' NCC contest finds Hastings C:. lege invading February15,19
IN PERU IT'S HILL'S REXALL DRUG Complete Line of School Supplies '
Cologne - Perfume - After Shave Cosmetics
The ma ent Cent building 1 eral rob few week TWO R1
re nee .mgs cc Ov. Off. WL Avg, l2-5 86,8 l3-2 83.4
12-7 75,8 6-7 85,4 8
-13 74,6 81.
r: I be looking { ~ after June · .et for the Ni mferenceto Normal Bo icision by · :sin their me The organi 1 existence
our Students Receive Scholarships Four Peru State College stunts have been selected re'pients of the Nebraska Coness of Parents and Teachs scholarships for the seed semester according to Mrs rge E, Robertson, State PTA , larship chairman, The $125,00 grants were <iwarded on the basis of scholarshjp, moral and social standards, and aptitude for teachfog. The scholarship program is supported by Honorary Life Memberships and gifts to the Nebraska Congress of Parents nd Teachers scholarship fund, The scholarships are awarded annually for the second semester to students in teacher education programs at the Uni.versity of Nebraska, University of Nebraska at Omaha and the State Colleges. The Peru State College recipients include:
l:larbara Lampe, da.ughter of Mr and Mrs Albert H. Lampe Johnson, a junior majoring in business education. Barbara is a member of Phi Beta Lambda, Kappa Delta Pi, White Angels L,S,A., and president of P.S.E.A. Elizabeth .Jane Budler, daughter of Mr and Mrs Bernard R. Budler, Bradshaw, a junior in business education. Elizabeth is a member of Phi Beta Lambda, Kappa Delta Pi, P,S.E.A, and Newman Club. Carolyn J. Dorn, daughter of Mr and Mrs Benhardt J, Dorn, Burchard, a sophomore in home economics. Carolyn is a member of home economics club and Newman Club. Elaine Grundman, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ralph Grunpman Talmage, a junior majoring in biology, Elaine is active in Alpha Ma Om~ga. Beta Beta, Kappa Delta Pi and she is treasure of P .S,E.A.
Vol. 64 No. 16
February 10, 1969
Peru Students Receive $50,000 in Scholarships By M:1. ROBERT BOHLKEN Every semester at registration time three subjects appear to dominate the thoughts of Peru State students: last semester's grades, sex, and money. Now, in regard to last semester's grades it is too late to worry. As for sex, it is often too "blue" cry. But, there is hope in regard to money for Peru State students, Last year over $50,000 was provided for Peru State students via grants and scholarships, These grants and scholarships are provided by college organizations, private and civic groups, the State Of Nebraska and the Peru Achievement Foundation, The college organization which makes the largest amount of money available for students is the Peru State Letterman Club or the P Club. Each year it provides for promising and outstanding athletes of Peru State a total of over $2,500, This money is distributed by the athletic Department in 15 to 20 grants, Other campus organizations such as Social Science, Math, Industrial Arts, Education and Business provide and grant scholarships and aids to students in their specific areas. Resident halls also award grants to worthy students with funds made available .through the profits from the dormitory vending machines, The recipients of these grants are selected by the member of the individual halls, Private and Civic organizations such as the Peru V.F.W., Morton House Kitchens, Nebraska City Chamber of Commerce, Peru Kiwanis, Auburn Kiwanis provide grants to attend Peru State, and they do their own selection of recipients, The Knights of Ak-.sar-Ben provides four hundred dollars each year for scholarships which are awarded by the Peru State Scholarship Committee to four deserving Peru State students. The State of Nebraska bUt needy students, The dis-
/'_HI BETA Has New Approach
agard to Pe' lted "we :ts with p the NCC : e'athletic ,e other sta s it is fea
Phi Beta Lambda, the honorary business organization, is taking a new approach in 1969. Beginning in January, Phi Beta will hold two meetings each month-the first Tuesday of each month will be a business meeting and the third Tuesday will feature a guest speaker. The later meeting will be open to. all the students and will be held in the Fine Arts Auditorium. February 3, Mr Larry Bonner of the State Department of Education in Lincoln presented a talk concerning vocational education in the schools and the part business administrati ves can play in the school.
The tentative speaker for the March 18 meeting is Salvatore Valentino, A.M., PhD. Professor of Economics and Finance and Chairman of the Department of Economics and Finance at Creighton University. He will give a talk entitled "Family Financial Management." Plans are being made for a special project which will be of interest to all the students. Watch for signs in the Ped and around campus for further information. Any business student interested in joining Phi Beta Lambda is invited to attend ourmeetings and-or inquire for further information.
Series of Thefts Takes Place JG
On January 27, two money rophones were stolen from the boxes and a money bag con- listening rooms in the Fine Arts taining an undisclosed sum were building sometime during the stolen from the cafeteria, The · past two weeks, The theft thief enteredthe buildingthrough was noti<.:ed when one ot the a kitchen window and pried speech teachers attempted to open a cabinet containing the use the equipment for one of money, This is the second rob- his classes. bery in the past sixteen weeks. Ear lier this year, two specThe main cafeteria in the Stud- ial IBM typewriter balls (Oraent Center and the Fine Arts tor type and multi-lingual) were building were the scenes of sev- . taken from Mr. Moore's desk. eral robberies during the past few weeks. There have been no clues to the identity of the person or Two Roberts stereophonic, persons involved in the recent four-track recorders and mic- series of thefts,
bursement of these funds is made through the Peru State Office of Financial Aids. Qualified students should seek applications from Mr. Ed Chenette, director of financial aids, The Peru Achievement Foundation provides funds for academic scholarships of both memorial and general natures. This year fifteen individual ·memorial scholarships andtengeneral scholarships ranging from $50 to $100 were granted by the Peru State College SchOlarship Committee under the auspices of the Peru Achievement Foundation. These funds are awarded on the criteria of past and present aeademic excellence and in the case of some memorial scholarships a preference of prescribed academic area. Considerations will be given to grades, ACT scores, rank in class, and ability to express an answer to the question, "Why do you believe you should be considered for a scholarship to be
provides aids in the form of tuition waivers, Peru State has eight tuitioo grants for deserving Foreign Citizens who attend this institution. These a wards are made through the college president's office or the registrar's office, Seventy-nine Peru State tuition grants are provided by the State for students from high schools which co-operate with the Peru State Student Teacher Program, These grants are made by the cooperating schools' officials and funds are made available on the basis of one tuition grant for five student teachers trained in that particular school; tuition fees amounting to $16,000 were granted las.t year. The State of Nebraska'also privides tuition grants to worthy students who are unable to attend Peru State because of financial inabilities. This year approximately $17 ,000 in tuition fees was made available to worthy (Cont'd on page 3)
j;J,O(f/ '
FEDERAL SERVICE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION A special, on-campus Federal Service Entrance Examination will be conducted by the U.S. Civil Service Commission on Saturday, February 15, at 9:00 A.M. itj Room 105, Fine Arts Building. The two-hour qualifications examination is the principal means for hiring young college graduates in careers in 50 agencies throughout the nation. It is designed primarily for social science humanities, and bus· iness majors, but anyone interested in government or ci vii
service positions should take it. Seniors and graduate students who wish to take the examination should pick up a copy of "It's Your Move" and sample questions in the Placement Office, or walk in to the test. "TEACHER INTERVIEWS: The ABC Unified School District, located in the Southeast Los Angeles County area, will have a district representative on campus Monday, February 17, 1969, to Interview teacher applicants. Interested persons should sign up in the placement office now!"
Page 2
THE PED February 10, 1969
Editorially Speaking P~~ ~~~~~sSfu~~r polled for their viewpoint of the Vietnamese Conflict oo January 24, believed nearly two to one that the United states should be fighting commnni staggression in Vietnam. 0 I0 0 In two separate polling sesc sions, the first of a group of advanced government stud".'nts, and the second of advanced EngThe "Generation Gap" or youth vs. age lish students, the gov~rnmental or anyone over thirty vs. anyone under thirty class proved to advocate more -what is it, why is it???? Hawkish positions on the Vietnamese Conflict. Over 75 per cent of the government students The generation gap of today is a breakcould be classified as Hawks down between two groups of peoples. It is compared to 25 percent of the English students. a breakdown of the medium, by which two The average student intergroups of people are attempting to communiviewed in the two groups was cate. As a result, there is no positive feeda Junior of 22 years of age. There was a ratio of four boys back no common meeting ground and no unto each girl interviewed. derstandings. In its place are angry words, Norie of the students polled, physical threats, and acts of physical brutalwho believed that the U.S. did not belong in Vietnam, felt any ity. personal involvementin the Vietnamese conflict; whereas 60 per Physcial force is generally a last resort, cent of those interviewed who beOnly human beings possess the faculty to lieved that the U.S. should be in Vietnam felt personally involvspeak and think abstractly, Only human beed. ings can form a democratic state of comA high percentage of the stuplex government through adequate communidents emphasized that they felt strongly that U.S.' military taccation. ALL animals can utilize physical tics and policy have been unjust, force inflict harm and conquor. Humans, inadequate, or in fact, faulty in as animals, can also utilize brute force but the Vietnamese Conflict. Opinions, however, varied from want• usually reserve such actions for when they ing more bombing of North Vietare in a state of panic or all else has failnam to wanting less bombing, ed. The rational man does not strike first, Most of the students did want to see a greater South Viet• but he attempts to solve the problem through namese involvement ·in their reason. Now in many instances, brute force war. and physical violence seem to have invaded The draft status of the male· an otherwise civilized and rational society. students questioned was primarily II-s, a draft deferment given Why? to young men in college, or advanced schooling. Of Senior The new generation is impatient with the -... males with a ll's draft status, old. They condemn the old as being archaic. 80 percent believed that the U.S. did not belong, or should They say, "You taught us Right, Truthi and get out of Vietnam. ComparaIdeals. • • .all you do is talk. • •• look at the tively, only 18 percent of the world you have helped to instigate •••• where Sophomore males interviewed of the same draft status agreed, are your actions to back up your teachings The consensus. of opinion of against killing, inequality, war. , •• money is the "so called" Hawks can be your God and You condemn us?" summed up in the words of a veteran of the conflict who said "This war is our fight for world The older generation answers, "You are freedom." impatient. • ••all things in all good time ••• While the Hawks maintain that I fought for my country, why won't you••• are this is a war of democracy versus communism, a war of conyou a coward or a· communist? I am afraid tainment, or a war against agof you! . The world is not in such bad shape. gression, the Doves maintain I gave you everything. You are spoiled and that this is a Vietnamese War that should be fought by the ungrateful." Vietnamese, a war that the U.S. has become too heavily involved The younger generation is shunning the "Esin, and a war that has only an illusive cause that is not our tablishment" by condemning material things. own. They say hair is not important, established
Communication Could
. Gp Close Gener t n
moralit;y is unimportant. It is what is inside one self that is important. The older generation says "Yes, but society will not accept nor even try to find out what is 'inside' unless you conform to its basic codes, including dress and appearance." Youth says "I will create my own society!" The older generation must not hold on so tightly to the past, strangling any new methods or ideas, It is time for youth to begin again. The difference lies in the action. Youth does opening, outwardly, and. enth usiastically what the older generation attempted through conservative, patient and diplomatic means. The basic gap is not the end result strived for by young and old, the "GOOD LIFE"; the gap lies in the means and its definition, Communications must be reopened. Both. sides must be willing to communicate or the gap will grow. wider; the hysterical panic and physical animal brutality will continue. Whatever happened te that great healeF, Talk?
-ro N\AKE"
Of YOU!(.
Common Sense Needed In Government Spending Some people say democracy cannot survive without inflation because politicians have to promise higher wages and more benefits in order to win elections. Yet, uncontrolled infla· tion can wipe out a country com· pletely, which has been proven several times since the fall of Rome. The Vietnam war, crime and lawlessness, race relations, and inflation are revealed as the top worries of the American people in recent polls. The Vietnam war remains number one on all lists, and .it holds the key to all policies and programs of this new year. Most people are hoping for an early and honorable settlement of the war, but no one sel!ms to have found a practical solution to the proble~s of ending wars or of defending foreign allies and interests. Most of us believe in providing food, education, financial aid, and mi· litary aid to the less fortunate in other countries; but most of , us reject wars, higher taxes, and .inflation. Most of us also believe in helping the less fortunate here
Razor Blades B.us Library "The clock was nearing nine and all was quiet in the library l:asem·~nt when the crime was committed. The weapon useda razor blade. Another culprit escaped leaving no evidence of his identity, only missing pages." This scene is not fiction but a true problem we have on our campus-theft of material from our library. Crime number one is missing pages from periodical references. The criminals are students of any field, geographic area, or class standing, Some students are either too lazy to take notes, or they have no respect for property or rules These people fulfill their assignment by doing research to find material; but once they've found the location of this information, they are no longer students but thieves. Instead of taking notes · from their source, they simply cut or tear out the article, conceal it, and finish their assignment in the comfort of their dor.mitory,.
lN~1'RUc-rog.; V~l<.Y ¥13RY HAf'pY THlS NIORNIN&~'1
The students who are guilty of swiping magazines or magazine articles have no consideration for their fellow classmen or for the library. They do not realize, or care, that someone else needs the information from the pages they have stolen. This crime usually occurs in spurts; i.e., when a research assignment has been given. It is very frustrating to go to all the work of finding sources for information only to learn that it was to no avail, the article is gone. This article can't be replaced. there is no other source in which the same information can be found: It isn't fair to .the majority of students who try to. complete their lessons, but can't do it proper 1y because of a few thoughtless immature Peruvians. How this crime can be stopped is still unknown, It is not possible, nor should it be necessary, to keep a constant guard in Jhe library bC!sement.
at home. However, nanaoms are definitely not the answer! They have neither won us foreign friends nor removed our slums or stopped our riots. Although we would like to help our brothers, both at home and abroad, we realize that it is impossible and futile to try to play the role of global policeman or of global big brother. The bloodshed and wasteful· ness of wars must somehow be ended by sensible negotiations. The dangerous 4.3 percent rate of inflation and the bad balance of payments must be corrected by slowing down federal spending. Building meaningful state and national programs is one thing; empire building is@ite another. Asking for funds to do what is necessary is one thing; adding oo desirable extras is another. It is time our state and national governments start operating the same way that we as individuals and families must operate governments also should put off a few things until they can afford them. It is time to use common sense spending!
If letters a r r i v e d as promptly as bills do, who
would neeed airmail? PERU PEDAGOGIAN Monday, February 10, 1969 Volume 64
Published weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Scx.ilors BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . : :, .. Steve Mason PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob .Beran ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . : . . . Bob Vana ADVISOR . . . . . . . J mnes Keck The signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of the P edagogian but of individuals. The editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
THE PED February 10, 1969
>.us NEWS iz za party was held by the tWives' Club in the Home ics room of the EducaBuilding on Febr. 3. About .members were present 'ng two new members a Nelson and Linda BrewEveryone enjoyed games an informal lunch of pizsoft drinks. as decided that the canfor the Heart Fund will at the next meeting. This eat 6:30 p.m. on Febr. 17 members will meet ·at dent Center at this time. s for a lecture and film cer were completed. The was set for March 17 and rickbaum will be the speakThe film will be followed discussion period, and all le college students are into join us to hear Dr, kbaum speak.
naouts 1swer! IS fored our riots. o help ne and t it is try to ~olice
:other, stefulmehow egotia3 per1d the 1UStbe down 1te and thing; 1other, rhat is adding 1other. 1tional .ng the iduals
Hemminger from Omaha, presentati ve for Vita Craft, on campus in the Home Ee on Thursday, December 5 demonstrations to theBeFoods and Equipment s. of his demonstrations was side down cake baked on umer using his Vita Craft ment.
Busy Season Planned The oond and choir will be busy this semester. Starting on Sunday February 16, Ken Carnes will give his senior voice recital and he will be accompanied by Mrs. Robert Appleoff.
From left to right-Top row: Crystal McCoy, Carol Schlosser, Diane Sorenson, Betty Hauschild, and Kathy Matthews. Middle row: Bobette Masters, Mickie Weber, and Connie Knoll. Bottom row: Diane Collingham, and Faye Furnas.
New Uniforms are Required There is anew look in the P.E. Department! All women enrolled in P. E. courses this semester are required to wear uniform outfits consisting of blue nylon-stretch short,s and white socks and tops. Volleyball is also the new interest for the active set. Presently, seven teams consist• ing of eighty women are participating in W,A,A, Volleyball Intramurals each Wednesday evening, The time has been changed. from 8:00 to 6:30 P,M,
Several activities are also available for all women on cam• pus. Anyone interested may participate in swimming or archery each Wednesday at 7:45 P,M, Standings of the volleyball teams and their captains are: Team· 1-Sandy Qtte 2-2 Team 2--ivajean Peters 5-0 Team 3~obette Masters 1-3 Team 4-Sanciy Shaw 1-4 Team 5--Beth King 0-4 Team 6-Sandy Clements 4-0 Team 7-Lois Rieschich 3-1
s Mary Beth Kernes and Marlene Hinrichs, home stration agents for this , were guest speakers at January Home Economics meeting. They related points of interest concernselves as the students seethem. ir schedule of work, exRecently Dr. Howard Meyers It has been discovered that learnces, and qualifications, and Dr. Rex Shelley returned ing proceeds best when the studwed by a question and ans- ·from attending a conference in ents are involved in the.activiperiod, Tucson, Arizona concerning a ties in the classroom and that new s!stem in ~ch teachers a given type of teaching procould improve their own teach- ceedtire will produce a predicting ability called "Inner Ac- able result tion Ana!Ysis.': . The syst~m of "Inner Action e Peru State Educational It begins with a c~ding sy~- Analysis" was developed by Dr, 'ation will be busy this tern, The verbal dialogue m Ned Flander of the University ster. Starting on Febru- a classroom is ·cod.ed .every ' of Michigan and is being used 17, Mr Sam Keloti will three seconds and m it the in several universities on an a lec1ure on education in reactions of the stud~nts to the experimental oosis. an. methods of the teaching by the Dr. Alan Seagren of the Uni!fhe March 17 program will teacher are ~xpressed•. The versity of Nebraska will begin Mr Dennis Jackson from teachers are given the infor- serving as a resource person a Who will speak on Op- mation about their teaching and on "Inner Action Analysis" at 'on Bridge. then they are able to see them- Peru on February 10th.
Meyers, Shelley at Conference
On Saturday, March 8, the choir will have a choral clinic starting at 9:00 A,M. in the college gym, At 7:30 on the same night a concert open to the public will be given, This will be free of charge, The choir will consist of _a selected group of two. hundred students from high schools from all over, Nebraska. Mr. Elmer Copley, director of the choral music at Bethany College in Lindsbury, Kansas, who directed the choir two years ago. will again direct. Accompanying Mr. Copley will be Dr. Fredrick Freeburne, head ofthe Fine Arts Department. The Peru College choir will also sing at the program. Officers for the second se-
Japanese Girls More Dependent One of the differences between the United States and Japan is that girls in Japan are more dependent all their lives. Here in the U.S. girls must find a way to make their living, so some girls attend teacher's colleges, or secretarial schools, Jn Japan, girls expect that the husbands will always take care of them, so they go to cooking schools or sewing schools instead. · Since the average marriage age of Japanese girls is between 22 to 25, they might work after school as office girls or clerks, but there are not many girls who continued their jobs after their marriage, In this country when a couple marry they plan their wedding by 1hemselves, In Japan parents are much involved in the young couple's wedding. Boys are supposed to bring a traditional symbolic bethrothal gift with money to the girls' homes and to prepare a place to Ii ve. The girls' parents provide all furniture such as dresser, washing machine, T. V. set, refrigerator etc.
mester choir have been selected, they are: President, Ken Carnes; Vice President, Rich Sheldon; ang Secretary Treasurer, Chris Sheldon. The accompanist will be Doug Kottich, The band will begin the second semester by presenting a concert wind ensemble in the college auditorium on Monday, March 10, at· 8:00, On May 6 and 7 the band and choir will present two lawn concerts, Mr. Wilson, the band director, said, "With the membership this semester the rands' first concert will be an outstanding one," The band has balanced their instrumentation by adding two trumpet players, one flute player, and one base horn player, In the first concert there will be a marimba solo, and a trumpet trio, Many new groups besides the band will appear in the concert such as a stage band, wood wind and clarinet choir, and.a bass choir, (Cont'd form page 1) awarded 'by Ptlru State College?" This year all scholarships went to students currently attending Peru; however, it is believed that next year funds will permit ten one hundred dollar scholarships for incoming Freshmen and transfer students who iridicate academic excellence, Both current students and potential students of Peru State who have exhibited academic ability are encoul'(l.ged to apply for the scholarships, Application forms for all the scholarships are available for both current and incoming students at the Office of Financial Aids, Admfoistration Buil.ding, Peru State College, Applications will be held in strict confidence and will be evaluated by the Peru State College Scholarship Committee, composed of Dr, Steven Cox Dr. Kelly Liewer, Dr. James Pilkington, Mr. Guy Rosenberg, Mr, Howard Johnson, and Mr. Robert Bohlken, Now is the time to apply for next year's financial aid in order to have more time to worry about the other things, The deadline of scholarships for incoming students is May 1st, and for current students it is June 1st.
as who
Drycleaning and Laundry
Dinners - Short Orders 6: 30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
every day
OPEN 6:30 a.m. - I0:30 p.m.
Ann Beatty
Peru City Hall
Sat., Feb. 15 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
·ed in · opinof in1blica-
Page 3
All the pancakes, sausage, and drink you can handle. Adults $1. 00
Under 12 years $. 50
TIIE PED February 10, 1969
Mac Men Tip Tennessee --- Fall To Tarkio Jin'
By DAVE DAVISON The Peru State Bobcats found the cozy confines of the PSC gym to their liking as ~ey took 011 a rugged sharp-shooting Te~ nes A&I team, winning their fifth straight game, 71-57 on Saturday, February 1. . The Bobcats ran head-on with ooe of the higher scoring small college basketball teams in the nation as A & I had been averaging 96' points per game. The key to the Bobcat win wa? the defensive job the Cats did on Ted McClain, Tennessee's leading scorer with a 31.3 average, wh? was .held to 18 points, combined with a 23 of 32 performance from the charity line. · The contest opened as a seesaw battle with both clubs bombing away with a great deal of . accuracy. The early going. saw the score knotted seven times and change hands six other times. The score was kno~ 25-25 with just less than 5 mm• utes remaining when Wayne Heine connected on two quick baskets to give Peru a lead they never gave up, PSC lead 30-29 at the half as McClain gunned a 40-footer just before the buzzer to bring A & I within one. Pete stewart lead the secood half charge that snowed the Tigers under. Petehittwo quick fielders to open the second half but the two squads battled on even terms for. the next four minutes. At this point Pete scored 7 points and Clyde Wil· : kins added two to put the Cats oo top 47-33 with 8 minutes gone. From this point on it was all Peru as the Bobcats surged for 63-43 lead behind the foul shooting of Larry Green and Boo Glover. With just 5minutes remain·
r Freeman Beville eyes the basket as Wayne Heine and Larry Green get position on two would-be. Wayne State defenders. (Picture by Bob Vana)
··--------.---------------:::' . ' · The NCC At I
Conference Standings
_ Conf. WL Peru 3-1 Wayne 3-1 Kearney 2-3 Hastings 2-3 Chadron 1-3
All WL 13-6 16-2 8-8 8-13 12-9
Off Avg, 85-7 83-1 84-8 75-2 75-2
Def. Avg, 79-1 65-.5 83-5 80-5 76-3
119 N. 8th St.
Nebr. City
Phone 873-6180
Bobcats Edged By Owls Tuesday, February 4, saw the Tarkio jinx prevail for the fourth straight time over Peru state as they took a tough 7369 win on the Peru maples.Earlier in December Peru was downro 91-64 by the same Owl squad in the biggest loss of the season. To find a Bobcat win over the Owl five you have to look back to 1967 when Peru came out on top 57-50 at Peru. Since that time things have been pretty rocky for Coach Mcintire and his boys against the Missourians but it appeared as thouh Peru was to get satisfaction at last as they took a 31-29 lead· into the locker room and seemed to begin rolling. The first half. saw both sides gain the lead off ai:id on with neither holding the upper hand consistently. Peru state lead by ''Boo" Glover's 11 fi~st half points raced to the sllm three point lead at the half after being down with a rush as Tarkio out scored Peru 15-2 and zoomed to a 44-33 lead with 14:53 remaining in the contest. The Owl scoring during -that span lead by ·6'7'
Bill Slaughter, who hit thr: straight from the field a Frank Scott with 4, It wasn1 until l l minutes were left Tarkio still holding a· comm an. ing 1l point lead did the Bo. cats make their move. A buc, et by Freeman Beville, fo points by Pete Stewart, and t fielders by Mike Johns . . brought the Bobcats roari, back within one and finally aga:i retaking the lead on a jump .. by Boo Glover with 7;50 .i maining, 55-54. From this P?l. on · it was a real najl b1 as the lead see-sawed back forth until Tarkio took ov ... the lead 60-59. With 5 mi. utes left reserve forward To. Heidelberg hit 2 jumpers fq Tarkio to put them up by;· but Wayne Heine sank 2 f throws then Slaughter hit . from the line, and Mike Jo .'.. son countered with a jump;, with 1:56 remaining to kn. 1 it all up at 65-65. At this point co-captain G "Candy" Carter hit ~s on, two fielders of the rught Marv Schlatter added two f .• throws to put Tarkio on top 74 69 with 2~ seconds on the cl . The game ended as Bill Slau ter was fouled and sank t' free throws with no time · maining. For the game Peru was rebounded 37-46 as Scott gr~ bed eight and Heidelberg six ( Tarkio. Wayne Heine and P ·. Stewart snared 9 caroms ea, for Peru. Pete Stewart lead .. scorers with 23 points follow by Boo Glover with 21. B. Slaughter paced Tarkio with , and Dennis Howard added l. Tarkio is now 14-4 on the yea. Peru State traveled to Ch · ron, February 7-8, for two N games.
The Nebraska College Conference race has developed into a two team battle between the Peru state Bobcats and the Wayne State Wildcats. Wednesday, February 5, Kearney knocked off Hastings 88-81 to deadlock those squads in third and fourth. The weekend of February 1, saw the Hastings Broncos take two games from the Chadron Eagles; 77-71 and 83-68, to push them into the cellar. Peru was at Chadron February 7-8 and Wayne hosted the Kearney Antelopes February 6.
ing Tennessee put on a fullcourt press in a desparation bid to pull out a win but it was too late. The Tigers did pull within 11 by scoring nine points on Peru errors in a one minute span but tenacious free throw shooting by Peru kept them out of reach. Pete Stewart tied McClain for game honors with 18 points and Boo Glover added 17, including 9 of 10 from the charity line. Wayne Heine added 13 points and 11 rebounds, and Clyde Wilkins hit for 12.
Nellie S1 author, wil dy and W 24 and 2~ formally ' ka Literati regular cl Tuesday; high schoo at 7:30 p.n On Wedne all studen regularly convocatic Mrs Yo: land, NebI Nebraska that she r turned arc the canyon lost and time in all Her fath
Mrs Ed tor, FinaJ that effeci the hour~ Work"5tud ance (CM creased 1 rate of th now clas1 al Assist2 at the prt mainder o and the t In orde1 out of thE initiated, appointed be emploJ al Assist from CM Federal that begin all . Coll ployees t $1.45 pe1 ployees
Joe Pelisek, head baseball coach at PSC, announced a 14-date, 28 game 1969 base· ball schedule. The season begins March 29 as Peru host Northwest Missouri State .
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.... hunting & fishing permits
Boo Glover brings the ball down against Tennessee A & I as Wayne Heine moves in to lend a hand. (Picture by Bob V1.,2a~n!a);__ _ _ _~-:--:----;:;:'t'."""".:'.':1:"-;"::::;::H;"':ii
l:=======::;:;::=:;;:::~:::;=::~~~~~~~~~~=~~:;/_.:._l ,. GO 'ROUND fth Yearf BO'NMAN'S HARDWARE 872-2561
It's the MERRIEST-
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Mink are aggressive hunters and have a special taste for muskrat,
Male ··moths frequently fromgriefwhentheirmatesa trapped or killed.
Auburn, Nebr.
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Dr. Chairmar partment Hitch, In Fine Artf received ded by Educatior Dr. F1 enable hi on MOZP OF AM IT'S PE TIONS, Th grant wi.l search c
ebraska Author o Visit Campus . 'Nellie Snyder Yost, Nebraska thor, will be on Campus Tues• and Wednesday, February and 25. Mrs Yost will in· rmally visit with the NebrasLiterature class during their gular class at 1:30 p.m. on esday; and she will address h school students of this area 7:30 p.m.onthesameevening. Wednesday she will speak to 1 students and faculty at the larly scheduled 9:10 a.m. vocations. Mrs Yost was born at Suther· , Nebraska and raised inthe raska sandhills. She writes t she never has been lost or ed around in the sandhills or canyons. but that she is both t and turned around all the me in all large cities. Her father was born near Pe•
-captain G hit his the night jded two f · :kio on top 7· son the cl ts Bill Slau md sank t · no time
caroms ea ewart lead oints folio ith 21, B . arkio with rd added 1 on the ye eled to Ch , for two N ·
ru, moved to Republic City and
to Maxwell, and then spent forty· five years in McPherson County. Her first book, PINNACLE JAKE, is a biography of her fa· ther's experiences on the range, It is a collection of reminiscen· ces that recalls vividly the his· tory and the true atmosphere of the cattle country of Wyoming, Nebraska and Northern Montana during the late eighties and nineties. Mrs Yost's next books were THE WEST THAT WAS and NO TIME ON MY HANDS, The lat· ter book is based on her mother's reminiscences. She is currently working on a biography of Terence Duren, an ac· tive and prominent Nebraska artist who lived at Shelby until his death last year.
Vol. 64
No. 17
February 17, 1969
ay Increases for CM Employees Mrs Ed B. Chenette, Direc- tional and final pay increase r, Financial Aids, announced to $1.60 on February 1, 1971, The above pay increases al· t effective February 1, 1969, e hourly wage of all College so apply to all student employees Work-Study Clerical Mainten- being paid with institutional ance (CM) employees was in- (College Work) funds. The each creased to $1.30, The hourly amount budgeted to rate of those CW.,S employees . Division for the hiring of student now classified as Department- employees wi~h institutional ! Assistants (DA) will remain funds will remam the same t the present $1.40 for the re- This will logically mean a rC: ainder of the current semester duction in the number of hours nd the two summer sessions. institutionally - funded student In order that a gradual phase- employees can be expected to ut of the DA position may be work. The amount budgeted to iated, no student henceforth each divisioo cannot be exceedpointed to the program will ed. Begjnning about March 1, in employed as a Department• .al Assistant. No promotions order to · comply with F-:ederal .ftom CM to DA will be ma~. Regulations, a new procedure is to be followed in the recordFederal Regulations reqµire ing and reporting of the number that beginning February 1, 1970, of hours worked by each studall ·College Work-study em· ent. For this purpose, a "Time ployees be paid a minimum of Report" card has be.en devel· $1.45 per hour. All these em· oped, Each student is to list ployees will receive an addi· ( ~ont' d on page 2)
Students Recognized at Honors Convo Two Peru St.ate College studThe 88 students named to the 'Lam CottOO, 5112 South 2oih, ents received a perfect grade Omaha; Robert G. Curry, TeDeans' Honor Roll receivedrecognition at Honors Convocation, Wednesday, February 4, To be. eligible for this Honor Roll, you must earn a grade point average of at least 7.25; Other honor students include: Gary Ahlin, Bark River, Mich.; W, Kay Allsman, Beatrice; Charles Arnold, Dawson; Anita Austin, Douglas; Charles E. Bachle, Auburn; James G. Baker, Auburn; Larry Bausch, Dawson; Linda Berger, Falls City; John R. Bernadt, Wymore; Daisy Berry, Thurman, Iowa, Carole Boice, Nebraska City Inez I. Brettmann, Auburn; John Ronald Jacobowitz, a brilliant Bristol, Exeter; Susan M, pianist, will perform in the Brown, Falls City; Ardell BudFine Arts Auditorium at Peru decke, 1402 ,.Freeman drive, Bellevue; Elizabeth Jane BudState College on Tuesday, ler, Bradshaw; Kenneth G, February 18, at 8:00 pJTI. Burch, Granville, N.Y,; Phyllis Mr Jacobowitz is a man who J, Cacek, Superior; Faye Marie wears two hats. He is a re- Christensen, Valparaiso, cognized pianist and is equally ' Charlene Coe, Nebraska City( adept in the field of mathe- Robert Cole, Julian; Diana matics, having earned his doc- Collingham, Bradshaw; Faye torate from Princeton Univer- · Cooper, Nebraska City; Diane sity only eight years· ago, He Copenhaver, Nebraska City: is. currently an associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Kansas. If you are interested in Dr. Jacobwitz has published Peru's student body and would several research papers alge- like to get something done by braic number theories and has being on the Student Center given many solo piano recitals Board, please fill out an appli· which have drawn .the highest cation for full membership and acclaim from both the music turn it in to the Student Cenloving public and discriminat- ter Board Office by February ing critics. 27, 1969. Applications were inHe has a fabulous technique cluded in the green pamphlets and a great power which is given to you at registration or revealed in many · works he you can obtain one at the Stu· plays. However, he has equal dent Center Board Office. finesse in playing the classics in the besL musical tradition. Students with any music in· terest should be sure to attend As you all know there was a this performance. The program table set up in-the Student Cenis presented by the World En· ter for the purpose of each stu· tertainment Series. dent to vote for a Vice Presi· dent and a New Member for the Student Center Board. MU EPSILON NU RAFFLE The votes have been counted Zenith Portable Television will and our Congratulations to Ken be presented. Winner will be Burch for the office of Vice announced April, 1969, $1.00 President and to Beth Haller cost. Winner need not be prefor the New Member. Maytheir sent to win. For the progress time spent on the SCB be a helpof education. Contact any mem· ful and prosperous achievement, ber of Mu Epsilon.
point average for the beglnniilg semester of the 1968-69 acadernJc Ye!lr, . . . .. .. Merlyn Saathoff, Sterling, and. Aline R. Jones, Wymore, received perfect 9,0 grade point averages. Two other students - Richard w. Linder, Peru, and Sue Vanderford, Auburn earned averages above 8,50.
Concert Pianist Here Tuesday
Apply Now For SCB
Freeburne, Hitch Receive Grants Dr. Frederick Freeburne Chairman of the Fine Arts Department, and Mr Stewart A, Hitch, Instructor of Art in the Fi.Ile Arts Department have each received a Title III Grant awarded by the U.s. Office of Education. Dr. Freeburne's Grant will enable him to perform research on MOZART, THE EDUCATION OF A MUSICAL GENIUS AND IT'S PSYCHIATRIC IMPLICA· TIONS, Mr. Stewart A, Hitch's grant will enable him to do research on AN EXPLORATION
OF CONTEMPORARY PAINT· ING TECHNIQUES AND MEDIA. Dr. Freebume's research will entail trips to New York to consult with a Doctor of Psychiatry who will help him explore the Psychiatric regions of his thesis. Mr Hitch will be working with Airbrush and Spraygun techniques in hopes to find new methods of teach· ing as well as new form's to be taught, Congratulations to Dr. Freeburne and Mr Hitch!
Members Elected
cumseh; Jolm W. Ehmen, Bur· chard; Mary Straight Everhart, Bedford, Iowa. Maree Finchern, Elliott, Iowa; Linda Weinert Fisher, Falls City; Gail Folkers, Wymore; Sue Ann Friedly,Humboldt; Dennis E. Gibson, Beatrice; Carla Giwoyna, 6919 Lafayette, Omaha; Connie Lindbloom Greany, 5000 Myrtle, Lincoln. Susan Harpham, Aubl.trn; Alan Henning, Auburn; LaVelle Hitzemann, Table Rock; Ronaldlles, Burnside, Iowa; Jerry Jobe, Tabor, Iowa; Roxanne Johns, Syracuse; Dan Johnson, Nebraska City; Jane Drake Johnson, Peru, Patricia Hoban Kiekhaefer, Falls City; Larry D. King, Beatrice; Sherry Schwiesow Kramer, 3009 Decatur, Omaha; Pamela Kay Lee 3125 Seventh avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Francis Lottman, Odell; John Lutt, Peru; Margaret A, Lutt, Peru. Mavis Marti, Bern, Kans.; Joe W, McReynolds, Edgar; Jody Meyer, Nehawka; John P. Miller, 3604 Dakota avenue, South Sioux City; Marilyn Moody, Auburn; Dawn Nebola, Cumberland, Iowa; Patrick Ness, 2644 Ryon street, Lincoln, Linda L, Oldfield, Gretna; Tom Osborne, Auburn; Sherry Seibert Rains, Peru; Ronald Richards, 7411 Old Post road, Lincoln; Connie Ann Roelfs, Gladstone; Patricia Ryan, Daw~ son; Diana Rose Schneider,Dun~ bar. Kathleen A. Schnitzer, Nebraska City; Laurie AnnSchock, Falls City; Diane L. Schramm, Odell; Janice Wheeldon Sears, Peru; Steve L, Seawall, Tecumseh; Martha Seibert, Brownville; Karen Sell, Tabor, Iowa; Cynthia Stamm, 1417 Bell, Eau Clair, Ind.; Ray R, Stroll, Gresham. Marilyn Sugden, Adams; David L, Swantek, Genoa; Thomas G. Vrabel, Whiting, Ind.; James Waltke, Beatrice; Gerhart Wehrbein, Burchard; Esther White, Sabetha, Kans.; Wayne White, Peru; Donald Wiechec, North Tonawanda, N.Y.; Wayne Willcoxon, Geneva; Margaret Ann Zeiner, Nebraska City.
Page 2
THE PED February 17, 1969
Editorially Speaking The new Legislative bills now being considered by the State Legislature which may effect or interest those of us · in a college community are LBS, LBSl, LB167, LB16S, LB17S, LBlSO, LB205, LB275, LB297 and LB2S9, LBS requires the explusion from school of any student convicted of marijuana possession and prohibiting re-enrollment at any college of such student. This law is harsh in that it totally eliminates such a student's chances of bettering hin;iself or even obtaining a good job because of a lack of a higher education. In this case, a young student, because of one drastic misuse of judgment is more or less condemned for ALL time. Certainly, punishment is necessary, but perhaps a more CONSTRUCTIVE retaliation and rehabilitation is in order. LBSl provides for photographs on driver's licenses for individuals under 21 years of age licenses by minors wishing to add years to their age in order to procure alcoholic beverages. Why not have pictures on all driver's licenses for better overall identification? LB167-168 provides that a person is no longer a minor upon reaching the age of 20 in· stead of 21. A person could then vote and procure alcoholic beverages upon reaching the age of 20. Surely if a young man is cap· able of fighting, and possibly losing his life for his country at the age of lS, he should be capable of making his choice for governmental office and having a few bee;rs at his home town Pub. L:En78 requires that the American History textbooks used in schools adequately stress contributions made to the nation by Negroes. A-.... good education points out truths. History is in theory truth, Negro contributions to the na· tion are part of this truth and therefore, it should have a distinct place in our history books. LBlSO provides for the submitting to voters · of a constitutional amendment making the University of Nebraska Board of Regents the governing Board also of State Colleges if Legislature decrees. This would, among other things, certainly give less selfgoverning power to small colleges but might provide for more money to such colleges. LB205 provides for the establishing of a Coordinating Council on Higher Education consisting of nine members to be appointed by the Governor. LB297 requires non-residents to register their motor vehicles in Nebraska after staying in the state thirty days. The question arises whether this applies strictly to out of state college students or to vacationers, visi~ tors, etc. LB29S provides that motor vehicles of students shall be taxed at student's place of resi· dence if different from the place where the school is located. This would certainly be less confusing for such a student.
Pay Increase (Cont'd from page 1)
the number of hours he has worked on this card, At the end of each two-week pay period the student will total his hours worked and SIGN the card. The card will ·then be countersigned by the proper official and attached to the "Time Record'' form, which is to be completed as usual, and returned to the Business Office, No authorization for payment . will be made in the event the student fails to sign the ''Time Report", or it is not countersigned.
Bids Received Bids have been received and submitted to the StateBoard· of Education for construction of the Science Building addition here at Peru State College. The low bids total $200, 758. The low bid for the general contract of the science building was from Abbott Construction Company of Salina Kansas for $130, 000. E.O. Peters, Incorporated of Lincoln was the low bidder for the mechanical contract. The bid was for $52,458. The apparent low for the eiectrical contract was submitted.by Energy Enterprises Corporation of Lincoln at $18,300,
Teach er Aids Last semester a new program was introduced in an attempt to have college freshmen, sophomores, and juniors gain early contact with elementary and secondary students, The college students participating in this program were called Teacher Aids, Their major function was to assist the teacher they worked with in any way Possible, They worked in the program five hours a week, and received two hours credit. Thirty - seven students were Teacher Aids last semester, The twenty-six elementary Teacher Aids wo.rked in Peru, Auburn, Nebraska City, and in ;the Educational Service Unit; the eleven secondary worked in Auburn, Dr, Shelly, the head of the Di vision of Education, said that more Teacher Aids are needed to work in the secondary schools,
Campus to Campus Pearl s. Buck was the guest convocation speaker at Kearney State November 3; She spoke to the students about the plight of Ameraisians, those children whose parents are Am· erican and Asian. A new radio program, Cross Roads Gen· eral Store, has been added to the campus radio KOVF, Central Missouri State Col· lege held its annual Senior Day . program November 16, to give high school students from surrounding high schools a view of college life. During the month of November, four centuries of art from all over the world and 36 original Navy Combat paintings were on display at the cam-
Soviets Becoming
The Soviet newspaper Prav- Chinese peopl:s whose leader da recently included an articai ~akes mountams out of Maorelated to. their increasing de- hills, mocratic operation of the gov- C) Annual Income ernment. The artical told of ---lo Raise annual income their new representative vot- to 750 ruples, ing system which is very much --2. Lower annual income like our own. Sensing a story to 750 ruples, . the roving rePQrter requested ---:-3, Annual mcome should and received permission to ob- remam at 750 r~les, serve this political phenomonon D) Free Enterpnze in action. --1. Abolish free enterUpon arrival, I met and inter- prize viewed Boris Ivanoff, the repre---2, Governmentcontr•lof sentative delegate of the Third all business Peoples PartyofLowerKamcha--3. Independant business tka, . He stated he was honored should be owned by the state to have been selected to repre-. E) Higher Education sent his area in that little red --lo Everyone with a B voting booth. He further com- average will go to college mented that he felt this new ____:__!!, Everyone below a system was quite fair to all B average will be shot concerned and the people fmal---3, B will be the lowly had a voice in their govern- est grade issued ment, Before this, all elec--4. Everyone will go to tions were government control- college led with alternative. choices on F) Military Service the ballots. ---.1.. Everyone over eightThe six main issues on the een years old will be draftedfor ballot were as follows: two years of military service A} Public office of 37th vice--2, Abolish all draft and premier replace with mmdatorytwo year ---1, Col, Ivan Ivonovitch enlistment commencing on the --2. Mr Ivan Ivonovitch eighteenth birthday --3. Ivonovitch (the man --3, Reserve years eightwith the mustache and glasses) een through twenty for compulB) Foreign Relations sory military service, --1. Cease all relationI left Boris where I found him ships with Red China in Natascha's Bar and Grill sip. - --2. Break association ping on a Mad-American. I was with major Asiatic Communis- finally convinced that the Soviet tic dogmatic cot.Ultries, Unibn had at last conformed to --3, Don't have anything American standards, to do with big countries full of -U jXO
Each member of the SGA has a new duty and this is a rewriting of the Constitution. Each persoo will take a section of the old coostitution and coostruct it .differently so it will blitter suit the Peru State College situation. Either SHUT UP OR PUT UP OR SPIT IT OUT are the very simple and understandable words of the SGA. It seems that since the Complaint Com· pus. "Spanky and Our Gang" enter- mittee was put into the SGA tained Eastern Montana College there have been nQ complaints. students October 31. The Dra- The purpose of this committee ma Department presented the is to listen to the complaints play, ''Inherit the Wind," No- of the students and try to arrive at some kind of a decision -if vember 21-23. Ernie Chambers, Omaha's you didn't know that. So if you leading advocater of "Black have a .complaint please Power," spoke at Wayne State give it to Tom Howell, Larry Sorenson er any member of the College November 11. · Dana College students present- SGA so they can have something ed the play, ''The Amorous to do and if you won'ttuminyour complaint - just cool it and be Flea" December 6-8. satisfied.
Ab0 t N rl-
Give the man a chance, He has fought long and hard for the epportt.Ulity to lead this country, and now, finally achieving his goal, he must have support. His previous failure in an attempt to capture the Presidency . all lilt crushed his chances of ever holding that position. After experiencing yet another defeat, this time in a California gubernatorial race, andafter enduring ridicule and mockery in his choice of a 1968 running-mate, he has attained America's highest elective office, He has waited anxiously sincetheNovember election to grasp the reins that control the greatest COt.Ultry in the world- a country buried in the hatred of war and violence, a country nearly ruined by the difference between black and white, a cquntry balancing on the thread of inflation, It is a rare man who Possesses the courage, the faith and the confidence to willingly face as troubled a situation as the United States is in today, knowing that he may stand alone amidst a barrage of abuse and dissent. This man, our President, has stated that it is time to move "Forward Together". It would be unwise to let him move forward alone.
Everyone y, includi t, he s< a rece1 me, p use, Wl he worl 1 you it ut imag and an f coun pseudon: vious th ith lies ongate ntifying The W1 has be ving ma the fir onomist The orig sked, "T e toil an hat is ti bition, ealth, of ence?" obably ' twent eighte itten.
. ., •
PERU PEDAGOGIAN Mo_nday, February 17, 1969 Volume 64
Number 17
Published weekly during academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421~ STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . . Steve Mason PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Beran ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . Bob Vana ADVISOR . . . . . . . James Keck Tne signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of the P edagogian but of individuals. The editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
RE GIST Americ
THE PED Febpuary 17, 1969
ual income
t business the state
with a B lege below a ~
the low-
ver eightlraftedfor
ars eightr compulound him Grill sip.. in. I was the Soviet formed to
ance. He lrd for the s country, ieving his support. in an at· residency hances of ion, After er defeat, iia guber· :enduring y in his ing-mate, ~a's high. has waitlovember :eins that ountry in buried in violence, id by the lack and ncing on It is a sses the the coni astroue United IVing that ista barmt, This ls stated e "Forwould be JVe for-
·Everyone is interested in mbMoney is such a serious sub' including "Adam Smith," In ject that it is surprising to t, he says money is a game find a treatment of it that is a recent book, The Money so much fun. "Adam Smith" me, published by Random uses wit and humor to catalog use. When he discovered that some irreverent irregular rules he world is not the way they and to offer a unique view of l you it is,"he wrote a book Wall Street and the money game ut image andrealityandiden- ind its players. He gives anand anxiety and money, s wers to all types of urgent f course "Adam Smith" is questions which hiive popped inpseudonym since it is qµite to the heads of the twenty-four vious that the real Adam million people who now have ith lies in a churchyard at savings in the stock market. ongate under a tombstone "Adam Smith'' set out to exntifying him as the author plore the missing, human side The Wealth Of Nations; and of money. His quest led not has been there since 1790, only to the professional m• ving made himself immortal '1.anagers and economists but to the first great free-market &ociologists and psychologists nomist in histQry. · who examine money and the he original Adam Smith once reactions to it, The result is ed, "To what purpose is all not just a book about the martoil and bustle in the world? ket, but a penetrating comment t is the end of avarice and on what the game means in ition, of the pursuit of American life, who wins at Ith, of power, and preem- it, and what Winning means. ence?" These questions are bably of more relevance to twentieth century than to eighteenth when they were Ken Carnes, senior music maitten. jor, will . be giving his recital on March 2, 1969 at 3:00 p,m, BEATTY GARAGE in the Fine Arts. Auditorium, He will sing a variety of songs Fast - Dependable ranging from Baroque Bach and Service Handel to cootemporary delJoio and Rachmaninoff, All the mu• Auto Repair sic' falls into the following ca• Wrecker Service tagories: Italian art soogs, Ger• Steam Cleaning man Leider, Operatic contata and contemporary Engijsh, • Lubrication He will beaccompaniedbyMrs Mild.red .Appleoff, a ~for Gas for Less music maJor. Mr Edward Ca· Peru mealy is his voice teacher.
Senior Recital
AAA Service
Do you think you are a good test your sportsmanship. How sport? How about your buddies well° you react to little tests like teachers, or parents? Sports~ these can determine how you will Ancient legends foretell that score when you are put to a real man ship, good or bad, on the basa gfrl will marry the first man ketball court or in the classroom test. Perhaps no one other than is a part of every indi viduaf. our own President Nixon can · who she happens to see as well According to Webster's.Diction- tell you how it feels to take as the fact that the birds choose ary, it is taking loss· l)r defeat important defeat in the eyes of their mates on February 14th. Although many men have been · without complaint or victory the public. You won't automatically ob- the first to appear in my line without gloating. Every person is fighting an in· tain sportsmanship with your of vision on Valentine's Day, ner battle with sportsmanship, college diploma, It is not ac- not one has ever asked more Probably the most recognized quired permanently by simply than, "Whats the next governform of sportsmanshj.p is that smiling once after a defeat at ment assignment?" Even the associated with athletics, The some endeavor. Good sports- birds avoid me. But, birds are football field or basketball court manship is a lifetime job which rather capricious anyway. Fortunately, I put little stock is frequently thedisplaycasefor requires repeated practice and sportsmanship. Someone must use. It is easy to tell someone in legends. V-Day actually originated to to be a good sport or even to win, and someone must lose, tell yourself, but it is a more combat the deplorably pagan celbut the question is how each will difficult job practicing what ebration of Lupercalia, on Febreact to his destiny. ruary 15th. Lupercalia, howyou preach. Giving someone a black eye Each new victory or defeat ever, can not be discussed in will not change the scoreboard will . bring different results, college newspapers, for it dealt· nor does unjust criticism of some desired and some unde- with fertility rites. the referees affect the end The early Christians were not sired. There is no better time f')sults. It simply displays an to practice good sportsman- overly ecstatic about the anJjbmamre character who is ship than right NOW. You are nual Lupercalia celebration. In unable to acceptdefeat. On the other hand, a person who gloats improving yourself academ- fact, they took a ;rather dim over a victory cannot be classi- ically by getting a degree, why view of the whole proceeding, fied any better than a "poor not become a well rounded per- Providentially, Valentine, a Roson and concentrate on becom· man priest, solved the probsport." Sportsmanship is not con- ing a good sport at the lem. He was martyred on February 14th, 1700 years ago, for fined to the area of athletics. same time? refusing to renounce his faith, We are faced with the responsi· His day, St. Valentine's Day, bility · of being good spo~ was then safely substituted for throughout our lives in everyLupercalia. A moral battle thing we do. As college stuwon. dent~, our bout with sportsman· The question remains though ship is even greater becausethe - WAS it a victory for st. competition is tougher, Every I do not understand why a campus is filled with high school small number of Peru Students Valentine? winners who become campus have a slanted idea that they losers, This is inevitable, and can always crowd in .the line the test of sportsmanship is also just before the cafeteria opens. inevitable. Those people look as if they PERU Poor sportsmanship appears had a special right to get into \'iii.en someooe bitterly loses a CLEANERS & TAILORS class election or poorly ration· the beginning of the line withalizes for a low grade. Small . out waiting. Tbe students who matters like not ·getting the have been waiting are looking speech topic of your choice can down at those who do not have the manner even if they are in Helping Peru State a higher institution. look just that One might say that it is a trivial thing in life, yet people much better for have to behave right in this over 51 years. small society, in order to coexist in harmony.
Where Are Your Manners?
You 'I I never forget the day you chose your Keepsake. Its matchless beauty and elegant styling will always remind you of your most wonderful moment ... your engagement .d aY. Ring5 enlarged to show detail.
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or after store hours appoint· ent call collect-245...:4252.
After a Game or a Date Go to Eldon's the Place that rates
au of your purchases
Valentine Victorious?
Redfern Clothing
[AN ' 1969
Win and Lose Gracefully
ame of Game is Money
FOR MEN & WOMEN ob Vana es Keck .nted in he opin· t of in·eserves
Page 3
AUBURN ,, You pay less at Bill's
J Street
Auburn, Nebr. 274-3410
Page 4
THE PED February 17, 1969
Conference Standings
Peru>··· Wayne Showdown Nears
_Conf. All Off WL WL Avg, Peru State 5-i 15-785-:-7 Wayne 5-1 18-2 83.l Hastings 2-4 8-15 75.2 Kearney 2-4 8-9 84,8 Chadron 1-5 12-11 75.2
---- Cats Down Eagles Twice, Clawed by Tigers The Peru State fubcats kept come out firing and behind the pace with the Wildcats of Wayne, gunning of Boo Glover, Larry state as they romped past the Green and Freeman Beville Chadron Eagles to notch two racked up 52 points compared NCC victories and run their to Chadron's 28 to romp to the conference record to 5-1. The win. Boo lead all scorers with victories brought further pres- 20 points, Green was close betige to the team as they en- hind with 19 points <and 19 reabled Coach Jack Mcintire to bounds and Beville connected record his lOOth NCC victory for 17. Wayne Heine also snarand also his 200th overall win . ed 14 caroms and added llpoints. Chadron center Jack Kuiper was in a 13 year reign. The first victory came on high for his team with 17. Looking at the second game of Friday, February 7, as the Bobcats came back from a 37-33 the weekend stand would make halftime deficit to overcome the you wonder if it wasn't just a repetition of fact from the Eagles 85-65. Chadron started fast and just night before. Saturday, Februout hustled the Bobcats while ary 8, saw the Bobcats go out leading by as much as eleven in front at the half 33-31, with early in the going. The first the free throw line giving PSC half edge was provided at the the edge as the Cats hit on free throw line as Chadron con- 5 of 8 while Chadron was more nected on 9 of 12 compared to accurate, 3 of 4, but had fewer 5 of 10 for Peru. Both teams tries. Both teams hit 14 from the field and Chadron out grabhit 14 field goals. The second half the Bobcats bed Peru 28-21,
Baseball Season Opener Soon PSC Baseball Coach Joe Pelisek called the 32 baseball hopefuls for the 69 season together at a brief meeting last week, Pelisek, in his fourth year as Bobcat diamond mentor greeted those· wishing to be members of the squad and challenged them to present him with an improvement on last year's 10-11 record, The returning lettermen include: Stan Zbylut, Bill Everhart, Dennis Hammer, Tom Patton, Chuck Mizerskie, Tom Brandt, Mark Weiler, Steve Dal-
ton, James Rains, Steve Emert, and John Warren. James Waltke and John Creamer will not be able to play because of stu-: dent teaching. The season will begin on March 29 when the Bobcats meet Northwest Missouri on the home field. The rest of the sche~ ule is as follows: "" March 29-Northwest Missouri, Home. April 1 -J.F.Kennedy,Away, April 3 - Missouri Western, Away,
JOHN L. LEWIS, Vice Pres. & Cashier
The second half was identical
to Friday nights encounter as the Cats came out after intermission and out scored the host 39-30 to win their fifth conference clash 72-61. Boo Glover again was the floor general as he pepped Peru l'lith 24 points and 8 rebounds, Q.ther Cats in double figures were Mike Johnson 14, Freeman Beville 13 and Pete Stewart 12. Larry Green added 10 rebounds to lead in that department. Jack Kuiper was again the gunner for Chadron as he lead all scorers with 26 points and grabbed 15 rebounds,
Doane Dominates The Peru State Bobcats were downed by the Doane Tigers for the second time this season as the winners kept a perfect bas-
ketball record at ho~e intact with an 87-80 conquest, Tuesday February 11, A late rally by the Bobcats was nipped by two free throws by Terry Egger with 28 seconds left giving the Tigers a 85-80 lead. Pete Stewart lead the Bobcat cause with 23 points • Other Bobcats to score were: Wayne Heine 16, Clyde Wilkins 14, Freeman Beville 9, Boo Glover 7, Tom Patton 6, Larry Green 3 and Leon Portrey 2, High scoring Leslie Grant, Doane' s career basketball scoring leader, led_ all players with 29 points. Doane is 7-0 at home and 11-8 overall with a 5game win streak, The loss left Peru 15-7 on the year.
.. ------------------------...
April 4 - Missouri Western, Away, April 8 - Simpson, Home. April 12 - Wayne, Home. April 15-Doane, Home. April 19 - Kearney, Away. April 23 - Concordia, Away. April 26 - St. Benedicts, Away, May 2 -Chadron, Home. May 6 -Northwest Missouri, Away,' May 9 -Hastings, Away, May 13 -Midwestern, Away.
Tournaments Held The annual tournaments of chess, pool, snooker, and table tennis will be sponsored by the Recreation Committee of Student Center Board from February 24th to 28th. Any Peruvians are welcome to participate in games by signing names on the bulletin board in the Student Center.
Volleyball Tournament Planned
As in the preceding years the Women's Athletic Association of Peru State College have sponsored the annual High School Invitational Volleyball Tourna• ment. This year as previously it will be held here in the Peru State College Gymnasium, This volleyball tournament will be held on March 17th, 18th, and 19th, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, The games will start at 1:00 p.m. and will run consecutively until 9: 00p.m. The president of the Women's Athletic Association, Ivajean Erisman, will present the trophies. The top four teams will receive trophies with the undefeated team receiving the first place trophy.
IN PERU IT'S HILL'S REXALL DRUG Complete Line of School Supplies Cologne - Perfume - After Shave Cosmetics
Av 79,1 65,5 80,5 83. 76,3
The NCC At~ AGlance
The Nebraska College Con ference has entered its las month of play with each we poin1ing closer and closer to th February 26 date between th Peru State Bobcats and th Wayne State Wildcats, which wil decide the champion of the_
With only two remaining con ference irames to be played each team the race has narrowed to Peru and Wa who sport identical 5-1 records Peru's lose came against Kea ney, in the conference opene for the Bobcats, and Peru ha also handed Wayne its lone loss Despite these results Wayii state will be the favorite cope the crown as they ente tain Pe111 at Wayne, where the have yet to lose a game this yeai'. Wayne was ranked 12th by the latest NAIA poll • Last weeks results sawWayn~ edged out K~arney at home, · a Friday, February- 7, thrille 63-58, Wayne was ahead 59with 51 seconds left when su stitute Mick Anderson hit two from charity strip andthentossed in a jumper to put the game on ice. Ace center Dave Sch· neider 6'9" and 6'6" Paul Emmanull fouled out late in the game for Wayne adding to :the pressure. Tuesday, February 11~ Wayne· state notched victory 5 in the NCC by pounding the Basting's Broncos, 91-71, behind thelong range bombing of Bill Cruse and the inside connections of Paul Emanuel. Cruse had 18 and Emanuel 23 for Wayne, Wayne shot 53 percent and the Broncos hit on 41 percent. Fresh· man Bill Johnson paced Hastings with 21 points. Peru State kept with Wayne by knocking off the Chadron Eagles 85-65 on Friday, February 7 and 72-61 on the following night. Peru State College will en the 1969 portion of its bas ketball schedule with fou straight away games begin ning with Graceland Feb. 1 and ending with a rematc with Wayne State Feb. 26.
Girls Team to Play
Because of the roar of burn· ing oil and gas, oil firefighter John Wayne relays in0tructions to his crew with hand ',ignals in Universal's actiiJn·packed 'Hellfighters,' f'hr,tographed in Technicolor,
ADM. 50¢
$1. 25
Short Orders
6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day
The Peru State Girls Basket ball team has scheduled t games for the month of Fe ruary, The first is Februar 15 with Tarkio and the sec ond is the 22nd with Oma St. Mary's, The games are be held on this campus - ' the gym at 10:00 a.m. on the days, Support the girls cheer them to a v' ~t.ory,
Ann Beatty
Phone 872-:-435 I
Ho Try t a Mart! erent w you dig, Howeve Home l new ide served. ed as a this ye< braska decorat will be Februa1 The 1 Washin1 when fc onomici cipe " Cake," in a r non, Va tending vention
Jae Ron al anist, I day, F Arts Ai Dr. associ< matics sas, r 1960 fl In adc
search ber tt famed countr: This by the ment ~ will f Maste1 day, A EN1 A SJ
al Se1 tion 11 U.S. C .Oil
9:00 I Arts E The exami1 means graduc cies ti
design scienc iness terest servic it. Seni,
who v tion s ''It's questi flee,
Start LUV at Peru
Nebraskans voted against low- cause .some congressmen ac.ering the voting age to eighteen tually fear the' end of their poin . la-st Novew~r's. election, litical careers if the eighteen -Now before th~ supreme court year olds go the polls, They is a case testing the recent one will continue to vote "agaillst". Unfortunately, the eighteen to man, one vote ruling. It is being argued that if the twerity-one year olds are the eighteen to twenty-one · year most politically informed .age olds of some states are allowed group, They are well educated to vote, then are not these ages and ready to vote. Their pobeing deprived of their consti- litical expression may seem tutional rights in other states. rash at times but there is a Eighteen year olds in Ken- vigor and freshness, Can they tucky and Georgia are allowed be compared to the 70 +' age to vote. Alaskan nineteen year groop which is so often steeped, olds are allowed to vote, and , not in the wisdom of age, but twenty-year olds vote in Hawaii. on stubborn prejudice or even Were the people in Nebraska worse, ill-informed illiteracy. But unless you eighteen to saying that their 18, 19, or 20 year olds are less mature than twenty-one year olds in Nethose of Kentucky, Georgia, braska care that you are not allowed to vote; if you are willAlaska, or Hawaii? · ing .to except th1:1 .(lssumption . Congre&s -has had·· before it m.'ire than 100 · resolutions on that your counter parts in other Jowering the voting age that states are qualified as mature . have failed t9 pass. Many, be- adults, c;ipable of voting, while
Avg. ;-35-;7 83.1 ' 75.2 84.8 75.2
Av 79. 65. 80, 83. 76.3
~ At~
you are not, then do nothing. But if you do care, if you believe that you as an eighteen to twenty-one year old are as qualified as your counterpart in· Kentucky, then care en9ugh to stay awake, and do something. If you do care, get organized. Start a chapter of LUV (Let Us Vote) here at Peru State. Then begin to write your congressmen, interest others in your age group and talk, talk, talk to those woo are considered adults and can vote. But when you talk to those adults, use a new argument. . Adults know that it does not take a mature adult to fight. Even when you eighteen year olds do die on the battlefield of Vietnam, we adults know that the immature eighteen year olds make the best fighters.
Home Ee Club Holds Tea
s sawWayn at home-, · '· 7, thrille ahead 59-5 tt when subwn hit two id then toss11t thegame ·Dave Sch· "Paul Em· late in the .ding to the r 11. Wayne ~ 5 in the e Basting's lnd theJong 1 Cruseand ins of Paul ad 18 and rne. Wayne • the Bron· it. Fresh· aced Hast1
•Play iris Basket iduled tw Ith of Fe s Febru td the s vith Oma
Try to decorate a cake for a Martha Washington Tea a dif· erent way for 28 years and soon you discover ideas hard to find. However, members of the Peru Home Economics Club found a new idea. The fruit cake that is served annually will be decorated as a cherry tree silhouette this year, Jacque Golden, Nebraska City, is in charge of decorating the cake. The cake will be served to the public February 20, from 3 to 5 p.m. The tradition of the Martha Washington Tea started in 1940 when four .Peru State home ec· onomi cs students copied the re· cipe ''How to Make a Great Cake," which was on display in a museum at Mount Vernon, Va. The students were at~ tending a home economics con· vention in the East.
Jacobwitz at Peru Ronald Jacobowitz, a fine pi· anist, presented a concert Tues· day, February 18, in the Fine Arts Auditorium. , Dr. J abobowitz, currently associate professor of mathematics at the University of Kan· sas, received his doctorate in 1960 from Princeton University. In addition to publishing research papers in algebraicnum• ber theory, he has presented famed concerts across. the country. This concert was presented by the Auburn World Entertain· ment Series. The next program will feature Edwin L. Baron, Master Hypnotist, on Wednes· day, April 23, 1969, FEDERAL SERVICE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION A special, on-campus 1''ederal Service Entrance Examina· tion will be conducted by the U.S. Civil Service Commission .on Saturday, M:a;rch 1, .. at 9:00 A.M. in Room 105, Fine Arts Building. The two-hour qualifications examination is the principal means for hiring young college graduates in careers in 50 agen· cies throughout the nation. It is designed primarily for social science humanities, and bus· iness majors, but anyone in· terested in government or civil service positions should take it. Seniors and graduate students who wish to take the examina· tion should pick up a copy of ''It's Your Move" and sample questions in the Placement Of· fi ce, or walk in to the test.
The original recipe, copied for Martha Washington by her granddaughter, MarthaCustis; includes among other things, five pounds of flour, fourpounds of sugar and 40 eggs. The recipe yields 25 poundsof fruit cake and this year 106 POUlldS have been prepared fortheevent more than 100 hours of work have been spent by members of the club and sponsor inprepara· tion of the cake. Not only has the decoration of the cake varied throughout 1he years, the actual product has changed. This is because the recipe, unlike those used in modern day kitchens, leaves quite a lot to interpertation. The recipe generalizes as to adding so many pounds of fruit and nuts. The re<:ipe was used four tiines for the annual event this year.
SGA Revised A S.G.A. meeting was held February 11. At this time the new Vice-President, Ken Burch, and representative, Beth Hall· e!, took office. A long evening meeting, start• ing at 6:30 on February 25 has also been planned. At this gathering, the S.G.A. constitu· tlon ls go"ing to" be rewritten and updated to better fit the needs of the students. The public is cordially invited to attend and any constructive ideas and comments are wel· corned.
Vol. 64
No. 18 February 24, 1969
Enrollment Increases
Women Total over one year ago. Sixty-one of Men The peak enrollment (day and these students are residents and . Men Women Total night students) for Peru State thirteen are non-resident stuCollege for the second semester dents. 171 75 246 is 1,130 according to Dr. Kelly Seniors In the past ten years the total 130 80 210 Liewer, Registrar and Director Juniors peak enrollment at Peru has 161 86 247 of. Admissions. This represents .. Sophomores 231 116 347 · doubled. In 1958-59, the total a five per cent increase over Freshman enrollment was 596, of which 2 7 peak enrollment for the second Post Graduates 5 137 were only night students. semester one year ago, as compared to the peak enroll698 359 1057 The day students enrollment ment of 1,130 this year. Five for the second semester is 1,057, years ago, 19 63-64, a total of (66 percent) (34 percent) which is also a five per cent 738 registered for night and increase over last year's. fig· For second semester, fifty day classes. ure of 1,006. This represents students transferred to Peru, a four and one-half per cent twenty-nine former students re-decrease from the first semesBOY SCOUT EXECUTIVE enrolled, and twenty-five freshter day enrollment. The resiInterviews for Boy Scout Ex· man enrolled for the first time dent day students total 757 and in a college making a total of ecuti ve positions will be held the non-resident 300 (twentyMarch 3. 104. eight and one-half per cent,) ·seventy-three students are en- For appointment call Harold The division bf classes for rolled in night classes only. Johnson, Peru College placethe day student's is as follows: This is a four per cent increase ment office.
FTF Initiated at Peru Are you looking for something unique and different to do? If so, join the F. T.F. (foreign top films), sponsored by the Art Club. This film club will sponsor ten movie-viewing session, each of which will include three or . more movies. .. The entire series will cost six dollars which will admit you to the thirty movies being offered. The first showing will include: "The Bicycle Thief" (Italian), "An Andalusion Dog" (French), and "The Fatal Glass of Beer" (W,C. Fields). The second show· ing will include: "Citizen Kane," "The Pharmacist" (W.C. Fields), and "The Wed· ding Feast.'' The third showing wil Include: "The Colt" (U.S.S.R.), "The Barber Shop" (W.C. Fields), and "Return to Reason and Emak Bahia." Watch the bulletin boards and the PED for dates and sale of season tickets.
Peru State basketball co_ach, Jack Mcintire, was honored at half time of the Hastings-Peru game last Saturday evenmg: The P-Club held~ honorary Jack Mcintire Night to pay horn· a~e to. the head coach for his record of producmg 200 basketball wins, including 100 NCC victories and.100 ~ome co.urt wins. Presenting Mcintire with the trophy, on behalf of the P·Club, was Denms Curtis, Elkhorn. Mrs. Mcintire was presented a corsage by cheer· leaders Bobette Masters, Nebr. City and Michelle Weber, Omaha.
Page 2
THE .PED February 24_1 1969
Editolit1//y Spet1klng" Listening is becoming obsolete, and so is silence. Protest seems to be the common . vogue .of the present generation. Through· ·out U.S. History there has been a constant contradiction between the very foundations of our government - the inherent rights of equality and freedom and the notion of individualism. These terms have stood for m~ny different things to many different Americans, and today citizens have turned to mob action and violence to voice their opinions and obje~tions.
One group of protestors includes deserters who have fled to Sweden because they are against compulsory military service and aggressive warfare. They are almost unani· mously ostracized by the general public and labeled, as ungrateful traitors guilty of treason. No student ·interviewd on Peru's Campus gave them any sympathy - common comments were."TheyJre rotten, they'll be sorry, or good riddance because we don't waht their kind around." Other comments centered on the . . better living conditions, such as food, clothing, shelter, education, entertainment, and commodities available here in the U.S. and the hopelessness of employment, of advancement, of success, of security, ·and of true friends while in self exile in a foreign country. ~.
/ ' '.'
~ prqblem which parallels that of protest is the problem of punishment. The typical American citizen expresses growing concern over crime and lawlessness and favors new and tougher laws to deal with these problems. Specifically, majorities in the latest Gallup survey call for the courts to deal more severly with criminals, a double sentence for crimes committed with a gun, stricter parole laws, the death penalty for persons convicted of murder, and stiff penalties for other crimes such as dope peddling. An overwhelming majority of Peru students interviewed' also agreed on tougher laws to deal with criminals. Significantly, patriotism apparently remains high. When asked what other country he might prefer, most of the Peru students drew a blank. The list of things they would miss was extensive and seems to indicate that even if many people bitterly criticized American insti· tutions and values, they still hold the traditional patriotic view of the moral and providential nature of the American destiny.
Unrest Is the Vogue
··Half Drop. Out Why do 50 percent of all en· tering college freshman drop out before they achieve their undergraduate degree? Research in this area suggests two main reasons; first, the student's poor academic performance due to his lack of ability, or secondly, the student's poor performance due to other factors-health {illness or injury), marriage, maternity, fi• nances, discipline, or personal adjustment. \ The reasons, however, for a student's leaving college are seldom singular. A student with financial problems can, if he is strongly motivated, usually , manage to stay in college. If, ,. · oo the other hand, he lacks this motivation and it is couple with adjustment problems, the student will most likely become another dropaut. statistics .lump the dropouts together, Almost nothing is known about the individual and -:...~ why he drops out of college. The dropout, himself, often does . -~ 1-b3 not recognize or admit the real · 1 rea~ons for his not returning •. '" THOUQff 1 1'0l-D YOU l30YS #0 FOOP f((ffAtA1JON . . . IN "TH' RO()Mt;, •. He Just goes away. The colleges, then, seldom know the voluntary dropout un· til. he fails to return. All of · · this .makes any good, compreRUN! YOU RATS! ~sive study of the problem There is considerable specu· have patterns of insanity are difficult, and as yet, no lation aboUt the numbers of men -ar-mato]ighflor their comitry, :hye:~.s been abletofullyanswer who have deserted from the U.S. of the hippie type, and stupid, . armed forces, The following figTheir basic ai'gument is that It is known, however, that 50 ures were obtained from a coo· American boys should not be percent of all freshman will nefidential Pentagon source and planted in a fox hole on the ver graduate. Half of this total printed in the L.A. Free Press, front line in Nam, since it is will have dropped out by their February 14l 1969: not THEIR country or funda- ·sophomore year, SERVICEMEN CURRENTLY mentally not THEIR war. These The freshman dfopaut is usually CHARGED WITH DESERTIONmaniacs further claimthatSouth pictured as the somewhat anti""PER D.O.D. APPREHENSION Viet Nam should take the major social, only child. His parents FORMS: share of the effort· but America ·have less than twelve years of ARMY 39,234 has to safeguard •4reedom" and · schooling, The dropout ranked MAmNES 8,104 concern herself with world in the second or third quarter of NA VY 5,621 opinion. his high school class. His study AIR FORCE 393 The war is a rank, old issue habits are poor; his aptitudeand but the desertion rate as ~ achievement tests are lower result OF it, is becoming a than. those of his successful .A more spectacular fact is matter of concern to every of· classmates; and surprisingly, that out of the total 53 ,352 men ficial in government. Statistics he is older. listed as giving up oo the serare never pliblished due to the Dropping out of. college may vice, the figures swells five embarrasment 'and morale de- not be a disaster. A Princeton fold when the underground cline, plus the incentive it might survey shows that one-half of the A. W.O.L. population is taken give to others. dropauts would return. The into account (according to of· Maybe the food was bad or the other half will reach economificial estimates). This particuuniforms didn't fit like Levis. cally nearly the level of thenonlar group is presentlyuncharged Pick one of the two as all dropauts. since it is practically im· other argument consist~ofhope~ore pre-registration counpassibl~ to aprehend them, in less generalization and error sehng could possibly reduce the most circumstances. This fig· I do not condone desertion:_ high mortalityrateofeachfreshure rounds out to 265,000 milbecause it is a crime punish- man class. In at least one uni" itary drop-outs. Added to this able by hanging. If I didn't love versity, Pennsylvania State, this must be an incalculable numthe country I wouldn't hang counseling has substantially reber of draft deliquents and those around very long, but I have no duced the percentage of dropmen who don't even register. particular love or need of Viet outs. One-fifthoftheirfreshman These figures stagger the imaNam if it envolves the life. of after counseling, shift their engination. American men in any way, shape trance to other colleges, or It .is impossible .to. punish, or form - sorry. If this act fields, to which they are better mucli less catch these criminals of "betrayal" is used, however suited, thus they avoid many who have been listening to to bring about, or at least stimu~ of the anxieties that lead to be-"Commie" speakers all their late, change and awakening, I ing a successful dropaut. · life and taking part in subvercan possibly appreciate it only ---si ve activities. It is well esas a tool. PERU PEDAGOGIAN . tablished that all of these freaks Steve Good Monday, February 24, 1969
·ng has be1 s long as y has it e, but it purposes, the pres · ment. 1 changed form ·sh betwE tertaining floor can into a ' a matter starts to shes to tl e for thE
letters, to the ·Eldi-i
.: Th e Growing Problem of Alcoholism vo1ume 64
student unrest seems to be on campus by unknown assail· common among campuses ants. GOals sought . by student across the United states. At For many years a difference the University of California in groups are relatively limited. of opin~on ha.s eXisted regartfing At Brandeis, the University of Los Angeles, students want alcohohsm, its causes, and its more equality, betterfacilities, Minnesota, students wanted effects on the humin body. Al· more courses tailored to what "soul food" in the cafeteria· coholism is a disease not a they regard as their own needs, when they got that, however; "periodic bout with acute intoxand above all, recognition· be it they went on _to set forth ten icaton." It is a "crime" that of their race, schol2.sti~ abil· demands, including the right to accounts for one out of three U.s. ity, or their needs as a human hire the chairman for a new arrests, that endlessly plagues department at the university being. These demands seems police, that clogs th.e courts, and to be the general cry of all On.e may insert here the age old that crowds the .jails. Alcohol· IJ.UP; the more one gets, the ism is one of ttie ieacling pul). college students. In TIME magazine, Roy Wil· more one wants • -lie ~ealth problems today coo~ . ~s, director of the N.A.A.C.P ., cenung not only members of the pointed out that until a group It is said the outcome of stu· ~edical profession, but al&o mi· unites itself and has a demnte dent dissent will be determined rasters, educators, and civic goal in mind can it expect to by how the establishment releaders. get ll;ll)'.thing done. This may acts. If it is ignored as it has The consumptionofbeer ~rtain to any gfoup, be it eth· been in the past, it may become . ' wine • and hard liquor is up, not only mc or a group ·as general as ~tea violent situation. When an among adults, but also among student body. The article arbitrator who· is respected by boys and girls. The young peowent on explaining hOw at both student body and establishple of today are using alcoholic U,C.L.A. after a meeting of ment is found and when a defbeverages to an extentpr.eviousseveral rival student groups two inite understanding is made, diswith the bo"S Iy UJ1recognized, · students were shot and killed sent will cease. •
'cfoing more experimenting than the girls. Through mauy tests and studies, the Cooperative Commission on the study of Al· coholism has concluded that alcoho! is here to stay and that Americans had better unite it more deeply into family life if they are going to learn how to control it. . . A. recent poll taken at Peru ··'State · College has brOught out that 80 per<~ent of the· students do consume some alcoholie beverages at least once a week. Some consume "booze" even more than once a week There isn't any problem at pe: ru State College but if the college would like to cut down on. the campus consumption of alcoholic beverages they could get organizations to sponsor more acti Vl·ties for the students to pa rti cipa · te in. .
Number 18 ,
Published weekly during the academic yem:, except holidays and between' semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . . Steve Mason PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Beran ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . Bob Vana ADVISOR · · · · · · · James Keck I.
e signed letters printed in.
this paper do not reflect the opinion of the Pedagogian but of individuals. The editor reserves the right to edit them for publica· · . tion.
the stuc ann<
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THE PED February' 24, 1969
)ut all en• drop ' their
ggests st, the c perof abi· 1dent's ' other or inity, fi• ,rsonal for ge are nt with f he is isually
:e. If, ·· ks this le with .e stuecome 'Opouts ing is .al and ollege. mdoes 1e real 1rning. 1eldom Mit unAll of. 1mpre·oblem :, no mswer tiat 50 ill ne-
; total their sually . anti1rents 1rs of anked :terof study deand lower essful ingly, may
iceton 'of the The 1nomi1enoncounce the fresh1e unie, this lly redrop;hman dr enis, or better
in to Bugaloo Advertising Old Technique . cing has been with us probas long as history itself. y has it been with us a e, but it has had a num· purposes, from creating the present day form of · ment. One thing that changed about dancing form - it is hard to ·sh between making rain tertaining one's self. A floor can sometimes be into a wrestling arena a matter of minutes. The starts to play and every· ~rushes to the floor only to ·· 1e for their own square 'to maneuver in, and to put '' bodies through contortions 1 ed impossible for human ·~ty •. ese dances have specific , is it hard to different· ·ch one goes with what on. Some of the names ly caught on by accident. ''Example, ''The Alligator" be imagined originating Sue tried to tell "Al" "r-would meet him ''later". '' roar of the band distorted hnessage and . Al naturally · ed Sue was describingher dance step.Thenthereisthe of Seymour, who was try>to discuss biology lab and · at the same time. What could be expected from that ·~rsation but ''The Frug." 'famous "Bugaloo" was most ' a muffled profanity used · ce when Ray crushed her trying a new trick step. matter what the funny name, e aches and pains of bodies, will ·be with us for quite me - unless of course is a drastic increase in pitation after every !?!
Caveman George said to his also an invention of the previou&. Wddy Albert from the tree- ly mentioned_ history were hiring people, ''I've got such a deal· for the Ernies 'and Huberts because you! I found·. this big sharp rock everybody now knew that it that will do wonders on that old wasn't what you sold bit how saber tooth in the valley." -And weli you sold it. This is how that is how itall started. George it .had always been and should sold the sharp rock to Albert always be. ·· for coconuts from the · tree- . The last Ernie and Hubert are people. men to be noted. They both ran History progressed at a rapid out of things to sell. It looked rate after this and it wasn 'tlong like a sad end to a glowing before George was painting page of history, but at the•last signs on the sides of cliffs pro- minute they had a brainstorm. moting his rock pile. Albert They sold and promoted each was hammering on trees telling other, to each other, and were everyone about the saber tooth bought by each other. Nobody skins he had to trade. Business really understood this bit everyboomed, but George and Albert thing seemed to be back. to norfound that the more time they -mal. The people were eagerfor spent pounding on trees and a new design orsloganandErnie painting on cliffs, the less time and Hubert were al ways enterthey had for their business. To taining them, just as it had remedy this, George hired Ernie al ways been and will al ways to paint, Albert hired Hubert to be. pound, and history marched on. Everywhere people began to appreciate the artistry of Ernie and Hubert and their sons and their sons' sons and maybe ·a friend or two. All types of rosiness' began seelrlng thehelp of the Ernies and the Huberts (as they were later known). The Ernies and Huberts sawtheyhad a good thing goil)g and realized · the people could be sold on anything as long as they were en· tertained. This being tl'Ue, the promotion business became much more elaborate, The Ernies introduced· coast-t<>-coast billboards, pamphlets, and salesmen which put them far in the lead of the competition. The Huberts began to use a new thing called radio which moved 1hem ahead. Soon after this . the television was invented and advertisi,ng became very elaborate Countries~ which weile
the student center board announces: SFRWG WEEK
the first real thing. the start of a tradition. cognizantimid-May. •• • /
Page 3
Karate Becoming Popular BY LOIS RIESCillCK
Do you know what Karate, Judo, and Kenpo are? Yes, they are all types of self-defense and forms of wrestling. But why are they important today? These questions are asked again .and again. As a sport, Karate is rapidly taking its place in the world sport field. It is a very com· petiti ve sport and most excit· ing because of the blocking, kicking, and punchingtechniques that are involved. Both tremendous skill and control are required in Karate. It is much safer than football because there isn't bodily contact, ·contrary to popular belief, injuries are infrequent and minor. Because of the forms of control, balance and techniques used in Karate;_ it is regarded as a beautiful and highly skilled Oriental art. Since Karate utilizes every \ muscle of the body, it is the best all-around method of physi· cal fitness. Many think that · breaking boards and bricks is what Karate consists of, but actually showing such feats as this only prove the power and speed of the human body. Because of this, it is a natural regulator either taking pounds off or putting them on as needed. Karate is considered the ultimate in unarmed self-defense because of the technique that is involved. In Korea, the Presi· dential Protective Forces are all trained in Tae Kwon Do Karate and several other countries are · also adoPting Karate into the . training programs of their protecti ve forces. Judo is a variation of wrest· ling and calis for a skill in the use of blows and in using a ri· val' s strength and weight to his disadvantage. It is also primarily a method of self-defense. It has become a sport recognized by the Amateur Atheltic Union of the United States.Many. wrestling holds are used as well as some that are not permitted in wrestling. Under the A.A.U. Judo is basically a gripping and throwing contest.For those who like it rough Kenpo is an amagam of several arts - - judo, karate, ai· kido, etc. (aikido is another form of wre~ing). The forms of Kenpo revolve around four basic moves: kicking, striking, throwing, and reverse holds. A favorite move is the spin kick to the face. The action is fast and the body contact can be "bone jarring." But that's the way the
followers of one rough and tum· ble versioo of the !_tl,s like it. This Wild and woolly art is stnctly a man's game. Because of the emphasis on contact and power, the ladies usually pass this one up, However, they can take up kenpo but would be restri cted to studying the forms, The opponents wear gloves, chest protectors, face masks, and special heavy padding, The items are manufactured in Ja· pan and a complete outfit runs about $59. Before kenpo students aie allowed to suit up for a session, they put in an intensive period studying and practicing forms. During this period they also · learn about the vital points of the body. Since many points of the body are not covered by the protective equipment, the student must learn to avoid these areas or to hold up blows aimed to these points. Otherwise, it'\; a free winging art. Peru has a Karate Club that was formally organized in 1967, bit it had its beginning several years ago when Crale Hansen started a Karate class for fun, During the school year the karate and judo classes meet every day, Mooday through Thursday, from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. in the campus school gym. Tom Kohler teaches karate and Hugo Villegas instructs the class for judo. These classes aren't all fun, but also a challenge for the students. The categories are classified by what belt the stu• dent is able to earn. The first belt is white, second is yellow, third · is green, fourth is brown, and the hardest belt to earn is the black belt. The officers of the Karate Club are President~im Crabtree; Vice President-Pegeen Swisegood; Secretary-Treasurer-&le Vahn; Judo Representative-Tom Albin; and Karate Representati ve-Phil Marsh.
Newman Club Devotions Wednesday Following Lenten devotions at - St. Clara's church at 6:00 Wed· nesday, March 5, the Newman Club is sponsoring a pizza p a r t y and entertainment "Shakey's Style" in the church basement. All members and· or prospective members are urged to attend. There will be no charge. Girls may dress casually (slacks) for the services and the party following.
many to~.
DR. G. E.MANN ~ . .969
er 18 ,
the ilidays by the ollege,
Sailors Mason Beran
WED. P.M. & SAT. P.M .
Dinners - Short Orders 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day
119 N. 8th St.
Nebr. City
Phone 873-6180
Ann Beatty
) Vana ; Keck
ted in· e opinof in$erves ·ublica-
. appliances , . sporting goods ... name-brand tools .... hunting & fishing permits BOWMAN'S HARDWARE 872-2561 PERU, NEBR.
Page 4
THE PED February 24, 1969
Bobcats Top 1n Nee· The NCC At A. Glance
The Peru state Bobcats are having one of their finest season in the past six years as so far this season they have racked up 18 victories and suf· fered 7 defeats. The Bobcats ·u h 10 f th · curren y ave won o e1r last 12 contests after dropping two consecutive games at home, one a two point loss to Doane and the other a one 'point defeat at the hands of Kearney.
Peru Thincl.ads Show :qarly Season Form
Mays 9 points and freshman forward Bill Johnson's 8 the ' Broncos outscored Peru 30-11 . ·, Last week rn'. the NCC four . of to come within 1 at 68-67 with <'f.be. five teams were p1~ . 10 minutes remaining. At this against eac~ other and the oth · point Pete. Ste·1·art hit a lay er was battling a non-conference w up and Wayne Heine r.it five foe· . th quick points to put the BobSaturday, February 15, e cats up by 8 with 5 minutes Kearne~ state An.telopes took remaining and Hastings could over third ·place rn the stand· th t re enge from get no closer than two after mg as ey go v . .. that. the Chladron 3-6Eagl~stob~YP~:g The Bobcats had a scoring out a c ose vic . • The past week Peru reeled off parade as all five starters end- ron led throughout the first half a string of three straight vie- ed with double figures. "Boo" and were up by one at the half tories while averaging 93 points 30 29 per game. The Bobcats travel- ~love.r le~ thse onsla:Jed~: Aft;r the break Kearney came ed to Northwest Missouri State pornts, ete tewart . ' took th l d the first . Friday, February 21 in the fin· followed by Freel'.lan Beville's ~:id ·goal o~ : :cond peral game before the clash with 1 ~· and Wayne Herne and Clyde iod and never trailed again.Kirk Wayne February 26 for the Ne- It Wilkens added 14 and 13 rehl hit t t th Ant lopes ' '' spectively Koe er o pu e e braska College Conference H tin • d b GI on top Mike Kinnard of Chadron Ch . hi as gs was 1ea y enn • . .th ampions p. Mays with 26 and Bill Johnson toc_>k sconng hO?ors W1 29 with 18. Hastings dropped to pornts. Jerry W;ley paced the fourth in the NCC with a 2-5 Kearney attack with 23. . . Bobcats Corral record While Kearney was nailing The Broncos • down third place Peru State Pete Leads Jn Win was busy putting down the HastThe Peru _filate Bobcats put Over Graceland ings Broncos, 95-85, to main· the strapson the Broocos from tain a 112 game lead over the Hastings for the second time Wayne State Wildcats. this sea son as they took a 95 Peru State downed the GraceWayne State played a non85 NCC win Saturday, Februland Yellowjackets 94-85, conference tilt against Doane ary 15, on the Peru maples. Monday, February 17atLambni, at Crete and found out why the The Bobcats took an early Iowa in a non-conference cage Tigers are 8-0. at home as they 26-19 lead and behind the gun- tilt. The victory avenged a lost their third game of season, ning of "Boo" Glover, Freeman 79-76 overtime loss last year 77-71, against 18. victories. Beville, and Pete Stewart raced to Graceland at Peru. At the time of this writing to a 51-37 halftime lead. GlovPete Stewart lead the way to L Peru held a lf2 game lead over er contributed 17 first half the win as he scored 21 points J Wayne but the Wildcats were to points, while Beville and Stew· and snared 23 caroms. Peru have one more chance to tie art cashed in i2 each. lead 50-42 at the half. Four things all up for first place The Bobcats opened a 20 point of the five Peru starters were in the NCC when they traveled margin early in the second half in double figures with Pete's to Chadron for a conference before Hastings caught fire. 21, Glover following with 20, clash on Friday, February 21. Paced by senior center Glenn Heine 20 and Beville 12, This was a mustgameforWayne • - - - - - - - - - - - • Rebounding and freethrow and would. set the stage for the 'DINlftR: Ne .. brc~·tya~_-.· 1·, shooting were the difference as showdown Wednesday, February r~ t the Bobcats held a 73-48 edge 26, at Wayne for the conference in rebounds and actually won the championship. game at the charity stripe with SUN.-MON.-TUES. a 30 of 44 performance""eompared to Graceland's· 21 of 31. FEB. 23-24-25 Each teamhlt on 32 field goals. Graceland, now 11-10 on the year, was lead by Ralph Damon Saturday morning, Fbruary who captured game scoring hon15th, the Bobcat Kittens playors with 35 points .. ed their first home game against the Tarkio Owls. At the half Glover and Company the score was tied 24-24, but Peru went into a cold streak Roll Over Simpson and only scored 6 points in the "Boo" Glover scored as in- last 5 minutes. The high scorer for Tarkio dividual ,game scoring high of 36 points to lead the Bobcats was Vicky Wendt with 25 points in their ·3rd straight victory and Pat Amaya following with and 10th of the last 12 with a 15; Peru's high scorer was 95-85 victory over Simpson Col- Karen Sell with 16 and Janet Bailie with 14 baskets. lege of Indianola, Igwa. Down 48-42 at the half Peru Peru'.s girls have a game @ put on a second half drive to scheduled for March 1st with SMA pull out the win as all five St. Mary's at Omaha, March starters were again in double 5th they play the University of AKAHN-HARPER PRODUCTION · Color bv De luxe figures. Glover led 11 and Wil- Nebraska, and March 8th they travel to Tarkio, kins 10. SUN.-MON.-TUES.-WED. The loss droooed Simpson to 8-13 and the year and gave Peru an 18-7 ledger. It marked the PARENTS: 8th win in· 10 meetings between the two schools for Peru.
7 8
Girls Drop Encounter
Intramural Highlights
The Peru State track squad started their onslaunt of school records early as they woh their opening meet oft.he season Friday, February 14 at the University of Nebraska at Omaha fieldhduse in a triangular meet against UNO and Nebraska Wes-
new meet standard. The other Peru Staters ishing first were junior Mulvaney, who tossed the 48'71/i' and classmate Bu McCrea, who leaped 21'61/i' the long jump. Shot Put - 1. Mike Mulv (P), Independence, Ia., 48' 71 lere1~ State scored 63 points to 2. Earl Johnson (P), Om 57 for UNO and 31 by NWU 46' 11/i'; 3. Neville (UNO), in registering their third con- 21/i'; 4. Larson (UNO), secuti ve win over their big 10". city foes in the traditional seaMile Run - 1. Jack We son-opener. Peru Staters cap. (P), Sterling, 4:17 .1; 2, tured 7 first place finishes and (UNO), 4:27 .O; 3. Wallerst , placed at least cine man in the (UNO), 4:31.4; 4. Car.ey,(UN,,, top foilr in the fourteen events 4:31.5. . . . to out-man the other squads. 60-Yard Dash - 1. John · In gaining· the victory Peru thin- (UNO), 6.3; 2. Elmer Ree. clads established three new (P), Omaha, 6.4; 3. Marvin school records, tied a fourth and len (P) , Des Moines, Ia., 6~ set a new meet standard. 4. Comfort (UNO), 6.6. ~ Peru's all-American boy, Jack 600-Yard Run - 1. C ' Weyers, was the individual Smith (P), Pacific Junction, standout for the squad as the 1:15.6; 2. Watt (NWU), h1 sophomore distance -runner 3. Haney (UNO), 1:17.2; 4.S flashed to three first place fin· ney (UNO), 1:17 .2. ·: , ished and broke one school Long Jump - 1. Buddy mark. Jack's time of 4:17.1 Crea (P), Omaha, 21' 61/i' in the rriile broke Tim Hen- Sherwin Williams (P) Om drick's record of 4:19.3 set 21' 5%; 3. Wigert (NWU), 1/i'; last season. Jack also notch· 4. Charles Morton ed victories in the two mile Yonkers N. Y., 21' • with a 9:40.2 clocking and then 440-Yard Dash - 1. John after a short breather captur- (UNO), 51.5; 2. Comfort (UN ed the 1,000-yard run in 2:22,3 52.4; 3. Marvin Allen ( only 4.1 seconds shy of his own 52.7; 4. Franzese (UNO), 5 school and meet record. 60-Yard High Hurdes Calvin Smith, a junior mid- Ross Ridenour (P), Holdr die-distance star, held the dis- 7.8; 2. Anderson (NWU), tinction of being the only Peru- 3. Ross (NWU), 8.2; 4. Wa vian to set a new meet rec· robe (UNO), 8.4 ord. Calvins. 1:15.6 in the 600Pole Vault ..:... 1. Sand (N yard run broke the school mark 12'6"; 2. Cizek {UNO), 12' of 1:18.2 set by Roger Neu· 3. Neil Waring (P), Fair jahr in 1966 and the meet rec- 11'6"; 4. Cope (NWU), 1 ord of 1:16.3 held by WesleyHigh Jump - 1. Mee an's Wendell Wilson. (NWU), 6'4"; 2. Charles M Ross Ridenour was borrowed ton.(P), 6'2"; 3. Rinne (N from the Bobcat hoop squad 6.0; 4. Buddy McCrea (P), 5-, long enough to tie a school Two - Mile Ruil - 1. Ja record in the 60-yard high hurd- Weyers (P), 9:40 .2; 2. .• les with a 7.8 clocking. His (UNO), 9:43.1; 3. Carey (UN effort equal that of Gene Noell 10:03.5; 4. Van Allen (P), NI, of Plattsmouth in 1965. maha, 10:09 .4. \ The final PSC record was 1000·Yard Run -1. Jack We established in the high jump ers (P), 2:22.3; 2. Haney (UN where Charles "Bobo" Mor- 2:25.1; 3. Carey (UNO), 2:27: ton soared 6'2" to erase George 4. Trook (NWU), 2:34.0. ;' Goepfert's 6'1" effort in 1967 880-Yard Run - 1. McV from the record book. (NWU), 2:00,7; 2.Sweeney(UN' Bobo took second place be- 2:02;1; 3. Wallersteadt (UN, hind Wesleyan's Dan McCauley 2:03.1; 4. Calvin Smith ( who cleared 6'4" in setting a 2:05.3. 60-Yard Low Hurdles Standings: Johnson (UNO), 7.1; 2. Wige National League (NWU), 7.3; 3. Ross Riden 1. Iron Butterflies 6-0 (P), 7.4; 4. Sherwin Willia 5-1 (P), 7,4. 2-3 Mysterians 2-3 Cool Jerks 5-1 Mile Relay - 1. UN-Om 4. Kingsmen 4-2 3:34.3; 2. Peru State, 3:3 ' 5. Nads 3-3 3. Nebraska Wesleyan, 3:4$ 6-7-8. Stingers 2-4 * 2-4 6-7-8. Studs 2-4 6-7-8. Professionals 1-5 9. Shady Oak Bombers
The Iron Butterflies and American League Marksmen set a sizzling pace to remain on top of .intramural 1. Marksmen basketball. The Iron Butterflies celebrated .second semes- 2. PSC Ebony _Conf. All Off Def. ter with three victories while 3-4-5. Pata Thi Hi 3-4-5. SGA WL WL Avg. Avg. the Marksmen coped two. How- 3-4-5. Gree Jackets ever, the Mysterians and Cool ,Peru State 6-1 18-7 84.5 78.0 Jerks a:re riding on the Butter- 6. Dolphins Wayne 5-118-.3 81.4 65,7 tails while the American . 7-8 Spartans .. Kearney 3-4 . 9-10 82.R 81.3 Leagues Marksmen · will have · 7~8. Cherry_ £ickers.. Hastings 2-5 8-17 75.6 81.3 ·to stand the threat of a tough, 9. Floor Runners 10. Lakers Chadron 1-6 12-l2 73.5 76.3 PSC Ebony.
Conference Standings
5-0 4-1 3-2 3-2 3-2 3-3 2-3 2-3 1-5 0-6
SPEED WAS' COIN-OP. Drycleaning and Laundry
Redfern Clothing ·MEN - YOUNG MEN - BOYS
1206 .COLOR ...,•.,,,
J Street
· Auburn, Nebr. 274-3410
The Red drive is c in Auburn, at the 4-l noon until 1 Got any low are sc swers that are in th1 ' blood dono "I don't it hurt?" stinging se1 but that is; , "Will it than 10 ml donation. ''Is that you'll be a about your your temp sure and for your b recipients. "Am I t1 , -Not if y01 of 18 and under 21 signed by guardian. "Nobody why shoul< for blood six millio ed througt might not needing exchange who is a I had hundi using 20
Nellie S bra'ska a terested from Aul and Peru ning in 1 torium. Mrs Y booster o writing of plained ti largest w ply, fossi eton coll· est, assm es, lives· hill tract Day, the vestigatio Land. Gr. braska. Capitol i: tectural known th She sh accepted concept <
Place In addi midterm reported, to the lis W. Johns ment. The car and new elude•••E Red Oak Richard 1 Conn. to en, Le~ ondary: F braska C Bausch, I sas; and' EvangeliE accepted; signment tion at So·
JTne Drive Is On
The Red Cross bloodmobile drive is on! The unit will be in Auburn, Monday, March 17, at the 4-l:I building from 12 noon until 6:00 p.m. Got any questions? Listed below are some qliestions and answers that the Red Cross feels are in the minds of possible blood donors: "I don't like needles, will t hurt?" - There may be a stinging sensation fora moment, but that is all. "Will it take long?" - Less than 10 minutes for the actual donation.
1. Buddy.
~ (P) om'
rt (NWU),, ; Morton
"ls that all?" - Not quite, you'll be asked some questions about your health and will have your temperature, blood pressure and hemoglobin checked for your benefit as well as the recipients. "Am I too old or too young?" -Not if you are between the ages of 18 and 60. However, donors . under 21 must have a permit signed by a parent or legal guardian. "Nobody I know needs blood, why should I give?" _:-Demand 'for blood is increasing, with six million units a year need· ed throughout the country, You . might not know about the baby needing a complete blood exchange or the college boy who is a hemophiliac, who has had hundreds of transfusions, . using 20 or 30 units a day. "Does the patient pay for iiie blood I gave?" - Nothing is charged for Red Cross blood ·. itself, but the patient will be asked to p~ the hospital's share
of collection
and laboratory costs. ''How will giving effect my health?" -The liody makesnew blood coo stantly and replaces the volume you've given within a few hours. THE PEf!.U STATE COLLEGE PEDAGOGIAN, Peru, Nebr.
First to be
Vol. 64
No. 19
March 3, 1969
Presented The spring drama production will consist of three one act plays to be presented March 27th in the new auditorium, The three plays are ''The Apple Bit," "The Sand Box," and "Sorry Wrong Number.". "The Apple Bit," is a comeey written by Norman Dietz, The characters are Adam, played by Steve Lacey, and Eve, played by Dana Henry, The student director is Bill Austin. · "The Sand Box" is from the theatre of the absurd. It was written by Edward Albee. The cast consists of Patricia Bindrum as Grandma, Marie Ballou as the Musician, Sally Weber as Mommy, Bob Beran as Daddy, and Jim Gibbs as the Young Man, Don Dodge is the student director for this play, "Sorry Wrong Number" is a mystery written by Lucille Fletcher. The cast for this play will be announced at a later date. The director of all threeplays will be Mr. Robert Moore. He is looking forward to presenting all three plays, especially since they will be the first to be presented in the new auditorium. ----~ ....
Certification Requirements Vary Analysis of general certification requirements for secondary school teachers shows that requirements vary throughout the different states of our country.
requirements, but several states use the National Teachers Exam or the Graduate Record Exam as part of the basis for determining quality for cerThirty-<me states reAll states re(Jlirea bachelor's tification. quire degrees from coldegree for certification, and leges which have both state twenty-five states issue life or and regional association acpermanent certificates. Arizona . creditation, and nineteen states and California give temp<irary accept graduates from any state certificates which are good for accredited college, five years at which time the Emergency certification is fifth year of stuey must be completed for re-certification. classified by most education Fourteen states issue "blan- evaluators as a serious evil. ket" or general secondary school Only seven . states require a certificates on which the .hold- degree for the emergency cerer is qualified to teach in tificate, fields and subjects according Additional general requireto the requirements of the given ments for secondary school state, Some states, Nebraska certification which should be included, prescribe the number carefully considered by prosof specific field lx>urs requir- pective teachers include: thirty ed to teach in that field iii two states require U,S, citizenthe school accrediting require- ship, twenty~seven states ·rements. Forty-four states issue quire loyalty oaths, forty~e certificates on which certain states re(Jlire college recfields are enoorsed, and eleven ommendations, twenty~iglt states offer · separate cer- states require fees for certifitificates for each special field, cation, twenty-three states reForty states oo not make use quire general health certificaof an examination as part of tion, and fourteen states require
special courses such as their states history. Prospective teachers can prevent many problems by verifying the certification requirements of all states in which they might have a desire to teach,
Resignations Announced Three resignations from Peru State College have been announ ced by President Neal s. Gomon. They are Miss Laurine Andtrson, assistant librarian; David Riegel, instructor of En· glish; and Lyle G, Strom, associate professor of social sciences, Miss Anderson's resignation will oocome effective in August, 1969, the resignations of Mr. Riegel and Mr. Strom at the close of the current semester. None of the three resigning staff has announcedfutureplans,
Yost Enthusiastic Booster of Nebraska Gymnast Clinic, A Must For All
WAS ,OP. ning
Nellie Snyder Yost saluted Nebraska at a gathering of in· terested students and teachers from Auburn, Nebraska City, and Peru College Tuesday evening in the Fine Arts Audi· torium. Mrs Yost, an enthusiastic booster of Nebraska and of the writing of Nebraska history, ex· plained that Nebraska has the largest underground ~ter supply, fossil beds, elephant skeleton collection, man-made forest, assortment of native grasses, livestock yards, and sand· hill tract in America. Arbor Day, the Federal Bureau of In· vestigation, and the. Half-Breed Land ·Grants originated in Nebra~ka. The Nebraska State Capitol is a distinctive archi· tectural wonder which is well known throughout the country. She shattered the generally accepted television and movie concept of tlie cowboys and
Placements Added In addition to the eighteen midterm placements earlier reported, five have been added to the list, according to Herold W, Johnson, director of placement, The candidates home towns and new teaching locations include•••Elementary: Jane Webb, Red Oak, Iowa, to Red Oak; Richard Carbone, Fast Haven, Conn. to Millard; Sheryl Walken, Leigh, to Norfolk; Secondary: Richard Anderson, Nebraska City, To Pierce; Larry Bausch, Dawson, to Ridley, Kansas; and a 1968graduate,George Evangelist ofNiiwark, New York accepted a midl:e),'m teaching assignment in secondary education at Sodusy, New York,
ranchers. Cootrary to the usual portrayal, ·draws and shootings were exceptions; and sheriffs spent more time repairing streets and sidewalks than gunning for outlaws. Much misinformation about cooflicts of cattlemen and farmers portrays cattlemen as villains; whereas, in reality most catlemen helped the farmers survive until their homestead claims were proved up and then bought them out since the Sand· hills could not be adapted to farming. Earlier in the evening Mrs Yost, guest of honor at the En· glish Club Spring Dinner, related ..that this was her first trip to Peru and was· remin· iscent of her grandparents' first trip to Nemaha County in the 1860's. _ They settled in a log house in the side of a hill south of Peru, which was the birth· place of her father. The hostesses of the Dinner and the Fine Arts Presentation were the new officers of the English Club; Lynn Sailors, president; Lynnda Shanahan, vice-president; Sally Weber, secretary; and Kathy Schnit· zer, treasurer. At another meeting with the Nebraska Literature Class, Mrs Yost illustrated the importance to writers of the verificatioo of all facts and of the complete understanding of the subject matter. She recalled sev~ral interesting stores about the life of the cowboy, the habits of cattle and the problems of cattle drives and rail shipments. At the Wednesday Coovocations. Mrs Yost presented her side of the sensatiooal murderlynching case of the homestead· ers, Mitchell and Ket&lun, versus the cattlemen, the Olive
Brothers, which took place in early Custer County history.
The charming and petite Mrs Yost is a ·lifetime resident of the Sandhills ranch country, an authority on Nebraska ~ching, and a dedicated researcher of Nebraska history. Her five published books include: Pinnacle Jake, No Time oo My Hands, The West That Was, The Call of the Range, and Boss Cowman, She is currently interested in writing the biography of Terrence Duren and the life of Buffalo Bill Cody while in North Platte.
Mr. Kaloti Guest Speaker Mr. Sarni Kaloti spoke at the PSEA meeting February 17 on the education system in Jordan, He brought out many interesting points about their system, After six years, a student has finished the first plateau of his education. Then, he has to complete two more three-year plateaus, They also have to take every course that is offered. If, at the end of the year, they have failed a cour.se, they can take it over in the summer, If they fail it again, they have to take the whole year over. If they happen to fail again they are removed from school. Aside from the university and private schools, the schools in Jordan are not coeducational, Mr. Dennis Jackson will speak at the March 17 meeting about "Operation Bridge."
An announcement has been made by the State Department of Education that might be very important to fifty Nebraska Gymnastics Teachers interested in doing a better job. Roy Gray, Health and Physical Education Consultant for the · state Deparbnent of Education said that a Gymnastics Clinic will be scheduled for Saturday March 15th. It will be held in the new women's Physical Education building at the Uni versity of Nebra~ka. Gray commented that the Clinics' single objective is .to ''teach teachers how to teach Gymnastics." He described it as ''primari.ly a participation Clinic although observers are welcome." You must hurry if you want to enroll because ooly the first 50 will be able to register for this special teaching event. Applicatioo blanks are being sent to every school in the state to speed the registration process. Here's a step-by-step rundown of the Gymnastics Clinic program: 8:00-9:00-Registration 9:00-9:30-General Session, Included will be an introduction to Gymnastics; how to prepare a Gymnastics unit; where to receive more informatioo; and the difference between compulsory and optiooal routines. 9:31!-10:00-Warm-ups, basic tumbling, 10:00-10: 11).....Coffee. 11:15-12:15-Uneven bars. 12:15-1:15-Lunch. On a payyour-own-way basis, arrangements ·have been made for a group luncheon at the NU Stud· ent Union. 1:15-2:15-Balance Beam.
2:15-3:00-Vaulting. 3:00-3:30-J udging (grading routines) 3:30-3:45-Film on the 1968 Women's Olympics. 3:45-4:15-0pen period for Trampoline; discussion; repeats of program material; and or self-improvement. Clini clan for the event will be the well-known Linda Beran, member of the Sokol Gymnastic Organization in Omaha for 11 years. The 1964 graduate for South High is currently teaching Gymnastics at Sokol Hall and Omaha's Rockbrooke Community Club. Gray pointed out that persoos attending the clinic should bring their own uniform. Dressing· room facilities will be available,
These two Peru State College coeds felt the effects of the blustery winter we are having. In previous years students have truged through snow and rain, but never has there been a year such as this. This year students have felt the effects of ice. This year there has been more ice than snow.
Page 2
THE PED March 3, 1969
nation and arc humans, in an age of .plastic, who can feel the oppression of others and cry out .in sincere discontent. The movement has now gotten too large and embarrassing to be covered up by the usual handful of e:i..plainations. It is It has arrived and it will not no longer possible to classify be· silenced. ·Ilow ~an the pepple ... the movement as social deviants at Peru state not offer ev.en a or a ·radical leftest group beword .of support when the incause, now it is the youth ·of tell~ .of their; generation this decade. It is the. youth being. clubeed and jatled of this decade that Will no in tileir e«orts to . :east ·Off a longel'\.stand silent in the presmoney-centend tradi~n- enee ·Of political injustices. . vi~ Which CreJited the The movement is not a mi• m~t:rouS-year of' 1968. . norlty when compared to the No one is asking. that you opposition. It is when the opsmoke -do{!e · o:r 'bltm a policeposition is coupled With the milman, merely that fop.the first lions of apathetic TV bloated time in your short life grunt American's that it is able to ou:t an · otiginal · .thought unmodominate~ .We must learn from lested by·the establishment'.s our forefathet"s mistakes, not ever increasing flow ·of prop- learn to practice the principles aganda. Concede the fact that that created them. That force 5000 San Francisco students which created 1968 controls oor are not alf merely t)zyjng to schools. You must open your show their masculinity but ac- eyes, we must survive, we ~ally see. the atrocities <>f lhis Will surviveo
Complaints about the lack things to do echo throttgh thousand oaks on the Peru S College campus. Oftenthese . accompanied with references the better situations found other. colleges. Maybe the just looks greener on other side. Judging from publications of schools la. and small, in and out of s and public and private t might be the case. A.re we lacking in activiti compared to these schools? am· inclined to answer no. P offers many of .the same tivities and opportunities t other colleges do: intramll sports, dramatic produc concerts, variety shows, guest lecturers. Do we as ents patronize these even Does our enthusiasm more events?
Pep Pllts fxlta.usti11g As advertised, the pills a:re not habit forming, but the body . requires · increasingly larger doses in order to be stimulated. Then, the heavy doses may cause mental de-rangem1~nt~ and auditory and visual hallucinations. Finally', an abrupt .withdrawal from the stimulant often reSlllts in a suicidal depression. Most students who use pep forming. pills question if the side efHowever, the unadvertised ef- fects are worth the. extra hours fects of their use negates their of wakefulness. They find usefulness .of providing a,. few that the side effects are more additional hours of wakefuln~. frustrating than if they had studThe pills .increase .the heart ied without the u.se of the pill rate, :raise the blood pressure, and then had been able to sleep. dilate the pupils, cause palpiLong term use of the pep. pills tations, dry mouth, extreme cause irritability and unstable. sweating, headache, diarrhea, ness. Like chronic drug abu.sand paleness. ers, pep pill abusers . show. a Extended use of the pep pills social, intellectual, and emotioncan drive the student beyond hls al breakdown. l:ronically, while physical endurance. His .body · the student uses these pills to is then left C()mpletely expossibly increase his knowledge, haustec:t. but he· is un.9P3ble of the drug itself destroys him. :resting. .. College students, eSPecially at exam time, are frequent_users of the pep pi"lls wfilch are sold across the counters of drug stores and filling .stations under various trade names. These stimulating drugs which c.an be ·bought· without a· prescription .do as their sellers ado ve:rtilie. They combat fatigue, sleepiness~ .and are rtot habit
Airport Unique Super Chief Richard ·Nixon is beginning Lincoln International Airport, to move. And it looks like the setting for this ac1ion pack• he's going to take America ed 440 page book, boastwith him. Finding the Presidenfully calls itself: Aviation tail tasks to his liking, Mr Nixii. Crqssroads of the Wo:rld. on has charged straightforth Mel Bake:rsfeld, the.airport's into the world and all its general manager workedhisway problems. He has plans for an up ·from the bottom, his father eight-day trip to Western Eul'having been an avia;tor. He is ope, has renewed his campaign c0nstantly striving for improve- promises to ·fight crime here ment - aware that operational in the u.s., is working on a areas are dangerous and trafmajor .tax reform, plans tomeet fic control is overtaxed. in a summit conference ·With The drama lasts for seven fue Soviet Union, and is probhours on a snowy,. mid-winter ably thinking a little about the night during whicn the. characwar in Viet Nam. In another ters who are behind the scenes major step,.· the President has in airport operationscome911tto personally .taken control Qf the play their parts. foreign policy of the WhiteHouse Airline maintenance chief,Joe kitchen. A busy man, Richard Nixon. Patroni, rushes from his home to remove a disabled aircraft Head Start from a badly needed runway; Keith Bakersfield,. Mels brother Continues who is a conscience stricken ai:t traffic controller was resThe Office of Ec011omic Opponsib1e for .an air disaster wrtunity granted $27;739 for makes a dramaticdecisiotMbout funding the second year of a his"future. two-year Head Start Supplementary Training Program begun An attractive passenger relain February, J968. · tions agent, Tanya Livingston, Dr. Rex R. Shelley, head of and a sharp customs agent, dis. cover a dangerous situaihe division of education.at Peru, tion involving Captain Vernon is the program director. The Supplementary Training Demerest, check pilot on a flight Program is prlmaril)' concernt.o Rome, save Captain Deed With participants ··from ecomerest from near death. oomically-deprived areas of NeThe book is presented in a braska, primarily the Lincoln, unique aod interesting wayusing Omaha, and Macy·Wmnebago a multi-plot structure. This areas. technique makes the book far more interesting than it The program is. fully fund• w<>uld normally be. .. 'ect 6:Y reaeraI ftinds," " ·
Apathy Reig
It AU Depends The .question, "Should drink· ing age be lowered?" is. controversial today. Good Housekeeping made a poll on theques.:. tion, ."Should there. be a uniform drinking age for young people throughout the u.s.1°· and "Should it be lowered to eighteen?" Mcording to Good Housekeeping of January issue of 1967, 79 per cent out of1000 people answered that there· should ·be a· unif9rm age and 35 percent said the age sbould be lowered, but 44 percent did not agree with lowering the age. Good Housekeeping, i'Urther, describes that a sizeable segment of. people are opposed to alcohol and they refused to set any minimum age. How . about the Peru Students <>Pinions on booze? Most students answered that they liked to drink .. and the average tolerance of. men is 2 tO 3 .packs of beer and that of female is 1 to 2 packs of beer.· · Tfie effects on physical functions of the body, such as in .vision· or in walking depends on one'sco11dition; how tired he is o:r how hungry he is or how ~st he drinks.
On the question, if the drinking age should be lowered• two thirds of the students answered, ''Yes," but .one third said, "No." There were more Yes-answers in freshman elass and more no-answers in·· i;;gnior class. There are pros and cons on this controversial issue of drinking. Yale University Stud,Y on alcoholism, according to Popular Science, shows that "at least two thirds of the known alcoholics began drinking while in high school or even sooner.'' On the other hand, one Peru freshman says, "If we could drink in Nebraska under 21, we would not have to go to Kansas, then we would not have to drive back after drinking, so. it would minimize the. danger of car wrecks." · The Cooperative Commission on the. study of Alcoholism recomend that alcohol should be used in a family setting in order to avoid the excess ·drinking and that the legal drinking age should be lowered. Now, the readers of The Ped, what is your opinion on this issue?
Tima - Life Books recently published Biafra Journal, a personal report by Michael Mok on a · people in agony. Twiee during 1968, Life magazine sent correspandent Mok. to Biafra, · now ·a 60 by 40 mile fragment of jungle jammed withmorethan six million members of the Ibo tribe who are fighting a m:'smatched war of. indepen,. dence against Nigeria. The story begins in 1959 when the Federation of Nigeria, a national entity made up. of disparate and unfriendly tribal groupings, was born. It traces the collapse .of this shaky union and the proclamation .of the Republic of Biaf:ra in _1967; and it proceeds up to December 1968, when the mcmthly death .toll of starving Biafrans reached 750,000, Mok J;'<1rtrays the leaders on both sides; The missionaries, mainly Irish Catholic priests and nuns, who remained bell tnd to minister to the Biaf.,.
rans; the mercenaries and the warrors; the refugees; and sadly and. most vividly, the generation of Biafran children · who ~ve· alread;y died or are doomed by kwashiorkor, a protein starvation which is "the mt1st devastating weapon in . the Nigerian arsenal.'' Even the children who survive will have sustained such massive brain and kidney damage ·that they will never be able to live normal lives. . As the only book currently in existence on this tragic situation, Biafra JournaL is an important and mtlVing .book. It is now on sale throughout .the ceountry for $1.95, at newstands and wherever books and magazines are sold~ '[fl.e Placement Office of Peru State College welcomes any student to come in · for. infol'mation about job opportunities and how best to prepare for them.
Past attendance and a lack interest justifies the disconr ance. of many acitivities held on this camptis. Mo the schools, for instance, an annual sweetheart ball. P used· to hold a similar eve but the time, money, and fort was wasted when only a f students found the energy dress up like ladies and gen m.1n for one evening. other.· c()lleges, sponsored ies were shown in the Fine Auditorium., Thepoor atten left no alternative other. t to s~p showing them. Another e:xair!Ple of an tempt. to bring activities fu campus was the "Cutest -Ugliest Man'' contest dance · held here last spr Midland· was able to sucessfu hold a. similar ;event Seve · of the colleges sponsored · carnivals as a highlight oft activities. I recall Peru thought of such an idea, but usual that is all it was. The campus can only be active as its .students. Sc smaller than Peru. have able to bring well knowng:r such as the Yoong Ameri to their C3Ir!P"1S• If. we more things to do, we must active and entlmsiastic in w we have now. .How about Don't you ·think it is time improve our.selves and m Peru a more enjoyable pla The Home ·Economics partment Will present· "Ti and Fastiion" Tuesday Marc in the Fine Arts Auditorium 7:30• The fashion show Will sent clothes of many dilfe styles dating. back to the nineteen hundreds up until present day. PERU PEDAOOGIAN Monday, Match 3, 1969 Volume 64
Published weekly academic year, except ho lid and between semesters by students of Peru State Coll Peru, Nebraska 68421.
STAFF EDITOR • . . . • . . . Ly~n Sail BUSINESS MANAGER . . • . . Steve PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob B.e ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER ..• Bob V ADVISOR • . . . • . . James K The signed. letters printed this paper do not reflect the o ion of the Pedagogian. but of dividuals. The editor resiir the right to edit them for publi .l:fo.nc./,,
THE PED Mar~h 3, 1969
Page 3
Needs for a Gym What
J?e111e111ber whm II/ PPl/i 111eant h~~ in the hips, ~~ Anti a TRIP involved trtll'el iu a.m, ~~~ . planes am/ships? . .,._,.,. When POT was a 11e.r.rel j1Jr cofJkill/!, .~ . thin'Kr in, . · • 114 And llOOKl!D was what Grancl111fJther's nig 11tif!,ht have been? When FIX was a . verb that meant mend or repair, . . And BE-IN meant simply existinf!, .iomewhere? When NEAT meant ··welt Orf!,tmized, tidy and dean, And GRASS was ti f!,rOtmd-c"ver, normally green? When lights and not people were. SWITCHED ON and OFF, And The PILL mif!,ht have been what yott took for a cottgh? When CAMP meant to q11arter otttdoors in a tent, And POP waf what the weasel went? When GROOVY meant fttrrowed with channels and hollows; ., And BIRDS were winged creatttres, like robins and swallows? · When FUZZ was a substance that's flnffy like lint, · .. ·~And BREAD came from bakeries, not '~ fro111 the mint? When SQUARE meant ti 90-def!,ree , angletlfar111, And COOL u•as a temperature not q11ite warm?
··~ .
· Free Delivery Tuesday and· ·Friday Phone 872-4351
mova.ble tempera paint for play. . ·. . . a new gymnasium?· Another 6. The room should be free question that could be asked from all removable hazards; is - What is the purpose of such as posts, radiators. and a gymnasit,Jm? A gymnasium has pipes, :and aU. of these should one main Pt,Jrposeand1hatshould be covered with mats. be to provide a place· for ath7.•. Accessibility to drinking letic activities .and events .to fountains, either out-side, in the be held, Most Pt,Jblic schools corridor or recessed in the are fortunate enough to have walls • at leastone gymnasium and this 8. An acou.sticallytreatedceil• is where the . physcial educa- ing. , ti.on ·classes are usually held. 9. Spectat()r seating. When the weather is permitting l O. Single doors that swing oot 1he classes can be held oot- ' away from the play area. . . · side oo a play field. The dYmnasium should nQt A well-lighted, . ventilated, only be for the needs ofthes~d-, clean gymnasiUm is of prime ents in school, but also . for necessity to all modern schools. the needs of the community The gymnasium should not be both children. and adults. Beknown as a 0 playroom" but as cause . school buildings belong the · gymnasium - the plac.e to the people, they should be where the children receiye in· opened to serve all .the people structioo not only in play, but day and night including .Saturalso in physcial education. day and the summer months. In determining the size of If the school widens its. se:rthe gymnasium, the immediate vice to the community, it concern must be for: tends to enrich the lives of 1. Adequate teaching space, everyone. Jn turn, the pres-with a minimum area of approx- tige of the school will rise., imately 41 by 66 feet for 66 its influence will grow, and its. children. For larger classes support will be noticed at:td there should be an increase of strengthened by them. 40 square feet for each pupil, 2. Official - size courts for Romeo-and J~liet; Pt,Jpil and adult use with a ceiling height of 22 feet under all Enlightenin.a Film beams, tresses, and hanging ob;o stacles. Romeo and .Juliet is the fall)o!o 3. Good sunlight and ventililiar touching account of Shakeation. The ratio of window speare• s .doomed young. sweetspace .t() fl{j()r space should be hearts. Italy's. direc'tQr, Franco 4:5 with wind~ws. preferably Zeffirelli, ·has cast two gif4\d placed 11Ioog. the two loog sides English teens, Leonard Whiting of th.e room rather than at the and Olivia Hussey, as the fated end; . room temperature main· .... lovers~ They play their. ;>arts· tained at 60 to 65 degrees~ superbly so that each vafiety 4. Clean walls on which there of viewers may experience the are two or more bulletin boards. emotion and the beauty of this 5. A clean, smooth-:-sut1'.aced sad, sweet.tale, floor marked with permanent Zeffirelli has spanned tht>:gen!"' lines for playing ar~s ol' mark• erations in this .sto:ry in suet a ed with colQred chalk or reway that it also reflects the gulf which so often separatestoday•s parents and teens. Just as hearts and minds are now fo~used on different objectives. IN PERU IT'S HILL'S REXALL DRUG ttiey also were then. This film was shot in such an.cient ItalComph~te Line of School Supplies ian villages as GubbiO, Tuscania and Prinza, with the characters Cologne -· Perfume - After Shave costumed in authentic ~ais sance velvets and brocade.s.The Cosmetics ' scenes of the weddirig-tlight include flashes of nudity handled KODAK Br SUPPLIE.S with taste and reserve. ·It is a fast fiim service .film of tragedy with timeless gJalities that may enlighten.the BRINli''US YOUR PRESC.RIPTIONS lives of many viewers. be made in the construction of
ing areas~
SOFT WATER The Centennial Residence ·· Comp~ex will receive soft water. Natkin and Co~. of Lincoln were awarded the contract for $8,628 to purchase and install Water softener units in the complex.
JOHN L.. LEWIS, Vi.ce Pres. & Cashier
Short Orders
6: 30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day
Ann Beatty
Helping Peru State
look just th.:it
much better for over 51 years.
Page 4
TifE PED March 3, 1969
WAYNE STATE RETAINS N.C.C. CROWN Peru Bobcats Fall, 97-66 It was a case of too much of· other Bobcat in double figures fense and defense as far as with 11. The victory gave Wayne a21-3 the Peru state Bobcats were concerned, WedneSday, February season record and 7-1 confer26, as they traveled to Wayne ence mark going into the Disstate and lost· out in a second trict XI playoffs with Doane: upset bid by the score of 97-66. Peru State finished 18-9 overThe 'Bobcats, leading the NCC all and 6-2 in the conference. For the game Peru hit on 25 most of the time since their January 25th upset over the Wild- of 60 field shots for a 41. 7 cats found the Wayne squad percent to Wayne's 39 of. 76 eager to get revenge as the or 51.3 percent. Wildcats ran up 9-1 and 11,;,2 leads before Peru began to Northwest Missouri mollnt an attack. With four minuGets Revenge tes left in the half and behind by 11, the Bobcats sta_rted a surge that pulled then to withThe Bearcats of Northwest in four, 35-31 with 3 minutes Missouri State gained sweet releft. At this point, Wayne's venge on the Bobcats of Peru explosive offense; ·behind Bill Friday, February 21, as they Goodwin, took command and took a 76-66 victory. Perujumpscored the last 10 points of ed off to a 39-35 halftime cushion the period for a 45-31 half- but ran head-on with a cold wave tlme edge. the second half to lose their If the ·first period was bad, eighth contest of the year. mark the second half as worse Maryville started by scoring as the Wildcats continued to pour first five points of the game beit on and sizzle the nets With fore the _pale bl11e and white 54 .5 percent field goal shoot- battled back to knot the score ing and 80 percentfreethrowing, 12-12. From here it was a seeout scoring the Bobcats 52-35. saw affair until Peru took a Two juniors, Bill Goodwin and 19-18 lead midway through the Dean Elofson, provided the period and extended it ·to 39spark for the Wayne attack. 35 at the half. Goodwin set a personal collegi'The second half saw two cold giate scoripg record as well as periods spell defeat for Peru a season team high of 37 points The first came as Pat .Doooand 19 rebounds. Wayne's two van, junior forward, lead the center's senior Paul" Emanuel Bearcats in outscoring the Boband Dave Schileider, coritributed cats 9-2 and taking a 42-41 14 and 13 points respectively. lead. Peru came back and tied For Peru, Sophomore guard the game at 44-44 before the "Boo" Gfover was .the top per- icicles formed again and were former with 20 points blit class- outscored 32-22 the rest of the mate La"rry Green was close be- way to fall to defeat. hind with 18. Freeman Beville, The Bobcats main weakness the freshman flash, was the only- seemed to be what had btlill
BEATTY GARAGE Fast - Dependable Service • Auto Repair • Wrecker Service • Steam Cleaning • Lubrication Gas for Less Peru 87 2-320 I AAA Service
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... THE
... the ups and downs in college basketball. their strongest point. • Jree throw shooting. Peru hit only 14 of 35 freethrows while NWM wasn't much better with 1G of 32. The poor free throw shoot• ing coupled· with being out shot 30-70 to 26-59 from the field spelled a Peru loss. The Bobcats did hold 56-54 edge in rebounds. · · · For Peru four players were
in double. figures. Freeman Beville led with 1~, followed by Pete stewart 13, Boo Glover 11, and Clyde Wilkins 10. Larry Green snared · 10 rebounds for Peru. Pat Donovan, led all scorers as he collected 31 points for the Bearcat cause. Teammate Don Sears added 15 poµits and 10 rebounds in the winning effort.
NCC Conf. All Off WL WL Avg. Wayne Peru Hastings Kearney Chadron
21-3 18-9 3-5 10-17 3-5 9-10 1-7 12-13
7-1 6-2
Inside look At Volleyball
L ••••• •••• ••••••• •••••• ••• I
Volleyball is one of the most popular national sports for women because ~tis a game for any and all girls and women. There are few age or sex limits as the activity is self-limited and everybody can obtain equal enjoyment. There is no better game for developing good sportsmanship and learn how to establish team work. Volleyball is a very welcorned sport around Peru State College, Not only are there boys' intramurals and girls' intramurals, but also, the high school tournaments. This year's high school invitational volleyball tourna~ent is scheduled to be held m the Peru State College Gym March 17th, 18th, and l9th, with the trophies to be presented on the last night (19th Wednesday). Miss Rutz is in charge of the tournament and it is sponsored by the Women's Athletic Association. One of the biggest jobs at this event is the job of the officials. This year the giils who will be courageous enough to officiate· will be Carol Schlosser, Sandy Clements, Deanna Brewer, Betty Hauschild, Barbara Teten, Bonnie Goodman, and Vicki Hall. It is the duty of the referee and other officials to meet the
The NCC At AGlance The Wayne State Wildcats are preparing to meet Doane College in the NAIA District XI playoffs following the 97-66 pasting of Peru State. The win gave the Wildcats a 21-3 overall and 7-1 conference mark besides the all important playoffberih. The playoff, a 2-out-of-3 affair, will decide who will be the Nebraska representative iii the N A I A championships in Kansas City, Missouri, Wayne will be seeking their second consecutive trip. · Wayne set up the title game by downing Cha~on, 76-66, Friday February 21 and gaining a tie fur first in the NCC with the Bobcats woo led with a 6-1 record. In the game Wayne jumped of to a 39-29 half time lead and held on as the Eagles could only gain one point on them in
the last half. Other action in the NCC saw the Hastings Broncos wind up their conference play with ·a 9~76 tromping ofKearneyState. Jn the game Hastings senior center., Gfenn May~_became the ti>p scorer in the history of Nebraskil college bas~etball as he scored 20 points bringing his four year total to 2,003 points. Jn the last game of the season, Hastings shot down the {ast risday, Febniary 25. in the contest. Mays ended his career by scar: ing 39 points and leaving a. 2,042 mark in the record books for future Nebraska players to shoot at. Congratulations go to Glenn for his outstanding play and the recognition he has brought himself and the conference,
coaches and the captains of teams before the game. this time the referee gives t instructions to the umpire, t scorer, and the linesman. also. inspects the playing ar and playing equipment. The umpire assists the ref• eree on any inspection assign ment •. He should specifical check for clearance space his Portion of the court. H should have a whistle or ho to aid him in stopping pla The scorer makes sure that table and a chair are placed the umpire's side of the cou He must be equipped with sco book andscore~heets,pencilan paper, and a oorn or whist! of a different tone than the ot ers, The linesmen reporttotheref, eree for instructions. They a sist him in inspecting the court making sure that their porti of the court is free from o structions and clear of Possibl spectator interference. The also should have a whistle horn. Officials are Im man. They make mistakes, The main o ject of the game of volleyba · or any other SPOrt for everyo is to have fun and try to woole-heartedly clean sports manship!
ELDON'S CAFE After a Game or a Date Go to Eldon's the Place that, rates
-------· .• CQLOR •. n,,.,1c1
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Aubi:irn, Nebr.·· 274-'3410
Eldon Al Igood Phone 872-9965
In at tration: ting thE In th editor swer i ulty "profe: college death o countn campm ing b1 dents a alize t that th 20-yeai tion th membe In a gest a Harper revolut War II change< from ' the sol and pn: "Likt cher 11 new-fou their c
Nev, Five n pledges 1 Beta· Lai business 1969, T Jim Bens ken, Aub cumseh; Brock; ar wanda, t'i Bourlier, Lash, Pei second se The ne1 1969-70 a: Lutt; V
Dr. some of 1 education iety at a for all st a talk er ote Loo~ a specia: sembly a1 plore the arts and in light 0 jects in t
Vol. 64
No. 20
March I 0, 1969
f!T eachers only Teach"
Off Avg.
81.2 84.3 77.2 82 82.7 82 73.6 76
Jtains of game. ~e gives Jrnpire, 1esman, H .Jaying ar
Jn attacking college administrations are campus rebels hitting the wrong targets? In the view of distinguished editor John Fischer, the answer is yes. He blames faculty - a deeply entrenched "professoriat" - rather than college administration for the death of liberal education in this country, And he suggests that campus rebellions are happening because liberal-arts students are just beginning to realize that they've been had that they are the victims of a 20-year-long academic revolution that has benefitted faculty members, but none else. In a November Reader's Digest article (Condensed from Harper's), Fischer traces that revolution from the end of World War II, "when the demand changed virtually overnight from "humble· pedagogues to · the sole purveyors of a scarce and precious commodity." "Like all monopolists;" ·Fischer writes, . "Tbey used this · new-found .Power· to enhance their own wealth, prestige and
·authority. Today $50,000 in- of it by talking to wise, macomes - from salary, govern- ture men; by reading under ment and. foundation grants, out- those men's guidance; and by obside lectures and consulting serving how such men conduct fees - are not uncommon in their own lives." academic circles," On most Their chances of meeting campus today it is the faculty these goals today "are close that decides who shall be hired and fired, what shall be taught to zero,'' Fischer declares. and to whom. The freshman drawn to a uniAbout the only thing teachers versity in hopes of liberal edudon't do is teach, says Fischer. cation quickly finds it is unToday, few well-known schol- available. "Hence," says Fisars teach more than six hours cher, "his accusations of hya week," he writes. "The pocrisy; his disillusionment, routine problems of mass high- and his impulse to throw bricks er education have fallen by de- through classroom windows." fault to graduate students. What addition to being an inlittle teaching the professors structor of various technical do often is dull and ineffective. The typical professor couldn't and educational subjects, he has care less about undergrad- also been the Dean of the School uates." of Applied Science and TechPossession of ID cards will Who gets hurt? Mostly the nolog:v. and the Chainnan of the liberal-arts students - who are Department of Wood Te.ch!Ji~s admit students without charge often the brightest students ·of and Plastics. Dr. Swanson has to the famed dancing of Bhaskar and 'his partner, Shala, who will all. These young people come . to college ·uricertain of career served as President, Vice-Pres- . ·be performing the classical goals; but wanting· to find un- ident; 1!!Jd ·.Program Chilirrnan'" dance.s of India, at the 'Auburn derstanding; '"and they hope to of the American Industrial Arts High School, Tuesday,Marchllth pick Up· at least ..a smattering Assocfation dunng the years be- '.at 8 P.M. · Bhaskar, born in India, is a tween 1960 and 1968; and he has virtuoso of Indian dancing, The published a book on plastics late Prime Minister Nehru dectechnology and a number of mag-- orated Bhaskar for his conazine articles.. tributions to Indian Art, Bhaskar and the dance company which he founded gave a commandperformance for Queen Elizabeth n. appearances in the U,S, on such
From South America to Auburn
Kappa Delta Pi Initiates 11 .
;ts the r tion ass· specifical e space court. H tie or ho pping pla sure that :e placed .f the cou I with sco s,pencil or whist! :ban the ot
shows as Johnny Carson, Jack Benny, and the Today Show in addition to performances at Carnegie Hall and Radio City Music Hall; . . Sh!ila:, a polished and inspiring: · dancer also fiomlndia,received her early training in Bombay. Ur.:!cr the auspices of the Asia Society she has traveled extensively in this country giving lecture-demonstrations and has performed at the Philharmonic Hall in the Lincoln Center. Bhaskar and Shala come to Auburn from a recent successful tour of South America,
Eleven new pledges and members were initi;ited at the regular dinner meeting of Kappa Delta Pi on March 3, 1969, The new initiates were John Bernadt, Wymore; Ken Burch, Granville, New York; Gene Finke, Tecumseh; Ron Iles, Burnside, Iowa; Margaret Lutt, Peru; Kathleen Schiiitzer, Nebraska City; andMarthilSeibert, Brownville. The four sophomore
New Members Initiated Five new members and two pledges were initiated into Phi Beta Lambda, the honorary business fraternity, on March 4, 1969, The new members are Jim Benson, Shickley; Jack Bohlken, Auburn; BOb Curry, Tecumseh; · Charles Grotrian, Brock; and DonWiechec,Nitonawim.da, New York. Virginia .Bourlier, Humboldt; and Phil Lash, Peru, were the pledges for second semester. The newly elected officers for 1969-70 are President, Margaret Lutt; Vice-President, Diane
Copenhaver; Secretary, Donna Spargar; Trea.surer, Don Wiechec; and Historiim, Charles GrOtrian. Reports were given by LeRoy Koehler and Sherry Kramer concerning the establishment .of FBLA (Future Business Teachers of Amel'.ica) in Humboldt and Johnson-Brock by the :Peru Chapter of Phi Beta Lambda, The next regular business meeting will be held April 1, 1969, at 6:00 in the Education Building.
IA Speaker Wednesday \
Dr, Swanson will examine some of the basic prqblems of education in our modern society at a 9:10 a.m. convocation for all students and faculty with a talk entitled "Old Mr. Coy.ote Looks at Education." At a special Industrial Arts As• sembly at 2:30 P,M, he will exre the bases for industrial s and vocational education light of new curriculum proects in these fields with a pre-
sentatioo called ''Industrial Ed· ucation - Continum or Dichotomy." Both programs will be held at the Jindra . Fine Arts Center and will be of special value to anyone interested in education. Dr, Swanson has a B, $. and M.S. in Industrial Education · Stout State University and a Phd. in Education from the University of Minnesota.
pledges included Daisy Berry, Thurman, Iowa; Pamela Lee, Council Bluffs,Iowa;JerriSwantek, Gen.oa; and Carolyn Dorn, Burchard, Substitute officers were elected for the present officers who will be student teacµing the next nine weeks. Those elected were Ron and 'Greta Iles, Co-chairmen, and Barbara Derri~k, Secretary-Treasurer, Five official delegates to the regional conference to be held on the Wesleyan earn11us at Lincoln April 19 were appointed. They are Kenneth Carpes, Carol Greathouse, Barbara Lampe, Kathleen Schnitzer, and Marge Engelman. A joint meeting with the P.S,E,A, will be held April 21 in· the Fine Arts Auditorium at 6:30, The guest speaker will be Mrs Elma Turner, a high school science teacher at Tech in Omaha, At 5:30, Kappa De1ta will hold its business meeting including the election ()f officers.
Sharon Stuheit is shown here modeling a bridesmaid dress.
Student Style Review Held Narrators for the program Peru State College clothing department presented Time 'n were Cana Henry, Peru, MariFashion presenting fashions lyn Moody, Peru, and Linda from the early 1900' s to the Fisher, Falls City. The style show was sponsored by the present day. Introducing the program Mau- Faculty Women's Club under reen Marshall, Peru and Linda the direction of Miss Lucy Oldfield, Gretna gave demon- Hovey. stration explaining the origin and history of fabrics. Members of the clothing department modeled fashion which had been designed and Authorities in Massachusetts constructed in college clas- issued an axiom early this ses. Providing the yesteryear morning stating thal thr PC'd, fashion to be presented in the Peru State's campus newspaper, style show was Mrs. Cassius has been banned in BOston, All issues of the paper enteringthat Kennedy. The style show was city have been confiscated and presented in a skit to show burned, with the ashes scattered the many changes which have over Boston Barbor, No further taken place in dress through details were available at pre~s the years. time.
Page 2
THE PED March 10, 1969
For the second week I've gotten tlie above· sym),>ol printed in the Peru overground paper, so if you haven't the stamina to read the following article at least glare at the symbol for a moment. · I recently mac\e the mista[\e of address.ing a Peru cfass and attempted to open a few minds. It wasn't long afterwards I realized the futility of telling some thirty-odd people that they haye been misinforll)ed · for some twenty-odd years, Any psychiatrist would have dismissed me as a mother dominated attention seeker. · An editorial in last weeks Life magazine is a classic illustra· ·tion of Americanthoµghtsonstu<lent unrest, It contends that the movement is comprised of plU'e delinquents tab!ini ridiculous
demands, making more ridiculous demands if the .initial ones are met. Yet how can they overlook the fact that the clean cut all-American honor students have joined the. thrpngs, and that .the faculty is slowly mak· ing itself pre~ent in the student numbers. Why will people stillassociate a revolutionist with the stereotyped, unkept and uncropt speedfreak. Right in Nebraska the public can witness the lightning action behind a 12,500 dollar congressional salary raise and at the same time watch the death of a bogged-doWn painfully belabored and red taped bill to lower the voting age. College · students, the brain bank of America, . have been tried, fmmd guilty and left to the capable hands of the Nation· al Guard; · · At any rate my friend, if you have bore with me this far perhaps I can talk you into picking up a copy of 'The Chicago Seed' and reading the other side of the story, the side written by our geoeration.
~ ,,.--
Held The annual Choral-Clinic Fes· ti val was held at Peru State College March 8. Although this was the eighteenth year for the event it was the first year it was sponsored by the Music Educators National Conference. according to Ken Carnes presi· dent of the organization.Another first for the clinic was that this year it was .a select chorus limited to 250 students.
n expei out i Le~i1
Mr Elmer Copley, director of vocal music at Bethany Col· Iege in Lindsborg, Kansas, was the guest conductor. Mr Copley is !mown for his directi'on of the Messiah Festi v.al at Bethany and also for dirl)cting the Nebraska All-State Chorus. A public con cert concluded the event. Selections by the Peru State College choir were presented during intermission.
Dave Brigham 11
Pel'I). state switched to a nine--
Choral Clinic
· grades a student's-wqrk, ·he ls .
.• ·
.:=ri~ra;~:y~:s~~ ~h~t. _·ten· :o~~~!~~~~~=bu:r ~le~~~ ~· ·. .r"eal ._ m'·_.·e.r1·c-a.n · _,_ ·1 't · qu·'es.·tion his· gr""''~g . . -0f t!Je.
H -·. · .
,' _•e·- ..,-·o·. .e. ·~·-·.·
Campus to Campus The "Rum.!)Ies1' played at a· dance at Dana ColTege on Febo
ruary 1. . A Winterfest cami• · val was also. held January 31 year, pmuan y _1 . is suspef! • cun1 ... • .through. February 1 featuring -ed, to gl'ilde on the same bas- sllldent•. lt is questionro men; -Fuzzy.. and velyet, he stands oot w#ectly •.· .His: ,guit,ar: a. a snow seulpture.contest; .· •. · · . .is· as 1he Uqiver~ ':-Or Ne- :~~~~~~if~! :a little skinny_ :-,..strapped to . pai:'f;nlll'.,'- illllldlix ·ni~kes Jo:ve, i: The Midland C9llege -s~m,g.; ·bra*·~;;n~~ ':..~ ·.·~·· M:..-""",.:"t 'SYst.em that involves. .a::;#_ght ,~. hiui(led Fender{l'el&: J1&qg~Y~.posit10!1Ptl~afjl~; : .'choir 'tour Will he1tf11 ?vJa.t~ =~~~WJiii~is~=fu;.· · -i:~:"1be graqe·s. :i~aster_:8,Uf.tar, played Jeft.it,and~ ~;: 'mi~d'. Jii~s~ back; up~e :~o~, << 28. . The .'di;ama ~Partm~9't . lf:callt\d :fiteJour-POint:System.. ,.<,·:~ · -- . . ,, -. - .. -• . • anCJ; -lllmed on. very 1~: :m:Side OU,~· 1le .<:ra~s-~t·Jl~: presei:ited tile classtcyl: Greek ··· , :: - · _ .Thecntn'~t system cou1d .,'T~e toes of'his White.'~e;; n,v~en;:Ms>legs, rpses it;ab9ve trag~•"Antigon,-et~ Ma:r~5;. ·- The .foui'-poirit system is ,ug. -:be -~e.ino.st factilal in :raiik- · boots peek from be!teaffi,pull>le. hjs heM., jhto.'!s i~to'.lhe~~r.. ~· af!d z._ A completion d.ead· ed by most -of the major col· .-ing·the _student,' but iJ cat-ers . satin bellbottoms and the !III· .. _He P<_1unces ()11 lt: ~traddijng~.~ 'line or. May 1 .has been set·· leges and uirlver8',ties th~ . to the Objective type test.an4, ·_. b~ttoned . front of his :~~$toff he_ tjps .off~~ strjngs1 _Qlle by fotthe.new gym.-_ . out the United States .. Peru;· certainly not to a potter's vase m1litarj'. Jacket reveals !J!.s nak· . ooe •.. -~ gm~r screa!11s· He. . A concert was .Presented by . however, has remained hooked . or an .essay exam. ed chest. There is .a nng for dou1les itm ligllterfluid, :sets The Young Amencans, Febru oo the ninei)Oint system. -· every finger of each hand anci ~t ~n fire, and. tl}rows it bum- - ary 12 at Ke~mey State Col~- · Peru State, a'.small campus of a large medallion dangles from mg mto the audience. lege. Also making an-appearance All grading systems ha¥(! · a· ·small .town, .uses the nine- his neck. As thougl\ electro: Jimi Hendrix walks off the · ·was The fifth· Dimension; . on· faults because of the human point grading system. This cuted, his hair explodes from stage. February. 26. · elements involved --theinstruc- system demands more objec- his head in a mass of frizzy The crowd goes 'wild. ROTC' .· (.f{eserved Officer tor and his student. The nine- tivity, that Which can· be main· curls. Training Corps) is no tonger · point system int.ensifies these tained at aJiu-ger college where Jiini. a required course for men at · faults as it has nearly twice the instructor-sfudent relation· He plays a few notes on his '.I Creighton University. A Stu· the grades with twice the cut· ship is not so closely entwined, guitar - bending, twisting and m the book 'The Last Days dent Leadership Conference was off points of the foUJ:'ilQint sys· and where the administration confusing them so theysoundqot of the Late, Great State of Cali· held on February 22. Thetheme tern.. This results in nearly building is further away. On like notes at all. He Iaughes, fornia, '.' Curt Gentry describes was "The Need For and Limits twice as many students whose this small campus, the instruc- then kicks into song. Bold and California as it was in 1969• of Student Power in Contemporgrades are on the ·borderline tor is undoubtedly too highly brash. The music is outer Yes, as it WAS in 1969!! Gentry ary Society." Some of the speak· of the next highest grade. caught up in his .good-bad re- space, rock and roll, mythm · is writing in 19'71 after the San ers included Supreme CourtJus· Iationship with the student he and blues, soul -programmed Andreas Fault opened Md the tice .William O. Douglas, Wyom· Each time an instructor is grading. and mixed in his computerized entire state disappeared, ing Senator Gale McGee, electric head. · seers such as Edgar Cayce, political activist Jeremy LarJimi Hendrix. Jeane.Dixon, and Maurice.Wood- mer, and Wisconsin DemocratThe showman takes over. Af· ruff have all predicted that a ic Chairman Pat Lucey. The Red Cross bloodmobile drive will be in Auburn, ter aiming a shot of squeal· great earthqtiake Will hit Cali· The Off-Broadway musical, Monday, March 17, at the 4-H. building from 12 noon lng strings at the audience, he forn!a ir) April 1969. ••Tue Fantasti<:ks,'' was pre. feeds his iuitar to the wall of The Florida seer, Clement de s.ented January _31 and Februuntil 6:00 p.m. amplifiers behind .him. Digest· Guyon JJelieves that California . ary 3 ,at Centi!il Missouri state -ed, the sound is thrown b.ack., Will have twq ~!lkes. ~ween _ Coll~ge. No mess. Jimi is a fantastic April 2 and April 24, "The · ------guitarist ...; everything coine_s first shoc.k will be sevel'.e, the The 'Roman second disastrous," he said. · Caligula - made - Carnes Recital Sunday' California is overdue for an consul. earthquake because· it hasn'thad The Senior recit;al by Ken- a -major one since 1906. when .PERU PEDAGOGIAN neth Carnes was given Sunday San Fra,nciS!!O was hit. There night March 2, 1969 at 7:30 is, however, pleµty of a~iyj,ty Monday, March 10, 1969 in the Benford Recital Hall. along most of the San.· Andreas fault. Volume 64, Ken is a tenor and his program consisted of GermanLiederwith Wir Wandelten by J. Brahms One Winter Published weekly and Standchen by F. Schubert academic year, except holidays for ' hi~ selections. In the sec- The snow has skin ond division of ItalianArtSorigs, and between semesters by the selections chosen were Se Flor- On it's massive mounds students of Peru State College, inda e fedele by A•. Searlattj.. ·the II)O\>D mirrors itself Peru, Nebraska 68421·and Amarilli by G. Caccirti.~ Whe_re'er Yoµ Wa~, from S&- . gla~~ gulljes STAFF mele by G,F. Handel _and Vesti EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors la Giuba from Pagliacci by R. chromed fields Leoncavallo were chosen for BUSINESS MANAGER . , .... , . while trees Opera. In .the rmal division of 'chinkle Steve Mason American selections were In Foolish spinning wheels whine PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Beran the .Silence of Night by S. _Iiach\ in ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . manino(f, Sheep May Safely the Bob Vana Graze, Birthday Cal)tata by J.S. dist;mce ADVISOR . . . . . . . Jam es Keck Bach, Voices by R. Hageman, Dirge, from "The Wh,ite Devil" Straining The signed letters printed in by V. . Thoms<J!l, There is a to'!Yard other p~ces this paper do not reflect th~ opin- . Lacy Sweet and Kind b;y N. Delion of the P edagogian but of in: io Joio and Air from Milton's My feet. dividuals, The editor reserves "Comus" by Dr. Ame. chi~k the path ''The Red Cross always tries to add a little glamour for the .the right to .edit _t~1''!' for publicaKen's accompanist was Mrs .:\lfild!:ed Appleoff, blood· donors," Mary Je.an Hitch· tion.
ech cla familia techni( actual' WO S1 ch ch form f, topic ' eral antee h Inco
e som progi an nu. nge is Id be. me of e place veral of Mr Le\ e debate the doo e Arts J '~s invite
Calif Crushed
rou'JI .n ,you chose matchless styling wil of
moment. day.
Rin.i::s rnl
Page 3
THE PED March 10, 1969
n Experiment nic Fes• ru state >Ugh this r for the year it ~ Music ference. !S presi· Another that this chorus Ii rector any Col· >as, was r Copley m of the hanyand ebraska
ludedthe ie Peru ire preLon.
:t• i
Debate n experiment is being carout in each of Mr James Levitt's Fundamentals of ech classes. It is an attempt familiarize the students in technique of debate by ha v· actual debates. wo students from each ch class have volunteered form four teams to debate topic "Resolved: That the era! Government Should rantee a Minimum Annual h Income to All ·Citizens." e teams are: Dave Compand Larry Schram; Carol se and Joan Bachenberg; · s Axdahl and Bob Belch· ; and Chailotte Overguard and kie Hall. he topic centers around the sons why the presentgovern· nt should or should not rece some of the present pov· programs with a guaran· annual income, and if a e is profitable, what it uld be. me of the debates are to place within the next week, veral of which will be judged Mr :Levitt's spe~ch classes. e debate .schedule .is wsted the door ·or 'room 104 in the , e ArtsBuil~, .and th(l pub-, '~s invited tO attend~ .
Coaches Diane Forke and Linda Kilgore advise freshman de- bate team. Members of the team left to right- Larry Schwan, Vicki Hall, and Dave Compton.
Coaches Nancy Hunzeker and Kathy Schnitzer coaching debate team Bob Bekher and Janice Axdahl. I
' spcrlnj.i
1. ?!Jai;,~ · ~arlrii.~11J· '
on·d.ead• · >een .•set
>earance sion~.
mcewas ietheme l Limits 1tempor1espeak· >urtJus· , Wyom· McGee, ny Lar•mocrat· nusical, as preFebru·
1ri state
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nn Sailors
McADAMS STANDARD Wheel Alignment • Balancing
>ut of in:
: publica-
Page 4
THE PED March JO, 1969
0. Meeker Still Tops Heine's Bid Falls Short
V-B Invite Promises
Peru Stale Takes
2nd In ·KSC lnvit
New Champ
!lost Kearney State took up where they left off last year The 23rd annual Peru State College High School Girls Vol- · by scoring 169 points to out dis~ leyball Tournament, March 17- tance the field in their own inyitational track and field meet, 18-19 will find a new champion being crowned. : S.atur9ay, March 1. - : Peru Sate captured three first Last years tournament vicand two seconds to amass 70 tor, Western High, has since folded eliminating them from poi_nts, good for a second place contention. The pairing for the fimsh. Other places went to Yankton, 3rd with 64. Hastings l 7-team event will be announced .oday - March 10, Brock, the . 46; Black Hills State, 40; Wayne ith place finisher in 68', has 36; Concordia, 5; MidlaQd, 4; •nerged with Johnson to become and Dana, O• For the Bobcats performers, Jolmson-Brock High, Murdock, the 1968 runner-Up and 1966 and one new school record and one 1967 tournament champ will be meet mark were set in the all in attendance again to try and day affair. Junior Mike Mu!· regain the top spot, Other top vaney became the first Pervian schools and their 68' finish are: to throw the shot better than Elmwood, 3rd; Dawson-Verdon, 50' indoors with a winning heave of 50'41/i', breaking _the old 4th; and Syracuse, 6th. The Peru State Vollyball clas- mark of 49'51/i' set by Bruce sic has been a regular event Vickrey in 1968. The new meet record was set since 1946 except during the remodeling of the gym in 1949 by Jack Weyers who took the and remains as one of the old- 2-mile run in 9:39 .4 breaking est tourney's in Nebraska, Two ex-Peru thinclad Tim Hendschools, Brock and Talmage are rick's mark of 9:46 .1. Weyers the only entrants with a perfect also bettered Hendrick's mileattendance at the event. Johnson run meet record of 4:22.2 with has missed just on'ce as has a 4:21. 7 but was upset by KearVerdon, · ney's Rich Molczy):i, who set Other schools planning to par- a new meet record with a ticipate in 1969 are: Douglas, 4:20.5 clocking. Elk Creek, Filley, Lewiston, Malcolm, Odell, Pr;i.gue, Southeast Consolidated of Stella, Tri- 1 County of De'\Yitt, Waterloo, Wilber, and Wilsonville.
Wayne eyes the ball as Glover drives toward hoop. Senior for.ward Wayne Heine· '·,. The other Peru best that barely ended his four-year Peru State escaped Heine was the career hoop career with his name high rebounding marl\ belo~ing to in the record books, as two in- Mike Harmon. Wayne grabbed dividual standards remain only 259 rebounds, second high on an eyelash a way. the squad for a 4-year total For the 1968-()9. season Heine of 950 carom snatches. Hartallied 324 _points, third best mons total was over a 3-year on the squad, for a career total period. of 1375. In doing so Wayne placed Among other best Wayne has him self second in that categ0ry accomplished in his carrer was with only the great ex-Peru star the brea~ing of Me~ker's two Omer Meeker being able to accareer free-thro)ving marks by cumulate more points in his cage hitting 371of578attempts,comcareer. Omer Meeker fit the pared to Omer's 362 of 545, title of B.M.O.C. (big man on Other Perl) stai;s_ that gained campus) to a T, but anyone recognition in 1968-6_9 were: associated with sports knew that Pete Stewart, soph center from his reputation as big man on Des .Moines, Iowa, who led Peru court was more fitting. Meeker, in scoring and rebounding, Pete, playing under Newt Kyle, was on who missed the last game of the no less than three conference season after being dismissed championship teams and during from the team in a displinary fue 1947-51 seasons, teams he move, hit for 487 points on played on compiled an 87-21 ov53 per cent field shooting and erall record. Omer, who was grab):>ed 302 rebounds in 26 named as a little all-America games. His 302 rebounds place his senior year has left an allhim as 01;1ly the sec0nd player time career scoring record of in PSC history to get more than .1622 points in the books for fu300 in a season. The other . (ure Peruvians to shoot at. player,. Mike Harmon, set the · Peru record of 373 his senior sesson after grabbing 315 as a junior. In only two ~~sons Pete has moved into fifth pla~e in career rebounding with 54 7, @lyde Wilkins took second place scoring honors with 356 points and' was the only Bobcat_ to play in all 27 games, Three second semester newcomers who helped 'Peru to an 18~9 season en~ed high on the chart. Soph Bob Glover led the squad in per game average with 264 _points in 13 games for a 20,3 average, His 75.8 freethrow shooting was tops also, Freshman Freeman Beville_ added 176 points in 12 games and soph center Larry Green grabbed 105 rebounds i.n 13 games for 4th piace. · As a team, Peru broke two season records by tossing in 891 fie)d goals and grabbing 151F rebounds. The old field goal record was 870 setby the 1961-62. team, while the 196364 squad held the old _marl\ of. Omer, doing what comes nat- 1508 rebounds, urall y.
PIONEER Today thru Thurs.
CAFE Dinners -
Short Orders
6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day
Ann Beatty
I.• • - • • • •• ••• • • •••••• •·• •• - -
Wayne State District II Champ N,C,C, champion Wayne state raced past Doane College in the District XI playoffs to taketheir second consecutive District II N.A.I.A. basketooll title and advance to the national tournament at Kansas City, Missouri, March 10-15, Wayne took a 1-0 'lead in the playoffs with an 88-71 victory Monday, March 3 and then put on the finishing touches the following night by sq4eaking out a narrow 77-71 win at Wayne, The first game was at home for Doane. The contest was played at Nebraska Wesleyan University at Lincoln because Doane's home court doesn't meet NAIA specifications. Wayne State was sparked by juniors Bill Goodwin, 6' 2 guard and junior Dean Elofson, 6' 5 forward in the opening night go-round. The Wildcats edged ahead'. 12-11, on a ju_mper by Goodwm with 11:10 remaining !11 the first half and gradually mcreas.ed that margin to the 41-33 .halftime bulge, After intermission the Wildcats continued to pour it on and stretch their lead to 58-44 with 11:50 left in the game. The biggest margin came as Wayne rolled behind Elofson and Goodwin to a 79-1?4 lead before a Tiger zone press cut the gap to the final margin. Goodwin led with 22 Points and Elofson added 20, Les Grant was high for Doane with 16~ The difference in the game came at the foul stripe where Wayne registered a 39-35 per-
formance to 13 of 16 for Doane,· Both squads scored 29 field goals. Wayne made it two in a row and 3 out of 4 on the year over Doane' with their second round 77-71 conquest. Tuesday nights clash was a see-sa\V affair all the way with the scpre being tied 9 times and the lead changing hands 15 times. Doane took a 36-33 halftime lead as.Mike Lee came off the bench and scored 9 of Doane's last. 14 points within the last seven minutes, After intermission. Wayne roared to a 67-56 lead before the Tigers again caught fire and tied it ·at 71-all with 1:30 to go, _It remained tied until Dave Sch-
Congratulations to conferen champ Wayne State, which· n has a 23-3 record to take to Kansas City Classic. Good in your bid for national ai;:cl and continued prestige to conferen~e. ·
Stew.rt, Pste Wilkillll, Clyde Heine, W1yJ10 Glover, Cl8.r ~ Jobnaon, Mike Bevilll,.. F.
Patton, 'J'.~m Morton, 'Chas 0 Gresn, r.rry Portl'Oy, r..on Ridenoul', Roee Brolm, Earl
26 188 13 22 12
l~ 70 78
Bierbaum, Dave 12 Pokorny_ , Al 10
Johnson, co Patera, Jbt Johnson, Earl
349 ,450 259 ,479 201 ,478 158 ·lf§3 202 ,3 6
40 76 72
355 . s3o 111
76 ,385 49 ,327 37 ,324 30 ,367 24 ,33~ 19 ,36 8 ,500 6 ,500 1 .coo
16 12 11 8 7 4
34 20
10 32 27
3 l 0
·i76 ' 00
.~ 20
22 ,4~ ,7 ,700 11 ,6,36 2 .500 5 ,400 4 ,~o 2 •J 00 0 ,000
4:3. 70 354 l 10,,0 65 324 5,,8 ~ 264 ).6 2 l7i 6,2 18 17 1.9 52 109 5.5 38 102 8.1 26 92 l.3 33 59 3,3 20 38 5.2 3 29 2,8 l2 17 1,3 9 16 l,0 4 11 l,8 2 7 2.0 l 0
Team J1ft£ and toW. MOit o a: Fe,,.•t Potnta: Moat Field Goala1 Feltllot Field Goalu
~:!.ir;!.. Tbrova T•-L. n 9 =••
Moot FT Att0lll!>t8' Foll8et FT Attompt11 Moot Rebounda: Faweot Rebound•:
neider's jumper with 44secon left broke the deadlock Wayne went on to score the four points of the game. It was well oolanced sco for both squads as five cats were in double digits 1 by Dean Elpfson's 19 and 4 gers doubled \IP, lead by Ch Rosen stock's 19. Leslie Gr Doane's all-time career sc ing leader ad_ded 15 to bring total to 1,.780,
~ ~:: T:;;;~;,'2 ~J:~he(4:9if•se · <108-92) tj Y&, Briar Clitf College (96-95) 24 ye, Tenneaoee State (71•57) 100 Te., llidland Coll<ge (90-60) 57 .,., TenneHte State (71•57) 30 n '· Gracelm! Colleg11 (94•8S) 8 Ye, Midland Colltge (90-60) 46 va, Concordh TeacMh College (108-92) 13 YI, Haotl.ngt Collegej(95·85) 81 ••, Midland College l 9o-60) , 30 n. Do8lio College· (B'e:.84) · 1 3 108
~:!.i•r.~~;.io;;~~j_., &::: g:~~:'s~~;e,.;J!t,~j7 l
J Street
Auburn, Nebr.
It is 1 the Pr one of college is fille course: and set The jects a someti1 student the cl.a time bi Is the1 cedure er ass in his e:r'? De in this s1udent Some not re mation applied stead t time which t. have n< of teac prepar1 tions t them. Other ject m ful, but to adec weeks. sib]y a ideas : a shor
F..,.1t FG Att01'Ptll
Buddy McCrea leaped 21' in the long jump to take the o Peru first; SUMMARY: Shot put: 1. Mike Mu! van Independence, Iowa, 50'41/z'' Earl Johnson, Omaha, 47'31 75 Yard Dash: 1. Watson 7.8; 2. Elmer Reeves, Om 7.9. (Reeves' time ·was 7. both preliminary races). Mile Run: 1. Molcyzk 4:20.5; 2. Jack Weyers· St ling, 4:21.7; 6. Jay Hag~rm Humboldt, 4:40.8. · High Jump: 1. Wagner ( 6'4"; 4. Charles "Bobo" M ton, White P)ains, N.Y., 6' Pole Vault: 1. Welcb'(K) 6. Neil Waring; Fairbu 11'6". ' Long Jump: 1. Buddy McCr Omaha, 21'11"; 5. Mort 21'41/i". 75 Yard High Hurdles: Dv ak (H), 9.5; 6. Ross Rideno Holdrege, 10.5. Two-Mile Run: 1. Jack w ers, 9:39.4; 4. Van AUen, maha, 10:10.5. Two-Mile Relay: 1. Kearn 8:12.7; 6. Peru, 8:42.6. · 880 Yard· Relay: 1. Yankt 1:35.9; 3. Peru, 1:37.5.
"The Ped" · "-------------------------
!!(>at FG Atte"'1>te1
Tonig counsel dge" ii! speake1 cation, "Ope profit ' the dil recton "Ope ed to West ( their p to thei other a enlight1 businei prove t ful cit moral people. As o youths the co Jackso1 seems standin cation ents, tempts becaus permio This stud enI to wor ation : Fine i tonight
Curriculum Workshop Featured Specialists A Curriculum Workshop was held on Wednesday, March 5, featuring fifteen curriculum resource specialists. Current information about curriculum developments in subject matter fields was presented to over 110 students who . are in their professional semester. The probable course of education in the futµre was view· ed through panel discussions and round-table discussl.Ons. Dr. Rex R. Shelley; head of the Department of Education, and Mr,' Royal Henline, chief of curriculum services for the Nebraska State Department of Education, directed the work· shop. The fields included in the round-table discussions were elementary education, industrial arts. business edu·
cation, history and social Sne\i,· business education, Bea· science, English, science and trice; Mrs Marie Kramer, social science, Everett Junior High mathematics,· and health and Lincoln; Mrs Shirley Doan, Eng· physical educ?-tion. lish, East High Lincoln; Jerry The curriculum specialists Beckman, mathematics, East" represented w e r Loren High; Mrs Jeanne Grace, physi· Brakenhoff and Tom Nenneman, cal education, Lincoln, elementary education; Walter Peru faculty members attend· Erdkamp, industdal arts; Larry ing were Dr.EdwardMeyersand Bonner, business education; Miss Alam Ashley-elementary Sheldon Brown, history and soceducation; Dr. Vernon Siegner ial science; Robert Fisher, and Donnell Cattle-industrial science and mathematics; Roy arts; Miss Frieda Rowoldt and Gray health and physical educaJerry Cox-business education: tion. The master teachers who pro- Mr. Lyle Strom and Evan Van vided their view as an edu- Zant-history and social science; cator in each field included Mrs . Mr Lori;m McKemm-English; Faye Glass, elementary coor- Mr Albert Brady and Lyle Mcdinator, Crete; Jack Dobbs, ele- Kercher-f>cience and mathema· mentary school principal, Lin· tics; ·Dr. Jame.s Pilkington and coin; John Lonowski, industrial Tom Fitzgerald- health and arts, North High, Omaha: Jean physical education.
'fducatiOn Dept Concerned . . It lS thege~eralconsensust~t the Profess1~al . Semester !s one of the busiest m ~ students ~oll?ge car?er, . This qua~er 1s filled wit~ time. cons~mmg
·s lp
65 ~tt 28 174 18 176
44 264
52 109
38 102
33 20 3
59 38
12 9
2 l
29 17 16 11 7
is being somewhat alleviated by offering courses earlier in the college career, Educational Psychology, for example, is being removed from the Profe&sional Semester blockandtrans:~r:~~ls:f:J~:~i~~~'. fe~red to a junior year reThe value of all these . pro- quirement. . . . . jects and courses of study is Another l.iab1hty confrontmg IBE PERU STATE COLLEGE PEDAGOGIAN, Peru, Nebr. Vol. 64 sometimes questioned. Will the the P~ofess1onal Semeste~ stustudents be able to apply them in , dent is the dernapd out~1de of the classroom? Is too much clas~ hours._ Ther~ is one time being spent on busy-work? .-contm~al cham of semmars, obIs there some method or pro- seryati_ons, and papers to engulf Project Interchange cedure which would. be of great- their ti~e. Tea<;Iters sei:m to Needs Teachers er assistance tO the student f~rget it ta~es .t1IDe for mterThis year the Project Interin his future role as a teach- views, applications,_ etc, Ther.e Student Teaching assignments change will offer teachers more el'? Do the reqliired courses are practical learnmg ?xpen- opportnnities for work at Job for the spring semester 1968-69 in this semester prepare the ences and should be cons1~ered. Corps centers. It is designed to have been made. s1lldent to teach adequately? Whether or not there is too pi>rvide Students teaching in Auburn public school systems Some students claim they are much. busy wo_rk ~d n?t e?ough with Job Corps technique~, are Harlan F. Biere, Lorin J. not receiving enough infor- practical apphcations is d1sputmethods, and niatefials, and Bohling, Billie D, Brown, Anita mation that can be practically ~ble, based ?~ persorut!- exper- this .is a joint effort Norman, Wayne Richard White, applied in the classroom, In- ience. and opm1on, Credit. should . of t11e'project· NEA arid> tne· 0ffice of Mary Everhart, andPhilipHerbstead they are mereli fulfilling be given to the ~ducahon De- Economic' Opportnnicy. ster; secondary. Elementary time _ consuming assignments partment. for their . cin~s:tant According to Carl E. Mµtlch, students in this area are John which have little purpose. They observat1~ and consideration of Interchange coordinator, teach- Creamer, Peru; Carol Mulhave not been taught the "how'' th: ~~dents needs. Throughthe er nomination by the superin- vaney, and Diane Racine, Sheriof teaching, and they won't be criticisms of the. former st?for a one-year teaching dan, prepared to face the situa- dents, they can i~prove th~1r tendent Beatrice student teachers are assignment at a Jo):> Corps tions that will be waiting for program. One day is set aside secondary. They are John them for these students,aftercomple- center is the best way to trans· all fer Job Corps expertise into Bernadt, Roger Grable, Karen Others, however, feel the sub- ting their ~tude~t. teaching, to our public schools. Achtemeier, Kenneth Carnes, ject matter is or will be use- expr.ess their opm10ns and sugAfter working with these dis- and La Velie Hitzemann. ful, but there is not enough time gest10ns. ~s a result, the De- advantaged youth and their probBellevue student teachers are to adequately pursue it in nine pa~ment is not stagnant, but lems, these teachers will re- elementary; Roy Bleich, Renee weeks, The students can't pos- quite the contrary,ever-readyto turn to their own schools. Everhart, Mary Jolene Meyer, sibly absorb all the necessary push forward. . "Seventeen new teachers have Robert Morris, Carolyn Payton, ideas and inforniation in such If you feel you are bu~ abus- been placed in our one-year Carrie Thurber, Thomas Vraa short time. This problem ed and over-burdened. with un- program since November," Dr. bel, and Jayne Wymore. Secondtt • · necessary work, voice your ary students are Larry Aylor, IO complaints. ~t the sa!11e time Minich reported," and we ex- Judy Lee Boatnian, Gerald Eick-· make suggestions for improve- pect to assign 33 more by hoff, .George Woods, Rodney June 30." m·~nt. It is through students Teachers must be both nom· Kettelhut, Michael Tynon, Will0 nl who have experienced the time inated and recommended by iam Austin, and James Waltke, and work of the Professional Tonight Dennis W. Jackson, Semester that concrete changes thefr school superintendents to Teaching in the elementary procounselor of "Operat_ion Bri- can be made, Don't sit about be selected for assignqient with gram in Physical Education are Elizabeth dge" in Omaha, will betheguest and gripe, help your fellow stu- Interchange. They must also Linda Bedette, speaker at the Peru State Edu- dents, teachers, and the college be placed on leave of absence O'Connor, and Patricia Thompcation Association meeting. by seriously submitting your for their periods of Job Corps son. Fairbury and Falls City · "Operation Bridge" is a non- ideas for a better way, Your service. teachers are all Teachers remain employees student profit corporation that is under idea may be a new technique or the direction of a board of di- method needed to improve teach- of their local school systems secondary. Teaching in Fairand draw full salary while at bury will be Dwayne Brettmann, rectors. er training, Job Corps centers. The teach- Diana Collingham, Corolyn "Operation Bridge" is designers' salaries are reimbursed in Christopher Hamer, John Mcined to assist the youth in the Blaze Destroys Ha 11 a complete lump-su!ll payment tire, and David Zumbahlen. PreWest Omaha area to discover A fire at Merrill Hall on by the NEA. Interchange also paring to teach in· Falls City their problems and relate them the Doane College Campus in absorbs travel and relocation are Ted Allison, Mildred Appleto their parents, teaches, or off,· Richard Gibson, Leon Portcosts. other authorities in need of such Crete caused estimated $250,~ rey, and Wayne W. Jr. Willenlightment. The nature of its 000 damages. Election Scheduled coxon. This 90 year old landmark business is to develop and imSecondary students teaching in The Auburn-Peru School Disprove the character oftheyouth- was the building housed by the ful citizens and stimulate the departments of business ad- trict 29 has scheduled a special Farragut, Glenwood, and Hammoral characteristics of these ministration, economics, lang· election on April 1 for the ap- burg, Iowa are Michael G, Hunt, uage and history. An education· proval of $600,000 in bonds to Farragut; Robert Di Cesare, and people. As of January 1, 1969, 142 al media center and college ser- complete the current buildings Henry VanArsdale, Glenwood; youths and 57 parents have used vice bureau also operated out program wmcn nas oeen hamp- and from Hamlxlrg;SteveAnderered because of inflated costs. son, Doris Mcconnaughy, and the counseling service of Mr of the structure. The fire was discovered· at The additional funds are squght Wayne Miller, Jackson. The greatest need Humboldt ha,s two secondary seems to be the lack of under- 3 a.m. and most of the 42- in order to construct a new sen· standing, lack of communi- man ·volunteer fire depart- ior high school at Auburn which teachers, They are Bruce cation between teacher or par- ment at Crete 1llrned out to was bid at $1,671,678. by Beall Haugpton, and Richard Ogle, ents, drug usage, suicide at- fight the blaze. The heat was Construction of · Lincoln last Lewis Central also has only two Peru Student teachers. In · tempts, drinking, and rebellion so intense ·that the brick walls week. A total of $3581949 has al- secondary aiso are Daniel Koch because of over-indulgent, over- of the building began to crumble about an hour after the blaze ready been spent on the Peru and Robert Lovejoy. permissive parents; Teaching in Johnson are RichThis meeting is open to all started.· Many items were des· Elementary and the addition to tile Calvert Elementary· School ard Shelton, David Swantek, students. Every student planning troyeci in the blaze. An investigation into the cause at Auburn. A grand total of Sherry Kramer, and Larry Sorto work with youth after graduation should attend, Be at the of th.e fire is being conducted $2,380, 750 is needed for con- enson, secondary. Marilyn Eine Arts Auditorium at 6:30 by the .Crete Fire Dept. and struction, equipment, and fees Buchheit is teaching in Elethe State fire marshall's o{fice. for the three units. mentary in Johnson. tonight.
No. 21
March 17, 1969
Teachers Assigned
Qperat n Bn·dg e"T .g ht
Connie Roelfs, Shirley Benson Marjorie Engelman, and Carol Greathouse. Two student teachers that will be teaching in Millard will be Eman,llel Nurin and Donna Kay Sporer, both secondary. Student teaching in Nebraska City will be William Everhart Ca.rl Satterfield, Robert Patter: son, music; and Cheryl Hous.eman, Physical Education; all secondary students. Elementary teachers will be Joyce Dewey, and Linda Dieckhoff, Students preparing to teach in Omaha are Mary Budler, Richard Linder, Jim Shilts, Fr.ancis Topolski, Nancy Crum, and Larry Landwehr; all secondary students. Richard Charles Moore will teach elementary in Papillion, Secondary students teaching in Platteview High School, in Springfield, Nebraska will be Charles Hays and Ross Ridenour. Plattsmouth's secondary student teachers are Donald Dog, Carol Giwoyna, Dan Johnson, Daniel Kelsay, and Suzanne Slemp. In Ralstori the secondary student teachers are Wayne Heine, Linda Oldfield, and Margaret Zeiner. Nancy Grebert is teaching elementary ill Shenandoah, Iowa, and Bob Beeson, Frank McDonough, Diane Reeve, and Gregory Reineers are teaching secondary there, In Sidney Iowa, Barbara Foged and Robert Mobley are teaching secondary, Stella (Southeast Consolidated) has four secondaryteachers. They are James Baker, Dean Neumann, Dan Reed, and Allan Sherwood, Jan Har.hour Mason will teach elementary in Stella. Dwight Reins, John Vanderford, and Robert Vogt will teach secondary in the SyracuseDunbar school. Leroy Koehler will teach secondary in Tecumseh, and Frances Gyhra and Mary Martin will teach in the elem1~ntary school inTecumseh. Virginia Miles will be teaching in secondary in the Westside Omaha school. Misery is: Turning 21 the day they low!)r the drinking age to 20,
Page 2
THE PED March 17, 1969
Ct1mpus to Ct1mpus
Editorit1/ly Spet1l<ing
A concert was given at Washburn University by the Aeolian String Quartet, This is a group from London which spends much of their time on tour. A contest isgoingonatMcCook College. · This is a Mr Legs contest and the entries are the masculine legs of the basketball team. The sponsors are the Pep Club and the contributions for the legs of their choice will go to the Pep Club. A Fine Arts Festival will be ·held at Chadron State by the art faculty members and their wives, Over 70 pieces of work ranging: from oil paintings, ceramics and sculptures to blown glass pieces will be on display, The annual Campus Chest Week opens at Midland with a pot luck dinner and other various activities to highlight the campaign. This year's Campus Chest goal State Colleges is set at $1400 with the proceeds to be divided among the Study Programs World University Service, Representatives from the four American Mental Health Foun· State Colleges are studying gen· dation and Save the Children Foundation. eral education requirements through a grant under Title ill of the Higher Education Act 1969 Mom Peru Grad Mr.s Cassius Kennedy of Peru State College is repre-sented by Dr. Keith Melvin and Brownville was named 1969 Nebraska State Mother. She Mr Silas Summers. Two meetings have been held 1vas liorn on a farm near Elmwith attention given to the philo- .vood and graduated from Beasophy and definition of general ·1er City High School and Peru education. Resource persons state College, She taught school have been invited to the meetings at McCook and Moore, Montal)a, for the purpose of assisting with before serving with the Red the definition of general educa- Cross as a volunteer at Nantes, tion and evaluation of present France during World War I. requirements. It is auticipated Mrs Kennedy has been a leadthat some revisions will be made er for .many years in various in each of the four State Col- activities of the church, exten· sion, D.A.R,, P.E.O., and leges. Eastern Star: She was on the first board of the Nemaha County Farm Bureau and was the first Asked the boss if he was president of the Brownville Higo. planning a flower garden, torical Society where she now and he snapped that a full serves as society curator.
Bhaskar and Shala presented "Dances of India'' in the ballroom of the Student Union at Kearney State College, Shala is a native of 'northern India and Bhaskar has toured India, England, South Africa, South America and the U.S. The two dancers design and make their own costumes from materials from India. Wayne State's WrestlingTeam had a very unusual night in jail when they were traveling home from Kearney fortheConference Championships. It seems a truck had been stalled on the highway and would take a long time before it could be towed away because of bad weather. So the town marshal volunteered the city jail for the night and the team spent a happy 3 hours / playing cards, pool,andcatching up on sleep.
There is something needed to be said of studying the writers of the past and ignoring the newer, contemporary authors. Chaucer said that men love new "fangelnesse". Often the study of the new Fangelnesse stimulates the student's desire to read but results in poor reading taste. However studying the literature of the past, the works considered classics because they have endured the ages can strike a responsive chord of fiery excitemBnt. The classics speak compellingly of the timeless actions and emotions known to men of all ageso The classics, too often shallowly read as of the distant p1st, can give its reader more "new ideas" in one page that the whole of any CATCH 22.
It's difficult to express the feeling over the death of a student. It seems easy enough to remember the smile or the personality, but hard to comprehend a reason sometimes. As small as the student body is, every person represents a vital part of the growth, through number and quality. spark plug. If this diet is fol· Janet Ganze! lives as a memlowed for any length of time its high content of cholesteral ory to all the spirit and love and animal fat probably will get of life she possessed and radiated. the best of you. Ever hear of the diet of Dr. Heinz Humplik of Vienna? He claimed there were certain min· Pre-School Classes us-calorie foods ~hard-cooked eggs, lean meats, vegetables Begin March 30 (except peas, corn, beans, and potatoes), and certain fresh Miss Lucy Hovey, instructor fruits. Dr. Humplik said that of hom.e economics, and memthese foods require such ela- bers of the home economics borate chemical change to util· class in Child Care will teach ize them that they use up in Peru area pre-school children utilization more calories than at the Campus Education Buildthey contain. For example, he mg during the four weeks beclaimed that an egg PI'Qvides tween April 7 and April 28 about 80 calories but re- from 1:45 to 3:00 p.m. quires 92 calories to digest. The classes are· designed to Thus, there was a loss of 12 prepare children for, ~~er,garcalories, and these 12 caloi:iea... ten by teac!)ing them to sit had to come from body tissues .. quietly and listen, to follow iii-hence, weight loss. structions, to play with other Need~ess to say, you can not children, and to rest quietly. always depend on diets. You Parents of four-year-olds inmust have two things included terested in enrolling their childin whichever diet you prefer. ren may contact Miss Hovey at crop of blooming idiots in They are determination and con· Peru State by calling 872-3815, the office was enough for .PERU PEDAGOGIAN fidence that you can do it. extension 47, him. Here are some diets that were Monday, March 17, 1969 in the February 1968 issue of Vofume 64 No. 21 McCall's. They certainly soqnd good, but aren't necessarily for PIONEER NOW SHOWING THRU WED. lsoing weight. They are the Published weekly · during the Drinking Man's Di.et, the Low ADM. 5 Carbohydrate Diet, the Egg· academic year, except holidays r • $1.25 and-Wine Diet and the Whipped and betweep semesters by the fran~ Cream-and-Martini Diet. These students of Peru State College, also result in an unbalanced ~nd ()f C()p. Peru, Nebraska 68421. diet, which can be damaging MATINEE STARTS if it is prolonged. STAFF SUN. 3 P.Mo In conclusion, miracles with misleading labels and impos• EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors sible promises are "robbing" BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . . the .people of today. Today it Steve Mason is brown rice; yesterday it was PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Beran sea water; tomorrow it will be ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . a "brand-new" formula, capBob Vana sule or fad-of-the-month, guarADVISOR . . . . . . . James Keck anteeing miracles from "new" nutritional discoveries. The signed letters printed in There is only one "magic" this ·paper do not reflect the opinformula and it isn't brown NO MINA TED FOR TWO . ion of the P edagogian but of inrice or wheat grass. It is ACADEMY AWARDS <' the all-American balanced diet ~ESTED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES I0 TECHNICOLOR•fROM WARNER BRDS.·SEYEN ARTS ii dividuals. The editor reserves from a large variety of foods right to edit them for publicaand, of course, added exer- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t h e ,;i_on. cise!
"Miracle" Diets May Be Costly Millions of American are con• vinced that one of the main issues today, especially in the women's world, is dieting. Today all the newspapers and magazines are paved and smeared with a staggering variety of diets. A lot of these diets are relatively harmless, mainly because they are followed for such a short time. Others, how· ever, can be dangerous. Of these, probably the most notorious recent example is the Zen Buddhist Macrobiotic Diet, which offers spiritual en light· enment through a combination of pseudopsychology and ascet· ic eating habits. Actually, this is one of the diets that does more harm than good. This diet is very appetizing and consists mostly qf brown rice. This marvelous "eye-catcbing" dish is suppos· ed to contain healing quali· ties that guarantee freedom from age, tension, and illness. It certainly does not. One young woman tried this diet of brown rice and starved to death, in an effort to reach "satori," a phase of enlight· enment. A lot of these diets sound good, but eventually must be damaging to health. Rice, cereal and vegetables are a part of good diets, but don't con• tain all the !mown nutrients. A limited food intake inevitably will spell trouble just as a restricted diet is hazardous. And what of the Mayo Diet? It has been around for at least 28 years. It consists of noth· ing but grapefruit, eggs and baco)l - of course, all you want to eat. If you follow the diet strictly, you will lose weight! You will be so tired of such a limited selection of foods that you won't be able to stomach much of them. · And don't believe that "grapefruit is important because it acts as a catalyst that starts the fat-burning process." Itdoes not. Grapefruit is no yellow
()etective oc Lt. 13ulhttS()me ()fher
€)your nMPERATVRE is faken
-----'---------·- _ _.,,
You've Gi'len the. Greatest Gi-ff r:Jf al/ .........
_________ _______
BEAT Fast •
• s e L G
87 2-32( A
THE PED March 17, 1969
ed Staff to Visit Germany t WashAeolian a group is much
\icCook :r Legs are the sketball the Pep ons for will go will be by the id their of work intings, ures to I be on Chest I with a
various e campest goal he pro1ong the )ervice, h Foun~hildren
Grad 1edy of ld 1969 er. She :irElmm Beatd Peru t school [ontan a, he Red Nantes, War I, a leadvarious , exten' and son the tCounty he first lle HiS= ;he now ·r. AN ' 1969 No. 21
ring the holidays by the College,
.n Sailors re Mason
1b Beran
Confrontation With Big Government
?ifr James Keck was recently informed bv Mr .James T. Williams, of the U.S. Office of Education, that Peru has been one of four colleges chosen te represent the United states .at the Annual Convention of the International Conference of Collegiate Newspapers in Bonn, Germany, The Ped staff will receive a grant for $50,000 to tour ten mid-western state schools and represent this area at Bonn, The purpose of the grant is to cover the major expenses of the mid-western tour, during which the Ped Staff is to extensively interview the individual newsp<J.per staffs. It will also absorb the cost of the trip to Europe, where this repre. sentative information will be reviewed at Bonn, The government paid exp~nse account will include items such as food, lodging, and travel, The staff, under the guidance of Mr Keck, will leave on March 15, 1969, to begin their tour. They will arrive in Bonn the first of May for the convention which will last from the frrst until the fifth of May. During this · time the staff will send back weekly articles to be printed in the Ped, The other three colleges reeiving grants are: Southern State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, representing the South; Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois, representing the East; and Oregon state College, Eugene, Oregon, representing the West. Each Ped Staff at Peru Station waiting for ticket office to open. schOOl is to interview ten colleges from their individual area for the conference, BULLETIN -.. SAM Offices of the Peru State College newspaper were raided BEATTY GARAGE late last night by the Sheriff Luggage Limit . Hurts Fast - Dependable of Nemaha Cou.nty and several FBI agents. Three members of Peru State Journalism stu· Service the PED staff were arrested dents were informed. by the Inand jailed in Auburn for what ternational Students Abroad Co• Auto Repair the police said to to "the print- mission that they were limit:d e Wrecker Service ing and distribution of material to two bags apiece on therr e Steam Cleaning wrongfully representing the forthcoming trip to Bonn, Gerhigh moral character of the dt· many and other foreign lands, • Lubrication izens of the United states, and The maie students stated that 1he jeopardi.zing of America's they found the ultimatum had Gas· for Less much admired internationalimPeru no effect on their previous pack872-3201 age." At press time, the stud- ing but the female students beAAA Service ents arrested were still in jail moaned the lack of considerin lieu of $1500 bond each. ation by the board. One co-ed reported that she had to leave 82 bottles of "DREAM CREAM" behind while another stated ·that she was so cramped thcit she coold only take one leg's worth of each of her panty hose along, Most of t?e women found that only one wig could be brought along as well,
Armed with only a birth certificate, I confronted this government of the people, by the people, and for the people; it won. It won because I am not evidence that I am what I am. Wednesday's Journalism class was sleeping quiet).y, or telling the same 7:30 A.M. stories when the instructor walked in, smiled sadly, and announced that the administration had fully funded his request that the journalism students be allowed to attend the Collegiate Journalism Convention in Bonn, Germany, April ; he was chosen to chaperone the trip. The thunderous excitement was deafening, only the instructor continued to sadly smile. As the thunder quieted.1 to disbelief, the. instructor informed us that we were solely responsible for obtaining our own passports if we were interested in the free trip to Germany. Since it was decidedly faster, though not cheaper to cut classes, I drove, to the home town for the birth certificate; The birth certificate was in the bank vault, which I do not have access to, so my father left work, supposedly happy over my.good fortune, to get my required document. A poloroid camera, a roll of film and a mother answered the problem of twelve quick passport photos. Next siop - the county clerk's office enroute back to Peru, that lovely oak covered campus. The clerk carefully counted through the pictures, looked at me, and said, "Well, I'm afraid these pictures are too big."
''But,'' I offered, not in the least rebuffed "can't you cut them down to the right size?" Frowning, she said yes, she supposed she could. Then she picked up the birth certificate, looked at me as if she knew the minute I walked in the door, and said, "This isn't a true copy of a birth certificate.'' "Why," I huffed back, "it says right here that I was born there and it's even signed by the doctor." "Yes, I can read 1hat," she curtly replied, "but it has only an inked copy of the seal. A true copy of a birth certificate has a raised seal, you can feel it with your fingers." "Look, ma'am, I have all sorts of papers to prove that I am me, a driver's license, an ID card, some credit cards
·ob Vana 1es Keck inted in th~ opinot of in: reserves
l'\.p . ......
1206 J Street
Auburn, Nebr.
ELDON'S CAFE After a Game or a Date Go to Eldon's the Place that rates
Page 3
Member F.DJ.C.
llMTES YOUB B'.OSIDSS JOHN L. LEWIS, Vice Pres. & Cashier
"I'm sorry," she interrupted more kindly, "but I must see a true copy of your birth certificate. Now you can obtain one by writing the state capital, the Office of Vital Statis· tics, and include fifty cents, oh, I forgot, they changed that to one dollar. It will only take a couple of days and then, if you bring it over right away, we can have your passport for you in about a month and a half." "A month and a half!" I died audibly, "we're leaving in a few weeks." Shoulders slumping, I walked back into the gloomy day. But no, I wouldn't give up hope. The government was big enough to be efficient. I'd hurry my request and dollar to Lincoln this very day - maybe two dollars would make them hurry it - that true copy that I am, wat I seem to think I be.
Trip to Exchange Thoughts Before they can begin their educational field trip to the convention in Bonn, Germany, the journalism department at Peru State faces an exhausting twelve day tour of ten midwestern college campuses. Upon leaving Peru March 15, the students will visit (in order of arrival) Black Hills State College, Spearfish, S.D.: Maryville State College, Maryville, N.D.; Bemidji State College, B: midji Minn.; Lawrence Umversity, Appleton, Wis.; Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Ill.; Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, Ohio; Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Ia; Harris Teachers College, St. Louis, Mo.; Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts, Chickasha, Okla.; and St. Benedict's Co:'.ege, Atchison, Kan, The purpose of this tour is to gather ideas and exchange thoughts with other journalism departments in order to be more thoroughly prepared for the convention,
Money, Money Everywhere The United States Government has given to the Peru StateJ ournalism class the sum of $50,· 000. Yes $50,000!! With this sum of money we, as a class are to take a tour of the world. Some of the countries we are to see and some of the cities we are t.o visit are Canada, South America, England, Europe, Pa~s and London This· does not include all of the cities we will visit on our way overseas, In addition to this tour and $50,000, each member of the class will receive $1000 for spending money, with a slight charge of $5 for heaven only knows what! Can you actually believe this great joy which has been cast upon us? It is so very hard to realize that it could happen to us - but plans are. already made for this tour and our departure.
LITTLE DINER CAFE Dinners - Short Orders
6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Eldon Allgood.
Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday
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Ann Beatty
Page 4
IBE PED March 17, 1969
Sport ·Scene Switches To
•1 "The Ped" •• ------------------------: SPORTS
Bats, Putters, Rackets and Tracks With the first day of spring coming on March 20 the Peru State Springs Sport Sliite keeps pace by preparing to usher in the warmer weather as the ath· letes don their respective attire and get set for three more months of intercollegiate competition. Indoor track concludes its season as the Peru thin clads travel to Manhatten for ~e Kansas State Univ.ersity Invitational on -March 22. After this meet the Bobcats have only one week before their activities move outdoors as they travel to Fayetteville for the Arkansas Relays on March 29. The baseball squad also opens its season March 29 as they host Northwest Missouri State in a double header starting at 1 p.m.
Coach Darrell Wininger's netters play the first of their seven-match schedule on March 26 as they travel to Marys ville, Missouri, to take on Northwest Missouri State. The Bobcats mll be trying to improve on their 68' 7-2 record and 4th place finish in the N.C.C. meet. Coach Wininger, who ·is in his 16th year of tennis coaching, ex· pects great things from his four returning lettermen: senior Carl Satterfield, Nebraska City; and juniors Mike Deal, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Bob Laflin, Pontiac, Michigan; and Don Wiechec, North Tonawando, New York. A ten-match golf schedule is slated to begin on April 4, as Peru host Midw.estein College
Jan. 24-25 at NAIA, Kansas City, Mo. Feb. 14
at Qnaha with UN of Omaha and Nebraska Wesleyan
Mar l Mar. 22
at Keamey.State Invitational at Kansas State University Invitat'ional at Manhattan
OUTOOOR Arkansas Relays at Fayettevi I le at Northwest Missouri State
Mar. 29 Apr l Apr. 4 Apr. 12 Apr.16 Apr. 19
Nebl"aska Wesleyan at Lincoln
at Kearney State Relays at Midland Relays Kansas University Relays at Lawrence
Apr 22 at Doane College Apr. 25-26 Drake Relays at Des Hoines, Ia. May 3 Howard Wood Relays at Sioux Falls,S D. May 6 at Doane Relays May 10 Open May 16-17 N C._. Meet at Kearney
May 21
June 6-7
N.A I.A. District XI Meet at Kearney ·NA.LA. Nat'l Championships Albuquerque, NM.
at the Auburn Country Club. Head link coach, Dr. Pitts, who is in his third season, is in hope of improving on the 68' 2-8 dual match record and a 4th place finish in the N.C.C, Three returning lettermen made this possibility strong. The three are: senior Wayne White, Red Oak, Iowa; junior Roger Gardner, Shenandoah, Iowa; and sophomore Mike Rosso, Bridgeport, Conneticut. A new· comer, sophomore Ivan Miller of Grundy Center, Iowa, is expected to become one of Peru's top 5 players. · It looks like a busy spring for Peru sports and lots of entertainment for you sports buffs so get out there and Play Ball t or what every yaur bag is-
Wayne 1st 17 Teams Vi
I.••• - • - - •• - - •• • •••• •·• • • • •
All GAMES OOUBLE HEAOERS itffebraska College Conference Ga~s All Home Games start at 1 p.m. Har_ 29 Northwest Missouri State at PERU Apr 1 John F. Kennedy College at WahOo Apr 3 Missouri Westem College at St Joseph, Mo. Apr 4 Mlssou~1 Westem College at St. Joseph, Mo. Apr 8 Siqison College at PERU Apr 12 *Wayne State College at PERU Apr. 15 Doane College at PERU Apr. 19 *Kearney State College at Kearney Apr ~3 Concordia Teachers College at Seward Ap: 26 St. Benedict's College at Atchison, Kans':" MaJ 2 *Chadron State College at PERU May 6 Northwest Missouri State at Maryville, !'kl Hay 9 *Hast1ngs College at Hastings May 13 Midwes.tem College at Denison, Iowa
Apr. 4 Apr. 10 Apr. 15
Midwestem College at PERU Pershing College at PERU Northwest Missouri State, Wm JeweJl at Maryville, Ho. Apr. 18 Fa1'1!.ury JC at Fairbury Apr. 24 Northwest Missouri State at PERU Apr. 29 Fairbury JC at PERU May 2 Doane at Crete May 3 Midwestem College at Denison, Ia. May 6 Pershing College at Beatrice May 9 Doane College at PERU May 16-17 N.C C. Meet at Hastings Horoo matches at Aubum Country Club
Mar 26 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May
4 10 26 29 3 6
Northwest Missourf,_State ' at ~.ir1~ille, ~.' Mi~es~ern Col'lege at· PERU Pershing.College·at PERU 1 PerSh1tlg.C01lege it Beatrice John F, Kehnedy COllege at PERU Ktdwestem College at Oenison,Ia. John F. Kennedy College at Lincoln N.C.C Meet at Hastings
Victim Wayne State College of Nebr.aska, NCC Champion and District XI title holder, was eliminated in the 1st round oftheNAIA National Basketball Tournament in Kansas City, Missouri, by a hot-shooting quintet from Howard Payne College of Brownwood, Texas, 94-70, on Monday, March 10. The Tournament which ran until March 15 is an annual event that decides who is tops in NAIA basketball. Last years champion, Central Ohio State, was a 1st round victim also, as the Marauders ivere downed 63-59 by Monmouth, N.J, In the Wayne game the score was close until Howard Payne tood a 10-9 lead with 14:30 left in the half and then stretched the margin to a 54-37 halftime cushion, The Texans hit 55 per cent from the field while Wayne could only manage 33 percent. The victory boosted HP's record to 27-4. Fred Davis lead HP with 28 paints followed byDanMcGhee's 24.• Davis has averaged 27p.p.g. this season. Dave Sclmeider, the 6' 10 6th man of the Wayne Wildcats, lead the losers with, 20. Wayne, ••• , , •••• 37 33-70 Howard Payne .••.•54 40-94 Wayne-Bchneider 20, Elofson 12, Goodwin 11, Emmanuel 9, Kruse 8, Sommerfeld 4, Cox 4, Hoffman 2. Howard Payne-Davis 28, McGhee 24, Coleman 11, Day 8 utecht 7, Sinches 4, Hendrick 4, Fletcher 4, Prensner 4.
Three Seniors End Hoop Carreers
for Crown Miss Rutz, director of men's physical education tournament director, announ that Dawson-Verdon High Sc (11-1) has received top s ing in the first-round pair· of the 23rd Annual Peru s College High School Girls leyQ<lll Tournament. On Monday, March 17th, tournament begins with f round play and concludes Wednesday, March 19th with championship game at 8:00 p, Seventeen teams have ente in the tournament, the old such classic in the state. tournament will include championship and consolat bracket for the second year a row, On Monday, the first of tournament games will Lewiston and Waterloo at lp, for the opening game of tourney, 2 p,m,-Dawsori Verdon Malcolm; 2 p,m,-Wilsonville Odell; 4 p,m,-{two games)E wood vs. Filley on North Cou Prague vs Elk Creek on S Court; 5 p.m.~utheast solidated of Stella vs Syrac 6 p.m.--winner of Lewiston terloo vs Tri-County of De 7 p,m.-Murdock vs Wilwr; p,m, Jolmson-Brock vs Doug The second, third and fou place finishers of a year return to battle for the cro vacated by Western High, whi has been dissolved. Last season's fourth pla team was Dawson-Verdon, top.seed team. other seed teams included: 2, Murdoc runner-up in 1968, (10-1): Prague (16-2); 4. Tri Co (9-0); 5; Syracuse (11-3); 6.E wood, third in 1968, (13-5); Jolmson-Brock (6-1): 8. Wilso ville (15-2). The combin record of the 17 teams is 1 wins and 63 losses, Moving into the consolati bracket and who will battle fifth place will be the first a second round losers.
Peru Girls Win Consolation
Mac talks it over with his senior squad members; Heine, Portrey and Ridenour., Three seniors head the list of 12 players that have been recommended for Peru State College varsity basketball let• ters according to head coach Jack Mcintire. The three seniors that lead Peru to an 18-9 overall mark
and 6-2 conference record are: Wayne Heine, four year letterman from East Alton, Illinois· Leon Portrey, four year letter: man from Dawson, Nebraska· and Ross Ridenour, two yea; letterman from Holdrege, Nebraska,
other feam members earning ~onograms with the number of m parenthesis are: Junior-Allen Porkomy (1), Falls City; Sophomores-Mike Jolmson (2), Omaha; Tom Patton (2), Syracuse· Clyde Wilkir)s (2), Lake Charle~
La. Dave Bierbaum (1), Griswold la; Clarence "Boo" Glov· er (l), Yonkers, N.Y.: Larry Green (1), Brock; FreshmanFr~eman Beville (1). White Plains, N.Y.: "Bobo" Morton (1), Yonkers, N.Y.
Tarkio College's Third nual Basketball Sport Day held at Tarkio College, on March 1. Teams fromGra land, John F. Kennedy, Mar ville, Tarkio and Peru Colle · participated in the tourname The Peru girls versed Gra land, and were ahead for th first two quarters, but lost o at the end by 31 to 35. J.F.K. beat Maryville, 44 39 and Tarkio defeated Grae land, leading to the champi ship. Peru beat Maryville 30 to and won the consolation g Karen Sell, a freshmen at Pe made 22 points out of the mnning points.
We don't know how much money the office braggart really has, but we are sure he has a sizable bunk account.
* * *
Bad language is no substitute for an imaginative vocabulary. I
* * *
The sin of gluttony is not only frowned upon, it's almost impossible to commit at today's food prices.
Complete Line of School Supplies
Cologne - Perfume - After Shave While meditating over a sandwich, we discovered a marvelous new paper fastener-peanut butter.
* * *
You know you're getting old when your youngsters ask, "Daddy, what's a choo-choo?"
Cosmetics KODAK & SUPPLIES fast film service
Helping Peru State look just that much better for over 51 years.
S.G.P stitutic of the of the es in it mot ganizat as a wt The· stitutio the wa It is a bett1 of the will ha which choose cation tive th ferent groups Thre1 ed to each o have < membe not a of edu rep res Peru scream thy an< their fa they sh about i pared v state I favorab Theo Wayne, have th Peru 11 total f1 $500 a which i as Per occurs vate sc College at $57: and Wi far beh fore th
Johnson Confronts Gap with ''Operation Bridge''
rch 17th, with f' ~on eludes 19th with 'at 8:00 p :rave ent , the old 1e state, T nclude I consolati cond year
Verdon msonville games)E NorthCou ~ek on So itheast C vs Syracu ,ewiston ty of De i/s Wiloor; ~vs Doµg I and fou
Vol. 64'
No. 22
March 24, 1969
On Monday evooing, Dennis W. Jacks.on, was the guest speaker at the Peru State Education Assocatioo meetingin the Fine Arts Auditorium at 6:30, He was accompanied by a senior high school student, John Williams of Central High. Mr Jackson is the head counselor for "Operation Bridge" in Omaha. "Operation Bridge'' is a non profit corporation that is under the direc- . tion of a board of directors. It is not supported by federal, state, or local taxes, but by tllree churches in Omaha. They are Christ the King Ca~holic Church, Temple Israf;ll, and Westside Community Church. "Operation Bridge" is designed tO assist the youth in the West Omaha area. Mr Jackson stated that his job is to help the young people discover their problems and relate them to tlleir parents, teachers, or other authorities. "Operatioo Bridge" is suppose tO develop anct improve tlle character of the youthful citi zoos\JU1d stimulate moral characteristics of tllese people. Mr Jackson devotes his full time to "Operatioo Bridge" He is available on call 24 hours a day. Since January 1, 1969, 142 youths and 57 parents have contacted him for assist· ance. He dCals witll problems concerning lack of understanding, lack of communication between teacher orparoots, drinkin~ df!!g usage, suicide
SGA (o,nslilution Drafted Awaiting Approval
7in Third irt Day
Jllege, fromGra nedy, Ma eru Coll toumani rsed Gra 1ead for but lost 5.
rville, 44 ated Grae i champi
State at for
S,G.A has reorganized its constitutioo to fit the changing needs of the student body. Members d. the S,G,A. have made changes in the constitution to make it mote workable for the organization and the student body as a whole.' The major change in the constitution is the membership and the way they will be elected. It is felt that this will be a better representative group of the student body. Each dorm will have one representative in which the dorm itself will choose. Each division in edQ~ cation will have a representative this will include the different clubs within the di vision groups. Three freshman will be elected to serve on the S.G.A. and each of the other classes will have a representative, Other members of the organization not associated with di visions of education will also select a representative,
In order to make the s.G.A, and S.C,B. a n:ore workable team they will choose two members to be coordinating members to serve both organization in order to work together more successfully. S.G.A. members will first be chosen from their representative body by petition, with 25 percent of the division signing tlle petition. The President and Vice President will then petition from this group and in order to run for these offices, they must have 100 signatures from the student body. The Secretary and Treasurer will be chosen Within the organization, · Requirements for being a
More Offers, For Graduares
member you must have a G.P.A of 5.00 and not oo probation. The revised constitution i1as been approved by S.G.A, and is now ready to be approved by the administration and student body.
Peru Tuition Low Peru State Collegiates can scream all they want about apathy and lack of activities on their fair campus, OOt one thing they should not be complaining about is PSC's tuition, Compared with other cqlleges in the state Peru finds itself in a favorable pasition, The· other three state colleges, Wayne, Chadron, and Kearney, have the same tuition scale as Peru which is $165 and their total fees bring the cost up to $500 and $550 per semester which is approximatelythe same as Peru, A big rise in tuition occurs when talking about private schools;Ha.stingsandDoane Colleges rank high with tuition at $575 and $565 a semester and Wesleyan University isn't far behind, charging $550; therefore their tuition alone costs as
much as the entire cost at Peru, Midland and Dana both drop down to the $400 bracket. Concordia has a unique deal, They charge students $317, unless they are majQring in education and then the price is lowered to $212, Even with special deals Peru State comes out on top in the area of tuiti~n.
Afr0oAmericans Unite The constitution of The Organization For The Identity and Heritage of the Afro-American has been passed by the S.G.A, There will be an organization meeting Tuesday, March 25, at 7:30. The aims of the organization will bediscussed with the S.G.A. The meeting will be held in the Education Building, all who are interested may attend.
attempts, unwed mothers, and rebellion with parents. John informed the group that drugs can be bought very easily in many places in Omaha. However, he feels tllat alcohol is really a more serious prob!em with ttie young pe,0ple of Omaha than drugs. There is much to consider in being a counselor of this type. Mr Jackson gives some credit to the college training he has, for he says people will begin to listen to him if he tells them he has a masters degree in guidance and counseling. However, experience has and will always be a good teacher. In dealing with these young people, he believes that you must be a friend with them, but not an intimate friend, You must also. have a good deal of discipline. Mrs Jackson stated, "Sympathy does no more than breed hostilicy ." Teachers are often considered just as m\lch at fault with student problems as parents, simply because they show no real interest. when asked how he felt, we as college students should prepare to become good teachers, John merely stated, "the teachers seem to be using a distaste of failure to motivate rather than the idea of success.'' Being a counselor at West side High School last year, Mr Jackson was able to relate to us about tlle wide course curricttlum in operatioo. They have courses in almost every field <i. study that allow a student to gain four or five years of ilnowledge in that subject. These courses carry a student tllrough at least the first year d. college and often the second. Therefore, many high school students go to college to sit around and wait for the other stuc;lents to catch up with them during the first year. Mr Jackson is certainly to be commended for his progress with "Operation Bridge." This. was indeed an enjoyable evening for all students IDterested in working with young people and tlleir problems.
I~ ,~
(ACP) - Employment prospects for American college graduates will be better than ever this year, according to a survey of 208 prominent ooslness and industrial coocems by Frank S. Endicott, director of placement at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Companies plan to hire slx men with bachelor's degrees for every five they employed in 1968, Mr Endicott reported after his 23rd annual sµrvey of employment trends. Companies also plan to hire about 16 percent more men with master's degrees than they hired last year, he said. An increase of 20 percent in ttie number of women who are expected to be hired in 1969 was indicated in reports from 132 of the companies. The survey also showed that salaries of college graduates were expected to average more tllan in 1968, with engineers getting the top pay. For engineers with bachelor's degrees, the monthly figure was expected to be $818 (compared with $776 in i968) and for ttiose with master's degrees, $957 a month (compared with $911'in 1968).
Page 2
TIIE PED March 24, 1969
Editorially Speaking
Convo Features lnter-faith Forum
Bogged Down Or Properly Challenged Do you know what one item disrupts a student's entire semester making it almost unbearable at times? It is not the daily assignments, although they are sometimes rather lengthy; It is not the tests, al· though they too can cause loss <i. sleep. It is not class partici· pation or.discussion •. Itis TERM i>A'!iM and BUSY-WORK •
Wednesday's Convocation, a religious forum featuring three ministers from Kearney State, will cover the topic, "Education, Relevant for the Future." Rev. Robert Linder of Peru's Methodist Church has arranged the inter-faith forum.
easier said than done. A student need not procrastinate to become "bogged-<lown" with papers.
Studies Debated
Some teachers who view term papers as worthwrJle endeavors also feel they detract from the regular classroom work. A student becomes so involved with his paper, thesis, research organization, and typing, that While this sort of assignment he loses the value intended. may, in some instances, be ben· An initiative student, on the eficial, the necessity and value other hand, will be doing li· in other circumstances can brary research for his own properly be challenged. Why knowledge without formulating give a sllldent an ulcer worry· thoughts and ideas into a pap· ing about a paper in which er. Are term papers valuabe in the teacher ceuld care less the amount of work that has a student's career? The answer ~ gone into it? It merely ac- to this question is and probably \\~ I-72. 1~ complishes four things: {l) us- al ways will be an affirmative es the student's time, which yes. Students and some teach11 . THE BOAgp HAS 17£CI t't:ll TOM~~ TH' GALA~ IOU GET' HERE, AND ers feel differently. If you've should have been directed MOr<c IMPORTANT, THE HISTORY l/EPr. NEE'DS '(oU,PR. i:V.ANS. 11 towards daily subject mat- done a paper, obtained more worthwhile knowledge by doing ter; (2) tests the strength of the student's nerv.es worrying it with the right attitude and about it; (3) proves the mus- following the correctprocedure, cle power of tire individual then it has been worthwhile~ transporting books f-rom the However, if you hired the paper library to the dorm and back done or approached it in the mru.ca~ed, however, that in all ag,ain; and (4) provides another correct manner and find yourThe first week in March cases in which a student l!Jld a grade for evaluating as well self wondering just what did I proved to be an exciting one at non-student were in competitj.on as satisfies the teacher:s coo· learn, how can it be called a Kearney State College, The stu: for the. same part, and the qualiscience of folk>wing a schedule. valuable experience? dents voted for their new stu- fication of the actors were While students are evaluating A student needs to know how dent senators, swept their sixth judged as equal the student to do research, pull bits of in- themselves in regards to restraight invitational track vie- would win the role. fonnation together and organize search papers, teachers should " tory, and ho.sted the famous The. Creighton University Stua paper, but this process also be reviewing the purpose Fifth Dimension. Arriving fr.om dent Board of Governors is shouldn't be so ifnrnense that of a paper in their class. PerCanada, the quintet performed sponsorlni a concert by Jay and it hinders the rest of his classes haps, some day, papers of the for two hours of assorted mu- the Americans in the Civic Auas well. The teachers are prob- nature described in the preced· sical numbers intheir excitingly ditorium. Besides cutting ing paragraphs will be eliminatably telling them selves that a unique style. Some of their records Jay and the Americans student should be respoosible ed. The time in college is selections included such gre.ats have appeared on television and enough to budget his time wise- limited enough without filling it as "Ode to Billy Joe." Respect,- on stage in musicals. One of ly. Being students once them- with unnecessary, non-bene" ''Up Up and Away." "Cali- their most. _popular songs was ficial busy-work. selves, they should know this is fornia Soul" and Marilyn's r!)ndi "She Cried,'' which was recordtion of "The Look of Love." ed in Spring, 1962, Midland College . announced that they will begin a series of films to be shown durmg the · Reward Is Success month ·of March. The first Who can find ·a challenging The demands of the Duke to blacks involved in demonfilm was ''The Reluctant Saint" teacher? Fot. .this exceedeth strations. University students have a followed the next week by gold and silver. The future certain ring about them that "Raisin in the Sun." They will of his pupils doth safely depend After fifty-eight years of sounds exactly like some voiced also show "Macbeth,'' "Rebel on him, so they ~hallreceivethe by Cassius Clay, Clay merely battle, the Supreme Court Without a Cause," and "Mr. most out of life, He shall wants the Federal Government finally ended segregationandthe Roberts." challenge his student without to turn over four southern states "separate but eqµal" doctrine, The Eastern Montana College becoming arrogant or dogmatic exclusively to the Negroes so Now a few long-haired and unDrama Department is making all the days of his life. He they can have a country of their washed creatures who scream in preperations for its spring pro- seeketh perfection in simplicity own. hatred and think in. a. da.ze plan duction, William Shakespeare's and clarity and studieth unceasThe militants at Duke demand, to regress back a half century Midsummer Night's ingly for the benefit of his among other tl)ings, that the and annihilate the accomplish- "A Dream." The large size of the students. He ri.seth while it is University build a dorm ments gained by the hard fightcast and demands of the show yet night and while his houseexclusively for blacks, provide ing of niany decent and intellihave pro~pted the director ~o hold slumbers and maketh preblack advisors, set aside the gent humanitarians of both the blacks' fees for an all-black black and white races. It is extend an invitation for tryouts paration for the day's instructo faculty members and towns- tion, He considereth his pupils student union, end the grading too ridiculqus to be funny? It people as well as students, He individually and teacheth and of blacks, and givetotalamnesty is pathetic! judgeth according to their several abilities and known interests. -PERU PEDAGOGIAN He girdeth himself in modesty Monday, March 22, 1969 The political promise of the tercom. Then after class if Katy and walketh in meekness taking presidenti1!1 candida,tes in 200Q has difficulties with her home- all knowledge for his province. Volume 64 Number 22 work, she Win not ask Dad, but He perceiveth his instruction will not be a lobster in every pot but ar. educational room in her computer. The computer's and see~eth improvement, He reply will be instantaneous, and lendeth his help to pupils after Published weekly during the every abode - a room full of unlike Dad, al ways current- hours and giveth help to the electronic devices that will take academic year, except holidays ly correct. slow-witted pupils and challeng·he place of those educational inand between semesters by the stituti.ons with their students Katy's educational room will eth the prodigious. His learners not be lined with paneled book are interested and slumbereth students of· Peru State College, scurrying across so many acres sr elves. Books and printirig will not. Strength and respect are Peru, Nebraska 68421. iesignated campuses. be the study ui <u1i.iii"QPologists his clothing, and he shall rejoice The bulk of the learning would by· then; the walls of Katy's in time to come. He openeth STAFF then if the candidates keep study will be lined with stain- his iMuth with wisdom and EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors their promise, take place in less steel, electronic devices. scorneth trifles, and in his BUSINESS MANAGER . , . . . . . . the home. Mothers could no Katy's education will be stim- tongue is the tone of joy and ulated by auditory machines, kindess, He looketh well to Steve Mason longer yearn for that blessed guaranteed to improvehermem· the ways of his class. His PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Beran day when K?tY finally leaves ory banj{. Even as Katy sleeps students arise and call him ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . for kindergarten, for Katy will or visits with friends, she will blessed, He receiveth his reBob Vana stay home, studying in her ed· learn. ward in the success of his ADVISOR . . . . . . . James Keck ucation room until she either marries (if that civil-religious Extra sensory perception will pupils, offer Katy unheard of ad· The signed letters printed in hang - up (?) remains around) vantages as she explores the or until Katy is prepared to this paper do not reflect the opinRespect for the law is not an minds of the 21st century in go to work (if the machines leave ion of the P edagoqian but of inexotic fields currently unknown obligation which is exhausted or Katy any buttons to push). dividuals. The editor reserves to man while Mom and Dad obliterated by willingness to acWhen Katy goes to "school" the right to i>dit them for publica- she will meet her instructor's sit at the kitchen table deplor- cept the penalty for breaking it. - George F. Kennan Hon. eye across the televisio.n. iQ.-: ing the generation gap.
Campus to Campus
Regression Net Progression
And So Goes The Gap
(ACP) - The role of AfroAmerican, studies in undergraduate education was debated vigorously by a militant from San Francisco State College and the moderate head ·of the United Negro College Fund at the an· nual meeting of the Association of American Colleges in Pittsburgh, Pa. "A black education which is not revolutionary ill the current day is both irrevelant and useless," Nathan Hare, chairman of the department of black studies at San Francisco State said •. "To remain irr:partial in the educational arena is to allow the current partiality to whiteness to fester. Black education must be based on both ideological and pedagogical blackness." · Hare listed 18 goals for Af· :ro-American studies, ranging from emj.ing white supremacy to promoting a "black world view." Stephan J. Wright, president, of the United Negro College Fund, which represents 36 pri· vate, predominatly Negro col· leges, said he agreed with Mr Hare on some points, but ques· tioned t;yo. Those were, "To develop a sense of nation~ood among black Americans," and "To create revolutionary black cadres that will teach the people to help exterminate oppression.'' Such demands smacked of a "kind of separatism that isn't going anywhere," Mr Wright said. "It will only lead to an intensification of the kind of hatred that will help destroy the nation and the myriad opportunities for Negroes.' 1 He proposed undergraduate programs in Afro-American studies be designed to equip Negro students to "negotiate the system" of our industrialized society and to provide them with ''the way and means by which the systerr: may be improved.''
Man Basically Good (ACP)-DailyUniverse,Brig· ham Young University, Provo, Utah. There' is still good left in the world, maintains Jon Scott Haroldsen, a junior political science student at Brigham Young University. When Jon returned to class he was questioned about his recent absence by a female classmate. He explained he had been absent because his wife had just had a baby boy. Later, when he was leaving class, the girl handed him a piece of folded paper. Inside he found a five-<lollar bill. "I don't even know her name," Jon said.
' •
There wa: with greer
''Hello, r. "ls there to get on 1 And the gi blinked fr "Come ag "Slip me there mus And the g1 ·and a whi! "Who do l Where di1 Tuesday And why a man?' And the.ta Whipped a
co~ 2
Struggle Continues (ACP) - The Falcon Times, Miami-Dade Junior College, Mi· ami, Florida. The war for sex equality is still raging. The Equal Employment Opportunities Commission has announced its verdict that a man makes just as good an airline stewardess as a woman. Any airline which refuses to hire men as flight cabin attendants violates 'the law.·
0 6:30 a.m.
THE PED March 24, 196:1
ition, a ng three •Y State, "Edu ca'uture." f Peru's rranged
What the . . . .'s the matter, sugar?
Oh 1 the little freak, it? s his .••.. , . language.
Don't worry!
Do you ha.ve any idea what he said the other afternoon when the little . . •. didn't think I was around?
>f Afro-
lergrad1ted vigrom San •and the ' United the an\ssociaeges in
Can't imagine, sugar. . . , ., THAT'S what!
some thoughts.
! !!
Nooooooooo! Yeeeeeeeees! (PAUSE)
which is current and usehairman black co State
The Word Gets Busted
Really! No .•••?
11 in the :o allow o white{ educaon both agogical
There was a gray rat looked at me with green eyes out of a rat hole.
for Afs, rang• supre"black
''Hello, rat,'' I said, "Is there any chance for me to get on to the ianguage of the rats"'?
He's only a KID, sugar, honey.
·esident, .College 36 pri:ro colwith Mr iut ques-
And the green eyes blinked at me, blinked from a gray rat's rat hole,
I know, but with college and all, it doesn't seem too . • . . •.• fair to US!
velop a among nd "To black epeople opp resced of a 1at isn't Wright td to an kind of destroy riad op-
:raduate nerican o equip egotiate !ustrialdethem ians by be im-
Harry, I don't know what the . . . • I'm going to do with Tommy.
Would I •••• you? It's those . . . .••• teachers, or those wild .•• · .s he runs around with, sugar, I'll betcha. That's it!
"Come again," I said, "Slip me a couple of riddles; there must be riddles among rats."
Can I carve this roast now? Say Grace, Harry!
And the green eyes blinked a~ me ·and a whisper came from the gray ~t hole: "Who do you think you are and ~hat is a_ rat? _ Where did you sleep last night and why do you sneeze on Tuesdays? And why is the grave of a rat no deeper than the grave of a man?" And the .tail of the green-eyed rat Whipped and was gone at a gray rat hole.
..., we thank you for the food, amen. Anyhow, the next time I hear him, I swear to • • • • I'll wash his ••••••• mouth out with lye. I'll show him who has the authority around here!
Num sat with his eyeballs glued to the wall wondering what to do and how to stimulate doing. Nurn had this habit of glueing his eyeballs to the wall wondering what to do and how to stimulate doing. None of the other Nurns really paid him much attention, but occasjonally they would listen because it was the thing to do since they were all worried about doing · their own thing and turning on to Nurn talk. Since Nurn never really got any ~cogni zcible attention, he, therefore had no Nurn friends, which is understandable, · one would guess. O.rn day he- heard a new word that didn't resemble any Nurn talk he had heard prior to his hearing it. On one occasion he used it, like it, and decided to work it into his program. He was still a pu:ik Nurn, even though he fought in Viet Bomb, so he couldn't meet other
Carl Sandburg
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You can type faster and neater with a better working typewriter. Just call Equipment Service Center to have it cleaned, repaired or overhauled.
ood e,BrigProvo, :>od left .ns Jon for po1t Brigclass out his female he had ls wife
leaving him a Inside
Nums and pretty little Nords in the saloon, because he was asked to leave rat.'ier than jeopardi ze the Man who had his gig to worry about, you know. But it was nice to know that the local flick coosidered him a full-grown Nurn ever since he turned thirtee:i and couldn't lie about his age J:ecause he got wire-rimmed glasses to wear on his face to me et Polly Nord and rap about the Nineteen Ten Fruitgum Company over a Fanta Orange. But he dug it and Polly stayed off the streets and kept the mascara company in ousiness. During one of these super sessions, Nurn socked the word to Nord and got busted (by Nord) because Nord couldn't afford to be labeled a tramp, even though she used these various forms around her Nord friends when her hair got messed or the mascara ran to her lip. It was a nasty Nurn word so its use was· dropped completely and never ever heard of again.
Guaranteed, economical repairs and cleaning of all makes and m~dels of typewriters and school equipment .
Redfern Clothing
Free pick-up and deliverv. Free estimates. Check with the Business Office for our schedule.
EQUIPMENT SERVICE CENTER INC. 9 34 South 27th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68510 402-477-9991
Times, ge, Mifor sex , The 1ortuni.ounced makes :ewardairline nen as iolate$
Drycleaning and Laundry
After a Game or a Date Go to Eldon's the Place that rates
Eldon Al Igood
6:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.rn.
Phone 872-9965
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Auburn, Nebr. 274-3410
Page 4
1HE PED March 24, 1969
----------·------------Sporting With
With the lull between varsity spring sports and the wrap-up of basketball activities, the Ped Sports presents exclusive coverage of freshly completedlntramural basketball program under J erome Stemper. The program began with 20 teams entered and a round-tobin schedul.e of 7 games each was played. The twenty teams were divided into 2 divisfons and with the completion of the schedule there was the double elimination tournament pitting the top four teams of each division against one another. These were (according to the finish) Iron Butterflies, Marksmen, Cherry Pickers, Mysterians, PSC Ebony, Kingsmen, Cool Jerks and Pata Thi Hi. From this jumble emerged the Iron Butterflies with an 11-0 recthe chaffifionship. (see
---------·-----------·· With the conclusion of the program came the selection of AllStar squads from the divisions. (see pictures at leftr The annual All-star game was played and the American League showed its superiority by downing the stars of the National League 6 5-58. High for the A.L. were Kirk Talley with 17 and Edgar Neal 13. The N.L. was lead by Tom Dammast with 12 and Dennis Hammer 12. Thanks go to Coach Stemper and all the players pictured for their fine cooperation in carrying out this endeavor.
ten, Kansas, Satur:lay, Mar to compete in the Kansas University Indoor Invita:ti Track and Field Meet. Lea the squad to Manhatten premier distance-runner J Weyers, who finished sec last year in the University vision of the 1000 yard Weyers, was joined in his forts by teammates Marvin len, 440; Van Allen, mile; D Bie~baum, 440; Dave Bohl sprints; Jay Hagermari, dis es; Earl Johnson, shotput; !es "Bo" Morton, long and jumps; Elmer Reeves, sprin Ross Ridenour, hurdles; Cal Smith, ·880; Willie Walla sprints; and William Ward and 880. '
13 to compete at Manhatten A contingent of 13 Peru State cindermen traveled to Manhat•
The National League All-Stars: (left to right) Sid Swanson, Ken Burch, Dennis Hammer, Jim Rains and Stan Zyblut standing. Coach David Hammer kneels holding one of Naismith's inventions.
The Undefeated (II-0) 1969 Intramural Basketball Champions- Iron Butterflies: (left t~ right) Steve Dalton, Van Allen, Coach Ross Ridenour, Duane "Hoot" Choutka, Don Angus,~ Dave Hammer, Ron Jones, Dennis Hammer, Carroll Johnson, Stan Zyblut, Tom Brande; ._John Warren and Mike Allen. Assistant Coach Dave Beirbaum and players Harry Van Ars~; dale .and Roger Gardner were not available for pictures. -Picture by Bob Vana.
The Iron Butterflies route to the 1969 Intramural Basketball Championship
Iron Butterflies 60
TOURNEY Rtfl.ES 'Game11 I through 8 - 2 h1h·cs of U min· utes each with all minute ino:rmiasion IronButmflic 64 s 1 between halves. Clock •ill stop only on
Pata Thi Hi 25
· The Victorious American League All-Stars: (left to right) Tom Vrabel, Mike Dukes, Kirk Talley, Dave Zumbalen and , La Velle Hitzeman. (see story) -Picture by Bob Vana.
Gary Weiler, Mike Challis, Allen · Schnitzer, Ed Fitch, Chuck Gaurle, Mike Kozeny, John Warren, Mark Weiler, Bill Everhart, Tim Wiese, Dan Jeanneret, Jim Rains, Tom
>• '·'
Brandt, Steve Emert, steve Gage, Mike Dukes, Stan Zbylut, Scott Davis, Chuck Mi~ erld, Kirk Talley, Tom Patton, Carroll Johnson, steve Dalton, Dennis Hammer, Mike Adams.
7th foul in each half. Each tum is al· lowed 3 ti~ outs ~ game. E:rtra peri· ods will be 2 minutes long.
Baseball· SquOd -_ 1969 :_ ? ... .(.__
·jump balls and fouls. Bonuarule on the_
Mystcriana 60
Mystcrians .,I
Games 9 thtough 15 Same rules as abo-re ex-
Kiflgsmea 42
cept dock will stop alao on all Yiolations
PSC Ebooy 62
PSC Ebony 53
3 14
boo OIAMP Butterfliu
iChcrry Pickers 54
54 ·,
3 Cool Jcrlcs.69
Marlcamen 49
Marksmen 61
Chctry Pickers 55
10 CberryPickcrs'55
Peru Hosts
Kingsmen 45
Show your I. D. Card ,an·d save 10 o/o on 111 of .your purchases at BILL'S Bilf ts Clothing & Shoes FOR MEN & WOMEN
"You pay less at Bill 's''
' Marksmen 71
Marksmen 36
SUNDAY-MONDAYTUESDAY-WEDNESDAY• MARCH 23-24-25-26 George Peppard Jean Seberg Richard Kiley m PENDULUM
Iron Butterflies 1969 undefeated Intramural Basketball Champs.
LITTLE DINER CAFE Dinners - Short Orders
Peru State College will the fifth annual High Sc ' Track Meet on Fridayand day, March 28-29. Tom Fi ald will 'be the meet dire The meet will be divided two classes. All schools a male enrollment of 125 or will oo classified as Clas and all larger schools will c pete in Class A. The will begin on Frichy with C B competition and follow up Class A action Saturday. schools must have their en in for the meet no later Monday, March 24.
6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Intermission Saturday and Sunday
every day
5 p.m-. to 7 p.m.
Ann Beatty
. appliances . . sporting goods ... name-brand tools .... hunting & fishing permits BOWMAN'S HARDWARE 872-2561 PERU, NEBR.
The mo we face to· · poverty Ii mountain Reservatio citizen ~ fhemselve: VISTA. V To Amer :answer it. corp of th1 Opportunit~
people tra of poverty ter. In thi Poverty, ti directly an the despai verty,
6 PSC Ebony 59•
opening ni alive in 1 perfect ba way musi past and combinati1 favorites provides< ling co: humor anc Theirs
CLOSED WED. P.M. & SAT. P.M. 119 N. 8th St. Phone 873-6180
learn, and the poor s gers, and !ems are poor they ton, the u1 Hall find ·, but the re< on the seen The poor but guidant one to tel a problem; ·A proper a1 characterh teer. Wit fug, VISTA tremendom country, T must know done and I A progra · and is, efl Peace Con where, vr: us here a1 successful tuberculosi ;the Navajo in Arizona tion is four York, Atla
:lay, March Kansas S : Invitatio eet. Lead· anhatten i-runner J shed sec Jniversity 100 yard ed in his is Marvin 1, mile; Da ave Bohlk nari, dist hotput; Ch long and hi 'ves, sprin rdles; Cal lie Walla m Ward, 4
Doraine and Ellis to Appear at Peru on March 31.
Consumate Entertainment
D'.:>RAINE AND ELLIS, appearing at Peru Campus on Monday evening, March 31, capture all of the color, glamour, drama, and excitement of a Broadway opening night, Broadway comes alive in their show which is a perfect balance of famous Broadway musical successes of the past and the present, This combination of the standard favorites and the newest hits provides a wide variety of dazzling costuming, wholesome humor and beautiful music, Theirs is a show that has
something for everyone. The American heritage of lush melodies from the Broadway Theatre, presented in the listenable style of DORAINE AND ELLIS, unlock happy memories and stimulate new ones for people of all ages. • By continuing to bring something new and different to their program, coupled with enthusiasm for their"" work, DORAINE AND ELLIS exhibit a combination of genuine talent, rare costuming, and consumm~\; entertainment.
"'" salpcri·
lege will High Sc :day and Sa Tom Fit 1eet dire Je divided· schools of 125orl I as Class X>ls will co , Them lay with C follow up i.turday. i their enf no later t
m 5AT. P.M.
No. 23
31, 1969
Pre-Student Teaching Experiences
Vol. 64
What Can You Do? The most difficult problems we face today are here at home poverty hovels of our cities, mountain hollows, and Indian Reservations. Each and every citizen should honestly ask themselves, What Can I Do? VISTA, Volunteers In Senice To America, can help you answer it. This is a volunteer corp of the Office of Economic Opportunity designed to help people transform the ugliness of poverty into something better. In this phase of War on Poverty, the individual is pitted directly and personally against the despair and misery of poverty, VISTA volunteers listen, learn, and live basically with the poor shariru:; their food, angers, and hopes. Their problems are the problems of the poor they live with. The people ton, the Universities, and City Hall find theoretical answers, but the real answers are found on the scene. The poor don't need sympathy but guidance, They need someone to tell them how to solve a problem NOT solve it for them .. A proper attitude is the essential characteristic needed for a volunteer. With this and some training, VISTA volunteers can be a tremendous asset to our country, To be effective, they must know there is work to be done and know they can do it, A program such as this can, and is, effective, .Just as the Peace Corps helps millions elsewhere, VIST.A can greatly aid us here at horn~. It has been successful in launching a major tuberculosis control program on the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona, Tlie sam~ dedication is found in the slums of New York, Atlanta, Chicago, and 87
other urban centers as they work and live in these blighted areas, Another immediate and active concern of VISTA is the plight of the migrant farm laborers, Defranchised by their m'.gratory life, these farmers need help which is supplied by the Volunteers. Hundreds have gone to the Appalachia region - the land without hope. others are assigned to rural areas throughout the South where poverty has trapped the present generation, VISTA is working from the Virgin Islands to Alaska, VISTA is also trying to aid the mentally ill and retarded through thoughtfull understanding and quiet help, In San Francisco, for example, they work with the city's Aid to Retarded Children, Inc, The volunteers are starting a similar program with the Mental Health Department in West Virginia, Besides working in these areas, VISTA and the .Job Corp. have formed a partnership, VISTA Volunteers try to see that the youngsters in Job Corp are encouraged to take full advantage of their chance, Although the m1terial rewards of VISTA may not be as high as some professions, it does give individual rewards - respect, self-satisfaction, and a felling of worth, VISTA Volunteers gain as much as they give, They become informed of the world in which they live and gain the confidence that they can im9rove it, VISTA offers the opportunity for concerned persons to express their concern 'in the most tangible way - by contributing their m)st precious pJssession - their tim~, a year of their lives to the cause of improving the lives of others,
The ad-hoc cor.imittee of the Teacher Selection and l'rofessional Education Committee is updating the · criteria for prestudent teaching experiences. This committee, !°ICaded by Dr. C. V. Siegner, is studying the student teaching innovations of institutions throughout the country. Some of the program~ usc-d io various college, arc: special elementary student teaching of JO weeks full time followed by an internship and special projects for teachers in the disadvantaged areas (Los Ange!e·s). An elementary program in which the student teaches every basic subject on different levels and schools on a two weeks basis with t'ie last month being full time teaching (Chio, California). Annhurst College requires student teaching in the junior year. In Miami, Florida, interns begin full time teaching in :\over.iber, This is preced by a full week in September and 9 weeks of part
In Memory of Wm. A. Tynon
time before the November experience begins. Another college in Florida requires 36 hours of pre-student teaching observations in conjunction with methods for undergraduates only. In Bloomington, lllinoi,, as a junior a student participates with the teacher who will be his cooperating teacher when he does student teach. Northern Illinois University employes micro-teaching; sophomore junior, and senior lab experience;,; portable TV equipment with student teaching; a block program; and ouWoor education lab exr,eriences. In Greenville Illinois, the opening week of school is spent with the public school teacher followed b~ five weeks of cl~sses, then eight weeks spent with the public school teacher. In Maryland, student teaching is spread over a two year period. Massachusetts \azarene College requires 180 hours of observation and sening as a teacher aide before you stud-
ent teach. In St. Louis, a departmental involvement in methods and student teaching is developed from the sophomore year on. At the New York !Jni versity, "apprentice teachers" receive pay for assisting teachers while fulfilling student teaching requirements. They are employees of the Department of Educatfon as well as students of tl:e University. Modular scheduling, team teaching, supervising, and !ah experiences for each methods course are studied in satellite scho.ols in Albuquerque, New Mexico. These are just some of the many practices found throughout the United States in preparing students to teach. Many of the schools use some of the same techniques found at Peru. For instance, many of them use mi cm-teaching, videotaping of student teaching experience in public schools, September experience and observation, team teaching, etc.
The William Andrew Tynon, Ill, Athletic Scholarship, to be administered by the Peru Achi.evement Foundation, has been established l::y Mrs Jeanne Tynon and Nancy Lyne in memory of their husband and father who suffered fatal injuries in an auto accident on March 6. Bill was born on December 12, 1942 at Nebraska City, grew up in the Peru vicinity, and attended Peru grade school and high school, graduating in 1960. He was graduate:l from Peru College in 1964 with a major in physical education and with letters in track and football for three years. After graduating from college Bill taught school for one year at Atkinson, Nebraska. He then coached for two years at Fremont-Bergan Catholic high school at Fremont, Nebraska, where his football team won the Class B State Football Championship. Two years ago Bill and his family returned to Peru where he and his father farmed and operated the Tynon Grain Company.
Problems Discussed
Zenith Color TV to be Raffled by Mu Epislon Nu (Photo by) Mike Summers)
SEA held their spring mt1efing at the Congress In°n at Lincoln, l'\ebraska on March 2l .ind 22, Peru chapter was represented by ten members and sponsors, Dr, Kite and Mr .Johnson. Fmrteen different colleges were represented by 165 students and sponsors. Th~ meeting was held io elect the state officers for the oncomming year, Th~ mr: eting also discussed somr:i of the problems of teaching such as: · getting students involved, having people knowtheir a >Sociates better, and improve commanicatio:is or "turn on students", Thj SEA fall convention will b·3 held on the Peru Campus.
No Draft Dodger (ACP) - The Advance, Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina, Kansas. Clark Kissinger, an ex-leader of the S1lldents for a Democratic Societyt wrote the following note to his draft board upon receiving an induction notice: "I am currently employed doing full-time anti-war work among civilians. lf it is your desire, however, t'iat I be transferred to doing anti-war organizing among th.e troops, I shall cheerfully report for induction."
R.AsH DANCE MU EPISLON NU TUES. 7:30-10:30 7Sc a person · Raffle Tickets-$1.00 a piece Dra1\ing 9:00 -Lcnith ColorT.\'.
Page 2
THE PED March 31, 19q9 I
Midterms Was\e \\
,-, I
~I Ped Needs "Working" Critics The severest critics are always those who have either never attempted, or who have failed in original composition. - . Hazlitt I suppose the above statement could be changed slightly and fit my purpose. The severest critics of the PED are always those who have either never worked on the staff, or who have failed in getting something printed. Those that have or are working on The Ped realize that there is a little more to putting the paper out than finding a copy on Monday morning. If the local critics would be faced with assigning stores, writing, fitting heads, and lay-out, maybe opinioms would be slightly altered. , There is no rule that states that you have Religion is a touchy subject to be a member of the staff to c.ontribute that no one likes to discuss. to The Ped. Any ; organization may submit But I would like to bring up one small idea about this and articl(;s concerning their! club, very few do. it is "Religion is a dying fanAny student who is willitjg to sign his letter tasy in the world today." may write a letter to the/editor. Any article, We all know fr.is too - but why is it like this? Of course unless written in poo,r taste, is printed. this generation 11ill be pushed If you don't have the co~viction to sign your .... off with the blame again - as letter or if the article Vs in poor taste, then usual, but let's stop and think just a minute on why we should and only then is it refuse~. be blamed. Perhaps you are one :of the critics - join How many of us really are the staff. Come to classI - write articles deeply religious am! goto church every Sunday, say grace at every count heads - crop pictures - layout pages. meal and sit down and read the Maybe if you added a ;little work instead of BIBLE every night? I seriously words you could see tpe picture rather than think none of us do this., So we go on a little furthe.r. How the silhouette.
Death of Religion· Whose Fault
Put in a little "Spark" There are many organizations on the Peru State College campus ranging from the church group to the honorary fraternities. But what are they really doing or ar~ they just there? At the beginning of each year we are asked if we would like to belong to a church group. But if we have never had church in our blood we would not join. As the .rear goes on, we see signs up for this cluq having a meeting and for that club having a meeting but we NEVER hear what the clubs are doing. I myself feel that a club. must have a purpose. And this purpose :n\lUSt be something other than just talking \about how much money they have from dues and then adjourning the meeting. Whi can't the clubs have some sort of purpose or every person to benefit from or some s rt of entertain· ment for everyone to benefit? It is always said that Per~ is dead. Well, why don't the clubs put some '~spark" into the lives of every student - and ~ot just a select few - and let everyone enjo~their college life? Why can't the clubs 'po l' their funds and have some entertainmen so everyone can enjoy one or two evenin s during the year? Maybe if the clubs would show\ the students what they stand for, the studen\s may give the cluhs a go at it and not just joip BECAUSE IT LOCJKS GOOD ON YOUR REC<\JRD or not join at all. · 1
many of us just go to church every Sunday and really enjoy and get something out of it? This is where many of us fit, the ones who do attend every Sunday. And last but not least there are those who don't go at all or go and get no meaning at all from it. Yes, one of these three groups will fit us all. Eut look at the last one again, and this is where I imagine most college students fit, those who don't go at all Is is our fault we don't go? Sure it is if we are LAZY and don't feel like dressing up on Sunday morning or even gcttipg out of bed, But what aboutthose who have never gone before or who wereneverpushedtogo? It could very well be their parents' fa:ult we don't go or could even be our grandparents fault. We grew up with the habits our parents have taught us. This is. logical. So if they went to church every Sunday - I im· agine we will too - providing we get something out of it or are not too lazy to get up. But what if our parents didn't
Protest In Style (ACP) The Forty-Niner, California State College at Long Beach. For the coed who doesn't have a thing to. wear for the next protest march, a London boutique has just t'ie thing: Featured is a dress in deep red, shiny; aluminum-backed Milium (sheds rain) _with large, clear plastic insects center back and front upon which to scrawl your message.
go - we wouldn't know what it was like and we wouldn't go either. So the blame should be placed on our grandparents or the persons in our life line who stop· ped going to church and give the blame to the real source on why religion is dying. Religion is not the only thing we (our generation) gets blamed for - there are many other things. So those who are not LAZY do this - the next time someone askes you why or why not that you did something find the source before you take the entire blame.
New Bill Questionable
Spring seems to have ar on l'eru State's campus al as abruptly as mid-term exa inations. Spring is of cou nature and one most peopl especially college students, a anxious lo have arrive; mid-term exams are created man and therefore can be c trolled. If the use of mi::l-term exam cannot be controlled, they their .products - mid-ter grades should be climinat There seems to re no set sy tern among instructors for thi procedure, since many of the have pbpped up recently wi mid-terms previously unme tioncd in their schedules. T is not solely the fault of instructor but stems to necessity of havir.g a mid-te grade for every student in eve class. The exact day di vidi the semester is another uncle point. Friday, March 21st, w the probably date. If this w it, why a re stud ents ta · '·exams well into this week? Of course, we must cone that mid-term exams are a n essary e\11, if mid-term grad are part of the system, are mid-term grades nece sa ry. Peru is a small c lege and should take advanta of its tea'cher - student lationships. Grade standing are readily available to stu ents throughout the semest for the asking. Instructors don usually keep this informatio under lock and key. Perhaps a better system, us in some other colleges, woul be to notify only students t are doing below average wo about which the instrucfur concerned. This would saveti and effort for instructors an good students. From the student stan point, mid-term exams, resu ing in mid-term grades, are nuisance and maybe a mor effecient system should be e plored. Actually we shouldn scream too muc\ we don have to bring the reports ba to our instructors, signed-b our parents.
. . .as E ·stative I ugh to I upied wi1 uch about Not enougl desire Im< thorities th the appan ska doesn tball. Ma.)' esn 't exist
Helpin look much
.Guitarists Unit
Do you play the guitar? Let' The new legislative bill which get together and see what was recently passed making 20 can do. Anybody who is in year olds adults has caused terested come to the Studen quite a lot of controversy. There Center Lounge during the con are those who feel it will be vo-period on April 2, 1969 very profitable aad there are Somebody got a groovy idea'??' those who feel it will be very By 1970 teen-agers will ma damaging. One of the advantages in passQ up nearly half of the populati of the United States. When y ing this bill is the rightforthose who are 20 to legally drink al- have reached the age of 26, y will be in the OLDER HAL colholic beverages and not just sneak around the back roads in of the population. a car hiding fror:i authorities. This bill may possibly help to PERU PEDAGOG!AN keep less of our younger popu· lace off of the streets. It may Monday, March 31, 196 9 help to bridge thegapfrom being a teenager to an adult by i'.olume 64 giving those who !lave bee om e 20 years of age, too old for teen Published weekly places, too young for other adult places, a place to go be- academic year, except holid sides just roaming around and and between semesters by eventually finding themselves in students of Peru State Colleg trouble. Peru, Nebraska 68421But then again they may only be aiding more of our popuSTAFF lace to find a friend in alcohol a Ii ttle bit sooner. Many . EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailor people feel that this bill really BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . accomplished nothing and if the Steve Mas legislature really wanted· to do PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Ber something why not lower the ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . age to 18 or 19, why just 20? Thus, we go back to the old ADVISOR enough to dri_nk and vote argument. The signed letters printed ' The only thing we can do is to wait for the newness of this this paper do not reflect the op· bill to wear off and take a ion of the Pedagogian but of i good look at the results from di viduals. The editor reserv all sides before we pass judge- the right to edit them for public ment either way, ·.. ,;ion.
Tl!E PED March 31, 1969
Girls Play Ball 1e rm exam~ of course ;t people, dents, are rive; but -reated by n be con.: rm exams they and mid-term iminated. J set sys; for this y of them •ntly with r unmen• Jes. This It of the s to the mid-term tin every 1 dividing ·r unclear 21st, was this was ts taking eek? t concede
/\ pretty influential group concemt.'<l about their physical well being ;1re the many high sch<x>l girls. i\lso to aid the girls in having basketball as a competitive sport throughout the state sch<x>I system is the state le!-,'islation Hesolution 26). Senator Hichard Proud of mafia said his interest in girls' baskctbaJI was whetted by viewing the finals. of the :Iowa Girls' Toumamen1··last ·week on TV. Proud said he was convinced of the "bcnefinial nature ·or the sport for the girls involved," after watching the final games. Some observers of the legislature process arc sure to remark that the areas of taxation, highways, ·schools, and other concerns of the state ..•. • . . .as expressed in 1,346 legislative bills . . .should be enough to keep the senators occupied without worrying too much about girls' basketball. · Not enough people have made a desire known to the school authorities throughout the state is the apparent reason that Nebraska doesn't have girls' basetball. Maybe the desire doesn't exist.
PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS tern, used. es, would
lents that ·age work ructor is save time ctors and
Helping Peru State look just that much better for over 51 years.
For years the pros and cons of girls' basketl:all have been aq,'llc<J. As a ccimpctiti ve spirit, it remains a strong program ir. many Iowa schools - especially the small school:,. Interscholastic competition isn'l as interesting for the larger schools :- the reason is unknown. The schools in Iowa most often have girls' basketball as an entertainment feature for the home folks. '.{here used to be a lot of argument that a si;ort as strenuous as ··basketball was not too good for gfrl-s. Old timcrs·can remember wh'enJhe girls were considered "delicJte•." That argument doesn't hofd. up any more. Watch the cheerleaders at the next game you attend and see that they sometirne.> ex~ ercise more strenuously than the players on the court. Girls are not natural adherents of the competitive sports, but the question of the emotional make-up of the girls vs. boys indicates that emotionally. If they were, they would engage in the rough-and-tumble activities that boys do at an early age and continue throu.gh life. But they don't, Home influence maybe a result of this. On the other hand, girls can and do pretty well in some countries at guerrilla warfare under other influences. The resolution also asks that "other sports for girls be encouraged." Next year it will be interesting to _see how many schools field competitive teams for girls there will be. Competitive sports for girls could catch on like . wildfire, !Jl.aybe with the help of this new legislative position. Wrestling, anyone?
Samoan Student Enlightens Class When Mr Strom's Twentieth Century American History Class discussed the expansionism of 1880-1910, brought about by a business-centered Manifest Destiny, Mr Malaetasi Togafau of Samoa was on hand lo present first-hand information about his country which was annexed by the linilcd States in 1896. The Samoan Islands consist of twelve islands which arc divided into /\merican'samoa and Western Samoa, Western Samoa; which is made up of five islands and which has the larger area and population, was once a possession of Germany and has now been independent since 1961. American Samoa consists of seven islands and has its capitol at the important seaport of Por,>a Poga. There has been rivalry between the two divisions of Samoa
Small College Advantageous Quite often when high school students are deciding on which colleges to apply to, they tend to apply to the larger universities without realizing the advantages of a small college. They are fascinated, when visiting a large university, by all the buildings, students and activities gdng on without realizing that these don't guarantee a good education. And they usually don't have a chance to see what goes on behind the scenes •••the students that can't find their counselors, that can't get needed outside help from their professors, and advisors and teachers who don't care whether the student passes or fails. These, in themselves, are the very reasons high school students shouldn't overlook ·the small colleges, In m1st instances, the classes in small colleges are o.f a size that the professors get to know the stu-
les, are a
a more: 1uld be ex, shouldn't we don't •orts back signed by
Game or a Date Go
Eldon's the Place that rates
Eldon Al lgooci Phone 872-9965
' 1969
since the early days, which were marked with continuous battles between jealous kings, /\t the present lime, American Samoa prefers the protection of the lln.ilcd Slates since she fears the st,rength of her western neighbor. Mr Tagafau's description of the tropical islands and their warm climate brought envy into the eyes of the students from cold, wel, and windy Nebraska, The many Samoan beaches arc ideal for swimming and fishing, with temperatures ranging from lows of about 60 degrees up to highs of about 80 degrees or 90 degrees. However, he· added that they do have a couple of drawbacks on their beautiful tropical islands-the average annual rainfall is 200 inches and the average humidity is 80 per cent!
Page 3
Spring Fever Creates Problems In case you haYe not noticed spring is almost here. You know what that means. SPHING FEVEH! Spring Fever is likely to create problems for some of our students. Spring is a time to be outside and enjoy nature. Teachers may soon find that students' minds are wandering and they are not concentrating on lessons Some students may hal'e year round spring fever, but for the rest of us it will soon hit, if it hasn't already. Students are not the only ones. to be affected. Teachers too may feel the effects of the highly ·infectious disease. With a little coaxing, some teachers might be persuaded to take students outside for classes, which may or may not prove to be a risky move. Once outside it might be quite difficult to get one's mind to the work at hand. It is indeed difficult to think of anyting but spring when the grass is green, leaves cover the trees, and flowers are seen here and there. To stay indoors, listening to a lecture mightpose a great temptation to a void classes. Things don't look all that bad, however as far as intellectual activities are concerned. With a determined effort and great will, a person can both stu:ly and enjoy spring. When spring fever seems about ready to strike you, don't resist! Enjoy yourself, but remember Srpingaroo and study
dents, and the students can feel free to see the professor after class if they have any questions or need extra help. The sam 3 goes for seeing their counselor for advice. The students at a small college also get to know a larger percentage of students than those who attend a large university, and they can participate in a larger number of campus activities than theymightotherwise. A few students at a small college can be very important, because a few students can be the entire school, On the other too'.'.'. hand, at a large university 150 or 200 students can be a very small minority and of no importance at all. Either of these views can be advantageous, depending on whether one to be a person with a name or a Thirty-one Art majors sponsored by Mr.- Hitch and Mr. number. The most that a <>mall college Schmaliiohn made a trip via has to offer is it's administration chartered bus to Lincoln and faculty and students, aud if a the American showing of the prospective student is afraid 34th Venice Biennele exhibito be known as something other tion at Sheldon Gallery. The group made their trip than a number than it is not the p'la.ce for him. This is the on Friday, March 21st, and arm'l.jor advantage of a small rived in Lincoln at about tenthirty when they were allo;ved college. a private question and answer period with Norman Geske, BEATTY GARAGE Curator of Sheldon and Ruben '.'Jakien, a sculptor repreFast . . :. Oependabl e sented in the Bienelle ExhibiService tion. After the infomal discussion • Auto Repair the group viewed the show on • Wrec.ker Service exhibit which included Red Groom's "City of Chicago" and • Steam Cleaning Frank Gallos fiberglass sculp• Lubrication tures. At two-thirty in the afternoon the groui; viewed two Gas for Less experimental filrr:s "Shoot the Peru Moon" and "Fat Feet' made 872-3201 by Red Grooms and then boardw AAA Service ed the bus to return to Peru.
Art Majors Visit Sheldon Gallery
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IN PERU IT'S HILL'S REXALL DRUG Complete Line of School Supplies Cologne - Perfume - After Shave
Page .j \
THE PED March '.\!, 1969
0i· ~
19 69-7 0 Ath Ieti c~-:..~_,, Schedule Revised
Tim•:: Sometime betw·~en First Aid and Gym. · Place: Mac's Lone Oak. People: Coaching staff at Peru and certain guest. Purpose: Revision of the Bobcat athletic program for 69-70. Probably the conversation over coffee? went something like this. President Gomom: Well, gentlemen I suppose you all know that you have all been called together to revarr.p the athletic program at good ole P.S.C.? Well in case you didn't, you are. Othe_rs present: growl, snort.
President: I believe a few of you have prepared revisions already? · (some nod) Coach Pitts will you give us a run dow•1 _on your program? Coach Pitts: M0- . President the football program for 69-70 is going to involve an exchange exveriment with the University o(Nebraska. No Sir, We aren't going to trade athletes. It has been deCided that \\'hat Peru State needed was competition with Big name schools to promote .recognition. So next year the Bobcats will play the opponents slated for N.U. and vice versa. Fitzgera)d: Blow in my ear and I'll follow you anywl.iere. President: Well I guess if you're going to loose all your games _anyway you might as well do it against such teams as U.S.C., beside I hear they lost a fellow last year -. that dr:rnk a lot of Orange Juice or something -- didn't they. Response: Muted Silence. President: Lets see Coach Mcintire is next. Coach! Mac: Mr. President we have one major revision for next year and a cou:;ile we thought we would try out just for kicks. First of all the basketball team will hos·t the Harlem Globetrotters in their open· ing game of the season. Yes, we figured with all the yoyos we got, a bJn,ch of clowns should
add to the attractiveness of the gym. God· bless those rotten maples. Stemper: Well chimes.
Ping my
Mac: Also because we have been seeking out a new conference since the NCC folded it has been made official that Peru State has been accepted in the Pacific Coast Conference. With big Lew gone next year we decided we should do our part to class up their league, besides some of my boys have been wanting to see DoW!1town Burbank. President: Next!!' Pilk: Does the word, firealarm ring a bell? President: Well tim·e is nearly up but we have time for one more - let's see - Coach Pelisek, you have your thumb in your mouth. PeHsek: PQp! Mr President let ine briefly summarize and then let's get the H - out of here. Next season baseball at Peru will present a new look. Mickey Mantle will be on hand to handle bat boy chores and Pee Wee Reese, who I hired after his dismissal by the NBC network Will handle the play-by-play commentary. · Let's see have I missed a trick - o'yes fae baseball squad voted unanimously to do their spring training in Florida next year as well as startnlg a new Tuity-Friuty League. Well like I said -•hort, sweet and let's get the H- out of 'here. Pres: (to himself as the coaching staff was walking out the door) Do you suppose they could be p:illing my leg? Coach's: Turning in the door way of the Lone Oak and repeating in unison.
------------------------• SPORT
______ •••
What is it?????
If you can name the what is
Carson McCullers' searching and sensitive story of innocence lost that has become an "enduring master iece."
Girls Play Ball A sport day was held at Doane College, Crete, Nebraska, on March 22. Four colleges,- Doae, Midland, Wesleyan and Peru, participated in it. Peru placed second behind Midland while Doane took third. Peru played Midland the 1st round and lost 46 to 34. The second round saw the Peru dollies defeat Doane 66-19. In the game Janet Bailey made 25 points and Karren Sell made 20 points. This was Peru'slastgamethis year. · The record of this year ended up with 4 wins and 4 losses.
Cindermen Warm-Up For Outdoor Meet Jack Weyers, Peru State's ace speedster from Sterling, broke the indoor and outdoor school record in the 2-mile with a 9:14 performance at the Kansas State University Relays at Manhattan Saturday. Weyers erased Tim Hendricks' 9:26.4 indoor mark set last year at K-State, and eclipsed his own outdoor record of 9:17 established last year at the Arkansas Relays. ·rhe mile relay team set an indoor record of 3:27. The previous record was 3:34.2 set at the U of Nebr. at Omaha meet earlier this season. On the new re~ord-breaking team were Marvin Allen, Des Moines; David Bierbaum, Griswold, Iowa; Calvin Smith, Pacific Junction, Iowa, and William Ward, Omaha. Peru competed against much larger schools in the meet which included such universities as Kansas State and Colorado. The meet was tune-up for the Arkansas Relays held Saturday March 29, the 1st outdoor encounter for the cindermen.
Cur Com
Leaders of Peru Pride: (front) Bobette Masters, Mickie We be Linda Knippelmeir; (middle) Coleen DeKonning, Dee Farson (top) Charol_::tte Lash.
INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHT After the completion of four intramilral sports the Mysterians are holding down the top spot with an accumulation of 29V2 points, Not to be count~ ed out of the race a~ this pl)in>: hl)·Ncver, are the Studs and the Iron Butterflies. With two sports le:'t for comp•:ltion the Studs trail with 28 p·Jints and the Butterflies 26. The Mysterians secret is a balanced effort in all spcrts to date. Thier low was the 51/2 received in volleyball and their high was 9 in touch football. The Studs after ga:n!ng 19 of the IJ')~sible 2.J IJ')ints given in football· and volleyball found out basketball was just not their sport by failing to seore but scored 9 in swimming to pressure the Mysterians for the top notch, The Bufferflies, base their strength on their !st place finish in basketball and balanced sc>oting in all other sports, Other tea.n ° !'lat could be deciding factors are ~'w Marksmen with 22 and the Cool Jerks with 18. The two sports remaining are softball and the one day track meet,
HELP WANTED Fetty Foods at Nebraska City is seeking male students for part or full-time work as waiters starting immediately. For full information contact Harold Schumacher, Mgr., Phone 87 3-5986 Nebraska City.
SPORT BULLETIN Intramural softball for men will start shortly after Easter. The deadline for e:itering teams will be Thursday noon, April 13. What is it? answer: This picture is that of a Pollock's Bowling Ball. (Cute-Cute)
Best i\ctor
it? You will be perfectly right. !lint: n is a piece of athletic equipm•~nt. Give up? Answ·~r, in colum.1 Ii, last sentence.
Mr President. "April Fools"
PIONEER- Sun.- Wed. Adm. 50c & $1.25
J Street
Auburn, Nebr.
Swimming The Dolphins won the tramural Swim:ning Meet March 20th. They led the with 57 points, t'Je studs lowing with 20, Mysterian Nads 7, PSC Ebony 3, Iron Butterflies 1. The dividual events scored 5 and the team relays scor 7-4-1. The top individual sco er was Richard Wright. 80 Yard Team Medley 44.4+ (back,· breast, butterfly, fr style) 1. Dolphins (Manny Nuri Richard Wright berg, Kirk Shaw) 2. Studs 3. Mysterians. 20- Yard Breast Stroke 12.3 1. Manny Nurin Dolphins . 2. Dave Langer 14.3 Stud 3. Tom Siefcon 14.3 Stu 100 Yard Free Style 59.4.+ 1. Richard Wright Dolphi · 2. Jim Pearson 1:04.3 P Ebony 3. Mmny Nurin 1:08.8 Do! phins · 20 Yard Back Stroke 11.2 + 1 Dave Langer Studs 2. Ted Hedberg 11.9 Dolphin 3. Ross Ridenour 12.7 Ir B!tterflies 40 Yard Butterfly 2217 + + 1. lli chard Wright Dolphin 2. Norm Eshback- 27 .5 Nad 3. Tom Siefcon 29.7 Stu 40 Yard Free Style 20.6 + + 1. Richard Wright Dolphin 2. D3nnis Day 21.9 Myste ians 3. Dave Langer 22.2 Stud· 40 Yard Breast Stroke 28 .0 1 Manny Nurin Dolphins 2. Norm Eshbach 31.5 Nad 3. Tom Siefcan 32.8 Stud 40 Yard Back Stroke 26.2 1. Richard Wright Dolphin 2. Dave Langer 227.0 Studs 3. Tim Hedberg 27.5 Dolphins 80 Yard Individual Medley 56.9 + · (butterfly, back, breast, free style) · 1. Richard Wright Dolphin 2. Manny Nurin 57 .9 Dolphins 3. Norm Eshbach 1:07.3 .\'ads 160 Yard Free Style Team Relay 1:35.J + + ·I. Dolphins (MannyNurin, Tim Hedberg, Richard Wright, Kirk Shaw) 2. Mysterians 1::39.0 3. Studs 1:48.6 + + ~'\<)cord (New Event) + + +Ties Record +Record
state I culum Scienc1 ney St numbe1 qui rem the lo~ quires 43. The: vary g1 aminati ilar. For quires Arts; ney, ni eighth< Peru' qui rem hours hours hours quires tion fo; world FfoeA ney rec pcsitior tains sc hours c ed " Chad rot of com1 hour cc writing, listenin. In th1 Peru r, three he ment ar 1
Sch Ann Dr. Deed tha1 es will week s works he session. 3 and J six hoL earned courses 5 week second. Regis1 or secor Monday tration for July 1
DefE Shoi (ACP) tions to student for the program ago if C pcsed bu The b would p1 lion lesi er loan. year. Reduct gations f loans fr year to is antiCi1 Them ceiving from ab1
Colleges Ignore Cause of Unrest Peace Corps Director Jack Vaughn predicts cootinuing protest activities oo college campuses in the coming year be. cause many school administrat9rs are n!Jt tuned in to the real cause of unrest among students, No. 24 April 9, 1969 TI!E PERU STATE COLLEGE PEDAGOGIAN, Peru, Nebr. Vol. 64 Vaughn states: "It is becoming clear that half of today's students are out to change the system - not necessarily oor system of higher educatioo, I believe they're right in thinking it is ready for radical overhauling." Wayne requires six hours of fromeither more literature, or comparing the four Nebraska The trooble, Vaughn believes wor Id civilization and three art, or music, or theatre, or state College's basic curristems from depersooalizatioo foreign language. Chadron, too, history, culum plans for a Bachelor of hours of American of higher educatioo and failure Science degree shows that Kear- •Three hours of American his- refers to this field as "humani· to recognize students as adults ties" and requires nine hours. ney State requires the highest tory, three hours of American number of general education re- government plus five hours se- Humanities, as taught at Chad· ron, supposedly guides their stuquirements (45-58) and Peru, lected from economics, geogthe lowest (37-40), Wayne r~ raphy, history, poQtical sci- dents to appreciate art, music, quires 42 hours and Chadron, ence or sociology fulfills Kear- literature, and great ideas in the ney's requirement. Chadron same course. The result of the NEA's Tea43. The requirements appear to demands nine hours of social cher Opinion Poll shows that toPhysical education requirescience of its degree applicants. vary greatly and yet, close ex• ments at Peru are fulfilled by day nearly seven out of ten Peru in the Science Mathe- three hours of health and two . JXlblic school teachers believe amination shows them quite sim· matics field requires six hours of exercise coorses. Way· that they are justified to strikilar. For example, Peru State re- hours of any laboratory science ne demands a two hour health ing in certain circumstances. quires twelve hours of Language biology, chemistry, earth, phy- course plus two, ooe hour P.E. The per cent of the teachers Arts; WaY']e, ten hours; Kear- sics, etc., plus mathematical courses. Chadron requires four with this opinion increased more ney, nine nours; and Chadron, proficiency or a basic math - one hour activity courses in the year from 1967 to 1968 course. Wayne requires eight eight hours. plus three hours of health. than in the period from 1965 Peru's Language Arts re- hours from any one field of Kearney lumps their physical to 1967, quirements are !:iased on six science or math. The course~ education requirements into a When asked the qµestioo, "Do hours of composition, three however, appear to be all four "personal adjustment" cata· you .believe public-school teahour courses. Kearney demands hours of literature, and three gory - a two hour health course, chers should ever ·strike," 68 hours of speech. Wayne re- eleven hours of science and one hour of sport's philosophy, per cent said yes in 1968 as quires six hours of composi· mathematics - three hours of one hour of activity, plus three compared to 59 per cent in 1967 hours of business, home eco- and 53 per cent in 1965, The ti.on followed by four hours of math and eight hours of any nomics, industrial arts, or psy• majority of teachers believe that wQrlcl liter(l.:turll. and. their science. Chadron's requirements more similar to Peru's Fine Arts requirement. Kearchology. teachers should strike only un• are one math course plus three ney requires six hours of com· Three hours of psychology is der extreme conditions and required by only Wayne and when all other plans fail. position which evidently con- hours of biological and three tains some literature plus three hours of physical science. The main reasoos given by Peru. Peru's Fine Art's requirehours of speech in what is callteachers from striking are(l) Chadron demands a one hour ments are fulfilled by-the least ed "Communicative Skills". orientation course of their ''to achieve satisfactory teach· Chadron requires eight hours number of hours of the state ing conditions, such as reasoo• freshmen. of communications; two, four colleges - two hours of art or able class size," (2) ''to imAt all state colleges, a degree music appreciation. Wayne rehour courses designed to teach is based on 125 semester hours prove the instructional proquires six hours two hours writing, speaking, re!@ing, and as ruled by the Governing board gram," (3) ''to Obtain higher of art, two hours of 'music and listening. · salaries," (4) ''to oltain neof State Colleges, but the basic gotiation agreement with the In the Social Science field, two hours of speech. Kearney degree requirements vary in expects eight hours of "humaniPeru requires nine hours school board," and (5) ''to sethree hours of American govern- · ties" - three hours of literary number, name, and purpose, ac- cure improved fringe benefits." cording to the college's design. ment and six hours of history. classics plus five hours selected
Curriculum Varies at State Colleges
capable of full partlclpatioo in society and in educational af• fairs.
The student is demanding a persmal experience, Vaughn says, and turns oo the school admfnistratfoo. ••If this is tobe re~ersed, the !acult,y must be Ii.berated, and pemaps reoriooted 1toward the studoot," the Peace Corps director says, He points oot, "It may be that 1here will be more dissentioooo, . the ca111JJUS slmflar to the un-rest which rocked many ~ uses last year unless changes ensue in the declsioo-makl.ng apparatus M higher educatioo,"
Polls· Say Strike
COLLEGES TOO INFLEXIBLE SAYS MAYOR LINDSAY (ACP) - Colleges and universities may be too inflexible and discipline-ori.ented to respond to the pressing problems of. the day, Mayor John V. Lind· say of New York told about 1,000 presidents and deans at the annual meeting of the Asosciation of American. Colleges in Pittsburgh Pa. "Poverty, integration, defense, transportation, space exploration, economic develCJPment, and deterioration of the cities cry out for creative, interdisciplinary thinking," Mr Llndsay said. "The university with its departmental structure, seems illequipped to respond." Specifically, Mr Lindsay proposed colleges and universities develoP more programs for high risk studen_ts. He noted a recent survey of 215 institutions revealed· almost half have no such programs at all.
Schedule Announced
:17++ ht Dolphin, ,. 27.5 Nad 29.7 Stu e 20.6+ + ht Dolphi l.9 Myste 22.2 Stud ke 28.0 phins 31.5 Nad l2.8 Stud e 26.2 t Dolphin 27.o stud '.5 Dolphiniy edley56.9+ reast, free
·Nurin, Tim l Wright, •0
Dr. Dean Keith Melvin announced that the i969 summer classes will be divided into two 5 week sessions and three short workshops: In the five week sessions from· June 2 · to July 3 and July 7 to August. 8 up to six hours of credit may be earned in each se~sion. Fifty courses are available the first 5 week term and 33 during the second. Registration for the first and or second term is scheduled for Monday June 2 with riew regis· tration for th·e second term set for July 7.
Defense Loans Show Drop (ACP) - Federal contribu· tions to the National Defense student loan program will drop for the first time since the program was started 10 years ago if Congress a::I0pts the proposed budget for next y(lar. The budget for fiscal 1970 would provide about $31.5 mil· lion less money for 44,000 few· er loans than in the current year . Reduction of buclget obli· gationsfor the National Defense loans from $193.4 million this year to $161,9 million. in 1970 is antidpated. The number of students receiving these loans would drop from about 442,000 to 398,000.
Co-op Housing - a Living Environment WASHINGTON (CPS).-One of the little noted facets of the student drive for independence and control over their own institu· tions is a small but growing cooperative housing movement among students and young people on campuses and in cities. Wanting to escape from do~ mitories with their "long corridors of facelessdoorsandface· less rooms," and trying to find an inexpensive way to live in a congenial group, many students have started "co-ops" ranging in size from five to fifty, Some of them have expanded from simple sharing of food and shelter to starting "free universi· ties" within their communities. Co-ops at such schools as the Universities of Michigan and Wisconsin have been running for more than 30 years. Students own more than two hundred cooperatives in the Uni· ted States, in Canada, co-ops have been built on every university campus, and Torooto alone has more than 30, One of those expanded in to Rochdale College when its residents set up classes and invited professors to teach them,
A new organization, the North American Student Cooperative League, has been set up in Washington to serve as an in· formation center for existing coops and to promote new ones. Its staff contains experts on the architecture, mechanics and psychology of co-operative liv· ing; and it is holding a coo· ference next week for students who want to learn more about setting up a co-op. The League's director, Norman Glassman, who defines a cooperative as "a living environment owned and operated by the people who Iive in it," thinks universities "will .become more free as the space in which stu· dents live becomes more free," He says the cooperative housing movement has grown as stu, dents realize that owning their own "space," rather than living in administration - controlled space like dormitories, is ama~ jor step toward changing their education. They choose coopera ti ves, rather than one- or twoman apartments, because "they want to learn to live and share with other human beings." The movement, Glassman 0
thinks grew out of the same frustration that motivated the hippies to establish communities, and was influenced bytheir "communitarianism." Cooperatives do not take af· ter hippie communities when it comes to property-sharing, however. Most have some commoo space in a large house and share food and cleaning chores, but few hold all money and property in common, Most on college campuses are .. not co-ed, either--01'ten because college rules forbid such housing for students. This Glassman calls unfortunate-after all, "men need to learn how to live with women," and most of them never learn that. The co-op housing movement may turn into' a boom, as even the federal government recog· nizes its legitimacy. The In· ter Cooperative Council at the University of Michigan recent· Iy received a $1 million loan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to build a cooperative residence - mark· ing the first time HUS has given money to a student group to build student housing.
Library Expanding At the present time, the magazine section in the basement of the library is being expanded from the present two rooms into a third multi-purpose room. The reason for this is to create a needed room for the latest issues of the magazines. Also in this multjrpurpose room will be a cuni'culum li· brary for those students in their professional semester, an elementary library and additional room for study. The card cata• logue for these books will be in the multi-purpose room, in· stead of with the other books in the regular card catalogue on the main floor. Plans are· also being made to, over the summer, improve the lighting in most of the basement.
Page 2
THE PED April 9, 1969
Editorially Speaking Rock Means Riot
camera. If a racial leader is given the opportunity to speak on a micorphone "afore a crowd and camera, lie uses tiifs cfunce to exhibit his violent, impetupus speech. Mass media may be responsible for rapid, further expansion of protest movements into areas of violence. They need to know and ·be alert to what they can and cannot do as an emotional media, A coverage of ooly inflammatory "spot" news is not sufficient. Background information is necessary if it is to be as .exact and accurate a report as possible, Reguak featues of ghetto areas would provide readers with supwrting information, Crisis could then be vie~ed somewhat perspectively, Mass media is certainly not completely ·corrupt, but it is a necessary means of communications in our country. However we must be aware of the Influence and "control" it plays in situations. Foreigners probably think the United states is just one big country of riotous individuals and colleges filled with revolting students, Don't be completely engulfed by the intenseness of the situation in our coiintry. Look furtherthanonenewspaper article or TV story before judging an area overcome with Today's stUdents have a rel· demonstrators who may only be atively hard time expressing · tossing stones. themselves. Often they regard their fathers and mthers with having certain compassion as Negotiating a Mirage victims working against them. Seventy.:fi.ve years ago parents When President Johnson halted had unquestiooing coofidence in the bombing of North Vietnam a set of rather stem values. last November l, he told ffie They KNEW what was right American people tbat he had and what was wroog. Con- assurances that the North Viettemporary parents themselves namese would de-escalate the have been swept along too much war, cease shelling South Vietby the speed-up of modern life namese towns, and stop violating to be sure of anything. the DMZ. These agreements Parents of today are not so have not been kept, · much intl'\lsive as irrelevant ••• During the present Tet offenA girl who finished college sive over 1400 U.s. soldiers last June sums it up: "People have been killed, 150 South Vietlike their parents as long as namese towns shelled and the their oarents do 9ot in· DMZ violated 140 times. terfere a whole lot,puttingpres• President Nixon recently ~aid, sure oo choice of careers, "We are ending a period of ~es, and personal life ..• confrontation with the Reds and I think Freshmen tend to dis- entering an era of negotiation." cuss and dislike their parents This is what all decent Amerimore than seniors. By then, cans, hawks and ooves alike, supposedly, you have some dis- want to hear and all hope that tance on them. and you can af· this assesment can be · true, ford to be amused or affectionHowever, this is also what ate about them. For instance, you . follo)V your parents' foot· President Johnson hoped to acsteps and if they are Rep,u bli· complish with his bombing halt. Yet his negotiations have only ~l!ll _f!_r_ Democrat, so you are you. followed the same pattern as all As you grow up, you find many people who say they find they past negotiations with the Reds, like 'their parents. But nobody and that's down a one way street. wants to go back home. For any We keep our pledges while they length of time, it is usually a never fully abide. by any agreements, usually callously disrebad trip." garding them. Perhaps it is time that we PERU PEDAGOGIA?l . learn that negot.iations with the Monday, April 9, 1969 Reds are only a plat~u of hope. We have our men dying so .that Volume 64. Number 24 we can negotiate for a mirage,
"Hey, kid! Throw a rock! Throw one. I haven't seen you do anything yet!" Is this · the t;ypical reatioo of a news reporter when he is fu)fillirig an assignment? Are stories of riots and revol~ oltained in this matter? Are' they· printed and televised out of proport_ioo? Although it is a well known fact riots do exist in our country, mass media is the most single important factor helping to build tension in some communities. An incident which may not have been anything is built up to a front page story, For instance, in one area afew youths threw some rocks at firemen. The police easily dispersed them, but morning newspapers carried headlines about the unruly, violent crowds, How many similar incidentS have we considered to be major disruptions imich in actuality were mfuor di&'lllrban.ces. Television seems to "contribute to disorders." When networks move in eqiipment,ligbts ets., they inspire~monstrators to perform. A person may s~ not for some cause, but for the mere purvase of being on
Bad Trip Home
Published weekly durinq the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State Colleqe, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors _BUSINESS MANAGER. . . . . . . . Steve Mason' .PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Beran ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER ..... :· Bob Vana ADVISOR . . . . . . . James Keck The· ·11iqn•d lett•r11 printed in· this paper do not reflect th~ opinion of the Pedaqoqian but of individuals. The editor reserves :ithe riqht to edit them for publica1tion.
Vacation Too Short The reason Peru State College does not have a spring vacation is because they get out much earlier 'than most schools. We may be getting cheated out of our vacation, The college should give us a little more vacation at Easterbecausethere are many students WOO live all over the United states and they do not get a chance like other:; do to go lx>me a~ time they want. Many of them have to skip some of there classes in order to get home and see their family. If the school would al· low a few more days · they would be in the class rooms going to school like they are suppose to be doing. I think it is up to the student body to aehieve this goal., ,, • , , , ",
In the past fifty ~rs the teaching profession has changed tremendously, The oocument below was 'given to the idalio Education News by Supt. John Snyder, Sandpoint Idaho, This is an agreement between Miss Lottie Smith, teacher, and the Board of Education of the Dry River School. For teaching a perioo of eight months beginning September 1, 1923the Board of Education agrees· to pay Miss Lottie Smith too sum of seventy- · five dollars per month. Miss Lottie Smith agrees: 1. Not to get married, This contract becomes null and void immediately if the teacher marries, 2. Not to keep coffillany with men, · 3, To be home between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:ooa.m. unless she is attending a school function. · 4. Not to loiter downtown in the ice cream parlor. 5, Not to . leave town at any time without the permission of the chairman of the school board. 0
6. Not. to smoke cigar:ettes. This contract becomes null and void immediately if the teacher is found sinokjng, 7. Not to drink beer, wine, or whisky, This conj;ract becomes void immediately if the teacher is found drin15ing. 8, Not to ride in a carriage of automobile with any man except her brother or father. 9. Not to dress·- iii· bnght colors or to dye her hair. 10. To wear at least two petticoats. · fl. Not to wear dressed more than two inches above.the ankle. 12. Not to use face powder mascara, ?r paint the lips, 13. To keep the schoolroom clean; to sweet the classroom floor at least once daily; to scrub the classroom floor once a week with hot water and soap; to clean the blackboards at least once daily· to start the fire at 7:00 a~m.; so the room will bewarmat8:00 a.m. when thechildrenarrive;to carry out the ashes at least once daily.
ABM Spells TROUBLE With soaring inflation, most· ly due to the expensive Vietnam War and an expanding defense and arms race, the United states· is adding another hotissue to the already roaring inferno-namely a proPosed anti-ballistic missile system. Nixon has taken a position to build a thin "Safeguard" system which has rekindled antagonism throughout the coun· try. Critics al'g\le that the system is unnecessary since it would defend only a part of the U.S. deterrent ICBM's, and the U.S. would still have its strategic bomber force and nuclear· p<iwered Polaris submarines. They also say that ~t is unproved, and after costing bi.I· lions it may be worthless or become"obsolete before com· pletion · Besides ruining the domestic programs because ¢ its tremendous c.ost, it might provoke the Russians and also ruin negotiations oo the nuc· Iear noo-proliferatlon treaty and intensify the arms race. But not building the system might prove them costly ·and deadly! Last week, Defense Secretary Laird startled a . few complacent citizens with
the information that the Russia.Qs have gone ahead to install hundreds of giant intercontinental ballistic missiles, each of which can deliver up to 25-megatO(l warheads compared to the one-megaton U.S. missiles. He estimates that 500 of ·these missiles ·will have been deployed by ·1975, whlch could render the U.S. inca~ble of responding to a Soviet attack. Perhaps the U.S. should play the missile game like a game of football where all good coa.ch· es know that the best offense is a good defense!.
BIZ Battles The battle is on! The home laundry market is churning with a new line of stain removers called enzyme presoaks. Competition in presoaks has locked two giant soapmak:ers, Procter &· Gamble and Colgate-Palmolive, in a classic marketing battle. To promote Procter's BIZ, TV is being flooded with sport commericals showing Actor EQ.die Albert using the product to remove stubborn berry stains. For Colgate's AXION, TV spots star Arthur Godfrey holding up a bloodied table napkin or a chilQ.' s dress stained by chocolate ice cream and demonstrating how AXION helps clean thf;lm. , The oresoak battle began when BIZ was tested in Syracuse in 1967 and found a surprisingly strong market, BIZ and AXION then competed in Omaha, the soap industry's other key test market. Next, AXION samples were mailed to 50 million of the nanation' s 60 million households, and BIZ followed suit. AXION has jumped into a commanding lead largely by moving into more major cities before BIZ. The total market now is $60 million a year and growing so fast that other companies are rushing to grab a share. The two major private testing services disagree' on the effectiveness of presoaks-one·' concluded that they did little · better than regular detergents in removing stains and the other found that they helped turn out a brighter, whiter wash. In any case, by adding another step and another product to the laundry process, wa·shday chores grow longer and costlier!
Letter to the Editor Colleges and universities in America are liberalizing rapidly today. Harrard and Yale are in the process of abo.lish· ing R.O. T.C. and co-education· alizing. Here, at Peru, there has not been the R.O.T.C. program and Peru has been co-educational since its birth in· 1867. Then, is Peru in. the van of the new era? . "Not really" might be the answer. · Students, today, are getting power over even the administration issue. One Peru Campus, how much of a voice a student can express? One can express his idea through the Ped by just sending a ietter to the office, Education Building 314. How· ever, the idea will be on the paper .is not guaranteed. Students can use the means of the Complaint Committee of the Student Center Board. Moreover there are quite a· few bulletin boards en Campus on which the students might ·be able to express their opinions. How!lver, in · which case, one is required to get permission. Therefore students are restricted on what they can , express through bu~letin boards. So here I ask a bulletin board t<i be made just for students somewhere on Campus so that students can express their re. · quests; complaints, schedules of informal meeting~, political opinions, etc. Kim Y amahira
"THE FLIM · FLAM MAN" STARRING George C. Scott, Sue Lyon Presented by L.S.A.A. April 14-15 - 7:30 p.m. Fine Arts Auditorium Admission: Singles - $ .75 Couples - $1,.00
On Tl
'fe is he e small ees to c d bottor
xplores ;le the "mpses d flappi Newnei
THE PED April 9, 1969
Young Johnny Young spoke with tongue, of popes, To catch a fair maid of red, From when'ce he had brung A cast of his father's bed stolen from cousin Ned.
ile home ling with emovers s, Corns locked rocter& lmolive, 5 battle, BIZ,TV )rt com-
The town broke lose in a rage, of dopes, At Johnny Young who was fast, From the act of this courage, To announce his age of cast That was 1east to the last.
~r E~die
Squire John, the zoo keeper's mind, of hopes, Consumed in the town rage Raised gauntlet, to baid, Forgot his own age And became a mindless sage.
~t to retins. For >0ts star ig up a a child's ilate ice ins; how
. The court's decision enounced, of ropes, Before Johnny Young's death bed; Squire John proceeded to pounce And shot her fiance' dead, Straight through tte head.
icuse in irisingly dAXION , the soap ist marles were r the naseholds, o a com'moving s before t now is 1d growcompana share. ate test: on the aks--0ne ad little rgentsin he other II'll out a In any step and laundry ·es grow
di tor dng rapand Yale abolish· du cation· ;ram and 11cational 17. Then, the new night be e getting .ninistraCampus, 1 student , express d by just 1e office, L4. HownthepapStudents the Com· e Student ver there .n boards :students ~ss their 1 which d to get sb,ldents they can
Page 3
Young Johnny Young
Vengeful to the fates on Hector, of Odes, The maid sought revenge's credit For life's los·s of nector; Poor Squire John in casket fems . Shredded like a head of lettuce.
Hiroshima, ] apan: One year after this device dropped in, there were still some 8,000 corpses left under the. debris. Total deaths: 91,223. And to think people on Madison Avenue cheered .....
On Spring THIS IS PERU... · e is here e small boy ees to chin d bottom on heels xplores worms 'le the dancing sun ·mpses his bending head flapping thatch of hair · Newness ·re is here e old couple emerge rom somewhere long ago remembering the healing rays of a New time more promises to life for aching souls in Oldness
Enter the cow. Give us all a ps~udo-hip imitation of a baying guernsey. Don yoor coveralls. Include the polka"iiot han· key. Be cool__,-ou 're in college now. Be yourself, not a milk bucket. When the man comes to do his chores in the early morning kick, but do .SOMETHING. Don't just stand in in your stall eating your com. It's a trick, cow. All he wants is milk. That's all you're good for· to him. Face it. Give Purple milk - but don't be content with the daily ses.sion if you have· a better plan. If you don't have one, stand around and face it. You'll be shot someday when you tum sour. Enter the cat. You're cool, too. Don't lef anybody kid you, cat. And if the cow is in doubt about your cool, set him straight. You can do it. You're from the east of town, where
all the cats live in grass huts or sugar cube mru.isions. But what happened, cat? Yourmaster didn't think yoo were good enough to stay "aro~ so you had to look for a home with the cow on the farm. But put your plastic shades on your plaStic face and show the cow you know where it's at. He's a dumb animal. You have a better plan of action, but do save it for your master when you return. Don't let the cow know and don't let the Farm know. Keep yourself up on the present thing. The Peru Market sells east coast shrimp in polyethelene bags. The Peru Market sells \Wlole kemal farrr. corn in polyethelene bags. The two items just might be on sale, che!lP· A Teacher
Redfern Clothing
n boards.
:in board
students : so 1hat their r&. :chedules political
SPEED WASH COIN-OP. Dry cleaning and Laundry
• OPEN 6:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.
In some cases it's just as hard to get IN'l:O the service as stay out. While some are stuffing pills in their super slim or fat bodies, others are hooestly trying to sign for four. 1 !The motive on either part will inot be questioned. No matter what your character sums up to be, if there is an MIP charge l'Jding somewhere on a record, it requires a letter to the high comm&nd in Washington plus a six foot list of references, a call to the minister, the county attorney, and any other person or persons who might know if the applicant has ever been to a KKK or Com)llie meeting Then tlie patriotic lad has to write a disertation to Washington telling Sani why he wants to joiil the. boys. If the 1hesis statement isn't good enpugh, his service will never be required. It's rediculous. Now the post· er of. the ·pointing ~ger will have to read, "I want YOU, only if you· have never thrown gum at the teacher." It also seems that the cause ·for freedom is so urgent, and our government so anxious to
If a student was asked to Jescribe the age, he might say either "aware" or "electric." Whatever it is, consider for one brief moment that there is more 'good in this scummy world than we sometimes like to believe. Aliki Barnstone is twel:ve years old, but was ni/le when she wrote most of 1hese. Consider them. THE WAR
Blindfolded and stranded and black pajamas. The tiny men are tortured in prison camps. I think sad. Why do bullets have to shoot? When deer fall from the hunter \Wly must children be orphaned?
defend the basic human right-and most of the youthful force telling the whole project to bug off - well, anyway, it's refreshing to see a boy ready at all · costs to tote an M·1. Then he has to go· through all this barf. The military machine must look efficient and keep a history of difficult entrance exams to maintain the quallty of personnel. Isn't that nice? Sam doesn't want any troubie makers or bed wetters in HIS outfit. Only the highest quality allAmerican men. The complete she-bang needs revision, since we are all at once concerned with total revision of the revising procedure. All the poor sl9bs who ·have flown to Canada, gained two hundred pounds, or adopted epileptic fits - come back on the trans-continental highway with a can of beer in the front seat. If you're on the "high" way at this moment forget it; you will tie flown to Siberia 'with all the other criminals. Just don't plan to disgrace your country by scarfing down a Bud real quick. TheSSmenjump from trees.
I hear screams of fear and the
shouting wil)d.
I hear the sprinkling of soapiest waterfalls and starid in cliff-caves of coral, and ovel" look the gully of lilies, and' watch the leopard tramping on lilies.
I hear screams of fear and the shouting wind~ MY HOUSE BECOME SERENE
At last midnight in my house' and the rooms snore The world sleeps, the moon rises, and pear grove sings with joy.
HELP WANTED Fetty Foods at Nebraska Gity is seeking male students for part or full-time work as waiters starting immediately. For full infermation contact Harold Schumacher, Mgr., Phone 873-5986 Nebraska City.
1206 ] Street
Auburn, Nebr .
THE PED April 9, 1969
Page 4
Sports: Sooner or Later
To Be or Not To Be ;.ne athletic squads of Peru in 69-70 going to be bona· ft.de members of an athletic cooference or will Peru ·for . the first time in 2~ years play as an independel)t'? Art
Sport Eventa
Tourney Champions
We would like to say "Congll8tulations" to these people for taking the championships in each of their divisions for the Student Center tournaments. They are in Chess, Charles Morton; in Pool, Gary Schoenrock; in Snooker, Mike Deal; and, in Table Tennis, Jerry Blazier. Our .best of luck is al so extended for trose woo did enter these divisions and for gOod competetioil. Good luck to you all in ~i'e matc~s!
The deadline for ente:fing teams will be Thursday nooo, Aorll 13.
The Old "Pro" STUDENTS --Are you tired of typing your themes and papers on that defective typewriter? You can type faster and neater with a better working typewriter. Just call Equipment Service Center to have it cleaned, repaired or overhauled. Guaranteed, economical repairs and deaning of all . makes and models of typewriters and school equipment. Free pick-up and delivery. Free estimates. Check with the Business Office for our schedule.
You'll never forget the day you chose· your Keepsake. Its matchless beauty ancl elegant styling will always remind you of your most wonderful moment ••• your engagement day. .... ........... -..
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"'-=·:_;? DAVIES REGISTERED JEWELER American Gem Society
One su.ch. league is the Ro~ky Molintains Conference of which the University of Nebraska' at Omaha is a·member. All but Wayne State have ruled out this possibility due to insuf· ficient budgets - which would restrict their playing some of the schools now in the conference. This includes some from as far away as New- Me~co.
will start shortly after Easter.
Mr. Cousy Retires
EQUIPMENT SERVICE CENTER INC. 934 South 27th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68510 402-477-9991
One reasoo for the discontent with the NCC seerped to be the variance in male enrollment among the· schools. Kearney, growing every year, is ·µp to 2,747 male studel)ts, Wayne 1,· 562, Chadron 1,000, and Peru 725.. Ha.stings which wi:thdrew because of this reason qas only 425 male students and did not wish to continue pla.Y,ing · football with Kearney and Chadron. All athletic contracts accord· ing to . the athletic directors, would be honored through i971. The league disbandµient doesn't change .the N.A.I..A. District 11 status. of the five NCC mem~ hers but a new system· for selecting the area rep.resentative to Kansas City must be devised. · The Ped Sports Desk is open
to all suggestions ·on matters
concerning the formation of a new - conference and member schools, -so if there are -any students who bell eve that they have the solution - the door is open.
Wheel Alignment
Bob Cousy Boston College guard Billy Evans remembers the cold December day Bob Cousy walked into the dressing room and told his team. "He said that he was sorry but this was going to be his last season as coach," Evans recalled.
Boston wanted to win so badly for Cousy that today the Eagles are National Invitational Tournament runnersup. Whipping off 19 straight victories, BC provided an exit for a basketball c o a c h in g career unmatched since St. John's won the NIT for Joe Lapchick four years ago. "Twenty years from now when he talks about his great thrills in basketball and he r e m e m b e r s Red Auerbach and Bill Russell and the Celtics, maybe he'll remember the team that almost won the NIT," says Billy Evans. "I'd like that. That would make it all worthwhile."
. appliances .. sporting goods •.• name-brand tools .... hunting & fishing permits
~. · . ~
For after store hours appointment call collect-245-4252.
Peru Hits The Track
Peru Sports; Just A Step Ahea
Currently ideas are bei,ng hashed over and suggestions being ·made as to the development of new leagues.
softball fo.r rnen.
T.r - ~~18Tlrlll:D ~pea.
This year the NCC (Nebraska College Cooferaice) as most sports fans know folded leaving Peru, Wa;yne, .. Keam!)y, and Chadi:on without· a cooference. Hastings is· cun:ently making preparations to form a league with Doa,ne, Concoi:cHa, Wesley· an and other church affiliated schools for 69-70 . At present time only three sm.all colleg!)s in the state are affiliated in an athletic cooference, that being the Tri-state League including Dana, Midlands, Concqclia. That leaves 12 independents the state.
" PSC Sports"
returns next ueek
The scurge of spring sports - old man weather - made 'its presence known last week · as Peru athletes suffered can:cellatioos of nµmerous events. Coach Joe Pelisek was hopelful of opening the baseball sea[soo Tlmrsday and Friday, April t3-4, at St. Joseph against Miss, sourl Western. Earlier in the week 'his squad had games with Northwest Missoorl State and John F. Kennedy postpooed indefinitely due to poor field coo· ditioos at both locatioos. Track and tennis matches slated wfth Northwest Missoorl state suffered .similarly as poor climes prevailed and put a damper on the acti.Vities. , The , outlook is ·for better temps to cootend With next Neek as a full slat~ of spring sports are scheduled.
Flash from Kansas City, ••• Eastern · Michigan defeated Maryland for the Champion~hip of the N.A.I.A. Basketball Tournament.
LITTLE DINER CAFE Dinners - Short Orders
Dominating the 18th rurini the Arkansas Relays S day was overpowering Mis as they swept by taking 10 places, shattering three ords and tying a fourth m In the relays no indi vi points were given and no t championship was declared. Iowa State finished behind Missouri team with two fi while Drake, Emporia Northern Iowa, Peru (Nebras state each capturing one fi place. · The only event winner for P State College was Mike vaney. The Independence, Io junior tossed the discus 1 to win the event, but fail improve the Peru State s record of 169-8. For the second time this s. son Jack Wyers, Ster· broke the school record in two-inile with 9:13.6, which better than 9:14 perform of last week at tlie Kansas S University Relays at Manha He placed third in that ev Other performances by P staters included: io~yard dash, 4th El Reeves, Omaha 9:9. Distance Med,ley, 4th .10: William Ward, Omaha, 440; Hagerman, Humooldt, 880; . Allen, Nemaha, % mpe; J Weyers, Sterling, lT!ile. Broad jump, Budd McCr Omaha, 5th, 23 ft.
6:30 a:m. to 10:00 p.m. every day
Ann Beatty
College football attendanc duriniI 1968 reached a reco high of 27 million. ·
evening, concert t will featu musi.c fro the pres1 promises one for th< · Typical Ing the c the Vica1 England's· ·where th overseas beauty of this is tht here in re The ch; gin its p1 of Renai~ · first whif
'Resi :,Acct Presidei announced •signations The res. Steven Co: and couns1 1968, who ·at the Uni' Omaha. Dr. Ja associate' education ·named Ph gramDirE state Col Dakota. Russell tor or art has accep Northwest lege, Mar; Murray professor Septembe1 a three ye at Kansas . hattan, Ka
Gomon AntJ~unces Appointments THE PERU STATE COLLEGE PEDAGOGIAN, Peru, Nebr.
Vol. 64
No. 25
Monday, April 21, 1969
Five professional staff member appoin1ments were announced on April 7. by President Neal S. Gomon. Joining the professional staff are: Dr. Gavin L. Doughty, Donald G.. Miller, Everett W. Browning, Paul D. Kruse, and Miss Ora L. Cramer. Dr. Gavin L. Doughty will be the head of the di vision of fine arts effective August 18. Dr. Doughty is presently chairman of the humanities di vision, Tarkio College, Tarkio, Mo., a . position he has held since 1947. He has Bachelor and Mastor of Music degrees fro:n the University of Kansas and a PhD degree in music from the University of Iowa, Iowa City.
Tarkio College Concert Choir will present a concert April 22 at 8 p.m. in the Fine Arts Auditorium.
Tarkio Choir to Present Concert
·thruqning ~lays Satu ing Misso king 10 fi three r ourth ma o indivi md note eclared. rl behind h two fir 1oria Sta l (Nebras ng one fir
.me this s, Ster ecord in 6, which perform Kansas S it Manha 1 that ev ces by Pe.
' 4th 10:35 >ha, 440; Ja dt, 880;. v , mile; Ja mile. 1dd McCrea,
Ma~k attendance ed a record
Dr. Vernon Tarrell brings his Tarkio College Concert Choir" here for an appearance at the Fine Arts Building on Tuesday evening, April 22, 1969. The concert to begin at 8:00 p.m., will feature sacred and secular music from the Renaissance to the present. and the evening promises to be a memorable one for those who attend. Typical of comments concerning the choir is one m:1de by the Vicar of York Minis~er, England's largest cathedral, where the choir appeared in the spring of 1968 on its fir st overseas tour; "For sheer beauty of sound and technique, this is the best choir to appear . here in recent years.'' The choir is expected to begin its program with a group of Renaissance numbers, the first which · is "Come, Let's
Rejoice" by John Amner. Following special mulii,c by the Tarkio College Singers, a chamber ensemble from the choir, or numbers selectedfrom am1:>ng the seven soloists of the choir, the program will continue with music of the Rom'illtiC and Contemporary pericids. The smaller group has this pas~year sung a concert of light music including the "Ballad for Americans ... at the annual Home-
Dramatic Soprarw In Concert Sun·.
Russell Schmaljohn
Dr. ] ames W. Pilkington
Russell Sclunaljohn, instructor of art sinceSepte~ber,1968, has accepted an ·art position at Northwest Missouri State College, Maryville, Murray Hubhlrd, an assistant professor of · English since September, 1968, has accepted a .three year doctQral fellowshlp at Kansas State University, Man. hattan, Kansas, ·
Donald Miller
coming concert, Selections of Donald G. Miller, director of Franck, Berger, Schubert, Mc- student aids effective Rae and Mueller are to be July 21, financial is presently graduate heard, One of the numbers student counselor in the sure to please the audience will cial Aids office of KansasFinanState be a special arrangement of University, Manhatpm, and will the well-known hymn "0 God receive his MA degree in Gui· Our Help in Ages Past" by. dance and Counseling from that Mueller~ institution in Jtine. He has a The public is invited to attend BS in Agricultural Education this concert. There will be no from Kansas State. Everett W. Browning becomes admission charge, the assistant !firector of special services on May 1. During the last three years he has been a technical writer for the Zia Company. White Sands Test Facility, Las Cruces, Nl!w Mexico. He is a graduate of Curtis. Nebr., High School and has BS and MS degrees in Journalism from Kansas State University.
,Resignations Accepted President Neal s. Gom•)n has . announced that the following resignations have been accepted. The resignations include: Di. Steven Cox, director of guidance and counseling since Septem'l>er, 1968, who hasacceptedaposit~on at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Dr. Jam.as w. Pilkington, associate' professor of physical education since 1961, has bew named Physical Education Program Director atGeneral Beadle State College; Madison; sOuth
Paul D. Kruse Paul D, Kruse, assistant libradan eff ec1iYe .July 1, is presently librarian and media specialis~ at Phillipsburg, Kans., High School. He attended Dodge City, Kansas, Junior college, and he has a BS degree from Fort Ha:ys, Kan-· sas, State College and a MS in Library Science from Kansas State Teacher's College, Emporia, Kansas. He has also done graduate work in library science at Western Michigan University. Miss Ora L. Cramer becomes an assistant librarian oo July 1. Miss Cramer is present employed as a cataloger at Iowa State University, Ames. She a graduate of the· Reinbeck, lQwa High School, has an AB degre; from • Iowa State University, an MA in English from the University of Iowa and a MA in Library Science from Denver University. Miss Wreathea Hicks, currently an instructor of English here at Peru has been named to succeed David A. Riegel who resigned earlier in the yeai:. Stewart Hitch, presently on a ooe-year app<iin1ment to replace Leland Sherwocid who is on a leave of absence, will replace Mr Schmaljohn as assistanfprofessor of art. Lyle G. Strom, associate professor of social sciences since 1959 has withdrawn his resignation and will cootiriue on the professiooal staff of the col· lege.
Murray Hubbard
Dr. Steven Co:X:
Barbara stevenson, a dramatic soprano rioted for both moving interpretation and technical perfectioo, will appear in a concert at eight on Sun<hy evening, April 27, at the Fine Arts Auditorium. Mrs Stevenson, a graduate of the Curtis Institute of Mnsic, was a leading soprano with the Philadelphia Opera Company for three seasons, has appeared as soloist with maj)rorchestras including the New York Philharmonic, and has sung extensively througrout the United States and Cana<h, She recently returned from two years in Berlin,. Germany, and reeords for RCA Victor with a voice widely acclaimed for its pure vocal quality and artistic assurance, Her program includes In Questa Reggia by Puccini; Allerseelen, All Meire Ge<hukeu, Trauve durch die Dauverung, Rube Meine Zeele, andichLieve Dich by Stra!Jss; Mandoliue by Debussy; Rorna11ce and Les Papilons· by Chausson; Chere Nuit by Bachelet; and Starke rcheite by Wagner. An added feature will be the piano presentations, Almeria bv
Aibeniz and Polooaise in A: Flat by COOpin, performed by Dr. Frederick Freebul:ne, Head of the Division of Fine Arts.
Peru Hosts Open House On Sun<hy, April 27, 1969, Peru State College will host the 13th annual all-eollege o~ Hoose. · The activities will begin at 1:30 p.m. with parents' artd stu'dents' panel dis~sions of various phases .of college and campus life. A music anddrama program will be presented in the College Auditorium at 2:30. Between 2 and 5 p.m. residence halls will be open for visitors and refreshments will be servect in the Student Center. The college dinningroom Will also be open from noon Until 1:30 p.m. for Sunday dinner. All academic facilities will be open and all college departments will be staffed with instructors who will answer questions;
Here is a question for all of you students to think about. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE CULTURAL INTERESTS AT PERU? By cultural interests I mean such activities as a pianist, the dancers, the singers and the poetic figures as Edgar Allen Poe. And before you answer, let me do it for· you. After speaking with some of the college students, I have come to the conclusion of either too much homework on these convo nights or no appreciation ·for this type of entertainment. The first, being too much homework can usually mean a test plus other class assignments. This cannot be helped as teachers really don't think students will go to these convos plus the fact that every teacher piles on work thinking their class is the ONLY one we are taking. This issue has been brought up before so nothing new can be said. Lack of appreciation is the next and probably the most truthful explaination. We have never really learned to accept and appreciate something good when we have it, and if this was not good- it ...would have been..... "shut-off'' along time ago. This is what we should remember - that· if it wasn't good it would have never lasted. And if you think it's for the birds- start tweeting because SOMEDAY we will wish we knew something to do for entertainment as we are· too old to do the jerk and too young to die.
Have today's morals really gone to the dogs? Everyday we hear about a new obscenity in our society. A few weeks ago it was the lead singer of the Doors who practiced indecency in front of a large crowd. Everyday we hear such items over newsbroadcast across the country. Everyone seems to be shocked and a bit mortified when they hear such things, and they might remark, "What is this world coming to!" Yes» if we examine history we could find that such things have been existence since the world began. America started by the Puritans saying, "Sex is sin/' since then Americans have put sex in the closet. They take a peak at it when they sit in a dark theater and watch a "dirty" movie. If we go back to King Herod's time we would see .belly dancers. They might cause a ga?P from America since they are indecently exposed. If we move on to Africa we find some women walking around without blouses. After examining other countries America seems to have pretty high morals. The fact that morals have gone to the ·dogs might be due to the publicity. Although, it is true that some youth who listen to the news and hear that morals have gone to the dogs might reflect, "Why not join the crowd." It is time for Americans to take sex out of the closet and teach their children about it in the right way. Children should not learn about sex on street corners or in dark theaters. Keep those who practice obscenities in the minority group.
Letters to the Editor
C.\\'(TO %S
iH~ N?!Tm~~5
Parents Blamed For Current Mess Children raised in a sober, studious, courteous, and Godfearing home will grow up to · be sober, studious, courteous, and God-fearing adults in nintynine times out of a hundred. And conversely, children raised by drunken, shiftless, and uninterested parents will probably grow up to be exactly that same type of drunken, shiftless, and uninterested parent themselves. Dr. Max Rafferty insists that: "Most youthful delinquencies go back to mom and pop, one way or another. Parental indifference, laziness and just plain stupidity sow the seeds which blossom into the evil flowers we see blooming in almost every headline these days," Parental errors are numerous, but several cause major problems detrimental to current society. First, parents do not know where their children are; and they also have a ridiculous faith that somehowtheir children will turn out alright, Next, parents give their children far too much money and then never bother to see how it is spent; and they also find it easy to give orders and threats butnever carry them out, Possibly, the most grevious error is thatthey set terrible examples; they preach against drinking and smoking and carousing but endulge freely themselves.
Parents want happy homes and delightful children, but they do not want to become overly involved with them. . Most certainly, they do not want to exert any effort on their part or to divert any time from their own leisurely activities, Consequently, parents are blamed for the loose morals of the present generation because they refuse togivetheir childr.en the traditional rules and dishonor, and good and evil should be taught from agethree; and these traits should be enforced by rewarding virtue and punishing sins. Children should be required to earn the money given them by thPir parents, and only moderate amounts should be given. And remember parents, the only way to fight a winning battle is to show your children how to live and not to TELL them. Parents need to start now to fight this current mess, Parents need to set up strict rules on conduct and behavior and stick to theni. aight and wrong, honor -of morality' modesty. sfinpfe decency and to enforce the rules justly and swiftly, Since parents turn loose their children with plenty of money in cities teeming with addicts and pushers, they are also blamed for. the campus violence.
Dear Editor: Out here in the purest tulies, some 70 miles from any recog· nizable action, somebody is proPosing Spring Week. The sched• uled format has not been releas eel and it's pretty hard to tell if it will be a dud or a sue• cess, right now •. Most students refer to Peru as the entertainment arm pit of Nebraska col leges. It's true. Now, at lea one group is trying to put an end to the dead calendar by makin this an annual thing. Everyone has doubts, like al· ways, but they make the com• parison with things that have happened in the past. It isn't fair, but it's the most logical approach (and the only one, real· ly). The Art Club worked its gut out to get the film series going, It still has a chance because the stuff is wild and they haven't completely given up like most. Just what DO the people wa.1t around here. Everyone com•. plains. Nobody has ideas. It happens on all campusses, but not like this one. When most people visit anoth· ·er school, they suddenly come to the realization that students (at the other school) are getting more out of college. The stud· ent body is constantly psyched and getting new activities started in order to keep people com· ing back. Peru needs ITSELF · first, not any famous nam.~s. Steve Good
Another First In Heart Surgery
The first artificial heart im· plant in a human at Baylor University, Houston, Texas, on April 5 may be an even greater medical milestonethan the first human heart transplant more than two years ago. An artificial heart that can function on its own and can become a permanent replacement would save many victims of heart dis· ease and damage that cannot be saved with heart transplants because of a shortage of donors and -.the rejection process. The National Heart Institute admits several major problems such as finding suitable materials, developing a long-lived power source to drive the heart, and developing an implantable control mechanism that could adjust the rate of the pump to the body's needs. Artificial hearts now depend on an external energy source. Cr. (C,o~:'~,on €age 6)
Hypnotist in Auburn Wed. -~ Edwin Baron. one of the world's greatest hypnotists, will mysury an au<l.ience atihe World Entertainment Series scheduled at the Auburn HJ.gi1 ::>chool Auditorium, Wednesday, April 23, at 8:00 p.m, Baron the Hyptnotist has been featured in Life, Coronet, and Time Magazine and has perfomred numerous times on television including six recent appearances on The Mike Douglas Show. Baron is the only one in the country who conducts a school for doctors and dentists who use hypnosis in their professions. Baron selects volunteers from the audience to participate in his various exhibitions of phenomena of the mind by hypnosis Baron's performances are accorr.plished in the best of taste, and his programs are both educational and en·
Phi its regi: Tuesday being m be held tion to b The s held M< College ka. La of Phi place f< in atten in the Teacher the vocal in type11 member: torian fo The fc
-PERU PEDAGOGIAN ., . Monday, April 21, 1969
Number 25 Volume 64 tertaining. , students of Peru College may pick up free tickets to the per- · Fiublished weekly during the' formance from Mrs Camealy at the Student Center if they have academic year, except holidays identification cards in their Pos- and between semesters. by the·. session. students of Peru State College,-
Films Shown· Thurs. There are films everyThursday night in the Fine Art Auditorium. The price of single admission is 75 cents and may be purchased at the d.oor. A half-season ticket may be purchased for three dollars. The Films are foreign as well as domes~c and are spiced with such shorts as W. C. Fields and Charlie Chaplin. There are generally three or more filins a showing, with at least one recent experim.ental film such as "Pigs" "Very Nice, Very Nice", "The Red Balloon", "A Movie" and "Ephesus".
Peru, Nebraska 68421· STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . . . Lynn Sailors BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . . . Steve Mason .PHOTOGRAPHER .. Bob Beran ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . . Bob Vana ADVISOR . . . . . . . J aines Keck
The signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect th~ opinion of the Pedagogian but of individuals. The editor reserves :the right to edit them for publica-: lion. \.
At Pen the top Keith L, College. not in ti president of the p dent Gorn When ti Nebraska pointed t to this I former I just com gree at I Nebraska As the they exa1 of Dr. ~ spoke of and conti beginni11& from Re; graduati< "Mr" 1\1 matics, through He stepp position finishing administ1 intendent Hills and his doct< Dean of So, as Dean M position c Dr. Me State is ' by the pi sible to staff on cooperatE sion chai ed to th1 sonnel. Sandwic Dean Mel and encm members He chair mittee cc scholasti< in an adv·. Dean of Si ciplinary
IBE PED Aprii'21, 1969
PBL Meets
or ·est tulies, any recogody isproThe sched· 1een rel eas.ard to tell or a sucist students ) entertainiraska col· >w, at least >put anend ·by making ts, like al· e the com· that have t. It isn't ost logical yone, real·
Phi Beta Lamlxla held its regular business meeting Tuesday, April B.' '·Plans are being rriade for a steak fry to be held May 6 and the auc• tion to be held April 21. The state convention will be held March 25-26 at Midland College in Frerr.ont, Nebras. ka. Last year Peru's chapter of Phi Beta Lamtx:la won first place for the largest chapter in attendance, first runner-up in the Mr. Future Business Teacher contest, second in tile vocabulary contest, and third in typewriting. One of Peru's members was elected state his· torian for this year. The following people will be representing Peru State at the convention this year; however,
many-- of the contests still have openings for any member wishing to attend. The con· testants thus far include: Beginning Accounting-JackBohl~ ken and Charles Grotrian; In· termediate Accounting - LeRoy Koehler; Spelling - Merri Ben• net, Donna Spargar, and Barb Lampe; Vocabulary - Jack Bohlken and Bart Lampe; Typing - Dave Kramer and Margaret Lutt; Shorthand - Margaret Lutt; Extemporaneous Speaking - Dave Kramer; Mr. Future Business Executive Larry Shipman; Mr. Future Business Teacher - LeRoy Koehler; Chapter Activity Project - Jane Budler; Chapter Scrapbook -Bart Derrick; and Most Original Project Report -Jane Budler.
guts ries going, :e because hey haven't like most. ?eople wa.1t.
visit anoth· . nlycometo · ;tudents (at ,re getting The stud· ly psyched ities start· eople comls ITSELF
In heart imat Baylor 1, Texas,· e an even estonethan ~rt tran years ago. it canfunc:an become nent would ·heart disat cannot :ransplants .ge of don1 process. t Institute ·problems ble materlong·lived ! the heart, nplantable that could e pump to Artificial
GIAN :,. 1969 Number 25 · /p
faring the •t holidays ·rs by the e College,
rnn Sailors eve Mason Bob Beran
:R . . . . . . Bob Vana nnes Keck .>rinted in. t th~ opinbut of inreserves
r publica-
Peru Grad Mother of the Year Gov. Norbert Tiemann. presented the Nebraska M)ther of the Year Award to Mrs. G. C, Kennedy of Brownville at a special rece_\)tion held· in her honor at the Governor~s Mansion on April 10. Mrs Kennedy; a 1915 graduate of Peru College, taught school in Nebraska and Montana, served as A Red Cross volunteer in France in World War I, and bas been a leader for many years in various activities of the church, extension, D.A,R., P.E.O., Eastern Star, Farm Bureau, and the Brownville Historical Soci(lty. The Kennedys, parents of three children, Bond, Betty, and Clay, have fiil'med near Brownville for many years and have been loyal and staunch support· ers of Peru College.
Gov. Tiemann awards the Nebraska Mother of the Year honor to Mrs. Kennedy.
Car Inspection Begin Now The new safety regulations recently passed by the state legislature require that all cars whose licen.se numbers end in 3 or 4 be examined during the month of April. The examination will cover the following items. · The horn must be audjble under normal conditions and within the driver's reach. The car must be equipped with an inside or outside rear view mirror which enables the driver to see clearly the high· way to the rear. The windshield wipers must be in good condition and work propDr. Melvin, the man nearest the top of the stairs, has devoted erly on the driver's side. his life to study and continual self"improvement. Exhaust fumes must not leak into the the passenger compart· ment. All tires must be free of cuts or bulges in the fabric· ·In over a decade of service, and have a minimal 2-32nds of At Peru State the man nearest the top of the stairs is Dr. Dean Melvin has witnessed at an inch of tread ·depth at any Keith L. Melvin, Dean of the Peru a continual student growth point. The car's brakes must be College. He is in fact, though rate. Although he modestly denot in title, the college's vice clines being directly a student able to stop within 25 feet at president and assumes the duty recruiter himself, manY of his 20 m.p.h. The wheels Will be of the presidency when Presi- policies and improvements have pulled for inspectioo of brake served as the best student re- linings and drums upon the own· dent Goman is absent, When the Board of Trustees of cruiters. During his twelve er's request or if the speedNebraska's state colleges ap.. years as Dean, he bas improved ometer. is inoperative. The pointed the riew "Dr." Melvin existing programs and in· brake pedal may not have less play than one in ch from the floor to this position, they chose a stigated new, growing ones. Under Dr. Melvin's active re- board or on power brakes, tWo former Peru graduate who had just completed his Ed. D. de- cruitment of faculty, there gree at Lincoln's University of has been a vast improvement Nebraska. · in the quality of instructors and As the trustees learned when thus, instruction available to Time is one of the most unique they examined the credentials Peru students. features in our universe, It of Dr. Melvin, his credentials Dean Melvin's amibtions are is always her, rut essentiallv spoke of a life devoted to study not for himself hrt for his alma it is beyond our· control. We mater. Unfortunately, however, talk abOut it, curse it for going and continual self improvement beginning in a smalltown boy there is not always the adequate too fast or too slow, but there fr.om Reynolds Nebraska, After financial support to carry is nothing we can do. except graduation from Peru, the then through these ambitions, but he use it more wisely, "Mr" Melvin taught mathe- realizes that this is the heart As springtime is beginning to matics, science and coached ache of the majority of college make its appearance, we recall through the depression years, administrators. the wintertime andanticipatethe Dean Melvin shoulq, however, summertime, The "time" of He stepped up to the principal's position at Syracuse, then while be proud of his accomplish- the year affects everyone's finishing his master's degree in ments, his better programs, his thoughts, attitudes; and beadministration, he was Super- expanding, better educated havior. There is no definite intendent of Schools at Blue faculty which results in a vast' boundary for the time of a Hills and next, while working on ly _improved educational offer- season, Although officially it ing to the Peru student, than· begins on a definite day at an his doctorate, was elected the Dean of the College at McCook. what he could have received b&- exact minute, its beginning So, as Peru was not new to fore Dr, Keith L. Melvin was el- varies with each individual, ected as Peril's Dean of the-ColDean Melvin neither was the Time means so many things lege, position of Dean. to so many people, Ask a Perhaps someday Peru State farmer what time he starts his · Dr. Melvin, as Dean of Peru State is delegated his authority will have the accr~dited gradu- day, he may reply sunrise. A by the president and is respon- ate program as do the other state commuter, on the other hand, sible to him, He advises the colleges, that Dean Melvin hopes might say he begins his day on staff on matters of policy and to see inaugurated in the near the 8:09 Express, A student cooperates closelytoassist divi- future. If and when it becomes a will reply frrst period, and a sion chairman in matters relat- reality, it will be thanks to Doc- banker might say nine o-clock. ed to their program and per- tor Melvin's selfless ambition People use all sorts of methods sonnel. though .it may shelve his dream to tell time, Most men wear Sandwiched between allofthis, of finding the time to travel with a wristwatch, hrt a fisherman his family, a while longer. Dean Melvin recruits new faculty usually looks at the sun to find and encourages current faculty out the time. Women wear diamembers to stay on at Peru. mond watches or pendant The Molotov cocktail, an inHe chairs the Standards Comwatches about their neck. The mittee counsels students with cendiary grenade, consisted of train conductor relies on an old scholastic probiems and works bottled inflammable liquid fashioned pocket watch, The in an advisory capacity with the mixed with sawdust, used to ";ty people dBoend "!1 church Dean of Students in handling dis- . set tanks on fire during World bells, bank clocks, and their War II. ciplinary problems, partners for the tim~.
Dr. Melvin - A Selfless Dean
Page 3,
inches. The· windshield in thedriver'-s area may not have a chip more than 11/2 inches in diameter or a scratch more than 1 x 6 inches. The windshield can not be cracked, moyable, or cloudy. It must consist of safety glass. The hood and trunk must latch and the floor pan cannot be rust· ed. A filler cap must cover tightly the ~~J?lllk~ The steering alignment will be examined for excessive lash, defective wheel tearings, ball joints, shock abso.rbers, and it cannot jam or be loose. The rear axle must be in proper align· ment. · Tlie car's headlights must be aimed and have a dimmer switch. The turn signals must work and all cars are required to have at least ooe tail light. There is not an examiping agency in Peru. Cars may, however be checked at Schneiders OK Tire or International Harvester in Auburn at a costof $2.00. · Afr are invited to come and see what they think about present day, films around the world. Po.ssiblY. yo~ will find that you en.JOY being mfonr.ed. The time is 7 p.m. every Thursday.
Time Bridges the Gap Time may be either frustrating or exciting, The early hours of school are frustrating and slow,moving, rut as threethirty nears, it becomes more exciting. It is ·vitallyimportant for a track star to be conscience of time in minutes, seconds, and tenths of a second. stop and think about time for a few moments. There is nothing else in this world that is as broad and as abstract. It concerns every lmman being, young, or old, in various ways. Whether it involves many or you as an individual, time is ever-present, always moving.
Speaker at PSEA Dr, Loren Bonneau from the University of Nebraska will speak tonight at 6:30 in the Fine Arts Auditorium. He is the sponsor for the Student Education Association and will speak on the problems of education in Nebraska as 'he sees them. Dr Bonneau will be the guest of the PSEA and Kappa Delta Pi. All students are invited to attend. • Tuesday and Wednesday election of the "Teacher of the Year" will be held from 11:00 to 12:30 at the Complex Cafeteria and the Student center Dining Room. All members are encouraged to cast their votes.
Pre-School Fifteen bright-eyed four and five year olds will be attend.; ing Pre-.School now through May 1. This human relationship lab is part of' the Child Care course under the direction of. Miss Lucy Hovey. Pre-£chool serves a dual role for both the children and the college students who serve as teacher aides. · The main purpose for the children participating is to help them adjust to school life. All of those attending will begin kindergarten next. fall. It helps fuem develop a hai>py, desh~ able attitude towards school. They also learn to be quiet, to listen attentively, and to take part in orgcihized games and activities. · At tlie same time, the aides learn how to lead childi:en and work successfully with them. They not only learn to understand children, but they al.so learn to understand themselves. It gi. ves them valuable experience working with these children, and they are better prepared for entering the classroom as teachers in the future. Following the completion of this program, a graduation ceremony is held for the mem·rs of the Pre-School class.
~\ Nf'...M'.:i l'l\of'.(
Snoopy For President Election of president and vicepresident of the Student Government Association will be held Thursday, April 24. Polling places will be located in both cafeterias from 11 A.M. - 1 P.M. and 5 P.M. - 6 P.M. Off campus students may vote from 1 P.M. - 4 P.M. in the Bob Inn. Students wishing to run for the above positions must have petitions of one hundred stud· ent names and their identification numbers submitted by 5 P.M. Tuesday, April 22. These petitions may be turned in to any S.G.A. member.
Page 4
THE PED April 21, 1969
Isn't Life
Art Review
The Student Center Board is sponsoring a student art r view to be held in conjunctio with Spring Week. A list i provided on the balcony of th Fine Arts Center for thos who wish to enter, The work will be judged according to th limited amount of space in th building, so you are asked list preference with each wor submitted. The showing will begin on Sunday, April 27, and selections submitted before noon, April 26. Students are to list title, media, name, (and price, if desireable). Drawing and painting will be shown during the first days, with pottery and sculpture to follow.
Mason Williams is a successful TV writer; he was the head writer for the Smothers Broth· ers Show during 1967 and 1968 when a host of new methods and devices were introduced. Williams is also a composer; his "Classical Gas" won a Gammy award last month as the outstanding pop tune in 1968. He is additionally, an accom~ pli shed guitarist and a pop artist and is, most recently, an author of a new anthology of verse and musings which has sold 49,500 copies. Williams' art is based on artlessness and deliverate anti• p.retension. "I would rather move through a lot of small ideas than play out one long thing forever. I am not making any huge mark, butllike speed," says W'llliams. His verse is pure and plain; take, for exampl~ the way he describes the network. censor: Snips Out The rough talk The unpop.ilar ojnion Or anythinc: 'h teeth And rende.-, A pattern of ideas Full of holes A doily For your mind The painfully simple poetry can be explained in part by Williams' early life: "I taught myself everything I have ever done. I spent a lot of time alone as a kid and got to the point where I would try anything by myself. I just never considered that tliere were any limitations." His ambition to become an insurance actuary ceased after watching the fun a fellow boarder at a Los Angeles rooming house had in playing jazz piano; consequently he went to Okla· homa City College as a music; major. After he had taught himself the guitar, he quit school and formed a folk group and a little later met another young guitarist named Tommy · Smothers. That led to the parody presidential campaign of another Smothers Show colleague, Pat Paulsen, who was master-minded by Williams. Williams is also a virtuoso of sublime happenings. His attempt to film history's largest "sunflower" being traced by a skywriter failed, but he explained: "The idea wasn't to see it, really. The idea was for people to hear about it and say, 'Yes," His philosophy is ooe of joy which is summed up in his own words: Isn't life beautiful Isn't life gay Isn't life the perfect thing To pass the time away.
green dye poured over dead lawns willow weeds suffocate green with screams of spring soft ski es with not a reason why
fulfillment with no doubts of void being alive ju st being alive is worth all bite
One every two hours for relief of term p~pers and spring blahs.
sometimes what gain and what loss with another year of bite life?
Do not exceed dosage. Side effects possible. (wow)
watermelon \seeds spit from the m·~Uth to re-grow """ what the hell for? and what comes next and where to find ones true self and blind tomorrow 111.j:h the same sun that bums the skin year after year.
Bomb Sc.are The Ped made its first error in the history of publication!
The picture you saw on this page in the last edition was a big fake. But rest easy, you students of the bomb -. It was not the blast that wlped out Hiroshima, but a picture of the first hydrogen mistake that checked off an island over a mile wide in the Pacific. The United States sponsored the test. That's why all the groovy ships are hanging around (look close). The whole thing really freaked-out the sailors. And every dove in the countrygotout his cardboard and magic mark· ers. Anyhow, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima was an air blast exploded above the ground, not on the ground. That way, all the radiation spread out, but the initial effect wasn't as bad. For.JOU doubters who
thought the figures were all screwy, check page 345 of Guinness Book of World Records, Revised and Enlarged 1968 Edition by N.orris and Ross McWhirter, Sterling Publishing C,ompany in New York. Virginia thinks Santa Claus is dead. She ·probably stayed up late oo Christmas Eve and caught the old man sneaking stuff out of the basement.
THE WORST Kl\lOWN CASE OF COMPULSIVE SWALLOW• ING was reported by the Journal of the American Ml>di.cal Association in December, 1960. The patient, who complained only of swollen ankles, was found to have 258 items in his stomach, in eluding a 3-pound piece of metal, 26 keys, 3 sets of rosary beads, 16 religious medals, a bracelet, a necklace, 3 pairs of tweezers, 4 nail clippers, 39 nail files, 3 metal chains, and 88 assorted coins. Source: Guinness Book of World Records Revised '68 Edition, p.27.
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so good until you walked into Wheel Alignment - Balancing
Be sure to see these Keepsake Diamond Rings of everlasting
beauty and quality.
Dorothy L. Sears .1215,J SI'REET
American Gem Society FALLS CITY, NEBR. 68355 For after store hours appointment call collect-245-4252.
.The Mystery of the • ~ Dipper and the Bucket Buckets are filled and rockets
~ ~
.ke• I
You have heard of the cup that overflowed. This is the story of a rocket that is like that cup only larger- it is an invisible rocket. Eve~yone hlis one. It is always with us. It determines how we feel a!Xmt ourselves, about others,andhow we get along with people. Have you ever experienced a series of ve:ry favorable things which made you want to be good to people for a week? Wheri this happens your fucket is full to overflowing, A bucket can be filled by a lot of things that happen, When a person .speaks to you, recognizing you as a human being, your rocket is filled a littleeven more if he calls you by name, If he compliments you on your dress or on ajobwelldone the level in your rocket goes up still higher. There must be a million ways to raise the level in another's rocket. But, remember, this is a 1heo:ry about a bucket and a d~pper • Other people have dippers and they can get their dipper in your rocket. Let's say I am having lunch at a restaurant and inadvertently 11.l!set a malt that spills' all over the table and onto a girl's skirt I am .embarrassed, "Bright eyes across the table says, "You upset your malt." I made a mistake, I knew f did, and then he told me about it·· ! HE GOT H~ DIPPER IN MY BUCKET! Think of the times a person mak~s a mistake / feels terrible about it, only to have someone tell him the mistake as though he did not know it _happened.
are emptied. When a person's bucket is emptied, heisverydifferent than when it is full. You say to a person whose bucket is empty, "That's a pretty tie ~ou haye,:' and he may reply m an rrntated, defensive way "What's the matter with mY tie now?" The story of our lives is the interplay of the rocket and the dipper. Every0ne has both, The secret of the rocket and the-dipper is that when you fill another's rocket it does not take anything out of your own rocket. The level in our own rocket gets higher when we fill another's and, on the other hand, when we dip into another's bucket we do not fill our own-we lose a little. Sometimes we canprotectourselves by saying, "Hey you have you dip12er in my rocket!" or, "We are getting our dippers in his bucket," Instead we can say, "Let's fill his rocket" and in doing this, experience th~ mystery of the dipper and the bucket!
J Street
Auburn, Nebr.
Tightly woven town woofed by scandal warped by apathy Featherless bipeds unable to soar must float between and nest here to die Only the coyote screams a therein lies the Terror. -Ma:ry Je3J1 Hitch
. - sporting goods ... name-brand tools
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Complete Line of School Supplies Cologne-· Perfume - After Shave Cosmetics
ELER· :iety
KODAK & .SUPPLIES fast fiim service
. 68355
ELDON'S CAFE _After a Game or a Date Go to Eldon's the Place that rates
Eldon Al Igood Phone
As I look out my window, I come to the astounding realization that spring has finally arrived at Peru. The wind has a warm feeling to it, for the first time since last fall. The grass is a beautiful, and welcome, shade of green and the trees are starting to leaf out, an inviting change from the grays and bromis of winter. Birds are everywhere and their songs blend to create a glorious chorus. The squirrels run to and fro, up trees and down trees, and across the street and back. With spring come the cars. The cars driving back and forth on the street, hint that there is something more fun to do than study.· Shorts are the order of the day and sweaters and wind breakers replace the heavy winter coats. Spring has arrived in all its glory. The countryside is coming alive, as are the students, although it might be a temptation to neglect studies. Glo:ry be to spring!
All Around
. appliances 1206
Color It Green
The night silent; calm, I walk alone. Peace reigns.
Name Game Commie rat Nigger brat Pinko Fag all a tag Redneck bands Still defends strangling hllildS
The rest of the world goes away. - Ma:ry Jean Hitch.
BEATTY GARAGE Fast - Dependable ~ervice • Auto Repair • Wrecker Service
Steam Cleaning
• Lubrication Gas for Less
872-3201 Pl!ru AAA Service . ' .. ·"-11\'~-~..-.;.;...,_.,1
Page 6
THE PED April 21, 1969
Miss Yamahira Chose Peru Athletic clubs. I qori't know why. one of the Ped staff interview• like too well here is the cured a toreign student from Japan,. Maybe it•s becaus.e students are riculum. I think they offer quite coming in and out every year Kimiko Yamahira. a few majorc6ursesforthis si.ze Q: How long have you been and if on.e wants more acti viof college, but there are so many ti:es, he'd rather transfer· than in the United States? required courses in each major try to improve this college. A: Alinost two years. field. For instan.ce, social Q:. Why did you come to the · I sometimes hear .complaints. science. majors are required to For instance, they say that it i.s States? take 45 hours besides general A: Because I wanted to ex• not right that girls have to sta'y requirements, s() they can•ttake perience many f;hings. Besides, in the dorm even ifsomeofthem what .they ·really want to study. if I .were in Japan, I would have are over.twenty-one. However, r like this college as a whole, been too dependant on my parnobody speaks up. but is has capability to be improved. ents;•. · Another thing which I doo't Q: But, wl:ly did you particu• larly choose Pel"U out of the thou• sands of colleges? A: Well •. wheh I was in Japan, I read many college guide books from the U.S. I picked up one There is without a doubt an tion when the ideas heus.ed came from each state. When I com· evident need in today's. society from your hea.<L Therefore there pared all colleges and univerAuctioneer Frank Mikos practices for the auction tonight. for .cooperation. among it's mem- is a limited amount of discusSities .in Nebraska, Peru sound• bers. Why then in colleges, the sion co~cerning ·subject matter : ed very good. I did not want to foundation of our society,· is among students. It is · grades go to a large university because there so much emphasis on the that has prodµced these selfish, I was tired of mass people in selfish grading .syste:i;n? . · overly independent people. Japan. I did not fmd many small Grades hlild a barrier colleges that are established by Subjecting students tothistype Are you looking for something The proceeds from this pr between · instructors and Stu- of _atm()SP.her.e is surely detri. the state, and according .to a unique to put in your room? ject will go to the PeruAchiev dents. With the p6wer of grades . menlal to the learning process. guide book, Pel"U had the largWould you like a certificate ment Foundation. This eve the . instructor can· pass inade- It does not take long for a stuest amount of books in the Ii· eliminating a low grade or a is just one of the aims of quate judgment on the student brary, it was the oldest, the dent to se~k out the ''snap,, souvenir belonging to a former Beta Lambda, thehonorarybusi· on the basis of true-false ques- ·courses and intermiQgle them teacher of yours?. Is yo1.1-r mouth 1nition1 .was rather low and it of• ness fraternity. Through the tions. On the other hand, the with harder co~~es he may be fered many kinds of scholarwatering for a good homemade year Phi .Beta · hosts speakers student makes little or no ef- ' required to take. This process ship~. l have one.- a foreign cake? Mark April 21, 1969, and programs . to further stude fort to communi~te w1th his· student scholarship. 8:00-10:00, Peru Gym, .on your interest in business educati enables the. · student to "keep professors for fear/his comrad- up" iil the more difficult areas .ca}endat! This is just the time Q: As. a Peru student now, and, adminlstration, to crea es wj.ll accuse him of. apple easy classes receiving good. and place where you ca.n obtain what do ·you think of this col• interest and understanding polii;hing to.obtain a high grade. grades for a~ding class regu- these items. It is Phi Beta lege? occupational chC>ices, to aid Grades not only make students A:. The Campus is beautiful, civic betterment in colleges, a larly. The purpose of' this. mix Lambda•s Annual Auction. and instructors stand off from and match mess-a high grade especially at this time of the Most of the items to be to keep up-to.(late on. polici each oth~r, hit they .can also point average. ' year and the people ate very auctioned will be donated by the If you want to support a g catJse alien~tion among· sfunice, but there. are .not many cause, the Peru Achievem Of all the things grades do, Peru State College Faculty• . dents. A~r all, one does not activities. There are some Foundation, make a buy of the most destructjve is their want to see his classmate get contr.ibution to the. stripping of societies, but they seem ex• century, and be where theact a high mark. on an essay quescept for. the names, just like is, don't miss the Phi some stud~ts self-image.. With / Auction April 21 at 8:00 p.m grades the supreme test on colI inthe~~ lege eampuses, students often stake their total identityon their grade point average. Supporting · J ~is statement is the fact. that a • . Personal preference, facili. .large percentage of suicides at An eminent physiologist ties, and cli~te will determine our col1eJ!es stetil froin ~s c.laims that most Americans the exercises chC>osen. · or the misinterpretation of them. woilld be .· happy it· they had A serious problem has arisen WarmuJ>-Approximately ·five Too many useful and decentpeo"The ·.. Other Guys" combo in the library and it is ·one of slim ·waistlines and good sun.:. minutes of twisting, stretching, tans. · ple have given up higher edl,t- mutilation of the bound ·maga~ · played for the First Decent Da bending and jogging lightly .will Dance held in the gym on Tue cation because they ·· did not zines and books. In on:e instance A sight this summer ~in will help to loosen the muscles and day April 1. A portable tel ..have W'. Probab]y a decision over one hundred pages were be the average American adults stimulate action in the heart and vision was raffled off to Joe made after receiving . a poor cut from a boimdmagazines. The in bathing suits. Ten to twenty lungs, preparing the body for Jones owner of Jones Jewel· 5 grade in a .basic. subject. pounds over-weight and with a . greather action. students responsible for the ry. in .Auburn. The dance and surplus toward their middles. damage must not seem to realize raffle were sponsored by MEN;o Conditioning Exercises. Climbing stairs winds them- Eight to ten. minutes of ·~;itups, or care that the books and magaand · shC>veling snow may kill pushups, pullups, and other ex- Heart transplants zines are for the. use of everythem. one and that such losses are , ercises that work on the major Medical authorities tell us the (Cont'd from page 2) costly b9th in money, and in the muscles will help to improve physical fitness begins to decline strength and mtiscle tone. DR.G. E.MANN fact that some of the material Dr. Liotta; a native of A1'at an early age. Some symi>cannot be replaced. T..Jie liEndurance Activities:....E;_nough .,o . . ··' ,1..,; toms of obesity, shC>rtness of jogging, running, cycling, swim- genttna, designed the mechanbrary's purpose is toserveALL OPTOMETRIST breath, and fJagging stamina ap. ming, and other activities that ical of the students and faculty, and heart. The· implanted pear by the age of 30. By 40 this service can be hampered CONT ACT LENSES acc.elerate the actionoftheheart unit made of. plastic and Dasome are dead of heart attacks. and the lungs.to push your total if· such)os ses continue•. cron, cost $5,000 and the elecThere's no substitute for time past 30. minutes. These are trical power device cost$20,000 CLOSED physical fitness. If y<>u are a . the exercises most vital to your Missing books are also a proWED. P.M. & SAT. P.M. Research on the artificial heart newcomer to serious exercise, blem. The library is for every-. health. began in· earnest less than ten a firm schedule is vital. Qne · to use, and thC>se responyears ago. A word of caution: non•t try ll9 N. 8th St. Studies show · early morning sible for the damage and losses to correct the year.s of neglect The (irst .recipient of a com- should learn torespecttheneeds is the best time for most people overnight. After consulting your Phone 873-6180 to exercise. social and pro- physician, •begin slowly and pro- plete artificial heart,. Haskell and rights of others. Karp. 47, Skokie. Illinois, refessional obligations make it ceed sensibly. ceived .the experimental de.vice more difficl11t to work out at Just remember. that the prize in· order to save his .life until night, and. there are some whC> is always the effort! What you .. ,. a suitable heart donor could occasionally eat too heavY at gain out of the physical fitness lunch and·· don't feel up to exel'- program of your own will be what ·be found. Mr Karp subsequent• ly died on April .8 from complicising. you put into it. It can't be done cations after a human heart Once you decide on the best· withC>ut your help. transplant c"' April 7.: · J'llonm-.1 time of day to exercise, the next step is to determine hC>w often you will work out~ JlenMr FJ>~: Recmced weight. stronger and .slower he.art · action. ·increas:ttmTES ed breathing capacity, and im·.' proved stamina are the major · <fAifR<:jLL LEWIS, · JOHN .L... l..EWlS, goals of a good awlt fitness Pt~.sideftt · Vi~e PJ:e~. &: Cas.hiei, program. To· achieve them requires regular bouts ofexercise.
Identity - A Grade.
Phi Beta Holds Annual Auction
D·a· mag e
There's no Substitute
pr0 b e m
"": , - , .
CAFE Dinners -
Short Orders
6i.30 a.m. to 10:.00 p.m. every.day
Ann Beatty
Redfern Clothing
FllUITs and VEGETABLES .Jfree Delivery Tuesday and Friday
Page 7
THE PED ApciI°21, .1969
asebaH Squad Impressive
After having their 1st .two Q.oubleheaders postpone<l for various reasons the PSC baseball squad finally had their 1969 orientation on the·· diamond as they were able to squeeze ooe game ..out of a scheduled double--header with Missouri Western College Thursday April 3, before the down pour came again ..and washed out tl:!e other cootest. The Bobcats pulled out tbeir ·initial win with a four run barage in the 6th inning that wiped out a 4-5 deficit. Peru had built up a 4-0 on 3 1st inning scores and a lone run in .the second inning before the St. Joseph .boys erupted· for 5 runs in the bottom of the third ti> set up the late Peru rally. Jim Rains .picked up the victory. In other past diamond action Peru State opened their hi>me season by taki.ng · both ends i>f a. di>?bleheader from Simc;,>son, wmmng the opener 7-3 and the night cap 5-4 on Wednesday, April 9.. . The highlight of the series for Peru was .a· Steve Dalti>n grand-slam homer that provide<l Peru with the. spark needed to get the win in the opener. On April 12, Peru State bad
its 1st NCC Baseball competition for th.e season b.ut could only manage .50!> for the series by dropping the opener 4-3 · and taking the night cap .2-1. Peru plagued by errors and poor hitting as well as good Wayne pitching was unable to pull out the opener. despite a two .run homer bv nH<>fier Jim Rains in the. seventh inning with two our. Bill R<tscot, Wayne•s pitcher, allowed only 5 hits and gave up· a walk~ Peru scored first before a walk and two consecutive out field errors by Pe:tu gave Wayne their first score. . Two straight doubles, a single and another double with 2 out in the 5th gave Wayne its winning total. It marked the . 4th one run decision going against Rains in the last 2 years. · Pat;t~timer Bill Everhat:t went all the way for· Peru in the night cap to take all the marbles as he struck out 5 and walked 3. Everhart, who divides. his time between student teaching and baseball, had a 1.95 ERA last year. The run scoredagamst him came in the f()urth inning on. 2 errors anQ. a single. Peru's runs came in 3rd inning on a single, fielder's choice, single and two run single by Dennis Hemmer. In a non-conference clash on Tuesday, April 14, Peru tookhot bats with them to Doane. and smashed Doane pitchers for 28 hits enroute to a sweep of ' the doubleheader,. winning the opener 12-11 and takingthenight cap 12-10 in eight innings. Peru was down by 6 :tuns in the opener but relied on .2 big innings to take the starch out of the Tigers. In the 4th PSC pushed across . 5 runs on 5
Brown Belts
.The Old "Pro" ti
·Are Awarded
singles and a double and then waited until the 6th before blasting ahead on 2 singles, one The Judo-Karate Club andouble, ·one .walk, and 3 hom• nounces that four brown belts ers by Nick Petrillo, Mark Wie- were awarded to members on ler and :)tan Zbylut. Tom.Wiese Sunday the thirteenth in Nebr. was. the winning hurler as be City. Those who received them came on ·in relief of Ed fitch were; Richard Earl, second dein the !lrd but nee<led help gree belt, Ken Schlange., fourth from Jim Rains in tl1e 6th. degree, Roger Burns, fourth deM@re took the loss. and Gene Trits~h, fourth The second game tnade it all gree, degree; · fourth degree being the worth sticking around for as highest obtainable in brown Peru had to go int() extra innings before taking the Tigers belt. Four belts may be obtaiµed by 12-10. Peru scored 3 runs in and Karateenthusiasts. The the 1st inning on 2 base hits Judo colors are white, which holds and 2 sacrifices and equalled two Q.egrees, green which holds that number in the second on two degrees, holding four a wa.lk. a single 31_1d Stan Zby• degrees ·an<;l brown black which holds lut's 2nd homer .of the day. ten degree~. In black-belt, five Peru. went on to score ·single degreei> are ''up-proficiency", runs in the 4th, 5th and double and five are honorary. runs in the 7th and 8th with the Tom Kohler instri.tcts Karate latter being the deciding factor. · while Hugo Vill~S' is the Judo Ste.ve Dalton started on the instructor. are held mound but got relief.from Chuck in room 100 ·inPractices the campus school Garule. in the 4th, the John ·at 3:30 p.m. every Monday and Warren. came on in the 5th be- Wednesday. Members may work fore Jim Rains was called upon out in Nebraska City on Tuesday in the 7th and came on to win and Thursday . nights also. his 3rd-game against one less. Membership is open to anyone. Ipj~nsen took, the loss for Doane. If anyone is interested and would like· to watch practice St~kin.gs First· they are welcome. Additional The Cin<:innati Red Stock· .inforrpation .. tnaY. be obtained tngs'. of 1869 were. the . .first from Tom Kohl~r.
PSC Sports
professional baseball team.
\ \
Steve Dalton knocklil grand-slam against Simpson.
w Eli
0.P£' :l .... 30 . ll::t
·Ffff-ftJRfoirect from its
"7 ~J '.'\ reserved seat . It Uf?v.t,engagementsJ #Al FRED ZINNEMANN'Sn........ :...l1 COLUMBIA PICTURES.,_.,.
With the coming of spring the sports picture changes, Tennis, track, golf and baseball h.ave their place and .this week Ped Sports took the Coach's Corner down to the diamond and Coach Pelisek. During the interview the coach was ask,ed how the team shaped up in. the various positions. He felt that "we've got two good pitchers in Jim Rains· and Bill Everhart, but.it should be point"' ed .out that Everhart can only pitch on Satureays because during the week he is student teach· ing!• Chuck Garul'e will also see duty with a fine assortment of different pitches. · · Tom Brandt and Dennis Hammer .handled the area behind home and Hammer doubles in the outfield. On the ·bases areChuckMizerski and Scott Davis at first; second, Steve Dalton; third, Tom Patton and short stop Stan Zlybut. For the past three years as Bobcat diamond coach. Pel• isek's teams have taken two seconds and .fourth place finish "We've got to hit the l>all a little harder, .. stated, the coach, "in order to improve our score."
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Page 8
TIIE PED April 21~ 1969
Cindermen look Sharp At Relays Thursday in a dual meet at Magee stadium in Lincoln Coach Jack Mclntire's Peru State · College track team rolled up a 9;1.;!in win over Nebraska Wesleyan. Giving NWU its first outdoor dual loss of the season, fue Peru State Bobcats captured 12 of 18 events and lead by three double wim1ers. Mike Mulvaney, juni.or from Independence, Iowa, in the shc;it and discus; William Ward, om.aha freshman, in the long and tnple jumlJS, and Jack Weyers, Sterling sophomore,· in the mile and two mile, all scored ~wo iii.di· vidual wins to highlight Peru state's romp. The meet was the first of the outdoor season for Peru; the Bobcats being hampered by .bad weather until Thursday. Track results: 120 yard high hurdles - 1. Ross Ridenou.r (P), Holdrege; 2. Hollis Andersoo (NWU); 3. Tom Brown (NWU). T- :15.8. 440-yard relay - 1. Peru (El· mer Reeves, Omaha; Marv Allen, Des' Moines; Buddy McCrea, Omaha; Dave Bohlken, Talmage). T-:44.1. Mile - 1. Jack Weyers (P), 2. Van Allen (P) Nemaha; 3. Terry Trook (NWU). T-4:23.3. 44-yard run - 1. Dave Bierbaum (P), Griswold, Iowa; 2. 2. Cal Smith (P), Pacific Juriction, Iowa; 3. Jim W_att (NWU) T~50.9.
100-yard dash - 1. Elmer Reeves (P), Omaha; 2. Marv Allen (P) Des Moiries; 3. Dave Bohlken (P), Talmage, T-:1(),.2 880-yard run - 1. Jack Mcvay (NWU); 2; Jay Hagerman (P), Humbolt; 3. Roger Hurst (NWU). T-1:58.2; 330~yaril intermediate hurdles- 1. Wigert (NWU); 2.
Peru Triumphs at Dual Meet Ross Riedenour (P), Holdrege; 3. Anderson (NWU) T~41.4 220-yard dash - 1. Marv Al· len (P) Des Moines; 2. Dave Bohlken (P), Talmage; 3. Bob Rutledge (NWU). T - :22,6 2-mile relay - 1. NWU T8:13.0 . Mile · Relay - 1 Peru (C. Smith, M. Allen, Ward," Bierbaum). T-3:27 .6. · Field Events:· Shot put - 1. Mike Mulvaney (P), Independence, Iowa; 2. Rich· ard Shepard (P), West Boylston, Mass.; 3. Earl Johnson (P; Omaha, D-47~ 3/4. Long Jump -1. William Ward (P), Omaha; 2. Buddy Mc· Crea (P), Omaha; 3. Howard Wigert (NWU). D-21~. Javelin - 1. Harvey Meyers (NWU); 2. Lanny Hall (NWU); 3. Burt Faulkner (P), Paulsboro, N:.J. D-183-1. · . Pole Vault - 1. Roger Sand (NWU); 2. Arnold Johnston (P), Cleveland, Ohio; 3. Don Cope (NWU). H -12--6. Triple Jump - 1. William Ward (P), Omaha; 2. Mike Stone (NWU); 3. Dan McCauley (NWU). D-44-2. High Jump - 1. McCauley (NWU); 2. Beecham (NWU); 3. Rhine (NWU) H -6-2. Discus - 1. Mike Mulvaney (P); 2. Kent Swanson (NWU); 3. Bob Repp (P), Tecumseh. D-158-1. -Jack Mcln· tire's thinclads turned in the top team performance at the Kearney State Relays Saturday as they captured seven event titled and eclipsed one meet and school record. No team point standings were kept.
Mike Mulvaney, Independence, Iowa, junior, was the ooly double event winner in the Relays. He tossed the shot put 48-1 l/2 and the discus 157-8 to best those events. Peru's distance medley relay team - Marvin Allen, Omaha; Cal Smith, Pacific. Junction, Iowa; JayHagerman,Hum· boldt: Jack Weyers, Sterling -finished the event in 10:24,9 to set a new meet record. The time bettered the school record of 10:26 set by the Kearney Relays in 1968. Peru Bobcat performances: Shot put - 1. Mike Mui vaney (P); 5. Earl -Johnson (P) Omaha D -48-l1/.2Javelin - 1. Eurt Faulkner \P) Paulsboro, N.J. D - 190. Long jump - 1. Buddy McCrea (P) Omaha D - 2Z-11%. Mile steeplechase - 1. Van Allen (P) Nemaha. T -4:57.5 Discus - 1. Mike Mulvaney (p) D -157-8. Triple Jump - 1. William Ward (P) Omaha, D - 45-41/2 Distance medley relay -1. Peru (Marvin Allen, Cal Smith Jay Hagerman, Jack Weyers) T -10:24.9 (record). 880 shuttle hurdles - 3. Peru (Ross Ridenour, Earl Johnson, Buddy McCrea, Bruce Brum· mer, Wilcox.) Sprint medley relay ~. Peru (Calvin Smith, William wara, Dave Bierbaum, Griswold, Iowa Dave Bohlken, Talmage.) 440 intermediate hurdles 5. Ross Ridenour (P) Holdrege.
SoftbaH Results Mysterians 4 Cool Jerks 3 Marksmen 10 · DolPJins 6 Studs 11 · CherryPickers 10 G, Jackets 17 Professionals 11 L Butterflies 12 s. 0, Bombers 2 Marksmen 7 Nads 1
Wrestling H's Much To Offer
ents have participated in o ganized wrestling in high sch or have brothers' and frien who wrestle. Even as I ha One of the most popular min- ventured threugh the camp or sports in the Midwest is dormitories and apartmen wrestling. The University of I have entered and witness Nebraska at Omaha and' Wayne many friendly wrestling mate state were sec.ond and fourth es. respectively in the NAIA. The Does wrestling have anythin' two Nebraska teams have four to offer Peru students? The' of the eleven national champ- swer to this question has ions. However UN-6 and Wayne be yes. With the wrestling tea state are not Nebraska's only the small 115 pound man school's connection· with high participate as well as the 2 standard wrestling. The Uni- pound football tackle. Wrestli versity of Nebraska is in the recognizes that a small m tough Big Eight Conference can be a good athlete. The a which .in dudes Oklahoma, Ok- letes ~re split into weight class lahoma State, and Iowa State; es so that the 130 pounder wres all which usually place among ties an opponent who is approx the top five teams in the nation. imately 130 pounds and the 18 (One usually takes the top spot pounder wrestles· another 1 while one of the other two plac- pound man. This wav a smal es second) man does not have to bea With this area interest and big man to make the teani. prominence in wrestling it ........ a study were made on the· ath seems strange that Peru State lete size it would be discove College does not have a wrest· ed that it is usually much mor ling team. .J think Peru has interesting to watch two smal the interest and· capability to but fast men wrestle then to have a wrestling team. In my watch two larger slower big men length of time here I have dis~ battle. covered that many Peru studWrestling can also add con• fidence to the athletes. During Racket Squad Wins ~ the course of a season each man learns that he can give most men his size a good match. Not At Peru Thursday afternoon only does it boost the morale' the Peru State College tennis of the wrestlers but it c team defeated the Pershing Col· lege team by a convincing 6-3 · knock down mister big shot his proper average size. Ver score. few wrest!ers are able to g The Bobcats captured four through a season with an unblem singles matches and twodoubles contests. It was the first out· ished record. Those who go un ing for Darrell Wininger's Bob- defeat usually receive thei cat team. A return match with , share of close matches. · Pershing at Beatrice is set for Even more important then April 26th. fue won-loss record of a wrest• Results for the singles match· ler is his condition. In one sho es are: Don Wiechec (P) N. month of wrestling an average Tona wand a, N.Y. defeated Steve student can lose ten to fifteen Clark 10-5; Mike Deal (P) Coun- pounds of fat. while increasing cil Bluffs, Ia., defeated Bill Bur- his endurance, strength and agil· gress 10-5; Ken Burch (P) Mid· ity. dle Granville, N.Y., defeated Wrestling does not just con· Lee DiSarro, 10-8; Les Harpal, dition the average male student defeated Fred Lainson (P) Coun- but is also takes in athletes of cil Bluffs, Ia., 10-6; Bernie Mill· other sports. It is a gr9at off· ert defeated Meron Solonynka season conditioner for football; (PJ Omaha, 10-7; Harold Prior in ·fact, it may be said fuat (P) O,rient, Iowa, defeated Bob football is a good conditioner Lantenback, 10-8. for wrestling. Many football· Double,s: Wiecheck-Satterfield ers find that they are not in! (P) over Clark-Burgress, 10-9· proper shape to be a good wresBurch-Lainson (P), over Di! tler. Som~ men can barely Sarro-Harpal, 10-3; Millermake it thtough the first week Lantenbach, over Solonynkaor two· of wrestling pra(!tice. Prior (P) 10-7. Wrestling is not just interest· ing to the athlete. It can supply an evening of interesting and enjoyable entertainment to the fans and other interest•· ed students. Many fans lose fuemselve-s in the action and enjoy every minute of it. · Show an interest. in your school and 1ets get a wrestling. team at Peru State College. It. can be intere¢ng and fun for all wrestlers as well as non-wres~ers and gi.vethesmall man a chance to show his abil• ity.
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Intramural track meet Thurs-. day, May 1, 1969. All Entries must be in by Monday April 28 at noon. Time of events: field events 3:45 with track events 6:30.
Bobcat Bookstore PERU, NEBRASKA Sale Begins Monday, April 21
AUBURN You pay less at Bill 's · ~
Helping Peru State look just that much better for over 51 years.
B A joint n Pi and the Associatio1 1969, in Auditoriurr The gue Loren Born sity of Net sponsor Education the' audienc to get out state and 1 concerned where it is Dr. Bon views on s LB655, LB 1342. rt since educ of the te<: openly endc for some which invo .. of our big the lack o in educatio _on our boar Prior t
PERU, NE a former student in i spent over and 21 mon pre-Dubcek students at convocation 23 and to 422 class, for the rig hind the Ir( manity whic fue basic fr college stud flaunt. Let' ideal •••. the eyes of ti ve contrib only makes freedom wl rights. Let fight for th1 lovakia, Rm gary and e1 viet Union, our help rl looking for fue freedon every day. nied those r 1i.me." The PhD ( eri can Uni v1 D.C. and < aide to Nix( the youth ir - particul< lovaki.a about their it (Czechos nexed to th<
Trend Toward More Student Involvement? seven students will become full voting members of the university senate at New York University. AtMaryvilleColleg6 in Tennessee, an "all-college council" has been formed of six students, six faculty members and six administrative officers. The council will be the institution's chief deliberative and legislative boey responsible for fong-range planning ·.and for airecting the activities- of the entire college community. At the State University of New Yol'k at· Binghamton, students, faculty and administrators will vote this spring on a new community goverriment plan that would establish a policy-making university assembly with a ratio of five faculty members to three students to two administrators. At Columbia University, where lack of student involvement in governing has been cited as an underlying cause of last year's disruptions, there will be a vote later this-spfirig on a pian to establish a 100-member univer-
xi in or-
gh school .d friends .s I have ' campus artments, witnessed ng match: anything ;? The' anon has to tling team man can IS the 220 Wrestling mall man . The ath:ghtclass1der wrests approx1d the 180 ther 180 v a small to beat team. If 1 the' athdiscoveriuch more two small c then to er big men add cons. During each man ·most men tch. Not ie morale t it can ig shot to ize. Very ble to go munblemNho go un~ive their
s. ant then ' a wrest' one short n average to fifteen :Ocreasing :handagiljust conile student 1thl.etes of g~at off· : football; said lhat onditioner y footballre not in :ood wresan barely first week practice. ;t interestt can supnteresting ~rtainment
r interest-
fans lose iction and it •.
t" in your 1wrestling :::ollege. It and· fun s well as ethesmall whis abil·
eet Thurs-
ty April 28
eld events ents 6:30.
Bonneau Addresses Meeting A joint meeting of Kappa Delta ·address, Kappa Delta Pi held Pi and the peru state Education its monthly busmess meeting. Association was held APril 21, Plans were made for a steak 1969, in the Fine Arts fry to be held May 5 at 5:00 in Neal Park. The cost is Auditorium. The guest speaker was Dr. $1 for members having a lunch Loren Bonneau from the Univer- ticket, and $1.50 for nondorm sity of Nebraska. Dr. Bonneau, residents and guests, Anyone sponsor for the student planning to attend must sign Education Association, urged at Miss Ashley's office this the' audience, asfutureteachers, week. to get out of their complacent 'officers elected forthefollowstate and to' become aware and ing year were: President-concerned with e<bcation _and Ron Iles, Vice-President-where it is heading. Maureen Marshall, SecretaryDr. BOnneau expressed his Elaine Grundman, Treasurerviews on several bills, LB1057, Kathy Schnitzer, andHistorianLB655, LB656, LB1083, and LB- Martha Seibert. 1342, rt is his opinion that The PSEA elected 'their since education is the concern of the teachers, they should officers for next year at their openly endorse particular people business meeting held before for some government offices Dr. BOnneau spoke. The officers which involve edication. One are: President-.!l'erry Marof our big problems today is ~hall~ _ \iice.preside_!lt :- Kat~. Secretary-Ruth the lack of a genuine interest Rockeman, in education. This is true even Leuenberger, Treasurer~o ward Isaacs, and Historianon our boards of education. Prior to Dr. BOnneau's Kathy Gregory.
ltate at for
r I Dr. Meyers to ..__on1
Dr. Howard E. Meyers, director of studies and assistant professor of education at Peru state College, has announced a three-day conference on "Educational Alternates Through Innovation'' is scheduled :May 8-10 at Hastings High School. The conference is designed to bring together professors of elementary educatiCJ!l, element· Hvasta Urges "Communicate with Czech" ary school principals elementary cirriculum specialists, conPERU, NEBR. -John Hvasta, from the non-communist world sultants and superintendents to a former American exchange , v.hich would offer ·them that <iisCllss innovatioos in edueation. student in Czechoslovakia, who 'dialogue' for communicating The event is being sponsored spent over 3 years as prisoner with us. But what do they see? by Educational Coordinates of palo, Alto, Calif., Hastings and 21 months as fugitive in the Certainly not the ideals. which pre-Dubcek era, told the they are seeking. They want public Schools, and Peru State College. students at Peru state .college solutions for their dilemas convocation, WeilnesClay, APril ideas which would help them to - subjects ontheconferenceprogram will include preparation 23 and to Mr strom's History press for and achieve the free422 class, "Let's demonstrate, ·doms we seem to overlook and for -change, the superintendents for the rights of humanity be- v.hich their authoritarian re- and change, tl!e principal's role bind the Iron Curtain, that hu· gimes rigidlycensor.Readabout in innovation and what makes manity which has been denied all the arrests, deportations and ex· it worl{, flexible scheduling, lhe basic freedoms some of our pellings from schools of stu- teacher training and evaluation, college students so irrationally dents and intellectuals who seek interaction analysis, reality flaunt. Let's push for a real t.o present their pleas for ra- therapy and schools and schools ideal , ••• one which will catch tional behavior from their without failure, why educational the eyes of the world as a posi- respective systems - wilhout tools are not enough and school tive contribution, not one v.hich violence. How do you think they reorganizatioo, Conference attendents will ooly makes a mockery of the feel when they see clippings of freedom which guarantees our violent demoostrations in the have the opportunity to watch rights. Let us resolve now to U.S. -seeking irrational goals. Peru State'College studentteachfight for the youth of Czechos- So who is trying to confuse ers use microteaching technilovakia, Rumania, Poland, Hun- whom?" asked the former refu· ques and the evaluations which gary and even those in the So- _gee, "Where is tlntliberalicieai follow, viet Union, because they need we must strive to portray as ' our help right now! .They are the freest nation in the worlJl!" Now looking for a real goal. • .• • -(cont'd on page 2) the freedoms you and I emoy It has become necessary for every day, They have been deT · lhe Di vision of Education to nied those rights for a very long ~- a.t_ers J.0 otary accept applications fortheprotime." Three or four students from fessional semester during the The PhD Candidate at the Am- the advanced detate class have last half of the junior year in erican Universityin Washington, been invited to speak to the Ro- order to facilitate the assiguD.C. and a former campaigu tary Club at the Aublrn Hotel ment of student teachers. aj.de to Nixon said, "Right now, Aptil 29th. The students chosen · Therefore, would ALL junior the youth inside the Red border will present several examples of students pursuing a course in - particularly · in Czechos- individual speech events in the teacher education fill out an lovakia - is so apprehensive catagories oC oratory; T,V. com- application now. about their country's fate; that mentary; oral interpretation; Students whose grade point it (Czechoslovakia) will be an- and after dinner speeches. average is low should fill out nexed to the Soviet Union propthe ~ of this trip is an application to admission to er, as were the Baltic States in to give some oC the advanced teacher education and for studthe early forties. Thefarelook- debate students speakingexperi- ent teaching, so files may be s~ up. mg for a sign •• -•• anyfilgn - ence,
sity senate with 20 student members. At Upper Iowa College, two students have been added with full voting privileges to the college's executive committee, which formulates college policy, exercises administrative control and determines budget matters. At many institutions where specific changes have not been made, joint ·student-facultyadministration committees have been formed ·to discuss and make recommendations about changes tn student participation, sucli committees have been formed at Bucknell University and the University of Pennsylvania. At MacMurr~y College in nlinois classes were cancelledforthree days while campus-wide discussions were held on the state of the college and on possible reforms, Among other recent developments have been the addition of students as voting members of academic c~cil committees at
Vol. 6"
stanford University, the admission of three students as nonvoting participants in trustee's meetings at American University, and the seating of students and faculty on manytrustee com· mittees of Colgate Univeriiity. Although it would seem many colleges and universities are making serioos ·efforts to give students a voice in decision.:. making, J.\'1ary Meehan, former director of the U.S. National student Association, wrote that "student representation on two or three minor committees may be only a gesture of appeasement by faculty or administration," "But," she continued "student representation on one or two major committees may signify phflo&qlhical acceptance of direct student participation in campus government. • .Much depends oil the type or extent of stildent representation and on the attitudes of students, faculty and administration,'' Miss Me&lJ:J"- ·11rote.
No. 26
April 28, 1969
P.S.C. Awarded Contract Peru State College has been awarded the cootract as the institution to carry the Head Start Supplementary Training Program for lhe state of Nebraska. The $37,743 grant is a 25 per cent increase above last year's. With the new contract lhe program will be expanded to include classes at Loup City and Chadron as well as at Lincoln, Omaha, and lhe Thurstoo County Indian Reservation. Included in the Grantarefunds available for hiring an assistant to Dr. Rex Shelley as Project Manager. In following the practices of· other states, Dr. Shelley will hire a student assistant. Through the course of the year, this assistant would be paid about $2,000. He or she would be allowed to carry a full load, and at the sam!l time gain valuable experience. Since this program is highly involved with meeting the needs of individuals, certain charac· teristics are desirable for the person interested in this P<>si· tion. The student must be able to meet people well and be flexible when facing people of different races, backgrounds, and value standards. Hopefully, he will be interested in working with the disadvantaged. A person who likes to be where the action is and can accept others feelings, emotions, and points of view. The student must be able to work not only with the paraprofessionals of the community but also with the professional people, administra· tors, college professors and faculty, He must be inclined to counsel career choices.
ings. .The Head Start Supplementary Training is a college oriented demonstration of the new careers philosophy. Three basic purposes of the program are: 1 - To provide college edu· cation and training to full year Head Start Employees so they may become more skilled and responsible in their Head Start work. 2 - To provide these same people with an opportunity for in creased earning power and job security. 3 To provide an arena for col· lege and university change in teaching methods and curricula v.hich will affect institutional changes to meet the needs of low income people. Any student interested in applying for this position should contact Dr. Shelley, Project Manager.
It is a necessity that the studenthave a driver's license and preferably his own car because this program involves a great deal of travel. The student should also, if possible, be-avail· able to go to so_menationalmeet·
Marilyn Moody was awarded one. the Nebraska Home Econom'ics scholarships at the 1969 NHEA Convention held in Omaha April 25 and
Page 2
Pilot Internship Arranged
HVASTA (cont'd from page 1)
"The youth • • • . the oo a part- or the professioniil lated Generation, the very staff. ·The teaching assign- destined to be promoters ment will be slightly less de- the 'wars of national liberati manding than a full t,eaching were the ones who turned load. Interns will then have to undo the system w an opportunity for more prep- spawned them. The youth aration, meetil)g with intern con- Ii zed that under the stiffling sultants, and college super- mosphere they could not e visors. Also, included in the as rational human beings. C intern's schedule time will be munist theory turned out to made available for testing contradiction of reality • • theory in educatioo as well as and they wanted something el practices of teaching. what -they weren't (jJlite su The purpose of the intern- They looked to the Westforid ship program is to provide an · •••• and ideals. They still I extenqed teaching experience to the West •••• to the rati for students at the preser- youthful leaders from whom vice level of preparatioo under could ,learn the basics a conditions similar to a reg- achieving the liberties they ular teaching position, The would rather have. _ following . objectives should ---<• Jrre we going to deny th be realized from the intern- those communications? H ship program: 1) skill in teach- no!" said Hvasta, "Let's s ing, 2) and opportunity to the domonstrators - for - d Take deep breath. Absorb the warmth test several theoretical mod- oostrations (to be rid of th and light of the sun. Gaze at the rapidly els of teaching and learning, '-sake out to their lands greening grass. Look around you. Just 3) responsibilities approach- then present an image of exactly what do you .see, hear, and feel? ing that of regular teacher educational institutions·The regional conter~nce of in the classroom, and 4) are second to none -that w Spring is the time of the year we all say Kappa Delta Pi was held Satur- status as a professional mem- offer that dialogue youth to ourselves, "Isn't it great to be alive?" day, April rn; at the Nebraska ber of the teaching staff. communism is direly see · It is also the time the thoughts of the less Interns will be expected to But, let's do it nowt Let's Wesleyan University in Linc!)ln. fortunate should come to mind - those who Miss Alma Ashley and six Pe:r;u attend the first session of continue to be bogged down students attended. They inclu~ed summer school, 1969, and the few irrational hoodlums aren't able to enjoy all the wonders Mother Ken Carnes, Elaine Gruncbnan, enroll for six hours of Ele- don't even !mow whatdemocra Nature provides during this season. The blind R9n and Greta nes, BarbLampe mentary School Methods in pre- ideals are. We are tired of th paration for their assignment· few, getting all the coverage cannot see the grass, the flowers, the blue and Kathy Sclmitzer. in the -Lincoln PUblic schools fue press. Wewantthatcove Dr. W .A. stump(, National Presky, cir even the sun•. The chirp of the birds sident, was guest speaker at the aca,demic year, 1969-70, for now . . • • because we will on their return flight or the sound of child· opening session. Group dis- ooe full semester. Preparation malling news; real news f ren outdoors at play are not heard by manyo cussions were held for the re- will include in addition to the now on! We extend our hel mainder of the morning and af- regular classroom activities hand -to the yooth under c As the season comes into full swing, we ternoon. Ken Carnes was the 1) Micro-teaching - video tap- munism • • ~ . telling worry about having the right styles or the leader for tqe group discussing ing of student teachers util- "LET'S COMMUNICATE. "in" color. There are a million little things what ways a Kadelpian can be in- izing the micro-teaching tech- NOT CONTINUE TO BE volved in instittitional and social niCJJles, and teach-research pro- LATED. LET US COMPE we complain about. Should we be complaining? change. Kathy Schnitzer headed cedure for developing teach- ••• NOT CONFUSE. YOU NE We have so much to be thankful for, and the discussion, "What should ing skills, 2) Interaction An· US!", said the former fugi this wonderful time of the year should remind Be The Kadelpian's Involvement alysis - video taping of stud- from Czechoslovakia. in Society?" BarbLampe served ent teacher utilizing Fland"There is a new era b us of this. We should be even more grateful er' s model of teacher self· ning ...., as recorder for the day. in January," said Hva during the pleasant days to come. analysis to provide informaThe participating chapters inferring to Mr Nix tion about the teaching act. We should not only be thankful we are for· were Northwest Missouri State, victory.'' This era has ushe Peru, Keai:iiey, University of 3) Teaching Problems Labora- in a new understanding, I tunate not to be handicapped but also thankful tory students would utilize Omaha, Wayne, Drake Unilieve. It has sho'M! friend that we are free - living in a land where we versity, State College of Iowa, portions of the completed pro- foe alike that America, especi gram of simulated critical in· can proudly salute the red, white, and blue. Wartrurg College, Kansas State Iy its youth, will not sit idly Univ~rsity, Nebraska Wesleyan cidence in teaching provided in indulging in irrational dem The next time you are spending a lazy qay in the teaching problems labUniversity, and NemahaAlui:nni, strations, but will pave way the park with all its natural beauty, try to oratory. 4) Coordination -Pro- other Omaha, Nebraska, youth 'in the world visions will be made to have appreciate every minute of it. You have the seek the freedoms all rati an exchange of persoonel in Federal Cutback whole world in front of you. It is not limited both the summer and academic men need to call themsel as it is for the children of the ghettos or the President Nixon's attack on year portion of the program be- civilized. inflation has brought drastic cut- tween Lincoln Public Schools handicapped. Don't abuse all the "gifts" you Hvasta said that he hop backs in the Federal spending. Personnel and Peru ·state Col- President Nixon will establi have received. Don't be one who says ,.,I didn't The President is determinednot lege fa~ulty. 5) Plan~ -:- a World Youth Coosortium realize how great it was until I was without.'' ooly to preserve the $3.4 bil- lesson plans and units of study which college students from lion surplus target by the John- would be coordinafed with the over the world will be in vi Appreciate your assets as you enjoy them son Administration in the fiscal actual teaching situation. 6) periodically to hear lectures now. 1970, rut to expand this by an- Teaching Experience -teach- topics which can enhance man other one billion. er's aides. It is .felt a period progress through understan Although this will be impos- of cootrolled supervision, and ing. . sible because this margin has experience is necessary to the already decreased with higher interns prior to assuming ma· "With the ease of travel, t jor respoosibilities for learn- ility of· communicatioo and than expected spendings. Administration leaders seem ing of a group of children. greater need for Western p determined to force the cuts gress in technology, our and meet this goal to get our will not be diffirult - c Officers Installed country back into the black. municating with the youth Although many of us are unaHnnging to a close another der Communism," said Hva ware of this, the drastic cut in Federal aid will affect us here years activities the anriual Peru PERU PEDAGOGIAN on Peru State College campus state Home Economics club dinconcerning the National Defense ner and installation of officers Monday, April 28, 1969 was held at Arbor Manor in Au-' Student Loan program. Volume 64 Number 2 Our Federal appropriation for rum. Twenty members were pres· the 1969-70 year is tentatively set at $35,430.Proje<:tioosofthe ent for the event. Maureen MarPublished weekly during th office and of the Business Office shall was installed as the new academic year, except holiday indicate that in order to tneet president for the year 1969-701 and between semesters by' th the needs of all students for the Other new officers are J erldean 1969-70.: year, we will re(jJlire Fears, President elect, MariJyn students of Peru State College Moody, Vice President, Dianne approximately $76,000. Peru, Nebraska 68421. As a" comparison, for the op- Schramm, Secretary, Kathryne eration of the '68-'69 NDSL pro- R!rry, Treasury, Sandra ClemSTAFF gram, we have spent approxi- ents and Carolyn Dom, publicity EDITOR . . . • . . Lynn Sailor mately $.55,000. We will spend chairmen, Linda Moody, SGA BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . an additional $5,000 forthefund- Representative and Phyllis ing of loans for the summer Cacek, state representative, Of· Steve Maso sessions. Therefore, our total ficer serving the club for the PHOTOGRAPHER . Bob Ber expenditure for this academic 1968-69 year were Kay Lovitt, ASS'T BHOTOGRAPHER ... year will. be about $60,000. President, Donna sparer, Vice Bob Va As these figures illustrate, President, Marilyn Moody, SecADVISOR . . . . . . James Ke retary, Jackie Golden, Treasif we are funded at $35,430 for the next year, we will be ury, Mary Lutt, SGA J:1epresen· The signed, letters printed '' short $40,570 in .meeting the tative and Dana Henry, state this paper do not reflect t monetary needs of our students historian. opinion of the Pedagogian A business meeting was· held for this period. At an average of individuals. The editor loan of $436, this means 95 to discuss the State NHEA Conserves the right to edit th students will be unable to bor- vention to be held in Omaha, April 25 and 26, row the money they need. for publication.
lake a Deep Breath a
The Peru State College division of Education is currently in the process of arranging with the Lincoln Public Schools an Internship Program in Teacher Education, This is a pilot program. It is anticipated that from a rather limited beginning new techni(jJles and concepts of teacher training may emerge which will be applicable. to a larger number of students at some future date. Initially the program will be provided for eight students ma· joring in elementary education during the academic year, 1969-70. Theyare MarciaBurr, Carol Ehlers, Doona Farson, ·~Green, Carol Gottula, Iles, Llnda Knipplemier, and Joe McReynolds. The intern will be paid by the school district and consider-
K-A Conjerence
Am Accordi vey, appr all medic mood aff, amphetarr drug indu to provic with 25 d but apprc supply en Amphet the cent? first be medical t They are rurb app• ervised !mown for sleepines! most co ulants a1 edrine, an· I{ used tor's pre doses can duce fe• dence and is some1 letdown o over. H cause jitl and tensim Benzedri other stini physical
c WED. P.); 119N.8th: Phon'
THE PED April 28, 1969
Amphetamines Detrimental according to a national survey, approximately 20percentof all medical prescriptions for mood affecting drugs involve amphetamines. Each year the drug industry produces enough to provide every. American with 25 doeses of these drugs. but approximately half of ihe supply enters illegal channels. Amphetamines, · stimulants to the central nervous J>YStem, first became available for medical use during the 1930's. They are sometimes used to curb appetite in medically supervi sed diets, but are best known for their ability to fight sleepiness and fatigue. The most commonly used stim· ulants are Benzedrine, Dex· edrine, and Methedrine: I( used according to a doc• tor's prescription, moderate doses can stop fatigue andproduce feelings of self-corifi· dence and alertness but this is some1;imes followed by a letdown or depression hangover. Heavier doses. can cause jitteriness, irritability, and tension. Ben zedl_ine, Dexedrine, and other stimulants do not produce physical dependence 'like nar-
Eagle at the Summit
cotics. Even though the body does not become physically dependent on the use of amphetamines, it may develop a tolerance to them so that larger doses are used to feel the effects. The Bureau of Nar~otics reg· ulates and controls thesedrugs. All druggists must account for 1he supplies of drugs and the user is restricted to five refills of any one prescription. Illicit manufacturing, dispensing and possession of them with an intent to sell can bring a fine of up to $10,000 and a pri· son sentence of up to five years. Illegal possession with· out intent to sell. can cause a fine of $1.000 and - or imprisonment for one year.
smoking grass and drinking like Coming home from school .can· crazy with my friends...:when I'd be a drag so when my mother come home I'd be fantastically opened the back door to greet high. For some reason, my me I dropped my suitcase at father still let me use his car. her feet, told her I had to go to i think he- was roping I'd start the bathroom, and spent the next coming around if he was nice three days in my room listening to me. Anyway, one earlymornto Country Joe and the Fish- ing I missed .the driveway and coming out only when I had to wound up in the neighbor's front eat, Mother cried a lot and my lawn. They had just seeded father knocked on my door a and I didn't want to tear everylot, but Country Joe real loud thing up trying to get out, so sort of covered them up. Every I left the car where it was, night around ten o'clock I'd Jocked it, and went oome to bed. throw my dirty clothes out into Father hit the ceiling. Mother the hall and shout "laundry" cried; The neighbor bitched. I and mother would have them back ran away. Didn't even bother to in the morning, all pressed and pack any CIOtbes. I made it out shining, hoping to please me, of town to ·the interstate and thinking I'd talk to her. I started staying out late. I,,ike decided to thumb it, maybe to Pittsburg. I knew a kid in Denabout 4:30 then sleeping until ver, but Pittsburg was closer. three in the afternoon. I was The interstate is hell to catch a ride on, Those big trucks c~is ing by a~ 90 miles per hour create quite a wind. NoOOdy stoppedfor almost two hours. Finally, an old Pokerfacea Rodney Dangerfield) couple in a Frod Falcon picked Rod-4 straight ~ick or bar. has appeared on televisioo many me up. They told me they were A pole for fishing. Knee- the t i m e s as agueston on their way to see their grandJ oirit between the thigh and the The Ed Sullivan Soow, - The son's graduatioo ceremonies in lower leg. Dal)ger- a thing Dick Cavett Soow, The Joey Cleveland. He was 26 and was that may cause injury, pain,~c. Bishop Show, The Steve going to be a teacher.Itoldthem Fie!d-4 wide stretch of open !\llen Show, and is known for that I was going to Pittsblrg to land. A piece of cleared landfor the - fantaStic barrage of jokes see if I could locate my mother. crops and pasture. · She'd run. off with the mailman, he throws at his audiences. · Tims, Webster's Dictionary At 19, Rodney pledged himself leaving me with four sisters to defines that Great American to showbusiness and comedy, take care of. rd left my sisters Hero, Rodney Dangerfield- but in the next ten years of his with.the neighbors and had made comediart at large. Rodney, who life he struggled r¢serably,get- a vow not to return home withremains pokerfaced thrObghout ting nowhere. Leaving show out mom. I said I was 19 and his act (hence the state name business behind, he went into wanted to be a doctor someday, business, However, attheageof I started to cry, The old lady 40, Rodney returned to comedy, started to cry. They took me to and took soow rosiness by the the next exit and told me Pitts;. horns. Needles.s to ~ay, he hit burg was south a couple hundred it big, Reigning as oneofAmeri- miles. When I started to walk ca's comic greiits, Rod has this away, the old ladv called me back, slipped five dollars. into to say, "And my kids, This afternoon my hand, and said she hoped l my kid tell,s me to go to my found my mother. I told her room. The other night he was I'd never forget her kindness, having dinner. I said, 'Finish pocketed the money andwavedto all Your meat and you'll grow them until they were gone. Two hundred lousy mijes to up and be just like Daddy," Pittsburg. · Since then, he only eats vegetables." · · Wild tur4eys are exc.ellent Let's hear it for Pokerfaced fliers but prefer to escape purRodney Dangerfield•. suit by ~ing•.
Great American Heroes
. appliances . . sporting goods ..• name-brand tools .... hunting & fishing permits
:ravel, fa oo and :stem p our ta t - co youth lid Hvasta
~. . . •· ·.
· This week's Top Ten Chart for Peru State College is quite similar to· last week's, with only a few major changes. The Nutmegs are still hanging on to that number one spot with their .version of "Ship of L~ve", arid 1he 'Bopchords remain number two with "When I Woke Up This Morning" "Swinging On A Star" by Big Dee Irwin & Little Eva has moved into the number three position, replacing "Someone Loves You Joe" by the Singing Belles, which has dropped tonumber four. A new group, Bobby Riveria and 1he Hemlocks, made their Top Ten debut this week wi1h 1he hot number five rated song, "Coney . Island Baby". Looks like Bobby and the Hemlocks are des·. tined for the top. We wish them all the luck. "This Must 'Be Paradise" by Doo Julian and the Meadowlarks holdsdownthe number six spot, followed closely by Lewis Lyman and 1he Teenchords doing "Too YOling". That Elvis Presley sound-alike, Ral Donner, is number eight with "You Don't Know What You've Got". Incidently, Elvis 1he Pelvis hasn't been oo the PSC Top Ten for some time now. We miss you King, In the number nine position, and it looks like he's heading for a comeback. is Hank Ballard and his Midnighters wi1h a really rockin' version of "The Twist". Rounding out the Top Ten are The Five Willows with ''White Cliffs of Dover". The Willows do a great job with that song - it's a MUST for every record collectioo. Missing from 1he Top Ten for the first time in seven weeks is ''My Friend" by the Dialtones. As you know, 1he Dialtones set a campus record at Peru byhavingthenumber one soog here for four weeks in a row. Hurry back Dialtones; This week;s Pick Hit of 1he Wee~ and it looks like it's going ts:> be a really big one, is "Lawful Wedding" by the Cufflinks. It's climbing fast in the charts - a sure number ooe. Album of the Week is by Dicky Bell and the Bing Bongs, "Ding A Ling Ding Dong" oo which they do their big hit, "ls You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby". Next week in the Top Ten column, 1here'll be that long awaited fea· ture interview with· Lazy Jimmy Norman of the Bunny Paul and the Harptones group, Until then •
' 1969
After a Game or a Date Go to Eldon's the Place that rates
Number 26
during the >t holidays er5 by the e College, l.
Eldon Allgood 'Phone 872-9965
•nn Sailors ~
>vec Mason Bob Beran fiER .... Bob Vana ames Keck printed in ·eflect the gogian but editor re• edit them
Page 3
Top Ten
Redf eca Clothing
1206 J Street 119 N. 8th St.
Nebr. City
Phoi:e 87 3-6 180
Auburn, Nebr.
A showdown between Peru State's Mike Mulvaney and Chadron's Bennie Francis is in the offing when the Nebraska College Conference schools meet May 1~17 at Kearney.Both men are top weight performers for their respective schools. Mulvaney has a 165'7" toss to his credit this year and Francis has been able to put it out 154'41//'. Chadron track coach Don Holst has been quoted as i'beling that, junior Bennie has the potential to become the next NAIA natiooal champion in the discus. Last year's ·winning heave was 161'9". The two men will also meet head on in the soop put. Bennie has a 48'2" effort compared to Mike's 48'11/2'. Be sure to watch for future achievements of these two premier track men before the soowoownatKearney.
Peruvian Scores Ace
After three weeks of comlltlti- SUMMARY OF tion the Peru State golfers are PERU SCORING: Ivan Miller, 35-39; Roger enjoying mild success. The first two scheduled matches Gardner, Shenandoah, Ia., 42were postponed but a. triangular 39; Dave Harris, Auburn 44-44; was set up between Midwestern, Jerry Greany, Grundy Center, of Dennison •Iowa, and Persh- Ia., 45-43; Mike Rosso, Bridgeing College,~ of Beatrice, Ne- port, Conn., 46-39; Roger braska, to/ make · up for the Richards, Lincoln, 48-49. Scoring by Teams: lost ground.' Peru showed their early sea- Peru 6 Peru 21/2Wm.Jewell 13lh soo form b\ the match by win· NWM 12 W, Jewell 15lhNWM41h ning the 1969 seasoo opener Ivan. Miller again just missed at the A~burn Courtti'y Club by winning but one match. A metla:Iist honors as he was edgdual witll Fairnewcomer to the · Peru sport ed out in scene this year, Ivan Miller, bury Junior College, by Tom coped the medalist honors Darbo who carded a 76, The dual with a combinatioo of 37 oo was . held oo the Fairbijry the front · nine ilnd 34 on the greens, Friday, April 18, Ivan back nine for an 18 hole total Was ooly 2 strokes behind with of 71, He defeated stevflll a 78. other Peru point getter were Pagel, Midwestern, (38-43) and steve Winter Pershing (42-40) ,Mike Rosso, Bridgeport, Coon., Midwestern took second by 84; Jerry Greany, Grundy Cen· ter, Iowa, 92; Dave Harris defeating Persq, 10-S. · Auburn, 93, and Roger Gard~ ,ner, Shenandoah, Iowa, 93.
The In< well edu< Sible II education and they United St< ern Illinc Melvin is to permit as resour ested dep< their thre
In the first game Jim Rains went all · the way for PSC, but was battered for seven runs in the second inning t.o give KSC all t~e they needed.Kear-. ney also scored single tallies in the first and third to round out th•}scQring. The seven runs came on six hits; three singles, Jwo walks, a double and a solo-homer by Gerald Jacobsoo. Peru, al'though not being able t.o match the overall power of Kearney,. continued. to hit home runs. This time Dennis Ham•.
Bobcats Out-Dueled ln Dua I
The three-mile record broken by Weyers was 14:54.4 and had been set by Tim Hendrick's in the NAIA District Xl meet at Kearney in 1968. pole vault-Amold Johnson (P), 14-0 (tied record) ' High Jump-Bruce Brumme~ (P ), Wilcox: 5-10 Put-Tom Harger([>), 519 Long Jump-Buddy Mccrea (P) Omaha: 22-0lf.z . _
, Richard "Dick" Jensen, Nebraska City, a junior at Peru state College, scored a hol&! in-one on No. 1 at the st~ hart golf course in Nebr. City oo Monday, April 21. Dick was pfaying with Rev. Dean DeSelms at the time. FOr the day Dick wound up with an 18 oole total of 70 with a two over par 36 on his first round and a 34 (including the hole-in-ooe) on his second, Fred Oetgen, coursemanager, said Jensen's name will be entered in a national hole-in-one contest; The winner will be sent to Scotland for an expense paid trip.
Dr. I Central A will brinl Indonesia May 6 thf, A recepi and the In scheduled on WednE West DiniJ Center. administr:
"Fly IDE the theme State Coll Saturday, I the gymna The fes1 by the crov ipeen and didates fo1 ette Mas: Nebraska ( meier, juni ane Cope from Nebr Cacek, fr1 ior; Gar) from Fai grove, junic Hagerman, Humboldt; freshman f Freshman Vlill be St Schock, Ai Cynthia Arn A progran
Eight mi advisors of attended th1 held April ~ Lutheran Cc Nebraska. Jerry Cox,~ Merri Benn Jane Budler Barb Lampi David Kram1 gur,
Among the the conventio tests betwE chapters. SE presented to lege Chaptez
Open He
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Room for T~iggy and one passenger of · similar size
Ph. 873-7466 Nebraska City or see Dave Davi.son
LITTLE DINER CAFE Dinners - Short Orders 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. everyday
Ann Beatty
The beginni College's fi was highligh annual all-col The event 11 day, April 2 residents of t Peru State. The colleg open from noc benefit of vis friends. Fol an open diset ious phases c pus life. A J and drama the newly I audit.orium a 5 P.M, the~ residence hal inspection. ci.lities and staffed with answer any qu
Foreign Educators Visit Peru Campus
to score 1e secood. ame after nthe third lommer•s I 2-3 00 icka post·
The Indonesian visitors are well educated and heldresponsible positions in higher education intheirnativecountry,' and they are currently in the United States as guests ofSouthern Illinois University. Dean Melvin is planning their schedule to permit them to visit and serve as resource talent tci any interested department or class during their three-day vis it, Dr. Elmer Clark, North Central Association Consultant, will bring three visitors from Indonesia to the Peru Campus May 6 thi-ough May 8. A reception honoring Dr. Clark and the Indonesian Educators is scheduled for 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 7 in the West Dining Room of the&tudent Center. All faculty meri\bers, administrators, office assist-
1ter of the came out Everhart 1e season. id 4 hits rere able · to regmldng the :he top of :le and a ads con1s until mce runs; ·enth, oo error, to hn Frates
tree-mile yers was I set by he NAIA Kearney
May Fete Crowns Queen and King "Fly me to the Moon" was the theme of the 1969 Peru state College May Fete, held Saturday, May 3 at 7 P.M. in the gymnasium. The festivities were headed by the crowning of the May Fete <JJeen and her escort. Can· didates for royalty are Bobette Masters, senior from Nebraska City; Linda Knippel· meier, junior from Johnson; Diane Copenhaver, sophomore from Nebraska Cityand Phyllis Cacek, freshman from Superior; Gary Schoenrock, senior from Fairbµry; . Larry Col~ grove, junior from Wymore; Jay Hagerman, sophomore· from Humboldt; and Mike Dukes, freshman from Villisca, Iowa. Freshman ladies - in-waiting will be Susan Hunt, Laurie Schock, Annice Shurtleff and Cynthia Anderson. A program of music and danc-
Jolmson, Brummer er(D), 51:X:rea(P)
fard (P), 'Y (P), In-
, Burrell Berkley d,...:rime P), Sterl-
me-14.6_, 1ssard(D) iams (D); iams (D), 1rdo Bail-
ve Bieri; Calvin
m, Iowa; 1;
) p.m.
Eight members and two advisors of Phi Beta Lambda ' attended the state convention held April 25 and 26 at Midland Lutheran College in Fremont, Nebraska, They included Mr Jerry Cox, MrDavidGunderson, Merri Bennet, Jack Bol>Jken, Jane Budler, Leroy Koehler, Barb Lampe, Margaret L,utt, David Kramer,.and Donna Spargur, Among the events held during the convention were various contests between the respective chapters. Several awards were presented to the Peru State College Chapter. Margaret Lutt
Open House Held
lme-56,9 :P),Sterl~w School
ing will follow the coronation, Modern dance students will present an interpretative dance, "Would You Like to Swing on a star," and they will also perform a line dance "Toot-Toot Tootsie Goodby." "There's a Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder," will Be a square dance performed by college square and social dance students. Individual performances will include a guitar solo by Dick Warkins and a vocal solo by Ron Isles. The program will conclude with the traditional maypole dance performed by Peru elementary students. Program director is Miss Bonnie Rutz, a director of women's physical education \11th Larry Sorenson, studen't body president as master of ceremonies.
Phi Betas Place
(D), 177-
Dave e-3:30,0
ants, and students are encouraged to attend this tea for the special guests, which is being arranged by Mr Summers with the assistance of Greg Reinders, President of the Student Center Board, Dr, Darrell Wininger, President of the Faculty Association, will act as official host at the reception. Table arrangements will be made by Kay Lovitt, President of the Home Economics Club. Mrs Liela Meyers, President of the Faculty Women's Club, and Mrs Cheryl Richards, President of the Student Wives' Club, will be in charge of serving from 3:00 to 3:30, Dana Henry, Vice President of the Student Governing Association, and Barbara Lampe, President of the Student Education Club, will supervise from 3:30 to 4:00,
The beginning of Peru State College's first Spring Week, was highlighted by the 13th annual all-college Open House. The event which was held sun. day, April 27, was hosted by residents of the living groups at Peru State. The college dining room was open from noon until 1:30forthe benefit of visiting parents and friends. Following dinner was an open discussio:i on the various phases of college and campus life. A program of music and drama was presented in the newly remo:leled College audit.orium and between 2 and 5 P.M. the student center and residence halls were open for inspection. All academic fa· cilities and departments were staffed with instructors t.o answer any questions.
received third place in the typewriting contest. The spelling relay consisting of Merri Bennet, Barb Lampe, and Donna Spargur placed third. David Kramer placed third in extemporaneous speaking, The chap. ter scrapbook prepared by Barb Derrick received second place, The reports on the original project and the chapter activities compiled by Jane Budler, both received third place,
Music Alums Organize The Peru State Music Alumni Association met for the first time at a noon luncheon on April 27, 1969, with eleven charter members present. The first thing on the agenda was the election of officers for this new association. They are Dale Duensing, President; Mike Janis, Vice-President; Margaret Cotton, Secretary; and Don Gibson, Treasurer, It was decided to have yearly dues of $10. A coostitution committee coosisting of the executive board, plus Steve Broderson, Ken Carnes, and Gilbert Wilson, was formed to draw-up a constitution, Members and perspective members will be contacted throughout the year as to the activities and events to be held in conjunction with the association.
Vol. 64
No. 27
May 5, 1969
Eight Attend World Affairs Conjerence Mr Roger Salmela, Professor Boris Davydov,· Second Secreof History, and seven students tary of the Embassy of Russia. represented Peru State College Seo said, "Keep an eye on this at the Sixth Annual Midwest man. This is the first time Conference on World Affairs since World War II that the which convened April 22-23 at Russians have played a soft line.'' Seo noted that the frankKearney State College. The principal speakers were: ness and outward sincerity of the Alexander Gabriel, Chief of the Russian representative might inUnited Nations &reau; Dr. dicate a major turning point in Walter Olson, Assistant Direct- diplomacy. Mr Davydov indicated that or of Public Affairs of the National Aeronautics and Space Russia was not worried about Administration; John Scali, the Sino-Soviet problem, and Diplomatic Correspondent for therefore, why should anyone the American Broadcasting else be concerned. He further Company; and Dr. J. van der implied that preparations had Valk, Chief of NATO and WEU, been made, Russia can handle its own situations, and the United of the Netherlands. In addition there were thirty-three other States should not interfere in participants in the Conference China or otherCommunistareas who represented the Embassies such as Czechoslovakia, He of most of the major countries said the United States and Russia must meet each other half way, of the world, Possibly the most startling each has its own sphere of outcome of the Conference was interest where the other should the new attitude shown by the keep its hands off. At the Russian representative, Masaki present time, Russia has a racial Seo, First Secretary of the problem resulting from the fact Embassy of Japan, brought to that two-thirds of the Republic the attention of the Conference is located in Asia, yet the the seemingly rationality of Chinese call them Europeans,
and that one-third is located in Europe, but the Europeans think of them as Asians. The two major areas of conflict between the United States and Russia are in Vietnam and in Laos. Davydov candidly reminded the Conference that both countries are aiding their respective allies, but Russia exhibits more shrewdness by limiting her activity and by not sending in troops, He also indicated that the leadership has .gone crazy in Chiiia, Mao is a lunatic, and the Cultural Revolution is utter lunacy, and that the Chinese need Russian technology and aid, which they can obtain only if Mao is unseated, and that China is headed for normalization after Mao has gone. He confidently assured delegates that Russia knew nothing about the recent North Korean attack on the U.s. naval plane and that Russia had not been. contacted by North Korea. Also, the Russians are surprised at Western concern over the presence of the Soviet i\avy (cont'd on page 2)
Change In Dorm Hours Larry Sorenson, SGA president, says the prospect for change in girls' dorm hours are good. No definite hours have been set, as it is still under discussion. Many of the colleges are changing girls' dorm hours, and its time for Peru to move ahead. Nebraska University of Lincoln is presently under the key system. If this system is working satisfactorily for the University, there should be no problems in organizing this type of system for a small college such as Peru.
Credit for Conference A conference on Edicational Alternatives Through Innovation, jointly sponsored by Peru and Hastings Public Schools is being held May 8, 9, and 10 at Hastings, Student rates have been obtained, and it is hoped a substantial number of students from Peru can attend. Course credit may be had for the conference if desired. For further information on cost and arrangements contact Jolm Miller, Ron Iles, Barbara Lampe, or Dr. Meyers.
First Class Honor to Ped MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. - Peru State College newspaper, The Ped, has received a First Class honor rating in the 8oth All American Critical Service conducted by the Associated Col)egiate Press at the University of Minnesota. Student newspapers from more than 600 colleges and universities across the nation are jldged on the basis of content, writing and makeup in categor( cont'd on page 3)
Parking Causes Nightmare (ACP) -The urban university of student of the future might be able to park his car at an "outpost" campus near his home and then catch an express bus to the main campus. Or he might be able to use a temporary dormitory room if the need to stu:ly late or to use a laboratory keeps him on campus overnight. These are two recommendations of a faculty-student committee at Wayne State University as to how the urban campus can begin to co.Pe with the problems of the commuting stilent. The study was financed by a $42, 150 grant from the Educational Facilities Labora- · tories. . Richard Ward, associate professor of geology at Wayne state and co-author, with archi· tect Theodore E. Kurz, of the study's final report, said the study "vividly in:licates that the whole setup of American colleges has been geared to the full-time resident student and ignores the student who works, lives at home, and commutes to school." More than half the students now enrolled in U.S. colleges are not in residence at the institutions. At arban universities like Wayne State, students who actually Ii ve within walking distance of the campus usually number only a few hundred. The year long study of the 35,000 Wayne State students who commute found that they often Ii ved in a nightmarish world filled with problems and frustrations and that many give up before ever completing work tor a ut:i>i't.t:, · The study found students who spent over an hour and made two transfers to reach the campus by bus. Those wl:o drove found parkin~ near the campus lim-
ited and expensive. Living at home imposed an additional burden on most of the commuters. "The urban commuter enjoys no clear break with childhood," the break with childhood," the (cont'd on page 3)
Meyers Resigns Dr. Howard E. Meyers, As· sistant Professor of Education and Director of Institutional Studies, has resigned.His resignation is effective following the 1969 summer sessions. Since he came to Peru in February of 1966, Dr. Meyers has been largely responsible for the institutional report to the National Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. He was one of the two representatives on a U.s. Office of Education Title III Program for curriculum development. He has also served as a member of the teaching team in the Office of Educa· tion Head Start Program. Dr. Meyers has accepted a position at Chico College, Chico California.
Page 2
IBE PED May 5, 1969 '
Peace Corps
\ \
Offers Degree
Search Me Not If you've been to the Peru State library recently, you know that our campus has a problem. Du_e to the increasing number of book thefts and magazine mutilations in recent weeks, the library staff reports that the existing rule that calls for every student to check his books at the main desk before leaving the building is going to be enforced.
And not only that, notebooks, briefcases, and the like will be inspected also. Now, admittedly, something must be done to curb these thefts. A person who would steal from a college library or deface its property simply has no business being enrolled in college. Such a person has no regard for anyone other than himself, and the situation cannot be allowed to continue. But, if I may coin an old ad age, two wrongs do not make a right. Amendment four of the United States Constitution states: "The right of the people to be secure ..., in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons ·or things to be seized.'' Clearly, regardless of motive, the PSC library is violating the American Bill of Rights when the staff is instructed to search notebooks and briefcases. I have no objection to a check on books as one leaves the library, but I am asking for an immediate repeal of this ludicrous searching of private property. The library is violating a basic American right, a basic human right, and the matter leaves a very foul taste in my mouth. I ask that all interested students make known their feelings on this subject to both the PED and the library. The library staff has expressed a willingness to listen m suggestions on the problem" There are a number of reasonable alternatives to the library's answer. Let us stop the outrages against the library,, but fa doing so, let us preserve our basic human rights.
Notice To Junior Students \n Teacher Education The necessary forms for the· few days of a new term. Often "September Experience" are times a student teacher whose now avr.ilable in Dr, Shellefs first experience is ina smoothly office, Room 200, Education functioning classroom situation Building. Eachstudentintending in the middie of a semester is to do their student teaching not aware of the organizational either first or seeond semester and management problems con'." should pick up materials to be nected with the opening of a completed by the student, school term. teacher, and wilding principal Students are allowed to select in the school you select. a school oftheir c!X>ice in meetThe "September Experience" ing this requirement. It is often provides the prospective teacher more convenient for students with additional insight into the to complete the assignment in teacher's responsibilities as their home town or area oftheir '. they help. -in .a. sc~Hhe .fi+~t...... , r~~.i~~~~~· ,... , .......".
The officials of the Pea Corps and the State University o New York College at Brockpo announced completion of ar rangements for continuing a are "sock extending the unique Pea bet your s11 Corps-College Degree Progra body and h to admit a third group of ro make a didates in J1me, 1969. .oo "Laugh-I The .candidates will be se Dick Marti ted from the ranks of stud night affair, in good standing at an acer freshest she ed college who are comp! their sophomore or junior y Scattergun by June 1969. Those select and sight ga1 will be able to earn an A. Jn" offers s or B.S. 'degree and be eligib against-eve for a Peace Corps assignment Along wit! one academic year flanked of the humo two summers of fully subsidi or just terr and integrated academic cour of the m and Peace Corps training. T thrown in will be expected to major .and surpris mathematics or the scienc viewers a ' those who have completed t with good .ii junior year' prior to entran come earliei to the program will hav Some of opportunity for a double-majo are rather At the end of the second su phone ring~ mer armed with the degree, ()!rt of a sh teaching license, in-depth cro hand it inti cultural preparation and fluen say, "It's foi 1'THG" r!Al<DE5T '2'/J>M YoLJ'LL HAVf 1V f'ASS IN THlfl COIJR50: in .Spanish . the--graduates What appe< Peace Corps volunteers wi Wll.L BE" HI<? 'f'llY5/CAL '. II extraordinar be off on their Latin Amer an artful ~ can assignment. As membe of controllec of the staffs of teacher train· from a case< institutions and-or consultants Mr Summers' Nebraska class, and a study in depth secondary teachers of mathe ideas, It fe Literature students may be of a Nebraska writer with special tics or science, they will be chorus lin setting some kind of carp.pus emphasis on some particular portant participants in the e record-they measure their aspect of life on the Great Plains cational development efforts reading assignmentsnotbymore of Nebraska, once known as their host countries. Dur· hundreds btt by the thousands "The Great American Desert." their two year sojourn they w have the opportunity to earn of pages.· Members of the class World Affai'rs Conf.. read an average of about 300 to twelve semester hours gra pages each week, which means duate credit. (Cont'd from page I) ' that they have read nearly 4000 Peace Corps and college offi pages in the 13 weeks of classes in the Mediterranean, The cials pointed out the several ' so far t'his semester. Two Russians have been there since · tures which make this 'joint pr class members have read around the Tenth Century when they had gram unique including: a 5000 pages and one almost 6000 treaties with Constantinople, and demic credit for Peace Cor pages. 200 years ago the British invited training, two fully subsidi At a recent survey the class them to occupy a base in summer sessions totalling th· members chose Willa Cather, Minorca. semester credit hours, in-de Mari Sandoz, Bess Streeter AdAnother item which interested Peace Corps training sync rich, and John Neihardt as their Peru representatives was the ni zed with the liberal arts an favorite Nebraska authors; and. Commonwealth ofNations. Rich- specialized professional prepa MY ANTONIA and THE SONG ard Smith, First Secretary of the ration, individualized program OF THE LARK by Cather, OLD Embassy of Australia, said that ming, opportunity for double JULES by Sandoz, WHITE BffiD. the Commonwealth with its jors and supervised overs FL YING by Aldrich, and "Song twenty-eight member nations is gi:aduate work. of Three Friends" by Neihardt insubstantial, it is an organism This integrated program is were named as the best works not an institution, its meetings based on our two fold convicof the preferred authors. are frank btt not binding since tion that (1) to combine the Variety is the keynote of the all nations are free and act college and Peace Corps exper Nebraska Literature course. In independently, and it allows for iences is to make both more r addition to reading as much as growth and flexibility. He sug- levant and meaningful and th .possible by as many different gested that some organization personal product more valuabl writers as feasible, the class like the Commonwealthforother (2) to provide muclHteeded skil sessions are alsoconductedwith nations of the world might be ed specialists - mathemati variety in mind. One of the a beneficial guiding post for the and science teachers -as Pea highlights this semester was future. The Commonwealth has Corps volunteers in Latin the personal appearance of a actually kept many countries America is to make a signifi current Nebraska writer, Nellie from receding from world situa- cant corttribution to all concern Snyder Yost of North Platte, tions since they are pressured ed," said President Albert War who talked about her career as by their big brothers in the ren Brown, of the State Unive a writer and about r,mching in organization. sity College at Brockport in an the Sandhills, her field of conSmith indicated that Australia nouncing the extension of this centration. The class also en- is more closely associated with unique partnership, joyed a film about Neihardt the United States and its efforts prepared by Channel 12 TV and since World War IIwhenAustraPERU PEDAGOGIAN an oral reading of Neihardt's lia began looking to the United "Eight Hundred Rubles" pre- States as her major helper or Monday, April 28, 1969 sented by a group from the partner rather than tothe United Number 26 class. Kingdom,· Since the formation Volume 64 All class members give oral of ANZUS in 1951, which is the reports on their varioos read- multi-lateral defense pact betings, and many bring visual ween Australia, New Zealand, Published weekly during the aids, such as maps, old alwms and the United States, these academic year, except holidays and photos of pioneer life. countries have become strongly and between semesters by the pioneer dolls, hlrbed wire, and united over Asian Affairs. students of Peru State College, also Indian relics and other F. s. Miles, Consul General Peru, Nebraska 68421. relics froin pioneer days. The of Britain expressed grave conclass sampled jerky and maple cern over the volatile situation STAFF ·candy, two main items in the in Rhodesia and South Africa diets of early settlers. The which could blow up anytime. EDITOR . . . . . . Lynn Sailors final project rs aresearchpaper He added that their problems BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . which will be presented to the have been pushed back because Steve Mason of. 'the ·vianam. war and the PHOTOGRAPHER . Bob Beran AraJ>.Israli conflictbttthattheir ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . siW:aµons were still explosive, Bob Vana Campus to Campus Students attending the ConferThe ·Minnesota Orchestra ap. ence were Don Me Bride, Jack ADVISOR . . . . . . James Keck peared at Moorhead State on Cook, Gene Fritsch, Bob The signed letters printed in Thursday, April 24, in Nemzek Belcher, H. Jim Cripe, Jon Fisher, and Charles Arnold; and this paper do not reflect the · Field House, · The Happenings, anationally they agreed the Conference had opinion of the Pedagogian but known recording group, ap. merit and value to both students of individuals. The editor re. peared at the Bike Bowl coll- . and Ja~uJty ~d, s~ld be SUP- serves the righ:1.t !q e?i\ ,t~(;!m' ~rt~. IA fuWI'e.~s.•...... , ••.Jo.r.!lu,hHc:.<1.tioF. ::·, ..:;;,'. ••.•a. · . cert at J<earney ., CQliseum. ·,
Nebr. Lit. Students Attempt Record
THE PED May 5, 1969
\ \ le Peace versityof ~rockport
of arming and e Peace Program p of can-
be selec. students accreditompleting lllior year ' selected an A.B. e eligible ignmentin lanked by >ubsidized ic courses ing, They major in sciences; .eted their itranceinhave the >le-major, cond sumdegree, a ~pth cross nd fluency duates as· :eers will in Amerimembers ir training sultantsto 'mathemavill be imn the eduefforts of S, During n they will to earn up :iours gra)l!ege offieveral fea; 'joint proling: acaace Corps subsidized .lling thirty ·s, in-depth g synchro,1 arts and tnal prepat programdoublemad overseas rogram is )ld convic>mbine the >rps experh more re'ul and the re valuable eeded skill· 1athematics -4SPeace in Latin ~ a signifi111 concern1\.lbert Warate Univerkport in an':' ion of this
To MeSock It
Eagle at
Rowan and Martin will earn an estimated $500,000 each this year. In addition to their income from the soow, they are cashing in on a pile of merchandising arrangements, A new LAUGH-IN magazine is selling at the rate of 300,000 a month. The first Laugh-In record al}Jum sold 125,000 copies in three weeks. A Laugh-In comic strip is running in about 80 newspapers. Soon there will be Laugh-In jogging outfits, Scattergunning some 300 jokes Laugh-In graffiti wall-paper, and and sight gags per show, "Laugh- fortune cookies. In" offers something for-and.against-everybody. (cont'd from page I) Along with genuine wit, much of the humor is terrible, funny or just terrible, terrible. Most report said, "even though he of the outrageous jokes are . may have far more adult rethrown in to create contrast sponsibilities than the resident and surprise, and to give the collegian." viewers a chance to catch up Some recommendations were with good jokes that may have simple and inexpensive. The come earlier, committee suggested departSome of the station breaks mental lounge areas where are rather obvious. When a students could meet socially phone rings, a girl will step between classes. One was out of a shower to answer it established on an experim enQ hand it into the shower, and ta! basis in an unused office say, "It's for you," and students in that departQ What appeals is the program's ment indicated that even that extraordinary ambience: it has small change in environment had an artful spontaneizy, a kind helped them make more friends of controlled insanity, emerging on campus. from a cascade of crazy cartoon The recommendations the ideas. It features no swiveling were dechorus lines, no tuxedoed report concluded crooners-iust comedY,, tumb- signed to give the commuter ling pell-mell from the opening the same "sense of comstraight through the com- munity" in his campus as studmercials, until the NBC pea- ents felt as residential colleges. cock. finally turns tail.
Spontaneous, outrageous, contagious, the Rowan and Martin "Laugh-In" has set a new pattern and a scorching pace. A couple of the show's catch phrases are "sock it to me" and "You bet your sweet hippy." Everybody and his myna bird want to make a cameo appearance' on "Laugh-In," Dan Rowan and Dick Martin's manic Mondaynight affair, It is the smartest, freshest show on television.
''Buildings do not make a city; human activity makes a city," the report said. "And the. encounter with and p'llrlicipation in this activity makes a city exciting."
the Summit Continued from last week. The winners of the .Joe College and Miss Legs contest were an.nounced. Thursday, May 1, at the dance sponsored by the Student Center Boatd. The winners were Ivan Tuxhorn and Donna Spargur. They were chosen from a field of seven women and four men. Other candidates were Karen Miller, Car~ ol Abbot, Jackie Pummel, Phyllis Cacek, Laurie Shock, Debbie Reed, Dave Langer, Phil Sitco, and Car I Satterfield. These people were chosen by elections in the dorms and the final voting on these candidates was campus .wide. The announcement of the winners highlited the dance at whieh The Benzene Ring play-
(cont'd from page 1) ies based on enrollment, frequency of publicatiooandmethod of printing, Members of the staff who received recognition for their journalistic achievement are: Dave Davison, Sports Editor; Greg Vaughn, Business Manager; Bob Beran and· Bob Vana, Photographers, and Lynn Sailors, Editor. Mr C.J. Keck is their adviser.
J Street
After a Game or a Date Go to Eldon's the Place that rates
Eldon Al Igood ·
l, 1969
Phone 872-9965
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Number 26
ynn Sailors eve Mason Bob Beran 'HER . . . .
. ~~i) }~~lit'
Dry cleaning and Laundry
'Your feet never had it so good until you walked into
Bob Vana fames Keck ; printed in reflect the 1gogian but editor re-
N.m. i'.DJ.C.
R ......
The old couple ha'd let me out at a real choice spot-hours must have gone by before I got a ride, Finally, a farmerlooking guy in an old truck picked me up. He said it was a shame the way the President was running the farmersoutofbusiness. I thought so too. The truck had a top speed of about 15 MPH, and every 800 yards or so, the guy had to stop and pour a quart of oil in, He had false teeth or something--whenever he talked his teeth would click. I told him I was heading to Pittsburg to join the Navy, My dad had been a Navy man during the war, 1itt he caught a bullet in action and never came back. Mom didn't want me in the service--i felt it was something I had to do. The farmer nodded his head, clicked his teeth, and proceeded to tell me about his wife's second uncle (or somebody like that) who ran up San Juan Hill with Roosevelt, It was hell he said,
Night came, I fell asleep in the backseat of a junked car parked behind one of those service stations that stay open all the time. When I woke up, it was still dark and some kind of creature was crawling oq mY legs. It was a rat, Big as hell. I remembered one time when mother saw a rat in our basement. She s~re,amed for my old man. He didn t know what to do either. Some help parents are, -to be continued-
Auburn, Nebr.
I : found a road map alongside the highway, rut it was of Mississippi so I threw it away. Mississippi road maps can't tell you how to get to Pittsburg. I guess I was kind of lost.
I got hungry, The farmer let me out at a diner, truck stop where, according to him, the chili was "out of this world." I hate chili, whether it's out of this world or not, and had a fish· and bacon sandwich. It cost me 60 cents, The waitress was a sweaty, fat lady with greasy yellow stains on the underarm parts of her dress, She never stopped talking the whole time I was there. I told her I had just been drafted and was hitching home to see my parents one last time. She gave me a glass of milk free,
during the pt holidays :ers by' the te College,
JOHN L. LEWIS, Vice Pres. & Cashiet
Dorothy L. Sears:
OPEN 6:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.
-PERU MARKET Rei; Raina .GBOCEltif3
Page 3
look just that
much better for
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Page 4
THE PED May 5, 1969
Pelisek Takes Over Grid Chores
Miller Ties
Fitzgerald-Mcintire Move Up
Joe Pelisek Grid Boss
Jack Mcintire Basketball, C-C & Track
Major changes llill mark Peru athletic scene next season as 4 coaches were involved in switches of assignments, one remained the same, while one other resigned his position. The top switch involved Coach Joe Pelisek, who will take over as grid boss next year replacing Dr. Ervin Pitts. Dr. Pitts will devote more time to classroom teaching and administra• tive duties but llill also continue to guide the Bobcat golf Tom Fitzgerald team. · Baseball Tom Fitzgerald, presently assistant in basketball and football, will takeoverPelisek's baseball chores and continue as assistant in football. Jack Mcintire reiunded out the list d switches by adding the task of head cross country coach to his other duties as head basketball and track coach. · This came about by the res• ignation of Dr. James Pilking· ton, who has accepted a position at General Beadle State College in South Dakota. PilErvin Pitts kington' s replacement has not Golf been announced. Dr. Darrell \'fminger w i l l • • • • • • • • • • • continue as head tennis coach.
Tying for medalist honors were Peru State College's Ivan Miller, Grundy Center, Iowa, and Northwest Missouri's Rex Pietz at 74, as the two teams tied in their dual meet Thursday at Auburn 9-9. Following close behind Miller for Peru was Dave Harris, Au· bum, 75;. and Roger Gar<lner, Shenandoah, 78. Farther back was Wayne White, Elliott, Iowa, and Mike Rosso, Bridgeport, Conn., with 86's. Jerry Greany, prundy, Iowa, shot a 96 for Peru. On Tuesday, April 29th, Dr. Pitts' linkmens will play host to Fairbury J .c. Peru defeated . Fairbury earlier by a score of 91/i to 51/:i. ·
Faculty Has Meet
Dependent League 4th Round Completed Marksman 4-0 Cool Jerks 3-1 Studs 2+ Mysterians 2-2 Dolphins 2-2 Nads 2-2 Cherry Pickers 1-3 PSC Ebony 0-4 Independent League Season Completed Q-een Jackets 5-0 Shady Oak Bombers 3-2 Pata Thi Hi 3-2 Kingsmen 2-3 Iron Butterflies 1-4 Professionals 0-5
For Medalist
James Pilkington Resigned Remaining Schedule of Games Monday - May 5 3:40 Nads vs Iblphins 4:40 Cool Jerks vs.Marksman 5:40 PSC Ebony vs Cherry Pickers Tuesday - May 6 · 3:40 Mysterians vs Marksman 4:40 Cherry Pickers vs Nads 5:40 Studs vs. Cool Jerks
It's not the Fosbury Flop - actually it's not much of anything but does prove PSC Sports means action. (taken at faculty track meet) Wednesday - May 7 ger and Dr. Liewer 3:40 Shady Oak Bombers vs Mile Relay Green Jackets 1. Camealy, McKercher, Mey4:40 Cool Jerks vs Cherry Pickers · ers, Shelley, Long, Kaloti, and On Monday, April 28, the Fac- Liewer, 5:40 Mysterians vs PSCEbony ulty Track Meet was held at - 2. By disqualification -Ship6:40 Dolphins vs Studs the Oak Bowl. The winners of ley and Pilkington Thursday - May 8 the events were the following: High Jump Discus (with a slightly bat3:40 Marksman vs. PSC Eb1. Dr. Pilkington ony tered garbage can iid) 2. Mr. Riegel 1. Dr. Pilkington 4:40 Mysterians vs Dolphins Javelin (with a mop handle) 5:40 Studs vs. Nads 2. A tie between Dr. Winin1. Dr. Pilkington 2. Dr. Pitts 'PIONEER Nebraska City - Sun.-Tues. May 4-6 Broad Jump 1. Dr. Pilkington "I'm IT" "IThappened 2. MrKaloti AMELVIN FRANK FILM to me!" Shot Put (with a Nebraska Ball) 1. Mr Shipley 2. Dr. Wininger 1h Lap Sprint 1. Pilkington 2. Kaloti
Pilk Top Star
k e
T.;"" - !!_G ISTltltll:D ~psa
You can choose your Keepsake engagement ring with confidence because the brilliant center diamond is guarant~ed in writing to be perfect (or ,..._ replacement l:'..i~~ assured). '\~.,,..-"" '.if ...... •luaf'd to ibow ......
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IN PERU IT'S HILL'S REXALL DRUG Complete Line of School Supplies Cosmetics
KODAK & SUPPLIES fast fiim service
For after store hours appoint-
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1961 TR3, black
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FOR SALE "Twiggy"
Peru Skunked Twice Peru State baseball fortunes dipped to their lowest level thus far this season as the Bobcats were shut out 0-3 and 0-2 by Concordia College of Seward, Nebraska, on Wednesday, April 23. Although the Bobcats haven't reached the panic bt,ltton stage of the pro Cleveland Indians, the prospects involved in losing two double headers in a row are not too enlightening. Joe's boys were ab! e to collect five hits off Concordia's Larry Olsen but were unable to put them together to produce any runs in the first outing. Concordia notched all the runs they needed in the second inning by scoring two runs on a hit batters, a double and backto-back singles. The loss spoil· ed Gary Weiler's debut on the mound for the Bobcats. Con= cordia scored their other run in the fifth inning on a hit batsman and consecutive singles - Larry O)sen kept his record unblemished at- 3-0 for Concordia. In the night cap, Peru out hit their host 5-2 but. Concordia included a 2 run homer in their effort while the Bobcats were strung out and no runs were scored. Vet Jim Rains gave up the homer to Rod Nathan in the fourth inning and with the loss brought his record to 3-3. The Bobcats are now 6-5 on the season. 1st game Peru 000 000 0 • 0 5 0 Weiler (0-1) and Hammer Concordia 020 010 x - 3 6 1 Olsen (3-0) and Clatanoff 2nd game Peru 000 000 0 - 0 5 2 Rains (3-3) and Hammer Concordia 000 200 x - 2 2 1 Mueller and Lambrecht.
Dinners - Short Orders
Room for Twiggy and one passenger of similar size Ph. 873-7466 Nebraska City or see Dave Davison
6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day
Ann Beatty
On Ma: officiated vocation I He pres1 awards t1 celled in Several were aru standing 1 school yE the Year Gomon. The bu faculty s for oµtst the field the 1969 Student A a subscri Journal,] be engr: mental he Sherry ner of ti ness Ed Award of ,free as1 and a sul ness Edu1 The H1 awarded< nomics c making U tribution Alpha~
Harpham dent sh mathema1 ceived a~ The ch ted Diam the top fr dent. She the CRC l and Phys the Chem Kappa I
cation f: Phyllis C; freshman tion. Mis: comes a will recE society. The I awarded the mask edy to D standing field of club's ac1 For rn active pa bate pro~ els were Sorenson Lynn Sa ·s. Gomon work on· The Peda1 69 year.
Vol. 64
No. 28
ced fortunes level thus ! Bobcats 1d 0-2 by Seward, lay, April ;s haven't :ton stage Indians, !f.l in losers in a ightening. le to colncordia's ·e unable ) produce ;t outing. the runs 1t1d inning on a hit nd back>ss spoilJUt on the ats. Cong other run on a hit 1secutive 1 kept his it 3-0 for eru out :oncordia r in their ats were is were ; gave up lathan in with the d to 3-3. -5 on the
0 Weiler - 3 6 1 noff
' 2 Rains
- 2 21
NER Orders
) p.m.
Names Teacher of the Year current editor of the Ped. man speech students for helping For outstanding contributions the advanced deoote class conto the s:ollege year book, Mike duct experimental freshman deCastle received the A,V, Lar- bates: David Compton, Larry son Award. Schwann, Vicky Hall, Charlotte John Creamer was awarded Overgaard, Carol Kruse, Joan a gold watch and medal, the Bert Axdahl, Joan Bachenberg and E, Swanson Award, for being Robert Belcher. the outstanding senior partici- SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED pating in athletics. The following scholarships Mrs Marie 0, Neal the first were presented: to Allan Sherpresident of the Peru Achieve- )wood, the Mac Dunning Memoment Foundation presented · rial Industrial Arts ScholarLarry Sorenson with the newly ship; to Kay Allsman, the Pearl established Helen Cole Pollard A, KentonForeignLanguageSchAward, Mr Sorenson received olarship; to Sharon Deaver, the a plaque and another plaque with Nona Palmer :&isiness Edtcahis name will be permanently tion Scholarship; to Karen Seil, displayed on campus, · · the Women's Athletic AssociThe Women's Athletic Associ- · ation Volleyooll Scholarship When asked his advise to stuAnother ooctor is now on the ation announced the winning of and to Linda Knippelmeir, the staff Of Peru State College; ,our dents who are considering work On May 7, President Gomon letters by the following for the . White Angels Sclnlarship. own Robert Bo~ He began on a doctorate, he said, "Don't officiated at the Honor's Con- services that they have pergive up. It is difficult, but yoo working 00 his dodi>rate in vocation held in the Auditorium. formed at athletic events: Jan TEACHERS NAMED 1964, and his degree will befor- must not become discouraged Barbara Lampe, president of mally presented on June 1. He presented recognition and Bailie, Sue Bosserman, Jo Byrd, with all the eIOOtional strain awards to students who had ex- Diana Collirigham, Lou Erb, the PSEA presented awards to Dr. Bohlken received his BS and anxiety accompanying an celled in various fields of study. Elaine Flattre, Binnie Goodman, Peru's outstanding teachers, with distrinctioo from Peru, his ordeal such as this." Several scholarship winners Vicki Hall,· Betty Houschild, Mary Ruth Wilson, Dr. Join MA in speech and drama from Dr. Bohlken plans to continue were announced, and the out- Kathy Matthews, Karen Sell, Christ, Tom Fitzgerald and the University of Nebrilska, and teaching on the college level. standing teachers of the 1968-69 Sandy Shaw and Pat Thompson•. Jerry Stemper. Then Miss his PhD from the University of Delzell Hall reeognized two Lampe named Albert Brady,As- Kansas in speech and communischool year and the Teacher of the Year were presented by Dr. of its members for outstanding sociate Professor of Biological cation. service, .Paul Loding ami Joe Science, as the Teacher of the Gomon. The title of his dissertation Year. This is tli:e second time was, The business administration McReynolds. "The- Relationship of the Larry Sorenson presentedlov- that Mr Brady has won this Communication Variable of InSpring Week took its toll, It faculty selected David Kramer quietly deposed the student for oµtstanding achievement in ing cups to the following fresh- award. terpersonal Trust and Speech apathy which had reigned suthe field of business to receive Teacher Effectiveness at the preme on this campus, though the 1969 Wall Street Journal College Level." Student Achievement Medal and Obtaining his doctorate be- . hated by all. Participating students buried a subscription to the WallStreet came or. Bohlken's goal when student apathy, thanksonlytothe Journal. Mr: Kramer's name will, he entered the college level of Student Center Board's oockbe engraved on the departteaching. He realized it would stage planning and organizing mental honor plaque, be mpre of a challenge and it of Spring Week, It provided Sherry Kramer was the winwould be a necessity to know something for the Peru student ner of the 1969 National Busimore about his field. to do, at the time of year when ness Education Association's Award of M~rit.Sheriyreceived Dorm Eleds Officers the· student is especially bored with his books. ,free association membership and a subscription to the BusiThe Student Center Board deThe girls of Davidsoo-Palmer ness Education Forum. elected officers for the 1969- serves loud praise and congratuThe Home Economics Club lations for Spring Week's suc70 school year. The officers awarded anAmericanHomeEcoare: Lynda Shanahan - Presi· cess, It required many hours nomics charm to Kay Lovitt for dent, Pat Ryan - Vice-Presi- of ·their time, But also deservmaking the most significant coning praise are those performing dent, and Marcia Golden tribution to the organization. students, those actors in the Secretary-Treasurer. Alpha Mu Omega named Susan A dorm council meeting was spring plays, those guitar playHarpham as the freshman stuheld Thursday May 6, 1969, ·A ers at the coffee muse jams, dent shOwing excellance in dorm party was planned for those varied, exciting talents mathematics. Miss HarphamreMay 8. Several committee of Black Awareness Night playceived a gift certificate. chairmen were appointed for ing to a jammed Fine Art's The chemistry faculty selecnext year. They include Col- . Auditorium, those achingiaculty ted Dianne Lynne Schramm as een DeKoning - Social Chair- track stars, and yes, even those the top freshman chemistry stu. man, Elaine Grundman -Sister participating students and facdent. She received an edition of ulty. Sue Chairman, Beth Haller the CRC Handbook of Chemistry Spring Week created an alive House Program Chairman, and and Physics, arid a scroll from Charlotte Lash - SGA repre- campus, a campus buzzing with the Chemical Rubber co. a\:tivity of all sorts for all sentati ve. Kappa Delta Pi; IXl!lorary edutastes. Vision-17 is located within a Southeastern Nebraska isinarl cation fraternity, recognized Phyllis Cacek as the outstanding, era of rapid change. The old 600 mile marketing center where Rotary Hears Speeches ce~~~:d~cf::~~s;ci un the evening of April 29th• precedent to aim for; until anotfreshman in the field of educa- agricultural patterns are no 50 million people Ii ve. Intertion. Miss Cacek, when she be- longer adaptable in this advanced state 80, the Missouri River, four students from the advanced her year and another Spring continental truck lines, and bus debate cfass gave foor sample Week, let's keep the Student comes a member as a junior, techQ_ological age. Both marketwill receive a oodge of the ing patterns and ·mechnization. lines provide transportatioo ser- speeches fortheRotaryinAub!rn. Center Board moving forward . have changed the agricultural vice . society. Those students attending were but let US continue the spirit The primary goal of Vision-17 Anne Biller, Greg Vaughan, Kathy that they created. The Peru Dramatic Club in<hstry and the communities is industrial develop11.1ent--both Sclmitzer, and D;ane Forke. awarded a gift certificate and which served this incltstry in ..... tn provide new j()bs · for those the masks of Tragedy and Com- the past. Anne Biller's speech was a T.V. As people leave farms, the leaving our farms and communi- commentary satirizing love and Read This edy to Don Dodge for his outties and for those fanning on standing contributions in the ~on drq>s. hlsinesses marriage. It dealt with the The residents of Dllzell Hall field of dramatics and in the close, and commmities ·begin less than a full time basis. spooses treatment of each other. industrial development, A satire on commercials in the held their dormitory elections club's activities. to lose the vital force they once Rlsides a _program of COirJDunity devel· form of an after ~er speech · Mooday night May 5, with these For two or more years of had. Although the problem areas opment is also underway. was given by Greg Vaughan. , results: active participation in the deVision-17, Inc. is a voluntary. Diane Forke gave an example President•••Robert VanReypen oote program, Forensics Gav- are large am significant, Soothels were presented tO Larry eastem Nebraska still has all economic develoiiment program of original oratory dealing with Vice President••• Don Wiechec Sorenson and Don Dodge. the necessities for rapid, stroog Each of the seventeen partici- the subject of patriotism. Inter- Secretary-Treasurer ••• .Doug Huffaker growth in the late 2oth century. pating colinties is represented pretive reading was the type of Lynn Sailors receivedtheNeal ·s. Gomon Award for outstanding This conclusion is based on in- oo the Board of Directors .by speech given by Kathy Sclmitzer. CTtizen of the Year. • .R. Paul The subject of her speech was Loding work on the college newspaper. · )formation gathered byVision-17, three votlng members. Vision-17, Inc. js Sl_ll!l!Qrted by Jhe relationship of a man and Man of the Year •• .Pat Rocco The Pedagogian, <Eringthe 1968- an economic development proa woman leadingbp to marr~e. (he's back agaiti) 69 year. Miss Sailors is the gram, voluntary c<Xlirlbutioos
Bohlken Awar~ed PhD
Hats-Off S.C.B.
N. C. C. MEE·TS MAY 16 -17 Track at Kearney
Golf and Tennis at Hastings SUPPORT PERU!
Vision 17 Stresses Growth
Page 2
TIIE PED May 12, 1969
Proof of Spoof? - Library Search Justified
"You can prove anything by statistics" has becom3 a popular saying by which people acknowledge the unscrupulous use, or the illogical, muddledj!se which may be made of a valid form of evidence, by those who are not in possession of adequate knowledge or adequate techniques of reasoning, The past few years seem to have brought us a parallel concept in the saying, "You can prove anything by the Constitution." Such was the case in last week's editorial entitled, "Search Me Not." The author quoted Amendment Four of the United states Constitution· which I now . repeat: "The right of the people to be secure in theirpersons,houses,papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, sup.[lOrted by oath or affirmation,· and pal'ticularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." The editorial continued with these ·words: "Clearly, regardless of motive, the PSC library is IZCALU' OON'T THINK I SHOULD ~£1< HIM- HE' JUSi SAT CONN 'ID ff\AKe OOT HIS FINAL?.'' violating the Am~rican Bill of Rights when the staff is instructedto searchnotebooksand I 0. briefcases." This interpretaThe Nixon Xdministration has China may. necessitate that the tion of the amendment is a rather passed the word that a conclusive amount and kind of aid that they unus\Jal one, being almost in mUitary victory in Vietnam is are willingto give North Vietnam direct opposition to the interout, and all hopes of bringing for the conduct of this war be pretation of the United States Hanoi to her knees should be decreased. North Vietnam is Senate, published in THE CONhaving increased difficulties STITUTION OF THE UNITED forgotten. Instead the new policy of the supporting the war due to the STATES OF AMERICA,ANALYRepublican administration is not U,S.'s and South Vietnamese's SIS AND INTERPRETATION, based on de-escalation of the war improved. capability of cutting prepared by the Legislative Rebut on an all out effort to suc- the North~s supply routes.North ference Service, LibraryofConVietnam by her own admission gress, authorized .by the 88th cessfully negotiate. So while the negotiators negoti- has lost a half million men, ~ongress, 1st Sessio~, and pubate and the soldiers soldier, and half that number are maimed , hshed by the _u~1ted States · Government Prmting Office, talking and dying at the same for life Then· we may see thongh not Washington, D,C. in 1964, The instant, the day may come when the South Vietnamese taps the understand, the w.°radox of a Se~ate-approved inter~retation American on the shoulder and hot war that slowly fades into which has been established as says, "Hey, let's cool this a oblivion. The shellings of the a result of cases decided by.the little.'' And since it is his war cities cease, the killings of the Suprem~ Court of the ~mt:ct 'This and not ours, we grudingly doas hamlet chiefs decrease, and the States is as follows: war ends with no negotiated amendment denom:ices only such our hosts demands. peace no winner no loser. The searches and seizures as are It is often forgotten here that troop~ come horn~ at last, "unreasona.ble" an.d is to be the North and the South VietSuch a situation is of course construed m the light of what namese share close family ties, foreign to the American concept was deemed .an unreas~nable a common culture anda common that there must always be a win- search and seizure when it was heritage, The American with ner and a loser However we adopted and in a manner to con~ his democracy and his rolls of should remembe~ that in a ~ore serve public interests as well script (military pay) is the patient culture a winner and a as the rights of individuals. It foreigner, The North and South , loser is not ~ necessary con- applies only to governmental could reach an unwritten under- clusion to a hostile engagement. action, not to the unlawful acts standing that could cause our The logic of the Asian mind of individuals in which the host then 'to come and say "cool lias always been difficult for the government has no part," Preit." American to comprehend, but cedent for this interpretation While we de-escalate, the when the war has faded and the was established by Carroll V. North will also quietly de- headlines grown sm1ller, the United States, 267, U.S. 132, escalate their current, ex- historians will remain to debate 147, 149 (1925) and Burdeau v. tremely costly pace of the war, when it started and where it McDowell, 256 U.S. 465, 475 Internal problems within Red ended. (1921). Acceptance of this interpretation by the United States governm~nt is clearly illustrat. ed bythesearchesofindividuals' A recent poll taken in Mr jeopardy. The government might persons, papers, and vehicles Strom's 20th Century American again become the most unstable when entering or leaving a miliHistory class showed that the in the world, which was the situa- tary installation or research maprity of students believe that tion of France wlten ,de Gaulle center, the search of personal the resignation of Charles de- first stepped in. belongings, when crossing the Gaulle will prove to be good The Communists in France now borders of our country, and by for France and for the world. will have a greater OPPQrtunity the search of i>ersons and.their Some possible reactions were.dis- for power; and strikes, riots, belongings and vehicles when cussed by members of the class. and inflation could prove disast- crossing certain state lines, The French may now adopt rous. Another bad effect might such as that conducted by the large-scale agricultural QPera- be the loss of four-power efforts state of California, General tions, which de Gaulle prohibited, to solve the crisis. in the Near acceptance on the part of the but which may incre<!se produc- East. Mr De Gaiille was pre- non-governmental agencies of tion. Also, Britain may now have sently colaborating with the other the country is evidenced by the an economic chance in the common powers at meetings now in searches of persons enter:ing market, The French possible session, and there was a pos- and leaving the property of big will cooperate mor~ withthe West sibility thattheymighthaveforced industry sucn as U.S. !:l'teel, or will return to NATO, and they a compromise in the Near East. Youngstown Sheet and Tube and might favor better relations with The world can only wait and Alcoa Aluminum. Further accountries like the United States hope, but one thing is certain- ceptance is indicated by the and West Germany, decisioos now being made will check of notebooks, briefcases, Another important factor is that have world-wide effl)!:ts. · bags, and books, conducted by de GauHe is almost 80 years Picnic Held the staff of lmndreds of librarold and would be gone in a few ies, both state and privately years anyway, so maybe this is Phi Beta tambda, the honor- owned. Clearly, then it has as safe .a tim~ as any for his ary rosiness fraternity, will been established by law and leadcnh1p to end. hold a picnic at Neal Park on authenticated by the courts that Several adverse situations could "'Tuesday May 6 in place of. searches which are reasonable also develop. T~re is evidence their la;t regular' meeting. Fun and are conducted in a manor that the devaluation of the franc and games will begin at 4 o'- "to conserve piblic interests i.s eminent, and in that case the clock add the picnic will begin as well as the rights of the w9rld currency would all>O be in , at 5. • individual" are legal and within
Wh. ere D.d th e W . or G
Students Cheer. DeGaulle Resignation
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By MARY RUTH WILSON the framework of Amendmeltt Four of the United States Constitution. However, the PSC library staff and the Library Committee are not averse to el(plaining to the student body why they believe the search procedure implemented by the library staff is both reasonable and in the public interests as well as in the interests of the individual student. The primary reason is that the loss of property through theft and mutilation has been heavier during the past year than a library of our resources can stand. The. head librarian has estimated the loss from stolen books during the past year to be in the 11eighborhood of $500. This figure includes only the books that are known to be gone, not the ·ones which will be discovered to be missing when the current inventory is completed. Also, it is an estimation based on the price of of the books which were stolen, not on present increased prices which will have to be paid when the books are replaced. Indications point to the probability that mutilation costs are even higher, 'butacompilationofthesefigures would take more time to determine than the size of our staff allows. Now what does this mean to the individual student? It means primarily three things: (l) inconvenience, (2) inadequate facilities, and (3) increased costs ofeducatfon. Forexample, some classes have made use of an assignment dealing with the Charles Starkweather murder case, At the present time, according to the head librarian, there seems to be not one single reference dealing with this case in the library. All have been either stolen or ripped out of the bound volumes, Any student unfortunate enough to receive this assignment at the present time must find another library. We have been cleaned out, This is only one of many examples of the inconvenience and lack of available material which comes to light when the reference librarian tries to aid students in. their search for information. Few references remain on the subject of drug abuse, Who has the Chemical Dictionayr? Who has been stealing poetry books this past week? Unless the student can fmd references in another library on subjects affected by theft, his classroom performance has been weakened, and his personal store of knowledge restricted. Vandalism and theft also increase EVERY student's cost of education-not just the costs of the guilty ones, Books which are taken from the library must be replaced whenever possible in order for the library to meet accreditation standards. Sometimes, it is impossible to replace the specific books which are taken. For example, many of our old books on George Washington and Abraham Lincoln have been stolen. These books have long been out of print and are no longer replaceable, Since Peru is the oldest college in the state, its collection houses many items which libraries in the other colleges would like to have but are unable to obtain, precisely because part of our collection was acquired in earlier times, In addition, some students seem to have no qualms about breaking sets of volumes. For instance, recently when an assignment was given, which involved the use of · Vol. II of the LITERARY HISTORY OF THE U~ITED STATES,someonemanaged to steal the book and leave the rest of the class stranded. Thi,s:., is a very expensive
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collection which will have to be replaced with an entire set, since individual volumes are not sold. Encyclopedia volumes are freq.ielltly missing. Where does the money come from to replace these books? It must come from the current library budget, which means thatadditional materials which are sometimes sorely needed are then not pul'chased beeause of lack of funds. M!enever funds prove to be so limited as to endanger continua· ti.on of operation oo an accredi• ted basis, tuition increases. Vnadali sm in any part of the· campus c.ould @ite possibly result in increased costs for the innocent as well as the guilty, Certainly, the legislature does not earmark funds to compen· sate for theft. Why should they? Surely a college campus which is dedicated to academic freedom and the pursuit of truth should be able to manage it· self in an orderly, meaningful, productive way, However, ach• ieving a productive atmosphere guided by rational concepts re(pires the efforts of the admini• stration, faculty, and student body. When any of us fail, all of us are hurt. ' · For the above reasonsi the library committee and staff believe that the current checking policy is designed to protect the rights of the student body and the individual student. We believe the policy is legal, because of the evidence presented above, and we believe it to be reasonable in view of the fact that it cannot, in any way, have harmful consequences to the honest student. The writer of "Search Me Not" states that "there are a number of reasonable alternatives to the library's answer." If anyone knows of one of these alternatives, please give this knowledge to the library staff . or the library committee who will gladly use it and then share it with the hundreds of other libraries over the country who have not yet discovered a better way either. Our constitution guarantees fue most rights to the most people of any document in the history of man. However, it also recognizes that an orderly society is necessary in order to preserve these rights. Therefore, certain reasooable and]ust restrictions must be imposed on each of us. Our maturity as citizens is reflected, in part, by our willingness to accept fuese restrictions in order to enjoy the privileges of an orde!'ly society. The library staff and committee sincerelybelieve that the overwhelming majority of our college community represent that maturity.
The annu 1he collegE . was highliE Miss BobbE City and more, Nebr and Queen and queen rock, seni • mier, jun haver, and, omores, an •· Mike Duke · gir~ frorr
PERU PEDAGOGIAN i Monday, May 12, 1969
Number 28
Volume 64
Published weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students. of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR . . . • . . Lynn Sailors BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . Steve Mason PHOTOGRAPHER . Bob Beran ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . Bob Vana ADVISOR · · · · · · 1ames Keck
: ',
The signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of the Pedagogian but of individuals. The editor reserves the right to edit them f~r publicatiqn.
You'll rn you chose matchless styling will of your moment. day.
'tt. . . ••uu
America FALLS CI'
For after st ment call <
TIIE PED May 12, )969
Page 3
ed veto be et, since 1ot sold, are frere does . replace ;t come iry budlditional netirnes not purif funds. to be so :ontinua• accredi· :reases. : of the sibly refor the e guilty. ire does cornpen1ld they? 1s which lie freeof truth nage it• aningful, 1er, ach• 1osphere :epts re: adrnini• student u,s fail, ons, the staff bechecking protect ent body ent. We ~gal, beresented it to be the fact iay, have to the 1rch Me re are a altemalllswer." of these ~ve this 1ry staff ttee who en share of other ltry who a better
The annual May Fete held in the college auditorium May 3 was highlighted by crowning of :Miss Bobbette Master, Nebraska City and Larry Colgrove, Wymore, Nebraska as the 1969 King and Queen. Attending the king and queen were Gary Schoenrock, senior, Linda Knipplernier, junior, Diane Copenhaver, and Jay Hagerman, sophomores, and Phyllis Cacek and :Mike Dukes, freshman. Four girl~ from the freshman class
were chosen as Ladies in Waiting they were Susan Hunt, Annice Shurtleff, Cindi Anderson and Laurie Schock. Flower girls were Joann Beatty and Terri BetP AllgOO!i and crown bears were Julie Coatney and Torn Shelley. The t.raditional May Pole dance was presented by the third, fourth and fifth graders bring the 1969 May Fete to a close. The annual May Fete dance was held in the Student Center.
A mind reader looking for work a r o u n d most offices would be seeking part-time employment. * * * Fellow we know just had the f r i g h t of his life-he saw himself as others see him.
aran tees he most lt in the ;ever, it 1orderly in order ;. Thereeandjust 1posedon buity as in part, o accept order to an orderary staff ybelieve majority mity re-
Eagle at
ELDON'S CAFE After a Game or a Date Go
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uring the holidays cs by the College,
·e Mason ob Beran ER . . . . lob Vana nes Keck ll'inted in fleet the >gian but >ditor r.e,dit them
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you chose· your Keepsake. Its matchless beauty anq elegant styling will always remind you <>f your mQSt wonderful moment ••. your engagement day. _lalolpd .. _ _
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the Summit This week's .ct:apter in the continuing story of Eagle at the Summit has beeh censored beyond use and will therefore not appear in the Ped. Like the Smothers Brothers, we have our problems too.
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Pag~ 4
THE PED May 12, 1969
Five Bobcats Named Outstanding
MALE OR FEMALE COLLEGE STUDENTS 'l(e are hiring students who
are interested in full time summer employment. Those . hired wi 11 also have the opVan Allen Don Wiechec Bill Everhart Jack Weyers John Creamer portunity to continue employment on a part-time Jolm Creamer - Four-year Jack Weyers -Two-year letbasis•next fall. All jobs Bill Everhart, John Creamer, Outstanding College Athletes of About 5,000 youngath- letterman in football and three- terman in track and cross· Van Allen, Jack Weyers and Don America, will give you tremendous letes will be included. year letterman in baseball,Jolm country, Jack,onlya sophomore, Wiechec have been honored by has been named All-American experience for your next The accomplishments of these . also holds several Peru pass- cross country two consecuuve being named Outstanding Colschool semester regardless five Peru athletes are: catching records. lege Athletes of America on the years. of YOU[ field. Bill Everhart-Four-year letvan Allen,. four-year letterDon Wiechec -Two-year letbasis of their acbievements af-
QUALIFICATIONS ARE 1. Neat appearance 2. AbUity to converse intelligently 3. Wi 11 ingness to work hard 4. Ready for immediate employment
••• ASUMMER CONTEST WHICH INCLUDES 1. $15, 000 in cash scholarsh ips. 2. $25,000 in merchandise prizes.
3. 1%8Ford Station Wagons Mink coats and boats.
4. 20 trips to Acapulco.
WE OFFER 1. Earnings in excess of $125
per week (guaranteed salary J
2. $.10,000.00 in merchandise prises. 3. 1969 Sports cars, boats & motors. Round the World Trips, 4. Twenty expense paid vacations in the Bahamas,
ter being nominated by their. terman in football and basebiill, school. Their names will be m-· as well as, being named to nueluded in the 1969 edition of m~rous all-star squads,
Just Off The Cuff BY DA VE DAVISON With th~- c1osJ.ng of IUJother State should keep up with her year and l'!e spok-t squ~s pol· sister colleges who are build· ishing up for their final go- ing fintl new athletic com· round, the casual listener might plexes and construct a new hear remarks such as, "wait gym strictly for varsity use until next year" or "two min· and major school events, leav• utes more - boy - just two ing the old gym for the student more minutes and ••••" Yes body at large to use as they remembering what could have please. The impression visi· been is nice but thinking ahead tors take home with them is im· to what can be is the most prom· portant · to the college and ising of the two. Each year with the number of visitors that the school system seeks ways attend athletic events at Peru to improve itself. Since deal· we shoul!i do something toward Ing with sports i~ my game there improvement in this area. are certain areas of sports at Anotheli area, that deserves PerutiState. that I feel need more t rueti ve cn'"ci '+l ·s th to , cons m i's the atten on IP e years come. track. Not many schools can For years. now many people boast having a trackteam with· have complarned or commented . on the ct>nditioi\ of tlie gym, out a home tra.ck upon whic.h myself included. Surely' nothing to comp~te. ~t Just. seems logi· can be done without money but cal that if you re going to have a something should be don Th track you should be able to ~se . . e, e it. Peru trackmen have pnde gymnasium IS. p~obably one of in their squad and their ability the oldest b~1J.ldings on ~am· and surely they would appreciate pus ·and dunng the wi.nter being able to perform before mon~s one of the busI~s!· their home fans. There are ~rmg a week such .actiVI- many track fans on campus that ties as . basketball practice and would like to be able to see games, intramurals, P.E.class- a track meet without having to ,es, dance classes, off-season travel to another college for trac~me~ and football players that purpose. keep~ m shape .are all cramThese are thetwomajorareas med mtoone.buildmg,oftenmore that need improvement and with t~ one tak~ plac.eatthe sa~e these improvements the Peru time. The hght~ m the gym IS tradition can spread ·into a poor! the floor IS bad ~n~ the broader spectrurr. and continued seatmg ,space by far IS made- to preserve Peru Pride and quate. · d t bod · 't It is tny opihloo that Peru stn en Y spm • .WWW
PIONEER APPLY MR. WHITE Mon. thru Fri., 9:00-1:00
Kansas City Topeka Omaha Lincoln Council Bluffs Minneapolis St. Paul Sioux City Sioux Falls Fargo
St. Cloud Billings Seattle Great Falls Tacoma Portland Eugene Boise Idaho Falla
842 '9187
357 4J;69 341 4736 432 5205 322 6268
336 8955 22? 8367
277 1651
338 .232 252 259 623 452
o8ll 5542 428o 3174 7676 1053 272 3733 227 3691
343 7747 34'+ 6549 522 0592
man in track and cross country•. terman in tennis has never been van was co-chaptainofthecross- beaten in a singles match in his country team. college career. ·
Ebony Track Champs BY BARRY RAY PSC Ebony lead by versatile \lrgil Mitchell ran up 36 points to win· the annual intramural track meet. The adapt Mit· chell was a team in himself as he preceded to win five events. Mitchell opened by winning the high jump with a leap of 5'10", then followed by breaking Wayne White's broad jump record by more than a foot. Next Mitchell went on to win the 220 and both the high and low hurdles. The day saw records fall. The Mysterians came up with the best effort as Ralph Bodie, Gary Rracek, Roger Borg-
men .. and Johri Bemadt sliced nearly 12 seconds off the mile relay record. The oldest of . the broken records, also came from a Mysterian effort as Olry Colgrave smashed jerry Lunsford's 1960, shot put of ~'9" with a mighty heave of 44'2". Marksman, Jim Patera joined in the record making by adding three feet to the old discus mark and Mitchell's broad jump, 21'21/4" was the other record. Other top performances wel'll : handed in by Ken Jurgens (100 yard dash), Gary Racek (440 yard run), John Bemadt (880 yarcl run), and Ray Stall (mile).
P-Staters End Loss Skid Drop two to Eagles
Peru State baseball fortunes west Missouri State 3-1 bewere not worth a plug nickel fore falling to the visiting Bearas the Bobcats dropPed their cats 2-6 in the nightcap. · third consecutive double head- Jim Rains snapped a losing er to the Chadron Eagles on streak of his own in evening his May 2 at Chadron. The first record at 4-4 in the opening game was a slug-fest as Peru win by holding the Bearcats to was downed 14-8 and fell short 4 hits, including a homer by in the nightcap 2-3. Wayneiight. Kurtz took the The Eagles smashed Jim loss. The Bobcats scored all Rains for 15 hits in the open· their runs in the first inning er, including three homers. oo singles by steve Dalton, Den· Chadron exploded in the 6th nis Hammer, Tom Patton and a inning for six big runs that · 2 RBI single by Gary Weiler. put the ball game in their bag. Under the lights Peru was held Chadron scored single runs in to 4 hits by Sears 1scoring only the first,' second and fourth and 2 runs while the Bearcats extwo runs in the fifth before ploded for all their runs in the breaking loose. first and second innings. Peru scored double runsinthe Peru's runs came inthe ninth fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh inning on a walk to Rains, a to keep the score close. Among double by Chuck Mizerski, and the runs for Peru were horn· a single by Dennis Hammer. Jack Weyers ers by Nick Petrillo and steve NWM collected theirs on 2 Dalton. singles.a hit batterand 2doubles Sets 3-mile Jn the nightcap Chadron's in the 1st for four runs and Uhlenbrock broke up a 2-2 added 2 insurance runs .i11 t:pe tie with a ninth inning homer second on 3 c0nsecutive to take the double victory. singles. At Howard Wood PeJ"U's Jack Peru opened the scoring with John Warren going all the way Weyers set a new Peru 3-mile two first inning runs on a in his first start suffered the run recora \YIJµe placing sec-- wal~ past ball, fielder's choice, loss. Peru is now 7-8 overond. Jack's ·time of 14:35 and a Carroll Johnson single. all and 1-5 in cooference play, replaced Tim Hendrick's 1968 Three singles by Chadron knot• time of 14:54.4 Other Peru ted the score until the late placers were Mike Mulvaney game blast. Bill Everhart was · Cindermen tune-up · with a 165'11" toss in the dis- the loser droWing his record Doane dominated their o cus and John McCrea's 22'4" 1x> 1·3 while Miller got the win. broad jump. Mike was good for May 6 saw the Peru Bobcats relays but Peru trackste second place while John took snap a six game losing streak took their share of the honors. fifth. by taking the opener from North- won by the nearly 30 colleges' . -- 8ltered. Mike Mulvaney was the Peruvian able to place two events as he took 5th the shot with a 49'3" effo · and 2nd in the discus, hea ing it 158 '5". Bert Faulkner notched secood place · finish in th javelin with a toss of 202'7' Elmer Reeves, .Peru dash m finished the 100 Yard dash 10.3 good enough for fifth 1206 J Street Auburn, Nebr. distance man Jack Weyers co 27'4-'3410 pleted the placing with a thi place finish in the ooe-mile covering the distance in 4:21
at H.W.
Pe Peru St< uate 195 mencemen May 25 a Governor commenc€ Invited g mencemen the collef members, and the c and 1919, Dr. Claud1 plans to 2 of 1899, Preside award dip J. Cream nadt, M. Feit, C. Hutchings A. Norlm D. Swante M. Appl01 nes, F. 1 er, c. A S, Bensor ling, J. : Corwin, hoff, M. G. Eickho oyna, R. P. Harps vac, C, H kins.
Stud1 (ACP)-f
sponsiblit:y stration is grievance, cent of the recently b. ate Press. In a su editors in covered th plaint to h ment in d ed with in tive machi campus pri Students being a : machine," titudes to1 and with and contro of trustees Demonst doned b~ editors su percent a. a method grievance: condone p police and only 10 pe to barrica1 Fifty pe felt studer pus disorc cuted. T opinion, o cumstance before dee Twenty felt stude1 rested for orders. O "it seem: occurring institution law and di: legal sturc
-year let1d cross •Phomore, American nsecuuve -year letever been .tch in his
ps it sliced the mile >ldest of lso came ~ff~rt as d Jerry it put of heave of n Patera 1aking by the old litchell's was the
es wer.e rens (100 eek (440 adt (880 ll (mile).
' 3-1
beting Bearnightcap. a losing vening his e opening ~arcats to homer by took the lCOred all ;t inning !ton, Dentton and a y Weiler. 1 washeld >ring only treats exns in the 'S, 1
the ninth
rski, and Hammer. rs on 2 12doubles runs and uns iQ tfie cseeutive 11 the way l'fered the 1-8 overence play.
te-up their own tracksters he honors 0 colleges s the only place in ok 5th in •'3" effort
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VOL 64 No.
29 MAY
19, 19.69
Peru State Graduates Peru State College will graduate 195 seniors at its commencement exercises on Sunday May 25 at three o'clock, with Governor Tiemann giving the commencement address, Invited guests of the 1969 commencement exercises include the college's governing board members, the state legislators, and the classes of 1899 1909, and 1919, Professor Emeritus, Dr. Claude B. Filley of Lincoln plans to attend from the class of 1899, President Neal Goman will award diplomas to the following: J, Creamer, L. Aylor, J, Bernadt, M, Budler, D. Dodge, E, Feit, C, Hamer, M. Hitch, T, Hutchings, B. Kelly, R. Linder, A, Norman, D. Reed, J, Shilts, D. Swantek, J, Waltke, G, Wood, M. Appleoff, C, Bliss, K. Carnes, F. Topolski, K, Achtemeier, C, Anderson, L. Beddette, S, Benson, J, Boatman, P, Bohling, J, Bures, F. Cooper, E. Corwin, J, Dewey, L. Dieckhoff, M. Dodd, R. Eberhard, G. Eickhoff, MEverhart, C, Giwoyna, R. Grable, N. Grebert, P, Harpster, C, Hays, L, Hlavac, C, Houseman, ,and E, Jenkins,
Student Unrest (ACP)-insufficient studentresponsiblity in campus administration is still a major student grievance, according to 60 percent of the student editors polled recently by Associated Collegiate Press, In a survey of 55 student editors in 27 states, ACP discovered the major student complaint to be student non-involvement in decision-making,coupled with in.sufficient administrative machinery for dealing with campus problems. Students are frustrated "at being a small cog in a big machine," with "hard-line" attitudes toward campus unrest, and with the excessive power and control exercised by boards of trustees. Demonstrations were condoned by · 65 percent of the editors surveyed, while only 45 percent approved of sit-ins as a method of correcting campus griev<1nces, Forty percent would condone passive resistance to police and administrators, while only IO percent felt it was right to barricade classrooms. Fifty percent of the editors felt students arrested for campus disorders should be prosecuted, Thirty percent had no opinion, or felt individual circumstances had to be considered before decisions could be made. Twenty percent of the editors felt students should not be arrested for creating campus disorders, One editor commented, "it seems to me any action occurring in an educational institution is separate from the law and disconnected with social legal sturctures.''
f{, Agnew, L. Bartels, B. Brown, M. Castle, W, Everhart, M. Finchem, P, Herbster, P, Hore!, D, Johnson, D, Kock, W. Miller, B. Patterson, G. Reinders, M. Steiner, J, Vanderford, W. Willcoxon, G. Allen,J. Baker J. Butts, R. Shelton, D. Vokt, G. Ahlin, R. Anderson, 0, Bednar, R, Bleich, L, Bohling, D. Brettman, D, Collingham, K. Copas, N, Crum, B. Dicesare, C, Dietrich, K. Dorste, M. Egger, M. Engleman, J, Giv~ hand, J, Clynn, C, Greathouse, F. Gyhra, C, Haws, L. Hitzemann, C, Hoffman, M. Hunt and J, Kelly,
S. Kramer, R, Lovejoy, .J. Mason, A, Massoth, J, McIntire, M, Meyer, B, Morris, D. Nebola, E. Nurin, R, Ogle, C, Payton, A, Petersen, L. Portrey, C. Rains, D. Reins, L, Roder, T, Romick, J,Schneider, J, Sears, D. Shaw, A, Sherwood, G. Smith, M, Sugden, P, Thompson, R, Turner, T. Vrabel, J, Webb, W, White, M. Joy, D, Sherburne, C. Arnold, J, Buchheit, B, Cappel, B, Derrick, L, Hutchens, G, McNew, L,Miller, K. Retchless,G.Schoenrock, J, Torpy and G, Van Scyoc,
P. Kiekhaefer, L. Koehler, N. Kunkel, V, Maloy, B. Massie, D. Mcconnaughey, V.McVicker, C. Mizerski, M, Mullen, D.Neumann, E, O'Connor I L, Oldfield, R, Perdergraft, N. Petrillo, D Rainforth, D, Reeve, R, Ridenour, C, Roelfs, C, Satterfield, B, Schuetz, R, Sears, P. Sheley, W, Slick, D. Sporer, P, SwiseSteve Wymore, president,-and good, C, Thurber, R. Vogt, J, Barbara Harms, vice-presiWatson, A, White, D, Windels, dent were elected at the May D, Kramer, B, Aistrope, R. 7 meeting of l:J1e Peru State Bales, J, Burch, M, 6Roung, Social science Society to di· D, Flannery, D. LaMontagne, rect the activities ot the Cl\lb J, Meyer, L, Reineke, J, Rowe, for the 1969-70 term. L. Shipman, P Townsend, G. other newly elected offi.: Wehrbein aad J, Kleveland. cers include: ·Charlene Cole, secretary; Malaetasi Togafau, treasurer; Richard Schooling, historian; and John Seeba, S,G,A, representative., Society members and sponsors, Dr. George SchottenhamLambda Delta Lambda, na· el and Mr Lyle strom, distional physical science hon- cussed ideas for programs and a orary fraternity, ·held their tentative schedule was adopt· regular meeting Monday, May ed. A Christmas program, fea5. The business included the election of officers for the 1969- turing Christmas in foreign 70. school year. The new offi· lands and conducted by Peru cers are: President-Martin Pa- State's foreign students, will per, Missouri Valley, Iowa; be one of the hig!"llights. Kim Vice-President-Roger Weller, Yamahira and Yuko Meguro of Atkinson; and Secretary-Treas- Japan, Malaetasi Togafau and urer-Christie T~ben, Peru, Trevor Tuiolosega of Samoa, Fouad Kaloti of Jordan, and Eileen Harripaul of Trinidad will be asked to take part in the festivities. Another suggested program will involve a tour of the historical places in Brownville, much .will be followed by dinner at the Brownville House and by slides shown by the WeinThree visitors from Indonesia siens. "The Early History of were on campus Tuesday eve- Peru State College" and "I Love ning, May 6, through Thurs- Peru" were chosen as two day afternoon May 8. These other tentative topics. men are in the U.S. as guests The remaining programs will of Southern Illinois University hopefully include Nebraska Senand were accompanied by Dr, ator Terry Carpeater and Mrs Elmer Clark to Peru. The Ralph Dyer, a grand"iliece of guests were Mr Said, Vice- Aquinaldo, the Phillipine insurRector of Academic Affairs, rectionist. Mr Bahar, Dean of the Facother possibilities would be ulty of Education, and Mr Ham• talks by Tom Judkins who dan, Dean of the Faculty of farms, by Mr Agarwal, a naSocial Studies. They hold these tive of India; by Mr Koloti, positions in the teacher edu- an authority on the Middle East cation in Djakarta, which is by Mr Levitt who helped manone of the four graduate-level <1ge a POW camp, by Mr Oberinstitutions of its type in dink, a former POW; or by Ron Kelly, an embalmer of D, D, their country. ,. The guests- were given a fac- Eisenhower. A picnic in September will ulty-student tea in their honor Wednesday afternoon, May 7, be the kick-off of the year, and at 3 o'clock in the student the traditional April meeting center. Mr Silas Summers will be a banquet followed by was in .charge of the event, a movie at Nebraska City.
Wymore New
Pres.of S,S,S
LDL Elect Officers
Peru Host
Time is apparently going pretty fast for this student who is applying last minute touches to a term paper.
Hypnotism: A Drug A hypnotist is not a magiclan, although magicians often use the technique of hypnosis during exhibitions. They commatid the hypnotized person to become stiff, then suspend his body like a board between two chairs. Under hypnosis, a person's consciousness narrows much as it does during a dream, but the hypnotized person is different from the sleeping person because he can be active. He can walk about, talk, or even write. It requires little or no technical training to hypnotize another person •. Perhaps the best known technique uses direct commands. These consist of monotonous suggestions repe~ted continuously. The hypnotist tells his subject over and over again to feel sleepy, ~rowsy, or relaxed. The !1ypnotist may instruct- the person to look at a fixed point, such as a spot on the ceiling, a pencil or a psychodelic picture. Various drugs may be used to make the procedure easie:r, but these are rarely necessary. The subject may be made to do things ordinarily beyond him, if intense concentration of attention is an important factor in the perfor:nance. For example, if he is told he will see snakes crawling on the floor, he will hallucinate them there, and will respond to them as if they are actually present. His memory can be fairly completely blocked out and his words and emotions either evoked or summarily dismisse<l by a few words from the hypnotist. With a highly responsive subject, genunine laughter and tears can be seen in a matter of minutes. No outstanding effect has been obtained in using hypnosis to improve perfon.1ance in tests of sensory and rr.otor abilities or of extrasensory perception and psychokinesis. However, a slightly favorable effect of hypnosis has been report.ed on all of these capac_ities. Who started using hypno~1s; Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer, a well-educated physician of Germany who settled in Vienna, Austria in 1765, started to treat some of his patients - mainly
those with nervous by making passesoverthem ll'lth iron magnets. He soon discovered that these illnesses were curable even with his bare hands. Dr. Mesrr.er's success. in curing many cases broug~t him great public fame, but his strange meth<X!s also .b~~ught severe professional cnt;tc1sr:i. Scientists use hypnosis m research, medicine, surgery, and dentistry, and in psychotherapy, a method of treating the mentally ill, Doctor~ ~ometimes use it as a sed1ti ve to quiet patients who are nervou.s or irritable. They also use it to reli'eve pain or un comfortable symptoms. Surgeons may hypnosis as a form. of an· esthesia so that a patient undergoing an operation will feel no pain.. . Like a potent drug, hypnotisi;i should only be use<l by a quallfie<l person.
Student Fined A Peru State student was fined $25 and appeared before the library board for attempting to steal two periodicals from the college library. This is an example of what could and WILL HAPPEN to any student caught in the act.
Page 2
TilE PED May 19, 1969
Mark Ye The Way Letters to
Spring may be nature's growing season, but for college students it is a dormant restingtimeo While the crimson tulips and lemonyellow janquils blossom into full glory, the average college student prefers' extra hours of sleep, quiet rest in the sun or relaxing conversations over Cokes Golden forsythia bushes and pale pink , plum trees burst with vitality from their winter's sleep, but students with driedleaf yellow or eggshell-white faces lazily slump in the classrooms or cut classes altogether in order to ·sleep a little longer or to get refreshments at the Bob-Inn But with the waning of the month of April, mJst students should think twice before cutting classes. Skipping a lecture or two during the last few weeks of the semester could put a student too far behind his class to catch up in such a short time - two and one-half weeks until finals means that it is much later than most students think According to the attendance policy of Peru State, revised in September, 1967, class attendance is the student's responsibility, and no action is taken unless his class standing is affected. The rules state: 1 Students are expected to attend classes regularly, arrive punctually and do all assigned work in each class. The student agrees to this when he registers for a course. Attendance is a privilege and a responsibility represented not only by the student's investment but also by a considerable investment by the state. · Each professor is allowed to make his own rules governin'g the attendance policy in his own classes; consequently, students are wise to consider the views of their particular professors. Some professors never check the roll, and several students claim that they are mJre easily tempted to cut these · classes. Som; professors also do not prepare lessons adequately, and several students confess that they cut the dull lectures more frequentlyo However, students may notice that these are the professors who are often conspicuously absent from the College Faculty list in succeeding years lvlost professors at Peru State do check daily attendance, either formallv or mi;ntally noting all absenceso And furthermore, attendance seems to affect both the stud·ents grades and the attitude of the professor towards the student. One professor stated, "If a student misses three or four of my classes, I assume he is not interested in the course." Another professor said, "If a student has several cuts and if his grades are on the borderline between two points on the scale, I never feel obligated to give him the benefit of any doubts but a.lways give him the lower grade." "I consider class attendance as a prerequisite to being a good citizen and a responsible adult," and "Attendance is part of the grade," were two other views of professors. If students wish to do a little research on their own, they might find it enlightening trJ check the class attendance of the honor students and to note the am:tzingly low num:J<;r rJf absences. 0
Ai1d some of them repented And it came to pass early of their riotous Ii ving and in the moming of the last day bemoaned their fate, but they of school that there arose a had not a prayer. And at last multitude, smiting their books there came among them one and wailing. And there was !mown as the instructor - he much weeping and gnashing of of the diabolical smile - and teeth for the day of judgement passed papers among them and was at hand and they were sore went his way. afraid. For they had left unAnd many and varied were the done those things they ought to answers which were given, for have done and there was no some of his teachings had fallhope for them now. en among fertile brains; othAnd there were m~ny abiding ers had fallen among the fallow, in their rooms who kept watch while others still had fallen over their books all night, but flat. it availeth naught. But there And some there were who were those who arose peace- wrote for an hour, others fully for they had. prepared for who wrote for two, but some themselves the way, and made turned a way sorrowful. And straight the path of knowledge. many of those offered up a And there were the wise who little "bull" in hopes of paciwere !mown to some as the burn· fying the instructor, for those ers of the midnight oil, but to \\ere the ones who had not a others they were called the prayer. And when they had fin· curve-lousers. ished; they gathered up their And the multitude arose belongings and went a way quietand ate a hearty breakfast, and ly, each in his own direction, they came into the appointed and each vowing to himself: "I place, their hearts were heavy shall not pass this way again." . ~thin them. Andtheyhadcome (Compliments of Mr Lyle to {lass but came and passed Strom, source ui · Jown.) oot.
the Editor
Is there anyting that sati fies anyone in this world? Al we hear is "gripes.'' Why n look on the brigr.t side of !if to see what is good in thi world of ours. There are s many things to be thankful forj but we don't take the time be THANKFUL. None of us had a "bed roses." Most of the Facult Members got their educati the hai;d way, working for th room and board and car ing 18 hours a semester. parents had no money to h us through college. Many tim we had very little money left the end of the year. Did complain or "gripe?" No, were thankful that we had su wonderful educational oppo tunities. Many of us had courage, the stamina, and ambition to stick it out, no ma · ter what. We did not complain ab policies. There is no one · the world who is on his o All of us have to work und It is not necessary in these superiors and show our lo Ask any student where he apartments for a counseloi:: to alty to them. Ii ves while attending col1ege run about the halls hollering _ How come we think that and you will get one of three quiet hours. For one reason, world owes us a living? T replies: in the dorm, off cam- the complex has ·lobbies not world owes you NOTHING. pus, or at home (commutors). halls. The students have living make this a better wo The majority reside in a res- rooms where they can have YOU will have -to contribu idence hall whether it is on "gab" sessions rather than YOUR BEST. We had bet campus or at the complex. a hallway. If one member of. ·change our concepts The Centennial Complex is the apartment feels like doing "Me FIRST," to OTHE more than a dormitory, which . something other than studying, HRST. Webster defines as "a large he can do so without disturbbuilding providing sleeping ac- ing his fellow roommate. commodations for a number of Complaints about the walk to people." It is a far cry from campus are heard, naturally a building of four walled cells on .cold winter mornings; howcontaining a bed, dresser, and ever, very few of the residents desk. These modern dorms are Wednesday May 21, at 8 would trade their Ii ving designed in apartment style quarters. A brisk walk in the p.m. is the date and time s two bedrooms (and in some inmorning does wonders to wake for the senior recital of stances three), a bath, and a a person up and give him a re- Falls City senior, Mrs. · Ii ving room shared by four or freshed feeling. Anyone who dred Appleoff. The recital six students. doesn't have a little exercise, will take place in the Ben• The architecture is not only especially during these beauti- ford Recital Hall of the Jin~ inviting, but the colors and ful days of spring, is missing dra Fine Arts Center, A Ma furniture styles create a cheel'ful youthful atmosphere. These one of the pleasures of life. candidate for the Bachelor No mattter what anyone says, Fine Arts in Education d surroundings play a psychological role in the development of life at the complex is the gree, her recital will includ real college life. College vocal, piano, organ, and pi its occupants. A student's spirits can certainly be lift· is supposed to be another phase ano duo. Mrs Appleoff began her col ed when he looks out his large of maturing, and these dorms picture window and sees the allow this process to develop legiate studies as a part somewhat freely. Although time student at Peru Stat beauty of the outdoors covered with the glistening snow, the the girls have hours, an at- in 1962. During her ca moist drops of rain, or the mosphere of trust and respect here, she has been accom is felt by the male and female ist for solo, ensemble, golden rays of the sun. choral groups. She has al residents. been a member of the Pe State College Wind Ensembl and the College Choir. Mrs Appleoff will become staff member in the Falls Ci Public· Schools in Septe ber.
Complex Is Psychological Asset
Appleoff Recita
PERU PEDA~GIAN Monday May 19, 1969 Volume '54
Published weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR . . . . . . Lynn Sailors BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . Steve Mason PHOTOGRAPHER . Bob Beran ASS'T PHOTOGRAPHER ...• Bob Vana. ADVISOR . . . . . . James Ke The signed letters printed i this paper do not reflect th opinion of the Pedagogian b of individuals. The editor r serves the right to edit th fo~ publication. '
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_Page 3
THE PED May 19, 1969
DRONE ON I'ERU:-keep the eummer company .. and don't forget to wr1 te · wh1le we're away.
ere are so 1ankful for, the time to l "bed of the Faculty · education rig for their md carry•· nester. Our ney to help Many times 1oney left at :. Did we e?" No, we Ne had such onal opporus had the na, and the Jut, nomat•
Helping Peru State look just that much. better for
1lain about ; no one in on his own. vork under· w our loyQ 1k that the living? The OTHING. To tter world.· , contribute had better icepts of to OTHERS D. Rowoldt
tee ital 21, at 8 nd time set 'cital of a Mrs. Mil· he recital n the Benof the Jinter, A May Bachelor of lucation de:llill include m, arid pi~an her col1s a part• Peru State her career accompan· emble, and :he has also · the Peru d Ensemble Jir. ll become a e Falls City in Septem·
ove·r 51 years.
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Complete Line of School Supplies
Number 29'
Cologne - Perfume - After Shave
during the ept holidays ;ters by the 'le College, 121.
·s printed in reflect the lagogian but e editor re:o edit them
KODAK & SUPPLIES fast film service
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Fling Abroad
-ynn Sailors ~R . . . . . . ;teve Mason . Bob Beran PHER . . . . Bob Vana James Keck
Free Deli very Tuesday and Friday Phone 872-4351
The year is over. It has been a fun year. Oh! Oh! Oh! See the dogs run. Spot was shot. See the dandelions. They are seeding. See the tunnels. They are falling in. See May Fete. Oh! Watch the children dance • Oh! Oh! Oh! Wow! What a groove. Wow! Wow! Wow! Now comes summer. Then comes fall. New Dogs. New dandelions. Same hills. Same people, Yuck. By Steve Good
p eru or 1 y mean P
a Llttle cit to
a place at the end of Peven very lons rn1leP. a town even the river ba2 rr:o v ed from.
bumpy brick etreete and 2t~ep hille. the final reetin~ Eround for em p t, y L>; fr cane •
a echool
eomewbere to fO between weeke~de. By Jim Marshall
THE PED May 19, 1969
Page 4
SUMMER ·1oes
Peru-Tarkio Tangle
in First Apple Bowl
Nebraska City will be the site for the 1969 Bobcat football opener as Peru takes on the Tarkio Owls in the first Apple We are hiring students who Bowl football garr.e at Hayward are interested in full time Park on September 13. summer employment. Those . The football bash will be the highlight of the three day Apple hired will also have the op- Jack Festival, a new gala event portunity to continue em- sponsored by the Nebraska City ployment on a part- time Chamber of Commerce. Coach• basis· next fall. All jobs es Joe Pelisek and Ervin Pitts will give you tremendous of Peru and Bob Lade and experience for your next Wayne Davison of Tarkio meet with Warren Copenhaver school semester regardless and Len Hoskins, representaof your field. tives of Chamber, and signed a three year contract to meet annually in the event. Game QUALIFICATIONS ARE time will be 7:30 PJTI• with the winner to receive a traveling l. Neat appearance trophy. activities to supply fun 2. Ability to 1:onverse in- andOther games for the people to teJli gen ti y enjoy are: Apple Bowl queen 3. Wi II ingness to work hard contest, parade, band clinic and many contests. The Peru 4. Ready for i mm edi ate and T a r k i o cross-country squads will also clash during employment the day on a 21/z mile course.
The complete 1969 football schedule for Peru State College includes nine games with only three being played on the home turf. 1969 PERU STATE COLLEGE FOOTBALL SCHEDULE September 13, Pery vs. Tarkio-At Nebraska City. September 20, Peru vs Yank· ton-At Peru. September 27, Peru vs.Southern-At Springfield, S.D. October 4, Peru vs.EmporiaAt Emporia Kans. October 11, Peru vs. Kearney-At Peru (Homecoming) October 18, Peru vs. Chadron -At Chadron. October 25, Peru vs. Wayne-At Peru. November 1, Peru vs. Hast· ings-At Hastings. November 8, Peru vs. Ferris State- At Big Rapids, Mich. All home games will start at 7:30 p.m., except the Homecoming game which will be at 2 p.m.
••• ASUMMER CONTEST WHICH INCLUDES 1. $15,000 in cash scholarships.
Top Row: L-R - Bob Gregory, John Fisher, Sid Swanso Al Bossung, Bob Curry, Jay Hageman, Gary Racek, Kenn, Morrisey. Middle Row: L-R - Don Epp, Ralph Bodie, Woody Rog Borgman, Jay .Lovitt, Larry Colgrove. Front Row: 'L-R - John Bemadt, Don Day, Gary Colgrov Dennis Day, Rich Bryson. placed second in basket The Mysterians won the overall intramural championship by third in track, tied for third edging the Marksmen 43-40, The football and tied for fifth volleyball, final difference between the two Softball Results: came in swimming when the 1. Marksmen Mysterians won eight points and 2. Studs the Marksmen did not enter, 3.-4. Cool Jerks The Mysterians finished se3.4. ' Dolphins cond in football and track, third 5.-6.-7.-8. Mysterians in swimming, fourth in basket5.-6.-7.-8. • Nads ball, tied for fifth in volleyball, 5.-6.-7.-8. PSC Ebony and tied softball, 5.-6.-7.-8. Cherry Pickers The Marksmen won softball.
Peru Tips Hastings
2. $25,000 in merchandise prizes.
3. 1968 Ford Station Wagons Mink coats and boats.
4. 20 trips to Acapulco.
WE OFFER 1. Earnings in excess of $125 per week {guaranteed salary.) 2. $30,000,00 in merchandise prises. 3. 1969 Sports cars, boats & motors. Round the World Trips.
4. Twenty expense paid vacations iJJ the Bahamas.
·1969 PERU STATE TENNIS SQUAD Back Row: Mike Deal, Don Wiechec, Ken Burch, Harold Prior, Justin Mintle. Front Row: Meron Solonynka, Fred Lainson. T?-~~1•nuo
k e•
Tennis team tilted The Peru State tennis squad was dealt defeats at the hands of John F. Kennedy College, 6-1 .and by Pershing College, 7-2, on May 6 and May 10 respec• tively to wind up pre-N.C.C. meet play. The netmen led by Don Wiechec, undefeated in two years of singles competition, take a 2-5 record to the conference showdown at Hastings May 16-17. PIONEER -
Kansas City Topeka
Nebr. City May 18 - 21
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also by allowing striking out eight. At Denison, Iowa, Peru ed out the season by ta · 3-1 verdict in the opener being bombed by Midwes in the nightcap 10-0. John Warren won his se game of the season in allo only one run on six hits. lone Midwestern tally was · sixth inning on a triple single. Peru did their scoring in second and third inning. In second a walk to N. we· Chuck Mizerski Ii ved on ror then consecutive sing! Steve Emert and John Wa brought them home. Tli the ·third Tom Patton singled came home on Nick Petri triple. In the nightcap five Peru went for nil! as the hosUom Jim Rains for two runs in first, three in the third, in the fifth and four in sixth. Jim Rains' record d ped to 4-5 with the loss Peru finished the season a 10-9 record and a • win percentage.
. PHONE 8'12-2831
227 8367
277 338 .232 252 259
Friday, May 9, saw the Peruvians travel to Hastings and cope 13-5 and 3-1 victories to complete their conference schedule. Power hitting and high scoring marked the first contest as Peru collected 13 runs on 10 hits. Peru ·scored five runs in the first inning as Steve Dalton Ii ved on an error, Dennis Hammer singled, Tom Patton walked, and then three consecutive doubles by Mark Weiler, Nick Petrillo, and Stan Zbylut brought them home. The fourth and fifth innings were also productive for the Bobcats as four runs were scored in each frame. Hastings notched single runs in the first, thircjr and fifth, while managing two in the fourth Gary Weiler picked up his first win in two starts but needed relief from Jim Rains. Herring suffered the Hastings defeat. The nightcap was an extra inning affair as both clubs were tied one to one going into the ninth on a single by Steve Dalton a Dennis Hammer walk and consecutive singles by Tom Patton and Mark Weiler. John Warren won his first in two starts
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