1970 - The Peruvian

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Peru State College Peru, Nebra ska Linda K. Moody, Editor Volume LXII

Foreword As the MC.ond one N.lndtt<l yean of

~v State's hhtory beJ91ns. • new ph1~ toioOPhY his Otvt~ wheft lnteUectual

ptO'H'U I\ lrOittd with ~elt·••preuion and lndlv~tlty Etch '~' Is 1 $9Kial pers.on who eddl till o.t~ spe<lf.l lll~ts to thrt ~· lf94' 11 1 whOM. Thnt. in turl\. give tht coU~ 1 uft&qut atmo~ophere ~ fidel to all whO art heft, Ptft.Of'll from all over the wOtld are Mrt to meet other pe-rsons. to 9f:l a

true picture ot tMmwtves and to as.k

q_utstfons abOUt the wotld around them.

each courM tektn gives the stuc:ttnu mort to ask q~stlo"' about. For thh Is

turning end w1th0ut learning the world wovld ~ In the dark again. So thh bOOtt is devoted to t hOse whO asl< qut~sllons and t hink abOvt what they art teuoht tor thty wlll be the leaders of thO world to c.omt.


Table of Contents Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Organizations . . . . . . . . . . 49 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Administration . . . . . . . . 107 Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169


Col lege is a time for joy; 0





a time for study;


time f or meditation;

time f or p lay;

and a t i me for .....


Dr. ~

..............................- . ., . ._ _

Initiation Can Be A Trying Time The ...... 1910 Khool Ytlr be-

OIItl muc.h liktthowof the pest. with the ~tf ~ 1 1'10 fiSk 01 ff'Ohlrl• non. And f« the frHhmotn thb was

only tn. btglnnlno. Frtlhman Wetk startt<l wllh the AII•(OIII9t plcnlc whk.h Is tl• ways flll attended. From then un~ til the n~ht of inlllttlon tht'ft ~etft'l4d to bt no tor the poor fr~ C¥s needed to bt wuhtod; rooms nHOt<t to bt





lr onlnv

MHtc:l to be doM. and a tot ~ othtr llttlt IMignifleant chotu wert





Thtn camt the night tvttr

u~cttumtn waited for,

the night tiMO\t anythi"CJ ooes F« the trtshomtn thll Is the night they r•lly btC'Ormt studeft1s 11 Ptru S'tlt. tot, If anyone un drink 90Qbtr fuQ and Mve l'lh heir wuhtcl w1th tnt s.t\lmpoo npecltl· ly l)f'~red tor the nklht, then they trvtr can bt called ~erv Sttllf'l.


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n. , ...., .....,. c;:t~i~Mr_ . . . hk•t ......... tMM •t ... ...., I '*""lflil ......


Homecom1ng 1969 bc'ought the arthts on campus from their rooms to help •ach organltatlon bulld a winning display to boost Bobcat splrll. The theme "Getexies

Unllmlltd" was followed " eac.h club dkl an outstanding job. It w.n a trtmtndous ta.sk to ci'IOOs.e the three best displays from the many lnttrtsling ones set up all

over the campus.

But the lvdoes did their lob well and e:how the Industrial Afts Club to re<elve

the tlr'U place tr~hy tor their replica of tho first LEM used In the Apollo spau ptogram. The model wu s.et up In front

of the Edve4tlon Building and contained a screen showing Of sevttal of the ~st

homecoming que-tns and football game-s. second place went to the Peru Social Science Socletr, fOr' their complete his· tory of the un ted Statu space pJogram. A walk through the maze that was set vp In the gymnasium wat cHma•td by a took at a model space ship built by the club and a film starring many of the for,.,.r a:UrOftauts. Third place wu won by Alpha Mu Omeoa tOt' their animated rocket lhlp btalllng over a lluffed anltloe>e standing on a football field. The display wu stt up In lronl of the Scienc-e Building.


~A:? 路


Yl-' .

Homecoming 1969 Galaxies Unlimited



Terry Heinke Min Terry Heinke. a petite


from Dunbar, NttM'aska,

Nt chos.en English u her lleld of

concentration. Before attending

Peru State, Terry had t>Hn study·

lng at the University of Nebraska In Lincoln. Terry Is the corrHpondlng

Heretary for the Student Govern· lng Anoclatlon and Is a mtmbtf

of the English Club. Terry was chosen as a candidate by the com·

mvters tttendlng Peru State.

Kathy Buffum Mlu Kathy Buffum, a blueeyed brunette, has chosen Home Economics as hff' field of con~ centration. As o supporll"9 field, she h.u chosen Art. Kathy at· ttftded Peru Slate College htr freshman year and then translttred to lowe We:u ern Communi,· ty College, located at Clarlndo, IOONa.

k.othy wa~ a Homecoming candidate hfr iuniM year 1150. She Is. an active rnem~r of the

Peru State Home Economic Club

and Newman Club. Kathy Is from

M&gnollo, Iowa.


Royalty 1969

Pam Lee Mlu Pam LM. a charmlno

btonde from Council Btulfs. Iowa,

Is o junior at Peru Stato. She has

chosen elementary education as h« tltld of conceniraHon. Pam h a ~mbtr of Kappa

Delta Pl. honorary tducalion tra· ttrn1ty and Is also a member ot the Whllo Angels pep organization.



In thh year•s contest.

Delzell Hell

Pat Ryan Mlu Patrici a A:yan Is a l un• lor from Oaws.on, Nebrask.a. She

was chOSen "

a candldote by

Oavld50n· Palmer Hall.

Pat has chosen matlwmalics

as Mr fie ld of conctfltratlon and chemistry as her m inor Held. She plaM on teaching upon graduation. Pat Is now servi ng as VIc,. ,

Pre-sident of oavids.on· Palmt"r Hall and Is a member of the White Angels. In her freshman year Pat was ci'IO~n to be a L.oely· ln·Woil· lng at the May Fete program.


Coleen de Koning Mlu Colten de Koning.


cnarming bt"unette from Burchlrd, Nebte~ke, It a lunlor at Peru

State. Coleen hu chosen elementory educ.ofion OJ her field of

concentration and a minor field In


Coleen Is a dorm1tory council




Palmer Hell end'' an ective mem·

ber of While Angels. In her tres~ men ytar COIHn WI$ ChOS.n 61 I Lady· ln·Walllng fOf' the



program and ls a chHfle&Mr this year.

Coleen represented ClaybOrn· Mathews Hall •


Homecoming Queen Linda Knipplemeir T~

Peru Sttlt Collof9e stl..ld«<t

tendant. HOI"NCCf"nln.g undkate dur·

bOdY thOM for 111 ' " ' Hotn«omlng

lng ht1' .ophomote yeer. 1 e-M«· ~ during bOth Nr s.ophomore tncl I~.~ft. ytart tnd 1 lt70 Y. .rbOOk QUHn tlttndant Ll~ haJ bttn Kfl'lt in ,...ny C.emOU1 or~nf.tti'Onl SM WIS I member of the Sodel $clenct C:lub.


Mfu Lln6a



MntOt from Jotln\01\. Ntbrnkt. Linda

his cho\otn E!oementt.ry Eck.I<Atk)n ' '

htt hetd of CM~CtfltrtliOf\ with F ine Ar11 t \ ~ wpportln.g Ut1d She p,~r· UdJ)Ittd fn tM Internship prooram fn Lincoln Wh«t IN did Mr prKti« IMChlng d\H'IftO her last M,....,.ICf. Lindt WIJ I 1966 Mly Fttt at~

W1'111t Angfl$.. PSEA. SGA Jlldidtry &olrd tnd Mototn Hall Dorm COUMII.

'Romanoff and Juliet' Is Presented


"Romanoff and Juliet", a light

and comical play written by Ptfer

Usllnov, was chosen for this year's

homecoming pt"f'WtltaUon. TM play consisted ot thrH ach conducted on a rathotr Intricate HI with six acting levels. The story took place In on« day on the main"'"' of the capital city of the smallest c~ntry In


Although the playwts pr.s~nted

In a light ,.....nner. It conveyed a slg·

nlficant and timely mess.ge. "When Interest, love and uncle"tandlng ere sincerely preJent In Individuals. they are contagious and spread throughout s.oclety without consider· anon ot Ideological beliefs. P"tl· udkes or geographlcel bounclal'les. The play wu staged In tho COl· lege auditorium and wn under the

direction of Dr. Robert L.


Steve Mt$0n was In charge of stage


and a stage crew as·

slsttd In the preperatklns•


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I ,-a.nre. L. ,..,. It I t ,. M. M1nN11.o I • •, ........ 11. . J M. t..lllft, 0 ,_,..... .... I


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Who' s Who In Ame r ican Colleges It .n Engll~ ~)or Her l"f''otf'nooo lfttkldt lht Studttlt EeliuQtion AUOC.. t'Oft. Slc.al Stitnce Club. Entllt" Clut\, Ka~ Otlla Pl. "'A.~CN~Thtf.. s~m. TeuOttte. Elaine Flaltrt~ a mattwmana •nd el~nttrr. IIW"kw\ maJor, Is a m.tmW of KaPt>a Otna P, AloNMU Omeoa •nd Stvdtnt Education Auoclatlon. Stlllt active fn Womtn•t Alhlttlc Auoe:latlon and t.MrMran Stu6tnl Sodety. ElalNGnu'ldrN~n. a matMmatks maJor, It pt'H_.. ot kta e.ta att.a. sectetary of Ka~ Ottte "- ""wrer of Studtnt Education Auoe:tanon end INl



·-.. Afpllo IN; Ofnl91. educ.etlon Gft1a lies. an e~t.,.Y.

and math-

IMtftCi mel or. was Mmld ' MOlt promltlno frHh_..In tduc-.aHon" by Kappa, Delta Pl. She rt tllO a

INft'\Otr ot Alpha Mu Omtoa and Student Education


Rona~ IIH. a mutlc maJor, Is H'tvlno u prtt· '-'1011 KapC)I Otlta PI and Nt bMft In C04lf'Ot' B.and w Chorut. H4 has btlf\ active In Studt'nt Govttn· ..,Auodation. latWa a Mlneu education maJor, •al'fl«<'\btr of Kappa Otlte Pi and Phi s.ta LaMDdL Slit Nl WVtd aJ Pf"fllo.nl ol Stu<ttnt Education ........tlof't. She It a "*"W of the Coli. ChOrut ...,,...WhlteAno•••· Maroa.ret Lvtt It a butlntn maJor In stclrtlarlal ICitnCt. Sht Is a mtmW of Phi 8tta Lambda, which Is wvlng as preskMnt, and the Cotlegl 8and. Slltba mtm.btr of NI'Wt"Mn club. Jot w. Mdteynotd.s. en eterNntary .ouunon ...,, Is a rne-mbrtfo of Mv ESKiton Nu. Keppa Otlte P\ lftdbes bt:tn ectl'vl 5n Clrc.. K.




Bobcat Cheerleaders

·- h ~ c.

Athletic Fi eld

v. MMI.I '- •


.,...,.,, .I(....... ,,

M. PI' • .., I. .....

• •

Coffeehouses Are Popular Events

By popular demand the coffee-houses.. sponsored by the Student

Center SO.rd. have become rf9ular

occurrences In Ptru•s collf9t social affa1rs. Their populerity nos t~Hn overwhelming and student lrt·



to have bHn slimu•

lated. Patronage has In nearly all IR$tances bftn adequate for the functions to continue. The ~lor· ity Is partially attributed to the

casual olre existing and to a oen· trot liking tOt student talent. T"'- cotftehOuses.. aside trom




to tM Peru C.ompul. allows talented students to d isplay their warM In a congenial atmosphere. Those who dt1ftt to perform need only to con· tact the Student Center Board. Thole who see-m to be specially pOpular wllh the crowd are Ann 0'· Connor and Olctc; warkln.



bW H L.. Gan...l IC• • ..,.., J . OIWhJ M. .,..___, M. Mrt«; 0. WlMkM'I N, ~ R• l : L.. Mcca-ilMII R. R.WJ lt. Frtlt~ L.. M ~~ K . G~; R.

JC ......e Y ................................ OriaM.


1969 Variety Show Tl'lf Annual V•rltly ShOw was a $11\"hlno IUCCtU. Min Rowotdl

prHenttd htr renc:Uilon of the Big Brown Bear tot the lest time. She rKtlved 1 "•ncllng ovation and was P't11ntect 1 bOuqvet of rous. The show opened with tw•nty• two moonmalds from the freshmen c..n In tho tr~IUonal ''kkldlne." Thty wtrt uncs.r tl'lf direction Of PemAittn Prt..ntetlons lnc:tu<ltd guitar


VOUI numbtf• by Old< Owens.

Oklk Wt.rk1n and lob Yuahlin. Klmlk.O V~f'l lra MctecS wtth htt 9\Hftr and YOUI ptt14'nlttion. The Sle9e C..nd undef" Dr. W1ls.ot1 kt91 tht J.hOw rOIIingo Mr ~ttl ChtKitd tht $hOw tor lhe flftHtllh .,.,., Sttvt MAs.on wu ptodVC'ftOI"' tnana9« with Mtfon Sok»nyka as M.C

Kathy Buffum Min Kathy lufh.wn.. • c.N.rmlng blue trtd brunttt~ Is • MnW

from MIJQftollL Iowa. Kathy Ns chown t-forM Economks as IWr

tlef<S ot concentrtUon. A.s • supporting Utld shot hi.J chos-en Art.

ktt~ attended Ptf"v Sltlt htf' frt~hmen yQr and tMn transfer·

rtd to towt WtsiHn Comnwnity cotlegt. located tt Clarinda. Iowa. Kathy wu • Homecoming can· dldttt both ~ lunJor and s.tnlor yHrs at Ptru. AI tM pttstnl llmt, Kathy Is an actlvt ~mbtr ot the Peru statt HOf'M economks club end the Newman club.

Yearbook Charlotte Lash Miss Chlrtotte Lash. a cherml"9 brunetlt. Is 1 unlot h'om Brownvlllt. Nebruka. She has c-hos.tn Bvslneu Educ.allon fOf' htr lltld Of cone~H~tratlon and But.· lneu AdmlniJtraHon n her wp-porllng tletd. Charlotte wu t 8ob«t chHr· INd.,- during htr Junklr and senior Y""· She was ti.O an .ctlve ~m­ W ot While An.gln. Student Gov•

.,-nlng AuocJation and has set'Yecf on lht Olvlds.on-Ptlmer Dorm Council.

Terry Heinke Mlu


Helnl(e. a petite

s.enlor rrom Dunbar, Nebf'uka. hes chosen E"9llth 11 Mr field of conctntralion. BefCN't atl&ndlng Prru State, Terry had bHn study· lng at the Unlvtrslty of Ntbras.ka. Ttt"ry was a 1969 Homecoml"9 c.ncUdete and we~ the corresponct· lng HCtttory for the Stu<lent Gov·

tf'nlng Auoclatton. She was an ac·

live mtm~r of the English c.lub, and has l)lrHclpated In menr $1)HC:h COnfHb.

Attendants Linda Knipplemeir Mlu Linda Knii)C)Itmelr, a Hnlw from JOhnson. Nebreska,

has chosen Elementory Education as her lleld Of concentration. with Fine Arts as hef supportlng field. She participated In the Inte-rnship program In Lincoln where she did her practice teaching during her

last semester.

Linda was a 1966 May Fete attendant. Homecoming candidate du<lng he< SOI>hO<nO<t year, a chftde&det' during both h« sopno. l'l'l«t end lvnlor rears and a 1969 May Fete atlendent. Lln<h, has bMn active In many

campus orgnlrallons. She was a member of the Social Science club.

Wl'llle Angels.. PSEA. Student GOY· ernlng AtsoclaUon. SGA Judiciary Bolrd and Morgan Hall Ootm Council.

Yearbook Queen Lynda Shanahan The' Peru State College student

ttau as • freshman. a klckllnt

bOdy chon for IU 1970 YearbOok QuHn, Mlu Lynda $"-nahal'\, LyneS-. a brown eyed brun.ttt. Is a ~en­ lot wllh htf' fittds Of conce'f'lrrllk>n

dancer In the fall verletr shOw ot that ytar, a lady•ln•waltlng for the 1966 #My Fete .acllvlta.s ancl as a lunkat lht was a Hc:>m«om1ng undklatt. She WIS 11$0 ChOs.tn lor WhO's

In SPM<h and English. Lynda was a

member or PSEA.. Dramatics club, English club. Newman club_. Kappo, Delta Pl. Sl.gm~ Tau Della. and wu Pf't1ldtnt otf Oevlds.on Hall. l..yn61 was Pf'Ukknt of Mt"

"---''"~---~--- ----~--~

WhO, anctwas a

membtr oft he dorm

c.ounc:ll at Oavkhon•Patnwr during her t.OPhomort yeat. Lynes.. is from MMM 81ufl,


The Home Economla Club


Glkt m.dt lrom • CMonl•l rl(l~ betoftglng 10 Marll\t w•~


Martha Washington Tea Is Annual Event Members of the Home Econom·

Ia club served as hosteues at the

29th annual Martha W1$hlngton tea at Peru State, under the watchful eye of Mrs. L.ouls.e Kregel, sponsor. Colonial costumes. were worn by the girls to add to the atmosphere of early Amerlce. The c01tumes were lurnlshed by Mrs. Jack Mel~ tire. A s.mall cake was. beautifully decorated especially for the oc· caslon. It was m&de from a recipe used by Martha Was.hlngton alm0$t 200years ago. This year•s Ita was. held Thurs· day. F·ebt'uary 19. at the Home Ec· onomlcs room. The general pubHc wu Invited •


Ghosts Walk In Spring Play

TN \1-ot I\ Wf to re'H•I !he nwtdff'iff """"' IM ctode •triJo;n ...~.

Ghosts walked right ou1 of his· tory In " A Murder Has Been Ar• ranged/' the Spring play ot Peru







ranged" wts a typleel mystery pley ucept that "the orthodox mystery

regarding the identitiy of the mur• deter Is mlulng for the murder was performed ln full v iew of the avCIIencewhlch has bHn pt"epared well

In advance of Its commi$Sion." Written by Emlyn Williams, the

play was direeted by Mr. Roberto.

Mof:Ke, P"oftnM ot English and Speect'l, as his last production at the

coUege. Retiring ttlls year, Mr. Moon d irected over SO plays coming to Peru In 1937.


Friends of Distinction Are Smashing Success

Jackie Pummel Chosen As 'G lamour' Representative


Spring Week


The Brooklyn Bridge

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} J \


~ rt-• ·~

~·, ~ } 4,




May Fete Luau of Love

Honor s Ot'. JOhn C. Christ, M.ct Of the Kit-nee and mathematks de~rtment, was chosen as TtKI'I« Of IM ve.e r at this sprlrt9' s

Honors· Convocation.

Nine s.chotarshlps and many

awards were preHnted to stu6tnts

at Peru Stele. They were given by organizations. and through the Pt-ru Achievement Foundation In mem• ory of former students tncl IHChttl.

Mike Mulveney received the SwenloOf'l Athletic Award from Dr. Neal $ . Gomon. The award ~ 1 004d watcf'l and mf'Oal was estabrllhtd In 192'5 for the outstanding 1tnlot whO has participated In athletks. Ntrned hOnOtary P<lub,.....,... b•n Wfft' f.c:ulty members Harold JOhnson.. O.rrt"l Winingt1' and Jtrome Sttmi)H". The three fKUI· ty rnember·s wtte oiv~ the memo benhlp al'ld lnsignla bl•nkets for thtlr yetrs of wntce to athlt'tks as time kH9tf1.. score k~s

and organizers

~ athl~ic ev~ts.

Ott!« sh..lcknts were ptHented whh «t11f1Qtes of recognition for their t.chofauhlp and feadenhlp

In their yetrs tt Peru Sttlt. A few of these were John Lutt, Gall Fotkerl. Tom Mlkktlson. Steve W>tmou, John Mill«, and Oavld




Pedagog ian Staff

OtwO.~..._. ........ ~-·•••••..,......_



Peruvian Staff


Internship Program Is Established

-. The 1969·1970 school year uw the first Iorge group of senior tdvcotlon students enter a new teach• rng program. These students earned as they learned te.ct~er• s

the intern Is paid a salary for his work. Next year the program will bel much larger as students In secondary education will be accepted to

a ids and assistants I n the

teach In several Omaha area Hnlor and iunlor high

This program tokes the place of student teachlf19 and rtqulres tl'le same education claJSes but the wotk

schools. The program has been given much approval from the students as it gives them a real chance to work.

by wor·king as.

elemen tary schools In Lincoln.

lasts a lull semester rathef" than lust nine wHks and

INrn and earn all at the same time.



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Graduation is ..... . a time for the seniors:


a time for family and friends;


and a time for memories .


Delzell Hall Delzell



thO oldtit

men's dormitory on P«u Statt"s

cam~ The MU. NI'Md lfltt W, N. Ott.ltU, .ccomtn061tt1 l SI ttvdeott. Pam Lee wn the hOme<:Otnlno candidate lPCNUored by Oehtfl

.... 11. A hotnfcomlng CSIS.play WIS. abo «Kttod by the dotm. ()eftetl Hill 1$ t.uptrvi$4'CI by

Longfellow. Sht Ito ault.ttd by four floor counnlort.: Ron Cot• bls.ement; Tom Klrltt.y, f lnt Uoor; 8rliln Trottiff. s.econd ftoor, tnd Greg ThOrnpos,on. third Uocr



Tl'll$ yeer Oelull Hallawardtd

the Merle Nctll Memorial SCholar· lhiP to Gre, ThomPtOf'l and Ktlltl TKkttt. Otheor eventt. htkt dutlno ,,. year rncluded. donut feed "'"' 11 the m ld ·tttm perlOCI, a Chrlt.t• ""''party and open hoult, a tprll'l9 tttd and tprlng open hOult.

Ottttll ~- _....,. .... h It, ~~ . . .... ._ ·~ ~~ J. MlatitJ o. ~ Viu ~.........., a. T...niw. ._..., J : C. ~ T. IOrihYI L O'C~I


Morgan Hall ThO

women Stvelent Associ· dot"mltorr council. The

ttlon of Morgen Hall Is rtJ)(esented b)' ttle

council consh ts of C..ndy Winey. Prt1kttnt: Petty NtvmiHitr,

St<retary•Trt.uurer; and Karen

S.U, S.G.A. Rtpresentetlve. Ot~ members of the council COI't\llf of floot counJ.efoo. 0\ar• ltftt Cot, F lut Floot.; Cheryl Clayburn. Second Ftoor, end Jeri Feer'- Thlr<l Floor. Thrt rtmetnlng m~btn are

chl+rm.an of tht varb.ts commit·

ltn. Thf'W comm lttffl ere Sisrtr SW, Lindt Moody; Socltl, Otbblt

Conn; Program. Kathy Hoeman; Friendship, Olano Dietric h; Bulle· t ift Bolrd. Rounn Runyan; HouH

0\tirm.an. l..lnd.l Knl~iet' ; FrHtlmlln r~prewnranvtt. Marly

Mttyer and Sullt Ouncen. TM mtln purpose ot the dorm council Is to tn1ke lmptovements '" the dormitory. guide the spend• fl'lg of monty lnd host MVtrll hotJ.


,._,...., ,...,._., .._,. ....,, ,.,,.w.... M.


o.nc;.-, C.

~ SHtM: Mln'M, Y~ ~"""""' L ~ P. ~. ~,.,........,,a- l :


I . ,-....,.., C. ~ C. t'lou a ' " " '- ........"""' 0.. ~ C. Cll~ L. MNifY'I Jt.llt_.,...

1(. s.ll,l

A. D.

Major s Ha ll

Oflk.wt, ~ C~Mitor1 l M. T.....u, A. RMWl. W, Kell+t, 0. ff'M,....J J, WIM(.., V~ Pl'..u.MJ ct. Neoddeflrlotp, Pl'Hkfeftt.

CMI.H. S+cm•ry·

Malors Hall was built In the eorly 1960's and has accommodations for 180 studenu. The hall was nomed In honor of Mr. A. 0 . Ma jors. Mr. Mojors was an 18· year member of the State Normal Board and helped raise funds tOt the building of the halls. The entire west wing was In use thr01J9hout the year white only the second fiOOC' ot the east wing, third floor was being readied to house the wOf"'\oen surnmerschool students. The highlight of the year was the Christmas open hOuse at which Majors Hall pre"nted lis own Santa Claus in the main lobby whO passed out season's g reetlns~s and candy canes. The offl<:ers of the hall were: Gene Ntddenriep. President; John Winkel, Vice-President, and Ml· chael Oul<es. Stcretary·Treasurer.



Ctoyburn-Mitthew~. one of the mttt's residence h.all$.. Is toc.te<l

south ot the campus and Is a ~rt ot the Centennial Comple.:. The olflcers tor this year wert

O.n Wirth, PreJident; Charlts Coxon. Vice Prf'slden't, and Den·

nls GII»Oft, $tet"ttarr·Trtasurtr. Ourl~ the year, tl'wt dotm sponsored several KtivitiH. OM of whkh wes the prH«~taflon of tht mov ... ''C.metot.'' They als.o

Mt up • flomecomlno dl~r end htt<l OOtft houM. A Ctwht~S. dance wu ~s.orfd for ell rnl·

<Wits ot 1M Complex~ The ~ ben ~ Cleybufn-Matthtws Ml up • bukttball hoop •• the end of tM I>W'k lng tot to provide extre-cur• rlcultr actlv111H.

lhw l


O.~~T,..........,O. ~P,..,41t tt;C. ~


Davidson- Pa l mer Hall Oavldson·Palmer Hall, the on the campus. b part of the Centennial Complex QCitntd In 1967•68. The otflcers lOt" the dorm lor the 1969·70 academic year wert: ~~co-ed dorm

Lynda Sh.anahan. President; Pat Ryan. Viee President; Sylvia Ty· let. Se<retary-Treuurer. and Pat Ryan and Jody 8ukacek,. dOtm


Oavidson•Palmer and Clay· tlurn·Matlhews wOtked on a Homecern!~

displa y. A Christmas party

was held In the complex ufeterla


for all the resldttnts for the


At the beginning ot the re•r the dorm had a Sl\ter Sue Party tot the freshman co-eds whO ~re at Oav ldso~Palmer. r ·he girts' ~m $Old t>ol<ed goods at the Spring We-ek Carni val. The hlghljght of the year was the "end of year plcnl<:" held at Neal Park with a spe<:lat salute to the grad· uallns~ senior girls living at David•


Row 1: C. L•tll• S.


Oft..,._, t . Cr•lt·

• • ~ftdii'IH, 0. N tMI.I, P. RY.IIl.

A.._ 1: 0.. SC:IIt•mm.. 1.. Sfwi..~.._

Gamma Delta Gemma o.tllo is the church fraternity for Lutheran college students. The officers for the club we-re: President, Maureeft Mar· shall; Vice--Presideftt, Terry Mar· shall; Secretary, Sandy Otte, and Nancy Hoftschnolder, Treas-urer, with Reverend Ki nser as sponsor. The group had numtf'ous ac· tivtties throughout the year. The members held a picnic at the fitst of the yeat to welcome the new mtmbets to lhe club. Gamma Oelfa went to Lincoln to see The Cathedral of the Risen Cht'ist. The group sponsored Or. Lan9· field, doctor of psychOlogy, at Concordia Teachers College In sewatd, Nebrask.a, whO spoXe 0t1 "Empathy Training." The main projec-t ol tM oroup was supi)OI't• lng a boy In Vfetnam.


Kill~. M'fll«l K . St.lkk., H. S...l, R. RNMy, 0 . ,.,_.,H. H ..h<"'-" Frltt, Row 2: $, Ottt. s.<r.-flt'I'J $. ltttfl, T. Yolk~. T, a.lw, T. M .lr1olil.ltt. ,.,.,~1 e_, Sdlltlk... Row J: C. HH<II•, t. ~ 0 . ,.,Ita, 0 . Hilii'N"- 1( , hcttm.~M, M, Man.NN, ...mkiH!t,

. . . 1:

W, Vb



Lutheran Student Associati on The Lutheran Student Associ· ation Is the campus «oanlzatlon f« all Interested Lutheran $tvdents concerned with tM church. The membtrs participated In spiritual, Intellectual and social adivltles. The group had a plua parry at the first of the year with Gamma Delta. Also LSA and Gamma Otltt are planning for the joining of the two Lutheran groups into ont. Members of the group attended the " Chi Rho" meeting where tht mlnistetl of all the denomlna Uons got together and held a question· answer suslon concerning C•· thollclsm vs Protestantism. Officers ot the ch•b art Dennis Renender, President Susan Harpham. VIce Pres16Mt.. and Ela ine F lattre, S«:retary· Treasurer.

lbw h D. RflMIIICIW, P,.t.\IMM1 I. •11m., S.Cnt•ry·TtNt...,.....J S. H..,..,...m, Vk e PmldMt; A. llt\lfl'(ll\. S. Ktl.ti'IH", L. hn. · - 1! R. Hell•, I.. GrvttiH, O. Rtbkt· MOll, J. A.lfdlitll, G. a- J : R. ~Mft. M.. SUIMH, W. Stvdr;, L ha.I<Mn, J . JMW.If. J, 'ttt'kllt.,A. KHCty.


Wesley Fell owship W~sley Fellowship was or· 9Mh:ed In StJ)ttmber of 1966 with tht purpose of serving the Meth• odist prefertnce and other non· affllllled Protestant stu<fenu. The club'S lnthx•nee Is cen·

terfd around four groups which are

worship, outreach. evanoellsm and fellowship which In tvrn bring spiritual ln$plratlon, rtcreatlor'l,

witness, and service to each mem· be<.

This year the Fellowship joined In with the CathOliC. Pres· byterlan, 8aptist, and Christian denominations to form the " Chi Rho", whic h is the Peru State (oiltge Co-operative Ministry for the campus students. Offtctts for this year's club were Pre-sident, Donnie Ntlt-zel; Vk•Pr~sldent, S.ndy Clements;

Secretory, Ida Pofahl, and Trees· urer. Vk kl Williams.• Tht c lub's dlrec·tM was Revtr• e nd Robtrt Linder. • .... h '1/, Willl.a;mt.. /4, Omw, $.. CMtMM~., VIa ,..~I I • ...,1111, Sotc:rttlr" • • Ml~. R- 1: A:. Llfl6tf". O'r.c....: 0 . N•lt.tt4, P,..d6Mt •


Newman Club

• ..., h ,.,"'" Mc:c.M, C. Ty~ Tr. .w,..-; K. Ve~t. 1Kte't•r-tl PM!I L..,ltlfo V1ce Pre\~tl J. 8•n.ll, ~~ R.,.. 2: t . h*lcllty, K. Mtrtllll, J . ''""'• P. hrtQ.,

'· li"*'"''·

The Newman Club is an organization fM coll~e students designed to promote tM principles of the Cethofic doctrine. liS function Is to offer students

$0Ciat, Intellectual and religious intereJts. It Is open to all students of the Catholic denomination. Founded In 1948 at Peru State, It was pte<:e<led by the College C6th01ic Anoctation. This year tM group was busy wllh numerous ac· fivillt~ and pro jects. They sponsored an aii•COIIt9t

...., h L Sfl.aNNII, C. O•Y'Mim• 0 . Mt\t«, R. I<M1m, L. ""''"""• J, c.tMy, Jtow 2: O, W~Mr. 0 . ~. J , Glt"*'"• M. l(otiU, 1( , ~. M. W.IUI, J . Krlfi...L · - l: J.

1/ttrttff, R . 6efmu•• Row): A. CWtan, T. MO\Mr, J • P•Mra, 8, Kl\+f', K. Ta<Un, ( , Uth..,..tl'tf", L. -.,...,,

$, Uo\1'¥, M.

dance, two pizza partie-s for the mem~rs, and joined the Campus Christian Ministry. TM officers for tM Newman Club tor the 1969· 10 schOOl year were Jerold Bartek. President; Paul

LOdln9, V lc.-Pr•sldent; Kathaleen Vandenbtr9, secretary; Carol Tynon, Treasurer. The f&eulfv sponsor of the or9antzallon was Mr. Jerom• Stemper, and off-campus sponsor was Fa thee" JOhn McCabe of St. Clara's parish In Peru.


M. ANml. J . Kr.Htl\, W. TKk lttt, R.



W•tn. C. Celt.


Student Wives

c. o.uer a ,, ,

.... t 1 J . U..C. s. • ....., '- ~ J. Matt.... C. ~. IC. \lt!IW, S. 7~ 0. MwW1. S. ...... a. ..... eM,. M, ~ L CW11ett. M. Jo:t' s .... N, K...fl.

W. ~ K. .......... L. lfllloWt. · - J: S. K.r-...,..., G • ....,.,

In 1 ~. • un1Queorg.enbe hon. Th! Student WivH. wn torn'lotd on the Ptt"u State Cempu$. Unlike 111 othtf cempuJ oroanlzettont.. t he ~ben are not all t h.IOtnlt.. bt.lt rathtf thty are the w iVtl of fu ll t if"ne P«t-u Stele t tu6enh

whrtn the conu ltutlon wu •~- The-se degrta ....,. awtr~ 11 $ptC.let dln.l'lotf"$. The fOil of ekt'l mt'mb« l l 10 Hrn a Ph. T ·• PuHing Hubby Through Upon oredu.t lon of htf' hus.Dai\CI.. HCh mtmo btr ' ' orantH en official Ph. T. de9ree. Tht oifklef'l tor the year wet't: Clludl• DoughMy, PrtJkSent; Klreft Ha nHO. Vice PreJideftt; $Nr leyW11cox. $tctttary; Kathy R un k l~s,. Tr~asurer; Suzl Kraogor, Hl"orlan; B«:ky Corbett, $uns.hlnt;

c.et• . ·-

Thlt '(Ul'' J P'Oie<fl lncludtd H lllr.g of Clndted appltl 11 tht Homecomi"'Q oame, tray favorl for the Auburn I'IOi.Pitat t or Ctt.rlurn.as.. po$ttrJ f« belktt· bllll gamts.. Vel•nllne fevon ICH' t he Good Samarllan Home 11 Auburn, end • ~nval tor the Heart Fund. Studtnt Wlvel hive Offer ed a df9r«' Jince 196.5

•~ IC. ·~J. Mc•


....._.... S. Wik:Q, 0. .....,., A. Gaonn .. C.



Connie Gr•any and Aleeta Cavotta, program.

. . . 11 Mh• ....,...,, o. ....,., N. Gf"toM. s. MtCw-. Mn. G<llfM. atw l 1 .C. U"'itt, 0. Mt:IJM, $, H.-,, M. '-""• J.

I(,...._ Rtw 2: ~,..,.lcM,

1... MtMy, M. 0¥HfNA. It, .C. SdiM......



kt.l.a..,., J .

Home Ec. Cl u b The P«u Branch of the Home

Economic• Club Is open 10 any girl ma;Jorlno Of' minoring in hoor'M! economfta. Oblectlvn of the club are to Improve education lor tht profeulon. provide profeulonal dovelopment end work lor the lm· proved Jtatus ot the home, promoll rt<:rultmtnt and vocallonat

gulden« and Interpret the purpose

and funct ion of !'lome economlct. Programs and actlvfJ;e{ sponsortd this yNr Included 1 StyJt Show ftatwl ng costumes through the~" United Nations Stnotga._ bot~ Homecomi ng d isplay, Nancy Chl kh Cl\arm Cour·w.. F50wtf Ar· renglnog Demonstration. Martha Washington TN, and Partic1a Stfl)hens ptogram. Offk eu for lhe 1969·70 year we-re: Maureen Manhall, PreJidtnt; Jerri Fetr'- Presl·







v~e· Presldenl ;


Diane SChrom.

Treesurer; Phyllis Bodie, Stele Rtprt~entatlve; Sandy Clementi

and Carotyn oorn, PubUclty; Lin·

J . ......_ ,.,.,.,.u ••ut1 M. .. '· ... 2! c. ow-. ....-.:..,, D. .......... (. ...,.,, T , . . _, lt. Moual:a .....

... h



M. ,..,.,.,.,, VIet-~,.,



Mw~ '"~••; ~


da Moody, S(;A rtpresentatlvt; Ol.tnne 8ei\Ckr, PariJatne"nterlan; Pam M lyoshl, Mtm~rthl p C:halrman .

N lll, J, H...-.., . . . ) I C..CI!! ........ M. It"..•



A. MtiH, S. lfMf'l, '-• N.. tllk.

P-C iub Phi Lamoa Alpha. mot't commonly r~eue<l to u P<lub, Is lht honotery alhlttlc fraten'ur, oo Ptru State campus. Adm nlon to t hot club Is ga lntd by receiving a lttttr through athletic p.artlclpatlon. Tht organlz.atlon' s sole CMK· pot.t 11 to wpport good will •f'ld OOOd II)IKI$l'T\IInShip If lthtttk events. both by tht p.artklpanh and lPK'fltor1.. Fvtlds tor P.Ctvb art obtained by w iling progr•ms at athlt'tk t"Wtftts and conceuiotl st•nch Ottlctors tor tht 1969-10 schOOl

yetr Include: Mark welle-r. Prnl-

dtnt; Ron Mtl..,., Vice Prtsldf.nt, lnd Tom Wellke. Secretary·Treesurtr, Tht faculty sponson tor the club were Coach Peliwk and Cooch Krtln •


Blue Devils


· - 1: P, c-..-..11111, P. e . TrottiH, L Mey<H", T. Slftllftll. At'W 2! L . Hvmplwty, J. IUukr, 0 . WV1JI, S. Olltt.lt.. At'W l : J. Gf"tlltly, L . Gr-. 0 . ~r..l, 0 •


Blue Oevlls Is the men's PtP organization on the Peru Statt campus. The club's theme song o~n.e<t au football and basketball game-s. The enthuslo$m exhibited by the club at the games has hell)«t create a more responsive student


S~>tciat proJects Included the erection of a homecoml no dis· play. The club also plans to have a bobcat emblem carved out of ply· WOOd with Peru State College e~ graved beneath lt. The club plans to hang the emblem In the gym. The membtrs of the club ore elected by the pledge $ystem. Under t his system, second se-mtster freshmen ore nominated by active members end voted upon by the club.

. . . 1: 0, JM~, J, Hll-'ty, T • .....,.,, C.. Kli"tMf", P, U~. . . . 2t M. CNUis. 0. M•Nh.M"Y, A. llw(ff, K. Duk H, lit. . . . . . lit . . l ! P. ~klill'f, Q . NtdcMN• • 0 , ~. 0. Cwtb.


.... 11 ~ L

e. , ,.._



,-.,.,.,.. J o...h. · -

,., PNM, L 1:


T1111NM,.,._ 0 .

H~ JC.. Y~

c.. •.

J. ~ c. ,~ II(., ....,.... lit- 1l lt. .....,, l. on.. A. ~ M. · · "·· A.. I(....,,



Women ' s Athletic Association


Tht WoMtn's Atl'ltthc A.u ociation was CN""gani~:tcl tor a ll wom.n lntffHtt<l In physical education. An l('trve lnttft\t In tl'le \C)OI'Il t'Vtflfl anc:s the acadrttnic promottOnl Of W A. A. Is all that Is req-uired for I"Mft"'btn.hlp Flnt -,.er membtn •re ~ouraged to parU· clpate In Spotts anc:s recrtationat ldivitiH to tarn 1 sd'IOOI lt1tff; stcond •nd third yea r members a.re urgcod to work toward o gold blr. and fourth year metn~s trt tiiOiblt for • physical education book.

TPII s year the group \90C\Wtt<l its annu.l voUty• bill tour-n.Mf'nt bttwftn area hfg;PI schools and • girts bllkttblllttam thtt com,.ted a.gainst otPitt" eolft9n. tftdlng lis Mlt.Of\ wtth • 11).1 rtcCN'"d. The grc>us> a ls.o awarded two 1100 scholaNPiips to women l)tlysk.ll

ltW I; C. M•m \, I . ArMUr41ftoti, 1(, Kr119K, K. Rettff, S. Grlwl, S. Rk Mt, K. ~Mttt••u. It- 11 ... lt.'ltl, 1(, Stlt. tt. RoMrtl, J . nt,., J, atllit, 1. o.Nm.~t,o c. ...,•• o. Olttrldl. Rew l : J •

ly,., \1, ~ A. Cltll.,-...._ L Crl,., IC. kl\oMWH",

edVCaflon m.alo"

Oftk:ffs 01'" this year wtrt: Karen Sell, PrHJ. Gent; Sut Bosstrtnan. Vice President; Bonni-e GoocJ. m.tl\ Secntary·TreasUt'tf'. and Rut h Erismat'l!. Keto« of Points.



s.tH~ M.

W. A. A. in Action


st. . 1: C. U...._, J. O.'lh, V. H.ltl, S. S't...IIIMI. M. JoflltMft, R.• ~91"• 1(,

Q,,....-y, .... 2: F, R-.ldt, K . &.ytt, M. MMcty, L . KIIIJtMI"""r, P, ltlftn, \.. AI..,.,,

#My.,, P. RY'"• L

White Angels The White Angels were or9anl·

zed In 1948 by Miss Nedlno Pow~r·s, secretary to the college president. The purpose Of the (I roup wat and

Is to promote schOOl spirit and Interest In the student bOdy. This. year the grade point average quail· fication was eliminated from tho constitution and the Che-rub organl· zation officia lly tbOIIshed. This was also tht first year that mar· r l:td women could become mem· b<rs. Activities this year Included

selling buttons and pins at foot·

ball and basketball games, mums for h0me<.om1ng and having • bak e sale. They worked with the W.A .A.

on a hOmecoming display. The

«ganlzallon also provides a schol• arship for a de~r·vlng girl on campus.

Officers fOf' thl$ year were: Kay Lovitt, President; Charlotte



Vice-Pr~sieltnl ;


Secretary and Barb Rich·

ardl. Treasurer.

OH!un: I t " 1: 0 . S<:IWM-'"'· AtMfWI;a"Cf CN.Iti'N": t;. U"'• VIa P~l 1:. Ctl lft, s.<m•rt; 8. Akhlrd. 1.. Alt>Ktlkk. ........, ... COt!Wfli""l 1(, 1.11'¥ttf, ~·· . . . J : M. ........ . . ltioft c-mtn..J C. Ult\IIH,..., ll"YIW...t*- CM'If'l"'m..,



Peru Soci al Science Societ y

-.w 1: O. 'nlofMs. $, Slefftrtcl, J. Staley, J . W•rr«~, L. Mortit..

S. Willl•ml. S. wy...,_,., Row 4: R~t. G. V•fl MHH, C. Rk:lto •tft. I . WftilttMI, 0 . Mlllftl,.._ G. k'*'"".al'l'lil'l.

Peru SocJal Science Society has tU Its main oblt<11ve promoting Interest In understanding and apprtcleting history, the application of 10e.ial science,

SPt'ak er.

1: R . AltfMd, C. Co+, K. T""'""•llltf!l.. .... H~,,.,., D. ltrry, K. Stuck. A.... l: 8 . T.-.H..,, R. R~KM. M. Tot~f.a'l, ~

and vocation.et opportunities in thtse fields. some of the activities of the elub this year In· c:luded a oe t·tooet~r ~rbeQue at the bfoglnnlng of tho

year, a dinner at Brownville where they toured his· tork.al attraction. building a homKomtng d ls.play

whid'l won s«ond place, a Christmas party, and a

each year the Society gives a d inner banquet for Us members followed by a hl$torlc.ol movie, ancl thiS year wu no exception. Officers for tt\4! 1969·70 year

were: Steve Wymore, Presld~nl ; 8&rb Horms, Vice Pre-sident; C~rl~nc Coe:, Stctetory; Maloetosl TOQO· tau, Treasurer; Roger Rlenche, HlstOf"lan. SponJOrs are Mr. Strom and Or. SChoHtnhomel.

. . . l: 8 . H•rrr u, K. Y•,....hlr•. L.. K•IH4'ItMII', K• ..,.... C. HwntMI, 0. SdiM~. ft. . 21 J , Mil..,, I. ar.tf,....IWI, M. IW· ttu,. J . Awt•"-• A.. Otnotr, S. Ott•, 0. S,_l, R. . J ; W, .Hflt.tfl,


..... 1: 1(, G,...,..,., M. krr, C. I IIMor'l. G. Ntl~ C. HMIMnwol\, IE. FS.ftN, M. &..IMH, J . 1-Mtt, F . CIVt\M...... D. K,..._ feb. Row 2: C.. Krvf9"', 0 . Mot~ T, MtnMtl, M. M*,.....ll, G. ttH. S. e.t"a.~, I. Kefldrlclt. IE. ~\lftdtnll\, l.. SIIIIMI'II-'1, D.

D. ltMin.Mft. A. . ); C , JIIJM:•, L 1~, R. s.ntll, N, 01,...,. a . Mywt. G. Ntl~ ll. Lllm", O. Rkl!la.. R- 4! H, Jefl....... L. K11•• L Sdlwat~, 0 . Ols.oe., 1(. Sdlwbow,

Peru Student Education Association


. _ 1; R, Kvbllt, N, KOHt<~. I, ilf'iffttM.M. S. a on•rmal\, 0. Sc""'"""• R. Cule, 0 . T""'""''- R. Mlao.,, G. Hln"ltM. lilt... 2; T. SAIMoM. W, T~Utt, 0 , S<tw•IYIII"'• J . H+nty, 1. Pefabl, c.


Ulf\PH,..,., P. Hamm. s. on., o. ClogJclilt. a ... ); M. w.tlfor, J, Ia'""'- tit.• ~bH...., A. a.-111t1wal,., L. KMfmH. A. Omor, L Gr"'"*'•

c. ...,.,

._ t :


L Mln1l.

b D. Me



J. ,.,_.. J. lllh. • ·

ean. a.


a. ._,... L. lt. . . . . J. C1t1 "'• S. lCI'MM!r. · ' a. M. ,.....,..., 0. ,.._\. 0. ........ 1(. OfOtl:. L.


Kl II<M II, L. OM..,, S. ~. S. , _...,., J . SUMtM. - - J : . . .....,.. • • lolllrM., L. Go ......... c. , ... M. ....... J. ._, ..... Ill. IC. ~. 0. , .....


The Pfl'u Stu4Hnt EouetUon

A»oc&.Uon wu cwo•nlltd •• IM IOCtl unlt oe the Stlldt-nt EOuutlon

Auoc:lallon of Ntbt'nk•, •nd ,,._. ctudt\ •" stuestnt• lnttf'eUed In proftnior\11 education. The ~~ lmport•nt prolect Initiated this year w•s tht tutori ng progr•m offered to oradt Jthool •tudfl\h from Ptru. Somt of this )'tor's progroms Included Jim Braoan, fOtmtr pe.. role ofllctr of Los Angeles. who spoke on drugs; a mlc.ro-tuchlno dtmonstrallon; •nd • pen.tl, In·

eluding; Htf'lry F , Pedtutn, N.. brulte sen•tOt, Roy11 HtniiM, from 1M sttlt d~rtmtnt, Or. Poole. m-uter tt•chtr of tM Unf. vtrslty Of NWtskt. Gene Gtlsler, SEAN Consultant, •net Oltt Lewis,. SEAN Vk•Prttkttnt, who talked •bout probl""-' In tdUUitOn tod•Y· The 1,.._10 P .S.E.A. olflctf's wtrt; T«ry ~ti-hAII, PrtikMnlo K.tthy RocQm.an. Vke-Presk1oent;

IMh Luonbofgor, SO<t•t.,.y; Howltd ts.aK~. TrHwr«; and Kathy Ciff90'Y, Hlttorlan Spons.or·s wtf"t Or. Uoyd Kltt and Mr. HarOld Johns.on.


""A .,, • ..,., • 411Kvltaa. wlftll !floe ......,... fiiMM .-utw• Hit ,..ltk&al'tl: ~.... .... 1 1 Or, Mollt .....,_, l:ll'tt'M o..l"""0... Lew"!\.

1: • ..,..l. MIHIIIM, MflaMI' M-tNy


Phi Alpha Theta

Phi Alpt\1 Theta lt. a n hOnOtary fraternity for all people Interested

In history. The club Ito t.ponsortd b)' or. $chottenhamel and M.t.


SotM of the IC11v1tlH '90ft' s.orfd by this «ganiution lncludtd a movie, " 0199109 Up the Put.... and a convoutlon tDetker. Mr. Jock10n w. N'!O«e, Staft Archaeologist, Midwest Region of tht Na· tional Park ~rv fc:e. currently working on the evacuation o1 the

steambolt Bertrand. Ofttc.rs tor tht 1,.._10 ye., were: JOhn Mlllff. PrHictent; Vk:k.1 Frl<:kel, Vtce-Prot.ldent end Christie UbMn, 5ecrefary· Treat.urt r .



V , .:r'kt;M. VIce ~~ J. MI...,., ~~ C., WWJ I, lt.,1MIII._, D. C..ti,__ C. Klifltlfor. . . . ) I G. ~·~~WI, • • o-."""«111._,

· - 1:

0. Orui'IC.IIII. L. St"""• R. kl.,...l•. 0 . I"Wt•.

Gamma Theta Upsilon Gamma Thera Upsilon, Ottta Otlra CNPttf'~ Ito thlt ~ll or· g.anJzaHon on c.ampu-s.. Nvlng been Ot96nlrtd Decembef" 10, 1969. It ll the honorary fraternity tor anyone interet.tt<f In Geography end taking o Geography ~ourlt . The lponws ere Mr. and Mu. SCott Williams. Activltlou of this newly formed

Of'9l'nitati0n l nd~ a

~nQW't ln

Ndllrnka City, where lnltlatkln ctttmoniH were held, and a t.PH<h by • conservetlonlst from Auburn. During the meetlngt., whleh art htld evet'Y ott\lr Thurs· d.ey, fllml wtre shown on various pat1t. of the WOtkl. Oftk en thit. year w«e: NtJt.. ltt.sl Togofau. PretkJent. Steve Wymore, Vk:•Pret.ldtnt; R09er Rleche, Secretary; Ron Kv· bik. Trtat.vrtr. and Gary Ring..


..., '* A. , , 0... .,._.,

~""- w. ~ • . -~. A. ~. J . ........ . . ... . . . · M. aW9fn, S. Wy,.,.., oM• .,...... .,, A• • .,...,, S. WitU• mt.. ttw ) I H. H.lw•M. W, T•yiW. 0. Wlllt., M. M(~Hty•


.... II C. MI....,, lt. Or..r1• "- M. CMtH•, S. o.tfvll, It, " "'' ,_.,~1, It, Mtl..,, Rtw 1; T, MM1NII, H. IM~'-o t. llW, T, Miltljt4W\o J . t..rtft., tt. e.rtmall, lt. a.fim-1"- K.


U n... R• J: R. . . ..., • . L.y11(tl, 0 , ,tonllfl, 0 . .....~ V.

Knell, G.


Industr ia l Arts Club TN Industrial Arts Club of

Pttv St•t• Ns as its main purpot.e

tht promotion of the lndustrl•l Arts ln the ecluc•tlonelaru rethtf ttltn the voutionel. nle club Is eHIIIettd wllh the American tn~ Mtrlal Arts Anocla tlon. Club mtmbtrs receive the netlonat DUbllc.ttlon, "Tho Industrial Arts t'ttchtr," which Is published five

tltnts per )'tlr.

lhrt 1. A. Club ttnothtnt<l Its tratiiUon of wlnnln, the H~ coming display conttst by 11k lng

r.nt place fn tMt. If wu the third

conloK\Itlvt win tor lht club. $pf1np plans tor the club In~ 1 tlttd tr1p to Waterloo.. towa. to visit the John Oette t.c· tory. Thrt ennutl steak try was 1ts.o ftaturtd In the eerly spring

«tl vltiH.

Sponson tor the group ert IN. 0 . v . Jarvis and Or. Lester Runtll. The club's oftkiers ~re : OH!nis Obtrmoyer, Pre-sident; Frtd Rlst, Vlc•Presldent; Steven Orak:t, secretary. and John Haw· tty, Trtnurt-r.


Epsilon Pi Tau EPll ~ P i Tau, Mtion•l honOr· try fraternity of Industria l Atts-, wu oroanbt<J to promote 'to:9" n ltkln of the place of skill tNt lndustrlat Arts provi<Sti and tf'o couragH. The $<Kond purpow Oil the fraternity is to promote .ocitl and profeu~l efUcie-nc;:y fn tt. ern of Industrial ATfl. The lhltd purpow: of Ea»ilon PI Tau 1l to



and reward r•

OoM In Industrial Arts. Membenhlp Is open to lunklt


and Hnklr stuele'nu with • 6.4

average In I. A. cours~s and S0 over ell average. Prosa:>«tl'tf members must havt completed 14 hOurs of 1. A. courses and bt tn• r~led In four additional hours Thlt

year's activities havt

Included two Initiations ot new mtmMrs and a field trip to Wts.· tern Ele<:trlc Co.. Omaha. The dub is sponS«ed by IN 0 . E. Cattle.. Mr. Oee V. Jarvis. and Ot. c . v~non SieQMr.

a.. 11 0. c...... 0. ,...._ 0. c... ...,... J~ ~G.,.~ D. Hn'k, 0. 0~. L • .._.... a. I'll-.. T , M;(M4"""' a. ~a. .... """'C. ~.

Engl ish Club

Tho English Club Is an oroanl·

zallon to lurtNr tM study al\d en·

joyment of Englhh language end

lltereturt. Tht faculty sponsor Is IN. Sll" SummtrJ. r.,otessor of Llltrotvrt. 0ff1Ctf"S


tM put

yMr were Sally Btfan. Presl·

dtnt; John Thomat. VIet Prtsl· dfnt; Oah.y Berry, S.Cretary, and Gary Ntls.on. Trtts.ut"..-. To encourage wor-thwi'IJie rMdf"9\. tht mtmWn dis·

cuut<l MYettl bool(s


'""{,"r- Stuftd end tM ~ury, TM lnv sUNt Min, and O.attl of •

saetUMn. Two !'N'mbtn related tht•r stucNnt t.,.c.hlng tXPt'fiencfl in Ftbtu.ry Thrt Sewing KtiYt lin lnt;hlded hc>tdfng a blnQUe:t and

s.ponwlng a rum~ wte

. _ H S. SWI'Itnotn.. " · ·~ L. Mwrl\., I , aNttm..' K. Sdlftittfof", L. SM...._, 1(, ~.C.. ale<tt, S. hf•l\o L, hiWi. K. St..,dt, S. OI<I<*MH. · - t1 1(. TM'II~


R. • k M rfi. O.

H+l ~•

.1, ~... I . Of!Nft~, S. Mll\oM.

. . . h . . 0. ,_...* C. ....... C. U........... S. .........

c.-.,..•. ' ....


Sllt=rt.,. . . . 1'! ll. TKUft, 0.

Wira. S. Mot_.....

e. I«"M.. IC..

Dr ama Club




ltw h M. Lvtt, $ , Dllfl<•~ e. Ull,._f"', A. 1 111«, J, K,..,.h, 0 . ~~~. M. ~. $, V~ R. - 1: T, 0\.b«M, J . ~..,., J . l vk..uetr;, e. n .,._. v . L4>Ktl, o. Kottkll. J. e.roo~~:s.. lt. Gonl.ll•, 0 . ,,.,, T, ....,, It, Rteel, J , ()won...,.,

C. P.

T'he Peru Stote Colle9e bind 1$ under the direc· lion of Or. Gilbert E . Wilson, Profe-ssM of lnstru· mental music. The Otgonl:atlon Is open to all quail· tied students whO play a musical lnstrumtnt. The baf'W:t Is v~y active throvghovr the year. In tht f all, they gave a C04"1cert on campus and went on tour for two day$. glvl09 concert$ at ve rlous. sur·

all college football and basketball game-s. Two con-

rounding high s.chooiS-. The band provided a half· time show for the homecomlf\9 game. and music for


J. Oldt.MMII, J . SNH'tkt, J . Lvtt. R"' J: e. SMtte11. G. IIH, L. IIIU, It, ~ I . Hltch(«ll, Ot. Wil. ., T, VotllH", J. Hftk... J. Ta<\tn, R. IMi., 0 . MkMt. (lila~

certs were pre~nttd during the spring of the yur, and sever al ensembles played for the college open

hOuse. Plen1 we-re- made to conduct a summe-r bln<l


Officers tor this year we-re Richard Muns,on,. Pre1ldent; Joe Tac;kett, Vlce·Presldent, and Mar·

oarer Lull,

Secreta ry · Trea~ourer .


, ... -::••q ••• '::-... ....... .. ........ . ·~

"".....:• . -~

,...._........... .... ~


c. ,..,....,

~. '" .,..,... J. lllit.. I. o.cM. J..... 0. ..... .... t: "· H.-., 0. ........ C.

... h M. D. T

.....,, .. lied&. ,., ................. lllld.ISS' F



· - J: Mr. C.MNIY, L



.......,, L


a. I~ M. ....,, T • ........._ I. en,.. ltM 4 1 M. J ~,.. K.. knl9w. ,., O • •••~~o~~ ,.~ o. MiCML L. Go .......... TiptiM.


... ,._


K~ 1..

The Peru State Colleve chorus Is directed by Ectward G. C.aMtaty, proteuor or volco. 11 Is

sptlno ltwn coi"'Cer-t. Various members of the chorus provlde<f entertolnment for surrounding clubs and

open to all quallflf'd stucltnts Interested 11"1 vocal music. This year the dMH'us went on tour to varlous twgh KJ'IOOit in tht arta. A tall conc.rt was pr• tenltd. and also a ~Q«~I Chrlstma.s conc...-t and

OtganlzaiiOtls,. and tMy provided voctl music tor the sprlno colteoe open house. Offk:tu tor the put yMr wf'(t Richard Munson. PrHidtflt; Doug Kottkh. Vk•PrHfdent~ and Crystal Stelton. Stcrttary•Trt:awrtt

s.m"""'"" A. ~ o. v"'"'""'· a. ' "''· M. s. ~ 0. 0... · - ): .. ,......,. • . c. ,....... I. ~ Ill. .... J. J.t,M.

C. K ..... 1.. Mlf....... S. Kr . _ , J , DklltoM. C. II(......,, bw 4 ! 0. C. . .... C.. l'#tt.., M. Gwf'....._ a. M~ adt, '- c-... T....... J . ........ J. ~. '*· c - . t y.

. _ h M.

w.nw. Ill. ........ s.

"'*"'· .... 0. hnkll. . . . Malty,

J J J , TM'Il4'ft. lt. ....,..._ f'.




Music Edu cators National Conference The Music Educators Na• tiona! conference Is open to til students concentrttlng in thoC field of music, II wb$ organlted In 19SO. The year's activities of MENC inc-luded the erection of t hOmecoming d isplay as well 65 Ptrtlc· lpatlon In the b.and a~ c.hOral clinics held on PSC's c.tm.I)VS. The c-lub sent delegates to tht state convention Mid In Omaha and the national convention M id in ChlCbgO.

ThiS year MENC hel~ tht MWIY formed Peru State Muslc

Alumni Association send out bt'o-

chures to raise money tor the suppott of the Peru Music Oepariment. The group helped the Alumni Assoclatfon wllh the music scholarship to be otfete<l to future stvdents ma)orln.g In music. Officers of Music Educators National Conference for thls ytor wete: Richard Munson, President; Joe Tac:kett, Vle:e· Presldent. and Ctystot Shelton, Secretar·y· Trtasurer. The sponsor tor the c lub Is Or. Gilbert wilson.

Row 1: J. Tldtttt, G. SMitofl, J. S.•lttN. J. ~$iifl9. P, J, Okii: Mift, I. Hlfdt<.O:, A. ~.G. W11Mift.

Circle K Circle K. a Kiwanis affiliated $tr'vice organlz:atloo. Is aimed to-

ward betterment and ad'V~H~cement of the campus and community. The club Is open to all mate student$ with good 6Cademlc and social standing. The club held many lund rais· ing and membtrshtp rai sing events. Circle K worktd the con· cenlon stands during the ~sk et· ball season and htld a recorct


Other activities held by the dub Included a spee<h given by

Or. Oauen Wininger. sponsor of lht club, who showed movies ol the Apollo landing, Paul Howe of Verdon. Nebuska~ gave a talk on the hh.tOC'y of the Mlnovrl river, Also a spe«h was given by John Miller on the same of the Li ttle

Big Horn.

Future plans of the club In· etude the erection of a large sign

to bdvertlse up-coming even!$ on

the campus and the reinstatement of Peru State College's radio station, K.P.S.C.


R... 2: J, 1,..1-,

Mu Epsilon Nu MN ECKiton Nu, rht hOnOr.,Y frttttnlty for nwn. wes netk>NUztd In 1966. Offkltts Of tht oroenhetlon are Prfl~nt, Don Duncan; secretary. Otnnls Rlchlt; Treas.urer, William Hu· lttte; Mtmbtor·s hlpChtlrman. DICk Owtns; Parliamentarian, Oan Ft· verlo; Historian. LOrry Jonet.. and Corrtspondlng Secretary, Ron fUcherds. The ctub MIPtd Ml u Hlc.ks. with lt'lt study skills. program by votuntHtlft9 to tutor eny student 41Sirlno ~p. MEN partlcJptttd In ttte.hlng days at Nebraska City Lourests and Duchesne Ac.,.my In ()m.lha. The group visited tht Eductt~l S«vlcle Unit In 1ur burn For • tne~My-mald~ Pf'ol• tel, the dub $Okl Pf'PCI« wtth the pt"Ofits oolno Into 1 s.cholanhlp fund Othe-r eetlvltiH lor the rnr Included the Initiation benqutt Mid tt the L.eolon Club In Nebttska City and the sptlft9 benq~t held In ihe Student Center. ~Hon

...., 11 T. o.Mit.. D. IUcllllit, secmarn A. S<JW...,, '""..._.' w. ""'""'· T,..._ _ , R. NMI I'M« . . . CNINN._. 0 , Olloll<a"- Vlu , ,.,lrHflll R. RI<Jwor.!1, CM• ,.,.,_l• t S.CMMV, Rft' 1: J. Mit..,, L. JeMt. Hh~ T. o.-lt.. 0 , ~ 0,


..,.. •· • ..,,.,., o, , . ,....... ,~ari.tfv


UfiW\. C. Ot•M. M.

. _ _..

Beta Beta Beta Tht PI Chlpter of lkta Beta &ttl oroanlled on umpus In lf21 wllh thret purpos.es in mind:


to stlmutete toVnd Kholarshtp,

to PfOMOto the dbsemlnation of scltntlfl~ truth. and the furthering Of ruterch. Tho club h•d many pl'ogram.s 11 Its meetings ptHtftttd by club membtft. s.ponson and guest '9flktn. Thitw programs In· eluded: pktut'H on the environment Of AIIUI prHtnttd by Tom K~. pktwn of Ylt'tnam taken W Wtwn by Okk ~. SliGH of Eutoc»t prnented by Or. Christ, • tectur•movle combi"-tioon giV«'ft b)' Ml'. Henry Puppe on the hooey· bet, end • tetk Ofl eUnkat mkto-

bkii09Y given by Or. Warren En·

glthtrt, mlctOblotogllt from tht UniYttiiiY ot Nebraska.

Trl·8tta wu headed by Pres I· dtnt, Etolne Grundman; Vlc;e Prtsldtnt, JOhn Ogle; secreterr· TrtUUI"ft", 0on Hobschtldt; Hlstorlen. Ron Cotner. Spon· son Wtf't Ot". Christ and Mr. Btody.

.._, 11 Ml, .,...,, O. ,....._ 0 . ~"""" M. tMwf', S.. MMJIUM. J. lit~ Or. CJwt..J, C. Tr• IMI', L Goo;&......... , ...... . J C. .....,.., M, &~. tt. . 2: T. K.-tt. lit. o..,. o. ~.._ T. K...,, J . OIJM, v-. '""''• a: c. McK•. a. M•




Alpha Mu Omega

....., h C. UMIM. A. ~. S. H~"'- K. 1tt"'tiMrl, • · JIKII, M, Wfolul. IN. MtKHciiiH'. Rtw 1t S. S.•w•l&. C, ·~~•

AlpM Mu Omf91 is an hOnor· ery methtmotlcs lrat~rnlty for

Uu6tnts who er~ qualified In mtthe-mellcs end who have above IWf-ot' Or.O.... A 7,0 IV~~ IS Medel:t for the first fin houu complotttd In matMmatO courHS 10 become • membtf" of the organl· zM5oft. Atttt t.n or m«t- houn Nve bMn completed In mathemltks COUtwt.. I S.O 1Ytf"6Qt: Is

O, ttttc:..-.,


W•mt•, W, Te.dl.-tt. W. SNdt. lit• .....,, T,

noconery. Alpha Mu Omega was oroenlztd on the Peru campus In 1929. The mafn obJective of the

oroenf.rttion Is to ex:plore math mote completely than dis.euss.ed rn the cia nroom. The lrettrnlty holds monthly tntet1ngs consisting o1 discuss.lons. and O.tr'IOI\stralioru on the su~ IKI of methtmetia.. Afpha Mu

. . . h • · lhtti'M. J. Mut'r" ' · Cllorh~ 1. ,.....,.. G. •IrK. • • 1 "IF' I ..... L ctt.A ,~ Or. LAllllf. . . . 11 0.. PW•


...- .

OMega was awarded second pi~ for Its homtcomlng dlsptey this ye.r. Etch rear Alpha Mu Omt91 pttHnb on award to the ouutenctlng fruhmen In tMthematla..

TN offian tor 1969-70 ye.,. wtfl Ot-nnis Ritchte, PrHkkftt, WlyM Stuck, Vk:e PtH56tnt. Chrhty Ubbtn. Secrelary·Trt•'· Vft<.

Lambda Delta Lambda l~mbda

Delta Lambda Is an

hOnOrary fraternity for all PtQple lnttre-sted rn physl,al sc;lence. The ctub Is sponsored by o r. Long, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Kingery. The flr$1 Monday ot evt(y month was the time set for the dub's meetings where a program

is ptesented by the members or a 9ue1t speaker. One of the mcnt lnterestlr\9 programs was tr.t showing of the original pictures ot tnt Apollo 11 tandlng.

Other activities carried on by tl'lt club Included a convocation wilh guest speaker, Or. George Odell, a bio-chemist from Okla· hotna State, who spoke on fOOd

6dditlves. Also a national con· ventlon ot L.ombcla Delta t..ambd1

cNpters was held at Chadron to discun general policies and prob-

lems found in the club. r ·he officers of the 1969-70



Marlin Pape:r, Presl·

dent; Roger Weller, Vlce·Presl· dtnt, and Christie Ubben., Se<.re· tary·Treasurer. ltow 1: C. Ubtlefl, M. Wf'fttl. K. AM(Iltorl, IW. MWM, ~. Leone, IW. KlfiOIHY, M. Pa,.r, lit. W•l)tr. lit. . 2: T. SJI.tMM. $.. S.awa.lt. (., 86(11114>, I, ~Iff', W, T~lt· .... J . Krifte-1\o A. ..... l. C.nM.

Phi Beta Lambda

T·he Epsilon Tau chapter of Phi Beta Lambda Is a national organization open to all s.tudents lnttrested in bvsin~ss. On~ of the purposes of this. orgonlzation is to develop ltedershlp for busl· ne-ss administration and bvsinen C'dvc.allon. Tht members en?age In Individual and group I)(Oitcts which deol with ~rvlce, education and progress. The Important events for the year were a homecoming display, a Christmas p.arty, guest speakers at the meetings, Red Cross Orlvt, lht annual auction, a dinner In honor of Min Frieda Rowoldt, oncl state convention at Chadron, Nebraska .

. . . 1: M. I.Ain, Prt..16tttt; 0. ~t'fllll, Vice ~.C. SM!IIt.,u.., St.tte GerH~peftldo ilftt $KA'fl l"fl 0. S..ft¥t, J.e<retary; 0. Wiec'-c, THU~I C. Grttv.tll, HhtorUtft, -.... 2: P. U~ O. t.,;IRQ, M. ~.C. H~11, E. 1141r(her. R.._. J: ' · ......,, S. OtaYff, R.. $4'1tetl, I . Uf'I"'M, R..._. 4: D. MocH"'ff, D. Gu~, SI*!"'J J. a.. M1111. V, hurl'-• H. Owy. lit.._. J: 0 . Watt.tcl, J . letllll:efl, T. HIWiloOfl, L. M.ltlMt',

Student Govern i ng Assoc i ation The Student Governing A nod· atlon better known as the S.G.A.. is the bOdy of student-elected representatives of a ll otganlzatlons and ci&UH on campus. Otfictts elected for this past year wete:

Tom Howell. Preskfent; Diana

Schneider, Vice Pre1lden t; Linda

Nvxldy. secretory; Steve Emtft,


Though limited In Its power, tht Student Governing Association has played an lmportont role In eampus affairs. Ctl4nges In school potlcy were made e~etencflng girh' dOrm hours and modifying the

dreu code. The S.G.A. constitution was revlsrd to better mHI the needs of the Sludenh. The major activity sponsortd

by S.G. A. thl$ yur was tht ori· entation of new freshmen to col· lege lite.

S.O.A. OHk.-.,: R . ~. TrN~J 0. SdiMkiH, Vke PtH!dtM: I.. ,..,.,, S.C:rel..-yl T. H•wflt. P'"ldtfll,


. . . 1: S. .._...., T . ........ 0. kt lliM:. M. J t 1-. M.. ......_ C. U"' C:. o..:-. · - ): .. IlNdt. N.. ....... \..

K 'l.lhi4• • I. ~\.. MMy. IN. ·~·- t : MI. ... I I • T . ....... 1t. Mil. M. II t .... \.. ~

Representing the Student Body

Kappa Delta Pi

. . . h ... ,_,...~O.


........,S.. OM....,,L itloolt ... t""" a. w_....._

1'. U., A.. ...,._.. RW 1 I. lnftAl L , .. .. . .,., L .,... L .,.._, K. ·~..,.. M. ,..,..,.,.. MM. w.




- . . 11 l. v• A. lth. R. ..... M. sw...,., " · G, NttltA. Atw 11 M. IWt•·u. J. Heftffl..... S, H•,.,Um. K. s.tl, Min ""'"'' M. MM~ty, o. kM•'"""'· • • J : o. sc:.....-,,



~ K. ~. ~. M. WMIL

.__ 11 R. RlcMnb.. 0 , •'"- 0 .


M. MaNMol. 0.

L. .......... P. OWfUMMfl. lt• ..-.... 1., _,.., K• ..,..., S. Sw•~· C. JUc:lilttfl,

Kt~ Otlfa PI Is tM Nation111 Honortry frtternlty . The Ptfu cNDfff ll S.tt MN. TM purpose of the frtttfnity Is to e-ncourage IWgf'l ptofHS~I. lnttll«tUII and

C*s.ontl standards and to te<OQ·

Aile outstanding contributon to tht llt'ld Of t'duc.etton. Juniors and Mn;ors who are In the uPt)t'l' ~ fifth 04 thtlr c.ltn KholostiGelty and who txhlblt commendable PWiOftll Qu.tllllt'- worthy edu·

u,ttonal ~at s. a nd 50Und K.holar-


illlp art lnvltOCI to beCOme mem·


A cUnner mHt lno It held t tl~ firs t Monda y of every mont h. Veri· ous prOQroms were s.chtduled il\o cll.ldll'l9 speakers on the lnnovt• lkWIS rn IMCf'llnQ and J)lacement. Tllls year the &eta Mv ct..pltf' stnt two rtprtMnltfives to the n.atiONI convoatkln In Bo$ton. Otttats lOt the club are: Prflk:M-nt, Ron IIH; Vice PrHiCittlt. ~Uf'Mft Mtn.h.tll; Secretwy, EltiM Grundman; TrttS• ur«. Ktthy Dodge; Hiuori a ~ ~ry Wenzel. The sponSOt" Is Mfu Alma Ashley.

K.._. OMt• ~ 0Hk .n1 Min AY~My, CIMII'M._I

Yk t


,_, Ut\,


K. OMfot, Tr..WfWs M. Manll•ll. I . ONMIM' S.Ctltt•'VI M. w.N:t, Hlttcwi-1111,

' Honor Key' Awarded to Miss Ashley


c. """""' D...,...

. . . 1: I.. ,.,..., . . ...... I. ~....... ...,..... 0. 11M. 1111 ..... Mrt. ~. o.t.M,.


c:.m.. ...


c. c.., . . . J : M. ~ "-· .,........M.M· e·a ...,.,,

Student Center Board s.. .. c-...


~ ~ c.. lowd P:o:U\ .., .... """""'' Of ... \~ .,_ (""""""' II ~ "'"""" ~.. ~ffitrK T"'"" ~-"'M:l _,. h~ ttcrN loOfto ~ fW.C. MCWI. ......ltlif1, ,.,..ICJty, ~ifltt.. ~ PfOI•




~ ~t•t"kwl. S~f\.

c.,..,. Ktfwlty .,. wtttd '- Mf'. . Oft ra.


.,.._...,.. "-


TN Ctfl.... lowd 1nN1 '""' rM ~~ ~ c.tt.t ....., ..,. MCt.t • •""'' ... Pwv s.... c~ TJ~ey bt9el'l • wtf(Mie Nne• lAIN 1..1. fol..,_.. by l ~lfl9 ffti iVItilh Se'<let• t (eff""*'\f' ~ • c~ f¥1'1110 tM ,...,., TN eo.td t.p)f'IWWfod recr..t!oft•J tOwfMmMtl., COMI\111'10 ~ pool. \I\OOiter, (tleU ~ P'I'O~ In ~ltielf\, rN V•ltfttlne"l 4-t"Ce 11'1 FWII-

S~t (efltH Tt~KMIMM Ctlal'l\f"""": .-.,,. o. H•rrh•



111:. .

1: C, Wllltf!ll\, R. SamMt~~, . . . 11 O, T~Molm, L. H...~~~!, J . Sl~

), .........,

....., wmHw• ...... -~..-1 tf ..¥

Wf'flH)flll INIIdW' Mltl Hlloe 11\1


S.C. B. Sponsors Successful Spring Week .


.._. lt s.MM

~. J. ICAIMW, P. _,...., J . ~ M. Lfohelll, • • KillrlliW, IM .,.,_I G, Y . - - .,M. .......... a.11an,.


.... h II(,

tdil...,.., • . ......-., T.

Karate Club The Ktrltt Club WI\ otgtnlled on the Peru $flit COitf91 C•~ In lt61. Accotding to the iMtructor, Tom KOhltt, the pur~ of the club h to tnrn the lrt ot klfllt tnd to keep phy\l<.llly fit, Kerate Club tl$.0 \fft\\H Mlfodefet~H, l)efsontl &ehJtvtfnent tnd t tltmpl\ to dtvetop lnlttt11 In tht \pori.

Mfomibtt"t of the Club h.cf WOtk OUt\ lhrH limn 1 weft: Sevtftl membtn of the club wtnl 10 Otr\61'!.1 1411\1 w1nltr Outing whlctl could try to u1• btfh tnd CfflifiGIIH. The club WI\ ~ to anyone who w.s Hriovt.tr lntert,ttd In the en Of kera tt.


,,.... . . . 1 ' · . . . . . . .

........ 0. ... 0.

L 0..,..\o • • Jlo

o. ....... M. Mrllv-.• ..._ o.l:tt. M. s.. c ••••••• a..:

~. 0.~ .. WloNn,. .... ~ Mc..e M. ltftse. F. ,._.,. M.

o. trta-., s.. ..... 0.. tu oH "'-" 0. On. J. 0... ...... S.. U.,. L rt'fdlt• l. W7 h • ._ 1'1lllnl R . .! T. F~-.w.. .. »rt:tt. w. ,__........ Mt~ I. J. W•'"" J C....n-, . . ..... 0. N . . .t1dn. R. ~""- L ~

'*"'.... "· ,......

Short of Perfection! Peru State College's: var~lty football team tin· ls:l'led the 1"9 season with a no w1ns: and nin~ toues record. The s.quad tncltd the s:eas:on with 37 points as com~rtc:l to the opponents 403. TM season did not tnd lil Nelly l i It liPPflrfod. Thot ltam wu comprbtc:l ot undtrcltumen. and mtny of those were frHhmtn . All Of Ptru's: points: were KOI"td by undtrdeumen The &obcats: opened tM season egalns:t T.,-t~;So •net w«t dtl~attd by the score of 17.0 P~ru was: tl'lltfl s:hut~t by Y•nkton •nd South-er-n $lett. In lht four·th 01~ the Bobcats: KOttd fhfjr lint pofnl$ of the was.on.. The tintl gam6 s.ew Ptr"u KOtt pofnt1. but they were unable to vk tOty In eny ot their t i"-1 oan'loH. H'Oh s.cottfs lOt tht S.U\oon .we Larry Pre<:ht •net Shtrwin Wllll•ms

"'*' •


,.._, L

1(....\odl. , . _ . . . . :

K. K.ttt.;. &.



J. $1......,, L ........_ T. 14e:Ur, T. ........ C. (;M. ...... 0 , C.... • • Y..,.,, ,., ,...._...,, ... Urkk. FiNl . . .: IlL. ~...

- - .. I. . ..,. J. ~


. . ............... 0.. ....... M. ........ ...

J . . . .._., T. T 111 u .., K. u.tn,. IL ......,.,__ ll.

,...,. ..... y ........


"""' lt.ttt'• ,..._.,. arkM .. tM e<C.t\.._. •M ._,... .t KN,...... """""' .... . ~

Sflltt'WI• WIII1MI\ ( t ) ~~ •• m VInl\ I' ,lll...ttMt.l ..if\,



._,.m'\ , _ . .....



Season's Summary u Steto u Stett u Stttt


Tarkio College

0 0

p.ru Stott peru State


Yank ton Sou1hern Sttft emporia S tet~

,...u fWv


Stett Peru $1111 P«u Stett

' '' ' 7

Kearney Sltte CM<Iron Stett Wtyne State Ha.1tirt9' cou• F..,-ris State

27 20



•• 40 ss




,. , .~



P'tnl Sttt..s M"tftt

r..,.,.lflt _...,....,...


CMC:I'I lad¢ MC:'I"1il'e, ,,.,. M4t .. rlfbt, A. PotiWM'f, T, Pllttofl,

L G<r.M.. 0 . lltf'Nvm. M. ~. •ftd C. Wiltlflts..




Uny GI'Mft


u .....

tltt.t5 f« 11 "'-'IMI ...11llt



71 S2



$. E . Mo. Tenn. St.

69 87



8r1or Cliff Huron S. D. Southe-rn State MO. Southern Mo. We-stern

10 70



87 61 88

N.W. Mo.


oo.ne Krarney State






98 74

89 68

Wayne State Simpson Kearney Chadron State



" " "nn 89 II

.,..n 79

.. II

" • II

Or* ............................. ~ ...,....,_, • .m,_ .. ,.l,l¥ L

.... 0.

Per u State L ooks T o T he F utu r e With tht return ot stv•n tetttrman the pro-

spects for the Bobcat's basketball seaton looked VtfY btlght. Wh4n drills opened It ape>tared that the Bobcats had tht chance to moke II all the way to Kanses (lly and the NAIA tournament. Afttr many W'Hks of pracllce the Peru Sta ters were re.ad·y to open their HIJOn. TM IMsktttt.ll season started out lust as tht football s.eaJOn had tncH<t. w1th0ut a vietOt'y. Tht Pffu Statt roundtt.llffs lost tlwlr first five games end things didn't took too br'Ohl. Atttr thosot disastrous flut garnet tht Bobc.als started to lell. As tht season OtOOrtUt<l thlt team lbta.~ a much bt1ter ouHit_ t..atry GrHft lt<l tht team In scoring and r.,. boundl~ and was consistent thtoug.hout the Hawn. Probtbfy tht bt99f11 s.vrprls.e of the season was frnl'wntn Anenlas Mont-vue. After a Uow start he progrtn*' to beCome one~ the top players on tht tNm. Nut ye., S-hOuld be the year Peru mak es It, as It will t\tvt all of Its key playt'fs retur-ning.


lMrt GrMtl ,....,.,_. "'' ......

f~ tH rwt

W• Y• St... tiMtt • M Mdl -




AMIII1tt Mtf'lllotw, ~· .....- tHcJifllt ~ tllf rtll .. ,_c-, tiMwt filh

IIIIICtiWIY tlwetWif

elto!IJty .,.ilut WtyM Sttt.•


·""'""~ t11oK1t Pf'9W\ UIII\U<Uutlll •IIIII

sown twe ""'"


H•te P•rtl\

CtyoH WlllleM efloldft .... Mlh,r.tclloed •rm ef • W•Y"- S.t•fff 11M

r1l» .... fer ....




Cats Successfu I In Cross-Country T~


past yeafi the Peru Stete

Item htl


bHn very successful and this sea·

was no dlfltrtnt . T~ 8obctts -oetn ptOvtd to be vtfy tough In this dtmandlng spor1. Under tht ltldttS-I'IIp Of COICI'I JICk Mclntirt the "F~hflng Cltl" starttd their season by gain· lno a vlc'tOty and fin ished the s.euon at '"NAtA n•tlonat champiotuhlps..


TN tttm Wli ltd ~a l n this year by J.ck Weye-r$. Ptru's AH·Amtrkan. Theft was great be~ an tht ~IS JIY H6gf'f'~n lnd RIY

Uhtf'. Weft II~IYI. gi ving Wtyffs I tough battae. Tbt ,.,, of ,,. ~ had oreat dHire •net oeltrm•Miion. al'ld cofttr!butfd greatly to the ~ State ~~ Next rtat ~td iH the btue and white of tht &obctts on toe> once ~ogaln.



wt.,.n ,..,.., ..,....,.._, Ati-AI'Mfie:•ft Will .,...,..


h lew tft • ,_Mi l Y+flt.


Season's Summary Pttu Sltlt Ptru Stalt

Peru Stilt ~u

Stalt Peru Stttt Ptru Stett

I.S 19

2l 29

ll IS

Tark io

N.w . Mo. Kearney UNO


<4 Q


26 24

" ''"* •ls.o won the Ntbr. $tete (OIItOe mtel and the OIU II NAIA tnett. N .W. Mo.



II I \ fiWIC'" H\l+r \t•"41iflt It I'M .., II'MI Wlkllllflt thla H b .. NM. J W\1 1\11 Jly H~mlfl,

,,.,.,. ,.... " · Utk:lt. J. H~m.t~t,. J . WW.:tt,. a. lrM\IMt, 0 . twril. ... ~. 0. 1(....... L. o. ,~.... ... J; M. o.ttn. M. ,.n~ J. Hlll.... "· J . W...'- J ,

"".ctrll. c....-..


......... M.

Tra ck Team Strong Ttlt Per-u State track team headed by coech Jeck Mcintire tlnllht<l the track J.t6$0n on a very •ucceu· tvl note. Tho Bobcat• led by Jack weyeu and Mike NNiventy were touoh o.n every opi)Onont they met durlno tho track ltas.on. Four trackmen were resi)Onslble lor 12 Peru St•t• tte<lit ttcOt"ds. Jack Weyeu. Jay Heoermen. Oeve 8'-rblum and Olvin Smith wttt tl'lot 8obcet rteOtd s.ttfttt. Nt•t yt:er shOuld bt anothtt OOOd one lOt" the Boketl AMny key tradu.ten will bt rti'Uf'ftlng 10 help tl'lt ~ 1nd white.

Muil'r.,.,, 0.. ~'Ill. L. ........ D. u.c-.. I. ......... a.""""'- M. WH.. C. s..-. J. Mtlflfin.

E • • ....._ 0 .

Sea son's Summary n y, Pt-ru

N .W. M!J.


Tarkio ooano N .W. AM. N .W. Ml>.


87 ~



Pettu Peru Peru


......,IMf' ..

Miltt MvtY• fiii'Y tM ~" llfM .....,., m•" w ltl 1M • Mrd ,.,l~t M WI ...,.

JM- W*Yt n MN'l •II fM ~ .,..., Wit N bad! I'IUt .,..,•

ttftt dht•~ rWMiflt rf<·

TlrlrM ...."""' ~" ...1, '"" ......_.,., • $llot tflftw" ., .... ~tt by PHv St•tr' PA~t P~.

Gir ls Stomp Foes ! Peru State iirls' basketball team this year was coec:htd by Oon Dou9htrty and sponsored by Mls.s Bon· nlt Rutt. With Karen Sell# Pat Prose an-d Janet 8a11ie lNdi1'19 tM scoring, the girls enjOyed a successful seaSQn with an 9·0 record.

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ........,. .... ..... "


30 31 S3 35

Maryville Graceland Pershing St. Mary' s Tarkio

Sl 43

Pershing u . of Nebraska St. Mory•s


26 3S 27 16 34 34 34 IS 33

P•t ,..,..._ 4rtvft lA ,_. • U .,_.,lt U fM ffl+l'. . lfltMtly w•t"lloH IM •ctiof\. ., PSC KWh •M wSM.


,,.,.., ,..; C. ,.,.~tMfl, J. w.m-. J , Rll~t.._ M. WtU~. I t - !: S. G19f, e. Sil.,..,""'- L. Ekl:Mf,, 0 . .Hit18tf'tl, G. WtUtr, R.- ); S. O..vh. • • Lf'ttfltf', C. ,..,.II.,, 8. . . ..,..., R.......


D. MloMifl90", J, o.\b'-- · - 4! M. H•II'IM'ft, T. P•n.. A.

V•t.bHt, I.


0. Ct1Mft, S, Zytttttt, T. ,Ju.,..-.!4,

Bobcats Finish Strong Peru State opened Its first season under new baseball coach Tom Fitzgerald with a very slow start. The Bobcats lost six games In a row before they won thtlr first ball gam-t. They then proceeded to win flv~ out of their last elgl'lt games. Tl'le second h.alf ot the season saw the Bobcats turn ln some great defensive plays along with mvch improved pitching and hitting. Next year tl'le ~seball season should be a very nice one. The pitching corps will bel the hardest hit by graduation, but once again Peru should be tough on their opponents.

"r'tM pitctltn .,.. Q, a.ly, 0. WtUH', A. v.-,..., J. J.A•I~.




Season's Summary 0




1 I 3 0 4



9 0 J

I 6

Peru Peru Pe-ru Peru Peru Peru


Peru Peru

Peru Peru Peru


Simpson Siml)son

Wayne Wayne

8 11

7 16 3 13

•6 6


7 7

N.W. Mo. N.W. Mo.

St. 8enedlct' l St. Benedict's

Ktal'ney Kearney J.F .K.

J .F. K. Chadron Chadron


Cifefli~ torJtt,:


J. OH·~ L.. IEkk lwtl, D. CohiWI. C. lnd E. Hlft\oM..


Gtlll ,......,.. . . ,..,.. ~~~- ~ -

, ...

"""' ......._ ' """ ,-,._., _. Mite -..... •fit!W s...................... I ...M Mr ll'K h , . .. ,._., ....... ...,. c n 1bP .,., ,




' . . _..,..

Duffer s Successfu l Ptru Stilt golfers completed one of tl'le most "~.cont u l

st~son s

of any Peru spor-ts• tea m .

Coached bY Or. E r vin R. Pitts. t he golfing Sot>-

ceu wort undtftlttd In dual competiHon. They 1110 ptactd s.t<ond In t M stett COllege meet and thty piM;td high In tM OlstriC11 1 NAtA 90ff meet. Led by unOtfcleutntn Mike Rosso and Ivan Mllltor. tht loQUid was a wetl·blla.nced team. Prot,pKts for 1'14')11 yn.r are lookl09 brioght.



A ,_,., dW .... ,....... h fWflf IMttiMMtt\,



,...MM. *' M1M MIMtt •M o.Nioll


Peru's Tennis Team Suffers Through Difficu lt Season



SOOMn: ,.,_, lotlt, G•"Y Ri"''ll •ftC! Sr.~ Llw~ l.adl OMo.

,.-.m t.tt1 S<.tt O.vh, Tim HfodbHt. Jim


0... Orr 1M s ....

Intramura l Basketball Iron 8untrflle-s

National L.,gut




6 6

2 l l




Gametes Mysterlans Bullets Shady Oak Bombers Pata T'h l HI




2 2

1 1






1 1



American Lnoue Husktu

New Era

Ventures Rats PSC Ebony

Banana Sc hlitt Sumads Easterntrs

The Boys Flamers



AltHo SC:Ivlitttf' of tiW $Mdy O.llt ~l K.,., N\J' lly~ l l I" IHtmplfod blo<lt h UfiW<.UUivl by • G.ti'Mftl ,..,.....•

8 8

s s

2 2 2 0


• 1 1 1 9

Intramural Vo lleyball American Leag.a

a a 6 6 6


s 3


3 3 3

• 6


a a




I I 2



Nation-al Lugue

s s

3 2


0 0


6 1 9 9


ct~•~ tof' 1t1'0 .,.. rllot ,,.._~niL e..a ,.,., R• .._, 0 . MMII""'- S. Wymwo, R. Non.. Fr•t r-. 0 . Eac:~tH. M. TOOifW, T, T .....M91. Nof '*tvttf •re fl.

Utlr*, R . MtlfH •nod 8. Lh«.


Pl unger s Ta ke Div e Into the Swi m

S• lttiwlw"'' "' .... llnl ...., il\ .-.. ....,.,. ..., ..... ,.,-tf.c....... "' MdiiiNt.


~ .,.

te • ClJIIk:k tt.ut.

a..a. .wM w """"'., ..,....,. wltlll...,.. c..

I r on Butterfl ies Capture Softball Title


---. ...




n. t,_ ~- WM ..... .,_..,_..I cliMIIIIIPIIIIit, ,.,... , ., a. ......... o. ~-.. JC. Mwr4u•'Y· J. 0t a&.~ow. M. .u. ... ... P•

......-N't. MIMot ,..,,

J . . . . . . . . M. OMI.. a.Q ..... .,....._ . . . O, K...



Zllryllut, 0.

"""""*· o.

0. ........... 0. CWth. .1. ,...._

Butterflies Cop Intramural Crown Final Intramural Overall Records Iron 8 uller11itl

sooner\ Nads

Vtnt'ures Sill<" ysttr1an'

Intramural Tnclt Finals

.... ,.:n..... ,... 4SI'o


Ntw Er•




&rotNfhOod Sl'l.tdy 0.11: &ombtrs

e.u..-ntr' a.n.ane SChhti



Hu\k tri BuiSt!\

C.. melts

Rubber Knl.gh"


Pete Thl HI


eo '


.....,,,. ...

PSCEbOfty Nad\

Iron 8 ullorfll0\


Rats Sill<" Vtnturu GatMtes


10 \~



• )

0 0


IAtr.munt Football Fin.ab Iron 8utltf"fl.._

MysttriiM\ Ventureu Sum~'




Shady Oak Bombers e.ane ne SChlltn


TM IINrf ., '"".."


"' NHt• ~• ''''-

..... -'*" .,..


CMt.hl$ .,

... .., ................. n. ...,..... k .._ c~luieftH ., """'-'*' Mf'•ltlt ••·-.ffi<... ~ tMw .... C.CM St.....,, OHI'W'I'IbtiMH .. .-.c•tOIIII,I Or. ~


Board of Trustees Nebraska State Colleges


,.,""'' ' J . lf'ltWII,. c;.n..J J . A&a" Cr•~Mt", Wly!W, tt11 IIMtf ......... fi1J H...,., ,,...., CJI.Mr~ J•#M$ K...,, KIH...,, ... JMW$ UIW, 0,.ll. lo1. I•MI k I tokfwl It ..,_,. M. ~. .....,... NIIMe: ,,.... filt41t1\itl Ctfy,

Neal S. Gomon, President of Peru State College



Kei th L. Melvi n Dean of the College

Guy L. Rosenberg, Dean of Students

Juanita Bradley, Associate Dean of Students


Administrative Staff

II'Vtf'tft .....fllflt $poKW.I s.trvi<fl


'TMtMt. F , SdloHH C.~t~lfnt, THtlt~g

G4oet'tlt0...... e.,ltd,iflt. GNU'Mt. s...«i~f


,...,,.,,,......m, Olfffll Wlal,..,




K . C•l111t SpKI•I ~I«\

Secretari a l, Cleri cal Staffs

At Peru


the MCrttar ltt not only func:·

Uon tfftc1lvely e t their assigned dulltJ, but al"' wve J4eQutttly aJ public rtlaliOfU r.-prHe-nta• h'fts of the c.ollegt, dally Jpttadino 'OU9e on the anemic. che-cks Of


Cterlul t.ttHl. too. are indh.Pfl'ls.tbtt In Ueping the edmlnhtrallo;e machlntt'y rolling t long at • lPttdY pece,




~tfl"lry .. tN . .,,. .. tN , ......, WI-lt> trhtt4, totertUory loft rftot linoaM-.1 l lf\, toM U!IIIIMIIIIIO efflc:l , I N _,..... LIM<, .eue-t.uy Ill tM """ .. tl"'""h' etf~l. II" '

Mlfl Gl iNt,

MY_... I ~ly ..



F.,. s~ St.M

.,.,.m Mtfl tM swltcM~Mnt tM ""' ...,.

cotlttt tMil


IC.ttvt Rvl'lki.S. M<nfNY kt fM p ..ct'IMM ~. " " W ,.,.r M fltld e~mtflt for 9fadS.

CI"'Y ,..,.,.,, Q«ry ..,....,, - r v ..........., ,,,..... _..,..., LIKY Mil.,.. •M P•m s..vtf' kMtt admlnhfls •lid .,..,th . , • ~ '"1M Off!« ., tM rtthtr•r•


WOtllillt 41119tfttly

It~ ttw bu\ltln' oftk• cteoH .._, """""' o.M. GtHect•• .,..... HMHft• C•rrfl UbMft

•nd Ml14t. . Greft INI'!\ <•t<lliflt • 1m.. f,..\h a~ aiiCf WMI'IIM lfl fr..,_ of llw A4m lftl""''"' bul.l4l"f.




--c- -

_ 0.. .,...,



- 路...






OMY. ~

...... -L,




_ .._ -


_ . , _ _ .._ -·- -- --- --

__ _ - -....


_ .._ --



......... -·-




S' . . . .



Ad Mu ltos An nos! Three faculty membtrs lncorporetl~ 127 years of teach~ lng experience retired from Peru Steto (OIIf9t In 1970. TMy ~re Mr. Robert 0. Moon, division ot lenguegt arts; Min Alma Ashley. education division. and Mlu Frl~e Rowoldt, bvslnen education division.

For more than a «ntury, these thr.e lntttue:ton 1\ave gukled thouwnds ol uude-n" thr0U9h the doldrums end the lntrlc.cltos of etauroom sh.-dy, through the thin ,.._,., and tM more effluotnl era, through happlntu end loO(·row. They hive Mtvtd Oft~ as the contltC1ing ltl\11: bttwHn lndl vJdu.l m.n end the society of man. Their knowl~, I~P«td by t XI*'1mtnt and expeorl en«. htt. made them en UWI to Peru $lett CoUeoe. Stlo.ldfontt and fKutty offet" werm.sl COtlglretufetJons to Min Rowoldt, Min AshWy and Mr. /IAO«t upon their rttlrMWnt. And, yes. abiding gratitude• 4




Gtot'laAdiM\ Pl'ty$kll ld-..c•t*'


MHoflna AHf Lewb,IWI Ya" AliM


Pl'ty\kal Educat!Oft


J~ AMHMI'I Soclllk~·


tonn" Arm•tr..-.. ElefMfttarv

Jvdy aaUk E ltfMI'III ry .... Mal1ttt4 I OWl


&1nlMU Admll'lhfrtl..., I~MO, M bMVtl

Tbt Stftlor (lUi Mtlun f~ top to bo1't1Hn .,. MiU CMIIb. ~t1 llaiM Flanro, Viu-PrHkMt~t: l.IM1 ~.



................... _..

-.... .. ·-....

Jar.IICI atrlft llldv"l1'1 Art\


.. City


_ .... ----





_.... ---



Ctltls &!«Ill




~•• e lf!'ldtVm





O.'f'IO li•lr G!'•ftd Atv.r,l....

Lillch 81niM llltfMfl'!•ry MMr •"'• Clty


J~ ....." ""

hsi MU Mtnlllhlr•llofl

Nll'lll!ntrl•t •••a.....Am

Ol.t,..,.m, Mn._

"""-• ....,.,.._... llldru\trl•l Art1 PW.n""*""


,Hiflll lthl..

Plrtt.k•l Educ•flM

~"" kHtHJ~

H+m. Ec..,.,kt.

MttftiOiill..... .


Otoutt.-\ hiMicll ht.lMu A*nillblutiofl


K4'Mtll'l hrdt f'trlo.,.UUI IM•tlt4!




Mtrcla Burr 8e.t"Miltlry

Don ·~~~tn. IMvf.triaiArts.



.....~n. , ....

...,.pNM ...., .

Pftylkal EdiKII!Oft Mes.Wftl,l. . .

Mlt(e C11.1llb Terr•~• Gatl+wnla


eet~oene c...,.ve

Pfl,ys.k.al EdiK.atlofl

C.ry eotgt.w


Pltyskal EdlotCIII*'


U.trt C14trove


- CooMY

!WllMU Adminbtrats.a

...... """"




,..,..... t:4111U. . . ~[---,



....ytk.tt . . . .,....


""""" ..... ~·11..... . . . . .~.City

RoMM OtS11MM "'"'"'"' E411Ka tlefl P•tHt.M. NWwwY

_ --........,......

DMti"' Ditrlt5 ·~·...,.

..,.. Ill""'

.,.. 1~ to


•M MIM , , ,..

rr ' "



''lltMW . . Mtwtn .. ....,.,.. . . . . . , ••y .....


JWJ Dootr•""

......... ·~kl L..,;,.,u..



~lk.tl Eduutkft

JMI« OueiUI"f


llut kltillts

.......... H~ltty

Llft<•ll'l ~,..'(WI EM Hom. ICMOmks LS..C.Itl


htltlt'J-' AIJmll'llst,.,loft hrd'lltd C.rofyl'l ll""n lttfMI'IIIry


~"""-• H l~tory Tecumwl\

.., " ' " beef! ...,._ IJM>e the MQ1M llllto eftd ofd~p...-Gibr~--


Joft Fhher '~lbChy


MotM 1<.-mk'\ F~lhCity I U IMFI~Hre

EtemMit.ry UfiC6~,.,, K.1it1U'

Of.tl FetlmaM h'\lftft\ Admll'lh.tU•t* '

MaJwn.t, lowa Vlc:lrll Frklt.. ·~-ry


Jacque GoNen Moffit ·~k:l Mee>te&ata Chy

C..MyGfay ~....,.,...••ry ...WaU:eCI1y

UI<:!Ma ~""*


t~ ary


LMII be Vfttll ttle

a..ING~Il IMIMMat"kt T.......


-..o.. ....

lllMOM. ....



h"tiMtl MMiflb~•fiM "*•t~t•cttv


hll lltu I.M.•tlofl Slfllty,tew•

Stf'llfyH.It<rk<" IW<•*" St, .M~Mk.._



. .\llwu ................ . .... H......

....... ·_, ... -·-




IIUCN,.. Hti\M*

h'l""' A4n'ltllol\tntltlll City



...... IIO'ItllftttM11MVt """""""'·"'


LN. K._,fmtll



Silk..., Klt'k

Slnint1' l.fu<ttloM tM JOiutiWIII:stft MttlftWClty


1.11\dt Kflipeltt......t tHtf'Mfll•ry

MUYJ• K-"n Mill. .A

D&IIWI K,..,..h ...I'Mfll61'\' N.Wt ~l Cily

O.tlottt K ,..,....

llllmMttry•M Art C.-tltiWI

. ,. ,....


lkn""-"' E~lloM




Willlt m S..MWcMt!l "''!tit\' uma.w,,,.,.. PtW'ftiNCUy \



Gr. . Miotll... ~s:~lldlllc&l*'


MI!U,.... ManoNIt

..._ EcOMmk:l



tl'l!kls:lrt• • ""'


s.... MaMft

.......u~tity ~rrMif'tfiH l~s:tr'-1 Arts:



hs:!Ms:s: £41Uut~ ..unve


a.tt.. C'Not4t.tw•



"-Y•k•l Cdllc•tloft T ...... Mlllb 4t.HI


,tll'lllMi*IM Httw•J~t• City



s., Sioux City, lowe



C.VtiCII tlillffi.ltw•

.,.llloud6KkeMM-rh CIOMOfttery

......... .........

LHtM Mef'rh l~triet Ath


L....,.MM-11, lfttlls:lt



Heme £c..-nlu



,...y,kAI Cctuc.~;tMtl


) '



CltftN Nthlfl

Ettmentery '•thC:Ity

Mlor"l+n Htlt.Ofl

''""'"'t•ry c-tMII&Mh. l ow•

..... '" wme., .,,._ teii....-MCK...-


Jtflft 0 . Hilt

F'tlyllul t:dv<•ti-M ..._, HOVtft,IMI•I'Ia

0Mft.150bti'I'II4'VW lltdU$tr1•1 At11 I,....IWi Ue

"""00" ....... '""" ...........

O.rw1ft OIMI'I Hbtoty

VWOiftlO O..tfl

Gt.-ot• 01\owo, •-•

Mortl111P•,..... a.ml$1ty

Mlnewl V•tley, •-• JaneP•nHJM

._,,,...,, Ect.K•tioft To... Rkk



Jlfty$kOI I~IKOt*'


"'WIWit Wlet _. filMS ot tiM Mlt1 OIKMIYH . . . II\. Oftf

eM""'"". . . ....


Will• rd PtttfiMI

lttl't'lltftt•ry 8rtdt.""• AIIHI~k..-ny

Pf'l'f'icAI !diK•tl<oft


,...,, R•im.ttlll Mall\

. ..,.rly Rawlltlf$ Ettt!Wftt•rt ...W•~•City

Fr•lllt Re•vh

Hbtort F•lh City ~Relmtrs

14nlnen l!lklc:tt'No~W•~• City

0.1Wib R lcllk



LebRj,et.<:.ltkll ~t.IUIIMttioft

F•tkCity Oloi~ R~

ElotmM!t•ry CO!IIIotll ltiiHl.l. ..


K•thfVI!I ROdl...,...flfl IMmtfiiUy Odoll

Mfrlyl'l SuftloH ·~l•ry


LYIWI S..l l!en


''''-'City ~lll•m S•rr•IIIOfl

lfldllttrial Arh Mtbr•~aChy

wrykt.,ta• """"' Ec.....,.&c::~o Allburfl

A114<ft khftitttr

HI\lo-ry Mtbr•U:• City

ltkti•N SC"*'lftt Hhtory C&arlftN, • • • Llrry kllw•r~





Seclal S<t.ftco


L-oMM Sdlwl.sow

....... ..........

Sodal klotM•

SM-WS....III QIHI'lhtry aM Ma"'""atl«

JaMS.... tM• urial •m


RottMs.ttou &l.niMn Ed!ICII'-alld Adm5fillltrat•


ly!JIN SJI.t"it\14'

SOH<• aM E nothl\ Mon•&Mf

T lei SMftiMIII Ollmhtry MbtoOWt Valloty.IWI

ot..na s.rtf~Mtl ~~~ lMatiofl


Donfla SPitfiH'

hllMn EciiUatt.ft




v-..St:: •• mM lot'.......... . . ..

w.. .,..T~

............ ....... ttc.




...''*"''~' """ h'.,l TVJ:Mrft


"""'*•' ..... I!Ncat-.

--··--...... ~tto~tw.-.

... _ l i n

Mltlll ... ~

t.H• ......, Art



Ev•rt W'tl4ntfl .._ ...,

Ntbt•lU City Jov«WiltclniOII'I 11tmtf11,tr'Y


,rectWUI Syr~Wlot

C..ft<ly Wlltty


Gr•"" hlal'ld DoNN Wllt.Oft EIIHMflt•r"Y


\.tll'lt~kWfnt ~·~•C.ty


-Wiff ·~ltri•l ,...,_~,

MI~.. Dyhlt

Pfly,.lul Elkl<•tiot! Om•. .



,._ytk;lol Eclvc•tiot!


•'TIIty wton net

loflt, fM d•Y' tof wlM elld




Juniors '•mAl.._.

----Ot~ ''•"'"-



Ykll ....:i«

_ ·--

J41M'tl.ailh Ntw Mt-rtt.,, ,.....


,....,a.Mttt . .. c.-cll a~~t~ttt..l

.......ir (toft.... ...-.


......... ......

WMc1 Rtwf'.III1Mit

_ -.... .... -·--COM -..._,_... ....... l t..,w IWtrM~~

V«tt Stwlfltt.. , tftfttytYiflll ~

"'""' .... c.......~

~· c'"""'''

$N4_,,,..... • •• eo-

L..wTrw, ...•

'"'eon"' C..C:II .....tr..._• DMC,_.





-· --.-... s...,.o.-



Ca,.ty" ow..







S tew I - ' OnlllfM Clty,II!Mtb O.fllet , • .,.,"

Chelttr, fl'eMlrl"•""

Tenrt,.,.._ .....,."'. C'Jty

..,_.. .......,_ 0.14 , ... .,...


.....a.c-••• '""'


lllellnA• Ci!l'y



i K etttyGr-.wy T .........


01r~ Gro1rlttl

Pflyllil HIMM

ltltrl" Qll'h 1iM Hanl l Fllrbwy ~~


c'"""" •-•

OIM HIM\IKH ttumMI1 H.IIK'f HUI!Itdttf'

ltumbolt lttwUdiUIU




L.liriN IS.KMft





C.noll ~Mft $tlnl""'

h t l J . Jotlft.-n

Om1N loht'ft'( K .._trk'k ..... Mit'\.., I ....



c..''""''· •-•



-................ W•K~


v... ,.u~IN"


. . , ..... Mil...



..... ~t«....


...,••• cltr

o.rw-..Mc.HYfl' .......\lll(hy



.............. ....


akt~t~MIIfl""' ~

.............. ,..,.., ...,. ... _ .... Wkfl.. Nefl•lh


... o.. ....



... mt1;W., V~I'Mftt




G«•ld PurtVI


Stotm ~·"*·'"• . . . . . ht~Wfl

P•lmyr• Sam Pltl•m AAm•

....,..,..,.w ,m• ..,.rok!Priw Orietrt... .. fUI,-ANCI N.tlrnU City

Kyr• Aent\ Mrl

S*ll"t C.rl Aktw'cl\ SOIIttl Lyeot~, M~fl


CMrtl RI<Mtcl\ R+l'l Rkluircl' ltetetA~

..... ric•


...... ""'" .............

""'TNTNitl INI ft'lltM ............ H I 111M wtwr.......,. .....

...... ,kdl





COUoM:liiNih. tow~

Ermal'lkmt ltJi lfb!WY

OoMJi TNfl'ln PJicllk JIH'Ciioll• kwll ~. . Thon'l~ PUn~

JJICtrh TkllmHmllll Filii City

MIIMIUI M. T~fll'l

P . Plitt, AIMf'kl." SlmN

J4t1Tr»K" HHifii\JtiiCity lf'~lll Trottkf" lrllttl~bor•• VHft'IOofl1

OM1"" .....


Kllt"Y VJI.fldHI~ Hllrl~fl.t-•


Ole:• W.trklll' Mt. MOrrl-..llliMI\ JWy W.trrett


,.,.ry We-NI Wy.....


RH4t"'l't, Ka~tY\

K•lth Wi'COlf

SIWMMN-tt..lw• CtyO. Willt111l UhCMttH,L.wbi•IWI

UMY Wlll1•tll\ $,....

Vkk1 Wlll1•m\ Yut•~"~

SMtWymtott (tuMII &1\lfh,IW.t Klmltt Y•m.t~r• ~M.

Tt.lltt, HI,I!IIIIOolllly•, K~. J.t,.ll

..,..., I• my ur al!illd I'll ,.,...., fM1 •ftYWIWoft.''·R•w•tt •lid




Lyt'IM AIMft

---........... .... ---WI·----... -c .w.\-•

....~ ......wy

, .... c~o~y

A'~t~U~ . . ..






r....a..""... MoW...... ..... ...."""""'"


F-n• CIW'iittf!Hfl Vllplrt iSoO a...rMMC• NMUIU City Gtttl'fC... Au!Mitft


E\I•IY" Ctllt~ ~


P&IHliMUitl TflmQHII'IIl


CJII,t..l 0oXOfl

Ho;ltvUtt, Cll ltott~ll

Horn'~ IWibKh HltMyn•lltt, ~M'ffvlftll

cun Offlcen: ICitMriiW VIal Hill, Tom P ith,


CNtteM CM, Alike SIMHttetf,

Ci!M.t'(F.,d I'Mbri.W.::I Cltr

Di.aMF...-ke INIrk•




J.aMI FraN

H.Wa~a City






Pflolt Gard

o.MO\ c;•~n... INtrk• SlltW Ollnl"t« HMu~•City

Li!MM GfMIIWh. Ntbfa~• City


a.111.aro11 Gretriaft


Vl(:ld Hall S~~U-n HatNSwt Mt. 'IHMI\.I. . a


IN't'IHCtMJI"t F~rldiHal!l~

T.-.y, ..... Yorll


SIPWft HarpNift











----....,_ .....,._ '•"- City



l(.tft Jurttfl'l' WUc••


-·--·.... ........ _ . . . .\U(Ity




Qk. . . . lu..i:t

MMw IC rflkl\ --·~•City IC~UrMIII


l.•.a .,.......u .. P~lt

-....._ ........ -·--·--............... ~I LMMIII

CWW~M,I•• I#M~







-· -· ----'-'*•Mtc.nl

IMry JeMt,•fi•M





,w1HwltH, N4'WYwt

RkNrfMtltH GlrhiMI, NW .,.,...,

O"c"t' ...... ...- .h

s....,...._nt, llltMI\

--.......... I"OM""'



T..,.y.......,. . . . OM....-•



erl•" O'C~N~Mt WW~tH, IMI..C.~

_____ ,..

IMPaytM $1. "''"'

AMH't Ptttn.oft Heolwa""aCity Kf'n ....orUII Guftd h&aftd TM'I A•m.t91

H.W•~eCity C..t~a. Aei!IK~


........ ""'...... ,..,.. Ooft4',



OtMb RM1116H Atd~lt. l.,.a

GaryA."'t Ltict1tH, Mlii~IWMtl<i

Re:ufln RUtl'f'~"~ hlliCil\'

...... ...... ......


NafiCY $cflta"tt

Oi;tM Sdl~

oa.... Sdl~ ...W•.a!aCil'( ltar.ft~ll

Taw, •-•





SMile SltiMIIIIM..JtNI Stw•rt


......... R;~'f


Chlrllt> St,IICiik

Vir9lftll Mk~



s- S:wlftWI' Ttc:-..m~

..........._.... O.riH Tteilft

Attutk.t•• T,..._T~~ ,.,,~fvti, P.,o P.,o.

AfMf'kafl S.rMi


SU.Ywthlll . . . .M

Doom~ Yl nictof"•

(.W6t, H ... YeA: ~Wit,.,.. Gf'K~~arn

RayWatHl WiUhtoft Parlr~ N... Ytft

LyMWit...,. R~ Ct.ud,


l.lttiH Wl\11• $.1oMtN, Kl.n$1'


"""'"Ita Gity Gl ry WiiiWUpeoll

. .lmar, ""' J•rwy


Oic:ll ~tfo*' 011'Y'-Wt1'* S~U&f





.. ..·· ',. . ,,


. . ·.I . ..





.....-: •


.. . -, ....


..' ...



,1. •









.......19Hd P•tANHMI'I

Vatll.u. ' " '

OiaM Mci....$.HI


P*yiJb A~ttMil


JMI«AX.elll Jl:aplch, IOWI



0\Htlf'Y &1.-c:k JMnH





R+Mrt Iamott





Jwry8a......l\ Tt~o~.n




Tim eM;lltf"


lra<hMw Aldt 1-1~




W.t l&l.flltt f l CUtniMf1111od,IIWI


N.t!Ky INtman

..."""'.._...... Mite....,.




OMWe ..,.,,"""




SttWft &,.It Mifttel.l, Ntw YO(Il JaMI~V

J....\01'1 Lyl'lftlt. .tl

v•• ...,

Mltte k'9"' R«:k Fllfl. nUMb

PatC."tM Fall\ City


Liftcl.l Cti•Mter


N+bf1P • City Mtrc~•Y«

Ntbr•,k• City


Offken: Gart v.,. MtiH, Slltl OMmacbt, .1M ' intUm 1-"CC R09"' OYI.Itl.

JNMIM DI'VIl Ttc\ll'ft""'

s•• OWr-mYet


OloaM DitUiCh


KlmbWt. New Ye.rtt




sc.-.o.... F•lbCiot'y

'MUI..m , .lrNIIh Clflotl-.tl,


-.......--...... . ._


..,.....,."_, ~

*"''""'1 '""'"'lflt1tlfl


a.rb Fritt


Dowt prfttt


,...'91,tt0Mwr HMN'a\oka CAry







SMck a Grl .,..


AMa.ld G,...ria.~t

OtvtQnlbH WO<O

K•y GrvftdrM~t

,...ct¥a1. ltwa JtiMGrvt:l't

fathCity JMktHaMtiM


••At t'Hf'J ,.., ""'Ptllotn , ..........,..- Yif'91t



Hf'lll1 f!\.MIN•I II ... .,.._.., .Illy Wt

..................... ,_....,


O.llf .......

OeoMi:l ""''''~ LMI'l' "lMTH


__ --·...... o..tiii"...



VillliKt. ....





•!IIIMn..,. wwr ""-"1 "*'-'"- It••• W.....

ltn't Hvrl"'"' L.lftcelfl



a.-.nc~• JtollifllOfl


.,.. ,...,

E~lfiO'I'OI\. Ptt~r~s'l'lv•m•


Gary)fw 41k• KMdy



Jene K•I tey ,eltlCit't

Olk.,_, 1111Mb JaM K irk Atc'lt , . , , Mlutvrl

Urry K.rwl


OUeM Ko.;~k.. hlln41M. Kenws


$MNft KrHWf'

. . . . .s;U Oitf


1 <.-K!It!IINM

.... .,......._ ............... ""...... GllyUmm.lt


..,_.,....., ftlewwtct... - SirTMm•• lft.nl ~

v... . ••• t 'P


.......~,.u..... vn

.,_.,LMMI.._ sw.r,.....

• 100



Vltl1s.a, .....


.H#McK•il'l W•IIN MctCim


ONaMt•wc:• Hvd\Ofl P•lt'l, New Yorlt

UrryMtbttt' Ul•V._,,...,.

:~ ~


. , . 1..

.f~ . ~




' IlK'"'' L '




O... MkNI



*"•tJt• Cttr Clltl\y MM4H

Urry MWriMI'I St.~mmtrfk-kl,





Otftl~ N""'e CumiiH~M. tewe

JOO" Nt41kl\


. .rtNtf'l Geflt¥1, lllineol\


l.Mde N~IV

&ruc.• " ....


O.M N ufllTie.ft


,.,.., o.lfllt N*•~• Clty AMO'Cofl~tet


St&.ft OMMWM Ntobruu CAty


MinHI•,N- Ywtt




1 - · --




t• , •)

r ... ~.

. ·'-

' I

t' l

"'••, vi





_ -.... ~411



...... .-.City ..... ~



v .......



c .r..t



Jtv,.RN4 Not4w6W Cltr


, ...,c;r.,


b, ....


.............. ..-

............... """' .... ........,.,... ~

. . . . . . . etly ~


o.uo•-.. Ntbrailla City ltMtROOertt.



Fwt o.a,.,l_a

Krh Rtottw



T-> JMftMSHtt.td

StHtiftt ,..tHSM"101.kl ill\tl!l(:h!H...... ~lc\lt ~sc~l.itfM





Pu.lra.vm.,., K•"'"''




ii>I«V SIIWt"lMrft JAtMk•, N. . Yft

SN.rMSim"tet Mil lit-aft



~rll Smlftl

S.MNftdNtl, lw• R_,., Smlttlt N'tbut.k• City




JOtlft Sl't'(GH


Ktlltlryft S.luclt


V•IMV .HNI S"'h~""" ..... ,City


Rkl\ SM¥tftl

C.ry Stn_.l"t s.,._~.,.•-•

DN«•I!!S...I N4otw•llt• Clty





Ntbr• t.k• t;lty Jim Stl.ldc A.lmll



Gka a 111..._a

a lnTa'(l«

CINMIIIMh, l. . a

..NhiiTMm•• ,.. . . City




FrM J. Ullnt ........... ~S.tMa u.&a

"""'*... •

-. --- --~

. ..._::r~..




....... ,.-,

' ,; '\ ..






S.JMII .. ,.............

TwrtV. .w



_~ l(......

... ,.._.. ..... -...... •

RMW•rtmaft C&IUmtiC"V,ll"'*t

...... "



l lt*"WII'-

o.k...-.111~' ~Wl~x



.,•• Will~"" ~WWtl•l'ft•


o-tv• Wltlillfll'l•

(Nc..... IIIIMh

•acNr41 W!Hi6M' Cllie: ..... l ll•llllh



1970 peruv1an staff christina bieck anne bi ll er pat bindrum everett browning don carli le bob frank gary grady shirley kirk phi l c. knisell james d. levitt kay Iovitt mary lutt linda

i. moody r honda reavis

nancy rhoden m ike rydberg lynn sailors mary schlange k eith tackett jul ee tillman chr istie ubben bob vana bill wassi l donna wi ll iams tom woo lsey

Index A












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