1971-1972 Peru Pedagogian - issues 1-25

Page 1


Peru Pedagogian

1Jhousand Oaks

Staff Heads are Hopeful

John Thomas and Nancy Stoll have been selected to head the Pedagogian and Peruvian staffs.

John Thomas has been appointed editor of the Ped for the fall semester. A junior from Falls City, he is majoring in English and journalism. He was the business manager for the Ped first semester of last year. His activities include membership in the English Club, Drama Club and PSEA. He is the vice-president of PSEA. He has also served on the Student Center Board.

Last year, he participated in both of the plays, "Our Town" and "Blithe Spirit," that were presented by the college. This past summer, he took an active part in the production presented at Buffalo City.

Morgan Hall, Kappa Delta Pi, honorary education fraternity, Women's Athletic Association, annual staff and Lutheran Student Fellowship.

The major portion of her experience in working on a yearbook came last year when she took an avid interest in saving the Peruvian. She started out the year in the position of copy editor and gradually worked into other areas where help was lacking.

Her main concerns this year are to sell more yearbooks and to recruit staff members.

About 200 yearbooks have been sold, but 300 more need to be purchased by students and faculty if there is to be a yearbook. The campaign to sell yearbooks will begin soon.

New editors of student publications are: Nancy Stoll, Peruvian and John Thomas, Pedagogian.

SC Staff ains Eight

Six new instructors, an ,,assistant librarian, and a director of data processing have joined the Peru State College staff for the fall term. These two women and six men bring the total instructors and other professional workers to 62.

John Semon, socialogy instructor, and Edward Bodensteiner, economics instructor, replace William Miles and William Snyder, respectively, for the first semester. Miles and Snvder have leaves of absence to work toward advanced degrees.

Semon has BS and MA degrees from California State College at Long Beach, while Bedensteiner is completing his MA degree in economics at Iowa State University in Ames.

Mrs Veronica Bequin teachers vocational - technical business education and Randy Bolton is a part-time instructor for drama

and theatre. Mrs Beguin has BS and MS degrees from Chadron State. Belton comes to Peru

·from Dana College at Blair. He has an AB degree from Wilmington College, Ohio, and an MA degree from the University of Denver.

Jeffrey Dilts from St. Joseph, Missouri, replaces David Gunderson, business administration instructor, who is on a one - year leave of absence to do graduate study. Dilts has

Ason, Gary Lundell, was born to Dr. and Mrs Guy L. Rosenberg on Tuesday, September 7th. The boy_ weighed a healthy seven pounds, 141h ounces. Congrats Rosenbergs !!! !

_an MA degree from Norlliwest Missouri State College, Maryville, and has done graduate study at the University of Missouri at Columbia.

Everett Browning moves from two years as an assistant director of special services to journalism instructor. Browning has BS and MS degrees from Kansas State University, Manhattan.

Other new staff members include Miss Sharon Gentry, assistant librarian, from Emporia, Kansas, and Stanley Mccaslin, a director of date processing. Miss Gentry has her BA degree from Kansas State University, Manhattan, and the MSL degree from Kansas State I Teachers .College, Emporia. Mccaslin has the AB degree' from McCallaster College, St. Paul, Minnesota, and the MS degree from the California Institute of Technology at

New Calendar for Fall Term

DUE to a change in the PSC calender, and freshmen orientation was held differently this year. Under this new schedule students will complete the first semester before the Christmas holidays.

Freshmen Welcome Day was held on Sunday, August 29. Registration followed for two days, then on September I classes began. Total enrollment for. this academic year is estimated to be 1,050, according to Dr. Kelly Liewer, Registrar. This is quite a change from last years system. Instead of a Freshmen. Orientation Week, there was Freshmen Welcome Day. And no innitiation. The possibility of reinstatement of freshmen initiation is under consideration by SGA.


Jerry Cox, business administration instructor, is on a leave of absence and will commute to Lincoln for doctoral study.

Due to an increase in the size of the staff this year, Thomas hopes to have more larger issues of the Ped with more news of the activities of individual students.

Nancy Stoll is a junior elementary education major with a tentative minor in history. She is a 1969 high school graduate of Gresham High School.

Her activities include membership of the dorm. council at

Students who are interested in working on the Peruvian are needed. They can contact Nancy Stoll or any other staff member for information.

Miss Stoll emphasized the fact that without student interest there may not be a yearbook, even after the successful save last year. She also stated that the more the students care, the better the year book will be.

Two Oiarged After Raid

Six hundred pounds of marijuana was destroyed at the Peru City dump last week "following a raid on a Peru residence and a field south of Peru.

State Highway Patrollman L.

C: Boyens said two men were arrested in a field south of Peru. The pair, who gave their names as Don M. Dever, 23, and William Joseph Meyers, 24, were charged with possession of more than one pound of the Nemaha County Sheriff's office said Meyers and Dever pleaded not guilty to the charges and were released on $1,000 bond each and ordered to appear in Nemaha

County court on September 24 at · 10:00 a.m.

A William J. Meyers -0f Fort Hunter, N. Y., is registered for the fall term at Peru State College.

The raid took place Thursday evening <September 9) ·when many Peru State Gbll,ege students and attending a street dance and barbecue sponsored by the Peru Chamber of Commerce in downtown Peru.

'Ibe marijuana, 500 pounds of newly picked crop and 100 pounds of processed,. was saturatelj Afith gaso.line and burned fitf Friday j a.1 L./ (,, :?,,'

(September 10).

In July three men had rented a small red brick house just south of St. Clara's Catholic Church in Peru. Patrollman Boyens said the three young men had been under survaillance since arriving in Peru.

Taken from ,the house by raiding officers were the 100 pounds of processed marijuana. Boyens said a drier and garbage compressor were also found at the ltouse.

Boyens indicated that others were being sought in connection with the raid on the Peru residence but further arrests had not teen made at press time.

of Nebraska's First· College PERU STATE. PERU, NEBRASKA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1971


··The staff of the Peru State College Peda· gogian and the members of the Student Governing Association do hereby jointly proclaim.the 1971-72 academic year to be one of activity and relentless pursuit of progress for the stu· dents of The Campus of a Thousand Oaks. The aforementioned bodies do hereby publicaly de· :vote themselves to the creation of a Student Governing Association of activity and involve· ment.

It will be the function of this body to ex· press and act upon the will of the student electorate. It is needless to say that this task will become an idealogical yet fruitless endeavor unless the students express a direction for leadership. Therefore, the Student Governing Association and the Pedagogian do hereby enlist the services of concerned individuals and ask that they make known their wants and concerns.

The Peru Pedagogian affords an opportunity of expression without censorship for the stu· dant body. Similarly, the Student Governing Association meetings in the Fine Arts Audi_. torium allow the students to make their opin· ions known to the student leaders. We hereby make a public plea that all students make use of these means of expression, so as to present their leaders with a direction toward which they might strive.·

This year's Student Governing Association pledges action if given an opportunity and direction. The members of the Student Governing Association are leaders, not mind read· ers. Therefore, join hands with YOUR Pedagogian staff and YOUR Student Governing Association members in making-the 1971-72 academic year a truly profitable one for all at Peru State College.

Calendar of Events

Saturday the 18th

Football vs Graceland, here

Monday the 20th.

PSEA 6:30 FA Aud.

White Angels 6:00 Ed. 110

Football SGA vs SCB Football field

Tuesday the 21st

Drama Club 6:30

MOVIE 7:30 FA Aud·

F;psilon Pi Tau 7:30 IA29

Thursday the 23rd

VARIETY SHOW 8:00 College Auditorium

The Pedagogian

Selective Service Changes Deferments

Dr. Curtis Tarr, National Director of the Selective Service System, explained expected policy changes on Undergraduate Student deferments in a press release from the Selective Service System. College students who were enrolled full-time in the 1970-71 academic year will· be eligible for student deferments for 197172 if they continue satisfactory progress in school. Not qualifying for student deferments will be those young men ·who entered school for the first time this summer and those who enrolled as freshmen this fall. These changes are dependent on the passing of the Selective Service bill by Congress. The House has completed action on the bill and final Senate action is expected this month.

Dr. Tarr has requested that the processing of Form 109, which gives student deferments to freshmen, be temporarily suspended until there is further action on the bill. The Resgistrar's Office at Peru State has announced it will comply with this .request. Incoming Freshmen and students are advised by Dr. Tarr not to file for a student deferment since if the bill is passed the deferment will be resclinded and if the bill isn't passed, they have no need of it and have only increased their liability to the age of 35. Should Congress change legislation and permit deferments, such applications will not be jepordized by the delay of submission.

According to Dr. Tarr, few incoming freshmen students are lifely to be inducted in the near future because of the student deferement phaseout. Out of the 1,034,000 freshmen_


John Thomas Editor-in-chief

Robert Vana Assistant Editor

Margie Lewis Society Editor

Mike Kelly : News Editor

Mike Summers Photography

Gerry Steele Sports Photography

Gary Grady Sports Editor

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation ,.

Mr. Everett Browning Advisor

estimated by the Office of Education, approximately 25,000 men stand a strong chance of being drafted. If a student is called in the middle of a semester, he will be allowed to postpone hs induction until the end of that semester, or if in his last academic year, until after graduation.

If the bill fails to pass the President is empowered to call up those men presently holding deferments, but Selective Service officials state that this is unlikely .to happen. Young men who have recently lost or dropped deferments would most likely be called up.

The Desire to Represent Effectively by the SGA

The Peru State Student Government Association is an organization of great importance to every student enrolled in this college. It entails responsibility for every student, as well as opportunities to voice opinions and work for progress on this campus. This organization consists of twenty members and two · sponsors, Dr. Wininger and Mr Semon, who attempt to represent the entire student body. These representatives are, in no way, able to completely and effectively represent each individual. It is the responsibility of each student to voice her opinion and work through SGA to improve Peru State College. SGA meetings are held every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Fine Art's Auditorium. All students are welcome and urged to participate. ·

All PSC students have an opportunity to know the projects and policies of their SGA. The minutes of every meeting are distributed to the dormatories and around the campus. A joint SGA SCB office has been established in the small dining room of the Student Center. Students are welcomed to visit the office on Tuesdays and Thursday from ll:OOa.m. to l:OOp.m.

All interested students are asked to join one of the SGA committies. Petitions for the committees and for any freshmen interested in the position-Of freshman SGA representative are available in the SGA office. Freshmen class officers are also to pick up their petitions at the office. Many students are needed to participate as members of the committees, which are as follows:

Research Comm. Mike O'Brien & Roxann Rengstorf

Poster Comm. Margee Heiser

Student Housing Comm. Susan Torczon & Bart Neri

Constitution Comm. Pat Prose & Owen Jensen

Student Affairs Comm. Mike Kelly, Connie Morrison & Margie Lewis ·

Education Comm. Pat Castle & Cathy Cole

Student Relations Comm. Rick Davis, Julee Tillman, Ron Booe, & Carol Muse

Offic_ers for SGA this year are: President, Steve Long, Vice President, Mark Hahn, Secretary, Julee Tillman, Corresponding secretary, Roxann Rengstorf, and Treasurer, Mike Kelly. Mike Kelly has also been appointed SGA Parliamentarian.

Julee Tillman SGA Secretary

The Bobcat's next game ii tomorrow night in the Oak at 7:30 p.m. against Graceland College of Lamoni, Iowa.


Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.

September 16-17-18

Walt Disney's PINOCCHIO

Sun. - Mon. - Tues.

September 19-20-21

Kirk Douglas Johnny Cash In A GUNFIGHT

Wed. - Thur. - Fri. - Sat.

September 22-23-24-25



Fri. - Sat. - Sun.

September 17-18-19

Steve McQueen BULLITT -plus-Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway

Warren Beatty Faye Dunaway In

weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF
l'IU. O<.t1' '(014e ,-_DVl.SOR's CARP. Fir LOtl£L'1'· lllE tfi\VE 1'320 ...,.....,.,.,",""' TO '(()I.I l"OR(.Gl 'Sl'UPI S'S 13'2. QU!i!Tll f2.0 PAIJe&S
i f
Bobcats Play
Saturday Night
.j .!
Neb·raska City
IN Nebraska City
CLYDE \ I I i I I j )

New Look for PSC Library

w faces, new carpet, angement with a new e and study area with\ ound music are part of I look at the library. All s are meant to increase es and the aesthetic value 'ng to Mrs Faye Brandt, librarian. s Brandt of near Otoe has

Reorganization of ,PSC Administration

There has been a change in the administrative set up of the college.

The Deans have been replaced by Vice-Presidents, under the supervision of President Neal S. Gomon. The former Dean of the College, Dr. Keith Melvin, is Vice-President of Academic Affairs. The former Dean of Students, Dr. Guy Rosenberg, is Vice-President of Student Affairs. The former head of the division of health and physical education, Dr. Ervin Pitts, is


Vice-President of Business and Public affairs.

The seven divisons were consolidated into schools with the division head holding the · title of.Dean.

The former head of the division of education, Dr. Rex Shelly, is Dean of the School of Education and Physical , Education and Chairn1an of the · Department of Laboratory Experiences.

Theta Upsilon, or ary In tern a tional aphy fraternity held their meeting Monday, Sept. 13 at e following new people have d the organization: Russell nes, Joe Barry, Brent x, Daryl Wusk, Ron Booe, °' John Colbert. Bill Taylor, ident, urges anyone inted to join the organization. trips, banquets, and guest ers are some of the aces sponsored by the group. yone interested should act Mr and Mrs Scott ms, Bill Taylor, or Terry olan.

• Hunts

r Talent

D. Levitt, producer, tor, and purchasing agent already started "picking nt" for the 18th annual nt Show. Three excellent ical productions have been ed to anchor the exciting t. capacity crowd of six dred will view the traditional reshman Kickline" along fourteen other talented Every year this show has ked many performers into ir successful professional eers. Talent from all over the west will be displaying their before the large crowd.

1 freshmen girls wishing to icipate in the "Freshman ille" should contact either an Rita or Pam Miyoshi. yone wishing to assist in duction in any way should tact J. D. Levitt. The date in is September 23rd in the llege Auditorium at 8:00 P.M.

served Peru State for eleven years. Paul Kruse is beginning his third year as reference librarian. They both strive to give help to students.

Miss Sharon Gentry is the new assistant librarian for technical processes. Miss Gentry, a native of Clay Center, made her home at Manhattan where she" attended Kansas State University for four years and tben earned the degree ML at Emporia State Teachers College. She arrived at Peru State in June following graduation. She says she's happy in Peru and considers the Peru State library excellent for a school of its size. Miss Gentry lives in Faculty apartment 82.

Mrs Friest is the night reference librarian Mrs Thelma Grafton is at the'checlt-0ut desk and is circulation librarian. Mrs Dot Fike is Mrs Brandt's secretary also handles interlibrary loans. Mrs Paula Mathews works in the technical processing area as secretary. Because space is at a premium and new shelving is to be added to the reference room, the card catalogue' bas been

moved to the west room. It is divided into two sections, one subject and the other titleauthor cards.

The library takes a variety of · newspapers and provides a reading lounge nearby: There are many magazines on practically every subject and every hobby. Look, Life, McCalls, Vogue, Nebraskaland and Mod.em Photography.are just a few. The magazines endeavor to include a few from each type are now located in the west part of the b.1sement. The front door to the basement is to be ·opened always now' instead of just evening, which should save some steps.

The library has many records that help the student especially in literature. Some are brought to the classroom by professors, but many more are available.

Mr Warilke is the new janitor. Our library is outstanding. All the changes have been made in hopes of improving services to the student. If.you are lost and can't find what you want, then ask and I'll be glad to help, says , Mr Kruse.

Wedding Bells chimed across the country this summer as many Peril students finally took the big step. Among the couples who promised to "love, honor and obey" are: Lynn Watson - Mike Rosso; Rita Rubenking - Jay Simpson; Jayne Sipes-Mike Engles; Tom Weddle - Ruth Read; Joyce Christianson -Terry Leech; Rita Greene - Gene Neddenreip; Kyra Rengstorf - Charles Bachle; Donna Spargur - Dan Furnbacher; Clara Little - Norm Janssen; Joan Kreifels - Bob Comiskey; Maggie GloverWilliam Dean; Kathy KrugerJack Armstrong; Diann Schramm - John Torpy; Bonnie Armstrong - Jim Hinton; Phyllis Anholz - Sterling Davis; Linda Niebuhr - Steve Stubbendeck; Donna Laflin - Randy Gottula; Jane Wheeler - Brian O'Connor; Jane Ferichs - Vern DeGroot; Cindy Remington - Gregg Coyle; Diane Dietrich - Larry Peterson; Terry Powell - Patti Anderson; Nancy Rhoden - George Gardner.

Ped Adds Something New

Something New has been added to the Ped this year. For the first time in recent years the Pedagogian will have a society section, as such. This section will serve to announce engagements, weddings, and births, as well as news of the various ·campus organizations. Send all news of this type to the Society Editor in care of the Pedagogian office.

Dr. C. Vernon Siegner, former ;1ead of the division of practical arts, is Dean of the School of Applied Arts and Technology and Chairman of the Department of Business, Industrial and Vocational Education.

The Dean of the School of Humanities is Dr. Clyde Barrett, former head of the division of language arts. He is also Chairman of the Department of English Literature and Communications.

Dr. John C. Christ, former head of the division of science and mathematics, is the Dean of the School of Natural Sciences. Other department chairmen include: Dr. John Jensen, department of education and· psychology; Dr. Gavin Doughty, department of fine arts; Dr. George Schottenhamel, department of social sciences; and Mr Joe Pelisek, department of physical education.

SCB Seeks New members

The Student Center Board of Peru State College extends an invitation to any and all interested students to apply for membership in its organization The Student Center Board is the organization whieh arranges campus activities, such as dancee, movies, and concerts; not to mention trap shoots, car rallies, and all night parties in the Student Center.

Membership on the Student Center Board is limited in number, so apply now. If you are interested, stop at the Student Center office to pick up a formal application.

English.Orama Picnic

The Peru State Drama Club and English Club will sponsor their joint fall picnic Monday, Sept. 20, at 4:30 p.m. The picnic will be held in Neal Park.

This event is designed to give a preview of the years activities in both organizations and to promote interest in the Peru State Language Arts Dept. All students who have an interest i.n any aspect of Drama C1.ub or English Club are invited to attend. Students wishing to attend should notify Mr Summers, Mr Bolton, Pat Castle or Julie Tillman by Friday afternoon

Continued from page 4

the game Peru tried a 21-yard field goal that didn't connect. Peru looked better than cfai its foe and beat them everTNhere but on the scoreboard. dne Rey injury was sustained by '.!'om Froehlich. Froehlich injursd his knee late in the third quarter and will not be able to play this week against Graceland and his availability after that will be on a day to dav basis.

Students study in quiet surroundings of carpeted reference room.
Talent.or Nerve?·

Flag, Fumble Foil Bobcats' Foray 14-1

The weather was there were many fans in the stands and the popcorn was 'being popped when the Peru State Bobcats took the field in Nebraska City, for the third · annual Applejack Bowl game' between Peru and Tarkio.

· After being defeated last week by Dakota State-at Madison the Bobcats were trying for their first win of the year, but were turned back by the Owls from Tarkio by the score of 14-12.

Peru scored late in tile third quarter on a 49 Y!ird run by Jim Desbien o!)].y to have it called back by a clipping penalty. Peru saw another scoring threat nullified when the football was funbled on the Tarkio two yard line. ·

The Bobcafs scored first and appeared on their way to their first victory of the year. Peru's touchdown came with9:33left in the first quarter on a short plunge over the goaline by freshman Avery Wallace. Tarkio came back to tie the ball game with only 2:33 remaining in the first half on a seven yard pass play·from Woodin to Wageman. Roccio's try for the extra point was good and Tarkio went into the dressing room at half time with a shaky one point lead.

Tarkio scored first in the second half when defensive back Bobino picked off a Peru aerial and ran 60 yards for the touchdown. Again the try for the extra point was good and Tarkio was ahead by the score of 14-6.

Peru scored its final touchdown in the last quarter on a 75yard drive. During this drive quarterback Tom Froehlich was taken out of the game with a knee injury. Terry Criger, who had quarterbacked the first half, crune back into the game and connected with Randy Den on a 10 yard scoring strike. The try for two extra points was missed and the score was 14-12 in favor of the Owls from Tarkio. Late in Conthmed oo page 3

Bobcat offensive unit huddles to call another of its long yardage plays against Tarkio College. Score did not reflect statistical advantage of the .Bobcats.

Cross Country Team Takes Top Six Places

Tl}e Peru State cross country team, minus Alt-American Jack Weyers, and great team Leader Jay Hagerman, opened their season in fine fashion by defeating Tarkio College in the Applejack Festival run by the score of 15-48.

In the Applejack meet against Tarkio Saturday the Bobcat runners swept the first six places, with freshman Bill Sell lea4iog the way followed by Dave Hillman and Dave Harris.

Sell's time over the 3.7 mile course was 18:10, Hillman's time over the same distance was 18:24, while Harris ran the

Zero Predict ,Game Outco

It's that time of year when footballs are filling th and everyone is beginnin say, "We're number 0 When football season arriv • time for Zero to dust of typewriter keys, get •. somewhat restricted thinking football, and get ba' his job of predicting who is to win the key football g across the Nation. This we sees a full slate of action in major and minor co. divisions. There are winner losers and if Zero is lucky• hit all the winners.

course in a respectable time of 18:27.

This years team is depending on six lettermen to help keep Peru's winning tradition in the sport of cross country. Dave Harris, Jerry Stukenholtz, Dave Hillman, Don Monzingo, Randy Hansen, and Gayle Swisegood form the nucleus of the squad. Freshmen expected to lend a helping hand are Ralph, Arnold, Bruce Neeman, Dennis Brady, Bud Steffan and Eill Sell.

"Pre Game Warm Up"

2:00 til 5:00



When doing this type of a it is always best to start · Number One. The Nebr Cornhuskers will host Minnesota Golden Gophers. game could be billed as a · of the unbeatens. Both t won last week in con · ' fashion, but face it Minn didn't face those shuckers.i Nebraska team is hard to and especially on their astro-turt. I pick Nebras this one, it may even by may score Nebraska 35 Minnesota o.

The Colorado Buffaloes the Wyoming Cowboys. old cowboy pictures the co could always beat the b the Wyoming Cowboys b ·bring a lot of ammu because the herd of Col Buffaloes are planning to them into the artificial Colorado 42 Wyoming 14.

Kansas State travels to to play the Golden Hurrle Vince couldn't do it last yea it doesn't look like he'll do year with Dennis Morriso Wildcats could have troubles this year, but have enough horses to h Tulsa. Kansas State 14 13112.

On the state college s there are a couple of gam Interest. Kearney State? (o Kropp State?) travels to East Montana. Kearney win this game but who anything about East Mont In fact all we hear Kearney is Tom Kropp. He i L _____ ______, extraordinary athelete, wants to play football where heart is. Yes Mr Devaney



sure didn't recruit Kropp r· If you would have he woul playing in front of 67,000 instead of 500 fans in the Bowl. Kearney 28 East Mon 6. Peru State plays host Graceland. Graceland may for a surprise as this y edition of the Bobcats is proved over the previous mo After last weeks loss to Ta the Peru team will settle nothing short of total vie Peru 27 Graceland 23.


Steve Long, president 1 Student Governing Associa 'Pl announced that petitions freshmen class officers and au representatives should be t bei in by Wednesday, Septembe tbE Petitions are available f Pe Steve or the SGA office. in interested freshman sho No contact an SGA representa

and have the petition comple

with SHOES FROM SEARS We MAJOR in QUALITY! Sears Shoe Store 12i' J. St. Dorothy Sears Auburn, Nebr. DON'T
"The Illustrated
STARRING ROD STEIGER AND CLAIRE BLOOM FROM THE BOOK BY RAY BRADBURY TO BE SHOWN :ruesday, September 21 Sponsored by SCB Paid for from Student Programs Fee

Peru Pedagogian Home of Nebraska's First College

Gomon Approves

New Dorm Hours

Anew set of hours for girls in Morgan and Davidson-Palmer Halls will be effective September 24; The system has been approved by President Neal S. Gomon.

All girls under 20 who have parental consent, and girls 20 years of age or older, are eligible for no hours. However, girls who · participate in the plan will have to work on the desk nights.

A participant will stay in a designated apartment or room one complete night after hours. Abuzzer will be installed so that the individual working will get up and let the girl seeking admittance in.

The girl on duty will remain on duty until 6a.m. and at that time will unlock the door for the day.

Each girl must work the night she is assigned or she must find someone to replace her. If either she or her replacement fails to perform the designated duties the first girl will lose her no-hour privileges until her time to tend

Kadets FOrmed

girls' drill team is being ized. The sponsor is Mrs nica Beguin, new instructor e business department. · s Beguin said she hoped the team would be ready to orm at the half-time at the ecoming football game ween Peru and Culverkton. She also said that she ped the team would be able to

Calendar of Events

execute various routines during the rest of the home football and basketball games.

For those who have not been informed about ·try-0uts, Mrs Beguin still has positions open, but she said that those interested should see her immediately in Education 213 because of the demand for membership.

Begins Fiftieth Year

Next - month the Ped will lebrate its fiftieth anersary. A fact that makes it en more impressive is that ·s issue marks the seventyth year of ·publication of a pus newspaper for Peru te College. ·

In October, 1892, the first wspaper published on the mpus, The Normal Courier, peared and was "established 2 by the class of '93." The rd normal was used in every e the campus paper had with e exception of the present one. ·s was because Peru was the ate Normal School.

The State Normal School ·of ebraska.'' Again this indicated eru's status at that time of ing the only teacher training stitution in. the state. The essenger ceased to be in 1902.

In that year the Normalite · ared with ''hopes that it d be well received" by the ent body. The Normalite, ·des being successful, was e forerunner of the gogian. For one semester 5, for reasons unknown, the ·alite suspended operations

The Normal Journal me the campus paper.

Normal Journal

free but warned its readers that the remaining issues would cost five cents each.

As quickly as the Normalite had disappeared it reappeared in ·1906. Another milestone was reached on October 11, 1915, when the campus newspaper became a weekly. Up to this tinte it had been a monthly with some issues representing two months.

·On October 5, 1921, twentynine years after the initial appearance of a campus paper and after nineteen years of publication under one title, except for the break in 1905, the Normalite was laid to rest in a farewell issue.

The Peru Pedagogian, a name suggested by a member of the school's football team, became the title for the campus paper to carry on a long tradition.

The school library has bound volumes of these papers dating back to 1892. The years of 1901 and 1904 are not represented and it is unclear whether there were no publications for these years or whether the volumes are incomplete. These volumes are open for the public but may not be checked out. They are a fascinating source of information about facets of life ih these neriods.

Saturday the 25th Football NW Missouri State at Maryville Trap shoot

Monday the 27th Afro Club 6:30 FA105 Student Wives 7:30 WDRm Beta Beta Beta 7:30 Sc304 White Angels 6:00 EdllO

Wednesday the 29th Convo, Freshman Class Elections

Scholarship Funds Approved

The Nebraska :state Legislature has announced approval of Scholarship Funds at Peru State College for the 1971-1972 academic school year, according to Financial Aids Director Mr Donald Miller.

These scholarships include the traditional, Cooperating School Scholarship, which pays half of a student's tuition if that student qualifies. To Qualify for Cooperating School Scholarship a student must be from a High School that employes five teachers who are graduates from Peru State college. For every fifth Peru State graduate who is employed as a teacher at that high school, one additional student becomes eligible for the program. The class of 1975 has twenty-six freshmen participating in this program. Participating upperclassmen include: twenty-six sophomores, twenty-six Juniors, and twentythree Seniors during the 1971-72

the door comes again.

Each girl who is allowed to sign out after hours, will be allowed to enter the dorm only once each night.

The sign ·out sheets will be changed. Each girl with the no hours privilege will continue to use a sign out sheet, but it will be separate from the sheet for those without privilege.

Avisitor must follow the same rules as the girl whom she is visiting. A girl with a visitor must register and obtain a pass from the desk or the visitor will not be permitted in the dorm if coming in after hours. The pass must be obtained from Mrs Beckley, Mrs Johns or either of the relief housemothers while they are on duty.

Any girl breaking any rule will be taken before the dormitory judiciary board.

Hours for the girls not participating in the plan will remain the same as they have been the past year.

816 Young People Register

Nemaha County Clerk Worth

Young reported 31 young people between the 18-20 age bracket have registered to vote up to Sept. 21. Approximately 816 young people are eligible in Nemaha County, according to a survey by Dr. Wallace Petersen of the University of Nebraska.

The 816 ·total apparently includes students from Peru State College.

To be eligible to vote, a person must have resided in the state of Nebraska for at least 6 months, in the county at least 40 days, and in the precinct at least 10 days.

The process for registration is short and simple. Only about 10 minutes is taken for the procedure. The deadline for voting registration is the second Friday before the election, so there is time for the newly

eligible voters to register. school year. The budget According to Young, no party allocation for this program trend has been set by the young totals $18,000 dollars. voters, with the parties drawing Another traditional program about equal loyalty. is the Financial Aids to the

needee. This program was allocated $11,000 dollars for the New Library Hours 1971-72 school year. Eligibility to this program include establishing a substantial financial need.

Two new programs that were instituted this year include scholarships for forty-five students with outstanding · athletic ability. The amounts paid to the individual students range from a part to a full tuition : scholarship. The total programs allocation this year was $16,775 dollars. The second new program being instituted this year is the Special Abilities Schlarships. This new program grants half tuition scholarships to twenty students with exceptional talent in such fields as Drama, Music, Debate, Journalism and Art.

Beginning Monday, September 'll there will be a change in the hours at the library. Mike O'Brien and Roxann Rengstorf of the SGA, and Mrs Faye Brandt were instrumental in securing the new .hours. The hours will be as follows: Monday thru Thursday - 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; Friday - 7:30 a.in. to 4:00 p.m.; Saturday - 2:00 to 5:00p.m.; and Sunday-7:00to 10:00 p.m.

Mrs Brandt pointed out that the main changes in the new hours are that the library is open longer on Monday thru Thursday, and that instead of being open on Saturday morning, it will be open on Saturday afternoons.

Campus .of a
Left to right Nancy Wilksen, Kathy Runkles, Becky Pieper, Captain, Evelyn Heebner, Betty Johnron, Co-captain, and Catlfy Mailahn of the Kitty Kadets practice a routine.
· .. itty


It is interesting to note the revolt now being waged against the products and principles that pollute our environment; while we· continue to pollute our minds without thinking.

For example, those with time and money criticize the SST, Oil spills and the rise in temperature on our rivers from water used to cool atomic reactors.

But what about problems that hit just as hard. Atlantic Monthly (October, 1971) has devoted an entire issue to work in America and takes a look at the laborer to the professfonal person. All of these people fell the pressure of economy, morale and morals. ·

To complain and present problems is popular. Many journalists and writers make their money this way. It is easier for people in general to sit back and listen to the news commentators who analyze the news for you; the politician who offers you another service for the small cost of a three mill tax increase.

Our modern society wants to work four days a week and be entertained the rest of the time. There are too many people who don't care where the money comes from because you can always borrow now and pay it back later. When the cost of living goes up everyone is affected. The cost of room and board, books, clothes and beer all go up.

None of our conveniences come to us as a courtesy. It is costing us our country by hurting the morale and morals of our people. We are becoming lazy when we ask for more free time and then waste it away by living it up and spending wnat we make from our job without doing a little for ourselves to conserve.

The solution is with the individual. People have to do for themselves or pay for it because that is the way it is.

Recent rains have finally drenched the campus pastures that have previously been watered by mechanical means. At least this time you can ·get across the sidewalk.

Delzell residents were in for a surprise when they began' cleaning some of their unused drawer space recently. Numerous articles of ladies undergarments were found.

A new "stage coach" was purchased by the college this summer. Local bookies are giving 10-1 odds on engine and transmission replacement.

There is a new look on campus this year. Dogs with a more varied ethnic background have appeared but are not yet at-

Peruvian Staff Attends Clinic

Members ofthe Peruvian staff attended a yearbook clinic Saturday, September 11 at Southe.ast Consolidated High School m Stella. The clinic was sponsored by Walworth Publishing Co. which prints the Peruvian.

Several high schools in the area were represented, with PSC being the only college in attendance. Those of the staff who attended were: Nancy Stoll, editor; Steve Gage, sports; Margaret Tynon, Pat Prose, picture editor; Janie Montang, business managerMike Kelly, and John Thomas'.

tending classes Incidentally, the girls now have new dorm hours. This new policy is rated X-undefined.

It has been noted that Broughton Foods has improved their meals and service this year. Right ! Right on!

Areliable source has informed me that one of the Delzell residents fell from the side of the dorm while trying to gain entrance to his room. He had been locked out. Better check those anti-gravity tablets. They might have soy bean meal in them.

On the serious side I would like to thank those people who made this column possible. I hope that we can all take time out to look back on what we did and laugh at f>ome of it.

Many of the early students at Peru Normal were eighth grade graduates who were doing high school work at the Nonna! School.

Delzell Hall is named after W. N. Delzell, who was a faculty member at Peru State from 1904 to 1940.

The first term of the Peru Seminary was taught in a small room downtown but the winter term was taught in the new building on the hill.

The first tuition rate at Peru was five dollars per term. With extra learning it went up to seven and a half dollars.

Peru State College's beginning dates back to 1865, when it was organized by a group of early settlers and placed under ''the care and management of the Methodist Episcopal church".

James D. Levitt, associate professor of English and speech, has been instrltcting at Peru: State College for 23 years. He originated the Fall Variety

During the 1961-62 academic year, $157 ,000 was spent to renovate and update the Peru State College library.

The Peru Alumni Association includes all graduates and former students of Peru State College. A50-year class reunion, a tradition at Commencement time, and the 25-year class reunion at Homecoming, have been arranged through the Alumni office for many years.

A statue of Horace Mann, housed in the auditorium, with several other gifts, was given to the college by the class of 1898.

Nebraska's first college, was guided through its first four years by President of the College, J. M. McKenzie.

Debate Squad To Demonstrate

Peru State debate squad members will demonstrate the techniques of debating Friday, October 81 ·in the Fine Arts Auditorium. · ·

Speech students from 52 high schools in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and Missotiri have been invited to attend. Debating sessions are scheduled for 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., with each session lasting approximately an hour and fifteen minutes.

According to debate coach J. D.. Levitt, Pat Castle, Steve Long, Linda Stubbendeck and Cathy Cole are the initial pairings for the demonstration. Another tentative pairing is Gary Bowman and Dean Young.

Peru's debaters will analyze high school debate topics and answer questions. ··

Cat Runners Take 2nd

Running is the name of the ,game for the Peru State crosscountry team and r)lll they did last Saturday at the South Dakota State Invitational Cross Country meet held at Brookings, South Dakota.

Led by Dave Harris, who placed seventh, the Bobcats as a team placed second. The time turned in by Harris was a respectable 26:19. Next in line for Peru was Don Monzingo who finished twelfth with a time of 27:02.5.

In an open meet held in conjupction with the invitational Tfin Hendricks finished first; Bruce Neeman placed eighth and Dennis Brady placed tenth'. Peru runners received three medals in the meet in which 50 runners participated.

Beat Northwest Mo.

At this time 35 years a Peru's campus was bustl with activity much as it is to v

For instance, a cast was be' selected for the 1 Homecoming play, reports Pedagogian of September with Post-Road, a comme mystery chosen for t presentation.

Class elections had been he the Bobcat football team h , been defeated a week earlier Maryville, Mo., Teache College 24-8, and a stud council "with a desire to surp all former Councils" had agr to supervise Homecoming tivities. ·

The college orchestra un · the direction of Professor Vic Jindra had grown to 30 pie and was "expecting as many 40 pieces before many we· have passed."

Question of the week from issue of three and a half dee back: "Who was the mysteri strong-armed lassie who br up the freshman initiation on dorm steps by throwing w from room 304?" Alas! question was unanswered.

Minute question of the we (mini-hadn't come into vo but almost) "How many of red heads at the dorm are real This was in 1936?

And last, the faculty was present Lady of Letters, modern comedy, the sec faculty production in two yea

It wasn't until October 20, 1 that Peru had a live Bobcat. Pedagogian bragged that P was the first school in the c ference to have a live masc The Bobcat was the gift George Hansen, class of 191

Peru State College was o called the Nemaha Vall Seminary and Normal Instit

Peru was given a franchise the Nebraska Legislature in 1 ·· to establish a school of hi learning. Since these w troublesome times, it was until 1865 that the Peru Acade was started.

John Thomas Editor-in-chief

Robert Vana Assistant Editor

Margie Lewis Society Editor

Mike Kelly News Editor

Mike Summers Photography

Jerry Steele Sports Photography

Gary Grady Sports Editor

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation

Mr. Everett Browning Advisor

1111 II 35 Years Ago A Similar Campus
weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska
The Pedagogian Published
68421 STAFF

iller And Exchange Group To Visit Chile

nald Miller will leave Oct 24 with a Group Study nge team bound for Chile. plane will land in Santiago eir work will be in the area ncepcion. Miller, Director ancial Aids at PSC, will Omaha at 9 a.m. Sunday ing and arrive in Santiago p.m. Monday afternoon.

e Rotarians Group Study ange offers a unique person - person opportunity for· otion of better un" tanding and friendly. )ions among the peoples of ..• world. The program

', ·des travel grants· for the , ange of teams of business · professional men enabling to study the institutions ways of life of their hosts to develop personal aintance and exchange

er, a Rotarian, is the ict governor's represenand will go as team , er. He has requested a leave 'rabsence from his duties at State.

··•·s five team members are: Bath who is a farmer and eman in the Peru area; Carey, an attorney who iii Ashland and practices in Omaha; Carl Rezabek of r is an engineer with the ,

Nebraska Highway department; Bob Kremer is a farmer from Aurora and Larry Starr, an eighth grade English and social science teacher at Crete, Neb.

A comprehensive view of the country's economy is gained by the team through visits to farms factories and places of business'. There are opportunities for discussion with business and professional men on trade and tariff matters, ·business techniques and labor relations.

Team members visit governmental and legal institutions to see government and law at work. They visit schools and colleges ill order to observe and dis.cuss. the country's educational system. They study places of historical, cultural and scenic interest.

They also come into contact with family life at all income ievels. They're given opportunities to observe and study cultural activities and religious life, and participate whenever possible in the recreational life of the people.

Each will stay in the home of a different family each day. Mr Miller's return story (Dec. 17) should be of interest to all on campus.

·SEA Holds First Meeting

e Peru State Education ciation held its first meeting , e year at 6:30 Monday.,· ember 20. Pat Castle sident, introduced sor, Dr. Kite and a new sor, Dr. Singh. Dr. Singh e to the group and exed his desire to help the 'zation. Class represenves were elected. The

sophomore representative1s Becky Pieper, and the junior class representative is Mary Madison. Nancy Wtlksen will represent the seniors, Plans for future meetings were presented and discussed. A sensitivity training session will be held at the next meeting which will be held Monday, October 18.

Purple Sage Hosts· Drama

The Purple Sage Saloon in Buffalo City, U.S.A. was the talent showcase of Peru State's drama students this summer. Dancing saloon girls, a mustachioed bartender, a tough (and sometimes not so tough) sheriff, shoot ou,ts, bank robberies, and rag-time piano kept the audiences amused before and after plays. The drama workshop, directed by Mrs Mary Ruth Wilson, was offered for the first time this summer and was a smashing. success.

An hoilr-long show, consisting of a play, skits, and shenanigans

was presented three times each Sunday from June 20 to the end of the first session.· The show was then changed and revamped for the second session and ran for ·four consecutive Sundays. The shows were presented in and around the Purple Sage Saloon in Buffalo City. In keeping with the atmosphere of the surroundings, the program was designed to reflect actuality in the old western era.

A"Nebraskaland tour, including the Lieutenant Governor and Miss Nebraskaland herself, attended along with many local groups and families.

Mrs Wilson, dressed as a man, was the talented piano player and Willie Fairbanks' size, songs and personality stole the show. Other Peru students in the group, which is called the Peru College Players, are: Roger Oviatt, John Thomas, Roxanne Hill, Deb Hendrickson, Chuck Lambooy, Ann O'Connor, Sylvia Tylder, Margie Heiser and Margaret Tynon. · Four area high school students who were also hard-working performers were Janet Wilson Peru; Charlotte Leffingwell'. Tabor, Iowa; Martha Russell, Peru; and Roland Barrett, Peru.

e English Club and Drama held a joint picnic at Neal k on Monday, September 20. any students and faculty hers attended. Julee· an, English Club president, Ohnmacht, vice-president, Pat Castle, president of a Club, each gave a brief mary of events to come. culty members were inuced and students were ed to attend both meetings. ish Club meets Monday, ber 11, at 7 p.m. The next a Club meeting will be day, October 12, at 6:30

Two early literaray societies which were popular with practically the entire student body were the Everett Literary Society and the Philomathean.

John M. McKenzie of Pawnee City, Nebraska was elected the first President of Peru College.

The new college at Perri in 1866 consisted of three terms per year of thirteen weeks each.

Peru was originally styled a normal school, and was authorized to offer two years of collegiate instruction.

Peru Seminary and College, which was chartered in 1860, is still a State Teach-ers College.


Mr and Mrs Robert Beaman of Ceresco, Nebraska have announced the engagement of their daughter, Susan, to Brad Williams, son of ·Mr and Mrs Dale Williams of Omaha Nebraska. No wedding date been set.

Mrs Harlan G. Lewis of Bellevue, Nebraska has announced the engagement of her daughter, Margie, to Burton Monroe ·Shepard III, son of Mr and Mrs Burton M. Shepard Jr. of Prairie Village, Kansas. No wedding date has been set.

The SGA was defeated in touch tball Monday evening by The final score was 24-12. SGA team hopes not to be ouraged bylts initial defeat, d intends to bounce back in ure athletic contests.

GA meetings are held every day r,i!gllt at 6:30 p.m. in the e ·Arts A.udifodum. All insted students are invited to nd their SGA's meetings. icisms or opinions ar!

ome and accepted. The SGA ctions for the needs of the dents attending Peru State Hege.

In 1896-1899, there were only about 450 students in attendance at the Peru Normal School, not including the pupils in the Practice School.

In 1897, Mount Vernon Hall, a girl's dormitory, burned down. It was focated on the nowexisting site of Mount Vernon Heights.

In 1898, a military drill was required every Friday for the boys of Peru Normal School.

Mr and Mrs Raymond McConnell of Villisca, Iowa, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Pat to Dan · Hunsberger, son of Mr and Mrs Orville Hunsberger of Gravslake, illinois. No wedding date has been set.

Peru State library, Nebraska's oldest college library, has one of the best periodical collections in the state.

Peru ·State is said to have begun when Major William Daily refused to give one dollar toward the building of a church building, but offered to give $500 toward a school building.

SEPTEMBER 24, 1971
Pictured Left to Right; Jerry Bender, Beatrice Jenkins, Margaret Tynon, Deb Hendrickson, John Thomas, Janet Wilson, Sharon Hahn, Charlotte Leffingwell, Rob Fisher, Roxanne Hill, and Mrs. Wilson.
TIME TO BUY YOUR 1971 - 72
Peruvian ON SALE NOW Only $8.00

Bobcats Disappointed Jn-Bid For First Win ZERO PREDICT v - '

Football, football, football, seems to be the topic on the mind of most of the sports fans across the nation. Every weekend footballs fill the air in many stadiums all through the land. Street corner conversations have switched from girl watching to football, and everybody seems to be'an expert. Last week Zero had a fine week in the field of predicting the winners in the key college games. So here he goes for another try.

The Fighting Irish Of Notre Dame play Big Ten rival Purdue. In last years game Purdue didn't even score a point, and they probably won't score this year-. Ara wants to be number one this year and will probably try to run up the score in this game, but Purdue will score. Notre Dame 44 Purdue 14.

with victory number t Oklahoma opened with an i pressive victory over SMU. Sooner offense was supposed be powerful and it is, but defense looked very strong a this was a pleasant surpri Oklahoma 35 Pittsburgh 7.

The weather was chilly and so were most of the fans in the Oak Bowl who witnessed the football game between Peru State and Graceland. The Peru fans were anticipating a victory and this was enough to make them forget the weather, but in the end they were still cold and Peru was still looking for its first victory of the season. Graceland went home to Lamoni with a 29-22 victory.

Peru played the part. of the gracious host by letting the visitors score first. Graceland got on the scoreboard in the first few minutes of play when Doug Cottrell scored on a one yard run. This teuchdown was set up by a blocked punt, the first of two in the opening quarter. The Graceland brother act of Tim to Tom Arnold accounted for Graceland's second touchdown.·

Tim threw the ball to brother ' Tom and the result was a one yard touchdown pass. Jim Seeley ran for the -two point conversion and. that gave Graceland a 14 point edge. Peru scored in the second quarter on a seven yard pass play from Terry Criger to Avery Wallace. The key play in the drive was a 22 yard gain on a keeper play by quarterback Criger. ·

With just 13 seconds left in the first half Graceland scored

again when Tim Arnold ran across the goaline. With a two point conversion the score at half was 22-7 in favor of Graceland.

Peru scored late in the third quarter on a one yard run by Avery Wallace. Jim Desbien ran for the two point conversion and Peru narrowed the gap to 22-15. With 9:53 left in the third period the Yellowjackets scored again. This time it was a pass play from Al Dicken to Tom Arnold that covered 25 yardS. The placement was good and that made- the score 29-15.

'Ihe final Peru tally was set up when defensive back Gordon Thompson swiped a pass on the Peru seven and returned it to the Graceland 28 yard line. On the sixth play of the drive John Zatloukal scored from two yards out, Dan Dotton kicked the extra point and the final score was 29-22.


Sun. - Mon. - Tues.

Sept. 26, 27, 28

7 Days - Opens

Two Bobcats were injured in. the game. Barry Reed suffered a slight shoulder separation, and Ken Kamman suffered a slight elbow injury. Their availability for this weeks game is un- certain. The Bobcats travel across the state line to face old rival Northwest Missouri State in a game _ night.

Now let's look of the key games in the Big Eight conference. The top game will find the Colorado Buffaloes playing the Ohio State Buckeyes. Colorado is undefeated after two games, but really haven't been tested by a complete football team. Ohio State may not be the team of a year ago, but don't sell them short. Woody · Hayes always seems to come up with a good team, and this year is no exception. It should be close, but the nod in this one goes to Ohio State. Ohio State 21 Colorado 14.

Oklahoma Sooners travel to Pitt Stadium to play the Panthers of Pittsburgh. The Sooners should travel back to Norman

The Nebraska Cornhusk search for victory number th · when they entertain the Agg from Texas A&M. The Husk should win this one. Nebra · seems to have just too m talent and depth for the Agg to overcome. The team fr Texas could present a prob( or two for the Blackshirts, don't look for much of a bat Nebraska 42 Texas A&M 7. ( Now let's look at a few ga · on the state college scene. Doane Tigers play host to Tarkio Owls. Doane should h little trouble in winning this o Doane 17 Tarkio 0.

Kearney State travels to F Hays State and should be in fo battle, but look for Kearney• win this one as long as they ke giving the ball to Mr. Kro Kearney State .23 Fort Ha State 6.

The game of interest to Peru Staters find the Bob c traveling across the state lin · play the team from North Missouri State. The Peru t has lost three in a row an looks like this will be t fourth. The Bearcats have much fire power for the Bobe Peru should score in this one not enough. Northwest Miss State 35 Peru State 12.



Wednesday and Thursday

Peru Bobcats zomp two points past Graceland 1 s defense.
Tires Mechanic Work Reasonable NEW
Bill Reeves ayne,Simpson
Peru Sinclair)
DRIVE IN Nebraska City Fri. - Sat. - Sun. Sept. 24, 25, 26 C. C. AND COMPANY Jius YOU CAN'T WIN 'EM ALL
Wed. Sept. 29 - Tues.
for 1971 - 72
Dining Room Student Center
6 &7 West
in the year
If you want your picture

ard Travels To ·onfere nee In Kansas

· representatives of the t Center Board of Peru College attended the tion of College Unionstional Region Eleven ence in Manhattan, s, September 16, 17 and 18. 'ans attending were Jan , Carol Muse, Charlene ill, Mike Kelly, Bart Neri, wen, Roger Oviatt, and d Mrs Shipley.

Region Eleven Cone of the Associations of e Unions International is annually at one of the r schools' campus. The er schools of Region n include schools from the state area of Nebraska, Kansas and

u's delegation arrived in attan Thursday morning e new college bus, piloted nsor Alan Shipley. Upon al the delegates checked their various rooms at the ersity Ramada bin and tered at the convention t, the Kansas State ersity Student Union.

Levitt Hosts Fall Show

Replaces Bob Bowen

Friday, the delegates attended program bloc sessions throughout the entire day. These program sessions were arranged to give thorough exposure, to the attending delegates, to the realm of college union operations in the areas of governing boards, executive officers, art, entertainment, films, hospitality, lectures, recreation, travel publicity.

Saturday morning found the convention delegates in more focus sessions concerning topics of social awareness on the college campus. These morning sessions were, for the most part, handled by professional college and university personnel, who discussed such aspects of today's campuses such as drugs, minority groups, the free university, zero population growth and ecology.

The annual election of next year's ·president followed the focus sessions. Kansas State University's candidate emerged , victorious l;lfter a lengthly floor battle and many ballots.

The.Registrar's office at Peru State College will e open Saturday mornings 9-12 under a new policy tablished this fall.

The service is provided for prospective students nd parents of prospective students who may not be ble to visit Peru State on week days.

Astaff knowledgeable in admissions procedures ill be available each Saturday morning to answer uestions, process applications, and aid visitors toe college. The Registrar's office is in the Adinistration Building.

Something new was added to the fall variety show this year. Bob Bowen was to be master of ceremonies, but due to a football injury he was unable to appear. In his place was Mr. J. D. Levitt. In all his years of sponsoring the show this was his first appearance on the stage. The stage band, tinder the direction of Dr. Gilber E. Wilson provided the pre - program music.

The traditional freshmen kick line started the show. The; · kickline this year wore a variety of clothing, later -changed to costumes.

The kickline was under the direction of Pam Miyoshi -and Susan Ritter. The girls did their routine to the ·song "Anything Goes." While the girls were changing clothes, the audience ·was entertained by three, Leo Golden, Bob Olson and Bob Wernsman who provided a dance routine. In place of the traditional straw hat the group

substituted a tennis racket.

A vocal trio of Andy Korus, Kathy Walker, and Joyce Gergen performed. Miss Gergen accompanied on the piano. Part of the Buffalo City cast from the summer theatre workshop was next m;1 the program. They were under the direction of Mrs Mary Ruth Wilson who also doubled as the piano player. The group did a variety of things taken from the workshop. Members inciuded Deb Hendrickson, Janet Wilson Roland Barrett, Diile Burke, Willie Fairbanks and John Thomas. Trevor Tuiolosega, preformed several numbers on the guitar and bass. The show ended with the band playing the color song.

Dianne Peter8on assisted in the prograining. Pam Miyoshi ,and Susan Ritter in charge of the costumes. Devoe Manning was the stage director. Decorations were done by the Advanced Debate class.

New Tape Deck Purchased

An eight track Craig tape deck was recently purchased by the Student Center Board and paid for by student program fees. The· Unit was purchased from World Radio Lab of Council Bluffs.

The normal cost of the unit would have been over $160.99, but SCB bought the unit on sale for under $130.

The brainstorm of Roger Oviat of the SGB, the tape player has several unique functions. It is capable of recording its own material so that tapes can be dubbed from discs. With this in mind, 20 blank tapes were purchased. The unit can be set to repeat a tape continuously.

Although the students will not be allowed to bring their own tapes to play on the machine, they can make requests from the student center library of tapes. The library includes music by the BI9od Sweat and Tears, Cat

Stevens and the Chicago.

Immediate plans include the purchase of more tapes with an emphasis on satisfying a general audience. According to Mrs Gayle Shipley, director of Student ·Center, the reason students will not be allowed fo play their own tapes is because tapes may jam. Also their might be some hassle over what was to be played.

225 More Books Must Be Sold

About 225 more books must be sold by October 5 if there is to be a 1972 yearbook, according to Everett Browning, yearbook advisor.

The yearbook staff has sold about 200 books at $8 each. A total of 500 books must be sold to provide money for the bid of $4,267, made by Walsworth Publishing Company of Marceline, Mo.

"If our sales reach 425 books by October 5 we can honor the contract and go ahead with the individual picture taking which is scheduled for October 6 and 7," Browning said.

"If we don't have 425 books sold by October 5, we can't have a yearbook, because we would have to commit upwards to $750 for the individual pictures and we can't commit that much money without being assured of a yearbook."

Yearbook sales staff will set up sales tables in the Student Center and salesmen will be on the campus Friday, Monday and Tuesday.

If sales are not great enough to print the yearbook, money paid will be returned to those who have bought· 1972 books, BroWlling said.

Peru Pedagogian VOL. 67 NO. 3 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1971 ··
Roger Ovlat views new tape player.
Buffalo City Group plays in variety show.


Being a photographer, I have often wondered what the one picture that I would want to survive the holocaust that mankind seems so intent on giving us would be. Believe it or not it is not one that I have taken! In fact, it is not one that any·one individual took. Indeed the cumulative effort of many different men and women working together was needed to supply this picture. Achieving it reflects the embodiment of all the genius of man in learning to work and perform under the unalterable laws of the universe.

From the first flight at Kitty Hawk to the triumphant launching of the first artificial satelite, man has learned that he. can not suspend the physical laws of nature but must succumb to and be by them. Too bad he has not yet realized that there are laws at work that govern his relation to his fellow man.

To his credit he has realized that there are laws of cause and effect. Why can he not just as he applied them to the problems of Areospace flight apply them to the problems of our human society. It should be self-evident that as thrust causes lift so hate results in war. But, back to the subject.

It took many men to supply the gelatin and silver to make the emulsion that was used to take the picture. Many people formulated and mixed the chemicals that were needed to process the film.

So, when one individual pointed that camera, focussed it, and pressed the shutter release - for one instant - one tiny part of a secona, he gained the ultimate hope of all mankind and stored it on

The burden of making the whole mission a success or failure once again hinged on what one man did. One individual took the film carefully - ever so carefully-from the camera and placed it on the machine to process it. Care was taken to avoid any more light hitting the film than that which that one ' instant had submitted. He carefully checked the temperature of the chemicals. Their strength and suitability for the job had previously been born out. With everything "go" the processing started.

An hour or so later, the smell of chemicals trailing behind him, one delirously happy man emerged from a dimly lit room. He poised in front of his fellows obviously pleased and overjoyed with the part that he had had in accomplishing the completion of the mission.

"Here it is!" he must have said. "Is it beautiful!" And yes, finally there it was the picture of a shimmering blue jewel set 4gainst a solid black background. On its way through eternity, the earth had stopped for one instant to let its inhabitants know that it was jµst one world.

Editor Issue No. 3



much nerve to be in the· show. It does take a lot o however, to be a part' audience. Why the chall so tremendous to see throw the most pennies performers or yell th comments of encourage beyond me. It does nerve to stand on st matter how talented talented you are. All yo must evaporate, esp knowing how receptive ' parts of the audience ha to those preceding yo certainly not difficult understand why no one be a part of the variety.


State College's Budget Set

By John

The four state colleg' asking $10.2 million fo. struction on their ca · Kearney wants $5, Cha dron-$2, 661, 220, ''A? A MkflEIZ OF FACT, I\Al1 YOU Of<DPPEO BY, SNARF - I WANTWTOASKYOUABOUT60Vif O'AR6E? A FEW OF YOLJR &ruPeN'f5 HAYE LfVELE.V f>.6AJN6T YOUJ'

Thru The Lens

A new set of dorm hours for the ladies of our campus went into effect last Friday, after being campaigned 'for by the student government and various petitions. These new hours will not do anymore than the old ones. Unless you are married, in the dorm after 11:30, or attending a private gathering there is nothing to do because the night spots close early.

In the past, the 11:30 dorm hours only bothered people if there was a dance or a keg party. They never restricted parking.

For those liberated women who view this new freedom as a milestone, you can forget it. H you are under 20 you must have parental permission to stay out.

H you are over 20, or can get your parents to consent to unrestricted hours, you are still subject to signing out, spending a night in a room to wait for later arrivals and basic responsibilities that any adult has.

All in all, it is my opinion that you haven't accomplished very ·much because a change in dorm hours does not make Peru a swinging school, nor does it act as a drawing card for a greater number of students to come here.

corner from the south and another from the east, an accident could be the outcome.

There was a stop sign on this corner in the past.

Two large holes can be found on the south corner of the west parking lot and there are numerous other holes that can be found in the street. The largest holes are five inches deep and could be very dangerous to any driver.

It is a shame that we can have our sidewalks widened as we did a year ago, reseed the campus as was done this year and not fix the street.

Perhaps it was an oversight. But if it was it cannot be overlooked for long.

Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor, "Eny thin Goze" was the theme of the fall variety show. The question one might well ask is where is the variety show going? fa 1969 there were 22 acts. In. 1970 there were 13 acts. This year there were seven, counting the three times the band played.

Apparenfu'._ it does not take

$1,921,500 and Peru State asked for $427 ,197. request is about 4 percen total construction budget Kearney's is approximat of the requested funds. '

By looking at tne figures, it would seem t that the other three colle rapidly progressing, whir old Peru lies doI'.mant. Th several things on the that need improvement. for instance our anti gymnasium, with its , size swimming pool, a Education building whic · use some remodeling. :

To keep the record str should be mentioned th has asked for $100,000 to new health center and education building, but p and actual construction different things. Who kno'. long it will to plan 11

A big effort is being ·· PSC to get students to i Peru. Peru's pro enrollment for 1971-72 w · lowest of the four state c Thanks to organizations the SG Awho got no hours. for girls, maybe the enr will increase. Perhaps more physical improv would enhance our coll prospective students.: cannot be done thou asking for only 427 ,197, w other state colleges are i for millions. l

Peru State College has taken a giant step forward by allowing girls to have the privilege of no dorm hours.

Girls who participate in the program now can come and go as they desire, within reasoµ of course.

H nothing else, no hours gives a girl the opportunity to be responsible for herself. She has no one to tell her what is best for her. In other words, an individual is able to find out for herself what is best for her. And college is a time to find out what one's limitations are and to learn to be. responsible.

The buzzer system for letting girls in during the night is a.good beginning, but it has its drawbacks. First of all, a girl must be on duty all night to make sure all individuals who are to admitted are and that a person who does not blong in the dorm does not get in.

The draw backs come ·when the girl working has a test the

next day or other activity which' she should be alert. The second draw back comes on weekends when many students go home.

In such situations girls may not want to work, but would have to if she could not find a replacement or forego the no hours privilege. This in itself is not fair if the girl would be willing to work another night.

The buzzer system is a beginning, but it should be considered only as a beginning. A key system might work better, especially if a stiff fine would be placed on the individual who lost a key in any other way abused the trust put in her. A better way can and should be found.

The change has been a long time in coming and has taken much work on the part of many people, specifically the Student Governing Association and some members of the administrative staff. They are to be thanked and at the same time to be reminded that if progress is to continue, change should be eminent.

On the other hand, maybe a few more girls will be able to ·• sleep through classes that they do not like because they spent most of the previous evening watching Orion on his nightly jaunt through the skY.


It is not the policy of this writer to raise questions_ and problems just for the sake of argument. UNO has a parking problem, the Lincoln campus needs bigger stadium and Peru has a troublesome and dangerous street ori the west end ot the campus. This college spends money every year on improvements in buildings, teaching aids and campus beautification. But why is the street on the west end of the campus lacking a stop sigh at the north end and why are large holes allowed to get bigger. without any attempt to fix them?

Adangerous situation exists in both cases. Traffic enters the west parking lot from the east. H a car approaches this particular

The Pedagogian

John Thomas Editor-in-chi

· Vana Assistant Edit

Margie Lewis Society Edit

· Mike Kelly News Edit Mike Summers Photograph

'Jerry Steele Sports Photograph Gary Grady Sports Edit

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulati

Mr. Everett Browning Adv is

11: il)I Page 2
weekly by the students of
Peru State
Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF

New Committee Structure Adopted

The committee structure at Peru State was realigned with the new administrative and instructional organizat!on formed last July. The new structure adopted September 16. The college affairs council is the main cog in the new structure. It is the first and only policy making body in the organization and this is it's main function.

The student affairs commission and the academic affairs commission are both directly responsible to the council. The faculty association may present matters to the academic affairs commission and the council.

',cot Gets Cage

mascot is destfned for eatment. The thirty-five ·bobcat is living in a ary cage.

· ler, director of student aids, explained the At the beginning of , the Blue Devils, PSC club, sold the idea of a live mascot to the verning Association. e, $50was set aside. It ded that if the SGA tain the bobcat, the ils Club would accept nsibility of its care. car arrived in Omaha e semester. break, the vils Club was almost nt.. took over from there.

e the. trip to Omaha and up the mascot; brought it Peru, and he has cared bobcat since.

t is fed tnree times a consumes between 6 pounds of meat. The r Store in Talmage s scraps from its meat plant free of charge.

Although it is impossible to let the cat out of its cage for exercise, it takes care of its physical conditfon by a form of isometrics.

Last year the SGA and the Peruvian each set aside $75 for the construction of a permanent cage. The new cage will have dimensions of 12 feet by 12 feet by 6 feet high. It will have an automatic water system, and will be heated by a steam pipe running underneath the cage.

Miller has been working on the cage with· the help of a few students. If more students would volunteer time, the cage could be completed in two to three weeks, he said.

Dr. Todd To Visit Campus

It has been announced by· Dr. Rex Shelley that Dr. James Todd will be on the PSC campus Monday, October 4. Dr. Todd is the executive director of the Board of Trustees of Nebraska State Colleges.

He will be in the West Dining room of the Student Center at 5:00.

Under the student affairs commission are the committees for scholarship and financial aid, school and community relations, and student conduct. The committees for the library, teacher education, and admission and standards are directly responsible to the academic affairs commission. The students are well represented throughout the

Quote Without Comment

"Men since the beginning rif time have sought peace. · .military alliances, balances ot powers, leagues of nations all in turn failed, leaving the only path to be by way of the crucible of war. The utter destructiveness of war now blots out this alternative. We have had our last chance. If we will not devise some greater and equitable system, our Armageddon will be at our door. The problem .involves (an) improvement of human character that will synchronize with our almost matchless advances in science, art, literature, and all material and cultural developments of the past two thousand years. It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh."



Melvin Reoassigned

Dr. Keith L. Melvin, vice, president of academic affairs at PSC has been granted approval for a change in assignment. The change becomes effective· ·with the end of the fall semester.

- Previously, Dr. Melvin, a 1932 graduate of Peru, was dean of McCook Junior College from 1946 until 1955. After his graduation from Peru, Dr. Melvin taught science and mathematics and coached at Upland, was principal at Syracuse, and served as superintendent of schools at Blue Hill.

Dr. Melvin will be re-assigned to a teaching position in one of the many areas in which he is qualified. An immediate search will begin for his successor, hopefully to be available at the start of second semester, according to President Gomon. Only two board membersDr. Francis J. Brown of Genoa and Education Commissioner Cecil Stanley voted against the motion. They said they would have preferred to make the transfer effective after the second semester.

SGA Interview

While slumbering over a freshly developed print I wondered what the Student Governing Association was doing to improve student life on campus. I interviewed Steve, it's president. The SGA office is open Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunch hours: I chose Tuesday. The following is the interview which took place:

Q. What has the SGA done so far this year to improve campus life?

A. So far the SGA has been working on several projects. It has completed two already. Those completed are the removal of girl's dormitory hours and the change of .library hours. Other areas that the SGA is working in is the expansion of independent study, a survey determining the attitude of students toward room inspection. A campaign to foster interest in voting on both a local and national level and participation in a regional blood conference to let the students have a better opportunity to donate their blood to the already critically low blood bank. Plans are also being made in regard te the Homecoming Weekend, along with various other projects that are of the students interest.

Q. What was the SGA's involvement in the removal of dormitory hours?

A. The Student Affairs Committee of the .SGA, Connie Morrison, Margie Lewis, and Mike Kelly were very active in this project. They acted as a coordinating factor between the dormitories and the administration and they were very helpful in giving suggestions and finding out information so that the project moved along smoothly. Willie Fairbanks, a Committee member was also very active in this issue.

Q. What was SGA's part in changing the library hours?

A. The research Committee of the SGA collected information from the students to see whether they wished to have any changes made. Mike O'Brien and Roxann Rengstorf with this information made suggestions to Mrs Brandt. She was very helpful and cooperative.

Q. There are many other things that the SGA is working on. How can students get involved in these projects?

A. Interested students may pick up committee applications at the SGA office in the Student Center Tuesday and Thursdays during lunch hours. That is also a good time to make any suggestions or criticisms that any student may have. Students may also come to the meetings which are held every Tuesday at 6:00 P.M. in the Fine Arts Building Room 212 to express their views.

Q. I noticed this year that the SGA minutes are placed in the student's mailboxes?

A. Yes, Julie Tillman, the secretary of the SGA, has them duplicated and distributed to the students. She also has copies sent to administrative heads and to faculty members.

Q. Why is this done?

A. The SGA feels it is important that the student body faculty and administration be informed about its activities so that they may offer their advise and criticisms.

Q. Do you feel that the SGA is an important factor in the student's life at Peru?

A. The question is relative. The association may become very important to a student, but it is dependent on how much enthusiasm that is directed toward the SGA by him. I do feel that it is an intergral part of student representation: it allows views an.d opinion to be expressed openly and action to be taken on them.

Q. I believe I have material enough for the present, but one last question. With President Gomon retiring in two years, do you feel that the students should have a voice in determining who his successor should be?

A. Precedent has been set in other colleges where a student advisory committee has been named parallel to a faculty committee to advise the President in his search for a successor. Here at Peru State, we will have to wait and see if their is any student interest in this direction.

With the interview at an end, we exchanged curiosities, and then I left to type my story. I felt a little better about the SGA and its efforts to improve the quality of campus life.

Senior class elections will be held in the Fine Arts Auditorium, Wednesday, October 6, during the convocation period.

All seniors are asked to attend and vote for the candidate of their choice.

Peruvian ON SALE NOW Only $8.00
FROM THE PLANET OF THE APES Wed. - Sat. Oct. 6-9 AIRPORT TRAIL DRIVE IN Nebraska City Fri. - Sac - Sun. Oct. 1-2-3 THE STERILE CUCKOO - plusTRIBES
Wed. Thru
Sept. 29 -
R &S TEXACO SERVICE (Formerly Peru Sinclair) Tires Mechanic Work Reasonable NEW OWNERS , Bill Reeves Wayne Si'm pson Page 3

Culligan Lady Takes Over

The Plymouth slowed as it approached the driveway to Delzell Just as_ she turned in the car scraped the bottom. She would later learn that this was a common occurance no matter how slow one drove into the driveway.

It was a hot August 19. The morning sun beat down heavily over her head. Getting out of the car she approached the rear of the building. The hall loomed before her like a massive giant. It was to be the biggest house she had ever lived in so·far. This was · to be home for the next nine months for her family of over 150 young men. She knew of no other woman who could boast that they had so big a family.

Opening the door she was grtie.ted by a gust of cool air. It was a welcome feeling for she was convinced that it was going to be a hot one this day. Her


Passed By Congress

A much fairer draft system will be brought about by the new draft passed by Congress, accordmg to local selective service agent John Muse of Auburn.

The major change in the new legislation is the abolishment of college student deferments. Muse indicated, however, that the new system should be more advantageous not only to those men not in school, but also to college students.

The local agent has received word from the Washington office that they will not reach as high in the lottery numbers to induct men for the service. This will be brought about by the abolishment of student deferments.

Previously not all the men in one number could be drafted because of student deferments, the new law will allow most men ·with low numbers to be drafted.

Without a deferment a man is subject to induction until the age of 26. Previously students obtaining a deferment were eligible to the age of 35.

The selective service will h:we to re11rh 11s hillh in lottery numbers, but still be to draft the same number men.

Muse has received word t only those with a lottery num of around 140 will be draf when previously the number: eligibility went as high as · Students will be alloweJ finish the present schola_ semester if drafted, or if in tfinal year, they will be allo · to complete schooling u graduation.

The selective service had power to induct men into service since June. legislation concerning the passed by Congress on tember 21, has not been si by President Nixon. The si is expected soon, and , hopes to have the power rest' by late October or e. November.

footsteps echoed as she walked up the long stairs that led to the hall. Putting her suitcase down, she opened the door and walked into the lobby. The place seemed a tomb, still and lifeless. For those first few days it would be - until she got use to the place and her newly acquired family started moving in.

Her son had just graduated from Peru State this spring. She had not the slightest indication -at that time that she would be gaining so big a family so soon.

Mrs Mary Kunkel made her home in Falls City, Nebraska and was a Culligan Soft Water Service representative. The tendancy to call her a "Culligan Lady" must be resited she says. For there are no "Culligan Lady's," just Culligan Men. As the first day came to an end the quietness of the building again was everywhere present. It shouldn't have upset her though, it would never be that

quiet again.

The first of her new family arrived on the 22 of August. She had been on her knees scrubbing the office floor when she heard a "tap" "tap" on the desk top. She looked up. There standing tall, staring _ down at her was Air Force Captain Dennis Mitchell. "I'd like to check my son in, please." She stood up rather embarrassed and lumbered into her apartment in search of her keys.

In the days that followed more students began to arrive and the dorm began to take on a lived in atmosphere. By the thirty-first most of her family would be moved in and exchanging questions about their summer. The dust on the TV screen was brushed away and some of the family took to watching TV.

Formally she is known as Mrs Mary Kunkell but to those who live in Delzell and appreciate her genuine concern for her new family .she is simply ''mom."

Neri Elected

Bart Neri, junior Speech major from Geneva, Illinois, was elected Nebraska State Coordinator at the recent Association of College UnionsInternational Region XI convention in Manhattan, Kansas.

Neri was elected at the Nebraska State Caucus meeting Friday night, September 17, in the Cottonwood room of the Kansas State University Student Union. The election ·was presided over by caucus chairman Bob Bowen, also from PeruState. Only one ballot was necessary for the election, schools voting were Peru, Doane, Kearney State College, University of Nebraska at Omaha and University of Nebraska at Lincoln.

Among Neri's duties as Nebraska State Coordinator will be the arranging of two subregional conferences within the next year, the coordination of possible block booking dates with schools throughout the state and region and service as a member of the ACU-1 Region XI executive committee.

Fashion Trend,

How many of you have ever taken the time to glance through one of your parent's yearbooks?

If you have you were probably awed at some of the fashions worn in that particular era.

Fashion trends change constantly. It is very likely that the styles of this generation will appear as hopelessly absurd to the teen-agers of the future as the styles of the past appear to present day teens.

Often a style a fashion of an earlier era, but the style has been adapted to suit modern expectations and standards. For example, the socalled modern mini-skirt is actually a replica of the skirt worn by the flappers in the 1920's. Maxi-skirts have been recurrent on the costume scene throughout the ages.

Flare· leg pants in a multitude of fabrics and designs, including the popular denim jeans, can be contrasted to the stretch pants of the early 1960's. Dress lengths vary according to a girl's mood and personality.

The midi-skirt recently made its debut on the fashion scene.

James Brown has even dedicated a song to hot pants, one of the most current styles to be introduced. Hot pants are actually short shorts and can be worn throughout the year. During the winter months hot pants can be worn with kneehigh boots.

Hair styles have under changes also. The beehive __ style of early 1960's has : replaced by the more natlook and the shag. Hair is in many different ways to Longer hair on boys is current trend. A great dea_ individuality is expressed in length and style of a per hair.

Designs on clothing are ' tracting attention in the fas world. Teens sport clothes ' flags, butterflies, hot dogs, ,. even pieces of pie. Suede leather jackets, purses, and belts are becoming : creasingly popular. Many ; ferent types of material are -· in today's styles, inclu crushed velvet and co corduroy. .-

Traditional clothing, sue.· jumpers, sweaters, skirts, .I loafers are still in vogue to. Teer.a prefer the casual loo. jeanund shirts. An article". recent issue of a popular age magazine stated that t enjoy the "poor-look". : surplus stores are being inv by teen-agers trying to ach this .poverty image. colleges enforce no dress c. and teens can dress accordi their own tastes. They can: press their own personal through their style of dres '. Today more than ever one'; exhibit his own tastes. AlthQ. a certain degree of conformi, necessary, the emphasis tod placed more on what a pers than what he owns and w·

Engagements and Weddings


November 2oth is the date selected for the marriage of.

Susan Duncan to Dean Bennett.

Miss Duncan is the daughter of Mrs Graydon Duncan of Nehawka, Nebraska. Mr Bennett is the sor. of Mr and Mrs Cleo Bennett of Union, Nebraska. The wedding will take place at the Bethel United Church of Christ, in Nebraska City. Miss Duncan is a Peru State College student.

The First United Churc Waverly, in Waverly, Nebra.· will be the site of the Novelli 2oth wedding of Miss S · Cripe to Russell Taylor. Cripe is the daughter of Mr·· Mrs Francis Cripe, of Wav Nebraska. Mr Taylor's par are· Mr and Mrs Robert Taylor, of Benedict, Nebra


Michael ·Callahan to Braden, on September Thir Oakland, Iowa.

Bart Neri, newly elected State Co-ordinator.
................. , ......... '
'IU!)AY, OCTOHE!l I, 19/1 Page)

Ped 'Views Pot & Drug Abuse

In view of the recent rise in the use of marijuana and drugs, the Ped presents this Candid off the cuff interview with an ex drug abuser.

Q. What is your definition of a Pothead?

A. A pothead is a person who centers his life around the use of Marijuana. This person doesn't just consider it a fun past time The pothead doesn't consider it h,e just does along with everythmg else. Marijuana is actually the biggest thing in their life. Apothead gets to be a certain type of person - he has certain types of habits. I noticed something very strange when I began to smoke it. I started to become very sloppy. My head just got into grass. I forgof about everything else. My thoughts would center around Marijuana - like listening to music I'd wish I was stoned - everything I did, I'd wish I was stoned. The thought that was in my mind all the time was when's the next time I'm going to do it. That's what the pothead thinks.

Q. What made you start smoking pot?

A. Well, I just wanted to do it. I was just an adventurous person and I didri 't really see anything wrong with it. I thought it was something that would just be like a big thrill for me. At this time in my life, nothing was going on. I was kind of bored. And that's why I did it.

Q. What influence did your peer group play in influencine: you to smoke Marij_uana, if an:y?

A. A very very large part! In fact if it wasn't for a certain friend of mine, I doubt if I ever would have smoked any.

The Case Against Marijuana

"In the United States, where more than $5 billion are spent for drugs each year, there is an almost mystical faith in the power of drugs to heal, to ease pain,,to tranquilize - even to help people "escape" from the rigors of modern - day living.

"While the dangers of physically addicting drugs such as heroin and morphine are readily acknowledged, increasing numbers turned to amphetamines to pep them up, barbituates to calm them down, and hallucinogens to "turn them on." Most popular was marijuana. Current estimates on users in the United States range up to 20 million. Marijuana is no longer a drug that is primarily used among low - incom{! groups. "Pot" has found its way into the affluent suburbs, high schools, college dormitories, and even into the military services.

"When educators, law enforcement officers, parents, and doctors argue that marijuana is a dangerous drug, its defenders reply that since it is not physically addictive, marijuana is perfectly safe. But is it s;ife?

"Many marijuana users apparently do enjoy its effects with out suffering, ,any permanent physical damage. Alcohol, these users say, is far more

dangerous, and they cite the 20,000 deaths that occur each year in the United States from liver and heart disease and other physical disorders related to alcoholism.

"Law enforcement officers respond that marijuana is indeed dangerous, and among other things point to the role it plays in leading people to "harder stuff", such as the true narcotic, heroin.

"Very powerful support for the antimarijuana view came from two medical and scientific groups on June 24, 1968. Committees of the two groups, the American Medical Association and the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, spent two years studying medical and scientific literature on marijuana. They concluded that even weak marijuana preparations can cause anti-social behavior "with serious

"In support of their findings, the groups cited a recent study by the federally operated Addition Research Center in Lexington, Ky. Dr. Harris Isbell, director of the study, found that strong doses of marijuana produce psychotic symptoms including delusions and hallucinations, in most subjects.

"Yet the use of marijuana

continues to rise. Dr. Dana Farnsworth, director of health services at Harvard Universitv. told a symposium at the of Physicians of Philadelphia that 30 to 35 percent of the students at major universities on the East and West coasts had tried marijuana at least once and that about half of the students said that they had repeated the experiment.

"The federal government finally took strong action to curb drug abuse in 1968. A riew Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs was formed and placed in the Department of Ju!tice. This was expected to strengthen the enforcemtnt of federal laws on drugs.

"Thus the teen-ager or college student who takes a brief fling with pot invites possiblE;! undesirable side effects. Also, legal dangers and the stigma of carrying a criminal record can hold vast implications for a person's future. In most areas of the United States, it is difficultif not impossible - for a young personwith a narcotics conviction to enter such professions as teaching and law, and it is even difficult to gain employment in some industries."

Drugs: A Year Book Close'UP 1969 P314.

E. Kenneth Froslid

Q. Most people in favor of legalizing pot say that smoking it does not neccessarily lead to the use of other drugs. What is your feeling on this?

A. Well, I don't know if it directly leads to the use of stronger drugs or indirectly. In my case it was a little bit of both. It indirectly led to the use of stronger drugs, because the guys that I was with started doing the stronger stuff, It ·was just natural for me to follow them. I guess ifu just usually the crowd you're aroundwhatever they do you usually do the same thing. Also there is a tendancy to get kind of spoiled with it. It gets to be kind of monotonous. So you want to try something bigger - something new. I really do think it leads to the use of stronger drugs.

Q. What sort of drugs did it lead you to use?

A. The first drugs that I bought, I bought down at the drug store. They were drugs you could buy without a prescription. I bought some motion sickness pills - drammamine and I took about four or five of those and I took some No-Doz tablets. If you know what that does. Drammamine is a "downer" and No- ' doz is a "upper". You take them both together and it does strange things to you, After taking those pills it led: dropped speed just a little bit Then I started taking LSD.

Q. What is the feeling that you get when you take speed'!

A. Speed? It's gross! Well, it's kind of hard to describe, All the

time I was on it I kept taking my pulse. Once I took my pulse and it was 160 beats per minute. It was forty beats in 15 seconds. I was walking at the time and my veins were sticking out all over. I was not hungry, I didri't want any food. The thought of foo made me sick!

I just kind of felt awful' all over. My muscles felt worn out. I felt like I was going t,o fall over. It does make you hallucinate. If you take enoue:h of it. It distorts natural things. It doesn't make you see anything new particularly. A certain object will , become distorted. Your eyes play tricks on you. Those are the kind of hallucinations you get.

Q. The kicks that you got were they then the hallucinations?

A. Just the whole thing altogether. I said that I felt really gross, but that was toward the end of it. I felt like superman at the first part of it. I felt just fantastic. I felt like I could jump fifty feet in the air. I was running around I had so much energy. I couldri't believe it. At this time was very shy. But when I took i I was running around talking t everybody, to people that I ha never seen before. I remembe giving some money away t some people. They were tryin to make a phone call and I just felt really good. I liked everybody. I wanted to talk to everybody. I just wouldri't shut up my mouth. I just kept talking. The main thing that I enjoyed about it was that I just felt s alert. I felt really good.

Q. You say you also took LSD. What did LSD do for you?

A. When I first started to take LSD, I kept trying to get into what I'd heard people talk about - the things they had seen. I didri 't really get into anything until the tenth or twelfth time I took it. That was when I took enough that it took me completely away from reality. Always before, I was close enough to reality that I coul hang on. I didri 't just let myself go completely. But when I took enough that I couldri't hold onto reality and I just went over the deep end. All of a sudden I was in a different world where nothing was real. Every object had a personality. It was the real experience called A lot of people may take LSD but they never experience the Trip. - ··

Q. What was the 'inain source of money to support the habit?

A Actually the Marijuana didn't cost very much at al because this friend and I learne how to pick it. We learned how to process it. We learned how to let it mold in a certain way that it would become really super! I don't know what kind of mold that grew on it or what it did for it but it made it fantastic, It made ir really colorful experience to it. So, this didn't really cost anything, LSD when I bought it, I was doing it about

V/ Page 6 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1971.
"This weed is used in the making of Marijuana."
Cont't on pag<: 7

Dear Loui

two years ago. It was very expensive at this time. In the town that I lived in there were very few dopers around. Long. hairs two years ago was almost non existant. The first hit I bought cost six dollars. Now days that would be extremely expensive. It was worth the money then because of the scarcity. The money that I used was just money that I had laying around. It makes me kind of ashamed ta say that I spent birthday money, I spent lawn mowing money, I spent snow shoveling money, I spent my allowance: I'd take my lunch to school and that way I wouldn't spend very much money buying lunch. Just anyway I could do it I got the money that way. Most people they smoke Marijuana then .· they have the desire to get into something stronger. And then because of the cost of it, they start dealing to get enough money to support their own habit this is where most people get their money.

I have used all types of drugs Jrom hash, pot and acid to hard stuff. It's all a bad scene. The people who push the stuff don't use it becuase they know it's bad stuff. They can see what it does to you. All you are doing is ruining your life and letting people make money through you

Q. Do you feel that everyone should try drugs at least once?

A. Definitely not. Thank you.

Room Student Center Wednesday and Thursday

'If you want your picture in the year book, BE THERE

I am a senior hoping to graduate in December. But due to one small problem, which I am now faring, I am afraid I' won't be able to make my December graduation.

Last Friday night I was celebrating the finish of my Micro-teaching. The next day Saturday morning, I awoke u; find myself sleeping in the janitors room of Morgan Hall. I have been sitting here ever since. Can you help me?


Dear Cramped, Never fear Lucky Loui is here! There is a janitor uniform on the way to _you right this minute. · <any problems? big or small write to lucky Looi c-o The Peru Pedagogian, campus mail.)

Run To Daylight

It was halftime. The big brass band had taken its' place on the 50 yard line, sending sounds off the tiny, but modest playing field. The teams' mascot the Golden Bear, weaved the ever-ehanging formations of the band, prancing around with his head held high and he had good reason, .Westbrook led Hampton, 28-0.

John Nelson stood on the sidelines anxiously awaiting the haltime show to end. There was certainly nothing to worry about he thought to himself as the Blue Devils made their appearance on the opposite side of the field.

Coach Henderson's pep talk was to the point. "Let's eat up the clock and not make mistakes." In the first half of ·this cross-town rivalry, the Golden Bears scored first on a touchdown pass that covered 28 yards. Quarterback Jim Anderson added six more points on a 10 yard jaunt around left end three minutes later to widen the lead.

A slight cross-wind was blowing across the field but it was not strong enough to hamper the deep man awaiting the kick-0ff.John Nelson was one of them.

"Run it back this time cowboy," his teammate Ed said with a grin. The pair then trotted out to their own 20. There they lined up on the opposite hashmarks on the field. Nelson watched Mitchell adjust his chin strap. He was trying hard to appear anything but nervous. He had underwent the knife late last season for the removal of torn cartilage in his knee, and as a result, he had to alter his style. Prior to the injury, initial contact could only slow the 5-10 190 lb. halfback from picking up another two or three yards before being brought down. But that was yesterday

The kick-0ff was an end - over ender, veering off of Mitchell's left shoulder pad as he attempted an over - the - shoulder catch. Nelson, who had circled in scooped up tfie squibbleJ\ as it hit the ground on the 20 near · the sidelines.

By this time the defense was bearing down upon him. He did a little jig to shake off the handgrip a burly tackle had on his ankle. His blockers were now just beginning to form but not quickly enough. For a' fleeting · moment, it had appeared that the end had come. He was trapped, crimson - colored jerseys engulfed him on two

sides as he tightroped across the 30. A little dip of his shoulder threw one would-be tackler off balance, allowing him just enough time to cut back and escape to midfield. At the 45 he · was running smoothly the pigskin safely tucked his right arin. ',

There, at the 45, he found hls route blocked. 'three tacklers were gathering at about the 50. To the surprise of everyone, he wheeled around reversing his field in a wide arc. He made his through mass of falling. bodies, by dartmg, weaving and changing speeds. At the is he momentarily lost his balance as a lineman went after the ball partially jarring it from grasp. A second defender attempted a shoelace tackle but to no avail. '

His journey continued until he reached the 20, where from the corner of his eye he spotted a defensive back cutting diagonally across the field. It soon became apparant that Nelson could not outrun him. The pursuer steadily gained ground. A head-on collision seemed inevitable. He lowered his helmet as the two gladiators met. The initial shock of impact stood them both upright momentarily. Then, the defender reeled over backwards, taking the ballcarrier down with him at the five. Thus ending a 75 yard run, but no touchdown.

No More Songs To Be Sung

It appears that another of Peru's traditions has disappeared. The oldest member of Peru's past faculty has finally found her resting place. Every year the freshmen were greeted with the tales of Eliza Morgan's spiritual visits. Stories of her impish sometimes mournful journeys through the echoing halls would be told and revised.

This year ·it seems Eliza having taken a dislike to the workmen has escaped from Morgan's draught halls forever. Perhaps it was because they changed the heating system so she could not longer sing through the pipes. Whatever the reason we wish Eliza good luck and hope she doesn't find DavidsonPalmer.


I thought of you today

And this evening too. '

I wish that you were here With me now And forever.

So please

Come, walk with me down the streets of the of life _

In the quiet of the country

In the peaceful stillness of rtlght.

Come, stand with me

Take my hand where it is hard to tread '·

That we may go.

Come, run with me

Into. the path of 'a pressing problem

'.fhat we may face it, if not solve it, as one.

Qome, sit with me, Together in thought sickness trails and old age ' '

As we go through life together.

Cont'd from page 6
-FORGET Pictur.es for 1971 72 .. Peruvian October 6 &·1 West Dining
Page 7


Ater a week of some upsets it's time for 7.ero to tread ground where no other man dare travel. This business of picking winners isn't as easy as one may think. 7.ero never hears about the winners he picks only the losers come back to haunt him.

Probably the top game of the week finds the USC Trojans traveling to Norman to play the Sooners in the dreaded snake pit. This should be a very interesting game. Both teams have a great offense, and an adequate defense. The key to this game is who can control the ball the longest. Oklahoma is noted for their fine running attack and ball control, while Southern Cal likes to put points on the board anyway they can. I look for the Trojans to upset the Sooners. USC 35 Oklahoma 34.

After counting their blessings for a week the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame must again take to the gridiron to probe that they. are NUMBER ONE. Last week they had trouble with a Big Ten foe and this week should be no different. You can bet ·your sweet hippy that Michigan State will be ready, but look for lucky Ara's boys to pull another victory. Notre Dame 71/4 Michigan State 61/2.

The Big Eight season opens with Kansas State traveling to Boulder to play Colorado.

could be a long day fOr 'the Wildcats. This could be the year of the Buffalo. It's too bad they aril in the same conference with Nebraska. Colorado by an easy three touchdowns, Colorado 33 Kansas State 7.

Nebraska is at home again this week playing the Aggies from Utah State. This very well could be a repeat of the three previous games. Nebraska will show enough to win, but won't hurt themselves. This should be another easy Cornhusker win.

Nebraska 35 Utah State 0.

There are two games on inon the state college scene. Kearney State and Chadron State will lock horns on the Kearney field. Last year Kearney won by four points and this year should be no exception. With Tom Kropp carrying the mail the Antelopes should win again. Kearney State 33 Chadron State 17.

The Peru State Bobcats will definitely break their ten game losing streak when they play South Dakota Southern. It has been a long time between vietories and the Bobcats are getting hungry. Peru should win ,this one. Peru State 35 South Dakota Southern 8. Looking over the complete scope of football here are some sure losers: Minnesota, Georgia Tech, and Tulane. See you next week.


as students, don't have the total $8.00, pay a $1.00 deposit and pay the rest by Nov. 10. Buy your annual now, the fate of the Peruvian is in your hands.

Harriers Get Revenge

The Peru State cross country team defeated 'Northwest Missouri State 20-38 last Friday to avenge an early season loss to the same school.

Bill Hindry from Maryville won the race over the four mile course in the time of 20:06. The Bobcat runners took the next four places with Don Monzingo finishing second, followed by Dave Hillman, Jerry Stuken· holtz, Bill Sell, and Dave Harris.

Maryville Drops Cats By 7

The Peru State Bobcats traveled to Maryville, Missouri la&t Saturday night in quest of their first victory of the year, but instead came home the loser in a close ball game. Northwest Missouri State won by the score of 35-28.

An interception of a Bobcat pass in the first few minutes of the opening quarter set up the first Bearcat louchdown. With only five minutes gone in the opening quarter Jim Albin scored on a fine 25 yard run to put the team from Missouri ahead. Jim Maddick kicked the extra point and that made the score HI in favor of the Missourians.

The rest of the first quarter belonged to Peru and they scored with'· 1:19 left in the quarter when fullback John · Zatloukal scored on a one yard rwi. The first Bobcat score was Uie result of a fine 80 yard 15

play drive. Dan Cotton kicked the extra point and tied the ball game up.

In the second quarter the Missourians struck back to take the lead. Joe Wingate caught a pass and before the play was over went 73 yards for the score. Peru then got the ball and scored three plays later. The Peru tally came on a 23. yard pass play from Terry Criger to Randy Den. Peru went into the dressing room at half with a 7 point lead.

The Peruvians took the lead with only 33 seconds remaining in the half when defensive back Gordon Thompson swiped a Bearcat pass and returned it 75 yards to pay dirt.

There were three touchdowns scored in the third quarter, two by Maryville and one by Peru.

The first Bearcat tally came with 11: 19 remaining on a two yard keeper by Mike Kennedy. Their second TD of the auarter

came with 2:57 left on a three yard run by Jim Albin. Peru's final tally came on a well executed five play drive. The score came on a 46 yard pass play from Terry Criger to Avery Wallace.

With just 5:08 left in the game Maryville scored the winning TD. The fleet Steve McCluskey gathered in a punt and raced 63 yards for the TD and the winning margin of victory.

Two Bobcats received injuries that will keep them out of action in this week's game. Bill Kennedy suffered a leg injury and Steve Shupe pulled some ligaments.

The Bobcats hit the road again in quest of their first victory of the year when they travel to Springfield to play South Dakota Southern. Peru will be trying to end a 10 game losing streak. The last Peru victory was against this team last year in the Oak Bowl.

Problems Of Small College Teams

In the old days the small college was usually the stopping place for the farm boy athelete because the larger schools were interested in only those people who were outstanding scholars and if time permitted could .play football, basketball, or baseball as a side endeavor. This is no longer true. Most of the large universities are now diligently recruiting the best atheletes to play the major sparts, even if they lack the mental ability upstairs where it counts. This has hurt the small college athletic programs because most of the top atheletes will go to the school that wines and dines them and promises them the best deal. This isn't to say that there have never been any top atheletes on the small college scene, because there have. But what is being said is that it is hard for the small school to get the super star because of the headlines and big time offered him by the bigger schools.

Through the years Peru has had its share of good atheletes and in most cases they have been above average students. But today with competition as it is the student who used to come to Peru is now going elsewhere because more is offered to them and they can make the big splash in the big time. Let it be known that Peru will still field athletic teams and will be very competitive. Even though most of the teams we play are from bigger schools the Peru bunch is hungry and will fight until time has run out. Also let it be knpwn that the Peru athelete will know more than statistics. from the sports world, he will also have an education that will take him farther than any blocked punt, fast break, or basket.

Page 8
If the Peruvian staff does not sell 400 by Oct. 6, will be no yearbook for 1971-72 If you,

The Tempest To Be

Homecoming Play

"The Tempest" by William akespeare has been selected the 1971 play, cording to Randy Bolton, ector of the Theatre.

"The Tempest'; is akespeare's last play, and sequently it embodies all of bitterness, romance, lence, celebration, and joy t can be .found in all of akespeare's plays. "The mpest' '· culminates erything the Bard ever did.

To show the bitterness, mance, violence, celebration, d joy, Shakespeare has spero (DeVoe Manning), a eat magician, stage a history the world in 2hours. The most citing thing is that the history portrayed on a mystical island abited with spirits, the head irit being Ariel <Dale Burke). ospero puts an interesting angement of people through arious trials to show them the ror of their greed and lence. The arrangement of aracters includes, kings, ttendants, princes, jesters, runkards, monsters, and illains. In short, all of humanity nd more is included. It ends appily ever after, or does it?

Student Teaching Assignments Made

Names of students who are student teaching the second nine weeks of the first semester have been released by Dr. L.B. Kite, Director of Student Teaching. The teaching assignments have also been released.

-Ten students are participating the internship program which consists of teaching a full semester instead of nine weeks. These students also have more of the responsibilities of a regular instructor

The elementary interns are: Kathleen McLarty at JohnsonBrock; and Beth Bouwens, Roxann Runyan, Karen Sell, Mary Stephens and Diana Vestal at Purtle Elementary School in Lincoln.

The secondary interns are: Kennard Larson at Burke in Omaha; Susan Harpham and Sidney Swanson at Arbor Height Junior High in Omaha; and Sharon Maynard at Westside High School.

Fifteen colleges, including Peru, cooperate in a program called "Cooperative Urban Teacher Education" which works with inner city schools. The ·· students· participating· in·· this program are in their schools a full semester. Peru students in this program are Jerelean Fears Mitchell on the secondary level and Barbara Horner on the elementary level, both in Omaha. Other students student teaching are: Michael


The TEEP Test required of all graduates who are planning to teach will be given on Wednesday, October 20, 8 a.m. in the Education Building Room 300. This test is a requirement in order to receive institutional endorsement for certification. •

Perry Beguin, Lawrence Wildewood Elementary School Mallam and Martha Warden at in Ralston, will be home base for Auburn High School. Margaret Gawart.

Armstrong, John Banks, Cat1D7 Crystal Shelton is to teach at Crose, Carol Pasco and Mart the high school in Rockport, Rosso at Calvert Elementary in Missouri.

Auburn. Thomas Siefken at Assignedto Shenandoah, Iowa, Auburn Junior High. are Virginia Bourlier in the high Teaching at Beatrice in the school, Linda Berger and Janet elementary school are Phyllis Skahill in Logan Elementarf Hamm and Nancy Schlange. School, and Gary Stephans in the Vicki Chandler and Esther junior high.

White are at North Elementary The high school in Sidney, in Falls City. Iowa will be home base for Gary Ernest Preston is teaching at Van Scyoc.

the senior high school in David Harris, Sandra McCord, Farragut, Iowa. Sam Pittam and Frand Charles At Fremont Mills High School Reavis will be at Southeast is Dean Teten. Consolidated High School at Assigned to the junior high Stella along with Wilma school in Glenwood, Iowa is Gilliland at the elementary Michael McLarty. level.

Marilyn who? is to teach in the Esther Borcher is to teach at elementary school in Hamburg, Platteview High School. In the Iowa. same school system, Arland

Warren Ford has been Achroder has been_ assigned to assigned to the senior high in LaPlatte Elementary.

Humboldt with Muriel Jensen Syracuse Senior High will be and Harriett Leech to the the home base for Charles elementary school. Boxon, Gene Neddenriep and Judy Comstock will be at the Cheryl Prokupek. Vicki Payton Millard Elementary School. will teach in the elementary Students in Nebraska City will school and Susan Ritter will be be Janice Axdahl, Larry Jones, in the junior high.

Brad Lenho£fand,Brian Trottier·· Finally, Charles Bachle, at the senior high and Pat Mc- Connie Beard,· Barb Grotrian, Connell at the Northside and Jin:;i Saalfeld have been Elementary School. assigned to the senior high in Joan Bachenberg and Kathy Tecumseh.

Boyle have been assigned to The individuals student Papillion High School. teaching will finish their Ben Rogge and Dominic professional semesters at the Vitticore are to student teach at close of the second nine weeks, the high school in Pawnee City. prior to the Christmas Vacation.

President Neal S. Gomon and Dr. Ervin Pitts, financial officer of State are attending the American Council on Education. The conference is in Washington, D.C., October 4-10.

Peruvian Sells 425 Books

Shakespeare is usually looked at as being sophisticated, stuffy, and high-brow. Mr Bolton says, "We definitely want to play against this idea. Shakespeare is for the people. It should be played in a lively and exciting manner;"

The cast for "The Tempest" includes:, Julee Tillman, Bob Olson, Joevette Farber, John Thomas, Bart Neri, Mitch Chase, Willie Fairbanks, Mike Kelly, Bob Wernsman, Pat Castle, DeVoe Manning, Lindee Raymond, Dale Burke, Barb Policky, Ann O'Connor, Deb Hendrickson, Becky Pieper, Bob Bautz, and Tom Stringfellow.

Technical staff members include: Deb Brecht, stage manager, DeVoe Manning and Julee Tillman, technical assistants, Margee Heiser, technical director, Sharon Hahn, special photography, and Merle Lemon, drums. According to Mr Bolton, several people are needed to fill positions on the stage crew (lighting, sound, set construction, etc.). Anyone interested should get in touch with Mr Bolton as soon as possible.

Homecoming Plan Begins

Preparations for Homecoming got under way as the SGA selected this· year's theme, · "Have a Happy Day', and appointed Morgee Heiser, Pat Prose and Ron Booe to the Homecoming Coordination Committee. Dr. Sherer, chairman of the Homecoming Coordinating Committee, stated that things are developing weli and this year's Homecoming should be bigger and better than ever.

Dr. Wilson has secured nine High School bands to perform at · half-time, along with one Junior High band. For the best bands performing, there will be awarded four trophies sponsored by the Peru Chamber of Commerce.

will be Dr. Guy Rosenberg with its eleven bands, many floats and the Legion Color Guard. It will assemble along Washington St. and then up to 5th Avenue where it will display its colorful sights and sounds to the many spectators.

After the parade the Cemetarian Association will serve refreshments to the five to six hundred band participants.

This year's Homecoming is certainly slated to be one of the best yet, those not yet planning floats, it is strongly suggested that organizations apply soon.

Don Carlile, directing the Alumni Activities, should anchor the exciting weekend as many from all over the state and country return to their ole college town for the weekend of During half time the trophies · activities. will be awarded and winning ' As the I. A. Club's welcome floats of the parade will be · sign breezes overhead into the displayed at the south end of the entrance of Peru and with football field. ' Bobcat II awaiting a victory, the The Grand Marshal of the weekend is one to anxiously morning parade at 10:45 a.m. await.

"There will be a Peruvian this year," said Mr Everett Browning, Yearbook Advisor, Wednesday morning. This decision came after a sales campaign that had sold 435 yearbooks as of that time. Although 500 books have to be sold to ensure its publication, the trend indicated that the required number would be exceeded.

Of the 435 books sold so far, sonie have been sold under the plan which allows one dollar down and payment of the balance by November 10.

of the borderline sales concerning the Peruvian, individual picture taking has been rescheduled for November 10 and 11. The times will be: November 10 - 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. and November 11 from 11:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The pictures will be taken in the Student Center.

Sales will continue until the printing order is placed with the publishing company next spring. Browning had high praise for the students who sold the yearbook and m so doing, assured its publication. Janie Montang is chairman of the sales committee.

Campus of a Thousand Oaks Peru Pedagogian Home of Nebraska,s First College VOL. 67 NO. 4 PERU STATE COLLEGE,
The mons.ter Calibar (Willie Fairbanks) threatens his master Pros p:ro (DeVoe Manning) and Prospero' daughter, Mirnda (Linda Raymond).


January 1, 1971, marked the beginning of a new era in American politics. Eleven and one-half million young Americans at the age of 18 won the right to vote. Then why aren't they registering?

It was a long, hard pull with many people fighting hard for the legislation, and now that it has .been passed, only a small percentage of the total have registered. To vote in the primary, you must be registered by April 28, 1972.

If anything is to be changed, voting is the best way to do it. The vote is one of the most powerful tools an American has, for we the people, big and little, rich and poor, do run this country - if we vote. The government spends our money - with the vote, we can tell them how.

Register now, and at election time vote. Your one vote can make a difference. For example, the 1960 presidential election was decided by one voter for each precinct in Illinois. Illinois's 26 electorial votes would have changed the national outcome. Your one vote does mean more than you think it does.

Instead of complaining about what is wrong with the government, show your discontent by registering, and at election time vote for the candidate you feel will do the most good.

There is more to it than just voting. Register today and begin to make your vote count in the next election. Find out how government works, and keep up with the issues and the candidates. Know the kinds of decisions-your vote will affect. Don't go by unreliable sources that discuss motives rather than issues, and personalities rather than ideas; they will probably insinuate rather than document. In all, become politically aware.

Always remember, "Vote and the choice is yours, don't vote and the choice is theirs." If you haven't registered, do it nowit's your country.


Can money solve all of the problems of Peru State College? Can money create a winning football team? Can money boost school spirit? Can money get more students?

In the opinion of this individual, the answer to all of the above questions is no. Money can get new and better buildings and more instructors. Money, however, can do little else.

Money cannot create a winning football team. Only good players and coaches can do that. Athletic scholarships can get players, but they do not have to be good or even win to merit that free education. Performance is the test of good coaches.

Money cannot boost school spirit. Only a student body that has pride in the school can do that. Reason for pride cannot be faked, it has to be genuine. Money can only be a token payment to individuals for time and effort put into various activities. It can also display a partisan attitude to those receiving payment for their duties, while other individuals who put possibly more time and effort into school activities are lucky to receive a word of thanks.

Money cannot get more students. It may be a factor in getting more individuals to attend the college, but it does not insure that the individuals will be students. Nor is that a sure thing any more because even if a scholarship is offered to a potential student, that does not mean that he will accept it.

Money can buy many things, but it cannot buy pride, school spirit, honor, intelligence and a winning football team. These things the students of Peru State College will have to achieve for themselves.



2 lhs. aged beef cubed

200 lbs soybeans

1 onion

2 hares

salt and pepper

Cook the beef and soybeans for two days at 365. Add remaining ingredients three hours before serving 2,000 people. Only add the hares if you think you won't have quite enough because many people do not like hare in their $tew.


Seniors graduating in December of 1971 should have their applications submitted and filed in the placement office by October 15. Those seeking a diploma in May or August of 1972, should have their file completed by December 15, 1971.

Applications are available

·from Harold W. Johnson, Director of Placements at Ad. 307.

Friday, October 8

9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Debate Demo, FAAud.

Saturday, October 9


Monday, October 11

7:00 English Club and Sigma Tau Delta FA105

7:30 Student Wives SCWDRm (south)

7:30 Alpha Mu Omega SCWDRm (north)

6:00 White Angels, Edno

Tuesday, October 12

6:30 Phi Beta Lambda FA105

6:30-8:00 Kiwanis SCWDRm (South)

4:45 Circle K SCWDRm (North)

5:3o-7:30 U.N. DINNER Ed300

6:00 SGA FA212

Wednesday, October 13

6:00-10:00 WAA Gym

Thursday, October 14

3:00-11:00 PSSS field trip·

5:00-6:00 SCB SCWDRm 8:00 SCB Dance Gym

Federal Exam Oct. 16

Believe it or not, Peru once had a 26-game football win streak from 1951 to 1954 \

A special, on-campus Federal Service Entrance Examination will be conducted by tlie U. S Civil Service Commission on Saturday, Oct. 16, 1971, in Fine Arts, 105 at 9:30 a.m. The

This two-hour qualifications examination is used as the principal source to recruit graduates in social science, humanities, business and public administration, for professional and management training positions in Federal ·agencies.

Seniors and graduate students who applied through this special on-campus examination will save time during the examination if they will complete an application in advance. The application is a part of the Federal Service Entrance Examination brochure, which is available through the Placement Office from Harold W. Johnson, director of placement.



As a baby, her beautiful e and hair, were complimented everyone. Mother swears; "She'll be eve man's dream."

At 10, her toys were taken awit! and replaced by boys. Mother swears; "She'll be eve man's dream."

At 12, Her beautiful face was a mask of make-up. Mother swears; "She'll be evman's dream."

At 14, going steady was a n'. game, · she thought only of "fun". Mother swears "She'll be ev · man's dream."




John Thomas Editor-in-chief

Robert Vana Assistant Editor

Margie Lewis Society Editor

Mike Kelly News Editor

Mike Summers Photography

Jerry Steele Sports Photography

Gary Grady Sports Editor

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation

Mr. Everett Browning Advisor

.l:'Avt. L
PERU PEDAGOGIAN 1 ' 1° l[e. WAITEP Fl\/E FOi< ?OMfON& TO AS}( ME -n-lAT 512.lPlP (})LJ€5110N •11
8, 19;
weekly by the students of
Sample questions and additional information on Federal employment opportunities are also included in this brochure. State
Peru, Nebraska 68421

hele Welch dodges behind a tree to escape the sp:inklers.

Sprinklers Liven Step Of :tudents,. Profs, Canines

opefully, if you have been ke these first few weeks of e, you have noticed the activity If you e not awake you might have ght that you were taking morning shower as you ked or ran to your classes. s, there were many water inklers on c9mpus ! seemed that no matter re the student or teacher nted to go was a water inkler to consider. A person d to calculate how to get ough or around without ing an extra shower or two fore the day was over. Even the dogs were getting nfused on how and where to avel. Teachers were seen nning along the sidewalk king an effort to beat the er circuit of the sprinklers a few didn't quite make it. What is the reason for these

plentiful water sprinklers? Well, students have been heard to say: "They're there to keep the sidewalks and buildings clean." Others have said that everyone should take advantage of the water while the weathers hot and get into their swimsuits. Still others have said it's just something to keep the maintenance men busy but that is a rather doubtful assumption.

Actually, the maintenance men have been very busy and efficient in theirwork to sow the grass and water the campus grounds.

For a while we all wondered if it was worth all the bother, but if you'll take a look around the campus, you'll see that there is grass growing. So even though it was bothersome for a few weeks, it was worth the inconvenience to enhance the beauty of our campus.

Add New PSC Courses

A new dimension in education s been added to Peru State's iculum this fall with the oduction of one, two, and year programs being ofd by the School of Applied ts and Technology.

'According to the statistics we eived, Math and Industrial ts teachers have the best portunities for employment the next two years," comnted Dr. Siegner, who is ading the newly formed partment. The one-year grams are in general office ctices where an estimated ,529 jobs will need to be filled the next two years.

The two-year programs inude Accounting and Com-

PERU PEDAGOGIAN Letter To The Editor

On the contrary, Mr Lens .;..... I do consider the abrogation of the almighty 11:30 a milestone; not just for co-eds, but for the entire college. It's hard to believe that. the girls of Peru State College can now leisurely stroll back to their rooms, and not worry about racing back at the last dying minute. Sitting up all evening to greet your equally-liberated sisters. is no big deal - you have some grueling task ahead of you in the a.m., it's easy to switch nights with someone who doesn't. And why shouldn't this new policy attract more collegebound people to Peru? As far as desirability goes, this college needs all the help it can get- if it offers all the comforts of home, so much the better. Not only scholastically, but also socially will people learn to achieve the communication that comes from experiencing things together. This what life is all about. Giving women their rights is just one more step toward the harmonious coexistence of both sexes. A liberated women is a happy woman.


Mrs Harvey Fisher announces the approaching marriage of her daughter Janet Lee Fisher to Airman Theodore Joseph Godeman. The wedding will be October 9, in the· First Presbyterian Church at 7:30 in Falls City.

Mr Godemann is in the Air Force and will be stationed at Mindenhall air base in Bentwaters England. Miss Fisher is a Freshman here at Peru State.


The Home Economics Club, sponsored by Mrs Louise Kregel, is. planning to hold its annual United Nations dinner Tuesday evening, October 12.

Rather than serving Midwestern or foreign foods from only one or two countries, the :elub officers have planned a menu featuring foods from eight different countries.

The dinner will be served smorgasbord style from 5:30 to 7: 00 in the Education Building auditorium, room 300. Plan to join your friends for the dinner. Tickets may be reserved by calling Extension 47, or pay at the door - $2.00 for adults, $1.25 for children K through 6.

Make up your own menu from Swedish meatballs with gravy

Irish Stew with biscuits

American Baked Potatoes

Hungarian Green Beans

Sunshine Jello Apple pickles - Peru State Apples

French Bread

Swedish Nut Bread

Cookies: Swedish rosettes, Russian tea cookies, Mexican orange, and Scotch fingers.

Miss Karen S. Schneider · serves the club as president with Miss Carol J. Warnke as President-elect. Miss Pam Miyoshi is the vice-president and Miss Susan K. Hanley is Secretary-treasurer. Miss Mary B. Paap is the parliamentarian.

The Peru Argus was the name of a small paper launched at Peru in the spring of 1887. The venture was not a lucrative one.

On May 29, 1911, a glacial boulder was presented to Peru State College. This glacial boulder still stands in front of the Science Building of the college.

Thomas Attends Conference

John Thomas, a junior at PSC returned Monday, October 4, from a North Central Regipnal student political action and leadership clinic at Hudson, Wisconsin.

Thomas was of the approximately 400 students and consultants from North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Wisconsin attending the conference. The main idea of the conference was aimed at training college youth to become active participants in the political process and to get the young people on their campuses to register to vote.

The conference offered training sessions in effective lobbying, public relations in politics, and techniques for launching voter registration campaigns. The participants, all , prospective teachers, heard Senator George McGovern, Democratic candidate for United States president, speak. The conference was a project of Student National Education Association (SNEA) and North Central Region Student Education Associations.

Thomas is vice-president of Peru Student Education Association ·(PSEA). Other Nebraska colleges in attendance were: College of Saint Mary, Wayne State, Kearney State, Hastings College, UNO, and Nebraska Wesleyan.

In the spring of 1867, the students and faculty were treated to a venison dinner by a student who had shot the deer within a few rods of the school building.

puting, w,here a projected 5,211 places will be open and 4,097 openings for Stenographic and Secretarial positions. The fouryear programs are in Business Education Teacher Training and Business Administration.

Last year an estimated $26,300 was spent to purchase new equipment to help the Business programs which bought 30 new I.

B: M. selectric typewriters, tables and chairs, three dictaphone-transcribing machines, 13 electronic calculators, and data processing equipment including a computer, cardreaqer punch, printer, a key punch, and a sorter.

Ensemble To Tour

This year Peru State's College band has been rearranged into a concert wind ensemble consisting of thirty-four student members. The concert wind ensemble differs from a traditional band in that each instrument, rather than several, is given a separate part. Because the purpose of the concert wind ensemble will be to conduct concerts, are being readied for a campus program on November 18,at 8:00 p.m. The details have not yet been worked out.

An 0•1ernight concert tour in Iowa is being planned for

November 22 and 23. The 34 members will be accompanied by Dr. Gilbert ·wnson and Dr. Gavin Doughty. Several soloists will be presented on this tour. John Brooks will play a solo on the french horn, Doug Kottich will perform a portion of the original sound track of Love Story on piano and Bob Tipton will present a saxophone solo. Also included in the program will be a trumpet trio comprised of Karen Ramsay, Jim Dickson, and Sheila Kunzman.

This year's officers have recently been elected. They

include: President - Jim Dickson, Vice. President _:. Dianne Dunn, and SecretaryDeborah Coff.elt. Members chosen for the band board are Karen Ramsay and John Brooks.

The stage band, composed of members chosen from the concert wind ensemble, wili also perform on the concert tou.: The stage band, which made its debut earlier this year at the Variety Show, plays only popular songs and also serves as pep band during basketball games.


Cats Drop Fifth

The Peru State Bobcats journeyed to the South Dakota to play Southern South Dakota and were in quest of their first football victory in 11 games. Instead of their first victory the Bobcats came home with their fifth straight defeat of the year.

r, '.' 1s the same opening act ,nat stumped the Cats Saturday night, Southern scored first and was on its wa.y to a victory. With 6:41 left in the first period, Jim Single scored on a 5-yard run. After Mike Winckler kicked the extra point the score was 7-0 in favor of Southern. Peru came tJ score in the same period on a short one yard plunge by quarterback Terry Criger. Dan Cotton's try for the point after Wai; no gooo, and Peru was behind by a point.

There was only one more scoring play in the first half and the team from Dakota did 'the scoring. With less than 15 seconds left in the first half Steve Perk threw a scoring strike to Rod Berg. The extra point was good and Peru was on the short end of the score in the first half, 14-6.

There was much scoring action in the third quarter as three touchdowns were scored, two by the Dakotans and one by

Touch Ball'ln' At PSC

Touch football is the current sport being played by students participating in the intramural c0mpetitions for men.

The various teams involved in this years football contests are: the Alkies, the Budmen, the Dills, the Double A's, Duffy's the SOB's, the Studs, Sumad, the Whackers, and the Wee Indians. The Alkies won the fourth round in the touch football competition by defeating the Studs in a 6-0 game.

Following the fourth round the Alkies were ranked first in the team standings with a record of four wins and no losses.

The next intramural sport for men will be volleyball. All teams should be entered by October 20 at 11:30 a.m.

Acoach whose team has been playing touch football can enter his team for volleyball competition by informing Mr Jerome Stemper at his office in Administration 303B. General intramural rules should be followed by any new teams which wish to participate.

Copies of rules for intramural sport activities are available in Mr Stemper's office. Rules for the various sports, schedules of games, and team standings are posted on the bulletin board in front of the Administration building.

Peru. The Dakota's scored first with 13:02 left in the period when Jim Single scored on a four yard run. Peru came back to score with 3: 38 left on a two yard run by Barry Reed. Peru scored again on a long pass play from Terry Criger to John Winkle. The play covered 69 yards and after Criger rdn for the two extra points the game tightened up, South.mi still held the upper hand, but Peru was coming back. Then with just 1:04 left in the third period the Dakotans scored again, his time it was a 37 yard run by Jim Single, his third TD of the game. After three quarters it was Southern 27 Peru 20.

The final TD oUhe game came with 2:41 left in the game. This time it was the defense that scored for the Dakotans. Dennis Ireland picked off a Peru pass and raced the 10 yards to pay dirt. The final score Southern 34 Peru 20.

There was only one Peru injury in the game, defensive back Gordon Thompson bruised a hip, bui should be ready this Saturday. The Bobcats are on the road again this week as they travel to St. Joseph, Missouri to play the Missouri Western Griffons.


The hearing for Don M. Dever, 23, Peru and William J. Meyers, 24, Peru State College student charged with possession of over one pound of.. marijuana was delayed until October 15 because their attorney H. Jackson Zinn of Shawnee Mission, Kansas needed the aid of an attorney licensed to practice in Nebraska.

Mrs. Weddel Visits

Literature Ciass

Literature students arrived one Wednesday night to find their class routine pleasantly altered.

Mrs C. A. Weddel of Falls City, Nebr., gave a slide presentation about England and Scotland to the Romantic period night class on September 29. Mr Silas Summers is the instructor.

Mr and Mrs Weddel and the students were then guests at Mr and Mrs Summers' home for refreshments and the conclusion of the lesson.

Zero Predicts


UpS'ets seem to be the spice· that college football needs. Upsets make the game as exciting as it is, but they certainly don't help the predicting percentage of Zero. I suffered through a miserable week last week, but now I'm back for more punishment.

Let's first look at the three league games in the Big Eight. Tough Colorado travels to the land of the Cyclones to play Iowa State. The Buffaloes are tough, too tough for lowa State, the Cyclones better have a lot of wind ready because the team from the Rockies will be ready to play. This game could be a tun away. Colorado 37 Iowa State 14.

The two Kansas teams get together and play in the Probation Bowl 1971. Last year's game was played in Manhattan, and this year's edition is being played in Lawrence. The home field advantage should give the edge to Kansas, but the only thing this is going to do is make Kansas State play harder. The Wildcats should prevail in this one. Kansas State 24 Kansas 7.

The final conference game of the week finds the Nebraska team traveling io·play the tearrf from Missouri. Missouri just doesn't have it this year and this game really shouldn't even be close. The Huskers have too much for the Tigers to cope with. Whether by land or air the Huskers will score. Nebraska 42 Missouri o.

The headline game of the week finds the traditional Oklahoma, Texas war in the Cotton Bowl in Dallas. This should be a very close game and the winner should go on to bigger and better things. Last year Texas won and this left a sour taste in the Sooner's mouths. This year should erase all bad memories. Oklahoma will win. Oklahoma 40 Texas 17.

Peru State will play the team from Missouri Western. As of yet the Bobcats have not been able to put everything together at the same time. This may be the week they do, but you never know. I'd like to pick Peru, but I have to go with Missouri Western and hope that this is one that I miss. Missouri Western 28. Peru State 20.

Dr. Todd Speaks To Kappa Delta Pi

Dr. James Todd, executive officer of the Board of Trustees Of the state colleges of Nebraska, was guest speaker at the initiation of new Kappa Delta Pi members. The initiation was held October 4, in the west dining room of the Student Center.

Dr. Todd presented slides showing the various programs at the four state colleges, a.fter the new members were initiated. After explaining the operation of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Todd answered questions from the audience.

Following, are a few questions answered by Dr. Todd:

Q. Are the board meetings open to students?

A. Yes. All meetings are open to the public.

Q. Who decides what courses are offered at the four state colleges?

A. The individual colleges


Students interested in sub_mitting proposals for financial support for studying the environment are encouraged to attend a meeting in Education

202 Monday, October 11 at 4p.m.

Dr. Rex Shelley will help set up procedures for a student originated study. The National Science Foundation is funding a limited number of these proposals.

The problem under study would be concerned with the biophysical or social environment. The study could include a wide range of topics or problems.

''Hopefully, concerned students of Peru State College will take advantage of this opportunity to channel their energies into a socially useful project," Dr. Shelley said.

At one time all it cost to enroll at Peru was $5.00. This money was used to buy books for the library.

have the authority over offered as long as they meet standards of the Board, and major fields.

Q. In regards to the. budg why is Peru at the bottom of totem pole?

A. All four state colleges us "formula base .budget". N ' year's budget will be based the 1971-'72 enrollment. Board sets the criteria by whi· priorities in the budget ; determined, and the seco priority is the continuation of , renovation of the Scien'. Building. The sixth priority : the planning of the PE buil · for the 1972- '73 fiscal year. planning is estimated at million dollars. Apriority of 1973-'75 or 1975-'77 fiscal y will be the replacement of Education Building. '


Dear Loui, We are two coeds at Peru Sta. College and have been here f three years, and would like find a husband. We have o three dates in these years. Wh_ is the matter with all the Pe Guys?

Dear Desperate, I have also been here for th years and I have come. to conclusion that all Peru girls looking for husbands. What the matter with the Peru gir Maybe if you would stop loo · they will find you.

Confidential to Anxious: Let yourself be known to hi, he might be interested. For any problem write Louil' o Ped.

Sunday - Tuesday

Oct. 10-12 l


Rated G

Wednesday -' Saturd-ay

Oct. 13-16


Rated GP

R & S TEXACO SERVICE Dr. G. E. Mann (Formerly
Peru Sinclair)
Nebr. City 119 N 8th St. Phone 873-6180 ayne Simpson FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1
Tuesday, Oct. 12 CELEBRATION OF 2nd ANNIVERSARY Free Coffee Cake and Cokes Free-Go Big Red Posters To First 15 Customers

Peru Pedagogian

Homecoming Queen Candidates Chosen

Charming, witty, and outstanding in their own ways are the candidates for the 1971 Homecoming Queen. The candidates are Misses Jeannine Davis, Charlene Harrahill, Marlene Meyer, Cathy Cole, and Mrs Betty Johnson.

Miss Jeannine Davis is the representative from Delzell Hall. She is a Junior, majoring in Physical Education. Jeannine is from Tecumseh, Nebraska, and her parents are Mr and Mrs Hal Davis. Her activities this year include: W.A.A. (Women's Athletic Association) and VicePresident of Davidson-Palmer Hall.

Choir To resent Opera

e first opera expressly missioned for television, bl and the Night Visitors, be performed by Peru 's choir on December 12 at p.m. in the college orium.

short opera by Gian-Carlo

tti is a lyrical adaptation of Christmas legend of the kinds. Approximately 50 members will take part in · single performance of this a.

e ma:ioritv of the leads have dy been selected Amahl be played by Deirdre Fike, a grader at Peru Elementary ol. Stephanie Lang, a freshvoice major, will perform part of Amahl's mother.

e roles of the three kinds also been appointed. They de: Kaspar - Maynard hke, Melchior - David eer, and Balthasarey Alberts. The kings' page be Rick Black. At one point e opera a boy and girl in the erd's chorus come forward ce. The girl will be Karen say but the boy dancer has yet been chosen.

borah Coffelt and Dianne n will perform acpaniment for the opera on -piano. Mrs Randy Bolton be in charge of stage anning and staging and Mrs

n Blair, who owns a dance udio in Iowa, will arrange the oreography for the produc-

This one hour opera centers around a crippled shepherd boy and his mother who give shelter to the three kings for a night. A miracle occurs when Amahl decides to give his crutch to Jesus as a gift and. he is enabled to walk again. Amahl and the Night Visitors has been aired on television for the past years during the Christmas season. This will be the first time Peru's choir has performed an opera.

PSC Hosts Parents Day

"Parents of the Year" will be named during Parents Day activities at Peru State College, Saturday, Oct. 16.

Announcement of the honored perents will be made at a 5:30 p.m. dinner in the Student Center. Activities will begin at 4 p.m. with a greeting by Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president of Peru State. Parents will have an opportunity to meet with the representatives from the schools of education and physical education, applied arts and technology, humanities, and natural sciences.

At the 7:30 p.m. football game between Peru State and Kearney State, fathers of the players will be given seats of honor along the side lines "where the action is."

At one time all it cost to enroll at Peru was $5.00. This money was used to buy books for the library.

Miss Charlene Harrahill is the representative from ClayburnMathews Hall. Charlene, also a Junior, is majoring in Elementary Education. Charlene being a transfer student from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and a 1968 graduate of Omaha Cathedral High School is involved in many activitiesHer activities this year include: SCB (Student Center Board) in which she is Secretary-Treasurer, PSEA (Peru State Education Association), Dorm Council President of Davidson-Palmer Hall, and Kappa Delta Pi. Her parents are Mr and Mrs Gerald M. Harrahill.

Mrs Betty Johnson is the only married candidate this

Betty represents DavictsonPalmer Hall, and is a Senior majoring in Elementary Education. She is also involved in many activities this year, which include: Co-Captain of Kitty Kadets, Afro-American, PSEA (Peru State Education Association), Student Wives, in which she is Vice President, and a counselor at Davidson-Palmer Hall. Betty is from Chicago, lliinois, and graduated in 1968; from Crane High School. Her husband Michael Johnson, graduated from Peru State College, and was named a Who's Who Student. Her parents are Mr and Mrs James Johnson.

Miss Marlene Meyer is the representative from Morgan Hall, and is a Senior majoring in Elementary Education. Her activities this year include: PSEA (Peru State Education Association), and W.A.A. (Women's Athletic Association). Marlene is from Nehawka and her parents are Mr and Mrs Merle Meyer.

Miss Cathy Cole was selected as the commuter candidate this fall. Cathy a Senior is majoring in English-Speech. Her activities this year include: Debate and SGA (Student Government Association) in which she is Secretary, and was a cheerleader last year. Cathy is from Auburn and her parents are Mr and Mrs Robert Cole.


onPSC Campus

Last year the efforts of many people were consummated by the placing of the Peru State College sign in front of the education building.

Donna's Gift Shop donated the sign. Dennis Robertson sanded and Margee Heiser aided with the painting. Pete lsaccson set the lights up. Maintenance donated the poles, put up the sign, and wired it.

At first there were 134 letters purchased plus the welcome, but 20 letters have been stolen so far this year. The letters cost a dollar a piece and Circle K is saddled with t.he cost.

Dr. · Darrell Wininger, the faculty advisor has been changing the sign this year. According to Dr. Wininger it has become difficult to spell many words because several letters have been taken.

La.st Monday the sign was again scrambled, so now the question is, "How many letters are missing now?"

During the spring term of 1868 at PSC, an earthquake knocked pieces of brick from the walls and caused tables and chairs in the chapel to move about.

Homecoming candidates are: L. to R., Cathy Cole, Marlene Meyer, Betty Johnson, Charlene arrahill, and Jeannine Davis. n. Mary Anna Gnade will head costuming department for e opera. Planned by the college's school and community relations committee, the program is an effort to show appreciation for interest and support of Peru State, according to Dr. Thomas Scherer, Committee chairman. Where are the missing letters?


Homecoming is rapidly approaching its 50th anniversary. Last year under the guidance of the Homecoming Co-ordinating Committee, the 49th annual PSC Homecoming was truly an en-. thusiastic, impressive display of student involvement. Let's try to keep the enthusiasm again this year.

This year's homecoming will again feature the parade, window painting, crowning of the queen at halftime, dance, and concert, along with the annual alumni meetings, and the Homecoming Play.

With so many events happening in a weekend, students should take every chance to become an active participant in the homecoming festivities. Last year's homecoming proved that the PSC students can and will become involved.

Let's try and make this homecoming THE best one yet. The Golden Anniversary of Peru State College Homecoming will undoubtedly be one to be remembered for a long time, but it's going to need the hard work and support of the student body.

The Desire to Represent ·Effectively by the SGA

The following students were selected to be members of the Administration Committee:

Teacher Education Committee - Susan Torczon, Joan Bachenberg, Roxanne Rengstorf.

Student Affairs Committee - Mike Kelly, Connie Morrison. Academic Affrairs Committee - Pat Castle.

Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee - Eprl Brown, Dorothy Dux.

School and Community Relations Committee - Ann O'Connor, Mrs Margaret Tynon.

Student Conduct Committee - Mark Hahn, John Helni.

The SGA office will be open every Tuesday and Thursday from 11: 00 to 1: 00 in the small dining room of the Student Center. If there are any questions or comments regarding the SGA there will be someone there to help or listen.

Last Wednesday all class elections were held and ruled valid by the SGA. There was some comment as to whether the elections were run correctly, and whether the right people were in each office. The SGA looked into the situation and found everything to be suitable.

For t,he students who have found "that little pink slip" on their windshield, the appeals office, located in the Maintenance building, is open Monday through Friday. The hours are as follows 9:00to 9:40, 10:30to 11:30, 1:30to 2;40, and 3:30to 5:00. It is suggested that the student bring the ticket with him when appealing. If he really wants to "beat the rap", he should attend the J. D. meetings on Tuesday night after the regular SGA meeting to appeal in person.

Chairman Susan Torczon of the Student Housing Comm. announced that there will be tables set up in the dorms Wednesday and Thursday for a survey. All the students will be asked various questions concerning life in the dorms and their opinions on the subject. Also there will be a table set up in the Student Center during the supper hour to find out why the students living off· campus are doing so. After all the information is compiled, the Housing Comm. will then be able to make recommendations for the improvement of dorm life as a whole.

SGA meetings are held every Tuesday night at 6:00 in the FA room 212. All interested students are urged to attend. The SGA needs the support of the students.

Reading Program Initiated

Peru State's Humanities department is initiating a reading program for all Language Arts students to enrich their reading backgroud, and is to be put into effect the second semester. Discussion groups will be formed and headed by a faculty member from the Language Arts Division. Students will be expected to read specialized topics for discussion and they will be

LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS Changes Made In Calendar

The calendar for the upcomin S. C. B. movies has been altere slightly. Warner-Brothers wa unable to supply the movi requested on those date because of schedule conflict according to Mrs Gayle Shiple Student Center Director. Th new schedule is as follows October 19, Petulia; Novembe 12, A Fine Madness; Novembe 22, Camelot; December 14 Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf January 20, The Shutter Room ; February 3, Ballad Cable Hogue; February 17, U the Down Staircase; Februar 29, Sex and the Single Girl 14, The Wild Bunch; Apr' 11, Birds, Bees, and Italians· and May 2, Start the Without Me.

Newman Club Plans Ski Trip

Vale and Aspen, Colorado wi be the skiing sitei; of a possible 1 Newman Club members over th Thanksgiving holiday.

Gl's Make Use Of Veterans Aid

One hundred and five students are enrolled under the Veterans Readjustment Benefits act of 1966 at Peru State College this semester according to figures released by the FinanciaI Aids Office This constitutes around 10 percent of the student body.

The G. I., Bill, as it is more commonly called, provides educational assistance not only to veterans but to children, wives and widows of veterans whose deaths or permanent total disabilities were serviceconnected and wives and children of servicemen missing in action or prisoners of war.

An attempt to compare the percentage of G.I. Bill students at Peru to other schools and the nation as a whole was un· successful. According to C. H. Lieurance, Contact officer at the Veterans Administration Regional Office in Lincoln, percentage counts pf veterans to the total nuniber of college students in the nation is unavailable and, therefore 1 n9 basis for comparison exists.

Lieurance said, however, that the number of students enrolled under the G.I. Bill has steadily increased in the last five years. He said also that the percentage taking advantage of their educational benefits now exceeds both WWII and Korea.

Repair Work Being Done

Have you noticed all the repair work being done on the Peru streets? Much of the credit for what is being done should go to Mr Rex Allgood, mayor of Peru, and Mr Ron Hazard, city engineer, Nebraska

This work is being done unuer a 6-year plan in which Peru receives state aid by fulfilling certain requirements. These include retaining a city engineer who picks the roads he considers the most in need of repair. His suggestions can be set aside if a committee decides certain other roads need work

Between 17 and 20 blocks are paved each year after approval by the city engineer and the street council. Peru is trying for a new paving district in 1972. Some streets have been passed by because of the scheduled work on Highway 67 in the next year.

Hoyt St. is the dividing line between Peru's paving troubles and the college's. Roads within the campus district are maintained by the college.

Traveling in cars, the skie will leave after classes on th 24th of November and ret Sunday, November 28.

Father John McCabe Superintendent of Lourde School in Nebraska City, i making the final arrangemen and will accompany the group t Colorado. If any additional informatio is needed, contact Tom Tarnac president of the Newman Club


Dear LouiIf the girls are all looking f husbands, what are the bo looking for?

Dear Confused, Men are looking for wives, b only part time wives.

Dear LouiI'm 5'2", have long brown h and blue eyes. Do you think t men would notice me if I wo hot pants?


P .S. I weigh around 200 poun Dear Wondering, It is true, hot - pants are go exposure for girls, and men w notice you while you are wear· them. I don't really think y should wear them because of way they might notice yo Exposure is good, but too mu exposure is bad.

responsible for participating in the program for the minimum of five semesters of their college career. The students will become familiarized with a list of readings from Project English in addition to represent great books from the different periods of literature. All Language Arts students are required to participate in this reading program.

G.I. Bill students at Peru need not worry about another in· crease in their benefits in the near future. "We are not aware of any legislation to change the dollar amount. of the benefits,' Lieurance said. "The last in· crease that was given. in 1969 was substantial (about 34 percent)."

Senior Class Elects Offieers

The Senior Class of PSC elected their 1971·'72 class of· ficers Ofcotber 6. The officers are: Diana Schneider, president; Larry Jones, vice president; and Kathy Boyle, secretary treasurer.

A class meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 20 in the Fine Arts auditorium at 3:30. Graduation announcements and a class gift for the school will be discussed it the meeting.

The Pedagogian

Published weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421


John Thomas ; : Editor-in-chief

Robert Vana Assistant Editor

Margie Lewis Society Editor

Mike Kelly News Editor

Mike Summers Photography

Jerry Steele Sports Photography

Gary Grady · Sports Editor

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation

Mr. Everett Browning Advisor

I WELL NCNJ, M155 Wit.SON, WHAT IA? Ya.I SUC:QEST W6 [A:> A&x.rr 1°1-ICGE TWO Mlf/-TERM 'F's'- - nll<fE ,AND ALL THE 17AILY WORK. YoLJ'VE" MtS5fD1HK'Ll

arried Life vs College Life

at's it like to be married , going to school? Well, ' king from the wife's point of , here goes. one word it's hectic. My and and I pass like "ships in night." I leave the apartt 7: 30 and return at 12: 30, ves at 8:30 and returns at we 're lucky, we get to see :ither between classes. Of we have our evenings her, except for Mondays I have a couple of izations and he has choir, then on Tuesdays we both , and on Wednesdays I have night classes and he works, Thursday we're both free. imes I think we saw more ch other when we were g. a wife I have to perform · duties such as cleaning e, fixing meals, washing s and doing the laundry. of these seemed too difuntil I started doing it for Do you realize that a week's y for two takes about six and that's not counting the required for mending, g and folding the clothes heir done. (One tip for you : always check your d's or future husband's ets. You never know what re going to wash. Why just other day, I washed an ink with all his shirts. The only he would say was that I ruined his pen.) is also my duty to cook the s. The biggest problem is g a recipe down so it s two. This almost takes a degree. If th_erecipe 7 oz. can of tuna you can't the can inhalf, so there you with a ttina and noodle role that serves six. What u do, well you can either it for three meals or else can throw it away. other common duty is house ing which does take a lot of I cleaned the whole ment in one afternoon and · g but then it took the le weekend to rest up (you dn 't believe the muscles can get sore). Now, I space cleaning out during the week event this problem. om what I've said so far, ied life seems to be less desirable, but that is not the ression I want to give you.

between all this work and studying I have fun too. I belong to Student Wives (which my husband calls my Women's Lib Club) and I have a lot of fun taking part in the activities. My husband and I also enjoy a number of things together, such as football games and ·movies and visiting friends. The one thing I enjoy the most is that my husband and I are sharing our college experiences. We both are taking a part in this hectic and exciting life, and I believe it helps bring us closer together from having experienced it. Once we graduate it will all be over. He'll have his job and I'll be a housewife and we won't have the same type of experiences to share. Yes, I'll be sad when it's over, for it will be the end of an enjoyable time in our life together. b

Circle K Wants Members

Get involved! That's the attitude the members of the Circle Kclub have taken this year. For those who are unaware of this club or its purposes, the Circle K club is a campus service organization affiliated with Kiwanis club. The Kiwanian principles are fair dealing and the observance of the golden rule.

The Peru chapter of the"Circle Kclub has been active year after year, getting involved. The concession stands at football and basketball games are manned by club members and the proceeds go towards accomplishment of worthwhile goals.

Last )'.ear the local club bought three new benches for the campus and painted the light poles. Among other projects, according to club president Russell Taylor, were the transportation of students from Peru to Auburn to donate blood, sponsorship of Peru's Cub Scout troop and sponsorship of students for the Hunger Hike.

This year's top project so far is getting the Cub Scouts back into operation. Summertime seems to mark a slump in scout activity, Taylor said.

Freshman class officers at Peru State College were elected Wednesday. The new officers and Student Governing Association representatives for the class of 1975 have started plans for their parade float for the 50th annual Homecoming at Nebraska's First College, November 6. The officers (from left) Darrell Wininger, Jr., Peru, president; Ronald Thom, Tecumseh, vice-president; Krontz, secretary-treasurer; Barney Danklesen, Central City, Connie Wagner, R. I, Lmcoln, and Wmmger, Student Governing Association representatives.

The faculty advisor is Dr. Darrell Wininger and the local Kiwanis advisors are Jon Warren and Leyon Brestel. Other officers of the club include Steve Wakefield, vice president; Wally Sirenko, secretary and Dennis Robertson, treasurer.

The Circle K International Convention was held in Chicago this August with Sirenko and Roger Oviatt representing the local club.

Membership in the Circle K club at this time numbers ten. Luncheon meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays of every month in the west dining room of the Student Center at 4:45.

Taylor said that membership is open to anyone after attending three consecutive meetings and that-everyone is welcome. There are no dues.

Debate Class Holds Demonstration

On Friday, October 8, the 197172 Gavel & Rostrum Debate Exhibition was held in the Fine Arts Auditorium in a morning and afternoon exhibition. Each year the exhibition is held to allow High Schools debate teams to learn the procedures and techniques of college debate.

The morning exhibition began with a welcome and an introduction by, Associate Professor of Speech, Mr James Levitt. Steve Long and Pat Castle followed with an explanation of the high school debate topic, resolved: That Congress should significantly change the jury system of the United States.


The Alkies led the intramural touch football roster following the fifth and sixth rounds of play. The Alkies maintained .their position by defeating the Wee Indians 13-6 in the fifth round and Duffy's by a Score of 8-2 in the sixth round. The Alkies record stood at six wins and no losses after the sixth round. Su Mad defeated the Whackers by a score of 26-6 in the fifth round. The Stud& were victorious in a 12-6 game against Duffy's. The SOB'slost to the Double 'A's 19--0 in the fifth rolJild and the Budmen were triumphant in a 6-2 competition with the Dells.

According to the kids, popcorn are the jokes told by the Old Man. * * *

If the love of money is the root of all evil, you're reading something from one of the world's best gardeners.

Dianne Forke then followed with an explanation of the Stock Issues case and the Comparative Advantage debate technique. Dianne introduced the debators on the affirmative team as Cathy Cole -and Linda Stubbendeck and the negative team as Steve Long and Pat Castle.

The debate began as Cathy introduced the 1971-72 college debate topic, resolved: that greater controls should be imposed on the gathering and utilization of information about United States citizens by government agencies. At the end of the debate Mr James Levitt answered questions and handed out literature pertaining to collee:e debate.

At 1: 00 P.M. the second debate exhibition was held with the teams remaining Cole and Linda Stubbendeck on the affirmative and Steve Long and Pat Castle on the negative team. Preceding the afternoon exhibition debate the welcome and introductions were presented and literature about debate was handed out to the audience.

After the debate Mr Silas Summers spoke briefly about debate.

In the sixth round of the intramural contests the Double A's won &-0 against the Wee Indians. The SOB's were defeated by the Whackers with the final score reading 20-0. The Dills and Su Mad tied with a score of 6-6. The Studs defeated the Budmen 15-6.

Following the sixth round the Alkies were ranked first. ,The Studs held a record of 5-1. The Budmen and the Whackers maintained Etandings of four wins and two losses. SuMad and Duffy's each won three games and lost three games. Rec9rds of two wins and four losses were held by the Dills and the Double A's. The Wee Indians won one game and lost five in the contests. The SOB's had a record of 0-6 in the team standings after six rounds. ·

Monday, October 18, at 3:40 p.m. the SOB's will compete with Duffy's in the eighth round. At 4:40 p.m., on October 18, SuMad and the Studs will play.

The final game of the eighth round will be held on Tuesday afternoon, October 19, at 3:40 between the Budmen arid the SOB's. The ninth round of intramural football begins on Tuesday, October 19, at 4:40 when the Wee Indians and Duffy's confront each other in competition. The Budmen will play SuMad at 3:40 on Wednesday, October 20 and the Dills and the Wee Indians will meet as rivals in a game at 4:40 p.m. on October 20. Thursday, October 21, is the final day for scheduled games to be played. The Whackers and the Studs will be involved in the game which will take place at 3:40 on October 21. At 4:40 the Double A's and the Alkies will play the final game in the· intramural touch football contests unless a playoff game is necessary to determine the first place team.

l'i, 1971 ,,;;;
Mr and Mrs Schneider, parents of Karen Schneider, president of Home Ee. Club were in attendance esday evening, Oct. 12, when the Home Ee. Club held the annual United Nations Dinner. One- According to Mr James Levitt the debate exhibition was a success and plans are already under way for a more comprehensive program for next year with perhaps a workshop for other areas of forenics. undred and fifteen people attended. According to Mrs Louise Kregel, Home Ee. instructor, this was record-breaking crowd. The affair wa11 planned and carried out by the Home Ee. Club. Debbie Coffelt furnished background usic on the piano.

Griffons Dump Cats 21-12

The opening act was the same, the end results were the same and the Peru State Bobcats were handed their sixth straight loss of the year and their eleventh straight over the last two years. The Bobcats were defeated by the Missouri Western Griffons, the score was 21·12.

In Saturdays game the Bobcats took the opening kick-off and scored ten plays later. With 11 :05 left in the first quarter Jim Desbien scored on a six yard run. Dan Cotton's try for the extra point was not good, but the Bobcats were in the lead &-0. With 12:58 left in the second quarter the Griffons got on the scorelioard. Mark Whitacre scored on a two yard run Ron Dutt's kick was good and this gave the Missouri team a 7-6 lead. Midway in the second quarter the Bobcats tried a field goal, but this proved to be unsuccessful. With only 2:55 left in the first half, halfback Avery Wallace scored tl)e second Peru



Women E Hgible For Letters


touchdown on a ffue 36 yard run to pay dirt. The twp point try was nGgood, but Peru led at halftime 12-7.

The second half belonged to Missouri as they scored twice while holding Peru scoreless. The first Griffon TD came on a three yard pass play. Mike Crouser threw the ball and Dennis Wineinger was on the receiving end of the toss. Dutt's kick was good and the Griffon score was the result of another pass play. The play covered 60 yards Crouser again threw the ball, but Barry Reynolds was the target of this pass. The extra point was good and the final score was 21-12 in favor of the Griffons.

The Bobcats return home this weekend and will play Kearney State tomorrow night in the Oak Bowl. These two teams have played 53 games against each other and Peru holds the series edge with 27 wins, 24 losses and 2 ties.

To Face Kearney Oct. 16

A big Kearney State College team invades the Peru dtate College team Saturday night in a 7:30 p.m. contest. The game could prove to be one of the more interesting matchups of the season.

The team from Kearney features a big set of lineman plus one of the most heralded freshman of the state. The Peru State defense will be tested by an offensive line averaging well over 220 pounds, while the Bobcat offense will be confronted with a defensive line averaging over 230 pounds. A240 pound fullback by the' familiar name of Tom Kropp will be running at the Bobcat defense.

Kearney State dropped last week's contest to a tough Moorehead, Minn., crew. Dan Fernbacher, who scouted the Kearney State team, was impressed by the size of the team.

Head coach Joe Pelisek hopes his Bobcats can counter the opponent's size with a stepped up aerial attack and a touch rushing defense. Pelisek hopes to establish the running game, but if the air route milst be taken, he will- hope to be successful with short, quick passes.

Pelisek hopes his Peru State team is quick enough to overcome the size difference. Pelisek states his team was in good physical shape for the game, with no injuries.

Fernbacher, who as a student assistant scouts Peru State is in

Dr. G. E. Mann

Women who are interested iri sports events and athletic contests are eligible to become .members of the Women's Athletic Association at Peru State College. A first year member can earn a school letter· through her achievements in the various athletic events. Second and third year members will receive gold pins for their participation in sports activities. Physical education books are awarded to fourth year members.

The Women's Athletic Association sponsors the annual high school invitational volleyball tournament. This year the tournament will be held on November 15, 16, and 17. The competition was previously held in March, but the date was changed because volleyball is now considered a fall sport. P. S. C. volleyball officials in the four county area are: Vicki Chandler, Arlene Doeden, Linda Eichenberger, Barbara Fritz, Jane Green, Judy Grotian, Patty Johnson, Susan Ritter, and Kris Rotter.

Every week this becomes more of a chore than enjoyment because as the weeks go by the games get toughter to pick and criticism of my choices still runs high. I won't say that I told you so to all the Texas fans that thought the Longhorns would beat the Sooners but "I told you so.".

The Big Eight conference is one of the toughest in the land and the game that finds. the Colorado Buffaloes traveling to Sooner land does nothing to hurt this image. If there are key games early in the season this is a key game. These two teams should fight it out tooth and nail until the end of the game, a tie would settle nothing. The Buffaloes are hungry for a Sooner Scalp, and the sooners are still gloating over their Texas victory. Both teams will be ready, but I look for Colorado to upset the Big Red from Soonerland. Colorado 21 Oklahoma 17.

figure to highly in the race fort the top. Oklahoma State has tool much for the Tigers to handM Maybe next year Will be the ye , of the Tiger. Oklahoma State Missouri 7.

Kansas travels to Lincoln play those Cornhuskers and it' for the team fro , the Land of the Corn. Kansa looked tough last week again there state rivals, but still aren' tough enough. The Jayhaw ',. might be in for long afternoon', The Nebraska defense is reall the key to a great is the toughest Husker defense · years, and the Jayhawks will : testing it. Nebraska should w· this one in convincing fashiofi' Nebraska 37 Kansas 6. For all the Texas fans this I' the week. The traditional. Texas': Arkansas battle for all th· marbles in the south. This shoul be the year Arkansas gets all th' good marbles beats Texas Arkansas 13 Texas 15.

compliance wit!I' Coach Pelisek that the Bbcats must step the running game of Kearney. When asked about the performance of Kropp, Fernbacher stated the freshman fullback from Aurora impressed him as only "fair." However, the scout qualified that statement by saying·Kropp has great potential, and will probably be used a great deal against Peru State because of the size difference.

Fernbacher was most impressed with the passing attack of Kearney, and especially with the receiving of Sam Frazier, a split receiver. He indicated that Peru State defense could still afford to concentrate solely on defending the rush, because of quite adequate passing attack.

When asked what Peru State should have to do to pull off their first victory of the season, Fernbacher's answer was short and to the point "Stop Kropp".

Members of W.A.A. can participate in intercollegiate volleyball and bseketball competitions which are sponsored by the club. Any woman interested in playing intercollegiate volleyball can attend practice sessions on Monday afternoons at 3:30 and on Wednesday evenings at 7:00. Practice sessions for intercollegiate basketballl are held on Tuesday evenings at 7:00.

Intramural volleyball and basketball tournaments are also open to members of W. A. A. If an individual does not belong to W. A. A. she can·. still compete in the volleyball intramurals. The gym is open to women students every Wednesday evening from 8:00-9:00. Activities during this time include volleyball, basketball, swimming, and trampoline.


Iowa State and Kansas State play a game that means survival. The loser is out of it. The Cyclones have been impressive while the Wildcat express has been sputtering. The Cyclones should survive, but it could be close. Iowa state 17 Kansas State 14.

Oklahoma State plays the Tigers from Missouri. This is a battle of two teams that don't

The Oak Bowl was dedicated on Thanksgiving Day, 1901, with a football game. Peru won the game over Falls City 30-0.

The Peru Argus was the name of a small paper launched at Peru in the spring of 1887. The venture was not a lucrative one.

Peru State has a tough gam this week as they host Kearne or is that Kropp state? Eithe., way this could be a long evenin · for the Bobcat faithful' Althought the Kearney attac has been somewhat inconsiste this year, just the presence of Kropp is enough to bother mo coaching staffs. Peru will there and may even surprise th, Antelopes, but Kropp Stat should win. Kearney 35 Peru 1.

The first classes held at wh · is now Peru State College beg " in January, 1867, with a tot, attendance of fifty-eight pupil Subjects were called "commo· branches" and students paf five dollars a term. , The bell in the belfry tower i' the same bell purchased in 1 · from a firm in Troy, New Yor ;, at a price of $125. Incense

Mechanic Work Reasonable NEW OWNERS Bill Reeves ,
R & S
Peru Sinclair) Tires
THEATRE Nebraska City Fri. - Sat. Oct. 15-0ct. 16 WILLARD GP Sun. - Wed.
17-20 SONG OF NORWAY G TRAIL DRIVE IN Nebraska City Fri. - Sat. - Sun.
CASSIDY AND Nebr. City 119 N 8th St. Phone 873-6180 ayne Simpson THE SUNDANCE KID GP FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 197
and Incense Burners
Simon Drug Company Auburn KEN'S IGA KEN JOHNSON GROCERIES - MEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Peru,1Nebraska Phone 872-6355 BANK OF PERU Phone Bn-3335 Member of F.D.l.C. Invites PSC students. to open Checking and Savings Accounts
Chess Sets Candles Large Record Selection

PTA Aid Offered

A Journalism Day, sponsored the department of Language ts and aimed at high school dents interrested in jour- · ·sm, is being planned for "day, November 12, at Peru te College.

The program will include a iety of working journalists o will tell of the advantages, each field of journalism, give alifications necessary for ployment, and tell of the ssibilities for advancement.

The program is being planned yDr. Clyde Barrett, dean of the hool of Humanities and head the Department of Language , and Everett Browning, urnalism instructor.

Fields of journalism to be · cussed include reporting and 'ting of news for weekly and · y newspapers, reporting for ricultural magazines, adrtising, and industrial jourism.

The program will begin at 9 .m. on November 12 with gistration in the lobby of the e Arts Building. Meetings · be in the Fine Arts uditorium.

High school students insted in journalism, their ents and teachers are in•ted.

The afternoon program will elude journalism demonations by Peru State College students.

Parade Route, Plans Announced By SCB

The route and pre-parade assembly plan of the 1971 Homecoming parade to be held Saturday, November 6, have been announced by the Student Center Board. -..

All entrants in the parade must be in line by 10 a.m. and be in position ready to move at 10:45. The parade will start from 5th and Washington streets, continuing north and, disperse at 5th and Main. Bands, drill tea.ms,. color guards and autos turn left on Main at the post office. Others turn right on Main and circle the block or continue on 5th toward the grain elevator, and wait for traffic to disperse.

The judging platform will be positioned in front of the bank

mall, at the intersection of Park· and 5th. When passing this point all bands will be playing.

parking lot. After the parade,. short order luncheons will be provided at cost prices for parade participants at City Hall.

Floats and other participants will assemble at 10 a.m. along 5th street (east side). The Legion Color Guard will be south of of the intersection of 5th and can pick up applications for Washington and followed by floats at the Student Center others as indicated on the .•.office. They must be turned back position sheets. Position stakes in to Mr Stempers office by Nov. with each entry's respective 1. position number will be located

Announcement of band on the east side of 5th street. division and float winners will be Bands will be filtered into the revealed during the half-time parade frcm the: intersection of activities of the Peru - Culver5th and Washington by the Stockton game. It should be parade marshall. Pre-parade determined in advance by the assembly will follow the curve organization as to who will past Majors Hall with overflow accept the award for that entering the Majors Hall organization.

The Nebraska Congress of Parents and Teachers has announced the availability of several $125 scholarships for students at UNO, NU, Chadron, Wayne, Kearney, and Peru.

To qualify, students must be registered as a full-time sophomore, junior, or senior in elementary or secondary education, and must be! Nebraska residents. They must have high moral and social standards, and achieved a good scholastic record. Also they must show a special aptitude for teaching, and possess a pleasing personality.

The terms of the scholarships are that it shall be a gift, and it is hoped that the recipient will complete two years in the teaching profession, preferably in Nebraska.

To be eligible, a written application to the Honorary State Life Membership - Scholarship Committee of the Nebraska Congress of Parents and Teachers must be submitted to Donald G. Mjller, Director of Financial Aids at Peru State College by October 30, 1971.

ANEWSPAPER is not just for reporting the news as it is, but to make people mad enough to do something about it.

Chet Nichols Here Oct. 28

Chet Nichols is a person to be reckoned with.

The vibrant, hard chords of his guitar matched with sensual lyrics of our time and pure honest thought made his recent performance at Southwest Missouri State transcend the common place. A senior at Kansas State University, Nichols ended his brief college tour at SMS before going back to school. At Lawrence he has appeared at the PawnShop and the Vanguard, playing and singing his own songs.

Chet Nichols will perform at PSC Coffee House, October 28, at 8 p.m. in the Student Center· Cafeteria.

When asked why all his songs had an aura of melancholy pessimism, Nichols said, "I'm not really pessimistic; actually I'm a very optimistic person. Have you ever had a coach in high school who constantly pressed and badgered you until he ·got you to perform to his standards? That is what I try to do. You can't initiate change by telling sociaty how good it is."

His songs are poignant pieces of truth designed not so much to entertain as they are to convey a new way of life. They ·speak of sorrow and apathy and the plight of the unaware. But just as the countless innovators of a new society, he can offer no solution. He describes it this way: "I know that I don't have the an" swers, but it is obvious that we need a change. With my music I try to make people a little more aware of their situation and maybe do my part in reaching a solution."

His material has been described by the Kansas City Free Press as "somewhat in the same spirit as Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen, and his vocal qualities somewhere between Donovan and Tim Buckley." Still, he has a style all his own, an electricity generated to the audience, a quality, with the right breaks, which could send Chet Nichols to the fame that his talen deserves.

The performance will be sponsored by SCB and paid for by the Student Progra.m Fees.



While on a little toot to the north country, I overheard Uncle Lunk regaling the family about a farmer who asked his neighbor if he might borrow a rope. "Sorry, I am using my rope to tie up my milk."

"Why, good gravy!" answered the farmer-, "rope can't tie up milk."

"I know," came back the reply, "But when a man doesn't want to do something, one reason is as good as another."

When I returned from the trip I found a quote that read, "When a group declines it is through no mystical limitation of a corporate life, but through the failure of its political or intellectual leaders to meet the challenge of change."

There was something in Uncle Lunk's story and· the quote which stuck in my mind. I began thinking about Lincoln who said,"that you can't fool all the people all the time.'' Then as coincidence thickened and my mind began figuring, I ran into a quote from President Gomon in the 1970-71 Handbook for Peru Staters, "Recognizing the need to be attunedto an ever-changing society, the faculty and staff believe the primary objective of the college is to promote the understanding of rights, privilege,s, and the responsibilities of participation and leadership of all students in a democratic

By now I was on the verge of a coronary thrombosis, when, yes I am afraid to say, another coincidence occured. There before my very eyes was another quote. It read, "Privacy is an essential factor to the mental and physical health of each individual and the groups of which he is a part, as are, freedom of speech, press, and other wellestablished categories of freedom."

Yes, by now I knew it was a lucky day; then suddenly it all made sense. The first qlrote I saw on returning, Uncle Lunk's story, Lincoln, President Gomon, and the quote on liberties. .and room inspection?

What made sense to me, I am not at liberty to say, indeed my powers seem under a cloud; but I am sure it must all have some consistency.

Parents Day Held

Parents Day activities were held on the Peru State camptls Saturday, October 16. Saturday afternoon, Mr and Mrs Jack McKelvey of Falls City were selected "Parents of the Year." Their son, Bob, is a sophomore at PSC and a member of the football team. ·

The parents that had traveled the greatest distance for the event were Mr and Mrs William Jubinville of Granby, Massachusetts. Their son, Dave, is a freshman at PSC.

H we had a penny for every word said about pollution, we'd have enough money to eliminate it.

Thank You

A thank you goes to the Auburn Band and director, Mr Gary Dalmke, for performing at half-time at the football game between Peru State and Kearney State, Saturday.

The Pedagogian

John Thomas Editor-in-chief•

Robert Vana Assistant Editor

Mug!e Lewis Society Editor

M1bi.._Kelly : News Editor

Mike Summers Photography

Jerry Steele Sports Photography

Gary Grady Sports Editor

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation

Mr. i>owning Advisor


It is loneliness that makes the loudest noise. This is as true of men as of dogs. People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them. Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. ·

Nature gave women too much power; the law gives them too little.

Alumni To Tour Europe

SGA Takes Housing Survey

Asurvey of student housing at Peru is being taken by members of the SGA. The survey includes all PSC students; those who live in the dorm, commuters, and those who live in apartments.

The results of the survey will be tallied before the next SGA meeting,· October 26, and will then be made available to students.

Members of the SGA have been personally handing out questionnaries to all students. Commuters have also been contracted at the Bob Inn by 3GA members.

Game Sign.up In Progress

The Game Tourname sponsored by the Student Cent Board will be held October 20 29 in the Student Center, a cording to Bob Bowen of the S. · B. Those interested may signat the Student Center Office · the following categorie ··. Straight Pool, Snooker, Tabf Tennis singles and double Eight Ball and Chess. Trophi will be awarded to first a second place winners in categories. The game tou nament is sponsored by the S. B. and paid for from the Stude ·· Programs Fee.

Window Painting To Get Underway

Sign-ups for window paint' can be made at the Stude 1 Center Office bet\\leen Octo · 18-20 according to Bob Bowen, ·· the Student Center Board. 1 groups or individuals ·interest in window painting are asked sign up between those da Three cash prizes will awarded. The window paint' is sponsored by the S. C. B. an paid for from Student Progra Fee. • ;


Dear L-OuiI have found it practic ' impossible to break the old go· steady routine usually found .· high school. How can a girl da around without becoming "bad" girl?

· Tired of One G

Dear Tired of One GuyYou can't, so why fight There are a lot of guys loo · ' for "bad" girls.

Next summer, an alumni tour

Thepurposeofthissurveyis to to Europe will be sponsored by find out what the students think· the college. Open to alumni, about dorm life and ways to parents, faculty, friends and improve it. A sample of the family, the tour will depart from questions asked on the survey New York on July 13 by jet for are: Why did students living in Madrid and return July 27 from apartments move off campus? If ·1..-0ndon after two weeks. · the dorm students were old During the four-capital tour, enough, would they move out the· group will visit Madrid, and why? What can be done to Amsterdam, Copenhagen and improve the situation so more L-Ondon. people will want to live in the

The time spent in each city dorms?· will include one free day at each in addition to the planned tours of each capital.

·Additional details can be secured· from Special Services.

Dear L-OuiLast year when the girls we locked up at 11: 30 the guys spe · all their time standing outsi yelling up to the windows. don't they do it now when girls can come outside and pla Bor

Dear BoredSince you are not locked anymore, go yell at their w· dows!'


The remaining payment o your yearbook must be paid by November 10, 1971.

Published weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421
Members of the 1971-72 sophomore claH at Peru State College selected officers to lead the activities of the class of 1974. The officers (from left): Bob Wernsman, Prague, president; Joevette Farber, Snyder, vice-president; Judy Werner, Syracuse, secretary, and Jim Wolken, Tecumseh, treasurer; Nyla Bartholomew, (seated), Crab Orchard, is corresponding secretary. ·

tate. President

Speaks to PSEA

Peru Student Education

iation met Monday, Oc18, at 6:30 p.m., with ent Pat Castle presiding.

n Mattox, president of the ska Stude.nt Education

"ation, was guest speaker. ox spoke to the group of ·mately 40 students about 's activities, stressing the registration drives on campuses in Nebraska. registration of college nts is-a national goal of the nal Student Education iation. ally, PSEA and the SGA nning a voter registration ign on the Peru ·State .. discussed were priorities <>I8"'1nization, including, ing, curriculum changes, trips to various area high ls to observe modern and vated curriculums and tional systems, that is education, modular ing, etc.

ttox mentioned the fact Nebraska ranks No. 2 in the ' n for membership in the

ent Education Association, Texas being No. 1. efore memberships will be pen all year, and anyone join at any time this year.

This is being done in hopes of bringing Nebraska's membership up to the No. 1 position. Later this seII!ester, a membership drive will be held at PSC, to bring our local chapter's membership up.

Alkies Head lntramurals

The Alkies held their top position in the intramural standings by defeating the SOB's ·25-6 in the seventh round of touch football action. The Studs were victorious in .a 19-0 contest with the Wee Indians. The Budmen and Duffy's tied 0-0, but the Budmen won in the sudden death tournament. The Dills lost to the Whackers by a score of 13-7. SuMad lied with the Double A's 0-0. SuMad was the winning team in the sudden death tournament.

Arecord of seven wins and no losses belonged to the Alkies after the seventh round. The Studs were ranked second with a record of 6-1. The Budmen and the Whackers tied for the third place position. Both teams

Hours Are Enjoyed

e overall opinion of the new hour system for girls has favorable. Margee Heiser, man of the no hours ittee, commented, "The dorm hour system is king out 'OK' and there have no major problems". The system has been in use four and the only problem has with a few girls not on the m.

argee also commented that no hour committee might try find a more convenient for everyone. se comments were given the no hour system:

Bosiljevac: I think it's t. This gives the students a ce to go to concerts and they 't have to worry about being time. The students are · g their own decisions and don't have to feel like 're being watched.

nita Yearsley: I like it. You t hav.e to worry about hours being in on time.

thy Crqse: Being 23 years it's always been a hassle to e to come in at 11:30 when I d come in later at home. at Sheehan: It's great. I if we're old enough to come chool, we're old enough to e no hours.

b Policky: I like the no system.

dy Otte: I like the no hours em. It's convenient and


there's no hassfe rushing to get back to the dorm before a certain time.

ChP.rie Fowler: It's about time The college is not, and never was an appropriate baby sitter.

Teddy Davis: I don't like the system they have, I think they could find a better one.

Kim Fetters: I love it. It's fun to go places and not worry about the time. It gives a girl the opportunity to be on her own and show others her responsibility.

Mary Goergen: I like it. It's possible to have fun without having to worry about the time.

Mary Carr: Great, if I could pass for 20. ·

Donetta Henne: It was good while it lasted.

Karen Fossler: I think having no hours is marvelous. If you want the privilege of staying out, then you should also accept the duty of staying up to let the other girls in.

Carol Roth: It's OK, but I'm not looking forward to staying up tonight.

Mary McHugh: If they're on it, they must like it.

Exmeralda Boekal: I love it, but what's there to do in Peru after 11:30. Duffeys and Eldon's quit serVing around 11: 30 and all the parking places are taken by then too. Besides that, it's fine for walking your dog, if you have one.

Phone sn-3335

Member of F.D.l.C. Invites PSC students

won five games and lost two. The fourth team in the standings was SuMad, which maintained a record of 4-3. Fifth place was occupied by Duffy's with three wins and four A tie existed between the Double A's and the Dills for the sixth position. These teams both won two games and were defeated in five contests. The Wee Indians were in seventh place in the standings with a record of 1-6. 1The SOB's were eighth in the standing with no wins and seven losses. ·

Where have all the students gone?

New Hours Not Used

The Peru State College Library, with the couragement of the SGA has changed their hours for a trial period of one month. Sunday through Thursday the closing time has been extended one half hour to 10:00 p.m. The time the library is open on Saturday has been changed from the morning to the afternoon, with the hours being from 2:00p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

hours on Saturday gives thi. ·! ite riser a chance to catch-up O'i his sleep. ·

The Normal School started with a faculty of two teachers, J. M. McKenzie, Principal and teacher of Mathematics, Chemistry, Natural Science, and Latin, and Mrs C. B. McKenzie, · Preceptress and teacher of Rhetoric, Grammar, Geography, and History.

'ffie later closing hours d\Jring the week enables the student to spend more time reading an important reserve book working on a class assignment or just spending an extra half hour with his favorite person while studying. The afternoon

Art works by Pat Cook are being presented in the Diddel Exhibition Court of the fine arts building.

It was thought by the SGA and the Library that the additional half hour during the week would be used more readily by the students. But according .to Mrs Faye Brandt, Librarian at the College Library, on one night at·· closing there were only three students· at closing and on another night there were only six students in the library at closing. According to Mrs Brandt, if more students do not use the later closing hours, the hours will be changed back to their original times.

Many Peru College students assisted in controlling the ,waters of the Missouri River which threatened to flood the Peru bottomland in 1942. (Ibid, p. 48).

OCTOBER 22, 1971
Checking and Savings Accounts PERU PEDAGOGIAN PAGE 3
to open
STUDENTS 10% OFF, On All Your Purchases You Must Show Your I.D. Cards BILL'S CLOTHING & SHOES 1118 J St. Auburn, Nebr•


Football is a funny game and. each ,week the games get tougher and tougher. The ball bounces one way or the other and if it bounces the right way it makes the football predictor a wise person. If it bounces the· other way it makes him the guy that knows nothing. Last week Zero had success in the prediction field so here we go for some more punishment.

First of all let's look at the action on the state college scene

The Peru State Bobcats travel to the west part of the state to play the Chadron State Eagles. Peru was impressive in their loss to Kearney. The Bobcats almost beat the Antelopes. I really don't know much about the Eagles, except they are not as touch as they have been in past years. The· Peru team is hungry and this could be the week they taste the long awaited victory. Peru State 28 Chadron State 17.

Kearney and Wayne meet in their traditionfil battle. This game always produces excitement and this year should be no different. Kearney looks to be to strong for the Wayn"! team.

Kearney 21 Wayne 7.

In major college action we find Oklahoma playing Kansas State. The ·Sooners should have little trouble in winning this one. Kansas State has had a disappt:>inting season so far and this isn't the week that they will • pull an upset. The Sooners are tough and should win this game·

handily. Oklahoma 44 Kansas State 7.

Kansas play Iowa State on the ·field in Ames. The Jayhawks will try to rebound from the loss last week, but they won't. Iowa State has played real fine football so far and they have enough· wind to beat Kansas. In fact a little breeze is all that they will Iowa State 21 Kansas 8.

Unlucky Missouri has to face Colorado tomorrow. The football V{orld ·will see if the Buffaloes can rebound from a sound defeat last week. Missouri will be in for along afternoon. This definitely isn't the year of the Tiger. Ralphie should roam. Colorado 33 Missouri 7. Nebraska travels to Stillwater

to play a group of Cowboys. The Boys .from Oklahoma State will have their guns loaded and ready to shoot the Huskers -down, but all they will have in their guns are blanks. Nebraska always has trouble at OSU, but shouldn't have any' this year. DEFENSE is the name of the game and Nebraska has the best overall defense in the con· ference. Victory number seven

for the ·Huskers. Nebraska 42 Oklahoma State 7.

Next week the official Peru Ped top ten will appear. If you have any comments or your own ratings send them to the sports editor of the Ped. See you next week.

Harris Leads

'Cat Runners

Peru runners added another win Saturday. Harris of Auburn lead the way for Peru Saturday, running the four mile distance in 20: 02. He managed to do this even after having to stop and remove ·a stick from his shoe. The next two places belonged to Kearney's Ken Fricke and Dale Dobesh. Peru's Bill Sell Stukenholtz, both of Nebraska City placed fourth and fifth.

· The results:


(P), Nebraska City, 20:36; 6. Chuck

Test Dates For Teachers

Teacher Education candiqates are notified· that the California Achievement test·. date for. language· is: Wednesday, Oc· tober27, 3:30p.m. atroom.lOSin the Administration building.

The mathematics test will be · given Thursday, October 28, at 3:30p.m. in the same room 105 in the Administration building.

Dr. G. E. Mann

Kearney Wins· 28-14; Peru Still Lookin

Maser <KJ., 20:44; 7. Duane Wilken· (Kl, 20:52; 8. Don Monzingo (P), Omaha; 20:58; 9. Dave Hillman (P), Omaha, 21:05; 10. Randy Hansen CP), Bennet, 21:26; 11. Tim Engel (K), 21:32; 12. Duane Koukol (K), 21:07; 13. Rex Schultze (K), 21:53;

22:33, 17 Dennis Brady (P),


This was their fourth win in dual meets, they have only lost one dual meet this year that was against N.W.M.S.C., whom they later.

The Peru State Bobcats e:ave the State Antelo_pes all they wanted before bowing by the score of 28·14. Although defeated the Peru team put on one of their most impressive performances of the year, and should be ct>mmended for a very good job. Given little chance to win the ball game by the experts the Peru team almost put the predictors in their graves when they established an early lead and had Kearney on the ropes most of the first half. For those football fans who came to the game to see Mr !!'om Kropp do his thing, they got what they wanted. Kfopp's forte is not running around people, but instead he runs over them, and when he gets in the open field he tough for one man to bring down. The most effective play for Kropp in the Peru game was the screen pass. He caught two, one in the first half thal led to the Kearney touchdown with only 11 seconds left in the first half. In the Peru game Kropp was used as a decoy and a blocker. Many of his bone crushing blocks sprung John and Ra11dY Hraban for long gamers.. ·

head coach Al Zikumnd said the Bobcats would," like nothing better than to knock us·oft.'' This ·statement became reality on the very first Peru possession of the ball. The Kropp kickoff went through the endzone and Peru had the ball on their 20 yar· dline. The big gainer came on what looked like a busted play. Criger went back to pass and couldn't find a receiver so he started down field and with the help of some key blocks gained yardage deep into Kearney territory. The Peru TD came then on a 16 yard pass play that went from quarterback Criger to end Steve Miller. Dan Cotton's kick was good and the Bobcats had a surprising 7-0 lead. Kearney knew that they were in a ball game. The first quarter came to a close with Peru 4olding their slim lead. The

scoring in the second quarter belonged to Kearney. Their first score came on a quarterback keeper by Scott Maline. The Kearney player scored on a four year run, Greg Cheng's kick was good and that tied the game at 7·

7. Kearney then scored with only

11 second left in the half. The key play in this drive was the screen pass to Kropp. The TD came on a

14 yard pass from Randy Hraban. Cheng's , was good and Kearney went ·· half time with a shaky 7 lead.

In the second half Ke scored first and took a 21-7 l" This time the touchdown ; scored by Jon Wibbles on\ yard run, the extra point ··· good and Kearney lead touchdowns. Peru couldn't the ball and had to kick the{ and Kearney started driving a key fourth down Antelopes tried a pass picked on the wrong def : back. They threw the ball · '.; area of Gordon Thompson • intercepted the. liii iii the" zone and with a nifty bit of ning returned it to the Kea yard line, From there Peru ed on a one yard plunge by Reed, the kick was good; Peru tightened the gap :

-The leading· rusher of l game was Tom Kropp \ gained 94 yards, 89 of · coming in the second half. " Reed led the Peru runningj tack with 82 yards. , Peru hits the road again{ week as they travel to Cha. to play the Eagles at 2:00 ·.··

Desbien gets trapped after short gain on punt return. 1. Dave Harris (P), Auburn, 20:02; 2. Ken Fricke (K), 20:19; Dale Dobesh (K), 20:24; 4. Bill Sell (PJ,NebraskaCity,20:24; 5. Jerry Stukenholtz
OPTOMETRIST CONT ACT LENSES CLOSED WED. P.M. & SAT. P.M. Nebr. City 119 N 8th St. Phone 873-6180 ·
14. Gayle Swisegood (P) Falls City, 21: 58; 15. Ai Rasmussen (K), 22: 19; 16. Bruce Neemann (P), Syracuse, Peru,
R&S ·TEXACO,·· SERVICE (Formerly Peru1Sinclair} Tires· Mechanic Werk NEW ·OWNERS ·Bill Reeves ayne Simpson Earlier in the week Kearney PIONEER THEATRE NebJaska City ThtJ:s. -Jri. - Sat. Oct. 21-23_ SOLDIER BLUE Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Oct. 24-26 LA WREN CE 0 F ·A.RA RIA Wed. thru Sat. Oct. 27-30 SCANDALOUS JOHN
and Incense
Large Record Selection ·Simon Drug Compan·y Auburn · KEN'S IGA KEN JOHNSON -GROCERIES - MEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Phone 872-6355
Chess Sets Candles

Peru Pedagogian

PSC Sponsors Melody Round-up

Peru State College will sponsor a Parade and "Melody Roundup" for Junior and Senior high bands in the surrounding ·area on Homecoming, November 6.

Those bands scheduled to take part in the day's activities are as follows: The Rockport, Mo. Junior and Senior high bands directed by Ken Meisinger, the Shenandoah Junior high band directed by Ralph Shaffer, the Beemer Senior high · band directed by Richard Munson, Fairmont band directed by Godfrey Macha!, the DawsonVerdon band led by Tom Osborne, the Platteview band directed by Robert Leigh, the Pawnee City band directed by Ray Gilstrap and the Auburn band directed by Gary Dahmke.

Kearney Hosts NESA Workshop

Nine PSCSecretaries attended the Nebraska Educational Secretaries Association Fall Workshop in Kearney, Nebraska Qn Saturday, October 16, 1971.

The Grandfather Clock, a gift of tile clan ol 1983 bas reClrlle4 to the library.

1903 Gift Is Back

The clock is back home. After long absence it has returned to rightful resting place. The -foot-tall grandfather clock, gift to the college from the ss of 1903, has at various es been the subject of ysteries and newspaper ars. e story begins in 1963 when library was remodeled and e old clock was moved. mewhere. The library odeling was finished and rything became as it had Everything except the k. The ancient timepiece not in the library but the oblem was that nobody knew at it wasn't.

The next phase of the story cerns Don Carlile, director of ecial Serivces. He was aking up a #-t of gifts to the

college in the fall of 1969 and ran across the gift of the clock. It wasn't in the library but where was it. An investigation and search revealed that the clock had been sitting in an old college storage house for the past six years.

The years had seemed to detract little except for the base.

Bobbie Fike, a carpenter for the Building and Grounds department rebuilt the base and the clock started running without further work. It sat in the Special Services office until October 20.

On that date the grandfather clock was moved back into the library. It was a lot of activity for a clock that old, but now its over. Maybe. What can possibly happen now?

Well. Child Clinic To Be Held

AWell Child Clinic will be held vember 12 at 2 p.m. in the mpus Health Center, acrding to Mrs Virginia Miller, college nurse.

r. Van Leeuwen, a ·atrician from the University Nebraska Medical School at aha, will be present. As its name implies, the clinic for "well," not sick, children. ch child will be given a ysical, and DPT, polio, easies, and mumps shots.

It is sponsored by the utheast Community Action uncil and is intended imarily for the pre-school and ementarv children of the four-

county area, but Mrs Miller added that any child is eligible.

The clinic is free, but appointments must be made in advance. As it will be open from 2 p.m. until .all the children are checked, appointments are necessary.

To make appointments, -contact Mrs. Lester Russell, the clinic aid. YOUNGSTER to father examining her report card; "I am not an underachiever,

The bands will play separately during the parade but will combine to play three selections on the field during halftime. There will be about 600 musidans performing on the field at halftime

Before the game Dr. Gilbert Wilson will direct the bands in playing the "Star Spangled Banner". During halftime the numbers performed will be "The ' United Nations March'', "Old Comrades", and "His Honor March". The directors for these numbers will be chosen three of the high school directors.

A trophy will be awarded to the outstanding band in each of four categories. Those categories are Junior high schools, schools with an enrollment below 100, schools whose enrollment is from 100300, and the schools with enrollment above 300.

Of the band directors previously mentioned Ralph Shaffer, Richard Munson, Tom Osborne and Gary Dahmke are all graduates of Peru State College.

SCB Adds New Members

Nine new full members have been added to the Student Center Board this year according to their advisor, Mrs. Gayle Shipley. Two of the nine new members, Pat Prose and Mark Hahn, are representatives ·appointed from the Student Governing Association. The other new members are: Deborah Brecht, Dale Burke, Cindi Anderson, Deborah Elmlinger, Dennis Robertson, Walter Sirenko, and Victor Vega.

The upcoming movie, "A Fine Madness" will be Tuesday, November 2 at 7:00 p.m. in the

The theme "Happiness Is. " was carried throughout the program. Mrs Edith Gunlicks, Kearney State,College Business Instructor was the Guest Speaker of the morning. Mrs Gunlicks' address "Smile" emphasized the importance of a smile in the daily work of an educational secretary and how much it can mean in keeping the four main elements of her working world - boss, students, co-workers, and of course, herself - happy. She stressed that students wish to be dealt with speed, directness, honesty, and fairness and that they are quick to spot phoniness.

After a film, "File It Right and Find It" and a noon luncheon at the Nebraskan, the workshop resumed in the Recital Hall of the KSC Fine Arts Building. Dr. Gary OlsOl\', Kearney State

College Vice-President, addressed the group on "Happiness is Being a Person. He stressed the idea that every person should be considered as, and treated as, a PERSON - an individual who is allowed to live to his full potential. and is not discriminated against because of his race, color, creed or sex. Entertainment was by the Kearney High School "Personifications". Mrs Lois Lawhead, Bissell's Decorating Studio, spoke on "Office and Home Decorating."

Attending the Workshop were Gerry Brady (1971 President, Peru State Secretaries Association), Thelma Grafton, Lois Smith, Myrna Sierks, Maryanna Gnade, Cheryl Lemon, Ferne Stephens, Caryll Ubben, and Charlene Vickers.

A message for all - administration, students, and staff - was brought back to Peru State "A smile is not good untit you have shared it."

Steve Roberts, <Middle) Dale·Nutzman, Bruce Brummer, Leonard Fangmeyer, Mike Engel <Bottom) Wes Malone, Ron Poppe, Tom Ridenour, Steve Lawson, Dave Koll.

Alkies No. 1 Intramural Team

The first place position was maintained by the Alkies following,a series of eight games in the intramural contests. The Alkies defeated the Whackers by a score of 20-7. The Dills tied with the Double A's 0-0 but the Dills were the winning team in the sudden death tournament.

·The Budmen won by a' forfeit 1-0 against the SOB's. Duffy's lost to the Whackers in a 6-0 game in the eighth round. SuMad was victorious in a 12-7 competition with the Studs.

eight wins and no losses. The Studs and the Budmen were tied for the second place position with records of 6-2. Su Mad and the Whackers both had records of five wins and three losses. A season of three wins and five losses belonged to Duffy's and the Dills. There was also a tie between the Double A's and the Wee Indians who had standings of two wins and six losses. The SOB's had no wins and eight losses following the eighth round of intramural competition.

T. U.o.'l"n'\.tU\
My teacher is an over-expecter!"
Members of the Number One Alkles are: <Tep Left to IUpt> Bill Iliff, Dave Green,
Th..-. AU,,;,,.. l... l..J - ------' -"

Glen Hunter Interviewed

Q. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

A. I sure do.

Q. State your name?

A. Mr Glen Hunter.

Q. Your occupation?

A. Food Service Manager at Peru State.

Q. What is your function?

A. I'm in charge of all food operations at Peru.

Q. Does your job include making up the menus?

A. Yes, I work with dietitians to determine the food served.

Q. What do you consider when you make.up a menu?

A. Variety, well balanced menu, and the cost of the food are factors involved.

Q. Did you ever taste one of your meals?

A. Yes.

Q. What did you think of it?

A. I think the food .served is pretty good. I eat it often and I don't eat something I don't like.

Q. Do you think your food could use any improvement?

A. I think the food is just as good as the food served at other colleges. The $8.25 a week the student is paying now is the same price that was paid in 1968.

Q. Is it true you soybeans as a filler in much of your food?

A. We use General Mills Bontrae, a soybean meal,a meat substitute in our ground beef recipes such as hamburgers and meatloaf.

Q. Why is this substitute used?

A. Because it can be better preserved, it has about the same amount of protein as meat, is cheaper then meat, and doesn't contain so much colestriol.

Q. Are there any other substitutes put into your food?

A. No, only some powdered milk is used in some of our cooking.

Q. Do you think the student is getting his money's worth?

A. Definitely, a student can eat and drink all he wants during a meal and is only restricted to one piece of meat at dinner.

Q. What is done with the leftover food?

A. Sometimes wer serve the food again. But if we do the student still gets a choice of two other meals. After food is served for the second time we throw it away.

Q. Do you feel the student body is satisfied with what we serve.

A I think - the majority of students are satisfied with what we serve.

Q. How do you account for all the food left on the plates?

A. Some students don't care about waste. They feel since they're paying for the food they can waste it.

Q. What can a person do if he is dissatisfied with your food?

A. I wish he would come to me with his complaint and offer a logical solution along with it. I'll be happy to listen to any ideas on how the food system can be improved. Thank You. --.

Hoemann Returns To PSC

Although receiving his degree in business administration last May, Gary Hoemann did not leave campus.

Employed by - the Peru Achievement Foundation, an organization which "aids in areas not covered by legislative apportionment," he now answers inquiries about Peru, visits individual high schools and college nights and encourages prospective students to visit campus.

His duties were formerly distributed among the faculty and administration, but he provides the college with more. extensive promotion and contact with prospective students. This



Dear Loui, Why do you always have t sound so down on marriage? boyfriend always reads you column and reads aloud all you. cracks .I'm getting tired listening to them. Can't yous something nice so I can have turn at show and tell?

Wisecrack Wo · Dear W.W. Something nice!

Dar Loui, I have been going with t guy about two days. Everyti we go out he wants to get in t back seat of the car. Why? Y can't even hear the radio fro the back seat.

Dear In Between, I can't figure it out either. should at least want to be in t front seat with you.

All questions to Dear Loui sent o Ped.


service is without cost to the· taxpayers as the foundation is primarily supported by alumni donations.

This summer he traveled in Nebraska and Iowa, contacting students who had inquired but had not applied for adrnj.ssion to Peru. He plans more extensive travel this fall around Nebraska, hoping to follow each appeal with another visit in the spring wheri students are completing their college plans.

Mr Hoemann noted that "students can do a much better job of promoting the college" andhe is optimistic about Peru's future. Certainly his work is important to that future and deserves the support of the student body.

The Pedagogian

Published weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421


John Thomas Editor-in-chief

Robert Vana Assistant Editor

Margie Lewis ...............• , Society Editor

Mike Kelly News Editor

Mike Summers Photography

Jerry Steele

Sports Photography

Gary Grady : Sports Editor

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation

Mr. Everett Browning : Advisor

Last week we printed a picture and story on the new library hours. The story stated the possibility that the library would no longer be open to the extended hours. After taJj{ing to Mrs Brandt, head librarian, I found that the library has no intentions of stopping the extended hours. The cases of very few people using the library during the new hours ·were true the first couple of weeks the new hours were in effect. Now the people using the library during the new hours is increasing, and toward the ;end of the semester, when term papers are due and finals roll around an even larger number of people will take advantage of the new hours. According to Mrs Brandt, the library is satisfied with the new hours, and have no intentions of closing earlier.

PSC Tells "What Is Love"

An age old wondering of people is, "What is Love?" In response to this query, PSC student and faculty, gave these replies:

Love is being willing to go to any necessary limits to sacrifice your own welfare for that of someone else.

Getting in at 1:30 in the. morning!

Love is the undefinable source that rules mankind, guiwng him from the depths of despair to the heights of the gods.

Love is sharing, giving; a very personal kind of feeling not really expressable in words. It is a reason to live, to shine, and be beautiful.

Love is someone to keep your feet warm on a cold winter night.

Love is opposite of hate.

Love is that feeling between two people, wherein an atmostphere is created so that the one loved can best fulfill himself.

Love is being super ugly and "catching a man."

Love is rare.

It's a four-letter word that rrteans something that is unexplainable.

For the lack of a better word, people use love to express their personal, pleasurable feelings.

That which is, that could not be, with someone else.


How STRANGE to use "You only live once" as an escuse to throw it away.

Bill Copeland

John Vickers

Issue Editor No. 7

Clarinda to do Halftime Show

The featured high school band for the game between Peru and Wayne State on October 30 will be the Clarinda High band directed by Richard Mowery.

The Clarinda band, including about 65 members, has received a first rating in Class A in several band contests in Iowa. At Iowa State University last spring and at Mount Ayre this fall, Clarinda received a first rating. · One outstanding characteristic of the Clairinda band is a group of girls who perform on the Holland hand bells. Several of the band's. movements are executed to the music of these bells.

This is Clarinda'.s third performance at Peru State College, the band last appeared here three years

Letter to the Editor: "Education major sophomore, junior or senio with good grades" so stat the qualifications for the P Scholarships valued at $1 each. Signs. were posted campus buildings and sent to t dorms, an article was printed the Ped, classes were "plugg and as of Tuesday, October two applications have be received. The deadline is tober 30.

It would take perhaps half hour to complete the applicati ask for the required transcri and attach a personal letter; that seems like too much wo for $125.

Students "are concerne about the rising costs education, but when given opportunity to apply for scholarship, a "gift", to h these rising expenses, t "just don't have time."

Charlene Vick Secretary, Financial P. S. Applications are available at the Financial Ai Office, 3rd floor, Administrati Building.

Dear Editor;

In the last issue of the Pe noticed an editorial. editorial dealt with a ministration, trust and roo inspection. It was very w written, yet there remained o ·· gargantuan flaw; it was signed.

This would appear to be change in ,policy of your sta Formerly, all editorials we. signed, indicating whose opiniO was expressed. ·

Was the nature of the editori · so controversial that it's writ' dared not sign his name? If ( why? Does he fear retributid from the administratiOn? :· should like to have thes" questions answered for me. ;"

It is my contention that th" paper is the voice of opinion th ·.• the editorials and letters to thl editor. I do not think it pertine '. to print so-called "irresponsibl journalism". Let us not lose o individual voices. Nor should w be subjected to opinion witho. authority. In other term opinion without author is tande not to propaganda. There 1 certainly enough of that aorun' already.

PERU PEDAGOGIAN LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS !Sf Foe '1c f€:91""S *" llWt tc«r%1?AA if LOW ufAVf' : 1Bur YOU·HAVE A PLACE IN COLLEGE-- IF IT WE'fi!E'N'T FOR ll-11 ruLL, ?T!Jf'I 0 ?i:L1C'ENT; f-\OW wouwwe: l3E AetETO Rfl06NIZE IH BRIGHT, HAAOWORKINq INTELLl,,;;ENTQNE?V I I '-I
· Edit Michael L. Keli"'



you love me

Love me quietly _the shadows

Where my mind dwells. ach out for me and Somewhere ch me softly now d keep me love. on my heartaress me. ase!!

Win A Trip_ to Hawaii-

e to win a trip to Hawaii?

e Peru State College

an Club, in conjunction St. Albert's High SChool in cil Bluffs, is selling chances

a trip to Hawaii.

e winner will receive two rvations on WOW's Big Red aiian Tour and $200 expense ey. The tour is scheduled for ember 1-6. prizes of $100, $75, $50, $25 will also be offered. e chances are $1.00 each. ces are being sold by Tom ack, Delzell; Joyce Gergen, gan; Bonnie Stemper and r Newman club members.


e you ever tried to ember a kiss and foFget the ''Dipper?

s is just a star that fell down got up to shine again on eone else.

a million stars could fall, there would still be one for trace across the sky.

is more than happiness and rings spread out across world.

the - loneliness of a girl ng on a guy who won't a triangle that didn't inct to form a lasting union the hunger of amother's ___ d to ache for a father it never and many more, but it never be us so let's be sad 11 others.

be in love and remember a

Football Teams Name All-Stars

Teams competing in the intramural touch football contests have selected their "All Stars." fu order to receive this honor a player must have been nominated by his partj.cular team. The coaches anti players_ of the participating teams then cast their ballots for the players they felt were deserving of this special recognition: The teams were not allowed to vote for members of their own team.

Six members were chosen for their outstanding abilities in offensive action. They are: Bob Bowen of the Studs, Bruce Brummer, Dave Green, and Steve Lawson of the Alkies, Kevin Stork of Sumad, and Pat Tynon of the Whackers.

The coaches and team members also selected six players who exhibited excellence in defensive action. They are: Arnold Allgood of the Whackers, Bob Beaver of Duffy's, Tim Hedberg and Dan Hunsberger of the Studs, and Bill Iliff and Steve Roberts of the Alkies.


November 20 is the date set for the wedding of Miss Anice Shurtleff and Mr Paul Utecht. MiM-Shurtleffis a junior at Peru State and Mr Utecht is a former Peru Stater.

Immaculate Conception

Catholic Church in Rulo, Nebr. will be the scene of the wedding. Parents of the couple are Mr and Mrs Wayne Shurtleff of Falls , City, Nebraska and Mr and Mrs Paul utecht of Superior,Nebraska.

Debators Make First Trip-

On October 22 and 23 members of the PSC debate team attended the "Show Me" debate tournament in Maryville, Missouri. Seventeen schools from Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri participated in the tournament.

PSC entered two novice teams. The people involved were Sylvia Tyler and Dean Young making up one team, and Pat Castle and Steve Long, the other. Mr J. D. Levitt sponsored the group.

Each team debated 6 rounds, alternating affirmative and negative sides. This year's topic is "Resolved: that greater controls should be imposed on the gathering and utilizatio!l of information about U. S. citizens by government agencies."

This was Peru's first trip. Upcoming debates will include Wayne and Witchita.

You must change with the times 'unless you are big enough to change the times.

Bernard Edinger


Nebraska City

Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Oct. 28- 29-30

Will The End Come?

Will The World Come To An End? Many people are concerned about the frequent predictions of doomsayers. Of course, in our time; as never_ before, we face the reality of factors which possibly could deliver us into such a crisis. Today we have to face the awful truth that mankind can and may cause the extinction of life on the earth by various means. There is the inevitable population explosion problem. There is the pollution - ecology problem. There is the hideous reality of atomic warfare, germ-warfare,and even the fantastic crime wave - killing lives uselessly. But let me answer the question: Will the world come to an end?

First of all, I must say that the Bible does teach that this world will experience a purging by fire. mPeter 3:7) Secondly, the Bible also teaches that there will be a new heaven and a new earth. (Revelation 21:1-5) However, probably the main event does not concern people so much as the nearness of it! We are naturally sel£ish and tend to defend our own welfare first. Are we near the end? The Bible gives many clues about the nature of the end time, or "last days" as the Bible calls it. One item mentioned in II Peter 3:3-4 is that people will be denying that Christ will return to earth. We see this and hear it on every hand today! Certainly, II Timothy 3:1-7 is significant in the naming of the characteristics of the '1ast days"! The first verse of this passage saysthat the "last days" Will be "perilous". Do I need to mention the peril of our times, when the news-stands are loaded with ugly stories of violence, bloodshed, and horrendous acts of men? But, the most interesting thing about last times to me is that Jesus Christ is going to return for His Own just

before a time of Great Tribulation! Therefore, the most vital question we need to face is not about the end of the world, but about whether we are "His Own"! The issue is not denomination, not a creed, not a method, not the end commandments, not'-· church membership, not even the golden rule or living a good life! The issue is receiving Jesus Christ! (John 1: 12) The issue is a person Jesus, God in flesh, who died, shedding His blood for our sin! His GIFT is Eternal Life .it cannot be earned, and no one deserves it! But He wants everyone to have it! (John 3:16)

Pastor Lloyd Spear Auburn, NE.

IA Clubs

Na me' Officers

Pres. Stan Gottula, Elk ·Creek, Nebr. (Sr.) I. A.; V.P. Gary Linden, Takamah, Nebr. (Jr.) Industrial Management; Sec. James Reed, Crab Orchard, Nebr. (Sr.) Industrial Management; Treas. Dennis Robertson, Ft. Dodge, Iowa (Jr.) Industrial Management.

Ipsilon Pi Tay Officers elected September 21, 1911 for 1971-72.

President John Lutt, Peru (Sr.) Industrial Management;

V. P. Dennis Dasher, Plattsmouth, Nebr. (Sr;) I. A; Sec. James Reed, Crab Orchard, Nebr. (Sr.) Industrial Management; Treas. Dale Bohling, Auburn, Nebr. (SrJ I. A.

New members iniated Oct. 19, 1971.

Gary Linden (Jr.) Tekamah, .Nebr.; Dennis Robertson (Jr.) Fort Dodge, Iowa; Dvid Gibson (Jr.) Beatrice, Nebr.; Bruce Goodwin (Jr.) Saddle Brook, New Jersey; Richard Warner (Jr.) Nebraska City, Nebr.


Phone sn-3335

Member of F.D.l.C.

Invites PSC students to open Checking and Saving;; Accounts


An enrollment of forty students attended the first term of school heldin the new building at the Peru Seminary.

e Court party and mariners fight off the raging force of "The Tempest". Cast members pict_ured (L to R) Mitch Chase, Joevette Farber, Julee Tillman, Pat Castle, and Barb Policky. The 1971 mecomingPlay will be presented Nov. 3, 4, and 6 in the College Auditorium. Director for the show Bolton.
An EXPERT is a man who doesn't 'know all the answers, but- is sure if he is given enough money he can find them. Rex Fletcher
Technicolor Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Oct. 31-Nov. 1-2 CREATURES THE WORLD FORGOT
Walt Diseny Productions Presents
Large Record Selection Simon Drug Company Auburn KEN'S IGA KEN JOHNSON GROCEIUES - MEATS FRUITS ANO VEGETABLES Peru, 1Nebraska Phone 872-6355
and Incense Burners Chess Sets Candles

PERU PEDAGPGIAN by -Grant, and a touchdown by Cordell Bullis who made a 35 yard run with a pass interception lateral from Don White. The third quarter touchdowns were by Kay Fackrell on a 13-yard pass from Mike Coffee, and a four-yard run ' by Bill Greene.

Injuries sustained in the Chadron game will possibly · sideline three starters for this week's game. Fullback Barry R.eed, received a sprained ankle in the first series of plays and is still limping. John Perkins, Essex, Iowa, offensive guard received a hip injury and may be absent from action Saturday. Bob Palmer, Springfield, middle guard, who received injuries in an auto accident last week and did not make the Chadron trip, may still be out of action.

To futher complicate the offensive backfield problems, John Zatloukal, Whittemore, · Iowa, fullback, did not make the Chadron trip because of the serious illness of his father. His ·return in time for the Wayne game.is ·questionable.

Prior to 1885 football was considered ·a gam1: only for roughnecks and the sport was not sanctioned by Peru State College authorities until 1900.

Cat Harriers Beat· Kearney

Head Cross-Country Coach


When the football bounces right the games go the way the predictor picks them, when it bounces the other way there are more wrong than right. Last week the ball bounced wrong and Zero had his worst week of the year, but he is back for more punishment.

On the state college scene there are many key games. In the game .at the Oak Bowl the Bobcats take on a tough team from Wayne State. Last week while Peru was losing to Chadron, Wayne defeated the tough team from Kearney and now has the inside track on the conference championship. The only thing standiing in their way is Peru. The Bobcatshave looked good at times and not so good at other times they have been inconsistent. A team can't play this way and expect to wih the close games. Errors tend to hurt a team effort. Wayne should win this ball game with little trouble.

Wayne State 28 Peru State ""I

Kearney is at home this week to face the Missouri Western Griffons. After losing to Wayne last week Kearney may be ready to roll, or they may be caught flat footed. I think that coach Zikmund will have his charges ready and get back on the winning side of the' ledger Kearney State 35 Missouri Western 17

BB Practice Opens

Bobcat basketballers opened practice in the gym last week: Lettermen returning are Nate Parks, senior forward, Cincinnati, Ohio; Earl Brown, senior forward-center, Cincinnati, Ohio; Bob Bowen, junior forward, Nehawka, Nebraska; Tom Froehlich, sophomore guard, Algona, Iowa; and Dave Green, sophomore forward, Holdredge, Nebraska.

He(ld coach, Jack Mcintire, has several promising players on hand in 6'7" Rex Beatty, ·· Peru, Nebraska; 6'0" Guy Lammie, Peru, Nebraska; Don Monzingo, 5'i0" junior from Omaha, Nebraska; Mike Deruntz, 6'3" freshman from Granite City, Illinois; and junior college transfer Rosey Washington, a 6'1" junior, via Jefferson College, St. Louis County, Missouri.

Coach Mcintire stressed that other squad members are showing promise as practice progresses. Student assistant, Steve Miller, affectionately known as "Pop", because ofhis age, is' aiaing Mcintire with the drills, in preparation for the opener, in tbe Williain Penn, Basketball Tournament, December 4th.


G. E. Mann

Eagles .Fly By Cats

Last Saturday the Eagles piled up a first-half lead of 35--0, and then coasted to a 47-7 victory. Chadron, 4-3 in the season, scored the first six touchdowns of the game before Kim Tennal, ·Sabetha, Kans., freshman, made the lone tally for the Bobcats on a one-yard run. Dan Cotton, Humboldt kicker, made the extra point.

During the first quarter, Mike Dority scored on a 43-yard pass from Lee Baumann, a 14-yard run by Ron Grant, a four yard run by Jerry Macken. ddon White accounted for five extra point kicks for the Eagles. In the second period, the Eagles scored on a five-yard r!ill

John "Jack" Mcintire has a good thing going this season. His harriers defeated Kearney State College 27-29 October 16th. And what is so unusual about that?

Ateam could get a complex. It cm.II<!, that is, if it started getting beat In 1965 by a certain coach whose teams' have defeated the Antelopes a total of 23 t\rnes. Six times in the District, five times in the Nebraska College Conference, another half dozen times in the Nationals with the other victories coming in dual action, not to mention bringing

There are many key games on the major college scene and now let's look at the key games. Kansas and the Oklahoma State Cowboys hook horns. Last week both teams were defeated soundly. The Cowboys should have enough fire power to defeat the Jayhawks. This isn't the year for either team from Kansas. Oklahoma State is a home the Doane College Invitational crown.

Last year in his Cross-Country team won the District NAIA Cross - Country meet, while placing first in the Nebraska College Conference meet. _

vastly improved club and make the Jayhawk f believers. Oklahoma State·· Kansas 7.

Missouri and Kansas S play each other and this sho be an interesting game. •• teams are down this year ·' have no title hopes They , fighting to stay out of the cell'. Kansas State should have fir : their eyes after taking it on chin last week from Oklaho Kansas State 31 Missouri 16.•

The high scoring Okliiho: Sooners play the upstart Io. State Cyclones in the Oklaho · "Snake Pit." The Sooners · don't try to run up the sc because it embarrasses th will try to be embarrassed ag ''. this week. I just hope that Ch ··. Fairbanks realizes t8 someday the Soohers will ge taste of their own medicine. · Cyclone defense will get a to ·• test from Pruitt, Wy Crosswhite, and Mildren. Th'· four are too tough to handle; Sooners should win, but it m be a struggle Oklahoma 45. I ·· State 28.


The Colorado Buffaloes p( the Huskers in Lincoln. This · be another Cornhusker victo" The Big Red offense and are starting to jell. This sho·. spell trouble for Colorado. only question is will Ral make an appearance on the Sod? Victory number eight the Huskers and another steR their showdown with Oklaho '' Nebraska 35 Colorado 7.

For all the Notre Dame f we have special sympathy. Irish were defeated and now natives are restless. Maybe had better get his hotline the pope hooked up.

Mcintire also serves as H Basketball Coach (he holds longest term as basketball coa at Peru) and in the spring a'1 as Head Track Coach.

Earl Brown, PSC Basketball Letterman.
R & TEXACO SERVICE (Formerly Peru Sindair) Tires Mechanic Work Reasonable NEW OWNERS Bill Reeves
ATTENTION STUDENTS 10% OFF On All Your Purchases You Must Show Your l.D. Cards BILL'S CLOTHING & SHOES! 1118 J St. ii Nebr. City 119 N 8th St. Phone 873-6180 ayne' Simpson Auburn, Nebr.
Peru Pedagogian VOL. 67 NO. 8 PERU STATE COLLEGE, PERU, NEBRASKA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1971 Welcome Alumni Peru's 50th Homecoming Have AHappy Day

Homecoming Candidates

Marlene Meyer

Marlene Meyer, a senior elementary education major, represents her residence hall; Morgan. Marlene is secretary treasure of Morgan Hall and has been on the dorm council and a cheerleader. She belongs to the Newman Club and PSEA. Marlene is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Merle Meyer of Nehawka

Escorting Marlene will be. Mike O'Brien, a sophomore elementary education major. Mike resides in Delzell Hall and is the son of Mr. and Mrs Michael O'Brien of Pine Hill, New Jersey.

Charlene Harrah ill

Charlene Harrahill is a junior majoring in elementary education and represents Clayburn-Mathews Hall. Charlene is president of Davidson-Palmer and resides in Palmer Hall. She belongs to PSEA, Kappa Delta Pi, and is secretary-treasurer of the SCB. Charlene's parents are Mr and Mrs Gerald M. Harrahill of Drasis Pajeda is Charlene's chosen escort for Homecoming.

·., Drasis is a sophomore physical education major. His parents Mr and Mrs Walter Pajeda of Worcester, Mass.

" .· ····- ..•, ¥•·........... ·· ---------··-_n. .,...,,

Cathy Cole

Cathy Cole, daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert. Cole of Auburn, represents Peru's commuting students. A senior majoring in speech education, Cathy belongs to the Dramatics Club, Gavel and Rostrum, and is active on the Debate Team. She has served as a cheerleader and belongs to SGA and Newman Club.

Cathy has selected Paul Chatelain for her Homecoming escort. Paul is a senior majoring in business administration.

Paul commutes to Peru from the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Ralph Chatelain, near Auburn.

Betty Johnson

Betty Johnson, a senior elementary education major, represents Davidson - Palmer Hall in the queen contest. Betty lives in Davidson Hall, where she is a dorm counselor. Betty also serves as vice-president of Student Wives and co-captain of the Kitty Kadets. She belongs to PSEA and the Afro-Am Club and is the mother of a thirteen-month-old daughter, Nancy. Betty's parents, Mr and Mrs James Johnson reside in Chicago, IDinois.

Mike. Johnson will escort his wife for the Homecoming festivities. Mike graduated from Peru in 1971 with a major in business. He works for Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. in Omaha.

Jeannine Davis

Jeannine Davis, daughter of Mr and Mrs Hal Davis of Tecumseh, is Delzell Hall's representative. Jeannine lives in Palmer Hall and serves as vice-president of DavidsonPalmer. She is active in WAA and has been a May Fete attendant two years. Jeannine is a junior, majoring in physical education.


Jeannine's Home<;oming escort is Tom·Froelich, a sophomore with a double major in biology and physical education. Tom, a Delzell Hall resident, is the son of Mr and Mrs Gordon Davidson, of Algona, Iowa.


Old Timer' Reminisc 1

Homecoming usually fa October and before the slaught of Dutch elm di Peru was charming with; many trees dressed in beautiful fall colors overha the streets, especially alon' avenue and toward downt

Queen's Change, Theme Remains

Exciting, different, and very active in many activities were the former Homecoming Queens of j940, 1951, 1961, and 1970.

1h 194Q, Peru State College was represented by two queens:· Margery Ann Kinsey was ' crowned by the footb.all fellows ·as ·the Gridqueen. Margery Ann was a sophomore, majoring in English, and very

Alumni Fund Foundation

Homecoming brings former grads to Peru for a visit but PSC is obviously on their minds, at least from a financial standpoint, throughoutthe year.

The Peru Achievement Foundation funds come almost solely from past students. This funding has shown loyal support for Peru State College. The purpose of the Foundation, as stated upon its organization in 195.5, is to provide dollar-support for PSC that is not supplied by legislation.

The foundation is_ especially active in providing scholarships for students. Scholarships amounting to $4,825 were provided for the 1971 fall semester, while $4,444 was supplied in matching funds for the National Defense Student Loan Program. The Foundation has provided all the matching funds for the NDSL program since 1958.

The vending committee was formed as an investment to help

active in the Dramatic Club, social committee, PERUVIAN, Beta Beta Beta, Gamma Chi, and Peru Players Sponsor. Margery was elected on her good sportmanship, as a humorist, and as an outstanding actress. She was said to be a ''collegiate figure in reds and golds and plaids."

Queen o' the Ball on Homecoming Night 1940, was Elvera Schacht. Elvera was a senior, majoring in Commerce, and active in Commerce Club, Gamma Chi, PERUVIAN, YMCA, and WAA. ·

In 1951, MariQ.n Pratt, whose daughter MiriJJ.ID is now

the Foundation carry out more of its objectives. Vending machines supply the money for · the dorm scholarships awarded each spring by the dorm councils. This year during the spring of 1972 these dorm scholarships will be known as the A. V. Larson Memorial Vending Scholarships in memory of A. V. Larson who served as the Foundations. Treasurer from 1962 until his death in February 1971.

This generosity of Peru's alumni is a tremendous benefit to present PSC students. Diane Special Services

attending Peru State from California, was crowned as Homecoming Queen. Marion was a senior, majoring in English, and active in Home Economics Club, YMCA, White Angels, International Relations Club, and was a May Fete Attendant. She was also a Who's Who Student.

In 1961, Queen Lee Christen reigned supreme. Lee was a senior, majoring in physical education. Her activities included Kappa Delta Pi, Newman Club, Student National, Home · Economics Club, White Angels, a singer, and a cheerleader.

In 1970, Vicki Hall. was an" nounr.P.d HomP.r.omim! Queen on Saturday, October 24, 1970, during the half-time show. She was the 31st Queen to be chosen.

Vicki was a junior, majoring in physical education, and her activities included cheerleading, holding class offices. being an active debater, and playing for Peru State Colleges girls basketball team. Vicki represented Majors Hall.

The stules that these Queens wore, vary greatly but yet are similar in many ways. -All the Queens hair styles·· were very short, bobbed, with a lot of curl in the early years to the lose curl of Vicki Hall's. The dresses were ·formals, to suits, back to formals, and now anything is acceptable.

Loo1tirrg back at these Queens of earlier years, one might think they look out of place, but then as now it was probably one of the most exciting nights in their · lives.

1937 Grad Wins Fame

Dr. James E. Perdue, 1937 Peru graduate, is president of State University of New York college at Oswego.


As a student of Peru State College, Dr. Perdue' was

It is notlack oflove btit lack of discribed as a "student of high friendship that makes ,URhappy rank, outstanding in leadership marriages. and active in college events" in Friedrich Nietzsche the Peru Pedagogian (March 3, 1937) when he was nominated for a representative in the Peruvian.

Alumni We-lcomed To PSC Events

The welcome mat is inviting all Peruvians to tomorrow's Homecoming festivities.

Alumni who graduated in years one and six are especially welcome because it is a special anniversary of their graduation years.

Homecoming will get off to an early start this evening at 6:00 p.m. when the classes of 1946 and 1931 will hold class reunions at Arbor Manor in Auburn.

Tomorrow will provide the major H9mecoming festivities, however. Coffee hours and alumni will be held

Among his college activities, he was supervisor of the "Freshman Crawdads", a freshman boys club. It's purpose: "to create an interest for swimming and give the y9ung men of the class an opportunity to develope their skill in swimming and

Evanston, Illinois (from f941 until he was called into active ·service during World Warr Ilas a U. S. Naval Reserve officer. Following his separation in 1945, he rejoined Row Peterson for one year before joining the faculty of the University of ·Denver in 1946.

Dr. Perdue holds an M. A. degree from Colorado State college. Standford University conferred its Ph.D. degree upon him in 111,52, and Denver University awarded him its honorary Doctor of Laws degree in June, 1965, when he was the university's commencement speaker at the same ceremonies.

Dr. Perdue first served the University of Denver as assistant professor of social science and in 1953 was named dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Other assignments during his service to Denver included acting dean of administration, university budget office, assistant to ·the chancelor, and acting director of the university's Social Science Foundation.

diving" which is stated in the _in the Student Center at 9:00 constitution and by laws found in a.m. The Homecoming Parade the original minutes. Record of will follow at 10:45 with the these minutes was presented to parade route outlined elsewhere Dr. Ne.al S. Gomon, president of in this issue. PSC by Dr. Perdue on Augtlst 30, At noon tomorrow all Peru 1971 to be placed in the college alumni are invited to a luncheon archives. at the Student Center. Peru's Following his graduation from Bobcat football team clash. With Peru State in 1937, Dr. Perdue Culver-Stockton at 2:00 p.rn. in taught social sciences and was the Oak Bowl. Coffee will be coach at DeWitt. (Nebraska.) served in the Student Center He was chairman of the Social This Peru graduate is widely after the game. Studies department at Fort published and has served as a Evening happenings will in- Morgan (Colorado) high school consultant for institutions of elude the .Homecoming play at from 1938 to 1941. He was a higher education, including the 7:30 featuring Shakespeare's 'representative for the U.S. Air Force Academy. He is "The Tempest" and at 9:30 the educational publishing firm of active in cultural, civic and Homecoming Dance. RGw Peterson and Company of. , philanthropic groups.

The oak bowl is one of:, most delightful of nat stadiums. The colorful cloth' the people blend majesti : with the fall colors of the · and shrubs. Homeco ' means football and for years winning football. , grads used to flock back to'. their alma mater's gri · performance. What does Homecoming to you was answered in this by:

Eldon Allgood: For the years its meant hard work was financially rewardi always close during the g and attend.

Don McAdams: It means a I the alumni get together beer at Duffy's.

Vic Jindra: It used to· m much to me but seldom · anyone come back that I now.

Guy Grafton: It means ano: Saturday that· I don't hav " work. I liked the parade year.

Pat Tynon: I've always go Homecoming with my fo remember when football m watching my brother play.

Cleve Coatney: I reme Homecoming and the beau trees overhanging the ave · There was always a WELCO ALUMNI banner across · street by the stop sign. I used always go to the campus and: the displays. Everybody us everybody Homecoming meant see'' people you knew and like.

Prof. Darrell Wininger: It w chance to renew old ac tances. For years I did appreciate the type of pl presented or the language ·· I just can't get used to four I words from the stage. ·

Thelma Grafton: Its a t' when people get together Ji visit. Sort of like a Christ · card with a letter from f you haven't heard from fo long time. Most years I've thoroughly disappointed with play but this year rumor m ' me hope it will be different.

Harold Patterson: It means\: have to work a Saturday ternoon which I usually have

Dean Vanderford: The hunt' season opens usually Homecoming so it doesn't m a thing. I go hunting.

Bruce Cotton: It means I go the Homecoming game a watch my brother play.

Boyd Coatney: Homecoming just part of living. I nev missed a game when my br - in - law, Fred Appleg played. I remember when m brother was a male cheerleade Mary Allgood: Homecomi means seeing old friends an visiting.

_ Former Homecoming Queen - Crowning Festivities.

NOVEMBER 5, 1971

alendar of Events

Friday, November 5 8:00 p.m. Concert ''The Bells'', College Audiroium.

Saturday, November 6 9 a.m. Coffee. Registration, Alumni-Student Center. Homecoming 9:30 a.m.-Practice for bands, Football field. 10:00 a.m. Lineup for Parade participants. 10:45 a.m. Parade begins at corner of 5th and Washington. 11:45 a.m. MENC Alumni luncheon - S. W. dining room · Student Center. 12:00 p.m All-Alumni luncheons student center dining room.

2:00 p.m. Football gamePeru vs Culver-Stockton. After game, Coffee at the Student Center.

7:30 p.m. Play, "The Tempest" College Aud. 9:30 p.m. Dance "The Elastic Band_" - Gym.

Monday, November 8 Student Center Game Tournaments. Everyday 3:30to 10:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. English Club. 7:30 p.m. Student WivesAlpha Mu Omega.

Tuesday, November 9 4:45 Circle K. 6:00 SGA. 6: 30 · Kiwanis - Phi Beta Lambda.

Wednesday; November 10ANNUAL INDIVIDUAL PICTURES 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Student Center - Small dining room. - 6 to 10 p.m. WAA.

Thursday, November 11 ANNUAL INDIVIDUAL PICTURES 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Student Center small dining room. 5 p.m. SCB

Friday, November 12 Journalism Day 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

njoys Peru's Neal Park

of the most picturesque of land in Peru is scenic Park located on Neal ue. Many people pause to the park's attractive es, with its rich natural y and well-kept grounds, cing its appeal.

park was donated to the of Peru in memory of a Neal by her husband, Dr. T. Neal and the other bers of the Neal family. own board of Peru accepted eed to the area in January 935 after certain legal icalities were solved in to clear the title. Mr Neal d to pay the court expenses he also contributed fivered dollars for imement. of the park. After legal procedures, the town given permission to take ssion of the park.

sday, April 18, 1935, was ideas a "Park Day." The t was started to encourage itizens of Peru to pare in improving the area to ilfi 4itable as a park. The

Parade Entries Named

The Second Annual Homecoming Parade gets under way at 10:45 tomorrow morning. The Legion Color Guard, followed by President Neal S; Gomon, will lead the parade"

The ten. bands. partiCipating will appear in the following order: Auburn, Pawnee City; Rockport, Humboldt, Platteview, Fairmont, Beemer, Dawson - Verdon, Shenandoah Jr. High, and Rockport Jr. High.

The fourteen. floats· appearing in the parade represent: Davidson -Palmer and Clayburn Matthews Halls, Peru State Social Science Society, Industrial Arts Club, Morgan Hall, Student Wives, Delzell Hall, Peru State Education Association, ·women's Athletic Association, Alpha Mu Omega, Peru Secretaries Association, Phi Beta Lambda, Music Educators National Conference CMENC), the Freshman Class, and Tynon Farms.

Mr Jerome Stemper, Parade

President's 20th Year

Dr. Neal S. Gomon is serving his twentieth year as President of Peru State.

Following graduation from Albion High School in 1926, he attended the University of Nebraska where he received his · Bachelor of Arts in Journalism in 1926, his· Masters in School Admfuistration in 1945, and his Doctorate in Education in 1954.

Dr. Gomon worked on the Lincoln Star for three years, became assistant instructor of journalism at Omaha Univel'$ity and served as Superintendent of Schools at Niobrara, Alvo, and Wymore. He acted as field representative for the Nebraska State Education Association from 1947-1950.

Dr. Gomon arrived in Peru and served as Director of LanguageArts in 1950-51. He became president in June of 1951.

Marshall,.· said the SCB will prejudge the floats before the parade. After the parade the top three floats will be parked at the south end of the Oak Bowl, while the rest will be on the north side of the practice field.

Winners of the marching band contest and the football contest will be announced during halftime activities of the PeruCulver - Stockton game. The Peru Chamber of Commerce donates the four trophies for the bands and the SCB is providing the cash prizes for the float competition.

Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to.

Paint Glass

SCB again this sponsored the window painting contest for any organization wishing to participate.

Seven windows have been entered along with one contributed by the grade school. SGA and SCB also have displays but theirs are not eligible for judging.

The judging was held November 4, at 10:30 a.m., by judges Mrs Marianna Gnade, Mrs Anita Gaines, and Mr Leland Sherwood. Prizes of $15 - $10 - $5 will be awarded for first, second, third place.

Peru Woman's Club sponsored the activity and they urged the people of Peru to contribute their time and effort. A landscape artist was also hired to guide the committee in beautifying the land.

Approximately four-hundred people attended the dedication service&. of the Laura Neal Memorial Park in Peru on Sunday, April 21, 1935. Mrs G. H. Joder presented the deed to Mayor W. T. Warman. Music for the occasion was provided by the Peru Training School Band.

Today, the citizens of Peru, the college students, and visitors to Peru can still appreciate the generosity of the Neal family in donating this memorial gift and the enthusiasm exhibited by the townspeople of Peru in malting Neal Park such a lovely place to see and visit.

Color Christmas Cards of Peru

For Sale With Envelopes 25¢ each.

See: J.D. Levitt

Peru Ir El•antnry Scllaol lr. l( k Hometoniing Parade Route
Neal Park's Shelter provides festival.cookouts and relaxationfor Peru students.


Last week I wrote a letter to the editor of the Ped. I asked a simple question. I hereby admit to being the author. Upon reading my own question, I doubted its validity. However, I think I may have stumbled upon a possible answer why a student should hesitate to sign his name to an editorial.

Teacher Education

Peru is a campus where an estimated 75 per cent of all students intend to enter the field of education, the admittance to teacher education can easily produce a strangle hold of power. So it would appear at Peru.

While investigating this aspect of college liie I interviewed several students and instructors. All agreed to the point that the threat of refusal to admittance to teacher education is a great club over the heads of students. The threat of four years of college witho,ut an education , degree is not easily dismissed. Yet, the most incredible concept behind this fear seems to be not based on academic performance.

The Teacher Education Committee makes the decision about who is accepted into teacher edu.c:ation. However, there seems to be a good deal of controversy on the basis of how this decision is reached. Sexual -morals, parties, housemother recommendations, length and stYie of hair ,.or growth of human hair upon the face may be deciding factors in your acceptance or to teacher education. Heresay evidence is excluded from legal jurisdiction in our court system; however a committee is not run under the same guidelines.

One of the students I talked to was a senior girl who had just gotten word that she would not be admitted to teacher education. I asked her what she intended to do'. She said that she would finish the semester, then quit. It seems - as though she really wanted to teach. Her only· comment was "Well, I'm glad they told me after four years instead of six," The excuse she was given for her rejection was that she had been put on social probation as a freshmen (too much noise in someones' opinion on a Satlirday night), and an unfavorable recommendation by her ho.usemother. These are the reasons for three and a half years.of a young girls life to be virtually wasted.

And should the questions arise, "Where are your facts, what proof do;you have?" about these accusations about the committee of moral entrepreneurs, all I can say is ask an upperclassmen. Ask your instructor or advisor and closely watch the answer. Or perhaps if you're wise, you'll not question anyone. Study hard, take the right courses, - and keep yourself out of all controversy and scandal. And when your turn comes, provided your grades are of the proper calibre, your admittance to teacher education should be swift and gracious. And after your professional semester, you shall be ready to step into the harsh world of education. For after the years 9f being correspondent to commands, and subject to autocratic rule, you will easily fit into the mold of your future educational employer. For this seems to be the classic type of graduate Peru State College appears to be so adept at producing.

Campus Life

The Prowler

Dept. of Amplification

Uncle Lunk got back from a toot to the north country and was talkin' about how it was a smart thing not signin' a name to an editorial. He says that, "Kids should be seen and not heard, but that when a kid is heard he shouldn't be seen." I finally figured out what he was saying, so I decided that if I sign my name I'd drop: out of teacher education Looks like we're finally go in' to get a radio station at Peru.A Tip o' the Tam this week to Dr. Barrett who worked hard at setting it up, the word is that it will be cabled to the dorms second semester. .Overheard a parent last year at Homecoming telling of a poor father who worked hard all his life to keep the wolf from the door, and then his daughter brought one home. .Spotted my first flow of Canadian geese winging their way southward last Sundav -A:oparently Mr. Kosygin isn't the only one who found things a mite cool up Canada way A coffeehouse is being tried by Rev. Bragan in Peru. Progress is slow but it should start pretty soon, anyone interested in helping should contact the Rev

created with sweat and ta! the kids deserve a lot of credi .A football coach having tro in a game last week sudd received an on - the - side telephone ca!! from Presi Nixon, he suggested, to "freeze the middle-lineba with a fake through center flip a quick pass to the right slanting in." Good FOOTB play Dickie. " .Anyone w been missing their pre-g cocktails should think twice, the last chance to get s spirit.

They never pushed me. If I wanted to retrieve, shake hands, or roll over, it was entirely up to me.

Room Inspection Why?

The idea of all· men being secure in the possessions and effects from unreasonable searches and seizures is a great concept. Unfortunately, like so many other democratic reforms, it does not exist at Peru. For it specifically states in the room contract that the college may "inspect" your room at any time. It would appear that the college intends to exercise this privilige whenever it feels it necessary.

In the midst of all this, a poll was taken to determine why offcampus students prefer to live off campus. To paraphase one student, who's answer quoted would be unprintable, 'Are you kidding, 1984 is a good book, but I wouldn't want to live there.' It appears that off-campus residents are not subjected to the same type of jurisdiction as dorm residents.

It may be brought up that alcohol in ones' posession on state property is a crime: Indeed this is true; yet by our student agreement, posession of alcohol in off-campus housing is illegal too, regardless of the age of the resident.

Let us not forget certain other rules regarding student behavior that are set upon us. Such

apartment, coed parties possession of explosives, etc: THESE RULES SEEM TO BE IGNOREP BY BOTH STUDENTS AND ADMINISTRATIION, (unless of course one intends to ,enter teacher education). Why?

As the saying goes, old traditions die hard. In the true style of a journalist, I have many questions and few answers. The hardest question to answer is one raised by a member of the faculty. "Why do the students put up with that kind of crap?" THAT I cannot answer. Success does not lie in rebellion, but moreover in a rational reviewing of the facts. If an institution trusts you enough to enroll and carry its' name, if it grants you admittance to its residence halls, then logically it should have enough trust in you to allow you to run your life as an adult, for that is a big part of college.

To those of you that will read this and shake your head and decry that what is, is and shall be, all I can say would be "I'm sorry, for somewhere alc>ng the line, you missed out." At the same time I must ponder; for with such. an attitude among many people, "thought-crime" is just a step away.

.For all of you who are wondering about our pigskin gladiators, tomorrow is the day for a victory against CulverStockton. Peru has had their problems but they've always been in there For all of you that have seen Ed Bodensteiner and his red wagon pulling Ace, his real name is Mark. Just letting you know we're thinking of you Ace Randy Bolton and company did a great job Wednesday and Thursday nights in The Tempest. All the cast and company deserve a lot of credit for the great show, they put a lot of time and energy into the play. For those of you who haven't seen it, you should, it's great!.

.Speaking of the Drama Department, it is expanding rapidly. Summer productions and four or five other plays are planned this year Speaking of hard work, those floats and window paintings on campus are

.Hope everyone enjoys ·Pe 50th Homecoming. To no s part did Don Carlile make weekend one of the best ever Peru's Alumni. Don w also kind enough lo contri some of his rare photos for issue of The Ped For all beef raisers and consumers these parts, two weeks ago Agriculture Department t over the state of Nebras meat - inspection progr because it was deem" inadequate. Under the 1 1 Wholesome Meat Act, each s had to bring its service of meat destined consumption within its bord up to federal standards or ha. it taken over by Washington.; far Nebraska is one of r; states that have let the fede · government take over ra thanfoot the bill upgrading th own inspection A Tip o' Tam to J. D. Levitt this w who supplied the aerial phot Peru's campus in dare fashion for this issue and· o nostalgia photos Amos was telling me the other day regardless of what your keep sayin', college is more spending money, it teaches th how to write better let asking for it Sure hope parents and Alumni have a g time here in Peru, and pie remember to drive safely your way home A mi pleasant weekend to y'all!

Amusement is the happin of those that cannot think.

Students DigA· t .. par ments

Some Peru State students have become discontent over dormitory living. Some of these students when they are able become student apartment dwellers, move off campus.

Interviews with Peru State students, reveal a variety of opinions on apartment living.

9ne Earl

Brown spent his first year at Peru State living in Majors Hall. The senior has spent the rest of his college life off campus. Why live off campus? Brown says it is ·cheaper.

A6-6 senior basketball player, Brown claims, "Off campus living is actually cheaper than dormitory living. The main saving is in groceries, where I can eat decent for a couple of bucks a day. Also, there's a great deal more privacy. I can talk on the phone whenever I wish, watch my choice of T. V. programs, and hit the sack anytime I please."

Brown, who lives with two other men in ''The Trailer," comments on his social life. "A guy cari really have a lot of fun if he gets with the right guys."

However Brown is the first one to admit that apartment life is no

bed of "The rent and b' hit you every month", dejectedly stated", and I alwa have to hassle arotind to keep payments".

In s·ummarizing his o camplis,Iiving, Brown states, ' enjoy off campus living a gr deal more than I did the d mitories. I've achieved manh and responsibility from living "The Trailer". I plan my 6 meals, pay my own bills, a that's what I'm going to be doin after I graduate from this plac isn't it?"

A' resident of Centenni complex, Rod Wartman, woul prefer to live off campu8. Whe asked why, the junior replie "Food". He also says "Mo freedom, is offered off camp You can eat what you wa because the meals aren' planned."

Rod admits there are certai advantages to dormitory livin "I can use the facilities that wouldn't otherwise have, lik mail service, T. V., and th student center. Also I can stud with the other guys," he said. Apartment living is gradually becoming more popular on the Peru State 'campus. ·

of the opposite sex to ones
as visitation by

and ta!

lot of crediti having trou week sudde the - sideli ·om Presid to idle-linebac 1gh center a o the right e 1d FOOTB .Anyone wh ieir pre-ga hink twice, i to get so

e best ever f Don w' 1o contrib photos for For all Y, consumers weeks ago artment t >f Nebraska Centennial man, would npu5. When ior replied, :ays "More )ff campus. you want ils aren't are certain .tory living. ities that I have, like ., and the I can study "he said.

>gradually tlar on the


Today the festivities for Peru State College's 50th Anniversary Homecoming begin. TONIGHT "The Bells" will be in concert in the College Auditorium. Saturday is the big day, starting with the parade, then alumni teas, the Peru-culver-Stockton football game with the crowning of the queen during halftime, the Homecoming Play (The Tempest), and the Homecoming Dance, with the "Elastic Band,'' ends the day's activities.

Yet even with a full weekend's activities planned, I have heard students talk of going borne this weekend. Students are always complaining about the fact that there is nothing to do on weekends in Peru, and then when a big weekend of activities is planned, they go home.

Homecoming is one of the biggest events of the year, so we should try to have 100 percent student involvement. We will have many alumni, friends, and visitors on our campus this weekend, so let's try and show them a lot of student involvement on campus.

Let's show the alumni that their old alma mater is not withering on the vine, that we are keeping the tradition of Peru State College alive.

If you're nlanning on going home this weekend, why not change your mind and stay for a weekend? Who knows, you might have some fun.


Never taking time to wonder about

The endless time I had wasted away.

Endless time, spent on nothing; Spent on nothing, in a nothing life.

Then, when haunting dreams unfold, I became, not nearly so big and bold. Still never taking time to wonder about

The endless time I had wasted away; I wandered nearer to time eternal.

Chasing a lonely shadow of death eternal; Along many well-traveled paths of time.

Time, dreams, eternity, shadows, me. Stop, look, listen, shadows, me.



9 Wks. Grades-?

The downhill wind of the fall semester has begun. Midterm grades were eliminated this year and replaced by "down slips'', if a student has a "3" average or below in a course. · Students seem to be divided into two categories, those who bring their grades up after midterm, and those who and lower them. It will prove interesting whether the new system functions as a positive innovator or simply as a stigma.

Who's Who On Campus from where

THE ON CAMPUS ENROLLMENT AT Peru State College for the fall semester of this current year is· 1001 students. (Each studentminus one - can now claim his own oak tree.) Off-campus class enrollments for the semester have not been determined at this time.

The student enrollment breakdown according to classification is as follows: (Last years enrollment figures are in parenthesis for comparis?n.)

Freshmen 305 (329)

Sophomores 217 (260)

Juniors 231 (241)

Seniors 227 ( 250)

PostGrads 21 ( 39)

The freshmen class breakdown shows 204 first time freshmen, 26 transfer students and 70 ' returning students of freshmen classification.

The total on-campus enrollment shows 392 women and 609 men. This is an approximate ratio of 2 to 3. ,Twenty-four percent of the students are classified as nonresidents or students who reside outside of the State of Nebraska. Students from the State of Iowa comprise the largest percentage of the non-resident enrollment.

The twenty-four percent figure is consistent with previous first semester non-resident enrollments at Peru State.

Sixty-seven transfer students are new to our campus this fall. These students come to Peru State from Thirty-four colleges and universities throughout the United States. The largest percentage of transfer students come from the two-year community or junior colleges. The largest single group from one institution is represented by Iowa Western Community College located at Clarinda, Iowa. Approximately twentyfive percent of the total student body at Peru State have transfered from other institutions of higher education. This is consistent with last falls enrollment and the national average of all colleges. It is assumed that transfer figures will continue to increase across the nation as more-and-more two year institutions are springing into existence.

Letter To The Editor

We found the article in the October 15 Pedagogian entitled "Married Life vs College Life" by Mary (Vandeloo) Brook$ puzzling. WE hope the ideas set forth are not typical of married college women.

First she stated "As a wife I have to perform certain duties such as cleaning the house, fixing meals, washing dishes and doing laundry." We would like to know does it have to be this way? One sex 1s no better at performing these duting than the other. So why must people assume that these roles are predetermined and eternal?

Next she said, "Once we graduate it will all be over. He'll have his job and I'll be a housewife " As if suddenly her life has ended - from henceforth she'll be known as a housewife with no identity of her own. It is sad when anyone continues to accept traditional roles than inhibit their personalities and potentialities. Women are not born into this world to be housewives. Society should not stereo type people or groups of people, for everyone is a human being and should have an identity of their own.

DON'T FORGET Pictures for 1971 · 72 Peruvian Fresh Meats Vegetables Nov. 10-11 Groceries Phone.872-6355 Peru, Nebraska Small Dining Room Student Center Wednesday-Thursday If you want your picture i.n the year book, BE THERE

Puppet Sho Presented

Members of the Children Literature class presented puppet show Tuesday f elementary age childr enrolled in the college - spon sored Library Story Hou program at the library. Th class presented "Beauty and th Beast."

The show was a first in a seri of Story Hour sessions schedul for Thursdays at 3:15 p.m. an continuing through Decembe 16. Miss Wreathea Hicks, in structor of English, is director the series.

The cast for the first show included: Judy Voboril, Lincoln; Jacquelyn Johnson, Humboldt; Joanne E. Grosserode,Lincoln Barbara Shroyer, Superior; Ann Borcher, Steinauer; Gayle Morga!, Malvern, Iowa; and Terry Macholan, Wahoo Jerry Wright, Tecumseh, painted special scenery for the show. Debbie Gaines, Peru, presented a fairy tale illustrated with flannel board pictures.


''The Bells'' Perform For PSC Concert

The Bells, an internationally known group will be performing at PSC's Homecoming Concert. If one word can be used to describe the vibrations aroused by The Bells, that word would be COMMUNICATION. One has only to see the group perform once to understand this description. Their handclapping, free-wheeling style has ignited their audiences all across the country.

In 1970, The Bells recorded their first international hit single "Fly Little White Dove, Fly". This song was the number one record in Canada and was chartered in Cashbox, Billboard, and Record World. Their first albtun released at Christmas of 1970 included their popular hit "Stay Awhile". So far, "Stay Awhile" has earned The Bells a gold single in Canada and has established them in the United Statei; as the recording find of the year.

Cliff Edwards, the leader of the group is a jack of all trades who has mastered quite a few. As producer of the group's records, his faith in his partners has been well vindicated. As leader of the group, their faith in him shines through all of their performances.

Jacki Ralph, the only girl in the group, is a tender, softspoken blonde beauty from Surrey, England. Her special delivery of soft, love lyrics is the outstanding factor in her performance

Doug Gravelle, the group's drummer, has been the musical backbone of the group for many years. Charlie Clark and Mike Waye, both from St John, New Brunswick, joined the group a year ago and have made significant contributions tO the group 1s sound.

The most recent member of

the group is Denny Will. Denny's booming voice and heavy piano has been a real asset to the group's performance.

All in all, The Bells add up to a total entertainment packagean act that should not be missed.

Warm up for The Bells concert will feature Mike McGinnis, a 27 year old Irish singer and composer. For two years, Mike was a member of the New Christy Minstrels and eventually became musicial director of that group. His music is mainly folk music concerning love. He says, "To achieve peace, we must find contentment - love."

"We have to get back to nature," he explains. That selfimposed mandate also explains a great deal of Mike McGinnis' music.

The Homecoming Concert will be held Friday, November 5 at 8 p.m. in the College Auditorium. PSC students are admitted free with their I.D. Admission for non-students is $2, but if accompanied by a PSC student with an I.D. the cost is $1. The program is paid for by Student Program Fees, and sponsored by the Student Center Board.

Delzell Hall was dedicated in honor of W. N. Delzell. This "congenial, red-haired Irishman" was a Peru graduate and later a respected and loved Dean of Men.

1965 was the first year Peru passed the 1000-mark in enrollment. That year 1041 students registered for the fall semester.

Peru was the first college in Nebraska to offer fulltime student teaching for nine weeks to its elementary teaching candidates.

Peru was named by some of the first settlers who arrived here from Peru, Illinois.

Happy Day

The "Elastic Band", a group from Lincoln, will play at the Homecoming Dance, Saturday at 9:30 in the gym. The dance will end the activities for PSC 1 s 50th Anniversary Homecoming.

hildren's ented a lay for :hildren · - spony Hour ry. The rand the 1a series :heduled ,.m. and ecember cks, in·ector of st show Llncoln; mboldt; ,incoln or; Ann Gayle a; and umseh, for the Peru, 1Strated res.

Peru Grows Up

The story of the beginning and growth of Peru, the small village to the city and college town is not ·as full of excitement as one might think. According to Donald Stanley, local lawyer and one who probably knows more about the history of Peru then anyone around, the story of Peru is one of an almost unnoticeable beginning and the slow envolvement from there.

In 1859 President James Buchanan made a land grant to the Territory of Nebraska. Five years before this the first land transfers appeared on paper in the Peru locality. The Buchanan land grant did not include Peru,. rather it forced the territory to accept Peru as a fait accompli. Peru really was not born it was roerely recognized.

When the territory became a state in 1967, Peru had to conform to state statutes concerning villages. Today most of these documents are kept ·at the county seat in Auburn.

In 1928, with the automobile and other modern inventions becoming common around Peru, the village board evidently decided it was time to form ordinances to regulate their use. At least they decided it was time to put rules down in black and white and make them official.

The oldest ordinances date from July 16, 1928 and the following are selected from Volume I, Ordinance Record, Municipal Code, Village of Peru: It was unlawful to allow animals and fowls to run at large. Because of the seriousness of the matter, it was separately unlawful to allow female dogs 'in heat' to run at large. There was a fine of $20 levied on offenders.

To provide for regulation of the automobile, the first traffic laws appeared on July 16, 1928.

For sanitary reasons (or reasons unknown) all toilets "must be constructed wholly of

Shakespeare Comes

Alive On PSC Campus

stone, well burned brick, terra cotta, concrete or equivalent incombustible material."

For general public safety, it was unlawful to discharge a rock ·· with a sling shot within city limits.

For protection of the public morals, prostitution cost an offender between $10 and $100 for every offense.

Finally, perhaps to show that Peru was a village of tasteful and properly bred people, it was unlawful to "expectorate" on any sidewalk, window or door.

Something exciting and fantastic is occuring on the PSC campus for Homecoming this year. After being buried in the shadows for years, William Shakespeare is reappearing as a living, breathing happening. The PSC theatre group, under the direction of Randy Bolton, is presenting Shakespeare's The Tempest on stage.

The Tempest, a culmination of Shakespeare's works, brings together all the joy, grief, celebration, greed and brutality of humanity. To do this, portrays a variety of characters ranging from kings and princes to jesters and slaves. In short, the play is a history of the world presented in

two hours.

Because The Tempest is such a great play, the actors themselves must work hard to portray it at its finest. A series of warm-up exercises is done each night before rehearsal to rid the actors of tension and get them in the mood of the play. Afew of the warm-!IPS done are diaphragm exercises, sensitivity exercises and impromptu stints. One can see that although putting on a play can be fun and exciting, it is also a lot of work requiring the time and patience of everyone involved.

Bolton and the drama group are trying to combat the mistaken idea that Shakespeare is stuffy and virtually impossible to understand or enjoy. It can be seen in the play that

Shakespeare wrote for all people, past and present. Many of the same questions that were asked during his time, such as, "Do we know too much?" "Are we becoming inhumane?" are still being asked today. This play makes an attempt to answer these questions. It isn't necessary to know a lot about Shakespeare to understand The Tempest. All it takes is an understanding of the emotions felt by all human beings.

The Tempest was presented Wednesday and Thursday nights and will be presented tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m. in the college auditorium. Be a part of the unique experience of seeing and enjoying Shakespeare live again, at his best!

Nine Profs, Peru Alumni

Nine professors on the teaching staff at Peru State College are also alumni of the college.

D. V. Jarvis, Associate Professor of Industrial Arts, joined the staff in 1948. He did not leave Peru after his graduation, in fact he taught 18 hours and carried 12 hours during his last semester. This all came about when instructor Harvey Ritter had'a heart attack and was unable to return to his duties. The President asked Jarvis to take ·the teaching position at the college and he .has never left it. He feels the "students are individuals, and the faculty are dedicated" at PSC.

In 1951 another alumnus, Harold Johnson, Associate Professor of Education and Director of Placement joined the teaching ranks at Peru. In the 25 years before his return, he taught at all .levels in public schools. He prefers the "small town where you know your neighbor on a first name basis," so when he had the opportunity to be a supervisory teacher at the laboratory school on Peru's camput, he took it. When the placement director resigned with a weeks notice, the Presidjmt asked Johnson if he would'take over. Since he "knew

so many school people in Nebraska" which could be "good connections for Peru graduates" he took the position. Two alumni returned to teach at their alma mater in 1956. Jack Mcintire, Assistant Professor of Physical Education, Head Cross Country, Basketball and Track Coach, returned mainly because his former coach, Al Wheeler. asked him. Also, because he felt< taem and still feels"that the school has a lot of promise. Lester Russell, Professor of Industrial Arts, returned to work under A. V. Larson, then Head of the Practical Arts Division. He also returned because "Peru State College has a reputation for good teachers and particularily so in the Industrial Arts Department" and he wanted to be a part of the teaching team.

In 1955, the next alumnus joined the staff. .Mrs Louise Kregel, Assistant Professor of Home Economics, came because the position at the college was a chance for advancement and a challenge. She said she "enjoys working with young people. She also likes Peru because the teachers can really come to know their students, who aren't just a number."

It was 1960, some five years

since an alumnus had returned, that Mrs Faye Brandt, Librarian and Associate Professor of Library Science returned to Peru. She had a "soft spot in her heart" for the school and also felt it had an excellent academic program. She wanted to do her part in teaching students who would become more of the "fine teachers from Peru."

In 1963 Leland Sherwood, Associate Professor of Art, returned to the college. It was a chance for him to move from high school to college level and also a chance to live in the state where he grew up. He likes Peru's location: "close to large cities and yet with a rural atmosphere." He also likes the ''conservative midwestern philosophy on life" so much like his own.

Two alumni joined the teaching ranks in 1965. Clyde J Barrett, Head of the Humanities Division and Associate Professor of English, feels that there is a "tendency to return to the area you call home." He had always taught in the midwest, never father west than Colorado, east than Arkansas or north than Nebraska. He likes the scenery around Peru and enjoys camping and hiking in it. He also likes the small college atmosphere because you "get

acquainted with the students." Miss Bonnie Rutz, Assistant Professor of Physical Education, says she felt a "deep loyalty to the school" and she had "good times and good friends" here cluring her undergraduate days. She likes the fact that "everywhere you travel you find a Peruvian or someone who knows one."

The existing Peru State Student Center building was opened in 1961.

On Memorial Day of 1918 a Soldier's Memorial was erected on Cemetery Hill to commemmorate the Peru men who gave their lives for their country in World War I.

The first Principal of the Peru State Normal School had a salary of $1500 and the Preceptress of $800.

The only resources 0£ the Peru State Normal School at its beginning were tuition, incident8Is and room rent. A dollar and one-half was charged for incidental expenses and four dollars per term for room rent.

how d
1g >r
Stephano <Bart Neri) boosts Trinculo (John Thomas) onward as Trinculo rides the monster Caliban (Willie Fairbanks). Prospero <DeVoe Manning) (center) gives his final speech to bis attentive guests on his mystical isle. Cast. members are (L to R) Adrian, - Bob Bauta; Alonso, - Tom Stringfellow; MirandaLinda Rayµiond; Ferdinand- Mike Kelly, Boatswain, Julee Tillman; Gonzalo- Bob Wernsman; Sebastain- Pat Castle; and Antonio- Mitch Chase.

'Peru State College

1. Centennial Complex 12. Delzell Men's Dormitory • 2. Neil Park 13; Jindra Fine Arts Center 3. Industrial Arts Building 14. A. D. Majors Dormitory 4. Education Building 15. Health Center 5. Library .16. Tennis Courts ·6. Gymnasium 17. ·Field House 7. Student Center 18. Baseball Field 8. Eliza Morgan Women's 19. Faculty Housing Dormitory 9. Administration Building 20. Faculty Housing 10. Theater 21. Oak Bowl 11. Hoyt Science Hall 22. Oak Hill HousiD1 23.

Peru, Nebraska


Peru Gone By

In Ole Time Peru


Ed's Peru

Everywhere Signs FRIDAY, NOVEMBER
Signs, Signs

Silver Dome Revealed

Looming high above the science building is an inconspiCuous silver dome, probably the function of which is unknown. Flash-this silver dome is the college observatory!

Many enjoy the Cemetery Walk.

emetery Walk Bears Signatures

If you've ever walked on the right side of California Street toward the Mount Vernon Cemetery you've noticed that ;the sidewalk bears the names of different people, businesses, and organizations.

· In 1919, the people of Peru decided to pave a sidewalk to the cemetery since the Soldiers' -· Memorial Trail could not be used when it was wet. The • Cemetery committee decided to raise money for the construction by letting the people buy a 4 foot block for $10 each. In this block their names, businesses, or organizations could be engraved. Some of the donators

·were: Barnes ·Pharmacy, the Neal Family, Peru State Bank, and the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes at Peru State at the time. The walk consists of 362 blocks and was completed on July 18, 1919.

That same year 1,000trees and shrubs were set up along the Trail. A pipe line was later laid to water these other improvements. The Cemetery Board and Ladies Cemetery Association paid for the $450 water line

But the Cemetery is not all graves, imprinted names on sidewalks, and water lines, but also memories to past Peru State graduates.

George Gates, a 1935 graduate of Peru, remembers the cemetery as being a popular place to go with your girlfriend. ,;When there weren't any plays or football games students would go up to the cemetery with their lunch and blankets and, spend the day", Gates recalls. The top of the cemetery also offers peace and an excellent view of parts of Missouri and Kansas.

The Pedagogian

"The observatory is on a track which can be turned all the way around. There is a slit over the roof which can be opened and any spot in the heaven can be observed. One can not look down, however." This description of the unit is-given by Dr. John Christ, Dean of Natural Sciences. ·

"The telescope -in the old observatory is probably the oldest in the state, "Dr. Christ continued, "At present time it is not in working condition."

Mr Victor Kingery, who teaches astronomy as well as

physics and chemistry, now uses a telescope purchased last spring. This spring it will be used for the second time when astronomy will again be offered as a Wednesday night class next semester. Usually astronomy is offered every other year.

The new telescope, which is described as a 6" reflector, is portable and is used in front of the science building or carried to the roof, according to Mr Kingery.

Dr. Christ commented that although the old telescope is an average instrument, the new one is probably more effective than the older model as they now know more about grinding the lenses.

The old observatory, the "silver dome'', originally was located solidly on the ground

Spe·cial Services Benefit Unnoticed

Peru State houses a division known only-as Special Services. It is doubtful. that any Peru student graduates without some contact with some facet of Special Services.

This department is headed by Donald K. Carlile. Mr. Carlile graduated from Kansas State COllege with a Bachelor of Science in Technical Journalism. He also has training iii both mechanical and editorial aspects of daily newspapers.

Special Services, as described by Mr. Carlile, is the link with the college before a student gets there, through admission assistance and contacting prospective students, and then keeps the alumni informed after graduation. During the time the students are here, their activities are reported to hometown newspapers through :he releases distributed by this department.

Pictures are taken by and distributed from Special Services for news releases, the Pedagogian and the Peruvian.

All the printing for the college with the exception of the Pedagogian, the Peruvian, the general bulletin -and the handbook, is carried on here, plus all the distribution of the paper supplies for the college.

Pictures are taken by and distributed from Special Services for news releases, the

Pedagogian, and the Peruvian

All the printing for the college with the exception of the · Pedagogian, the Peruvian, the general bulletin, and the handbook, is carried on here, plus all the distribution of the paper supplies for the college.

Files are kept on almost all Peru State alumni. There are files of graduates by classes, by geographical location, alphabetically, and a maidenname file. There are over 8,500 mailing plates, but it also must be added that many of the plates include more than one person.

As Mr. Carlile put it, "Peruvians have been marrying Peruvians since ages past."

Five alumni chapters have been formed due to the contact of Special Services. They began in 1955 and hold annual meetings.

The alumni also make up most of the membership of the Peru Achievement Foundation which began in 1955. Mr. Carlile serves as secretary for the organization. The Achievement Foundation provides dollar· support that is not supplied by legislation.

Each time a student picks up a flier, a sports program, or sees an article in his hometown newspaper, he sees one of the tangible products of the known as Special Services.

near the water tower. This site did not prove advantageous and in 1929, when the science building was constructed, the college moved it to the roof of that building as housing for the telescope there. Astronomy was one of the first science courses offered, but eventually interest declined and it wasn't offered for some time. Interest was revived, because of Sputnik and more recently because of the moon landings. The science building was recently remodeled, but the old observatory was excluded from the plans and lies neglected. Both Mr Kingery and Dr. Christ expressed hope that the old observatory could be restored to working condition in the future.

Chet Nichols Praised

The Chet Nichols performance· Thursday night October 28 held a number of surprises. First-Off the coffee house became a concert when the show was switched from the Student Center Cafeteria to the Fine Arts Auditorium. Second a fairly large crowd (150-175) turned out to judge for themselves whether he was all the Oct. 22 Ped claimed. Third Nicholas not only accompanied himself on guitar but also on the piano.

No one was disappointed for Nichols truly did have a stule of his own and his electric personality generated to the audience. Nobody made a sound or moved after he began to perform. Everyone was caught up in his smooth style so different from previous coffee house performers at PSC.

During the second half of his show, Nichols sang "Ice Cream Man" which really appealed to the audience. Though most of the songs were on the somber side a few did generate laughter such as "I don't want none of them Mushrooms" or "The man on his back with crumbs on his chest." Nichols said "All my songs are originals."

Published weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 Issue editors No. 8 Steve Long Janie Montang STAFF John Thomas · : Editor-in-chief .Robert Vana Assistant Editor Margie Lewis Society Editor Mike Kelly News Editor Mike Summers Photography Jerry Steele Sports Photography Gary Grady Sports Editor Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation Mr. Everett Browning Advisor
The college conservatory rests high atop the science building on Peru's campus.


Victory is so sweet, and for the first time this year Zero picked all the winners in last weeks key ball games. Not resting on past laurels Zero is back for some more of the same punishment he has become immune to. This week instead of concentrating on one conference, Zero will span the entire country in search of the key games.

Peru State plays host to Culver-stockton in the afternoon ·contest. This is the Homecoming game and the last game of the season for the Bobcats. Peru has suffered through a winless season. In so many games the Peru team has been edged by a single touchdown or less. At times they have.looked good and at other times, they have looked less than good. Culver-Stockton should ruin the day for all the Peru alUDlni, and set the Bob· cats down to their tenth straight defeat of the year. Wait until next year. Culver-Stockton 21 Peru State 7.

One of the key games in the south finds Louisiana State hosting the Crimson Tide from Alabama. Bear Bryant is run· ning the Wishbone-T offense and is using the running ability of Johnny Musso to its best. LSU is _having troubles; in fact they

Teams Sign

Fourteen teams have entered 'the· intr.amural· volleyball competitions; The seven: teams· in the National League are: the Whackers, the Dusters; the Shady Oak Bombers,. the Budmen, the· Studs, the Dills, and SuMad. These teams are coached by Fred Ivey, Barry Reed, Bob Hillyer., Drasis Pajeda, Mike Nannen, Gale Bly, and Rick Black respectively.

The seven teams in the

have lost a couple of games th!& year. The Bear- should get another victory this time out.

'Alabama 32 LSU 14.

A key game on the west coast finds Washington State playing Southern California. Washington State has the inside track on a trip to the Rose Bowl, after starting out very slowly. USC has been playing good football lately and should put up a good fight, but it may not be enough.

Washington State 17 USC 14;

The crummy game of the week will find Brown playing Cornell. Ed Marino to the left, the right, and up the middle. Brown knows this and still won't be able to stop him. In fact Brown could have the Cornell play book and still not come within three touchdowns. Cor· nell 42 Brown 7.

The Nebraska Cornhuskers play host to the good Iowa State Cyclones. This will be the final home game for the Husker seniors and they don't want to leave on a losing note. The Cyclones want to play the part of the spoiler, bdt will go home a defeated team. The Cyclones are a vastly iniproved team' but just don't have enough horses. We're getting a week closer to the Thanksgiving Day Shoot· Out. Nebraska 37 Iowa State 7.

.American League are: Duffy's, the Wee Indians, the Double A's, the Roaches, the Wad Squad, the Brotherhood, and the Alkies.

The coaches.of these teams in. corresponding <>rd\!l' are: Elliot Gee, Fred Robertson;. Daryl. Wllsk; man; Trevor Tuiolosega, and Ken Kamman: The participating teams should be prepared to play at least five minutes before the competition starts. A team will have to forfeit the game if it is not ready to play at the time.

Cats Scare Wayne

Despite a 7-6 loss to Wayne State College in the Oak Bowl Saturday night, the Bobcats held the Wildcats to 152 yards total offense, while piling up 174 · yards.

A tense fmal quarter after a field goal failure by Peru State er_upted into a full-scale that spread on to the field from both benches and into the stands. Still seeking their first win of the 1971 season, the Bobcats face the Wildcats of Culver-Stockton Saturday, November 6, at 2 p.m. in the Peru Oak Bowl. Saturday's victory gave Del Stoltenberg's Wildcats .their second successive Nebraska College Conference title. For the 1957 Peru grad, the win was his third over his alma mater since taking the reins of the pigskin sport at Wayne in as many seasons. A bad pass from center in a field goal situation from the Wayne 13 yard marker with 1:17



In less than seven days the football world has been shocked by two deaths. First in pro football the death of the Detroit Lions wide-receiver Chuck Hughes, and just last Saturday college football was shocked by the untimely death of Texas Christian University's head coach Jim Pittman. These two deaths although proven not to be the direct result of football warfare will undoubtedly give football a bad name. Last year the tragic plane crashes that befell Wichita State and Marshall University brought this country closer together. Many people, not only football fans, donations to the funds 1tarted by the schools for the survivors of the crash victims. Football received criticism and it will continue as long as anyone puts on the football gear and enters the battle staged on the mdiron. In a world that is so torn apart by inner conflicts, the world of sports is one of the few uniting people with different

remaining in the game made it impossible for Dan Cotton, the Bobcat kicker to place a toe on the ball.

Another bad pass from center to Cotton after Peru's fourth quarter comeback touchdown with 7: 02 left in the period contributed to thatfailure.

The Peru touchdown was made by John Winkle; on a 20yard pass play from quarterback Terry Criger.

Wayne State's second quarter touchdown was on a three-yard run by Mike Wise with 4: 12 remaining. Dan Ernst's kick, the margin of difference in the final score, was good.

In assessing Saturday's contest, Coach Joe Pelisek expressed pleasure over the Bobcat effort.

"We played as well as we could; but we fell short," he said.

"As has been the case in six of the eight games played prior to Saturday's game, the difference in the final score was not many points," he added.

"The bad snaps from center at two crucial times loom up as

backgrounds. Every country has sports and it's too bad that there aren't as many sports in the world.

Sports can build the character of any young person. Some people are on winning teams while others are on a constant loser. Win or lose, sports builds character. You must learn to be humble in victory and to keep the chin up in defeat. In any sporting event the participant can be injured, but if the person was worried about injury he shouldn't be taking part in the event. Chuck Hughes had hardening of the arteries, Jim Pittman had a history of heart trouble yet the opponents of football will say that if it weren't for football both men would still be with us. We must remember what Chuck Hughes' brother said at Chuck's funeral, "The only tragedy in Chuck's life was losing." Winning was the main thing to Chuck Hughes. Winning should be our own personal goal, not only on the athletic field, but in life. If we have a winning attitude all the time it will be hard to defeat us at any time.

gigantic mistakes, but thes things happen," Pelisek mented.

Pelisek is. hoping the en• thusiasm and spiritprevalent in the Wayne contest.will continu into the season .finale. Saturda -when the "alUDlni" arebackfo the -soth annual homecoming a Peru State.

Peru State has met Culver Stockton only once. That was last year at .Canton, Mo., where they fell victimes 42-21. The Wildcats of C-S have a 3-5 season, with one of those wins over a mutual opponentMissouri Western, to whom the Bobcats fell 12-21.

Added incentive for the Bobcats will be the fact that a Peru football team has not won a Homecoming contest since the 1965 win over Doane College 20· 7. Alosing streak now stretching 15 games back into the 1970 season provides additional Bobcat incentive.

Who's Best

The Alkies were proclaimed the number one team in the intramural football competitions following tl)eir victory in the ninth round. The Alkies defeated the Double A's 13-0. The Alkies held a record of nine wins and no losses.

The Studs were announced second in the standings with a record of 7-2. The Studs won in the ninth round 13-0 against the Whackers.

The Budmen and SuMad were · tied for the third place position with records of 6-3. The Budmeh tied with SuMad 6-6 but SuMad won the sudden death tournament.

Fifth place was occupied by the Whackers who were victorious in five games and were defeated in four. Duffy's was ranked sixth with a record of 4-5. Duffy's won 1-0 by forfeit against the SOB's.

The Dills and the Wee Indians were in the seventh place position with records of 3-6. The Wee Indians were victorious against the Dills in a 14-12 game The Shady Oak Bombers were in ·tenth place with no wins and nine losses.

Cheerleader Kim Fetters 1ay1 a sUent prayer for a Bobcat victory. Coach Joe Pelisek ponders his strategy in the Bobcats losing battle with Wayne State October 30.

5, 1971

State the enin atur<fay .• l>ackfor.·· ming at Culver1at was ., where n. The a 3-5 se wins 1ent1om the lr the that a >twona 1ce the lege 20· ·etching 1e 1970 litional

Peru hosts


John Lutt Bags Buck

Imagine.the inner excitement of "Barbecued deer steaks," he knew he had nothing to fear. the hunter when the deer is so insists, "are delicious." John admits he is intrigued by close you can count his eye The tail of th1s graceful deer is the intricacies of deer hunting. lashes, deer and man in •a feathery and snow white. When Deer often cannot see stationary contest. The anticipation the deer is startled and begins to even bright .clothings, of gettmg the goo? shot - run, its tail stands straight up. detect motion. Smell stopped breathing - this The deer's coat is sleek and 1s their keenest sense, so if John brought on the shakes - his eyes shining. Its slender legs end In stands perfectly still, the deer blurred. "It a heck of. a lot black hoofs. Its face has sharp oftt!n forgets he's there. of concentration and expenence features and its eyes are large, As the farmer harvests his to think of breathing," he said. brown, and gentle. John con- crops, the deer change their John field-dressed the animal fesses that he often thinks he pattern and mode of living, but ?n.the and later butchered should be shooting with a When .take 1t, savmg the hide and antlers. camera instead of a bow and chances. That 1s why 1t 1s so The archery season for deer arrow. much easier to hunt deer with a · opened September 18 and near Deer are quite plentiful in the snow cover," he said. sundown on September 20, John Peru area, especially in the hills The deer br.eed in late SepLutt bagged a six-point white- and along the Mighty Mo. John to November. The whitetailed buck northwest of Peru on says one snowy day in winter tailed deer bears one-to-three the river-side of the levy. they came upon a herd of about young, late in spring. The young John, who lives in Peru with 50 near the Roger Gerdes farm. or fawns are covered with white his parents Mr and Mrs Lewis Often herds of 15 to 20 are spots, which disappear when the Lutt, is a senior at Peru State sighted near there. new fall coat is grown majoring in Industrial John uses a laminated John says everyone thmks the Management. During the fiberglass and wood bow with a buck is the.hero of the herd, but summers he works for U.S.S. 60-pounds pull. The arrow is his vote goes to the doe. Does Agri-chemicals a division of fiberglass with a Fred Bear come first along the trails. H a U.S. Steel at Point Wis. Razorhead Point. He often takes doe starts glancing around and and Chicago Heights, Illinois. an onion to rub on bis bow to behind, it a good After graduation John plans on mask the human smell. poss1b1hty that there 1s another going to Iowa State at Ames and Practice is essential in bow buck or doe behind. work toward a degree in Con· and arrow hunting because the A deer's ears go down and struction Engineering. target is at an unknown range, back if he determines the hunter John had finished classes at possibly in' dense cover, and the an enemy then he snorts and 3!30 p.m. and by four he was first shot must count. John says runs with his big white tail scouting used deer trails along that sound travels faster than straight in the air. the river. About sundown he the arrow and sometimes when Deer shed their antlers every climbed into his tree-stand near he fires the bow the string makes winter and grow new ones in the a pond and settled into a com- a twang like a harp. The deer is spring. It is often thought they fortable position to begin his no.doubt startled by this noise in grow a point for each year of wait. quiet woods and could have an their life.

Deer do not run into clearings involuntary muscle action John loves to. watch the duck nor do make any noise. whereby it would jump out of the and geese flights and the John heard the sucking sound of way of the arrow without ac- squirrels as he waits for deer. He a hoof leaving the mud after the tually kno;wing it. Commercial is also an avid pheasant and buck had drank at the pond. silencers for the bow string are quail hunter. The time spent Turning, the deer stood available for preventing this. outdoors.withnature.gives.him a magnificently inJront of him. He John said only once did he :get great personal satisfactilln and aimed his .arrow at the buck's four shots" at•the nme deer he · offersinteresting,di.versionfrom breast, 40-yards away, shot, and missed all four times. He ·long hours with • books arid the buck dropped to the ground: when he said the deer studying.


Speakers for Journalism Day at Peru State College November 12 have been announced by. Everett Browning, journalism instructor:

The speakers, representing various fields in journalism from advertising to editing, will make up the main program which is designed to acquaint high school· students with career posibilities.

claimed in the >etitions in the lefeated Alkies sand no 1ounced with a won in inst the id were position 3udmen SuMad a tourby re vic1d were r's was d of 4-5. forfeit Indians place l-6. The :torious !game. were in .ndnine

The speakers include Arthur Sweet, publisher of the Nebraska City News-Press; John Sanders editor and .publisher of Auburn Newspapers; Kelly, assistant general manager of the public relations department, Omaha Public Power District;. Marvin Russell, editor of Nebraska Farmer magazine; and Kenneth McCormick advertising manager for Auburn '

Sweet, Sanders, and McCormick will discuss ·reporting,.editing and advertising on weekly and daily newspapers as careets. Kelly will explain industrial journalism as :. ,·: ::: · >;:

High school students and their advisors from southeast Nebraska, western Iowa, northwest Missouri and northern Kansas have been invited to attend.

Peru State journalism students will provide a demonstration on production of college newspapers and yearbooks.

The program opens at 9 a.m. in the lobby of the Fine Arts Building. Meetings, except for the demonstration, will be in the Fine Arts auditorium. The demonstration by college journalism students will be in Room 218, Education building.

Who's Uncle Lunk Hind myself wondering about Uncle Lunk, and who he is. This soleIPn mystery has cast a giant shadow over my life. I would give whole worlds to solve this solemn mystery upon my life.

I shall now reveal something to you that I have never before revealed to any other living creature: Uncle Lunk has a peculiar

I am sworn by all the heavens


Auburn, Nebraska

clean shot at 50 req!lires. lceen steady hand; · · · · · a
;m· ·• llo•y ., :· -.-: .Uu;
· ,c···-····_··o> ·· :M·-.·· ···.·_ ·. _.···E· · 'SW
.. ··• ..•..... •
mole located on his arm. Thatmole
to find.
"Your Happy Little Jeweler"

Lights· Turn On·

Few of today's students would ponder the origin or workings of the necessities with which they are provided; for example the electric lighting on campus. But the students who remembered Peru's modest beginnings were appreciative of the administration's early efforts to provide this innovation.

In 1891 the state legislature had alloted Peru State College $3,000 to build a light plant large enough to provide lights for the Normal School. The electricity produced prior to this was used only in experimentation.

In the June, 1894, issue of the Normal Coutier, the Pedagogian 's predecessor, tribute was paid to the man who carried out the construction of this plant:

"By his untiring efforts Dr. George L. Farnham secured the effective working of the plant and now the school building, library, and ladies' dormitory are lighted by electricity."

"Mr. Farnham, "cortHrtued the Courtier," is the Principal of the Normal School and Teacher of Psycliology, Ethics, Science, and the Arts of Teaching."

In 1907 a new heating plant with a tall smokestack was constructed for $12,508. Besides heating the college buildings, it also hap electric generators that provided the campus with electricity.

Brown's Pottery

In F.A. Exhibit

get its power from Om.aha Public Power District.

The outdoor lights on campus now are automatic; a time clock turns them on at dark. All lighting is automatically extinguished around midnight

· except for the .top globes of each.

Certainly Peru's come a long way_ from those first days.

Student Wives Club

Selling Cookbooks

Pillsbury Bake-Off Cookbooks are currently available from members of the Student WivesClub for $1 each. A book of cookie recipes and two variety books are the three sty Jes for sale.

The wives will also sell carmeled apples at tomorrow's Homecoming game. This appleselling at all home football games is an annual project of the club.

A prospective project for this year is establishing a Child Daycare Center in Peru. Club members have appointed a committee to check into state regulations and· requirements and to seek a possible location. This type of center would financially benefit Peru mothers.

According to Mr George _ Wendel, Superintendei:it of Building and Grounds, this was discontinued about 6 or 8 years ago when the college began to

What people commo!11y call fate is mostly their own stupidity.

An exhibit of pottery by Jim Brown, operator of Brownville Pottery, will be displayed in Diddel Exhibition Court of Jindra Fine Arts Center from November 8 to 23, according to Leland Sherwood, associate professor of arts.

A resident of Brownville for the past three and one-half years, Brown has built his own commercial-size kiln and has been producing stoneware and raku pottery. He utilizes some native clay in his operation.

The exhibit at Peru State will include functional as well as decorative pieces ranging in size from coffee cups to large vases. Some of the pieces are designed .for table use. ·

Mr. Brown came to Brownville from Colorado State University, Fort Collins, where as a student he studied with Bill Alexander,potter. While in Colorado he was associated with a pottery firm. A native ot Omaha and a graduate of Creighton Prep, Mr. Brown won top award at the Walnut Hill 1,µt Fair, Tarkio, this past summer. His works have been exhibited at the Old Market, Omaha; Doris Roberts Gallery, Rock Port, Mass.; Barn Gallery, Kansas City, Mo.; and the Carriage House Gallery, Brownville.

and the other
you. Mark Twain PERU
· It takes your enemy and your friend working together to hurt you to the heart; the one to slander you

Campus Clubs Interest All nit eeting In

r the years an organization established for nearly interest on campus and ll most of them are winp for another active year. re are a variety of ary fraternities ori camAlpha Mu Omega, is the fraternity sponsoi:ed by "Lyle McKercher and Dr. Long. Each month this ''zation bolds programs for hers and concludes each with a steak fry. Beta, the biology fratersponsored by Dr. John and Mr. Albert Brady, ages interest in biological e, research, and sound arship. It sponsors a trip to ; ational Tri-Beta and its activities with a ma Theta Upsilon is the ary geography society red by Mr Scott Williams. Delta Pi is an education ity which offers monthly )ngs, often featuring · ers. Dr. James Todd of, of the Board of Trustees of state colleges was the er at initiation. e speaker at initiation. year the major project of sical science honorary, a Delta Lambda, is an t to bring movies, both · ing and instructional, ru's campus. Lambda Lambda is sponsored by aryl.Long al1d Mr. Victor ry. Beta Lambda is the ss honorary. According to

its sponsor, Mr. Russell Beldin, its main activities include an auction the state convention, and a Christmas party. Last year the convention was held in Peru.

Two honoraries are closely ·connected with clubs in the same field. Sigma Tau Delta, the English honorary, and the English Club, both under the sponsorship of Mr. Silas Summers, publish the Shifting Sands, a selection of student writing.

Epsilon Pi Tau is the industrial arts honorary. Each year its members take trips ad discussions are held featuring one member at each meeting.

Projects such as mending Christmas toys and a homecoming banner welcoming alumni. and friends to Peru are representative of the activities which influenced the campus to vote the Industrial Arts Club the most active organization last year.

Among other organizations dealing with major· fields of academic interest on campus are the following: Home Economics, Dramatics, Gravel · andRostrum, Music Educators National Conference (MENC>, Peru Social Science Society, and the Peru Student National Education Association.

The Home Economics Club holds the UN dinner and the Martha Washington Tea each year. Its current president, Miss Karen Schneider, was also elected president of the state organization.

The Dramatics Club seeks to

involve more people in the plays produced on campus, according to its president, Pat Castle.

Newly-organized last year, Gavel and Rostrum is for those interested in debates. Its main activities include a spring experience in which advanced debaters instruct beginning speech students and an annual banquet.

MENC will sponsor a band clinic on campus for its 27th year. Composed mainly of future music teachers and sponsored by Dr. Tilbert Wilson, its has brought many clinics, both vocal and instrumental to the Peru campus in the past.

The Peru Social Science Society's main activity was a trip to the SAC Base in Bellevue. P.S.S.S. is sponsored by Dr. George Schottel1hamel.

The Peru chapter of the Student Education Association is sponsored by Dr. Balwant Singh and Dr. Lloyd Kite. The chapter is focusing attention on encouraging college students to register and vote

One of the social fairly recently organized is the Afro-American Club whose purpose is to promote understanding of Black heritage.

Student Wives sell can\iy apples at the home games, hold pizza and card parties and other events to help the wives of Peru students get better acquainted.

The Women's Athletic Association under Mrs Bonnie Rutz, is open to women students interested in sports.. It offers

Donna's Gift Shop

organized volleyball, basketball, and softball.

Three religious organizations are active on campus, Chi-Rho, the Lutheran Student Fellowship, and the Newman Club.

Chi-Rho is sponsored by Rev. James Bragan and is an alldenominational student group. The Lutheran Student Fellowship is composed of Lutheran students ·and is sponsored by Rev. Dassow.

The Catholic youth organization, the Newman Club, has been active this ·in planning a ski trip to Colorado and selling chances for cash prizes and a trip to Hawaii.

Two student organizations which serve the college's whole student body are the Student

Concordia Teachers College will play host for the Nebraska Unit Meeting of the National Entertainment Conference, November 13, 1971. The workshop will last for the entire day, beginning at 8:00 a.m. and running til 10:00 p.m. that night.

Tlle National Entertainment Conference was formed in 1968 by a group of educators. The purpose was to provide development · training and professional services in the area of college extra-cirricufar programming.

Sifting Sands On Sale Now

The English Club will sell the Governing Association. latest edition of Sands during Homecoming weekend, The SCB plans entertainment according to club sponsor Mr activities for the campus., Silas Summers.

Center Board and the Student

Concerning the students · Sifting Sands has been a fixselected to serve, Mrs Gayle ture on campus since the early Shipley, their advisor com- 1930 ,s and features poetry or mented, "They must be very prose works by Peru State interested and willing to work students. hard."

The books will be available

The SGA holds weekly either in the studenf Center or meetings at which time students from individual club members. can make complaints and The price of the book is 50¢. This re_q_uest action. edition was printed last spring. Although nearly all the clubs Mr Summers added that work on campus have some has begun on the new edition and qualifications or standards for material must be in by the end of membership, most Peru staters this semester. Contributions by will find an organization to suit anyone- in the student body will their interests. be considered.

Oldest Soda Fountain in Nemaha County serving Hot Sandwiches School Supplies-Patent Medicines Gift Line Stationery-Greeting Cards Start Your Christmas Shopping_ Early at Donna's
BANK OF PERU Proudly Serving "The Home of the Bobcats" With Full Banking Service. 4\/2% Paid on Passbook Savings Accounts Interest Paid Quarterly S3 Paid on Certificates S\/23 Paid on I year Certificates 5%3 Paid on 2 year Certificates INTEREST WILL BE PAID OR COMPOUNDED $I 00 minimum on all Certificates Downtown Peru Don't Watch Us .Grow. Game Grow With Us. Donna Sayer, Prop.



"Flowers for every Occasion"

2124 P Street Auburn

Phone 27 4-36) I

The remaining balance on yearbooks

must be paid by November 1O, or before your pictures can be taken. You will be able to pay Nov. 10, in

the Student Center, or pay any yearbook staff member.

Favorite Brands to go DUFFY'S


Bob and Ruby McAdams

Ham ms ON
Sandwiches Pop Color TV

Peru Pedagogian



November 13 Date For Band Clinic

The twenty-seventh annual High School Band Clinic will be held at Peru State College on Saturday, November 13, according to Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson, clinic director and associate professor of instrumental music.

Claude Smith, a renowned composer and conductor, will be the guest conductor of this year's clinic. Mr Smith is currently directing the Chillecothe, Missouri, High School Band, which is a consistent winner in music contests and one of the best. high school concert bands in the state of Missouri. Mr Smith previously directed the Cozad, Nebraska, High School Band.

"Em per ata" and "Son us Ventorum", two of Mr Smith's own compositions, will be performed at the concert. Mr Smith will be assisted by Dr. Gilbert Wilson.

Registration will be held from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Rehearsal will take place from 9:m-11:45. The

Peru's first Post Office was officially established October 9, 1867.

Who's Who Named At PSC

Virtually every campus rganization is represented by ne or ·more of the fourteen ·or from Peru State who have en named to Who's Who ong Students in American Universities Colleges for the 1971-72 academic year. Dr. Guy Rosenberg, dean of students and chairman of the selection mmittee, which is composed f faculty members and student eaders, announced the selec' ons.

Selection to Who's Who is based on excellence and sincerity in scholarship, leadership in academic and co-curricular activities, service to the college and promise of future usefulness to society. Students and their accomplishments are as follows:

Miss Janice Axdahl of Sioux Rapids, Iowa, Kappa Delta Pi, norary education fraternity, the Peru State Student Education Association, :Southern Student Fellowship, Dormitory Council and the college education committee. She was also president of the Student Center Board and belongs to the Women's Athletic Association and the Peru State Social Science Society.

Mr. Charles Bachle of Auburn is a member of Beta Beta Beta, honory biology fraternity, and Alpha Mu Omega, honorary mathematics society. Offices were held in Lambda Delta Lambda. honorary chemistry

fraternity, and Kappa Delta Pi. He has also been on the Dean's list each semester.

President of Eliza Morgan, women's residence hall,, Miss Kathy Boyle of Bellevue, is a member of the White Angels Pep Club, the Student Governing Association, the Peru Social Science Society, the Women's Athletic Association and was elected into membership of the Phi Alpha Theta, history honorary and Kappy Delta Pi. She was an officer of her sophomore, junior and senior class, and was the recipient of the A.B. Clayburn Memorial Social Science Award.

Mr Robert Cole of Nebraska City is a member of the Peru State Social Science Society and has been elected to membership in Phi Alpha Theta and Kappa Delta Pi. He received the J. H. Catron scholarship.

Serving as president of Beta Beta Beta is Mr. Dan Eichenberger of Pawnee City. He is also a member of Lambda Delta Lambda and has been on the Dean's list for his academic achievements.

Recipient of a Peru Achievement Foundation Scholarship, Mrs Judy Grotrian has been activei in Phi Beta Lambda, business fraternity, and in the Women's Athletic Association. She is a state certified volleyball official, works part-time as a secretary in the school of Applied Arts, and

is an organist at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church.

Mr John Lutt of Auburn is a member of the Industrial Arts Club and Epsilon Pi Tau, honorary industrial arts society. He received the Wilhelmina Larson award for Industrial arts in his sophomore year and has been named to the Dean's list.

Active in the Home Economics Club, Miss Priscilla Miyoshi of Nebraska City is also a member of the Peru Student Education Association, Order of Eastern Star, and has served as director of paraphenalia for Job's Daughters. She is an assistant 4H leader.

Now student teaching at Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca Junior High, Miss Susan Ritter is active in the Women's Athletic Association and a state certified volleyball official. She is a member of the White Angels Women's Pep Club, Kappa Delta Pi, the Peru State Student Education Association and has been named to the Dean's list every semester. She also received the Jess Harris Memorial Scholarship of the Peru Achievement Foundation.

Arecipient of a Knights of AkSar-Ben scholarship and the Bath Family Memorial scholarship of the Peru Achievement Foundation, Miss Diana Schneider of Syracuse has served aspresident of the Student Governing Association. Active in the Student Center

Board, she has been a member of the Peru Student Education Association, the Peru State Social Science Society, the Newman Club, the White Angels Women's Pep Club, and the Student Judiciary Board.

Miss Karen Sell of Tabor, Iowa, is a student intern teacher in the Ruth Pyrtle Elementary School in Lincoln. She is a member of Kappa Delta Pi and Beta Beta Beta, and has been active in the Women's Athletic Association, the Dormitory Council, the Student Governing Association, Peru State Education Association and the College's Teacher Education Committee.

Karen, a state certified volleyball official and a past member of the Women's Basketball team, has been the recipient of the WAA scholarship, the Bath Family Memorial, the George Andrews Memorial, Charles Weigand Memorial and Peru Achievement Alumni scholarships.

A transfer student from Iowa Western Community College, Mr Gary of Imogene, Iowa was named ·to "Who's Who Among Students in American. Junior Colleges." He has been active in the Peru State Social Science Society, of which he is president, a Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Alpha Theta, and the Peru Student Education Association.

directors and the band members will have lunch and discuss plans for future clinics from 11:45 - 1:30.

Rehearsals will be held from 1: 30 - 3: 30 and the final rehearsal will take place from 3:30 to 4:30. Arecreation period will be held from 4:30- 6:00 p.m. with supper at 6:00. A concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. 'and end at 8:30. The concert is free of charge and the public is invited to attend.

The schools which will be represented ,and their directors are: Auburn, Gary Dahmke; Dodge, Edward A. Kohel, Jr.; East Monona, Iowa, Joe Tackett; Fairmont, Godfrey A Macha!; Fullterton, Russell Workman; Humboldt, Tom Osborne; Mormon Trail of Garden Grove, Iowa, Sam Craghead; Murdock, Cleo Hoegemeyer; Nebraska, City Roger E. Leuders; Nemaha Valley-Cook, Paul Ramp; North Bend, Lynn Moller; Tri-CountyDewitt, Larry Allen; and Beemer, Richard Munson.

SCB To Hold Tournament

The 1971 - 72 Game Tournaments sponsored by Student Center Board are being held from Monday, November 8 to Thursday, November 18.

Trophies will be awarded to the first and second place winners in each game on Thursday, November 18 at 3:30 in the Student Center.

The games are played on single elimination and will be judged by the following people: In Chess, Mike Kelly and Roger Oviatt; In Snooker, Mike Kelly and Mark Hahn; In Eight-Ball, Bart Neri, Wally Serinko; and Duane Stevenson; In Straight Pool, Mike Kelly; In Table Tennis, Wally Serinko, Denny Robertson, Jan Axdahl and Dave Gibson. The following people have entered the 71-72 · Game Tournament:

In Chess.: David Vermeer, Mike Engel, Larry Kohel, Jim McKean, Robert Davis, Marge Jelinek, Steve Adelson, Al Hauf, Al Buck, and Kirum ' Chakrabarty.

In Table Tennis Singles; Tom Popek, Don Monzingo, Avery Wallace, Charles Heim, Wally Serinko, Brad Williams, Thomas Tarnacki, Steve Adelson, Jerome Stewart, and Dan Eichenberger.

In Table Tennis - Doubles: Kathy Walker and Joyce Gergen, Tom Popek and Don Monzingo, Steve Adelson and Bruce Quist, Earl Brown, and Jerome Stewart, and Dan Eichenberger and Russel Nolte.

In Eight-Ball: Mike Engel, Don Monzingo, Larry Kohel,

or en. . ) zn v TV
VOL. 67 NO. 9
Those selected to Who's Who are: Back row (1 tor) Diana Schneider, Pam Miyoshi, Kathy Boyle, Jan Axdahl, Sue Harphan, Karen Sell, Susan Ritter, Judy Grotrian. Seated, John Lutt, Gary Stephens, Charles Bachle, Dan Eichenberger and Dave Harris. Robert Cole wasn't present for this photograph.
Continued Page3col. 5


Any event can be interpreted differently b} different people or, as I learned last Saturday, by the same person in a different frame of mind.

I attended the alumni luncheon at noon in the Student Center Saturday and sat down among the people with a pen and notebook looking for a story.

I had quite a few things on my mind besides the luncheon. I was thinking of the Nebraska game coming up, work later that day and so on and as I looked around desperately for a story angle, decided there was none.

Early in the week I looked over the few notes I had taken and discovered, upon thinking back in a different frame of mind, that there had been a myriad of stories, there; mine for the taking.

For instance, the stately, gray-haired gentlemen with a.badge that read "1917". Or a tall, friendlylooking man who used articulate gestures while he sooke. This became more meaningful upon learning that the gentleman was a former congressman.

Perhaps the warmest story of all was the elderly lady who clutched an old but remarkably wellpreserved Peruvian like it was her most important possession. And it probably was for those fleeting moments. I watched her as she went from person to person, table to table, pointing at pictures within.

I couldn't see the pictures but I could imagine them, which is often kinder than

It's true probably that all these potential stories were in themselves small and not really newsworthy but together they constituted really warm and honest feelings, something that_,peed never be in short demand or supply.

Looking at it from another there was a table there with a sign on it that simply ;.read "1901". That table remained empty all day. But that's another story.


there were SGA members as heads of the committees. Do' get me wrong, I'm all for stud ·· involvement in government I also think that it is student's duty to see that he." represented fairly. Earlier t · year, a member of the SGA found to be ineligible f membership so he w dismissed from further duties a full member and made; committee chairman. Is this', remnant of the Jacksonian era. government? so. :;

The president has frequen made himself inaccessible students and faculty. Recen ' in a conversation with a facuI · member, it was mentioned tlr' he could not find the president: discuss an important mat( concerning homecoming. -· seems to me that the presid of such an important a prestigeous organization sho make himself easily accessi whenever it is at all possible

ON TH' Thru The Lens


Legislation, court tests and so called "concerned for the public welfare advocates" have been raising a lot of cain in this country because we are fortunate enough to have a free press and easy access to money so that our views can be published if we so desire.

The so-called consumer a<ivocates have been· condemning the use of pesticides and herbecides because they hear that with misuse, these devices can cause harm and even destroy our environment.

Dept. Of Amplification

Took a toot to the north country this weekend after I saw the Bells concert. I was regaling thefamily about what a won· derful concert it was when Uncle Lunk took a peculiar interest in the encore the Bells performed. "War starts cause people act like my cattle, they'll take what you give 'em," he said, "and they don't give a darn. Can't figure out why those kids would · stand and clap 'we don't want no war."'

I immediately jumped to Peru's defense," But Uncle Lunk, 'Sing a Simple song of freedom,' is a good song."

"You're right there son,'' Uncle Lunk replied, "that's just what is is, an awful simple thing to do instead of doing something about it. People who don't give a hoot about any_thing except singing songs while they're doin everything anybody tells 'em to do without questioning it or trying to think for themselves I think starts the wars. I felt sick about how they asked for the 'simple song' twice. They should start thinking about doin something."

I must confessthatUncle Lunk had a point. I thought about it a lot. I thought of the Bells' last song and decided that was what Peru needed, "a miracle."

The limestone rock used in the foundation of the Auditorium and Science buildings was once the foundation of the Old Main building and was quarried about two and a half miles west of Peru.

Years Reverse Peoples' Roles

Astrange twist of life has been discovered in the halls of Peru State's Education Building. Dr. John C. Jensen, Chairman of the Department of Education and Psychology brought to light an unusual turnabout in the roles of teacher and student.

Mrs. Harriett Leech, Peru State Senior, graduated from Humboldt High School and later returned to Humboldt, NE to teach in the field of elementary education. Upon returning to Peru State to complete her Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education, Mrs Leech is presently student teaching as a part of her Professional Semester. And this is where the reversal of roles plays a part in the story. Supervising Mrs Leech's student teaching at the Humboldt High School is Mrs Charlene Tomec, Mrs Leech's former grade school student and Dr. Jensen's former college classmate. Who was it said, "Turnabout's fair play."?

This is true, but how many people carefully read the labels on the products they are using and then follow the manufacturers recommended levels of use. How many people follow directions like an old style cook and say that one teaspoon per gallon water will not disinfect clothes, or kill weeds and insects? Whoever made these directions can't be right.

One scientist estimated that if we quit using these products, production would be cut in half. With this in mind, it would seem to me that the public should carefully examine the products being used and weigh the good and the bad. An extreme to either side is senseless.

Another area that was recently afforded front-page attention was the ·underground nuclear explosion on Amchitka Island that produced results which were about as expected. I do not favor nuclear testing, but it seems to be a necessary evil that we must put up with so that we can be prepared to defend outselves.

There are two sides to this coin. The test went well so far. At least there has been no admission to the contrary. If something went wrong we probably won't know about it anyway. But what if there had been a mistake and there was a tidal wave?

Those who favor nuclear testing will now bug the news · media with a success. The ecological groups will still show their usual pessimism. If some unfavorable story about this test leaks out in a couple of years, these people will say "I told you so".

No one will deny the fact that we have problems, but my question is can we make legislation that fits every move we make? Beware, those of you who think that everything can be fixed with legislation. Someday we are going to come to the point that we will need to legislate the legislation.

Letter To The Editor

Dear Sir:

Last Spring, students on the Peru State Campus elected a president for their student governing association whom they thought would do a good job for them. I would like to pose a question at this point: What exactly has the SGA done this year? So far this year there has been nothing done to actually benefit the student on this campus. You might ask, "What about girls' dorm hours being abolished?" Well, I'll clue you in friend, it was actually last year's SGA that played the biggest part in that administrative move. Let's give credit where it is due.

The president has set up SGA as the SCB is set up, in a fashion that calls for a committee system. This would not be bad if

The statement has been ma that students are welcome come to the SGA meetings a see what they are all about a voice an opinion if they desir Again recently, a student ca to the SGA meeting hoping voice an opinion and had hand raised for fifteen minut without being called on and by the time the meeting ended had not been called You can't say he wasn't se because the person was sitting the direct line of the preside with no one obstructing the vie

Lastly, I would like to me tion that lately there has be quite a bit of trouble in finding quorum to even be able to hold meeting. Perhaps the membe feel the same way I do and don express it, or are, possibly, j disinterested. But whose fault that? Most of us weren't ev elected, when we sent o petitions last Spring the great share of us were unopposed.

I feel that I have at least som authority to speak on this matt since I arp now and have been past SGA member. I haves all of the things I have tioned and I feel that if th organization can no longer serv a positive function as a organization that effective! serves the body it represents -i should either be completely re organized or abolished.

Published weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF

John Thomas Editor-in-Chief

Margie Lewis , Society

Steve Long , News

Mike Summers Photography

Jerry Steele ; Sports

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Business Managers

Mr. Everett Browning Advisor

Peru State College.

'WHll+f ONE OF YOU -rn' STLIPcNr 5!'ECIAI..
The Pedagogian
The opinions expressed are those of the writers and not necessarily those of

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•graphy Sports ulation

:nagers tdvisor


Alive And Well-Done at PSC

The words of the immortal d Shakespeare were spoken · when "The Tempest" was esented last weekend on pus as part of Peru's ecoming activities.

Although it was written over years ago, the ideas of the are still alive and vigorous was its action. Often the · nee was surprised or even led by the effects employed reate the moods of the acters.

strobe light during the est effectively reduced the movement of the cast to a estion of the lurching ship the despair of its ngers.

stage was starkly furbut then the procession of and fools called forth by spero (played by DeVoe ing) was hardly confined e stage. Rather use was also de of the aisles and balcony the auditorium. e character of Ariel, nimbly ayed bv Dale Burke, was

believable in his restless desire for freedom and childish quality.

Familiar, but no less effective, was the sarcasm and greedy ambition displayed by the lords Sebastian (Pat Castle) and Antonio (Mitchell Chase).

And certainly the comic characters immediately appealed to the audience. The drunken butler, expertly created by Bart Neri, was 'delightful in his staggering and drunken selfimportance. Teamed with Trinculo, the jester (John Thomas) and the groveling monster (Willie Fairbanks) he seemed to prove that Shakespeare's comedy is still funny to a modern audience.

The hard work of the cast in meeting the demands of the play and creating the added visual effects helped to make it a successful production.

Certainly they proved that Shakespeare's conclusions and characterizations are still valid and entertaining.

Bells Play Song Variety

Happiness, joy, sorrow, brotherhood and peace were all a part of the meaning represented by the Bells in their songs in their Friday night concert.

Five guys and one girl make up the group called the Bells. They appeared in concert in the Peru State College Auditorium, November 5, 1971, at 8:00 p.m. which was a part of the 1971 Homecoming Activities.

The Bells are from Montreal, Canada, and are on tour to thirteen different colleges around the United States, in which Peru was one.

Here are some comments heard from different students at Peru State College about the concert:

Pat Schultz: I thought they · were good. I think we need more songs for peace and brotherhood, like they sang.

Debbie Barton: I thought the group was really great. They made the settings for their songs and made you feel what they wanted to get across in their songs. It really added to the 1971 Homecoming Activities.

Chuck Smith: It was a good group.

Linda Eichenberger: The best concert I've been to since I've gone to Peru. I wish we would have more like it.

John Cobert: I really enjoyed them.·

Evelyn Heebner: I thought they were really good. They got the crowd participating in their songs. Best concert I've seen in Peru.

Mark Meinheit: I thought they were really great!

Fred Morehouse: It was fantastic!



Continued From Page l

Trevor Tuiolosega, Mike-O'Brien, Ron Allgood, Richard Corbin, Bill Sell, Avery Wallace, J. D. Scruggs, Jim Pearson:. Wally Serinko, Alan Seybert, Randy Hodges, Mike Stanley, Nate Parks, Renato Korus, Gary Witherspoon, Bill Lally, Randy Sudman, Mike Callahan, Jeff K. Turner, Randy Hansen, Al Hauf, and Al Buck.

In Straight Pool: Mike Engel, Don Monzingo, Larry Kohel, Trevor Tuiolosega, Mike O'Brien, Richard Corbin, Bill Sell, Avery Wallace, J. D. Scruggs, Jim Pearson, Wally Serinko, Alan Seybert, Mike Stanley, Randy Hodges, Nate Parks, Bill Lally, Gary Witherspoon, Randy Sudman, and Jeff K. Turner.

In Snooker: Mike Engel, Don Monzingo, Larry Kohel, Trevor Tuiolosega, Ron Allgood, Bill Sell, Mike Stanley, Alan Seybert, Randy Hodges, Renato Korus, Gary Witherspoon, Randy Sudman, Mike Callahan, Jeff K. Turner, and Randy Hansen.

Open House For Center

The Inter-religious Campus Center will open for business with an Open House for all students and faculty at 8: 00 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 18. A Religious Rock Group from Kearney State College will intertain. The Center is located in the basement of the Christian Church at 917 5th St. in Peru. Current programs offered at the Center are an ecumenical Bible Study at 8 p.m. on Wednesdays and the Lutheran Club at 6:30 p.m. on Thursdays. Selective Service Information Counseling and Planned Parenthood Counseling is also available on Wednesday evenings.

Future programs include lecture and discussion, a series on Human Anatomy and Human Sexiology by a competent authority. The Center may also be used as a Child Day Care Center for the Student Wives Organization.

Campus groups and organizations wishing to use the Center should contact Rev. James Bragan 872-5495.

Peru, tNebraska Phone 872-6355 Incense

Betty Johnson, Mike Johnson, President Gomon, ueen Marlene Meyer and her escort Mike O'Brien.
and Incense
Chess Sets Candles Large Record Selection Simon Drug Company Auburn
This girl captured the hearts of the fellas at the Bells concert last Friday night in the college auditorium.
PAGE 3 Tournament
The Industrial Arts Club took first place hi the second annual Homecoming parade.


Before I get into the actual column I'd like to make a statement, "The drought is over." The Bobcats won a football game after losing 15 straight. The Peru prediction was one of many that Zero missed last week, but this is one he was glad to miss.

Fi!'st let's look at the kev in the big Eight, or is that the BIG TWO? Kansas travels to Soonerland to play Oklahoma. This game is on regional television and Chuck will try to get embarrased in front of the TV viewers. Kansas should pose little or no trouble at all, but neither should have Missouri. Oklahoma should win. Oklahoma 35 Kansas 14.

Missouri will make a 'trip to Cycloneland to play Iowa State. Iowa State has the surprise team in the conference, but has had rough going the last two times out. Missouri just doesn't lµiveit this year. The defense is there, but the offense is lacking. The Cyclones in a breeze. Iowa State 37 Missouri 7.

Oklahoma State and Colorado play in Boulder. This should

an interesting game with winner going on to bigger better things. The Cowboys good, but not good enough. Gulden Buffaloes should be tough for the other team Oklahoma. Colorado Oklahoma State 17.

The Nebraska Cornhus will play the Kansas S Wildcats. The Huskers sh add another victory to t belts. This will be no easy t The Wildcats have been proving every week, and c pose a problem for the Husk In the end the defense will the story. Nebraska has the defense in the nation, and m· even shut the Wildcats Nebraska 35 Kansas State o.

The key game in the south Georgia against Auburn. teams are undefeated and eyeing major bowl bids. winner has the inside track the bid. I believe that Aub has too much firepower for Georgia Bulldogs. Sullivan Beasley will make the ference. Auburn 28 Georgia

Drought Is Ended at PSC

Following Saturday afternoon's 35-15 victory over the culver Stockton Wildcats, coach Joe Pelisek's only comment was "wish we had won nine more just like that one." Pelisek had praise for his team in that didn't give up and kept working harder and got better each week. He said he felt that the effort was not quite as much as the previous week when the Bobcats were edged by Wayne State 7-6 7-6.

The victory broke a 15-game losing streak for the Bobcats was the first homecommg victory for the Peruvians since a 1965 win over Doane College. The season for the Bobcats ended with a 9-1 record.

For Six Peru State seniors it was the fll)al game of their Bobcat career: Gary Ring, Louis Grasso, Steve Miller, Ray Waters, Paul Mulcahy, and Mike

PSC To Hold Volleyball Tourney

On November 15, 16 and 17 Peru State College will hold its 26th Annual HighSchool Volleyball Tournament. Thirtysix teams have been entered. This is the largest number of teams that have ever entered. The defending champion, Mead, will be back vying for the title again this Year. The Tournament is a singla and elimination tournament with trophies being given to .the top four teams.

The director of the tournament is Miss Bonnie Rutz, with the officiators being PSC co-eds that have been rated with the state.


An intercepted pass by Gordon Thompson with 11 :01 remaining in the second quarter broke loose the Bobcat scoring. Thompson earlier in the season to his credit, ran 66 yards for the TD. Dan Cotton made the extra point. In the same period it was Desbien's turn to catch a Criger pass and run 36 yards for a TD.

As the quarter was ending, Dan Cotton was forced to run from the punting postion and gained enough for a first down. Three plays later Criger hit Winkle for· the third TD of the quarter with 11 seconds left in the half. ' \ Culver-Stockton came into the ball game with a TP in the third quarter on halfback- pass from Mike Meyers to Dennis Andy McDonald ran for the two extra points. In the fourth

·quarter McDonald made the

second TD for Culver-Stockton

Bob Nykyforchyn kicked the extra point. , A blocked punt set up the scoring drive that started with 2:29 left in the game, Criger connected with Winkle on a 10 yard pass. Gus Krajicek picked off a pass, and seven plays later Kim Tennal went over for a TD on a 20 yard pass play.

Some 900 million years ago, Nebraska had a range of mountains, the Nemaha Range, according to Geologists. These mountains extended from Omaha to Seneca, Kansas. The Nemaha Range existed long before the Appalachian or Rocky Mountains were present.

Arlene Doden, Patty Johnson and Barb Lawson admire the trophies to be given in the volleyball tournament.

- Fr.i. - Sat.



Culver-Stockton runner stopped after short gain.
R&S TEXACO SERVICE (Formerly Peru Sinclair) Tires Mechanic Work Reasonable NEW OWNERS Bill Reeves Wayne· Simpson Dr. G. E.· Mann OPTOMETRIST CONTACT LENSES CLOSED WED. P.M. & SAT. P.M. Nebr. City 119 N 8th St. Phone 873-6180 Hahn Clothing Auburn,. Nebraska BANK OF PERU Phone sn-3335 Member of F.D.l.C. Invites PSC students to open Checking and Savings Accounts
PIONEER THEATR ··· Nebtaska City Thurs.
lil MURPHY'S WAR In Color Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Nov. 14-15-16 THE PEOPLE NEXT DOOR' Color by Deluxe Wed. - Thurs. Nov. 17-18 George Hamilton Sue Lyon lfl EVEL KNIEVEL Tl litU the bur; the fast the bow y, ·sur' earl gatl bl es the) And w

ne with ) bigger Cowboys enough .bould be r team f .or ado he south p llburn. ted and I bids. de track that Aub >wer for Sullivan .e the · Georgia 1

Peru P edagogian


One of the splendid events which shape man's destiny occurred when a small band of people, believing in the essential sanctity of their own being, went in search of a land in which their individuality might be the highest national value, before any arbitrary limitation or duty placed upon some men by the whim or design of others.

They went in search of a land where they might live out their own commitment to their own ideal of human freedom. In.the purpose of their search, the human spirit found its ultimate definition, and in the product of their search, its ultimate expression. They found the land they sought, and it was a difficult land, but it was rich. With their sacrifices they brought forth its riches, and laid the foundation for a new nation.

But more than that, they revealed a new possibility for the expression of man's spirit. In the sure unfolding of that possibility man has begun to experience a world in which he may do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with his God forever.

F'or what those early settlePS established, we give thanks in a way which began with them. In their first years on the hard cold edge of man"1i bright folden dream, they were tried and their faith as t_ested, But when tbeir bodies faile_d, tbeir faith did not.

The stark simple words on a sarcophagus in a little village on the seacoast of Massachusetts tell the story well: "This monument marks the first burying-ground in Plymouth of the passengers of the Mayflower. Here, under cover of darkness, the fast dwindling company laid their dead, leveling the earth above them lest the Indians should learn how many were the graves."

Yet, because mankind was not created merely to survive, in the face of all hardship and suffering, these men and women - and those of the other early settlements - prevailed. And the settlers gathered to give thanks for God's bounty, for the blessings of life itself, and for the freedom which they so cherished that no hardship could quench it. And now their heritage is ours.

What they dared to imagine for this land came to pass.

What they planted here prospered.

And for our heritage - a land rich with the bountiful blessings of God, and the freedom to enjoy those rich blessings - we give thanks to God Almighty in this time, and for all time.

A Time For Us;

Next week is Thanksgiving ation and from an informal ey of students, it appears t the campus will be deserted many in favor of the ditional festivities with ily.

nee home the activities most monly named were visiting tives and friends, eating, ping, and studying.

rs Margaret Tynon's an, "Always family," was oed by many other students at least part of their plans.

Some looked forward to relaxing at home and one expressedthe hope that something exciting would happen during her vacation. ·

Another said, "I'm glad for a vacation from this place and the opportunity to eat lots of good food to make up for the food here."

Several expressed the opinions that vacation is too short, but one thought the length of time is about right.

Marjorie Hayes said she plans

Amid a land of plenty Thanksgiving a time to pause and reflect on the blessings of the year gone by.


to choose her engagement ring and Kathy Higley is going home to make her wedding dress.

Another replied that he was going to his girlfriend's house and, among other things, watch the football game on TV.

A common reply from male students was, "Drink beer and watch the football game," and displayed confidence that Nebraska will win the tele,vised contest with Oklahoma. One student, John Vickers, said that he would be traveling to

Oklahoma for that game. Some will be passing up the traditional turkey dinner with their families to travel. Two girls questioned, Theresa Krontz and Diana Schneider, are members of the Newman Club which is making a ski trip to Colorado during vacation.

Most PSC s1ndents are eager for the break from class routine and seem to feel Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends.

The first Episcopal ChU!'ch erected in 1869 in Peru was financed largely by an anonymous lady iu Brooklyn Heights, New York, who contributed one thousand dollars to the enterprise.

- Sat. le
'ues. 6 Ke n L

Wage -Price Thaw Affects PSC Students

Lifting of the wage-price "freeze" .as of November 15, 1971, will have an effect on charges to students for the remainder of the first semester, .acrording to Dr. Ervin R. Pitts, vice-president of business and public affairs.

Board and room charges will be increased to the amourit indicated in the supplement to the general bulletin as of November 16, 1971. This means board and room charges will be increased $t05 a 'week for the last six weeks ofthe semester. For those who paid board and room for the entire semester, they will be billed for $6.30 additional to the payment made at time of registration. For those paying on the deferred plan, $6.30 will be added to the payment due December 1, 1971. Additional board and room payment ·for both classifications are due December 1, 1971.

Also to be implemented is the portion of the student health fee ·of $5.00 remaining in the first semester. All full-time students will be billed for $1.75 as authorized payment for the last six weeks of the first semester. Payment is due no later than December 1, 1971.

Effective as of November 16, 1971, will be the increase in Placement fee. For studetlts using the services of the Placement office the fee will be $20.00 Also effective as of November 16 will be the increase in graduation fee to $30.00.

All students were notified at time of registration of probable increases when the "freeze" period of 90 days expired, thus increases now announced are in harmony with information given to all students at time of registration, according to Dr. Pitts.

What Happened

to the Money ?

Questions have been raised by Peru state College students as to where tuition money goes and how it is spent. Also, of concern, is what happens to the amount allotted for yearbooks. Some students feel they have paid twice for their yearbook; once at registration, included in tuition and fees, and again to the yearbook staff.

Mr Alan Shipley, Business Manager of PSC, states that the tuition paid by students is "used to pay approximately one-third of the teacher's salaries. The rest of ·school expenses are covered by State funds."

Mr Shipley also stated that: "The Legislature and Board of

Drug Minicourse Offered by PSC

Drug Use and Abuse, the second in a series of minicourses offered by Peru State College, will begin Monday, November 22, at 6:30 p.m. at

Trustees felt that with the in- Humboldt, according to Dr. , crease of costs to instruct all the Keith L. Melvin, vice-president of academic aftairs at Peru tuition should go to education State. , rather than. 'extras'." Because -'The first course in the. series, , of this; the yearbook fee was Income Tax Information, will ·dropped from tuition fees. conclude November 15. A total

"At registration next fall of 18 have been enrolled in that (1971-1972), students will have course. the opportunity to buY their Offered in cooperation with annual, but it will not be man- the Southeast. Nebraska Comdatory ."states Mr Shipley. The munity Action Council, the annual fee will be considered an course will carry one-hour individual fee which will be credit and will meet for five added to tuition and fees if the three-hour meetings on Monday wants a yearbook. _ nights

'For Kearney Open to the public, the classes had these mdividual fees for will meet at the Humboldt Fire ·therr ann.ual and Chadron and Hall 723 Third Street HumWayne will next fall." adds Mr ' ' Sh' 1 boldt.


Only 327 Pictures Taken·

It was announced by Nancy Stoll, editor of the 1972Peruvian, that only 327 students have had their pictures taken on November 10th and 11th. This figure compares with 448 yearbooks which have been sold. But there is a chance that students who have not had their picture taken may have another

chance next semester if interest is shown.

Miss Stoll reminds all students that balances must be paid, and anyone who has placed a $1 deposit on a book must soon pay the remaining $7. The editor believes that the support of the student body determines the quality and size of the yearbook.

Home Ee Club To Workshop

Peru State Home Economics Club was represented at' the annual fall workshop held at the University Student Union in Lincoln, Saturday, November 13, by Karen Schneider, Auburn; Carol Warnke, Dunbar; Susan Hanley, Mt. Vernon, Iowa; Susan Beaman, Ceresco; and Mrs Louise Kregel, advisor.

The theme of the day was "The Polluter, You". Karen Schneider, local and state President elect gave the luncheon Invocation.

A college graduate wi journalism degree has a choice of jobs in the general of journalism at sala competitive with degree many other fields.

That was the consensus group of professional jou who spoke at Journalism Peru State College Friday

Jobs open to journalist elude a wide variety of c such as reporting, e selling advertising, produ of industrial publications, p relations work, and can in work on staffs of newspa magazines, indust organizations, and l department stores. Almos large organization hires p with journalism degre experience, the journa concluded.

Attending the one-day ference on careers in journ were high school students Auburn, Nebraska Tecumseh, Nehawka, Thomas Jefferson high sch Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Speakers included Sanders, editor and publish Auburn Newspapers, I Arthur Sweet, publisher of Nebraska City News Marvin Russell, editor Nebraska Farmer maga Marvin Kinman, assi manager of public rela Omaha Public Power Dis Kenneth McCormick, vertising manager for A Newspaper, inc.; Hoemann, admissions adviso·: the Peru Achievement F • dation, and Dr. Clyde Ba :• dean of the school of huma · · at Peru State.

Issue Editor No. t Erny Boeck

Those wishing additional

information may call Peru State College or contact Brad Field, director of the Southeast Nebraska Community Action. Council.

At the conclusion of the Drug and Abuse course, a third course of one of the following will be offered: business practice, conference leading, safety and accident prevention,- crafts, speech, psychology of adolescence.


John Thomas

Margie Lewis

Steve Long

Mike Summers

Jerry Steele

·Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler


L to R Dave Vermeer, Kirun Chakrabarty, and Michael Kelly (judge> The game ended In a stalemate. The students were participants in the weeklong SCB sponsored game tournaments.
The Pedagogian Published weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421, STAFF
; Soci
Photogra ·
Spo "
opinions expressed are those of the writers and necessarily
Everett Browning , : ·
those of Peru State College

ensus of journli .sm Day riday. nalists of choi , edit' produc ons,pu an incl ewspap dustr 1d la llmost NT s.


Camelot To Be Shown Nov.


"Camelot" calssified as a Mod-Medieval production and winner of three Academy Awards, is to be shown November 22, 1971, at 7:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts Auditorium. This is sponsored by SCB (Student Center Board) and is paid for by student program fees. I. D. cards must be shown and a second show will be shown if neccessary.

"Camelot" a musical romance-adventure features many important actors as: Richard Harris, Vanessa Redgrave, Franco Nero, and David Hemmings. "Camelot" is suspended in time and space, and derived from imagination rather than reference books.

Producer Jack L. Warner ana others conceived this motion picture presentation in bold and imaginative terms, and should prove to be an exciting film you won't want to miss.

Symphonette to Present Concert

On Tuesday, November 30 at 8:15 p.m. in the College auditorium, the Southeast Nebraska Symphonette will present their fall concert. Dr. Gilbert Wilson will direct the Symphonette in concert.

The musical numbers to be featured in the program will include the following: "Symphony in F" by Boccherini, "Secret Marriage" an .overture by Cmiaroso, "Selections from Faust" and a novelty number "The Musical Typewriter" to be performed by Dianne Dunn.

The Southeast Nebraska Symphonette is composed of business personnel, faculty members at Peru State and college and high school students. Members are drawn from towns in the surrounding area.

Proceeding the concert on November 30, preparations will begin for a spring concert to be presented on March 28, 1972.

Improvement of Food

The Student Center Board has initiated a committee to work to improve the food system at Peru. This committee will meet every week with Mr .Hunter to try to work out ways to bring better food service to the student.

Members and ideas are both needed to make this project a success. If anyone wishes to make a suggestion or become a member of the committee please contact either chairman Mike Kelly or Frank D'Addesa. Kelly believes that support is needed to bring on a change.

Tom Froehlich Still Trying

What would you do if you've had two knee operations; one while in high school and another while at Peru? Why, compete on the basketball team, of course.

Tom Froehlich is coming off his last injury as a result of the Bobcat's grid encounter with Tarkio. When questioned about the knee, he remarked that it was "about 70 per cent healthy."

The interview itself was quite refreshing. He is the awshucks modest type of guy who doesn't

Intramural VB Starts

Two rounds of intramural volleyball have been completed. The Studs defeated SuMad 20-18 in the first round. The Budmen won in a 21-16 game against the Whackers. The Dusters won 2813 over the SOB's.

The Wee Indians defeated the Double A's 19-1. The Alkies were victorious over the Wad Squad 19-10. The Roaches were defeated by Duffy's 25-11. The Dills won the Interleague game against the Brotherhood by a score of 19-14.

The Dills defeated the SOB's 20-5 in the second round. The Studs won in a 26-16 game against the Budmen. SuMad was triumphant over the Dusters 205.

The Wee Indians defeated the, Alkies 19-11. The Double A's lost to the Brotherhood 23-14. The Wad Squad was victorious over the Roaches by a score of 20-5.

Fifteen Schools Attend Clinic

Surpassing the expected number of 12 schools, 15 schools took part in the Band Clinic at Peru State Collge last weekend. Table Rock, Johnson-Brock and Wilbur sent band representatives even though they were not previously scheduled to attend.

The guest conductor Claude Smith was warmly received by the band members. Mr Smith has been hired to return next year, marking the first time one conductor has been scheduled for two appearances. One of Mr Smith's compositions, "Sonus Ventorum", was featured. He will present two new compositions at the National Band Meeting this year. Mr Smith

rehearsed with the ·band from 9:30 to 12:00 and from 1:30 to 5:00.

The band clinic next year will. take place on November 11. The clinic must be limited to 130 musicians because this is the maximum number the stage can seat. Promotion for next year's clinic will begin in the fall.

In 1867, the Missouri River cut. through a narrow neck near Peru andformed a new channel. Early settlers attested to the fact that they had seen as many as one thousand acres of their best land go into the river within twenty-four hours.

like to talk about his achievements. It took some prodding but this writer finally managed to have him talk about his prep laurels.

He had won All-State laurels in both football and basketball while attending Garrigan High School in Algona, Iowa. He also won letters in three sports (football, basketball, baseball) being the only freshman to accomplish that last year, the ·first in a some time at


Neb·raska City

Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.

Nov. 18-19-20

George Hamilton Sue Lyon m


Sun. - Mon. - Tues.

Nov. 21-22-23

James Garner m


Wednesday - Thursday

November 24-25

Jacqueline Susann's


Phone sn-3335

Member of F.D.l.C.

Invites PSC students to open Checking and Savings Accounts KEN'S


Peru,1Nebraska Phone 872-6355

Incense and Incense Burners Chess Sets Candles large Record Selection

One of the charming little ladles here for the V. B. Tourney.
Band Clinic members present program.
S:imon Drug Company Auburn

Cagers Open November 23

Jack Mcintire's Bobcat cagers of Peru State open the 1971-72 season at home Tuesday, November 23, at 7:30 p.m. against the Owls of Tarkio (Mo.) College. The alumni game will be the following. Tuesday, November 30. With six lettennen lost by graduation or not returning, Coach Mcintire faces rebuilding year in his 16th season as head coach.

Graduated Larry Green, three-year letterman from Brock, who averaged 22 points per game last season, will be replaced as postman 6-7 Rex Beatty, Peru, who sat out last year to become eligible after transfering from Augustana.

Two lettennen forwards from Cincinnati; Ohio, Earl Brown, 64 senior, and Nate Parks, 6-3, will bring experience in that position. Brown last season averaged 6.9 points per game, and Parks averaged 8.9.

A returning squadman, Don Monzingo, 5-10, junior from Omaha, and Roosevelt Washington 6-1, transfer from Jefferson Junior College, Festus, Mo., rate as probably starters in the guard position.

Mike Johnson, Oma1-,.· Tom Patton, Syracuse, and Clyde

Wilkins,_ Lake Charles, La., stalwarts of four seasons for the Bobcats · at guard were graduated. Steve Miller, Sidney, Iowa, has used his eligibility and Ananais Montague, Chicago, dropped out of school before the · close of the last season.

Promising returning squadmen include Guy Lammie, 6-0, guard from Peru, and Tom Craig, 6-8 forward, Overland Park, Kans.; Toni Froehlich, 60, Algona, Iowa, forward; Dave Green, 6-3, forward, Holdrege; and Jerome Stewart, 6-0, guard, Cincinnati, Ohio; Bob Bowen, 6-2 forward, Grand Island; Charles Heim, 6-3, forward, Dawson.

Other newcomers expected to contribute to the Bobcat cause are transfers Neil Burris, 6-1 sophomore from Louisiana State University, and Mike Yarbrough, 6-2 sophomore from Vanderbilt. The Dallas, Texas, cagers will become eligible the second semester.

The roster also includes four outstanding freshmen: Mike Applegate, 6-1 guard from Louisville; Bill Bailey, 6-1 guard from New Sharon, Iowa; Bob Craig, 6-8 center-forward from Overland Park, Kans., and Mike DeRuntz, 6-3, Granite City, ill., forward.

Wrestlers Open November 30

Head wrestling coach Harlan Krein's wrestling team has begun workouts for the 1971-72 season. This year's team has the top three scorers for last year's team reporting for drills, in addition to six returning lettennen.

Rod Wartman, last year's top wrestler with a 6-1 record, will hope to have another fine year. Larry Pracht, also a 6-1 performer on last year's squad, and Rick Black, with a 5-2 previous record, were second and third point scorers on last year's team. All three wrestlers have reported for workouts.

Warren Goos, Jack Stanley and Rick Davis are other lettermen.hoping to; bolster Bobcat success.

but will probably. make devastating mistakes. In wrestling, one major error will terminate the match."

Krein predicts the toughest opponents for this year's squad to be Nebraska Wesleyan, Chadron, Wayne, South Dakota Tech, Kearney, and Concordia.

However, Krein continues with a note of optimism, "The. Bobcats will be competitive and WILL NOT admire defeat. If our wrestlers work all week to perfonn successfully for eight minutes, this season will be interesting. Our opener against Nebraska Wesleyan, November 30at 7:30 p.m., will be one of our Rreatest challenges.''

PSC Loses

NAIA Title

Peru, the defending NAIA District II Cross-Country champion, lost its title to UNOmaha who totaled 28 points while Kearney finished second with 63 points, followed by the Bobcats with 72 in Elmwood Park, November 12.

Last year, Mcintire's harriers won the team title with 47 points. This yea:, however, the best finish for Peru was provided by junior Don Monzingo who covered the five-mile course in 27: 40 while finishing in 10th - place. Jack Weyers currently holds the course record-of 26:04 in 1969.


The football season is rapidly coming to an end and what a season it has been. There have been upsets and there have been close ball games that shouldn't have been close. This year has been a real bad one for the predictor and that includes yours truly. Instead of picking the scores and winners of the key games this week I will instead concentrate on two key games that will be played over the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

First let's look at the game that will pit two great southern teams against each other.

Auburn and Alabama will meet and this game is for all of the marbles in the SEC. The two teams have always been intense rivals and this year should be another great game. Alabama runs from the Wishbone-T offense and uses the ability of their great running back Johnny Musso. Musso has a supporting cast, but it is somewhat weak.

Johnny is the key to the Crimson Tide's attack. Musso is a good runner when he is healthy, but his pain index is very low. The Alabama defense is quick and pursues well, this is a plus on their side. The Auburn team relies mostly on their Hiesman Trophy candidate Pat Sullivan. Sullivan is one of the top QB in the business. He can run and throw with equal authority. His favorite target is swift Terry Beasley who has the knack to catch the ball in a crowd. Explosiveness is the word for Auburn. Auburn 29 Alabama 17.

"THE GAME OF T YEAR" finds Nebras traveling to Soonerland, not o playing for the Big Eight cro but also for the national cro First let's look at the Soon The offense for this team nothing short of devastatin With a group of swift runners Sooners work the Wishbone-T perfection. With Greg Pruitt a healthy Joe Wylie runnin the outside and Leon Crossw running through the middle Sooners attack is awes Opposing teams know what th are going to do but can't st them. If the Sooners have weakness it is their defens Throughout the year is has be somewhat porous. In the end th could be their downfall.

The Nebraska Cornhuske are a complete football tea Both the offense and defen compliment each other ve well. With Jerry Tagge at th helm either throwing the ball Johnny Rodgers, or handing to Jeff Kinney, the Husker fense will go. It is a methodi offense that can either grind the yardage or get in one g swoop. Adiversified offense th moves the ball is the way describe the Huskers. What ca one say about the best defense· the nation. They are not on! good and big, but they are quick and have great lateral movement. The line quickness is the Key to stopping the Soone running attack. The Huskers will be ready. The Thanksgiving Day shoot out should be a good one, Nebraska 35 Oklahoma 21.

Although the experienced wrest! ers are returning, freshman wrestlers have offered stiff competition, according to Coach Krein. The second year wrestling coach estimates from five to seven starting positions may be occupied by freshmen.

Last year's wrestling team, the first team ever for Peru State, held a respectable dual record of four wins and three losses.

Krein says of the upcoming season, "It will be difficult to win meets. We will have wrestlers in every weight class (there are ten) but five to seven of them will be freshmen. Our freshmen have good potential,

Dr. G. E.·

*Black was last year's third highest point winner

**Wartman was last year's top point scorer

***Pracht was last vear's second highest point winner


R&S TEXACO SERVICE (Formerly Peru Sinclair) Tires Mechanic Work Reasonable NEW OWNERS Bill Reeves Wayne Simpson
Mann OPTOMETRIST CONTACT LENSES CLOSED WED. P.M. & SAT. P.M. N.ibr. City 119 N 8th St. Phone 873-6180 Hahn Clothing Auburn, Nebraska
Name 197f71 Record Hometown Jack Stanley 4-3 Tama, Iowa Rick Black* 5-2 Millard, Nebr. Rod Wartman** 6-1 Calumet City, Ill. Rick Davis 5-2 Ainsworth, Iowa Larry Pracht*** 6-1 Carson, Iowa
Goos 4-3 Carson, Iowa
STUDENTS 10% OFF On All Your Purchases You Must Show Your I.D. Cards BILL'S CLOTHING & SHOES 1118 J St. Auburn, Nebr.

>F THE 'l'ebraska i, not only crown, tal crown. Sooners. team is vastating. lllilers the tbone-Tto Pruitt and ·unning to !rosswhite 1iddle the awesome. what they !an't stop ; have a defense. ; has been 1eend this 11. 'llhuskers all team. I defense her very at the he ball to mding off usker of1ethodical grind out )Ile great ·ens.ethat ! way to What can lefense in not only are quick lateral ckness is 1e Sooner ;kers will vingDay iood one. I 21.

Peru Pedagogian

NO. 11


THE SGA HAS DISBANDED! !! This shocking bit of news came after the SGA members, or what was left of the members voted to disband at the December 7 meeting. It seems as though the SGA has been plagued with resignations for some time.

The SGA is, or supposedly was the most powerful organization on this campus, and then they decide to disband because they aren't functioning.

The big question at hand now is whether or not the administrative committees appointed by the SGA will remain, or whether they will be dissolved also? Do you as students really realize what it would mean if these committees were dissolved? It means that the students would have no representation in the administration. Also if the Judiciary Board is dissolved, who will the students appeal parking tickets to?

This may seem like a minor matter, but it isn't, The Judiciary Board saves many students mal'ly a considerable amount of money each year.

The SGA represents the student body, and now our representation is hanging in the of the biggest reasons for the SGA taking such action, is because no one gives a damn about representation. Well it is about time some one started giving a damn! ! It's you the student body who should start caring.

If w-e just sit back and not care, what will happen next? We have to do something about this mess, and it has to be done now! !

SGA Votes to Disband

The Student Governing Association of Peru State College, at the December 7 meeting passed unanimously a resolution dissolving the SGA. Of 21 members, 14 were at the meeting, and voted on the resolution.

The -resolution states, "Resolved; that the Student Governing Association of Peru State College be reformed so that the students on administrative committees shall constitute total membership, with the Judiciary Board still meeting every week."

As to what will happen to the SGA at this point is unclear.

Debate Team Receives Trophy

'The Peru State debate team of Pat Castle, and Steve Long tied for second and received the third place trophy at the Wayne State Invitational Forensic Tournament last week end.

Debating in the novice class, Long and Castle have participated in three earlier tournaments this season, according to Debate Coach J. D. Levitt.

Two other debate teams from Peru State - Carol Muse and Devoe Manning, Julee Tillman and Dianne Forke also were entered in the debate and other forensic events.

sThe tournament concluded the debate season at Peru State for the fall semester. Fifteen colleges and universities from a four-state area were entered in the Wayne event.

SCB Plans

Skating Rink

An ice skating rink will_ be placed on the college baseball field through cooperation of the city, Chamber of Commerce, county, and, PSC, with the help of the SCB. IA students have been asked to help also.

The rink will be 80' by 100'. The college maintenance department will help as much as possible in setting the rink up and maintaining it.

Rules and policies will be set up in cooperation with the Peru Chamber of Commerce, since this will be a community project and not solely a college venture.

The recreation committee of SCB, headed by Pat Prose is responsible for the initial idea and further organization and handling of the project.

Wilson's Book Hits Market

Anew book, H. A. Vandercook the Teacher, written by Dr. Gilbert Wilson, associate professor of music, is currently on the market in Chicago.

Dr. Wilson hruY first-hand knowledge of Vandercook, having studied with him after World War II. Mr Vander Cook founded the VanderCook College of Music in Chicago and developed a curriculum for teaching music in the public schools. In addition he was instrumental in starting clinics and summer camps for band students.

The book arises from Dr. Wilson's thesis and occupied two years writing time and another year iri preparation for publishing. Mr J. D. Levitt. did the photography work for the book. This also consumed considerable time. according to Dr. Wilson; since· some of the original photos were torn and muddy.

Dr. Wilson feels his book is useful both historically and as instructional media and will benefit both teachers and students. The book tells the history of Mr Vander Cook his accomplishments, and his teaching techniques.

H. A. Vandercook the Teacher will be reviewed in an upcoming issue of the Nebraska Music Educators Magazine and will soon be available in the Bobcat Bookstore for $3.00 per copy.

The book will be promoted at the National Midwest Band

New Courses Added to Night Classes

Three new courses have been added to Wednesday evening class offerings at PSC for the second semester, according to Dr. Keith L. Melvin, vicepresident of a.cademic affairs.

The addition makes a total of 15 classes available for the second semester.

The new courses include Health and Reference Library Seminar, which will be offered during the first period, from 5:00 to 7:40 p.m., and Educational Psychology during the second period from 7:45 until 10:10 p.m.

Other classes available during the evening program include:

First period - Psychology of the Exceptional Child, Principles of Early Childhood Education, Art Appreciation, Short Story, Home Planning, Geography of Africa, and Public Finance.

Second period - Nebraska Literature, Income Tax Accounting, Astronomy, Introduction to Date Processing, and State and Local Government.

Clinic in Chicago Dec.14 through 18. The event is attended ann11ally by some 7,000 band directors and their bands and orchestras. Dr. Wilson will travel to Chicago for the Clinic.

Xmas Vacation Starts Dec. 21

According to Dr. Kelly Li ewer, the last day of classes for P.S.C. students, for Christmas vacation will be Tuesday, December 21. Students must attend all classes on this day.

Registration for second semester will be Monday, January 10 for seniors, juniors, and some sophomores. The remainder of the sophomores and the freshmen will register Tuesday, January 11.

Dr. Liewer points out that students who fail to register on the above dates will be charged an extra $10 for late registration fee. Any changes made in the student's schedule after Wednesday, January 19 will cost an additional $5. Final date for adding a class to the schedule will be Friday, January 21.

Original One· Act To Be Presented

"The Token" an original oneact play by Dan Wirth and Julee Tillman. will be presented in the Fine Arts Exhibition Court on Monday, December 13 at 8 p.m. The play is being directed by Wirth. It depicts a man's struggle with his inner self.

The cast includes Bob Wernsman, Dale Burke, Mike Kelly, and Linda Stubbendeck. Technical assistance for the show will be proviced by Bob Olson, Kay Albin, Sylvia Gyler, and Diane Forke.

If Christmas didn't already exist, man would have had to invent it. There has to be at least one day in the year to remind us we're here for something besides our general cussedness - Eric Sevareid.

Perhaps the angels who fear to tread when fools rush in used to be fools who rushed inFranklin P. Jones.

People far prefer happiness to wisdom, but that is like wanting to be immortal without getting older - Syndey J. Harris.

sStanley Gottula, Dennis Robertson, Vernon Hazen and Bruce Goodwin of the Industrial arts Club_ are aiding the student Center board by making the stakes for the ice skating pond. The pond is scheduled to be riooded as soon as it is cold enough.

What To Do In Peru?

What is there to do in Peru?

This may seem like a relevant question to many students, but the drab answers it sometimes receives are without merit. Peru offers many avenues to enjoyment.

Granted, Peru is not the San Francisco of the plains, but it still offers nany opportunities for hours · of fun and enjoyment. There is no reason for a student to stare at the walls of his dormitory and feel sorry for himself for lack of anything better to do. Peru is only what one makes it it, so get out and look around.

Concerts, plays, lectures, dances, and recitals are presented on campus throughout the year. These are not only presented by students but also by faculty members, guest speakers, and professional artists. An important part of the entertainment schedule is the student-planned and studentdirectoo productions, which give any student the opportunity to participate.

There were some complaints about the Shakespeare production that was presented earlier in the year, but how many people gave it a chance? No doubt, many students were suffering from boredom when they could have been enjoying the play.

Nature lovers are not to be denied either. Hikes and outings in the hills surrounding Peru can fill many spring and fall hours. Horse-back riding at the nearby Ponderosa can also be enjoyed. The Missouri River is only minutes away for all those interested in angling. Students can also find the solace of nearby Neal Park.

The sports-minded student also has opportunities for enjoyment. Varsity athletics gives many the opportunity to observe their favorite sport and the intramural programs gives many more students a chance. to participate. There is an intramural program for both men and women.

The Bob-Inn is a handy place for those that just wish to chat over a cup of coffee or a soda. If you enjoy bridge or any other card game - this is the place to go. Adjacent to the Bob-Inn is a game room equipped with.pool tables and a ping-pong table.

The night spots of Peru are no match for those of Chicago, but many students enjoy congregating at Duffy's or Eldon's. They may be simple but they're still good for fun and light conversation.

Even the winter snow has advantages for enjoyment, as there aren't any. rules prohibiting building snow structures on the campus. This opportunity always brings out creativity from some of the more "cold-blooded" students. These same students can also spend an afternoon sledding on a nearby hill.

Dorm life is usually uneventful, but it does offer time for sociability. Actually, dorm life is what you make of it. It can be a place for visiting, studying, •Or just a hideway for relaxing.

If you live off campus, you can always invite some friends over Anyone can join clubs or organizations. In short enjoy - yourself and don't 11se the apothetical line, "there is nothing to do."

Steve Gage, Marjorie Hayes, and Rick Black

An item in the 1904-1905 Peru Handbook states: The Y. M. C. A. bathroom is open to all members of the association. The privileges of the bathroom are worth many times the price of a membership ticket.

If you made a list of re.asons why any couple got married, and another list of the reasons for their divorce, you'd have a lot of overlapping Mignon McLaughlin.


Seniors living the Omaha area will have an opportunity to talk with Omaha employers who want to hire college graduates for .work in Omaha.

Any student will be free to interview with as many employers as he chooses and as tinie permits.

Pla-ce: Civic Auditorium

Time: December 28, 1971 (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

Prepaid postcards for registering available on various bulletin boards or in Placement Office Ad 307. ·

Submitted by: H. W. Johnson, Director Placement Services.

· High School Visitation Program

The School & Community Relations Committee is inviting any student interested in visiting their area high schools during the Christmas Vacation to a meeting in the Fine Arts Auditorium on Wednesday, December 15 at 9:10 a.m. (convo period).

The Committee will have a packet of materials available for each student which will include all forms and information used by Gary Hoemann, PSC admission advisor, to advise prospective high school students. The School & Community Relations Committee will inform each high school that a representative from Peru State will be visiting the high school during the vacation to. talk to students frequently asked by high school seniors and an oppdl'tunity for discussion will also be a part of the meeting. We invite any student interested in presenting the positive aspects and advantages of attending Peru State to come to the meeting.

Upcoming SCB events

December 14 Movie: "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf?" 7 p.m.

F.A. Aud.

December 16 Christmas Dance Music by "Genesis" an all girl band ·from Minheapolis 9 p.m. in the Gym.

December 17 Movie: "Psycho" (full version) 7 p.m. F.A. Aud.

All movies will be shown twice if necessary

All events sponsored by SCB, paid for by Student Program Fee

Christmas at the Dorms

Christmas season is approaching very quickly, as seen by many of the students on Peru State College Campus.

The college dorms are joining in on the celebration as they plan open houses. Some.of the reports ate as follows:

Morgan Hall is having their open house Monday, December 13, from 6 till 9:30 p.m. There, will be a Christmas Tree in the lobby and cookies and punch will be served. Every girl is-urged to bring cookies and help serve punch some time during the night.

Delzell Hall's open house was Thursday, December 9, from 8 till 10 o'clock p.m. There was a sock-hop, featuring the Golden Oldies (records). The sock-hop was held in the game room and plenty of food was provided.

Davidson-Palmer Hall is having there open house Sunday, December 12, from 6 till !fr o'clock a.m. The dorm will be alive with many Christmas decorations, a Christmas Tree in tile lobby, and the serving of punch and cookies also. Every girl is required to bring a dozen cookies, and each room is required to work at least fifteen minutes at the punch bowl.

Hall's open house was December 9, from 6 till 10 o'clock p.m. The dorm served cookies and punch, and a Christmas Tree decorated the lobby. ·

A tally this week indica forty students still owe un · balances on copies of the l. peruvian. These students sho ,bring their money to Mr Ev Browning's office on the s floor of the Education Buil

It is possible that this c cause a hold on semester gra for these students.

Business Manager Ja Montang also reported that e· campus organizations and four classes still have not dered pages for the year Presidents or sponsors sh notify zJanie immedia whether or not pages desired.

Movie to be Shown Tuesday

"Who's Afraid of Virg· Woolf?" will be shown Tues December 14, at 7:00 p.m. in Fine Arts Auditorium.

•11 Elizabeth Taylor and Rich Burton star in it and S Dennis and George Segal are co stars. "Virginia Woo received 13 Academy Aw nominations and won fi oscars.

"Who's Afraid of Virg· Woolf?" is sponsored by student Center Board and p for by the Student Progr Fees. Student I. D. 's must shown and a second show will run if necessary.

Thanksgiving Enjoyed Away From Home

Counciling Service Started at Peru

Adraft counseling service has been started for students with problems or questions about their draft status.

The Draft Information Center is in the lower level of the United Ministeries Church, formerly the Christian Church, on 5th street in Peru.

The center is open Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:30 P.M. Appointments at other times may be made by calling Jerry Greany at 872-6870.

Jerry Greany founded the organization "for each person to analyze his case with a quajified counselor so that he fully urtderstands all the existing possibilities."

For the six Peru students w stayed at their respective dor · for the Thanksgiving rec there was the tradition festivities of the holiday.

Mrs Mary Kunkel, the Delz Hall housemother, supplied "home away from home" mosphere with a large tur dinner which she spent m hours of preparation on. Tli meal, which was served in th Delzell lobby, resulted in man compliments to the first ye housemom. Also present at the meal wer the two daughters and son ( Peru graduates) of Mrs Kunk and their families. The Nebraska-Oklaho · football game was seen in th dorm's television loung following the dinner.

The Pedagogian

Publisked weekly by tke students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421


John Thomas Editor-in-Chief

Margie Lewis · Society

Steve Long ' News

Mike Summers Photography

Jerry Steele Sports

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Business Managers

Mr. Everett Browning Advisor

The opinions expressed are those of the writers and not necessarily those of Peru State College.


1g re ·adition .ay. he Delze pplied the 1ome" at· ge turkey ent many on. The' red in th I in man first year

Studs Lead Intramural Volleyball

6-1. The Dills are second in the National League with six wins

Two rounds of intramural triumphant over the Dusters 20- and one loss. The Budmen are in volleyball have been completed. 5. - - • third place with a record of 4-3.

The Studs defeated SuMad 20-18 The Wee Indians defeated the SuMad and the Whackers are the first round. The Budmen Alkies 19-11. The Double A's lost tied with three wins and four n in a 21-16 game against the to the Brotherhood 23-14. The losses each. ackers. The Dusters won 28- , Wad Squad was victorious over .The Dusters forfeited and are 13 over the SOB's. ' the Roaches by a score of 20-5. thus eliminated from com-

The Wee Indians defeated the The Whackers won the In- , petition. The SOB's have won DOuble A's 19-1. The Alkies were terleague game against Duffy's one .game and lost six

victorious over the Wad Squad ":Vith the final score reading 21-6. The Wad Squad and Duffy's 19-10. The Roaches were - are tied for third place on the efeated by Duffy's 25-11. The The Studs lead the National American League with three

l TACT is the rare ability to i keep silent while two friends are I argipng, and you know both of I, them are wrong - Hugh Allen in Knoxville.

No one has completed his education who has not learned to live with an insoluable problem - Edmund J. Kiefer.

It's not a question of who's going to throw the first stone; it's a question of who's going to start building with it - Salon Wilson.

Varsity Beats Alumni

The Peru State Varsity slipped past the Alumni, 83-79 Dec. 1. Nate Parks led the Varsity with 26 points, while Larry Green led his team with 17. Peru State 42 41-83 Alumni 42 37-79

Peru State-Parks 26, Beatty 17, Froehlich 13, Brown 9, Bowen 8, Washington 4, Lammie 2, Monzingo 2, DeRuntz 2. Alumni-Green 17, Rathe 17, .Yopp 16, Patton 13, Estes 12, Johnson 4.

works hard for a pin in last weeks

won the match. ills won the Interleague game League in the intramural wins and four losses. The ainst the Brotherhood by a volleyball competitions Roaches have won two games e of 19-14. following seven rounds with and lost five. The Double A's and e Dills defeated the SOB's seven wins and no losses. The the Brotherhood forfeited their

If you love life, lifewill love you back - Arthur Rubinstein. in the second round. The wee Indians and the Alkies' are games and are eliminated from uds won in a 26-16 game tied for the position on the competition gainst the Budmen. was American league with records of


Mark Hahn, Julee Tillman and Carol Muse gave an outstanding performance in "No Exit" Thursday night. The play was entirely studen,t produced and directed. Director was Pat Castle.
Warren Goos match Wesleyan. Peru .state
------------m!!--------. H.ahn .Clothing Auburn, Nebraska Can you shoulder it? A Lieutenant of Marines. Command a Marine platoon or pilot a multi-million dollar Phantom jet At your a9e that's more responsibility than most men will ever know. Can you shoulder It? You begin leadership training to earn your lieutenant's bars next summer. If you can handle the job, the Corps will make you a Lieutenant of Marines the day you graduate. Introduce yourself to the Marine Officer who visits your campus. TheMarines are looking for afew good men to lead. Dr. G. Mann OPTOMETRIST CONTACT LENSES CLOSED WED. P.M. & SAT. P.M: Nebr. City 119 N 8th St. Phone 873-6180 "For details, C:aptain Taylor will be in the student center on December 14th and 15th from I0 a.m. to }_p'.m. · ·.BANK OF PERU Phone sn-3335 Member of F.D.l.C. Invites PSC students to open Checking and Savings Ac.counts Incense and Incense Burners Chess Sets Candles Large Record Selection Simon Drug Company Auburn KEN'S IGA KEil: JOHNSON GROCERIES- MEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Phone an-6355 For some straight forward answers about life insurance, ask Tom Soukup. That's his business. And it's also his business to know the needs of today's college man. He's one of the leading representatives of the College Defender; the college plan for the college man. THOMAS J, SOUKUP MIDWESTERN FINANCIAL SERVICES. INC. BOX 5442 STATION C LINCOLN. NEBRASKA 685-05 Business: 4:l4-1653 Residence: 434·3628 A DIVISION OF Americm Defender Life lnsu1ance Company

Goal in Final Seconds Puts Peru Ahead 61-60

Never, thus far into the season, have so many done so much so often. The Peru cagers defeated a taller foe, Doane, 6160, December 7, on a fade-away jump shot by Guard Rosey Washington with just seven seconds remaining settle the issue. Perhaps the Tigers received more than they had bargained for. Little did they know when they took the court that night that they were about to encounter a pack of hungry cats. The taste of victory still fresh from their conquest over Alvert Lea (Minn.) only four nights before. It was nip n' tuck all the way. It was that kind of a game.

The contest started out as expected. The favored Tigers jumped out to an early lead, 1613, after the first ten minutes. That lead grew to 26-18, an eight point bulge, their biggest lead of the evening. Then "The Pack" went to work, a 6-3 freshman by the name of Mike DeRuntz cut the lead to six, 26-20 on a shot just lll!derneath the hoop. Tom Froehlich added two more on a driving layup, while Bob Bowen had the audacity to drop in two free throws in a one and one situation to pull his teemmates within two, 26-24. The Tigers then got it together for awhile, building to 34-29. Afree throw by Washington followed by two

more by guard Guy Lammie pulled 1: 19 remaining in the half, enter one hostile coach from Doane (whose name escapes me now) who lost in a heated discussion with the officials, thus awarding Peru two Technical four shots that tied it up 34-34. The Bobcats entered their den at halftime ahead, 3834.

Five minutes gone into the third period, the Tigers tied it up 39-39. With 13 '.38 to play, Rex Beatty fouled out. Peru pulled out in front again on a jump shot by Earl Brown, rebounding by DeRuntz and a host of others, until they led by 51-44 at the ten minute mark, Peru's biggest lead of the night. Peru's hopes took another nosedive when with 8:48 remaining Bob Bowen also fouled out. The contest was tied for the fifth time, 51-51 with 8: 11 remaining. From then on it was strictly run-and-gun for both squads. With just over two minutes left, the invaders pulled within one, 59-58. Dave Green took possession of an important rebound after Doane had forged ahead, 60-59. ·A missed freethrow by Washington gave Doane the ball with must 17 seconds to play. The Tigers were then called on over and back across the midcourt line, thus setting up Washington's last second heroics.

Bobcats Regain Composure After Early Season Doldrums

William Penn Tournament

"We're awfully green, llut I feel that the Bobcats will come back," that was Coach Jack Mclntire's comment following his cagers 89-74 consolation triumph over Albert Lea (Minn.) in the William Penn Tournament held at Oskaloosa, Iowa, December 3-4, which the Peruvians won a year ago.

In their opening contest with Iowa Wesleyan the cold-shooting Bobcats, who were 17-7 last season, were crushed 98-56. In this Friday night contest, Nate Parks teamed with center Rex Beatty to share scoring honors with ten ·points apiece. Iowa Wesleyan shot 53 per cent from the field and converted 69 per cent from the charity stripe while Peru could manage only 25 per cent from the field and 44 per cent from the free-throw line.

The Bobcats had to wait until Saturday night for their first victory in three starts, stopping Alvert Lea (Minn.) College 8974. The cagers came back just as Coach Mcintire predicted. The Peruvians, converted 39 per cent of their shots from the floor and 63 per cent of their charity tosses. In their first win of a 24game season, forward Earl Brown, a native of Cincinatti, Ohio, led the attack by totaling 29 points and 26 rebounds. His effort was aided by 6-7 Rex Beatty when the big center hit for 24 points, while pulling in 12 rebounds. Peru's record now stands at 1-3 with Northwest Missouri College being their next foe December 18, at home.

Tarkio. 0 Peru

Tarkio College spoiled Peru's 1971-72 basketball debut by dumping the Bobcats' 74-53, November 23 at Peru.

Senior Nate Parks, a 6-4 forward from Cincinnati, Ohio, led the Bobcat attack by dropping in 16 points and gathering in eight rebounds while fellow Senior Earl Brown followed right behind with 15 points and 14 rebounds. The closest Mclntire's cagers could do was 62-49 with 6: 4-0 remaining in the final period. With the exception of Bob Bowen, every Bobcat scored in the opening contest for both schools.

Wrestlers Defeat WU

Kim Tennal piilned .his opponent Tuesday evening and led his Peru State team mates to a 29-12 wrestling victory over Nebraska Wesleyan University. The 158-lb. Sabetha, Kans., frosh downed Jim Pollock 8n 4: 29 in his match in the inaugural meet for both teams.

A large crowd, including many area high school wrestlers witnessed the 10-match card, plus four exhibitions by Peru grapplers.

Bobcat coach Harlan Krein was high in his praise not only for Tennal, but also for Ken Boettcher, 142-lb. freshman from Omaha South, and Dean

Anstey, Cumberland, Iowa, Freshman. The Bobcats were aided in their victory when Wesleyan did not fill the 118-lb and 126-lb weight classes.

The results:

Results by·weight class:

118 - R.D. Arnold (Peru) forfeit.·

126 - Gary Lesoing (Peru) by forfiet.

134 - Stve Wall (Wesleyan) dee. Bill StlB'geon. (Peru) 4-2.

142 - Ken Boettcher (Peru) dee. Mark Everett. (Wesleyan)


150 Mike Everett (Wesleyan) dee. Rod Wartman (Peru) 6-2.

158 - Kim Tennal (Peru) pinned Jim Pollock (Wesleyan


167 - Larry Pracht (Peru) dee. Don Stewart (Wesleyan) 8-


Wahoo college abs0rbed a 45-6 defeat at the hands of Peru State. This gave Peru State the chance to meet Bellevue college for the top spot in the qµadrangular event.

Two pins andfour forfeits helped the Bobcats to take top honors. Gary Lesoing gained his secong pin of the meet, and Rick Davis also gained a pin. Jack Stanley, Rod Wartman,· Jim McKean and Warren Goos won forfeits. 45-6 was the result, as the Peru State grapplers had little trouble in gaining top honors.

Greta Opens With Win

Greta E. Eckert, top former for Eckert Kenn recently won· her first offi race at Taunton, Massachus ra:ce track. Her winning ti was 37.93 seconds for% of a in class AA. In winning, defeated ''Dot's Doll" w recently won the Gold Co Stakes at Taunton.

177 - Warren Goos (Peru) dee. Dale Coates (Wesleyan) 13-


The wre8tlers met Nebraska Wesleyan on the mat and gained a victory over the Lincoln team. A number of forfeits were registered in Monday's dual affair. Harlan Krein has all weights filled. This is a trick that no opponent thus far has been able to match.

190 - Willie Sapp (Wesleyan) dee. Dean Anstey (Peru) 8-6.

HWT 8 Sam Martin (Wesleyan) dee. Jim Rezac (Peru) 4-0.

Peru Wins Triangular

Peru State won its own quadrangular wrestling meet held on the Peru State campus Monday afternoon. Doane, Bellevue, and John F. Kennedy college were all soundly defeated by head coach Harlan Krein's wrestlers.

Peru's first meet of the afternoon was against Doane. The outcome was a far cry from the Peru-Doane basketball game. The basketball game was a real squeaker, while Peru blitzed Doane's wrestling squad by a 450 count. Three forfeits and two pins aided the host team's cause. R.D. Arnold and Gary Lesoing gained forfeits while Rod Wartman and Ken Boettcher gained pins over their opponents. Doane failed to score in the match.

John Fi Kennedy also found the Bobcats rough going, as the

To build the Peru State gymnasium it took 15 men 63,180 hours of work over a period of 18 months. It also took 3,240,000 polll!ds of cement.

Greta was entered in Taunton Derby and ran 3rd the first elimination November 10. Before going Taunton, she raced at Sodr Park in North Sioux City, So Dakots, which· closed for season October 4. Greta ran the Sodrac Derby for the sec year in a row, being the o finalist of eight to accom this feat. Taunton closed season on November 27 a Greta will now be running at track ln Colorado. Greta owned by Larry Eckert who is student at PSC.

December 12-13-14

Sean Bury

Anicee Alvina FRIENDS

Returning letterman wrestlers Rick Davis, Warren Goos, Larry Pracht, Student Manager Kurt Frohling, Jack Stanley and Rod Wartman
TEXACO SERVICE (Formerly Peru Sinclair) Tires Mechanic Work Reasonable NEW OWNERS Bill ·Reeves Wayne Simpson
PIONEER THEATRB Neb·raska City Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.
December 9-10-11 WILLY WONKA The Chocolate Factory Color Sun. - Mon. - Tues.

IS going at Sodr ::ity, So d for eta ran the seco the o 1ccompli closed 'r 27 a 1ning at Greta rt who is a

Peru PedagOgian

SGA Rejuvenates

Peru State SGA members Dec. 14 withdrew the resolution to reform the organization, which had been passed at a Dec. 7 meeting of the group. The resolution read:

"Resolved; that the Student Governing Association of Peru State College be reformed so that the students on administrative committees shall constitute total membership with the Judiciary Board still meeting every week."

College President Neal S. Gomon told SGA President Steve Long that he did not want students elected to administrative committees. In the past these members have been appointed by the SGA.

The objective of the Dec. 14 meeting was to determine what the student body should do about the current confused situation. About 30 interested students, Dr. Guy Rosenberg, Vice-President of student affairs, and Dr. Thomas Scherer, gliidance and counseling, attended the meeting, and opening action withdrew the previously mentioned resolution.

The group elected Dr. Scherer and Mr Roger Salmela, history instructor, as the new organizational sponsors.

ATime For Reflection

Last week in Northern Ireland, in the town of Belfast, a bomb exploded in a crowd of Christmas shoppers. Eighteen people were buried a fallen wall. Beneath the rubble, frantic rescuers found four bodies, two of them were babies.

In a land of violence, where senseless death has become a way of life, the inhuman slaughter of two children beckons thru the smoke of misunderstanding and hatred surrounding the turmoil in Northern Ireland. It is a cry, a plea that men live together in peace, where the only violence a child might see is an irate father over a report card.

In eight days, Christians throughout the world will celebrate. the birth of their Messiah. The celebration is called Christmas. And in the midst of this celebration, Christians are killing one another and more tragic, children are dying. People shake their heads and sigh. Children flutter in the throes of agony and die.

Christians sing of "Joy to the World," and of sleeping "in heavenly peace." In Northern Ireland, this Christmas will hold little joy to those who have lost loved ones thru death.

John Wayne once said something of great insight. To paraphrase him "Children are wonderful, too bad they grow up to be people." But two children in Northern Ireland will not grow up. Perhaps they have found their "heavenly peace."



Statement of Purpose:

In recognizing the need to be attuned to an ever-changing society, _the students of Peru State College believe the primary objective of the college is to promote the understanding of rights, priviledges and responsibilities of participation in a democratic society. Such a width of understanding will enable the students to best facilitate the college community, in which they live.


The name of this organization shall be the Student Governing Association, hereinafter referred to as the SGA.


The SGA sall be composed of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and the Student Body.


The SGA shall have two advisors, one advisor shall be elected by the SGA each year for a two year term and approved by the President of the College.


Sec. 1. The SGA elections will be held during the third in April.

Sec. 2. Any student who is a candidate for SGA president, vicepresident, secretary, or treasurer must present the SGA with a petition bearing the signatures and Social Security numbers of fifty Peru State College students.

Sec. 3. Any student who is a candidate for an administrative committee, (Student Affairs Commission, Academic Affairs Commission, Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee, School and Community Relations Committee, Student Conduct Committee, Library Committee, or Teacher Education Committee), shall follow the same procedure and shall then be appointed by SGA

Sec. 4. The petitions will be worded as follows: We the undersigned do believe that (Student's name) should be allowed to be a candidate for (Office desired).


Sec. 1.. The president shall preside over all regular meetings, executive committee meetings and may call special meetings with a petition of twenty-five members. The president shall be the representative head of the student body.

Sec. 2. The vice-president shall assume the responsibility of the president in case of the president's absence, and shall assist the president in carrying out necessary duties.

President Steve Long proposed a new amendment to the SGA constitution, which would change the membership of the organization from representatives of the campus to the entire student body. The amendment reads:

"The SGA shall be composed of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Student Body."

This amendment will be presented to the student body at second semester registration. This amendment and other alternatives will be listed so that students may vote to decide what form the SGA will assume.

The reasoning behind this suggestion is that every student will have a voice in making decisions. This should eliminate the problem of students always blaming others. If this amendment is enacted, inaction is the fault of the entire student body.

President Steve Long said he hopes this suggestion will bring the students together and they will work together for the benefit of the school and the goals of the students.

-'-Finals are alarming and earth shattering. They wake you up when you are asleep, and put you asleep when you read the first question.

Sec. 3. The secretary Shall take the minutes of the meetings and present a copy to the following: the Preisdent of the College, and Vice-President of Student Affairs, and the editor of the college newspaper.

Sec. 5. The treasurer shall be responsible for taking care of all SGA debts, shall handle financial records, and shall submit monthly to the SGA the current SGA financial status.


Sec. 1. Each organization· shall be reqqired to have on file a written statement of their constitution.

Sec. 2. The SGA shall review and initiate rules governing student conduct and shall assist in their enforcement.

Sec. 3. The SGA Shall hear all major complaints and suggest procedes regarding them.

Sec. 4. The SGA will assist with Freshmen Welcome Week.

Sec. 5. The SGA shall appoint eight members to the Parking Appeals Committee.


Sec. 1. The Parking Appeals Committee is a branch of the SGA of Peru State College. It's primary function shall be to review parking appeals and act upon those appeals.

Sec. 2. The Chairman of the Parking Appeals Committee shall be determined by a vote of its members.


Sec. 1. The executive committee shall be composed of the four officers and four members to be appointed by the SGA.


Sec. 1. The SGA shall meet every third Tuesday of the month at a prescribed time and place.

Sec. 2. Roberts Rules of Order shall determine proCl'!dure except when suspended by a majority vote of the members present.

Sec. 3. Special meetings may be called by the president of the SGA with a petition of twenty-five members.


The SGA shall receive funds in an amount sufficient to carry out its responsibilities to the student of Peru State College from the state.


Term for SGA officers shall be from the beginning of the 1st summer session until the end of the following spring semester.


An amendment to be added will be introduced during a regwar meeting and discussed at that time. Voting on amendments will be at the following meeting.

:ity - Sat.
Tues. 3-14 na
1} VOL. 67 NO. :fl'
' •


When I first heard the S.G.A. had disbanded I asked myself can a few or possibly more apathetic students deprive the whole student body of a student government? Also, isn't the S.G.A.'s responsibility to maintain meaningful com-· munication between the students and faculty? If this is true who will represent the student to the faculty if there is no S.G.A.

The S.G.A.'s function is also to review and initiate rules governing student conduct on the campus. Since there is no longer an S.G.A. then there are no longer these rules which can put the student body in a helterskelter type of government.

I've been told a student that was attending an S.G.A. meeting was refused the right to speak at one of their sessions. How can the student be represented when he cannot be heard?

My solution to this problem of no Student Governing Association is to give the power back to the student not to the few representatives because it is proven they don't know how to use their power.

"The Token"

Presented Dec. 13

On Monday, December 13, something new was tried at PSC. "The Token," an original oneact play written by van Wirth and Julee Tillman, and directed by Wirth was presented in the Exhibition Court of the Fine Arts Center. The cast included: Dale Burke, Mike Kelly, Bob Wernsman, ·and· Linda Stubbendeck. This was the first production ever to be presented in the court.

The acting area was divided into three areas, an office,. a living room and a bus stop. Each of the areas represented a stage or facet of man's struggle. The theme was that of the hollow existence of man. This hollow existence is, because the demands of society drain life of all beauty and purpose.

Mr. Drama Person Leaving PSC

Mr Bolton, drama instructor, will be ·leaving Peru State College at the end of this semester. He will have an assistantship in teaching and will be working for his PHD at Florida State University, 'falahassee, Florida.

Before coming to Peru, Mr Bolton taught for one year at Dana College, Blair, Neb.raska. He attended college at Wilmington, Ohio, and received his Masters Degree from the University of Denver, Denver, Colorado.

Mr Bolton's parting comments were, "I think the students should have more direct control over their social and academic lives at Peru State College; and teachers ought to relate to students as human beings. If the students don't take more direct control, Peru State College will die." This school has the potential to do some very innovative and exciting things but it is not doing it. There's too much dead weight."

Club Enjoys Ski Trip

Eleven Newman Club members spent their Thanksgiving vacation on a ski trip to Colorado.

The group left Peru for Loveland, Colorado after classes Wednesday afternoon. They arrived at Loveland late Wednesday night and stayed in the dorms at Loretta Heights College.

ski mstruction was offered.for the less talented members of the trip. The members skied all day Thursday, and that afternoon the traditional Thanksgiving dinner was substituted by a Thanksgiving smorgasboard.

Friday and Saturday were spent at the Vales Ski Course. The groups rented a condominium to stay in at Vale, and did their own cookiJ)g for the last two days of the trip. Several of the members commented that the Vales's course did not have as many bare spots as Loveland's. ·

"Saturday while we were

skiing, the snow was coming so fast, I bet you couldn't see twenty yards in front of you," commented Jerry Symancyk.

The group left Vale about 9:00 Sunday morning. One of the two cars broke down after encountering snowy weather and caused a delay in returning. The skiers finally arrived back in Peru late Sunday night, with not a single casuality from the slopes. As Bonnie Stemper stated, "there was never a dull moment."

Members participating in trip were: Carol Goracke, Mickey Welch, Theresa Krontz, Diana Schneider, Bonnie Stemper, Tom Tarnacki, Jerry Syri:tancyk, Dave Lainez, Dave Jubinville, Mike O'Brien, Charlie Fox, and sponsor Father John McCabe of Nebraska City.

The Newman Club's raffle and bake sale, provided funds for the trip. Each member paid approximately $50.00 for the entire trip.


Issue Editor No. t 1 The

Let there be a President, Vice President, Treasurer, anc1. Secretary, but no represen· tatives. Invite all students to attend the meetings and be their own reoresentative. Let them vote on issues which will need a solution. If you care about your school, you will attend the meetings and participate, if not keep the complaints to yourself. This idea of electing parasitic representation must be stopped.

Dept. of Amplification

Just got back from a toot to the north country where Uncle Lunk was regaling the family about how the SGA is finally getting something done. In his day they used to have town haII meetings where he used to come and vote on important issued. Now he says the town just got too big. "Them folks at Peru State CoIIege sure are lucky to be small enough to be able to still have an opportunity to have direct democracy," Uncle Lunk told us.

I started thinking about direct democracy at Peru and decided it would be a good thing. People would represent their own interests then. They would have a direct say in what goes on at Peru. The students would start to work together and accomplish something as a whole, the way it should be!

Published weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF

John Thomas Editor-in-Chief

Margie Lewis _ Society

Steve Long News

Mike Summers Photography

Jerry Steele Sports

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Business Managers

Mr. Everett Browning Advisor

You'rze NOT qOJNGi TO MA'(:E A MOCKERY OF Tl1f /.JlfEGT CAMPlJS CONDUCl6P BY Tf1E ?€XL.JAL f!<f;EPOM LEAGUE The cast of "The Token" was <L to R> Bob Wernsman, Dale Burke, Linda Stubbendeck and Mike Kelly.
Frank D' Addessa These are the students that went on the ski trip. (Left to Right) Tom Tarnacki, Chades Fox, Mike -O'Brien, Dave Jubinville, Father John McCabe, Bonnie Stemper, Jerry Symancyk, Michele Welch, Carol Goracke, and Theresa Krontz. Missing from picture Diane Schneider, and Dave Lainez.

Don ·Carlile to leave PSC


.G.A. 1yself more the 1dent the to com· dents ! who :o the I.. !so to rules !t on 1 can elter· t. that eting akat ·can when mof ·ning ower efew it is >W to Vice anc ts to their them a your the if not rself. asitic pped. dessa .o the Lunk tbout !Uing they tings vote v he big. State o be still have l.unk irect !ided le I in.Ve a n at >tart plish ay it 1ief ety •rts lOil ers sor

stated, enthusiasm and support had dropped.

·Don Carlile, Director of Special Services at Peru .since 1956, puts in his last day on December 15, 1971. Come January 3, 1971 he will assume the position of Director of Placement at Northwest Missouri State College, Maryville.

Carlile came to Peru in 1954 as the Assistant Director <?f Special Services. His work has been mainly concerned with con· tacting prospective students for Peru and preparing publications to interest students in Peru · State.

Carlile felt the most satisfying part of his job was "the op-. portunity to get to know kids while they are still kids, then to see them reach maturity and go out and contribute to society."

As secretary of the Peru Alumni Association he as gotten to know many Peru Staters and he feels that they take a back seat to no one as far as accomplishments go. He also feels there is something unique about

Peru graduates. He thinks it is because sttltlents who choose to come to a small school in a small town do it for the same reason. And that causes them to form close and lasting friendships.

Carlile said he has seen five alumni chapters organized since he has been at Peru. There is one in Northern California, Southern California, Omaha, Lincoln, and the Rocky Mountain Area.

Carlile concluded the in· terview with this statement.

"You can't be a part of a place as long as I have and not feel like it's a part of you." He says he plans on making frequent visits to the Campus of a Thousand Oaks.


Peru State Nornial School was important in the influencing of itself outside of this state. In the beginning it was developing a national reputation, and other states copied some of the methods it used.

vernment kes Action

Whatever the reasons for the dissolvement, President Gomon made it clear that the simple act. of the S.G.A. coming together and voting on it does not make it s0 Gomon said that although the Student Governing Association Student Governing may be deserted, it still exists. iation decided to disband There may be no members in it 7, 1971, or dissolve or to make it function but the ad·

FOR SALE - Peru College texts for these courses: Hist. 201-202, World Civ. I and II, Eng. 102, Eng. Com.; Bus. 329, Cost Acct.; Art 306, Art Appr_ec.; vest; Adv. and Bus. Mgt.; .wiJ.

sell cheap. Call 873-7410. er other word you might ministration says that there soon use to describe their will be. -... But, in a more realistic did they? More imly why did they?

rding to Mike Kelly, S.G.A. member, the · g came as a form of esort shock treatment. ore it came- as no to the members as they ew what was coming and. Kelly said although ately disagreed with the to dissolve, and said so to President Steve Long the vote, he abstained oting either in favor or to the resolution. ems to be quite ad knowledge that Dr. Wininger, faculty ad· igned sometime before ing. College President on said in an interview as aware that Wininger but did not know why. also said he was aware inger's action left the without any faculty

s. Semon, sociology in· , had been attending meetings and some had the mistaken idea was a faculty advisor, was not factual. He, nor else, was approved by to fill the spot. There's a good reason for this : the had never submitted 's nor anyone else's name proval. did the S. G: A. dissolve?

;; indeed?

·. y stated that during the · g, Julee Tillman, S.G.A. ry, voiced a motion to d. He further stated that otion was someone else's According to Kelly, the ding was done for effect: ck the student body and into beneficial activity as the ailing S.G.A. was ned. said that in his opinion, tforni's promised more came forth in the last n. Because of this, he

Eat Drink & be Merry at Wheel-R-lnn

Over the HOLi DAYS

SEASONS GREETINGS from Arnold and Mary Gebers

Seasons· Greetings and AHappy. New Year from Gambles

Amahl and the Night Visitors" a one hour opera presented by the college choir was presented to roximately 200 people Sunday Dec. 12. Pictured here are (L to Rl Stephanie Lang, Rod Alberts, e Vermeer, and Maynard Geschke.
Auburn, Nebraska
Peru Chamber of Commerce
May you have a Merry Christmasand a New Year Bank of Peru Best Wishes for AMerry Christmas and a
New Year


The past college football season is over. except for the bowl games and what· an ex· citing season it was; It all started in the early fall when the first pre season polls made the scene. In one of the ma ior oolls the Fighting IriSh of Notre Dame were picked as the best. Now it is twelve weeks later and the Irish are just another team amongst many. The irue champions are the NebraSka Cornhuskers. They have held their number ranking from the first week and are of holding it until the New Years date with the Bear and his Crimson Tide. This was an · explosive year in foot· ball. From the Wishbone T to the power I offense has been the name of the game. The Oklahoma Sooners were the surprise team of the year with their offensive Show. A great multitude of running backs and a great leader led to their success. Another surprise team of the year was' Alabama. The Bear installed the Wishbone T .and with the talented running of Johnny Musso the Tide was on It's way. Michigan was clearly the class .of the Big Ten. The Wolverines are undefeated and on their way to the Rose Bowl


and a date ·with Stanford. The tough Micl}igan defense was the key to many of their victories. College football was truly ex· citing.

The professional football scene is almost over and the division championships are still in doubt. This could be one of the most exciting seasons for pro football yet. In the sixth edition of the Super Bowl look for it to be ·the Dallas Cowboys and the Kansas City Chiefs. This is the year of the Although there has been thrill after thrill there has also been some moments of sorrow. The untimely deaths of Chuck Hughes and Jim Pittman shocked the football world and once again made opponents of football bring up the question is it worth it? I think it is and I think those two who died think that football is what gave them their big chance.

The citation of the year goes to Ohio State coach Woody Hayes who out on a brilliant exhibition during the Michigan game. After storming the field after a call had not been made Hayes then tore up the yard markers on the sidelines. That was just some more of the color and excitement of football.

PSC Grapplers Take l Drop· 1

In wrestling action last week, Harlan Krein's Peru State grapplers lost a 21·24 meet to Kearney State Wednesday, December 8 and defeated Midland College 18-14 on Friday December 10. ·

Going into the final hea,.yweight event, the score was tied at 21-all in the Kearney contest. Schutheiss decisioned

Jim Rezac to earn the points which made the margin of victory.

Gary Lesoing, Hickman, Peru's regular in the 126clb. class was unable to participate in the Midland match because of a draft physical. Jack Stanley, Trilro, Iowa, was defeated in · that event.

The college football is almost atan end with the exception of the bowl games. Most of these games should offer the excitement fitting the end of a most exciting season. There have been some surprising teams this season and of course there have been some disap· pointments. With all the bowl games set and the teams getting ready, Zero will make a final attempt to improve his passing average. The. Sun Bowl will find the surprising team of the Big Eight, Iowa State, playing the Tigers of LSU. This is the first bowl ap· pearsnce for the Cyclones and they should be ready to face the challenge presented by the boys from the bayou country. On the other hand LSU will be ready to meet the Cyclones and probably give them quite a tussle. I'd like to think the boys from Iowa State would win this game, but the Tigers of LSU should be too tough. LSU 28 Iowa State 14. Colorado and Houston will tangle in the Bluebonnet Bowl. Houston should have the home field advantage since the game will be played in the Astrodome. This will be the only thing the Cougars will have gomg tor

The Scent of Victory

December 11 found the Bob· cats traveling to Fairfield, Iowa where they lost by 20, )02-82. Earl Brown led the team with scoring 17 while Guy Lammie and Bob Craig, a native of Overland Park, Kansas, hit for 16 and 14 points respectively. Peru shot 44 per cent from the field and 63 .per cent from the line.

The members of Circle K wish

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

them. Colorado looks to be too tough for the team from Houston. The Buffaloes have been beaten by the two best teams m the nation and Houston isn't one of them. Colorado 36 Houston 21.

The Cotton Bowl which usually matches two of the best teams m the nation came out second best this year. Texas versus Penn State lacks the lustre of the other bowl games; but will still be played. Penn State with their devastatmg attack and good defense Should wm this one without µmch of a struggle. Penn State 38 Texas 17.

The mismatch of the year will be played m this years edition of the Rose Bowl. Michigan clearly the class of the Big Ten should have little trouble with Stanford not so clearly the class of the Pacific 8. Maybe this year's rout by Michigan will enable the Rose Bowl officials to see the light and start going after the best teams and not just sticking with the winners of the two conferences. Michigan ? Standord 7. The Sugar Bowl pits the two losers of the BIG GAMES against each other. Auburn and Oklahoma will tear into each other and try to forget their

losses. In this game of tw offenses it looks like the will dictate the winner game. It looks as tho Sooner defense will rise occasion and stop Pat and Company. It may be day for both teams. Oki ·Auburn 35.


·DECADE, where have we that phrase before? Th for number one is familiar song that every heard before. It looks r Orange Bowl will have al fireworks again this Nebraska and Alabam clash in this classic and· well be the best game of year. The Wishbone Johnny Musso against a defense led by Rich Glo the rest of the Blackshir Huskers have come a I and I don't think that th lose this game. The Cornm NUMBER ONE and this will just prove their Nebraska 42 Alabama 17. Merry Christmas and a New year from Zero. See y year.

Midland Stops Cats

On December 10, the Peru State cagers fell to Midland College, 91·82, at Fremont. Rex Beatty led the Pack with 24 points, connecting for 10 field goals and converted all four of his tree-throws. Earl Brown followed with 17 points. Nate Parks, who sustained a foot

Action for Jack Mc Bobcats returns to the f •· confines of the Peru g Saturday December 18 a .• face the Bearcats of Nor · Missouri State College.

Russell Stover Candies

Faberge Colognes & Perfumes

Hallmark Cards

"Your Christmas Gift Store"

Simon Drug Co.


·Remember, we gift wrap any gift bought in the gift room.

SEASON'S GREETINGS Aut11orll•d A!:!Carved1206 J Street Auburn, Nebraska 274-3410 Cheers! Duffy's Inn Downtown Peru PERU PEDAGOGIAN FRIDAY, DECEMBER
Ken Johnson Peru, Nebraska Phone 872-6355
CREE.TIN CS From The Staff OJ The Peru Pedagogian

Peru Pedagogian

everyone ooks like · 1ave all of· this y '. uabama ic and it me of the J<>ne T a to i :h Glover 1ckshirts. 1e a long that they :Cornmen o.d this g their cl ' ima 17. ; and a ha o. See ya 1es
VOL. 67


' Teaching, as is well known, is a difficult task. The teachers, ·in performing his functions, carries a dual responsibility of exhibiting his competence to both his peers and his students. The competence of a teacher is evaluated.

The evaluation of a teacher's competence poses the responsibility of an accurate assessment. The evaluator's task is to make a value judgement as perfect as is possible. The duty of the evaluator insists on both competence and all available information. There are two groups who seem to be in a position to perform this task of evaluator; the students and the "professional educators."

The first group, the students, by being directly influenced by a teacher in a learning process, is in a position to evaluate a teacher's competence. This is especially true of college students, who, by experience, have the ability to realize and appreciate the ability of the teacher's effectiveness in a learning situation. It should be reasoned, then, that c9llege students can be considered as one of the better qualified groups in the evaluation of a teacher.

The second group, the "professional educators," by the nature of their profession, are "certified" as being "qualified" in evaluating teachers.

There are then two groups that are in a position of evaluating a teacher's effectiveness. While examining closely these two groups, it would seem both are lacking in some respective area of evaluator competence. The students, while in an excellent position to determine the teacher's ability by being directly affected within the learning situation, lack the "credentials" to "qualify" their assessments. The other grup, the "professional educators," have the "credentials" to "qualify" their assessments, yet lack the involvement within the learning situation to actually determine the · effectiveness of the teacher upon the students.

These "inadequacies" within each group in evaluating a teacher, should be alleviated. By the necessity of alleviating these inadequacies, it should follow that it is essential , to unit .the strengths, and thus the weaknesses, of these two groups into one group, into a Faculty-Student Evaluation Board. A Faculty-Student Evaluation Board, by its composition, would combine the important components of an evaluator which would produce the most accurate appraisal of a teacher. A Faculty-Student Evaluation Board would also have the advantage of tending to end any disagreements in an evaluation judgement of a teacher's ability.

A Faculfy-Student Evaluation Board (at a college that functioned primarily for the education of future teachers) would have an additional advantage, it would make available a valuable experience for a student serving on an evaluation board.

A cordial request for a Faculty-Student Evaluation Board at a college could be considered. The issues involved in not having a Faculty-Student Evaluation Board at a Teacher's college has repugnant implications. A decision concerning a Faculty-Student Evaluation Board at a college would imply the attitude which is held of the college students, at that college, as future citizens and future professional educators.

SGA Holds _Meeting

The SGA held a meeting ·Tuesday evening to decide the course of action for the remammg term. During registration a survey was taken. The student opinion was to revise the constitution to reorganize SGA to include full student voting rights. The people

Contestants For Glamour Girl Selecte

The young gentlemen at Peru State Norman School wore plain clothes and not of very fine texture. A few parents allowed their sons to sport a watch. The ladies were plainly, yet neatly dressed, and in this respect they were models of taste and neatness among the teachers at Peru State Normlll School.

More Finances Made Available

It has been announced by Financial Aids Director, Donald Miller, that finances have been made available for the current semester under a new phase oi the feder-ally insured student loan.

Scholarship Fund Established

A memorial scholarship fund honoring the late Goodreau Soper, former student of Peru State College, has been established in the 1 Peru Achievement Foundation. Inc., by his wife Melba P. Soper, Alexandria, Virgina.

Full. tuition scholarships will be granted to students demonstrating high aptitude who are in need of financial assistance.

Goodreau Soper, attended Peru State College in 1938, and later graduated from Kansas University. He also graduated from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in 1966.

The Student Center Boa.rd. once again spi;msoring .t Glamour Contest on the ·p· State campus. · Each year a girl is selected represent Peru in the Natio contest sponsored by Glam magazine. The contestant will chosen on the basis of dr college and community tivities, and special hono received.

The nominees as chosen faculty are: Debbie Elmling Shirley Jacobson and Marl Meyer. The final election will held Monday and Tuesd January 24 and 25. Electi tables will be set up in the Inn and outside the cafete during the supper hour.

voted into office last spring will remain until their term expires. Their main objective· for the rest of the school year will be to decide upon a plan for every student to have the opportunity for an equal vote. There are several positions to be filled at the present. Students are encouraged to file petitions for membership. Information about vacancies available and procedures may be obtained in the SGA office in the Student Center from 11:00 to 1:00 on Tuesdays and Thwsdays.

Through the Nebraska legislature's bill, LB 152, money can be borrowed by Nebraska resident students through the State Treasurer if the students have been unable to secure finances through commercial lending agencies. Peru State College was allotted $8,000.00 through this plan, none of which has presently been disbursed.

For further information concerning this particular plan, contact Donald Miller, Director of Financial Aids

Mr Soper- was a native -0f Liberty, Nebraska, ·entered government service .at the Census Bureau in 1940. Iri .1949 he joined the Office of Smali Business, Department of Commerce, and later a business analyst With the National Production Authority and an industrial specialist with the Small Defense Plants, Administation.

Better to rein in hell than serve in heaven. ·

On the State Normal campus large red oak which was c down at the southeast· corner the Administration building, t in rings of growth the age forty-two years. It measured s ·feet in circumference and f' feet in height. It was one of oldest trees on campus.

Coffehouse s Cancelled

Due to calendar conflicts the drop in enrollment, coffeehouses scheduled by SC for January 27 and February and 10 have been cancelled. It hoped that if finances and appropriate calendar date available that the events may rescheduled .at a la.ter date.

Shown here are the three young ladies vying for the title of Glamour girl on the Peru State Campus. They are: (L to Rl Shirley Jacobson, Debbie Elmlinger, and Marley Meyer.

Preparations are under way for the annual Martha Washington Tea, sponsored by the Home ;:Ee Department. Shown here are: (L to R) Vicki Jacobitz, Gloria Henry, and Pam Miyoshi, all Home Ee majors. They are preparing the traditional cake to be served. The new demonstration table they are working on was built by Bob Fike.

Superintendents Speak to PSEA·

Dr. Donald Burling, superintendent of the Falls City school system, and Jim Withee, superintendent of the Nebraska .City school system were guest speakers at the Peru Student Education Association meeting January 27. There were 66 members present for the program.

The speakers talked on what a superintendent looked for when hiring a teacher. After each superintendent gave a· short talk, they answered questions from the PSEA members.

Some of the issues discussed were length of hair of an applicant, how much emphasis is placed on a student's involvement in college activities, how much1emphasis is placed on the graae received in the proper way to apply for a job, and questions asked druing the interview, to name a few. ·

Both speakers agreed strongly that a teacher should become involved in the community in which he or she is teaching. They felt that a prospective teacher should find out something about the community before his interview. Ben J. Rogge, 26, Auburn, has

Rogge Named Director of Special Services

Pool Parlor Opens in Peru


Computer Equipment

;elected to National Glamour ant will be of dress, 1mity actl honors by d Marley ion will be·


Election in the Bob cafeteria .ir.

1campus a 1 was c t corner o ilding, to! ;he age e and fift one of th us. es nflicts and· ment, the ed by SCB 9

It is es and an · date are ntsmaybe date.

An IBM 029 keypunch was recently installed at Peru State 'College. This machine, which is 'USed · to transfer data and ·programs to cards for input to computing systems, is the first piece of data processing equipment installed .at Peru State for use with the vocationaltechnical program. The installation of more computing equipment, including a processor, a card reader and , punch, and a printer, is expected before the end of the spring term.

Two courses are being offered this term in the date processing area: Introduction to Data Processing and COBOL programming. COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language) is the programming language most widely used in commercial and business applications of computer systems.

FOR TRAN (FORm ula TRANslation) is used in the introductory course. FORTRAN is· me· programming language most widely used in scientific and engineering applications of computers.

Sign Up For Language Arts Enrichment Program

It has been announced that all Language Arts majors should now register with Mrs Wilson for placement in a discussion group to fulfill their requirements in the Language Arts Enrichment Program All L.A. majors are required to participate in the program whether they are in education or not.

Discussion of Song of the Lark, by Willa Cather, will take place during the convo period on Wednesday, February 2. Books may be purchased at the bookstore. All students in the program will be expected to take a 10-minute objective test on the novel at the beginning of the discussion period.

The superintendents felt that been appointed director of the teacher surplus is not as special services at PSC acserious a problem as it is played cording to Dr Neal S. Gomon. up to be. Both said that they Donald K. were encountering fewer ap- Carllle, resigned to accept plicants .in some fields each · the pos1t10n of placement year: ·· director at Northwest Missouri State College, Maryville.

New Drama Person at PSC

Miss Patricia Manley has joined the faculty of Peru State College as drama instructor.

Miss Manley earned her BA and MS degree at Kansas State college located in Pittsburg, Kansas.

Miss Manley taught secondary education in the Witchita and Kansas City area for four years.

Her first production of the PSC campus will be "The American Dame." The play depicts the subjection and the emancipation of women up to the present time as shown through letters and court records.

Miss Manley is encouraging anyone who wants to help with the productions to do so. No past experience is necessary, only a willingness to work.:

A 1963 graduate of Auburn High School, Rogge will be recipient of a bachelor of science · in education degree with a major in business from PSC at the close of the current semester. He is a member of Phi Beta Lambda, business honorary. While attending Peru State, Rogge has been employed in the mechanical department of the Auburn newspapers.

The beginning otJanuary saw the opening of the Peru Recreation Parlor with snooker tables, coke and candy, card· tables and pin ball machines. The owner of the Recreation Parlor is Earl Applegate. According to Earl the atmosphere of the Recreation Parlor-should be kept respectable, because it is for both men and women. Earl has placed the 'Pool Players Ten Commandments' on the wall to remind people of that.

The Recreation Parlor opens every weeknight from 5:30 to 9:30 and longer on weekends according to the crowd. There are three snooker tables, two card tables and two pin ball machines in the parlor.

The schedule for tryouts for the upcoming play

The American Dame have been announced by Patricia Manley, theatre director. It is :

Monday, January 24-7 to8:30

Tuesday, January 25::_ 2:30 to 5

All persons who are interested in the production are urged to attend. No previous experience is necessary. A large number of people are needed for the production, both actors and technical people.

PIONEER NEBRASKA CITY R&S TEXACO SERVICE The Pedagogian Published weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF John Thomas Editor-in-Chief Steve Long " News· Chuck Smith Photography Jerry Steele -.· · Sports Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Business Managers Mr. Everett Brownin ; ....• Advisor No one knows what it is that he can do tiii he tries. sisssS\ 55 \SSSSSS'SStss Hahn Clothing Auburn, Nebraska ONE WEEK Opens Thursday, Jan. 20 Runs Jan. 20 thru Jan. 26 Tom Laughlin 10 BILLY JACK Technicolor (Formerly Peru Sinclair) Tires Mechanic Work Reasonable NEW OWNERS BiU Reeves Wayne Simpson

INTRAMURALS .Grapplers hit hard by

Three games in the first round of intramural basketball have been completed. Duffy's defeated the Whackers 42-41. The Studs won 56-51 against the Roaches. The Alkies were victorious over the Odd Squad 53-39.

The teams competing in the National League of intramural basketball are: the Roaches, the Odd Squad, the Whackers, Duffy's, the Studs, the Alkies, and the Double A's.

Teams in the Americaft League are: SuMad, the Wad Squad, the Dusters, the Dills, the Budmen, the Wee lnaians, and the Shady Oak Bombers.

The third round will begin on Monday, January 24, at 6:ro p.m. with SuMad competing against the Wad Squad. At 7:00 the Alkies will meet the Studs. The Wee Inaians and the Budmen will confront each other at 8:00 and at 9:00 the Whackers play the Odd Squad.

The third round will be completed on Tuesday, January 25. The first game is at 4:00 between the Roaches and the Dusters. At 5:00 the DOuble A's and Duffy's compete and the final game of the third round will be between the Shady Oak Bombers and the Dills at 6:00.

The fourth round will begin with a competition between the Budmen and the Wad Squad on Tuesday, January 25, at !:00.

Kearney Downs Peru 44-32

Kearney swept by Peru in girls' basketball, 44-32, January 15th, at Kearney. Karen Sell led the gals with nine points, followed by Melissa Ross and Kathy Matthews with six apiece. Kris Rotter and Pat Prose each scored four points, Rita Bosiljevac hit for two while Mary Gergen tossed in a free throw.

Coach Steve Miller has a fine nucleus of returning letterwomen to work with, they are: Kris Rotter, Karen Sell, Kathy Matthews, Pat Prose, Melissa Ross, Carol Long, Rita Bosiljevac and Linda Eichenberger. Joining the team this year are Mary Eblen, Jody Fichter and Mary Gergen. The

The Alkies and the Wee Indians are scheduled to play at 8: 00. The 9:00 game will be between the Studs and the Odd Squad.

The final games of the fourth round will be held on Thursday, January 27. Duffy's and the Roaches will play at 6:00. The Whackers and the Double A's are scheduled to compete at 7:00. SuMad and the Shady Oak Bombers play at 8:00. The last game of the fourth round will be between the Dills and the Dusters at 9:00.

The Dusters defeated the Budmen 40-34 in the first round of intramural basketball. The Dills won 49-22 against SuMad. The Double A's were victorious over the Shady Oak Bombers 2919. The Wee Indians won the final game of the first round by defeating the Wad Squad 48-43.

The Whackers won the first game of the second round against the Roaches with the final score reading 47-45 after three overtimes. Duffy's was defeated by the Odd Squad 45-44.

The Wa-0 Squad was victorious over the Dills 40-37. The Budmen lost to the Studs 61-53. The Double A's were defeated by the Alkies 33-17. The Shady Oak Bombers won 49-48 against the Wee Indians. The Dusters won the final game of the second round by defeating SuMad 39-21.

squad is sponsored by Bonnie Rutz 1 with four contests remaining for the ladies.


February 2, Millard, there.

!"ebruary 22, Tarkio, there.

March 8, Doane, home.

March 11, Tarkio Playday, there.

Chi Rho Sponsors Discussion Series

You are cordially invited to a lecture and discussion series led by .Dr. John Krickbaum on Human Anatomy and Human Sexuality. The series is sponsored by Chi Rho and held for 6 consecutive Wednesdays'..at the Campus Christian Center, 921 5th Street, Peru. The first in the series will be January 26 at 8 p.m.


Peru State's wrestling team resumed action yesterday, its first contest since midway through December, hosting the Antelopes of Kearney State. Kearney handed the grapplers their .only loss of a 5-1 season in their first meeting at Kearney

Head Coach Harlan Krein's "Second Season" may be hampered by ineligibility in the lower weight classes. Lost at the end of the first semester were R.D. Arnold (118); Gary Lesoing (126), B}ll Sturgeon (134), Rick Black. (134), Mark Olive (126), and Bill Lindey (134). Head Coach Harlan Krein stated that all positions would be filled.

Other team members include Jack Stanley (118); Ken Boettcher (142); Rod Wartman (150); Kim Tennal (158); Larry Pracht (167); Warren Goos (177); Dean Anstey (190); and Jim Rezac and Dennis Stone (HWT).

Braves Scalp Peruvians

Phase II of Peru's basketball season started out on a sour note as the squad dropped a 85-76 decision to Sioux Falls, January 7 at Sioux Falls. The Braves, who finished 5-19 last year, lead by 19 at halftime, 46-27.

Lead by guards Guy Lammie, who scored 30 points, and Tom Froehlich who made several steals, the Bobcats moved to within six but no closer as time ran out.

Peru Bows to UNO 90066

Peru suffered its seventh loss in nine games as the University of Nebraska at Omaha thundered by the Peruvians, 9o-66 at Omaha, January nth.

Ananias Montague, returning to action after nearly a year's absence, poured in 28 points against the Mavericks while collecting 13 rebounds to take game honors. f.\il

Department of Amplification

Uncle Lunk who, like the rest of us, spent more time than· he should have glued to the tube over the recent football classic Super Bowl VI, observes"with television, the advertising comes on and everyone runs to the bathroom. With newspapers, you can take the advertising with you." Seems most of the students appreciated the new way semester break came about this year. In previous years students had to worry about finals during Christmas vacation and then come back and take finals just about a week after returning, seems like, contrary to popular opinion, the administration can do something right. Speaking about that, you students who are addicted complainers, the college has been here longer than you have. .Amos Pump told us the other day about a college student's conversation with another - "It may be unconstitutional, but I always pray before a test." Seems like a new recreation parlor has opened in Peru called the Peru Recreation Parlor. Mr Applegate, the owner of the parlor, is an ole timer here in town. For those of you who are interested, seems as if Applegate is an old hand at it. He to own a pool parlor some ten years ago where Eldon's Cafe is now. According to Earl Applegate, who also can be seen workin in the Post Office when he's not at the parlor, the

Kearney Conquers the Pack: 96089

The Peru State basketball team extended its losing streak to six games as Kearney State slipped by the Bobcats, 96-89, January 15th, at Kearney. Aided by the efforts of Ananias Montague, who finished the contest with 27 points and 19 rebounds, the Pack found themselves resting on a seven point lead, 52-45, at the end of the· first half.

Determined Kearney, however, slowly whittled away at that lead. Foul trouble plagued the Pack as five players fouled out in the final five minutes. The outcome was decided at the charity stripe as the Antelopes ·converted 21 of 31 free throws. 1:50 remined in the struggle when Peru surrendered its lead for the last time.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 21 ' place could become a real n· place where people could sp their time. .Amos P whose hearing isn't so go happend by a proud Daddy was reporting the arrival twins to a friend. Amos di catch the item. "Will you rep that?" Asked Amos. "Not i can help it," the man replied .If any of you students have wonderin about what's be' built outside the administrati building, it's the new coll information center. Should completed pretty soon, and what can be seen so far, I like it'll really be an ad figure to the campus For of you who think that you mi want to change a class, today the last day. See the registr office about it, they'll be glad help you Looks as if ther going to be another play campus pretty soon, tryouts coming up for all students · are interested. Let's show- M' Manley how much the dra department means to t students Took a toot to north country last weekend hear Uncle Lunk regaling family about the wife reading her husband's fort card to him: - "You are leader of man, You are brav handsome, strong and popul with the ladies." Sb,e paused, ' has your weight wrong too." .Have a happy weeken everybody! ·

Peruvian ttlmed Teacher of the Yea

Peru State College

Mrs Ruth S. Garrabrant been named Colorado Teach the Year for 1972. M Garrabrant was honored at annual awards program which sponsored by the Colora Department of Education.

Mrs Garrabrant, the form Ruth Stukenholtz, was reared a farm in southeast Nebra At the age of eight she h decided she wanted to be teacher.

She earned her bachelor' degree at Peru State, then we on to get her master's degr from the University of Denver

LOST - One man's ring, yellow brushed gold, with stone and initial R in black. Reward Room 31 Clayburn, Mathews Rich Corbin

Incense and Incense Burners

Chess Sets


Large Record Selection

Dr. G. Mann

OPTOMETRIST CONTACT LENSES CLOSED WED. P.M. & SAT. P.M. Nebr. City 119 N 8th St. Phone 873-6180
BANK OF PERU Phone sn-3335 Member of F.D.l.C. Invites PSC students to open Checking and Savings Accounts
HAS flffN
Simon Drug ·Company Auburn KEN'S IGA KEN JOHNSON GROCERIES - MEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Peru, iNebraska Phone 872-6355

1ou repe "Not if have bee t's be· nistrati N coll ihould i, and far, loo an add For ed graduate,· >rant has of 72. Mrs ·ed at the n which is Colorado

Peru P edagogian

Biggest Number Ever Gets Dean's Honors

A record breaking number of 185 students have been named to the deans honor roll for the first semester, with seven having a perfect gr_ade point average of 9.0, according to Dr. Guy Rosenberg, Vice-President of Student Affairs.

The bean's Honor Roll consists of students with a grade point average of 7.25 ·or better.

Special recognition was given to the 185 students at Honors Convocation, Wednesday, January 26, beginning at 9: 10 a.m. in the college auditorium. Dr. Kelly Liewer, Registrar of Peru State, preside<! at the Honors Program.

The students with the perfect G.P.A. are Ralph Arnold, Stephanie Lang, Kathi McLarty, Roxann Runyan, Bonnie Stemper, Carol Wheeler, and Karen Sell.

Eleven other Peru State students earned grade point

Peru Hosts School men

Last Saturday, Jan. 22 a special day for Peru State College, as the twentieth annual Schoolmens Day was held. Schools Day, is basically a time for an informal meeting of area schoolmen. This year schoolmen hailed from Nebraska, Kansas ,Missouri and Iowa. State legislators, Sen. Calvin Carsten of Avoca, and Sen. Irvin S. Wiltse of Falls City. also attended.

All the guests visited with PSC · faculty, and became aquainted · with the facilities. Also included in the days activities, were a coffee, a dinner, and a look at Peru's basketball team, as they beat Simpson College.

Shotte nha me I Attends ·Conventlon

Dr. Shottenhamel, made a trip to New Orleans for Phi Alpha Theta convention over Christmas vacation. The convention lasted four days, and consisted of general meetings of business purposes, and revising the ritual for initiation of new members. The restthe time was devoted to students and historians, reading papers and discussing them.

This was the 5oth anniversary for Phi Alpha Theta as an honorary society, and the convention was held in the Hotel Sharaton Charles.

Dr. Shottenhamel visited his mother in Chicago for Christmas. On the way befm:e attending the convention to· New Orleans he visited the hostorical battlefield of Vicksburg, and while in New Orleans Dr. and Mrs Shottenhamel visited the old French quarter of New Orleans.

Helping Out ls ·Her Goal

Switchboard operators often are bored with their job, or feel thit the noise and same old routine day after day will drive them nuts. This is not the case with Mrs Stephens, switch board operator and mail clerk at Peru State College.

Mrs Stephens, who started working full time in 1962, says almost every phone call is different, and there is no time to be bored. The noise is one problem but she says that it doesn't bother her as much as it would others who aren't around it all the time.

Mrs Stephens was employed part time by the college before hPing hired as a full time

operator and mall clerk. She states that the addition of being mail clerk to her job has made it a little harder, but nothing that you can't stand. Mrs Stephens biggest problem is not being able to find people who are wanted by way of the switch board. The other noticeable problem is figuring up the phone bill at the end of the month, and figuring out who called where and to what department the call is to be charged.

Mrs Stephens says that her job is one of enjoyment and pleasure. It's a chance to meet and talk to people and most important to her, to be of assistance to people.

Cold weather, ice, and swimming do nof mix, as found out by some of the students at Peru State College.

Miss Rutz's eighth period swimming class, consisting of all girls, did not especially appreciate the cold weather Monday. The water was warm in the pool, as long as you stayed in it, the showers were nice, until you them, and the weather was fine, until you stepped out the door.

Immediately the dampened hair of the girls had ice hanging from every strand. As the girls

dashed toward their stopping places, their skin froze and the icycles continued to form. Their hair cracked with every move they made.

The cold, icy weather caused other accidents as many of the students went tumbling to the ground, with feet and books flying everywhere. The sidewalks seemed to be supporting a few more people, as many were afraid to drive the hills of Peru.

Salt was distributed by the handfuls, but by six o'clock that evening, it was refrozen and as as ever.

J.D. Gets Help

This semester for the first time, the debate instructor, Mr J. D. Levitt, is being assisted in this class by practicum students. The topic for the spring debate has been decided that it is to be, "Resolved: That the Federal Government should ·adopt a policy of "Zero" population growth.

The two practicum students have undertaken much of the

averages above 8.50 for the first semester. They are: Ronald Johnson, Jodi Siegner, Dorothy Apley, Karen Lincoln, Norma Schatz, Ramona Gebers, Mary Bauman, Judy Grotrian, Joyce Colgrove, Jerry· Koeneke, and Deborah Coffelt.

Other honor students include: Kay Albin, David'Gibson, Randy Luther, Terry Macholan, Catharine Mailahn, James Palmer, Samuel Pittam, Thomas Siefken, Marijane Siegner, William Samson, Roger Maness, Karen Thormahlen, Jerry Tuxhorn, Kathleen Drevo, June Bottcher, Robert Bowen. Steven Shupe, Cheryl Whipple, Robert A. Cole, Edward Myers, Judy Schamp, John Brcoks, Sandee Cooper, Peter Brekus, Ricki Fictum, Joyce Gergen, Nancy Heskett, Marlene Meyer, Robert A Peterson, Richard Warner, Karen Dierking, Martha Warden, perry Beguin. Floyde Anderson, Marilyn Brown, Barbara Carpenter, Faye Christensen, Debbie Gaines, Stanley Gottula, Randall jefisen, Terry Leech, Michael Mitchell, Gary Bowman, Steven Johnson, Ray Lubben, Arland 'Schroeder, Duane Stevenson, Linda Stubbendeck, Cynthia Ford, Dennis Brady, Phyllis Davis, Daniel Eichenberger, Alta Eisenhauer. (Cont'd on page 3)

Where Your Money Goes

fundemental work required for debating. They have divided the class into two sections and the sections will oppose each other in future debates.

Also, tentatively scheduled, some of the debators will travel to Meand, Nebr. to help judge an area speech contest on March 13, while the following day, they will aid in directing the District Speech Contest in Peru. · ·

Rink Constructed for Public Use

Anew recreational facility has provided leisure time pleasure for the inhabitants of Peru this winter. An ice skating rink was constructed for public use in early December.

A number of people including Paul Kruse, city maintenance workers, and industrial arts students collaborated in the building of the rink.

Originally planned for the baseball field, the rink was moved to the tennis courts when a leakage problem developed because of a breakage in the tape binding of the plastic


Sponsorship was provided by the county which donated the planks and the city Chamber of Commerce which donated one hundred dollars for materials. A maintenance crew tends to the rink by supplying fresh coats of water <donated by. the city) whenever necessary.

Anyone willing to brave the weather is invited to put on his skates and come down to the rink. The lights will be left on until midnight seven days a week.

Once again an effort is being made to inform students of the use of the Student Program fees and Student Center fees. Student Center fees are used in payment of the debt on the Student Center · building. The fees are also used in maintenance of the Center. This amount is not at anytime used for any student programs. The Student Programs fee, assessed to all day time students, is used for the sole purpose of student entertainment. From the funds collected during second semester registration and a small amount remaining from first semester, the following programs will be sponsored jointly by the Student Center Board and Student Programs during the second semester:

Two major concerts by Denny Brooks and Mac Davis, three dances, "Trash of the Thirties," seven movies, Ruane the Hypnotist, Dalsgaard the pianist, Palmerton art show, a car rally, and several other events not yet scheduled.

Any student having any questions concerning these events is encouraged to attend a Student Center Board meeting any Thursday night at 5:00 p.m., in the west dining room of the Student Center.

y 55
Some of the participants in the Annual Schoolmen's Day were (L to R) Dr. Neal S. Gomon, Senator Calvin F. Carstens, Avoca, 2nd District, Ted McCartney, Lincoln, Dean Thiesfeld, Lincoln, and Dr. Lester Russell, PSC.



All Language Arts Majors must sign up in Mrs. Wilson's office for the first discussion of the Language Arts Enrichment Program. The Discussion will be February 2 during Convo period over The Song of the Lark by Willa Cather. Participation in the program is required for all Language Arts majors.

The yearbook is in trouble. This time it is not going to be taken away, but the problem is just as serious. People are needed to work on the Peruvian, desperately. Last year when the threat of extinction came up, many interested people came to the defense of the Peruvian, and it was saved. Where are the interested students now? There are some people working long hours to get the yearbook out this year, but these few people can't do all the work. More people are needed. Any student interested should contact Everett Browning or Nancy Stoll, this year's editor.

It has been brought to my attention that certain young ladies have been sent to the Dean of Women for leaving their trash cans in the hallway overnight. It seems to me that there are more important things on this campus for the administration to devote their energy to. After all, aren't there more pressing problems than trash in the hallway overnight?

It looks like the SGA is back on its feet. The new proposed plan that the students voted in favor of at registration could be very beneficial to the students of PSC. Putting the power of running the SGA inrhe hands of the students is the best possible way. of running the organization.

Where is our school spirit? The singing of the color song at honors convocation sounded rather sick. Maybe we need a new one, something with a little more punch to

I'd like to take this opportunity to let the students know that the Ped is a student newspaper, therefore students may feel free to express their opinions in the paper. Letters to the Editor are welcome. The staff would like to know the name of anyone who does submit material, but names do not have to be published with letters. All letters should be sent campus mail c-o Pedagogian.

LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS Kottich Recita Is January 30

Doug Kottich, who wi complete his Bachelor of Fi Arts degree at Peru Sta College in May, will present .h Senior Recital in piano Sunday afternoon, January 30 3 p.m. in the Benford Recit Hall of the Jindra Fine Ar Center. The recital is open tot public without charge. ·

Kottich, whose home is · Falls City, Nebraska, has be very active in the musi groups at the college, and done much solo work on piano and accompanying other instrumental and vo students. He is from the studio Dr. Gavin L. Doughty, Cha man of the Fine Arts Depa ment.

The program will include t · Moonlight Sonata by Beethov The Girl with the Flaxen Hair Debussy, Prelude in A Minor Debussy, and the Ballade in Minor by Chopin.

Dr. Singh Ag·rees

The war between India and Pakistan concerned at least one resident of Peru, Nebraska. He is Dr. Balwant Singh, associate professor of educational psychology at Peru State · College, who is originally from India.

Dr. Singh is from Karn;il:,<· Haryana, India, ·which· is 230 miles southeast of the border with West Pakistan. His parents, three sisters, and two brothers are living in Karna! at the present time.

Dr. Singh is now a citizen of Canada. He moved to Lockeport, Nova Scotia from India in 1962 and became a Canadian citizen in 1968. He came to Peru fu September of 1969 to begin teaching.

prime minister of the new country, Bangladesh.

At the start of the crises ten ·million refugees fired from East Pakistan to India to escape the. terrorists of West Pakistan. India could not handle the economic strain by itself. Over 2,500 schools in India had been closed to house the refugees. Tensions had also developed from refugees seeking jobs in the Indian villages at lower wages than the local residents received.

Dr. Singh does not endorse at all the taking of the law into the hands of an individual or group, but feels that these examples of reprisals by the Bengalis toward the so called collaborators are exceptions rather than the rule.

January 30-31, Febr 1

Robert Mitchum

Trevor Howard m


In Color

Wednesday - Thursday

February 2-3

Geraldine Chaplin

Julie Christie: · m

Social responsibility and adjustment are important in organizations for the education and enrichment of the Peru State College student. The system of working experience in an organization provides opportunity for the individual to develop a system of values and a concept of social responsibility to benefit his community. The general topic to be understood by an organization is

the entire internal functioning of the student body including its educational and social needs. Such width of understandng will enable organizations to best facilitate the scope of student needs. The varieties of individual understanding which are within an organization are and will, hopefully, be brought to a better focal point to best meet the needs of the Peru State College Community.

The Pedagogian

The situation as Dr. Singh sees it was a result of West Pakistan's political and economic exploitation of East Pakistan. In the countries first free election, East Pakistan won a majority. Its leader, Sheik Mujibur Rahman, was arrested by West Pakistanis because he had won a clear mandate for provincial autonomy. Sheik Rahman was released by the West January 17 and is now

"The go\ ernment of Bangladesh is doing everything it can to stop these isolated incidents of revenge," Dr. Singh commented.


Published weekly by the studenis of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF ·John Thomas Editor-in-Chief ;teve Long : News Chuck Smith Photography Jerry Steele ! Sports Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Business Managers Mr. Everett Browning : Advisor PERU PEDAGOGIAN FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 19
Sun. - Mon. - Tues.
R&S TEXACO SERVICE (Formerly Peru Sinclair) Tires Mechanic Work Reasonable NEW OWN·ERS Bill Reeves rayne Simpson
Argo Tavern Friday Night Special January 28 Turkey Fries Hamms Light Hamms Dark Michalob NEBRASKA CITY on HIGHWAY 2 on tap JUST BEFORE CROSSING IOWA BRIDGE

1e is in has been musical and has ' on the ying for 1d vocal , studio of y, Chair; Depart-

tat ion K.R.A.P. Future in Doubt

fn October of 1968 some of the lzell Hall occupants decided do something different and a io station ·was started.

ne of the students was a hman, Mike Summers, who next weekend went to the dio Shack in Omaha and chased wireless F. M. crophone equipment and ·embled it.

Later the first show was oadcasted on 102 F. M., oadcasting from Mikes' room. e station was named K.R.A.P. d the shows usually consisted music, phoney commercials d satire.

In Mike's second year at Peru e station remained at the same ation but moved to Majors all.

More than three years have ne by since K.R.A.P. had its rst broadcast and Summers is w a senior majoring in urnalism. His station is now at 4 F. M. because it broadcasts ter but he is back in room 102 Delzell.

station. The station broadcasts up to :!OO feet, which means it transmitts to all of Delzell and to a few nearby homes.

Since Mike's graduating next semester, K.R.A.P.'s future is in doubt. His idea of keeping a radio station in Peru was to place a transmitter in every dorm with a central studio. He went to the Circle K club (who had a radio station) for support. But the club told him there was a lack of enthusiasm for a college radio station so Mike was reluctant to experiment with his idea and soon gave it up.

Mike is planning two specials for this semseter, one is a collection of jokes which is a Laugh-In type program called "431" Corny Jokes". The second special is still being planned.


Biggest Number

(Cont'd from page 1)

Suzanne Bennett, BenJamm Hogge, John Waters, Raymond Waters, Pat Cook, Roxanne Golden, Sidney Swanson, Brian Everdyke, Ann O'Connor, Patrick Castle, Charles Doxon, Shirley Jacobson, Muriel Jensen, Dallas Jones, Larry Mallam, Patricia McConnell, Sandra McCord, Michael McLarty.

Nancy Stoll, Judy Voboril, Carol Warnke, Mickey Williams, Mary Eggers, Susan Foster, Barbara Fritz, Douglas Fritz, Robert Krajicek, Roxann Rengstorf, Pat Bartek, Katherine Boyle, Owen Jensen, Naomi Dettman, Sharon Duerfeldt, Diane Dunn.

Wrestling Adopted In 1970

Many people may not know the interesting story of how the wrestling team got started in 1970. "We got our mat in the first part of December, put a notice on the bulletin board, and started from there," coach Krein said. The team won its initial match last season, and finished the year with four wins, and three losses. Krein believes that the team could· have gone undefeated last year because they should have won two of the matches they lost, and could have won the third.

Wrestlers To Chadron

The Bobcat wrestling team, after a 40-9 loss to heavily talentedWayne State last Friday night, have just six meets to get ready for the Conference championships at Chadron on February 26, and the District championships at Wayne on March 3 and 4.

Coach Harlan Krein believes that Wayne State will be favored, and should win the Conference race, with Chadron State probably placing second, and either Peru or Kearney State finishing third, depending on how the pairings in the various weight classes come out.

Tues. Febr. 1 HTER '.-3 aplin tie.


RLate last semester he oadcasted a documentary lied "A Riot in Peru", which a satire of last years' water wing episodes at Majors ll. H. G. Wells' "War of the orlds" was also aired on the

If you're wondering if the station is legal, the answer is yes. When buying. the transmitter Summers recalls that there was a paper which stated the F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commissions) restrictions. They were that the programs must be a blank portion of the radio. dial and could not be more then 100 milli-watts of power and no profanity could be aired.

tudents Enjoy Three-week Rest

"Wow! What a vacation."

"I didn't have to feel guilty bout not studying because I had thing to study.''

"The new system is great but I ish there were still midterm ades because they kept me on y toes. This way in some of my lasses I had no idea of my grade ti! finals came out."

The above comments are pica! of many student replies the question of how they liked e new semester system. Everyone seemingly enjoyed e three-week period of no udies. The students. were also ady to start the second mester when they returned in nuary. There were two frequently entioned negative aspects of

the new system. One aforementioned complaint was that no mid-term grades were issued. It was felt by the majority of students who mentioned this that even though more book work was involved, mid-term grades should be reimplemented into the current system.

The other basic complaint was that there was no break from the time school started until Thanksgiving. By the time Thanksgiving did' come, everyone, including teachers, were so tired that all they seemed to be doing was waiting for vacation. Some students felt that a long weeken!l during the latter part of October would have been beneficial.

Montague leads Cagers in Three Departments

1 · Don Monzingo, however, does an ath ete step m Peru's Little Big Man, is at m1dseason and a top h f 525 f the fl r (32· .performer so rapidly as. 6-4 s 00 mg · rom 00 Junior Ananias Montague. With 61) also holds the lead. for only six games completed, charity agamst ·.Montague leads the Pack in Northwest M1ssour1 State. Earl three departments: free-throws, Brown hauled down 26 reboU?ds 26-32 for .813, averaging 14 5 (169 for the season) agamst rebounds a game while holding a Albert Lea College. 23.7 game point average. Four players (Wayne State's center, Dennis century mark m scormg. Siefkes leads the Nebraska Montague 142, Parks 124, Rex Colleges with 27.1.) · Beatty followed by Nate Parks leads the Bobcats' Lammie wit? 104, Brown leadmg in two categories, both of them everyone with 208 · , single game efforts: 30 points Overall, the cagers ha_ve been (high game) and 14-26 from the defeated by about ten pomts 71.9 field <igainst Siefkes & Co. last to their 81.7 through a F ·d · 4-11 season with nme left to play. nay.


Tom Froehlich, James Pearson, Mary Rosso, Ken Schlange, Barbara Shroyer, Roger Sieck, Raymond Tomlinson, Gregg Coyle, Gary Lesoing, Paul Chatelain, Gary Cooper, · Pamela Wurtele, Samuel Deaver, Vernon DeGroot, Rita Gobber, Bobbi Thiesfield, Janice Axdahl, Virginia Bourlier, Warren Ford, Margaret Gawart, D1mnis Williams, Ann Borcher, Judy Werner, Wanda Mc.Kim. The above students received a grade point average of 7.25 to 7.99. The following students have received a GPA of 8.00 to 8.49:

Linda Berger, Maxine Chatelain, Dorothy Dux, Mary Goergen, Marilyn Gude, Susan Harpham, Barbara Horner, Linda Madison, Kristie Morrissey, Steven McAlexander Dennis Robertson, Gale

Gary Stephens, Mary

Stephens, Janet Waniska, Esther White, Candy Wurtele, Judy Bu<ldecke, .Susan Ritter, Deborah Stoll, Bryan Mabie, Irene Rogge, William Taylor, Mary Green, Mary McHigh, Gerald Stukenholtz, Mary Hill.

Charles Bachle, Dennis Gibson Harriett Leach, Nancy· Schlan'ge, Robert Davis, Jacquelyn Johnson, Kay Teresa Fink, Donald Krieger, Patricia Schnitzer, Cindy Coyle, Kathie Koehler, Frances Kite, Carin Gerdes,. Janice Gerdes,

Steve Krajicek, Mary Madison, Debra Anderson; Kathy Mathews, John Cole, Jerelean Mitchell, Kyle Boyd, Cheri Fowler, Kathy Higley, Kennard Larson, Ann Grafton, Rod Bruce, and John Helm.

Any government that is big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you've got.

The Bobcats are a very young team in a very tough conference, and are in what is known to be the toughest district in the state. There are no seniors on the team, just three juniors, six sophomores and 11 freshmen. The team should be heard of for / some time to come.

· What America really needs is more young people who. will carry to their jobs the same enthusiasm for getting ahead that they display in traffic.

A compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes that he has got the biggest slice.

Leading the grapplers so far this season have been undefeated Ken Boettcher at 142 lbs. and Kim Tennal, who suffered his first .defeat against Wayne State, at 158 lbs. These two, coach Harlan says, will be Peru's best hopes in the upcoming championships, and the best bets of any of the Bobcat wrestlers to go on to the NAIA final championships at Klamath Falls, Oregon in March. Although a whole team may be taken to the finals, Krein related, it doesn't make much sense to take a boy unless he finishes either first or second in districts, because of the tough competition in the NAIA finals.


Located on Tennis Court

Daily until 2:00 a.m.


Sponsored by City Council, Student Program, & SCB

Invites PSC students to open Checking and Savings Accounts
Member of F.D.l.C.
KEN JOHNSON GROCERIES - MEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Peru, tNebraska Phone 872-6355 Incense and Incense Burners Chess Sets Candles Large Record Selection Simon Drug Company Auburn Dr. G. E. Mann OPTOMETRIST CONTACT LENSES CLOSED WED. P.M. & SAT. P.M. Nebr. City 119 N 8th St. Phone 873-6180 Hahn Clothing Auburn, Nebraska

PERU PEDAGOGIAN Cagers' Snap Losing Streak

Led by seniors Nate Parks and Earl Brown and junior An5mias Montague the Peru State Bobcats were able to sweep their weekend series against Wayne State and Simpson College.

Last Friday night Peru stunned the league leading Wayne by the score of 74-66.

Forward Nate Parks led the attack with 30 points and 12 rebounds with Ananias Montague contributing 17 points and 10 rebounds.

Wayne's star Denny Siefkes led his team with 17 points and 5 rebounds, but the defensive work of Earl Brown ·held the 6-7 center well below his 27 point a game average anf forced him to foul out of the game. Offensively Brown added 7 points and 7 rebounds to the attack.

Peru once held a 10 point lead, but lead 39-36 at halftime. The victory put Peru at 3-10 and marked the team's first victory since December 7th against Doane at home. Wayne now stands at 112-4.

Peru completed the sweep Saturday night when they defeated Simpson College 86-71.

The Bobcats were again lead by Nate Parks (20 points, 6 rebounds), Ananias Montague 09 points, 10 rebounds), and Earl Brown (19 ppints, 4 rebounds).

Peru barely lead at the half 3836, but came on strong in the second half with a 48-35 effort.

All of Peru's starters finished in double figures with guards Don Monzingo scoring 15 and Tom Froehlich having 11. .Froehlich also had 3 steals.

Senior center, Denny Engle led the attack fo\ Simpson-With 24 points and 7 rebounds. Peru's record now stands at 4:10.

Baseball· in

How they scored:


This coming Monday, Janua 31st, believe it or not, base practice begins, for the catch and pitchers anyway. The rest the hopefuls that number a 35, will join them almost a mo later on February 28th, when infielders and outfielders practice.

With 11 lettermen return· Head Coach Tom Fitzge hopes to improve on last ye 4-8 record and a second pl finish in the Nebraska Coll Conference.

Among the returning l termen are: juniors Gale pitcher, Dan Cotton, catc Bob Lessner, outfield, Jo Simon, pitcher. Sophomo include Terry Criger, shortst Tom Froelich, pitcher, J Lanwehr, third base, Ri Eischen, pitcher and first b Dan Jeanneret, second base, Jim Desbien, outfield, round the Senior corps. Pitching balance will co mainly from the freshman ra where there are th righthanders and two so paws. Righthanders are Dar Wininger, Karl Farrell Robin Simmons, while P Mestz and Dwayne Martin the leftys.

LOST - Wallet, no money, but social security, drivers license, Penney charge card. BILL KENNEDY, Phone 872-9965.

Earl Brown gets the upper hand in the 74-66 upset over favored Wayne last Friday night.
Wayne Peru Wayne Siefkes Woodin Quinn Rohlfsen Harvey Erwin Jones Trofholz TOTALS Peru Parks Montague Froehlich Brown Washington Beaty Monzingo TOTALS Simpson Peru Simpson Engle Hansen Jensen Baker G. Jacobson Bassell Doering Peterson Lund Lahman TOTALS Peru Parks Montague Brown Monzingo Froehlich Beaty Craig TOTALS :l6 30 66 39 35 74 Points 17 14 9 7 7 4 6 2 66 Points 30 17 9 7 5 6 0 74 36 35 il 38 48 86 Points 24 13 12 10 5 2 3 2 0 0 71 Points 20 19 19 15 11 1 1 86
JANUARY 28, 19,

money, drivers charge NEDY, J

Peru P edagogian

VOL. 67 NO. 15

eru Chooses ·Glamour Girl

"I am honored and proud to represent Peru State College in ·the Glamour Girl contest. I thought it was neat being nominated !f't alone being dected." lam really happy" replied Debbie when she was told that she had won the campus division of the Glamour Girl contest."

Representing Peru State College, Miss Debbie Elmlinger now ad\!ances to the national finals of the contest sponsored by Glamour Magazine.

Debbie's major objective in life is being happy. She feels that in being happy she can make others happy. She hopes to accomplish her objective through education.

Debbie is presently working on completing her English major. She has applied for the intern program and hopes to intern next spring in preparation for her teaching career.

Along with her studies at PSC, Drhbie artiyr in English (']uh •and Student Center board.

' Debbie's parents, Mr and Mrs Helmut · Elmlinger, reside in Huron, Ohio, where her father is employed by General Motors. She has one brother Ron, who is married and serving in the Polaris submarine division of the Navy.



New Information Center

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1972 at P.S.C.


Construction of the new Peru State bulletin board has gotten underway. The class of 1919 took the initiative action for the board at their 50 yard reunion in 1969.

With the help of the classes of 1962-1967 and the classes of 1969 and 1970, the plan has materialized.

The bulletin board, which is to replace the original one donated by the class of 1917, is estimated to cost 12 hundred dollars. The Peru Building and Supply Company is in charge of the construction.

The design for the building was drawn up by Dee V. Jarvis and Gary Linden at the request of Don Carlile. The wedge shaped structure is to have two 36 x 72 inch sJiding glass doors, with a twelve inch deep display case on the north end. Lights are to be installed along the eaves of the roof.

board is under construction in front of the AdnumstratJon buildings.

The purpose of the structure is to inform students of various events. Placement andintramural notices along with daily notices are to be posted in the case. A special spot in the case is reserved for "Tell the .World About Peru."

Art Instructor Reed Makes Conference Team

"Being the only instructor in the department has its advantages and disadvantages"

commented Leland Sherwood the only art instructor at State College.

The reason behind being the only instructor stated Mr Sherwood, is that the legislature had to cut down on spending, so the art department was one of the many who suffered.

Mr Sherwood, when asked if it was hard being the only instructor mentioned that it is difficult to teach all areas of art and not just specialize in own area. Being the only instructor does create · hard feelings and cause many difficulties such as classes have to be limited to small numbers and consequently many students have to wait a year or two to get classes, and in the meantime many lose interest. With onlv one instructor, you don't get a variety of opinion, it is hard to atlract students to the departmcnl, and there is really no room for those students who wanl art for a leisure course.

O n the other hand, there are ;1dvantages. One being, Mr Sherwood is independent and he makes his own decisions on what ht· lhinks should be covered in each level of art. Since classes arc limited, Mr Sherwood gets to know and become close to many ol h1« «l11ilf>nf« F'.vPrvnnP


been most cooperative, stated Mr Sherwood, in most. everything I want or need.

On a whole stated Mr .Sherwood, the art department cannot improve without the help of more staff, but I enjoy it here at Peru.

Fire In I I .. Morgan Hall

A fire was spotted in a third floor room at lhe Eliza Morgan Hall Salurday January 29 about mid atkrnoon.

It is bl'lieved that the cause of the fire was a paper lamp shade on a light. Firemen were called to the sc('lle and thrt'W flaming beds out the window. Besides tlw beds being destroyed. personnal items and books wl're also lost due to the flames.

Living in the quarters al tlw time were, Donnette Henne and Mary Weber, who were subsequently moved lo another room.

It has been reported that all lamp shades of this type havP been removed as polential fir!' hazards.

The I971 Nebraska College Conference football team has been selected. All four Nebraska State colleges are represented.

Barry Reed, a 6-2. 210 pound sophomore, was the lone Peruvian named to the conference team. Reed rushed for

Those nominated. by the coaches, were then balloied on by the four coaches. Kearney StatP dominated the conference tl'am sl'lections with 10. placing six on defense and four on offpnse.

:w yards through nine games tor a :l.8 yard average on 86 carnes. He also returned a 50 yard punt dongest for Perul against Kearney.

The number of gridders recieving Honorable Mention was about even among the four schools, Peru. Wayne and Chadron had five athletes on the list with Kearney adding three.

John Winkel. a 6-0. 170 pound junior from Whittenmore. Iowa, proved to be an pxcellent recein'r. Through 10 games, John caught 2(i passes for 637

yards and four TD's, and was on the receiving end of a 69 yard aerial (longest of the season) from Terry Criger against the University of South Dakota at Springfield.

Criger joins his favorite receiver to the selection, passing and running for 1,115 yards, scoring 11 six-pointers.

Avery Wallace, 5-9, 185, who along with Kearney's Tom Kropp were the only yearlings to make the team, returned enemy kick-offs for 244 yards, a 2.04 game average, while gathering m 17 punts for 117 yards, a 6.9 yard average.

. · 1n y?
Fin• bt•ds and !H'rsonal bt>longings at Eliza Morgan llall.


31 I saw "Hair" in Pershing Aud1tormm m Lmcoln. I wish more people of all ages could see this beautiful production. When saying beautiful, I don't mean nice sets, beautiful costumes, I mean beautiful in the ideas presented. This production touched on everything concerning the youth oi today.

I was a little· bit surprised at the number of members of the older generation that were present. One comment heard was that of a matronly woman and her husband. They said, "There were some things we didn't understand, but once we got the general idea of the production, we understood what it was all about/' They remarked that there was one word used quite often wtrtch they understood. This word was an infamous four letter word, which is quite familiar in the vocabulary of college students. It seems as though people of all ages are familiar with this word which bridges the generation gap somewhat.

I am sure that all of the older generation present didn't like the production as ml.!£_h as the couple I have mentioned did, for there were some parts of the production that might have been offensive to many people. I myself saw 'very few leaving.

After seeing this prod9ction, I can see no reason for the city of Omaha not allowing the production into their "fair city". (I am sure that the Muse theatre or the Pussycat theatre are showing Walt Disney movJes now.) In "Hair" there were some pertinent ideas of much worth presented. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the very people who banned "Hair" from Omaha, went to Lincoln to see the production.

Anyone who ever gets the chance should see this production. It makes you think about some things. It is truly the spokesman of the youth of today. It's

Letters To The Editor

Housemothers Out ·of Line?

Just how much authority doe& a housemother have? Can she just use her master key, and open all the rooms and check things whether someone is there or not? Does she have the authority to walk right into our rooms, and go through our personal items? Even if someone has lost something, it isn't right to go through everyone's room and personal items, as it has been done just lately. If this has to be done, then obtain a search warrant or the dean, but the housemother shouldn't act like a storm trooper.

SGA Meets, But Invalid·

The Student Governing Association of P.S.C. did not have a quorum Monday, so a business meeting was impossible. Vacancies in the organization, caused by ab· senteees, was the reason for the lack of a quorum.

The body tried to make several motions before it was finally pointed out by faculty advisor, Dr. Thomas Scherer that a quorum was not present and that therefore S.G.A. could not function. S.G.A. president, Steve Long said that the vacancies would be filled.

However, since no meeting could be held, the gathering was termed a discussion. The business reviewed included confirmation of new swimming hours on weekends, which are 15 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, and formation of a committee to work on an open house idea. Ultimately, the latter idea was dropped, due to lack of interest.


In the end it was decided that the new S.G.A. secretary Terri Fink, would contact the not represented, and mform them of their position, and their alternatives involving membership. A meeting should be possible next week.

Dr. Shelley Attends Conference

Dr. Rex R. Shelley, head of the department of education at Peru State College, recently attended a conference for Teacher Self Appraisal. He served as a consultant for the conference which was held Jan. 16-20.

Placement Office ·

Assists PSC Grads

When a student graduates, or when one of Peru State's alumni wants to see about'a possible job -change, the man to contact is Mr Harold Johnson, head of Placement Services at Peru State. Mr Johnson is in constant contact with businesses and firms and attempts to get the employer and possible employee together by keeping account of who has job openings, and who is available to fill them.

People who wish to use the services of the placement office must have spent at least one semester in school at Peru State, and must make out an application form with references from previous employers and · college faculty members if so desired. The applicant must also describe the type of work desired, so the right job may be found for him. Also the number of hours completed, and in what subjects they were in are shown

Secretaries Take Break

"Oh Suzanne, I just knew you would feel that way."

"Let's see how she does this!"

Ardie Chapin, Special Services Secretary exclaims to the stunned group.

"Well, I'm not giving her a divorce." ·

"Oh no. Uh, oh! "The four secretaries can't believe it.

on the application forrri, whi then is complete. No, grad however are shown on completed form that is sent various companies for th analysis.

When a particular job openi comes up, Mr Johnson can th send a credentials f that job to the employer, can then get in touch with applicant for an interview. terviews also take place here campus, as many repres tatives of various school syste and other firms come to Peru talk with students who will so be graduating.

At the present time, Johnson estimates that slight! over 100 people are using services of his office. number however is expected at least double before the spr· semester ends. Last year alon over 2000 sets of credenti were sent to various employe

.Action Group

To Visit

Action on Peru State Campus Action is the result of a meqie by Peace Corps and Vista, th international and intern volunteer program.

Can't We Share The Gym?

Has the word sharing disappeared at ·Peru? The word sharing, r>ferring to the gym. The gym is either occupied by the basketball team or the intramural teams. I'm not against any of the$e teams, just ·.concerned with the talk about the Drill Team. People criticize the girls involved, for being offstep and not being co-ordinated. The girls might look a little bit alive and more organized; if they had their alotted time to use the gym for practice! Next time you start criticizing the Drill Team, stop and think, about all the practice they haven't had in the gym!

Dr. Shelley's responsibility was the presentation of instruction in Interaction Analysis. He also lectured on Innovations in Teacher Education.

The conference was sponsorea by the Evaluative Programs for Innovative Curriculums Corporation. It was held at the Tang Verde Guest Ranch near Tuscon, Arizona. Over eighty educators throughout the U.S., Canada, and Mexico were in attendance.

Choir Will Make Tour

Late March is the date which has been selected for the annual Peru State College Concert tour. This year as in the past the tour will be under the direction of Mr Edward Camealy.

A concert has been scheduled at Beatrice Senior High School on Tuesday, March 28, and then on March 30, the choir will make a two day tour into Iowa.

A few changes have been made in the choir this year. A group of seven students under the direction of Karen Ramsey, has been selec;ted as a feature of the choir and will sing basically pop music, --with tlie accompanyment of a guitar. Also to be featured will be a Madrigal, which is made up of 20 voices and will sing precise English Madrigal selections.

This is the scene that takes place five days a week in the faculty lounge of the Administration Building. The "Faithful Four" Mrs Chapin, Mrs Groff, Business Office Secretary, Mrs Donna Giesecke, Business Office Secretary, and Mrs Lois Smith, Placement Secretary never miss a program of "As The World Turns." Exactly at 12:30a hush falls over the lounge as another exciting episode comes on.

Mrs Chapin is the prophet of the group, but she commented, "It's getting harder to figure out." Subdued comml).nts, mixed with knowing laughs are made between the secretaries throughout the half hour.

"I think there is every chance this marriage. can be saved!"

"Oh brother!"

"Well, there's no verdict to it, it's as plain as the nose on your face." Mrs Chapin knowlingly concludes.

This is the end o! another involved episode which will be continued.

Due On

Miss Kathy Crow, a form Vista volunteer, will meet wi those interested in Acti February 17 and 18 in the I dustrial Arts Building.

Action is interested i acquainting people with' th opportunities available in i programs. Peace Corp is looki for backgrounds in agriculture industrial arts, math and science, and business.

Former Studen Head Program_

Mrs Luvenia Sanders , a f mer PSC student , has · employed as an administra -assistant in the Nebraska H start Supplimentary Progra ,The program is operated b Peru State College under th direction of Dr. Rex R Shelle head of the department o education.

Formerly enrolled at Pe State College, Mrs Sanders went on to do post graduate work at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. She is a specialist in Career and Early Childhood

n Development.


Room 206 Ed Building

Recently Mrs Sanders has

been busy travelling throughout Yearbook u.s. _visiting colleges, par- ticularly m the Southeast. Ove fifty colleges have benefitted' from her advise on career programs and college curriculum during her trip.

Issue Editor Erny Boeck


Thursday. February 3: Movie "The Ballati of Cable Hogue", Fine Arts Aud., 7:00 p.m., must show I.D.

Monday, February 14: Dance music by Omaha's "Crackin's", Gym, 8:00-11:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 24:Concert by Denny Brooks, College Aud., 8:00 p.m.

Sunday, February 27:Faculty Card Party, West Dining Room, 7:30 p.m.

Published weekly b.y the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF John Thomas · Steve Long News· chuck Smidi Photography Jerry Steele J ••.••••••••••••••••••• Sports Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler ; Circulation Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Business Managers Mr. Everett Browning Advisor PERU PEDAGOGIAN
The Pedagogian

ime, Mr" .t slightly using the ce. This pected to he spring !ar alone, ·edentials nployers.

ehersals Starts

Would you like to learn more bout the American woman's rogress through history? Then me to the play "The Al:Qerican ame," March 8 and 9. The play begins with Adamd Eve and progresses to the esent.

There ar-e five different aracter types, 3 women and 2

The dominate woman, the utiful sex symbol who is Higent and feminine, and the n-to-earth mother type. The · man is a speaker against men's rights. These 5 types e played by a cast of twelve.

Majors Hall Closed

Major's Hall has been closed now for a semester and will remain closed for at least this semester. Many of you are probably wondering why this has happened? To find the answer to this question, Mr George Wendall was consulted and he stated that the building was closed because, it needed a few repairs,' and since it wasn't needed for the housing of male students this year it was closed so repairs could be made.

Will Major's Hall ever be forgotten -by the male and sometimes female students who resided there? How could anyone ever forget the infamous battle of second floor east which

Jed to the end of the first semester war.

Who will ever forget some of the great men who have resided in the hall. Ever since it was erected in the early 1960's Major's Hall has been turning out some great men who will go on to become leaders of America, men who have learned about leadership by being R.A.'s and other who have learned by leading the men against the R.A.'s, and still others who chose to study while the fighting was going on. To these men the doors of Major's Hall will never be closed and their memories of this fine residence will. live long after the building has fallen.

Former Peru State College graduate, Dr. James E. Perdue, has received a leave grant from the Danforth Foundation to study developments and trends in higher education in the United States and Europe.

Dr. Perdue, President of the State Unive-rsity College at Oswego, New York is one of 20 college and university presidents honored with the grant. Selection of recipients is by invitation rather than by application. He received the award in recognition of past academic accomplishments and anticipated future leadership in higher education. He will begin his study at the Institute for the Study of Higher

Education, Calif., later continuing his study at Wright-Ingraham Institute, Colorado Springs, Colo. Upon completion of research at the two western institutes, he will travel to England, where he will study development of new technological institutes in that country during the past decade. Other countries he will study in are France, Spain, Italy and Denmark.

Dr. James Perdue l!raduated from Peru in 1937, and prior to that from Auburn high 8chool. He received his masters ft, 1m Colorado State College and Ph. D. degree from University.

Incense and Incense Burners

Chess Sets Candles Large Record Selection Simon

sted in with' the e in its is looking : riculture, · 1th and •s. ram.: !rs, a. f has b. inistrative 1ska Head: !rated by mder the· Shelley, ;ment of career college trip. i's

A recipe contest is going to be · Id froni February 14 through 21st, to get new ideas for food be served in the cafeteria.

Glen Hunter, head of · feteria services, will give the ner and his or her date a dlelight steak dinner. ecipe ideas should be handed (!t Student Center in the



Phone 872-3335

·Sinclair) Tires Mechanic· Work Reasonable lNEW OWNERS Bi.JI Reeves ayne Simpson
Member of F.D.l.C. Invites PSC stpdents to open Checking and Savings Accounts ICE SKATING
OPEN Located on Tennis Court Daily until 2:00 a.m. NOT RES.PONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS----Sponsored by City Council, Student Program, & SCB KEN'S IGA , Dr. G. £ .. Mann KEN JOHNSON GROCERIES - MEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES P•u, 1Nebraska Phone an-6355 OPTOMETRIST CONTACT LENSES CLOSED WED. P.M. & SAT. P.M. Nebr. City 119 N 8th St. Phone 873-6180 PAGE 3 PSCGrad Receives
Drug ·Company
· Airthoriztd 1206 J Street Auburn, Nebraska 274-3410 IT'S TIME TO BUY YOUR 1971 - 72 Peruvian ON SALE NOW Only $8.00


The Wad Squad won against the Budmen 47-38 in the first game of the f?urth The Wee Indians were defeated by the Alkies 47-44 m the mterleague game. The Studs conquered the Odd Squad 57-42. ·

Duffy's won against the Roaches 32-30 after an overtime The Double A's lost to the Whackers 69-19. SuMad defeated the Shady Oak Bombers 46-35. The Dusters won the final game of the fourth round 45-40 against the Dijls.

The Studs led the National League with a record of 4-0 after the completion of the fourth round of intramural basketball. The Dusters and the Wad Squad headed the American League with records of 3-1.

The Wad Squad defeated SuMad 46-41 in the first game of the third round. The Studs were victorious against the Alkies 44-39 in the third round. The Budmen won against the Wee Indians 44-30. The Odd Squad lost to the Whackers 42,32.

The Roaches defeated the Dusters 40-38. Duffy's won against the Double A's 56-30. The Dills were victorious over the Shady Oak Bombers 57-55 in the final game of the third round.

.•.:' The sixth round of intramural basketball will begin Thursday, .Jr» 10, at 6:00 p.m. when the Whackers meet the Alkies. Duffy's confront the Dills at 7:00 in the interleague game. SuMad and the Wee Indians play at 8:00. The Roaches and the Odd Squad compete at 9:00.

The intramural basketball standings with four rounds completed are:

Siefkes, Brown Lead Cagers

Dennis Siefkes of Wayne, although corralled against Peru a couple of weeks back, continues to lead the seven colleges and universities ilf"District II of the NAIA in scoring with a 27.0 average for 432 points while also heading the others in field goal shooting, .579. Siefkes, the guy from the North country has also made the most baskets, 181.

Bernard Brown of Doane, has the most rebounds with 268, 19 per game, to lead both departments there.

your name in the paper by drivin<J recklessly; but seldom by driving wrecklessly. ·

Cats Shot Down Title Hopes Fall

The University of Nebraska at Omaha cage squad managed to escape with a 74-69 basketball decision over feisty Peru Tuesday night February 1, at Peru. The loss all but erased the Peruvians' hopes of a Nebraska College Conference Title.

At the end of the opening ten minute mark, the big boys from the mini-U held a precarious 2320 lead under the performance of center Merlin Renner.

Peru remained close on the rebounding of Earl Brown, the combined shotting and rebounding of Ananias Montague, who shared game honors with Renner with 18, and key baskets by center Rex Beatty. Tom Froehlich, who finished with 15, kept the Pack in the contest when he was fouled while driving on a layup. The conversion knotted it at 35-35 with

1:40 left in the first half. Montague later tied it for the third time within a minute and a half, 37-37: on a tip-in. Coach Bob Hanson's cagers' however, rallied, retreating to the dressing room owners of a 41-37 lead.

'.fhe third quarter found the Peruvians hitting a dry spell as the Pack coulo only tally three baskets ir minutes while the Mavericks extended their lead to eight, 51-43. With 10:30 remaining they held a commanding 57-47 advantage.

It appeared pretty grim for local supporters as the Pack seemed to sputter and stall, falling behind at one point, 65-50 However, with 5:00 remaining, Mclntire's troopers began to lake charge. A hook shot by Beatty here, a jumpshot by Don Monzingo there closed it to five, 68-63, with 1: 54 left.

UN-O's five then started develop problems of their own they could only manage basket while Peru garnered t coming to within 70-67 with left on the clock, that was close as the home team c get. Stalling tactics by visitors forced the 'Cats to f UN-0 prevailing, 74-69. The victors -were lead Renner who had 18, John Ro with 16, two below his aver and 6-3 senior guard P Sieczkowski with 14. Si zkowski, incidentally, who le the conference in free thr with, 862, converted on charity tosses. Brown collected 13 rebo and ten points while Beatty scrappy guard Monzingo had nihe for the losers. P now 5-12, hopes to improve mark tonight against Cha State.

Bryan Traylon of Dana has converted the most free throws with 83. The Chadron State club, who are the defending Nebrq.ska College Champs who finished 188 last year, already have 18 games behind them to be among the state's busiest teams.

Chadron State To Invade

When the Cnadron State basketball team comes to town tonight for the big shoot-out, there are a few things to look for. Keep your eyes on number 21, Scott Jones, for openers. This is really flying high with l96 points through 18 games for a 22.0 average to lead his learn in scoring.

The other half of Chadron 's Dynamic Duo, Rick Brown, is also nearing the 400 point plateau with :l78 points and, has the best average, with a 22.2. He also leads his comrads in free throws, 78·105 for a .74:! average.

Huss Taylor has 174 rebounds this season, about 10 a game r9.7 i. Ananias Montague is averaging 14.5. Go get'em Ananias' The Pack has six more contests, three at home; Kearney Slate-February eighth, Bellevue-February 15th and the last home stand being against the Lancers of Mount Marty February 18th. The cagers' last five contests come within an eight day span as they meet Northwest Missouri State February lfith, the Owls of Tarkio February 21st and finishing out the season by challenging Wayne, February 23rd.

Doane Wins In Squeeze

Doane College defeated Peru Stale 65-63 in a double overtime game January 25.

After the lead changed hands several limes. Doane led with seconds left, but a costly mistake let the Bobcats lie the score after regulation time.

The game slowed down in the first overtime with each team scoring only two points. Doane led by four points during the second overtime but the Bobcats could only come within two.

Ananias Montague led the Bobcats wifh 22 points, while J{ogillio Douglas led the Tigers with 24.

Last Saturday night, January 29, PPru !'ame ha!'k lo bPal Bellevue College 87-81

The Bobcats who led throughout the game, compiled a 15 point lead al one lime in the second half.

Bellevue, however, came back in the final minutes, and cut the l!!ad lo six before the clock ran ·out.

Ananias Montague and Nate Parks led the Bobcats with 21 r>oints apiece. Also finishing in

double figures were Don Monzingo with 13 and Bob Bowen and Tom Froelich with 12 each. Dan Applegate led Bellevue with 12 points. Peru's record is now at 511, while Bellevue stands at 4-16.

" National League Studs 4-0 Alkies 3-1 Whackers 3-1 Duffy's 3-1 Odd Squad 1-3 Roaches 1-3 Double A's 1-3 American League Dusters 3-1 Wad Squad 3-1 Dills 2-2 Budmen 1-3 Shady Oak Bombers 1-3 Wee Indians 1-3 SuMad 1·3
Hahn Clothing Auburn, NebraskaSTATE THEATER AUBURN, NEWSKA Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Feb. 6 · 7 · 8 · 9
You can get
; I
Earl Brown No. 22 stops and pops a quick jump shot, as Bowen \o. 20 and Montague No. :12 look on.
I 2 F Peru :37 50 87 IMfcvue 55 46 81 l'l'fU Points Parks 21 Montague 21 Monzingo 13 Bowen 12 Froelich 12 Brown 8 TOTALS 87 BPlll'VUI' Points Applegate 12 Nd son 12 <:adwell II Larson II J{iley II <:ilial B Mackins B Paul Meints 2 TOTALS Bl PIONEER THEATRE! Nebraska City ' Sun.-Wed.

Peru Pedagogian

rads' Joh rospectsUp

spite the overall gam in oyment, the College ment Council reported ntly that a survey of 835 loyers has found "the first ard movement in three s" in job prospects for e graduates. average of all areas, the il said, employers expect a ercent increase in hiring. petition will still be keen," a council spokesman. ents can't afford to sit and wait for a job to come ·ng for them." Prospects ai: brightest for those (!nt.s majoring in business,

ences, mathematics, and r technical fields. Although e employers said they plan r recruiting visits to puses, there are four iniew dates coming up in the omaha Public Politics,

Journalism k

March 24 - Council Bluffs, wa Public Schools.

i Beta Lambda Selects Officers

Ameeting of Phi Beta Lambda s held Tues., Feb. 8 at 6:30 in the .F. A. Auditorium. s for the annual auction and te Convention were ussed.

An election of officers for next ear was held. Armon Nielsen as elected president, Chuck boy, Vice. Pres.., Sharon ser, Sec., Jim Lane, asurer, and Jane Green ·storian. · '

An officers meeting will be ld Wed., Feb. 16 in the Ed. uilding during Convo period. A ecial meeting for Phi Beta bda members will be held s., Feb. 22.

Mr John W. Hahn came to the United States in 1956 from Korea to continue his studies in Political Science and Journalism. He received his MA in Journalism. at the University of Minnesota in 1958, and is currently working towards his PhD in Political Science.

In his journalism experience in Japan he covered political affairs and occasionally court house news. Mr Hahn found this hard because of the left and right conflict in the country at the time. It was difficult to be an idealistic journlist because only the pro-government segment was allowed to exist.

Mr Hal\n accepted the position at Peru State in 1968 because he felt that teaching in a rural area would be a unique experience. He had never lived in the country or small town at-

American Dame Chosen For Spring Production.

"American Dame", the 1972 spring offering of the drama department has begun production. The play, written by Phillip C. Lewis, is a narrative which concentrates on womens liberation. The cast, directed by Peru's newest addition to the faculty, Miss Pat Manley, has been in rehearsals for the past two weeks. Rehearsals will continue through February until opening night March 8

Sets are currently being constructed in the college auditorium by members of the cast and drama students. Apparently, the only major problem facing the show at this point is a lack of laborers to complete the set building chores. Miss Manley asks that all in-

Party Theme Is 'Great SO's'

mosphere and he felt there were many things to learn. John Hahn enjoys his life at Peru and intends to stay here indefinitely. He is not a citizen yet, but has established permanent residency.

His number one interest is sports. The United. States is unique he said, because it hosts year round sports activities. While in high school he participated in baseball, soccer, and track.

.Mr Hahn was asked about his religious convictions. He believes that there is no essential difference between an individuals self conscience and ones religious beliefs. He lets his own conscience choose the more decent way to live. "If I were to state my philosophy it would be, God will help those who help themselves."

Student Opinions Vary. on Professional Needs

A variety of opm1ons were made evident when various. Peru .State College students were asked about their professional training.

realize you had picked up. The actual student teaching is the best class or experience I have had."

". Roxanne Hill, Cindi Anderson, su.san :rorczon, and John Greenwald are hosting a "Late Great 50's" party at Duffy's Inn next Thursday night, February 17. The fun begins at 8:00 p.m. Remember the days of wiffy water spouts, ducktails and wings, all sporting a jar of grease? What about bobby socks, letter sweaters, ponytails, arid rolled up jeans? It's time to relive those infamous days. The evening will be full of golden oldies like "Duke of Earl" and "At the Hop" Everyorie is welcome to attend but you must come dressed for the occasion. Get out your old clothes, hop in your wheels, rev up the engine, and SWING!

terested students who would like to offer their help with the construction of sets and other backstage aspects of ·the production, please get in touch with her.

Cast of play is as follows:

Male parts - Mark Hahn, John Thomas, Bart Neri, Bob Olson and Mike Kelly.

Female parts - Carol Muse, Joevette Farber, Lin Dee Raymond, Ann O'Connor, Julee Tillman, Barb Wilkenson, and Rhonda Preston.

Pancake Day Is February 19

The annual Pancake Day of the Peru Kiwanis Club will be Saturday, Fehruary 19, at the Peru City Hall from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., according to Everett Browning, chairman of the Boys and Girls Committee, which sponsors the event.

This year's menu will include pancakes, sausage, milk and coffee. Prices are $1 for adults and 50 cents for children 12 years and younger.

Proceeds will go into the boys and girls Committee fund which supports Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and finances the annual Peru .Kiwanis Bicycle ROdeo each fa!L

Members of the club, supported by the Peru State College Circle K chapter and Peru Boy Scout Troop 325, provide the manpower for the annual feed. Ken's IGA in Peru is helping with the provisions.


sophomores and juniors

As you start in your field the teachers will know you and the necessary help will be available when it is asked of them.:, Pat McConnell, who student taught fourth grade at Nebraska City said, "I think the student teaching program at Peru is good. At first I couldn't really see the necessity of methods classes, but aft er student tl'arhing awhile, you find yourself using some of the ideas ft·nm nwf hocls I hat vou didn't

Tyrus Gilliam, who is studying for a career in Business Administration feels that Peru has prepared him on what to expect in the business world, but he replied, "I still believe in experience as being the best teacher."

An informal Valentines Day Dance will be held February 14 at approximately 8:00 in the school gym. Crackin', a local group from Omaha, will play for the dance. SCB is sponsoring the dance. and it is paid for by progrnm fees.

Debbie Elmlinger was recently chosen by students as Peru's 1972 Glamour Girl.

' H r '
Sports are Mr. Hahn's Number One Interest. .............. .: '·
ce Company.
'0, n.u illil\n C.:.nni,u• llioh
When asked if she thinks Peru has given her enough preparation for her career, Marley Meyer commented, "I feel that college places loo much emphasis on a general education instead of instructing future teachers how and what to teach. More method classes would be an asset to the cirruculim. Kathy Boyle stated, "I do feel Peru has prepared me for a career in teaching. What I need now is more experience in the classroom." K11thy student
A wide op1mon was given about the instructors at Peru. One person feels that some of the professors are using Peru as a resting place before moving on or retiring. Barb Carpenter commented, "At Peru you are an individual and not a number.


Comment by

In the December 17 issue of the Ped, Dr. Gomon is quoted on the front page as saying, that he did not wish student representatives to administrative committees to be elected by the student body. Dr. Gomon did Qot say in that particular issue of the Ped how he would rather have those representatives chosen. He did make it clear that his administration does not want student representation on administra.tive committees which has the support of the student body, gained through the elective process.

·\ In my opinion, what Dr. Gomon is saying, is that he wants students on those cominittees who represent the administration, rather than the student body.

A man of great wisdom once said, "No.man can serve two masters." Consider the student who serves on one of these administrative committees. The student is on that committee because the administration allows him to be. He is not there because the student body elected him to represent its views before the members of that committee.

I fail to see how such a student represents the student body, when the student body had nothing to do with placing him i.n a position of representation. The administration, however, did have much to do with placing the student in such a positiQn.

ShoUld the student wish to maintain his seat on his committee, who does. he agree most readily with, who is he responsible to and finally, who does the student represent? Do you bite the hand that feeds you?

When is student representation not student representation? When the administration chooses the students whorepresent the students.

Letters to the Editor

Govt. Plays Bingo?

About two weeks ago, a group of yoWlg men huddled aroWld a radio in room 105 at Delzell Hall and listened as our government played a game of. bingo with their lives.

In a so-called "land of the free", does the government have the right to control a man's morals and set odds on him coming back from, Vietnam as ail amputee or a casualty?

In my opinion, we must do everything in our power to put an end to this war by exercising our new right to vote for a man who will bring peace through victory, withdrawal, or compromise. And not one who de-escalates the war for purpose of reelection.

If there must be a war, let there be a volWlteer army. H a man wants to go to college; let him. If a man wants to marry and have a family, let him. Ha man wants to fight; let him. And if a man does not want to fight, let hini have this right. And if no ··one wants to fight, then. the government should take this hint and withdraw from fighting.

How to Park.

Parking at Peru State College has become a problem. Seems

park their car.

about anyone but himself. Too often a car is parked over the lines just far enough so another car cannot park in the adjoining spot It is alsi> annoying to see choice parking places reserved for faculty aild maintenance that seldom drive a car to school. The way the parking lots look on some days, Peru needs to offer a course on "How to Park Your Car."

Thank You

Concerning the letter to the editor which appeared in last week's Pedagogian, the members of the Drill Team would like to express their appreciation for the co-operation that has been shown in the. last two weeks in the using of the gym. Asincere thanks to all that have helped.

The Drill Team

Ped Every Two Weeks?

Why can't the Peru Pedagogian come out once every two weeks? I know,. Peru State College .Students are accqstomed to it every week, but why publish .a paper when threefourths of it is ads! !think stud.ents ' would appreciate it more; ifit contained more news and worthwhile articles to read, than it previously has. It would also save the · college.· some money in printing costs. Think about it students!"


Monday, February 14 - Dance. Music by Omaha's "Crackin" Gym 8:00 - 11:00 p.m.

Monday, February 14 - English Club Meeting, Elections for next year to be held.

The following com' preceded a story in The Re Eastern Montana College: 11 article does not necess' reflect the opinion of The nr since the Editor was out bo.' with a nice little dark-hair ' during the entire 'Flash Ca and the Continental cert. Perhaps he is farthe '. the fifties than the group i" the word bowling may been a misquotation · typographical error.;;

The University of Iowa Healtb Center is of6 classes in contraceptive<' seling. The classes are • staffed by members ofi! Family Planning Clinic.

"The Nitty Gritty Dirt performed in concert Fe Kearney State College. the recording artists of Bojangles."

The Concordia Teac College ACapella choif r ' January 2i after a lS-tla mile concert tour of thi:.,

Monday, February 21 - Band Concert coast.

Tuesday, February 15 - Peru vs. Bellevue, here.

Thursday, February 24·- .Concert by Denny Brooks, College Auditorium, 8:00 p.m.

Sunday, February 27 - Faculty Card Party, west dining room, 7:30 p.m. ·


Action is now! Peace Corps andVista have joined together in recruiting through Action. Crow, a former Vista volunteer, will be on Peru State campus, meeting with interested persi>ns, February 17 and 18 in the Industrial Arts Building. Action is interested in. acquainting people with the opportWlities available in its programs. Work and volunteer experience help make the applicant a strong prospect.

Federal Exams

February 19

A special, Federal Service Entrance Examination ·will be given on-campus, Saturday, February 19, at 9 a.m., in the Fine Arts Building - Room 105. This two-hour examination, is used as the principal source to recruit graduates into Federal agencies.

To save time during the oncampus examination, you should fill out an application in advance. The application is a part of the Federal Service Entrance Examination brochure, which is available at the Placement office in the Administration Building - Room 307. Included in the brochure, are sample questions and additional information on Federal employment.

If you have any more, questions concerning this, Civil service' representatives will be on campus, Wednesday, February 16, in the Administration Building - Room 304, from 9:30 to 2:30 to answer qµestions. relative to civil service employment opportunities. Appointments are not necessary.·


Feb. 14 - Feb. 21.

Deposit ideas in Student Center game room.

Prize: Steak Dinner

Wayne State College ' perimenting with inner visitation. Students were register members of posite sex for visiting dorms on Saturday and

for a two week trial perio'· Washburn Universityq; Topeka, Kansas is offer" ' new course. The title of! course is, "Introduction to .,,


PSC. Coed Has Famous Na

APeru State College coed who shares family names with a former president of the United States finds the name is a conversation piece even though the spellings are different.

She is Miss Alta Marie Eisenhauer whose Great Grandfather, Jacob Eisenhauer, was a brother of David Eisenhower. Former president Dwight 'Ike' Eisenhower was David's son. According to their family history, David changed the spelling of his name from Eisenhauer to Eisenhower, accoWlting in the differences in spelling of the brothers' last names. Alta recalls stories her grandfather used to tell her of his visits with cousin Ike during

the early 1900's in Kansas. ·!:

Alta is the daughter of Mi' Mrs Martin Eisenhauer of'' Cook, Nebraska. Eisenhauer was a 1970 gr;{ of Nemaha Valley High ·" and is currently a jWlior State College, majori Elementary Education. Alta is planning to upho Eisenhauer tradition registering Republican fo years election.

Alta has never been in A to visit the Eisenhower · museum, library, or the Mr Eisenhower's "However," she replied, " near future I'm going to m point of visiting there."

John Thomas ' Editor-in-ell:

Robert Wernsman Ass't. Edi.

Steve Long

Chuck Smith Photogra

Jerry Steele


Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler

Mr. Everett Brownin

PAGE 2 Editorial
like no
knows· how to
Why is it no one cares
weekly by the students of Peru College, Peru, Nebraska
The PedagogianJ Published
· · : · · · · · · · · N.j
· ,. ,. : · · · · · · · · ,. Sp,,
McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circula"
..•.. Business Mana
.............• : AdV"

nTiual Tea Kept Alive

31 year tradition will be kept e at Peru State College this with the annual Martha 'ington Tea on Feb. 22, to Louise Kregel, assistant fessor of home economics. ponsored by the nomics Club, the tea will be d from 3 to 5 p.m., in the e economics department, ucation Building, is open to public.

t all started in Mount Vernon,

., when in 1940 Miss Edna are, and five Peru State s attended a national home nomics meeting. They found recipe on display "How to ke a Great Cake." The first that the recipe's product was ved. at Peru State, was in

1. It has beome an annual

t that has grown to require fixing of a 128 lb. fruit cake.

·Decorated to represent a doll, e 1972 cake, will grace the ain tea table.Jn order to yield ough fruitcake· the recipe had

Thomas Attends Convention

to be quadrupled. Individual 1 pound cakes will be available for sale to the public.

The recipe, "written by Martha Custis for her grandmother Martha Washington," reads: "TO MAKE A GREAT CAKE - Take forty eggs and divide the white from the yolks and beat them to a froth, work four pounds of butter to a cream, put the whites of the eggs to it, a spoonful at a time till it is well worked in then put four pounds of sugar finely powdered to it in the same manner. Add the yolks of the eggs, five pounds of flour and five pounds of fruit. Then add to it half an ounce of mace and nutmeg, half a pint of wine or some fresh brandy."

John Thomas, vice-president of PSEA and Southeast Regional Coordinator for Student Education of Nebraska attended the National Student Education Association Mid-Winter convention in Kansas City. January 26-29.

There were over 300 students from 47 of the 50 states attending the convention. The proposed dues increase was voted down, and amendments to the constitution were proposed. The amendments will be discussed at the next convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey this summer.

Today is last day forGraduation Applicati<ms

Mr. Bro.wning has wide

1llege is inner d were ab! of the ;iting in rand Sun al period. ·

1ter of Mr iauer of r :ka.

1970 grad High Sc junior at P majoring ation. to uphold adition >lican for een in Abil mower ho , or the sit !F's gra "In 1ing tom 1ere."

Lifeguards are dona_ting. their time for program.

·range of interests Pool Now Open ENGAGEMENTS

Mr and Mrs Willis 0. Boyd of ·jiulfon, Nebraska announce -engagement of their ghter, Kyle Boyd to Rick k, son of Mr and Mrs Ralph k of Millard, Nebraska.

Kyle is a freshman and Rick is junior at Peru State College. No date has been set.

Mr and Mrs George Grafton nounce the engagement of ir daughter Ann to David ichols, son of Mr.and Mrs Ray ichols of Johnson.

A May 20 wedding is planned.

Mr Everett Browning, journalism instructor and advisor for the Peruvian and the Pedagogian at Peru State • College, is an individual. with quite a versatile background and an interest in a variety of areas.

Mr Browning graduated from Kansas State University in 1953. He worked for three newspapers following his graduation from Kansas State; the Kansas-.City Star the North Platte Telegraph, and the Daily Journal-Stockman, which is now. a weekly paper, the .Stockman Journ111.

Mr Browning was also employed se:vices to work with publ!cations at Kansas State University, Colorado State University, and New Mexico State University. While attending New Mexico University, Mr Browning worked as a contractor for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) when the command service module and the lunar ascent and descent engines were being constructed.

In 1965 Mr Browning received his masters degree in jour-

nalism while working on- the staff of Kansas State University. He came to Peru State College in 1969 as Assistant Director of Special Services. Mr Browning is presently teaching English · and Journalism classes and is advisor for the college newspaper, the Pedagogian, and the yearbook, the Peruvian.

When asked about his outside interests Mr Browning replied that he is a "gun nut". He is primarily interested in old black powder m11zzl.e gun,s.

He is also a scoutmaster and second vice-president of the Kiwanis Club, a local community service club. Mr Browning stated that he enjoys teaching at Peru State and living in a small community.

One of Mr Browning's special projects in 1971 was a "Journalism Day" sponsored at Peru State for high school and college students interested in journalism. Mr Browning also pa1ns to contact Mr Arthur R. Sweet, publisher of the Nebraska City News Press, and arrange a day for Peru State journalism students to print one publication of the Nebraska City News Press.

Last semester, after readmg an article in the Ped about all the things there were to do at Peru, Charlie Pavolis a native of ·Worcester Mass. decided that something'was still lacking here in Peru's weekend activit.ies. The facilities of the gyi;nnas1um were there, but inaccessible to the students here on weekends.

Charlie, with the help of Doctor Scherer, a concerned ,,. faculty member, and Tyrus Gilliam, a SGA memberwor_ked together in opening the gymnasium on weekends. The facilities are open on

Student Wives

"Let's get the student wives involved," was a statement by Becky Davis, president of student wives. She wants the married student wives to come and join this organization. They meet every other Monday night at 7:30 inthe west diningroom of the student center.

Next Monday, February 14, is a special day and the student wives decided to celebrate it with a Pot Luck dinner in the west diningroom of the student center.

They also looking into - having a day care center in Nebraska City Peru.

Thurs. - Fri. - Sat February 10-1H2

Saturday and Sunday afternoons from l-4p.m. With the opening of the pool on Saturdays for the general use of the town's people and college students, the pool will be open to only college students on Sunday afternoons. ·No one other than enrolled Peru State College students will be permitted in the pool on Sunday afternoons.

As in the past, only PSC students may use the other facilities in the gymnasium on both Saturday and Sunday af- ternoons.

"I'd like to compliment Mr Paul Kruse, Mr Alan Shipley, and the other faculty sponsors ·that have volunteered their time to make this program possible. I would also like to compliment the lifeguards Chuck Slagle, Jim Pearson, and Charlie Pavolis for volunteering their time .n guarding the pool."

SGA Meets

The P.S.C. Student Governing Association met and conducted business, last Tuesday February 8. Several new interim members were present, which made quorum possible.

These new members are Chuck McKee, of Science, Wanda McKim, of Morgan Hall, Kathy Boyle, of Social Science, Rita Bosiljivec, of the Jr. Class, Daryl Obermeyer of the Fr. Class, and Roger Oviatt of the S.C.B. Some unrepresented eommittees have yet to appoint members.

The first order of new business was discussion over the Kanecdo Trip. It was not determined who would fill the two vacant student positions on, the trip, which involves discussion over student decision making and its different aspects. This trip would be sponsored by the KansasNebraska Educational Consortium:>

Other business included the filling of the following positions, Chairman of the Judiciary Board, Mike Kelly, Financial Aides Committee Representatives, Gary Bowman and Terri Fink, Vice-President of the S.G.A., Mike Kelly and Education Committee Representative, Sharon Cramer.

It was decided not to meet next week, due to .the Kanecedo Conferance and the meeting was adjourned.

RY 11,
:an t21
OPTOMETRIST CONT ACT LENSl;S CLOSED ·WED. P.M. & SAT. P.M: Nebr. City 119 N 8th St. ' Phone 873-6180
Argo Tavern
Night Special .February 11 Turkey
true Life Adventure Wed. - Thurs.
STAR SPANGLED. GIRLR&S TEXACO SERVICE {Formerly Peru Sinclair) Tires Mechanic Work Reasonable NEW OWNERS BiU Reeves ,Wayne
Walt Disney's
THE TRAMP Sun. - Mon. '-- Tues. F
13-14-15 AMERICAN
February 16-17

Kearney Cuts It Close

This business of one point home losses has got to cease. Kearney wriggled out an 88-87 basketball decision over Peru this past Tuesday night, February eighth at Peru. It was just a week ago that Chadron slipped past 70-69 on a last second shot by Rick Brown. The win tied the Antelopes, who were 17-8 last year, with the University of Nebraska at Omaha for the Nebraska College Conference lead with a 4-2 conference record. Peru now stands at 1-6. It was quite a hassle though, .as the final score indicates. ,

Peru Grapplers Crush Midland

Heaven's to Betsy, Coach Harlan Krein, the next time you have a wrestling meet at Peru, at le11st try to make it a little more interesting. Evidently the mere thought of squaring off with a Krein Commando was a fear worse than death as four matches were won by forfeit for Peru on their way to a 41-5 romp over Midland College Monday night, February 7. R. D. Arnold (118), Rick Black (126), Randy Hanson 034) and Ken Boettcher (142) rolled up points by merely being there, thus enabling Peru to open a 24--0 bulge before even being challenged.

Rod Wartman, who along with Rick Black and Larry Pracht 0 67) , are the only returning lettermen on the squad, decisioned his opponent, 4-3, in the 150 lb. bracket. Kim Tennal shutout Knot of Midland, 5--0, to make it 30--0.

Larry Pracht had little trouble with Warrior Hull, walking away with a 4-1 victorY: Dave Arnett (177) made it a rout, 39--0, by pinning his opponent. At 190 , Dean Ansley had the only draw

of the evening, 1-1, and heavyweight, Jim Rezac, pushed Peru's total to 41 with a 2-1 win.

Krein's Commando's now own a 7-2 record, their only losses belonging to Kearney, who they defeated in their last meeting Wayne. They have beaten Nebraska Wesleyan, Bellevue, Doane, JFK, Kearney and Midland, twice.


Louisiana State University has one of the first X-rated yearbooks. Included in the book was a photograph of ared, white, and blue marijuana cigarette; a series of satires on. such sanctions as motherhood, and four photos of nudes taken in art classes. The students love the book, but the state legislature is upset, to say the least.

To begin with, Peru had the Kropp boys, John and Tom, to contend with, and in.the end Tom proved to be the biggest thorn in the Packs' side. Big brother John entered the contest shooting a respectable .494 from · the field, averaging 19.2 a game. He finished with 22. Tom, meanwhile, was averaging 11 rebounds per game, he got his 11 rebounds along with 19 points. Little Kropp surprised me, he wasn't really all that good, then again he wasn't too bad. As they say, looks can be decieving. At 64 and 230 lbs., he appeared surprisingly agile.

The first half, for the most part, proved to be an endless stream of hurried shots and bad passes for both teams. With 10 minutes remaining, Earl Brown, fouled by little Kropp, cas'1ed in on a charity toss, knottmg it at 24-all. ·

· Shortly after, however, the Kearney machine started to move again. With 9:20 remaining they led by only two, 27-25. With 4:20 left they led by eight, 43-35. Time after time Brown, who worked the key well and finished with 15 points, scored on turn around jump shots. Ananias Montague connected to tie it for the third time, 45-45 with the clock reading 2: 23.

displayed good poise, however, _!lS Jerry Willis sunk one of his four baskets at the buzzer making it 53-52.

Ast!'? half opened, the : lilt their first 10 point leaci .;J-53, stretching it to 12, 65-53 with 17:00 remaining. A man-to-man defense proved to be to no avail as the Antelopes' bulge stayed at 10, 72-62 with the same amount of minutes remaining. Just when it appeared as though Kearney would run away with it, the Pack began to close the gap. Montague, who took game honors iwth 24 points and 16 rebounds began to catch fire. Hardworking Bob Bowen brought the Pack to within four,. 74-70, on a pretty 15-footer from the corner.

With 4: 25 left on the clock, the

score standing &2-76, thi really began to happen. St 6-5 forward Bob Jones sc important baskets, tallying of Kearney's final six po· Bowen drove the baseline another two of his 12 points reverse layup, cutting it basket, 87-85 with 31 se remaining. Mclntire's c got their final bid to win little Kropp was called palming, but victory number was not to be.

With 11 seconds left, Mont cut it to one, 88-87. Bowen intercepted an Antelope p wheeling and throwing it court to Don Monzingo, last instant villain Tom stepped in for an interception time ran out.

Chadron Nips 'Cats

A shot from the key, at the buzzer by Rick Brown gave Chadron a 70-69 victory over the Peru State Bobcats last Friday night.

After leading by 11 points at one time, Peru managed to squeeze to a 32-30 halftime lead. But Chadron led by Brown (20 points) and Scott Jones (14 points) fought back in the second half and the lead changed hands several times.

With less then two minutes remaining, the Bobcats held a seven point lead and the Eagles pµt on a full court press. The press was effective as the Eagles trailed by one in the last 14 seconds and held for a last shot when Brown scored for the win.

Rich Brown led Chadron 28 points and Scott Jones h 25 point effort before fouling in the last minute of play. Ananias Montague paced. Bobcats with 29 points, Earl Brown put in 13 and r· off 12 rebounds. The Eagles stayed iii. tention for the NCC croWn the victory and now stand at 9, while the Bobcats' record to 5-13.

Chadron 30 Peru

Montague Brown

Beatty DeRuntz


Monzingo Totals

Bridal Style


Coach Harlan Krein observes intently one of his wrestlers in action.
KEN'S IGA KEM JOHNSON GROCERIES - MEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES P«u, 1Nebraska . Phone 872-6355 Incense and Incense Burners Chess Sets Candles Large Record Selection Simon Drug Company Auburn PERU PEDAGOGIAN FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11,
Auburn, Nebraska STATE THEATER AUBURN, NEBRASKA Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. February 10-11-12 Mark Lester Walter Slezak Jn BLACK BEAUTY In Color
of F.D.l.C. Invites PSC students to open Checking and Savings Accounts
Phone sn-3335 Member
BRIDAL SHOPPE cordially invites you and your friends to attend our showing of
Featuring everything new and traditional for weddings On Sunday• February Thirteenth Three O'Clock in the afternoon' THE CASTLE HOTEL 632 South Six tee nth Omaha, Nebraska Door Prizes '•

Peru. Pedagogian

tudent Teachers Get Assignments

Student teaching assignments for the spring have been made by Dr. L. B. Kite, director of student teaching. Student teaching will .begin March 13 and will end May 12, 1972.

There are eighty students involved in the program: they will be distributed among thirtysix schools in nineteen communities in Nebraska and Iowa.

In the Auburn district eleven students will teach at the four schools. Assigned to the Senior High are Gregg Coyle, Dan Fernbacher, Gloria Henry, Susan Taylor, and Robert Tipton. Roger Vogel will teach at the Junior High. Student teachers at Sheridan Elementary are Maxine Chatelain and Susan Cottier. Carol King and Pamela Nichols will teach at Peru Elementary, and Jay Hagerman will also be there as a PE instructor.

At Beatrice, Dorothy Pux, Douglas Kottich, and Kent Wilson will teach at schools yet to be determined. Joyce Colgrove will teach at Cedar School.

The particular schools at which each student will teach have yet to be decided at Bellevue, but the following students will teach within the city: Stephen Deurmyer, Judith French, Owen Jensen, Paul Mulcahy, Gary Ring, Dan Wirth, and Sharon Simacek.

In Fairbury, Myron Fangmeyer, Dianne Forke,.Ray Stoll, and Dennis Gibson will teach at the Senior High School. At Falls City, Patricia Cook, Jeannine Davis and Susan Hanley will teach at the Senior High School. Kay Bebb will teach at South Elementary, and Terry Macholon will teach at the Junior High. Bill Taylor will be the only student teacher in Glenwood, Iowa, where he will teach in the Senior High.

The Senior High in is the school where Dale Bohling, Robert Dickson, and Daniel Eichenberger .will

No Classes March 16017

No classes will be held March 16 and 17, according to the College Affairs Council, so more instructors may attend the state NSEA convention in Omaha. Night classes scheduled for Wednesday, March 15, will be held on Tuesday, March 14. All classes will resume the regular

schedule on Monday, March 20.

student teach, Phyllis Chauza and Carin Gerdes will also teachin Humboldt in Elementary School.

In the Johnson-Brock district, Cathy Cole, Nick Nigro, and Karen Thormahlen will teach at the Senior High, and Kathleen Drevo will teach at the Elementary School.

At Lincoin, James Wilson will teach at- Irvin Junior High. Marlene Meyer and Nancy Wilksen will teach at Holmes Elementary.

At Millard Tom Dennis and Timothy Gilligan will teach at the Senior High.

At Nebraska City Roger Behrns, Dennis Meyer .and Margaret Tynon will teach at the Senior High. Betty Ramage will teach at. the Sixth -Street Elementary and Ivan Bohlken will tl)ach at Northside Elementary.

Cynthia Ford will teach at Druid High in Omaha. Brian O'Connor and Don Walford will teach in Pawnee City, and in the Platteview District, Gary Heard and Charles Klingler will teach at the Senior High.

At the Plattsmouth Senior High, Karen Lincoln, Pam Miyoshi Ed Myers, and. Al Nardone will teach.

In Shenandoah, Charles Dickinson and Kathy Mattilews will teach at the Senior High. Patricia Bradley will teach at Lowell Avenue School, Sandee Cooper at Central, Susan Richie at the Junior High Annex, and Carol A. Roth at the Broad Street School.

In the Southeast Consolidated District, John Furlong, Larry Humphrey, Sandra Otte, Gary Zentner, and Bonnie Mehlin will teach.

At Syracuse, Judy Grotrian and Jerald Tuxhorn will teach at the Senior High. James Bailey and Don Sic will teach at the Junior High and Sharon Kramer will teach aL.the.:..Elementary School.

Leroy Meyer and Shirley Jacobson will teach at the Tecumseh Senior High.

Albie Pearson Here March 8

The Student Center Board met Thursday Feb. 10, and accepted an offer from retired baseball player Albie Pearson to speak at P .S.C. on March 8 during convo period.

Mr Pearson will speak on his baseball career, and his association with Christ. Other business was completed and the meeting was adjourned.

One of the first teachers oL· music in the Normal School, Professor D. B. Worley, composed a beautiful song in hbnor of an old river, a song much loved by the musical students of those early days.

Braille Club Scholarship Is Available

The LINCOLN BRAILLE CLUB, INC. has set up a Memorial SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGHER EDUCATION. This is for students who are blind, partially sighted, or sighted students whose parent or parents are blind. The scholarship is set up for one or more students during the ensuing school term and shall be up to $150.00 for the school year ($75.00 each semester)

The scholarship will be granted by the Board of 'Directors of the Lincoln Braille Club, Inc. after investigation of need, academic records, family income, and college or Tech. school acceptance. Recommendations from the faculty will be greatly appreciated. All. applications must be completely filled out and a transcript of grades must be included.

All applicants for this scholarship must be Nebraska residents and attend school or college in the state of Nebraska.

For applications see Mr. Donald Miller, Director of Financial Aids. Applications must be sent to: Betty L. Stienbarger, Board of Directors Secretary, Lincoln Braille Club, Inc., P.O. Box 4474, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68504. Entries are due before July 15. 1972.

PSC Students Attend KANEDCO Conference

At the recent Kanedco conference in Dodge City, Kansas, the question of student involvement was tackled. Peru took part in this conference along with 21 other schools from Colorado, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Kansas. The conference was held Mon. and Tues. February 14 and 15. The program opened with a talk by Dr. Don G. Creamer, Dean of Students at El Centro College, in Dallas, Texas. Dr. · Creamer spoke on how his student government was run, and how the students at El Centro College get involved. Afterwards everyone was divided into small groups; with Dr, Thomas Scherer leading one group.

Dr. Scherer's group discussed the two main issues, student mvolvement, and Student Government power, but could come to no real decision.on what to do concerning these two vital issues.

A banquet was held Monday night with U. S. Congressman William Roy, M. D., present as speaker. Dr. Roy talked about the new responsibility of the 18 year old vote. Tuesday morning the small groups met again, and reported to each other on what they had done.

Many students at the conference were disappointed in the amount of time alloted for student involvement. The PSC students returned home late Tuesday afternoon.

"I find the older I get the easier it is to be a Christian."


Friday, Febraury 18 - St. Mary's Basketball, Here

Saturday, February 19 - Federal Service Exam, Fine Arts 105, 9 a.m. Faculty Dance, Student Center.

Monday, February 21 - Basketball at Tarkio

Tuesday, February 22 - Martha Washington Tea, Home Economics Dept., Education Building, 3 to 5 p.m. Band Concert, College Auditorium, 8 p.m. Wrestling at Wesleyan

Wednesday, February 23 - Basketball at Wayne

Thursday, February 24 - Denny Brooks Concert, College Auditorium, 8 p.m.

Saturday, February 26 -,High School Choral Clinic, Gymnasium. Wrestling at Chadron

Sunday, February 27 - Facuity-Married Students Card Party, West Dining Room, 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, February,29 - Movie, Fine Arts Auditorium, 7 p.m.

;7. VOL. 67 NO M
KANEDCO delegation in Dodge City, Kansas. (L to R) Charlie Pavolis, Mike Kelley, Rhonda Preston, Daryi Obermeyer. (bottom) Dr. Wininger, Dr. Scherer, Ray Bleich, Nancy Stoll and Steve Long. Photo by David Lainez.
Everett Browning.


I wonder how much pride we really have for our school. The heckling and obscene language which flows forth 'from the Peru stands at basketball games illustrates poor sportsman-like conduct and the infantile game of name calling. Those who use such tactics in order to gain attention to themselves and PSC must certainly gleam with pride. Let's not stop with one example of "pride and goodwill". Guests of students and prospective students have received abominable treatment from one housemother. Her smiling welcome and congenial personality all but castigate visitors for intruding into her secure domain where she may bellow and ctirse at will. She is a shining example of the peace, tranquility, and friendliness which are to be found on this campus.

These reflections upon the college do not mirror an at.mostpher of higher education where students may thrive by their total environment. If you were educators or high school students visiting the PSC campus and were confronted with such happenings, what would be your opinion of the school? Would this be a school you would recommend to your students or have, interest in yourself?

These and other similar atrocities must be halted. Pride for ,and in our school must be revived in order tQ secure the, longevity of this institution. This · activating force cannot be a few students and professionals but must include the entire college community. Therefore, the call goes out to you, the college community, to stand up for your school and help to reinitiate the practice of pride for and in Peru State College.

Denny Brooks Febr. 2

Denny Brooks, a rock concert singer with a magnetic personality, will be appearing at Peru State on February 24, at 8:00 p.m. in the College Auditorium.

Mr Brooks' act actually is a conbination of rock and country music, plus a little gospel material, along with some folk songs written by some of the best contemporary folk writers in the business.

Brooks, a 29-year-old Californian, has been touring the country for about 11 years and has shared billing with groups such as The First Edition, The Grass Roots, The Carpenters,

The Cowsills, Crow, Badfinger, The 5th Dimension and many others.

In letters written to Variety Theater International Inc., the agency Brooks is affiliated with, entertainment, concert, and activities chairmen have hailed Brooks' concerts as the best that their College or University has seen in many years. One reason for this seems to be that besides his great'sinl!inl! talent. Brooks· · has a great personality that seems to captivate his audiences and hold them for the entirety of his act. He is obviously a great entertainer.

Denny Brooks describes his

singing in this way: "I'm ballad singer, My greatest te dency is to slow things down \ you can hear on his magnific version of Joni Mitchell's "B Sides Now"). The rock tracks the album scared me to dea but it was OK because the so were really important."

Brooks is a showman whos performances have captured th interest of audiences all over th United States. He has appear at many colleges and unive sities in the mid-west, and h received some standin ovations. PSC students will g their chance to see him Thursday of next week. Th performance is sponsored b SCB and Student Programs,

Letters to the Editor

Night Out

Kiwcmi s Hosts Pancake Feed For Faculty

A semi-formal dinner and dance will be held Saturday, February 19, for the faculty and their guests. The dinner begins at 7p.m. in the west dining room of the Student Center and the dance is from 9 p.m. to 1 p.m. in the cafeteria. The "We Three" combo will provide the entertainment. Admission is $4.00 per couple.

. Peru Kiwqnis are holding their annual Pancake Feed Sat., February 19 at the Peru City Hall. The feast is scheduled to run from 7a.m. to 2 p.m. Tickets for this event may be purchased from any Kiwanis member or at the door. The price of the tickets is $1.00 for adults and .50 for children 12 and unct,er.

To the student who wanted to know why the Ped should be published every week when three-fourths of it is a:ds, here is the answer, The Ped is not threefourths ads! The ads in last week's issue added up to onefourth of the paper. That leaves three-fourths of the paper for straight news. If the person who wrote that letter would take the time to figure up the inches, he would see .that his conclusion about the Ped is wrong. The ads also pay for part of the printing which cut the college's printing expense. If the paper was printed every two weeks it would contain a majority of past news. No one is interested in old news! The paper is also used to inform students of coming events. That would be very difficult to do with a paper printed every two weeks,. when considering the time it takes to print the paper.

The Ped is also used as an ·educational device. It gives journalism majors valuable newspaper experience and helps prepare them for their careers. When the advantages of having a weekly paper are weighed against the disadvantages, it will be evident that the college -is benefitted by a weekly Ped - Carol McCabe.

The food in the Peru State Cafeteria has been the subject of unjust criticism in the past.

During the Student Government Association's three-day trip to Dodge City, Kansas, for the KANEDCO conference, I found the food to be inferior to that served in either the Bob Inn or the cafeteria.

Four of our meals were eaten in cafes in Kansas, the other three in the cafeteria at Dodge City Community College, none of which could be termed "average."

On Monday evening a semiformal dinner was served in the cafeteria at the college. The food, to say the least, was not of good quality. Being a commuter; I eat only one meal a day on the PSC campus. However, I can honestly say the average noon meal in the cafeteria is superior to the semi-formal dinner we were served in Dodge City.

The railroad did not Peru until 1875.

.The Pedagogian

John Thomas Editor-in-Chief

Robert Wernsman Ass't. Editor

Chuck Smith

Jerry Steele : Sports

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Business Managers

Mr. Everett Brownin : Advisor

Published weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF
.Steve Long ·

m whose 1tured the 1over the appeared I univerand has standing ; will get him on The ;ored by rams.

ini-coursea.·;Ja'Be Offered Between Sessions

A program is being set • $! eru State in which shmi b!tm urses may be taken. The program would ind* e period between the regular hool session and the time mer school begins - from ay 16 lo 26.

The 9-day session would .in· ude courses not usually offered ing the years.

A course offering 1 credit uld meet 2 periods per 2 edit, 4 periods a day, 3 edits, 6 periods per day. The courses are elective and e for the enrichment of the udent. They do not necessarily unt in the genera'! quirements for a major. More tailed information on the urses may be obtained from e Deans of the Schools. Several courses are being nsidered and can be offered. A rvey will be circulated ebruary 22 giving students a nee to choose which courses be offered. The students y indicate which courses they uld be most interested in king.

A brief description of the urses are as follows:




ATERIALS Workshop. 2 hrs.

erequisite: Junior or Senior anding. The process of idenying the nature of learning blems of children, assessing ecific needs, designing acities and selecting materials meet these needs. Proper use the learning disabilities boratory will be included.




erequisite. A field study class volving the rationale for invation, the process of invation, and on-site its to new programs and cilities. Class meetings to be heduled around a series of ld trips which may include ools utilizing team teaching, ular scheduling, computer ted instruction, and open ept classroom. Trips to aha, Lincoln, Kansas City, s Moines.

DRUG USE AND ABUSE 2 s. No prerequisite Atimely dy of the current drug scene. ludes the need for drugs, the is-use of drugs and the role of e teacher in drug education.

•ifiedJ>y the Nebraska State Activities Association to of- fm•.e volleyball.

SWIMMING I hr. Open to all dassifications of swimmers and oon·swimmers. Red Cross issued lo those who pass Red Cross standards.

TENNIS 1 hr. Fundamentals of s!roke, rules, and strategy. Student must furnish tennis racket and three new balls.

PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 hr. To provide orientation in the philosophy and skills required !or the development of physical !1tness programs.

CCRRENT PROBLEMS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 hr. Discussion and reporting of current issues in the area of physical education.

CAMPING 2 hrs. Introduces students to the theory and practice of camping, Camp objectives, organization administration, leadership, and program development will be considered. Laboratory work will include development of camping skills such as cookery, campfire activities, map and compass work. Main sources of material will be published by American Camping Association. Camp in Ozark Mountains, Float trip on Buffalo River.

RECREATION SEMINAR 1 hr. Special assignment made by the instructor relative to new areas in recreation. Research a requirement.



1 hr. No prerequisite ClasS""Will be a study of facts related to survival in time of local, state or national disaster. Required for driver education block.


2 hr. No Prerequisite This combined lecture laboratory course will show the student how to remove finish from furniture, stain and antique furniture and how to apply a finish to furniture.

SEWING KNITS AND LINGERIE 2hr. No prerequisite Students will learn to sew double knit fabrics and make lingerie.


2 hr. No Prerequisite will learn to cook nutritious meals and do baking. Instructions will also be given on how to buy food. Course open to bachelors of either sex.

use the magnetic card typewriter for automatic typewriting.

PERSONAL TAX ACCOUNTING 2 hr. No Prerequisite Student will learn to plan his spending so he will have minimum taxes.


1 hr. No prerequisites. Student will learn to make simple journal entries, to prepare a balance sheet and income statement, and to handle accounts receivable and accounts payable. For non-business majors.


SKETCHING TOUR OF POINTS OF INTEREST IN SOUTHEAST NEBRASKA 1 hr. No prerequisite. On the site pastel, pencil, and charcoal sketching of landscapes and buildings in Southeast Nebraska. (On the site sketching of scenes at Buffalo City, Coryell Park, Indian Cave, Arbor Lodge, and overlooking the Missouri River)

HISTORY OF JAZZ. 1 hr. No prerequisite. A study of the development of jazz from King Oliver and Louis Armstrong to the present.

SERIOUS CONTEMPORARY MUSIC. 2 hrs. No prerequisite. The history and literature of contemporary music.

MUSIC IN THE MIDDDLE AGES AND RENAISSANCE PERIDD. 2hrs. No prerequisite. The history and literature of the periods.

MUSIC AND THE BAROQUE PERIOD. 2 hrs. No prerequisites. The history and liaterature of the Baroque Period.

HISTORIOGRAPHY. 2 hrs. No prerequisites. A study of the standard resources and current literature in the student's field of interest.

FINE ARTS CULTURAL TOUR. 2 hrs. No prerequisites. Tours to include visits at art galleries, and musewns. Some concerts and plays will be attended. (Leave Peru for Chicago on May 16. Return to Peru on May 24. Approximate cost in addition to tuition and food$100 to $125.)

In addition lo tuition and food, approximate cost will be $25 for 'transporation and $35 for lodging.)




Bass Clarinets - Gregory Boe, Omaha; Jerry Bruggemann, Auburn. Saxophones - Joyce Gergen, Dunbar; Joyce Colgrove, Odell; Neil Hills, Sidney, Iowa; Cary Stubblefield 1 Omaha; Gary Bobbitt, Sianey, Iowa; Jim Wolken, Tecumseh.

mmuter, i.y on the r, I can tge noon superior aner we :::ity.

ermeyer n


CUM 2 hrs. Prerequisite: ior of Senior standing. Afield

titutions, and personnel rking with mental health blems are identified. Several -site visits to mental health cilities will be made. Class eetings to be scheduled around series of field trips.


ICIATING 1 hr. Study of rules d rule interpretation as well ' the techniques of volleyball iciating. Those successfully mpleting the course will be

Dr. G.. E._ Mann


Prerequisite: must be able to typewrite. Student will learn to

LITERARY AND HISTORICAL EXCURSION. 3 hrs. No prerequisites. Tour to include Amana Colonies; Galesburg, Illinois; Spoon River territory; Abe Lincoln sites; and Mark Twin's home. (Leave Peru May 18. Retm:n to Peru dy class in mental health. The oblems of mental health are ' rveyed. Current practices,


Phone STI-3335

Member of F.D.l.C.

Invites PSC students to open Checking and Savin gs Accounts

Incense and Incense Burners Chess Sets Candles

Large Record Selection

hr. No prerequisite. A course designed for the nonmathematics student. Normal distribution. Measures of central tendency and variation.

Osage, Iowa.

Trombones - Jerry Neeman, Syracuse; Kristie Morrissey, Tecumseh.

Trumpets - Karen Ramsay, Humboldt; Jim Dickson, Menlo, Iowa; Sheila Kunzman, Tecumseh; Sheila Pohlman, Stanton. French Horns - Doug Kottich Falls City; Mary Goergen: EVOLUTIONARY THEORY. 1 hr. No prerequisite. A review of various theories and implications regarding speciation as gained from fossil records and other sources.

ROCKS AND MINERALS. 1 hr. No prerequisite. A workshop type course on rocks and minerals. For general information, hobbies, or prospective educators.

GENERAL SCIENCE. 2 hr. A course designed to develop techniques in demonstrating scientific principles for the middle school. (Junior High Science)

'Concert Set For Fehr. 22

Under the direction of Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson, the Peru State College Concert Wind Ensemble will present a winter concert February 22, at 8 p.m., in the College Auditoriwn. The program will begin with the March "Grandioso" by Roland P. Seitz arranged by Alfred Reed. Following this will

cbe "A Festival Prelude" li.y Alfred Reed. ·

Karen Ramsay, Jim Dickson, Sheila Kunzman, Sheila Phohlman will be featured on the selection "Trwnpets Wild" by Harold L. Walters. The ensemble will play Marcia Dorcia by Vacl'av Nelhybel. Then Peru Stage Band will play various· selections.

Baritones - John Brooks. Omaha; Terrence Volker, Humboldt.

String Bass - Zella Hickey, Bowling Green1 Missouri. ·

Tuba - Roaney Albert, McCook. •Y the .Percussion and the Dianne Dunn, Falls City; My:i\dings Daniel, Peru; Lennie Lahmai.11 Nebraska City; Mayn;:1 f-IJISe. Geschke, Avoca; Jim Wils'lln, Peru.

Band officers include: Jim Dickson, President; Dianne Dunn, Vice-President; Debby Coffelt, Secretary; Karen Ramsay, Band Board Representative; John Brooks, Band Board Representative.

Bennett will be presented by Soloists Robert Tipton, Joyce Gergen, Joyce Colgrove, Neil Hills, Gary Stubblefield, Gary Bobbitt and Jim Wolken.

Other selections will include : Antiphony and Chorale, Walter Watson; Black Magic Woman, Peter Green; Colossus of Colwnbia, Russell Alexander.

Personnel include:

Flutes - Rita Gobber, Table Rock; Debbie Coffelt, Minden, Iowa.

Clarinets -Ann Urban, Grand Island; Kyle Boyd, Papillion; Bertha Glover, Nebraska City;

In the days before the river had begun encroaching upon the rich bottomlands north of town, a goodly nwnber of farmers had settled there.

Hobert Tipton, Superior; Debbie Bowman, Malvern, Iowa; Tom Ballue, Peru.
OPTOMETRIST CONTACT LENSES CLOSED WED. P.M. & SAT. P.M. Nebr. City 119 N 8th St. Phone 873-6180
Simon Drug ·Company Auburn
Sax-S?_liloquy by David
Coulter's Cycle Shop & Sportsman's Barber Shop Kawasaki 1110 J AUBURN Sears Shoe Store Sale New Spring Shoes Have Come IN 1215 J AUBURN Nebraska Number One in '72 Duffy's One The Whole Time Through Come o·n Down and Have a Few 'Cause on Friday You Buy One and Get Two 2-5 p.m. Fehr. 18 DUFFY'S INN

Best Track Performances of 1970

Montague Nears Siefkes Avera

1970 wa§ a very good year. That year three records were tied by the track team; the 100yard dash, the 440-yard dash and the Mile Steeplechase. A year which saw Naomis Ward and Elmer Reeves running the century in :09.7, thus tying a 30 year-<>ld record set by Jim Mather of Arapahoe in 1940. Reeves ran the 220 in 22.3 at Tarkio.

In the 440, Calvin Smith had his best afternoon in a duel meet with Doane racing to a 49.l clocking. It 'seems only fitting then that Smith should hold the .. st time in the 880 last spring, 53.7 in the Kansas Relays.

O' Peru's answer to Jim Ryun, Jack Weyers, recorded 4:08.l at the Kansas Relays, 9:11 in the two-mile at the Arkansas Relays and 13 :52.0 in the three-mile at the District II NAIA meet to capture three.

Tark .IO·PerU.

Leon Golden broke the tape in :15.6 at the Doane Relays in the 120 high-hurdles while Bob BoWen finished the 440 hurdles in 59.0 at the Nebraska College -Conferences meet for the best mark there. Bob also had a 1:06:9 clocking in the 480 shuttle hurdles in the Midland Relays to lead his teammates there.

Dave Harris tied an old record in the Mile Steeplechase with 4:56.9 at the Kearney Relays where he also had times of :44.2 in the 440 relay and 1:32.6 in the 880 relay.

The Mile relay team, consisting of Smith, Nate Parks, Dave Bierbaum and John Winkel teamed up for a 3:18.4 at the Doane Relays. The ·Sprint medley team of Jim Hinton, Bierbaum, Winkel and Smith finished 3:29.2 also at Doane and Drake Relays.

In the field events, Greg Winslow pole vaulted 12'1" at Nebraska Wesleyan. Mike Mulvaney best toss in the discus,

· 168'2" at the Arkansas Relays,

Those were the best outdoor performances, now for the info

Missouri State.

Naomis Ward sprinted 70 yards in :07.3 at Northwest Missouri and :07.9 at Kearney in the 75-yard dash. Leon Golden completely dominated the hurdles; :07.4 in the 60-yard lows and :08.2 in the 60-yard highs, both at Northwest Missouri. :09.8 in the 75-yard highs was accomplished at Kearney.

Calvin Smith did it again in the 440, running the quarter in :51.3 at Missouri. In the half-mile, John Winkel ran a 2:01.9 at Kearney. 4:23 was the time set by Jack Weyers at Northwest and 9:28.2 in the two-mile at Kearney

The Mile relay squad also had their day at the Missouri state school with 3.29.5 there.

Mike Mulvaney tossed the iron ball 48'22" at UN-Omaha. In the broad jump, Mike Dukes leaped 20' 4" while Bruce Brummer high-jumped 5'10112" both at Missouri.

49'5"atTarkiointheshot.Jim Next week: The All-Time Hinton threw the javelin 215'3" outdoor Track Records. h S t at the Drake Relays.

r Febr. 21

Ananias Montague has rapidly climbed in the NAIA Nebraska College statistics with 23.4 points for a grand total of 234 points through 11 games.

Dennis Siefkes, Wayne State's Mr Everything, continues to pace the Nebraska scorers. His single-game high was against Westmar when he hit for 47 points. His average has fallen off just slightly, now scoring 25.8 points per game, 491 for the year.

Bernard Brown still leads in rebounding, averaging 18.9.

Three players have converted more than 80 per cent of their

free throws. Fred Nash I everyone here, missing on! (60-71) for an .840 average. Sieczkowski, the ex-leader UN-Omaha, is now second for .822 while Calvin F another Maverick, is 18 back at .804, making 45-56. Kearney is the only te average more than 90 point game, 95.0 The Doane Ti have been the only squad to their opponents to less th points to lead in defense. Broncos of Hastings lead in field goal department; cordia in free throws and Do in rebounding (59 per game

Grapplers Smash

Concordia, 35-2

134 - Hanson (Pl Dec. man (C) 9-5

142 - Boettcher Richers (C)

150 - Wartman Lawrence (C) 2-2

158 -Tennal (P) Dec. R (C) 11-7

The pack will visit Tarkio this

coming Monday, February 21st. In the opener for both clubs

G Tarkio dropped the 'Cats' 74-53.

According to a Tarkio College newsletter, Owl guards Mark Dalbey, a sophomore, injured an ankle and Jerry Lapsley, a freshman, injured a leg and during a recent practice. Whether or not they will be ready for battle come Monday is questionable.


The big guns to watch are Jim Martin, Charlie Parker and Del Morley. The seasons' finale for the Pack will be against the Wildcats of Wayne, February 23rd at Wayne.

WAA Teams To Be Busy

Now through March 11; the Women' Athletic Association is playing and volleyball games with different colleges around the state and a game with Tarkio.

Two games have already been played. One with Kearney and one with Maryville, Peru lost both games. The next basketball game will be played at 7:30, Febr. 22 at Tarkio. The volleyball game will be played at 3:00, Febr .18 at Offutt Air Force Base.

Saturday,March 11, an all day tournament· will be held at in Tarkio.

For additional information concerning when and where the games are being played there is a schedule of games in the gym.

se am e

Terry Cadwell drilled in a 10footer with three seconds remaining to give Bellevue a 6866 decision over a flat Peru basketball team Tuesday, February 15th.

So much for that so-called home court advantage. The Pack missed on too many free throws - three too many to be exact - as they converted only 14 of 29. The Bruins, on the other hand,hit an amazing 18 out of 19. In the end, those .co.nversions from the foul line proved to be the deciding factor. Fw.my, but you don't think about those misses at the time, only until it is too late.

The cagers had all kinds of problems. Ananias Montaque hit a co1a speu early m u1t: game before recovering to tally 24 points to take game honors for the umpteenth time.

Earl Brown missed numerous close shots as the Peruvians trailed by nine, 29-20 with 3:10 remaining in the first half. Baskets by Montaque, frosh Mike DeRuntz and Tom Froehlich cut the margin to five 33-28; at the half.

Neither squad could gain the upper hand in the opening

minutes of the second half. A free throw by Bellevue's Larry Cihal tied the score at 38-all, the beginning of a close series of ties.

Four turn-<>vers in the last four minutes, two coming in the final minute and a half, allowed the Bruins to forge the seventh and final deadlock at 66-66 with 17 seconds.

The Bruins then wisely worked the ball for the last shot, finding Cadwell open who let it fly cleanly through the net.

Looking back for a moment, the personal wars got hotter in the last half as the contest turned into a give-and-take affair. Bruin Dan Howard lost both battles- in rebounding and points to Montague. Ananias gathered in 11 rebounds and 24 points while Howard could muster only eight rebounds and 11 points. Forward Ed Larson got the best of Brown with 12 rebounds and 19 points. Brown finished with eight retrieves and seven points.

Peru, which has failed to win at home this month, has its last opportunity tonight against Mount Marty in the home game .finale of the season.

The wrestling squad expanded its season record to 9-2 while steam-rolling over Concordia College, 35-2, Wednesday, February ninth, at Seward. freshmen, like children, are supposed to be seen but not heard. Someone had better try and explain that to Ken Boettcher. Ken is undefeated through 11 matches, having diswsed of Bruce Richers of Concordia, 4-2. The 142-pounder has racked up a total of 54 mat points while · surrendering only nine.

R. D. Arnold started the onslaught by beating his opponent by five, 9-4. At 126 lbs. Rick Black finished his match with the most points, 20-1 shellacking Doug Awe. With only six seconds remaining in the first period, Dean Anesty 190, pinned his man.


Weight Class:

118 - Arnold (P) Dec. Nebel (C) 9-4.

126-Black (P) Dec. Awe (C) 20°1 "



Friday thru Tuesday

February 18 - 22

Walter Matthau m


In Color

Rated GP

167 - Pracht (Pl Kaestner (C) 5-0 (Pl Pin. Ta (Cl 1:54 Hwt-Jim Rezac (P) W Forfeit

Mt. Vernon was originallyt little town in itself. "Pioneers not always go to the wildem " in lust of land. They sometim go to satisfy their soul."


Nebraska City ··

Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.

February 17-18-19

Sandy Duncan m



Sun. - Mon. - Tues.

February 20-21-22


Wednesday -

February 23-24

Theodore Bike! Philip Frame in LITTLE ARK

Re matc e

Peru Pedagogian

WelcomeHigh School Vocalists

The Twentieth annual Peru State College, High School Choral clinic is scheduled for Saturday, February 26, according to Mr Edward Camealy. The concert is under the direction of Mr Randall G. McEwen, consultant of Vocal Music in the Lincoln Public Schools, who will be accompanied by Dr. Gavin L. Doughty, chairman of the PSC Fine Arts Department.

About 215 students from 11 high schools have signed up thus far for the clinic. Those are: Barnston, Dawson-Verdon, Beatrice, Omaha Bryan,

Bob II Still Kicking

"Old Bob" is still around.

Political Problems' Takes Field Trip

Kearney, Humboldt, Filley, Falls City, Dorchester, Dodge, and Elk Creek. Rehearsals will begin at 8: 15 A. M. in the gym, and will continue throughout most of the day. A concert is scheduled for 7:00 P.M. in the gym, to which there will be no admission charged. The mass choir will eight numbers during the concert. During intermission three swing groups are being featured for pop music numbers. The groups are from Humboldt, Omaha Bryan, and Falls City High School.

According to Mr Donald Miller, keeper of the cat, the bobcat is in good health and is being kept in the large outdoor cage.

When asked why the cat wasn't brought to the home basketball games, Mr Miller replied that the cat has a poor disposition and is very difficuit to catch.

The food for the cat is being furnished free gratis by Kraemer's Store in Talmage and by hunters who sometimes bring in fresh meat for him. Besides the fresh meat, his main diet consists of beef and pork kidneys.

Tipton Recital SGA Allots Funds

A senior recital will be presented by Robert Tipton, Sunday afternoon, February 17 at 3 p.m, in the Benford Recitai Hall of the Jindra Fine Arts · Center. The Saxaphone Recital is open to the public without charge.

Mr Tipton, who will complete his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree · at Peru State College in May is from the studio of Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson. He has been active in .musical groups at the college, his home is Superior, Nebraska.

The program will include the Chanson Et Passepied by Jeanine Rueff, Hommage A Sax by Rene Bernier, Sonata No. 3 by G. F. Handel, Sonata by J. F. Fasch, Sute Breve by March Berthomieu.

Hate is a prolonged form of suicide.

-Douglas v. Steere, Dimensions of Prayer

The Student Governing :Association of P.S.C. met, and ··an 800 dollar ex,penditure. for radio equipment. The meeting was held last [Monday night February 22 in the 'Fine Arts building.

i In an unscheduled appearance.

pr. Clyde Barrett addressed the :S.G.A. in relation to the setting !up of a cable type radio station .on · Peru's campus. Although equipment has been found lo be in operating condition from ;a pre-existing station, Dr. Barrett said that for new transmitters and cable the expense would be about 800 :dollars.

The station would reach from .the Fine Arts building to the Student Center, Eliza Morgan, Delzell, and to Majors Hall. There would be a 1 hour program of announcements and music every night Sunday through Thursday, and classroom use duririg the

European Jobs

, Job opportunities in Europe this summer Work this summer in the forests of Germany, on construc.tion in Austria, on farms in Germany, Sweden and. Denmark, on road construction in Norway, in Industries in France and Germany, in hotels in Switzerland.

Well there are these jobs available as well as jobs in Ireland, England, France, Italy and Holland are open by the consent of the governments of these countries to American university students coming to Europe the next summer.

Every year, the program has been expanded to include many more students and jobs. Already, many students have made application for next summer jobs. AmericanEuropean Student Service (on a non-profitable basis) is offering

daytime hours.

Earlier in the meeting a report on the Kanr.dco conference was given, and it was decided to have an open meeting concerning suggestions for the constitutiOJ! reviSion. Room wa:s ruscussed and Mike Kelly will research this question and report next week.

Lastly the speakers committee reported. Board of Trustees member Ward Reesman of Falls City will be here Thursday March 2 at 8:30 p.m. Students should take note of this time, and realize that this is as good a chance as one will get to express his or her feelings concerning the whole college situation.

Other speakers scheduled to speak in the near future are Senators Wilste and Carstons on March 6. and Omaha Councilwoman Betty Abbott on April 12.

After this report the meeting .was adjourned.

Open to Students

these jobs to students for Germany, Scandinavia, England, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, and Spain. The jobs consist of forestry work, child care work (females onlyl; farm work, hotel work (limited number available), construction work, and some other qualified jobs requiring more specialized training.

The purpose of this program is to afford the student an opportunity to get into real living contact with the people and customs of Europe. In this way, a concrete effort can be made to learn something of the ciI!ture of. Europe. In return for his or her work, the student will receive his or her room and board, plus a wage. However, student should keep in mind that they will be working on the European r<'onomy and wages will

naturally be scaled accordingly. The working conditions (hours, safety, regulations, legal protection, work permits) will be strictly controlled by the labor ministries of the countries involved.

In most cases, the employers have requested especially for American students. Hence, they are particularly interested in the student and want to make the work as interesting as possible.

They are all informed of the intent of the program, and will help the student all they can in deriving the most from his trip to Europe.

Please write for further information and application forms to: American-European Student-Service, Box 34733, FL !1490 Vanduz, Liechtenstein (Europe).

Alcohol, pollution, drugs, and child abuse have been the topics covered by field trips to Omaha, taken by the Contemporary Social and Political Problems class under the direction of Dr. George Schottenhamel.

The purpose of the field trips is to give the students first hand knowledge of social problems.

When covering alcohol, the group visited.the Island of Hope and the Open Door Mission. In the past it has been the job of the Mission to give food and shelter to those who need it. This objective has now been broadened to incfude rehabilitation.

The Island affords to alcoholic;s the opportunity to quit his habit of drinking. Medical aid and guidance assistance are given those who enter the program. The alcoholics who enter either of the programs do so on a voluntary basis and are under no obligations to complete either program.

Omaha's pollution problem arises mostly from automobiles. It is estimated that on the

average every family owns three cars. Large industries have taken initiative and installed pollution control devices within their plants. The City Council meeting attended by the students, also covered the process of condemning buildings to give way to new enterprise.

The third visit to Omaha by the class was spent at the police department. During the past three years drug arrests in Omaha have doubled each year. Seventy per cent of the drug arrests are for marijuana with barbiturates and amphetimines accounting for the second highest arrest rate. The traffic of hard drugs has increased but not too greatly. Child abuse is one of the hardest offenses to prove. The victims are children and many times infants who cannot speak. Doctors, though required by law to report abuse cases, often hestitate to do so. The juvenile department handles these cases. A tour of the police station completed the trip.

Sex Conferences

Being Held

toward sex".

Under the supervision of Mrs Virginia Miller, the college nurse and Reverend James Bragan, Conferences on Sexuality are held every Wednesday night in the Christian Church basement located at 917 5th Street.

Wednesday evening, February

2, a group of about twenty Peru State students attended a session led by Dr. Paul Scott of Auburn, Dr. Scott was substituting for Dr. John Krickbaum, the college doctor, who usually leads the discussions.

Dr. Scott addressed the group about Venereal Diseases, the types and their causes. After lecturing, Dr. Scott conducted a question and answer period and later the group discussed the state laws on treating V.D. carriers and the possibilities of free clinics being set up for the testing of these diseases.

Mrs Miller and Reverend Bragan feel that the group sessions will bring "the students' problems about sex out in the open" and "promote a more responsible attitude

That's Right

Married students and faculty here's your chance to model your latest clothing design. Dress yourself up or down for this gala event! Come for fun, games, cards and food. At Z:30, February 27th in the West Dining Room.

Bring the kids - free babysitting offered by Student Center Board members.

Abortions, Contraceptives, Emotional Aspects of Premarital Intercourse and Normal and Abnormal Sex will be a few topics discussed at future meetings.

The sessions are open to anyone interested in attending and start at 7:30 p.m. and end about 10 o'clock. Mrs Miller noted that the sessions will be conducted as long as there is interest shown. Refreshments are served.

Reesman to Rap

Ward H. Reesman, Member of the Board of Truestees .of the Four-State Colleges will be on Peru State Campus on Thursday, March 2, 1972, at 7:30 p.m. Mr Reesman, who lives in. Falls City, will hold an informal "rap session" in Room 212 of the Fine Arts Building.

Members of the Student Governing Association, Student Center Board, and Peru Social Society invited Mr Reesman hoping that the "rap session" will be a follow-up on the regional KANEDCO conference. In the KANEDCO conference, students from surrounding regions discussed student decision; making power on variojs campuses.

Another "rap session" with four state senators who will be on Peru Campus are: Wayne W. Ziebarth, 37th District; J. W. Burbach, 19th District; Irving F. Wiltse, 1st District; and Calvin F. Carsten, 2nd District.

'S sh 2 - Sat.· 7-18-19 .ncan - Tues. 1-21-22 23-24 Bike! ame ARK

Selection of Films to be Made Chi Rho Program Is ASucce

The following list of movies is being presented to the student. body in order that it might designate movie preferences for the school year 1972-73. Noticeably deleated from the selection list first-run movies which average around $500.00 a showing. It 1s asked that students please check 16 movies they would like to see at PSC Please turn the checked list into your respective housemothers, the Student Centerpffice, or the box in the Bob Inn.

Student Center Board

1!172-1973 Films Films Incorporated and Swank Films

Finian's Rainbow: Musical with leprechauns and pots of gold. $75.00

Flash Gordon (Complete Series, 12)

Anne of a Thousand Days; Henry VIII and his fight against the Roman Catholic church and his lovefor Anne. $200.00

To Sir With Love: Sidney Portier teaches in a rough East London secondary schooL $75.00

Splendor in the Grass: Thestruggleoftwohighschoolsweetheartsinlife. $75.00

Cheyenne Social Club: A religious man takes over a prostitute house. $100.00

April Fools: Jack Lemman is fed up with life. Lives with ifuother woman. $150.00

Cat Ballou: Lee Marvin as the drunkenest gunfighter in the West and Jane Fonda turned outlaw. $92.50

Two Mules for Sister Sara: Clint Eastwood and Shirley McLaine help each other to fight the Mexicans.

Twisted Nerve: ·fiA schizophrenic boy rents a room from a family and slowly ki s all but one. $75.00

Sterile Cuckoo: Two college students who love each other but don't like each other. $200.00

C:i'tch 22: A man trying to get out of the Air Force but has a tough time doing so. $250.00

Blue Max:A Gennan pilot trying to win the Blue Max.

Where Eagles Dare: A group of men who are sent to rescue an American General. $125.00

Dirty Dingus- Magee: Frank Sinatra as a fun-loving drunk in search for gold.

Paint Your Wagon: Two prospectors in search of gold who marry the second wife ofa traveling Mormon. · $125.\)0

Barefoot in the Park: The funny escapades of newlyweds who live on the 9th floor of an apartment. $125.00


A man with a malignant tumor in search for a killer who did not take the blame.

Goodbye Columbus: The relationship of a Jewis boy and a seductive girl who's parents are against Jews. $150.00

The Grasshopper:

A woman who married men and then leaves them "goodbye" notes. She gets a "goodbye" note in the end. $100.00·


Hitchcock movie about a woman who marries a murderer who is trying to poison her.

Andromeda Strain:

Science fiction about a disease that has killed everyone in a Mexican village except a ba!>y and elderly man. The problem? Stop the disease in 55 minutes. $250.00

Rachel, Rachel: Avirgin teacher who is lonely and wants to be loved.· $125.00

Monte Walsh:

Atough cowboy who won't accept the new way oflife. $150.00

Daddy's Gone a Hunting:

· A psychotic creates havoc and terror against his former lover. $82.50

Tht• Professionals: Four soldiers set out to rescue a girl held captive in a Mexican desert stronghold. $97.50

That Cold Day in the Park: Awoman, who lives in a Victorian past, tries to escape from her virginism by abducting a 19-year old boy. $75.00

Grand Slam: A school teacher in Rio de Janieto plans to steal 10 million dollars in diamonds.

The Boston Strangler: The story of the Boston maniac who mutilated and strangled thirteen women.


After surgery, a retarded 30-year old suddenly has the brain capacity of a genius. But the miracle wears off and Charley is retarded again. $250.00

Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came: The poor relationship between a small Southern town and the Army base stationed there.

King Kong:

This is the true version with the scenes that were cut from the original. The scenes: the disrobing of Fay Wray and the crushing of natives underfoot. $75.00

They Shoot Horses, Don't They?: Social outcasts of 1932 go to the Dance Marathon contest to gain fame and fortune. $250.00

Mad Room:

A wealthy widow takes in the younger sister and brother of her companion, unknowingly, that they were just released from a mental institution. $75.00

Water Hole No. 3:

A rolicking western where a sheriff, thieves and the daughter of the sheriff are chasing a man looking for'gold.

"Tell me that you love me, Junie Moon".: Three freaks who live together and their relationship with one another. $100.00

Goodbye Mr Chips:

A woman who changes .a professor in an English boy's school from a dull unsuccessful man into a warm, witty man. · $100.00


The uninhibited misadventures of the famous French comic strip heroine. Jane Fonda plays Barbarella, and plays it

Tell Them Willie Boy is Here:

The story of a young Indian and his love for a girl. which leads to an unintentional killing. The press "blows up" the story to the point where they have the people thinking that there is a plot to kill President Taft. Sheriff Robert "Redford (Sundance Kid) must bring Willie in. $150.00

No-Hours ABig Sucess

SUCCESS has been the word used most to describe how NO· HOURS is working in the girl's dorms.

When the dorm president's were asked questions con· cerning this, their responses were very favorable toward NO· HOURS.

Kathy Boyle, dorm president from Morgan Hall, stated that , the girls have been most cooperative, and she is very happy about the success, besides the fact it gives· the girls more freedom.

Charlene Harrahill__, president from Davidson-Palmer Hall, also stated that she was very

· happy with the success in NOHOURS.

Many questions were asked about NO-HOURS. One was concerned with sneaking in girls at night ON-Hours. Both dorms were happy to say that it hasn't happened as far as they know.

The alphabetical order !Jf the names of those girls on the plan determines who will stay up each night. Chairwomen Ann O'Connor and Jean,nine Davis keep charts up to date on who is to stay up each night. It has been reported only three times that girls have forgotten their duties.

The .time come in

Under the supervisiori of M Virginia Miller, the colle nurse and Reverend Jam Bragan, Conferences Sexuality are held every w nesday night in the Christi Church basement located at 91 5th Street.

On wednesday night February 2, a group of abo 1 twenty Peru State studen attended session led by Paul Scott of Auburn, who w substituting for Dr. Krickba the college doctor.

Dr. Scott addressed the gro about Venereal Diseases, t types and their causes. Aft lecturing Dr. Scott conducted question and answer period a after ·the group discussed t state laws on treating V. carriers and the possiblities· 6. free clinics being set up for th testing of these diseases.

Mrs Miller and Reveren Bragan feel that the g sessions will bring "t students' problems about sex o in the open" and "promote more responsible attitud toward sex." · Abortions, Contraceptiv Emotional Aspects

Premartial lntercouse, a Normal and Abnormal Sex be a few topics discussed future sessions.

The sessions are open · anyone interested in attend' and start at 7:30p.m. and end about 10 o'clock. Refreshment are served.


Friday & Saturday

Richard Harris m


on nights varies from 1:30to 3:00 on weekdays, and on weekends a little bit later.

Over all the success depends on the girls, and so far they have been most co-<iperative with the NO-HOURS system.

Sun. - Mon. - Tues.

February 27-28-29

James Garner m


The Pedagogian
Published weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF
Wernsman Ass't. Editor!
Long · · · · · · · · ,. News·
,. ,. ,. , ,. ,. ..•. ,. · · ,. Sports
Sue Schuessler •.......... Circulation.
Schuessler Business Managers
; Advisor
John Thomas
·Chuck Smith Jerry Steele
Carol McCabe &
Carol McCabe & Sue
Mr. Ev:erett Browning

am :es on ery wedChristian ed at 917 night, of about students i by Dr. who was ickbaum, V. D. blities· of p for the •Y es.

Raises· Questions

y Frank marks.

ive service seems to

Two concert albums that of them.

ht for the Christmas dollar( · · JOlm C. Muse, selective serThe Concert for BaDgla · vkedirector of Nemaha county, h d .revealed that a number of an the Chicago Live.at doubts and uncertanties remain negie Hall album. ·

e Concert for Bangla Desh in upcoming induetion laws and pie STCX 3385) procedures.

n August 1, 1971 , George Asked about the number that rrison and friends·,. Bob would be reached in next year's draft, Muse said the number 200 Ian, Leon Russell, Ringo had initially been set, but the r and Ravi Shankar got number is expected to drop ther at Madison Square den in New York to raise a much lower. That is just about ter of a million dollars for all he could be sure of. Muse indicated he is receiving starving Bangali people. new instructions and materials ide one begins with George's each day. He could not be sure of oduction of Ravi Shankar, along with his friends fill the the number of men to be drafted side of the album with sitar next year·

e second side belongs to rison as he begins by belting "Wah-Wah", followed by hit y Sweet Lord" and aiting On You All." He then roduces organist Billy

ton who performs "That's e Way God Planned It," a g written and debuted for the cert.

· go jumps into "It Don't e Easy" on the third side forgets a few lines. TWo

e Harrison songs complete side.

n Russell's turn on the th side as he does his version "Jumping Jack Flash".·

e five is full of Dylan doing ; "Blowin in the Wind," Tambourine Man" (Ringo ys tambourine), and "Just

e A Woman." Bob also does HardRain'sGonna Fall" and Takes i\ Lot to Laugh It es A Train to Cry".

ut the performance has to be assic as Dylan has Harrison, ssell and Starr playing along his sidemen. How often do you these four playing together the same stage?

arrison does_ "Something" ends the concert with the song "Bangla Desh."

e package is complete with page book which contains.

r photos of the performers. is album is recommended those remaining. Beatie fans those who would like a pie of Dylan .and Leon ll live. Bangla Desh is also ommended to anyone who uld like to give a few bucks to good cause.


icago Live at Carnegie Hall lumbia C4 x30865)

icago Live at Carnegie Hall

a must album for those who. Chicago but don't own any of groups' three previous ble albums.

e four record set could have ily been called Best of, icago because hits; "I'm a· an," "Beginnings", "Make Me ile " and "25 or 6 to 4" are luded along with oth.ers.

e group also adds three new gs, one called "A Song for hard and His Friends", and

i-Nixon song.

e album is arranged so you d listen to Chicago's history the group's earlier songs and r ones are played in order of ir release with the exception the eighth side. The concert with "I'm a Man", the song ·ch put Chicago on it's road of · ccess.

and three nights of classes, and were attending the summary meeting. The state director was summarizing the new information taught, when he was summoned to a call from Washington. The director came back telling the participants to forget everything they had just learned, for a new policy had just been released from Washington. ·

Young men born in 1953 received their lottery numbers February 2.

To illustrate the rapid changes in policy, Muse told of his experience at · an educational meeting in Omaha. The participants went through two days

The lottery was held earlier this year to let the men plan for their futures according to their draft numbers. The plan has apparently been setback by a number of doubts within selective service policies. It seems there is only one answer to all the questions potential draftees may ask: Wait and see.

Film Contest Open To AH Students Morrison-Becker


PHOTOGRAPHERS! The Nebraska Press Photographers Association is sponsoring a film making contest open to all Nebraska College and University students.

The film contest is divided into three classes :

1 - Animation

2 - Live action (Directed)

3- Live action <Uncontrolled) Contest rules follow:

1- Films can be 8 mm, Super, 8 or 16 mm and inay be either color or black-white.

labeled for the appropriate class.

5 - Entries must include student's name, college, year in school, title of film.

6 - Contest deadline is April 15, 1972. Winners will be announced at the annual Nebraska Press Photographers Seminar on April 23, 1972.

Unsung Heroes

-Chief. Editor i News·

he deluxe package is ially priced at about ten ars and is worth eve!·y cent for the goodies enclosed. 'de there's a voter stration guide (so you know en and where to register), a page full color photo album, three posters large enough wallpaper your dormitory


2 - Running time of the film should not exceed,20 minute sper entry.

4 - Each film must be submitted on a reel,

Wininger To New Office

Dr. Darrell Wininger moved into his new office in the basement of the education building last week. Wininger's previous office was in the adm in is tr at ion building. The move makes Dr. Wininger closer to his classes which are mainly in the education building and gives added room to the administration staff for office space. The move seems to have served all concerned a great favor and makes it easier for the students to find Dr. Wininger when he is needed as an adviser. or for class help.

P.S.S.S.· To Host Wiltse

Senator Wiltse of Falls City, a member of the Nebraska Unicameral, will appear Monday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts Auditorium. The program, sponsored by the Peru State Social Science Society, is open to everyone.

At the monthly meeting of the Society, a committee was set up to choose the recipients of the Clayburn-Matthews and the Janet Ganze! Scholarship. The members are Kathie Boyle, · Larry Jones, and Daryl· Obermeyr. ·

Peru was founded just before the gold rush in Pike's Peak country in 1858.

7- There is no limit on the number of entries submitted. For return of entries, postage must be included. Receipt of films will be acknowledged by mail. All entries may be reclaimed after the Nebraska Press Photographers Seminar.

Entries should be mailed to: Mr George Tuck, School of Journalism Nebraska Hall, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska 68508

Students Judge Speech Contest

Tecumseh was the destination for four speech students last week who were accompanying Mr J. D. Levitt.

The reason for the trip was to judge a Legion sponsored speech contest held at Tecumseh JrHigh.

The four students traveling to observe the contest were: Lin Dee Raymond, Diane Forke, DeVoe Manning and Bob Wernsman. ,

The topic for the annual oratory was any specific part of the constitution.

Lambda Group Takes Tour

Control Data and the Omaha Box Company were visited February loth by seventeen members of Phi Beta Lambda and their sponsor, Mr Russell Beldin.

At both companies the group received extensive tours and briefings by personnel and management. The keenness of competition which exists in the business world today was very evident.

The .· students found that today's businessman is something other than a "man in a gray flannel suit."

The students lunched at Coniglia 's where they were guests of Omaha Box Company.

When Bill Taylor asked Larry Morrison if he would care to help him take football statistics last September, Larry agreed. Taylor eventually quit his post and the now departed Sports Information Director Don Carlile, appointed him as Taylor's successor as Student Statitician.

Morrison, however, new at his post needed help, for while he .was busy taking yardage statistics, someone had to watch the play by play. Enter one Tim Becker.

When he became the sports editor in the latter part of November, he needed help. He couldn't keep track of the numbers of field goals attempted and missed, turnovers, a shot chart etc. without missing other just-as-important factors, no way.

- Morrison, a sophomore majoring in Business, says about his job, "When I was in high school, I wasn't really interested in sports, but with this experience I've learned a lot about the games which has built my interest." During the basketball games, Morrison tends to the chores of keeping a shot chart, field goals, and turnovers while Becker keeps track of the number of rebounds, fouls, and free throws.

Immediately following the games, their work is only half done. They phone in the score to the Omaha World-Heraldand the Lincoln-Journal Star newspapers, radio stations WOW, KFAB and KMA, Shenandoah. Iowa. The tv stations notified of the game's outcome are KETV, KMTV, WOW-TV and KOLN (Lincoln). The AP ·and UPI wireservices are also contacted.

Every Tuesday, statistics must be sent to the National Association of· Intercollegiate Athletics, the main office located in Kansas City, Missouri, and to the NAIA District II secretary.

Newsletters also must be sent to requesting Sports Information Directors at various schools. These letters contain a brief summary of the game; decisive factors as well as team and conference records.

Becker feels that it is ex· · tremely important to not get excited during a heated contest. He, unlike Morrison, has always

been interested in sports.

"I really enjoy my work and I really do think that the students should take a more active part in the activities that we do have. Becker, a native of Exeter, Nebraska, who worked alongside Morrison on the 1971· 72 basketball brochure, al8o plans to help assemble the 1972 spring brochure.

Ben Rogge, the present Sports Information Director at Special Services, says of the pair, "They are very efficient. Even though they miss the excitement during the game, they seem to enjoy it."

When asked if they would care to perform the same function again next year, they both answered yes, their one concern being who will eventually succeed them.

Neuman Club Plans Made

Future projects including a retreat was the topic for discussion in the only Neuman Club meeting held this semester. Other tentatively scheduled meetings were cancelled b&!ause Father McCabe was away on business in Omaha.

Plans for the possible at -· tendance of a reatreat in Waverly, Nebraska, by club members was discussed. The retreat will beheld on a weekend in the near future.

Any Catholic over eight years old interested in attending the retreat should contact a member of the Neuman Club. A fifteen dollar fee will be required. Father McCabe will obtain additional information which he will relay at the next meeting.

Neuman Club meetings have been changed from Wednesdays to Thursdays due to interference with night classes. ·

High School Class Ring found behind Ed. Building Contact Mr Van Zant.

•agers :!visor PERU PEDAGOGIAN
Sports lation
Left. to right Becker, Morrison .following the games, their work 1s only half done.

Wrestlers- Starving But Well-trained

Have you heard the cafeteria food is improving immensley? If so, don't start celebrating yet. It's just a rumor being spread by the malnourished wrestlers. Many people wonder if wrestling is an individual or a team sport. Actually it's both. The wrestler is on his own from the moment he walks on the mat until the buzzer sounds. True, he may get advise and en· · couragement from his coach, his teammates, and the crowd. Yet; the outcome of the match is entirely dependent upon the wrestler's own performance, And at the end of the match the wrestler leaves with the knowledge that he has helped his team toward a victory or a defeat. There seem to be several popular misconceptions regarding the sport of wrestling. For example, "Only the strong survive," This is not necessarily the case, strength is not always the key factor in a match. Rather the winner probably ias a balance of skill, speed, experience, stamina, and determination,· as well as strength. Granted, some wrestlers get along well using just their but the eventual

A PERSON who talks about his {nferiors hasn't any.

champion usually has a combination of the qualities already listed. Also, many people feel wrestling is a brutal sport. This too is a misconception. Although wrestling may appear crude and vicious to the uneducated eye, it's actually a combination of precise 111oves and countofQQtJ:>.all


Weight, or the loss of it, is one of the most serious problems for a wrestler. It is not uncommon for the average grappler to lose 20 to 25 lbs. a season. The theory behind this is· that weight loss enables a wrestler to become quicker and more agile. Also, weight loss assists the wrestler in reaching prime physical condition. It takes extreme dedication for the wrestler to reduce and maintain this weight for the. length Of a season.

So, the next time you see a hollow cheeked, hungry-eyed wrestler mentally devouring your <linner, smile. For now you know the sacrifices a wrestler must make for Peru.

AMAN admires a woman not for what she says but for what she listens to.


The Studs were the top team. in the American League standings with a record of 5-0 following the completion of the fifth round of competition.

The Dusters led the National League with four wins and one loss.

The Shady Oak Bombers defeated the Wad Squad 52-50 in overtime in the first game of the fifth round. The Whackers won 44-41 in an overtime against SuMad.

The Dusters were victorious over the Wee Indians 52-50. The Odd Squad won 35-29 against the Double A's.

Duffy's was defeated by the Studs 50-47. The Roaches lost 4340 to the Alkies. The Budmen were victorious 40-36 over the Dills in the final game of the fifth round.

The Alkies conquered the Whackers 52-45 in the first game of the. sixth round. The Dills defeated Duffy's 47-22. SuMad won 56-55 in a close game with the Wee Indians.

The Roaches won by forfeit in the sixth round because a member of the Odd Squad wore school equipment in the gaine.

The top four teams in each league following the seventh round of the round robin schedule will compete in a

double elimination tournament to determine a champion basketball team.

The tournament will begin on Tuesday, February 22, unless a playoff game is necessary. If playoffs. must be held the tournament will start on Thursday, February 24.

The next intramural sport for men will be swimming. Tentative plans are being made for an intramural swimming meet on March 13 or 14. Further information will be posted on the bulletin board in front· of the Administration building.

The intramural basketball standings after five rounds are:

Drill Team In Action

Peru States newly organized Drill Team completed their first year of performing at the Mt. Marty basketball game played in Peru on February 18. The group of fifteen talented and charming young ladies was organized this year and became the half-time entertainment at

the basketball games in Peru. The performance includes a dance-march routine which they put together. These girls put in seven hours Qf practice each week.

The team includes Becky Pieper, captain; Ricki Fictum; Cindy Coyle; LinDee Raymond;

High School

Meet Set

The Department of Athletics has set the dates of the Peru State High· School Invitational Track Meets. Tbe girls' meet will be held March 24th and the boys' meet will run the 25th. In order to make the Invitational more attractive and larger, the boys' meet will be segregated from the girls' meet.

At the present time, there is about 85 schools committed to this meet and it is still six weeks

away. Last year there were about 1200 high school athletes, and hope to attract about 1800 on· March 24, and March 25.

Coach Harlan Krier will be organizing !he personnel to conduct these meets in the very near future. 143 faculty, students, and staff were used; last year and more will be needed this year. Your cooperation will be most helpful and appreciated.

Pat Schultz; Nancy Ii Bernie Dorn; Kathy R Zella Hickey; Deb B Evelyn Heebner; Mailahn; Judy Dimmitt; Albin; and Pat McConnell. Veronica Beguin, Busine structor, is the sponsor group.

A MAN can fool all w some of the time, and women all of the time, but bothers a man is why he fool the same woman the way all of the time.


Peru,1Nebraska Phone an-6355

' ·· ·· · · ·
· ······
AMERICAN Dusters 4-1 Wad Squad 3-2 Dills 2-3 Budmen 2-3 Shady Oak Bombers 2-3 Wee Indians 1-4 SuMad 1-4 NATIONAL Studs Alkies Whackers Duffy's Odd Squad Roaches Double A's 5-0 4-1 4-1 3-2 2-3 1-4 1-4
AAltflorlnd Ar!(arved1206 J Street Auburn, Nebraska 274-3410 Incense and Incense Burners Chess Sets Candles Large Record Selection Simon Drug Company Auburn BANK OF PERU Phone sn-3335 Member of F.D.l.C. Invites PSC students to open Checking and Savings Accounts
'PIONEER THEATR Neb·raska City February 24-25-26 Theodore Bikel Philip Frame lfl LITTLE ARK Sunday thru February 27 - March Walter Matthau rn KOTCH Dr. G. E .. Mani' OPTOMETRIST CLOSED WED. P.M. & SAT. Nebr. City 119 N 8th Phone 873-6180

Peru Pedagogian

What's The SGA Doing?

The Student Governing Association held a business meeting Monday, and formed a committee to look into extending the male visiting hours in the womens dormitories.

Appointed to head the committee was Debbie Barton. Other members on the committee are Ronnie Preston and Wanda McKim.

Mike Kelly reported on room inspection and found that in general the sneak room inspections are just to check for neatness. The finance committee also reported as to where

Steve Long says:

Ped, What happened to the idea of revising the S.G.A. constitution to where all of the students would be members and wouldn't therefore be able to vote?

S.L. Dianne Forke was to report on that today (last Mon.) 1but she didn't show up. The matter is being handled by the constitution committee. At the Kanedco conferance Dr. G. Creamer said that this type of student government is the most effective

Ped: What is the S.G.A. doing now?

S.L.: Aside from working on the constitutional revisions the S.G.A. is working on room inand extending the male visiting hours at the womens dorms.

Ped: Do you see the S.G.A. as a worthwhile organization?

S.L.: As I said earlier this year, the S.G.A. has a great potential for action if people would get involved and help out. Right now I'd say that the S.G .A. is worthwhile for those people who get involved.

our respective college fees go. This information was found to hP available in the P.S.C. catalog.

Lastly Doug Fritz reported on a discussion he had with Mr Allan Shipley concerning the radio station funds allocated last week by the S.G.A. Mr Shipley said he doesn't believe the S.G.A. has $800 to allot to any organization. The money was not approvedthroughMr Shipley and within two weeks the necessary figures will be known and a decision will then be made.

Dr. 5cherer says:

Peru State College's Student Government Association's main goal for the remainder of the year is to revise the present constitution. A group of SGA m'ember.-s have been appointed to serve as the constitutional Committee, headed by Diane Forke.

Other colleges have been contacted by the committee to send copies of their constitutions. Suggestions will also be taken before presenting a new constitution to the student body in an open hearing.

The SGA has been meeting regularly on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 in the Fine Arts Building, Room 212. The meetings are open to the student body.

When asked what role he feels he should assume as· the SGA sponsor, Dr. Thomas Scherer commented, "My role should be guidance and direction, but not dictatorship."

Students 5ay:

Asurvey was taken to find out how students felt about the SGA. They were asked, "What has the SGA done for you." Here are a few opinions on the subject.

Rich Watson: "I really don't know what it. has done for me, except in the case of the new weekend hours of the gym."

Vic Vega: "The SGA is supposed to be the voice of the students; as a voice, I don't hear anything.

Charlie Trailor: "I can't think of anything."

Carol Muse: "Nothing."

Bill Lynch: "A bunch of us tried to get SGA to mtorm commuters about activities happening on campus but they would not do anything."

Bill Lally: "What SGA?"

PSC Ranked Third In The Nation

Peru State has received an award for distinguished achievement by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE). The award was presented in · Chicago on February 24, to PSC for introducing the Nebraska Head Start Supplementary program, a program which is innovative in meeting the needs of low income, disadvantaged students.

The award, one of 10 given at the association's annual meeting, recognizes excellence in teacher education.

other colleges and universities. A total of about 850 colleges and universities were eligible for the awards.

Participants in the Peru State project are typically middleaged working mothers who have family responsibilities and many are also members of minority groups. The Head Start program offers the chance to improve paraprofessional skills, and at the completion of 64 credit hours the participants receive an Associate in Arts degree.

scheduled at times and locations which are convenient the students. Classes can be held in churches, library rooms, schools, or wherever the students would like to have them. The program has had to keep flexible in the areas of admissions, policy, curriculum development, faculty assignment, and delivery of educational programs.

"First time I heard about it was when they were trying to abolish it."

Denise Nebola and Judy Frech: "They got me no hours."

Gordon Thomson: "SGA never listens to the voice 'of the students" "They will listen but doesn't enforce or even try what students ask for."

Tyrus Gilliam: "As a member it has taught me that it is needed and that more members are needed that will represent the students points of view and not there own." "One should be more open-minded in SGA."

Lin Dee Raymond: "They paid for the porn-porns for cheerleaders and drill team."

Ann O'Connor: "They donated money for a radio station."

Temple University. received the National top award, Austin College received the. second place award and Peru State received the third place award. Following Peru State as winners of the distinguished achievement awards were the University of Dayton and the University of Washington. The other five..awards_were..giY.en.as. certificates of recognition to five

The program has worked well largely because of the cooperation and relationships between the College and local Head Start personnel. The latter have identified educational needs around which the special courses have been structured.

Courses are given in many cities in Nebraska including Lincoln, Omaha, Fairbury, Loup City, Chadron, Scottsbluff, and Peru, where there are currently six students "laking classes. on campus. These courses are


P.E. 415 Volleyball Officiating Error in previous Mini-Course Listing: course description should read as follows: Study of rules and rule interpretations as well as the techniques of volleyball officiating. Those completing the will have a background in the art of officiating volleyball.

Representing the program on local, state and national levels at the meeting were Dr. Neil S. Gomon, Dr. James Todd, Mr Eldon Smith, Dr. Henry Freed, Mr Ward Riesman, Miss Avis Pointsr, Mrs Luvenia Sanders, Mrs Mildred Cummings and Mrs Berdine Maginnis. Also attending the. meeting were Dr. John Jensen, Dr. Balwant Singh, Dr. Lloyd Kite, Mr Robert Creamer and Mr Paul Kruse.

Mrs Dorothy Kozac of Lincoln was named the outstanding instructor in the program and the outstanding student named was Mrs Emma Wilson of Omaha.

_Mr Robert James Dickson, will present his Senior Recital in Trumpet, Sunday afternoon, March 5 at 3 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center. The recital is free of charge and open to the public.

Mr Dickson, will complete his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Peru in May, and has done solo work on the trumpet. Mr Dickson's hometown is Menlo Iowa.·

- Sat. -25-26 3ikel ame '\.RK :thau f RIST .ENS ES D ·-'
Shown with the award received by Peru State for distinguished achievement by the AACTE are from left to right; Dr. Rex Shelley, Dr. Nathaniel Evers, President of AACTE, D,. Edward C. Pomeroy, Executive Director of AACTE, Dr. Neal S. Gomon, and Mr Eldon Smith, Asst, Project Director.


Following the recent Denny Brooks concert, I overheard many comments. Unfortunately, few of them were favorable. If you were there, you probably ·witnessed the large segments of the audience leaving during the performance.

When considering the ad.verse remarks, two questions are raised in my mind.

First of all, I wonder if any of those people who were anxious to condemn the work of the SCB, who is responsible for contracting our entertainment, ever considered joining the board and perhaps obtaining what they consider to be better talent?

Secondly, have these same people ever begun to ponder all that is involved in securing the concerts we presently have?

When we have a concert, it is through the tedious work of the SCB and not the simple process of notifying some entertainer and being secure in the knowledge that he will appear on stage. Many performers discover the size of PSC and it's obscure locality. It is only logical to assume that this must make a well-known performer hesitant to appear.

So, the next time you have a worthwhile complaint concerning the manner in which your entertainment fees are being spent, perhaps it would be more sensible to employ the.channels open to us and see if positive results are possible.

We all realize that leaning back and criticizing is not too difficult, even a third-grader can do that. But, continued under-the-breath mumbling has never been known to accomplish anything of any merit.


Barbra Joan Streisand (Columbia KC 30792) is a new album by Barbra Joan Streisand. a more appropriate name for the album could have been Barbra Joan Streisand's Carole King-John Lennon Songbook, since five of the twelve songs on the album are written by the two· artists.

Add also the fact that she is attired in expensive hippie garb one can get the impression that Miss Streisand is entering the rock music area in order to attract the 25 and under age crowd.

"Beautiful", "Where You Lead'', and "You've Got A Friend" are the Carole King songs done and done okay. "Love" and "Mother" are the Lennon songs· she does her versions of. "Mother" has to be the best female version of the song (Lennon, of course, does the best male version), while "Love" is mediocre.

But for some reason this is. not Barbra's kind of music. She ends the first side with ''One Less Bell To Answer" and "A House Is Not A Home" in a Hal Davie-Burt Bacharach melody. This is the best cut off the record ad the style seems more appropriate for her.

A2 by 3foot poster of Barbara is also incltided in the pack.

Elton John has another winner in Madman Across The Water (UNI 93120). John along with partner Bernie Taupink p_robably the best writing team smce Lennon and Mc Cartney, wrote all the songs. Also credit producer Gus Dudgeon and Paul Buckmaster who arranged and conducted the music.

It's hard to pick the best cuts


Beer Bill Voted -Down

Peru State College lost the opportunity to sell beer on. campus when Legislative Bill 1092 was defeated Monday. The bill, voted down 30 to 12, provided that the restriction for the sale, at retail, of any alcoholic liquor shall not apply to colleges or universities.

·13hall incur no civil or criminal liability by reason of having made such diagnostic examination or rendered such treatment. The state or local director of health shall incur no civil or criminal liability by reason of any adverse reaction to medication administered.

The bill should be voted on again soon in the Nebraska Legislature.

-encompasses those involved in the journalism practicum program.

The job of Issue Editor is far from being smooth and untroubled. Generally, he discovered he is Issue Editor three weeks in advance, so that as many arrangements as possible can be made beforehand.

One of these arrangements that must be taken care of is finding material for prospective journalists to write stories about, and then assigning these stories to the various students in the journalism classes. He is also obliged to decide ten days before the paper is to be printed and what pictures he wants to have accompany the stories.

Any stories to be printed in the Friday edition are usually turned in on Tuesday morning. After checking the article for grammatical and spelling errors, it is the job of the Newspaper Editing class to write headlines depending on whether it is to be a one or two column story.

This edited copy is taken to the Nebraska City News-Press on Tuesday afternoon the Issue Editor, accompanied by the .Editor and Mr Browning, the journalism instructor and Pedagogian advisor, travel to Nebraska City. They then recheck the copy for typing errors and begin to lay each of the stories out in the order seen by the students each Friday. This process is generally completed in three to four hours.

on the album because all are good. But the better ones have to be "Tiny Dancer'', a beautiful love son gdedicated to his girl Maxine. And "Levon" and "Indian Sunset" with its surprise ending are a couple others. Also receiving honorable mention is "All The Nasties", as Elton does a great job on piano and his backing bocala are also great.

Abooklet with the words of the songs and pictures of Elton John's gang make up the center of the album. Madman Across The Water is Elton John at his best. Try it, you'll like it.

A picture of a bent old man carrying a bunch of sticks is the cover of Led Zeppelin IV. (Atlantic SC 7208). Inside are four symbols which I guess represent each of the four members of the group. The centerfold of the album shows an old man on top of a high mountain with a lantern in his hand looking down on a small village.

Strange indeed, also strange is that it looks as if Led Zeppelin is finally getting into some good rock music. It is. possible that this could be their best album, which isn't saying too much.

But anyway a few numbers such as "Black Dog", "Rock and Roll" and "Misty Mountain Hop" are the better ones on the disc.

The bill, introduced by Sam Klaver, 9th District; Eugene T. Mahoney, 5th District; Harold T. Moylan, 6th District; on January 4, was referred to the Government and Military Committee. The Bill in part states, that, "No alcoholic liquor, other than beer, shall be sold for consumption on the premises within three hundred feet from the campus of any college or university in the state."

VD Bill Sent Back

Legislative Bill 1096 was sent back to the legislature Tuesday by a 30 to 0 vote.

The bill, to permit the treatment of venereal disease to any person under twenty years of age, had been passed Monday by the Nebraska legislature. The bill originally introduced into the legislature January 4 by Wally Barnett Jr. of 26th District was referred to the committee on Public Health and Welfare.

Bill 1096 allows a person twenty years of age to receive treatment for venereal disease without the consent of parents.

Bill 1096 reads in part, "The state or local director of Health, may, with the consent of such person who is ·hereby granted the right of giving such consent, make or cause. to be made a diagnostic examination for venereal disease and prescribe for and treat such person for venereal disease. All such examinations and treatment may be performed without the consent of, or notification of, the \parent, parents, guardian, or Iany other person having custody of such person. In any case the state or local director of health

/How The Ped· Is Put To Bed

While reading a story in the Pedagogian, have you ever considered all that is included in it's creation each week? It is more. than simply accumulating some stories, sticking them together and printing them.

In the past, there has been an editor, who each week with the assistance of a few on the staff, put the paper together in time for the Friday morning edition.

This past semester though, the format was changed slightly. There is still an Editor-in-Chief, but in addition, there was created the position of Issue Editor. Being Issue Editor was a weekly responsibility of the various students in the Newspaper Editing class to give them the experience of being the editor for one week.

This semester, besides Newspaper Editing class, it also

On Thursday, the paper is photographed and copied off. The next day, it is delivered to the Peru State Campus. The job of delivering the edition goes to the Beginning Journalism class. So, while you are reading this story, consider that it took approximately 7hours to conceive, write, print. edit and photograph it,_ while it took you only about 2112 minutes to read.

Senators Plan Trip to PSC

Senators Wayne W. Ziebarth -37th District, J. W. Burbach19th District, Irving F. Wiltse1st District, and Calvin F. Carsten - 2nd District will visit Peru State College on March 6, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. · All interested persons are invited to attend this "rap session" in the Fine Arts Auditorium. The senators will be glad to answer questions concerning the legislature's trends regarding the future of education, taxation, highway planning, or any other questions that are of concern to the people of Nebraska.

_P_A_GE-2-----------------..:..P;.;;ER;,;,;U;,.;PEDAG <X;IAN FRIDAY, MARCI! 3, 1972
The Pedagogian Published weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF John Thomas Editor-in-Chief Robert Wernsman Ass't. Editor· Steve Long News' Chuck Smith Photography Jerry Steele Sports Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Business Managers Mr. Everett .Browning , _. Advisor

ed in .icum is far I unhe tor l that s as made nents of is ective :ories these nts in He is days rinted 1ts to es. in the ually :ning.

e for !Hing f the SS to .g on r two to the >s on Issue the :, the and ·el to then yping 1Ch Of ·seen ·iday. ·rally tours. er is I off. ·ed to 1e job ies to class. g this k apand k you read. barth 1chtse1 F. visit :ch 6, are "rap Arts 'illbe con:ends of 1way :tions eople :hief :litor · rews' aphy lOrts ttion gers risor

AY, MA({Cll 3, 1972

l'ERIJ PEDA<JOGIAN for Student Productions to be Held

is interested in

·• g out for a student

µction, the theatre will be

· for tryouts on Thursday,

• h 9, at 4:00 p.m.

!is hoped that it is understood

• these are not to be ssional performances, but r to give students practice ucing plays. ·

e will be a choice of four ent plays from which ts may choose to try out

ee Tillman is putting on Intruder", by Maurice .terlinck, which is ten-

.· ely planned to be performed ;fthe round".

,SC Initiates ,olunteer Program

· volunteer program at the

• tal Health Clinics in Seward Auburn is being initiated by 'u State and Concordia eges.

· ch college is held respone for arousing student int and recruiting a team of ents as potential volunteers. each college a sponsor

·• t be selected to work with \students and participate in /program.

.-e community involvement

·· onnel will work with each p of students. They will vide orientation for the ents in the program and

)t them when necessary. The

··c staff will determine the s of volunteers and comicate to the team coor-


:• tor concerning the program.

'.he work of a volunteer

'artment rests on the ption that volunteers who freely of their time, talent, friendship make a valuable ibution to the rehabilitation patients. Volunteers help eet such common needs as dship, recognition, aton, stimulation, and fun. serve as models of normal ally accepted behavior. also help the patient to get ved in worthwhile comty activities.

dents interested in parating in this program should tact Mr Don Miller or Dr. mas Scherer for further rmation. Mr Sipes from the coin Regional Center will be •campus March 9 at 3:00 p.m. :meet with interested persons.

"The Small, Private World of Michael 'Marston", by Norman Holland has ·been chosen by Barb Policky. This play depicts the trouble and complications of life today.

DeVoe Manning is to produce "Words and Music," by Samuel Beckett, It was originally a radio play that was adapted for the stage. It is a play that wa.s adapted for the stage. It is a play taken from the theatre of the absurd.

"The Bald Soprano" is the play Ann O'Connor plans to produce. This play, by Eugene Ionesco is an anti-play, dealing with the processes of communication in life today.

PSC To Get New Academic Affairs Head

Dr.' Max G. Smith, 37, presently director of doctoral programs in higher education administration, New Mexico

State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, has been named Vice-President of Academic Affairs at Peru State College

Peru Players to Present "The American Dame"·

Crackin Ruins

PSC Lawn

effective April 1, 1972, subject to Th 0 h "Cr ki " confirmation by the Board of e ma a group, ac n Trustees of Nebraska State played at the Valentines Day Colleges at its March 13 - ,!he Omaha group meeting. Crackm drove on the campus

Dr. Smith has been in his present position since June, 1970': He was formerly Assistant to the President and Acting Dean of ·the College, Milfon College; Milton, Wisconsin, , and Academic ·Dean, Midwest College, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He has an AB from Milligan College, Johnson, Tenn., MA from Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana, and a PhD in Higher Education Administration from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

The new Vice President has had extensive experience in academic planning at local and state levels. He has been Chairman of Programs·· for the Southwest Regional Conference on Improvement of Teaching and has conducted several institutes for college. administrators. Mrs Smith is an elementary teacher in Las Cruces, working primarily with minority group children.

Yearbook Busy

Yearbook staff members are busily trying to meet the March 11 deadline, when half of the 164 pages of the yearbook must be submitted to the ·

The cast of "The American Dame" is now in the final stages of rehearsals, according to Pat Manley, Director of Theatre.


Use water, fire hydrants, nkets, or sand to exinate.

Throw.burning objects out dow if not windy outside.

' H fire gets out of control

· 't try to put it out.

Pull fire alarm.

Call fire department


·· Evacuate building

lawn. The Omaha group, "Crackin" will probably not be invited back to Peru State to show their talents again.

According to Mr Alan Shipley, Business Manager of the college, rather than following the directions of the nightwatchman, they drove on the grass.

They had been instructed to drive on the sidewalk. Since the grass was soft due to the melting ·snow, it was soft and vulnerable to damage.

Mr Shipley said that the group, which included two members of a group which did the same thing last year, will not receive payment for their performance until they reimburse the college for the damages which they caused.

The night-watchman reported that he had to leap out of the way, or he would have been struck by the vehicle. Shipley added that had the nightwatchman been able to remove his gun from the holster, he would have shot their tires

Anyone wanting to help with the annual will be welcomed. Work on the annual will be done on Monday nights starting at seven o'clock and Thursday afternoons at two o'clock.

Anyone wishing to buy an annual can still do so by contacting any of the following: Nancy Stoll, Mike Summers, Pat Prose, Chuck Smith, Barry Landes, Erny Boeck, Debbie Barton, Diane Forke, Terry Fink and Dave Lane. The deadline for purchase is also March 11.

This play by Philip C. Lewis deals with the American woman and how she has been given too little credit for what she has done in forming this great nation. The play brings out the idea that since the beginning of time, woman has been given little opportunity to express herself.

Besides the cast, three other people are spending long hours on the production. They are: Devor Mannine, Lighting; Bob Wernsman, Stage Manager; Ann O'Conner, Student Director. The play is to be presented March 8-9 at 7: 30 in the College Auditorium. Students with PSC !D's will be admitted free.


Phone 872-3335

Member of F.0.1.C.

Invites PSC students to open

Checking and Savings Accounts




Peru, 1Nebraska , Phone 872-6355

Incense and Incense Burners

Chess Sets Candles

Large R.ecord Selection

r. G. E'. Mann OPTOMETRIST CONT ACT LENSEs CLOSED iWED. P.M. & SAT. P.M. ebr. City 119 N 8th St. Phone 873-6180
Part of the cast pictured here are: <I to r J, Lin Dee Raymond, Mark Hahn, Barb Wilkinson, John Thomas, Carol Muse, Bart Neri and Joevetle Farber.
The Student Center Board asks that all students fill out the list of movies for next year, and turn them in as soon as possible.
AU students with PSC ID's will be admitted FREE to "The American Dame" March 8-9 8:00 p.m.
Simon Drug Company Auburn

Wrestlers Third in College Conference Meet

Peru State wrestlers placed third in the Nebraska College Conference meet at Chadron last Saturday. Wayne State won the title with 73 points followed by Chadron State with 651h. Peru State had 28 and Kearney State finished last with 221h.

The Bobcats did not take any individual titles but made comebacks in the consolation · championships by taking five third place spots.

Two Peru wrestlers, R.D. Arnold and Jim Rezac moved into the championship matches, but both were defeated and had to settle for second place medals. Arnold lost his match to defending champion Dan Mowrey of Kearney State in the 118 pound weight class 3-0. Rezac was defeated by Ron Coles of Wayne State in the heavyweight championship also by the score of 3-0.

·Placing third and taking consolation championships were Ken Boettcher, Rick Black, Larry Pracht, Dean Anstey, and Kim Tennal.

Only four Peru grapplers, Ken Boettcher, Rod Wartman, Dean Anstey, and Jim Rezac will be going into NAIA District 11 competition at Wayne this Saturday. How well they do there will dtermine who will go on to the NAIA finals at Klamath Falls Oregon, March 9-11.

Pro Basketball

For Women Yes or No?

Peru's Results


118 - R.D. Arnold (P) won on· a forfeit.

126- Jim Meyer (W) Dec. Rick Black (P) 7-2.

•134 - Not filled.

142 - Loren Hansen (W) Dec. Ken Boettcher· (P) 5-2.

150 - Mitch Emery (W) Dec. Rod Wartman (P) 6-5.

158-BobLynch (C) Dec. Kim Tennal (Pl 10-2.

167 - John Kletnick (W) Dec. Larry Pracht (P) 7-0.

177 - Ken Monroe (W) pinned Dave Arntt (P) 5:45.

190 - Kennis Reif (W) pinned Dean Anstey (P) 7:08.

HWT - Jim Rezac (P) Dec.

Mark Lattin (CJ 3-1.

Consolation Championships

126- Rick Black (P) won on a forfeit.

142 - Ken Boettcher (P) won on a forfeit.

150 - Don Richert (K) Dec.

Rod Wartman (P) 7-4.

158 - Kim Tennal (P) Dec.

Bob Osborn (Kl 6-2.

167 - Larry Pracht (P) Dec.

Greg Wilson (K) 6-4.

177 - Craig Heidecker (K)

pinned Dave Arntt (P) 3:31.

190 - Dean Anstey (P) De.

Warren Treptow (K) 7-1.


118 - Dan Mowt'ey (K) Dec.

R.D. Arnold (Pl 3-o.

HWT - Ron Coles (W) Dec. Jim Rezac (P) 3-0.

Siefkes Still Leads Three Peru Eagers Listed

Through 24 games Dennis Siefkes of Wayne continues to lead in categories, according to the latest release of basketball statistics from the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. The 6-7 junior has ;averaged 26.2 points, scoring on more than 55 per cent of his field goals and leads Wayne with 11 rebounds per contest. Ananias Montague remains in second place, the Peru Stater scoring at a 22.9 clip.

Guard Don Monzingo is in eighth place on the field goal list, 53-108 for .491.

The battle for the lead in free throw shooting goes on. The last time he left the charity stripe, Fred Nash of Concordia had taken over the lead from Paul Sieczkowski of the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

Sieczkowski, however, has regained his number one ranking, converting 60-73 for a sparkling .822. Nash is right behind with 73-89 for .820. Chances are thought that. Jim


"Right on!" was the response of Kris Rotter, a member of the Peru State Womens' Basketball team, when asked if she thought professional basketball teams should be organized for women.

Peru State students expressed a variety of opinions on the idea of pro teams for women. Some thought that professional teams would be the next step since there are already ·teams organized at both the high school and college levels.

The replies ranged from "It's great!" to "It will never work!" Women's Lib seemed to be an important factor in some of the answers.

One girl stated, "I think men as well as other women would enjoy seeing competition between womens' teams. Why can't women play professional basketball if men are allowed to?·"

The majority of the girls interviewed thought women should be able to have pro teams if they wanted to. Most of the boys seemed to think womens' pro teams could be organized but they wouldn't be as profitable and exciting as mens' pro teams. Jim Taylor said that "Mens' basketball has been in the spotlight for so long I don't believe womens' pro basketball would draw enough attendance to be financially profitable."

Phil Scharp agreed that- there could be professional basketball teams for women, but he didn't think they would ever be better to see than mens' pro teams. He felt.that not enough people would watch to make it worthwhile.

An intramural swimming meet will be held Monday, March 13, at 7:00 p.m. in the college pool. The deadline for entering the meet is Tuesday, March 7, at 11:30 a.m. Substitutions may be made after this deadline, but no new applicants will be admitted.

The swimming meet is an official intramural event. Points achieved will be added to determine the overall in-


The Bobcat wrestling team upped their season record to 9-3 with a 30-15 victory over Nebraska Wesleyan in the final dual meet of the season in Lincoln, February 23.

Freshman Ken Boettcher· raised his personal mark to 12-0 and remained undefeated up to the conference meet with a 10-1 decision in the 142 lb. weight class.

In the 158 lb. weight class, Peru Stater Kim Tennal picked up his 10th victory of the year witha 10-2 decision.

tramural championship. necessary to belong to tramural team to c Students can partici dividually or form th teams. Points will be scored all individual events an team relays. Ribbons be awarded. Entry blanks can be in Mr Jerome Stemper's Ad. 303 B.

118 - Longoris (W Arnold (Pl 6-1.

126- Wall (W) Dec. B 9-2.

13.4 - Hansen (P) forfeit.

White of Hastings might have some say so in the final outco111e, making 65 out of 80 attempts for .812. You better hurry up and settle it guys, the season ends March 4. ·Coach Jack Mcintire has two of his cagers on the list. Tom Froehlich is currently holding down sixth place, 42-54 for .778. Montague is in tenth, 6790 for 7.44.

Doane's Bernard Brown leads in rebounding with an 18.6 average. Montague is third with 177 rebounds for a 12. 7 average while teammate Earl Brown is in fourth with 263 caroms for 12.0.

· Team tota1s remain the same. 'Doane leads in defense (64.7), Kearney State in offense (95.5). Hastings and Kearney hold the distinction of having an eight point scoring. margin over opponents; Hastings leads in field goals hitting 46 per cent; Chadron 69 per cent of their free throws; and Doane 59.5 per cent of the rebounds.

One boy wondered what it would be like to be married to a female version of Pete Maravich. He decided if her income was anything like Pete's he wouldn't mind at all.

Found, Man's Wedding .ring in "pit" at south end of gymnasium. See coach Tom Fitzgerald. 'iiiSSSSSSSSS!i'ii!Si

Friday & Saturday

March 3 & 4 CHROME

Sunday thru Tuesday

Wednesday - Sunday

142 - Boettcher ( Martin (W) 10-1. 150 Everett (W) Dec men (Pl 5-1. 158-Tennal (P) Dec. (Wl 10-2. 167 - Pracht (P) Coates (WJ 4:38. 177 - Arntt (P) Pinn <WJ 5:46 190 Sapp (W) Pinned :' (Pl 1:56 Hwt. - Rezac (P) Erickson. (WJ 4:33. Little Big Man Don Monzingo (with ball) was the lea marksman for the Pack, connecting on

Results by weight class.

1206 J Street
Auburn, Nebraska 274-3410 PERU PEDAGOGIAN
March 5-6-7
March 8 - 12
53 out of 108 tempted for a .491 average. !, PIONEER THEATER NEBRASKA CITY Wed. Mar. 5 • 6 . "l • 8 MATINEE SUN. 2 P.M. ADM. 50c ' $1.50 .. Presented by AN EXPLOSIVE MOTION PICTURE.. .. Rosa was on the hard stuff 'till she kicked it through lov Starring PAT BOONE as Dmd Wilkerson with ERIK ESTRADA • JACKIE GIROUX • DINO OeFILIPPI JO-ANN ROBINSON • Scrtinplay by DON MURRAY and JAMES BONNET• Music by RALPH CARMIC · FILMED- IN. EASTMAN- COLOR Dncted by DON MURRAY. Produced by • PRINTS BY TECHNICOLOR Thurs. • Fri. · Sit. MATINEE 541, 2 P.M. ADM.,.soc $1.25 BlmThe Beasts& * Children """""'""'"""_""_ iOP BILL MUMY·BARRY ROBINS cu MILES CHAPfN:OAREL GLASER ,;

Peru Pedagogian

eorganization Involves Many

Student representation at ru State College is structured ithin the administrative rganization that was inuted this September. This rganization consists of missions, Committees and a cil. The Counci.1 is the hest with the Commissions ponsible to the Council and • Committees responsible to Commissions.

he College Affairs Council is chief decision maker. It has job of reviewing existing icies and when modifications m advisable, to assign the dy to a Commission or an ad committee. The Council also proves regulations and icies pertaining to students. The membership of the uncil consists of two Deans of e Schools, two School presentatives, three faculty presentative three appointees the President, President of the culty Association and the sident of SGA, Steve Long. here are two Commissions er the Council, the Academic airs Commission carries on continous study of the inuctional program. It is cerned with interschool and terdepartmental · coordination d relationships. The Comission also evalutes the work d responsibilties of its various mmittees along with other esponsibilities.

The Academic Affairs Comission;s membership consists the Academic Vice-President, o Deans of School, two School resentatives, the Registrar, Head Librq.rian, and one udent, Charles McKee.

The Student Affairs Comission is responsible for roviding the centralized adinistration and coordination of ll student personnel functions. he Commission interprets the hilosophy and policy to udents, faculty, parents, and he public. It also serves as an appeal or hearing body in decisions related to nonacademic matters of the student.

The membership of the Commission consists of the VicePresident of Student Affairs, two student personnel officers, one faculty member elected from each school and two students Steve Long and Mike Kelly.

The committees under the reorganization structure are responsible to the Commission. There are many committees which deal with specific matters on the campus.

The Financial Aid and Scholarship Committee advises the Director of Financial Aids as he administers financial aids and awards scholarships.

The membership of the Committee is the Director of Financial Aids (Chairman), two administrative officers appointed by the President, two faculty members, and two students, Terri Fink and Earl Brown.

· The School and Community Relations Committee is responsible for exploring ways and means of winning and influencing friends for the college. Particular areas of action in-· elude the involvement of faculty and staff, students and alumni in the dissemination of information and materials needed to adequately communicate with the public regarding the opportunities, programs and services available through the college.

The membership of this committee. is the Director of Counseling, Vice-President of Student Affairs, Director of Financial Aid, Registrar, Director of Special Services, two faculty members, three students, Ann O'Connor, Margaret Tynon, Mike Summers, four community members and the Vice-President of Academic Affairs.

The Student Conduct Committee as a review board as requested in cases of student conduct. It advises the VicePresident of Student Affairs in matters related to student conduct and recommends policy to the Student Affairs Commission.

The membership of this committee consists of the VicePresident of Student Affairs (Chairman), one administrative officer, two school representatives, and two students, Doug Fitz and Mark Hahn.

The Library Committee reports regularly to the Academic Affairs Commission and recommends policy to the Commission. It serves as a liaison capacity between the library and the faculty-student bodies.

The Library Committee consists of the Head Librarian, one other of the Professional Library Staff, four faculty members, and one student, Darrell Wininger, Jr.

The Teacher Education Committee searches out and identifies areas needing policy statements. Along with other responsibilities, the committee is authorized to delegate some of its responsibilities, such as admission to teacher education to a sub-committee.

The membership of this committee is the Dean of School of Education and P.E. (Chairman l, two representatives from each school, one student representative in Elementary Education , Roni Preston; one studenl ·representative in Secondary Education, Roxann Rengstorf; one student representative in the Professional Semester, Sharon Kramer.

As perscribed by the Reorganization plan all the students on the Commissions and Committees are appointed by the Student Governing Association.

PSC Plays Important Roll

In Head Start Program

The year 1968 was a year of violence and protest in America. · Colleges were faced with the challenge of making their programs responsive to pressing social, educational and economic problems.

Peru State College accepted this challenge by initiating and · administering a program for disadvantaged people.

This is why P.S.C. was the recipient of the "Excellence in Teacher Education - 1972 Distinguished Achievements Award," for seeking to reform and introduce innovation in teacher education.

The Nebraska Head Start Supplementary Training Program, under the direction of Dr. Rex Shelley, program director, was initiated during 1968. Mr Eldon Smith, assistant director, assumed duties with the program in 1970.

Supplementaty Training is a national program administered by Supplementary Training Associates. Mrs Luvenia Sanders, currently working with the program in Peru was formerly a trainee from Omaha and assisted in the national program. The contracting institution fo,· the program in Nebraska is Peru State College.

There are three basic functions of the program: improve instruction in the Head Start centers; provide career development opportunities; and

most importantly, encourage institutional change in colleges. This · program serves Head Start staffs including teachers, teacher aides, bus drivers, cooks and social service aides.

College-based instructional programs have been initiated in order to help low-income paraprofessionals become more effective in the Head Start centers.

Participants in the program are typical middle-aged mothers with family responsibilities, and often belong to a minority group. In order to carry out training in each area, cooperative relationships with local colleges and universities were developed. Included among these are: Chadron State, Fairbury Junior College, Kearney State, Nebraska Western, U.N. at Lincoln, and U.N. at Omaha.

One of the m11jor accomplishments of the program has been the development of an Associate in Arts degree in Early Childhood Education. This program was produced with the assistance of entollees, CAP directors, Head Start officials and college personnel who worked along with experts in child development and childhood education during the developmental phase.

A major aspect which this program has been able to illustrate is that the success of an educational program depends

on the knowledge, dedication program depends on the knowledge, dedication and skill of the teacher. ·

Some faculty members have been recruited from the local communities. If qualified teachers were available from among the many minority groups being served, they have been employed.

Due to the flexibility of the program, the college is entitled to recruit and select the most qualified person for each teaching assignment.

Included in the program are classes suited, not to the college time-table, but rather to the individual and his availability concerning time and location. Depending on the locations served, classes are generally held on campus, in churches, public schools and in Head Start centers.

Recommendations concerning location of classes, course sequence and selection of faculty are made by the Career Development Committees. In this way, the people involved and being served are insured a voice in the operation of the program.

The two-year program for an Associate in Arts degree includes General Education, Early Childhood Education, supporting field and elective courses.

IS ris ·8 0 • 11 1.25 :OBINS K.Prellt Ora-iathl .U.S.POlbp PAID Permit No.4
Cooperative Class Planning with Lincoln Public Schoo! personnel. Pictured: (I tor) Paul Thomp" son, Director of Career Opportunities Program; Sam Nelson, Director of follow through; Eldon Smith, Assistant Project Directory.

Student Fees Discussed

A recent legislative bill proposed that all student fees be prohibited in the colleges and universities in Nebraska. The bill arose from the controversy between the Daily Nebraskan University of Nebraska's newspaper) and the Nebraska legislators questioning the paper's editorial use of four letter words.

According to Barry Pilger, the Editor-in-c;:hief of the Daily Nebraskan, the major controversy.arose over the World Revolution Conference being held at the University of Nebraska .at Lincoln and the editorials supporting that conference.

ThE: Conference will host such personalities as Bobby Seale of the Chicago Eight to lecture. The Conference will be held at the University March 17 and 18.

The Daily Nebraskan is supported by mandatory student fees which Bill 1271 is proposed to prohibit. The bill would not only. stop the collection of mandatory student fees at the University in Lincoln, but at all the colleges and Universities throughout the state.

According to Barry Pilger the reason that the bill· is state wide is that Senator Stromer, who introduced the bill into the legislature, is playing political games. "Stromer has created a political football," Pilger stated, "and it still has air. Stromer has sights on D.C."

LB 1271 is opposed, according to Pilger, because it would hamper the student's freedom to have what they want, like the World Revolution Conference at Lincoln.

The Nebraska Student Government Association composed of student governments throughout the state, unanimously ·opposed the bill at a recent meeting of the Association. The chairman of the Nebraska Student Government Assocation and Pilger, along. 'Vith other students also testified opposing the bill ata legislative hearing concerning the bill.

In an interview with the Omaha World Herald Pilger stated, "We're making a real effort in terms of balancing the paper. The paper is not being written with the legislators in mind. Our audience is the University community."

Legislative Bill 1271 has for now been referred to the Education Committee. The Bill in part reads "A university or college in this state which is currently receiving state appropriations shall not require students at the university or college to pay any form of mapdatory student activities fee or charge. If the university or college collects or requests the collection of an optional student activities fee, to be paid at the discretion of the student, the proposed uses shall be put forth in detail in any literature by the university or college.

The Director of Administrative Services, upon establishing to his satisfaction that any university or college has neglected or failed to comply with the provisions of this act, shall immediately suspend the payment of the state appropriations to the universitv and college."


Involverp.ent, what does it mean to you? Is it a word that has too much meaning or none at all?

If the president of the United States doesn't become involved in rising manners, the United States would fall apart. Involvement has its place at Peril State College also. P.S:C. has many opportunities to get involved if only people would open up their eyes and look around. That doesn't mean sit back and let the other person do all the work, and you profit from the reward of success. Everyone must work together, whether the outcome is good or bad.

So whenever you think something needs improvement at Peru, start by getting involved, P.S.C. has a lot to offer.


Bob Dylan pul a-bunch oril old and new songs togethert has ealled it Bob Dy( Great!'st llits Volunud; (Columbia KG 31120). ,f·

The double album con c moslly love ballads written his motorcycle accident in.; which kept him inactive fo years. After coming back his absence, Dylan s concentrating on love ba more then writing protest which dominated Greatest Volume I.

Some of the· love songs inc hit "Lay Lady Lay", "To I'll Be Staying Here With "She Belongs To Me," an Nol For You" which h authors with George Har One of the better love s "Tommorrow Is A Long and some of the poetic lyri "If only she was lying by could I rest in my bed ag


"Sometimes, not often enough, we reflect upon the good things. And those thoughts always center around those we love; And I think about those people who mean so much to me And for so many years have made me so very happy.

And I count the times I have forgotten to say thank you and just how much I love them."

P.S.C. Students Get Four Day Weekend

Most students when asked what they planned to do next Thursday and Friday when school is out for teachers convention indicated that they would just go home and make it ·a "four day weekend."

The first vacation of the second semester, although only two days long, will come during the loth week -of the second semester, and only two weeks before the Easter break.

Many students feel that a vacation should have come sooner, while a couple would rather have it come just before the Easter break to make the spring recess a little longer.

"You can't really do much , with just an extra two days," said one student who wished to remain anonymous. "I would much rather have it go along with the Easter vacation that is coming up so that I could really do something with· it," he concluded.

Co liege Choir Plans concert

The Peru State College Con· cert Choir is presenting a concert under the direction of Mr Ed Camealy, Monday March 20, at 8:00 p.m. in the PSC auditorium.

The tour choir, Madrigal group, and the swing group will present their respective programs.

For the first time in ten years the choir will look a like with uniform dress. At their own expense the students are either buying or making their attire for the event.

A little brick church was erected in 1869, on the first hill that skirts the road, as one enters old Peru from the north.

Some of the oldies in "Maggie's Farm", "My Pages" and "It's All Over Baby Blue", a song about a who's lover found out she cheating on him. The song with the lyrics "Strike an match go start anew, and it' over now Baby Blue."

Along with the pictur Dylan on the cover, back center of the album cover were taken at the Bangla concert, Grestest Hits Vol

is a collectors item for an that likes Bob Dylan. Dylan i artist and all his albums coil his best stuff, but in this on, puts the better ones togeth

Traffic's The Low Spar High Heeled Boys <Island' 9306) fs enclosed in a cube cover, but the music inside · from being square.

The group's best album "John Barleycorn Must contains great jazz instrum music with composer producer Steve Winwood d great job on piano and or The title song lasts over tw minutes and not a bit of it "The Low Spark Of High H Boys" is a song about drugs one of the lines points out ' man in the suit has just bo new car from a profit he's on your dreams." Soulful "Li Up Or Leave Me Alone" ends first side of the album, The second side begins "Rock And Roll Stew" written by Traffic but is' being played on the ra destined to become a hit. N comes "Many A Mile Freedom" and then the last "Rainmaker" which contains very effectively played flute. Winwood and Jim Capaldi together only six songs for album but all are along arranged well. It appears Traffic is still running smoot on the rock music road.

The Pedagogian

GROWING up used to mean the first pair of long pants. Now. it's the first X movie.

John Thomas Editor-m-Chie

_Robert Wernsman Ass't. Steve Long : Chuck Smith Jerry Steele , Sports1 Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation: Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Business

Mr. Everett Browning Advisor;

Published weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF
1 k

or anu >ylan is ns cont his one ogether.

Spark :sland cube 1side is f 1ser a oddoing d organ. ver twei >fit dra .gh Heel drugs : out " :t bough he's ma Jul "Lig "ends t 11. igins wi :ew", n 11t is no he radio hit. Next Mile To. te last cut !ontains a d flute. apaldi put for the 1long and >ears that smoothly td.

Secretary Association serves community

Peru State students and faculty and the people in the Peru community benefit from the work of the Peru State Seeretary Association. The organization is a branch of the National Association of Educational Secretaries which has its headquarters in Washington, D.C.

The members of the club took an active interest in the Peru State Homecoming festivites by constructing a float which won third place in the parade. 1 Faculty and students enjoyed a special treat atChristmas time when they were served tea, coffee, and cookies by members of the club.

Patients at the Nemaha County Hospital and the Good Samaritan Home received Valentine favors made by the secretaries.

The organization meets every third Tuesday each month. Members plan the special programs for the meetings.

''The American Dame'' Reviewed

"The American Drune" by Phillip C. Lewis was an excellent production. Many qualities of umor and drama were used in picting the history of the American women.

As I sat and watched the play I became overwhelmed by things that woman had to go through to get their rights. She was pushed to the side for many years. She was punished for something she had not done, laughed at when >fighting for something she believed in, and worst of all looked on as inferior to man. I believe many people in the audience became involved in the play. They wanted to find out .more about women's rights. The limited scenery did not detract from the play. I felt it added to it. The slides helped visualize women and events that make up the history of the American woman.

The play as a whole was very good. All the weeks of hard work show up in the production play. Everyone did an excellent job.

After being associated -with various college performances during .the past two years, and now with "The American Dame", there is one thing that sticks in my mind,

"The American Dame" was one of the finest productions I have had the opportunity to work with and observe.

Everything included in it, from the quick-change of sets, to the wide variety of characters which the cast assumed was executed to a heigh t seldom attained. ·

It was obvious that everyone in the cast, along with Miss Manley had worked long and hard, and they deserve the compliments sure to come their way.

However, · besides being an enjoyable evening away from studying, it also provided many in the audience with an eye opener. Had the people in attendance ever realized just what had been done to hold back and suppress the American female?

"The American Dame," as presented by the Peru Players, Wednesday and Thursday, March 8 and 9, promises a fastmoving · evening of entertainment, based upon a timely theme which is increasingly forcing itself upon the American consciousness - the rights of women.

The form of the play itself is an interesting one, known as a PLAY-OUT in which actors announce a theme and then play it out. Simple props and symbolic bits of costumes serve to identify the time and place, as the characters move backward through history to highlight those moments that stimulated the progress of women in their quest for equality.

O'Connor and Bob Olson round out the cast, lending strong support to the scenes in which 'they appear.

Director Patricia Manley, Instructor in Speech, moves the play at a rapid pace, unifying the scenes with effective musical background, lighting, and appropriate slide projection. The technical work under the direction pf Stage Manager DeVoe Manning is smoothly executed.

It all adds up to an evening of good entertainment, leaving the audience in a pleasant frame of mind, but with a better understanding of the evolution of "The American Dame."

Prior to the meetings the president of the club gives brief lessons which provide information to clerical workers in the field of education and service in the school and the community.

The members of the club visited the Nuclear ·Plant at Brownville and plan to attend the State Secretary Association Convention at Lincoln and the National Convention in Wichita, Kansas, in the spring.

The 1971-72officers of the Peru State Secretary Association are: Gerry Brady, Thelma GraftOn, vice-president, and Mildred Groff, secretary-Treasurer.

PSC to Receive Computer

Intern Teachers Are Needed

Congratulations to Miss Manley and all the cast and Barbara

"Crackin" Correction

In last weeks issue of the Ped, it was stated in a story about "Crackin" that, had the nightwatchman been able to remove the gun from his holster, he would have shot the tires of the "Crackin" truck.

The nightwatchman has not carried a gun for three years.

The staff of the Ped hopes that those involved in the story will understand that rumor sometimes gets mixed in with lhe truth.

A PERSON who talks about his inferiors hasn't any. -Hawaiian Proverb

It is no wonder we are now facing the movement to liberate the women and put her on an equal plane as the man.

One aspect of the play which made it every more enjoyable was the realization that everything which appeared and was stated, was true and did happen.

It is my wish that Miss Manley and her crew may be able to equal in the future, the performances presented last Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

Truly a dramatization no orie should have missed.


TIME is the coin of your life. It is the only <loin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spent it for you.

The variety of the scenes, ranging from rollicking, good humor to high seriousness, demands great versatility from the cast. John Thomas is equally adept as the villain in the "mellerdrammer" scenes, and as. the thundering, denunciator of sinful womanhood, Cotton Mather, in the Puritan church scene. Mark Hahn makes excellent use of a flexible voice in gliding smoothly through scenes varying from the characterization of a snake to that of a western pioneer taking his bride, Julee Tillman, to California.

Joevette Farber's Mrs Blatzberg is a well-done, humorous representation of a very familiary characteristic of the American dame, while Rhonda Preston gives an amusing portrayal of yesterday's working woman. Poignant moments from the life of Abigail Adams are enacted by LinDee Raymond, and Barb Wilkinson effectively portrays the Woman's Rights speaker. We are allowed to ex;ierience a tense scene from Ibsen's Doll House through the acting of Carol Muse and Mike Kelly, and Bart Neri makes many scenes sparkle with his ability to eapitalize on significant aspects of his characterizations. Ann

Intern teachers are needed in seven fields for next fall according to Dr. Creamer, who is in charge of intern teachers. Intern positions are available in the fields of English, Music, Industrial Arts, Business Education, Elementary Education, and Physical Education on the elementary level. Several interns are needed in the field of the Social Sciences also. In Elementary Education interns are needed at all grade levels.

Arrangement of intern teachers are being made now. Any junior or senior in the field of education should contact Dr. Jensen or Dr. Creamer im-, mediately if interested.

Interns will be paid $1500 to $2000 depending upon the particular school assigned to. Aspiring interns will take part in a summer training program before beginning internship in lhe fall.

An IBM computer for use in classroom study is scheduled for arrival sometime in March, according to Mr Stan J. Mccaslin, director of data processing at Peru State College. The computer is an IBM li30, a medium ·sized multipurpose model, which is to be leased from IBM. It i!I now being used at Kearney State and is being replaced there by a larger one. The State Colleges at Wayne and Chadron also have plans for installing one similar to the one soon to arrive at PSC.

The computer will be installed in · room 102 of the Administration Building where Introduction to Data Processing class is being held. The same course is being offered this summer and first semester next year. The second semester of the 1972-73 school year a computer programming course will be offered.

There will soon be green grass springing up all over the PSC lawn. It is hoped by the maintenance department that the students will cooperate by staying off the campus lawn and using the sidewalks.

Part of the cast 0 are: Rhonda Preston, Bob Olson, Barb Wilkinson, Joevette Farber, Lin Dee Raymond, Mike Kelley, and Mark Hahn. Rhonda Preston. .as Queen Elizabeth.·


As Uncle Lunk sizes it upThe fundamental contradiction in the male nature is that no father of 40 wants his dauther to 1do what he wanted other men's daughters to do when he was 20

.Seems as if Mr Reesman a member of the Board of Trustees in his visit here enjoyed the students. He thought it was a very worthwhile trip and he learned a lot about Peru's needs. He wants to come back in six weeks. Tip 'o the Tam to the SGA and P .S.S.S.S. for bringing him here Well the bulletin board outside the administration building is finished, sure is a good sight. .For all of you music lovers, senior recitals will be going on for the rest of the year. Show the musicians we appreciate their efforts. .As Titus Pump so aptly puts itWhether a man ends up with a nest egg or a goose egg depends on the chick he marries Have any of you snooker players been down to the Peru Pool Parlor.

According to Earl Applegate, the owner, things are going good for Peru's latest new business. The only thing he says he needs is a good card game Amos Pump was recently checking on some facts with the National Bureau of Standards, and he came up with this interesting tidbit. One of the reports showed that women's body measurements have grown an inch in all directions in the past 30 years. The average used to be 34-25-36, and now the average is 35-26-37. It's good to know the government is keeping an eye on things For all of you poets, the National Poetry Press is conducting a contest to judge your poetry. Entries should be sent to: Office of the Press, National POETRY Press, 3210 Selby Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., no later than April 10th. The word is that they prefer poems less than one page Sure was glad to hear about Peru winning that award for our education dept. I hope the legislature keeps that in mind when making up the budget. .Speaking of the legislature, Peru hosted four Senators Monqay night, Senators Ziebarth, Carsten, Wiltse, and Burbach for a discussion. For those who didn't make it, you missed a good show by the Senators. There were some pretty good questions asked and the Senators had a pretty hard time trying to field them. There'll be coming back probably before the end of the year, look for posters and get in on the action Titus Pump was tellin about how the other day in the library he found a book, Social Justice by Willoughby (330.l W68) that had been used between 1924 tO' 1928 by three people and hasn't been since then. If you'd like to see how they used to write back then, get yourself a look. If any of you have found any earlier ones then that, Titus says he'd like to know, write Uncle Lune co Ped Campus Mail and he'll tell Titus about it. .The play American Dame was a great play as everyone who saw can tell you. If you didn't see 1t. Ya really missed somethin good .Amos Pump relates that women are supposed to be smarter than men, but did you ever see a man wearing a Shirt that buttoned up the back? Y'all have a pleasant weekend, hear!

Reesman Raps With Studen

lly KEN lllTE

The students of Peru State College had a chance to visit with a State College Board of Trustees member Ward ·Reesman Thursday.

Mr Reesman stressed that he has no background in education, but that he really wanted to see student ideas leak through the train of command and reach the top. A,ny student, he said, who is going through the proper channels and not being heard may call him.

When questioned on Peru's lack of funds Mr Reesman gave several reasons. First of all, the taxpayer wants more accountability for his funds. One of the prerequisites for more money, then would be better accountability.


Mr Gary Hoemann, Peru State College's representative for high school and college students, takes an avid interest in his job and states that he really enjoys his work.

Mr Hoemann received his degree in business administration from Peru State in May, 1971. He is employed by the Peru Achievement Found,ation. He advises visiting students, contacts interested students in high schools and junior colleges, and helps students attending Peru State. He also answers letters of. inquiry concerning Peru State.

Approximately one-hundred and fifty schools are contacted by Mr Hoemann. He travels. extensively and has completed a trip to Grand Island to inform interested students about Peru State. He expressed his appreciation for the

cooperation of Peru State· students, the Student Governing Association and the Student Center Board.

Mr Hoemann said that high school students are becoming more and more interested in attending small colleges. He finds that the trend seems to be shifting from the emphasis of belongint to sororities and fraternities at large colleges.

He also stated that many high •. school students are already familiar with Peru State through high school invitational sports activities. Mr Hoemann has. found that in almost every high school he has visited at least one of the faculty members is a graduate of Peru State.

Mr Hoemann emphasized the imPortance of a good recommendation by a Peru State student to someone considering Peru

Fire Prevention Rules

About a month ago a fire broke out at Morgan Hall which, as all fires, could have been prevented.

The two girls in the room where the fire occured lost about 70 dollars worth of books and personal items while about 450 dollars in damage was done to the room.

In an attempt to prevent future fires in the dorms on the Peru State Cam pus the following fire prevention rules were issued by the Peru Fire Commissioner Howard Allgood. It is suggested that this list be hung on your bulletin board or wall as a safety reminder.


1. Don't smoke in bed.

2. Keep cigarette buts in ashtrays.

3. When dumping into wastebasket make sure butts are out.

4. Don't accumulate excessive papers or junk in closets.

5. Don't leave oily rags on botton of trash can lonb.

6. Don't place lamp shades or paper directly on any lightbulb.

7. Don't overheat stereos or television sets.

It was mentioned by students that at Peru, teachers in growing areas, such as art and sociology are dismissed, while personnel in overstaffed departments such as administration and teacher education are retained. Mr Reesman agreed that perhaps this is not the best application of the tax dollar. He said he felt

Senators Rap

t the students aren't getti dollar's worth of education every dollar spent. When a why, Mr .Reesman re "Administrative slippage". in relation to the lack of fun the question of senatorial port in the legislature. Here ·Reesman 1 states that Senators Wilste and Carst Peru is sadly lacking.

When Peru's future brought up Mr Reesman he thought what is need "new blood and a better j selling". An upcoming need new college president will part of Mr Reesman's. blood and he assured stud that they would be represe on the presidential se committee.

The next topic of discus was life in the dorms. nothing was really deci Among suggestions were dorms, which Mr .Reesman 1 are a possibility for next y allowing beer in the dorms, allowing students to live dorms and not buy meal tick It was agreed that if these t things could happen, then dorms would fill up.

With Students

Four Senators from the Nebraska Legislature were on the Peru State Campus Monday Night for an informal "rap session", which was sponsered jointly by the Peru State Social Science Society and the Student Goverl;lment Association. Mr Steve Long a member of PSSS and the S.G.A. President acted as moderator for the event.

The four Senators were, Irvin F. Wiltse of Falls City, who is the representative from the Peru district, Calvin F Carsten, Avoca; Julias Burbach, Crofton; and Wayne W. Ziebarth, of Wilcox.

About eighty members of the student body, facluty, and members of the community attended the discussion. Most of the evening was spent discussing issues concrrning PSC.

8. Keep spray cans away from fire, don't throw cans dcwn incinerators. ·

9. Don't place any clothes on electric wires.

10. Keep cfeari1ug and lighter fluids tightly closed and away from fire.

11. Watch utensils while cooking, don't leave them for a long while, especially foods cooked in grease.

12. Don't overload electric sockets.

13. Shut off lights and electric items when notin use.

14. Shut off lights and umplug all electric items before leaving for weekend.

Perhaps no place in any community is so totally democratic as the town library. The only entrance requirement is interest.

-Lady Bird Johnson

A MAN admires a woman not for what she says but for what she listens to.

-George Jean Nathan

Mr Ziebarth voted for LB 1092, which would allow for the sale of alcoholic beverages on Nebraska College and University campuses. He supported the bill by saying if the 18 year old is responsible enough to vote, he should be allowed to drink on campus. However, he added that if the privilages were abused by excessive permiscuity, they could be revoked. The bill was defeated· by the Legislature last week by a 30-12 margin.

Several questions were asked by students concerning the future of PSC. Mr Ziebarth remarked that the Board of Trustees asked for $25,000 for a study to decide what to do with PSC.

The Senator made it quite clear that he voted against the · bill in the budget committee, of which he is a member. Mr Ziebarth, who sponsored LB 759, which states a four year college cannot have a Vo-Tee school on campus, said he supported the idea of having a VocationalTechnical Institute at Peru State College.

Mr Floyd Pohlman, a former mayor of Auburn, asked why the

legislature ignored the h element in making policies Peru State College. Sen Ziebarth replied by saying whatever the Governors bu committee recomends t usually go along with.

Senator Burbach said it w take community involvemen improve the current deterio condition at PSC. He stated groups of citizens of the area, well as PSC students should go the budget committee and rna their feelings known.

Mr Wiltse said he is in favor building a Vo-Tee school Peru. Peru has been known a teachers college in the p however according to senator, since there are a s plus of teachers in the econo maybe Peru should expand i other fields such as the Voprogram. Mr Wiltse said P had most of the facilities ne to expand into Vo-Tee. construction of one additio building on campus, at a cost approximatly $100,000, would all that is needed to develop program. Mr Carsten stated has been working with.Wiltse getting the Vo-Tee progra developed at PSC.

The Senator then spoke of "Buffalo Path" which links Pe with Highway 73-75. He said highway was a high prio · during the last administrati but a change in .the governo office lowered it on ·the list Nothing is currently planne during the next year.

As far as the current list o priorities go, new equipment in the Science building was number 2 on the list.

Mr Carsten added that a "rap session" similar to the on presented Monday night, should be held when the budget committee makes its annual trip to Peru.

After the session the Senators mingled with the crowd, answering any further questions the students or faculty members had.

PAGE 4 Dept. of
Gary Hoeman PSC Representative.

r next y ! dorms, to live meal tick f these th m, then ). the hum policies ge. Senat saying t rnors bud iends th ith. said it wo 1olvement t deterior· estated 'the area, ;should go ee and ma e are a sur· he economy, expand into ; the Vo-Tee e said Peru lities needed To-Tee. The e additional , at a cost of 00, would he ' develop the en stated he ithWiltse on spoke of the :h links Peru

He said the igh priority ministration, 1e governors on the list. tly planned

Mrs Gnade ·Woman with the needle and thread

The secretary to President Gomon is Mrs Mary Anna Gnade. Besides keeping all of the facts, figures and papers of the President in order, Mrs Gnade also finds time to aid the drama department in keeping costumes in order.

It all began in the summer of 1962, when Mr Robert Moore tried to get a group to present "mellerdrammers" at the old Opera House in Brownville. Mrs Gnade volunteered for anything but acting and wound up as assistant director of nearly everything.

Moore, who was then Head of the Division of Language Arts and director of the theatre, had always had his wife put make-up on the actors and actresses.

But, in the fall of 1962 when she couldn't perform this task it fell to Mrs Gnade who was also asked to "scrounge" props and parts of costumes.

After this, just being available expanded the scrounging to include designing costumes, programs and helping in any capacity when needed backstage.

The making of costumes began when rentals were found unsatisfactory and it was discovered that it was much less expensive to buy material or remake old costumes.

When asked about her background for this type of work, Mrs Gnade commented that it started back in childhood skits and plays. If you mix in a high school course in speech and a little theatre experience, what you come up with is the manager of costumes.

About the compensation for all the time and effort spent, Mrs

Gnade said, "The friendships which developt'CI in the easy camaraderie backstage have been the greatest reward. I learned much about technique, good and bad plays, and performances. Acceptance into the Drama Club exposed me to more theatre going, both amateur and professional."

When the Auditorium was dismantled for rehabilitation, there was no easy, accessible storage place for the "junk" which had been accumulated for possible use as props and costumes.

Since Mrs Gnade. had been carrying items between college and home for refurbishing each production, she was again turned to. Yes, all materials and props were delivered to her house and stored in the attic.

After last semester, boxes and bags were slowly returned to the auditorium, which Miss Manley the new Drama instructor is now sorting.

Mrs Gnade added that it usually has not been too difficult - locating possible costumes.

"Over the years, any number of people at the college and in the community have cooperated wonderfully when I mentioned a need and "could we borrow?"

There have been occasions when an actor went "on stage" literally pinned together. "In instances like this, I have spent entire performances in the wings with needle and thread for quick repairs betweeit' scenes. But while it may be true that 'clothes make the man', I have seen brilliant performances that made my scrappy, common costumes look like beautifullyconstructed threads of gold."

Past Track Records

Jim Mather of Arapahoe ran a sensational 9. 7in the year 1940 to become the first Peruvian to dip below the 10-Second mark in the 100-yard dash. It wasn't until 'll years later in 1967 that Richard Reck of Grand Island was able to tie it. Elmer Reeves and Naomis Ward followed suit in 1970 with identical times.

The oldest mark of them all, however, is held by Wayne Riggs of Shubert, Nebraska. Riggs sped to a sizzling 21.5 in the 220-

yard dash in 1934. That record has remained unbroken for 38 years.

Calvin Smith recorded a 49.1 in the 440and1:53.7 in the half-mile in 1970 for the best time in those brackets. Then comes Jack Weyers, owning a 4:08.1 in the mile, 9:11.9 in the two-mile, 13:52 in the three-mile and 30:03.5 in the six-mile e.vent.

Smith finished the 800-meter run in a blistering 1:53.9 in 1968 while Van Allen of Nemaha and

Phone Sn.-3335

Member of F.D.l.C.


Dave Harris of Auburn share the best time in theSteeplechase in the same year with 4:56.9. The other 48-year old record is held by B. Cowell of Auburn, running the 120-yard high hurdles in 14.&.

Falls City's contribution to the record book was made by Doug Gibson, who in 1957, recorded 24.96. in the 120-lows. Seven years later in 1964, Roger Crook recorded a 40.0 in the 330-yard hurdles. In 1968 Smith crossed the finish line in 56.7 while competing in the 440-yard hurcles.

Leon Golden, Bruce Brummer, Jim Patera and Bob Bowen in 1971 finished the 480-yard shuttle hurdles event in 1:06.9. 1964 was the year for the 440yard relay when Curt Holliman, B Giovanello, Roger Cook and David Seward bombined for a 42.6 clocking. In the 880-yard relay, Crook, Seward, Narva -Brye and Jim Hagemeier the following year ran a 1:27.6.

In the Mile relay: Smith, Nate Parks, Dave Bierbaum and John Winkel ran a 3:18.4 in 1970. The two-mile relay team consisting of Smith, Tim Hendricks, Roger Neumahr and Jim Watson teamed up for a 7:50.4 in 1968. The Spring Medley squad of Bierbaum, Jim Hinton, Winkel and Smith ran their fastest race in 3:29.2 in 1970.

Parks leaped 6'-3" in 1971 against North West Missouri State while our old friend Jim Mather went 24;-71" in the broad jump, again in 1940. Buddy McCrea of Omaha triple-jumped 45'-91/z" in 1965.

The pole vault'mark belongs to A. Johnson, going 14'0" in 1968. Bruce Vickery heaved the shot 51'4lh" the same year along with Mike Mulvaney who threw the discus 169'8". Jim Hinton in 1970 tossed the javelin 215'3".

Clayburn - Mathews dues

Through. the use of $4.00 dorm dues the residents of ClayburnMathews are able to attend current movies shown at Nebraska City, and enjoy weight lifting equipment, ping pong equipment and two pool tables.

Within the past week, a survey was conducted by the dormitory council to find what was being used and what additional articles were thought to be needed. It was a near unanimous feeling that a stove be purcllased for the use of the students living in the dormitory.


The final cage statistics in District 11 have been compiled. With the exception of the free throw department, leaders throughout the season maintained their first place standings in the final report.

Dennis Siefkes of Wayne led in scoring with a 26.0 average, and field goal shooting, .553; Peru's Ananias Montague finished in the runner-up slot, not bad for half a season's work. Bernard Brown of Doane led in rebounding, Montague finished third here with a 12.3 average.

Jim White of Hastings emerged as the free throw champ. Of all the departments, this one was the most hotly

Dennis Siefkes, Wayne

Ananias Montague, Peru

Scott Jones, Chadron

Rick Brown, Chadron

John Kropp, Kearney

Kermit Sweeney, Midland

Bryan Traylor, Dana

Rogilio Douglas, Doane

John Robish, UN-Omaha

Jim White, Hastings

Jim White, Hastings

contested. From the time to time, both Paul Sieczkowski of UN-Omaha and Fred Nash of Concordia took turns being leaders. Seemingly out of nowhere, at least until last week's ratings, came White, finishing with an .8'!7 average, sinking 72-87.

Kearney leads in team scoring wtih 91.5 points per game. Doane leads in defense with 65 points allowed to the opposition. Hastings converted 46.4 per cent of their field goal attempts; Chadron completed almost 70 per cent of their free throws. Kearney averaged 38.3 rebounds per game and Doane averaged 17.4 rebounds a contest.


Free Throws

Paul Sieczkowski, UN-Omaha

Fred Nash, Concordia

Ron Schroeder, Concordia

John Kropp, Kearney

Phil Whatley, Doane

Jerry Woodin, Wayne

Ananias Montague, Peru

Mark Witte, Midland

Bernard Brown, Doane

Rogilio Douglas, Doane

Ananias Montague, Peru

Merlin Renner, UN-Omaha

Earl Brown, Peru

Roger Ahrens, Kearney

Fred Nash, COncordia

Frank Higgins, Hastings

Dennis Diefkes, Wayne

Tom Kropp, Kearney


I that a "rap to the one 1ight, should budget commual trip to

Phone an-6355

IQ, .1972
PSC students to open Checking and Savings ,Accounts KEN'S IGA 1CEM JOHNSON GROCERIES - MEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES
FG 267 143 244 235 137 172 149 166 172 175 Field Goal Shooting Dennis Siefkes, Wayne Lee Baumann, Chadron Bryan Traylor, Dana John Robish, UN-Omaha Roger Ahrens, Kearney John Kropp, Kearney Jim Fuerst, Midland Rick Brown, Chadron Rogilio Douglas, Doane Cal Forrest, UN-Omaha FT PTS 115 649 76 362 119 607 111 581 125 399 54 398 161 459 78 411 79 423 72 422 Ave. 26.0 22.6 22.5 22.3 18.l 18.1 17.6 17.l 17.0 15.6 72-87 mm.827 60-73 .822 79-97 .814 119 .782 126-160 .787 60-78 .769 45-59 .763 76-101 .752 39-51 .760 18.5 14.5 12.3 11.7 11.5 11.3 11.3 11.2 11.0 10.5 267-483 .533 92-173 .532 149-292 .510 172-343 .501 102-204 .500 133-275 .491 111-224 .490 235-485 .484 166-352 .472 131-281 .466 SALE SALE SALE 1h· Price on Quality Hardbacks- · · Current Best Sellers For Two Weeks Only March 20 to March 30 BOBCAT BOOKSTORE

NAIA All-Star Team, Brown and Jones ,Repeat Selections

Six Nebraska college have been chosen by coac.1es to the NAIA District 11 basketball team. A tie for the final position caused the six-man team. Three of the ten coaches did not vote.

Rick Brown and Scott Jones of Chadron State are the two repeat choices from the 1971 team. Others selected were Dennis Siefkes, Wayne State; John Kropp, Kearney State; Rogilio Douglas and Bernard Brown, both of Doane.

Dennis Siefkes of Wayne was the top vote getter. He averaged 26-2 points per game for 24 games. With a total output of 630 points, he now owns the single season scoring mark for the Wildcats. He led his team in rebowids and grabbed 21 against Briar Cliff. He hit 55 per cent of his field goal attempts and 70 per cent of his free throws.



Players selected to perform in the All-Star game by a vote of the coaches and members of the intramural teams have been annowiced.

The All-Stars of the National League and their teams are as follows: Doug Gruber, Duffy's; Mark Hahn, the Odd Squad; Randy Hansen, Duffy's; Dave Lammie, the Whackers; Steve Lawson, the Alkies; Henry McCullough, the Roaches; Terry Ratliff, the Studs; ·Tom Ridenour, the Alkies; Gary Ring, the Studs; Ernie Templeton, the Double A's; and Gordon Thompson, the Roaches. The coach is Steve Gage.

The American League All ;Stars and their respective teams Gale Bly, the Dills; Terry Criger, the Dusters; Stan Dwin, the Wee Indians; Gahlen Kronhofman, the Wad Squad;

Jim Landwehr, SuMMI; Steve Shupe, the Dusters; John Simon, the Shady Oak Bombers; Steve Stemper, the Dills; Rich Watson, the Budmen; Winters, the Dusters; and Zane Jansen, the Wad Squad.

Five players from the National League and six players from the American League who received the most votes were presented with a plaque before the All-Star game. Six players received plaques because of a tie in the American League.

Chosen for this honor from the National League were: Doug Gruber, Steve Lawson, Terry Ratliff, Tom Ridenour, and Gary Ring.

Players · selected to receive plaques from the American League are: Terry Criger, Stan Dwin, Steve Shupe, John Simon, Rich Watson, and Bob Winters.

Incense and Incense Burners

John Kropp, Kearney's 6-2 185 lb. senior guard, led the Antelopes in several categories as well. With 379 points (18.9 average), he has connected on 49 .5 per cent of his field goal attempts, 78.3 per cent of his charity tosses.

He is only the second Kearney S.tate player to score more than 1,000 points during his career.

Rick Brown, a 6-3 senior guard has averaged 22.2 points per game in 25 contests this year. He led his teammates in field goal shooting with a 47.8 average. His high game was against Kearney when he poured in 35.

Rogilio Douglas is a 6-9 senior on Doane's NIAC champions!ti.p team with a 17.4 average, scored 156 out of 322 baskets (48.4 per cent) to lead those areas. He averaged 15 rebowids for 22 games.

Scott Jones from Chadron scored 588 poin ts for a 22. 6 average. He tallied 40 against South Dakota Tech and 17 field goals against Minot State to head the Eagle attack. The 6-2 senior averaged 21 points last year, this year he lead the Eagles in free throw shooting (77.3 per cent).

Bernard Brown is the tallest member, standing at a lofty 7-0. .Hailing from the Gana! Zone, he

is the state's leading rebounder with 17. grabs per game. He scored at a 12.6 pace all season long.

Named to the second team are Jim White and Bill Johnson of Hastings, John Robish and Merlin Renner of UN-Omaha, and junior Jerry Willis, Kearney State. White, standing at 6-0, led the Broncos with a 14 point average. He also led his district in free throws, tossing in 81.2 per cent of his shots, Teammate Bill Johnson is second in scoring behind White with a 13.0 average, completing almost 50 per _cent of his shots from the floor. Ironically, the Bronco.s won 19 games, more than any other team in the district, but failed to win the NIAC, thus eliminating themselves for an opportunity to play in the national tourney.

John Robish, a 6-4 senior from Philadelphia, led the UN-Omaha in scoring with a 16.5 average. He's been the Maverick's leading scorer in seven games, 37 points being his highest output against Pittsburgh State.

Merlin Renner trailed Robish with a 15.0 average, He was the squad's ace rebounder with 12 per contest, the team's leading rebounder in 22 games. A 24 point contribution against Chadron State and 12 free throws in another game are his ·best efforts.

At 6-0 165 lbs., Jerry Wilr physical statistics don't so too impressive. Surprisin thoug,h, he's tied for sec place in team scoring Nebraska College Conferen champion Kearney with a 1 average. Quickness is h leading asset, leading h teammates in steals with 57. also leads in assists with a 3 average.

These cagers will now be rat against players from the other continental United States British Columbia for the NA AllAmerica team to be nounced later this month. special coaches panel will ma the selection from tho nominated by the 32 NA districts.

Each Youth is like a child bo in the night who sees the sun ri and thinks yesterday nev existed.

It's HARD to detect good Ju - it looks so much Ii something you've earned.

PAGE 6 Intramurals popular at PSC.
Sets Candles Large Record Selection Simon ·Drug Company Auburn 1i--1206 J Street Auburn, Nebraska 274-3410 PERU PEDAGOGIAN FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 19
WRESTLING The Lettermen are: Class Won Lost Tie RD.Arnold Fr. 6 5 0 Jack Stanley So. 3 2 0 Gary Leosing Fr. 6 0 0 Rick Black Jr. 5 2 0. Randy Hansen So. 3 2 0 Ken Boettcher Fr. 15 1 0 Rod Wartman Jr. 4 8 2 Kiin Tennal Fr. 10 3 0 Larry Pracht Jr. 8- 6 0 Warren Goos So. 4 4 0 Dave Arntt Fr. 3 3 0 Dean Anstey So. 10 5 1 Jim Rezac Fr. 8 7 0 Fred Morehouse, Jr. Manager Seventeen points were required for a letter. CAR WASH NOW OPEN NEW EQUIPMENT-VACUUM-CLEAN HEATED FOR WINTER USE NEXT TO HOWARDS STANDARD STATION

rry Willis' )ll 't sound · rprisingly or second oring for rith a 15.0 s is his .ding his vith 57. He with a 3.5 wberated he other 48 :tates and the NAIA J be anmonth. A will make m those 32 NAIA

Bill Snyder Area Boy,

A real southeast Nebraska boy, that's Mr Bill Snyder. A graduate of Pawnee City, he began his teaching career in Johnson in 1965. He acquired both his B.S. and M.E.D. degrees at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. He married his high school sweetheart, and now he is the youngest male instructor at Peru.

Snyder is essentially the same as most PSC students. He considers them the example of basically conservative, rural America. He had to work his way thru college as many PSC students do. Mr Snyder worked as a carpenter, fiber glass worker, ran a swimming pool, and even bused tables in a sorority house.

Being conservative, Mr Snyder feels that working within the system is the only way to achieve significant change. Yet, his goals are the same as most people who see the need for and demand change. He wonders if Peru State has been a teachers' college for too long. He would like to see expansion into areas of public administration, and

"Students a!ld faculty members must assume a greater responsibility for the direction of the school." Mr Snyder went on to say, "When something happens that you don't feel is in the best interest of the school, you have an obligation to express yourself." B\lt, "Express it to the right places." This may best express Mr Snyders' opinion on dissent.

When asked about tenure, Mr · Snyder said that he had a fifteen minute sermon on tenure, but instead he summed up his views on tenure this way, "Tenure protects those who don't deserve protection." But he added that Peru probably has fewer abuses thru tenure than most other schools, in proportion.

Mr Snyders' dissatisfaction with student evaluation of faculty is tandamount to his opinion of grades. The principle is good, but it "boils down to a value judgement."

Ken Boettcher · Story of a Winner

The leader this past season for the Bobcat wrestling team was Ken Boettcher at 142 lbs. from Omaha.

Ken finished the season with a 15-1 record with his only loss coming to Loren Hansen' of Wayne State in the conference meet in the first round, 5-2. Ken avenged this loss in the district meet though when he faced Hansen in the semi-finals and defeated him 4-1.

After defeating Hansen, Ken faced Bruce Brooks of U.N.O., a former Illinois state champion, in the finals, and won the district title with a 5-1 victory.

Ken is a freshman who graduated from Omaha South. He started wrestling in the eighth grade at Bancroft Jr. High. At South in his senior year, Ken compiled a record of 25-7 and finished fourth in the state meet. When asked what he enjoyed

most about wrestling, Ken said, "It is an individual sport, and I don't have to depend on someone else to win. You get to express yourself because everyone has their own style of wrestling."

Ken would like to move up to the 150 lb weight class next year, ,but said it will depend upon how strong he is, and this will depend on how his weight lifting program goes this summer.

He woul-d also like to go on to the NAIA Finals in Klamath Falls, Oregon. He definitely has the potential to do real well in the finals, but he would have to miss about a week and a half of school, and feels that school is more important at this point since this is only his freshman year. He believes that the finals next year will be held somewhere in the mid-west, thus giving him a better opportunity to go and not miss so much school.

He spends an average of two hours preparing each hour of lecture material. That's not counting Sunday afternoons. "Teaching is what you make of it. demanding or easy."

When asked for a personal opinion of himself as a teacher, he paused. "When things go right, I feel like it's all worth it,'' with a smile he mused "other times I feel like God couldn't ·have created worse."

auch like ·ned. 1kA.Clark, egister and iSyndicate ;t Tie 0 0 0 o. 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 FRIDAY, MAllUI 10, 1972
In action, Boettcher ties up Bruce Brooks UN-Omaha, en route to a 5-1 decision for the 142 title in the NAIA District II wrestling tournament at Wayne March 4.
STEREO TAPE SALES National Distributor Needs School Coverage Top 50-8 Track Tapes Wholesale Prices Large Earnings NO INVESTMENT Contact: Mr. H. Harris Lake Erie International, Inc. 3441 West Brainard Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44122 PAGE 7 PIONEER THEATER NEBRASKA CITY Thurs•• Fri. • Sat. Mar. 9 • 10 • 11· MATINEE 541. 2 P.M. ADM•. 50c Ii $1.25 Sun. • Mon. • Tue. Mar. 12 • 13 • 14· FEATUllS SUN. 1:30 • 3:30 • 7!00. 9!00 P.M. MON. & ,TUES. SHOWINGS 7 & 9 P.M. Wednesday thru.Sunday Mar. 15 thru 19 MATINEES SAT. & SUN. 2 P.M. ADM. 50c Ii $1.25 STATE THEATER AUBURN, NEBRASKA Wed. Mar. 8 • 9 ·LlO • 11 Sun. • Mon.· Tue. Mar. 12· • 13 • 14 Wednesday March 15 Shows at 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.

The Navy's Officer Information Team will be visiting the Peru State College campus on March 15 td talk with prospective graduates about the job opportunities available to them in the Navy. ·

The Navy has available a wide variety of jobs in almost any field of study. There are programs in the fields of Aviation, Business, Engineering, Nursing, Law, Medicine and others open to Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors and graduates.

If you are interested- in talking· to the Navy's Representatives they will be outside the student center from 9:30 to 3:30.

The qualification tests for the various programs will be available on campus; contact the Team early so that arrangements can be made for you to test while they are on campus.

Albie Pearson speaks at PSC

Albie Pearson didn't speak on baseball even though it has played a major roll in his life. Instead he spoke of something that has played an even bigger roll in his life, and that is his being a Christian.

Pearson told of his Youth foundation, a foundation set-up to aid the young drug users, the teenage alcoholics, and homeless unwed mothers. His centers have helped around 10,000 drug users, and countless alcololics and unwed Mothers.

-Peter Zenger Helps Ped

The writers of the Pedagogian have a lot to owe to one man. He is Peter Zenger, who is usually not written about in today's world. The precedent he set in 1734 reflects the type of writing everyone reads today in their newspaper including the Ped.

Peter established, through defying the British government when America was still a colony, that, truth is not libel. Arrested in 1734 because of the criticism he undertook of the British government for their censurship, Andrew Hamilton became his lawyer.

Even at that time Hamilton had a reputation of being a fine lawyer, and with his arguments Peter Zenger was acquitted. This was a major victory at the time and still the writers of today live by that decision.


SSSS'SiiiSISSSSSiiiSS:S Ciiiii'i'i'ii**SSSSSSS

Hate is a prolonged form of suicide.

-Douglas V. Steere, Dimensions of Prayer




April 1

April 11

April 17

April 19

April 21

April 25





DEMOCRAT is the art of disciplining oneself so that one need not be disciplined by others.

-George Clemenceau.

Baseban·schedule 1972

North West Missouri


St. Benedicts

Wisconsin State (Superior)

John F. Kennedy


Nebraska Wesleyan




Kearney (non-conference)

Missouri Western



Is there not a natural curiosity among folks to want to know the beginnings of things, and has not this desire often led to a search for truth that has rescued history from the obscurity of traidition?



Heidi, Kirsten, and Heather McCord would like to announce the engagement of their mother, ,Sandra to William L. Miles.

Mrs McCord is a 1963 graduate of Auburn high school and a 1972 graduate of Peru State College with a B.F.A. degree in education, and a B.S. degree in elementary education to be completed in August.

Mr Miles is aii instructor of Sociology at Peru State College. He obtained his B.A. and M.A. degrees from Long Beach State University in Californfa. He is currently on an extended leave of absence attending -the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.

A May 7th wedding date has been set.

Dr. G. Mann

Reps Here March 15
OPTOMETRIST CONTACT LENSES CLOSED WED. P.M. & SAT. P.M. Nebr. City 119 N 8th St. P.hone 873-6180 , 1:
10, 19
1:00 Home 1:00 Home 1: 00 Atchison 1:00 Home 1:00 Home 1:00 Home 2:00 Home 1:00 Crete 1:00 Hastings 11:00 Chadron 12:00 Kearney 1:30 Home 1:00 Wayne
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith will never be like this.

eru e a 0 Ian

.s.c. To offer varied classes this summer

peru State College will again offer a number of classes during the.summer months. There will l)e\fWo sessions, the first running fro.in June 5-July 7 and the f!econd term from July 10Aftg,ust 10.

',The classes to be offered from tJie School of Applied Arts & , 'l;{!chnology are:

I st Session to

• Date

, Safety I :: {Mii;t.'Qry & Philosophy of Voe.

:, Tech. in Voe. Ed. (Pt ...

• and Tr. Safety I ;:euCJ Session

• y

• ) & Admin. of Voe.

· P!ii;ver Ed. and Tr. Safety II

.• ..• 1st& 2nd in Typing cla8$es will be offered by Education Dept. : 1st Session

.Preparation for ·Secondary Monday and Tuesda:y.

E{iucation reporting and photography. The students that parttcipated

Instruction a 1 Medi a Interns)

U.N.· the of Student Govt.

. site Conv.

27, at 8 p.m., in the College ;Ins,tructional Media

Auditorium. Under the direction (Secondary interns) of Edward. G. Camealy the Te;1ching Elementary School program will be open to the I Reading and public and free of charge, Language Arts

The choir program will also be Unit II Social Science presented in. five area schools Unit III Math and Science March 28th through the 3()th. An Education Psychology appear,ance at Beatrice High

Educational Introduction



Beginning & Swimming


Measurements to Mental Intermediate

2nd Session

Practicum < Secondary Interns)

Clinical Teaching Laboratory

Directed Studies <Elementary)

Human Growth and Development

Community Recreation

First Aid

Physical Recreation in Intermediate Grades 1st& 2nd

General Psychology

Students will have these classes to choose from those in the Humanities Dept.: 1st Session

American Literature I

Appreciation of Literature

English Composition 001)

Modern Grammar and Linguistics

Drawing I

Art Exploration

Labor and Indistrial Relations

U.S. History to 1865

American National Government

Social Science I

Library Reading Guidance

Library Practicum

Music Fundamentals

Elementary Music Materials


Brass and Percussion

School on Tuesday, March 28, at. c d

ByDarylObermeyer two members of the Lincolu student governments of their 1:20 p.m., will open the 1972", . ere , Six students of Peru State· Indian Center; Lee Kills Enemy respective- campuses. The choir tour. ll7 College attended the spring and A-go Sheridan. Topics convention's final meeting was a Debby Coffelt, Minden, Iowa A'. B


convention of the Nebraska discussedconcernedjustice,ora meeting of all the represen- and Dilµme Dunn, Falls City, t · row· llVl e Student · Go v er nm en t lack' of it, in today's society. A tatives of the schools attending will be the piano accompanists. _ Association, March 9-11, on the workshop on Student rights and to summarize the events of the President of the Choir is Karen courses of.ferl)d N!glit sesm?ns will city campus of the ·university of campus discip,ine was held meetings. Ramsay, Vice•Pi'esiaent, Dave, · at the be off,ered Peru s. Nebras!m in Lincoln. '.l'hursday_,evening.>,: Verneer Secretary-Treasurer, and School of Fine Arts mer school only. The pnces

Music Appreciation

Woodwind, Brass, Percussion Instruments


2nd Session

American Literature II

English Composition <202J

Childrens' Literature

Fundam·entals of Speech

Speech Correction and Development

Water Color

Art Appreciation

Economic History of U. S.

History of the U. S. since 1865

Social Science II

Music Fundamentals

Advanced Counterpoint

Form and Composition



These are the courses which will be available from the School of Natural Sciences: I st Session

Plant Biology

Animal Biology

Basic Mathematics

Basic Concepts of Math


Algebraic & Geometric Concepts

2nd Session

Biological Science

<Elementary Prog. >

Physical Science <Elementary Prog.>

Principles of · Geography.

<including lab. l

Cultural Geography {including lab.)

These are the courses to be offered during the workshop period June 6-June 21:

Disadvantaged Workshop Child

Day-Care-Org·anizati.on & Administration Workshop

Marriage and Parenthood Workshop

Other workshop clai;ses and their dates:

June 22-July 7:

En\'ironmental Science Workshop

Contemporary Social Problems

Methods and Materials. Education of Exceptional Children Workshop:

Julv 10-Julv 25:

Middle School Workshop

Diagnostic & Remedial Reading Workshop

Drug Cse & Abuse

Recreational Workshop

Human Physiology

Aerospace Science

Psychology of Exceptional Children Workshop:

July 26-August 10.

Prescriptive Education; Throughout sum mer:

Theatre Workshop-Buffalo City. U.S.A.

Studio Activities Workshop

Acrylic-watercolor sculpture oil painting. collage. batik pottery photography

If there are any questions concerning the summer program. information may. be obtained by contacting the Registrars' Office of Peru State College.

4 - Nebraska City (Nebr) News-Press Thursday, March 23, 1972 -
were: John Thomas, Bob Wernsman, Rick DeKlotz, Steve Long, Foutldations of Education Eight PSC students published the Nebraska City News Press Bobbi Thiesfeld, Carol Muse, Jan Axdahl and Mike Summers. Some of the work included
- ...<e'"'r·-s'"'"'- · £'\ho .....-..0.,,.0.-r no!l.n Vn11nc1' - .i ...!! --i.:i.16'.4 IYI di\' tP.mnP.rM fitrnrP drawina. workshop. or $28.00 for the

Nebraska in

Li1_1coln. · j Thursday:evening\

Those, atten_dmg - were Stevt> _ _-_ "_ Long, Mike Kelly, Daryl Friday's started J]ea_n Young,, w-itb discussion entitled Roosevelt Washington, and. Phil "We Want Panel Chapman. Members included Russel

The Thursday events included Means, President of the the General Session in' which American Indian Movement

Music makers make news

- Tom Cavanaugh, chairman of (AIM); Susan Kahn and Linda Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson was the NSGA gave an introductory Shear gay feminists; Froben selected as one of two judges for speech to the representatives Lozada, director of Chicano the Nebraska State Band'from the attending schools. Studies at Merrit College in masters Association Scholarship

A panel discussion was held Oakland, California; and Contest that was held Saturday immediatly following. Members Caroline Bird, Feminist author in Lincoln, The contest was of the panel included Vincenti of "Born Female". An official made up of 6 district finalists, Hallinen, a California lawyer; meeting of the NSGA was held from which there were two DeDe Ford, ex felon and ex dope during lunch in the Colonial scholarship winners and three addict; Florynee Kennedy, a Room of the NU Student Union, alternates. The first place black feminist lawyer from New where topics such as the new winner earns a $400 scholarship York· two gay women Barbra NSGA constitution were and the second a $200 award Becid:nan and Linda Shear: and discussed. A Black Caucus and a which can be used in any ac-

1003 Polyester ••DOUBLE KN IT" SPORT COATS

Legislative Liaison workshop' credited college or university in concluded the major events of Nebraska.

the day. Several Students at the _On March 24-25? Dr. conference attended the &f- w_1ll as .a Judge m the ternoon session of the Nebraska music at Unicameral. During hte evening Lak;eview_, Iowa. This "".ill be the hours a program, Native consecutive _year American Indian Dancing, was W1l_son has as a Judge presented by a group of Lincoln m music contests m Iowa. Indians in the Centennial Ball Room 'of the Student Union.

Saturday's events included a meeting of the Student Body Presidents in which they discussed the structures of the

PERU, Nebr. - A concert will be presented by the Peru State College Chorus, Monday, March.

Exceptional Trade-Ins

1971BUICK4 dr. Centurion, V-8, auto., air., p-s,p-b, vinyl top, w-wall tires, EZI glass, radio, heavy suspension,other extras. Nebr. City car.

1971 BUICK Le Sabre 4 ctr.Sedan. V-8auto., air cond., p-s, p-b, w-wall tires, EZI glass, radio, body side moldings, only has 8,658 miles. Like new.

1!169 BUICK Ll!'Sabre 2 dr Hardtop. V-8, auto., air cond., p-s, p-b, air cond., w-wall tires, EZI glass, radio.

1969 CHEVROLET 2 dr Nova. V-8, 307, stick, radio, almost new tires, 30,457 miles, balance of factory warranty. Nebr. Citv q1r. ·

196!1 CHEVROLET Chevelle 2 dr. SS hardtop. 396 V-8 engine, p-s. p-b. vinyl top, wcwall tires, EZI glass, radio, 4-speed, real sharp car.

Kamsay, Dave al the .tS_i:oWnV.iUe Verneer, Secretary-Treasurer; udios and School of Fine Arts

Chuck Damoooy. , .e:. painting <eehr;olc.a-y in _ -rilics and oils, water color, J,hk, t!;lmpered, figure draWing, mixed media, ceramics one + + + + (building with clay) and two The Peru State College Con- (using the wheel), and sculpcert Choir, under the direction of turing with clay.

Edward Camealy, is touring The instructers for this section schools in Eastern Nebraska and will be Tom Palmerton, Jim

oe ouerea aurmg Yeru·s summer school only.' The 'prices will be $33,.IJQ Jor , the 3-Qay workshop, $55.00 for the 6-day workshop, or $28.00 for the workshop, and $50.00 for the 6day studio workshop. For more information write Brownville Studios and School of Fine Arts, Box 3, Brownville, Nebr.

Western Iowa this month. Brown, and Chancey Nelson. _ A concert has been schedualed There will also be a division in A th let j C A 5 SOCo at Beatrice Senior High &hool photography with these courses on Tuesday, March 28, at l: 3o offered in principles of to be active p.m.OnWednesday,March29at photography, darkroom The Women's Athletic 10:00 a.m. the choir perform at techniques, still photography, Association Will be active in Auburn High School. and cinema. The instructors for several areas until the close of On Thursday a morning this section will be Dorthy the academic year · concert has been scheduled for Broady, and Gray Dawning A Fun Night will be held in the Morehead, Iowa. The choir will (from the University of college gym on March 29. return to Nebraska to perform at Florida). on April 12 coed intramural Wisner-Pilger High School, and /J'he sessions will run from volleyball teams Will practice in an evening program at Beemer, 29, to Nov. 5·, and will be preparation for the state tourNebraska. divi.ded into three-day and six- nament.

The choir will spend the night inhomesintheBeemerareaand

will return home on Friday, 1 '\' 4 -March 31.

1\.Tebr. ci·ty Schools

Two groups are featured in the TY.7.• s h rr_ h •events, The Madrigal, made up W lll 1neec .L rop leS of about 20 students, will sing .£" precise English Madrigal selections, and the newly formed swing group consisting of 11 students, under the direction of Karen Ramsey, PSC choir president, which sings pop music.

PERU, Nebr - Nebraska Brock High School, Southeast City High in Class A and Lourdes Consolidated, Nehawka High dfNebraska City in Class B were School, Springfield-Platteview tlfe trophy at the High School, Plattsmouth High, 'District Nebraska High School Falls City Sacred Heart High Activities Association speech School, Syracuse-Dunbar High, contest held at Peru State Murdock Consolidated, Prague College, Tuesday, March 14, High School, and Papillion High. + + + + according to Dr. Clyde Barrett, Three hundred and thirty-six Dean of the School of students registered to par-

The next performances on tour Humanities. ticipate in the various events will be March 28, 1 :20 p.m., and throughout the day. The 2:20 p.m. at Beatrice High area schools highlight of the day was the School, March 29, 10:00 a.m., -participated in the events which awarding of the Sweepstake Auburn High School, March 30, started at 9:00 a.m. The final Trophies to the winners in the 10:30 a.m., East Minona High event was concluded at 10 "A" and "B" divisions. School, 2:30 p.m. Wisner-Pilger o'clock that evening. The schools Nebraska City was the winner of High School, and 7:30 p.m., that were represented were Fort the A Division; second place Beemer High School for a public Calhoun, Pawnee City, went to Papillion, and third concert. Nebraska City High, Auburn place to Tecumseh.

The College Tour Choir is high, Tecumseh High, Weeping Nebraska City Lourdes was made up of the Large Choir, and Water High School, Nebraska number one in the Class B two smaller groups from that"; City Lourdes, Louisville High, Division. Louisville ranked The Madrigal, and the Swing Humboldt High School, Palmyra number .two, and Palmyra and Pop, "Catch 12?" The program High, Nebraska School for hte Humboldt tied for number three ranges from early classical type Visually Handicapped, Johson- position. music to modern pop and rock


The full choir will sing "KyrieGlory Selections from the Mass of Kodaly" and "Wanting You", by Hammerstein II-RombergKing.


Back up a Country Sport Coat with a half-belt and you've entered the new dimension In young men's fashions. Those buttoned patch pockets are part of .the new perspective.

Phi Beta Lambda to sponsor auction

Want to see some action and be involved, come to the annual Phi Beta Lambqa Auction, March 23, in the Peru State College Gym, starting at 6:30 p.m.

The auction is a money raising project, sponsored by the business organization, in which 25 per cent of all proceeds go to the Peru Achievement Foundation for scholarships. The remainder is used to send Peru Students to the State Leadership Conference in Lincoln, Nebraska.

THE suit with a cool, casual outlook!

Right in with today's more relaxed attitude in business and casual wear-our new Curlee suit styles. The real cool ones in free, easy silhouettes like the model shown. In crisp colors, patterns and solids. Play it cbol and casual come in and relax in a current Curlee style I

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Matinee Sat. 2 p.m. · COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents
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Nebraska City (Nebr)

Students lobby Education Act

On March 14th, the Fourteenth Annual Grammy Awards ceremony was held in the Felt By STEVE LONG Senator Javits of N .Y. said "I Forum at Madison Square On February 29, the U.S. think it is important that Garden in New York City. For Senate passed by a vote of 66-28 St.1Jdents should have a place on those who missed the results an Amendment to the Higher the governing boards of colleges some of the winners were; BEST Education Act, whi.ch expressed · .I shall vote for and support SCORE FOR AN ORIGINAL the sense of Congress that this amendment." Senator CAST ALBUM - Godspell. "students be represented on Randolph of W. Va. added, BEST FOLK, POP, AND ROCK -Boards of Trustees" as full· "student representation on PERFORMANCE BY A DUO voting members on governing boardi;; of institutions OR GROUP - The Carpenters, campus in the country. This of higher learning is a sound "Rainy Days and Mondays". Amendment was authored by policy."

BEST COMEDY RECORDING Senator Fted.. Harris of Af th · t th Se t OF THE YEAR - Lily Tomlin, (and ,co-sponsored by ter e vic ory on e na e · "This Is A Recording". BEST. Senators Hartke, McGovern, SCORE FOR A MOTION PIC- Randolph and Mondale). Wl na or arris.m is o ice TURE "Shaft". BEST After the victory, Senator a'!d he expressed his hope that COMPOSED SONG OF THE Harris said "this Amendment st!-ldents through · " ed · h with contmued lobbymg on the YEAR - King, You ve pass the Senate wit the Harris Amendnient, and others Got A Friend . BEST lobbymg done by the Na,tionali aspects of the Higner Education OF THE YEAR - Carole King, -Student Lobby and the coor- Act now in Senate-House con"Tapestry." and BEST dination they provided for my f ' RECORD OF THE YEAR - office staff. I would personally erence. Carole King, "It's Too Late". like to thank the· NSL for theii' To facilitate continued successful lobbying efforts oil. pre5sure·, the r.J;jtional Student my Amendment/' ( ·Lobby is holQibJf a "Lobby on

Special awards went to the Beatles, Leonard Bernstein, the late Mahalia Jackson and Louis Armstrong. Receiving honorable mention was George Harrison's Concert For Bangla Desh Album.

At last year's Grammy Awards Event the best record and best album awards went to a couple of yo\lllg writers named Simon and Garfunkel for "Bridge Over Troubled Waters".

A' few months later Art Gar-: funkel left Paul Simon for an acting career .and did well in movies· "Catch 22" and Carnal Knowledge".

After a year and a half after the Grammy winner was

Former May Queen

Miss Bonnie Rutz is a graduate of Peru State College and was selected as May Fete. · Queen in her senior year.

She graduated from Dawson' High School and attended Peru all four years of college. Miss Rutz majored in physical education and minored in art and biology.

Following graduation from Peru State, Miss Rutz taught at Red Oak, Iowa, and Platt-

now instructor

Rutz says she enjoys teaching. Miss Rutz says she likes all sports but the folk dance class seems to be a particularly happy time for everyone.

She feels that students benefit both academically and socially by participation in the extracurricular activities and clubs of their particular fields.

When asked what she enjoyed the most about teaching at Peru State Miss Rutz replied, "The stu.dents. They keep me yollllg ! "

smouth, Nebraska. She then s.· ngh recei·ves came to Peru and has been teaching here for seven years. F II h.

Lively Miss Rutz is involved. in e . ows IP. : many sports activities She ilj)onsorsthe women's basketball· • Dr; Balwant·Singh, associate team and coaches the volleyball profes.sor of Educational taOT"n Qho 1c ulcn. tho cT\.nnCU-.t'" n.f

"The surprisingly largJ Congress' in. Wti$ington on margin of victory cam:e frotn March 22, 23, (<:berry blossom wide spectrum of titne). Harris said, said Layton Executiv "students shi>ill.4 come from Director of the;N;i;tfional Stud, , ; every District to lobby, "and a good t :J lobby their tatives and of the power of'.t.Qe new 18-yea Senators ins of the Harris· old voter. and co gstudents on servative Se11,ators who a11 boa,.rds of tr · Iif addition, coming up for in f students must.lq iQy Congress to voted for the Amendm fitlly-fUrid student assistance for in overwhel . ... bers, ev higher educatiri)i (Scholarships, in the face opposi work-study, NI>E.1A and insured from Uie R.ei>u loans, G.I. Bi»,), which otherconservative, P¢tet Dom*1i wise will be cuf again this Colorado. Of th6 :83 8enlli.ors Yellr." for re-elect.ion ·iQ. ·Novem , fu addition to the Higher only 5 voted tµe bill. 1Edl1cation Act, studeµts will be The National :student Lo aobbying very important worked on the Oilarris Am 'legislation, like: Senator Gavel's m:ent the Past several w 'bill for total bombing l}alt in

Uncle Lunk just blew in from a junket to the north country where he visited some kin last week 'and while there got to chewing the fat with some old cronies of yesteryear. He happened to be gabbing with the town's country doctor who bad brought him in to this world, when a pack of young whipper snappers came along and started to poke fun at the doc's ole Model T parked outside his house. The doc climbed into the seat and said mildly to the lads

- "The car's paid for boys," Then he deliberately looked from one boy to another.

"You're not. .and your're not.". .Seems Peru State is having there share of speakers in. After Mr Reisman boaI'd of trustees spoke · and. Senators Carsten, Wiltse, Ziebarth and Burbock, the Student Governing Association and the Peru State Social Science Society are planning to bring in Betty Abbott, a member of the Omaha Council, to speak on the ecology problem. .The NHSAA District Speech Contest last Tuesday went · off without a hitch. Tip o' the Tam to all those who made it a success and to all the participates who did a fine job Titus Pump opines that if you want to get out and stay out of debt "Act your wage."

.Seems Nebraska City's Arbor .Day Centennial is looking to be quite an occasion. Thc;!re's ex;pected to be 500,000 fqlks at. tending the April celebration. Should be quite an event .•..A former Peruvian and thence to South Dakota write-into us about the woman who married four Blo6dmobile· to be in Auburn

times. Her first husband was a millionare; her second, a Broa<lway producer; her third, a minister; and the fourth, an undertaker. All this because she believed in the old saying"One for your money, two for the show, three to get ready; and, four to go.". .The baseball· team has been out there w9rking for some time. From all hear tell t_hey'll be a strong team in the

conference. Let's ill get behind 'em when they pla·y their home games As Amos :Pump sizes it up - when it comes to tax reductions, never do. so many wait so anxiously for so long for so little From all reports the eight students· who put out the News-Press thought that it was a great experience. They all put a lot , of effort into it and the rewards were well worth it.

City Liquor Market

Liquor Discount Center


Wholesale Prices Only--Everyday Priees







12 pack $2.29 12pack2.39 qt. 55cents 12pack 1.65 qt. $4.99 qt. 4.99






Popov Vodka - qt. $3.69


f"lftb 99 cents fifth 89 cents fifth 99 cents fifth $1.69 qt. 1.15 Gin. qt. $3.79

talented musician of the two, released a new album called simply "Paul Simon" <Columbia KC 30750). It was a long time overdue but well worth the wait.

gathered 5 student bo forces by .J\llle 30, 1972; Hatfield presidents froni the .Wash· Amendment to erid t}le drllft by D.C. Area for ll press. confer this summer; Equal Rights with Senator Harris 5 Ame1;1dment (women's rights);

released, Paul Simon, the more · conta:Cti,ng each Sen Indochina, and withdrawal of office 3 the Lo u military. and paraniilitary The Bloodmobile will be in Aublirn, Thursday, March 23, from 12noon to 6 p.m., at the 4-li Building. If you are a regular contributor to the blood bank, you know you may either ma.ke

vote. and a new Voter Registration

Just minutes before the Bill <allowing voter registration Paw starts the album with his came several &lnatos spolte lb by mail for. everyone, including hit single "Mother and Child. of the students).


an appointment for a specific

time by writing or calling Mrs Reunion" and goes on to do t-:::i::ir--'-----..---..---


Vernon Harrah, 11.06-19th, Auburn, phone 274-3264, or !limply walk into the 4-H Building in Auburn during the time stated. and discovtring life isn't easy.

The third song, "Everything

Put Together Falls Apart", is an ;. _

anti-drug song which states; "Taking downs to get off to sleep, and ups to start you on your way, after a while· they'll change your style, I see it

If you have never given blood - it's guite sitJ!ple, pamless, a great. adventure in happening everyday".

• "Run That Body Down", a song which follows it has about the same theme and "Armistice Day", which ends the first side tells how Paw's congressman is trying to. avoid him:


·• ···The·second,iUdestarts off With: "Me and Julio Down By The a eat.ehv tune

During recent Government CoAAferences I have attended, it come to fuy attention · tba.t tbe student government structure at PSC is among the best. The p.,.f conditions at Peru State m'1te the problein 'IM fac • of student iJ}terest is keeping State epnege from, nio .....•... ·T&l!' of' stu: government at our instituti .f'!Jlp ·- f-J..q,f.

students at Peru State. meeting new people, a euphoric AISC! on the agenda is the feeling of being of some use. If pro}losed visitation you are not yet 21, you should policy. This. affects all campus have a parent or guardian make resident!;> as w'e!l as many a simple statement: "I consent students, therefore it is im- to (name) giving blood. p0rtant that all students attend Signature." This opportllllity to to express their opinions ori this sample a new experience falls on vital issue. If we students would a Thursday. - a day of fewer u;se tlie po:wer. we have \Ve may class commitments. You can be a.ble to give Peru State even cadge a ride by calling Dr. College a: boost. Wininger, Mrs Ubben or Mrs DARYLJ. OBERMEYER I Gnade.

1972 Peru State College Track: Schedule March 29 April 1 April 11 April 18 April 21 April 25 April 28-29 2 May 6 Doane Arkansas Relays Tarkio Concordia Midland Relays Maryville Drake Relays Doane Relays Nebr. College Conf. Concordia Fayetville, Ark. Tarkio Peru Fremont Maryville Des Moines, Ia. Crete Kearney
News·Press Thursday, March 23, 1972 5 Dept. of Amplification + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
i!': onP nf thritv
303Central Ave. Ph. 873-59,88 Nebraska City IiOURS: Mon.-Tues-Wed. 9a.m. to6p.m. Thurs.-Fri.--Bat. 9 a.m. to9 p.m.
· ·· ··· ·· · · .· ·
·th. · Ed. •t
e . . l Qr
The Pedagogian Published weekly by the students of Per_u State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF ··John Thomas .•.•....•...••...... Editor-in-Chief
Robert Wernsman .•..•..•.•......... Ass't. Editor Long • .- .- ·• .- ·.•....•....... News t· Chuck Smith •....•....· .• .•.••...... Photography Jerry Steele .• .- .- • .- • .• .- • . • .- • . . . . . . . . Sports Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler •••........ Circulation Carol McOibe & Sue Schuessler •.... Business Managers :Mr. Everett Browning • • • • Adviso.l' •

sJ>onsors the women's basketball Dr. Balwant Singh, associate team and coaches the volleyball profes.sor of Educational team. She is also the sponsor of Psychology is one of the thrity the Women's Athletic college instructors in the nation, Association. She is a member of who have been awarded the American Association of fellowships to attend a summer University Women. Institute in Experimental Art is one of Miss Rutz's Psychology at Williams College, favorite hobbies. She considers Williamstown, Massachusetts her art background helpful in between June 26 and August 4, her profession. She believes that 1972. art talent and physical education The fellowships are awarded programs are often closely by the National Science Founrelated. dation and carry a stipend of up Miss Rutz also enjoys to $250 a week and traveling traveling. She went with a tour expenses. The purpose of the group to Europe and visited institute is to provide up-to-date eleven countries in 1970. She has training in such fields in Exalso travelled in the United perimental . Psychology as States. Perception, Human Learning,

'Folk dancing i.s a class Miss Motivation, and Conditioning

The second side starts off with "Me and Julio Down By 'lbe Schoolyard", a catchy tune about two boys getting mixed up with drugs. "Peace Like A River", "Papa Hobo", a song about a boy trying to make it in a big city, (It's carbon monoxide, the old Detroit perfume"), "Hobo's Blues" and "Paranoia Blues" make up the nucleas of the second side.

"Hobo's Blues", the only instrumental on the album, combines Simon's fine guitar playing with a violin.

"Congratulations", an antidivorce song, ("Seems like you've dont it again," and "I ain't had such misery since I don't know when"), sounds on a personal level and ends the album.

The music on the album is simple'\s most· of Paul's songs are with him playing guitar. But on his album he uses in· struments such as; Vibes, horns, violins, bass harmonica and a charango for the first time.

Mr KniseU With Catholic Register

Phil Knisell, who served as English and Journalism ill-, structor at Peru State College' for two years is now living Fort Worth, Texas, where he is; associated with The National' Catholic Register there. While at Peru from 1969-1971 he served as the journalism advisor and aided in the production of the Peru Pedagogian.

The· striic. ture .of stu@n.t' College a boost. I Wininger, Mrs Ubben or Mrs .I - ·· government at our institutioil is DARYL J. OBERMEYER I Gnade.

far superior to that of Chadron

or Wayne. At the two colleges named there is only one student on an administrative committee. However, this student does not have the right to vote, he can only !),l,!ggest. In Peru we have 14 votes on administrative committees and commissions and one on the council.

Tuesday, March 28; at the .S.G.A. meeting tw9 important issues will be discussed. The members of the constitution committee will present a proposed constitution for .the SGA. This will affeetnot only the members of the SGA, but all the

Our famous "417" dress shirts take a new fashion route with all the decisive character you expect! Newly directed designs featuring a floral stripe with long-point Brooke collar. Vanopress™ 65% Dacron''' polyester, 35% cotton. $7.50 •Ou Pont reg. t.m

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Sealed proposals for furnishing a 1972 Model two (2) ton chassis and cab truck with Anthony Dump Box and Hoist will be received at the office of the City Clerk in Nebraska City, Nebraska. until 8:00 P.M., C.S.T on April 3, 1972, at which time said proposals wiU be public!X opened and read.


New Equipment to be a 1972 Model two (2) ton chassis and cab truck with wheel base of approximately 156 inches and with an Anthony Dump Box 10 foot long and 8 foot wide, outside measurements, with an Anthony Hoist-payload IO ton with one (1) hydraulic cylinder iri center.

Lever type hoist controls mounted in center of floor boards.

Color: Red

V-8 engine, minimum 318 cu. in; 2 barrel carburetor; heavy duty front springs; heavy duty rear springs with auxiltary overload springs. Dual windshield wipers, dual visors.

Tube type tires, dual wheels with 6-8.25x:W IO ply nylon tires.

Mud grip tires on rear dual wheels. Rear mud flaps. One spare wheel with 8.25x20 10 ply grip nylon tire.

Four speed transmission with two speed axle. Weight capacity on front axle minimum 5,000 lbs. capacity on rear axle mimmum 15,000 lbs.

Turn signals, front and rear, with 4 ·way emergency flasher; fresh air heater and defrosters.

Air cleaner, oil bath or .._;e .nent type; oil filter; booster brakes. Heavy duty 12 volt alternator.

Two West Coast Truck type rear view mirrors, approximately 7" x 12".

Bids should state approximate date of delivery.

The City ·of Nebraska City reserves.the right to reject any .or all bids, to waive in-


Odrinex can help you become the trim slim person you want to be. Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. Con· tains no dangerous drugs. No starving. No special exercise. Get rid of excess fat and live. longer. Odrinex has been used successfully by thousands all over the country for 14 years. Odrinex Plan costs $3.25 and the large economy size $5.25. You must lose ugly fat or your money will be refunded. No questions asked. Sold with this guarantee by,

Jessup Rexall Drug Store -· Nebraska City - Mail Orders Filled.


Mrs Don Stilwell

Mrs Don Stilwell is reported to be making a satisfactory

Nebraska City (Nebr) News-Press

Five days left: in the second session

formalities, and to accept equipment which, in their judgment is best suited for· the Nebraska City Street Department.

Dates this 21st day of March, 1972.


GLADYS WENZEL City Clerk 800 - March 22 - April 2, 1972 incl. ed.


Notice is hereby given that virtue of an order of sale issued by · the District Court of Otoe County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said court wherein Dean Thiesfeld and others are plaintiffs and Shelli Warren is defendant directing me as referee to sell the following described real estate, to-wit: ·

Lot Nine (9), Block ·Sixteen · (16), Hail & Co's Addition to Nebraska City, Otoe County, Nebraska.

I will sell said real estate at public auction on the 31st day .of March, 1972J at 1:30 o'clock F.M., of saia day at the front door of the Court House m Nebraska. City, Nebraska.

Terms of sale 20 per cent cash on day of sale, balance on or before June 1, 1972. Sellers furnish :abstract showing merchantable .title and sellers pay 1971 taxes. Possession on confirmation of sale.


VANTINE A. JAMES Attorney for Plaintiffs Nebraska City, Nebraska RAYMOND FRERICHS

·Nebraska City, Nebraska , Guardian Ad Litem for Minor: : Defendant. 765-February 23-March 28, 1972 incl. ed_._______


Executives and administrators of the Southeast Border Conference will meet in the grade school library Monday at 1 30 p .m. to select dates and places for school activities for the next school year.

Pre-school registration for first graders will be Wednesday, April 12 from 3:15 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the grade school library.

Parents are advised that cards for their sons and daughters will be given out Monday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in the gymtorium.

Children die in house· fire

DIX, Neb. <AP) - Two small Friday at Community Memorial LINCOLN, Neb. <AP> sities. children died in an explosion hospital Syracuse. Wednesday was "last chance" LB949, authorizing salary in- and fire at a Dix residence Misses Mary, Susan, Jean day in the state Legislature - creases for county judges (the Tuesday night and their mother Stilwell of Lincoln and friend, last practical day to move bills bill to be held in reserve as a suffered burns battling the Kris Wismer, of New Orleans, off their first floor stage - and backstop to a major court re-' blaze. Two other children es· La., were dinner guests Sunday lawmakers responded by ad- form bill, LBI032, which would caped. of the Geo Stilwells. vancing 17 general file bills in also set new salary levels). Kimball County Sheriff

recovery following surgery

Congratulations to the three an afternoon sitting that ran for LB1507, updating Nebraska's James Taylor said the victims Unadilla area students who were almost four hours. 45-year-<ild mental health com- were Laura Gotfrey, 9, and among those cited for high When senators finished the mitment law, requiring the John Gotfrey, 6. Their mother, scholastic achievement at the workday at 5:24 p.m., only fiV'e statement of a doctor that a. Maida Gotfrey, 28, suffered 44th Annual Honors convocation legislative days remained of a person is in '''imminent dari- first degree burns over 20 per held recently at the Nebraska session limited to 60 working ger" to himself or to society, cent of her body fighting the University Coliseum. They were days. along with the current com· flames and was hospitalized 'in sophomore, Teressa Hauschild,

Although it's technically pos- mitment documents. Kimball. daughter of Mr and Mrs Glen sible for bills still to be taken

Two other children, Loren, Wyatt; freshman, Velanie Vogt, up on general file and move BURR 11, and Paul, 10, escaped from daugher of Mr and Mrs William Howard Doerr, vice president and ahead, the legislative staff. re- the house. Vogt, and freshman, Jean 1 N ported it would be unable to Mrs Gene BrT.m

SheriH Taylor said the exstl.lwell, daughter of Mr and Mrs Nebraska genera manager 0 or- process them 1·n the t1·me reth B II k th FFA b t Mr and Mrs Otto Wusk en- plosion apparently occurred George St ilwell. wes ern e ,spo e e anque maining, and Speaker W. H. d · ht B th 1 u •t d ch h tertained at dinner Saturday when Mrs. Gotfrey attempted Karen Beth Stilwell invited the Tues ay mg a · e e 01 e urc 0 Hasebroock of West Point said night, honoring Mrs Amelia to light the. rurnace. He said girls of the first and second Christ. Steve Smallfoot, FFA chapter the cutoff point has been Broers and Mrs Wusk on their she ran outside and got a hose grades and her cousin Jill president, was master C\f ceremonies. reached. birthdays. Those present were and tried to put out the flames. Powers of Palmyra to help her

Remaining days will be spent Mrs Alice Bargstadt, Douglas; She suffered the serious celebrate her seventh birthday The couple will be at home at Neak Coffie, director of applying amendments to bills MissLetaHolscher,Lincoln;.Mr burns in her fire-fighting efon March 14. Harriette Powers 1025 No. 63rd, Apt. E-41, Lincoln. University of Nebraska School of on seleet file, the second floor and Mrs Irving Schulte an.d of Palmyra assisted with the Journalism, was, the speaker. plateau, and giving measures honored guests. · e then called her husband, games and refreshments. Mrs Sarah Beckmann of Burr; Honored ·guests were past their final reading. Pending Mrs Richard _ Gotf:ey, \vho was bowling Mr and Mrs Gary Remington Mrs Haaken Carlson and tw-0 presidents of the League and resolutions also will receive at- visiting her pa:f ...·.· · in Kimball and started out for a nd sons of Linc.oln and the Dan daughters of Deshler, Johll their wives of Nebraska ex- tention. ·" b d · Stilwell Sr. of Palmyra and Don 0 f h b 1 11 d f Don State .in'' 0'.X , Kim all in her car. He met h·er family of Una illa Stilwell were Thursday callers governors Anderson and ne o t e. i Is ca e up or AMN Jirn Wellman is spen- just east of town. and took her were Sunday dinner guests of Mr 1 h Morrison and the present first late. action was Crofton Sen. J filing his furlough. with nis on to the Kimball hospital. and Mrs Gene West and Mike. at the George Sti well ome lady, Mrs J. James Exon. W. Burbach.'s LB1426, making parents, Mr and Mrs Duane Firemen answering the alarm Grandchildren, Jean Marie, The Youth Choir provided the This was the last meeting of major changes in the con- Wellman. He will report to found the girl in the bathroom Sue Ellen and Tom Herman, of music at the Sunday morning the group for this legislative troversial dairy products price Seattle for duty in Cameron Bay. and the boy in the kitchen. Omaha were guests of Mr and service at the United Methodist session and according to custom fixing legislation enacted in

Mrs Herman Lutjemeyer for church, under the direction Of the newly elected officers were 1969 and revised last year. several days. Mrs Alton Gartner. Mrs Vernon installed. Among these was Mrs An attempt by Sen. Orval

The Lutjemeyers were over Wilhelm was the organist. Brandt who will serve as Keyes of Springfield to abolish night visitors Saturday of Mrs The Bible study of Matthew treasurer. the legislation altogether and Lutjemeyer's sister, Mr and Mrs will be held March ·24 at tfn revert to the pre-1969 situation Sam Larson. of Fort Calhmm. home of Mrs Elmer Boettch

failed on a 16-19 vote and the Sunday they were dinner guests with the Rev. Richard Spellm n bill moved ahead 26-7 in a form >f their son-in-law and daughter as the leader. The Rev. Mr and which prohibits below-<:os( sellMr and Mrs Herman and family Mrs Richard Spellman are ing of milk, The basic cost, tn Omaha. The occasion was in grandparents of a grand- which serves as the minimum, of Mr Lutjemeyer's daughter born March 17 _at would be set by the dairy prodoirthday. Bryan Memorial hospital. Till\ ucts board created by the 1969

The wedding of Miss Jane parents are Mr and Mrs Donalil act. Reed and Richard Hahn was (Linda Spellman) Siefried of Other. bills moving off genersolemnized Saturday March 18 Lincoln. The baby has an older al file included: at St. Mark's United Methodist brother.

LB1463, directing the Douglas church, -Lincoln. Those at- The Ivan Beccards hosted Ii County public defender to detending from Unadilla in- family gathering and dinn11r vote full time to that job, and clududed Mr and Mrs Clarence Sunday honoring their son prohibiting his assistants from Young, Mr and Mrs Ivan Hurley, David's 13th birthday, Steven doing outside legal work as Mr and Mrs Vernon Wilhelm and Stilwell a class mate of Davids long as their salaries are Nola, Mr and Mrs Jerry Leefers was also a guest. equivalent to the salaries of and family, Mr and Mrs Loy Mrs Catharine Boettcher and deputy Douglas County attorBoardman and Larry and Mary, Mr and Mrs Elmer Boettcher neys, who also are prevented Mr and Mrs Floyd Koerner and and family were recent dinner from doing outside law pracdaughters, Mr and Mrs Glen guests of Mrs Sadie Stutheit of lice. Wallen and Joleen, Mrs Gene Cook.

LB1171A, which appropriates West and Kim, Candy .and Robin Mrs William Brandt attended Today's FUNNY will pay $1.00 for $552,600 to give sendoff to legisHolscher. a luncheon at the Nebraska Clup each original "funny" used Send gags lat ion authorizing the state to Richard Hohn is the principal recently hOsted by tO: Today's FUNNY, r200 West Third make tuition grants to studentsand coach of the Unadilla school. Legislative Ladies League. ,It; St., Cleveland, Ohio 44 1.ll. in private colleges and univer-

Everyone -Welc6nte!{·
Thursday, March 23, 1972 - 3
foday· S
Corne On Out ;JYLUD1h_LJP: •• on hand both days Interior view of kitchen looking toward living room Open House SATURDAY, MARCH 25 e SUNDAY, MARCH 26 Free Refreshments Insurance Representatives on hand to discuss your Mobile Home Needs. Free Prizes For adults & children Banking Officials on· hand to discuss Financing Your Mobile Home. BUY THE COMPLETE HOME ... FURNITURE & ALL! RIDGEVIEW MOBILE HOMES SOUTH HIGHWAY 73-75 NEBRASKA CITY PHONE 873-7818 ( LIVE BROADCAS \ 1600 KNCY

other system wilt have to be studied closely."


ates- 6 feet 2 or taller reeeived starting offers at least 12 per ,cent better than those under 6- feet.

chopped garlic, taken internally as a malaria cure;

IN the news:

The Nebraska legislature, reports The News-Press, gives adult status to 18 year olds But 18-year-olds can vote The Arizona legislature is arguing over adult status for 18-year-olds, but without drinking privileges to those under 21. ... Some solons fear the kids 18 will run out for a beer at recess We're late, but congratulations to the staff of The Daily Nebraskan for receiving an All-American rating (the top) from the American Collegiate Press A good printing job (done by The NewsPress) was one phase of the judging Editing, make-up, etc., were other points in the judging. +++++

FOR race fans in The News-Press area: All the bigs of auto racing are in the area today for the Phoenix 150, expected to be watched by 14,000 plus fans on the International Raceway, a D-shaped mile oval.

Among the elite in town are A. J. Foyt, Al and Bobby Unser, Mario Andretti, Joe Leonard, Parnelli Jones, Vel Miletich, Mark Donohue, Gary Bettenhausen, 'Billy Vukovich, Roger McCluskey, Swede Savage, Lloyd Ruby.

We don't know much about auto racing, but the Whitehead tra_ck devotees do. The local sports writers are playing up the prevue here to the Indianapolis 500 on Memorial Day.


GOVERNOR Edgar D. Whitcomb of Indiana declares that unless "indiscriminate spending" by government is halted at all levels the system of government as we know it today will be destroyed. What is the "secret" of halting this "indiscriminate spending" as it' is practiced in Indiana?

The only way to get relief for property taxpayers - a topic that is as hot in Nebraska as it is in every other state - is to hold the line or government spending. Holding the line, in case the government boys and girls don't know what it is, means exactly what it says.

Governor Whitcomb tells something we have learned i™Nebraska: gover.nment can't give relief to property taxpayers by increasing other forms of taxation, like sales and income taxes. Relief has not been achieved in the past and it won't be achieved in the future.

Who is demanding this fake "relief" for property taxpayers?

In Indiana, at the insistence of this conservative governor, all governmental agencies have cut public payrolls and increased production. (Have any Nebraska bureaucrats thought of cutting payrolls and increasing production - meaning getting more work out of public employes!)

Says Governor Whitcomb:

"Every subdivision of government from the federal government on down is short of money because they are unwilling to establish limits beyond which they will not go for spending."

Indiana, by tr"' way, is the only state that hasn't raised taxes since 1963. Before that all pressure groups banded together to raise income and sales taxes. That sort of "tax relief" has been halted at least for now.

Height is a help in politics, too. The average American male is 5 feet 8--but no U.S. President that short has been elected in the 2oth century.

In dairy-rich Wisconsin butter comes in as many as seven flavors. It can taste like chocolate, garlic an_d chives, sour cream_, synthetic cheese-like almost anything but margarine. Probably four out of five people can't tell you why grapefruit are so named. It is because the fruit grows in grapelike clusters of from 3 to 18.

One of the reasons diamonds are so hard to find is that the pufe carbon from which they are made turns into a gem only ·under a pressure of a million pounds a square inch and temperatures at or above, 2,500 degrees. Such condi_tions are found in nature only at an earth depth of 150 or more miles.

Fat fattens death: You may be obese and still live to. be 100,. but on the a_yerage man 20

Life is;··getting better '-note:c One hour's work in a u:s. factory today will buy 2.6 pounds of round steak. Twenty years ago it would buy only l.5 pounds.


Worth remembering: "The. pursuit of is complicated by not knowing when you have found it."

· It was Alfred North Whitehead who observed, "The kindness of _the American people is, so ·far as I know, something unique in the history of the world, and it is the justification of your existence."

Today's Pul,>!ic Notices-

Dean Thiesfeld, Plaintiff and Shelli Warren, Defendant, Notice of Real Estate Sale. Notice to Bidders,City of Nebraska City.

A fellow with lots of spare time probably owns a 10-year-old clunker with four old shoes.

Nebraska City News-Press

Barstler favored a 25 pei; cent block. , th· d t sl.asl:l.in re;ll estate_ valuations;· · ; el::;-mdon audience •'-; "' l5 'i)er 'ceht'v(lte<J'. TEN

The Prayer For Today From. ..;.··.

"If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if some one should rise from the dead." - Luke 16:31 <RSV)

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, grant us faith to believe and accept Thy Son as Lord and Christ. We ask in the name of Master, who taught us to pray, "Our Father who art in heaven .Amen.''


that'- included King George II EDITOR, News-Press: We by the state associlJ,tion John - _:_heard George Frederick Hand- wish to take this opportunity to F. Porterfield, one-time mayor Jacqueline Dodson. Nehawka. el's "Messiah" performed for again thank you for the coverage of Hamburg, Iowa, filed for was a girls state candidate the first time. you have given our group, "The Congress Funeral services .The Citv cotmcil ordered more In 1919, Benito Mussolini Little Theater of Nebraska were held for 'Mrs George mercury vapor lights installed in founded a new political move- City." Homeyer,'Whodiedat6laftera town. .J.J. Isaacson. in Italy. The publicity that you have long illness .... All Nebr,aska executive director of Ak-&lrhi 1933, the German Reichs- provided has helped tremen- City teachers were reelected, Ben. spoke to Rotarians. __ .Fred tag;, granted dictatorial powers dously in the success of our with the coaching position and Haase was eleeted president of to Adolf Hitler. production. Junior High principalship Toastmasters Mr and :\lrs

In 1945, in World War II, the We would also like to take this combined and put in the hands of Bill Berger and Mr and Mrs U.S. 3rd Army crossed the opportunity to extend our in- Charles H. Place. · · .Salary cuts Norris Hill were hosts at the Rhine River in Germany. vitation to anyone interested in ranged from 10 to 14 per cent for UCT dinner meeting TwentyIn 1966, the Archbishop of little theater to join our the next year. · · .1932 was a nine schools were entered in the Caµtebury, Arthur Michael organization. depression year. · Peru scholastic contest. Sonic R.awsey, met Pope ·Paul VI at Thank you QJ1Ce again. we bcioms were heard in the area as the•'Vatican. It. was the first of- appreciate your help.

TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO B58 Hustlers flew in the area. ficilal meeting between the SUE LACY. president - 1947helJ.ds _of the Anglican and Ro- The Little Theater W,illiam Durant. the man who · Oue uice tlliug about computers: Tiley make 1cork for figure e.rperts 1cho. are ne.eded to check the dunied thii1gs.

·ml'{µ Catholic churches in more of Nebraska City founded General Motors CorthiW four centuries. _ poration, died in his sleep. He years ago: The French was ss: Wheat went above $3 goyernment used fighter planes Dust c o n t r o l measures for the first time in 30 years on and tanks to try to end an in- were i n it i at e d during World War II for opera- sW!reetion by European right. tional and health reasons. wii_lgers in Algeria. The World Almanac notes lfive years agl): The U.S. that reduction of dust was space agency suspended train-. credited with quadrupling ing',of Apollo astronauts pend· the life of airplane motors results of an investtga- and helped prevent accitio,_,JJt' of a fire_. on the Cape Ken- dents ca u s e d by _locked 1aunching pad in January. brakes and delicate instruyear ago: 80,000 farmers ment malfunctions.

LEO (Jul 22-Aug 21




LIBRA 23·0ct 23)



SCORPIO (Oct 2•·Nov 21)



Check your numbers against this code:


._ 2-Favarable


• 4-Caution


Aftt!r you havt! checlct!d each St!Ction of your horoscopt!, add your 12 numbt!rs and cht!clc below for forecast of your overall doy.

20-30 You'o.

SAGI TT ARIUS(Nov 22-Dec21



APRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 20


GJ-Hl-IL-JL-KO-LM A UARIUS (Jan 21-fcb 19)



PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)



+++++ A.R.S.
Nov. 14, 1854 THE PRESS PRINTING CO Publishers Nebraska City, Nebraska Publication, News, and Business Office, 123 South Eighth Street, Nebraska City, Otoe County, Nebraska 68410 J. Hyde Sweet, Editor and Publisher 1909-1964
Publisher Leonard
Advertising Manager
Editor ·\ Aldean
Jerome Keran Plant Superintendent ¥'.ax Moyer c;ommercial Printing Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post Office in Nebraska City, Nebr. Published Every Evening (except Saturday) and on Sunday MEMBER: Nebraska Press Association, Inland Press Association; National Editorial Association; Audit Bureau of Circulation. Wire_ Service of the Associated Press and N EA Feature Serv.ice. ·-----Reproduction in whole or in part <>I the contents of the Nebraska City News-Press is expressly forbidden unless prior permission is obtained. CIRCULATION RATES: Single copy, lO cents; by carrier, $1.75 a month in advance; by mail in Nebraska City trading area,
Ivan D.
Beaumont Managing Editor , Mrs. Floyd Duffey Society
$11.50; outside trading area in Nebra!ka, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas, $12.50; far zones, $15 per year.
" ·-;:;;e '·--··J V• .,L_.,...__,._._n_L__,.___ .n ..._ _.....;._.I
at the helm of the ship. 31-39 Don't be discouraged and you'll prevail. 40-50 You_ gotta have heart. l
39 Narrow inlet 40Thinks --fox, 43 Lets membel:'Of 4,55\llDffier (Fr.) the Canidae 47 bird 5 -·-terrier 48 8 --·terrier appellation :from.Scotland SO Sigmoid
aa c uucccc cc Answer PrHious P11tzle 12 Nobleman - curves 13 Night before 53 Encourage an event 54 Metal 14.Bound 56 Canine"s 6 Eggs 34 Constituent 15 Being (Latin) wagger 7 Sherry parts. 16 Swiss river 58 Cotton fabric 8- Island in 38 Greek god 17 Genus of 59 East (Fr.) New York of love ducks 60 Italian city bay 41 Instructor 18 Wild animal 61 European 9 Cattle (dial.) 42 Female trainer stream 10 12 months saint (ab.) 20 Penetrate 62 Rights (ab.) 11 Editors {ab.) 44 Conquer 22 Sick 63 Organ part 19 Otherwise 46 Natural fat 2324 VG1a· as a DOWS 21 Born 48 Retired for 24 Spur the night profit 1 Honey-maker 25 Chest rattle 49 l\fasculinc .28 Boredom 2 Endure 26 Shield bearing nickname 32 Boat paddle 3 Bear 27 Fillip 51 Alleviate 33 Domestic slave constellation 29 St. Philip 52 Location_ 35 Conclusion 4 Fragrant 30 Distinct part 53 Malt brew 36 Entire amount oleoresins 31 Miss Lupino's 55 Devotee 37 Bargain event 5 Audacious namesakes 57 Conducted 62 23 (NEWSPAPER ENTIRPRISf ASSN.)
Canine Caper

Reporter's notebook

I asked a man at Pio.neer bridge club the other evening if he attended the baseball games played iit the new Sun City ball park.

"All of them," he replied.

I wondered if it wasn't pretty hot to sit out in that 95-degree sun when the Giants lost to Tokyo 2 to 3 yesterday afternoon. I had turned down a ticket to the game because of the burning sunshine.

This fellow explained he sits in the back row and hoists his umbrella. That's an idea. Other fans, I note, take their golf carts into the stadium, park 'em behind the last row of seats, and enjoy things sitting there on the .Cushman cushi.on and under the' canopy. Nice, but there never is room.for any more cars; those people must go over there at noon.

DEL Webb, ·who built the ball park for the gal softball players and as an added feature the members of the Cactus spring training circuit, thought of the comfqrtof the Sun City fans. The seats are aluminum, the base contoured in a more comfortable shape than any church 'pew you have ever sat on, and the back sloped just right. (Why the builders of ·church furniture don't seem to worry about the comfort of the contributors is something I have never understood.)

YOU may not have read that Bobby Winkles, formerly Arizona State University baseball coach, now coaches for the California Angels, the Big League ball team.

The other evening more than 6,000 fans turned out to watch the ASU Sun Devils take a 6 to 5 decision from the Angela, cUsguised as Salt Lake City for some reason I do not understand. · Features of the game included not only the kids the team of their former coach, but a triple play center fielder to second to first, catching a couple of the Angels before they could tag up. The Angels, by the way, didn't use too m?ny regulars in the game. +++++

THE other day we had something in this place about cable television, the information given by Bruce Merrill, the speaker at the Rotary club.

We have the annual report of the Lincoln Tel and Tel Co. on our desk which says LT&T as of January 21 this year, was serving 15,000 subscribers and 4,000 additional connections for a total of 19,000.

The company's CATV operation, although a reduction in J;i;icpenses, lost $695,910 last year, mcluding depreciation accruals of $521,382. The report pointed out, however, that there were $353,252 in income tax derived from filing consolidated income tax returns.

THE report said that new federal CATV rules will permit the system to carry signals from two independent stations, in addition to the three networks. "There are several good independent stations that originate popular programs such as the ones located in Denver, Minneapolis and Kansas City," said the report. "Whether it is economically feasible to provide one or more of the independent stations on our Lincoln system or any_ other system will have to be studied closely."

ASC workshop will be held

day workshop conference include Elvin J. Person, deputy administrator, state and county operations, for ASCS; and Dale H. Helsper, northwest area director, ASCS, he added.

Lester Hohnroth, chairman of · Sessions on farm program the Otoe county ASC committee, information, techinques on Olin Herzog and Norman Hull, keeping farmers informed about both members of the county ASC program changes, and other committee, Herman Min- aspects of ASCS work will be derman, county executive chaired by Lowell H. Hummel of director for ASCS and other Fairbury, chairman of the state office personnel will join County ASCS committee, and by W. committeemen, executive Warren Marsh of Archer and J. directors and other personnel Stanley Dodson of Curtis, both from the Agricultural members of the state comStabilization and Conservation mittee, Hohnroth said. Service <ASCS) from throughout Service at the county office in Nebraska at a meeting in Lin- Syracuse will be on a limited coin March 23 and 24 for the basis during these two days. Nebraska State ASCS Workshop Conference. Weight-w at c hers are Speakers from Washington, D. fellows who favor amply C., on the program of the two- proportioned chicks.



Mother {-Escapes'

You can always tell when a young mother has escaped. You may not know why she's been "inside" for so long. It may be because she's had three children taking turns with the mumps. Or because she doesn't trust anybody giving the baby a bath until she's two months old. It could be she has had to choose between repairing the refrigerator and hiring a sitter. The point is, you can spot her driving down the street, in a department store and, espe.cially, when she's having lunch out for the first time in months.

She is the woman smoothing bedspreads in the furniture department, The who rearranges two shelves in giftware while muttering, know how these kids reach this stuff!"

She's the one who whips out a tissue and wipes your child's nose. The one who doesn't watch the man giving the sewing machine demonstration-because she's too busy picking

Answers to Employment Questions by of Labor James D. Hodgson


M. B. of Springfield, Ill., wr i t e s: Child labor laws seem to limit job openings for teen-agers. Why are they so stiff?

Dear M. B.: Child labor laws prohibit employment of minors under 16 during school hours and those under 18 in certain dangerous jobs to protect their educational opportunity and physical well being. D e s p it e these protective standards, about 95 per cent of all jobs remain open to teen-agers b et ween 16 and 18, and there are no restrictions for tho.se over 18.

* *

D. W. of Tyler, Tex., asks: Can I hire migrant children to work on my farm during school hours if they come from another district where schools have already closed for summer vacation?

Child Labor :Laws Too Stiff?

until after May 15 and then found valid under the terms only if the child shows evi- pf Executive Order 11491, as dence that he has completed, amended, corrective action his school work for the year Will be· taken by the assistant at the school in his perma- of labor. for labornent home district. Other- l;nanagement relations. wise, the migrant child may ,, ,, " not work during the school c. B. of San Diego, Calif., hours of the district where asks: .Does the branch of he is living. make any difference

* ''' ip. connection with veterans' J. B. of Los An g e 1 e s, J:i.C-employment rights?

Calif., writes: I am a mem- , Dear C. B.: It makes none ber of a federal employes' union and believe I was de- whatsoever. Job protection nied my right to be a candlif extends alike to members of date for office in that union. aj.l branches of services and How can 1 appeal? to all kinds of military train· it;ig.

Dear J.B.: You must firlt * * * exhaust certain internal ap- : M. C. of Chicago asks: Is peal procedures as provided a[ person required by the by your union bylaws and t er ans' re-employment constitution. If these are ex- rfghts law to inform his emhaui;ted without result, you ployer about his rililltary may then file a complaint ti\8ining plans? with the Department of La- '· bor and it will be investi- Dear M. C.: Yes. He must

hut Not Really

pins and ravelings off the floor.

One needn't wonder at the woman who is driving along 'talking to herself. She has forgotten she's alone and is keeping up a steady stream of "Stop that!" "Give back the hat and tell Mary Jane you're sorry." "Making faces again?" "The last time I'm telling you, it is The Last Time you're coming with me."

Men are constantly amazed when wives come home exhausted from shopping trips. And their poor wives can't tell the.m why because they don't know what they've been doing all day. "I can't understand it," they say in puzzled tones, not they've put in four hours of rewinding yard goods, resettmg tables in china departments, adjusting lampshides and dusting pictures.

I couldn't understand it for a long time. And then one day I caught myself saying sternly to a man at a lunch counter, "Eat those crusts! Don't you want to have curly hair?"


ing period. No particular form is needed. When the reservist or guardsman is told of his training plans, he should tell his employer. In effect, he is requesting leave to partieipate in the training.

Editor's note: If you have a q u e s t i o n regarding job t rain in g and placement, labor-management relati9ns, job health and safety, equal employment opportunity, wages and hours, employment and unemployment, prices and earnings and other matters involving the U.S. Department of Labor, send it to:

Secretary of Labor

J. D Hodgson "World of Work"

U.S. Department of Labor Washington, D.C. 20210

Dear D. W.: Yes, but not gated. If your complaint is request leave for the train- (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.> rl" ·

l . . from European countries dem-

prices .in

- Today's birthdays: Actress

· ht h By The Associated Press Joan Crawford is 64. Irish civil NEW YORK (AP) - Things per cent overweig · as an ex- rights leader Bernadette Devlin

rzy nau1n pollr-x; ANNAS

A master plotter within the religious community of Judea and its Jerusalem, was the high priest, Annas. Living under the shadow of Rome, and under· the civil authority of the governor, the high priest nevertheless had enormous power and control. He headed the Sadducees, a conservative group of elders and priests who directed the affairs of the Temple and represented the wealth and vested interests of the Jews.

Annas held the office of high priest for nine years, being deposed in favor of Caiaphas, bis son-in-law. Yet he was never out of touch or in fear of losing power His five sons became high priests and during the trial of Jesus he w-as the senior dignitary before whom the Prophet w-.as brought for questioning. He also threatened the apostles and their followers w-hen they testified to the Resurrection. Annas represented corrupt religion and his contest with Jesus was vicious and inevitable.

For a full-color, 64-P.age book based on this series, containing eight big 1llust.rations suitable for framing, send $2.25 in cash or check to LENTEN BOOK. c-0 News-Press, P.O. Box 489, Radio City Station, New York, N.Y. 10019

a columnist might never know cess mortality rate of 25 per is 25. Rocket expert Wernher if he didn't open his mail; eent, a woman 21 per cent. Today is Thursday, March 23 von Braun is 60. cc•o.:<i

Every day in winter 30 mil- Speaking of BW,ga- the 83rd day of 1972. There are Thought for today: Weeping the Chicago board of trade lion Americans have head rians claim eating yogurt gives 283, days left in the year. may endure for a night, but joy H T Fl .The weatherman said colds. People over 45 have the their country a record number. · Today's highlight in history: cometh in the. morning-the OW ime ies Nebraska ·s March weather fewest. But preschool children of centenarians. Now increas- On this date in 1775, Patrick Psalms. would approach the final week of can have from 6 to 12 .a year. ingly popular with millions of Hel,lry. made. a plea for Ameri- the month with Jamb-like Height as well as brains can American health faddists, yo- cail; freedom in a speech before [

FORTY YEARS AGO docilitv Plans were mad·e to be an asset in industry. A sur- gurt also has uses the! Virginia provincial con·

-l932- start "widening South_ EigbUl vey of University of Pennsylva- in _Iran. There it is apphed a vrlition in Richmond. He de· C()u. nty Ai;thur Street on the west side of the niagrad.uatesfo·un·dthatgradu- skin cream ·.a·n.·d··· .m.I?ted·.· with··· ,·.:·oo·. ·.··'.'G.ive m·e· ).ib·e·rt.y o.r ·


VALVE B ·-I f e<f 25 t bf k ates 6 feet 2 or taller received c.l)opped garhc, t;,.ilj:en mtecnally g · me death." fJ · .· oc · starting offers -at least 12 per as a malaria cure; ·; .-. • this · ...;

eent better than-those under 6 - Lif'e:-: "llOte:· ;" ' " 'f743;-:a LOiidon -a.uruence E ·s·s··." w·e by the sta'te asSociation John - __'. /feet. One hour's work in a U.S. fac- 1-h<>t'· r1<>r1 u;,.,., n

6 - Nebraska City (Nebr) News-Press Thursday, March 23, 1972
H. 1 B
.cJ.. ere S 8 0 Y e .Tt;day In History
-c:becv cnalken C.Of-C:b cbn.fst:
.J.• - -

Peru Pedagogian

just completed his fourth tour. He bas served as a combat helicopter pilot and in recent tours has been a base com_mander.

Several outstanding _honors have been awarded to Major Webb, including the United Nations medal for service in Korea, the Vietnam Service medal, the Southeast Expeditionary medal, the American Defense medal for defending bis country four times, the Army Commendation medal, and the Purple Heart.

Mr Webb received the Soldier's Medal for saving a man's life by pulling him from a burning airplane. He was awarded the Bronze Star three times. He was also bestowed twice with the Distinguished Flying Cross award for exceptional valor while at the controls of an aircraft.

' He received the Flying Cross bnce for rescuing a group cif men under fire and once for landing· an aircraft safely despite the destruction of the tail of the plane.

Taylor Named To Lt. Gov. Post

Russell Taylor, juniOl' at PSC, was appointed lieutenant governor of division four of the Nebraska-Iowa Circle K district at the spring convention held at Nebraska Wesleyan in Lincoln from March 17th through the 19th.

4fter 20 years, Webb to return

Major Earl H. Webb of the Ju .S. army will attend Peru State Ion a leave of absence for one year. Mr Webb attended Peru State College for three and a half years, but his studies were interrupted because offhe Korean War. So after 20years, Mr Webb is returning to complete .his degree.

Major Webb will start school

m June. He will complete the requirements to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree. Following his retirement from the service in three years, Mr Webb plans on teaching industrial arts.

l the end of the Korean War

1VlaJor Webb served one tour in Korea. He has served four tours 1in Vietnam since 1963. He has

Nostalgia Theme

"A career in the service is very lucrative, especially now because of pay raises," is an idea expressed by Major Webb. He feels that the time for military victory in Vietnam is long past and he believes that President Nixon's withdrawal plan is an effective means of resolving the situation.

Major Webb and his wife Lyn, who is a registered nurse, have a. nine month old daughter, Michaela Frances. They are living in Nebraska City.

To Recall Memories

Spring Week, April 23 through April 28, is fast approaching and plans are near completion. The theme of Spring Week '72 is "Nostalgia", a term which calls to mind happenings of the past. Preceding the events of Spring Week will be the voting for King and Queen - final day todayand the window painting contest. Open House will, once ag1!in star.t Spring Week on Sunday, April 23. The Palmertoo Art Show opening and tea will take place in the Fine Arts Building from 1:00to4:00p.m. Acar rally will once again challenge drivers and navigators to the roads of Peru, leaving from the I.A. parking lot at 3:30 p.m. No pre-registration is necessary for this event. The day will end with a '50's dance by the Young Raiders in the gym from 8:00 to 11 :00 p.m. During the dance, the King and Queen will be crowned and the car rally and window painting contest winners will be announced. ·

Monday classes will be dismissed at 1:20 p.m. At 2:00 p.m. the intramural, girls, and faculty track meet will be run in the Oak Bowl. A picnic is scheduled for 5:00 p.m.also in the Oak Bowl. Those students holding meal tickets must present them. All other persons are invited to the picnic but must pay the evening supper price of $1.13. At 7:00 p.m. the movie "M.A.S.H." will shown in the large auditorium. There will be only ONE SHOWING.

Tuesday will find the students reverting to childhood as they join in Trivia Games from 4:00 lo 5:30 p.m. al the practice field behind the Education Building. The Home Economics Style Show_ will grace the College Auditorium that evening.

The carnival comes lo campus on Wednesday from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. All activities will be held in the parking lot behind the gymnasium. Al 8:00 p.m. the drama 'club will prese_nt

dramatic presentations in the Mall of the F .A. Building.

Music is the key word for Thursday. Alawn concert will be presented by the college choir and band at 6:00 p.m. on the campus mall. Al 8:00 p.m. Mac Davis will present his second concert on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks: "Trash of the 30's" will close the week on Friday at 8:00 p.m. in the College Auditorium. Although a repeat from last year, the troupe will present a virtually new show.

Students holding ID's will be admitted free to the Mac Davis and "Trash of the 30's" events, as will faculty. Guests of each will be admitted for $1.00 and all other tickets will be sold for $2.00. Ther_e will be np advance ticket sales.

Spring Week is sponsored jointly by the Student Center Board and Student Programs Comiuittce, paid for by Student Programs fees.

Russ was appointed by the '72'73 District Board of governor, secretary, treasurer, and other lieutenant governors. He will serve a term. His basic duty will be to serve the chapters in his district which include chapters at Peru, Fairbury Junior College, Nebraska Wesleyan, University of Nebraska at Omaha, and the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. It will be his duty to instill initiative in the clubs, to act as the go-between between the chapters and the board, to help weak clubs and start new clubs. In addition to this, he will attend board meetings and report to the governor on clubs in the district. When asked how he hoped to accomplish these duties, Russ said that along with regular correspondence he hoped to visit each chapter at least once a year. He also said that a new chapter was likely to originate in the vocational-technical school in Council Bluffs, Looking forward Russ stated

that he would be attending the National Circle K convention in Denver, Colorado, from August '.27th to fall.'.

Russ started his Circle K career as vice-president of the local chapter a year ago. During the currept year he has served as president.

Carrying out the objective of being a service unit for the college and community, the local organization has been instrumental in securing the current events sign, benches for the lawn, and a scoreboard for the baseball field which is soon to be built. The organization has sponsored the local Cub Scouts, made a sizeable donation to the Humanities Department toward the radio station, and last Spring sponsored· hikers in the Crop Walk.

Circle K is a service 9rganization through which college men and women can find a means of responsible student action in their communities and a more active involvement in the life of their campus. The con· cerns of tl!e organization result in a very direct personal service. Members are involved in activities that help people and serve the campus and community as clubs perceive needs they can effectively meet.

fa.:v VOL. 67 NO. le" PERU S'.['ATE
APRIL 14, 1972
Rabbi Barry L. Weinstein will address !I student convocation in the Fine Arts auditorium of Peru State College at 9:00 a.m.,· Wed., April 1!1. His topic is "Judaism and Its Contemporary Literature." Rabbi Weinstein is from Temple Israel, Omaha; and his appearance is a part of the enrichment program conducted by the Language Arts Department.
At :1 p.m. the Department will have a coffee and discussion mt>eting with Rabbi Weinstein. The public is invited to both lllt't>tings. There is no charge.

On April 18 at 7:30, Dr. James Todd, Mr Henry I. Freed, Mr Ward Reesman, and Senators Irving Wils.te and Cal Carsten will be on our campus for a rap session on the subject of "The Future of Peru". The last tWo rap sessions held on this campus had good discussions with interested students and many things were brought into the open.

This session should be even more profitable, since Dr. Todd, coordinator of the· four state colleges, and Mr Freed, president of the Board of Trustees will be in attendance. This is the chance for PSC students to air their opinions and possibly get some action. ·

Any student who really cares about the future of PSC,should attend this session. Many.people say that they don't care what happens to PSC, and to these people I would like to ask "Why then do you go to school here?"

There are many things at PSC which should be looked into, and the only way to get this done is for the students to quit complaining to their fellow students and talk to someone who can do something. Go to the Fine Arts Auditorium Tuesday, April 18 at.7:30 and talk to the men with the real power. These men are sincere, or some of them wouldn't be coming back for a third session. They must have realized that PSC does need help.

So, go Tuesday and actively participate in the discussion. It is your job as students to give your governing board some constructive ideas for improvement of your school.

Religious Film Offered April 1.7

The United Ministries in High .<::ducation is bringing Pier Pasolinis ', "The Gospel According to St. Mathew" to Peru Monday, April 17. Admission is free and it will be shown in the ' Fine Arts Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.

"The Gospel according to St. Mathew" is an internationally acclaimed award-winning portrayal of the life of Christ. Pasolini makes almost total use non-professional actors and only uses a type of actor when he feels it is necessary.

The action was filmed directly on location with natural lighting

and a hand held camera. This gives the audience chance to become a participant in the action rather than a spectator. The film creates an overwhelming emotional, if not religious effect on it's audiences. It is intensely Christian- and totally without any commerical _concessions.

Issue Editor I DeKlotz


Trophies will be awarded the winners at the Spring Week Dance. ·


1. Contestant must be a Peru State student.

2. $1.00 entry fee '°r each male or female contestant. Entry· fee must accompany form.

3. Send all entries to Lambda Delta Lambda c--0 Dr. Daryl Long, PSC. Entry - April 19, 1972. · -

4. used in the be taken by a photographer· Apnl 20, 1972. Male contestants will be photographed in cut--0ffs or bermuda shorts. Female contestants will be in hot pants or shorts and nylons or tights.

5. will be by the student body at.1 penny a vote with no hm1t on the number of votes cast. Voting will be conducted Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and will conclude at Spring Week Carnival. ·

6. Hopefully each contestant will be sponsored by an organization on campus, but it is not absolutely necessary.




Leon Russell and Marc &nno get it all together on Aylum Choir 11 (Shelter SW-8910). The album, however, belongs more to Russell than to Benno as the latter only co-authors a few numbers and supplies backing vocals

Asylum Choir 11 begins with "Sweet Home Chicago", which tells of the presidential convention four years.back and then into a sarcastic anti-Vietnam song called "Down On The Base". "Tryin To Stay Live" and "Ballad For A Soldier" (a song which resembles the Calley incident) are a couple of other anti-war songs. -

In "When You Wish Upon A Fag", (''Save the coupons, walk a mile, your lungs are getting tanned"), Leon shows he is also anti-cigarettes.

Though most of the album was produced by the two musicians back in 1969, the lyrics and rriusic are still very contemporary. Asylum Choir 11 is

one of the better albums of the

year and shows Leon Russell is finally living up to his potential.

Bread's latest album Baby I'm A Want You (Elektra EKS75015) gets off to a fast start with hits; "Mother Freedom'', "Baby I Want You" and "Everything I Own" dn the beginning of the first side. But after these three the 'album slows down quite a bit and in fact drags on to the end.

"Games of Magic" and ''This Isn't What The Governmeant", a song about taxes and war, are a couple of the better cuts on the second side, if there are any better ones.

The best cut on the album "Everything I Own", combines music with some good lyrics ("The finest years I ever knew, were all the years I had with you"). This hit record is writerguitarist David Gates' second biggie, the first one of course is "Make It With You".

"Baby I'm A Want You" is, to put it mildly, one of those albums that one might just play a few cuts off of.

Twenty--0ne hot hits are put together on the Rolling Stones' "Hof Rocks 1964-1971" (Londor. -2PS 606-7).

The two album set combines ··such oldies as "Satisfaction", · "GetOffOfMyCloud", and "As Tears Go By" with fairly new releases such as "Brown Sugar" and "Wild Horses". The longawaited album also includes hits; "Ruby Tuesday", "19th Nervous Breakdown", and "Jumping Jack Flash" to name only a few more big ones.

This collectors item condenses the brilliant career of the Rolling Stones. What more can one say, the album speaks for itself. "Hot Rocks" is suggested to anyone who wants to get stoned.

P.S.E.A. Members

Attend C9nvention.

The Nebraska Student Education Association held their annual delegate assembly at the Yancey Motor Hotel in Grand Island, March 24-25.

Those from Peru State that attended were: Becky Pieper, John Thomas, Shelia Pohlman, Willie Fairbanks, Connie Shandy, Sandy McCord, Jan Axdahl, Debbie Stoll, Judy Werner, Bonnie Stemper, Barb Policky, and sponsors Dr. Lloyd Kite, and Dr. Balwant Singh.

The Pedagogian

Published weekly by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421


'John Thomas , •...•.......

Robert Wernsman : Ass't. Editor

.Steve Long News

·Chuck Smith .- Photography

Jerry Steele '. Sports

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Business Managers

Mr. Everett Browning : Advisor

Teaching Career To Endln May

An era is soon to end at Peru 3tate College. The end of the 1971-72 school year will see the close of the teaching career of Mr Silas Summers, Associate Professor of English

Mr Summers has taught· at Peru since 1960. Before that, he taught at such varied places as Montrose, Colo.; Udell, Iowa; Nissa, Oregon; Jamestown College and Tarkio. In all, Mr Summers has taught for 36 years. In the 12 years Mr Summers has taught at Peru, approximately 3000 students have been under his direction.

When asked about his remaining in teaching all these years, Mr Summers said thathe enjoyed classroom work with the students, rather than the ad· ministrative work that many teachers eventually go into.

The main satisfaction Mr Summers has received from teaching has been seeing many of his students continue in their education and receive their doctorate, along with enjoying success in their particular field.

The aspect of teaching he has. enjoyed at Peru has been the freedom to conduct his classes as he sees fit, not being dictated by anyone in an administrative position.

Mr Summers plans to remain in Peru, except, for some

possible traveling through Florida, and some northern states.

In ending, Mr Summers said that although there is talk of conflicts, he notes that there are a minimum of inner-faculty clashes, with the groups working together harmoniously on the ;peru State Campus.

Science Society Holds Conventjon

Lambda Delta Lambda, an honorary Physical Science Society, held their national convention at Kearney State College April 7, and 8

Attending the convention from Peru State were students Fred ,Robertson, Ron Koester, Doug Fritz, Roxann Rengstorf, Bonnie Stemper, Linda Eichenberger, Davlene Christen and faculty sponsors Dr. Daryl Long and Victor Kingery.

The meeting opened Friday afternoon and recessed that evening after a banquet.

The meeting reconvened Saturday morning with discussion of proposals beneficial to the organization.

The convention -also accepted Peru State's offer to host the convention next fall.

PAGE 2 ,
Ph&ne ··-
Sponsored by
:Warir The c1 ·n be pl the cu Pres id essed ganizat llow t ample camp1 If any cha sir Fr: Sund A Le. n SH

ew Peru

Dog Ordinance

' The Peru City Council passed· ordinance al the April 3 eeting that will effect all dog ers of Peru. he ordinance, with a olution, stales that dogs shall be allowed to l'1jll loose ough the months bf April, y, June, July, and August. A te law requires all dogs to ve rabies shots, and a city law uires all dogs to be licensed. enses are $1.00 for male dogs d $2.00 for female dogs. · A part time dog catcher, Otto esecke, has been hired to pick stray dogs on complaints ly. The dogs are held for three

To Plant Trees

Last Monday, Sophomort ss President Robert Wernan, announced that his class planning to plant four cotnless cottonwood trees on the mpus of a Thousand Oaks metime before Springweek in mmemoration of Arbor Day. The trees are being planted ecause Wernsman believes There are not one thousand ees on the Peru State's ousand Oaks Campus". The iginal tree chosen was the ttonwood tree, the new state ee. However, it was replaced y the cottonless cottonwood ecause of the danger which ight be done to the aitnditioners when in use during. e warmer weather. The cottonless cottonwoods 1 ill be planted on various sites y the custodians of the college. President Wernsman exressed a wish that "more rganizations and individuals ollow the sophomore class xample for planting more trees n campus".

If anyone is interested in urchasing a tree for the Arbor ay season, the Peru Kiwanis lub is selling walnut, ash, and. ycamorc trees for reasonable


Friday & Saturday

April 14-15

John Wayne Richard Boone m


days at the city garage. If they are not clained after the three days, the dogs will be disposed of. A $5.00 fine, plus .a license and rabies shot!! if the dog does not already have them, will be charged for each offense.

The mayor of Peru, Rex Allgood, requests the cooperation of off-campus students in notifying city of, ficials if they plan lo leave pet dogs in Peru over the sum.mer break. Dogs that are left by students will be disposed of.

Writers Guild

To Meet .Here

Saturday, April 22, Peru State College will be hosting the annual spring meeting of the Nebraska Guild. The meeting will begin at 9:30 ·a.m. in the Fine Arts auditorium. At 10:00 A.M. a panel discussion ·will be featured. The topic to be discussed is "Writing for the Now Generation". The panel members will' include Florence Summers, Norma Shirck, and Wayne C. Lee. At 11:00 Marion Marsh Brown will ?resent "You Can, Too, Go Home." Aluncheon and business meeting will follow this presentation and then Dr. Ralph M. Wardle will present "But It's Fun To Go Abroad, Too." The meeting will conclude at 4:00 P.M. with a tour of Brownville. Guests and non-members are welcomed to attend this meeting, but are being asked to pay a $1.00 fee when you register.

Staff Works Hard ""'

Late hours, and lots of hard work were put in by the yearbook staff before Easter Vacation

Nancy Stoll, yearbook editor, reported that 72 pages were sent ·in by April 1. Contained in these pages was one full signature of 16 pages, which entitled the yearbook to have the endsheet free of charge.

Nancy also reported that there are still 92 pages left to complete but the progress is increasing daily.

All Journalism classes besides the yearbook staff are involved. +++

If you don't think play post office any more, you haven't waited for a let ter recently. I

One Act Plays

To Be Presented

Miss Manley's Drama Students and a Practicum Student are direcliqg seven different one act plays.

The first nighl of the plays will bE! April 20. Linda Stubbendeck will be directing "Waiting for the Bus" and Barb Policky will direct "The Small, Private World of Michael Marston". April $, Julee Tillman and Bart Nerei, will be dfrecling ''The Intruder" and "Everyman". last night of the one act plays will be May 1. Devoe Manning will be directing "The Informer" and Ann -O'Conner will be directing "The Lesson". Sue Torczan is directing ''Ransom ·of Red Chief" a children's play, which has a cast of several Peru Elementary students. She will be at PeruElementary April 21 for the first performance.

College Choir

Completes Tour

The Peru Stale College Concert Choir returned to Peru Friday March 31, after a four day singing lour. The concerts. were under the direction of Mr Edward Camealy.

A concert was given at Beatrice on Tuesday, March 28, and at Auburn High, School on the 29th. On Thursday, a morning concert was presented at Morehead Ia. High School. During the afternoon the choir returned lo Nebraska and preformed at Wisner-Pilger High School, followed by an Evening concert in Beemer, Nebraska.

The choir spent the night in homes in the Bremer, Nebraska area

The concerts consisted of a program by the full choir, the Madrigal group, and the newly formed Swing group.


Applications are being .aken for yearbook Editor for next year.

Anyone interested should apply at Mr Brownings office, Rm. 206, Ed. Bldg.

Incense and Incense Burners

Chess Sets


lal'ge Record Selection

Simon Drug Company


1972 Spring Play

Planned At Auburn,

"You Can't TaKe ft With You," is being presented as Auburn High School's spring play, imder the direction of Mr Jeff Falter, head of the drama and speech departments. The play will be presented at the Atiburn Middle School Auditorium, Monday April 17th, at 7:30 p.m.

"You Can't Take It With You," was produced at the Booth Theatre, in New .York City, Monday December 14, 1936 by Samuel H. Harris. The play takes place in New York in the Vanderhofhome,justarolllld the corner from Columbia Universitv.

· At first the Sycamores <played by Valerie Coatney and Roland. Barrett) seem insane, but it's not long before one realizes that if they are insane, the rest of the world is ever more so. In con· lrast to this jovial family are the· bereft Kirby's, (David Wininger. and Martha Russell>. As the plot developes Tony <Dennis Winninger), the handsome son of the Kirby's, falls in Jove with Alice Sycamore <Gloria Obermeyer), and brings his parents to dine at the Sycamore home on the wrong evening. The shock sustained by the Kirby's, who· are invited to eat cheap foorl

Uncle Lunk.

shows Alice that marriage with· Tony is out of the question. The Sycamores, however, though sympathetic to Alice, find it hard to realize her point of view. Meantime Tony, who kriows .the Sycamores are right and his own people Wrong, will not give her up, and in the end Mr Kirby is. converted to the happy madness of the Sycamores, particularly since he happens in during a visit by an ex-Grand Dutchess <Janet Wilson), earning her living as a waitress.

No mention has yet been made of the strange activities of certain members of the household engaged in the manufacture of fireworks; nor of the printing press set up in the parlor; nor of Rheba the maid <Anita Shires) and her friend Donald (Rob McKercher>; nor of Grandpa's <Doug interview with the tax collector <Gary Hamann) when he tells him he doesn't believe in income tax.

Other members of the cast include; Brian Browning, Doll@ Hulls, Kay Baatz, Sam Mc Connick, Cheryl Knapp, Brad Hahn, Dave Adams, and Kevin Casey.

Dept. Oi Amplification,

According to Uncle Lunk .if you ever find your cloud with ·i{ silver lining, don't tell the government - they'll find some way to tax the metallic content. .If ever any of you radio buffs have turned on the transistor at nine o'clock on Tuesday on KNCY you've probably heard.

·Peru News, a short weekly program talking of Peru State and it's activities. What you probably didn't know was Mike Summers has been taping the show for more than five months.

Gotta hand it to Mike, he's done a fine job every week Well ole mother nature seems to be losing control and being downright fickle as well. Temperature been going up and down like a grasshopper, from 92 degrees to 42 degrees and every where inbetween, sure hopes the ole temperature starts leveling off. From all signs it looks like it will and we can get down to enjoying the green grass on campus and Spring time in general! If any of you nature lovers been out in the country, Amos Pump tells us that north of town there are Indian relics that even the Smithsonian In8titution has investigated. The Indians lived their some 600 years ago on the once banks of the Missouri River. Since Amos P\Jmp tells us that the owner of the land

! doesn't want the location printed exactly, so send a note lo Amos Pump .c-o Ped Office and he'll send back the information for

you on where to explore these relics. The baseball earn is coming along fine. We

know they need our support so don't forget the game Monday at home when the Bobcats tangle with Kearney Peru has a new computer, and it sure will be a great help lo the school, the computer programs will be expanded gradually so that soon research can be carried out for papers and surveys, hopefully the students .will be allowed ample operating time Amos Puµlp observes that the reason the dollar won't do as much for people as it once did is that people won't do as much for a dollar as they once did. Ain't this the cotton pickin' truth.? Sure hope all you folks had a dandy lime to vacation, but as everybody knows now, it's back lo the books for five more weeks, and for the seniors its just five more weeks till St. Peter shakes the hand and issues you a halo, a set of and a degree in the subject of choice. .Well, civilization with its urban problems is moving in on ole Peru, gone is the freedom of past. Why? The Dog Catcher. While everyone was enjoying vacation a dog ordinance was passed by the City Council, Dogs must be licensed, and lettshed, chained or confined or the dog will be picked up. Their is even an incentive program to insure effeciency by the dog catcher:

Sunday thru Wednesday

April 16-17-18-19

Jerry Orbach

Leigh Taylor-Young m

• • • • •
.KEN'S IGA '1<Elf' JOHNSON GROCERIES,- MEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Peru, 1Nebraska Phone BANK OF PERU Phone sn-3335 Member of F.D.l.C. Invites Psc· students to open Checking and Savings Accounts

Beatrice dominates

thinclad inv,itational

The Seventh Annual Peru State College Invitational High School Track Meet was held here March 24-25. The meet was expanded to two days due to the number of teams entered in both boys and girls events. 51 boys teams and· 43 girls teams were

Adains 2 coach. His record at the school is

14 Ben Plucknet set two records

12 while teammate Doug Prewett

12 broke another to lead Beatrice

8 High to the Class A Cham-

5 pionship Plucknett heaved the

5 shot 55'31h" and the discuss

football teams have had eight straight winning seasons while compiling an overall record of 61-21•3. His track record includes three district crowns, four conference titles, and the Peru Invitational twice.

a very impressive one. His entered. ·

The ladies took to the track Jirst on Friday, March 24. Despite the fact that they could not hope to match the boys' athletic feats, they never-theless displayed .real courage. Why, the young lasses nearly wore themselves down to a mere frazzle, in spite of free"ling temperatures that continued un through Saturday.

Fremont-Mills won the Junior High : Division with 32 points, edging out Plattview who collected Z1.

In the Senior High Division, the Beatrice Orangewomen toted home the first place trophy, outdistancing New Market, 31-24. Final

·Final Results Senior High <Girls)

3 172'4" for new marks. Prewett

2 crossed the finish 1jne in the mile

at. a 4:36.5 clocking. Beatrice, which recorded a near sweep of the two day affair by also taking the girls senior title, amassed 441h points while the Jeffs of Fairbury finished second with 39, Auburn trailing with 32.

Jerry Grancer, track coacll at Wymore Southern, was named honorary referee for the meet. He was the second recipient of this honor, Cecil McKnight being the first to receive the honor last year.

A 1958 graduate from Peru, Grancer taught at Wallace, Nebraska, for two years before moving to Fullerton, where he coached for three years. In 1963 he became coach at Wymore Southern where he is presently in his tenth year as head coach and in his seventh as track

Bobcats Open Baseball Season

Peru State opened its baseball season at Peru, Monday March 20th, splitting a double-header with Northwest Missouri State College. The. opening game on ,this f{rst day of spring was not decided until the bottom half of the seventh inning as Steve Shupe brought in Terry Criger with the winning nm, giving .Peru a 6-5 victory.

The Missourians came back to take the second coritest, 8-2. The visitors jumped out to an early lead as Peru was held scoreless until the bottom of the sixth when Shupe connected for his · second home run of the afternoon. The Peruvians, who finished 4-10 last year under the guidance of first year coach Tom Fitzg-erald, committed six errors in the second game. · Peru's baseball team kept · their record even at 2-2, splitting a twin-bill with_Tarkio, Tuesday

Volleyballers Victorious

The Peru State Womens' volleyball team held a record of 6-1 for the 71-72 season. This is tbeJirst year a volleyball team has been organized at Peru State. Miss Bonnie Rutz is the coach. ·

Members of the team included Rita Bosilijevac, June Bottcher, Arle1w.Poeden, Barb Fritz, Jane Green, Patty Johnson, Susan Ritter, Melissa Ross, Kris Rotter, Norma Schatz, and Debbie Sears. , Miss Rutz and six members of the team, Kris Rotter, Susan Ritter, Patty Johnson, Jane Green Barb Fritz, and June Bottcher are all from southeast Nebraska and have all participated in the high school girls' invitational volleyball tournament at Peru. They were also on winning teams, among· the championship or runnerup or in the top four teams in the tournament.

SCB Pfans A Rap Sesston Aprff ·

March 21st at Peru.

The fifth inning prove<f..to be the biggie for the home team in the opening game. Having fallen behind 4-0, they were able to go 'through the batting order once to collect six runs on their way to a 174 victory. In the second game, 'the Owls managed to escape with a 54- decision. Peru's biggest threat came in the sixth when with the bases loaded and only one out, the Bobcats were .nnable to score.

Peru's baseball recora soared to 6-2 as the Bobcats completed a clean sweep over both St. Benedicts March 28th, and Wisconsin State (Superior) April 1st.

John Simon was on the mound in the St. Benedict's struggle, coming out the winning pitcher, 8-5. In the nightcap, froSh Duane Martin hurled a three-hit shutout, 4-0.

Martin came right back against Wisconsin in the opener, winning 8-7 to up his record to 2-

1. Gale Bly extended the clubs' winning string lo four as he came on in relief to l'(!Jide his teammates to a 13-9 victory.

Steve Tisher blasted four home runs and drove in 11 runs

as John l<'. Kennedy College romped over Peru in baseball 110l 15-7, Tuesday April nth at Peru.

The wins raised Kennedy's record to 5-8, while Peru fell to 64.

2-4 record ends season

The Peru State Womens' basketball team, coached by Steve Miller and sponsored by Miss Bonnie Rutz, closed the season with a record of 2-4. Defeats and victories were as follo\1s:

The meet was sponsored by the Physical Education Department and directed by Coach Harlan Krein. Under the direction of Krein in the last three years the meet has grown from 250 to 1400 participants last year. This year proved to be even larger with over 2000 athletes competing from Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Missouri high schools.

44 1-2


Gretna 24

Nebraska City 22 1-2

Omaha Gross 20 1-2

Villisca 18

Plattsmouth 17

Syracuse 16

Omaha Westside 11 1-2

Falls City 9

The Student Center announced .that Dr. Jam Todd, coordinator of the state colleges, Ward member of the Board Trustees, Henry I. Fr president of the Boar Trustees and Senators Wilste and Cal Carsten will campus Tuesday, April for a rap session with the st' body on "The Future of P Coffee will be served · Fine Arts Mall at 7:00 wi session being held in the Arts Auditorium. The sessi being sponsored by the St Center Board Public Rela Committee.

Mr Reesman and Mrs are looking forward to ticipating in the rap session. hope that a large number students will be available for discussion. ··

Senior Recitals To Be Give

Mr John W. Brooks, a Senior at Peru State College will present his Senior Recital, Sunday, April 16 at 3 p.m. in the Benford Recital Hall in the Fine Arts Building.



Members of. the team for the 71·72 season were Rita l3os1111evac, Mary t;OJen, Theresa Ewalt, Jody Fichter, Mary Goergen, Carol Lang, Kathy Matthews, Pat Prose, Melissa Ross, Kris Rotter, and Karen Sell.

Senior members of the team were Kathy Matthews and Karen Sell.



Mr Rodney Bruce Alberts, present his Senior Reci preforming with the t Sunday, April 30, 1972 at P.M. in the Bedford Recital of the Jindra Fine Arts Ce I Free 0

Proud/) sponsors: ficso I 1fl1

The Gosrx: I r/ccord in +o

m. rrJonda:J

Apr1 I I'/

F rep Pre ent Be1 prop1 staffi amou :elimi _posit acadE Schoc res po instr rec on wher1 with instn ThE recon 'prese Sumr Engli dose 1972 !vacat by 11 profE grant withe acad( the l' ThE also folio· mem end o on or .these statu writi1 ThE Oral: held Kans; In K atten1 Lin Mann Miss Eac readi critic: tenda know1 attern Matti text be Jean

1972 TENNIS SCHEDU April 24 (Away) Neb Wesleyan
May 1
April 27 (Away) Western
(Away) Neb Wesleyan May 3 (Away> Western Adams
Millard 18 18 16
Junior High (Girls) Fremont-Mills Plattview Southeast 32 Z1 -21, Norris Palmyra Odell Carson-Macedonia Tecumseh Weeping Water NewMarket Plattsmouth Milligan
Beatrice 31 New Market 24 Tecumseh 18 2-3 Gretna 15 2-3 Fairbury 12 1-2 Syracuse 11 1-2 Highland '11 Palmfra 11 Carson-Macedonia '10 1-6 Nemaha 9 Platteview 8 1-6 Millard 6 1-2 Table Rock 5 Norris 4 2-3 Southeast 4 1-2 Falls City 4 1-6 Douglas 4 North Bend 4 Symore Southern 3 1-2 Weeping Water 3.
Peru 32 Kearney 44 Peru 21 Maryville 68 Peru 34 Tarkio 41 Peru 48 Tarkio 39 Peru 45 Ia. Western 15 Peru Graceland 47 The team held a record of 10-1 in the 69-70 season and finished 19 in 70-71.
Grimes - andBilly 'Green' Bush •
m1n1sfr(CS 1n J-J5ix:f{d1Jc
1206 J Street Auburn, Nebraska 274-3410
I _ _,

Peru Pedagogian

Students react at Rap Session

Professional Staff Reductions

, Because of re_duced propriations for instructional staffing positions and dollar amounts it is necessary to five instructional positions for the 1972-73 academic year. The Deans of the Schools were charged with the responsibility of reviewing the instructional program and recommending to the President where staff cuts could be made with the least damage to the instructional program.

The Deans of the Schools have :recommended that the position \presently occupied by Mr Silas Summers, associate professor of !English, who will retire as of the dose of the second term of the !1972 summer session, be lvacated. The position occupied by Mr Don Cattle, assistant professor of industrial arts, granted a leave of absence 'without pay for the 1972-73 .academic year, not be filled for the 1972-73 academic year.

The Deans of Schools have also recommended that the following professional staff members be terminated at the 'end of the 1971-72 academic year on or about May 26, 1972. All of ithese men are on probationary '.status and were advised, in writing, prior to December 15,

1971, that their status on the staff would be delayed until after passage of the budget bill.

Dr. Balwant Singh, associate professor of educational psychology

Mr Roger Salmela, instructor of history

Mr Harlan Krein, assistant professor of physical education.

The Board is advised the , above decisions and recommendations are the result of many hours of conferences and deliberations. Every possible alternative was discussed and The impact of these professional staff reductions seem to be the least damaging to the mission of the college. Other members of the Schools affecged and the Deans of the Schools will need to absorb some of the assignment of those terminated. The Deans of the Schools are willing to accept their responsibilities to make the internal adjustments necessary to provide an adequate program for students enrolled in the departments under their supervision.

• It is therefore respectfully recommended the employment of Dr. Singh, Mr Salmela and Mr Krein be terminated as of May 26, 1972.

s d- f ff d F f

The rap session with Senator Irving Wilste, Dr. James Todd, Mr Ward Reesman, and Mr J. Alan Cramer, was well attended by students and faculty Tuesday night, April 17. Since a smaller crowd was anticipated, the group had to be moved from the Fine Arts auditorium to the College Auditorium. The main topics of the session were, the.· future of a vocation-technical program at Peru State, the future of Peru State in general, how the next President of the College will be chosen, and what policy changes can be expected concerning dormitory regulations and student conduct rules.

The four members of the panel· each gave information and their opinions on the above points. They agreed that they have been promoting the idea of a two year vocational-technical program at Peru.

Although being a novice on the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges, Mr Ward Reesman feels that educational institutions are loaded down with too much administration.

'rue third in a series of "rap sessions," held Tuesday night on the campus, proved to be the __ _ , _ most exciting. Those on the

• ·-

tu en s a en es

The first annual Flint Hills Oral Interpretation Festival was held April 13, 14, and 15 at Kansas State Teacher,s College·

In Emporia. Those from PSC attending were Julee Tillman, Lin Dee. Raymond, DeVoe Manning, John Thomas, and Miss Wreatha Hicks. Each student took a prepared reading and presented it before critics from colleges in attendance and three nationally known authors. The authors in attendance were: Alethea Smith Mattingly, author of several textbooks on oral interpretation, Jean Stafford. contributor to




panel included Dr. James E.

lVB Todd executive officer of board of trustees, Ward Reesman and

several national magazines and collections of short stores, Jonathan Strong, who has had many short stories and a novel published, has won many literary awards, and contributes to many magazines including Esquire.

All the student in attendance were given the chance to talk to the authors informally.

Twenty-one schools from Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, and North Dakota were represented.

:;;;n0o7a'k;'t Voter Registration

Ed 250, Foundations of t Education, during the sumt mer session, sh?uld plan to f A registration drive will an observation ma school this t be held m the Student Center, A spring. For further Wednesday, April 26 between 9 ' formation and observant10n & a.m. and 1 p.m. Peru State f blanks, see Mr Johnson in ' College Students for McGovern AD307. A arc sponsoring the event and f H.W. Johnson ' urges all students to register and • l cxccrcise their right to vote. I

J. Allen Cramer, members of the board of Trustees, and Irving Wiltse, area representitive for the Nebraska Unicameral.

The discussion, first scheduled for the Fine Arts Audtiroium, had to be moved to the College Auditium by 7:20 due to an overflow crowd. The program began as the past two had, with orderly questions and answers. However, when Jinx Dettmann took the floor to voice her opposition over_ the release of three nfkmbers of the faculty, near pah,damonium broke out among the students,, showing their opposition to the releases. Dr. Todd, in reply, told the crowd of more than 300 they had raised t'he' budg-et for Peru State uy aoout $50,000, not decreased 1t as Dr. Goman had claimed, which resulted in the faculty cut of five.

Jim Pearson added to the tension when he asked how a school could operate to its fullest capacity with an

Dr. Todd commented that it is necessary to confront the issue recommendations of developing Peru State into a penal complex, developing it into a strictly teacher-«lucation program, or the present program.

Mr J. Alan Cramer, feels that the "product of Peru" is in great demand and also Peru might be aole to expand in associative arts.

At the last session of the legislature, there was discussion to find a way to use facilities at Peru and Chadron which would work with the technical system.

Various questions were raised as to where the increased budget money was being_ spent, why the money alloted to the three retiring instructors could not be used to keep the three instructors which have recently been released, arid who made these decisions. Many questions asked by students and faculty were felt to have been left unanswered.

There is a discrepancy as to whether Peru's 1972-1973 budget was increased or decreased. One topic which entered into this discussion was that of Dr. Neal S. Gomon's statement that Instructional funds were to be reduced and because of that he -

Daryl J. Obermeyer staffof 17 and a faculty of only 37.

Alarge show of discontent was received from the crowd when Dr. Todd said Peru's budget was increased by 7.4 percent while the budget at Chadron was increased by 12.9 percent, Kearney 11.l percent and Wayne 'received a 11.0 percent budget increase.

As the heat developed it was nearly impossible for narrator Bob Bowen to keep the meeting from breaking into a free-for-all.

As the large inconsistencies continued to develop between the claims of the administration, and the Board of Trustees over the release of the instructors, a


number of students asked that Coach Harlan Krein be given the floor to give a talk concerning his release, receiving a standing ovation as he did. At that time a group of students presented a petition with more than 400 names on it asking that Coach

recommended the changes m staff.

Dr. Todd agreed, to a reporters question after the meeting, that had anyone examined the situation, they would have seen that Dr. Gomon's statement was inaccurate in the light of our receiving a $3,000 increase in the Instructional funds.

Mr Ward Reesman said that he did not realize Dr: Gomon's statement was inaccurate until three days after acting on and accepting the propsal.

Mr Harlan Krein, one of the released faculty members, gave his views on the current He feels that there was premeditation in the selection of faculty cut back. He also requested each dean and selection committee member to personally write down what __ happened during the meeting to clarify two ·confilicting stories. Another meeting will be held to present questions to the President, Deans, and the selection committee members. It was suggested that the next rap session be held within two days, but a date will be announced after President Gomon returns to Peru.

It was expressed by the panel that they hoped they could be in attendence at this meeting.

.Krehl be reinstated. -

Jinx Dettmann demanded another "rap session" be held immediately with the present par.el returning to Peru, and taking the stage with Dr. Goman and the Deans to clear up the gross inconsistancies presented, to which Dr. Shelly and Dr. Smith gave their support.

SGA Elections be May l

The SGA annual elections will' be held May 3 for President and Vice-President. Any student who wishes to be candidate for SGA office must present a member of SGA with a petition bearing the signatures and Social Security Numbers of 50 Peru State College students by April 28. The petitions should be worded as follows: We the undersigned do believe that <Name) should be allowed to be a candidate for (Office Desired). No student who is seeking an office of SGA can present more than one petition.

Board James Board Board be 18-at stii Pe in with session Relati Reci tu 3 Cen
Printed below is the section from President Neal S. Gomon's report dated April 14, to the Board of Trustees which deals with Professional Staff Reductions. This section is printed in its entirety.

After attending the last rap session, there have come to my mind more questions which I feel need to be raised and answered.

1. Who can.obtain a well-rounded education in a particular field when there is but one instructor in the department? This is not meant to discredit the instructors in the art, home economics, or journalism departments, but even they must realize their weaknesses. What can be done with this·situation?

2. Why is the coach with the "winllingest" team not being retained next year? To his credits can be added the very successful High School Invitational Track Meet which he nurtured fJ,'om 250 to nearly 2,000 high school students this year. Also well to mention is a most successful wrestling team, including the placement of one member in the NAIA finals What other coach in the past few years can attest to such accomplishments? He led a strong defensive football team. Had the coach of the offensive team been half as successful, perhaps the records would have been better. Academically, he wrote and enacted the program for a recreational major. Not to be forgotten are the Community services he has rendered. Who is to take his place? I very much doubt if there is another person on the staff that could fulfill their own responsibilities and those of this coach. Is it fair to oust such a person because he has no tenure or are there other reasons? ·

3. How can enrollment climb in an institution where courses are being dropped? The inadequacies of some of the programs must be obvious even to prospective freshmen. The entire academic program must offer students more than just the essentials of accreditation. With an improved cirruiculum, perhaps enrollment would stay constant, if not increase.

4. Is tenure outdated in the modern school system? Should an instructor be employed by our institution beCause he has tenure and basically cannot be fired or should he be employed because of his contributions to education? Not even to be considered for termination were those people with tenure safely tucked away in their little cubby holes. The new professors are the vktimsyet even those who are not the newest were the ones to get the ax.

5. No system of rating teachers is employed by this school in which the students may voice thier opinions. who is better prepared to know who is a good teacher in the classroom - the student who attends classes or some other instructor or member of the college heirarchy who seldom if ever sees a teacher in -. motion? I would strongly recommend that a method of teacher evaluation be initiated at this institution in which students can voice their opinions concerning instructors. Something else which might be considered is a methods course for the instructors of this school. Professional semester students are exposed to effective teaching methods accepted throughout the nation. Yet classroom instructors rarely teach in up-Oated methods. H prospective teachers cannot see these new methods in practice, how can they go out and teach in the public schools when they have had no exposure to the methods other than through reading or movies?

6. There was much talk of splitting a salary between ad: ministrative and instructional budgets on the percentage of time each person spent in each area. I realize that this will consume part of the instructional budget left from retirements and cancellation of contracts, but what is being done with the rest of the administrative budger previously used to pay all of the salary of the administrator who will now teach part time?

7. Do we have an overabundance of administrators and, if so, where can cuts be made?

8. Why do inconsistencies appear between theBoard of Trustees and the administrative body of this college? Dr. Todd of the Board of Trustees said he did not know of any directive sent to the college not to consider tenured faculty for termination yet in talking with Dr. Smith, he assured me that a directive not to consider tenured persons was received. Another more obvious inconsistency was evident in the fact that the •college said that the cuts were bein_g made because of'li budget decrease, yet in reality there was an increase. Who can students believe?

9. I realize the Board of Trustees must rely upon the credibility of our administrators, but due to some of the things which have come to light, I question the credibility of the decisions reached and recommend the Board of Trustees do the same.

The happenings of the past week have upset the atmosphere of tranquility for which this campus is known. In a way this is very good. This is really the first time this year students have actively become involved in an issue of any kind. Yet, at the same time, many people have been hurt. There must be a better method for determining the future of this college. Therefore, I will raise a challenge to the students, faculty, administration, and Board of Trustees to find this method so that the happenings of this spring are not repeated in the future.

Respectfully, JANAXDAHL

"Strawdogs" reviewed

Mathematician Mr Summers (Dustin Hoffman) and his flirtatious wife Amy (Susan George) find themselves 'face to face with a killer who seeks refuge in their British home in Sam Peckinpah's "Strawdogs".

Hoffman, who seeks noninvolvement, eventually turns himself into a super-charged Mighty Mouse getting involved. His over-friendly wife Amy, is the indirect cause of her husband's problems.

Hired hands are fired after the discovery of their housecat hung in a closet. Bitterly, the workmen leave, abandoning their unfinished roofing project. Amy's constant teasing takes its toll, however, when she is raped while her husband has been lured away on a hunting trip. : When a girl is found dead after ·a church social, the killer flees to the young couples home. Her father then decides to take the law into his own hands, while Summers, despite Amy's pleading, refuses to hand him over.

Under a heavy barrage oi window-smashing, Summers gradually grows stronger. Eventually the hoodlums finally enter the house, where our hero manages to kill the invaders. Ironically, through the course of the movie, one finds a slow but _gradual transition of per-

Jiotentially twenty-five million new voters. Almost one new vote for everyone Nixon received in 1968.

So the eighteen-year-old vote can make a difference in this year'e election. But in order to vote you must register.

Carly Simon is a pretty, young (26), rich (her father founded Simon and Schuster publishers), talented <writes her own songs and plays guitar and piano), woman who possesses a voice which sounds like Gracie Slick and Mary Travers (of late Peter, Paul, and Maryl put together.

In her second album, Anticipation 'Elektra-EKS-75016), her talent and voice stand out the most of the above characteristics.

The album begins with the hit · song, "Anticipation", a love song which tells that Carly doesn't believe in worrying about the future of her love life

("So I'll try and see into your eyes right now, and stay right here cause these are the good old days"). Next comes "A Legend In Your Own Time", which tells how mommy tells sonny boy what he's going to be when he grows up.

That's followed by my favorite, "The Girl You Think You See". In this song Carly tells how she'd be anything to please her man, ("I'll be insane, a mathematical brain, you Tarzan-me Jane, to please you"). Can you male chauvinist pigs dig it?

sonalities between Amy and her husband.

This becomes quite apparent in the final scene as Summers is still convinced that the murderer is innocent. As the pair en.ter Summers' car, the murderer confesses, "I don't know my way home," where our hero reelj.es, "that's okay, I don't know mY home either.'.' This might imply to the viewer his indiffetence whi.ch was so prevalent in Amy throughout thr flick.

Students organize for McGovern

An organizational meenng of Peru State College Students for McGovern was held Wednesday night at Jim Bragan's home in Peru. Gordon Werner and Bruce Bergqurst from Nebraska for McGovern helped organize the group. Daryl Obermeyer was selected as chairman, and Joevette Farber as co-chairman of the organization. Contacts for the organization are Carol McCabe of Morgan Hall for the campus and Jim Bragan (872-5495) for the community.

Saturday, April 22, the students as well as a large group of Nebraskans for McGovern are _taking part in a meter caravan

The second side begins with a song about the world coming to an end called "Share The End''. Some parts in it sound corny, but I'm sure you've heard worse. Carly then goes into three more love ballads and ends the album' with Kris Krist!Jfferson's Got To Have You".

Anticipation is a refreshing, new, different S(!und in today!s JlllUsic in which ·ten love songs< are done beautifully. ·

Carole King's last album, ;"Tapestry", won three Grammy Awards and has made at lasf count, sixteen million dollars. You might call that a tough act to follow.

Unfortunately, her new album, "Music" <Ode-SP-77013), will not do as well. But Carole get an A in effort.

· Carole combines the title song, "Music", with hit "Sweet Seasons" and adds a 1964 oldie called "Some Kind Of Wonderful", which she co-authored with Gerry Goffin in their era. During their time together King and Goffin wrote songs that the Beatles and Monkees used when they first started out. So much for trivia.

With some help from James Taylor, "Music" isn't a bad album, but not as good as "Tapestry".

through Southeast Nebraska. The next meeting of the Students: for McGovern will be Tuesday night, April 25 at 7:30 at Jim Bragan's home.

The Pellagogian

preser studer didate upper< Misi class Major Cathy cheer! in del from Mr an Mrs marri1 also n Her educa1 Betty COUilSE in PE club presid Betty' her h1 is E Telep! and l Chicai Dan in bm king. Snyde paren: Ear king major Earl baske Amer Finan the Pro gr Browr Mis: daugh ElmIi junior and i:

Last year, the government finally gave eighteen-year-olds the right to vote. But if this right isn't used propedy it is useless.

If you think it will do nothing to bring about a change in our system, you're wrong.

ln the · 1968 Presidential Election Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey received a grand total of over sixty-two million votes. In this coming Election there are

In Nebraska, the registration deadline for the May 9th Primary Election is Friday, April 28th. Residents in Nemaha County can register at the Auburn Courthouse. Additional information can be found with the Election Commissioner, the County Clerk in the County Seat or at the Auburn Courthouse. No matter what your political beliefs are, or candidate is, vote and show the system they didn't make a misiake by giving us the right to vote.


John Thomas ,.

Robert Wernsman

Steve Long

Chuck Smith

Jerry Steele

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler _ Circulation

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Business Managers

Mr. Everett Browning : Advisor

PAGE 2 Letters to the Editor
Published weekly by tile students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF
- Editor-in"Chief
· · .· .·,.,. ,. ,. .•. ,. ·,.,.,.,.,.
· ,.
..•.• ,. •

Spring _Week 1972

King and Queen Candidates Selected

Spring Week Royalty presented a varied picture of students at PSC. Royalty candidatea are chosen from the upperclassmen.

Miss Cathy Cole is a senior class representative for queen. Majoring in English and Speech, Cathy has also found time to be a cheerleader and participate both in debate and drama. She is from Auburn. Her parents are Mr and Mrs Robert Cole.

Mrs Betty Johnson, the only married candidate this year, also represents the senior class. Her major is elementary education. During the past year, Betty has been active as dorm counselor for Palmer Hall and is in PSEA, the Afro-American club and serves as vicepresident for Student Wives. Betty's home is in Omaha where her husband, Michael J.ohnson, is employed with Bell Telephone. Her parents are Mr and Mrs James Johnson of Chicago, Illinois.

Dan Snyder, a senior majoring in business, is a candidate for king. Mr and Mrs Morris C. Snyder of Pawnee City are his parents.

Earl Brown is the other senim king candidate. Carrying a major in physical education, Earl has been active in basketball, P Club, Afro American Club, " Student Financial Aids Committee, and the Community Action Program. His mother, Mrs Ruth Brown, lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Miss Deborah Ann Elmlinger, daughter of Mr and Mrs H. F. Elmlinger of Huron, Ohio, is the junior class queen candidate. Debby is majoring in English 'and is active in English Club,

Kappa Delta Pi, and Student Center Board.

Rick Black, junior · king candidate, is from Millard. Rick is a history major and is active in wrestling, chorus, and band. His parents are Mr and Mrs Ralph Black.

Miss Kim Fetters, sophomore queen candidate, is majoring in elementary education. Kim has been active in WAA and cheerleading. Last year she served as freshman attendant for Spring Week Royalty. She is a candidate for the Miss Nebraskaland pageant. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Wendell Fetters of Skillman, New Jersey. Steve Krajicek, sophomore king candidafe, is from Papillion. He is majoring in biology and is active in football. His parents are Mr and Mrs Ed Krajicek.

Freshmen ineligible to become king and queen but do serve as attendants. Freshmen attendants are as follow:

Miss Marge Jelinek, daughter of Mr and Mrs Carl Jelinek of Weston, is majoring in elementary education

Miss Mary Weber, daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Weber of Saddle Brook, New Jersey, is an elementary Education major. She is active in PSEA and dramatics.

Miss Carol Orr, daughter of Mr and Mrs Quentein Orr of Lincoln, is majoring ir elementary education.

Miss Theresa Krontz, daughter of Mr and Mrs Krontz of Tecumseh, is also majoring in elementary education. Theresa has served .as freshman class secretary

Davidson-Palmer dorm council representative, as well as being active in Newman Club.

Zane Jansen, son of Mr and Mrs Raymond R. Jansen of Elk Horn, Iowa, is a physical education inajor, active in football.

Paul Farrell, son of Mr and Mrs Donald D. Farrell of Council Bluffs, Iowa, is majoring in architectural engineering. He is active in the Industrial Arts Club and Student Center Board.

Dave Lammie, son of Mr and Mrs Walter Lammie, is a native of Peru. He is majoring in biology. His activities include golf, swimming, and intramural


Robert "Gus" Krajicek followed the footsteps of his older brother, Steve, in being selected as Royalty. Robert has not yet decided upon a major. He has been active in Newman Club, football, and intramural sports. He is the son of Mr and Mrs Ed Krajicek of Papillion.

Spring Week King and Queen will be announced during the first intermission of the Spring Week dance on Sunday, April 23.

Car Rally

All cars that are in running condition qualify for the third annual car rally on Sunday, April 23, to begin at 3:30 p.m. in the I.A. parking lot. All cars must have a licensed driver and a co-pilot. The rally route is not only a test of driving skills but also navigational skills. Directions are simple and must be followed. Total points are determined from time, mileage, and questions asked throughout the rally. Fastest time does not necessarily win, as all speed limits and road conditions must be followed. All students and faculty are invited to enter this event. There is no preregistration. Trophies will be! awarded to both the pilot and copilot of the first and second place cars during the first intermission of the dance that night.

Intramural Track Meet

Monday, April 24, is the date set for the intramural track meet. The meet will be held at the same time as the faculty track meet and is a part of spring week activities.

Classes will be dismissed at 1: 20 on that day. Entry blanks for the men's intramural track meet are available in Mr Stemper's office.

Lawn Concert

A lawn concert will be presented by the Peru State College Concert Wind Ensemble; the Concert Choir; and Catch 12, a small swing group; Thursday, April 27, at 6:30 P.M., as a part of the Spring Week activities.

The Ensemble will be under the direction of Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson. Included on the program is "The Show Boy," by Will Huff; "The Siege of Corinth" By Gioacchina Rossina; "Soul Trumpets," by James D. Ployhar; "Tribute to Bacharach and David"; "Five Mellow Winds," by David Schanki; and "Black Magic Woman," by Pete Green.

The Choir under the direction of Mr Edward Camealy will present several numbers from .the musical "How The West Was Won," Catch 12, which will be directed by Student Choir President, Karen Ramsey, will perform four contemporary numbers.

The three groups will present their respective programs in a second lawn concert on Thursday May 4, at 6:30 P.M.

AChildren's Play

Ransom of Red Chief, a children's play, by 0. Henry has been adapted by Sue Torczon for presentation at three elementary schools in this area.

Four fifth graders from Peru Elementary have parts in the play. They are: Jerry Whisler, who plays Red Chief, Steve Lotter, Mark McKercher, and Julian Boucher. Mike Kelly and Ted Sheely are the villians. The rest of the cast includes, Cindi Anderson, Annice Utecht, Patty McLaughlin, and Mary Weber. The play will be presented at Peru Elementary Friday, April 21, at Nebraska City Thursday, April 27, and Pawnee City Friday, April 28.

D King and Queen Candidates, Upperclassmen L to R, Betty Johnson, Deb Elmlinger, Kim Fetters, anny Snyder, Earl Brown, Steve Krajicek, <Rick Black and Cathy Cole not pictured) Freshmen Attendants L to R. Carol Orr, Mary Weber, Marg Jelinek, Theresa Krontz. Paul Farrell, Zane Jansen, Robert Krajicek, Dave Lammie.

Spring Week 1972


Sunday, April 23




Mac Davis doesn't write songs - he "paints" them.

The songs he paints in the listener's mind are the soul and the atmosphere of life which the 29-year-old songwriter-singer out of Lubbock, Texas, by way of Atlanta, Ga., has experienced. His songs exhibit the rich dynamics of pop while reflecting the touch o(a country poet. And, he's blessed with a voice most songwriters can't match. Recognition as a songwriter has been slow in coming due to hispractical use of aliases. He is just now writing under his own name. Heretofore, to avoid confusion with another songwriter, Davis wrote under , the names of Scott Davis (his son) and Mac Scott Davis. "But now," he says, "I want to be known by my own name."

His musical track record is nothing less than phenomenal. Mac's recent songwriting credits include three hits for Elvis Presley ("Memories," "In The Ghetto," "Don't Cry Daddy"), a pair of hits for O.C. Smith ("Friend, Lover, Woman, Wife" and "Daddy's Little Man"), "Something's Burning" for Kenny Rogers and The First Edition and "Watching Scotty Grow" for Bobby Goldsboro. Mac's song "I Believe in Music" has been used for ntimerous TV shows and themes and has been recorded by many top artists. Among the singers who have reprised his songs are Sammy Davis, Glen Campbell, Andy Williams, Lou Rawls and The Lettermen.

In addition, Mac wrote special numbers for Presley's first television special, as well as for two of his motion picutres. He was also set by producer Hal Wallis to l'rP.lltP. fivP fnr

Paramount's "Norwood," starring Glen Campbell.

Mac has a strong feel for country-flavored music, which can be traced back to his boyhood days in Lubbock and on his uncle's west Texas ranch. He refers to it as "just growin" up with certain roots. Like many of today's vocalists, his first training came while singing in a church choir.

Yet Davis' development as a songwriter and performer didn't really begin until after he .had graduated from high school. While working during the day for the Georgia State Board of Probation and studying at night at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Mac somehow managed to find the time to form his own band. Hitting the fraternity trail from Alabama to the Carolinas to Florida, he was also writing songs and composing melodies by ear.

However, at the age of 20, Davis decided to give up "running gigs with my rock 'n' roll band around the South because I had this image of being a rock 'n' roff singer at the age of 35, trying to make a buck."

After· establishing branches from New Orleans to Miami, Davis was dispatched to Hollywood to head Metric Music, Liberty's music publishing operation. While at Metric, he wrote two songs that launched him into recognition within the industry: "Your're Good For Me," recorded by Lou Rawls, and Glen Campbell's "Within My Memory," _

That.was only in 1968, and Mac Davis has been ascending ever since. He has refined his craftsmanship as a songwriter to the nnint

F. A. Mall Tea 1-4 p.m.

I. A. Parking Lot



Theme: The 'Fifties 8 p.in. (dress accordingly) Coronation of King and Queen Announcement of Car Rally winner Music by "The Young Raiders"

Monday, April 24


Faculty, Administration, and Intramural. Oak Bowl, 2 p.m classes dismissed at 1: 30

PICNIC (meal ticket students only) Oak Bowl 5 p.m.

MOVIE: M+A+S+H College Auditorium 7 p.m.

Tuesday, April 25


Practice Field 4-5:30 p.m.

HOME EC STYLE SHOW College Auditorium, 8 p.m.

Wednesday, April 26

CARNIVAL Gym Parking Lot 3-6 p.m.

DRAMATIC PRESENTATIONS College Auditorium, 8 p.m.

artists and network programmers are clamoring for his material.

One of the factors contributing to his success is the inherent subtlety of his songs. Instead of bitter rhetoric or strong protest, the Mac Davis lyrics are "eyeopeners," as he calls them, exemplified by "In The Ghetto."

And now comes his first Columbia album, "Mac Davis: Song Painter," (in which he both creates and interprets the music), complete with three gold records, plus appearances on virtually every major TV show, nightclub engagements, and extensive college concert tours.

Now Davis no longer has to worry about getting his name confused with anyone else's. At 29, relatively middle-aged in the music business, he's up and over, a performer in his own write.

Art Exhibit

Sunday, April 23, will feature a student art show in the Fine Arts Mall. On Monday, April 24, the Brownville School of Art, will present a four-man show in the Mall. Those featured in the show are James Brown, pottery; Chauncey Nelson. batiks and paintings; Gary' Downing, photography; and Thomas Palmerton, paintings. All of the artists in the snow are instructors at the Brownville School of Art. Wednesday evening, April 26, 7: 30 there will be an informal session with the students in the Fine Arts building conducted by Mr Palmerton. The show will close

Thursday, April 27


F. A. Lawn 6:30 p.m.

CONCERT: MAC DAVIS College Auditorium, 8 p.m. ·

Friday, April 28

TRASH OF THE THIRTIES College Auditorium 8 p.m.

Thr1 right) andQ Tra! hilaric has nE and c invadE perfor 28, a audito transf, gaudy palacE spect: show. The trava; vaude· killed comec the ve the t audier The Cererr. LaRuE roman of Cas covet1 Salesn Aware chestr tempo and hi well musca virtua effect! they re lookin; spec ta of W01 is "!\ Spani whow rubyr shape1 Miss I dancir of all

n....... ....,,,•.

Trash of the Thirties, the hilarious comedy concert that has nearly thrilled all America, and certain parts of Canada, invades PSC for one mad-cap performance on Friday, April 28, at 8:00 p.m. College auditorium will be magically transformed into a fabulously gaudy movie and vaudeville palace of the 1930's for this spectacular high-camp stage show.

The show is a satirical extravaganza of the 1930's vaudeville shows - the kind that killed vaudeville. The live comedy production also features the very trashiest "B" flicks of the thirties, plus hilarious audience participation contests.

The evening's Master of Ceremonies will be Mr RaMonde LaRue, a slick· smoothie whose romantic voice, with just a hint of Castilian lisp, earned him the coveted "Best Used Car Salesman in Greater Toledo" Award in 1935. From the orchestra pit emanate the uptempo sounds of Simon Touche and his Syncopated Fools as well as the. odor of cheap muscatel. The stage design is a virtual orgy of old-time lighting effects left over from the night they raided Minsky's with seedylooking potted palms, and the spectacular giant "Silver Screen of Wonders."

Headlining the live stage show is "Miss Delores Del Vino, Spanish Songbird Supreme," who was born with a song on her ruby red lips and a perfect heartshaped beauty mole on her chin. Miss Del Vino will be singing and dancing her way into the hearts of all. as she is the "Gypsy



The carnival comes to carnpu8 on Wednesday from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. All activities will be held in the parking lot behind gymnasium. The infamous dunking tank has returned again, the names of the dunkees are being withheld from publication to protect these people. Come and find out who they are. Goodies will be provided by the Davidson-Palmer girls at a bakesale. Free to all is the movie to be shown by Circle K. Many other booths are to be set up. Come to the ftree-shaded lot and have fun while supportin gyour favorite organization. Nominal fees are charged by each club to participants in their activities.

Fashion Show

Want to get in on the latest fashions? Plan to attend the Home Economics Style Show, Tuesday, April 25, 1972, during Spring Week, at 8:00 p.m. in the College Auditorium.

The theme this year is the "Wonderful World of Fashion."

The style show is put on by the girls in Home Economics Class, Sewing and Clothing Department, and their sponsor Miss Hovey. ·

Europe." An extra added surprise will be the astounding · performance of "Mr. Swami Mindman, Master of the Mysterious," also known as "Hokus-Pokus to the Crowned·' Heads of Europe." His daring feats of mental agility and supernatural wizardry thrilled an entire tribe of Australian dwarf cannibals in 1934. (His last successful appearance.))

Also appearing in Trash of the Thirties! will be the amazing "Madame Belladonna, Serbian Cannonball Artiste and Bullet to the Crowned Heads of Europe." All her audiences get a big bang · out of Madame. ·

From gay New Orleans come the featured performers "The Juggling Jubilee Sisters: Cherries & Marie. .former Pinboys to the Bowling Alleys of 1the Crowned Heads of Europe. "1 This famed vaudeville sister acr has been affected only slightly · by the death of Marie. C)lerries' pretty sister, in 1939. Also featured in this virtual salvo of second-rate celebrities will be "Mr and Mrs Roller SkatesBall-Bearings to the Crowned Heads of Europe."

Among the exciting film segments in Trash of the Thirties! will be the adrenalinp rod u c in g "Whispering Shadow" serial chapter starring Bela Lugosi 1933 adventure serial with an involved plot concerning the missing jewels of the Czar and the mysterious radio .death-ray!

Throughout the concert, surprise audience participation contests occur. There will be a recreation of the thrilling "Dish0-Rama," the "Tumbling_

the Crowned Heads of Europe! Mr. Swami Mindman, Mindreader to the Crowned Heads of Europe and recently-escaped mentalist! All will appear live on stage in person in "Trash of the Thirties! "

Fate" prize drawing for riches. unimagined, a simulated Marathon· Dance Contest, Mr Quiz-Master Time, and other absorbing features too numerous to even tnink about.

The titillating climax of the evening occurs when the entire audience joins in a rowdy madcap celebration of New Year's Eve 1934, complete with gala hats, horns, streamers, and other goodies distributed to the audience gratis (yes-free!) courtesy of the management.

Although Trash of the Thir· ties! was originally conceived as a half-time entertainment to be performed during a lunch break in the Scopes-Monkey Trail .it has risen above its original concept to become one of the top college comedy concerts in the land (however, the "Land" happens to be Armenia). Among the recent critical raves of the show have been

"It runs the gamut of entertainment from A to B!"

"On our campus, where the entertainment program is like an empty table - our kids gorged themselves on Trash, stuffed themselves with giggles, and gagged on their own tongues!"

"I'm not a drug addict, a sadomasochist, or a nitwit, but somehow I enjoyed this Trash of the Thirties! "

Movie "M*A*S*H"

Hailed as "the best American war comedy since sound came in, "M+A+S+H,'' 20th Century-Fox's irreverent look at war, opens on April 25 at the Peru State College auditorium. Donald Sutherland, Elliott Gould and Tom Skerritt star in the production.

The three stars are army surgeons who develope a lunatic life-style in order to function and keep their sanity amid the everyday horrors encountered in a mobile army surgical hospital (M+A+S+Hl during the Korean War. They are skilled and dedicated in their profession, but they are equally skilled in making a shambles of army·bureaucracy.

Lots of planning has gone into the preparation Of the show. The girls will be modeling clothes they have made during the year. There will be tws> intermissions, in which slides of Paris fashions, and future fashions will be. shown. The girls will also model old dresses, borrowed from Brownville. The second in· termission will entertain you, as the "Cathch 22 Scene" will perform.

Trivia Games

Let down your hair and come and have fun at th Trivia Games, Tuesday from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the practive field behind the Education Building. To cure those pre-supper hunger pains, the pie-eating contest is sure to be popular. For those who need to build an appetite, ther is the sack race, peanut roll, 3-legged race, and wheel barrel race. Many other events are scheduled including a super water balloon battle and, if there is wnd, a kite flying contest. All students are urged to attend, if not participants, as spectators. There is no prereeistration.

Track Meet Picnic


In keeping with this ex-· travaganza of cheap thrills and false glamour - the tickets are also cheap. (Free for P.S.C. Students with ID's, $1.00 for · escorted guests, $2.00 for general public. Because of the startling climax of this comedy concert, no one will be seated

Among the other players who share or are victims of their antics at the Army base are Sally Kellerman, the rigidly strict head nurse whom they transform into a warm human being; Robert Duvall, the overly pious major; Jo Ann Pflug, another nurse, succinctly described as "the sexiest in military history"; and Rene Aberjonois, the compassionate chaplain.

Nine professional football stars turn actors for the first time in a wild football sequence which figures prominently in

Monday is the official college "Play Day" with all segments of the college participating in the Faculty, Girls, and Intramural Track Meet. All classes will be <iismissed after 1:20 p.m., e\ ents scheduled to begin in the Oak Bowl at 2:00 p.m. In the faculty divison, speedy Mr Kruse and athletic Mr Krein will be competing for top honors. Students will select their favqrite athlete as "Athlete of the-Year." An award will also be given for the "Outstanding Athlete" based on point accumulation.

A picnic is scheduled for 5 p.m., also in the Oak Bowl. Those students holding meal tickets must present them. All other persons are invited to the picnic but must pay the evening ..;,.

Three featured stars of "Trash of the Thirties!" - (left to right> Dr. Cuthbert Blensby, International Master of Disguise and Quick-Change Artiste!, Delores Del Vino, Gypsy Canary to
""'-11" A IC I U" PAGE 5

Salute to Arbor Day

R. E. Wernsman

TREES help supply oxygen we need to breathe. Yearly each acre of young trees can produce enough oxygen to keep 18 people alive TREES help keep our air supply fresh by using up carbon dioxide that we exhale and that factories and engines emit. .l'REES provide food for birds and wild animals .TREES lower air temperatures by enlisting the sun's energy to evaporate water in the leaves .TREES slow down forceful winds TREES camouflage harsh scenery and unsightly city dumps, auto graveyards, and mine sites TREES leaves break the onslaught of pelting raindrops on the soil surface and give the soil a chance to soak up water AND TREES provide for America's economic growth and stability.

Lately man has shown concern for the future of Mother Earth. He has expressed concern that his own existence may be threatened by breathing noxious air, listening to earsplitting noise, ilrinking foul water, anviewing graceless landscapes.

In the midst of the environmental uproar, the TREE stands by - like a faithful watchdog - dispensing lifegiving benefits and lives onlike a silent lapdog - taken for granted, and yet one of man's best friends.

One of the first men to make a concentrated effort at planting trees, was Julius Sterling Morton. Born on April 22, 1823 J. Sterling Morton attended the Universtiy of Michigan in 1850. He received an honorary Bachelor of Arts degree from Union College in Schenectady, New York.

Agriculture became an important part of Morton's life in 1855 when the soil on his farm just west of 'Nebraska City was first broken: Consideration for his farm occupied much of his time. He began beautifying the prairie land by planting all types and varieties of fruit and forest trees, experimenting to find out

which varieties would do best in the soil and climate of Nebraska.

Morton's endeavors to spread agricultural information and promote agriculture advancement was even more outstanding in the service of pioneer agriculture than his work on his farm.

As an editor, Morton was a persistent advocate of an improved agriculture. In 1871, in the dedicatory address delivered .at the opening of the University of Nebraska, Morton told his audience, "One of the grandest of material labors i the reduction of untried lands to tillage."

On January 4 of the next year, Morton offered the following resolution to the State Board of Agriculture-:

Resolved, That Wednesday, the 10th day of April, 1872 be, and the same is hereby, especially set apart and· consecrated for tree planting in the State of· Nebraska, and the State Board of AAgriculture hereby name it Arbor Day; and to urge upon the people of the State the vital importance of tree planting, hereby offer a special premium of one hundred dollars to the agricultural society of that county in Nebnfska which shall, upon that day plant properly the largest numer of tree; and a farm library of twenty-five dollars' worth of books to that person who, on that ·day, shall plant properly, in Nebraska, the greatest number of trees.

The resolution was adopted unanimously. Arbor Day thus began as another effort to encourage tree planting in barren Nebraska.

After Morton's death in 1902, the Nebraska legislature changed the date of Arbor Day to his birthday on April 22, and made it a legal holiday.

And, that is why, during next week, the State of Nebraska, along with the nation, will celebrate the lOOth birthday of Nebraska's own creation, ARBOR DAY.

Dissatisfaction with Dorms expressed

Luvenia Sanders' disatisfaction with the restrictions of dorm life sound like all other typical PSC dorm complaints, "For quiet hours they yell like we're in an army concentration camp," and "This signing in and out at the desk is like something from the 18th century."

The comments sound familiar but Mrs is not a typical: run of the mill, dorm living student. Her first experience


Mrs Sanders has some very modern ideas about dorm life. "The hours and no-hours systems are not very fair in these modern times, this police type of supervision is not ' necessary. By giving students more freedom, they can accept responsibility and there would be no need for housemothers, floor counselors, would be enough."

Mrs Sanders also feels that the rwe ot segregating ·the boys from the girls' dorm is reinforcing a negative instead of a positive attitude. She also stated that people are afraid of antisocial kinds of activities, such as pre-marital sex, drinking, and drugs, concerning open visitation. The statistics from other schools that have open visitation show no higher rate of these things going on.

"The quiet hours are very unrealistic, there must be a better syste"' cc,mmented Mrs Sanders, "Youth should have as much fun as they can."

Mrs Sanders definitely fee1s that living in a youth oriented environment ·has given her a different outlook on her own children. "In a sense all rules that are set up for them are not always to their credit. They should be given a greater responsibility for their conduct without surveylance of adult supervision." She has two boys, ages 16 and 18.

Mrs Sanders will be sidered a senior at the end of. the summer. Her major is in Early Childhood Education, w!iich was brought to Peru because of the Head Start Program. She· will come back to Peru as a regular student in the fall and will graduate in June.

Other colleges Mrs Sanders has attended are Arkansas Baptist College in 1944, '45, and '47, UNO in 1951 and '52, the Head Start Program at Peru in the Spring and fall of 1968, Highland University, Highland, New Mexico in the summer of 1969, and last summer she attended the University of Utah in Salt ·Lake City, Utah, for a two week program.


with dorm life was in 1944 when she lived in a house, similar to a dorm, about a block away from the school she attended, the Arkansas Baptist College.

The next try at dorm life for Mrs Sanders was in 1968 when she lived in the PSC complex while she attended a Head Start Program at Peru. Mrs Sanders retumed to Peru this semester, and has made a temporary home on the second floor of Morgan Hall.

Students hear Rabbi Weinstei

Judaism and Its Contemporary Literature· was the topic of a talk by Rabbi Barry L. Weinstein, on Wed., April 19 during convocation.

About forty students and faculty members attended the meeting sponsored by the Language Arts Department in connection with their enrichment program.

Rabbi Weinstein first gave a sketch of Jewish history so the audience would be better able to understand statements made in "Soul on Fire" by Elie Wiesel. "Souls on Fire" was the book most often referred to during the discussion.

It had been asked of Rabbi Weinstein if the book "The Source'', was a true account of Jewish existence. About this he

said, "no one book can give accurate portrayal of what like being Jewish."

When speaking about "So pn Fire," Rabbi Weinstein that while reading the book, 1things were obvious. One w that the Jewish bondage is theme continually encounte with Wiesel, and that Je · bondage is a theme continu encourtered with Wiesel, Jewish education is also Ii ;with the religion, saying that 'role of knowledge will always critical.

In concluding, Rabbi W stein said that the mess Weisel is giving through his is about the question, how do love God? and the response receives via the book, "to lo _man."

Sunday thru Wednesday

April 23-24-25-26

Ruth Gordon ""' Bud Cort in HAROLD AND MAUDE

1206 J Street
Auburn, Nebraska 274-3410
11 IT
Barber Shop 1110 J Kawasaki KEN'S IGA KEN JOHNSON GROCERIES - MEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES P•u,,Nebraska Phone sn-6355 BANK OF PERU Phone sn-3335 Member of F.D.l.C. Invites PSC students · to open Checking and Savings Accounts ' Then •student:
Coulter's Cycle Shop & Sportsman's

lstein give an it's "Souls said two wa8 is a encountered Jewish continually and linked. the always be Weinmessage book you he love

Sightseers Few ; Sights Numerous

The Hills of Peru have been written and talked about ever since the first settler set foot on the beautiful landscape. From that time there have been thousands of students who have also appreciated the countryside's picturesque scenery. This legendary landscape offers many a foothiker the opportunity to see the land first hand.

South of Peru, cutting across the town's dump road, are railroad tracks that will take anyone who is willing to walk a mile or two to cliffs along the ·Missouri. These cliffs look out over country side with initials carved in them from lovers back to 1889.

Margie and Johnny, 1889, probably were on a picnic one day when they came these cliffs and Johnny decided to leave their mark for history, which is what he did, for now the once sandstone is almost a hard. stone. But before the cliffs turned to stone Margie and Johnny were joined by hundreds pf other lovers up to about 1932.

country, but for those that did, and for those that do now, its a memorable occasion.

It gives anyone who sees the cliffs a real feeling of Peru's · long history, and to the many students who have come before to the campus of a Thousand Oaks to study and enrich their lives.

Anyone who still has the energy can see another, an. but lost sight, a hermit's house. This relic of the twentieth century is just beyond the cliffs, set back in the woods.

There is a path leading to it, off the railroad tracks, whfch has a stone bridge crossing a ' brook. The hermit comes to town once a year for supplies and the rest of the year lives in the hills overlooking the Missouri. There were rumors that the old man might shoot at anyone who approaches his house, and from those first stories no one has ever gone near the hermit$ · house. The best way to get. ·a Jook at this relic is at a distance.

i Then cars came and fewer i Stone Hill is another at-: ;students took those walks to the ' traction, the highest point in:

Nemaha County, which is a long climb from the 'tracks just beyond the hermit's house.

There have been some people who took in all three attractions in one afternoon, but it's a long walk.

Stone Hill overN>oks the Missouri River and across the river, Iowa, spans for as far as your eye can see.

Peru's country is a beautiful and often times an unappreciated rarity in today's world of pollution. It offers any sightseer all that he and or she could hope for. The next spring day, take a hike and see why people from all over the coµntry have written and talked so much about the Hill's of Peru.

Student Wives Plan Picnic

Student wives will hold their annual picnic on Sunday, April· 23 at 1:00 p.m. at Coryll Park near Brock. All members who wiSh to attend but who have not signed to bring food should contact Becky Davis. All members are also reminded that the next regular meeting will be held on May 1 instead of April 24.

Peru State Hosts Nebraska· Writers

"Writing for the Now Generation" is the popic to be discussed by the panel of Florence Summers, Norma Shirch, and Wayne C. Lee, at the annual spring meeting of the Nebraska Writers Guild.

The meeting will be held on Saturday, April· 22, in the Fine A,rts Auditorium on the Peru State College Campus. The meeting begins at 9:30 a.m., and at 10:00 a.m. the panel will take over.

Florence Summers, wife of Silas E. Summers, Associate Professor of English at Peru State College, holds diplomas and. degrees from Drake University, University of Kansas, and the University of Wisconsin. She has had several years of experience performing as a feature writer and area correspondent.

Norma Shirch has had two of her books published for children. Several of her short stories have appeared in various children's magazines. She also writes curriculum work for the Lutheran Church on all levels.

Wayne C. Lee writes each morning from 5:30 to 11: 30 The result from this daily re_g1men has been 500 short stories, 28 books, some having been

reprinted in five foreign countires.

At 11 :00 a.m. Marion Marsh Brown will present "You Can, Too Go Home." Mrs Brown, having grown up on a farm near Brownville, Nebraska, used that setting for two of her books, Stuart's Land and Marnie. She has published eight books independently and two more in collaboration with Dr. Ruth Crone. Her artieles and short stories have apj)Cllred in both juvenile and adult publications. Four years ago she resigned as Professor of English at the University of Nebraska at Omaha to devote full time to writing.

A luncheon and business meeting will follow. Luncheon tickets are $2.25 (including tip and tax).

Dr. Ralph M Wardle will then present "But It's Fun To Go Abroad Too." Dr. Wardle, a U. S. Foundation Professor of English, has been an instructor at the University at Omaha·ror 26 years.

The meeting will be concluded at 4:00 p.m. with a tour of Brownville.

Guests and current members are welcome, but will be asked to pay a $1.00 fee at registration.

Monday, April 24

·RIDAY, 21,
givesa· J 20th Century fo1 preienls 111\:S·ll Starring DONALD SUTHERLAND· ELLIOT GOULD· TOM SKERRITT Co-Starring SALLY KELLERMAN· ROBERT DUVALL· JO ANN PFlUG • RENE AUBERJONOIS College Auditorium 7:00 P.M.

Waters elected to Hall of Fame

Ray Waters has been selected as a member to the Hall of Fame for the 1972 edition of "Outstanding College Athletes of America", an annual awards volume published to honor the nation's finest college athletes, The volume will be published in July. Waters, a 5-8, 180 lb. senior from Mineola High School in Williston Park, New York, proved to be a very dependable defensive end ofr the Bobcats.

The - other three making Honorable Mention were brother John Waters, a junior, fellow junior John Winkel, and sophomore Tom Froehlich.

Slightly larger than his big brother, John Waters stands at 5-10, 183 lbs. At Mineola, he was named to the All-North Shore and all-division teams. He performed as linebacker and guard this past season.

John Winkel, a 6--0, 175 lb. junior end from Whittemore, Iowa, served as co-captain for the 1971 Bobcats. At Garrigan High School, John lettered three years in (Qotball, two in basketball, three in track and three in baseball. As a gridder there, he received all-state honorable mention.

Sophomore Tom Froehlich also played his prep football at Garrigan where he was a threesport letterman. The 5-11 175pounder is a scholar-athlete, having made the dean's honor roll as a freshman.

Peru splits with Kearney

A six-run uprising in the first inning gave Gale Bly, a junior from Elgin, Nebraska, an early lead as his teammates collected 15 hits. Terry. Criger, slammed a homer in the seventh· as Peru tallied their final five runs, Last year, the Bobcats also split with the Antelopes, dropping the opener 4-8, Winning the second, 9-6.

Second Game: Kearney , 000 10 1 2 2 5 Peru · 6ZO uuo 5 13 15 2

Through ten games, Dan Jeanneret is 12-29 for a .414 ·batting average to lead the Bobcats in hitting. Gale Bly has gone 2-4 in that period for a .500 average, but has appeared in only four of those games.

Four players are hitting above .300. They are catcher Dan Cotton, 12-32 for a .375 average.

Terry Criger has hit safely 11 times in 31 trips to the plate for .355. Bob Lessner is 12-34 for .353. Rightfielder Steve Shupe has gone 7-22 for .318. He has been walked the most by opposing pitchers, 12. Duane Martin has logged the most time on the mound, having hurled 21 1-3 innings. John Simon has the lowest earned run average among the hurlers, having an E. R. A. of 5.79.

PSEA elects' new off ice rs

The Peru Student Education Association held elections for officers for next year. Those elected were: John Thomas, president; Kay Albin, vicepresident, Becky Pieper, secretary; Bonnie Stemper, treasurer, Debbie Stoll, h torian.

Intramural Sports

Festival to be held April 21-2

· The first annual intramural sports festival will be held at the University of Nebraska on April 21-22.

Representatives- from five colleges met at an organizational meeting in January to make plans for the festival. All four year colleges and universities in Nebraska have been invited to participate.

Competition will consist of men's basketball, co-recreation volleyball, co-recreation tennis, co-recreation badminton, and men's paddleball. Participants will be students who,are eligible to compete in the intramural programs at their respective schools. Peru State will enter all .events except men's paddleball

·Waten elected te HaD el Fame.

Nominations · came from coaches and athletic directors from colleges and universities on the basis of ability not only displayed in athletics but also includes r.articipation in community service as well as campus activities., Other. fact?rs taken into cons1deration included strength of character, leadership and scholarship.

Head Football Coach Bill Battle of the University of Tennessee remarked "their selection is based on qualities of ieadership and character in · addition to the competive drive

April 19

April 20


April 28




and determination necessary for being a winner in the arena. These are vital ingredients for success in life after college."

Athletic Director and Head Football Coach Joe Pelisek, who nominated 20 athletes from Peru for the award commented, "This is a real fine honor for Ray and he is most deserving of it. I think that it is a great honor to have an athlete at Peru elected to the Hall of Fame· and the three (John Waters, Winkel, Froehlich) that made Honorable Mention."

Golf Schedule

Creighton and Dand at Omaha

Nebraska Wesleyan at Nebraska City

Creighton at Nebraska City

Northwest Missouri at Nebraska City NAIA District Meet at Waune Doane and Concordia at Crete Northwest Missouri and Central Missouri

Bake Sale by Women's Club Society plans club ·banquet

The Peru State Women's Faculty Club will be holding a bake sale May 6, to support and supplement the funds for the children's collection of books in the College Library.

The sale will be held in or near the Peru City Hall.

The Women's club will appreciate nay help offered from any other groups on campus.

The Peru State Social Science Society met for their monthly meeting Monday Night in the Fine Arts BUilding.

With Debbie Stoll residing as President, the group discussed the upcoming banquet which will be held at Ulbrick's in Nebraska City, followed by a movie of historical significants at the Pioneer theatre.

The next meeting of the PSSS will be held at the May. 2 .banquet.

The basketball team from Peru will consist of players from the Studs and the Dusters who finished first and second in the intramural basketball tournament. The participants will be Stephen Derumeyer, Lloyd Glesmann, Dan Hunsberger, Robert Krajicek, Steve Krajicek, Paul Mulcahy, Jim Pearson, Terry Ratliff, Gary Ring, and Bob Winter. -

A round robin tourney was held the week before spring vacation to determine the entry in co-rec volleyball. Joe Barry, Tim Becker, Galen Kronhofman, and Terry Volker are the men who will represent Peru. Women participants will be Rita Bosiljevac, Arlene Doeden, Beth Drees, Linda Eichenberger, and S,_usan Ritter, who will be assistand coach.

A co-rec team in badminton iand tennis was selected by the sponsors because there was not ienough time to stage tour-

Golfers win


Dennis Brady and Kris Rott will enter co-rec badmint

Selected to compete in cofenriis were John Waters a Karen Sell.

David Lainez was named student official from among group of officials who worked many of the intramural gam this semester.

Sponsors for the event will Miss Bonnie Rutz and Jerome Stemper. Tournament brackets will established for each sport, J'.Qu::ds being played on Fr afternoon and Friday even Semi-finals will be held Sa day morning and the finals · be played Saturday aftern Daniel J. Steller, director recreation and intramurals the University of Nebraska Lincoln, and his staff mem will direct the festival. The festival will conclude w' a banquet Saturday evening the Nebraska Union.


· Nebraska City· ·

Friday thru Tuesday

April 21-22-23-24-25

Walt Disney Productions' SONG OF THE SOUTH

first meet

The Peru State Golf team , opened competition against , Tarkio College, April 11, and : scored a 15-3 victory. Leading the Bobcats and medalist for the meet was Guy Lammie with a 70. Other low scorers for Peru were; Dave Lammle-78,. Dick Morrissey-80, Roger Beard-80, and Kurt Kent-81.

Donna's Gift Shop

8 Track Stereo Tapes


School Supplies - Patent Medicines

Gift Line

Stationery - Greeting Cards

Oldest Soda Fountain in Nemaha County

Downtown Peru

Donna Sayer, Prop.

sTwe hon on award held o Man award friend: forme1 annua preser were: A SC Janet aware schol< helpfu by arr Sci enc chose receiv Susa Zelma worth establi death gradm taught school pose eleme1 On Social Clayb1 $100 \\ for 1 establi Clayb geogr< Mar perpet honor Fisher taught Public was ti for a sl the an Sha1 Lura mem• Educa is pres demor and i educal the Pe Pearl langm 20 ye; aware stud er arts. 1 Werns award Edn clerk re gist voters Peru 1 overn DemOl Out signet stude• Re pub signed The April: Count:

Two for One 3-5 p.m. April 21 Duffy's Inn Incense and ·incense Burners Chess Sets · Cindles Large Record Selection Simon Drug ·Company Auburn FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1

Peru Pedagogian

Students Honored


Twenty-four students were honored at the second semester awards convocation, which was held on April 26.

Many of the scholarships and awards have been established by friends or families in memory of former Peruvians to be awarded annually. Those awards presented and their recipients were:

A scholarship in memory of Janet Kaye Ganze! to be awarded on the basis of scholarship, citizenship and helpfullness to fellow students by a member of the Peru Social Science Society. The Society chose Duane Stevenson to receive the $50 award for 1972.

Susan Cottier was awarded the Zelma Wonderly scholarship, worth $50 for 1972. This fund was established shortly after the death of Zelma Wonderly, a graduate of Peru State who taught 2nd grade in the campus school for nine years. It's purpose is to encourage future elementary teachers.

On recommendation of the Social Science division, the A. B. Clayburn Memorial Award of $100 was made to Debbie Stoll for 1972. This award was established in memory of A. B. Clayburn who served as a professor of geology and geography at Peru for 40 years.

Mary E. Fisher established a perpetual scholarship fund in honor of her sister, Elsie I. Fisher, a 1906 graduate who taught for 39 years in the Omaha Public Schools. Richard Bacon was the recipient of the award for a student in Art Education, in the amount of $75.

Sharon Kramer received the Lura Hendricks Eichler memorial Kindergarten Education award. The $50 award is presented to a student who has demonstrated ability, aptitude, and interest in kindergarten education.

Miss Alice Kenton provided the Pearl A. Kenton Scholarship. Pearl Kenton was the foreign language associate professor for 20 years. This scholarship awarded to an outstanding student in the field of language arts. The faculty named Robert Wernsman to receive the $100 award for 1972.

Registration Successful

Edna Bachele, deputy county clerk of Nemaha county, registered 31 new potential voters Wednesday morning. The Peru State studentS registering, overwhelmingly registered Democrat.

Out of the 31 registering, 21 signed as Democrats. Five students · registered as Republicans, and a like number signed as independents.

The registration deadline is April 28 at 5 p.m. at the Nemaha County Courthouse in Auburn.

The A. V. Larson award recognizes as outstanding contribution of time and talent toward a student financed and produced Peruvian for 1972-72. This award of merit went to Nancy Stoll.

For outstanding work on the college newspaper, the Pedagogian, during 1971-72, the Neal S. Gomon Award was presented to John Thomas. This award is so named since Dr. Gomon was sponsor of the Ped when he first came to Peru.

In 1969 the Peru Achievement Foundation established the Helen Cole Pollard Award as a tribute to the charter member of the organization, founded in 1955. The award is presented to a senior in recognition of demonstrated loyalty and service to Peru State College. The fourth annual plaque was awarded to Karen Sell, whose name will be inscribed on the permanent plaque in the President's office.

Duane L. Stevenson was presented the Louise Mears Geography Award. Mears, an 1895 graduate of PSC and.former faculty member, wrote "Hills of Peru" which is sold annually by the Gamma Theta Upsilon, honorary geo_graphy fraternity, to provide funds for a worthy student of geography. , Mrs Inice Dunning, a 1925 graduate and former dean of women, extablished the Mac Dunning Memorial Industrial Arts Award in 1967 in honor of her son, a Peru Prep graduate and former PSC student. The Industrial Arts faculty selected Richard Bacon to receive the $50 award.

The children of A. V. & Wilhemina Larson established a scholarship in their memory to be awarded to an industrial arts student. A. V. Larson·. was professor of industrial arts at PSC from 1926 to 1958. The third annual award of this scholarship was made to Francis Volkmer.

The Bill Tynon Memorial Scholarship fund was established by his widow, the former Jeannie Rhinehart, '65 graduate, from the memorial gifts following Bill's death in an ,automobile accident in March, 1969. The $50 award goes to a

Fash ion Show

"Wonderful World of Fashion" was the theme of the 1972 Style Show. It was presented by the Home Economics Department of Peru State College on April 25, at 8:00 p.m. in the College Auditorium.

Fashions of Today. Tomorrow and Yesteryear were modeled and described as the staee was with· a. globe, flowers, and the Eiffel Tower for background. The first intermission presented slides of Paris fashions. pertaining to the Spring of '72. "Catch 12" entcrta med during the second

Nebraska Student in good standing who has participated in intercollegiate sports for use in his senior year. The PE faculty named John Waters to receive the award for 1972.

The Vincent Sabatinelli award is in honor to the 1966 graduate who was killed in Vietnam on July 25, 1969, while serving with the Green Berets. The $100 scholarship is awarded annually to an incoming freshman. Recognition was also given by organizations for achievement in various fields.

A citation for excellence in mathematics was awarded to the freshman showing exceptional ability in mathematics. The award also includes a gift certificate. Alpha Mu Omega, honorary mathematics fraternity, named Ralph Arnold to receive the award for 1972.

Ralph Arnold was also the recipient of the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, awarded to the student ranking at the top in the freshman chemistry courses.

Junior students of high scholastic standing who have shown an outstanding interest in literature and have been active in the English Club were presented memberships in Sigma Tau Delta the national honorary English fraternity. Those so honored were Susan Foster, and Stanley Ohnmacht.

For active participation in the debate program for two or more years, a forensics plaque was awarded to Diane Forke for 1972.

For outstanding achievement and leadership in the field of music during the 1971-72 academic year, the following students were awarded Certificates of Merit by the music faculty: Deborah Coffelt, Dianne Dunn, Stephanie Lang, Karen Ramsey, Jarries Dickson, and John Brooks.

The Bert Swenson Award was presented to James L. Desbien. The award is based on character and personality, scholarship, loyalty and athletic ability.

Also recognized at the convocation were those students selected for the national Who's Who.

intermission, with such songs as: Put Your Hand in the Hand, and Country Road.

Many acknowledgements were made to various people and the ending drew near when Miss Lucy Hovey, the sponsor, was a bouquet of flowers from the girls. Miss Hovey will be retiring at the close· of the school year.

The girls modeling included: Sue Beaman, Kathie Koehler, Mary Paap, Carol Warnke, Judy Buddecke, Darnice Butts, Judy Dimmitte, Kathy Edwards, Carol Coracke, Sheryl Kerr, Marjorie · Steere, Linda Stukenholtz, and Mary Stukenholtz.

Cheerleaders Reorganize

The cheerleaders have become an organization and have created their own constitution. The action came last week as the SGA approved of the cheerleaders constitution after many persona had discussed the issues and effects this move would have. A week early the student government had rejected the constitution because many members felt that Article IV sections five ans six were too strict.

The sections state such conditions for a cheerleader for her to remain one as there shall be no tardiness for practi e of performance, no excuse c m be given for not attendi1ig a practice or game, no gum chewing while cheering, no profane language, no smoking or drinking in uniform in public, no • unnecessary conversations with · the crowd or team, no leaving or sitting during the process of a game, and no cheerleader can have insufficient knowledge of the cheers.

The decision came after a spokesman for the cheerleaders stated that the group felt the restrictions not to be too severe and that if the cheerleaders became an organization then they would have their own budget and would o loger be funded through the SGA funds.

According to the constitution the cheerleader's purpose will be to school spitit, to develop a sense of sportsmanship among the students, and to build a genial relationship

·between and among all schools during all athletic meetings. Selections according to the new constitution will be determined by the active cheerleaders, faculty advisory committee, and. , sponsors. Originally the cheerleaders were selected by a vote of the students usually during convocation early in the spring.

Studenu Campaign

Three students and two sponsors of Peru State College Students for McGovern joined in a caravan Saturday, which traveled through Southeastern Nebraska, campaigning on behalf of the South Dakota Senator. Mr and Mrs James Bragan, Carole McCabe, Daryl Obermeyer and Joevette Farber took part in the campaign.

The caravan met in the city park at Cook, where they assembled and were led by Mrs Izma Seeba, a McGovern delegate for the National Convention. From there the eight car assembly traveled to Sterling where they caravaned the business district and parts of the residential area. The group then traveled through Tecumseh in. the same fashion.

The members of the caravan were furnished lunch by Mr Guy Cooper, a McGovern delegate to the Miami convention, at the Humboldt fire house.

From there the group traveled to Falls City, where they spent the afternoon speaking .with residents about Senator McGovern's campaign.

21-22 Rotter 1adminton. co-rec and as the in gam,es be Mr be with Friday evening. Saturwill afternoon. of at at ·members with at
,....\\ VOL. 67 NO. )2 PERU STATE COLLEGE,
FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1972 ; ,
Steve Krajicek and Kim Fetters, both sophomores, were crowned King and Queen of Spring Week, Sunday night during intermission at the Spring Week Dance.


President Neal S. Gomon called a meeting of al1 faculty and administration Monday evening ApriJ 24. According to Dr. Max Smith, Vice-president of Academic. affairs the personnel went over current status and recommendations for the budget of 197273. Also discussed were procedures for treatment of the budget as.far.as.staff positions were concerned.

Dr. Smith reported the following to John Thomas, Editor of the Pedagogian: "In light of the fact that there is a difference in interpretation of the budget resources and possible uses for the coming year new options were evident which were not earlier apparent. Due to this fact, in order to make what we feel the best possible recommendation to the Board of Trustees, we are reopening the entire matter of staff appointments for the coming year. In order. to get the best possible input, we are seeking data from student evaluation of faculty, faculty self-evaluation, and administrative evaluation of faculty. (In the evaluation process administrators related to the academic program wil1 be evaluated also.) This information will be gathered within the near future. Once it is compiled, the dean's advisory council wil1 meet with the president and will make their decisions on recommendations, considering the above input. These recommendations will be made to the Board of Trustees, and will be subject to the board's approval. As it now stands, we will be recommending that there be 36 full-time faculty slots for the coming year rather than 33 as previously proposed."

"Once the recommendations are arrived at the dean's council and the president, they wil1 be announced to the students, faculty, and all ·on campus. It is anticipated that this announcement wil1 come during the week of May 8, the earliest date possible which will allow for the input from the various groups described above."

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor:

At a time when some housemothers are being put down for beiHg anti-social and even being quoted by some as "not needed", there's a housemother at Delzell Hall who has given her occupation a good name.

In her first year as a housemother, Mrs Mary Kunkel has never been seen without a pleasant smile and friendly disposition. She has also brought this "belonging" atmosphere to the dorm. exnecially during Thanksgiving and Christmas as well as to the two Open House ceremonies.

To the guys at Delzell the energetic housemom has many times acted as cook, chauffeur, seamstress, nurse, secretary and hostess. It should be noted that on many of these occasions Mrs Kunkel was not obligated to perform these services, but instead volunteered for these roles.

I'm sure I speak for all the guys at Delzell when I say she has done a fantastic job as housemother and that we all appreciate all she has done for us.


SALESMAN wanted - 4 days

a week 4 hours a day, $3 an hour. Phone 873-3358, Extension 1, Nebraska City.

Bombing Reaction

On March 23rd Senator Mike Gavel of Alaska introduced into the United States Senate a bill which would end the war in Indo China in 30 days, including an end to the air war. On the same day Congressman Drinan introduced the exact same le!!islation in the House. So far this bill has 17 co-sponsors in the Senate and 72 co-sponsors in the House.

This legislation has come under considerable focus since Presiderit Mixon has increased the bombing of North Vietnam.

According to the National Student Lobbv. in the past few weeks the U.S. has marshalled the most vast military armaaa since World War II. This action includes, according to NSL, a minimum of 16,350 men and 341 aircraft departing to Southeast Asia. another 9.850 men and 288 planes departing to an unknown destination in lndo China, and since April I, 21 attack ships have arrived in Vietnamese waters.

The direct result of this action has been for the National Strike Communication Center to organize local National Student Association members. According to the NSCC in San Francisco nearly 2,000 people supported a Vietnam Veteran Against the War take over of an Air Force Recruiters Station in the Old Federal Building in downtown San Francisco. At Almeido the Air Naval Station was shut down for three hours as 400 demonstr.ators blocked the gate entrance. In Raleigh, students and community members voted to mobilize for a march on the state capital. In Madison, 3000 to 4000 students marched to an ROTC building and smeared red paint on its walls to svmholize the bloodshed caused by the U.S. in Vietnam.

Uncle Lunk. •••••• Dept. 0£ Amplification

As Uncle Lunk attended a political rally recently he happened by an excessively vocal participate, Uncle Lunk thought he'd find out just what the young man's problem was. "What's the trouble," asked Uncle. They ought to Line' em up and shoot 'em." raved the young man. "Who?," asked the Uncle.

"The Blacks, Liberals, Jews, Reporters, Intellectuals, Radicals, Students, and Bleeding-Heart Politicians."

Dear Editor:

Those students working· to 'clean up the apparent misunderstandings within the school system would like to thank the Administration and faculty of PSC for their assistance. Their willingness to give answers to pertinent questions has proved enlightening and greatly appreciated. ·. A special thank you should be extended to Dr. (Max) Smith and Dr. (Neal S.) Gomon for their frankness and willingness to accept responsibility for what has occurred thus far.

Home Ee. Club

Elects Officers

Officers for the Peru State Home Economics club for 197273 have been elected. Carol Warnke, Dunbar, will succeed Karen Schneider, Auburn, as president.

Other officers installed April 11 were: Mary Paap, presidentelect; Carole Obermeyer, vicepresident; Judy Buddecke, secretary and state representative to the college section of the Nebraska Home Economics Association; Mary Stuckenholtz, treasurer; Kathy Edwards, parliamentarian. ·

Following the meeting the club dined at Ulbrick's in Nebraska City.

These activities were organized well through these various organizations which were created to combat the U.S. involvement in Vietnam. One of th.e best known is the National Peace Coalition CNPCl. Thiswas tne group which organized the massive protests on Washington and San Francisco. This organization is fairly institutionalized with speakers that may be contacted through the organization ·to speak on campuses throughout the country for a fee. Stephanie Coontz is available to speak on 'Can there be Peace in 1972?"

Ruth Gage-Colby speaks on Nuclear Weapons and the IndoChina War.", Jerry Gordon speaks on "When. will the War End?", Fred Lovgren speaks on "Nixon's Peace Plan and the Student Movement.", and Katherine Sojourner on "The History of U.S. in S.E. Asia."

These organizations, along with their speakers, are becoming active again because .of Nixon's latest moves in Vietnam. Wednesdays speech by Mr Nixon was a major minant in the organizations plans for the future.

screamed the young man. "I meant," said Uncle Lunk, "who Ollllht to line 'em up and shoot 'em." With that the young man reverently withdrew. Ain't it a sign of the times Here's one Amos Pump happened by the other day that ought to be of interest to you. Entitled, "Our Forgetful Encyclopedists.

(From the Encyclopedia Britannica, 1968 Edition)"

Brought up in cosmopolitan Palermo · and with a wide knowledge of the Byzantine and the Muslim east, his (Frederick H's) intellectual attitude was scientific and rationalistic rather than skeptic and unorthodox. - Volume 9, page 825.

The emperor Frederick II, who was also king of Sicily, a brilliant man but a thorough skeptic and opportunist.Volume 6, page 832 Well this Saturday the Omaha World ·Herald noted that Philadelphia has set up 'a special intelligence squad created' to catch youths _who smear graffiti. Titus Pump

happened to be in the office when he saw the article on the desk. He came up with a brilliant idea. Station a janitor at each water mPt1>r rel!isterinl! a restroom Now when the meter fluxuates the janitor will be advised that someone has flushed the toilet. Immediately the janitor will rush into the bathroom and detain the person there till the walls can be checked for graffiti. Statistics show that most graffiti is done while the person is doing whatever they're supposed to be doing in a restroom. With all the graffiti that is going on in the schools' restrooms this plan could save plenty of money. Maybe if there were less writing on the walls we could save enough money to hire more teachers Uncle Lunk happened to hear an executive walking down the street the other day, say to his friend, who w;is limbing, "Don't be childish, man! Kicking Toyotas is no answer to our balance-of-trade gap." Well Spring week seemed to be a big success for all those who participated. You just got to hand it to the custodians. After they had to reseed the lawn last fall they have it really looking good for all of us to enjoy These minutes from a committee hearing in ·washington seem to be relevant to our campus lately. They began. "For Heaven's sak1> you'll get your appropriations, General! But first we have to go through our- deliberations, don't we?"

The Pedagogian

Published wee/Cly by the stuaents of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421


John Thomas Robert Wernsman Ass't. Editor

Steve Long .- _. _. .- .- · .- .- .- .- News

Chuck Smith ..•................... Photograph;

Jerry Steele .- .· .- · .· .- · .- .- · .- Sports

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation

Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Business Managers

.Mr. Everett Browning : .".:·Advisor

eteran c e Ame ctively tramural Doug F Ian for n f an dependin; passed tt they plar year to b policy. T SGA ac onstituti Id const red h< tudents the e next! hey als Student respect open hou rules. Th· plan on with inl

permissi1 students theadmi the budg said funds an fecient \1 Headir SGAoffo Presiden Vice-Pre son of M of Wore working in Geogr plans to level. m of Clayb has b Photogrc Dave1 Presider Mrs Rob Mass. t A RaI 'for Ma 'Gorn on t;;:_

LOST Lincoln ring of R.A.B. I please c

· ·
-··-·---........._.,............,.,... Issue Editor Irene Rogge 1 i ····························••!'J FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1972 LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS

SGA Candidates

For Elections

This year the SGA Annual ections will be held this ednesday, May 3, during meal urs outside the cafeteria and the Bob Inn from ten o'clock to ght o'clock. Candidates this ar are Doug Fritz for resident, Fred Robertson for ice-President and on another ket is Charlie Pavolis for resident and Dave Lainez for ice-President.

Doug Fritz is a junior with a uble major in General Science nd Biology. He is from Verdon, ebraska. Doug's activities elude Kappa Delta Pi, Gamma eta Upsilon, Tri-Beta, and has en a representative on SGA om the Education Dept. His ning mate, Fred Robertson r Vice-President, is a junior om Treynor, Iowa. Fred has a le major in chemistry and logy. His activities include ambda Delta Lambda, Kappa elta Pi (Treasurer elect), eteran of Vietnam, member of e American Legion arid is ctively involved in inmurals.

Doug Fritz and Fred Johnson Ian for next year establishment f an Open House policy pending on whether it is ssed this year and if it is not y plan early enactment next ear to bring about an effective olicy. They plan to reorganize GA according to the new onstitution or a revision of the Id constitl!tion. Both Doug and red hope to provide the' udents with an active position the responsibility of selecting next president of the college. hey also hope to revise the tudent Conduct contract with espect new directive rules, pen house policy, and obsolete es. They also stated that they Ian on providing the students ith information on · issues oncerning Peru State College nd its students which may ome before the state governent so that they may aid and uence the decision making rocess as lobbyists and voters with a knowledge and understanding of the issues involved. They also feel the budget situation should be reviewed and permission has been give for tudents to work next year with e administration on setting up he budget. Along with this they said they will review the SGA funds and find out the most effecie11t ways to use the funds. Heading up the other ticket for GA office is Charlie Pavolis for resident and Dave Lainez for ice-President. Charlie is the on of Mr and Mrs John Pavolis f Worcester, Mass. and is working toward a double major in Geography and History, with plans to teach on the secondary level. He is currently President of Clayburn-Mathews Hall,· and has been assisting in Photography for the school.

Dave who is running for VicePresident, is the son of Mr and Mrs Robert Lainez of Leicester, Mass. who is a Physical

A Rap Session is scheduled t or May 2 with President omon and the Ad- t ministration. l

LOST - Man's class ring. A Lincoln Northeast High School ring of 1969 with the initials R.A.B. on the inside. If found please contact Bob Beaver.

Education major with a double minor in Math and coaching and who plans to teach on the secondary level. His activities include membership in the Newman Club, school photographer, and is active as an official in the intramural program.

Their plans for next year if they are elected, they stated, will include to achieve a proportionate number of students on the administrative ·committees which affect the student body, to set up a committee to represent the students just where and how the annual budget money is being spent, to carry on the work for open house, and to foster the SGA to the point where it will totally serve and involve the students.

These elections are important and they involve every student, so make it a point to vote on Wednesday May 3 in the Bob Jnn.

SGA Passes Open Dorm

An Open Dorm proposal has been proposed by the SGA after extensive polls were conducted to find out the students attitudes concerning the prop<isal. Last week the SGA plfssed the proposal unamously and it was referred to the Student Affairs Commission for further action. Until now the Student Affairs Commission has not taken any action on the proposal because of the revised SGA constitution taking most of their time.

The survey which was taken of all Peru State College students indicated clearly that the vast majority of the residents of tile dorimtories are in favor of the Open House Proposal. This Proposal states that the dormitory would be open on Sunday from 4 o'clock to ten o'clock, from 6 o'clock to 10 o'clock, Tuesday the dorms would be closed, on Wednesdays from 6 o'clock to 10 o'clock, on Thursday the dorms would be closed again, on Friday from 6 o'clock to 12 o'clock and on Saturday from 6 o'clock to 12

o'clock. The host or hostess would have to sign in his or her guest at the deskaild wou1a·a1sci have to. be responsible for the guest while in the dormitory. Any violation according to the proposal would be the authority of the respective Dorm Council.

One of the major advantages that is stated in the proposal is that an Open House Proposal would be a significant economic advantage because the students would be encouraged to remain on campus over the weekend and in fact may draw more students to live in the dorm.

The polls taken at each dorm indicated, at Clayburn-Mathews when asked, do you want open dorms, 100 per cent. answered ye-!,· The same results were received also from Delzell. At Morgan one-hundred .girls answered yes and eleven were against. At Palmer Davidson sixty-five answered yes and one said no. The next question, "Do you like this proposal? Delzell showed 100 per cent in favor of the policy. At Clayburn-

Mathews 97 .B per cent answered that they were in favor of the policy, at Morgan the SGA poll reporters said that 95 !fil'ls were

I for the proposal aild five· were against. At Davidson-Palmer 100 per cent of the girls were iri favor of the policy. The third· question was for suggestions. The only .suggestions that were, given was that a check list might be helpful and another said that the dorms should be open all day. Included in the proposal was in(ormation concerning the other colleges in Nebraska where Open House is now in effect. At Wayne, the proposal stated, visitation is allowed" Friday and Saturday afternoona and evenings until 10 o'clock. At Creighton University, they have a midnight curfew and no curfew on weekends, and according to the report, at Nebraska Wesleyan University the students are allowed 15 hours of co-eel visitation a week.

.............. .....
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Peru Ties

Cute Seeks Feilow Students PSC Secretaries

In Match Members Give Blood

April 19, the Peru State golf team met Creighton University and Dana College in a triangular meet in Omaha.

Creighton defeated the Bobcats, 141h-3lh, as many of the Peru gqlfers had trouble on the front nine at the Miracle Hills golf course. Dana and Peru tied in their match with 7% points apiece. Leading the pack in the meet was Guy Lammle with a 76. Right behind Guy was Dick Morrissey with a 77. Other scores for Peru were: Dave Lammie, 83, Roger Beard, 84, Kurt Kent, 87 and Butch Belt, 92.

Peru again met Creighton on April 21, at Nebraska City in a dual meet.

Creighton took this match by the score of 14-4.

Points are usually scored in this manner for the meets; If a player beats his opponent on the front nine, that is if his score is lower than his opponent's, he gets a point. If they tie, the is halved. The same method 1s used for determining who gets the point on the back nine. Then a point is awarded to the player who wins the overall match. There is then a possible three points to be won in each match· between a player and his opoonent.

· Leading the Bobcats in the Creighton dual was again Guy Lammie with a 74. Kurt Kent fired a 78, as he and Guy were the only ones to break 80. Other scores for Peru were: Dick Morrissey-81, Roger Beard-83, Dave Lammle-84 and Butch Belt-90.

Results of Track Meet

The results of the intramural track meet held April 24 are as

Students wishing to enroll in C.U.T.E. program or the student teaching program for the fall term of 1972 are asked to obtain applications from Dr. Rex Shelley's office in the education building.

Aspiring student teachers for next fall must complete their applications· before leaving at end of this semester. ·

Cooperative Urban Teacher Education is a unique and challenging sixteen week program of intensive preparation in education, sociological, and mental health aspects of becoming a teacher in urban schools.

It is sponsored by the Nebraska Urban Education Consortium and is administered by the O.waha public schools.

Peru State College has had two students work in the program this year. Barb Vega was involved in the program last semester and has since obtained employment. Currently working in the program is Mike Mitchell.

All senior level student teachers whose applications for the C.U.T.E. program are approved will be eligible. The program will offer an excellent opportunity to gain the training and preparation essential for inner-city teaching.

· SGA Meets

The weekly meeting of the Student Association was held Tuesday night, with a light agenda.

Chuck McKee e:ave a report on the constitution's assessment from the Student affairs commission. Chuck reported that the Commission appeared unfavorable to the new constitution which was passed unanimously by the SGA on April 11.

April 27, sixteen members of the Phi Beta Lambda business fraternity traveled to Lincoln to replace blood used by their vicepresident and president-elect, Armon Nielsen. ·

Armon Nielsen, a junior business major took ill March 30, and was admitted to the Nemaha County Hospital. He was then transfered to Bryan Memorial hospital in Lincoln the following day for surgery.


The Apnl meetmg of the Peru State College secretaries was held at the home of Mrs John Ferneau in Auburn. The hostess gave a demonstration on ceramics. Following the meeting the members adjourned to the home of Mrs Ardie Chapin for a business meeting.

Officers were elected as follows: Thelma Grafton, president; Jean Stanley, vicepresident; Mary Anna Gnade, recording secretary; Lois Smith, corresponding secretary; Jan Fritz, treasurer.

A graduate from Elmwood high school, Armon is the son of Mr and Mrs Swain A. Armon. Five members, Caryll Ubben, Ferne Stephens, Anita Gaines, Mary Anna Gnade and Jean Stanley attended the National Secretaries Assn. ·meeting in Wichita, Kansas, held April 2022:

Those who donated blood were: Larry Kohel, Rona to Korus, Floyd Anderson, Steve Wakefield, Russell Taylor, Bob Peterson, Chuck Lambooy, Dave Francosis, Ted Johnson, Vern DeGroot, Randy Bauche, Gary Linden, Jim Reed, Roger Smith, Jim Lane and Doug Roberts.

A social hour followed the business meeting.

Calendar of Events

May 1 - Dramatic Presentation, 8:00 p.m. Kappa Delta Pi Dinner, 5:00 p.m. Student Wives, 7:30 p.m. College affairs Council Meeting, 4:30 p.m., Ad. 202

Lambda Delta Lambda, 7:00 p.m.

·May 2- RAP Session in the College Auditorium, 7:30 p.m.

SGA Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Fa. 212

Circle K Club Meeting, 4:45 p.m.

Kiwanis Meeting, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Baseball, .Mo. Western, Here, 1:30 p.m.

PSSS Banquet, Nebraska City, 6:00 p.m.

IA Club Picnic,

The results of the intram softball games are as foll

American League Alkies, 10 vs. Budmen, 5. Studs, 13 vs. Wee Indians; Alkies, 12 vs. Dills, 2. Studs, 10 Budmen, 2. Alkies, 13 vs. Studs, 11. National League SuMad, 8 vs. Van Dyke's, SOB's, 7 vs. Double A's. 5.

Students visit Business Dep

Business Education Ca

Day was held at Peru Ap · with high school seniors f Auburn, Pawnee City, Tecumseh attending.

The seniors discussed faculty and students at State, the curriculum foll for the business major, campus life in general. This followed with a visit to business classes. After a s ·break, the students toured. campus observing de strations on business machi

The highlight of the tour w stop at the newly establis computer center in the ministration building. There students found they were match for the electronic bra· playing tic-tac-toe.

Lawn Conce Planned May

The second lawn concert of spring will be presented by Peru State College Concert Ensemble, the Concert and Catch 12, a small s group, Thursday, May 4, at p.m. on the front steps of Fine Arts Mall.

The Ensemble, under direction of Dr. Gilbert Wilson, the Concert chofr, w is under the direction of Edward Camealy, and Cate directed by Student c president, Karen Ramsey, present the same program they presented during the S Week concert on April 27. is no admission charge, _everyone is welcome.

Dr. 6. E. Ma



WED. P.M. ·& SAT.

Nebr. City 119 N 8th · Phone 873-6180

Friday & Saturday

April 28-29

Walt Disney's PINOCCHIO

Sunday thru April 30 May 1-2-3

Jane Fonda Donald Sutherland

same positim ;this ye; study' Peru though I meetin1 help P partial] questio sman,. Omaha "petitic who ea least 01 · Staten Ther of "rap by stud sometii with r Board legislat The request followi1 teachei • next y probler At tl light th interp1 By The award, the P1 Associ pres en aca den reporte the dro In ti electio membe often student not rei cam pm It ha membe electior would I manne previou Besid all stuc ballot i structc student they h.: evaluat criteri. teacher Byrn membe electior purpos

Wednesday, May 3, has been follows: Alkies SuMad Independent Roaches Wad Squad Van Dykes Dills set as the date for next years 49 officer election. The voting booth 30 will be located in the Student 15 Center from 11:00 A.M. to 8:00 11 P.M. The results are to be 8 published in the May 5 edition of 2 the Pedagogian. 1
Phone an-3335 Member of F.D.l.C. Invites PSC students to open Checking and Savings Accounts PIONEER
NEBRASKA CITY Friday and Saturday Sun. - Mon - Tues. April 28-29 April 30 May 1-2 Walt Disney Richard Harris Double Feature Alec Guiness THE LIVING DESERT in -plus- CROMWELL THE VANISHING PRAffiIE Adm. 50¢ - 1.25 · Both in Color
5:30 p.m. May 3 - WAA Meeting, 6-10 p.m. Army Information Team, 8-5 p.m. Students for McGovern-AIJ Day Night Classes End ..· · California English Test, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Ad. 105 May 4 - Lawn Concert, 6:30 p.m. SCB·Meeting, 5-6 p.m. California Math Test, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Ad. 105 May 5- Baseball, Wayne State There, 1:00 p.m. May 7 - Senior Recital'. 3:00 p.m. ·..1206 J Street Auburn, Nebniaka 274-3410 'Incense and ·Incense Burners Chess Sets ' Candles Large Record Selection ·Simon Drug ·Company Auburn KEN'S IGA KEN JOHNSON GROCERIES - MEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Phone an-6355

Peru Pedagogian

Students assured no cuts at Peru

Students and .southeast

Nebraskans packed -the Peru State college gym Tuesday to hear assurances from administrators and representatives of the Board of Trustees that Peru State will maintain the same number of teaching positions next year that it has :this year and that no courses of study will be c11t.

· Peru students orderly and thoughtful throughout Tuesday's meeting, asked how they could help Peru State. The students partially answered their own question when Robert Wernsman, journalism student from Omaha, presented the panel a "petition" signed by 300 students who each pledged to recruit at least one new student for Peru · State next year.

The meeting, latest in a series of "rap" sessions was requested by students.h\lo.weeks ago in a sometimes'stormy confrontation with representatives of the Board of Trustees and state legislators.

The earlier meeting also requested by students was called , following notification that three teachers would not be rehired next year because of budget problems.

At that meeting, it came tc light that an error was made in interpreting the budget and

"With this teaching staff it will since then- the letters ter- be possible for us to maintain all minating the three faculty existing programs." members have been withdrawn. Doctor Todd who also made a They are Roger Salmela, statement before the meeting history; Harlan Krein, physical was opened to questions exeducation and Balwant Singh, plained that decreasing teacher education. enrollment is common nationTuesday night's panel in- wide among colleges "formerly eluded Ward Reesman, Falls known as teachers colleges." City; J. Alan Cramer, Wayne, He noted that for the first time both members of the board of the state colleges at Peru, i'trustees; Dr. James Todd, Wayne, Chadron and Kearney executive officer for the board of are operating under a unified trustees; Dr. Neal S. Gomon, budget instead of each college president of Peru State; Dr. Max competing with the other three Smith, Peru State's vice for money allocated by the 'president of academic affairs; legislature. and a number of other Peru

In answer to a student's administrators. question on the use of results

President Gomon opened the from questionnaires in which session with a statement in students last week evaluated which he said "in light of the their teachers, Doctor Smith initial interpretation of -budget said that no faculty member will funds, a decision was made to receive an appointment for next 1reduce the instructional staff. A until these and other irevi!\\' f.!le evaluations have been i;tudied. .TOifu s assistance, oroui;.ut to · He shld the administration is l'fgiit other options in the use of attempting to evaluate and jftmds which we are pleased to the faculty before the !say will permit us to maintain a semester closes. :fulltime teaching staff of 36 · Attending the meeting in jraiher than the 33 previously addition to students were announced." representatives from Nebraska

"In addition to these fulltime City, Peru, Falls City, and people, other professional staff Auburn. members will be assigned to • The meeting was moved to the teaching which will continue the gym from the auditorium :total teaching staff at basically because of approximately 1,l)()() lthe same level we now have. people who attended.

PSEA Drops Outstanding

The outstanding teacher award, annually sponsored by · the Peru Student Education Association, will not be presented for the 1971-72 academic year. When asked by a reporter, Pat Castle explaine<;I the dropping of the award.

In the past, he said, the election was open only to members of P. S. E. A., which often resulted in only 75-80 students participating and often not resulting in an adequate campus-wide feeling.

It had been decided by the members of P. S. E. A. that the election for outstanding teacher would be handled in a different manner than elections in previous years.

Besides opening the election to all students at Peru State, the ballot included a list of all instructors on campus, for students to notate all teachers they had had, and 14 points of evaluation thought to be a good criteria by which to judge teachers.

By making these changes, the members felt that holding the elections could serve more of a purpose than simply a

T.eacher Award

popularity contest.

They felt that if the teachers could learn why the top five had been selected, it would be of greater value. Because of this, they devised the 13 points of criteria.

When the ballots were devised, it was felt that the winner should be decided on a percentage scale, thus the listing of all the teachers a student has had.

The open election system resulted in a total of· 410 students participating in the election.

After tabulating the election results, P. S. E. dicovered a number of inequeties within the system they had set up.

As outlined by Pat Castle, some of the rriajor inquities of the voting system were:

Editors Named For 72-73

Editors for the 1972-73 year have been announced by Mr Everett Browning, student publications director. They are Bob Wernsman, Editor of the Pedagogian and Debbie Barton Editor of the Peruvian.

R.E. Wernsman, son of Mr and Mrs R.E. Wernsman, Sr. of Omaha, is a Sophomore majoring in Journalism and Speech.

'been made concerning part-time students and night class students ·were not given a chance to vote.

At Peru State, he is a member of the Peru Players, president of the sophomore class, presidentelect of the Gavel and Rostrum Debate Society and served as assistant editor of the Pedagogian during the past semester.


1) Straight vote totals would be unfair to those instructors who had fewer students. (2)

Percentage vote would be unfair to the instruetors teaching required courses. (3} Percentage vote. is inaccurate unless a positive cpunt of the number of students. an instructor has had and the number of those voting is kept, <which was not achieved). (4) No decision had

(5) Student teachers were unable to vote. (6) Voting may become emotional during periods of firing and hiring. (7) Some students, such as fresh· man, have had few instructors. Thus, they must choose one even if they don't feel the instructor is deserving. · The faculty members were polled before the election .concerning the situation. Castle stated that those instructors responding favored dropping the election it the inquities could not be removed. in the light of the problems arising, P. S. E. A. chose to acknowledge tbeir advice, and cancelled this year's election, rather than reveal results which were not felt to be just. · ·

When asked what could be done for next year, Mr Castle replied, "if should be started sooner and P. S. E. A. is considering the possibility of .organizing a committee solely to conduct the election, possibly prior to the second semester. I also think any students and

Debbie Barton is a Freshman this year at Peru. Debbie lives in Omaha and is the daughter of Mr and Mrs James E. Barton. She is majoring in journalism and Minoring in Art. During High School at Omaha Bryan she was on the yearbook staff for two years and in her Senior year she was the Editor. She was a member of the National Honor Society, and a member of the Quill and Scroll.

faculty members with suggestions should turn them in to John Thomas, next year's president.'' He added that because of the decision, no results would be announced, and all ballots had been destroyed.


Businessmen meet with Dr. Smith

Last week a group of Auburn business and professional people met on campus with Dr. Max Smith Vice-President of Affairs, seeking in· formation on how to best support Peru State in maintaining and developing its academic program.

The meeting was one of many set up by the industrial committee of the Auburn Chamber of Commerce to become acquainted with current


A meeting will be held at the college Auditorium during convo period on May 10. Gary Hoeman will talk to interested students who signed the. petition stating Mr and Mrs John C. Muse, that they would help recruit Auburn, announce the forstudents for next fall. All thcoming marriage of their students interested in the future daughter, Carol to Mr Danny 1. .of P.S.C. are urged to attend. Snyder, son of Mr and Mrs Morris C. Snyder of Pawnee ________ City


______ wn' m 4 Choir swing 6:3& the the which 12. wil' that Spring There St,•
Bob Wernsman, Editor, Pedagoglan and Debbie Barton, Editor, Peruvian.


As the year rapidly draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to review the past year. Without a doubt, the most outstanding event of this year has been the interest the students have shown in the future of their college. Even though it only started during the last 2 or 3 months of this year, a lot has been done to make people take a good look at Peru State College and its student body. A more positive atmosphere is coming, as far as our school is concerned. ·

The Golden Anniversary of Peru State's Homecoming was a big success. This shows the great amount ot work and interest people have in this school. This must continue. I hope that the student body doesn't come back after the summer and with an attitude of "I don't care anymore." If we are really serious about the results of the rap sessions, we must continue our efforts on into next year, without a let-up.

All students who are interested in Peru's future will be working on it this summer by recruiting new fall semester students. The students of this college are the best recruiters possible. If you really want to help, be at the meeting in the College Auditorium during Convo on May 10. Gary Hoeman will talk to students about recruiting students for nextfall. So if you are really interested in the future of PSC, be there. ·

In closing, I would like to say that I have enjoyed being Editor of the Pedagogian very much, and I would like to thank everyone who helped with the paper. I also take this opportunity to wish Bob Wernsman, next years editor, the very best of luck.

see News

Monday, May 8 at 7 p.m. in the West Dining room of the Student Center the annual President's recognition Dinner will be held. Those attending will be presidents of the organizations, administration, and sponsors. Entertainment will be furnished by Devoe Manning. ·

When the Beatles broke UP-' three years ago, I looked at the situation as an advantage. My theory was that now they could do their own thing without any hassle from the others.

If John wanted to record a love song for Yoko there would be bad vibes from the others. what I really looked forward after the split was Paul doin more great love songs such as his· "And I Love Her" "Mlchelle," "Yesterday", and "Hey Jude" to name only a fe he did mostly himself as a Beatie.

In his first solo album called simply "McCartney," in which he played all the instruments himself, a song called "Maybe I'm Amazed" was the only o on the album which sounded lik the McCartney of old.

It was noted in the Omaha World Herald last weekend, that there would not be a University of Nebraska yearbook following the publication for this year.

Often, a person is. subjected to derogatory statements about yearbooks. "It's too oldfashioned." "It's too expensive." "It's too much work."

Sales for the U. of N. yearbook this year have reached 1, 700 less than a tenth of the entire student population at the University.

The article in the Omaha paper quoted this year's editor as saying "mosf students don't have the.old spirit, that feeling yearbooks used to appeal to."

It is rather refreshing then, to realize that although the Peruvian has no budget accorded by the administration through the Board of Trustees we are able, through the work of the students, to ha\Tf.lln annual again this year, entirely student supported.

I believe it is a commendation to those students willing to spend so much of their time to sell

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor -

enough yearbooks to assure Peru of the 1972 edition of the yearbook.

While many potions are being taken on the campus, although possibly adverse to the feelings of the studen.ts, it is· reassuring to note that the students are capable of completing positive undertakings, the Peruvian r Jing an ideal example.

Perhaps the students of P. S. C. have what it takes, that spirit, that feeling, and thus may realize that they have the ability and the power to make Peru exactly what they feel it should be.

Nebraska Primary on May 9

The field of candidates running for the Democratic nomination is slowly narrowing as it nears the Nebraska primary on May , 9. The Nebraska ballot will include eleven names, however there are only three active candidates that have much hope of winning the nomination.

Former Vice President Hubert

Winners of the Spring Week Window Painting Contest were: First place, May and Billy Paap, Marlene Mullins, and Mary Henderson; Second place, Becky Pieper, Carol Warnke, and Evelyn Heebner; Tie for third place, PSEA and Alpha Mu Omege.

away victory in Massach\Jsetts, which won him all 102 delegates.

The Republican side of the ballot consists of very little competition. It appears that President Richard M. Nixon will win his parties nomination.

Next Tuesday the voters of Nebraska will voice their opinions at the ballot box. Current polls now show that McGovern and Humphrey are running neck in neck for first place in Nebraska. Nixon has no apparent worry about winning the - Republican primary in Nebraska.

Students Attend Home Ee Convention

In his second album, "Ram" o.nly a Yellow Submarine type ·song called "Un.de Albert Admiral Halsey" made the top; !he album wasn't band, in fact; it's his best album, but definitely not his best work.

In his new album "Wings Wild Life" (Apple SW-3386), Mc Cartney continues to dish o "good time music" with nothing you could call heavy being included.

One of the songs on "Wings" is·'. "Bip Bop" which was played on the radio for a while. During the · whole song a catchy tune is the background to the repetition of·· the name of the song.

Then comes an oldie called "Love Is Strange" which was done a while back by a couple called Peaches and Herb. You all must remember Peaches and Herb.

Marge Jelinek has been named PSC's candidate for Miss Nebraskaland. Marge is a freshman from Weston, Nebraska. She will compete for the title June 18-19 in North Platte, Nebraska.

Mrs Louise Kregel, advisor of Peru State Home Economics Club, and six members of the Club attended State Home Economics Convention in Omaha Friday and Saturday, April 28 and 29. Members attending included: Karen Schneider, Carol Warnke, Mary Paap, Judy Buddecke, Susan Hanley and Vicki Jacobitz. Judy Buddecke was elected to the office of State College Club Vice Humphrey is attempting his President. She will be in charge third time to win his party's nod. of the Workshop to be held in Several party leaders claim the Peru this Fall. dropping out of Senator Henry _ Jackson of Washington, and Senator Edmund Muskey of Maine from active campaigning may help Humphreys chances.

Everyman, directed by Bart Neri, and The Intruder, directed by Julee Tillman, were presented Wednesday, April 26. These two plays were done in the round.

The title song "Wild Life", a song about animals rights ends the first side. The only decent song on the second side is "I Am· Your Singer", which is a lorre ballad. McCartney ends the. album with "Dear Friend" which is a reply fo ·John Lennon's "How Do You Sleep At Night," as their war with songs continues.

After three albums McCartney has only one heavy song to his credit which is "Maybe I'm Amazed". This makes one want to ask several questions like; Where are all the heavy sounds which he has the potential to· write as proven as a Beatie? At the age of only 29 has Paul McCartney gone senile? Or was it just John and the other Beatles now-absent, who influenced him to write great songs? No matter what the answers are it is apparent that Paul McCartney is not at his best.

Alabama Governor has made a good showing.

The Pedagogian

Published weekly by the students

J'.·.···rl' ,,
Governor George Wallace has been showing surprising strength not only in the South with his Florida victory, but in the midwest. In the Indiana and Wisconsin primaries the FRIDAY, 1 DISCussion
Senator George McGovern of South Dakota has come from a distarit last. to hold the lead in committed deligates to the Miami convention after his run-
Newly Elected Officers of the SGA Are· of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421 STAFF John Thomas Editor-in"Chief Robert Wernsman Ass't. Editor Doug Fritz · President Steve Long · · _. _. _. _. _. _. "News Chuck Smith Photography Jerry Steele _. Sports Fred Robinson-Vice-President Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Circulation· Carol McCabe & Sue Schuessler Business Managers THE SECRETARIES Mr. Everett Browning : ·;·Advisor FR51 A It thar yoUl pro\ - Tl Cori pro\ You to di earr wee vari tutc virc _heli: Th Nat: Busi at le jobs org< win asso Tl in e shm of _plO) Fi emp Cori Em1 and ecor Tl:
Among many considerate on our campus, Dr. Winmger stands out in his recognition of office people (perhaps because business education is his field). For several years he has fiever failed to put an apple on each desk on the first day of school; Halloween, Christmas Valentine's Day, Easter bring appropriate candies, and now a May basket for everyone. And for National Secretaries Week just past, as Snoopy did, he gave the secretaries a pat on the head. The office personnel wish to salute Dr. Wininger!

New Officers Elected,

Elected president and vice president respectively at the convention in of Phi Beta Lambda, natiOnal business fraternity, were Ted Johnson and Karl Lambooy.

Johnson is president of the Peru chapter of Phi Beta Lambda, and Lampooy, a junior, is the vice president elect.

Contests that Peru students entered and placed in were: Ted Johnson, first in Mr Future Business Executive and extemporaneous sp.eaking-: Virginia Miller, first in Miss Future Business Executive; Jane Green, second in both typing and shorthand; Floyde Anderson, second in the business administration contest.

Working as a team, Paul Chatelain and Chuck Lambooy won second place in vocabulary. Placing third in typing and in Miss Future Business Teacher contest was Kathy Runkles.

The PSC scrapbook prepared by Sharon Moser took second · place.

In state wide competition, Mr Hairy Legs, .Jack Stanley Peru placed second in the top chapter award.

Summer jobs


It has been announced more than 5,000 summer jobs for young people in Nebraska will be provided by four programs.

- The Neighborhood Youth Corps, a federal program, will provide 3,033 jobs in Nebraska. Youth Corps jobs are available to disadvantaged youth, who can earn $1.60 an hour for nine weeks. The jobs will be in a variety of categories including tutoring, health and environmental projects and _helping at coHeges.

The Omalla chapter of the National Alliance of Businessmen has pledged to hire at least 2,000 youths for summer jobs. The Alliance is an organization of businessmen, with no governmental association.

Those wishing to apply for jobs in either of the above programs should contact the nearest office of the Nebraska State Em· ployment Service.

Fifty-four young people will be employed at Youth Conservation Corps Camps in Nebraska. Employed will be young men and women, ages 15-18 from all economic, ethnic and_ social

backgrounds. They will live on the site and will do conservation work and learn about protecting the environment.

Thirty will be employed at McCook Junior College. Twenty. four will be employed at the Nebraska National Forest. These jobs are being--. filled through school counselors in areas near the projects.


Annual Banquet

The annual spring banquet of the Peru State Social Science Society was held Tuesday Night at Ulbricks in Nebraska City. Twenty five students and sponsors were present as the group held officer elections following the dinner. Debbie Stoll, Vice President of the organization, acted as president during the business meeting.

Janet Waniska was unanimously elected as President of the organization for next year, and Connie was elected as Vice President. Marleen Mullens, a new member of PSSS, wls elected as next years secretary; Billie Paap, treasurer; Mary Paap, Historian; and Steve Sim, activities director.

The meeting was then adjourned and the group returned to Peru to attend the rap-session.


Results of Drug

Survey Released

The preliminary figures of the drug usage survey filled out by students during the January<registration are out and as could be expected the use of beer and liquor head the list. ·

The use of liquor according to. the survey; is about 4% times higher than the smoking of marijuana. The survey also _

shows that 38.6 per cent of the students taking the survey · smoke cigarettes.

The use of heroin and LSD by Peru students is very low as only .8 per cent use·heroin and 3.7 per cent use LSD. The use of barbituates and amphetamines is a little higher as the survey shows that 4. 7 per cent of the students

use barbitlll'ates and 7.7per cent use amphetamines.

Mr Gary L. Martin, from the University of Nebraska who compiled these results has stated that Peru's totals are a bit lower than the University's where it's figures are much less than the national averages.

It should be noted that 672 students filled out the questionnaires at registration. Another important statistic is the 58 percent of those whQ, filled out the questionnaires were male while 41 percent were female. The totals did not reach 100 percent because of rounding or lack of response.

Dr. G. E. Mann

ddesa love no.< But · to doing as Her" anJ few a called which 1struments "Maybe one like "Ram"of Alberttop: fact, definitely Wild out nothing inis on
the of called
couple You and a decent Am the Friend" Len· At songs lcCartney his I'm want like; sounds to At Paul was Beatles hinl matter apis in-Chief Editor News tography Sports culation Advisor
Miss Legs, Jackie Johnson
NEBRASKA CITY -. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. May 4-5-6 Sunday thru Wednesday Cliff Robertson May 7-8-9-10 in Clint Eastwood m THE GREAT NO IITHFIELD MINNESOTA RAID PLAY MISTY FOR ME ii ' PERU PEDAGOGIAN
Amphet&ml.no• gz,J:' 7,'/1. Barbiturate• 95,J:' 4,'/1. Beer Cocaine 95,9:( Cigarettes 61,J:' Heroin 99.zi .81> L'lD 96,J:' J.'/1. other HallucinogOM 'f1,J:' Liquor l!&rijuam Stay Awake (No-Do. etc,) g4,5$ *All Categories ot Use
Occasional or Total Nwnber vbo filled out category J.'/1. 626 622 48.zi 655 l,J:' 613 29,J:t 639 ,J:' 615 625 566 ')l.1i 651 610 2.'/1. 526
OPTOMETRIST CONTACT Ll!NSES CLOSED WED. P.M. & SAT. P.M. Nebr. Clly 119 N 8th St. Phone 873-6180 Elimination ot the Experimenter (•Used TATE THEATE AUBURN, NEBRASKA Sunday thru Wednesday May 7-8-9-10 Richard Benjamin Carrie Snodgrass lfl DIARY OF A MAD HOUSEWIFE Technicolor 1206 J Street Auburn, Nebraska 274-3410 BANK OF PERU Phone sn-3335 Member of F.D.l.C. Invites PSC students to open Checking and Savings Accounts

Peru Track

Peru's track team for 1972 has fared 0-3 in duel competition this year. Last year the Bobcats finished 4-1 in duels. The first test for the Bobcats, a duel with Doane at Crete, March 29, was cancelled due to poor weather conditions. On April 1, the squad journeyed to Fayetteville, Arkansas, to participate in the Arkansas Relays. Tarkio dropped the Cats' 81-76 on April 11 at Tarkio, Missouri. Con-

, cordia handed Peru their next loss, 93-51. April 21 found the Cats' at Fremont, Nebraska, participating in the Midland Relays. Northwest Missouri handed coach Jack Mclntire's team a 99-46 loss, April 25. April 28, 29 was the scene of the Drake Relays at DesMoines, Iowa. On Tuesday, May 2, the Cats' traveled to Crete, Nebr. for the Doane Relays. Tomorrow, the Nebraska College Conference

Meet will be held at Kearney,

Chadron Downs Peru

Chadron swept a doubleheader from Peru, 2-0, and 5-3 at Rushville, Nebrasha, on Sunday, April 30. The contest was rescheduled after poor weather · conditions _ at Chadron forced cancellation of the game there April 30.

Peru's southpaw pitcher, Gale Bly of Elgin, Nebraska, limited the Eagles to only five hits in the opening conte5t,but Chadron's Giacomazzi did even better by hurling a no-hit shutout over the Bobcats.

In the second game, the visitors held a 5-1 lead in the seventh until the Cats' pitcher Tom Froehlich of Algona, Iowa, smacked a homer with Steve Shupe of Bedford, Iowa, aboard to account for Peru's final two runs.

The two losses dropped Coach Tom Fitzgerald's crew's record to the .500 mark at 8-8 with two foes remaining. MissouriWestern visited the Bobcat diamond on May 2. On May 5, the Cats' will board the bus for Wayne, Nebraska to take on the Wayne State Wildcats in the season finale.

First Game: Peru Chadron

RHE 0000000001 110 000 0 2 5 0

Battery: Peru Bly (7) and Cotton; Chadron, Giacomzi (7) and File

Second Game: Peru 100 000 2 3 13 o Chadron 100 210 1 5 8 3

Battery: Peru, Froehlich (7) and Cotton; Chadron, Peber (1) Baumann (6) and Bornschleglz.

.Alkies No. 1

In lntramurals

The Alkies are the 71-72 overall intramural champions. The Alkies achieved their top position by winning first place in llJ<ltba.11 and track, second m swimming, and fourth in volleyball and basketball. The Studs are ·in the second place position.

Members of the Number 1 Alkies are Bruce Brummer, Michael Engel, Leonard Fangmeyer, Dave Green, Bill Iliff, Ken Kammon, Dave Koll, Steve Lawson, Richard Leech, Robert McKelvey, Wes Malone, Steve Mergen, Stephen Dale Nutzman, Ronald Poppe, Tom Ridenour, Steve Roberts, Paul Romire, Gayle Swisegood,.:..

Incense and Incense Burners

Chess Sets


large Record Selection -

Simon Drug Company

and John Zatloukal.

A meeting will be held Monday, May 8, at 6:30in the gym to make plans for next years intramural program. Rule changes and anything else pertinent to improving the program will be discussed.

Golf Team Fifth

The Peru State golf teain finished in a tie for fifth place at the NAIA district golf tournament held Tuesday at the Fremont.Golf Club.

Hastings College, led by Jim White, won the meet· by 15 strokes over runner-up Kearney. White fired a 104 total for 27 holes, three shots· ahead of Peru's Guy Lammie who led the Bobcats with a 107 total. The meet was originally to be. a 36 hole event, but bad weather cancelled Monday's round and it was decided to have the players go 27 holes on Tuesday.

Neb. to end the season.

Coach Jack Mcintire pointed out that the strongest showing has been in the javeling. Junior Jim Hinton, of Lake Charles, Louisiana, captured a first place in the Midland Relays with a throw of 192'4". Hinton's best effort, however, came against Concordia with· a 222'0" effort.

Lettermen returning from last year's squad are: Bruce Brummer, Leon Golden, Gale Swisegood, Jim Hinton, Peter Urick, Barry Reed, Ken Kamman, Randy Turner, Gordon Thompson and Rich Leech. Bob Bowen and Avery Wallace have quit the team.

Promising freshman prospects include distancerunner Bill Sell, Nebraska City, javelin, Ken Tennal, Sabetha, Kansas, and vaulter Robin Simmons, of Percival, Iowa.

Vision 17 Supports PSC

Mr. A. 0. Gigstad, Mayor of Nebraska City and Head of Vision 17 said he believes that people of Nebraska City were upset when they were informed that Peru might possibly have a cut in faculty.

Because of their feelings, Mayor Gigstad and a group of people representing Nebraska City were on the Peru State campus Friday, April 28, to learn the facts first hand from the administration.

Gigstad told a reporter that after speaking to Dr. Smith and others in the administration, "we are happy to learn that the faculty and administration are taking a positive approach to upgrade the college and face the enrollment problems at Peru State College."

"The group got the feeling," Gigstad said, "the next rap session to be attended by the administration, deans of the schools and board members, would be a positive rather than


And they're beginning to win

Little guys-average citizens like most of us-won the victory for Senator George McGovern in Wisconsin. They helped him win more delegates than any other candidate. in all the Prirnaries this far. When George McGovern wins, so do the "little guys" -everyonewho has a stake in peace, in tax reform, in full employment, and adequate care for the sick and elderly. Thanks to the "little guys," the underdog from South Dakota is an underdog no longer.

negative source of improvement for Peru State."

During the past week, Vision 17, an economic development force in Southeast Nebraska which Mr Gigstad heads, volunteered their services for a study to aid in the understanding of the problems facing Peru.

Tennis Team

The tennis team this year is sponsored and coached by Mr Darrell Wininger.

So far the team has lost twice to Doane, once With a score of 9--0 and once 7-2. The team was defeated by Nebraska Wesleyan 9-0.

Members of the tennis team are Rod Bruce, Sandra Grivel, Tom Kiritsy, Don Monzingo, Drasis Pajeda, Larry Peterson, Steve Stemper, and Dick Williams.

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1972 Record,
Junior Steve Shupe, of Bedford, Iowa, glares menacingly at opposing pitcher.
P•u, lNebraska Phone 871-6355
·McGOVERN FOR: PRESIDENT Poid for by Nobroskans fo<:-McGovern, Frank _Chairman · Lou Lsmberty,'Trilssurer. ·

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.