1972 Peruvian Peru State College Peru, Nebraska Volume LXIV
~ ~~ ~ ---
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'I }.
People who need people,
Are the luckiest People,
-• . •
• f.
in the world.
Foreword What m~ k fS 11 collt-Ke A ploce wht're ltarninlt ean pr«ipitlltt. a !)lace wht"re rr·iencbhip 3 nd undtr· &ttn'ldimil come into Wing, ~ plttce whfrt one fi nd$ ht cannot 10 for• ward without h tlpinte .orn<'Ont tl~? T rul.)•, PtOPit make II t'OI· lt'ke wluu it it. They 1nold h into 3 IIIII('(' of lto'ltnin~e. or fritncbhip, or undthitandinll'. and or proiCr~ . Ntithf'r th j! vruot numbf·r or book.c Or the ll.l'r f'Rt' btauty Of C'AI'Ili)UJ
lawn!l can rn11ke a collt'ft btntfit its f tUdC'ntJ mort' tha n tht- l»f''IIIt who liVi', work. pllty, and lit udy
within iu confints.
p&RU STArt
Table Of Contents College P ersonnel . . . . . . . . Seniors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Underclassmen . . . . . . . . . . Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organizations . . . . . . .. ... Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index . . . . . . .. .... . .. . .
8 22 34 50 102 132 162
College Personnel Educotio n m~ k f'f PfOPIC' f.lll~)' tO 1ead but difric:uh to drh"t', &sy to (0\"t'rn but imi)Oll$ible
to en.shwC'. -Unknown
President Gomon Leads P.S.C.
S. Gomon bf.came
or P t ru Suate Colltt:e in 1951. In tht two dtoe4dt':f.·PilU that how~ come :'lnd ~"" undtr hi$ ltodtt~~hip. 1n tmy chbnr:('f htwe Utktn plaet on the Comp\U or 1000 Oa k~. tht Adminilltrati\·e: Chit!
Under M!l dir«tion. Peru State CoUtee ha$ w(';,thertd rtctliAiions of'od pfOirr t"MiOR$. U:J it f \'Oh'td into 3 Wtll•rOundfd insti\\Uion of hiJihtt ltorninK whh just tht cor· r«t «~mbinnt ion of t rttdition and p rotr f II'SS •
A• tht yea,.. paut'd, we can only 1hat l)rt'!iidtnt Gomon hM rain('(;! from both t he "hool and tht l tudtnt• in full me:a•ure to ....·hot he hiU rontributtd . h~
Changes Made In Administration
1lM .-_..,MY ti \ 'k ..l'r~ru ol A( .clftft• if Atf.J" ,.,_. Mfd boy Ot. Mu SMith,
th~ 11ummtr of 1971, a in admininrati\'f' PttJoOn· nd •• , m-.df'. Th~ title of ··Dfoan'' • .._!" u•pl.nd by Vi«· llrnidrnt and thf' formf't title •.u ci,· en to tht htred of .-ada ""'1.)· creattd
A """ potillon of Vi«o-l'rnidf'nt or O~UintM Affairf Wall trf'atHI Or. f:rvin Phu. who wAll, formtt • ly ht~td or tht l'hy,;ieal Education IH1~r1111 tnt
• ·o!l c~ n to fulfill
the dutiN- or preparinJ: and 111110· ('uthHc fund§. for ins-truction •ncl pfOCrflm f:•l)(:n~.
Thf' JJOth1on of Vi«--Ptbident of Acadtomk Aff•irs "''all \'~aud 'lulh thf' teJicnation of Or. Kthh ~hhin . St'ltottcd to carT)' out thf' dutiflt of dl-f' olrtet • ·hich indudeot ad\"ln1 and implt'ftM'ntinc POll• cift rtl•uod co tht- f:K"ulty ..,.~
Or. Mu Smith.
lh. Cur Ho.tnbfrr. forme-~b· Ot•n of StuderHt Wall ~r.ivtn tht tille of Vic:e·l'rf'fiidtnt of Studtnt Affair.. ' I1Hou111h hi" offi~e tht admini,. w•llon tJnd toordination of "udttnt """'i«'J O«u,.,. MiN Juanha Bradt.,-, AM«l•tt lftan of St"• dt'Ab r~ain('d her lillt.
Board Of Trustees Of The Nebraska State Colleges
fC.ow 1: Ward H .
l( f'ft.I!Mft. Fall• Cit)', J . AI'" ' Cumtt', Wayl\r, lltn.ry I. t'r~. (;hlod.I'O«<. l~rsldtft\; , , _ A. l.aM, Oul'-1•. f(.ow l: Rob«t I. Walbr. Kn.n"y. Or. f'r•IKM J , Orowt~, Ct-.
\'1('.--Pr..tdornl: ¢«-.1 &. St•el")', UII<'Oin. Stat• c-nu-lofH-r ol f:.t~K.Uiorll. Not pkiwrfod aft lk J a - &. Todd. l.ill«<ln.. £-ecvtfvt Ofr.c.r ahd A. 1), M..;o.r.. 0-h.,o. MrMkt f~t -
Personnel Further P. S.C. w. """'"''" n,ad...,.,• o... .t
fW~f'd . . . _,~,~ - "
~t*' \' i1011ill MUtw, f(,{)te•
thoow •tv.kllU W'ltll .....Stotal
e.\ln•, •ifk.d
Ad•l ' - ' Ad"-: T &litH.,, Dlftt,., Ill ~. Ou.c1W el S....a Stro--.
0.... •114""" h
o, u.u... o ......., .t ,~...*w A~
,......,, el KIIIIIIW•o •-.41 C..,.,_.
c. w~. SuPH'-•
School Of Education And Physical
IC.. I Or C \\ ....... \4- W Ulltb. M,.. M Mr & Brow.W..t ~. )lr &c-....-.Mr~ l'!
t. Or. C.,. 0..â&#x20AC;˘
*' tk St'-l. 0.
M- ~ Gf.••rr ~·- dw A.....,.., 1Mtt041••• I•.SC-
School Of Practical And Applied
•::.u. _....., ••
ch-- , . ............ ellh I) " -
School Of Natural Sciences
teo. I Mh A.. \\ol w-. ~~~ ~ 'Aola......, )h A BtM), Mt. L l.oll1. •1'4 Or. J, C'hrM,, IMn ot t""'Sc:hoolel N11llil1• l Sri4-rK""
1W- t M.t \' K,_.,-, 0t K. M.t•-. Or 0
It',. • • r•ph PftlWltfd by Mr. "'kKtrthH Ill 7,JO In th• .nort~ ltur.
Peru's Secretaries Association
Rew I; G 8rMiy, J . M•ll• l'l'l. C. Vkb~ J . J'rilr. M , Ctof'f.. K. R•ft.\1...,. Row : S. ~IKn. F', Motn h....,... M. c,.a.d-t. F. S"·
~. J . Lvrh.N, C. I.J'bl:.n,. L.. M•jon. 1... Smirh, A . Ch.tpi.111. 1(.,_ 3: J , Bl•lr, 0 . ·~b. A. Ca.ltlf!t.. T . Cr.flon. M. Sl«!t._•,
Seniors '1' he P~plt who t:;tl on in this world a re tht peoople who r.ttt up :.nd look for t ht circul'l\!ltnncu. they want. and. ir thty ('an't find them. makt lhtm."
- Gtorn Utrnard Shaw
K..t.hlftl:l Albotrto P~\t.o
t:kalt'lll• r)' tAiw • dOfl
•~• Andt-non
EkM.I- Ad111iniool1•don
JM~~A.ul•hl ~..
U..pidt., lo.~ S«U-.1SeWn«. J w r-l iu"
JOAI'I RMhmbt.rr Qlmalu.NfbfMh t)t.choh f(.flely l}..,wh IDCr..,lr.. Sf'br...U
Buo:ln.,.. Adnalt~ittr•l.ioon
Stela.., SHMMU
tlfonwflt.lof)' t.AI~K•'ioon
l 0 ftf')' l~in A~atMir-... Sfbf~W
ltldwoui•l Art• Uo«r U.lm"" St-~...u . S.-bfuU O.n~~Dtry. Mal ~t~
S..i'f'lknn4'1t Mwry, Sf'br..U FAchoh
r ..h
Cit)', XtW~
tlmwflt•f)' Ed~~C•tlon lkblinl' Alllbw1n, Nt-IM.ada lnd,.triaJ A1tt
T•', Stbr~U t:k-~ttuy •.:ctw•tioll
EMI'I•r &~.1'1fr Slrin•tM-r. N""'• Ulloti- 1-.:diK• tiotl
\'•n:lnt. Bovrlin ll'umbolch. Ntbf-•oh H~al- t.:diK• Iiotl
K•lhnillf Uo,·l• 1\fUnw, X~•-•U Sod•ISO..~
M•nl)·n Q,_-n r ..lrbul')', stbr.,.u fMi_,_ Admilli&tr•tioft
l(odl\.tw. SL 1'•-..I.XtW-.11•
lk•tri«-. s,,,.....
<'~•~y. IJioaocy
u.~ Cbttd•ill Av~Ntn, Srllotao.U
U•i~ Adlrlin'-u atkoll
liotn\, K.,.,_,... ·~lllal)' l'.d IK• lioll
v.,.,.,,-.s..,....u tlfm.llt•ry t'.dw•tiorl, M•!> C• Au.bura,S~••L.
SPHCh M1ll•Cok Au.b¥r n.S rbraoU
r'ti,..W.t Edw•tioll. lti.cOf)'
J . . .,.. ~·..w....h Sodal Sritntt
Jot"<"• Odfel, Srbuo.U
Ek-flt•ry Edwatiorl Judr Comotod . Omah•. ~·,tw....... IM~Nntary
.... C«* ••font~. S.t.IIIOJt..
·~ ~ C<OJ09't c·... ..-.,..1_• ·~ ,.
P-. s...-~ n.--r~t•l)' t'.d'vut5oft
··~·--· ·~
l)rtullio 0..-h« l"'lln-th. :o.•tttt...u l l'ld~tN.l A 1h
r.a.Oc>. ~·..,..l.f, ~~,., t:Aiw-.t-
JtoaAIIIiltf l).n·-o T4'tto~-h, :<r.'~-.b
T-""""" •••• •'Clod. s.t..u
s....,; o.t......
~S·-'..t ~
I.Wwoln. s,b, ...... ~ISc:ttM•
........ ""._ ~.·-·
,,,....... t:..••, ...
.."'"'"' _....
M•t>· tmt
~I..U)' ......., _
IM11itll!itk•""'"' lkl"tw.n~..s•-~
~-" l,_•.,.,u.-. r••n••Yiv•ni• l ncl"'tn..l A n o
(' t)'~nu
Stbt•..b C•t>'· Sttlt..U c::..o.,.~
o.• ..,. ........~ c.....-..;. ow.
....,....... 1-:Akc.,_ Uit\ 1•'Ktu.m
\\"ii"". N••"--
IN•.. ...,..., IM..t rk•, Nf'IM •oh
s- •
o.w...._s.,...u I Nt.,.t ri•l A II•
Otni .,.. ..,,
......._s....-...u ld Vu..wok
S«tt...!"dw•U Burw.- ~••,.,_
r""a. v..,...
r'h,...M-•1 t:chtt•tloft
Y..hCMy. Nfbt.,.b I nd\11.1 An..
-.:...-..u CKt-. :ro:•..u ·~.ery~~
c::.n.c;..A . . . . . s.......u
l'Molaloly Cou.t.
m cr..~ :ro:«bf-..k.a
c;:..ryGrtdy t'.U.. Cfl.r. S.-bfM-b
....... c...._ S.OU..S.t.ab
O••"- YAw:•lioa
l'tl)1ll& llamm l~tritto. Sdllf...U flmwnWIY Ed uutMAwf'flllll-"~
P«.. SN..U
~Ed-~ ~·'-'h)> r--.~
\' tr-lf.Uifft
S«t1•"'•·l\'rilt ...\• ll!odUttri.ll An. IAny lt -.~ AvWtii.St'b!M-~
l..,.._ Edvc•'--
A .....~t.Nt"- ...... ~,._ AdiiiiiN.cudOfl OfiliA)' Jta~IM:ft(
l.ho(k., Ntbr.U
f...,..k al Ed.-t•t*' MwMI.ft1\f.aMt, NtW..U o--u.ry Ed_.c-. s,.dlolf'..4..U..
Ue4t.r.klhOiluh.a, St41ra.... t~,. FA'w;•tlo. Tol....._
.)...... s•.u
._,. ......;,,s•..u
............ _ ...._
"""-"'sw.-..... s•...u
" -....... Lally
Ooorw. s-Jfftq
~al td.:•U.
A ....n•. :->....u
' lltrif.t '--..
11-boldt, Stbr..U ~•• ,.. &dw.1tio.
Q.mond, ,..;rilrti.U
Jlhrok.J Y.dlkl tiofl
'-hl'd.l- i .
Etld •h
K.IIJ'tft Li!M'OI:~t
t:•.-c:UkJ\Ift(dOII. I--1
u-1- t'.d\IUt looft
w .._..,..,.._ A.._,s..,...._.
. . ........-. K"hr"hlt~
•11y.ic:... Ed....., .
~ M•-
ItMtri«. Sdw-Mb
•• ....
\'~·- Dt---.,.Edw-...
8.nod1• Mte.rd
Alilllo.itft, NKwad:•
K.-tW M< &..rty SN..b City. N...-.._u ·~&4~
Mw.'-1 Md.Mty
K....,...,., l - .
0..11'-M..,..... T•l..... ,:\:.........k.Sod.-IStkftc-•
IAf'Ot ).1~,
.IGh...... N~t•b l);ya.l- P.Aiuc.u'o. MMkMM~
s..... "'-s•...u
WU il• Mf')·~r
Johnt.Oti. !'...,..U llwoll . - Ad.Ut~louat loft Rlch,ud ~lnC'ft' Cart.tadl . !'\- Jt~ lndv..uC. IArto
1«<\Dfth ~t«rif Slt'Otlt:hunl, lllo!Wiio ll)lj UI-triaiArU
f.idward M)·f'" Aubu-tt~. !'o'~~. 1'-&at.~t.k:o
Sitk Sioo Ptru. r."ttlr~ lnduotri..IArh
~' -
l t - l l Soltr
O.Wiu . S~rel.a Dfmftllary t.:.d uta tlon
\'id:l PaytLi!W'OI~t, S~u).a
.,..,,,...,,. t!dutadon
1-colwn f1 f'ltftll)fl
s.m~t~uam A~S.tx..U..
l)h)"'k al Ed11C'a d01t1 KflU'Ot1.h 11\otonll Ct1111d hJ..lld. Nt«.,.U CAooalii!)'
~a..ta Chy, S~r ..b
f.ltnwnt.f)' t;;dfoll(•tiotl
.1-HHCI Cr•b O«tw.rd. Ntt...U..
lnduo.utal .Matla~nt Tf«.hnoloc)•
s-... n k hO.
J•.-_.oct.. •~·a f!k-ntary Educ-ad on
('". . - K.Mh \
Do-•IIM) ~- ..-
"-~ ~ow.l'\.W .dA ""CKw.l~""'"'
JliOoi)' N ....•P ~"~'\
f.IMwnt• ry t:..tvc.._
Kt1UW1hN~• ..,. A~a . :o~ ..~
....,._A4atl ............ ........,... \&.__
~:-.c ~. l' ...~
A""-' Sf'""'"
....11),. . 1'\~
tltetfll4ol)' t.:.... . ....
T•bot. lo•. .
. ....,W('.. £4~···
.,.. ... r .....,.
.s..., ~ I~A.rh
~:or.•..u ~,. ~
K-1111) ~........ A~·«•.•
('-.r,. Nf11ht-1t0 IMOCuw, l..,• "'«MIK.-..
..J-.Tec'-1.,........ ,,.,~..C'I..._ ,
l "'-1- AllMiA.M4U hCIII
S.....nT. ,tot
IM.-tdkt, Ntt,r .._u l...bte f)'Stl.,~
0..)1"T""~ ~h..K• An
l)oMid ThomPtOn s.Hm. Sriwatb OwiAdml.n;..u•tkm "'-'"" T'borm.thlfl\
Sf'b.ra..W. Cu.y. Sf'b.r•tb Soc-1.1 Sd.~
fU..r-" Toml•At.~!Mirl\, N~-..b
~..... Tr.tiloff Adlt~tk,looo-•
J011 TritJoch Stbf.U.. City, Stbr••b
~i-Adminiu r•doa
l••ro, AlllofTk•n ~mo.
Gfofr•P">'« T')'ftOA l'ft'V. Sf'bra..l..t Ubnof)' St'IHICt ~:)oft WA!b-d Crt~~~. Sf'bc...U
Bu.i- E411C•t*'
ftfo)'molfld Wnu..
WUiit.t.on ~....
p. ,...s- Yotk
N•I'IC' l..ii'IC'Ol11. ~·~••u ~..,.,. &duc• 1lon
K""' Wil'OOII Tte11:mwh. Stbr•.~b
lhryl Wlot'il
Surur~•• st:tw••u <'"~•phy
C.f)' ZtiiUW'r
t'alt.Ctt,., s~-~.t.
N!)'lk•l t:duntioll
I ..
Underclassmen \\'~ nHd to ha\'e Pf:OPl.E who meoan IOMC'• t tO us. PfOple whom we can turn kno•·in~r t hAt bti ntt with thtm i.J comintr J-IO ~ tE,
-Unkno ..•m
\ 'w:IU Ad.-m. I (ot) . ;t.rlw•,Jr;•
5tu-..rAdtl- S l'oll. Stbr•.•"'-
Hodllty Alborth 3
~kCooll. Stbt•.•b
Ka) Albin I
0.•·-. X*'''-•b
Drbr• Anodu..on I lklh1H. Srbr.uU O.nA~
Shtl'>•n6o.h, lo. • Cl•~ e~Crwtt• • ·trt w,u..m ,.,,,b;tnL, \ 'iu PrN.S.nt •ncl P•l l~ro.t, Prftidtnt.
/ J Ot 8ollf)' 2 P•I!'IJioA, ="'fbr..u ~t..rion&ml 1 W8I.Cif'I, X~ ••b
t••1rt<1• R..nrlo: S \\' ft&Cifl. X~.u\•
;to.') I. f!.."holofn.roo I Chb Ordu111.
Oortlboit S.nor~ I ()m..h•. Stbruluo Mu)'l\.iuom.n 1 r.Jh C•lr. X~r••\• Kobtn S.utr I
Orm.h•. Stbr•>h Ddt UNmrm I
C.rh<o. Xtbt•..U. Kobttt Ru\u S Linc:o!lln, X~••lo:•
Twn U«l( r S l:ottu, S..t>t•~.k• i\tuiiW arilnh 2 Sth•..,ll•, Sfbr•-•U
Mc \HioM:\ J ~
ftay Ulrifh J
Urork, ~·t bu ,u
JHfl l t *k I
Str«-· ~•Ml..
(".._., """"tl ~·-·
An" IM<rc:lwt t
M"-I;Wf . ~.......-.. J-BMw~rwot 7 s,,.,_,
l.IIWI.ol 1\cM!h.l I lhuabolch, :o>tbt..u K)~He,4, '.-,.,.u ...........
... . "'...,., J
DloM 1- •
IHfl nlo lh toeb I ,.,.l ol.s~ ..l•
J .. ,.. ,..,_,........... " 8ltfa.. ~ ...,~
Juch l~b
Ot&lfl·w . Stbt ..u
llf'Ott. ~""._....
l).l. Hw'lf
~ ·-· a Aa.. aw..-...u
g.,.... rd. ~ ~ ··b
, ..,. ..i'" n- 2 l}tW!u , SfbrM.b rl.t.rftl(or 01.11h
i••• ' r.u. City, S•bor.-1:• O...tlffl.,.•ft 2
T«.,._h. Orbbk-Cofrtlt 2 ~UJ!Idf."- lo-• All:.otl Col• I A'*'rn. Sf'k...b
Rkh.,onl CorWn I ~·.-rbutY.
.\lib s
A~o~bw•. Stbr ..U
CW,. l)•nWol 3 Ptn~, Nt'
RlrM>' 0 • .1\"'-tt I
C'"'u•l City, StW•o.U Louu.. 3 St'bt•oh C•t.r• N~•~.._.
Ttdd)' D•vM a ..... City. S~r ..u Milo;•l)rHuntl I
Craalu City, IU/.nok
K. r .." Oif"rl.:illc I
T t c -.ho. N'tbu•U a..~
to bot.h th.
~u •tlon. ~....,
CM'O' Wftod".O.J •114 thot d-u•t.ot.
Judy Oi111mill I Al'nlo, N~tML.
Art~M l~ffl l
Cooir;. N••t,lr.a
Rtn~o~MkU~ l>orn I l~n:boatd.Nfbt'MU
~.._ OIHrf~kt1 I Y.. h City, Nf'brMU
lMa_...Diillln l t'.Zb City . N.-br..u Eiotl l Unocoln, NtbrNb K• thy f.dw • rd• I
O....t... Nf'brMir.a
Otbot"h Eh1111a111 I
l"ic.ll«dl. s•.uu tJM.EK~r~
Stdn.aloH't, Stbr..U ~f.lllllinnt I I~Nin. Ohio
M~~ &n.rd 2 Snom.burC'. S riH'Mb
f'ah\wl.llh 3
Cit~ nd..,•d. Ohlo
JoPO'titt r••bu 2 Sft>"d«, S~r...b Pa~o~l F•nHI I Colil111dJ UluJ&. I- •
Jor« t'i~tb T«umNh. Nf'br.,.),•
&..111 ••.,.,~, l IUHttoft. Iowa 0oRMfrI lllu.-Sprill• . Ntbt,._lr.a
O..t Nr• Friu S
V.-rdotl. Sf'brM)d
Kun •' roh.llnr l
G4.1th.r~ Cn~tn. low-•
•.J,..., 1
I'"'"· Nfl:Mo·•Jl..l .,..,d c- h.kf-
M., . A•« •. SflH••'-•'~l\
Mn Cr•fion 1 f'""'• Ndl•• •- b [N.nG'"" 2 U10d:. s~...u J~>MCr«n
l Urod :. Sdlf·••b
l'l'bora..k• City. Ndlt••b ICodn~)' C:: roft'
P"'v. s.-....,u
OcN.c ••, s W.w.. !'fl:Mo ..b
l"lont lt•td4'h I W•boo. NtbrMb
ChtrlfM ll•ruohiU l
Om•t.... Sdw..b
J • .rt.niiW II-flu.<hikl 1 AYOta. Stbr.-U IC~tb 11-fl\1,.1\.-hn l~ft'\1, Sdlolalbo
--... • •
O.W-. .t«t.., .,_ tiM
ttT• "''"r.:: tw. \\.-r - . Yr~ ......_.._.._. t'•"'"· '*- flY....._ J~ w-. S4otri'UI') n....t••••• r . Cwr...
(."!... . ,
J•Wei\.Ht, T•-ww.MIII:O.;&..
t). ..ya II....,_ 2 A~..
O..rt....u- t
o---., ......u l,.....llt..,.nt"- J 1$Mtr~. N..,••l.• l~lolllllt-
~IIMou I ~:ro..-...u
7.-tla Ilk ...,, I IW.OI+I\f c:rHA, ~t O....OVrt ' J ........... :O.' 116111CoU)·f"r J N..,••U 1.-r,- II+Q)" J
T..,_.._:...w..-.... l~ltl.-Hot·
· - · •.. !"'.t.raol.a 3
(0.0,,. fi OO'O'U
J'aUool,.'ltr. s•....u
n• ''-"" t \\ ~~ t\tllt ...,,. I ~,_..lo>, l910oa A1111 ll ~
IJ!w-'n..N ........>o:a
7.-.JAI'loiM'fl I
t:zu- n.·..u
MA.tC"tJ•Iir~•k. I
Wtoot<lf'. X .tHMlA
P•uJ Jol\~:~- 1 lhl•bol4t. Xtbf........• ChiKk J~h1111o0n
Tabor, low•
I>WoneJ.Ofls S .jdd.l\r\Ofl. l'f'fltt.)'h·• ...
O.thy K -• n 2 lloftlon'\1<1'. N~•Jb
Shftl'I Kur 2 \' lilt.<•, low-•
IUthAtd K~htl ~ l.intol., N•bnob
l't•anoKOJ.- S lllk•co. Uhnok
Moborrt Kr•~k•k I ...... plltlon, N .orM ILA
s,....,.. Kt•li« k 2
P• .pUiion.
,,.w,11t• IS«out• domrlolcory wl&dow.
KtuyKr.,,_. 3
D.YfWI, :-.'~....U
1°"1(1':)' K rtifrk I
S ....rMoU ~I)'. N~atU
C.ltn Kron.hoot-.n TGW.b. Stbr• ... Thnn.~~ K I TKumMh.!\'....r~U
·~~ II'of•. !"' ~·M.\11 l> t..I.IWJI I IAic8lU, M....chuwH•
K.r l ~ I
Omilhlo. SHirMtuo
n..., ,.t.M.
1«<fll. ~·~....u
ctl•mh<rr ..... w"'. IOWII 2 S.rbl.ol...._ I WabMh, N*
So. i' '• 1'10'1 • ' - " t" mNJ pl11nnin•. it'• ;..l pl.t.i11 ok •u"iYIII.
(;.f)' U.nd•ll 1
T•lo:a.nwoh. :-.'~•••).• l lnda Mlidi-
u...,.. lo•u
M•f)' M*CIO.oa 3
SldMY. Iow• C•thy M •ilah" I
l.rty, N~..b
UrryMall k \ 2 t·.u, Cit y, :-.'Kif~
hob M.•UOil
~\c.r. S*a•b 1..-.s. M f¢trll0fk I
I'•'"·"'"' Ci ty. :i~••-•\•
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.111'11 MtK••~t I
cn-~u. ~·.w
W•ndaMc K•• 1 lt umboldt, ~·•••),• (',..·f'ft• M M f~l uU.u• Orm.lolha. s~-1t•
wm~.a.. Myotn H ur~tu,
s- York
l~t Mldo.Miio 3 lbny, S~r...u
s..... ,,.t.u.., :a
l~«v. Sfbr~u
JAil.;, '!! 1•otf'O. S..t~or...u
~ O...t...Sdlr~u
0oro :\IOIIIi.n;c>O
f'«d .).lor,....._ 3 Kimb&ll, S•br••lo•
("...yl• M6tul 2 M.ahwft, • -• l.-11y M6tti - ~ ~--r....w. K•-
Slit..- MciM1 J Potw..., Cily. :O...e.M!A
lla1t Sffi 3 ( ...1M".. .
A....._ Sklwft l u-.or.ct. !l'.e.-.u
C...._ ,,.,.,. -.oot Sp«i.,.l
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.c.,.,....... ,.u_, ........u t :ow~
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.,.,.,... . \ ....... .... : .
"...._ ...__ t;.e • .,.., l'\•...U M.
''"'""·"""'....uI lt~l•tN-
Lw.I• ··' '... M'-•
Clt•wood, ,_.. UN(<IoQ.,!.K l
M.Jiatd.l'"*~\.s ~•tHIIu-,- J :-o:•~
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l ~rbllr• l{hwhfltt I ·r•r llio. Mi...ovrl
,,.,.,,,.n•r\JoOII J t'on ~Jotl.cto, lo-•
Uklll·tod-,. J
.-..... s..,Mlfl .. U....,_h 2 c<"1wort ....... .,.... s ......u
"'-""--' J
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Krioo R.Mtff J llftd..:O:*..U Kfl.tloy R..U. J
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"'*"'' s....,...Lr. Al toft S.,.tw,t I N..O.r•tll• Chy, N..o.,.u,.
Con"l•8h..l'ldr J
lt.oc.. l>.on, MI,.....,I
I l\o&.,,....,,s..,,.,...,. ~·•SI•
......... ........... Chwii i!.Qallto I
" · ...._, l~NtW..... ......
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)li.ll to 84••a.,. I
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1\ooftftlt SctMpn 2 l~fflii, NtbfMb
~s..u J Nf4MMll.a C.Iy, :O.' tot.•U
N-ary I
.......... .
<i-a.-.s...,...u .,.,~
...... ewu-.!'1-*Mla tt..T.,-.. 1
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...... 'T"-- J
fat t• t.'M,., s . . .la
J.,..'NI-fl I Wa hM.N't4H-a.b
J•T101r n.H 2 Yvl•tl, NtbtMU l~riu Ur'k.h S $tahhton, I•Mn•>·lv•ni•
Jat1te V•.ndtrloo I
lluf'Ofl. K•n--.•
l l;Ji.•id \'ffmHI J
.~hull"", Nttw•o.U
l;.roln. Nfb•• • -b
s.- Voetl
AfiOfl. looo·•
Ttr ry 3
llv111boLd1, Nfbt••k•
S«•.,. WabfH.Id
~rlllOP, CaMorfl;•
Gft'C!I \\'aUkk 3 ()nu_ha, Stbra•b C•rel War n\t 2 IN...b.-r, Ntbr-..\ a<l \\'arfllft' 3 Stbu.~ Crty , Sf'bra...U I~Waruaa.n J C.lw.mri City. IIJi.noio
oklht~ Walt~
\\illi.tt0010 J'•rk.
s- Yo riL
!o.t.ary Wtbtr I Sadcllt lll'ook. s-Jt'f'W')'
W~o&. t-.ufiA• 1tw rt(JIIC'a ol Dodft C.ty, Ka lil • - · Chartior l)a'l'el~ Cwl'lod 1\t' • M otoll Jll\ \1~-~~
M khti• W.,kh I Cllot•co.nun<o~.
Judy w..,..... 2
$),•-· Stbr-.b Hobrn Wffl'l...nwon 2
Onu.h.a. Stbr..u
1>.1')'1Wh..adon I Uro•nwiiM, S l'IK.-ka Ur.t~t \\'ikot. 3 Stwna~h. looo•
l'laltl.lra WIIIUn.on
~IOfti.A, S'fbra"tb
o,,.,u. w.uu.-
Stti&.. S'tbr ..u
1"homM \\'illft 3 I'HU, Stbr••b Joh" Wit~ktl
WblUllnOrt, I O'IO'~t
Rob \\1t11ff 2 IA,rl.t'. Stbr•ll.a
J a 2 Tt<vlDMh. Stbr-.11..1 flrrbra \'ool 1 ()nu.M, Stbr...u
C\oM-n 10 tf1>1'tufll 1ht'
a- • .,,.,
0 , Winiftnr . Jr_ l·'reoid•111: H. T,__, Vk• l'u•,Jdf'fU; T. Kro.nll. Sl«'•
~11mr; ll. l)"nU&ul and C. WaD~o«, St~t\t Co-·tr ntl'll A....or:l.atiotl l'ttPf""ttllalh'"'•
Activities People are lonely bteause they build walls in.stC"::ad of bridgtoJ. ·Unknown
R egistration Follows Normal Course
rtteift ration foiJo-·td it.~- norm.I pro«dure of linu.. frustradont. and corr«dons this )"Nir. How· t\'f'r. the l~ncth or actual rf'l'.is· tn~ t ion ~m«< to 1M! short~ntd. PnhJPJ th ~ was due to the prep. e ration or preliminar)' s<-hedultt.. The UJUIII scramble for u thne c.ard waJ not witneso!led thi5 year. llu t t"tul. recliltration wat done nlphabttically a nd nc:«rdin ~ to clAN 11tt1ndina. To compen..ate for a dditional ftf'f and on incre&M in tuition and room and board feu. Kholar· 103nt, and rrantt wtrt
.m.,.. awarded.•
A •:liaht drop in t:nrollmt:nt wu M(i«d from the prnious yeou. The £•11 Hmet.ter witnC!fMd 1001 ..tudt:nts rtektt:r for dUNS.. I n the fPrinJ. approximatdy 900 t~udenu • ·ere retrist«fll.
z.n.. .._
.....11. , ... (.k..l•llon ol hit rt«iPl 11 rttfi•HI1~
s.kMt .. p...,. 8uou
.... . . .,.
c.o- -*• ...-tM W ..-.n.. _,.. .t . . . • hlcfll
.._, ...--..
P• ..
r.....a ..... Mo.~ C . . l l i -
"'-"' lklt
rtCWtMiM ,..._
Freshman Beany Not Worn The little blue nnd white betU\y,
which was us.ually worn by incom· ing frf'!Jh men s tudents was not
donned thit year. T o take itt ploce was a blue a nd white button which was much ltss conspicuous than t he beany. FtC"S hm~n were aJiowfd to c:omt and fO u t hey chose without any feM of interftTtnce upon the part
of Upptrelassmen. 1-lowe-.·tr. oe· casionally. n rroup \4"0uld bt caught and told to do a few odd jobJ. but it was nothine that com· pared to the week of orientation t hat t he Uppe_rcllliPmtn had suf· ftrt'd a few >"ta.n earlitr. But tl\'tn wit hout t he bfany a Frt~J h·
man became orientated to lire at Peru State College.
With tht dimiflation of
KEEP YOUR ''""''~'' kloPCI'f'M'd to
d•" liu~ bi~N •tid
• flkt bNI\1 d-.l 1114atlt FrAhn:lllft1
oritntatlon. FrehDM-n no to.lan MIS
Festival Builds Closer Relations ~._; The third {lnnual Apple Jack Ff$•
tival was orrani~ b>' the Nebras·
k.a C iL>' C hambtr or Commerce in order to build closer reletiont b<t...,•etn Nebraska Cit)' and Peru
State Collt#t. An afternoon Parade. which bt(ttln activitiet I'll the Stptembtr t\'tnt.
includtd the n~· Freshmen at Peru State Collece alona with colorful
The onn1.1al Apple Jack Football
game bttween Peru State and Tar· kio College fUifd the nadium at Hayward Park in NebraJJkn City. The enthusiasm and •pirit or the
Peru State f~t.u was enormous up
until the aun cndinw: the elose rouc ht baule betw«n the two ri· vals.
A dance at the ormory ended the dft¥'• acti\•ities in Nebraska City, by providin• enjoyment for the student• or both colleges.
U.N. Dinner Sees Record Crowd The Home Economiet~ Club. • pon· •«~ by M,., Louise K r~el. htld iu a nnual United Nation' Dinner on October 12. Rather tha n u rvine midwtattrn or forrirn food• from only one or t'A'O nations u has I>H.n the prac· tice i n the past. the dub offi«"" doc-idt<l to chanae the u;suel for· mat thiiJ )'t~.r. a nd stt\'td a m ~nu fe..·uuring foods from eight diCftr· tnt countrit!l.
The dinner. served in a smorras· bord fn.shion. was prf'Stnttd in the Education Building.
Connoisseur& ht~d a wide and varied menu to choose from. Some of the foods featured a t the yearly meal were: Swedis h Meatballs 'A"ith ruwy; lris.h St ew
with Biseuiu: ;\merican Baked Potato; Huntl'arittn Crftn Beans: &.m~:~ hin e Jcllo: Apple Pickl~. mtlde with Peru apples; F rench Brtad: 11nd S wtdis h Nut Brtad. MiN Ka ren S. Schntidtr stt\'ed as the dub prHident. with Carol Warnk~ as Prt'll i den t ~l eet . Ml&& Pam Mivoshi w38 t he Vice Prtsi· dent :.nd Miss Susan K. Hanley was S«nta ry. Mit$ Ma ry 8. Pup was t he Parliamentorit\n,
Levitt Hosts Fall Show
S. Riua. " - l. L S.d.,_lilllek._ r &...,._., A. Celf.. 8. WIM--. K. ARI.-. H.~. M W.._ C. Mdl.__ t ... l t - - -k idtli-..t lt11
T he •tudtnlf of l,tru Sta te Col· lftle were prNt nted with a n nd· dhionnl treat thi~t pau )'tf'lr ut the annual v~~riew • how. Otto use of an i njury, the«htdultd Master of Ctrtn\onitf was unable co at· t~ . ~ J .D. Mf\'td u the re• pla.cement. th lint time he hat e'\~r Mn'td in chil t:apa<ii.Y in hit ~'t'RIHft )'Ut$ of dir«tin& I he PfOil'am.
The •how ••• kicktd of1 br the traditional frHhm•n kk kline. After eominr orutage in various trPtt of ciOthlna as a n mi· fMhi on 11ho w, they retret~ttd backJ IAJICI 10 put o n t h eir toe·· tumN. While they were dre:Ning, the t~ udi t n ce wa• entertaintd by lAon Colden, Bob Wenu man, and Oob Olton with their own
\'tnion of the kickline.
A .,... el ~ C•:r ~ '"-''-
•-'..1 .............~• · .... _ . ... ~
Homecoming Features "The Bells" ~·
dM .-ap
t ....
tollly fMYh ~ e1 k&IIQ'•
Shakespeare's Tempest Presented Something ueitinc and fantastic: occurred on the I"SC c:ampw: thi.~ f:.ll. Arter being buried in t he shadows for yt&rf, William S hakespeare reapl)f:ared as a livine. brtathin1 hap~ning . T he Pt"ru Pl3ytr3 preserued S ha ketpeau.•s The Tems:>n-t u nder the direction or Randy Botton. The Tempest, t1 c ulmina tion of Shake&Ptllre's works brOught tO· l[ethN all the joy. grid. c:ele· bmtion, gretd and brutality or it~ .
It was obstr\'f:d in t h e p iiJiy th3t Shak espeare wrote for aU PtOPit. p.Mt and prtftnt. Many of the ume Q u ~tiont t hat were askt'd durinJ hill time. such l)J , ··oo we know too muc:h?" t\re still beinr asked today.
Marlene Meyer Chosen Queen Mist Marlene ~1eytr. a • t nior elementary tducation mojor, rep· rft«<nt«< Monn'n Hall re~~idtnts. Marlene. a varsity ch~rltader in 1!)70·71, i• the dAughter o( Mr. and M~. Merle Me)'er o( Nehawka. S he was also a mem~r of Newman C lub. Whitt Ant:tiJ. Women's 1\thletic Associ ation and PtnJ State Education Assodtllion. Chosen to rept(_'Stnt the residtnu : of Otlttll Hall was Min Jeannine Oavit, a junior majorintr in ph)'S· i~ l tductttion. She was a May Ftte a tlt"ndent for two )'t3f1. an adive member of Women's Ath· IMic AQOCi ation and vict· Pret·
ident of Davi d~ocm ·Pn lm tr Hell. Jwnnine'• p&rtnta ore Mr. and MN. Hal Oavi.lf of 1"eeumn h .
Miu Cathy Cole. dnughter or Mr. and Mrt. Robtrt Cole of Auburn wa.'i chosen to represent the commuting ttudenu: of P eru State ColleKt. Cathy, a senior t!iPte<:h major, st n 'ed as a chf'C'rltlldtr e nd wtu a mtmbt:r or Studt.nt Covtrnin« A•.sodation. Newman Club, Drama Club, and Gavel and Roscrum. A junior elemtnlory educacion major, M isa: Charlene HanahiU wAfl
telet-ttd to rrpreunt the
r ('f.ide.n ~
of C layburn·Mache...."'
Hall. Charltne. the dauchter or Mr. and M~. Cerald M . Uarra· hill of Omaha. wM &toerttar)'·
trtasurt r of president or OJvid,son·PoJmer J-loll. a nd o membtr of P.E.S.A. and Kappa OthaJ)i . ~·1 rs . 8ett)' Johnson reprtl§ented O;wid,son.Palmer H all. Ottty, o
f'd ucation
major. wat viet-·Pret:ident of S t udent Wive$, co-eap.tai n of the
Team. a member of P.S.f:.A .. Afro-American Club, Drill and
Davidson- Palmer
Council. She is the wife of Mike Johnson. " 1971 trraduate or Pc>TU Statt. College.
'Have A Happy Day' Was Theme The Second
Parlde ctldltattd Puu'• Fif'tinh UomtCOmin•· The
ttttd • retOtd numbtf' or Ooau
transformed from unJ, Oatbtdl., snd walfOn.J. Still in It• ln(anc)', tht> annual parade It provin• to be a bit at· trACtion throv1h0ut theSout heau ('OI'Rtf or NtbrMk.. The imari· naciont or the J-tudtnLf • •tre put to hard 'WII'Oik • •ith the theme ' IC.I\"''f' a llappy Day' as n ' ery thape and s.iu df'Pic:ted creat c..ltnt.
'f'bt: winntr O( the float ~Rtf!l"t for the HCOnd yNr in a row
The lndut"ial AN Club which 1howt'd how a ftw hard workint ttudtnta can clo Quite a bit with
hammer end R3il.t. A-.o enttrtd in t he parade wtre mort than t~nt)'·live bancb (rom the turroundinJ Hith Sehoott.. Boy Scouts and ch~r· 14*1t,.. whkh edd~ an otra aUrktion to the pand.e.
--- .:::.--=- - ::::-路 -#-----
Cheerleaders Back 'Cats Victories The c hetrlcade~ or la$t )' tar were 6 6Prittly young l3dict who Uitd tO bUO)' the ~~opiril$ of the ttams in t he (ace of ad\'tf'll.ity ttnd who were there to yell loud· tst of all when they ·...·crt victoriou!l.
The chttrleade~ were at:ain cho!lt'n by the st1..1dent body. The>• "''ere: Kim f'eucn:. Terry Net· wilf, Deb Brecht. Patty Me· Ltl.ut:hlin, Mary C~rcen. June llouchu . T h tt~e six wt"rt backed·
up by Sue SchuMier and Deb Yost.
11M rhft' ..."+ · ·c-tt tk«otd by the ••udtnt body lor th"' lti1·72 roNJ 1: M. GoH«"· T . !l:tt_.i• • J . UoUch«. ltow 2: K, t 'ttl"'• 0 . IJ.rtdu, P . MtlAud!Jln.
Drill Team Organized In Peru
The Kill>' Ko.dctl. a cirl.s d rill t rom. was ortr<Uniud for the first time a t Peru S ta te in 1971 co perform a t baikt"tball cames. t>.-fn. V('ronica Beguin. ft new in· s tl'l.lctor i n the bus ine.;:s depart· mt.nt. was the §POntor. Miss
Sharon Gentry. ('I librarian nt P«u State. nl110 htiP«< 11-Upc>r· vis-e the p r()Jfam .
The drill ttam performfd va ri· ous ro1.1tinH- durini.C the
timH of the basketball aamtt. including a danct·marc::h routine. The routinetJ were set tO poJ)u· far musk. indvdinc ' ' Windy'', ''Shaft ". "Haindro))!l", and ..The Sttipl)t.r",
The fin al J)('rformance wM ci,·en tit the ~h . M3rl)' bal!.ketb&ll t:tlmt o n Jo~ebruetr)' 18 .
Game Tournament Held
Some cl dtot contaUIIU In tlw ll'lllllt.l S.C.B. •PO- e d C.o!M 'T-~1.1 WtTt f.e.rl Brown. half ol thor tha.M~hi p
u.blt ' '""" tNm. row: Tom P~ll. Don MOflriBA nm· - -·liP i.n ta ble t.._.U. dwbl-. Jl.m Mc:KMII, d~...IP,
Tbe a nnual S.C. B. Game Tourna· rnent.t were htld throuah Novem· bet" 8-18. The fielcb of ccmpe. tilion indud«i in the a:&mtt were eheu. 8-·b&ll. 1nooktr. table tcnni•. table tennis doubles and atraicht pool. AU rame tourn.8 · mtnt.t were open to Pen,1 State
Collt'Ce studentt. ne ov.r·all winnen and run· nen up werf': Cheu • J im Me·
Kea n, ht a nd Dave VtrmHr 2nd. 8-·ball • Avery Wallace. lat and Bill Stell 2nd. Snooker . Randy Hanst'n, ht and Bill Sell 2nd. Table Tennis • Jerome Stewart. 1st a nd T. Popek 2nd.
'hble Tennia Doublet · Earl Brown and Jerome Stewart were lat. Don Monzinto and Tom Popek 2nd. Straiaht Pool • Nate Parb h -t a nd Jim Peanon 2nd.
a.- .,a.,..." ('OAtt'•J)Iatt nnt - • · whilt ~ and 1\ldi.Me. e..t prop- of
dw i:ntriute ...-. PI•Y""
1 watchful .,.... -
0 . v - . K. Chakr•ktt)', .ludp, M.
Debate Team Travels Widely
C. S. Loar. L. St~. P. Cadle, '"'joy~~,~,. t'-e tl«4tblo~ at W"Khit.ll &att.
Loria atld ch«k O¥tt" ('rhhr..,. 11\tt fia al dtN.te ot tl'a ~. 1'1wy ""'" t ht Ofli)o · - ~ C.Pl\lrf. tf'OPtiT,
The mtmbtrs of the Debate ·ream attended OebtUe TournamtnLt in Maryville. MWouri: Man"ato. MinnfSOta: Kansas City, Knnaas: Wichita. Kan8ht; Wayne St<~Ue College and Northwnt Missouri SuueCollt-ge. The debators brOucht back a third place hOP~ from the Wayne St.ate Forensic TournamenL The 1971 ·72 Cavel and Rostrum OWate Exhibition was held Octo· btr 8. This £,;hibition is held each year to allow hi(lh tchool's d~te teams to ltun the proCf!durft: and t«.hniques of col· Ieee debate.
For the lirn time. Mr. J . D. Lev· itt. debate instructor. was as· si:it td in hit dtbate dau by practicum •tudtnu:. They under· took much or the fu work r«~uir«< ror dtbtuins:.
• r..oci.. lh.t otlt alief - I ) Mr. J . D. Lrtln, IA'riu if
ta.. dotbete lmtroct.Of, Stuck.nl4
~!itC•,..S wkh him 11 Ma.t)"riik I T« P . Ca:ttl.e. D. You.n.;c, 0 . Fo.b,
S. T'yltr.
President or the Ca,•el and Rostrum Debouto Society ror 19'11· '72 was Bob Wernsman: Vice President, Barb Wilkinson: and Stoerecary•1'rtaturer. Julie Tillmt'ln.
Sl~i.IIL ·~~
.two, f'fMt .. ••••••• . •
None! ! !
Entertainers Capture Audiences
Wil,. Jot. and - . . o.ta._, 8J'OOb hilll 1\MIMftcâ&#x20AC;˘ ~PfMMd.
Changes Bring Improvements New f:. ce., ('1111~1 . n combi nation lountce 11nd a-tudy urea whh bat k· wround mu!.ic, "' ere 1111 a part of the new look nt the library. An information centtt WM <'O n· lltruct«l in front of the Admini3· tration bulldin1 to inform •·tOOt nt.f
of vnriow:
t-\•ent~ .
1919 took tht' inhiath·e ftttion lor 1he n~M• bulletin bonrd.
AnOther major chanlte which took place durinc the 197l-72 ~hool )'flU, wa, the new 1et of dorm houn~~ . All rirls undu 20 >'t3t'11 of DJre ~·ho hL'Id parental CO n3tnt and rirt1 20 )'tOrt~ of 81UI or oldtr were tlirible for no hour..
.. ._ _.
The ('OII ~t ttnnit coun.s "'''" tfmi)Orarily Itt vp ns ttn ice • kat· inJ: rink for public u:se. lnduuri111l Art• l tudt'nU and the S ludtnt Cen· t~ lloDrd roo~rattd with the Peru ChttmMr of Commerce in the con11tmcdon of tht rink.
Who's Who Selected At Peru
/~ -
Mr. Cary Stephen• of l motctne. Iowa, transferrtd from Iowa Wettern Communit)' Collt"SCt. l-Ie wat nam«l to "Who'a Who In Amtricon Junior Colltctt." He ..,._. prl"fidtnt of the Ptru Suite
S«ial Sc-ience Society. and a
mtm~r of Kapp.'l Delta Pi, Phi Alph11 Theta, and the Pl'ru Edu· cation AuociMion.
The recipieru of the Women'• ;\thlt-tic Auodation Khol :u~ hi,,, the Bath 1-'llmil)• ~femoriol . the Geort:e Andre"~W Memorial ~ hoi · a,hitl5 v.' aJ Mill Knrtn ~II of Tabor, IO'VI•a. She wru: a mem~r of Kappa Delta P i and Beta. Btta, Bttlll, the Women~ Athlttic A!lll' n, nnd the 'l'tM"hN Ed. Committee. Mist Janice Axdl.'tal of S iou.x IUpi<b. Iowa, wa• a membfr or Kappa Deha Pi, the Peru Sta te Student Education AMO(:iation, the Lutheran Student t' elloYt...,hip,
Oormilory Council, and the col· ftte educntion commillH. Miu Axdahl was r lect«l Pretidtnt or the Student Centu Board.
Mr. Daniel Eichenburer. a rt~~i · dt'l'lt or Pe"'' nH City. wo.- the Pl'ftidenc or t he dulinsruith«<
Biolotey oncaniuuion. Beta. Beta, Be-ta and also a membtr or Lambd11 Delta Lambda. Bt.ide.
lhete ac:compli•hmenu.. Dan wa• plaetd on the Dean's WI or Bonor Roll a-ludtnt• for lltademic ach ievemen 1. Mrt. Judy Gro1rian or Brock re· o Puu At.hi~·emen t f'oundation St.hollll"ilhip. Ml"il. Grotrien "'' A:J active in Phi BtUI lAmbda and nUo the Women'• Athletic At'tJ'n. Throuarh her work end invoh·tmtnl in 1he Women's Athletic A!lll' n . Judy hM obtaint'd her slate \'OIIr>•ball «rl i lit.fttt'.
~lecud at Homf'('Ominc QuHn candidate and Gl11mour maratine bftt drus«l cot<~ candida1e W&f M ia Sus111n Harphom or Auburn. She Wflf a mtmbtr or Alpha Mu Omtra. Kappa Delta P1, Btta. llf',ta, Bela. a nd t he Puu Statt Education A~ialion . Sue 11lso retti\·~ a cooperwtinc " hool Kholarship.
Mi.s. Oiana Schneider of S yracu:ie awarded the Knicht• or Ak· Sar· lkn Sc.hola,.hip. She altO un·td . , pretidtnt or the Student Go,·trninr Auodation. S he wM a mtmbtr or the S tudent Ct'nter Board, the l)tru State Edue.stion ,\~odation. tht Ney,·m•n Club. and the White ;\n~etlJ . '-'1l:l
Mit.... Suu.n Hittfr wall a mrmber of the Women·, Athletic A~i• · tion and a lso a ~l'rtifil'd ,·oUtY· b:lll official. She wM a mrm bc!r o( the Whhl' Angt'llll. Kappa Oeha Pi, and the P eru Stat e Educat ion ASl'OC'iation. S hl" wru~ al110 the ff'eiPII'r\t Of the J~ lfltrril; Mrmorinl Schoi• Nhip, Mr. Cha rlc~& & chle o( Auburn wall a ml"mhl'r or Bl"ta B-eta IJ.tta and 1\lphu Mu Om tt:a durinv hi.JI tollt'Ce ~arHr . [l~id~ th~e. Ch3riN Olto hr ld oftiCJN i n the OI"'UUInizat ion!l or l..ambda Delta lAmbda and Kappa Oeha P i. He ha!C al~ auaintd the ncademi~ e·x«llrn« of Oto3n's l-lonor Roll. Mr. Hobf'rt Cole, a citizrn o( Julion. Ntbr•• WM o membu or the Peru State Sot-iaJ ~ien~e Socif'ty, and was eltcttd t o membl'n1hip in the pr~tirious c~amptU orcaniUII tion~~ or Phi Alpha Theto ond Kappa Oeho l'i . He "''M al100 the ret1pient or the J . II. C111tron KholonJhip. Mr. Oon•e tfarri~ or Auburn W(t,j a member of Kt~ppa Delta Pi ond Alph• Mu Omer:a. l-Ie leurrtd in
ICOI(. trade. and ~rOll$ rounuy. He ('OmPf'tC'CI in nlHional t raclt and cr~ rountry m fofU, fi e 'It'll! on the Oran'1 li~~Ct and r to• ceh·l'd thl' Bill Tynon A"'•a rd for bftnr the outtctandinr Junior t\thlt'tt'.
Mr. John Lutt, a r e~ id e nt o( 1\uburn........ a membtr o( the l ndw.trial Aru Club while A t • ttndinc 1\S.C. B~idoa thi..f. h~ ako M lon•«< to Ep,;ilon Pi Tau. Durinv: hi• Sophomore )'eor. John rf<'~h·rd the prl'litiriou~ Wilhehnina l..,:u).On Award for t".a;eell~n~e in the Cifld o( l ndtU· tri:al Aru.
An nc-ti\'f' mf'mber o( the lfome Economic. Club. MiS8 l'riscilla Mi)·Ofhi o( Nf'brMk~ City, waJ ah.o a mt'mber or t he Peru Stflt r f:ducation Auodation. IJe!lidl'li thott.e ac-ti,+itif't, M iu ~li)•o.hi btlon ~rrd to the Ordtr o ( t-:astern Suu, and round thne in her JC"htdult' to "''ork M an aui.. tant
oi·H lt~der .
Thl' r«iPif'nt or thf' A . n. C lay· burn ~trmorlal Sociol Scitnce Awa rd. Mi:w, K:.thy Bo,•le of llf'Uev ue. y, a~ a i.!!OO pre.tident of f:tiw Morcan Hall. Kathy ..... ,., :.ko 11n ll(ti\'~t mt'mber of White AnxtiJJ, Studrnt Governi nlt Asw· dation. Peru State Sotil'll Scit1\(e Soc:irt)'• l•nd Womrn'" Athlttic A't!OciAtion .
Christmas Comes To Peru
;\t the unnut'll mC'ttina or the American AII&OCiation or ColleKes ror Teather Education. ))('fU State College wM cited ror ex• cdlence in ttocher education. The Oistintrui~hed Achit\'tmtnt Award r«<gnizfd tht Supple-· mentary Ttaining J>rogram de· vtlop(!d by the eolle«e whereby low-income paraprorts.'iionals can enter the college and take coul"3et related to their work. Particil)bnl$. in the proj«t are t)•pically middle-aged working motht>,., with ramily r~pcm~i · bilitieJ. Many a re membert or minority groupS. Undtr thi.t pro· amm they ure orrerfd a c hanct> to imprO\'t tht>ir skills. UPOn completion or 64 c redit hounJ. they rt«-h·e o:n A ~iute in Art• dUtrt"e in E.orly Childhood Education. Tht aboo<o'f pl.aqut, •hith ""'" -•rdfd t"tnt al Ulf • l l l l -1 """'-I G
ti-•'"• •••
CM<-aco. ,,111'_.1• tlw uullt~~« i.n fdwatlofl • • I~Ku $tal• Collr« ha._,. okot~ i.n lht pmot )'N,..,
This pro~~:rt'lm. headed br Or. Hex Shelley ttnd 011$istt<l b>• Mr. Eldon Smith. beKan rour )'tars
- ohl 1M''''"
Ptnur~ • ·hh d~ot pl"'w ar• Or. R'-1 Sllflloty, MB, La..;nia Savlld•"· fo r - •lQC!efll
ill lht' SuPC>ItiMII.lary Tr•inint Procrafll: Dr. ~HI
S. Gomoll, Mn. C..fffr l~lol)ll'ltnl Vir«W• from OIMha: • nd Mr. Eldot'l Smith,.
M!ldr~ Cu~J~mil\0,
as:o under the Nebr< Head $Uirt Sul)l)lementMy Traininx Prograrn. 1'hi!l prosrram wa~ de· •iJm«l primarily to terve the n ~ or low income P."rapro(('So sionab tmplo>·ed by the liead Start Prc>ttrt'm. P~u State Colltee has lt:un('d mueh rrom admini&-1erintc th~ pro(I'Am. For one thin.Jt, in dt'-vdoping a J>rQi:-ram rt5pon!lh'f to IIP«ific educational nHdJ, the rolhn hat~ had to modiry the tradition{~ ( cou r~~e tleQuenot'. It has developed the dC',:n~e mPtoet or the program. takinl( 11\311)' or the purticipanu be)•ond the cer· tifieate POrtion. It h.-8 further reeo~~:n itcd that eou, mUllt be tKhedultd at timC'IS ond location' which lHC' convenient to che stu· dent$, h haji had to keep nexible i n terms or admi.s.iOr\8 POlicy, curriculum de\•eloPmC'nt. racuh.)' 09li!Jnment, ond dC'Ii\·ery or tdu· cation at programs.
Ptn~ $t..t.t
Collftf ,~._.old a ~u.t from th.t Amtrit•r~ AMO· CollofC~ r~ Tudau Eduuliollo Abo~. Or. ltu. SIMIJey. Or. Satha1dtl II. Eyorn. AACTJo: Pr-aidtAI! Or. FA·
dMio<n of
Mn.. Dof«hy Kor..k coltdu«~ •" tWI611ood tduotalloA ('011,.., lft Mw.le at
r•rkry. s~,.~u .
Mafty lor11 ho\on .,.' " di'VO'Ied 1.0 ma.kil\r 1M
Trai..inr J•ronam a •vt• wtrt Mr. f:adoA C. iSmlth. Mr• . t.~in.ia S.ul'ldfn. Ml'l. Sara h $tk~ and Or. n~a Shtllty.
"-• -nao.. C'OntrilNiiiU tlwoir d - afld taJtftl
Peru Sponsors High School Events PH"u
~Tal Ktl\'hie. for hith school ..t ud~n ta: in both aeademie and a th· letie d rcl~. ThrC>ugh these ac:•
tlvities hich tchool •tudtnl$ offered an opportunily to \isit PSC on a ttCUiar clatf dar.
In the actldtmic cateltOry, a Jour• nAiitm 0.-y, a Sand Cli n k~ a SPf«.h Conten and a V«-•1 M...-. Clinic •·ere held. Variot.t~ imtrwton: in the Sthool or llumanilitt
•md colleu Jtudents coordin•tt'd thtseactivhifll, In the
•rt• of
III)OI\14)r«< the llnnufll \'olleyt..JI
tourna rnent, In March. a lra('k me.t for both boys and rirlt was hftd undtr the dir«don of Mr. Harlan Krein and a~ined by PSC 11-tudenb,
I -
AI _, .. •.uhtod .. • ._,.., ~hool •tl~l"• ,. tk•t I~ hJtll i~Mn.P blot.
Pie:hutd •bo\•t l. jiN Ol'tt' of th• ft'IU)' lk· tffflt.intd •thins tllltred in tht mftt,
Academic Abilities Recognized
H.. ArnoW., K. Md.arty, R. Ru.ny1n, C. Yl'bt't'l~r . S. 1At1c. B. Stt:llli!M'r. K. S..n. n.- ~hld.-nt. auai11.d Ootr(fei 9.0 oadt
cdlll d"'rt"r lh4' dn.1 w-1«. A rtc:ord IM ~ludt'llU Wtort rYmed ~~ lht £>M11' • l,Ot.
T he
finlt um ts.t~r of the past SAW a rc<ord brtakina: num· btr or atude:nt.a named to the Otan'11 List. 0£ the 186 namtd to t he scholtl$tie list. stvtn were able to achit\'t a perft<t grade point nvera.r e of 9.0. yH~r
ThOfestudtnts which attaint'<~ t he Ptrftct avera.g:e werto: Ralph Ar· nold. Falls City: Kathie McLarty, Nebraska City: C11rol Whetler, Audburn: S tepha nie Paw· nee City: Bonnie Stemper, Puu: and Karen Sell. Tabor , Iowa. S«ond semester recipient& from Ptru State Colleg:e of the 1972 Nebraska Con.a:ress of Pa renu and T eachtl"'i Sc:h olarshiPJ were: Nancy Stoll. Crts.h am: Oebbie Caines, Peru; Sar~ra ShO\'tr. Su~rior: Dorothy Apley, Falls Row 1: N. Stoll.
C•ift&o 9 .
Row:: 0. Apley. M. 1)·1'0".
~roytr .
City; and MarKret Tynon
or Peru.
Faculty Card Party Sponsored
f'or the third time in Peru'• hit· tory, a (.c·uh.)' card party was htld. •POontOrtd by the ShKlent Ctnt~tr So. rd.
Carnes such
Cflrd a:omtt like pitch hiahlithted ttl. eveninc. Anothtr ,-arne whkh _.-.. t:njoyecl b)' all. was the "Phf the Pan.. whkh reQuites tt lt:Ait tome •kill.
The re<rtatlon eommiu~ o( the Student Center Board wa• on hand to Mrvt puneh a nd cookl• to thoM t.akin.c pert in the .aivhitot-. ' l'he entertl!linmtnt was 11110 OJ)fn tO the m•rried ttudents 38 wtll ~ f•cuhy and !Ita((.
~ •
Students Direct Productions A new IUlttnPt in the IUtA or dra· matic. waJ t ried t hia )'tflr by stu· denu • t f>f1'u State. Throuahout thot ) 'Mr tht)' dir«t.«< • numbtt
o( one-act produea.ioM.
Ourinr the fint w:mftttr P•t Cas· tie dirc<ted " No f:xh". "Th~ Token", written t~nd dlrttttd by D11n Wi rth and assiited by Jul" Till"fttln . . . producc<l durins tht trial pfflod.
Due to the 1ue«a llttaincd In the Fin~t •tmKter. new produclions were tivtn durin~: the MeOnd teo tnet:ter. Undl. Stubbf:nd«k. JuJtoe 1lllm.n. DeVoe Mannin•. S..rbar• Pollcky, Ann O'Connor. Suun Torczon, and Mark llahn eae-h hNded a produetion .
American Dame Rounds Out Year A m ~ricon Dam~ by Philip C. l.4M·is wa' presentOO by The P eru PlaytnJ, under the direct ion of M iu Patritla M t.nley. ·rhe piA.)·out or t~ mall quick t~ct.nts depicted the aubjugation and emoneipation or women throughout h i.stor)', M · ginnins with Eve and carrying into present t imet. Th ~
The rather large ca:st \'tr y IIUC• ctsSfully portrayed a variety or
duuactc,.. and situations. The set platform u pon platform wa:J highlighted b)• the insignio or the "Y~"'m<'ln.. round on tht- noor· bo.-mb ofl he fl('l.
This was the fi r8t time a ploy or this Pl'Ce and compfuity WM Ill· tempted at Pt>ru S tate. h prO\'ed to be a welcome c h an~r:e a nd the \'aritty it :tdded to the t heater pr('8entatiOn6 rounded out a year of ex«Ptional Pttformanc($,
32nd Annual Tea Is Hosted This onnual event ttarttd in 19.-0 whtn t:t!\'tort\1 Peru coedt were on a Hip tO t11 nt'ltional home eeo•
nomic. convention in the East. Whilt vi!liting a museum a t Mount Vernon, t he)• round a recipe, " How
to make a Great Cake", whi(h
copied for Martha Wash in~rton b)' ht'f trra ndmother. The origi nt~ l rtdpe inc:Judt8 five pounds of nour. four oounct. of augar t1nd 40 pounds of tS:t8 omonr
other items. T he cake has betn U t\'ed ftt the tea 11nnualty 5in« February 2'7. 1941, except for Y~nJ during W. W. II.
··-·"m·-Oii!·--,J -
Hoc.. E«Mtomk ohldtnU Pft'flollttd Ihot 123 """d ub whkh •aa Mo·«< hUIIdu<ll'llftl.t •tttftdlll•lht •r~nua.llN,
•o O'ifr 01'14
The oblomr cake, in the $hDJ>t of n doll whh a minit'lture of Martha Washington t'IIOP. WM ba.ktd b)' the girls in t he Uome Economin Oe~rtmt'nt . M r'l. Louin Kr~d. Homt" Economies in~~-tructor, au· J)er\•iud the tea.
Rap Sessions Voice Opinions Student.t and faculty at Peru St.• te were Ji\'tn the opportunit)' a t four .. flap Sessions'' to express their opinions a nd ask quf1!tion$ con· c:trning the fut ure of Peru. Opin· ions a nd que.·tions wert dirtct~ to four Stnte SeMtors: Jrv·in F. Wilue. Cah•i n f'. Ca, Juli1.13 Burbach. and Wayne Ziebarth: rmmMn; of the ~ rd of TTIUI~ of Nebra11ks State Colletres: Ward H . R~ma n , Dr. Jam(':5 Todd. ttnd J . Altln Cramer; nnd a dminis:tra · t on. of Peru State: Preside-nt Neal $ . Comon. Or. ~-tnx Smith. Or. Ervin Pint. Or. Guy Rosenberg.
Or. Cl)'dt Barren. Or. John Ch ris.t. Or. Ru Sht lle)', and Or. C. V. Siecntr. Questions raised were eonc:erntd with t he ulection of t he new J)r('f· ident or the Colletct. t he VOW • tionai•U:chnieal program at ):teru. policy c hunget concerning dormi· tory rttulation.s and atudtnt con· duc-t rulet a nd the dismis~al or ft'tl.lh )' membt,..
Students Choose Glamour Girl
MU. SNrlq JKOI»oft ... alto nomi.~W~tf'l I« P«u"• G&.mow Ci.rL
EMh y~ar the S tudent Centf'r Bolrd f.ponsors a contf!ft to marne Ptru Suu e College's Clamour Cirl. The nomin~ts a re c hosen on the ba!i.s or drf'SS, college and communit)' ac-tiYities, and 8PC"Cial honors reoceh·td.
This )'tar the f.tudents chose Miu Dtborah Elmling:c-r or Buron. Ohio. to represe.nt them in the national fmals .
Miss Elmlinter, a 1971 transrtr f.tucfmt from Bowlintt CrC'tn S tate, is a junior majoring in E:nglish and is planning a career in t tach· i~t~. Otb
was active in both Eng· lish Club and S tudent Center Board. Her parenl.s are Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Elmlinger or Huron.
Runnen·up in the Clamour Con· wert MiM Marlcone Meyer and Miss Shirley J aoob!oon. t~t
Marlene. a senior tlcomc-nt,ary td· ueation major. is from Nehawka, Nebraska. Some or her activitiCll: inc.ludtd Ne·w man Club, White An· gels. Cheerleadinr. a nd the Dorm Council at Morgan Hall. She it the dnughtcor or Mr. and M l\l. ~·1erle Me)•cor or Ncohawka. S hirley, a unior from Otot. Ne· braskta. is the daughter or Mr. tand Mrs. Cerl Jarobson. A social scltnC"e major. Shirley is pla nnintt a C"ar~r in teachinr. Some or her aetiYitits includ«< Ch~rlead · ing, Phi Alpha Theta. White An· ads. a nd Kappa Delta Pi.
... _,_
..' . •
ol lht Clamour Cont..,, ...-.. MiM
~ab 1.-Jmlill"'· 1 iu111of Ua lbfn .. "".
Oo-tln.r Crff'tl g,a lt,
Three Faculty Members Retire
l. I
mtm~t'll of Peru'• faculty retired this past year. ThO« re· tirin.g were Mis.s Luc::y I. Hovey, Harold W. Johl\$01\, and Silas E.
Mia HO\'e)' receivtd her B.S. a nd M.S. OegrHS in home Konomi«
education from £mporia Sttue Teachers Coll ~e. In 1907. she joined the ftaJf of Peru State Col· l~e after teachinlt for thirty fi\'e
years i n KunffiS, She hat ~>ten active with t he 1-lome EconomiC& Club on eampus. the United NatioM Dinner. the Martha Washinaton Te<und thutyle s how. Mr. Johnson be-san his forty ri\'t ye-.'\r teaehins ea r~r in a rural l(hOOI in Richardson County. In 1951. he wAS a ,)pointed supervisor of grude eicht 11nd d irt'(tor of
guidance at the T. J . Majors Cam· t'~
)'MA M -
h.M ••'CI
pus School. l-Ie was numtd Cc>Uti:e Director of S tudent ·reaching a nd
Placement i n 1960. While et Peru, Mr. Johnson ettt1blished the • tu· dent tducation assoc:iotion on cam· pus, or which he was !fponsor for twelve )'et'rt. Mr. Johnson hold!~ an A. B. Dtfret rrom PSC and an M.A . Oe;:ret from the Univel"8it)' of Nebnuka. In 1960. Mr. Summttf came to PSC from Tarkio College whtte he hed b«n h ~ad or tht Enclish Otpartment for fi fteen year!l. Dt.~r· ina the yeaN that he h;u bttn with Peru he has served as • pon· sor of the English Cl ub a nd Sigma Tau Delta. Ue was a l50 resporui· ble for the Pt.~blicotion of Siftint
Sands. Ue received his A.B. Ott-rte from Western SUite Colltt:e. Gunni$0n, Colorado a nd hi.J M.A. Dttrft from the Uni\·ersity of Missouri. He has (llto done rraduate work at \'arious univcnities.
~b. ltatoid JohMOn ~fd forty ot t N<hin,l lr. Ntbr.,.u wlloool..
r.-w-. YM"
Carlile Assumes New Position l)on C:ulilf', Oir<'<'tor of SP«ial S~nic('ll ;u P~ru fince 1956. M· •umtd t h t 1)08it ion of Oirtctor of l:.l,a('('mf'nt a t ~ort h wfto t ~fiu.ouri SuHt Collf'1Ct ot ~ huyvillo . MlJ·
"'uri. Mr. C:nlilt camr to P fru in 1 9~ Dir«t Or or S~ia l ~viet!'. II i:s work hod b«n mtt.inl)· eol\ctrntd "'ith contf!ctlntt
IU #\ !'t'li~ t ont
prOIIH'I«·tive a.Hu1t •H• fo r Peru ond prtparintc publications for tht rt· t ruitmtnt of ntw $1Udtnt!l.
Tht potit ion of Director of $Pf'('iul Servic«'t' rtca1.1ir·t d much t imt. "1)rk. a nd tntrjC)• but l)on found sati.sfaction in hi:J work. ·rht most f.ftti.'f)· int: 1)3rt of hiJ job"''-'~ " t h e opponunity to ltfl to know k id~ • •hilt< tht)• wtrf' s till kids. thf'n to •~ them rt-.,.ch mnturit)' and ao out ond C'Ontri bute to 10titty."
Don Cerlilt ac<wt t hi$ collen more than what his po~ition rcquir<"d of him. lito ttn\'t himff'lr for o bt'tttr Pc:-ru,
C.1loJ- Mn'.cl • • Oort!IUOor ol SPt<l•l
Sr"i«ot b
thor Hool oul«ft )'or<ln,.
Nostalgia Theme For Spring Week
Coronation At Fifties Dance
Ourinr Hn inttrmiNion 111 the f'if· II('IJI Oance the Kink ond Outtn of :-;,,rhUI Wt-tk weretrO.,.,'n('(J.Chou·n Kine 11nd Quttn wert Stto\'ft Kr11ji·
ttk •nd Kim
Stev• Kr.-j.itftk , a bioiOC)' 1n1~ . _..._. th• .aohomore cllndJ4bt• for • inc lte ... thft t<On ol .\fr. •nd ~1" };d KraJk<rk of PapiJJion. S~rat• b Stt'\f' hlb pranicipat«< in foot · boll
.\fl.., Kim f'fitc-n. •n t-lrmtntaJ)• f'ducat ion mo~jor. • a11 chos•n •~ ttlt' ..ophomore undidate lor quttn. She ha-. bf-fn act in• in W.A .;\ , and Chf'f'tltadi n ~e , In htr fret:hn~IHI y«tr. Kim ll~f'"tcl ~ 3n tltltnd~nl for thP :iprinC" WHk lloy•hy. Kim
b the d~tuJhttr of .\1r. and ~ltJ. \\'tru:ltll t'tUf'"-' of Skillman. Nt-A
Sdt«fd •~ on• olth~ ~nior <:an· d.d.lter. for Srwinr \\'Hk Kin• ,....., Sn)"d~r. Oan, • but.incog tnl • jor, ,, lrom Jla-. ""' Cit)•, .St'bt&J·
U. lift i• the .on of .\fr. end
Mtt~ .
Moul• C. Sn)·dtr, Mit~ C•thy Colt, nn E'n~tiUh and tPHC'h m11}or, """"' ch01«n ru one of thft ttnior c.andidatH for QUHn.
daurhtftr of :\fr.
M,., Hobtn Cole of Auburn. ha~ Plllktpatf'd in dt*>atf'. dramatO Mel chc-.rl«tdinr durinc ht>r four )tGitt at l'tru Statft.
1972 Spring Week Royalty
An tltml'ntiU)' ~luC'ation major,
Mrs. Beu.y
•tntf'd tht- $tnior ciA$$. BtU)' was acth•C' in D:wicbon·l''almtr Dorm Council. Studtnt Wh·es, AfroAmC"rican Club a nd P .S.E.A. Sht if the wife of MichMI John~n. a 197l trroduftte of Ptru S tatt. ~J.rl Brown, a ph>·•ical tduc.ation rM)or. i& the fQn of M,.., Huth Brown of C incinnati, Ohio. F..rl ,
a •tnior. wM 11n acth•t !ltudtnl on earnput. He pan k ip.'l.ttd in P Club, Afro·Ame-riclm Club, Stu• dtnt J.' inancial Ai<HCommittte•nd the Communi I)' AC"tion Prottram. Hi<:k Oh•ck, junio r kintt candi· datC', i:J tm f"l tm~n t tt ry education m3,ior. fit is the 11011 of Mr. ond M ~.
Hal ph Olack of Millnrd. Uick
at<ti\'t in wrtstlin!il'. choruJO.
nnd b.•md YN~"'· it h
throu~ehou t
his three
Thl' junior C'l:." QuH"n tandid:ut w:.S MifJ Otborah Elmlir)ICt f. An t: rn31jor, Otb WM ac:th·e in Club. KupJWl Dth31 Pi and Swdtnt Ctnttr Board. Sht i.- thC' dau•htN of Mr. and MN. tt. f'. ElmliniCtr. of l-luron. Ohio.
Selected As Freshman Attendants
f:laht ffHhmtn v.otrt chostn b)' p.opulttr tltc:tion t o bf. a tttnchmt& foe tht 1972 SpriniC W« k Ro>•tth >·· A» fr('tlhmtn they wtre intliiCiblt t.o b«ome ki na or quttn of Sprinr Wt-tkf. Th~ chosen Wtrt: Miu Mary Wtbtr. a n tltmtnhU)' fduca t ion major i$ from SaddJt
Orook. New Jeruy. She hu p.artkipattd in P.S. KA. <1nd dra ma t· i~
:\far)• is tht dlluJhtt r of
and Mr$. ltobtrt Wtbtr. PGul f'arrt ll. son or Mr. and M,... l)onald D. t~a rrtll of Council Bluff1. l o-·a. '• tm tuc;hil«·tuual tnlrin· CU'inr major. Paul has at· th't in •uch ou::tniz.atioru '" In · duttrilll Aru: Club :t.nd S tudt nt Ctnttr Board. ~1is.. ·rh tr~et
Krontr.. d~aut: ht tr of and ~f f!i:. J ot: Krontz of Tt-·
$c>n •f'd . •~ and M a rtpr ~ nt a th•t 10 OA\"id..on· PAI·
Zant J n n!lcon i!l a J)h)'fi<'lll tdu<'ll· tion major. 1-fco i• tht son of Mr. mnd M,.. Haymond H. JanJ~tn of
mer Oorm Council. She WA!J a an at t iYt mtmbt:r in ~twman Club. Thtreta has a field or con~tn tra · lion in tltmtnt.~ry tdueation.
Elk fl orn, Iowa . Za ne ha$ ~n .-.c· t i\'f' in football a nd int rumurnl.-.
Nc-bra~k o.
fr ~h num d~
~~oMr tttlr)'
001\'e l.ammlt, o noth·e or l)tru. Ntbrtuka, i.J tht ..on or Mr. a n d Mq. Waltcor lA mmlt. OA\'e it ~ bioi ~· major who has J)ll rtici P<~•ttd in tuch t J)OrU tu J.'Oif a nd ~wim · mlna:. l-Ie WI» nbo a~• ive in inun · mural lilpOrtll. Choun b)• h t r fellow fr~ hm ;m , Miss CArol O n ~lso •c-notd M un :m f'ndA nt, Carol i~ a n tlf'mtnt:llr)' tdUC"l.Uion m11jor from l.incoln, !':tbroMh. She- i$ the dAUI!ht t r or Mr. nnd M n1. Quentcoin O rr.
Also chosen
frOJhrnl)n cia» w:u. Mi~ ~l tut:t Jtline.k. ~ lllrt.:t '• th t d~tuJtht tr Mr. and Ml'll. Carl J t lincok WC'f· ton. Ntbrasb. Shco hM <' fitld of eon«ntratio n in t lt mt ntar)' td·
u<'ation . Hobt'rt "Cus" Krnjictk i!l thco ~n
or M r.
and M n1. 1-:d Kr:.jicf'k or J'tapillion. Nf'bra~ka . n obt rt i~ undt t t'rmined in thtt aru or a m~jor. lftt h a~ p.Arlicis>.1t«< in football n nd intrtunural t11>0ru . Cus Wl1.!1l11~ II m('mbfr or Ntwm.on Cl ub.
Spring Week Adds Variety
• • ...
-.. '
.., :...t.;,. -·
' ~-, "--
Wonderful World Of Fas hion
The .. Wonderful World of I-~O$hion '' was pustntt'd b>· 11irls in t ht Homt Economics Chass. and t h e ~· i n t and Clothin~ OtP<:trtmtnl. Min Luc-y fl ovty, l-lomt F..conom· ie3 in8lrUc-tor t it Ptru S tate. fi i)On· 50f«< t he t~nn u al t\'tnt . T h rOUI!h out the ,uyle .t~ hO'A' t he rirb modtltcl dothinsc which tht)' had f«"'' n duri n tc the PASt )'tAr. ;\bo modtlf!'d WtfC' IIOmt Of the (ruh • ion~ohhepast .
Durint one
in c erm~ion .
Pt:tris fa11 h ion~ An d fu ture fiiiJ hiont wttt thO"''" · The
" Catch 22 Scene"
Pb'formtd durintc inttrmiuion .
A Step Toward The Future
C,MIM4ft (ia.Uy - IIMU • • )' .. '""''• lhot' h.,l'\l Nf"Moll ... ,....._
194 Receive Degrees
w ,., s..- ...._ ......... . . ... -
..... XM....... ~
....,,. ,._, &., ...
I ..
Organizations f.Ach or u• is th~ only peN-On v.·ho can give the other v.•hnt ~~ h of U$ want~~> to · Unknov.•n
Alpha M u Omega Is Busy The mDth ~~ud~nu of th~ ('Amput had un f'\'tnt·filltd )'ear •ith d~uuionJ and dtmonJHr,ru kuu i n nuuh and a Chri.Um.a.f porty, ' 11le IU'n'luAI a.t tak fry WM hf'lcl in
May concludina the
) 'tM'il
ti('!!l, ;-\ t th ~ ~«<nd iniliation of t he YtAr O«urrffi an O\ll.lillndinr
the celebuuion of M('Kf'rctler'• birthday.
f!\'t' llt ,
StlOn,..n for Alpha Mu Omtt• 'Vto'r t t Mr. L)'lt ~l cKf'Khf'r and Or. 0af)1 Lone. Thfo offt«h ro. the 1971·7'2 )~ar Jlic1uud ., ldt •trr. Jer-ry Tu.ahorn. l•tft· idornt: Anni« t.:terht. Vi« Pta· idtnl: Mary ~laditon. 5«-tttafJ" T~.tiUJff•
Beta Beta Beta Perpetuates Biology
Rtw 1: 1... P.idwt~brffn, 1), J -, P. f'- . Uiotori.ln: 0 D!Jwfllort~r . Pr~t. •nd 1'. llrkh, \' ice l'r""idtt~t. Uoo.• 2 Mr. A~ lh..cly. • . - - : J . ThrMt, 1), (:hrhttn, K ~U. T. Kir"otoy, .tlld Dr. John C"h tOot, ,.-..,., H- J; H C•rsom•, 0 . &.-.·..- . . H. WdJu.m... 1), t'riu. C. Mt Kw, J . St411..,.,
<;. Tr•ilw, a ftod K. J' rolilltll'. Thr paot ,..,., . .., J~n C. ('hriooa • nol A!Wrt 0 . llr..cly M tho. rroup' o •oo...... TM 111'~1' w•• IN b)> IU11 1-:W hott~brt«r . l'tf!llocltflt, l'f1n t 'nch, \'ice I''""'' rkftt, aftd P• t Prow, • ho w- tM lll'tOUJI'• 1 'h• !Nr· IXIi"f oftbt ltf1)'l,lp to to•tillwlat• i.Mt-r""t in Wohcw•l ~MIW--..
Epsilon Pi Tau Members Profit Row 1: J . t' urloflc. J , IAou, ~·. VoU.~r. 1), D.Mh«. 0 . Hoh·
Wac. 0 . G1boooct •.nod It \\'•nwr. ltow 2: Or, .....,,..., H"'nll.
s~ Mr. u. ' '· J•rv\o. s~ o. ~<•••-· K• ..,.,_, C. U~ S. Cc.ctlll•, J , H«d. and Mr. Don C•uh-, Scoot~- . ~ f'o T•w. .,.hkh 0. tht fr•trrnoty ol l Alh, .,.-.... o."Pfi~Uotl 1o0 Promol.f u«c:nilkln o( tM p&.,. •nod
~~ tMt l nd1a0Uii.J Arh p,._td8 • rod rfi('OUr"""' TIW ~ obk<c:d•'t' of th.f' fr•tt'lnity i• IO PfOfiKltf ..ocW.I • ad ptOf-loft..l dlkltflo('f lfl tht' •rn. ol lndYolmll Ano. Offloffn d•m"f I.... -.thoc.l ) ' 1"41 ol l t71 •11 • bo I.,.S lht' OtUftiUIIO flt'" Jolin L.
L.uu. l'ff'O~tlllt: Otnnit. I)..,Jwr, \'k" l'r""ld''"· 1>.1 .. h ohliftc, T,....._.,'", •M , ,._ U.....S "'"'.cl tM croup • • Scotr11'4•1)'.
~~· ~- \ h l l -. Sp0n1o01r. T, IMr:\"'· T \'., ~., . 1\ ~'"'• 0 \\'wok. It Uf'W'f, \'~ott' Pr...~Mt!.l . II ll•v.'"""· 1'-•urr-r. t< Ito,!;.. J', Aftdt"ro.CMI, •"'CC M1 ~~ Wtllt•-·
$fl(lno0ft $t*'"'h •• 'hot ,,.._. .. _ , ~."... . , ,0 .-... iA ' ot~•••hr
G.T.U. Promotes Geography C'"'•mma Th•t•l:Pfilon. commonly ttftrrtd co «» G.T .l l,. i.-. com • prucod or ttudtnlf "'ho .,..\. a
• ere-: William Ta)' lor. nod Oruc•. Vi<•
.,,... poo.nt ~''*'"' a\'if'rot~ in n1nf'
V~tdtnt~ T~tbUrl'r.
llf'rb Tl't1')'
U a~t..hl'l, ~tad.ol•n •
houn or G('(ICro~~phy C'OUfM'l
~tf'taf) .
\\'JII ~m
l l l!.IOriAn. Spon!IOI'!l ,..,.,., _., :\h. •ntl Mn.. \\'illUun!i.
" ....,.,...,.... T M.etW.• ~rf'Uf') .
R. 8.1..-. .... Mro N • H
o scf"'o......, o rnu.
Kappa Delta Pi Accents Education
Ji I'•·
~ ol K•P~ Of-It• ...,.,illY ol'dlkaliotl fullfrtlllr w·n, Reoo- I C. 1....,--. S . M(Cof.d, D. 1-'riu, K. llo)d. 1,., lkrpr. Roo. t; \', IJcloliriMt, W, M(Klm. S . J~. 1' . Wv rldr, S.
S.tfd Glt Roor. 0. C«f,h, u- 1: u. ft<~~ll)••· A, Oorc:b.r, 1). \ 'r r -. IC KMettod. 0 . l>u1111, ltow 20- 1\. Sluo,·tr. S.
t'o.ttr. 1.. St\lbbtllll«k. S. lhun. K.
K. IJMGhll.
c:n.. J , Col:crO"'f', M.
)bel-It, M, Mdhor:h, It J'ithlta. 0 8t~P· n. C. ll"r•hi.ll, 1'. Mc:Coflm-11. ~. S4QII, J , ~l'l-. 0 l)u•
Lambda Delta Lambda In Science
IC.. I Mt VktOt Kln.tHY.
H Sl.fftlf!", It ltttw•
o-f. I) ('htiHt", S.Ct'"ary•Tr-Uifl', aM M lhlu.-. I~ 2 Or. o.-,1 a......
I'M~Iftf, It K..,.tff,
- .•ftd 0
lktu""' l'tetldft'lt: M, O.hlll .. f .
Phi Alpha Theta Emphasizes History
.. I'W Alplwo .........._ M 14lff..t.._., ' - - - t• • t. ...n ~...-c.,. t • ..t~ ......._ .,
. . . . . . ~..t.b
.....,..._..,.w.,..,•.,.•IMCP.A A.....,_..,....,.. 4'4) . •
.. - · GP.A e1 C..O>. W~ ..._... . . .,.,- Mr ~
s.a-c.. s,-...
w-•u. o
O. G--.L......._K
o. . 1 - . K ,._-s., c-..$t-.
Phi Beta Lambda Promotes Business And Professional Ethics J
.._ I k
A-uU.., ~ M~ C C<ttlot. J
r'l&U. Y. M:illft,
5. • "W4JW. H. SM11. L M.,,,_ K. . t Mr. K-ct BdciiA.
tt. I Mr. V . - 1~1.,., Sp{H'IAOr. U O.ut1.,, J , Cf'OIIri.h, J , Cr"'•· V llo9rlwt, L 1~-'..J, S. MOII-(t, ~· &nhnhm,..., c. ~. M J ..a,.,. I.Nh. :-~~. u- t: s.
J•- .
s..-.. ••
1> L .._..,_,.,,
- .s .,.,._, A!"'...._
:\&.y..-,T ........_, I) t' t,.,...., J 1..
f . A~. J I.At'-lh, L l~n... l t. U.•n. U lhll.)"«. 0 t"rt..oft,
S. Tac" .....-. fC Ta)loor, l.. t.:C.hf1
Home Economics D evelops Talen ts Th~
l't:ru t;conomicl
CoUC'C'C' tlomt Club consi!.t<"d ol t"ith&Hn mcmbtn Wt )~r . Mr... 1--ouiH' Krn;tol v.a<1 tht "llOn..Ot . Th~ ofti"" for tht 197 1·12 y~ r wneKartn ~h n tidtr, l)relllidem; Carol \V~tmk t,
Pr~ id t nt •col«t:
Mi>·O!!hi, Viet Pr~idtnt ; :Sue tlftnley, S«rt tllry; Gloria llt nry, Trt lhurtr: a nd Mary Voap,
1-'a rlill mtn tari... n. Tht purPQH ol &h<t llomot t~ nomic. Club is to oft«• oppor• tunitif"f for dt\·doP«nMt of PH· to<MUiohty, to Sl imulat t inttrftt Ul
M t•..,..
V M•)i!oW. !\.tl..
I C....,.. "'"'·
..__ Kt.,..., S~. K
Sch-"", C. W•tfl.b ,
l.«Y' H~. TIM P.., C . u.., tot 4. ... ..,_.,.. . . ltoe..
horncomakinc and thco titofcb of home- «<nomict, to df'o \'dop • prof~ion•l a uilude •monr llomC' 1-::.Cnomie. •tudtnt ~. and to tnrouract onranitAtlon MW:I aff'ilia 1ion of the c·lub wh h tt1 t ttSfi,Oell•tion of coll«t home rronomi~. tht Ntbm! llomf' f.:Co· nomi« Aseooriation. 11nd tht Amtrlca n fl omot ·~nomio A-oceah on.
Mr, O.V•
· R. Mkh.lot llo., O r. (;. V. SMtme-r. SPGn..or ,
.I •~"B. S~
0 . Robtn.-
. S.
K. t,., .
Industrial Arts Club Has Another Successful Year
tt..- I , H. 1-to.otnlhal, ll. W• rfln, .1. 0., Wltn
1-t~l. ~~
~u . 0 . l>.to.Mt. ll&w '1" C. 81-c_tt, V, ll• u n , (:, l.on.ckn.
Mr. l)oft C• n lt, SPGt~.oor , '"'-' l nd~~M rW>I A n _. a ..~ • u bt N.,. lwtod fi"1 prit" to.. t h.tit tnuy in 1h" ll~nl' l"••,
Circle K Aids Community
Row 1• S. Tfl)'lor. SftttU.fY- I), · ··- · f'. John~. M, Wtkh..
0 Cto..·.-r. 1e- 2 K Tayk11, Lt
ot J>l ri.Jo.. 4. Nth.•
I(IWfl Diu..: W. Si.rtnko. S. Wak.tfwU.
f'rft.~tnl :
ll. Ovt.ct.
,.,_.,un, 1'ht"tr pvrPOM '- (0111•\lllilt kt tn-tll,
Debate Society Is Active
aM «Vfth pr-ru at t hr ani!IIUI bi!Mt\M't "'''"' tc- I
Ann O'Cotlnor. J . Till...,.n. 1), ••o.\t, U. \\'"""',.."··
~h .
J . 0.
Le-vin , St>OftoOor, Jew 2' Mi.. l'aH'cia !\laAl.,., I) Manft.IIIC,
M r.. (;l.)d" IJ.u~t. l)r, C1tdor'tt, 1~. C••th-, a M Mto,
,., ,
L.S.F. Moves Off-Campus
l..uthnan Studmt f'dlcw."Jhtp, an M1iu• VOUP o( l.uthf'ran .ltudotnU..
mo\td o«-camput: thU: )'t-ar MminD •nt- ht<ld at thr- fornwr Chmllan C hurth •;hic.h ••u tt'• modtJfd by the N mbintd tfforh o ( Chi ICho and J•• The n'l«l• lnlt'l VIU'Itd from Bible &t udiftl to 1r0u1• dli<'u.uion movies. J:tani~ of v~~rlou• n .IJtUrN 11ddtd a chonu for fun nnd rtla•ation from tht' \IJUfll day Of .chool•·ork.
orrliC'~,.. Wt'ft' Tt'rry Volbr, Prf"'l1dtnt ; Ronr ROHn•
ICt'notor(. S«rrtary, :~nd :OO:an(')'
Stoll, Trn.rurn. Oncot anin. l,u· tor Gar)• Oa!o.tOW
b)' dw ,_, .. • • • .,.._,A ,.,.)' .. • tlklil tM ...,a. ..... •DI. .........I H _;,._., .......,....... ,.,_
0.. fll th- -•)' _.hrll~
.. .
... ..........
•IOC ..,. ~
•·as tht' Ad'l'i)Or.
f/1 ,.,. rod . ..,..,
- _,_
~ ~"· ~
........... ......, ~,..._
8 Or-. L F.c\lrt,
s Sc.a. s.
o--. -"4¥-. T
r ..,..,.\.•
\ 'el'-f'f
01 )
Newman Club Goes To Colorado The Newman Club i.s an ontaniZJ· cion for colltn ~ttud tnt.s d<Signtd to promot t a nd tn~ura~:e tht princip!t-J o( tht C.<ttholic doc· crint. l lf funcaion i.J to ofttr "u· dtnts fO<"ial. i nttll« tua l and rt · liKiow: a cti\•itie.. It is open co all ' tudtnu or the Catholic dtnom ino~~· t ion. 1-"oundtd in 1948 111 P eru Stat t, it was prtctdM by tht Col· lftlt Catholic Auociation.
The group
in\-oh•f'd in
tmd \'Aricd proj~c.t durinr tht rouru o( the )' tM . One or th.t major projtoct• wM o 11ki trip to Lovtland. Colorado.
Offict·rs or tht oncaniuuion for the 1971 ·72 1chool )'t~r wr rt Tom Tamack i. Prttidtnt: JO)•« Ctr· Ken. Vice·Pre-•ident: Ma:rine Bthrns. S«rttary: Md Bonnie Sttmpe_r, Trt3:turer. fo~tt thtr John McCabe and ~lr. J e rome Sttm· Ptr wen· tht advi80U for the oncaniu.cion.
I~ 1: M. W..&th, T. T .ar'Nitld. S . Wunw• , Uow J:T , K' "lr.. C.Gor.c.b . J. C~rt.
2; ,M , ~t\r'...._
0 , S lt111Pf"l, (), l.&inc-1,
~h. Jtf'OIIM
S ttmpu, Advl..ot. Row
D. &ra..MW~r . T . K""'t'• 1\. Sc.-PH, 0 . Jubhn··IU•. T, Tar· \\'rich. Yath•' John )f.cCaiM. A1h'-". J . ~YfiYM) l.
Nt.U. "''
C. Corad,, , M. O'Uri•ll. 0 , a...i1110~ 111W:i C. ··ot. 1('1-riac '"ac•l*' ;,. IAwiPI•IWI-. (!ele.r.t.
Th.,._b ·
Education Is Basis For P .S. E.A. The l·•f'ru Suet- Education A.wo-
C'&ation h.d onto or thf'
mttt•nr ..c-hf'dule. on campw; dur• lnwthf' .,.,_, )Uf. Onto or thf' mf't1· i n.~!" uw ludf'd a 10'0UP of lint·)' f'.at tMthen who di'Ku'!i&td the prob• lf'm" encountNtd while tMC'hinr (or thf' fir.t I imt-.
;\nothu mtetinlt indudfd SuPtr· i nttndt nt" fr om l<hOOiii in the
•unoundinc are•. 1"hey informtd t M c-roup on JU(h thinp a. thf' qualhif'tl th~· look ror in a lf'~h · f'f that hu a,pplitd ror • job in thtir !'oC'hool •>'1ot«-m. ~kleo.
rnHC•no, thf' croup ~n t r f'Pt«"·~•~tivft to the nadonal and rc--
A.,.f'mbly hdd i n C~n.d hbnd.. John wa,_ ..-l«tfd u tht Sou thf'~t Coordinator At th ~ ...amf' a.m~blr. Ptnt', tAiUC'A liOR A.otiation r«•iud h(Nlorable mtntion for ha' i nt hid the bolt mtmbf'ftfhip improvf'mtnt In tht> Southe:u:t rt>«"ion. ' rht dub'• ll\Oillbcuhip i n( r~n!ed by approa• imattly forty numbu~ durin1 the lh!ll )' t.:tr. Th&,. croup or Cuturf' todurator. ,.,., I~ by P•t C•~ tlf'. r•rbsdf11t:
John JO)('~
Thomu. Vi«- l,re.klmt; ColcrO\f', S«:rt1ary. Wancb
M( Ksm. Trt.-ureor. and ConnM Shandy. SPGMOn fot thf. llf'OUP Wf:rt Or. U oyd Kitt. and
Or. I:S.I••nt Ssn•h·
lrionAI con,tntkuu durint the )'f'ar , At the •Prinx S . S. E.;\ , OclH",IIe
I~ 8 \\ i.t\.,....,, M M...._, S l ....t - . \' 1.....,..,... K. t..a.o.ocl. II ~that l''lltlt.A • • _,.,....., . . ...__
At- I P " -• 0 A . . . . . . S. ..-. I'
w.- Soaof"- ~II
Or'"I r. P
l.. .-....., as., )I
b J'nu, 8. 54-.,. ~ ft.- t
u.--. S .!<to
..._. I 0 t:k~''"'· P &-....,., A ... . .. J C~-. 1\. ............... S. Co0u1H, n G..,_.", S. Kr.._, I T\u.h.wa, Kow t
wf'l'-. K
R t1f1-. :0: S.h.Mr J T...._ J tl 11b J ~
~l.. 1- M UK•
1•-S.E.A ......, ... _ _..," . , . - ,., • tlw &d4 .,/
o. r...b . s. ~.._ s. P"wooN. s. on.. s.. r..c.,, ~ '"""'s. Kit.... t;, M)n-t. S. T •)kof, I) C..._, C. Rot' S ~-
P .S.S.S.S. Co-Sponsors Session Thf' Jltt\1 State Sori11l S<i•nt~ Soc:if'ty ha"' •~ ''"' nwuor obkc· th'f', promohnc •ntnll'!ot in undtnu•ndin• and appr«dt inl lli•IOf>', th• appl.c-,utGn o( Sodal Sn~fM'f' and \Wahon•l opportunltlf'oo '" th~• fif'kb Tht lffOUP • •~ 11'1\-ol\f'd in \' lUi· ou,. actl'hiftl durinc the ~ufl.~ of th 1971· 7'2 ~hoot )' ear.
Am<H'Itr th~ .,, ,, •idinw th~ S G.A. in ob1111nlnt •I toi/Jte Hrtll· to.o.
to hold :a
UtJ• llb.!~lon .
'rtt i~ yt,• r't~ So(it'ly ofn cct'll wen·: (;ary S tt\' t n o~, f'rfWiidtoru: 0«1rah
Stoll. Vice J>rf'oolde•n : t>orothr Oux. S«rttMy; UuJJnC" Ste'''"'· Trt.uurer: And Connie Stumd)•, lfhtori~tn .
Spon.o,.. tor thf' croup •t'tf'!
Or. Gf<tnrtt Sc-hocttnh.amd. Mr. ltoclf'r S.lrMia and Mr. John
Uahn. T ...,....._ K ,...__......_, 0
c...... 0 ua.,,_., 0
......._., L ,__ ..S 0 0.. lMI
, ..,.• I'$-'~"--~~.,._~...__ a.l ...,."".,..a~ h ..... I) ~_,_. ' l) ._.,...__
1•. ..._ l)t
~ \Ct "-"" ~. ~ f~lit J v.~ ' I I'.,... 8 ~ ....~.~ ~ A..... ..-.111 1Jw.
,-.., .. ,!'>.,, •oooc: -~ • ,,. -
. .... .._ ........
Student Center Board Puts It All Together T....-......, 1"'Mo Studt·nt C.-nt~·r Board ._,.., ro.pono.lblt> (Of ot th" tn· ttrtAinmtnt and ~ttth·•t't!t for
Ptru Suue
durin• tht
1!171· 72 •~ndtm k )'f'ar.
The S tudtnt Ctnln Uoord ~opo n · t«td \'OIIf')'bA II ttAmtto, moviH, •nd diUl«''o whh wrour.,. inclutlinw •"unk ' n Punch, 1' he '1 ou n~e Unid· tN. CmC'kin', Cenetl.t, The rortt. and the 1-:ll',tic: Otmd, who pnformtd for the llom«"ttmin• Oanrtt. Ttllp.hootin•. t:•me tourn•nltnt<~ . thot (HUh)' lratk mf'tt, and a .. inc&ow P'!intint conte.t vrtrt hdd in C'OHabc»alion • ilh thf' S.C.B. A ur rally, • lloknk. and • eunival 'tllltrt htkl in the
;-SJrin.r. Con«rh
futh tnltrtaintn ., Chtt Skh· oh and the ll.ll.~o. A hypnotlit .-..; ••~ obtaintd by cht S.C. D. SPKial ft;nur" thllt tht S tudtnt Cf'nltr lloalrd llfft.tntf'd Wtrt on o,>rn houie, tmd Ill 1 9~'• danct.
lorfl .,.., ,,_ ('".ua., :-,_... J A,_.,.._ h !\.tft. "'' _...... P f"•rdl. 0 ~ \I . . . ,_ \lr- C.) .. .!i..C K [)r."'fMr. C \I............ C ~• .1. u.,-., C 114n...._ I) t)_...._,... K ...- - . J A.....W.. \It PMI KNM. ~ R. on.u. .W K tlt)>. lJ 0 R*n-
S . G. A. Undergoes Changes 'fh~
71 •72 Mhool )HI n~~uly PI'O'f'd d.......,trOUii for thto S.C.A. AJNllh)• tlo-f'd th~ S .C..A. At Ont POint, il \irtually dlJbend«<.
:-\ontthtltu, S.C .A. "-' .lllll retJ)On· •lblt for diU"On t inua t ion or chi ... hourtt. im,lrO\'t m rn t' or 0 1H:n lfou..~. tmd rt\'llmpinw tht t~thution .
S.G.A. al:to htl~ conaon..~r a rap ~ion ••ith Cour ~t'bfa,lta State Snutor-... Sft;• ..,~ w-ttt .-poMOttcl by S.C.A• ._.,.,h 1\Nrd of Tf\lj:t~te mffftbfr Ward H~n. and Omaha Coun<1h11~0nv~n, Bttt)• Abbou. ' lltt-
Omtth for the- 1971-72 )'N f ""'•: S teve Lone. Jl-rt'f-idtnt: Mk h11t'l Ktll)', Vice Pr<"tidtnt ond T rra•urtr; Terri fo~ in k . 8«· r ~~ny, Spon.o,.. for S.C .A. wtrt: ~h. ltoctr $.'\ln,rla, and Or. Thoi'I\A~Schtrtr.
..._ I M K.cty, 0 FF!U. T . r~ RottH SM....._ ~ C M_, R "'-'-.. .-d D. o.,__ ft.. 2 T w..- D
» ¥1d~ ¥1' M«K- M ~. Ot ...s . -. o J-.M4Sun.....,
¥1".a."«". ~
Student Wives Organize The PNu Swtt S tudem Win•" C lub hA..t~ b«n i n txi~ tence t'iinu· 19S7. At th~t t time ~t''tr~tl wh·01 decidtd to or~tBn i;r.e a dub for the wh•e!! of lltudtnt.. The pur~ of tht ou:ilnization i$ to h elp the
tommunity and $urroundint A"*~· The croup iJO :.lso imtr· enftl in f~ttrinlt tntettainmtm 11nd 3n OPPOrtunit )' for stU im-
IUtffilH>Bhip IUf'
Jrirl tMo
the wife of a full or t>.'Ht•timt
Ptru S ta t e ;;ctudent or be'
dttH htrstlf. Tht S tudt nt Wh·f!ll :a tti ,~ly tt) ' t o II«<n\JIIi~h thtir ;:,irn-. t t.rourh wu ious tHokcts. 'rhi.o >'t<tr the ;croup
t ryi n~~: to ~t ar t "
t .nrt' center for tht
J)cru rom· munit)'. The- trrout> a l.'lO tak~ aeti\'t part in hom«<minr ani,•· iti tt~ :~~nd h1we a picnic N1C"h )'«'M. In order tO mise money to belt> in their projKtl!i tt.e wh·~ 5tll
ut ull home t:Amrt'.
Thi, )'tM t h e ofrict,_ werf' Pr01·
0«\.t"" f« 1h• lt'il·12 ac:~ ,..,_, • ••• 8 , 0..-k. f'rft.iclf'IH! P~1 a nd J . O..hlkt. SKrn• ry·Tr -u.r.r.
Sc-""' WI"" t. ~pri.l.fd ot - " • -ho the wh• ~ fltoll ., o-rHi- l'nu S"-•• •"u Of who •rt thldtl'lh IMM• ....-. Row 1· S . ll u•plu.,.., J . O•hlh , C. Co,•tr, ,,_ Joh-.
1)., Oouwuy.. V1«
idenl, June ,\t a ll~ •n ; Vice•l-.rhli• dt-rH, O~tt)' John&an; S«retary, J one Oohlkt : ' l' rea:.nuc-r. Ka thi Md.arty: llis torian. ~t ao· Br00~. and R tport tr, J:.nie ~fon t a n c.
R. O••i.. S. Putb.-1111. J . ~. Row t: K. c-bo.. C. Wrkll'l, l~f'lt<~. 0 . l'f't•,_. C. IMt~WI~ S. CM \Mr, O. 0..1'11rl, n . 1~•-r-. II. IIN>dl,.,., C. ICobrrt-•
W. A. A. Sponsors Co-Ed Teams Womtn'.!l At hlttit> Aq~ia· tion w:~s formf<l to promote ~ th · lt t ic i nttra~u 3nd acch·iti«''J fOf nil C'OIItttc women. U~ldtf thiJ. Th~
)'tiH. t ht lt'fOUP .llponsorf t ht 3n nual Hiteh Sc-hool l n\'ita· t iona! Vollt>·ball Tournttmtont. This y~u. the t our n t\mtnt at• t rrttttd 36 KhOOI.!' nnd ~bou t 450 Kirb Jmrticipntf'd. ' rh t, "'' M t ht bi;~Net! t t ournRmtnt ~·tr, and l'lbo b rou10ht tht m08t ~ttudtnu to \'i!lil t hccampu~. t<teh
T he oCO mtmbf'n of tht W.A.A . 1«1 b)• Hita BosiljotVac. Pra~idtnl; l '11m Wurttlt, Viet P rHidtnt: Jody •·ichtt'r, S«re· t ary.•r reMurtr: J une Oou chtt. Point C hairman: K ri,:t int llot· t tr. lntrRn\ural Ch11irman.
A ~~~ look w•.t 11h·tn to t he W,A ,,\ , .!I«<nd st'mOil tr. It in·
\'ol\·td t ht ( ion or Co-Edu· c:uion:.l \'OIItyball ttan'•·
Ito- 1: T. •:.-all, 0 . Eh.-11. 0 . ~,... 1), J011"• .I, O•vloo. P, w..nrito. S , Seh•1.r.. H.ow 2 S. Sth-1«. J , ll «~.nit~r. s . ,...,,.,
A. Shoht~holtl, P. Sc:h~t._ K.
r.n.-,._ S,
.... --
Ito-- 1: M. t.!Wftl. J . l:io4.t(htr . K, n .,uu. l.i. t'rill, 1' . l'f'OW. ~oil. M . <'Mr...-n. c. ,,..,.,. Row 1 M ko 1~..1" nut.~.
C.•tiotl ',-t.-11 1'«111'• Cam"""
S~ 1~,
John-. A.
Uowljn.w, K. ~bnbfoo-,o. :.; n.iU oH. J . l'kh1n. 1'. K. &11. M. ftc-.
Clayburn Mathews Hall (J,j) burn Math.-.-. Uall pro\'Hif"t> • hom. aw.\)' from hem.- lor ap. PIO.t:im..t.,ly II, m~n Thir, ,-~ar'• dormllor')' fun-ction_, in.cludftl ..-v~ Jfomf'C"'minc .c-th·itif:f. OPfn hou..'-t'. and tab I ~ ttnni1- and pcol tournamtnt•. One of the •~Pfoth o( life the mtn enjo,·td 111 1h~ h .. ll .,., ,.,. the G frM mo,·i~ they""'"' 41ble to auend. U t~ulhHI t h~e funct lon.t for tht dormitocy ""'' Crt: C tuulle Pll\'0 • li.. P rf'loidtr'H: IC ich~~rd Kohtl. V~e Pra-ldNII: Qlnd JO!'tl•h
SltPhlln, S«rt-IAf)'•'J'tNtjUrtr.
•trt: MiC'hatl Mit<ht.ll. Ste'\'f! Mrrlt'n an.d ~~ TaC'kd· ...... fMh o1 thf'
rf'PJ~ntath-.. 10 the Cou~W"II. They 'aff"~
had • Dorm
lA-f)' R Kra.nwr. Or.dlt)' W•ll•alftf. TttrY Stan Voef'l, Ga)lt S.J;Mt'OOd, Hod Wanman. and Rill Ta.)lor
Davidson Palmer Hall l)a, idw n P3lmt r dormitory '-' J)ollt l of tl1e Ctnltnnilll Complt• which 01~otn td in 1967-68. h i.t "
rirl.. r t~~ icJ en ce h.all, doublint ., Ptru"• t•nswtt to :11 sorority how.t,
'l"ht re..idtnb OPt'nf'd lht au· dtm•c )'f'at ,.ith A Sistf'r Suot p.;~rty. to 1ntrodU« tht frfthman cut .. co ch~ rest of th• •nhllbt·
tanh ••or llomf'C'Omin:c:. tht- c.rl• b~o~~h a noat in conjunction ,.,,h ttMI PN~Ib lh·ina: in Cla.>burn Mathn·,., C'hrinm.u •ou h1ch· lirhtfd by dorm d«<raciono; and 0Pt"n f lo'"'' · S tationt"r)' tm~ • ieh the dorm wru, .old to "'i~.- i'nOI'l f\')', 11nd a rl f'W~ J)3Pfr V.'ih (rN I\Itntly publi.!ih«l to i n • (<Mm
the trirl• about ui)C'Ominr
...,... o.,......,. ........ 0 . . . ....,.. w _ , ....-.._ · - ........... l .. '
·~ dl'- ..
K. l\r....._, 8 ..........
K $c:lllo...,._, " a-.._ K K - - . A _ ,... - - -...,_J l},t.....
II ....... T K.-u.
Delzell Hall Otlttll Hall is tht- old tst
dormitory on cht l~f'ru S tatcCnrnpu$. T ht h a ll, n<tm t'd ufttr W.N. Otlltll. hM nC'tOmmod:,. tions for 16 1 mtn.
"rht holl wa~ rttumtd 10 ust for mtn 3fitr a )'t:u 's use :.s a wornc-n'l holt dut to ren ovation t a.k in c p ia« in f:lilu Mo ncan I-ftall.
Sornt or the
activi ti ~
tht' mt n of
Oth..c-11 wtrt im·o h •«< i n wtrt. buildinr ll 1-fom ~min( nooc, holdin ~e 01H!n IIOu!lt, 1'1 Chri~tnln< p._,· ty, inci~.Jdi n x the d e«~ r uti lliC
a IS ft .
U ~.
l.todin~e tht dormitory throuah thft>t net i\•i t i~ wtrt John Win· ktl, l,rftidtnt; HidlMd JA«h, VKt• Pra~~idtnt : nnd PC"tt Uric h.
S«r~ar)··Trtoa~u rtr.
G. Do.. J. W,ll-.tth, J . U ri111, K. ~·rot~~~. J , t..nd•·.-ht, 1.. l~.ktU, 1'. Vol_ \n, M . C.n«>r.-. L. Cr• - . 1>. IJrifh. R 1- h .
T. t'rcwhlkh. J , .,..'inb t T'h~ ,.,..~b tht' l>rlull dor• (OOIIMil, ~l«tfll Itt• th. '"'~to tOf the- lt71·12 whool )till
Morgan Hall, Women's Residence
Row I . W, McKim., K. IJ.o)'lt. l•r~flt: !'0. S4oU. \ 'ic• l'rfl'l• tkN; 1'. Vro... n- 2: 0 . Htt~n,, C. ~lrt;ab., D . \'ll', S ot
pkumd; M . 1-tt-. JC. f:.O.uea.n., J , TillmaA.. A , O'C- nor, A, l lofth.p, tW<rri•f)'•1'f-lifH,
Mut~ i c Educ:.tON N11tionttl Con rtr~nCle is the campus orttUn· imtion whi('-h dtdicatcs i t.~t:lf to
promotin.e thf' C"Ciuclltion of thO:fe int er ~ttd prhnruily ' fht or~eaniwtion i$
in mwic. OIIC'n to Bll
11tudenu ronetntr:u inc in the fitld or music. It was fin~t or· smniltd in 19.50. &l~ot.:Uh<'~d in~e ' 'o riow: r~cth·itift' which tht croup ~n· «1'ntd th ('mstl~ with, \1\"f'r ~
Diane Ounn, l>rbident: John Brook.~. Viet" Prto~idtnt : Kriftit M oniSf')', S«rt't flry; :1nd K:utn ll4n1&a)' tiN\'«1 os ·rrtawrtr.
Rew 1: t.h. Ca-ty. K M«r'-ory. S. Kui'IIJN.rt, A, Cr~n, Or. CoU.n t::. WIIOOR. n2' K IU-..)', tt. Gobtlorr. J . Sroc.U. U. Ounn. J . l)id,i - . 0. C.Utlt. Kow J: T . IW · 1.-. M C8Ch.h . S . lliJI, Il. Albotrh.
The croup was tht maj.or ra( tor in orca •1i l in~e :.lrld attractintc: tht Hid, School &nd C liniC' whi(h took platt durinr tht tall. and i n tht •prin~~:. tht)• t•ko brou•ht •tudtnts to tht tampus tor tht annual Ntbrask.a H i~eh Sc:-hool C horal C liniC'.
0......_ p,...,._,
\\..,__ L La'--. 0 .,_._ \'~« ...~. M C.~ K. ~_,, J ~ K-.-..... g.. •........_ Z. lido$'). R. AA..U. J ~ T \'.U.-. C ~- OF C oliloHI Jt "•'"-· ... . , _ . , lftltii~IU.l .\I...W
Hot- I A t ...... K ,.,..._ C I.., J Sew; I) ('. .atft. ~ K (........,, R.. 1 U c.;.te.ff, R To..... 0 0...
_ ._ T IWIW, J (",.,.._, .J t"..tnow.. ~ ftllh t~ l~u. G Sl ~. J Wolbll, M c..t"'"• 0 KMI O<h IC- S. J
Band And Choir Present Concerts Th~ P"n' Suut Band 1M dir«tion of Or.
~ ...... undt'r Gll~rt lo::.
Wilson. l 'ror~"or of hhtrum(!n• t•J Mu~k.
Thfo orrinn. of tht' ~ollt"C"f" band durinc tht' 1911·72 .chool )Ur ""t.ff': J1m Ok-bon. l)rbldf"nt: l)i.une Ounn . Vice l..,rt-ldent: $«rt'UH)', l>tbbit' Cofrth . Tht' 1-)t'ru
CoUtee Ct.oir. all qwhfifd •tud~"'" lnlt'fC"!!ttd ift '<I"OC:lll music. """" undt'r the dirf'C'tion of ~lr. EdwArd C. Cam N1Iy, pro· ~hi<h b
ftMOr of Vol«. OfrJ«n ~ho ltd thf' ITOUP 10 anothf"r J.U«f'Mful yur ~t:r«": K;ut:n Ham!'ay, P rfttdt-nt: l)a\'id V. Vtrmr.r, Viet Prn.idtnt:
n.. •ll•
e1 '"" Chou ........
\ttOolflod. S Knt,
n.... 1 n
ltow : K
n._,., L
0 -a. lko- I U ' """"'"·A SC\I..rfthefU. K. Wal.\.n, I) \'-..I.
MI . .........., ..
c. c. _.,)', ,.,.,...,..
'"*•... ., ... ,_, S.•t• c.&~. diJf't"'td ,...., ~""·-f.. ('IMW...._.
nw -
....,__ C
o1 1...
,..., 1t1a-n c.~~ N 0*, -~·· " - 1 J 1\o.l ''"•=·a.,. o. v,,_, ~ c t:W..u.., L
:~~ . .
•n.e f'~fU J)cdaeotrian Wtl~~ •n• othtr .-ucc~ful )'Ur of publiC'• · CtOI'\ durinc the- 1971 ·1'2 ~hool Cn<kr the dir«don ~h. t~·trif'tt Oro--ninC'. ad\'itor and John Thom.u. th~ wa~ taucht the new•P<IPf" bu~ineu throuch the bbt I)Oi$ible m t thod, UPf'f·
'·-_-"';. . " ~·
itn~e .
Of jour• nali.~~m •tudtnu tri"Wf'l('d to Ntbr~k• City and took tht r til:~ oi publi<tation of tht Ntbr!Uiu City
0\llill iC lh(' )'f'3 f. 8 «TOU I•
Nn.-. Prf'M. out of the- haM..• ol
tM r«"CUia r turf. and pubH,.Mct ,.,., bi.uft unci« the- ruular •Utr" • • tt hrul f')' t ,
Thtr .-taf'f of the P«t.a~rian ('Oft • ,i,t«l of: John Thorna:J. EdhOt· ln· Chid: llobt'rt . A-"U.t• n nt t Atitor: S te,·e Lonr. Nf'lll...: Chuc k S mith, J)hototrraphy: J t u y S tH"Ie. Sporu: CArol ~fcCabt and Sue Schueultr. both in t hJH•t of C ireu l ~tion and 6w.ineu. ~t ~~.__., l tr..fWM, .Mto1.or, M
c ~·•
s-" J
T ......... 0
0.-'"-• 6 Wf't"_..A.
M_...,.. etf lM ,_.__.. ........ tlw S........,
a- ,.. p,..._
Yearbook Is Cooperative Effort 1' htft' Wt re a numbtr C)( Journal· is m Jltudentll who. tOii:tlhC'r with lo"'c houfll. und ha rd work wtre able to compl ~u· the- 1972 P t-Hl\'i · An. ThO!I.e lltudtont» hwolvC'd in it& 1•ublic:.t ion wtr ~ Dtb O.nrton .
Em>• Botck. Oiannt •'orh, Stt\'t G:tr.:t. Oa\•id Lainez. Barr>' Lund ~. C.nrol M eCnbc-. Jl.'nie Montanr. l~rl :Ncri. PM Prost. Sut Schuf'C • • l('r, NtJney S toll. editor: MikcSummt~. llob Wtrn$ma n l)lu~ \'oluntHOI: Kath)' Uo)'lt. rr~nk D'o~-\ddl'$lt, S tt'\'t Lonr. Ct'lrol Mw,t. Chue k S mith, Md llobbie Thi("!• (tid. Mr. f!l•trt'U Brownin« fi:tf\'td Mthelld\•is.or.
~t.b Suii\IIW'A .,.-.,, ffl i)Ofklbl"' o f tilt JlkhHt!'O laU<n tor lh'
(Of .....,.
~h .
t!vtrrtt n....,.-..Jn•,
d.. 1), L..irKI. •lid U.
P. Pro.., S , Stoll., 1). O.ttoa..
w.-.,.-n •J~tnl
~1. Suo111~,
h011u-. C0111pili11c th•
Sports I afk buc a fie-ld th11t i• f~tir and ~urau to do and to dar•.
II I •hould win .,..y 11 bf. the C'Odt- ••• but i( I .h.ot.akl lOll•. May I ~and b)• thf' tOM •nd <h«r
thf' •inntt ~ b)>. - ~•ton
Bobcats Finish With A Victory .~oocNU
f-'oUo-inc the Pttu Stfllt'
T~m·• fin,al CllrM. a » · 1$
tory 0\'f'r the Cuh<rr·St«kto.n Wllckab. lfcad CNch J04' Pt-li· k'k'• only C'Ommtnt ""•• ··.,. ,,_,.. .-e- had •"On nine mof• lib ~t«. ~'•"·: Stf'\"t M all«. Sidnt)'. l o-·• : flay W•t~r.. \\'illi.,_ton Park, N. Y.: Paul Mul· <'ahy. \\'orn•t•c-r. ~la.s..: and :\lib OukC"J. VIlli«&. Ia--..
th.t ont".""
The vktory broke a 1 $-cpm~ 1011• inJt itrN k for the Bokab •nd -~ tM- r.n~c homf'C'Omlnc 'ittorr for
13 $outh O~.kota Suate
lh~ (ootb<IIJen& •in(e
12 Tarkio Colle-n
O\'f't (rK
II 1965 ¥~· ln
Doane Colltre. ·l"he •Mton the Bobtau t nd~ whh • 1·9
C racebnd Colltee
r('(IOrd .
28 Northwtft Mi.uouri Stnte 3.1 Otspite the r«<rd. Coach l'tll-ttk hhd a llff'<lll d tnl or proi·e for the t tom. H e •aid ttuu lhtY 11-''tr 0 ' '' up and t htH they ktl)l ~o>.or k· inK hardtr and t:ect i n~e btntr N't h
· ·« k.
•-"*""-... .,......,... '-
T en,.., ._. t ...a- .,..._ s.n.,.II'!O(
\1_. Taw o.k.... , . l l 'ft.
•• ,.,. _....., _ . . , . • ,,. - · -
. . ., ....
Tht futurt- of llobc·a t football! look" bricht as only ,h: M<n~r- lini·htd thrir carftn oo thit. h •P"irhl'd ttfam, Thf' u-nioft ""f'ft' Cary
U nh•. of South OlakOtll
12 MiMOuri Wts·ttrn
Kearney Sune
Chadron Slate
. - ,_ !oodot...U C•r - . - . •
-.-.,d.. _
35 C uh•tr • Stod:ton
~ .... ........~ . l - t f t ,_ .. 11M~_. A,.,... J.atl t' .-.:to...-al
...,._. ,....., . . . . ...,_ 1111
Tar\» • -
p - ......_, ...,. ....,. •• aloru oppeftr"K 11-12 '- dw
&.4 . . .
1'lw · · - Slat• o tt'•11oi n tto~~m l.ndlldofd $. Mlllf'f cH•. K Kam· ff'). J . PH'-:i~ tCI. I~ Gu•...O iCJ. 8 . Ktn.IW'dy CC I. tt ~Mth m. J . Wir~l..t cf!). A. Wllltac. cHHt. nft'lt n ·m . J .
~ UC H ~. anod T , (t\~r CQIU. Tt!h t~llt OflPOI<ill r
dof(f'n- lor
..-tfl'CI thrCM.r.h
t<Ou(-lwlooo M ,
I )l
oltM f'f'nl Slalf' t'eotkll TMm Wttt I tOP 10
1... MoUtr. It IIOWI(k., C. l >itk;,__, l_.. M ollt'o, K. Warl· ..-...n., K . t' roloton ... t:. Tffftpff'CO", C, Tay~. J', M c:wthw<ot . U.
......., • .1. Lrt""a.n.. H.. ,,•• ~. "'· S)'flloaiW')'It, ( M,_J 1- , • •• U ald..n., o. r ....... K. T ..r~naJ, a.flod t... v~.
"'""'· n..
Bobcats Build For Tomorrow m.
T . f.lloott n _:., L K•• -• 1-t, t; .bt-n ICJ. 1... Cl"'-" IC). 1... Abott IGI, lt. Uuk fT), lt. lhucltnt)' tR;. L. PrMht Ut8 ), J .
7.-loukal !1181. 1), 1•~otn0ft CIIOI. a&d 0 . COUCofto 4Kt W f ' f t btn oltht pu!!~da• toQ uoci 1cor t hot Ptfll Sca tt Uok•t ._
or •"'- •~rh ,.,.... ~.,, d..f•"''''"" ""'It .. ,, c
1-t MtKthf')' IQ I. 0 .. Wlntu 11fll, •NI 1•. Muko~~oh) UJll \\ hU• ~,.,,.,. thtY .,..,.. ,,.,.....lblt for t«oor~c l'"it lt«<h
- . II~). l t. W•ttR i M I. M Ovl " " " · :;, K••.l't• .. IDJ. H Kr•.M•.. \661, 0.. Rl.~ UH. IJ Seol:\ma11 t.5o6), J Wo~~ot•t. if.t l,
r ... ~....., Uw ,..... ., ~ •-*' ~ !'1-.,.h_... .....,. »4!.. Tlor ...._ ................... _ . . . . . . . ........... ~- .....'rt·-
...,c_ ..._.
........ ...
.,. 4:- • .,,.,..,,.,., ...... c-h •··•-'" Twe ......., ......... ,..._ -
1...., tolloll.. ~H •Uollolf'Q'
olcht 11n1·1'2 l'nu Sc•tt b..o);nb.U .,...,. .. ,..._ ftow I M \' ,.,brool, h. S U~o~n0... 0 . !\tOfUI..,._ T . t' -hlkh. C. IA.,.,.It. T Cr•l•. M. l)tlhallll. a nd lt. Mouit.My. -~"'·
Cagers Faced Year Of Rebuilding With tht IOf.S of ~oh'tn kto>' l tutr· mtn. Co.."tch J nck Mclntirt fa«d:. rtbuild inr c:halltna:t in his ~ ix· t ttnth )'tar as baskttball tooC'h. Afitr winninc o nly two of thtir finn twtlvt scamet~ the Bobc:lltlf: c:amt b11ck to win (i,·t of the las t t"~h·t' . A~ luC'k would hn,•t it. H\'C'r'l of t ht la$t tirht J(ltt)...:t'!l wcore b)• n ml)firil'l of fh·e point.J or Itt'$. Thi~ ltft t ht Bobcol!l, with o 7· 17 0Yt't311 rc:<onl '-'nd ta 2·6 COilfN· tnc-e r«Ortt. Junior. A n ctnias M onU11rue a nd 1-:Arl Brown. tht o nl)• !ltnior o n tht SQuad. ltd tht t tam in ~eorin~e .-nd rtboundinr. ·rhty provtd t o bt thr l'l'IOf:t c:oru;Uttnt p~a)'efli' on tht frt~~.hma n tand !lO~h omo r e ladentd f,QUQid ,
Tht future looktl very brif! ht for the roundb<tlltn & t le-.•t n l t1Hl r • mtn and (our IIUuttt'll will bt ft'· turninc nt:.:t )'ttar.
$3 Tcukio Collt;tt s.6 lowtl W~lto)•ltn Collt'frlt' 89 1\l ~rt Lta Colltttr 61 J>o.:ant CoiiM:c82 Midhmd Colic-Itt 82 PnrtOn.t Colltoi,:e 61 Norlh"•est M iJ.SOuri 76 S ioux 1-' ttll!i Coll~c66 Uni' '· Ntbr. - Omaha
62 C hadron S uue 6S M ount M a rt)' Collt'frle 7ol Wftyne S tale Colltt:e
96 79 76 68
Si m pSOn Coll ~to
Kt:tmt)' S t:tl e
74 98 74 60 91 102 80 86 90
63 Doane- Collt"CC" 87 69
fitlle,•ut Coll«:e Un i\'. Ntbr. - Om:th:t
69 Chadro n 87
Kearney S t ttt e 66 R4'11t,'ut- Colltt:t 69 Nonhwen M issouri Stot t' M ~lou nt ~hut y Collt1t:to 8$ Tarkio Collt~~:e
6S 81 ; ,.
70 88
68 83 72 93
A-iot4a"t ~~·, .\hll~tr aftd (!owh M dru ir~t fffl tluot tum oi!M t .lid mor al" • •• ''">' inlllOft&rH at ohoown b)> t.!.it. halldo!.a.\i"'t, (;oa(h M( ll'ltirlf !.11 llwl it • .._._ a IOUlh _,._.. tluot d• '""~'" ~loci b<o bridlt lor thlf )-Ill <• «"-
V.arl n~-.. Wffll hid~. iMO thf' .. , (or, • • cdnh •r• ino.t K~ ··,..,. Stal~t ~ , _ othft 1•- <• «,.. w..rd for thf' r..t.ov.nd.
Ku.riN')' ~tat• niPPf'd Pfl\1 8$-81' 111 a ...,_ pla)·td 011 lkobtno' ~ <ou.n. h • ._ th. ~ lo. (« tb~t Bokau au.i-1 K a rll.,. Stat•. II•••• tryinr 14<' lrt'4 • • ·ay from
a tkf~. Tom t'rortMh d-·, lot- th.r- b.Mkf.t.
Stuodtftt A ...huuu ~llllu •11d CoMb M( l nlirt h.MI • nwdt~a ol fi,,. r~wni11• tt41.-r-l'l t~ • -or\. • 11h. 1'h..,. • ·trt 1), M-ri1111'0.
A. M G~~t•C\M'. ll.. J:J.Nuy. K Ur-·n. • nod T, f'rodkh, 81'0Wil "' llw Oftty •ornioot Oft th.
The Future Looks Bright '?' . . •
t- .
MH!Iobt-n o1 tM ,,."' •••..: 1«ow 1: J . St•nley,
w.,,,...... H.
' '-"""'· K. 11ooftc.chf<r. H. Ul.-c.k. H. 1). ArM~<~: Row 2: D. Aum. 1). A...,.,.,., W, Goo.. J . Huac-, L. Pr.-chl, K. Ttnn..: IWw ):
C..h Kr d11. T . I._·~J. K . frobli11•. J . McKt•rt. L. Studmt Aw.iotal'll 0 . F'nn.biwbr. •till J'. Morrhouo.t,
Wrestlers Finish 5-3 On II b.'\fi!l or poinlll c:olltctcod throutth the wrt~otlinsc: ~Mon 13 ~m~rs or the 1971 ·72 l~am wen named 11!1 l~uermtn b)' htad coach Jbrlrtn Kre·in . The mnt •POri. in onl)' it.s s tcond year ut Ptru Stott, hOO (h·e m~n l tU~ri n~t for the I!«· ond time.
1,ose e:unina: thtir •t<-Ond lttttr Jock S tan1ey, nic:.k Ulack. Rod Wan man, Llury Prac ht. a nd Wa rren G0011. R«~iviniC thtir lir~~t lelltr in rollta'<' comJ)('1ition wert: H. 0 . Arnold, Crary Lt5oinsc:. ll.ancly H tmJtn, l<en Bocucher. Kim Tennlll, OA\'t Arnu. Dean Anstey, and Jim Rnac. AIJ'O l~t· tnini!' for tt1e fiN-l t im~ as man· a rer wM t~r ed ~forehouse.
"'' f'ff':
t~a m ~11, third
linbhed 5-3 in dual in th~ :\CC. a nd fourth in tht NA IA Oi.H rict mett. KCO:n flotuehtr had the but rK"Ord with 15 win.11 IU:ninst a aintdt deff'A t.
'R£STLING ·14z ·
I'SC 21
Kf'<lr-ney $11!1 l e
18 MhUand Wa)rn~
24 14
JO NrbraJka We...!f')an l ' nu•.
:IS Concordia Collt11'• MidiMd Collt"'le
22 K•arnt:)• S1111e
~lt'\""W Coli~
2 6 18
J - R.-. ..
• t.1w
lhc ll IJIM}, looW li.b tw • • l111 tr....W. btlt -"~ &.4.-r lllt nt'(lltfd • 1\riJ- ~.
.,..,.,.cl .... ··--· ,......
" - . a...
..._t.. ,......,. ..'*..., el ........
0N11 An..l..,. ~- wtl l .-.. h.ard te 1M I to I*!M <I-
tt..t ..
~-... , -;:-
l '
I'"W'tl\!ftc 1'...-v ~•I• l.. lnllllorlll on th• 1\tW "'""" •«t K oll4ot '*"• U lt...d, d - . J IUn~. .. ... rl~-. It
1~111. ~•w-. •nod J Tv"'"· .....,. ...,.,, ,.,.. n.dd 1'\Mh a •U-P"r I)OiiiJII.,.. tM ll~k ,_..,
Thinclads Finish Third IN NCC Ptt"'• tratk u·am for 1912 fartd N in dual com~tition but •htl n\anutd to fapturr third pl.~~« in ~~ tou1.h NtbrMb Collf1te Con· ftrt-nu. S hot ·putttr. Ktn Kcamman 11nd ;..\•tlin·throwC"r Kim Tt:nnt~l cap. turfll thin in thC' NCC Tr"·k MHI aJ; Pt:ru l'ini.thf'd •hh ~ I poinb. Kamm.t~n htaYt<l the .-hot 4ff41t.. t o takf' lint pl.ct •h•le Trnn•l. onl)* a fr~tShm.~n 1:ntbbf.d the> )&\'din thle •11uth a throwofl99.,''. f'nu •l:.o had fi,·r HCOnd·plM:• finl~hf'!l v.hh one- comina in a relay. The •«ond pla.ce finlthtn ""'·n e: t«~n Goldfn. 120 yard hi1h•
hurdl": Oon Ttmplfmertr, 220 )'IUd dlt<lh: nobin Sitnmont, pole V11uh: And Uorry llt«<. diK U' · ' l'he ·UO )'llrd rt lay tNm roru•i•tinr of t:lmtr H~·ftl, Lf.on Gold~n . Jim II inion. and Jim ScrucD c:apturf'd I he othtt t«<nd pi~.
~ fll lit. 1111 C"- C..A4, T - · - · tt- I 0 .Diilllout, 8 8.a.. G Std.faWl•. K Swtr-. n !1---. 0
tc.l.. 0 . 11.-,no tWo- 1. c;..,ar. Mc.IMw•, 0 -. (: s.-....... A,...., _ . 0 lke4)
Cross Country Runners Finish 4-1 \\'on Tarkto Coll~ot
..... ...
Ooant' lnnlation•l Tourno·
l'loanot Collotce
Ke.arnf')' Slalot
~ .A . I.A.
MihOuri Suue
Won :\'orthwat Miuouri Statot
-.--.. ~
l)is.cricl ·rournt)•
Nalional Toun,t)•
l'tOC •v•il&liotf (Of thh pktutt. Cll)' La~r~W. •lid ~~, Wtrt ' '"' _,,. ho&doooo'tR frOID b._,1 Y"R o.q...-d,
of aiM am r fN Sc.Atf rolf tMm • ·t-rt C~q Lanr.lllllt. Otll.• llOttr OoNS. 0 ••.. L&mmlt. •nd Kvn Ktl!ll, C~h
.Jot Pdltwk ., ..,
Golfers Place Fifth In District Tht 1912 P t ru S tatt coif t tAm •• v nx to a :;.:; r«<rd ond r.rth plac:-t in tht NAJA OU.trkt Mttt. CMch Joe P tli11tk' 11 t tam ""' tail tPIUktd b)• lr ttt rmtn Cuy U.mmlt and Hoctr Rt l'lrd ¥1'ith plrnt.y or htlp rrom 110phomore Evan Brit and ht$hmrn Oa,•t Lummlt a nd Kurt Kt nt. In tht NAJA OiJirict ~!ttt . htld in frt mont . N~raska. Cuy J..ammle (inlt htd runnN ·uP t o the mcdali~t . Cuy had troublt in t he OJ)tnin~e round but :U ill wound up only thrf't ttrok(S orr tht l)a('t. J>tli.nk is lookinf.: ton•nnd to nne )'tar M the entire tta.m
will be rttuwintt.
T:ukio Colltt:e 31 Ntbratka City
Dana Collt1Ct at Omaha
'Won ""''
Ha1otinJC:f Colltitt a t Ntbnuko Cit)'
Dana Collt~t ttl
C rt i.rhton Un ivtf'lity a t Ntbrtuke Cit.y
North•'t-Jt Mi-.souri S tattat Ntbraska City
N.A. I.A . Oi~ttrkt Mttt ftt Fremont Northw"'t Ctntral
~liu.ou ri
~·t i.Qou ri
S t11t e
'""'' Won
N etters Have Rough Season S.ncha Crh•tl. a rMtnbf.t of tht 1972 Ptru Scat• tf'nnb tt"am, be· c.M the MC'Ond rhl in the 10-4· , .• ,
Pf'TU 10 Mm •
'VAtr ltUt"r. A junktf from Om.· ha. Mia Crh·f'l fotlo.-td In lh bltt"lf'IM ol anothtr Om.han. Ca· thty Wtbh. who ~lffltd thr~ lttltn in the •prin.• tport. in 1966. '61. ond ' 68.
(h-,,.u, ehe
l:klbc'ab ttnn;_, ttam.
finishtd O·.S for the rton. U«IIU$t of 11nd rain. Prll<tl« wJu limittd to I he '""~n OPcner.
Winln111er C'lted in·
tXPttitnN! A.f o major probltm.
Steq Sltml)('r wa,: the onl)' rt· twninaltutrman. Othtr tt•m mf'mbtrt wtrt Oon Mon.rinro. Uod UrU«. Or..-it Jla. ;ed.a. Tom Kirih·>'· LArry l't"tt-r• Mlft, and Rkh William..
Oo.nt Cotltn
Nebr--~b Wnley~en
NehrA:dctt WfSity3 n Univ,
Iowa Wt!$ttrn CoiiC'(te
M~ e4 tlw l r.l p.,.u S...t.- 1~1 T N M Uow I P TJ..,., , c..~Nt... .~. u ...... u s........ u .~......~.... o \loMIO., T cr-. R- 1. c w..a... J t.a.ltod•t-tw. n
Kifttff)', 0 C..1011, S l\1"'"'"• T, 7Aidn. G. Bly. 0 , McOa"'ltt.
Row J · K t' toi!IM\1, J ~,_, 0 WillltWff, T. ··tettwh., J ~. S I~ II ~-' · a!lld CMoth f'tt.-.c--r.W
Baseballers Finish 8-12
R1tlw,_...... ~..-t ~ eru "'"' ~ ..Ut
•J"he l' tru State CoUtee ~baU 1"tMn finl\htd t he- 19i2 c.'tmpni•n ...,.ith ~n 8 -1 '2 rKord. Cou<'h Tom t-' itlliiOtltli.l'"' t rf'w ,;tartM (lbt \lolrHtitlll •h: o ( thtir finn ~i1 ht tnmt'f Mtort the roor rell in. ..~ou r 1\obcau hit 0\'('f .300 ror the ~wn. Th~ ""'" Dan Cou on .309. Oob ~ nr-r .309. Dan Jt.~n • Af'ftt
.32:3. Galt Oly .38.S. and
Stt'\t ShuPt .4 13. ShuPt • ._\ raAbd 32nd in the nation by tht S'•tional A.MOC.i.ation or l nttrcol• lteiate Athlt1ie» t NA lA) i n bat tint. Jtonntrtl made the Disukt II NAJA n,.,.t teilm .,.,-hilt Shvpe a nd Terry Crh:tr wtrt \'Ottd t o the At(OI\d ttMn, In ' )ltchhur. Tom t~ rothlich li tl · l ..hM with tht' bHt rc-eord lit 3·1
\llihile Ou11nt M• rtin ltd in ..trikt· ovu •ith 2~.
6 Xorlh.,., ett M ~uri S tate 2 1 'l'arkio Collnt 6 g Ut1ttdictine
6 0
S t8tt' Uni\•,
13 0 J . ..~. K ~nn«<y Collrft 7 2 K f'.trnt)" Saatf' 13
0 Chndron S late6 6 M io.!oOuri Wtt~ t e rn 2 0 W•)'nt .Stett 0
16 6
2 2 10 2 G
9 7 9 II
' •
-. •
.t 1tw lt11 Pffll Stau w....,..• I_I.Atl nWI TMM \I t:W••· K Koun, C. l...ulr. It f.loolob,...-M. K Math~.
J . ••, K StU. M Ito-, r•. f'f'OM. M. ~. ,-.c~ T . to'w.alt. S.. . . .t.MI•t tooMiwd till• , ..,._
Bobkittens Finish 2-4
el ta.. 1\..... U l - tl PHW Stat# WH.- H.I N Nhat1. L Ddt""~""· 1), S<Nn, J . Bouch". K. KoHn.
». rnu: Row 2:c R. Bouu"""'.... A. ~. s. n•u", P. ~. tOfl..
M. R-. J .
•fld 1f!OfMoOf
Volleyball Team Finishes 6-1 PSC
TArkio Coline
J . f'. K enntdy
2 2
Con('(lrdiA Cotlt'Ke 'l'rukio Colltn 0((ut Air Ibn Chadron St•te 0((ut Air Ban
2 I
OPI) 0 0 I
0 0 2 0
Intramurals Toughen Peru Staters
TIN Wn l111cU•no. loo• tto. ~'Olk)tt.-11 croo-" . ;,...,, ..~.~rr~r1n , ., 4dH4 ~ol' rlrn 9oft thr ch•a~hlp tf'<llm •·ut 1... Pt'ttr_.,
(i. ('<>OPff, t'
"*''""" .Joo Mtvf'll ... t l~ «W(h
UH'd. and J' ltobtrbOrl
Studs Take Basketball Crown
Wee Indians Swim To Title
: ::
Studs And Alkies Tie In Softball
Mc Kf'h·~• •\ R-IM, 0 , K611, T. IUd.,I'IOiu, K . K•~a. J . 7.Mlov\.-1: I t - :11: M. &n.«<. S . M llft'r. S. M "ttn. 0. C'""
Alkies Take Overall Championship ()\•cora lllnt m mur~ l Stundinn Il ia<'~
's6 7
8 9
10 10 10 13
1'co:un AlkiO' S tudt B\Kimt n SuM3d
Oill!l Wee lndi<1n!f Wh<' Wad $Quad Du(fy'' Double A 't~ n:o~c h "
Van O>•kt.t~ S hady 03k UombtrJ
Odd S<tu:.d
llrotht rhood
10 9
7 9
7 112 7 If.?
3 1/'2 3 112 6 ~
6 ~
9 7
3 112
10 0 0
113 1/'2
7 l l'l
2 3 Il l 3 lfl
0 l
8 3 1/'2 0
10 6 5
0 7
D id not eomPttC' •·orftittd in fina lj of t ournt)' ~ nd r«:C'h·f'd no points f'o r f~it('(l lou-t .:amf' ond rtctivtod no points
9 112
S2 1/'l
9 1/'2
.... 11'2
7 lf l
32 1/'l
31 6/6
28 l fl 23 1/2 19 lfl 11
0 0
llB 7
12 10 10 10 5 l/3 l/3
0 0
l.i.ft- Mrin' and tncb rttr')'da.)' And ~f"f)' )tilr brinaet bro.dt't undtn.Utndhllr. A dt'f~r pathy. and a tOMIUJion th•' tM (fif'alt'!l,' thina '" the '!'I'Otld
i3 Pftll)lt•
.Chantt'tlot Hur.- l:ktNrd Von K lt1n S.mid
Organization Members At P. S C. Alpha Mu Omt-.ra Dr. &>.,.,.ll..oftc Sc-. l.flt Md<tf'th.H Sc-. AnooW. Kalph Bdltflt..MI ,ol M Bdl,,,... R.oc.r
t:k!M"'-""', Ulld.
t'arbn, Jo.....,Ut t 'ril.t, Oo.dM FI'(Nhh•I . II••'Y (; riwl, S.Ady
Bottd•.-r.J ~IW'
t-..c:a.. flow• nl
Olr~t~ fa)·t
JOI'I"· ()(a'"
Kirihy, T0111
O.•l\t. Mdr.t.
Mc:Kf'f, Cha.rl" Mrnft.lkft
~. Jim
Oooloa, Chart..
r•,.,.... •••crict.
liMe. Rachb ,('"_,. Sfl'
Ciattlluowr , Aita I'"-. CI\A•tr.
..._,..8, Scrqfl ' - - lt. Gvy
StU, Karn1
~- "·
);....,;,, {l.ryaft
~ M •rysrr' ).l)<fn., Ed
8cf'Wfl0ol)ft,l}u.a.~'r, Chari&
1'\lm«. Jttr , DIMM
'f>'ir•, ~)'I V.. L.tn11k ~Vftol.,t Rou•fl
Sdlau. Sornu
&IIIMidotr. rx..•• SMittWJ, A~t~titt \ 'I'
&.-s-1. &ru~i•
liric.ll. Pft« \'P
Oonn Cound l
no.w.t. linda
ll«.ob, Joh.ft O t u - M, Jnf)' Coff~t. o.bor•h , ,.,.,.... 0W.ftllt' •. M ilf,...l'd Giooo·n , U.rth.a Cobb«, Rita 11\l&o~t, """ Kfmptt. I>Htll K•n, Sht~)'l KoMI, Lar ry K\lli14Wit1,
I..AAL S ttph.ttllk MfCllntod:. UIMia
Mk t.a.:IU... Ronr Motn....,., K l'
s,..,....,Cf'f,,. l'ifoptr , ll«lc)o
n...,..,., K.,,,. S1~r~~hol1.., ""• TM.IM.I. 0•)'1' Urbot~t, A MI
""o.,., V...ui,'· Wabti.W.Sc ...-. W•rtwr, llkhard
Ol.riotf111, OAr~ Eitll.mborrftr, DaR P
l~rt.oe. l)fnn'
Sc:h.laftn-, Ktt~tM1 h \ 'olkt-..• • ~,.Mk Warn«, ICkha nl
""•rt-ft,BraeS ltod \\~.auamo,
Al>l> WiUi•.ena $WR. V I~
Th~t :a
IC..rr•hltl.Charl•t~• II~. An.n
JohMOft, IMc a.r
KMIYB , Kal..)'
Ktollu, Thttl~o.!loi .,.W
S"u.-11. K•y
Stluwidtt, K.rn~o SIT
0f'llt'll Dorm Council
Pup. MaT)' Sthtof'idn-. Karnt Scftr,, M11.iorO.
Slu..n~.hol41. M•,y Wunb,C.tOI
:\tr•C:ff. l:tka...r.S ltff'd.J • - S.C.
S.1o...rood.f,..yl• TaclJa.oci. Seotl T.y&ot, 8011 \'Oftf, Nan
I. A . Ciub l)o.ft.MII C.uH
0 . V. Ja.rvO. 8c>Of', O,.C. V. O.. IA-out R -11 Sf!OII, U.W.. Itkll U•n•k, M•riM
Ondr.•. Hall>d)o CanLGf... Mib D-l'>l'r• ~..a
S«<ct WUlia""" Sf'OI'I.
••.ur~l. l'aul
••'"h. To.
"~· ·lo)·df
IJ,..,,...._ l(...,...,u l:t.fckff, T im IJ.c.U. Uk':y lt.o)·l•. K•th.tri11• ltNt• • l~ vr Carl)fl\t.,.r, O.•N•• C.olbfrl. Jolon •· .oobanb, W1lh.. 11'-t. M•diOI•.n. T~:ny ~ , .\(oi,..,.Jac:. I>.Vo..
Moo4n , p..v,.,~ St...--.l>u..tof T.,·to•. e..n 1•
t'urkoi'OLJCMI Cibooo. 0.•·•
~ia. llNc•
Coe.nw.., Su.11 P. " · · ·· · , . fii!Ooll 111•..-..c-.
Kd....,.. M•rti" La,_, Kt..""""' l..i.lldnt, {:ary VI, .John
Moth.Mfo., n_., S wro.SK.•
Pt't....-., l.a«')' Kfofd. J • - S.C. ltotNttoOo&. DRaa
C...LOft', M ob
\'ofll.'f, T rny W•llltk.. C rtU Wf'Cld,_., Tom
t',.,..Un.t. K"" C ra.o,. l..ovO.
"~""•"""· M k-b r \\1tltH• PGOn. G•IY
sa.ct... Ciurln
C:n-f'l And R Oll rum
K• ppa 0f'ha Pi
Ott-':" , Ti•
Fr0d1lid•. To•
u• ._. Rud)'
lb.ol.iU. 1..-n )'
Laed.·thr ,Jim 1.-h, k khard \'I' l..nlllotfl.Ofl, J i.n s...-,.. Mib
IJnt•. Pt1~:r SIT \ 'ol\tt. Tnf)' WiiJIII,uth. Jo1111 \\'111bt, Jobn I'
J . O. L.rtttt SPM. ~ll•. f'•l
f'«b, IM1111• ll ill. lto ~•·"'"
Lollt .SI...-. Man.ni111. 0.\'0t S1ri. O.rt
Eliu MOJ'1'{tn Dorm Council Oorc-bn, A nn
IM< J~~.. Car...rl•
Goodwin, Or\ltf
t• S.C..
Vo.a, o.~ .
O...f'd.Co«<• &. C.rPQIH, & rb.ra
VI •
l Ao..-, KM
.._......... "'"'
eo-tul•. s..,.,.">'
Kra!DI'r . t Mtt....,., Stw• l'•vol ~ (.'b.lorkto St~a.n, Jor
Glb.on. O..vid
Gilltam. 1')-rv. KoiKI, IUtlwrd
oe-....,.H' C.tek
s"'"'. ,
Oorm Council
o.u-. Tont Uillllo., Joh.fl
Abn Or..dy Dt. JoN. Chritt
Or. C. V, SMc_,
l~r, Ttny
Btta Ike-• Ike a~
l )r. lb4ft" lt~J
Oohll"•· O.Jt Tru...
f~tu, 1 't rf)'
O~wicMn · Patmer
t.:d Ca-..Jy Oir.
Clt~)•burn ·M a t htwf
~..-, ,._K,dty CofMb ,Carol
ltaalf")'. S. S.C, llff>JY, GkH-1.. Tr..... JMd>it1. VKU
O. &.Cutl•
o. \'.J•""
\\, l)ud
f\l:d!OUI, J«r)' p \'~,O..u
•;Pfilon Pi 1' au
Wftch. Mkhd..
TiiJ~~~oan, ""'" \\'ilk!-. O.rb
w.....,...n. Qob
Bo)'lf , K.I4MriM I'
0-c--. A.a11 P -. Patrida Re..Mtl._ Stoll. SaMY VP llll,...n,J"Ift
W.atrwt,ltkh \\illlJot, J -
Or. fh o Sh..U.,- Staoa.
Ald.lhi.Ja.n O.,h.., Ch.a.tln O.rtdo, l)•t
Dffttr. U..S. IU!Wh.. Ray
8otth4't, A•a UoUdtotr. J IJ,ovrll, , \'lr(tni.
~t. K•tiMrillt
FMt....n.. Robyfl H -. Do!Mtl.t Ca.rol
T r,...
H.ol•, 1(11'1. Kobfrt
Home- f::C. Club tot;. Ljj()' l lo->'t")'
,...... ..._... Kt.-cd
~U. O."""
ow.w.iu ,JM,.
._.._ ..... a..uc.J.-.
O.ritc-. ••• ,.,
Co«th. Ottobit Cok.CiM)o C .. Robrt Cob:ro>o-.. J(JI)'« C..tadt.. :\toll)' Dfl""-. Clwnnia11 Ou.twa.-. Surit
Uo•• .C,.,.,._ Ut......,.,...., o.....
l)u,, Dof.M.., Ecim. N•ry
tl=hrrn. ~
r.n ... MII(\1
wac.u.. ,...,.
.......... Kay
"'""t«. ft. YP
~fiO.I«l. ~.......
·---T1M1r o..kf.S....I'
P«<nruri•u• Stnff
JC.r,.MHI. f'rlfd
Sc~JMPff, ISon.ftk
t'rhr.l)Oou.d,.. C.l:-. l)tWik
""-'· o....w
~ c.,
c-s...JUM• <Mr-. C.Wttoo&a.
tlnr.Jul. 'l•ll' tbnk, lhud 11•\IJitllla.fl, Ma1o11..."
l(n- (".a f)'
.................,....,. .......... ~.,
Kn-r. S~~.-, I
t .., _, Ktr~~rd
r...,-. Gt..cb• I..H(~. ......~ .._.,K&J..
~. M~
,...,...,.., !okeeft!MU, I'•4nn a
a.-.:a... ~ ~. te.u ~Wt."-S...
"""-«ll _ __.....,
('.ft~• .
l)ft,W., lhA-tth . M),... [he~•. JIM
IIM.&... l~rt~•"• f rf(l
ICocn. lltM
fCIIt~Yall, H.u...- s.,..
\ If•
:w.w..u.r.. !'
Sc:............ KN,. S.. kan11
:sllilllt1. c... t..
~IO)'tr, l.t.lkl• ~....,u \, Sh..,_ ~O.t. aat
~. c.....,.
s......... s..w. Stoll.lMiolah
s.oa. s.f't,.
S411blotftdK I., Lfnd•
T•J10f'. Uill T ......... o., .. "noor ·blta.Kat..
II ill. Ro.unn. l..,inc•~
SuMftM-11, M I b
~. Ku..
~lf1' ,
Kt-. ~
K.a...,.. T~t.M. R-
l..a.ntu, f:.aLomheft. lll.,d l.Aiu., Ch•rlfM M•llllil'l , l)tYOt Mca.tltO("' Ullod.l ~P•Ino.a ~. SM4t•
w.r.x... w....
1\S. E. A.
~--. M ary
IJt, I.Jo,'d Kilt SPGoft, lh Siftlh
Ml')'f f. M ark-M Mnltr, ftk htt(l MichMII.. Hoetr ~W. Prioo(i,Ua
A-"'*-. Patnna Aldahi. J.-...
S.W., DM!ow
&hou ..nh•..wt
t"rllo6"..'' ""
............. ·-
nOCfr S.IMri• lfot·l•. Kalhtthw I" Cot.. H••t \ 'f•
............ Sitlllpott Spot~ U•n ~...... s, Ia
lt.hrfto, M.a..iat Sfllt . .....:t.t•....sntt tMctw.. Rw~
.,...... ........ O.o,O....AI)o
I kol•. J.oao11 I hu ......... ~hlri., J - n. O•tA JOI\8,
S&oll.Otllouh lYI' 'TIM.r-w.-. K•r-
.._.._ ,......,......... ... KM,Wtb..~
\tttra. Sc.t'..-
Mf'ttr,M •rl•"• O'Urkft, Ml\•
Rithiof.. S..A
R~. IWM-rt
~ .,..
a.,.,•. ~
C.... C..'""-
.............. ' ' -"114Ma a.-t-. a-. •. ,.. ......
S,...IIC)'k. J u ry T uMdd. Tom P Torcto~t. s-
l ~d. K)1t
P -. l'• 'ricW lla)'MOM, IJ•IHf
ftou... KriltiM s-1'-'W. J -
RwcMt. IMitott
Nicb. a.wkf•
8oMtl •• Cary ltotfh.rt, &..!w:r l'kiol•l,.._.• , RIU IJ.w•ll.1. Vird11U
c.a.....-••~. $K c - . ... .,......h
o-..1'1. Ov.'"
Nk\)'. &""u
.St_,._,,ao.....;, .........s...
Nt. ·•. ~
"·- ~~.. ~poa. J~OIJ" $.-.
Doti...,. a.u
~N, 00tOdlly
Or 0.,1 ' - "
,..,.,... u.c by
"""'". u-s. Nat\,. ltd.
&nW-• • . S,1• 1\auot\t, Kucly ~HI,, IJu,ch
MHU, .......
P~\i... Joll.l'
......... MauM
. . . . . . . .,.
C...k. P.trick
l<t•lk•'- R.bttt
~. ex.....
~. ,...,..,
\ ' na.K_....,. S.0..
Sol••· uou•.
.. Cll.a...,..,,.u
w.~. J•.,.
(~• II •, Carol
I !Mhtt~btn:, Jo.n
B-,JNflllliM <;h.t...i .... , ••.,., Colt. Joli.n Co,·t., CIMy
Olfl•t•-· f"a.t•• Colr. C••t.,y Coh, l'tobtrt
OM.tW., s - l)llt.-.., J ..nniM
o.w,.._.,..,. Sttplt.-1'1 Oit\i•-· Ctw.rl• Oitru.. ._ Ka,...
o..r... s--...
o...a.,.. ,...,. .~
f~IMabotf,., ,
ktf1'.s -
~- ····
"-"ltw.l. tt..... Uo..o, M•ry lt04b, Cu 91
................. Scku.~ ~. s....,.
S.CI. Kttt" St>llrwly. C01111k IIU-t. P•ufda
Sic:. bta Sia.St•,.._ S..C:•"- 31wo.... St~. s.. Sr.phM~J, f)'
Dw •~ Oorotlq•
..... w.,.,. f.:.V.t. w•.,.
l>r. ('...,,.-
n-u IJ.ttdl11
K'"'•:. C•l'lll
H-..,., x.,,.
.,...,,...,.. J(noAjof>
J\lbot11nll•. O.n t
lbhlh. ~m.•
Joll.~~o-. J.t«t~~ti)'JI
Jon8, 1.. uy
)b--. r.,.. . ..
Phi Uctl l_.flmbda
O.r~r.a, lhlltM
J--. M~rtri
Joh.l't!Oft, ,..,,,.
Mil , .... o..,.,
Gu-t••· ~ TrN•
H.,... p
Phi Alpha Thfla
s.-. ....... "._._ Bor"r-.
Slth••. A • \II·' l'retfiOIII, fsoa. IWNn-. O..•io K-U... K.ata., T.-
A .... K..,.
ft..~;~p~.-~~o, Mt~o~r..-"
f t..y..._M.,joft. f«-::ritt-. ~ H...._ A_
114k ' :<.hi K.......a. ~
....,.., Mto.....
,...,.a)" ......,.,.._....
....... ..... ..... .. '"" "'.......,. )........,.sa...,_ ~
c,m,a. S..&•
Jl.a n•.hlll. MaJ)'
tettt.}'. w
""'"''""'· """''~'
II•· -.:11)11ioo u.,,.,,g.,..."
WtUtr. G•IY
~hk•. M~""'rd
J~·-· f<41h.t, ....Tfd ,. 1
WaliON. Doft
S1oU, zr.,·. ,JW)'
O"""· Oi.a"""
ca..·" , 8HtW c-..,_...
1'nt.c• • " Wahliotlcl, Stn~
, .......... o..w
Y.'llftltr , C•~ "~. t:..w
1\."vff.._t ·~ ~~~...
l..aM"" U• If)' ...... . St...., ).._.eLJaSft'l.. lt..l1 P-,.f'.trna S...h. Chll(ll.
Aa.n.. RodfttJ'
Pe-ruvl11n S111ff
C'•h'. SI~t
Or C•IIN« Wol-
'I at)'
··~. Larry
M11IJt1h., !>lui""'
a...._.u....• t'Of'b·. l}w,._
tAt C• .w•ly Spon
~k<:OI'd.S.~·· ~kllvc:h,
M. t:. ~. C .
c... c...,_o.-;.
C"'*-. Dove
Moll«. '\'•f'DIIi.t :!«< fho.&
ICOwtHiilal. ftonr \'IJ Sthout, l't.ndra N•O. :<.' &ftoCY T,.._ \'..\ .. , Tf1'ry I'
La111. St•~ha11k
tt•lllf!oiGtf. RTU.ftft
f'cwb , t'or.tHS...JI
Koht4, Ukh• rd ,,.....,_,., K•.II
Kr•- .SMr. I....,_._Shnl.
S..ilh, Chu.-11
............ .c-
Ctffn,J"'"' GtOtri.all.Jydy
,.,...... Doni\• Yril&, 0.1"''"' -,.rt, M•teatrt
S u.r-ltoJtttr
Or-. tNt• tc::\ trt, a,..,.,.
'-':. $4~·
<"•"" Nb-.ltt, Sut
........ _.....,.,"«'.,.,..
floc\f) . Ul.t fhlbff, RebHt
l~ ~;~u, ltobtfl
lltft.'Y. <Uori•
Cnd)o. C.f) K#ltt. MoU
t'arkll\J,. 'A""-'
Cr•-. Hob o.--.a.... ..w VA«'• .._,.
WaU.H, Kathy
tlc """""' ,....• a.-.&.
Stofl, l.>.taoofah Oaftltl
Sc.ot~s.Jhflftlo T•)lol , ~ft
._ ---·T•.) r., \\'•lli.uJI
'J'IIi,wm ·h'#a.IUr.-
T..-.... s.-.a ,._, ......, J#I'.W ltf"Chl v..-.,,t,.-id .. "·--·· \'~ II.J~)'
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o.,..,., .... o..,1
oc--.Hno.... ~
.~..... )II..,
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......."'""c..,. ,. N......-, IN.t.M ~
\ I I)
,..,_,..,.._ Kat,.. \\~
•. ,
"·c. (1. 11oft Caul,
1•. :s . ~. s. s.
0.a. """~ ....._.
"-"k ............
l'•wl I<,_ G.>I•Ship&.y A._ . ..hiOII.Coedo , _ _,,ad Ao........ Jaaoc.
8«......... ,_.
n.--.w_..,. IM
Du" Oot'th)' ·~~Ttr.u
tlMiol\('ff , l)rb r ...ult.l•• ul
t' rih, IJicNd•• O•bl-to, IJ#nrly C...._ Drru1io , ...h •• J.oaa.
(:obooo•, O•"' II• rr•b'll. ChatI_. l&..nta.J•ri Kef-. And)>••..,....
......... ~If)
t.-L~~· K.Cb>. 'lot'-'
S. G. 1-\
·~~--... s.-T-ScMft'
"""",, ..... ..,...,.R•••
r..~•• a>L...... fr'll.l, i)oud. c;,-,u..,..,1\''* J """"'"· ()a·,n
...... r...,,.
K.-ly,Mib VI'
u.n.l,., Uotur
o...Mt. c~lloCb'
11ro)W, I'•tricia l{#ft.r.otOff, Ro.un ft
Till-•......... T~S..
'ftiiL-. R.wiiN•
Orowu. tC..r
. , ..... ·--~·
y """~
t:M.~• • u ....... t."a 'flwff'ic: hln, Jody tichl-. lhdli t' rlu, IJ.•.rtt.r•
Uoe:lc,, Z.U.
c-..e-u-a.,-. 814•,.
llol'r, l..l.ftcL.
t'--'LJ. . . . fi&l~t.
....... A_
u. Jac~
J.._o-.P•ItJ' Jefloft, l>wM
K••· t·,,.~. Kr.-Ura.. Pf'OY
t<.-•.nt<r•l\. nit..
...... c....
-"kC.abf. C.f'OI
Lou Un. Cor~•'-'
0 1Jrif'11. ~hU 1'~611. Rho..U
~··.&A t:..n~. J.,·-
M-.c&N1 Nfti.Bou1
l)l)culMof. J -
~t••. M•ry c..-.. . .M
....... M..a..c-. ,._..
~. OM)1
,. ........,_ o.a. 1-'-rtt ohn ••. S')LIJow.llro tiC, R.u
O.hlb• .I•.M
\kKM.O.UI& 'ltK--. .,•.,...
"'-·c.,.. zo-.trt,O.n
........ ...., C~tin,:W.
·~"...-. t.-... T,.._
Aa..rt... KMW A...... Dwkoo .,..,._ __ Rrtlll
(Mftotod;, Jlllfy
I hot
Nnt, :;llt""f'
S \udtnl Win._
c.,1., C'WtciY
I'WC•h. Uar\1
'A .tu-. l\.6.tlwon wot~. s \\1M•I...Io-h.~t
,,.....,, 1'.-.Hi(i.
).klA:tt.y. K..411.1 ~
.... o.-
v...-..,....,. I"Vch.all&. S..•
IC.rt...-., C'llln• ltoftf, .IG
~lont'. ""'"')"
v"'"· Ch.t•""' Wtdd~. IC!Ilh
\\'. A . A • M-8oMoMH~.I
~"'-~KAthy ~ML,I"••rww. ~-.n. )lara...
....... ....._,saw.&. ~
" ' -. K .. ~. S...•
Roa.M.._. 1-toltH, KrhtiM Sth.tou. SGt.... S"'
Sth.Ju. P• 1 S..ra. Oftot•1. s.II.K.Nnt
s.r-..,.,. a.-... ~~..,
Index A
.......... J.t..-t
A.._ r.
.-... .........l ... - - · ·
lkMI• O.ttalc• Ja.IIO
A.,rh, ICM...,. M.121,12& A!Wo~t, K~ )UlM.I If Altdfr..... O•t~ife U A~totn.... l)fflf,o "-111 Allolkr-. ~'lo,·4• 2t ,IOC.IO"J 0 142. 1u AM, Oonolhy 11
A,_t....,, J_,._ l it A...W, K~Jih M..A.IU A,...., lhcM,. In Ar•U 0.•1111 U"l
" ....... , ..... 11:: lit
•. ,._.,,
... :•
1\M ..... c~w~, U.)!t, T .. tr M,ltt
ll••f!l, ftt\ok«• JUot Q.ll-. TOM 12'1,123,12,
I!.It II-. .. u-u M.aoe tw~r.-, .t• H
O.Hto \ , ~htioll M , lll tl.u'U ... I'.AI K H...rt........ ,Sr&. lC.U.lO'.Ui t
H.t.n...l)fk• )IATAI'l'O,I:IO.ISI
H.....,.''·'" .....,..,.......,,. .......
(oUII.,f', Moth.u l IllS C.l,.flht, li.Jiw•• U . IC». Iot c ...., ...\ u .r..tt2,11':
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C....uc\.! U eo.t.~ J'M H eo.p,t, G~ IW..t» Cc.c~,.,..,
OHW•, ICithlrd
~••.s-.n u. aa1.12a Qt4t(lfl, l)•,. IU ,Ut C., I•, Cu~)'
C.,t• •
c:,,...,.., ,,. ,.,•.,,,c.,., U8
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e. .... T"- an.uo
w,u.._m M,.)UOS.IIa
f~tii'Wt'" , l.-.rd
t' .,tl. l * IM
•..,....,..... o-.,. r..IU..II1 ff'tlf'f'OoK.,_ lltMJQ. I 72 richottt.... I'D.UO .~..-.Rot\.1 ti&L T••- 11 • •1,. r.-l~,.,u ».lot.n:
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ft•~ I>."'W t1, 1011 ••, _, 1M• • .)1,112.1 Ui .. """· Jw4y r. friu~ l&.r.,_, • .)t,lli,l t..U$-1
f'ritt. l>MI..... IOQ., IK. Itl', IO&.. I:O fll)fhiWh, To. .O.I K.13S, Ilt. l .0, 11! •'rolll0111, 1lnuk\ K. tO.IOQ.,I26.13f.l U,
. .....a.. 21,106
Cl'i..,., T ...,. IJI, I :I.S.I43
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I).W\,, o.-N U . l&t.IOt..IO&
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1)1&,-. ~-:c
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..,,. ,, OthtlM, M.ullw K,IOI, IU ft.,...,
lkhtn., tUOI Urt1, l t\ • n 144
u""'""'· Sw'• "'" 21 Uuffr , Lin4.. t t,I01.111 Utili li-t-. Jot111 11'1 INML Klc\ 3l,tt ,lt1.1U
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1~'"41t, Hot• 12IO.I&O. Ill ~wlwt-, 1.- J7,64;,10t.1tl.UI
lt~Milal, U.... JUOf.12't
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,,.,.. ..... s-1" Ow....,.,.
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("....._ J)fW,w 10.8:2 r.... -.. M••ouc. :!I ~Canatl
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(ioUMr. llh•
tO.U ,I U,I 2.8.1 ~
r.oupfi. Mary
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<Macl .. C•rol M.ll•. l ll Cott11140.Su.S.,.1:!,106,111 Gfll4)>. c;.,. U
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llill, Ro... ,.,.., 41 llillman. O..Ud IU UIJh, S•t1 1t1,1ZS llill)'« , t..•r•nc-t- u u;n,·n. Uobt"t~ 4 1.10'1 llillotoa, J • m... I H IU• • ec-. IH.In <11.118 l ~'t'I , Gf'OI'c-- 41 1"-ck. ti ,I M
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nw,,_, b oll lr.7
1..-cnu. i:':IJH,. 41. 115 l,.ahmaA.. IAfln if' 128 t..inn.Da~id 43.1 14.1 1$.1:11 Lall)', \\' 29 l,.aflloboor, Ka rl 4:. U09.12t
l.A rwl•·~r, J•- 4:l,IM.145 La.n-t. Jam,. t),IM . C.rol Q.I U.I$0, Su~al'lk 82',129 L•uli.n, J alot lAI'OOn, K t-l'lr~ard 1 ~. 111 t_..., _. Darb <IJ La......on. ltandy Q l.Ay.on. (; laody. 2t,l01 l..ft<h. Ha r rif't 2t
!.A«-h, Uk M rd IU,I :U,.IU
l.iftdm. Car)' H.I ~. IU U uh-. R k to; I M lMr.St ii'PI!M 67.12'0 &.q.·tYd'y. A lu t8 l..uu , Johr~ 14.106-.11 1 I.)·DCh. Wdli.lm 29
Jf&n.nnn . o.."")' uuu Jflitwlo:, Marp 47A7,9:1 Jdi<Mr~. M~;~n..l 2& 29,1015,118.,120 .loh-. llt'u.r 2t.t.OA I .tU 1 7, 1 21 , 1 ~ .1oh.-.Ch• rl e. 41 .loh.n..oft, J~IH'I)'I\ 10 7 .loh.n.on. l•atricia 42.67, I I 2.123, 1~I
.loh.n.oi'I, Sc"""'
JoM.on. ""'--or" tUot .lono8. o ..~.a~ L. n J oi . I08.111.118 J - . IJW.tlf' 42,1 ~, 1 2'2 Jublll•l llf, o,. .... · · ~
K.• IN.n., Kffltwt h I :U, U4, ltt'i 1\-..A..Ca lhy d.IU Kf'll)', Mk hatl 41,"M,S.S,,I19.120 Kd~.Stnvn 42 Kf'f1141tr, l)trd; 1ft KIIIUifdy. IM Kf'ftl, Kvrd- 146 Ktn.Shf t>'l 42.M.It! KinlffY, Md •i l'l U IJ Klritoy, T h - 10$ Koat«. I(OIIald tt.I08 K'Ohtl, l,...,-,nw• C2',12t Kotwt, Rkh• rd d , I 2C Koll, O..vkl I U , I$7 1\oflft, Rt'M IO 4'! K«tkh. Douda. 12'8 Kra,lkt k;, RObnt 41-".1:17
Kra,iitfk, Se""·• 4%.tS.I37 Kramn. ~.)'1111 I M
Sf'Wa. Oor1liM ·~- • o•
s ........,., C•r• kl 12$ NH mann. IJntcf' 14$ s.,..;, Dan .cr..a"
Nf'l•·i•. Tnry 64 S M1"""· Armor\ 4$, 109 S Wro, Nkela 31 S Oitf', fh•••••U 31 S uu.-,., o.-1.. 1 ~1 S Kay 1$A1 .1U
~talld:, l,.a.rl)'
M.a. nn i• r. 0..\'o.. 106.112 M.a11la, Ou.anf' ItS Mautww.. Kalh)' JO.I U. UO ~u -. n•n )0,4e ~kC•bt.C.rol 12'7 ~kCi intOd;, Urw!.. U , l ts ~kCol'lllfU, r••1 rioria :JO,M,IO':,I I -:' )kCe~r.i. S.e~dr a )0.10-:',111
)kO•IIkl, llarld 14&
) klli'OY. Dour U Md lvrh, Mal)' 44,101
U M,It2
Mt KH , Charlos 10$ ~k K d,y, ltobffe 1 r.. a ~: ~kKim, Wand. 41,107,117,1%0,127
M<t..rty, Ka 1hl 30M )kl..ny, Mk h.wl ao Md..-odllin, l'au Wia S4 ~kMuu.... c ... ~• A' M• r un. Stn •n 127.1$7 Mf rlu , Rf'ft.a 4-t Mnu . l"av.l u MtY«, Ot~t.ft- )0
~k)'ft, IAI'O)'
M t')'fl. Ma rlfnt' ~MO.M Mryn, Willl.t. S I M.,-.,~. W1Uiam 44 M..l:ftf. fUch.&td n Miclwlflit., l~ U , lll. l t9 ~hUtr . AUrt'd L ISf Millfr. lM I K Mi:lln. St"Phf'l'l 4I, I SS.IU, I :W.I $1 ) bUn, Virdn.i.a. I UO'J MiOt., Clurl$1
Obt'r iiM')'f'r. 0.1)'1 4$,118
O'Oritn.. Mk h.a•l ~. I I $ O'C'Ofu~r . A• n U-, 112 Otuul'loacht. Slanll')' 1$ Qt.ol'l, l~tl 4~ Orr. C•rol t) , to. 111 Ot tf'.~ftdra 111
O.iau. 1-to.ff .e.$. 1 12'.11,
M uy U..IOU I f
~taU.hro.CalhniiM' tt .6 1 .~. 1 1t
~kKNII, Ja-
MOor"-Y. It.kba.rd 13& Mowr .Shaf'Oft 4$,109,117 M ukahy. l''a uJ IS'l' M vllfn.-, Ma rlfM •S.IO'J M ua..Ca rol U.,84,11t ~(ft'n.. t.:d•·a td J I , IOt , lli'
Tt l'l)' 29.108 Ma d -. UM. H ~'-4~.
MorriMf'y, Krh tk 121,12t
L...nholf. 2t '-ntr. Uob 4U"8, Jobftft)' I :M Ll'wio. M ...-df' tt. l2$
J~ Sh i.rlf')' t8.88.101
J-11. Xon • Z.S.IM
Morral., C•yk t-t Me»ritoCI11. l.arf)' U , I09
l..amllllk. O.n t- ~. 1 46 lAfnrt.'llf, Guy 1:13.144 l..a.nd~. U.rty <13..131
,...,__, z,.,.. 4%M.~. I3t
)fontan•. Jat~i<f. U Mol\d,._, l)oft U ,M, I S!J,I..O, H) Mon bo.• . t•rl'd 4-4, I IS.I M. I t2
~eor,-..,.. K ~'""-b
U"C''O". K •r~
4.49'".1 1 4, 1 1 $,1 ~ Shott~.- I 21 ,12'3.129
Ml)-hi.f•r&c:•ll• Sl .6i'.7t M.ti O ~loftiANf, Anania.. 138..140
•~••~>· mmof! ,,,115 1'..-p..Mary 4~.J8.. 1 10, 1 18 PaJ.c!,a, Dra~~ 4$ l"al"""r , IJob I H Pa~oi.,.. C h.aris 48,121 l'•>"ton, Vldd 3 1 P~IUn.-, John IU M t•f'l tnOft, l)t..llnt 121 l'f'lt hOft, ,,., ,. l.l3.1M P"' tn0" • ll.oktt 21 l'f'lhOft, t~. I M
, ....l)ff, l)«ky
4~.~. 1 17. 1 2.8
I'Oohl-a.. Shtfla 4~, 1 1 :1, 11U 22 .1 U l', Kf l'l 3 1 f'l:lli(,ky, O.r\Hira llf ~k. n-.66
·~· '""'-ld tl, l$1 ~1. T""Y I S$.14'2
Jl .wht. ry IM, I 42 Pl'ftton, llhonda t~.M. I It, I :O r row, Pa u iti.a 36,4:C,I 06,117,12l,l27. U I . UO
Ram.a..-. Onty 31 Rll.llloW:)', K• rf tl 46..127,123
lt.4~ ·~&.MO.. . . " · ' .. tt.I)Meftoll ~.N ~ K,l-».111
$4..111...,., .1.~ ~"t.) . \Ill•
" " " - " - 1 1,106
&-"-. ~floeft I
u.,,.,. tu..t. r,_. lf.U.I.I» ~wf ~
K.10..J f:,.I08
,..._.,J-IIliU H..,_,,....._l)7 RllW. s - - 1 1.111
11:-trr...t. ~•• t4 K--.Cul I a!
s-. ) 7,:' 1,107,111.1t1.UI
II:Iliff, KoeM-rl..
H.«*ll-. 1;.•,.._ 44.14»,10f,l ll.l It le.flo(IA, . .., ...
1 01, 1&.3.1~
ltochwy. tiN' 16
lto«,., l l.ft~lot~ni• lUI ltomb.toch. Ciilul" l$.116,115
K,oMIII•, I,• Iill 1)1
""'"•IIW. ICOf'ff l6,t1 1,11' Ko-.M tl.._ 171,1$0,1$1
» . 117 Kotttt, ..:"-l- .C.IU. I$0, UI M.U.... \1 K•t~ 21 , ~109
R...-•a. ~ 12.101 ~
s-f..W .... _ ~-~JIId)'
, J2
Sc,U,., J"h.IJ>1t 11 StMu , s.n... 11',117.121.1)1 Sot"'•~t< ...
l!ki\Midtt , I~N
Jl',t!,tt,IOI . I$
!ki\Midtt , K•m~ 17 M.IIO,I U &1\ft.IUn, l••lrid• $1 &-~ S.llloiO. t 7,67 8ci\I"CCdf'f, AI&.a4 1: &h.......!tf,s-,.. 17.6i.M.122
~Wtl. P~rWY
t' r•• .. 17
s-r.. O....••••
U7 bAte- J:2', :t.Q, IO$.JI1.,12':).UO W . W. . . . . Ul ~A'-17
~ . C...W
..,....&,..,. A.101 ~... N
...·. .
~k'fl'. A-k•
$«, o-at
~. S\~ 11,117,111 SIMMt ~. S)woro~~l'2.1 01.111
~IMMOflo, Uot.1'11 I U lii!MII, J•l\" II$ ~·~~~. W•lt•• I 12,11t, Chul.. 11.11 1
w.,....,,s.....,,. u s-... ~.... 11.130 ~•. o.-:rte ~•. .s- 11 s,...._-.Ciw,... n N.ut.l. I(.Uq. J:r
~.,....., ,.,,.. ~
s..... M..,,,.,. 11..M.UO
~. s-- •n
11A::. I... If7,108.1110
S.""• ,. .................... ~
~ea.,u.:: ~P..~11
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!i!M41, N• MY 41M, I01, I I), I :rJ, I 'l'l, l l l l!'4oll, U•r U , lot ~-ullobtfl'i..d. Ca,- IH S4ubbf~ltot k, U!Wl.l 61.14.101 l'l•ubnholta, AIUI"' I H ,IU
49 W•\t(l.lcl:Ot•"'"'" ll. IOit.ll'l.lilt W.J I.ot.d, l,_ ll,lot w.u.,, K•th.lffn Its \\'•11.~•. AWf')' I ~
S'"' ""'hohr. G.-1.U I U
W•llkl. Grfft I!..IOC
sv.._..., Mwh.HI 110,131
w.,....... c~,..
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:f;o~. G-.)1• 11,1! t,l~l):
S , - )\.. 1 - lll..IJJ
Taot."-- .... S. JJ•.I. .. Itl T•1 -LI. n...... IIUU T• , ..... (lw.rt.o. IK
w.fllo\e, J • - 106,.1 18 W•t~Wt . Kk Mrd lS.106.1 11 w. n-.ttod U.tX.tt2 w...,.,....... 4i.lJ1
" ...,.,. tt.., ..... n
w•......_R.,...,. 1-M
"'""" M•,.,. I&.M \\niH, C,.I'J' IQ
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" .......... 0..1)1 4t
T«Ytet , IC~ n .1ot.111 T.,.tet.s- " ' J2. 1a:u a: ,..y..,, 12
" " .. ,...c..,., a
Tewullet. .. U.tw11 ll'.I M Tt~ul•l, tUM 136,112
Win.:..• , !\'•N)' ll Willi•-· fh.-dk)o 101>.10&. 1:1 \\11U•.-. I:knl!lk d \\1111._, Hk h..!d 11~
Ttllll•l. 0•>'1• ~ T'hot!I., IC-•W U , 4t ~,...,. 11.111.11:.1)0
Wilcm., fllefll It \\~tU.I...-.
\\1U..wni\, Jol\• I M
Tttom...-. o.o....ld33 T'hMI...-. Conlotl U1 '1"111H_hi.., KAN'ft 33,107,101,118 TiU-a.J-... n ....&llt
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ft.Q'_.. Jl T ......... a....t-13.106 Tfkoc.'-.... J,) n
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.,..,._, ., ...,..,. 11,1011. 114
" 1-'-.r..,, l)o.ndl tt. 110. 1t& Wiahl. ...... lt,lM,I~
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t 9A1.11f..lto
,......... ...,. ,,
Y•l""'-tlil, W•nMM. 1$5 Yett, IM~f• ".&1.61.,12!
v,.,.,.,"""' atuu,a, IJ.Wt.. , ..... ll.l t»
%M8MIUI, J..a.• lM,lU z..iclf'f. Tnry IU
z-t-.e..w,. »