PSC students eligible
BY MARY CREWSfor CLEP test credit
Movies offer ·entertainment
CLEP,or' College Level En-
This test is offered to all in-
work, handling, mailing, etc." Student request and submits trance Placement was terested, and · properly "The program is well on its appropriate form to established in 1965bytheCollege registered persons. The student way" says Dr. Barrett. "I hope Registrar. Entrance Examination Board to may direct the test center to to have this Program ready to Student reports to Allow an individual the chance send the test .results to the offer in late October, or Registrar, registers for the to earn course credit or receive participating college of his ·November, the only things course he wished to get credit awards of formal recognition for choice. ! holding us up, are the arrival of for through examination, and certification of achievement. The college can then grant the tests and a little bookwork. pays fee. Which is sometimes used for job credit for satisfactory By then we hope to be able to Registrar notifies Director advancements. scores when this student enrolls. offer this test, with variable of Testing to order test.· Alist of some 500 colleges, plus d · 1 d course choices. Copies of a Director of Testing sends certification agencies and If the stu ent IS a rleal Y aht- complete list of course choices confirmation of test date, business firms have agreed to tending Peru State Co ege, t e will be forthcoming, and placed time and place to student. Registrar will grant credit for d f Student takes test. award credit on the basis of the r· · aroun campus or your con- the course upon noti ication ven1·ence." Director of Test1'ng not1'f1'es various CLEP examinations. f th t t' ff' th t th
The College Level rom e es mg 0 ice, a e When, and if you decide to take Registrar whether student Examinations are administered test score was safisfactory· up this offer, follow these scored high enough to receive h According to Dean Clyde J. procedures for register1'ng and credit for the course. (A during the third week of eac B tt "C t 'll be 00 fo arre ; os WI "' • r taking the test·. notation of credit or no-"redit month at the CLEP test centers h t t t k · g · gl " eac es a en coverm a sm e is the only mark assigned). throughout the. United States. col!rse. This fee is charged by Students contact Dean of Registrar notifies student Since Peru State College is now the Prinston Testing Center. School in which the course is that he received Credit or Noan OPEN TEST CENTER, the Th ·11 1 b II ff d (D Cl de J ere w1 a so e a sma o ere ean Y · Credit for the course. test will be administered at 1:00, · al t t' f th t th B tt) nomm es mg ee, a e arre
"A Peru State student on Thursday of the third week. 11 ·11 h f bo k D f s hool ap roves co ege w1 c arge or 0 - ean ° ·c P could, by taking advantage of
;Employment possible
By BARB WILKINSONWhen graduation time comes around and future employment seekers need a few words of encouragement Donald Miller, director of financial aids, may have this to tell you: "If you're persistent enough and just keep looking, you can find a job."
A deeper look into this statement finds that this is true in most all cases. Out of the fiftytwo 1972 graduates in Elementary Education we find that thirty-three of them are employed. Practically all of
graduate in three years."
for graduates .
had too many requirements that
'them that were he expected his job to meet. for positions got pos1t1ons-either Mr Miller relates that this is in full time jobs or as substitutes.
Music and Math majors are said to always have good luck when looking for job placement. In music alone, four out of the five 1972 graduates are employed.
In the area of Industrial Arts we find that six out of the seven graduates in 1972 are now employed. The one person that failed to find a position simply
Yearhook workshop scheduled for Sept.
A Yearbook Workshop will be held September 20th, as a full day event. The happening will begin at 9:00 a.m., in the Fine Arts auditorium, where Dr. Max Smith will greet the high school visitors, and local participants in the workshop.
Invitations went out to High Schools in Southeast Nebraska, Southwest Iowa, Northwest Missouri, and to ·Northeast Kansas, requesting the p_resence of a couple of students and their advisors. We are expecting 50 to ·· 100 students to attend the event this month.
The group will move on from the Fine Arts building, over to room 218, in the Educational building, where the' program' will gel underway.
Mr Everett Browning, Head of the Journalism Department will instruct Ihe st udcnl s in writing topics; Mr J. D. Levitt, Speech Director at l'.S.C., will head a
section on Photography; and Mr. ·Leland Sherwood of the Art Department, will direct the students in Yearbook artwork. The instructors will demonstrate all the steps for yearbook production.
All students are invited to attend this workshop. If you would like to, but would have difficulty because of scheduled classes; contact Mr Browning, No. 218, Educational Building, and he will help arrange something with your Instructors for the day.
TI1is program will go primarly on a schedule from 9: 00 a.m., till :i :00 p.m. Stopping for a lunch brt'ak at a designated period, where all students will be welcome to purchase their lunch for .!l7 cents in the cari1pus Cafeteria.
If you have any quest ions t•oncl'l'lling the yearbook workshop. contact Mr Browning.
Ent hus Ias m
often the problem. The graduate is often too particular in his choice of jobs and limits himself lo job opportunities. It is highly important for the employment seeker to remain flexible and open to change when looking for positions.
, The biggest trouble in placement riow lies in the areas of History and Social Science majors, and P. E. and Coaching majors. Although all of the thirty-three graduates in the History and Social Science field weren't actively looking for jobs. we find that only nine of the 33 were actually placed: In order to avoid some trouble in the area of P. E. and Coaching, Mr Miller suggests that interested men take their major in another field with a coaching block and some P. E. as their supporting field.
Good luck runs again with the graduates of the two-year Secretarial and Accounting programs. It is doubtful that any of these people will run into any trouble getting placed.
The actual job of placement is now a different story, too. The recruiting of businessess to colkge campuses is now only half of what it used to be. It is now getting to be the college's job to take their graduates out and sell them to the businesses.
All in all, most people are hoping for an increase in plan'ml'nt opportunities to hPgin. EvPryorw is hoping that job opportunitit'S will get lwtter, and Mr Milll'r rl'assun•s us that ii will; "Things will gl't bt>ltt'r." hl' says. "bec;1use we an' going to makl' them bt•tter."
key word
Enthusiasm seems to be one of the key words of Peru State's new administration under acting President, Dr. Max Smith. Dr. Smith spoke to students and faculty at the state of the college addres.s on Wednesday, September 6, during convo period.
Cheerleaders performed at the pep rally which preceded Dr. Smith's address. Faculty members were called- to the stage to sing the school song Dr. Smith expressed his pleasure at the first Bobcat victory and wished continuing success to the Peru football coaches and squad.
The whole state college system of Nebraska is entering a whole new era, according to Dr Smith. Changes are being made which will make the state colleges appeal to a wider segment of students.
Relaxation of dorm regulations and the process of revision of the education programs are among the changes being ma'de at Peru. Intervisitation between dorms is also being considered
The importance of commw1ication was stressed by Dr. Smith. He feels that students and faculty alike can benefit though opl'n discussion. Dr. Smith statt•d that. "The students are PPru State's best ambassadors."
He encouraged students to offPr their suggestions on improvmwnts at the college. In spPaking of the faculty Dr.
Charlton Heston, Tony Curtis, Liza Minelli, James Coburn, Carroll O'Connor, Ali McGraw, Clint Eastwood, Henry Fonda, Warren Beatty, Jane Fonda, and Tom Laughlin are just a few of the many stars you will see this year in movies coming to this campus.
There will be comedies, dramas,and musicals and they will include the following:
September - 19, The Boston Strangler.
October - 5, The Night Visitor; 17, The Sterile Cuckoo; 31, Giant. "
November - 16, Waterhole No. 3; 30, The Heart Is ALonelJ: Hunter.
December - 14, Goodbye
January18, Paint Your Wagon; 30, The Omega Man
February - 13, McCabe and Mrs Miller.
March - 13 - Klute (Jane Fonda's Oscar-winning performance); 29, Billy Jack.
April - 12, Summer of '42.
All but the first will be held in the Fine Arts Auditorium, and all begin at 7:00 p.m. Your programs fee pays for your ticket. Two short subjectsRoom At The Top, and Rushing Roulette - will also be offered Smith commented that, "Our faculty is rewarded through excellence in teaching."
Concerning the future of PSC, Dr. Smith gave full assurance that Peru will continue as a fully accredited teacher education institution in the state of Nebraska.
Special recognition was given to the freshmen by Dr. Smith for their enthusiasm, fresh insight and outlook.
Dr. Smith, the college administrators and faculty are· ·working on the budget. A major redirection of the college system is to develop multi-purpose programs.
Plans are being made to "expand the walls of the college" at a cost of $100,0CO for the first year. Dr. Smith said that many of the new ideas are dreams he hopes will be realized at Peru.
Outside assistance to the community in the college's geographical service area, applied experience for students, and an improved internship program are among future hopes for Peru.
Peru 'Couple announce plans
Change in Administration. Change in student spirit.
Girls may live off-campus. Increase in Complex dorm fees.
There are changes evolving almost daily on our campus. Changes affecting us, reaching out and touching eath of us, either individually or as a whole.
But are we merely going to stand-by and let the changes affect us or are we going to reach out and affect the changes we want.
There are some students who will labor to cause change, but will their struggles be cancelled out by a larger segment of .the student population who are content to permit apathy to rule their lives?
One area that could be improved more, where participation is still lacking is the student spirit. There is certainly strong school spirit when our football team wins, but how many of us will sing out with pride, our school song when we are not victorious?
How many of us even know the school song? The singing of the color song at the all-college convo of Sept. 6 was nothing short of disgraceful.
1972-73 can be a year of great change. What is needs is student support and drive. Become a part of the school. Do all you can to make Peru State a place you can be proud of.
BOB WERNSMANSimon Drug Company
Dr. G. E. Mann
By FHANK D'ADDESADuring the summer the rock music world suffered the loss of two more of its contributors with !heir shocking deaths.
Variety, versatility mark fashion scene
By BOBBI THIESFELDThe college fashion scene is one of variety and versatility. Apparel and hairstyles are reflections of individuality.
The most outstanding trend in college women's attire is the smock. This loosely fitting garment is most frequently worn with flare-leg blue jeans. Smock dresses are also becoming increasingly popular.
Pant and shirt combinations are still very much on the campus scene. Elephant leg pants are also gaining momentum as a fashion trend. Recent shirt news is the bodysuit and the "layered" look top.·
Dresses appear in three lenghths, the mini, the midi, and the maxi. Despite designer's efforts to emphasize the maxi and the midi, the short dress remains ever-popular.
Belts, purses, jackets, and shoes are fashion accessories
materials. Macrame is used to make belts and purse. Girls' shoes features clogs, wedgies, and the chunk-heel styles. Belts, sh0es, and purses are adorned by buckles and imaginative designs
The· emphasis on hairstyles seems to be personal preference. Long, short, .or medium length hair is acceptable, 0n boys and girls. The shag is still one of the favorite campus hairstyles.
Current trends and styles depend on the demands of the individual. The fashion scene changes constantly, new ideas and designs are being introduced daily. The designers create and manufacture products, but it is ultimately the buyer who determines what the fashion world will be.
Sept. 16-17
Frohling, Gary Linden, George Radtke, Doug Fritz, Fred Robertson, Bob Wernsman, Dr. Wininger.
Excused absence: Rita
Bosiljevac, Bobbi Thiesfeld, Charles McKee, Janet Waniska, Mr Salmela.
.Unexcused absence: Mark
Hahn, Darrell Wininger, Lahala Myers. The minutes of the. last were read and ap-
The Last ® ·Picture Show
Brian Cole, one of the original nwmbcrs of the Association died al his home in Los Angeles on August 2nd of an accidental heroin overdose.
Cole served as singer, composer, and bass guitarist of the seven year old group Association which .produced such hits as "Cherish", "Windy", and "Along Comes Mary". The group also has some ten albums to their credit. Of the more than 900 concerts played, Cole never missed one.
On July 24th, Paul Hoffman, White Trash's road manager was celebrating his birthday with band leadP,r and singer Jerry Lacroix and drummer Bobby Ramierz in a Chicago bar.
A man later insulted Bobby because of his long hair and soon started a fight. Things soon quieted down but after the three musicians left the bar the antagonist recruited two of hi friends and jumped LaCroix an Ramirez as Hoffman ran fo help. Lacroix sustained bad cut and bruises, and Bobby Ramir is dead at 23.
With a little help from h' friends: David Crosby, Steph Stills, Graham Nash, Jam Taylor, the London Sympho Orchestra and backup gro Stray Gators, Neil Young com up with Harvest (Repris MS2032).
Top ten songs "Heart of Gold" and "Old Man" are included o the album along wi "Alabama", which soun something like "Southern Man' and "The Needle and th Damage Done" recorded i concert but still simple a effective.
The two numbers done wi the London Symphony Orchest are musically over-produced the album shows Young is s an expert at writing lyrics.
which are seen in an infinite The Student Governing proved. Old Business: array of materials, colors, and Association held their meeting patterns. Leather, suede, and on September 12, 1972. denim are prevalent jacket Members present: Willie
Fairbanks moved to ha "There's a New Day Coming Peru," as Homecoming the Motion was seconded a passed.
Bob Wernsman moved to ta the discussion on the allocati of money to clubs. Motion seconded and passed.
Willie Fairbanks moved t all bills must be passed by S as a body when brought to meetings and submitted to treasurer. Motion was secon and passed.
all dorms no amplifi, barely audi cut the radio statio Dr. Bari English De1 members decided to air. It is floor of , Levitt, the : PY Dave Nebraska a teacher Spurgin, has had 'radio at KXXX at Other stud Bart Neri Darryl Km and Bill ,is interestec of these This radi picked up radios on
i ........ .................. ._.. .... Managing Editor -·------·,·-··--···-Bob Wernsman f Sports Editor --···-··--------------·------·----·-John Vickers t I Ad Manager Jack Armstrong I fph Ed' ' 1 oto ------------------·---------·-···--·--Dave Lamcz A ' Photo Assistants ·-·-------------·------·-- Charlie Pavolis ' f Chuck Small l I -----------------·-------- John Thomas t t Cuculation Editors ·-----············----·-Michelle Welch t Ann Nicholes -f-.. ................... ........... ._,. ..... ._.._.---t-·· By If you bciwecn 7::l0 p.m. Sunday thr< can find out 'psc. This sta
SC station returns to life
Hy EMY HOECK you turn your radio on ctween the hours of 6: 30 and :30 p.m. to station KPSC 620, 'unday through Thursday, you ·an find out what is happening at SC. This station was started mrteen years ago in the old usic Hall and on the air only mce. The equipment sat idle, n was moved to the ucation Building where Circle cabled the radio program to 1dorms on campus. There was amplification, so it was arely audible. Then. someone ut the cables and that ended the adio station until now. Dr. Barrett, head of the glish Department, and other embers of the PSC faculty, cided to bring it back on the r. It is now located on th\! top oor of the auditorium. Mr evitt, the sponsor, is assisted y Dave Messing of KNCY, ebraska City, and Dave Blair, teacher in Stella. Jessie purgin, a freshman at Peru, as had some experience with dio at KTNC at Falls City and XXX at Goodland, Kansas. ther students interested are art Neri, Bob Wernsman, arryl Kmght, Karen Fosler d Bill Boyd. Anyone else who interested should contact any f these people. · This radio station can be icked up only by transistor· ios on campus. It is cabled in
PSSS recruiting new members
by system carrier to Delzell and the Fine Arts Building. In the future it will be transferred to the Student Center over the speaker system and also cabled to Morgan.
The radio program will consist of music, news and announcements on the hour and also a rundown of the highiights of Peru sports ;ictivities.
.Morgan finds new .face·
Among the new faces this fall at Peru is Mrs Jessie who replaces Mrs Marie Beckley as housemother at Morgan Hall. Mrs Trenhaile had previously been resident supervisor for three years at St. Joseph's School of Nursing in Omaha. She has also \VOrked for seven years at the Nebraska Children's Home and has taught elementary school for seven years.
Besides her family of 102 girls m Morgan Hall, Mrs Trenhaile has two sons and six grandchildren. In her spare -time she likes to read and write. She is currently writing a book about her ancestors.
When asked how she likes her new job, Mrs Trenhaile repli,ed, "Fine."
By SUZANNE ('OUCillLIN "P.S.S.S.S." is not, as the abbreviation might imply, the name of a clandestine society aiming to overthrow the administration.
On the contrary, P.S.S.S.S stands for the Peru State Social Science Society, an organization designed to stimulate the students toward an interest in the humanities and social sciences.
Waniska, president; Connie Shandy, vice president; Marlene Mullens, secretary; Billie Paap,. treasurer; Mary · Paap, historian; and Steve Sim, activities coordinator. Faculty advisors are Mr Snyder, Mr Salmela and Dr. Schottenhamrnel.
The first P.S.S.S.S. event will be a picnic on Tuesday, Sept. 12, at Waubonsie Park in Hamburg, Iowa. Other P.S.S.S.S. meetings will take place on the first Monday of each month.
Wedding plans revealed
The society plans to bring political speakers to Peru, as it Mr and Mrs Norman has done in the past, and to show Schuessler of Omaha, announce informative films. the engagemenl of their
The executive council of daughter, Susan, to Don MonP.S.S.S.S. is now recruiting new zingo, son of Mr and Mrs Rex members, and all students are Monzingo of Omaha, Nebraska. welcome to join. There is a $3.50 Sue is a sophomore majoring membership charge which is. m Journalism and Don is a needed finance all activities of senior majoring in Physical the society. Education. An August 11 wedThe club's officers are Janet ding is being planned.
A. C.E
..,to help stop college dropouts
By JESSE SPURGINRemember the American Council · on Education information form you filled out when you were a To refresh your memory a bit, the A.C.E. form contained 150 items dealing with, among other things, your education background, marital status plans, and goals. '
Now, according to Dr. Guy Rosenburg, Peru State's Institute Research Representative, ·the responses on this form may help answer some of W.A.A.
officers chosen
The Women's- Athletic Association, sponsored by Miss Bonnie Rutz, held its organizational meeting September 5.
Officers were elected for the 1972-73 school year. Those chosen were: Kris Rotter president; Patty Johnson, vice'. president; Ann Stukenholtz secretary-treasurer; and Jones, point chairman. ·
_W.A.A. activities will begin with scheduled intramural softball games. Intercollegiate volleyball and basketball teams will be organized at a later date.
Computer to aid campus
Another new facility has come to Peru State College with the installation of a computer last fall to help with office work and instruction of business classes. This fall for the first time the computer became involved with all of the students. In the past, as each student registered he pulled class cards for each of his classes. Then the cards were given to the instructor in class and tie turned them in al the end ,of the semester with the ·student's grade on them.
In the actions of day-to-day living a few of the cards were eventually lost or misplaced and never found. The student didn't receive a grade and confusio11 resulted.
Now as the student registers the cards are kept and sent tc Stan Mccaslin in the Admissions Building. He and his assistants then run all the cards through the computer and the data is stored.
the questions ·dealing with tlie college dropout problem.·
The <A.C.E.J established an office of research in 1965 to study the college dropout situation. In 1966, the first actual year of the tests, 251 colleges and universities, including Peru State, began a study entitled College Dropouts: A National Profile.
As a part of this study, Dr. Rosenburg receives each fall an I.B .M. listing from the American Council on Education of Peru Stale students who completed the profile the previous year. He then checks to see how many of these students are no longer in college.
After a four year period, a check is made to determine how many students graduated, when they were last enrolled, if they are currently enrolled, or if the student left Peru State and had his transcript sent elsewhere.
A sample of the 1966 nationwide student group that completed the profile was contacted independently in 1970 after their graduation and were asked to fill out profiles evaluating thtir experiences in colleges. In due time it hoped that these answers can be of significant value in identifying a dropout before he drops out. As Dr. Rosenburg put it, "As in medicine, you must diagnose a disease before a cure can be prescribed.
Class lists are printed and sent to all classes for the instructor's convenience. During the semester, several updated sheets will be sent out with lists of any additions to the class or any drops. Near the end of the semester, sheets will be sent to the instructor for the final grades lo be recorded on.
The sheets then go back to the computer where the grades are put on the student's record and filed for future reference
Most of the bugs were worked out this summer, and Mr Mccaslin hopes that most of the mistakes will only be memories of the past.
V. B. tourney set for Oct 23-25
The 27th annual Peru State high school girls' invitational volleyball tournament has been scheduled for October 23-25 according to Miss Bonnie Rutz' tournament director. '
The tournament, founded in· 1946 by Miss Phyllis Davidson, Professor Emeritus of women's physical education at Peru Stale, has been an annual event· except in 1949 when the gymnasium was being remodeled. It is the oldest college-sponsored volleyball tournament in Nebraska.
Last year's tourney attracted 36 teams, with Douglas High School capturing the crown.
If the k ids hat c li1.e thought of going back to school, consider hou; the teachers must feel.
is a fellow who wears elast_ic-banded pants; a conservative, the man who wears both belt and suspend-
'Cats bounced in second outing
The Peru Bobcats gained an early lead Saturday night, September 9, on an 11 yard run by QB Terry Criger, Nebraska City, but were never able to stymie the Graceland offense. Peru went oown 30-22.
Graceland won the coin toss and elected to receive. After picking up on first down, the Yellowjackets made the first ·error by fumbling on their own 40. With third and 7 from the 37, Criger found HB Avery Wallace, Alton, Illinois on the sideline for a 26 yard gain to the From there Criger swept to the right for the score with 11: 41 · remaining in the first quarter. Frosh Joe Wallace, Granite City, Illinois added the PAT to make it 7-0.
Peru failed to capitalize on recovery of a second Graceland fumble on the Yellowjacket 19. The Bobcats managed to reach the Graceland 13 before giving over the ball on downs. The Jackets picked up two first downs before stalling, then punted to the Peru 12.
The first of three crucial errors for Peru came when FB Barry Reed, Henry, Illinois, rumbled on first down.
Graceland ran 3 yards to the 10. Jacket QB Al Dicken then threw two incompletions to set up a third down and seven on the Cat 10. Graceland frosh end Dave Rittman put an in and out move on the Peru cornerback Avery Wallace and QB Dicken laid it in his hands for the score. Dicken passed three yards to the split end Layton Fairchild for the two extra points and an 8 to 7 lead with 12:30 left in the half.
The second Peru error was not a fumble or an interception but a five yard punt. Starring from their own 13 after Grace)and's TD, Peru was unable to move and was forced to punt from the 19.
Punter Rich Eischen, Algona, Iowa was under a fush and got away a five yard kick giving Graceland an opportunity on the Cat 24.
Peru held for three downs but on a fourth and 3from the Cat 17, QB Dicken passed to end Fairchild at the twelve for a first down. A motion penalty slowed them momentarily, but on' a third and 8 from the ten Dicken to Fairchild produced the score. The good PAT made it 15 to 7 at 6:47 of the second quarter.
Bobcats tally victory no. 1
.t'eru State 14, Dakota State of Madison, South Dakota 8. Peru State 34 1/2, Dakota State 25112. No, the last wo numbers are not a. misprint. Peru State won the game 14 to 8 and controlled the ball nine minµtes longer than their opponent.
Grind-it-out-football does not produce many Jong touchdowns but it does win ball games, as Coach Jack Mclntire's Bobcats proved Saturday ngiht, in avenging last season's 45-13 shellacking.
Taking advantage of an early Dakota State fumble on their own 23 yard line, Peru went the distance in eight plays, as QB Terry Criger sneaked in from 'the one. Joe Wallace added the kick with 11: 31 left in the first quarter.
Dakota State came back after the kick-<iff with their longest sustained drive. Starting from their own 30 they drove to Peru's 18 yard line, before failing on a fourth down field goal attempt The drive took 16 plays and 7'12 minutes·of the quarter.
Peru took over on their own 20, movlng out to the 44, on the running of QB Criger and FB Barry Reed. On second down and nine Criger was hit from behind and fumbled. An alert Dakota State end, Wayne Stowell, picked the hall up at.the 41 and rambled untouched to the end zone. Dakota State lined up IJUickly, as QB Daryl Fletcher found his flankPr man, Tony Blanks over the middle for the two points. That made the score 8 to 7 in Dakota State's favor. exchanging possessions
Peru got another turnover when Gordon Thompson, junior cornerback, pirated a Fletcher aerial on the Bobcat 47. The Cats look the initiative as Reed went
Peru came back in spectacular fashion for a ten play 69 yard drive. Big plays were a third and two pass from Criger to Steve Mcintyre, Auburn, covering six yards to the Cat 45.; an interference call on Graceland, giving Peru a first ·down on the Jacket 40; and a scrambling Criger under pressure from three Graceland linemen finding HB Kim Tennal, Sabetha, Kansas, over the middle for a 32 yard touchdown. An Avery Wallace run netted a 15-15 tie with 2: 46 lefr in the half. Graceland, attempting to gain the lead, completed two passes then threw long, and Gordy Thompson, LakeCharles, LA, intercepted on the Bobcat 14. On first down Peru's Jim Desbien, Damar, Kansas, brought the .Cats back to life with-a 41 yard run to Graceland's 45. Criger ran 17 yards to the 28. With ten seconds remaining in the half, Criger hitJohn Winkel, Algona, Iowa, for 28 yards and the touchdown. Joe Wallace added the point for a 22-15 Peru edge at the half.
Perti received the second half kick, as Tom Purcell, Ramsey, Illinois, took over for Criger at QB. Criger became ill and was unable to play in the third quarter. Purcell moved the Cats from their own 20 to the Graceland 25 in 12 plays before Mcintyre fumbled. That proved to be the last serious threat at scoring by the Bobcats.
The third ma:]or error came at Peru's own 18 when QB Tom Purcell ran to his left and was hit by a Graceland end. Purcell pitched back to Avery Wallace, but the ball went by him as players from both teams scrambled for possession. Jacket linebacker Fred Marsh reached the ball first and ·ran nine yards for the clinching score. The good PAT made it 3022 with 12:52 remaining. Neither team mounted a serious drive in the remaining minutes of the game.
Evenings &Weekends
3.33 per hour
Leading ground gainers were Bobcat's Jim Desbien with carries for 41 yards and gam leader Larry Fairchild Graceland, with 29 carries for yards. Leading receivers wer Steve Mcintyre with 4receptio for 31 yards and Kim Tenn with 2 for 31 yards for Per Game leader was Graceland' Layton Fairchild's 6 catch good for 47 yards.
Peru will regroup and travel t Nebraska CitySaturday night fo a 7:30 contest with Tarki College, Missouri, in the A plejack Bowl.
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8 a.m.-6
off tackle for 3 yards. Tom Purcell, in for Criger at QB, gained the first down by sweeping his right end for eleven. Reed bulled up the middle for five. Steve Mcintyre
·was stopped for a two yard loss. On a crucial third down and seven, Purcell cooly hit his halfback Jim Desbien on a screen pass left. With fine blocking and some heady running he gained twenty-six yards to the ten of Dakota State. The QB Purcell lost one yard to the eleven. On second down Criger returned to run a 3 yard keeper around right end. On third and
· eight at the eight yard line, ·Criger quickly hit Winkel who had run a short down and out pattern to the fla_g for the score.
Joe Wallace's PAT made it 14 to 8 Peru, with 2:31 left in the half. After Dakota St. stalled on of·
;fense, Peru was content to Jet the half run out.
Dak<l' a State, behind the running. of halfback Darwin llobinson, moved from their own ·;ix to the Peru 40 in the third quarter before a fumble was nabbed by the defensive end Rich Esichen.
That drive was the last threat by either team in the game. Peru was content to stay on the ground with lleed, Mcintyre, and Kim Tennal doing the baUtoting. Because of the crashing defensive end play of Peru Slate, ' the opponents' QB had little time to hit his receivers deep.
Barry lleed was Peru' leading rusher 81 yards. Darwin llobinson picked up 111 yards on a 15 carries for Dakota State.
.John Winkel grabbed three passes for 4:1 yards and one touchdown for Peru.·
Senior .John Waters led the aggressive defense from the linebacker spot.
Graceland mounted a 75 yard 14 play drive climaxed by HB Larry Fairchild's 1 yard run with 3: 23 left in the third quarter. QB Dicken passed to Layton Fairchild for the two points and a 23-22 lead.
Peru took the punt at their eight moving out to the 25. They failed to move the ball and Eischen punted 27 yards to the Graceland 44.
Graceland took command, moving quickly to the Peru 17 where the Cats stopped them for four pl.ays.
I Rex's Cafe and Tavern
students year according manager proposed State proved
Nebras have ·Legislatur which priority. Mr budget
being colleges.
Peru budg
Peru Pedagogian
SEPTEMBER 22, 1972
Coming and Going - PSC cheerleaders and marching bands among highlights of Applejack parade.
SC represented in Apple parade
Ninety-five degrees in the sun · 't a laughing matter, as anyone participating in the .parade that kicked off the Apple
Jack festival in Nebraska City Saturday will testify.
The parade opened a day of festivities that included a cross
country race in the afternoon and included the Peru StateTarkio football game in the evening.
People participating in the parade covered six blocks. Area bands and floats sponsored by various local organizations made up the body of the parade.
The Freshman class of Peru was represented by a float under the leadership of G.aiy Hoemann and Wendy Zaloudek.
Peru's fifteen seat bus was decorated by some of the freshmen who then rode on the roof during the parade.
The bus was lead by a dune buggy with the PSC cheerleaders aboard. Behind the bus came a float sponsored by the Peru Geography Club.
Wendy Zaloudek organized the girls and materials for the float and also arranged for a B<tbcat mascot during the parade.
During the parade the marching bands were judged and winners were named in the two divisions. The Syracuse Rockets won the large band division, and the Humboldt Cardinals won the small band division.
Peru State College was well represented in the parade. Student government and organization leaders were present for the festivities. Dr. Max Smith and his wife also took part in the affair.
The days activities included a Peru victory over Tarkio in the Apple Bowl that evening.
:Board 0 K's college · budget proposals
All Peru State College entire college system comes to building. dents will be affected next $18.3 million.
The second area included ar by a new operating budget, New projects in this plan for under this budget is for new cording to P.S.C. business P.S.C. would include ·our new construction on the college anager Alan F. Shipley. Two Satellite Service program. This campus. Mr Shipley explained posed budgets for the four program is explained by Mr that "Peru's first priority here is te Colleges have been ap- Shipley when he states that written out in terms of $60,000 ved by the Board of Trustees "Peru will send teachers to planning funds for a new gym. Nebraska State Colleges and different areas, in southeast Construction, totaling $1,383,700 ve been sent to the State Nebraska to teach different would come the following year· gislature-for their decision on classes, that is, wherever Although the Board has given · of the two will receive top anybody wants a class, we're it's approval the budgets have ity. going to teach it." yet to obtain the approval the r Shipley said the Plan I Mr Shipley goes on to state legislature. Board approv is dget would cost $17.4 million, that the board also endorsed a only one step in a long project, million more than is now Capital Construction Budget, and it will probably be April or ing allowed for the four which allows $3.9 million for May before the legislature lets eges. This budget is known construction on all four cam- us know the outcome, according "continuation budget" which puses. to Mr Shipley. allow PSC to continue This budget is broken down Along with the new budget ration as it is now, he said. into two areas, the first of which comes a new rate of tuition. u State College has set its allows for .remodeling or non- Instead of the usual flat fee of get for Plan I at $1,779,628. structural improvements of $18L50for 12-16hours and $15.50 ding to Mr Shipley. anything that is not included in for each additional hour, Mr e Plan II budget, includes the regular budget. In this first Shipley explains that "Nebraska continuation budget plus area Peru has asked for ap- residents will find 'themselves 311 for P.S.C. im- propriations for general ren- paying $13.00 for every hour entation of new projects. no vat ions and for air con- taken. The non-residents fee per total cost of Plan II for the ditioning the Industrial Arts hour will be $23.00."
Doug Fritz reveals future SGA plans
Last year the Student Governing Association ran into a few barriers which haulted its accomplishments. It seemed to be running on a trial and error basis.
Doug Fritz is organizations president of the SGA. Changes in the constitution include addition of by-laws and new or updated amendments. An idea has been presented to arrange a·card file for students who wish to buy used books to consult.
This year if possible a committee will be set up to revise the Student Handbook. Plans are also being made to create a Traffic Committee to hear complaints about violations and tO set up some rules. The committee will consist of students, faculty, staff, and police officers.
S.G .A. has specific duties according to the constitution, such as taking care of various activities for Homecoming, and major changes on campus which are agreed upon by all students.
Doug commented, "I am well aware of the interest of allowing
open dorm visitational periods and will try to get something worked out in the near future if at all possible." It seems that the Board of Trustees appointed · someone to research the matter, and letters have been sent to colleges participating in this program throughout the state to request results
The program at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, last year allowed the parents to decide if it would go into effect or not. The parents decid,ed against jt. This year N. U., has decided to put the policy on a trial basis. S.G.A. hopes to have a slirvey which will allow students to say what they want in their own dorms. There are other goals planned, though the organization is not sure of the procedure to be taken to get plans in effect.
"Any matters you are concerned about, come to an S.G.A. meeting and bring it up. We are concerned about what the students want." said Doug. The SGA meetings are held every Tuesday at 6:00, rm. 212, in the Fine Arts Bldg.
Calendar of Events
Friday, September 22 The Play "Doctor In Spite of Himself" needs people to work on the set. Friday after 1:30, 7:00 to 9:00. Painting, Construction, dying.
Monday, September 25
Tri-BETA; 7:15; Science Bldg. Rm. 304
Delta Delta Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon; 3:30; Educational Building. rm. 110
Tuesday, September 26
Freshman Class Meeting, 3:30, Fine Arts Auditorium, ALL ATTEND.
Student Government Association, 6:00, Rm. 212, F.A. Bldg. Student wives, 7:30p.m. in the North West Dining room of the Student Center. Speaker - Well Child Center.
Wednesday, September 27
Wrestling Meeting, 7:00 p.m. in gym.
Women's Athletic Association, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., meet in the football field for softball, weather permitting.
Thursday, September 28
Student Center Board; 4:45, West Dining room, of Student Center. Bring in dinner, Business meeting begins at 5:15 Circle K, 4:45 West Dining Room, Student Center Social Work Club, in Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 211at6:30 p.m.
Friday, September 29
Football game against Maryville College of Missouri, to be played here at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 30 TRAP SHOOT: PRIZES: Sign up at S.C.B. office in Student Center.
At Saturday night's game in Nebraska City another victory was scored for PERU STATE COLLEGE. The final points were 15,to 13, after the long hard fight till the final second. PERU received recognitiOll at the APPLE JACK FESTIVAL and a trophy, for its victory against TARKIO. Dunng the game I was terribly disappointed in Peru's school spirit. Alot of people were, yet, little was done about it.
Let's all stand when the players on our team are introduced. STAND, STOMP YOUR FEET, AND CLAP YOUR HANDS, if the score calls for it· If the cheer is BOBCAT spellout, DO IT!! '
Get excited, SHOW you care, SHOW some Let our guys out on the field hear you rooting them on to a victory. Give them DRIVE!!
Let them know that what they're doing out there you, it gives them all the more will to win
Without our spmt behind them, the loss is just as mueh on our shoulders - BE PROUD - ·
BY MARY CREWSLetters to the editor
In regard to the article on the revival of KPSC radio here on campus in last week's paper, some areas need to be clarified. Thanks to generous con.tributions by the SGA and the Circle i{ ·organizations on campus, KPSC has been able to begin broadcasting again. KPSC is also heard in the Student Center over the public address system which goes to the speakers throughout the building and in Delzell Hall and the Fine Arts Building. KPSC is restricted to these buildings at the present time.
KPSC's signal originates in the studio in the college auditorium and goes to the 'buildings via audio cable in underground steam tunnels. Once in the building, it is injected into the electrical lines. Therefore, every wire carrying electricity in these buildings acts like an antenna and radiates this signal. Any type of .AM receiver tuned to 620 kilohertz rtlay be used to listen to KPSC as long as you are in the Fine Arts building or Delzell Hall. This type of closed circuit operation is called Carrier Current and is used in over one thousand other college and university radio stations across the United States.
Besides the names mentioned last week, thanks should go to Jack Reeves of the maintenance department who spent many hours laying the audio cables to·. the buildings.
The initial work has been done. What is needed now, you· may ask. That can be answered easily enough. If the station is to · remain "on the air" and expand 1its' listeuing audience and program schedule, It will deman(i those who are willine to spend time and effort to provide a service for the campus and fellow students. How about you?
Dennis Robertson"Judge not, lest ye be judged"· is my answer to Mr Wernsman's editorial of September 15. There is a great deal of apathy.
by Frank D' Addesathe best live rock m albums has to be "Eat APea (Capricorn-2 CP 0102) by Allman Brothers.
This opinion is based on fact that the two album begins with hit song " Wastin' Time No More" goes on to "Les Brers In Minor", a good instrume with solos by Gregg Allman organ and Dicky Betts on gui The last song on side one · pretty love ballad ca "'Melissa" sung by Gregg. Sides two and four are c prised of 35 minutes of rock j called "Mountain Jam".
"One Way Out" starts off third side in style. After nucleus of the side is finis with three more numbers ends with "Little Mart ' offering the late Duane All and Betts in a lovely and acoustic duet.
After listening, you'll "Eat A Peach" is an al which will nourish your music tastes.
Monseau Joins facuity
on the Peru State campus, much • of it by students who "permit apathy to rule their lives", to use Mr Wernsman's phrase, but there are also many who seem apathetic, but have good reason.
My own situation is a case in point. I commute, work part time, have a family life, and try to go to PSC at the same time. One would probably call me apathetic, but I would debate that description.
I do not know the school song, but am not ashamed of a petty such as this. I feel very httle school spirit, if any at all. But I do not consider myself - I c,are about my job, my family, my friends, AND my schooling. I simply don't have the time, nor the money to become actively involved in campus activities. I still care about my school, but am not able to outwardly show my concern because of the complexity of my life.
I am not alone. There are many other students whose lives are twice as complex, and twice as hurried. The married students, the athletes the workers, the commuters'. Most of these people are not apathetic in the broadest sense but just busy people. '
I urge the careful use of the word "apathetic". There is more to lif.e than PSC.
Jim TaylorWedding date announced
Mr and Mrs Ivan Beaumont of Nelilruka City, Nebraska an.-ice die et11aiem'ent of Uieir :daughter, Denise to Bryan Mabie, son of Mrs Ted Mabie of Nebraska 'City, Nebraska.
Another new faculty member is Vincent Monseau. Mr Monseau is a Phys. Ed. teacher and head wrestling coach. He comes to Peru from Weirton, West Virginia, where he has taught and coached for the last three years.
Mr Monseau went to high school in Weirton where he lettered in football, wrestling and track. He went on to study at West Liberty State College in West Liberty, West Virginia, where he lettered in .the same three sports.
After graduating from West Liberty State Vince's first teaching job was in Germantown, Ohio. After a year of coaching in Germantown, Vince accepted a teaching job in Oak Glen. West Virginia. In 1963 he initiated Oak Glen's first wrestling team and in 1967 Oak GI.en captured the state wrestling championship. Vince left after five years in Oak Glen to teach and coach in Charleston, West Virginia, only to leave the following year to coach in his hometown, Weirton. Three years later Vince accepted the head coaching job at Peru State. ·
Vince received his master's degree at · West Virginia University in 1964 and was admitted to the doctoral program there. Vince is the father of two
93 enter intramurals
Peru State College intramural director Jerome Stemper reports that ninety-three men .are competing in t-0uch football. Eight teams are in the league, the winning team gaining pomts toward the all-sports ··crown.
children, Vinnie who is three and half years old and Anissa who is seven months old.
When asked what he likes best about Peru Vince said, "I love the people, they are the nicest people ever, geographically the area around Peru resembles West Virginia so we feel right at home".
Peruvian on it's way
The 1972 Peruvians have not been forgotten, stolen or misplaced as some are In fact, they are on therr way to Peru.
The Peru yearbooks were to be shipped Thursday, September 21, according to Walsworth Publishing Company at Marceline, Missouri.
The yearbook delay was due to he quality control department at the publishing company. This mvolved the reprinting of eight pages, they were printed Monday Sept. 18 and were drying at last report before binding.
A distribution date will be announced upon their arrival. Extra copies will be sold after the yearbooks have been distributed.
Issue Editor Chuck Smith
Though separately Gr Nash and David Crosby are exactly super-stars, put tog on the album, "Nash-Cro (Atlantic-SD 7220), they double your listening pleas
What makes the album teresting is that the musicians are uniquely diffe in the way that Crosby's 1 are usually protesting, constantly driving a point h while Nash is the author of usually written on love and This combination balances album so that variety is the to it's success.
Though both did nosi of harmonizing with Crosby, Nash, and Young; and Cr used much on his last album, the two do not t become a choir, but in attack each song with e drive to fit the feeling, vie message trying to be put a "Southbound Train" n:essage is equal rights, bmes a harmonica and N dragging voice to s something like an old tune. In "Strangers' Ro 'Nash tells of the agony of wa up one morning to find romance is over., Cros "Where Will I Be?" tells 0 insecurity felt returning war. Harmonizing is used 0 this song and employed effectively to bring out feeling of uncertainty. · message in "Page 43" is "Life is fine, even with th· and downs".
"Girl To Be On My Mind' "Immigration Man" are t the more outstanding son the second side. In the Nash tells oflooking for so to love, "I wonder what looking for, but I'm lo everyday, searching e face". The hassles of gettin a country are revealed · _latter song._
wedding is
Denise .is a sophomore transfer from Northwest Missouri majoring in Home Economics and Brian is a junior majoring in Elementary Education and Math.
Sports included in the program are football, basketball, volleyball, swimming, track and softball.
Coach Stemper also Peru 'State's cross-country coach, said .the turnout for football is good, but basketball and volleyball usually attract students in greater numbers.
Great Gift Selection For All Occasions Jessup's Rexall Dru
Junior va'rsity 'Cats
now 1 · 1
instrumen Allman guit one is call Gregg. are co rock j off After finis numbers, Marth
All and r Grah are toge "Nash-Cr they pleas album the t differ. Crosby's I ·otesting, point ho of so and balances. is the nost of Crosby, and Cr last not tr but · with eno. ·eeling, view put ac Train", w'· rights, ·· and Na. to so old D Roo. of wa, find' Cros tells o returning ngisusedo employed out certainty. 43" is with the'. Mind"1 are t anding song the kingfor som what I'm 1 arching e: gettin revealed ·
Musical farce · will be presented
The 1972 Homecoming play has been selected and cast according to Pat Manley, Director of theatre. The play, a French farse, "Doctor In Spite of Himself," by Moliere is being adapted to music. Some of the popular songs used in the show are: "Something, " by the Beatles, "Motorcycle Mama," lll!_d "EI Condo Pasa," by Simon and Garfunkel.
Even though the play was to Miss Manley, more choir produced in the 16th and. 17th members could be u.sed. Also centuries, many of the ideas needed are people to fill several parallel today's society. .positions on. the crew. members include: Wdhe Student director for the show Fairbanks, Ami O'Connor, is Barb Wilkinson, Stage Robert Ramer, Mike Kelly, John manager is Lois Ellison. All Thomas Kay Albin, Joevette people interested in working Farber: and· Stan""Kottich. with the production are urged to Chorus members are: Mary contact Miss Manley, Cheryl Crews Kirn Albin, Ruth Gottula Roebke, or Gloria Craven. and Andy Korus: According
Dorm intervisitation
major topic for SGA
By BILL BOYD Dormitorylntervisitation was the main topic at the September 19 meeting of the Student Governing Associ(ltion. The association met for forty five minutes and came to the decision that Peru should have a restricted open dorm policy.
A layout of rules and regulations for open dorms was discussed and voted on as being satisfactory. These guidlines are a mixture of the rules used in the other state colleges in Nebraska.
If the open dorm policy is approved, the dormitories will set up their own guidelines complying the rules approved l;ly the Student Governing Association.
There need not be a check-in and check-out system for visitors.
Each dorm will have a maximum amount of visitation hours per week. No dorm will have more than two days a week visitation privilege, chosen from Monday through Thursday and any number of weekend days.
·Student Governing Association President · Doug Fritz commented, "To the students, these are times of personal freedom, they want the feeling of being trusted because they are adult age people and deserve the right to be trusted." When asked where the open dorm policy will go after it is 1 approved Fritz said, "It will go
The Peru State Bobcat junior varsity. gridders lost to Highland (Kansas) Jilnior College Varsity September 14 by a score of 48 to 17. The junior 'Cats held their own from the line of scrimmage. They could not contain 5'8", 145 lbs., Highland back Tim Heard, who broke the game open withJhree long punt returns and two kickoff returns.
&oring for Peru was accomplished on a 2 yard run by.
QB Tom Purcell, Ramsey, Illinois; a pass of 31 yaras from' Purcell to Bill Hosak, Wilber; · and a 25 yard field goal by Joe. Wallace, Granite City, Illinois.
The Junior Bobcat Squad defeated the Doane Tigers here Monday afternoon 18 to12 in a game which saw Soph. Bill Hosack catch two TD passes,
Engagement revealed
Mr and Mrs Deane Nutzman of Nehawka, Nebraska announce the engagement of their daughter; Kay to Gene Lindsey, son of Mr and Mrs Eugene Lindsey of Nehawka, Nebraska.
Kay is a sophomore majoring in Business and Gene farms near Nehawka. AMarch 3rd wedding is being planned.
:frosh Joe Wallace kick a 24· yard field goal, and a Doane safety jn the closing minutes.
The Doane Tigers came right back with their QB Emile Sigee hitting his tight end for six points. A long run produced another TD for Doane that made · the score 13 to 12.
Peru scored first behind the ·power running_of Rod Wartman and the passing of Tom Purcell to Hosack. After holding Doane, the Cats scored quickly on a Purcell pass to Hosack in the end zone. Wallace added the PAT.
Joe Wallace kicked the field goal to push the score to 16 to 12. &oring was completed wher late in the game a bad punt snap led to a safety against DOane , Robert Herron, Ivory Hunter, and Rich Watson were credited with the tackle.
Kawasaki Sales & Service Services all other models too.
OPEN MON. -SAT. 8-5:30p.m.
to the Stiident Affairs Commission then possibly to Academic Affairs or the acting President of the college."
Also taken up at this meeting was the reading of petitions for class officers.
- A June 23 wedding is being planned by Miss Diane Jones ' and Mr Samuel B. Pittam. Parents of the couple are Mr and Mrs Russell Jones, Eddington, Pennsylvania and Mr and Mrs Bruce Pittam, of Adams, Nebraska. Join
Circle K
Every Tuesday - West Student Center 4:45p.m. Dining Room (Dinner Meeting) (NO Dues!) Visitors Welcome!!.
Dr. G. E. Mann
Willie Fairbanks.<left>, and John Thomas bow as Robert Ramler <center>, and .Farller <right>, look on in prenaration for the Homecoming presentation, "The Doctor In Spite of H1mseH."victory no. 2 is Apple Bowl first
Bobcat victory number two of the 1972 season was in doubt for ··· Peru State until 14:52 was gone in the fourth quarter of the Applejack Bowl game in Nebraska City last Saturday night.
The 15-13 victory over Tarkio Owls was the first for Peru in the fourth annual bowl contest. The Bobcats marched 66 yards after the opening kickoff, i scoring on a 20 yard sweep by QB Terry Criger, Nebraska City. The kick by Joe Wallace was wide.
Bobcat defensive end Richard Leech recovered a Tarkio fumble on their 35. From the 30. Criger found Jim Hinton for the score. Peru fumbled the two point conversion with 9: 18 remaining in the first quarter.
After two possession· exchanges, Tarkio fullback Bob Williams ran 38 yards for the Owls' first TD, and was injured on the play. It was later determined that he had a broken leg. Tarkio's extra point set the score at 12-7 with 1:01 left in the first quarter.
Best drive of the night for Peru was a 16 play, 64 yard march which bogged down on the Tarkio nine on an offsides penalty. On fourth down, freshman Joe Wallace booted a 31
yard field goal in the second period. The three points ultimately gave Peru their win.
Tarkio struck again with two seconds left in the half. Quarterback Joe Greco hit his halfback Barry Musto on the ten and bowled over Peru safety Tom Froehlich for the score. The pass for two points was incomplete.
Scoring for both teams ended at the halftime mark of 15-13.
Peru seemed to have a scoring opportunity in the third quarter when Anderson fumbled on the Tarkio 13 and Dan Cotton recovered. Peru lost the ball on a fumble at the 8 yard line.
Peru's defense bent several times, but was never broken. They stopped the Owls on the Peru 24, 19 and 28 in the second half.
Defensive back Avery Wallace intercepted a Tarkio pass on their 32 with 8 seconds remaining to preserve the victory.
Coach Jack Mcintire named John Winkel, Terry Criger, John Waters, and Gordon Thompson as standouts in the contest.
Peru State will host Northwest Missouri State University in a 7:30 clash at the Oak Bowl Saturday, September 23.
Tyme Out for Sports
by John VickersIt sure is great to win! As noted by several football players, Peru could have won three games. True! ! 1 Then they remind themselves that the three were close enough that they could have lost three games. Also true!!!
After watching Peru you get the feeling that one of these games they will put it all together and really rip the opposition. However, the sobering aspect of all the games is that, in the second half, our beloved Cats have not passed into that sacred area of goaldam. Actually they have had very few threats at scoring. Not blaming anyone here, just hoping that the situation changes immediately (Saturday) or another Cat, the Northwest Missouri Bearcats, may tame the Bobcats. 'Nough said!!!
The Bearcats will come here with a new college name. They have joined the NCAA and been granted the title of Northwest Missouri State University.
·Bearcat Coach Gladden Dye is
Tarkio harriers down
'Cats by 20-38 mark
Tarkio College topped Peru State in the Applejack cross country meet Saturday, September 16, at Nebraska City by a score of 2038.
George Henry paced the Owl runners with a time of 16: 15 over the three mile Steinhart Park course. Second place honors were garnered by Dennis Abrams of Tarkio with a time of 16: 48. Third spot went to Phil Fritz, Peru freshman from
Wrestlers invited
Verdon, in a time of 17:07. Others placing for Peru were:
5th - Randy Hansen, Bennet;
9th - Scott McKercher, Peru;
10th Bob Lowery, Superior;
11th - Gayle Swisegood, Falls City; 13th-Dave Adams, Peru; and 14th - Dan Gruber, Nebraska City.
Coach Jerome Stemper said his inexperienced Bobcats showed weil for their second
meet of the season. He single out fifth place finisher Rand Hansen for the greatest tim improvement since the openin meet September 13 agains Northwest Missouri Stat University.
The 'Cat team will rac against eight teams Septemb the Wesleyan Invitation at Lincoln.
in his second season at the helm. His 1971 Cats won four and lost five. One of their victims was a Nebraska team which is located along the Missouri River, in the southeast corner of Husker Land. The score was 35 to 28.
The Bearcats opened the 1972 season with a win over William Jewell 35-14. Last week they led Omaha University 28 to 24 going into the fourth quarter, before bowing 45-28.
Keep in mind that· Omaha is touting their team as the best in school history.
The clinching· piece of evidence is that Coach Dye is quoted as saying, "If you can't beat Peru State next week, you guys better hang 'em up!" Those are fight words along the Missouri!
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A September twenty-sixth meeting for all boys wanting to join the P.S.C. Wrestling team has been scheduled by new head coach Vince Monseau. The seven o'clock p.m. meeting in the gym will be primarily to pass out team schedules and to explain work outs. Coach Monseau urges as many boys as possible to attend this meeting.
Auburn, Nebraska Ph. 274-4302
of ark singled Randy time opening against State
Peru Pedagogian
resident asks dormitories for suggestions; reports progress
Dr. Max Smith, acting resident, at ·convocation esday:
+extended an invitation to the rm councils to meet with him.
+ reported on the college's tempts. to bring in new money.
+ spoke on the open dorm licy.
+ told about the Southeast braska Advisory Council. Smith requested a meeting 'th each of the drom councils to ' cuss possible improvements make dormitory living· more Vi.ting to students.
y November 15, Dr. Smith ted, the college will submit a posal to the federal govern· ent to finance nev.: programs
·at Peru State.
Dr. Smith announced that open dorms will be put into effect on Oct. 1 for a period of one ,month on a trial basis.
When speaking about the Southeast Nebraska Advisory Council, Dr. Smith reported that he had met with the council Tuesday, after asking them a week before to talk to people in the area and report the image they have of Peru. State.
The over-all feeling is, Dr. Smith said, that they look at us' as a Teachers College. Dr. Smith feels that, although we should be proud of our heritage, we must impress on people the fact that we are bere to serve everyone, not just the teachers CQ!Ping from this area.
Controversial ad Brings comments
We should·do this, Dr. Smith feels, not to overshadow our role in producing teachers, but rather to improve our image in all the fields we offer.
Thomas Stone, new Director of Admissions, addressed students and faculty. Mr Stone stated that he and Gary Hoemann would need outside help from students .to accomplish the task facing them in their role of recrmting students. He also remarked that the students on campus are important because they affect the quality and value of education.
Coach Jack Mcintire emphasized the importance of campus support from ad-· ministration, faculty, and ahtd"!lts
Acontroversial advertisement has recently appeared. in the "Ped" offering complete term papers.
For one dollar the prospective' buyer can obtain a full color catalogue with complete list of available papers · This type of enterprise has become bold by advertising in a college newspaper. What is student and faculty reaction? Here are a few examples.
"It's a matter of individual choice. It's no one else's .business whether you do it or someone else does it. You would have to be careful about something like this because it might not be reputable."Roxann Hill.
"For the college student it is alot easier to write in for a term paper than to do it himself. It's a lazy man's way of getting his
and you don't retain ·:that much knowledge by doing it that way. You could read it
carefully and know the subject but it still doesn't benefit your school workthat much." - Mike Gibson.
"I think they ought to be prosecuted. They are robbing the student of his education. It's up to the individual if he wants an education or if he wants to be a hypocrite, pretending that. he has an education when he really doesn't. If I found out a student had availed himself of this I would fail him.
Students who are graduated from Peru are representatives of this institution. If their work is
not their own, then they can't possibly be credible in their profession." - Mrs Mary Ruth Wilson.
"I don't think it's fai.f. I wouldn't use it.'' -Terry Leach.
"I don't think it should be advertised in a college paper. If someone wants to use it fine, but if you are here for an education you should do your own work." -
Pat Castle. ·"It defeats the purpose of a term paper. This is just another example of our Capitalistic Society. It indicates aflaw in our educational system which has become a breeding ground for this type of thing. Many in· structors give writing assignments that are unnecessary. This is especially true in graduate school where some papers are ·never read. I'm against peddling term papers that are unnecessarily assigned." - Mr. J.D. Levitt.
Ayearbook worbhop was helcl September 28 on campus with 93 higll school students In attendence representing 13 high schools. Everett Browning, journalism Instructor, was chairman of the workshop.
P. S. C. hosts workshop
By Rick DeKlotzYou might have noticed quite few new faces on campus on day, September 20.
y weren't scouts from thwest Missouri· State obing Peru's football practice, a group of 93 high school dents representing 13 high hools, attending what is hoped be the first annual yearbook rkshop held at P.S.C.
Mr Gerald Kauffman of peka Kansas, representing American Yearbook Corny, the publisher of this year's .C. yearbook, gave lectures yearbook layout. He spoke ut controlling the yearbook d thus the readers by being sistent in using concrete
of positive shapes for pictures and having a consistent amount of white space for borders.
Some other hints Mr Kauffman gave for having a good yearbook included not placing small pictures in the upper right hand corner of a page, and never placing anything of importance in the lower left hand corner.
Mr Leonard Sherwood gave demonstrations on how art can be used in a yearbook to make it a better book. He showed how to make different art designs by using rulers and adjustable curves along with the use of tones to separate one part of a design from another.
Mr James Levitt gave sessions on yearbook ohotol!raohv. He
gave descnptions of different photography techniques, the use of color film, and the types of cameras to use in taking pictures for a yearbook.
After the students had seen the three morning sessions they ate lunch in the cafeteria, and then attended two sessions in the afternoon which included another talk by Mr Kauffman on possible lawsuits to be avoided in yearbooks.
Mr Everett Browning spoke on writing copy. Mr Browning told the students that in writing copy they should write, ·write, write, and not worry about errors because the copy should be edited later before going to press.
"I don't really agree with the concept of term papers. Some people just don't know how to write. I don't think it would be so bad if the student did the research and had it put together for him." -
Joevette Farber.Bobbi Thiesfeld Issue Editor
Calendar of Events
Open Dorm Visitation Program will be in effect.
Student Government Association, 212, Fine Arts Building, at 6:00
Women's Athletic Association, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Meet at the football field for softball if weather permits. Drill team meets at 3:30 in the Student Center lounge.
Student Center Board, 4:45 p.m., meet in the West Dining room, of Student Center. Business meeting begins at 5: 15.
Social .Work Club - 6:30 Fine Arts, 211.
All students interested in making props for the play "Doctor In Spite of Himself" contact Miss Manley, 202, Fine Arts Auditorium, or after 6:00 in the college auditorium. PAINTING, CONSTRUCTION AND DYING NEED TO BE DONE.
Figures not released Recruiting continues
_By Janice·Johnson·No enrollment figures have ' 11een released as yet, according ·w Registrar Kelly J. Liewer. He says there are·still some classes being filled for this semester, and that it may be three or four· weeks before any figures are available.
In the meantime, Mr Gary L. ·Hoemann, in the Admissions· office, has been going to area high schools· doing some recruiting for PSC. The. following is a list of the schools he plans to visit:
September 29 - Stella Southeast, Humboldt, Wymore and Table Rock.
, October 2 - Beatrice, Diller, :OdeD.,and Oakland.
October 3 - Tecumseh, ·Sterling, Elk creek, Nebraska :aty and Beatrice.
· October 4- Gresham, Shelby, iosceola and Stromsburg
1(college night)
October 5 Johnson, Burr,
PSSSS roster scheduled
This year's Social Science Club at Pjlru State has a very interesting roster. The club will have a picnic to get acquainted with all the new members. Plans are being made to construct a float for the homecoming parade. Throughout the year members will be learning more about interesting historical places, including a trip to an historical site in Nebraska in the ·spring. The last activity will be a :banquet and a movie of :historical value.
Janet Waniska is this year's 'president with Bill Snyder, Mr Roger Salmela and Dr. George Schottenhamel as sponsors.
Cook and Pawnee City
October 9 - Glenwood, Iowa, Carson, :iowa, Avoca, Iowa and Walnut, Iowa.
October 10 - Harlan, Iowa, 'Logan, Iowa, Shelby, Iowa, Missouri Valley, Iowa, Loganview (college nightl and Omaha (college night)
October 11 - Seward, Geneva
· (college day) and Hebron. 'college night)
October 12 - York, Aurora,
.Central City and Fullerton.
(college night)
Octover 13 - Marquette, Polk,: Benedict and Richey. ·
' Visits to other towns between ··· flt the 16th and 20th of October have · not been definitely decided as1
Yet: The towns in question in-:
elude New Market, Clearfield,' : Lenox, Prescott, Adair, Anita, Massena, Audubon, Guthrie Center, Coon Rapids, Manning,. Greenfield and Denison, Lincoln
· (college night), Bridgewater, Orient, Custer and Elkhorn.
Parade, rap session, tickets, discussed
by Frank D'AddesaManassas is the name of a small town in ColoradQ, a group headed by Stephen Stills which toured the country over the summer, and the title of Stills' third album <Atlantic-SD2-9030996).
The strange thing about Stephen is that he's at his best when he works with a limited, organized group of musicians rather than using various dif· ferent personnel to play on different songs, which he did on his last two solo albums.·
This statement can be proven with the names of past groups Stills' played for; Buffalo Springfield, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, and presently ·Manassas.
The group is composed of six other musicians besides Stills Dallas Taylor and Fuzzy Samuels who were once CSN&Y's sidemen, pianist Paul
The last member of the group is ex-Byrd Chris Hillman, who is the difference between a good group (or album) and a grea group (or album).
Hillman is Mr Versatile as he sings, plays guitar, mandolin, and co-authors two songs with Stills. All are done exceptionally well.
By Janet decorateJan star :when she · help her on diffE specializec
organizations, and local groups. The Student Governing This year's judges will be the Association met September 26 in mayors of Peru, Auburn '.111d F.A. 212. "There is a new day Nebraska City, and possibly coming at Peru" is not only the Mike May from KETV in homecoming theme, it also Omalla. means that this year's The members of the SGA also homecoming parade will be discussed having prominent handled differently. political figures visit Perua and
It was decided to change the have "Rap Sessions" for inpractice of awarding money to terested students. Janet
The two record set is divid into four categories, one on eac side. Side one is called "The Raven" and it sounds someth' like rock and soul put together. "The Wilderness" is the flip sid which is all country music an "Consider", on the third side light rock with songs which hav deeper meanings. Finally "Roe and Roll is Here to Stay" is the last side which music is of course rock and roll.
At first She decor; occasions
Peru's radio. station, KPSC, is now beginning to take form. The radio program can be heard in the Stud.ent Center, in Delzell Hall, and in the Fine Arts :Building. According to'Dr. Barrett, it is hoped that by· Homecoming the station can be heard in Morgan Hall. Before it can be ·transmitted to the complex money is needed to buy transmitters and couplers. Any ideas for raising the money should be reported to Dr. Barrett.
There are two new members ·on the crew, Doug Seanor and :Greg Case. More people are still, \needed. Everyone is invited and · urged to help. Contact J.D. !Levitt;".. station sponsor, Bart Neri, Jess Spurgin, or John Vickers.
The broadcasts which last one hour from 6:30 p;m. to 7:30 p.m SWiday through Thursday will eventually be lengthened. Hopefulfy, sometim.e before Christmas, the station can ran at least four· hours, five days a week.'
'• John. Vickers, -one of ·the , 'station disc jockeys reports, "I think everyone involved agrees '•bat it is a hindrance that we
Waniska contact the speakers. There have been complaints registered with the S.G.A. on the traffic ticket situation on .campils. The association moved to make a new traffic committee composed of students, faculty members, and administrators. Their purpose will be to review_all tickets given. the winning float to the ,. presentation of a trophy to the ..._ ._ winning float with the runner-'
ups receiving honorable men- f · .
ti';e S.G.A. made float division t sign up at SCB office Oct. 4-10
entries for high college t
Radio station KPSC t Windows completed Oct. 17 t t Prizes will be given · $15-$10-$5 t
taking form I
Homecoming Thelne- I
don't have a transmifttl in t Ther13's a New Day
Morgan Hall or at the complex. f +. n
A story about hunters i helicopters hunting down th rare eagle, a story of Stills' lo of Colorado, a story of gettin over a love, a story of a roe star's life and need for privacy and a story of people constant! moving to different locatfons ar a few of the songs you're sure enjoy on "Manassas".
Coming ! Navy team to
We realize that a lack of money JOT r erU & t
the KPSC station will never ' replace KOIL or KOMA as the·------------------· students' station until we can · majority of the
Jacobitz joins college staff
Trap shoot is Oct. 1
P: S. C.'s Home Economics. department has obtained an. additional· instructor this year. In addition to Mrs Kregel, Vicki Jacobitz, will be teaching ad' vanced clothing, textiles, and Clay Pigeon season has· home management courses. opened and the Student Center Board is offering prizes to the Vicki was graduate of Kansas
working towards her masters· degree at the Nebraska University in Lincoln.
A Navy Officers informati team will be at Peru Sta Monday, October 2, to off advice on job opportunities the Nav.y open to prospecti graduates. · They will talk about busin engineering, law, nur · aviation, medicine and fields of study available thr the Navy. '
Since livi1 ,, been decc friends building business Septeml ,celebratec ·_presented from replica and faith: Mrand Atlantic, engagemt Meta, Mr and Atlantic, Meta Element; Charley Biology.J is being OP'
When ·asked about how she liked teaching here at P. S C., She replied "Students are great; Everyone cooperates, and I really eniov it".
Students are urged to talk these Naval representative The Naval advisors will stationed in the student cent from 9:30 a:.m. to 3:30 p.m. persons bringing down the most State University in 1969. After
Editor John Thomas
Editors Michelle Welch
1 of a group which the Stills' 1tic-SD2-903prove groups Buffalo Nash, presently to Pe' informa Peru S to o ,, 1portunities : prospec talk resentativ will ' ;tudent ce p.m.
Jan Fritz displays two of her cake creatlonl.
an Fritz is cake creator-decorator
By Gail,_flarmon.anet Fritz doesn't just rate cakes, she creates! started decorating cakes she was in·high school, to her mother. They worked. different cakes, but ialized in wedding cakes. At first it was a hobby for Jan. e decorated cakes for special casions for family and friends. ce living in Peru, Jan has n decorating for staff and nds in the Administration · ding where she works in the iness office.
September 19, Dr. Wininger• ebrated his birthday and was ented with a special cake m Jan which featured a' lica of Snoopy, his doghouse, d faithful companion Wood-
gagement announced
tlantic, Iowa, announce the agement of their daughter, ta, to Charles Trailer, son of and Mrs Merrill .Trailer of antic, Iowa.
eta is a junior majoring in mentary. Education and ley is a senior majoring in logy. ADecember 30 wedding being planned.
r. G. E. Mann
Closed P .M. & Sat. P.M. ebr.City 119N.8thSt. Phone 873-6180
The Night Visitor to be shown
"The Night Visitor," directed by Laslo Benedek and showing at the Fine Arts Auditorium Thursday, October 5th, at 7:00 ·p.m. is a gothic-tinged tale of revenge filmed in the northernmost tip of Swden. The wind-swept, snowcovered countryside adds to the terror of a stalking psychopath, murdered victims and sinister motives.
Max von Sydow, in the title role, makes an all-butimpossible escape from an insane asylum where he was confined unjustly two years earlier for the ax murder of a farmhand. Clad only in boots and underwear, he steals quietly through the frozen country-side and commits several murders, leaving clues incriminating his
brother-in-law. · · Trevor Howard, Liv Ullman and Per Oscarsson join von Sydow in a series of exceptionally powerful per-
As Jan will readily tell you, decorating ·cakes i,s not only a hobby, it pays well too. Although it can be expensive if you're just starting, it does pay for itself with welcome orders. -
August 14 is
w.edding date
Mr and Mrs Wendell Fetters of Skillman, New Jersey, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kim, to Mark Hahn, son of Mr and Mrs Dick Hahn of Auburn, Nebraska.
Kim is a junior majoring in Elementary Education and Mark is a junior majoring in Business. An August 14 wedding is being planned.
Henry Mancini, the award-winning composer, created the brooding score which underlines the action.
!New Geology course to- be offered.
Roekhounds have an excellent high school age or older. The chance to pursue their hobby by ' course is worth one college, enrolling in Peru State College's credit hour of Science Lab to' new rock and minerals field those who complete it. course. (Geo!. 202) TENTATIVE SCHEDULE
The course will be instructed Friday, Oct. 6 - Lecture by one of America's foremost 7:00-10:00 p.m mineralogists, Professor Scott J. Saturday, Oct. 7 - Field Trip; Williams, discoverer of eight - 8 a.m.-2 e.m. , , j new mineral species. · Saturday, Oct. 14 - Field Trip
The program will involve two ·8 2 - a.m.- p.m. 3-hour leciure periods and Uiree
Auburn, Nebraska Ph. 274-4302
Saturday, Oct. 21- Field Trip field trips to m.ineral localities in 8 " - a.m.- p.m., S. E. Nebraska.
Persons who enroll will be able - p.m.- 10 p.m. to collect quality crystal The fee for the course is $20.50. specimens in the field. The A minimum of ten people are course is designed for pe_rsons of needed to formulate the course:
Tyme .Out for Sports Peru State's. hopes for third win
By JOHN VICKERSWoilld you believe that before the clock broke down at the Saturday night Peru vs Nor-. thwest Missouri State U. football· game Peru .was leading. everything but the one thing that counted: The score. The Bobcats ran eleven more plays the first half than did the Bearcats. They had the ball three and. one-half minutes longer than the Missourians, and were ahead in 'rushing yardage. The passing· c1ttack showed the story, as. Northwest Missouri led by a bunch!
A14 yard punt from the PSC 20 to ·the 34 gave the Bearcars the ·momentum needed to raise the score to 14-2. One of the biggest plays of the night was an intercepted pass immediately after the second NWM touchdown.
The situation involved one of the closest play calls of the night. The NWM defensive back picked off the Purcell pass and sped down the west sideline. At the three at Peru player hit him from the side. As the NWM man· went out of play the ball flew in bounds. ·
The official said it was a dead ball. It may have been a close call, but it was also a soon-to-be seven points, which made the score 21-2 for NWM. To the credit of our offense, they came back moving 76 yards to score.
Subtract the seven from NWM and we are in the thick of things 14-9, instead of 21-9.
WAA softba II results
Debbie Sears' team took a 6-1 victory over Gail Harmon's team last Wednesday as the Women's Athletic Association softball intramurals got under way.
· ·Deb Ehmen was on the mound for Sears' team and Gail Harmon pitched for the opposition in a game that was called after two innings because of rain.
The W. A. A. gals will be playing softball every Wednesday evening as long as weather permits.
.kin Circle K
Every Tuesday - West Student Center 4:45p.m. Dining Room (Dinner Meeting)
<NODues!J Visitors Welcome! !
H anyone in Nebraska arr end who is better at catchmg the football than John Winkel he should be playing for the Big Red. Wink has made some catches in clutch situations.
Some people who left early Saturday missed quite a show as
•John caught three passes from Tom Froehlich for lll yards and a TD in the last two minutes!
Saturday night the Bobcats will play Concordia at Seward.
Concordia has a balance of running 'and passing from the "I" formation. They have a veteran QB in Tim Taube and a tested runner in Carl Abele. However, from the four games Peru has played it appears the 'Cat pass defense is the weakest point of the team. Evidence: The number of times two receivers were open on pass patterns. Perhaps this problem will be ·lessened by experience. On thing to be sure is that any team will try to pass on Peru as long as it works consistently. Concordia· has two good receivers in wing back Gary Weber ·and Rod Frieling, a tight end, who has returned five punts for touchdowns in his career.
Seward is a short enough drive that a couple hundred fans ought to be able to pack up and b'lfck the 1cats. Should be an exciting game between well-matched teams!
Auburn, Nebraska
denied by Northwest Missouri
by John VickersThe Peru State Bobcats never quit trying, but Northwest Missouri State University won the football game 37-23 before an estimated crowd of 1,200 in the Oak Bowl Saturday night.
Northwest scored eight plays after the opening kickoff. Big yardage was ·gained with a 40 yard pass play, aided when a Peru defender slipped and fell. Two runs and a pass later, Northwest scored to make the tally 7-0 with 3:45 gone in the .game.i Peru was forced to punt on the !next series of downs, then held the Bearcats. Peru made the '.score 7-2 when the Northwest :punter fumbled the snap in the ·endzone and was tackled by Jim ·Rezac and Dan Cotton for a safety. A 14 yard Bobcat punt to the Peru 34 set up a drive for the Bearcats as QB Priest passed to his flanker Bob Endy and a 14-2. lead. Northwest scored again by intercepting a rom Purcell pass · and returning it to the Peru 3 yard line. Rinas scored for NWMSU from the 2yard line for a 21-2 lead near the opening of the second quarter. Peru showed persistence as they started on their own 24 and drove down the field. Jim Hinton, end from Lake Charles, Louisiana, took a 22 yard touchdown pass from Criger, bowling
over two defenders near the goal line for the score. Joe Wallace added the PAT to cl9se the gap to 21-9.
· After the Peru TD neither
team moved the ball well. Following a punt return to the PSC 49 by.· Northwest's Joe Wingate, QB Priest hit Corbett for 17 yards and Bob Endy for 7. On fourth down Maddick kicked a 36 yard field goal for the 24-9 halftime edge.
With 11:38 remaining in the third quarter, the score board clock stopped working and the referee kept time on the field.
With Northwest driving to the Peru 10, Terry Elliott, defensive end from Alvo, intercepted a Priest pass, carrying it to the Bobcat 29. Peru moved'well. until a Criger pass was intercepted and returned 33 yards to the Peru 36. A15 yard penalty on the tackle gave the Bearcats the ball at the PSC 23. A 19-yard pass from Priest to Corbett pushed the score to 30-9.
Peru failed to move the ball .and the Bearcats set up another TD with a 54-yard pass to the 8. Lemonds scored from there with 10:20 left to finish Northwest scoring at 37-9.
Peru didn't quit as sub QB Tom Froehlich hit. end John Winkel with a 37 yard pass to the Northwest five. Barry Reed carried twice to gain the score
with 1:15 remaining. Wallace's kick made it 37 to 16.
Northwest chose to be flamboyant and not sit on their lead. A Bearcat pass was intercepted on the Peru 36 by Avery Wallace. Froehlich found Winkel who. pulled in the pass at the Northwest 20 for a 54 yard gain. With only four seconds remaining, and two defenders with. him, Winkel took a 20 yard TD pass over his shoulder for the score. · The kick finished the 37-23 game.
John Winkel was fantastic catching passes in a crowd and a one-handed grab drew "oohs" from the crowd. He totaled 180 yards on seven receptions. Though Peru's Pass defense was suspect, the line held Northwest's Jim Albin to 38 yards rushing. Last season he gained 270 yards against the 'Cats.
Kawasaki Sales & Service Services all other models too.
Wallace's flamlead. 1tercepted Wallace. who NorWith ·emaining, him, pass score. 7-23game. fantastic ·owdanda "oohs" 180 'ceptions. Noryards gained up-to-date, 2,300 to 203
Peru Pedagogian
Students' voices to be heard
By BOB WERNSMANThe students of Peru State College will be able to express their opinion of Dr. Max Smith and whether he should be retained as president or a search committee be formed.
This was the major topic at a meeting in the F. A. Aud., Tuesday. There were 15 students in attendance at the meeting held primarily for informing the students.
Doug Fritz, President of SGA said that students would vote on a ballot similar to the one used by the professional staff.
.TJie-students•wm vote Oct. 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Oct. 11. The ballots will be available at the Bob Inn during these hours except during lunch and supper periods, when they will be on the dining floor level.
SC dorm visitation now in full swing
new policy of dorm living been adopted by Peru State ge. Open dorm visitation is in full sWing after being oved last week.
Smith, acting president, ressed his approval of the ·policy and commended the in providing the necessary ership toward adoption of visitation policy. He said he v_es that the policy was pted in accordance with the d and student sentiment on pus.
Smith said that "anything can do on this campus to e this campus a better place d be encouraged. I am a believer that the students d be involved in anything Will affect their living itions, and I am pleased we are working with the ents in this area."
pen visitation hours for yburn and Davidson Halls as follows:
esday &Thursday, 7p.m.-11
turday, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. & 7 -12 p.m.
nie Templeton, president of ybiirn Hall, commenting on ndorm said, "I think it was a time getting into effect, but that it's finally here I just that people won't abuse it. I it's great that the school
finally got to it."
Hours for visitation for Delzell Hall are:
Sunday, 1 p.m.-8 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday, 7 p.m.-10 p.m.
Friday, 7 p.m.-12 p.m.
Saturday, 12-2p.m. &7p.m.-12 p.m.
Mrs Kunkel, housemother for ·the dorm, expressed her opinion of this in saying, "I am in favor of what the people in the dorm were in favor of. Our first experience Sunday turned out very well. I feel, however, that we should go further than this
because it seems to limit the visitors to those who have steady boyfriends here. Because we have such large and attractive areas, as the game room or television room, I wish we could have better for girls who are not already attached to enter dorm."
Visitation Hours for Morgan Hall are as follows:
Sunday, 2 p.m.-9 p.m.
Monday & Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
Friday, 7 p.m.-12 p.m.
Saturday, 2 p.m.-4 p.m. & 7 p.m.-12 p.m.
October fest features variety of. Nebraska food
The East will meet the West on Thursday, October the 12th, when the Home Ee Club hosts a United Nations Dinner in the Education building's auditorilJ!'ll.
Members of the Home Ee Club will prepare and serve the annual dinner to the public from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
The dinner is an attempt to acquaint the public with the wide variety of Nebraska foods.
The menu for the evening includes: Salisbury Steak, Ham Loaf, Baked Potatoes, Buttered Mixed Vegetables,. Fruit Salad, Pumpkin Bread, Bubble Ring Bread, Apple Crisp, Coffee, and Tea
Starting Tuesday the 3rd of October, tickets will be on sale. Adult tickets cost $i.oo, children under 12 will be $1.25. The funds will go back into the Home Ee. Club for future projects and improvements.
After Dr. Gomon's resignation ·last year due to poor health, Dr. Max Smith was chosen as acting persident.
The time for choosing now
appears to nave arrived on the Peru State campus.
Afaculty meeting was held on Sept. 28, and one of the points of discussion was the presidency of the college. Dr. Smith stated then, that the Board of Trustees assured him he would be named as President, but he told the board he had a commitment to the faculty and students of Peru who had asked to have a share in the selection ofa new president.
In the light of this, the faculty, during Tuesday and Wednesday of the past week have expressed their feelings through a voting poll held at the library during the two days.
The students were told at theTuesday meeting by Dr. Clyde Barrett, dean of humanities that it was his understanding that if Dr. Smith did not receive a favorable 'ndi cation from faculty and students, a search committee would be formed, and Dr. Smith would not be in consideration by the committee.
Calendar of Events
Drill Team Practice, 3:30 in Room 300, Education Bldg.
Gamma Theta Upsilon; Internal Geography Society, Education Bldg. Room 110 at 3:30
Student Governing Association, 211, Fine arts building, 6:00 p.m.
Student Wives, Business meeting, work on Banner for Homecoming, 7:30 p.m. in Northwest dining room of the Student Center.
Drill team practice, Education Building, Room 300, at 3:30
Phi Beta Lambda Installation of New Members, 6:30 p.m. in Fine Art Room 105 ·
VOTING, FOR OR AGAINST HAVING DR. MAX SMITH AS PERU STATE COLLEGE PRESIDENT. Sponsored by S.G.A., in BOB INN (voting done 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday) (voting done 9:00 to 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday)
OCTOBER4-10, PRIZES $15, $10, $5
Women's Athletic Association, 6:00 to 8:00 in the football field for softball, weather permitting.
Drill Team Practice, Rm. 300 Education Building, 3:30 p.m. Circle K, 4:45, West Dining Room, Student Center.
Glen Hunter is in charge of the Broughton Food Service here at Peru State College. He has been in the food business for sixteen years and this is his fifth year at Peru.
Like all good businessmen, Hunter is interested in trying to keep the customer satisfied. But in order to find out what he could do to please the Peru State students who own a meal ticket or eat at the Bob-Inn there must be communication with people.
Mr Hunter would be more than pleased to speak Jo any student or groups of students who have any suggestions on the food he serves, different food recipes; or service changes.
So all students, especially freshman and new students should offer any ideas they may have to improve the food system at Peru. Mr Hunter is a sincere person and businessman who will try to satisfy the students. Give him a chance!
FRANK D'ADDESAInter dorm visitation is now a reality of the PSC campus, something which many students have strived for for a long time. It was through the efforts of many individuals, besides the SGA that the dorm residents have another new aspect of their dormitory living.
Now that the ruling has passed, the question changes from when to how long. After a month's trial period, the situation will be evaluated and it will be decided whether the change. should be continued in the dorms.
It is now up to the people who spent so long in getting the issue through, to encourage people to use the system, while following the guidelines set up.
It has been stated that.breaking the rules.once will result in the discontinuation of the visitation program: The students must show by their participation and their behavior that they want and deserve the program to be continued.
Letters to
Dear Editor,--fwoufd -llke to KilOW why tl].e married students have their own private parking space at the complex? They don't pay any extra for this privilege. Why don't the rest of the residents of the complex have the same privilege? I think that everyone should have the same rights for parking. Meaning that everyone should have a private parking space, or that no one should have this privilege. Where is the extra money that we have had to pay in order to live in the complex?
Tjlis money could go toward private parking spaces for the complex. H you're wondering how assignments to parking spaces would be made for who g ts the closest stalls, what's wrong with drawing names out. of the hat? Maybe they could go with anyone that wants a private parking space could rent one for some amount of money. I don't think that anyone except the house mothers and janitors should. have private parking
by Frank D'AddesaOf all the albums I've heard I wish they never pu "Joplin In Concert" (Col C2x31160).
Now don't get me wron think Janis Joplin is one of finest female vocalists of decade, but most of the s recorded live on this album; second rate, Of course it's1 derstandable that even entertainers like Joplin bound to give a bad perform · once in a while.
But on past albums or at. concert or another, Janis done a much better jobi singing all of these songs. ·
Between such old favorit ' "Piece of My Heart", " Moon", "Kozmic Blues",? "Summertime", Janis ( about drinking on Sundays later invites her audience ov' her place for a drink.
Some of the other cuts ori album include; "Move Ov "Try (Just a little bit har and "Ball and Chain".
Double vision hits; Business Office cures
By KERRY KRAUSELast Tuesday, Tom Craig was seeing double, but it wasn't his eyesight that was bothering him.
Tom lost his billfold on campus last April, and with it his identification. He got duplicates of his draft card, driver's license and social security card.
BOB WERNSMANthe editor
but just wait till winter. Sure, we don't have to walk, we can drive and many do but that costs us even more plus the $10.00 extra a month. Even if all of us decided to move down to the other dorms, not all of us would be able to get into them because there isn't enough room for all of us, plus the ones already in those dorms. Some people would be forced to live in the complex. Now my qJJestion is would those people be made to pay the extra money because they had to live there or else the street? Maybe the people in Morgan and Delzell should have to pay extra to live closer to their classes and don't have to walk as far. SoiJnd stupid? Well, so does the ministration.
Chuck SmithPeruvians arrive; available Monday places. Yes the Peruvians are in! At By the way, where is the extra last our yearbooks have arrived. money that we are paying going The yearbooks were delivered to to? Why do we have to pay ex- ·the doors of special services late tra? Why don't the other dorms Monday afternoon. have to pay the same? Why You may pickup your yearshould we have to pay extra to books in room 218 in the live in the complex? Sure it's a education building between the little nicer than the others, but it hours of 12:00 to 3:30 Monday also an inconvenience to live thru Friday. After Friday you that far away from campus. can get your book from Mr Many people walk that distance Browning's office, Ed. 206. live or six times a day. The walk BRING YOUR RECEIPTS! isn't so bad now, unless it rains, PLEASE.
He had forgotten the loss, when Tuesday Kenneth Gress, asst. Business Manager, stopped Tom and told him his billfold was being held in the Business Office.
Tom knew better because he was carrying it in his back pocket, but Gress assured Tom it was his.
It seems that sometime between April and September someone found Tom's billfold and turned it in to the Business Office. Aletter was sent to Tom to inform him it had been found and where he could retrieve it.
Tom evidently never received the letter and never claimed the billfold. It was filed away and
then forgotten until someone recently ventured to check through the file and "re-found" it.
Tom checked at the office and the billfold was indeed his, the one he had given up l;!S lost. As he walked away checking his billfold, he was heard to mutter, "What am I going to do with two of everything?"
Maybe he'd better store one for the next time around.
Homecoming mums to be sold again
Bring back the good old days of proms and corsages by presenting your date with a Homecoming mum.
The Women's Athletic Association will be selling mums for $1.50 and if you wish to order one, contact Kim Albin or Ann Boring at Morgan Hall or Gail Harmon, Darcy Lippold or Kris Rotter at the Complex.
Education Dept.
sees new face·
A new instructor has been 'added to the Peru Education Department. He is William Landis and he replaced Dr Johr. Jensen.
Mr Landis, who was born in Iowa, considers Nebraska his home.
Mr Landis obtained all his higher education at · the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. He was one of the first men to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education in the state of Nebraska.
At Peru, he teaches Elementary Education classes and he supervises Elementary · teachers in their Professional Semester. Prior to coming to Peru, Mr Landis was an elementary teacher at the State Home for Dependent Children and the Lincoln Public Schools in Lincoln, Nebraska; an
Elementary principal at Valley, Nebraska; an elementary county consultant in Iowa; a junior high teacher in California; an elementary methods teacher and supervisor first at Mankato State College in Mankato, Minnesota and then at the Kansas State College in Pittsburg, Kansas.
Sides· one and two of th were done with her first Big Brother and the H Company, while sides thr four were done with her band Full Tilt Boogie.
Since this will probably last album Columbia will p
it seems a crime it has to worst album. Afew mont Janis passed away Col released a studio album sh with Full Tilt Boogie. J should have been her last because it was a much album to remember her b1
Dates of birthdays, niversaries, etc, lOc Calendars $1.00 each.
See: J. D. Levitt, Fine Ar Everett Browning, E · Bldg.
Rex's provid1,
Besides new floors, w furniture, Rex's Caf Tavern now supplies Ii tertainment played by 1 and folk and country b
Rex Rains, owner of which is located at do Peru, said the idea of live came from his custome kept asking for it.
The idea became r earlier this year with a turnout of people and b Rex hopes to have a ban two weeks on Thursday ni long as people attend and{, is no trouble. f
" Blues", Janis ta. Sundays mdienceov cuts on the. first Hol three her ewmonths Col album she Boogie. last e much b her by, rthdays, lOc e. each. walls· Cafe live local ban of the. down live ecame re with a bus" band · 1ursdayni and·
Class officers chosen
elected were: meet'rnii; and. '11>\ed. 1>n \he Bonnie Stemper, Vice President, class members. Barb Jones, Secretary, and Fred S.G.A. President Doug Fritz Robertson, Treasurer. The said, "The use of petitions shows sponsor ·is Dr. Shottemhamel. students are interested but we Junior officers are President, need more involvement. If we Kurt Frohling; Vice-President, could get a !lead start and Stanley; Secretary, Linda receive petitions early, we could E1chenburger; Treasurer, offer students a prepared Joevette Farber; and sponsor, election with the use of ballots. Mr Snyder. This way we could have more Sophomore officers inclde student participation in the President, Zella Hickey; Vice-, elections."
President, Bobbi Thiesfeld; Secretary, Kay Nutzman; Treasurer, Peggy Kreifels,; and sponsor, Mr Miller. _, -
The Freshmen class elected President, Bryan Weidenthaler; Vice-President, Mike Muchler; Secretary, Sandy Wright; Treasurer, Mary Crews; and Sponsor, Gary Hoemann. The freshmen S.G.A. representatives are Mary Crews, Bill Boyd, and Terry Sapp.
Education majors
gain experience
Peru State Education majors are gaining practical experience as early as their Sophomore year through a class known as Practicum. There are no prerequisites for the course.
The objectives of the course are to give practical experience in working with children, to find out if a student really wants to teach, and to make their course work more meaningful.
Practicum is given in the Auburn School District in elementary grades, and Junior High. Dr. Kite says, "Practicum usually works better in the ·· elementary grades."
The students taking Prac·
Faculty group selects head
Lester Russell was elected President of the Faculty · Association at the meeting held on October 2. Mary Rutl) Wilson was elected vice-president and Miss Wreathea Hicks was· named secretary.
ticum fit it into their schedule after talking it over with the teacher for two or. three credit hours.
Students are /to be teacher aides eight hours a week plus one hour of out-of-school preparation for three hours of credit. For two credit hOurs they have to be an aide for five hours a week and need one hour ·of outside preparation per week.
The teacher aides have a checklist of activities, but each student is not expected to do each item. General activities include classroom management, operating equipment, preparing instructional aids, and utilizing these aids. ,
Miscellaneous activities in· elude observing other teachers and supervising study halls and the lunch room.
the present time there are twelve enrolled in Practicum.··
Teacher aides at Peru are • .Barbara Jones,
Borcher, Ray Bleich, Jackie Kefsey, Barbara Shroyer, Eileen Laggett, Carol Orr, Faye Hayes, and Pat Prose. Teacher Aides at Auburn are Gayle Morga! and Marie Warren.
THURSDAYS-8 Weekly Auburn, Nebr.
This year anyone seeking an D , Co It p · office obtained a petition with ' ean u er rop.
Late start stalls Cats; hope for windenied
The Concordia Bulldogs scored the first of their 39 points against Peru State Saturday night (September 30) near the end of the first quarter. Peru wasn't able to cross the crucial stripe until the fourth stanza, when two Bobcat tallies settled the score at 39-13.
In-between scoring included a Concordia touchdown with 36 seconds left in the half plus a two-point conversion giving them an 11-0 edge midway.
Peru seemed to let down after the half as Concordia marched 75 yards for an 18-0 lead. APeru fumble on their 25 set up a three play charge for another Concordia score and a lead of 25-0.
Peru held the Seward team at the Peru one early in the fourth quarter but set up a Concordia score when they were forced to punt.
Concordia scored after a. fourth down interference call on Peru st up a 3yard pass to Gary Weber. The lead jumped to 32-0.
Abad pitchout by Peru ended scoring for Concordia at 39-0.
The Bobcats, with Tom Purcell (Ramsey, Illinois)··at QB, rolled 85 yards as John Winkel scored on a27 yard pass with 4:44 left. Joe Wallace (Granite City, Illinois) kicked
J. V.'s control PSC volleyball
Concordia to open season
Tiie junior varsity defeated Concordia J. V.'s 23-0 Monday afterrioon at Seward. Unlike the varsity contest last Saturday, the 'Cats controlled the ball game throughout. The Seward crew held was held to zero yards rushing and seventyfive passing, as Coach Vince Monseau cleared the bench in the last four minutes. Robert Herron, and Terry Elliot. Herron made six tackles for losses. Linebacker Joe Wallace returned an interception 62 yards and linebacker-kicker Jeff W0erthen booted an 83 yard punt to help control the Seward team. Rod Wartman was the leading rusher with 56 .yards on fifteen carries. Halfback Kim Tennal, nabbed two Tom Purcell passes for 50 yards and one touchdown. The win brings Peru's junior varsity record to 2wins and one loss.
Cross-country team takes eighth place
the point to make the score 39-7.
A 63 yard pass play gave the Bobcats their second score of the ball game. Winkel reached high · for the Purcell aerial, off two defenders, then raced to the end zone. The 82 yard Peru series set the score finale at 3913.
Peru end Winkel caught seven passes for 158 yards and two touchdowns. The Cats have a .week off before opening the all important Nebraska College Conference season at Kearney State October 14.
The first coal mine in Nebraska was located four miles from Peru, however, no metallic minerals have been discovered.
Peru Cross-Country runners placed eighth in team competition at the Doane College Invitational last Saturday. The four mile race was won by Dan Cloeter of Concordia in a time of 21 :01. His teammate Dean Grages was second in a time of 21: 16. Bill Hindery of Northwest Missouri placed third in 21: 18 to lead his school to the team title in a 48-49 squeeze past UNO.
Phil Fritz, Verdon frosh, led Peru with a time of 23:29.
The Peru State women's volleyball team opens its season Tuesday, October 17, at Tarkio with an eye toward bettering last season's 6-1 record.
Coach Bonnie Rutz has seven Bob Kitten veterans returning to ·form the nucleus for the 1972 · team. They are: Barb Jone, Kris Rotter, Arlene Doeden, Patty Johnson, Jane Green, Debbie Sears and June Bottcher.
New prospects for the team
are: Kim Albin, Gail Harmon, Vicki Emken, Pam Brinkman, and Lucy Gersch.
This is the second year of competition for the Bob Kittens. At present the season schedule is incomplete but the gals will be playing at Tarkio Oct. 17, Doane at Peru Oct. 28, at Doane for a round-robin tournament Nov. 4, Tarkio at Peru Nov. 14 and the tourney which will be held at Chadron in December.
sign up at SCB office Oct. 4-10
Windows completed Oct. 17
Prizes will be given · $15-$10-$5
Homecoming Theme·
8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday
Peru, Nebraska Phone 872-6355
Meetings: Every Tuesday - West Student Center 4:45p.m. Dining Room Nebraska City (Dinner Meeting) (NO Dues!)
Visitors Welcome! !
Harmon, Brinkman, year of Kittens. schedule
gals will be 17, Doane Doane for a Nov. 4, and the which will December.
Peru Pedagogian
·ork · Study Program
Supplements Earnings
ork-study programs ,are ping many Peru students n their way through school. may be eligible. terested in making money?
Miller's part-time jobs can p. ollege work-study is a gram designed for students in low-income families and its them to earn a part of college expenses. apply for work study, a ent must complete the_ 'cial aids form and an ysis of his family's financial tus.
·student for work in their .major field of study. Only eight to ten jobs of this type exist on campus.
Off-campus jobs vary from farmers to businesses in need of part-time help. Mr Miller explains, "We type the basic job information on a card and post it on the bulletin board in front of the administration building."
Any student interested in the job contacts Mr Miller for further information.
"We may handle 20 to 25 parttime jobs in a year. The number may pick up if employers are satisfied," Mr Miller reports.
ie872-6355 West
onald Miller, Director of ancial Aids, says, "We are ited by funds from the ral Government which pays er cent and the college funds h pay the remainder. This kes limitations as far as jobs concerned."
art-time work other than -study is very limited on pus. It is usually the artment's decision to select a
This week Mr Miller hopes to place a list in the two girls' dormitories for girls who would be interested in baby-sitting and · home-care It would suggest a set pay scale. The list will be distributed through the faculty.
It is hoped to provide an opportunity for part-time jobs for girls and to provide availability for people in the community.
dd Courses, Majors At PSC In Spring
C will offer new courses semester according to Dr Barrett, dean of anities. A new B. S. degree ss Communications will be '·!able with new courses of oduction to mass comications, communications and film and slide making. ents would. be selecting rses from written com'nicatfons, visual com-· 'nications, verbal com,, ications plus 14 hours of ·red courses.
other added course iv
alism is advanced news tography, a two-hour course. the history department ed courses include the ory of Nebraska, Latin erica, social and cultural ope 1500-1815, modern , ope from 1815, and non, tern civilizations.
' e School of Applied Arts and ': hnology adds courses in construction, ' ufacturing, and crafts.
nolher new degree 1s a B. S. mmercial Art which adds Ill, Lettering II,
''Wee Willie", Othe'rs To Show Song, Dance
By BILL BOYDpackage design, commercial layout, and printing processes.
Couples pictures and singles portraits will be taken during the break at the homecoming dance.
You have your choice of black and white or color, and what sizes you want. If you're interested contact David Lainez or Chuck Smith. So we will know about how many io plan on taking. Afull list of prices will be in next weeks paper.
Engagement announced
Mr and Mrs Marvin Bauman of Falls City, Nebraska announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary to Frank Watkins, son of Mr and Mrs Robert Watkins of Falls City, Nebraska.
Mary is a sophmore majoring in Elementary Education and Frank is attending the Nuclear Electronics School at the Naval Great Lakes. Illinois.
This years homecoming play, "The Doctor Inspite Of Himself," features senior Willie Fairbanks in the leading role. plays Sganarelle the woodsman who gets beaten up by two hoods. They in turn make him believe he is a doctor. Sganarelle then attempts to cure a young girl who has lost her voice.
Willie, a native of Cincinnati, first began acting at the Buffalo City workshop two summers ago where he played a gunfighter in a western play. He also played Caliban in The Tempest a year ago. When asked about the 1working conditions of the play 'willie commented, "The rehearsals are fun because we are learning to sing and dance: Miss Manley works us all pretty hard so we will be ready for our first performance. She· is a wonderful director. I am learning to work with and play off of other people as far as comedy is concerned. 'The Doctor Inspite of Himself' is more of a challenge than 'The Tempest' because our blocking is more restricteanow as compared to 'The Tempest,' in which I was pretty much on my own. I like to act but after this year I am going to retire from the stage."
"The Doctor Inspire of
Himself'', a seventeenth century comical farce, is under the direction of Miss Pat Manley. She sights lack of help as the major problem in this particular
play. "The Doctor Inspite of Himself" will play the 17th, 18th, and 19th and 21st of this month at eight o'clock.
Social Work Students Lewellen Extra Hour
Work With Police Joins Team For KPSC
Since when does riding in a police car accumulate college credit? Only when you are part of the social work practicum class. (This doesn't include arrests.)
Practicum students are working toward a major in Social Work, available for the first time at Peru State.
Some social work majors are riding with poliee in Auburn, Tecumseh and Peru in order to gain three hours of practicum credit. Another student is receiving the same credit for work done with a mentally retarded child.
In order to interest other students, a Social Work Club has been established. According to Mr Bill ·Miles, instructor of sociology, the club is open to social work majors and any other interested students.
For the next two weeks the club will be sponsoring a membership drive and will be encouraging all interested
studentsto join.
· A constitution has already been developed and according to Mr Miles, future plans include composing a social-.. work brochure, drawing up surveys in areas related to social work and doing social work in the community.
The club members are planning on attending various college nights representing the Social Work Club and the program itself. According to Mr Miles there are also plans of establishing: training sessions for the proposed Help Line at Peru; Under this plan, Social Work majors would receive three hours credit for training students interested in working on the proposed line.
Any interested students are encouraged to attend the Social Work Club -meetings, and any questions involving this program can be directed to Bill Miles in the Administration building, 303b.
Chapter of GTU Selects Officers
Delta Delta, the Peru chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, has recently elected its new officers. Those chosen to fill these offices are John Colbert, president; Ray Lubben, vice-president; Dudley Baack, Herb Haushahn, treasurer; and William Fairbanks, historian.
Sponsors are Mr Scott J. Williams and his wife,Ann.
Gamma Theta Upsilon became an Honorary International Geographic Society in 1969. It was initially established in 1931 at Illinois State University as a professional fraternity. At the present time there are over 164 chapters with 19,500 members.
The purposes of the club are to further professional interest in geography, to strenghten student ·and professional training through academic
experiences other than those of the classroom and laboratory, to advance the status of geography, and to create and administer funds for furthering graduate study and or research in the field of geography.
The international organization awards two $500 scholarships per year. Delta Delta awards a $50 scholarship each year to a geography major.
There are both regular members and asociate memben of Delta Delta: Nine hours of geography must be completed to become a regular member, and only three hours are needed to be an associate member. Monthly dues are charged, amounting to a dollar, to both regular and associate members. All privileges except voting rights are given to associate members.
Another new faculty member Peru students are becoming acquainted with is Mr Robert Lewellen. He joins our business department in teaching principles of marketing, business law, sales management, vertising, and industrial management.
Originally from Carson, Iowa, Mr Lewellen has taught for three years at West Nodaway High School in Burlington, Missouri and for four years at North Polk High School in Alluman, Iowa. Bob received his bachelors and masters degrees from ·Northwest Missouri State College at Maryville, Missouri.
He is married and has two daughters, Amy age six and Allison who is two. Camping and collecting antiques are among his special interests.
Mr Lewellen adds, "We like Peru very much. The students are really friendly. We're very happy."
Computers Aid Marketing Class
Computers and marketing can supplement each other as Mr Lewellen's marketing class has proven. The class has been involved in a simulation business game using the computer.
The game divides the class into five teams with each team operating their own grocery story. The teams use the computer in against each other as in a real business operations.
Station KPSC, Peru State College, has lenghtened its regular one hour program to a two hour schedule. The new schedule is now in its second week.
Several new announcers have joined the radio station: Phil Chapman, Bill Lally, Mike Mutchler, ·Darryl Knight, Mike Resso, Dave Jubinville, Quint Shafer, and Janet Barton. There are now fifteen announcers on the program but anyone interested is urged to participate.
Homecoming Bands to Entertain
Audience At Halftime
This years Homecoming Parade and half-time events for the bands has been arranged and planned out by music director, Gilbert E. Wilson.
A total of eighteen bands will participate, with six of these being Jr. High. Those accepting to come are as follows, Jr. High - Johnson-Brock, Falls City, Plattsmouth, Auburn, Humboldt, Rock Port.
Senior High - Gresham, Nemaha Valley (Cook), Dawson-Verdon, Nehawka, Humboldt, Platteview, Bryan, Tecumseh, Auburn, Norris, Griswold, Papillion.
Ahalf-time concert consisting of three songs will be played by all participating bands, with direction being led by three different school_ band leader.§
By: FRANKD'ADDESAJohn Lennon and Yoko are pro-woman's liberal anti-prisons, anti-war in nam and Ireland, and pro York City. They express and other opinions on events on "Some Time In York City" (Apple SVBB-
The best thing about the a is the album cover itself. front and back of the ja resembles a front page famous newspaper (the York Times), with the wor the songs as the stories with the titles servin headlines. There are pictur John and Yoko and whoeve song is about by the lyrics.
The album design is a pr good work of art, but as they you can't judge the book b cover. Inside are two al whose songs don't sound they're from an ex-Beatie.
On the first record we John and Yoko writing singing half the numbers This is Yoko's first serio tempt at writing and singi she needs lessons in both.
In "We're All Water", wouldn't make a bad Yoko yodels her way th most parts and sounds like kind of a sick animal. L once stated her singing isn't accepted because it' years ahead of its time. S statement doesn't make m forward to the future.
I like "New York Cit rocker on Lennon's love city because it sounds something the Beatles have done a few years ago "John Sinclair", a song the famous draft dodger. rest of the first album is disappointing.
The other record is a !iv album which is advertis being for free, but isn't, b the record stores will three bucks more for it.
Ad Manager
Jack Armstrong
Photo Editor Dave Lainez
Photo Assistants
Charlie Pavolis
Chuck Smith
Contributing Editor·······'····················
Circulation Editors
John Thomas
Michelle Welch
These songs were re with the Mothers of Inv and except for "Cold and "Well (Baby Please Qo)" the rest is m Everyone is entitled to at l one mistake and as a rec artist, this is Lennon's Let's hope he doesn't ma same one twice.
on w
In SVBB-3 the al itself. the ja page o. (the wor stories al. serving: pictur · whoever. lyrics. 7 a pr' as they' book byj two alb sound ex-Beatie. we writing numbers e. serious; singing both.
Octoher 13, 1972
Student Committee
a first for Peru
This is the first year on campus for the Student Ad· missions Committee, a committee that was formed this ·rail to promote Peru Stale College lo prospective students.
The idea was the brain child of Gary Hoemann, Admissions Counselor for Peru State. Mr .Hoemann came up with the idea last summer that students here on campus could do more than anyone to promote the advantages of attending Peru State.
About twenty two students are involved in the project; which includes giving tours to prospective students or their parents.
The committee also gives their 'ideas and views on recruiting literature and will represent Peru State College at the various career nights held at area high schools along with faculty members.
Peru Slaters involved include Mary Weber, Pat McLaughlin, ,Mary Crews, DeVol Manning,
For Parade
The Student Government Association noted that there still are far too few. floats in the homecoming parade. It urges more organizations to get their floats ready for the Homecoming parade October 21st.
At the October tenth meeting · of the ·Student Government Association it was decided that a new member be named for the Student Center Board. This is being done because of a vacant position in the S.C.B. due to the 'resigning of Rita 'Bosiljevac ·from her position. It was decided ··that the executive committee ·should appoint another person to hold that post.
SGA, under the sponsorship of Doctor Wininger, will participate in the Student Political AWARENESS Convention, Kanedco, in Hastings October 19 · and 20. The S.G.A appointed representative Bill Boyd to attend the .convention. Doctor Wininger urges anybody wishing to attend to meet with him.
Leon Golden, Doug Fritz, Steve Knittle, Fred Robertson, Barb Wilkinson, Ananias Mont.ague, Pal Collins, Wendy ·Zaloudek, Mike Kelly, Michelle Welch, Bob Wernsman, Kim Fetters, Diane Hawkins, Joevetle Farber, Pal Schultz, Steve Frericks, John Thomas, and Pal Castle.
Off-Campus Centers Set For Instruction
Peru State College has set up off-campus learning centers in local high schools. The classes are taught by PSC faculty members. Primarily taken by adults, it is possible for high school students to take the courses as deferred credit that can be applied for college.
There is a class in photography at Sidney, Iowa, a crafts course at Falls City, and classes in Tecumseh and Western, Nebraska. Pending are courses at Humboldt and Plattsmouth.
This fall all classes are offered at night; however, if the need is shown, classes will. be offered during the day, according to Dr Clyde Barrett, dean of humanities.
Ad Class Aids Ped
The advertising chores for this year's Pedagogian have been taken over by the advertising class for practical application experience., according to Bob Lewellyn, Instructor of Business Administration. Since the class
took over the advertising, business has been above par.
The clas is madP up of twelve business majors and five journalism majors and is divided into three groups of six each for the purpose of promoting the Pedagogian.
The ads you read in the Pedagogian are drawn up by the students themselves from information they receive from the clients they serve.
The price of an ad is only about one third the cost of an ad in most of the newspapers serving the surrounding areas, running al fifty cents a column inch. "Practically giving it .away," were the words of Mr Lewellyn.
Mr Lewellyn's class is also coming up with some ideas to advertise Peru State College.
Should you need the services of the Pedagogian's ad department, contact any of the class, Mr Lewellyn', or Mr Everett' Browning.
Serving this over 53 years
John and Anna Cejka, prop. Tel. 872-5675
Peru, Nebraska Box.62
Coach Jerry Stemper, director of inlramurals, announced that volleyball will be the next sport being played, A deadline for entering teams is set for the 19th of October ,al 11 :30 a.m.
· If a roster was turned in for touch football, only the coaches must turn in their team name to Mr Stempers office. New teams may be entered by picking up a roster sheet and returning it lo Coach Stemper, before the October 19th deadline.
'tmakeme , City'' love or: sounds Beatles w
Every Tuesday - West Student Center 4:45p.m. Dining Room (Dinner Meeting) (NO Dues!) Visitors Welcome!!
Auburn, Nebraska Ph.274'4302
Kawasaki Sales & Service Services all other mo.dels too.
Style to suit you when you go to
Peru State Graduate Bobcats to Kearney; makes gym ''Home'' 3rd victory 1s goal
Her official title is Assistant ·Professor of Physical Education and Director of Physical Education and everything the title connotates is 'true, plus more.
Miss Bonnie Rutz is beginning her seventh year on the Peru State College faculty. A, graduate of Peru, she taught at Red Oak, Iowa and Plattsmouth· before returning. She received her M. S. at the University of Nebraska.
As an instructor of P. E.,
Rutz stated that the class materials she has to prepare · range from ages 6-60. Her teaching assignments display a great deal of variety. You may firid her in the gym teaching P. E. in the Primary Grades ·(covering every type of P. E. activity imaginable), on the ·tenniscourts or at the swimming pool with students ranging from beginners to lifeguards. Incorporated into other classes are activities such as archery, trampoline, badminton, basketball and volleyball.
Out side of classroom duties, Miss Rutz will tell you that volleyball takes up a great deal of her time. A very timeconsuming job is that of directing the annual high sc4001 girls invitational volleyball ·tournament. Sometimes considered to be the "world series" of volleyball in Nebraska, the tournament has grown from 16 to 36 teams in her seven years of direction.
Another one of her local duties is supplying officials for high school volleyball contests. At the ·. state level, Miss Rutz is a member of the Nebraska School Activities Association volleyball committee and she has served as 1 rules interpreter for eastern 'lebraska.
Coach Rutz has broadened the :cope of women's athletics at State by forming an interc.ollegiate volleyball team. The 1971 Bobkitten squad finished with a 6-1 record. When asked about the up-coming season she stated, "Five from last year's starting six are back but we must develop another .good spiker, as we lost one through graduation."
Sponsoring the Women's Athletic Association is another activity to which she devotes her time. W. A. A. sponsors the invitational volleyball tournament, women's intramurals and last year co-ed teams were formed. The former college badminton champ coached the co-ed badminton team which placed second at the intramural sports festival in Lincoln.
The Bobcats venture to Kearney Saturday for the first of three straight Nebraska College Conference games. Kearney appears to be the favorite for the .title, but the 'Cats can change that thought Saturday. Comparative scores show that Kearney and Peru are evenly matched
The Peru coaches have scouted Kearney State twice and feel that a solid game by the ·'Cats can unseat Kearney. Peru ,has yet to put together a "solid" game, free of costly errors, and consistency has been lacking. There would be no better time to put it together than Saturday. Problems which may develop are that of stopping fullback Tom Kropp, 236 pound bruiser, and halfback Ken Waite. Kropp was used as a decoy in the first three games, while Waite carried the rushing load. In the past two games, Kropp has been used more and responded with good gains. The Kearney crew runs from an I-formation with a slot back and split end. They may be the ·biggest team on Peru's slate, but one of the slower teams also. They prefer to run, as does Peru, leading this writer to believe that the game will not be a high sc.oring affair.
Should qne team gain a lead of at least two touchdowns at the half they should win. A lot will hinge on Peru stopping Kearney's rushing, and Peru's ability to run, coupled with either the big play or the lack of the big "muff."
Kearney is a long way to go, but if this game is as interesting
as last year, well You see, 1 have this feeling, and the guys seem high for the game, and. Peru can win! Better be there should it happen.
Bangers Undefeated " At Season's End
This past week ended this years' touch football for Intramural members. After five rounds, the standings are as follows:
feited and were eliminated from competition.
If two or more teams are tied after the sixth round, a playoff game or games will be played to decide the winner of touch football.
"There's a New Day Coming for Peru"
This is the week of Homecoming on the campus of Peru State College under the theme of "There's a new day coming for Peru".
One of the obvious "new days" coming for Peru and the students, is the filling of the office of President.
Because Dr. Neal S. Gomon's resignation came a year earlier than expected, Dr. Max Smith (pie. tured on the cover of this issue) has filled in as acting president.
The Board of Truestes has given Dr. Smith it's vote of conficence as the next Peru State President, though they have not formally announced his selection. We have witnessed the actions of the faculty, the majority of which approved Dr. Smith as their choice for the PSC President. But, most important to the student, the student opinion which was overwhelmingly for Dr. Smith, shows that the students have in him.
It now appears to be only a technicality in placing Dr. Max Smith in the full position of President of Peru State College.
Through my experience with Dr. Smith, I have noted thathe is willing to talk with any student who has an interest in the school.
It is my opinion that if Dr. Smith will keep communication lines open for the students, and the students do not permit them to close because of nonuse, there certainly is "a new day coming for Peru."
BOB WERNSMANPast homecoming, queens reve1J,led
By LINDA MADISON"Remember the year 19 " Maybe you know some of the past homecoming queens at PSC. They might be your relatives or long forgotten classmates.
Looking back one year ago, the 1971 PSC HomecominE, Queen was Marlene Meyer from Nehawka'. Marlene is now• teaching in the elementary department at Lewisville Nebraska.
Vicki Hall was the 1976 homecoming queen and is now Mrs Mike Chandler. Her husband, Mike, is a student at Peru State. ·
Linda Knippelmeier, the 1969 homecoming queen, was teaching in the elementary level· ·at Walled Lake, Michigan as of last report.
In 1968, Jody Meyer was named queen. Now she is Mrs David LaMontagne and she teaches at Betz Elementary School in Bellevue.
Peru students chose Donita Speckmann to wear the crown in 1967.
The year 1966 saw Ceci Evangelist as homecoming queen. She is Mrs Michael Harmon and of last report she. was teaching third grade in Wood River, Illinois
Marilyn Masters reigned as queen in 1965. Now Mrs Thomas Yopp, she resides in Plattsmouth where her husband is engaged in a machinery business.
In 1964 Pat Wheatley was given the honor of homecoming queen. Now she is Mrs Stanley Rice.
Jan Beemer was the 1963
Seger cited by Citron
The Language Arts Dept. will feature a "swap shop" of dramatic ability Nov. 11, according to Miss Wreatha Hicks, coordinator of the activity.
There will be six performing colleges involved in the activities, with 200 Junior College and High School students expected for the event.
Henry Blanke, a resident of Nebraska will give the oral and written critiques for the participants. Blanke is now director of the theatre at Nebraska Weslyan in Lincoln.
Mr Blanke also was responsible for starting the Brownville Village Theatre, which saw 7,500 spectators during the past season. "Henry Blanke is a master of staging group scenes", said Miss Hicks.
The events which will take place are: Duet Acting, Readers Theatre, Oral Interpretation of Prose, and Oral Interpretation of Poetr
queen. Now she is Mrs Lannie DeMott.
P.S.C. students chose Mary , Ann Lewellyn in 1962.
.Jeannine Ehlers was selected as homecoming queen in 1961. Now Mrs Larry Lucas, she has one son and is head of the p.e. department in the high school at Fountain Valley, California.
Other former queens are as · follows:
1960, Lee Christen; 1959, Lynda Ehlers, 1958, Jean Ruyle; 1957, Ruth Linscheid; 1956, Beverely Gerdes; 1955, Kay Phelps; 1954, Paggy Eickhoff; 1953, Virginia Lade; 1952, Joan. Reimers; 1951 Carol Smith; 1950, Marion Pratt; 1949, Opal Reehle; 1948, "Ruth Walker; 1947, Evelyn' Gatz; 1946, Doris Wagner; 1945, Cody Anderson; 1944, Maxine -Blinde; 1943, Glendora Galloway; 1942, Virgie Johnson; 1941 Ferne Peterson; 1940, .Margery Kinsey.
Parade route remains same
The route of this year's Homecoming parade will once again be not only scenic, but easy to follow, according to Dr. Guy Rosenburg, vice-president of student affairs at Peru State.
The parade this year will begin at 10:45 a.m. at fifth and Washington streets in the area of the ball field and the elementary school.
It will progress down the hill _and end six blocks later by the
·Don Seger, a 1970 Peru State graduate with a major in English was recently commended for his teaching abilities by Peter Citron ii1 the Omaha World-Herald, September 28. Citron, a World-Herald columnist posed as a high school student at Grand Island High. School. Citron's class schedule included an English class instructed by Seger. The subject matter was Hamlet and Citron had nothing but compliments for · the teaching methods of the PSC grad.
According to Cirton, Seger discussed Hamlet with "animation and excitement". Apparently the students of Grand Island appreciate the education they are receiving from Don Seger, as this quote from Mr Citron's column in-· dicates. "As I suspected, the kids agreed they would rather have a teacher like Seger who ·)made them think and work to a iTeacher A, who rewarded jsimple task production and 1rarely made his student learn."
Another Peruvian in the news is Larry Nedrow. Nedrow, a 1968 graduate of Peru State with a Social Science major recently received the Valiant Nebraskan Award, presented by the .Nebraska chapter of the Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults.
Nedrow, a former Falls City resident who is currently living in Lincoln, was stricken with polio as a child. He is currently a caseworker for the State Services for crippled Children, and also serves on three other committees involved with •. handicapped children.
Standard station at Fifth and Main. This is the same route the parade has taken the past two years. The number of bands taking part has increased from ten to eighteen.
Tom Stone, new director of counseling and placement.
Stone new promoter
By SUE COUGHLINThe public relations industry is expanding at Peru.
The latest "promoter" to arrive on campus is Mr Thomas Stone, the new director of counseling· and placement replacing Dr. Thomas Scherer'. Dr. Scherer has chosen to teach education and psychology on a fulf time basis.
Mr Stone's main target is to increase enrollment at PSC. He is quite familiar with admissions procedures after having spent 14
years at Westmar College of LeMars, Iowa, in positiOns such as registrar, director of admissions, director of alumni and financial aids administrator.
Mr Stone, a native son of northern Wisconsin, is a graduate of Nebraska's York College, and he and his wife Jean have three sons: Chris, 14; Kurt, 9; and Kyle, 8.
The soft-spoken Mr Stone is favorably impressed with the atmosphere and congeniality of PSC's students.
Managing Editor Bob Wernsman
Sports Editor John Vickers
News Editor Frank D' Addesa
Ad Manager Jack Armstrong
Photo Editor Dave Lainez
Photo Assistants Charlie Pavolis Chuck Smith
Contributing Editor
John Thomas
Circulation Editors Michelle Welch Ann Nicholos
Dept. will shop" of 11, acHicks, activity. performing the acCollege students exresident of oral and the pardirector Nebraska ·· responBrownville saw 7,500 past is a group Hicks. will take Readers 1terpretation of Interpretation College of positions such of adalumni and dministrator. son of is a ebraska's York wife Jean 14; Kurt, Stone is with the congeniality of
tRemember ·When'' reveals past
By STEVE KNITTLE Friday, Peru State's long This really used to be quite a ecoming tradition will be town. The bus even stopped in ewed as the fiftieth annual Peru. You could get on one of hering gets under way.
1Burlington Trailway's air: ecoming is a time for ,conditioned coaches at Earl's tball, dances, crowning of :Cafe and go to St. Jo's Missouri. ens, pitcher upon pitcher of In 1940 the Bobcats beat r, and hour upon hour of 'Tarkio 26-0 in the homecoming , y telling. How many sen- game. The team captain was a · will begin. young man by the name of Jack member when?" :Mcintire. · The program ell, we are going to described him as a three-sport member when" now, with a .athlete who won All State stories of our own. recognition as center two years eru's first homecoming took in a row. Jack was evidently e in 1922. The big game was proficient in other areas as well. ewhat of a campus rivalry The "Ped" commented: "See n the Sophomores beat the Mcintire for the perfect eshies" 6-0. imitation of Coach Wheeler
1927 the Bobcats took on conducting a class. It's by far levan and won 22-0. This the best we have seen, heard, or ly.wasn't surprising because dreamed of."
ch Lon Groff had only been In 1952 Peru beat Midland 40-7 ten three times in four years. and were the N. C. C. champs. It etary reward for players was the first year of Dr. 't a dirty word then so Gomon's presidency and Coach ber C. C. Burbridge offered Al Wheeler was still winning o the first player to score a everything fa signt. Enrollment hdown. was again on the rise after the he program that year asked tragic murder Peru President fans didn't cheer more often Nicholas and things looked good n a touchdown was made. As f o r P S C football buff knows a touch- This year the Bobcats take on n was scored when the ball Chadron for the twelfth time rier crossed the line where since 1922. They have won five of goal posts were set. In 1927 those games and we have won t line was moved up ten yards six. ''Whoopee-whee and a people weren't award touch- couple of Yeah-Bo's. Let's make s were being made. it seven on Saturday."
eru had a theatre then called Crystal. The homecoming ture was "The Three sketeers" starring Douglas irbanks.
n 1936 Chadron beat the beats 26-7. The "Ped" carried ·article advising young girls at they should know if enteen or older. "Write Latin ms, dance well, and be able ace the brutality of stag lines. rain from drinking without g a prig, prevent boys from king and from driving the car fast. Offer to wash the car n, and change the tire when has a flat."
he Bobcats met Midland in and won 21-6. The sports tor could hardly contain self. "Whoopee-whee and a pie of Yeah-Bo's! What a clinger of a tassle on our ol' iron Saturday. Zowie! We can'tforget it. Power to our tin' eleven. We'll follow ya n that grassy field to victory. t-0!"
at same year Bane's macy bragged in the game ram of having been in Peru ays and claimed to have .ved twenty-five thousand
tudents vote Smith in
A large number of PSC students voted to recommend Dr. Max Smith to the Board of Trustees as the college president. Doug Fritz, President of SGA, reported about 450 students voted Tuesday and Wednesday.
Dr.. Smith expresses, 'Tm very pleased with the student support. It was a tremendous indicator." He says he has had an opportunity to talk to students and he is very impressed with the students' attitudes. He adds. "The stt1dents are concerned about the future and that we do progress as an institution. Future students are one of our best resources."
Helen Reddy whose first hit was "I Don't Know How To Love Him," from Jesus Christ Superstar. :--
So ngstreSS ReddY to perform here
Helen Reddy, an Austrailian singer, will perform on Friday, October 20 in the College Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. ·
Kitty Kadettes to try again
The Kitty Kadettes, which were established last year, are continuing this school year under the direction of Becky Pieper.
Becky Pieper, who was captain of the drill team last year, said, "It's too hard to be on the team and run 'it at the same time." At the present time, there are no co-captains, but they will be chosen at a later date.
The members of the Kitty Kadettes are: Kay Albin, Kim Albin, Debbie Barton, Nancy
· Heskett, Kay Christ!, Evelyn
Heebner, Laura Ackerman, Debbie Rains, Rosemary
Taylor, Terry Sapp, Lucy
- Giersh, Kris Berger, Bernadette Dorn, and Charlene Mills.
Their spo,nsors are Mrs Kunkel, Mrs Trenhaile, and Mr Miller.
Helen was born · into showbusiness ,and at the age of four she started performing. She was a very headstrong child so her parents put her in a strict English Boarding School.
She found this school too much for her easy going ways, so at age fifteen she left school and went with parents to the Australian bush country with a road company.
She had her own show on the Australiam Broadcasting Commission called "Helen Reddy Sings" which was for fifteen minutes twice week
Helen came to the United States because there were not enough people in Australia to make her singing meaningful. If one was a star there no one knew
it. She got to the United States by winning the Australian "Band, stand International" Contest. Since she's been here she's performed on the Johnny Carson Show, the Mike Douglas Show, the Steve Allen Show and others.
Since Helen quit school she's always wanted to go back and finish so at the present time she's studying toward a degree in parapsychology at the University of California.
Helen is really interested in parapsychology and Women's Liberation. To her, women's liberation is women's awareness of themselves as women.
Helen's first single on Capitol was "I Don't Know How To Love Him," from "Jesus Christ Superstar."
At the present, Helen is living in Hollywood Hills with her husband· and their seven-yearold daughter.
Dr. Smith believes therE should be close harmony between students and the administration as we look to the future. "I welcome the opportunity to meet with various groups," he says. "There is more student involvement 'on this campus than on many others, but I'm not sure if students are aware of it. When students want to discuss things there is an avenue they can take such as SGA, academic affairs committee, and others."
Finally Dr. Smith states, "I appreciate the support of the students and I will try my best to live up to the ideals I have about copperation among students, faculty, and the administration."
Prices for Homecoming pictures to be taken during the dance Saturday night are as follows:
Black and White
SXl0-$1.00 Color
Tapestry Print
With Wood Frame
1lx14- $6.00
No deposit is necessary at time of picture. Any additional information may be obtained from Chuck Smith or Dave Lainez. -
Open dorms
By BOBBI THIESFELD"What is your opinion on the progress of the open dorm policy?" This question received a variety of replies from PSC students and dorm housemothers. Below are some of the ideas expressed by Clayburn-Matthews residents concerning open dorm visitation:
"We've been working on achieving open· dorms for six years here at Clayburn.Matthews. The policy has been wanted very badly. I do feel that the signing out policy should be done away with, though. I don't feel the privilege is being used enough. It seems too many of the guys have girl friends at home. This may jeopardize the policy for others because some may feel it isn't being used." - Mrs Margaret Johnson, ClayburnMatthews housemother.
"I think it is working well, but I'd rather not have the check-in system. Where's Betty?"Ernie Templeton, President of Clayburn-Matthews.
"I believe the program is following through very nicely. I'm glad to see· it is finally in effect. I think the students are handling the situation very finely. Quite few' people are
making use of the privilege."
Dave Lainez.
"I like the. system, but it nee a few improvements, namely o the sign•in system." - Larr Kohel.
"It was more fun sneaking 'e in" - Rich Eischen.
"I think most students are ol enough to accept the respo sibility" - Lloyd Glesman.
"I think it's the greatest thin that could happen to this ca pus.' - Fred Morehouse.
Davidson-Palmer residen voiced their feelings on the ne policy:
"I feel the policy is going ve well. If the students co-opera the plan should prove effective - Mrs Elsie Johns, Davidso Palmer housemother.
"I think it's working out q · well at the complex. All the gi are co-operating with the poli and it seems 's if alot of the are using it." - Pat 'P. Schultz, President of Davids Palmer.
"I think the majority of t students are happy with it." Jeannine Buss.
"I like the idea of open dorm I agree to a certain extent wi the sign-in system." - Che Rinne.
"Open dorms are really gr
but every ever Zalom "No clothe: ferd Zella "Op' feel all tho possib Kreife Com Hall "Tht going haveo' Mrs houser "Opt excellE they'n was Stoll, "Ilo pace Sapp. "Thi someo someb should Collins "I comini workin Blecha
privilege." :udents are o the respo Glesman. · greatest th· this ca rehouse. reside on the n :. going ve co-opera effective: Davidso :her. :king out qui · All the gir with the poli alot of the Pat 'P. Davids
opinions stated
·- ·
but the complex needs them opinions: every night. every morning.
Delzell residents gave these
"I think it's going very well every afternoon " - Wendy Everybody is very coZaloudek. operative." - Mrs Mary
"Now at last I can study, iron Kunkel, Delzell housemother. ·clothes, or sew and keep Chuck-
"It seems that everyone is ferd happy at the same time!" - satisfied with it. I think the men
Zella Hickey. in Delzell are taking on the
"Open dorms are alot of fun. I responsibility of making it work feel we owe a special thanks to for Peru State." -Tom Purcell, all those who helped to make it """ President of Delzell. possible for us." - Peggy "Idon'tthinkthereshouldbea Kreifels. sign-out system." - Bob
Comments made by Morgan 'Magoo' McKelvey.
Hall residents were:
"It has advantages and
"The open dorm policy is disadvantages." - Dean An· going fine here. No problems stey. have occured, so far so good." -
"It beats sitting around the Mrs Jessie Trenhaile, Morgan dorm with a bunch of guys like housemother. it's been for the last 3 years." -
"Open dorms are working Larry HH!yer. excellent here. I don't feel
''I think it's working great."they're being used as much a0 Dean Young. ·was anticipated." - Nancy
"I'm a senior and I think it's Stoll, President of Morgan Hall. probably the best program
"I love it. It's a good change of that's been initiated since I've pace for the college." - Terri been here." - Charlie Trailer. Sapp.
"I think it is working out well.
"They're o.k., but I think if Everybody seems to be satisfied someone wants to visit in at Delzell." - Kurt Frohling. somebody else's room this Commuter Tyrone Furnas had should be allowed." - Patty this to say about the open dorms, Collins.
"I believe the students should
"I think it's been a long time have open hours all the time. Coming to Peru. It seems to be - because they're paying like they working real well.;; - Lynn" would for an apartment."
representative ,jor in Business pus activities -Palmer Hall.Ensemble goes
on tour
By Gail HarmonOver 50 people from the music department are preparing for November 20th and 21st. Those two days are the dates on which the Concert Wind Ensemble from Peru is going on tour. Along with the ensemble on the tour will be the Stage Band and Swing Choir.
Their schedule inclndes six programs. The first program will be on Monday, November 20th, at Fairmont, Nebraska. Other programs the same day will be in Minden, with an afternoon performance for the school and an evening per· formance for the public.
On Tuesday the 21st, the group will be in Guide Rock and Superior Nebraska for programs. The group will spend Tuesday morning exploring Pioneer Village in Minden, to get an idea of early Western life. The students will spend the
+ Soda Fountain +Jewelry
+ 8 Track Tapes -
Only $3.99
night in private homes, arranged for by Phil Fahrlander, a Peru grad. Another Peru grad. Bob Tipton, teaches at Guide Rock, and will be there to greet the group.
Featured in the program will be the Brass Trio, consisting of Dennis Ehmke, Karen Ramsey, and Jerry Neeman; and a Concert for Drum Set by Lenny Lahman. The Swing Choir, under the direction of Karen Ramsey and Mr Ed Cameqly will also be featured.
The Stage· Band, under Dr Wilson, will also have a few featured numbers.
Also being planned, is a home concert on November 14th, to warm the group up for the tour. It will be held in the College Auditorium at 8 p.m.
Accompanying the group on tour along with Dr Wilson, will be Dr Gavin and Dr Doughty.
At the present time it is. being planned that the group will go by chartered bus.
In 1905, there were 45 Peru graduates. The figure almost doubled in 1906 when 88 graduated. In 1910 there were 181 graduates, a gain of 400. per cent over the 1905 figure.
Jr. Cats Victorious
The Bobcat junior varsity defeated Northwest Missouri State University JV's 22-16 Monday night to raise their season mark to three wins and one loss. The Missouri crew was held to 40 yards net rushing and Peru passed for 172 yards to hold on for the victory. Robert Herron, 168 lb. defensive end, tackled the NWM QB in the end zone with 1:46 remaining to ice the game. Peru scored first on a wellHELP
Tyme out for sports·
By JOHN VICKERSTomorrow afternoon the Bobcats take on Chadron State in the 2:00 p.m. Homecoming Game. Chadron has been an upand-down team, but more "up" than the up-and-down 'Cats. Chadron features an experienced defense and a talented pass duo in QB Lee Baumann and receiver Mike Dority. Peru los,t to many of these game athletes 47-7 at Chadron last year.
Before the Concordia game :his writer said the combatants were well-matched. The teams Nere, the score·was not. Before , 1.he Kearney game comparitive .;cores revealed the two teams •Vere equal. Kearney ran past and over the Peru defense as no· '.1ther team had done. Bobcat njuries affected the score, but 1.he better team on that night Ron. Every year for the past our years it has not been :·nreasonable to feel that Peru would be a legitimate contender the next season. Depth and key injuries have always hindered the chances of a great season. 1972 is no exception, though Peru should be playing better than 2 at this stage.
executed screen pass from Tom Purcell to Dave McDaniel covering 57 yards. After a Peru drive bogged down, Joe Wallace booted a 25 yard field goal with 6:.00 left in the half for a 10-0 lead.
A Peru safety with :55 left in the half closed the gap to 10-2. Peru was forced to kick to NWM and the Missourians scored in two plays for a 10-10 score at the half.
Peru scored on a 34 yard field goal by Wallace midway through the third quarter for a 13-10 lead. With :58 left in the quarter a 22 yard pass to Bill Hosack went to the one yard line where QB Tom Froehlich scored for a 20-10 margin.
The Missouri squad passed for a 50 yard TD with 8:33 remaining to close the gap to 2016. The safety in the late going closed scoring at 22-16. j
Dr. G. E. Mann
The importance of a Pe victory before the grads Saturday cannot be un played. Victory, a stro athletic program. could i fluence many people attendi to either support Peru in days and months to come, forget the Blue. Some mi argue that winning athleti recruit few students, but wh you attend a small school, seems to be a necessity that y win for entertainment. Nebraska University continu to win. so does enrollm continue to rise. fn a surv conducted by the Linco Journal-Star two years ag none of one hundred studen polled at th.e University stat that they chose Nebraska ov other schools because stude have priority for football ticke Thirty-eight said they ch Nebraska becausP d soc activities·: That means that , per cent of those polled did n'.'. feel that education was a · more important than social Im Peru has a limited social r and a winning team would long way. Basketball ( wrestling will be strong, · football is the great coll pasttime.
Mascot Name
John and Anna Cejka, prop.
Tel. 872-5675
Peru, Nebraska Box .62
Until 1921, Peru State had mascot. In that year, thro the combined efforts of sp editor, Baldy Wilcox and D W. N. Delzell. the Bobcat selected as the school mas stated Ernest Longfell author of a book on Peru. Wilcox wanted a mascul name. He thought of hears that reminded him too much lhe future teacher's hugs. Finally one nigh! he jum oul of bed with his great spiration: "Fight like a B cat." The athletic learns mediately voted for il.
the State :oming up"up" 'Cats. ex1lented U01ann '·Peru game last game Jatants teams Before no Bobcat but night past been Peru tender key indered ago, students stated over students tickets. chose social that 47 did not
Helen Reddy in Concert at 8: 00 in College Auditorium. ·
Bob Maxon Exhibit - DIDDEL EXHIBITION COURT through the 26th. :
·Homecoming Dance - Held in the Gymnasium at 10:30 p.m.
DOCTOR INSPITE OF HIMSELF - Put on by the PERU PLAYERS at 8:00 p.m. in College Auditorium
.\.C.T. testing in the Fine Arts Building, room212. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
FOOTBALL GAME against CHADRON at 1.:30 in P,ERU'S Field.
JfOMECOMING PARADE, Routed about town, to begin at 10:45 a.m.
Geography Club meeting to be h.eld in the Education building, rm. 110 at 3:30 p.m.
·· Industrial Arts meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the I. A. Building. rm. 29
H. S. Girls 9a.m., 9 p.m. Invitational Volleyball Tournament to be held Monday, the 23, Tuesday, the 24; and Wednesday the 25.
Student Governing Association, Fine Arts Building, rm 212 at 6:00p:m. ·
Student Wives 7:30to 10:00 p.m., North half of Dining rm. for Halloween Costume Party.
iwanis - South half ofDining rm, at 5:30.
ircle Kto meet at 4:45 in the South half of West Dining rm. ill Team to meet at 3:30p.m. in rm. 300ofthe Ed. Building.
dent Admissions meeting in F. A. Aud. at 4:30 p.m. amber of Commerce at 7:30 p.m. Fine Arts Auditorium. ial Work Club, Discussion at 7:00 p.m. till 8:30 p.m. F. A.
·Building. 212
tudent Center Board, 4:45 West Dining rm.
Kearney cages Cats
' •
: Peru Slate's Bobcats were
;_ overwhelined by Kearney : , State's potent rushing attack led i· by halfback Ken Waite and fullback Tom Kropp when ab- , :· sorbing a 48-14 defeat at i' Kearney last Saturday night t · <October 14).
:: The 'Cats trailed 20-7 at the
half, holding Kearney to a 13 _ point spread until late in the
third quarter. A combination of'
Kearney depth and Peru injuries
broke the game open for the
Before the end of the first half,
three Peru players were
sidelined with injuries: halfback
•i Kim Tennal, with a knee injury;
defensive back Gordon Thomp:: son with a back injury and
linebacker John Waters with an ankle injury.
Kearney hit the scoreboard. first after a 44 ard run by Waite
early in the first quarter-. Peru penetrated to Kearney's 49, then ·lost possession to Kearney who marched 51 yards in 8 plays for their second score.
·Peru struck back with a 74 yard drive climaxed by a 47 yard pass· to halfback Avery Wallace from QB Tom Purcell The extra point closed the gap 14-7 with 7: 42 remaining in the first half. Kearney scored again with 4:34 left on a 28 yard run. Awide kick left the halftime score at 207.
Peru scored in the third quarter with a 17-yard pass from Tom Froehlich to John Winkel setting up fullback Barry Reed's one yard plunge over the goal line. With the extra point kick, the 'Cats came back, 27-14.
Kearney, never allowing the momentU01 to change, rolled 60
yards .in 12 plays for anotqer score. Peru later moved to the Antelope 13 and again to the 8, but were stalled in both attempts.
Six Kearney interceptions were detrimental to Peru's ball control, and the final two An· telope scores were made.
.Wheel'r Inn
Drive-Inn Restaurant
Eat Here or Tote
South Edge on 73-75
Auburn, Nebr. Arnold &Judy Gebers 1
Ph. 274-3179
8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Monday through Satur:day
Volleyball Schedule
Announ.ced By Rutz
·22nd year begins
Experience aplenty,
By KRIS ROTTERBeginning her .22nd year as a
food service employee at Peru
By FRANK D' ADDESAIt has been my theory mat
Douglas High School, 4:00 p.m. - S - Bancroft vs. State College is Mrs. Edna ,most Of today's popular songs defending champion from last Sterling Douglas Warnke. are poetry put to music. When I years Peru State College high. 6:00 p.m. - N - Elk Creek vs. Edna began working for. the first made this statement I school girls invitational Ralston college in 1951 as manager of the immediately thought of Simon volleyball tournament, has 6:00 p.m. - S - Beatride vs. ,snack bar which was then and Garfunkel. received the top-seeded position Nebraska City Lourdes · located in the basement oi Throughout the past years in this year's event, to be held 7:00 p.m. - N - Delzell Hall. It was the only one Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel October 23, 24 and 25. Dominican vs. Auburn on. campus ,and had a dance have blessed us with such Southeast Consolidated-stella · 7:00 p.m. - S - Blair vs. floor. Her entire working staff classics as; "The Sounds of has received the second place Nemaha Valley was composed of male em- Silence", "I Am A Rock", seed, with Milligan and Prague 8:00 p.m. -N Johnson-Brock vs. ployees. "Scarborough Fair ", · cited for third and fourth, Bennington
After listening to "Great Hits" I'd compare the quality Simon's lyrics to the poems · Robert Frost, William Butl Yeats and Dylan Thom anytime. Not only is s· work contemporary but al something you can easily rela to.
Simon ·and Garfunkel ha sold more albums than any oth American group, all I can say this is Amen.
There are rainbows all ov the album "Colors Of The Da "The Best of Judy Co · (Elektra-75030).
8:00 p.m. - S - Falls City vs. the snack bar she was tran- Boxer", and "Briage Over
.After 21h years of managing "Homeward Bound", ''The ·respectively.
In announcing the tourney Columbus. sferred to the old cafeteria, Troubled Waters", to name only pairings, Miss Bonnie R. Rutz, which was located north of the a few. All of these hits and more Director of Women's Physical
Bang''e' s
CtnTent site. When the new are put together on "Simon and Education and tournament ( cafeteria was built she moved Garfunkel's Greatest Hits" director, stated that the tour- N 1 .again to assume her duties as (Columbia-KC 31350). nament will get under way at .· Q, manager of the food service. Even though it's a single 2:00 p.m. oh Monday, October With the erection of Neal album, rriore of Simon and 23. Simultaneous games on the Oak Hill Bangers, coached by Dining Hall at the Complex, Garfunkel's stliff could have north and south courts will Steve Rabourn, won this years \Edna was transferred to easily made it a double album highlight the first 2 days of intramural touch football. His !manage the new facility. When with the title "Greatest Hits" competition. Admission will be team consisted of the following the Complex cafeteria closed in still living up to its expectations. 50 cents per sessioq;in the annual players: Bob Beaver, James 1970 Edna returned to the Paul Simon, probably the best event, attracting high schools · Cast, Dan Dancosse, Doug campus and is currently em- single song writer in music from 28 Nebraska towns. Kingery, Paul,,J.orenz, Bill ployed as the cafeteria cashier. today also writes about life.
Miss Collins is a lovely 1 with such a lovely voice that kiss her now if she were he She uses her talent to do her "Someday Soon", "B Sides Now", and "Amazi Grace". She also does versions of Lennon and Cartney's "In My Life" Leonard Cohen's "Suzanne".
All during her career Judy been underrated as a song wri 1 and singer, this album sho show that she belongs in · .same group of talent as Carol King and Roberta Flac., petition. Pairings for Monday 1J!ton. with the young people."
Douglas, Southeast, Milligan Peterson, Rombach, When asked about her job, "The 59th Street Bridge Song'f', and Prague have received byes Dave Rombach, Robin Sim- Edna commented, "I enjoy the "Mrs Robinson", "El Condor for the first round of com- mons, Joe Stephans, and Pat students very much and working Pasa", and "Bookends", an·
erratic love, "Cecilia", and a afternoon and evening are as IntramuralStandings NotonlyhasEdnabeenapart mile tune with a hard hitting MISSING IN ACTION! y(/ follows:
W L Pts ofPeruStatefor22years,other message about our nation, brother, father, cous{
2:00 p.m. - N - Norris vs, Oak Hill Bangers · 7 o 10 members of her family have "America". boyfriend, husband? Whoever,. Humboldt Barflys
2:00 p:m. - S - Nehawka vs. DillwrgafII
6 1 9 been associated with the college, In an age where sex draws is, wouldn't you like to help
5 2 8 also. Her sister, Lola Ramer people to movies, magazines, 5ain his freedom? Many of Tecumseh Studs 4 3 7 works for the food service and ·and music, Simon has written ;tudents on this campus
3:00 p.m. - N - Platteview vs. Dusters
2 5 51h she has two sons who are PSC beautiful love ballads such as doing just that.
2 5 5V2 graduates, James Douglas of "Kathy's Song" and "For ·write for y'Cmr POW-M
1 6 31h Sternsville, Michigan and Emily, Whenever I May Find bracelet today:
1 6 o+ Dareld Douglas of Pocohontas, Her", which increased S & G's VIVA,OMAHA 4:00
received no Iowa. popularity rather then being 2507 South 90th Street
l"heled "old fashioned". Omaha, Nebraska 63124.
Devour the Eagles
Bob Inn Homecoming Specials Eagle .Burgers · Eagle Eggs & Bacon.
Eagle Eggs & Ham Eagle Feather Slaw
Eagle Loins
lovely la that were he' her "B. "Amazi does and Life" "Suzanne". 1reerJudy sasongwri sho' in Mel Fla Street 68124.
Peru Pedagogian
hrist enters 26th year
oming alumni from as as 1946 saw at least iliar face on campus. Dr. hrist has been on the Peru ollege staff since October accumulating a total of of service.
rist, a graduate.of North University at Naperinois accepted his first job at Grand Central ool in Fox Lake Illinois. t classes of Gerrnan, , History, and General and stayed at that school ears.
s here at Fox Lake that his wife, married and his family of two boys. e summer of 1946, Dr. rode down to Peru with his friends who was apfor a position in the department. While here, t the of the whO at the time was Dr. and met the head of nee department. Aweek
Dr. Christ received a call from Dr. Nicholas g him of a job opening in ience department. Dr. ccepted the opportunity s in Peru within a week, to begin teaching.
is time the enrollment ound 300. Over half of the members were new. hrist started at Peru as tructor of Biology and head of the department
Before coming to Peru he had obtained his master's at Northwestern University. Later schooling included work at the University of Oregon, University of Minnesota during every summer for six years until 1960 In 1960 he went to the University of Bari in Italy to take his orals and writtens, needed to obtain his doctorate. ,
When asked about any vital changes that have taken on the campus Dr. Christ recalls that.most .of the men used to be in their 20'.s or 30's. These men were mostly veterans who decided to continue ilieir schooling after the war. It was not until these veterans came that they lifted their no smoking rules. Before this time smoking could only be done in the dormitory rooms.
He goes on to recall that the gym used to look "like a great big church. It had a steeple on it's roof twice as big as it is now and originally served as a chapel."
Delzell Hall was the newest building when Dr. Christ first arrived, with the Science building being the next newest. The (lining hall was in Mt. Vernon Hall, another girls dorm which is no longer standing.
He recalls the most drastic happening on the campus was in 1950.
At this time a beserk psychology professor shot the ·college President and the head of the Education department.
Bowers V.P. of Business
When asked about what he sees as the future of P.S.C. Dr. Christ commented, "I can't see anything but good in the future, they threatened to close the college in' those days too."
Dr. Christ is one of the older service counselors of Tri Beta, the national biology society. Peru's chapter of Tri Beta is one of the oldest in the country. Because of this, the· national Tri Beta magazine is planning on interviewing Dr. Christ for an article in their magazine;
Dr. Christ has been awarded the local teacher of the year award twice and has been a runner up six times.
He is a live member of the Nebraska Academy of Science and is the chairman of the biology of that organization.
Dr. Christ is also a live member of Nebraska Education Ass0ciation.
Dr. Christ recalls the homecoming that stood out most in his mind was when Peru had their winning streak in the late forties. It was at this time that Peru was known as the "powerhouse of football." Dr. Christ recalls that "although we had a small student body, the spirit was something terrific. Everyone stayed on campus for the homecoming activities and took the occasion much more seriously than they do now." Tne spirit was raised with a large pep rally Friday afternoon. and carried out through the rest of the week.
Head Start at Peru
nal Program for lowmilies, referred to as ART, offers children of I ages the benefit of readiness skills, social 1 otional. growth, motor good health habits.
' the instruction .of Mrs vidson of Auburn, the are lead in structural for future schooling eational play periods.
Jass begins every in room 200 of the nal Building, from 9:00 12:30 p.m. They are to the campus by bus, Mrs Luella Hunter of ey are furnished with ning snack and lunch at
noon, in the dining room.
Carolyn Parde of Auburn helps with the students, as Teachers Aide, along with Marcile Dean, Social Service Aide, and volunteers, either parents or other interested persons, who carry out the day program.
Mrs Davidson discri.bes the program as "'Excellent, and enjoys working with the children tremendously, as they seem to enjoy it as well.
Marcile Dean expressed her feelings about the head Start as '.'It's working well and the location here on campus is perfect."
It is set in the program that 80
per cent of the workers with the program are employed, and that 20 per cent of them be volunteers.
Appointment of Dr. Frank Bowers as Peru State College's Vice President of Business and Finance, and change of title for Alan Shipley from Business Manger to Director of Financial Affairs was announced recently. by the Board of Trustees for Nebraska State Colleges.
Dr. Bowers will begin duties November 1. He is currently Grant and Contract officer in Detroit, Michigan's Wayne State University. In that position he has maintained liaison between the university and all funding organizations, promoting acquisition of funds from private and governmental He will fill this function -1t Peru State plus outlining tb wllege's budget requests for the state college board.
His educational background. includes a BBA degree in economics, Tulane University, 1952; MA in higher education administration; Ur iversity of Michigan, 1966; and PhD in the same field from Wayne State University, Michigrn, 19?1.
Dr. Bowers was district manager for Continental Oil Co., from 1954-1964 and was a resident of Norfolk and Battle Creek for thr.::e years during that period. In 1964 he joined the staff of Wayne State Universi.ty in Michigan as business manager, University Center for Adult Education. He also taught stastics and political science until 1968. In 1969 he began grant and contract work with the universitv.
Mrs Bowers, Christopher, 17, and Janet, 13, "Yill. j9in Dr. Bowers in Peru shortly.
Mr Shipley, a 1966 Peru State graduate in business administration, joined the PSC staff after graduation as assistant business manager. In 1969 he was promoted to business manager.
Additional duties, with the new title effective immediately, will be outlined for Mr Shipley when Dr. Bowers arrives.
Kenneth Gress will continue a15 business office manager for Peru State.
Women's Volleyball game-at 2:00 in the gymnasium. Home Economics State Workshop - Fine Arts Auditorium, s:ooa.m. till12:00noon,Rooms 104, 105, 122, 211.
Home Econimics State Workshop-12:00 noon, West Dining Room.
Football Game - Wayne - There
Delta Delta Cfil:;iter of Gamma Theta Epsilon at 3:30 in Room no of the Education Building.
MOVIE -The Giant, in Fine Arts Auditorium, at 7:00 p.m. Put or S.C.B.
Student Govern;,1g Board meeting Fine Arts Building, rm. 212. at 6:00 p.m.
Kiwanis meeting at 6:30 till 8:00 p.m. WestDining Room, of Student Center. · ·
Women's Athletic meets at 6:00 p.m. till 10:00 p.m. ·.
Student Center Board meeting in North half of West dining room, Center Faculty Wives Dinner in South half of West dirung room, at · 6:30 p.m. · tb
Circle Kmeeting at 4:45 p.m. in West Dining room, of Scdent Center.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER.3, Volleyball - W,A.A. at Doanne
Bac;k in 1965 there was a song out called "Eve Of Destruction'' writteq by Barry McGuire. The song was of course a protest song which was ahead of its' time, so much ahead of its' time that some radio sfafions didn't want to play it
One 'of the lines in the song stated "You're old enough to kill; but not for voting" which must have hacI many thinking because this statement is no
· On january 1, 1971, the system finally realized that is mature and educated enough to pull the lever. With twenty-five million potential new voters it can make a difference in the final results.
Become aware of the candidates and issues, study their past records, separate facts from fantasies and come up with a choice. More can be ·done in the voting booth than in the street.
FRANK D' ADDESALetters to-
Dear Editor: The Homecoming on a whole Peru State College can be told · ·certainly means a positive move equally from both sides of the ahead for Peru State and we ali line: As every college, Peru has hope _that this movement ·will daysand months. It seems continue in every in the that.theold ' • ' ·· onlY with What you w'' ·:be,n''liORIS !rut with true for Peru. Tlie youth on -aH .aspects of activities concampus have not grown up 'dueled· here at Peru State ·enoughto realize the importailee · of college life, and how it is the · •· _ ·
Sincerely; beginning of their lives and nbt' Sl!ldent Governing Association someone elses.
Students need to come together and show how to mike campus life, campus life! And how do we come together! How do men come to know ·one another, that is so vety much: a part of mans existence. If we can use our knowledge that we acquire by going to college, on how to really know each inc dividual as our brother, then the campus life of Peru would not be what it is on those off days and months.
Coming together takes the time you let it. So get involved and make what you want it, show Peru that you are willing to give a try. Every person that wants Peru to stay alive wK give one-hundred per cent of themselves to making it with one another.
Teresa GillispieDISCussion
By: FRANK D'ADDESAThe Rolling Stones took t ''. cups of rock and roll, one cuf gospel, a teaspoon of the blu and a dash of boogie and ca up with the recipe "Exile Main Street" (Rolling Sto Records COC 2-2900). ·
Since it's a two record sett doubled the ingredients. Some the better rock and roll they starts off the album with "Ro Off" and "Rip This Joint" a hit single "Tumbling Die ending the first side.
Side two is the worst side only "Black Angel", I thin song about Jagger's new wif worthy.
The third side goes from r and roll "Happy" to Bo music "Turd On The Run" light blues "Ventilator Blues"'· a gospel sound called "J · Wanna See His Face" Jagger's voice is surro\.tnded ' a grand collection of jun' drums. Finally "Let " Loose"ends the side and this i good piece of the blues. Jag' uses his voice the best on ' number.
Fall Fashions at Peru
By BOBBI THIESFELJl '· ·Discount Offered
All students may purchase a di$Cmint mealticket now on a trial :basiirin the Bob Inn snack bar.· According to the Student Center Board, students will be able to purchase a $5.00 meal ticket at a per cent discount for $4.50.
Those interested should contact Glen Hunter in tlWBob Inn.. If sufficie.nt rest is shown, a punch tic t system will be made ermanent practice. · '
Mrs. MiOer says:
Dear Editor:
The Student. Governing Association would like to thank everyone ·who·contributed to the success of the 1972 Homecoming. This especially· applies to the people. worked so hard at constr.uctip.g ·floats •for the parade. As far as we can tell, all seem- to mean that the parade wi!S ir success and. this would have been impossible without the sacrifi<;es that you peui>J.e:ffiade.:Nso· a big thanks goes-to Dr.'.Wllson for the work he did to.organiZe ihe bands for the parade and the half time The nu)llber of bands was the lar.gest ever to attend a Peru State Homecoming and certainly speaks well of his accomplishments.
The season of autl:tmn is the time for football games, going for a walk in the country, raking leaves, and catching a cold.
To cure a cold Mrs Virginia Miller, the college nurse, suggests that you "Take plenty of fluids (non-alcoholic), get plenty of rest, and take two aspirins every four hours". She feels antihistamines help, but antibiotics do not.
Mrs Miller urges that if you have a sore throat to see her to take a throat culture, which will determine if you have strep throat. The test will take twentyfour hours to diagnose and there is a small charge for it.
To prevent colds Mrs Miller suggests you should "generally take care of yolirself, which includes a good night's sleep and common sense on dressing for the outdoors".
The most popular item of clothing seen on the PSC campus just has to be blue jeans. Tops of all kinds are worn with jeans. Smocks, layered shirts, and blouses in many colors and styles are combined with jeans. Short tops worn over shirts are really in on eampus this year. Who got the whole blue jean fashion started? Levi Strauss invented the long-lasting material for miners whose occupation proved too rough for oridinary material. Judging from the number 9f people who wear blue jeans, Levi Strauss is responsible for one of the biggest fashion trends of this era.
Blazers and short vests create a sharp sporty look' when combined with pants. The emphasis on jeans and pants is length and width. Long pants
with the wide flare are seen here almost universally.
Dress styles remain basically the same this year. The mzjor alteration in dress design is the smock. PSC girls wear the everpopular skirt and sweater combinations. Pant suits are still worn frequently.
Wool, suede, leather, and corduroy are among the favorite fall and winter materials.
An examination of the clothing worn by PSC students reveals a great deal of individuality. The absence of a strict dress code surely allows for a greater deal of freedom in apparel selection. Most colleges do not enforce a dress code and students dress to suit themselves. The fall and winter fashion scene on Peru's campus is really filled with personal taste and numerous individual style preferences.
Second year for Bob II
is heated by steam heat, so
There have been rumors on this album the music dro out Jagger's voice because slowly losing it, but the typ songs Jagger and tile Stones on "Exile" do not call for overpowering voice and besi Jagger never was louder the music.
"Shine ALight" a good g sound and "Soul Survivor" the better ones done on the ( side.
Nicky Hopkins on piano, Price on trumpet and trom and Bobby Keys on sax dese. honorable mention for · efforts.
Inside the album the Sto' include twelve postcards (s them to your friends who desp: them) showing a ·sequence'.: them in a ganster scene. '; "Exile On Main Street" pi' up where "Sticky Fingers"· off.
From a wild animal farm in one need worry about Bob II s Florida and for a total cost of comfort now that the cold p d , ara e announcer, $35.00 plus shipping, Peru State weather is moving in. Darrell Wininiger, gave a College purchased their second Bob II is believed to be about introduction of each of the Bob II. Two years ago 2V2·3 years old, according to Mr teen bands participating;' thJS January the purchase was Milier. His diet consists mostly trophies. Those winning:. made, with the bill being paid for of beef and pork kidneys sup- trophies were as follows: by the plied by the Talmage Locker Class A - Papillion
The idea of purchasmg the plant and an occasional rabbit Class B - Nemaha v' mascot for the college was sold that the students have brought to (Cook) ·' to the_ by t_he Blue Devils him from hunting. Class C - Dawson-Verdo' orgamzat10n, which proved to be Mr Miller relates that it would Jr. High - Plattsmouth the last project organization be possible to take Bob II to the, Many floats were entered' undertook before it folded. athletic events if there would be the idea based Peru's first mascot, Bob I was a few interested students willing; Homecoming theme, "The ' found byMr_Klausen in area to be responsible for him. Their' New Day Coming for p of the sand hills. It was raised by duties would include getting him Those winning in the ·· Mr Kausen and was sub- out of the cage, watching over division were the following· sequently more tame than Bob II him for the duration of the event, Overall winner - Secre ·· is. and taking him back to the cage Campus Organization Bob II was moved into a new when the event is over. dustrial Arts cage nearly a year ago. It was
constructed by Mr Donald Miller and a few interested students.
, The housing unit inside the cage
The Editor's job will be open on the Pedagogian for the second semester. All applicants should Everett Browning in Room 206 of the Ed. Bldg., by November
Managing Editor Bob Wernsman
Sports Editor John Vickers
News Editor Frank D' Addesa
Ad Manager Jack Armstrong
Photo Editor Dave Lainez
Photo Assistants Chuck Smith ·
Circulation Editors , Michelle Welch
SGA to poll students
Due to last weeks' cancelled meeting, the Student Governing Association had more work to do al this Tuesday's October 24 meeting.
The S.G.A met for forty five mintues over a possible complex rec room and an open dorm policy.
Clayburn-Mathews representative, Bob Wernsman pointed out a need for the students living at the complex to have a rec room. This would be used jointly with the girls from Davidson-Palmer and the boys from Clayburn-Mathews. Students from Delzell or Morgan could use the rec room if invited by anyone from the Complex.
Reddy "outstanding"
By MARY CREWS"Outstanding", is the one word to describe the Helen Reddy Concert Friday, October 20. The warm up act by Paul Morsey did ·an excellent job, although there were comments from some students who thought he "left something to be desired." His .·delivery of Mac Davis song I Believe in Music was very good, but indeed no comparison to Mac 'Davis himself.
As for Helen Reddy, she is
a versatile performer. She /won over her audience with her
opening number which was very omical: She-also displayed her great ability as a blues singer.
would have to be "I don't know how to love him" from Jesus Christ Superstar, and the hit single "I am Woman" both songs were. warmly received by the audience.
The only drawback in the show was the length, but this could be explained by her condition at the present time. In all, the show was a great beginning for an., exciting weekend· of Homecoming activity.
Two possible locations were tabbed, the cafeteria that is not being used and four. vacant rooms in the basement of Nicolas-Pate. The complex cafeteria was fast used three years ago, when it was closed down because of· the cost of heating the glass walled building. The rec room would include television, ping pong tables and pool tables.
If you would wish another to keep your secret, first keep it yourself: - .Seyeca.
"MAN", and that tells the '. story!"
"In December of 1952 the Korean War was going strong and a lot of guys went to war. My 'folks didn't want me to quit school, but I was one of those guys to enlist."
Major Webb left the service m 1958, but after two years as a civilian flight instructor, Earl - returned to the Army in 1960.
· Three hitches in Viet Nam and ' 2,500 combat missions since Korea brought Earl Webb back to Peru State, and its football team.
"The school has changed in some respects but the kids haven't. Sure the football team is losing some games, but Jack Mcintire learned his football from Wheeler and it may take awhile, but Peru will be a big winner again."
·"The players been just great. I try to be one of the guys and. help when I can. Building mor::ile:is important. If the guys see me trying to do what they can breeze through, they try a little harder."
By JOHN VICKERSPeru State's 51st Homecoming w'as not a joyous one for Bobcat gridmen or fans as the 'Cats were throttled 28-7 by Chadron last Saturday.
The first half was a scoreless seesaw battle. Chadron's deepest penetration was to the Peru 22, and Peru reached the Eagle 25.
With 10:30 remaining in the third quarter the Bobcats scored on an 11 yard pass from Tom Froehlich to Jim Desbien. The dnve covered 58 yards. Joe Wallace added the PAT for a 7-0 margin.
Chadron quickly retailiated with a 61 yard screen pass to Peru's 6 yard line. On third down-one, QB Lee Baumann scored with 8: 14 left in the third quarter for a 7-7 tie.
Late in the third quarter Chadron threw a 35 yard TD pass pushing the score to 14-7.
.answer to Blanda
What influences. a man 40 014.t\>.go back to a college that-he left twenty years earlier? Wbat would influence him to join a .college football team?
.Pride; adventure, the. Army, Peru· State College, and public notice have followed Major Ear:! Webb wherever he has gone since that day in December 1952, when civilian Earl Webb became a Marine.
When you ask a ma11 who has earned the Purple Heart four times, and every other medal the Army has (except the Congressional Medal of Honor), why he has come back to small Peru State College and its football team, he answers, "In Jwenty years of military service
I've seen men killed in every imaginable way. Some men ·were wounded and thought they were dying, and some were dying .and thought they had a headache. Five years of my life were spent in Viet Nam, and Peru is to me just about everything I've missed in those Jive years. I intend to enjoy every minute of the year I have here· for gaining my Industrial Arts degree."
Major Webb is on temporary lntrat'l'l.lral
to start
duty with the Army. Adegree is now required for promotion. Webb must return to his military active duty for.three years after his graduation in May of 1973. Ear.I plans to retire in Australia where ·he -met· his wife Lynne. The ·Webbs. ·have one child, sixteen- month aid Michaela.
The· ·Major's. football career goes back to the late 1940's when he was a.135 lb. end for Coach, Dale Harvey in Nebraska City.
"I wasn't a starter in high school, and was only 16 when I graduated. in 1949. That fall I enrolled at Peru, but thought I was too small for college football. When I caught the football fever and·started to grow that winter, I· talked to Coach Al Wheeler about coming out. In 1950 I was just a 170 lb. guard, and not too good either, but in 1951 and· 1952 Peru was undefeated and I lettered."
"You must understand that Al Wheeler was a loner, and sometimes a stubborn coach, but he taught football like an army drill sergeant - though! We won because we blocked and tackled. Peru had thirty or forty players equal in ability, and though we seldom won by more than two touchdowns,· we usually punished the other team pretty badly. Al Wheeler was a
"College is one big assignment. I love it! There is nothing in the world I could enjoy more than Peru and football. I'm an old man with a lot of aches and pains, but P,eru is worth every one ofth!)m." _
A sound discretion is· not so much indicated by never making a mistake as by.never repeating it. - Bovee
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Midway through the fourth stanza, Chadron recovered a Peru fumble at the 32, then
moved to score for a 21-7 edge.
Peru's Coach Jack Mcintire used reserves for the final five minutes, and Chadron scored insurance points on a 12 yard pass for a 28-7 finale.
Injuries again played heavily on Peru's performance and depth. Senior two-way performer Jim Hinton was lost late in the first half for the ·Season. with a broken right leg. Teammates missed the steady, 6'2" 215 pound end:.defensive back and four other starters sidelined with irtjuries.
Peru fans were treated to several fine runs by frosh 'steve Mcintyre, Auburn, in the first half. The 195 lb. back missed three previous games because of a back injury. Early in the second half he was reinjured, and Peru's offense bogged down after his departure. Mcintyre's availability for the Wayne State game is in doubt. ·
Peru travels to winless Wayne State this Saturday, October 28, for a 7:30 game.
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This years entries are now completed for Intramural Volleyball competition. Those teams- names are the follo\\'fog.:. _ · and Dusters. ·
Circle K
Rex;s;Dil!wrgafll, SuMad IV, Studs;Peons; biy Heaves, Shaft Squad, Fun Duckers, Oak Hit Bangers, Shady Oak Bombel"l! I
Meetings: Every Tuesday - West Student Center 4;45p.m. DiningRoom <Dinner Meeting) (NODues!) Visitors Welcome! !
Games will begin next · .___.....,_____...
Phone 872-3335 MemberofF.D.I.C.
Peru, Nebraska Box.62
Peru Pedagogian
Friday November 10, 1972
Former faculty member passes away
Peru State College has been ·notified of the death of Nona M. Palmer, former professor of commerce. A coronary attack suffered by Miss Palmer at her winter home in Whittier, California on October 28 resulted in her death.
Miss Palmer graduated from Peru State College in 1915. She served as a P.S.C faculty member from 1915 until her retirement in 1950.
While in Peru Miss Palmer helped to organize the Peru chapter of the American Association of University Women. In addition, she was a member of the AU chapter of PEO in Peru.
rass Roots hold concert in PSC
By BARB WILKINSONFantastic, great, outstanding, cellent. These are only a few the students reactions in ard to the Grass Roots iJICert last Thursday night. ther students had this to say: Doug Kingery, "Outstanding, ry good if you didn't sit too se."
Eileen Laggett, "A long time waiting but once the Grass ots came out, time didn't tter."
Bobbi Thiesfield, "I didn't rticularly like Mike uiness but the Grass Roots
see to sponsor game tournament
the Centennial Complex named after her.
A scholarship of $100 is awarded annually in her name to a PSC business student. Recipients of the scholarship during the past years are as follows: 1968-69 Elizabeth Budler, Bradshaw; 1969-70 Sharon Deaver, Nebraska City; 1970-71 Diane Copenhaven Martin, Nebraska City; 1971-72 Karen Lincoln, Pacific Junction, Iowa and 1972-73 Joyce Finke, Tecumseh. ·
Linda Doty, "I liked it but it started too late."
All in all the general opinion was more than favorable. Some students questioned the audience's reaction, which at some times was nothing short of rudeness. Others were upset at the delay in the starting time, but realized that it was indeed a misfortune that was not. in any way, the fault ofthe SCB.
- An estimated crowd of 850 had to wait until 9:30 p.m. for an 8:00 show.
Althougl:i the actual performance time of the Grass Roots was too shorLthe majority of the audience was pleased at the groups selection of songs.
"Glory Bound", "Let's Live for Leon Golden, "Pretty good, Today", "The Runway", ecially the organ player, but "Midnight Confessions", and ink some of the high school "Where were You When I s ruined it." Needed You" were only a few of evette Farber, "After a two the songs performed, but were wait the warm up act was recognized by the students as long although I enjoyed the some of the Grass Roots greatest ss Roots immensely." hits.
Free senior pictures to be taken -ie
November 17 9-4
The Student Center Board will sponsor a five game tournament in the student center November 27th through December 6th. The games for this activity are chess, table tennis (singles and doubles), eight ball, snooker and straight pool. Each game has a separate single-elimination tournament with first and second place trophies being awarded. The si.gnups are November 8th until November 17th.
The Billiards Congress of America Rules will be used for the billiard games. Copies of the rules for all the games will be available in the student center office.
Senior Pat Prose, head of the games tournament committee stated, "The tournaments will be a success again if we get good participation ftom the students. The games are always a Jot of fun when everybody gets involved."
In 1962 she was the college, the Distinguished Educational Service Award.
During PSC's centennial, in 1967, Miss Palmer was honored by having the women's wing of
t Issue editor t t Bobbi t t
All day high school Band Clinic
Concert given by high school Bands at 8:00 p.m.
Swap Shop of Junior Colleges, from 9-5 in Fine Arts
Intramurals from 6-10 in Gym
Messiah rehearsals from 7-10 in Auditorium
English Club at 7:00p.m. in Fine Arts rm.105
Alpha Mu Omega at 7:30 in the north half of the west dining room
Geography Club meeting Room 310 of the Ed. Bldg. at 3:30
Home Ee Club at 6:00 in room 324 of Ed. Bldg.
Student Governing Association, Rm. 212of F. A. Bldg. at 6:00
W.A.A. Volleyball at 7:30 in Gym
Concert Wind Ensemble at 8:15 in College Aud.
Phi Beta Lambda at 6:30inF. A.105
Circle Kat 4:45 to 6:00 in the west dining room of the Student Center
Student Wives at 7:30 to lO:OOin the Staff Lounge
Kiwanis at 6: 30 in the south half of the west dining room.
WA.A. 6-10 p.m. in Gym
Faculty vs Student Center Board Volleyball, at 6:30p.m.
Mr Clarence Schafer, Director of Park and Recreation in F. A. Aud, at 9:10 a.m.
Peru Chamber of Commerce meeting at 7:30 in the Fine Arts meeting
S.C.B. north half of west dining room, at 5:00
Intramurals at 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. in Gym
Student Center Board movie "Waterhole No. 3" Fine Arts
Aud., at 7:00
English Proficiency test 12:00-3:00 p.m. Fine Arts 212 E silon Phi Tau - 7: 30 p.m. Industrial Arts
Peruvian gets early start Circle Kweek observed
By MARY CREWSThe PERUVIAN is well on its way to an earlier start for success. Last year things happened which hindered the yearbooks completion, but when finished, had compiled one of the best ever. Thanks to the yearbook Editor, Nancy Stoll and her many assistants, they made it possible for the students and instructors here on campus to have a book composed of the many, many, memories, that live on forever, and the faces that might have been forgotten, but were restored in your mind by the glazing and time of recognition though scouring through the 1972 PERUVIAN. Random pictures have already been taken since the
beginning of the school year, but the collection is far from complete. The layouts for the individual pictures are pretty much stablized, now all that is needed for the layouts are the pidures, which will hopefully be taken some time before Thanksgiving, so that it will give the yearbook staff more time for compiling them into catagories. This year on the staff for the yearbook are: Deb Barton, Editor; Bo!)bi Thiesfeld, Rick Deklotz, Steve Gage, Bob Wernsman, Jim Taylor and Chuck Smith. Charlie Pavolis, Dave Lainez, Barry Landes, Fred Morehouse, Denise Beaumont, Zella Hickey and Gail Harmon.
The President$ council met last Monday at 7 p.m. to discuss several topics for activities at Peru State. Fritz Stehlik, chairman of the meeting, asked for suggestions on more college activities from the presidents and vice-presidents of the organizations on campus.
John Billings, ClayburnMatthews vice-president, stated that the complex would be willing to hold a dance if other organizations would follow with other dances or activities.
The members discussed the problem of so many students leaving Peru on the week-ends.
It was suggested that perhaps two organizations could combine efforts to sponsor an activity.
The officers will meet with their organizations to discuss plans. A meeting of the Presidenfs Council will be held November 27 to determine further plans for campus ,activities.
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. - Bacon
We Want Quality Not Quantity
Peru State College student organ izalion ?Y Peru Kiwanis orgamzation, 1s observing "Circle K Week" November 5-11.
The week is set aside to recognize leaders of Circle K International dedicated to "!{each Out'', the year's theme of the club, to problems of drug abuse, ecological dilemma an.d the plight of disadvantaged youth and minority groups. The student group's objective is to provide college students with a means by which students interested in helping others can express their concern. The!r motto is "We Build", and m practice means genuinely constructive involvement m the community and on campus. Peru State club officers are: Russell Taylor president; Steve Sim, vice-president; Nyla Bartholonew, secretary; and Bertha Glover, treasurer. There are 15 members in the club.
Circle K does not stress any one service activity, but each club is encouraged to analyze its local situation to determine how it can serve most effectively.
Peru Circle K members urge citizens to take advantage of Circle KWeek to find what their group is doing to alleviate and ecological problems m surroundin communties and on
l{ecent activities of Peru members include visiting hospital children's wards in Auburn and Nebraska City with Halloween treats, contributing funds for a college baseball scoreboard and adding to funds for the campus radio station, KPSC.
Catch 12 in concert
Catch 12, the Peru State swing choir, will perform such songs as Oh Happy Day, Joy to the World, Aquarius, and Bridge Over Troubled Waters during the November 14 band concert.
The group, composed of 11 members, includes Karen Ramsey, student director, Kris Morrissey, Maynard Geschke, Linda Doty, Debby Coffelt, Lennie Lahman, Dennis Ehmke, Dan Gruber, Lori Gilbert, Sheryl Kerr and Gerry Neeman.
After the concert the group goes on tour. Due to an upcoming senior recital and other pressing duties; Kar.en Ramsey is relinquishing directorship of the group to Kris Morrissey.
Managing Editor Bob Wernsman
Assistant Editor Chuck 'smith
Sports Editor John Vickers
News Editor Frank D' Addesa
Ad Manager
Jack Armstrong
Photo Editor Dave Lainez
Circulation Editors ----------------------:. Michelle Welch AnnNicholos
The Marines Are Looking
fora Few Good Men Who Want To Lead!
Friday November 10, 19
'By: FRANK D'ADDESAAt the age of 23, Elton Jo has five albums to his credit a they keep getting better.
After each album he's put o I'd really like it and think, could never top this one. sure enough he puts out album which is better than last or just as good.
"Honky Chateau" (Uni 9313 is his latest and it's just as go as "Madman Across The Wate which is great.
In this one Elton John prov he is a master at writing a singing songs with humor (' Think I'm Going to Kill Myself "Rocket Man'', "Hercules" with a message ("Salvatio and "Slave" l, and with romo.ntic style ("Mellow" "Mona Lisas and Mad ters"l.
"I Think I'm going to Myself" is a song about problems of a young man dur' the awkward age; "I can't the car, I gotta be in by ten clock, Who do they (his paren think they are". Avandeviilesound is included with El playing piano and "Legs" Lar Smith doing a tap dance.
Hit, "Rocket Man" tells oft problems of the astronaut w spends a week in space; "I mi the earth so much, I miss wife".
Working together for a bett world is the message behi "Salvation" and "Slave" tells the prejudice still going aroun Special recognition goes Gus Dudgeon who has produc every album John has had and to Bernie Taupin who authors all the songs.
Bands perfor November ·1
The stage band, comple band, and swing choir ·wi present a concert Novem 14th, in the College Auditori at 8:15 p.m. conce precedes the group's tour November 20th and 21st.
If you're going to college and you're ready for leadership and responsibility, consider the following:
As a college freshman, sophomore or junior you can join a unique Marine Corps Officer program, The Platoon Leaders Class. Training is restricted to summer sessions. Eligible members can receive $100 a month during the school year, up to a maximum of $2700 during a four-year college career. The PLC also offers a few good men a chance to learn to fly free before they graduate.
The Corps pays the entire cost of civilian flight instruction worth about $800. PLC law students receive special consideration from the Corps because of their academic requirements. Active service begins only after law school. You can be commissioned a ground officer or an aviation officer the day you · graduate from college. 'The.earlier you join; the higher your pay upon commissioning.
Seniors and college graduates may attend the Officer Candidate Course commissioned within 12 weeks. The OCC program also provides you with the option of becoming an aviation or ground officer.
If you think you've got it, mail the attached postage-paid card, or check with the Marine officer who visits your But remember, we make no promises except one; you'll be a Marine, one of the few and one of the finest.
The program will includ "Purple Carnival March'' b Harry Alford, "Rhapsodi Episode" by Charles Carte "Concerto Grosso" by Joh Morrissey, special selection from fhe stage band and swi choir, "Selections from 1776" Sherman Edwards, "Prayer St. Gregory" by Ala Hovhaness, "Concerto for Dr Set" by Carroll De Camp, a "Bandology" by Eric Osterlin
Thirty-five PSC students w be involved. 'They are Karle Badgett, Lauren Coufal, Ri Gobber, Kyle Boyd, Deni Haynes, Deborah Bowma
Bertha Glover, Dianne Dun
Tom Ballue, Linda Doty, Jo Chatelain, Ann Boring, Tere Ewalt, Dianne Hawkins, Ga Bobbitt, James Wolken, Mar Goergen, Laurita Tacket
Deborah Coffelt, Carol Lan
Karen Ramsay, Dennis Ehmk
Dianne Rees, Sheila Pohlma
Gerald Neeman, Kristi Morrissey, Tom Usher, Terenc Volker, Rodney Alberts, Le Lahman, John Teten, D Gruber, Maynard Geschke,· Gilbert, and Sheryl Kerr.
proves writing and humor ("l Myself", Hercules"), 'Salvation" with a to Kill about the. duri. can't us ten parentsl ndeviile·aet Elton better behind tells of arotind. goes t produc had out who co-
Peru hosts junior
col!ege shop-
··Any students who think that ey might be interested in rking in the field of Federal vice after graduation will ve the opportunity to ask stions, and seek answers on vember 15 and 18.
h November 15 there will be men on campus conducting ormational interviews with rested students on governt jobs. These will not be cement interviews, only rviews that may answer any stions the student may have. y will be conducted from 9: 30 .-4:00 p.m. and all interested ents are to come· to the cement Office and sign their me for an interview time.
n Saturday, November 18, e will be a walk in Federal ice Entrance Examination ducted at 9:30a.m. in FA 105. is to be a preliminary exam those to be considered for era! jobs, with the final es being able to be of use applying for a federal job. e will be no fee to pay for exam, and no prelininary ·ng up is necessary.
Peru Stale will host a ;Junior College Swap Shop on Saturday, · November 11. Talents and techniques will be traded with area schools. Five colleges and area high schools will be involved in the event. Colleges participating are Highland College, Iowa Western Community College, Longview College, Kansas City Community College, and Peru State.
· Registration will take place from 8 to 9 a.m. Dr: Max Smith 'and Dr. Clyde Barrett will address the assembly. Miss Wreathea Hicks is the faculty coordinator for the event. .John Thomas is the student coordinafor.
Duel acting, readers theatre, oral interpretation of prose, and oral interpretat_ion of poetry are the divisions for the Swap Shop. Area high schools will al!>O participate in the discussions.
Mr Henry Blanke, director of the Brownville Community Theatre and director of theatre at Wesleyan University, will be the guest
Hosts for the event include Ann Nichols, Steve Knittle, Pat Castle, Kay Albin, and Joevette Farber. Members of the stage crew will be Bart Neri, manager, Jeff Barker and John Helm.
In charge of registrat1on and programs are Mary Hill, Becky Davis, Willie Fairbanks, and Becky Pieper. The refreshment committee consists of Mrs Carol Wheeler, Emily Rosewell, Susan Fosler, and Connie Shandy.
The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. - Edward J. Phelps
Phone 274-5234 One showing nightly at 7:30
Drive-Inn Restaurant
Eat Here or Tote
South Edge on 73-75
Auburn, Nebr.
1/Mld &Judy Gebers
Ph. 274-3179
G. E. Mann
Join Circle K
Every Tuesday - West · Student Center "°' 4: 45 p.m. Dining Room (Dinner Meeting) (NO Dues!)
Visitors Welcome! !
arch'' by :hapsodic Carter, John .elections swing· 1776" by Prayer of Alan Drum amp, and Osterling. ients will Kar,lene tfal,, Rita Denise Bowman, Dunn, oty, John Teresa ns, Gary Mary Tackett, Lang, Ehmke, Pohlman, Kristie !IT,
r. City 119 N. 8th St. Phone 873-6180
Amap in the Student
is available lo students wishing to obtain or give rides The map hasn't been used as much as the Student Center Board thinks it could be.
The members of the board would like any suggestions from the students lo discover why the map isn't being used.
By Prophet and Friend or Bobbie BrooksBobcats maul Bulldogs; ·31-1.9
The Peru State Bobcats rebounded from five successive defeats to trounce the CulverStockton Bulldogs 31 to 19 at Canton, Missouri, last Saturday.
The Bobcats throttled the Bulldogs completely, leading 316 midway through the fourth quarter. Late in the game the ·Canton crew hit for two long scores; one a 91 yard pass, to narrow the gain.
Tom Froehlich, 'Cat QB from Algonia, Iowa, paced the Bobcats by running for one score and tossing··two touchdown strikes to Bill Hosack and frosh end Ario Wusk
Joe Wailace, freshman kicking specialist from Granite City, Illinois, opened scoring with a 26 yard field goal early in the first quarter.
Later in the first stanze, Froehlich plunged 1 yard for a score to push the Bobcat lead to 10-0.
In the second period the 'Cats struck twice. Sophomore Henry McCullough executed a showy 64 yard punt return for Peru's third score, and Hosack grabbed a 28 yard Froehlich toss with 2:43 left in the First half to complete Peru scoring. Culver-Stockton sc.ored on a 20 yard pass with 43 seconds remaining to make the
Wrestlers prepare for opener
By BILL BOYDhalftime tally Peru-17, CuiverStockton-6.
The Bobcat defense held the Bulldogs in check for the next quarter and a half, while adding the Wusk score for a bulge of 316. Peru's reserves gave up two late opponent scor·es for the finale of 31-19.
Barry Reed, Henry, Illinois, junior, led the rushing parade with 66 yards on 13 carries. Ace receiver John Winkel, 11th in NAIA receiving statistics before the Culver-Stockton game, caught three passes for 67 yards.
Falsehoods not only disagree with truths, but usually quarrel among themselves. - Daniel Webster.
The 1972-73 Peru State Wrestling Team coached by Vince Monseau, has started practice in preparation for their December fifth opener against Doane College at Crete. Monseau, who comes to Peru from Weirton, West Virginia replaces Harlan Krein as head wrestling coach and assistant football coach.
In this the bobcats third year of wrestling, there will be at least eighteen meets. Monseau ·said that he hoped several wrestlers can qualify for the N.A.I.A. Nationals to be held in Sioux City, Iowa, March 8, 9 and 10.
The bobcats feature eight returning lettermen, 118 lb. Junior Jack Stanley, 126 lb, Sonhomore Garv Lesoing, 150 lb. Senior Rod Wartman, 158 lb. Sophmore Kim Tennal, 167 lb.
Phone 872-3335
Member of F.D.I.C. In'\d.tes
Senior Larry Pracht, 177 lb. Junior Warren Goos, Hwt. Soohomore .Tim Rezac. and 177 lb. Sehior Dean (Ace) Anstey.
Senior James Cash an outstanding transfer from Edinborough, Pennsylvania, has a knee injury but could heal as the season ptogresses. Freshman hopefuls are, two-time, class B. State champion from Auburn John Whisler, and Rick Farley who had a high school record of 31-1 at
Many receive advice, only th wise profit by it. - Syrus
over 53 years John and Anna Cejka, prop. Tel. 872-5675 Peru, Nebraska Box.62;
KEN JOHNSON 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday
Auburn, Nebraska Ph.ZZM302
Peru Pedagogian
ribute paid to Dr. Neal S. Gomon
n Saturday, November 18, persons gathered in the ent center to pay tribute to iring Peru State College ident, Dr Neal Gomon and wife Marion.
r Gomon has been associated Peru State for 22 years and president for 21 years. he evening was coordinated Dr Gomon's secretary for the 18 years, Mrs Maryanna de. ntertainment included iniscences of the past twenty s.
ngtime Peru State professor iano and organ, R. T. Benprovided piano music along three of his pupils. Retired fessor George Rath recited era! of his original comitions in German and lish
Iiexpected comedy was vided by Dr John Christ in tradition of Victor Borge, but a harmonica and an extion of how to play the
In the early 1960's faculty members took. part ·in melodramas at Brownville. Dr Wininger recreated his unforgettable portrayal of the villain. His wife Ardith sang a "heartbreaking rendition" of "She's More to be Pitied than Censored", and retired speech professor R.D. Moore told the sad story. -.
Movies of some past office were shown by Peru's version of Alan Funt, Coach Jerry Stemper.
Retired business professor Miss Freida Rowoldt sang her traditional "The Big Brown Bear" while guests roared their approval.
Dr Max Smith, acting president of PSC, presented the Gomons with a hook containing letters of tribute from educators and legislators including Senator Roman Hruska. Dr Smith also presented a paper boy's bag from the Nebraska
City News Press" in case Dr Gomon needed a part time job."
Mrs Gnade gave her former hoss a gift and the evening ended with singing of the color song.
All of Dr and Mrs Gomon's children, Dave, Tom, Georgette and their spouses attended along with members of the State Colleges Board of and other state college presidents.
Test will be. discontinued
The required English Proficiency test will soon be discontinued for all Peru students.
According to Dr. Clyde
Bobbi Thiesfeld, pictured above, has been selected as Editor of the Pedagogian for the second semester of tne 1972·73 school year. Barrett, dean of humanities,
those students .taking English
1 , 101 and 302 have automatically fulfilled the requirement and B b B bb • will not be subject to the O fO 0 l proficiency testing. This means · the testing will probably cease Bobbi Thiesfeld, a journalism In the future Bobbi would like second semester or next sum- major from Nebraska City, will to teach English and mer since English 102 is no be the new editor of the publications at the secondary
FRIDAY, DECEMBER I I longer offered. Pedagogian beginning second level. Eventually she hopes to do
Student .Game Tournaments continue thru Dec. 12 I
The test has been a semester. She will replace Bob some writing for magazines and Basketball Wilham Penn There 1 requirement for students who Wernsman who will be in a become a free lance writer. 'd have completed English 101 and journalism internship program Bobbi is the S.G.A. dorm
SATURDAY,DECEMBER2 lA 102 with the Journal-Democrat, at representative for DavidsonBasketball William Penn.There ll Fifty-five students took the Syracuse, Nebr. Palmer, a member of Kappa
Humanities Dept. Christmas Party N. W. Dining Room 6:30 p.m.
Ramsay Voice Recital F. A. Aud 3:00 p.m.
Basketball Simpson Here 7:30
CircleK4:45-6:00p.m. W. Dining Room S. C.
.Basketball Tarkio there
English Proficiency exam Bobbi's plans for the Ped are Delta Pi, sophomore vice'.lf Thursday, November 16 Results improving layouts, more pie- president, and a member of the 11 1 d h d ts tures, and a wider variety of Pedagogian and Peruvian staffs. I are being mai e tot e stu en student interest articles.
IWho's who announced I at Peru State College
By FRANK D'ADDESA based on a cumulative grade years.
Dr. Guy L. Rosenberg announced that nineteen Peru State seniors have been named to Who's Wlio Among Students in American Universities and Colleges for the 1972-73 academic year.
IDr. Rosenberg, Dean of Students and Chairman of the Selection Committee, composed of faculty members and student leaders, said this was the highest number of students chosen in his· six years at Peru State.
point average of at least 6.5, as Pat is also a member of Kappa well as excellence in leadership Delta Pi, and has been Sports in academic and co-eurricular Editor of the Pedagogian for two activities, service to the college years and of the Peruvian for and promise of future usefulness one year. He has also performed to society. in five school plays.
Students and their ac- Deborah Coffelt of Minden, complishments are as follows: Iowa, is majoring in Music. She
Pat Castle of Falls City, has a is active in Kappa Delta Pi, double major of English and "Catch 12", Stage Band, P. S. C. Speech. He has been a member Wind Ensemble and Choir, and a of the English Club and the M. E. N. C. accompanist.
Drama Club for the past four She has earned the Outyears, as well as a member of standing Musicianship Award, PSEA, Gavel and Rostrum and Who's Who Continued
Selection to Who's Who is Debate Team for the past three On Page 3·
"-•p-ro-ximately eight m1lhon · dollars was spent for the needed improvements. Not one building on campus remained untouched during Dr. Gomon's administration. The list of these improvementsis a long one. New construction included: faculty and married student housing, the Industrial Arts building, Majors Hall, two additions to Morgan Hall, the Student Center which won a national architectural award, the Fine Arts building, and the one and one half million dollar Centennial Complex. Facilities renovated included: the Oak Bowl, the heating plant, Library, Science building, Auditorium, Administration building, ground floor of the Education building, Delzell Hall, and Morgan Hall.
Peru State's accomplishments weren't limited to enrollment increases and new buildings. The college was the first teacher education institution to introduce the Block Student Teacher Program in 1955. This program has been copied by many other colleges and is used throughout the nation today.
Twice during Dr. Gomon 's administration the North Central Association of Colleges and Universities inspected and found Peru State's programs to be of high quality.
Contest planned
Ypu needn't have the talent of a Faulkner or a Dickens to enter the Silas Summers Writing Contest, sponsored by the English Club and open to all PSC students.
The competition is named after· a former faculty member, who retired from his position last year.
Entries can be submitted in the following three categories: Short story, poetry, and miscellaneous (drama, essay, cartoon, etc.). Entrants are asked to submit their works no later than Jan. 15, 1973 to Jean Blair, secretary of Dr. Barrett,· in the Fine Arts building. The name of the entrant should NOT be written on the. entry, but it should be written on a card accompanying the entry.
Winners in the contest will be chosen by a panel of judges, and cash prizes will be awarded for the best piece in each category.
If you have questions concerning the contest, contact Susan Foster, president of the English Club.
Gomon productive president
By STEVE KNITTLEon January first Dr. Neal S. Gomon will officially retire as president of Peru State College. His tenure spanned more than two decades and saw the greatest period of in the college's history. ·
! When Dr. Gomon
reins of the presidency the student body numbered only 258.
A record high of one thousand two hundred sixty one students enrolled in 1970. This represented a gain of over 400 per cent.
Such a large increase of students required many additions and renovations. Ap- ·
In 1970 inovative vocational and technical programs in Secretarial Science. and Accounting were initiate<!, and Computer Science was added to the curriculum.
In 1971 Peru State won The American Association of Colleges Distinguished Service Award for teacher education supplementary training programs which gained national attention for the college.
P.S.C. band ensemble perform concert
By fRANK D' ADDESAThe Peru State College Con.cert Band Ensemble, under the direction of Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson performed at the College Auditorium on Sunday, November 19th.
The concert, originaily set for November 14th but cancelled because of the weather, also featured the Stage and Pep Band and the Swing Choir under the direction of Karen Ramsay.
The thirty-three piece College Band began the program with the "Purple Carnival March"
·followed by the "Rhapodic Ep1s0<1e.'' Karen Ramsay and Dennis Ehmke, both ori trumpet with Gerald Neeman on trombone were soloists for the third ·nuirioer, the "Concerto Grosso:-,, Half the band then rested as the other half who belonged to the Stage and Pep Band or Swing ·Choir took over to do three seledforis eacll:-Tiie two groups. ;did such contemporary numbers as Chicago's "Moving In," "Oh Happy Day" and "Joy To The World"
Selectj9ns from "1776" were performed by the school band
after their intermission.
Karen Ramsay then performed as a soloist again in the "Prayer of Saint Gregory."
Peru's Gene Krupa, Lennie Lahman, then soloed "Concerto for Drum Set" with help from Dan Gruber on electric guitar.
The Concert Band finished the program with two marching numbers: "Bandology" and· "Here Comes The Band:"
A two day tour program for the Concert Band followed the performance on November 20th and 21st.
Friday December 1, 1972
DI SCussions
By FRANK D'"Days of Future Passed"
(Deram-DES 18012) by the Moody Blues is not a new album. In fact it first came out in 1967, since that time the Moody Blues have put out five other albums. But because the old single from the album "Nights In White Satin" somehow became popular again both the. single and the album have been rereleased.
When I first heard "Nights In White Satin" about two months ago on the- radio I quickly recognized it as one of the slow songs the guys at the high school dances waited for the band to play.
Anyway, the Moody Blues with the London Festival Orchestra conducted by Peter Knight, try to capture everyman's day through the words of the songs, the group's beat, and the Orchestra's pictorial realism.
The album starts with "The Day Begins", which with some imagination can remind you of the sun rising. The song also serves as an overture to the rest of the album.
Messiah to be presented
In an eight year time span, the Music Department is once again presenting selections from Handel's MESSIAH. Mr E. Camealy will be conducting the production with Dr. G. Doughty doing the accompaning on the organ.
Approximately seventy members make up the chorus
1 with Peru State choir members, and guests from at least six surrounding communities from Nebraska and Iowa.
Soloists being featured are: Stephanie Lang, Linda Doty, Karen Ramsey, Maynard ' Geschke, Robert Ramer, Stan Kot tich, Peru State; Iris Obrodovitch; Omaha; Charmian Davies, Falls City; Ron Bath; Auburn; Dale Comer, Syracuse; and Bo.b Williamson, Humboldt.
Mrs. Gaines to resign
Mrs Anita Gaines, one of Peru State's busiest secretaries, is resigning from her position to marry Joe Pelisek, former PSC coach, on December 16.
· Pelisek is currently principal of Nodaway-Holt High School in Graham, Mo.
A new secretary will be hired to serve under the vice-president of academic affairs. A board meeting will be held December 8 to determine who the vicepresident of academic affairs will be.
Later on the side "Lunch Break: Peak Hour" is done and the beginning sounds like the busy city of people rushing around to their destinations during their free hour.
Parts of the album and this particular song's beginning with "The Morning: Another Morning" before it are similar to the "Love Story" soundtrack album, in that most of the songs are done at differ.ent speeds with different instruments. In both cases this particular style is very effective. ·
"The Afternoon: Forever Afternoon (Tuesday?)'', which has also been played on the radio recently begins the second sitle.
"Evening: The Sun Set:
Twilight Time" gives you the impression the sun is going down and the day will soon be: out of sight. ·
"The Night: Nights In Whit Satin" follows and an undertur of the cuts on the albuni ends the record.
The Moody Blues have always been ahead of their time. However, "Days Of Future Passed", six years old, still is something the rock music world has yet to duplicate.
Raffle held·at halftime
On December 12th, during half time of the Peru basketball game the Phi Beta Lambda Business Fraternity will be awarding a 20 lb. turkey for first prize.
The second prize will be a 15 lb. ham and 3rd prize a small turkey. Chances are 50c each and 3for $1.25 and can be from any Phi Beta Lambda member.
Managing Editor Bob Wernsman
Assistant Editor,
News Editor
Chuck Smith
Frank D' Addesa
Ad Manager ,.. Jack Armstrong
Photo Editor Dave Lainez
Circulation Editors Michelle Welch Ann Nichols
reIn months quickly slow school to with rchestra try day songs, Or"The some of also rest this with Morthe mdtrack songs both is Forever ",which radio sitle. Set: the going be White mderture the 1lftime half :i.sketball Lambda be
o's at Who announced Peru State College
Who's Who Continued
From Pagel e Harrison Memorial, and the Andrews Memorial Scholarships. ·
Dianne Dunn of Falls City is also a Music major who is active in the P. S. C. Band and Choir, M. E. N. C., and Kappa Delta Pi.
•She has been sophomore class vice-president and has received the Co-operating School and Special Abilities Scholarships.
Deborah Elmlinger of Huron, Ohio, has a double major in · English and Secondary Education. She is a member of Sigma Delta Pi, the English Club, and has been S. C. B. Publicity Chairman for the past two years.
Miss Elmlinger has been eru's Representative i.n the !amour Magazine Contest, the rake Relay Queen Contest, and unior Representative for last mester's Spring Week. President of the S. G. A: glas Fritz, of Verdon, has a uble major in General Science d Biology in Education. He been a member of the Peru e Social Science Society, ma Delta Lutheran Club, etary and Tresurer of burn-Mathews Dorm cil, and the P. S. C. Band d Chorus.
He is a member of Kappa lta Pi, Lambda Delta Lamb' , Beta Beta Beta, Gama Theta silon and was a member of Epsilon Nu in his sophomore ar.
Doug is also a member of the eru State Education ssociation, Student presentative to the Student nduct Committee, member of Students Admissions mmittee, and Student presentative to College Af·rs and President's Advisory mittee
tanley Gottula of Elk Creek is joring in Industrial Arts and been a member and· sident of the Industrial Arts b, Treasurer of Epsilon Pi uand member of Kappa Delta He has received a P. T. A. olarship and a Ben Harrison olarship.
dy Hughes is an Elementary · ucation major from Nebraska y: She belongs to the Peru te Education Association and ppa Delta Pi. She has eived the Special State of raska Scholarship this ester.
eodore Johnson of Peru, is ring .in Business Adistration. He was the l's and State's President of Beta Lambda and was a er of the Student Center
Mr Johnson is a winner of Mr Future Business tive Award and the Ex1;1neous Speaking Contest
'.'':erving this community·
}; over 53 years
l:tohn and Anna Cejka, •· prop. Tel. 872-5675
at the Phi Beta Lambda State Convention. _
Stephen Miller of Sidney, Iowa, is majoring in Physical Education and has been a member of Peru's Football, Basketball, and Baseball teams. He is also a member of the Letterman's Club and Kappa Delta Pi.
Steve has worked as Student Assistant in football and basketball, and has coached the Girls' Basketball Team at Peru.
Senior Class President Patricia Prose of Glenwood, Iowa, is a Physical Education major. She has been Junior Class President, a member of Tri Beta, the Women's Athletic Association, PSEA, S.C.B., S.G.A., and the Women's Basketball team.
Miss Prose has been elected to the All Star Basketball Team during the 1970-71 Tarkio Tournaments and has been the recipient of the Co-operating School Scholarship and. the Women's Athletic Association Scholarship. ·
Karen Ramsay, a music major from Humboldt, who has been part of the College Band and Chorus for four years, is currently President of the College Chorus and Swing Choir leader. She has received a Music Achievement Award and has been the M.E.N.C.'s Vice President and Treasurer.
Dennis Robertson of Fort Dodge, Iowa, has a doubl:s major in Industrial Management and Business Administration. He has been an officer of the Circle K and Industrial Arts Clubs and a member of the S.C.B Denny has also been a member of Phi Beta Labda and Epsilon Pi Tau.
S.G.A. Vice President Fred Robertson, who has a double major in Chemistry and Biology, is from Treynor, Iowa. He is President of Lambda Delta Lambda, Treasurer of Kappa Delta Pi, Treasurer of the Senior Class, and a member of Beta Beta Beta. Fred is also a member of the Academic Affairs Commission and the Admissions Committee.
Kathy Runkles of Auburn is majoring in Business Education. She is treasurer of Phi Beta Lambda and the Student Wives Wheel'r Inn
Drive-Inn Restaurant
Eat Here or Tote
South Edge on 73-75
Auburn, Nebr.
Arnold & Judy Gebers
Ph. 274-3179
Club. Mrs Runkles is the recipient of two Peru Achievement Foundation Scholarships and a A.V. Larson Memorial Award.
President of S.C.B. Carol Snyder is a Speech major from Auburn. She has been Vice President of the Drama Club, Secretary of Gavel and Rostrum and has performed in six school plays. Mrs Snyder is the recipient of the Co-operating Schools Scholarship.
Bonnie Stemper of Peru is a Math major who is President of Alpha Mu Omega, Vice President of Kappa Delta Pi and Lambda Delta Lambda, Vice President and Treasurer of the Newman Club and Treasurer of PSEA. She also is the recipient of the Co-operating School Scholarship.
President of Morgan Hall Nancy Stoll of Gresham is a Elementary Education major who was Editor of the 1972 Peruvian. Nancy has earned the A.V. Larson Award, the 1972 P.T.A. Scholarship Award, the Charles Weigand Memorial Scholarship and the Special State of Nebraska Scholarship. She is active in Kappa Delta Pi, the Lutheran Student Fellowship and the PSEA.
Recipient of the Co-operating School Scholarship and Neal S. Gomon Award John Thomas of Falls City is majoring in English and Journalism. John has been Editor of the Pedagogian, President and Vice President of PSEA and Presdient of the English Club. He has had roles in five of Peru's play productions.
Four year Peru football player John Waters of Williston Park, New York, is a Physical Education major who has been named to the Outstanding College Athletes of America Team and received Honorable Mention in All District II Football.
John is the recipient of the Bill Tynon Scholarship and the Special Abilities Scholarship for football. He is a member of the Beta Beta Beta and Education Honor Fraternities.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Skiers return; learning included
By ANDY KORUSThe second annual Newman Club ski trip took members to Monarch, Colorado.
The group left Wednesday afternoon irnd the trip took nine hours and 6oo miles. Those who made the journey were: Terry Sapp, Jim Tegtmeier, Father McCabe, Father Rempe, President Newman Club Torr Tarnacki.
During their stay at Monarch, they resided at a friend's ski cabin located at Mosquito Gulch.
$100 scholarship presented to Peru Foundation
A $100 scholarship was presented to the Peru Achievement Foundation in honor of Dr Robert Moore at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Peru Alumni Association.
The dinner meeting, held at Writer's Manor in Denver Colorado on October 28 was attended by three Peru couples: Mr and Mrs Ben Rogge, Dr and Mrs Max Smith and Mr and Mrs Alan Shipley.
Mrs Rita (Russell) Bolinski, president of the Chapter, .introduced the special guests. Dr Smith discussed the expanding role of Peru State in serving
Issue editor
Frank D'Addesa
The newly built wooden cabm was well furnished with a fireplace where they spent their evenings.
The trip included fundamentals skiing which resulted in frustration to the new skiers. However, after the second day of learning, the Newman Club members were soon mastering the sport. The two sponsors of the club. Father McCabe and Father Rempe demonstrated to the members the techniques of skiing.
Although there were bumps and bruises everyone came back in one piece. Everyone who skied enjoyed it and hopes to experience the thrills of it again in the near future.
With the enthusiasm shown by those who made the trip they hope next year's event will be by more students. Southeastern Nebraska. Followfog the electi_on of officers Ben Rogge presented slides of ·thecampus. Atotal of alumni, former students and friends attended the meeting.
Norma Diddel, Professor Emeritus of Art at Peru State (1926-1966) received special recognition at the meeting. Miss Diddel is a resident of the Life Center in Denver.
That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful. - Ninon de L 'Enclos
Lounge opens at complex
On the 13th of November Peru students found a new place to spend a few of their evenings when a new lounge opened in the west baserrrent of the married students dorm at the Centennial Complex.
The lounge is equipped with a pool table, ping pong table, an area for cards or other games, and two stereos. Equipment for the lounge is checked out in the same manner as in the Student Center game room.
The project to open the lounge was 'started with the idea of giving students a place to go and something to do on week nights. John Billings and Pat Schultz started the project along with several other interested people. The lounge was approved by Mr Shipley and Dr. Smith. The Maintenance men then cleaned and polished the room prior to the opening.
Hours that the lounge is open are:
Sunday, 5-10 p.m.
Monday, 7-10 p.m.
Wednesday, 7-10 p.m.
Friday, 7-10 p.m.
New gym; open dorms; Majors Hall; topics, for talk
By FRANK D'ADDESAAt the age of only 38, Acting President Dr. Max G. Smith has had much experience with college administration work.
Before coming to Peru State last April as vice president of academic affairs, he was director of doctoral programs in the higher education administration at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Before his two-year stint at New Mexico, Dr. Smith was assistant to the president and acting dean of the college at Milton College in Milton, Wisconsin. He has also served as academic dean at Midwest College in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Dr. Smith has the A. B. degree from Milligan College, Johnson, Tennessee, his M. A. degree from Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana, and earned his Ph. D. in Higher Education and Administration from ·the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Dr. Smith has had extensive experience in academic. planning at local and state levels. He has been Chairman of Programs for the Southwest Regional Conference on Improvement of Teaching and has conducted several institutes for college administrators. '
The following is an interview conducted with Dr. Smith on November 21 by the Pedagogian's news editor Frank D'Addesa.
What is the story on the new gym and how much wm it cost?
In our Capital Construction Request, we are asking for a one and a half-million dollar Physical Education and Health Center. Legislative analysts have visited the campus to examine our facilities and tell us we can present a good case for a new gym. We're making every effort possible to get the funds for a new one.
Our request for a new gym will be ranked with requests from other state colleges for Capital Construction. These requests will be put in rank order of priority. We are also pursuing funding from other avenues, such as alumni, interested individuals, corporations, and foundations.
What were the other requests Peru has made for Capital Construction?
In addition to the request for a new gym, we have included on our list air conditioning for the Applied Arts Building, remodeling of the Education Building; and general maintenance such as: resurfacing streets, parking lots, the tennis court, and improved landscaping.
But a new gym was first on the · school's list of Capital Construction.
The new gymnasium was the number one priority on our list of requests for new construction, bnt I don't know how it will rank when grouped with the other · state colleges' requests.
There have been rumors that Majors Hall is condemned, what
are the facts?
Majors Hall is not condemned and if we had more students it would be used. Repairs are needed, but the building has no major structural problems. We are now exploring possible uses for it.
The trend now is living off campus, what can be done to attract students back to living in the dorms?
We are prepared to make aJjustments in response to· cbanging student life styles and thus make dorm life more attractive to students. We .now have new game rooms and a lounge at the Complex. The experiment with Open Dorms has been well received and we anticipate that. a recommendation for a new policy in this regard be presented to our Board. I am ready to work with our students to explore other changes that are needed to attract other students into the dorms.
Costs of room and board seem to be the biggest problem and we're analyzing this problem to see what 0an be done. Dr. Rosenberg is preparing to. conduct a survey of off campus students to find what changes could be made to attract them to live in the dorms. We welcome student ideas and suggestions as we deal with this very important · matter.
high schools throughOut the area to the College to tour the campus and get information about the College and the programs we offer. They will be able to use this information in advising their students who are interested in the College.
We have modified our general studies program to make it more attractive to students. We have devised Social Work and Recreation Leadership programs, as well as !lew programs in several fields, such as Commercial Art, broader Vocational Technical programs, Agribusiness Management, and programs in the Allied Health fields
We are trying to discover additional sources for financial aid for our students. We are increasing our efforts in helping students find part time jobs. We have made application for federal anf fourtdation funds for developing new programs.
We are also taking steps to make Peru's social life more attractive for our students. Is it true that there's a possibility that Peru's name will change, to what, ·why? ·
Currently there is a change developing in the role and mission of the college, moving from a single campus, singlepurpose institution to a multicampus, multi-purpose regional state college.
The students should communicate with us and inform us of those who are outstanding as. teachers, as well as any who may not be meeting the educational needs of students. I ·feel we have a good staff who are sincerely working to provide the best possible educational experience for our students. The homecoming theme was "There's a New Day Coming at Peru". Do you find this to be true?
Yes, we are moving forward in response to the changing needs of the students and residents of southeast Nebraska. There is much to be done, but with the support of our staff, students, and people in our region, I am very optimistic about the fUture. While our College has a tradition and heritage of which we can all be proud, I believe our best days lie in the future as we respond to the challenge before us.
New security offered by force
Peru State is offering a new service this year in its mobile security force which is an duty night and day. With a patrol car at their disposal, the three-man crew is able to offer 24 hour security by splitting duty.
Ramsay recita I December 3
ASenior Recital will be given by Karen Ramsay on December 3, 1972 at 3: 00 in the Fine Arts Auditorium.
Karen will sing Chiamano Mi Mi from LaBoheme by Puccini and Traume by Wagner. Her accompanist will be Debbie Coffelt.
Karen's recital fulfills one of the requirements for music majors.
PSC secretaries meeting held
The Peru State College Secretaries Association met Tuesday, November 21 at the college.
The date for the annual Christmas Tea for students was set for Monday, December 18. A Christmas party and gift exchange will be held at the home of Lucy Majors on December 19.
Ferne Stephens and Caryll Ubben reported on the Nebraska Educational Secretaries Association meeting which they attended at· Grand Island on October 20 accompanied by Maryanna Gnade.
What is your opinion on open dorms visitation? ·
I feel students are adults and the old concept of "in loco parentis" is no longer valid. Students, as adults, should be
We are extending our operation off campus into learning centers in Southeast Nebraska communities, in response to the changing educational needs of the people able to make decisions to govern we serve. their lifestyles. Rules and In keeping with this transition, regulations applied to them by it seems appropriate that the the college community should be name of the College be Southeast kept to a minimllIIl. Nebraska State College, and it
The involvement of students appears that we will recommend h this to the Board, perhaps by on t e Peru Campus is next fall. We have discussed this significant in that there is student representation with full idea with the Board, students, voting privileges on our College faculty, and public and the committees and councils. I am response has been very favorable. impressed with the quality of student input and ideas as they What 1s the best way? for a have participated in these ·ac- , student to promote Peru. tivities. \ Our best are Do you feel liquor will ever be students. .mterested m allowed in the dorms? the College will hsten to them ·· There are, strong sentiments more to anyone against liquor on the campus By back to and any change in current communities and telling. high regulations would have to come school students and through legislative action. A there h.ow om: College helpmg strong demand from the public them m their our could initiate such legislation. students can. What is being done to interest Th.ey their friends high school students in Peru? considering gomg to college to
We are developing new come to the Campus guests, promotional literature so that and can .submit to our we may more effectively tell the Adm1ss10ns Office the names story of the College. We have a and addresses of prospective new Admissions Office located students whom they know. in the Administration Building Wherever they. go, our where prospective students may students should let it be known be counseled. Mr Stone is con- they are students at Peru State tactirig more schools and in- College. When they graduate or viting more students to visit the leave, they should.becom.e College. Our Student Admissions of the Peru Associations Committee is working with Mr throughout the nation who work Stone and Mr Hoemann. This to support the College. Committee will be contacting Are there any .big changes you prospective students during the plan to make m the faculty or holidays. admistration if you become
We are also getting from our president Peru State? alumni names of prospective I would like to hear from the students. On December 6, Mr students abo.ut their assessment Stone will have counsellors from of the effectiveness of our staff.
Floyd Palmer, security man, is beginning his sixth year at Peru and his third on the security force. He and George Wendel were · among thirty-two men participating in a security ·school at Eastern Kentucky University in Rich= mond, Kentucky. Palmer and Wendel were the · only Nebraskans to participate in this two week course.
Sharing duties with Palmer are Richard Gilbert, a three year veteran of security, and Howard Allgood.
The security force is responsible for keeping order on the campus, checking Peru State buildings and controlling traffic.
Council discusses money projects
The President's Council met November 27 to discuss various ways of raising money for weekend activities at PSC. The members decided not to hold a carnival after the dance following the basketball game on December 8.
Most members felt the dance was enough and students wouldn't be willing to stay for a carnival.
The presidents and vicepresidents discussed such activities as selling concessions, performing at coffee houses, and sponsoring ice-skating parties as possible means of making money.
The council will meet at a later dafe to present further information concerning the money situations of their organizations. Each organization will meet to discuss muney-making plans.
The evening was spent making pine cone turkey favors for Thanksgiving for the patients in the Auburn Hospital and the Good Samaritan Home. Refreshments were served by Jeannine Luther and Marilyn Stones.
Switchboard operator in 12th year
Operator of the switchboard and mailroom at Peru State College is Mrs Ferne Stephens. She has been the switchboard operator for 11 years and she is in charge of the mailroom which is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during the school year. · Ferne's duties are metering the outgoing mail of the college, car scheduling, mail sorting, and operating the switchboard.
In 1956, she was first employed at the Bob Inn snack bar which was then located in Delzell Hall. Ferne then worked at Mt. Vernon Hall, the old mens' dormitory located about where the student center is today. After ·leaving for a few years, Ferne came back in 1960 and worked i the cafeteria. The next year sh became the switchboar operator.
The post office in the a ministration building was n always located in the sa place. Before the Ad buildi was remodeled, the post offi was in the presidf>nt's office an the switchboard was in th dean 's ___ offfce. After th remodeling, Ferne-was given th mailroom job along wit operating the switchboard. Feelings about her job reflec "Every day is different and it' working with people. I enjoy it.'
"Last of Red Hot Lovers" portrayed by students
By: MARY CREWSember 7th, and 8th, the "THE LAST OF THE RED LOVERS" will be ready for ing, with the intimate er setting o( the Student r bringing out the comedy entire: ordeals.
b ·Wernsman, only male in the production, portrays y Cashman; a 47 year old Barney owns a fish urant, and is a married truly satisfied with his wife a after 23 years of a happy ·age, decides to have an ·r.
man of true-blue spirit, loyal e core Barney decides to 'ttle spice into his life, and thinks .all men should, , he takes advantage of m one more time. mother is gone from her
len 's secretary
"What is it !ike being Glen Hunter's secretary?" was the
horseback riding and enjoying her family.
Hrs. Jacobitz remodels
question. "I enjoy. working for him very much, he's a good boss, Peru State's own interior considerate, fair to his em- decorators are busy remodeling ployees, and makes sure Mrs Vicki Jacobitz's office. everything is done right!" was Members of the home the answer. management class have been These remarks came from working on the office which will Mrs Richard Parriott, who is in also be used as a fitting room. her fourth year of working as Mr Painting file cabinets, contact .Glen Hunter's secretary. papering drawers, dying and Mrs Parriott.who's job is to making curtains, remake out a daily report on what upholstering a chair and is taken in and spent as well as refinishing the arms and legs making out the payrolls_, was are projects the class has unborn and raised in Peru. But dertaken. before working for Hunter she The floor of the office was was in retirement along with her painted to create a stone-like husband who was a farmer. look. The room is also equipped She later found that she with a three way mirror. The couldn't "sit still" and found the book shelf was covered with job as a secretary. Mrs Parriott scraps of wallpaper and fabric. was once employed at G & s a Sevel'al of the girls in the class sewing factory in Auburn. ' will also help with a Some of Mrs Parriott's hob- redecorating project of the bies include: training horses, lounge at Davidson-Palmer.
apartment for a period, so he singularly invites his play-mates there.
Barb Wilkensen features as Elaine Navazio; a sexy but cultured, sophisticated woman in her late 30's, is Barney's first lady friend, in a 'sequence of three, that is invited to his mothers place. Elaine is married and is completely dissatisfied; not only with her marriage, but with the world in general.
Barney, not successful with Elaine, moves on to his next fling, which includes Mary Weber, as Bobbi Michele; an aspiring young actress of 27. Bobbi seems to be very flighty, and noted more for looks than intellegence, she is single and only temporarily on Barney's mind.
Linda Doty, as Jeanette
Fisher had giveyi Barney the sign of interest at a dinner with her husband and B"lrney. and his wife. She secretly cornered him in the kitchen. She was one of Thelma's best friends and feels bad about their relationship. Jeanette is 39 years of age and is singulary the most depressed woman on the face of the · universe, .bitter about life and people in every sense of the word.
Through the torment and hassles, Barney saves his marriage, while learning a lesson never to be forgotten. The comedy, both entertaining and comical, is sure to please all senses of the emotional, and hysterical person.
The production is directed by Mark Hahn with the help of Pat Manley and is to be shown at 8:00 p.m. on the 7th and 8th.
New TVroom discussed
At the Tuesday meeting of the S.G.A. President Doug Fritz talked about a recommendation the student affairs commission made concerning the Student Center T. V. room. They suggei.ted that V. room be moved from it's present location to the north lounge in the back of the cafeteria.
The room vacated by the television would be used for a meeting room. The meetings would be scheduled through Mrs Chapin, Director of Student Center. The topic was tabled until next meeting.
The S.G.A. also voted on purchasing a full page for S.G.A. in the college yearbook.
The Student Government Association announced that they are sending representatives to the National Association of Students (N.A.S.) meeting in Hastings. The meeting will be at trastings College Saturday, December 2nd and 1:00 p.m.
NAS is a union of student government associations across the nation. They meet to discuss
the different phases of government concerning college students. Sponsoring this trip is Mr Salmela. Fred Robertson and Doug Fritz volunteered to attend. Any other students are invited to go.
Game Tourney Begins
The SCB began their annual game tournaments Monday afternoon: Games that are being played in the tournament include Table Tennis Singles, Table Tennis Doubles, Chess, Straight Pool, 8 Ball, and Snooker.
Games are scheduled to start at 3;30 and none are to be scheduled during the supper hour with the exception of Wednesday night. All games however, are subject to change. The tournaments will run through December 6. ·
For any changes needed or questions see Pat Prose.
Bob Wernsman and Barb Wilkinson rehearsing for "The Last of the Red Hot Lovers" to be presented December 7 and 8. udents witness w?rk being do?e north of the Complex. An ice skating rink is being planned for den!s and people the area mterested .in It is being organized on property ongtng to the Catholic ehurch. Mr Kruse, libranan 1s promoting the project. entatively the city will help build and will furnish the water.Could it be that fiie Peru Pedagogian, a major publication will be delivered by milkmen'?
Milkmen. to replace mailmen?
Instead of reading the morning newspaper at the breakfast table, how hould you like to read the new copy of Time, Sports Illustrated, or Playboy?
It could happen if publishers of major magazines find independent delivery services which will cut costs and improve service to their customers.
The plan is to employ milkmen, ·utility company meter readers, and even housewives to deliver magazines instead of the U. S. Postal Service.
Time-Life officials believe this plan will soon go into effect because their magazines are delivered too slow and sloppy by
In Providence, Rhode Island, Time-Life Inc. Publishing Company will soon join with H. P. Hood, Inc"one of the state's largest dairies and in Florida magazine companies are already using local residents to deliver their products.
Time-Life officials also believe this plan would help out milk-<lelivery firms in cities which are having customers dropping their services.J;>ecause of the higher costs for homedelivered products. Magazines would be delivered whether they buy milk or not.
Customers would get
magazines without address labels, which would save publishers money and would be contained in plastic bags attached to doorknobs. ·
, Top postal officials don't like the new competition, and union leaders representing mailmen aren't crazy about the idea either. National Association of Letters Carrier, president James J. Rademacher wants this type of delivery banned.
Rademacher feels "It is an open invitation to burglars, adds to the litter problem .and poses a special danger to little children who might suffocate when playing with the pla,stic bags."
Peru grad becomes playwright
Dr. E. P. Conkle is a 1932 graduate of Peru State College.
· He is also a drama professor at the University of Texas and an accomplished playwright.
Probably Dr. Conkle's most successful work was "Prologue to Glory", a play about young Abraham Lincoln, which was produced on Broadway in 1938 and was numbered among the best plays of that year by Burns Mantle.
"Prologue to Glory" was among the works produced on NBC's Great Plays Series in 1944. It was also shown on Theatre Guild of the Year in 1946 and on the Kraft Television Theatre in 1952.
Other plays of Conkle's were produced professionally. His ··200 Were Chosen" was' Jroduced at .the 48th Street fheatre in New York in 1937; "Don't Lose Your Head" at the Saville Theatre in London in 1950; and "The Delectable
Judge" at the Areana Theatre in Washington, D. C. in 1951. CBS radio aired a 52-episode radio drama series entitled "Honest Abe" in 1942. One cf his plays, "Fresh From Heaven", a story about Johnny Appleseed which has been made into a musical, is currently being produced by the University of ·Texas Drama Department.
Dr. Conkle has been affiliated with the Fine Arts Department at the University since 1939. Some of his drama students have ha dprofe:>sional successes in New York and Hollywood themselves. Among them, Tom Jones, ("The Fantasticks" J, Theodore Apstein Oliver
Hailey, and Will Green.
Dr. Conkle feels that Tennessee Williams, with 'whom he has been acquainted since working as a teaching assitant at the University of Iowa in 1936, is the most influential playwright living today.
He does not object to the trend towards nudity in drama, but he feels that the most difficult and demanding task of the playwright is exploring the depth of the human condition.
Even though he is writing a · book on techniques of playwrighting, he still plans to find the time to write more plays. "I have dozens of ideas in my head," he says.
December I 2
ecember 15
December28 29
January 16
·January 19
February 13
February 16
February 19
Friday 1.
Basketball Schedule J(, 1972-1973 '( William Penn Oskaloosa, Iowa! at Simpson Indianola, Iowa\ at Tarkio Parsons Fairfield, Iow '; UN-Omaha$ at Doane Crete, Nebrasitai: at Midland Fremont, Nebrask' Doane Invitational Tourne * Crete, Nebraskiti at Mount Marty Collegej Yankton, S. at Dakota Wesleyan'.\ Mitchell, S. Kearney State Doane at Wayne State Colleg ''. Bellevue at at Chadron State at Kearney State Chadron State College, at Bellevue Mount Marty College Tarkio College. Wayne State
oach: Jack Mcintire
All Games at 7:30
Bobkittens victorious
The Bobkitten volleyball team decided the match brought home two victories outscored NWU 15-9. November 19 to widen their Concordia was the next vi season record to 6-1. as the Peruvians upended t
'In the two matches played on in the three game match the Nebraska Wesleyan court scores of 15-8, 11-15 and 15 the 'Kittens defeated Wesleyan June Bottcher led Pe in two straight games. Peru · scoring as she tallied 22 poi jumped to a 4-0 lead in the first for the entire day. Other scor game, ·but Wesleyan closed the for Peru came from J gap. From then on the scoring Green's 17 points, Arie see-sawed back and forth, but Doeden's 17, Kris Rotter's when the time ran out at 15-all, Barb Jones' and Patty J the 'Kittens went on to take the son's 6, apiece and Gail H
r-gam_e sec-ond-gam_em_on's-3.
JEAN BLAZERS SWEATERS IN OUR JR. "3-13" CORNER Baggies Monster Legs Shrink Blouses
Auburn, Nebraska Ph. m.4302
Style to suit you when you go to
7:30 next victim upended them match b and 15-1. led Peru's tallied 22 points
Other scoring from Jane points, Arlend Rotter's 9
Patty John'.
Gail Harlouses uners 872-6355
iyme-out r spo.rts
By JOHN VICKERS• ootball 1972 at PSC was not ·ctly a bouquet of roses as 'shad hoped, but 1972 was, in of victories, a step up· rd.
· ter a fast start the 'Cats jiped five games fn a row. In
·: middle of that skid the in.1es began to hit. When the
• cats lost Criger, Mcintyre, :chen, Hinton, Tennal, Jets, Thompson, and several ; rves to injuries, it wasn't ;d to see why those five games .d be lost. On the plus side, era! gained ·· erience which will aid the in '73.
·; oking ahead to 1973, the ts should return lettermen at John Winkel may
· hard man to replace at end, ough soph Bill Hosack was t ressive in several games as
:. b. Hosack also filled a late
:son spot in the secondary g a more than adequate job.
.: roughout the year, teams
:e able to exploit the 'Cat pass effectively. Finding four who can stay with a iver probably will be a
· e consideration next fall.
's defenders as a whole had '\speed to cover any receiver
·. faced, but often failed.
• the offensive line the 'Cats ed to show improvement in stages of the season.
· el was the only senior along orward wall. This line could strong point by next fall, rning Rich Leech, Gus
:·icek, Dennis Stones, Rick .· ftey, Steve Krajicek, and Ario 'k
: en you discuss backs the
;e to begin is Barry Reed, 225 lb. fullback. Reed ed to prove more capable of truction as the seaso11 ressed. The straight ahead ·
•rr of Reed can be nothing
4.a headache to any defense. that frosh fullback
·:e Mcintyre will not return to next fall. Depth at the
.k positions was not a
)gth of the Bobcats.
;efully, recruiting will ; iate this problem.
·· ery Wallace had few signs
1972 PSC Accumulative Statistics (10 games)
of his previous season's ability. Kim Tennal was hurt much of the season. Jim Desbien was at times, and Dave McDaniel, a frosh, proved he was a capable sub when needed.
' At quarterback, the 'Cats seemed to lack not ability, but consistency. Tom Froehlich and Tom Purcell split the starting time after Criger's injury. Neither nian took charge, but both gave some hope for improvement.
In the defensive line the one notable change was the shifting
Gus Krajicek to tackle from end for· the Doane game. With the development of several defensive ends in late.season, Gus might be a logical choice to fill a middle guard or linebacker post next fall.
One of the most linfortunate things to.occur this season was the snubbing of John Winkel for All District II honors at end.
John Green, Doane, and Rod Frieling, Concordia, were first team selections. Wink outcaught both of these players in
team competition. His receiving statistics were also superior to Frieling's. Someone(s) must be blind. All-in-all it was an interesting season, and 1973 should provide more of the same for Bobcat fans.
Peru State sports history dates back to 1887 when Peruvians first played football. Then it was a "pasttime" and not sanctioned as a college activity.
1 elephant (medium size)
2 rabbits (optional)
S:ilt and pepper to taste
Cut·the elephant into bitesize pieces. This should take about12 months. Add enough brown gravy to cover, cook over kerosene fire for about 4 weeks at about 465 degrees. This will serve about 28 hundred people. H more are expected, two rabbits llJay be added, but do this only if necessary, as most people do not like to find hare in their stew.
37 lettermen announced
Dec.9 N.W.Mo. Maryville, Mo. Lincoln Univ.,_Mo.
Dec.14 Kearney State Peru Parsons, Iowa
Dec.16 Midland ' Peru
Jan.12 Midland· Peru
Jan.13 :Bellevue Bellevue Doane U.S.D. (Springfield)
Jan.19 Kearney State Kearney -
Feb. 24 Conference
Feb.27 Wesleyan
March3 District II NAIA
March 8--10 NAIA Nationals
Coach: Vincent Monseau
Athletic Director: Jack Mcintire
Publicity: Sue Fitzgerald
Team Nickname: Bobcats
Colors: Blue and white
Mcintire has
P.S.C. provides
I winner, one 2nd
Peru State College had one winner and a runner-up in the Bellevue College takedown wrestling tournfMllent November 18. The tourney was Jack Mcintire, who has spent held at Creighton Prep High most of his life in Southeast School, Omaha. Nebraska, will again be head Jim Cash, Erie, Pennsylvania, basketball coach in addition to won the 167 lb. weight class and football chores. 'Dean Anstey, Cumberland, He grew up in Nebraska City Iowa, was runner-up in the 177 and ·is now coaching basketball lb. class. Cash was an unatand'football for Peru State. tached wrestler, but will be Jack , graduated from eligible for the Peru varsity Nebraska City in 1934. He let- squad next semester. tered at "The City" one year in Peru wrestlers with one win, football and two years in one loss scores in the tourney basketball. Mclnitre went on to were Jack Stanley (Truro, Iowa) Peru State and graduated in 118 lb.; Dave Bolen, (Tama, nineteen forty one. At Peru Jack Iowa) 142; John Whisler, (Peru) lettered three years in football, 158; Rich Hoback (Union) 190. gaining all-conference honors; First season coach· Vince four years in basketball, also Monseau will direct the Peru gaining all-conference honors; season opener at College, and lettered three years in .,Crete, December 5 m a 7 p.m. track. · match. Seventeen matmen are Mcintire served forty two on the 1972-1973 PSC.squad. months in the armed service
Coach Jack Mcintire has announced thirty-seven lettermen from the 1972 Bobcat football squad.
An honorary letter was awarded to Earl Webb, Nebraska City, attending Peru State as a senior to complete his degree under the Army "Bootstrap" program. The- 40 year old Major lettered in 1951 and 1952 on NCC championship Bobcat teams.
Freshmen lettering include: Rick Farley, Syracuse; Greg Hahn, Auburn; Robert Herron, Omaha; Ivory Hunter, Omaha; John Whisler, Peru; Ray Woerlen, Brock and Ario Wusk, Sterling.
Sophomores named were: Harvey Dougherty, Jr., Martell; Rich Eischen, Algona, Iowa;·Bill Hosack, Wilber; Robert "Gus" Krajicek, Papillion; Lee Kramer, Wahoo; Henry McCullough, Cincinnati, Ohio; Dave McDaniel, Bethany, Missouri; Jim Rezac, Valparaiso; Dennis Stones, Sabetha, Kansas; Kim Tennal, Sabetha, Kansas.
Juniors listed are: Terry Criger, Nebraska City- Terry Elliott, Alvo; Tom Froehlich, Algona, Iowa; Tom Purcell, Ramsey, Illinois; Barry Reed, Henry, Illinois; Gordon Thompson, Lake Charles, Louisiana; Avery Wallace, Alton, Illinois; Rod Wartman, Calumet City, Illinois; Bob Winter, Eagle.
Seniors lettering are: Dan Cotton, Humbuldt; Jim Desbien, Damar, Kansas; Jim Hinton, Lake Charles, Louisiana; Ken Kamman, Farragut, Iowa; Richard Leech, Beatrice; Steve Mergen, Whittemore, Iowa; John Waters, Williston Park, New York; John Winkel, Whittemore, Iowa.
8a.m.-5:30p.m. THURSDAY8-8 Weekly
Auburn, Nebr.
BROTHERS OPPONENTS, STILL FRIENDS - Rod an Mike Wartman, brothers from Calument City, Illinois, battle as opponents on the Peru State College football field Novem 8, but emerged friends after the Doane-Peru 26-20 skirmish. R played defensive back this season for PSC while Mike played t same position for Doane College. With both playing defensive! the brothers weren't on the field at the same time - whi might have their brotherly affectiQu - b\lt both tered game action without thoughts of charity. Witnessing t clash were their parents, Mr and Mrs Rod Wartman, Sr., 5 Superior, Calumet City, their sister, Cindy, and uncle, L Wartman. Doan_e faces a possible playoff and post-season bo bid after being ranked number 3 nationally in NAIA Division I after their 10-0 season.
Pictures of underclassmen :;:;
'.fuesday and Wednesday, There are 10 extra 197 :;:;: December 12 and 13. · The :;:; Peruvians for sale at $10.: hours Tuesday are from 9-4. each. Room 206, Ed. Buildin and Wednesday 10-5. :;:; mornings.
There will be no charge.
.- = 7 QI!\ during World War II. Upon his ' '
discharge he returned home to r G teaeh and coach at Peru. · • •
In 1957 Mcintire was honored by being installed in uie lrelrt\ ;&Hall of Fame. He was awarded this honor for his coaching success at Peru State.
E. Mann''
Dean Coulter Prop.
Closed Wed. P.M. &Sat. P.M.
Jack has two children and two grandchildren. His son John and daughter Karen Ann are -both graduates of Peru. His nameisLuella. Nebr.City 119N.8thSt.' Phone 873-6180
]e$sup's Rexall Drugs
·dual posi"ti"on
lNovembtll' the ; lefensively, which en-
Peru Pedagogian
Student grant investigated
A new concept in educational assistance, entitling every student to a grant of $1,400, is now being investigated by Congress according to Mr. Donald Miller. Mr Miller explains by saying that this form of Higher Educational Amendment for 1972 authorizes the establishment of a Basic Educational Opportunity Grant that "states that every student that continues his education beyond high school is entitled to $1,400 to continue his education."
According to Mr Miller the first source of the $1,400 is to come from the parents expected contribution, from therethe student is eligible for a grant equal to the difference between
SGA holds . session
Arab views
of Peru
e vast majority of students .S.C. being from the U. S., igners are a distinct rity, although the ranks been increased lately.
raham A. Skafi, Ziad R. er, Yaser F. Eddmeiri are om Jerusalem who have to study in the United s. Nairn D. Beituni, ·also Jerusalem is a sophomore .s.c. raham, 23, a native of a 1 II town near Jerusalem, is a family of eight. father is a store owner in untry. His two stores are care by his sons and f. raham went to school and uated from 'Rashida'. there he had planned to college education in Egypt the flare-up, then decided me to the U. S. came after receiving a from his brother-in-law in go. asking if he would like me to this country.
ile spending almost two s there, he had attended the CA and learned the rican language. anning an education in ineering, he decided to at-
lend 'Chicago Tecnmca1 College', though the American leaching and language hindered him. He decided to stay, 'but it was very hard at 'CTC' for me', Abraham explained.
During this lime, he had been writing to Nairn Beituni who was attending P.S.C. and a friend at home. He then decided to attend Peru State and is now majoring
in Business
Coming to the U.S: next was Ziad Rashad Ennazer, a 22 year old from the New Jerusalem. Raised in a family of six brothers and four sisters. he ' went to school, achieved. good grades and was the champion m lwxing in all high schools in his country. After finishing high · school, Ziad worked as a tourist 1guide. aided by his ability to speak 3 languages: Arabic; English, and Hebrew. It also •encouraged him to come to America. "I met many American people while I was working as a guide, so after that I decided to come here to the u.1 S. to continue my studies" says ZIAD.
Due to the failure to attain a quorum the S.G.A. did not have a formal meeting Tuesday night, December 5. The small group that was in attendance held an informal session for forty five minutes.
President Doug Fritz reported on a trip he took to Hastings College Saturday, December 2. He and Fred Robertson along with sponsor Mr. Salmela went to National Association of Students (NASl Meeting held there.
Fritz reported, ."The Nas is a newly formed group stemming from the disbanded NSGA or National Student Government Association. The old group disbanded because of a lack of organization and a loose constitution. At the NAS meeting the following motion was made and seconded 'Be it hereby resolved that NSGA be disbanded pending formal organization of NAS and at that lime all the NSGA funds be transferred to the NAS account. Be it further resolved that ·the NSGA ·constitution be referred lo the By Law Committee of the NAS. "The motion was passed. Unlike the old NSGA which had an elected student chairman, the NAS will have a permanent non-student director to schedule the time and place for meetings." Fritz went on to say, "There were 7 colleges attending the Hastings meeting. NAS is not too far along yet but after a constitution is drafted more organization will come. If there is a constitution drafted they can apply for federal financial aid for the program.
$1,400 and the parents expected contribution. The parental contribution, however, can not exceed one-half the cost of attending the institution if the student is to qualify for additional funds.
Afamily Financial Statement will have to be filled out by the student, and or the student's family, to report the parental income and assets to determine what the parents could contribute. Mr Miller suggests that every student at Peru who is interested in such a program should apply now and fill out their family financial statement.
Even though the program has been authorized by Congress funds have not been ap-
propriated. Mr Miller relates that speculations tell us that it will be possibly March or April at the earliest before we know if we will receive any appropriations. Mr Miller goes on to say that "it is estimated that to fund this program will take around 900 million and 1.6 billion dollars."
It is important to note that if the proposed plan passes we will continue to have the present Education Supplementary Plan, Work Study program and Loan program. However, if Congress doesn't appropriate this much every student's grant will be cut back appropriately according to Mr Miller.
There will be a dance in the Gym after the game, music by Red Dog Cookiri Music
ABoard meeting will be held in the West Dining room of the Student Center, from 8 a.m. tiil 2 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will be served.
Trivia of Games during Student Play Production, LAST OF RED HOT LOVERS.
ACT testing will be held in the Fine Arts building 212 from 8 till 12
Swing Choir Clinic at 9:00 a.m. in F. A. Building Auditorium and rm. lll
Christmas Choral Concert, 4 p.m.
Volleyball game at Clarinda, 7:30 p.m.
Intramurals 6:00 till 10:00
English Club will meet at 7:00 p.m. in Fine Arts, room 105
ALPHA MU OMEGA will have a meeting in the Nl/2 of the West Dining Room at 7:30 p.m.
Geography Club meet in the Ed. Bldg. rm. 110 at 3:30 p.m. Home Ee meeting in the Ed Bldg rm. 304 at 6: 00 p.m.
All day Campus grounds Snowmans contest.
P.SSSSSSSChristmas party at 7:00 p.m. in the Ed. Bldg., rm 300
Basketball with UNO at 7:30
PHI BETA LAMBDA at 6:30 p.m.
Student Government Association will meet at 6:00 p.m. in Fine arts 212
Kiwanis t<i meet at 6:30 p.m. in the S1h of the West Dining Room.
Circle Kmeeting at 4: 15 in the S\6 of the West Dining room.
W.A.A. 6 p.m. till 10 p.m.
End of Men's Night Classes
Wrestling in the Gymnasium With Kearney at 7:30
GOOD BYE COLUMBUS SCB movie at 7:00 p.m.
Student Center Board meeting at 5:00 p.m. in N1h of West Dining Room
Faculty meeting at 3:30 p.m. in the Administration building room 105,
Friday December 8 '
Red Hot Lovers· termed great
By JOHN M. THOMASLast night was the opening night of "The Last of the Red Hot Lovers," by Neil Simon. In this production by Peru State College, the actor and three actresses all do fantastic jobs with their characters, and display a great deal of professionalism.
Bob Wernsman, the only male in the cast of four, does an outstanding job portraying Barney Cashman, who strikes out three times in his attempts at a love affair. His performance is truly a memorable one.
Wernsman is surrounded in the show by a bevy of beauties. Playing Elaine, Barney's first attempt on the rocky road of love, is Barb Wilkinson. With the grace of a true actress, Miss Wilkinson does a fantastic job with the character of Elaine, the sarcastic dissatisfied, married woman, who hits Barney with a continual stream of put-downs.
In the character 9f Bobbi Michele, the ding-a-ling, aspiring actress, and Barney's second attempt is Mary Weber.
Miss Weber's· portrayal of Bobbi, who is noted more for her beauty than her brains, is extremely comical. I feel that Miss Weber's performance is the comedy highlight of the show. Rounding out the cast, and equally great in her part isLinda Doty. She is well cast in the part of Jeanette, the middle aged neurotic wife of Barney's best friend. She brings across the character of Jeanette, who feels she is the most depressed woman on earth, with flying colors.
All of the characters work well together, and the director, Mark Hahn, is to be congratulated for a great show. I have worked, had roles in several shows and directed one show at PSC, and I feel that I can say that this is one of the best, if not the best show, that I have seen.
Performance time tonight, the last night of the show, is·at 8:00 in the Student Center Lounge. Anyone who has not seen this show should make an effort to see it. It is well worth the time!!
Arab views of Peru
The first place he lived in the U.S. was in Chicago, where his brother lives, and is raising his: family. There he took two English language courses. Meeting and living with the two others from Jersalem, they came to Peru to attend school.
Ziad is also majoring in business.
"I hope to finish my high education here, with good grades, although we do have to study harder. Reading the chapters over and over to get all we can from them."
Yaser Eddmefri, age 22, one in a family of 8 children came to Chicago in September of 1970. Attending Morton College, he transferred here to Peru State with Abraham, and Ziad, to study Business Administration.
"P .S.C. is a good college and · we were gracefully welcomed here by MrsLiewer,, Mr Miller, and Gary Hoenian. Everyone has helped us, and we appreciate it very much."remarked Yaser. Yaser is very pleased with the way that his teachers give him extra time to help him with any academic problems he may have.
Before coming to America he graduated from school in Jerusalem, and then worked pricing merchandise for a construction company.
Attending P. S. C. and now a sophmore is Nairn Beitumi, age· 22.Naim has been in the U.S. for only two years. He worked in Chicago for short time before coming to school. There are five others in his family, and one of his brothers also lives in Chicago. Nairn too, studies Business Ad., and is happy with the instructors and surroundings. After finishing his education, he hopes to find a job in this country because he ioves it but misses the sports. "I wish had a soccer team here," says Nairn with disappointment; This reporter was invited to a supper <>f "Arabian .Pizza".
About the size of a miniature pizza, with homemade crust and
Ramsay recital performed December 3
hamburger, and various spices, it is baked to a crusty, good flavor. • "'-'
Abraham likes our food but prefers his Arabian food because
he likes the variety of spices that their food offers. Ziad feels opposite that of Abraham "I am from a different country and have faced many different foods since I have been here, but I think I like steak the best". Nairn isn't sure which he likes best but it is sure that "I love beef stew." ._
Answering things discussed and one of the most interesting to many is that of the customs concerning the male and female asspects on life, and the way they are brought up to live and rules they abide by. They said that during gradeschool and up, the boys and girls were separated into different schools until about 10 years ago. Much of this is still believed ·by many, and disliked. The schooling is separated into levels which the students have to pass, well over the percentage, to go on to different and higher grade levels.
The girls are not allowed to date till they are engaged; though they may go to parties and such with parents, and the boys may go to these parties and dance and talk under the supervision of adults. At an older age the girls are able to go out only if engaged and are only engaged after the parents talk with the boy. ,Asked about. future plans and education1 Ziad seems to have summed up the discussion by saying "I like the girls in America because they are kind and friendly but they are much different here, frorn. the girls at home." He also talked of the wars and history of Jerusalem, and about the present hassle between the Arabs and Jews. Nairn expressed his thoughts as "About the problem between the Arabs and the Jewish, all that we ask for is PEACE and JUSTICE"
Karen Workman Ramsay, mezzo-soprano, performed a vocal music recital Sunday, December 3, in the Benford Recital Hall on the Peru State College campus: The Humboldt music senior is a voice student of Professor Edward Ca mealy. Her solo recital fulfills a requirement toward a Bachelor of Fine Arts
degree in music education, anticipated in May, 1973.
Program selections were: "Quae morebat" from Stabat Mater Dolorosa, Pergolesi; "Tu lo sai", ·Torelli; "Traume", Wagner; "Die zwei blauen Augen" from Songs of a Wayfarer, Mahler; "Habanera" from Carmen, Bizet; "Si, mi chiamano Mimi" from LaBoheme, Puccini; "O Thou That Tellest" from the Messiah, Handel, organ accompaniment by Dr. Gavin L. Doughty; "The Vain Suit", Brahms, .duet with Maynard Geschke, tenor, Avoca; "A Sa Guitare", Poulenc; "I Tremble
"Messiah" to be presented Sunday
When", Debussy; "Wake With The Dawn", Leoncavallo. Accompanying Mrs Ramsay was Debby Coffelt, Oakland, Iowa.
Coming events on the Peru campus include: Decemper 5 - Music students' recital, 8: 15 p.m., Benford Recital Hall.
It's lime to brush off the d from one of the oldies goodies and take a stroll do memory lane.
Where were you about t time three years ago when English group called Led pelin released "Led Zeppelin I ' (Atlantic SD 8236)?
Led Zeppelin with their v h'ard rock sound, mostly writ by ex-Yardbird Jimmy P and guitarist Robert Plant, w al the time ahead of their ti "Led Zeppelin II" is one of best selling albums in the hist of Atlantic Records.
The album starts with "Wh Lotta Love" one of the ye best singles. "What Is And Should Never Be" another g cut is next. "The Lemon So follows and if you could b through that for six minu you'll be rewarded with "Th You". a beautiful love bal which is probably their bests ever.
Side two has some good cuts "Heartbreaker", "Livi Loving Maid (She's Just Woman)" and "Ramble 0 Led Zeppelin was the m trend three years ago they're still good for a listen and t:B&,. but where are t now? P. S. Edgar Winter back up by West, Bruce and Laing the Pershing Auditorium Lincoln tomorrow night. F Zappa was there last Sun night. Byrds in Iowa City _tomorrQW night.
December 7-8- "The Last of Gress appointed the Red Hot Lovers", Student Center lounge, 8 p.m., student director, Mark Hahn, Auburn.
December 10 - CollegeComl\lunity Messiah, 4 p.m., Mr Kenneth T. Gress has b College Auditorium. appointed to serve as E
December 11-21 - Paul Fell Employment Opportun (Auburn High School art in- (EEO) Officer for the Peru St structor) Art Exhibit, Diddel College. It is his responsibilit Exhibition Court, Jindra Fine insure that all employees Arts Center. applicants for employment
January 15-26 - Kirk Dau, treated equally in all aspec PSC senior Art Exhibit, Diddel their relationship with Exhibition Court, Jindra Fine College. Further, he Center· receive, report and investi
January 21 - Debby Coffelt any and all complaints senior piano recital, Benford allege discrimination by t Recital Hall, Jindra Fine Arts of race, creed, color, Center. religion, sex, or national
January 28 - Dianne Dunn In addition to our m senior piano recital, Benford commitment in this regard, Recital Hall, Jindra Fine Arts College is required to com Center. with the 1972 Amendments to All events are open to the Equal Employment Opportun public and free of charge except Act, the Nebraska Fair the Neil Simon play for which ployment Practices Act, there will be a 75 cent admission other rules and regulati charge. governing equal employm
students wanted by discriminated against sh
The Christmas portion of Hunter to form a food promptly report all Pertin Handel's "Messiah" will be mittee _If interested contact* Facts of the matter to Mr Gr Presented in the Peru State· :g h" t 52 ·.. He may be reached at d im a ex. · :>i Business Office. ·
invited, free of charge.
The choir of 75 meJ.Ilbers, composed of college choir personnel and· guest. community singers, will be directe:l by Edward PSC ch01r director. Dr. Gavm Doughty, Peru State music department chairman, will be organ accompanist. Karen Ramsay, Peru music major frorµ Humboldt, omitted from a list of sol01sts earlier.
·· i ·.
Managing Editor Bob Wernsman Chuck Smith
very written Page were time. the history
"Whole year's What good Song" bear minutes
"Thank ballad song
"Living Just A On". music an no the back dLaing bee Equ portunit Stat 1nsibility oyees a yment a aspects with th wi investigat whi teas ag or· ·
eru State opens basketball season with win basketball
· ru State's Bobcat basketsquad drew first blood in season opening as they t the William Penn Tourney her 1and 2 at Oskaloosa, y night the 'Cats won a e battle over Graceland e, Lamoni, fowa, in an 80tory. Graceland was stingy first half and the 'Cats ed midway, 41-37. The half belonged to the ats as they forced rous turnovers and played offensively and defensively. urday night Peru faced m Penn in the Chamip match. The host team ictorious over Grinnel on y. Penn club could never t a real attack, and the led throughout the contest. lftime the Bobcats held a edge, and they sustained lead to the 53-48 finale. The give Coach Jack Mclntire's a 2-0 record. nias Montague led Peru's g Friday with 27 points. In ampionship game, junior
e transfer Bill Hunter, go, scored 20 points and amed the tourney's most hie player.
er and Montague earned on the all-tournament
mber 1. eland, 41, 1st half; 29, 2nd ; 70, final. S_tate, 37, 1st half; 43, 2nd
Great Gift Selection For All Occasions
Jessup's Rexall Drugs
half, 80, final Peru State - Double figure scorers
Ananias Montague, '/:1; Rex Beatty, 13; Don Monzingo, 12; Tom Froehlich, 10; Willian Hunter, 10. (Graceland statistics not available)
December 2 statistics:
Peru State, 27, 1st half; 26, 2nd half; 53, final.
William Penn, 23, 1st half; 25, 2nd half; 48 final.
Peru State: William Hunter, 20; Ananias Montague, 8; Rick Minor, 8; Bob Craig, 6; Rex Beatty, 5; Don Monzingo, 4; Tom Froehlich, 2.
William Penn: Gebhardt, 13; Rominger, 6; Higginbothem, 7; Nau, 6; Amble, 3; Frank, 2; Broden, 2; Laird, 2; Gray, 2; Anderson, 1; Jaimes, L
'Cat cagers
bow to Si mp son
Peru State's Bobcat cagers returned to the campus after their first road trip of the season with a 2-1 record, losing Monday night 63-60 to Simpson College, Indianaola, Iowa.
After capturing the William Penn tourney trophy in wins Friday and Saturday <December 1and2), the Bobcats were unable to put it all together
at the Simpson game. Simpson managed 15 free throws to Peru's 8. Simpson led 38-33 at halftime, but Peru came back to tie at 38 all, then retained the lead until the final 3 minutes of the game. The Redskins' Brent Peterson sunk two free throws to put the Indianola team ahead, 60-59, and they held the lead to the final gun. The Bobcats travel to Tarkio December 6and perform in their first home game of the season tonight against Parsons College of Fairfield, Iowa. Tipoff time is 7:30.
this over 53 years
John and Anna Cejka, prop. Tel. 872-5675
Peru, Nebraska Box.62'
Rex's ,Cafe and Tavern
Bob·kittens don't p-ussyfoot around Peru wrestlers
With state competition in view, Peru State College's women's intercollegiate volleyball team is sporting a 7-1 record. Two matches remain before the December 8 and 9 state tourney.
Coach Bonnie Rutz, with seven returning veterans, had a strong nucleus to form this year's Bobkitten squad. Returning are: Fritz Jones, Falls City; Kris Rotter and Jane Green. Brock; Patty Johnson, Humboldt; June Bottcher, Syracuse; Arlene Doeden, Cook and Debbie .Sears, Auburn.
Other team members are: Gail Harmon and Kim Albin Dawson; Deb Ehmen Pickrell: Ann Stukenholtz, Denice Lockwood, Brock; ·and· Pam Brinkman, Swanton.
The setter-spiker combination of Jane Green and Patty Johnson was the decisive factor in the first match of the .season when Peru trounced the Tarkio six in two straight games, 15-5 and 15-2. June Bottcher con.trolled Peru's serving for the match as she tallied 13 points.
The Doane Invitational round robin tournament posted a full day of competition for the gals as they played three matches.
Peru began the day by upending the host school 15-7 and 15-3. Wayne was the next victim as the 'Kittens won a victory with scores of 16-14, 1H5 and 156. Highlight of the match occurred in the first game when Peru broke the Wayne serve with the score at 11-14 and went on to win 16-14.
In the final match of the day, ·Peru met their first defeat of the ' season against a scrappy Chadron team, 12-15 and 10-15.
June Bottcher and Jane Green led Peru's scoring, accumulating 35 and 22 points.
Another win was added November 14 as they rolled past Tarkio in two straight games.
Two more victories were posted on the Nebraska Wesleyan court November 19. In a high scoring overtime game; Peru defeated Wesleyan 17-15 and completed the match with a second game win, 15-9.
Concordia fell to the 'Kittens in a three game match by scores
of 15-8, 11-15 and 15-1.
June Bottcher again led Peru scoring with 22. Jane Green ·followed with 17.
In their latest victory, Peru defeated Midland (Fremont) in two straight games November 27. Peru's Patty Johnson was cited for her outstanding spiking. rolling to a 15-7 victory in the first game, the 'Kittens had to overcome an 0-7 deficit in the second game. They knotted the score at 8-8, then went on to defeat Midland 15-10 as they captured game, match and victory number 7.
June Bottcher led scoring with 11 points; Jane Green scored 7.
Coach Rutz commented, "The team is showing a great deal of improvement as the season progresses. Our opponents have an edge on us as far as practice time and season matches are concerned, but morale is high and we hope to take state."
The remaining schedule includes: December 3- College of St. Mary, Omalia at Peru 2 p.m.; December 5 - Idwa • Western at Peru, 7:30 p.m.; December 8-9 - Nebraska
Women's Intercoliegiate Volleyball Tournament Chadron.
topple Dana
The Bobcat wrestiers of Peru State College took to the mat for their season opener at Dana College, Blair, November 30 and came out on top with a 27-16 victory.
First year coach Vince M.onseau said "I'm very pleased with the team effort exerted." He also had high praise for his young and less experienced grapplers.
The 'Cats accumulated victories in the 118 lb. weight class to the 177 lb. class. Peru winners were Jack Stanley, 118; Gary Lesoing, 126; Dave Bolen, 142; Rod Wartman, 150; Dean An- · stey, 177.
Tough, but inexperienced Dennis Mitchell, lost a close match in the 134 class as did Larry Pracht, to a former district runner-up in the 167 class.
Other Bobcats losing close matches were 190 lb. Dick Hoback, and heavyweight Jim Rezac.
Coach Monseau feels that if the progress shown so far this season continues, the 'Cats could have an exciting season ahead. Next on the schedule is a triangular meet December 9 2 p.m. with Lincoln University,
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134, Bob Coffey (DJ dee. Dell Mitchell 14-2.
142, Dave Bolen (P) dee. Kunaldt (D), 3-0
150, Rod Wartman (P) dee. R Beanson (D), 5-1
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Peru Pedagogian
Dr. Melvin was Dean of Peru State 14 years
Dr. Keith Melvin, former Dean of Peru State College, died Thursday night, December 7, at ;his home in Peru. Death occurred after the Peru fire department was summoned to the home to extinguish an electrical fire in the back portion of the home. He was 61 years of 'age.
Cause of death has not been determined, but.Peru fire and police officials report that Dr. Melvin was in the upper part of the house assisting firemen when he collapsed. Mrs Melvin was with neighbors after the fire
ernsman steps down as editor
ob Wernsman, first semester tor of the Peru Pedagogian, is rning with the Syracuse nal-Democrat.
ob, a junior majoring in nalism and speech, is the of Mr and Mrs Robert E. rnsman. He is a 1970 duate of Prague High School. ob is vice-president of the ma Club, president of Gavel Rostrum, past president of
Students changes minimal
the sophomore class, and a member of S. G. A. and the Student Admissions Committee.
Concerning his work on the Ped, Bob said "I enjoyed it and received good experience. I learned a lot. not only about journalism, but about people as well."
After graduation Bob plans to enter either the fielti of journalism or personnel management.
on pre-registration
1 Peru students will comtheir harvest of studies on ember 19th, the last day of ms and classes. The ester will officially 'end emhP.r 21st, so that means STUDYING during istmas vacation. his is the second consecutive that the semester· has ed before Christmas ation. Some people think it d be a good idea to preister for second semester. ments on the subject are as ows: 'arlene Mullens: "Yes, I k it would be a good thing. could plan your schedule e in advance."
n Boring: "Yes, but I would
like to see it in practical application."
Steve Knittle: "Yes, especially for upperclassmen. It would save time and confusion."
Maxine Behrns: "Yes, it wouldn't take as long and it would help the class closing · situation."
Mr John Hahn: "Yes, it would save time for the students and· give him more time to his advisor. It would also help the faculty."
Sheila Pohlman : "From a' senior point of view, there's· nothing to do on Tuesday when you register on Monday. It's a problem for interns to come back just for registration. I think it would also help faculty and the bookstore."
Dr. Max Smith, at convocation on December 13, assured students nothing would be changed as far as degrees and cousework at PSC.
Dr. Smith said that acquiring Pershing College at Beatrice is included in the proposal for making Peru a Southeast Nebraska College.
Pershing is set up entirely for academic work and would be used for classes that didn't require laboratories and equipment.
He stated the emphasis would be more vocational technical training at Peru, But this voctech would be an addition to work at Peru.
Under this proposal there would be teacher education classes at Beatrice and education majors would have the option of going all four years to Peru, or if they wanted, get training in special education, such as with handicapped children.
The proposal has been given to the slate board of trustees and a committee has been named by the board to get the proposal in shape for the meeting of the legislature and Dr. Smith was confident that the proposal would be accepted by the legislature.
Dr. Smith met with the governor Wednesday following the convocation to discuss this proposal.
broke out. Extensive smoke and water damage to the home· is reported.
After 14 years as Peru State's Dean of the College, Dr. Melvin returned to classroom teaching in January, 1972. The Reynolds, Nebraska, native was a 1932 graduate of Peru State, and returned to his alma mater as Dean in 1957. He held a similar position at McCook Junior · College from 1946 to 1955.
After graduation from Peru, Dr. Melvin earned MA and Ed. D. degrees from the University
of Nebraska. He taught mathematics and science at Upland, was coach and prjncipal at Syracuse, and served as superintendent at Blue Hill. Funeral services were held Monday, December 11, at 2p.m., Casey-Witzenburg Chapel, Auburn. Burial was held in Tecumseh.
Surviving are: his. wife, Martha McDougal Melvin, one daughter, Nancy Melvin, Phoenix, Arizona; and one sister, Edna Melvin, Reynolds,' Nebraska.
School's out Dec. 19th
Tuesday, December 19, is the last day of first semester classes. for Peru State College students. Classes will resume on Wednesday, January, 10.
Registration will take place on Monday and Tuesday, January 8 and 9. A schedule of classes which lists all registration times
·and classes that are to be offered' may be obtained at the registrar's office.
Friday January 19th will be the final day for adding courses, and Friday, February 9th is the final date for applications for. May 1973 degree candidates.
58 To graduate this semester
December brings out thoughts uf Christmas and long vacations, but for Peru seniors it signifies graduation and an end of four years of study.
The following seniors are candidates for the December Statement of Completion. If they are approved, they will receive their degrees at the commencement exercises in May. The degrees sought by the students are:
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education: Rodney B. Alberts, McCook, Music; John W. Brooks, Council Bluffs, Iowa, Music; Dayle Walker Tennal, Sabetha, Kan., Art.
Bachelor of Arts in Education: Suzanne K. Bennett, Murray, English and Library Science; Robert A. Cole, Julian. Social Science - Economics - History; Robert J. Davis, Corning, Iowa, Social Science-EconomicsHistory; Gary L. Grady, Falls City, Speech; David A. Huckins, Council Bluffs, Iowa, History; Wade E. Lair, Hamburg, Iowa, Social Science-HistoryGeography; Robert L. Maxson, Beatrice, Art; and Linda S. Stubbendeck, Syracuse, English and Speech.
Bach,elor of Science in Education: Kathleen S. Alberts, Cambridge, Elementary and Special Education; Mary J. Brooks, Huron, Kan., Library Science; Mary M. Conradt, Columbus, Elementary Education; Mary E. Eblen, Massena, Iowa, Health and Phusical Education; Norman J. Eschbach, Beatrice, Industrial Arts and Coaching; Leonald Fangmeyer, Deshler, Physical Education; Ricki A. Fictum, Wilber, Elementary Education; Janice Haack Gerdes, Johnson, Elementary Education; Wilma F. Gilliland, Humboldt, Library Science and Elementary Education; Bruce J. Goodwin, Saddle Brook, N. J., Industrial Arts and Driver Training; Ronald J. Grant, Madrid, Iowa, Physical Education; Louis J. Grasso, Roselle, N. J., Physical , Education, Driver Training and Coaching; Mary C. Harrahill, Omaha. Elementary Education;
By FRANK D'ADDESAVernon P. Hagen, Sterling, · Industrial Arts and Driver' Training; Carolyn J. Hopp, Beatrice, Elementary Education; Dennis E. Huffman, Clearfield, Iowa, Physical Education and Driver Training; Judy E. Hughes, Nebraska City, Elementary Education; William S. Iliff, Peru, Industrial Arts; Warren D. Jensen, Bennet, Elementary Education; Ronald J. Koester, Rulo, Physical Science; Bonnie M. Mehlin, ·Stella, Elementary Education; Sharon Nielsen, Weeping Water,
Elementary Education; Dianne J. Peterson, Peru, Elementary Education; Larry G. Peterson, Peru, Industrial Arts; Michael D. Pueppke, Lincoln,
Elementary Education; Terry D. Ratliff, Auburn, Physical Education and Coaching;'
Melissa A. Ross, Nehawka, Physical Education; Bonnie J. Rouse, Murray, Elementary Education; Mary K. Runkles, Rockport, Mo., Business Education; Daryl D. Wusk, Sterling, Geography; Steve A. Stubbendeck, Syracuse, Industrial Arts and Coaching.
Bachelor of Science: Imogene Kitto Boucher, Niobrara, Social· Science; Bruce L. Brummer, Wilcox, Business Administration; Donald M. Dahlke, Auburn, Math; Steven L. Gage, Lincoln, English; John L. Helm, Red Oak, Iowa, Social Science; Danny D. Jeanneret, Omaha, Health and Physical Education; Renato E. Korus, Chicago, Ill., Business Administration; Raymond T. Lubben, Peru, Geography; Deveron M. Mosier, Peru, Geography; William C. Peterson, St. Edward, Business Administration; Dennis R. Robertson, Fort Dodge, Iowa, Industrial Management Technology and Business Administration; Beverly A. Telschow, Red Oak, Iowa; Social Science; Charles M. Trailer, Atlantic, Iowa, Biology; Cheryl A. Vana, Plattsmouth, Engllsh; Brent A. Wilcox, Shenandoah, Iowa, Geography.
Associate in Arts: Evelyn M. Heebner, Avoca, SecretarialClerical; and Kay L. Hutzman, Nehawka, Secretarial-Clerical.
New course offered
A new course will be offered second semester at Peru State College - "Futuristics".
"Peru is possibly the first Nebraska college to offer the course;" stated C. Vernon Siegner, Dean of Applied Arts and Technology. The las't is listed as Industrial Arts 300 in the second semester schedule. The course will attempt to educate for the future and is linked with educational reform.
Study of the future is becoming a concern of students and teachers throughout the nation, Dr Siegner believes.
Studies began six years ago as an offbeat course in New York's New School for Social Research. To date the course is being taught at more than 200 of the nation's 2,500 colleges and universities, including such large schools as Yale and Princeton. The University of Minnesota has started a program leading to a degree in futuristics.
Peru students will probe into subjects such as "What will life, be like in the year 2,000?''. They will choose areas they wish to investigate, and discuss these topics in a seminar type class.
Dr. Thomas F. Scherer has been granted Amerleu · Citizenship.
Scherer becomes citizen
Dr. Thomas F. Scherer is now , an American citizen. He achieved citizenship December 7. Dr. Scherer is assistant professor of education at Peru State. He teaches educational psychology and educational measllrements. He is involved in the Head Start program by teaching a class on the disadvantaged child. Dr. Scherer also supervises student teachers.
Dr. Scherer, a native of Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada, attended high school until the · tenth grade. He went to Graceland College for two years and then to Central Missouri State where he received his Bachelor of Arts in history, sociology, and psychology, After receiving an M. S. in Education majoring in guidance and counseling, Dr. Scherer finished his Ph.D. in counselor education at the University of Wyoming.
Dr. Scherer taught at a one room country school in Ontario for six months. He next acted as teacher counselor at Knob Noster High School at a SAC base. He then went to Berkely
If you haven't done all of y Christmas shopping yet let suggest that you add Joni chell's "For The Ros (Asylum SD 5057) to your Everything about this alb is beautiful; the words, singing, the music, photography, and her messa In the album Joni gets help fr Graham Nash (harmonic Stephen Stills (vocal) and R Krmkel (Carol King's dru mer).
"Banquet" begins the alb and Joni tells how such a sim thing as the sea and nature valuable to her while so others think materialism more important.
Apast love which once serv as an escape is the messa behind "Lesson In Surviva Miss Mitchell keeps the m going with "Let The Wind Ca Me", a tense and dramatic pi in which a girl wants to lea home to find herself but her o protective mother doesn't derstand, "It's a rough road travel, Mama let go now i always called for me". '
Throughout the record especially these past two so the piano playing is very g They're not any great pieces work, but they excellently fit moods of her words. The pia isn't listed on the back of album but I guess it's Joni. A girl who just wants to her old flame again is tlie the in "See You Sometime". "
Turn Me On I'm A Rad which is played on FM radio i kicky litUe number which sho break into the top ten.
In The Bleache (Joni's a blonde) offers problems of the girl who's in 1 with a rock and roll m because she must compete the bands and fans. following song "Woman Heart and Mind", can summed up with the last 1 "You know the times you · pressed me most, are the ti when you don't try". The so about a man who tries to i press the women by be'
Junior High in St. Louis County,' Mo., for three years as a counselor. He was also a counselor at Kirkwood ·Senior High in St. Louis for fqur years.
Dr. Scherer is now in his fourth yeal' at Peru. He and his wife Bonnie have four children, Jeff, Shelley, and twins, Doris and Dorothy.
Commenting on his views of PSC, Dr. Scherer said, "I think Peru is an excellent college. The students and the faculty are excellent. I feel the students have a real good opportunity to betiefit· from the college. There is a lor of potential. I hope the students back it to improve the quality as it has had in the last 105 years. I really think it's a good school and I'm very happy
to have had a part of it."
something he's not. If I had to pick out someth· didn't like about the album would probably be at the end each side when the needle the empty grooves.
Roses" your list. album words, the the messages. from armonica), Russ drumalbum simple nature is some ;,rialism is served message Survival". mood Carry 1matic piece leave her over doesn't unroad to now it's. record and songs very good. pieces of fit the pianis of th Vickers, 'Addesa mstrong
Lainez Welch
Counsellors tour Peru
An .innovative first for Peru Lale was held on Dec., 6 when he High School - Guidance ounsellors Conference was llended by fourteen area epresenlalives.
The purpose of the gathering as lo acquaint the counsellors ith the college on a more rsonal basis. A visit to the mpus affords the chance of ecling physical ·facilities eling teachers, and students'. d an exchange of thoughts ncerning lhe merits of atnding Peru Slate.
The meeting and activities for day were supervised by Mr Stone, director of adssions, and Mr Gary emann, assistant director. e newly formed Student missions Committee .also in in planning the affafr. .Jne schedule included · (ration and coffee at the dent Center which gave the nsellors a chance to meet mbers of the faculty and ff. Two members of the dent Admissions Committee Wernsman and Mary ws, were in charge. A· ting with Acting President ith was held in the president's ference room at 10:30. Dr. ith titled his remarks· erything You Wanted To' w About Peru State But re Afraid To Ask." He tlined and explained the
essiah held
he College auditorium was site of the College Choir's Community Singers lation of the Messiah ay afternoon, December 4. Edward Camealy, contor, summed up the Sunday rnoon performance by ribing it as a "good solid ·ert." An estimated 250-300 le attended the concert h had taken approximately to prepare for, rdmg to Mr Camealy.
e program was presented embers of the college choir, 35 singers from the ounding communities who ticed on Monday evenings. Camealy announced that program was recorded and be heard this coming. Sunafternoon on the Nebraska radio station at 1:00 in the
l'ulure objectives of the college and answered questions.
Tours of the campus wer held from 11:15 lo 12:15. These tours were directed by the following members of the admissions committee; Joevette Farber Barb Wilkinson, Kim Fetters'. Mary Crews, and Steve Knittle.
After the tours a luncheon was held in the west dining room of lhe Student Center. The counsellors were s1>;if Prl with members of the student body· a11swered questions and com• mented about their feelings toward Peru State.
The deans of the college answered questions, explained objectives of their various· departments, and commented on their programs. The program then ended with final comments by Mr Stone.
The method of presenting the campus, staff, objectives, and programs at Peru State was a departure from the traditional ·idea of presenting only the strong points. Such problems as the outdated and inadequate gymnasium, the idea that Peru is a suitcase college, and drugs were openly discussed. Mr Stone and Mr Hoemann feel that any glossing over of P.S.C. problems would be self defeating.
Those attending fron1 area high schools included: Marvin Gerdes, William Spellman, Robert Krafta Farragut, Iowa; Gary Johnson, Fremont-Mills Iowa·
J. H. Wolf, Hamburg, l IL. Cooper, Humboldt; Father Mel Rempe, Nebraska City Lourdes; Doris McGaffey, Nebraska City High; Corwin Arndt Nelson, Willis Fain Shenandoah, Iowa; and Tom Whitney, Wymore.
All expressed appreciation and seemed particularly impressed with Peru's physical plant.
Mr Stone and Mr Hoemann expressed their desire that the conference become an annual event.
Students state activ.ities What circle k does f-0r vacation
By: BOBBI THIESFELDEverything from working to partying was included when PSC students were questioned concerning Christmas vacation. Plans students divulged were:
"Thinking mostly about planning for my wedding."Theresa Ewalt.
"Relax and sleep a lot, drive from Kimball to Omaha twice a week!" - Fred Morehouse.
"Prepare for the New Year." - Steve Gage.
"Work to pay for second semester." - Bob Wernsman.
"Looking up high school friends and working on my 'hobby'." Peggy 'Chickenhead' Kreifels.
"Getting a new band together since the Odyssey disbanded. The new group will have the same name though." - Dan Gruber.
"Working as a photographer. I plan on taking wedding pictures." - Chuck Smith.
"Waiting for the New Year's party!" - Connie Gregg.
"Go home and date my ex-boy friend." - Laurita Tackett.
"I hope to see all my relatives, friends, neighbors, and old girlfriends again. I'm also going lo fill up on my mom's Italian cooking." - Frank D'Addesa.
"Going to Kansas to Freddy's!" - Chris Berger.
"Work, play basketball, sleep a lot, drink, hustle, hunt, and do nothing!" - Stann Dunn.
"Seeing Bruce and ·having a good time." - Evelyn Heebner.
"Going to Colorado with another guy and four girls in a pick-up camper." - Dick Kohel.
"Sleep till noon, have fun, and spend a few days in Nebraska City visiting the Chipmunk." -
Pat, 'P.J.', Schultz.
"Having a good time and' meeting new friends." - Gordon Thompson.
"Might go to Colorado. I would like to go to the Big Eight basketball tournament in Kansas City." - Rick DeKlotz.
"Going to visit my grandma Annie in the big town of Chester, Nebr., population 24." - Carol Orr.
"Sleeping, playing, and running back and forth to Nehawka." - Nancy Scheer.
"Going skiing in Colorado and opening presents." - Wendy Zaloudek.
"Working at RichmanGordman, assisting with all the exchanges of gifts following the Christmas rush." - Debbie Barton.
"Going lo Tecumseh on Christmas and getting drunk on New Year!" -Terry "Chippie" Criger.
"Messiah" presented at the Peru State College auditorium Sunday, December 10, will be broadcast. in a taped show from KNCY radio, Nebraska City, at I p.m. Sunday, Ji December 17, according to
Iinformation received by PSC choral director, Edward
Circle K, a service organization sponsored by Dr Darrell D. Wininger, is one of the most active clubs on campus. Members of the club devote many hours preparing and selling concessions at Peru State's athletic contests.
For Halloween the members dressed up in ghoulish costumes and visited hospital patients in Auburn and Nebraska City.
The organization is planning a caroling party December 14 when they will visit St. Mary's hospital and Riverview Terrace in Nebraska City and the Good Samaritan home and Nemaha County hospital in Auburn.
Although Circle K has only 14 members it provides many services to the campus and community. Anyone interested in becoming a part should attend one of the meetings held each Tuesday evening at 4:45, West Dining Room of the Student Center.
Serving this community over 53 years.
John and Anna Cejka, Prop. Tel. 872-5675 Peru, Nebraska Box 62
Choice Quality Gifts
AubumrNebraska Ph. 27
Peru falls· to Parsons
Peru State dropped their first home basketball game of the season December 8 as the Parsons College Wildcats were able to survive a final 6 minute threat to take home their fourth straight win, 89-78.
The Wildcats left at intermission with an 11 point lead and expanded the span to 20 early in the second half. ·
Led by scoring of Ananias Montague and Bill Hunter the Bobcats cut the spread to 10 with two minutes remaining. Parsons held Peru at arm's length, pushing their record to 4-0.
Montague led game scoring with 38 points, followed by
Clinic held
, Peru state'.s first annual wrestling clinic for high school wrestlers was held November 25 in the college gymnasium. There was a $3.00 registration fee which paid for the noon meal at the cafeteria. The clinic lasted from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Forty-five wrestlers and coaches attended the Saturday meeting. Guest speakers were Don Pate, Wayne State; Walt Griffith, Bellevue High School; John Harris, Corning High School, Iowa; Jim Holechek, Lincoln East High School; and Vince Monseau, Peru State. These coaches lectured on technique, holds, and training. Auburn, Falls City, Corning, Iowa, Lincoln East and Nebraska City had wrestlers in Peru. The wrestlers were suited up in wrestling gear and practicing moves and holds under those coaches tutorship.
Peru splits ·matches
Hunter with 25. Tim Deiters led .Parsons shooters with 18. .Mentague also dominated the boards with 13 rebounds.
Peru's defensive play and rebounding held the Parsons offensive scoring machine from reaching their 100 point game average. Peru led Parsons in rebounds, 46-37.
Owls down Bobcats
Bobcat victory plans were spoiled Wednesday night, December 6, when the hot shooting Tarkio Owls nipped Peru 84-72 on the Tarkio court.
Peru, trailing most of the first half by 12 points rallied late in the period, and left the floor with a 41-41 tie at halftime.
Bobcat senior forward, Ananias Montague, sparked the first half rally, including the game tieing bucket. shooting by Tarkio's 6'7" James Martin and aggressive defense by 5'10" Charles Parker made the going rough for the Bobcats early in the game.
At the beginning of the second half, the teams exchanged three baskets before the Owls pulled into the lead to stay. Martin stalled Peru's hopes w1th 13 second half points despite Montague's JO for Peru. Martin outdueled Montague for high scoring honors, 23-20.
The Owls enjoyed an excellent night at the free throw line by cashing in on 10 of 11 throws for a blistering 91 percent. Peru sunk 16 of 22 for 73 percent at the line.
Peru State's wrestling team split a "wrestling doubleheader" Saturday, December 9, at Maryville. The grapplers started out by defeating Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo., 45-8; then went on to fose the second match to Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Mo., 31-15.
Jack Stanley, Gary Lesoing, John Whisler, Earl Hershey, Dean Anstey, and Warren Goos all won by forfeit. Dennis Mitchell was pinned in the 134 weight class. David Bolen tied in a 3-3 match and 150 lb. Rod Wartman decisioned by ·16-2. Peru's sophomore heavyweight Jim Rezac defeated his opponent 6-3.
Peru was not so fortunate in the second match against NWMSU. Injuries to Jack Stanley and Dave Bolen stopped their chances of wrestling in the second match.
The match started out with a win when Gary Lesoing decisioned 9-0. In the next bout Dennis Mitchell was pinned by Jack Garrett after 5:40. John Whisler got the only pin of the by downing Seiloff after Eliza Morgan Women's Residence Hall was the first structure built on campus which was financed by revenue bond sales. The $50,000 structure was completed in 1929.
4: 59.i:arl Hershey was pinned in 4:40. Dean Anstev decisioned 42. Warren Goos was beat decisively 15-2. HWT Jim Rezac decisioned Middleton with is second· 6-3 win that day.
Peru wrestlers will meet Midland Saturday, Dec. 16, at 2:00.
.Friday December 15,
Books marked as
Peru Pedagogian
.Off campus learning center opens
An organizational meeting for asses to be offered by Peru e College at the Falls City ing Center will be held day, January 22, at 7:00 pm. e Falls City Junior High 1 study hall. Dr. Clyde J. rett is coordinator of Peru's ampus learning centers. e to three hours college it may be earned in courses red.Tentatively approved for ruction at Falls City are tography, federal income , business law, parliamenprocedure, and nurses aid ing.
minimum of ten students
must enroll for a Learning Center course to be offered. Persons interested in any of the listed courses, or having other course suggestions with sllfficient number to enroll, should attend the January 22 organizational meeting. PSC instructors will be on hand to discuss time and place for class meetings agreeable to those enrolling.
Registration fees will be.. accepted at the organizational meeting or at the first class session. A.matriculation fee of $10 is charged to first-time PSC students, and the fee per credit
Open dorms success
Results of the poll taken by the ·· concerning the Open Dorm y and its continuation at indicate that the program is uccess and will be continued. estions on the poll and the ults were as follows: ave your study habits been ected by the Open Dorm licy? 95 per cent said either y habits had remained the e or had improved.
o you think the number of itation bours should be ged? 93 per cent felt more s should be added or the e amount.
o you· think your right to ivacy has been infringed upon ce the institution of the Open rm policy? 92 per cenLsaid it d not.
aver you been offended by ur fellow roommates, .dorm tes, or other people in other rms when you visit these rms during visitation hours? per cent had not been ofded.
ould you rather the dorms pense with the visitation !icy? 95 per cent reported they ted lo keep the policy.
o you' feel that there should some provision made for rm residents who do not wish participate in the Open Dorm ogram 'I 25 per cent felt some <>vision should be made to ·omodatP thPse people.
Dr. Guy RosPnburg said )pinions on the Open Dorm
basically the samP
from one dorm to another. Over 90 per cent are happy with the program and would like expansion. The experiment has been a success and no particular problems have been encountered. Another evaluation will be made concerning more specific questions."
Interviews for SoC.Bo
Interviews will be held next Monday for persons wishing to join the PSC Student Center Board. Application forms should be obtained from the S.C.B. office or the game room office upstairs in the Student Center.
The interviews will take place on Monday, January 22, between 4:30 and 5:30 in the Student Center office. Applications should be turned in by Monday noon to the game room office.
The Student Center Board is in charge of programs at PSC. The program fee collected at registration is used·to fund these programs.
The S.C.B. also sponsors social events and is in charge of the upkeep of the Sudent Center building. S.C.B. affords an opportunity to get invo!yed in studpnt activities. The organization is in need of memb(•rs to represent the studpnts.
hour is $15.50.
Other Learning Centers are slated for the spring semester in Plattsmouth, Tecumseh, Syracuse, and Beatrice. Humboldt and Pawnee City are under consideration
TEEP Exam Feb. 28
The Education Examination Program (TEEPJ will be given to all graduating seniors in education on Wednesday, February 28. All students in the education program who will graduate in May or August of 1973 are required to take the exam.
Test booklets need to be ordered for the test so students should register on or before January 26, in the ·office of Admissions, located on the third floor of the Administration building.
The test will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will conclude by 2:30 p.m. Students will be tested in room 300 of the Education building.
The test consists of two parts. Each student will complete section one which includes the general professional examinations covering socialphilosophical-historical bases of education - 50 minutes, learning and instruction - 30 minutes, written English expression - 15 minutes, cultural background-social sciences, literature. and fine arts - 20 minutes. and science and mathematics - 20 minutes.
Section two will cover the student's teaching field. It will take approximately an hour and a half to complete.
The exam does not determine whether the student has passed or failed the teacher education program.
The test is used for in· stitutional research. It serves as a way of satisfying requirements of accreditation agencies. such as the North Cpntral Association of Col!Pges and Universities and the National Council for Ac· cr('ditation of TC'acher Education programs.
New courses offered
By FRANK D' ADDESASeveral new courses were offered to Peru State College students during the January 8 & 9 registration for the 1973 Spring Semester.
In its second year as a major, Recreation offers the most new courses with four: Outdoor Recreation, Social Recreation and Recreation Seminar taught by Mr Vince Monseau, while Community Recreation will be led by Mr Jerome Stemper.
In the Natural Science department E.-olutionary Theoty is being taught by Mr Albert Brady. The course will stress theories on evolutionary development of plants and animals, including old and new concepts.
On Wednesday _nights Current Topics in Environmental Conservation and Pollution is instructed by Mr and Mrs Scott Williams of the geography department staff. The instructors will cover the subjects of the oil pipeline frorr: Alaska and mercury poisoning currently in the news. Three hours will be given upon completion.
Mr Williams is also instructing Introduction to Fossils.
On Mondavs onlv from I:30· 2:20 is Elementary Descriptive Statistics instructed by Mr Lyle McKercher.
Mr D. V. Jarvis is teaching a class in Upholstery for three hours crpdit in Industrial Arts.
Mr J. D. Levitt is instructing A
course in
a double period slot on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.
Social Psychology, a three hour course faught by Mr William Miles, Instructor of Sociology, will involve the effect of social groups on individuals and in turn how individuals affect social groups.
Mr Miles is also teaching a Tuesday night course called Social Work PracticumPersonal Crisis Service Training. The three hour credit course is the training program for people interested in manning a Crisis Line telephone slated for Nemaha County in the latter part of 1973.
Other Wednesday night classes include FORTRAN Programming, Commercial Layout, The World of Construction, and Social Psychology.
FORTRAN Programming taught by Mr Stan Mccaslin, deals with mathematically oriented computer language. Problems will be solved using the college's computer and the course is worth three hours of credit.
Commercial Layout, offered by the Art department is a three hour· course instructed by Mrs Joan Barrett.
Mr Frank Fretheim is leading the World of Construction course designed for junior high level industrial arts teachers.
Another Tuesday night course is Defensive Driving taught by Dr. George Schottenhamel.
Tlw Kirk Dau exhibit began in the Finl' Arts building on Monday. January 15, and will l'Ontinm' for two weeks.
Kirk. a senior from Oakland, ; Iowa. will display some of his finest works of art. This includes ceramic·s, sculptures, and paintings. His specially is Rako firing, a Japanese method dealing with ceramics. Some of the items will be for sale.
Wendel's warning
Cars parked along the stree north of Morgan Hall betwee the hours of 2 a.m. and 7 a.m will be ticketed after January 22 reports George Wendel superintendent of buildings an grounds at PSC.
Enforcement of the parki rules is necessary for sno removal, Wendel said. The earl morning parking regulation have been in effect but have n been enforced.
Ped staff selected for spring semester
The staff of the spring semester'$ Peru Pedagogian has been announced by Bobbi Thiesfeld, this semester's editor.
Mr · Everett Browning is the sponsor of the student publication.
Chuck Smith from Falls City has been named assistant editor. Chuck is a sophomore majoring in art. He enjoys working on cars and is a member of an intramural team. Chuck has plans of becoming a professional photographer.
Chuck is also a member of the staff of the Peruvian. When asked about his work on the Ped, Chuck said "I think it's a very good paper and also has educational value."
Frank D' Addesa, Elizabeth, New Jersey. was selected as news editor. Frank was· also news editor first semester. A sophomore, Frank is majoring in journalism and English. He is a member of the staffs of the Peruvian and the Ped.
Frank was elected to the Judiciary Board at Delzell Hall. When he graduates Frank plans to work in a journalism field. He is also interested in photography and current events.
Concerning his position next semester Frank said "I'm looking forward to working on next semester's staff. I'll enjoy working with the new editor and staff."
Rick DeKlotz from Lincoln is the new sports editor. Rick is majoring in journalism. Rick enjoys all sports, especially golf. He also likes to work with cars.
Rick is a member of the Peruvian staff and is on an intramural team. Rick eventually wants to write for a magazine.
Commenting on his job as sports editor Rick said "Since I
eventually want to become a sports writer, this should be good experience."
A sophomore from Sidney, Iowa, Linda Madison, is this semester's ad manager:-.Linda stated "I think the job offers good experience. I've met a lot of people and I enjoy it."
Linda is the sophomore representative to PSEA and Kappa. Delta Pi. Linda also enjoys sewing. She plans to teach second or third grade · when she graduates.
Charlie ·Pavolis from Worcester, Mass., is one of the Ped photographers. He is majoring in history and geography.
Charlie is on an intramural team, a member of Gamma Theta Upsilon, Ped and Peruvian staffs, and is a lifeguard at the Peru campus swimming pool.
The thing Charlie likes the most about being a photographer is the opportunity to meet different people.
Dave Lainez, also a Ped photographer, is majoring in physical education and minoring in math and coaching.
Dave is also.a lifeguard at the PSC pool, a basketball official, and a member of an intramural team. Dave remarked about his position on the Ped "I'm looking forward to working on the staff again since it provides a variety of experiences.
The circulatk1n manager for the Ped will again be Ann Nichols. Ann is from Peru and is majoring in English and Library Science. Ann would like to work in a library when she graduates.
Ann is. a member of Student Wives. Ann commented, "It's fun to work with the paper; but it takes. quite a bit of time."
Alumni's exhibit presented
Denver, Colorado, and was on the PSC art department staff from 1929 to 1966. · She is a ·graduate of the University of Denver and holds an M. A. degree from Colorado State College.
Two musical events will be held on the Peru State College campus in the very near future, according to Dr. Gavin Doughty, head of the music department of Peru State.
Apiano recital will be given by Miss Debbie Coffelt on Sunday, January 21, in the Fine Arts auditorium; at 3:00 p.m.
Debbie is a senior music
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,
Towards the end of the first semester Peru students received a letter and brochure about Peru State College. This letter centered around the idea of students going· home and trying to interest their friends and high school counselors in Peru College.
In October a stove was moved into the basement of ClayburnMathews Hall. Since October not one meal has been cooked on this stove. The electrical connections have still not been installed, although there have been constant reminders to correct this difficulty, there has been no action from the administration.
I have also been informed that the dorms may not obtain food machines (sandwich machines) outside of the ones they already have. In the contraci with Broughton Food Service, it is stated that the food service will be handled solely by them.
The Peru student here on theweekend has no place to eat, except maybe downtown, if they're not going to open the Bob Inn, connect our stove, and, or, let us have a sandwich machine.
How am I going to interest people in Peru when they ask about dorm life and I tell them that we have a stove, but it isn't connected and it's been that way since October?
If your college cannot even hook up a stove, how is your college handling your education?
John Billings Vice-president of Clayburn-Mathews Hall
major from Oakland, Iowa.A piano recital is also being given by Miss Dianne Dunn on Sunday, January 28, in the Fine Arts auditorium, at 3:00 p.m.
Dianne is a senior music major from Falls City, Nebraska.
Dr. Doughty is the organ accompanist for both recitals.
Mr and Mrs Richard Madison of Sidney, Iowa announce t engagement of their daught Mary Lou, to Lawrence L. Cro of North Platte, Nebraska. Mi Madison is a senior at Peru Stat College. Mr Crom, son.of Mr an Mrs Robert Crom of Tabo Iowa, is presently employ with International Harveste Company.
BB Kearney-Wayne, there
Faculty Womens Brunch, 10:00 a.m. West Dining Room · ·
Senior Recital-Coffelt, 3:00 p.m. FA Aud.
Intramurals, 6:00-10:00 p.m. IA club meeting, 6:30 p.m. IA 29
Intramurals, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
SGA meeting, 6:00 p.m.
Student Wives, 7:30-10:00 p.m. Nl/z West Dining Room. Kiwanis, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Sl/z WDR Circle K, 4:45-6:00 Sl/2 WDR
WAA 6:00-10:00 p.m. Honors Convo, 9:10 a.m. College Aud.
Bellevue College, 7:30 p.m. Editor Bobbi :;;;:Assistant Editor .' Chuck Smith\1 } ·0 ::::News Editor Frank D Addesa :rspons Editor Rick DeKlor';: ::j:jAd Manager Linda Madis · ;j;j:Photographers Dave Laine :;:;: Charlie Pavoli. :jkirculation Manager Ann NichoY#
in on will
New /aces in sports
Oakland, his rning street between a.m. January 22, Wendel, and Madison the daughter, Crom Miss State and Tabor, employed Harvester Room··
Kingery authors article
By FllANK D' ADDESADuring the Christmas ·ation I visited my favorite >rd store with a good friend. I like buying an album but n't know what to get.
y friend said she'd buy Bette er's "The Divine Miss M" ntic SD7238) album. Bette !er, the name didn't sound iliar but I saw the face on the m jacket someplace before. friend reminded me Bette the hammy. chick with the York accent and great e who'd come on the Johnny on show dressed like she out of a 1940's movie. I ht the album.
her debut album Miss r borrows a flock of old "Do You Want To ape! of Love", "Superstar", ader Of The Pack" and does m better then the original ions. song called "Friends" done oversions (the sec-0nd one's er) is sung so beautifully it ds like it was written cially for Miss M. "Hello In " and "Delta Dawn" are side two songs she does great feeling. song which really grabbed an old World War II(you the war which we fought emocracy) song which was at that time by the Andrews rs called "Boogie Woogie le Boy''. This piece of talgia combines Miss er's voice taped over three s to sound like the Andrews s with big band music 'ng her up. I never heard riginal version but this is so I doubt if there's any difce between the two. should be interesting to see her next album Miss Midler es her own songs. But er or not she does Bette r is still one hell of a nted. lady.
Sun. ·Mon. - Tues.
January 21 ·22-23
Raquel Welch in
The wrestling ranks have been in<:reased by six this semester at Peru Stale College, according to Vince Monseau, Peru Stale wrestling coach. Coach Monseau stated that he was "tremendously pleased'.' with the additions and with good reason.
Twoof them, Bud Kimball and Jim Cash, are 3-0 in competition for the season.
Kimball, a freshman from Papillion, Nebraska, wrestles in the 118 pound class while Jim Cash, an Erie, Pennsylvania senior is competing in the 168 pound class
Rounding out the group are Rick Black, a senior from ·Millard, Nebraska, wrestling in the 134 pound class, Kim Tennal
KPSC back on the air
The campus voice of Peru State College, KPSC radio, is now broadcasting nightly at 6:30 p.m·., Monday through Thursday:
KPSC began nightly broadcasting last semester and was quite successful. The station is staffed by members of Mr Levitt's Radio and Television class but anyone interested in being on the air is invited., to contact Mr Levitt, Bart Neri, program director, or Jesse Spurgin in the news department.
KPSC will be striving this semester to increase its service to "the campus of a thousand oaks" with more campus news coverage and interviews with prominent people on the Peru State campus.
and .Jim McKean, both sophomores and in the lf>7 pound class, and Huss Hunt, a sophomore from Willamette, Illinois, competing in the 142 pound class.
Tennal hails from Sabetha, Kansas, and McKean is an Omaha nat ivl' Hunt is a junior college transfer from Joliet Jr. College in Illinois.
Two oti1er new faces are at home on the basketball squad, according lo basketball coach .Jack Mcintyre. They are Terry Ratliff, a six fool senior guard from Auburn and 6'2" guard Larry Hunter, an Omaha freshman. Ratliff attended Fairbury junior college.
Are you interested in supervised teaching for a salary before graduation? If you are a future teacher getting ready for your professional semester, check into the intern teaching program.
Mr Tom Fitzgerald, head of the program, invites interested people to see him in his office in the gym for further information.
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LOWREY ORGAN - Responsible family to assume monthly payments or cash. Can be seen in your area. Write: Larson's Music Mart, P.O. 81831. Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 '
Incense and Incense Burners
A11 article co-authored by Vietor N. Kingery, A<;sistanl 'Professor of Physics al Peru St ale College, is lo be published i11 the American .,Journal of Physics.
While attending a Natural Science Foundation Institute at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, in the summer of 1972, Mr Kingery worked with Ormon Wilson of the university's depar[ment of physics and astronomy in building the experiment.
In addition lo Kingery and Wilson, the article, entitled "A• Low-Temperature Paramagnetism ,Experiment Suitable for Undergraduate Physics Majors", lists Monte M. Giles, Missouri Western College, Sl. Joseph, and Terry A. Scott and Jerry Tastad, University of Wyoming, as authors.
Professor Kingery joined the PSC staff in 1967. He earned his B. S. degree from Eastern
Illinois University, Charleston; M. S. from the University of Mississippi. He has done graduate study al University of Missouri, Rolla; Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Tennessee; Texas A. & M. University of Nebraska, Lincoln; and University of Wyoming.
Soda Fountain Jewelry
8 Track Tapes -only $3.99-
KEN JOHNSON 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Peru overtakes Doane
By RICK DeKLOTZPeru State overcame a nine point Doane halftime lead to register a 79-76 basketball victory Tuesday night, and avenge two earlier season losses to the Tigers.
Turnovers and poor shooting marred the first five minutes of the game as both teams could only score five points apiece.
The Bobcats shot only 29 per cent the first half making good on 11 of 38 field goal attempts while Doane on 17. of 41 shots for 42 per cent.
Starting center Rex Beatty sustained an ankle injury with 12:22 to play in the first half and sophomore Bob Craig came off the bench to score 17 points and block some important shots during the second half rally.
Doane took it's 11ine point halftime lead by holding the 'Cats to only two points during the last of 4: 42 of the half, that being a basket by Craig with 2:04 to play to pull the Bobcats to within one at 31-30. The Tigers then scored eight unanswered points, including a 20 foot jumper by Joe Wharton that just beat the buzzer to end the hall.
It was Peru's turn to play the tough defense and get the hot hand at the start of the second half as Doane could only score two points during the first 4:34. The 'Cats tied it up at 41 apiece with 16:46 to play as senior guard Don Monzingo, who had all 12 of his points in the second half, hit on a jump shot.
After Mario Peart, who had 25 points for the Tigers, hit a bucket to tie the game. at 45-45, Monzingo scored four points in a five second stretch to give the lead to the Bobcats at 49-45. However Doane then scored eight straight points to regain the )ead by four at 53-49 and continued to lead by as much as eight points, their last big lead being 64-56 with 7: 15 to play.
It was at this point that the game began to turn in favor of the Bobcats as Craig hit on a pair of free throws and Ananias Montague, who led the 'Cats with 26 points, hit on a jumper to pull Peru within four. The 'Cats got the ball back on a missed shot and Craig hit on a short jumper with 6: 10 to play to bring
Bobkittens prepare for basketball
The Peru State Bobkitten basketball team has started preparations for the 1973 cage season. The team met for the first time on Wednesday night, the 10th of January, with a good turnout of girls. The team will be coached this year by Dr. Pitts. He will receive help from the assistant coach Charles Rombach. Coach Pitts is now faced with the task of
Wrestling results
The Peru State wrestling team won two matches and dropped a close one last Friday and Saturday, January 12 and 13 Head coach Vince Monseau's Bobcats defeated Midland college 39-6 at Peru Friday night. and split a double dual Saturday at Bellevue College.
The grapplers lost to the University of South Dakota at Springfield 24-18 and defeated the Bellevue Bruins 30-12 in the second match.
getting the team in shape for their first game on the 24th of January. On that date the team will travel to Maryville, Mo., for a game with the Maryville Jr. Varsity.
Peru has several returning players from last year's team to form a nucleus to build this year's team around. Dr. Pitts cited the lack of height as one of the main problems he will be faced with.
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:::iipplications, January 29. Equal:;:: Ph. 274-4302 .________
PSC within two. Five seconds after Craig hit his basket, Bob Erickson, Doane's fiery head. coach, complained that one of Peru's Bleacher Bums, seated directly behind the Doane bench, had laid a hand on his back, getting his ire up. Erickson walked over to Peru head coach Jack Mcintire, the game was stopped, and after an exchange of a few heated words bet.ween Erickson and Mcintire, Mac asked the Bums to settle down so as not to have a technical foul charged. The two officials for the game asked that the loyal Peru fans move back three rows. It was done, and the game was continued.
The incident, coupled with the comeback effort that the 'Cats had given, obviously fired up the Peru players as they scored seven points in a row over the next three minutes while holding the Tigers scoreless to take a 6966 lead with 3:20 to play. Doane regained its composure long enough to retake the lead for a final time at 70-69 as Wharton hit on a long jumper.from the top of the key.
Ananias Montague, who had missed on a number of shots earlier, started to make them when Peru needed them the most as he scored six of the 'Cats last 10 points, four on clutch free throws and two on a howitzer from the right side to giver Peru a 73-70 lead with 1:39 to play.
Monzingo was then fouled by Wharton and hit both free shots up to the 'Cats lead to five at 7570 and the closest the Tigers got after that was within three at 7774. Terry Ratliff put it away for the Bobcats as he hit on two free throws with eight seconds to play, and a final basket by Doane's Wharton only brought the final srore "'loser as Peru up.its .second big win in , four nighL5.
It is hoped that momimtum has now been picked up for the 'Cats as they head into a conference game at Wayne tonight.
was as follows:
Baseball begins
Ageneral meeting for all who are interested in trying out for the· varsity baseball squad will be held at 3 o'clock p.m. on January 24, in room 211, Fine Arts building.
Pitchers and catchers will begin work on Monday, January 29th, with the balance of the squad to start workouts February 26th.
Any student who is interested in trying out for the team, but will be unable to attend the meeting January 24th, should see coach Tom Fitzgerald prior to that date.
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Honors convocation cites 182
By DEBBIE BARTONPeru State College honored 182
dents Wednesday for outt anding academic hlevement.
Dr. Max Smith addressed the udents at honors convocation d commended the honor ipients. Each student was lied on stage as Dr. Kelly J. wer read the names and Dr. x Smith and Dean Rosenberg anded them certificates of ognition.
The students' grade points eraging from 7.25 - 7.99 re: Nyla Bartholomew, zen, Ronald Koester, therine Lubben, Melissa ss, Wendlyn Zaloudek, Rita bber, Gary Bobbitt, Joyce e, Don Hull, Guy Lammle, an Schuessler, Randall
Jensen, Stanley Kottich, Randy Luther, Jac;k Armstrong, Leonald Fan gm eyer, Zella Hickey, Stephen Miller, Kay Nutzman, Larry Peterson, Stephen Rabourn, Daryl Wusk, Donald Dahlke, LeRoy Franil, Deborah Glaab Kay Albin, Dorothy Orleans, Patricia Prose, Dayle Tennal, Robert Beaver, Kirk Dau, Linda Eichenberger, Kathie Koehler, Steve Krajicek, Susan Lorenz, David Rombach, Ricky Bell, Dennis Dickman, David Gibson, William Peterson, Cyrel Roebke, James Tegtmeier, John Thomas, Deborah Elmlinger, Mary Goergen, Jeffrey Linden, Sharon Moser, Janet Waniska, Darrell Wininger, George Binder, Gleora Covault, and Richard Fornoff. Also George Hoover, Ronald Grant, Nancy Stoll, Marily
Woerlen, Rodger Harders, Theodore Johnson, Paul Lorenz, Jack Stanley, Deborah Barton, Janice Gerdes, Charlene Harrahill, Kathy Runkles, Barbara Shroyer, Linda Stubbendeck, John Whisler, Charles Heim, Gary Bowman, Kyle Boyd, Philip Fritz, Charles Trailer, Ann Nichols, Von A. Bachle, Mary Brooks, Darnice Butts, Sharon Duerfeldt, Marijane Siegner, David Vermeer, Bradley Williams, Bobbi Thiesfeld, Debbie Gaines, Jack Jensen, Theresa Krontz, Steven McVay, Murl Muenchau, Sandra Slipsager, Celeste Wigington, Jerry Koeneke, Roxann Rengstorf, Charles Pavolis, Ruth Weddle, Jeannine Buss, Ray Bleich, Ruth Gottula, Karen Johns, Bryan Mabie, Anne Tackett, Anna Borcher, Thomas Weddle, Bonnie Rouse, and
Barbara Holmes.
Those students ranaging from 8.00 - 8.49 were: Shelly Able, Ann Boring, Robert Bowen, Barbara Brady, John Brooks, Judy Buddecke, Mary Eblen, Judy Hughes, Betty Johnson, Janet Kirkendall, Randall Krecklow, Gary Lesoing, Mary
Madison, Wanda McKim, Marlene Mullens, Dianne
Peterson, Fred Robinson, Emily
Rosewell, Gale Rumpeltes, Norma Schatz, Barbara
Wilkinson, June Bottcher, Candice Wurtele, Ralph Arnold, Judy Werner, Pat Bartek, Linda
Doty, Mary Farney, Kristie
Morrissey, Karen Ramsey, Dennis Robertson, Dennis
Thomas, Phyllis Davis, Lili Harpham, Jacquelyn Kelsay, Deborah Hlavac, Robert Kawamoto, Gladys Layson,
Denice Lockwood, Donald Smith, Earl Webb, Dianne Rees, Debra Anderson, Walter Nimmich, Meta Reimer Trailer, Brent Wilcox, Linda Madison, Douglas Fritz, Stephanie Lang, Mary McHugh, Patrick Castle, Gayle Shipley, Karlene Badgett, She.ron Borcher, Denise Nebola, William Schofield, Mary Green, Morehead, Dianne Dunn and John··Cole. -
·Those with 8.50 - 9.00 were: Julie Bredensteiner, Herbert Haushahn, Janet Barton, Susan Foster, Jodi Siegner, Dianne Blauhorn, Carla Gerdes, Mary Hill, John Helm, Ray Lubben, John Colbert, Bonnie Stemper, Mary Bauman, Rick Black, Ricki Fictum, Scott McKercher, Richard Warner, Carol Wheeler, Dennis Williams, Debbie Coffelt and Susan Zimpfer.
Peru Pedagogian
SGA Discuss ommittee members
By Bill BoydThe first meeting of the SGA ce the semester break was Tuesday evening in FA212. he main topic discussed was tter received by President g Fritz from the Nebraska te College Board of Trustees horizing the SGA to pick two resentatives to serve on a sidential Search Committee. Board of Trustees at their ar meeting, held January 973, set up the committee in r to aid the Board in the ction of a president for Peru te College. Other members ·ng up the 13 person comee are: A. Two faculty hers selected from the Peru te College faculty ociation. B. Two Alumni cted by the Peru State lege Achievement Foun·op. C. One administrator c.ted by the administrators
committee, has stipulated that Dr. Max G. Smith will be a candidate for the position if he so desires.
The SGA voted on recommending that open dorms be pulled from a trial basis and made permanent at Peru State College. The resolution was passed.
Since the semester break there are four positions in the SGA that are left vacant. Those posts are Junior class -1 vacancy, Freshman class-I vacancy, College Commuters-I vacancy, and ClayburnMatthews-1 vacancy. Any_ person qualifying for one of the four posts is urged to contact Doug Fritz, Fred Robertson, Rita Bosiljevac or Kurt Frohling. The sponsors are Mr Salmela and Dr. Wininger.
Staff ·changes made
FRIDAY,, JANUARY 26, 1973 State College. D. Three rnunity leaders selected by Peru State College Advisory · cil. E. Secretary of the rd of Trustees. F. Two
hers of the Board of tees serving in an ex officio acity. The SGA voted to let executive board of the SGA ct their two representatives. committee must find four or re nominees for the position present their names at a ting of the Board of Trustees 1, 1973. The board, in it's tion establishing the search
Harold Johnson, who retired last spring from PSC after 21 years of teaching, was rehired to teach the Foundations of Education course after the death of Dr. Keith Melvin.
Peru State College was forced to make other arrangements of classes that Melvin would have taught. Russell Beldin is now teaching the insurance course and Lyle McKercher is teaching basic mathematics.
Trucking Co. delivers laughs
One of the many questions going around campus this week was, "What is the Ace Trucking Company?"
Some of the answers given were: "I've never heard of them."; "I think they're a moving company."; "I think they're a singing group."; ·"They're a group of strange
On Tuesday, January 23 at 8:00 p.m., the Ace Trucking Company, a comedy group consisting of four guys and a girl held a concert in the College Auditorium. The concert con· sisted of jokes, skits' aod impromptus based on ideas from the audience.
After the concert there were also remarks given, such as: "It was really a shock to me."; "It was good."; "They really cracked me up."; "It was good but - "; and "They weren't what I expected."
Though the audience was small, they received the group with laughter and loud applause.
Wiltse's bill
The Nebraska legislature wa asked to restate the purpose o the state college syste Thursday, January 18.
The proposal LB238, sp sored by Senator Irving Wilts could improve the system i southeatern Nebraska.
Wiltse's bill would mean tha the four colleges would no long be directed simply to educat teachers but "shall prepa persons to enter educational governmental, professional ·business, or related fields."
Wiltse said his bill "woul clear the way to improve ou system down in southeas Nebraska. Right now, we don' have any institutions, exce Peru State College, which i supposed to be a teache training school."
Under the plan PSC woul offer academic and vocation technical training, while t Pershing campus at Beatri would be used for academi programs.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 26 BB Bellevue College, 7:30 p.m.
Wrestling, William Jewell, gym, 2:00 p.m.
Starlet Peru's answer to Sherry Lewis
By STEVE KNITTLEA study was made recently to· determine who talks the most, men or women. Any man who has come in contact with the fair sex knows the answer. That's right - women. Yes, their mouths do move fast in most cases. That, however, is not always the case with P. S. C. coed Starlet Brockmeyer whose hobby is ventriliquism.
A freshman student from. Stromsberg, Starlet began her part time ca'rrer in the sixth grade with a small dummy that her parents gave her for a birthday present. She caught the "show biz" bug during a grade school talent show and it has been with her ever since
The "dummy" she works with now is a four foot high chunk of wood named "Termite''. He was carved and assembled by hand. Starlet says that dummys have so many intricate parts that they must be made in this manner. It seems that this is somewhat of a lost art in that only three places in the United States make and assemble ventriliquist's dummys. Termite's home state is Iowa.
After getting her first dummy Starlet bought a set of records and taught herself the not to common or easy art of venlriliquism. ·she says it's not to difficult if you can train your.hp muscles not to move while at the same time training your vocal chords to continue doing thefr. }06.
The main forums for Starlet's · act are birthday partys; club, and church gatherings. Her skits depend largely on ti1e type of audience she is performing in front of.
When the·Brockmeyers lived in Fairbury, Nebr., Starlet was kept quite busy with three to four
shows every month. With college and other pursuits things have been kind of slow lately, and she hasn't done a show in more than lwo years. Starlet would like to get back in front of the foot lights and states she would do a show on campus if asked.
Praise hasn't always been a sure reward for the pretty entertainer. While still in grade school Starlet almost got into trouble because of her talent. A male classmate was giving the teacher some trouble, but he blamed it on Starlet saying she was throwing her voice. After lengthy explanation she was exonerated and the young man spent a few extra hours in the classroom.
Asked who her favorite ventriliquist is Starlet got in a plug for women's lib by by stating that Sherry Lewis is the best.
What about monetary reward?
"Not important" says Starlet. She feels that the greatest reward is just making people laugh.
She may not have her own T. V. show or perform in Las Vegas but it is obvious that both performer and audience profit from Starlet's hobby.
Wedding plans
Mr and Mrs Lester Hi!ebner of Elmwood, announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn, to Bruce Quist, son of Mr and. Mrs Ernest Quist of Millard.
Evelyn is a junior and received her ·AA degree in Secretarial Science. Bruce is assistant manager of Pier ·I Imports at Kenosha, Wisconsin. A June 30 wedding is being planned.
Senior Recital, Dunn, FA Aud., 3:00 p.m. Faculty Card Party, WDR, 7:30 p.m.
Intramurals, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
Intramurals, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
"The Omega Man", SCB Movie, Aud. 7:00 p.m.
Kiwanis, WDR, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Circle K, WDR, 4:45-6:00 p.m.
BB, UNO, There Student Wives, Staff lounge, AD Building 7:30 p.m.
WAA, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
Wrestling, Bellevue, gym, 7:30 p.m.
Intramurals, 6:00-10:00 p.m. SCB, WDR, 5:00 p.m.
Recital Jan. 28
./ A piano recital at Peru State College Sunday, January 28 at 3 p.m. will feature Miss Dianne Dunn, senior music major from Falls City. The public is invited to attend the ·performance in Benford Recital Hall of the Jindra Fine Arts Center. Miss Dunn, daughter of M:r and Mrs Dale M. Dunn, has studied piano under Dr. Gavin L. Doughty, Chairman of the Department of Fine Arts, while at Peru State. Her senior recital will be presented as partial fulfillment of requirements for the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Ecuation degree.
Selections chosen by Miss Dunne are:
"Sonata in F Minor, Opus 57", Beethoven; "The Girl with the Flaxen Hair", Debussy; "Three Miniatures-Reminiscence, Lullaby, Longing", Hanson; "Rhapsody in G Minor", Brahams; "Concerto in G. Minor, Opus 16'', Grieg. Orch.estral portions of the final number ·will be played on the
organ by Dr. Doughty.
Meeting held
The Peru State College Secretaries Association met at the college January 16. A short business meeting ·was held in which upcoming meetings were announced.
Sharon Mccaslin, librarian at Peru State, showed slides of Egypt; presented an exh!hff of jewelry, inlaid boxes and plates, camelsaddle, etc.; and gave ·a little background history of the pharoahs and dynasties.
The plan was first advocat by Dr. Max Smith, actin president of Peru, and Wilts said his bill would "enlarge t opportunities for the creation such a system down in o area." ·
Dr. Smith said the proposa called for both Peru an Beatrice to remain four-yea colleges "without unnecessa duplication of program at eith campus."
A regional needs analysis the southeast Nebraska region to be used as a basis for th program, will be complete March 1.
Beldin made hea
Russell Beldin has bee named Business Departmen
Chairman at Peru State College
The appointment, effectiv January I, was made by Acti President Max G. Smith on recommendation of Dr. C. Siegner, Dean of the School Applied Arts and Technolo
Before joining the PSC staff · the fall of 1970 as an assistan professor of business educatio Mr Beldin taught at Em metsburg Community College Emmetsbtirg, Iowa, where h was chairman of the busines department.
He received his B.S. degree i business at Dakota Stat College, Madison, South Dakota· M. S. in Business Education a Mankato State College Mankato, Minnesota; and h additional graduate work South Dakota State University Brookings, South Dakota, an University of Nebraska-Omaha
Former chairman of the PS business department, Dr. Jer Cox, took a position at Norther Arizona University, Flagstaf last fall.
sponWiltse, in that longer educate prepare lucational, 'essional, "would · our ;outheast don't except is teacher been !partment College. effective Acti the V School of echnology. staff in assistant education, Em· College; he
Sigma Tau Delta to . raffle china
Sigma Tau Delta will raffle a set of china from Monday, January 29 to Wednesday, l<'cbruary 14.
In 1926 the Peru State College chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, honorary English society, was chartered. Shortly thereafter a set of china was purchased by the organization for use in the various formal teas which were then in scyle.
Now that the organization no longer holds teas, they have decided lo sell the china. It will be sold by raffle at $1.00 per
Mrs. Shipley recipient
Gayle Stake Shipley has been named recipient of the Rocky Mountain Peru State Alumni Association scholarship honoring Professor Emeritus Robert D. Moore for the current semester. Selection for the $100 Kadettes provide half·time entertainment. , award was announced by Don Miller, Director of Financial Aids and chairman of the · scholarship committee.
Kadettes use new · techniques
he 1972-73 Drill Team, known e Kitty Kadettes, is using techniq11es as compared to year's squad. The girls orm at_halftime of.the home tball games.
y are revising some old ·nes along with new ones ·have made up,. and adding steps here and there to liven e pace. The squad practices y Tuesday and Thursday in 300, Education Building, at -5:00 p.m. More practices often called if needed during week before a game. The girls seem willing to and have a lot of fun and yment doing it," stated the aptains Kay Albin and bie Barton. uad members include; Kay in, Kim Albin, Debbie ton, Nancy Heskett, Laura erman, Rosemay Taylor, i Sapp, Bernadette Dorn, yrel Roebke, and Irene
Yaeger. Becky Pieper is Student Assistant, and Mrs ·Mary Kunkle, Mrs Jessie Trenhaile, and Mr Donald Miller, are the sp_onsors.
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Wildcats maul
Bobcats Wrestlers victorious
By RICK DeKLOTZThe Bobcat basketball team ran into a hot shooting Wayne State ball club last Friday night,1 and lost an important Nebraska College Conference game 102-91.
The Wildcats hit on 41 of 80 field goal attempts for 51.4 per cent, while PSC had only one lei;;s field goal, shooting 40 of 87 for 45.8 per cent. Anytime a ball club can hit above 45 per cent of its shots on the road they should be in the game most of the way, and the 'Cats were, but they only had 16 chances at the free throw line, and converted on 11 of those for 68.7 per cent. Wayne had 30 chances at the line, hitting on 20 of those for 66.7 per cent.
Wayne won this contest at the line where they had almost twice as many chances as Peru, because many 'Cats were in foul trouble during the game, and three players, Rex Beatty, Rick Minor, and Bill Hunter all fouled out, Beatty. with 11:28 to play, and Minor and Hunter within the last three minutes of the game.
Wayne State's biggest lead of the first half was by 12 points at 29-17 on a basket by senior center Dennis Siefkes, who led the Wildcats with 24 points. Ananias Montague then got hot
Volleyballers victorious
The "Sticky Fingers,'' Teresa Ewalt's coed volleyball team won the first game of the intramural coed volleyball season on Wednesday night January 17. They defeated a team.captained by Arlene Doeden.
for Peru and scored 14 of his team leading 30 points during the rest of the first half to help ·pull the 'Cats within one at 45-44. Siefkes then hit on a basket and a free throw for Wayne to hold off the Bobcats and help his team to a 51-46 intermission advantage.
Wayne State hit on their first five shots of the second half to race to their largest lead of the night at 61-48. The closest the Bobcats could come after this was within three at 78-75 on a basket by Bob Craig. Wayne then out-scored the 'Cats 12 to 6 during the next four minutes to grab a 90-81 lead.
Wayne was in a slowdown offense by this time, and the Wildcats hit on 11 of 12 free throws down the stretch, including six in a row by Jon Harvey, to claim their third win in conference play against only one .setback. · Peru is now 1-2 in conference play and 5-8 overall. Peru scoring as follows
The Peru State wrestling team gained a 23-14 victory over Kearney State at Kearney last Friday night. This victory gives the Bobcats a seven and four record on the season, but more important, head coach Vince Monseau's grapplers are three and one since the semester break. The lone defeat of this semester was a narrow loss to South Dakota State University
two weeks ago.
Monseau tributes part of his team's recent success to strong performances by newcomers Jim Cash and Bud Kimball and added 1 "This is a terrific win over a team that defeated us earlier in the season. Our wrestlers have been making steady improvement all the way through the season and if it keeps up we will be in good shape for the conference and district meets."
Results by weight class.
118 - Bud Kimball (Pl pinned Ron Smith (Kl in 3:02.
126 - Dan Mowery (K) dee. Gary Lesoing (P) 5-4.
134 - Rick Black (P) and Chris Wilkinson (K) tied 9-9.
142 - Russ Hunt (P) dee. Larry Jones (K) 9-3.
150 - John Whisler (P) dee. Randy Nichelson (K) 8-0.
158-Jim Cash (P) dee. Kevin Klingelhofter (K) 5-0.
167 - Bob Osborn (K) dee.
Kim Tennal (P) 8-2.
OPEN GYM AND 177 - Dean Anstey (P) dee.
POOLSCHEDULE illl Dudley Nelson (K) 8-1.
Saturday (College Students) :;::
190 - Dick Hoback (P) dee.
Sunday <City people) -.. !:} Ken Vermass (K) 5-4.
JANUARY ::·; HWT. - Phil Gustafson (K)
Tom Scherer .·er ::l; pinned Jim Rezac (P) in 3:35.
:; ;21st - George ----------.
(Wrestling Match, The;;;; (.;: facilities will be closed) ;:;: - Don Miller ;:;;
Wheel'r Inn
Drive-Inn Restaurant
Miss Bonnie Rutz is in charge of the games and urges any interested people to form a team and enter the competition. Teams that are interested may enter by contacting Miss Rutz in her office.
Teams entered in competition are coached by Jerry Symancyk, Pat Schultz, Larry Hillyer, Teresa Ewalt and Arlene Doeden. Teams must consist of four men and four women. Most of the games will be played on Wednesday evenings from 8to 10 o'clock.
Bobkittens ready for season
Bobkitten cage team practices h.ave been picking up tempo. Coaches Pitts and Rombach have been working with the girls to ready an offense and defense for the season.
Players who have returned from last year's team are Kris Rotter, Linda Eichenberger, Teresa Ewalt, Jody Fichter, Mary Goergen, and Carol Lang New players who will help the Bobkittens are Patty Collins, Darcy Lippold, Allie Stolenberg, Gail Harmon, and Becky Niday.
The Bobkitten schedule is:
Feb.6TarkioatPeru 7:30p.m.
Feb.11 Wesleyan at Peru 7:30 p.m.
Feb.17KearneyatPeru 2:00 p.m.
l!'eb. 25 St. Mary at Peru p.m.
Feb. 27 at Tarkio
Mar. il at Wesleyan 7:30p. Mar. 17 Tarkio Sports Day
OPTOMETRIST CONTACT LENSES ClosedWed.P.M.-Sat. P.M. ; 119 No. 8th St. Nebraska Cit)!'!
Phone 872-3335
Member of F.D.l.C.
Invites PSC Students To Open Checking and Savings Accounts
Incense and 1·ncense Burners
Tom Scherer @ 4th - William Landis ::;:
ii.10th - John Hahn
Paul Kruse :;:;
!;!;17th - Kelly Liewer :;:;
i§:18th - William Landis !!ll - William Snyder ;:;:
;;:; MARCH :;:;
::;::3rd - Alan Shipley
- Darrell Wininger
Eat here or Tote South Edge on 73-75 Auburn, Nebraska Arnold & Judy Gebers
Chess Sets · Candles
Large Record Selection
Soda Fountain Jewelry
Nebraska Phone 872-6355 REX'S CAFE AND TAVERN Completely Remodeled Meals & Short Orders ON TAP Bud &Old Milwau-kee Come in and see us Rex -& Bill Rains Phone 872-9965 Peru, Nebraska Tinn
Peru Pedagogian
Hursey to edit Peru Challenge
A brand new town newspaper ·n so'on make its appearance in Peru area. Under the name the Peru Challenge, the new er will be released for thest time February 14 and every ursday afterwords. he first three publications be mailed free of charge to ea residents to introduce the hallenge" to the public. Editing the new paper is ichard Hursey, who recently oved to Peru from Syracuse, ere he was editor of the urnal Democrat. Hursey will most of the news stories, itorials, features, and otography. Also with the · hallenge" is Wayne Werning o will be in charge of adtising.
e newspaper office· wm be ated in Peru at 801 5th street, hile the paper will be printed in braska City.
Hursey said he expects the eru Challenge to have a inimum of twelve pages per e to reach a circulation of
will remain
open dorm policy will main an open policy for the mainder of the semester under e guidelines adopted by the dent Governing Association. e policy been an apparent cess thus far as indicated by veys conducted by the S.G.A. d the "Ped".
The program has been exrimental so far, and has llowed a schedule of periodic cks by the various campus mmittees and agencies inlved.
According to Dr. Rosenburg other similar meeting will be Id during the latter part of the rrent semester to further aluate the program; probably metime in the last nine weeks. y complaints concerning the en dorm policy wili be heard this time.
The success of the program is 1but certain and there are no ans to cancel or curtail it, said Rosenburg. The only reason r the spring meeting is to aluate the current rules and ake some changes if they are emed necessary.
JOOO to 1500 copies. He also expects to reach all of Nemaha County as well as parts of the surrounding counties.
The paper will cover community affairs such as various club and church happenings and will have the usual editorial and obituary columns. The paper will also keep the community informed on college happenings such as sports events.
One specific thing which will be discussed in the paper will involve plans for tl)e river front development. According to Hursey_,, the paper will support the river front development but not to the extent that the land would be exploited. -....
Subscribers may write to.; Peru Challenge Box 187 Peru · Nebr". 6842i. Subscription rates are five dollars per year in Nemaha, Otoe, Johnson, Pawnee, and Richardson counties. The newspaper also will be available on the newstand for fifteen cents a copy.
The members of the Peru Kiwanis Club are holding a pancake feed on February 10, in the Peru City Hall, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.
The menu consists of pancakes, sausages, coffee, tea, and milk.
Under the direction of the members of the Kiwanis ·Club, Circle K and the Peru Scout Troop will assist.
Admission will be 75 cents for children under 12 and $1.25 for adults.
Grad. fee must be paid
Figures down
Preliminary second semester enrollment figures at Peru State College indicate that the percentage of drop between first and second semester 1972-1973 enrollment is the least since 1968-1969, according to Dr. Kelly Liewer, Registrar.
"The percentage, based on day on-campus enrollment, shows slightly over seven per cent fewer students enrolled early this month compared to fall, 1972 enrollment." Dr. Liewer stated.
"The 1968-1969 school year produced peak all-time enrollment at Peru State for day and night on-campus students," Dr. Liewer said.
On-campus day student enrollment decreases from fall to spring semesters in years ·since 1969 and have been approximately 12 ·per Dr. Liewer's statistics show.
Dr. Liewer also said that preliminary total on-campus enrollment, which includes day and night class students, indicates approximately 9per cent decrease from first semester enrollment, also the least decline since spring, 1969.
Commenting on the enrollment percentage change, Acting President Max G. Smith said, "We believe this indicates the turn of events at Peru State and reflects our greatly increased thrust in admissions and recruitment. Clearly we are showing that the theme of this year's Homecoming is correct'There's a new day coming in Peru"'.
Harlem Thrillers . coming
The "Clown Princes of Basketball" are coming to Peru! No, not the Harlem Globe Trotters, but the .Harlem Thrillers. They will be in Peru February 10, at 8 p.m. in the gym.
Opposition will be formed by the faculty and Jr. varsity team, and officials will be Dave Lainez and Ananias Montague.
Halftime entertainment will be supplied by the Kitty Kiide!tes.
Glamour Girl nominees from top to bottom are: Diane Blauhorn, Carla Gerdes, Dianne Dunn, Debbie Coffelt, Debbie Gaines, Starlet Brockmeyer, and Rena Meritt.
Seven nominees have been selected for Peru State College's Glamour Girl contest. The girls were chosen by PSC faculty heads and department members.The nominees are Diane Blailhorn, Starlet Brockmeyer, Debbie Coffelt, Dianne Dunn, Debbie Gaines, Carla Gerdes, and Rena Meritt.
The girls were chosen on the basis of dress, community and college activities, and special honors received.
The contest is ·sponsored annually be the Student Center Board. PSC students will vote to decide on this years Glamour Girl on Monday and Tuesday, February 5and 6, in the Student Center.
Diane Blailhorn, a freshman from Palmer, is a secial work major. She is a member of the Social Work Club and Peru State Social Science Society. She plans lo go on to graduate school and obtain her Masters degree in social work. Diane lists cooking and reading as her outside inlerests.
important outside interests is ventriloquism.
Debbie Coffelt, a senior music major from Oakland, Iowa, is a member of Kappa Delta Pi and · MENC. Debbie plans to attend graduate school. Her favorite hobby is playing the guitar.
· Dianne Dunn, a senior rrom Falls City, is also a music major. Dianne belongs to MENC and Kappa Delta Pi. She enjoys sewing. In the future, she plans to teach, preferably elementary music.
Debbie Gaines, a senior from Peru, has a major in elementary and special education. She is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, student representative for teacher education, and is affiliated with the Mental Health Clinic in Auburn. She likes working with small children and enjoys art and music. Debbie plans on going into teaching or perhaps on to graduate school.
Carla Gerdes is a junior majoring in elementary and special education. She commutes from her home in Auburn. Carla's interests include music and reading. She plans to teach also.
registrar. This fee goes toward · the basic expenses of f graduation, such as caps and A gowns, processing of diplomas, f and other miscellaneous ex-
The admission will be: Slt1d('nts. $1.25, Adults. $1.50, and ALL tickets at the door will be $2.00. The tickets are on sale al tlw SCH office.
This event is sponsored by Circle K.
Starlet Brockmeyer, a freshman from Stromsburg, is an elementary education major. She belongs to SCB and is on the dorm council of DavidsonPalmer hall. Starlet plans a leaching career. Her most
Hena Meritt, a junior with a major in business administration, is from Peru. Rena is a member of Phi Beta Lambda. Rena's favorite hobby is sewing her own clothes. She is undecided regarding plans for lhe future.
Saturday, F!'bruary Wrrstling, Nebraska Wesleyan-Iowa Western-Peru 2:00 p.m., gym.
Monday. February 5
Intramurals, 6:00-10:00 p.m. l'SSSS Mrcting, FA 212, 6:00 p.m. Kappa Delta Pi, WDR, 5:00 p.m. Lambda Delta Lambda, Sci 104, 7:30 p.m. BB Kearney, there
Tuesday, February (i
Women's BB, gym, 7:30 p.m. SGA Meeting, FA 212, 6:00 p.m. Circle K. WDR, 4:45-6:00 p.m. Kiwanis, WDR, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, February 7 WAA, 6:00-10:00 p.m. Wrestling, Concordia, gym, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 8
Intramurals, 6:00-10:00 p.m. SCB, WDR, 5:00 p.m.
A better tribute could not be paid lo the late Duane Allman than "Duane Allman-An Anthology" (Capricorn 2CP 0108). Anthology means a collection of choice poems of varied authorship and that's just what this two album set is, Duane Allman playing with different vocalists and musicians.
Sides one and two has the guitarist playing in a B.B. King Medley, with Wilson Pickett in "Hey Jude" and also backing up Clarence Carter, Aretha Franklin, and King Curtis.
Instructor Siegner also author
By STEVE KNITTLEForthcoming from Nelson Hall Publishers of Chicago is a new book on home planning and furnishing co-authored by Peru State's Dr. C. Vernon Siegner. Collaborating with Dr. Siegner is Bill "Andy" Anderson, a real estate man from Topeka, Kansas, and a graduate of Peru.
The book, which is aimed at the high school level, was first suggested by Anderson. Due to his knowledge in the home planning area a local high school had asked Andy to speak to its home management calsses. He was very surprised to find so little subject matter on home planning and decided to write a book about it. ·
Anderson's major at PSC was Industrial Arts so his entire college career was directed by Dr. Siegner. Naturally Siegner's name was the first to come fo mind as a partner in the project. It's not exactly a fifty-fifty proposition since Dr. Siegner is writing eight of the twelve chapters with Anderson contributing four.
The book will cover almost all areas of home planning and purchase. Anyone who has been even remotely connected with the purchase or construction of a new home knows that without a proper knowledge it can be quite a hassle. Very few people have this knowledge at their fingertips, so trained personnel are vital.
Some of the areas · to be covered include the following: The legal procedures, which
means that all abstracts and deeds must be brought up to date insuring legal ownership of the property, financial aspects, including loans made to purchase a home.
Other subjects of the book are: planning room areas, use of colors, lighting, maintenance, wall and ceiling treatment, types of furniture, landscaping, home sites, and how to choose the right one, and a short history of land ownership from feudal times to the present.
Dr. Siegner stated that the book is aimed at the high school area because the college is oversaturated with this kind of material. The publishers have been primarily printers of fiction, but are now looking for works in the non-fiction field. They felt that the SiegnerAnderson book was the type they were looking for and agreed to publish, A target date for completion and publication is June, 1974.
Dr. Siegner's knowledge of the subject goes beyond a mere classroom usage. ms own home in Peru is living proof -of his abilities as a home planner and decorator. He and Mrs Siegner have more or less "gutted" the interior of the house and rebu\lt it. They are always maldng changes and improvements, which Dr. Siegner states, is the best way to compile information and knowledge about the subject.
The home planning book ii; Dr. Siegner's second publishing attempt. He is the· author of a very successful high school text on metal work.
Friday, February 9
Saturday, February 10 Harlem vs Peru faculty and jr. varsity basketball.
Response to Letter to the Editor Jan. 19
in thLJanuary 19, 1973 Pedagogian a letterto the editor appeared asking questions as to why a stove had not been installed at Clayburn-Matthews. Acc9rding, to mail)tenance department itead, ·George Wendel, the stove has been in complete working order since before Christmas vacation. Wendel went on to say that the stove would have been installed when it was first moved to Clayburn-Matthews had it not been for the need of different electrical breaker boxes.
The type of breaker boxes needed for the installation had to be of a certain bolt-on type. These however are no longer manufactured. Factories now
Summer wedding
Mr and Mrs Fred C. Lockwood of Brock announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Denice to Steve Rathbone, son of Mr and Mrs Mort Rathbone of Johnson.
Denice, a 1972 graduate of Johnson-Brock High School, is presently attending Peru StateCollege. Steve, 1971 graduate of Johnson-Brock, is farming.
A summer wedding is being planned:
Plattsmouth students given tour
Seventeen Plattsmouth High School students enrolled in "College Orientation", a semester interim mini-course, spent Friday, January 19, on the ·Peru ·State College campus. Students and their instructor, Dale Strobel, Plattsmouth High School guidance counselor, were met by PSC admissions officers. Tom Stone and Gary Hoemann. and served milk, coffee and rolls when they arrived at 9:30 a.m. Peru State student admissions committee members then
conducted campus tours.
The students were Peru State's guests at a steak luncheon in the Student Center before attending a 12:45 general session with discussions on financial aids, admission procedures and a questionanswer session. High school guests then attended college classes of their ·choice · and visited with course 'instructors.
Mr Strol,lel said, "By talking to college professors and visiting a college campus, the high school
students· gain insight and can better prepare before attending college. It's easier for them to a,djust."
The three-week course offered at Plattsmouth High School is one ·of· 85 such mini-courses offered after the Christmas break before second seme5ter begins. In high school classroom work students dicuss criteria, in colleg.e, where to find information when seeking · a college, fillallcial aids and how to be successful in college.
produce completely different clip-on breaker boxes which would not work at the Complex. Because of all this the electrical breaker boxes had to be specially ordered from the factory Wendel reported that as soon as the new electrical components arrived, they were installed.
A sink has also been moved into the kitchen at ClayburnMatthews, but is not in operation yet because of a faulty part in the garbage disposal. The part has been ordered and should arrive within several weeks.
Sides three and four comprise of work done more recently by Allman such as; "Livin' On The Open Road" with Delaney, Bonnie and Friends, "Mean Old World" with Eric Clapton and "Standback" with his own group the Allman Brothers.
Probably the best song on the. album is the last cut on side three "Layla". This seven minute piece of pleasure was done while Allman was with Claptons' Derek and the Dominoes. With Duane's tense guitar capturing the first four minutes followed by three minutes of Bobby Whitlock on·. piano this song in my opinoin is the best non-top ten song of 1972 "Little Martha'', the only song written by Allman appropriately ends the album. The in- · strumental combines Duane and Dicky Betts in a lovely and rare accoustic duet.
Even though the Allman Brothers Band is not one of iny favorite groups, I must admit Duane Allman was one of the finest guitarists around.
SGA to distribute
"Gift Packs"
"700 Gift Packs" was one of the main topics at the January 30 meeting of the SGA. The gift packages are given to the students at registration at the start of every semester. This product which is made by Gift Packs Incorporated was delivered a week late, so they were not available at A motion was passed to distribute the 700 gift packs in the Student Center Monday February 5th during the lunch hour. Two stations, one in front of the Bob Inn and one in front of the cafeteria will be bases for distribution.
These packages contain the basic essentials of college life such as Ban (roll-on or spray), Vitalis, Head and Shoulders, Excedrin, Tooth brush and Ultra
Brite tooth paste.
The college board of trustees has set up a presidential search committee whose purpose is to interview applicants for the job of president of Peru State college and recommend their choice to the board. The SGA's representatives on the committee, who were voted in by a 32 vote at a meeting of the SGA executive committee, are Fred Robertson and Doug Fritz.
Treasurer Kurt Frohling reported that the SGA has spent $221.83 so far this year. A good part of that has gone to pay the lifeguards and other fees for keeping the gymnasium facilities open .on weekends
be Allman An0108). wllection varied what Duane different the King in up Aretha comprise by The )elaney, Old and wngroup trustees , search to job State their com3SGA Fred Fritz. 'rohling spent good the for
Glen Hunter leaving Peru
r:ffcctivc February 16.Mr Glen II un tcr, the curren.l food manager and representative of Broughton Food Service, will leave the Peru State Campus. He has accepted a position with the Bella Vista Land Development Co. of Bella Vista, Arkansas. Mr Hunter will also terminate his association with Broughton. In his new position Mr Hunter will be concerned with real estate and community development as a sales representative.
The Hunters have sold their home in Peru and plan to rent a home in Bella Vista temporarily. They own a lot in the area and contemplate the construction of a new home sometime in the future.
The Bella Vista area is one of
ome Ee. Dept. planning tea
uary 11 at 7:30 a.m. the home ec department d baking fruit cake; they .shed at 6:00 p.m. that "' · g. Preparations for the started before Christmas and grapefruit peels '.' e candied and cut by · bers of the club.
is was all in the planning of 32nd Annual Martha hington Tea, to be held on ruary 22 on Peru's campus. ' tea is an annual event and ruit cake served each year om a recipe copied at Mount n in 1940. The recipe nated with Martha ington's granddaughter
the many planned resort communities being built in the country today. It is situated in the Ozark hill country of Arkansas, being primarily a v acalion and retirement development. The area is in the process of subdivision with a great deal of construction taking place. Mr Hunter was in Bella Vista over this last weekend and reported the temperature to be in the mid-fifties.
Mr Hunter ·has been associated with P.S.C. and Broughton since October 1, 1968. Prior lo that time he owned and operated a cafe in Tarkio, Mo., for ten years before coming to Nebraska.
Both Mr and Mrs Hunter stated that they enjoyed their association with Peru very
Band ensemble performs Feb. 18
Peru State's Concert Band Ensemble ·will perform the Winter Concert February 18 at 7:30 p.m. The Sunday evening concert will be held in the college auditorium.
Dr. Gilbert Wilson reports that the relatively new band is made mostly of new second semester students. They will play selections such as "The Theme From Shaft" arranged by Isaac Hayes, "Good Daughter Overature" from an early opera by Piccini, and "Overature A'llegro" by John Morrissey.
The entire Home Ee Club helped with the preparations, with Mrs Louise Kregel supervising. ..., The public is invited tothetea ori February 22, .ftom 3 to 5'p.m. Featured in the concert will be
Hush Puppies
. Dress and Casual . Keds
% block south of stop light Auburn, Nebraska Peru has used it almost year since 1940. is year 123 pounds of cake baked. The cakes vary in· HEMM
from one half pound to 20 ds.
Sun. - Mon. ·Tues.
February 4-5-6
Dustin Hoffman in THE GRADUATE thru .Saturday I
% February 7-8-9-1 o
Double Feature
Walt Disney's DUMBO -andThe Legend of LOBO
a trumpet trio made up of Karen Ramsay, Dianne Rees and Dennis Ehmke. They will play "Buglers Holiday" by LeRoy Anderson. The flute section will also feature "Beguine for Flutes". The concert band ensemble will break down into it's sixteen person·stage band and play hits from Chicago; Blood, Sweat and Tears, and other pop tunes.
There will be no admission fee charged at the concert.
much. "I have never seen a more cooperative group of students. I think we have a great bunch here and I will miss working with them very much."
Mr and Mrs Guy Edwards of Omaha announce the engagement of their daughter, Katherine Sue, to Sgt. Frank Cox, Jr., son of Mr and Mrs Frank Cox, Sr., of Poland, Ohio. Kathy was a sophomore at Peru Stale majoring in Home Economics. She has decided to postpone completing requirements for her degree until a later date.
Mr Cox is stationed at Offutt Air Force Base, near Omaha. A May 4, 1973 wedding is being planned.
Wrestlers beat Iowa Western, William Jewell BANK OF PERU
The Peru State Wrestling team acquired two more vie-. tories during the past week. The Bobcats defeated Iowa Western Community College 52-6 at Clarinda, Iowa, Thursday evening and downed William Jewell 45-8 on their home mat Saturday afternoon.
The dual match against Western Iowa saw "the cats" capture 1-decision, 6-pins, and 2forfeits. ··The highlight of the match was two back to back pins under thirty seconds. Jim Cash at 167 pinned Don Carson of Iowa in :25 seconds and Kim Tennal at 177 pinned Iowa's Dave Ray in :15 seconds. Peru's only loss came at the 126 bracket when freshman Bud Kimball was pinned with 4:30 gone in the match.
Against William Jewell Peru had 4-pins, 3-decisions and 2forfeits. Peru forfeited the 134
weight class and William Jewell forfeited the 142 weight class.
Peru's 142 pounder wrestled 134
Bill Walker of William Jewell in an exhibition match.
Head Coach Vince Monseau stated, "Right now we are pleased with our record on the season. We have already won as many matches as last years team."
Peru 52, Iowa Western 6
118 - Jack Stanley (P) pin
Steve Masters, 1:28.
126 - Steve Harris (IW) pin
Bud Kimball, 4:30
134 - Rick Black (P) Dec.
Steve Merrick 13-2
142- Russ Hunt (P) pin Steve
Murphy, 2:48
150 - John Whisler (P) pin
Marve Mandt, 1:40
Rod Wartman (P) pin
Keith Johbson, 5:28
167 - Jim Cash (P) pin Don
Carson :25
177 - Kim Tennal (PJ pin
UNO overtakes Peru
By \RICK De KLOTZThe University of Nebraska at Omaha handed Peru State an 8472 setback in a crucial Nebraska College Conference game last Tuesday night.
Awin for the 'Cats would have kept them even in the loss column with U.N.O. in the conference standings in which the winner will play the Nebraska Intercollegiate Athletic Conference champion to determine who will represent the district in the national finals to be held in Kansas City.
As it is U.N.O. is not a part of the N.C.C., but the only way they can qualify for a playoff spot is to finish ahead of all the state colleges in the N.C.C. If U.N.0. finishes on top of the conference, then the second place ·team would be named the official winner of the title since U.N.0. is not a part of it. However that second place team will not be involved in any playoffs.
Ananias Montague.hit on 10 of 16 shots in the first half, and Peru led by as much as eight points on four occasions. However, the Bobcats had 11 turnovers the first haif as compared to only four for the Mavericks. This coupled with many disputable calls on the part of the referees kept the game close, and the Mavericks in il. Eleven fouls were whistled on Peru in the first half as compared ·with only four on U.N.O. Make no mistake about il, U.N.O. is a good ball club whO executes it's plays well as they showed in the second half. But it would not be fair if the fact was not brought out that the Bobcats out goaled U.N.O. 33:31, but only got 9 chances at the free throw line, hilling on 6, while the Mavericks got 27 attempts, hilling on 22.
Another aspect of the U.N.O. learn is the Lough defense their guards play. They were constantly picking up the 'Cal guards, Don Monzingo arid Tom r'roehlich al half court and held these two lo six points, all by Monzingo. In evidence of the
officiating, both Froehlich and Monzingo along with Rick Minor fouled out for the Bobcats. This was the first game in which Monzingo has ever fouled out of.
Track """ results
The Peru State track team finished third in the Doane Invitational track meet held last Saturday in Crete.
Doane amassed 66 points to win it's own invitational, outdistancing N. W. Missouri who scored 43 points to finish second and the Bobcats who scored 34 to finish ahead of Marymount who tallied 18.
Leon Golden won two events, the 60 yard intermediate hurdles in 7.5 seconds and the 60 yard high .hurdles in 8.0 seconds to pace the 'Cats. Robin Simmons won the pole vault by going 13'6", and Avery Wallace took the long jump with a leap of 22'10%" to become the only other Bobcat to win an event.
Mel Kelly took second in the 60 yard dash by runing 6.3 seconds in the prelims and 6.4 in the finals. Ken Kamman won a second place finish in the shotputt by throwing it 49'1/2".
Bill Sell took two fifth places in the longer distances by running 2:04.3 in the 880 yard run and 4:26.7 in the iniie run.
\Vheel'r Inn
Peru Pedagogian
Cast selected for Student teachers The Child Buyer
By SUZANNE COUGHLINThe Child Buyer, Peru's third theatrical production of the year, will be presented on March 8-10 in the college auditorium.
The theme of The Child Buyer is futuristic, dealing with our treatment of children, and more specifically, exceptional children.
The plot concerns Paul Rudd, a ten-year-old boy with a highly advanced mind. The child buyers offers to purchase the boy and put his intellect to use in n experimental fashion. The idea of putting a price on a child seems outrageous to some of the people in Paul's world, but to hers it appears to be quite ane. The controversy, then, ompts a court hearing; thus, ost of the action takes place in ·courtroom.
Originally presented on stage 1962, The Child Buyer is a
qrama in three acts, adapted by Paul Shyre from a novel by Johri Hershey.
Directed by Miss Pat Manley, the drama will feature Mike Kelly in the title role as Wissey Jones, Trudy Stevens as Mrs Rudd; John Teten, Mr Rudd; Joevette Farber, Dr. Gozar; Dan Gruber, Broadbent; John Thomas, Senator Mansfield; Jackie Collins, Mrs Sloat; Steve Knittle, Owing; Phil Chapman, Senator Skypack; Robert Reimer, Sen. Voyolko; Suzanne Coughlin, Miss Perrin; Karlene Badgett, stenographer; Ann O'Connor, clerk; and Arthur Herrera, courtroom guard. Interested people are still needed to work on crews for the play in such departments as setting, props, costumes, lighting, publicity, etc, Please contact Miss Manley, if interested.
Dance wi II be Febr. 15
Peru State's Glamour girl will named at a dance February 5, at 8:00 p.m. in the student enter cafeterig. Students voted February 5and on their selection for Glamour I.
PSC candidates are Diane lauborn, Carla Gerdes, Dianne unn, Debbie Coffelt, Debbie
Gaines, Starlet Brockmeyer, and Rena Meritt.
Roses will be presented to the new Glamour girl during the first or second break. Fritz Stehlik, president of Student Center Board, will make the presentation.
Sanctuary, a group from Lawrence, Kans., will perform for the dance.
By TOM STRINGFELLOWFrom March 12 to May 11 fiftyseven students in the second half of their professional semester will be out on their own proving themselves capable of becoming future teachers. The first nine weeks are devoted to specialized training which prepares each student for the second nine weeks of student teaching.
The Director of student leaching, Dr. Lloyd Kite, reports that student teachers are expected to do the same amount of work as a full time teacher. This means they must plan out all lessons to be presented and, if on the secondary level, teach a minimum of four classes. Dr. Kile also said the most difficult thing that student teachers have lo do is the actual lesson planning, while one of the biggest problems is discipline.
Student teachers will be graded and evaluated on such things as knowldedge of subjects taught, class control, understanding of students, leadership and many other personal characteristics.
The 57 student teachers will include: Pat Castle, Doug Fritz, Steve Miller, and Kristine Rotter, all assigned to Auburn High School; Richard Corbin at Calvert Elementary in Auburn; and Ray Bleich to Peru Elementary. Also Kirk Dau and
on·the job
Brad Williams will be instructing classes at Auburn Middle School.
Teaching in Beatrice will be Diane Jones and Robert Rut at the senior high school and Sheryl Kerr at the junior high.
John Waters and Sandra Slipsager have been assigned in the Bellevue area to Logan Fontennelle Jr. High and Peter Sarp..Y Elementary respectively.
Soon to be student teaching in Falls City are Devoe Manning, Carole Obermeyer and Terence Volker at the local high school along with Larry Haskell and Faye Hayes at the junior high.
Teaching classes on the secondary level in Hamburg will be Kim Kammon; in Glenwood, Tim Becker; in the FremontMills district, Susan Foster and Barb Policky; and in Humbolt, Richard Bacon, James Lippold, and Karen Ramsay. Also in Humboldt, but instructing on the elementary level will be Debra Gaines.
fo the Lewis Central District will be George Radtke at the local junior high and Deborah Coffelt at Kreft Elementary.
Lincoln will receive three student teachers: Roger. Michaelis at Dawes Junior High, Patricia Bartek at Pound Junior "High, and Jack Jensen at Holmes · Elementary. Also Patricia Shehan has been assigned to Hitchcock
Elementary in Millard, Joyce Fink to Johnson-Brock's high school, Louis Ehlers to Trumble Park Elementary in Papillion, and Roger Rosenthall will teach secondary classes in the Southeast School District at Stella. ·
Nebraska City will receive the largest number of student teachers with David Gibson, David Knoll, Bob Lessner, Steve Mergen, and Mrs Marilyn Woerlen being assigned to the high school and Richard Earl and Karla Mergen going to Northside Elementary.
Other student teachers will include Sandra Grivel and Don Monzingo, both assigned to Omaha South High; Deborah Hlavac and John Winkel to the senior high at Plattsmouth along with Thomas Ridenour also at Plattsmouth, but to the junior high; Deborah Bowman, Connie Shandy and Stanley Vogel will leach elementary in Shenandoah: Arlene Dolden, Dianne Dunn and Stephan Sim, assigned to Syracuse's junior high while Gerald Neeman and Ronnie Wohlers will both be at the Syracuse elementary school; and John Vickers and Ann Borcher will be student teaching in Tecumseh, John at the high school and Ann at the junior high.
Circle Kis honored
The 1973 Mid -Nebraska - Iowa conference in Omaha honored P.S.C.'s Circle K Club.
Mr Randy Hrouda, the district Circle K governor reported to the conference that the Peru Circle K Club was the outstanding Circle K Club in the two stale district.
To prove his point Mr Hrouda gave a list of Peru's Circle K's accomplishments. These Accomplishments were: Circle K donated $200. 00 to the radio station, donated a baseball scoreboard, donated $100.00 to Nemaha County Welfare Department, bought a pair of orthopedic shoes for a blind child, placed three new lawn benches on campus, gave $25.00 lo the Auburn band fund to go to Miami.
Circle K went to the hospital children's wards in Auburn and Nt'braska City, sponsored Cub Sl.'outs and gave $25.00 for patches, honored Teri Fink for outstanding service for Circle K by a non-member, gave prol.'eeds from dance concession to Presidents Council on Social events. Circle K's faculty sponsor, Dr. Wininger, takes care of the sign in front of the
Education building. Circle K also helps the Kiwanis club at the pancake feed. Circle K also is sponsoring the Harlem Thriller game February 10.
Mr Hrouda also stated that Kiwanis Clubs should be proud of Peru's Circle K Club. Peru's Circle K club only has 15 members.
Nielsen Receives Stewart Scholarship
Armon Nielsen, a Peru State senior majoring in Business Administration, is the first recipient of the Charles M. Stewart Memorial Scholarship presented by Life Insurance Leaders of Nebraska.
Armon is currently president of Phi Beta Lambda, business honorary, and has been on the dean's list. The award was for the 1972-1973 academic year.
AILSiicial Science and Phi Alpha Theta members will have tlwir pictures taken Thursday, February 15 al 3:30 p.m.,in the Fine Arts mall.
V.D. rate up in Peru
By FRANK D'ADDESAThere's a poster on the market which states "V.D. is nothing to clap about".
Though the poster is humorous, Venereal Disease is not something to laugh at, especially if you have one.
According to the college nurse Mrs Virginia Miller, "V.D. is second only to the common cold in the general disease department."
In the 1970-71 ·State of Nebraska Department of Health Report both syphilis and gonorrhea has tripled in carriers during the last fourteen years in the.state.
Mrs Miller stated that gonorrhea is more common at ·Peru State than syphilis. Though she couldn't give me any statistics on the rate of V.D. at Peru State since cases are kept confidential between the students and the college doctor, she knows the rate is increasing.
How do you know if you have
syphilis or gonorrhea? Mrs Miller listed the symptoms for syphilis as a painless sore on the woman and on the male. This sore is called a chancre. The symptoms of gonorrhea are butning sensations when a man .urinates and a yellow-white discharge; with the female, in most cases, there are no outward signs of the disease.
Mrs Miller strongly if you have or think you have V.D. go to the doctor and be checked for it. If you have it, the only charge at the Health Center is for the penicillin. The nurse noted that there's a possibility of sterilization if the disease is not taken care of promptly.
Though the V.D. rate is tremendously rising, sexual intercourse will still go on. I asked Mrs Miller what can be done to prevent contacting it. Her answer was "prophylactics and use of good hygiene after intercourse can help but there is no absolute protection against Venereal Disease".
Lab is March 26
Peru's child development course students will conduct a four week laboratory pre-school beginning March 26 for prekindergarten children of the Peru Elementary School district, Mrs Vicki Jacobitz of the PSC home economics department staff has announced.
· Afternoon sessions from 1: 15 to 2:30 Monday through Thursday will be conducted by college students and supervised by Mrs Jacobitz. Parents of Peru Elementary School district
children four years of age or eligible for kindergarten in the fall of 1973 will be issued letters of invitation and application blanks by mid-February, Mrs Jacobitz said. "" Any parents of eligible' children not confaCteo are asked to notify Mrs Jacobitz at the college. Applications are to he returned by March 16, and a preliminary meeting for parents is scheduled at 7 p.m. March 20 in Education 312.
Valentine's Day Brings Reactions
February 14 is rapidly approaching and with it comes the time when most people turn 1eir thoughts to that one special subject, LOVE!
This day has had importance for several centuries due to many. people, all named Saint Valentine. History records the fact that there were several saints by the name of Valentine, but the modern generations have two imparticular to thank. These two were martyrs both died on February 14, and were buried probably without ever knowing each other.
These two men probably had no connection whatever with the custom of sending valentines or love-tokens to one's beloved. This custom is though to owe it's· origin to the conventional belief in England and France, that it was the start of the second fortnight of the second month that the birds began to mate. Most people really believed this Chaucer wrote that, "it was on seynt Valentynes day when every foul cometh ther to chese his mate."
Thus, down through the centuries it has been the popular custom :md tradition to send a loved one a card, or some other like flowers and candy, on this special day.
The day is connected with love and most people seem to like it that way; or do they? With the
date approaching here's what several Peru State students have to say about St. Valentine's Day:
"It's good for my sweet tooth." - Jeannine Buss.
"I have to spend money for girl's sweet tooth." - Larry Kohel.
"No comment." - Chuck Smith.
Theresa Krontz - "It's very sweet."
Jerry Symancyk - "It's just another day."
''Never gave me any big thrill." - June Bottcher.
"It's supposed to be a ·nice day, I guess." - Dick Morrissey.
"I wish there wasn't one."Laurita Tackett.
"H's a day to make kissyfaces." - Carol Orr.
"I kinda like it 'cause it's the only time I get a card!' - Evelyn Heebner.
"Take it or leave it." - Carol Lang.
"A day to show your affection for someone." - Patty Johnson.
"I <ion 't get excited over it."Terry Bahr.
"It'sjusta regular occasion." - Sheryl Kerr.
"It's a day I can get a kiss from my wife without getting slapped." - Rick Rodney. ·
"Valentine's Day is a day for Iove. It makes me think <if people · I like:" - Arlo Wusk. ·
"I love It!" - Peggy Kreifels.
Reefer Madness
By NATELYThere seems to be a serious problem afflicting the youth of America today, and that problem is drugs, more specifically, that devil weed marijuana. Being that this newspaper is highly with the moral fibre of the youth attending PSC, it presents this review. 01 that 1936 classic "Reefer Madness".
So listen up kiddies, for there's a moral tale to be told in this flick. It all takes place during the 1930s, when there were no laws against that deadly weed (gasp! Imagine.)
The main theme centers around a high school principal who is trying to educate and arouse the public to take action against this assassin of youth. He states facts from an actual case in Florida where a youthful marijuana addict used an ax to anihilate his mother, father, two brothers, and a sister. He goes on the recamp theJurid details of what happened to some of the s·tudents where he was principal. It is this story, complete wth
unabashed, graphic details that ''Reefer Madness" relays its' grassroots.
The action centers around three innocent high school students who get hopelessly addicted after being picked up at the soda-shop by the unscrupulous pusher. The pusher then heartlessly takes them to a party where they are chided into smoking cigarettes or "Reefers" containing the deadly weed. From that point on there is fast paced action; a hit-andrun accident, a torrid incestuous, love affair, rape, murder, and finally incurable insanity.
Although made in 1936, this film is very relevant to todays youth with their · permissive attitudes. It is recommended to anyone who questions t6e evils of marijuana addiction.
Running time: 76 minutes. As an added bonus some theatres are playing selected shorts such as "Sinister Harvest", a vintage 1930 film about hashish smoking in Egypt. Take someone you love, or would like to. Far out. Hey man, is Dave there?
Hy FllANK D'ADDESAl'oco's latest album "A Good To Know" (Columbia KE 31601) indicates the four year old group is still trying to get it all together.
Richie Furay still plays a pretty effective guitar, but his group for some reason cannot put a hit song together. Anyway some of the better cuts on the album are "And Settlin' Down", "Restrain", and. "A Good Feelin' To Know".
Another good one "Go And Say Goodbye", Furay didn't have to look far for since he was a member of the Buffalo Springfield when they first did it.
"A Good Feeling' To Know" is just like Poco's last album, mostly boring.
On the other hand another new Columbia release "Loggins and Messina" (KC 31748) isn't too bad. On the record Jim Messina and Kenny Loggins put together eleven good sounds which includes hit song "Your Mama Don't Dance", which sounds like something the Everly Brothers would have done a while back.
Other songs worth mentioning include "Long Tail Cat", "Thinking Of You", in-. strumental "Just Before The. News" and "Angry Eyes". For "Angry Eyes" the couple gets away from their country sound for a while and the results are pretty good.
If you don't believe me go hear it for yourself, Messina and Loggins are playing at Omaha's Civic Auditorium tonite with the Hollies.
Finally the Doobie Brothers' "Toulouse Street" (Warner Brothers BS 2634) includes last year's hit "Listen ·To The Music" and this year's hit "Jesus Is Just Alright". These are the only two songs I'd listen to more than once.
SGA • names committee
The Student Government Association held it's regular meeting Tuesday February 6, in FA212.
The SGA's constitution will be checked over by a committee, set up by the SGA, and will recommend any changes in the constitution to the SGA. The committee members chosen to serve are Janet Waniska, chairman, Starlet Brockmeyer, Ann Boring, Kurt Frohling; Jim Wohken, John Billings, Rita Bosiljevac. ·
The presidential search committee's SGA representatives reported on their progress. Robertson commented, "At a.meeting las.t · night (February 5) the eommittee decided it would sho.w •favor to the who gave the ·•most ·thorough resunie ·or showed the most credentials
when interviewed." them as officers. Last semesters Dr. Darrell Wininger revealed convention was held at Hastings, plans for another Kanedco Nebraska. Peru will take no (Kansas-Nebraska Education more than 10 persons. Consortium) convention to be Guest speakers was the final held at Liberal, Kansas during topic of the evening. The mairi the first week of May. This questions were "should SG convention will feature guest funds be used to acquire gu speakers, group discussions and speakers and who should talk about the "training of future asked to speak." Lee Terry, SGA officers", thejr respon- KETV Omaha and Joh .sibilitiesand what is expected of Hlavacek were mentioned.
album "A Good Know" <Columbia indicates the four still trying to still plays a guitar, but his reason cannot together. Anyway cuts on the Settlin' Down", "A Good "Go And Say didn't have to since he was a the Buffalo they first did it. ,eJing' To Know" is last album, hand another new "Loggins and 31748) isn't too Jim Messina ggins put together sounds which in"Your Mama which sounds like Everly Brothers a while back. worth mentioning Tail Cat", You"; in-
Before The Uigry Eyes". For the couple gets country sound the results are •elieve me go hear Messina and aying at Omaha's tonite with the Doobie Brothers' :reet" (Warner includes last Listen ·To The this year's hit Alright". These songs I'd listen nee.
Last semesters 1eld at Hastings, will take no ersons. rs was the final ming. The main "should -SGA o acquire guest who should be Lee Terry, of a .and John mentioned.
Yossarian to wed
By Kiil SAMPSONichael Kelly <alias Captain Jssarian) has only begun to fly · "missions"!
; 'he junior physical education
;1jor who strongly identifies
,th the novel "Catch 22" has ' ounced his engagement to y Albin, .a sophomore joring in ;irt and elementary ca lion.
hen asked why Yossarian accepted flying missions ·ch will require him to stay on ground he answered: "They everybody else, it was just a tler of time before they got too", "My father is against it ause she's not rich, so is my mmate Lt. Nately <Dean gl".
y is the daughter of Mr and Kenneth Albin of Dawson and Mrs Louis Kelly of eva, Illinois. are the parents ossarian.
hen's the big day? "If you t to know the date of the ding ask replied
Ex-instructor 'Now Student Tayfor awarded
After graduating in 1931 from Western Stale College in Colorado, earning a masters degree from the Universi'ty of Missouri in 1936, and teaching six years Qf high school and 28 years of college (including 12 years at Peru); Mr Silas Summers, retired English professor, has rejoined the other side and has once again become a student. Mr Summers has enrolled in the three hour ·industrial arts course, upholstery, instructed by Mr Jarvis ·on Tuesdays and Thursdays,' sixth, seven, and. eighth hours.
When Mr Summers was asked why he decided to endure registration <even to the point· where he became lost! J, pay the ten dollar student center fee, and a .ive dollar matriculation fee just to lake the course, he
replied that besides being kicked out of the house, he wanted lo· keep himself active during the · · winter months when he could not work outdoors. Also he had several pieces of furniture that he wanted lo learn how lo reupholster.
In spite of the fact that he must sometimes tear out complete seams "when the sewing machines go lo fast", Mr Summers enjoys the class·very much. He likes the class because it is informal and the instructor knows his subject. Also the :retired professor enjoys "the TriCndly atmosphere of the class , where everyone is interested in ·one another's projects".
Even to the casual observer, Mr Si Summers as a· hard worker. He can be seen practically any weekday at the
Que ·is. Star: Forward
By RICK DeKLOTZIA building working on his projccis. Summers said that he works up lo five hours a day, five days a week on his class projects which include his latest challenge, a lawn col in the process of being reupholstered with naugahyde.
Whal is Mr Silas Summers going to do with his three hours credit and grade? Well - the(e won't be a grade or credit hours given. Summers reports that all hough he paid full price to take the course he audited it, that is, he won't recl!ive a grade or hours and consequently docsn 'l have to take tests. The refired instructor said that he did this because he didn't want the kids lo know how poor he was going lo do. ,
William Taylor, a spring 1972
Peru State graduate in Education, was recently awarded a graduate assistantship for the current spring semester at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
'Klute" starring Donald eralnd and Jane Fonda will shown at the Fine Arts at 7 p.m. on
Grasso · Davis
'Mr and Mrs Hal Davis of "cumseh have announced the :gagement of their daughter, annine to Louie Grasso, son of and ·Mrs Louis Grasso of .' selle, New Jersey.
oth Jeannine and Louie have graduated from Peru '. te. She is teaching in the ' neva public school system in neva while Louie, who earned ,,s Bachelor of Science degree in .; ucation last semester will · ch in the fall.
It's quite a ways from Chicago, Illinois, to P.eru, but Arianfas Montague, star forward for Peru's basketball team decided more or less on his own 'that this was where he wanted to go to school after his high school playing days were over.
Ananias had talked to ·former football coach and athletic director Joe Pelisek a couple of limes while Pelisek was· recruiting in Illinois, but was planning to come to Peru State on his ow_n anyway.
A product of Crane High School in Chicago, where he earned All Conference honors in the Westside District his senior year, Montague helped Crane to the quarter-finals of the Illinois State Tournament in his sophomore and senior years, and to a third place finish in his junior season.
"Que"·feels .that his thrill in playing for the 'Cats during the last four years was during his freshman · year against Kearney and Doane,
because they were such great · teams," he said.
·Montague-plans on trying out with the pros, but feels that he :will not be picked in the player draft coming up because the Bobcats will not make it to the N.A.I.A. finals in Kansas City, Missouri; where a lot of pro .scouts will be watching the action. He also feels that in order for him to have a chance in the pros, he will have to improve his defense over what it is now.
Style to suit you
Rick DeKlotz
Linda Madison
: Dave Lainez : !iarlie Pavolis
• A_nn Nichols
Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.
February 8·9-1 O
Steve McQueen in JUNIOR BONNER Color
Sunday thru Wednesday l 1-1H3-l4
Jack Nicholson
Candice Bergen
Ann-Margaret · in CARNAL··KNQWLEDGE. Technicolor -
Peru's Kitty Kadettes at halftime.
Advance Tickets: $1.25 students · l.50 non-stud.ents 2.00 at the do.or
Tickets available at the student center office weekdays or from any Circle K member.
·-sponsored by--Circle- K·
Antelopes cage 'Cats
The 'Cat cagers completed a three game road trip by dropping a 110-89 decision to the Kearney State Antelopes in a Nebraska College Conference game · played in Kearney Tuesday night.
Cold shooting hurt the Bobcats as they could make only 39 field goals in 105 attempts for 37.1. The Antelopes hit on 44 of 99 shots for 44.4 per cent, and this combined with their fast break and a 60 to 54 advantage in rebounds proved too much for the 'Cats to handle.
Bill Hunter led the Bobcats in scoring with 28 points. Ananias Montague, leading scorer for Peru for the season, scored eight points in the final ten minutes of play to get 22 for the game, and was followed by Terry Ratliff, who scored eight in each half for
Grapplers Take Bellevue, Wesleyanf
a total of 16 for the night.
Kearney State used balanced scoring for the win, with Dan Meyer leading the way with 18 points. Dave Stafford poured in 17, Tom Kropp added 16 and Mark Christensen 14 to help the Antelopes up their N.C.C. record to 4-2.
Bobcats Down Chadron 75-69
Ananias Montague scored 30 points and grabbed 17 rebounds to lead the Bobcats to a 75-69 conference win over the Chadron State Eagles at Chadron last Saturday night.
The 'Cats trailed by five at halftime, 37-32; but came back · on the strength of Montague's 19 second half points for the victory.
Wrestlers beat 2 more
The Bobcat wrestling team swept a double dual wrestling meet from Midland College and Northwestern Iowa at Midland Tuesday, February 6. Vince Monseau's grapplers downed Midland 48-9 and beat Northwestern Iowa 31-15.
Three forfeits and pins by Gary Lesoing; 126, ·Rod Wartman; 142, John Whisler; 150, Jim Cash; 158 and Dean Anstey; 177, proved to be too much for Midland in the opening match.
In the second match of the evening against Northwestern Iowa John Whisler and Jim Cash picked up their second pins of the evening. Kimball, ·Lesoing, Anstey and Jim Rezac also got their second victories of the evening.
Peru vs Midland
118- Bud Kimball (Pl forfeit.
·126 - Gary Lesoing (P) pin
2:42 Ron Hemmenway (Ml
134 - Charles Sahs (Ml pin Jack Stanley (P)
142 - Rod Wartman (Pl pin
3:40 Steve Cowfal (Ml
150 - John Whisler <Pl pin
4:27 John Leal (Ml
158 - Jim Cash (Pl pin 3:54
Jim Wesch (M)
167 - Lynn Pelan <M> dee. 8-4
Kim Tennal <P>
177 - Dean Anstey (Pl pin
2:34 Steve Feye <Ml.
190 - Larry Pracht <Pl for-
Hwt - Jim Rezac <PJ forfeit.
Peru vs Northwestern Iowa
118 - Bud Kimball (p > pin
1:56 Terri Roberts (M J
126 - Gary Lesoing (P) for-
i:l4-=- Doug Uni <NIJ pin 6:20
Jack Stanley (P J
142- Dave Fjare <NI> dee. 3--0
Russ Hunt <PJ
150 - John Whisler (PJ pin
l:50 Dan Gray <NIJ
158 - Jim Cash <PJ pin 3:07
Dave Coleman (NIJ
.167-Mike Rhobe <PJ dee. 5-4
Kim Tennal <P J
177-Dean Anstey (P) dee. 121 Ray Neville (NI)
190- Dan Mosier (NI) dee. 6-3
Larry Pracht <Pl
Hwt- Jim Rezac (PJ dee. 6-0 Randy Kraker <ND)
Dusters and Rex's are undefeated
If you like floor-poUii'ding, rowdy, unorthodox basketball action, head for the gym on Thursday night to see the intramurals. The schedule been thrown off by the repair work on the gym floor, but the cagers should be able to pick up play this week. Out of eleven teams; there are two undefeated; the Dusters (7-0) and Rex's, with 6wins. The Studs are in third place with a mark of 5. and
1. Unofficial top, scorers after the first seven rounds are Tom Purcell of the Dusters, averaging 20 points per game; Henry McCullough with 16 points per game for the Panthers; and Studs' Steve Miller, tallying about 14 points per game.
Double-elimination tournament action should begin on Thursday the fifteenth, in which the top eight teams out of eleven will qualify for playdowns.
Intramural Standings After First Seven Rounds
Peru State's wrestling squad raised it's record to 11 victories to 4 losses by defeating Bellevue' College 27-21 Jan. 31 and downing Nebraska Wesleyan 3217 February 3.
At the Wednesday match against the Bellevue Bruins Peru started out with 2 back to back pins in the lightweights. .Bud Kimball (118) pinned Bellevue's Frank Winnicki and Gary Lesoing pinned Ernie Timmons of Bellevue at 126. Bellevue took the next 2matches but Peru came back with 2more consecutive pins. John Whisler pinned Randy Korth of Bellevue in the 150 lbs weight class and at 158 Jim Cash pinned Steve Lentz of Bellevue. Larry Pracht was the only other Bobcat to wih a match by decisioning Jerry Silbeski at 190 lbs.
Peru easily defeated Nebraska Wesleyan Saturday February 3 on the Peru home mat 32-17. After an early loss in the first match Peru got two
Sunday thru Wednesday February 11·12·13·14
Thurs. • Fri. ·Sat.
February 15·16·17
Matinee at2:30 Sat. & Sun.
forfeits at 126 lbs and 134 lbs. 142 pounder Russ Hunt pinned Wesleyan's Mark Seaver in l :04.
Jim Cash at 158 lbs. lost his first match of the year on a default. Cash was disqualified when an illegal body slam administered
to Dale Coates of Wesley':. injured the wrestler to the p< where he was unable to comp(: Dean Anstey acquired a qur :22 second pin on his oppon ·· Ed McMeen.
Baggies Monster Legs Shrink Blouses
Peru Pedagogian
NO. 16
emaining gift packs,new amendment discussed at SGA meeting
What to do with the remaining 'Gift Packs" was a major topic t the Tuesday evening meeting f Peru's Student Government sociation Out of the 700 Gift cks, distributed last week, 200 emain. Dr. Darrell Wininger oltinteered to check into the ssibility of donating them to Nebraska School for the isually Handicapped in ebraska City. Other ggestions were giving them to custodians and secretaries ployed at Peru.
The SGA voted on accepting
the following ammendment to it's constitution: The SGA Constitution Committee shall thoroughly evaluate the constitutions and statements of purpose of the campus organizations once every four years, effective during the 197273 Academic Year and every fourth year thereafter. The SGA Constitution Committee shall. require campus organizations to submit a yearly statement which will include any constitutional changes, ammeli.dments or revisions that have taken place
during the year. These statements will be checked according to the constitution of the organization so that the changes are in the best interests of the members of that organization and other campus organizations.
The amendment was passed. The SGA holds it's meetings every Tuesday eveiilg at 6:00 in FA 212. The meetings are open to the public and all students are invited to attend and participate in Peru's Student Government
Preparations for tea available b . · d
ociety and Gamma Theta psilon are administering the A. Clayburn Memorial cholarship and the Janet anzel Memorial Scholarship. he A. B. Clayburn Scholarship named for a retired eography professor and is iven to a Geography or Social cience major, who has isplayed character and service the school; this scholarship is aued at $100.00. The Janet anzel Scholarship is named for Social Science major killed in a r accident. It is awarded to a eru State Social Science ember, and is valued at 50.00:1 Need is a consideration r ooth. Applications are vailable in Dr. George hottenhamel or Mr Scott iHiam's office. They should be turned by March first. ecfoients shall be announced at {Spring Honors Convocation. ]be Peru State Social Science :}ety and the Phi Alpha Theta I 1have their pictures taken on -ebruary 22, rather than ebruary 15 as originally lanned. Meet at 3: 30 in the Fine
Sigma Tau Delta will raffle a china set during convo period February 21 in the Fine Arts Mall..
Tickets are $1.00 each and may b{!I obtained from: Mary Hill, Susan Foster, Janet Barton, Becky Pieper, Emily ltosewell, or any other English club member.
are ezng ma e
Preparations for the annual Martha Washington J:ea are going very well, according to Mrs Louise Kregel, home economics instructor. The tea is to be held Thursday, February 22, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Home Economics Department of the Education building.
Home Ee. Club members have baked cakes of l/z to 1 pound, which will be offered for sale The cake, which will be decorated to serve weighs 20 pounds. It is made in two layers with the bottom layer being 14 inches in diameter and the upper layer being 10 inches in diameter.
The larger cake is decorated
as a portrait cake with a silhouette of George Washington on the top.
Carol Warnke is President of the Home Ee. Club. Special committees have been set up to make mints and decorate the big cake. Decoration of the cake will start on February 19, the Monday before the tea.
Flowers are being supplied by the college greenhouse. Background music will be provided on the piano by Rachael Binder of Pawnee City, Nebraska.
· There is no admission charge to the tea and it is open to anyone interested in coming.
Winter concert will be held Febr. 18
The annual winter concert of the Peru State College band will be held Sunday, February 18, at 7:30 p.m. in the college auditorium, according to Dr. Gilbert Wilson, professor of Instrumental Music.
The concert will be presented by the concert band ensemble, stage band, swing choir, and a flute, cello, and piano trio consisting of Mary McHugh, Lauree Coufel, and Emily Rosewell.
A trumpet trio made up of
Starlet voted Glamour Girl
Karen Ramsay. Dennis Ehmke, and Dianne Rees will be featured as will the entire flute section. The flute section consists of Karlene Badgett, Lauree Coufel, Rita Gobber, and Jeff Barker.
Some of the selections by the band will be a Symphonic Overture by Piccini entitled "The Good Daughter Overture." The trumpet trio will play "Bugler's Holiday" by Leroy Anderson. Two other selections will be "Beguine for Flutes" and selections from "Shaft."
Starlet Brockmeyer is the new Glamour Girl at Peru State College. Starlet was named Glamour Girl at a dance held Thursday, February 15, in the Student Center cafeteria.
Starlet, a freshman from Stromsburg, Nebraska, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs John D. Brockmeyer. She is majoring in elementary education.
As PSC's Glamour Girl Starlet is eligible. for national· com· · petition in the Glamour magazine contest. The magazine staff will select semi-finalists nationwide in mid-February,
with top ten finalists selected in March.
The national winner will receive a $1,000 trip abroad or cash equivalent in addition to being featured in the August issue of Glamour.
Other candidates were Diane Blauhorn. Carla Gerdes, Dianne ·Dunn, Debbi Coffelt, Debbie Gaines, and Rena Merrit.
Starlet is a member of SGA, SCB, and is the freshmen representative for the DavidsonPalmer dorm council. Starlet remarked that she was surprised and really honored to be named PSC's Glamour Girl.
Dear Editor;
I would like lo thank the organization responsible for bringing the Harlem Thrillers basketball team to Peru. It's nice to have something happening on a weekend around here and it was worth the money. Too bad the half time 'show'· wasn't. ,
I've never seen the Kitty Kadets in action before nor have I ever heard anything concernil:1g their act. When I heard they were on the agenda I thought to myself "This should really make it interesting!" I envisioned twirling batons, precision acts, the works. When the actual act finally came on, I had to be told this was the half time show! I thought it was music therapy class!
Mr Miles uses special techniques in teaching.
Miles uses different teaching methods
By DONNA FRASEThe teaching methods of Mr William Miles are very interesting. They are different from the methods of most instructors. ·
Mr Miles himself has had a widely varied life. He was born October 30, 1942 in Clarinda, Iowa, and lived on a farm for 19 years. · He went to a country school for eight years, then attended Farragut High School and graduated in 1961.
He then went into the air force security service from 1962-1966. He picked up a year of college while overseas through the University of Maryland.
He came back hOme for 2 weeks, bought a car, and went to California to be near all the news. He lived in Los Angeles, Englewood, and Long Beach.
Mr Miles picked up his second year of college at Los Angeles City College. He received his B. A. in 1969, and his M.A. in 1970. He worked his way through college as a jewelry salesman, office manager, and time keeper.
He came back to the Midwest in June, 1970, for an interview. He flew back to California for a summer session to complete his M. A. and came here to teach in the fall of 1970. He was also on a years' leave of absence at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in 1971.
Mr Miles' teaching methods are also very interesting. He first tried contract grading in the summer of 1971, and found it lo be very successful. He felt there was good interaction between the class members.
Last fall, he tried contract grading after a years' leave of absence and this time it did not work. Mr Miles felt that his mistake was in not realizing that a summer session and a fall session are very different. His teaching methods are constantly changing. He feels that in the
past he has been loo lax and the classes should have been more structured. This was indicated t6 him on the teacher evaluation forms.
Mr Miles felt in the past there was not enough reading done, so this seinester he is giving credit for reading the assignments.
His basic goal is. the students' learning, and this semester is slowly shifting over to that goal. He feels that the students are getting more out of the classes:He also says that students probably won't realize how much they've learned until after they are out of college.
His first basic belief in teaching is that the teacher isn't God and the textbook isn't the Bible.
His next belief is that students can also learn from other students.
He says that more learning takes place outside the classroom than inside, but that the classroom provides the stimulus to outside learning.
Another of his beliefs is that experience is not always the best teacher. This is because there is too much new knowledge coming in for one person to experience.
He also likes for his students to express themselves at any time, and not wait until they have something profound to say.
Hts gradiug basis goes on short essay questions which are known a week ahead of time. Because of the advance notice, he expects high-quality answers, and he tries to create interest, thereby creating motivation.
The rriain reason he teaches is to learn. He wants to learn something new every day.
The following is one student's opinion of Mr Miles and his teaching methods.
Dean Young. "He's a good teacher, there's a very productive, informal atmosphere in his classroom. He doesn't talk down to his students. He encourages everyone to participate in class."
Friday, February 16
Mt. Marty BB, gym, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 17
Womens BB, gym, 1:00 p.m
Faculty Wives Dinner-Dance, WDR, 6:30 p.m.
Wind Ensemble Concert, 7:30 p.m.
BB Tarkio, gym, 7:30 p.m. PSEA, FA Aud., 6:30 p.m. Afro Association, FA 104, 6:30 p.m. Library Sean Cabinet, 4:30 p.m. Beta Delta Beta, Sci 304, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, February 20
Intramurals, gym, 6:00-10:00 p.m. SGA, FA 212, 6:00 p.m. Circle K, Sl/2WDR, 4:45-6:00 p.m. Kiwanis, Sli2WDR, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Curricular Work Shop, WDR, 12:15-1:30 p.m. Kite Dinner, WDR, 12:00-2:00 p.m. Epsilon Pi Tau, IA 29, 7:30 p.m. Secretary Meeting, Staff lounge AD Building, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February 21
WAA, 6:00-10:00 p.m. BB Wayne, gym, 7:30 p.m. Information team, US Army, 10:00-1:00 p.m.
I don't want to sound nasty, but I honestly cannot believe this was a college group. Of course, there may be more to this than meets the eye, such as some of the girls being sick or maybe they misplaced the cue cards or something. I don't know, but I do know as far as a Kitty Kadet concert, they can count me out.
Know what's dark and has an enlarger, a dryer, developing trays, film trays, safe lights, and will soon open across the hall from room 218 in the Ed building? A darkroom, what else?
The idea to have photographic darkroom originated with journalism department head, Evertt Browning. Browning said that although there was a darkroom at the IA building, there was a need for another one for journalism since. they couldn't always use the one. , operated by the IA department.. Browning went on to say that the new darkroom will be especially helpful next year when a new journalism course, news photography will be offered. The new course will have prerequisites of photography I and II.
The darkroom won't be ready for two or three weeks, because a picture dryer is needed.
The new darkroom will be Intramurals, gym, 6:00-10:00 p.m. open not just to journalism Ni/2 WDR, 5:00 p.m. students, but to all interested Bridal Shower, WDR, 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, February 22
The only requirements Martha Washington Tea, ED 312, 3:00-5:00 p.m..
are that they ask · _ from Mr Browning, supply their
Simpson at H.S. and PSC in same month
Some students may think that they are young when they enter college at 18. None of them can compare with John Simpson.
John is a freshman at Peru Stale, he is a native of Peru, and he's 17 years old.
The semester at Auburn High School ended on January 19. By then, John had accumulated enough credits to graduate. Peru State students registered January 8 and 9. So John registered for college, classes.
This means that, since the sem€ster at Auburn didn't end until January 19, John was attending college and finishing up
high school at the same time.
John says that it didn't bother him lo be a high school senior and a college freshman at the same time.
The only hard thing, he says, is to keep up with all the work.
*own paper and chemicals, and
be responsible for breakage of · equipment.
William Taylor, recent! awarded a graduate assistan ship at the University Nebraska at Omaha, majored geography at PSC instead education, as was stated in the February 9 issue of the Ped.
the for Thrillers It's haparound the time Kitty have conheard agenda I should resting!" I batons, When ·came on, I the half was nasty, believe this course, this than some of maybe cards or but Ido Kadet me out.
YKRAUSE 1m·< rted has an developing lights, and the hall the Ed what
IOtographic with head, >wningsaid was a building, the one epartment.. that the especially a new news ffered. The have tography I be ready because leded. will be ournalism interested !Jirements ipply their k:als, and euage of ·recently assistantof IJ;ijored in instead of itect in the Ped:
hlesfeld :;:;
Mddesa :;:;
peKlotz ljlj Madison ::;: ·J>avolis :;:;: ;Nichols
Fem.ales are propmen
Women's liberation has hit the Peru Stale College theatre. The eight member stage crew for the spring production, The Child Buyer, is all female. In
Schottenhar.nel busy on book
Dr. George Schottenhamel, history professor and author of a number of magazine articles, is currently working, on a very detailed book on the subject of transporting and supplying of troops during the Civil War.
1 imball, Lesoing, Whisler, ash, and Anstey outstanding
By BILL BOYD!The big reason for Peru
'te's wrestling team's winning ' rd of 14-5 is the outstanding '.rts of my top five wrestlers", orted Head Coach Vince ' seau Tuesday morning. The ' boys are Bud Kimball; 118, · y Lesoing; 126, John 'sler; 150, Jim Cash; 158, and 'n Anstey; 177. ·
most of the season and had to sit out ten days due to the injury.
Coach Monseau was quick to point out that Lesoing's 11-4-1 record 3 of his losses were out of his weight class at 134 lbs. Gary is a biology major.
At 150 "the Cats" have freshman John Whisler. John was a two time class B state champion· at Auburn High School.
loss came on a default when he gave an illegal body slam to a wrestler from Wesleyan in a dual meet two weeks ago at Peru. Cash is a P.E. major.
addition, all are freshmen.
Set construction is in progress for the March 8-9 production dates.
"The women have all done a fantastic job on cutting lumber and building the interior court room set," commented Miss Pat Manley, PSC drama coach.
Students volunteering for the all-girl crew are: Iris Obradovich, Lora Engel, Denise Haynes, Suzanne Coughlin, Linda Dorn, Karlene Badgett, and Debbie Glaab.
The gals are receiving help in the way of supervision by industrial arts major Bill Meyers, and Steve Knittle, a speech major with stage crew experience.
Miss Obradovich is doubling as student director. Misses Coughlin and Badgett are in the cast of the John Hersey novel adaptation, as is Steve Knittle.
Sun. ·Mon. • Tues.
February 18·19·20
Dyan Cannon
eshman Bud Kimball comes Papillion, Nebraska, ,. re he lettered in wrestling · baseball. He is a 'thematics major. Kimball ,·t came out for wrestling after semester break and now 'rts a 10-2 record. One of his .'es was up one weight class at ary Leoing, a sophomore Norris, Nebraska, wrestles :126 for Peru. Gary has been " pered by cauliflower ear for
Whisler's record stands at 15-3 with his 3losses being very close and at 158 lbs, one weight class higher. He leads the team in two categories, Takedowns -6 and shutouts-7. John is undecided in his major.
"158 pounder Jim Cash took after Kimball and came out at the semester", stated Monseau. · Cash is a senior from Erie, Pennsylvania. He has the best won loss record on the team with 11 victories and 1 loss. His only
Cumberland, Iowa product Dean Anstey wrestles at 177 for Peru. The big junior has a 14-4 record and ties for the team lead in takedowns. All of his losses were by 2 points or less. Dean also majors in P.E.
Other wrestlers with good performances are Sophomore Russ Hunt; 142, Sophomore Kim Tennal; 167, and Sophomore Hwt., Jim Rezac, according to Monseau.
When asked about the February 17 meet with ·Nationally rated Morningside Monseau commented, "They are not ·invincible. If we hustleand come up with a good effort they can be beaten."
JOYCE JANSA are rejoicing!
ihe drought is over. Barbers '., ss the country are rejoicing.
to Phil Angelo, sident of the American 'iety of Men's Hair Stylists,· of a sudden men who were :·ng their grow below their , ders have begun putting
·shears closer to the ears."
.r isn't getting short-short,
•. is is a lot shorter than last rs styles.
· y shorter hair? It's easier anage, say most men, who tired of hot combs and split s. Besides long hair isn't a k to the older gel!eration
· more. In fact, they've pwed suit in a moderate way. owever, the 1970's short cuts not the old, skinned rabbit of past decades. Instead are often styled with no side ;t, ears exposed, and an over-
: short, flat look. Barbers
, ing college campuses across ilcountry say more and more
students are going the short route.
Among the recently shorn, more or less, are Steve McQueen, Mick Jagger, Kirk Douglas, Tony Randall, Elvis Presley, Paul Lynde, 'Elliott Gould; Tony Franciosa, and George Segal.
There are exceptions.
President Nixon, for instance, carries into his second tenn longer sideburns and longer hair in back.
Schottenhamel, who was head of the history department but resigned from the position so he could have more time to complete the .book, said that he expects his book to have close to 500 pages and be completed in about two years. Schottenhamel went on to say that the book is actually an expansion of 'his · doctorate thesis which he wrote almost 20 years ago. Some of the more interesting points which will be in the book will involve some of the same things that Dr. Schottenhamel lectures about in his classes. For example· an entire chapter discusses how the Union actually won.the battle of Vicksburg by a series of circumstantial accidents. Another chapter will discuss how the Army of the West, composed of 20,000 Union soldiers, moved back to the East giving Grant an advantage over Confederate troops in the area. other detailed points will be brought out so one can see the different strategies of the two sides. "Where there is a will, there\ a lawsuit." (Addison Mizner)
James Coco in Otto Preminger's SUCH GOOD FRIENDS Rahd. R
Wednesday thru Saturday
February 21 ·22·23·24
Matinee Sat. &Sun. at 2:30 Walt Disney's NOW YOU SEE HIM, NOW YOU DON'T Technicolor
G. ers typed for any class e legible and all revisions arked. Include all information for title page. 25 cents per page with own paper. 50 cents per age if we supply the paper. CONTACT: Jan Johnson or Su ole Morgan Hall.
Baggies Monster Legs Shrink Blouses
Bobcats claw Eagles
Coach Jack Mclntire's cagers recorded their third win against four losses in Nebraska College Conference play Saturday night in the Peru gym by defeating the Eagles of Chadron State, 83-70.
Chadron scored the first two points of the game, but baskets by Rex Beatty and Bill Hunter, who led the 'Cats in scoring 31 points, gave PSC the lead for good with 17:26 to play in the first half.
Baseball .starts March 19
Coach Tom Fitzgerald's baseball squad will open a 22 game schedule .on March 19, against Northwest Mjssouri State University at Maryville, Missouri.
The Bobcats will play 11 doubleheaders this spring as they attempt to improve on last years 9-12 season.
Coach Fitzgerald feels that if past experience is any guide; hitting will be the team's strongest point as he has Steve Shupe, who ·ranked 32nd in the nation in batting last year with a .413 average coming back along
with Gail Bly, a pitcher who hit .385, and catcher Dan Cotton, .309.
In the pitching department, Coach Fitzgerald hopes it will be sharp and adds, "If we are to have a successful season, our pitching must improve over last season."
· One of the keys to having a good season will be finding a replacement at second base for Dan Jeanneret, a District 11 first team selection last year, who hit .323. Replacements must also be found for two outfield positions, one of them vacated by Gary
Weiler who got many key hits for the Bobcats when they needed them. Better strength at third base will also be fooked for as drills.Jm,en for everyone but the pitchers and catchers who have been working out since January 29. The brightest prospects among the newcomers this season appears to be Dick Hoback; a freshman from Union, Nebraska. Coach Fitzgerald believes that Hoback shows a lot of promise and should be able to play quite a bit at one position or another.
Wrestlers take one, drop one
Wrestling action the past week saw Peru State defeat Seward Concordia, at Peru, February 7th, 42-3; and saw the· Bobcat's nine match winning streak broken by Wayne State, February 10th at Peru, 24-16.
"Sickness really hurt our efforts against 6th ranked, nationally Wayne State", stated Head Coach Vince Monseau. "If Lesoing would have been able to compete we could have possibly had a victory at 126 that would have given us a 19-18 victory."
The Bobcats travel to Morningside Saturday the 17th for a dual match.
Peru vs Seward Concordia
ll8- Jack Stanley (p) forfeit.
126 - Bud Kimball (P J pin
3:35 Glen Going <SC)
158 - Jim Cash (P)iJin 1:44
Roger Finke (SC>
167 - Kim Tennal (P) dee. 6-2
Vernon Squake <SCJ
177-Dean Anstey (P) dee. 7-4
Dan Kuester (SC)
190-Larry Pracht <Pl dee. 4-
o Stan Tweten <SC>
Hwt. ·_Jim Rezac (P) forfeit
Peru vs Wayne State
ll8 - Bud Kimball (P) pin
3:44 Steve Ellis (WJ
126 - Tom Cortez (W) pin 3: 05
Jack Stanley (P)
134 - Larry Kersten (W) dee.
3-0 Russ Hunt (P)
142 Irwin (W) dee. 8-4
Rod Wartman (P)
150 - John Whisler (P) dee.
10-8 Herb Harris (W)
158 - Jim Cash (Pl dee. 18-1
Tony Brown (W).
150 - John Whisler (P) pin
9-!> Dean Anstey (P)
190-Denny Reid (W) pin 4:08
Larry Pracht (P)
Hwt. - Jim Rezac (Pl dee. 6-2 Fred Spale (W)
\Vheel'r Inn
Drive-Inn Restaurant
Eat here or Tote
South Edge on 73-75 Aub,urn, Nebraska Arnold
& Judy Gebers
Ph. 274-3179
The 'Cats raced to a pair of 23 point leads in the first half, thanks to a tough defense thatforced numerous turnovers by the Eagles, including some bad passes that Don Monzingo and Ananias Montague were able to pick off and turn into easy layups. Peru led by 21 points at the half, 48-27.
The second half was played fairly even throughout the first ten minutes as the Bobcat lead varied from 21 points to a game high of 26 points at 64-38 with 10:20 to play as Hunter hit a layup after receiving a pass from Montague who got the assist on the play.
At this point Chadron began to slowly creep back as they scored eight straight points to cut the margin to 18 at 64-46 with 8:37 remaining in the game. The closest the Eagles got was within -11at81-70 with only 26 seconds to play, and the reason they got so
close was junior forward Rog Ingabrand, as he scored the la: eight of his team leading ' points in the last three m'inut · of the contest. ·
The Peru Bobkittens ran ov · Nebraska Wesleyan, Lincoln, ,. a 55-19 win February 11 at Pe : The victory boosted the gar record to 2-1. ;!•
The 'Kittens shot 29 per ce : from the field while Wesley ' managed only 16 per cent. PSC coeds were also on target the charity stripe, connecting f ' 71 per cent. , Jody Fichter and Alli. Stoltenberg were tops in scori 1 for Peru with 17 and 14 poin respectively. 'Kitten scori 11 was rounded out by Kris Rott' 9; Gail Harmon, Ter Ewalt, 3; Carol Lang; 3; Darcy Lippold. ; Gail Harmon led reboundin pulling 16 from the boards.
Borcher, Dorn, Mabie scholarship winners
Barnes-Warnock scholarship
Ann Borcher, Bernadette last fall. Dorn, and Bryan Mabie are recipients of $125 checks as Bryan Mabie, son of Mrs winners of the 1973 Nebraska Charlotte Nebraska Cit!, Congress of Parents and is a se.mor ma1onng m Teachers Scholarships for the and elementary current semester educat10n. Bryan has earned Ann Borcher, of Mr dean's :ecognition for and Mrs Marvin Borcher, ability and has Steinhauer, expects to graduate held .the Wear this spring with a degree in Memorial schola:sh1p. elementary education. She is a PTA a:e offered member of Kappa Delta Pi and to .sophomores, JUmors, the Peru State Education semors currently enrolled m Association. elementary and secondary
Bernadette Dorn, daughter of education in Nebraska's stateMr and Mrs Benhardt Dorn, supported teachers colleges, and Burchard, is a sophomore are awarded on the of majoring in business education scholastic ability, financial at PSC. She is a member of.Phi need, character, ;md aptitude Beta Lambda business honorary for teaching. The awards are and the Kitty Kadettes drill supported through the Honorary team. She was awarded the State Life Membership
Choral clinic is Febr. 24
The twenty-first annual choral inic for high school students 11 be held on the Peru State ollege campus Saturday, ebruary 24.
Clinic choir director will be andall G. McEwen, Consultant Vocal Music, Lincoln Public hools. Ceordinating the clinic Edward G. Camealy of the C music department, and partment chairman, Dr. vln Dougtlty, will accompany usicians.
As in the past, participating school choirs wm begin hearsing at 8:30 Saturday orning.
The evening concert at 7:30 in e college gymnasium is free to public, and will feature the ssed choir, madrigals, swing oirs and solos.
Auction March 6
Phi Beta Lambda will hold an ction on March 6, at 7 p.m. at e College gym, including a T. set and a radio.
Colonel Kent Badgett will ain be the auctioneer. The oney raised from the event will ' used by the business aternily for a field trip to ansas City.
Scholarship PTA program.
Summer's contest resu Its
The winners of the Silas Summer's Writing Contest were announced Monday, February 12, at the English club meeting. They are as follows; Short Story
1st-Janice Johnson
2nd-Carol Wheeler
Honorable Mention-Susan Sole Poetry
1st-Emily Rosewell
2nd-tie-Emily Roseweli Mary Hill
Honorable Mention-Janet
Winter band concert success
By DONNA FRASEThe annual winter band concert of the Peru State College band was presented Sunday, February 18, in the college auditorium at 7:30 p.m.
According to Dr. Gilbert Wilson, Professor of Instrumental Music, attendance was about 350-400. This number was made up of parents and friends of performing band members, many high school band directors from neighboring
Rex's planning brewery trip
A Falstaff brewery trip is being sponsored by Rex Rains for 80 people on Friday, March 9. The bus leaves for th'e Falstaff brewery at 6:00p.m. and the trip takes approximately three hours. The distribution center of the Falstaff brewery is located in Omaha.
The tickets are $3.50 each. Beer will be supplied on the buses. Food and beer will also be provided al the brewery. Tickets arc available al Rex's Cafe.
communities, some administration and faculty members, and also students. Dr. Wilson also said that attendance at band concerts this year is the best of the past five years. Both Dr. Wilson and the band members were pleased at the enthusiastic response given to the concert.
Featured in the concert were the trumpet trio, flute, cello, and piano trio, stage band, and swing choir.
SGA discusses new hand book
Peru State's College's Student Government Association at its regular Tuesday meeting, passed the following motion:
The SGA would like to offer the following recommendation to the Student Affairs Commission. That an ad hoc committee be formed for the purpose of revising and revamping of the student handbook. This would update the badly outdated handbook, keeping it in line with the recently developed admissions brochure. It would also be of benefit to the college by directing the various schools of the college in making departmental brochures that would provide prospective students with information as to the programs offered in the specific departments. ·
SGA President Doug Fritz brought up the topic "What can we (SGA l do lo make more pPopl<> com<> to !ht> Spring Week
Awards Convo?" In the past years only the people who are getting awards were.the ones at the convo. Apossible conversion from Spring Week Awards Day to Awards Week was suggested. The subject was set aside until further information was available.
Treasurer Kurt Froehling made his treasurers report. The SGA has spent $158.83 this year.
Three new members were welcomed into the SGA at this meeting. John Billings, the new representative from ClayburnMa thews, Ann Boring the representative from the freshmen class, and John Chatlain, the science department's representative.
Dr. Wininger announced that the remaining "Gift Packs" are being sent to the Nebraska School for .the Visually Handicapped in Nebraska City.
Selections from "Shaft" were especially well received. The band also played an encore called "Instant Concert" which is a novelty consisting of excerpts from 15 other selections. The band has given two oncampus performances this year. The band and choir together will perform March 28.
May 23, the stage band, swing choir, and piano, flute, and cello trio will perform for visiting high school students,
YESSIR to present slides
On the 20th of March a group called YESSIR will present slides of Nebraska to the public here on campus. YESSIR is a· group of people who are trying to promote Nebraska. J. D. Levitt has been asked by the group to collect slides depicting scenes of this area of Nebraska and present them along with their slides.
Levitt is now appealing to anyone who might have good slides of this area of Peru to please make them available to him. The Movie and Slide Making class will try to organize the material so all available slides are needed as soon as possible.
Anyone who has the necessary slides are asked to put their names and addresses on them so that they might easily be returned.
Merle Huber new food manager
By TOM STRINGFELLOWDuring the last few weeks many students have .noticed changes in the cafeteria f?od service. Many of these improvements have resulted because of the school's new food manager, Mr Merle H.uber.
Mr Huber arrived m Peru,, f'ebruary sixth, transternng from Fort Dodge Iowa·where he was food manager for Starlight Village, a center. Other basic on Merle Huber includes his being raised on a farm on the outskirts of Fort Atkinson Iowa. He was graduated from Iowa State University in 1971, majoring in food service management.
While being interviewed, Mr Huber gave many interesting as well as informative answers to the questions him._ Below is a portion of the mterv1ew '.
Q. What is your general impression of Peru?
Mr Huber - It is a well kept up and pleasant campus to be associated with. I am most ·impressed with the ease of gemng to know people here, from the average student to the president, Dr. Smith.
Q. How long do you expect to be here at Peru?
A. Indefinitely. I intend to help buifrt up and maintain the good quality food service that is currently here.
Q. What was the condition of the food service when you arrived?
A. It was a good service that I planned to improve on.
Q. What kind of improvements have you made so far?
A. A varietU. desserts for noon and night meals have been added. More drinks such as coffee and hot chocolate have been made available for the noon meal. Also cheese curls,
By FllANK D'ADDESAI have good news for you an bad news for you. The bad ne is Carole King's new albu "Thymes and (0 SP-77016) and the good news · Carly Simon's new album '' Secrets" (Elektra 75049).
First the bad news. "Rhym and Reasons" isn't really a ba album (though it doesn't com close to Tapestry's success) b Carole becomes very person and her outlook is ve pessimistic. At times she gets personal "No Secrets" shoul have been the title of her album
To pr()ve my point th following words were taken fro one of her cuts, "It's a gra gray gloomy day, a strange a moody blues day, gotta g through another day". Thoug the lyrics are depressing "Got Get Through Another Day" · one of the best songs on t album.
corn chips, and potato chips are available for lunch. We're now serving vegetables at noon,. which 1 tee! is an important part of the diet. Also the Friday night menu has been changed to alleviate repitition.
ln the snack bar some extras have now been added to the menu. Roast beef, ham, and chili are served daily for more variety.
Q. Do you have any plans the Bob Inn such as extendmg the hours?
A. If there is sufficient evidence that there would be enough business to warrant opening, the hours will be extended. Decisions will be made in cooperation with student groups or organizations through the Broughton Foods manager.
Q. What other ideas do you have for the Bob Inn?
A. I would like more student groups to meet informally in the Bob Inn so students will use their student center more. If groups are large enough there could be special menus made to speed up service.
Q. Would you give a comment on the food service staff?
A. They're a wonderful group of people, able to produce good food, in a tasteful manner. They are a very friendly and w1llmg group to work with. The employees are good to work with too.
Q. Will you welcome any complaints that students have?
A. Yes, I will welcome any constructive critism and will let the students know what can be done. I will try and meet with student Center Board's Food and Complaint Committee every week. If students have complaints they should. talk to someone in this committee.
Friday, February 23
I Exchange Debate, FA Aud, 9:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M.
Saturday, February 24
I High School Choral Clinic, all day
Mass Choir. Madrigals. Vora! solos, Swing
: ·choirs, College gym, 7:30 p.m.
I Act, FA 212, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
I Sunday, February 25
I Women BB, gym, 2:00 p.m.
I Intramurals, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
I Hosting Shower, Sl/z WDR, 7:30-10:00 p.m.
I Geography Club, Ed. llO, 3:30 p.m.
I IA Club IA 29, 7:00 p.m.
I Spring Play rehearsal begins
February 27
I Intramurals, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
I SGA, FA 212, 6:00 p.m. I Kiwanis, Sl/2 WDR, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
I Circle K, s11z WDR, 4:45-6:00 p.m.
I Student Wives, Staff lounge, AD Bmldmg, 7:30
I Wednesday, February 28
I WAA, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
I Teep Test, ED 300, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
I Thursday, March l
Intramurals, 6:00-10:00 · I
I "Cheyenne Social Club" SCB Movie, FA Aud., I
I 1:00 p.m. I
I SCP, N1/zWDR, 5:00 p.m. I
I Married Students Party, WDR, 8:00 p.m. I
I Becker Shower, WDR, 7:00 p.m.
Journalism students publish News-Press
For the second year in a row Peru State College's Jourrralism class will go to Nebraska :::ity and put together the City News-Press. Mr Everett Browning had announced that March 5th and 6th are the days his class will be involved in this field trip.
The twelve students who have been selected to attend are Bobbi Thiesfeld and Frank D'Addesa, in charge of the desk :
Charles Smith and Dave Lainz, in charge of photography; Joyce Jansa, in charge of the Society page; Linda Madison and Erny Boeck, in charge of advertisements; Gail Harmon, Jesse Spurgin, and Sue
Coughlin, in charge of reporting; Rick De Klotz, m charge of sports page, and Steve
·Knittle in charge of police and court stories.
Other songs on the reco which express Carole's mise are; "My My She Cries' "Feeling Sad Tonight", "I Thi I Can Hear You", aild "Been T Canaan". "Peace In Th Valley'', now being played on th wireless is also included. Of the album's twelve song all are new. There are no old hi from the 60's she wrote.
Carly Simon's third album · also personal but it can lift yo spirits rather than lower them Carly employes a prett impressive line-up of helpers i ''No Secrets'', they include Mi Jagger, Paul and Linda M Cartney and husband Jam Taylor.
The highlight of the album i the hit song "You're So Vain" which puts down the mal chauvinist pig playboy. Wond who it's about'!
Also included is her nostalgi youth "The Carter Family", "I Was So Easy" and theme son "We Have No Secrets". T strong points of the record are the excellent lyrics and her great singing voice, need I say more?
Yeager gets scholarship
Irene R. Yeager, 4027 Lindsey Lincoln, has been selected receive the $100 E. C. and M Miller Beck Memori Scholarship for English in t current spring semester at Pe State College.
Miss Yeager, foster daught of Mr and Mrs Carl Oestmann, i a January, 1973, graduate o Lincoln Southeast High Schoo where she earned honor rolli recognition and was a member of Synkra-Knights drill team. A freshman ·at Peru State, Miss Yeager is majoring in social work.
Peru State College pep stage band performs for basketball games and accompanies the cheerleaders and the Kadettes.
Pep-Stage band dedicated
The Pep-Stage Band of Peru State College is an oftenneglected organization.
It is a course .of study called Stage and Pep Band, the purpose of which is to learn more al;Jout popular music, according to Dr. Gilbert Wilson, professor of instrumental music.
The Pep-Stage Band is a very dedicated group of people. They volunteer their services to play for basketball games. They have played at every home basketball game for the past three years. They are under no obligation to
play for every game, but they stay to play for Friday night games to help the spirit of. the game and to be of service to the college.
· They accompany the Kitty Kadets drill team at basketball games and also work with the cheerleaders. Dr. Wilson says the drill team and the cheerleaders are "very good to work with."
Next fall, they are hoping to combine with the swing to perform at football games.
Some of the members have their own electric equipment
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor:
Concerning the "letter to the editor" by Kerry Krause, February 16th, the drill team known as the Kitty Kadettes would like to express their thoughts.
We would like to know what College school has girls who perform using twirling batons, swords, and precision acts as stated in your letter, so that we may attend as a group, and see how other schGOls entertain their audiences.
Our group is in its second year and a very young group besides. We have ten girls, four soPlJomores, and six freshmen. We spend · 2-4 days a week practicing in effort to add just a little something to the halftimes of the basketball games. We didn't once say we were outstanding or even good but we try, and get nothing in return, except for unhelpful and useless criticism that doesn't state what we could improve on or change.
Savage's bill to protect reporters
Omaha senator John Savage, a former World-Herald photogrcipher, submitted a Bill on Wednesday, January 31, to the Nebraska Legislature to protect reporters from having to disclose sources of confidential ' information.
Savage was quoted in the· Thursday, February 1 edition of the Omaha World-Herald as saying the bill was put together by, in Savage's words, "he and Omaha Senator Duke Snyder, a former radio newsman!" ·
and are members of rock combos.
·They have performed at offcampus banquets and will be visi,ting high schools in the near future.
The members of this group are:
Karlene Badgett, Gary Bobbitt, Ann Boring, Dennis Ehmke, Laurie Gilbert, Diane Hawkins, Lennie Lahman, Kris Morrissey, Dianne Reese, Teresa Ewalt, Alice Stoltenberg, Tom Ballue, Karen Ramsey, Dan Gruber, Laurita Tackett, Tom Usher and Mary Goergen.
300 High school students
to invade campus
By SUSAN SOLEOn February 24, 1973 Per State College's Music Department will be host to the participants of the Choral Clinic. There will be 300 high-school students on the campus from various towns and cities. The student's represent the following towns: Auburn, directed by Kathlene Krohn; Barneston, led by Gary Perlmen, Bryon High, instructed by Stanley Schmidt; Dawson-Verdon, directed by Terry Tietjens; Elk Creek, led by Marion Sailor; Fairmont,
directed by Godfrey Macha!;. Falls City, instructed by Mildred Appleoff; Filley, directed by ·Helen Douglas; Humboldt, instructed by ltobert Williamson; Dearney, led by Francis R. Wilson; Ralston, directed by Dwaine E. Price.
They will be giving a performance in the college gym at 7:30 p.m. The performance _will feature several swing choirs, madrigals, 8 numbers by the whole group, a girls triple-trio, the college madrigals and a
mens quartet, also from the college. The college swing choir led by Kris Morrissey will perform for the high-school students.
The clinic director is Randall G. McEwen, the vocal sultanl for the Lincoln Public Schools. The accompanist for the program Dr. Gavin L. Doughty and the Clinic Coordinator is Mr Edward G. Camealy.
The program is free to the public.
Kerry Krause, we all wish you would have attended one of our practices, which were open to the public at anytime. You would have seen that we practice to tapes, because there is no allowed time to practice with the band or to use the gym. We do manage once and awhile to get the gym for 15-30 minutes on the day of a game if someone happens to let us use it for that SHORT time.
The night you attended our performance, we were without the use of the band, therefore the song had to be taped and heard over the P.A. system, which distorted the sound. We are sorry that you imagined our appearance would be considered a "Kitty Kadet concert!"
Our group will continue to be small as long as people like you keep criticizing and making accusations. Each girl has worked hard and deserves a little more eredit than the criticism they are now receiving.
The Kittv Ka11Pttes Kay, Kim, Debbie, Nancy, Laura, Rosemary, Terri, Bernie, Chyrel and Irene
The same World-Herald story reported Savage as saying; "Governor J. J. Exon has suggested the bill be.amended so · that in case of murder or treason a reporter could be required to reveal his source in priyate and a judge would rule whether the information was necessary for the trial".
Recently, a number of Peru State students were asked their opinion of whether a newsman should or should not be required to make his news sources public. Some of the views expressed were;
"If the news is something affecting the public; or benefitting the people it should be James Goracke.
"If he's interviewing an important person that could persuade people, then I'd say Yes"
- Rob Applegate,
"I don't think he should have to WJ!ess it"s in the benefit of the public. We should be informed and not have to be forced to tell where we get our information"
- Steve McVay.
"There's two sides to the story. If a reporter doesn't tell where he gets his information, who knows if he just made it up or if it's hearsay" - Jan Winters.
Workshop is Febr. 27
A frt>e workshop for area driwr t>ducation instructors and school administrators will be olfrrt>d at Pt>ru State College
TU('Sday, February 27, from 1:30 to 4::l0 p.m., D. V. Jarvis of the PSC faculty has announced.
The workshop, one of five offered at Nebraska state colleges .and Lincoln February 27 lo March 2, will be conducted by Robert I. Jaquith under the auspices of the Nebraska Department of Education. The session will be held in room 29 of Peru's Industrial Arts building.'
The workshop will cover driver educator's liability for student injuries, including nature of liability, negligence and damages; sovereign immunity's impact on the teachers' , pocketbook; responsibility for first aid and medical treatment of injured pupils; and administrators' liability.
Chamber of Commerce membership drive brings 18
In the 1973 Peru Chamber of Commerce membership drive kickoff, 18 memberships were purchased in the first four days of the drive beginning February 14. Peru C.of C. president Daryl Long said memberships will be available for Peru families and area businesses until March 3.
PO W'S return, bracelets off
By GAIL HARMONMany hearts all over the world were. gladdened on February .11 as the first groups of Vietnam war prisoners started their long journey home.
When the first lists of prisoners came out there were many people in America who had a very special interest in these ,.1en. These were the people who were wearing bracelets around their wrists inscribed with the names of prisoners of war or missing in action.
The bracelets were of nickel or copper and cost from 2 to 5 dollars apiece. They bore the name of a man; his rank, and his address. The wearer was to keep , the bracelet on until word was received·concerning· that man. Both men and women wore the bracelets.
The organization behind the bracelets w_as composed of many wives of POW's and MIA's. The whole idea became popular about a year ago. One of the organizations was VIVA. There were many ·places that people could send to get a bracelet, the closest being Omaha.
This seemed to be a way to get involved in the war without taking part in a violent · demonstration. That statement seems to sum up what the people on Peru State's campus think. With the prisoners on their way home now several students on campus were asked why they bought and wore the bracelets in the first place. Their responses:
"I wanted to show my support." - Larry Hillyer.
"I believed in the cause and I wanted to get the POW's home." l Ann Stukenholtz. ·
"I did it bec<fiise I wanted tO help the POW's and I didn't think it was just a money-making venture." - Dave Jubinville.
"A gift from a friend, because she was totally against the war."
- Cindy Tabor.
"I was concerned about our men overseas." -Patty Jonnson.
"I thought it was for a good cause and I wanted to do something." - Terry Bahr.
"My girlfriend gave it to me as a present." - Lora Kaul.
"It was the least I could do to help the guys." - Kim Fetters.
"To show my support against the war." - Barry Landis.
"To show that I care and want to help." - Mickie Welch.
"It was a thing to do so that I could feel that I was doing something." - John Billings.
"Because I care." - Janet Waniska.
The money received from the sale of these bracelets went to finance the cause of the POW and MIA wives. It was used in the efforts to find out about our men held prisoner in Vietnam.
Koontz, Reed win raffle
The Fine Arts mall during convo period Wednesday, February 21, was the scene for the drawing of winners in the Sigma Tau Delta. china raffle.
For the past few weeks Sigma Tau, together with the English Club, has been selling the tickets · to interested persons. Miss Hicks, sponsor of both clubs, stated that the china had been bought by Sigma Tau in 1936 for serving faculty teas.
Mr John Hahn did the honors of drawing Winifred Koontz, 1011 23rd St., Auburn, as first place winner and Fred Reed, Peru, as second place winner. Prizes were a set of eight and a set of six respectively.
Midland. upsets Kittens
The Midlarid College women's basketball team upset the Peru State Bobkittens 51-41 February 13 in an afternoon game played at Fremont. Midland jumped to a 10 point lead in the first quarter and the Peruvians could never close the gap, even though outshooting their adversary at the free throw line, 59 per cent to 55 per cent.
Jody Fichter, led Peru scoring with 11 points while teammate Allie Stoltenberg, tossed in 10 counters. Troy led her Midland team with 11.
Peru Box Score FG FTA-FT PF
New color at Bob-Inn
There are new colors in the Bob-Inn. Anyone who has been in the Bob-Inn recently has, no doubt, noticed the new bright, orange.
The job of painting is finished, except for the detail of putting black paint on the mopboard.
It took the painters the better part of two days to finish.
So if you haven't been in the Bob-Inn recently, go in and see the change.
Mr Jaquith is an assistant professor in the Department of Criminal Justice Administration, Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, Missouri. For ten years prior to assuming that position, Mr Jaquith practiced law in Kansas City, Missouri, and was an assistant city counselor there. A graduate of the University of Kansas Law School, he also holds a Master of Law degree from the University of Missouri, Kansas City.
At Central Missouri State University, Mr Jaquith publishes the "Missouri Police Law News", a monthly newsletter distributed throughout the state to those interested in law enforcement. As part of his teaching assignment, Mr Jaquith covers such subjects as legal aspects of safety programs, motor vehicle law and various courses dealing with criminal law. He is a member of the Kansas, Missouri and American Bar Associations.
Driver educators and administrators in Southeast Nebraska will receive additional workshop information from the Nebraska Department of Education and should pre-enroll by writing Mr Jarvis, Peru State College, Peru, Ne., 68421.
Anewly designed decal will be presented to members within a few weeks, Long said.
The Peru Chamber, now in its third vear, notes the following·· .accomplishments in 1972: Instigated the Tri-State Missouri River Development organization; purchased trophies for Peru State College's homecoming parade; sponsored a back-to-school welcome 1dance; hosted the annual PSC· Peru barbeque and street dance; sponsored rides to election polls; coordinated. planting of redwood flower in downtown Peru; spons ored entries for Applejack · Festival and Nemana County Fair; mailed informational. brochures to prospective industries and purchased ad-' ditional welcome flags for the town to display at special events. Memberships are available from C. of C. board of directors: Dr. Long, Ken Johnson, Don Yates, Paul Kruse, Mrs Tom Fitzgerald, Dean Mathis, Mrs John Whiser and Jerry Sayer.
"We seek memberships from and area businesses," Dr. Long commented, "and the Chamber has plans for increased acvities in 1973. We are striving to make a reality of our membership decal slogan - "Positive-Progressive Peru; Site of Opportunity."
Tiger gets new stripes
If wanted to change your · name it wouldn't be hard to do but when the Humble od Company changed their name to it cost them close to 200 m!lhon dollars.
The name change occurred in the first place because the company was marketing their products under Humble Esso and Enco in different parts of country.
Management wanted to adopt one brand name for nationwide use because it felt the three name .system was confusing to traveling from region to region.
The name change has been called one of the most massive and of its kind in American business history. What will cost 200 million dollars for such a change? First the advertising to let the public know of the switch, then everything which carries {he company's former names.
'l:he name change will effect close to 25,000 service stations from coast to coast. Each ser-
vice station_will have to ma changes such as replaci decals on uniforms, gasoli pumps,. and new highway sig Also sign changes will eff trucks, buildings and tanke Replacing company forms a stationary, as well as t distribution of Exxon ere cards to replace the old ones w also cost money.
The reidentification progra began as a top-secret Proje Nugget more than three yea ago when a team of researche looking for a new name used computer to come up with a 10,000 possibilities.
The only criteria were that th name be short, have no actu mean!ng and have no vulgar negative connotations in any the world's major language One catchy name was drop because it meant "stalled car in Japanese. An program, mvolvmg mterv1ews with about 7,000 people on four continen cut the list to six contenders. Exxon was the winner.
Basketball officiating
''Hi Charlie what are you up o'1" asked Mel as he walked up o lhe second couch in the tudcnt center.
"Oh just doing a little ·guring," replied Charlie as he rased some notes. on his paper.
"What kind of figuring?"
"I'm just trying to make an ucatcd guess as lo how long it ill be till we can walk to breaksl in60degree weather," came harlie 's answer.
"Oh, I see. By the way Charlie, ·d you make the trek to the etropolis last week for the big
"Yes, unfortunately I went. ou know that game was either make or break our season ally, and it's too bad that had se it."
"Yeah, I know what you ean," replied Mel. "By the aY,, have you ever ·given much ought as to why teams have to y on the road?"
'Well, "answered Charlie,"! ess it's because that some m has to be the visitors."
you're playing at home, but cspe<.:ially ou lhe road, il appears that it's not a five on five gamt', but a seven on five situation at times."
"You don't mean," gasped Mel.
"Sure I do." said Charlie. "Look al what happened to us in · the big game. The officiating all way around wasn't loo good. Those two made bad calls for both teams during the game. I ·couldn't some of the stuff that our guys got away with, let alone what the other team got away with."
"Are you referring to the charging fouls that were called on our guards as they were bringing the ball up the court _doting the first part of the game?"
··or course," answered Charlie ''I heard one of the player's fathers say after. the game that if ti)ey were handmg out Academy Awards that night for the best acting, that the two guards for the other team, the way they were falling down, wuuld be right up there in the
KPSC has hopes for expansion
"Yeah, I guess that's simple ough," said Mel. "How about sone though, why is it so hard win on the road ?" · ;ialloting when all the votes were "For one thing, the fans, pecially if they're organized n rattle·the other team to a rtain extent and pump some e into the home team," replied arlie. "Why we've helped our am more than once by doing e things that help make for e home court advantage."
"Yes, you're certainly right out that, but do you think that thing else enters into it?" ked Mel.
"Sometimes; even when
Give blood
By EARL WEBBHave you ever asked yourself hat you can do for your fellow an? On March 5, from 12:00 to :00 p.m. in the 4-H building in uburn, you will be presented ith the opPQrtunity to donate food. Transportation will be rovided.
Life-giving blood is in very rt supply in many hospitals. e demand far exceeds the ond supply. I owe my life to e generous person. I was unded, and received four nts of blood. There are millions people who owe their lives to dividuals who contributed ood.
'There is a false impression teated that the donor will be urt, injured, or suffer great ain by the procedure. This is ·r from the truth.
"I'm glad of one thing though," said Mel. "The officials ·were on top of the plays most of the time. They weren't trying to call the game from .balf-coiirt. I watched my high school play a game earlier in the year, and there was one referee, who at the end of the game,Was pretty tired. He looked like a quarter-horse trying t-0 run a mile race, and at the end he was way behind."
"They've got a tough job, no doJ.1bt about it," said Charlie. "It's just too bad that we can't have machines do the job, you know, automation. But we can't and any time you have a job such as their's, it involves a lot of judgement, and of course the human
KPSC Radio Club consists of fifteen PSC students who are either members of the Radio and Television class or just plain radio buffs. The ·radio station itself came into existence first semester due to funds contributed by SGA and Circle K amounting to $500 and the efforts of Jesse Spurgin, Bart Neri, and Mike Summers.
The radio station is currently a low power, closed-circuit AM station transmitting only to Delzell and Morgan halls. KPSC hopes to expand the station this semester by selling sub-
scriptions to the new Peru Challenge. Dick Hursey, Challenge editor, has offered 20 per cent of the $5 per year subscription rate to the radio club for the first 1,000 subscriptions sold. Additional sales will cause a significant increase in the percentage that is going to the group.
J. D. Levitt, sponsor of the radio club, states that a larger radio station that could broadcast to .the entire town of Peru would cost approximately $5,000. Because the college budget does not include equipment needed by the station
Levitt hopes that the subscription money and other contr.lbutions made by interested parties will help the club realize its goal.
The club hopes to begin a canvas of Nemaha county beginning the week of February 19 with campus students, faculty, and maintenance. There will be a special student subscription rate of $2 to cover a subscription until the end of this semester.
KPSC is currently broadcasting from 6:30 to 10:30 Sundays through Thursday.
·Help us help.
So no one's left out in the members are <left to right> Dick Kohel, ;lm Cash, Jesse Spurgin, Jeff Turner, Phil Chapman, Jim Paap, Greg Hahn, Becky Pieper, Bart Neri, Debbie Hendrickson, Sue Coughlin, Dan Gruber, Ron Crunk, and Leon Golden.
Teaching programs now available
Are you a creative person?
Are you looking for a challenging experience as a beginning point in your teaching career? Now is the time to commit yourself to a program of innovation and.excellence.
The undergraduate intern teacher program is an alternative to the traditional teacher education program. The purpose of the program is to provide an extended teaching experience for students at the pre-service level of preparation under conditions similar to the regular teaching position.
The program is open to students who display superior promise as future teachers and starts with the professional preparation of the intern teacher
during a summer training which includes clinical teachmg experiences and teaching. Upon completion. of summer training, the mtern is and paid by a school district and assigned a selected teaching assignment for one semester
During this time the assumes a greater teaching responsibility than. was possible as. a student teacher. He becomes a regular part of the with support and gmdance of qualified staff members from both the college and the public school. _
Any interested student should contact Mr Fitzgerald at the gymna.sium at his earliest convemence.
August Wedding
Mr and Mrs Don Dallegge of Hampton, Nebraska, announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Jean, to Mr R: Ernest Templeton, son of Mr and Mrs Alvin J. Knickerbocker of Concord, Calif. Miss Dallegge is a recent graduate of Central Nebraska Technical college, Hastings, Nebraska where she majored in Denta_l Assisting.
Mr Templeton is currently a senior attending Peru State College. He plans to graduate in · August and has been selected for Naval Aviation Officer Training in Pensacola, Florida.
August 18th has been set as the date for the wedding.
lab • IS
March 2
Peru's child developmen course students will conduct four week laboratory pre-scho · beginning March 26 for pr kindergarten children of t Peru Elementary Scho district, Mrs Vicki Jacobitz the PSC home economi department staff has nounced.
Afternoon sessions from 1: lo 2:30 Monday through Th sday will be conducted college students and supervis by Mrs Jacobitz. Parents Peru Elementary School distri children four years of age eligible for kindergarten in ·fall of 1973 will be issued le of invitation and applica
by mid-February,
Any parents of elig' children not contacted are a to notify Mrs Jacobitz a college. Applications are returned by March 16, preliminary 111eeting for pa is scheduled at 7 p.m. Mar in Education 312.
would invest in a business that: Is without profit?
Has impossible hours? Is involved in one disaster after another?
That even asks for blood?
We hope you' re that kind of fool.
Hunter's basket beats Bellevue
Bill Hunter grabbed Terry. atliff's missed 15 jump shot d laid it in with 13 seconds to ay to give Peru State a 58-57 <:onference win over the llevue College Bruins in llevue Thursday night ebruary 15).
The Bobcats appeared to be in ntrol most of the game until vin Riley got hot in the second If to help erase a 31-26 Peru lftime lead.
The 'Cats gained their biggest vantage of nine points 44-35 ith 13: 15 to play as Ananias ntague hit on a 20 footer. At is point Riley began to go to rk, scoring 12 of his 20 points the last 13 minutes of the test to bring the Bruins back hin striking range. imultaneously the Bobcats led, and for five and one half
Bobcats beat Mount Marty
eru State avenged an earlier son loss to Mount Marty lege as they registered a 76-67 tory over the Lancers at the ru gym Friday night.
The Bobcats used balanced oring for the win as four yers scored in double figures by Ananias Montague with 25 ints. Other players in double ' ures were: Bill Hunter with , Don Monzingo, 14 and Tom · oehlich, 12. :Good free throw shooting down e stretch helped as the 'Cats ) on 13of18 charity tosses after · y earned the one-and-one nus with just over six minutes 'play. Many of the free throws 'me in the last two and one-half :}nutes as the Lancers sub'tuted in their pressing team t forced some turnovers by '(;) 'Cats, but also caused some " s as Mount Marty had to ruble on defense to steal the 'u because they were trailing.
minutes could only score three points, allowing Bellevue to knot the score al 47 all.
Free throws were vitally important in the home stretch.
Prni hit on five of r.ii;rht. in t.he .last seven minutes of play while Bellevue missed on two critical one-and-one situations in the final 1:10, while leading by one at 57-56. Riley and John Howard attempted shots for Bellevue in the last 10 seconds, but both were off the mark as Peru gained its third win of the season over the Bruins.
Trackmen take third place
Peru State's indoor trackmen
finished third in the February 17
Doane Invitational with 24 team points behind winning Doane with 78 and second place Concordia with 42. Dakota Wesleyan placed fourth with. 17 team points and Southwestern of Winfield, Kansas, finished last with 2.
Peru's Bill Sell, earned the lone first place points for Peru by winning the two mile evenf'in 9:41.2.
Coach Jack Mcintire believes the team will improve as the season progresses and weather clears for better conditioning.
Peru scoring: 60 yard dash3rd, Mel Kelley, 6.4' 60 yard high hurdles - 2nd Leon Golden, 8.0, 4th, Jim Paap, 8.2; 60 yard intermediate hurdles - 3rd Jim Paap, 7.5, 4th Leon Golden, 7.7; 440 yard dash - 3rd Charles Jackson, 52.9; 880 yard dash4th Bob Lowery, 2:07.3; Mile - 2nd Bill Sell, 4:31.6; 2 mile - 1st Bill Sell, 9: 41.2; Shot
Put - 4th Ken Kamman, 48'71/z"; High Jump - 3rd Dan Parker, 6'2".
Coed volleyball results
Another round of the coed volleyball intramurals was played on Monday, February 12. This round left two undefeated teams out of the six entered. In the first game played at 6:00 p.m., Teresa Ewalt's "Sticky Fingers" defeated Larry Morrison's team. The game went in straight sets, 15-10 and 15-11. In the second game of the evening Pat Schultze's team fell to Symancyk's Butchers, 1510, 13-15, and 15-3. The last game saw the Bombers win over Darcy Lippold's team by scores of 15-4 and 15-4. The two undefeated teams left in the competition are the Sicky Fingers and the Butchers. It is still undecided as to when the next round of the intramurals will be played.
High schools to debate here
Four debate teams from Hiawatha Kansas High School will compete with five teams from Plattsmouth High School on the Peru State College campus Friday, February 23. Three rounds are scheduled at 9:30, 10:30, and 12:30 in the Fine Arts building with discussion to follow.
The debate topic is, "Resolved: That the United State Government Should Legalize the Sale and Use of Marijuana." J. D. Levitt said that this is not the national high ' school debate topic for the year, but one that the two schools agreed upon.
Experienced debaters and college faculty will serve as judges, and students will be time keepers.
Social· Work Club takes trip
Many people take good eyesight for granted, but chances are, the members of the Peru State College Social Work Club do not.
February 14, eight members of the club, along with their sponsor, Mr William Miles and his wife visited the Nebraska City School for the Visually Handicapped.
The purpose of the visit, according to Social Work Club
President Jim Lennerton, was to ·observe where the role of the social worker fits in with. the visually handicapped.
Monday through Saturday
Peru, Nebraska Phone 872-6355
.Wrestlers fall to Morningside
Peru State's wrestling team suffered a' 31-6 defeat at the hands of Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa Saturday February 17. That was the second loss in two weeks for t.hi> ·Robcats. The week before Peru was downed by Wayne State 2416. Both Morningside and Wayne State are ranked nationally in the NAIA conference.
In that 31-6 trounce 2 decisions were the only points Peru could ·register. Freshman, 150 pounder
John Whisler decisioned Dave Edmonds 5-2 and Sophomore - Jim Rezac decisioned Dave Kobliska 7-3 in the hwt. division.
With the season drawing to a close Peru has a record of 14-6. "The Cats" will finish the season on the road with the conference tournamet February 24 at Kearney State, a dual meet against Nebraska Wesleyan
February. 27, in Lincoln, the
Que, Hunter, lead
over Owls
district tournament at Wayne State March 3, and the national tournament, held in Sioux City,
.March 8-10.
Peru vs Morningside
118- Dave Roder (Ml dee. 14-
3 Bud Kimball (Pl
126 - Randy Thomas (Ml dee.
10-4 Garv Lesoing (Pl
134 - Rick Nuss (Ml dee. 17-3
Russ Hunt (Pl
14?.-WavneThomas (M) dee.
8-3 Rod Wartman (P)
150 - John Whisler \J:') dee. 5-
2 Dave Edmonds (Ml
158 - Ron Isaacson (Ml pin
2:30 Jim Cash (P)
167 - Frank Thompson (M)
dee. 20-11 Kim Tennal (P)
177 - Steve Newhard (M) pin
7:16 Dean Anstey (Pl
190-Kelly (Ml dee. 6-2
Larry Pracht (P)
Hwt. Jim Rezac (Pl dee. 7-3
Dave Kobliska (Ml
Ananias Montague and Bill Hunter combined for 55 points and 33 rebounds to lead the Bobcats to an 88-84 victory over the Tarkio College Owls Monday night in the Peru gym.
The 'Cats shot well from the floor, hitting on 29 of 62 shots for 46.8 per cent, one of the best shooting nights they've had this season. The shooting combines with a 54-42 advantage in rebounds and a 30 for 42 performance from the line all added up as the season record was evened up at 11-11.
The only thing.that really kept the game close was the number of turnovers the Bobcats committed, as they turned the ball over without getting a shot 13 times in the second half. Tarkio committed 10 turnovers in the first half, but only had five the second half as they made their comeback attempt with the help
Indoor trackteam takes
second place at Fremont
The Peru State College thmclads placed second in a quadrangular indoor track meet in Fremont Thursday (February 15J, 10 points bebind the winrung host, Midland College.
Wayne State placed Third with 17, and Bethany <Kansas) came in last with 11 team points.
Peru earned four first places in the_ 13 event program, and scored often with second and third places. Bill Sell, Weeping Water sophomore, earned a win in the 2 mile run with a time of 9:46, then chalked additional Peru points-with a 2:05 mark in the 880 yard run.
With winning time of 4:46.5;. Phil Fritz, freshman from Verdon, scored for PSC in the mile run. Mel Kelley, Amarillo, Texas, freshman, paced the 60 yard dash in 6.4 for the fourth Peru win
February 15
Shot Put
1. Link, Wayne, 47'4"
2. Reed, Peru, 46'2112 "
3. Peru, 46'1%"
4. Rehm, Midland, 43'101/z" High Jump
1. McDuffee, Midland 6'4" ·
2. Parker, Peru, 6'2"'
3. Carper, Wayne, 6'2"
4. Zabka, Behany, 5'10" fiO High Hurdles
1. Meier, Midland, 7.6
2. Porter, Midland, 7.9
:i. Golden, Peru, 8.0
4. Zitek, Wayne, 8.1 60 Yard Dash
1. Kelley, Peru, 6.4
2. Hrumehage, Midland, 6.6
:i. Sniff, Midland, 6.7
4. Johnson, Midland, 6.8
of their full court press that almost turned the game around in the last two minutes of play.
The effectiveness of Tarkio's press was evident after the 'Cats took their largest lead of the night, 15 points at 82-67 with 4:18 to play. Two minutes later the Owls had cut the margin to seven, 83-76 and pulled within three at 87-84 before Hunter hit on a free throw with 20 seconds to play for the final spread.
Kearney' overtakes Bob kittens
The Peru Bobkittens were for the past week-end folding to Kearney S February 17, then evening t season record to 3-3 as they over Nebraska Wesle February 18.
In Saturday's game 'Kittens held their own of the first half agains scrappy Kearney team. K ney's defense toughened applied a press in the second that Peru couldn't break. P fell 54-27.
Jody Fichter led PSC's sc with 11 points. Nelson was for Kearney with 14.
February 18 the Peru 'Ki
traveled to Lincoln where stymied Nebraska Wesleyan 7.
60 Int Hurdles
1. Porter, Midland, 7.3
2. Meier, Midland, 7.5
3. Zitek, Wayne, 7.6
4. Rump, Midland, 7.8
1. Sell, Peru, 9:46
2. Fritz, Peru, 10:01.6
3. Olson, Midland, 10:53.9
4. Thoms, Midland, 14:00 300 Yard Dash
1. Mitchell, Midland, 34.2
2. Kelley, Peru, 35.2
3. Johnson, Midland, 35.8
4. Hurel, Midland, 36.0 440 Yard Dash
1. Meier, Midland, 53.0
2. Jackson, Peru, 53.4
3. McCullough, Peru, 54.5
4. Porter, Midland, 55.6 Long Jump
I. Rump, Midland, 22'3"
2. Brogie, Wayne, 21'11112"
3. Wallace, Peru, 21'9"
4. Thompson, Peru, 20'81h"
Mile Run
!. Fritz, Peru, 4:46.5
2. Petz, Bethany, 4:50.9
3. McKercher, Peru, 4:53.8
4. Muir, Wayne, 6:19.6 Pole Vault
1. Chinault, Midland, 14' 1 miss
2. Henneke, Bethany, 14' 2 miss
Wheel'r 1nn:
Drive-Inn Restauf"ant
Eat here or Tote
South Edge on 73-75
Auburn, Nebraska
Arnold & Judy Gebers
Ph. 274-3179
Monster Legs Shrink Blouses
3. Simmons, Peru, 13' 1 · 880 Yard Run·
I. Sell, Peru, 2:05
2. Mavotney, Wayne, 2:06.8
KPSC would appreciate any informatiun that anyone has concerning people out of town who would like to be contacted in regards to subscriptions to the• Peru Chalknge. All leads are helpful to the club and will be greatly appreciated. J. D. Levitt, club sponsor, states that numerous obstacles hinder the dub but progress is being made.
The Bobkittens led all the and all 9 players saw acti Wesleyan couldn't penetrate tough 'Kitten defense as p forced numerous turnovers.
Starting guards Kris Ro and Teresa Ewalt, sha scoring honors for Peru as each collected 12 points.
Peru· Pedagogian
Students request coed dorms
By STEVE KNITTL}!:College administrators are presented with countless student requests during the academic year. Many are accepted, and many are not.
Recently students on campus made a request that dormitory visi tation policy be liberalized. After a great deal of work and planning this request was approved. and students now enjoy expanded interdorm visitation privileges.
Many campuses around the country have gone even further and approved coed dorms. These programs have met with varying degrees of success.
In view of our recently changed policy the "Ped'' asked for reactions of students and administrators toward a coed dorm policy at Peru State. Here are a few comments.
situation like that with Morgan and Mt. Vernon Hall. Years ago men lived on the first floor and women lived on the second floor. So that's no new idea. I can't really see any reason why men and women should live in the same building. It's bound to complicate matters."
Ann O'Connor: "I have no comment because I am leaving Peru.··
Becky Pieper: "Excellent idea. Majors Hall could be put to good use as a coed dorm.·· · Jeif Barker: "Times are changing so I think it would be a good idea. ·
· VICTORY HEIGHTS - Bobcat teammates hoisted cage coach Jack Mcintire to their shoulders after his 250th Peru State College career victory when defeating Wayne State Wednesday night (February 21). The 81-74 tally also earned the squad a share of the Nebraska College Conference championship in a tie with Wayne and Kearney state colleges, plus pushing the 'Cat season record to 12 wins over 11 losses. "Mac", a PSC graduate, has guided seven squads to NCC basketball crowns in his 17 seasons as mentor. Story on page 4.
'Billings presents proposal
Coed dorms discussed
Co-educational Dormitories s the main topic discussed at February 27 meeting of the A. Clayburn-Matthews
presentative John Billings
ught forth a plan that would vert the complex housing a into Coed-dorms. Billings' n is broken down into two erent types of setups for the mitory. Plan 1: On each iety there are four apartnts. Of these four apartents, living arrangements uld consist of two apartments ntaining women and two artments containing men. n 2: Co-ed dormitory living in , second plan would consist of •n living in Mathews and imen living in Clayburn. 'lrictions shall not be placed mthe residents as to entering 1cr section of the building. der these 2 plans no students
under 19 years of age shall be allowed to live in the co-ed dormitory. Regular resident hall regulations shall be followed such as quiet hours, proper dress, etc. If passed this proposal would go before the Student Affairs
The topic was tabled until further information could be obtained from the other state colleges pertaining to their policies on co-ed dorms.
Janel Waniska reported that Dean Rosenberg and herself would go over the various constitutions for the different organizations on campus. They will then make their recommendations lo the SGA's constitution committee who will inturn make proposals to the SGA concerning those recommendations.
The NAS (Nebraska Association of Students, a union of Nebraska colleges Student Government Associations) has announced it will hold a meeting at Norfolk, Nebraska Saturday, March 3. President Doug Fritz along with Sponsor Mr Roger Salmela will attend the meeting.
Peru Slate College's SGA would like to make the following announcement: It is .hoped that all students at Peru State College will attempt to contact parents and friends and their District Senators to the Nebraska State Legislature, for the purpose of showing or backing of the administration and its proposed budget. This may be done by ·writing or calling members of the kgislature and legislative budget committees.
Nancy Scheer: "I think we are mature enough. Kids our age go out and work and live in apartments. Maybe people would grow up. They would be more considerate of ,others feelings. It's a good idea."
DeVoe Manning: "It would be a more natural situation and people should know how to live together by now, but the parents are paying for it and should have the perogative of allowing or disallowing it."
Joevette Farber: "It's ideal because it would help with studies. We are mature enough to handle any situation that might arise."
John Thomas: "It's a great idea. It might encourage more people that are living off campus to move to the dorm."
Miss Bradley: "We had a
Patty McLaughin: "It would be beneficial to both guys and girls, and would create a family type atmosphere. There wouldn't be many problems. I don't think parents should have a say in it, but I am sure they will."
Kim Fetters: "It would be nice if the studerits would not take advantage of the situation. I do think parents of freshmen should have a say as to where their kids stay."
Mike Kelly: "Fine idea. Certainly about time Peru attempted to achieve the same level that other state schools have had for years. I doubt the need for parental consent for this proposal and the Complex is ideal for this kind of arrangement.''
Mrs Johnson (Dorm Mother at Mathews Halll·"Anything to get these dorms full. Naturally there would be problems but we have those every day. It is what the kids want and I think it is a good idea."
"Keep on true kin" Spring ·week theme
"Keep On Truckin" will be the theme for Spring Week to be held April 15-19. The theme was suggested by Tom Stringfellow and voted upon by the Student Center Board.
Spring Week will begin with 'the Open House and car rally on April 15. A dance featuring the rrowning of the Spring Week royalty will also be held on the
15. The Chancellors will perform for the dance.
On Monday the movie, Little Big Man., will be presented, with a carnival in the afternoon.
Jim Croce will appear in concert on Tuesday, April 17. Crose sings the hit "You Don't Mess Around With Jim."
The Home Ee Club will present a style show on Wednesday, April 18.
Hoemann,. Business club planning .Kansas tri
Stone recruiters
fly DONNA f<'RASlf
New things are going on in the Admissions .Office of Peru State College.
Mr Gary Hoemann and Mr Tom .Stone. are developing' new materials. There is now· a new general information booklet with fulf color pictures.
Mr Hoemann and Mr Stone have made the application procedure more streamlined.
The application for admission is only one page. High school transcripts are no longer needed, merely a certification of high school graduation.
Also no longer needed is a doctor's report. The student fills out his own health sheet.
· The last of the new admissions procedure is lowering of the admissipn fee from $25. to $10.
Mr Stone indicated he felt the students were pleased with the changes which have been made.
Mr Hoemann has recently been in Kansas City, Witchita, Des Moines, Souix City, Omaha, and Lincoln to interest high school students in coming to Peru.
Beginning March 19, Mr Hoemann will be interviewing those in New York, Chicago, and western Pennsylvania who have expressed an interest in attending Peru. ·
Mr Stone is also visiting high schools and would like to visit nine or ten every week before high school graduations start.
He will be visiting schools in southeast Nebraska, also in Iowa, Missouri, and Kansas.
A telephone program is ex-
The Peru Slate College Business Club will be taking a two day trip on March 22 and 23.
The group will visit several different business organizations in Kansas City, Mo.
The trip is for business club members only according to the president of the club Armon Nielsen, and the trip is to "e1irich our knowledge of different business organizations."
The group of 35 people will include in· their visit General Motors, the grain ·exchange, and the offices of the Kansas City Star. Sponsors for the group are
Mr llussell Beldin and llobert Lewellen.
To raise money for the tri Business Club is holdi auction on March 6. All ki items will be sold by C Kent Badgett, the auction TV and radio will.also be ra off during the evening. auction begins at 7:00 p.m. Officers for the club in Armon Nielsen,. Presid Chuck Lambooy, President, Vicki Secretary, Dick Ko Treasurer, and Linda Bou Historian.
KOIL Bridal Fair held in Omaha
The Sixth Annual KOIL Bridal Fair was held Saturday and Sunday, February 24th and 25th, at the Holiday Inn Convention Hall in Omaha: Seven girls PSC attended the Saturiiay afternoon show.
The girls first registered for free prizes at 36 different booths, which Omaha's leading merchants sponsored.
They then listened to a panel of experts who discussed such things as insurance and travel, ftnance, and ·bridal etiquette: There were also speakers dealing with marriage counseling, and medical needs.
pected to be started which will utilize faculty and students. Mr I John Barrett, English in- I structor, will be directing the I telephone program. I Mini-busses will be sent to I surrounding high schools to I bring back juniors and seniors I for a tour of the campus and talks with instructors in their : fields of interest.
March 20, area people working I with veterans have been invited I to the campus. Also it is being I made easier for students of I. vocational-technical school to I transfer. I
Mr Stone felt what is really I needed, are more names· of I students in high school who I could be contacted to see if they I are interested in coming to Peru. I
Seven courses taught at centers!
The seven classes that are being taught at off-campus learning centers are not necessarily rriini-classes stated Dr/Clyde Barrett, head of the off-campus adult learning program.
Classes offered in Drug Use and Abuse, Business Law, Water Color, Crafts, Rocks and Minerals, and Marriage and Parenthood range from 1 to 3 semester hours credit.
Most of the classes are being held on Monday evenings so as to not ·conflict with the current night classes held at Peru on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The length of each class depends upon the credit it offers but each class will put in
the required time.
In the past such off-campus classes had been held, but were dropped. Last semester these classes were once again started with the purpose of better serving the ·needs of the community. Dr. Barrett stated that due to a lack of enough faculty members he received the job of heading up the program. He feels thatso far the response has been very good.
Teachers of the adult classes are not necessarily Peru State faculty members Rev. Cordes and .Mrs Virginia Miller are teaching the Drug Qse and Abuse classes at Syracuse and Pawnee City respectively, Thomas Giest is teaching
Business Law in Falls City while Clara Luther is teaching Marriage and Parenthood in South Sioux City.
(obstetrics and gynecolo Atrousseau and bridal show was then pre Nostalgic was the them which it featured wedding g of ,yester-year to the pre Sixteen different weddings w shown, and all gowns ana cessories pertaining to the t of wedding. All fashions w from J. C. Penney.
February 8th, six girls a attended another bridal sho Lincoln, sponsored by Mi Pain. Again a trousseau bridal dresses were sho Three of the girls brought door prizes.
Monday, March 5 Intramurals, 7:00 p.m.
PSSS, FA 212, 6:00 p.m.
Kappa Delta Pi, WDR, 5:00 p.m. Lambda Delta Lambda, SCI 104, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 6
Phi Beta Lambda Auction, 7:00 p.m.
SGA, FA 212, 6:00 p.m.
Circle K, SV WDR, 4:40-6:00 p.m. Kiwanis, SO WDR, 6:30-8:00 p.m. River Front Meeting, Nl/2 WDR, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 7 WAA, 6:00-10:00 p.m. Teep Test, ED 300, 8:00a.m. -3:00p.m. Convo, Reading Program test
Thursday, March 8 Spring Play, "The Child Buyer" FA Aud, 8:00 p.m. SCB, NWDR, 5:00 p.m.
Peruvian faculty who are teaching are Leland Sherwood with a Water Color class in Nebraska City, Dr. C. V. Siegner with a class in Crafts at Tecumseh, and Mrs Scott Williams with a Rocks and Editor
Minerals class in Beatrice.
Dr. ·Barrett also stated that
some of the classes are still open
for enrollment.
Saturday, March 10
Python makes Tri Beta meeting
At last week's Tri Beta meeting the guest of honor was a 15 foot python. Mr Ray Lubben i had arranged for various kinds of snakes to be on display at the
meeting. Boa constrictors, king snakes, rat snakes, bull snakes and the python were among the different types of.. reptiles · visiting Peru, some from as far
away as Australia. The owner of the snakes, a private collector, from Lincoln, spoke on the feeding habits and life of these animals.
-Exam March 17 NSEA· Convention
March 15 & 16
Aspecial, on-campus J<'ederal Service Entrance Examination will be at 9:00 a.m. conducted by the U. S. Civil Service Commission on March 17 in FA 105.
This two-hour qualifications examination is used as the principal source to recruit graduates in social sciences, humanities, business and public administration, for professional and management training positions in Federal agencies.
Seniors and graduate students who ap;Jlied through this special on-campus examination will save time during the examination if they will complete an application in advance. The application is a part of the Federal Service Entrance Examination brochure, which is available through the Placement office.
Sample questions and additional information on employment opportunities are also included in this brochure
Future teachers tour schools
Three field trips have been included in elementary teacher professional preparation al Peru Slate College this semester. The trips allow students an -{)pporlunily to see how methods taught in the college classroom are implemented in the public schools' elementary classroom.
On February 2, elementary education students directed by Dr. William Landis traveled to Arnold Elementary School in.
Stolen letters cost money
Numerous thefts of letters from lhe Circle K signboard in front of lhe Education building have definitely hindered the helping hand of the group. So many letters have been stolen that il is impossible to spell many words so they make.sense. Each letter costs two dollars and lhe Circle K must replace 56 letters. This makes $112 which has to be spent to replace the letters; $112 which could have gone lo a more deserving cause.
Besides the money spent on replacing the letters, the group will have to spend more money to lry and stop the thefts. Dr. Darrell Wininger, sponsor of the group and in charge of the signboard, said plans were being made to have the industrial arts grouo make a lockine: olexll!lass shield over the letters in hopes it would stop the thefts.
"I don't know what they do with the letters," commented Dr. Wininger, "but l do know it really hurts for a group our size to have to replace those letters."
Lincoln. Dr. John Jensen, Arnold's principal, loured the group throug·n the building. Emphasis was given to special education. Arnold houses learning facilities for the largest group of trainable level children in the slate.
Omaha's Miller Park Elementary School was toured February 16. Mrs Margaret Baker, building principal, arranged for observation of various grade levels in action. Here lhe emphasis was on the facl lhal Miller Park is an innerci ly school.
The group visited Clinton Elementary School in Lincoln February 23, with building principal, Dr. Curtis Crandall, explaining some of the school's unique aspects. Clinton is involved in the Cooperative School Project, a program to implement innovative methods in public education through supervision from the University of Nebraska.
"These field trips have proven lo be not only enjoyable for the students, but also highly informative." Dr. Landis said.
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March 15 and 16 mark the dates of the yearly Nebraska State Education Association · convention. There will be three separate conventions. School Districts I, II, and Ill will meet in Lincoln; Districts IV and V will meet in Kearney; and District VI will meet in Chadron.
The program for the conventions will be about the same as last year. The schedule will include orations by nationally known educators, .a series of smaller meetings broken down according to subject area, and the popular Helpmobile which will be featured on Friday during the convention.
This years' convention will be the last spring convention, at least teniporarTiy;as next year's. convention will return to being held during the fall as all ventions were prior to 1971. Also next fall, the NSEA convention. will return to five locations,
instead of three as they are now. The five locations will include Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney, Norfolk, and Sidney.
The Helpmobile will also return to its original plans and schedules.
According to Mrs Mary R. Wilson, associate professor of English, most of the teachers here at Peru State College won't be attending the convention, because it is geared more toward high school levels.
· What's the' meaning of this "comsat,'' "counterculture," "cyborg"? Compiling these and other modern words was no mean achievement for the makers of a new dictionary.
If your present dictionary does not enter these terms, you probably need a new, up-to-date one, such as the Second College Edition of Webster's New World Dictionary.
COMSAT: any of various communications satellites for relaying microwave transmissions, as. of telephone, television - CYBORG; a hypothetical human being modified for life in a nonearth environment by. the substitution of artificial organs and other bodv parts.
COUNTERCULTURE: the culture of many young people of the 1960's and 1970's manifested by a life style that is opposed to the pre-
Mcintire gains 250th win.
Win over Wayne produces tie in conference
By DeKLOTZPeru State earned a tie for the Nebraska College basketball championship
Wednesday night, (February 21) by defeating the Wayne State Wildcats 81-74 in the Peru gym.
The win not only gavethe 'Cats a tie for the Nebraska College Conference crown with Kearney State and Wayne State, but also a winning season mark of 12-11.
In leading his cagers to the_ir seventh conference title in his 17 year reign, head coach Jack Mcintire picked up his 250th PSC career victory. The last Bobcat
Track team takes quadrangular
missed Wildcat shot, the Buocats put the game out of reach as Montague, 17th ranked scorer in N:A.I.A. division two. play, faked a shot and fed Beatty who was wide open underneath the basket for an easy layin to give PSC an eight point lead with only 2:13 to play.
Free throws accounted for Peru's last three points of the season as Wayne had to get the ball, and in the process fouled Monzingo who hit a free throw with 42 seconds left. and Montague who hit on a pair of charity tosses with 25 seconds to go.
Peru State's indoor track team accumulated 69 points in a quadrangular meet victory Friday, February 23, at Graceland College, Lamoni, Iowa. The host thinclads earned 46 team points followed by Ottawa, (Kansas) University, 45, and Iowa Western, Clarinda, 10. Seven PSC individuals earned second, third and fourth place points completing the victory margin.
Peru scorers were:
60 yard dash - 1st Mei Kelley, 6.45
440 yard dash - 3rd Henry McCullough, :52.5; Dan Gruber, :53.4
600 yard run - 1st Charles team under Mcintire to win the Receive
conference title was the 1965-66 squad which won ·15 while dropping 10. ·
Junior forward Bill Hunter led the Bobcats in scoring with 27 points. Ananias Montague, playing his last game in a Peru State uniform, poured in 26, and as he has done all season hit the big baskets when they were needed the most.
Scoring from the starting guards, Don Monzingo and Tom Froehlich was very important as the Wayne State defense could · not just concentrate on Montague and Hunter. Monzingo hit for 11 points and Froehlich for nine as both shot 4-9 from the field, most of them coming from outside 15 feet.
Peru State took an early 15-8 lead 'as Hunter and Montague accounted for 13 of the points.
Peru's largest lead of the first half was nine points at 33-24 after Montague hit on a Jump shot.
Wayne State closed the gap to 4135 at halftime with Dennis Siefkes doing most of the · scoring.
Wayne State slowly crept back during the first eight minutes of the second half and finally tied the score at 53-53 with 11:30 to play. The 'Cats continued to ho!? Wayne from taking the lead until Siefkes hit on a short jumper with 5:40 to go to give Wayne their first and only lead of the game 6Hi3.
Hunter countered 14 seconds later on a shot from the corner to regain the lead for PSC for good at 65-64. Rex Beatty scored next on a three point play with 5:10 left, then the Chicago forwards Hunter and Montague scored the next eight points for the 'Cats. to give them a 76-70 advantage with
honorable mention
Wrestlers place second in tournament
Peru's wrestling Bobcats placed second in the Nebraska College Conference Tournament held at Kearney, February 24. This showing is the second conference tournament appearance for Peru after last year's third place finish. Wayne State captured the conference title, for the ninth consecutive year; with 71 1/2 points, Peru State 2nd with 49 points, Kearney 3rd with 43 points and Chadron State last' with 281/2 points.
First round action saw 4 Bobcats move into the finals. Gary Lesoing, 124; John Whisler, 150; Jim Cash, 167; and Dean Anstey at 177. In the finals Lesoing and Whisler went on to win conference championships. Wayne's Jim Meyer was decisioned 3-2 by Lesoing and Whisler defeated .Herb Harris, also of Wayne State, 9-3. In the consolation round Bud Kimball; 118, Kim Tennal; 167, and Larry Pracht; 190 won on forfeits. Russ Hunt 134, Rod Wartman; 142, and Jim Rezac; hwt, won on decisions.
Coach Monseau stated, "I was pleased with our performance at
Kearney. One thing I liked was that none of the boys finished in last place. We'll be working hard all week and expect a good performance in the district tournament at Wayne State March 3."
In this weeks edition of "Amatuer Wrestling News," the publication that publishes the NAIA ratings for college wrestling, Peru honorable mention along with the top ten teams in the midwest. This marks the first time that Peru wrestling has attained national recognition.
Style to suit you when you go to CENTRAL BEAUTY SHOP
Auburn, Nebraska Ph. 274-4302
Jackson, 1:17 Mile Run - 1st Bill Sell, 4:28.9; 3rd Pil Fritz, 4:38
300 yard run - 1st Mel Kelley,
t L
· High Hurdles - ls eon
Golden, :08.1; 3rd Jim Paap,·
2 Mile Run - 1st Bill Sell, 9:55.2; 2nd Phil Fritz, 9:58.4
880 yard run - 2nd Bob
Lowery, 2:06.2; 4th Kevin Stork,
Shot Put - 2nd Ken Kamman, 47'10"; 4th Richard Leech, 44'fi'
High Jump - 1st Dan Parker, 6'3"; 3rd Jim Etherington, 6'1"
Jump - 2nd Dan Gruber, 20'1"
Triple Jump - 3rd Etherington, 40'1 %"
880 yard relay - 2nd Peru, (Dan Gruber, Charles Jackson,. Mel Kelley, Henry McCullough), 1"34.8
Mile Relay - 2nd Peru (Dan Gruber, Charles Jackson, Mel Kelley, Henry McCullough), 3:37.8
*-_Papers typed for any era·
*Must be legible and all revisio marked. Include all informati for title page. 25 cents per pa with own paper. 50 cents p age if we supply the pap CONTACT: Jan Johnson or S ole Morgan Hall.
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Peru State students publish the Neivs-Press
Peru State College English and journalism students edited the News-Press March 5 and 6 under the sponsorship of Mr Everett Browning, journalisrn instruetor at PSC and Mr Ivan D. E. Beaumont, managing editor of the newspaper.
Bobbi Thiesfeld, daughter of Mr and Mrs Hobert Thiesfeld of Nebraska City, acted as editor of the News-Press. Bobbi is majoring in journalism and minoring in English. She is sophomore class vice-president and a mernber of the Davidson-· Palnlf'r donn council. She also serves as s<;A representative from Davidson-Palmer She is orlilnr nf fl,,, °f)Pt'll r>1,1hH11H.1i:1n
.Jersey. Frank has a double major in journalisrn and English. His activities at Peru State include being news editor of the college newspaper, working on the Peruvian, ser ving on Delzell Hall's judiciary board, and being a member of an intrarnural team.
Some of Frank's interPsts include photography, cmTent P\!(•t)f<.,;: :n1d n1;1.c::lc ffp is 11n.
a journalism and P. E. major. She served as a general reporter. Gail enjoys riding horses and training quarter horses. Gail is a member of Peru Women's soft ball, volleyball, ·p1d ktsketball teams. Gail is also a DGWS volleyball official and belongs to the Women's Athletic Association at PSC.
Mrs ,Joyce Jansa of Verdon served as societv editor. She is a recreation and social works major. She has four ehildren and her hushand is employed by Jelen at the Cooper Nuclear Station at Brownville. Mrs Jansa has worked in the field of therapeutic recreation for six vcars prior to to Verdon.
8Jlorts Editor Hick deKiotz checks a sports story with NewsPn•ss t•dltor. Ivan Beaumont.
Rick DeKlotz, the son of Mr and Mrs Robe.rt E. DeKlotz of Lincoln is a sophomore majoring in journalism.
Rifk graduated from Lincoln East High School and worked as sports editor on the News-Press.
He is a member of the Pedagogian staff, being sports editor this semester and is a member of the Peruvian <yearbook> staff. He also works for the Peru State College news bureau.
Hick's main interests include all sports, especially golf, and working on ears.
He is a member of the SuMad IV, intramural tean1. Chuck Smith, ·a sophomore
Dry' Heaves intramural team.
Dave Lainez, the son of Mr and Mrs Robert Lainez of Leicester, Massachusetts, is majoring in physical education and has minors in math and coaching. A sophomore, Dave worked as a photographer on the NewsPress as he does on the Pedagogian and Peruvian staffs. He is also a registered basketball official, a lifeguard at the school pool, and plays intramurals for the Dry Heaves.
Steve Knittle a senior majoring in speech, is the son of Mr and Mrs D. L. Knittle of Shenandoah, Iowa.
Steve's activities in school include drama, and he will be in
Dan· Lainez r<'lt!l'ns from photo assignment.
the upcoming play at Peru State, "The Child Buyer." His other interests include both water and snow skiing, tennis and golf.
After graduating, Steve will try to get his Masters in Radio and television at the university in Lincoln.
He worked covering the court house and police activities for the News-Press.
Linda Madison is a sophomore majoring in elementary education, plans to teach in either the second or third grade after graduation.
Linda, from Sidney, Iowa, worked on special ads for the News-Press. Her activities in
IIschool include being sophomore representative to PSEA and a member of Kappa Delta Pi.
Sue Coughlin, the daughter of Mr and Mrs William Coughlin Jr. of Middlefield, Connecticut. is a member of the Pedagogian staff, radio broadcasting club and is involved in college theatrics.
She covered public schools and Community activities for the News-Press.
Erny Boeck, from Johnson. worked on special ads for the News-Press. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert of Johnson and is a Language Arts 1najor. She is a member of the Pedagogian staff.
"" '4-' -'and a memlwr of the Peruvian staff. Frank D'Adessa, who served as the paper's assistant editor, is the son of Mr and Mrs Frank D'Adessa of Elizabeth, New
decided on what type of work he would like to do when he graduates.
Gail Harmon, from Dawson, Nebr., is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth L. Harmon. Gail is
She was Public Services Manager in charge of Therapeutic Recreation at Nebraska Methodist Hospital Eugene C. Eppley Complex in Omaha. She is a member of Nebraska Recreation and Parks Association and also of the Nebr. Therapeutic Recreation Association.
majoring in art, is the son of Mr and Mrs Charles Smith of Falls City.
Chuck is a member of the Pedagogian and Peruvian staffs, working as a photographer as he did on the News-Press.
He is a lifeguard at the college pool and enjoys swimming very much. He is a member of the
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Nets make comeback
By .THE ASSOCIATED PRESS George Carter's field goalHow does a basketball team gave the Nets the lead come back from a 23-point defi- with 28 seconds to go and Gary cir? Garbage shots, defense and Gregor's two free throws with hustle. eight seconds left iced. the vic-
That is the way the New tory. Dan Issel scored at the York Nets described their 91-89 buzzer for the Colonels. comeback American Basketball Carter and Lackey each had Association victory over the 20 points for the Nets whi\e Kentucky Colonels Wednesday Paultz added 19. Issel scored 25 night. for Kentucky while Louie· Coach Joe Mullaney of the Dampier added 24. Colonels had some other ideas. The Indiana Pacers scored its "The Nets were atrocious, and fifth straight ABA victory at w e k e p t u p w i t h the expense of the sagging them."Kentucky won the turn- Memphis Tams. .over battle 28-21. Freddie Lewis scored 22
"We ·have never become the points for the Pacers who dedefensive team we should be, · feated the Tams for the seventh Mullaney said. "We are con- time in eight meetings. stantly doing things to give up Ron Boone scored 34 points the ball." and led the Utah Stars over the Mullaney, in a rage after the ,Carolina Cougars. loss, chided Artis Gilmore for Boone, Willie Wise and not playing defense and allow- James Jones combined for 82 ing the other teams center to points for 'the Stars i.n the get the ball without any resist- battle of division leaders. ance. The Denver Rockets stole the In other ABA action, Indiana ball twice in succession late in stopped Memphis 122-114, Utah the game and enabled them to · eased past Carolina 128-112 and defeat the Dallas Chaparrals. Denver edged Dallas 116-111. Marv Roberts stole the ball
In the National Basketball on sucessive plays and fed Association, New York crushed Ralph Simpson for layups. Philadelphia 120-94 and Cleve- Walt Frazier scored 28 points land beat Houston 118-100. and Bill Bradley added 22 to "When you are ahead by 20 lead the New York Knicks over points at the half, I guess you the Philadelphia 76ers in an aren't supposed ·to say any- NBA contest. thing, "Mullaney said. The game was close just beLosing 51-28 at one point in fore halftime, but the Knicks the second half, the Nets staged scored eight straight points and an amazing comeback' and fi- then Frazier sunk 10 of his nally tied it at 85 with 4:07 to points in the second half to go on a jump shot by Billy make the game a rout. Paultz. The Cleveland Cavaliers
ripped off 12 straight points at the end of the first quarter to take a 28-24 lead and went on to trounce the Houston Rockets.
Redshirting is being removed
CHICAGO (AP) - The Big Ten has finally capitulated to an ancient demand by conference football coaches for redshirting.
Only the move to a five-year college competition rule approved Wednesday by .the policy-making faculty representatives now appears academic.
For one thing, redshirtingthe practice of holding out a promising player for one season-,-appears doomed by recent NCAA ·legislation which eventually will limit any school's total football scholarships to 105.
Also, the action by the faculty group at the conclusion of the Big Ten's March busilless conclave must be reviewed by individual member schools under the White Resolution. This means the matter must again be reconsidered at the May conference meeting after each school votes on it.
The Big Ten since 1956 has operated on a four-year college span for athletes which conference football coaches have howled long and loudly put them at a sharp disadvantage in competition with such redshirting conferences as the Big Eight and Pacific 8.
A relatively young Nebraska qualifer in the 100 yard dash last City High School track team year will lead the sprinters began outdoor preparations for group which includes junior the 1973 season Monday af- Terry McElroy and sopomores ternoon. Les Long and Bob Pease.
Head coach John Barton Coach Barton's quarter-milers believes that he has some good, are quite young as there is one young prospects on the team, junior Rick Mason, and three especially in the field events sophomores, Mike Stein, Jeff where help is needed the most. Ehlers, and Scott Bybee.
Barton feels that success in The Pioneer half-milers will the field events is important consist of seniors Marc Harker because it does not" help the and Terry Wiebke, juniors Jim squad's attitude if by the time Nelson, Pat Dawson and the track events get sophomore Jeff Thurman. the team is behind by 30 points. , Possibilities for the mile will
Coach Barton also feels be senior Steve Harker and leadership will be a big factor in juniors Doug cTunk and Carl how the team will fare this year.· Haupt. , There are seven seniors amoriiJ Manning the weight events the 36 candidates who have will be seniors Mike Wilberger checked out gear so far. Sev«ltl and Charles Moore, junior Terry seniors may not sound like a lot Crouse and sopomores John to get leadership out of, but Mann and Kevin Mabie. year there were only three On the over-all outlook of the seniors on the roster. · team coach Barton says, "I'm Heading the hurdling corps very optimistic about what these this year will be two un- .kids can do, they certainly have derslassmen, Budge Porter a a lot of potential." junior and Jon Ortort, He added that by the time. sophomore. districts roll around the kids Senior Dave Richards, a state might make it a very representative track team.
Sports Summary
Wednesday's Sports In Brief
Get your lawn started right this year. By starting early, you will save money also. Right now you can get these three Earl May lawn produ<;:ts at a big Spring Savings.
Nebraska City (Nebr.) News-Press Thursday, March 8, 1973 - 3
Bowling Higltlights
Twila Mather rolled a 518, Alda Dawson a 210, Bev Olsen a 517, Margaret Brawner a 501 and Pauly's a 674-1871 for highs in the Ladies Leisure League March 7 at the VLan es. It was Gangel Oil over Pauly's, Dawson Oil over Falstaff, Abbott Delivery over H & H Finance, Webering Jewelry over Beason Electric, Jessup Drug over State Farm, Hamms Beer over Brust Construction, 2-1.
Standings: Gangel Oil. 39-18; Pauly's, 36'h· 20 :-; Falstaff, 351/2-211/2; Jessup Drug, 34-23; Webering Jewelry, 3126; Dawson Oil, 30-27; H & H Finance, 28-29; State Farm Insurance, 24-33; Abbott Delivery, 23-34; Brust Con· struction, Hamms Beer, 21-36; Beason Electric, 19-38.
Lucjlle Douglas rolled a 227-600, Dorothy Reese a 211-216-613, Lonita Sheair a 212-551; Venice Fossberg a 542, Bonnie Schneider a 515 and Dean's Cafe a 906-2559 tor highs in the Pioneer Women's League March 7 at the V-Lanes.
It was Penny's over Bell's Studio, Dean's Cate over Duds T.V., Gude Mortuary over Mercer's Hardware, 3 O; Coca Cola over American Meter, Barrett's Grill over Snyders Tavern, Merle Norman Cosmetics over Nebraska City Beauty Schoof, 2-1. Standings: Merle Norman Cosmetics, 56-22; Penny's, 48 1/2"29 /2; Dean's Cafe, Nebraska City Beauty School, 46-32; Gude Mortuary, 45-33; Coca .Cola, .4236; Barrett's Grill, 39-39; Bell's Studio, 38-40; Snyder's Tavern, 29-49; Dud's T.V., 27-51; American Meter,' 261/2-511/2; Mercer's Hardware, 25-53.
Lourdes takes third place in tournament
In the freshman-sophomore basketball tournament at Falls City Wednesday, Nebraska City
Lourdes defeated Falls City Sacred Heart 59-48. Lourdes took the third place trophy in the tournament. First place trophy was awarded to Southeast Consolidated and second place Pawnee City. ·
Giants lose McCovey for exhibition games'
By GORDON D.S. PETERSON Associated Press Sports WriterWillie? No, he won't.
The· San Francisco Giants have lost the services of their slugging, injury-plagued first baseman Willie McCoYey for several exhibition. baseball games due to persistent foot and knee ailments.
McCovey, who missed the majority of last season with a broken arm, has been hampered by leg problems throughout his career. He received an
Huskers score in classroom work
LINCOLN, Neb. <AP> - The Nebraska basketball team may have had its problems with cage opponents this year, but the Huskers have scored well in the classroom.
Ten players averaged at least 3.0 on a four-point scale during the fall semester, led by sophomore guard Kent Reckewey's perfect 4.0 in arts and sciences.
Others averaging 3.0 or better include Jud Martin, Jerry Fort, Larry Cox, Rex Mellencamp, Alan Bluman, Steve Erwin, Brendy Lee, Tony Riehl and Tom Novak.
"This has to be one of the smartest teams in the country," said Coach Joe Cipriano.
injection of cortisone Wednesday, a drug usually used to treat arthritis and other diseases of the connective tissue.
M:cCovey has worked out lightly this spring although troubled by a foot arch. The cortisone was ordered after he reported some pain in his knee, which he apparently favored because of the foot trouble.
The other Willie, New York Mets' Mays, reported his knee felt better and stated he would wait until the end of spring training to decide if he will retire from baseball.
In exhibition games Wednesday, the New York Yankees clobbered the Minnesota Twins 11-4, and the Detroit Tigers beat the Pittsburgh Pirates 8-3.
Frank Tepedino, New York's designated hitter, collected four hits in six trips, with three doubles and one run batted in to power the Yankees over the Twins in the opener of their spring training schedule. Celerino Sanches, Fred Frazier and Ken Bennett smashed home runs for the Yankees.
There was no progress reported in efforts to sign M.innesota 's three big holdoutsHarmon Killebrew, Rod Carew and Jim Kaat. The Twins said they signed Carew, but the infielder denied it.
The Tigers, the American Montague named League East defending chamNA IA A II St pions, hammered 16 hits .in0 ar eluding three by third baseman PERV - (Special) - Ananias Tony Taylor, to iclefeat the PiMontague, Peru State College's rates. £
By The Associated P·ress t BASKETBALL DETROIT - Jim Harding resigned his four-year post as head basketball coach at the University of Detroit, effective July 1 when his contract runs out.
Lourdes starters were Clint Kreffels, Dennis Krog, Robin Gruber, Mike Kinnison, and Don Wirth. Lourdes players scored the 'following : Kreifels - 15, Krog 18, Steve Heng - 8, Wirth - 14, B{)rnard Hauder - 2; Jim Schreiter - 2.
Sc'ores by quarters were:
NC Lourdes 19 34 47 59
FC Sacred Heart 7 20 32 48
senior scoring whiz during the Center fielder Mickey Stanley recent basketball season, has had two singles and a double been chosen to the first five of while his replacement, Dick the NAIA District 11 All-Star Sharon, slugged a home run Team. and a single in two turns at the
The 6-4 forward led the state in plate. ·
final scoring statistics (25.8), led Catcher Johnny Oates signed the Bobcats in field goal shooting his contract with Atlanta, re(489), free throw shooting (680) ducing the number of Braves and rebounding. His home is 1827 holdouts to three, including South Hamlin, Chicago, Illinois. pitcher Pat Dobson.
The finest mixture
permanent grasses available. All perennial grasses, tailor-made to build you a beautiful longlasting lawn. So good it's unconditionally guaranteed.
DALLAS - Top-seeded Chris Evert, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., defeated Cindy Brinker 6-0, 6-0 in the $37,000 Maureen Conolly Brinker women's international tennis tournament. SKIING
Sacred Heart played man to man defense against Lourdes, said Coach Joe Miller. The kids had a good night shooting. They scored 50 per cent of their free throws, making 15 out of 30 shots.
Kreifels, Krog and Wirth had a good night percentage wise (r()m the field, he said. The boys were real fired up for
Eight district coaches cast At the request of · Baseball ballots for the "dream team". Commissioner Bowie Kuhn, the Others named to the first team National League is polling its are Cal Forrest, UN-Omaha teams on whether they favor junior, forward; Tom Kropp, use of the designated hitter rule Kearney State sophomore, for away spring exhibition forward; Mike Trader, Hastings games against American junior, guard; Dennis Siefkes, League clubs. Wayne State senior, center. Chub Feeny, president of the Kropp was the only unanimous National League, sent telechoice of the district coaches. grams to NL clubs and a deciFive schools are repres_ented sion is expected today , on the sec_ond five: Mario
Jand, won the women's giant slalom World Cup ski race with a time of 1: 23.21.
Sacred Heart. He scored 20 points.
IHockey Results I
uoane; tlOD JacKson; •nasnngs; Jeny Willis, Kearney; Dennis. Fisher, UN-Omaha; and Roger Ingabrand, Chadron.
507Central 873-6590
lawn turn a bold green with thick turf and healthy roots. A complete lawn food containing green-up ingredients, growth ingredients and root-building ingredients.
Especially formulated pre-emergence that prevents crabgrass, foxtail and goosegi-ass. At the same time supplies a balanced feeding to good grasses. Encourages a thick green turf.
Grow Your Own GROCERl.IS,,}L
One method of cutting the high cost of food is to grow your own. Many of the garden vegetables need to be started indoors now.
The largest selection of the finest seed; over 350 different varieties of flower and vegetable seeds. Tomato Pepper Cabbage Cauliflower ·Eggplant
The total growing unit. Just add water and seed. 10c Each
for 98c
·for $1.79
Eliminates the shock. of splanting just plant pot and all.
Easy slide action - sprays on both in and O\tf strokes. Nozzle adjusts ·from straight stream for trees to fine mist for shrubs. Sprays. up to 35 Quality brass construc!ion.
Quart $1.19
Deluxe Regular Model Without Adjustable Nozzle $9.98
BOWLING NEW YORK - Jay Robin, Los Angeles, Calif., led a 64man advance in the quarter-finals -of the $75,000 Bowling Proprietors Association of America's Tourney with an average of 225.
MIAMI - Shecky Greene, $2.60, galloped to victory in the $31,950 Hutchinson Handicap at Gulfstream Park. ·
GENERAL BURLINGTON, Vt. - Myron Witham, nominated to the National Football Hall of Fame in 1965 and the hero of Dartmouth's first football victory
Harvard in 1903, died at
age of 92
Argo Tavern
Husker coach to look at new job
STILLWATER, Okla. (AP)Two more coaches were. interviewed about the head basketball coaching job at Oklahoma State University Wednesday and two more will be interviewed later this week. Guy Strong of Eastern Kentucky and Eddie Sutton · of Crei$hton were on the campus Wednesday, Athletic Director Floyd Gass said , Moe Iba, former Memphis State head coach and now an assistant at Nebraska, will come in Saturday, one day after talks with Bob Bass coach of the Memphis Tams of the American Basketball Assocation.
Sam Aubrey announced his resignation last month as Cowboy basketball coach. He will coach his last game Saturday night wpen the Cowboys meet arch-rival Oklahoma. rr
NEWS paper advertising
The names were forwarded to NAIA headquarters in Kansas City by district chairman Mack Peyton of Chadron State. All America teams will be chosen in late March.
When the sap begins to rise, there's usually a fight for his bus seat.
An Ariens Jet Tiller.can make gardening a relaxing and rewarding hobby. The manual labor that goes with all the necessary spadihg. cultivatinq. aerating and composting is eliminated and iri its place are the hours of pleasure working with the good earth. ·
The Ariens Jet Tiller is available in five models ranging from 3 HP to 7 HP. Some models feature convenient side-to-side handlebars. others have two-speed forward and reverse.
For more pleasurable and fruitful gardening - select an Ariens. "What A Way To Hoe!'"
THIS Monday morning, as every Monday is supposed to i>e, is .grass-cutting day at Oakmont Palms. The winter rye grew two or three inches last week, with just one watering session. The rains of three weeks ago are still telling on vegetation; they say the deserts are blooming so' before we select a snow-free route back toward Nebraska we must take a look.
ON our regular post-breakfast jaunt to King's Inn this morning we conducted our weekly eaves-Orop poll on current events. The poll was taken mainly in a corner where the new furniture was amply filled by visiting ladies. The question of federal expenditures was being discussed b'y two amply-endowed la.dies who helped this reporter fill the settee from arm-rest to armrest.
The Inn opinion poll revealed this:
President Nixon is too much for the big corporations to the detriment of little business.
· The American people are going to insist that the foreign giveaways be stopped. ·
WE wanted to butt in to opine that President Nixon's shut off of some of the anti-poverty give-aways might help the middle class which finances most of federal government. Reading we have done lately indicates the office of economic opportunity has been just fine for the bureaucrats running OEO but it has meant little to. the poverty-stricken.
After years of combatting poverty, we still have poverty and, even worse, we still have the poverty-fighters who are living pretty high on Uncle Sam.
We also wanted to agree, but we didn't out loud, that itis high time we stop helping foreign nations who now should be helping Uncle Sam, who is in trouble around the world.
ANOTHER item which caught our attention on this sunny Monday morning was the appearance in Phoenix of Louis Nizer, a lawyer author, who is speaking to the bar association and then at a public meeting on the Arizona State campus in Tempe.
Mr Nizer's appearance on the Arizona Today show this morning made me want to run right over to the Sun City library and get a copy of his book on the Ethel and Julius Rosenberg affair of World War II. This was the couple who became communists and stole the atomic bomb secrets from Los Alamos for Russia. These parents .of 10 and 6-year-old boys went to the electric chair in New York for their espionage.
I must read Mr Nizer's book. Hopefully, the Nebraska City Morton-James library will have it.
AN interesting telephone conversation took place this weekend with a former Nebraskan, the daughter of a late Nebraska congressman and governor. She is Miss Grace Shallenberger who has lived in Phoenix for 23 years. We made contact with Miss Shallenberger through Mrs
NEW YORK (AP) - Silence is golden, they say, and talk is cheap. .
Well, if. you put those two adages .side by side, one may be right - but the other couldn't be wronger.
Silence, it is true, may often be more valuable than gold. But whoever said that talk is cheap must never have had to pay the price for shooting off his mouth.
It is the unnecessary remark that often costi:; us the most.
·Here, for example, are a few typical offhand remarks which, once made, may cause the speaker to wish later that he had maintained his golden si-, lence: ·
"I do!"
"If you think you have such a tough time, why don't you come to the office some day and do my work - and I'll stay home and take care of the kids?"
''Anything you can do I can do better."
"You stay here in the. car, and I'll walk to the nearest gas station and get a can. It probably isn't very far, and the fresh air will do me good."
"Aunty, I'm the only nephew you have left. You're not the kind of weird, rich, old lady who dies· and leaves everything
How Time Flies
Construction work began for the installation of a department for canning of all lines of soups at the Otoe Food Products Company Applications were filed with the forest extension forester for 300,000 forest seedlings and for transplants by 1,100 farmers in every county of the state. .Secretary of the Navy Swanson declared that the U.S. Navy shoUld be built up immediately to limits provided in the London tre·aty Wood hauling for the unemployed by the street department was discontinued because of the snow.
Pearl Buck: A Last lntervie-w
to her cat, are you?"
Reporter's notebook Here ,s Hal Boyle
"Why do you always servej roast beef hash for. dinner thel same day I already had it at' the office for lunch?"
''I know you are one of the world's living authorities on. Proust, professor, But I hope I can get through your course in French literature without read· ing anything by or about him. To me, Proust s9unds like noth· ing but a homosexual pincu· shion."
"It sure has been a nice party. Can we give anyone a lift home?"
"That .sounds like a great idea, boss. Just put my initials on it, and I'll put my department to work on it."
"I wouldn't marry you if you were next to the last man on earth. I'd rather marry him."
"Well, of course, we might play charades."
"What good are judo tricks to a 120-pound girl like you? I'd like to see you try a few of them on a man my size."
"No, something ever happened to you, I doubt if I'd be in any rush to propose to anyone else - not at least until I got back from the.cemetery."
Today Jn History
By The Associated PreuToday is Thursday, March 8, the 67th day of 1973. There are 298 days left in the year.
Today's highlight in history:
On this date in i917, riots and strike in St". Petersburg, Russia, marked the beginning of the Russian Revolution.
On this date: In 1765, the British House of Lords passed the Stamp Act taxing the American colonies.
In 1865, a canal was begun in the Netherlands to connect Amsterdam with the North Sea.
In 1894, New York became the first U$. state to pass a law requiring that dogs be licensed.
In 1916, Germany declared war on Portugal.
In 1942, the Japanese captured Rangoon, Burma, in ·world War II.
In 1966, France said it would withdraw troops from NATO, and NATO i.ns.tallations would
r EDITORS: The following is ·Pearl S. Buck,.'s last interview. It was conducted at the late author's home in Danby, Vt., in conjunction with the publication of her last work of nonfiction, "China: Past and Pr.esent." Six days before cfier death on March 6, the John Day Company published her l<:Lst book, a novel, "All Under Heaven.")
By Linda Kay Richardson ® 1972 by Newspaper Enterprise Association/:DANBY, Vt. - (NEA)
When I was a little girl, I that Pearl Buck was an adventurer who had a SRecial role in controlling all decisions made in my of the world. I never qµite realized whether she was a man or a woman; I 01llY knew that .Pearl Buck was a personage so great that no one could question h¢r power or her ability. I met Pearl Buck recently. I realized that my childhood was completely cort'.e'<:t, except I am able to ver- ily that she is very much indfii,.ed a beautiful, gracious woman.
}>earl S. Buck is the most translated author in the history of American literature, with published books equal hl•'.number to })er age of 80. She is the recipient of the N0bel and Pulitzer prizes lln\l innumerable other honThe world's greatest authority on China has also made unprecedented strides In .the loving care and adopti<>h of Amerasian childrenthose born of American fathers and Asian mothers in far"away places we know of iri the context· of war and poverty.
Pearl Buck now lives in a tiny New England town "(hich is well into its second century of life. The village is Danby, Vermont, located just off state route 7, about 10 miles south of Rutland. Danby's existence sprang from three ,natural industries -lumber, marble and wholesale fur. Before Miss Buck arrived in the late 1960s, it seemed inevitable that the kind of death called "selling out" would forever take away the charm and remotenes,s of this once prosperous community.
The plan of Danby's 950 resi?ents yr as to_ i:a!se
hope that a development firm would buy the land for a modern shopping center. Miss Buck, who loves people above all elsP. and to whom the beauty of things old is sacred, had another plan altogether.
Today, under the direction of Miss Buck and her staff, the Danby Construction and Decorating Company, Inc. is restoring the town to its former dignity and adding tasteful attractions to entice travelers off the main highway.
Miss Buck received me in her sitting room, resplendent in a traditional Chinese robe of royal blue brocade. Her presence immediately put me at ease and I felt at once a friend, a confidante, a person of importance, if only for the time I would spend with her.
Pearl Buck was modest, as always, in explaining her role in the Danby redevelopment program. She sat regally in a comfortable chair and murmured that the village is situated in an area reminiscent of a mountainregion of China close
way of a woman· who was born in the United States of American· parents and who has spent the past 40 years of her life in this country?
No, not impossible, for as Miss Buck herself has admitted that she still thinks first in Chinese and then speaks in English. What she says is· carefully weighed; there is no waste, no superfluousness in her conversation. The Asian sublet y which is her nature is so delicate that I felt myself seated beside a Confucian scholar, a Bodhisattva, a rare treasure of the mysterious Orient never to be completely fathomed by the Western mind.
When I gave Miss Buck my tok'en present, a ritual observed when visiting an Asian home, she admired the wrapping at great length, be'lieving the decorated paper to be the bookmark I had b r o u g h t When she discovered there was something · · within, she did not apologize for her error. She examined the simple woven strip of cloth from the mountains of Sapporo, Japan, and praised it with even greater extravagance, immediately placing it in the bopk she was currently reading.
in quiet tones of the fine air in Danby, that her life h.ere is "peaceful." In reviewing Miss Buck's life, it is far more likely that her spirit was simply, perhaps unconsciously, searching for a new challenge which would benefit others.
She rarely moved while she spoke, even to gesture, and yet the vitality which was transmitted to me not as much by what she said-I although her literate humor, and quick, well-phrased replies astounded me at the time and in retrospect)-but by her obvious awareness of what life is all about. As she said to me, "I, myself, am a writer. My books come out of where f am-not necessarily physically."
Miss Buck lived in Japan for one year following her family's temporary expulsion from China during the revolution of 1926. I have just returned from living and working in Tokyo for three years. I am sure that my communion with Miss Buck was enhanced by my limited understanding of the Asian mind, for Peart· Buck is "and u1il1
The first floor of Pearl Buck's house is filled, nearly· cluttered, with Asian treasures from her past. But her living and reception area on the second floor is decorated in cheerful tones in a style which might be called "'dateless comfortable" with only a few reminders of China gathered about. And yet Miss Buck's presence in that western room changed it into a latter-day Imperial Court.
I requested permission to photograph her in this setting and she instantly became endearingly human again. She. checked to see that the silk button on her mandarin collar was fastened and she quickly smoothed her soft white hair, wound up above her graceful neck.
Taking my leave, I suppressed my overwhelming desire to bow, Asian fashion, and we lightly touched hands. I felt the sense of awe that one would expect, not because she was the immortal Pearl S. Buck, but because I felt she was the most complete person I had ever known. Pearl Buck has, in essence, the humility and born of a
Mr and Mrs Bill Ash and baby, newcomers to Nebraska City, talked with reporter Mrs Jansa, on the cost of food.
High costs shopping a make chore
Mrs Robert Moyer, Nebraska City, visits with Mrs Jansa at a coin laundry on the high cost of living.
and packaged and now it is 77 and vegetables are the most cents a pound. Even so, we valuable, not just in vitamins but realize an approximate savings in dollars, too. of $100 over <\ three month Our complaint about the rising period. cost of food and other comPrepared foods and con- modities is that we cannot tuck a venience foods such as TV little money away for
We find we save money by dinners, frozen desserts, emergencies, education of our
The chore I dread most as a purchasing beef by the side and packaged cookies, canned stews children, our old age, or even a wife and mother of four children pork by the loin. and entrees, snacks, and soft rainy day. Fortunately, my is my weekly trip to the grocery A side of beef serves our drinks are rarely on my shop- husband has an adequate instore. Our average grocery bill family for approximately three ping list. I try to choose my come. However, I'm concerned is $50 a week and that does not months. Six months ago beef purchases according to their about other families. I just don't include beef and pork. was 67 cents a pound dressed nutritional value. Fresh fruits understand how they make ends t
I knew I was not along in my concern about the weekly increase of groceries, so when I, as a Peru State College student, nad the opportunity to work two days with the staff of the Nebraska City News-Press, I decided to interview other people and get their reactions to the situation. I certainly found out fast that others are concerned and worried, too.
Comments I heard were:
·"I don't like it, but what can we do?''
"Washington should get to work on our economy and not that of other countries."
"Meat js the big problem."
"Just pay for it and go on."
"Jar of mustard up 6 cents since the last one I bought. Can l you believe it!"
· "Three oranges - 59 cents! Guess I'll have to quit eating them."
"Guess I'll have to plant a garden."
Nebraska City (Nebr.) News-Press Thursday, March 8, 1973 - 5
Regardless of how March comes in or goes out, we at t
J ESSUP'S REXALL DRUGS are always ready to serve you.
We are proud to have a part in this second annual edition put t t out by the Peru State College Ped staff. Welcome PED
readers. You are always welcome here.
"I think it's terrible!"
"It's ridiculous!"
"Everything goes up but wages."
"Elderly people need protein but we can't afford beef and poultry is going up now, too."
"We'll lose weight, now. We can't afford to eat."
"No excuse for these
'Cat cagers wrap-up
The win at home against pionship listed are as follows: Kearney was typical of how the First - Studs, 10 three tri-champions of the Second -·Dillwrgaf, 9 conference were to play each Third Dusters, 8 other. All three would defeat Fourth - Oak Hill Bangers, 7 each other at home, therefore Fifth - Tie - SuMad IV, making a split of the games Peons, 5 112 played, and would ·defeat Seventh - Rex's, 4
the finals. 100-68. the 'Cats Final standings started a seven game winning streak at home, a streak that in PSC intramurals will continue into next season, by The final intramural defealing a tough Kearney State basketball standings with the club 103-96. points toward overall chamCoach Jack Mclntire's cagers, after dropping six games in a row during Decembei:, came back after Christmas to win 10 of their last 15 games, and tie Kearney Stale and Wayne State for the Nebraska College Conference championship.
The 'Cats started lhe season by winning the William Penn Tourney at Oskaloosa, Iowa defeating Graceland il1 the opening round and Willia!U Penn in the finals.
Then came six disapponting losses in a row, to Simpson College 63-60 al Indianola, Iowa, to Tarkio al Tarkio 84-72, to an excellent Parsons College team 89-78 on the Bobcats home court, to UNO 87-84 also on the home boards, and then lwo narrow losses on the road at Doane 76-73 and al Midland College in 1''remonl, 79-77.
The two December losses to Parsons and UNO were to be the only two games lhe 'Cats would lose in Peru all year. Coach Mclntire's learns have a habit of winning at home as his record of 119 wins and only 40 losses for a winning mark of 74.8 per cent shows.
Following a second place finish in the Doane Invitational Tourney where they defeated Bellevue in the opening round, 75-(i9 before losing lo Doane in
Chadron State both at Chadron Eighth - Tie - Shady Oak and on their respective home Bombers, Shaft Squad, 2112 courts. Tenth - Dry Heaves, 1
Also involved in second semester play was a split of the games against Mount Marty, as the Lancers won in Yankton 7769. but fell in Peru 76-67.
1-tevenge was also gained against Tarkio 88-84 as at this point in the season the 'Cats were winning the close games. where in December they were• 1Hit. Two more victories were picked up over Bellevue as the Bobcats won at home 78-64, and needed an excellent game to win al Bellevue in the final seconds of play 58-57
Acts wanted for the Coffee House
The Panthers did not show up for their second round game and therefore forfeited and received no place or team points.
Fir st softba II team meets
The first intercollegiate softball team at Peru State College had its first meeting on Monday, in the gym. Coach for the season, Terry Ratliff, had 23 girls sign up to try for positions on the team.
The sponsor for the team will be Bonnie Rutz and the assistant coach will be Kevin Stork. Terry Ratliff has had experience as a winning coach, coaching several Auburn teams that have taken first places in state competition.
Acts are wanted for the Coffee House at Peru· State College, March i!I, 8 p.m. Prices for acts for $5, $10, and, $15. Sign up for your act by March H at the Student Center office. ·season.
Trophies will be awarded the winners at the Spring Week Concert.
I. Contestant must be a Peru State Student.
2. $1.00 entry fee for each male or female contestant must accompany entry form.
:i. Entry deadline: March 28, 1973.
Mail entry forms to:
Lambda Delta Lambda
c-o Dr. Daryl Long
4. Voting by student body at 1 penny a vote. No limit on the number of votes. Voting will be conducted on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of week preceding Spring Week.
5. Pictures to be taken by a photographer on March 29 at a designated place. Male contestants will be photographed in cutoffs or bermuda shorts. Female contestants will be photographed in Hot Pants <or short shorts) and nylons.
6. Hopefully each contestant will be sponsored by an organized group on campus but it is not necessary.
Although the team is relatively ·new this. year there are many experienced girls from summer leagues that promise a good or winning
The entire schedule has not been confirmed as yet but games should include: Nebraska Wesleyan, Kearney, Wayne, Tarkio, UNO and a tournament, the College World Series at Omaha.
Coed volleyball results listed
The fourth and fifth rounds of the coed volleyball round robin competetion have been played and the results leave only one undefeated team alive.
On March 5, three games were played. In the first game Pat Schultz's team fell to Teri Ewalt 'steam in straight sets, 15, 10 and 15-4. Then, in the second game of the evening Symancyk 's team, previously undefeated. fell to Doeden's players, 15-3 and 15-13. In the final game Larry Morrison's team scored in straight sets, 15-8 and 15-7, to beat Lippold's group. The fifth round was played on March 5. Ewalt ·s Sticky fingers kept their record for the year e:ood as thev held off Linnold"s
"It's really hard to manage on a fixed income."
"Where will it stop?"
"I don't think the farmer is getting the profit. I wonder who is." ·
• Mr and Mrs ·Bill Ash, who recently moved to Nebraska t City from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, commented that their grocery
I bill for two adults and an infant
& is $35 to $40 a week. They noted that this is an increase from
9 approximately $25 a week in
• Cedar Rapids. Meat showed the highest price increase, but they
• felt that all grocery items were higher.
9 I interviewed a grocer in
• Nebraska City, Bruce Larson of Larson Supermarket. Mr Larson
• believes that with the keen between the many
t grocery stores in Nebraska City
I• the prices have to be as
as in any other area.
,. In fact, he believes that
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team for the victory. The score was 1'5-11, .13-15, and 15-10
Doeden 's team won the second game of the night over Pat Schultz's team by scores of 15-5 and 15-11. The last game of the night saw Symancyk 's. Butchers defeat Larry Morrison ·steam by scores of. 15-8 and 15-13.
:::.. Omaha has probably the lowest
: prices in the United States and
J. Nebraska qty would be a close
.•• second.
;:: He believes that the cause of
•·:· the rising cost of groceries is due to supply being constant and
.·· J demand ever increasing. He said
'I that "people are pretty understanding" and don't seem to blame the grocer.
A widow with six children told me the cost of meat for her family has gone up $10 to $15 a week and she is having a difficult time managing. She buys cheaper cuts of· meat when possible and claims ground beef as a staple but it costs 87 cents a pound and it takes at least four pounds for a meal.
An elderly woman who lives alone felt that her grocery bill had shown a 30 per cent increase in the last two months. An example she stated was the increase in the price of cottage cheese from 27 cents to .45 cents now.
Mrs Robert Moyer of Nebraska City spends $50 a week on groceries for a family of six. She and her husband both work as they need two paychecks to get along. Mrs Moyer works nights and Mr Moyer wwks days; so regular meals are impo.ssible to prepare "so it's everyone for themselves and that doesn't help the grocery bill." Mrs Moyer believes the increases are unfair as wages do not increase in comparison. I ·found out for sure that I'm not the only homemaker who hates to shop!
Pato, a popular sport in Argentina, c om bin es the rough practices of polo, basketball and tug-of-war - all rolled into one.
'B' tournament a success
By Hl<c'K, DeKLOTZThe class B district basketball tournament held in Nebraska City last week was a sound financial success, according to Jim Brockhaus, tourney director and Athletic Director at Nebraska City High School.
Mr Brockhaus believes that about $1,500 more was grossed at the tourney than at the one held in Auburn last year.
Fans from Lincoln Pius X outnumbered Nebraska City fans about 3 to 1 in the game, causing Mr Brockhaus to say, "Nebraska City was not really well represented. The other people from other cities are the ones who made the tournament a financial success."
He said that everything went fairly smooth, that there were no serious problems. "We would consider having another district tourney," he said.
He related the site is selected by voting of the coaches. This year Nebraska City and Hickman-Norris were the main sites voted on, with Nebraska City receiving five votes to three for Hickman-Norris.
After Mr Brockhaus was named tournament chairman. the coaches decided how they wanted to seed the teams and then selected the officials.'
Concerning the officiating Mr Brockhaus said, "We felt the officiating was very consistent. the players were able to adjust to it." He said that if the officiating is not consistent, the players can •t adjust to it" and many times the game can get out of control because the players do not know how the game will be called and what to expect. One of the changes Mr 507 Central 873-6590
Brockhaus said he would make if Nebraska City is given the again would be to just select the officials. and then pair them up to work together as the games go along. This year. he sai(i. they were chosen in pairs in advance to work the games. and then somelof them could not be there so the third chosen official had to be used.
antasticks arch 25-26
Q: When does a simple love ory become a fast-paced usical?
A: When it comes to the stage
The Fantastics, to be esented in the College ditorium March 25 and 26. riginally performed in New k (off Broadway) in 1960, the -act musical offers songs by vey Schmidt, while Tom es contributed the book and ics. Some of the more iliar songs from the score "Try to Remember", "Soon .'Is Gonna Rain", "Plant a : dish", and "Round_ and und".
eru's version of The Fantics is chorally directed by , ward Camealy, with Miss Pat , nley supervising dramatics,
,d Deb Hendrickson student
··ecting. Deb also portrays a , le in the show. Other major acters are played by Linda
Jy, John Billings, Stan Kot· , Maynard Geschke, Cork mer, John Thomas and Steve 'ittle. Besides having a small t, The Fantastics requires , y little scenery. but it is · erously sprinkled with ,, ibolism. The first act occurs
!*he moonlight, giving way to 'light in the second act. In-mentally, only piano, drums ' string bass are required.
400 attend Lincoln rally
By tRANK D'ADDESAGovernor J. J. Exon addressed a group of approximately four hundred Peru State students and concerned citizens of Southeast Nebraska on the future of Peru State College last Tuesday afternoon.
The meeting which was at the East Senate Chamber in the Capitol building in Lincoln at one o'clock originated as a motorcade of about 100 cars which began at Peru and ended at Lincoln. Along the way supporters from Auburn, Nebraska City, Tecumseh, Falls City, and Syracuse took part in the procession of cars headed for the state's capital.
Mr Guy Cooper, Peru's representative, began the meeting by telling the governor of the people's concern with the college's future and expressed disappointment in the Peru budget the governor recommended in his budget message.
The spokesman then asked Exon to express his personal feelings
on the future of Peru State.
Exon responded by saying he "didn't know where the talk about Peru State closing down was coming from but I want Peru to stay open and am behind the college." The governor then went on to explain how the school budgets are worked out to be equivalent to student hours.
He said the 29 per cent decrease in cumulative student hours from 16,006 during the 1970-71 school years to 11,385 for the 1972-73 year affected the Peru funding.
Cooper then askea representatives from the school and surrounding communities if they wished to ask a question or make a comment.
Don Yates, the representative from the college's town expressed that the meeting turnout showed interest in Peru State and he hoped that the governor and legislature realized this.
Dick Hahn, who represented Auburn, asked the governor if he will give the college funds if the
school gets the students. Exon answered with "a firm yes".
Astudent from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln then asked the governor how the schools could attract studentswithout money. Exon answered his question by commenting he '"doesn't know what comes first the chicken or the egg". In statement Exon explained he doesn't know whether or not money to the schools for im. provements will increase the enrollment or first an enrollment increase then additional money will go to the college ·
An alumni of Peru from Lincoln by giving an example of how the state provided money for the new buildings (Student Center, Complex, Fine Arts and I.A. buildings) on the campus in 1961 despite the school's low enrollment that year. He went on to say how the improvements tripled the school's enrollment two years later.
FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1973
At Tuesday's meeting Governor Exon said he didn't know what came first, the chicken or the egg. The Governor was answering the question put to him, "how can the school's enrollment go up without money?"
Montague takes scoring title
Ananias Montague, Peru's star forward has taken the state scoring title with a 25.8 average and has been voted to the NAIA 's District All-Star Team.
Montague also led the Peru team in field goal shooting (.489l. free throw shooting Uil!Ol. and rebounding (13). The 6-4. !!JO pounder ended his Peru career against Wayne State with 2!i points two weeks ago.
Bill Hunter. Peru's other forward, finished seventh in the
state in scoring with a 17.3 average. Bill also finished second on the school team in field goal shooting (.414), free throw shooting (.634), and rebounding (12). Both players appeared in all 23 of Peru's games.
Other state players who made the NAIA District All-Star Team are Tom Kropp, Kearney; Cal f<'orrest, UNO; Mike Trader, Hastings; and Dennis Siefkes, Wayne.
The motorcade to Lincoln begins to form at Peru State. PERU STATE COLLEGE, PERU, NEBR. An'anias Montagm• - Statt• Scoring Champ.LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS
State colleges are facing crucial times
Now is a crucial time f Nebraska's four state colleg and its fledgling technic community college system.
The state colleges are fighti declining enrollments. To st the tide, they :ire trying upgrade programs and devel new ones. And they are tempting to redefine their ro so they can be of service in n ways lo the areas of the st they serve. ·
Gloria is both singer and composer
By DEBBIE BARTONDavidson-Palmer Hall does more than just house a dorm full of girls, but also their talents too. A good ·example is Gloria Groothuis, 18, daughter of Mrs Virginia Groothuis of Nebraska· City, who plays the guitar and sings.
Gloria is a freshman this year · at PSC, and is taking the two year secretarial-clerical technology program. Gloria has been playing the guitar since the fifth grade. She picked it up on her own, and never has had a lesson. Her reason for playing is "I like to sing and I wanted to accompany myself too."
Gloria and her sister Linda have sung and played for church groups, youth groups, hospitals, nursing homes, and generally all around Nebraska City.
She recently received her newest guitar for Christmas. She has had about four since her start. Gloria plays both six and twelve string guitar.
Gloria sings mostly folk songs, a few modern ones; besides the songs her sister wrote, and her own songs.
Some of her own creations
include I'm So Glad To Be Back Home, and Today He's Coming · Back. She stated that the songs she writes, "are through experiences she has had, or would like to have." Other themes include poverty, POW's, and love.
Gloria is a member of the Peru State Gollege Swing Choir, and plan to play in a special concert the swing choir is presenting in · March. She also plans to do a coffeehouse in the near future. Gloria was a member of band at Nebraska City High School. She commented she once entered a fun night at high school during her senior year in which she placed fourth.
Gloria also stated, "she would like to go professional." When asked why her major isn't music, she replied, "it is more fun learning on her own and also more of a challenge. It is like a hobby."
In her years of playing she has taught a few of her friends how to play, but doesn't feel like she knows enough for them to get adequate training.
Over. all Gloria likes to sing more than play, but enjoys both very much.
Scholarship is named for Melvin
A memorial scholarship for a Peru State College student studying early childhood, education has been established through the Peru Achievement Foundation by Dr. Keith L. Melvin's widow, Martha McDougal Melvin of Peru.
The first $50 scholarship will be awarded to a PSC student for Fall 1973 semester use. Mrs Melvin said the scholarship will 'be funded from memorial
contributions after her husband's death December 7, 1972.
Dr. Melvin was a Nebraska high school and junior college · educator following his graduation from ·Peru State College in returned to Peru State as Dean of the College in 1957. He served in that position for 14 years, returning to c.lassroom instruction in January of 1972.
Monday, March 19.
PSEA, FA Aud., 6:30 p.m. Afro Assoc, FA 104, 6:30 p.m. Coffee House, SCB, Bob Inn, 8:00 p.m. Library Sean Cabinet, 4:30 p.m. Beta Beta Beta, SCI 304, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 20
Peru Chamber of Commerce Slide Show, 7:00 p.m. SGA, FA 212, 6:00 p.m. Circle K, WDR, 4:45-6:00 p.m. Kiwanis, WDR, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Veterans Recruitment, WDR, 10:00 p.m. Epsilon Pi Tau, IA 29, 7:30 p.m. Secretaries Assoc., Staff Lounge, Ad Building, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 21
WAA, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
US Army Information Team, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Oak Bowl Faculty Track Meet, 5:00 p.m
Thursday, March 22
SCB, Nl/i WDR, 5:00 p.m. Home EC Dinner, Ev Building, 6:30 p.m. Phi Beta Lambda Kansas City Trip.
SGA discusses bill
At the Tuesday meeting of Peru State's SGA, State Legislative Bill 179 was discussed. LB 179 provides for the University of Nebraska's acquisition of the properties of Hiram Scott College in Scottsbluff Nebraska.
At a meeting of the NAS. (Nebraska Association of Students) Saturday, March 3 in Norfolk, Nebraska (attended by Peru State's SGA president Doug Fritz and sponsor Mr Roger Salmela) the Chadron State Student Senate voiced it's opinion of LB 179. According to Chadron in LB179 1.3 million dollars is required to get Hiram Scott operating. The school's enrollments are dropping .enough the way it is without the addition of another college. If a few courses are needed but not offered at the western college (Nebraska Western College in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, Sidney Vocational - Technical in Sidney Nebraska or Chadron Slate college in Chadron,
Nebraska) then let them be added to one of these schools.
After Fritz's report on the NAS meeting the SGA voted to support Chadron's views towards LB 179.
Dr. Wininger revealed further details for tl)e Kanedco trip to Liberal, Kansas. Kanedco of Kansas-Nebraska Educational Consortium will pay 20c a mile for the trip.
Chairman of the guest speaker committee, Ann Boring, reported that after polling the students she found that a guest speaker would be enjoyed by the students.
Adifferent problem faces t community colleges. Th system, created just two yea ago, is still scrambling to organized,. while at the sa lime working to keep up growing enrollment that ref! an increasing demand for t year educational programs. Neither group of institution in condition now to go on a I calorie dollar diet. Finan malnutrition could stunt community colleges, with result that they would ne realize their potential, while,. state colleges might sim wither away.
Yet Gov. J.J. Exon, in budget for the forthcoming fis year, proposes that the c munity colleges operate on $ million, $2.3 million less t they have now and $4.8 mill less than they requested.
For the state colleges, proposed $16 million, a million less than they haven $2.4 million less than they ask
The state colleges, it should pointed out, are not refusing face up to their enrollm problems. Their Board Trustees agreed to cut fac from 462 to 417. But un Exon's budget they would ha to cut to 391. ·
Such a cut would do more t · adjust to lower enroliment. would pretty well rule out. range of courses that offer h· of attracting more students. State and community coll representatives told Legislature's Appropriati Committee last week they d see how they can make a go of on Exon's budget.
They have a point. It's one committee and the f Legislature cannot igno without endangering the he - even the survival - of t important segments Nebraska's higher educati - Lin coin Jou
SCB looks at legs
The Student Center Board 'of Peru State College held their regular meeting at 5:15 in the West Dining Room. Acting president, Fritz Stehlik, presided.
Some of the main items discussed at the meeting were the Coffee House and the Variety Show. The coffee house is scheduled for March 19, and the Variety Show for April 24. A suggestion was made that SCB consider contracting the winners of the coffee house to perform on the afternoon of Open House, April 15. A suggestion was also made that food manager, Mr Huber, be asked about the possibility of furnishing coffee for the coffee house.
Another item under discussion was a project that the Peru Chamber of Commerce is working on. Highway 67 into Peru has not been maintained as it should and it was felt the only way the Legislature would take care of it would be if the people ·of Peru and the surrounding areas made them notice the situation by protesting in some way.
speech contest
By DONNA FRASEIPeru State hosted the District
1 o Speech Contest on the teenth of March. General
·ector was Dr. Clyde Barrett ·· an of the School -of · anities. The Contest events re held in the Fine Arts ··. ilding and the college 'ditorium. Many college dents participated in the gram most of whom are joririg in English or Speech. of the faculty in'lved ·· were Director, Dr. 1 rrett who was assisted by Mrs ary· Ruth Wilson, Miss eatha Hicks, Mr J. D. Levitt, John Barrett, Mr Everett wning, Miss Pat Manley, and ' s Henney of Fairbury Junior ,Hege.
The events scheduled were; Oral Interpretation {l'f Prose Literature, Oral Interpretation of Poetry, Original Public Address, After Dinner Speaking, Extemporaneous Speaking, Informative Public Speaking, Oral Interpretation of Drama, Duet Acting, and One Act Plays. Area schools attending were; Papillion, Millard, Falls City High, Bellevue, Plattsmouth, Gretna, Nebraska City High, Auburn, Tecumseh, JohnsonBrock, Fort Calhoun, Palmyra, Syracuse, Murdock, Platteview, Humboldt, Nebraska School for the Visually Handicapped, Weeping Water, Polk, Southeast Nebraska Consolidaterl, Pawnee City, Elmwood, Nebraska City Lourdes, Louisville, and Prague.
The final item on the meeting was the Miss Legs and Mr Hairy Legs contest. SCB nominees were Vicki Emken, Wendy Zaloudek, and Laura Ackerman for-Miss Legs. Nominees for Mr Hairy Legs were Bart Neri, Jim Lennerton, and Fred Haines. Winners of the nominations were Laura Ackerman for Miss Legs and Bart Neri for Mr Hairy Legs.
Teacher is student
Mrs Vicki Jacobitz has taken on more than enough to keep her busy. She is teaching and taking her Professional Semester at the same time.
She teaches Beginning Clothing and Child Care. As a student, she takes Secondary Teaching, Instructional Media, and Clinical Teaching. She also takes Foundations of Education, which is not part of her professional semester.
She has her B. S. Degree from Kansas State in clothing and fashion merchandizing. She is picking up extra hours after graduation from Kansas State.
Mrs Jacobitz has also started work on her Master's Degree from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. She will on that this summer.
Spring fashions feature a variety of colors and styles. Pants are still flared wide and cuffs are now an added touch to extra-Jong · pants. Cottons, denims. and crepes are among the favorite spring materials. Seersucker has become an increasingly popular fabric also.
Smoc:ks and short tops worn with jeans will rate high among college students. Layered-look shirts still remain favorites.
The shoe that's gaining popularity is the new version of an old fashion, the saddle shoe. Different colors and higher heels mak(' the shoe· adaptable lo modprn styles.
Browning goes mad
By FRANK D'ADDESAWhen the English Composition 101 class started satire their instructor, Mr Everett Browning, used a Mad magazine to get his lesson across.
What possibly could be learned from a Mad magazine? Browning believes that "Mad offers excellent examples of satire and one can keep up with the current events thru their articles".
The particular piece Browning used for the class was one which showed examples on how an essay called "A Trip To Grand-
pa's Farm" was written by a student when he was in the 2nd grade, 6th grade, high school, college, and finally for his doctorate. The satirical piece shows how the student writes on different levels.
Though the course's book is mostly used, Browning has also employed the Wall Street Journal, The Saturday Review and Bible to teach his class. He stated Mad and other magazines and newspapers will be used if it's appropriate to the lesson. Meanwhile, Browning still reads the Mad magazines his children get monthly.
Grass laws in Ann Arbor
most lax
The city of Ann Arbor, Mich. is unique in at least one startling aspect. Marijuana laws in Ann Arbor are probably the most lax in the entire United States.
The city, home of the University of Michigan, finds students lighting-up as they gather on campus, in movie theatres, at their weekly concerts, and even in the public gallery of the City Council Chamber.
The students find little to worry about, as the law there provides only a $5 fine for marijuana smokers.
Jerold Lax, City Attorney of Ann Arbor was recently quoted as saying, "actually, it's sort of like a parking ticket, it was setup so that all a .violator must do is mail back the marijuana ticket to City Hall with $5."
The City Council declared its independence from state drug laws governing marijuana and n:issPrl its o\\'n ordinancr.
The ordinann' covers only marijuana users. not sellers. Big pushers are still hit with the tough state law. Juvenile offenders are still turned over to juvenile authorities.
The marijuana situation in
Ann Arbor isn't unusual. With an estimated 24 million users of marijuana in the U.S., most police departments don't aggressively seek pot smokers, if they did, jails would be overflowing. What is remarkable is that the Ann Arbor City Council is the only governing body in the nation that has approached current marijuana laws head on and "decriminalized" pot by legislation.
The City Council acted under a Michigan law that gives cities the option of passing their own ordinances when thev have a spt'cial need not recognized b] law. Said Mayor Robert Harris: "If a City Council sets a trival penalty, the judge usually understands there's a reasonindicating how seriously the community judges the offense. Under state Jaw, we can't legalize marijuana, but we can make it trivial.
Facts and information in t.his article. were from an ai·tide publiched in the Parade News Magazine, Febrnary 25, I!li:I, written by Mark Jury
"Child Buyer" success
The Child Buyer ran tne eighth, ninth,· and- tenth with curtain times at eight p.m. each evening.
Mr Shyre8 play is adapted from a navel by John Hersey that c/trcerns a mythical national defense project. In charge of materials procurement is Mr · Wissey Jones, played by Mike Kelly, w11o travels the country in search of brilliant young minds to be used by the Defense Dept. Jones turns up in Perry, Nebr., and attempts to purchase a young boy whose impoverished parents literally jump at the chance. The budding genious, named Barry Rudd was played by Dwight Wininger, and he has
a few surprises in store for everyone concerned. The entire proposal gets a little out of hand and leads to an inveSfigation by the State Senate, in whose chambers the entire action of tJle play takes place. Those participating in the hearing are Senators Manfield, Skypack, and Voyolko. They were played by John Thomas, Phil Chapman, and Cork Rammer respectively. Counsel was played by Art Herrera, the court clerk was played by Ann O'Connor, and the guard by Stan Kottich. Witnesses were portrayed by Joevette Farber, Trudy Stevens, Jerry Whistler, Steve Knittle, Jackie Collins, Sue Coughlin, and John Teten.
Dwight takes late par
By FRANK D'ADDESAWendell conducts underground tours
Peru State College campus tours usually include surface points of interest, but PSC secretaries toured the college's 1,000 ft. underground steam pipe tunnel led by Maintenance Director George Wendel during their February 20 association meeting. Although steam pipes are insulated, temperature reaches above 100 degrees Fahrenheit in some portions of the lighted tunnel connecting most of the campus buildings with the_boiler room. The branching tunnel is approximately 1 foot beneath the ground in most locations, and was constructed in 1949 to accomodate persons up to 7 feet tall.
In accepting the part of Barry Rudd one week before "The Child Buyer" opened, Dwight Wininger wasn't a boy doing a man's job, instead he was a man playing a boy's role.
When Keith Long was taken out of the · production by his parents Dr. and Mrs Daryl Long due to "personal reasons" Dwight took the part to "help them (the cast) out of a spot".
Dwight went to work immediately and sacrificed going to a basketball game to learn his lines in two nights. He credits his parents, Dr. and Mrs Darrell Wininger in helping him learn his lines.
Dwight is thirteen years old
and is in the eighth grade at Middle School in Auburn. activities at school incl participating in footb wrestling, the school's spell contest, stage band, and serv as track manager.
He is also presently working Auburn High School's pl production of "Flower Dr Song" along with his sister two brothers and has past ac experience. at the Brownv Theater in "Rip Van Wink! "All The Way Home" and " Miracle Worker".
Dwight's main interest acting and he prefers working comedy productions. He lists favorite play as being "Y Can't Take It With You".
Experience plays role in "Child Buyer" Students express views
When Miss Pat Maniey was directing "The Child Buyer" play she had a lot of talent and experience to work with.
Miss Ann O'Connor, a senior, has acted in "The Tempest", ''Doctor Inspite Of Himself", and "The American Dame" where she was also student director. She played the role of the courtroom clerk in "The Child Buyer".
She also directed "The Lesson", a student production, ood was assistant director in "No Exit", also a student production. "The Child Buyer" marked her last play at Peru State.
Miss Joevette Farber, a junior, has appeared in "The Tempest", "American Dame", "Doctor Inspite Of Himself" and the student production of ·"Waiting For The Bus". She was Dr. Gozar in the play.
Dwight Wininger, an eighth grader at the Middle School in Auburn, has had experience at
the Brownville Theater in "Rip Van Winkle", "All The Way Home", and "The Miracle Worker". He is also currently acting in Auburn High School's "Flower Drum Song" production. Dight played Barry Rudd in the play.
Senior John Thomas has appeared in "The Tempest", "American Dame", "Doctor Inspite Of Himself", and student productions "Our Town" and "Blite Spirit". "The Child Buyer" is John's last performance on the Peru stage. He played Senator Mansfield in his last role.
Michael Kelly has been seen in "The American Dame", "the Tempest", "Doctor Inspite Of Himself", and such student productions as "Our Town", "The Token", and "Ransom Of Red Chief". Kelly a junior, is now working on a student production which he wrote. Kelly played the "Child Buyer", Wissy Jones in the play.
on liquor in dorm·
By TOM STRINGFELLOWWith the lowering of the drinking age last summer and with the University of Nebraska receiving their OK to allow alcoholic beverages on their campus, many Peru students are questioning the laws concerning liquor in the dorms.
Below are various opinions of students and housemothers concerning the subject of whether or not alcoholic beverages should be allowed in the dorms. The question as it was presented them was: "Do you think that alcoholic beverages should be allowed in the dorms here at PSC? Why or why not?"
Yes. Many other state colleges out east have it, such as the University of Massachusetts.Steve Frerichs
I'd like to see the laws concerning booze on state property changed, but we must attack the problem in the State House and
not in the Ad. building. - Gayle
Yes, because alcoholic beverages are already up there and if they want to drink, the law isn't going to stop them. - Lora
I figure if anyone is old enough to drink in the tavern, they're old enough to drink in the dorm. -
Sally HighfieldI think they might as well have alcohol in the dorms because almost everyone is of age and the dormatory is their home. -
Mike MutchlerYes I do, mainly because most colleges have gone to that and it would make it easier on the resident assistants. It would also help keep more kids in the dorms instead of them moving off campus. - Phil Richter
I can see reasons for both sides. Sometimes it can get out of control, bother people and destroy property. But on the other hand its being done
Yes. first of all they're leg for most people and second of the University of Nebraska j their OK. But I don't know h you would control it.Meyers
They should not be allow because they're already bei incorporated into the dor illegally. Unless Sta Legislature gives its approv we would be fighting a losi battle. Therefore I believe steps that are to be taken sho be to high authorities. - J Winkel
Yes. If you're old enough drink at home why can't drink at school? - Ann Bori
I fail to see any reason why can't have alcohol in the dor because anyone 19 years of a and above is classified as adult. However I feel that if do get this privelege we sho not abuse it and if we do, should be abolished for eternity:
- Freddy HainesInterim courses from May 14-25
Sketching Tour of Points of Interest in Southeast Nebraska.
1hr. No prerequisite. On the site pastel, pencil, and charcoal sketching of landscapes and buildings in Southeast Nebraska. (On the site sketching of scenes at Buffalo City, Coryell Park, Indian Cave, Arbor Lodge, and sites overlooking the Missouri River).
History of Jazz. 1 hr. A study of the development of jazz from King Oliver and Louis Armstrong to the present.
Serious Contemporary Music. 2hrs. The history and literature of contemporary Music in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Period.
and the newspaper establishment and its effect on society.
Defensive Driving. 1 hr. The art of driving a motor vehicle so as to pre\'.ent accidents in spite of the actions of others, or the presence of adverse driving conditions.
Econ. Economicss. 1 hr. A practical study of consumer buying involving both class and field work experiences.
Home Economics
Charm Course. 2 hr. The course is designed to develop confidence for those who want to be successful throughout life.
student will learn how to remove finish from old furniture and how lo refinish. He will learn how to use stains, natural and synthetic finishes, and antiqueing.
Home Repairs 2hr. Learn how to repair faucets, hang pictures, oil motors, repair cords, cover furniture scratches, repair loose joints in furniture, and use nails and screws.
Students interested in interim courses may pick up survey forms at the Registrar's office or they may get the forms from the school deans. Demand will determine the courses offered.
The interim provides educational experiences that do not normally exist during the regular terms. Last year the response to the initial session by the students and faculty indicated s,uccess, so the interim is now an integral part of the academic year although participation is not required of students. This year's session will be from May 14-25.
The session will again include mini-course offerings of a varied nature. Courses are elective and for the enrichment of the student. Courses do not necessarily apply toward the general requirements for a major. More detailed information about the courses may be obtained from the school deans.
The ten ·day session will offer 1, 2 and 3 credit hour courses with a maximum enrollment of 3 credit hours. Courses that can be offered during the interim are now being surveyed. The students may indicate on the survey which courses they would be most interested in taking. Courses with appropriate interst will then become a part of the interim offering.
The survey is now available for distribution. Please pick up a copy at the Registrars office or from the School Deans.
A description of courses follows:
2hrs. The history and literature of the periods.
Music and the Baroque Period. 2 hrs. The history and literature of the Baroque Period.
History of Guifar "1 hr.
rounded invididual.
Demonstrations, group discussions, and problem solving activities are emphasized on appearance,· personality development, and the act of communicating for a wellRecordings, pictures, demonstrations of the classical or lutetype guitar, the Spanish Flamenco, and the various popular styles of twentiethcentury guitar playing.
Eng. or Hist.
Nebraskaland Tour - History
.or Nebraskaland Tour -
Literature. 3 hr. A study of the history of Nebraska by a visitation to the scenes where it took place, and the study of the artifacts that remain in the ,museums.
Seminar- William Falkner. 1 hr. Astudy of selected novels of William Faulkner. ·
Seminar - John Steinbeck. 1 .hr. Astudy of selected novels of John Steinbeck.
Seminar - Mark Twain. 1 hr. Astudy of selected novels, short stores, and-or essays.
Seminar on British Novel. 2hr. Astudy of selected novels by the best known British writers.
Seminar on Herman Melville. 1 hr. Astudy of the short works of Herman Melville.
Seventh and Eighth Grade Novel. 2 hr. A study of those novels appropriate to the reading level of junior high students. ·
Makeup. 1 hr. A study in practice of the principles of stage make-up for actors and teachers in applying straight make-up, juvenile make-up, character and aged make-up, clown and specialty make-up.
Stage lighting. 1hr. Astudy in practice of stage lighting principles and design for the proscenium stage, arena stage, and for the thrust stage.
Reader's Theatre. 1 hr. Selecting, arranging, and performing materials for a reading production of literature. Class members will participate in a scheduled tour of reader's theatre in our community.
Seminar - General Semantics. 1 hr. A study of the principles relating to com- · munication and interpersonal relationships. Journ.
History of Journalism. 2 hr. A survey of American journalism
Basic Nutrition 2hr. Astudy of food composition, preparation and retention of nutrients, appearance and flavor, appiication of the principles of nutrition for personal and family health.
Experimental Foods 2 hr. Fundamental principles of food preparation based on -r.ecent developments in research related. to foods. Both foreign and domestic menus will be studied.
Outdoor Cooking 2hr. Astudy of outdoor cooking involving the use of grills and other outdoor cooking equipment, types of outdoor food and the preparation of the food.
Snacks; Lunches, and Brunches 2 hr. Lecture-laboratory Class involving the methods of serving and preparation of snacks, lunches, and brunches.
Personal Typewriting 2 hr. A course for the non-typist, where he will learn to use the keyboard.
Managing your Money 2 hr. A course designed for the student involving how. to budget and spend his money wisely.
Filing 1 hr. Techniques and practices employed in office filing in modern business extablishments. A study of alphabetical, numerical, subject, geographical and combinations of these systems.
Magnetic Card Typewriter 1 hr. The student will learn the use and operation of a magnetic card typewriter.
Electronic Calculators 1 hr. The course will develop an understanding of the memory systems of the electronic calculators and the uses to which the memory may apply. Proficiency would be obtained on two classes of electronic calculators.
Personal Tax Accounting. 1 hr. Acourse designed to enable the student to file his own personal returns. The basics in the understanding of the IRS and its operations are studied.
Industrial Arts
Survival Prepardeness 1 hr. A
, study of facts relating to survival in time of local, state, or national disastor.
Furniture Refinishing 2 hr. A
Careers in American Industry 2A. A study of a broad spectrum of careers in American industry through direct experiences involving plant visitations and study. The careers and industries studied will be selected from, but not necessarily be limited to the following:
Food, transportation, manufacturing, communication, power, and construction.
This course should be especially useful to education majors, both elementary and secondary, industrial arts and industrial management technology majors, business majors, and others interested in career instruction.
Beginning and Intermediate Swimming. 1 hr. Two hours attendance. Open to all classifications of swimmers or non-swimmers. Red Cross Certificates issued to those who pass Red Cross standards. Tennis. 1 hr. Fundamentals of stroke, rules and strategy. Student must furnish tennis racket and three new balls. Beginning Bowling. 1 hr. Men and Women. Fundamental skills and techniques are emphasized.
Current Problems in Physical Education. 1 hr. Discussion and reporting of current issues in the area of physical education; Independent Study in Physical Education. 1 to 3 hrs. Arranged. An in-depth study of an issue selected by the student. Must be approved by department chairman.
Archery - 1 hr. "Fastest growing sport in America'' Fundamentals of skills and knowledge of the sport of chery.
Chess-1 hr. Abrief history of chess is presented. Emphasis is placed on the rules of play, functions of the individual pieces, and the basic offensive and defensive techniques and strategies used in competitive play.
Rocks and Minerals 2 hrs. A introductory course to the study of the physical properties of rocks and minerals; stressing field work at mineral and rock localities in southeast Nebraska.
Introduction to Fossils 2 hrs.
An introductory course to methods of interpreting the fossil record.
Biology - Histology 2 hrs.
A. detailed study of the microscopic anatomy of mammalian organs. Laboratory and classwork.
"Nately, come down we'll move out tomorrow;' cried Yossarian <living in the dorm made Nately, Dean Young) climb the walls. (Picture by Frank D'Addesa)·
Why I moved off campus
By MICHAEL KELLYThe question was put to me recently, "Why did you move out of the dorm?". There are many reasons. Of course the basic answer is because off-campus living is better. But why?
Two elementary reasons, Cost and Freedom.· Off-campus rent is reasonable, usually that is. Means! can be cheaper, besides there is that certain irresistable charm in being able to decide what you want to eat. Food provided by the food service is grate (sic)j but you miss the beer and piZza routine at Duffys.
I don't mean to say that dormitory rent for a one room "BEDROOM" is inflated, if you like paying approximately $50.00 a month for a half a room, well, your business.
As to freedom, well. Being somewhat neurotic, I have the somewhat demented desire to repose with a .357 magnum revolver under my pillow. Living in a dorm where a certain someone can enter without much warning makes this practice, to say the least, impractical.
Imagine your ·chagrin as you attempt to explain to officer O'Flannery the reason you fired
three wad-cutters thru your housemother was tliat you mistook her for a marijuana addicted rapist. ·
And then of course come two items necessary for survival: Women and Booze. Legal on the street but outlawed or restricted in the dorm. Sign-in sheets are a bit of a too. They are a dossier as to your dating rituals for all and sundry. I would never actmiqo possessing a "taste for the sauce", but a glass of port, accompanied by Roberta Flack, after a philosophy mid-term is something which can truly be cherished.
Your own phone, tv, bathroom, and parties are extra, subsequent ,niceties that your own apartment affords. The extra distance to your class can help take off that spare tire you've been developing by eating too many carbohydrates supplied by Broughton.
Those are just a few of the minor reasons which helped provoke my roommate and I to move off PSCs campus housing. Think about them tonight as you sit in the dorm waiting patiently for somebody to turn in the laundry key.
Students- Vote for movies
The following list of movies is being presented to the student body in order that it might de$ignate movie preferences for the school year 1973-74. Notieeably deleated from the selection list are first-run movies which average around $200 a showing. It is asked that students please check 16 movies they would like to see at PSC. Please turn the checked list into your respective housemothers, the Student Center office, or the box in the Bob Inn by March 23. Student Center Board Warner Bros. Inc.
Portnoy's Complaint: .Richard Benjamin is brilliant as the neurotic hero whose hang-ups have driven him to a psychiatrist. $300.00
The Candidate: Robert Redford demonstrates his disdain for the smoke-filled rooms. and corrupt machinery that too often undermine the politiacal scene.
Get to Know Your Rabbit:
Tom Sn1uthers and Katherine Ross in an outrageous comedy about the magic adventures of a corporate hot-shot with a harebrained scheme for happiness.
America America: Thousands of people leave the mountains of Greece and hot plateaus of Turkey in Asia for America. It is about the longing and hunger of these people and how they finally make it. $100.00
The Twelve Chairs: Hilarious comedy of a madcap adventure. ol an impoverisnea not>!eman, a charming rogue and a village priest who criss-cross Russia, Siberia, and the Crimea in search cl' a fortune in jewels.
Rabbit Run: An irresponsible former high school basketball player who finds his loveless marriage is to a dizzy alcoholic.
First Love: John Moulder Brown plays the sixteen-yearold boy who becomes infatuated with an impoverished princess older than he. $200.00
Explosion: Young men at draft age avoid at all costs what they consider a senseless war, and are pressured by society into becoming fugitives from the law.
Dirty Harry: Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry fights crime by his own rules. $35.00
Woodstock: Unique three dav celebration of music, peace and love truimphantiy cUlminated the Age of Aquarius. $400.00
Super Fly: The ghetto drug scene exposes and defines the life of the pusl}er, revealing the dispair behind the glittering veneer of success. $350.00
What's Up Doc?: Barbra Streisand as an eccentric girl with a capricious way of thrusting herself into the lives of other people. $350.00
Man in the Wilderness: Richard Harris, the volatile Irishman, in the provocative adventure epic that chronicles man's ability to survive against insurmountable odds. $250.00
Skin Game: In the preabolition days of mid-1800 America Quincy Drew and a free black man from the north pull off every con game in history. $250.00
TllX 11:18: Chilling glimpse of the 25th century. $33.00
The Priest's Wife: Comedy about a mini-skirted pop singer
who falls in love with a priest. $200.00
Skyjacked: Shortly after takeoff of a 707, Captain Riston is faced with a demand for a course change with a warning that a bomb is aboard. $15.00
· Play It Again, Sam: Woody · Allen turns to his married friends for help in establishing a meaningful relationship with_ the opposite sex. $175.00
Downhill Racer: Robert Redford plays the first American to win the Gold Medal in Olympic skiing. $75.00
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: Two amiable banktrain robbers try to go straight, but it doesn't pay off. $250.00
Planet of the Apes: Three men from an American space ship crash on the planet Orion, 2,000 years from today. $75.00
The Traveling Executioner: Jonas Candide frequently travels the southern prison circuit with his portable electric chair frying his victims for $100 a setting. $75.00
Caprice: Doris Day is a double agent who seeks the murderer of her spy father and the recipe for a new water-repellant hair spray from a rival cosmetic company.
The Impossible Years: Life is full for psychology professor Niven collaborating on a book with colleague Everett about teen-age behavior. $75.00
Barbarella: The uninhabi.ted misadventures of the famous French comic strip !Turoine. Jane Fonda plays Barbarella, and plays it well. $100.00
The Flim-Flam Man: A wily, old con artist presents a refresher course on flimflamming to tickle the funny bone of those who like their larceny laced with laughter.
The Glass Bottom Boat: Engineering physicist Rod · Taylor hooks a mermaid (Doris Day) while on a fishing trip.
Friends: American runaway Paul flees from his family to a Paris zoo and meets orphan Michele. They fall in love and decide to have a child which they deliver themselves.
Tora! Tora! Tora!: Events of December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor are suspensefully plotted in this production of historical facts of the situation and this · raids epic scoped of destruction.
Take the Money and Run: The life of convict Virgil is amusingly explored. He has a neurotic tendency to win a girl by robbing a bank which is being robbed by another gang. $115.00
Pretty Maids All in a Row: Idolized high school football coach-guidance counselor, Rock Hudson, cures c.oed's hang-ups by couch therapy. $100.00
Wild Hovers: Two easy-goers and lovable deglamorized cowpokes impulsively decide to better their (uture by robbing a bank and retiring to Mexico.
True Grit: Delightful humor when in· the 1880's a spunky teenager hires a one-eyed rnarshall lo avenge her father's murderer. He is joined by a Texan ranger. $85.00
Dirty Dingus Mages: Western where Dingus persues a pot of gold, and is pen;ued by a disreputable sneriff, a town's
brothel owner, and madamemayoress of Verkey's Hole. $75.00
The Marriage of a Young Stockholder: Delirious is the predicament of stockholder Bill Alren who has more pleasure being a sexual voyeur than an activist. $75.00
Valley of the Dolls: Story of three girls who migrate to Hollywood and try to make it in the big world of show biz. $115.00
Tony Rome: Frank Sinatra as a middle aged detective who finds life in Miami miserable. Jill St. John adds interesting dimensioris and romance to the festivities. $115.00
Fanny Hill: Diana Kjaer portrays the sweet country lass who comes to Stockholm alone and soon acquires a string of jetset lovers. Rated X $200.00
Inga: A 17-year-old girl is awakened to sensuality and womanhood from a sheltered background. Rated X $150.00
Last of the Molide Hot-Shots: Concerns a dying man's desire to perpetuate his family's distinguished name with a legitimate heir. Rated X $150.00
Airpot: Displays the powerful, dynamic and fast moving rendition of the airport scene beneath the layer of functional order and rigid formalities.
Willard: Bruce Davison as Willard, who trains rats to perform vengeful acts on his enemies. $200.00
Blue Water, White Death: Dramatic story of four divers and their around-the-world quest for the Great White Shark.
The Beguiled: Clint Eastwood portrays a wounded Union soldier who is rescued by the girls of a small Southern school.
Minnie and Moskowitz: Exploitation of human !onliness; a rendition of what really happens when man needs woman and woman needs man.
The Heivers: Steve McQueen in an adventurous journey from rural Mississippi to Memphis in a yellow 1905 Winton Flyer and a stay in the big city. $200.00
The Baby Makers: Story of a unique, free thinking young girl who makes a very unusual agreement with a sophisticated Beverly Hills couple. $125.00
The Aprils Fools: A sensitively developed story of two people who discover themselves, manage for the first time to look within and beyond their own worlds, and step away trom me illusions in which they have been trapped. $15.00
.Joe Kidd: Clint Eastwood in the.story that centers around the bitter conflict over the south and the north borders and the ensuing range war. $175.00
The Boha: A second-rate toreador entangles himself with a stalking tigress who has skinned almost every manabout-town in Barcelona. $37.50
.John Wayne in Chisum: Western adventure in 1870's when huge cattle empires were carved out and battled over.
Interlude: The bitter-sweet love story of a young girl and a married man. $77.50
Daddy's Gone a-Hunting: Young man who turns psychotic and realistically depicts the
horribly insane campaign 01. terror which he wages against his former lover. $82.50
Dracula Has Risen from the Grave: Count Dracula rises from his submerged crypt to drive chilling fear into the hearts of two young. lovers. $52:50
The Pit and the Pendulum: 16th century Spain in foreloding castle, complete with an array of medival torture instruments.
The House That Dripped Blood: Four fascinating and suspenseful short stories in an eerie country mansion. $125.00
The Honeymoon Killers: Film combines the mood of "In Cold Blood" with a Bonnie and Clyde theme, which echoes from the pages of the New York Daily News. $100.00
Big .Jake: John Wayne stars in a story brimming with rich characterization, powerful action, explosive suspense and gunplay.
Home Ee Club to serve dinner
A dinner featuring lamb recipes will be prepared by Peru State College's Home · Economics Club members Thursday March ·22, with between 50 and 60 area high school home economics instructors and students as guests. Several of the instructors are home economics graduates of Peru State.
A whole lamb is to be furnished by the Nebraska Lamb Promotion committee. Mrs John Blundell, committee chairman from Chadron, said Peru State is among the .first colleges in the state to participate in the lamb promotion. Chadron, Kearney and Wayne state colleges will have similar promotion dinners this spring.
At least four lamb casserole recipes will be prepared byPeru State's 12 Home Economics Club members, along with a variety of home made breads and popular accompanying dishes. Recipe books featuring lamb preparation were furnished by the American Sheep Producers' Council for each club member. Several recipes have been tested by the group. Copies of recipes selected for the dinner will be given to guests attending.
The buffet style meal will be served at 6:30 in the home economics department rooms of T. J. Majors Hall on the Peru campus. Persons invited will be guests of the Nebraska Lamb Promotion Committee· and the PSC Home Economics Club.
Mrs Louise Kregel, Percival, Iowa, is foods instructor at Peru and sponsor of the Home Ee Club. Carol Warnke, senior from Dunbar, is this year's president Gayle Shipley is chairman of the Lamb Promotion Dinner.
Circle K officers chosen
The new officers of the Circle K club were installed this week. They arc the following; President, Jim Smith, Vicel'residcnt, !{ichard Hinkel, Secretary, Linda Dorn, and Treasurer Pat Hopp.
By FRANK D' ADDESAThe Atlantic Recording Co pany has come up with a great discovery, her name is Elkie Brooks and can this chick sing.
Elkie uses her talent- with a group called Vinegar Joe, which consists of six other guys. I first heard Elkie on Vinegar Joe's new album "Rock 'n Roll Gypsies" (ATCO SD 7016) and she struck me as being a cross between Tina Turner and Janis Joplin. It took me the first few songs on the album to make this comparison.
On the first side I enjoyed "So Long" and "Falling", but on my records it's side two that's worn out. "Whole Lotta Shakin (Goin' On)" gives the flip side an explosive beginning and "Buddy Can You Spare Me A Dime?" keeps the feet tapping.
Jimi Hendrix's "Angel" follows and Elkie puts in her finest performance 'on the album. "Rock 'n Roll Gypsies" is a good album, if Vinegar Joe sounds this good in concert I can't wait to hear their next studio album.
Speaking of concert albums Derek and the Dominos have ont out called "In Concert" (RSO Records S02-8800). I urge you to buy this album only if you haven't got any of their other ones.
Such old goodies as "Let It Rain_", "Bottle Of Red Wine" and "Blues Power;' are included in the two record pact. The group takes it's time with "Let It Rain" and as a result it winds up lasting seventeen minutes long. Thoughthe song is much longer than the original version it's much better, the music stays sharp and the words don't get repetitious.
Another new Atlantic release is "Doug Sahm And Band" (Atlantic SD 7254). In his album, Sahm uses close to twenty musicians who include: Bob Dylan, David Bromberg, an,tl Dr. John.
It sounds as though the group is trying to add something to their country-western sound but it still comes out pure countrywestern. Since I don't like the country-western sound I couldn't get into this album at all.
Grandpa • swings
The pendulum swings once more! The grandfather clock in the PSC library is once again complete. The works had been removed and taken to Auburn where they were cleaned.
The clock was presented to .• PSC by the graduating class of 1903. This is believed to be the first time since its placement that it has been cleaned. If dates follow sUit, it will be 2043 before
The Peru State College chapter of Gamma Theta Up-
silon has awarded the Louise
Mears Scholarship for the year. The recipient is
B. Barnes of Omaha.
The scholarship is awarded on
the basis of need, academic success and overall per-
formance toward the promotion of Geography al Peru Stale (;ollege.
Wrestlers complete best season
1972-7:! turned out to be the winningest year for the Peru Stale Bobcats wrestling team in their history. An overall record of 1:>-6 with a .7:l4 winning percentage, placing 2nd in conference meets and 3rd in the district meet was due to a strong second semester showing. The grapplers won 9 straight matches after the semester break, before losing to Wayi:ie State in a close match at Peru.
Head Coach Vince Manseau sited his top wrestlers as major factors.
118 lbs. freshrn.;rn Bud Kimball ended his season with a 11-7 record and placing fourth in the district tournament.
Gary Lesoing a sophomore, wrestled at 126, placed first in the conference meet and fourth in the district meet. Along with Lesoings 15-8-1 record he also led the team in near falls with 10.
Senior Rod Wartman at 142 is the only Peru Stater to ever score a point in the national NAIA tournament. Wartman sported an 11-9-1 record and placed 3rd in the conference and district meets.
Freshman John Whisler captured 1st place medals at
Bud Kimball
Jack Stanley
Gary Lesoing
Rick Black
Russ Hunt
Rod Wartman
John Whisler
Jim Cash
Dean Anstey
Larry Pracht
Jim Rezac
Kurt Frohling
Dennis Mitchell
Dave Bolen
Dick Hoback
Earl Hershey
both district and conference meets. Along with his 22-4 record, the best on the team, Whisler also led the team in lakedowns with 25, reversals with 18, shutouts with 11, falls with 12, and total team points with 107.
Senior Jim Cash placed 2nd in conference and 3rd in districts. After starting at the semester Cash won 15 and lost 4 matches.
Dan Anstey, a junior wrestling ·at 177, finished with an 18-8 record and led the team in decisions with 11. Anstey placed 2nd in the conference meet and :ird in the district meet.
Sophomore Jim Rezac took 3rd in the conference and had a 14-8-3 record. He also led the team in escapes with 18.
April 17 (Tuesday)
April 21 (Saturday)
Bobkittens complete
• • winning season
By GAIL HARMONThe Peru State Bobkitten basketball team has completed a winning 5-4 season. They played in the Tarkio Invitational Sports Day, taking the second place trophy, on March 10, for their season finale.
The Kittens opened their season on January 24th against a tough Maryville team. They dropped the game by a 55-29 score.
The next game saw an improved offense and defense beat a tough Tarkio team by a score of 30-21. The Kittens then )llade it
two in a row by defeating Wesleyan 55-19.
The next two games saw the team lose to two tough teams.
Midland College defeated the Bobkittens by 10 points, 51-41.
Then, in two consecutive weekend games, Kearney beat the Kittens by a score of 54-27.
The next day, however, the girls came back to defeat Nebraska Wesleyan,' 49-7.
score of 24-21. In a post-season tournament at Tarkio the Bobkittens won one and lost one to take second place. In their first game the team defeated Missouri Western by a score of 38-32 to move into the championship game. The team couldn't hold everything together to defeat Tarkio a third time and fell 40-31 in the last game. One bright spot of the day came as Jody Fichter was named to the All-Tournament team.
Class Won Lost Tie Fr. 11 7 0 Jr. 8 8 0 So. 15 8 Sr. 1 3 So. 5 8 0 Jr. 11 9 1 Fr. 22 4 0 Sr. 15 4 0 So. 7 8 0 Jr. 18 8 0 Jr. 6 8 1 So. 14 8 "'!· 3 Jr. 0 1 0 So. 2 5 0 Fr. 3 2 Fr. 5 4 Fr. 2 4
Brain at PSC
The "brain" of Peru State Coliege is the IBM 1130 computing system. It is a general purpose electronic computer. Input is on punched cards, while output is on a line printer, which can type up to 210 lines per minute.
Also in use with the computer are three key-punch machines, which are used to punch cards for input. Along with this is the card sorter which puts the cards in numerical or alphabetical order.
The computer is programmable in several computer
languages. The two most common of these are Fortran, an engineering language, and Cobol, a business language. This semester, two courses are using the computer.' They are Introduction to Data Processing and Fortran. Next semester, Cobal will also be offered.
The system is a benefit lo the entire campus. It is used to process registration records and to produce reports needed by the Registrar's Office.
Bums attended
An .enthusiastic group of Peru fans entitled the "Bleacher Bums" cheered on the Peru Bobcat cagers. The group was started last year by members of Delzell's second floor. The name was taken from a group of Chicago Cub fans.
Regular members of the "Bums" were Steve Adelson, Joe Barry, Tim Becker, Rick DeKlotz. Larry Hillyer, Galen
Kronhaufman,' Doug McElroy, Larry Morrison, Butch Rathe, Fred Reed, Bob Rut, Terry Voelker, and Stan Vogel. Many ir.embers will be graduating. Larry Hillyer, a graduating member stated that "I felt the cheering promotes school spirit and helped to pick the team up when they were down."
Intramural swim meet results
3. Bill Sell, Rex's 1.36.9 20 Yard Back Stroke
1. Jim Meredith, Unattached 12.8
2. Doug Kingery, Bangers 12.9
2. Bob McKelvey, Dillwrgaf 12.9 · 40 Yard Butterfly
1. FredReed,SuMadIV ·29.3
2. Rick Muenchau, Bangers 31.1
3. Rick Bell, Dillwrgaf 36.3 40 Yard·Free Style
1. Jim Meredith, Unattached 23.0
2. Steve Rabourn Bangers 25.4 ·
3. Doug Kingery, Bangers 25.7 40 Yard Breast Stroke
1. Rick Muenchau, Bangers 30.7
Allen highest paid player
1. Dillwrgaf (Rick Bell, Jim Desbien, Fred Rob,ertson, Bob McKelvey)
2. Bangers, 51.6, (Pat Tynon, Rich Muenchau, Steve Rabousn, Bob Beaver)
3. Rex's, 52.6, (Kevin Storh., Bill Pruett,Randy Hansen, Dave McDaniels) 20 Yard Breast Stroke
1. Fred Reed, SuMad IV 13.1
2. Rick Muenchau, Bangers 14.0
2. BillPruett,Rex's 14.0 I 00 Yard Free Style
1. Steve, Rabourn, Banger-
1: 22.1
2. Ernie Templeton, Dry Heaves
2. Fred Reed, SuMad 31.3
3. Bill Pruett, Rex's 33.3 40 Yard Back Stroke
1. Jim Meredith, Unattached 28.5
2. Kevin Stork, Rex's 30.2
3. Dave Lainez, Dry Heaves 33.2 80 Yard Individual Medley
1. FredReed,SuMadIV 1:15
2. RandyHansen,Rex's 1:24.7
3. Ernie '.fempleton, Dry Heaves · 1:32 160 Yard Free Style (Team)
1. Bangers (Steve Rabourn, Pat Tynon, Bob Beaver, Doug Kingery) 1:49.4
2. Dillwrgaf, (Bob McKelvey, Fred Robertson, Jim Desbien, Rick Bell) 1 :52.8
Richie Allen of the Chicago White Sox has become the highest paid baseball player in major league history. The first baseman, former controversial figure of the Philadelphia Phillies, has signed a three-year contract calling for $675,000. It wasn't long ago when Willie Mays, then with the San Francisco Giants, was the first player to enter the $100,000 a year club. Many sports figures today are demanding inflationary raises in pay. Maybe Richie Allen deserves $225,000 a year but guess who's paying for it. Also in baseball's spring
training news is that Charles PUT THE LIFE
O'Finley, owner of the World OUT OF YOUR MATCHES Champion Oakland Athletics, BEFORE THEY PUTTHELIFE :;.; HELP WANTED has received permission from OUT OF YOUR FORESTS $100.00 weekly possible a the commissioner's offic_e to use · dressing mail for firms-full a orange baseballs in three spring :;:; part time at home-send stamp training games. ;:;:self-addressed envelope t O'Finley, who's constantly ·--------,::;;HOME WORK OP trying to make baseball a more t LOST Box 56 colorful sport, ha.s also initiated t Lost one skeleton key. If Downs, New Mexi t
and colored baseball gloves. , The Oakland club will use the THANKS 1•••••••••••••tt h' B t L bd Th nks·· orange ball in exhibition games 1 P 1 e a a -: a against Cleveland on March 29, I Typing of all kmds done, I faculty, admm1strat.10n and San Francisco on March 31, and reasonable rates. Termpapers •t merchants who contributed to Los Angeles on April 4. I will be set up on a professional I, success of their auctions.
3. Rex's (Kevin Stor,k, Dave McDaniels, Bill Sell, Randy Hansen) 2.06
Friday, April 6 Fairbury at Fairbury
Tuesday, April 10 Creighton & Umv. S. D. at Omaha
Saturday, April 14 Doane & Wesleyan at Crete 9:30
Monday, April 16 Creighton at Auburn
Monday, April 23 Northwest Mo. State at Auburn 1:00 P.M
Tuesday, May 1 Northwest Mo. State at Maryville, Mo.
Thursday, May 3 Fairbury Invitation at Fairbury
Monday and
Tuesday, May 7 & 8 NCC & NAIA District
Ten cagers earn letters SEARS
Ten Peru State cagers will receive letters for their performance during the 1972-1973 basketball season, Coach Jack Mcintire has announced.
Lettering for the Mclntiremen are: seniors - Rex Beatty, Peru, center; Ananias Montague, 1827 South Hamlin, Chicago, Illinois, forward; Terry Ratliff, Auburn, guard; Don Monzingo, 6019 South 48, Omaha. Guard.
Juniors --,-- Tom Froehlich, Algona, Iowa, guard; Mike DeRuntz, Granite City, Illinois, forward; Bill Hunter, 610 East 62, Chicago, Illinois, forward. Sophomores - Bob Craig, 9848 Riggs, Overland Park, Kansas, center; Dan Parker, Auburn, forward. Freshman - Rick Minor, Alton, Illinois, forward.
The members o e ire e Club would like to take thi opportunity to say "Thank-you' or - all of the students an eachers who helped us make th arlem Thrillers a success. I as greatly appreciated.
Sincerely Circle K Member
.LOWERY ORGAN Responsible family to assume small monthly payments or cash. Can be seen in your area. Write: Larson's Music Mart lP.O. 81831, Lincoln, 168501.
I format. call Pam Seid at 274·1• 13880 or write to 2001 L. Street, I • I Auburn Nebr. I
.Peru Pedagogian
igh school athletes o invade Oak Bowl
Peru State College's Oak Bowl ill be filled with more than ,200 junior and senior high hool athletes during the two y High School Invitational ack meet March 23 and 24.
Southeast Nebraska, western wa, and northwestern issouri high schools have tered the largest number to te ·in the annual event, meet rector Dr Ervin Pitts said. ntry deadline is Tuesday, arch 20.
To date, entries include 16 ass A boy's teams, 32 Class B y's teams, 39 high school girl's ms high girl's ams.
Girl's division preliminaries re scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. iday, March 23, with the first five field events in junior and nior high divisions opening ith the shot put at 9:30 a.m. 'nals for individual and relay ces begin at 12:45.
begin field events at 9 a.m. Saturday, with coinciding time for preliminary races. Finals are set for 12 :45, the Class Btwomile relay opening the ten ·running events.
Medals will be awarded for five places in individual events for boys and for the first three places in girl's senior high events. Ribbons will be awarded for all junior high events, fourth and fifth places in girl's high school events and fourth and fifth places in boy's relay Trophies will be awarded to winners in each of the four ·divisions.
Peru State college personnel will serve as timers and judges during the two days. A noon meal will be available to athletes and coaches at the PSC Student Center dining room for a nominal charge, and the Oak Bowl concession stand will be manned by Peru's Circle K Club members.
and Jane Green. <not pictured, Linda Iliff)
FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1973
Top volleyball rating awarded
Four Peru State College students and Miss Bonnie Rutz, Director of Women's Physical Education, received the highest rating awarded for volleyball officiating by the Division of Girls' and Women's Sports. Judging was held March 14 at Graceland College, Lamoni, Iowa.
Students receiving the award were Kris Rotter and Jane Green, Brock; Linda Iliff, Peru; and June Bottcher, Syracuse. The rating qualifies the students and Miss Rutz to officiate all levels of high school volleyball matches as well as intercollegiate matches and
national intercollegiate tournaments.
To earn a national rating individuals demonstrated proper techniques of officiating a volleyball match. Participants took a practical examination at Graceland and were rated by the Northwest Missouri Board of Officials. Aminimum composite score of 85 was required for practical and written examinations.
Peru State students Vicki Chandler, Shubert, Barbara Jones, Falls City, and Dennis Williams, Stella, also competed and received a state rating allowing them to officiate high
school matches at the state leveL
Peru Staters are now qualified to form their own board of officials in conjunction with Northwest Missouri State University and Graceland College. In turn they will rate individuals interested in receiving DGWS volleyball rating.
DGWS ratings are not required for officiating Nebraska high school volleyball, but each official must attend a rules interpretation meeting and pass an open-book test provided by the Nebraska School Activities Association each year.
FANTASTICKS opens on March 25
Broadway musical enthusiasts will be treated to Peru State College's presentation of The Fantastirks March 25 and 26. Adolescent contrariness and a wall are motivating factors in the two-act fast-moving, modern production.
Rehearsals for the show, a joint effort of Pe'tu State's drama and music departments, arc in their second week. Staff directors Patricia Manley, staging and drama, and Edward
G. Ca mealy, music, are assisted by student director Debbie Hendrickson, speech senior from Beatrice. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs James Hendrickson.
Cast in the Peru State production are: Louisa, the girl - Linda Doty; Matt; the boyStan Kottich; Bellamy, the girl's father - Maynard Geschke; llucklebee, the boy's fatherRobert Ramer; El Gallo, the narrator - John Billings; Mute
- Don Epley; Henry, the old actor - John Thomas; Mortimer, the man who dies -Steve Knittle; the orchestra - Dianne Rees, and Lennie Lahman.
Tlw Fantasticks is the first production of its type to be produced at Peru State since 1967-1968.
Sunday and Monday night staging will be at 8 p.m. in the College Auditorium. Tickets are priced at $2.00 for adults, $1.00 for students.
Thr·ee business majors
earn while learn
Three Peru Stale College business education 1t1ajors are certified, a student must work a earning while learning in the total of 4,000 hours. The inindustrial internship program, dustrial internship program is a which will enable them lo gain much quicker way for a student vocational certification in to achieve this requirement, business education. industrial intern director Jack
The three prospective Hamilton asserts.
teachers are employed in jobs Through the supervised related to their teaching field. program, 360 hours on the job
Interns are Connie Fritsch, are equal to one year industrial Auburn. employed as a teller at work experience, or 2,000 hours.
Carson National Bank, Auburn; The intern student works 2,360
Sharon Moser, Pawnee City, hours to receive credit for 4,000 who serves as secretary at working hours, and. a college
Central Telephone and Utilities credit hour for each 120 hours
Corporation in Lincoln; and work experience per semester.
Jane Green, Brock, secretary in In the supervised program·. Mr the home economics department Hamilton visits each student on. at Peru State. the job at least four times during
To become vocationally semester.
T-----------------·· CALENDAR OF EVENTS t
Monday, March26
Journalism Display, 9:00
Fantllslics, 8:00 p.m.
Student Art Fair and Sale, FA Mall, 9:00a.m. '
f Tuesday, March 27
Sue Fitzgerald
C.U.T.E. prepares teachers
Have you been wondering what your college has been doing about preparing its future teachers for work in urban centers? Recognizing the acute need for a teacher with special training in human relations this; institution has been involved fo the past several semesters with the Cooperative Urban Teacher Education (C.U.T.E.) Program. C. U .T .E. was specifically designed by the Mid-Contine Regional Laboratory in Kans City, Mo. with the needs of inn city children in mind T program was field tested Kansas City, Wichita, Kans and Oklahoma City. T program with which your · stilution is affiliated is based Omaha.
C.U.T.E. is an intensive e posure to the total concept education, including scho community, industry, gove ment, private business, politi minority groups,churches, h life and many other segme which reach out and have fluence on the life of the dividual child in the classro ·
Afamiliar face over at special services is that of Mrs Susan Fitzgerald, where she has served since last June as the school's public information coordinator.
Mrs Fitzgerald has been associated with Peru State College for six years, when her husband, Mr Thomas Fitzgerald, obtained a teaching position in 1967. Her other work experience with the college involves being a secretary for two years and working half days during 1969 and 1970.
Most of Mrs Fit3gerald's ear.lier life was spent in the states of Kansas and Missouri. She was born in Kansas City, Missouri, and shortly thereafter moved to Concordia, Kansas.
In her high school years, Sue Fitzgerald became interested in the field of journalism by · becoming involved with the locai town· paper through a work experience program offered by her high school. While working with this paper, Mrs Fit.zgerald soon got her own column, an advertising column called "Shopping with Suzie." Also while working with the paper, .she obtained valuable experien'ce by filling people's positions on the paper when they were absent. After getting this ·experience in journalism, Mrs Fitzgerald attended Kansas State University at Manhatten, majoring in, cf course, journalism. She married in 1954, shortly after graduating from :'.Ollege.
The job of Public Information coordinator opened up last June with the reshuffling of the duties of the director of special services. Mrs Fitzgerald easily obtained the job with her journalistic skills. The job, calls for a person to run a news
Band and Choir Concert, 2:00 p.m. ..., Childrens film and puppet show, FA Aud, 7:00 f bureau. Mrs Fitzgerald f p.m. t diligently collects any and all Socio-Psych, Drama Demonstration, .PO p.m. news stories that would t Speakers Bureau, Convo, FA Aud. t favorably publicize Peru State f Convo Period-Organizational meeting for KPSC College and then each week Radio Club, F.A. 105 t mails out the news items to 35 of f ' the area's newspapers, 8 near-by
Thursday, March 29 f radio stations, and two national f Radio and TV, Projects and Film, 4:30 p.m. f wire services, the AP and UPI. f "McCabe and Mrs Miller" SCB Movie, FA Aud, By doing this, Sue Fitzgerald f d t f 7:00 p.m. provi es ba h o SCB, WDR, 5:00 p.m. f newspapers y supp ymg t em f Faculty Meeting, AD 105, 3:30 p.m. with news stories. She also f furnishes a service to the f
Friday, March 30 f public by keeping ' SPRING RECESS BEGINS 5:00 P.M. mformed on what's happenmg
here at the college. Finally, she
does a tremendous service to the
·college by getting PSC in the I Thank you to all the students
news. This extra publicity helps I who volunteered their time to: to build up the image of Peru I work at the District No. 2 State which, of course, helps I speech contest. · I enrollment and gathers support I Clyde Barrett I of, at least, a mental degree )••••••••••·•••
from college alumnae and other people in the area. In other this help keep us on the map.
Many of the news items that Mrs Susan Fitzgerald writes involve sports stories. She says that if it weren't for a number of students who aid her, it would be impossible to write the sports at all, as she is not familiar with sports jargon, and these stories are not really her specialty, anyway.
Tuesday Night:
C.U.T.E. involves act experience in working and Ii with inner-city people. sessions, home visitati volunteer work, commu projects, micro-teaching mental health seminars are of what the C.U.T.E. stu actually does. Fulltime stu teaching in a carefully sele classroom under the supervi
of a proven veteran coopera teacher for at least eight w is the final experience of program, If you are interest investigating a program like see Dr Lloyd Kite who is y school representative for C.U.T.E. program, or dir inquiries can be made to James Swick, Direc Cooperative Urban Teac Education Program, Davenport St., Oma. Nebraska 68131.
Students discover gold
This sparkly rock was one of a dozen sought by PSC students on a Rocks and Minerals field trip.
Every Saturday since Feb. 24, members of the class have been combing over various hillsides, quarries, and sand pits trying to find geodes, agates, barites and other rocks or minerals.
There are three sections of the class and each lasts three weeks, enabling a student to get
one, two or three credits. class meetings are held at for each section ·for doctrination and evaluation. course is designed for the no rock hunter but is also goo the more experienced.
;::::Managing Editor Bobbi Thies Editor Chuck S Editor Frank D' Ad Ed' k :·:··1 ports !tor Ric DeK ,•.• ;!;::Ad Manager Linda Sfadi .;.;.Photographers ·, Dave La VI · Pa ;:;:;Circulation Manager Ann Ni 'iiib::::::::;:::::::;::;:;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,i)ear Editor: The Peru Chamber of Commerce would like to take this opportunity to say "thank you" to all those who made the trip to Lincoln lo visit Governor Exon and lo say that we were extremely proud of the way that all Peru State College students conducted themselves. ·Everything was perfect and we felt out visit was very successful. We now know that PERU WILL NEVER CLOSE!!!!!!
DON YATES.Vice-President Peru Chamber of Commerce
Dear Editor: The attitudes and behavior of the Peru State College students · on last week's caravan to Lincoln boosts my faith in young people. Their orderly conduct, maturity, sincerity, and concern could only further the cause of Peru and Peru State College.
REX ALLGOOD, Mayor of Perur Editor: I would like lo thank all who were involved directly or indirectly with the "Peru State College Rally", (Meeting with the Governor) last Tuesday, March 15.
The final outcome, budget appropriations, may not be known for several weeks. However, the intermediate results can be considered a complete success. (The College Community and Southeast Nebraska have strengthened mutual bonds and therefore reinforced the foundation supporting Peru State College; the Governor has said explicitly, "We're never going to close down Peru; we're going to make it better."; finally, the combination of the two previously mentioned factors have provided Peru State College with good reflections in the news and strong vibrations in relation to public thought.)
were in Lincoln. You have shown your belief in PSC ideals and objectives by fulfilling duties or obligations that were previously made and through your moral support. I think the sign in the balcony of the East Senate Chamber preely well sums up the whole thing; "Peru is No. 1 in Our Hearts."
I must say that this experience has given me a feeling of closeness and commonality with fellow PSC students, that has not been parallelled or surpassed, nor will _it be for many years to come.
Thanks Again.
A Fellow Peru Stater, DOUG FRITZ
Creamer serves as co-chairman
Dear Editor:
I think that Don Yates, the Peru State College Students, and others who organized and conducted thP convoy and meeting with Governor Exon should be commended for their efforts. The students, by their conduct and enthusiasm, indicated that Nebraska's First College is. still one of the best colleges to be found anywhere.
On behalf of the students of PSC, I would like to thank Mr Yates of Peru for the time, effort, and interest he has put forth in support of PSC. Thank you, to all other interested members of the Peru community and the surrounding. communities in Southeast Nebraska for their support and interest.
As students we also owe the faculty and administrative staff of PSC a debt of gratitude for their cooperation.
Finally, as one student to another, I would like to thank all who attended the meeting as well as those of you who held down the fort while many of us
Wrestlers take contest
Dr. Robert Creamer, Acting Dean of Education and Physical Education, Peru State College, served as a co-chairman for a statewide performance-based education workshop at Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln, March 22 and 23.
Dr. Floyd Waterman, University of Nebraska-Omaha and Dr. Lots Coleman, Nebraska Wesleyan served with Dr. Creamer in the chairmanship. The session was scheduled by the Nebraska Association of Teacher Educators.
fine, turnout in Lincoln March 13 was the best possible demonstration that Peru State deserves Governor Exon's full sup· port, and the active backing of the legislature and the people of Nebraska.
We have the Governor's unequivocal commitment to a bigger and better future for the state, thanks to your effort.
Wrestlers John Whisler, Dean Anstey and Bud Kimball displayed their versatility Monday night when they performed some sketches from Sesame Street and won $15 first prize for talent at the coffeehouse in the Bob Inn. John was cast as Ernie and Dean as Bert, two familiar Muppet characters from the show, and Bud played Mean Eddie.
Jim Lennerton enceed the informal talent contest, sponsored by the SCB, which opened with Jan Winter on guitar and singing an original composition. Later in the show she provided
guitar accompaniment for Ruthann Gottula 's poetry reading.
Phil Chapman, Ananias Montague and lead singer Henry McCullogh placed second in the competition for a $10 prize, singing nostalgic Motown hits, "So in Love" and "What's Your Name". Montague improvised with a lengthy solo. Dan Gruber and Laurie Gilbert won $5 for third place, performing Neil Young's "Down by the River" and a medley of greasy rock 'n roll oldies, including "Johnny B. Goode" and "Roll Over Betthoven".
KPSC to recruit members
By BECKY PIEPERRadio KPSC hopes to soon become a full-fledged organization. J.D. Levitt will hold a meeting Wednesday, March 28, during Convo period in F.A. 105 for all students interested in joining the club.
KPSC has been actively trying to sell CHALLENGE subscriptions in an effort to raise sufficient funds to buy a new board for the radio station. Efforts by the group have been slow but there is still some hope of reaching the goal of $100.
In another effort to raise more funds the KPSC Jocks held a basketball contest between themselves and the faculty on March 15. The faculty team consisting of Dr. Max Smith, Bill
Miles, Paul Kruse, Steve Miller, Earl Brown, and Steve Krajicek successfully defeated the Jocks by a score of 72-66. Playing for the Jocks were Leon 'Starch Bedlow' Golden, Junky Phil· Chapman, Don 'Airport Epley', Dave 'Jubby' Jubenville, Dan Gruber, Greg Hahn, Tricky Dicky Kohel, and Sue Coughlin 'The Connecticutt Yankee'. Coach for KPSC was Jeff Turner, who couldn't play due to injuries.
This weekend during the High School Invitational Track Meet the KPSC radio club plans on selling various items at. the meet in another effort to raise tlie dollar sign on the fund level for that new radio station.
PSC veterans held dinner
The Peru State College Conference for Veterans' Service Officers and Employment Representatives was held March 20, in the west dining room of the student center.
Most of the nine officers and representatives were from the immediate area. They included Donald L. Schultz, Beatrice, William Joseph, Nebraska City, Betty Miller, Falls City, Jess Ott, Beatrice, John Muse, Auburn, Bob Higgins, Nebraska City, and William Smejdir, Wilbur.
Also attending were Bob Manifold of Lincoln, who is with th&State Veterans' Employment
Representative Office. He works primarily with veterans. LaVerne Nicholson, Lincoln. is a member of the Nebraska State Department of Education. He is also concerned with veterans. The main purpose of the conference was to introduce these people to Peru State, its program and facilities. Also to emphasize Peru State's interest in enrolling returning veterans. Aluncheon was held in which four Peru State students participated. Those involved were Earl Webb, Gary Linden, Jim Robinson, and Roger Smith, who are all veterans.
Tennis Begins
Dr. Wininger has (1) no returning lettermen from last year's squad, and (2) no one on his roster that even has any competitive tennis experience.
Lamm le heads golfers
Golf coach Dr. Ervin Pitts feels that his 1973 squad should be a good one, with four returning lettermen headed by Guy Lammie. Dr. Pitts believes that the success of the team will hinge upon how much help the balance of the squad can give Lammie, regarded as one of the best golfers in the state. ·
Other returning lettermen include Guy's brother, Dave, Dick Morrissey and Kurt Kent. Newcomers to the squad include
Rick DeKlotz, Dave Jubinville, Chuck Smith and Steve Zimmers.
The Nebraska College Conference meet and the District 11 meet will be held in Kearney on May 7and 8. To be successful in these important meets Dr. Pitts said, "We will need four strong golfers to do well in the conference and N.A.I.A. Districts."
All home matches will be played at the Auburn Country Club.
Diamond men drop two
Unseasonably cold weather and a strong Northwest Missouri State University squad greeted the Peru Diamond men in Maryville, Missouri Monday, March 19. The Bearcats defeated PSC 10-1 and 2-1 in the afternoon doubMheader.
Coach Tom Fitzgerald said "Early season mental lapses and lack of hitting from power positions were factors in the losses, but the team showed considerable improvement in the second game. We made enough mistakes in the first game to last the season," he commented.
Terry Criger scored the first run of the opener for Peru. N. W. Missouri's pitcher David Blum walked Criger, first man at the plate. Chuck Rombach, second man to face Blum, also walked, then Dave Rombach singled to load the bases. Steve Shupe also reached first on a walk, and
First women's softball team organized at PSC
By BECKY PIEPERFor the first time in the history of Peru State College, there is going to be a women's softball team. Bonnie Rutz, sponsor of the team decided that the school needed something for the women students during the spring months. She also stated that in talking lo a few girls, experience was abundant and enthusiasm was high enough to make a softball team just the thing.
Coach of the new team is Terry Ratliff. Although Ratliff has had no experience with women's softball, he has coached two Auburn Legion teams lo championships. Ratliff feels that both he and the team can learn together and hopefully still come out on top. Helping Terry this spring is Tom Popek.
Girls have been practicing for the past two weeks and will continue to practice everyday at 5:30 p.m. at the elementary school field.
A full schedule has not yet been set up for the team but approximately seven games have been tenatively scheduled for the month of April against Wesleyan, Tarkio, UN-0, and Doane. The team will also be
entered in the College World Series to be held in Omaha during the early part of May.
Girls going out for the team are Ann Stukenholtz, Jane Green, Gail Harmon, Vicki Adams, Patty McLaughlin, Teresa Ewalt, Carol Lang, Allie Stoltenburg, Linda Eichenburger, Pam Brinkman, Becky Pieper, Kim Albin, Darcy Lippold, Nancy Heskett, Deb Sears, Deb Ehmen, Becky Niday, Mary Ann Stanley, Darniece Butts and Lynn Blecha.
The members of the team so far are, Steve Rabourn, Joe Stephan, Rick Muenchau, Jim Robinson, Bill Teton, Jim Meridith and Charlie Pavolis.
So far six matches have been scheduled, with only one to be played on the Peru courts. When Nebraska Wesleyan comes to play at Peru, half of each team will go to Auburn to compete, with the other half playing in Peru.
Asked for a quote on the upcoming campaign, Dr. Wininger said "It looks like a challenging season.".
Criger was pushed over the plate for the score. From that time on, · the rain fell and Peru reached a standstill Nine base runners were the most achieved by Peru in the initial outing. Blum managed ten strikeouts for the Bearcats.
The umpire called the second game after the fifth inning because of cold sleet. Coach Jim Wasem's Northwest Missouri team scored two runs in the first inning. Peru came to life in the third inning as Dave Rombach, 2 for 2 at the plate, connected to bring in Peru pitcher Duane Martin.
I I Typing of all kinds done, I re.asonabJe rates. I will be set up on a profess10nal · I format. Call Pam Seid at 27413880 or write to 2001 L. Street, I Auburn Nebr.
I Peru State Tennis Schedule
I April 5 Wesleyan Club Tourney
I April 12 Iowa Western (home)
I April 19 Iowa Western (away)
I April 20 Nebraska Wesleyan
I April 30 Nebraska Wesleyan
at Lincoln at Sidney, Iowa at Clarinda, Iowa at Peru &Auburn at Lincoln
Peru Pedagogian
rime strikes n campus
An outbreak of crime seems to ve hit Peru's campus with ree thefts in one week. Along ith the break-in at the campus okstore came the theft of two pe players and a quantity of pes from cars at the complex.
Keith Stone and Ray Woerlen ported that their cars had been oken into sometime Monday ening and their tape players d most of their tapes had been olen. Entrance to the cars was. ained by smashing windows
completely out.
The boys reported the theft to Mrs Florence Johnson, housemother at ClayburqMattthews, who immediately called campus security. This was about 8:00 Tuesday morning. The security men were already investigating the break-in· at the bookstore and proceeded to go the complex for further investigation.
As of Wednesday morning no word had been heard concerning the loss
,pring break plans disclosed
By GAIL HARMONIt's that time of year again on eru State's campus. The birds e singing, the grass is getting een, and the students are tting restless. In many cases inevitable spring fever has jn. With an eye to the uping spring break at Peru, Ped asked some people what ev olanned to do with their me over break. Here's what ey had to say: "Work and bum." - Carol arnke.
"Sleep until I :00 P.M. ryday." - Bonnie Rutz.
"Talk to all my high school iends." - Bobbi Thiesfeld.
"I can't say, It's probably be nsored." Patty cLaughlin.
"Find out about my job for the mmer and goof around." -
Deb Barton.
"Have some fun, or else I'll be terribly disappointed."Starlet Brockmeyer.
"I'm going on a little vacation." - Vicki Emken.
"Go find a job with P. J. and apartment hunt for the summer." - Eve Heebner.
"I really don't know."Terry Bahr.
"A week of complete solitude from alcoholic beverages!"Allie Stoltenberg.
"Leave!" Lang.
"Nothing except crusing in my car." - Darcy Lippold.
"Relax and sleep." - Jane Green.
"As little as possible."Connie Fritsch.
"The Ped too, will relax and sleep over break." '
Due to the possibility of changes in the eligibility requirement under 'the Educational Opportunity Grant Program, I want to encourage every student at Peru State College to complete an application for financial assistance for the 1973-74 academic year. Specifically, I want every student to submit a Family Financial Statement for analysis. Also, those students borrowing through the Federally Insured Student Loan Program or other State Student Loans (bank loans) will be required to submit a Family Financial Statement as a part of the application under the new regulations.
Spring Break is the time to take care of this task.
Inquire at Room 306. in the Administration Building for forms and information.
Application Deadline for Scholarships - April 15, 1973!
Donald Millt•r
Miles leads drama session
By BECKY PIEPERThe Fine Arts Building at 3:30 Wednesday, March 28, was the scene for a Socio-Psycho Drama Demonstration under the direction of Bill Miles.
The Socio-Drama Demonstration involves communication and a way of stepping into someone else's shoes to see their perspective. The Psycho-Drama concentrates mainly on one p'erson and his problem. Because this particular demonstration is too dramatic only the socio-drama will be enacted.
Miles stated that both are tl'chniques of communication and deal with problems of a sociological nature. They are a way of acting out iin t'molional µrobll'm and involve roles that Wl' µlay in everyday life, the llll'ans by which we can escape thl'St' rolt's, and rolt'S that we do not normally µlay.
It is rt'eommt'tldt'd that such dl'monstrations bt' done only by psychologists and t'ducalors. Miks has dom' soml' soeiodrama dPmonstrat ions lwfon'.
The setting for the demonstration was the confrontation of a group of representative students with the Board of Trustees of the four state colleges on the subject of coed dorms. The students are persistent in their demands. They have done the research, findings. and have filed petitions. They have gone through every recognisable channel. However, the Board is very adamantthey felt they know what is the best for Peru State and the other state colleges. Each of the Trustees had a different perspeetive and each had a serious. honest. and sincere conviction about just what was right. still there remained a conflict. This was canied out until arguments were carried out. Then the roles played by the students was
reversed so that they have to play the other role and derstand the other's point-ofview on the subject more clearly.
All of this was spontaneously enacted. There had been no rehearsal. The audience was encouraged to enter into the demonstration. especially if they felt they could better argue a point they were asked to take over one of the persons roles.
Miles was there to direct and control. He had to watch for points of conflict and try to channel the explosive emotions into meaningful dialogue.
Because the results of this demonstration could not be µredieted it was not known at the time of publication whether the demonstration was successful or not.
tf The SGA elections for the 1973-74 school year will be held f f Wednesday. April 11. The voting will take place in the. t f Student !rom 10:00.a.m. ti.17:00 p.m. The balloting is t until A1:00bfodr the ahre in t mg i c asses. ny o y runnmg or pos1ttons s ould t have tlwir pl'litions in by Monday, April 9. •
Drama students Phi Beta Lambda .
prepare pl.ays visits Kansas City
Work on student directed plays has begun with Joevette Farber, John Thomas, Debbie llmdricks, Mike Kelley, and Steve Knitlle taking the responsibility of directing their own plays.
The above students actually make up the Play Directing Class, a 3hour course instructed by Miss Pat Manley. According lo Miss Manley, directing a play is one of the requirements of the course and could be considered a final project.
The student directors are required to design -and build their own sets, collect scripts, gather the cast, and be responsible for costumes, as well as put in their time each week at rehearsals. During production. week, the student director can put up to 20 hours getting the play ready for opening night.
Ann Stukenholtz speaks
To those who can't hear
Ann ·Stukenholtz is fluent in two languages - English, and the language of the deaf.
A first semester senior at Peru, Ann was always intrigued by the manual alphabet, which she learned as a junior in high school at Onawa, Iowa After transferring to UNO from Ellsworth Junior College in 1969, she went to work at the Iowa School for the Deaf. Ann explains, "I went to ISD and asked if I could spend a few days around the children. I stayed around long enough to become a house parent of 33 fifth and sixthgrade girls on Sundays from 7: 30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m."
She then became a teacher's
aide, girls' recreation director, and finally responsibilities for the recreation program of the entire school. Ann's knowledge of sign language increased at ISD through her close contact with the children. She transferred to Peru, her parents' aim mater, because she disliked UNO, and she is presently an elementary education major and special education minor. Ann hopes to complete graduate work in deaf education, and teach at a school for the deaf. She is active in P.S.E.A., and women's volleyball, basketball and softball teams.
Joevette Farber, a senior majoring in Biology and Speech is directing "story theatre" a play consisting of four separate fairy tales. The cast for the play includes elementary and high school students from the Peru area, as well as college students. No date has been set for the performances.
John Thomas is a senior majoring in English. His play entitled "Readers Theatre" consists of selections of works of Bertolt Brecht, a German writer, poet, and playwrite. Performance night will be April 25.
"The Odd Couple" being directed by Steve Knittle, a senior and speech major. The comedy play will be somewhat shorter than the original production.
Debbie Hendricks, also a senior majoring in speech, has begun work on her play. She will be directing the last act of a play entitled ."Plaza Suite". The comedy play show what happens with a couple when their daughter decides to get married. The performance will be April 26.
Junior and Soical Science major, Mike Kelley, will be directing an original play. The date has not been set for the performance.
According to Miss Manley, actors are still needed to fill spots in the above plays. Any interested students should contact Miss. Manley.
SGA to hold banquet
The possibility of Peru State participating in the Nebraska clean-up week was Qiscussed at the Tuesday meeting of the Student Government association.
Fritz Stehlik. the SCB's representative to the SGA suggested that during Nebraska clean-up week the SGA and SCB organize a trash clean-up race on the seven mile stretch into Peru.
Bill Boyd was named Peru State's representative to the · National Association of Students.
There will be an SGA banquet this spring for SGA members. This dinner will be paid for out of the SGA's ftinds.
Thursday morning, March 22, :!!i nwmbers of Phi Beta Lambda, Business Club of Peru State College. ld't for a trip to Kansas City, Missouri. After their arrival. they went directly to the Kansas City Life Insurance Company. This was a very stimulating tour, according to sponsor, Mr Russell Beldin. The tour related to management and secretarial procedures and was culminated by a visit with the personnel director. ·
During the afternoon, they saw a publishing firm and the cost accounting system was explained.
Thursday evening, members checked into the Hilton Hotel
Alumni plans meeting
Peru State College alumni and friends in the Omaha vicinity are planning their annual meeting to be held Friday, April 13 at Anthony's Restaurant and Lounge, Omaha.
Asocial hour at 6:30 p.m. will be followed by a 7:30 p.m. dinner and meeting.
and ('Veryone had an enjoyabl ('Veriing, rr.arred only by a fe1 comments from hotel
morning, the clul visited the Board of TradE where they witnessed buyin1 and selling of grain in a spiritei way. In the afternoon, they wen lo General Motors and wen given a guided tour of the plant After the tour, some peopli came back to Peru, but till majority went on to In dependence, Missouri, to see thl Harry S. Truman Library.
YEARBOOK SALES your l!l72-73 yearbook in Mr Browning'$ office. Ed. 20fi. $8.00.
Friday, March 30
I 5:00 P.M. - Spring Recess Begins
I Wednesday, April 4 Dr. Smith Meeting, Nl/2 WDR, 6:30 p.m.
Monday, April 9
Classes resume, 7:30 a.m.
SCB Basketball game, gym, 6:30 p.m. English Club, FA 105, 7:00 p.m. PSSSS Meeting, FA 212, 6:00 p.m.
Alpha Mu Omega, WDR, 7:30 p.m. Geography Club, ED 110, 3:30 p.m. Home Ed Meeting, ED 324, 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April IO
Phi Beta Lambda, FA 105, 6:30 p.m. SGA Meeting, FA 212, 6:00 p.m. Circle K, WDR 4:45-6:00 p.m.
I Kiwanis, WDR, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
I Lambda Delta Lambda, SCI 104, 7:00 p.m.
I Student Wives, Staff Lounge Ad. Building, 7:30 p.m. I
Wednesday, April 11
I WAA, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
I Convo Hour Reading Program test.
Thursday, April 12
SCB Movie "The Omega Man" FA Aud., 7:00 p.m. SCB, WDR, 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 14
Luncheon, Faculty Women, WDR, 12:30 p.m.
Sunday, April 15 Open House April 16-22 Spring Week
Why J live in the dorm
By Tom StringfellowDormitory living is the easiest, most sensible way of existing at school as well as the most rewarding in the long run.
Dorm life is easier than off campus living in that one is freed from the time wasting responsibilities of cooking food, washing dishes, having to bother with buying groceries, and hassling with certain jobs that don;n custodians take care of for you. Other conveniences are the mail service and laundry room. It is certainly much easier to carry your laundry downstairs than to load it in the car and take it downtown. Also having to go downtown to pick up mail each day can get to be rather monotonous after seven months of school especially if one does not have access to a car being able· to take advaritage of the above services. .dorm residents have access to recreational equipment such as :pool tables, ping pong tables, color TV and even chess sets and cards.
Another asset that dorm dwellers have are the many people themselves that live in the hall. Although these people can be a problem at times they are much more helpful than not as there's always someone around that has some extra shampoo, class notes, or whatever it is you need to borrow. Also that basement apartment can get pretty lonely
sometimes, but in the dorm there's always someone close by to talk to.
Probably the biggest benefit one receives by living in the resident halls is what is called the "dorm experience". The dorm experience is what a student experiences and learns while living under the same roof with a close knit conglomeration of people. When a student lives in this crowded environment he changes in many ways and discovers many new things about himself. By having to live and learn to cooperate with such a diverse group of people the student finds his place in the miniature society and in turn develops his personality and can't help but expand personal interests and boundries.
All of this causes the student to mature emotionally and socially. In fact the years spent in a college dorm can be the greatest growing up experience of one's life. It is even possible that this experience can prepare a student for later life far better than the actual four years of schooling.
The advanta2es of living in the dorm are not as hard to see'11s they may seem. The dorm does offer more services and conviences than off campus housing and when one considers the social environment as well as the total learning experience you just can't beat the practicality of the college dormitories.
"YESSIR! ",THIS IS PERU STATE COLLEGE - Two busloads of Omaha's "Tribe of Yessir" visited the Peru State College campus Tuesday (March 20) in addition to greeting Chamber of Commerce members and businesses in Auburn and Peru during the afternoon and evening. Leon Golden, PSC senior from Omaha (4620 North :n Avenue) served as campus guide for the group pictured: (Left to right! Keith Ramsey, Golden, George Stromer, Jack Wohlens .Joseph Kish and Bill Armstrong. The Omaha C of C good will ambassadors treated businessmen from Auburn, Peru, Humboldt, Johnson, Stella and Sidney, Iowa, to dinner in the college dining room. More area residents joined the group for an evening slide presentation of the Peru-Auburn area compiled by PSC Professor J. D. Levitt and a 5-screen show mn Omaha development presented by the Omaha visitors.
Circle K delegates enthused after trip
The Peru Circle K delegates returned from the National 1Convention in Storm Lake bubbling with enthusiasm. Russ Taylor, former president and Lieutenant Governor for the
Nebraska-Iowa district, led the Peru delegates, Jan Winter, Pat Hopp, and Mike Mutchler, to the convention. This was the first time that females were allowed to vote.
The convention was convened at Storm Lake, Iowa, March 17 and 18.
Taylor was appointed chairman of the resolution committee, Miss Winter and Mike Mutchler were also appointed to work on the resolution
appointed to work for the bylaws committee.
The main entertainments were listed as: Midnight swim and other activities. Of the "other activities" the only comment was from Russ Taylor who said, "I ate pizza."
Newly elected Lieutenant Governor, Mike Mutchler, replaces Taylor for this district.
Peru's Circle K club was awarded the honor of being the most active club by the Governor of the Nebraska-low?. district.
Now is the time to order _your graduation stationery.
, The Peru Challenge has many styles of Carlson Craft graduation stationery to choose from, al! at reasonable prices.
For additional savings, pool your order with your friends. Two or more orders of like armouncements can save you 503 and more.
Bobcats take tiro from Tarkio
Peru State's baseball team stole 11 bases and took advantage of 14 Tarkio College errors to sweep a doubleheader from the Owls, 9-5 and 6-3 Thursday afternoon in Tarkio, Missouri.
The Peru batsmen started hitting early in the opening game and scored three runs in the first inning to take a 3-1 lead. Chuck Rombach, Dave Rombach and Rosey Washington all stole bases and scored to help Peru pitcher Gale Bly to a three run advantage before he even reached the mound.
The Bobcats erupted for two more runs in the top of the third with Dave Rombach scoring after stealing his second base of the day on a sacrifice by Washington Dan Cotton, after doubling, scored on a single by Steve Shupe for the second run, and it appeared the game might develop into a runaway with the 'Cats leading, 5-1.
Those thoughts quickly vanished however, as Trakio came back with three runs in the bottom of the third to make the score 5-4.
Neither team scored in the fourth inning, but the Bobcats used Dave Rombach's third
stolen base of the game, and a two run scoring home run shot by Robin Simmons to take a 9-4 lead after the top of the fifth.
Tarkio scored their last run in the bottom of the seventh to make the final count, 9-5 as Bly pitched all the way for the win.
In the second game, Peru proved the depth of their squad, as they used only two players in regular positions, but still came away with the win.
In the ·first inning, Terry Criger and Pat Tynon scored after getting on base with a walk and a single respectively.
The Cats' hit two more runs in the second inning with Dean Anstey and Jim Havel scoring after getting base hits.
In the fifth inning, Jim Landwehr, after an error, scored Peru's fifth run of the game on a sacrifice by Steve Shupe. Shupe was also safe on the play, but only reached third base before the inning ended.
Tarkio scored two runs in the bottom of the inning to cut the Peru lead to two.
The ·cat'slast run of the game, came m the sixth, as Criger singled, stole second and scored on a sacrifice fly by Tynon.
The two wins even Peru's
Beatrice, Tecumseh take girls' track meet
Weeping Water 7-10
Marla McAlphin of New Market, Iowa was ·the only double winner in ille high school girl's division of the Peru State Invitational track meet held in the Oak Bowl last Friday. Winners
Discus - Schanno, Beatrice115'3" (New Reocrd).
Shot Put - Hotze, CarsonMacedonia - 38'2%".
Softball Throw - Pratt, New Market - 189'5".
High Bartunek, Gretna
4'11" (New Market).
50 -Yard Hurdles - Duey, Falls
I Typing of all kmds d1me, I I reasonable rates. Termpapersl; 1will be set up on a pr?fessional I format. Call Pam Seid at 274: 3880 or write to 2001 L. Auburn Nebr. Ii
weekly possible ad-I tdressing mail for firms-full and
tpart time at home-send stamped J self-addressed envelope. fHOME WORK
Box 5661 fRuidoso Downs, New Mexico1:j &J!S?Ji;
Pinkerton's Needs Male Students (21 years. old) Saturday and Sunday Guard No Arms
·Que receives NAIA Plays to be Variety Show.
Miss Bonnie Rutz given title of outstanding American Educator.
Miss Rutz named Outstanding
of U.S. for 1973
Miss Bonnie R. Rutz, Director of Women's Physical Education at Peru State College, has been named an outstanding Educator of America for 1973.
Nominated earlier this year by PSC Acting President Max G. Smith, Miss Rutz was selected on the basis of professional and civic achievements.
A native of Richardson County, Miss Rutz is the d::iughter of Mr. and Mrs John Rutz of Dawson. She is a graduate of Peru State College and received her MA from the University of Nebraska Lincoln. Before returning to Peru State as Assistant Professor of Physical Education, she taught in Nebraska and Iowa high schools. She also served as Director of the Red Cross swimming program for five years at Humboldt.
In her eight years at Peru, Miss Rutz has served as director of the annual high school volleyball tournament. The largest tourney of its kind in the state. the event has grown from 16 to 36 teams under her jirection.
Miss Rutz has served as a volleyball rules interpreter for the Nebraska School Activities Association and also coaches the Peru State intercollegiate volleyball team. Her team finished the 1972 season with an 11-2 record to tie for first place in the Nebraska Intercollegiate Conference.
She holds a National rating in volleyball officiating from the Division for Girls' and Women's Sports and is a member of the Northwest Missouri Board of Women Officials.
Miss Rutz's teaching assignments at PSC have ranged from physical education activities for elementary grades to tennis, swimming, dancing and a sampling of other sports.
Her professional memberships ·include the American
Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation· Nebraska "Women's In: tercollegiate Sports Council and National Education Association. She is a member of the Christian Church and is active in the Women's Guild of the· Peru Community Church.
Outstanding Educators of America is an annual awards program honoring distinguished men and women for their exceptional service, achievements and leadership in the field of education. Those chosen are featured in a national awards volume published yearly.
All-American presented· soon honorable me
1' Qn The Play Directing class of Miss Patricia Manley will be presenting a series of one act
National recognition has come to Peru State's Ananias Montague, Bobcat senior forward, in being given honorable mention on the 1973 NAIA All-American Basketball team.
With a 25.8 season scoring average, Montague tied for 19th in the nation, the best record of any Nebraska NAIA competitor. Montague led his Peru State teammates in all statistics during the recent season. In accumulating 593 points during 23 games, "Que" made 253 of 517 field goals and 87 of 128 free throws. His field goal percentage figured 48.94 and at the charity line his percentage was 67.97 for the season. He also grabbed 305 rebounds, averaging 13.26 a game.
These statistics earnedMontague a spot on the NAIA District 11 first team. He led the district in .scoring. Montague and Dennis Siefkes, Wayne State, were the only scorers in the District with more than 200
baskets, and Montague stood
er alone as the only player with .l a more than 500 field· goal attempts. His rebounding record placed him third in the District, followed at 4th by Peru's William Hunter with an even 12.0 average. Hunter was eighth in District 11 total scoring with a 17.3 average.
Other Nebraskans receiving NAIA honorable mention on the 1973 All-Arµerica squad were:
Guards - Tom Kropp, Kearney State; Mike Trader, Hastings College; Jerry Willis, Kearney State and Dennis Fisher, University of Nebraska-Omaha.
Forwards - Cal Forrest, University of Nebraska-Omaha; Mario Peart, Doane; Bob Jackson, Hastings; and Roger Ingabrand, Chadron State.
Center - Dennis Siefkes, Wayne State.
Wilson conductor at Pawnee City
Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson, instrumental music professor and band director at Peru State College, performed · as guest conductor for the Southeast Nebraska Borderline Conference Band Clinic and Festival in Pawnee City March 22. A concert culminated the day's clinic in the high school auditorium.
Borderline Conference schools include Pawnee City, Sterling,
Humboldt, Southeast-Stella, Johnson-Brock and Falls City Sacred Heart high schools.
Robert D. Patterson, 1969 Peru State graduate and band instructor at Pawnee City, directed the Clinic.
Dr. Wilson also served as adjudicator for Nebraska State Band Directors' Scholarship auditions March 17 on the University of campus.
Pre-Registration April 23-26
By BILL BOYDFor the first time in a number of years Peru State College will have a pre-registration program. The early registration for the 1973-74 fall semester is scheduled to be held April 23 through April 26 in the Administration Building. Students are to register according to an alphabetical schedule, copies of which are available in the Administration building. There will be no fee required at time of preregistration except a $50 deposit applicable to tuition fees. The. students who register early for
plays during the latter part of April and the first part of May. Each production will be directed by a student who will cast the play, design the set, and all other aspects of production. required.
During the first part of the semester the members of the class chose the play "We Bombed in New Haven" and went through all produttion aspects from make up to lighting in preparation for the one act project.
The members of the class include, Joevette Farber Debbie Hendrickson, Thomas, Mike Kelly, and Steve Knittle. All have major or supporting fields in English and drama.
The plays to be presented are; "Brecht on Brecht" a self evaluation by playwrite Bertold Brecht directed by John Thomas, Members of his cast are Bob Wernsman, John Billings, Barb Wilkinson, and Mary Weber. The performance will be on April 25th at 8 p.m. Joevette Farber will direct a Childrens Theatre to be presented to several area elementary schools. The members of her cast are Curt Stone, Jack Whistler, Julie Whistler, Juanita Whistler, Jerry Whistler, Mark Shipley, Sue Coughlin, Kelly Combs, Cork Ramer, Mike Mutchler, Steve Smith, and Dwight Winniger. Deb Hendrickson will present the last act of "The Plaza Suite" by Neal Simon. Her cast includes Patty Stanton, Mike Mutchler, Kim Hahn, and Stan Kottich. The presentation will be on May 1st at 8p.m. Mike Kelly originally wrote his own play but ran into casting problems. He has since written another play and is in the process of casting now. His presentation is tentatively set for April 26th. Steve Knittle will direct another Neal Simon Play, "The Odd Couple". Members of his cast are Bob Wernsman, Cork Ramer, Barb Wilkinson, and Linda Doty. The presentation will be May 1st at 9 p.m.
The President's Council and tudenl Center Board is spon•oring a variety show to be held in the College Auditorium on Tuesday, April 24 at 8:00 p.m.
The show is open to any group or individual who would like to put on an act. First place prize will be $25, second place $20, and third place $15. Interested persons should nter at the SCB office in the tudent Center by Thursday, April 19.
letter to the Editor··
I would like to congratulate the SCB for the fine calibre of movies they have been presenting during the course of the year. But it seems that their: efforts are in vain when tho · same terrific movies are ruin when they are presented he because of a certain group people, who usually sit in front rows and make so m noise that no one can heat movie. Something should done. Mavbe if those individu had it explained to them that t place for yelling and screami is the playground, and not int auditorium, maybe they wo cease and desist.
Elections postponed
The Peru State Stude Government Association met session at their regular Tuesd meeting and voted on setting t SGA elections back two weeks. lack of petitions from th students wishing to run for off in the SGA was the reason this setback. The new date the elections will be Wednes April 25. Anybody who ·wo like to run for a post in the S is required to have a petiti with 50 student names turned to any SGA member by Mon April 23. The voting will be in student center from 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.
Due to the possibility · of changes in the eligibility requirement under the Educational Opportunity Grant Program, I want to encm.irage every student at Peru State College to complete an application fqr financial ass·lstance for the 1973-74 academic year. Specifically, I want every· student to submit a Family Financial Statement for analysis.
Also, those students borrowing through the Federally Insured Student Loan Program or other State Student (bank loans) will be required to submit a Family Financial Statement as a part of the application under the new regulations.
Inquire -at Room 306 in the Administration Building for forms and information.
the 1973-74 fall semester will be mailed information about the schedule for completing registration and fee payments
Mr Liewer, head of the preregistration program, commented, "A lot of people are involved in a lot of different ways. Academic Affairs first decided to go ahead with this project. Our pre-registration involves the Business Office and the Registrar's Office, setting up the mechanics of the program. The main thing is getting class schedules out early."
Application Deadline for Scholarships - April 15, 1973!
Donald Miller
Editor Bobbi Thiesf
Editor Chuck Sm;'
Editor Frank D' Adde / Ed" ports Hor Rick De Kl Manager Linda Madi
Manager Ann Nich
By FRANK D'ADDESASince the Spring Week theme is "Keep On Truckin'', I've decided to review the Grateful Dead's latest album "Europe 72" (Warner Brothers 3WX 2668).
After listening to this three record live recording from their summer tour of London, Paris, and Amsterdam, I'm convinced that the people in this group were born to play in concert.
Jerry Garcia and company do seventeen tunes which include: "Cumberland Blues'', "He's Gone'', "Sugar Magnolia" and "Truckin"' (of course). The recording quality of the performance is excellent. If you didn't hear some applause at the end of a few numbers you'd probably think most of it was studio material.
The Dead put out an excellent sound in concert. It's a shame we couldn't have gotten them to play here next week. What could have been more appropriate?
Through the efforts of David Geffen and Asylum Records the original Byrds have re-convened for. a new album called "The Byrds" (Asylum SD 5058).
There are good cuts on this album and there are a few where you'll lift the needle when their time is due. There's a couple of Neil Young songs ("Cowgirl In The Sand'', "(See The Sky) About To Rain"), Joni Mitchell's "For Free" and David Crosby's "Laughing" (his original version is better). Chris Hillman does "Things Will Be Better" well and Roger IvlcGuinn gets the credit for "Sweet Mary".
I wish there would be a law stating nobody can do "Cowgirl In The Sand" since Young's own version has yet to be topped by a long shot. On the other hand, Gene Clark does a good job on "See The Sky (About To Rain)". "Byrds" isn't the best work the group has done, but it definitely isn't a great disappointinent. I don't expect ·.everyone to break down the · bookstore tomorrow wanting to buy it but would be surprised if someone didn't like it. Now if 'Jnly the Beatles could get together again.
Calendar of Events
Saturday, April 14
Luncheon, Faculty Women, WDR, 12:30 p.m.
Sunday, April 15
SCB Dance gym, 8:00 p.m. Mtste Alumni, FA Aud, 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Monday, April 16
SCB, Movie, 7:30 p.m.
PSEA, FA Aud., 6:30 p.m. Afro American, FA 104, 6:30 p.m.
Library Sean Cabinet, 4:30 p.m.
Beta, Sci 304, 7:30 p,m.
Tuesday, April li
Jim Croce Concert, 8:00 p.m.
Epsilon Pi Tau, IA 29, 7:30 p.m.
Open House
Secretaries Meeting, Staff Lounge, Ad Building, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 18
WAA, 6:00-10:00 p:m. Home Ee Show, Aud., 8:00 p.m.
US Army Info Team, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
llfike 1tlutchler • poetry writer
By BILL BOYDderground newspapers.
Send CARE aid overseas in Mother's honor. She'll receive a Mother's Day Card from CARE telling of your gift. Send check (payable to CARE), her name and address to: CARE, Inc., 1125 Grand, Kansas City, Mo. 64106.
Must have petitions with 50 signatures in by Monday, April 23 (wording for petition found in Student Handbook)
Elections will be he-Id Wednesday, April 25
composed to an infinite symphony of madness that drums against my brain and in childish glee a hand help for a moment elapsed to a heart that must be free is it true that I'll never be free.
PP('lll II ;1s \ll'Itt\'n by Pnu·s Mike Mutcli:r. Thfs freslm1;in not only 11T1tes poetry but also is involved in short stories and novels as well. Most of his works have been published in church· magazines and un-
Mike says. "You have to write poetry according to what you feel at the moment. There is no such thing as a standard form for poetry writing. Some people scream and holler anrl throw things around the room to relieve themselves but poets relieve their frustrations by writing what they feel. It could be explained as a sort of a way to escape.
Mike comes from Essex, Iowa, where he was a Thespian at Shenandoah High School. He is involved with Drama at Peru also The Pre-Law major is class president of the freshman class along with being Lt. Governor of Di\'ision 4. Iowa Nebraska, Circle K Club.
Now is the time to order your I graduation stationery.
The Peru has many styles of Carlson Craft graduation stationery to choose from, all at reasonable prices.
For additional savings, get your friends and order announcements together. Two or more orders of like announcements can save you 50% and more.
Spring Week Calendar-" Keep On Truck in"
Sunday, April 15
Open House (All day)
Tea by Home Ee Club and SCB 3: 15 to 3:45, Fine Arts
Car Rally, 3:00 I. A. Parking Lot
Dance, The Chancellors, 8:00 Student Center Dining Room
Monday, April 16
Faculty Track Meet, 2:00
Movie, "Little Big Man," College Auditorium, 7:30
Tuesday, April 17
Organizational Carnival, 3:30 to 5:30 Concert, Jim Croce, College Auditorium, 8:00
Wednesdav. April 18
Annual Home Ee Club Style Show, College Auditorium, 8:00
(In case of bad weather on Tuesday, the 91rnival will be held the same time Wednesday.)
Sunday, April 15, 1973
(For High School Juniors and Seniors and Their Parents)
1:30-2:00 p.m. - Registration and refreshments. Student Center Lounge. (Tickets for the evening meal will be issued.)
2:00-3:15p.m. -Campus tours conducted by members of the Student Admissions Committee.
3:1513:45 p.m. - Reception for visitors, faculty, staff, and students. Jindra Fine Artf; R11ilrlin11
3:45-4:00 p.m. - Welcome - Dr. Max Smith, Acting President, Peru State College. Jindra Fine Arts Auditorium.
4:00-5:00 p.m. - Information sessions (20 minute sessions)
A. Student Life - Panel of students with Dr. Guy Rosenberg, Vice President for Student Affairs. Fine Arts Auditorium.
B. Financiaf Aid Information- Mr Don Miller, Director of Financial Aid and Placement. Fine Arts 212
C. Admissions and Registration - Dr. Liewer, Registrar and Mr Tom Stone, Director of Admissions.
Fine Arts 105
5:00 p.m. - "Cookout" - Student Center, lower South side (No charge for visitors) ·
8:00 p.m. - Dance - gymnasium. "The Chancellors" of Lmcoln, Ne. AHguests will be admitted free.
Refreshments for registration provided by the Faculty Women's Club.
Refreshments for the reception provided by Home Economics Club.
Sunday noon dinner will be served in the College Cafeteria from 11: 30 to 1: 30. The cost is $1.65 for adults and special prices for children under 10 years of age. Guests are welcome.
SCB dance April 15
Peru State's Student Center Board will sponsor a dance on Sunday April 15.
The semi-formaJ dance will feature the Chance11ors, a group the area has seen before. The dance will be held in the gym and will start at 8:00 p.m. No admission will be charged and everyone is invited.
Spring Week Royalty will be announced and crowned during intr.rmission at the dance.
Nominees for freshman attendants are;. John Whisler, Dan Hose, Steve McVay, Dick· Hoback, Lawson Green, Jim Winkelman. Starlet Brockmeyer, Terri Sapp, Sharon Borcher. Wendy Zaloucek, Cathy McDonald, Lucy Giersh, and Laura.Ackerman.
Upper classmen nominated for the king and queen honors are: Louise Johnson, Carol Orr, Becky Pieper, Pa tty .McLoughlin, Mary Weber, Nancv Schee:-. Sandv Barkus. Bobb; Thiesfeld. anc • Charlene Mills. Running for the kings honors are: Rid; Eishen. Kevin Stork. Ananius Terry
Hoff man in Spring Week flick
By BILL BOYDIf you like a historical movie with a dash of humor thrown in then you cannot afford to miss Dustin Hoffman in "Little Big Man" when it is in Peru during spring week. This epic is the story of the life and times of Jack Crabbe, a young boy whose parents are killed by Indians and · is raised by the sava·ge Human
Being tribe. Hoffman jumps back and forth throughout the movie from living with the Indians and the whitemen. He is a jack'.of-all-trades and carries on such occupations as mule skinner, gunfighter, gambler, scout, drunk, and store owner. The highlight of the. movie is Custer's last stand where Jack Crabbe, in seeking revenge for
Custer's attacking the Human /l Beings' camp and Crabbe's wife and son, Gmeral Custer into the Indian'!! trap at the Little Big Horn Judith Christ, of the NBC Today Show says of Hoffman'si5 performance, ''Nothing l;>ut superb". Newsweek Magazine calls Hoffman, "a marvel, aliv and full of startling surprizes."
Leach, Lenny Lahman, Charles Pavolis, Dean Anstey, Randy Jensen, Phil Chapman, Leon Golden, Don Engel, John Billings and Dick Kohel.
Students to display art
Peru State Art students will be· displaying their work on Sunday, April 15, 1973. The art will be displayed in the lobby of the Fine Arts Building. It's free so come and see the art.
Car rally set
Anyone with a car, who likes to live an exciting life, should signup now in the SCB office for the Car Raliy to be held on Sunday, April 15. All cars in the Rally are lo report to the Industrial Arts parking lot by :l:OO on Sundav.
Trophies valued at $150 will be given to the winners. The trophies wiil be awarded aL th:
Awards Convo to be held
April 18
Awards Convo will be held Wednesday, April 18, during convo period in the college auditorium. Awards and honors <plaques, certificates, scholarships) designated by organizations and other agencies\ will be presented at this time.
Memorial scholarships made last year were: Zelma Wonderly 2nd grade award (awarded hv a committee), Janet Kaye Ganzel , Scholarship (by Social Sciences), A. B. Clayburn Memorial Award iby Geography and Social Sciences), Elsie L Fisher Art Scholarship (nominated by art professor).
Lura Hendricks Eichler Memorial Kindergarten Education (Education division), Pearl A. Kenton Scholarship (committee), Louise Mears Geography Award (Geography club), Bill Tynon Memorial Scholarship ( P. E. department), Mac Dunnine:4Memorial I.A. award (I.A. department) and the A. V. and Wilhelmina Larson award (I. A. department).
Other awards include: A. V. Larson Yearbook Award, Neal S. Gomon Award (Ped), Alpha Mu Omega, Chemistry, Sigma Tau Delta, Gavel and Rostrum Award, Music certificates, Who's Who certificates, Bert E. Swanson watch and medal (committee), and the Helen Cole Pollard award.
Style Show
By l>ONNA FRASEThe annual Spring Weck Home Economics Style show will be held Wednesday, April 18, at 8:00 p.m. in the college auditorium, according to Judy Buddecke, chief co-ordinator.
The theme for the show will be "Drifting and Dreaming." People from the community will be modeling the various clothes. One of these will·be the former clothing instructor, Miss Lucy Hovey. ·
Some of the clothes featured will be evening wear, coats, winter wear, and sports clothing. A special feature will be bridal wear from various periods of time.
Entertainment will be provided by Dan Gruber and Laurie Gilbert. Mary Weber will be playing the piano.
Pat Hopp is in charge of decorations. Mrs Gayle Shipley is in charge of the script. Chris Berger is takffig care of the publicity, Mrs Vicki Jacobitz is in charge of refreshments, and Mrs Carole Obermeyer will be the commentator.
High School Open House April 15
Southeast Nebraska and bordering state high school juniors, seniors and their parents will be welcomed to.
Peru State College's Open House Sunday, April 15. Admissions Director Tom Stone has organized afternoon and evening events, and will be assisted by PSC students and faculty.
Hospitality will begin with registration and refreshments at 1:30 p.m. and end with a dance, free to Open House guests, beginning at 8p.m. in the college gymnasium. Faculty Woman's Club members will serve during registration.
During registration complimentary tickets will be issued for a 5 p.m. cookout on the lawn south of the Student Center lower level. The evening meal will be served buffet style.
From 2 to 3:15 p.m. PSC Admissions Committee students will conduct campus tours.
Visitors, faculty, staff and students will mingle at a reception scheduled in the 'Jindra Fine Arts building from 3: 15 to 3:45, with refreshments provided by the PSC Home Economics Coub.
Guests will be welcomed by Dr. Max G. Smith, Acting PSC President, at 3:45 in the Jindra Fine Arts Auditorium, and from 4 to 5p.m. college personnel will form a panel to discuss student life, financial aids and admission and registration.
The evening·dance, featuring "The Chancellors" of Lincoln. heralds the opening of "Spring Week" activities for Peru Slaters.
Sunday noon dinner at the Student Center dining room, open to the public, will be served lrom 11:30 to 1:30. Charge for
Jim Croce to pel-form here
By DEBBIE BARTON"I'm no missionary, and can't wear any armour, either. I just gotta be the way I am," says Jim Croce about his songs. Croce will be in concert during Spring Week, Tuesday, April 17, 8:00 p.m. in the College Auditorium.
Jim's musical career started when he was five years old, playing the acordian. Jim didn't take music too seriously until 1964, while he was attending Villanova College in Penn. He formed various bands, doing fraternity parties and playing "anything that the people wanted to hear anything."
One of his bands was chosen for a foreign exchange tour of Africa, and the Middle East. "We had a good time, we ate just what the people ate, lived in the woods, and played our songs.
They didn't speak English over there but if you mean what you're singing, people understand."
He came back from Africa and had decided to be serious. Not finding much he liked to do, led to a job at a Philadelphia R & B radio station, where he translated the commercials into Soul. He eventually quit and did various other jobs, including enlisting in the Army.
Croce and his wife Ingrid moved to New York, where they began working coffee houses. In 1969, they produced their album "Jim and Ingrid." They continued this for a year and a half, but became discouraged by agitation and pressures of city life.
His producers. Terry Cashman and Tommy West convinced him to do another album.
Clubs plan carnival
The following clubs will have booths a1 lhe Spring Week Carnival Tuesday April 11. Language Arts dunking booth, English Club; bean bag tnro\;;, Garn:11 'fiiet;i epsilon: dish
break, SGA; tricycle race. SCB; kissing booth, Tri Beta: dar game. Alpha Mu Omega; marble roll. Da\·idson-Palmer: penny pitch, L;;mbda Delta Lambda; legs contest.
Jim decided that he could resume playing and still have time to write songs and be with his family.
His first album, "You Don't Mess Around With Jim", is an ABC-Dunhill Records, and he is even more excited about the clubs and concerts he will be doing. The friendliness and sincerity of .his performances make it obvious that he loves the work. "Well", he laughs, "I'm glad I'm not running any more jackhammers. It's a lot easier to, have a good time. I think music should make people want to sit back and touch each other. .I just hope people get a kick out of it."
Wed Booth for Circle K
·The Peru Circle K is going to have a booth for sprink week. The booth will be a marriage for a day. Also there will be a penny arcade. The penny arcade will consist ol of unusual quality.
The marriage for a day booth w:1i allow many coupies to oal marriage for a few hour?.
Craren first director for Achievement Foundation
Edward J. Craren has assumed duties at Peru State College as the first Director of Development for the Peru Achievement Foundation. His ·duties include raising funds to be used for scholarships and other needs relating to the advancement of Peru State.
Since 1970 Mr Craren has been president and executive director of the Missouri Colleges Fund, Clayton, Missouri, and was responsible for planning, organizing and directing united efforts of presidents, executives and trustees of 16 member colleges in soliciting operational support from business and industry. Annual gifts to the fund increased 25 percent from 1969 to 1972. In 1971 and 1972 under Craren 's direction, the fund received cash incentive awards for superior fund raising performance in competition with 39 other state and regional independent college fund raising associations.
Anative of Omaha, Mr Craren has served in various fund raising assignments for the past Hi years. From 1968 to 1970 he served as Regional Director of Fund Raising for the American 7\alional Red Cross and previously was Red Cross regional safety director for 6 states. Earlier Red Cross posi lions were field representative, assistant director of European safety services and safety representative.
After receiving his BS in Education from the University of Nebraska in 1951, Craren taught elementary physical education in the Lincoln Public Schools and coached football, swimming and other sports in junior high schools.
''In working for the Peru Athievement Foundation, I see opportunities for service and support of Peru State College through scholarships, endowments, alumni recruiting, building funds other than those furnished by the State anrl othPr
Arbor Day eve·nts being planned
By JOYCE JANSAThe Annual Arbor Day Celebration will be held in Nebraska City with three days of festivities highlighted by the crowning of the Arbor Day Queen on Saturday evening.
Most of the activities of April 27, 28, and 29 will take place at Arbor Lodge, the home of J. Sterling Morton, founder of Arbor Day in 1872.
Tree Planting ceremonies will be held at the schools on Friday. ·
Edward J. Crarenmeans with lasting recognition for Peru State alumni and friends," Craren stated.
The Peru Achievement Foundation was organized in 1955. Current officers are Art Majors, president, Mrs Mary Anna Gnade, secretary, Joe Masopust, treasurer - all of Peru, and Allan Casey, vice president, Auburn.
Craren has already met with PSC Acting President Max Smith's Area Advisory Council and will attend the Omaha alumni chapter meeting this Friday !April 13).
Mrs Craren will soon join her husband in She is' presently employed as an 1•xecutive secretary for International Concrete Systems in St. Louis, Missouri. The Crarens have two sons; Lindsay, serving with the U. S. Navy in Guam, and Greg, a senior at Southeast Missouri State College, Cape Girardeau.
Mr Craren, authorized as a Red Cross Water Safety Instructor, served as swimming and diving coach at the C:niversity of Missouri-St. Louis the past two seasons and as a safety services instructor!rainer for the St. Louis Bi-State Hed Cross. He is national thairman of the Masters Diving Committee on the Amateur Athletic Union. His senior year for the Cornhuskers he was named to the All-American swimming team and in 1952 gained the national junior AAU diving championship.
On Saturday, the Arbor Lodge Mansion will be open to the public and there will be conducted bus tours of Nebraska City. Wildwood Park Period House will also be open and there will be a woodcarving demonstration in the Crafts Barn adjoining the house.
The Chautauqua to be held at the Senior High School at 7:30 will be the site of the crowning of the 1973 Arbor Day Queen.
The festivities on Sunday will
begin with a Fly-in Breakfast at Grundman Airport. The Arbor Day parade will begin at 1:30 on Central Avenue and proceed to the East Portico of Arbor Lodge Mansion, site of the afternoon program. The Strategic Air Command Band will give a i::oncert and Gordon MacRae will sing the National Anth.em. Governor J. James Exon will give the welcome and opening remarks. Other distinguished guests will be Mr John Diesing, King of Ak-Sar-Ben; Mr Ed Cliff, retired Chief of the U. S. Forestry Service; and Mrs Frank Morrison. The address will be given by Stuart Udall, former Secretary of the Interior.
On Sunday, Arbor Lodge and Wildwoo.d will be open to the public and there will be conducted bus tours of Nebraska City. Trailer and camper parking will be available for the weekend at American Meter Park.
IPuppet show entertains Auburn grade-schoolers
By EMY BOECKThe thildren watch intently as Mr Punth beats on his wife and others with a stick; he throws his baby into the audience; he is a murderer. The children are angry with Mr Punch and finally dwcr when he extinguishes the J>c·vil, for Mr Punch is scared ;ind has learned his lesson. Mr l'unth has socked it to us 1J11c·c! again This is Miss Hicks year as Director and Sponsor of the !raga-comedy l'unch and .Judy !'uppet Show." The show this year has lwrn put 011 for lhe Auburn grade
sthool students, the Head Start students at Peru, preschool children from Peru and surrou·nding communities, Kappa Delta Pi, and the Children's Literature Class.
The show is a modification of the original "Punch and Judy" whith originated in Italy in the 171 h tentury. The cast includes l'C'ru students Marv Weber who plays .Judy, the do:tor, Jack Caith-the hangman, the ghost and llw constable; Lee Miller plays Punch and the Devil; Susie Van Syoe is lhe servant, Scar1:1agc and I he clown. The
Proprietor is John Thomas. Jan Henning is stage manager. The set used for the pupp show was built by Mr Erne Longfellow of Peru; scene designed by .Jerry Wright, a former Peru student.
Why is Mr Punch so popular t<T us all and so irresistable to the young'/ II is because we see in him the fulfillment of out l'<'IH'('ssed desires, He is the Spiril of l{evoll. Mr Punch is nof only the llcro-he is also the lypical Superman, lhe supreme S\'11-l•:xprcssionisl.
''Sports Probables''
Who are they?
By RICK DeKLOTZWhen asked to do a story on "sports probables" for next year, a number of things ran through my mind as to what "sports probables" really is.
At first I thought it could mean the number of football players, (probably most of theml that will soend more hours drinking beer this summer than working out to stay at least half-way in shape before fall drills get underway.
Also coming to mind was a number of cross country runners who, when their alarm clocks go off around 6:00 a.m., signaling time for a five mile jaunt before work, will toss the clocks against the nearest wall, thus ridding themselves of distance runners enemy number one, (rabid dogs not withstanding).
On the serious side, head football coach Jack Mdntire will have three quarterbacks to choose froJIJ. next year. Returning will be last season's number one quarterback until he was injured, Terry Criger, along with Tom Purcell and versatile Froehlich. returning in the backfield will be fullbacks Barry Reed and Kim Tennal, along with halfbacks Avery Wallace and Dave McDaniel. '
The toughest position to fill on offense will be at split end where John Winkel will be graduating, but Bill Hosack looked very good
in the late stages of the season and should be a good replacement.
The rest of the offensive line shows promise for next fall as returnees Gus and Steve Krajicek, Dennis Stones, Rick Farley and Ario Wusk gathered plenty of valuable playing time together that hopefully will help the 'Cats move the ball with more consistency.
On defense, adequacy must be achieved in covering opposing pass receivers. The defensive backs last season seemed to have enough speed to cover the opposition, but didn't get the job done all the time.
If the injury bug doesn't hit the team again next fall, there are enough returners throughout the squad who have a lot of experience, to pave the way for a very good season.
The cross country team won only two dual meets this past season, but did so with only two runners, Randy Hansen and Gayle Swisegood who had any college running experience.
Hansen and Swisegood will· be returning next fall along with freshmen letter winners Phil Fritz, Bob Lowery, Dave Adams .and Scott McKercher. It is hoped that the experience gained by ' the freshmen, along with the return of former letterman Bill Sell, will be the keys to an improved season next £411.
Golf team has dual win
Peru State's golf team registered a dual match win, and captured two invitational 'tourm1ments during the spring break vacation.
On April 2, in their opening match, the golfers buried Tarkio 151/z-21/2. at the Auburn Country ·Club.· · ·
Guy Lammie led the way with a 33-39-72 performance, two over par, as he and Dave Lammie Curt Kent, Dick Morrissey ana Rick DeKlotz all won their matches easily. Steve Zimmers was the only 'Cat to lose his match.
High winds and slick greens hampered some of the scores in the Nebraska Wesleyan Invitational held in Lincoln at Holmes Park, April 5, but they didn't seem to bother Guy too much as he shot a 77 to lead the Bobcats to a five stroke victory over runner-up Kearney State.
Guy's -77 was good for a medalist honors by one stroke over Ron Filopowicz of the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Guy's younger brother Dave, lost a playoff for third place individually after firing an 80. The 'Cats scored 322 team strokes to 327 for Kearney State, 331 for UNO and 337 for host Nebraska Wesleyan.
The team traveled to Fairbury on April 6, and scored a six stroke win over host Fairbury Junior College to take the Fairbury Invitational tournament.
.Peru State's scores totaled 323, as Fairbury J.C. with 329, Doane-354 and Nebraska Technical-359 trailed.
Guy Lammie matched par 70
as he ran away with the medalist honor by 10 strokes over Gen Parks and Garth Gibson of Fairburv ..
Trackmen take two
Close but slightly short scores were what Peru State trackmen brought home from first two dual meets of 1973 with Concordia College, Crete and Wash-., burn University, Topeka.
In Peru's season opener with Concordia March 28, postponed from March 27 because of wet track and grounds, ten Bobcat first place wins in 17 events were not quite enough lo establish a winning total. Concordia scored 74 1.'2 to Peru's 701/z.
Several Bobcat competitors improved their marks in· the March 30 dual at Washburn University, but again were short points for a win. Washburn's Ichabods accumulated 73 points to Peru's 68. The Peru team was
Volleyball clinic for May 26
Peru State College will host a Power Volleyball Coaches Clinic Saturday, May 26. The purpose of the clinic is to introduce the skills and techniques of Olympic-style volleyball.
The clinic will begin at 1: 30 p.m. in the Peru State gymnasium. A$3 registration fee will be charged and volleyball coaches, officials, and any other interested persons are invited to attend.
Mr Gary Abramson, playercoach for the Independence, Mo. USVBA volleyball team, will be the guest clinician. He and his team will demonstrate the techniques of power volleyball as well as offensive and defensive strategies.
A top-flight exhibition match hrfwrrn thr Tnrlrnrnrlence and Graceland College men's teams will highlight the dafs activities. Graceland placed second in the NAIA National Volleyball Tournament and Independence was the 1972 runner-up in Region 8 of the United States Volleyball Assoc;:iation. USVBA governs volleyball in the United States for Olympic and Pan-American games. The Match will begin at 7:00 p.m. and the public is invited.
without entries in pole vault and mile relay events.
Concordia Teachers College
(7412) vs Peru State (701/2)
March 28
Shot Put - Carl Abele (CJ, 50'; Rob Applegate (PJ", 45'3.75"
Dick Leech (PJ, 44'4.75".
Discus - Barry Reed (P), 140'; Carl Abele (CJ, 129'11.75"; Dick Leech (PJ, 129'3.75".
Javeline - Kim Tennal (P), 183'1"; Mark Koch (C), 172'9"; Pete Urick (PJ, 178'9".
Pole.Vault- Robin Simmons (PJ, 12'; Dean Ziegel (C) 12'
Mark Melelburg (C), 11'6'';
High Jump-Dan Parker (P),
5'11.5"; Gordon Schamber (C),
Broad Jump - Mel Kelley (PJ, 22'6"; Dan Parker (P), 20'; Gordon Schamber, (CJ, 19'8".
HO Yard Relay - Peru, 45.3; Concordia, 45.9.
Mile Dave Cloeter (CJ,
4:22.4; Dan Cloeter (CJ, 4:22.9; Dean Grages (CJ, 4:24.4.
120 Yard High Hurdles - Leon Golden (PJ, 16.7; Jim Luepke
(CJ, 17.7; Jim Paap (PJ.
440 Yard Dash - Henry McCullough (P), 52.8; Charles Jackson (PJ, 52.8; Ken Boehm, (CJ, 54.4.
100 Yard Dash - Mel Kelley
(PJ, 10.3; Lynn Stuhr (CJ; 10.5; Don Tempelmeyer (PJ, 10.6; Tom Marty (C), 10.6. ·
880 Yard Run - Dave Cloeter
(CJ, 2:01.8; Rich Bergt (CJ,
2:07.5; Dave Battreall (CJ,
2:09.9; -.,
HO Int. Hurdles - Gordon Schamber (C) Kenin Stork (p J 61.8; Darrell Gummert (CJ 62.7.
WI Yard Dash - Lynn Stuhr
(CJ 23.5; Ken Boehm (CJ 23.5; Mel Kelley (PJ 24.5.
:i Mile Run - Dean Grages
(CJ, 14:55.4; Dave Cloeter (C), 14:55.9; Bill Sell (P(, 15:21.0.
Triple Jump - Larry Hunter
(P J, 42'5.5"; Gordon Schamber (CJ, 42'4.25; Jim Etherington (PJ, 40'4.5"; Dan Parker (PJ, '.38'5".
Mile Relay - Concordia, :u9.7; Peru, 4:01.0.
Washburn University (7:!) vs Peru State Ui8J
IHJ Yard Relay - Washburn, 45.4; Peru, 45.7.
Shot Put - Dick Leech (P J, 46 '8"; Bob Applegate (P J,
KEN JOHNSON 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Monday t9rough Saturday
Peru, Nebraska Phone 872-6355
Baggies Monster Legs , Shrink Blouses
45'10"; Barry Reed (P), 44'9%"; Spiker (WUJ, 40'0",
Mile Run - Bill Sell (P), 4.31; Littrell (WUJ, 4:4(2; Phil Fritz (P), 4:48.1.
Pole Vault - Snyder (WUJ, 13'2"
120 High Hurdles
Leon Golden (PJ, 15.5;. William (WUL 15.6; Clark (WUJ, 16.0.
Javelin - Kim Tennal (P), 176'10"; Pete Urick (PJ, 164'4"; Conkelton (WUJ, li5'81/2".
440 Yard Dash - Harrison (WUJ, 9.8; Mel Kelley (PJ, 9.9; Don Tempelmeyer (P), 10.3.
880 Yard Run - Bill Sell (PJ, 2:01.0; Littresll (WU), 2:02.2; Maloney (WUJ, 2:03.6.
Discus - Barry Reed (P). 144'1"; Spiker (WUJ, 136'4"; Dick Leech (P( 1 127'8".
·:i:io Int. Hurdles - Williams (WUJ, 41.6; Kevin Stork (PJ, Jim Paap (PJ, 46.6.
22IJ Yard Dash - Harrison (WlJJ, 23.4; Don Tempelmeyer (PJ, 24.5; Dan Gruber (P), 24.5.
:l Mile Run - Bill Sell (P), 15:30.7; Anderson (WUJ, 15:47.5; Phil Fritz (P), 16:02.5.
Long Jump - DuPree (WU). 22"1"; Mel Kelley (PJ, 22'1"; Steen (WUJ 21'3".
High Jump - Clark (WU), 6'2"; DuPree (WUJ, 6'2"; Dan Parker (PJ; 5'10"
Triple Jump - Du Pree (WUJ, 45'3112''; Steen (WUJ, 45'3"; Larry Hunter (P), 45.2.
Mile Relay - Washburn U. rnarrison, Thomas, Littrell, Maloney)
Sign is here
The Baseball sign has arrived on the field. Thanks to the efforts of Bob Fike and some Circle K members.
The sign is 16' by 4' in size. The sign is made of wood and is painted blue and white. Circle K supplied the idea and the wood and some of the paint. Maintenance did the welding and the supplying of metal parts and they also supplied the rest of the paint. YEARBOOK
Thurs. - Fri. : Sat. April 12-13-14
Jack Lemmon Barbara Harris in
Sun. - Mon. - Tues. April 15-16-17
Alfred Hitchcock's FRENZY Color
Wed. - April 18
Peru Pedagogian
Students receive honors
DOixM•I Outstanding Peru State ollege students were ecognized in an Honors Conocation Wednesday morning. r. Max Smith, PSC Acting resident, opened the awards eremony.
The Peru Achievement Foundation gives the scholarips and awards with the apopriate departments mak lng e selections. ·
Recipients and awards are:
John H. Winkel, Wittemore, owa - Bert E. Swenson Award; jf:ICM'OCllGl.l1l;red Robertson, Treynor, Iowa Helen Cole Pollard Award; ary Madison, Sidney, Iowaelma Wonderly Award; Janet e Barton, Nebraska City, anet Kay Ganzel Scholarship; ames Wolken, Tecumseh - A. Clayburn Memorial Award; amona Gebers Tuxhorn, uburn - Elsie I. Fisher emorial Scholarship; Wanda cKim Bruce, Humboldtura Hendricks Eichler emorial Kindergarten Award; ussell B. Barnes, Omahaouise Mears Geography cholarship; Steve Krajicek, apillion Bill Tynon emorial Scholarship; Gary inden, Tekamah - Mac
Dunning Memorial Award; Dale Schatz, Verdon, A. V. and Wilhelmina Larson Memorial Award; Gale Bly, Elgin -Nona Palmer Business Education Scholarship; Debbie Barton, Omaha - A. V. Larson Year book Award; Bobbi Thiesfeld, Nebraska City- Neal S. Gomon Award; Susan Zimpfer, Omaha -Alpha Mu Omega Citation and Chemical Rubber Company Award; Scott McKercher, Peru
- Alpha Mu Omega Citation; Patrick Castle, Falls CityGavel and Rostrum Award; Bart Neri, Geneva, IllinoisStudent Center Scroll of.Service·
Carol Zorn Wheeler, Auburn _:_
Pearl A. Kenton Language Arts Scholarship.
Certificates of Merit for the 1972-73 academic year for music were presented to:
Stephanie Lang, Pawnee City; Linda Doty, Oakland, Iowa; Dianne Rees, Liberty; Emily Rosewell, Ames; Karlene Badgett, Auburn; Rita Gobber, Table Rock; Lauren Coufal, Plattsmouth; Kri s Morrissey, Tecumseh; and Dennis Ehmke, Syracuse.
Certificates of Merit for Sigma
Tau Delta, National English Honorary, were presented to: Janet Barton, Nebraska City; Gary L. Bowman, Shenandoah, Iowa; Janice Henning, Auburn; Mary Hill, Tabor, Iowa; Carol Muse Snyder, Peru; Patty Statton, Stella; Ramona Gebers Tuxhorn, Auburn; Carol Zorn Wheeler, Auburn; Barbara Wilkinson, Clatonia; and Candice Wurtele, Nebraska City. Seniors named to Who's1 Who in American Universities and Colleges again were honored and are:
Patrick C.astle, Dianne Dunn, John Thomas of Falls City; Karen Workman Ramsay, Humboldt; Fritz, Verdon; Bonnie _Stemper, Theodore Johrison, Carol Muse Snyder - Peru; Kathy Harpham Runkles, Auburn; Nancy Stoll, Gresham; John Waters, Williston Park, New York; Judy Hughes, Nebraska City; Deborah Coffelt, Minden, Iowa; Fred Robertson, Treynor, Iowa; Patricia Prose, Glenwood, Iowa; Dennis Robertson, Fort Dodge, Iowa; Stanley Gottula, Elk Creek; Deborah Elmlinger, Huron, Ohio; and Stephen Miller, Sidney, Iowa.
andidate Young expresses views
By FRANK D'ADDESAAs of last Tuesday night only
ne petition was handed in at the GA meeting for the candidacy 'or SGA president. As of that ight there was not another nown petition going around for his office.
The petition handed to the SGA t their last meeting was subitted by John Billings stating e will run for SGA viceresident with Dean Young the andidate for the presidency. Young is a junior from Adams ;who has a double major in Social Work and Social Science. Billings, his running mate, is a ·ophomore from Omaha majoring in Special Education. The following interview was conducted determining the candidate's views on different topics.
D' Addt'sa: Why do you want to ht• S(;A prrsidrnt'?
Young: I feel this school is in. need of a few changes and it's boul time a few changes took lace. The SGA should be closer to lhe student and his problems and should work on llwsr.
l>'Add1•sa: What do you fet"I is
lht• issm• of this yt•ar's 1•h•(·tio11'!
Young: Une ot tne main issues is Open Dorms. I have the belief that this school should not act as a parent and that people of both sexes should be allowed in any dorm at any time. And for people who want to live in segregated dorms certain floors in each dorm could be designated for these people.
D'Addessa: What changes do you think the students want to st'e in the l!li:l-i.t school year?
Peru State seems to have as being a second rate unsophisticated institution.
D' Addesa: Is there any closing statement you would like to make'?
Young; I believe it's time for a .change. Peru cannot keep living in the past and expect to draw new students. It is time for Peru to move into the 1970's and the SGA can play an important role in making this change.
Young: One of the things which will have lo be worked on' I GOOD FIUDA Y is the sexist policies governing By JOYCE JANSA students al Peru in open violation of the Constitution and Today Jesus died for us! lhe Supreme Court. Females Will you die for him? -
No. I thought notshouldn't be subjected to dif- That's too much to ask. fcrcnt rules and regulations than ' Will you serve him? lhe males are. Other problems I believe which should be worked Why? you say - It's too much trouble. on are co-cd dorms, beer on campus, lobbying for both a n£>w gym and road repair on the buffalo path (Roule 67).
We all work for one ralN' or anotlll'rWhy not work for one
fr Addt•sa: Why do you bt'lirvE' 1·11-t•d dorms 1·an bt• bt•nt•fidal'? that will sol Vt' aII t
Young: Co-cd dorms will provide great opportunities in holh acadt•mic and social aspeels. This might also be ust•d
as a drawing card for rutun• PSC studl'nts by removing the stigm;_
Spring Week Royalty:
Mary Weber and Dick Kohel
Mary Weber, a sophomore from Saddle Brook, New Jersey, and Oick Kohel, a junior from Lincoln Wl•re crowned Spring Wt'l'k qul'en and king al the dancl' lwld in the college gym Sunday night.
llppl'rclassmen attendants selt'eted werl' Pat Schultz, T('('Umsl'h, Carol Orr, Lincoln, Saundra Barkus. Gll'nwood, Iowa. Dt'an Anstey. Cum-
lwrland. Iowa, Lennie Lahman, Nl'braska City, and Randy Jenst•n, Lincoln. Fn•shnH'n altendanls were W('ndv Zaloudek,· Papillion, Terri Sapp, Lincoln, Laura Achrman, Bea trice, Starlet Brocknwycr, Stromsburg, John Whislt•r. Peru, Steve McVay, Bt'llt'VUl'. Dan Hosey, Worl'ester. Ma., and Dick Hoback, Nebraska City.
,o\'e for all mankind, thal 's whal.
l'oda y •Jesus dit'ti for us!
Classes will be dismissed at 12:20 on Good 1' riday. April 20.
Mr. & Mrs. Legs
.take tour
• • zn rain
Hy BECKY PIEPERThe annual Peru State Open House for High School Juniors· and Seniors and their parents was· held Sunday, April 15 in spite of the weather.
Rt•gislration was held in the Student Center Lounge between I:30 and 2:00 kicking off the day's activities. Although the rain somewhat shortened the campus tours given by members of the Student Admissions Committee to the group of approximately 75-100 in attendance, everyone got to know the campus.
At 3: 15 the Home Ee Department sponsored a tea in the Fine Arts Mall for visitors, parents, faculty, and students.
PSC choir to perform April 23
The Peru State College Choir will present their Spring Concert on the 2:1 of April as a warm-up to their annual two day lour on the 24 and 25.
The concert will be presented at 8:00 in the Fine Arts Auditorium and the admission is free. They will present the same program then as they will show on their tour.
The tour is an annual event that includes stops at four schools. The choir will visit the Sabetha, Kansas and Falls City schools on the 24. The next day they will go lo Dawson-Verdon and Boys Town.
The choir will perform four numbers as a whole body and then there will be several ad-
ditional numbers by smaller groups. The Madrigal will perform three numbers as will !he men's quartet. Stephanie Lang Will sing two solo numbers and the Swing Choir under the direction of Kris Morrissey will do a few songs. The accompaniment will be Dianne Rees and John Chatelan on !he piano and Lennie Lahman on the drums for Swing · The students took it upon themselves to work out a ne.W costume for this year and at their own expense went ahead and had matching outfits made; The Swing Choir even went one step further and came up with a different outfit from the to accent their performance. ·
Mr Hairy Legs, Jack Stanley, and Miss Legs;-Barb Shroyer receive trophies.
Jack Stanley, better known as Mr Hairy Legs of 1972, has been voted the King of Legs at PSC again this year. Barb Shroyer was named Miss Legs.
The winners were announced Tuesday night preceding the Jim Croce Concert. When asked how it felt to be a repeat winner Jack remarked that he really didn't · know it if was an honor or not.
Jack did admit, "The trophy was nice." Barb said she was a little surprised but happy about being chosen.
Car rally still on
After several members of Student Center Board put in several afternoons driving mile after mile, carefully laying out this year's annual Spring Week car rally and even becoming hopelessly mired down in knee deep mud on two occasions (it was reported that the farmer who pulled them out of the mire was very cooperative), their efforts were drowned in the rain that persisted last Sunday. The combination of impassable and unsafe driving cond1t10ns (not to mention the bad weather) caused the road rally
Stage Band on road
Peru State's Stage ·sand and Swing Choir will travel to· Aurora, Nebraska on May 1for a · performance.
Dr. Gilbert Wilson said that the concert is being done on an· invitation and thinks that it was an honor for Peru to be invited.
Aurora is just one stop in a series of concerts that Peru could be invited to. ·
to be called off. BUT - SCB's efforts will not be in vain! The car rally has been rescheduled for Sunday, April 29th at 2:30 p.m. Be there!
The Fine Arts Auditorium at 3:45 then became the scene for a ··welcome" to prospective students and visitors by Dr. Max Smith. The program which followed included three twentyminute information sessions. "Student Life" was by a panel of PSC students with Dr. Guy Rosenburg leading the discussion. Don Miller followed with a session on "Financial Aid" offered at Peru. The third session was on "Admission and Registration" with all questions answered by Dr. Kelly Liewer and Tom Stone.
The afternoon was brought to a close by an indoor "Cookout" in the College cafeteria which, according to Stone, was greatly enjoyed by all.
When asked how he felt about the ·day's activities, Stone stated that he was extremely pleased with the turn out and that many had told him it had been well worth braving the rain to attend.
Stone also stated that he could not have done it without the tremendous efforts of PSC students and faculty.
"Everybody did everything I asked of them and I was well pleased," said Stone.
A special word of thanks to those students, faculty, and staff members who contributed to the success of the "Open House" Program held on Sunday, April 15. It was a wet day, to be sure, but that did not seem to dampen the spirit and enthusiasm of those who came for the day. Our records indicate that we had close to one hundred visitors on campus on · Sunday.
There were many favorable comments, not the least of which were related to a very friendly, hospitable student body and faculty. One prospective student said, "Prior to my · coming here today my attitude toward Peru State College was negative. Now I plan to enroll here when I graduate from high school in '74!" That type of comment far overshadowed the miserable weather and made me feel that our efforts were worthwhile. · ·
l was positive that I could count on your support in the activities of the day. I appreciated that support and want to take this opportunity to thank ··the departments, organizations; and individuals who helped make the occasion a successful one for Peru State College.
Wind ensemble to perform at Johnson
Peru State College's Concert Wind Ensemble and Lab Band will perform at an off campus concert on May 3at the JohnsonBrock high school in Johnson.
One of the features of the concert will be the Studio Lab
Another number will highlighted by the flute The band will do a numbed called Selections from Shaft. ; The concert will start at 2:301 and the public is invited. £ Band which is an enlarged stage i band. This group will do a r-•••••••••••; variety of numbers featuring I electric guitars and other in- 1· Anyone wishing to try struments not common to a I for a cheerleader, regular stage band. I contact either:
Also featured in the program I June Bottcher l will be Lennie, Lahman on the I Patty McLaughlin or j drums in Concerto for Drum Set. 1 • Pat Schultz. One number will feature Dennis " • • • • • • • • Iii • •I! Ehmke on a trumpet solo. '\1
tFinal day of examinations for the 1972-73 spring semester f 1s May 10, Thur:<day. There are no classes on Friday, May 11. z I
Monday, April 23 College Choir Concert Geog. Club, ED 110, 3:30 p.m. IA Club, IA 29, 7:00 p.m.
PSSS Banquet and Movie
Tuesday, April24 Variety Show, Aud. 8:00 p.m. SGA, FA 212, 6:00 p.m. Kiwanis, WDR, p.m. Circle K, WDR, 4:45-6:00 p.m.
*,.. Student Wives, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 25
WAA, 6:00.fO:OO p.m. Display, TV Room, Student Center, lO:OO a.m.-4:00
Bahah Faith, TV Room, Student Center, 8:00-10:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 26
SCB, N% WDR, 5:00 p.m.
HomeEc Club, Elks Club, Nebr. City, 6:30p.m.
Window painting winners named
By Tom StringfellowSome extra color was added to the campus of a thousand oaks. This week with a number of students taking advantage of Student Center Board's annual Spring Week window painting contest.
The various organizations and individuals who took the opportunity to mess up the dows at the student center mcl uded: Alpha Mu Omega, Davidson Palmer Hail, and Sigma Tau Delta. Individuals entering the competition included a team conposed of Iris Obradovich, Lori Engel, and Sue Coughlin; another team consisting of Don Jochems, Pat Hopp, and Jan Winter; and finally Larry Eckert produced a window painting by himself.
Window paintings were judged last Sunday by Mrs Bob Fike
Rogge performs
various services
By Donna FraseThere are probably few men on this campus who are busier than Mr Ben Rogge, director of Special Services. He is in charge of the entire department and all that it entails. It includes alumni· publications and meetings, photography, the news department, and sports information. Mrs Sue Fitzgerald writes most of the news and together they put out the sports information.
· Part of Mr Rogge's job is also to schedule all meetings of alumni. These meetings are held in Omaha, Lincoln, Colorado, Northern and Southern California.
Alist of these alumni must be kept up-to-date and it is in the process of being now.
Dinners for these alumni are held at Homecoming and time. They come to campus for meetings 'and dinners given in their honor. They are then given special recognition at commencement.
If an alumnus cannot be found, letters are written to his friends, who may know where he is.
Publications take up much of Mr Rogge's time. Two of these publications are a sports book, which gives people information about team records, who is on the team, and who coaches it. 1214 students help, part-time in Special Services, since the workload is too great for one person.
The biggest part of the paper supply for Peru State is ordered at Special Services, such as stationery, envelopes, and mimeographing paper. All instructors, faculty, and staff who wish things reproduced have it done at Special Services. As soon as school is out, Mr Rogge will start work on brochures for each department.
Mr Rogge attended Dana College, then went to work on the newspaper !n Auburn in 1966. He worked there for one year, then
started taking night classes and summer courses. In the fall of 1969, he .started as a full-time student, while still keeping the newspaper job in Auburn. He graduated with a degree in Business Education after student teaching at Pawnee City. He then learned pf this job opening at Peru Special Services, expressed an interest in it, and was hired in January. He is married and has two children.
Mr Rogge is also in charge of setting up Educators' Day in February. All educators within an 80 mile radius are invited and this year over 200 attended. Special Services also has a mailing list of all high school superintendents and counselors.
So next time you go into Special Services, stop and think of its director, Mr Ben Rogge. He contributes a great deal to Peru State College.
and Mrs· Doug Fritz, both secretaries here at PSC. The paintings were judged on theme and overall effect. First place was awarded to Lori Engel, Sue Coughlin, and Iris Obradovich for their painting which consists of a pair of dragons, one of which appears to be sneezing out the Spring Week Theme - "Keep on Truckin' ". Second place was given to Davidson-Palmer Hall for their painting of the traditional Keep on Truckin' man, Larry Eckert took third place with his creation.
Winners were announced at the dance last Sundav night by SCB president, Fritz Stehlik. First, Second, and third place winners will be awarded cash of $25, $15, and $10 respectively.
Student recital April 30
Dr. Gavin L. Doughty has announced a general student recital for about 15 students involved in both voice and instruments to be held on the 30 of April.
The·program is to start at 8: 15 in the Fine Arts Auditorium and the public is invited free of , charge.
Fashions featured April 18
By Donna FraseThe Peru State Home Economics .Style Show was held · Wednesday night, April 18, at 8:00 in the college auditorium.
Many lovely outfits were modeled in keeping with the theme, "Drifting and Dreaming." Some of the outfits were long maxi coats, smocks and blue jeans, and evening wear.
A special feature of the show were wedding gowns from various periods ·in history. A modern-day girl would be amazed to see what tiny waists women a hundred years ago h<1d She would also be surprised to
Jim Croce concert reviewed
By-FRANK D'ADDESAGod made Jim Croce, Tom Johnson and Guy Drake to perform in concert. They proved this statement to be true last Tuesday night when they performed at the Peru State College auditorium.
The evening began with Barbara Shroyer and Jack Stanley (for the second straight year) winning the Miss Legs and Mr Hairy Legs contest. Then came the best part of Spring Week. The concert opened with a "warm-up" act called Johnson and Drake.
After listening to a couple of their numbers I said to myself, if this is the warm-up act what is to follow, these guys performed like true professionals. What was a real treat was listening to Johnson playing the piano.
There was a touch of Elton John and Leon Russell in his playing
and this is no exaggeration.
Some of the numbers performed by Johnson and Drake were "Fixin A Hole", "Pepsi" (sung by Little Billy Baxter), "Goldie" (The sexiest girl in the world), and a brand new one called "Carry It On".
There was then a break to give the two rooms upstairs equal time and then Jim Croce came on. Between stories about his days playing at truck stops and orgies at a medieval castle, Croce performed "I Fell In Love With The Roller Derby Queen", "Speedball Trucker", Mac Davis's "Naughty Girl" and the song which brought him to the Peru stage "You Don't Mess Around With
The SCB deserves a pat on the back for presenting to the student body a pretty fair Spring Week concert. ·
girls learned the order of their appearance and the correct way to walk when modeling a long dress.
At the rehersal, all the girls seemed to be thinking just exactly how it was going to feel to walk out on that big stage with a lot of eyes watching their every move.
Along with ·girls from the Home Economics department, there were a number of people from the community modeling outfitS. Among these was Miss Lucy,; Hovey, former Home Eco!lcimics instructor.
see the intricate, delicate work ·NOTICE that wentinto the makillg of a • There will be Good Friday truly beautiful wedding gown. Services at St. Clara's A rehersal for the Style show catholic Church in Peru at was held on
Graduation is May 13
Peru State College Graduation exercises will be held on May 13 at 3:00 p.m. on the campus mall. There are 194 candidates for graduation, 60 of who completed their degree requirements ill December. Chancellor Durward Varner will address the graduates. In case of rain the commencement will be held in the College Auditorium.
Sidney downs • tennis team
The Bobcat tennis team lost their season opener to Iowa Western, Clarinda, Thursday (April 12) on the Sidney, Iowa, courts, 6-3. The match was entered as a home encounter for the Peruvians.
In singles matches, Peru won two of six with freshman Von Bachle of Auburn posting a 12-10 victory over Clarinda's Steve Murphy and Bryan Mabie, senior from Nebraska City, scoring a 12-10 decision over Denise Bates.
In doubles play, the PSC doubles team of Bachle and Mabie won 12-3 over Murphy and Bates.
Results of the PSC-IW dual:
Baseball team splits games
Peru State's baseball team split a pair of Nebraska College Conference games with Kearney State at Kearney, dropping the first game 12-2 and winning the second, 8-3.
Coach Tom Fitzgerald felt that a three week· lay-off from games, cancelled because of b;td weather made the 'Cats very erratic at the plate and on the mound. He also felt his pitchers were not in as good of shape as they possibly could have been.
In the second game, Peru scored eight runs in the first inning and turned back a Kearney State rally in the fifth to even their season mark at 3-3.
Singles: Bill Teten, (PSC) - Russ Kirkpatrick, (IW) 2-12
Steve R11bourn, (PSC) -
Lewis McKenzie, (IW) 2-12
· Rick Menchau, (PSC) - Dave Placzek, (IW) 7-12
Jim Robinson, (PSC) -
Dennis Grebert, (IW) 2-12.
Von Bachle, (PSC) - Steve Murphy, OW) 12-10
Brian Mabie, (PSC) - Denise Bates, .(IW)
Teten-Rabourn, (PSC)
Kirkpatrick-McKenzie (IW) 3-12
Menchau-Robinson, (PSC)Placzek-Grebert, (IW) 2-12.
Bachle-Mabie, (PSC)
Murphy-Bates, <IW) 12-3.
Gamma Theta Upsi Ion se leds off ice rs
The Delta Delta Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon has recently initiated the following into full membership in the organization: Mike DeRuntz, Granite City, Illinois; George Birtder, Table Rock; David Chatelain, Auburn; and Stephen Sims of Coleridge.
Officers for the coming year have also. been elected. The following have been chosen: President, Gayle Swisegood of Falls City; Vice President, Jeff Linden of Tekameh; Secretary, Russ Barnes of Omaha; Treasurer, Jim Wolken of Tecumseh; Historian, Randy Wollenburg of De Witt; and Officer at Large, Mike DeRuntz of Granite City, Illinois.
Golfers tie Creighton
Peru State and Creighton University golfers tied 71/2-7112 in a dual match held at the Auburn Country Club Tuesday, April 16.
·The match was played medalmedal-medal, which means that for each match, one team point was awarded for a golfer winning the front nine, one point for winning the back nine, and a point for winning the total 18 holes.
No golfer won all three points for his team, but three 'Cat golfers, Guy Lammie, Dick Morrissey and Steve Zimmers won their matches 2-1.
Dave Lammie and Kurt Kent lost their matches 2-1 and 21/2-1/2 respectivety.
Guy Lammie shot the best round of the day, a 69 after posting a three over par 38, on the first nine, and charging a four under par 31 on the second nine.
WP-Gale Bly
LP-Doug Peterson.
\ TEACHERS WANTED.: r•• •••••m•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 Entire West; Midwest, and: : NOTICE
i South. Southwest Teachers! 1 'There will be an intramural track meet Monday, April 30. : Agency, 1303 Central Avenue, N.; Entry blanks may be obtained in Jerome Stemper's office :E. Alburquerque, N.
Peru Pedagogian
SGA discusses Medical Technical Maior possibility
A possibility of having a Medical Technical major at Peru State was talked about at the April 25 meeting of the Student Government Association. Fred Robertson, SGA's member of the academic affairs commission, commented, "We are discussing the approval of the addition of this major to the curriculum of the college. The students involved in this major would be in Peru for three years studying Med. Tech. at the end of that time they would spend twelve months interning at Lincoln General Hospital or Bryan Hospital in
Preparations being made for Dr. Christ's dinner
Also at that academic affairs meeting the student's grade point average was discussed. It is under consideration that if a person receives a failing grade for a course that it should not be added in with that oerson's point average. Under this proposal the student woUld not receive credits for the class and take the course again.later.
Dr. Stone brought a proposal before the SGA to use SGA funds for an open house barbeque. The SGA voted and passed a resolution giving 75 cents per person at the barbeque. A date has not yet been set.
Camealy to iudge contests
Edward G. Camealy, Peru State College Choir Director, was selected to judge vocal and piano portions of several high school music contests this spring in Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska.
On April 5-6 Mr Camealy judged choir entries in the contest hosted by Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville. -Class C state music con-
testants in vocal solos, ensembles and piano were judged by Mr Camealy in Walnut, Iowa, April 13-14. The contest was sponsored by the Iowa Music Activities Association.
He will travel to North Bend as judge for Class B high school vocal and piano competitors on Friday and Saturday, April 2728.
Tom StringfellowAspecial banquet will be held Saturday, May 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the student center in recognition of Dr. John Christ. Dr. Christ will be retiring at the end of this school year after serving Peru State College as a teacher for 27 years.
According to Albert 0. Brady, a member of the committee planqing the banquet, over 200 people have made their reservations for the dinner.
The master of ceremonies for
Miller attends Aids workshop
Donald Miller, Director of Financial Aids at Peru State College, was. among faculty at ,the 1973 Nemokania Student Financial Aid workshop held recently at Independence, Missouri. The workshop was coordinated by the University of Missouri-Columbia Conference and Short Course office.
Mr Miller, serving as state trainer for the Nebraska Association of Student Financial Aid Adn1inistration, helped in planning and was on the workshop faculty to train neophyte student financial aid officers and to update experienced officers.
Groothuis Talent Show winner
Magician Whisler takes second
By SUZANNE COUGHLINAl a talent contest in the College Auditorium Tuesday night, Gloria Groothus won first prize of $20 for her performance oi' two original tunes. John Whisler and Company, winners· in the previous coffee house talent presentation, took $10 second prize. John was a sleight of hand magician, ably assisted by Patti Collins, Rod Wartman, Dean Aqstey and others.
The Student Center Board was represented in the first act with an impromptu performance by Bart Neri, Fritz Stehlik, Wendy Zaloudek, Terri Sapp and Jim Lcnnerton. Their skit poked fun at television news-sportsweather broadcasts. The SGA presented a "gay Parisian" fashion show, described by Joevette 1"arber, featuring
models Doug Fritz, Kurt Frohling, Fritz Stehlik and Fred Robertson. Jim Lennerton. and Bobbi Thiesfeld emceed the half" hour program.
<Sue Coughlin)
Now, don't tell me Peru hasn't igol any mnre talent than that!
Granted, entertainers must shed some inhibitions before they can perform; but there are certainly a great many more unrecognized students among us who can warble, twang, pluck, or wring out a luagh from the audience. One of the reasons why more acts aren't presented is the audience. Unresponsive?
Certainly not. Small, yes - and a portion of this sparse group is quite inconsiderate. I direct this to that portion. Do you come to the talent shows · to be en-
tertained, or to be tactless ringside jesters? For God's sake, if you want to make noise al a program like this, go up on stage <1nd make it? If not, at least show some respect for the people who had enough guts to display their talent up there And to those of you who have untapped talent, Waiting to be exhibited; the fizzling out of recent talent contests on campus runs in a vicious cirCle. audiences are small or uriruly, I believe, because there are so few acts presented. Students do not sign up to perform because they won't be appreciated. Don't have.the altitude of Christians in the arena. being fed to the lions. Tlie audience will have somdhing to applaud if more of us perform.
the occasion will be J.D. Levitt. The dinner will also include entertainment and speakers which as of yet have not been decided on. A special presentation of a volumed letters is also planned. Anyone wishing to write a Jetter to Dr. Christ included in the volume of letters should give the letter to either Lyle McKercher or Albert 0. Brady before the May 5th Dinner. Letters should include specific incidents including Dr. Christ's sense of humor, help-
fulness, and teaching itself. So far over 50 letters have been handed in.
Rather than accept gifts, Dr. Christ has requested that he would like to have a scholarship established in his name for outstanding science and ·math students. Anyone wishing to provide funds should send their contributions to Lyle McKercher of Albert 0. Brady: Peru State College; Peru Nebraska; 68421. Checks should be made payable to Peru State College.
O'nofrio to head clinic
Al Onofrio, 1972 Big Eight Conference Football coach--0f-theYear and University of Missouri's Head Football Coach, will headline a two day football clinic on the Peru State College campus May 25-26.
Long regarded as a defensive strategist, Onofrio joined the Missouri staff under Dan Devine in 1958, then took the reins as mentor in January, 1971.
One week after a crushing 62-0 loss at the hands of Nebraska, Missou's 1972 squad upset previously unbeaten Notre Dame and Colorado in succession, and later upset Iowa State. These feats earned Onofrio's Tigers a Fiesta Bowl bid.
High. school coaches in
Nebraska and neighboring states have been invited to attend sessions opening Friday, May 25, at 9 a.m. and ending Saturday, May 26, at 4 p.m. Registration is $20. Coach Onofrio will cover offensive philosophy - play and drills, passing and kicking; defensive philosopy - backfield play and drills; defensive line play and drills; goal line and short yardage defense; and kick returns during the clinie.
Meals and dormitory accomodations are available on the Peru campus. Reservations are due by May 11 to Tom J. Fitzgerald, Acting Chairman, physical education department, Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska.
·.stubbendeck killed in car crash
Steve Allen Stubbendeck, Dunbar, who completed his Petu Slate College graduation requirements in industrial arts last December, was killed in an auto accident early Thursday a.m., April 12, near Omaha. Stubbendeck was slated to receive his B.S. in Education at May 13 commencement at Peru State.
Police officers reported that an auto driven by Terrence Shields, Offutt Air Force Base, collided with one driven by Doyle J. Noerrlinger, Cook, early Thursday morning. Stubbendeck was a passenger in the Noerrlinger car. The Shields car was reportedly traveling north on Highwat 73-75 in the southbound lane.
Stubbendeck and Noerrlinger
wt>re returning from a hockey game in Omaha.
The 1 son of Mr and Mrs Walter Stubbendeck, Unadilla, Stubbendeck was born Aqgust 10, 1939, in Syracuse. He''married .Linda Niebuhr, daughter of Mr and Mrs Vernon Niebuhr, Syracuse. Mrs Stubbendeck is also slated for May 13 graduation from PSC.
Survivors include: his wife, parents, and five brothers and two sisters: Kirk, Kearney; Gary, Kevin,, Mike and David, all of Unadilla; Mrs George \Kathline) Pool, O'Neill; and Patrice, Unadilla.
Funeral services were held at Luther Memorial Lutheran Church, Unadilla.
Funeral services were held at Luther Memorial Lutheran Church, Unadilla, conducted by the Reverand Clifton Osborn. Burial was in the First Lutheran Cemetery, Avoca.
Subject: Theft...:. A big topic on the Peru State Campus lately. I think it takes a lot of nerve to walk into someone's room and rip off a television setone girl had the set taken from her room, the really bad part being that it belonged to her little brothers.
Agroup of guys had money and a watch stolen at Clayburn-Matthews. Incidentally, the money stolen was to be used for a prom. So much for those plans.
Members of Delzell Hall have reported money thefts and mail has-been tampered with, a federal crime by the way
A girl at complex left her key on the living room table. The girls were in their bedrooms and when they went out later the key was missing. No one in the room had picked it up and the girls were positive it was still there and not simply lost. If stolen, as appears to be the case, someone has access to a dorm room. The key is state property.
What about the bookstore and the many cars broken into for the purpose of vandalism and theft?
I guess there are just some people who have no respect for other people's property. It's easy for these people to get something for nothing, but I wonder what their reaction would be if the situation were reversed. I think students have a responsibility to each other to report information they may have concerning these thefts. It's getting kind of bad when girls feel they have to lock their door just to go across the hall for five minutes. Is this the picture of PSC we want to portray to incoming students? I think an atmosphere of trust and honesty would be a great deal more impressive.
By Frank D'AddesaAsyltim Records have some pretty talented people on their label. Besides the Byrds and J-0ni Mitchell there's Judee Sill and Tom. Waits. You've probably never heard of Judee Sill or Tom Wails but it won't be long before you'll be buying one of their albums.
··Heart B'ood" I.Asylum SD 5063J is the the title of Judee's second album and after listening to it I think I've missed something not hearing her first one.
Miss Sill to a degree reminds me of Joni Mitchell. Behind a good instrumental background consisting of guitars, drums, a piano, and an orchestra which Judee directed, she sings very poetic lyrics. But Judee copies none, her style is her own.
"There's ARugged Road" and "The Pearl" are the exceptional pieces on side·one. By the way Judee wrote all the songs except one. On side two they're all good; "Soldier Of The Heart," a good FM sound (FM radio, where alot of good music goes played unappreciated), "The Phoenix", "When The Bridegroom Comes" and "The Donor." Sill's "Heart Food" is one of the best albums of the year.
Palmer returns as Ped's artist
By FRANKD'ADDESARemember the two bobcat cartoons that have appeared in the Ped this semester? They were drawn by an art major from Falls City named Bill Palmer.
After graduating from Sacred Heart Memorial High School in Falls City, Bill enlisted in the navy for folJf years and came to Peru in September of 1969. He then worked for two years and bought his own gift shop in Falls City called Pandora's Box. Once the store was organized Palmer came back to Peru this semester -to continue his education:
His drawings for this
semester's Ped were not his first contributions to the school's paper. While here in 1969 he handled all of the paper's art work.
Bill, a commuter, is a father of two small children and his wife Kathy, is a graduate of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and is prsently running a nursery school Falls City.
Palmer plans to teach art after graduating either on a high school or college level. Bill's other interests include: painting, leathercraft, and working with ceramics. His favorite forms of art are cartoons and illustrations.
Clayburn-Matthews held ·picnic
Fifty-five hungry ClayburnMatthews residents were ·present at a picnic Thursday evening April 19, in the south lobby of the dormitory. The boys each had to. chip in a quarter to. pay for the pop, and the rest of the meal was paid for by the Clayburn-Matthews activity fund. The picnic was moved inside due to wet grounds. The young men had their choice of • potato chips, beans, potato salad and various types of pop.
Mrs Florence Johnson, house mother for Clavburn-Matthews,
said "The boys all had fun and ate a lot of food. There were some hot dogs and potato salad left over but it was taken care of Saturday evening at another picnic to eat up all the leftovers. Mrs Ltitt, the substitute housemothtr, helped me prepare the food. She was a terrific help. In the past the activity fund would pay for all of the picnic but due to $163 worth of rugs that were stolen from the· dorm we are a little short on money this semester."
November wedding planned··
Saturday, April 28
ACT, FA 212, 8:00-12:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 29
Car Rally, IA parking lot, 2:00 p:m.
Monday, April 30Play Practice, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
General Student Recital, FA Aud, 8':15 p.m. Ed. Meeting, WDR, 4:00-9:00 p.m
Tuesday, May l
SGA, FA 212, 6:00 p.m. Circle K, WDR, 4:45-6:00 p.m. Kiwanis, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 2
WAA, 6:00-10:00 p.m; U.S. Army Information Team, 10:00-1:00 p.m. SCB Faculty Softball game, City Ball Park, 6:00 p.m.
Night Classes End
Thursday, May3
Student Production, 8:00 p.m. SCB, WDR, 5:00 p.m. Off Campus Concert, 2:30 p.m.
Home Ee. Club elects officers
"Closing Time" (Asylum SD 5061) is the title of Tom Waits' debut album On it Waits performs jazz, folk, and the blues all equally well. He's a multitalented performer who also wrote all his stuff as well as plays the piano, guitar, harpsicord and celeste.
"Closing Time" isn't the type of album you put on at a kegger. It's a kind of record you look forward to putting on after .a long day of boring classes. With your favorite woman, dimmed lighting and a good bottle of wine you can really appreciate this
"I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You". "Midnight Lullaby," "Martha," "Lonely," "Little Trip To Heaven," · "Grapefruit Moon," and instrumental "Closing Time" are half of the songs on the album · worth mentioning. These are songs with a style pretty unique, you can't find these on just any album.
However, I wish one song wasn't included. "Ice Cream Man" isn't a bad song but it's fast pace upsets the mellow mood created by all the other cuts.
ehraskaland tour to cover.
.300 miles of Frontierland
By SUE COUGHLINether you 're from Wahoo or cester, Massachusetts, you certainly profit from parating in the Nebraskaland
The six-day journey covers 1300 miles of frontierland y cow, shades of Little Big ! l and includes stops at Nebraska colleges. ter tliree days of aration, students will leave early in the morning on 17, and visit Red Cloud to the Willa Cather orabilia. The William H. son exhibit highlights the stop, in Minden, at the eer Village museum. Jones ured scenes from the Old t in his famous paintings. ther point of high interest in en is the extensive antique and engine collection.
ric Fort Kearney is next on our, at the crossroads of the mon and Oregon trails. rney State College provides
ndrickson, ittle to rect plays
o Neil Simon drama cuts directed by Peru State ege students will be ented in the Jindra Fine Auditorium Thursday, May ginning at 8 p.m.
b Hendrickson, Beatrice, direct the final act of "Plaza e" for her class project in s Directing. Cast members ude Patty Statton, Stella; e Mutchler, Essex, Iowa; · Fetters Hahn, Auburn; and ·· Kottich, Falls City.
selection from "The Odd pie" will follow, directed by 've Knittle, senior speech :jor from Lincoln. Members of '1 cast are Bob Wensman,
·•· ert Ramer, Stella; Barbara
· ·nson, Clatonia; and Linda Oakland, Iowa.
· udent directors, assisted by State drama coach, Miss ''tricia. Manley, are respone for casting, set design, ' ting and directing.
a rest stop for the first night.
Friday morning finds us on the road again, truckin' toward the Nebraska panhandle, stopping at North Platte to visit Buffalo
Bill Cody's h01i1estead. Then it's on to Ogallala, for lunch in a wild and wooly saloon on Front Street. me careful of what you say around those shady characters in black hats and handlebar :Iilustaches.) Lake Mcconaughy comes into view on the way to Ash Hollow and Bridgeport, and an overnight stop is made at Nebraska Western College in Scotts Bluff.
· Fabulous Scottsbluff National Monument, Mitchell Pass and Agate are on the schedule for Saturday's traveling. This is a time-machine tour, through pioneer and Indian country, way back to prehistoric times. To reach Fort Robinson, where the travelers will stay overnight, the tour takes us through the phenomenal Bad Lands and
Recital is April 30
Voice and instrumental students from the Peru State College studios of Professor Edward G. Camealy, Dr. Gilbert
E. Wilson and Dr. Gavin i.. Doughty will present a recital Monday, April 30. The program, open to the public, will begin at 8:15 p.m. in the Benford Recital Hall of the Jindra Fine Arts Auditorium.
Performers include: Mary McHugh, Richard Warner, and Lennie Lahman - Nebraska .Y,i_ty; Diane Hawkins -Tobias; Rita Gobber - ·Table Rock; Laurie GilA,ert- Brock; Dianne
Rees - Liberty; Kristie
Morrissey - Tecumseh; Dennis
Enmke - Syracuse; Stephanie
Lang - Pawnee City; Stanley
Kottich - Falls City; Laurie
Coufal - Plattsmouth; Maynard
Geschke - Avoca; Karlene
Badgett - Auburn; Iris
Obradovitch - Omaha; Linda
Doty - Oakland, Iowa; Emily
Rosewell - Ames, Iowa; and Mary Goergen·- Osage, Iowa
Toadstool Park.
On Sunday there is a tour of Robinson and Chadron State Park, with a visit to the Fur Trading Museum. Chadron State College hosts us for the night.
The next stop is in Gordon on May ; a cultural point of interest, showing the artwork of Charlie Standing Soldier, and remnants of Mari Sandoz's trade. The bus then travels to the Fort Niobrara game refuge in Valentine, and southward through the Sand Hills. Kearney State College will again accomodate us overnight.
Tuesday, the last day of traveling, includes a visit to the Stuhr Museum in Grand Island. Several points of interest are examined in Lincoln before arriving in Peru.
Besides the interim tuition fee, the total cost for the Nebraskaland tour is a modest $44, approximately. Reservations for the tour must be made by May t.
This three-credit course is undoubtedly the most appealing one ever offered by Peru State College.
Radio Club faUs short
KPSC Radio Club has been trying to raise funds for a new radio station and as of now things look kind of bleak. The Challenge owes the club ;ipproxirnately $200 which unfortunately is far from the amount actually needed. Mr. J. D. Levitt, however, still hopes to make the goal.
Last Wednesday, April 18, eight members of the club journeyed to Omaha to take their third class broadcasting license tests. All passed the first two parts to tne test but the tnfru part proved to be too much for the group who now have to return to Omaha in July to try again to pass the third section of the test. Upon passing this section each will be endorsed in third class broadcasting.
Efforts are presently under way to draw up a constitution for the young club.
Jochems' hobby is Macrame
By Frank D'Addesa"Macrame' is working with square knots and double half hitches which everybody learned in the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts."
This definition came froni Don Jochems, a sophomore transfer student from the University of Kansas who's pastime is working with macrame'. Don, who is majoring in art and P.E., first became interested in macrame; · last summer when a friend of his gave him a belt she had made through this creative knot tying art. Soon Don learned how it was done, became addicted, and has since made numerous items with string, cord, rope, and even thread.
Macrame' was first started by sailors and mariners hundreds of years ago. They would make various items to sell when they reached 1>9rt. Functional items for the ship were also made b7
Kappa· Delta Pi represented
Bonnie Stemper, Linda,. Madison, and Dr. William Landis will represent Peru's chapter of Kappa Delta Pi at the Great Plains Regional Conference in Kansas City, Mo., April 27-29. Kappa Delta Pi is an honor society in education, An address, "Reform and Rinewal in Professional E,ducation," will be given
Friday' evening by Dr. Leroy Barrows of Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg. Saturday's•. events include a continental breakfast meeting, demonstration and discussion meetings, ·and an evening banquet with an address by Dr. Frank Marsh, Jr., President of Kappa Delta Pi. ·
Engagement announced
Mr Kenneth Harpham, Omaha and Mrs Catherine Harpham, Auburn, announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage oftheir daughter, Susan, Omaha, to Lynn Rose, Lincoln, son of Mr and Mrs Herman Bose, Avoea.
A fall wedding is planned by the couple.
Susan graduated from Auburn high school and Peru State College and is now employed as a teacher in.the ·Omaha Public
Lynn graduated froin Avoca high school and Lincoln School .of Commerce and is now employed at Lincoln Electric systems in Lincoln.
the seamen.
Different items which could be made working with macrame' are: belts, pouches, purses, watchbands, roach clips, chokers, bracelets, headbands and hammocks (which Don intends spending his summer making). Stones, sticks, wood and beads are items which could be within a macrame' creation and different dyes could be used to color the string.
According to Don "the hobby is cheap, you can do it anywhere, and you can make what you like. H9wever, hard work as well as patience and dedication are required."
When not working with macrame Doi! likes to listen to music (loud), read (he's a Hermann Hesse freak, surf, draw, work with tie dying and ceramics, travel, ride his skateboard down the dorm's halls and is presently teaching himself to play the guitar.
Dr. Fairbanks will be at the Health Center Monday, April :10 from 12::10 to I ::lo p.m. Pap Smears (test for cancer) $6.00
Family Planning Fee
Birth ControlPills $1.40
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Bobcats split with Kearney, Drop two games to Wesleyan
By RickDeKlotzIn recent baseball action, the Peru State Bobcats traveled to Kearney State and Nebraska Wesleyan (Lincoln), returning with a 1-3 road tally.
The squad suffered from the three week layoff imposed by wet weather and a week's Spring break at Peru State, Coach Tom Fitzgerald surmised.
At Kearney the Peruvians split the April 14 double header
In the opening game 12-2 loss, Peru hits were scarce and field play was erratic. Tom Purcell and Dan Cotton comprised the battery.
Bouncing back in the second game, the Bobcats played more consistently, winning by an 8-3 margin.
Gale Bly (Elgin) gained the win to chalk up his third winning season on the mound against the Kearney Antelopes. Cotton again WC\S catcher.
Tuesday, April 17, the 'Cats dropped two. close matches to
Nebraska Wesleyan by scores of 2-1 and 4-2. Darrell ·Wininger sustained an elbow injury in the second inning of the opener and was replaced by Robin Simmons, Dennis Dickman held the mound for the second seven · · innings. Cotton caught both games. "We · played adequate baseball, but were unable to get base hits when we needed them." Coach Fitzgerald remarked.
Peru State vs. Kearney State, April 14
First Game: R HE
Peru State 110 000 2 3 2
Kearney State 111 135 -, 12 13 1
Battery: PSC, Tom Purcell Duane Martin, Dennis Dickman' Dan Cotton; KSC Gradoville. WP, Ken Vergith; LP, Tom Purcell.
Second Game:
Trackmen drop duel meet to Doane
Peru State trackmen were short of points in a dual meet with Doane at Crete April 17. Final team score was Doane, 83, Peru, 53;
The Bobcats claimed firsts ,,1 seven events. Bill Sell <Weeping Water) ran to victories in the mile run, 880 yard run and two mile run. Leon Golden (4620 North 31, Omaha) earned top honors in the 120 yard high hurdles and teammate Jim Paap, <Nebraska City) earned ore point in the event or third place.
Bobcats swept the javelin event with Gordon Thompson <Lake Charles, Louisiana) placing fifst at ·189'11 '', Kim Tennal <Sabetha, Kansas) second with 189'6" and Pete Urick, <Smithton, Pennsylvania) third with a toss of 174'10".
Former Boys Town runner, Mel Kelley, won the long jump event with a 22'8%" effort. The
·Golfers are undefeated
Kearney State 100 020X 3 5 1
Peru State 800 000 O 8 8 3
Battery: PSC, Gale Bly-Dan Cotton; KSC, Rod Peterson, Iserman, Kropp-Gradoville.
WP, Gale Bly; LP, Rod Peterson.
Peru State vs. Nebraska
Wesleyan, April 17
First Game: RHE
Peru State 000 001 o 1 6 2
Wesleyan 001 001 x 2 5 o
Battery: PSC, Darrell Wininger, Robin SimmonsDan Cotton; NW, Larry AbleRine.
WP, Larry Able (1-2); LP, Robin Simmons (0-1).
Second Game RHE
I,?eru State 010 100 o 2 4 2
Wesleyan 202 000 x 4 8 2
Battery: PSC, Dennis Dickman-Dan Cotton; NW, Al Kuzma-Lessman.
WP, Al Kuzma (1-0); LP, Dennis Dickman (1-0.
Bobkittens 3-0
freshman competitor also garnered third place in the 100 yard dash.
Henry, Illinois athlete Barry Reed easily won the discus event at 163', with Doane's second place D. Cook throwing 155'2".
Other Bobcat scorers included :Dan Parker (Auburn) secor1d - high jump, 6'4" and third - long jump, 21'4V2"; Henry McCullough <Cincinnati Ohio) second - 440 yard dash:
51.5; Kevin Stork <Fremont), third - intermediate hurdles
60.8; Larry Hunter, (3313 Ames, Omaha) second - triple jump, 43'8 11"; Gordon Thompson <Lake Charles, Louisiana), third - triple jump, 42'1//'.
Peru State's dual record stands at 0-3 with their next meet slated for April 24 at Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville. Coach Jack Mcintire will take several entries to the Drake Relays, Des Moines, Iowa, April 27-28.
The first women's softball team in PSC's history remains undefeated after three games.
The Bobkittens first victory came April 12 against Wesleyan in a home game. The 'Kittens finished 11-1. On Tuesday, April 17, the 'Kittens journeyed to Tarkio bringing home a 7-5 victory. Creighton fell to the Bobkittens Thursday, April 19 at Dill Field in Omaha by a score of 20-16.
Coaches Ratliff and Popek are pleased with the past games and are very optimistic about future games against Tarkio Creighton, UN-0, and Wesleyan'. The games will be plaY.ed within the next week. •
PIONEER THEATRE.1 , Neb·raska City
Thurs. • Fri: Sat: ' April 26·27·28
Peru State's golf team remained undefeated, running their season record to 10-0-1 with a triangular win over Tarkio College arid Graceland College, plus 4!l dual match over Nor-· thwest Missouri State University.
Guy Lammie shot 37-39-76 for medalist honors in the triangular held in Tarkio, Missouri at the 'Cats scored 320, running away from Graceland with 365 and Tarkio with 367.
Other Peru scores in the triangular were Dave Lammle78, Kurt Kent-81 and Die, Morrissey-85.
Rick DeKlotz fired a 37-36-73 for medliast honors in the dual win over Northwest Missouri State of Auburn, as the Bobcats scored an 11-7 victory. Guy Lammie and Kurt Kent were right behind with 74 and 75 respectively.
Peru vs Northwest Missouri State
Team Points
3-Rick DeKlotz (P) 37-36-73
0-Pat Pettigrew (NWMSU) 39-4079
2-Guy Lammie (P) 39-35-74
1-Mark Pettigrew (NWMSU) 3739-76
2-Kurt Kent (P) .36-39-75
I-Rich Geiske (NWMSU) 42-38-80
l 1/2-Dave Lammie (P) 40-41-81
11/2-Chip Strong (NWMSU) 42-4082
1-Dick Morrissey (P) 43-38-81
2-Mark Dunlap (NWMSU) 39-3978
Piz-Steve Zimmers (P) 42-41-83
II;z-Kevin Miller (NWMSU) 3845-83
Cats split with Ravens
Weather cooperated for Peru State's double header last. Saturday with Benedictine of. Atchison, Kansas, but th Bobcats could only muster split. The 2-1 loss in the open was followed by a come-fro behind 9-8 win in the secon game.
Ineffective hitting in t opener and a key situation err /cost the opening game. G Ely's pitching effort would ha been sufficient if Peru bat had been hittirrg. The o Bobcat error in the first ga was costly, an overthrow at fi putting the winning Rave scorer on base.
Awin was still a possibility f Peru in the bottom of seventh. Catcher Dan Cot came to bat with men on f and second and one out. slammed a line drive to cen field, but the alert Benedic center fielder snagged the for out number two and threw to second base to catch Ro Washington trying to return the bag.
The first three innings of second game looked dismal,: the 'Cats, trailed 7-0. De Dickman took the mound ·sa the inning and Bobcats 'at began hitting for the cumulation of nine runs. man allowed on Jy one m Raven run.
Graduation is May 13
Long hours of study, work, and , fun are combined in memories for May 1973 PSC graduates. Graduation exercises will be held May 13. Degree candidates are as follows:
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education - Richard Bacon, Auburn; Patricia Bartek, Weston; Deborah Coffelt, Minden, Ia.; Kirk Dau, Oakland, Ia.; Dianne Dunn, Falls City; Sheryl Kerr, Villisca, Ia.; Karen Ramsay, Humboldt.
Bachelor of Arts in Education - Robert Bowen, Omaha; Patrick Castle, Falls City; Deborah Elmlinger, Huron,
Ohio; Susan Foster, Riverton, Ia.; Deborah (Stoll) Hlavac, Louisville; Wade L;i,ir, Hamburg, la.; DeVoe Manning, Rock Falls, Ill.; Barbara Policky, Omaha; Thomas Ridenour, H,oldrege; Stephen Sim, Coleridge; John Thomas, Falls City; John Vickers, Peru; Cheryl Whipple, Thurman, Ia.
Bachelor of Science in Education - Timothy Becker, Peru; .Rick Black, Millard; Anna Borcher, Steinauer; Wanda (McKim) Bruce, Humboldt; Richard Corbin, Fairbury; Arlene Doeden, Cook; Louis Ehlers, Syracuse; Joyce
Finke, Tecumseh; Thomas Frech, Burlington, Vt. Douglas Fritz, Verdon; David Gibson, Beatrice; Stanley Gottula, Elk Creek; Sandra Grivel, Omaha; Lawrence Haskell, Hudson Falls, N.Y.; Faye· Hayes, Brownville; Jack Jensen, Lincoln; Barbara Jones, Verdon; Diane Jones, Lincoln; Kamman, Shenandoah, Ia.; Carol King, Omaha; David Koll, Walnµt, Ia.; Robert Lessner, Calumet City, Ill.; James Lippold, Falls City; Mary Madison, North Platte; Charles McKee, Red Oak, Ia.; Karla Mergen, Whittemore, Ia.; Steven Mergen, Whittemore, la.; Ann Michaelis, Lincoln; Roger Michaelis, Lincoln; Sandra (McCord) Miles, Auburn; Stephen Miller, Sidney, Ia.; Donald Monzingo, Omaha; Sharon Moser, Pawnee City; Denise Nebola, Cumberland, Ia.; Gerald Neeman, Syracuse; Carole Obermeyer, Auburn; Sheila Pohlman, Stanton; Patricia Prose, Glenwood, Ia.; George Radtke, Missouri Valley, Ia.; Robert Ranck, Sidney, Ia.;
Terry Ratliff, Auburn; Roger Rosenthal, Cook; Kristine Rotter, Brock; Connie Shandy, Rock Port, Mo.; Patricia Sheehan, Manley; Sandra Slipsager, Bellevue; John Steinman, Falls City; Bonnie Stemper, Peru; Nancy Stoll, Gresham; Norma Thompson, Salem; David Vermeer, Sterling; Stanley Vogel, Afton, la.; Terence Volker, Humboldt; Richard Warner, Nebraska City; John Waters, Williston Park, N. Y.; Bradley Williams, Peru; John Winkel, la.; Marilyn Woerlen, Brock; Ronnie Wohlers, Otoe.
Bachelor of Arts - Jessamine McMullen, Stella; Janet Waniska, Verdon.
Bachelor of Science - Steven Adelson, Polk; Jack Armstrong, Nebraska City; Byron Barnhart, Watson, Mo.; Joe Barry, Papillion; Nyla Bartholomew, Beatrice; Robert Beaver, Lincoln; Evan Belt, Red Oak, la.; Duane Bissen, Kimballton, la.; William Britten, Blue Hill; Randal Burr, Johnson; Kirun Chakrabarty, Hong Kong; John Colbert, Lake Villa, Ill.; Phyllis Davis, Auburn; James Desbien, Nebraska City; Larry Eckert, Mallard, Ia.; Wiiliam Fairbanks, Omaha; Donald Ferel, Peru; Herb.ert Haushahn, Verdon; Dean Hlavac, Louisville; Don Hull, Johnson; Jack Jensen, Lincoln; Lainson, Fred, Council Bluffs, Ia.; James. Lane, Peru; Gary Linden, Tekamah; Randall Luther, Prescott, Ia.; Wesley Malone, Douglas; Larry Morrison, Summerfield, Kansas; Barton Neri, Geneva, Ill.; Armon Nielsen, Elmwood; Ann O'Connor, .Worcester, Ma.; Stanley Ohnmacht, Nebraska City;· Stephen Rabourn, Peru; Robert Ranck, Sidney, Ia.; Douglas Roberts, Nebraska City; Fred Robertson, Treynor, Ia.; Barry Silverstein, Brooklyn, N.Y.; J. Will Smith, Omaha; Roger Smith, Nebraska City; Carol Snyder, Peru; Stephen Solomon, Nebraska City; Joseph Stephan, Peru; Peter Urick, Smithton, Pa.; Jay Van Housen, · Syracuse; Robert Wallick, Omaha; Earl Webb, Nebraska City; Thomas Weddle, Nebraska City; Mickey Williams, Nebraska City; Marilyn Woerlen, Brock.
Associate in Arts - Linda
Boukal, Humboldt; Jeannine Buss, DeWitt; Zella Hickey, Bowling Green, Mo.; Peggy Kreifels, Nebraska City; Sheila Kunzman, Tecumseh; James Teten, Talmage.
Varner to speak
Durward B. Varner, University of Nebraska President, will address Peru State College's 1973 graduating class May 13.
Peru students completing degree requirements last December and in May number 190, one of the largest classes eligible for coirirnencement exercises at Nebraska's first college. Ceremonies will begin at 3 p.m. on the College Quadrangle. Following the traditional processional and national anthem, Peru Community Church pastor, The Reverend Robert Cordes, will deliver the invocation.
Dr. Christ retiring after·
27 years at Peru State
By STEVE KNITTLEThere have been quite a few changes in faculty and administration posts on campus this year. Familiar faces no longer seen due to retirement and resignations include; Dr. Neal Gomon, Mr Silas Summers, Mr Don Carlisle, Mr Joe Pelisek, Miss Freda Rowaldt, Dr. Rex 'Shelley and others. After May fifteenth another one of the most familiar and most respected professors at P.S.C. will have retired. Dr. John C. Christ Dean of the School of Natural Sciences and long time instructor hangs up his mortar board for the last · time.
Dr. Christ first joined the faculty at Peru in October of 1946 accumulating a total of twenty seven years of service to the college. The fact that he was here at all is due to a ride he took with a friend who was driving to Peru to apply for a job in the Engliah Dept. While here Dr. Christ spoke with then president William Nicholas and was
subsequently offered a job with ttie Sdence Dept. He moved to Peru within a week with his wife Lillian and his two sons and hasn't left since.
Dr. Christ graduated from ,North Central University at Naperville, Illinois and taught high school at Fox Lake Ill. for the next fifteen years. He obtained his Masters Degree at Northwestern University and did work on his Doctorate at the University of Oregon, University of Minnesota, and at the University of Bari In Italy where he took hii:; oral examinations.
Among the campus and national organizations 'that Dr. Christ belongs to are: Tri Beta the national biology society of which the local chapter is one of the oldest, The Nebr. Education Association, and the Nebr. Academy of Science where lie serves as chairman of the biology division.
: There have been many changes at Peru since Dr. Christ arrived. Delzell Hall was the
newest addition to the physical plant then, and the present gym was a chapel complefe - with steeple. Dr. Christ also feels that there have been some changes in .attitude in the last twenty seven years. He recalls the old days of P.S.C. football by saying that everyone stayed on campus during game weekends back in tht) forties and that spirit was :very good.
After being at Peru for four years Dr. Christ was ·'almost a witness ·to the murder of · President Nicholas by a disgruntled professor. He was in the Admisnistration Building at the time and heard the shots that killed the president.
Dr. Christ sees nothing but good times ahead for our campus and reminds us that efforts were made to close Peru when he was a new member of the faculty.
A recognition dinner honoring Dr. Christ will be held on May fifth at the Student Center with Lyle McKercher and Albert Brady in charge.
The '72-'73 school year is rapidly drawing to a close. PSC students and faculty members are making plans for the summer months ahead and the upcoming year. The year certainly holds many memories. Many changes have been witnessed, such as open dorms, the pre-registration program, and administration. changes.
We would like to thank everyone who co-operated with the publication of the Ped induding staff members, the Nebraska City News-Press staff, Mrs Louise Kregel, Special Services, and the teachers and students who helped us.
We would also like to congratulate the graduating .seniors. We wish everyone a great summer and a big thank-you for· a good year.
John c: Christ probably doesn't know who I am, but I know who he is. He taught the Principles of Biology Science class I was in during the 1971 fall semester.
·I was just a first semester freshman at the time and came to college with the impression that all college instructors were really heavy people who vou could listen to for hours without becoming bored. Dr. Christ was one of the teaclters who didn't disappoint me.
This man knows his subject. His idea of teaching wasn't reading from some textbook for fifty minutes. Hell, he probably could havewritten a few textbooks himself.
There were always diagrams on the blackboard, handout sheets, slides, movies, and other examples of what he was talking about. Sure this is the best way to teach a natural science course, but at times it looked as if he went out of his way to get these video aids. That may sound naive of me to say, but I believe it. I actually looked forward to going to his class. -
Bessie Smith used to sing a good man is hard to find. Dr. Christ is a good man and a damn good instructor.
FRANK D' ADDESA Assistant EditorKiron learns much from U.S. stay
By KIRUNCHAKRABARTY prevails in Peru. The teachers
It seems like with a wink of the and the people in general are eye almost four years have eager to help. This can be atelapsed from the time of my tributed to. the small size of Peru departure from Hong Kong. which makes it quite suitable for People have often wondered a place to study. But in my what induced me to attend opinion, the teachers are not college in the U.S. It is my belief strict enough to put pressure on that education does not merely the students in regard to their pertain to the study of textbooks. studies. As far as recreation is In order to acquire a broad concerned, I miss what a big city
Editors named
By Gail HarmonThe new editors for next year's school paper and year, book will be Robbi<' Thiesfeld on the Peruvian and D'Addesa on the Pedagogian.
Bobbi is the editor of this semester's Ped and helped on this year's yearbook. Bobbi says that she believes the experience she received this year will be a benefit to her as she works on the annual next year. She will choose a staff, later. Bobbi is a Journalism major from Nebraska City.
Frank, has experience as assistant editor of the Pedagogian this year. Frank, who is carrying a double major in Journalism and English, is from Elizabeth, New Jersey. He says that he hopes to make minor changes and possibly a few major changes in format. Frank, too, has yet to announce his staff.
"Changes" theme
"Everyone has worked hard, and I hope they keep up the good work until it's finished,'' commented Yearbook Editor, Debbie Barton, about progress on the yearbook. This year's theme is "Changes", in which many have taken place, besides the size of the yearbook and the foremat. Everyone involved on the staff has taken a greater interest in making changes in their own section to go along with the theme.
There are a few pages left to do out of each section, but it has progressed much further along this year than last year's yearbook at this time. Everyone hopes to be finished by graduation, so they may return home for the summer.
Many people besides the yearbook class have given a lot of their time out of goodwill. A big thanks should go to everyone involved. Members include:
Debbie Barton, editor; Barry Landes and Frank D'Addesa, Faculty: Bob Wernsman and John Thomas, Seniors: Bob Wernsman and John Thomas, underclassemen; Bobbi Thiesfeld, activities; Denise Beaumont and Zella Hickey, organizations; Fred Morehouse · and Rick DeKlotz, sports; and Dave Lainez, Chuck Smith, and Charley Pavolis, photographers.
The yearbooks will be out in the fall when school resumes again. If you haven't bought your yearbook, there is still time. Only 8 dollars for a boo.k packed with many memories of the past year. You can purchase your yearbook in Mr Browning's • Office, Ed. Building, 206, or the Business Office, Ad. Building.
Templeton becomes Peru policeman
By BILL BOYDThe newest member of the City of Peru's police force is Peru State Senior Ernie Templeton. The 21-year-old has been working now for about a month with the police force. Templeton comes from Concord, California where he lettered in football, basketball and track. Ernie's father is a career Naval officer. He was stationed i_n Turkey for a year where Ernie graduated from High School. Ernie Says, "The dating customs were real weird over there. The girl's mother came along with you on the first
date. After that the mother usually stayed home." Ernie will graduate in·August ' and plans to go into flight school in the Navy, stationed in Pen; sacola, Florida. Ernie has a major in P.E. and a minor in social sciences. Rex Allgood gave him the part time job as cop and later hired him full time for this summer.
Templeton said, "One reason I took the police job out here is because I will get married iif August and my fiancee is Miss Betty Dallegge from Hastings. She graduated from Hastings Tech and ic dental assistant."
Retirement Banquet, Dr. Christ, Student Center Dining Room, 6:30 p.m. ·
Wilkinson Shower, S WDR, 3:30 p.m.
English Club, FA 105, 7:000 p.m. PSSSS, FA 212, 6:00 p.m. SEAN Cabinet, WDR, 5:00 p.m.
Phi Beta Lambda, FA 105, 6:30 p.m. SGA, FA 212, 6:00 p.m. Student Wives, N WDR, 7:30-10:00 p.m. Kiwanis, S WDR, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
education, one has to travel has to offer.
overseas. By doing so, one However, studying abroad had u
customs and way of life. It also behavior have to be made. Prior By Frank D'Addesa
helped me eliminate previous to entering the U.S. I had never The title "First Rush" Editor·
misconceptions abo_ut this experienced freezing tern- (Atlantic SD 7257) really says it
country. Furthermore, this· is peratures nor had I seen snow. a.IL Not only is this Chris's .first
the best way to learn a foreign At first I did not care for comedy album but it can also be
od b t I ·
anguage. remem er t e first mer1can o , u now enJOY one of your first real joys of life.
day of class at Peru. I was asked some dishes like spaghetti and "Even Nice People Get TV,'' otograp
to give a speech in front of the steak.
"Grass,'' "Science Fiction," Charlie Pavol1s class. I had to learn how to ex- The time I spent in Peru has "Abie's Magic Hat," the whole illf:circulation Manager : Ann Nichols
SS I0ns
Woman driver wins car rally contest
By Tom String£ellowThe Peru Baja 100, a grueling JOO mile road rally, took its toll Sunday with only 11 of 13 entries completing the rally.
· One car which failed was piloted by Scott (Four Speed) McKercher and navigated by Laurita Tackett. The car reportedly lost its clutch in the first stretch of the rally. Scott apparently was ignorant of the reasons behind Chevrolet's discontinuing of their "Corvair" model. Another car which failed to finish was driven by Nyla Bartholomew and navigated by her daughter Susie. The
· automobile was reported heading west. on Interstate 80 near the Nebraska-Colorado border.
So much for the losers. Now for the winners. Having the nearest correct total milage and the estimated time ·was first place driver Laura Ackerman.
· Her navigator was Larry "Parnelli" Kohel. Second place went to the team of Brian Mabie, driver, and Denise Beaumont, navigator.
Official results are below.
Students reveal summer plans
Drivers' names appear first followed by the navigators' names.
!st place, Laura AckermanLarry Kohel; 2nd, Brian MabieDenise Beaumont; 3rd, Dick Kohel-Doug Seanor; 4th, Torn Tarnacki-Ruth Gottula; 5th, Bart Neri-Leon Golden; 6th, Larry Morrison-Terry Bahr; 7th, Budda Wallick-Buffalo Hillyer; 8th,, Bob Beaver-Susie Stortenbecker; 9th, John Chatelain-Von Bachle; 10th, Warren Goos-Jim Winkleman; llth, Wendy Zaloudek-Vicki Ernken.
When the team of Wendy Zaloudek and Vicki Emken were questioned about their last place slot, Wendy only replied, "we blew it." Vicki then commented "I told Wendy that the rubber band wasn't wound up tight lmough." An argument then followed. Besides these two everyone had a gOod time, especially those belonging to a certain convert iblf' Everyone is to be congratulated for participating. - By the way, has anyone seen Nyla??
Faculty throws discus
Intramural track stats in
Was that a flying saucer gliding through the air last Mortday? NCJ, that was a "discus" (actually a garbage can lid). The above event was part of the faculty track meet which was held in conjunction with the intramural track meet.
Dr. Scherer, Vincent Monseau, Bill Miles, Dr. Max Smith, Dr. Landis, Ed Craren, Dr. George Schottenhamel, and Russell
: B,eldin, participated in events
· r.anging from football and softball throws to an egg throw. A
: memorable performance was given by Dr. George "Bullseye" Schottenhamel, bringing oh's and ah's from the crowd as he cleaned house in the eggthrowing event: Thank you, faculty, for your participation.
Dillwrgaf II · 43
Dusters · 'ti
SuMadIV 20
Shady Oak Bombers 12
Rex's 7
Shaft Squad 5
Dry Heaves 1
Oak Hill Bangers 1
Broad Jump
Tom Froehlich, Dillwrgaf, 19, 3%"
Fred Reed, SuMad IV, 18'
Stan Dunn, Dusters, 17'10"
·Jim Rezac, Dusters,.115'1112"
Bob McKelvey, Dillwrgaf, 1"
Ray Woerlen, Shaft Squad, 107' 6%"
Jim Desbien, Mike Lance, Tom Froelich, Bob McKelvey, Dillwrgaf, 1:44.2
SuMad IV
Shady Oak Bombers Mile Run
Gary Loesing, Dusters, 5:12:2
Galen Kronhoffman, SuMad, 5:40:7
Steve Rabourn, Oak Hill Bangers, 5:41.
By BECKY PIEPERThis summer poses the same old question for the many students of Peru State. "What am I going to do?" can be heard all across the campus of a Thousand Oaks. This reporter took it upon herself to find out just what some plan to do. Here are some of their replies:
Tom Stringfellow - "I plan to get a job and make at least $3 an hour and go boating, camping and fishing as much as possible."
Barb Selah - "I plan on working in Omaha all summer except the last week when I plan on going somewhere. 'exotic' like Council Bluffs."
Mike Severson - "I plan to attend the first session of summer school and them I am taking an extended canoeing trip into the upper most regions of Canada and get on a real one-toone basis with nature."
John 'Thomas - plans to travel for a while and then move to Cozad where he will teach next year.
Pete Urick and Dick Leechplan to go to Baltimore for the summer to work for Montgomery Wards.
440 Yard Dash
Earl Brown, Dillwrgaf, 61
Randy Jensen, Rex's. 61:1
Tom Froelich, Dillwrgaf, 63. 100 Yard Dash
Jim Desbien, Dillwrgaf, 11.1.
Dennis Mitchell, Dusters, 11.6
Art Herrera, S. 0. B., 11.7. Shot Put
Jim Rezac, Dusters, 41' 4"
Dave Vermeer, Dillwrgaf, 39'
Ray Woerlen, Shaft Squad, 39'
71/2" High Jump
Tom Froehlich, Dillwrgaf, 5'7"
Rick Bell, Dillwrgaf, 5' 7"
Charles Heim, Dry Heaves.
60 Yard High Hurdles
Art Herrera, S. 0. B., 10.0
Dave Green, Rex's, 10.6
Mike Lance, Dillwrgaf, 10.6
880. Yard Dash
Fred Reed, SuMad, 2:26:8
Mike Lance, Dillwrgaf,
Dave Green Rex's, 2:43:3
220 Yard Dash
Jim McKean Dusters, 25:6
Bill Hosack, Shaft Squad, 27:2
Butch Rathe, Rex's 1 34:4
100 Yard Low Hurdles
Art Herrers, S. 0. B., 11:3:3
John Whisler. Dusters. 12:8
BobMcKelvey,Dillwrgaf, 12:91 Mile Relay
SuMad, 6:57
Dillwrgaf, 6:58 No third.
Wedding plans
Mr and Mrs Hugh Craven of Wymore announce the engagement of their daughter, Gloria Michelle; to James Dalrymple Jr. of Farragut, Iowa.
Michelle, a freshman art major, graduated from Barneston High School in 1972. Jim is a 1970 graduate of Farragut High School, and is majoring in business administration at Peru. A June 1974 wedding is planned.
Jack Armstrong - "I plan to learn to drive the big rigs and earn an exciting and profitable career in computer maintenance."
Ann O'Connor plans on getting a job so that she can pay off her loans and 'start her career'.
Most all others asked gave me · one of two answers. They were simply either getting a job at home for the summer or else they weregoing to summer school. Looks like the summer months can never hold anything new for some.
Admissions up 50 per cent
New student admissions to Peru State College for the Fall, 1973 semester are approximately 50 percent ahead of this date a year ago, and Admissions Director Tom Stone attributes the jump to work of the "Peru Volunteer Army."
In an unusual team effort, Peru Students, faculty, staf{and alumni have voluntarily visited schools, phoned prospective students, guided campus tours, secured phone numbers and furnished names of prospects during the past several months.
The results are that new students requesting admission to Peru for next September rose · over last year's advance admissions by a 31 percent increase in March and the more than 50 percent increase during April.
Commenting upon the phenomenon, Acting President Max Smith said, "this has involved. many more than one or two individuals in the admissions department. During 1972-73 it became evident that in order for Peru State to grow, for enrollment to g'l up rather than follow the trend of dipping more each semester, a reversal in attitude and action would have to take place. Volunteer effort from all sources has imulemented the idea into reality."
Hendricks keeps running toward track records
By Bill BoydProbably the most grueling race in the olympic games today is the marathon. The twenty six mile three hundred eighty six yard course strung out over hills, fores.s and streams is traditionally a high point of the summer olympics.
Peru's Tim Hendricks is a marathon runner. After running for 13 years now the 27 year old has a wide assortment of ribbons medals and trophies. His trophies include 5th place troph y National Marathon in 1970, 3rd in both 1972 and 1971 the Kansas University Relays, Southern Pacific AAU Championship, and 2nd at Drake two years ago. All total Tim has earned thirty to fourty trophies, not counting his medals and ribbons.
Tim graduated from Omaha South Higli School in 1962. That year he captured the state cross country championship. He then spent a tour of duty in the Navy stationed in San Diego. He says that is the perfect atmosphere out there for running. After the service Tim enrolled in Peru and graduated in 1972. While running for Peru he was conference cross country champion his junior year.
In Tim was on an American track team that spent three months tourning Europe. They ran against Germany, Russia, Finland, Poland and France at different times. Hendricks finished in 64th place out of 467 in the World Cross Country Championships in Vischy, France.
At the olympic tr fals, at Eugene, Oregon, Tim got 12th place in the marathon. Tim said,
"i realiy didn't expect to rneike the olympic team but I was still trying to place as high as I could. I was satisfied with the outcome of the race, though, because it was such a terrific run over the 13 mile couse that was entirely flat. You had to make two laps over the course. I think the competition was very· keen because the best runners in the world were there. Frank Shorter · is the best marathon man I have ever seen. At Munich all of our ! runners finished in the top ten with Shorter winning the gold medal." ,;
· Tim now runs for the newly formed plains track club headquartering in Omaha. He says that Eliott Evans, Head Track Coach at Papillion talked him into joining. Tim credits his success to alot of different people but besides God's help and inspiration there were three people he mentioned. His track coach at South High Al Brown, Dave McMahill who was the cross country champion the year before Tim was champion, and Lou Fritz from Dawson, who was an all-American runner for Peru State.
What does the future hold for Tim Hendricks? Tim stated, "I would like to run in the olympic trials again but four years is a long way off and you have to things· a year at a time. Righ now I am running 120 to 140 miles a week but during the bulk of the running season in July, Augst and· September I do not work that hard. I'm going to the KU relays this weekend then later on I'll be competing in the national marathon in Oakland Calif." '
D·hitter Bobcats take ·Lessner bats double-header
.433 clip from· Chadron
By RICK DEKLOTZBob Uessner is. the Peru State baseball team's designated hitter this season batting at a .433 clip through 14 games.
The designated rule reads in par:l; "The hitter may be dejignated to bat for the starting pifuher in any game without otherwise affecting the status of the pitcher(s) in the .game. A designated hitter for the pitcher must be selected. prior to the game and must be included in the4ine-up card presented to the Ul1lpire-in-ehief."
Baseball coach Tom Fitzgerald says that it was suggested from NAIA offices in Kansas City, that the new rulebe used by schools throughout the season, because all teams involved in district play, NAIA area tournaments, or in the NAIA national tourney will be alloj"ed to use it.
Fitzgerald himself likes the rule because, "It provides a chance for a kid to play, who might not otherwise play.''
Coach Fitzgerald is part of this year's District 11 Baseball Committee, which will gather May 13, to choose four teams to compete in a double elimination tournament to decide the District 11 champion. The district champ could then play the winners of other districts, and perhaps compete in the NAIA National Tournament.
Fitzgerald said that the winners of the Nebraska College Conference and the Nebraska Intercollegiate Athletic Conference .)Vill constitute two of the teams · for the District 11 playoffs. The other two teams will be chosen on the basis of overall records, records against District 11 teams and pitching records.
Pitching records, including earned run averages, will be looked at because it is felt that a team must have more than two good pitchers to fare well in any post season play.
UNO def eats Trackmen finish 3rd at Maryville
Peru State swept a baseball double header from Chadron State Saturday (April 28) in Gothenburg, moving the Bobcat record to 8-6 for the season and 31 in NCC play
The Gothenburg field was chosen for the contest so that neither team· would travel excessively, and was considered a home game for Peru.
In the Saturday 8-3 opener the Bobcats connected for nine hits, while Chadron batters hit safely seven times.
Iri ·addition to heavy hitting, ·the Bobcats played aggressive defense. Dave McDaniel was praised by Coach Tom Fitzgerald for outstattding offensive and defensive play while filling the shortstop POSition vacated' by Terry Origer, temporarily out with a hand injury.
Steve Shupe, right fielder, continued hls season pattern of hitting the ball well when most Gale Bly. controlled the game from the mound, scattering the seven hits effectively.
In another fine team effort, Bobcats opened the second game with three runs in the first inning. With the Peru lead stretched to 7-3 after five .innings, the Eagles j)bshed Peru pitcher, Robin Simmons in the late innings, but the Bobcat defense held well. The 7-5 victory was the first complete game for Simmons, usually a relief pitcher. ;·
Coach Fitzgerald felt the twin bill was the best teal,Il effort by the Bobcats this season.
"The boys seemed to want the Eagles' feathers, and their determination held up through both games," he commented.
Only league leading Wayne State remains on Peru's conference schedule with a doubleheader set for 1 p.m. Saturday, May 5, on the Auburn Legion diamond. The Bobcats split a pair with Kearney State April 14, so the conference title owner will be determined in the May 5 collision.
The Bobkittens took their first defeat Sunday, April 29 on the home as UN-Q demonstrated their ability to capitalize on errors. Th,e 'Kittens made.12 errors in the seveu inning game. Coaches Ratliff and Popek view the defeat as the best stimulus the team could have experienced before the College World Series begins on Friday, May 4.
All Bobkitten supporters are urged to attend the games on Friday and Saturday. The first 'Kitten action is at 5:45 p.m. Friday against College of St. Mary (Omaha) and if victorious the 'Kittens will play again at 8:45 p.m. against top seeded. Wayne State. Saturday's action will begin at 1:00 p.m.
All College World Series games will be played at Dill Field, 70th & Ames in Omaha.
Golfers finish 2nd
Peru State golfers finished second in the University of South Dakota Invitational held April 25 in Sioux City, Iowa.
Rich Werner of South Dakota fired a 36-38-74 for medalist honors as he led his team to a five stroke victory, 328-333 over the Bobcats.
Guy Lammie of Peru shot a 4138-79 for second place medalist honors. He and Werner were the only linksters to break 80.
The Peru State season record now stands at 18-1-1. Results of the Invitational:
By RICK D!eKLOTZPeru State traclmlen finished third in a four team field at Maryville, Missouri, scoring 41% points to place behind winning host Northwest Missouri State University - 82 points, runner-up Central Missouri - 54 points, and ahead of last place Graceland - 19% points.
Bobcat Barry Reed emerged as the only double winner of the day with tosses of 156' 3%" in the discus and 46' 3" in the shot put. No other 'Cats were able to garner first place points, as second place finishes led to most of the PSC scoring. Dick Leech threw 132' 1%" in the discus; Dan Parker soared 6' 4" in the
high jump; Larry Hunter went 43' 8114" in the triple jump; Rob Applegate tossed the shot 45' 81h;'; Kim Tennal heaved the javelin 178'; Bill Sell ran 14:57.0 · in the three mile; Leon Golden sped 15.5 in the 120 yard high hurdles and Mel Kelley tied for second in the 100 yard dash in 10 seconds flat.
Third place finishers for PSC were Leech in the shot at 45' 2112"; Sell running the 880 in 1:57.3 and Pete Urick throwing the javelin 174'. '
The remaining points for the Bobcats were picked up by Applegate with a fourth place toss in the discus at 129' 9" and Charles Jackson tying for fourth in the 440 in 50.6 seconds.
Tennis team drops two_ ;ISSUE EDITOR
Peru State's tennis team has leaped the net often to congratulate their opponents this season.
On April 19 the 'Cats met Iowa Western of Clarinda, losing the match 9-0. The next Bobcat match April 20 with Nebraska Wesleyan, Lincoln, was a repeat 9-0 loss. The netmen scored in their match with Tarkio April 25, but still were short, 5-1.
The Von Bachle-Bryan Mabie Doubles team earned Peru's lone point in Wednesday's match.
When asked for comment, Coach Wininger said that lack of competetive experience was a major factor in the losses. No team player had collegiate competition before this season. Wininger added that the competitors are improving each match. He believes the young Bobcats can be quite effective in the future.
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