PltM ' ' ' mHe tor tM alternoot\>4\'to i'I...,K'tMtltt
--:- ~-
• •
0. R.tthe, J 8ottc,_, A fttnD10ff. .,. <*~lh1 In U14! Kl ot fMdlll& en.., f.c:..
Table of ConttHlts College Ptrsonnel
Acting President Dr. Max Smith
Acting President Or. Max G. Smith first came to Peru State College on Aprill. 1972 as Vice--Pres•dent of
Academic Afhws. When Or. Neal S. Gomon suffered a heart attack in Mayot 19120r. Smtih was named
Acting President.
Before coming to Peru State College. Or. Sm1th was d•rector of doctorial programs'" h1g.her education at New Mex•co State Univers1ty at Las Cruces.• New Mexico.
Spring 1973
The oldest college In Nebraska, PSC has a heritage of which we may all be justly proud . An improsslvo number of PSC graduates have &ehieved distinction and rec::ognitlon in their- chosen fields. No college , however,
can rest on the achievements of the past .
for that reason we look to
tho future, anticipating a I'"'OrO coq>rehensive role of service for the
college . In addition to a strong prograM In teacher education, nov programs of
study are being made available to students In recreation , social work , vocational education , (':()l'rM(llrcial art , as "'ell as other areas .
We ,e;re
continuously gathering data on changing needs of students as input for the planning in order to servo a broader range of student populations . What all this says is that Meaningful , purposive change Is occurring on the ca~us . Chango designed to improve and expend the educational opportunities for you and future studGnts at thG coiiGgo . You , the students at PSCt hove Made slgnifleent oontributions to the planning for thG future thnough your student governing organizations and student representation on the oommlttees and COMmissions of the college . You hove de'l'IOtlstreted that student representation at PSC is not o fiction , but en operational reality . Best wishes
oech of yOu in your future pursuits and career plans .
Sincere I y,
Smith Acting President
M.ax G.
Board of Trustees Of The Nebraska State Colleges
Peru Secretaries Association
Too to loctom (:: LlftOtn. J Ston.. L M;t,on. T. ~hOft... M, ~ r WMnllâ&#x20AC;˘. C. l..llbblf\_ M. Wtndel, M. Btooks. 0 . ~ wct.e. M. SW.. J l.vtr.. J r,rt~... M. ~ C 8t~. 0
r . .. M.Gtoft
Further Personnel
P.S.C. Mt» Juanita Bt~loey. Anoeiltt O..n ot Students. tounHttd .,-d acti•Mdwomtn.
G. Wtndtl, Supetlnttndtnt of Buil<hn&s and Gtoundto; 0 . Mollet. Director ot f'f!'lancat4 Atch: B.
Director ol ~al s.Mc:n: G. ttotf'Nnn.
Aul$1;tnl Rftls1r6t.
Or. Frank 8owotf'l wn . .arded the trt.. of V~~t of 8vllntoSos Attain.
AtCJStr•r: K Ctns. Bus•noess Otra M.)~ttf"; A.
$hip14y, 8utolnes.s t.&olnlltor. T Ston., Olrtctor ot ~ment
Dr. Guy AoMnber& IS V~~ol Stu<ltlt\1 AlfoliN
School Of Education And
Of_F't. CtNI'I"'«. Dr. L Ktte. Dr. T. Sdwrtr, Mf. W, Undl-.. Mr. (.. V6>n l.atl1.
Physical Education
Mt, J. Mc:tl\ttte. Mr. T. r1U:Ct'aid, Or. ( , PtU$.Mr. J . Sleml)tf, Mr Y ~u. Mrs.s 8 Rutl
8 , Rociâ&#x20AC;˘Midom MWI tretmotnetll.
School Of Humanities
Row l~ U·ssP ~14y. Mn. S Mc¢MJoft. Row 2 Mf W Snydef, Mr. A. S.IIM!a, Mr. l. Shetwood. Mf. P. Ktuw. Mr t.CitnoNJfy. Row Mr W t.Ues., Mil F. thn<lt. Mr . J Lt<nn. Mt . J Hahn
Mr. l. $htfwood helps J. Klrk4n<HU Of\ her Mt P"Oject.
....... MB.
M•l... Collfge N\H'M, cn.cb $t\MHnt h<Mtth
School Of Practical And
M!U Y. JKotwtz. Mr. r:. r rt'UM:IM. 0t. C. ~, ~. A. Al.l~l. Mrl. L K,.,.., Mr. 0 JarYIS
I Mr. ft. a..dâ&#x20AC;˘n atld R. KOI'Itllound ttltrns.eh'ts .., ~., dutlt'IC Ss:w'~t~t Accrnt..s
Applied Arts
Mt. J . .._m•tton, Mt. $ Mc:Ctsl•n. Mf. R. 8efdon, Mt. R. Lewelttn. Or. 0 . Wll'linttf.
II Ill
School Of Natural Sciences
......_ ...,_,Dr
Aowl ... l . Mt~ . ..,. "'""....,_ Aow2; . . _A.Brlltly,Wt
~'~.Or .J.Ctvfi.\.OMnol
Dr. Neal S. Gomon Retires After 21 Years On January I . 1973. 0< Neal S . Gomon olfoc:aally retired after 21 ~rs as President of Pe-ru State Coli~
Our.ng h•s re•an as prH•dent. Or. Gomon acc:om· plished mueh. When ht llrst took office •n 1950. only 258 students were enrolle-d at Peru. Ht brought the enrollment up to a record h•gh of 1. 261 '" 1970 Throughout hts admtntt.trauon tv· ery bulld.n& on e.mpus r.cetved •mprOYem«~ts and new bu•kl•nas sUCh as The Student Cent«. Fine A.rts.,lnduitnal Arts, Ma,ors Hall. Centenn~o~l ComJ)Mx. and flculty and Marr-ed Student Hous-
•ng were added Or. Gomon's aceomplishments also .ncfuded Peru State betn& tht f•rst teacher education lnSU• tution to .ntroduct the 8~k Stu<leot Teacher program tn 1955. Thts program is used throu&h·
out the nation today. On November 18. 1972 Or Neal S. Gomon wils honored at a dtnner '" the Student Center which more than 200 people
Dr. Melvin P.S.C. Dean For 14 Years
On December 7, 1972, an tleetne.al tire tn htS home c:1.a1med the 11•• of Or. Kt1th L Mttvtn. Or Melv•n w1s Dean ot Peru State College for t•
years. The ~nolds. ...... natove....,. . l932ar» uate ot Petu Stitt Cot...~. and rttumed to hrs aim~ mater as O..n In 1957. Or. MeMn ttturntd totea<hlnJ•nJ•nuary 1972 .
Stw• L-Adtbon 8U\IntU Adm.n!W.8t.ot\
K.ttf'lt $ . Alberts
""""'""' Spee.al(d
SeniOt Ct.ass ofllie'«S lOr 1972·13 'llf't(• 0.11> .Jonu. Sctt'ttty. PM Prot.. PTnWJ.nt; Fr~ Robtrtton. TreMUr.,; •net Bonn~ Sttml)t:f. Vk:..-PI'ft~1
Jtc:tc l . A.rtnltrona H.ot~k.aC.ty
.._ .... ..._.
8V$1n,.n Adm•Mtrabon
~• •phy
Richard E. eacon Art/lnMt061 Att
JotL Blny PapiiUon
Gtopaphy P•t M O.rt-" WKtotl
N)Q M. U.rthOiomtW
Cr•b Ord\aofd
8V$•n•s Adm.n.s:tratiOft
_,... -·...... --· -.... .......
P (._ I kfMbOft T~S.CW
[a.mtn\lry [ct.
A#)' A. BWch $t.... C•W
Q.a.ry L.. Boi:IOflt lndl.lttt... Ar1
-(4. _... .. _( ......._ Cool>
,_..,dW ,,........,.
o.m..uwy [d_
Olborah ... 8orwmM\
w•l.am 0. Bmt.r~ &MH• I Bvt~ Aoc~M~r~Ktrat.on
....,.,.,._ .......,-. ,_.,.'--"· nor....,._ nor .now. '* lfOOm ot ftllf'lt lo;MPJ PSC ' '""'
61ntt trom bttn& It\ cws on ttmt
~6al(. 8un
Jol>n,.. 8~~too,..U ACim!Mifat.on
u..c~" C.ntOf • L~uf11. N.J. lfloCIIus-tr~l
Patr.cl< c.,u, F'.otC.cy
Klrun CMM~rty
Det~Q.-ah L. Cott..t
John Jt.Colbtf1 u~v.~a.111
Soc... Sc•ence Rlci'I,.,CI W COfbln
o.m.nt.'Y (CI. OoniiCI M . DM~ke A \~~bU-rn
KwkW Dau O..lohnel. ,, M
Lorettt A. Gao¥1$ NebrnQCo1y BINneu(CI.
Robert J. Dev" eom.na.la Soc:~l SOence
»mn l. Ot$bltn Oatn.ar, Kan' MIU\I'Svs.•ne» Adm
.... (.ry
........ Syrac:UM
(""'*"'•ry (d
Clf'IC•Mih, 0
04ocl """'
Jotte• r.nloA
ltcv~ 8~i ~1$-ntJOn
LMry '-.-.on and U. At*.~ "'C ttwdlnh liSt., lnt.,.tiy. N-.y
.. ~ '"''"''t., dote.,... t~ '-''''" ,....,-.,.. ot •
ff'IOmal R Frech ~..... Yl.
eo-.pc..rr.u a.,..,ey $ G.btl , ..rn.t. .
socw Scttnet
_.__ .... -
St...,., 1.. Gt&'t
._ """""
(MM. (d./Spec. [d.
-"""t-•L G."de O tf'MI\tMy (d.
leon 0 GotiWI ~(di.QbOn
8t\1Ce J. Gooc:t-vl SMch Btook.. N.J.
The K P $C. ~ Qllb, P'tfl,lr.S lbcwe. tOld WblcriCit!OM ft'IOJM1kM'IMWrldlowttOn
fM~ ...POftM'edb;J
tht p..., ~· tM,..... 0 l4'ofl'tt
~PfPf', lin 1n eftort
'o rM.-
~JOtff\t ~(di.!Ubon
,.......HJ ~r..c..t.oOft
s.n.ctt• IC GrNtt
""""" ........... """"' ...... c.....,.., ~(~t!Of'
JM* 4 H•fl10ft
u-..cn.,.... u
Gtotp H
"""" ..,.
Otnnot (
C!Mtf1..d It ~~ (cNUt40'1
()on I,. Hut! ~~,Mleln
T'Nodof• J ,Jolw\Wft ~,.,... ....ttati!Oft
B.wber•S _....
••c.tr ._....
O..ne J Jronft (ckhnton. P• Py\iiUI [~UOft
.... ,..,.,<.. .... '·u~
,.,......) tco.t•
f'to11al k....,ce
Wtolt.,.m t Lttl)'
Ocw•.H J
Phrytle.al twc•'IOft
.a.m-c une
lt,,\.tMM Adtrltn4tt•bon
llklbrltt Y L...,_
C•h;ft\lel~. • (dwWt.on
GooyK . . _
1'. .""""
" ' ' ;1(. . (~bOft
"'-Y ...........
o.Y04! L ~if\1 Aoc;H..._.
... ---.....,
Otm.nUot)' (O
Aopt a.cNoet'
-.a.....,. ...
~ [Ow(.aot!Oft
OoN&d R. Mot\t!np
Ut')' 0 Motr..on
ktntntd...O. KaM. 8tA!ntss Acttn~lstr•Uon
Com,.._ •
l-.wt'M•IM ~- UC*'MtM .t tN1 C!Mtti'W'-.1 tM •tlldtt'ots ,....,. tl'lert rte..vecl ~t*'ll .,. . 11"1 ~ Ntoti'IOttU1VIMn1S _,)O)'""ItMCompl•• •ttrto
...,_,. OOfrn•tcwy lOt ......-..ttOn P'llth1ftd
$Nf-01'1 K Moult
O.,ron M. MoWt
c -..
Stan!.... D Ol'lnft'l«ftt
LMryP<tc.-.ot'l ~ 81vfft. '" lnctuw... Ant
/ •
Latry 0 -Pr.c.ht c.tdOti. I•-
l>.ttnc:.,.l. PrO$• G&tn'lfl!OOd. I• Ptlyskat [d\.QtiOI'I St~ RabCM.Irn
AIWCpHfque., H ~~ Bulin-.. Adm•Mtr•t.on
Georse t. Ra<nke M"soun Yalky, 1.a
~ne~s Adm.n•str•ttOn
AoWtt w. Rinck SodMy.... 8~1'\otU (di Ad
Tt"Y Rlti!U
Otnn.s R. AoOemon f«tOod... l.a lndln:tn.l ~ttmtnt
r red P
MtlinaRou PhysiC.tl [di,IIUttQn
Bonn!eJ Aouse Mun•y ~tMy[d.
KMIIM l Aotttf Physical [dl.atiOft
Kalttly Runkles Aock Port.. Mo. Bus.~nes.s Ed
AobtftJ Rvt TOOoH lndustr~l AtU
OM of 1M •tt.~Cttntdtr4CUCI _,ottt'le,..... wn . .,...tot""' AN Hot~-. Oot.ct-'bJrM tWwt $hooM\ t.e.,e A.(. WttM "*"tiM I"'' \.-on.Ottl«s~tMC.t..,e M W. . tlflell Doty.
twry $ Sof'.ttn1..,.
AfootJyn. H Y. [ttmtnlltY [d $1eot'ltft ( $•m
Colt<.... Soc..., Sc.enc:e
c-os......, $_..
St..-. Solomon HtCWM<~C:.ty
~IM'fl A.dlnln~tation
.toM A S1•n~
,.,.. c.ry -
c.t~C.ty .•
N.-.cy ( S•OII
tm.t T.,.,..on 0onc:Ot4. c;:.t.:t
,_,.Tf"'NN ..... 0.,~
Joi'IIIIY ,,...c,.,f
-_.. .. -
CNn.. T'l•l« At'-"tiiC, II
S&tn P Vol'f
Afton. I.. (kmtnt•ry (<J
T•tne• R Vo!'tf .... 0.0.•.., ,.,.... ...
........ J 'fiWW'CJOft
~ [<liro~UttOn
GttaR W..ll(k
o .op.phy Aachtfd WltMI' tt•••~C•ty ~ncN.-NIAm
Htt~r•sa... C•ty
lndustt••• Art$
flM>ft'I.UC . W~
SJ<Iney, ll [duaW>
Mck.t)' w w.ttl.lms
14tbt•sil.t C•W eeotcral)hy
Jot'ln H Winl>.tf Wh•1~emort... lnck.lstt~ Ar1s
AQt~lyn J
Home [conotn.C:S
1972-73 Graduate Candidates Not Pictured Byron J B&tnh.lrt
(....,.OfcMn htt
S4.1z•n,.. K. ...... M.......,
lmoc,tnt K. Bo~~thef
Robeft t.t. eow.n John w. Btook.S W~Btuc:t
8tt.~ee L 8tutnm.t ~ryM.Confadt
M""Y£. [ ..... LMryO. [ckM
JohnL Helm
C.rOI R. Obtnn.,..,
C.rotyn J , Hopp
W•ll~&mC. Pttenon
o.vt<t A. Huduns
JlRt (. Woll~~&m S. til! I t>.nny 0 . JNtlnen w.tuen 0 . Jtns.tn C..OI(. K.nc O.VIdKOII fred L LalftSOfl
HOfman J. U<:h~
W~(. l..r
lfOI"'&Id F'MI~ R1du fk;tum
Rlti4alfll...l.\lthf.r Wtsaty R. J.Qic>n. .leUamiM McMulltn aonn.. M. Minion
OWwtd £. G•bson
Wittna r G•l •&ln4 l.awfenet M KasJ\tfl
F'&)'\IA..Kayes VtMOnP. KaHn
0Non H. H&rt&e Oet»r•n Hlavac
K¥1• H. Metpn
Gef"&ld L Ntoeman
~ J. Pttttson
ThomMC. Fbdeno4o!r Oot.i&Jis M. Roberts Slnck•J. SI•PNa.r W•ll J. Sl'fl<th
Johm R. StttntMn l~ S
St..... A. Stubbtnctdc ~·)'A. , ...sc:how Jamn l . T.,_en HOfman K. ThomPIOfl Chtfyt A. Van&
01'\'14 K, Vtr"'"" JI)'V~tt Kouwn Jot'lnJ W•ttts Aoft R. Woh~S
Two Year Programs New At PSC
JNnnWMSuu OeWtlt
Z..ll tUcl<ey eo.t•na GrMn, Mo.
Ac:c»unt.na Ptgy Krttltts Net>t-aW Ctty Seeft!M'WII
Sheila KvN:man
T""'""" s.a~
The 1973 school year marked the ftrst year tor students to graduate from Peru State College tn the Associate of Arts Degre-e program. The program was instituted in 1971 wtth a gr3nt from the state legislature. Money from the grant went
to the purchase of business maeh.nes. At the preunt time. Accounting technology and Se-cretarial are the two f•elds from wh•ch stu· dents can choose. A General Clencal program is
slated to beg•n in 1974. Not peetured. but graduating wtth the 1973 class wtth an Associate of Arts degree. •s James l. Tel. SovUI, and J Buu WOtk on busu'ltil!Neh~nts.. J\ISt one
ten. Talmage.
MC*tOI tMtwo-yt~f bu""'" P'OI"<lfft.
Uura Adtf'fmaft
.... _ 2 1<,1mAm.n
J.rn.. AIICOOd 2 Otbt• A AncHtson
2 I Aobtrt (.. A,ppkptt I
Dtn1M And«.on
O.W.Atnn ~S.Ct
2 I I
Sauncfta 8arkus
RvutltB IWnts 2 Manon J S.rtek
Oebb.t Barton 2 ~BaurNn
Ott!IM e.,umotlt
Rod 8eckcor
Teddy S.Cktt
Na.tm8t•tuN 2 JoM 8•tt.np 3
a.rtwa •a~~t
·... 2 .Mit BrtOin•t-P.mBt.n.~ I
f .,
John C. Chattl.a•n
KayChi"Mbl I AllotOn Col. 2
MICtMI.. Ct.wen I Teny L Ct~~ 3 Fbc:k OtKIOtl 2 t.t ke DtRunt.t
Otnntt J Otcilvnan NO'j0.Mtndt
8tfnNttteJ Do--n 2 lind.); M Oofn
l.~ l< Ooty I Joanne Ooxon 3
BethOr"' 2 ShHon Oueorlelclt
I<•U'Iteen M 0\lty
YMMt tckhem. 2 Otb(hmen 2 Oenn•s A. Ehmll.e 2
linda (ld'lenbefeet
Yiek• L (mlo.etl OonEn,.t 2
14d£nna:zer 2 Oon(plty I 11m Eth.,.naton T.tts.t ( w.alt 2
..toe¥tn• ,__ 3
S.llfoprty 3 UAOtNG THt SOPHOMOAt ClASS WlM (L TO R.) P Kr•••
K. ~. 8 T"*'"J<aid Mild l
...~,,~ 2 OoM.Iff'.S. 2 s....rrencm 1
--· tomrrMI!d'l 3 ~r~ 3
OottltM G!Nb
Uo)'d G&ttmJnn Bert~~
* '"'
---. w..... aoo.
Ruth Gottwta
,.,...... Corac' •
W.!iamGrvtoh l KIM Fetten tWin 3
Butr~. Pictured~- WOK
;r,nt OM Of 1'1\M)' lt\lelttlt~ at~
-....-I 1 I,.AMiltpN!ft
OolvWI tWflt 2 WtHMm 2
M,rdynH.IuW 1 JltWI.e Hww:tlold 3 e>o.M~""" I
--· ,.....,....,"' 2 Clwtn- )
KM•Henty 3 ArUwr H«rtr• 1
P ~~""'· K McCvl~t" end A.. Mont.q..,. VM """""'' tlltl'ltt to c.tl)t~•t• • Q>lf~M<:rO'WWS
"'-Y"-.. l
"'~Moue\. 2 hOfy """"\., t Vr-il.am t+uftltt 3
I 2 2
.....,,.. ....lftft;
....., .......
...._, .. J ...,.....K ...., 3 l~~u
s..v.n Ktom:....
............. s..... Ko1tie:h
Aobtot1 ,,.,~Gotto. 2 St...,. Kta~lo. 3
G.a.n Ktotlhofi'NI'I
n.... KIOt'IU
,_._ ..............
...,.,...............,., .......... ,
.......... > O..C.eloek....ood
llftd.l ~·'101'1
Mt<l' _......, ' Nottnhtlt3 3
.. 4....,.....
OoN\a Moor• I 1 ~
\• Mot,.,._
,,td Mo,ti'IOI.I...
... _, . KM MOffiSMY
--· ....,..,.."""'..... 2
K~ti'IMyen 8eckyN~ I W~ttet" Mtmmte:h
Doro-thy Orleans
Btl!.. P»P
2 JlmaPN>P 1 MlryPHI) 3
Ot"'s P•itd~ 3 B«"YP'-' 3 Mitt PIUUb
9 ~ dlfteted {l. 10 A.) 0 Gl•bb. 0. H~yMS.l. [ft&IH. S ~•A. 1. Obt.c!Nid'l. L. OotA. M.. Cr~• .,w;t K. e.ct&•tt In con~truc11nl the H1 tOf 1M CtMkiBu~ ''
ea.. ..........
Mel~ ..... 01\~ ~I~(..._., kon.MICIMt' ''~
!JtOittt* Ml
tot Mtdy~ '"'-".,.· (L. •
A.) 0
ScNu. Mr 0 .,..,.,
I O..O.P't'~
Olbor-" llta~ I Robert Rli'Nf
~--·~, r-t,"'"•=•• I Ttm S.Plll l o...~u
"~ SCtlol...., ~"' )
.,.... s..o.
Aew-"tm ~'· 2
TruOr Sttwm 1 Nl,. Stolttr'berl 1 Oetvwl $t"'* 2 ~thStoM
,.,. ""~ C...,.. S..S..•od ,.,.., s,......,.
, 2
Atln TtckAH
KattiJe Ta~r I RoMmtry Taylor Ruu Tay!Of 3
Jom lt'&1mtiC'f I &Mlt TtmP'eton 3 KlmTMNI
8obbi ll'liHit4d 2
....... _
JNnn.. Ttojoln Jt-11 Tur'* J
3 I
. . .•••.....•. .. • •• • ••
lnlof"mtl croups of st~1s diSCuu.na a .,,,..ty or WblfoC" •'• • common s•c;l'ltet Pefu St•t•
....,._, "'ct.... 'IJt6c:tt : Jv6t~.,.,...,
Whttttn 1 JoMWI'I._ I Ctltttt Wil'ft&'{on 1
bblr• Wdll.•nton 3
o.rr.. .,......,
,..,_, -Wot\tet
--· l
•• • The t~ CI.IU tlte1tc1 (l to fllJ 8 W..,...,Nier, M. Crtwt. $ Tt~. tnd M Mv«:h-.r to iMct IM dons
Registration Brings Changes The usual tnals and tribulations of registration
were w1tntssed first and second semester. as well as a few changes. Students consulted their advi· $0tS and completed .nformation carets. Filling out each class card was not reQuired as it previously had been. It wn also pouible to order a yearbook and have the amount included with the re-gular fees.
Enrollment figures indicated that the percentage ot drop between first and second semester 1972·
73 was the least since 1968-69. This was based on day on-campus enrollment. and •nd•eated a seven percent drop.
• •
V: ~ ~ Wlrl
. ,'.
C:.T ~f.I O N 1.'
A t<peeul t * t _.,., H4 vp 10 n\.1•1 •lt.HMnl'l, Ynch prOV!dfO u~ rtCJltt•bon mtttnatt.
Peru Wins Apple Jack
A 1S..l3victory over the Tarl<io Owts was the ftrst for Peru m the fourth annual Apple Jack game. A
parade '" Nebraska Cuy ktcked off the Apple
Jack testtv•ties. The Nebraska C•ty Chamber ot Comme-rce organtzed the ftsllval. The parade occupied six btocks. Area bands per· formed and vanous floats were built for the P3· rade. The Syracuse Rockets won the large band compehtton and the Humboldt cardtnats won '" the small band d•v•S~on. The heshman class sponsored a float '" the pa..
rade. Freshmen also dKorated Peru·s fifteen seat bus and rode on the roof during the parade. PSC cheerleaders rode a dune buggy. A danc;e
was held at the armory in Nebraska Ctty to complete Apple Jack feshv•hts.
Ot. and Mrs JoQ.: Sm.th took Pfft In APQI• Ji<k.
' ,.
Journalism Events Sponsored The ,ournahsm department. sponsored by Mr. Everett Brown•na. held a yurbook worklhop for h1.,.. school students from area schools and •n· 1erestedcouege stud4nts
N•nety·three h•&h school studentJ from 13 area htsh schools attended tht yearbook workshop. Mr. Gefald ~utftr\IJn rtpttsented tht Amtran v . .rt>ook Compony. Mt l ...nd She<WOO<I of th• lrt de~rtmtnt gave cMmonstrattens Mr. Jolma levttt spoke on yearbook photography. Proper copy wr1t1ng was instruct6d by Mr. Brownlna.
PSC ,ournahsm studtnt1 ._..,, pub'IShen of the
Nebruka Ctty News PrHs
5 and 6 Mr.
Brown•n& and ~e students parttetpattcL Emy Boeck. Sut Coughl•n. Frank O'Addes.a, Rtck ()e..
Klou. Gail Harrnon. Joyce Jansa. Steve Knittle. O~:ve lalncr. linda Mld•son. Charles Sm•th. Jesse $pur11n. and 8obOt Tht.sfeld
U.N. Dinner Features Favorites The annual Un11~ Nahons Otnn..-W~~s hefdOct<>bef 12 tn t~ tducat.on b4.uld•na.. One-hundftd and ten people att~ the d•nner. The d•nnet wn an attempt to K<IUitnt the pubhc With tM wt6evanety of NtOrestc.. tooos
Mrs. Loutse Kregel sponsor'td the event and members of tht Home Econom•cs club were tn charge of preparations end servmg.
The menu for tht tvtntng tncluded: salisbury steak. ham loaf. blktd potatCMS. buttered mtxed vegetables. fru•t s.el~. SM.~mp•un bread. bubble ''"I btUd. al)pltCr•SP. coffee. and tu . The fund$ wert uHd by the Home Ec department tor vanous pro.-:ts and tmprovements. OffJCerS of the club wtrt C. rot Warnke, pres~e:Sent. Carole
Obermeyer. v•ct·prestdent, Mary Paap, pres•· dent-elect. Judy Buddecke. secretary. and Mary
Stukenholtt . treasurer.
Pat Schultz Reigns As Homecoming Queen
There's A New Day Coming In Peru "'Th4rt'l a New Oay Com•na '"Peru·· was the tMme for Homec:om•ns 1972 Mfd on October
21 The u·urd ann~l parade featured floats. cotf$.. and marchln& bindS. Eta,hteen bands partac•pat· e<ltn the paradt. Trophtt"S were awarded to the top bands Papillion won Class A. The Ctass B trophy was awarded to Netn3ha-Valley. DaW$on· Vtrdon received tnt Class C trophy. Plattsmouth
was tht Juntor Ht&h wtnner. Tht overall float w1nner was the Secretar.n' lndustr.al Arts won '" the c.~mpus organ•ut•on dtv•Sion ftolt wtnne,.ats.o reet'lved trophies
VlfiOUS clubs and orpn•zat•ons entered tM vrtndow-pamhn& contest. Money Pf•Zes were aWJrded to w•nn.na 'MndowS The En&J&Sh Club won prtzt. Ptru lost the Sht Homeeom.na
p,.,. to Chadron 28-7 Coronatton ac-t•v•t•es ocxurred dur•na halt·hmt
Music Provided Entertainment
I ..
"Doctor In Spite Of Himself" Performed
Ooc:•or ~ Spi1• o,,.,,..,..,..tnl~ ~" Wltl'l rtft(I.IIIOM ol oor>ul.at .onp '" _,. l'llltttOYtcom.c.ll•rce W•ltle '••r
btnlo.t ~tnt ~I'll rOle Ill\ the~l ~)'
Student Admissions Committee New The St\ldent AdmfS.S-ons CommtUM w.s formed for tht f•rst tune thiS year at PSC. Gary Hoemann
and Tom Stone headed 1,. progrem. Student membtrs who worktd on tht eommtttee •trt: Otb
Barton. Pat Castle. Patty Colltns. Mary Crt'irS. Joeveue Farbtf. Ktm ftttet$. Steve
french$. Oouaf•rtz. Leon Golden. Otant Hawktns. Mtkt Kelty. Steve l<ntttle.
OtVot Mannina. Pat M<:Leuthhn. Anantas Montaaue, Fred Robert·
son, Pat Schultz. John Thomes. Mary Weber. MICkt Wtteh. Bob Werns~n. S.rb Wllktnson. and Wendy Zaloudek. These students IIVt a$St&ned IOUrt
"-1 P Coaoftl.J ,.,_,_ W.ZIIIOudf'l. I
t"""*'· P
~ltL Ao-2" S
fr!lfdtto l Goldin. J Thomas
Head Start Offers Benefits A National Program for low-income families. referred to as Head Start. offers chifd· ren of pre-school ages the benefits of learn· ing read•ness skills, social and emotional growth. motor sk ills. and good health habits.
Dr. Robert Creamer and Mrs. Valda David· son of Auburn led the program. Ftfteen PSC students were prepared through the program for future schooling and rec-reational
play periods. The classes began every morn· ing in room 200 of the Education build•ng. The children were brought to campus by bus. They were furn1shed with a mid-morning snack and lunch at noon in the din•na room. Carolyn Parde and Marcile Dean. atong with volunteers and parents. assisted
with the program.
PSC's Future Discussed Questions concern•ng the future of Peru
State College were raised dunng the 1972· 73 school year. Faculty and students were allowed to voice their opinions on the sefec·
tion of President of PSC. Or. Max Smith was voted to be recommended to the Board of
Trustees as the college President. The new budget wn also of pnmary con· cern to faculty, students and members of the community. A group of approx•mately lour-hundred students and c it izens of Southeast Nebraska traveled to l incoln to
hear Governor JJ. Exon·s views on the de-crease in funds. Mr. Guy Cooper represent·
ed Peru. Governor Exon stated his suppor1 for Peru and hope tor an enrollment
St!Kitftb YOted In tftQr Of Or. Ml• Smith.
Performances Pleased Audiences
19 Seniors Named To Who's Who
Nineteen Peru State College Seniors were named to Who's Who Among Students in Amertcan Universi-
ties and Colleges fol' the 1972-73 academic year. Or. Guy Rosenberg acted as Chairman of the Selec· tion Committee. composed of racully members and student leaders. The numbel' of students chosen is the highest in six years.
Selection to Who's Who is based on a cumulative
gtade point average of at least 6.5. as well as excel· lence in leadership in academic and co-eurric(.llar
activities. service to the college. 21nd promise of future usefulnHS to society.
Pat Castle of falls City. has a double major in English and Speech. He was a member of the
English and Drama Clubs. PSEA. Gavel and Rostrum. debate team. Kappa Delta Pi, and he served as $pons Editor of the Peru Pedagogi-
an for two y!'ars. He also acted as Sports Edi· tor ot the Peruvian. the college annual. tor one year. Pat took part in five school plays.
Deborah Coffelt of Minden. Iowa, Is a musk: major. She was active in Kappa Delta Pi. ··catch 12". Stage Band. Wind Ensemble and Choir, and a M.E.H.C. accompanist. Deb also eamed the Outstanding Musicil!lnship Award. the Hanison Memorial. and the Andrews Memorial Scholarships. She was also selected as Glamour Girl candidate.
O..annt Dunn of fillS C1ty t$ I MUSIC rmpor who IS X· hvt 1n tht P.S.C. Band and Cho.r_ Sht 1S also tn
MEN C. end Kappa Delta Pt. Otannt has served as class ott~r and has reoe•ved the Co-opt'rat1ng School and Special Ab•hhes scholarships.
Deborah Elmhnger of Huron. Ohto. rs ma,onng •n EnaMh and Secondary Educat.on. She was Peru·s rttaentat~ tn the G&em· our ~&altnt contest. the Or•ke Relay Queen Contest. end Spona Week Condodate
Douglas fr•tz o• Verdon holds a maJOr 1n General Science ond B1ology 1n Education. He was '-' member ot P.S.S.S.S.. Clayburn· Mathews dorm council, Kappa Della Pi. Lambda Della Llmbcla. and was S.G.A. ptesident .
Sttntty GottuLa ot Elk Creek ts matonng an lndUitnal Arts and hM be«~ a membltf and ptHICMtlt of the lnchn:tr.al Arts Club. Tre.asurtf of EJ~~S•Ion p, Tau .and member of KaPP~c Otltl Pt. He recetved the P T .A. and Ben Harrtson
Judy Hua;hf$ ts an Elementary miJOf from Netw-askl Ctty. She belona'$ to the Pffu State Educat.on A.ssoe.at.on and Koppa Ditto Po. sn. has ,..,..the State ot Nebtaska schotan-tup. Theodore Johnson of Peru •s ma)ortna in Bus• ness Admlnlstration and was the school's al'\d state's Pres•Mnt ot
Pht Beta Lambd-a and was a member of Student Cent.,- Board. He as a 'ftoln• ner ot the Mr future 8us.ness exec.u· ttveaward
Pat Prose (not PICtured) of Glen·
wood. lowa. is a Physical Education maJor. She has been Junior and ~nior eta$$ pre-s•dent. a member of Ttl Beta, Women·s Athlet•c .A.ssocia·
t;on. PSEA. S.C.B.• S.G.A.. and the Women·s basketball team. Pat was eltc:ted to the AII·Star Basketball Team during the 1970·7l Tarkio tournaments and has been the reo cipient of the co-o~ra11ng school scholarship and the Women's Ath· letic SCholarship.
Stephen M1ller Sidney. Iowa. is majoring in Physical Education and has been a member of Peru's football, basketball, and baseball teams. Steve 1S also a member of the Lauerman's Club and was act1ve •n Kappa Delta P1. Dennis Robertson (not p1ctured) of Fort Dodge. Iowa. has a double maJOr •n lndustnal Manageme-nt and Bus•nMs Adm•n· istrat•on. Dennis has sef'.led as an offteer of Ctrcle K and In· dustnal Arts Club. He was a member ot Peru State's Student Center Board. Dennis was also act•ve 1n such or&anizat'ons as Ph• Beta Lambda. bus•ness club. and he also belonged to Eps•· km Pi Tau. the honorary fraternity of Industrial AI'IS, which promoles Industrial Arts. Oenn1s took part in the many act!VI· t•es wtl•ch the club sponsored.
Karen Ramsay, a mustc major from Humboldt has bHn part of the college band and chorus for four years. She served 3$ pres•dent of the Col· lege choir and has been vice-pres•· dent of M.E.N.C. She also received a music award .
Cerol Snyder ot Auburn •s a SpNCh ma,or
Sht hu tMtn v•ce--prestdent of the Dram-a c•ub. Secretary ot Gavt'4 and Rostrum and has performed'" s•x SChOOl pla)f5. Carol rs also tM rtc:tPt4'f't of tht Co-operat•na Schoots Scholar· sh•P She also took part '" S.G.A. The plays occupttd much of her tune at P.S.C.
Fred Robertson ot Treynor. Iowa. is majoring•n Chemis· try end Blotoay. He ected as President of Lambda Oolte Llmbda. treasurer of KIP9a Delta Pi and of the senior class Ht was elso a member of the Academ•c Alta•rs Comm•sston end tht AdmtsstOnsComm•ttee.
Kathy Runk'ts (not PICtured) of Auburn •s ma,or•na '" BusJMSs Educat.on . Shewn treasurer of Ptu Be~ Lambdo and ot the Student v;,... Club. Ml$. 11\Jntdes rs the,.. c•pttnt ot two Petu AchteYflntnt Foundat~ Scholar· stups end an A V Lanon Memonal Award. Kathy elso ess.~sttd '" tht oftiCt ot tht rt&Jstrar. ptf"fomuna var.ous SKrtlir&ll stf'VtCts lnd buStMSS procedures.
"bncy Stoll (not p.ctured) ot Gresham es an Eltment.ary Edueat•on mator. She was td•· tor of the 1972 Peruv1an. Nancy has earned tht A.V. Larson Award. the Charles Wtlpnd
Memorial schol,rship. and the Special State
ot Hebrn)l• scholarsh•P Shot was a btr of the l\H~an Studtnt fenowstup C)f'Oo8flm. Nancy also partte•pated '" lhe Peru State Education Association. She was •n Kappa Otlto Po
Bonmt Stemper or Peru •s a Math ma)or who 11 prest· dent of Alpha Mu Omoaa. v.ce-prts•dent ot Ka~ Delta Pt tnd Llmbda Ot4ta Lambda. vte•prHI<Nnt and
truwrer of the Newman Club ~nd treasurer ol PSEA. She reutved a oo-operatlns sdlool w;hol,a,rJ.tup.
John Waltrs (not P•<:tured) of W1lhston Park. New York. JS 1 phys.cal education ma1or who has bHn named to uw Outst1nd•ns Col~t Athletn of Ameteca team and recerved Honorable Menhon '"All O•Jtr~ 11 football John •s the reciptent ot the B•ll Tynon Schol·
Jrshtp and also of the Spec•al Ablhttu Schol.1rsh•P Oestpattd tor foot bill talent on ttt. f•eld. John w.n a member ot Beta 8t11 Seta and EduQitton Honor f r a ttrr'uhts .
John Thomas of Falls C•ty 11 mator•na •n (niJ'sh ~ JOVrnalt$m. John t'S rec•~t ot the co-oper1Un1 school'S sc:hotar'Stup 1nd the Neal S. Gomon award. John was editor of the Pedaaoglan and participated In school ploy P<oductoons
Peru Hosts High School Activities as well •s lthlette evMtl were spon· sored by Peru Statt Coli~• for h1gt\ school stu· d*"lt ThHt students v•s•ted Peru 1nd &Jitned ~mte
•ntormatiOfl c«W;tttn.nc Peru State. Thty turnotd ebout vartOUs ftetds and had the opportun•ty to compete •n d1ffetent I'Vtnts. Athletk: events held were the annual invitational volleyball tournament. the first annual high school wresthna cUnte, and an •nv•tatJONI tr.ck moot. AcademiC actMhft u~ludtd a Journalism Day. a Yearbook Wortu;hop. high school choral clln~e. the D•stnct Two speech meet. and a high schOOl band clink.
Var.ous aru Khools attended the evtnts. The KtMttes were co-otd•Nttd b)' PSC •Mtructon. P.ru students assnttd With the plans and supttr· vtSton tor tM ew.nts
Students Display Talents
Student Uilent was dtsplayed In a vanety ot 1)(0·
arams. plays. and produeuons:. Plays
··ust or the Red Hot lovO<S''. "The Chtld Buy.,... lnd a musacal "'The flntastteks·· Mtss Pat Manley, drama •nstructor. Mark Hahn. Barb Wilktnson. lftduded ··Ooetor In Spue ot H•mww·.
Otb Hendtteksort. and Steve Knittle asststed In dtrecting the playS A senes ot one act plays was alw presented under the dtrtc:t~ of Joeveue
Farbe-r. John ThorN$. 010
Kelly. and Steve Kntttle.
A vanety show and a coffee houst also gave stu· dents opportunity to dtsplay talents. Wrestlers John Wht~ler. Oean Anstey, and Bud K•mball took f.rst place '" the eoffH house wtth skns from
Sesame StrMt mona GroothUtl took ltrst '" the var~ty
show 'tllnth her &U•lir tunes, W1th WfNttlt
John Wt·usltr tlktn,g second as a m1gte~an .
Open Dorms New For Peru I
A new poliCy of dorm hv•na. open dOrm VISttlttOn, WIS adopted by PH"u
State Colle&•· The S G A., O.on Guy
Rostf'Mra. tht dorm councils. end the student aff•lfs eommlss•on worked together to provide the necessary guidelines tor adoption ot the policy.
Polls taktn by the S.G A. tndicated the
success of the proaram and that •t would be continued Each Of tM dOf'ms had SptCtftC t1mes
set up 'llltMn tM pohc:y woukt be '" etftct. A Sl~-tn lnd SICJW>Ut SY$tem was
atsousec:t. Tht polq '*~' Introduced on an ex· pe~tmental
bas.rs Potts, showed OV« 90
'* cent ot tM ltudotfns were pleased 'Mth the new policy.
SCB Arranges Recreation The Student Center Soard sponsored a tl'ap
shoot and a five game tournament. as well 3S a faculty card party. The trap shoot was held October 1 on the Kenneth Adams farm north of Peru. Cash prizes were awarded to first place winner
Steve Adetson. second place. J1m Desbien, and th.rd place tie by Fred Robertson and fritz Stehlik. The tournament of five gamH was held in the student center from November 27 to
December 6. Game:s for the contests were chess. table tennis (singles al'\d doubles). eight ball. snooker. and straight pool. Billiards of Congress rules were used for the billiard games. SCB also sponsored a fac::ulty card party on January 28 in the Student Center.
Martha Washington Tea Success The 32nd Annual Martha Wa$hington Silver
Tea was held February 22. Apt)(oximately 150 gues1s were 5erved. Home Economics Club girls made the preparations for the tea. under the direction of Mn. louise Kregel. home economic$ instructor.
Floral arrangements of geraniums. vlnca. and a large shrimp plant were used in the decorations of the room. A red. white. and blue color scheme along with colonial figu路
rines. given by Dlerdre Fike, were included In the decoration5. Pictures ot past Martha
Washington teas and other events were dis路 ptayed. Bae:kg.round music was played by Rachaet Binder. PSC juntor.
The fruit cake served each year is from a recipe copied at Mount Vernon in 1940. This year ninety pounds of the cake were served
and sold to area guests.
Starlet Brockmeyer Crowned Glamour Girl Starlet Brockmeyer wn named the new PSC Glamour G•rt at a dance held f«N'uary 15 tn the student center aaftttf.a.
s-.rlet. a frHhman from Stromsbura. Nobr . 1$ the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 0 . Brockmey· er. Sht ls majonng '"elementary education.
Starlet s.trvtd as the freshman representative for tht ~v•dson ·Patmer dorm counctl and wu a m~btf ot SGA and see. Startet l•sttd ventt•l· OQu.sm as I'Mf most tmporunt ouu~ fnt.,elt
Oth« candodot.. we<e IMnM B~uhorn, Car~ Gerdes. Otanne Dunn, Oebb•e Coffell. Oebb•e Gatntl. and Rena Mtrrt1. C&nd1dates wt(tehOSen on the basts of dress. commun1t)' and college oct•v•tiet. and special honors recttved. The contest and donee were spontored by the Student
Centtf' Soard .
... ~Ill ~~
CAHO.OA.TES AND ntEIA ESCORTS ltf1 T0 RICr11- AcJttf Owlu. O..nnt B&luhOrf\, Kev1n S.kM, SWiet Broc:~. Rent Met1H, a.y HoeofNnn, Otf»t.t Colftl1. Otvotton Moos#. ~nnt Dunn. JomOic:kson. Otbbl•~lntl, •n<J St..,. Kr•J~Cet~.
S~ott pr~~ 'OMS toW frltn<b,
Awards Convos Honor Achievements Students Who ac.haeved aeadem•c honors w<!re recognized at two honors convos dunng the 1972-73 academic year. The January 24 convocation honored ftrst semester Dean's hst rectpt· ents. Or. Max Smith and Or. Guy Rosenbel'g handed out certifteates.
The convocation on April 18 was held to honor scholarshap and award recipients. Department heads and teachers dtstnt>uted awards. Or. Max Smith addressed the students. Ann Borcher.
Bernadette Oorn. and Bt')'an Mab•e Received the Parents and Teachers scholarships tor sc:holastte ability and character.
Fllf1:t Mmttttf 9.00 t:rtde pott~t ..,.,.,. tlucMnts ._..(leU to Riar'IO. M&ry S.Vman. RJc:k ~ Scott MdC.,c.-t., Richlt4 W•r· ner, C.rol WhMI«. OMn!s w.tl~.lnd SvNn hmpftt, w.1h Dr. Srn~tl'l.
l•~.n& 1~ loMM Th'"f•loO ~
OM &¥•on
Dick Kohel And Mary Weber Spring Royalty Spnna WMk 1973 fNtur.ct avartetyol enterta•n· ment and tun events tor PSC'trs M open houw for aru h•Ch ~JUniOrs and se-n•ors was ~ld on Sunday April 15. AdmtJStons d•rector Tom
Stone oraanized the afternoon and eventna evel\tS lor the open house A dance was held Sunday n•aht whtch was h•ahhghted by the
crownu,a ot Spnna WHk Ktnc O•ck Kohet and QuHn Maty Weber Frt'Shman attenc:Qnts wert Laura Ackerman, Starlet Brockmeyer. Ttrr• Sapp. Wtt>cly Zaloudel<. Ooc:k Hoback. Dan HoM. Steve MeVey. and JOhn WhtSier. Upperclassmen
attendants were Saundra Barkus. C3rol Orr. Pat Schultz, Dean Anstey. Randy Jensen, and Lennte Lahman. The Chancellors ot Ltncofn performed
for thtdanc:t. whtehwas ~ tn the gym.
AntMM~ts ror Tht Sot~t~a w..t~ OlrNt W~e(IAfl 10 ~0 w. z.~ S 8foc..,,....... S McVey. T
D ~tey. t..Adlt~tNn . 0 tiobKk.. S 8Mk.t11. A .Jotnwn. C. Orr. l.. Uhm~on
5.1"". J Whi1Mf. P Sctlv11l
Keep On Truckin' Spring Week Theme "KMP on Trudt•n" was selected as tht Spnna WHk theme t.h•s year. "LIItlt 8jg Man" was the movie v1ewed on Monday. Apt1l 16. The orpn•zahonal earnrval wu held on Tuesday as well as the concert A dart throw, penny PilCh, 1111. dunktng booth, trtCyCit
r.ct, luss•na booth. be3n baa throw. d•sh bttak. and marr.age booth we-rt lmotll IM pmH
Umbcb Otlta Umbda s.ponsored tht annual Mr Ha1ry Lees and M•ss lep contest Mr Ha.ry LfCS was Jack Sian· ley and Mtss Legs was Barb Shroyer.
Clubs Co-Operate For Carnival
-iii I\
..... a.·
Car Rally Proved Challenging
. ~
......... 10'
Fashion Show Presented Styles The Pttu State Home Economies Club Style Show was held April18 in
the college aud•tol'ium. Many out· fits were modeled in keepina with the theme. ''Dritting and Ofeam•ng". Mrs. V•cki Jacob•tz and Judy 8uddecke supervised the fashion show, which featured pantsuits. spflng
and fall fash•ons. tailored coats. loungewear. formals. halter top dresses. evening weal'. bridal and bridesmaid fashions. m;))u coats. and smocks and ~ue teans.
Alona w1th girls from the Home Economics Department, there were a number of people from the commun•ty mOdeling outf•ts. inctud1ng Mi$$ Lucy Hovey.
Dr. Christ Retires After 27 Years
Or John C Chust Dean of the SchOol ot Natural Scttnees and •n· "ruetor at PSC for lwtnly-seven ye3rs ret•red ln the sprtng of 1973.
aradulted trom North
Ctntrll Un~Vtn•ty '" Nlperv•lle. llh· nort He th«t 11\llht at Grind Central H•gh School •n fox Lake. lift.. nots. tor fifteen years He met h•s w1ft here. mamt<t. and ra•sed hts family of two boys In 1946 Or Chr.st c.me to Peru as en tnstructor of 81otoay 1nd be-
ume head of the dtp.trtment '" 1960 He obta•ned h•s Master"s <f+.
I'" before com•na to Peru and then earned h•s doctorate. A recog· n1tlon dinner was held m h•s honor
on May s. 1973
Degrees Bestowed At Graduation
Diversity Offered In Student Activities PSC students ~JOYed many varied activi· t•es throughout the year. includ•ng dante$, concerts. Duffy's. parties. window painting contests. intramural$, and spon50red
game tournaments.
Students JOined clubs which provided for th&ir interests. Work-study programs kept many studMts busy. Sports added greatly
to student enth\tSiasm and interest. A Falstaff trip was sponsored by Rex's <:ate
and Duffy's hosted a Fifties dance as well as a Beatie Nostalgia night. Live music was furnished several limes also.
SCB also sponsored movies and a variety show for student entertainment. Ace Truck· ing Company did a comedy routine at PSC
also. The Home Economics Ctub held several events. such as a lamb dinner and a style show.
Alpha Mu Omega Stimulates Math '
Aorw 1' M. w..d•son. C. Httm. M Behmt.. 8. ~Qbl•. S. Z•mpftf. Row 2" 0. ltatM. R.
~ptOt"l, S KM\I)Iwt., M. B.turNn. S. Me:·
K«~. Mt. lytf: MeKetd'ltof, Spons.or. Row 3: J Bottehtt, A. Atnold. L K.1.11. A. Stybert, 8 . St~Ptf', Of, ~ lOnJ. SponSOf TM oltQr$ lor thl$ ~ . . . , . 8onnft Sttml)tf', Pt'~t. Bryan t.bbM. Va PrHICtetlt; and Rolt.lltW'I Rtnptorl. Secttl•ry·Treo»urer
G. T. U. Becomes Strong In Third Year
Row 1: A. a.m.ts. J. Barry, R.IHII. T. ~. J. WOI)..n, C. P•voi•S. R. Wotlenburt. Mt. Soon W•l~ms. Sponsor. Aow2: Mra Seou W•lt•atnt.. $9ontOr. 0 . 8Mck.. T. Wedcllt. R.lutltl4n, 0 Ch~tt&&•n Row 3 G. Sw.M$00(1. H• .._uWM. l . VOI:ket>, G. Koowt. AGw • : J ~r. J_ l,f~CHon, G WalliCk . RowS: J , Colbtf1, J_ Jenwn. S StmiTI$. Tht~Mt..,ol f .T.U. inClude f~ lfOps., M~b. and cues:r spukef's.
P.S.S.S.S. Cultivates Social Sciences The Peru Statt Soc•al
Socte-ty ts an
orpnazation tor thoM who are tnterested '" the Soc:•al Sctencet The•r ObJect•vH are to
ptomote thts tntere$1, to develop an appre-ciation of the So<:•el Sctences and the vOCbt•onat opportunities In thts held.
The &roup's KltVtltfl for thJS year mctudtod a p.cn;c at Wabons; tn the tall. a tall •n the Spnna WMk C.rnrvat and a botnquet _
The ofttC«'S fOf the 1972-73 yea.r were Ja·
net Wantsttl .
Connte Shandy.
Va Pr..stdtnt. Mlrt'etn Mullens. Seeretary~ S.lhe Paap, TrHSurtf"; Mary Paap. H•ston· an: and Stevt Slm, ActtvlltesCoordtnator.
Row I A TK1l4tt J
WM~..SU.. M
P•p. 8
s "'"' ... Al>~lle!M. ~ ....... lheotl~
PNclo Arow 2 J Got.c;U
Phi Alpha Theta Stresses History
flottt Se!mtt.. $clont0f, Or Gtorp $(hOlt~
1ft lfttffl\lt~ hOnot soe..ty ooen
....., .. GPAot600
$clontot, A. Nc:hok, C. Wh•Hit J Wat~~~t.ka. J Batton Phi Alpt\.1 Th«a n. to t.t\~Cttfttt ~ ~ oornP'ettd ~ ~ ol M-101'1 ~ ~ • G P A of 6 50 and aft
Beta Beta Beta Accentuates Biology
Lambda Delta Lambda Promotes Science
Row- I L. C.ChotnW...-. 8 M htwnl. S ltmPftt, L tWti)Nm Row 2 Mr V~CtOt lhnprt, $ Ktmpqs,. r Aobtf"t• I«\ C l~ R ~toft. R. Atf\OW. 0 Sf~. J Cl'l.ltN>I'I Row 3 S Kt»i~ Or o.tyl Lori.. ScloMot. S Mc:K.,ct« f rtOII'Itlth. I St~ To bttona to Umbclt Dtlu LtmW.~• •t~~ettnt mutt~ to4.1tttotn hO\itl WI Chtm.-.tty cw ~ -th • CPA Ol 60001 O.Ct.,
English Club Organized "Sifting Sands"
SGA Initiates Open Dorms
Dorms weft ntebhshed tor lhe first
at Per-u Sute by tM Student Gov«-n· ment ~ttOn TMtr othet" acttV•t• tor the YQt ulCiudtd the .stablt$h~t or 1 used book catatoaue by wtuch students t•I"M:
m3y buy. sell, trade or borrow books from other students: polltlcal rap sessions: the polhns ot the student body con(ernin& 1 rtcOmmendlhOf'l to tht Soard of TrustMS that Or. Smtth tM eppo•nted as the Prn•·
dontofPt<uStattColitp The
tor SGA th•s year v.ere Ooua
Pres,tdent; frtd Robertson. V•ee Pres•· dent; Rtta Bostljevae. Secretary; Kurt Frohl· tng. Treasurer. The edvtsors for the ytar
wert Mr. Roger Salmtll and Dr Darrell v..n.nger.
Row 1. Mr. Ro.., t.aii'MII. Si)oM.of, r Ac>Wtton. 0. Or. O.r ,... Winonpr, ~MW Row 2: R. htW•Jf"WK. K rrot~~~na. W*re ~ oU-=-t IM)'Mf
SCB Provides Entertainment Row I; R. Ov•.ltt. f. Robtrt$01'1. D. F'tMt. T. S.pp. 8. HH• - Row 2: f. ~
v Elnk..-.. I,. A(t(...~l'l. c.
Warnke Row 3· 8 P•ti)tf. J _l.tn· ntorton. B. N~y. S Srock~ Row 4: 0. Schatz. ,.,.,.._ Cr'l.fpoin. Sponsot, J _ Gof.cl!;t, F. Sttl'll•tc Row 5 ~ J . Ko.n.tke, M Kelly. f_ Str.nalellow, Mr 8•11 Snydet,
The entertainment brought to Peru by SCB thts year were Helen Reddy dunng Homecoming and Jim
Croce dunng Sprmg WHk. The Grassroots were •n Peru while on tour. Dances spon. sored by SCB this year were
Our Dam Bend, Sanctu· ary. Red Dog and The Chancellors.
Volleyball games. movies. trap$hoohng. w•ndow paint· ing contests. Spnng Week car rally and open house were among the act•vtttes held by SCB. Offte:ers th•s year were: Car· ol Snyder. President: Wtlhe Fair banks. Vtce President; and Rhonda Preston,
WAA Promotes Athletic Interests
WAA pro1eets IOC:Iudt Ht&h
School Volleyblll Tourna· meftt and $9CH"'IOf'tO& IOttf• col~tetNms
Othc:ers ttus ytar wtft: Krts
Rotter, President: Patty John5on. Vice President; Ann Stukenholu, S.Cretary· Treasurer. and Ot.ane Jones. Potnt Cha•rman AI let\, Row I A. $tOll~&. T [.,.It ~ Aow t- A. Stui!MIhOttt. G HMmon. 0 .IONI. K. Ro(. lei' , p McL.tu.&N!A, Gt•..... Aotw 3 J rCt~1ef. wn 8onMt Al.ltt. Spon. tOf' p JohMon. A.
c_ ..
s ao.o.n
.......... At-4eor........ .,. L. .. ... J Gr--. s. ...,., . 0 s.n. p ~ .., ~... J Gtototn. a JoMt. Moru Bclnftlt Al.tu
Row t r RobertWI H Het.tl.t\. R. Atnl\1011 0 e..rton. K. AJbon_ I( Johnt Row 2 Or W.Ui,_m Und"'- Spon10t. 8 St,ov-, J w.tner. S ~ M .ltl"""- 8 WoO.:oMOfl. ( utlf1t
Kappa Delta Pi Fosters Education
r lllowl Or
SDI"'liOf.LYafton.O .....,...,.,k~J .lltwi.. L.O..,.O . . . ..,....,, 1-S*"PW -..,.2M ~- 0. llrl ...,..,._ S ~PAt. Tht oftat't Ol ~DIN~ W_. McKim.. ........ $t~Ptf- V..:t ,..~, Suwn '"'"' Sflt,.uty. rred ~lOft- Tr~er, JontL Ho.,.ort.tn To~ 10 ~""" Oetu " one """" brt • ~tt fOI' • detr" .., £dl.tettl0ft and ..,... • n'IIC'IItnl.ll'l'l GPA ot 6 n ~ tn~,~tl N¥t "• hCNn ltl (~ItOn Of 1ft P'OCJHS. WIIOf"' mvt1 h...-. tw.w. ho\lf'S In (0\lc.ttiiOn and ~- trtifW•IM to J)ledtt tl IMy lrt
.......-.s. M. ~- Y HoA. I
1ft 1.-ct..r fdu(;atiOn tM "'"' tl'le V..clot&»ont rtQwlttMtf'll
W\11.,._..-. lnd.....,
Education Is Emphasis Of PSEA
Row J• M. H..l. J. Kau,c:Mct. 0 . f'r•tz. 0 -C.WMs., J_ Wif'lfo;tl, 0 . DuM. 8 W•l~ms. Row2: M. Macll$0f\. A.~.$. Grw... O. Gtbson. J, Wolk_,., S $1m. It MIIC:haotl4. M MutltM, J. Wtmtt, $. FOlttf, Aow 3 0 . AtwJtt$on. K. Boyd. A. BotCher. 8. Poa~. P. 8Mtt"1t. 0 . Jones. J _f.,b+r, K. R.ms.ty, 0 Elowman OIIIICt« thiS .,nt W«• John Thomn, PY~~ Kty Albin, VQ ~nM;Ien1.; Bec:ky PMPtf, $tcftttfy. Bonntf! Slemper, TrtaoWr«, fnCll Dtbbo1t Stoll, H1$t0f~
Phi Beta Lambda Interprets Business Role
Fb)w 2~ 8. Pr~t. R. Rodnoey. ( . Belt. 0. 84Mf\. S. Johnt.on, Mr Ru\Htl Bdcltn, $pont«. Row 3 0. Kohtf, F', Motet'lcM.IM. $. 1\tbo~o~rn, 8 \.lndt, t.. (c:k.ttt. T~ qllt«f'S lOt" Phf ht.a lMnbcSa *tft Armon Ntt'lson. Prtsldtnt (hl.t(); Umboo)', Va P,Htdtftt~ VICk.it Unt. Secrettry. J•tn UM:, TtNWftr. ..-w:!l.lnOI Bol.lkal, Hli1or.aft. The hrlt )'NI' tor Ph• O.ta laf'l"'bd.l w;K 1962 •t Whle::h 1)ftW It WHen hOnof..,YOfpt'I!ZttiQn lOot bus.MU n'\l;c>r'l .ncl on J.tn1Hrt 1. 197011 .-.t.optMCStoe• •t~Kttnb ln bu~
Row 1: A. Bof•na. 8. Oorn. L.. Acktf"tNn. 0 Lockwood. H. f.tdltlnltf.
Row 1: R. M«•1t. L OWls, M. Mullens. N. S.~mtW. Y, Actb.ms.. L. 9oukll, B. Pa.ap. J. Buu. S. K\lf'\UI\an. Aow 2:' Mt, JKIC Ham•.. ton. $clon$of, T. John1on,, R. PoPPt- L Htl~, A. Nl'tbon. C . Wtllek, M. 'Mittten, I.. Kohel. Mr, 8ob t.twelitn. Sponsor.
.. .
..• . • . , •• -· .,... ~
Home Economics Club Improves Skills
l . Tte..t1t.C WMn\t. 0 BHI.Imont.G ShipMy,C Obtrmtytt. J . 8lolddec:Q , TMofhe.,..ol the HorN lconomiaC"--..,.t: ~OI Warn11t, Pf~t. Cit'ole Obtnnty..-, Va Pr...otnt MMy ~v1l4'1'1hoftz. Tr.nurtr; Judy ~"'-· $ee:r.wy. Kttny [dwQtdt., Pff'l..n'ltftlttl~ end Mary PHI). Pfetl<*\t £1tct Tht Hom. (conornoleS Club WH kiC)1 bY\Y"'•th \'KIOUS pro;tets end IICtMt!ft Atnof1C thftt ...,. • Unlttd NatiOn\ DlnMf' 1on tn.t•ll ..,.,"1 c;w..- one tluncked ~ lht ~t"' Wf'th•naton r.- '«H fWd aM one "Wndted aM rw."'ty thrM po~.~l'ldi ot lh1•t (.lla... wtft bt~ The c:..1o.e tt\.tt _,~!'IN I)Oftr~t ot W;)sJ'IIf!C'on on the tOO A st)'tt ~ Wft hit~<~ cklttnC Scw•nc WMii IMtVtlflll ovtf.tl tNde ~ tt... c;!W ~ encll PtOPif of th<l c::omnwt'Mty TN )I'M' • ._,.,... ••tn tn tntldtt.on ~ tcw a.nct tl'lw ~
Industrial Arts Club Made Christmas Toys
Aow 1: 0 . ScNa. J TfltmMtl, J. Wlnqi, Mr. fr-.nk rr~ $pon10t. r. H.tlnott. Aow2:0. Gobson, R. MtehMh$.0t'.C. V. ~. ~. R. Rvt C 8obbtU. Ml' 0 V. J•rvn.. ~. Row 3' G. Uncltn, T. frtcn, A. AoMnthll, R. Blcon. M. S.rttk.
The off•cers this year were: Dave Gibson. President: Earl Webb. Vice Pre-s•<Mnt: Roger
Michaelis. Secretary: and Richard S&con.
Treasure-r. The lndustnal Arts Club was formed to as· semble the students interested in industrial arts and to promote this interest. The Club In Peru was organized In 1950 and was a
charter member ot the Industrial Arts Col· lege ClubS. The pro,ects of the club include making a float for Homecoming •n which they took ftrst place for several years. Toys were made at Chrtstmas for the underprivileged children by the Industrial Arts Club. Materi· ats were p~ud lor by organizations in the surrouncl•ng communities.
I. A. Ct~o~b membets Chr'tS:ttnn
m..o. toys for
unWPJ•vtleat<S ctukl,tn •t
Epsilon Pi Tau Recognizes Skills
KPSC Broadcasts At PSC
Rowt J ~llfto8. tt.en . Aow2:;0 Kohtl. J CMI\.) lwn"'tf, P. ~. J P-...G tWv\.8 ,_.,, 0 k\. 0 Gnlbw. Ill Cn.IAA.. L G04dtft
Ped Records School Happenings
A.t \.tit Row I 0. (t;)M, D BlttCN'I. S Cou&hhn. G Harmon Row 2; I( Krws-t. T. $tr!ft.8.1~tow. J. TI'IOmM, S . Kn•nt., 8. !>.eP«-
Students on campus inqumng
about an aet•vity were often membtrs ot the Ped Staff. Sto-
r•es and pictures were ass.•gned at the end of the week and due the beg.nn.ng ot the
next week. The staff. inue edi· tor and their adv•sor, Mr. Browning. traveled to the Ne· braska Ctty Press where the papers were assembled.
C. Smltl'l.lll'lt MmtSt« Asmtanl Ed•tor. 8 ~mman. hm Hft'loHt- [do-tOt: 8 TtMtsteld. MCOnd semtittt (d..tor; f. O'MOH.t. MCOnCI Mmnt•, A$W1.Wit £dlt0t'
Staff Members Assemble Peruvian
Row 1· C. Smith. B W«ntn'W'I. 8. Thlaletct, 0 S.nOft, 0 9MumQ!nl, 8. ~ Row 2 l t1ttkty, 0 ~l'lel. C- P.wold. F Mot• hOuM. J lhOmfs. R Oti<JoU. f O"Adcttw lhottt•tt tP,"Y'N''*M<»mpoMdot Ch<tYNfboo' [CI•tlnl<lltt.. lttldtnb rf&"ttted tQr Jwt.,..,wn Pf•uc""' .WS Audcw'lll 'f'OiuniMtlftt tl'le-r t>fftt. A cNnatt tn IN )'Nrbooll. •M tM Mw .. ot MYtft and ttw. . lourtht .nc:n.t "t ten and one-NH ii'ICNI
- ----------
Drill Team Performs At Games ThiS was the second year for the Kitty Kadets but a change was made from having one eapta•n to hav•ng eo-captcuns. The co·capt;)lns this year
were Kay Alb•n and Oebb•e Barton. The group was composed of ten talented and imag•nat•ve &•rls. Their sponsors for this ~ear were Mrs. Mary Kunkel, Mrs. Jess•e Trenhaile and Mr. Don M•ller. The g~rls used the•r pompoms dunng most of the sta.son. Thier last performance they did a routine
to ..The Guns ot the Magn•hc•ent Seven". wear· tng white gloves, cowboy hats and carrymg guns.
The group did routines to songs such as ''The Str~per··,
''Jesus Chr.st Superstar·· and ''Make Me
Sm•le.. . They performed during half·t•me of the basket· ball games and this year they also performed at half-lime of the Harlem Thnllers game sponsored by Cu•cle K. The final performanoe was giv· en at the basketball game against Wayne State on February 21 .
A. T~. N Httktl1. K.JJbin. 8. Oom. L Adctf'man, C. Aott*•. D. S.rton, T, S.pp. K. Alb~!\ , 120
. ..f
-~~ Cheerleaders Boost Bobcats Cheo<le.O.f1 MIKttd lor tM 72·73 •oort• se.ason wet-e. JuM Bottcher. Arlene Doeden. Ktm Fetters, Mary Goeraen. Patty Me·
Laughlin and Pat Schultz. Alternates were Wendy Z-aloudek and Potty Collins. This was
the hrst t•me cheerleaders were selected by a p.Jnet ot Instructors lnd people from sur· round•na communi hiS. The cheerleaders l.cf chants and boosted
'"'"' ot u.. bo>llttboll ond lootball 80"'"' The che-er~•" also took part '"the Apple Jack and Homecom•na parbdH. They peot• formed at the vJrtOV$ pep rail~ throu&h· out the year to promote student Involvement.
Circle K Donates Scoreboard
'*"·" ......
Aeowoe ...... l l g·:-... 5-s-. llt ,,. lot Or Otorfeal W~ . SooM«. P HoclP Aolt 1 J 'A't'tt«. M MvtcNw. 0 H.tynrn..C .......... $.. S.. R $tft!tf\ M Cl'twll" lM otben b IN,_, ..,• ....,... Mil T.,.tor. ~....-nt s.t.... s.m.,. Ya Pr...oMI Md
Nyt.tt.f1NIO~ . $«r~TrM,urtr
Ctrcle K was an outstand•ns contnbutor to varJOUI organizations. They donated monty tor tht baseball scoreboard which wn medt by the ma•ntenanc:t depertment Amon& the doNbons made: 1wo hundrtd dollars wert arven to KPSC; orthopediC shoes •ert bOu&ht for a blind ch•ld 1nd
monty wu a•vtn to needy famthts tor Chr•st~s
c...... IU
tnotn CIUl ~~~ IM IHMNU KOt.OO.rct dof\tttd tlf
Mrs. Degrees Achieved By Student Wives
• • •a
.U. & M" Krah. Mt, & Mfs fro.t~lt(;h, Mf. & MJJ. ~. Mr, & Mrs A'oWtson. Mr. & Mrs Stf'l)han, Mt. & Mrt.. Rt.bovfn. Mr & Mrs Ft•U. 01hCHS Chr,s Robtftson. Pr~t: Paul-a~. Vee. Pr~t; 1.1~ fr~Uch. S«t~ Rt~t Ktlfl. Tttoa• J.WffltldJin frtU. Htltor~
Clayburn Mathews Hall
RowtCSm11\.J ......... 1't'"Joi•t0ft Row 2 r
Wofe~M T Cr1pr. C. ,~ Oft.un .,.... )'Nf'
. . . . (,.,.. , ......IIOI'l ........... I!Otfll. 10M ...,.,_ Vee
"'" fer•t lftd ~ Snwctl, Soc......
Davidson-Palmer Hall
Oavtdson ~Palmer
Hell started off the year w1th a Sister Sut party to acqua•nt the fteshmtn w•th the uppercl&SStnfl' ...Plunge the EagJt'S", was tht theme tor the tto.Jt tor tM Home<:OfTIIO& parade built by DavtdSonPalmer •n con,uncttOn w.th Cl.ayburn~ thewJ Chr•stmas wu txc.hna as tM rest-
dents drew"'"* lnd had ··Secret ~ntis.. for a week wtuch Wtft reveated at the dorm Chr•stmas p.arty Oavtdson-Palmer took $eCOnd ' " the Spt•na Week w•ndow p2unttng contest. Redtcoratlna was started on the lounge by hav•na lt painted and purchning drape material .
Delzell Hall
0 ....,__ 0 ~ 0 N1!1tN1. T ~ J ~, fklrtâ&#x20AC;˘ o.&r.l otf<Mlwtfe Tom~ ,....,.t.l..any Mof'r"*"
Yo"'.....,.' lftd OotlftyNtou.t. S.U..wy. ,,..,..,
Morgan Hall
t.bltft Ootm Courw;.l P<tUted at ..h Row I 0 ...,. N)rft, M Btnrns. M.. M(.tJw-" Aow :Z 8 WlluntOrt J W.nltb, Q _ Mdet'tOft. ( Utttt Row 3 A. &o~,I~K.
P COIIhnt.. R, RttiCStOfl
The otftcers of Morpn Hall were: N1ncy Stolt. Pres.tdent, Roxann Rengstorl, V.ct
P r - t and ~ And«Jon. Secretory· Tr. .surtt. The dorm counctl IS compr•Md of twelve res•dents. To be a member of the council one must be a rtsldent and the year thty ere '" school determines the ofliet to be htkt A S.ster Sut party was Mid u'l tht fell for u-.c:om.ng freshmen and a Chr.stmas porty was held.
MENC Emphasizes Music
Stage Band Plays Popular Tunes
Band Performs At Winter Concert
,.,_I K,..&o,o..O ~R..Gobbtr.l.Covtat. K. .._.., -..2"8 Glo.tt. 0 lowNft.l ...... 0 Dwtln.A.BoMc. T (....,._ 0 ~ G llot:lbtfl. J ._kM. T V~- C ....... 0 Cotl""- L. T.o.tt M Cottl'f'\. Aowl: L- Ooty. J 0\lt-..n. l..Gt btf\. D Gfwblt, J_ Tettt~-.l ~- M Geotch.... K R'Mnt.ay. 0 Own"'-. Of C.lbeft Wlfton. 0 Altft, S Pot.!~. R AlbtrU. f.'-""* K
Momswy, G ""'".,
Spring Choir Concert Is Entertaining
Swing Choir Goes On Tour l
It Ootlbtf. S Kott!Ch. C Gtottl'l""'- L G•'btf'l l 0oty R RM~ef. L l..ahmln. 0 """- M Gt.ch"'-. L TK.Utt, R BIK.... K
Cats Have Best Season; In Years
The Bobc:ac football team. under head coach
Jack Mcln11re. ended the 1972 season w1th a record of three wtns and seven losses. Peru State's best record since the 1965 squad won tout and
lost r.ve. It was firmly believed at the start ot tall practtee. thai if tne team could dodge the •njury bug. they would have a gOOd chance for a w1nning season. Too many key players were inJured during the f•rs:t half of the season however. and as the year progrmed a lot ot the ~ayers had to pl3y in both
the vars•ty and reserve games. Two sen,ors who contnbuted greatly to the 1972 campatgn were John Winkel. end from Algona. Iowa. and John Waters. linebacker from Wilhston Park, New York. a stalwart performer on defense before betng InJured.
C~pl•lns J. Won'ktl •ncl T. Crtltt' tlddtl'll A~,.c:k Bowt 1rophy
,.,_ 1 K froiiMC. "9 CMtl\ T fot.rprllfd, coach J MIC.w!W•- R. LMcf\ J V.ot1k4!l, J ~ ( ..._ 0 Cotcoft. J ~- (_ T.......... I ~ertof\ f Wor~ . S UAIIr. ~a.t.COI!ChV 2' Jt ICMNNtl.D. f•et. LPT-ad'll. R \'Of\~- T er..., J ~Ill R Htnon.. 0 W a ""-"14t A 'fltallk• A 'I'IM'ti'!Wl. J Ytl•ftn.. H ~ RrDw;) lit (ok'-'- I .,.,.,""'- T Puref41. 8 MMM. 8 ~•1 8. ~ T hoeN<ti., L ~ $.. JCr~ T u.ot, G G tt.M Row C J YOen. "W' . J ~- T ..,.. . 0 ~ J lllliltac H ~- I HoNdr.. 0 ~ A. Kra~ l ~ L Kt""* K ,...-,. J T eoa.n&. fbwS A. , . .ood. • -...-.._Oro-.._0 Jonei..A.O.,O..( ""~It....,._.. A .. _.. J ~J •-..ot. L$4..1M)!f,My_ M C., I lotd-111 ,..,., S Mcr.r,r•
Mol•"•"' ......
Vars1l)' Scoreboard
PSC 14
Dakota State, Mad1son
22 Gractland 15 Tarkio 23
Northwett M•SSOUrt
8 30 13
37 39
l.t K•mey SUtl 7 Chadron Stott 28 Woyn4Stott 31 Cu"'tr·Stockton
48 28
20 DooM
Jr. Varsity Builds For Future
Reserve Scoreboard
PSC 14 Hrghlaod Jun•or Colleg,e 18 Doane College 23 Concord•a College 22 Northwest Mtssour. State
48 12 0 16
The jumor Bobcats. after an open•ng loss to H•ghtand Jun1or College. rolled over thetr last three opponents by a combined sc:ote of 63·29 and hmshed the season wtth three w•ns and one toss. Many players gamed valuable expenence '" these tuniot vai'Stty g~mes that wtll help the var·
stty SQuads'" the years to come.
0Pff!M ,_0111' T¥'.1o tot •
,., 1ft . . . ~·,eo &o.l
""""' COK.tl J """"'~• •I'MI J
"'•ten dn<vU •
~Wilf\MOU<... e4Conc0f'N
Bobcats Share NCC Title
Row 1• M tQrl)tr. T_ F'rotUCh. 0 Mootu:•nto. A. Wo~sh!ntJon.C. H..m Aow2: W Huntef,L. GtHI'I. R Monot. K.$tone, M. O.Runtz.A Mont.cu• Row~ Stl.tOtnt .,.,l$t.lnt. S ...,.,.,, a.&~t\1,.,, 0 Mom,sty. J_ (tl'ler.nJton. A 8~1ty. 9. Ctb<C. 0. P..,-~~;.,, Co.leh J.lell. Mctnttft
The 1972·73 BobCat
caaen won the.r hnal trve
&ames 10 ~h•evt a w•nn•na season record of 12-11 In tht t.n.- pme ott~ HMOn agatn$1
Wayne Stitt. the ~tl umtd a U\•rd of the N• bt~,._. Couqe Conftftnet c~mpeonstup, and pvt COKh JKk Mdnhrt r.rs 2501h PSC careH VtCIOty ¥nth I 81·7• 'ft'ln . The Nebraska Coli. crov.n. shared v.tth W1yne State and Kearney State. ..,» the Bobcats hrst smce the 1965-66 StMOn, lnd COKh Mclnttre·s Stvetlth champ.on. sh•P squad 1n h11 17 ytars as head mentor.
Stn•or forward Anant;,s Montague led the team '" both scortna and rtbound•ng. Montague's 25.8 potnts per game average ranked htm near the top '"the ntnton '"that dtPolrtm~t.
._d tf •n...-~ to
"""'ot t
.,..~,~ Cfit.lorottt ~.,....,. momttll
Season Record Nebraska College Confert1"1Ce Wtll•am P.nn Tournament Oroant tnvtllllonal Tourn.ament
12·11 Tted 1st lsi 2nd
v.,..ty Scoteboard PSC
80 Gr.c..~nd{YI•Iham Penn Tourn.)
Wilham Penn(Tourn.amenl)
60 S•mpson CoU•ge 72 Tark•oCollege 78 Parsons College 84 Un•vtts•ty ot Nebr. at Omaha 73 Doane College n Midland College 75 Belf«Yue (Qroa;ne lnv•tat•onal 68 Ooan• (Doane lnvllattOnal) 103 KNrney State 79 O..n• College
Waynto State
69 MountMorty 78 Btllevu• College
72 Unwtt"S•ty of Nebf. at Omaha 75 Chadron State
70 <48
63 84
89 87 76 79 69 100
76 102
64 84 69
76 Mount Marty
110 70 57 67
88 Tark•oCollege
89 Kearney State 83 Chadron State S8 Bellevue College
81 Wayne State
er... ~u-• ""lfVOW~..,I"'C"'--'1M.MOn
It )1 t
Wrestlers Produce Winning Season Peru State "a.rapplers" pre-sented ftrst ye.ar coach Vtnct Monseau with an out'stendtn& lS-6 dual record tor the 1972·73 season. The Bobcats also recei'Ytd naHonal recognttton for tho first ttmt '" tht sports three year htstory It PSC.
W1th Stvtn rtturn.ng le1tetmen the "Cats wtft atW~ys '" cootent.on. Transfer .hm C.sh alona ~Mth Frftoh,...., John Wh~tf". •nd Bud K1mblll prowd to be the bulk of theattac:k.
The Bobcats achtt¥ed a ftnt s.econd place t.n ..m at tht Nebraska Coli~ Conference mMt Thtn .allttd
a thtrd place t.nt$h at the N.A.I.A
meet. pfac.na behtnd Wayne State and UNO. From this plactngtn the dtstrict Peru quehfltd she wrestlers to compete in the national tournament.
They wtfe· Gary Leso•ng. Rod Wartman. John Whi'SIIf, Jtm Cash. Dean Anstey, and Jtm Rez.c.
tlow I I l
~. J
~.. Y Mont.N\1 Jf A W.tttman. ¥ttn\411m.,t~ . eo.tftV ~.....
""""- J Atuc.Mini!prJ
K ftotW\. Aow2' J t.wl. K.
0 AMtty.
W..niNI"' If... IO count.,
a t.t~ fHtmPl 1:11 l'lot
SUt•OPOCN'*'It ""tM 14210 dau
"'KN c:ot'ltrotl M .........,.
fNI"' ~
a c:IOM MolteD It\
""l90. .da'»
27 45 15 5 21 27 42 J9
18 30
23 52 45 21 32 48
31 42 16 6 26
""''"'« " about 10 ( 01'1\pet!tOt
put II to ..,.. •fW"t t\4 W•'fM Stat•
Dona Cones• Ltncoln Unflltrstty NWMSU
16 8 31
Kearney St~te Mtdland Colle&t Iowa Western Mtdland Colleg• U. ot South Dakoto - Spr•ngh•ld
21 22 12
Bellevue Collqo Kearney Statt towa Westff'n W1lham Jewell
Bellevue College Nebtaska Wesleyon Mtdland College Northwest•rn Colltgt Concord•• Wayne State Momtngs.dt Htbrask.a Wesleyan
24 12 14 6 8
21 17 9
15 3 24 31 14
2nd Conference 3rd otstt•ct
Tracksters Gain Second In Conference
Doane lnv•tahonal - Thtrd
Midland lnv•tational- Third Grac~tland lnv•tahonal- ftrst Ooloe lnv•tattONt - Th.rd
PSC- 70'> Concord"'- 1•'> PSC- 68 WW>burn - 73 PSC - 5J DooM - 8J N W.M.S.U. Quadrangular- Th•rd Nebr. College Conference- Second
f1r1t places'" tht confHenc::e: meet we-rt urMd by llolt Sell on t ... 880 and thrN mo... Mot Kelley •n t~ 100 and 220yltddasMS. Gordon Thom~ son '" the ,avt>hn. S.rry RHd '" the d•scus and leon Gotden '" tht 120 yard h•&h hurdles
K..lity ,~ ""' tn front •s otl'ltf• I'Y to " tel'! up'" tht 100
y¥d d.Mh
.. Cross Country Looks Toward Future The 1972 Bobcat cross country team won
only two meets. but •nexperumce was the ma•n reason with four freshmen and two JUniors earnmg letters. The ·cats defeated Creighton lwiee tor the victories.
48 38 7th 8th
49 50 50 17 17
5th IMdl tl'le ¥4'f• .,.,n,(. S"".WJOOd lftd H.tnSWI dos.• tl'le
Northwest Missouri
Tark_io College Nebr. We'$leyan lnv•tahonal Doane IOVII3ti0031 Doane College Northwest M1s.souri Kearney State
Conc:ord•a Creighton Creighton
15 20 15 15 15 15 38 36
N.A.I.A. Olstr.ct N.A.I.A. Nationals
1973 A Rebuilding Year For Tennis •
• •
PSC 3 0 0 I
Iowa WHtern Iowa Wes1ern Nebraska Wesleyan Tarkio TarkiO
OPP 6 9 9
s 6
Tenn•s coach Ot. Oarretl W•n•naethad noplayen •itnth •nr PfeYJOus tournam.nt •xP«ttnee as the season got under ~'f 1973 WH del•n•tely a rebudchn& yur. as the p&ayers striVed to bv•td tht>lr
sk•Us for the upcom•nc years
It was ftlt by the end ot tht short Hason that the ream would be more eompet•t•ve. w1th more
Coacno.w • .,.._ ,w
Tf't41\.R-~ . V llc:Hf.B ......_J,~S ~n
Cats Have Best Season Since '66.
Ai7wl T.enc-.J. IQWI. RS.mmot~t. 0 Aomoblcti. Ct.Qrtlf' . 0 ~Sh....-. 0 Me~ ftow 3
~- T Col""'- 0 CoHon Aow2 0 Mitt)'. T Pl.wuA.J ........._tfW'_0 R Hoback. o o.c:~ . o w......,..,. c Sly. a t.w~«
eo.cn T. r~.act
Coach Tom F•tz&efald's baseball team ran up a record of IO.S. tl\e f•rst squad s•~ 1966 to pos:t a W1nntna merk.
The team earned second place honors •n the Nebraska Colle&• Conference. and was bt•na cons•derl'd for
post-season play by tht Otstnct II Baseball
Comm•uee Stew Shupe kd ~ te.am '" h•tt•na wtth an avera&e ot .OS. Shupe also batted '" 17 runs and smashed thr" home runs
OenntS Otekman led the P•tchlng staft with an earned run average of 2.94. Ht also led In stnke-outs w•th 31. Gelt Bly posted the Mst record of the statt. 1 S-2 mark
9 6 2 I
2 I I
9 14
5 8 7
3 6 3 7
Northwest M1ssoun Northwest M1ssourl Tarkio TatkiO
Kearney State Kearney State Nebraska Wesleyan Nebraska Wesleyan Senedict•ne Benedictine Hast•ngs H3st.ngs
Chadron State Chadron State
Doane Doane Wayne State Wayne State
10 2 5 3 12 2 4 2 2 8 4 4 3 5 2 2 13 8
... .. ' ... ..,. .
,., •
Volleyball Team Achieves 11-2 Season
Row 1: K. Rott.,, 8 . ..Jonft, A eo.cJtn. P, JohMOI'I. J, Gt..,, G HJ,rmon. J, 8onc'* ~ 2; P. 8ttniU'r\lft. 0. Owntn. A, Sty..... hO'tL K. Alb.n, O.lcd(..ood, co.tCh Bonnie 1W1z.
Wayne State
2 2 0 2 2 2
2 2
Midland College Tarkio College
Chadron State Tarkio CoIIese Nebraska Wesleyan
Iowa Western
2 2 2
Nebraska Wesleyan Untvers•ty of Nebr. at Omaha M•dland College
Chadron State
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
The 1972 season was suec:esstul, and was climaxed when Patty Johnson was named to the AII·State Team and to the Hall of Fame of Outstandmg AthletH of Amenca.
June Bottcher wu htgh seorer on the team.
8ouehtf, Aoutr. and JoMs 1ft tN<I'f to '"urn tl'le Ol)pOI'IoMt
Bobkittens Improve From Last Season Gtrls Basketball Scor~board
PSC 28 30 55 41 27 49 24
38 31
OPP NorthwMt Mtssour• State "8"
Tarkio Nebraska Wesleyan Midland Kearney State Nebraska Wesleyan
21 19 51
Tarkio M•ssourt Western Tarkio
54 7 21 32
The 1973 PSC Bobkotten basketball team
hntshed w1th a nason mark ol 5--4. whteh u-.clude<l the runner·up spot m the TarktO
Sports Day Tournament. held at Tarkto College.
Jody Ftehter and Alhe Stoltenberg fed the team '" scor•ng tor the year wtth 75 and 67 pomts respec:t•vely. AIXttf ~tor tM ~llaponst TeriUO.
PSC 809KI1iEHS AND COACHES. hit to Fb.atu F'roftl Row' 0 . Loppoed. C-Una. T. [w~tt. K. RoHtf', and G. H6fmon O.Ck Row: Cotch C. Rolmo.eh. A. StotttnbttC. 8 Nldly, J_ F'dlttf. A. St~o~ktfti'IOitL and C:O.Ch (.Pot~
lntramurals Strengthen PSC
Sly UtpJ bMe M lnlt•mur•l ().rKtOI' ~tempet WJtcM:n ptnto•
--· -
A'_u ........ . ...
A r~ to the r,nM
s smv
_.:_..,. .
Dillwrgaf Is Overall Champions Po•nt Stand1ngs Towards Over•U CNmp.on'Sh•P I. 0oiiWTa.af 2. Rex's 3 Su~IV 4 Oak H111 Bbnaers 5. Ou5ter 6. Dry Heaves 7. Studs 8. Shalt Squad
10 7 8
10 5'> 5'>
9. Peons 10. Shady Oak Bombtrs 11. lndependtnt 12. Panth•rs
- Otd not compete
... ...
o• o• 6
o- forf..ttd and r~ed no potnts
•5'> 7 8 I 10 2'> 510
6 9 10
SB 8
9 6
8 3'>
TR 10
7 8
TOTAl 52 41 40'>
261> 17 12 11 \)
9'> 8 0
I""Ch;ng;;: Ch;ng;;: cn;ng;;: Ch-;~g;;: Ch-;~g;;: Ch;~g;;: Ch;~g;;: Ch;~g;;: Ch;~g;;: Ch;~g;;: Ch;~g;;: ;;~;;: ( Changes, Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. ( Change-s. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Chanaes. Changn. Chanan. Changes. Change-s. Changes.< Changes. Changes, Changes. Changes, Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes.< Changes, Changes, Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes,< (
Changes. Changes. Changes,< Changes, Changes, Changes. Changes. ( ( (
Ch<>ng6. Chan~s.
Changos. Changes. Chanaes.
Change-s. C~:~::~ Chanaos. Chanaos. C Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes, Changes. Chanaes. Changes. Changas. Changes. Chan.Rn. Chanaes. ChanA.es.
n 91. 94. 109, IIC
120 AOtmt DtYOd I C)
~·n. f~ 133.146
Yl(k.lf .tO. 114
~ ~t.,.2C
~~.tO 112. 11112C .t.lblfl. K lfl"' 40. 120 148
Nlilooll.Arft01c140.1).) ...,..,.,... Dtota.tO. JOS_ 112. 111
AM1ey V. _,.,.10. 91 126.140. 146 ~tt. AobftUO. JC2
AI 24 Atnold AM!'h .0. 104, 101 Atntt OrfiCI.tO
C,.la. Robett42. 136. 13?. 138.. U9 Ct••.. l'tWMNs 42 0t¥tn. Glof.,-43 &9.129
Riel!. H.
ea. a29
81ot11Ch.fbyH 8ty. G.lt J.t6. tc7. ISO
126 --~
~.. ~117
lotd'l« MIN 2S . • ~ ......,_.41 9S.lt3.11S
lor"''. NwlllC Ita
8oc1U..""'"'4 104 121.12'5 148 8cKI'-1l~Mt37 . 114 eo-.n. Aot.t 36 8owm.lft. Otbot'"' 113. 121 6owMift,C¥y lOS 107.12<4
OiuymPM . .1om 36
~Met.. ~
......... "'\.1 10l.l'l7 n.
..,.... VOIII.t0
...... ~2· 50.116.117 ~ ~40
111 128 loyd v.- I ~41 108 U3 Boyd K,..41
104 I Sl
49 Itt 171. 121.
"',.,'Y '"' """ ........ tWwy 127. 128..129
.'My e.n.-.41 • ..,. o.-..t41 106..107 ...,.,.41.82
• ...._f..,..,
.if'llvNA, .......... , • lWft, \Ill • ..,.. 2'5
BM1tk. ~t0ft40. 116 BM1tll. P•U4. I U e.,thoiOmfw. N~2C. JIC 122
...,.,. ....... .., ' • '-.tO
"'*'"'- Otftow 40 94 112. II S 119 160 ...... llto0ttt2S 9l.ISI
. .u
8«\ff THcty.tO
MU<f\tiOt 107,127
S..t~• Ha·m .a() Bttl. AotllyH 104,153 ..... h.,_ 36. 114 ~1 Sl.il..INie 36
,,..,.. 60_ 118.119 160
o.w ........ 26
Ot<w-os. Mdfew I 3J Otvlt.lOl'tU• 26, 112. 1 U O,...os. Pl'lyllrt. 26
Ot¥•• Rot.•26
Otrona. ANJtewl33 OtiUW R..tk &3. 60. 119. 144. 160 o.Avttu Mtct~.Mt •1 1l6 ~ ""'"'*26 a.c 123.133.. ISl
Dt-lo.f'ftalft. ~ 43, 146
O.Cboft. ...,_._., o-..-.tt Jwttt.Q
~ ~26. 110.113.121 . 1"1
8roolo.t. w.yH lkooll.t.. ;oM 36
BM1on Otelor.t! 40. 61. 89. 112. IlL I t9 120. 160 llt1oft. ....,_.. I O!J J 06 ........,.., ....., .tO... 104
.._. """Yf'' SlM'kt <41.16. 17. 91
.tO. 91 ..,,__ Al.lutll oiO. 12. 104 Baft\1\a.ll. Byron 36 Bftry Joe2• 104. 151
..,..... S...,l'ldr•
62.. 124. I 32. Ill
......,_, 0..,.
low"*'. a.ry 105 107, 124
.... _...,
01Ct" Tetty 4.).
lo«lf. (ftWy60
8o)>d It)Itt 4 .. 113. 128
....,,~ 42. 68. 121.127
CotltNl. MM)' 36
toobotl Gtty 2'$. 116. 128
..,-n 26. 42
8•\Mn. DY.n.J6,114
"'-ui'!Ofn. o.tMot41,16.87. lOS. 127
tot.. 'II
e.no.r. R..chMI85
A<ht~. Ut.~t• '<),
ka«.Ctw.stone<IO 115 ... ,..,_ JoM 101. 124 129
0otPl. ..,"""'".4.).88. 120 Dot.... llftd.e 4) 49 114 122 Ooty Lindt )ol <41127. 12&. 129 '*'~- HM'f"tY 133 Dol Of\.. JoloMe 4)
8t0Wf'_ btl I 53 81'wm~. 8t~Kt~ )6
Orttt-. S.th 43, 106 107 Ovtorttl<lt Sh•ron 43. I 12
l!ns J!Nt'on.,.37. 63..114..12'5
0\ltlft. ~ 27.11, 13. 86. 87. ll3,
8t.ons l*tM«41.45
~.~26.1U (Mf\. ........ 4J _IJ7.1.t0
,c-.w.y» .........,.,..,.,
c:Nlttao.tty K~wn26.106
c..n. ....,,~ .. 26. 61.72 ~- ,.... I) 4,2_ 46.
(c\41n_ ""'"' , .
10. 101. 117
CNt...on. Ot-nd JOt Cl\ttN-A.Jotln42. 107.128,129 Ct·~r•sM Kt:y42 Cottttt0tbof•l'l26. 72.86.87. 128 Colbtft Jol'ln 26 I Ot 1Sl Cok. o\ll•..ot~42 Cok'
, . . . . . ftttp,y 115 (J<wMn OtOot-., Q. 148 (M\Ait. OtMos43 127,128.129 (tC:h.nbtf.......~ 41. 43..106. 107 (otoehtn. Ate~ I U
(110101t leuy 133 (IMI~. Otbot'-'t27.73 (mUtt. Vc:\143..109
t:"'P' Oot"** 4)
w. 43. 49 (lln.a,.,. z..a ,, ,..,._<)
or...... O.'rid 45 GtMn.Uwt0ttll6
Hruc:klns., OwiCI ,.
liO. t48 Gt...Connot 4S
[~.Not"*' l6
("'*•'C'OI•- ,_ 4.).
~-ANt M<,...•t. ll
(.,.tt_ T'tw~~N4) 110.121..149
GnwC. S....a 29 I 06 110. lll GrooclwiS.Giof'"4S,to. 129
,,.,,bln)l;$, .,.-.,~ 27 67 109
Grvstl'l. w,H.,M 45
'""~ .leoM6d )6 '""""' ~,.... 4& II)
Grott~n.. Ottlor~
6&. 80 101
r _,.,_ Alckt tll
Ct'vbtf. o.n..l45. 117. 129. ••2
, ..... OoN!cl27 106Jl) rc:~'~t•. Jo uo. 149
r tttum, Rl(:k.j )6
HIM. K•'" (rt«.,..)4~ 6J..6&. U'l Klhn. ~~~. 34 4~ 63 10 ~fttd34,40.109
'"'"•· Jot«V foprty w ...-n 44
. . . . . . loWe. . . . . . .
JCMt•.$uwn27. 101$.112. 113
,,_._DonN ... 109 Ill Thomat21.116 rrtt~~CttJ. St~• .....
(hU. Oou&t» 21. 113..123
f r,tz. .Hn<tt II M Ill
ffltt. ~ .... 126 loll. 143 ''~- l0tl'l4& 107. 12'1-lll. 1)6
IU fAWif'IC,
41 44 56. 106 101..
126.133. ItO. J.t6
......-21 ~~---11 C.....C.1e2t.M
Gttd\k.t. M.tynttct 44, l27. 128. 129 Clblofl. Ortld 36 113. 116. ll7, 124 G«'Ch. L.uootnM ....
........ ,.
... . . ......,... ..... au. n.
~'"" ~.I.Joyd.U Ill Got~t~rtt. Rtt.
1 129 Go.rttf\.Maty45. 121. 12'7,128 Golckn. Uon 28.- 68-. 117. I 42 ac.s.n.. Aounnt es Goa rtno. 8ruct 2& 117 Goot.. ...,.,. 45 Gcnc:M.~•s •os 109 Oottvlt. Avtl'l 45 Ootho~... Stlntty 28. 74
,.,... '*""'..
~....,... 471l2
~.JK~~.2t JenMn.~ltl.t06
..lrens.en. Wtntn )6
........ Marl!.l6
HM~~.t~~. LMrr 36 ................tyn ...
Jotw'ls. ~ .... 47_112
~_ ....,.........._113
.Jorwtt.on. .... 47- 110. 1.&8 ~ Slf¥fft 114 ..lol'lnson. TModof• 29,74, 114 Jonn. Blfbtt• 24. 29. 148 .Jona.. Ott-, .. 13) .JoMt. 29 106. uo_ 113 Jubidh . . 0...47
~.o-.n. ~r•Y"t36
lhtto .... (...,.,. 37 ~Owonttot6 IOC 1.)6 -JoM)6 Htndnc:kl. Twn 143
• KMn~. ~UK.
KtfloM't:h 30, 133
Htnc)ri(Mc)n. ~10.117
HttW\II'Ia...Mt\1« 107 112
Kti..,.,M.Il42 Kelty_ w..chMt 47. U.IO I 09 ~S....47,104 107.112 I<Mt. '""' 144
--........... ..................... IU tWJott._ AooM ..._
Hiefthloy, t.rtl, ~n.Hancy46,112,1ZO
Heckt)o.Z.... 37,44 119,160 Hl&hlteld, S.lty 46 Holl~47. 107.112 113
......,..Utry29 114 ~~....,......29
Hlfowlc:. ~ . . 117 Hl.-vac. De0ot-"' J6 I l l ~ R:ictlrMd91,11&6 ~.Gtot.. 29 104 Hopp. C•rc>tyn )6 Hopp. P•tnc.. 1
Gt-•uo.l.ouos 29
Hou<tk. V. · -."' 4 7. I U
Cr.oy, O.ry 29
.Mnt.t. .lo1C• 60
H.,,IS. OotiN 46
....., .....
HarliN'"" ...... 107
H.&ynt$, 46 49 122. 128 KNtn. Vttf'IOf'l 36 . .._
tQ«ahdl, «:Nor~~
73. 106. 101.
Htmotn. Randy 143 H¥dof'll. a.trl4' H¥mon_ c;.. 4~ 60, 110. 11&. 14&
~ , . ,• 74 Mwl!. Ooft ~ Hunt•.hoofV47.1U ~tw.Urry 142 ~tff. W.lht"'47. 1)6,137,139
Kllvt.Cr~ 117. ISJ
- ......,.)0 10.
K.mbMI, Gtt.,d 140 Kift&. C.rOI ) t K~npty. Dlwl47. ll&6 ~t.Ji.Mt17
Kr-ttte. St..-. 60. M.IO. 118 ~-Ka~47 ~.Jtrr)'47.109
Kotlt•. AoNid 30 Kon.t. &...ww..nct 63 94, 114, 129 150 KCMI, Rld\lfd II, 47, 90. 91, ll4, 117 KollO..w36. 1151 1$3 Korus.~ .. 30. 47.129 Kocbth. ~ 47 129
Mntt. Rottr 1?)
JkHUCf\.M.tty-48. 112.113.127
'1 1l3
~rt;cR Rot.
IU 136
Kr.,'"'- Stt¥• 47. 11. 89 106 107
Mc:Kean.JI1Nf,48 124
Ill IS.1 !(,"'*- LM IJJ Krww Kerry lO ua
~.. , .
I(~·•--Ptml7.44 J2S
l<tonhofrnlft. Gl'tn 47, 106 K.tontt:.TM!-..,.4) 12S l<un.ctNn' $htott 37. 114 l
utern- [I.._ 4 7
Otr.Ce.tot49 91 125 Orton,......,,$) 0Ntt~a7
--IUI>l McKa-dW. Scon41.a.I04 l07_ 14l
McK>rn.W.tndtlrvtel6.112 ~. P4tfoc .. 68.110. l21 McMu'IM. Jn..m•ne 36
PNo. .... 49 I~- 114 Pa.o.Ja"'*"49 117. 142 P»9.MMy49 61.105,115 P•~· 0,".. 49 6l
McY~y.St~91 t.lehhl'l Bonn• X ... IbM ......, ...
Parde. C.,otyt~69 Pattlef_ ~ IJI. 139 ~01¥'" 101 119 124 160 """""'"- Jo#'tft Ill
...,.,.._ S't......-. ~-K.trtl·
112.. 1 Uh~.l...-n.. tl. 12'1. 128. 12'9
Minn. AIN41.Q 16.11.114 ~.S'-IWI'IIIO
Pec..-.on. LMry 27
U•nu.Orttct47,60.ll9.160 l.4orli01'1. ,,., 36
PflefSOft., Woll.,m 36.133
l ... .,.. ....,"' 30 Um..»oy ~
"""""'*''*"- 144 ~.C...y144
"""'"- Mooc:ftMI IS)
l3) Mtytrt.. VM.-m 49 Moc:hMI-\. ~ 111116 Mollet. St"'*'"'JI 7S. 132. Ill. Ill
P~.~.,. ..,_ t09113_u7ua P.nwti. ,..,~ 49 Poftlm.t~ ,..,..~ ,_ 113
"*fl)'. &wbtr~l2.113
LMI<Iet.&.arry48.. 119 126. 160
l.MI<IWthr • ....,._ ..... 104. 146 Lint' JII'Mto 30. 114 '--"'«. VtC:Io..~ 114
LMo&.- c.rou 1o Ut. 149
l.aMon $!~ lMCll'l. fbcNtd lll
.....,, W.otl6
l~on. .~.~,.,....,
101' 109 l~C..ry 107. 140 latonet. e-30 1<66 147
lt'!Ot.l'· -'11M 114 l""*'.GatylO. 116 117 lof'ld«\. Jefltty 104 l•PPOo'd. C»tcy 149 1..·~- .)."' )()
PT'etty~Nn . ~50 Prt.~ett w.u~m
t.behtad.M .......
133.160 ~.I.Mryll
IH Mortl'loM'f. 0.: II Ill. 144 Moffi1-My. Ktt1-hUI.I27. 128 129 MoHr. $htton 32 ..,..,, Dewon l2. 81. JS3 ~- DIOofth 48
.. ,.*'"-...,...,.."*-lOS. U2.11l11C ~~-SJ.-12:2 Myott-s. KeN'Ietf'l ...
....-...fbylO 106
HettNL ()oftn•l26
~ Gtt-lld l6
,..,.., .,.n_ 109 111
1\Chols.. Nfl'l
M.IM.8tytn4Le&.t4.104.112.133 MadotOn. a.-s.41. 60. 111. II) ~-~ll_l()t Ill t2. ISJ
,_otnm<:h. W~l1tt49 Nwttmat\.Ka)'l""*"Yl1.4412
~O.VOIJI . .
»- l06
H>tben. Annoft 31, 114 NotfMn. SMt01'136
M.l.o!OI'I. AI>Otrt )I
~mey.r. C.rGie 36,.61,
McCu•IO'-'Ih· H«'!ry &6. 48. 133 Mco.n..t.o.wt 126.1)) 146 MtOCINid. 1<.1'~~ 48
O'Connot. """' ~
Otw~ICh. "". ,_12t
- . ....,.,
~ PwQol.
114 P•trt('l 129 ~
126. 133..146
• lbbOutn. Stifllhen 33. ll4. l23 Rtctti!A. 106 IQ.nt-. Ottlt• 50
o.or,. ».
~. flobtf150.
~ KM'ifft JJ.7S. 111121
AMI'Ie. ~4- 50. 101 Rttktt. ,.,tyJJ. 1)7 RMd.Bttry 132, Ul.l42 R-.s. ~flit 50. 127 128. 129 Aillmw. BNIO Atrlpt0f1_ An"""'4 104 101. ll2 121 Auac . ....,.._ I).). 140 Ald'lt•. ~ ~- ll. 106. 126 IU RldenoYr Tl'lol'Nl36. I 53 _C....,.IIIO Robettl. Oou.... )6 Robef'tMft. Oft'onot 7$ Aoberttor~. rred 24 u 61..76. ...
Otltwnld'lt Stllt\ley 32. 107
105. 107. 1<&. Jot_ 112.121 ISJ ~"c ... ll4 ~•. Ot.,.t-tl50. ~.CNI. . SO.l46 Rombteh. O.lftd 146
~Dwon.l ...
Moote. Oonnt 48
Hebo&l;, Drlft!M l2
~. ...,....... ... 114 Pncl'ot Unyll Ill 1<10.141 ISl
Prow_ Patr1CII' %4 ll.75
loc\'IIJIOOCl. O.'ru(·• 41. 114 I C8 I..OMfy. AoOttt..._ 142. 14) lu"*-~!16
Mol\llntO. Don 31. 136. 137. 138
l..ltiC. ~ 12'7. 129 ~-~~117
Fbc•.., Ill
~-[rte41 Mont~~Ut'. ~46.6&.136
Aos.end\61. Aoatr 3l. 116
Aclit'tr. IU~)l. 110. 14& 149 Ao..M. eo-... »
.,.,...th....,, Bob~)
TIC, t1tAMt51.10S.113 T• ~o...tt l.lvot•t.. IIS. 121- 12'9
AIM'III ..... Ktthy U 76 1M ~ll.ll6.117
,....,..... ......
W-h. M thitle Sl. 61 Judy~- 112. Ill
~ l'tobett ) I
T~r'Ot- ~trtil 52
l19. 160
~-61-91 121 1~
$cNIU_ PMSI. 61.61-. 9L 121. 12'!t Otclof'th 110
YJplfon..C..teU WoiCOII fktnt J6 w \lftiOtl. 81t'bet~ 34 Sl. 61.10 107,
TtWt\ _.,..36
'"'""John 121 Thlftlttd. 8ol>bl «
.52. 60.t9 108.
W•lllolm,. -.roc.ktY l6 ~t;tfM.. ~ 8
''*"- Aon.I*J u
fhotuol. JGM ~- 61. n.IO. II)_ 1 0&.
II :r. 127
.,.,.......,._ ~u•. 112
118. 119 160
S..,Wt ""'"51 104
Tttnpllt10ft. Rot:IM4 U.U. 124 133 TtMII, O.,.'e 35 Ttflll'\lt Ill"" 51. 133. 140 l41
VI'·....,. loll
. . . . . t>er)il6, 106 .aorvtSl.80.91 133140.141 ~ McftMIS1114
S<:hof•ttd. Wtlt.-rn S I
61.. Ill.
RvnttU2. 122 TCfllllt* ....,_..S2_ 116
,....,.w..,tot. OoNicl141.
'-tN )4
'·~- ~ty$2. 120
''~ -
S.00. Ttotr• 50. 91 I 01. 109 110 ScNu 0..50. 109 116.117
V.f'ddt!e. 1llomls .,., 104
._..,.,,o.rt ... u '"' ~• ..Jolvll6... tU.l16 U1,
119. 160
~- P~t,.Cil 34 $t1ooNy GIY't US. lSI
1~. Go~'don 51. T~HOti'Nl6
w.m_.. 1M 133. t»
Wftf..... ...,.,.,_
,,....... .Jot.lftt-1
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