Dr. Pearson becomes Peru's 20th president
Dr. Douglas W. Pearson has been elected the 20th President of Peru State College by the State College Board of Trustees. The Ord, Nebraska, native was chosen on July 24, his appointment went into effect on August 15.
Dr. Pearson, 33, last served as Dean of Students at Tennessee Wesleyan College, Athens, Tennessee.
His educational background includes an undergraduate degree in music education from the University of Nebraska in 1961 and Masters degree 1n education administration from NU in 1967. He earned his PhD in
higher education administration at George Peabody College, Nashville, Tennessee in 1971. He taught for seven years in Nebraska public schools at Shelby, Falls City and Norfolk. Posts held by the President include: President of "the Tennessee College Association, Assistant to the President, Academic Vice President and Administrative Vil!e President at George Peabody College before he joined the Tennessee Wesleyan Administrative staff. His parents, Mr and Mrs Hilding Pearson, reside in Ord. His wife, Lexy LuAnn, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Dick
Richards of Lincoln. The couple has two children; Douglas, 11 and Amy Christine, 4. Mrs Pearson is also a 1961 University of Nebraska graduate and earned her Masters degree in music from George Peabody College.
Dr. Pearson lists his hobbies as being golf, tennis, music, photography and bridge. He was one of six candidates considered by the Board of Trustees after screening by a search committee, headed by Dick Hahn of Auburn. Over 300 applications were received.
Peru represented at Highway Commissio-n Meeting
On Tuesday, September 11, the Nebraska Department of Road&. held an information meeting, with the public invited to attend, at the Senior High Schhol in Syracuse, Nebraska. The meeting was intended to give the public a chance to air their complaints or ask questions of a ten member Highway Commission in attendance.
A number of concerned citizens from Peru and the surrounding area attended the meeting.
The meeting started off with a member of the commission reading off a systematic list of
projects undertaken and yet to be undertaken in the Nebraska district involved. The commission announced that they have a definite five year plan for improvement and developement of projects including over 467 miles of actual road in the Nebraska district one. They also announced that over six million dollars will be spent on these projects in the next six years. Another member of the commission explained the many steps needed to carry out a single project. He stressed that sometimes it takes six to eight years to carry out a single project from design to com-
pletion. It was announced that the ,Department of Roads had adopted an official Action Plan, and that Nebraska was the first state to have done so. The plan will deal with guidelines for work on old, and construction of new, projects by the Department of Roads. The plan will allow provisions for public participation also. It will be in the form of a Citizens Advisory group which will have some say so in appropriate matters. The Chairman of the commission, Mr Breslow pointed out that the Citizens Advisory group spoken of had in actuality helped formulate the plan itself.
The meeting was then opened for statements and questions from the public. Included among the many citizens voicing their opinions was a senior from Peru State coUege, Dean Young. Dean stated that he was representing the student body and that his main concern was with Highway 67 leading into Peru. He told the Commission that when he was a freshman he was told the 'Buffalo Trail', ·as it is called, would be fixed that year. He was also told similar things when he was a sophomore and a junior. As it turns out, the highway, much in need of improvement and repair, is not scheduled for
work until, at the earliest, 1975. The Chairman of the commission told Dean, who is President of the S. G. A. that they, (the commission), would do everything possible to speed up the plans, and that he himself should strongly consider getting up a petition on campus and sending it to the Department of Roads.
Also speaking from the Peru area were the Mavor. Mr Rex Allgood, Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson of the Peru College Music Department, and Mary Alice Vernon, who stated that she represented the private citizens of the Peru area.
Thies£eld, D' Addesa named new editors
Bobbi Thiesfeld, journalism
major and daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Thiesfeld of Nebraska City, Nebraska has received the responsibility of editor of the Peru State College yearbook, the Peruvian.
Miss Thiesfeld stated there were quite a few difficulties facing her with just one week of school completed. Topping the list were lack of a sponsor and a decreasing budget from which financial support for the annual originates.
A 1971 graduate of Nebraska City High School, she served on the school yearbook staff and became known as a tireless worker. The 1972-73 school year found Bobbi Thiesfeld gaining valuable knowledge as the assistant editor of the yearbook and editor of the Pedagogian.
Supported by a strong and eager staff (which is to be an-
nounced later), Bobbi viewed only a few minor changes she would attempt to make to secure the yearbook as a better and more productive Peruvian publication. As we talked, Miss Thiesfeld's excitement for what she hoped the coming events could present for the annual was radically optimistic. By her comments, a new photography position would be established to better organize the mountains of pictures acquired each year. Individuality would be expressed as an important factor during the yearbook's composition. -
Being the oldest .of six children, the five foot nine inch junior bachelorette is a natural coordinator and organizer_ Outside interests find Bobbi dabbling in free lance and many of the other various types of writing. Participating or spectating any competitive sport
seems to hold her attention during free time. And summertime means working time, this summer she was employed by American Beef Packers of Nebraska City. After her graduation, Bobbi is seeking a teaching profession and later, perhaps a steady column in a magazine.
But for now, Miss Thiesfeld is concerned with producing the best yearbook Peru has ever published and doing her best as editor.
Frank D' Addesa, a junior from Elizabeth, New Jersey, has accepted the position of editor for the Peru State College newspaper, the Pedagogian.
The and major spent time on his high school paper as page editor and last year served as news editor first semester and later as an assistant editor of the Pedagogian during the second
Mr D'Addesa's plans for coming publications were voiced with enthusiasm for our school's future. He is mainly interested in receiving contributions for the paper from the student body, not just the Journalism department of the college. D' Addesa voiced praise of past issues of the Ped as excellent foundations upon which now we can construct one of the best college papers in the school's histcry. He showed enthusiasm in the interest and potential of the freshmen journalism students a great asset of the Ped.
During his reign as editor, D'Addesa plans to employ more art work and current events on the Ped pages as well as more editorials than in the past. -1-fe is working toward a new banner and another cartoon strip, he will also follow closely the developments of the S. G. A. and
the new administration.
On the personal side of Frank D'Addesa, he is a twenty year old bachelor who resides off campus. The oldest son of Mr and Mrs Frank D' Adessa, Frank's personality corresponds with the type of education he chose. His interests include photography, music, reading, writing, tennis, football and , basketball. He prefers a small coiiege positioned centrally close to a metropolitan area, but still providing the friendliness of rural life. A closer examination of Mr D'Addesa reveals a flare of expressionalism, portraying him as the hustling newspaperman he hopes to become upon graduation.
With enough support from the student body as well as the journalism department D' Addesa feels the "new journalism" will become part of the Peru State Campus.
Dr. Douglas W. Pearson, President of Peru State College
Welcome back to Nebraska's first college. As editor of this semester's Pedagogian I hope to keep you informed on what's happening on campus and in Peru. I will also devote some space to news events taking place in the country and the world, since it is your responsibility to shape some sort of opinion on what's going on in this world.
I want to urge you to contribute to your college newspaper. The main outlet which students can employ to express themselves in the "Letters to the Editor" portion of the Ped. I hope to print all letters, though some may have to be edited or printed partially.
The pages of the Ped will be subjected to many changes this semester. My goal is to inform as well as entertain. I am looking forward to hearing your reactions commenting on what is printed.
Frank D' Addesa Managing Editor
New faces appear on Peru State Ca,mpus
The new head wrestling coach at PSC is Martin "Marty" Dwine. Coach Dwine earned his BS degree at Dakota Wesleyan at Mitchell, South Dakota in 1967 and has taken Master's degree work at Bimidji State College in Minnesota.
He and his wife Judy will continue tq live at Beaver Lake south of Omaha. Mrs Dwine is employed by Bellevue Public Schools.
Coach Dwine will also work with the linemen in the PSC football program.
The new assistant Professor of natural science at Peru State
will be Frederick C. Hamann.
Dr. Hamann will teach in his major field of Biology and fiils the science department vacancy created by Dr. John Christ's retirement at the end of the 1973 spring term.
Dr. Hamann attended Wichita University and received an AS degree from Garden City Junior College in 1958. He completed his BS degree at Fort Hays State College in Hays, Kansas, in 1960 and his Master of Science Degree at Fort Hays State in 1967.
Mr Hamann and his wife are living in Peru.
Robert Wayn Johnson has
accepted a position as instructor of ·Sociology at Peru State College beginning with the fall 1973 term.
He was on the sociology staff at Genesee Community College in Flint, Michigan sfoce rnn, and had earlier college teaching experience at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. He was also teaching assistant at the University of Wisconsin when working toward his Master of Science degree. Both his BS and MS degrees were awarded by the Universdy of Wisconsin.
Mr and Mrs Johnson and their one child will live in Peru.
Dr. Thomas Scherer, PSC
Phase II of Hoyt Hall began during Summer
Phase II of Peru State's science building renovation got underway this past
About $43,892 of the $109,940 app-opriation was spent for moveable equipment. Assorted scientific aids for biology chemistry, botany, astronomy, physics, surveying, mathematics, elementary science and pre-professional programs are included in the improvements.
''Peru State will be able to offer the best in facilities and tools for science students next fall," retired Dean of the :School of Natural Sciences Dr. John C. Christ, commented.
Phase I of the renovation of the Hoyt Science Hall began in the 1970-71 school year. At that
. excurs10n
As a part of Freshman
Orientation the college sponsored a riverboat excursion on the "Belle of Brownville."
Approximately 193 persons attended including among the students five faculty members. Rides were provided for persons who needed them to Brownville where the affair began.
The excursion was to last between 8:00 p.m. and midnight. The boat left the dock with the music of a country-western band, furnished by the SGA, playing for the obvious enjoyment of everyone. The riverboat journeyed down the Missouri River to see the wonder of the Brownville Power Plant at night. Turning the boat headed back upstream going under the Brownville Bridge and on up the "Mighty Missouri". The boat came back downstream to dock · at about 11:00 p.m. Nearly everyone except· about a dozen people got off the boat because they thought the ride was over.
staff member since 1969, has _ been named Dean of the School of Education and Applied Arts. He served as Director of Counseling ana "Testing ana taught part time in the education department during his first three years at Peru State. In 1972 he was assigned full-time teaching ·duties as Assistant Professor in Education, and in May of 1973 was named chairman of the education department.
His educational preparation includes an AA degree from Graceland College, Lamoni, Iowa; a BA degree and a MS ir. Education from Central Missouri State University; and a PhD from the University of Wyoming in 1969.
Dr. and Mrs Scherer and their five children live in Peru.
However to the amazement of. some it wasn't. The boat had just stopped to let the band off because they were paid to play only until 11:00 p.m. The riverboat did return to the waters and came back at midnight.
To all those who went I'm sure they'll remember it. There was dancing if that fancied your flare or- you could just enjoy the scenery and the music or the company of your new friends. Since the event was sponsored by the college however some people were disappointed because the bar was
Letts New Center Head
John D. Letts began duties as Student Center Director at Peru State on July 1.
time chemistry laboratory ceilings were lowered and tile was installed. All electrical wiring and plumbing was replaced along with improved lighting and repainting of woodwork throughout the building, chemistry laboratories were equipped with new furniture. No funds were allocated _Qy_the legislature at that ti}ne for equipping the newly renovated building.
Phase II was approved in early April of this year by Governor J. J. Exon. Included in Phase II is remodeling not completed in Phase I, electricians and architects fees and furniture accounting for $65,048 of the $109,940 total with the remainder for moveable
equipment. Color television equipment and an antenna system for educational tv taping and reception is a major portion of the Phase II funding. Some of the equipment received includes a $715 salt water aquarium, $660 autoclave (sterilizer), incubators, air conditioned animal cage, 111 sets of microscopic slides, 12 each of three models of Bausch and Lomb microscopes, calculators and other sophisticated hardware, Remodeling completion includes tiling floors, replacing windows, installing new laboratory tables and fixtures and the instructional television system.
Peru clean-up a success
a s1 e eru can , ,
Enrollment not known
Due to the fact that final registration for some sections of classes is not yet complete, information concerning enrollment can not be published in this issue. Dr. Liewer stated that the registrar's office would not have this information until the 17th of September. An article on enrollment will be for,thcoming.
In addition to managing student activities at the campus center, Letts will work with stude!lts in developing dormitory activities, serve as housing director, act as Student Center Board advisor, and also assist in admissions. A major yearly duty will be to coordinate freshman orientation.
The 1972 Chadron State College graduate served as student personel assistant at Chadron since August of 1971. Letts and his wife, Bonnie Jean, will reside in the faculty housing in Peru.
;.{:.111 -ro /ft'( eNn!USIASM fOFt THI. H.AVE YOO INTO YOLJF!: 11
tivity Prior to the clean-up Mr Letts,
Under the leadership of John L k.O t p t h d b ,
L S h "dt dit f th "P oo - u om a een ' ' · c mi , e or o e eru bl" ht d b b
Ch II ,, h t f p ' 1g e y numerous eer cans, , a enge , a os o eru s th ·d d d t It family
· · d d d overgrow , an ea rees. , , citizens an stu ents gathere , h b t d t ·t representative
and h1"s I S d h as now eenresore 01s , ast un ay, to clean-up t e t 1· tt" ·t p wife
e esore of Peru na ura se mg,
and Mr Hoemann of
staff Mr Don Yates of
of Peru with
Mr Dean Mathis OPPD
for Peru
Mr Ken Johnson owner of
Editor ·.··.·.·.·· Frank D' Addesa Assistant Editor ., ._ ., Debbie Barton Sports Editor ···:.•:::•.··.····:.·:::·.·.-::.·::::::•:•.•::::.·.···::·· Rick DeKlotz Women's Sports Editor ; , ,. Gail Harmon Photographers · _. .,., _. ,. Dave Lainez Rich Mayo Ad Manager _.,. ,. ,.··.•:::.·:·:.·::.·.·:.·::•::::::::.·:::.·.·: Linda Madison. Circulation Managers : ...•.. ; ....•. _ •.....••.•....... Phyllis Butrick Terrie Funkhouser Jeff Walther Artists ··::·::::::::.•:::::::.·::.·:·:·.·:·::.•:::·:·:.·.·.-··.···: ., ,_.._Don Jochems Bill Palmer Prof, Coll€ y s take a great deal of pride in and the local IGA Supermarket, Look-Out Pomt on Memorial b r·t f some Peru College students and R d d th f .d ene 1 rom. , oa , an e ormer res1 ence Those in attendence in the even a few youngsters who had Contributing Editors Bobbi Thiesfeld Colo1 Bob Wernsman to of Mr Rex Shelley, formerly of · D R b · tagged along Agood t1"me a. a lot campaign were: r. osen erg, · PSC, were the sites of the ac- of work was shared by all. Advisor .- ·.•:.·:.·.·.•:.·.·:.• :.·:.·.·:.Mr • Everett. Browning
oxann, Kelly predict inner in King-Riggs match
recent years, there have a rash of male chauvinist okes, but Booby Riggs is the st one of them all. Aformer s' tennis champion, now in fifties, Riggs has thrust self into the lime light by ding fifty-one percent of ty, the female segment. people could or would claim a dubious distinction.
Riggs, (and I use that term ly), has based his tennis eer of late upon making a fool of anyone and everyone that can get to put on a pair of kers and step onto the court him. He has played with chairs on his side of the , a heavy valise in one , or holding a dog on a
No one can doubt his manship or his skill.
latest brainstorm is to fit from the current ration movement of women. y contends that any man of · al health and ability can a woman in any athletic t. In this vein, he challenged aret Court, one of women's 's' great champions to a ch. e match was a catastrophe. garet Court folded under the sure and was completely used by Riggs' type of ·s. In a game which is inated by the strength and
stamina of its players, Riggs relies on a barrage of twisting, short, and offspeed shots.
Margaret Court was not defeated; she was humiliated.
Now the mail who claims. to have "one foot in the grave" has needled Billie Jean King, eighttime womens' finalist at Wimbledon and this year's champion, into a one hundred thousand dollar, winner-take-all match. If -the pressures on Margaret Court were great, those on Mrs King are' tremendous, for she is the leader of the women's liberation movement in professional athletics.
Billie Jean King can win the match with Bobby Riggs. What remains to be seen is whether -0r not she can keep the cool precision she has shown. in so many championships, when she has the eyes of all liberated and semi-liberated women on her.
In the meantime, for all of you women who believe that we are a few rungs above the worm on the social ladder, the latest rage in women's tennis wear is a large button reading, Riggs, BLAAH!"
Thursday, September 20, 1973 is· the day that will live in infamy. That date shall be
Dr. and Mrs. ·Pearson:
On behalf of the students of Peru State College, the Student Government Association would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family and are happy to have you as a part of our college and community.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for the receptions you held in your home. By this gesture the students now feel that they have a closer relationship with the president arid his family.
We are looking forward to working with you to strengthen the future of Peru State College.
Sincerely yours, Stvdent G.overnment Association YEARBOOK MEETING
CONVO PERIOD. (9: I 0-9:50)
Rites held for Diddel
Norma L. Diddel, Emeritus Professor of Art at Peru State College died May 31 in Denver, Colorado, according to a report o the college, A member of the Peru State t department staff from 1929 to
recorded in the annals of histqry as the greatest day in the history of "mankind". For on that day, at 7:00 p.m., Bobby Riggs will defeat Billy Jean King.··
At 55, Riggs is one of the finest tennis players in the world. He has the style of Laver, the coordination of Ashe, and the speed of Smith. Nevertheless, Riggs plays tennis like no one else can. His prowess on the court is legendary.
Billy Jean King on the other hand is 30, female and of course she is good. There are few women who could match the power behind her smash shot. Ms King may very well be the greatest living female tennis player in the world. But, truthfully, she is no match for Bobby Riggs. Howard Cosen favors Billy Jean. For what reason I do not know. I predict Bobby Riggs in two straight sets. Although Ms King is younger, Riggs will drain her stamina with his incredible shots, for Riggs seems to be able to return any shot like a sniper.
Billy Jean King declared that she would "smash him into the court." That will not come to pass. Bobby Riggs promises that by defeating and humiliating Billy Jean he will "put women • back in the kitchen and bedroom where they belong." I fear that that also will fail to come to pass.
Pearsons' hold reception
During the second week of the fall term, new PSC President Douglas Pearson and Mrs· Pearson held.. a series of receptions in their home for the students of Peru State College. On Tuesday of that week, there was a formal reception for the seniors which was attended by State Senators Irving Wiltse, Falls City, and Calvin Carsten, Avoca, and their wives. Underclassmen and juniors were treated to live music in Wednesday afternoon and evening events.
Peru State newly appointed President, Douglas W. Pearson (center[ 'is ready for a season of cheering Bobcat athletics with recent acquisition of a Peru blue derby hat, blue and white checkered coat, blue slacks and cane topped with the PSC Bobcat mascot replica. Mrs. Pearson (left) p:trchased the ensemble. On hand for the presentation were Barry· reed, (second from left) Bobcat senior follback from He.nry, Illinois, and varsity cheerleader P. J. Schultz (right) from Tecumseh.
University offers aid to Peru State·
A cooperative program between the Uriiversity of Nebraska's Journalism and Advertising departments and Peru State College will be initiated on an experimental basis this year. The advanced course program will employ 10 to 12 students for the purpose of a case study of the potential of PSC. The Nebraska students and faculty will examine the assets and liabilities of Peru State with a final goal of making Peru a successful institution.\
Dr. Pearson met with the proposed class members and found them to be "imaginative, creative, and highly intelligent."
Further commenting, he met a very competent, exciting, and enthusiastic faculty. He was quite impressed with their professionalism.
Peru Staters are "encouraged to be completely candid" for greater success in the effort, notes the doctor.
The students and staff are scheduled to arrive today for a "general overview" and orientation. All of Peru welcome the group and hope their stay with us will be pleasant and worthwhile.
President Pearson summed it up in that he "sees nothing but good things coming from this joint effort."
Calender of Events
1966, Miss Diddel was in ill health for the past two years.
The college's Fine Arts Center 'art exhibition court was named in her honor when the building was dedicated during the college's celebration,
·································: : September
:P.E.O. Stu. ar.
Main : Dining Room Stu.
:Apple Bowl Nebr. City Football : Peru vs. Tarkio . • • : September 17 !PSEA 6:30 F.A. 212 :SGA 6:00 F.A. 2J.2 :Afro-Amer. f:3U F.A. 104 iTri Beta 1:3t -Sci 304 • • : September 18 :scB Movie F.A. Aud. 7:00 • :circle K 4:45 Stu. ar. W. Dining: . . • Room • :Epsilon Pi Tau I.A. 29 7:30 : I t I . . ' September 19 :
•W.A.A. 6-10:00 Gym : • • : September 20 : :Social Work Club F.A. 21t 4:00: :SCB 5:00 North Half W. Dining : : Room Stu. ar. : . . ......................... ........•
First year Peru State assistant football coach, Marty Dwine (left). L-:R: Robert McLain, freshman halfback from Jerseyville, Illinois; Tom Usher, sophomore center from Humboldt; and Arnie Allgood, tackle peru •.
Bobcats drop opener to Graceland Football Insights during closing minutes of game
Peru State's football team opened the 1973 season by dropping an eight to seven contest Saturday night at the Oak Bowl to the Yellowjackets of Graceland College.
The Yellowjackets drove deep into 'Cat territory, gathering two first downs early in the first quarter, with halfback Dave Hamilton doing most of the work.
One of Hamilton's runs, a 33 yard scamper to the Peru six yard line was nullified by a clipping penalty. Three plays lated, Bobcat Robert Herron picked up a Graceland fumble on his own 40 and ran untouched 60 yards for a score. Dave Bower's P.A. T. was successful and·Peru had a seven point lead.
Peru State's defensive team
appeared much stronger than the 1972 squad which gave up an average of 28.3 points per game.
Although Graceland rolled up mote total offense, 271 yards to 118 for Peru, the 'Cat defense was extremely effective within their own 30 yard line.
Graceland drove within Peru's 30 six times during ·the game only to be thwarted each time as Peru came up with big defensive plays.
Two Yellowjacket drives were stopped· as a result of interceptions by Otis Samuel and Dave McDaniel. An attempted 24 yard field goal early in the second quarter never really got started as a bad snap led to an eight yard loss of a possible three points. Heavy pass rushes stopped three other threats including one at the very. end of the first half, when
Graceland was inside the Bobcat 10 yard line.
Graceland was held scoreless for more than 56 minutes until substitute quarterback Chl:is Gibson connected with Allen Roche on a 64 yard screen pass for a touchdown with only 3: 16 to play.
The Yellowjacket coaches then had to decide whether to kick the extra point for a tie, or to go for .a two point conversion that would give them the lead. They decided to go for two points and got them as halfback Larry Child tossed a pass to Dave Rittman on an option play that found Rittman wide open in the end zone. Rittman was open as a result of the 'Cat defensive backs coming up to converge on Child.
Peru's final chance for victory cam,e minutes later when
Graceland fullback Mark Sanger fumbled on his own 27 yard line.
Freshman quarterback Mark Fletcher, who had taken over for the injured Terry Criger midway in the third period, completed a four yard pass to Ario Wusk at the 25. Fletcher then threw two incomplete passes setting up a 42 yard· field goal attempt by Bower which fell short. Bobcat coaches attribute the missed attempt to a bad snap from center.
Starting quarterback Criger suffered strained ligaments in his left knee. Criger missed most of last season as h.e sustained a wrist injury in the fifth game against Concordia. It is not known at this writing how long Criger will be out of action.
Key injuries to hurt Cat chances
No other activity, short of war, demands so much stamina, skill, speed, and just plain guts, as does football. Head Coach Jack Mcintire, backfield coach Tom Fitzgerald, and line coach Marty Dwine, have a squad of 66 men, (25 returning lettermen), "bitin' -at the-bit", to meet that challenge for Peru.
The only way to get to play varsity ball in Bobcat country is to be a standout. But there are a few who spark the PSC attack. The multi-talented senior ·from Nebraska City, Terry Criger, fills the bill. In the defensive · safety, quarterback, and offensive halfback slots, Terry is equally adept. "Talent, desire, anda will to win," is the winning combination for Terry, says Coach Mcintire. Hefty Steve Krajicek, a 6-2, 245 lb senior tackle and "little" brother, 6-0, 195 lb. junior guard, Gus, hailing from Papillion, are next in line for recognition. This fraternal
duo, according to Coach Mac, have the "desire to hit", which puts them in the much coveted no. 1 spots on the line.
Serving along with the pair from Papio, speedy Rich Leech, a senior tackle, does just what the name implies. The 6-6, 220 lb. gift from Beatrice, is the fastest tackle on the squad. No understatement here! Sparking the offensive attack is senior fullback Barry Reed. At 6-4, 230 lb., Barry was the leading ground-gainer last season. Coach Fitzgerald has high hopes for this young man.
A real blow to the Bobcat Football Machine has been the injuries of a few key men. The loss of varsity quarterback Tom Froehlich, a three year letterman and long-time offensive standout, will be sorely felt. Tom tore some ligaments in an already ailing knee and had to undergo surgery. Jim Rezac, outstanding sophomore tackle and a heavyweight wrestler,
Peru Football 1973
September 22 Northwest Missouri State University
Maryville, Missouri
September 29 Concordia College Seward, Nebraska
October 6 Benedictine. College
Atchison, Kansas
7:30 p.m. Peru
7:30 p.m. Atchison, KS
October 13 +Kearney State College 2:00 p.m. Peru
·.Kearney,Nebraska rmJMECOMING)
suffered a knee injury in a scrimmage game at Wesleyan. It is hoped Jim will return early in the season.
Despite these setbacks, all three coaches commented that the teams are coming "along as expected." The team has "great desire and is in good sp:rits," comments Coach Mcintire.
Frosh gridders total 38 this season, adding a lot of new talent to be unleashed in future games. The rookies will see "a lot of
varsity duty," according to the head coach.
Strategist Mcintire says he gets "the ground game established first," and then goes to the air if it looks good. He went on to predict a better record than the 3-7-0 series of last year.
All-in-all, it looks like a great season ahead with Peru having a good shot at the no. 1 berth in the NCAC conference.
night, Septemb 5, the
The final score was very i dicative of the many mista the Bobcats team made. And th Scots of Highland were equ opportunitists.
From the first offensive seri to the final gun, the Bobca looked and played like they written a book on, "How to L in Football." They simply look abortive on the field - as if th had just gotten together for social game.
All ·in all, it was a po example of .a football gaine wi players who had practiced an worked together for the past tw weeks.
Possibly between now and th season opener September 8 wi be a tight knit cohesive un' showing the finesse and co fidence it takes to be a winne
Saturday evening Septembe 10 the Peru State Bobcat opened their football season b hosting the Yellow Jackets Graceland College. The Yello Jackets won the game in the 1 three minutes by completing
two point conversion to pull an 7 victory. After such a dishearteni loss, Head Coach Jack Mclntir had nothing but words of prais and encouragement for hi players. He told tern to kee their heads high and to get read for their game against Tarki Saturday night, when Peru Stat hopes to start its initial winnin streak.
October 20
October 27
November 3
+Chadron State College
Chadron, Nebraska
+Wayne State College Wayne, Nebraska
Culver-Stockton College Missouri
7:30 p.m. Peru
7:30 p.m. Peru
2:00 p.m. Peru
7:30 p.m. Crete
Scots of Highland Co munity Junior Colleg Highland, Kansas played a ru host to the Bobcats of Peru Sta by turning back the Cats 20-0.
SEPT. 25 SEPT. 29 OCT. OCT. 1 4 OCT. ·10 OCT. 13 OCT. 19 OCT. 27 PERU STATE COLLEGE 1973 CROSS COUNTRY SCHEDULE CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY DOANE INVITATIONAL CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY DOANE NORTHWEST MISS.OUR! ST. KEARNEY STATE KEARNEY INVIT.-NCC MIDWEST AAU AT PERU AT CRETE ATOMAHA AT PERU AT PERU AT PERU AT KEARNEY AT KEARNEY machinecer middle l!(ately With Gov President O'Neal pectations year that having )ithe on radio last this a underway presently station station Auburn be Federal being proposed day regional and blues, name-it, November 10 Doane College Crete, Nebraska +Nebraska College Conference f NOV. 10 DISTRICT 11 NAIA AT SEWARD .· L NOV. 17 NATIONAL NAIA sponsor,isc to
Bobcat defensive gridmen played a major role in holding Graceland College to a narrow 8-7 victory in Peru Saturday night (September 8).
named SGA president, Stehlik heads the SCB
His name is Nately and you may be asking ¥Ourself, "Who is ely?" Commonly known to y as Nately out of Catch-22 parents still know him as Dean Young, currently President of the Student Governing Association.
Nately, a senior at Peru State ege who is majoring in social k and social science in ation was born in Lincoln was rai.sed in Adams, raska. Adams had one pop hine centrally located in the dle of town and this is where ly spent a great deal of his mapping out his life and 'ng soda.
Much to his surprise along · thenonor .of ·being. Student verning Association sident he won the Ryan 'Neal look-a-like contest. ·
Nately has some great exations of this forthcoming but he stresses the point t alot will depend upon ent participation in acties and student interest erning the issues at hand. issue ·confronting many es across the country and ue being questioned at State College is that of ing alcoholic beverages in dorms. Peru along with three
other state colleges are putting· forth a joint effort in making up a resolution ·to present to the college board that would allow beer in the dormitories. In proposing this resolution Nately is using the argument that college studnets of legal age who are maturing adults are already subjected to accepting the responsibilities of college life. Therefore they should be able to accept the responsibility that comes along with being permitted to drink in the privacy of ones' own room. The state seems to think that a 19 year old male or female is old enough to account for his actions. Therefore 'they entend ·the privilege of drinking legally at this age. Then what is the difference between drinking at a bar or drinking in ones own room?
Nately will soon sponsor a petition which is currently being circulated around the campus. The purpose of this petition is to make the students aware of the condition of.Highway 67 west of Peru and through this petition we may get the highway resurfaced.
Happy-go-lucky does little to describe Natley's personality. In fact it goes deeper than that. Nately is more than just a Presidnet of an organization,
more than just a person, Nately is a hellatious wonder bestowed. upon Peru State College. And if: you can't remember his name at: least remember what he has· done for you!
Nately has opened many eyes and has left many mouths hanging onen bv attackimz such controversial issues as coed dorms for upperclassmen. Nately has put into a talking stage something that many people have thought of but never spoke of.
Fritz Stehlik is a senior from Nebraska City majoring in Business administration. He has spent two and a half years on the S.C.B., serving as. acting president of the spring semester of '73. This year he is president of S.C.B.
According to Fritz, he would like to see the S.C.B. give the students as many activities and social events as possible through the S.C.B. and Programs Committee Budgets. More emphasis this year and especially second semester will be placed on weekend activities. The S.C.B. will try to reach every students' needs for entertaimrient and social events this year.
SPC to make comeback, arrett named sponsor
KPSC, ''the voice of Peru," is on it's way. An enthusiastic radio club began to take form at last week's convocation and, as this reporter sees it, it looks like a very exciting year! Plans are · underway to renovate the presei1tly cam·pu·s:Hmited Station to an AM and-or FM station with the power to reach Auburn or even Nebraska City.
The money for the project will be obtained through a host of Federal and State grants now being applied for. Shows on a proposed 16-hour broadcasting day would include local and regional news, sports, weather, and music; Top 40, rhythm and blues, soul, jazz, rock; youname-it, it'll be there.
Mr John Barrett, the club's $ponsor, is doing a lot of leg work to get the station "under a full bead of steam." "We want
Stem per resigns for career with insurance company
After 23 years of teaching service at Peru State College, Mr Jerome Stemper h.as turned ·in his resignation. There are according to Stemper several reasons which precipitated him to resign. None of which direct any hostile feelings or animosity toward the college or its personnel. It was a clean break which required a lot of thought as well as consideration. He has left the profession which had given him some of the happiest moments in his life.
For the past two vears, Mr Stemper has been preparing to enter the insurance business. This summer he completed his testing successfully and went on. the payroll of the Lincoln Nationai Life Insurance Agency the 1st of August.
Last spring Mr Stemper was informed that he was going to be moved back into the education department where he had obtained his masters degree. What complicated this move was the fact that for the past twenty years he had been associated primarily with the P .E. department, the department, he
enjoyed immensely. So moving out of P.E. back into basic education was a problem to be contended with. On top of this he was being assigned a night class which would conflict with. his duties as director of intramurals.
Another disconcerting as well as disappointing matter fo Stemper was the procedure used ' in reducing the college's faculty staff.
Regardless of everything that has happened to date, Mr Stemper feels that the future of Peru State is very bright and hopeful. There were some significant changes made over the summer that should strengthen and enhance the educational processes at Peru. Stemper also believes that with the new leadership of Dr. Pearson, along with the. cooperation of the administrative staff, college personnel and students, Peru State will once again retain its status and reputation as the oldest and one· of the finest e.ducational institutions in Nebraska.
people, all kinds of people to get involved in the station," Mr Barrett said. There are all kinds of interesting jobs open at the station; disc-jocks, news reporters, news staff, announcers, technicians, and writers of all kinds, just to name
a few. The "life-blood" of tL station is YOU, the Peru Staters. This club is really where its at; and if you wanna be there, be at FA 104, Monday, Sept. 24, at 4: 30 for an important R.C. meeting. KPSC- the place to be!
Homecoming playbeing rehearsed
"How the Other Half ·Loves" will be this years Homecoming Play, according to Mary Wilson, Play Director.
The modern comedy, by Alan Ayckbourn, focuses on the mixed up affairs of three couples, the Fosters,. the Phillips', and the Detweilers.
Tryouts were held September 4th, 5th, and 6th, and rehearsal began on the loth. Cast includes
Ray Bouche, Deb Hendrickson, Mike Kelly, Mary Weber, Jeff Otte, and Barb Wilkinson. Technical Director is Joevette Farber.
Performances will be October 11 and 13.
"We hope this will be one of the more entertaining facets of the weekend." Mrs Wilson commented, "This play is strictly for entertainment. There no lesson involved."
September ComCollege, in mistakes the equal series Bobcats · -------------P•E;;;;R.-u...,sT,.A-.T.-E_.C 0,_L;;;;;L-.EG.-Emi':.....;;P.;;;E;,o,R..,U._,N_E_B_R_._________,.;;M;;;;O..,N•D•AY, Lose looked they a poor with and two the will unit conwinner. September Bobcats by of Yellow last a 8his
the beginning of this semester some of
.thebl:ackstuderitpopulation on campus has been 'malicfouslv treated.
incident occurred when a black ·. student left his ca.r in front of one of the stores
· µt)w:ntown overnight because he had trouble
, starting H. At 9:30 the next morning when he ·wenttowork on ithe found all four tires slashed
and .his· windshield had holes from buckshot.
·· J,iext two incidentS occurred on tfie mgnt of · Eth after Peru's football
g.ame, T\\'.o.black students walked mto one of the· town's bars and were served.
Adrunken white.man soon began to antagonize one of them during their brief stay. The bartender, a friend of the antagonist for some reason didn't like the way the victim tried to ignore his buddy. It was the bartender's turn to play troublemaker, a few words were said and he · called his customer a nigger and refused to serve him. The two black students then peacefully walked out.
I tried to talk to tltis bartender but he refused to answer my questions about what had happened. :
Late.r that same ·night while walking toward town a black chick had to be pushed out of the way of a car heading toward her. She was with two other guys at the time and the vehicle had ·.more than enough road to pass them with no trouble.
Later that night there were reports that a man was charged with possession of loaded guns. And there's more but I think I've made my point. ·'What happened to these individuals is not a case of people "kidding around." There's nothing funny about finding all four of your car's tires
· slashed or being hit by a car.
I'm not ajudge or jury and I don't pretend to -.... know the reasons why these incidents occurred bµt I do know that the black students involved. will not forget what has happened to them.
At a time when Peru is trying to promote their facilities to increase their enrollment it's disgusting that a few individuals are acting in a way to keep the college from growing into a leading institution for learning.
Frank D'Addesa Managing Editor
MacDonald's Hamburgers
Gofog downtown
Going to MacDonald's Hamburgers
Going to stand in line
Order one billion hamburgers Watch them change the sign
Biff Rose
House Parents produce opinions from students
Cfou were an eyewitness'?!
!;!Oare gonna ·.tell
Nope. I st.eer clear ol? 6%1abbles. But l suggest gou lawyer!
'kah I need one that'll keephis · mouth What about John Pean'?
v4ho A knr:ms 81(· tkl' t!'ick.s 1-n.e. tric!G ········ t'i,,,,,.... I nee£! g111e gou in th' th' mans name'? Mo?.'
By MIKE LANCE Steve Mc Vay
- "mom is the comments received on "Mr Mrs H. Johnson has been at it terrific." Hallock, your opinion of," were: for seven years, Mrs W. S. Otherreoortsfromsomeofthe Pat Schultz - "nice to hav Hallock has just begun. But that dwellers state simply that someone young and willing to doesn't keep the respective "she's a pretty good mom" and help improve dorm." residents of Clayburn-Mathews that there are "no problems." Evelyn Palone - "pretty nice, and Davidson-Palmer from And as .one freshman who's O.K." trading opinions and adjectives never had a housemother before Three year resident Connie about their "moms." said, "I hope all of 'em are like Gregg - "she sounds strict. Mrs Johnson has been the her, it'll be great!" enough so things won't get wild,' housemother of Clayburn- Davidson-Palmer's resident but lenient enough to have some Mathews since its creation and houseparent is aided somewhat fun." has no regrets. "A soothing by her male spouse. Mr and Mrs Flurries of "nice and "really atmosphere" accooots for the Stan Hallock corral and assist 56 neat" and "she likes the teenyshining reputation that very alive and very feminine bop burgers at A & W" were Clayburn,Mathews owns. A girls. common among many others recent poll of opinions conducted Mrs Hallock revealed that a The only varying words with a few of her 81 male condition of "mutual spoken of the housemothers· residents speaks for itself. cooperation and respect" exists were "she's always smiling" · William Grush- "very nice." atthe dorm. And although this is (Mrs Johnson) and "she's too Dick Kimball - "she's a good her first year as a housemother skinny" (Mrs Hallock). nurse." at Peru, she acquired some Both ladies were held very Barry Miller - "real nice, experience while serving as a R. high in the eyes of the in0.K. with me." A. assistant director. Some of dividuals polled and were much
Hoemann to head Admissions Department
The position of Director ot Admissions for Peru State College has been filled by Gary Hoemann, former admissions counselor for the college.
A 1971 graduate of PSC from Nebraska City, Gary was admissions counselor for the Peru Achievement Foundation for one year before taking that position in the PSC administration. A replacement for Gary is still being sought.
Mr Hoemann hopes to make recruiting trips to the Worcester-Leicester, Massachusetts, area and the Chicago area this year. The recruiting in this area will extend west to the Grand IslandHastings area and to the South Sioux-Sioux City area in Iowa.
EC Club holds picnic
The Peru State Home ·1 Economics Club members were I
appreciated for their work at Peru State College.
Sherwood earns Ed. D degree
Leland Sherwood, Associate Professor of Art at Peru State, completed work this summer for an Ed.D. degree in art education at the University of Indiana, Bloomington. The degree was conferred at the August 10
commencement exercises at the University.
Dr. Sherwood joined the Peru State art department staff in 1963. The 1967 Peru State graduate earned his M.A. degree from the University of Wyoming in Laramie.
Student Center Board Applications are in Mr Letts' office and can be filled out before an SCB meeting SCB meetings are held every Thursday at5:00 p.m. in WestDining Room
Everyone is welcome to attend
September 24
7:00 P.M. LA. Club LA. 29
September 25
SGA-F.A. 212
Circle KW. Dining Room-Stu. Ctr.
September 26
September 27
entertained at Mrs Louise ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Kregel 's home in Percival, Iowa, Monday September 10, for the annual picnic. Dr. and Mrs Vernon Siegner and Mr and Mrs
Kregel along with
·· ··.·The·first
: ·.
· Isaw 11"u'.
6:00 P.M.
10:00 P.M.
4:00 P.M. PSSSS
SCB-NorthHalfW. Dining Room-Stu. Ctr.
- Field Trip '
.,....•.... Debbie
Rick De Klotz
Women's Sports Editor ,
Harmon • Photographers Dave Lainez I ANDMAYBETOMORROW I Rich Mayo ·.I.. I Ad Manager ._._._._ ._•. ._._ ._ ._._._ _._._ _._._._._ ._._._._._._ Linda Madison l:M:aybe: Tomorrow 1 1 -Circulation Managers : _. Phyllis Butrick I I'll smile'far .you kh I a smile that Will I Terrie Fun ouser I not tremble into tears I Jeff Walther I I Artists ,.._._.,._._..,.,.,._._.,._._._.,._._._. ._ _..,._. ._ ._ Don Jochems I But do not ask I Bill Palmer I it of me today I Contributi11g Editors _Bobbi Thiesfeld IToday, tomorrow is yet too I Bob Wernsman 1 soon. 1 I TerrieFllllkhouserl Advisor ,. ., .- .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.·.-.-·.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. Mr. _Everett Brownrng -----------A student, ·ceman. let IJllgel *'5n't - 'l'heenjoys lie law 'ftek, Michael men. ·'1e prowl le and ·Oak !ariginally :Ms switched tvertoP.E.,l .·can't ·kl his 'i!li'Orking · by enforcing :mrrounding Prior Mike struction. years him wife),, school then in the .studE By I don't eommon by all usually going trying; a national becoming l.iberating have read to on cerning dings. switch People the natural shouldn't consider bother, People some affected bureaucracy. the that limited gas don't describe APATHY. APATHY. syndrome interest BIASED attitude one these
14 club Managing Editor : Frank D' Addesa members attended the picnic. Assistant Editor
Barton After the picnic the dub Sports Editor ._
discussed activities for the· coming year.
Students predict fall fashion forcast for Peru
Interesting mixtures of todays
fashions are visible on Peru's Campus. Pantsuits featuring a wide selection of flared legs, cuffs, and wider waistbands are enjoyed by all Peru Staters. The waistline le!J$1:h jackets are fashionably matched.
Modes of dresses seen on campus include the baby doU look, various smock styles, waistband dresses and very tailored look. Popular
materials in fashion this fall are the'seersucker, gingham' · polyesters, and kmts. Fall fashions include many variations of the color scheme, the most predominate are the harvest colors, the neutrals, and some pastels.
Several styles of platform shoes are worn by all students here at .Peru, but the most common fashion worn on campus is still the good 'ole blue Jeans.
The look today in fall fashions for women are pants.· Baggies are still in but the cuff is being dropped. Even though you see cuffs in Peru the cuffs are gone on the East Coast. Tweeds., plain and plaid, seem to be the popular material.
Dresses and skirts are also still popular althoug_h the is still short for young girls the older you get the longer the dress or skirt should be. Hot
Peru cop Engel plays three roles
1.k d h t he saw and repeated that it was just a job, 0 came, I e w a ' "Th k d f t
pants are gone but "Baggie Shorts" with cuffs and pockets are great for the fall and winter. The tweeds and corduroy are the warm and popular materials. Print blouses are the rage now with wild prints. And to keep you warm on cold winter nights"Fanny Sweaters." These sweaters go over the blouses and also the hips. Not only are they fashionable but they are warm. What to wear on the ears, wrists. waist, and feet? Well,
anything from efoph_ant. hair bracelets, belts of beads, wooden ear disks and bracelets. to two to three inch heels. The selection is wide and the choice. is ypws. Fashions ori the and fashions in the two · different thfngs. When a certain fashion is popuJ:ar on the. East Coast it generally -takes six months to two years to reach the midwest. OnlY- fashion m.inded women with outstanding taste will keep up with todays·
MAY de d d t t He stayed for ey soc e me or seven yA student, a husband, and a CI e 0 : ;y leaving to go five cents for. a dozen eggs the policeman. How can anyone be !wo yethars e orance business. other day," "I like to eat just be mto e msur rk bod l " H d d all three? can anthyone Being miles away from home t1h e y e ste.h. e ?fee ed two of these thmgs at e _same half the time, and staying up till e JO o 1s w1 e an time let alone all three. Michael all h hen he was home himself, plus his schoolwork, Engel, does it, and he any more than ''the city council has been real doesn t have a lot of spare time, ki onstructi·on so last good to me about my school wor ng c ' k " "I t o sta t he enjoys 1t. h back to Peru to wor , can s ay on c n n
The Peru Police force enforces h eh This last call and still attend classes." "I the law seven days and night a ;:mer he. took the job a lot to Howard Allgood, week, and employs two men, th p Poli·ce force. Before hes head of the campus
· I · f th as e eru ·t " "H hi d t Michael Enge 1s one o ose h t k the job he had no secur1 y. e e pe me ge men. He attends classes, drives e 00 th ghts about being a where I am today." "The State the prowl car, and is married. pre1.V1ous ou did he especially Patrol and the County Sheriff 1· th po iceman, nor I h l d t d I I He and his wife Jayne 1ve m e l"k th 1 "Before I got in r a so e pe me remen ous y, Oak Hill housing same way about asked a lot of I didn't south of the campus. Mike is b t d by a cop as anyone know what to expect. originally a business major who though 1 see it a The city council just recently has switched part of his studies f f 'en r e n t ' w a y voted in the sec?nd man on overtoP.E.,hehopesonedayto "I till d 't 1 ki force. At the time of the mbe a coach, as he puts it, "he s otn n\a terview, Patrolman Engel. 'can't get enough football." Now cardea1; oud? 1 ' 1 s .Jusb a J.0 .was training the new man. "His di h an m omg my JO , as 1m- S Rob d h 'll m Juni?r year ohf stughues he isl partially as I can." He "believes hnalme ist tetvhe "Iet'll working his way t ro sc oo t f bod all ,, e p ou on e wee en s, by enforcing the law in the m th Yt eqhu by, give me a bit more time for an e 1eves a e as t d. d 1 t" ,, surrounding area.. establ. h d th t f t-;i s· s u 1es an re axa ion. h" t P is e a ac mce Mik E I th t d t to is .o eru, taking the job in late June or M"k eE ngel the s ul. en ' or Mike was wor mg m con· 1 Jul h h 't db" 1 e nge e po iceman, struction After a few rougt. Y Y 1 e dasn use is ?1:111 1 whichever you choose to think of · "d d 't f or even p ace anyone m Jal , h" h t h 1 years he dec1 e 1t wasn or Ith h h .f .th t b 1m as, 1s ere gomg o sc oo ;,him and let his fr 1cee, (now his e 1 t ast 0 and working at the sa:ne time wife) talk him into coming to one hoed esil a e Ho hpu just like a lot of us. How much schodi at Peru, where she was fsom1.e mt 1.kerr P ace. e 1 as different is he really from you k ee mgs JUS 1 e everyone e se, d then attendir.g, (she now wor s h but h " 't 1 t th an me, · dm. ff" ) H e says, e can e em m the a iss10ns o ice e g t th f h" k " H e m e way o 1s wor e
:Student expresses views on apathy
I don't give a damn. This is a. common slang expression used by all of us at varying times. It is usually used when things aren't going right or we've given up trying. It becomes a bit scary on a national scale. People are .becoming tired of other people liberating themselves. They have become tired of what they read in the newspaper and listen to on the six o'clock news concerning recent Watergate findings. People will yawn and switch to another channel. People are becoming bored with the idea· of conserving our natural resources. Nobody, I shouldn't say that, alot of people consider the shortage in gas a bother an inconvenience.
People 'all over the country in some way or another are being affected by the American bureaucracy. Whether it be by the rise in meat prices or the fact that your vacation may be limited this year because of ,the gas shortage. But people just don't care. One word will describe this syndrome. APATHY.
APATHY An alarming syndrome based on a lack of interest in ones fellow man.
BIASED A prejudgement or attitude dealing with the way one feels toward another. Put these two words together in
conjunction with the way live in an American bureaucracy full of red tape and you come up with some amazing facts about different human lifestyles.
You also come up with a society de\roted to searching for , some tangent element in their lives to make them happy. Why can'tpeople go on being people? What is this force that has crept up on us while our backs were turned? How can we explain this cruel and brutal word
APATHY that has swept the American people off their feet and blew them away Just where did it come from and why is it so determined to deceive people into thinking they really know where their priorities lie in life.
The older generation uses the word apathy to describe the platonic attitudes of the young
The younger generation uses this expression to define the outmoded ways of thinking of the older generation. It is a highly misunderstood term that acco\lllts for peoples' attitudes and the way they live in this society.
APATHY can hardly be thought of as just a term. It is a force so widespread and so sneaky in the way it affects people that it can hardly go unrecognized by the minority of people who are really into the
process of living. When we the American people become lax in our concern for governing institutions, when we no longer care about relating to each other on an individual basis, when the lust for power and success have become so dominating in our daily lives that we forget who we really are and what we are really here for then we ·can be labeled as apathetic Americans.
Now that we have established the fact that apathy has become something similar to a household word. That it is a dominating and overpowering controlling device in the way we live and the way we govern our lives. That it has and will continue to corrupt basic attitudes by twisting them to the point ·where they bobble up communication channels between governmental officials and the public. WE can look at the problem clearly, think out the alternatives to living such a life where things of grave importance are kept from the public, when scandals higher up are covered up to be investigated at a later date when people can no longer know who to trust because their telephone lines may be tapped and decide whether or not apathy has touched our lives and if so how we can eliminate it before it · takes over.
housemothers· the Peru i: -----i I I I I I I I I I I .. Addesa Barton DeKlotz Harmon Lainez Mayo · Madison Butrick Funkhouser Walther Jochems Palmer Thiesfeld Wernsman Browning NDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1973 PER!J PEDACOGIAN PAGE 3
11ean "Nately" Young Fritz Stehlik
Bo9cats capture Applejack Bowl defeat Tarkio, 19-
" : :
Pei-U: ··State used a strong · a potent ground attack to capture the fifth annual game against Tai:)go COIJege: Saturday night :Sept: ·15 in Nebraska City.
The 'Cat defense limited Tai:kio to 80. yards through the air;-· while the Owl's rushing total in tht7 hole with a nefyardage 'of -218.
The ·Bobcats had an extra oppi:>nent · ·_· the weather - to defeat as they evened the season mark at -1-1. A steady rain fell from a cold September sky throughout the game making ball handling difficult at times. Peru fumbled only twice, recovering both, while Tarkio
had considerably mofe problems with four hobbles, losing two.
Peru State, after receiving a Tarkio punt, scored the first time they had the ball, driving 66 yards in 11 plays with fullback Barry Reed going the final five yards fol the tally. Dave Bower's PAT kick was good with 7: 15 remaining in the first ,period.
Coach Jack Mcintire turned to an antique offensive formationthe single wing - in attacking the Owl's defense. The idea gave the offense added punch as they rolled up 264 yards on the ground compared with only 103 against Graceland in the opening game of the season.
Peru State College rambled past the Owls of 'l'ar.kio College last Saturday night ·at the Pioneer Stadium ·in Nebraska City by a sc9re of 19-0. ·
The Cats inserted the singlewing. offense for the first time .year which resulted in some 264· yards rushing. What really makes the single wing formation so unique is that it doesn't require a quarterback at the helm.
Barry Reed scored the initial touchdown the first quarter on a
15 yard run with uave Bower kicking the extra point.
In the second quarter Henry McCullough treated the crowd to a dazzling 60 yard run for six points with the extra point failing.
Then in the third quarter Barry Reed climaxed the scoring with a one yard dash to cap all scoring for the game.
In the first two games for Peru State, the defense has held its opponents to a points which is a fme mdication of the consistency and hard work on the defensive unit.
However, it is theorized that personnel, not formations, is what wins football games. Evidence of this was convincing as freshman Gary Rosenbeck, with many second efforts,. gained 84 yards on 18 carries.
Steady fullback Reed picked up 61 yards on 21 tries while Henry McCullough kept the defense honest gaining 94 yards on four attempts including a second period 60 yard gallop on a reverse for a score.
If Tarkio punter Dan Peterson felt out of practice before the game, he shouldn't now after kicking the ball away nine times Most of the punts came in the first half as the Owl offense could muster only one first
down that occurring during last of plays before intermission.
Peru's best offensive drive came late in the third period as the Bobcats started on their own 20 and moved to the Tarkio six in 12 plays before the quarter ended. The 'Cats picked up five first downs in the process before Rosenbeck was stopped short of the end zone on a fourth and goal from the three yard stripe.
Tarkio took over the ball; but ran only one play as quarterback Joe Greco's fumble on the two was recovered by Peru's Robert Herron.
The PSC offense was not to be denied this time as fullback · Reed smashed into the line twice before scoring with 12: 36
Bobcat defensive tack! Robert Krajicek was named t and accepted the trophy memory of former Tarkio coa Robert Lade who died August 1 1973, after a long battle wi cancer. Coach Lade was a Pe State graduate in 1954 and football standout for the Bo cats.
Mrs Lade presented the awar to Krajicek, who with Coac Mcintire accepted the Appleja Bowl trophy for the second y furnished by the Nebraska Ci Chamber of Commerce. traveling trophy may become permanent possession aft three succesive bowl win Tarkio owns the first trophy o the annual series.
Trackmen drop two meets .
Northwest Missouri State University claimed the top three spots and four of the first six in defeating Peru State 18-40 in the Bobcat season opening cross country race at Maryville, Missouri, Wednesday afternoon. Leading the way for the Bearcats was Bill Hindery with a clocking of 26: 19 over the five mile course. He was followed by teammates Ben Welch (26:37)
and Duane Kimble (26:41).
Peru State's best time was turned in by freshman Ron Storant at 26:45. Phil Fritz of Peru was clocked in 27: 23 for sixth place.
Tarkio College defeated Peru State 23-37. in the cross country race held in conjunction with Applejack festivities in Nebraska City Saturday (September 15) afternoon.
George Henry of Tarkio
turned in the day's best tim over the three-mile course with clocking of 15: 43. Peru Sta captured the second and th' place positions with Phil Fri running 15:53 and freshman Storant 15:55 as driving ra· hindered times of all harrier
The next five runners to er the finish line were all fr Tarkio as their team balanc proved too much for the Bo cats.
Baseball - 73' brings Aaron chasing Ruth's recora
· .Now,. three homers behind B.abe Ruth's lifetime 714, Henry Aar.on seems to have upset a friend· of mine.
: Chris. l;>elieves that no one should even try to take the title of home run !<log.away from the Bak Yet :Rl!th_copped No. 714 in 1935; and Chris wasn't born .for another twenty-six years. So what is so objectionable? Ruth is dead and Aaron. ·is a conherp. But to say that Aaron is a better ballplayer than Ruth is a futile! comparison. There was'n6 Astroturfin 1927. Nor :were their pitchers lik!J. Koufax, Maricnal, Drydale, Merritt; Renko and Billingham. bes{lite Howard Cose11 ·s .charges, baseball is a most .·diversified sport. Half a century ·ago; Ruth was demonstrating ·the world how to play the game
Pollption:, ·
,"° But does, It., be? Not if you do something about it. So the next time you see pollution , poirit it out to. someone who. can·do something about it.
superbly. Today many granct- three singles, a double and a as designated hitter. Like monopolize the TV set during
fathers and little .leaguers alike homer. At his age, most Cepeda, Tony 0. is a veteran of baseball plqyoffs next month! can proudly ratffe off the ballplayers are no longer active. many operations, and still a Playoff predictions: Orioles statistics. But statistics won't Cepeda's knees have been generous contributor. over Oakland; Reds to b make Hank Aaron a more im- operated on several times, and Now the ·cold noth wind is Expos (nice try!) pressive hero than the Babe. 8<) yet he still tries to steal bases on sweeping down, pushing Note: Remember, the hapless as far as I'm concerned, the occasion. He was an invaluable baseball toward Florida, and Padres will be off to Washington breaking of records is only asset to the Red Sox in his first bringing on the Bears, Vikings next season. ·s·pose they might technical. Whether Hank will year with the club, and he was and Chiefs. I can only wish be called the Washington hammer out No. 714 before this ever consistent. The DH rule has football fans the happiest of Plumbers? season ends is doubtful. My prolonged Cepeda's career, and seasons but olease don't .prediction, for all you lovers of the careers of several other trivia, is that he'll do it in· one of veterans. If the National League the last games of the season. If had adopted the clause,' we he doesn't, I'll owe Chris a trip to might still be seeing the likes of the ballpark. Ernie Ba1ks in action.
This was the year of the By honoring Cepeda, I by no designated hitter, and I'll hereby means meant to overlook Frank nominate Orlando Cepeda as DH Robinson, a stalwart of the of the Year (if there is such an Angels. Manager Bobby Winkles award). In one game at Boston would like to post Robby at first last month, the Little Bull base next season, though. And hobbled out four doubles in four certainly the Twins own unsung at bats. In a game a few weeks hero, Tony Oliva, has given later he went five for five with many opponents fits in his role
ROOM FOR RENT - $45 ' :
month in apartment. See
at 1110 'J' \upstairs) Auburn,
across street from bowling alley.
A Wanted- Part-time salesman
' from 6p.m. to lOp.m. Must have
t car and be willing to work. Call t Ralph J;irohsen. Manager.
t ]phone 873-3480 (Nebraska City).
The IPSC at\eting larrett, tt:ported tamed
' t
, I 1' . adde1
•.dub programming !his The Wd federal • n1 >Plattsn For Oillege appearances hands. lhrough mittee have game half-time Unable pearance high pee
t t
A t
t t t t t
Sharon Kay Fike, former l>SC dent, has been selected to the ding Young Women of rica for 1973, accor§ing to Pandora Bemis, director for is natfonal awards program.
The purpose of the Outding Young Women of erica program is to gnize young women between ages of 21 and 35 for their eptional contributions to professions, communities, country.
ese candidates are now
announced by SCB's Letts
The following schedule for events for Homecoming week has been released by John Letts of the SCB office.
being considered for further state and national awards. This , fall, fifty of the young women ·included in Outstanding Young Women of America, one from each state, will be named as their states Outstanding Young Woman of the Year. From the fifty state winners, Americas Ten Outstanding Young Women for 1973 will be selected.
Ms. Fike is now attending Tarkio College at Tarkio, Missouri.
.• Barrett reports $3QO
dded, to KPSC treasury
The Radio Club and Station
C are happening! At the ing last Monday, Mr John rett, faculty sponsor, rted that approximately dollars, which the club had last year in a subtion drive for the "Peru lenge", would soon be in the treasury.
While the paperwork is being awn up and submitted, the plans to have a complete octrination on radio gramming for it's members. · will include taping of e foundation is now being for the numerous state and ral grant proposals needed equipment purchases and nsing for the new campus station.
shows, announcing, preparation of news, sports, and weather reports, and just about every facet of the real thing. Along these same lines, it was proposed to repair the current campus-limited station for a "baptism-under-fire" for the predominately novice staff.
The up-coming R. C. meeting, scheduled for Monday, October 1, 4:30, at FA 104, will be organizational and holding elections to replace certain graduating officers. It is urged that everyone, even remotely interested, attend to get the lowdown on what the club will be offering and get established on the ground floor. This is probably the fastest moving and most exciting club on campus, so you won't want to miss a single meeting!
..Plattsmouth to perform at half
For several years Peru State ,College has been having ,appearances by high school pep bands. The idea originated through the promotion committee who suggested we now have a visiting band for each game to provide an entertaining half-time show.
Unable to make an appearance last year Plattsmouth high school pep band will be
Tuesday Oct. 9 - Lobo concert at 8 o'clock in auditorium
Thtirsday Oct. 11 - Play "How The Other Half Loves" at 7:30 in auditorium Saturday Oct. 13 - Alumni
Coffee from 9 to 10: 45 in cafeteria
Homecoming week schedule ormer student amed Missouri's utstanding woman
Parade 11 o'clock on 5th
Lunch for Alumni at 12 o'clock in cafeteria
Football game Peru VS Kearney at 2 o'clock - float winners and Homecoming Queen announced at halftime
Coffee sponsored by SCB and
Alumni -Association for all following the game in the cafeteria
Play "How The Other Half Loves" at 7:30 in auditorium Dance at 9:30 in gym Also according to John Letts, the Bob Inn will be open all day Saturday, Oct. 13, and the residence halls will be holding open house all day.
Hoemann in as S.G.A. sponsor
other positions are filled
The S.G.A. held a formal meeting with all members present. The S.G.A. voted in Gary Hoemann as a sponsor. Gary Bowman is the Social SciE!nce representative leaving P1actical Arts, Fine Arts and Junior Class unfilled at this time. Adiscussion on whether or not to allow a change so the Committee could charge full time students admission to concerts highlighted the meeting. The discussion was tabled for now. Also on the agenda were homecoming, the
bell problem, judges, publicity committee, and class elections
Fritz Stehlik and Dean Anstey will check out why no bells wdrked ·during the day. John Billings, Roland Barrett, Scott McKercher and Fritz Stehlik are the feasibility study committee on class elections. John, Roland and Scott will report at the next S.G.A. meeting. It was decided to have a year long publicity committee on S.G.A. actions. Amy Walsh and Pat Kinnison were selected.
The meeting saw Jan Mutchler unanimously voted in as secretary. Bob Wernsman will
try to find a homecoming judgt:. If anyone has any ideas contact him.
Members of the S.G.A. took petitions dealing with the highway in an cooperative effort with the town to help speed things up. Horse· and Buggy Days ended the night's agenda as Mr Letts had a meeting in Auburn to , attend. Matters were tabled till ' the next Note: Students the S.G.A. meetings are open. You can speak if you have something to say and are recognized by the President. Voting rights are reserved to members only.
New store S.C.B. attends conference to open in Peru
coming down this Saturday, September 29, 1973. They will do the Star Spangled Banner before the game and provide a marching exhibition at half-time.
Plattsmouth has been a winner in the McDonald Co National Marching Contest.
Jack Herweg, a graduate of Peru is the<conductor. Welcome Plattsmouth!!!! 1
John Deatherage will begin the task of managing a store. John's debut as a manager will be Oct. 1 or within a week there of. The store is located at 808 5th street will sell ga.s (if possible) groceries, records and such items.. This will be a husband and wife effort though they might·hire some help. Store hours will be seven to ten p.m. Though this is his first effort as manager John was optimistic at the undertaking. John said they would probably cement the parking space in front of the store. The one story false front business will be a welcome addition to the local business scene.
John and Kathy are exLincolnites who now call Nicholas-Pate dormitory .for married students at the Centennial Complex home. Kathy is majoring in :;o..:ial work and is a full time P.S.C. student.
The Association of College Unions International Conference is to be held from September 29 to October 2 at Central State University in Edmond, Oklahoma. The conference is for a four-state area that includes Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Nebraska.
Peru State will be represented by four Student Center Board
members. They are Fritz Stehlik, president of SCB, Jim Lennerton, Becky Niday, and Deb Hebda. Mr John Letts will accompany them. The conference is a workshop for colleges in Region 11 to exchange ideas for entertainment programs, committees, and other duties that organizations such as the Student Center Board have.
The policy for Letters to the Editor will remain pretty much the same as in past years with only a few minor changes.
All letters should be typewritten, double-spaced and on a 60 space line. Writers should try to limit letters to 300 words or less and the Peru Pedagogian reserves the right to edit and cut copy due to space limitations.
Deadlines for Letters to the Editor are 12 noon Tuesday for Monday's issue.
Names will be withheld from letters only when there is an extreme need for anonymity and only after the writer has consulted the managing editor. Otherwise, all letters must be signed and addressed.
____________P_E_R_u ____ -===· - MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1973
tackle the in coach 18 with Peru a Bobaward Coach Applejack year City The a after wins. of time a State third Fritz Ron rain harriers. cross from balanc Bobduring month! Orioles beat hapless Washington might Washington
issue next week
It won't be long before another traditional Homecoming Week will be· held at Peru State College. During this preparation period many individuals of various organizations and clubs have been working hard to make this the best flomecoming in the history of the College.
Become part of Homecoming 1973, support the people and organizations who are preparing for the week's activities. Then attend the various forms of entertainment being offered.
Homecoming is only what you make it. Let's work together to make it a memorable one.
Frank D'Addesa Managing Editor
Dear Editor:
In response to the editorial in last weeks paper, we feel that something shQuld be said for the defense of some of the students on this canipus. We don't feel your editorial was fair - wethink it was biased. You mentioned a few incidents but never probed into what has been happening to the freshmen girls.
For example: the time three "Black dudes" came into Davidson close to midnight and walked into s.everal rooms unannounced, harrassing the occupants. In an incident like that, it's. hard to take their ad
greatest, especially for the young'
Marriage is becoming more and more a trap for people who have nothing better to do with their lives. A man's motive in life has always been to become a success in the profession he chooses, find a compatible partner to spend his entire lifetime with, fall in love and stabilize his life on an even keel by raising a family.
up to be. Then how does this explain the big surge in right after school marriages. It does a little however to explain the current rise in divorce rates in just this century alone.
Others have said that marriage is a union in which they share their inner selves and devote their time and energy into making the other person happy.
our life to that of another of our exclusive choice.
Of course, we can by no means undermine marriage from a sexual standpoint. There is a sense of gratification and satisfaction in giving our who! personal being to that o someone we love.
vice and ''not be alarmed." We don't appreciate their suggestive remarks, either. Perhaps the actions mentioned in your editorial of the whites are in defense of the "white chicks." Some people are out to pick fights regardless of color. Antagonizing is done on both sides.
We don't think you were just in writing that editorial. Maybe next time you could collect more facts before you make a statement.
This means settling down to the routine boredom of an 8-5 job whether it be in an air conditioned office building or a warehouse. From the little woman's point of view there is little more in it for her than concerning herself with household duties such as cleaning and making sure the · laundry is done up and the evening meal is on the table precisely when her husband comes home from work. Awife's outside activities may include the PTA, civic or church work but she has little free time· to herself to try out macrame or tye-dying or even enrolling in an evening art class because in a new marriage the financial budget does not permit ex-
The letter was signed by 26 fravagances such as these. H she students gets bored the alternative
Homecoming Theme - The Sun Shines Brighter Everyday.
Build a float for Homecoming. All campus organizations are invited to enter a float in the Homecoming Parade which will be held on Saturday, October 13th. Trophies will be awarded for the best floats. Float entries should be submitted to the SGA office by Monday, October 8th.
solution to the problem would be to have a baby.
Millions of people all over the world are finding themselves in this rut and although alot of them are reluctant to admit it they .aren't happy.
In my limited contact· with young married couples between the ages of 16 and 24, I have heard many outlooks on married life. Some say marriage isn't what it is cranked
ANNOUNCEMENT·r...... Yearhooks can he picked up in Mr. Browning's office · very afternoon except Thurs from
2:30 · 4:30
Daily numbers increase
According to Editor and Publisher magazine reports, the number of daily newspapers in the United States increased last year to 1, 761 with a record paid circulation of more than 62.5 million.
Other figures note the nuniber of newspapers sold each day rose froin 62,231,258 in 1971 to a record 62,510,242 by the end of 1972, despite the merger of three
metropolitan dailies during the year.
The number of daily newspapers in the country increased from 1,749 at the end of 1971, making the total one more than the 1,760 that were on the stands in 1962 but 25 short of the 1,786 published in 1952.
There were 337 morning newspapers and 1,441 evening newspapers being published at
Read the Ped
This leads me to my next point of view. It takes an entire lifetime for most of us to get to know ourselves, to realize our own needs, wants and aspirations. It also takes most of us a lifetime to achieve an innerpeace within ourselves. To reach our goals and to know just what makes us happy. This leaves a relatively short period 9f time to devote and dedicate
• the end of 1972. Morning newspaper circulation increased in 41 states and the District of Columbia, while evening newspaper circulation increased in 41 states.
The number of Sunday newspapers increased from 590 to 603 over the year, but Sunday circulation decreased from 49,747,308 in 1971 to 49,338,765 in 1972.
you can't heat it's price
I'm by no means setting asid marriage and saying that it · bad for everyone or good fo anyone. Marriage by any mean must have alot of rewards or there wouldn't be so many people doing it, but there are also many pitfalls to consider also. Among these are financial difficulties and compatibility differences. It is something to think about even if you are not considering taking this drastic measure at this point in your life.
October 1
4:00 P.M. - - Faculty Association F.A.-Aud.
5:00 P.M. - Kappa Delta Pi Stu. Cr. West Dining Room
6:00-7:00 P.M. -Girls Volley Ball Gym
7:30 P.M. - P.S.S.S.S. F.A. 212 Lambda Delta Lambda Sci. 104
Fall Play Rehearsals
Cross Country - Creghton Univ. at Omaha Fritz Henning Senior Show F.A. Oct. 1-12
4:45 P.M.-:- Circle K Stu. Cr. West Dining Room
6:00 P.M. - SGA F.A. 212
6:00-7:00 P.M. -Girls
"Marriage isn't
6:00 - 7:00 P.M. - Girls Volley Ball October3
4:00 P.M.
F.A. 212 5:00 P.M. - SCB Stu. Ct. North
West Dining Room 7:00 P.M. - SCB Movie F.A. Aud. 6:00 - 7:00 P.M. Girls Volley Ball Gym
Play Rehearsals October6 7:30 P.M. - Football Game at Benedictine College, Atchison, Ks. October7 6:30 P.M. -Faculty Women Stu. Ct. West Dining Room THE PEDA(iOGIAN STAFF Managing Editor ···.··.·.·•·.·.•·.·.•·.·•.•.,..•: Frank D' Addes Assistant Editor ·.····-·.·.·.·.·.·.··.·:····.··"'""'.'""··········Debbie Bart Sports Editor··.·.·.·.·.-.-.-·····.··.·.·.······.·.-.·.·.-.·:·.·.·· ,.,..,._ Rick DeKlot Women's Sports Editor ...•,. .....•,._._·.-.·.·.-·.·.··.··.·,·.-····.-·.···_Gail Harm · Photographers ··.·.-··.'.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ·.-.····.·.·:.•·:::.···.··:·:··:"·:·" _Dave Lain_ Rich May Ad Manager Linda Madis 'Circulation .• .• •.. Phyllis Butri Terrie Funkhous Jeff Walth Artists ·.·•.•.·.·.·.•.•.•.·.·.·:.·:.·.·.·::.'.'::·:·.-.- .,.,.,.,.,.,. •..•. ,.,. .•• ·.··:::::._Don J ochem Bill Palm Contributiµg Editors .•...••....•,. ,. _··.·.·.·:.·.··'·····_BobbiThiesfel Bob Wernsma Advisor Mr. Everett Brownin
Volley Ball Gym Fall Play Rehearsals October3
- Convo Sigma Tau Delta I.A. 104
Fall Play
- Social Work Club
Five teams scheduled
' means a a and whole of aside is for means or many are consider financial compatibility to not drastic your
Workshop held at Peru
An estimated 50 high school students invaded the campus Tuesday. The onslaught, however, was expected by Mr Everett W. Browning, head of the PSC Journalism department, as he was the sponsor of the annual high school yearbook
workshop which they were attending.
The workshop, held in the F .A. building, is the brain child of Mr Browning, designed to help the yearbook staffs of the local high schools put out a better annual.
Browning's right-hand man · was Mr Gery Kauffman, who
Freshmen to
Mr D. G. Miller, Director of Student Financial Aids, reminds all first-time freshmen enrolled at PSC this year to fill out their Basic Educational Opportunity Grant application as soon as possible.
This program is a new form of federal assistance for students in higher education. Every student continuing his education beyond high school is entitled, under this grant, to financial
support up to $1,400 per year, not exceeding one half of the total sum of attendance. The purpose of the application, (a family financial statement), is to find out how much money each student is entitled to. Half of this sum is given personally to the student per semester.
For more information and applications see Mr Miller at the Administration building, rooms 206 or 207.
represented Josten's American Yearbook Company, which put out the Peruvian. , Activities centered on the various aspects of yearbook production: layout, writing copy, photography, typography, (the use of various styles of type), headline writing, financing, and bookkeeping. Quite an intinerary, which went from 9:00 until 3:00 p.m.
Five teams will participate in will be run as in a real game, Intramural Football this year, while in the first 13 minutes the according to Coach Tom Fit- clock will be stopped only for zgerald. The teams will play a time-0uts, injury, or a score. If four game schedule with the at the end of regulation time, the team with the best record score is tied, each team will claiming the championship receive four downs to advance the ball as far as they can. The trophy. The first game, team which advances the ban Scheduled for Tuesday the 25th, the most yards is declared the was postponed bec11use of bad winner. weather. This game will be Coach Fitzgerald said that made up on October 11th. The there will be intra-mural teams will start to play Sep- tember 27 and will play October competition in volleyball, 1, 4th, 8th, 11th, and a rain date basketball, swimming, track on the lSth. and field, softball and possibly wrestling. Supervisors during
According to the rules, a team games will be different memmust have eight players, with at bers of the faculty and student least five offensive players on body. Officials for the games the line of scrimmage. A game will come from Coach Dwine's consists of two halves, fifteen Principles of Officiating class. minuts each. There will be a five Each team will be able to carry minute intermission in between sixteen members for the first halves. During the last two semester and expand to twenty minutes of each half the clock · the second semester.
King defeats "pig"
Now that Billie Jean has Bobby off of her back, the old codgers are coming out of the woodwork to pick up the banner that Sugar Daddy dropped. H they can still lift a racket, they are itching to play Billie Jean. Although most deny that money has anything to do with it, they probably finally figured what Booby's angle really was. (Not the one on top of his head.) It really isn't that unplesant to be humiliated if there is $100,000 and royalties in it for you. Especially if there are fans that
suddenly think of a million excuses for the loss.
Arematch may be in the offing for King and Riggs, although it would seem to be an anti-climax and therefore might bomb. For serious tennis fans, the match should hold little interest. Hopefully, the matter will end with no hard feelings on either side.
Editor's note - Michael Kelly, wno in the Ped picked Riggs fo take the "Hattie of the Sexes" tennis match has refused to comment on the outcome because he didn't see the match.
P.E. head from Maryville
Miss Mary Jo Mier is the new head of the Women's PE Department. Miss Mier took over the reins from Bonnie Rutz in August.
The new instructor comes to Peru from Northwest Missouri State at Maryville, where she taught Health-, PE in the
Primary Grades, Bowling, and swimming. She was also assistant coach for the women's basketball team, and coached women's softball, track, and swimming.
Miss Mier graduated from Benedictines College in Atchison, Kansas, her home town,
with a BS in Education. She recieved her MS in Education while at Northwest. While obtaining her degree, she taught for two and one half years and was a dorm RA for one year at Northwest Missouri State.
The former Kansasan said that things were basically the same at the smaller college of Peru as they were at the larger university. She stated that the classes were smaller here and that she had a chance to get to know the students as individuals better. She also said that the faculty and administration had been extremely cooperative in helping her get settled at Peru.
Miss Mier did say that there were a few differences in the college though. One of the most , notable she said was the change in terrain. The various hills in the town of Peru were a surprise to her at first.
The biggest change she noticed was the fact that "I went from being one of a staff of 13 to being the department for women, a Jack-0f-all-trades."
The new instructor teaches a variety of subjects now and feels that it will giver her a chance to expand as a teacher. While at Peru she will also coach women's volleyball, softball, and track. She is undecided at the moment as to whether she will coach women's basketball. Miss Mier's first Peru volleyball team will open Friday night ··against Creighton University at home.
Harmo Laine May Butrick!
Funkhouser§ Walthe4 ochemJ PalmeJ. Wernsma ';;, Brownin ;;f/
Yearbook editors meet with Mr. Everett Browning, left and Mr. Gery Kauffman, next to end at right during yearbook conference.
Miss Mary Jo M1er
Northwest Missouri State sets school point record in 68 · 7 whalloJ>ing over Peru, State Bobcats
Northwest Missouri State University rolled up the most points in their football history in defeating Peru State 68-7 at Rickenbrode Stadium, Maryville, Missouri September 22.
NWMSU's earlier scoring high was a 65-0 victory over Sioux 'Falls College, South Dakota, in 1938. '
The Bearcats scored every conceivable way - · on t.he. ground, through the air, on a field goal and a safety - to hand Peru State its 8econd setback of the season against one win.
Northwest Missouri scored each of the six times they had the ball in the first half. Jim Albin, senior tailback AllAmerican candidate, rushed for 152 yards and two touchdowns in the half and caught a 29 yard pass for another score.
In all, the Missourians ran up 609 yards in total <;>ffense while holding the Bobcats to 66 yards for. the night. Peru's biggest weakness ·seemed to be in the defensive backfield as the Bearcats gained 256 yards on just 13 pass completions, including scoring plays of 29, 13, 45 and 34 yards.
The only lapse in the Bearcat passing game came late in the fourth quarter when quarterback Mike Kennedy attempted a pass. The ball fell into the arms of PSC defensive end Terry Elliott who returned it 11 yards for Peru's only TD. Dave Bower's kick was good. The NWMSU victory was the ninth straight over the Bobcats. The last win for Peru State was in 1962 when they prevailed 7-6. No gridiron battles are scheduled between the two schools in the forseeable future.
Scoring Summary:
NWMSU-Jim Albin 29 yd. pass from John Beeson. Steve
Stokes kick good, 13: 16 1st
NWMSU - Albin 58 yd. run.
Stokes kick 9: 16 1st
NWMSU - Brad Williams 9 yd. run. Stokes kick good 4:40 1st
NWMSU - Stokes 29 yd. field goal 8:57 2nd
NWMSU - Albin 2 yd. run.
Stokes kick 5: 03 2nd
NWMSU - Beeson 23 yd. run.
Stokes kick 1:01 2nd
NWMSU Steve Miller 13 yd. pass from Russ Brownrigg. Stokes kick 1:28 3rd
NWMSU - Safety (PSC QB Roger Stone tackles in end zone) 00:12 3rd
NWMSU - Mark Christian 45 yd. pass from Brownrigg 14:52 4th
NWMSU - Bill Buckner 34 yd. pass from Mike Kennedy. Stokes kick 7:50 4th
PSC - Terry Elliott 11 yd. intercepted pass. Dave Bower kick 4:49 4th
NWMSU - Wingate 84 yd. kick-0ff return. Stokes kick good 4: 37 4th
Cash feels Northwest Missouri shouldn't play Cats
Records are made to be broken and that is exactly what the Bearcats of Northwest Missouri did Saturday night in running over Peru state 68-7 erasing their previous high of 65 points against Sioux Falls College in the late 1930's.
The Bearcats scored two touchdowns in the first 6 minutes of the game on long runs from
scrimmage which set the pattern for the whole game. By halftime the Bearcats led by 38-0.
The only Peru scoring came in the last five minutes of the game. Northwest Missouri's quarterback while attempting to pass was hit from the blind sfde, jarring the pigskin loose.
Defensive end Terry Eliot plucked the ball out of the air on the run scoring from 11 yards
Harriers finish sixth· in Wesleyan meet
Peru State's cross-country team finished sixth in the Nebraska Wesleyan Invitational and won a dual event with Creighton University in recent harrier action.
In the Wesleyan Invitational, freshman Ron Storant placed fifth individually, with a clocking of 21 :33, 58 seconds behind winner Dan Closter of Concordia.
Concordia won the team race as they placed three runners in the top seven.
The Bobcats picked up their first victory of the year with a 2233 decision over Creighton in a race held at Peru, September 25.
Phil Fritz and Storant finished the race dead even with a time of 20:50 over the four mile course.
Bill Sell finished third for the 'Cats at 21: 03
Dr. Ervin Pitt's team has two meets coming up in the near future - a re-match against Creighton October 1 in Omaha, and a dual against Doane Oct. 4 1 in Peru.
Peru Vs. Creighton
1&2 Fritz-Storant
3 Sell
4Hawkins 5Holland
6 BobLowery 7McKeon 8Duesman 9 Chuck Donahue 10 Brady
Wanted- Part-time salesman from 6p.m. to 10 p.m. Must have car and be willing to work. Call Ralph Jarohsen. Manager. !phone 873-3480 (Nebraska City).
ROOM FOR RENT - $45 a month in large apartment. See at 1110 'J' (upstairs) Auburn, across street from bowling alley.
Northwest Missouri racked up 600 yards plus against the Bobcat defense compared to only 66 total yards for Peru State.
In Peru's previous two games the defense had allowed only one man to cross their goal line. After watching Northwest. Missouri's onslaught of Peru State, it was quite obvious the
or the coaches should concentrate on expanding their recruiting areas beyond Omaha and Iowa, signing up only the outstanding high school seniors and junior college graduates. One game certainly· doesn't make a season, but losing to any one team by a 68-7 score was to make one wonder. District II Statistics Yds. Ave. 268 89.3 262 87.3 232 77.3 143 71.5 170 56.7 142 47.3 136 45.3 102 34.0 68 34.0 55 27.5 Comp-yds Ave.
LEADING Yds. Ave. Passes Yds. Ave. Total Ave. 466 155.5 28-59-7 368 122.7 834 278.0 340 170.0 11-38-0 105 52.5 436 218.0 130 65.0 10-34-4 63 31.5 193 96.5 260 86.7 15-50·6 321 107.0 581 193.7 433 144.3 20-44·3 208 69.3 641 213.7 541 180.3 38-61.3 489 163.0 1030 343.3 584 194.7 19-51-7 314 104.7 898 299.3 413 104.3 7-32-1 45 15.0 458 152.7 343 114.3 25-53-5 403 134.3 746 248.6 Ave. Yds. Ave. Passes Yds. Ave. Total Total 175 58.3 33-71-8 479 157.7 654 218.7 340 170.0 11-38-0 105 52.5 445 222.5 536 168.0 10-17·4 83 41.5 619 309.5 220 73.3 6-33-3 55 27.5 275 91.7 436 148.7 25-37-3 166 55.3 602 200.7 549 183.0 32-60-3 357 119.0 906 302.0 691 230.3 13-43-2 171 57.0 862 287.3 482 160.7 29-60-3 460 153.3 942 314.0 16 5.3 29-67-5 425 141.6 441 147.0 INDIVIDUAL PASSING Comp-att-int Yds. Ave. Scott Maline, Kearney 36-56-3 449 149.6 John Seevers, Concprdoa 199 99.5 Lee Bauman, Chadron 21-47-6 279 93.0 Dave Miller, Wayne 11-22-1 224 74.6 Rod Schultz, Hastings 11-35 198 66.0 Jack Vail, Doane 9-29 188 62.6 'Mike Pirtle, Midland 10-32-6 132 44.0 Bill Cunard, Dana 3-10 52 26.0 Roger Stone, Peru 1-5 26 8.6 PUNTING Maurie Mintken, Wayne 8-233 74.3 Steve Nelson, Chadron Att-yds Ave. 16-678 42.4 Gary Griffin, Kearney 15-187 62.3 Ryan Hawley, Hastings Steve Nelson, Chadron 8·168 56.0 Tim Beck, Kearney John Green, Doane 8-159 53.0 Ed Spicer, Dana Gary Faszholz, Concordia 5-84 42.0 Jeff Mollring, Doane Duane Spale, Midland 4-107 35.7 Dean Ott, Wayne Dave Dirrim, Hastings 9-90 30.0 John Seevers, Concordia Mike Urdahl,, Dana 2-28 14:0 Cary f{os1·11lw\'k. f'pru Henry McCullough, Peru 2-:12 10.!J Halph Sapio, Midland
24-914 38.0 14-530 37.7 7-255 36.4 17-595 35.0 34.7 10·336 33.6 2Hi88 :12.8 15-482 32.l IJ' _. ,.....'4 ,_...- _....,, ,,.._.. ,,._,
JOBS ON SHIPS! No experience required. Excellent pay. Worldwide travel. Perfect summer job or career. Send $3.00 for information. SEAFAX, Dept. ')(-(, P.O. Box 2049, Port Angeles, Washington 98362.
Dual gran1 SCB I "How .·'1 &ector Vi'hen Mrs 'h?Jted mtertaining •istaken mangle. CleanThe oouncil the Sun literally. Last meeting, residents ·U1ergies lrive thditional
1 2 3 4 T PeruState 0 0 0 7 7 NWMSU 21 17 9 21 68
PSC 20:50 PSC 21:03 21:38 Cit'E 21 :59 PSC 22:23 CRE 23:09 CRE 23:15 CRE 23:29 PSC 23:34 Scoring PSC CRE 1 2 3 6 10 22 4578 9 33
r···········---··--·····------·······--· I Peru Wayne TEAM DEFENSE Chadron Concordia Dana Doane Hastings Kearney Midland Peru Wayne
Bobcats were · playing out ot their class. It appeared that Peru State had been put on the Bearcat schedule accidentally. Last week's game is history now, but something must be done if Peru State's Football Program is tO maintain some sort of respect from future opponents. Northwest Missouri should be dropped from Peru's schedule. RUSHERS Gilbert Spencer, Midland Randy Wilson, Midland Bob Houston, Chadron Tom Kropp, Kearney Reed, Peru Schulz, Doane Gary Filipi, Hastings Dean Ott, Wayne John Seevers, Concordia Rick Mewhirter, Dana PASS RECEIVING
ual candidacy roll
·granted to Wilkinson, CB survey discussed
lt was decided at the last SCB g that Barb Wilkinson Id be the Homecoming en candidate for both gan and Delzell. This n followed a dicussion in representatives of both s were heard. This was ed the best solution to the ·on as neither side wanted change candidates. There will
52nd Peru State Homecoming brings alumni, parade, bands, and
be an investigation into having only four candidates to see if it will make much difference.
Other business included transportation of queen can, didates in the parade, the student opinion survey, food and complaints, window painting, cop at the movies, were other topics discussed at the meeting.
Jim Goracke said Mr Wendel told him there would be a cop at campus movies.
To the theme "The Sun Shines Brighter Every Day" alumni, floats, Kearney opponents, queen candidates and a record 22 visiting high school bands will boost Peru's population to a possible 3,100 during Peru State's 52nd homecoming.
Alumni from classes of 1933 and 1948 will arrive October 12 for dinner and class reunions at Arbor Manor in Auburn. Graduates of classes ending in 8 and 3 will bl' given special recognition at the all-alumni luncheon Saturday. at the PSC
Student Center.
Saturday events open with alumni registration and coffee at 9 a:m. in the Student Center lounge. Coffee will again be available for guests and alumni following the 2 p.m. KearneyPeru football game.
Twenty-two area high school ·bands are entered in the 11 a.m. Homecoming parade and PSC band director Dr. Gilbert Wilson estimates 1,500 musicians and directors will begin arriving at 8 a.m. for pre-parade practice.
In addition to competing for
trophies in marching, the massed bands will present a halftime show at the Kearney vs. PSC contest.
Dr. Guy Rosenburg, Director of Student Personnel, has. been appointed parade marshal. Fritz Stehlik, Student Center Board president from Nebraska City, is m charge of parade entries. Awards will be presented at halftime for winning bands in 6 classifications and for winning floats from the morning parade.
NICEF benefit, sponsor vacancy, Homecoming -are SGA topics
'lbe October 2, S.G.A. meeting red a lot of ground. Subjects ed room inspection, a F concert, the gym's ming pool, another SGA sor, sidewalks and coming.
e point was made that dorm cils handled room intion policy is up ·to each Jim Lennerton and Dean ey are checking out an idea a card equalling a student for students for free ad-
mission. to activities cost of the cord (according to Kearney) would be six dollars.
It was decided to accept Odyssey offer of doing a UNICEF concert. No date has been set but likely the last part of October. Tickets named to the Committee is John Billing and Jim Lennerton.
Bob Wernsman will check into the pool costs etc. The elCtion committee reported most students talked to were in favor of class elections.'Mike Kelly,
Barry Landis, Scott McKercher and Dean Young are on the committee to arrange · time, place, date for elections.
Dr Sherwood, John Barrett, and Mr Letts were named ·possible S.G .A. sponsor candidates, as one more is needed. There will be college committee · reports as to inform the students on what's going on.
Bud Kimball brought up dorm hour changes and asked for an ablolishment of registering guests. These Will be put in two
proposals for voting on at the next meeting.
The sidewalks of Peru were focused upon: It was decided to take a petition to the town council to see if something could be started in getting needed sidewalks. Point in focus was down 5th Street.
It was noted there was poor response to the window paining signups and parade floats.
S.G.A. will have an entry in the parade and now are looking for a small wagon. Fritz Stehlik and
omecoming play performance opens on October 11
"How the Other Half Loves"
Allen Ayckbourn, a light dy, has been selected by tor Mrs Ruth Wilson, for year's Homecoming Play. en asked, why this play? Wilson replied that she ted something light and rtaining for the ecoming audience. The theme of the play is one of ken identity within a love ·angle.
A total of some thirty-five people are involved in the production, including the cast, production crew and technical deoartment. "I'm very pleased wifu the work so far," stated Mrs Wilson, "and I'm sure everyone is going to enjoy the play."
Performances will be October nth and 13th at 7:30 p.m., in the college auditorium
Clean-up drive on at complex
The Clayburn-Matthews dorm council decided last week to take ·the Homecoming.theme of "The Sun Shines Brighter Everyday" literally.
Last Monday at the dorm meeting, the dorm council voted to devote their and their coresidents homecoming time and energies toward a trash pick-up drive of the complex area in the of a contest instead of the "tional float.
The dorm residents are to fill as many trash bags of garbage from the Complex lawn, mall area, and parking lot. The room which brings in the most bags of, trash wins a prize of $10 dollars or it's equivalent in the local pub," according to dorm president Steve McVay. That should bring out the competitive spirit! The drive is to take place on Thursday, October 11, from 2:00 - 5:00 P.M.
Jim Goracke would try to line up something.
S.G.A. voted to accept a bill for $100. for the band that played on the Belle 0£ Brownville during freshman orientation week. After convo there· will be a traffic court for such things as parking violations etc. Jim Lennerton and Jan Mutchler were named student representatives.
1973 yd. Brownrigg. QB erid 45 52 yd. Kennedy. inBower yd. kick contheir Omaha the seniors graduates. ·doesn't to was PERU STATE COLLEGE, PERU, NEBR. MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1973 ;
Rehearsing "How the Other Half Loves" from left to right: Ray "Frank" Beaushay, Debbie Hendrickson, Jeff Otte, Mary Weber, Mike Kelly (on couch) and Barb Wilkinson.
Peru State CoUege rules of 1870 not quite same as today's standards
"The school building stand on I ail eminence, commanding a delightful prospect, near the Missouri River. on the line of the Railroad, in a thickly settled and healthful Jistrict, near the village of Peru, in Nemaha county. There are no drinking salloons or other haunts of vice in the neighborhood."
Taken from the 1876-7 State_ Normal School catalogue, this paragraph is a good example of the priorities of the day. Today though, we know things are a bit different. Indeed, many facets of education have changed here at Peru since the cornerstone containing the information used here was laid in 1885.
Back in the years around the 1870's, high school and college were completely different things. Peru State, then known as the Nebraska State Normal School, and being strictly a teachers college, had in 1876, a total enrollment of 335 .students. Insturucting these students was an eight member facuty, including Miss Eliza C. Morgan, (teacher of Literature, Rhetoric, History, and Elocution). The campus was in a vastly different co!ldition from what we see now, and it has been altered many times since the late ISOO's. A description. of the original college building follows , " was heated with wood stoves in each room. Chimneys had been built foto the walls on eachside and end, placed so the stoves of each room on each story could be connected. Rooms rent in the dormitory was four dollars a term. For that amount the student got a wood stove. When the board, (presumably ' the state board of school affairs), met in July 1869, plans were made to reerect a stair from the third floor to the belfry. Stoves were to be purchased for twenty roonis'along with certain other necessities, on six months time if possible for fuel, coal oil for the kerosene lamps and toher incidents there was a tax of forty cents a week. Board in the hall was three dollars per week."
Those were the good aspects of the school, the rules of conduct , were a completely different , thing indeed. '
"The students were forbidden to attend games of chance, such
1. No visiting during study room without lllOd em.. hours. Those rules aren't bad for
2. No scuffling or unnecessary late 1800's, the thing is, th noise at any time in the building. were taken from a paper daf
3. To retire at or before ten 1935. Things aren't always o'clock. bad as they seem, now are they
4. To rise at or before five- After reading these one ma thir!Y in the mornin_g. wonder what our present da
5. No taking up ashes in any ruling and condition is going t wooden vessel unless it be im- , 80und like in another hundr mediately emptied. ·(meaning years. Are they going to think what I don't know) we are thinking now afte
6. No l·.·aving the building in reading these items, (in th study er being found out of ' future)' you can bet they will.
3:30 p.m. _Gamma Theta Upsilon Ed. 110
7:30p.m. Mu Omega Stu. Cr. West Dining Room
6:00 p.m. - Home Economics Club Ed. 324
Play Practice
Fritz Henning Senior Show F.A. Oct 8-12
4:45 p.m. - Circle K Stu. Cr. West Dining Room 6:00 p.m. - SGA F.A. 212
6:00-7:00 p.m. - Girls volley ball Gym
6:30 p.m. - Phi Beta Lambda F .A. 105
8:00 p.m. - LOBO CONCERT College Auditorium
October 10
p.m. Girls volley ball Gym
6:00-10:00 p.m. - W.A.A. Gym
Cross Country-North West Mo. St. at Peru
Play Practice
October 11
5:00 p.m. 1 SCB Stu. Cr. North Half West Dining Room 8:00 p.m. - HOMECOMING PLAY Aud.
11:00 a.m. - Parade on 5th Street
2:00 p.m. - HOMECOMING GAME - Peru vs. Kearney
9:00-3:30-P.S.S.S.S. F.A. 10(105, 211, and 212
Dezell Hall Open House
Cross Country Kearney at Peru
Dance In Gym Following Play (Group unknown still)
as playing cards, etc., lounging l••••••••••••••••••- around stores or saloons, and the unpermittted association of the: sexes," the freshmen found this ruling. "No young man shall come within ten feet of a young. lady when on the street or campus. When seeing a friend home in the evening he may take one side of the road and she the other."
Being accepted was a relatively easy thing as only the I very bright went on to higher · education in those days. "Those passing an examination in arithmetic, common fractions, georgraphy, English grammar, reading writing and spelling were admitted. Rules did change however with time, although back. then some didn't realize how good they had it. The following are some rules the rooming pupils encountered in the halls :
Editor Frank D' Addes Assistant Editor ···:.··.··:·····.··.··.········ ·····.··:··.···· Debbie Barto Sports Editor ; Rick DeKlot Women's Sports :.:.: ::.::: Gail Harm · Photographers Dave Lain Rich May Ad Manager ··.·.·.··""''.'.'::.·:.·.·.·.··"''.'.'."'.·:.··.·.··.·:,·.·.·:.•:.·.·:.•·.·:.Linda Madiso, Circulation Managers : ...........• ._ Phyllis Butric Terrie Funkhous Jeff Walth Artists "''.·.·::.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.".".'.'.".'.'.' ·: ·:: ·:::.·: ·:·:: ···::::: .Don J ochem Bill Palm Contributip.g Editors · ·.··:.•.•.·.·:•.•.•.• •.·.·.·.·:· Bobbi Thiesfel Bob Wernsma dvisor ··:::.•::··: •:.·.·:.· ·::::.'.•.·.·:.'.·:::.'.·::.'.·::.'.Mr• Everett. Brownin Freshma1 pined l!mtheresto ;,w-ds Rosenbeck hm }l'ieked stopped Peru '1-eak For Marty Former the the ference ·District &t> his Slate after Replacing l<liTestling ''Marty" A t-Oach after ll!Testling ;•ears. mt !-Our Bobe Recently l.l chat t-Oach The ¢nrred $ttimmage ti>wa run Another Harrie Peru _,, eeision >Umversity Smwood Bill Fritz paces It
tbe they dating. as they. may day to hundred as after the will.
osenbeck 's 133 yards not enough
Bulldogs snap at Cats 28-7 Seotember 29 for PSC's thud loss
Peru State's football team und out that one man doesn't ake a team Saturday night as e Concordia Bulldogs of ward dropped the 'Cats 28-7 at e Oak Bowl in Peru.
Freshman Gary Rosebeck 'ned 133 yards on 24 carries,
Herron knockid the ball out of Bulldog quarterback John Seevers' hands. Peru defensive and Terry Elliot recovered the ball as the first period ended.
Senior quarterback Terry Criger then drove the team 56 yards in eight plays with Ario Wusk catching a seven yard Criger pass for the Tally with 11:14 to play in the first half.
e rest of the offensive team d muster only 49 additional ds as the season record fell to Rosenbeck, a gutsy halfback m Gutherie Center, Iowa eked up quite a few yards on cond efforts after appearing to stopped for shorter gains.
Peru State received the first eak of the game as Robert
Criger, playing for the first time since the Graceli,md contest because of a knee injury, looked sharp when he got a chance to throw completing three of five passes. However, blocking from the offensive line broke down too often as he was dropped for losses totaling 33
yards while attempting to pass. Concordia scored again on After an exchange of punts, their next possesion after a 54 Concordia knotted the score at yard punt by Rosenbeck went seven apiece as Seevers ran into into the Bulldog end zone. The the end zone from the four yard Bulldogs marched 80 yards in line wi.th to in the half. nine plays with halfback Duane The big gamer m the 38 yard Hilgendorf doing almost all the march for the had a 30 damage on the ground with 59 yard pass coll'.pletion from yards. Hilgendorf's final 41 to spht end. Larry yards on the drive came on a Lesmck to the· Peru six yard burst through the line en-route to stripe. the end zone with 3:49 left in the · Peru received to start the third period. second half, but had to punt as Concordia's final tally came three running plays netted no on their next possesion with yardage. 11:46 to play in the game as Concordia took over the ball on halfback Tim Warneke slid the 'Cat 48 Y'.ll'd !ine and mov.ed through the right side of his line, for a sco:e. m eight plays climaxing a 63 yard march. The Seevers h1ttmg Gary Weber with big blow to the Bobcats during an 11 yard strike.
the effort was a 31 yard pass completion from Seevers to Gary Faszholz to the Peru State 18 yard line. Scoring
7 7 Seevers 4 yd run, Weber kick. 3:52 2nd.
Former Bellevue mentor arty" Dwine to head grappler fortunes during roughest schedule at PSC
Former PSC wrestling coach ent Manseau,. after Bobcat matmen to a 15-6 on record, second place in Nebraska College Conce and third in the NAIA ict 11 competition returned alma mater, West Liberty College, West Virginia, r one year at Peru State. eplacing Manseau as estling coach is Martin arty" Dwine.
Dow City, Iowa native, h Dwine came to Peru State heading Bellevue Colleges' g program the last two s. Bellevue wrestlers had t won a match in their first years of competi.tion. Dwine
led them to an 11-3 record in last season bis :wrestlers enjoyed an 18-7 season with two of their losses coming :at the hands of the Bobcats. He also served as Dean of Students and Director of Financial Aids at Bellevue.
Marty headed football and wrestling squads at Midwestern College, Denison, Iowa from 1967-69. In five years as head wrestling coach he ii'as accumulated a 59-16-2 record.
While working towards a BS degree at Dakota Wesleyan, Mitchell, South Dakota, Dwine wrestled at 167 lbs. and was conference runner-up for the Tigers his junior and senior year. He was also named to the
South Dakota Intercollegiate Conference alkonference team three years playing offensive center and linebacker.
In the high school football Dwine played center and linebacker positions and earned all-state recognition on two undefeated teams. He and his wife Judi live at Beaver Lake south of Omalla. Mrs Dwine is employed by Bellevue Public Schools. Appraising last year's squad to this years, Dwine didn't feel he could make any comparisons right off hand because this years wrestling schedule is twice the magnitude of last years schedule. For the first time in Peru's history the wrestllm1
obcat offense hampered by injuries
ently I had the opportunity at with Head Football Jack Mcltitire about the situation on his squad and was affected their play. most serious injury ocduring a intrasquad age when senior quarTom Froehlich severely his right knee, which ed surgery. Tom is a three letterman from Algona, - and had been on run the offensive unity. other key injury was to
sophomore Jim Rezac, a 260 lb. offensive tackle from Valparaiso, Nebraska. Rezac injured his ligaments in his left leg during a scrimmage against Nebraska Wesleyan and was to anchor Peru State's offensive line.
And finally, there is Terry Criger, offensive halfback from Nebraska City. Criger strained the ligaments in his right knee against Graceland College in the season opener and has been sidlined for the past two games. Terry did though see limited
arriers def eat Creighton 23-32
ru State's cross country earned their second vicf the season with ·a 23-32 ion over Creighton ity in a race held at wood Park in Omalla. Sell, Ron Storant and Phil all crossed the finish line her to claim the first three s for the Cats. The trio's
WIDDilll time over the four mile CIU'le was 22:22, finishing 216 'seeonds ahead of fourth place runner Frank Hawkins of Creighton.
The harriers also competed in the Doane 'Invitational held September 29 at Tuxedo Park in Crete.
Bill Se! I placed seventh in·
action against Concordia College and is reported to be back at full strength.
With the absence of Froehlich at quarterback, Mcintire has had to use Criger at quarterback whenever possible. Originally Coach Mcintire had planned to start Froehlich at the helm and 1 use Criger as a halfback.
Now that Terry cnger 1s healthy again, Mcintire plans to insert him at quarterback using either the T formation or the single wing.
dividually for the Bobcats leading the team to a seventh place finish in a field of 10.
The University of Nebraska at Omalla won the event with 72 team points, eight allead of Concordia College of Seward.
t costs nothing to be informed, read The Ped SUPPORT THE YEARBOOK
team will be competing against , the likes of UNO, the University o( Chicago and NorthernSIC1!e_ college, s.ti-:-:· -as well as perennial powers Wayne State, Morningside College and Northwest Missouri State University.
"If we had the same schedule as lat year, we would definitely go undefeated,'' Dwine commented.
The first official practice will begin on October 14 when Coach Dwine will greet thirty six freshmen prospects, three of which are state champions and the rest state contenders. Also on hand will be five junior college transfers, the most notable one being Paul Brown from
Berkeley Junior College wh.o was the 1972 California Junior College Champion at 190 lbs.
Th ere are six returning 1ettermen this year, senior - Jack· Stanley at 118, junior Gary Lesoing 126, sophomore John Whisler 150, junior Kim Tennal 158, senior Dean Anstey 167, and finally sophomore heavyweight Jim Rezac. With these returning lettermen and the fine crop of freshmen, Coach Dwine is very optimistic about the upcoming season.
Peru State will open it's 197374 wrestling season away from home December 1, competing in the Graceland College Tournament.
Laine. May Madisq Funkhouse Waithe Palme PERU PEDAGOGIAN PAGE 3.
Quarters Concordia Peru State p c 1 2 3 4 T 07147 28 0 7 .14 0 7
pass from Criger.
Wusk 7 yd
Hendricksen kick. 11: 14
7 14 Weber 11 yd. pass from Seevers. Weber kick. 9:34 2nd. 7 21 Hilgendorf 41 yd. run. Weber kick. 3:59 3rd. 7 28 Warneke 3yd run. Weber kick. 11 :46 4th.
_______________________________________ ,
Students- fill out SCB's Student opinion survey on u-;a of Program Committee funds. Pick up one at the SCB office in the Student Center. Survey must be in by Tuesday, October 9.
Editor Rick DeKlotz
Students give views for and against legalizing marijuana
Editor's note: The authors of the opinions below wish to remain anonymous. Due to the effects these articles may have
First of all, let's clear up any misunderstandings we may have about marijuana. The President's Commission on Drugs has already declared that alcohol is the most dangerous and most abused drug in our society. Now we all know how reputable a president's commission is. Even if the president is not.
No one is claiming that marijuana is a global panacea either. But when speaking of dangers could you imagine the_ uproar if it was discovered that marijuana was half as deadly as cigarettes are? I'm sure all penalties would be tripled.
When speaking of marijuana legalization, we are talking about releasing it into the hands of companies to sell as their "product" while in reality they contribute_nothing to it. Already, it is rumored that the American tobacco companies have purchased select growing fields, and are already working up cannabis package designs. The individuals in control of these companies have already demonstrated the care they have for their customers.
The only other alternative would mean releasing it into the hands of the government. This kind of legalization would mean higher prices, enormous taxation, and exclusive control. Either of these legalization
The case for
Even though we are told by the government that some drugs are illegal because they are harmful to us, there are many drugs available legally that are known to the poisonous to our bodies.
Alcohol ' is available everywhere, though it destroys our brains and our liver, as well as being the major factor in over half of all fatal traffic accidents. Cigarettes, easily obtained, ruin our lungs. Aspirin eats our stomach's lining, but it is ·(l commonly used pain killer. Coffee has recently been linked to a greater probability of heart attacks.
Many prescription drugs are known to be harmful, yet are prescribed frequently and manufactured in massive amounts. Barbituates, phenothiajines, and amphetamines are good examples. Over production of these drugs caused them to appear on the black market and destroy our brothers and sisters.
This all leads to my main point, mariiuana should be
ALacking Conversation or Friday Afternoon Homesick Blues or Ode To The Weekend Person
"They're leaving now. It's almost 5:00 and", My God! Hurry, we have to get back to our lives. Security, AH, Sweet Security.
these individuals and since the fact that I requested these views written anonymity has been granted.
methods, along with higher prices, would include inspection, sorting and grading of marijuana. Some people would argue that this would prevent people .from being burned or ripped off, in reality anyone who vaguely-knows what marijuana smells like is rarely ripped off.
As for paying more for better grades, with the wide spread of marijuana this is already beginning to happen on the black market. But not to the extent it would with advertising.
Lastly, if marijuana were so inspected, one would never· find seeds in his grass again. Because the government would never give people the means to grow it themselves, as this would be cutting their own throat concerning tl!e enormouS'_ capitalizing of marijuana which would take place.
Actually, the best thing that could happen to marijuana would be to affix small penalties to the sale of it, or saleable amounts to prevent enought Individuals from dealin11 so no one would make fantastically huge profits. And to legalize possession of up to, say, two or three ounces. So my postiion is really not for legalization or against legalization. The best solution would be for everyone to ignore marijuana. Rather than legalization I would ask for freedom of marijuana.
a I I
iegalized, but not because it is a sacrament as it has been called. The fact that marijunan(l helps the user to relieve tension and feel free and happy does not make getting high a revolutionary experience.
Alcohol and barbituates have the same effect. Any drug which allows a person to feel free without really being free can act as an opiate blocking the development of the individuals' consciousness.
The laws against marijuana are an example. of repressive legislation aimed at forcing individuals into socially acceptable institutions and escape mechanisms even in leisure time. Tranquilizers and stimulants are acceptable, but. marijuana is not. Marijuana has become acceptable to a lar_ge part of the population in spite of laws against it. So the laws against marijuana must be changed to end the unfair persecution of marijuana users.
Prohibition has never succeeded in controlling the use of drugs, and it never will.
The sun shines in my life on days when the air is wet with rain; like Puppets"?
"Christ!! How far can the curd stretch, Snapping them back every week
But, we must go home, Our parents, our friends, Our lives.
"No, Please don't go. I want to be your friend, Don't you understand?
I want to touch you."
No, I can't stay
"But, Life is .here, now. You cari't live.two days a we_ek."
I'm sorry, I've got to go.
"Come back"
Let me go, damn it!
Now goodbye.
"So long"
"Oh Shit, stoned alone
On friday nite, Again."
Dean Young
I find a spark of hope in life when I know I've lost again. The most hopeless situation can be changed from bad to good; The coldest of all hatred turns to friendship, as it should.As the years of life grow thinner, lush existence can be there, If a person knows, though he feels so bad, he's got a friend who cares.
She said she loved me in last night's dream, That's not so bad, so why does it seem so awful? Not because she didn't want to say it, No, Maybe it was too real, and I can't even tell how I feel Now why do I think she was lying, It was my dream. , Damn, I used to believe in dreams.
Dean Young
"I Just Want You To Know I'm Behind You, Spiro One Thousand Per Cent." ICPS)-Th 1il00ncement l)epartment mYestigation l\'llany lt!liped kg-Otten no peaded 8cision mtigative Ire first 't!!'action p:iYate "Payr Much $Wllmer music. Ile Watergate, Payola, bow, j)ckey drugs, Jn exchange y f!rOmote waves l!lbiased Dylan 'itestigations Playg 11romen. Women Playgirl. !.he Many travel, through :enjoy privacy Ire They attempt aestheticalli
atergate · a political catastrophe, lection made fools of American people
<The continuing adventures of tergate has revealed many s. It has been a tragedy for Americans, especially to tor George McGovern. is pretty clear now that the mittee to Re-elect Nixon fully and using illegal tics maneuvered the ination of Senator vern. This means that ne who worked hard to rt and those who voted for Democratic presidential
candidate are also victims to Mr, Agnew have the right to these high crimes. In short the succeea n1m. Nixon even went Nixon reelection team made a on the tube saying he accepted farce of the 1973 elections as well the responsibility but not the as making fools of the American blame (you try that sometime). people. Another major question
Yet the Nixon people cry out Watergate raises is what hap"Let's get on with the business of pens to the honest candidates the country?" "We've wasted such as McGovern, Humphrey, enought time with this and Muski , These men have Watergate business." But should_ given their energy, money, time Mr Nixon have the right to and committments to the continue to govern us and if he American people. So ·much should resign or impeached does money that the Democrats had
to hold two telethons to get them out of debt. But because of this Watergate· corruption it will be harq for the people to put their trust in any politician anymore.
•But like all things there is a bright side to this political catastrophe. Because of Watergate many people have been clued in on the workings of the government, the whole affair is very educational.
· Watergate is nothing new, corruption and subversion of the
Constitution has gone on before though not to this extent. During the other times it was for money, the Nixon people were out for power alone.
No one, no one has ever done as much to weaken the Constitution of our nation as Richard Nixon has. He did it while on his law and order platform but he may be found to be the common criminal. ·
ustice Department to reopen Kent State investigations
(CPS)-This summer's anuncement that the Justice artment is reopening its tigation into the Kent State tings came as a surprise to y who had assumed or the tragedy was by now otten history. But to those petitioned, sued and ed to obtain a grand jury e of the incident, Attorney ral Elliot Richardson's sion to renew federal inigative efforts represents first favorable government tion to the pressures of ate citizens and a staggering ulation of allegations.
Crucial to any new investigation of the shooting which left four students dead and nine wounded are two key questions: Was there a conspiracy on the part of the Ohio Guardsmen to shoot students? Did Terrence Norman, an acknowledged former FBI informer posing as a photographer the day of the incident, fire a pistol preceding the Guard fusillade, hitting a student and possibly triggering the Guardsmen?
Efforts to reopen the iryvestigation include: a petition campaign to the President bearing 50,000 signatures, a .suit
involving parents of the slain students, two of the wounded students and a member ·or the President's Commission on Campus Unrest, a recently released book by Peter Davies entitled "The Truth About Kent State," and a study by the Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church. A crucial issue in the suit to compel a grand jury investigation is closely related to an issue involved in the current litigation over the President's Watergate recordings. In both cases the administration is claiming power to control the
.· investigative powers of grand juries. The Kent State plantiffs, following this reasoning, filed a "friend of the court" brief in support of Special Prosecutor_ Archibald Cox and the grand jury in the Wate.rgate tapes case.
It's been suggested that attacks on the Justice Department's handling of the Watergate conspiracies plus a rash of allegedly "political" trials instigated by the government during the Nixon administration have contributed to Richardson's decision to overrule his predecessors.
'Payolagate", Watkins Glen, tops rock summer news
Much has happened over the mer in the world of rock ic. The big news has to be rock industry's answer to ergate, the payola scandal. yola, for those who don't , means bribing a disc y or radio station with , money and wild women. change the station would a certain record often to te it's sales. Since the air es are supposed to remain ased this is against the law. ter investigations took e, Clive Davis was fired as ·ident of Columbia Records. ing his reign as president, · built Columbia into a top rd company by signing such t as; Chicago, Santana, s Joplin, Simon and Gare!, Byrds, Sly Stone, Bob an and others. Instigations are still taking
place at other record companies.
This was also the summer of the largest rock concert ever as 600,000 jammed into a raceway in a New York town to hear the Allman Brothers, Grateful Dead and the Band play for twelve hours. Like Woodstock, Watkins. Glen will live on, as an album and film documentary are presently in the making.
The hot months also brought a new idea in pressing record albums. Songs were being pressed on colored vinyl. Grand Funk's "We're An American Band" is pressed on gold-colored vinyl (shows the band's successes) and "Bloodshot", the J. Giels' Band new album is pressed on red vinyl. This is probably the biggest change to record packaging since they began to make stereo albums.
Finally there were some
strange titles for songs wmten.
Dan Hicks released "How Can I Miss Yoo. If You Won't Go Away" and a new pair of musicians Delbert · and Glen wrote "If You Don't Leave Me Alone I'll Find Someone Who Will." Now to take a look at some of the summer's record releases.
Though this is kind of old to review and his new double album should be out by now I have to review "Don't Shoot Me I'm Only The Piano Player" (MCA-2100). In this albumt Elton John has again prove!} that he can do it all. '
On this album John fantasizes being a boy in love with his teacher "Teacher I Need You", being a famous rock star (he doesn't have to fantasize on this one) "I'm Going To Be A Teenage Idol" and living back in
the fifties with "Crocodile Rock."
Also included is "Daniel", a story of a one-eyed war veteran who can find peace in Spain.
Two of the biggest disappointing albums came from a couple of ex-Beatles. George Harrison's "Living In A Material World" (Apple SMAS3410) is made up of mostly sermons not songs. With support from expert back-up men such as; Ringo Starr, Nicky Hopkins, Klaus Voorman and Jim Keltner the music is bearable.
Paul McCartney's "Red Speedway" (Apple SMAL-3409) however shows some signs of McCartney returning as a great song writer. "My Love", "One More Kiss" and "Single Pigeon" saves the album from being a total failure. The over eleven minute medley is a little too
laygirl, Hgreat entertainment magazine for women"
By Steve Pummel
Well, as most of us kllow, the newest magazine for women is Playgirl. It seems to be a great tintertainment magazine for women.
Women seem to react strongly to Playgirl. It features many of the same things Playboy does. Many women interested in art, travel, and literature, and only through a magazine can women enjoy men "au natural" in privacy and within the limits of the law.
They have made an excellent attempt to appeal to the esthetically erotic and in-
tellectual capacities of the female individual.
Most women feel that they hope to see the day when men and women regard each other with mutual respect and admiration. But the women feel that the men generally are refusing to accept the fact that their once sacred, .d,ouble standard worm has turned.
Some women are having a hearty laugh at the dismay, disdain, and outright anger of the men who consider themselves threatened.
However I would like to take this opportunity to say how
pleased I am to see Americ@ women finally saying in effect, that men can be beautiful, too. I can still hear many people saying that "girls are made of sugar and spice." So many of us guys grow up viewing male nudity as something repugnant and distasteful that we grow uptight at the sight of a bare chest and downright hysterical if any more male dermis is revealed. Maybe with tbe help of Playgirl, men will eventually come to see that the naked male form need not always be the target of jeers, and howls .of
la'ughter. Ironic, isn't it, that a magazine for girls could prove to make us guys have an appreciation of our own bodies; on the other hand, our centerfok!s have for years let you gals know we appreciate _your beauty.
Kim Hahn - "It looked pretty good! ! ! but I guess their more to it than pictures."
Mike Muligan - "It will never replace Playboy."
Terrie (Foxy) Funkhauser - " It serves its purpose."
Roxie Hill - " I only got as far as the foldout." "
Rena Meritt - "Nice to see how
The renewed investigation does not necessarily dictate the calling of a grand jury, however, the fact that the new investigation is being entrusted to ·Robert Murphy, whose team of lawyers recommended a grand jury three years ago indicates it is now a real possibility.
The over three years of legal complexity and bureaucracy and added new irony to - the declaration of Brigider General Canterbury on the morning of the shootings, "These students are going to have to ·find out what law and order is all about." long.
While I'm talking about disappointing albums let's not forget Led Zeppelin's "Houses Of The Holy" (Atlantic-SD 7255). Well, I guess it's alright if you like songs about teenage romances with senseless lyrics. It's certainly not the best they've done.
On the bright side there is Yes's "Yessongs" (Atlantic SD3-100), a three album set full of their best stuff. Very very impressive is "Your Move" which leads into "All Good People" followed by "Long Distance Runaround." "Roundabout" and "Close To The Edge" are also included. Yes is a group full of great talent, I especially enjoy Jon Anderson's songwriting and vocal talents.
FRANKD'ADDESA the other half lives."
Sharon Duerfeldt - "I don't think girls enjoy it the way !!UYS do."
Chris Berget - "What's the-use of it?"
Lucy Giersch - "It's alright for guys to have their Playboy, but girls don't really need it."
Susie Van Syoc - "I bought one!!!"
Russ Beldin - "I could care less."
Dr. Siegner - "It's real brief, and very informative."
Cathy Coulter - "I think it's dumb, there's nothing to it."
Wilkinson, Mabie, Mclaughlin, Johnson elected Queen candidates
By Mary Paap
Barb Wilkinson is representing Morgan Hall and Dezell Hall for their homecoming Queen Candidate. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Duane H. Wilkinson of Clatonia Nebraska. Barb is seeking a double major of English, Speech and Drama. She is a Junior, and is active in P.S.E.A., Kappa Delta Pi .• Drama Club, Sigma Tau Delta
and Students Admissions Council. In her free time, Barb enjoys reading and playing the piano.
Representing the commuter students is Mrs Denise (Bryan) Mabie of Nebraska City. Her parents are Mr and Mrs Ivan Beamont of Nebraska City. She is majoring in Home Economics.
Denise participates in the Home Economics Club, Kappa Delta Pi and P.S.E.A. Sewing
and cooking are hobbies Denise eajoys.
Patti McLaughlin is being supported by Clayburn-Mathews Hall. Patti is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert McLaughlin of Papillion Nebraska. She is a senior majoring in Physical Education.
Patti takes part in W.A.A., as =vice president, the Newman Club and· Students Admissions Council. She has been varsity
cheerleader for 3 years. Patti enjoys sports, food and having fuh.
Davidson-Palmer chose Patty Johnson as their Homecoming Queen Canidate. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Gilbert Johnson ofHumboldt, Nebraska.
Patty is a junior majoring in Physical Education with a minor in English.
She belongs to Kappa Delta Pi, she is active in W.A.A., her
Sophomore "'.''ff as vicepresident, her .., .ior year she is president oi the club. Patty is a varsity member of the Peru State Volleyball Team.
She was named one of the members of the all-state volleyball team at the Stat Tournament last year. She wa nominated to the Hall of Fame Outstanding Athletes. In he spare time Patty enjoys playin the piano and sewing.
First annual buggy days held Sept.2
Partly cloudy skies seemed t dampen Peru's first annu "Horse and Buggy Days celebration Saturday, Se tember 29.
Peru was decked with re white, and blue welcome flag and it's streets >A·ere lined wi people filled with anticipation However, due to threaten· weather, the festivities wer trimmed considerably.
The parade, scheduled for 2: p.m., was to portray a theme agri-business and antiques. entries were to be modern a antique farm equipment automobiles, saddle clubs, Joe businesses, and local citizens old-fashioned cloth representing the late nintee and early twentieth centuri
Mr Paul D. Kruse, Presid of the Peru Chamber of Co merce and member of the P faculty, said that he and. t Cllamber were disappointed the parade entry and cro turnout. He cites the inclima weather as the chief'culprit.
On a brighter note, e tertainment was provided b this year's debute the P State College's Stage Ban Swing.Choir, and Polka Band The stage band and cho presented a lively collection contemporary music, While t Polka Band, not to be outdon came up with a toe-tappi medley of old favorites.
The presentation, on t whole, showed a wide range talent and effort which w enthusiastically applauded their audience.
The festivities were capped o with a barbeque of roast pork the City Hall at 3:30. Origin plans called for the feast's site be on Main Street. Howev "Old-Man-Weather" interjec again with a negative attitude Proceeds from the dinner we to the Peru Achieveme Foundation, whose goal is to ai the PSC student body in the for of. scholarships, benefits, a activities.
Mr Kruse later commente that through this year's eve they "learned a lot," and now better prepared to present larger, more fun-filled packag next fall.
Mias PaUy Johnson
Miss PaUy McLaughlin
Miu Bub WUtinson
Yearbooks can he picked up in Mr. Browning's office every afternoon except 2: 30 - 4: 30
viceis a Peru the all-state State was of her playing nnual to annual Days" Sepred, flags, with anticipation. threatening wer 2: of Th an an Joe · clothe centuries Presiden Com.
PS th · inclimat en b Per Band Band. choi o th outdone toe-tappin th wa b o pork · site t However interjecte attitude. w Achievemen ai for an commente event ar present packag
eru alumni residing throughout· country and world
4) cent computerization of State College alumni ·cs brings information into · quickly, Peru vement Foundation lopment Director Edward en finds.
may now locate 9,058 living ts from Nebraska's first e by name, state, town, r zip code at the touch of a n; the over 9,000 living alumni which the college has current esses, 4,855 live in Nebraska
with 1,402 in Nemaha, Otoe, Richardson and Johnson counties.
The computer tallies 595 alumni in Nemaha; 333 in Otoe; 313 in Richardson and 161 in Johnson county.
Auburn claims the largest number of resident alumni in the four-county area-267, with Nebraska City showing 250, Peru 136 and Falls City 110. Tecumseh, a town with a population of 2,058, has 83 PSC alums.
St. Mary in Johnson county do.es not show a 1970 census figure on current road maps, but claims one former Peru Stater. Lorton, a town of 47 population in Otoe County, two Peru alumni residents.
Omaha and Lincoln have attracted 720 and 350 PSC alumni residents respectively.
Peru State graduates are living in all 50 states with Hawaii and Alaska now home for 14 each. Eighteen alumni own Washington, D. C., addresses.
Nationwide state figures in numerical decent after Nebraska show California with 761 PSC alumni, Kansas with 373, Colorado with 327, Iowa with 303, and Missouri with 213. The state with the fewest number of PSC alumni is New Hampshireone.
Worldly sounding addresses include Saudi Arabia, Saipan, Germany, France, England, Canal ?Ame, Malaysia, East Pakistan, Japan, Grand Bahamas, Puerto Rico,
American Samoa, Alaska, Guam, Trinidad and South Wales. Nipe alumni addresses are listed in neigh boring Canada.
Keeping alumni addresses current. has been a timeconsuming chore in the past. Searching for geographical and numerical information was slow.
"Computerization simplifies research and record keeping," Craren said.
aseball changes taking place, anti-blackout bill passed
, everybody has the right to wrong. Especially this eyed Connecticut kid, who the Expos would clinch that NL East flag, which of e fell to the Mets. I also ed Aaron would tie Babe 's record before the end of season. But friends, look close that was! Henry n's first homer next year be the tie. And no one is ·sappointed with having t till April, than Hank f. So I can't complain. Commissioner Bowie Kuhn started his housecfoaning , along with club owners. hard to keep track of the agers who have been axed y. Ralph Houk has retired m his post as Yankee ager, and Leo Durocher will · longer direct the Astros. blings are loud in the swap rtment; respectable tswriters say there are big names on the block this With the success of the ated hitter, perhaps the ·can League would like to trate on bringing ·some ·or chuckers over from the nal League.
that shouldn't have anyone - word of Mays' retirement. It's sad a man like Mays grow old. e happy memories of an · g at Shea Stadilllil, where
the outfielder was greeted with lncredibfo enthusiasm. I saw him hit three and a triple against Montreal, and the long fly ball in the bottom of the ninth brought the park to life. He is the classic example of the Complete Ballplayer.
, Next seasion I would like to see a substantial increase in attendance · at our fabulous ballparks; and an end to the astronomical salary contracts made out for supposedly deserving "superstars" who oftentimes don't contribute enough.
To those of you who stay on the weekends: Saturday is Tony Kubek-vs.-the-Cornhuskers Day' on the tube. An interesting match up.
·A number of years ago, boxing was THE ngiht diversion. Names · like · Sugar Ray Robinson, Floyd Patterson, Rocky Marciano and Archie Moore were familiar to everyone, whether they were boxing fans or not. Rabid American audiences could enjoy a frequent bout from the comfort of their living rooms. The sport was hastily overworked by television, and too many seats in too many arenas went begging. Thus our TV-oriented society witnessed the tragedy of boxing.
Now the federal government has passed an anti-blackout bill statin_g that home fqotball games
Anew wrinkle in home improvemnt +WATER
may be televised if tickets are sold out 72 hours prior to game time. Commissioner Pete Rozelle is irked, to put it mildly, as are many execs of both conferences. But this is good news for Mr Armchair Quarterback, who will no longer be forced to suffer in a Detroit ·downpour or a Bloomington blizzard. Still, I can't believe football will undergo the same fate as boxing, even gradually. Not as long as the resourceful Mr Rozelle is commissioner. Furthermore, there will always be the discriminating fan with an eternal appreciation for the incomparable thrill of a live game. You haven't lived until you've been to your first game. Okay, go ahead and tell me
this is the year of the running back. The last three weeks have told me a different story, with field goals, field goals and ·MORE field goals! The heroes have been kicking specialists such as Don Cockroft of the Browns, Jan Stenerud of Kaycee, Dolphin Garo Yepremian, Giants' Pet Gogolak and Dave Ray ofL.A. Even the Buffalo Bills have a new outstanding hooter, John Leypoldt, to go with their new stadium. And what, you may ask, ever became of Roy Gerela? The former Oiler is now with the new-improved Steelers. And ini my book, the best kicker is still Freddie Cox of the Vikings. (who are looking rather healthy after a 7-7 (ugh) record for last year).
Peru State College Boosters
Minnesota could be the Number One Threat this year if they can be consistent. In the Eastern Division. Cowboy Coach Tom Landry has increasing confidence in Staubach, ·the ·passingest QB in the NFL, and a young tight end from Michigan named :ee. 7.ounds! What is Sonny Jurgensen doing back with the Redskins!?! Beating the Eagles 28-7, among other things. The old man must have a special potion to keep going, probably stole it from Blanda's locker.
Finally, Mercury Morris, Jim Kiick, Larry Csonka and the rest of the Miami Meatgrinding Machine are back. But when they run up against the likes of Willie Lanier and Buck Buchanan - lookout, mama!
These businesses have contributed $100 or more to Peru State College through the Peru Achievement Foundation in 1973-74.
AUBURN Anonymous
Auburn State Bank
B & B.Motel
Carson National Bank
Casey-Witzenburg Funeral Home
Hansen Motor Co.
Hemmingsen's Men's Wear
Hemmingsen's Women's. Wear
Johnson Motor Co
Nebraska City Federarpavings & Loan
OK Tire Store
Palmer House
Peoples Natural Gas Co.
Pohlman Motor Co.
Roy Steinheider Agency
Warden & Co. Dept. Store
Falls City Savings and Loan
First National Bank
Falls City Truck & Implement Co.
James Oil Co.
Seid Implement Co.
Home State Bank & Trust
Stalder_ & Sherburne Att'ys
Clark & Enerson Architects
Howard Baltensperger
Besse Beauty Salon
Culligan Water Conditioning
Eagles Lodge
Elks Lodge
Irene's Cafe
Mercer's True Value Hardware
Nebraska City Federal Savings & Loan
Karl Nelson
Otoe County National Bank
Scharp Distributors
Farmer's Bank
PERU Bank of Peru
State Bank of Stella
First National Bank
Wick Homes
Johnson County Bank
Week .Jays 11-6; Th til 9, Sat. 9-4
meeting October 10 during convo period F. A. auditorium
110 J St., Auburn Carmichael
I MEN! --WOMEN! ROOM-FOR RENT··_ $45 a t I month in large apartment. See I I JOBS ON SHIPS! No experience required. at 1110 'J' (upstairs) Auburn, I : Excellent pay. Worldwide travel. Perfect across street from bowling alley. : I summer job career. Send $3.00 for in- Wanted-Part-time salesman I I formation. SEAFAX,Dept. )(-b P.O. from6p.m.tol0p.m.Musthave I I car and be willing to work. Call I 1 Box 2049, Port Angeles, Washington Ralph Jacobsen Manager. 1 1 98362. .ll>hone 873-3480 City}. I
Home,coming 1973
Beat the Lopers
ALUMNI COFFEE __:_ 9 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. in cafeteria
PARADE - 11 o'clock
ALUMNI LUNCH - 12 noon
FOOTBALL GAME - Peru vs. Kearney - 2 p.m.
<Coffee served in cafeteria after the came)
PLAY - "How the Other Half Lives" - 7:30 in College Auditorium
DANCE - 9:30 p.m. in gym
"The sun shines brighter everyday"
Ru.mu WELCOME ALUMNI Med FOgram discussion :!''ear '5aate. y'tar €'0Urse Bachelor rertificatio "Per business il"xciting !!'l!Jvel Accomdati ··friends" Leatherm elaborate rourse imeir made "fresh-dail lifes; safety l'lpeI1 formerNel AAU certified will tllrough i,s !973. · appointmer Peru recognized edition Higher appears eomes ,Wesleyan ·Delln
edical technology program approved at Peru State College
A medical technology gram which has been in the ussion stages for the past has been approved at Peru e. The degree program will ist of three years of onpus training with a fourth at a cooperating Lincoln spital to complete training. All students who complete the course will be awarded a of Science degree in addition to medical technology ification. Ms Shirley Brick-
man, Education Coordinator for Schools of Medical Technology at the two cooperating hospitals in Lincoln, Albert Brady, acting chairman of Peru's department of science and mathematics, and Dr. Clyde Barrett, Peru's Dean of Arts and Sciences outlined the program as follows;
General studies requirements for _graduation from Peru willtake up most of the first three years, along with requirements which all approved schools of
medical technology have as prerequisites for admission. Some of the prerequisites inelude; a minimum of 16 hours of chemistry, 16 hours of .biology, at least one math course and one course in physics. A minimun of 90 semester hours are to be in the initial three years, with a fourth year including courses in biochemistry, hemotology, immunology and serology, immunohematology (bloodbank), microbiology, urinalysis
'Peru Seasons" new town restaurant
The City of Peru boasts a new usiness establishment. An · ing new restaurant, the u Seasons," opened Ocr 4. eith and Ann Leatherman, hosts and entire staff, offer a oovel and refreshing dining idea. Accomdating from 20 to 24 "friends" an evening, the teathermans an borate and tantalizing 5course dinni:>r especially for their guests.
The menu consists of freshly made soups; tomato, pumpkin, a,nd vegetable for example, .,fresh-daily" vegetables, and as
main entree's, dishes like Chicken "Florentine," Beef "Stroganoff," and Porkchops "Stednitz." Topping it off with a dessert of an elegant aswrtment of pies, souffle's, and puddings, "you'll have a meal to remember!"
Housing the establishment is a beautifully renovated 60 yearold home complete with a charming collection of antique furnishings. Highlighting the assortment is a sofa once owned by Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of the famous "Uncle Tom's Cabin."
Mrs Leatherman, teaching piano and organ theory at PSC,
lifesaving course being offered
PERU, A night course senior lifesaving and water fety instructor training will at Peru State College day, October 1. Ed Craren, Nebraska University and AAU diving champion and Red Cross .instructor,_ will teach the class continuing U\rough December 10.
Minimum age for registration is 17 years prior to December 10, 1973. Limited to 25 students, the
Pearson's post recognized
Dr. Douglas Pearson's recent a,ppointment as President of Peru State College was · recognized in the October 1 edition of the Chronicle of Higher Education.
A picture of Dr. Pearson ac,eompanies the piece, which M>pears on page 11. Dr. Pearson comes to Peru from Tennessee Wesleyan College where he was Dean of Students.
class will meet at the PSC pool each Monday night from 6-10 p.m.
The course carries 3 hous credit and Red Cross certification will be issued to students satisfactorily completing the course.
Persons interested may contact Tom Fitzgerald, chairman of the physical ;education department at Peru State College
Koob improves Broughton fooc!
Last week's new cafeteria delicacies were whipped up by Mr Emil Koob, Executive Baker of Broughton Company. Koob was on campus October 2 to 5, to aid the demonstration.
Emil Koob is a baker from St. Louis, Missouri. He travels, around the country from as far west as Arizona to as far east as Kentucky demonstrating how to make pastries and fancy cakes. He also was to aid in quantity cooking procedures. Koob demonstrated such pastries as glazed doughnuts, brownies, pies, and apple strudel.
will, when requested, entertain on their organ and grand piano.
The location of the "Peru Seasons" is the 6th and California St. Dining hours are from 6-11 P.M. Thursday and Friday, 2-11 P.M. Saturday and Sunday. Service is by reservations only and their number is 872-5555.
"We feel that most foods served today are "conveiiiance" foods, either thawed out or taken from a container," said Leatherman. This depreciates much of the quality and flavor.
"We offer fresh foods, carefully prepared and tastefully served."
Annual still in doubt
At the October 10 yearbook meeting Bobbie Thiesfeld. yearbook editor said that Russell Beldin would sponsor the yearbook in name only. J:t'inancially she won't know for certain until the end of October 1 If there is to be an annual.
As it stands right now there is a small staff to put the yearbook out and in order to operate 400 yearbooks must be sold to cover expenses such as picture taking. Students who are interested in working on the yearbook should attend their next meeting which is Wednesday at Convo period in Ed. Room 218.
Peru streets to be paved
The Peru City Council has proposed to have Peru streets paved, according to mayor Rex Allgood.
The council plans to. surface 51 streets including those that were not paved in 1970. The Mayor estimated it would take $90,000 to complete the job.
The city council took bids for the job on October 29.
and Clinical microscopy.
"It should be clarified," Dean Barrett stated, ''that enrolling in the Peru State medical technology program does not assure acceptance into the Lincoln Medical technology schools, but the new affiliation with Lincoln General and Bryan Memorial hospital enhances the student's acceptance aft.er satisfactory completion of the first three years at Peru State."
"Similarly, entry into the final
year of medical technology training does not assure the degree," Dr. Barrett added. Medical technology majors should apply for admission to the Lincoln hospital schools during their junior year, and since medical technology entrants are accepted three times a year, in February, June and March, students may begin their preliminary training at any term.
Lennerton new state coordinator
Jim Lennerton is the new elected Nebraska States Program Coordinator. Jim was elected at the A.C.U.I. convention held in Edmond, Okla. Sept. 29 to Oct. 2.
Jim's victory was the second in three years for a Peru State student, Bart Neri being the other one.
Jim's a member of both the S.C.B. and S.G.A. and will serve a one year term. Jim has to stay in close contact with A.C.U.I., he
has to know what's going on in way of movies, concerts, dances, coffee houses, and guest lecturers. One part is trying to get a performer at more than one college to reduce the cost.
Another duty of Jim's is to get the Nebraska colleges into A.C.U.I. Jim said communication is the key to any union, Nebraska colleges are , more united than other states' colleges.
SGA freshmen reps elected
After pleading their cases before members of the freshman class, Pat Kinnison, Amy Walsh, and Roland Barrett were elected as representatives to the Student Governing Association.
On Wednesday, September 19, during the convo period freshman SGA representatives, after being introduced by Mike Kelly, stated why they sought to be a
member of the SGA and what wey wowd try to do for their class. Those running for representatives were: Roland Barret, Debbie Hebda, Pat Kinnison, Barb Templemeyer, and Amy Walsh.
In order to campaign it was necessary to obtain 50 signatures, and present a speech to the S.G.A.
15, 1973
Jim Lennerton (Ped Photq by Dave Lainez).
Atlantic Records with Asylum under their label have the habit · of signing the best new talent on records. All three of these musicians present their own unique style with their own written material. With the convictwn and resignation of former Vice." President Spiro Agnew the drums for the impeachment of Richard Nixon grow louder.
It is tragic, sacrilegious and ugly that the man the people unanimously elected to the second highest political position of our nation should be connected to such corrupt politics. However the conviction of Spiro Agnew should teach the American people that the office of the Vice Presidency or more importantly the Presidency is not above reproach.
These executives should be treated with high respect if they are worthy of it, but they are not by any means gods whose high positions are considered sacred or untouchable. l don't like the idea of impeachment, but it shouldn't be looked upon as some sign of weakness.
Instead impeachment is a strength, a tool we
I have been receiving alot of kick-back from some of the previous articles I have written. Most of these derogatory comments are made behind my back and I hear about them through the grapevine.
I only write what I believe, I am entitled .to my opinion as well as everyone else is entitled to theirs. The only difference is my opinion is voiced, put in print and signed.
I also believe if people have criticisms of my articles and feel I don't know what I'm. talking. about I wish they would write a constructive Letter to the Editor, that is the idea behind this part of the paper. It's only fair that your views about the contents in the Ped are expressed.
Terri Funkhouser
don't want to employ, but it's there if we need it. The power to impeach is .one reason which makes this country a democracy.
As Thomas Jefferson penned in the Declaration of Independence: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive , it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
During the Watergate hearings this summer famous quotes from the' world ·Of sports were echoed. John Dean quoted John Mitchell as saying "when the going gets tough, the tough get going."
Another famous quote I would like to add is "the game isn't over until the last man is out."
Frank D' Addesa Managing Editor
Morrisey recital Sunday
PERU, NE. - Kris Morrisey, mezzo-soprano, will present her senior voice recital in Benford Recital Hall at Peru State College Sunday, October 21. The public is invited to the 3 p.m. concert.
Miss Morrissey is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Chuck Morrissey, Tecumseh.
For the classical portion of her program, the student of Professor Edward G. Camealy has chosen "O cessate di piagarmi," "Tanto sospirero," "Sapphio Ode,'' "Die Post," and "Wir wandelten."
The second portion of the recital will include "The Last Rose of. Summer" from "Martha'' and "Pres cfes
remparts de Seville" from Carmen."
Final selection will include "O Rest in the Lord," "Daisies," "Prayer,'' "The Daffodils," and "Loveliest of Trees."
For instance there's Steve Ferguson (Asylum SD 5060). After listening to this album I couldn't believe it was his first, he sounds that professional. Not only is he pretty fair on piano, but his lyrics and vocals are also his strong points.
His lyrics struck me the hardest. I'm left with the feeling he is being completely honest with his audience and after listening you feel as though you've just met him in person. There are no weak spots on the whole album.
Garland Jeffreys (Atlantic SD 7253) is another promising artist which there is only a matter of time before his name is familiar to all record buyers.
Strong lyrics are also Jeffreys' strongest asset. His folk-blues style is very unique. This isn't his first album, Garland has recorded on the Vanguard label already.
Ned Doheny (Asylum SD 5059) is a hard driving guitarist who plays hard driving rock. Deheny previously played as a back-up; man for established performers.· His present tour of the United States should establish his new role in rock music.
Mary Goergen, daughter of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Goergen, Osage, Iowa, will accompany Miss Morrissey. FRANK D' ADDESA
,____ ______ ______________________________________________________ _ I I l I I I ' i I ! I ' I I
October15 6:30 P.M. - Afro-Amer. F.A. 104 6:30 P.M. - PSEA F.A. 212 7:30 P.M. - Tri Beta Sci 304 October 16 4:45 P.M. - Circle K West Dining Room Stu. Ct. 6:00 P.M. - SGA F.A. 212 7:00 P.M. - MOVIE F.A. Aud. 7:30 P.M. - Epsilon Pi Tau IA 29 October 17 6:00 - 10:00 P.M. - WAA '! 1 October 18 l 4:00 P.M. - Social Work Club F.A. 211 ! 5:00 P.M. -SCB North Half West Dining Room 1 Stu. Ct. ! October 19 i Cross Country at Kearney ! · October 20 I 2:00 P.M. -FOOTBALL Peru vs. Chadron there I October21
3:00 P.M. - Sr. Voice Recital F.A. Aud. THE STAFF Managing Editor Frank D' Addesa Assistant Editor -.·:.·.··.······.·.··:.· ·· Debbie Barton Sports Editor • .Rick DeKlotz Women's Sports Editor ., ., ., , ., Gail Harmo'n Photographers .,., ., Dave Laine Rich. Ad Manager ····:.-.-.··.·:·.·::.•:::::·:::··:::.-:·::;·::::.•:::.··: Linda Madisqn Circulation Managers : ; Phyllis Butrick Terrie Funkhouse ] eff Walthe Artists ·::::·:::.·:::::::::::.····::·:··:::·····:······-.··:::.Don Jochems Bill Palme Contributing Editors Bobbi Thiesfeld Bob Wernsman Advisor ,. ,.,.,.,., Mr Everett. Browning Kent on photo ke uund
of Events
'Lobo rips off P.S.C.
Music is a business and with every business there are people· ready and waiting to rip you off.
For $4,000 Peru State College _got ripped off royally when the Greyhound bus left off Lobo.
Tours are also a part of the business. Lobo, who takes very little time out for tours believes a show is a show. It matters little whether he is in Kansas, Iowa, or Peru, Nebraska. He is doing a job and is not singing to please himself because he has sung each song enough times to break every girls heart at least twice.
Kent La Voie spent years upon years in college with no major or no self direction. Then he decided to break into the music business. He happened to stwnble onto a type of music that appealed to the public and turned on the boppers so he worked hard for 10 years and made the Top 40.
elly performs in our homecoming plays
ke Kelly (Captain ian) a senior at PSC ·ng off-campus is one of a tors who has been in four utive Homecoming plays. acting experience has· from serious roles to and comedy. In. his freshyear the name of the play "Our Town/' a serious relation. Sophomore year "The Tempest" a farce. year "Dr. Inspite of lf" and he's coming back ar to act in "How the Half Loves." To coin ·a se Mike has had his cake has been able to eat it too. ans to make professional g a career after leaving e believes that the success lay depends largely on the ion and total cooperation
of the actors themselves.
As with all or nearly all actors he still experiences stage fright before going on. Mike says he can usually tell if everything will come off o.k. if his hands are. shaking. Its only when they aren't shaking that he has something to worry about. Over confidence can often cause any actor to slip in his role.
While on stage Mike Kelly is no longer Mike Kelly. Nor is he Captain· Yosarrian. He is the charactor in whatever role he may be playing ;md his only mission is to see that his part adds to the success of the entire production.
Mike has played bits and pieces in plays all through high school. He has carried on the tradition at PSC and through his continued efforts he shows promise in earring on the tradition outside of PSC as well!
Irofessional help can be und in Nemaha County
eryone is confronted with ems 4-om time to time. may run into a problem you •t seem to handle! You can professional help in Nemaha ty.
Nemaha 'County ,Mental Clinic,'s ·purpose is to ote mental 'health tion in the community. g an interview Mrs Janice ' who is the corrclinator of emaha Co1inty. Mental h Clinic, statea ··Mental th Education needs to ex:in order for people to Le cope with every day !ems in life." ntal Heal.th Clinics wefc ted from the concerned e in the county. In Nemaha y the clinic was started in 1970. The staff for the made up of Mental professionals:
psychiatric social workers, and vocational rehabilitation counselors.
The program today provides outpatient, consultation for admission or readmission for any county rPsident. Th,e lasts as 10,ng as its necessary for the patient. Today the Mental Health clinics serve people from age 2-60, of these 50 per cent are under the age of 30, and 50 per cent are recommended by their doctor.
The Nemaha County Mental Health Clinic is located in Auburn, Nebraska at the United Methodist Church. Every other Thursday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. the clinic is open to the public. During the week you can contact Mrs Janice Scott in Auburn. For appointments call Mrs Scott at home and on clinic day call her at the church.
experiences. This will come as a shock to all those bleeding hearts who identified with all his songs and felt they must have been written for them personally.
In one of his songs the lyrics say "Stopped sending flowers to yo.ur apartment," Lobo said he has never sent flowers to anyone in his life. The emotions he says are for real but the situations aren't. He directs this so-called emotion toward females who make up 95 per cent of his listening audience.
put him in his place!" I was not thoroughly preoccupied with this idea although the thought had entered my mind.
By next year Lobo predicts he will be a bonafied millionaire due to the fact he. has signed a contract with Warner Brothers. Will they be in for a big surprise. Now that you know what Lobo is all about you know why the concert was the way it was. I hate to use the word concert loosely because when you speak of concerts you're usually speaking of entertainment.
Some people feel Lobo has emerged with phenomenal impetus on the music scene. To quote Rolling Stone Magazine in their interview with the Archies, and Lobo does ride a close second to the Archies, he is "a sound argwnent against the. capitalistic system."
To quote Lobo "I have never worked a day in my life and I hope I never have to."
None of his songs are true
"I could care less about sound, I'm a songwriter. In ten years Led Zeppelin will be part of a lost era and people will still be drawn towards songs like a dog named Boo." This is to say that heavy rock like all fads will fade away and Zeppelin will no longer pull in 180 grand in N.Y. but Lobo who is confident enough of his self-expression will make a success of such a challenge.
In reaction to how he feels about being interviewed he had this to say; "Reviews aren't worth much and I pay little attention to them." This sent my journalistic ego downward. He feels that an interviewer is ·always out to find something wrong. with a musician or any other star that comes to play at any small college like Peru.
Then the interviewer can say "I
In reviewing a concert we must take into consideration the concert in its entirety. Jim Stafford had all the possibilities of being good had he been playing to a good audience. It ·was hard to hear him above the whistlers, obnoxious drunks and repulsive hecklers. The concert itself left a lot to be desired and some of the audience fell far below college mentality standards.
To pay $4,000 on a popularity contest between who can whistle and "Woo Woo". the loudest is an outrage, but to give Lobo what he expected from a small Midwest college is almost a sacrilege.
This is not to say that Lobo is a terrible person or that he's a terrible musician. He's niether, either, or.
Health foods can help
When was the last time you sat down to a meal of Buckwheat grits, alfalfa seed and yogurt. Not recently? ·
Well, how about some dandelion.tea or gineng capsules, or powdered goats milk. Still not turned on? Well you should be. Healthier foods can make for a healthier body.
If you're tired of chemically grown "junk food" why not try some health foods. You may be surprised how tasty organically grown foods can be.
In the Peru area there is one health food store, Brownville Mills, in Brownville. Mr C. M Miner is the very active proprietor of the specialty store
that stone grinds all its own flours and meals. Organically grown foods are imported from all over the U.S. and some foreign countries.
Mr ].\1iner has been ·in the health food business for 20 years. He started with the conviction that the commercial food industry wasn't giving the public foods healthy enough.
He explained how the image of health foods had changed, the public no longer thinks of health food as bland and tasteless, but has come to realize it is good tasting as well as nutritious. When asked what type of people use health foods, he replied, "the ·smart ones."
If you're getting tired of the
hamburger, french fries and cola bit, try some organic foods. You might be pleasantly surprised by what you've been missing.
ClayburnoMathews shows flick
Clayburn-Mathews hall held their first free show at Nebraska City Sept. 25. The picture shoWP was "Shamus". The ·money for these shows that are held through out the year are paid for out of the $5 Dorm Fee that is asked of each student in the hall.
in professional color. Best price around12 5x5 prints only $8.00. Call me for appointment or sample book.
Ph. 274-5294 after5:00p.m. Auburn, Nebr.
I· month in large apartment. See B JOBS ON SHIPS! No experience required. at 1110 'J' (upstairs) Auburn, : Excellent pay. Worldwide travel. Perfect across street from bowling alley. :
I summer job or career. Send $3.00 for in· Wanted- Part-time salesman B formation. SEAFAX,Dept. )(-b P.O. from6p.m.to10p.m.Musthave ll
car and be willing to work. Call I Box 2049, Port Angeles, Washington Ralph Jacobsen. Manager. 1 98362.
lPhone 873-3480 (Nebraska City):
· Jeffreys' folk-blues isn't has label 5059) who Deheny back-up performers. United new ! I I I. I Room I
Kent "Lobo" LaVoie perfroms at the Homecoming concert on October 9 at the peru State College Auditorium, (Ped photo .by Dave Lainez).
Available at Health Center October22 12:30
Please Make Appointment By Oct. 19 with Mrs.Miller Pap Test & Birth Control Method Available
Bobcats shoot down Ravens, 26-0, gain second shutout of seaso
Peru State's football team recorded their second shutout of the season October 6, with a 26-0 victory over Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas.
The Bobcats scored in every quarter, as they raised their season mark to 2-3. The defense was especially effective, allowing the Ravens just 58 yards in total offense, compared to 285 yards for Peru.
The offensive squad, under the
leadership of senior quarterback Terry Criger, was verv sharp in the first quarter, putting 14 points on the board. Kim Tennal scored first on a one yard plunge mid-way through the period. With time running out in the quarter, Criger climaxed a drive by running nine yards for another score. George Hendrickson added the extra point · following each touchdown.
After a Peru drive stalled near the Raven goal line mid-way through the second stanza,
Bobkittens volleyball team sports 2-5 record
Peru State's volleyball team has opened a new season, with a new coach, and 8 new players.
The Bobkittens have a nucleus of 5 returning players to build this year's team around. The returnees are Patty Johnson, jr. Humboldt, Jane Green, sr. from Brock, June Bottcher, sr. from Syracuse, and Gail Harmon and Kim Albin, sophomores from Dawson.
Adding strength to the Bobkittens this year are Allie Stoltenberg and Darcy Lippold, sophomores from Omaha, Teresa Kingery, from Glenwood, Ia., Ardella Klein, freshman from Adams, Ann Jones, and Deb Scholl, freshmen from Falls City, Linda Uher, freshman from Milligan, and Patti Harphum, freshman from Auburn.
The Kittens have played seven matches in the new season and have posted a 2-5 record to date. The team is still making adjustments and are not yet untracked.
· The Bobkittens have faced and beaten Doane and Creighton in two straight sets apiece. Both of these matches were played at home.
The team traveled to Seward to play Concordia and Kearney St. on September 30 and fell to both teams. Concordia took · their match in two straight sets. The Kittens battled back in the Kearney match by winning the second set after losing the first, but fell behind and couldn't catch up in the third and lost the match 2-1.
The Kittens took to the road again on the- 6 of October for a quadrangular at Wayne St. Teams playing were Wayne, UNO, UNL, and Peru.
In the first game of the day Peru fell to UNO in straight sets.
This match set the tone for the day as the Bobkittens couidn ;t ·get unwound and lost their new two matches in a row.
Peru won the first set oNhe Wayne game 16-14 and then lost momentum and dropped the last two sets 14-16 and 9-15.
The last game of the day saw UNL defeat the Kittens 1-15 and 12-15, to complete the shutout.
The Bobkittens will play at home against Tarkio on October 10 and at UNO om Monday October 15 for their next contests.
Peru ties Doane's harriers
Peru State and Doane harriers tied 29-29 in their cross country race over the Peru course Thursday, September 4.
The tie marks PSC team improvement over early season competition when team scores at Nebraska Wesleyan's invitational September 21 and Doane's invitational September 29 spread 72 points and 63 points between the competitors.
Barflys STRAF
Nat. &Co.
Late Comers
Bobcats earned three of the top four places Thursday with Ron Storant of PSC taking top individual honors with a time of 20: 26 over the four mile course.
Bill Sell finished second for Peru in 20:35.
Richard Hessell, Doane, captured third place by a two second margin over Phil Fritz of Peru clocking 20 :44.
Intramural Football Standings
Hendrickson kicked the first Bobcat field goal of the season, from 18 yards putting Peru ahead 17-0.
The ability of the offense to move the ball effectively is shown by the few punts needed. Gary Rosebeck had to kick the ball away just four times, averaging 39.2 yards per boot.
A big plus for Peru was the running attack, which was well balanced for the first time this season. With Barry Reed, (87
yards) Tennal, (70 yards) and Rosebeck (53 yards) all running well, the Raven defense could not key on any one player, enabling the offensive machine to run smoothly.
On the other hand a sore spot shows up in the statistics under penalties. The Peruvians were penalized nine times for 95 yards. A penalty during a drive can stop it cold, and possibly change the momentum of a game.
The Bobcats scored nin points in the second half wit many players getting a chanc to play.
Tennal scored his secon touchdown of the night with jus 1:08 gone in the third quarter a two yard run. Hendricks again added the extra point. The team this week will preparing for a Nebrask College Conference scra against the Eagles of Chadro State. The game will be he Saturday night, October 20 i Chadron.
BOBCATS - Six Peru State College coeds lead Bobcat boosters in cheers this year: (bottom row, left to right) Patty Collins, recreation sophomore, daughter of Mrs Laura Vione of Fremont; P. J. Schultz, business education-business administration senior, daughter of Mr and Mrs Melvin Schultz of Tecumseh; Deb Barton, journalism-art junior, daughter of Mr and Mrs James Barton, (6704 S. 49) Omaha; (top row, left to right) Laura Ackerman. accounting sophmore, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ed Ackerman of
Fu's BushBons Results-Round One
Barflys 24, BushBons o·
Nat. & Co. 1, Fu's o (Forfeit)
STRAF 1, Late Comers o (OT J Results-Round Two
Barflys 34, Nat & Co. o
Late Comers 13, Fu's o
STRAF 14, BushBons O
Beatrice; Pat McLaughlin
physical education senior' daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert McLaughlin of Papillion; and Luci Giersch, business sophomore, daughter of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Giersch, Salina,' Kansas. Elected by · PSC students last spring, the cheerful lasses follow Bobcat teams at home and away. Freshman alternates selected this fall are Debbie Baum, elementary education, daughter of Mr and Mrs Lester Baum, Tecumseh, and Deb Hebda, speech, daughter of Mr and Mrs C. S. Hebda, Fullerton. Their duties as alternates will
be to take a cheerleaders place she is absent. The alternat cheerleader will have. her o skirt. Everyting else she wi borrow from the girl whos place she is taking.
About six girls tried out had four or five practices. girls were given two cheers. 0 with a mount and one with jump. They also had to perfo in pairs doing a routine to som music. The girls were judged o spirit, voice, coordination, pois and personality.
There has been more e thusiasm and interest this year more girls have tried out, tha ever before.
W L. 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 2
earhooks can he picke up in Mr. Browning's office every afternoon except Thurs. 2:30 · 4:30 It costs nothing to be informed, read The Ped
.ookstore, dorm hours,. Exon visits Peru Campus 1scussed at SGA meeting
The SGA opened their October eeting on a discussion on the at bookstore. s Leland Sherwood, who's charge of the Bobcat kstore asked for suggestions how the bookstore can best e the students. Such estions can be submitted at bookstore to Mrs Sher- · im Lennerton reported that Traffic Committee acted on peals and if there were timate reasons then the would be reduced. the subject of student use activity cards it was that coach Jack Mcintire it was fine with him as long student programs agreed. A posal was passed and will be nt to President Douglas son for his approval. ,000 tickets were printed up the UNICEF dance. The ICEF dance committee is
Jim Lennerton, chairman; Bud Kimball, Sharon Duerfeldt, Dean Anstey, Marge Jelinek, and Barry Landis. Tickets are a $1 each.
Volunteers were asked for to run the class elections. If there was no one on the ballot for an office nominations were to be taken from the floor.
Dr. Leland Sherwood was voted in as the one year S.G.A. sponsor. Other choices were Dr. Guy Rosenberg and Mr Russell Beldin.
Approved were proposals for longer dorm hours for ClayburnMathews and Davidson-Palmer. Student Affairs now will act on the proposals.
There will be a state college meeting in the near future. Chadron, Peru, Wasne and Kearney wilt send. representatives to discuss alcohol on campus. The rest of the agenda is open. The colleges will try for a coordinated effort on the alcohol question.
lass officers elected or 19 73·74 school year
The PSC Student Governing ciation held elections for officers last Wednesday for 973-74 school year. Turnout e polling places seemed to w a descending trend from freshmen to senior classes; senior class having apximately 20 students voting. Heading the frosh as President Bob McClain. Next in comd is VP Mark Fletcher, who unopposed. Deb Hebda is secretary, while Mike Hall, also ran unopposed is er. phomore Allie Stoltenberg her class as president. Her t-hand-man" will be Vicesident Steve McVay. Steve nominated from the floor of voting assembly and ran pposed. Laurita Anne kett won the offices of retary and treasurer ectively. esident Chuck Smith ran pposed in the junior class, as every other junior officer. b Barton won the vicesidency for her 0lass. inated from the floor, y Kreffels accepted as secretary. The Jr. Class ury will be in the hands of ry Landes this year. e only competition in the ior· Class was in the sidential race. Charlie volis defeated 2 other opnts to win the coveted title.
Fritz Stehlik, vice-president; Janet Barton, secretary; and Gayle Swisgood, treasurer; all ran unopposed and had to be nominated from the floor.
Senior SGA "Commander-inChief ," Charlie Pavolis, said that he wished to use his office to increase and define the powers of class president and the SGA itself. "I would like to set a precedent and example for the other class officers and all PSC students of getting involved in the workings of the college," Pavolis stated. He went on to say that he felt past presidents never did anything really substantial becuase they lacked the knowledge of the extent of their office's power and influence.
Pavolis appealed for the support of the entire student body in his endeavor to regain meaningful representation to the organization.
Rox Hill has been named News Editor of the Peru Pedagogian according to Managing Editor Frank D'Addesa. Ms. Hill is a senior majoring in Journalism. Her past experience with the Ped includes being Feature Editor.
Besides the traditional events he "was pleased and happy for ta and alumni, the 52nd Peru State us."
During the evening hours of Homecoming brought Governor Following the game, the his visit, the Governor reiterated J. J. Exon to the College as a Governor and his party were his previous committment that guest of President and Mrs given a tour of the buildings on the College will never be closed. Douglas Pearson. campus by the President. The cordial, informal reception The Governor arrived in Peru Specifically discussed during the also brought out a discussion on at 1:30 p.m. Saturday ac- tour was the gymnasium. The the positive aspects of Peru companied by his wife. Also group discussed the building State. making the trip were: Dr. and though no specific comments The Governor's stay ended at 9 Mrs Norman Otto who is the were made by the Governor. p.m. with his departure to Administrative for the General facilities, upkeep ·of Lincoln. Pearson stated there Governor, Senator and Mrs Cal the campus and the dormitories are no future meetings planned Carsten and Board of Trustee were topics also discussed by the between the Governor and Mr George Eger- group. President Pearson himself. mayer and Mr Ward Reesman, believes "they were generally Dr. Pearson feels as a result of who were also accompanied by impressed by what they found." Exon's visit "the College is in a their wives. A dinner reception at the sounder possition." Pearson also _ Their day at Peru began with President's mansion followed believes that the student body the party taking in the Peru- the tour. There students Emily and people at the Homecoming Kearney football game with Dr. Rosewell and Curtis Robinson game should be highly comPearson and his wife. Exon's entertained the President's mended for their demeanor
Billings resigns as V. P.
John Billings has resigned as the Student Governing Association vice-president stating there were "personal reasons" which involved his decision.
Billings, who announced his resignation on October 15, which took effect the next day, made only this statement; "The reasons for my resignation are personal, I give my full support to the SGA and what they hope to accomplish during the year."
Billings refused to comment on any further questioning.
According to SGA President Dean Young, a nomination will be made at tomorrow night's meeting and a replacement will be made with the members approval.
With his resignation, Billings will lose his positions on the President's Advisory Committee, the Academic Affairs Committee, the SCB, and any other committee he has been appointed to as vice-president.
new Queen
1uring the governor's presence.
Attempt made to revive Peru Jaycees
An attempt is being made to revive a Jaycee chapter in Peru through the efforts of the Falls City Jaycees and Dean Bogle, extension chairman of that chapter.
Bogle and area vice-president Ron Hoyle of Nebraska City and two others from the Falls City chapter were in Peru last week meeting with interested young men in their attempt to start a club again after a similar venture under sponsorship by another club failed earlier in the year.
In explaining the organization, Bogle said that there are two main requirements, that one believes and has an interest in himself, and that he believes and has an interest in his community. Membership is open to men from the ages of 18 to 36, according to Bogle.
An attempt was made by the Bellevue chapter to organize a Peru group last February, but failed to generate enough interest.
Barb Wilkinson, daughter of MrandMrsDuaneH. Wilkinson, of Clatonia was. crowned during half-tome ceremonies by Peru State President Dr. Douglas Pearson at the Peru Kearney 'game. Barb was selected by the student body during elections
held Wednesday, October 10 and Thursday, October 11.
Barb is a junior, majoring in speech, drama, and English. She is active in many clubs on camplJ!i and enjoys playing the piano.
According to Bogle, a total of 20 members are necessary to be recognized as a chapter on the state and federal levels. The next meeting of the group has been slated for Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at the Bank of Peru. All those interested in joining the organization are urged to attend.
It costs nothing read The Ped ,
1973 second just on Hendrickson be Nebraska own will whose The One a perform some on poise, PERU STATE COLLEGE, PERU, NEBR 22, 1973
ByFRANKD'ADDESA reactiontothecontestwasthat gu _;s with their musical
The case for the yearbook, the 1974 Peruvian, is being presented to you, the faculty and students of Peru State College. The crisis involves the production of the 1974 annual. We MUST have money to put out the Peruvian, as well as students to work on the staff. It is up to all of us. Do you want a 1974 Peruvian or not? The next couple of weeks will determine whether or not there will be a yearbook. A sales campaign for the yearbook will be set up during the week of October 22-29.
What is sold during this period will indicate whether or not financial supply is available for a yearbook. Money MUST be PAID during this time. A minimum of 450 books must be sold. Campus residents may order and pay at the dorms. Commuters may order and pay at the Bob Inn in the Student· Center.
Another major problem facing the yearbook is a staff. We must have people who are willing to work on the annual and attend the meetings. Five or six people simply cannot handle the total responsibility of putting together a yearbook. Surely there are more people on the PSC campus who can help than have been showing up at the meetings.
Yearbook meetings are held during convo period in Ed. 218. The next meeting will be held October 31. Your cooperation will determine the yearbook.
If you want a 1974annual there are two things you can do- buy a yearbook NOW and, or join the staff.
I feel a yearbook is a very important and worthwhile aspect of college life. It serves as a record of memories of people, places, and events. It's up to all of us to preserve the memories of this year through a 1974 Peruvian.
Bobbi Thiesfeld Peruvian Editor
Last week the traditional elections for class officers were held. As in the past few years, apathy again was the incumbant.
Out of the sixteen positions which needed to be filled six officers were elected unopposed and four positions had to be nominated from the floor at the time of the elections. These people nominated were also elected unopposed.
The results of the voting turnouts were just as bad. In the freshman. elections .only fifty voted, twenty seniors showed up to vote for their class officers. I was unable to get the voting results from the other two classes, but theJurnouts were about the same.
I urge the new class officials to use whatever power they .have and make the offices they hold meaningful, not just something which will look good on an application.
Apathy has been a way of life on the Peru campus for too long. Let's begin to make an attempt to end it.
Frank D' Addesa Managing Editor
1275 band members boost homecoming
Approximately 1275 band members from 18 area bands helped to boost spirits for Peru State's 52!nomecoming. Weather conditions of the previous week made it impossible for several bands to attend.
The inviting Qf. bands to participate in the celebrating of homecoming has been going on for four years. The first year threr were only seven bands and the number has been growing ever since.
Parade judges were Gary Numan - Syracuse, Rev. Maurice Ottsen - Nebraska City, and Dale Duensing - Syracuse. The trophies for the parade were provided by the Peru Chamber
Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor:
I would like to comment on the "Rip off' article in the October 15 Ped. As far as I'm concerned the only rip off I saw was the article. I do not personally know the writer nor am I aware of her previous stories, but if they are the same quality as the Lobo article I can see why she had to write an editorial complaining about the complaints!.
She really rips off Lobo because (1) he went to college without being gung ho, (2) he's never worked a day in his life and doesn't want to, and (3) he isn't writing from experience nor playing simply because he loves to.
The first item can apply to millions of people. The article itself refutes the second item by saying he left college and worked 10 years to gain his present position. The third item can apply to almost any professional musician who is out to earn a living and feed his face.
Admittedly Lobo is not a showman. He and his group were good as musicians and played the songs they play well. They lived up to their part of the contract-nothing said they had to love their job. Jim Stafford was the better part of the con· cert because he is a showmar besides being a fantastic · musician. He rated a standing ovation when he left. As a performer he needs and expects audience feedback and what he got was not what was stated in the article. A few people hollered and 'woo-woo' ed and that was that. There were certainly not enough to disrupt the rest of the people.
I think the writer needs to get her facts (and head) together and quit coming on like a disgruntled teeny bopper who just found out her idol can't live on love of music alone!
Kerry Krause
with the expectations of the general reading public in this area, give the Pedagogian a conservative standpoint. When a more "radical" view is expressed, the reactions can be almost shattering. It's refreshing to find a new style of bold journalism developing here. I hope Terrie will be braced for whatever repercussions arise, especially if she has not previously been exposed to public response of this nattn'e.
In the third edition' of the Ped this semester, Ms. Funkhouser's byline appeared with an article on the "marriage-trap." The story had weaknesses which I will not eieaborate on now. But it raised many an eyebrow on campus, and inflll'iated several readers. Two weeks later another controversial Funkhouser article appeared, this time tearing down Lobo, Peru's feature Homecoming
guest. Again the approach wa negative, the reaction stron WHEW! I wish readers woul react to my stories as strong! as they do to Terrie's. But I' only a meek sportswriter, modern-day Quixote in quest Objective Journalism: and th Objective Journalism is what believe Ms. Funkhouser shoul' strive for in her writing. I'm n saying Ms Funkhouser doesn know what she's talking abou nor am I saving that she is n entitled to her opinion. But the are situations where a strai news story is appropriate, an an editorial is out of place. I notice a considerable amo of pessimism, even bitterness the two articles mentioned. M suggestion to Ms. Funkhouser · to replace this negative feeli in her articles with objectivit And I do look forward to seein more of her stories in the futur
Suzanne Coughli
October 22
3:30 Gama Theta Upsilon Ed. 110
7:00 I A Club IA29
4:45 Circle K West Dining Room Student Center
6:00 SGA FA 212
9-11 :30 KPSC
9:10Language Arts Readings FA-104, 105, 211, 212,. and 205 END OF FIRST NINE WEEKS
October 25
4:00 Faculty AD 105
5:00 SCB North half west dining room Student Center
October 27
9:00-3:00 High School Swing Choir Clinic , 7:30 Football Peru vs. Wayne here cross country af Kearney
of Commerce. Parade trophies went to Class A- Creighton Pren High School; Class B - Ashland Grenwood Public School; Class C - Platteview School; Class DHumboldt High School; Class IAubtn'n Jr. High School; and Class II - Humboldt Jr. High School.
A "Band-0-Rama" was presented by the bands dtn'ing halftime of the Kearney vs PSC. The bands played "Hosts of Freedom" under the direction of Paul Ramp - Auburn Jr. High, "Salutation" directed by Eugene Walden - AshlandGreenwood, and ·"United Nations" directed by Tom Osborne - Humboldt High School.
To the Editor: Yes, I started a nasty rumor about vour news paper to the effect that you will not print letters to the· editor. Only nine 1 hours elapsed before you repeated the rumor to me in context. It is too bad that your newspaper can't be as acclll'ate as the campus rumor mill. You seem to have stopped printing facts and started printing op1mons. Terrie Funkhouser's editorials are so devoid of content a logical argument couldn't be based on them. Mr D'Addesa, your editorials are either repetitive, superficial, empty, or short of facts and long on supposition. I think with a little more practice you will be able to write an editor.ial with all of these shortcomings.
Keep up the good work and the rumor mill will soon replace yotn' news paper.
Class ARumor Starter
James C. Smith
Dear Editor: EVERYBODY·
Michael (Captain Yossarian) Kelly
To the editor: First I would like to welcome Ms. Funkhouser to the ranks of the Ped reporters. The "policies" of this paper, along
UNICEF Dance & Freakers Ball
Wednesday, Oct. 31
Halloween Night 9:30 p.m.
Prizes awarded for Best Costumes Dance to Odyessy
Tickets $1.00 available at: SGA Office, Bllsiness Office, Game Room Office, or any SGA member. Support UNICEF. Plan to attend.
Managing Editor Frank D' Adde Assistant Editor
: : : : :.:.:.: .•. Rox
Sports Editor ...........•..... ,; ·•· ··•.·· Rick De Kl
Editor ._ ,. , · Gail Har Photographers ,. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,. ,..,..,.,.,.,..,. ,. ,. Dave Lain Rich Ma Ad Manager Linda Madis ·Circulation : ..........•,•. ,. .'.....•...... Phyllis Butri Terrie Funkhous Jeff Walth Artists ,. ,. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. ,. ·.···::.·.·.··· ,. ,. Don Joche Bill Palm Contributing
Bobbi Thiesfe Bob Wernsm Advisor ··.•.•.··:.·· ,.,.,.,._.,.,.,.,.,. _.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,._Mr •. E.yerett Browni
the other half loves" entertaining and hilarious
ByR.E. Wernsman Jr.
Homecoming is for enrtainment. Entertainment, e and simple.
Just as the crowds were enained at the morning parade, music of some 20 plus bands, · arious teas and luncheons roughout the day and the tball game, the crowd was at ehomecoming play, "How the er Half Loves" was well tertained throughout an _ ning of an hilarious perance.
Detracting, but in a minimal y was the absence of Deb drickson in her role as Fiona er due to a slight case of umonia. Filling in, in a prisingly accurate manner, s the director's daughter· et Wilson.
s Wilson was confronted the possibility of the change actresses the morning of the turday, October 13 perance. Due to the younger n's presence at several earsals of the production and ability to fill both the bill and dresses of Hendrickson, she t on Saturday night with a · t in one hand and courage in e other.
Playing opposite to Miss
Wilson was Ray Boeche who displayed an enormous amount of talent during the Thursday night show and even more two days later, due to his dependence on a quick reply from his 'wife' who on this night had the decided handicap of reading from a book.
In spite of the handicap, both Boeche and Miss Wilson displayed an obvious talent of reacting to each other throughout the play.
Boeche portrayed excellently, the nervous, twitchy, forgetful exectutive his part called for Miss Wilson's actions and voice inflections on stage were surprisingly similar to those of the actress she was replacing.
Again doing a very fine and noteworthy job was Mike K Kelly. The performance marked his fourth consecutive role in a homecoming play, and was as good as his best, in "The Tempest" his sophomore year. The entire meaning qf his role had little trouble being communicated to the audience, as he grabbed their attention when he spoke, and kept it until he finished.
Kelly admittedly didn't have as severe a handicap as Boeche,
as he went on with Mary Weber vous as well with her constant as his 'wife'; Miss Weber 'little old chatter and probably left the entire audience movements. feeling she is most comfortable Any nervousness felt by the_ when she is surrounded" by at audience quickly dissipated least a three month old mess, though, as she brilliantly made and living with a husband that use of reaction lines and facial obviously couldn't care Jess expressions to set the audience about her, or their child. roaring on more than one ocMiss Weber's voice charac- casion. teristics and facial responses Though it ha_s often brought fond memories of stated that maJOrity of the six Paul Linde at his inimitable players were at least as exbest. ·cellent in their roles, it would_be
The third couple to appear on necessary to stage and one that was in- such a statement concerning the strurr{ental to the overall theme production itself. of the eternal triangle, included It would definitely be in order Jeff Otte and Barb Wilkinson. to congratulate Mrs Mary Ruth Otte, portrayed the struggling for the job she did as junior-executive ready to stoop directo: of the sho:-V. The to almost any depths in order to production marked the first, full. reach the top of the management college level play she pole. These depths even included directed, although she has stooping to tie his bosses shoes, directed a of one acts although it was the boss's a_nd helped with past produc(Boeche) idea. tions.
probably rate high on the scale of understatements heard within the past few years.
Besides a drop in the amount of essential material during that period, there was a definite drop in moral which could probably, in great part, be traced back to the second semester of the 197071 school year.
Hardly incidental to the negative side of the play was the complications received from the concert performed on stage two days prior to opening night, and tbs breakdown of two lights that were essential to eliminating distracting shadows on the back of the stage.
If questioned as to what the major hurdle is facing the Peru State College Players, the answer receiving the most support would probably be the lack of attendance at p_Iays which account, for at least hundreds of manhours.
.There has been various ments around the campus t the Lobo concert was bad just plain not worth the ney. The main criticism was his jokes were bad! Did e people want Lobo or Joey p? t's examine the concert lf. What could we expect or dn't we expect? Lobo has several hits during the past e or four years and has · yed nationwide acclaim as a artist. The news of who uld play for Homecoming ert certainly 'brought exment around campus when it announced, and Lobo sang of his hits plus a few more. All all he met my expectations I don't think I was the only e that was satisfied.
Financially some people think Peru was "ripped off" by Lobo. I talked with SCB's Jim Lennerton and got the financial facts. Lobo was booked last summer for $4,000 flat fee before his new hit single "How Can I Tell Her About You" was released. If he had been booked afterwards, it would have cost us about $5,000. The Student Activities fund contained $6,200 at the beginning of the semester, $1,000 for eight movies, $500 for Red Dog, $500 for the Homecoming Dance, which was made possible by the $542.50 taken in at the door of Lobo, plus $400 for Lobo, has caused the fund to dwindle to $742.50. So by having Lobo we were able to have a mediocre concert plus we were able to pay for a band for the homecoming dance. We
ohnson Black Union- Queen -
A transfer student Otte
Probably the biggest handicap contributed a great deal' to the Mrs had to overcome show as he nervously Jed his c?ndition of_ tbe theater s nervous wife through the homes material eqmpment and the of first his boss and next his state of mmd of the people she had to work with.
As important to the play as any of it's actors or actresses, is a responsive audience that can show a reception of the meaning being conveyed to them from on stage.
Portraying his nervous wife
To_ say that t?e past year was a was Miss Wilkinson, who at mediocre period for the Peru times made her audience ner- State College Players would
nother view on the Lobo Concert Alumni feel Peru State changed over the years
came out ahead on the deal.
Individually, if a student went to all eight movies this semester, both dances so far (Red Dog and Blackberry Winter) and the concert, he would save himself about 12 dollars this semester. This is based on $2.00 for each movie (average in Omaha), 4.00 for the concert (minimum in Omaha) and 2.00 for each dance. Realistically one is able to see a movie for $.92, get into each dance for .90, or see a concert for $1.80. How can anyone complain about those prices! There is yet another dance in·, sight but it is still a question mark but Lennerton hopes it will sometime before Christmas.
Davidson-Palmer wins window contest
Davidson-Palmer walked away with first prize in window painting contest at the · Student Center during the October 13 HomecomiI)g festivities.
Davidson-Palmer proved that a little poetry and artistic talent were the winning combination in claiming the title. Tri Beta's craftsmen were a strong second portraying the science building and cleverly inserting their name to fit their slogan. Sigma Tau Delta showed third by strategically placing Charlie Brown at his psychiatrists' office.
Those three proved to be too much for Alpha Mu Omega's numerous formulas,' Lambda Delta Lambda's science building and P.S.S.S.S.'s Bobcat as they failed to impress the judges enough for the first three prizes. But the students of Peru as well as all visitors at the Homecoming enjoyed the merrily decorated student center windows, while they lasted.
"It's changed a lot", at least some alumni would .tell you.
· , ill estimated 250 .Peru State Alumni returned to Peru for it's 52nd Homecoming. Alumni journeyed from all parts of the United States to participate in the celebrating of Homecoming. Alumni came from Alaska, California, Oklahoma, Colorado, Oregon, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Iowa, Kansas, and all parts of Nebraska. '
At a dinner Friday, October 12, at Arbor Manor in Auburn 17 of the 40 year alumni and 10 of the 25 year alumni husbands and wives were present. These classes of 1933 and 1948 were the reunion groups.
At the all-alumni luncheon Saturday approximately 200 ate and visited.
The Thousands Oaks Chapter was in charge of initi;il
registration and the morning coffee. Coffee was also served in the afternoon by the SCB. In visiting with alumni some will say Peru State has changed a lot since they went to school. There are many new buildings. Talking to Mr Curt Lindell he said that when they have a victory they would have to climb to the top of the gym and climb out the window to ring the victory bell. He said he could remember getting back from a game at 3:oo in the morning av.ct climbing up and ringing the bell. To resent graduates Peru has changed even some. They feel it has changed for the better. Mr Edward Craren Peru State Administrator said in visiting with alumni who had visited with current students that they felt there wasn't really a generation gap with things close to their heart, meaning Peru State.
What is sold now will determine the production of the 1974 annual.
Year books will be sold from October 22-29
Price: $8.50
Un sale at the residence halls and Bob Inn October 22-26 11 :00-2:00.
If you cannot purchase a yearbook dt.ring this time contact:
Bobbi Thiesfeld
Deb Barton
Barry Landes
Support the yearbook Buy Your annual now!
a of this I shoula not doesn't not
and amount
My is feeling objectivity. seeing Coughlin. PERU PEDAGOGIAN PAGE 3 '.
there straight
The Black Student Union of eru State College elected _ uise Johnson as their queen. n candidates were Sue 'ggins, Luvena Sanders, and uise Johnson.
October 13, the lack Student Union held a ce in the dining hall of the
Student Center Building. The· dance disc jockey was Phil Chapman.
Thompson, Acting President, presented the new queen with a bouquet of roses.
Johnson is the first queen to be elected by the Black Student Union.
Bobcats whitewash Lopers, 28-0
Peru State College's Homecoming theme "The Sun Shines Brighter Every Day", was highly appropriate Saturday (October 13) afternoon as the Bobcat football team upset the Kearney State Antelopes 280. The win marked the first time since 1965 the 'Cats have beaten Kearney. The victory also evened the season record at 3-3, including a 1-0 mark in the. Nebraska College Conference.
After a week of strong practice, the Bobcats were ready mentally and' emotionally to play their best game of the season to date.
Although the win was a team ·effort, Peru players individually beat their opposition consistently, wearing down the Antelopes while gaining momentum as the game
The Peru defense was stellar, holding Kearney to nine first downs, and 46 yards on the ground in 24 attempts.
The defensive "front five" of the 'Cats - Robert Her.ron, Bob Winter, Ken Jackson, Arnie Allgood and Terry Elliot - plus linebackers Rod Wartman and Gus Krajicek were mainly responsible for Kearney's poor showing overland, holding the Antelopes to less than two yards per avetage carry.
The men in the "pit" of the offensive front line - Steve Krajicek, Ray Woerlen, Dennis Stones, two way performer Gus Krajicek plus Dick Leech blew holes open all afternoon, enabling Peru runners to amass 330 yards on the ground. Peru ran 91 offensive plays, compared to 51 for Kearney as Bobcat ball control made the Antelope
defenders spend most of the game on the field.
Peru's first score came on a 60 yard, 14 play drive following a Kearney punt. The big gainer in the drive was 12 yards on an option play by senior quarterback Terry Criger to the Antelope 16 yard line.
Six plays later fullback Barry Reed plunged through the middle of his line for the tally. Bob Winter added the first of his four extra points for the day, filling in for the injured George Hendricksen. H ever the game was to shift Kearney's way, it would have on the 'Cats next possession. Following another Antelope punt, Peru drove from it's own 24 to the three inch line of Kearney, where on second down Kearney's Tim Brodahl recovered a Criger fumble. Had Kearney driven for a
score, momentum could have changed hands. The Antelopes · reached the Peru 30 before a Dave Burke fumble 'was retrieved by Gordon Thompson, killing the drive.
Peru received the second half kickoff with Gary Rosenbeck returning 23 yards to the 36 yard stripe. Kearney was called for piling on during the tackle, putting the ball on the Antelope 49. Thirteen plays later Reed scored his second touchdown of the afternoon on a two yard run. After the tally 9: 25 remained in the third·stanza.
The 'Cats put 14 points on the board in the final period, with the 'Lopers defensive unit wearing down as Peru smelled victory.
· The 'Cat defensive unit forced the fourth lost Kearney fumble, (they lost a total of five) as the 'Looers were driving for a score
First AAU swim meeting to be held tomorrow
The first organizational meeting for AAU swimming will take place Tuesday, October 23rd at the Peru State College pool.
Swimming Coach Edward J.
Craren extends his personal ,invitation to all Peru State College students and citizens \lilo have any interest or talent and wish. to compete in particular events to meet at the designated time and place. This is a special invitation to Peruvians notes Craren, in that swimmers from other surrounding areas, Auburn and Nebraska City, will be selected on past performances.
Four boys and four girls will represent each age division, the age divisions being 10 yrs a.'ld under, 11-12 yrs., 13-14., 15-17 yrs., and the senior division.
Craren was quick to note that Mark Spitz came up through the age division ranks until old enough and experienced to compete internationally.
Starting October 30th, three practices will be held a week ·on Tuesday, Thutsday and Sunda_y_ nights from six to nine p.m. It is very likely the practices will be split somewhat to accomodate the size of the team.
Th ere will be between 12-15 open championshiJ> meets in various cities such as Omaha; Lincoln, DesMoines and Kansas
Bobkittens dr8fl ·two,. take one from Tarkio
By Gail Harmon
The Bobkitten volleyball team has won one and dropped two in match play in the last week. The team met Tarkio on Peru's home court on the loth of October for two games, varsity and Jr. Varsity and won .both games in two straight sets.
The Varsity played first, winning by scores of 15-13 and 151. The Jr. Varsity then took over and downed the Tarkio Jayvees 15-1 and 15-13.
Peru's luck didn't hold as they traveled to Omaha on Monday, the 15th of October and dropped two matches. The Bobkittens
lost to UNO and the College of Saint Mary's.
UNO took just two sets to beat the 'Kittens,' winning by scores of 15-12 and 15-10. St. Mary's needed a little more time, taking the first and third sets with Peru winning the middle one. Scores were 15-6, 15-3, and 15-5.
Inexperience is still a major factor in Peru's battle for a winning season. The team was hurt by the loss Friday of veteran player June Bottcher, a senior with 3 years of college ball to her credit. It is not known at this time if June will be able to return in time to finish the season.
Every Saturday from· 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. breakfast will be served in the Christian Church at 921 5th St.
One egg and a muffin· Two eggs and a muffin 25c 30c
City with the culmination of the whole season ending in midApril at the AAU Nationals. The first meet will be in midDecember at either Omaha or Lincoln. Due to a lack of facilities Peru State College will not host any of the swim meets.
Craren feels that with some of the kids from his summer swimming program and the addition of older and mature , college students on the team, there exists a good nucleus for a too flight upper division team. In 1951 Ed Craren was an AllAmerican sw1mmmg sensanon at the University of Nebraska. Before attending college Craren spent most of his time swimming and diving in AAU meets
Kearney State def eats Peru
on Oct. 13
Kearney State defeated Peru State 23-36 in a cross country race held at Peru Saturday, October 13.
Churck Maser of Kearney turned in the day's best time, 19: 55 over the four mile course, beating our PSC's Bill Sell (20:03) and Ron Storant (20:08).
The next 'Cat runner to cross the finish line was Phil Frtitz with a clocking of 21: 11. The balance of the Antelope squad was clear, as they ciptured places 4-7 and 9-12. Future competition for Dr. Erv Pitts' squad includes a re-scheduled match against Northwest Missouri State today, and the Midwest A.A.U, at Kearney October 27. RICK DeKLOTZ
climaxed when he won the AAU Junior National three meter springboard diving championships.
From 1970-73 he coached swimming in St. Louis at the University of Missouri.
This past summer Craren coached and started a very successful swimming league in Auburn.
Peru State College has never had a swimming program and a AAU team may be the closest it will ever come to one. So those who directed their flagrant remarks at Peru State College and its lack of a swimming program can now do something about it.
on the 'Cat 25 yard line.
Two Peru offensive plays later, Criger scampered 66 yards, weaving in and out of traffic from his own 27 to the Kearney seven where Steve McNittt finally caught him. Three plunges by Reed into the line brought the ball to the one and Kim Tennal scored.
The large Homecoming crowd was almost certain of a Peru win as they led by 21 with 10: 19 to play.
The final thrill for the day came as defensive back Otis Samuel stepped in front of a Rich Schwaenka pass at the Kearney 24 and raced untouched for the final sc9re.
The bouyant Bobcats' next game is against powerful Wayne· State, October 27. Kickoff time is 7:30 in the Oak Bowl.
The Bobcats 28-0 victory over Kearney State was Peru's first Nebraska College Conference victory since the fifth game of the 1966 campaign when they defeated Chadron State 41-7 in Peru. Quite a dry spell!
Barry Reed was named the Omaha World-Herald's State College Player of the Week for his efforts against Kearney. The senior fullback gained 126 yards on 37 carries two touchdowns. TRIVIA QUESTION - Peru's 1961 team finished with a 7-1-1 record, Who was the loss to? ANSWER - The lone setback of the 1961 season was to· Panhandle A&M (Goodwell, Oklahoma) to the tune of The game was Peru's Homecoming and final contest of the year.
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Family Planning Service Available atHealth Center October25 Pap Test & Birth Control Method Availa hie
The Ped
£4 out working on udent teaching program
• • 1 \
MAYO fern, and Nancy Sheer Nutzman
Peru State has a reputation of will all be going to the senior g a college that deals mainly high. at Nebraska City, while prospective teachers. In, Bryan Mabie and Ananias , up until 1963 Peru was Montague will be going to the as Peru State Teachers junior high. Teddy Becker and ege. Based upon these facts Joseph Shown will also be going uld be safe to assume that to Nebraska City. They will be State has an extensive going to Northside Elementary cher Education program and 6th. St. Elementary must be completed. First of respectively. Reporting to , students who have the desire Lincoln schools will be Michael come teachers must submit Cantore at Lincoln East, and application for the teacher Terry Leech at Arnold ation curriculum during the Elementary.
'"1f• semester of their In Auburn, the high school will omore year. After being be receiving Gale Bly, Mary Ann epted they must then take Chaney, and Kerry Krause ·r professional education while the Auburn and then apply for will be welcoming Vicki r professional semester. Jacobitz, Roger Kraft; and ng their professional Gladys Layson. Also going to mester, (senior year), the Auburn will be Kim Hahn, and spective teacher is required Steven Lawson to Calvert become a student teacher as Elementary, and David Griffith t of his credit for graduation. to Sheridan Elementary. uring this fall semester, Reporting to Beijevue schools ru will be sending a number of will be Rita Bosiljevac at Logan e student teachers out into Jr. High, Trudy Jones at Betz world. They will be teaching Elementary, and Judy Werner a variety of places in the Iowa- Souder at Fort Crook raska area. Elementary. be exact, there will be 44 Debra Ann Hendrickson ent teachers, in 13 towns or Jeann Sears, and Mary teaching in 29 different Ehzabeth Goergen will be ols. The director of Student reporting to the Senior High. at ching, Dr. Lloyd-B. Kite has Beatrice, while Carol Warnke ased an official list of and Dudley Baack will be going ent teaching assignments to City:. the fall semester beginning FI:1tsch and Kristie o.ber 22, and ending· Morrissey will be reporting to ember 21, 1973. Syracuse, while Guy and Rita eaching in Omaha- will be; Lammie will be going to sevelt Washington at Benson Johnson-Brock. 'or High, Earl E. Brown at Reporting to Iowa Schools will tral, Leon Golden at Tech, be Roxanne Golden to Hamburg, es Hinton at Indian Hills Anne Marie Stukenholtz to ior High, and Terri Netwig at Glenwood, and Gary Lee Bobbitt son West Ji:lementary. and Stanley Dunn to Shenan retta Davis, Randy Hansen, doah. ky Sue Pieper, Lannie Red-
Committee casts ballots
Last Wednesday during the convo period nine members cif the Who's Who committee met'· with it's chairman Dr. Guy Rosenberg to nominate and cast their ballots for a quota of up to ! 18 students who are worthy of: this honor. ;
The meeting opened with Dr. '. Rosenberg explaining the handout given to the members of the committee which contained Jhe biographical sketches of; bver 50 students who were • eligible. The voting procedure was then explained by Rosenberg and nominations were then held. Afterward the committee voted and the meeting was adjourned.
The requirements for nomination of Peru students to ; Who's Who is: a minimum GPA
of 6.50, the student graduating by August of 1974, and significant contribution (s) to Peru State College.
.The members of the Who's Who committee are: President Pouglas Pearson, Vice fresident Frank Bowers, Dr. Guy Rosenberg, Mr John Letts, the heads of the different departments at Peru State, the and SCB presidents and the Peruvian and Pedagogian ,editors.
Those who attended and voted ·at the October 24 meeting were: yr. Bowers, Dr. Rosenberg, who ,represented the students, Dr. 'George Schottenhamel head of 'h' ' , IStory and social sciences, Dr. · Gilbert 'Wilson, head of the mll$ic department, Mr Albert Brady, head of the science and
mathematics department, Dr. , Leland· Sherwood, who _:'represented Dr. Clyde Barrett from the Fine. Arts department, Dr. Loyd Kite, who represented Dr. Tom Scherer who's head of the school of education. Also at the were Dean Young, SGA president, Frank D' Addesa, Pedagogian editor, and Jim Goracke who represented SCB president Fritz Stehlik. Those who couldn't make the gathering but sent nominations and.their ballots to Dr. Rosenberg were: Dr. Pearson, Mr. Letts, Mr Tom, Fitzgerald from the P .E. department, Dr. Vernon Siegner, head of the practical arts department," and Ms Bobbi Thiesfeld, Peruvian editor.
jackets have been ordered
Letter jackets and bfankets have been ordered as of last Friday according to Athletic Director Jack Mcintire.
Mcintire was very apologetic about the long delay in reordering the Jackets but one must be aware of what caused the delay in the first place.
Letter jackets are ordered only once a year by the Athletic Director at the end of the school year when all sports seasons are completed and the monogram winners names and jacket sizes are turned into Mcintire, who then orders the jackets with the expectation that they will be available when the athletes return to school in the fall.
At the end of the 1971772 school year Mcintire had the names
and jacket sizes of all the lettermen and went ahead and ordered the jackets through the Nebraska City Sporting Goods 'Store with the receiving date to be December 19th. (Mcintire showed me his copy of the order form.) Unfortunately the jackets never showed up on the receiving date. Mclntire's speculation was that the Sportmg Goods Store never filled the order because at the time he ordered the letterjackets the original cost for one jacket was twently three dollars. Between the time the order was made and delivery the cost of one jacket had skyrocketed to thirty five dollars due to the increase in the price of leather. The sleeves on letterjackets are all leather.
Another significant fact in
whether jackets are ordered is if the P.E. Departments budget can afford it. As Mcintire said, "The needs of the P.E. department comes first, then the jackets."
Some of Peru States Athletes have waited a year and a half for their jackets and Coach Mcintire feels he is not at fault even though he is the Athletic Director and responsible for ordering and seeing that the lettermen get their jackets. Mcintire would not reveal from whom he has ordered the jackets from this time but said everyone who has earned a jacket to date will receive theirs and that he doesn't anticipate anymore problems with their· delivery.
Odyssey to play at UNICEF benefit
Music for the UNICEF dance on Wednesday night will be provided by Odyssey, a local rock group.
Odyssey has been playin·g dance work around the western part of Nebraska and is looking forward to showing it's talents close to home.
The group is currently experimenting with and changing their music in an attempt to find their own style and sound. This band plays not only "rock & roll" and contemparary music but original songs written and composed by the group.
Odyssey also plays one set using accoustic instruments.
The group is a member of CID a. booking and talent agency Lmcoln, and plans to go into music professionally.
a senior at Nebraska City senior high school. Jeff : enkinselectric piano. Jeff is tl.e newest member.· of the group and a senior at Nebraska City high school.
1973 plays 66 of the Steve him. the one crowd win to day Otis a the untouched over first Conference of they in the State for The yards touchdowns. lON-Peru's 7-1-1 setback to· Peru's of
............ ......_......_.....,_.....,_.....,_,.....,.....,,..a.............................. EN'S LIBERATION WEE OCTOBER 29TH TO NOVEMBER 5TH
Members of the band are: Dan Gruber-accustic guitar and vocals. Dan is a freshman at PSC and a drama major. Lennie Lahman-drums and vocals, junior at PSC and a music major. Paul AndersonBass, sax, flute and vocals. Paul is a. music major and a freshman at PSC. Lori Gilbert-lead vocalist from Omaha. Devin Tackett-Lead guitar. Devin is :-································
Editor's Note: : - Letters to the : may now be placed either : m the Journalism Room 218 at : the Ed. Building in the box : marked letters to the editors or : Box nun;iber 120 at the College : Post .Office. Again letters must : be signed and handed in by ; Tuesday afternoon at 12
Since, of my reign as editor, wo!llen s hberabon _has become one of the most written about. subjects in the pages of the of the views expressed were for hberahzmg the female from her traditional roles.
We, the Ped Staff will now like to begin a program to give the Peru State coed a chance to part the roles inflicted upon her since we would like to initiate the first Men's Week at Peru State College starting right now.
During Liberation week the girl asks the guy out and picks up all the expenses, buys the booze, opens the doors, pays the motel bill and could even him remember the by buying him an ERA bracelet (see page 3).
The idea behind Men's Liberation Week is not to reverse the roles of the male and female but to let the.female have. a taste of the "male chauvinistic" traits the male is expected by society to perform In order to liberate the woman we must liberate the men.
This is a good week for such a thing because there are a few things happening on campus this week. We?nesday afternoon (appropriately) there's the sexist football game between the two dorms at the complex. That evening there's the SGA dance at the gym which begins at 9:30 p.m. and Saturday afternoon there's the Peru-Culver.Stockton football game at the Oak Bowl at 2.
It should be interesting to see how successful this Men's Liberation and Women's should be practiced everyday but there firs! to be a beginning. This week might be the begmmng. Happy Men's Liberation Week. ·
' Frank-D'Addesa Managing Editor
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor:
Of there is apathy, but who cares?
R. E. (Duqbar) Wernsman
P.s.·c. hosts swing choir
Peru State College will host a high school swing choir clinic according to Mr Edward Camealy PSC music· instructor. Date of the clinic is Nov. 6 the starting time Is 4:00 p.m. '
Camealy does not know how many choirs would attend at this time. Camealy said the guest clinician will be Gene Nelson music instructor at Midland College. Mr Nelson's group, thetClef Dwellers, will be on hand. There are four parts to the clinic. Mr Nelson will listen to each high school swing choir 'do two numbers. Peru State musicians Lenny Lahman, Paul Anderson and Curtis Robinson will be on hand as consulting specialists, Lahman on drums and Anderson and Robinson on guitar.
The PSC swing choir, the Clef Dwellers and the high school swing choirs will do a number
A Clef Dwellers performance is also on tap.
Prof. Camealy said the MENC is sponsoring the clinic. Dennis Ehmke is in charge of the PSC swing choir. The clinic is open to the public.
Journalism student defends Terrie
recognize her as the big bad article Ms. Terri Funkho
The United State has its Nixon, reporter who caused all the would probably receive dou the mideast has their Israel, rumors last week. A fellow the amount of all other re T.V. has Howard Cosen, and Beginning journalism student ters. Not because everyone Ii Peru State has Ms. Terrie wrote a rebuttle in the case of to read her writing, but, beca Funkhouser. the "Lobo" concert defending people want to hear her positi A freshman journalism major perhaps not the entertainment on the subjects and agree from Papillion, Terri is by far but rather the expendature per disagree. the most controversial girl on student enjoyment. A bias of objective piece campus. Her initiation into Every "bestowed" upon writing is no more than what college writing has brought us as Ped reporters as written as reporter sees. The. bittern about more cheers and jeers to we see it. The larger the news and "mud" that seem Peru since the 1952 Missouri papers of the cities groom their mushroom after one of Terri River flood. Editorials articles reporters up to the expectations are part of the job and letters written 'by Ms'. of the various editors and JOurnal1sm. Every writer fac Funkhouser have turned people publishers. And if your story is a popularity loss or gain over on, off, up, and down. Last week not personality profiled with articles, but if you are in t she received top billing in three your editor it more than likely business for friends you of the four letters to the editor ends up in the file marked B for better switch to the Salv concerning a previous feature on burn. In the Ped or most other Army and a sure thing. the Peru Homecoming concert. small school newspapers dif- good or bad Ms. Funkhous Criticism, compliments, in- ferences in styles is more articles who that some studen suits, and jokes seem to follow allowable to com.pensate for the of Peru State College still ca our reporter on ·each assign- lack of time and subscription enough about their olde ment. One half of the people she salaries. If we reporters of the fredom to express an opin· interviews probably do not Ped were paid for each printed and opinions, we all know, fath _ the news of tommorrows.
Walther, Smith volunteer as lifeguards
The swimming pool, UNICEF dance, sidewalks, SCB student survey, Kearney meeting, and the KNECO meetinl! headlined the October 23 SGA meeting.
Hob Wernsman reportea ne was told there was no work study to pay for lifeguards for the pool. Wernsman also stated Rex Allgood told him to come to the next city council meeting and the pool would be discussed. Two PSC students Jeff Walther and Chuck Smith had volunteered as life guards if a sponsor could be found
.,ert G02i! tkat mad Gcietttist, th'0t1e that live• it1 castle0t1 that a1:1 makes hf011.rttrs'?! \
sidewalks and that a formal Oct. 27 at Kearney State Col · letter should be sent to the city there will be a state coll council. meeting. On the agenda is
But ca11't it: at1other e11ormous muscle-bout1d 1 ' barrel-chest.ea brute screaming
,,..--..'-'">guttural gibberisli r
Jim Wolken reported that Rex Allgood was happy to see PSC interest in the sidewalks. Mayor Allgood said a city committee was already on the downtwon
-Wernsman produces "Butterflies"
"Buterflies Are Free" a two, act comedy, by L<:anord Gersho, has been chosen to be the next play produced here at Peru State college this year. The play is being directed by both Bob Wernsman and John Billings and supervised by Mrs Mary Ruth Wilson.
This particular play was chosen, Wernsman said "because of it's fame, and the capability of the students to do a good job with it." With only a few rehearsals so far and six weeks to go until production on December 3 and 4, Wernsman stated that "things are going suprisingly well." The cast consists of Michael Kelly, Trena· O'Banion, Jullee Tillman and Ray Boeche. ·
Prizes of $10, $7 .50, and $5 will question of alcohol on cam be given for the best costumes at The SGA will pay for the the UNICEF dance. Dr. Leland Tom Banks uses to drive S Sherwood, John Letts and Gary members to the meeting. Hoemann will be the judges. Nov. 8&9at Fort Hays, Kan Members of the SGA will be is a KNECO meeting. selling tickets. Kansas Nebraska Educat Results are in on the SCB Consortium trip will be paid student survey. Of those by SGA for any PSC mem returned most favor more going. It was suggested concerts, are pleased with the underclassmen attend the program is going, would meeting more than seniors hke more rock music, more big they will be in school longer name bands, wouldn't mind an On hold till the next meetin admission charge but not a a suggestion that the stage fl change in the programs com- be painted black. Presid mittee constitution to allow it Dean Young will announce according to Jim Lennerton. vice presidential nominee SGA approval next week.
Circle K elects officers
New officers for 1973-4 were elected at the regular meeting of Peru State's Circle K Club on Tuesday, October 16.
Tom Johnson, son of Mr and Mrs Merle Johnson of Osceola Nebraska; is president-elect. is a freshman majoring in Chimatology, Vice President elect is Karlene Badgett, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Badgett of Auburn. Miss Badgett is a sophomore majoring in music.
Susan sole begins her second term as secretary. The daughter of Mr Ernest Sole of Geneva, Nebraska, she is a
junior majoring in Element Education.
The office of treasurer n belongs to Miss Denise .Ha of Auburn. The daugnter of and Mrs Henry Haynes, she is sophomore r.;1ementa Education major.
A new office created this y is that of press agent. Elected this position is Miss Sally Hi field, daughter of Mr and Joseph Highfield of Lincoln. Sally is also a sophomo Elementary Education ma· Installation of officers take place at the next meetin Circle K on October 23.
She. orIT.. Gout'tds t'111e will terrorize that th'doct.or's t11'countr1:1side! it1ve11ti11g th' Well'? W0111en's Lib goc}r Movement. reaction?r
"The cooperation of everyone,'' Wernsman said, "has really impressed me, not only from the students, butthe faculty as well."
Aspecial novelty of the play, is the fact that a full kitchen, stove, refrigerator and sillk, will be used as part of the props. This is something never done before her at Peru State college. Price of admission will be $1.25 for adults 1 and 75 cents for students, "Butterfly's Are Free" will be put on in the school auditorium December 4.
PED NEWS TEAM STAFF Managing Editor Frank D' Add Assistant Editor · N Ed' Debbie Ba ews itor R Sports Editor· · '.......................................... ox , ·.·.·.·.·.-:··.- •· ·.-.·.-.-.-··.·.·.-.-.-.-.-.·.-.-:·.-.-·.·.·.-.-.-.·.·.·.· Rick DeKl P Whomen s Shports Editor , ........•...Gail Har otograp ers · • Day-e .Lai Ad Rich Ma Manager............... L" d M d' • ma ais Circulation Managers ···· ,. Phyllis Burri Terrie ·. Jeff Walth Artists Don J oche Bill Palm Contnbutmg Editors ·· · Bobbi Thie sf Bob Werns AdvJsor M E B · r. verett. rowni
Opinion ot all women respond to lihhers demands
:In general, people, while sympathetic to many of the women's liberation issues, are not entirely persuaded. Many complained that the voices are. too shrill, that the advocates of women's lib have gone too far.
Most women do not respond to the complaint that women are .treated as sexual objects. Most women are terribly pleased, no matter what their age, to have a whistle at them. They feel strongly that children need a full-time mother. They do not mind being called housewives,
and do not object at all to male clubs and bars.
There seems to be a myth which states women are unhappy and bored, unfulfilled and a lot of other things. Being a good housewife and mother takes every ounce of intelligence and ingenuity a woman can round up.
Some women feel so sorry for themselves that all they can do is march around screaming slogans and demanding that all other women fit into their mold.
Many women, on the other hand, do not want to see changes
Davidson-Palmer girls challenge men's dorm
Last Friday the girls of Davidson-Palmer led by their ach and housefather Stan ck challenged their neighrs at Clayburn-Mathews to a e of five man (or should I y five women) game of flag otball. Since the Ped went to press on ursday we cannot report if the ale students accepted the allenge. The game is to be eld on Wednesday at 4 o'clock the intramural football field. The rules of flag football are at the Clayburn-Mathews must pull a flag out of the ·.rs back pocket for the girls 'th the ball to be considered wn. The offensive positions · be quarterback, two ends, a nter, and a slotback.
Coach Hallock predicts that his girls will win by two touchdowns. The team's quarterbac,k reshman Nancy Kottich agrees and feels that speed is her team's greatest asset. She
refused to comment on the offensive strategy she will maneuver.
Offensive end Dee Stroble refused to predict the final score of the game but agreed that speed is their greatest asset. The rest of the offense consists of Eileen Scholl at the other end position and Beck Niday at center, the slotback position was pot yet filled.
Other members of the Davidson-Palmer team include; Susy Wheeldon, Debbie Glaab, Roxi Smith, Evelyn Palone and Connie Gregg. Residents of the dorm who are on.. Peru's Womens' Volleyball or basketball team aren't eligible because of fear of possible injury.
Dana Davis is the girls' assistant coach and Rick Rodney will work as the referee. Illegal use of hands should be one call he'll probably be making all afternoon.
made, but don't seem to be smoldering with any great sense of injustice. In fact many people feel the women's lib does not show a compassion toward men. Maybe more time should be spent on liberating men. How many men go off and fight wars they don't want to fight? Go off to work at jobs they don't like but feel they must keep in order to support a family? I guess you could say that the issue is not so much liberation as it is individuality.
If a woman does want to work, she should be able to do so on the
Peru ensemble on short tour
Nov. 18 to 20
By Steve Stafford
The Peru State College Concert Band Ensemble will be going on a short tour from November 18th to November 2oth.
To start the tour, the band ensemble will give a concert November 18th at 8 p.m. in the PSC auditorium. The group will then leave for Lynch, Nebraska, where they will play an evening and afternoon concert. The evening concert will be a benefit- for the Lynch High School band tmiform fund.
This year's Band Ensemble includes; Stage band, Swing Choir, clarinet choir, Roland Barrett-trumpet soloist, and a flute-piano-eello trio.
Featured selections will be the following: selections from Simon and Garftlllkel, from the
same basis as a man, with the same pay and same opportllllities. For the women who do not want it there happens to be a higher calling. This task only a woman can do; creating, developing, and teaching new human beings. As compared to building bridges or flying to the moon it is like playing with toys. Every male from a newspaper boy to President of the United States was created, molded and guided by women.
The worst thing about this movement is that it is distracting the attention of thousands of
women from more urgent and I important problems. They should get their problem straight. Instead of yapping about the men treating them as "sex objects" they might better devote themselves to more socially useful protests. Issues more important than whether or not women should do housework or let men whistle atthem in the streets. There is only so much time that each person has available to devote to causes and think that so much is being wasted on women's lib is not just' wasteful but truly evil.
October 29
6:00-7:00 P.M. Girls Volleyball Gym
October 30
4: 45 P .M. Circle KWest Dining Room Stu. Ct.
6:00-7:00 P.M. Girls Volleyball Gym
7:00 P.M. SCB Movie F. A. Aud.
October 31
3:30-5:00 Dr. Liewer Ad. 105
· 6:00-10:00 P.M. WAA Gym
6:00-7:00 P.M. Girls Vollleyball Gym
November 1
3:30-5:00 P.M. Dr. Liewer Ad. 105
4:00 P.M. Social Work Club F.A. 211 P.M. SCB North Half West· Dining Room Stu.
7:00 P.M. Newman Club T.V. Room s·tu. Ct. Novembe.r 3 ··
2:00 P.M. FOOTBALL tCulver-Stocktoni vs. Peru here
show, "Fiddler on the Roof" and from "Shaft", featuring u Curtis Robinson on guitar and · Lennie Lahman on percussion.
"Mother" of 83 only 22
Miss Adrienne Berger is 'mom" for some eighty-three ely females at Peru State liege.
The daughter of Mr and Mrs win Berger of Auburn, ienne, 22, is the new rookie emother of Eliza Morgan
Hall. The 1972 graduate of Midland College in Fremont has never before been a housemother and the coming year at Morgan will be her initiation.
The fifth child of a nine member family and residing as
a four year "dormy" at Fremont, Miss Berger has acquired probably more experience of a dormitory type of atmosphere than most students ever will.
"I enjoy the girls alot", Miss Berger said, "There are no major problems", but she was quick to add, "We do still have a few basic difficulties."
With a major in Physical Education, she is naturally trying to arouse the competitive family, she finds spare time to shop, write, enjoy suilshine and "play football with my little brother."
For now though, Miss Berger · hopes she can repay all the help she has received from the college administration and people of Peru. spirit of the girls to· participate in all the campus activities. A basketball rivc.lry is slated with Davidson-Palmer later on this month and Miss Berger hopes to help organize other intermur"l teams for the dorm. Her off days are usually fotllld outside. Coming from a rural Male prostitute available This week only. Please Contact Room 125 at ·Delzell Hall.
Equal Bights ,lmendment
Show your support for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment by buying and wearing the ERA bracelet. Made of nickel si1ver--with the.let ters E.R.A. pierced into it--the bracelet can be worn by both men and women. It will also make a nice Christmas gift..
Proceeds from the sale of the bracelets will go toward getting the Amendment ratified.
COST: $3.00 prepaid, including postage
ORDER FROM: League of Women Voters 11313 Frederick Avenue Beltsville, Md. 20705
1973 Funkhouse doubl repor lik because position or o t Terri' h· thi ha Salvatio Well Funkhouse studen ca olde Colle camp g S Kan Educatio £ t longer. meeting fl Preside h £· ·· no Hayn is .l!;tementar · Madis Butri Funkhous Walth 1 MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1973 PERU PEDAGO<rl:AN PAGE 3
Peru falls to Chadron
Costly offensive mistakes hampered Peru State in Chadron Saturday (October 20) night as the Bobcats dropped a Nebraska 'College Conference football game to the Eagles, 28-0.
Peru allowed five turnoversone lost fumble and four interceptions - while suffering their first conference loss of the season. A 'Cat win would have ashed them at least a tie for the '73 NCC crown since Peru !
would have been the only team unbeaten in conference action. Kearney State, 28-0 losers to Peru October 13, retaliated by defeating previously unbeaten Wayne State 21-0 in the other Saturday loop game.
Peru's offense sputtered throughout the Chadron contest, netting 11 yards rushing and 93 yards total offense. Chadron netted 162 yards rushing and totaled 282 yards offensively.
Chadron safety Randy Bauer
picked off three 'Cat passes and recovered a fumble to lead the Eagle defense. Bauer picked off four passes in Chadron's six previous games, leading his team in that category.
The match featured the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) District 11 two top rushers, Bob Houston of Chadron and Peru's Barry Reed. Neither player had an outstanding game overland, with Houston carrying 21 times
for 55 yeards and Reed 13 times for 25 yards. Houston, however, caught a 45 yard pass for a TD in the third period to put the Eagles ahead, 14-0.
The touchdown pass was nearly intercepted. Peru defensive back Otis Samuel cut in front of the intended receiver, Terry Myers, but tipped the ball into Houston's hands.
Penalties figured in the Bobcat ineffective offensive effort. Twice during key drives
Peru was called for illegal use of hands, a 15 yard setback. Officials whistled 21 infractions for the game, 10 against Peru for 88 yards and 11 against Chadron for 75 yards.
The Bobcats played without the services of their number two rusher, freshman Gary Rosenbeck. Rosenbeck was sidelined during the Kearney game with a bruised pelvis and possible kidney injury.
Injuries and inexperience· accounts for Cash to assist Dwine
Bobkittens' poor season record
Peru State's women's intercollegiate volleyball team, plagued with early season injuries and inexperience, held a 37 record before traveling to Chadron for a Saturctay (October 20) triangular meet. Casper (Wyoming) College was the third team entered in matches beginning at 11 a.m. on the western Nebraska court.
Five team members had varsity experience at the beginning of the season in late September: Patty Johnson, Humboldt junior; seniors Jane Green, Brock and June Bottcher, Syracuse; and sophomores Gail Harmon and Kim Albin, both from Dawson.
Other squad members are: sophomores Darcy__ Lippold and
Barfly's STRAF
Aliie Stoltenberg, both from Omaha and freshmen Ardella Klein, Adams, Linda Uher, Milligan, Patty Harpham, Aubur'1, Deb School and Ann Jones, Falls City and Teresa Kingery, Sidney, Iowa.
June Bottcher is presently sidelined with a hand injury sustained in October 15 competition. Several teammates have been temporarily sidelined with minor injuries, but are now available.
At the season midway point, the Bobkittens have outscored Doane, Creighton and Tarkio, with losses to Wayne, UN-0, College of St. Mary (Omaha); Kearney, Concordia and UN-L.
Several 1973 squad newcomers are new to competitive..,
Intramural Football Final Standings
volleyball other than physical education class experience.
Mary Jo Mier, PSC women's physical education director and team coach believes a "B" team schedule will help these players. "We're having to develop athletes as the season is in progress," reports Miss Mier, "and the team is having to learn to work together, Team play should improve as the season continues," she added.
After Saturday matches at Chadron the squad will meet John F. Kennedy (Wahoo) on the PSC court Monday afternoon, October 22. Friday, October 26, Peru's Bobkittens travel to Creighton for a 5 p.in. match.
Sterling High School
Johnson-Brock High School
Atiburn High School
Wilber High School
Norris High School
Lincoln East High School
Southeast High School
Nebraska City Sr. High School
Results-Round Four
Senior Jim Cash will assist Coach Marty Dwine in coaching this years Bobcat wrestling team.
This came about with the help of 'the former coach Vincent Monseau. When Monseau learened of Cash's ineligibility for the upcoming season, he was recommended to Coach Dwine to take the position.
Cash, who wrestled at 158 last season and boosted a 17-4record, feels his 10 years of wrestling experience will help him in coaching some of the younger and lesser experienced grapplers. It will also take part of the load off Coach Dwine ·as there
are about three times more candidates than last year. His official title is "Student Assistant Coach." He will receive no pay for the position but it will go on his permanent school record. He hopes to find a coaching position in Lincoln
· after finishing his coilege education and thinks this experience will be extremely rewarding for him.
Cash is in his second year at Peru. He is from Erie Pennsylvania and attended a junior college before coming to Peru. He lives in Peru with his wife '.Kathey Taylor Cash of ·Auburn, whom he married last summer.
Bellevue Sr. High School
Clarinda High School
Hamburg High School
Farragut Comunity High School
Bryan High School
Exeter High School
Crete High School
Nehawka High School
Results - Round Five
Barfly's 18 STRAF 7
Latecomers6 Nat&Coo
Bush Bonsl Fu's o(Forfeit)
The Barfly's, under coach-quarterback Tom Popek captured the intramural football title last Other team members include, Gail Bly, Tom Craig, Rick DeKlotz, Dave Green, Jim Marteney, Doug McElroy, Terry Neddenreip, Bill Pruett, Chuck Rombach, Dave Rombach, Robin Simmons and Dean Young.
All team captains of teams wishing to play intramural volleyball should contact coach Fitzgerald by 12:00 p.m.· Friday, November 9. Any new teams wanting ·to compete should turn in ,rosters by this time.
Beginning MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1973 (today), the administration of campus motor vehicle ·regulations will be transferred from the Building and Grounds Department to the Office of Student Personnel Services, which is located on the third floor of the Administration Building. This means that the registration of automobiles, the issuance of temporary or guest parking permits, and the filing of compliants or appeals should, from this time forward, initiate at the Office of Student Affairs.
Guidance Counselors from the following High Schools will be on the Campus on Wednesday October 31. Students presently attending Peru State College who have graduated J'rom these invited to attend a discussion period on Peru State with these Counselors·which will be held from 1:30 to 2:30in the Student Center Cafeteria.
PORTRAITS in professional color. Best price around12 5x5 prints only $8.00. Call me for appointment or sample book.
Ph. 274-.5294
Auburn, Nebr.
S.G.A. UNICEF Dance & Freakers Ball
Wednesday, Oct. 31 Halloween Night 9:30 p.m.
Prizes awarded for Best Costumes
Dance to Odyssey
Tickets $1.00 available at: SGA Office, Business Office, Game Room Office, or any SGA member. Support UNICEF· Plan to attend.
Latecomers BushBons Nat&Co. Fu's Barfly's
STRAF6 Latecomers
5 0 3 2 3 2 2 3 1 4 1 4
Fu's o(Forfeit)
o Bush Bons o (Forfeit)
I I I I I • s i I I
Students to elect new SGA V-P
Selection of a new vicepresident of the Student Governing Association will be made via a campus-wide election on Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 20 and 21, it was decided at the last meeting of 'the SGA body, Tuesday night.
The groups set the time limit for the election to be throughout Tuesday and Wednesday morning until noon, following a Monday 6 p.m. deadline for petitions.
There will be a poll taken at the same time as the election proceeding occur, to determine student feeling concerning the changing of the class time schedule. Academic Affairs has
suggested that first period classes begin at 8 a.m. rather than 7:30 and run until ten minutes before each hour.
Also stated at the meeting was a treasurer's report, this for the first time during the school year. The minutes of the meeting show that the SGA has $800 with which to support it's activities for the rest of the school year.
The group decided to pay for receipted meals and gas to send members to the Nov. 16 and 17 meeting of the Nebraska State College Student Coalition at Wayne State. It was reported that a poll of students concerning liquor on campus will be reviewed by the state college student group.
There ·Nas additional discussion concerning a variety of matters at the meetinp:, including the rejection of a proposed sidewalk motion, rather than limiting the schools funds for paving that have been slated for use in building a tennis court; lights not being used at the Complex parking lot; and the inability of the school Security Guards to defend themselves against dogs on campus.
A motion was made and passed that SGA go on record of favoring the Security Guards having a way to protect themselves. A representative from the group was selected to contact Dr. Pearson concerning the situation.
New publication at PSC
Anew publication for the Peru State College Admissions Department is about to be "born."
Dr. John G. Niehardt was a visitor to the Peru State campus on several occassions. His most recent appearance was during April of 1971, when the College Auditorium filed with Southeast Nebraskans traveling to hear him speak. (Photo courtesy of Nebraska City News-Press).
Nebraska poet dies
Dr. John G. Neihardt, braska's poet laureate who at the home of a daughter in lumbia, Missouri, November was well known on the Peru te College campus from visits anning 54 years. Dr. Neihardt as 92 years old.
His most recent appearance at State was in April, 1971 en students and visitors from theast Nebraska filled the liege auditorium to hear him cite his famous poetry. His first known visit to PSC as to a class in modern poetry 1919 when his friend, the late Itomer House, was head of English department. Dr. · ardt was then writing his ous epic, "The Son of Hugh ass'', two years before nored by an act of the ebraska legislature naming Poet Laureate. During his eate tour" in 1921 he again visited the Peru campus and returned in October of 1965 when repeating the tour.
Peru State students enrolled in the Nebraskaland Tour miniurse last Spring climaxed eir trip with a visit to the poet
in Lincoln, where he made his home with friends, Mr and l\!rs Julius D. Young. Dr. Neihardt allowed the students to sit with him while he recited some of his work and reminisced about Nebraska pioneers and Indians.
A native of Sharpsburg, Illinois, Neihardt moved to Nebraska when he was 10 years old. He was later a student at Wayne Normal School, predecessor to Wayne State College. He lived many years in Bancroft in the northeastern portion of Nebraska, and was editor of the Bancroft Blade.
Critics have acclaimed Neihardt as "the American Homer". Writings include "A Cycle of the West" - five epics of the conquest of the west. Much of the information was gleaned from his association and friendship with Oglala Sioux Indians.
Other works include poems and epics of experiences of Indians and white men on the plains. He was personally acquainted with braves involved with Custer's last stand at Little Big Horn River.
The publication, tentatively named 'innerviews,' will be sent to high school counselors and prospective Peru State students, according to Admissions Director, Gary Hoemann.
Hoemann moved up to Director of Admissions after serving as Admissions Counselor last year and working in a similar job earlier for the 'Peru Achievement Foundation.
According to Hoemann, the·
PSC has enough fuel
Classes and activities at PSC will not be reduced this winter because of the national energy crisis, a Peru State official said Wednesday.
George Wendel, superintendent of buildings · and grounds, said all of the campus buildings are heated by natural gas on a "non-interruptable" basis.
Under a ''non-interruptable" contract, PSC will receive its allotment of fuel as long as the gas company has gas in its lines, Wendel said.
In 1857 James Miller Williams discovered oil at Oil Springs, Ontario and set up a small refinery. However his endeavor brought him only a limited amount of recognition since many people felt - some resentfully so - that to find oil in a place named Oil Springs was something almost anyone could have managed.
objective of the monthly publication is "to keep high school guidance counselors and prospective students informed, not only things happening on campus, but also things of general interest, such as financial aids."
lnnerviews, to be published by Maverick Media in Syracuse, will be tabloid size similar to the Pedagcigian, and will be edited and mailed to members of the Student Admissions Committee who work with the Peru State Admissions Department.
Bob II
After three years of Peru he's still going strong. Bob II, the live Bobcat mascot is very particular about his diet. He likes raw meat especially kidneys and livers. However he doesn't.eat every day. He generally eats .every other day. To keep him healthy he is given vitamins.
Bob II was acquired as a. joint effort of the Blue Devils pep club, P Club and SGA in January of 1971. He arrived air' express from Florida and lived in a temporary cage placed in the lower level of Peru's gymnasium until a sturdy permanent home was built on the campus grounds by the maintenance crew with funds furnished by SGA.
Untamed and dangerous ,Bob II lives east of the Administration building. He has automatic water and his home is kept warm in the winter by steam heat that runs under it. With all these facilities Bob II should be quite comfortable. The only thing he's missing is a female companion.
Hoemann said he plans a preliminary mailing list of about 1300 persons to receive copies through the summer besides the school year. He added that the number would increase regularly, to correspond with the increase in the number of prospective students.
Besides general information concerning current events occuring on the campus, tentative plans call for a regular feature on the subject of financial aids, a monthly interview with a particular faculty member and an indepth study into two-year programs offered by the college.
Swimming starts
"An excellent showing" states Swimming Coach Edward J. Craren after 28 prospective swimmers showed up at the Peru State College pool for the first AAU organizational meeting.
Most swimmers are returnees from Crarens summer swimming program. Nine are from the Peru area. There were only three representatives from the PSC campus, but Craren feels once the practices are regulated he'll have a larger contingent of college swimmers.
Omaha Westside High School will host PSC and other colleges November 22-24 at the Midwest AAU Swimming Meet.
All swimmers must become members of the Amatuer Athletic Union (AAU) before they can compete. said application to the AAU will be completed before the first meet.
Anyone still interested in joining the swimming team may report at the PSC pool on Tuesday and Thursday nights from six to nine o'clock p.m.
Students work at own speed
The Ancient Greeks probably had a phrase for it, "School" to the Greeks meant one or two teachers, small groups of students, and a method of teaching that encouraged each scholar to proceed according to his own capability.
That concept in modern form is being used in at least two courses on the Peru State College campus this semester. It's called "competency based education" and it works like this,:
At the beginning of the semester, students in Human Growth and Development and in Foundations of Education were given course outlines and goals. From there it was up to each student to progress as far and as fast as his abilities let him.
Just as in the days of Old Greece, teachers are available. They are called "resource persons,'! although students may use outside resources ranging from other students to library materials.
Workshop here tonight
A three hour Transactional Analysis Worskshop will .be conducted on the Peru State College campus beginning at 7 p.rn. Monday, November 12. Sponsored by the PSC Newman club, the workshop will delve into why you do and how you do it.
Father Mel Rempe, Newman
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor, We would like to take this means to inform students of the rules that must be followed if we are to continue having movies on campus.
THERE IS TO BE NO SMOKING FOOD OR DRINK IN THE AUDITORIUM WHILE THESE FILMS ARE SHOWING. We have been informed that if the cigarette burns, spills and litter don't stop, we will no longer be permitted the use of the facilities. Since there is no other suitable place to show the movies, we would no longer be able to present them.
The Student Center Board does not make the rules for what can or cannot be done in the buildings. We have to obey them like everyone else. If you find that it is just impossible to make it through the entire movie without a cigarette, then please leave the auditorium while you smoke it!
We realize it's only a few students that are violating the rules, but they're ruining it for everyone else If you want to continue to have movies on campus, please have enough consideration for everyone by following these few, simple rules.
Club director and Pastor of Peru's St. Clara's Catholic church, said the workshop covers the layman's understanding of ego-statis and personal conduct.
Workshop leaders will be Father Jerry Schumaker and Father Bill Rucker of Frernon.t. Both have conducted similar workshops.
The session, free and open to the public, will be held in the Student Center "fishbowl" lounge.
Avery Island, La., where Tobacco Pepper Sauce is produced, is actually a mountain of salt only thinly covered with earth.
Bids needed for paper
Paper shortages around the nation have not gone unnoticed at Peru State College. According to Everett Browning director of Special Services, some difficulties have been encountered in getting enough paper for college use this year.
Browning said that last year mimeograph paper, for instance was 89 cents a ream, while this year the same paper is $1.21 a ream from the lowest bidder.
Paper companies are reluctant to bid because they have nearly all of the business they can handle at high prices, he said. Paper for the 1973-74 school year was assured the college by the three lowest bidders; Field Paper Company, Carpenter Paper Company and Western Paper Company.
Browning said he believes that six months from now paper will have to be bought wherever it can be found without benefit of bids.
You are not likely to see as in the days of old, students and teachers strolling through olive and citrus groves sipping wine and sharing knowledge. It's illegal. to drink wine on state college campuses, for one thing.
But you may see students and teachers at PSC sipping coffee or Cokes, while they share knowledge; and the classroom.• may be under the oaks, if the weather is fair, or in that modern "Parthenon", the Student Center, if the weather is brisk.
Or you may find the students in a classroom working individually or in small groups assisted by one or more of their teachers who include Dr. Torn Scherer, dean of education, Evan Vanzant, and Michael Currier.
"Competency Base" has been popular with students," Dr. Scherer said. It lets a student work at a speed that is best for him without being held back by slower students," he said.
A CHOICE--------------
As the intensity of my troubles seems to lessen, it is heightened.
As I finish my task, I realize I have only started.
I gain admiration only to have my ego slighted.
I know a true friend long enough to know we've parted.
I've put my faith in a person long enough to know my faith is falsified.
And I love a person long enough to know the loving's done.
But in a world of such materialism, my being is justified.
And if I were a tree, T would choose not to be one.
Dr. Christ still very active here
After 27 years of active college life at Peru, one would think Dr. John Christ has had enough excitement. The 1973 spring retiree of the Peru State College administration department has just began to "excite" his life. When Dr. Christ "cleaned out his desk" at the science building earlier this year, and placed his name on the list of retired college professors, he didn't really leave P. S. C. Once or twice a week you will see his figure ducking in and out of the science building, completing unfinsihed business and helping different students with projects.
The former Dean of the School of Natural Sciences, Dr. Christ has just returned from an extensive camping trip to Oregon. The trip included some leisurely camping and fishing within the vaious public campsites located in the northwest United States. While near the west coast, Dr. Christ and his wife visited their oldest son in northern California, and upon their return they visited another son in O'Neil, Nebraska.
Since his absence from teaching at the college, Dr. Christ has been keeping active through his various hobbies. Camping and traveling are rated number one as his favorite activities. Summer and fall · yardwork are enjoyable tasks that help occupy Dr. Christ's spare time.
In addition, there is always repairing, handiwork, and tinkering around the Christ household and occasionally, work with wood and furniture. Dr. Christ spoke of a future southern trip, and hinted that cam ping might find a place on ·this one also.
He likes his home here in Peru and plans to remain a Nebraska resident for a long time. No matter how many of these encountering jaunts he takes, the best wishes and grateful thanks of a small college go with Dr. Christ as a reminder of the many memories at P. S. C.
Managing Editor Rick DeKlotz
Assistant Editor Debbie Barton
News Editor· Rox Hill
Sports Editor · Rick DeKlotz
Women's Sports Editor Gail Harmon
Photographers Dave Lainc.z
Rich Mayo
Ad Manager _. Linda Madisqn
Circulation Managers
Phyllis Butrick
Terrie Funkhouser
Jeff Walther
Artists Don Jochems
Contributing Editors
Bill Palmer·
Bobbi Thiesfeld
Bob Wernsman
Advisor Mr Everett. Browning
Thank SCB Executive Committee
Dr. Wilson has many interests
Music and enthusiasm are emical bonds to Dr. Gilbert E. son. After 17 years at Peru, Wilson is proud of the her of students he has ed out .into the world with same two qualities.
r. Wilson, a man with tiple interests that range auto racing to oboe
qualified as a teacher, the Navy put him to work in musical therapy. He was to concentrate on battle fatigued soldiers from World War II.
After he was discharged he ·managed a teaching position at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois. He taught music, directed the school band, and participated in several bands in Galesburg, including the Galesburg symphony, all at the
a sudden and near fatal turn. He was stricken with paralitic and· bulbar polio. For five months he lay in the hospital. Three weeks of that time he was on the critical list. At one point the examining physician had an iron lung prepared but two hours before Dr. Wilson was to enter it his condition improved.
and says that in his 38 years of teaching, students still have the same problems they had years ago. He is a man of principal. His experience with polio gave him a new outlook on life. He said casually, "I don't want to get ·Polio again, but the experience taught me to have faith in my fellow man." He has learned to enjoy life more and says, "If someone is going to do something, it takes him just as long to do it right as it does to do
it wrong, so he might as well do it right the first time."
For the little spare time that he does have,· Dr. Wilson enjoys fishing and is an avid baseball fan. He gets season tickets for Omaha Royals each year.
t wasn't easy for him after h school, however. He duated in the middle of the
ession in 1934 and joined a eling band. Not long afard, he was in Missouri with band and saw his opportunity further his education. He ived his BA degree in Music Missouri college. He said his memorable experience in was competing against the t Glen Cunningham in St. ·s. "He never lapped me," Wilson said as he smiled. Dr. Wilson met his wife Mary h at college and they were arried in 1938. He joined the Navy and played the band for two years. Being
same time.
While attending a meeting for music instructors in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Dr. Wilson's life took
Peru State Colege's fall band concert will be Sunday, November 18 at 8: 00 p.m. in the college auditorium.
Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson will direct the program which will include "March Grandioso" by Roland Seitz, "Quixote" by Mannie Klein, "Battalgia" by W. Francis McBeth and highlights from "Fiddler on the Roof" by Barnick and Bock. Other numbers include selections from Issac Hayes' "Shaft" and "Sounds of Simon and Garfunkel" by Paul Simon.
It was, however, doubtful if he would ever walk by himself again. The only thing he could hope for was the use of crutches and braces to make him able to move from one place to another. But1 with the detennination and courage given to him by his wife and doctor, he was able to walk unassisted within five years after being discharged from the hospital. Not long after he was back in Galesburg directing the Galesburg Symphony Orchestra.
Dr. Wilson received his Masters degree in 1955 at VanderCook college of Music where he studied under Eugene Ormandy. Altogether he has received over 250 college credit hours, intluding majors in history and social science. In 1970 he received his doctorate in Musical Arts of Music Education at the University of Missouri at Kansas City.
His activities at Peru include membership on the town council, Board of Trustees, Head, of the Music Department, and one time President of the Kiwanis Club.
Wilson, his three children, and his wife have been connected with music at one time or another. Mary Ellen, the oldest daughter, is involved in musir in Lincoln, Jim is in music in Green Bay, Wisconsin; and Janet, the youngest, will enroll next Semester at Peru State in music. Mrs Wilson is the only one of the
who intended to go into
music now. Dr .Wilson had in-
tended to go into recreation work
f with the YMCA. & He finds students interesting
Style Cuts
Blow Waving
Auburn, Nebraska Phone 274-3198
Three students involved
in traffic accident
He and his wife plan to retire in Peru eventually '.'because we like the small town." His retirement won't come for a while though. "I'm still a young man," he said. ing, played high school all, baseball, and ran on the team. He also played in the 1 band. His best sport was , so he went to Southeast uri State College on a -Track scholarship.
Three Peru State College students were involved in a twocar collision early Monday morning, October 29.
The students, all prospective PSC wrestlers, were Paul Brown, who sustained numerous lacerations and a serious triple fracture of the leg, Mark Miller and Tom Simmons. Miller and Simmons suffered lacerations about the face and severe bruises.
The trio were proceeding south on highway 73-75 toward Peru from Omaha in Brown's 1964 Ford Van. As they approached the southern outskirts of Nebraska City, they were suddenly struck almost head-on, by a northbound vehicle. Brown and Miller were thrown into the
Class Pictures for 1974 Peruvian
dash and windshield. Simmons was thrown through the right front door which had opened upon impact.
The northbound vehicle was driven by Roger Ulfers. Also in the car were Richard Bennet, Edward and Paul Christensen, and Larry Sterling, all of Nebraska City.
Both Miller and Simmons, said they still plan to wrestle for Peru this year. Brown, however, will be unable to wrestle this season because of the severity of his injuries.
Spring schedule is on the way
The spring semester class schedule for Peru State college is in final typing, according to Dr. Frank Bowers, vice president.
Typing was to be completed Friday and printing to begin. The schedule will be available at the registrar's office the week of November 12.
room of Student Center
Friday, November 16th
SALE-10-Speed Bikes
5 COLORS 3 frame sizes
Simplex Shift
Center-Pull Brakes
Fall Close-Out Sale
$79.50 - Sale Price
$119.00 Regular Champlin Station
401South11 Nebraska City
Plant Protection Officers
Security Company seeking high caliber men or wome11 to work in industrial plant full or part time.
Must be 18 years or older
Clean background
There are no major changes in the schedule. Night class times will be shown on the front cover separate from day classes, to reduce confusion.
A single color page will contain night classes. ,There will also be a night class folder available at the registrar's desk. Fees will be the same as this semester, Dr. Bowers said.
Doane College
· November 17
!Women's Volleyball State Championship at Doane f
f8:00 Women's Volleyball State Championship at f '
Top Pay Fringe benefits
Uniforms furnished
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Apply in person to main guard house, Cooper Nuclear Station, Brownville, this week.
v f
t November
3:30 Gamma Theta Epsilon F.A. 110 ,
f 6:30 Home Economics Club Meet in front of Ed & Building Y 7:30 Alpha Mu Omega West Dining Room Student f f Center ·f November 13 f 't 4:45 Circle K West Dining Room Student Center f 6:00 SGA F.A. 212 t ;t 6:30 Phi Beta Lambda F.A. 105 & t 7:30 SCB vs. Faculty in volleyball 1 .. November14 t ·· f 9:10
f f 104,
f f
& t November
T 4:
f t
t f
t 6:30-10:00
f Dining
f p:oo
j ·, November
Seniors and Underclassmen
A.M. Language Arts Reading Program F.A.
105, 211, 212 and 205.
8:30 Girls Dorm Basketball Gym
00 Social Work Club F .A. 211
5:00 SCB North ·Half West Dining Room Student
Dinner night Faculty Women West
Room Student Center
Newman Club Faculty Lounge
Y8:00 SCB Movie F.A. Aud. f
f .....
Be careful
There are babes in the woods.
'f!1e zipper was invented by Whitcomb L. Judson in the United States in 1891.
Bobcats share NCC Crown
Peru State earned a share of the Nebraska College Conference (NCC) football champi<;.1ship Saturday night (October 'll) by defeating Wayne State in thePSC Oak Bowl, 20-16.
They share the crown with Kearney State, with both clubs finishing loop play at 2-1. The most recent year a Bobcat team owned a portion of the championship was in 1965 directed by Coach Ervin Pitts, also shared with Kearney.
· Although out-yarded 290-192 by the Wildcats, .Peru had no turnovers during the game but intercepted two Wayne passes' and forced Wayne to fumble twice.
The first Bobcat break came midway through the first period when Mike Hall recovered a Wayne fumble at the 49. A four
yard carry by Kim Tennal and a one yard gain by Barry Reed placed the ball at the Wildcat 44 where senior quarterback Terry Criger hooked up with Gary Rosenbeck on a screen pass for a score. Rosenbeck had a convoy · of blockers to clear the path and a final block by Bill Hosack at the 10 put the finishing touches on a picture-perfect pla!:
George Hendricksen added the first of two extra points he would kick for the game with 4:35 left in the quarter.
Wayne retaliated quickly after receiving Peru's kick-off, marching 79 yards in 11 plays to knot the score. The big plays during the drive were a 38 yard pass from Rick Benedetto to 1 Dean Ott to the Peru 29, and a pass interference call on the Bobcats on fourth and eight at the 17 yard line. The penalty
moved the ball to the nine, ana after a short gain by Brian Moeller, Benedetto hit Ott with an eight yard scoring strike.
Peru was unable to move the ball effectively on their next possession, and after a poor eight yard punt by Rosenbeck, Wayne had good field position on their own 40.
It took the Wildcats only two plays to take the lead, with pesky split end Maurie Mintken taking in a 56 yard pass from Benedetto, out-racing Peru defender Henry McCullough the end zone.
After an exchange of punts, Peru was backed up on their own three yard line, as Wayne's punter Ott found the coffin corner. On the next play, the Wildcats earned two more points on a safety, with Wayne's Tom Allie tackling Criger in the end zone.
Wayne took a 16-7 lead into the dressing room at halftime as ,neither club moved the ball effectively following the safety.
Following Wayne's second punt of the third quarter, Peru started on their own 20 and drove for a score in 11 plays with Terry Criger going the final 27 on a broken play for the tally. The scoring play came on a fourth and six with Criger going to his right after finding no one for a hand off. Criger cut back to the left near the Wayne 20 and scampered to the corner of the end zone with 2:02 left in the stanza.
The other big gainer in the drive was a screen pass from Criger to Rosenbeck for 25 yards, good to the Wildcat 33.
The winning score was set up in the fourth quarter, as Brent Moeller fumbled a Rosenbeck
Gary Rosenbeck, freshman running back from Gutherie Center, Iowa takes off on a 90 yard scoring play that helped Peru to a 62-21 trouncing of Culver-Stockton. Rosenbeck's play is the longest from scrimmage this season for the Bobcats. He has accumulated 499 yards so far this year, and is averaging 5.7 yards per attempt.
Offense rolls up 569 yards
Read the Ped
Culver-Stockton bows 62-21
Peru State's football squad rolled up 569 yards total offense in defeating Culver-Stockton of Canton, Missouri, 62-21 Saturday afternoon (November 3).
The 62 points represents the most counters. a Bobcat team scored since 1958 when Coach Al Wheeler led Peru in a 62-0 defeat over Dana. Leading the way for the offense was freshman halfback Gary Rosenbeck with 177 yards on 10 carries. Fullback Barry Reed gained 175 yards in. 16 attempts and Kim Tennal 60 yards in 10 tries.
Rosenbeck scored twice as did end Ario Wusk who caught passes of 35 and 16 yards for the tallies. Senior quarterback Terry Criger completed six of 10 throws for 121 yards and three touchdowns. In addition to connecting with Wusk, he tossed a 'll yard aerial to Bill Hosack. The 'Cats eventually had things pretty much their own way, but the opening minutes were different. On the second play of the game, Wildcat Jim
Wilson broke through the· left side of his line and raced 87 yards for a score. Bobcat defender Dave McDaniel was unable to make up enough ground after Culver-Stockton running back broke into the secondary.
Peru missed an excellent scoring opportunity minutes later when Brent Jones fumbled a 1t0senoeck punt on his own 14. Rod Wartman recovered the ball for PSC and returned it to the six. On the next play Criger fumbled and Culver-Stockton regained possession.
After three plays, the Wildcats were forced to punt. Two plays later Rosenbeck went off-tackle for the tying score with eight minutes to play in the first stanza.
Peru's second score climaxed a 66 yard-nine play drive with Hosack taking in a 27 yard pass from Criger for the points.
A fumble by C-S's Larry Mandrell set up Peru's third score with 5:21 remaining in the second period. Peru moved 49 yards in three plays with Kim
Tennal going to the right side offtackle for the final 25.
Gus Krajicek and• Dave McDaniel, who picked off three Culver-Stockton passes, led the Bobcat defenders. The Peru defense stiffened noticeably when the Missourians neared Peru's goal line during the second and third quarters.
From their 20., following an interception by McDaniel, Peru marched for another score in seven plays with Wusk outwrestling Culver-Stockton's Brent Jones for the 35 yard end zone pass from Criger. Halftime score showed the Bobcats leading, 28-7.
Fumbles opened the second half - two for Peru and one for the Wildcats. A third PSC fumble was recovered by PSC's Reed. Criger took to the air hitting over the middle for a score with 9: 32 left in the third quarter.
Two minutes later Rosenbeck turned in the day's longest scoring play after a fumble recovery by Bobcat freshman Fred Marisett. A clipping
punt at his 35 yard line. Robert Herron recovered t ball and Peru gained a chanc for the go-ahead score.
From the 26, following a fiv yard penalty against Wayne f offside, Rosenbeck carried in the line for four yards to the
On the next play, seni fullback Reed, who usuall carries into the middle of th line, went outside to his ri around end and sprinted yards to the goal, running over Wildcat defender in the proc Peru's defense was excell in the second half, giving yards here and there, but nev letting Wayne cross the dou stripe for a score. The Wilde deepest penetration of t second half was to the Bobcat on their first possession. Bobcat defensive seconda suceptible to long passes season, came up with two terceptions, one by Otis Samu plus another by Kim Tennal, t game ending play which snuff out any Wayne hopes of pull tne contest from the fire in t last seconds.
Dwine's squa to have seven return
Seven returning letterm head the 1973-74 Peru St Wrestling squad under n coach Martin "Marty" Dwi Dwine joined the PSC staff t fall after two years at Belle College. He led teams to an 1 record in 1971-72, and an 1 record during the 1972campaign. Matmen at Belle had not won a match in th first four years of competiti 1 before Dwine came. '
penalty placed the ball at the Peru lOwhere Rosenbeck took to his right side, was assisted by a Reed block on the Peru 25 and had a clear path down the west sideline to push Peru's total to 41.
Culver-Stockton scored on their first two possessions in the fourth quarter with Doug Wilson passing on nearly every play. He hit Mandrell on a six yard strike and connected with Jim Wilson on a 73 yard screen pass two minutes later following a Bobcat punt.
Wendell Henderson put Peru on the scoreboard on the next kickoff with a spectacular 89 yard return in front of the Culver-Stockton bench.
Jim Ford, freshman halfback, set up Peru's next touchdown with an interception at the Bobcat 48, returning it six yards. QB Criger initiated a seven play scoring drive then tallied from the two. Reed ran 10 yards for the final TD, climaxing a 96 yard drive, with 1:34 remaininl!.
Strengths of this season: Bobcat team will be in fi weight classes represented last year's National Associati' of Intercollegiate Athlet (NAIA) final championships .•. Gary Lesoing (126), R Wartman (142), John Whis!' (150), Dean Anstey (167), Jim Rezac (HWT) all return season with national fin experience under their Anstey wrestled at 177 la' season, but has decided to dr to 167 this year to benefit team.
Two other returning 1 termen, Jack Stanley (118) Kim Tennal (158) give the sq added experience that will pr valuable.
The overall picture sho returning letterman, or jun' college transfer at every wei class except 134, where t candidates are all freshmen. Peru's 1973-74 schedule difficult with 20 duals and fi tournaments on tap. Dwine-fe ·· the Bobcats' toughies co · petition will come from No' thwest Missouri State Un versity, Morningside, Way· State, University of Nebraska Omaha and Chical!o Universi(
2 Peru State College seniors named to ''Who's Who 1973-1974''
Tom Froehlich, Algona,, o's Who Among Students Iowa-A biology major, Tom erican Universities and has been selected as an "Outges" has selected twelve standing College Athlete of State College seniors for Anierica" for his Peru State 973-74 honor. team efforts in football, Guy Rosenberg, Director ·basketball and baseball. He is a dent Personnel Services member of Beta .Beta Beta, ru State; said the students professional honorary biology chosen on the basis of fraternity, and served as mic excellence, extra- dormitory counselor at Delzell ular leadership and Hall. Son of Mrs. Evelyn of future leadership. Davidson of Algona, the has earned a cumulative Garrigan High School graduate point average of 6.5 or has received special abilities on a 9.0 scale, and all h l hi · f tball d rned Dean 's Honor Roll. sc oars ps m oo an basketball and a Peru "tion one or more Achievement Foundation ters. scholarship. He and his wife, ents selected nationwide Linda, live in Peru. Tom plllllS a a resume of their ac- _teachJn_g career. .after "shments wi11······.be graduation next May. din a volume latP.r this Mary Elizabeth Goergen, by the Tuscaloosa, Ala., ()sage, Iowa-Upon completion ization. · of elementary school physical
·Andrews She win' present a campus art .show in April, 1974.
Stephanie Glenn Lang, Pawnee City-Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Glenn <RFD n, Pawnee City, Mrs. Lang is majoring in vocal music. She received Peru State's Outstanding Music Student Award two years, has earned Dean's Honor Roll recognition for perfect 9.0 grade average two semesters; has been active in choir, swing cho.ir, madrigal and band; and holds membership· in Music Educator's National Conference (MENC) and Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary education fraternity. ShewilLpresenthersenior voice. recital Dec. 2. She was awarded vocal special abilities, Ak-SarBen, A.J. Warneck and L.J. Barnes Memorial scholarships. Mrs. Lang will complete student teaching next semester and expects to graduate in May, 1974.
years and as a Junior was selected Homecoming queen and attendant to Spring Week ·queen. A cooperating school scholarship was granted to her. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schultz <RFD 2), Tecumseh.
Jack Stanley, Truro, IowaJack is currently president of Beta Beta Beta, professional ·honorary fraternity in his major field, biology. He is also a member of Kappa Delta Pi, national education honorary, and Lambda Delta Lambda physical science honorary. H is Delzell dormitory president this year and was elected president of his class as a junior. He is student representative to the campus student affairs commission, and a member of the Peru State Education Association <PSEAl. A three year letterman in wrestling, Jack will compete on the 1973-74 Bobcat squad. · Jack's parents.are Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Stanley, <RFD ll; Truro.
State's first jtmrnalism intern in · the Spring of 1973 with the Syracuse Journal-Democrat. Currently he i6 internitig as editorial assistant with The Peru Challenge. He is directing the Dec. 3-4 presentation ,.1)( "Butterflies Are Free," and is directing a choral reading for presentation at "Buffalo City, U.S.A." Bob is acting president of the Peru JayCees and is working: with others reactivate the organization. He was awarded the Pearl A. Kenton scholarship in language arts a$ a junior. Bob has been active 01. the student admissions council and assisted in the PSEA tutoring program when a freshman. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wernsman, Sr., (10623 Ml Omaha, he an-· ticipa'tes graduation next May.
Staters selected and education student teaching in accomplislunents follow: Beatrice, Miss Goergen ·will Lynne Albin, Dawson- receive her BS degress in r of Mr. and Mrs. Ken physical education this FD 1), Dawson; Kay is December. She was awarded entary education major special abilities scholarships ating August, 1974 for two years, was a varsity tion. A member of the cheerleader, vice pre8iderit of State Education Music Educators National iation (PSEA), she served Conference <MENC); Women's ice president her junior Athletic Association <WAAl; She is a member of Dra- women's basketball team; band ub; captain, Kitty Kadetts and stage band; and Kappa team; and a member of · Delta Pi, national honorary pa Delta Pi, honorary education fraternity. She is the tion fraternity. She has _daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larson Memorial and Lawrence N. Goergen, (303 1 State of Nebraska South 10) Osage rships. Mary Elizabeth Hill, Tabor, Lee Barton, Nebraska Iowa;-An English major, Miss Majoring · in library Hill is currently a ce and history, Miss teacher at Glenwood, Iowa n was awarded Janet senior high school. She has and cooperating school served as .president, English arships. Her activities Club; president, Sigma Tau e: vice president, English Delta, national honorary ; president, Phi Alpha English fraternity; member, a, national honorary Kappa Delta Pi, national fraternity; Peru State honorary education fraternity; tion Association <PSEA); Peru Student Education State Social Science Association <PSEAl; Morgan Y<PSSSl; and Sigma Tau Hall dorm council. She edited a, national honorary the EnGlish Club literary ish fraternity. The .1970 magazine, "Sifting Sands" for ka City · High School two years and has been active in te is the daughter o( Mr· speech and drama activities. s. Lloyd Barton, (718 N. Daughter of Mrs. Violet Hill braska City. She is (703 Orange) Tabor, she has Ing work for graduation received Embree Memorial, May.
Linda Sue Madison, Sidney, in elementary education,. Miss Madison anticipates August, 1974, graduation. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Madison, <RFD 2) Sidney. She has been an officer in the Peru Student Education Association <PSEAl; member of Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary education fraternity; Morgan Hall dorm council; on the · Dean's Honor Roll each semester; and advertising manager for the Pedagogian newspaper two years. She was awarded a Peru Achievement Foundati'on scholarship her .freshman year. She will complete student teaching next Spring.
Pearl Kempton and Charles
rning leaves-some alternatives
a clear crisp November ing, when the air seems and the sky cloudless, it is to imagine walking onto pus where you are met by smell ·of burning leaves wed by a cloud of smoke.
In this day when one of our primary concerns is ecology, we should be trying to preserve the environment instead of aiding in its destruction. The smoke is polluting the air, the same air we breathe. It is up to us to arrive at
Pat J. Schultz, TecumsehMiss Schultz will complete business education-business administration requirements for graduation in May, 1974. She has been active in Phi Beta Lambda, honorary business fraternity; Women's Athletic Association <WAA); intramural volleyball; Student Admissions Council; and was president of Davidson-Palmer dorm council two years. She has been a varsity cheerleader for two some suitable alternative to the problem that exists.
Being aware of the problem is a step in the right direction, but it s not enough. Working to eliminate the problem is the next step. Alternatives other than
Carol Warnke, Dunbar-Miss Warnke, anticipatitig a ·BS in home economics next May, has served as president of the Home Economics Club, hospitality chairman of Student Center Board, and is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, education honorary fraternity, Women's Athletic Association <WAA) and Peru Student Education Association <PSEAl. She was selected to attend the National American Home Economics Association convention in Denver last year. Miss Warnke plans to teach home economics in Falls City next Fall and is currently completing student teaching in their high school. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Orville Warnke, <RFD 1) Dunbar.
Robert Wernsman, PragueCompleting a major in journalism, Bob has held editorial positions on the Pedagogian newspaper and Peruvian yearbook staffs combined with participation in five Peru Players drama productions, membership in the English Club, Drama Club, Gavel and Rostrum, and presidency of his sophomore class. He was peru
Carol Zorn Wheeler, Auburn-Mrs. Wheeler has earned perfect (9.0) grades five semesters while majoring in English. She has been awarded an Alice Kenton Language Arts scholarship, is a member of Sigma Lau Delta, honorary EngHsh fraternity; Kappa 'Delta Pi, national education honorary; and English Club. ·She expects to graduate next May. Wife of Dennis Wheeler (1621 16 Street) Auburri: she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zorn, Uriion.
Pool to open soon
"The swimming pool should be open for free swimming within two to three weeks," says SGA President Dean Young.
Young introduced the opening idea at a recenf meeting of the Student Governing Association. He plans to meet with city and school officials to arrange c. nor.conflicting schedule.
continuing to burn leaves would! be A) collect the leaves and them as filler.
n:J use the leaves as a compost substance.
C.) dispose the leaves in a sanitary landfill.
Last year, the pool had remained closed until January. The SGA hopes to have the pool open sometime before the end of November. Dave Lainez, Chuck Smith, and Jeff Walther have volunteered to work as lifeguards on the tentative three day schedule. The swim sessions should be free for all PSC students.
"There's still a Jot of details and conflicts to work out in the scheduling," said Young, "But we'll try to get it as soon as possible."
senior usually the right 22 a process. excellent up Dwin 11 18· 1972-7 the' season' fiv Associatio eti' 1 Ro. an th· final" belts. ; la dro · th junio ; weigh. th, 5: r fiv Dwine-fee ' com; Nor' Uni• Wayn a Universitv\
At today's prices, a take-out dinner is finger-lickin' good, and that's about all you get out of it.
+ + +
They're refrigerating the safety deposit room at our bank - helps keep the steaks stashed there in prime condition. Remember when "inflation" meant the act of blowing a balloon up?
+ + +
A piggy bank is where the head of the house gets his bus money the day before pay day.
on the uprise
Has the idea of .erematiop ever occured to you?
Has the excitement of having ashes strewn over the seas or over the mountains ever come to your mind?
It may be something we have to think about in The future.
In the state of Nebraska alone, the rate of cremation in a one year span has· increased 25 per cent. Frank PribQsky, general manager of Forest Lawn Memorial Park said there is a rise in burial costs which probably figures in ,with the number of persons choosing cremation. Forest Lawn handled 14-0 cremation in 1972 compared with 175 so far this year. The rise in cremations in the Midwest is ·climbing at a relatively slower pace than on the nation's ·coasts, "Where they have a · space problem that we don't have as yet," said Pribosky.
A wood box for ashes requires only a 20X20 inch space comoared with a 9x4 foot plot for a
unc room zs not target-practice, area
A lulichtoom serves the purpose of seating and feeding those students enrolled in the food program provided in the student center. ·
I fail to see the purpose it is beginning to serve as a playground for throwing food.
There are a lot of people who have thrown food before, and there are those who will continue to throw food. At the same time there are people who go· to not to play a game of dodge-em.
After stepping down from the high chair, mother is no longer there to slap your hand when you send food sailing across the room. It becomes the individual's oerogative whether to
Media center
do this or not. We are college students no although some have seeming! forgotten this.
It is a problem brought on by a few at the expense of the majority.
I find it har,dly amusing o enjoyable to be hit in the head by a low flying radish or to be caught off guard by a sling of peas.
Throwing food serves mer· not only as a spectator spo where you can sit on t sidelines and watch but as participating sport as well. It a shame though it can't be add to the curriculum so as thos who enjoy it could get credit for it as well.
is well equippe
The media center at the library consists of audio and visual materials which can be checked out. by the students for use on a paper or other classroom assignment.
Students are encouraged to use the center and instruction on use and maintainence of the equipment is available. Film loops, tapes, records and· transparencies are only a small part of the wide variety of materials available to the students, and use of the equipment and material is free of charge.
The climbing perch or walking fish is known for its ability to stay out of water for days. The fish has a special breathing organ over its gills which enables it to absorb atmospheric oxygen or take oxygen from water, The World Almanac says. The fish will, however, drown if it is kept under water. The gourami and paradise fish are popular aquarium fish which also have this breathing organ.
Copyright © 1973
Newspaper Enterprise A5sn.
traditional burial.
Also those people who prefer to be cremated also prefer some ritual scattering of their ashes across the seas or something just as romantic as a pantheistic out look connected with the thought of becoming one with nature rather than being buried as is customary.men you have stopped to think about the dollar sign connected with a burial it might be wise to consider the possibilities of cremation.
Whether we like to admit it or not some funeral businesses are a rip-off. They extend sympathy and good will and print up holy cards while the dollar signs are dancing in their eyes. I'm not saying this is true of all but many.
By all means cremation is not for everyone, Noting that it is prohibited by Catholicism and Orthodox Judaism.
Yet it does serve a purpose from a practical point of view and in this day and age that is something to think about.
There are over 500 films available to students and instructors to view in the classroom. All classrooms on campus are wired for television as of this summer, to make the use of the equipment as convenient as possible.
Part of the media center consists of tapes which are copied from the air and shown in the classroom at a later date that may be more convenient. The center also aids in speech
classes where the students speeches are recorded and played back so the student can view himself and observe in which areas he may need improvement.
Paul Kruse, director of in· structional media, urges all students to use the services offered them.
Peru has one of the best programs, as tapes can be recorded and played back in color. The college also encourages students to use the equipment and materials on their own, whereas other schvols tend to discourage individual use.
The library can also loan; material from the Education Unit No. 4as a free service to the students, or it can also h order 16mm film through an public library for a postag charge only.
If a student has any questions or wants more information about the media center they should see Mr Kruse or any of the personnel at the library for help.
A bloodmobile will be at the 4-H building m Auburn today from 12-6 p.m. to receive blood from donors.
Persons under 20 must have parental consent in order to give blood.
"Were it left for me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter."
-Thomas Jefferson,
Managing Editor ·.•••· llick DeKlotz Assistant Editor Debbie Barton Women's Sports Editor •.• •.•.": ·.·.·.·.·.·.•.•.•.•.•.·.··'·'.•.•.•.•.• •.•.• Gail .Harmo'n Photographers : Dave Lainez ············. Rich Mayo Ad Manager ··:.•:.·::.·.·::.•.•.• Linda Madisqn ·Circulation Managers :•. ••..;:.··.·.··:··::·······:···· Phyllis Butrick Terrie Funkhouser Jeff Wal th er Artists ··::.•:.•.•:.·:::::::.•::::::::.•.••::.•.•.•::::"·.· ·····:.·.-:::: Don Jochems · Bill Palmer ·Contributi11g Editors ,. ...•,.,.,. .•,. ,. •.•.•:.·····.·:·Bobbi Thiesfeld Bob Wernsman Advisor • Everett. Browning
Obtain peace with Transcendental Meditation
The way for each individual to be peaceful is, of course, through Transcendental Meditation. For the forest to be green, every tree must be green. In order to have world peace every individual must be peaceful.
For those who hear the word Transcendental Meditation and say "What?" it is a process of :direct experience rather than one of in six intellectual analysis. Every thought that goes through our heads is an impulse that comes from deep within our psychic minds. TM allows the conscious attention to be drawn automatically to the deepest and most refined level of thinking. It is not as though we will all become divine and wise deep thinkers after your first introduction in TM. This is a misconception.
Through personal instruction anyone can learn the technique and begin to enjoy this contact with the source of thought. It's almost as if we can com· municate with those, thoughts that rarely ever come to the surface but are never the less there just the same.
To some TM is like a lecture, boring in its insubstantiality, and irritating in that it· sometimes pretends to be· scientific. Those who feel this · I way also feel that the most 'elementary logic can see that it. isn't the least bit scientific.
During your first. period
the only concrete information you are given is your "mantra " This is a Sanskrit word or one more syllables that will serve as the vehicle for turning the mind inward and to more and more levels of refined thought. ·
The word itself is meaningless (to those who know nothing of Sanskrit.) This is important because it provides no images of its own but rather helps the meditator clear his mind of thought through the gentle repetition of this sound.
Dr. Beanson through his article In Scientific American explains that the early experiments with TM show that' "through ones mental state one can alter his physical state."
The practical usefullness however, of such altered states · <if consciousness and their value are yet to be' established. Yet TM is a suitable alternative to getting high or getting drunk. Many use the method of drinking or getting high as a scape goat to relieve tension or repressed emotions. TM can do as much for you as the combination of the other two vices or even more.
Every meditation is a good meditation. The only measure of meditation is how it will effect your life.
In any case it may offer relief from whatever chaos or unpl easanlness that may be present in your life by displacing you from your emotion.
Try it - you may like it!
!! VOTE !!
S.G.A. Vice-Presidential
election, Tuesday and Wednesday
Play opens December 3
The highly successful movie and novel, "Butterflies are Free," has been made into a play, and will open on the Peru campus December 3rd and 4th. The play is directed and produced by Bob Wernsman and John Billings.
The leading female role was cast to Trina O'Banion who plays Jill Tanner. The mother, Mrs Baker, is played by Julee Tillman. ·Phil Rogge plays Ralph Austin, the director of the play Jill tries out for. She uses this as an escape factor to evade a particular situation. Mike Kelly plays the "tied to his mothers apron strings" blind young man who has never been out into the world. He was always sheltered from reality by his mother to the extent of being tutored ·at home.
Cafeteria costs are going up
Worried about the rise in prices? We all are. There is a lot more we can do than just shake our heads and say "I know it's bad but what can I do?"
Merle Huber, cafeteria manager at PSC has set out to deal with the problem of higher prices. He wants to give us the best food possible while still trying to keep the prices down. One of his main objectives is to cut out waste.
From September of '72 to September of •73· the rise in prices of food · products has skyrocketed. Ground Beef has gone from 69c a pound to 99c a pound. This is an increase of 44 per cent. Bacon has gone .from 76c a pound to $l.26. This is a 65 per cent increase. Even macaroni has gone up. Last year it was 20c a box. Now it is 37c a box. This rate of increase is 80 per cent. This gives us some idea of the size of the problem Mr Huber has.
There is a registered dietition on the Broughton Food Staff that is qualified tO' design nutritional menus for college cafeteria programs. There is a specific meal plan that Mr Huber follows daily. There are four different meal plans for the four different weeks in the month.
Occasionally a monotony breaker is run such as the buffet style dinners. Recently we have had the Mexican Style Dinner. There will be another coming up for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The added luxuries Mr Huber has given us includes a hot Chcicolate machine and a new automatic coffee maker. It takes initiative and knowledge to serve food attractively as well as nutritionally and still maintain a balanced budget.
There is a food committee set up by Broughton Food Service that meets to act positively on complaints voiced by the student body. They also welcome new ideas as to how the food service can better serve you. H you have a suggestion or complaint this board wants to hear it. There is a representative in every dorm on this -committee.
Now that we better understand what is going on maybe we can better appreciate it.
It's a spewing smokestack. It's litter in the streets. It's a river where fish can't live.
You know what pollution is.
But not everyone does. So the next time you see pollution, don't close your eyes to it.
Write a letter. Make a call. Point it out to someone who can do something about it.
SGA news
Topics discussed at the SGA meeting Tuesday night, November 13, included SGA Vice president election help, a campus ·poll, plus committee appointments.
Jan Mutchler, Sharon Duerfeldt, Dean Young, and Scott McKercher voluntered. to help run the election, and members began setting times they could help with that election set for Tuesday and Wednssday mornings of this week.
A poll on alcohol on campus was to have been done by Thursday of last week. The poll was to be handled by the newly formed research committee.
A motion was passed for SGA to favor any action taken by Dr. Douglas Pearson to re-instate the Home Economics and Drama Departments. It was stated there were 19 Home Economics majors affected by the budget cut.
This week Dr. Pearson will attend the SGA meeting to inquire as to why the security men are unarmed.
SCB president, Fritz Stehlik said that next week the SCB will formally challenge SGA to a volleyball game after Thanksgiving:
Venezuala celebrates its Independence Day on July 5.
Home Economics
The Home Economics Department is ALIVE and RUNNING: Here on campus the doors are not closed for Home Ee. majors. The girls in Home Economics decided early this fall to continue the Home Economics Club operating on a local basis only.
The officers for the club are Mary Paap -:. ·President, Chris Berger · Vive President, and Laurita Tackett • Sec-Treas.
November 25
• 9:00 AA U Swim Team Pool
Sponsoring the club are Dr. Vernon Siegner and Mrs Louise Kregel.
A few activities planned for the rest of the year are a visit to a period house, a Christmas Party, a talk on FHA, plus many others.
The black and white cow is unknown in China to this day.
The first school of arts and crafts in Canada was founded at Cape Tourmente, Quebec, about 1668.
Com pare prices· for bargains
By Mary Beth Paap
Have you ever eaten a dan-. delion? Many parts are edible · you know. Dandelions grow in great abundi)I!Ce especially in ill-kept lawns and they cost less than most veget;ibles. ·
However very few people; acquire tastes for dandelions, people today enjoy the more conventional foods, ::;uch as. mez ; and potatoes.
In t ·ocery stores today prices vary depending on how the food is prepared. A working woman may enjoy cooking, but pay the price of the convenient foods. ln most cases the easily prepared foods do cost inore than meals made from scratch.
As a shopper you should look for bargains, do some paring in prices, and how convenient is the food item in yow. case. The foods the shopper buys depends largely on if he or she wants to save money or wants convenience.
till 12:00
AFRO·Amer F.A.
6:30 P.S.E.A. F.A.
7:30 Tri Beta Sci
7:30 Sexuality
6:00 SGA F.A.
•· 9:00
November 19 6:30
20 4:45 Circle K West Dining Room
212 6:00
AA U Swim Team Pool
Epsilon Pi Tau IA 29
CLASSES November 21 9:05 Sigma Tau Delta FA 104
November 22 and 23 THANKSGIVING RECESS
li\ Keep America Beautiful 99 Park Avenue, New York, N. v: 10016 f!ll • The Advertising Council
People start pollution. People eon stop it.
Season ends at 5-5
Bobcat mistakes cause 41-0 loss
What happens when a football team loses four fwnbles, suffers three interceptions and has a center snap fly over their punter's head?
The result for Peru State Saturday night (November 10) was a 41-0 loss to Doane College, NAIC champs, at Crete.
Although NCC co-champion Peru's total offense lacked only 80 yards of equalling Doane's, the Tigers took advantage of 'Cat mistakes and wielded a tough defense to run up their score.
Doane's Floyd GUillory kicked a pair of 32 yard field goals while quarterback Gary Knapp scored twice to lead the Tiger attack.
Linebacker Jeff Mollring intercepted a Terry Criger pass and returned 75 yards for the night's longest score.
The Tigers used a potent ground attack for the win with Guillory picking up 70 yards in onlv nine carries and Steve Schulz 63 yards in 14 tries.
Doane was ranked 18th among NAIA Division II teams in ratings released prior to the
game. The Tiger success over the last five years in football has reached an 85.9 winning percentage.
Doane also erred during the contest, losing three fwnbles, but Peru failed to convert any of the miscues into scores.
The Bobcats's deepest penetration was to the Doane 29 in the first half. Gary Rosenbeck punted only five times. All other drives were halted by fwnbles or interceptions. Peru ran 61 offensive plays to Doane's 59, but relinquished possession in their
own territory so often that Doane needed few plays to 'score.
Criger, Peru's starting senior quarterback, was injured in the second quarter and did not reenter the game. Post game examination revealed pulled rib cage ligaments.
Freshman Mark Fletcher took the reins, but couldn't guide the 'Cats into the end zonP..
In retrospect, Peru players agree Doane has a good ball club, but believe the PSC' miscues allowed the shutout.
The Bobcats finished the season with a break even mark of 5-5.
The 1962 'Cat squad was the most recent to win 5 games, also coached by Jack Mcintire at the helm from 1961-'63. Their season record read 5-2-2. The 1965 Bo beats, coached by Ervin Pitts, were most recent NCC champs, sharing the title with Kearney as this year's champs do. That season's record was 4-5. Mcintire returned to the field in 1972 after the squad was led for three years by Joe Pelisek.
Basketball season opens Decem her 1 Harriers earn 4th in district
On December 1, the Peru State basketball team will open their season against Concordia with hopes of repeating as Nebraska College Conference champs. However, they will have to do it in a different fashion than last year's team. It will be an entirely different squad from a year ago, when Ananias Montague gunned for a 25.8 points per game average. But returning regulars have improved sufficiently enough to take up the slack, according to Coach Jack Mcintire.
Forward Bill Hunter, last year's second high scorer with a 17 .3 average will provide scoring punch as well as rebounding power.
6'3" sophomore Dan Parker should provide some sharp shooting over at the other forward, and may see some action at the post position.
Freeman Beville, a 6'4" freshman, who is according to assistant coach Montague, is one of the best on the team, Will also play forward. He has good speed with excellent shooting
Speed will be an important factor in the success of this year's Bobcats. Mcintire stated that they are faster than last year's team, but also said that 'the use of pressure defenses and fast breaks would only be employed if the game situation calls for it.
Sophomore Rick Minor and junior Bob Craig are the only other regulars back from last year's v'll'sity ;,quad. Standing 6'9", Craig is ti•e only returning letterman at t .1ter, and has a good chance t start. Minor sported a 5.4 avi;t·age in 19 games last season as a freshmai:; and should be extremely helpfUI at forward.
Overall, the 1973-74 'Cats should be better than last year. Their schedule is a tougher one and improvement should come as the season progresses. Due to the nwnber of freshmen on the squad, inexperience and the fact that most of the members have not played with each other before as a team, mistakes can be expected, but it should be another exciting season of Peru State basketball.
Peru State's cross country team finished fourth in· NAIA District 11 Championships held Saturday (November 10) in. Seward.
DOane placed four runners in tlie top· 10 to win the event with 36 points. They defeated runner-up host Concordia by 13 ·tallies. Kearney State was third with 60 points, finishing of Peru and Midland with 103 arid 115 respectively.
Chadron and Wayne State entered too few runners to br eligible for team points.
Concordia's Dan Cloeter ran the five mile course in 25:25 to emerge as individual champion. Cloeter's nearest competitor was Lue Graesser of Chadron with .a time of 26:06.
Ron Storant, freshman from Humboldt, led Peru rurners at 27:29, good for seventh place.
Bill Sell, freshman from Weeping Water, was the only other Bobcat harrier to finish in the top 25, thus qualifying for the national finals. Sell ran ·the course in 28:29 for 17th position. Phil Fritz, Verdon sophomore, barely missed qualif:,iing, running the distance in 29 :03 for twenty-sixth place.
other PSC runners were Bob Lowery·, 29:12 - 28th; and Ralph Arnold 29 :36 - 31st.
Ron Storant, freshman Peru State College cross country runner, qualified for National NAIA competition in Salina, Kansas when placing seventh in the District 11 competition at Seward. Storant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Storant, DuBois, was the first Peru runner to cross the finish line with a time of 27:29.
Another movie, "The Getaway" will be sponsored ·by Clayburn-Mathews on November 29, Housemother Mrs Johnson reported.
A Christmas party for Clayburn-Mathews dorm members is still in talking stages, with' money being the main factor in determining where, when, and how the party will be arranged.
The Clayburn-Mathews dorm will now have 24 open hours a week instead of 18. The new hours are 6 p.m. to ii p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 p.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturdays, and Sunday 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Hair Styles by BETTY
Style Cuts
Blow Waving
Auburn, Nebraska Phone 274-3198
Hunters take more than 34,000 Fox squirrels annually. Nebraska Game Commission biologists said more could be taken without affecting future supply.
Security Company seeking high caliber men or women to work in industrial plant full or part time. Must be 18 years or
Read the
SALE - IO-Speed Bikes FLANDRIA BRAND 5 COLORS 3 frame sizes Simplex Shift Center-Pull Brakes Fall Close-Out Sale $79.50 - Sale Price $119.00 Regular Champlin Station 401South11 Nebraska City
Protection Officers
older Clean background Top Pay Fringe benefits Uniforms furnished An Equal Opportunity Employer Apply in person to main guard house, Cooper Nuclear Station, Brownville, this week.
Freshman enrollment up at PSC
Peru State College's final fall enrollment figures show day, night and off-campus class total at 853 compared to 975 a year ago.
'"fhe encouraging factor in this year's total is the rise in oncampus freshmen enrollment'', Dr. Kelly Liewer, Registrar, , stated.
First time freshmen total 213 compared to 165 in the Fall 1972 semester.
Transfer students numpering 40 also exceed last year's 27 on the Psc·ca.mpllS. ······
President Douglas W. Pearson, taking the helm of Nebraska's 106 year old institution in mid-August, joins admissions department personnel in the belief that Peru State has turned a corner from · enrollment drops in recent years.
"Southeast Nebraska communities have a revitalized interest in Peru State," Dr. Pearson commented, "and with increased effort from businesses and individuals plus campus recruiting, we expect to to attract new .students to Peru State."
Final enrollment figures were released after off-class counts were recently completed.
18 years at PSC
Courses taken to communities' in 'loutheast Nebraska continue in popularity with 121 students taking classes this semester in Tabor, Iowa, Beatrice, Nebraska City, Plattsmouth, South Sioux City, and Brownville.
Additional fall 1973 enrollment data shows the senior class (day and night students) next largest to the freshman group, with 180. Junior total 115 and SQphomores 132. Comparative figures from 1972 show a drop of 26 at the sophomore level, 48 fewer at junior standing and 34 fewer seniors.
Current enrollment indicates 56 fewer full time day students, 11 fewer night students and 55 fewer off-campus students than a year ago.
Freshman and transfer enrollment began to slide in the fall of 1970 when freshman numbers slipped from 1969's 294 to 224 and transfers dropped 37. The decline continued in fall of · 1971, with 209 freshmen and 67 transfers. At their lowest in 1972, freshman enrollment dipped to 165 and transfers to '%/. These figures include freshmen and transfers enrolled in day and night on-campus classes.
Mcintire resigns
Jack Mcintire, teacher ana c coach at Peru State for 18 years has resigned.
Maclntire, whos resignation was effective November 30, was , PSC's athletic director, head football and basketball coach plus track coach.
Mcintire, a former mayor of Peru, recently coached the football team to a share. of the Nebraska College Conference title and an overall season record of 5-5. His basketball teams have won seven NCC crowns and appeared at the
State College Student Coalition formed
g1,1therings in front of the state
national finals tourney in Kansas City four times.
Mcintire served as a high sehool coach for ten years at Falls City and one year at Auburn. The Omaha World Herald and Lincoln Journal-Star both honored him as High School Coach of the Year in 1956 for his work at Falls Cjty.
Officicps at PSC have reported that no· replacement has yet been found to take over Mcintire's duties. Dr. Erv Pitts has taken charge of the current basketball squad as an interim coach until a new mentor is named.
The budgets presented by. th,e capital at the tirrie the bill is The second meeting of the Board of Trustees as he put it being read and be prepared by newly formed State College "Got ,,the tar whacked out of of to Student Coalition was held in them by the Governor. possible obJections. The Wayne, Nov. 18 and 19 at Wayne "We're at the bottom representatives of the state state College. (At this meeting, place to go but up, said colleges who attended the it was decided to broaden the Cramer. This was the meeting all agreed that now is purpose of the organization from consensus expresse? m a the time to apply pressure and to working just on alcohol on discussion that prevailed keep applying it throughout the campus to becoming a ween student representatives year starting with politically active group.) from the state colle?es. idea of a letter wr1tmg camTogether the four state colleges has mstructors This would consist of are striving for a retainment of teachmg 18 to 23 hours out oflove gettmg students, parents, and faculty and department · for the institution." Cramer alumni to write letters to the programs as well as the present added. state Senator from their districts budget against future cutbacks. R. J. Ley, of asking them to supporUhe State Alan Cramer member of the student affairs at College's in their plight. Few Board of from Wayne, University, disucssed his people realize the danger these spoke to the group at the colleges i:><>licy on alcohol on are night session. He started out by campus with the group Saturday growmg possibilities of closmg saying that the role of the board morning: Students are them do.wn. Peru br?ught up the by the Nebraska statute is that alcohol m rooms m suggest10n of settmg up an of a policy making group not an other areas with the perm1sswn wit_h the Governor administrative group. The main of the dean. Ley stressed the sometime yet this semester and purpose of the board is to help pulling power of sen?ing letters have all the representatives ,of form budgets for colleges, to and the importance S:C.S.C. present to confer with The budgets are based on of m every endeavor we him. enrollment. ·During the time of decide to Ley The idea of lobbymg by the increasing enrollement, the of a bill is bemg students of t?e four budgets never kept pace with the drawn up m the legislature by colleges was discussed. This increases. Because of this and Senators Cavanaugh-and Fowler would mean several students of other cut-backs, the state with clauses _for alchohol each college go up to colleges are now in trouble. and sellmg estabhshments on on a given and Cramer blamed the decline in camous. which would apply to combme efforts by talking to enrollment on the end of the all colleges. It was brought up different Senators and to the draft and the fact there are less this could increase enrollment Governor himself. college age people. as well as bring back some of the .state lobbyist Ed_ White from As it now stands the budget is students who are presently Lmcoln was the thrrd speaker, based on student credit hours. 'living off campus. Cramer offering suggestions ·to the The more credit hours being mentioned the fact "yve have possibility of state colleges and taken the higher the budget. bigger fish to fry" right now the University of Nebraska Cramer said this is a poor way to than the issue. of alcohol on hiring a lobbyist. White strongly base budgets. campus. .is no longer our recommended building a b:oad "State colleges got white obJective but a goal to of_ and move washed last year by· the game strive towards after· some of our m the ?f the legislature and the governor other problems are solved. support. The 1s. right. to were playing," said Cramer. Ley suggested student really work hard, said White.
Sales, ads supply funds
Yearbook production under way
Production of a 1974 Peruvian is on the way! Results of sales and indications of future sales, organization page sales, and ads from establishments of local and surrounding communities will provide the necessary .funds for the annual. Mr and Mrs Stan Hallock, dorm parents for DavidsonPalmer, will sponsor the 1973-74 yearbook. American Yearbook Company has been selected as the publisher. Bobbi Thiesfeld is the editor of
the annual, with Barry Landes and Deb Barton as Assistant Editors.
Barry Landes will handle the college personnel section, Riek DeK!otz, sports, Deb Barton and Rita Miller, activities, Jo Throckmorton and Marie Schmidt, organizations, Marge Jelinek and Eileen Laggett, seniors, and Tom Ballue, underclassmen.
Photographers will be Mr J. D. Levitt, Dave Lainez, and Wayne Ambler.
Senior and underclassmen pictures were taken November 16, and will be taken again on December 14, from 10:00-3:00. You can plan to have yo•ir picture taken then.
Approximately 130 yearbooks have"been sold, but more sales are needed to reach the production quota. Yearbooks may be purchased at the business office and the dorms. You may also buy one at second semester registration.
VOL. 69 NO. 10. -
Peace Corps worker is world traveler
Have you ever thought of traveling to Japan, India, Afganistan or Norway?
Have you thought of spending sometime in the North Seas on a sailboat? Dennis McDonald has done all this and has been all over. the world. McDonald works for the Peace Corps. He spent most of Tuesday, November 27, at Peru talking and handing out leaflets and handbooks about the Peace Corps to interested students.
The qualifications needed to be accepted by the Peace Corps or by one of the branches such as Vista or R.S.V.P. is that you must have a skill gained through education or work experience.
The skills applicable to Peru students would be those planning on becoming teachers, social workers, students who have an agricultural background or have grown up on a farm or possibly those who are working toward a business degree. All of these skills are greatly needed to help those a lot less fortunate than ourselves.
McDonald said that some of the main problems he encountered when going into a foreign country were the cultural and climate differences, plus the language barriers.
McDonald has been working
with the program ·since February of 1971 and he is still not convinced the types of changes America is working for in foreign countries.are the types of changes these ,countries actually need. He feels to impress upon them that the way the Americans do it is the right way and the way it must be done is not a philosophy that will benefit these countries.
McDonald said one of the hardest things he had to do to adjust to this sort of life that he had always wanted to lead was to appreciate the way other people live in these underdeveloped countries.
"Americans are used to luxury and they are conditioned not to live without it to varying degrees. Food and clothing are the only necessities we have and the only things we need to survive," he said. ·
By traveling from college to college he has noticed a decreasing · interest in organizations as the Peace Corps.
He believes this is due to the end of the draft and a change in the way students are thinking. Peace Corps and organizations like it are still alive, but it will take the interest and concern of our generation to keep such programs from being snuffed · into the ground and left to. die.
- another view
Tired of hearing about Watergate? Wish they wouldn't interrupt your favorite soap opera or the football game to let the President address his public via television? Kick yourself where it counts.
History is being made. A scandal the likes of which we may never see again in this country is developing and .it can be seen Ii ve on the tube.
In its own way, Watergate is better than a soap opera or a game. It has its petty feuds, · deceit, man vs. man, hostilities, and you better believe there will be lots of penalties.
Instead of being tired of hearing about this fiasco, you might try getting a little tired of not hearing about so many other things that are going on in this government of "ours." It is a lesson to be learned. The voters of Massachusetts and one quiet man from South Dakota knew what we were in for all the time.
Dogs poisoned around Peru
There has been a recent outbreak of "suspected dog poisonings" in the surrounding Peru area.
According to Mayor Rex Allgood this is a present concern of city officials.
Allgood said the statistics stand now that five dogs have been found dead within the last two weeks.
Three of the dogs were family pets according to Allgood with the other two being unclaimed or considered strays.
Mayor Allgood pointed out that tests are being conducted on the victimized dogs to determine the cause of death, E. W. Peck, veterinarian in Auburn sighted the cause of death might have been strychnine poisioning.
Wayne State has severe fuel shortage
Although Peru State College has had no trouble with the fuel shortage because of its unlimited supply from Peoples Natural Gas, other college's across the nation have been 'allocated.
According to contract Peru's services are .uninteruptable, but because of Peru using unecessary energy it may mean somebody else will have to go without. Peru will receive fuel as long as there is fuel available, but unfortunately this cannot be said for everyone.
At Waune State, they are suffering.one of the most severe .fuel shortages in the Midwest.
Thermostats in the town and in the dorms have been turned down to 68 degrees. Night classes have all been moved to only one night, and they are considering moving them all into one building.
The street lights in· Wayne have all been shut off and the classroom lighting has been cut in half. The city and college are making a coordinated effort to conserve enough fuel to keep both the college ;md the hi!!h
school open this winter as well as enough heating fuel to keep homes warm.
The University of Nebraska at Lincoln is considering extending · Christmas vacation into February due to the shortage of fuel for lighting the buildings.
Peru stands aloof from situations such as these seemingly unconcerned with what we could be doing on our campus.
There are several measures Peru could take to conserve energy in ehlping to eliminate the energy crisis.
From the examples of other colleges we could turn down the room tempatures and turn off the unnecessary lights in front of the complex.
Just because Peru is fortunate to have a contract with the fuel company that will supply us as long as they have fuel doesn't mean they will always have fuel.
If others who have made uninteruptable contracts with fuel companys like Peru; keep using it with the idea it will always be there, they do so at the expense of others. Soon there might not be fuel for anyone.
.Admissions, housing heads
_ meet to coordinate efforts
Admissions and housing directors of the four state colleges meeting on the Peru State campus Tuesday (November 27) discussed ways Kearney, Wayne, Chadron and Peru can coordinate efforts relating to their corresponding offices.
This was the first meeting of what is anticipated as becoming a monthly session.
Attending were : KearneyWayne Samuelson, admissions, and Dan Duffy, housing; WayneJim Hummell, admissions; Chadron-Don Duncan, housing; and Peru-John Letts, housing and Gary Hoemann; admissions. "State colleges have been cooperating in college night presentations for some time," Hoemann stated, "but new ideas of coordination emerged from the recent meeting at Peru State."
Among ideas, to be discussed with the four campus presidents, are an updated slide presentation of offerings and advantages of the state college system, and a plan of high school visitations by areas in proximity to the admissions offices. The latter would !.'educe travel time and duplication of presentations, Heemann explained.
Admissions personnel are anxious to contact as ·many high school students as possible, and traveling statewide is time consuming. Coordination of efforts would aid all four colleges, admissions directors agree.
Managing Editor l\ick DeKlotz Assistant Editor Debbie Barton News Editor· · · :.·:.·: ·.·: · Rox Hill Sports r.:a;t;;;: :.• :.: •. : : :.......• : :•. : Rick DeKlotz Women's Sports Editor '.'.".'.'.":.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.·.··'········-·.·.·:.-.•.•Gail Harmon Phot-0graphers ·.·:·.•:.·:::::.•:::·:·:.•_._.._._._. ...•,. •..•.... _. _._. Dav-e Lainez Rich Mayo Ad.Manager ··:·:.•:.···.·.•,.::.•.·: ::·:.·::::::::·:::::.·_•,.:.·::·::.Linda Madiso,n Circulation Managers ; Phyllis Butrick Terrie Funkhouser Jeff Walther Artists ••.······:.•.•:.•:.•:.-::.•:.·.·\·:·.··.·:.·::.•.•.·:···:·:.··:···.·:::.•:.Don Jochems Bill Palmer ContributiI.Jg Editors _. _., , _. •• Bobbi Thiesfeld Bob Wernsman Advisor _.... Mr. Everett Browning
''l'u.. 'f6LL YOO WHY FLUNKING- fa\b..Tfl Tll' NEl<fTef™ OFFERING! OF /\'\l\'!ll IZ'l\ tt:al'T t\A\1£
Tryouts for the musical "No No Nanette" will be. held from 3.0 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. January 8 and 9 in the choir room Fine Arts Building 111 The tryouts are open to all students, not just those · associated with tlie Music Department
So far Dr. Erv Pitts, Dr. Douglas Pearson and Mr Paul Kruse have all reported the death of their dogs. "Killer," the black dog who stayed around the complex was one of the strays victimized. DECEMBER 11, 1973
Apossibility of publicizing the diversity and educational opportunities offered by the state college svstem through college
nights in Nebraska high schools was presented.
Reporting coordination efforts of state college housing directors, John Letts said the group discussed mutual problems and exchanged philosophies. Directors from the two offices on each campus plan a January 23 meeting at Wayne State.
'Butterflies Are Free' again tonight
Visitors to the Peru State College campus Tuesday evening, December 11, have the opportunity to enjoy a full evening's entertainment with a free music department student recital scheduled for 7 p.m. in the Fine Arts Auditorium anq a rescheduled performance of "Butterflies Are Free" set for 9 p.m. in the College Auditorium. Appearing in the recital will be students of Edward G. Camealy, vocal music director, Ann Leatherman, piano and organ instructor, and Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson, instrumental music director.
Students and their specialty are : Piano - Ronda Kessler Sweat, Dianne Ress, Linda hael Kelly (seated, plays Don Baker, blind from birth, the PSC of "Butter- DoRoty; Shlleri 0 Casey ,, sewe rgan - 1anne are free to be performed rn the College Auditorium Tuesday, December II, at 9 p.m. The Rees; and Stephanie Glenn fog performance was December 3, but the second showing was postponed because of ice and Lang. Vocal - Andy Korus, covered roads and heating difficulties. Others in the show are (left to right) Julee Tillman, Dennis Ehmke, Maynard O'Banion,--and Phil Rogge. The sensitive two act play is directed by Bob Wernsman Geschke. and Jan Pressgrove. John Billingli Trumpet - Roland Barrett
Davidson-Palmer is getting into the Christmas spirit with a window painting contest. The windows can be done in any assortment of styles, colors and patterns, anything the imagination can dream up. They were to be up by December 7, and be off the windows before vacation. First prize will be $15, second prize $10 and third prize $5.
Ever heard of a "Secret Santa"? It's something similar to a secret pen-pal. The girls will draw names at the desk, and do "good deeds" for the person they picked from December 1oth through the 12th. The girls will then find out who their "Secret Santa" has been at the party December 12. Hot chocolate and donuts will be served as refreshments. A50 cent gift will also be given to each "Secret Santa." -
On December 13th, the Davidson Palmer girls will work in the Circle concession stands at the basketball game. Proceeds from that night will go to repair the piano in Neal Dining Hall, so that it can be place<F in the dorm for the girls use.
Before going home for Christmas vacation, the dorm will decorate and donate a tree in the lobby and give it to a needy family.
Owned and Operated
By: Roger Carmkhael
Across from the Bowling Alley Auburn, Nebraska
Open Weekdays -· 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Thursday's till 9:00 - Saturday's - All Day Sunday's us.ually in the afternoon
Pollution: it's acrying shame
But does it have to be? Not if you do something about it. So the next time you see pollution paint it out to someone who can do something about it. People start .pollution. People can stop it. Keep America Beautiful ti; 99 Park Avenve, New York, N. y; 10016
and Dennis Ehmke, Flute -
Karlene Badgett and Laurie Coufal. Clarinet - Paul Anderson and Sheri Casey. Violin - Nancy Chomos. PercussionLennie Lahman. Ice and snow covered roads plus heating system difficulties in the PSC auditorium forced postponement of the two act Leonard Gershe comedy December 4.
The crew struck set so that the Christmas portion of "The Messiah" could be staged Sunday <December 9), and they will reconstruct scenery and lighting for the Tuesday showing, student directors Bob Wernsman and John Billings said.
Performers for the play are Michael Kelly as Don Baker; Trena O'Banion as Jill Tanner; Julee Tillman as Don's mother; and Phil Rogge as Ralph Austin. Stage and lighting crews include: Phil Dean, Barbara Wilkinson, Mary Weber and Dennis Ehmke.
Audience reaction to the opening performance December 3, including a group of 24 students from the School for the Visually Handicapped of Nebraska City, was complimentary of performance and staging. The show has been supervised by Mrs Mary Ruth Wilson, PSC drama and speech instructor, with Peru State students developing all phases of promotion and production.
Admission for the 9 o'clock performance is $1.25 for adults, 75 cents for students and several area high school drama __ department groups will be admitted at a special rate of 50 cents per person.
Five Bo-beats named to NCC
All-Star team
Five Peru State gridsmen were named to the Nebraska College Conference team by state college coaches - two on offense, and two on defense. The coaches chose two men for the tight end, an offensive tackle, defensive tackle and defensive halfback, making 13 each direction.
Eight men are repeat choices from last year: Tim Beck, Phil Gustafson, Tom Ambrose and Alan Sheffield of Kearney, and Lee Baumann, Rick Nave, Tom Alcorn and Kent Halley of Chadron.
This year's "honor-roll" team includes:
SPLIT END: Gary Griffin, Kearney State, 6-2, 181, Senior.
TIGHT END: Tie. Tim Beck, Kearney State,6-4, 215, Senior and Steve Nelson, Chadron State, 6-0, 210, Senior.
TACKLE: Steve Krajicek, Peru State, 6-2, 235, Senior; and a tie,• Gene Emanuel, Chadron State,. 6-1, 230, Junior and Ron Klem, Kearney State, 6-0, 234, Senior. ·
GUARD: Hugh Fugleberg, Chadron State, 6-0, 197, Senior and Phi!Gustafson, Kearney State, 6-0, 275, Senior.
CENTER: Lyle Knuth, Kearney State, 5-11, 205, Junior.
BACKS: Scott Maline, Kearney State, 5-10, 176, Senior; Lee Baumann, Chadron State, 62, 185, Senior; Dean Ott, Wayne State, 5-9, 170, Junior and Barry Reed, Peru State, 6-4, 235, Senior.
END: Rick Nave, Chadron State, 6-0, 190, Junior; and Stan Lewis, Wayne State, 6-5, 240, Junior.
TACKLE: Tim Christo, Kearney State, 6-1, 212, Sophomore; Tom Alcorn, Chadron State, 6-2, 230, Senior; Bob Winter, Peru State, 6-5, 265, Senior.
MIDDLE GUARD: Pat Donohoe, Wayne State, 6-1, 220, Sophomore.
LINEBACKER: Gus Krajicek, Peru State, 6-2, 210, Junior; Tom Ambrose, Kearney State, 5-10, 216, Senior; and George Biszak, Wtlyne ·State, 511, 210, Senior.
BACKS: Randy Bauer, Chadron State, 5-9, 165, Senior; Alan Sheffield,. Kearney State, 60, 184, Junior; and a tie, Kent Halley, Chadron State, ,6-2, 180, Senior; and ·Dave McDaniel, Peru State, 5-11, 175, Jllllior.
ATTENTION Individual Class Picturesfor 1974 Peruvian Seniors and Underclassmen Friday, December 14 T.V. room of the Student Center 10:00-3:00 Purchase an annual then too $8.50
CLIP THIS AD OUT 10% Coupon off on any purchase in the store CABIN CREEK IMPORTS
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Candles, Water Furniture and custom made Jewelry
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'Cat grapplers earn 36 wins
A split team of Bobcat wrestlers opened their season Saturday, (Dec. 1) with 36 wins and 19 losses at Graceland, Lamoni, Iowa, and Doane invitational tourneys.
First year Peru State mat Coach. Marty Dwine accompanied one squad to Graceland's 15th annual 10 team event and PSC science instructor Fred Hamman and studem assistant wrestling coach, Jim Cash, traveled with grapplers to Doane for competition with eight others schools.
At Graceland, Peru State placed fourth in team scoring with 67 behind University of Wisconsin-Whitewater-91: University of Wisconsin; · Oshkosh-73 1h; and Co College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa-71. Other schools, in decending team score order, were Graceland; Central Iowa, Pella; Missouri Valley, Marshall; William Penn, Oskaloosa, Iowa; William
Jewell, Liberty, Missouri; and Simpson, Indianola, Iowa.
Plaqu.es were awarded to winners in first-third finishes.
Gary Lesoing, junior, on his way to second place at 126, defeated Stewart of Graceland, 7-0, and pinned Phillips of Central Iowa jn 2:26. He was defeated in his third match by Gary Zizzo, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, 11-2.
Sophomore John Whisler, iii tough matches earned a second at 150 by pinning Ettelson of Central Iowa in 5:02; Harrison of University of WisconsinWhitewater in 10: 07; then was defeated in the third round by Dworak of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 6-3.
Steve Harvey, a freshman wrestling at 158 earned another second place plaque for PSC by defeating Graceland's White, 7-4 and pinning White of Central Iowa in 2:48. He drew a bye in first round competition.
A third place win was scored
3-6 Friends University Tournament at Wichita, Kansas at Doane
9 at Tarkio
12 at Kearney State
14 at Chadrcm State.
19 at Wayne State
22 U.N. Omaha
25 Chadron State FEBRUARY
2 John F. Kennedy
4 at Bellevue
8 at John F. Kennedy
15 Kearney State
16 Bellevue
20 Wayne State
23 at U.N. Omaha
Mizzou competition tough
·The Bobcat basketball team, after an opening season win over Concoria; found the competition on a road trip through Missouri a little tougher.
The squad on December 3 fell to Northeast Missouri State College -at Kirksville 94-66.
On December 4, the Bobcats lost to the University of Missouri at Rolla 95-80. After trailing at halftime 52-40, Peru twice cut the Miners lead to six points
by Bob Brown, 177 weight freshman. His results included a win over Kephart, Central Iowa, 8-1; a second round loss to VanDasser, Oshkosh, 5-3; and a consolation finals win over Fullerton, William Penn, 3-1.
Dean Anstey, a senior at 167, sustained a shoulder separation in the first period of his first match. Coach Dwine is optimistic about his return to the mat after Christmas vacation.
Team scores were not recorded at the Doane Invitational, where PSC matmen scored one first, one second and five third place finishes for trophies.
Mark Miller, who is wrestling at 118; grappled to a third place win at 126 by defeatingDaniels, Northeast Nebraska Junior College, Nortolk in a decision and LeFeber, Dana, by decision before losing to Mertz of Concorida, 5-0.
At 134, James Fuentes, earned a first round 10-5 win over
Trutna, John F. KennedyWahoo then pinned Johnson of Nebraska Wesleyan in the third period before being pinned by Kerndt, Dana, in the second period of third round competition.
Bobcats earned first and third place wins at 150. Bub Frohling, pinned his first three opponents - Karden, Haskell (Topeka) Junior College; Trayer, Nebraska Wesleyan; and Schnell, Doane. He won his final match against Cooper, Northeast-Norfolk, on a disquaiification, but was leading 6-1 at the referee's call.
Athird place at 150 came with freshman, Terry Alt, pinning his first opponent, Mowinkle, Northeast-Norfolk,in the second · period. In his second match he fell to &hnell, Doane, then came back to pin Spath of Concordia and in a wrestle back pinned Humby of Doane in the second period.
Joe Zajac, wrestling at 158.
earned a 3-0 win over Knigh Nebraska Wesleyan; an 11-0 · over Baker of Dana, and lost third.round match to McNolte Haskell-Topeka, 10-0.
At 167, a third place finish w scored by Warren Goos, with pin over Blaine of Nebrask Wesleyan, a second round 12 loss to Brauer, Concordia and win over Horn, Nebrask Wesleyan, 8-4.
Tom Simmons, defeate Matthews, John F. Kennedy, O; Kitchens, Doane, 7-0, befor Coufal, Nebraska Wesleya pinned him in the second peri of third round.
Peru's final third place victo was scored by heavyweight B Jones, with a 4:55 pin of Tann Haskell-Topeka; and a thir round pin in 1:29 of Hilton Northeast-Norfolk. In th second round, Nebrask Wesleyan's Martin pinned Jon in the second period.
Peru State opens home m competition December 12 in a p.m. dual with Morningsid (Iowa), followed by a doubl dual December 14 in the PS gymnasium at 1 p.m. with D (Blair) and Doane (Crete). squad then breaks for t holidays, resuming competiti January 9 in a double dual Fremont, 5:30 p.m.
Ba-sketball team opens season
a victory
behind the shooting of Bill Hunter, Oscar Porter and Ron Winston. Defensive lapses by the 'Cats however let UM-R build it's lead back up for the final margin.
Peru ran into a hot shooting Southeast Missouri State College team on December 5, losing 9970. Five of Southeast Missouri's players scored in double figures as the Indians shot 52 per cent from the floor.
Paul Brown still in hospital
Paul Brown, one time a potential wrestler for Peru State College, is reported to be in fair condition at Nebraska Citfs St. Mary's hospital.
Brown was involved in a twocar mishap in the early morning hours of October 29. Brown had planned to wrestle in the 190 lb. class this year and was an outstanding prospect for the 1973-74 'Cats team. Paul had broken his left leg at three places in the accident and has since deceloped a minor in-
fection which irampers his. recovery'. No date has yet been set for his final release from the hospital. Mark Miller. and Tom Simmons, also potential grapplers, were in Brown's van at the time of the accident. They sustained numerous cuts and bruises, but have almost completely recovered and ar.e actively pursuing the No. l spots in their weight classes. Miller will be wrestling at either 126 or 118, while Simmons will go for the 177 lb. berth.
Peru State College' basketball team opened the 19 74 campaign Saturday n· (December 1) by defeat Concordia College 77-67 in a n conference tilt in Seward.
The Bobcats, defending NC champs along with Wayne Kearney, were led by forwar Bill Hunter and Freeman Bev· scoring 29 and 24 poin respectively.
Peru, guided by interim Coa Ervin Pitts, led by as many as points in the first half befo Concordia found the range narrow the lead to 38-31 halftime.
The Bulldogs crept closer an closer in opening second pla · knotting the score at 48 apie with 14:58 to play on a basket Paul Krueger. Beville retaliat quickly for the 'Cats with jumper 30 seconds later to gi Peru the lead for good and st a streak of 13 unanswered poi while holding Concordi scoreless for over five and on half minutes. The closest Co cordia came after their dry sp was 10 points at the buzzer.
Concordia's loss was third in as many outings.
Morningside 14 Dana, Doane JANUARY
Dana, Midland at Fremont 11-12 Northwest Missouri Tournament at Maryville 19 Graceland TriDual at Lamoni 26 Coe Tournament at Cedar Rapids 29 Chicago University, U.N.O. at Omaha FEBRUARY
Morningside, Northern State, Kearney State at Kearney
Northwest Missouri
at William Jewell
at Concordia
Yankton, Wayne State at Wayne
Nebraska College Conference at Peru MARCH
District 11 Tournament at Chadron
National Finals at River Falls, Wisconsin
"No No Na'nette" next play
The musical play, "No No Nanette," is to be the next theatrical production presented in Peru. Auditions were heid January 8 and 9 Mr Edward Camealy, announced this cast: Allie Stoltenberg as Pauline, Jan Pressgrove as Lucille, Linda Doty as Sue, Dennis Ehmke as Tom, Ray Boche as Jimmy, John Chatelain as Billy, Trena O'Banion as Flora, Janet Wilson as Winnie, Deb Hebda as Betty,
Dr. Siegner leaves for Air Force position
and Diane Reese as Nanette. Chosen for the chorus are Maynard Geschke, Phil Rogge, Mike Kelly, Kevin Knoll, Al Collins, Kent Fike, Janet Vance, Eileen Gladis, Phyllis Butrick, and Becky Niday.
Technical crews are to be announced by John Billings as soon as possible. This play is to be presented February 17 and 18. Admission prices are $1.25 for students and $1. 75 for others.
SGA 'loses secretary
Reps· now
According to SGA president, Dean Young, Jan Muchler has resigned as the organizations secretary. Muchler resigned because she said it was too far to .drive from Nebraska City to the meeting every Tuesday. Among the items discussed at the years first meeting was that there was no new business, no Academic Affairs meeting, and no report on why maintenence was not cleaning off the sidewalks from President Dean Young informally requested that the representatives of the SGA now be referred to as student Senators.
the complex to the campus. The treasurer reported $140 missing from the treasury with no explanation from the college as to why it is unaccounted for.
·Senator Barry Landis said the rreport on getting extra phones in
'Plans snow art contest
Peru State's Circle K is going ·to sponsor. a snow sculpture contest sometime in the near future when snow conditions are appropriate for this ·project. Cash prizes will be awarded but have not been determined.
The contest is open to all PSC students, faculty, and organizations. The sculptures are to be confined to the main campus of PSC and the complex dorm areas. Any ideas and sketches should be submitted to any Circle K member by 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 22, 1974.
Posters will be placed in various buildings to announce the date and times for the
Peru faculty member 12 years
Peru students returned from Christmas vacation to the news that Dr. C. V. Siegner, PSC veteran faculty member, had resigned after 12 years of service.
Si.egner came to Peru in September of 1961. He had previously taught at Colorado State University at Fort Collins. His first teaching assignment at Peru was that of head of the Practical Arts Department. During his teaching term, the name of the department has been changed to Applied Arts and Technology.
San Bernadino, California. His new duties will be that of head vocational coordinater for the Air Force for the entire state of California.
the dorms was incomplete due to lhe difficulties of obtaining in· formation from the telephone company.
Not every dorm had a report on what they were doing to conserve energy. The.. Student Conduct Committee held a meeting at the end of the last semester and re-commended that one student be suspended permanently and one student be taken off of social probation.
Student Dana Davis, presented a constitution for a newly forming Veterans Club and it was turned over to a committee to be examined and voted upon at the next meeting.
There was a motion made that the Academic Affairs Commission look into the possibility of changing breakfast hours at the cafeteria by extending them a half hour later in the morning.
Dairy shack opens in Peru
Peru is to have a new Dairy Shack. It is owned ·and operated by Dean Jodry.
The new business is located next door to the Peru Laundromat and will open in March Progress on the building is slow because of the cold weather.
The shack will be opened from 10:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. It stated by Mr. Jodry that in the summer the Dairy Shack may close earlier depending on the amount of business.
As soon as the new bm;iness is 'open, Mr Jodry will be taking applications from college students for work.
Car lent to Peru
Peru State College's brand new car is a 1974 LeSabre Buick. It was lent to the College for its Drivers' Education program. The car came from the lot of Weinman Auto in Nebraska City.
Dr. Siegner's destination will be Norton Air Force Base near
Working in conjunction with the University of Southern Illinois, Siegner will be teaching courses to Air Force personnel related to the technical and teaching fields. Under this type of program, after four years of on-the-job training and classes, the Air Force veteran can transfer his work experience to college credit at S.I.U. and complete his chosen degree. Dr. Siegner's job will be to oversee the entire program in California and to teach classes at Norton
Siegner had applied for the position back in May of 1973. He · •1ad heard nothing of the application until the final of :he fall semester. He was then interviewed and chosen over a number of applicants. He stated that the greatest reason for his resignation was that "the opportunity was just to good to pass up."
Dr. Siegner's departure is a great loss to Peru: that of a high · caliber educator. "I think Peru has a fine future," said Siegner last Friday. He went on to say that "of the four universities in which I've taught, the students of PSC have been the finest I've seen."
SGA claims sex discrimination
Acomplaint was filed with and sanctioned by the SGA on Tuesday, December 11, concerning an alleged violation by Peru State of Title Nine in the 1972 Education Amendment Act. The complaint read as follows; At present there is a rule at Peru State College making it mandatory that girls under the age of 19 years be placed on hours unless they have parental permission or are commuters. No such rule exists
for rnales of the same age at Peru. We feel that this is blatant sex discrimination and ask the SGA to look into the matter and take action to rectify the situation.
This statement was moved by Dean Young and seconded by Mr John Letts that women should no longer be required to have parental consent to be "offthe motion was Mr Lerts is to present the Commission's recommendation
Ubrary installs liberal papers on request from the S.G.A.
to the upcoming College Affairs Council for consideration. If it's passed there will no longer be mandatory hours for women but there will be voluntary hours for those who feel they need such disciplinary measures.
Mr Letts moved that the proposed By-Laws changes for Morgan Hall be accepted upon the inclusion of regulations concerning "no hours." Dean Young seconded and the motion was carried.
Enrollment unknown
The total number of students will not be known for some time
On the request of the Student prec1ate classical and jazz as registration of day and night Governing Association, the arrangements there are albums, students has just been. comlibrary has installed The Chica- by such artists as Bach, pleted according to Kelly Liewer go Tribune, The Rolling Stone, Beethoven, Mozart and others. Registrar. and The Village Voice on the These albums are not exclusive Liewer said that registration news racks for enthusiastic to jazz, blues, soul, and for day classes ended Friday readers. The Lincoln Gazette is classical. There are also such up January 18 and that Night in question of being accepted. It to date releases by groups like classes had registration Wedwould be donated by Barry the Jefferson Airplane. nesday January 16. Landes. Knowing they are there at Off campus registration is in Although these papers cannot your disposal may send some of the act of being completed. be labeled as "underground' you music lovers looking. You Things are running "near newspapers,'' they each give a certainly can't beat the price. normal" according to Liewer. liberal viewpoint of events or lililliiii'-illlllli.lllllll...lilll-....11111..111111111.. issues of controversy. The Thursday, January 31 has been set as the date for saying "The grass is always the Annual Variety Show. This years' show is greener on the other side" these , ·1 d ·n b · newspapers take a look at the sponsored by the Presidents Counc1 an w1 egm other side of things and try to at 7: 30 p.m. in the College Auditorium. disprove this old cliche. There will be two divisions this year-humorous
If your interests are wide and and serious, with first and second place cash prizes varied it would be to your ad- being given in each category. Group and single vantage to sit down and read one entries are welcome and will be J. udged on the basis of these papers if you haven't already. of originality, talent involved and appropriateness
There is also an added at- 'of theme. traction ip the library that is Entries may be submitted to the S.C.B. office or· seemingly unknown to many b R p 1 f b tw n students, but is at the disposal of Deb He da, oom 23 a mer, any 1me e ee everyone, namely the record now and January 28. collection on the back wall on the There's no entry fee or admittance charge, so west side of the main floor. For plan·on taking part in or attending this years' show. those music lovers who ap-
a defeated 5· before Wesleyan period victory Bob Tanner, third Hilton, the Nebraska Jones mat 7 Morningside double PSC Dana The the competition at College' nigh defeatin non an pla poin Concord' on sp VOL. 69 NO. 11 PERU STATE COLLEGE, PERU, NEBR. MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1974-
Peru perspectives
The I observed at the last SGA meeting overwhelmmg. The Student Representatives lacked the en.thusiasm, the interest, the concern, that one would think paramount to this organization. As Senators representing the student body it was clear to see that some of them seemingly forgot why they were there. Their ineptitude matched their inability to respond to the issues at hand. Likewise the President fell short of my expectations as a governing official at this meeting because of lack of preparedness and failure to exercise authority.
I would like to add that this was only the first meetmg. of the semester for the SGA and it is quite possible that they :vere only getting off to a slow start. In observing past SGA meetmgs I have noted a lot of work being done as service to the student body. Though diiring pas' m=etings and the meeting on Tuesday, .there was a definite lack of cooperation in terms 'of .ones time to investigate the facts of particular I have also found there was a reluctance to take extra to the Student Senators. by the President. According to President Young, "a lot of different activities are are being planned for the near futlire." Students should be interested enough in what this organization is doing for them that they should come to the meetings and see for themselves what is and being done. The Student Body elected these senators to represent what the students want. ·
Indeed, it is unfair to condemn SGA on the basis of what I have ob.served at one or two meetings, but the organization itself has responsibilities to live up to and we the students should make ;ure they live up to them in the future.
Gas r,ation ing grave error" ,
Our governmental representatives are now in the· process of enacting legislation to relieve the strain of the nation's dwindling petroleum supply. Gas rationing, the most popular check-stop, is expected to be adopted. This policy I believe, is a grave error.
As the situation now stands, there are three ways to limit gas consumption to the American consumer. Taxation and rationing are the two direct governmental means of limiting the sale of fuel. The third method would be to leave the market alone and let demand dictate the price - the Free Enterprise System.
Under current legislation, a ,proposed method of limitation would be to double the price of gasoline, through the increase of taxes to the oil producers, to approximately 75 cents per gallon, thus making it unattractive to the buyer. H this policy was adopted, it would be in a league with the present administration's stand on inflation - Phases I through IV. A catastrophic blunder!
Our free enterprise system is keyed to the demand of the consumer. What incentive is any producer offered to increase production when he is taxed out of sale with no increase in profit? None! Therefore, production would be greatly hindered, if not halted entirely.
·Under this light, if taxation was incorporated as a means of ending the energy crisis, it would eventually enhance the problem and drive its permanent termination further into the future.
Gas rationing too, has its obvious pitfalls. It provides no means of encouraging fuel production through economic stimulation. True, equal rationing of rationing cards would make the crisis somewhat easier to bear for a temporary period of time., Granted also. that the rationing system ii easier on the low-income family then increasing taxes and thE open market propositions.
Clayburn-Mathews· men enjoy dorm full of many activities
I• Because of the energetic ef- C.M. dorm residents of the Trying to hold on to some forts of a few, the residents of Complex area. The contest rid Christmas Spirit is tough with Clayburn-Matthews dorm have the section of more than 18 finals threatening nevertheless, enjoyed a semester filled with garbage bags of trash: At the Mrs Johnson and the council activity. same time, to help boost sagging came through in style with a
In September a basketball funds, the council sold raffle dorm Christmas 'party. The hoop and net 'were supplied tic.kets 50 cents apiece, first "bah-hum?uggers" were together with table tennis and prize bemg a keg of beer. The qmckly silenced .with a · pool table equipment. On the contest net a fair profit. (The multitude of cookies and 24th of that month the residents was never brought on refreshments, including Mrs were treated with the movie school property.) Johnsons' "special" party "Shamus", at Nebraska City's Hermy, Oscy Benjy, the pun.ch. It was good to see all the Pioneer Theatre. three characters m the movie residents together for once:
October brought Homecoming. Seeking a more permanent and constructive Homecoming activity, McVay piloted a clean-up contest for the' Mrs Florence Johnson, the dorm's hou,semother, and Dorm President Steve McVay had worked hard all last semester and are still going under a full head of steam this semester to give the guys living in the dorm a break from the rigors of college life. Mrs Johnson and Steve, together with the dorm council, are responsible for the management of the dorm activities ($5.00 per resident).
"Summer of '42", entertained Spirits rose to the occasion and the men of the dorm in the hit the only thing missing was Tiny, sequel - "Class of '44" - during Tim exhaulting "God Bless Us 1 Homecoming week. Admission Everyone!" was free to all dorm residents, Amovie is again on the agenda the bill being footed by the this month. To pass the Activity fund. somewhat dreary winter weeks, A real highlight for the dorm a ping-pong tournament is residents was the procurement planned with trophies to be of a pinball machine in the awarded to the finalists. recreation room. The success of With the coming of spring, the the venture was shortlived dorm will throw a big picnic in however, due to tampering with order to welcome the season and the machine which caused its get some of its fresh air. removal.
December brought to the screen "Getaway", which again was part of the dorm activity fee package. boredom."
It's apparent that Mrs Johnson and the Clayburn-Matthew Dorm Council are giving it "that old college try" for their fellow residents in the "battle against
However, the rationing system offers no positive action toward the alleviation of t(le problem. It would establish a ceiling price. putting that price on its coupons:· Here again, as in outright taxation, the difference between the ration price and market price would be equalized_;,, through taxation of the petroleum companies. This is, then, an obvious deterent to increased production, which is the only reasonable solution.
By fa_r, there is one solution which offers a majority of advantages with a .minumum of repercussions. The solution lies in the price checks and economic controls of our economic system - the Free Enterprise System.
H the price of gasoline were allowed to rise freely with the increasing costs of petroleum production and allow for a reasonable profit margin, this would surely stimulate major increases in oil exploration and production. Then, as the supply of gasoline reached the level of demand, business competition would again drive .prices to a reasonable leveL- ·
The irlUal price hike would, of course, involve certain personal economic hardships for the American people. It would be equ.al only. for. a temporary period of time to the price increases sure to follow with the adoption of rationing 'or taxation.
Rationing .and taxation are temporary economic eases for the average economic consumer. They offer no solution and do, in fact, seem prone aggravate the overall situation. It would also seem that the two propositions are tailor-made to camouflage a growing economic crisis, fathered by the Nixon Administration.
We should take stock in the American economic system. It has given us the highest standar.d of living and greatest national economy in the history of man. Gas rationing would do great, harm to this intricate system instead of coming to aid, invariably undermining thE American economic way of life
Mr. G. new addition to education dept. will initiate new teaching methods .
There have been times in each · of our lives when we all have been apprehensive about walking into a particular situation, not knowing what will happen, not knowing if the result of our endeavor will prove to be chaotic or successful, not wanting to get our feet wet, so to speak.
I felt the same apprehension when assigned to write an exclusive interview on Mr Dick Gulizia. I had three things to go on. The fact that he was a new faculty member, his name, and that he was visually impaired. Within five minutes of walking through his office door, I felt at ease and was reassured that the interview would prove to be quite interesting.
Because of a name like Gulizia most people perfer to call hini Mr G.
From his teaching experience on the high school level at NotreDame, Holy Name, and Duchesne, all archdiocese parochial schools in Omaha Mr G. has now become a part of the higher echelons at Peru and is a welcome addition to the Peru teaching staff.
Mr G. complimented Pettfon
'.he only stale coiiege that 1s wdlmg to accept visually impaired teachers to their staff. When asked how he liked Peru. Mr G. said he looked forward to the opportunity of teaching on a college level.
He has a wife and four children who hope to join him in the near future as soon as they can find a home to accomodate a family of six.
Mr G. commented that he hasn't seen many of the hot spots in Peru but he has become acquainted with Duffts and Rex's.
On the receiving end of his _teaching, students majoring in education or those taking such classes as Education
Measurements, adolescent pschology, or education pschology under him will fully benefit from his initial task to institute newer forms of teaching methods which the students themselves can use in their own classrooms after graduation.
In regard to compulsory class attendence Mr G. has these comments, "I hope I am innovative enough, creative enough, interested enough in the students that they will want to come to class for discussions. On the other hand my courses are constructed on the basis of outsiae work that can be done on the student's own time. out of the classroom, whenever they feel like doing it."
Mr G. graduated from the University of Nebraska at
Omaha in i966 with a Bachelor of Science degree. He then went on · to get his master of Science degree in Secondary Egucation. He completed his Doctor of Education at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.
Mr G. has readers help him take care of the grading and the paper work. They read assignments aloud to him and he grades them according to procedure. Mr G. also has access to text books that come on record or tape.
As an avid sports enthusiast Mr G. likes to listen to sports, well as play cards and read.
In conclusion, Mr G. hopes to continue to enjoy his stay at.. Peru in hope that he will be accepted by the students and faculty.
WHEN: 10:00 - 2:00
Wednesday 9 January 23 ·
Thursday 9 January 24
WHERE: Bob Inn Residence halls
BUY YOURS NOW!!!!!!!!!
Managing Editor Frank D' Addesa
Sports Editor Rick DeKlotz
Copy Editor Jan Johnson
Women's Sports Gail Harmon· Business Manager Linda Madison Circulation Manager Jeff Walther
Artists · · · Steve Mann Don Jochems
Contributing Editors Bobbi Thiesfeld Bob Wernsman Advisor
Everett Browning
· · · · · · · •
Riley, Schnaser named new mentors
Robert J. Riley
,will serve as head football and coach and Assistant ofessor of physical education t Peru State.
Coach Riley brings to Peru ate a college football coaching cord of 28-5 for seven years as ad coach and a 29-9 high hool tally.
In an early interview, Coach ·1ey said, "I'm enthused about y Peru State appointment. In nly a few days I have a friendly atphere at the college, and I'm Id on the faculty and adinistration.
"As for the Bobcat football rogram, I plan to build on the latform of PSC gridiron dition. I'm anxious to conuct a competitive, winning ·tude for Southeast Nebraska nd the area - one fans and layers alike may .be proud of."
"Among my early goats 1s eeting people in the roWJding commWJities," he ded. ·
PSC athletic director om Fitzgerald commented, 'enthusiasm generated by oach Riley is contagious."
"Bob's pre - 1974 season plans elude a weight-lifting con'tioning program, Spring actice and an intensified cruiting program. Peru ters, alumni and area fans , expect a new look on the,: beat grind scene."
Most recently a recreation ecialist and coordinator for e Model City Agency program Butte, Montana, 40 year old · ey headed Montana Tech tball in 1970 and 1971 with a ord of 19 wins,· 3 loss.es. His m was Frontier Conference pion both seasons, ranked in the 1970 NAIA poll and 4th following year. In 1970 the diggers defeated Yankton uth Dakota) in the Copper owl and met California utheran in 1971 NAIA playoffs. The Gloucester, assachussetts native was med District 5 NAIA Football ach of the Year in 1970-71,
rWJner-up and Frontier Conference Coach of the Year for 1970 and 1971 after coaching back to back seasons of 9-1 and 92 at Montana Tech, Butte.
The season before Riley moved to Montana Tech, he was assistant defensive secondary and pass receiver coach at Mesa JWJior College, Grand JWJction, Colorado. Mesa Mavericks were Intermountain Collegiate Athletic Conference champions dur.ing his tenure and were ranked sixth nationally in pass defense.
Prior to service at Mesa, Riley coached the defensive secondary
western Nebraska and first "in Nebraska team defense.
Before work on his M.A. degree in physical education at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, in 1964, he coached at Superior (Nebraska) High School and previously assisted at Kemmerer (Wyoming) High School.
Honors accorded Riley for his coaching success spread through his high school and college career. In addition to !audits achieved at Montana Tech, he was selected to coach in the 1967 Colorado North-South All Star game; nominated for National JWJior College Coach of the Year in 1968; chosen to coach in 1970 Md 1971 Montana EastWest High School Shrine games; and nominated NAIA Coach of · the Year in 1971-72.
Several Riley authored articles have been published in "Scholastic Coach" and he has been guest speaker at numerous clinics.
After graduation from Gloucester High School (1950) he attended Utall. State University, Logan, transferring to Northern State College, Aberdeen, South Dakota, in 1951. In military service fro_m 1952-55, he returned to WSC to complete his B.S. degree in education in 1959.
14, Robert - 13, Jennifer - 9; Stephanie - 8, Patty Jo - 7, and Kevin - 2 - when suitable housing is obtained in Peru.
Peru State College opened second semester basketball play with a new cage coach, Roger Schnaser. Appointment of the 29 year old coach was annoWJced January 4 by PSC President Douglas Pearson.
Coach Schnaser completed his Master of Arts degree 'in Recreation at the University of Northern Colorado; Greeley, last semester.
The Appleton, Minnesota; native was assistant varsity basketball coach at St. Cloud (Minnesota) State College where he had a teaching assistantship in physical education (1972-73).'
From 1969-72 he was head basketball coach and assistant track coach at Morris (Minilesota) Public Schools.
He received his BA degree in
College 0962-64), he played for the Minnesota University Cougars while completing his undergraduate degree. He earned All-District 13 honors in 1966, scoring 51 points in one game that season, was team captain and named Most Valuable Player.
He lettered three years at Appleton High School and in 1962 was named team captain, MVP, and to the all-area cage team.
In January, 1973, he completed six years service with the Minnesota National Guard.
He and his wife, Linda, will serve as house parents at Delzell men's residence hall on the PSC campus, and Coach Schnaser will assume other administrative duties.
While at the University of Northern Colorado. Schnaser has served as Director of campus housing and he was resident assistant· for three years at the University of Minnesota.
RILEY unit at Wichita State in Kansas. Earlier he was head football coach at Garden City Junior College, Garden City, Kansas, with his team winning the Jayhawk Conference championship in 1967 aiid ranking 8th in the National JWJior College poll. His record read 9-2 for the season.
Riley coached several high schools to championships before joining the junior college ranks, including J.K. Mullen Prep School, Denver, Colorado, 11-0 (1966) and Kimball (Nebraska) CoWJty High School in 1964 and 1965. There his 1965 team was WJdefeated and untied' in 1965, seventh in the state, first in
ex's remodeled
The baroom at -Rex's Cafe & ar in downtown Peru unerwent another remodeling ver the holidays. Between ecember 31, and January 6, er Rex Rains and a few of his iends moved everything out of e way in the barroom, moving the tables and chairs. The old brown carpet was ken up and Don Eschent of braska City laid down a new ort-pile one of red, .yellow, Id and brown. After that, Rex d his friends mowd in three oths along the north wall, a ur booth cluster n%r the nter of the room and one booth ng the south wall near the
doorway to the cafe area.
The Early American booths, framed in light maple-toned wood with golden brown leathergrained seats, increased the seating capacity of the room from its former 34 at tables and chairs to 52 in booths, the bar still seating eight on stools.
Those who haven't been in Rex's yet this year will note that the air hockey table has been taken down, the foosball table has been moved from the bar area to a spot near the northeast window and the pool table, though left in its old spot, has - been rotated from an east-west direction to a north-south one.
He was on football and track teams as an undergraduate and coached in the University of Wyoming freshman football program while working toward his Masters degree.
Riley was head or assistant track coach in Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado high schools when on staff and led or assisted track programs at the University of Wyoming, Mesa JWJior College and Montana Tech.
In addition to teaching history, science, physical education and recreation courses in high school and college, he served as athletic director and chairman of · the physical education department at Montana Tecb.
Coach Riley will be joined by family -wife, Peggy, Kenneth -
ROGER SCHNASER physical education in 1967 from the University of Minnesota, Morris, and served as freshman basketball coach there from 1966-68.
After earning team, conference and region honors in basketball while attending Willmar YMinnesota) Junior
"We are pleased", Dr. Pearson commented, "with Coach Schnaser's experience and qualificabons and are looking forward to the positive , contributions he will make to our campus. He. posesses a distinguished backgroWJd and is the caliber of person we look for to deal with students."
Coach Schnaser stated, "I was anxious to. get into college coaching after completing my Masters degree, and I am happily looking forward to the opportWJity and challenge at Peru State College. My wife and I are from a farm community in Minnesota and are delighted to be located in a town such as Peru. We were greatly impressed with the progress of Peru State and the community when we visited the campus."
Dr. Ervin has served as interim basketball coach since J<\,:k Mclntire's resignation November 30.
Long .begins seventh year at P.S.C.
Dr. Daryl Long is currently seven years of college teaching at Peru State College. An energetic chemistry arid math professor, Dr. Long, emphasized the fact he has enjoyed every semester with the students here.
Anative Iowan, Long received his preliminary education in the Mason City area. After obtaining his high school diploma he attended the North Iowa Community College, a small junior college, also located in Mason City. Later he enrolled at Iowa State University where he earned his Bachelors of Science and Masters degrees. While working and studying for his Masters degree, Dr. Long held a teaching assistantship for Iowa State. In 1967, he completed the requirements for securing his Doctorate at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Here, too, he was employed as an instructor while seeking his
degree. In 1966 and 1967 Dr. Long taught a summer workshop at Illinois State University. While a workshop at Peru, a former Dean noticed Dr. Long and later contacted him about teach,ing here.
"When I was first hired, it was to teach chemistry and math for two years and then make a choice," he said, "but I'm still teaching. both."
As the sponsor for the Alpha Mu Omega Math Club, and Lambda Delta Lambda Physical Science Honorary Fraternity, Dr. Long enjoys these fields so much that a preferred choice the three would be very difficult. Calculus, chemistry, and physical science are the bonded elements of his teaching workload.
Dr. Long and his wife Peggy have Keith 11, Eric 6, and Christy 2 1/2, to be full-time parents for. Although not much of a fisherman himself, Dr. Long always finds time in the stnnmer
to fake his children fishing. "They really get so darn excited I just like watching them,'' he said.
When he does find some "spare time" Dr. Long enjoys sailing, flying, traveling and hunting, and especially archery. He was the past president of the Chamber of Commerce and now is the Chairman of the Industrial Development Committee, the president of the Tri-State Missiouri River Development Group, a member of the Nemalla County Industrial Group, and he is advisor for approximately ten students on campus.
Through teaching at Peru State College, Dr. Long likes watching students mature from their first college experiences and all the other situations that college produces for students. For all the time Dr. Long puts into the Peru community, Peru State College, and it's students he gets all our thanks and appreciation.
Bobcats drop Basketball games to Doane, Tarkio Lammie, McCullough new additions on Peru's roster
Peru State College's new basketball coach, Roger Schnaser, took a first look at his team Monday night (January 7) as the Bobcats lost to Doane 101fi in a non-conference game in Crete.
Schnaser arrived on the tail of a snowstorm, after searching for gasoline, Sunday afternoon from Greeley, Colorado, where he recently completed his Master's Degree at University of Northern Colorado. With second semester registration beginning Monday morning, the first contact with the new mentor for many players was during the , ride from Peru to Crete.
Schnaser was impressed with the play of junior center Bob Craig and senior forward Bill Hunter. Craig shot a torrid seven for nine from the field, finishing with 15 points, and grabbed six rebounds during the losing cause. Hunter contributed 13 points and nine caroms.
"Craig was strong at times on the boards and his shooting was excellent, while Hunter at times showed signs of being a real
team leader," said Coach Schnaser. The 'Cats were running somewhat of a free-lance offense against the Tigers, since practice time before the game to install a new pattern of attack wasn't available. Coach Schnaser believes the team will be more effective after new plays are added and a coachteam rapport is acquired.
One of the Coach's plans is for the center to receive the ball more often and .shoot for added scoring punch.
Several players from the season opening are ineligible to play this semester, and some did not return after semester break making room for several squad additions.
Added to the roster are Guy Lammie, letterman as a sophomore on the 1971-72 squad, Auburn, senior, 6-1 guardforward; and Henry MCullough, junior from Cincinati, Ohio playing guard at 5-11.
If an astrologer were to check star and planet settings for members of Peru State's basketball team and staff for
Tuesday, January 9, he would probably find that during the p.m. hours everything that could be lined up for a miscue night was present.
The Bobcats lost their eighth game of the season against one win, 103-36 on the Tarkio; Missouri Owl's floor. ·
Earlier, the team bus carrying personnel to Tarkio broke down during a snowstorm on U.S. 136 four miles west of Rock Port, Missouri Cars driven by PSC President, Dr. Douglas Pearson, and others headed for the game picked up players.
Fortunately, the final assisting auto driver remembered to stop at a Rock Port service station to pick up threeday veteran Coach Roger Schnaser who had been reporting the dilemma.
"When I reached the gym," the not easily ruffled coach commented," the squad was warming up, so I took off my coat and sat on the bench."
The game began at 8:30 , an hour later than scheduled, but the delay failed to cool Tarkio.
The Owls shot a blazing 65
Peru finish last at Northwest Missouri tournament
Peru State Coliege wrestlers
finished last in a seven team field at the Northwest Missouri State University tournament in Maryville held January 11-12.
Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville won five individual titles to nudge Kansas State (Manhattan) 111-95 112 for the team title. SIU was competing in their first NWMSU tourney, and with their effort bested defending co-champions Kansas State and Wayne State of Nebraska.
Westmar College (LeMars, Iowa) finished third with 93
points; University of MissouriColumbia 91; host Northwest Missouri State University, 53 %;_,,, Wayne State, 36 112; and Peru State, 18 l/z co•.:prised the rest of the field.
Best individual finishes for Peru State were Jack Stanley at 134 in wrestleback competition against NWMSU's Bill Hammer for fourth, and Terry Kelly, also defeating a NWMSU opponent, Daryl Bunch in wrestle-back semi-finals of the 167- pound division for fourth place. ·
PSC Coach Marty Dwine described the tourney as "ex-
tremely tough" and one that featured exceptional competition.
Kansas State's Roger Fisher was winner of the 118-pound division and for the second straight year was voted the tournament's outstanding wrestler.
A tri-dual match scheduled January 15 on the Peru mats against John F. Kennedy (Wahoo) and Haskell Junior College, Lawrence, Kansas was cancelled. Both schools extended Christmas vacations because of the energy crisis.
Conference all-star Barry Reed big factor of co-champ Bobcats
Snow fills the Oak Bowl now.
The co-champs of the seventh district of the N.A.I.A. (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics), the '73 Bobcats, have fought hard there for the honor. The victory cheers have 3oftened now to echoed memories.
It's time to honor those who bled, sweated, and cried for victory for PSC. It was a team effort that made Peru Number ·1; it's always that way with championship teams. ,But there's one athlete who's taking the "lion's share" of 'the credit, and rightly so. He's Barry Reed, the 6' 4", 240 lb. fullback that put it together and brought us closer to victory with every bonecrushing run.
When I arrived at Peru, I notice that whenever the subject of PSC football poppea up, Reed was usually mentioned first. He's a "meat ano gravy" player. That is, he's not an overnight superstar - here today, gone tomorrow. He's a consistent and dependable ground-gainer.
There were many times during the season when the Bobcat offensive drive would bog down, making little or no headway no matter what kind of razzle-dazzle Criger and Mcintire would dream up to throw at the defense. Those times can really be tough on a ball club and its fans. Almost invariably, the crowd would call for Barry. They knew he could do it. When the big blonde from Illinois would get the ball, he'd out-run, out-manuever, or knock-out the opposition.
Goal-line defenses are always tough, this being the last chance for the defense to save face and halt a team's offensive drive.
The squad's really fired up! Pro and collegiate teams alike stall here many times to the ravages of a desperate defense. Barry has faced them constantly throughout his college career, and usually ·when he does, it makes the defensive players look pretty useless. Whether the play calls for a "power sweep," "end around," "off-tackle," or "straight up the tunnel," Reed
p,ercent from the flour in the first half, hitting on 26 of 40 attempts, finishing the rout with a 45 for 78 performance ·good for a 57.6 game average. Peru could connect on only 15 of 45 shots for a cool 33.3 percent.
Turnovers were an additional factor.
With recent additions to the squad, inexperienced 'Cats relinquished the ball 34 times compared to 11 for Tarkio.
With a 10-8 lead, the Owls employed a full court press forcing many of the Peru errors. The Bobcats never did completely solve the Tarkio press, accounting for their inability to move to shooting range.
High scoring and rebounding honors went to Tarkio's 6-6 senior forward Jim Martin who tallied 22 points and grabbed 14 from the board.
Coach Schnaser calls Martin probably .the best player he has seen in samll college basketball.
Del Morley and Mark Dalbey added 12 and 11 points respectively for the Owls as they and five other teammates with eight counters and two more with seven points performed for a
balanced scoring attack.
Bill Hunter led 'Cat scoring with 12 points, and Bob Craig's 10 was the only other double figure. Guy Lammie and Henry McCullough added six points and Dave Green one field goal to complete Peru scoring.
Despite the outcome, Coach Schnaser believes he has players with ample desire to play well. Once the squad roster is straightened out, Schnaser, heading his first collegiate team, believes victories will come.
Joining the PSC staff after semestPr break, the recent Northern Colorado State University Master's degree graduate adding a "wheel" offense - when the squad has opportunity to practice in the midst of tightly scheduled gafi\es.
"I couldn't expect them to run the new offense after only one practice," he offered. "We're going to work hard in practice; we're going to talk about the tactics, and we'll be using games as learning experiences. We won't dwell on score for now but learn to work individually an'd as a team."
Women open with win
The Peru State women's basketball team opened their 1973-74 with a victory over Iowa-Western on December 17, on th err home uoor.
The final score was 35-31 in a hard-fought game that went right to the buzzer. The Peru
women never trailed in the contest as Allie Stoltenberg scored 18 points to pace the team. Gail Harmon had 9 and Jody Fichter and Teri McCaig had 3 points apiece for other Peru scoring for the night.
runs it well. He's versatile. That's what made him the seventh leading scorer in the entire N.A.1.A. No matter where Barry Reed plays on the field, people notice. His consistent strides have earned him the honor of beir1g the second leading rusher in the Nebraska College Conference. He achieved this feat with a ·season record of 194 carries and a game net average of 77.9 yards. He's been the· topcat offensively for Peru for the second year in a row this season. Reed's an all-star. There's no doubt about that in the minds of those who have seen him play and those who've tried to stop him on the gridiron. Top NCC officials and sports information directors know this too. They named him to the confefence All-Star team for 1973 - ar/ ther distinction to add to his long list of honors.
This fullback's got it all. He's hard and fast runner, elusive and tough. He's got that magic will ·lo-win that coaches are always looking for.
PSC KITTY KADETTES - Ready for their initial 1973-74 performance are the 12 drill team coeds clustered above. Perfecting routines for several weeks, the squad has chosen precision movements to "Make Me Smile" and "The Magnificent Seven" for halftime performance at the Peru State - Tarkio basketball home opener Thursday, December 13. The squad has developed their own routines with Kay Albin, Dawson, serving as captain, to music furnished by the PSC pep band. Don Miller of the Peru State staff sponsors the lasses.
Pictured are: Fronlrow, center· Shari Rears, Stella; second row, left to right: Terri Hinderks, Auburn: Ann Novak, LaGrange Park, Illinois: Phyllis Butrick, Falls City; Gloria Kentopp, Falls City; third row, left to right: Carol Dye, Bellevue; Kathy Heskett, Nemaha; Kay Albin, Dawson: fourth row, left to right: Trena O'Banion, Falls City: Nancy Heskett, Nemaha; Maureen Hazard, Nebraska City; Janet Vance, Ralston.
JANUARY 28, 1974.
·Class elections are meaningless
Do you remember wht>n class d elections were hfld? Fewshowe up to vote.promises were m;ide· and not,kept.
There was an appeal for the support of the entire student body to regain meaningful representation to the organization and few supported this appeal.
Senior class president Charlie Pavolis said in his speech that he wished to use his office to in;crease and define the powers of class president and added "I would like to set a precedent and example for the other class officers and all PSC students of getting involved in the workings of the college."
Charlie set up a booth at '· registration to collect senior dues. According to Pavolis "The seniors saw me there, but they didn't want to see me there. He collected 48 dollars at a dollar per student out of the approximate 130 senior students. That's less than one third con.tributing toward the senior gift .given traditionally each year to the college.
When asked if he thought he had fallen short of his expectations Pavolis remarked "Class presidents as a rule have
Honors convo January 30
Students completing the fall semester with above-average grades will be honored January ·ao. , Dr. Douglas W., PSC president, will speak. Cer.tificates will be given to students With a grade point average of 7.25 or better.
Activities will 11egin at 9: 40 during COnvo hour in the COllege Auditorium.
new console
KPSC broadcasted on 'January 25.
KPSC was able to purchase the new console with hard work on the part of the members in a paper drive and a donation of 100 dollars by Circle K.
KPSC will be having the same type of programs and music as was featured in the past.
Mr John Barrett, sponsor, )s hoping to have several moneyking projects in the future so that a transmitter can be purchased for the complex. In the past, it was heard only in Delzell and Morgan.
no pow.er." He added that the purpose of having senior officers is to buy the class gift before they graduate and line up alumni after they graduate. "This is their primary responsibility," said Pavolis. A senior class meeting was held at the end of last semester and four people showed up. Discussion was directed towards initiating more response to class meetings. Pavolis is now in the process of setting up another meeting with the hope that more - advertising will promote more student interest.
Chuck Smith, who ran unopposed in the junior election has transferred. Another election has not yet been held and vice-president Deb Barton has not stepped up to accept the · responsibility inherent. to being president. Miss Barton said she would hold a meeting. before May, but the exact date that it will be held is still indefinite.
Barry Landis, junior treasurer, is unaware of the amount of money in the treasury.
Sophomore president, Allie Stoltenberg, has done nothing so far this year to promote interest in her class. No meetings have been held. No dues have been collected and the purpose of her class office has remained undefined. When asked why she ran for the ·office Miss Stoltenberg replied, "It will look good on my record,''
Bob McClain, freshmen class president posted a class meeting before the end of the. last semester and noone showed up. According to Bob another meeting is supposed to be held continued On Page 2
TEEP exam
On March 6
P.S.C. students seeking endorsement as a teacher must take the TEEP test on March 6 in order to get a teaching certificate.
All seniors in their last semester of studies in the professional education curriculum are also required to take the test. No fee is required. The test is an evaluation instrument of P.S.C.'s various teaching majors and the professional education curriculum in general.
Individual results only effect a student's degree program in relation to the appropriate teaching certificate.
Registrar Kelly Liewer will give the test in room 300 of the Education building from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with time. for a lunch break.
Faculty would increase by four, if Exon's proposal is approved
"More faculty" is how Dr Douglas Pearson explained the immediate change that would be witnessed on the Peru State campus if approval is given to the recent proposal made by governor Exon for a new funding program for the state college system in Nebraska
The proposal was revealed in a four point plan at a press conference at the state capitol January 11. Department of Administrative Services staff devised and presented the plan at the conference. No dollar figure was tagged to the proposal, but there were indications that Exon would reveal it during his budget request.
The plan, which Pearson described as "a sound concept," would be applied to current budget requests and enrollment data. The proposed formula is designed to have the colleges assess major programs, courses and departments' for effective planning.
The first ( and major point concerning students in the proposal) is faculty staffing. The staffing is currently based on student credit hours but would be altered to depend on teacher load, kind of class and time spent on research and improvement under the newest .Proposed.
Under the current procedure used to determine faculty increases or decreases, changes for the next school year would call for a total of 50.53 reduc-
tions. Kearney would lose the most, 28.86 and Peru the least, 1.69 (after suffering cuts under the program last year). Wayne and Chadron would lose 10.74 and 9.24 positions respectively.
The governor's proposal, however, would increase the positions at PSC by 4.45 and increase the number at Wayne by 6.90. Kearney would still lose staff, but the number would drop to 11.14 and the Chadron staff would be reduced by .88. The overall plan would allow for a drop of just .67 throughout the system. ·
Pearson stressed that the 4. 45 increase for Peru, should the plan be approved, would be used · strictly for faculty positions, not administrative staff.
Also included in the Exon proposal would be the allowance of 1,208 tuition remissions for the system and a total of 112 for Peru.
It was pointed out that this second point of the plan would not result in a loss of tuition because these tuition remissions would simply be filling desks that are currently empty and would probably affect students that would not normally have gone to college.
Another plus for the colleges through the increased tuition remission policy would be an anticipated increase in dormitory rental.
The third point is an economy scale curve which recognizes that there are certain overhead
expenditures in any institutjon, regardless of size.
The cost per student for ·overhead expenses increases as the enrollment decreases. To combat this, Peru would be allowed 1. 76 percent more per student than Kearney. Kearney is considered 1.0 on the curve, which means that their enrollment enables them to realize maximum economies in operations.
The fourth and final point of the plan is said to "stabilize the instructional services program."
In tune with this, the dollar amount would not be changed for instructional services, general instructional operations and related instructional services, but proportion of cash in the programs would change from the current formula.
In an earlier statement to the PSC News Bureau, Pearson said that "the impact would be that Peru State would become more specialized than now, with some programs becoming support areas. There would have to be more 'give and take' internally, but overall we could become a stronger institution."
Pearson added to that recently by stating that his immediate reaction was that "we at Peru State College are grateful to Governor Exon for his concern and willingness to be open and make necessary changes. Beyond that, we haven't seen any dollar impact or any other specifics on the program."
'Exon's plan not designed to save jobs'
In · answer to Doane's President Dr. Philip Heckman statement that the Governors proposal was to protect the jobs of fifty people, Dr. Pearson replied with "the Governors plan is not designed to save the jobs of fifty people but is designed to help the state colleges in their missions." "If you are going to have an educational institution you should have an adequate faculty to run it."
Dr. Heckman also remarked that beefing up the enrollment at the state colleges by increasing the number of scholarships would be equal to "making work" for the fifty teachers. "In that case, neither the students nor the taxpayers would be well served," Heckman added. , Some of the officials from Nebraska private colleges are less than enthusiastic about
Governor Exons' save-the-statecolleges plan. Exon's proposal would change the states financing formula for the four state colleges, save the jobs of fifty teachers on the four campuses and combat declining enrollment by granting more scholarships to needy students. The Governors' dollar request for the schools will be presented to the legislature within the next few weeks.
According to Dr. Pearson, Peru is not anticipating apy faculty or departmental cuts· at all within the next year or two. Particularly in regard to inadequate financial aid Exons' plan will give Peru enough help to bolster some of their programs.
Dr. Pearson agreed that higher tuition provides an economic barrier to some students, Nebraskan schools have been crying for a coor-
dination of higher educational resources and up to this point they haven't received any. Any state program of student assistance whether it be private or public should enable students to attend the college of · their choice.
Asked if he though limiting courses at the state colleges 1s a factor for decling enrollment Pearson said "You tell me you are closer to the situation than l am." He also commented that the enrollment figures would not be out for another month yet and as soon as the statistics are out a follow up study will start immediately. "Dealing on a frontal assult we hope to find out just what the problem is and then deal with it but at the moment I would hate to speculate on the ca use of decreasing enrollment or the reason behind why
VOL. 69 NO. 12
Elections meaningless
· within the first three. weeks of this semester and notice of the meeting, where it will be held, and the time should be posted in the dorms and near the cafeteria. The freshmen and the senior class officers have both initiated action in the form of interest in their positions.
The fault lies not in what they haven't done but what they have tried to accomplish to no avail. Lack of concern on the part of the student body has cut short their progress.
A random survey was conducted from within the Bob Inn, the Administration building, the fine arts building, and the cafeteria. The sampling of this survey includes students living on campus and commuters. The purpose of this survey was to determine through a random survey how many students knew the name of their class president.
The results were less than astounding. Of those sampled out of the freshmen class only half of the students knew ·who
their class president was. The remaining half were seemingly unaware that class officers existed. Out of the sophomore class 69 per cent of the students didn't know. 55 per cent of the juniors were unaware of who their president was and out of the 45 per cent that did know few were aware of the fact that he had transferred. Only 45 per cent of the seniors didn't know the name of their class president.
The results of this survey only supports the thesis that involvement within the four classes is at a considerably lower rate than it should be.
I can only conclude that the tr.aditional elections for class officers_ are a waste of time and energy. Since we are in the middle of an energy crisis collecting dues to buy the College a gift from the senior class is something an S.G.A. president can handle.
'Plan not to save jobs'
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 students drop at the semester.''
When asked if the amount of students we have this year will affect the budget the legisture gives us next year Dr. Pearson said that there is a direct relationship between the two buy the controversey is generated by the legislature. The formula they use is based on full time equivelencies which is the number of credit hours each teacher is carrying. The number of hours for each college determines the number of dollars each receives.
In reference to whether the State College· Student Coalition had any influence on the Governor's decision for financial aid. Dr. Pearson said he hated to
Funkhouser, Walsh chosen Feldpausch as new S.G.A. secretaries visits Peru
Terrie Funkhouser was chosen by the SG A senators to replac,• Jeff Otte as a student senator at the second meeting of the SGA this semester. Otte has transferred this semester to another school. Later in the meeting, Funkhouser was unanimously elected to be the Correspondence Secretary for the organization.
After two rpunds of balloting, Amy Walsh was elected as the new secretary replacing Jan Muchler. Muchler resigned earlier this semester because of commutting problems.
As noted in the last issue of the Pedagogian, $140 dollars was reported unaccounted for in the SGA treasury, Vice president Dean Anstey submitted a list of expenses to account for the money totaling $274.60. The expenses included various items including a bill for "bobcat food."
The Veteran's Club constitution, submitted for review last week, was approved. The club is expected to be forming soon.
speculate or inject his own opinion but feels that the Governor was well aware of what was going on at the S.C.S. meeting.
Dr. Pearson concluded that withholding of funds to the state colleges in the past has affected. each college to .some greater or -.. lesser degree but Peru has managed to keep their head above water and despite minor decreases, as he calls them, Peru is still upholding a majority of their programs and with this aid we will be able to again stabilize Peru as an learning institution and provide us with the consistency we need to move ahead in the right direction.
New addition enjoys poetry
Ms. Suzanne Underwood could be described as a Jill of all trades. In the morning: she is a secretary for Dr. Pearson. In the afternoon she teaches a class of English Composition 101, and is helping to start a new tutoring program. In her spare time she writes poetry.
Ms. Underwood graduated from Madison College in Harrisonburg, Pennsylvania, with a B. S. degree in English in 1972. She has been at Peru for three weeks. She reported that her first impressions were favorable and hopeful. Ms. Underwood left an editorial position in Washington, D.C. to joint the faculty at Peru, because her parents, Mr and Mrs Donald T. Hester, recently moved to Falls City, Nebraska.
Manv people write poetry privately, but few can claim they are published poets. Ms. Underwood is that. In 1973; she placed 7th in the "Writer's Digest" Creative Writing Contest with an entry entitled "Jig." She has two other poems booked for publication, one in 'the February edition of "Copperhead" published in Denver and the other in "Shenandoah," spring 197 4 issue by the Washington Lee University Review.
Ms. Underwood wrote her first poem at age six and through her life poetry has been her most prolific expression of her feelings. In fact, she said, "My philosophy is that poetry is a life."
George Wendel, Head of Maintenance and Grounds, reported that the sidewalks to the Complex are private property and therefore - his department cannot remove snow from them for use by the Complex students. SGA then decided to investigate a city ordinance concerning man·datory snow removal.
New or better telephone facilities for the resident dorms was next on the agenda. A letter to the telephone company has not yet been answered concerning the problem, however it. was recommended. that further requests for action be sent until the problem had been _solvaj,_ --A. campaign initiated by the• effectiveness. The campaign is centered around a series of notices and posters reminding residents of the crisis and suggesting means of conserving heat and electricity. A controversy had developed when dorm officials, in an attempt to conserve energy, started doubling-up previous singlelyheld rooms. The two-student rooms were given to a student when roommates left after the semester. The student complaint is that they have the right to live by themselves without the extra charge. The matter will be taken to Student Affairs.
It was decided at the meeting that the SGA, as an organization, is in favor of the bill now before the Nebraska Unicameral. to allow alcohol on the campuses of the state colleges and universities. The SGA plans to aid passage of the bill by initiating a letter-writing campaign on campus. The letters would bt _to
Circle K
Circle K week is to be February 3-9. Amarathon dance featuring the music of the 1950's was suggested to raise money for M.S.
The District Convention will · be in Ames, Iowa, on March 22 and 23. Club members were urged to attend. The International Convention will be in Los Angeles.
the 'stale senators from PSC students of foeir districts. Dean Young, President of SGA, plans to follow the bill through the The Governor of tne legislature to keep track of its Nebraska-Iowa District of Circle progress. If passed, the bill will allow all .types· of alcholic K -International, Tom Feldbeverages on school property. pausch, visited the Peru club
Circle K
A committee was formed to Januarv 15 · initiate the formation of a series Feldpausch stated that of complaint hearings for the February is to be Multiple student concerning College Sclerosis month and all the clubs policy and administration. The in this district are to have hearings will be designed to let projects to raise money for this the student air his gripes to the He suggested moneyfaculty in hopes of a positive raising ideas that included a result. grade school track meet, and a A. second committee was basketball game between the formed to plan a number of KOIL disc jockeys and a PSC "Rap sessions." The talks yvill disc jockeys and a PSC inbe with individuals who deter- ,tramural team. He suggested mine the future of PSC outside hospital visits, playing bingo· the College organization. Again, with the elderly, and conthe student will be allowed to struction of a sign promoting ' talk freely with the speaker in Circle K and Peru State as club order that he can be heard and acti'l'.ities. considered in the making of school po!icy.
, On the basis of a survey in which 91 per cent of the student body were in favor of alcohol on campus, the Student Senators voted to go on record as favoring the Cavanaugh-Fowler Bill which would legalize both possession and sale of alcohol on the state college campuses. To make your feelings known write Senators Wiltse, Cavanaugh, Fowler, and your own state senator. The addresses of the state senators will be posted on campus.
The following is a sample letter you can use, but remember a personal letter is more effective.
January 28, 1974
Senator Irving Wiltse
320 E. Sixteenth St. Falls City, Nebr. 68355
Dear Senator Wiltse (use the senator (s) of your choice)
The Student Governing Association has just informed the student body there is a bill currently before the Unicameral to allow alcohol consumption in the individual living units of the residence halls of all colleges and universities of the state and would also allow these colleges and universities to establish oncampus pubs. I would like to voice my support (non-support) for this bill (give. reasons)
Sincerely: (your name)
Addresses of other State Senators Sen. John Cavanaugh III Sen. Steve Fowler 1919 S. 35 Ave. 1212 E. Apt. 1B Omaha, Nebr. 68105 Lincoln, Nebr. 68508
We feel support of this bill shows a deep awareness of student rights, needs, and wants. Non-support reflects a denial of an individual's rights to live by his conscience within the confines of the law. We feel that every student should feel strongly about this bill and that it is one upon'which we might unite our efforts to achieve a desired goal. ·
Thank You, Dean Young President S.G.A.
Gary Bowman Co-C?airman Research Committee, S.G.A.
Managing Editor ". Frank D' Addesa Sports Editor
Women's Sports
Contributing Editors
Ms. Sue Underwood
DeKlotz' Copy Editor
Harmon Business Manager
Madison Circulation Manager
Walther Artists , ·
...........•............ Everett
· ·lines. ;Pea1 going should the will doesn't class to philosoph)
Wernsman Advisor
Practicing "No No Nanette" from left to right Ray Boeche; Linda Doty and John Chatelein.
opens Jebruary lJ
"No No Nanette" is on \ hedule, with opening night anned for February 17. The chorus is at work, and the stars have learned, most of their lines. Rehearsals are every day at 4 p:m. in the College
Auditorium. People are needed for publicity, set construction, and other technical work. If yoll would like to offer your services see Edward Camealy, or John Billings.
tel ·ls Peru K·iwan 1 .s.
financial situation better
"FinanciaJ!y, it looks 1>etter for Peru in the next 18 months than it has in the last 10 years," id PSC President Dr. Douglas earson at a Peru Kiwanis eeting Tuesday. Dr. Pearson ke to the group on the financial condition of the College and how it is financed through the Nebraska Legislature. The icameral is now examining e 1974-75 budget for approval.
Governor Exon, in his plan, 'Save the State Colleges'', laces new financial priorities n the four state colleges norally spent at the University at incoln. The plan centers round the idea that money oing to the four state colleges ould increase in order to make e investment more profitable. To keep costs down, the money ill be spent very carefiilly. "It esn 't cost anymore to teach a ss of 25 students than it does to teach a class of 10." This is a philosophy of the Governor's
O'Banion starts Bahai faith in Peru group seeks religious freed om
Do you ever think about religion?
After coming to and getting away from the principles and the basic concepts of religion that your parents drilled into you as a child, do you feel yourself beginning to develop your own philosophy of what religion is and what it is sup" posed to do for you? If perhaps you are still searching within yourself, and you would like a religion or some basic faith to use as a guideline for your life, but you do not believe in the ritual of going to church every Sunday, or do not like the superficiality of a clergy maybe the Bahai faith possibly is the answer.
The Bahai religion was founded 110 years ago by BClha'u 'llah who proclaimed himself a prophet in the year 1863. Bahai is a world religion that stresses above all unity of all mankind.
Trina, O'Banion, Wayne Schulenberg and Dave Clark are all members of the Bahai faith. They have been recognized as an organization by the Student Governing Association. This p_ermits them to hold meetings
basis, and spread their beliefs throughout PSC. Their sponsor is Mr Currier who has knowledge of the faith and keeps abreast of what is going on.
The Bahai faith is based on ten .certain principles.
1. No predjudices.
2. Harmony between science and religion. Baha'u'llah, the pnophet founder sights this as an ·· example: "A.bird in order to fly must have two wings - one being science the other being religion - without one the other is useless."
3. There must be complete equality between the sexes.
4. Main belief in one God.
5. Compulsory education for all.
6. A firm belief in more than one prophet.
7. No church and no clergy.
8. A universal language for all where everyone would speak:the same tongue.
9. Constant search .for truth.
10. Strong disapproval of such ' vices as drugs, drinking and smoking. This is for the reason if any one of these gets you down physically it will also harmi you mentally which in turn will effect you spiritually. Therefore you will not be as competent spiritually.
The reason behind no churches
and no clergy is if your searching for yourself, and for truth you can't have somebody else telling you what to believe in. They have Houses of Worship, but there are less than ten of them in the world today and only one in the U.S.
There is a firm belief in more than one prophet. They believe in Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus Owist, Moses and Balla'u'llah. Each prophet is equal to the one before and after him. Their belief is that God sent a prophet whenever th.e world was in a state of turmoil and anxiety. Each prophet brought a message. He taught the message of the prophet before him but added more to it so the_ world would have a greater understanding of what was going on. As an example: Moses said "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," Jesus came after him and said "lilve your neighbor as yourself." Baha 'u'llah came after him and said "Love your better than yourself."
To those of you who have decided that other religions do not give you the reinforcement you need,the Bahai faith may be a suitable alternative to the institutionalized religion we are used to.
Photo class
plan which he emphasizes to make the plan work for the most people. All classes having less than 10 sfudents will be examined and determined if it would be practical to continue the course that semester.
Three different budgets for the state colleges are submitted to the legislature for consideration and approval. The colleges draw one up which the legislature considers when making a second one, the governor submits a third. This year, the Governor's plan allows for an increase of approximately 4 more faculty members than does the state · legislature's budget.
Pearson stressed the importance of support of Peru as "your college." He said that the legislators should hear of the work being done at, Peru in hopes that they will give greater consideration to increased support now and in the future.
Plastics Technol-0gy, two The course dropped in design, courses offered this SGmester in required for a major in Inthe School. of Education and dustrial Arts leaves senior Applied Arts, will be Roger Oviatt, planning to from this semester's schedule. graduate this spring, with the The decision was made as a prospect of having to do insearch for an instructor for the dependant studies and courses to replace Dr. C. V. workshops to fulfill his major. Siegner ended without success. Dr. Scherer, Dean of the
A total of 12 students will be short on classes .as a result of the School, has said that the courses will definitely be offered next fall.
Warm weather brings changes
As the warmer temperatures swept in on January 13; lighter than normal clothing became a common sight on campus, some not even bothering to wear coats at all. ·
Easily packed snow began flying in all directions as one-toone duels and skirmishes on a group scale broke out during class breaks. More than a few people got soaked in the process, including some innocent parties who _just happened to "walk into
Gas shortage could affect state tour
"The gas shortage could affect the plans for repeating our Nebriiskaland Tour in the 1974 summer session," ·said Dr. George Schottenhamel, History and social sciences pr0fessor at PSC.
The Nebraskaland Tour is a three-credit course offered. by the social science and English departments. The course presents the history of Nebraska in "three dimensions." Students on the tour can learn of the Nebraskaland heritage where it happened.
The course encompasses the full history of Nebraska; from .the study of her geological birth (Agate Fossil Beds), to the white
man's push westward (Forts Robinson, and Niobrara, the Freeman Homestead), up to today.
The six-day trip is preceeded by a two-day orientation on the sights the class is to see. The class, together with Dr. and Ms. Schottenhamel, left on May 17 in two of the college station wagons. The tour route made a wide circle across the state. Heading west, the group visited' the Willa · Cather Museum, Pioneer Village, the Freeman Homestead, the Stullr Museum, , Buffalo Bill's Scouts Rest Ranch, the famous landmarks Chimney and Jailhouse Rocks, Toadstool .State Park, Halsey
State Forest and the Marie Sandoz Museum.
At Gordon, Nebraska, the group viewed a series of paintings done by Charlie Standing Soldier, a famous artist known for his humorous and sarcastic portrayals of the white man's treatment of the American Indian.
Schottenhammel stated that the highlight of the trip was a seminar with the late Dr. Niedhardt in Lincoln. At that time, Niedhardt was poet laureate for Nebraska. The conference turned out to be the last public appearance Niedhardt made before his death late last year.
·shoots for press style
Advanced News Photograp!ly, a new course at P.S.C., this semester, is slanted to develop a style of photography that wiil please newspaper editors.
Stuc1ents be required to take pictures covering the spread of human emotions from pleasure to agony, joy to dispair.
Colds and sniffles seem to spring from nowhere when warm spells like this one appear, and though it is too early to tell for sure, it is likely that the combination of a sudden temperature change, too light clothing and good natured splatterings of melting snow may provide our college nurse with some extra business in the near future.
They are also required to have their pictures published in newspapers and other publications, class members are studying newspaper pictures to see what type of pictures the press likes.
Everett Browning, the class's instructor, stated the purpose of the class well by his comment that "hopefully, by the time this class is through they will have able to sell some pictures."
-Ways to stop smoking
After a year of investigation, two West German psychologists have come to the conclusion that there's only one way to stop chain smoking, self-control.
So Dr. Johannes Brengelmanli and Dr. Elizabeth Sedimayr of the Munich Institute of Psychiatry have published an anti-smoking code which could hclp. '
Dr. Brengelmann believes "Our investigation has discovered that most smokers who want to kick the habit go
about it the wrong way, good resolutions are not longlasting."
Some of their tips are:
1. Buy one pack of cigarettes at a time.
2. Never ask for a cigarette; leave your matches or lighter at home. 3. After each pack, change your brand. 4. Empty the ashtray after each cigarette. 5. Stub out a cigarette after the first draw, then relight it, it spoils the taste. 6. Never sit in your favorite chair to smoke; sit somewhere uncomfortable.
and proclamations, collect funds on a you give whatever you want·
Wernsman first journalism student to complete internship program
Senior Bob Wernsman completed his journalism internship with the Peru Challenge with the end of the fall semester. He is the first student at Peru to take part in such a program.
The internship is a valuable part of the journalism program at PSC. After approximately six seip.esters of classroom work, the student then goes to work on a part-time basis for one of the area newspapers. The stUdent in the program can get up to 4 credit hours depending on the number of hours he spends working for two newspapers, The Syracuse Journal-Democrat and The Peru Challenge.
Bob started his internship at the Syracuse paper in the spring semester of 1973. He was at first very nervous in his interviews because he had a definite "doubt of his abilities." However, Wernsman said that he loosened up as his experience grew and jt
became easier to work.
Wernsman remembers a feature story which he did while working for _the "Democrat" about a 1-room-schoolhouse with only a single student. "The teacher and schoolboard refused to talk to me," Wernsman said. "It.wasn't.until later that I found out why."
"It seems that the teacher was putting in a half day teaching, and as it ended up was recieving more of a salary than she did the previous year with more students and a longer working day." The school was closed the following year after the article appeared in the paper.
Bob was working between 1620 hours a week at the paper, (2 days a week), and carrying a full class schedule. Mixing that with commuting to Syracuse and all over for interviews and it doesn't leave much time for extracurricular activities.
In the Fall semester of '73-'74,
Wernsman worked for J. L. Schmidt, Editor of the Peru Challenge. "I was very fortunate to work for the Challenge when I did,'' says Wernsman. "At that time, Schmidt had just become Editor of the Challenge and gave me a lot of 'healthy criticism' and help with my writing."
"The first thing I learned while working for the Challenge was accuracy." He had learned it the hard way. "My first regular assignment was to report the weekly court records," said Bob. "I simply reported who paid the fine instead of who was found guilty. I got into a lot of trouble with an irate mother who had paid her son's fine for speeding."
Bob started out working for the Challenge on a part-time basis,.but later began to work a full 40 hotirs a week.
A major difficulty that Bob has run into in his journalism collegiate carreer, has been
people who come to him with information but than add the phrase, "Don't quote me on that." Using the term "informed spurces" in his stories gets kind of old.
Being editor of the Peru Pedagogian in the Fall semester of '72-'73 was a "valuable experience," Bob said. "But it taught me one important lesson - "you can't really rely on anybody." Wernsman organized his staff at the end of the preceeding semester to get right down to business when the semester started. "My assistant editor and sports editor did not return to Peru and things were rally messed up," commented Wernsman.
Wernsman is a native of Prague, Nebraska, where he first got a taste of journalism in his high school. He was a typist for the .school newspaper, a single page ditto sheet called "Panther Tracks."
Bob came to Peru as a fresh-
Per u drops games to UNO and 3 conference teams
Schnaser feels· team is improving
man in the Fall of 1971. He has · since changed his major 4 times, (the national average). and finally held to journalism With the Directoer of Admissions, Gary Hoemann, Wernsman started the publication "Innerviews,'' a monthly paper sent to approximately 1700 high school students and guidance counselors.
As for the future, drama seems to play a lead role in Bob's future. "I don't intend to go into the newspaper business as a vocation," says Wernsman. "I would like to look into some summer stock, (theatre groups which get together in the summer arid give plays during that season), and go from there." Bob has been in 7 production: en the campus and also has directed.
Says the 1974 graduate, "The Internship Program, when applied correctly, can teach as much or more than the three years required before going into it."
half finishing with a 35-96 perPeru State College fans, formance for 36.4 per cent. UNO seeing their team in action at hit a blazing 57.5 per cent from home for the first time since the floor for the game, with easy December 14, witnessed a lay-ins bo_osting the percentage: sharper brand of basketball Peru dropped their first two against the University of NCC games on the road January Nebraska-Omaha than in two 12 against Kearney State, 113-88, previous home contests. and to Chadron State, 64-56,
Although the Bobcats fell to' January 14.
UNO 117-80, Peru coach Roger Chadron's win was their first Schnaser believes the squad was conference basketball victory in' getting more accustomed to two years. playing with each other as a PSC Coach Roger Schnaser team. Schnaser said, "They are contends his Bobcats are imnow):>eginning to understand my proving with each game and style of basketball." believes they soon will be a
UNO's 6-8 junior center Pat tough team to beat. Roehrig led the assault on the He cites play of freshman Bobcats with 22 points, with six forward Freeman Beville as one Mavericks scoring in double of the reasons the 'Cats are figure's. Tweleve players in all improving. Beville, in his first ripped the cords for UNO,. as performances since semester their point total set a new break, shot well and in overall Maverick scoring record, sur- play helped the team greatly, passing a 110 point output according to Schnaser. against Chadron State last year. Against Kearney, the Bobcats Bill Hunter of Peru took game played spirited, heads-up scoring and rebounding honors basketball, but could not stop the with 24 counters and 12 caroms. Antelopes who hit 48 of 84 shots Freeman Beville added 20 points from the floor for a zippy 57 per and Ron Winston 12 as only three cent. Peru's field percentage 'Cats ended the night in double also picked up, with 38 of 83 for figures. 45.7 per cent, but the 'Cats were
The Bobcat's shooting was unable to cope with Kearney's first half 04 of 48 for 29.l per running game which produced cent) but warmed the second the highest score against Peru
this year.
Beville led Peru with 29 points and Bill Hunter added 26 plus 15 rebounds to give the 'Cats a tough forward combination.
At Chadron, neither team shot particularly well <Peru-ao.z per cent, Chadron-41.9 per cent). The Bobcats had trouble against Chadron's zone defense.
Schnaser had little time to install his ta'ctics against various zone defenses before the contest.
The Peruvians trailed by as much as 12 points during the second half, but a strong comeback put them into the lead with about three minutes to play. Turnovers and crucial shot misses plagued the 'Cats in the final minutes.
Brian Wendler of Chadron scored five of his 15 points in the seconds on· three free throws and. a bucket after the ball was stolen on an inbound pass.
Against the Eagles, Beville and hunter again led team scoring with 22 and 19 counters No other players were in double figures for Peru
Neal Walde scored 31 points and grabbed 17 rebounds to lead Wayne State to a 92-64 basketball victory over Peru State in an
NCC contest January 19 at Wayne.
Walde, 6-8 junior center controlled the action on the front line as Peru lost their eleventh game in a row after an opening season win over Concordia.
Wayne's Wildcats raced to an early 10-0 lead before Freeman Beville scored for the Bobcats on a jump shot with 16:52 remaining in the first half.
Behind shooting of Ron Winston an<l Bill Hunter, Peru closed the gap to within two at 18-16, but a lapse on defense allowed Wayne to establish their fast break and take a 39-30 leaa at the half.
Second half play opened much the same as the first. Peru allowed Wayne to post 10 points before Winston connected at the 17:21 mark. Wayne steadily pulled away with many of their points coming off the fast break.
Wayne forwards Ron Jones and Chuck Collins each poured 17 points through the cords and with Walde totaled 65 counters for the Wildcats. Guard Jim Merchel headed the Wayne backcourt men with 13.
Beville led the 'Cats with 22 while Hunter added 18 and Winston 12 for double · figure scoring.
·cats split tri-dual at Graceland
Peru State wrestlers split a victory and a loss in a tri-dual January 19 at Graceland College, Lamoni, Iowa.
The Bobcats scored 26-10 over Graceland and fell 29-6 to Central Missouri State of. Warrensburg, Missouri.
John Whisler at 150 I bs. emerged as the only double winner for the 'Cats. He defeated Mottorory of Central Missouri, 15-7, and Manuel of Graceland, 11-2.
Also noted for outstanding performances by Coach Marty Dwine were Steve McQuinn defeating Rod Gall of Graceland, 18-1, at 167 lbs.; Fred Marisett a 13-1 winner over Morgan, Graceland, at 190 lbs.; and Kent Coleman for his 70 victory over Torge of Central Missouri in the 190 lb. class. "Central Missouri was a tough, well-balanced team,"·· Coach Dwine claimed. They had no outstanding individuals at any weight class, but overall they were very strong."
Peru's dual record for .season now stands at 5-2.
Kung Fu defense takes years to perfect
Every Thursday night, millions of fans turn on A.B.C. to watch David Carradine as Caine on "Kung Fu."
The main factor which has brought the series such popularity is Caine's fighting technique. Caine is a Shoalin priest, and a master of the martial art-of Kung Fu. The fighting stunts perofrmed are entertaining, yet many fans are skeptical.
Kung l'.u, an off-spring of karate, is an ancient Chinese form of self-defense and physical discipline. It was originaily developed as a weaponless form of defense, since religious men were for-
bidden to carry weapons of any king. Through the centuries, the art of karate and kung fu were kept secrets.
However, in the past ten years, Oriental forms of selfdefense have gained thousands of enthusiasts in the U.S. Karate and kung fu temples sprang up across the nation many promising to make you a devastating fighter in thirty days.
The truth is that one simply does not master Kung fu in thirty days. Years of training and discipline are required before one could truthfully judge himself as a "master." The vast monopoy of karate schools do not always let this little
"Oriental secret" be known. The point is that a master of karate or kung fu could easily perform the same stunts shown on "Kung Fu." But it literally takes years to perfect your form so that you can actually defend against twelve attackers as in "Billy Jack." The stunts performed on "Kung Fu" are possible, they are, however, the feats of a master.
Jan.28 3: 30 pm.Gamma Theta Epsilon 7:00pm.IAClub 7:00 pm.Intramural Volley Ball 8:30pmBusiness Contest Ed.no IA24 Gym Auditorium
4: 45 Circle K 5: 30 AA USwim team 6:00SGA 6:00 Wrestling 7:00 SCB Movie 9:35 am.Honors Convo. 4:00Social Work Club 5:00SCB 7:00Newman 7:30 Variety Show 3:30 Student Affairs Com. 7: 30 BaskebaH 4:00AAU Swim Team 8: 10 pm Ed.& App Arts Jan.29 Jan;m Jan;n Feb.I Feb.2 West Dining Room Pool FA212 at Omaha. FA College Auditorium FA211 SC Faculty Lounge College Auditorium Ad304 Gym Pool Ed202
It costs nothing to be informed, read The Ped
Young · 'push for LB783 underway'
"The push for alcohol on campus is now underway," said President Dean Young at their las.t Tuesday meeting. Alcohol was the main topic of discussion. Posters have been circulated around campus urging students to write their senators on their views on alcohol on campus. The importance of this issue and the importance of making the students views known to the senators cannot be emphasized enough said Young.
LB 783 will be put before the legislature Februarv 9th. The corresponding secretary has sent out personalized letters to each of the 49 senators condoning LB 748 and sighting its advantages over its disadvantages.
eed tenth round y Minnesota Vikings
Peru. State senior Barry Reed as selected in the tenth round the Super Bowl Minnesota ings in the professional ball draft last Wednesday.
6-4, 240 lb physical cation major was selected as .running back. ·
Reed was the Bobcats rushing der in 1971, 72 and 73; ored the most points (36) in 3 and was the team leader in ting in '72 and '73. He was en an N.A.I.A. all star the Nebraska College Connce Team in 1972 and '73.
deed was also named to the Omaha World Herald and Lincoln Journal Star All-Star team in 1973.
The twenty-one year old commuter from Lincoln was married to the former Janet Mannon last December 29. Reed plans to student teach at SouthEast High School in Lincoln March 11. He is the son of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Reed of Illinois.
Reed could not be reached for comment in time for publication.
ariety show date changed
The date for the variey show s been changed to Monday, urary 4. It will be held at 7: 30 the College Auditorium.
There are two entry divisions the contest: serious and orous. Gloria Groothuis has tered the contest as a Lambda Delta Lambda• will sent a comical entry. Dr.
Douglas Pearson will judge the talent contest. ·
A$15 prize will be awarded for first prize. Second place will be $5. You may enter your act at the S.C.B. office.
An- added attraction of the talent show will be interviews with Peru State's Glamour Girl ·C:ontestants.
AGcording to Young its main advantages consist of: a majority of the students want alcohol on campus, a majoriti of the students are of legal age and should be treated as adults having the same privileges and freedoms that adults have, by lifting the restrictions on the dorms a more favorable environment will prevail and more students would be apt to remain living on campus. With the exiting of more students to offcampus housing, bond revenue is becoming harder and harder to pay because the buildings are paid off from. the room rent that students pay. More students
Mann to host dance
The 50's will live again in a dance held by the Circle K Club of P.S.C. on February 12.
The dance, to be held in the gym, will start at 8:00 p.m. and will continue till approximately 12:00 p.m.
Music will be provided by KOIL Disc Jockey Carl Mann.
All proceeds will go to Multiple Sclerosis. Admission will be 75c per person and concessions will be sold. Any donations will be welcome.
exas comes to Peru State Dallas group to
"TEXAS" comes to Peru State concert tommorrow night at 7 .m. at the gym.
The group has cut an album r Bell Records titled, turally, "TEXAS", and last 1 "The Three Dog Night" ed them for an eight week cert tour after hearing their nds, especially "Burger King ues" where each member os and "Doesn't Love Have a ny Way", beginning with the unting strains of a jazz-
influenced sax solo. Even before the stint with "The Three Dog Night" they had performed at the Frank Zappa concert at the University of Texas at Austin.
Joinec hy a San Francisco group' "The Downing Brothers" in theiir. first m1dwestern lour "TEXAS" should strike a high note in this semester's activities at P .S.C. Tickets are $1.50 in advance and $2 at the door.
Grad fee due
present Thurber
The cartoons of James Thurber will live again when the Alpha-Omega Players, a repertory theater group from Dallas, come to Peru on February 7.
Sponsored by the United Ministries for Higher Education (campus ministry), they will appear at 8:00 p.m. in the College Auditorium. Admission is free:
remaining on campus would increase bond revenue. meeting the sex discrimination
In a poll sponsored by the complaint was presented and a State College Student Coalition motion was made and approved taken last semester 231 students to drop all mandatory hours- for from Peru voted in favor of women. having alcohol on campus. The Senator Roland Barrett results of the poll taken at the proposed to ask the college three other state colleges col)- department to cut overhanging caused by the last maintenance firmed the point that a majority ice-storm. Barrett believed the of the students on each campus WE're in favor of this bill.. studeuts' safety was threatened!
Peru President Dr. Douglas the students' safety was Pearson was. scheduled to attend threatened. the SGA meeting and explain A request was made from· the Governor J. J. Exon's new "save Chadron State College Student - the - state · college" plan, but Senate that Peru circulate a cancelled because he had a petition to all dorm residents touch of the flu and was en- that states they should decide tertaining. - what type of living
Young informed the body of arrangements theywould like to the SGA that Bob Wernsman has have. The purpose of this resigned. The reasons for his petition is to give the students a resignation being his lack of choice of whether they would time to devote to the SGA. Bob like to live in a dorm with no will retain his pGsition as a visitation, limited visitation, 24 representative on the Student hour visitation, or coed dorms. Conduct Committee.
Fritz Stehlik reported that at the joint meetiqg of Academic Affairs and College Affairs a proposal by Dr. Pearson to reorganize the administration by adding an academic vicepresident was approved and sent to the Board of Trustees for their approval. The academic· vicepresident would take over the responsibilities presently handled by the two deans.
President Young reported that at the last College Affairs
Chadron State College will correlate the information and if favorable present the proposal to the Board of Trustees. The request was accepted and the research committee will circulate the petition.
Due to resignations there is presently no student representatives on the Traffic Committee. President Young requested that anyone interested in filling these two positions should contact him.
Alcohol bill presented to Nebraska Unicameral
Alcoholic beverages may soon oe allowed on campus at PSC and the rest of the Nebraska State Colleges. A bill calling for the legalization of alcohol on the campuses was first read to the Nebraska Unicameral earlier this month. The drafting of the bill is a result of work done by many college groups on Nebraska campuses.
State Senator John Cavenaugh, from Omaha, ·and <Senator Steve Fowler, from Lincoln, are the formal drafters of the bill.
The movement to legalize alcohol on Nebraska campuses formally began at Creighton University in Omaha. R J. Lev. vice-president of student at Creighton, heads the statewide campaign.
Peru State students showed an over-whelming majority of 91 per cent in favor of legalizing the
beverage on school property in a recent poll conducted by the Student Governing Association. It was on the basis of this poll that the SGA plans to support the bill by a student letter-writing campaign to inform the state senators of the feelings, pro and con, of the students at Peru.
Roland Barrett and Gary Bowman are the Co-Chairman of the SGA Committee to investigate the bill, its campaign and its progress in the Senate. Working with Dean Young, SGA President, the committee has posted the addresses of the state senators on campus.
Young plans to go to the capitol to lobby in support of the bill when the bill is debated on February 9 in Lincoln. He plans to point out lo the senators the opinions and rights of the students he will represent and the economic advantages of the bill's passing.
· · of easily shown literally form defend in perare the
Legislative Bill 783 must be passed during the present law making session. This is the second time around for the alcoholon -campus hill which was introduced to the Legislature, this year by State Senators John Cavanaugh and_ this bill is defeated as it was in the 1972 Legislative sess10n 1t may not be presented again for some time.
If passed, LB783, will permit the sale of alcohol _on the campus of any college or university in the state and will also enable students of legal age to possess and consilme alcohol in their dormitory rooms. So this bill does not concern just the students living in the resident halls.
Students interested in seeing this bill passed should:
- Attend the hearings on the bill and be able to state reasons why they support it.
Student groups, including the four dorm1tones on campus, should draft resolutions in support of LB 783, sending copies to the state senators.
- Write your state senator and ask him to vote in favor of LB783.
Without favorable letters from students and parents the bill will not pass.
The eight cent stamp could be the best investment you've ever made. ,
In order for LB783 to reach Governor Exon s desk strong support for it must be shown. Show your support for it today, we must act now!
Frank D' Addesa Managing Editor
SCB preparing for spring week activitie
As the weatner gets progressively warmer thoughts turn to those of spring. With this idea in mind the Student Center Board has coordinated its efforts in the organiztion of events for spring week which is to be held April 21·27.
The wheels of thoug_ht have been put into motion by SCB President, Fritz Stehlik. It was said at the January 26 meeting that although spring week is primarily the responsibility of S.C.B., student involvement are the key words to making it a success.
Several ideas were suggested concerning the theme for the big week: "Happiness is Why wait for tomorrow because tomorrow never comes." "Peru is not getting older, it's getting better." "Peru has opened its door in '74." ·
Any suggestions from students can be submitted to any S.C.B. member or placed on the poster provided for this purpose in the student center. Concerts, dances, movies· and a carnival are events on the agenda for Spring Week.
Students may submit the names of groups they would like to appear to Jim Lennerton, Special Programs Coordinator. President Fritz Stehlik emphasized the importance and value of having an entertaining Spring Week. "Spring Week is th,e last big thing the S.C.B. does. If it goes over well the students will tend to remember it as a good year. If it goes over badly it leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth.".
Also discussed was breakfast hours at the cafeteria. So far nothing has been done to change
Board of trustees scholarships offered
Applications for the Nebraska State College Board of Trustees
Scholarship for the 1974-75 Academic year at Peru State ·are being taken.
The scholarship is open to ·Nebraska high school graduates who are enrolling in college for the first time. The qualifiers must rank in the top quarter of their class and score above the 24 composite Qn the ACT test ot 1100 on the SAT test. A written recommendation from a high school administrator or teacheF and an application to one of the state colleges is needed.
Full tuition is waived by the scholarship for up to 16 hours.
The scholarship must be renewed.once a year and can be used for e1gfit semesters of undergraduate work and summer school if graduation is speeded up by it. There is a limit of 5 academic years on the initi<)l award. Should the original recipient terminate their education at the college, an alternate will be awarded the rema.ining value of the scholarship.
This is the third year for the award. Thirty-seven students on this scholarship will graduate next year according .to Donald Miller, Financial Aids Director
One act play presented
The one act play, "I'm Herbert" directed by Mrs Mar1 Ruth Wilson was presented last Tuesday nite for Peru President Dr. Douglas Pearson and a group of prominent businessmen from Auburn. Steve Sharp, a freshmen, played Herbert and Mary Weber, a senior played his wife Muriel.
Preceding the twenty minute
play the stage band performed, "Brazilian Fantasy," and an original composition arranged by Roland Barrett. The Swing Choir added an,. extra touch to the evening with "One Tin Soldier."
Every second Tuesday Peru's various Arts and Talents will be displayed at the college auditorium.
the hours. Several meetings with Merle Huber, director of Broughton Food Service, have · brougth about no reassurance that anything is being done and no resolution of the problems existing as they are now. Stehlik seems to think Mr Huber's hands are tied behind his back, giving him little flexibility in working with the students' demands. Dt.
Douglas W. Pearson is in the process of setting up a meeting with Broughton Foods to work directly with them on the matters concerning Peru's students.
Due to the fact that graduation will deplete the ranks of Student Center Board membership by half, a recruiting drive has been started. Each member is asked to bring a prospective member to the next meeting. To qualify, a student must be interested, concerned, and want to become involved in participating in the various activities sponsored by this organization. S.C.B. is structured upon the different interests of the students. A student can belong to any committee in which he feels he can be of the most help. There are 20 active voting members, each a chairman of or belonging to a committee. If interested in tiecoming a member, a student must fill out an application, submit it to the S.C.B., be interviewed by a commission of five members to find what he can contribute to the organization. If accepted, he automatically becomes an associate member unelss there is an opening in the position he or she would like to occupy.
The culture committee reported the group for the
Feburary 14 Sweetheart dance will not be contracted until the appropriate funds are allocated for this purpose.
A concert on February 5 is scheduled at the complex with the group "Texan." providing the music. Admission is $1.50. Due to conflicting dates, the Variety Show has been moved up to February 4. J. L. Schmidt,_ editor of Peru Challenge will host the show. Judges have not yet been selected. The talent will · be divided into two divisions: humorous' and serios. Four applications have been sub-. mitted so far. First prize has been set at $15. Second prize $5. It was also decided to present : the glamour girls at the Variety Show. A swimming suit· competition was suggested but objection overruled the motion. Thirteen girls have been selected by the different departmental heads to represent Peru in the Glamour Girl contest. Elections will be held to; decide which girl out of the thirteen entries will submit their five hundred word essay to the city or state-wide judging.
Jim Lennerton is checking into the possibility. of hiring an outside carnival to be held in downtown Peru and involve the whole town. If one can't be contracted at a reasonable· price, the idea of an indoor carnival was presented with each organization setting up·. their own booth.
In conclusion, Stehlik again expressed his wishes that everyone in the organization collaborate their. motives and intentions toward making Spring Week a bigger and better success than in past years.
LEAP new tutor program on campus
Ms. Sue Underwood, academic coordinator of the newly developed tutoring program LEAP, emphasizes the personalization involved in giving free instruction to students who realize they need help in a particular course.
This tutoring program offers assistance in English, math, and science and its primary purpose is to take the student from "I can't," to "I did."
The flexible hours of the program enable a student to fit a tutoring session easily into their
Yearhook sales at half-way mark
Sales on the yearbook are approaching the half-way mark in total needed. There will be more sales and money-making projects in the future.. The yearbook can be purchased in the dorms. or at the business office.
There has been a. delay in getting pictures because of the shortage in dark room fa'Cilities. Copy and layout are in good shape.
Bobbi Thiesfeld, editor, is going into Auburn to raise some money through advertising.
Recital cancelled
The piano recital that was to be held January 27 was evidently one not cancelled by Dr. Gavin Doughty when he left.
The pianist was to have been Mary Goergen, who is finishing her music requirements at Doane College while she is student teaching.
schedule. Realistic goals enable this weakness is one link in a a student to advance at his own chain ahd it could possibly throw pace.
Evening seminars will be announced in the three subject areas. These seminars will deal primarily with problem solvin5 and· general cramming.
Ms Underwood's philosophy behind the LEAP program is "All people can learn, all people can excel, all facets of learning can be an exciting experience.
LEAP believes if there is a weakness in not understanding a certain mathamatical concept,
off balance the other learning processes in math that you have acquired. If this weakness is corrected in time it will strengthened one's whole sphere of !earing in that field.
A ."panic control center" fer pre-exam jams will offer a special "off-hours" service for times of academic crisis. Anyone interested can contact Ms. Underwood through Box 158 ·. at campus post office or by calling 872-5905.'
30 enter writing contest
Sigma Tau Delta and the English Club's second annual Silas Summers Writing Contest is now in progres.s.
According to Jean Blair, there were 30 entires in the three divisions - poetry, prose, and miscellaneous (plays, essays; etc.) ::-turned in to her.
Currently the entries are being scored for judging and before a winner can be announced, the
four judges have to read them and come to a mutual, agreement.
Prizes in the amounts of $10 for first place :md $5 for second. will be awarded in all three devisions.
Winning entries will be published later this semester in the English Club magazine, "Sifting Sands."
Managing Editor Frank D' Addesa
Sports Editor
Copy Editor Jan Johnson
Women's Sports Gail Harmon
Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Contributing Editors Bobbi Thiesfeld Bob Wernsman
Advisor Everett Browning
Rick DeKlotz
Linda Madison
Jeff Walther Artists Steve Mann Don Jochems
K.P.S.C. p·lanning new programs
KPSC now broadcasting on the .air from 6-10 is in the process of innovating some new ideas and broadening existing facets of their radio program. Swap & Shop is an example of such newly initiated action. Any student interested in the ser· vices provided by Swap & Shop will have full access to its use. The purpose of the service is to give the students a chance to swap a book or any other article and shop for another.
Broadcasting ·time could be lenghtened from what it is presently to 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. This can only be done if there is shown an improved participation and interest on the ·part of the students toward J(PSC. More involvement would bring about less time slots to fill · on the present schedule and more listening enjoyment for the students.
A meeting was held last Wednesday during convo period to discuss different methods of recruitment. KPSC is presently in search of a news director. This job entails reporting on
local news and sports events.
Under the director assisting him is needed a person to write up these news stories, edit them and get them ready for brnadcasting. KPSC is also looking for a capable secretary to take care of minutes for their meetings and also a treasurer to take care of incoming funds and miscellaneous
Other ideas KPSC hopes to promote in the near future include selling advertising to surrounding small towns and communities who have activities going on over the weekends and wish to inform the students of Peru.
These fnnds would go towards building up KPSC's library of records, to buy new turntables, and to purchase an antenna. The antenna allow the students of the Complex to hear the show and the area freqeuncy would go as far as j\/ebraska City. Being a closed circuit KPSC presently ' has access to Morgan and Delzell halls.
Those affiliated with KPSC who have their third class broadcasting license are
President Jeff Turner, Phil Chapman, Programs director, and Terry Hinderks who is in the process of being trained as news commentator. Terry must her FCC rules and regulations test before receiving her license. According to Phil Chapman they are arranging an Element 9 test which must be taken before they can receive their Broadcasting endorsement.
The variety of music will range from jazz, rock pop, soul, to the Top 40.
The Terry Hinderks show <Thursday from 8-12) will consist of playing the oldies and the goodies.
Jeff Turner's show will consist primarily of. rock and roll and Funky Phil will bring the audience a taste of jazz and blues with special emphasis given to classical symphonies later on at night to mellow out the evening. Ideas are needed from the different departmental heads as to what is going on in their department.
KPSC also hopes to announce the daily menu at the cafeteria.
lamour girl candidates selected
By TERRIE FUNKHOUSER tPstant. Each contestant sends Peru State's selection for Glamour magazine a list of her Glamour girl candidates was made by the department heads and student center board members. The girls were nominated from the Peru student body and were chosen on the basis of appearance, talent, interests, school involvement, personality and dress.
Pictures were taken of the 13 nominees and will be i11troduced at the Variety Show 0n4<'ebruary 4. Elections will be held in the · Bob Inn and cafeteria on February 5 and 6. Students are encouraged. to vote.
The winner will be announced at the Valentines Dance on February 14 in the Student Center, and that girl will represent Pei'u in the national competition.
· Each campus selects a con-
major activities and a 500 word essay describing her areas of involvement in the art social services, field work program, politics, the sciences, communications and two photos of herself. This material is submitted along with the official entry form to Glamouf'for the national judging.
From the entries, Glamour selects ten winners who are then photographed and featured in the August college issue of Glamour, receiving national recognition ·in the media for themselves and their schools. They also receive a trip to visit the magazine offices in June, meet the staff, receive a distinctive gift and a cash prize of $500.
The Glamour Queen candidates from Peru State are; Laura Ackerman, Beatrice, Accounting; Deb Baum, Elementary Education, Tecumseh; Judy Buddecke, Home Economics, Bellevue; Lucy Giersch, Business Education, Salina, Kansas; Kim Hahn, Elementary Education, Auburn; Deb Hebda, Speech and Drama, Pullerton; Patty Johnson, Physical Education, Humboldt; Teresa Kingery, Physical Education, Peru; Patty McLaughlin, Physical Education, Papillion; Roxi Smith, Biology, Lincoln; Mary Ann Stanley, English and Geography, Falls City; Carol Warnke, Home Ec9nomics, Dunbar; and Barb Wilkinson, English, speech ahd drama, Clatonia.
SAWDUST FLIES at set construction site for Peru State College's February 17and18 production of "No, No, Nanette," 1920's musical comedy revival. Working backstage on a recent afternoon were: (left to right) Julee Tillman, daughter of Mr and Mrs C. J. Tillman, Wahoo; Dai:i Bolin, son of Mr. and Mrs .James Bolin, Coin, Iowa; Valorie Cofield, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ralph Cofield, Bellevue
Technical positions filled
Technical crews have been selected for "No No Nanette." Costumes are to be made by Mrs Donald Miller, Miss Lucy Hovey, Mrs Clyde Barrett, and Mrs Lester Russell who are all area seamstresses. In charge of costume changes are Mary Weber, Barbara Wilkinson, Rita Miller, and Beth Butts.
Stage Manager is Julee
7:30 7:30
Tillman. The lighting crew is headed by Bob Wernsman. Set construction is in the hands of Dan Bolin and David Alvis.
Mrs Douglas Pearson is in charge of choreography. John Billings is Student Director; Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson is the Orchestra Director; and Mrs Gilbert E. (Mary Ruth) Wilson. is Drama Advisor.
February 4, 1974
SCB Variety Show
Kappa Delta Pi Free Film
Lambda Delta Lambda
\17omens Basketball IA Club
February 5, 1974
AAU Swim Team
Circle K
February 6, 197 4
Wrestling Campus Ministry Campus Traffic Com.
February 7, 1974
Social Work Club
Campus Ministry
Swim Team
February 8, 197 4
GLAMOUR QUEEN CANDIDATES from left to right; Barb Wilkinson, Roxi .Smith, Patty Johnson, Laura Ackerman, Carol Warnke, Judy Buddecke, Patty McLaughlin, Maryann Stanley, Deb Hebda, Lucy Giersch, Kim Hahn, Ueb Baum and Teresa Kingery.
Fees for seniors graduating May 12 are due at the Registrar's office by February 8. Those persons who plan to graduate at that time must pay these fees.
_ Grad. fee due Feb. 8
Pool FA 212 St. Cent. WDR. North East Mo. St. Cent. WDR. Ad 304 FA 211 WDR St. Cent. WDR Pool Gym Wahoo
Basketball College Aud. FA 211 SWDR St. Cent.
Center Sc. 104 Gym
Dance St. Cent.
9, 197 4 6:30
AAU Swim
Pool 9:30-4:00 Am. Red
IA Building
February 10, 1')74 4:00
Bobcats end 12 game losing streak
The drought is over! A 12 game winless spell for Peru State's basketball team ended Friday night (January 25) at Peru with an 82-72 win over Chadron State's Eagles.
The NCC victory. for Peru snapped a dozen game losing streak dating back to December 1 when the Bobcats defeated Concordia 77-67 in the season opener.
PSC Coach Roger Schnaser, in winning his first game as a collegiate mentor, watched his 'Cats battle back during second half play after losing grips on a ten point lead in the first 20 minutes of action.
Schnaser whose previous experience includes high school and collegiate coaching in Minnesota, took command of the squad at semester break.
Peru's starting guards, Ron Winston and Henry McCullough both encountered foul trouble in the first half and were on the bench when Chadron came from 10 points down to take a 35-33 lead at half time.
Chadron's Don Daugherty poured all of his 17 points through the nets during the first half to spark the Eagles. He picked up his foiirth foul before intermission and saw limited action the second half.
Bill Hunter earned game scoring and rebounding honors with 26 points and 14 rebounds. Many of his rebounds came during the decisive second half from the offensive boards with Hunte-: tipping them in for important points.
Schnaser complimented Hunter saying, "He played an outstanding game."
Along with Hunter, all of Peru's starters reached double figures with Winston hitting 16, Bob Craig-12, and 10 each for Freeman Beville and McCullough.
Of the victory, Schnaser commented, "We needed ;it badly. It was worth two weeks of practice. The kids worked hard and although we still have that need to be ironed out, the effort was great."
Peru TP
Bill Hunter 26
Ron Winston 16
Bob Craig 12
Henry McCullough 10
Freeman Beville 10
Dan Parker 4
Greg Sanders 4
Marcus Harper 4
Totals 82
Kearneysponsors "spring fling"
Serious skiers and snow bunnies' alike should rejoice at Kearney State College's Campus Activities Council invitation to join skiers from that school for a "Spring Fling" ski weekend in ·1eadville, Colorado.
The date, for the trip, undetermined at present, will be set according to the time when the greatest number of students will be free to attend. Students interested in the trip should contact Mr John Letts at the Student Center Board· office in the afternoons as soon as possible.
Bob Craig (52) stretc1les above the Chadron crowd to tip in two second half points in the Bobcats' Friday night 82-72 victory.
Fans viewed Schnaser's initial coaching victory, also the first 1973-74 home court win haltening a 12 game skid. '
Players not blame for poor season,
The big question concerning the sports scene on campus this winter is, why is our basketball team doing so poorly?
One thing is certain. You can't put all the blame on the players for lack of a good showing this season. It is very difficult to participate in a sport such as basketball and have three different head coaches during one season.
If it were tennis or golf, the blame could probably be put on the participants. By the time a tennis player or a golfer reaches the collegiate level, his skills are so developed that a coach can be of little help. He either has the ability to do a good job or he doesn't.
In basketball, a coach is needed to set up offensive patterns of attack (plays) and ·various defenses to keep the other team from scoring too many points. Our Bobcats this seasori, with three mentors have barely had time to get used to one coach's philosophy before another came to lead them.
Coach Roger ·Schnaser has been working with the for a month. The squad is now beginning to play as a "team", having learned Schnaser's style of play. During the past month,
The Barfly's won the intramural volleyball title last week to go along with the football title they captured last Fall. Team members include: Gail Bly, Tom Craig, Rick DeKlotz, Dave Green, Jim Marteney, D?ug McElroy, Terry Neddenreip, coach Tom Popek, Bill Pruett, Chuck Rombach, Dave Rombach, Robin Simmons, and Dave Stemper.
Attend the variety show tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the College Auditorium
Experpts from the opera MARRIAGE OF FIGARO by Mozart, will be on campus February 6, 1974 in the Fine Arts Aud. This special convo period will be presented by the Qmaha Opera Society.
Individual Year book Pictures
the 'Cats have shown improvement with every game, a victory over Chadron being the reward for continuous hard work and patience.
One element most of the team has not lacked through the anguish of a twelve game losing streak is desire.
Coach Schnaser believes he has the type of players who want to do well, and will work to be successful.
Critics of the team should also keep in mind that only Bill Hunter returned from last season's starting five. The most noticeable less from last year is Ananias Montague who finished
Last chance to have your picture taken for the 1974 Peruvian. and Thursday, February 6 and 7, T.V. room of Student Center 10:00 - 3:00. This will be the last time individual pictures will be taken. Plan to have yours taken.
IShort of Hours for College Graduation?
Class Schedule Conflict?
Have to Work When Class Meets?
Want to Study at Your Own Pace?
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Want to Get Ahead of the Game
150 Colleye Courses to Choose From University of Nebraska-Lincoln Credit
Cost: $20.00 per credit hour
You Can Be A Part of the Largest Independent Study Program in the U.S.
For Infonnatipn Write: Department S.C. University Extension Division 511 Hall Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
INDEPENDENT STUDY BY CORRESPONDENCE CAN FULFILL THESE NEEDS! 19th nationally in points scored with a 25.8 average. Montague also pulle\i down rebounds at a 13.3 clip per game to lead the Bobcats in that department. Starting center. Rex Beatty is also gone, along with guards Don Monzingo and Terry Ratliff. With freshmen filling in at most spots, plus three different coaches, it shouldn't be too difficult to understand why the team has come· around slowly. With a coach who has plenty of J time to work with them, the I squad is playing better. With I added experience they are I molding into a team that Peru State fans can be proud of. II
Telephone: (402) 472-2171
VOLLEYBALL Final Standings
w L Barfly's 8 0 Straf 7 Late Comers 6 2 ,Nat & Co. 4 4 M.C. Manglers 3 5 Budmen 3 s Fubars 0 8 Bushbow's 0 8 Fu's 0 8
tudent teachers to begin on March 11
It is that time of year when ·. seniors in education put the techniques they have learned during the past four years to ·practical use and go out to do their student teaching.
Dr. Lloyd B. Kite, director of student teaching, has made the following teaching assignments for the period of March 11 to May 10. Students· in the program are with their assigned schools and hometowns.
High School: Michael R.
Chandler, Shubert, Nebr.; .Thomas Froelich, Peru.
Middle School: Rod Wartman, Jr., Caltimet City, Ill.
Calvert Elementary: Carla Joy Gilliland, Humboldt; Jacquelyn Jo Kelsay, Peru.
Sheridan Elementary: Janine
Hauschild, Avoca, Nebr.; Irene Seeba, Johnson, Nebr.
Peru Elementary: Joanne
Doxon, Peru; Janet Kirkendall, Auburn. ·
Senior High: Dean Alwyn Young, Adams, Nebr.
High School: Maxine Marie
Behrns, Nehawka, Nebr.; David Clarke, Auburn.
Mission Junior High: Jo Ann Moore, Nebraska City.
High School: Charles Pavolis, Worcester, Mass.
Carriage Hill Elementary: David Jubinville, Granby, Mass.
Senior High: Roxann Regstorf, Sterling, Nebr.
Senior High: Janet Lee Barton, Nebraska City.
Logan Elementary: Gayle Lynn
Morga!, Malvern, Iowa.
Central Elementary: Mary
McHugh, Nebraska City;
Bhrbara Jean Shroyer, Superior, Nebr.
Senior High: Jo Ellen Fichter, Randolph, Iowa. ·
Sidney Elementary: Linda Sue
Madison, Sidney; Lee Allen
Miller, Nebraska City; Stephen
Pummel, Nebraska City.
Southeast High: Kurt Frohling, Guthrie Center, Iowa; Eldon Terry Neddenriep, Johnson, Nebr.; Charles Rombach, Grand Island, Nebr. Carol J. Wheeler, Auburn.
Senior High: David John Green, Holdrege, Nebr.; Mary Jane Green, Brock, Nebr. Stephanie R. Lang, Pawnee City, Nebr.
Junior High: James D. Wolken, Tecumseh, Nebr.
High School: William S. Hunter, chicago, Ill.
High School: Joevette Farber, Uehling, Nebr.; George Hoover, Falls City, Susan Kay Williams, Falls City.
Elementary: Janis Martin, Humboldt.
High School: William Dean
Anstey, Cumberland, Iowa; Gary Bowman, Shenandoah, Iowa; Jack Stanley, Truro, Iowa; Gayle Swisegood, Falls City, Nebr.; Thomas Wills, Pemberton, New_ Jersey.
High School: •Terry-. Criger, Nebraska City; Nancy Wurtete; Nebraska City.
Elementary: Karen Henry, Coleridge, Nebr.
High School: James Landwehr, Dunbar, Nebr.; Denise Mabie, Nebraska City.
Elementary: Kay Lynne Albin, Dawson, Nebr.; Marilyn Stalder. Humboldt.
High School: Charles Heim, Dawson, Nebr.; Kay Lawson, Peru.
High School: Barry W. Reed, Henry, Ill.; Emily Boeck, Auburn; Philip Chapman, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Elementary: Michael O'Brien, Pine Hill, New Jersey.
Junior High: June Bottcher, Syracuse, Nebr.; Patricia McLaughlin, Papillion; Richard Morrissey, Syracuse, Nebr.
Elementary: Pamela S. Van Syoc, Van Wert, Iowa.
High School: Elliott Gee, Nebraska City; Kathie Hall, Peru; Michael Nannen, Peru; Patricia Schultz, Tecumseh, Nebr.; Ramona Tuxhorn, Auburn; Frances Wolkmer, Talmage, Nebr.
Junior High: Drasis Pajeda, Nebraska City.
Northside Elementary: William
Fogarty, Worcester, Mass.; Charlene Lutz, Nebraska City; Janis Mutchler, Peru; Charlene Welter, Nebraska City.
.Northwest High: Fritz Henning, Peru.
Boyd Elemeniary: Janice Henning, Auburn.
Belvedere Elementary: Luvenia Sanders, Omaha.
Food complaints being looked into
"You are going to see some action. Your voices have been heard," were Mr Letts' words commenting on the food complaints that have been pouring in from all sides Action has been taken on the part of the students for the last month. Now the administration is stepping in to take over the responsibility of rectifying the current "food complaint" situation., President Fritz Stehlik reported at the last SCB meeting that Dr. Douglas W. Pearson is in the process• of setting up a date with Broughton Food Service to work directly with them. Complaints have been taken to SCB, SGA, Student Affairs, and Academic Affairs. It is now up to Dr. Pearson to look into these matters.
Astudent survey conducted by Sherry Gregg consisting of complaints and comments on the food service provided in the cafeteria will be broadcasted on KPSC in the near future. Miss Gregg has also set up a tape interview with Mr Merle Huber, Manager of Broughton Food Service which is also to be broadcasted on KPSC.
Ideas were around concerning the theme for Spring Week. Several new suggestions were brought up and it was voted that four of the slogans be taken to a meeting with Fritz Stehlik and Dr. Pearson. The final decision of what theme will be used will be decided at their next meeting.
The proposed Spring Week activities are still in the planning stages. Jim Lennerton has
confirmed "Jasmine" for the February 14 dance.
It was voted upon at SCB to send Jim Lennerton to the Association of College Union's executive regional meeting.
A tentative date was being set up for the student vs faculty basketball game. The male members of SCB have Fhallenged the faculty members to a duel basketball game. The date, time, and place of this event are still indefinite.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss unity between the four regions; Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri. The reason behind sending Lennerton to this meeting is that he is an executive council member. They will also discuss plans for a regional convention to be held next fall at Kearney.
New program to improve speaker
FUNKHOUSER SPEAKEASY is a newly devised program under the direction of Ms. Sue Underwood and Dr. Gulizea. Its purpose is to allevia.te some of the. fears and diminish apprehension that some students have when it comes to publicly addressing · groups. It is open for anyone and it is a free service. Meetings will be held each Tuesday starting February 12 from 12: 00 to 1: 00 p.m. in the West Dining room lounge in the student center. At such a get-together over lunch, each member will give a speech a week on the topic of their choice. Dr. Gulizea, Ms. Underwood and at times Mrs
Wilson will informally provide instructional materials. After each speech constructive critisim will be given on a workshop format.
The motto of the program is Confucious say "Th'ose who say it can't be done should not interfere with those who are doing it."
The program hopes to serve as a successful means in relating to others. It will give the student the power to inspire others, persuade them and even disagree on pretenses. SPEAKEASY will provide the student with needed confidence to address groups with ease.
Educators day on Saturday
PERU, NE Educators in be available. Faculty will be on over 200 area public and hand to visit informally with parochial schools plus an ad- guests. ditional · 200 individuals An innovation on this year's associated with education have program will be an information been invited to attend Peru State and question session from 3: 30 to College's 22nd annual 5:00 including sections on adEducators' Day Saturday, missions, financial aid, student February 16. life, athletics and academics.
Activities designed to acquaint At 5: 30, educators will be guests with Nebraska's first guests of the College for dinner college wili begin with coffee at lhe center, followed and registration at 2 p.m. in the by the Peru State vs Bellevue student center. College basketball game at 7: 30
PSC President, Dr. Douglas in the gymnasium. Pearson, will welcome Dr. Thomas Scherer, Dean of educators from Nebraska, Iowa. Education and Applied Arts, and Kansas and Misso.uri at 2:30 John Letts, Director of Housing Campus facilities will be open, and Student Activities are many with departmental serving as co-chairmen of the
SPEAKEASY will bring about an awareness of how to speak how others speak, will hopefully provide the keys to ·open a students creative storehouse and give the student encouragement needed to improve.
Through this program Gulizea and Underwood hope to teach artful ways of communicating.
Through active participation on the part of those students involved stimulation will fire other aspects of each others lives.
Gulizea and Underwood both stress yesses instead of no's. For further information contact Dr. Gulizea or Ms. Underwood through Box 158 Campus Mail.
World religions course offered
Provided ten students are interested, another course will be added to the PSC curriculum. The proposed course is Philosophy 301, "Philosophy And History Of World Rrli!!ions." Tl:c instructor would be Father Mel Rempe.
This three hour course formerly dealt with the world's most popular religious: Christianity, Judaism Islam, Hinduism. Shintoism. etc.
The first meeting will be held Tuesday, February 12, at 3:50 p.m. in Fine Arts 105. The class will meet then whether or not the mandatory ten students are enrolled.
For additional information interested students should contact Dr. Clyde Barrett, room 106A, Fine Arts Building.
NO. 14 \.
FEBRUARY 11, 1974
Feb. 14 [\\\
Dance ·
8 P.M. at the gym \\\\
Appropriations bill passed
For the first time in four years we have an appropriations bill passed and signed by congress according to Donald Miller, Financial Aids Director.
According to Miller, the past three years congress. passed a resolution to continue the programs at the previous level. Miller said he would like to encourage students to file for the appropriate financial aids for next year. Filing should be done as soon as the students or their· parents file their '73 income tax. Deadline for the four federallyfunded programs is April 15.
Students skip classes· for various reason
'The four programs are the National Defense Student Loan · College Work-Study Program, Education Opportunities Grant, and the Basic Education Opportunities Grant. ·
BEOG appropriation was $121 million for '73-'74 academic year. For the '74-'75 academic year' $475 million has been appropriated. President Nixon has aksed for $1.3 billion for the funds. If the $1.3 billion is okayed, there is a possibility the progr:im will be opened to all undergraduate students.
Stud-ents don't approve of pass · fail marking system
The pass-fail method of grading is used commonly in the early grades of a child's education. Then, as he travels into adulthood, grades become prevalent on the teportcard.
When asked about the use of the pass-fail system on Peru's campus, the following students had varied opinions ·on the sub.iect:
James C. Smith said, "No, I like competency based courses. If 90 per cent was used as pass and anything below it was used as fail. it is all right, but, I prefer competency - based grading. Pass-fail gives you very little on which to evaluate a student. · Before you can evaluate a student, you'd have to evaluate the course."
Miss Karlene Badgett said that "it would do a lot for a lot of kids, but it would also eliminate the honor system and elegibility for jobs."
Mass Communication major, Terri Hinderks said "I don't like it. I would like to know where I
sti!nd with other people and know what kind of work I'm doing. I don't think it would be good in high school but in college, it is good for general education but in other courses I would like to know if I'm above average." ·
Miss Nancy Chomos, a music major, said she thinks it is. okay. "A lot of elementary schools have it in Physical Education, Art and Music. In high school, you· should have two systems. Vocational education needs grades and a college bound student should know if he's doing well or not. On the college level, it would work for music but not many other subjects."
Miss Hicks said,· when asked her view of pass-fail, "The students don't like it. They may think they do, but when it collies to the classroom, they want to know bow they rank."
Pass-fail seems to be one of the topics that ·can never be resolved. In some classes, it may work and it may not, but it is up to the teacher and his students to decide.
Music dept. plans events
"NO NO NANETTE" will kick off. 1ll)qsic d.epartment's for this semester
February l'land 18 at 8 p.m. in ·the college auditorium.
February 23 P .S.C. will hold ifs twenty-third ··annual High School Choral Clinic for students from area high ·schools. Choir director of the clinic will be Randhll McEwin, consultant of vocal· music to the Lincoln Public Schools. Rehearsal.s will be held all day with a concert at 7:30 p.m. In addition to eight numbers by the clinic choir there will be group and solo performances by students from the attending schools.
The P.S.C. Band will perform•
in concert on March 3 in the college auditorium.
A student recital will be given March 5 in the Fine Arts auditorium at 8:15 p.m: Rita Lammie, mezzo-soprano, will give her senior recital March 24 at 3 p.m. in the Fine Arts auditorium.
The college choir will give a concert on April 7 in the college audiforium at 8 p.m. and will go on a four school tour April 8 and 9. The schools for the tour have not been selected yet.
A student recital will be given in the Fine Arts auditorium at f,.
.iL.-r girh. ibt \\a:y tu .1 man's heart is through his left \ ('11!riele.
Biff Rose ·
Nearly all college students class at least once, some skip more often. Each has his own excuse. There are as many different excuses as there are absences. Yet, some students regularly skip class and nothing wrong with it. Their instructors mark each absence and wonder why.
Everyone has heard the story about the student who had. one too many at the local pub and awoke with a dreadful Hangover: Whereupon, he (she) decided to ignore that 8:00 a.m. class and sleep it off instead. Some reasons are much more serious.
Many students will skip class if they feel that they are not learning anything. If the class is boring like many of the general education requirements, the .average student may feel that it just isp.'t worth it.
This reporter interviewed several students who regularly skip classes. The following are some of the more ,frequent responses. The names of the 'students and instructors have been deleted for the academic sake of both.
A male sophomore rema,rked "I don' need his class. I mean I'm here for my degree. There's absolutely nothing I want out of that except the credit."
Another student. replied "As long as I pass the tests, which I do what's the difference?"
A temale freshman answered "You can only take so much!!" Despite efforts on the part of the academic administrators to stop the increasing number of student absences, it seems that students will attend class regularly only if they feel the desire to learn. To paraphrase an old saying "You can lead a student to college but you can't
force him lo attend a class he ab,nlutely ahhores.''
,no th er big reason for the numerous skips-seems to stem from the fact that some students feel that their instructor doesn't know his subject. "I'm tired of all the bee-essing. If the teacher doesn't know what he's talking about, why don't.he admit it, we do on tests" was the way one ·student put it.
There are many other reasons or excuses if you will, one point seems to stand out. -Absences hurt both the student and faculty member. The student wastes his · money, the instructor wastes his time. But if faculty members continue to use class attendanceas a club, which they may illegally hold over the students head like the proverbial sword of Damacles, no good will come of it. For few students allow themselves to be so intimidated. Or as one student said "When it gets to the point of nausea, you might as well skip class."
How to· win her heart on Valentine's Da
Traditionally each year Valentines J:)ay is filled with hearts and flowers ribbons and lace. Boys g.ve girls candy. Girls give bQys dir t,y;ooks if they don't get candy. Girls give boys valentines expressing their undying love. The Ped Staff would like to offer some alternatives of what you can do for him and her on Valentines Day.
- Give him a backrub and massage.·
- Run his bath water and scrub his back.
- Wash and iron that three month load of dirty clothes that's been building up in the corner. That ·includes washing all his sweaty P.E. socks etc.
- Girls pick up the tab down at Duffys.
- Buy him the "Sensuous Man."
- Buy her .t.iie "Happy Hooker" by Xa\rl'r Hollander.
- Do the dishes for her.
- Write "I Love You" on his mirror with red lipstick.
- Clean his dorm room.
- Buy her a bottle of
"Mateus."' ·
- Give her an old shirt of yours and write a love saying on the back.
- Buy her an all day Slo-poke sucker.
- ·Buy him a carton of cigarettes.
- Tell her she looks sexy.
- Buy her lunch.
- Empty his garbage.
- Nibble his ear.
- Put notes in his pockets and where ever he least would exoect to find them telling him you love him
-Buy him a month's supply of health food.
- Give him the pass key to your room.
- Wash his hair.
- Write him a poem.
- Giver her the ·keys to your car for a nite. (So she can go out and pick up other guys.) Give him a fifth of whiskey.
- Give him a copy of "Playgirl" and see if he learns anything from it. Then watch him get mad when you ask if he has learned anything.
Now for the things you shouldn't do or give him or her on Valentines Day.
- Don't eat crackers in his bed.
-Don't drive his car down the seven mile stretch.
- Don't drive her car down the seven mile stretch.
- Don't ask him to do your· homeowrk.
- Don't nag at him to pick up his things.
- Don't tell her how sexy the girl across the table looks today.
- Don't tell her about your past sex history.
- Don't tell her you love her if you don't.
- Don't take her to McDonalds or the college cafeteria to eat.
- Don't tell.her you'd rathe be going out with the guys tonite.
- Don't stand her up and say you forgot about your other date.
- Don't give him a bod building manuel.
- D;;n't forget it's Valentines Day.
Managing Editor Frank D' Addesa
Sports Editor Rick DeKlotz
Copy Editor ] an Johnson
Sports Gail Harmon
Business Manager ............•.... Linda Madison
Circulation Manager
Jeff Walther
Artists : Steve Mann
Don Jochems
Contributing Editors Bobbi Thiesfeld
Bob Wernsman
Advisor Everett Browning
___ --you.. • •
Groups rock Peru with sounds
State's gymnasium
shook to some solid, heavy sounds last Tuesday evening ,as "Texas" and "The Downing Brothers" swung into action with heavy rock, boogie, jazz and blues.
"The Downing Brothers" came on first to heat up the audience with a bluesy version of - get this - "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen." People laughed a little the title was announced, but when Steve Sargentti came in soft and sweet on the harmonica_, Ed Rudman's guitar doing a blues harmony, I the people Settled down and SOrt of went "yeah." _ -
Second on the list was "This Time Around" by Randy Harrison A well done number with the brothers throwing in some old-fashioned "scatsinging", this piece was really moving .along with Sargentti wailing and rocking on the mouth organ, Rudman pushing a solid boogie beat on the guitar, with the tune to the old "Rock Around The Clock" thrown in on an instrumental run between verses - fine boggie !
During "Burger King Blues"
J.W. Everitt, handling the sound equipment for the show; asked me "Are you impressed?" Impressed? Wow!!! the com; bination of instruments in that number put out an "outer space" sound that captured the .mind, with a vocal wailing out at the last - pure gold. The audienc& ate it up, man just slurped the whole thing!
"Farley's Song," another · Downing original, had a good waah-waah trai11 horn sound from the harmonica that cut out softly at the end.
For an encore the "Brothers" did the Drifters tune ''On Broadway" in' their own fine style, throwing an original in-, strumental iritroduction lasting over three minutes, worth listening to as a number in its own right. Sargentti shifted it ·into vocal, doing some superior high range work.
"The Downing Brothers" described their part of the show as feeling like they were "playing Carlsbad Caverns", but they really did their job of getting the people "up" for "Texas."
"Texas" came on as big as their name with Jerry Lee Lewis' old tune "Tossin' and Turnin'", heavy on the sax with
"TEXAS" performing at the gym last Tuesday night. ,
· good drum backing and a steady bass beat. The :vocal work had a clear, punching sound: Then came "25 Miles" -
'Wham!! Both drummers going just as hard as they could, four of the group came in on the vocal arrangement and the guitars turned loose, the bass guitar kicking out a steady bambambam and Wesley Harr s pushing his voice into high' range.
"Illusion", called "Texasstyle" Rock-n-Roll, was carried by the instrumental work, a good, good guitar sound by lead man "Mase" Mabrum, the sax and drums· carrying the beat.
People who didn't show for the concer:t missed a lot just because they didll't hear «I Hate to Boogie", which of course has to be one of the best boogie numbers to come across the charts in a long, long time. 'I've spent some time in the Lone Star State and I'll tell you, that was boogie, TEXAS style as well as "Texas'.'
"Part Time Love" started out with "Mase" Mabrum singing and on guitar by himsel{. Gerry Emerson cut in behind him on drums with Danny 'K. Miles · really pulling some strings on
Pinball machines draw crowds at the Bob-Inn
Briiiing ! Buzzzzzz ! din-dindin-ding ! Odd as these sounds are, they are quite common at Peru State's Bob-Inn. These sounds are the song of the pinball machine. Try .to 'get up : one morning and walk· into the Student Center and beat the ' pinball freaks to the tables. Chances are you won't get their early enough. The games go on from dawn to closing time, and even then the players may have to be forcefully exitted from the ·building, away from their beloved machines. What causes 'this "Zombie-like" attraction? What holds these people, men and women alike, to these fascinating bits of wood, wire, and metal? ., ., "It's the challenge," says freshman Dennis Glaab. "You
beat the machine, or it beats you." Glaab says that he .and most of the other "pinball freaks" spend as much as 3 to 4 hours a day playing the s_ilver ball.
"It's really the only thing that happens on campus,".said Don (Jersey) Longo. "There's nothing else to do."_
Longo figtired that he spends approximately Hl.00 a year playing the machines, even though he does win quite often.
Peru State's exchange student from Iran, Andrani15 (Andy) Najarian, wasn't immune to the lure of the, flash and glitter. Andy says he too plays between 1-3 hours a day. The challenge and the prospect of winning free games, (something for nothing), draws him again and again to the table.
"We have pinball machines in Iran too," says Najarian, "but they are for gambling." "You can wager a dollar and win up to two hundred dollars if you have a good game."
Though a promise of money is absent from American machines and prohibited by laws, the free game hauls in the players by the carloads. The inovation of giving free games for five well-played balls has a Nebraska· origin. In 1937, Western Equipment and Supply Company came up with "aksarben." - the free game.
The three machines in the Bob-Inn are all manufactured by the D. Gottlieb Company. Gottlieb started back in J.930 ,with a string of coin-ope1'fed test-your-grip machines in Texas. His new of the
"bagatelle board" took America for a moment, from the gloom of the depression. Since that time, advances such as · anti-tilt devices, flippers and the wonder of electnc1ty has made the pinball novelty company a giant and booming industy.
to win? "It's all in knowing how to use the flippers," says veteran Longo. "Give it the right nudge, don't tilt, and be patient. If you can put it all together, you'll win most of the time.
Longo sounds iike he;s putting ·-forth a philosoohy to life. Maybe that's the secret attraction. Every game is like a small lifetime. You win and you lose. But in pinball, unlike in life, you've got flippers and the chance to win a free game.
bass guitar ,.and the whole group swinging in on it. Sax man Bob Anderson got in on the vocal work on this one along with Wes Harris. "Mase" Mabrum and Gerry Moore. Then the sax and lead guitar got into a heavy duet - l had a hard time staying still listening· to that one, kept wanting to grab a girl and· get out and boogie!
"I Feel So Bad" had all the stops pulled on it. Everything was going - "do you, do we, do I" - the sax leading the way!
To end the show, "Texas" did "Rock-n-Roll Eyes", guitars both in on the beginning, the rest , of the group cutting in behilid them, just- Wow!! -gettin' it on! Cut as a single, it had a solo by each member of the band, all singing about a girl with (Natch) "Rock-n-Roll Eyes." The harmonica really ripped it on out, the lead guitar coming in with high range repeat picking. Everybody got it together for a rolling finish.
It was all some really heavy sounds and if those fellows don't make it to the top then we'd all better take another look at the music industry, becuase there would be something awfully wrong.
Planet Of The Apes
February 12 F.A. AudQ check notices on campus for time
Don (Jersey) Longo looks on as Dennis ·Glaab tries to defeat the pinball machine.
173 Students recognized at honors convocation .
_ Bellevue NE. Mary v. Stehlik, Daykm, NE., 7.41; frey, Omaha, NE., Kerry L. 173 students received 8.00 8.49 N b k, Cit 'NE 8 31 Debra Maureen E. Hazard Krause, Peru, NE., Barry J. for scholastic Ann M. Boring, Dawson, NE, Ae NE., City,. NE., Janis F. Mutchler, Miller, Papillion, NE., 7.75; · achievement January 30th at Bernadette J. Dorn, .Burchard, Dianne D. Liberty, NE., Nebraska City, NE., 7.44; J?hn K. NE., Peru. State The cer- NE., Tom H. Froehlich, Peru, 8 35 John F Cole Nebraska D. Coatney, Peru, NE., Tern L. Patrice L. Kinmson, Nebraska tificates were.given to stude?ts NE., Julia I. Garrett, Glenwood,. Cit '·NE. 'M. Golden, Hinderks, Auburn, NE., Mary City, 7.76; Trena O'Banion who earned a g;ade po:nt IA., Deborah K. Omaha, City, NE., Melvin D. Ann Stanley, Falls City, NE., 7.76; Mike J. Severson, Geneva, average of 7.25 or higher durmg NE., James A Hmton, Omaha, K r ·Sidney IA Barbara L. Jerome E. Symancyk, IL., 7.78; Laura B. Ackerman, the 1973 fall semester. NE., Robert Krajicek, Papillion, NE., 8 38 ; Tecumseh, NE., 7.47; Gale D. Beatrice, NE., JohnD. Di.erking, President Douglas Pearsen NE., Theresa M. Krontz, San D B;aun NE., Bly, Elgin, NE., Gloria A. Tecumseh, NE., Jamee J. gav..; a short speech and Dr. Tecumseh, NE., Mary Louise J s. L Sterling Kentopp, Falls City, NE., Judy Henning, Auburn, NE., Janet M. Kelly Liewer and Dr. Guy MeHugh, Nebraska City, Jae Peru: A. Spires, Nebraska City, NE., Auburn, Rosenberg presented cer- Barbara J. Shroyer, Superior, NE 'w·ll9 m A Schofield Peru Carol J. Warnke, Dunbar, NE., Richard L. Leech, Beatirce, tificates. Thefollowingisalistof NE, Rosona G. Smith, Lincoln, NE.,
7.50; Von A. Bachle, Auburn, NE., Debra N. Niedermeyer, students who were honored. NE., C.
NE., Beth L Butts, Broken Bow, CBookt,.NE.N,WE. Giale Rpum pseltbes, Pawnee City, NE.,.
City, NE., 7.56; Gleora E. 1y, ., eggy NE., Carol J. Wheeler, Auburn, Candice Ann Wurtele, Nebraska · Covault, Table Roc)t, NE, 7.57; W1ll!ams, Brownville, NE., 7.80; NE., 9.00 City,NE.,8.00;RalphN.Arnold, 7.25-7.99 Steven J. Johnson, York, NE., Lili J. Harpham, Auburn, NE., Betty L. Adams, Peru, NE., Falls City, NE., 8.05; Patricia J. Patricia L. Collins, Fremont, 7.58; Maynard F. Geschke, Randall A. Krecklow, Glenwood, · Julie K. Bredensteiner, Omaha, Schultz, Tecmuseh, NE., 8.06; NE., Randy P. Hansen, Avoca, NE., Peggy L. Kreifels, IA., James S. Robinson, Lincoln, NE., Sus11n M. Lorenz, Lincoln, James D. Wolken, Tecumseh, Nebraska City, NE., Ananias Nebraska City, ·NE., Gary W. NE., Tommie Lou Solie, NE., Jeff A. Walther, Bellevue, NE., 8.08; Terry d. Leech, Montague, Chicago, IL., James Lesoing, Hickman, NE., Bob E. Brownville, NE., Laurita M. NE., 8.50; Debra M. Hebda, Union,NE., DavidL.Romback, C. Smith, Cook, NE., John R. Williams, Stella, NE 7.59; Tackett, Tabor, IA., 7.81; Fullerton, NE., Cathy V. Hen- Grandisland,NE,8.11; Deborah Trayer, Auburn, NE., David L. Thomas R. Budnick, Hampton, Barbara L. Brady, Peru, ning, Petu, NE., Rita L. Lam- K. Barton, Omaha, NE., Bar- Werner, Falls City, all 7.25; NE., James D. Cardwell, Lin- NE.,7.82; Denise D. Mabie, mle, Auburn, NE., Duane R. bara E. Shupe, Wabash, NE., Philip D. Fritz, Verdon, NE., colri, NE., Michael K. Whitten, Nebraska City, NE., Susan K. Madison, Sidney, IA., Dennis W. 8.12; Shelly D. Able, Auburn, Gayle A. Swisegood, Falls City, Falls City, NE., 7.60; Martin J. Williams, Falls City, NE 7.84; Williams, Stella, NE., 8.53; NE., Mary J. Green, Brock, NE, Richard A. Tynon Peru, Combs, Peru, NE., 7.62; Ricky Anna Stukenholtz, Peru, NE Stephanie R. Lang, Pawnee NE., 8.13; Ruth M. Bolin, Peru, Ne., 7.31; Terrerice P. Reese J. Bell, York, NE., Richard M. 7.88; Doanld A. Doxon, Holtville, City, NE., 8.56, Carla J · NE., 8.14; Deborah L Grotrian, 7.33, Bellevue, NE.; Joseph R. Hopkins, Guthrie Center, IA., CA., 7.89; William E. Reeves, Gilliland, Humboldt, NE, Jodi Johnson, NE 8.18; Linda Doty Shown, Nebraska City, NE., Rita M. Miller, Nebraska City, Peru, NE., 7.93; Raymond A. Siegner Peril, NE., 8.58; 8.19; Lynn A. Anderson, Auburn, Sheila R. Wiles, Nebraska City, NE., 7.63; Sharon K. Duerfeldt, Czazwicz, Burnham, IL., Jan L. Marlene R. Mullens, Wymore, NE.,. Walter P. Nimmich, NE. 7.3.\ Terrie Funkhouser Falls City, NE, Paul J. An- Pressgrove, Falls City, NE., NE., 8.59; Glenda Morehead, Pawnee City, NE., Anne M. 7.36, Papillion, NE.;Mi.chael A. derson, Nebraska City, NE., Jack L. Stanley, Truro, Ia., Nemaha, NE., 8.60; Roland C. Tackett, Glenwood, IA., 8.20; Davis, Nebraska City, NE., Michael R. Chandler, Shubert, Susan K. Wheeldon, Greenwood, Barrett, Peru, NE., 8.6&.; .Susan Russell B. Barnes, Peru, NE., Karen A. Gress, Nebraska City, NE, Suzanne L. Coughlin, NE 7.94; and June E. Bottcher, R. Zimpfer, Omaha, NE:, 8.67; Rhonda. L. Gopher, Table Rock, NE., Debbie Hendrickson, Middlefield, CT, 7.69; Leroy J. Syracuse, NE., 7.95. ScottW.McKercher,Peru,NE., NE., 8.24; Lauren E. Coufal, Beatrice, NE., Robert A. Mc- Frana, Nebraska City, NE., 8.72; Mary L. Bauman, Falls Plattsmouth, NE., Mary E: Hill,,, Clain, Jerseyville, IL., Kristie S. Steven A. Lawson, Murdock, s· -City, NE., 8.74; Nancy J. IA., Allan R. Oestmann, 'Morrissey, Tecumseh, NE., all NE.,AnnR.McCorinell,Auburn, Senior Art ..
Chomos, Greensburg, PA., Auburn, NE., 8.25; James C. 7:38; Cheryl M:Rinne, Tecmseli, NE., 7.71; Phillip v. Dean, Harrietta L. Reynolds, Landwehr, Dunabr, NE., 8.28; NE., Janet A. Vance, Ralston, Bellevue, NE 7.73; Dennis P
Tecumseh, NE., 8.75; Karlene Lois J. Vavra, Milligan, NE., NE 7.40; Gladys L. Dunlap, Brady, Peru, NE., Connie J.
K. Badgett, Auburn_, NE 8.81; 8.29; Judy · L. Buddecke, Ashland, Chyrel K. Collin, Potter. NE. Rita God-
Cats drop two games on final shots
82-79 with 1:22 left. Ten seconds
Tennis courts and not completed
Cold weather continued to hold
GI ad ys Lawson
Peru State fans, players and coaches were subdued after an 85-84 loss Thursday night (January 31) to Midland College of Fremont.
Warrior substitute guard Bob Bre(\ux bucketed a set shot from the right hand corner with one second to play giving Midland the victory and capping a second half comeback.
In the non-conference game played in Peru, the lead change hands several times in the first half, with Bobcats taking a 43-39 margin into the dressing room at intermission.
Peru opened their largest lead of the night - nine points - with 11:46 to play when 'Caf senior forward Bill Hunter pushed PSC scoring to 64 to Midland's 55.
Exactly one minute later, Peru's starting center Bob Craig fouled out after scoring eight points and grabbing nine rebounds. Craig's rebounding strength was to be missed down the stretch as Midland's retailiation effort began.
Another major loss hit the Bobcats when Hunter picked up' his fifth foul with 5:44 to play: The team's leading scorer tallied 32 points before leaving the game. Peru lead at the time 74-69.
Bundy-with 11:16 to play. later Warrior Loren Lamprecht Bobcat Ron Winston countered cashed two free throws to cut with 14 of his 23 points tire rest of Peru's margin to a single point: the way to spur a Peru State With 39 seconds to play, comeback. The 'Cats slowly Freeman Beville gave the closed the gap, pulling within Bobcats infinitesimal breathing three at 99-96 on a bucket by Bob toom with a bucket from 10 feet. Craig with 1: 19 remaining. Midland's Jeff Meyer countered Peru's Bill Hunter cut the lead to quickly with a lay-in, but in the one 34 seconds later following a process fouled Beville on a JFK turnover. charging call.
up the finishing touches on the · F .S.C. courts, according to George Wendel, superintendant in th e of maintenance.
The resurfacing work, done.by D·dd 1 Elliott Construction of Grand I e Island, was just about finished when the cold weather hit in December.
Excitment mounted as Craig
Given a one and one op- picked up a loose ball on the portunity at the line, Beville Patroit"s next possession setting missed the first attempt. A up a go-ahead basket by Hunter scramble for the rebound from 10 feet with eight seconds in a jump ball being left. called. Midland gained· J. F. Kennedy called a time posession on the jump, and out with three seconds called time out with 20 seconds remaining the first inbounds pass was tipped out of bounds by remaining, setting up Breaux's Craig as.one P_recious second left heroic shot. the clock.
In competition against John F. On the next inbounds pass, a Kennedy the final shot again pick was set for Bundy. He broke determined the outcome of a free from Peru players, taking a Peru State basketball contest. pass five feet to the right of the JFK'S Les 8-undy connected top of the key, firing the ball just on a 25 foot jump shot at the before the buzzer sounded. buzzer enabling the Patroits to The basket sent Peru's season defeat Peru 101-100 Saturday, record to 2-14.
.February 4.
Hunter, second in current
The lead changed hands six NAI4 District 11 scoring times in the first half before the statistics, led the Bobcats with Patroits took a 53-51 advantage 29 points. He grabbed 16 at intermission. The visitors led rebounds to help Peru to a 63-45 by as much as eight points advantage on the boards. during the first 20 minutes of Freeman Beville added 26 action, layups off their fast points and 14 rebounds for the Midland's Breaux scored six b k t· f f · rea accoun mg or many o 'Cat cause. of his team's last 10 points th · t e porns:
J. F. Kennedy's Bundy topped during the final two minutes. Th p t ·ts d th · T t · h b k b e a rm opene eir scoring for the evening with 37. s as! etsd y the New largest lead of the night, 11 He stands fourth in District 11 r eans Jun10r c ose the gap to. points at 77-66 on a basket by ·
Six coats of surfacing compounds was inopped on most of the court lines were laid aown before the cold set in, but the long-wearing acrylic paint used can only be laid down at 65 degrees F. or warmer, otherwise it will not set.
"If we get enough requests from students, I'll put up a · floodlight and time clock so they can use it at night," Wendel said. If response is strong enough and the lights are installed, it could make the $2,000 resurfacing cost more than worth while.
8 42
evm S M d' S'dney IA 8 44 and NE., Danny R. Parker,
ea nee, ., rene ee a, 9 .oo8 50 Timothy, Nebraska City, NE., St. a 1 Bsons'h 1 pe w'ab'a'sh. NE NE. Susan M. Wenzel
ff S L d T k h uxh P NE · even · u ' ' " · ' · P c·t NE P J Je rey men, e
S. T orn, eru, ., 847 ··
A. Kdeneke'
Nebraska Johnson, NE., Marie G. Warnke,
ama, Kare?
Ramona ux
50's dance· tomorrow night ii
Exhibition Court at the Fine Arts Building now through February
..... Students (male or female) interested in serving as statisticians for 197 4-75 Bobcat Athletic Teams contact Sue Fitzgerald P.S.C. News Bureau
S.G.A. to set up complaint booth
Astudent complaint booth will be set up at the Bob Inn today between 12 and 1 p.m. Students with complaints or grievances about campus activities or student-faculty disagreements will be asked to fill out a complaint form
Peru State's Student Governing Association has placed the booth there to increase student representation in campus affiars. SGA Senators will man the booth Monday through Friday through the rest of the semester between 12 and 1 p.m.
.Lucy new glamour girl
Lucienne Marie Giersch's mother never told her about Ultra-Brite. But Lucy was still voted by the student body of Peru State as their Glamour Girl for 1974.
Lucy, who turned twenty one month ago is a sophomore majoring in Business Education and has a minor in the two-year secretarial-clerical program. The five foot-three inch blue eyed blonde was born and raised in Kansas and makes her home at Morgan Hall during the school year. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Laurence Giersch of Salina, Kansas.
Her activities on campus include cheerleading and being a member of the Women's Athletic Association. She enjoys to cook ("cookies and cakes, sweet things, the more fattening the better") and sew. Lucy lists Horse-back riding, softball, roller-skating, boating, swimming and waterskiing.
Her favorite season being summer and her favorite day being the first day of it, Lucy likes to spend alot of time in the sun. She has spent the last four
summers working as a Public Relations representative for McDonald's.
Miss Giersch stated her future goal was to· be a successful teacher. She said she would like to teach because she enjoys working with people. Her plans are to teach secondary education business courses or at a vocational college.
Lucy believes "Happiness is the most important thing in the world." Life is not going to last long so one shouldn't be grouchy or upset." There is only one life to live-one chance to do what you want to do · you should do whatever will make you happy."
On being elected Glamour Girl Lucy said, "I think it's a fantastic feeling being the Glamour girl, but it was just an honor being nominated."
Glamour Girls are chosen annually on campuses across the country the competition is sponsored by Glamour Magazine and ten national winners will receive recognition in the August edition of the magazine,
peakeasy program· begins
Seven students showed up at the first session of SPEAKEASY held February 12 between 12 and 1 p.m. over lunch.
According to Ms Underwood the first session was a personalized way of everyone getting to know everyone else by getting up in front of the group and giving a little background on themselves. The instructors also did this because as Ms Underwood put it, "We're all in this together." "Films and handouts
are on the agenda for future meetings" said Ms Underwood.
"We hope to include a diversity of different types of speaking such as drama, debate, and poetry reading." She added, "The ones who came were the ones who were interested so the size of the group does not matter." Ms Underwood condluded by saying that she hoped for future reference that students will take advantage of this new and highly exciting program.
The complaint booth is to be a collecting point for student gripes. SGA plaris to take the completed forms to the administration and present them at an informal "rap session" to be started later this month. The rap session will be between the PSC faculty and the students.
The SGA Senators hope that the informal sessions will lend a greater understanding of recurrent problems and lead to some type of positive action in eliminating them.
Other issues discussed at the SGA's February 12 meeting were:
ALCOHOL ON CAMPUS - In an effort to increase the number of letters from PSC students to their State Senators in the Unicameral, the SGA has planned to set up a booth with free stationary, envelopes. and postage provided for the cause.
"There really hasn't been a noticeable effort made by the student body yet," said SGA President Dean Young of the letter writing campaign for the Alcohol on Campus Bill, (LB 783). "Whether this bill passes or not is an emotional as well as a legal issue," said Senator Terrie Funkhouser. She said she was concerned that because of many of the state college's student's lack of interest, the senators would get a "lop-sided" impression of their voter's stand on the controversy. "The bill represents more than just the legalization of alcohol on· the state campuses," said "it is an illegal infringement of a civil right." Ms. Funkhouser was referring to the right of all Nebraska residents 19 years of age or over to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages.
CONSTITUTION INVESTIGATION - A committee of SGA Senators plans to investigate the constitutions of all the PSC student organizations. The senators will examine the laws of the organizations and present suggestions to the officers of the clubs to make their constitutions more effective and up-to-date. The committee's findings will also be presented to the
INCREASED OPEN DORM HOURS - Petitions circulated through the four single-student dormitories showed that an average of 94.6 per cent of the
residents wanted more ooendorm hours. The results from the petitions will be sent to Chadron State College for analysis. President Young said that the ultimate goal of the effort would be to lift the hours - ban completely from the dorms. An appeal to the administration will be made after the forms are returned from Chadron.
OPEN SWIMMING - The swimming pool in the basement of the gym will be open for recreational swimming to PSC students and their guests four days a week. Getting the pool open was an SGA project which was begun last October. A schedule had to be arranged between the school and the city of Peru. The current schedule is as follows:
SUNDAY - 1-4 P.M. - PSC students and faculty.
SATURDAY - 1-4 P.M.Open to the !JUblic.
BIKE RACK - -In con- · sideration of the energy crisis and the increase of bikers expected this spring, a committee headed by Senator Bud Kimball is looking into obtaining a bike rack for the campus. When the rack is obtained, it will be placed in a central location on campus for convenience and security. Kimball will speak to George Wendall, superintendant of buildings and grounds, to have the department handle the installation.
B flu Dorms report machine break-ins hits Peru State
Burglars and vandals struck behind a knife used · at Delzell and Clayburn- to open the machme.
The flu has been hitting Peru Matthews halls here at Peru At Delzell Hall, one or more with it's headaches .and tern- State in the early morning hours burglars removed the front of peratures. .Saturday and Sunday, February the cigarette machine in the
Mrs Virginia Miller said that it 9 and 10. lobby without any noticable is the Type B strain of influenza Mrs Florence Johnson, damage, making off with an and that blood tests done on housemother at Clayburn- unspecified amount of cigarettes some of the students has shown Matthews, was first to discover and cash, sometime between the this to be true. the break-in of the cigarette hours of 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.
To cure influenza, Mrs Miller machine there when she heard a Saturday morning suggests going to bed, drinking noise around 3 a.m. Going to Sunday morning vandals lots of fluids and taking aspirin. investiage, she heard someone smashed the glass front of the To prevent the flu, caught by running, but was unable to see candy machine in the Delzell oral contact, Mrs Miller who it was. Hall lobby, also damaging the suggests washing the hands, and The burglar or burglars pried interior of the ice cream not drinking out of the same off the top of the machine, taking machine there in an apparently glass, bottle or can and being cigarettes and currency valued unsuccessful attempt to obtain careful not to infect yourself will at approximately $62.00, leaving ice cream by prying up the help.
Though the influenza only takes a couple of days to go away, Mrs Miller said it can
No tea th"is year, metal.dispenser
N0' N0
develop into pneumonia and President of the. Home Ee strept throat if it isn't cared for. onomics Clup, Mary Paap, said TEEP exam
there will not be the Martha Washington Tea this year
because of cuts and not enough Home Ee. majors. According to Mary, it is no longer a .legal
t •
VOL. 69 NO. 15
On March 6 Nanette,,
ht department of the state, the club On Ig has cut down on its activities. ·
Letters To The Editor
Letter to the Editor:
There are presently several vacancies in S.G.A. that need to be filled. There are openings for representatives in Fine Arts, Physical Education, Commuter, · and the Senior Class. Anyone interested in these positions should contact me in the Stµdent Center Office, if no one is there leave a note.
Now is the time for those interested in running for next years S.G.A. to start making plans. The election will be held in the third week of April. The only qualifications are that the student must carry at least a 5.00 grade average and turn in a filing petition with 50 students signatures on it. There are 18 elected positions; one from each of the three upper classes, one from each ot the seven departments, two commuters, one from each of the four dorms, and a president and vice president.
Alcohol on Campus is currently one of the biggest issues confronting college students in the state of Nebraska. It is not so much a question of whether or not you are for alcohol, it is a question of being able to decide for yourself what you want to do in the privacy of your own dorm room. At present college students who live in the dorms. are second class citizens, but it doesn't have to be that way. LB 783, the "alcohol on campus bill," made it through committee and has a good chance of passing if all the students will get behind it and push. If you 're tired of being second class citizens, write a letter to your state senator. Tell him your tired of being a second class citizen and that as a voter in his district you want him to help you obtain your rights. Your Senator won't know your feelings unless your inform him. Write a letter, talk your friends into writing letters, even talk your parents into writing. Alittle involvement could go a long way
S.C.S.C. to push alcohol-on-campus bilL
if everyone would try it.
Dear Editor:
.Dean Young President S.G.A.
The biggest complaint about Peru is, there is nothing to do.
On Feburary 5, a concert was held in the gym. The concert consisted of the bands Texas and The Downing Brothers. Out of 601 full time students 96 tickets were sold. 96 people took advantage of a good. concert and something to do in Peru.
Some students were unable to attend, because of play practice. The play practice should have been cancelled for that night. It. was very rude that it wasn't.
Peru didn't show Texas very much consideration. Texas paid for the Downing Brothers, the posters and many other things.
How do you expect there to be more student activities, when very few people take advantage of the ones we have?
Sherry Gregg
Dear Editor, I have found that words like concern, interest and involvement are irrelevent and seem to have no apparent meaning to the students. They have been excluded from the vocabulary used by the Peru' students. They are seemingly nonexistent words with no meanings attached to ·them. Words like apathy are recognized by most students but the meaning somehow escapes· the ma iority.
Since these words are either non-existent in the Peru Students vocabulary or they have vague meanings to the students who have seen tlr6se words some where before therefore they don't hav\! to be concerned about anything. They don't have to become interested or involved in any facet of life that evolves around them. Things get a little easier once you understand.
Dance revives memories
Rock arid roll is here to stay as was evidenced at the gym on February 12. Host Carl Mann of KOIL took us back to the 1950's with the musical question "Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On the Bedpost Over Nightl."
The fashion trend of the evening was the slicked back hair (butch wax shall return! ! ) , argyle and white socks, "tennies," ponytailes, long-tailed white shirts, loafers, saddle shoes, cuffed jeans (the higher the better!), muscle shirts (packs of cigarettes maybe?), and we can't forget the shades <in a dark room yet.) ·
The King-Elvis, who else? __:_ rolled on with Mann playing his golden oldies of "Hound Dog," "Teddy Bear," "Heartbreak Hotel," "Won't Wear My
Now that Legislative Bill 783 has been voted by the Miscellaneous Subjects Committee to move on to the Legislature floor the plans made by the State College Student Coalition at their February 9 meeting in Kearney to promote the bill will now be put into effect.
According to SGA president Dean Young, "This is just the beginning of a hard-hitting strategy 'designed by the four state colleges to open the eyes of the Senators and make them aware of our legal rights as students."
The initial step is a mass letter writing campaign. In regard to this campaign, a representative from Kearney said, "We have the power of the S.C.S.C. behind us and the enthusiasm inside us to go forward. Now all we.need is student support, determination, and alot of hard work to guide us in the right direction."
The S.C.S.C hopes to get students, faculty members and parents to write to their senators and stand behind the legal rights of their children who attend the state colleges.
It is the intention of the S.C.S.C., through these letters, to inform the Senators and make them aware of the voting power held by the studentS in the state of Nebraska.
The S.C.S.C hopes to make the Senators conscious of a voting record in favor of students' rights and bills concerning State Colleges. In the course of election, S.C.S.C. will delegate its support and endorsement of, the Senators who were in favor of the bills affecting our colleges.
.February 27 and 28 are the tentative dates set for a two day workshop to be held in Lincoln with representatives from the four State Colleges will attend. They will meet and talk with the different Senators on an individual basis. Plans are being made to invite all the Senators to an informal hearing over lunch where the State College Student Coalition can present their arguments to the unicameral as a whole.
We were taken on a "Sea Cruise,'! and Boris and his Crypt Kickers showed us how to "Monster Mash," and Kookie ient us his comb (say, does anyone remember the meaing of "ginchiest?) ."
Dances were done 50's stylewhat else? -jazzed up to fit the 70's. The Twist returned for awhile as Jan and Dean took .us to "Surf City," and Freddie (Boom Boom l Cannon took us "Where the Action Is." We became "Poor Little Fools" when we tried to Stroll. Sometimes our style of dancing worked and sometimes not. However, the dancers deserve credit for trying.
If nothing else, it brought back some memories for those of us old enough to remember the grand and glorious 50's.
Family Planning Clinic Feb.. 28
The Health Clinic on Peru's campus is sponsoring a "Family Planning Day" February 28th from 12o'clock on. Appointments are necessary. Counseling on birth controlthe different types of birth control and the effectiveness of· the I.U.D., the condom, foam,
Lobbying at the capital is the third dimension of the campaign to legalize alcohol on campus.
According to S.C.S.C., each college has full intentions of following Senator Terry Carpenter's advice of sending up ten limes the amount of students present at the· Miscellaneous · Subjects Committee hearing where LB 783 was initially brought up by Senators Cavanaugh, and Fowler, sponsors of the bill, to the legislative hearing when it is to be presented. It was the feeling of the members of S.C.S.C. to bring many concerned students to the legislatures review of the hearing might pressure the Senators' decision and spell out the students' determination concern and .the mature attitudes taken on this bill in presenting the facts, what exactly the students want and why the students want it.
One of the major. problems involved in taking as many students as possible to the · legislature is dissention. A spokesman from Chadron State College, working on a State internship under a Senator at the Capital explained, "Nothing will trun off the Senators more than dissention against the opposition. We must conduct ourselves in a mature and orderly fashion to show we are responsible adults." Another represenative from Kearney brought up this idea. "Maturity is the vital question involved. The question of whether students are mature enough, responsible enough, and have enough good judgement to be allowed to have and control alcohol on campus is raised by many Senators."
Senator Fowler said it will be at least three weeks before the bill reaches 'general file' and is brought before the legislature to be voted upon.
A spokesman for Kearney brought up this point in regard to what date the legislature will review the bill and vote on it," The opposition is not stupid. The bill could be brought up during spring vacation, in which case, half of oilr representation would be killed."
Senator Terry Carpenter, from Scottsbluff, informed the students at the hearing that it is their legal right to set up a specific date and time for the hearing to be presented. Tom Lieske, President of the Student
Council in Kearney, felt that this should be looked into further so the state colleges would have at least a week to congregate their forces while the bill is still on general file.
It was also brought up that apparently Senator Stammer, of Omaha is against any kind of action that would allow alcohol on campus.
Senator Stammer said he' didn't have time for minor issues like this. When a college coed wrote the senator asking him to favor the bill because it was a major issue to be considered, the Senator supposedly .toid the girl to talk to a priest to see what a major and minor issue is.
The State College Student Coalition suggested that each school go back to their campus and set up a letter writing aF ternoon equipped with typewriters, paper and postage stamps. All the students would have to ·do is write a short letter and sign their name. Guidelines on what to write and how to write it will be easily accessible.
It was also requested by S.C.S.C. that each campus set up a meeting with the head of each organization recommendingc them to have their members all· write letters.
A motion was made from the floor to go on record as favoring LB 783. The vote was unanimously in favor of this motion.
The State College Student Coalition will be looking for senators to back in the upcoming elections to make the organization known.
The separate recommendation by the Legislature Analyists and the Governor were discussed but no motions were made due to a conflict of interests.
Kearney is looking into an evaluation system to be used by the faculty members for their own educational tools. This computerized evaluation may be based on one taken at the University of California at Berkeley which had considerable results. Ft. Hayes State College in Kansas has done somewhat of similar evaluation which is also being taken into consideration.
Library offers movies for student use
and the "pill" are available for any student who is interested Pap smears will also be given:
The purpose of this one day seminar held each month is to inform the students of what is available to them and make them aware that help is right around the corner if they need it.
It's not everyday you can see a free movie in yoµr local library. Students at PSC have this service available to them with the help of Mr Paul Kruse, videoaid coordinator and recently appointed D!r_ector of Instructional Media. Soilnd and movies, 16mm and Smm movies, film loops, transparencies, educational games, some art prints, film strips (some with sound), records, tapes, flash cards, multa-media kits, and displays for buttetin boards are all available on a two to three day loan for the students. There are also 500 to 1000 films on any subject that students may order for use in the classroom. If a particular film or tape is available, the student may extend the loan.
Mr Kruse will also help students make laminations, transparencies and color liftsall for the cost of the materials only.
He said that if the library does
not have a certain item, it may be. borrowed from the Educational Service Unit No. 4 in Auburn. Netche tapes and all audio-visual material have a loan period of one day.
Anything on TV having to do with education may be copied for use in the classroom. Most of them will be· in color. Federal agencies, state agencies and big companies like General Motors, Bell Telep ,...ie
and the American Cancer Society offer free films for the students' use. These are available here. Catalogs in the library are available to students to order free or inexpensive teaching aids. The only cost is that of return postage. All · students are encouraged to use this service. If you need help, contact Mr Kruse or ask the circulation desk for information.
Managing Editor Frank D' Addesa
Sports Editor '. Rick DeKlotz
Copy Editor Jan Johnson
Wome_n' s Sports Gail Harmon
Business Manager Linda Madison
Circulation Manager Jeff Walther Artists _ , _. _. Steve Mann Don Jochems
Contributing Editors _Bobbi Thiesfeld Bob Wernsman
Advisor ........•..•............ Everett Browning
"No, No, Nanette" runs again tonight at college auditorium
hy a touring company, "No No Nanette," has reopened once again in _New York City. Hopefully with the saJTle professional proficiency of a large louring company without the glamour and glitter of being in New York City Peru State College students will try to glve you the same type of entertainment you would enjoy by a highly paid road show at a much cheaper price. The musical opened in the Peru State College auditorium last night at 8 p.m. and will be showing at the same time tonight.
The cast of 21 students which includes 11 chorus members is · by far one of the largest casts in a musical production presented at Peru in a long time.
One of the main differences of this musical compared with other plays thus far this year according to John Billings, director is that "a majority of the stu.dents who tried nut had little or no theatre background or drama experience in high school or while they've attended Peru." John said, "We have a lot of 'new blood' in this production." When asked whether the inexperience of the actors was a help or a hindering device in the ability to work with them John remarked, "More often than not their inexperience made them easier to work with."
"From the opening date we were rehearsing for five weeks" said Billings "and in that amount of time we've come along way with a cast as large as this."
"This show is purely entertainment and has no deep underlying message to get across to the audience," said Billings "this light musical comedy will·. provide ·a very satisfying and entertaining form of enjoyment to all who attend." John's final remarks were in saying that the company has done a fine job. He put emphasis on the fact that the cast was put through many long and often trying rehearsals but they came through with a lot to show for it.
According to Billings the musical was given $500 to work with as a budget and 365 dollars of that went to renting the music and paying the royalities on the show. When asked how much the set cost Billings replied, "30 cents."
A lot of the costumes worn m the musical were original 20's outfits were loaned to the cast by Mrs M. K. VanHorne of Pawnee City. Mrs Donald Miller, Mrs Lester Russell, Mrs Lucy Hovey, and Mrs Clyde Barrett consolidated their efforts in sewing the22dance dresses, the five tux jackets, the five hats and the other miscellaneous items needed for costume changes in the musical.
Mrs Miller said that she cut out all the dresses and the other ladies helped to sew them. Mrs Clyde Barrett was in charge of making the five tux jackets. Mrs Miller said they were very lucky to pick up the material they needed at a very reasonable price by checking out the good will stores. Mrs Miller remarked, "I can't begin to imagine how many hours were spent cutting, sewing, and altering the costumes but everything turned out looking great." Beth Butts, wardrobe director took care of the alterations on the costumes they
already had from past plays.
The chorus dances in the musical add a robust 20's flavor to the comedy show. The pairs of dancing duets provide enough to make you want to see the musical more than once.
Two of the most popular songs in the musical are, "I want to be Happy," and "Tea for Two." They add a light hearted touch needed in the musical to make it a success.
The plot in summary is about a young girl in her twenties who wants to get married but has decided to sow a few wild oats before she settles down. Her start to make a new and more exciting life for herself begins with a move to Atlantic City. The sub plot so to speak is brought about by Jimmy, who is the president of a bible publishing firm. Jimmy is supporting three young and deserving ladies who through hard times have all lost their money. Billy, Jimmys lawyer finds out about this and immediately arrives at the conclusion that Jimmy is fooling around which causes a grave misunderstanding when Sue, · Jimmys wife finds out and she too thinks he's fooling around. She finds out that it is really Billy who is not on the level ang then what happens? Come to the -show and find out.
The leads are played by Dennis Emhke as Tom, Diane Rees and Nanette, Linda Doty as Sue, Ray Boeche as Jimmy, Jan Pressgrove as Lucille, John Chatlain as Billy, Trina O'Banion as Flora, Deb Hebda as Betty, Janet Wilson as Winnie and Julee Tillman as Pauline.
The chorus members include Michael Kelly, Janet Vance,
Kent Fike, Eileen Gladys, Alonzo Collins, Rhonda Goober, Phlyis Buttrick, Kevin Knoll, Becky Niday, Beth Butts, Phil Rogge and Tom Banks.
Bob Wernsman will take care of lighting and sound. Bill Pressgrove will be the projectionist. Beth Butts is wardrobe director. Julee Tillman, Michael Kelly, Barb Wilkinson, and Mary Weber will be doing makeup. Dan Bolin is stage manager. Kay Albin is house manager. Mrs Douglas Pearson is the choreographer. Mrs Mary Ruth Wilson is the drama consultant. Dr. Gilbert Wilson is the orchestra rehearsal director and· Mr Carmealy is the musical director and production coordinator who will also conduct the orchestra for the show.
postage letter Guidelines 1owtowrite by npussetup each mmending all 1expensive is All use help, the formation. PERU PEDAGOGli\N PAGE 3
Nanette wants to go out and· raise a little hell before she settles down and gets married.
This is the plot in a sentence in the revival of the 1925 musical, "No No Nanette." Currently a road show put on
Mr Edward Camealy directs the band. Odor ends talent show The College Auditorium was permeated at the Variety Show with a "Mad Scientist" chemical concoction.
Curtis Robinson won first place in the serious division with
his guitar talent.
An act by some of the Davidson-Palmer girls, introduced by Phil Richter as W. C. Fields, won first place in the humorous division.
Dennis Emhke with "Nanette" Diane Rees.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS FEB.18 5:30 IntramuralBasketball 6:00 SGA 6: 30 Afro American 6:30 PSEA 6:30 Foosball Tourney 5:30 Wrestling 7:00 IA Club at FEB.19 Gym FA212 FA104 FA212 Student Center Wayne IA29 12:00 Education Dept. Toastmaster Speakeasy 4:45 Circle K 5:30 lntramura!Basketball 6:00Women'sBasketball at 6:30 Foosball Tourney 7: 30 Epsilon Tau Pi 8:00 AA USwimteam FEB.20 3:30 Foosball Tourney 6:00WAA WDR WDR Gym College of St. Mary Student Center IA24 Pool Student Gyrn 7: 30 Basketball Wayne 10:30 a.m. Campus Traffic Comm. Gym AD:J04 FEB. 21 1:QO Wrestling Conference Tour 4: 00 Social Work Club 5:00SCB 6:00MU Swimteam 6: 30 Foosball Tourney FEB. 22 Women's Tourney Basketball FEB. 23 8: 00 High School Choral Clinic. Basketball UNO FEB. 24 4:00AAUSwim Team Gym FA211 WDR Pool Student Center Fine Arts There Pool ·- ALL WEEK Alan Burwell Senior Art Show Diddel Exhibition Center
Bobcats win one drop one
In matches at Kearney, the Peru State gymnasium as Bobcats defeated Northern State Northwest Missouri state (Aberdeen, South Dakota) 21-13 University barely edged the and Kearney 45-7 but were Bobcats 19-16, by winning the stymied by Morningside (Sioux final match. · City, Iowa) 28-12.
Peru won 5 of the 10 matches
Coach Dwine singled out Bud but the Missourians gained the' Frohling, Dean Brooks and Jim three point margin by forfeit in Rezac (Valparaiso) for good the 142 Jb. class. performances. Frohling and Bobcat Bud Frohling (Guthrie Brooks each won three matches, Center, Iowa) .usually handles while Rezac defeated Jim Boyd the 142 position, but moved up to of Morningside. Rezac lost a 5-2 150 when · teammate John decision to Boyd in a December checked in overweight. 12 dual, but pinned him in 5:32 in Froshling earned a 7-2 decision the rematch. over Kevin Brooks, NWMSU's
Commenting on the physical 150 lb. competitor. condition of his squad, Coach After dropping the opening Dwine said, "We should have a two matches, Ken Stanley full team healthy for the William (Truro, Iowa) scored Peru's Jewell dual February 8 at first three points in a 9-0 decision Liberty, Missouri. This will be over Bill Hammer. the first time the. current team After Froshling's victory will all be ready, with exception NWMSU's Dave Sielaff of Gary Lesoing and Dean An- decisioned Steve McGuinn stey." (Pa1atine, Illinois) then Bobcats
Lesoing, Hickman junior at Dean Brooks (Bellevue), Bob 126 is out with a back injury and Brown (Franklin PennAnstey, Cumberland, Iowa sylvania) and Kent' Coleman senior at 167 is sidelined with a (Oakland, swept 167, 177 shoulder separation. Both were and 190 weight classes to tie injured before semester break team scoring at 16-16. and are out for the season. In the. decisive heavyweight
Top notch wrestling com- match, Jim Rezac (Valparaiso) petition was witnessed and Mike Papini wrestled to a nesday (February 6) night in thP scoreless standoff in the first
Round Ballers drop games to Bellevue, J.F.K. ·
"It's hard to recover from two one-point losses. We lost the edge we had earlier."
The comments were Coach Roger Schnaser's after his team's 88-75 loss to Bellevue College Monday night (February ·4). He referred to one-point setbacks to Midland, 85-84 and John F. Kennedy, 101- · 100 on the PSC court within a week's span.
Bellevue stormed back from a 38-34 deficit at halftime to score 54 points in the last 20 minutes of play.
John Howard, 6-3 senior forward scored 17 of his 19 points in the second half to lead the comeback. Sophomore guard, 61 Buzz Garlock, also contributed 19 points as five Bruins tallied in double figures.
Freeman Beville, PSC sophomore from White Plains New York, led Bobcat scoring with 19 points.
The 'Cats connected on 36 of 90 shots for 40 per cent, while Bellevue hit on 36 of 77 for 46. 7 per cent.
John F. Kennedy College held Peru State to 29 points the second half in defeating the Bobcats 88-69 in Wahoo Friday night <February l) '
The lead changed hands three times during the first 20 minutes of action with neither team commanding by more than six points. JFK took a 45-40 ad-. vantage at halftime despite a 19 point effort by Peru's Bill Hunter (Chicago, Illinois).'
Scoring lapses in the second half hurt the 'Cats' chances for a comeback Peru scored only eight points during the first 7: 28 of the stanza before catching fire to pull within five of the Patriots at 59-54 on a layup by Freeman Beville (White Plains, New York).
Three free throws and a lay-in by Hunter cut JFK's margin to four at 63-59 with .7: 50 remaining. In another scoring letdown, Peru was outscored 25-. 10 down the stretch to absorb their 16th loss against two wins.
Hunter led all scorers with 30 points. JFK's Les Bundy tallied 22 for the Patroits and tied Hunter for rebounding honors with 14. Peru committed 26 turnovers to 16 for JFK.
PSC Coach Roger Schnaser pointed out JFK's ball control and good· defense as factors contributing to their victory.
"The team's defense must get tougher along with better shooting in order for the 'Cats to improve," he surmised.
Thinclads. place fifth
With a squad thin in numbers arid experience, Peru State placed in five of 14 events in triangular indoor track competition at Kearney State Saturday, February 9. Coach Bob Riley heads the squad assisted by Tim Hendricks, post graduate from Omaha.
Host Kearney garnered 91 points to easily win over Hastings College with 52 and Peru State with 12.
Two Peru Slaters placed second in their events: Ron
period. Papini managed an escape for one point in the second period and Rezac · with an excape in the openmg of the third period. Time ran out with the 3-2 decision going ro Papini.
Peru State. College wrestlers registered five pins en route to a 48-3 victory over William Jewell College in a match held in Missouri, February 8. The victory pushed the Bobcat dual record to 10-5.
William Jewell won only one match as David Frey decisioned PSC's Jack Stanley 5-3 in the 118 pound class.
Peru matmen putting William Jewell grapplers on their backs were: Jim Fuentes - 126, Steve McGuinn - 158, Dean Brooks167, Bob Brown - 177 and Kent Coleman - 190. The day's fastest pin was executed by Brown over Mike Einerson in 56 seconds.
Upcoming competition for Peru includes a tri-dual against Yankton College and Wayne State at Wayne tonigl}t. On February 21, Peru will host the Nebraska College conference tournament.
Weight training program begins
Peru State's new head football coach, Robert Riley, has put his pospective gridders on a weight training program.
The program according to Riley, offers an athlete the opportunity to develop physically and mentally to the maxj.mum of his potential.
Riley says, "It is a prelude to conditioning the young men for spring football." Peru's spring drills will run 20 days, possibly culminating with an alumni game.
Workouts on the Universal weight machine include : legpresses, bench presses, pullovers, shoulder presses, curls, sit-ups and pulldowns. Near the end of the workout period this spring, each gridder will be required to lift 60-70 per cent of his maximum weight in each category and do 30-70 repetitions. The number of repetitions will be determined by the type of exercise
Family Planning Clinic at Health Center
February 28 12 Noonplease make an appointment
Class ring lost blue· stone contact Bob Wernsman
PER,U V.F.W. ANNOUNCES memberships
available $8.00 til Aug. 1, 1974 or $1.50 ·a month
Booster Memberships include a free drink
February events of interest
Pool tournament
Storant, two-mile run - 9:57.8; and Rob ·Applegate, long jump - 45' 61/2".
Temmate Phil Fritz followed Storant in the two-mile event with a time of 10:05.5. Both long distance runners were mainstays in Bobcat cross country competition last fall.
Sophomore Bob Lowery ran the mile in 4:51.0 for fourth place. In the 60 yard dash, Larry Smith placed thired in .o6.7.
Freshman Brian Walker leaped 19 feet for fourth position in the long jump.
872-3505 REWARD
Girls interested in being Cheerleaders for 197 4- 75
and free admission at the monthly event. The ONLY membership requirement is that you MUST be 19 or older.
Buffet Lunch Games Party Feb. 27 -Weds. -Dance to "Whisky Run" -Feb. Special Event free to all Booster Club members - show card at door for free admission ALL Members and Guests MUST sign guest book at the door. This is a STATE LAW.
- · · First Prize - - $25.00 Doubles ·\ · - First Prize - · · $25.00 Entries may be made up to Feb. 20. Entry Fees are $1.00 for each event. Competition play will begin Feb. 20 and run until March 2 All entry fees will be distributed as prizes.
Due to the fact that "unsold textbooks" must be returned to the publisher, all text· books will be packed and shipped on: February 19, 1974
TV room Student Center
Feb. 20
meeting all Veterans please attend There will be a meeting Feb 20 during convo period in the gym
during convo period Wednesday
·Jry-outs for play today
Try-outs for the spring production, A Doll's House, by •Henrick-Ibsen, will be held in the College-AiidifOtium, Monday, February 25 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., and from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and on Tuesday, February 26, try-out time will be from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Students desiring to try out for this production and
S.G.A. looki-ng into student rights
unable to be present at the above times should contact Mrs Mary Ruth Wilson, the direetor for an additional time.
The play will be presented with characters dressed in fashions of the 1880's on a stage set in Victorian decor.
Production dates are April 15 and 16.
Johnson here on -Thurs.day
Rafer Johnson, an internationally known Olympic champion and recognized more recently as a fine actor will visit the Peru State campus on Thursday, February 28.
Johnson will be meeting with PSC students in the Student Center lounge area from 1:30 to 4:30. At 8:00 p.m. he will speak at a convocation in ihe College Auditorium. PSC coaches have invited area lettermen's clubs and Fellowship of Christian Athletes organizations along with PSC students to attend the convocation.
Johnson's diversity has placed him in many fields including films, sports, newscasting (as a sportscaster for the NBC television network), politics and as a goodwill ambassador for the U.S. State Department.
Johnson's achievement as an ahlete is unparalleled as winner of the sports world's highest accolades including Sports lllustrated's Athlete of the Year, Helms Hall Athlete of the Year, The Sullivan Award and Associated Press Athlete of the Year.
Johnson earned a Gold. Medal in 1960as the Olympic Decathlon Champion. He was tlie official bearer of the American flag on · the opening day of the 1960 Olympics where he was to set the world's record in the decathlon.
Rafer Johnson is currently Vice-President for Public Affiars at Continental Telephone, a position he combines with motion picture and television acting. He is an advisor to the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare and is head of his own television production company.
Pearson inauguration
Saturday, April 27
President Douglas Pearson will be inauguated Saturday. afternoon, April 27. The ceremonies will be the PSC Board of Directors' ·formal announcement of Dr. Pearson as President.
A complete schedule of activities has not yet been announced.
Budget committee rejects Exon's plan
The State Legislature's Budget Committee has recommended an addition of $30,000 to provide two more faculty members at P.S.C. while rejecting in general Gov. Exon's "Plan to Save the State Colleges."
_ If Exon still wants his plan to be considered for legislation, he will have to find a senator willing to offer it as im amendment from the floor
Using the student agreements from Northern Iowa and Northern Colorado State as a basis for changing the present Student Agreement at Peru State College, ·the Constitution Committee of the Student Governing Association has begun to revise and redefine the 1973-74 Student Agreement. Constitution Committee· chairman Scott McKercher and members Gary Boman and Terrie Funkhouser will give a progress report at the next SGA meeting. SGA President Dean Young said there is a need to clarify vague terms in the present student agreement, a need for the students to know the extent of their freedoms, their rights and responsibilities as students and as citizens. This has been overlooked in the past, he said. Young also said that the outcome of the changes will have more impact on the student body than any other issue that SGA has supported. _ _ _ _
Dr. Guy Rosenberg, Dean of Students said that he believes the students have a right to know what channels to go through if they think they have received an unfair grade, where to go to repeal traffic violations, what action can be taken in other situations and what procedures to go through when action is not carried out.
Members of the Constitution Committee will confer with Dr. Rosenberg on legal matters where advice is needed and on matters of student freedoms and their limitations.
The Constitution Committee will review the constitutions of the other campus organizations. The validity of the constitutions will be challenged to find if the organizations are living up to their constitutions. If not, constitutions will be brought before the SG A for further action.
Other topics at the last SGA meeting, February 19, were:
NEW CLASS SCHEDULEStudent reaction to class scheduling which moved class periods back 30 minutes were favorable, according to SCB president, Fritz Stehlik. Dorm students will be surveyed by student senators to determine if students favor returning to the old class schedule. Student reaction will be brought before the Academic Affairs Committee by Stehlik.
COMPIAINT- BOOTH IN BOB-INN - The report in the last issue of the Pedagogion that the complaint booth would be set up in the Bob Inn all semester was in error. The booth was set up only for the week of February 18-22. The complaints will be presented to the SGA and Hie PSC administration for the first in a series of informal 'rap' sessions. The time, and the place for these sessions has not been decided.
POSSIBLE FEDERAL TAx DEDUCTION ON TUITIONVice-President, Dean Anstey reported that Wesleyan college will propose a legislative bill allowing a tax deduction for parents of college age children
attending college on the basis of the amount of tuition being paid. Anstey said he will give more details on the proposed bill at the next meeting.
S.C.S.C. - The State College Student Coalition will hold a workshop February 27-28 at Lincoln. Students will meet with state senators at a brown bag luncheon to discuss their positions concerning LB 783, which would allow alcohol on campus. Meetings of the S.C.S.C. members are scheduled to draw up further plans for the promotion of this bill. Representing Peru will be Dean Young, Terrie Funkhouser and John Cole.
VOL. 69 NO. 16
Dr. Guy Rosenberg looks on as President Douglas Pearson congratulates Mrs Carol Wheeler and Jeff Linden perfect 9.0 students at the January 30 Honors Convocation.
WARMING UP - Ray Boeche and Linda Doty, both owning leads in the recent production of No, No Nanette. are pictured doing pre-performance exercises. The exercises are used to prepare the players both physically and mentally for the show. "No, No Nanette" review on page 3.
Women comment on abolished dorm hrs·
One of the main jobs as editor of a newspaper is to listen to complaints. No matter how hard you try there is always someone who doesn't like the way you do something. Not one day goes by without someone complaining about something. The advanced journalism class complains to me because they don't like the stories I assign them. My advisor complains to me because some of our leads aren't as good as they sho).lld be. A certain faculty member complains because a particufar story was on the wrong page.
Jeff.Walther complains to me because the story I give him is too vague. Julee Tillman and John Billings complain that there should be pictures on the front page of the Ped. My mother and friends complain to me· because I don't write.
SGA President Dean Young complains to Jeff Walther about what he wrote in the paper about Charlie Pavolis. Charlie Pavolis reads what Jeff writes and complains to me. John Cole complains to me 0ecause Senator Stahrnet's name (correct spelling) was spelt wrong.-
Another main job as editor of a newspaper is to complain, My biggest complaint is made every week to the Advanced Journalism people for not getting their stories in one time.
l complain to Jeff Waltlier because he didn't distribute the Ped early enough on Monday mornings. I complain to Michael Kelly because he didn't hand in the stories he was assigned. He complains to me he couldn't because he had play practice. I complain to Terrie Funkhouser because she's getting complaints which should be directed to me. She in turn complains to• me because she doesn't want to hear them.
Now that I've got all that out of my system I think I'll go to the ...., file a complaint at the SGA booth.
Faculty member Hahn once Korean 'editor
Not every teacher on this campus has a law degree, plus a Master's in journalism and a Ph.D in political science with journalism and sociology as minors. John Hahn does.
Mr Hahn worked as a journalist in Korea for 12 years after receiving his law · degree. Originally he was a reporter for the Ryong Nahm daily covering the government, political parties, and sports. He later became chief political writer for this paper and was sent to Tokyo as a correspondent. Until he came to the United States, Mr Hahn was Managing Editor of the Korea Press.
After arriving in the United States, he attended the University of Minnesota graduate school and got his Master's degree in journalism. and had sociology as a minor. He. later changed to political science and received his doctorate in it and had journalism and sociology as minors.
"The field of journalism (Hahr believes) educates and trains people in a most diversified and speedy way. However, as in any profession, you need knowledge, and sincerity and in gaining more of this, you build yourself for better individual contributions to the community and country. You do this so you can serve them better, not for your own benefit. The nine years or so that I've
spent teaching on the college level has been part of my learning. I've always tried to be available and attentive when new ideas and better learning services are brought up. America will always be the best country on earth. The education system is one of the best. I guess if you stop learning, you're dead."
Rosewell, Wheeler win writing contest
Results of the second annual Silas Summers Writing Contest were announced Wednesday, February 13, during convo period. ·
Winners in the poetry division were:
1st place - Emily Rosewell
2d place - Teri Hailar
3d place - Anne Tackett
Winners in the short story division were:
1st place :__ Carol Wheeler
·2d · place - (tie)Ray Boeche and David Alvis
3d place - Sile Coughlin
Aten dollar prize was given to first place winners and five dollar prizes were given to second place winners. All winning entries will be published in "Sifting Sands", an English Department publication.
The entries were judged by Silas Summers, retired English instructor, John Barrett, Everett Browning, English · instructors, and Jean Blair, secretary.
Sex discrimination is over. At least in the case of girls dorm · hours at Peru State College. All mandatory hours for girls under the age of 19 have been dropped due to a sex discrimination complaint submitted to the SG A. A few of the girls who were · under these hours reported their · parents were agitated by the "good news." Nancy Kottich said her mother was mad at first but later accepted it as a legality.
Kathy Pietzkek told her parents and they didn't mind. When asked why her parents put her on hours she said it had to do with her safety and it apparently gave her parents reassurance that their daughter was in at certain time so they could be at peace and not have· to worry.
Deb Scholl said her parents didn't say much about it one way or another. · Speaking from personal experience being on hours was very confining knowing that where ever I was, whenever I was having a good time that I had to report in at a specific time. Being on hours gave my
parents reassurance that someone knew where I was all the time. It was like someone was taking over their job as watch dog. A lot of begging and the promise to get good grades got me off hours.
Pat. Kinnison, a resident of Morgan Hall, wanted for sometime to get off bours but could not get parental permission. She got her chance when one freshman girl found out about the legality of having hours and how Peru was violating Title 9 ofthe Education Amendments passed in 1972. She decided action was needed and took it through the proper channels.
Some of the girls interviewed expressed how confusing the ·paper sent out to all parents at the beginning of the semester on dorm hours and weekend visiting of friends was. According to some who wish to remain anonymous the wording in this letter asking parents if they wanted their daughters on or off hours was confusing. Consequently; parents wanting the safety and protection of their daughter going off to college checked no to all .the questions
Letters To The Editor
Dear Editor:
I should like to take this opportunity to reply to Ms Gregg's letter of last week concerning the Texas and Downing Brothers concert. Ms Gregg made the statement that play practice for "NO NO NANNETTE" should have been called off for this night and that it was rude because this wasn't done. I should like to set her straight about a few facts.
Contrary to Ms Gregg's belief, it is not easy to put on a musical, (it was not a play). Whenever you try to work with 40 to 50 people it isn't just that simple. Those people put in five or six hour rehesals to make the show a success. It fakes a lot of time and hard work. And one simply doesn't cancel a badly needed rehersal because there is "something else to do."
The only rudeness that I can see comes from people like Ms Gregg who set back and judge our efforts. The cast of "NO NO NANNETTE" had to put up with a great deal of rudeness. Twice rehersal had to be rescheduled
Educators day attended by 33
Peru State College held it's annual Educator's Day Saturday, February 16.
Those guests who did come received a welcome from President Pearson and information about Peru State College. In the· evening, the guests received dinner and entertainment in the Student Center dining room and attended the basketball game here between Peru State and Bellevue.
Burwell art on display
Alan Burwell will display his art in the Dibble Exhibition Hall at the F.A. Building. There will be a selection of his paintings, drawings and sculptures:
and the girls found themselves corning in at 11: 30 every nite for what seemed like bed-check.
Other girls felt that as college students they had to accept some new responsibilities never before encountered. Being able to decide what time they should come in was vital to them as a part of these new responsibilities. Some girls found their parents were not in total agreement with their ideas on independency. Those same girls were put on hours.
None of the girls affected by Title 9 of the Education Amendments 1972 which got · them off hours requested to be put back on hours on a voluntary basis.
One girl added, "It seems to me that if guys under the age of 19 aren't required to be on hours than neither should we. Everyone just accepted the idea that if you were put on hours and your parents wouldn't let you off that there was nothing you could do about it. I'm glad someone was smart enough to look into it."
Peru State College was the last of the four state colleges to do away with girls hours.
for the benefit of Dr. Pearson so that he could entertain guests at Peru.
Does anyone remember the Variety Show'! Remember the stink bomb skit? That was cute! After the audience left, the cast of "NO NO NANNETTE" was allowed to reherse in the auditorium with the stench so bad that it caused headaches and nausea to some members. That's real rudeness for you.
It galls me that people sit on their duffs and judge us. To Ms. Gregg and ariyone else who thinks that putting on a production is easv I issue this challenge: You try it! Corne on, try it! Quit shooting your mouth off and start working your duff off.
Dear Editor:
Michael Kelly
What Happened???? All of a sudden the Ped has turned into the biggest advertising gimmick that I have seen in a long time. Why are there articles in the Ped about pinball machines when other college newspapers cover things like Abortion bills, Equal
Rights Amendments, new Birth Control Concepts, Open Dorms, Coed Housing and other topics that college kids would be more interested in'! Granted, we do send the Ped to alumni and to • surrounding highschools but the college interests should not be ignored.
I really don't object to PSC putting their best foot forward, I think it's great, when the Ped doesn't do anything toward increasing its reading interest on campus then sornething's wrong. It seems the Ped. has become irrelevant to college life and if you want news you have to resort to other sources.
It also seems that in the past apathy has been a well used word in every issue of the Ped. It seems to me, if you preach apathy, you are going to get apathy!!!! The people who preach apathy the most on this campus are the ones who are never seen at atheletic events, dances, and concerts, much less free movies and speakers who appear.
Foosball tournament is underway
The tournament was held· Tuesday and Wednesday (Feb, 19 and 20, 3:00 to 5:00) with the Championships held Thursday February 21 from 3:00 to 5:00 attracted very few, about 10 entrants, no women, in four divisions.
Mens singles, mens doubles,' womens singles and mixed
doubles are being run by PSC student Chris Showers. Showers· who works in the SCB office is a resident of Delzell H.all. Winners of the four divisions will each_ receive a dieesburger,, french fries and a coke from the sponsor Broughton Foods, according to Letts.
Managing Editor : , Frank D' Addesa
Sports Editor Rick DeKlotz
Copy Editor ......•................. Jan Johnson
Women's Sports •..................... Gail Harmon
Business Manager ..•................. Linda Madison
Circulation Manager
• Jeff Walther
• Steve Man'n Don Jochems
Contributing Editors ............•... _Bobbi Thiesfeld Bob Wernsman
Advisor ...•....•••....•.....••• Everett Browning
"No, No Nanette" 'a success', over s·oo attend the m
No other title could better befit e musical rendition presented t Sunday and Monday nights before a total audience of more :than 500.
The catchy clinche, "No No anette" over exalts itself in aking the point that Nanette is ill a child and should not be eated in any other manner. he extent of her ischeviousness consists of an ernite excursion to Atlantic ity to see a movie with her ncle Jimmy and go to the each. ·
The societal structure of the imes allowed a good girl to get arried at the young and tender e of 17 and raise babies yet it as considered indecent, imoper, and somewhat trashy for girl as young as to be en running around Atlantic ity unchaperoned. The ealogy behind this philosophy contained within the unwritten es made up by the upper chalance of society of which nette was amember whether e realized it or not. Parents in is upper class of society did not done the behavior of their aughters to act like "flappers." A nostalgic misture of cute !'clinches were dispersed to the au_dience ·intermittently roughout all three acts. "Go a kite" "hot doggidy" anana oil" "cats pajafua" re all absatively-posilutely eltghtful.
Al though the plot lakes off in several different directions it is relatively simple to follow. The loose ends are tied together and the action comes to climax at Chickadee cottage when all the unexpected visitors find out about each other and the reasons behind why each is there.
To do justice to the chorus it must be said they tried. In the five weeks alloted for rehearsals and for what they came up with in that amount of time the performance was up to par. For a college the size of Peru and with the memories of past musicals and their end results still fairly fresh in the minds of the audience the chorus was remarkable.
existed but was not displayed.
wanted to raise a little 'Hell' before settling down to wedded bliss with Lawyer Earlys assistant, Tom Trainor played by Dennis Ehmke. Diane gave a good solid performance not overly wholesome like the girl in the Mini Wheats commercial. Thankfully.
Dennis handled the rather difficult role of the young, inept lawyers assistant adequatley but his execution of songs was just that an execution, slightly off key.
degree of excellence he has show Peru in past place where the roles were similar. His singing ability was hampered by the high voice of the character he was portraying. Hopefully this left no reflection on his acting ability as a whole.
God made Linda Doty to play the role of Sue, Jimmys wife. She turned in a smooth performance by mixing the right amount of sophistication and overprotectiveness in governing. over Nanette.
There was flair and diversity in the dance routines and rythem enough to keep the audience from getting bored but even the flavor of the 20's cannot reconcile the .lack of inspiration on the faces of some to balance off the enthusiasl)l clearly shown by others. By the y;ay what happened to all the smiling faces of the performers while singing, "I
Want To Be Happy," on
The-band performance on the whole was well worth the many long and tiring hours of rehearsal they went through to give the audience what they did. Some of their selections were uninspired and lacked the phenomenol discharge of musical expression that I'm_ sure
Julee Tillman, an actress in the truest sense of the word received well warranted applause during and after the show for her portrayal of Pauline, the sloppily dressed, vacuum sweeping, cigarette dangling maid. While sweeping her vaccum on and off stage she swept the .audience off their seats in laughter at the comic relief she provided when ·it was needed most. Humor and witlisms were Iossed out to the audience while t'1e res·, of the cast played straight men. Julee was a show-stopper, what more can be John Chatelain who was a major credit to the musicals success portrayed Billy Early, Uncle Jimmys lawyer and Janet Pressgrove who also turned in an impressive performance played his wife, Lucille. Together they gave off an air of professionalism with their polished songs and dance routines. Teamed up for what had to be one of the highlights of the evening· their rendition of "You Can Dance With Any Girl," brought forth a hearty round of applause from the ·audience; Performance wise it was overshadowed only by Jan Pressgroves solo rendition of "Where Has My Hubby Gone Blues."
Diane Rees portraye4 Nanette, the overly protectedwarQ of Uncle Jimmy who only
Ray Boeche seemed to be type cast in his role as Uncle Jimmy, the over generous, rich, bible publisher who only wants for everyone to be happy. He has three gold diggers to contend with or buy off who have fallen madly in love with his pocketbook. They seemingly have no intentions of letting go and leaving him alone without first receiving large amounts of money in agreement to keeping their mouth shut in regard to telling his wife. Uncle Jimmy calls for legal action in this matter by bringing in his lawyer, Billy Early and having his attempt to buy them off before his wife, Sue, played by Linda Doty finds out about his spending extravaganza and mistakenly assumes his overgenerousity is a cover up for some behind the scenes 'funny' business. Boeche's portrayal of the worisome timid Uncle Jimmy was done in the same
omen pipe smokers most desirable CORRECTION.
Question: What do Coach tzgerald, Sitting Bull, Ernest emingway, Dr Rosenberg, opeye The Sailor, · Len· Dennis· Emhke, erlock Holmes, Dr. Bowers, Walter Raleigh, Dean Young, d Hugh Hefner have in mmon?
·Answer: Pipe smoking. Since the discovery of tobacco ndreds of years ago, pipe okers have enjoyed an air of histication and dignity. The ii with a pipe was usually ught to be suave, debonair, d highly intellectual. There re exceptions to this neralization of course. Peralities like. Chicago Mayor hard J Daley are hardly orius for their poise, charm, wit. But these became the ception rather than the rule. The concept behind the erage pipe smoker remained. Ievision commercials for ducts like Borkim Riff and conas idealized the verage" pipe smoker as a ainy Cassanova. These ads me and went. The image mained.
· In September, 1973, the Criswell Survey No 1 was copyrighted. This study com.piled by Eleanor Criswell, Director of the Humanistic Psychology Institute. This study verified the theory that the average woman finds the average pipe smoker more attractive than the average cigar or cigarette smoker, or non-smoker. , This study also composed a list ·of .the most used adjectives .commonly referred to pipe smokers. They include: sexy, handsome, attractive, mature, intelligent, kind, loyal, sincere, masculine, strong, logical, gentle, confident, considerate,
Well known pipe smoker Dr. Rosenberg. alert, understanding, af- "No, that's a little unreal. fectionate, self-confident, and You're too busy keeping the pipe dignified. lit."
Perhaps the man best known Dr. Dick Gulizia, P.S.C. infor his pipe at Peru State is Dr. structor, countered Dr. Guy Rosenberg, who has been Rosenbergs view when he said smoking a pipe for 21 years. Dr. "I never considered myself Rosenberg currently .owns an more sensuous because I smoke estimated 70 to 80 pipes. ·a pipe." This statement varifies
"Smoking a pipe is more another theory based on the masculine than a cigarette." Criswell Survey. For it seems remarked Dr. Rosenberg. that most pipe smokers are not "Prior to World War I, men fully aware of what that pipe smoked pipes -or cigars." He does for them. went on to say that prior to WW I, men who smoked cigarettes were considered to be sissies, but WW I and French women changed all that for the returning veterans.
Dr. Rosenberg said that casionally Mrs Rosenberg will greet him with his.pipe, slippers, and newspaper. When asked if she would curl up on his lap, head on his chest to savour the aroma the way it happens on television Dr. Rosenberg said
It seems that only 66 per cent · of pipe smokers consider themselves sexy, which could also be the norm for cigarette smokers and non-smokers. Yet, 14.3 per cent more women foiind the average pipe smoker to be more desirable than anyone else. Or, as Dr. Criswell put it, "It's apparent even from the first study that pipe smokers have a secret weapon they're not even aware of."
In last week's SGA story it was written that their complaint booth would be open for the rest of the semester. The booth was open just for the week, though according to the complaint committee chairman John Cole it will be in operation again sometime before the end of the semester.
The three young and so called deserving gold diggers were played by Trena O'Banion, who was very consistent and at ease in her role, Deb· Hebda, and Janet Wilson. They were as dippy as the roles called for.
This musical extravaganza was quite an undertaking for Peru State-College. Although the overall 'effect was not as polished as it could have been, it did have many highlights and showed a great amount of potential and talent.
Congratulations are in order for director, John Hartson Billings; the cast, and everyone else that was involved in making the musical a success.
Peru graduate promoted ensign
Robert E. Templeton, son of Retired Navy Master Chief Electronics Technician and Mrs Alvin J. Knickerbocker of 1830 Manzanita Drive, Concord, Calif., was commissioned an ensign upon completion of Aviation Officer Candidate School here, and has begun basic flight training.
He will be designated a Naval Aviator upon completion of more than a year of intensive ground and in-flight training. He is a 1973 graduate of Peru State College, Peru, Nebr.
Admissions dept. working to increase, enrollment
Intensified efforts in recruiting are being made to build the student enrollment at PSC this year.
Director of Admissions Gary Hoemann and his student staff have rejuvenized tbe recruiting program at PSC with hopes of attaining a higher number of students.
Various metr1>cis are used by the Admissions Office to contact and talk to prospective students. Hoemann and his staff mail inquiries to those persons expressing an intere$t in attending PSC, and follow these inquiries up with a personal visit.
Represematives from the Admissions Office also visit high schools in the area to talk to · prospective Campus tours are given to show the various aspects ·of coilege life and the prospective student may sit in on classes or talk to members of the facult:i-. · Trips to Wooster Massachusetts and to Chicago: lliinois for recruitment purposes are planned. The idea of a small state college that is inexpensive
is very popular in heavily · populated areas and PSC looks for possible students there.
In the area of Nebraska and Iowa, mini buses will again pick up high school students in this. area for campus tours in the spring. A slide show featuring PSC is being worked on to present to possible students and a telephone campaign is being scheduled for the future.
Support of the student body is very helpful for recruiting in that PSC students themselves can recommend the college to other people.
The Admissions office puts out a monthly publication, Innerviews, to prospects and counselors in the area to keep them abreast of events on the campus. This publication is written and published by students working with the Admissions Office.
These efforts on the part of the Admissions Office and the students working with that office, seem to be paying off in that applications for enrollment for the · 1974 fall semester are oicking up sharply.
·: :.J..'·
Dias visits College for student support
Politician, Democrat, school teacher and a father of three children Hess Dias is the only declared Democratic candidate th'at from the first district. (in which Peru is located) running for the Congressional seat in the House of Representatives. Hess Dias held an informal 'rap' session with interested students in the fish bowl last Tuesday nite, February 19.
A Hess Dias for Congress Committee was organized and Slie Coughlin was appointed as chairwoman. The committee consisting of Deb Glabb, Terrie Funkhouser, Julee Tillman, Dean Young, and Ray Boeche. will begin campaigning procedures the second week .in
March. Any students interested in giving a little of their time to help an honest politician which is something you don't find. everyday contact Sue Coughlin for further details.
Dias csaid he will no1 use Watergate as stomping grounds to further insure his chance. of winning the election but said it will indirectly affect his campaign just as other big issues such as the fuel short.age, wage and price controls, and the food shortage will have to be touched upon.
Dias is running on the platform that if elected he will vote in favor of legislation bills that will affect what he calls the most unrepresented in the state of
Nebraska. His favorism leans .toward the older people, the younger people and the lower income families,
Lennerton attends
A.C.U.I. convention
PSC student Jim Lennerton, attended a meeting of the, Association of College Unions' International, which was held at Columbia, Missouri. On February 8th and 9th. Lennerton iS on the Regional Executive Council for ACUI in region number nine.
Among the topics discussed at the meeting were plans for recruitment of other colleges and preparations for the groups' annual convention in October.
Wrestlers crush Doane, Concordia and Yankton
Peru State wrestlers pushed their season record to 12 wins against five losses by defeating Doane 51-2 and 42-3 at Seward February 13.
· '1'SC matmen prnned nine opponents in the two matches.
Doane earned their only points at 177 when Dennis Johnk (665 S. 42, Omaha) grappled to a 5-5 draw with Perry Kitchesn.
Concordia's John Merz earned a 3-1 decision over Peru's Jack Stanley (Truro, Iowa) at 118 for Concorida':s; three points.
Coach Marty Dwine said his squad is now competing in wrestle-offs for positions in the Nebraska College Conference meet to be held at Peru State February 21.
Although Wayne State has been a nine time winner in the NCC meet, Coach Dwine expects th.is year'.s event to produce good
competition between the four state colleges. Wayne, fot the first time in a number of years, has no defending champions entered.
Peru State wrestlers, with a 51-0 shutout of Yankton (South Dakota) College and a 30-13 victory over Wayne State February 18 pushed their season dual record to 16-5, the best· in Peru State College's four-year wrestling history.
· Coach Marty Dwine, in his first season as head of the PSC mat program, points out that in their last four duals, Bobcat wrestlers have won 40 matches, lost four and tied once.
Dean Brooks scored the fastest pin of the season with a :39 flip of Yankton opponent Kevin Kelleher.
Bud Frohling, in the ·tnple
dual opener, scored with a 2-:59 pin over Lee Stanley in the 142 class and a 2: 10 fall scored by Fred Marisett over Kevin Cane. In the Wayne fray, Jack Stanley opened the match with a 118 pin over Brooks Widner in 1:49. Dean Brooks pinned his man, Bill Garriott, in the 158 match in 2:55. Terry Kelly, at 167, pinned Wayne's. Stan Anderson in 5 :52.
Bobcat heavyweight Jim Rezac lost his match by default when he suffered a knee injury two minutes into the first period.
After NCC competition,. wrestlers will look toward ·District 11 Tournament at Chadron beginning at 9 a.m. March 1 and NationalTournament competition at River Falls, Wisoncsin, March 7.
Forward Beville outstanding freshman
The basketball explodes from the of the 6' 4" player, following a high, graceful arc. It's a high jumper from fifteen feet out. Swish! The shot adds another two points to the PSC cause. Spectacular? Sure; but that's what's expected from Freeman Beville. It's his trademark.
Beville or "Bev" as his and coach call him, is the remarkable freshman forward who has been keeping the ritn hot for the Bobcats this season. Playing in 14 of the 16 games of the 73;74 season, Bev has racked up a total of 245 points with a game average of 17:5 points, making him the second leading scorer on the team.
"I've been playing basketball since ninth grade,'' said Beville. He started playing the allatnerican game for his high school in White Plains; New York. "I like football and all the other team sports, but basketball is the only sport I'm serious about," he said. His conviction to the game brought him to the attention of the PSC sports department which granted him a full tuition basketball scholarship.
His high school honors include being selected to the "New York Daily News" All Star Team for two years in a row. In those same two years, 1967 and '68, his junior and senior years, Beville was named to the AllWestchester County Team as an area superstar. According to.
Bev, Westchester County has· some 20. high schools in its boundries. This makes the qualifications really tough for individual honors.
"Peru's a quiet place, there aren't as many hassles like back home," commented Beville. "I like to play for PSC, but it has its good and bad points," he said.
"The coach, (head basketball coach Schnaser), doesn't stress defense enough," said Bev. He feels this could be the big factor in Peru's bad pertormance 011 the woods. Says Coach Schnaser; "coming in the middle of the season, I haven't had the time to mold the team as a solid unit. We don't have the basis of a team defense down yet." The coach said that his players are playing as individuals and not as a team once they can play together, Schnaser said "Look out."
·"Beville's not an outgoing guy," said Schnaser. · "He prefers to do his job out on the court and be a good team member," he said. "Of course his real contribution to the team effort is his outside shooting ability,'' says the coach. Out of 275 attempts, Beville has scored 108 times. "If Freeman is to become a complete ballplayer,'; Schnaser confided, "he'll have to become more of a 'physical player.' Bev avoids contact. He won't come into the key unless · it's absolutely necessary."
But from the stats, it looks like Beville's got the game down outside the key-perimeter. His
height and effort has made him the leading rebounder for the team with 103 grabs to his credit so far. Being a freshman at Peru gives him three more years to work on some of these difficulties and polish his already sparkeling talent. You can bet that alot of important people in basketball will keep their eye on this 'Caf.
Schnaser to view high school teams
Peru State's basketball coach, Roger Schnaser; will become a spectator of high school cage action whenever possible during the next few weeks.
In an effort to rebuild the college's basketball program, he plans to view inter-school competition and district basketball tournaments with recruitment in mind.
"The majority -Of PSC recruiting has been out of state in the past," Coach Schnaser said. "I think it's a bad mistake to overlook the talent of local athletes." _
The first year coach who joined the Peru State College staff second semester will visit players and coaches in the intensified recruiting, as will other members of the coaching staff and Bobcat basketball players.
Class ring lost
contact Boh Wernsman
872-3505 REWARD
Bobcats drop two more
Peru State dropped two more cage contests losing an NCC game to Kearney State 101-83 February 15 and a nonconference tilt tO Bellevue, 73-69, February 16.
Kearney used a fast break attack led by all-star forward Tom Kropp who tallied 24 points. With this victory, Kearney finished loop action with a perfect 6-0 record.
The Antelopes raced to an early 16 point lead midway through the first half. Peru then rallied to cut the margin to six points before Kearney ran off with 13 unanswered counters, giving them 54-42 advantage at halftime. The Bobcats never threatened in the second half, falling behind by 24 points on three occassions.
Peru's Bill Hunter took game scoring honors with 28 points. Freeman Beville added 22 points with Bob Craig adding 13, and substitute guard Greg Sanders, 10.
Dave Stafford helped pace Kear11ey with 21, Mark Christensop, 19 and Gary Keller, 12.
Peru fell behind Bellevue by 11 points twice during the first 20
minutes before rallying for a 3 · 35 halftime advantage.
The Bobcats outscored th Bruins 17-13 during the fir seven and one half minutes the second stanza to grab th largest lead of the night at 53 Bellevue regained the lead f good with 3:52 remaining on bucket by 5-10 guard Kev Riley. With the score 69-67 favor of Bellevue, Peru's He McCullough fouled Riley who both ends of a one-and-one fr throw situation with 42 secon left.
PSC's Ron Winston cut t margin to two points 12 seco later with a 22 footer. P gained possession of the b again with 16 seconds remain· after Riley was called f traveling. Peru took time out set up a play, but Winst missed on a Jong range jump with eig\lt seconds left to kill t 'Cat's hopes.
After securing the reboun Bellevue connected on a lo downcourt pass and a layin b Mark Rieschl provided the fin margin.
Bill Hunter led Peru with points. Beville added 18 a McCullough 10 for the Bobca Riley led the Bruins with points.
EDllO Gym IA29
:30 Gamma Theta Epsilon
Intramural Basketball
00 IA Club)
Circle K 5:30 AAU Swim team 5:30 Intramural Basketball 6:00SGA WDR WDR Pool Gym FA212 7: 00 SCB Movie - Pirty Harry 8: 00 Alumni Assoc. FA Aud. ED.210 · FEBRUARY27 5:30 Intramural Basketball 6:00WAA Byrn Gym FEBRUARY28 5:30 Intramural Basketball Gym 5:30AAUSwimteam Gym Pool College Aud. 8:30-9:00a.m., 2-3 p.m. Bus. Contest 5:00SCB WDR Johnson NETCHE College Aud. Ed. Building
oo Speakeasy
Student Services-Rafer Speaker
30 Bus. Contest
a.m. Dist. II Wrestling meet at
30 Student Affairs Com
30 Stage Band Concert College Aud.
AAtJ Swim team
Adv. Fin. Aid and Inst. Training
I Buy your 1974 Peruvian I now available at t t Business Office t t and t I Residence Halls ...... ...
the first of their 53-48. for Henry hit free seconds the seconds Peru ball remaining for to Winston jumper the
ole releases results of SGA com plaint booth
The food service at the Bohn and PSC cafeteria was the ajor complaint registered by dents at the SGA complaint oth according to Senator John le. Cole said the complaints ntered around lack of service, or quality and preparation of als and sanitation in the ning area. One-third of the ta! complaints submitted at e booth asked for action to medy the poor service of the ughton Food Company which s both the cafeteria and the b-Inn.
'We received a reasonable onse from the students," id Cole about the turnout. The mplaints covered a wide nge of campus issues. Some of e major on.es.were:
+Fine Arts building not open for musicians to practice on weekends
+lack of sufficient in-
structors in the industrial arts and journalism departments
+lack of needed mirrors and soundproofing in the musician's practice rooms
+consistent loss of parking stickers
+needed increase in open dorm and library hours
+lack of any reimbursement of money lost in vending machines
+high outstate tuition
Several complaint forms asked for action against "false advertising and improper representation" of products in the candy machines on campus. Students said the larger display items were "not by any means'' representing the smaller 'vending' bars they received.
To get a more precise concept of student dissatisfii'ction, Senator Cole and his committee members plan to distribute complaint forms to all the campus dorms next week. The SGA plan then calls for the
accumulated· data to be reviewed by the student senators. The information will be the topic of the first of a planned series of informal "allcollege rap sessions." Students and PSC administrators will meet to discuss the issues in qopes of some achieving type of ' positive action.
Other items discussed at the February 26 meeting were:
The SGA Senators reported that 74 per cent of the students interviewed in an oral survey by the senators approved of the new class hours. The new schedule moved the clsses up 30 minutes to relieve in morning classes of before sun rise. Objections· to the new hours were raised mostly by business majors whose classes were · running laterinto·the.afternoon.
Fritz Stehlik will present the results to the Student Center Board for final approval.
Bud Kimball told SGA that the traffic committee had approved a series of increases in fines for traffic violations. The committee increased the penalties, Kimball said, "because of an apparent lack of observance of the regulations." The new fines are listed with their corresponding violation:
Carless driving $10
Negligent driving $15
Reckless driving $20
Stop sign violation $10
Driving on Pedestrian Walkways. $20 plus restitution for any damages and subject to disciplinary action.
All motorcycles shall be inspected for proper registration.
Motorcycles cannot be parked on the grass.
Driving on the campus will carry a stiffer punishment or assessment. These changes go into effect today. They were approved by the traffic committee at the February 20 meeting. Members on the committee are Dean or Guy Rosenberg, Campus Officer Gilbert, Grounds Superintendent George Wendel, and. SGA Senators Jim Wolken and Bud Kimball.
ALCOHOL ON STATE COLLEGE CAMPUSES - The Student Coalition of the State Colleges (S.C.S.C.J held a workshop in Lincoln February 27 and 28. Representing Peru State at the affair were SGA President Dean Young, Terri Funkllousor and John Cole. The workshop consisted of a series of talks with State legislators to pursue passage of LB 783.
A meeting with Governor Exon was also scheduled. Young plans to meet with Exon about the last Wednesday defeat of his proposal to "save the state colleges."
BIKE RACK - Senator Bud Kimball met with Superintendent of Buildings and 1 Groun.ds George Wendel to
discuss the appropriation of a bicycle rack for a number of PSC cyclists who requested it for use this Spring. Wendel told Kimball that he may be able to get a rack from Auburn or his department will make one. The bike rack should be ready for installation in a central campus location in the near future," said Kimball.
FREE TUITION PROPOSAL FOR SENIORS- Senator David Stahmer of the Nebraska Unicameral made a proposal recently calling for a tuition waiver for state college seniors. The proposal was made to cut the drop-out rate of the upperclass students which Stahmer said was greater than the freshman-sophomore drop rate. The SGA tabled discussion and approval-voting until further news could be. learned of the details of the proposal. Fritz Stehlik will study the proposal and present his findings to the SGA at tomorrow's meeting.
DORM BURGLARIESSenator Amy Walsh informed the SGA of a considerable number of burglaries in Morgan Hall last weekend. Initial investigation revealed that access to the rooms was gained by use of a key or keys which open a number of apartments. A petition calling for all of the dorm's locks changed was just being completed, but showed overall backing by residents. The petition will be presented to the student Activities Committee for approval. Many of the residents were forced to spend the weekend in the dorm "guarding" their rooms from further thefts.
Browning named Peru citizen of year
Mr Everett Browning, journalism instructor, has been chosen Citizen of the Year by the Peru chapter of Kiwanis.
PERU STATE ALL THE WAY-PSC wresiling Coach (left) Marty Dwine, accepts the Nebraska College Conference tournament trophy from PSC President, Dr. Douglas Pearson in the Peru State gymnasium last Thursday (February 21). An electrical power failure at 4:35 p.m. while championship round matches were in progress didn't slow Peru matmen who tallied 84 points to claim ther first NCC mat championship. In his first year at Peru State, Coach Dwine led the squad to silt of 10 individual championships. Competition continues in the NAIA District 11 tournament at · Chadron March I and NAIA National tournament March 7 at River Falls, Wisconsin. Rich Hinkel Photo
To receive the award, a person has to serve the community in some way. Mr Browning has been a major factor in setting a Boy Scout program in Peru since he came here in 1969. He has done volunteer work for the scouting program, been scout leader, has taken scouts on a backpack trip to New Mexico, service in Kiwanis for a number of years, and his double duty as leacher and head of Special Services at Peru State also helped in winning the award; one he knew nothing about as far as being a candidate.
Mr Browning received his journalism !raining at Kansas Slale University at Manhattan where he achieved a Bachelor's
and Master's degree in this field.
He then worked for the Kansas City Star for five months as a general reporter, followed by the North Platte Telegraph for a year, and Omaha's Stockman's Journal for about a year. For the next twelve years, he did public relations work for Colorado State University, Kansas State University, and New Mexico State University. Fot two years he worked for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASAl. He came to Peru in 1969.
When asked why he turned to teaching, Browning said, "I had been offered teaching jobs for about ten years but didn't really want to teach. When the offer came from Peru in '69, I decided Io try it and I've been here ever since. I really like it here."
He added when asked about thP award. "I didn't know I was
a candidate for it. It was a complete surprise to me. The award is the nicest one I've received and I'm real proud of it. There were many other, more deserving, people than I."
Phi Beta Lamda auction tomorrow night
Phi Beta Lamda wiil hold their annual auction on Tuesday, March 5 at 7: 00 p.m. in the gym, "Colonel Kent Badgett is to be auctioneer with merchandise · donated by local merchants and faculty to be auctioned.
The club is also holding a raffle offermg a 12 mch .Black and White television as first prize and a clock radio as second prize.
This is my last issue as Managing Editor of the Peru Pedagogian. My successor is Miss Debbie Barton. If she does as well with the paper as she did as eylitor of tbe 1973 Peruvian I leave you in good hands. ·
There are many people who I am grateful to for their time and assistance during my reign as editor. Special thanks to Ken Gress,· the people at the .Nebraska City News-Press, Sue Fitzgerald, Everett Browning, Dean Young, Micheal Kelly, Steve Mann, Linda Madison, Don Jochems, Bob Wernsman, Rick DeKlotz and the eighth period cla:;s in ED 218.
FRANKD' ADDESA Managing Editor
Barton to edit Ped during second half
Deb Barton, a junior from Omaha, will take over as editor of the Peru Pedagogiail for the secQnd half of this semester.
Frank D' Addesa was editor for the first nine weeks.
Journalism and art are Deb's majors. She is a graduate of William Jennings Bryan High in Omaha, where she was editor of the yearbook.
Deb's outside interests include cheerleading, drawing, sewing, and "just having a good time." Her college activities include membership in Kappa Delta Pi, the Admissions Council, and the
LaDonna Harris
here Thursday
LaDonna Harris, wife of U.S. Senator Fred Harris of Oklahoma, and a full blooded Commanche Indian, will be at Peru State on March 7.
He'. day. at Peru will begin meetmg with the faculty over coffee in the West Dining Room at the Student Center between · 9:15 and 10:30. She will then attend an American History Class in room 105 at the Administration Building between 10:30 and 11 :30.
Between 12 noon and 1: 30, Mrs Harris will attend aluncheon in · her honor and then attend another Americi:n History Class in Ad 105 between 1:30 and 2:30. Any student or guest is invited tO attend either class scheduled for the day.
Her tour of Peru will end with a General Rap Session at the ?tudent Center Lounge. The informal meeting will be held 3 to 4:3<t and everyone is mv1ted to attend.
Yearbook progress on schedule
Progress on the 1974 Peruvian is on schedule.
Staff members are working on their pages and the section on seniOrs is first to be done. Sections on underclassmen and organizations are being worked on. Deadline for a portion of these pages was Feb. 22. Copy is to be written along the theme "Highlights of Peru." Assigned lo this job are Sue Sole and Jan Johnson.
Final deadline for all pages is May 20, with delivery sometime early in the fall of this year.
President's Council. Deb has also worked on the staffs of the Peruvian and the Pedagogian. Future plans for Deb are teaching at the elementary level and later on acquiring a job with a magazine or newspaper drawing up layouts.
"I want to try to get more items the students would enjoy reading in the Ped and I would .appreciate any helpful suggesitons they might have for· stories," Deb said when questioned about her plans for the Ped: Deb feels the paper should be interesting and informative to the students.
Vandals hit Delzell
Vandalism struck Delzell Hall again during the late evening hours Friday, February 22, when a person or persons unknown removed the hand-set from the telephone extension unit on the third floor.
The vandalism-theft was reported to Roger Schnaser, Delzell Resident Director, just l;lefore midnight.
Dear Editor:
In the February 25 issue of the Ped an article appeared concerqing Hess Dias, the Democratic candidate for the House of The article contained the statement" an honest politician which' is something you don't fitfd everyday " To me, this seems to be a pretty opinionated statement to be included in a straight news article. Whethrr or not Hess Dia 5 is an honest politician is largely a matter of personal feelings. I am not trying to start a political argument. I appreciate .what Mr Dias represents, and I have no antagonism toward the reporter who wrote the story· I just think that person should be a little more careful. I am sure that this statement was included by mistake or oversight, probably arisen because of stories such as this. ·
Student nurses stay at complex
Student nurses from the Nebraska Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, Omaha, have been assisting Virginia Miller R.N., at the college health clinic from January 28 through Fevruary 24 as a part of their community nursing rotation ""7 program.
Of the eight student nurses in the program here, ·two, Mrs Rebecca Badgett, and Mrs Vonnie Fugate, commuted to ·Peru from their homes. The other six girls, Cyndi Ferguson, Becky Funk, Sue Peterson, Deb Beencamp, Pat Kehoe and Sue Rase, all resided at Davidson hall at the Centennial Complex.
$37,000 in aid given to students
Over $37,000 in tuition waivers and scholarships were awarded ·to students at Peru State College for the 1973-74 school year.
·· Charles1 Andrews scholarships were awarded Mary Hill, Roxann Mary Wiler, John Whisler, Stanley Bz:aum, Nancy Chomaos and Julia Garrett.
Benjamin Harrison scholarships were awarded Linda Doty, Richard Hopkins Rita Miller and Linda Uher. '
Terry Koeneke was given an an ?liver Stevenson scholarship, while the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben awarded scholarships to Mary Bauman, Doyle Bryant John
Dierking and Jeff
Emily Rosewell was given a · CC and Emma Wilson Choyce scholarship, Debra Anderson a Lena Huff scholarship, Steven Schmidt a Goodreau Soper Memorial scholarship and Julee
Groothuis, Robinson featured at Coffee House
Saturday night, Feb. 22, Glori<.. Groothuis and Curtis Robinson were the featured attractions ?f. the Coffee House.
The,.songs were well executed and the ·accompaniment was equal if not better to the singing.
Curtis Robinson was on the guitar and Lennie Lahman was on drums.
Though the attendence was poor atjM'e start, (only 5 or 6), it picked up tremendously by the end of the evening.
Many of the songs were written and sung by Miss Groothuis. Some of the songs were "Today He is Comming Back", "Life" and "Journey".
"Brother Louie" dropped in for awhile and then gave way to "Tommorrow's a New Day."
Peru_ hosts choral clinic
Peru State played host to 155 high school students Saturday February 23. They were here for the Choral Clinic presented by the MENC (Music Educators National Conference).
The students of PSC were entertained that evening by the high school singers in a concert at 7:30 p.m. in the gym.
Consultant in Vocal Music of the Lincoln Public Schools, Randall G. McEwen, was the director of the event. The groups were accompanied by Stephanie Lang, a senior music major at PSC.
The choirs spent a busy day, rehearsals beginning at 9 a.m. unul 12:00; and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Then they were at the gym at 7:00 to await ·the beginning of the program.
There was a brief intermission for talk and drinks and the artists to relax. At this time, the jukebox was played by the audience.
"Does Anyone Know What Time It Is" made its appearance al 9: 10 and the late Jim Croce's hit, "Time ln ABottle" followed.
Though audience participation was offered, few of the people took it up until Lennie and Curtis brought the evening to resounding close with a duet on the guitar and drums. After many calls for an encore, Curtis finished the evening with a display of his artistry on the guitar.
Bowers resigns as Vice-Pres.
Vice-President Dr. Frank Bowers has resigned. Bowers., who gave the College a 30-day notice late in January, ceased to serve this school on Monday, February 25.
Scheduled to move to another collegiate post in Indiana, he and; his family will leave Peru ne week.
Dr. Bowers' position will filled temporarily by Dr. Cly Bai:rett, Dean of the School Humanities, as Interim Vice• President.
No religions course
Ten students weren't interested, therefore, there is no Philosophy and History of World. Religions course this semester. According to Jean Blair, secretary to Dr. Clyde Barrett, only four students registered for the class. The three hour course was to have been taught by Father Mel Rempe.
Business contest held Thursday
Tillman a Rocky Mountain · Alumni (R.D. Moore) scholarship. Reinald Storant, Gayle Swisegood and Wayne Hitzeman were awarded Glenn Jenkins scholarships and David Werner and Ramona Tuxhorn were given Elsie Fisher awards. The A.V. Larson scholarship was given to Dale Schatz, wi.th the Pearl Kenton scholarship going to Carol Wheeler and the A.B. Clayburn scholarship going to James Wolken. Scholarships, including foreign student scholarships, totalled over $10,000, with athletic tuition waiver amounting to $13,783, veterans' tuition waivers for students ·whose fathers were killed in military service totalling $1,162.50, and tuition remissions, set up to aid high-need students, cqming to $3,398.
Death Of A Salesman Tryouts
March 5.& 6
Tues. 7 • 9 p.m. Wed. 3 • 5 & 7 - 9 p.m.
Christian Church 921 5th St. (Main) sponsored by Campus
Sponsoring their first high school business contest, Peru State College had close to 200 high school students from Nebraska, Kansas, IQwa and Missouri business classes compete in business skills last Thursday (Feruary 28).
PSC business education instructor and contest director, Jack Hamilton, received entries from Barneston, Elmwood, Humboldt, Plattsmouth, Southeast Nebraska Consolidated - Stella, Weeping Water, Wymore, Palmyra, Pawnee City, Tecumseh, Auburn and Lourdes-Nebraska City in Nebraska; Rock Port and Tarkio, Missouri; Horton, Kansas and Glenwood, Iowa.
Contestants and ' instruct arrived on campus 8:30 Th sday morning. After a gr meeting, visitors competed business skills includi bookkeeping I and II economi shorthand I and II, gene business, typing I and I business law, office practice sales demonstration. At a 2 p.m. awards assem in the PSC auditorium c tificates were presented to t top five entrants in ea category with a trophy award to the top scoring school.
Mr. Hamilton was assist with the contest by Russ Beldin, business departme chairman, and Rovert Lewell business administration i structor.
Ministry open to anyone Questions call 872-5355
MARCH 4, 197
Rick DeKlo
Editor •....................... Jan Johns
Sports Gail Harmo Business Manager Linda Madis Circulation Manager Jeff Wal Artists _. _. Steve Ma Don Jochem
Editors Bobbi Thiesfel Bob Wernsm Advisor Everett Browni lights Probably town darkness lights own hours. the but other least of ditch EileenSch1 were
Editor : Frank D' Addes Sports Editor
Students reveal actions during, black out Schottenhamel establishes
Where were you when the also locked all the doors so guys lightswentout.lastFebruary21? couldq't get back in.
Probably at Duffy's.
··According to Scott McKercher
That Thursday night the entire guys in Delzell were running town of Pei;u was in complete through the halls with matches darkness except Duffy's who's to see where they were going. lights were provided by their Mrs Hallock noted the girls of own generator for more than six Davidson-Palmer were doing hours. The bar may have been the same. the center of activity that night Dean Anstey said he -was · but other students were doing sleeping. When he found out this other things in other places. At was for the Ped he made sure to least we have a pretty good idea note that he was alone. Roland · of what went on at Duffy's.. Barrett was stuck in the middle Bill Martin was stuck in a of a road fifteen miles outside of · ditch on the seven mile stretch. Lincoln. Frank D' Addesa was Eileen Scholl and Nancy Kottich playing chess by candlelight were busy hanging a dummy in with Steve Mann and later Phil the basement of Davidson- Dean. Steve later went to DufPalmer hall. fy's.
The guys attending open hours Fritz Stehlik was in Nebraska there were being kicked out of City at home where the lights the dorm by Mrs Hallock were on. Amy Walsh said she · housemother who said she got tended her sick roomate and her orders from the campus then went to Rex's and ate in the security who said they got their dark where they were cooking orders from higher up. Security by candlelight.
.second annual essay contest being held
A peace essay contest for Nebraska college students sponsored by Rural Nebraskans for Peace, is underway in Nebraska. This is the second year for the essay contest
The theme of this years contest, "War Need Not Be Inevitable", is, according to the peace group, taken from an , article by Norman Cousins. The remainder of the article expresses the general motivation behind the contest:
"War need not be inevitab\e, but it will not go away by itself. When enough people come to understand that peace is a science, and are prepared to meetits stern demands, there is a good chance that war can be abolished. Until then, it is difficult for the hiiman race to regard itself as truely civilized."
There are a number of essay topics under three main headings, Biography, Current Events, and Philosophical Considerations. The length of the essay is to be from 500 to 3,000 woras; there must be three references used and listed
at the end of the essay. Essays are to be submitted by March 15 to the Norfold Peace Group, 1005 Norfolk Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701. Winners will be an: nounced May 1. Each contest winner will receive $100, each runner-up, $50. An information kit is available from the group Mr 25 cents.
The Norfolk Peace Group is · affiliated with another, larger organization, Nebraskans For Peace, which is affiliated with a, national peace organization: · Clergy and Laity
These organizations came into being as a result of concern felt by small groups over our, countries actions in Vietnam. According to a Norfolk Peace. Group press release, the group continues to work because of our country's continued military involvement in other countries. "The peace groups", it said, "are concerned about the continued massive support of the U.S. to repressive, antidemocratic dictatorships in various parts of the world (26 at last count)., and our increased military budget at a time we are supposedly seeking detente,"
Sherry Gregg said that she pretended she was an earthling on Mars with super scopic view so she could see everything that night. Sherry was asked what she was doing that night when she was down at Duff's. This might account for the ·answer she gave.
Mike Resso said that night he checked to see if the' girls on campus were allright and see if they needed any help. He even had an extra candle with him in case somebody needed one. Resso said his intentions were purely honorable
Scott Christensen said, "please don't ask me about that nigljt, it was one of the worst I've had in a long time." Now that we know what some were doing.whe1t the lights went out maybe the next question should be, what were you caught doing when the lights came back on?
Music department events planned
Mr Edward Camealy, Dr. Gilbert 'E. Wilson, and the students in their respective departments present the following · events for your musical enjoyment in the vocal and instrumental fields:
March 23-24 - Rich Matteson Stage Band Contest
March 24 - Band Concert; Rita Lammie Voice Recital
March 25 - Midterm General
· Student Recital
April 7 - Choir Concert
April 8-9 - Choir Tour
April 30 - Final Student Recital (General)
BOOK Review
Richard Brautigan has come inJ-0 the limelight of the American literary scene. only after many years of writing poetry and novels of limited popularity. Brautigan hasn't changed, but the reading public has, and its about time.
"Trout Fishing in America", which doesn't have a thing to do with tr9ut fishing, is a glorius collage of short stories and. letters written about the different people, places and situations the main character experienced while looking for a bigger and better trout stream. Instead of finding trout he finds a piece of Americana Everything he comes in contact with has a story, even an old abandoned out-house that just wants to be left alone. /
Jn Watermelon Sugar 1s a novel about a different time and a different place where everything is made out of watermelon sugar. It's a simple story of life, death, love and hate set in the background of the ·works,". the ruined rubble of our society after the great catastrophy. As with Brautigan's other works it's not the plot that's intriging, it's the style. The refreshing use of the English language and vivid imagry make Brautigans works very readable.
His books were written to be read on a rainy day, a warm spring afternoon, or just about any day when there is a little extra time that should be enjoyed.
$2,000 gift scholarship
A $2,000 gift from Dr George Schottenhamel and his wife, Lillian, has been given to the Peru Achievement Foundation lo establish a permanent four year scholarship of $50 a semester at Peru State College as a memorial to his parents; Carl and Olive Schottenhamel.
First consideration will be given to applicants living in DuPage County, Illinois, with the award to begin in the fall, 1974, semester at PSC. Recently deceased, the Carl Schotlenhamels lived in Downers Grove, Illinois.
If no applicants are accepted from DuPage County, other Illinois high school graduates
will be considered. The recipienf must be in the upper one half of his or her graduating class. The initial award will be renewed each semester up tofour years as long as the student is in good standing at Peru· State. Illinois high schools will be notified as the scholarship is available.
PAF Development Edward Craren, indicated the $2,000 gift will be invested to build the scholarship fund.
Dr. George Schottenhamel has been chairman of the Department of History and Social Science for 16 of his 17 year.s as a Professor at Peru State College.
PERU'S JOHN WHISLER, defending Nebraska College Conference wrestling champion at 150, retained the title last Thursday <February 21) by pinning first round opponent Ken Wesch (above) of Chadron in 5:40 and Kearney State's Randy Nichelson in 7:29 of the championship match. The Bobcat sophomore, son of Mr and Mrs Jack Whisler, Peru, was joined by five freshman teammates in individual championships, and the 'Cats earned their first NCC tourney victory with 84 team points. Nine-year champion tied with Chadron for second at points; Kearney earned 32. Rich Hinkel Photo.
.Date Day Team Place · Time
March 30 Saturday Concordia Peru 1:00
April3 Wednesday Tarkio Peru 1:00
April6 Saturday +Kearney Peru 1:00
April 10 Wednesday Midland Fremont 1:00
April 12 Friday Benedictine Atchison 1:00
April 16 Tuesday Doane Peru 1: oo
April 18 Thursday N.W.T'. Peru 1:00
April 25 Thursday Hastings Hastings 1:00
April 27
Saturday +Chadron Broken Bow 1:00
April 30 Tuesday Bellevue Peru 1:00
May4 Saturday +Wayne Wayne 1:00
·+Nebraska College Co11ference games
All Dates are 2 - 7 inning games, all games begin at 1:00 unless otherwise indicated.
Tom J. Fitzgerald Head Baseball Coach
Home phone 402-872-5985
Office phone 402-872-3815, Ext. 39
5: 30 Intramural Basketball 7:30PSSS
Kappa Delta Pi
Delta Lambda 7: 00 IA Club .MARCH5 4:45 Circle K 5: 30 AAU Swim team 7: oo Phi Beta Lambda Auction 6:00SGA 12: 00 Speakeas,y MARCH6 6:00WAA 5: 30 Intramural Basketball Convo Reading Program 10:30 Campus Traffic Comm. MARCH7 Gym FA211 WDR Sc.104 IA29 WDR Pool Gym FA212 WDR Gym Gym FA 104, 105,211, 212 AD304 5: 30 AAU Swim team Pool 7:00SCB Movie FA Aud. 4:00SocialWorkClub FA212 5:00SCB WDR 9:14a.m.FacultyCoffee WDR 12:00LadiesLuncheon WDR 3: 00 Rap Session Student Center Lounge Wrestling National Turney At River Falls Mo. MARCH8 SPRING RECESS BEGINS AT 5:00
Bobcat wrestlers take NCC crown at Peru State
Peru State College wrestlers
toppled nine time Nebraska College Conference champion Wayne State to win ·the NCC crown in Peru Thursday, February 21.
Earning 84 team points, Peru State bettered Wayne and Chadron, tied .at 48% points to share second, and Kearney with 32.
Peru Staters garnered six individual championships with Wayne State claiming two and Chadron and Kearney one each.
PSC's John Whisler repeated his last year's conference win at 150 by pinning Kearney's Randy ·· Nichelson in' 7:29 of the championship round. The Bobcat sophomore, a Peru native and Auburn High School graduate, earlier pinned Chadron's Ken Wesch on the way to his second consecutive NCC title.
Wayne's Ron Coles, not competing in 1973, regained the heavyweight crown he won in 1972 with an 11-3 decision over Chadron's Tom Alcorn. In first round competition, Coles, a senior, pinned Kearney's Bob Fuehrer, freshman, in 6:10.
Also regaining a 1972 earned crown was Wayne's home town product, Jim Meyer, At 125 he earned a 3-2 champioriship
decision over Chadron's Neal Lein. Meyer drew a bye in the opening match.
Five Peru State freshmen claimed individual championships.
Bud Frohling, opened the sixin-a-row point bonanza by pinning Wayne State's Randy Humpal in 3:55 of the 142 class. Frohling felled Tom Jensen, Kearney State, in 4:29 of the preliminary round.
After Whisler's 150 victory, PSC's Terry Kelly and Chadron's Willis Stallman battled in an overtime match before Kelly earned the title with a pin in 2: 45 of the additional match. The champion had quickly pinned Mark Jones of Kearney, 1: 10, in first round competition.
PSC's Dean Brooks earned a 14-3 championship decision over Fred Diers, Chadfon, at 167. Both matmen had moved up from 158 regular season competition for the tourney. Diers was last season's 158 champion in the NCC. Earlier in the afternoon, Brooks had decisioned Kearney sophonore Dudley Nelson, 11-9.
Continuing Peru's victory string, ·Bob Brown pinned George Risak, Wayne, in 3:02 of
Bobcats trip Wayne
Peru State moved from cellar position to third place in the Nebraska College Conference with an 81-76 basketball victory over Wayne State February 20.
In the contest played in Peru the Bobcats connected on 16 of their first 21 shots and netted a pair of free throws for a 34-25 lead. During the first 13 minutes, Wayne could only hit on 11 of 31 shots and three free shots for their points.
The Bobcats grabbed their largest lead of the night, 44-29, with 2: 29 remaining in the first half on a basket by Freeman Beville. Beville earned game scoring honors with 25 points, which included a torrid 10 for 155 performance from the floor.
Bill Hunter, playing in his last
home game as a Bobcat, scored 22 points, dealt out six assists and dominated board play with 19 caroms.
Ron Winston, 5-10 Peru guard, played an excellent floor game, scoring 12 points and handing out eight assists, a game high.
Wayne State fought back in the second half to pull within one at 66-65 before Beville exploded for three buckets and a free throw which, along with a jump shot by Winston, widened the margin to 75-68 with 3: 10 left.
Peru was never seriously threatened thereafter, as they pushed their to 2-4 in the conference. Kearney State ,finished with a perfect 6-0 record lo take the NCC championship. Wayne is second at 3-3 and Chadron fourth at 1-5.
Women's team end season with 1st state tourney entry
Peru State College's women's basketball team closed the 197374 season with their first entry in the state tounament at Fremont on February 22-24
The Bobkitten squad defeated· Doane College in their first pairing Friday night, February 22, 50-29. Coach Mary Jo Mier praised the team, saying they played on of the best games of the season against the Crete team.
In second round competition, Peru met top-seeded Midland Saturday, Fevruary 23, losing 29-55. In consolation play that night Peru fell to Creighton, 5526.
Including tournament play, the PSC squad concluded the season with a 6-11 record, defeating Iowa Western once, Doane twice in regular season play olus the tourney win, and'
the title match. Brown's first round victory was a 2-1 decision over Randy Schroeder of Kearney.
Kent Coleman took the sixth straight Peru crown in an overtime 5-0 decision over Wayne's Fred Spale. In the initial round, the PSC freshman pinned Chadron's Lou Panas in 2:26.
Chadron's Don Bremer earned the 118 championship with a 1:08 pin of Peru's Jack Stanley. The Eagles' sophomore earned ·a first round bye.
Kearney's championship came at 134 with Chris Wilkinson's 12-3 decision over Ken Stanley of Peru. Stanley was disqualified after the match ended for unsportsmanlike conduct, and second place points were forfeited in addtion to the one disqualification point. Wilkinson, on his way to the title, Wayne's Craig Hellwege, 8-1.
The NCC title capped Peru State's best season dual record, 16-5, jn their four years of competition.
118 Don Bremer (C) bye; Jack Stanley (P) pinned Steve Ellis (2) 2:54
126.Jim Meyer (W) bye; Neal Lein (C) pinned Jim Fuentes
(P) 3:10
134 Chris Wilkinson <Kl nee. Craig Hellwege -(WJ 8-1; Ken Stanley (P) dee. Brent Abrams
(C) 5-0
142 Bud Frohling (P) pin. Tom Jensen (K) 4:29; Randy Humpal (W) pin. Joe Venton
(C) :50 ,
150 Randy Nichelson (K) dee. Gary Schneidt (W) 5-4; John Whisler (P) pin. Ken Wesch
<Cl 5:40
158 Willis Stallman (C) pin Bill Garriott (W) 5:25; Terry Kelly
(Pl pin. Mark Jones (K) 1:10
167 Fred Diers (C) dee. Stan
Anderson (W) 14-0; Dean
Brooks (P) dee. Dudley Nelson
(K) 11-9 ,
177 Bob Brown (P) dee. Randy
Schroeder \K) 2-1; George
Bizak (W) dee. Pat Cullen (C)
190 Kent Coleman (P) pin. Lou
Pana3 (C) 2:26; Fred Spale
(W) dee. Ken VerMaas (K) 8-0
HWT Ron Coles (W) pin. Bob
.Fuehrer (K) 6:10; Tom Alcorn
(C) dee. Jim Rezac (P) 7-3
118 Steve Ellis (W) by default
126 Jim Fuentes {P) by default ,
134 Craig Hellwege CW) dee.
Brent Abrams (C) 3-1
142 Tom Jensen (K) pinned Joe Venton (C) 3:25
150 Ken Wesch (C) by default
158 Mark Jones (K) dee. Bill Garriott (W) Overtime - 1-0
167 Dudley Nelson (K) dee. Stan Anderson (W) 7-6
177 Pat Cullen (C) dee. Randy Schroeder (K) 3-2
190 Ken VerMaas (K) dee. Lou Panas (C) 6-0
HWT Jim Rezac {P) dee. Bob Fuehrer (K) 2-1
118 Don Bremer (C) pinned Jack Stanley (P) 1:08
126 Jim Meyer (W) dee. Neal Lein (C) 3-2
134 Chris Wilkinson (K) dee. (Ken Stanley (P) disqualified following match) 12-3
142 Bud Frohling (P) pinned Randy Humpal (W) 3:55
150 John Whisler (P) pinned Randy Nichelson (KJ 7:29 Terry Kelly (P) pinned Willis Stallman (C) Overtime - 2:45
167 Dean Brooks (Pl dee. Fred Diers (Cl 14-3
177 Bob Brown (P) pinned George Biszak (W) 3:02
190 Kent Coleman (P) dee. Fred Spale (Wl Overtime - 5-0
HWT Ron Coles (W) dee. Tom Alcorn (C) 11-3
Bobcats drop final game to UNO
University of Nebraska at Omaha's Calvin Forest led a 13 man scoring attack against Peru State February 23, as the Mavericks defeated the Bobcats 93-69 in Omaha, The contest was Peru's season final. Forest, a 6-4 senior forward, tallied 16 points and grabbed 13 rebounds to lead UN-0 to their 17th win against eight losses.
Peru's season record ended at 3-19, with a cold shooting performance (29-87) accounting for much of the "Cats problems.
Scoring was close during the Winston also handed out seven opening six munutes with UN-0 assists. running off UN-0 substitute guard Tim five straight pmnts. Linder was an effective weapon
The Mavericks grabbed four on the Maverick fast break as he 22 point le1ds during the first dealt out eight assists half using a potent Coach Roger Schnaser, now attack, and led at mterm1ss10n engaged in an intensified area 50-32. command recruiting program, is opof. the mght was 29 pomts at 85-56 timistic about the 1974-75 season.
6: 18 to play· In his first year of collegiate .Bill Hunte: led Bobcat scormg coaching, Coach Schnaser joined with. 24 pomts, although con- the Bobcats second semester nectmg on only 11 of 30 shots and coached the team to two of from the fl9or. Freeman Beville their season's three wins Ron Wmston tallied 14 each. ·
Nebraska Wesleyan twice. Defeats were at the hands of Creighton, Iowa Western, Omaha Independent, Tarkio twice and College of St. Mary (Omaha) twice plus tourney losses.
Bobkitten squad members this season were: Seniors-June Bottcher, Syracuse, Jody Fichter, Randolph, Iowa, Carol Lang, Hamburg, Iowa; sophomores-Allie Stoltenberg, Omaha, Gail Harmon, Dawson, Laurita Tackett, Tabor, Iowa, Becky Niday, Beatrice and Rosemary Warner, Craig, Missouri; freshmen-Debbie Scholl, Falls City, Nancy Kottich, Falls City, and Terri McCaig, Omaha.
Assisting Miss Mier in her initial year on the PSC staff was Bob Williams, PSC physical education junior from Stella.
PSC BOBKITTEN CAGERS - Women athletes playing on the 1973-74 Peru State basketball squad, completing their season in the recent state tournament at Midland in Fremont, are: (seated) Robbie Giesecke, student manager; (front row; left to right) ?ail Scholl, Nancy Kottich, and Carol Lang; (back row, left to nght) Bob W1lhams, student assistant coach, Allie Stoltenberg, Becky Niday, Terri McCaig, Rosemary Warner and Mary Jo Mier, Coach and women's physical education instructor.
Not pictured are Laurita Tackett and June Bottcher.
Dr. Julian Nava, a professor of history at California State University.
Dr. Nava to speak on March 26 and 27
Dr. Julian Nava, final minority scholar in a current Nebraska Educational Television Council for Higher Education (NETCHE) campus visitation series, will come. to Peru State College Tuesday afternoon, March 26, and Wednesday, March 27.
A mexican American, Dr. Nava is a Professor of history at California State University, Northridge, and a member of the Los Angeles City Board of Education. Educated in Los Angeles through junior college, Dr. Nava earned A.M. and Ph.D. degrees at Harvard University. He is best known for liis wor!C in education, particularly in the field of minority relations. The educator has published a number of texts, some bilingual, on Mexican American history.
Dr. Nava's major professional activities include founderchairman of the Committee to Preserve the History of Los Angeles; U.S. Fulbright lecturer and researcher to Spain in 196263; co-director of NDEA institute on "The Role of Minority
Groups in U.S. History", 1966-67; founder-director of Great Lakes Colleges Association Center in Bogota, Colombia, 1964-65; and President of the Pacific Coast Council on Latin American Studies, 1965-66.
He is currently on governing boards and advisory committees· for eight cultural and educational groups.
In the 1950's and 1960's Dr. Nava was on instructional staffs at the U.S. Cultural Center, Caracas, Venezuela; University of Puerto Rico; Universidad de Valladolid, Spain; and Centro de Estudio Universitarios Columbo-Americano, Bogota, Colombia.
The public is invited to attend events scheduled during Dr. Nava's campus visit: Tuesday - coffee at Student Center, 3 p.m.; Wednesday - Address to Contemporary Social Problems class, 8:50 a.m., Fine Arts 211; Con v o cat i o·n, Co 11 e g e Auditorium, 9:40-10:25; Rap session, Student Center, 1:30 p.m.
Rock· class offered
Registration is open for Peru State College's popular spring pastime, hunting and identifying rocks, minerals and fossils. ,
The first of two geology field trip classes, each carrying one hour credit, is "rocks and minerals" with registration taken through the opening session, Friday, March 22.
Pre-registration should be made at the PSC Registrar's office, according to course instructor, Scott Williams, or students may register at the 7 p.m. indoctrination meeting on the PSC campus March 22, room 110, Education.
After three consecutive Saturday rock and mineral hunting field trips to Southeast Nebraska sites, the course will end· with a Monday, April 8 evaluation session on campus.
"Introduction to fossils" opens with a campus class session Friday, April 19 with three Saturday field trips and an evaluation meeting carrying the course through Monday, May 5.
Band ensemble concert Sunday
In concert the Peru State College ·Band Ensemble will perform in the College Auditorium March 24. The 8 p.m. performance is open to the public, free of charge.
The instrumentalists will perform Thursday, March 28, at Auburn and Johnson-Brock high schools in morning concerts.
Featured in a specialty number will be Gloria Groothius, vocalist, and Lennie Lahman, percussionist, and Curt Robinson, electric guitarist.
Roland Barrett, Donald Doxon, and Dennis Ehmke, will present a trumpet trio selection.
Among band ensemble selections will be "Black Magic Woman" featuring Lennie Lahman on drums and "Symphonia for Winds" composed by Frank Ericson, clinician at PSC's 1974 summer band camp.
Dr Gilbert Wilson, PSC music department chairman-and band director, will conduct the concerts.
Vocal and instrumental music students at Peru State College will perform a mid-winter rf'rital in thf' College Auditorum Monday, March 25 at 8 o'clock. Ad1111ss10n 1s tree.
ThP hour performance will feature students of Mrs Ann Leatherman, Dr. Gilbert Wilson and Mr. Edward Camealy of the PSC music department staff.
Matteson to headline
Peru Music Program
Rich Matteson will headline Peru State College's March 30 jazz festival and junior-senior high school band clinic.
The well-known jazz artist's appearance as clinician for the Saturday event is made possible through a Nebraska Arts Council grant, according to clinic coordinator, Dr. Gilbert Wilson, PSC music department chairman.
Matteson has appear.ed at national stage band camps, Kansas City Jazz Festival, MidEast Instrumental Conference, nationally television half-time show at the University of Alabama and a variety of Music Educators Association events.
He presently is featured soloist on valve trombone, bass trumpet and euphonium with the Joe Morello gro1,11.1, performing coast to coast. The University of Iowa graduate has established himself as an oufstanding clinician and arranger.
Band entries at the PSC clinic will be limited to 15, Dr. Wilson said, with each band allowed 20 minutes performance time from 8 a.m. to noon and 1-4:30 p.m. Troph:cs for first and second place winners will be awarded.
Rich Matteson will present a
clinic in the art of jazz improvisation in the PSC auditorium from 4:30 to 5:30. Spectators are welcome during band performances and the Matteson jazz portion of events.
Top bands from junior high, class C, class B and class A will present winning selections at a 7:30 p.m. concert in the'College Auditorium. Matteson will be featured as soloist with the Peru State College stage band supplemented "'with selected high school musicians.
Tickets for the evening concert are $.75 and $1.00.
The NAC grant of $800 is the first approved for Peru State College and is to be used for professional seminars in classical and popular, vocal and instrumental music. The grant is jointly funded through the Nebraska Arts Council and the National Endowment for Arts in Washington, D.C., a Federal agency created by Act of Congress in 1965.
In addition to the March 30 jazz event, a portion of the grant will be used for Peru State's madrigal and swing choir offcampus performances ,in high schools this spring.
Lambda's auction successful
Colonel Kent Badgett of Brock, auctioneer for Phi Beta Lambda's fund raising auction at Peru State College Tuesday, March 5,, successfully encouraged purchase of a wide array of donated goods. Including sale of raffle tickets, the event grossed slightly over $500 for the honorary business fraternity coffer. An antique
chemistry laboratory scale brought the top bid of $25. Less desired items went for as low as 25 cents. Mrs Mildred Groff, PSV secretary, held the winning raffle ticket for a 12 inch black and white TV; J. J. Vance, purchased the clock-radio winning ducat from his Peru State freshman daughter, Janet.
VOL. 69 NO. 18 MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1974
Rich Matteson, well-known jazz artist, to appear
Students give views on legislative. Bill 783
The Pedagogian asked students for their opinions, pro and con. The questions asked were: Do you approve of the allowance of alcohol on the state campuses? and why?
Jµlee Tillman
"If the profits frorri the sale of alcoholic beverages on campus would go to the state and later return indirectly to the state colleges, then it would be of financial benefit to the schools."
New Wheeler Inn reviewed
"I think it would be a fine idea. The students do it anyway, if legalized, it will be for the greater benefit of a majority of students."
What do you do when you discover you have had things stolen from you? Or in simpler terms what does the victim of a rip-off do? I know I'm not the first to return from a week-end at home and find certain belongings gone from my room. But reai!y you can't even classify a dorm room totally and privately yours. The trouble is your door can be unlocked by about fifteen other keys in possession of 0th.er girls living in the dorm. And the college wonders why more students do not choose to live on campus. You would think that by the age of is those who enter college would be mature and responsible adults, who want to learn and broaden their education in the best way possible. But on the contrary some get in to stealing clothes right off a person's back. It is not only immature but people like this are really sick and the situation has to be improved. If the college has to change the entire lock system in the dorms then it must be done soon because I (and I know many others) can't afford .to have $15 to $20 worth of stuff stolen every time you leave yom room. Maybe you haven't been a victim yet and you are really lucky. But that luck might not hold out unless proper action is taken now to stop all the stealing that's going on here at the college.
PATRICE KINNISON Morgan Hall StreaKers appear on €ampus
Wheeler Inn, a relatively new l'al ing rslablishmenl in Auburn which made the changeover from a pizza lovers den lo a steak house several months ago makes no promises and does very little advertising but inevitably gives you the best for _ less.
Consideration for customers. personalized assistance in· selecting the best quality cuts of steak or anything else on the menu for the most reasonable price, quick service, and a staff I hat is proficient in their work is a combination rarely found in any eating establishment large or small.
The managing staff, waitresses, and busboys along with the cooks should be complimented on meeting the above requirements necessary for the survival and success of any restaurant.
On entering the restaurant our dinner party was well received and we were allowed to be seated at the table of our choice unlike other restaurants where you wait in the lobby for an hour and then are shown to a dimly lit table where you are lucky if you can read the menu let alone find your silverware.
Although the table of our choice was cluttered with the remainder of food and dishes from a previous party, a busboy was promptly at our disposal put to the task of cleaning up and at the same time provided us with a little comic relief. It is not in every restaurant that you are privileged to be entertained by a one man show who can balance
\'ups and plat es in one hand, clear off lhe table with the other and tell you his life-lime experiences as a busboy in the process of doing everything else. He apologized for not knowing how lo rlay a violin.
In most restaurants where the sealing capacity is almost·filled you can expect to down several dinner drinks before the arrival of your meal. It usually doesn 'L come as a surprise when your rolls and your appetizer are served several degrees below wan11. II came as un'"xpected surprise when our me:il was served midway into o:ir first drink. Wheeler Inn is one of the few restaurants that l have come across in a long time that actually believes ia nutting liquor into their drinks instead of just loading them up with ice and seltzer waler. With the great service we received it would have taken gumption to complain about the cold rolls.
The French Dip which is sliced prime ribs served on a seasame bun with french fries and a sauce for dipping was delicious. The Prime Rib Steaks, which was almost an inch and a half thick served in a platter of juice could have been cut with a butter knife.
The relaxing atmosphere, the reasonable prices and the constant kssistance and consideration on the part of our waitress made a most favorable reflection on Wheeler Inn. The impression made upon us was enough to start spreading the good word.
"Not particularly. I don't see a real genuine need for it. Instead of going for that, I think the students should be working to change the rules concerning not being able to have liquor in offcampus housing and the antiquated rule of not housing members of the opposite sex in the off-campus housing
"Since these rules are ignored by everyone anyway, I think they should be dropped."
Peru streakers furnished a different kind of "extemporaneous" event. for district high school speech contestants last Tuesday evening.
Visiting student speakers were leaving the Fine Arts Building at 7:30 p.m. when eight ski-masked male streakers raced by, going around to the north side of the building.
As they ran up the hill toward Morgan Hall, Campus Security Officer Howard Allgood and another officer came up behind them in a patrol car.
The boys saw them and ran down the hill toward Delzell, the officers in full pursuit.
Students express views on reading program
"I don't see any point in it. As it is, I read nearly 200 books a year and this extra--well--there's just no point."
This is one of the responses that were given to the question of the reading program.
This program is an outside reading enrichment program for all language arts majors. Through this program, there have been many "classics" read. A classic is described as being a book that can be simple without being vulgar, elevated without being distant and is something neither ancient nor modern, always new, and incapable of growing old.
the theory behind the reading program is excellent. It's just too bad we don't stick closer to the theory in practice."
When asked why the program was developed on Peru's campus, Mrs Mary Ruth Wilson said that it was in response to the expressed needs by supervising teachers to have language arts majors with a wide novel reading background.
The books used for the program are picked by acommittee of students and faculty from a list of books suggested as reading material by literary magazines.
Steve McVay
"Most college students of legal age can handle themselves and the responsibilities of having alcohol on campus. What better environment could there be to consume such a beverage than an educational environment where one is surrounded by other mature students? I don't think of beer and liquor as a crutch or emotionalrelease but more as a beverage which can and should be consumed in a relaxed atmosphere.
The streakers entered Delzell and were gone from view when the two officers arrived on the scene.
Harris c·harms audience
LaDonna Harris charmed· audiences in her day long visit to Peru State College Thursday, March 7. Mrs Harris spoke to two American History classes, the luncheon group and several informal conversation groups with persons attended intrigued with her experiences as a child in an Oklahoma Indian L'oarding school, her high school and eventual marriage to Fred Harris - later elected to Oklahoma and U.S. Senator posts, and campaigning anecdotes. Highlighting her candid discussions were Mrs Harris views on Indian rights, women's rights and on-the-scene experiences during Indian governmental differences.
Many of the students gave the answer that it was pointless. When asked her opinion of it, Emily Rosewell said that the typical language arts major cares about his subject enough to read widely on his own.
James. C. Smith was more in favor of the program though he did have one criticism. "I think
According to Mrs. Wilson this all applies to Journalism students because many new stories make new allusions to ·characters from great classics and to do this, the students should be versed in the classics.
Although the program was offered to all areas of study on campus, only language arts is in it.
Managing Editor Deb Barton
Sports Editor Rick DeKlotz
Copy Editor Jan Johnson
Women's Sports - Gail Harmon\ Manager Susan Sole
Circulation Manager , Jeff Walther Artists Steve Mann Don Jochems
Contributing Editors Bobbi Thiesfeld Advisor
Bob Wernsman Frank D' Addesa
Phillip Dean · <Freshman)
Bob Wernsman <Senior)
MONDAY, MARCH 25, 197/i
ecord number of high school students
articipate in speech and drama contest
In tense competition, NHSAA istrict II speech and drama testants filled Peru State liege auditoriums and Fine ts classrooms March 18 and Auburn High School emerged sweepstakes winner in Class events and Nebraska City urdes tied with Pawnee· City the Class B. championship. uplicate troppies were warded the tying schools. With 57 points, Auburn edged ellevue with 54 and Syracuse ith 50. Fifteen schools comted in Class A contests.
Pawnee City, 1973 Class B eepstakes winner, and 1972 der Nebraska City Lourdes re locked in a 61 point tie after nal tabulation at 10 p.m
Tuesday evening. Following in point totals were Palmyra with 53, Elmwood, 49 and Weeping Water, 47. Fifteen Class B schools competed.
Best actress certificates were awarded to Anne Ely, Auburn, Class A and Karen Gauchat, Johnson-Brock, Class· B. Best Actor awards went to Rob McKercher, ·Auburn, Class A and Don Wirth, Nebraska City Lourdes, Class B. Registration of 415 students from the 30 schools was the largest number of entries ever recorded in the forensic competition hosted yearly by Peru State College, contest director Dr. Clyde Barrett announced. Last year's event had the previous high 'registration with
125 students from 26 schools. Competition began Monday night with one-act plays· presented by Stromsburg,, Humboldt, Falls City Sacred Heart and Johnson-Brock. Tuesday ·events - included oral interpretation of literature, after-dinner speaking, original public address, informative public address, extemporaneous speaking, oral interpretation of prose literature, oral interpretation of drama, oral interpretation of poetry, duet acting, and one-act plays.
During free time, high school students used college swimming pool and Student Center game room facilities. Coaches, students and spectators were treated to coffee and doughnuts at contest headquarters.
awareness" schedule
Peru State College will be host r a "Cultural Awareness" minar. The two day seminar · I be held on March 26 and 27.
Dr. Julian Nova, noted school ministator and expert on inority needs will be the guest eaker for this program which designed to further PSC udents awareness of foreign untries and ethnic groups istorical and cultural ckgrounds.
The Cultural Awareness orum was arranged by zanne Underwood' who joined e PSC staff at semester. Ms. derwood has been working th students of varied cultural eritage in a campus tutoring rogram.
March 26 <Tuesday)
2: 00-1: 00 Question-answer
forum. PSC students from foreign countries will answer · questions pertaining to their backgrounds. Everyone is invited. West Dining Room.
3:00 - 4:30 Dr. Nova will visit informally with students and faculty. Student Center Faculty Lounge.
March 27 (Wednesday)
8:50 - 9:35 Dr. Nova will be in Mr Gulezia .class. Education
9:40 - 10:25 Dr Nava Convocation. F.A. A,lld. ' 10:30-12:00Dr Nava meets with faculty. Faculty Lounge Student Center.
12:00 - 1:00 Clyde Sheridan's family (American Indians-) will perform tribal dances in nati1,1e costume at an outdoor picnic in front of the F .A. Bldg. In case of bad weather, it will be
Peru coed Circle K Lt. Governor
held in the gym.
1:00 - 2:00 Question, answer, discusion period in front of the F.A. Bldg. In case of bad weather, Ed. 218.
2:00 - 3:00 Dr. Nava will be featured in Dr. Schottenhammel's class. F.A. 211.
5:00 - 6:15 International Buffet. Student Dining Hall. 1
6:30 - 7:30 Creighton University
Afro-American Student Association will present Spirtituals in front of theF.A. Bldg. In case of bad W()ather.-F.A. Aud.
7:30 - 9:00 Mr and Mrs Morris Jones, Falls City, Nebraska will make a presentation based on experiences in Africa with tribespeople. Film, costumes, and artifacts., followed by a question-answer period. All invited.
eru changes many in last 4 yrs.
hanges in the college
ucture and budget have fled divisions and departts into schools, heads of sions into deans of schools some administrators and ulty right out the door during past four years.
he divisions of education, ysical education and practical ts have become the School of cation and Aoolied Arts. vf fine arts, ory and social science, and division of science and thematics is n·ow the School Humanities. rom an administration of 16 in 1970 we have eamlined to 13. this year.
li1e faculty, 48 irr 1970, has en down to 43 this year. Acding to Dr. Kelly Liewer, 'strar, student figµres for and 1974 are not available, a 1971 yearbook head count wed 400 in 1970 has risen to er 600 this semester. · ome familiar _faces are gone semester, other new ones lacing them.
r. Max G. Smith, Acting sident until July of this year, replaced by Dr. Douglas rson as president. Don E. le, assistant professor of ustrial Arts left this fall. Dr. n C. Christ, professor of logy and Dean of the anities absorbed School of ural Sciences retired at the of the summer sessions. Dr. ert C. Creamer, associatt>
Students can have jobs
Students interested in to Europe this spring or summer can earn back most or all of their trip cost by taking a summer job in Europe. Paying jobs are available in resorts, hotels, restaurants and snack bars in Switzerland, Austria, France, Germany and England. A few weeks on the job earns back the air fare, a few more weeks work earns ample money for traveling around Europe--especially if travel is by bicycle.
professor of Education and Actuig Dean of the School of Education before its restructure, resigned this fall to take a .position at the University Arkansas. Dr. Gavin Doughty, associate professor of Music and chairman of the Department of Fine Arts resigned in the fall. and Counceling.
Jack Mcintire, acting director of athletics, assistant orofessor of physical equcation, head football, basketball and track coach, resigned in November.
,Dr. C. Vernon Siegner, Dean of the School of Applied Arts and Technology before its integration into the new School of 'Education and Applied Arts and professor of industrial arts, resigned at the end of the fall tsemester to take a position with the Air Force as head vocational coordinator for California. Dr. Thomas Scherer has been appointed Dean of the School of and Applied Arts.
F1rst semester additions to the faculty were Mike Currier education, Martin P.E.: Frederick Hamann, Science, Ann Leatheman, Music, Mary Jo Meyer, P.E. and Paul Fell, Art. John Letts also came to Peru State as Director of Housing and Student Activities.
Second semester additions to the faculty were Robert Riley, P.E., Roger Schnaser, P.E., Sue Underwood, English, Richard Gulizia, Education; Richard Chisholm, and Mrs Paul Fell.
Faculty thinning this summer , and at the beginning of the fall ·semester cost the college Frank Fretheim, instructor in industrial arts, Vicki Jacobitz, instructor in home economies, Victor N. Kingery, assistant 'professor physics, James D. Levitt, associate professor of English and speech, Patricia Manley, instructor of speech, 1Willian;i. G. Snyder, instructor of history and chairman of the department of ·Social sciences and Dr. Darrell Wininger, heap tennis coach and professor of business. Faculty resignations in the fall were Bonnie R. Rutz, instructor of P.E., Alan F. Shipley, Director of Financial Affairs, Jerome D. Stemper, Director of Intramural At letics, Cross Country coach and associate professor of physical education, and Thomas S. Stone, Director of Admissions
Graffiti wanted!
The handwriting is on the wall!! Have you seen it? A small group of l students in Greensboro, North Carolina are doing a nationwide research project on graffiti. They would like some examples from Peru.
If you have seen any worth remembering, send it to Jan Johnson at Morgan or in care of her mailbox in Education 218 within the next two weeks.
Pat Hor.ip, a Peru State College co-ed from Plattsmouth, has been honored as Lieutenant Governor for division four of Circle K. She received her appointment for the IowaNebraska district from Tom Feldpausch, the Circle K. Governor.
Pat's duties include making visits and phone calls and writing letttrs to the various clubs regarr.ing Circle K duties. She also helps in providing ideas for membership and fundraising projects.
Peru S1:11.te'8 Circle K organization has performeU various services for the college. The club has donated money to the Radio Club and the Cub Scouts. The members also handle concessions at the games for club funding.
There are 14 Circle Kgroups in Nebraska. Pat was named one of the three most active district officers.
Miss Hopp is a .?.E. major and a member of W.A.A. She particularly enjoys volleyball and the. trampoline.
Lammie recital on March 24
Rita Gobber Lammle, mezzo soprano, will present her senior voice recital in the Peru State College Fine Arts Auditorium Sunday, March 24. The public is welcome to attend the 3 p.m. performance, free of charge.
During the program, her selections vary in style. For one number Maynard Geschke, Jr., Avoca, will join Mrs Lammie in a duet, Accompaniest will be Dianne Rees, Liberty.
A student from the studio of Edward Camealy, Mrs Lammie has been active in band, choir, swing choir, madrigal and Music Educators National Conference <MENCJ duringherfouryearsat PSC. She holds a Board of Trustees Scholarship.
Mrs Lammie and her husband, Guy, live in Auburn. She ;s the daughter of Mr and Mrs Ervin Gobber, Table Rock.
Standard wages are paid 1 but the big saver is the free room and board provided with each job and arranged in advance by the Student Overseas Services. SOS fills the jobs on a non-profit, first come, first served basis as it has done for the past 16 years. Students are also taking to the roads on bicycles in Europe as a means of beating both the energy and money crisis. Under a new arrangement students can bicycle around Europe with a new European bike that they can put on the plane and take home with them. SOS has arranged bike tours for groups, or individual bikers who want only a new bike, a map, and a 'Survivai Kit'.
"But no matter what the reason for going to Europe-exploring, studying, working--," advised John Carodine, SOS Placement Officer, at a recent University of Miami meeting, "Students should immediately sign up for their school charter flight in order to sidestep increasing air fares." Students can also sign up with a neighboring school charter, or any local civic group, museum or town group sponsoring a charter flight to Europe. "This is the cheapest way to fly to Europe," emphasized Carodine, "and students should take advantage of it." SOS does not operate charter flights. Students should look into all local charter possibilities because, once in Europe, it will be easier to earn back the trip cost by taking a paying job--a unique experience in itself.
Interested students may obtain application forms, job listings and descriptions, and the SOS handbook on earning their way in Europe by sending their name, address, name of educational institution and $1 (for postage, printing, handling and addressing only) to either SOS--Student Overseas Services, Box 5173, Santa Barbara, Calif. 93108; or to SOS Placement, 22 Ave. de la Liberte, Luxembourg-Europe.
When someone srcnds thirty years reminding rcople to be careful with fire, and he does it for no other reason than to save our forests. he makes a lot of friends hen if he's just a bear
Ms. Pat Hopp
Showers new coach and dorm director
It seems that football coach Entering Montana Tech in · Robert Riley brought ·r'lme September of 1970, on a football additional coaching talent with scholarship, Chris made allhim when he came to P.S.C. .conference quarterback four from Montana School of .Mines. years running. Chris 'Showers, a senior rustory As a coach here at P.S.C., his. major at Montana Tech. on a goals are to a secondary four-year. football scholatship, defense rated among the came to Peru with Riley, nation's top ten and to help the changing his major to phusical · team as a whole reach top. ten education and joining the college caliber.· coaching staff as assistant Chris wants to coach here at defensive secondary coach on P.S.C. for quite a w.hile, as he the football team. likes the school, the people,.and Showers, a 22-year-old native the area. of Houston, Texas, has quite a Asked about the team's · record in athletics. Attending progress with spring training, he Ross S. Sterling High School said, ''They are a dedicated from 1966 through 1970, he let- bunch. They want to go nine-andtered four years straight in one and get into playoffs. football and baseball, making They're really working hard. all-city and all-district quar- They've surprised me-I'll tell terback and left-fielder, no mean you that right now!;, feat in a city with 32 high The new dormitory director at schools. Delzell Hall as well as a coach.
Chris was formerly a dorm director at Montana Tech.
According to him, the dormitory judiciary board will begin a crack-down on in-dorm noise as of this week.
Vandalism' damage and vending machine 'thefts in the dorm lobby will, if those 'responsible are not apprehended, be paid for from student dorm deposits, and damage on the various floors will, if the responsible parties , are not found, be paid for out of the dorm deposits of the students living on the floor where the damage was done, if such measures are approved by the college administration.
Resident Assistants will be expected to work harder to control their floors and investigate thefts and vandalism, according to Showers.
Sue Fitzgerald elected NAIA representative
At the recent NAIA $ports Information Directors Association convention in Kansas City, Missouri, Peru State College's SID, Sue Fitzgerald, was electedNAIA Area 3 representative and member of the board of directors for a three-year term.
Mrs. Fitzgerald is the first woman elected to an NAIA-SIDA national position.
NAIA Area 3 emcompasses
Districts 9-12--0klahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana
and Manitoba, Canada. As board members, are representatives represent their respective geographic areas at NAIA-SIDA meetings and serve as liaison to the organization's officers and the NAIA.
Officers elected to two-year terms are Stan Green, Harding <Arkansas); Reggie Syrcle, Culver-Stocks ton (Missouri), vice-president; Joe Booker, Prairie View A & M (Texas), secretary-treasurer. Also named area representatives were Lloyd Dalbey, Tarkiil
Defense, pitching, speed baseball team strengths
Defense, pitching, quickness. Those three words describe the main strengths of the 1974 Peru State baseball team.
Coach Tom Fitzgerald has nine returning lettermen that should provide experience and leadership on the field. Returnees at infield positions include; Dave Rombach-third base, Dave McDaniel-shortstop, and Pat Tynon-second base. Pitchers include Dennis Dickman, Duane Martin and hurler-outfielder Robin Simmons. Returning after a stint in the service to catch for the Bobcats will be Tom Brandt. Brandt caught for Peru in 1968 and. 1969 before entering the Navy. Fitzgerald believes he ,-·,
will provide maturity that might rub off and help the freshmen.
l'fwo other lettermen that might see action for the 'Cats are Terry Criger and Tom Froehlich. Criger is student teaching in Hamburg, Iowa, while Froehlich is teaching in Auburn. The avilability of these two for the squad will depend on when and where the team is playing.
Newcomers to the squad that should see considerable action according to Fitzgerald are; Bud Kimball-outfield, Butch Kimball-second base, Greg Sanders-shortstop and Tim Macke-catcher.
In a schedule change the doubleheader with Tarkio has been moved up a day to Tuesday, April 2.
, 1974 Peru State Golf Schedule
April 50-::-: :aLNebraska Southern Invitational
April 11 Wesleyan - Hastings -Doane at Lincoln
April 22 - Northwest Missouri State UniversityDoane at Auburn
April - Nebr. Wesleyan at Auburn
May 3 - Northwest Missouri - Park - Graceland at Maryville
May 4 - Doane -Concordia at Crete
May 6 - 7 - NAIA District 11 - Nebraska College Conference at Fremont
(Missouri) and Mike Davis, McMurry (Abilene, Texas).
Peru State's entry in the 1973 football brochure contest won an All-American rating, and football program entries placed 17th ill the nation.
The' SIDA convention is part of the yearly NAIA convention held concurrently with NAIA's 32team basketball tournament. Also attending meetings and clinics. during the week's N'ASIA activities were Tom· Fitzgerald, PSC Athletic Director, and· Roger Schnaset, PSC basketball coach. Mrs: Schnaser accompanied the group.
Women's team ,prepares for softball season
The Peru State College women's softball team has opened practices in preparation for their 1974 season.
Around 20 girls turned -0ut for the first day of practice on Monday, March 18. Coach Mary Jo Mier expressed optimism for a good season in her year as head coach at Peru.
Coach Mier would make ho comment at the present time about how many girls she expects to carry on the squad. She stated that the official roster would be announced later.
The schedule is indefinite at this time, but should include over a dozen games with teams in Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Missouri.
f *
*3: 30 Gama Theta Epsilon
7:00 IAClub
it 8: 00 General 8pring Recital
3:00 Dr. J. Nova
4: 45 Circle K
5:30 AAU Swim Team
6:00 SGA
6: 30 Kiwanis 12:00 noonSpeakeasy 8:00 Alumni
5:00 SCB
4: 00 Neb. City School for the Visually Handicapped at Pool
1: 00 Baseball Peru vs. Concordia
Give tillit . helps.I +'lheAm.ric.n f Ro<!Cross. MONDAY, MARCH 25, I
5 :30 AAU Swim Team
WDR Pool FA212 WDR WDR Ed210
7:00 SCB Movie Faculty Lounge
ST RAF Bud Men No Names Black House "11" Barfly's Late Comers BushBons M.C. Mangless Nat&Co. Freak Brothers w. 9 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 2 2 0
Cock &Tail Frat.
Cock & Tail won the intramural basketball title with a 9-l record. Their only loss was to the Bud .Men, £441. Team members include: Dan Cotton, Terry Criger, Rich Eischen, John Gilmore, Doug Kingery, Dave McDaniel, Barry Reed, Steve Shupe, Rich Vonderschmidt and Bob Winter. ·'remains
VOL. 69 NO. 19
Clothes reported stolen at Morgan Hall
Someone on campus has a weird sense of humor, but some girls at Morgan don't think it's funny.
Approximately $187 worth of clothing has been stolen at the dorm. None has been returned or Jound. ·
Ann Novak lost $75 worth of dresses, underwear and sweaters. She had this to say about it, "I think the school should have done something about it when the thefts were first reported. Instead they all waited until it was too late. I also think they should discontinue the practice of having one key fit all the doors in the dorm. It's. too easy to get ahold of."
Pearson speaks at SGA meeting
turned out to be that of Barb Krajicek. She had gotten it as a birthday gift and hadn't even worn it.
Julia Garnet lost $12 worth of clothes. She wants the money for them instead. "I won't wear those clothes now that someone else has worn them," she says.
The biggest loss so far is that of Patrice Kinnison. Nearly $100 worth of new dresses, jeans, shirts, and underwear was taken from her room. As in other cases, none has been found. The incident occurred the last weekend in February. She has filed a report with the police, and her insurance company. She has since placed a padlock on her door. She says, "It's really strange. I don't quite what to think because something like_ this never happened to me before." ..
Some girls from the third floor at Morgan found the charred remains of a nightgown in the incinerator one morning. It
Interruptions plague play
"TheShowMustGoOn!", ,;On with the show!" and other phrases may seem trite and meaningless to most people these days, but not to the cast of "A Doll's House" Peru s.tate's spring drama 'production. Faced with interuptions in rehearsals due to auditorium use conflicts and with their director Mary Ruth Wilson in the hospital since last Monday, these people have faithfully stuck to their commitments, rehearsing without direction, so that Ibsen's play might go on as scheduled April 15 and 16. '
:Jhieves strike Delzell Hall
Casting has not been done according to students' majors, ages or years in college, with a first-semester freshman, Bill Martin, as the male lead, Torvald Helmer and Barb Wilkinson a senior in speech and drama and English, as Nora, his wife. Other cast members are Steve Sharp as Dr. Rank, Rita Miller as Mrs Kristine Linde, Dave Bayless as Nils Krogstad, Susanne Coughlin as Anne-Marie and Cathy Coulter as Helene. Amy Pearson, John Barrett Jr. rnd Peggy Lou Allgood play the )arts of the Helmer children.
Dorm increase being discussed
The sum of $100 or about $39 a Thieves struck at Delzell Hall semester would be the increase March 22 through March 23, in' dorm rent according to John entering the room of Wayne Letts, Student Housing Director. Ambler, third floor i:esident Letts said that nothing is set assistant and the room of Gary yet, but an increase is being Rosenbeck and Bud Froholing, talked about. He also stated that apparently with keys. A stereo second session summer school and· speakers, 35 mm. camera ·students might be affected by an and equipment case, AM-FM increase, the first one in three multiplex receiver, eight:track years at Peru State, recorder and gold wrist watch The possibility of giving the were taken from Ambler's room students some options in student and Rosenbeck's stereo and housing is being explored actelevision were taken. The total cording to Letts. value of articles stolen has not Letts also said that the been exactly determined, but it colleges dorms and owned by an is estimated to be in excess of Omaha Bonding Comp. Chiles $800. Heider& Co. Inc. and that they' · Campus Security and the give a budget for salaries etc, we Nemaha County Sheriffs Office are expected to stay within. If were called in and an investiga- something else is needed we tion is under way. have to go to them.
President Pearson met with the SGA Senators Tuesday to discuss Peru State's Position in the Kearney-Wayne-NU merger. He handed out a simplified version of the bill to interested senators which contained a list stating the possible effects the bill could have on PSC. Then Pearson spoke on the student-lobby campaign. "I think the students are more involved thant the faculty," he said. Pearson later commented on the high degree of professionalism those students representing Peru have maintained. · Pearson reserved comment on the Carpe.nter proposal. He mentioned that he did not have enough information about the details from the bill to determine it's effect for Peru State. Pearson did say though, that time had to be gained for research to be· done so everyone concerned can fully understand it.
Hunter takes scoring honors
Peru State's Bill Hunter has recently received two postseason basketball honors for bis play during the 1973-74 campaign.
"Muff" was named to the Omaha World Herald's All State College second team, and received honorable mention by the Sunday Lincoln Journal and Star. · Hunter led the NAIA district 11 in scoring with a 22.6 average while pulling down 219 rebounds to lead Peru in that category.
Heading the World Herald's first team was Kearney State's Tom Kropp. Hastings College had two members on the squadPaul Thomas and Mike Trader, as did Doane with Herb Cousins and Mario Peart. Kropp, Cousins and Trader also made the NAIA All-American honorable mention list.
New flagpole here soon
A new flagpole will arrive the first of this week to replace the ·.one that callapsed according to George Wendel, Superintendant of Grounds and Buildings.
The old pole collapsed about three weeks ago after someone cut the rop. The section made boiler tubes, that fell nearly proved fatal. According to Wenthe location of the new pole will be changed, there will be a larger flag and it will be lit up at night, ,
Other topics discussed at March 26 meeting were:
STUDENT AFFAIRS - The new locks for burglary-plagued Morgan Hall were ordered March 1 according to Senator Stehlick. "They'll be put in as soon as they arrive," he said.
STUDENT RIGHTS - The SGA Constitution Committee has presented a document to Dr's. Rosenberg and Pearson which outlines the specific rights and responsibilities of the PSC student on and off the campus. The document is the product of serveral month's work by the committee. The committee has now excepted the responsibility of revising the SGA constitution.
A medical· technical program and a new Associate of Art degree will be offered in the Peru State curriculum according to Senator Stehlik. A minimum cumulitive GPA of 5.0 is to be maintained in the courses similar to the Education
degree program currently under way.
The research committee reported that 70 letters by Peru State students were sent to the State sena tors concerning alcohol on campus. SGA had set up a booth in the lobby outside of the cafeteria, supplying paper, envelopes and postage to whoever would state their opinion, pro or con, in letter form to the senators.
The newly formed Peru Jaycees asked PSC students to roll up their sleeves and pitch-in to clean up Neal Park for the Inauguration ceremonies next month. Neal Park is the park directly opposite the Centennial Complex. SGA Senator Amy Walsh has backed the idea and said that she felt this was a good , opportunity for Peru State to increase good relations with the town. The clean-up was at 9:00 a.m. last Saturday
Wilson conducted Spring Concert
The annual Spring Concert by the concert band was held March 24, in the College Auditorium, with Dr. Gilbert E Wilson conducting. There were selections by the stage band featuring a song written by Roland Barrett. Gloria Groothius, Lennie Lah-
man, and Curt Robinson performed three selections. The band had only one week to prepare for the concert due to the spring vacation. With only that period of time, the band did remarkably well. At the end of the program, Dr. Wilson directed the encore of "Soul Truckin'."
Pool• WDR• •Gymt • t FA• • • "' t • HERE: •'¥--¥-¥-¥-...f
Dr. Pearson urges student reaction to LB 1054 at Tuesday Student Governing Association meeting.
Good old Peru State! Nothing ever seems to change much here. 0h, don't get me wrong, heads roll on the faculty, presidents come and go, administrative positions and. titles 'are shuffled now and then like a pack of cards, and, of course, the student body sluffs off its seniors at graduation like a snake's· skin, adding a new one each fall of incoming freshmen. But the "Nothing" I am talking about is really a "Something."
"What," you ask? Well, I'll tell you. It is the rip-offs.! That situation hasn't changed since I was first here in 1966. The student in the dormitory was getting ripped-off then and the student in the dormitory is getting ripped-off_now!
It is all well and good to say that most of all of the property lost in "major" thefts from students has been recovered,·but what about the clothing thefts and the other "minor" thefts? What if the property from the latest thefts at Delzell Hall, estimated at over $800, isn't recovered? -
The point I'm corning to is this in the past seven, almost eight, years since I first attended this college, there has apparently been no viable, functional plan or program instituted or executed by the Administration to curtail dormitory thefts. We all know that wherever there are people there will be thieves, but that does not mean that we, the students of Peru State College; should not expect what is our right - to be able to feel that we may leave our rooms for an evening, a weekend or a ·week and be as certain as it is possible iv this uncertain world to find our be!Qngings safe in our rooms when we return.
I woU!d like to ask a couple of questions at this point, as they have been asked ti> me by other students: First, where are the new locks and keys for the rooms at Morgan Hall? Morgan Hall girls have told lne they were supposed to be installed over Spring Break. The girls are still waiting. Second, why haven't the locks been changed in the rooms in Delzell Hall where keys have been lost, possibly stolen? I have been told by a reliable Administration source that it is a relatively simple process to change the tumbler barrels in the type of lock used in Delzell, providing new keys relative security in a rna!ter of a few nours. This last is of special interest to me, as an R.A. has told me that there-is a key missing to my own room.
Now, I am not saying that our Adriiinistration is not doing anything to keep aormitory thefts at a mm1rnum, tmt 1 nave been unable, so far, to find out what, if anything, is being done. If the Administration has some effective plan in the works, I the effort. If, on the other hand, nothing is being done, then I urge our school officials to do something before we all move out of the dorms.
Peru options for LB1054
The following paragraphs are taken directly from the Legislative Bill 1054:
"The proposition for the submission of the proposed amendment shall be placed upon the ballot in the following form:
'Constitutional · amendment to provide for the general government of the University of Nebraska, Kearney State College and Wayne State College under the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska and general government of the other state colleges and technical community colleges under the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges.'
That the. proposed amendment, if adopted, shall be in force and take effect immediately upon the completion of the canvass of the votes, at which time it shall be the duty of the Governor to proclaim it as a part of the Constitution of Nebraska."
As the situation stands now, there are four options open for Peru State to consider. They are:
1. FAVOR- Peru State, as an institution, can be in favor of the proposal as it stands. If passed, the bill provides that Peru State with Chadron and the technical community colleges be subject to the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges. ··
2. OPPOSE - PSC could oppose 1054 as it is currently worded.
3. AMEND - PSC could call for an amendment to 1054 which would also place Peru State under the Nebraska University Board of Regents.
4. IGNORE -;- Peru State could completely ignore· the proposal and place its future in the hands of the legislature.
NEBRASKAland: contest open
The annual Miss NEBRASKAland contest is now open to PSC co-eds. The NEBRASKAland DAYS Board is sponsoring this pageant, which is open to Nebraska colleges and universities. Each college and university will select their contestant to compete for the honor of being "Miss NEBRASKAland".
Juding for the contest will be based on four categories: Talent, which consists of appearance in a costume representative of the girls' home
Natural sciences career day Thursday
The PSC School of Natural Sciences Career Day for high school Juniors and Seniors will be held Thursday, April 4 in the Fine Arts Music Hall. According to 'science teacher Albert Brady, 200 letters have been sent out for the career day, first one held at PSC. The number of schools attending isn't known right now. Schedule of events is as follows:
9:00--9:25 - Registration, Fine Arts lobby. Coffee and rolls will be served for the speakers and advisors in the Hospitality Room.
9:30-10:00- Mass Meeting, F.A. Auditorium Welcome and introduction of. the speakers by Dr. Clyde Barrett, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences
10:05-10:45 '- Medical Technology SC 201. Speaker: Shirley
Brickman, Admission Personnel in Medical Technology at Lincoln General and Bryon Memorial Hospital in Lincoln.
Faculty - Mr Frederick Hamann and Dr. Daryl Long
10:05-10:45 - Computer Math and Science and Industry, SC
105. Speaker - Mr Leyon Brestel, Brownville Nuclear Plant, Brownville. FacultyMr Lyle McKercher
10: 05-10: 45 - Earth Science - FA Auditorium. Speaker - Dr. Marvin Carlson, Conservation and Survey Division at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.
Faculty - Mrs and Mrs Scott Williams.
10:05-10:45 - Tour of the Natural Science and Computer Facilities. Faculty - Mr Gary Hoemann, Admissions Person-
Ped follows Tuxhorn to classroom
Romona Tuxhorn is one of the student teachers the Ped will follow through student teaching. Mrs Tuxhorn is student teaehing in the Nebraska City Public School System. Teaching arts and crafts in senior high, Romona spent her first week observing Mr Beman, the senior high teacher she was assigned to. According to Romona, observing the class and working with students with individual problems, and preparing for her second week has kept her busy.
When asked if she has had any problems in her first week, Mrs Tuxhorn replied, "that she was not prepared for actual classroom practice." She felt the "micro-teaching" she had done at Peru was very helpful and felt that there should have been more of this practice. Also, the problem of apathy has arisen in her classes.
Romona Tuxhorn will be revisited in her third week of student teaching and her comments will be printed.
The second student teacher the Ped will follow through student teaching is Steve Pummell. Steve is doing his student teaching in Sidney,
Iowa, in the third grade.
Steve seemed to be ·experiencing more problems than Mrs Tuxhorn, Including the first-morning nervousness he experiencoo, Steve reported he was speechless when first introduced to his students. The third graders had some problems. getting used to him in that he was a new face in their room.
There are thirteen students in his room and Steve is thankful for this small blessing. His first week was also spent observing his supervising teacher, Mrs Greedy. Later in his first week, after being bored observing, Steve started taking charge of reading groups. All day Friday his first week, he discussed Weekly Readers with his class.
Steve also felt that the rnicroteaching he received at Peru was by far the most important of his education classes and thought it should be stressed more.
So far, his biggest problem has been three little girls who cry a lot and paying attention to third grade feelings which seem to be easily hurt.
Steve Pummell will also be revisited in his third week.
Dear Editor:
Y that's all anyone hears around this campus anymore. Apathy is · a big word of laziness on the part of the students and faculty. It just means that the students of this college are too lazy or complacent to get their cans out and see what is happening. It is easier to scream apathy or that there is nothing intersting going on.
nel and Mr Stanley Mccaslin
11:00-11:40 - Pre-Nursing, SC
201. Speaker - Miss Joan Hill,> Admissions Personnel at t Methodist Hospital, Omaha. Faculty - Mr Frederic Harnann
11: 11: 40 - Physical Assistants ::
FA Aud. Speaker - Mr Jesse C. Stewart, Assistant Director at the Physicians' Assistant Program, School of Allied Health' Professions, College of Medi· cine. Faculty - Mr Albe Brady
11:00-11:40- Education, SC 1 Speaker - Dr. Rodger E Macklen, Consultant, Stat Education Department, · coin. Faculty - Mr Lyle McKercher
11:00-11:40 - Tour of the Natural Science and Computer' Facilities. Faculty - Mr Gary Hoemann, Admissions Person-1 nel and Mrs Stanley MsCas!in. ·
Ms. Hopp elected
1st woman governor for District Four
Peru was honored the weekend· of March 22-24 when Miss Pat Hopp, PSC coed from Plattsmouth, was named Governor of District 4 (Nebraska-Iowa), Circle K International. The honor was bestowed on her at the ·· District Convention held in Ames, Iowa.
Miss Hopp was nominated at. the first meeting held Friday, was voted on by the Hoilse Delegates on Saturday, and installed in office Sunday. She is now in charge of 14 clubs in the two-state district.
In May, she will attend the Governors' Training Conference to learn of her many and• diversified duties. In August she will attend the International Convention in Los Angeles. At the Kiwanis District Convention, to be held later this year, she will be aguest speaker.
Part of her duties are trying to,. help organize new clubs, charter new clubs, and send a governor's· report to her superior every month as to what the clubs in the district are doing.
see them.
There are some who are screaming- apathy, yet, where are they when the events that do happen on college happen. No where to be seen.
There is an old saying "Clean up your own backyard before you clean up mine."
Why not try it, and quit using Apathy as an excuse for Laziness.
With this office, Miss Hopp is ·the first woman governor for Circle K in this district.
When asked her reaetion, Miss Hopp said, "I'm quite hapy about it. In fact, I was speechless. Many new ideas· were presented to help make our. club more outstanding, and I hope next year will be even better for our club."
vacation attractions; an appearance in an evening gown; an appearance in western wear; and a talk or talent presentation on these attractions.
Contestants must be 17 years of age or older, a representative of the college, a resident of Nebraska, and willing. to participate in NEBRASKA!and events and promotions throughout the year.
PSC's contestant must be selected by April 15. Any girls interested in representing Peru State should contact Carol Warnke.
There were some gentlemen down from Lincoln to give a woodwind concert. They were promised an audience. There was an audience of, if they were lucky, 15. The kids from the
Her roommate, Judy Buddecke, had this to say, "Although she is now a celebrity, she still has to do the dishes."
music department were there if Managing Editor Deb Barto they didn't have something else Sports Editor Rick DeK!o they were doing, but there were Copy Editor
only 2 people there who have
nothing to do with music. Women s Sports
At the band concert there were Business Manager. Susan Sol the kids parents, the faculty ana Circulation Manager
eff Walth a very few friends. Where is the A ·
"support" that this college is msts
Steve Mann possible of giving? I'll tell you Don Jochems. where, they were down in Duff's Contributing Editors Bobbi Thiesfel · or Rex's giving them the support
they should spend on campus. There are lots of things going on but no one wants to get out and Advisor · ·
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Reporter attends lobby for LB1054
Last Monday I had the privilege of seeing Nebraska legislators on the job in the Unicameral. John Cole, SGA vice president extended the invitation to accompany him to the capitol on a lobby-reconnais-sance mission to investigate LB 1054; Kearney and Wayne State's adoption into the NU system.
Fritz Stehlik, Amy Walsh and Terrie Funkhouser rounded out the group of lobbyists who went with John and me. The group on the whole was acting as a representative of the PSC student.
LB 1054 is now being. "ramrodded" through the Unicameral by Senator ·Terry Carpenter. Basically, the bill calls for the incorporation of Wayne and Kearney State Colleges into the Nebraska University system. Peru State ·and Chadron State ' College were not mentioned.
·· An iriformar brieling at President Pearson's home launced the effort at 7:30 that morning.
Because of the ticklish position that Peru was in with Carpenter's bill, Dr. Pearson stressed that we should reserve any first impressions until Peru's situation was ascessed: Pearson passed out copies of the proposal, allowed everyone to briefly study them, and then asked for personal opinions. Many views and ideas were-· digested, but the final agreement was that the proposal's effect should be understood before Peru, as an institutuion, could issue any statement. John's group was to gather that information as ' quickly as possible before the bill's hearing in two days. "The bill is a fork in the road for the future of Peru State," Pearson said. "We have to know which road to take."
Cole, Funkhouser, and Stehlick were seasoned veterans. They had all seen action in ··Lincoln with the college-budget conflict and the "alcohol on campus" campaign. They were deadly serious about the whole lobbying idea and believed ·sincerely that they really played an effective part in determining their legislative future.
The first appointment foe group had that morning was in the capitol building with Mr Edwin Nelson, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Nebras-
ka State Colleges. The meeting was another informal briefing concerned with where we stood and with whom. Evidently Nelson was watching the bill carefully and filled us in with an educated guess of how the Senators favored the proposal. ·But Nelson too, was at a loss to say what the bill's effect would be for Peru and the 4-college system. "A bill of such magnitude needs study. We all need time," he said.
Frorr. this session, we dicided on the point we would emphasize to the senators:
1.) Table the bill until further, necessary research could be done
2.J Favor transference of the state college's status as a unit.
Se.iiator Carsten of Falls City was the first legislator we spoke with. "I really don't know what's behind it all," he said. "I don't know whatall the Mickey Mouse is about."
Carsten met with" was in a gigantic legislative chamber that had a pol'trait of General "Blackjack" Pershing hanging above the raised speaker's platform. The room was ancient and reeked of old wood and history. I was personally impressed with his candor. He got down to business and discussed the bill's merits and possible political motivation.
Carsten later arranged seats for us in the gallery adjacent to the floor. We were allowed to view the workings of the Unicameral on the basic level. He checked back with us from time-to-time, answering questions about procedure and iriterpruting the legal "mumbo-
jumbo" going on around us.
A "highlight of the trip came with a· brief meeting with Senator Carpenter, the father of the bill, immediately after the iuncn recess began. carpenter curtly shot a quick answer to Amy Walsh's questions - "U it, (the bill), is passed, your furture's assured; if not, you're a cripple."
After lunch recess was over, we again observed the action on the floor. The heated arguement and interjections flew with a
fury I though only television capable of producing. I talked with one of the aides sitting next to me in the gallery. "This is really a dull session. Their hearts really aren't in it today," he calmly replied. "You should see them when they really get going:"
At this point we split up; alternately leaving one or two of us in the gallery to keep tabs on the' legislators debating. The other members of the group left to hunt senators. In my opinion, of theSenators we did meet with, Keyes, Noles, Carsten, Kennedy, Fowler, and others, all expressed doubt of the bill's passage and were genuinely concerned with it's motivation, political or otherwise. Those who did venture a commitment were opposed.
After the session adjourned for thedayat5:00p.m., we resumed lobbying with the senators we could locate. Similarly, these men doubled 1054's passage. We rendezvoused later in a meeting room given to us by Sen. Carsten to pool our findings. I felt positive the bill didn't stand a ghost of a chance. Cole disagreed. "We met with mostly 'friendly' senators today."
(Those of the south-eastern Nebraska districts) "Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will prove decisive."
The bill was formerly heard Thursday. This involved a complete reading of the proposal and following debate speeches by representatives of the institutions and concerned factions. Later in the evening, over dinner, Cole and company mulled over what they thought they had accomplished and made plans for a renewed assault early the next·morning. Results from the day's work were presented to Dr. Pearson, who in turn presented them to the PSC faculty to draft their statement- to take a stand. The same information.was relayed to the PSC SGA at their Tuesday meeting. A student petition was to be the end result, for presentation at the bill's hearing - to take a stand.
District Four convention held
The annual convention of District 4, Nebraska-Iowa, Circle K International was held in Ames, Iowa March 22-24. The meetings were held at the Ramada Inn with the Iowa State lJniversity Circle K as host.
Friday's activities included registration, board meetings, welcoming addresses, introductions, and business sessions. At the latter, Miss Pat Hopp, former LieutenantGovernor, was elected Governor for 1974-75.
Saturday's schedule included of the District reports, more nominations of officers and 1975 convention sites, committee reports, seminars (Leadership and Women in Society; Energy and the Population Crisis), Round Table Workshops, Presidents' Banquet, District Caucuses, committee meetings, and voting on new officers.
Sunday's schedule included a church service, rap session, farewell banquet, retirement of the old board, jnstallation of new officers, remarks by the new governor, and presentation of the Single Service Award.
One of the major resolutions passed included the need for more research for a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. It was decided that the 1974-75 Nebraska-Iowa Board of Officers should set up a specific ·week during the first semester of the new year for a district-wide fund raising project for M.S. The National Convention is to be held in Los Angeles later this spring or early summer.
Get it straight from the· Horse's Mouth Records! Rock Posters! Pre-printed tee shirts! For more information, write:
HORSES MOUTH, 'Box 203 Franklin Square, NY 11010.
SERPICO is a different type of police movie. There are no brawling fight scenes, no hordes of beautiful women hanging on any big studs, or is there any million dollar chase scenes. SERPICO is a true story about a real cop.
The mov!e opens with Frc,.1k Serpico <Al Pacino) as a New York City policeman. ll 's a big day for Serpico as h.: fulfills his long time childhooc! dream of becoming a cop.
He moves into Greenwich Village, grows a beard and long hair, goes out with a ballet dancer and learns what his new job is all about. His first taste <no pun intended) of police comes when he and nis squad car partner get to eat for free at a delicatessen ·for letting the guy double-park while he makes his deliveries. Serpico offers to pay for his meal but is told by his partner all the guys do it and the rookie enjoys his meal as though it were his last, thus losing his virginity of being an honest cop.
As he gradually moves up in the department, Serpico feels he can no longer ignore the corruption he sees taking place and decides to spill tlie beans. It takes five. years to get to the right people to tell his story, during which time he is fighting his fellow employees as well as crime. His knowledge finally results in the Knapp Commission.
Frank Serpico is a likeable, intelligent young man. His stubbornness to get to the top and .report the department's corruption makes him lose his girlfriend, and keeps him living in fear for his life while fulfilling his lifelong ambition under various disguises.
At a time where government corruption is quite common in today's news SERPICO shouldn't shock it's audience. But it is a fitting movie about a man who for after five years of physical and psychic abuse got his knowledge to the public. This was a struggle for a cause Frank Serpico believed in.
Frank D' Addesa
' State Computer Gary · Miss' MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1971 PERU PEDAGOGIAN
Peru Student lobbyist Amy Walsh in conference with Edwin C. Nelson, secretary of the Board of Turstees of the Nebraska State Colleges,
CALENDAR OF EVENTS ' 4:00 5:00 7:30 7:30 .5:30 6:00 4:45 6:30 12:00 1:00 April 1 Faculty Rap Session
Delta Pi
Delta Lambda PSSSS
noon Speak Easy Peru vs Tarkio Baseball April 3 6:00 WAA 9:35 Reading Program Test 10:30 Campus Traffic Com. Aprili: 5: 30 AAU Swim TeRm Aprils 3:30 Student Affairs Com. April6 1:00 Peru vs Kearney Baseball April 7 4:00 AAU Swim Team 6:30 Adv. Fin. Aid Instr. and Training " AD. 202 WDR. SC104 FA211 Pool FA212 WDR WDR WDR Here Gym AD304 Pool AD304 Here Pool AD105 I
Team SGA
Women's track team ready for 1st meet
Peru State College's first girl's track team is now in the process of preparing for it's first meet of the season.
The girls are making ready for the Bearcat Relays on April 19, hosted by Northwest Missouri State University at Maryville.
The first year team is under the combined tuteledge of Mary Jo Mier and Ray Czaszwicz. The coaches have 14 girls to work with in rn events. The following lineup is a tentative one for the Bearcat Relays:
440 relay- l:l. P. Collins, N. Heskett, K. Heskett.
880 relay- B. Shupe, P. Collins, N. Heskett, K. Heskett.
Mile relay - L. Geirsch, M. Mergen, N. Kottich, S. Rears.
100 meter hurdles- T. Kingery, N. Heskett.
400 meter hurdles - T. Kingery, P. Collins. -
100 yd. dash - B. Shupe, N. Heskett.
220 yd. dash - K. Heskett, S. Rears. ·
440 yd. dash - S. Rears, L. Geirsch.
"Super Streak" planned today
April 1st, "All- fool's Day," is the scheduled date for the "Super Streak." According to a press release from a group in Washington calling themselves: "The Emporer Wears No Clothes," students "on hundreds of campuses acros.s the. country" are planning a giant "streak-m" for today.
The group said that the purpose of the "nude-nik dash" is to show that "the President has lost all respect in the eyes of the American people." The group said they wanted to have fun while they were proving their point.
"Emporer" has already held one streak-in aimed at President Nixon. At the araignment.of the
"Watergate 7", (Mitchell, Haldeman, Ehrlichman, etc.), one of the group streaked while wearing a five-foot high paper mache figure head of the President.
Students from the University of Pennsylvania suggested a similar campaign to take place on the White House lawn today. The event was to be a "streak for impeachment-to lay bare the facts about Watergate and give us the naked truth." The University students, after learning of the idea's fast growing acceptance, quickly revealed it was just a joke. "We were afraid we'd get into trouble," one of the students remarked. "We do have our careers to consider."
Football drills led Riley
By RICK DeKlotz
Twenty days of Spring football drills have been started by new head coach Bob Riley.
Assisting Riley with the workouts are offensive line coach Lew Shoff, defensive line coach Marty Dwine and defensive backfield coach Chris Showers.
Riley's aims this Spring are to work the players into shape, drill them on basic fundamentals and introduce offensive and defensive schemes to be used next Fall.
The workouts, which are running for about l1/2 hours, are leading up to an alumni game to be held Sunday, April 28.
Riley believes his main problem next fall will be the availability of experienced players. He has quite a few players
Bachle elected club's leader
Von Bachle was elected President of the Peru State Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi at the clubs March meeting.
Von Bachle will serve as Beta Mus President during the 1974-75 school term. Officers also elected at the last meeting are: Vice-President, Sharon Duer, feldt; Secretary, Debbie Anderson; Treasurer Patty Johnson and Historian Mary Bauman.
Kappa Delta Pi is an international organization who purpose is recognized outstanding contributions in education.
The Peru State Chapter of the National Society in Education
Kappa Delta Pi was installed as the 60th chapter May 25, 1929, there are now 311 chapters according to Dr. Lloyd Kite, this years club sponsor. Dr. William Landis is co-councilor for the club which meets in the west dining room of the student center once a month.
Shot - L. Uher, G. Harmon. Disc. - A. Klein, D. Ehmen. Javelin - A. Stoltenberg, G. Harmon. High Jump - A. Stoltenberg, K. Heskett. Long Jump- A. Stoltenberg, P. Collins.
The team has one other meet scheduled positively, with several more possibilities. They will be competing at the 1st Annual Nebraska Women's Intercollegiate Track and Field Meet May 9 at Kearney State. More dates will be announced later.
Golf team boasts much experience
Experience is the key word that describes the 1974 Peru State golf team.
Dr. Erv Pitts had five lettermen returning from last year's squad which amassed a 28-3-2 record. Heading the squad will be senior Guy Lammie. Other returning lettermen are juniors Dave Lammie, Kurt Kent and Rich DeKlotz along with senior Dick Morrissey who is student teaching, but might be available for the District 11 and NCC meet.
Newcomers to the team include; Randy Wollenburg, Brad Holding and Ted Johnson.
S.G.A. committee draftin new student document
.The Peru State College S.G.A. is at present, in its Constitution Committee, drafting a "Student Rights and Responsibilities" document which will make the distribution of student directories to outside agencies a violation of student rights, according to Scott McKercher, a member of the S.G.A.
This has been brought on by the attempt of the College
Templeton makes 1st solo flight
Esign R. Ernest Templeton made his first solo flight in a T-34 B Navy aircraft in late January, 1974, his base in Pensacola, Florida reports.
The 1973 Peru State College phy8ical education graduate and former Peru city patrolman visited the campus and Peru friends March 19-20. While on leave, he and his wife, Betty, will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs Donald Dallegge, in Hampton. His parents are Mr and Mrs A. J. Knickerbocker, Concord, California.
Bureau, Hazelwood, Mo., an agency which compiles mailing lists, making them available to companies which deal in (according to an official of that bureau) products or services.
It is asked that any student receiving any letter of solicita• tion for a student directory turn such a letter over to a member of. the S.G.A. or Dr. Rosenberg.
Auditions open for opera
Auditions for the Omaha Opera Company season are now open. There are several singers needed. There are three plays be presented. They are "La Boheme," "Lucia di Lammer· oor," and "Boris Godunov."
The auditions will be on April 6 and 7 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Omaha Civic Auditorium. A tenor, two bases and a boy alto are needed for "La Boheme" which will open on November 22 and run until the 25.
"Lucia di Lammermoor" needs two tenors, a bass and a mezz<rsoprano. The play will open February 6,8, 1975 and will · star Beverly Sills.
coming up from the junior varisity ranks who along with · incoming freshmen and transfers will hopefully blend wiffi returning lettermen to build a powerful squad.
Riley has already had his squad on a weight training program. He was pleased with the esults, saying they improved the speed and strength of many players.
The PSC coach is a firm believer that players should be in shape the year round. "In order to play college football successfully, it's almost a 12 month endevor," he said.
Some of the players may be moaning and groaning about the workouts now, but if the squad has a good season next fall, they'll be glad they took the time to work hard.
Rita Lammie recital given
Sunday, March 24, at 3:00 p.m.; Mrs Rita Lammie, a Mezzo-Soprano gave her senior recital. It was held in-the Benford Recital Hall in the Jindra Fine Arts A,uditorium.
The recital was given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education degree.
Mrs Lammie gave selections from Lotti, Torelli, Schumann, Beethoven, Handel, Verdi, Bach and Leoncavallo. She was accompanied by Ma)'.!lard Geschke Jr. in one of her selections.
Mrs Lammie is from the studio of Edward G. Camealy.
Punch and cake was served after the Recital.
It is hoped by Dr. Pitts that the team will reach it's peak in time for district and conference competition. Last year the 'Cats finished third in the district, and held the runner-up spot to Kearney State in the conference.
The district and conference competition was held on Kearney's home course last season. This year the action will be in Fremont, home of Midland College.
Swimming competition to continue this summer
Swimming competition for the Nemaha Swim Club will resume this Summer according to Coach Ed Craren.
Last Summer the club competed only as a community team, but with membership established in the AAU this past winter, there will be an opportunity for the squad to compete in approximately 20 meets, compared with 10 last year.
The team didn't fare too well last winter, but Craren said development of talent was the main aim of the competition. With the additional meets this summer, it is hoped the team become more powerful: Most of the team members come from Peru, Auburn and Johnson.
During the community team meets, swimmers compete in five age brackets: eight and under, nine to ten, 11-12, 13-14 and 15 on up.
In addition to the Nemaha Swim Club, Craren is also orgamzmg a diving team to compete out of Nebraska City. This squad will be comprised of members from a wider area than the regular team.
Ensign Templeton hopes to complete training for piloting P-30 four engine turbo prop aircraft within a year.
Spring enrollment
_ Peru State College enrollment for the 1974 spring semester is as follows:
Freshmen 209
Sophomores 146
Juniors 165
Seniors 216
Post Grads 84
Others 2
Total 822
The above figures represent students enrolled in day and night classes, off campus classes, and students currently in high school or do not have a high school diploma.
Five basses, four tenors, two baritones, two mezzo-sopranos' and a soprano are needed for the production of "Boris Godunov"· which will open April 24 and run through April 26, 1975, with Normar. Treingle in the title role.
Each of the three operas will require a full chorus, and each candidate is asked to prepare two arias. An accompanist will be provided, or the candidates may bring their own.
Singers will be selected for solo roles or the chorus and will be elegible to perform ·in the Young People's Opera Previews in the schools.
All singers, including the chorus are to be paid.
Questions should be directed to Mrs Vincent Washington, 5106 Underwood, Omaha, Nebr. 68132 or call (402) 551-4877.
Windmills of your mind Distant Thunder Page 2\ Windmills of your Mind Page 3 Neri Park Clean-up Page 4 Student Files Confidential Page 5 Artist's Corner ·v .•...............• Page 6 Rock Musician Not Overnite Success Page 7 PSC Grabs Doubleheader, Page -S
It is impertinent for a hwnble student as myself to be calling for the impeachment of a leader of such a great nation as ours especially when he was democratically elected by a comfortable majority.
However I believe Nixon was elected by fraud or out of sheer stupidity on the part of U.S. citizens. He went on to gain prominence through conspiracy which has been spelled out in black and white letters "Watergate."
I therefore have little reservation in declaring it is Nixons clearest duty to resign. If he refuses he must be pushed. Recalling the words of Oliver Cromwell in April of 1653, "For shame, get you gone. Give place to honest men." Corifined to the White House, surrounded by toadies who bow and scrape and applaud, Nixon must be impervious to reason.
If the news media is correct, our redoubtable President Nixon will be impeached within a year. What is at stake is the credibility of our country and the people who make up the soul of that country.
As we near our 200th birthday it is up to the people 'to decide which direction we are to move. If in fact, Nixon is impeached and subsequently convicted who will fill the office of the presidency? We must also keep this question in mind.
Gerald Ford, a nice guy with a clean political record could temporarily serve as a bandaid covering the compound fracture left behind by Spiro Agnew until the wounds have healed. The extent of Fords contact with foreign policy was a stint in the armed forces during World War II. This is a crucial pointto consider when determining the extent of Fords knowledge when it comes to foreign policy.
In retrospect, rookie presidents have had difficulties in administering effective foreign policy. In 1965 Lyndon Johnson committed the U.S. to the well intentioned but corrupt Vietnam quagmire. In 1961 John Kennedy made the blunderous mistake of invading Cuba. If confronted by another Mid-East powderkeg would Ford by pushed by his subordinates when crucial decisions needed to be made?
The domestic pressures in our open society is unique in its policy determination role and hopefully this will signal a downfall.
While we are busy thinking of Nixons impeachment it would also be in our favor to think about who will take his place.
A state college in Pennsylvania1reports a campus thief has turned religious and squared things with his conscience and Pennsylvania State University. The ex-student brought back four telephones and offered to make restitution for blankets and sheets he stole four years ago, school officials said. The young man explained he had "become a Christian." This
cannot be said about the massive robberies recently taken place in Morgan Hall. Similar incidents hav ealso occurred at Davidson Palmer but to a much lesser degree. To date no one has "turned Christian" so to speak and turned themselves in or taken stolen articles back to the original owner. Why, I ask myself w.ould any girl want to steal another girls
The .preceding is a letter written in its entirety with no corrections made that was submitted to the S.G.A. to be publicly read. I think that the SGA is defeating its purpose here at Peru State, and that .it is very inconsiderate of our leading organization in trying to abolish the alcohol law on campus, and putting in more dorm hours so that people who are trying to study can be disturbed. I feel that there are incompetent leaders here who cant see that th'e main goal of
In response to the "concerned student" who sent the letter to the S.G .A. to be publicly read I must first apologize for having his-her letter printed without permission but since I didn't know who you were I was left with no other alternative. I felt that your views should be aired to more than just the S.G.A. representatives. I congratulate this student for expressing hisher views, I wish more students would show at least that much concern for their academic and social environment, but I am afraid I can't quite agree that working for alcohol on campus and longer dorm hours is turning
Peru State is an institution of higher learning, and not a playground for bums.
The faculty meeting was about how to keep students on campus. The issues the SGA is with are all getting rid of students. Your making life better for the bwns who are going to leave anyway, and getting rid of the good students because they cant stand it. I find it very disgusting picking up a Peru Ped and finding articles on "alcohol on campus" all over the
panties. This problem must go deeper than what meets the eye. I understand there is an energy crisis going on but a clothes crisis is somewhat hard to believe. What is even harder to believe is being lucky enough to steal something their own size. Can these things actually be happening or am I looking at the world through rose colored glasses?
front page, ect. The SGA concerning itself with such illiterate things as just mentioned, should put more time (or this time) into finding ways to get more teachers which will attract more students in turn.
Since you (the president) and your crew do not realize this, I suggest that you read this to them.
Concerned Student
P.S. He who doth tear this up before reading it to the SGA is a fool himself and i will find out whether or not you did.
?SC into a playground for hoodlwns and bwns. I don't mind the personal attacks on myself but I feel it was unnecessary to attack the students who want alcohol on campus and label them as "bums." According to a survey taken earlier this year 91 per cent of PSC students are "bums." according to the "concerned student." As far as extended dorm hours are concerned there is a need for some clarification. A change in dorm hours has to be proposed by the dorm council of the respective dorm first. Then it goes to the S.G.A. for approval or disapproval.
For some reason the "con-
Vol. 69,
cerned student" seems to believe that alcohol on campus and extended dorm hours are the only things S.G .A. has worked on this year. If the student was as informed as he-she seems to be concerned it would be realiz'M that the S.G .A. "crew" has put in many hours on such things as teacher evaluations, lobbying for a bigger budget at the state · capital, drawing up an extensive document on student rights and responsibilities to replace the outdated student agreement and a new constitution will be drafted before the year is out.
Dean Young President, S.G .A.
The Peru Pedagogian is published weekly every Thursday during the regular academic year by Peru State College under the auspices of the Peru State College Student Governing Association's Student Media Review Committee.
The editorial comment is the collective opinion of the editorial board of the Peru Pedagogian composed of student editors and should not be taken as necessarily the opinion of the College faculty or student body. Any co)umns and/ or cartoons represent the opinion of the writer or artist and should not be taken as necessarily the opinion of the Peru Pedagogian unless otherwise indicated.
All comments concerning the newspaper should be directed to the Peru Pedagogian offices located in the Education Building, Room 218.
Subscriptions for undergraduates are paid from activity fees and are available to graduate students. All correspondance to the newspaper should be addressed: The Peru Pedagogian, c/ o. Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421.
Managing Editor Deb Barton
Issue Editor Terri Funkhouser
Assistant Issue Editor Jeff Walther
Sports Editors : :·· Rick DeKiotz and Gail Harmon
Artists/Cartoonists , Steve Mann and Anne.Jones
Contributing Editor Bob Wernsman
CirculatiOn Manager , Jeff Walther REPORTERS
David Alvis, Tom Ballue, Janice Johnson, Michael Kelly. and Susan Sole
• • •
• •
Windmills of your mind •
Cards, greetingsPeople wish you well, but Their words are a hollow echo
To a lonely heart.
Sorrow swept down, wrapped me in its icy veil of loneliness.
Until a birthday present came to me a week early.
The walls collapse around her there; divisions she can't comprehend. The white and satin alter cloth is smudged with all the dirt of her unholy act. The choice was made as one is made when paying tax. She paid, expecting nothing in return.
i am content with myself and not at war i have fought the battles and i have won no longer do i fear living with ·myself or living with my thoughts, words and actions for i have conquered that which lies within me i no longer dream of that which lies behind me and i no longer seek for that which lies ahead of me no longer does my heart close its doors to you no longer does my soul search for the being i am not the being inside of me which i shall never be too long it has been on this rough and gravelly road but now i am content to rest my head on your shoulders rest my heart beside yours now i am content to love you and that i do with all of me
And days away from this day and miles away from no where i will remember the warmness of your body next to mine yesterdays and moments we shared together have quickly slipped away from us and tomorrows will bring for the both of us a new life but today i have you with me in my arms and i am content in what i have thinking not of yesterdays and tomorrows but of today just today
by Teri Hailar
Our worlds went drifting apart, And what I feel now is what was· once part of a whole.
Droplets from a cup that once ran over.
God grant that I never forget what you meant and mean to me.
Gravity pulled my world down and pushed yours and mine apart.
Droplets don't fill emptiness. Nothing could make our worlds rotate around each others again, And we can't stop the drifting. Rut stopping here at this level, I want to thank you for letting me see what clouds look like When you are on top of a mountain.
Our worlds went drifting apart. And standing her on mine, I see 100 stars between our worlds. Where only JO used to be
Clean up Neal Park
Saturday, March 30, Neal Park was partly given a new face. Much of the brush and limbs were picked up and stacked for the city to take away.
Though a few people were there they didn't just clean up Neal park, they also picked up the vacant stretches between the complex and the campus.
These pickup days are to continue all through April and hopefitlly more and more people will show up to make the day more enjoyable and the work go faster.
Many of the town's children were out there helping to pick up the brush and limbs too.
Knutsler featured speaker at conference
William Knutsler, the famed trial lawyer, and Clyde Bellecourt, president of A.I.M. (American Indian Movement) were the featured speakers at the National Student Association North Central Conference held March 28-30th at the University of Minnesota. Representing Peru State College were president Dean Young of the Student Governing Association and his vice-president, John
Cole. Knutsler, who is Wounded Knee defendents Russell Means and Dennis Banks, spoke briefly about the trial and "governmental misconduct" at Wounded Knee. Most of his comments were aimed at the FBI and the late Director, J. Edgar Hoover who he compared to "Himmler." In his concluding remarks he (Knutsler) said there was a
revolution coming and students have a chance to be in the forefront of the changes that will take place.
The two day conference featured numerous work shops in such areas as lobbying procedures, unionization, student corporations, student ombudsmen, and the services offered by the National Student Association, which include a
nationwide bookclub, life in-· surance, and a travel bureau.
According to Dean Young, SGA president, a lot of interesting material was exchanged. Young went on to say that in the past Peru was not a member of the N,SA due to prohibitive annual dues, but those have recently been reduced for small colleges and the S.G.A. will consider future membership.
MONIMY, Al'l\IL 8,
'Arts and Crafts classes highlight teaching
Ramona Tuxhorn, student leaching at Nebraska City Public School, was revisited in her third week of teaching. Ms Tuxhorn is now taking over classes in arts and crafts. She is leaching four periods a day, two in lettering and two in creative stitchery. These projects will last two weeks.
Ms. Tuxhorn said that the students are demanding and asking questions a great deal of the time. Ms. Tuxhorn said it was necessary to repeat her instructions several times because the high school students want to get everything right before they start work. The students have tested her discipline. Her instructor, Mr Beman, has helped a great deal in this department.
Ramona said that her most difficult problem at this stage of her teaching career is the students are changing personality traits every day. She thinks the students are changing so fast they act differently from day-to-day. A teacher has to adjust to this change. She too, · reports some degree of apathy in some students.
Mr Beman has a format prepared for the entire semester. But the day-to-day schedule and assignments are Ramona's responsibility. Mr Beman said he is giving her the
STUDENT TEACHER IN ACTION - Ramona Tuxhorn, Art major is caught here in a number of poses as she teaches a Nebraska City High School class in lettering. Though she said she was discouraged the first two days, the past two and one half weeks have improved considerably. choice of projects and advice on how to teach them. He stated that Ramona was well prepared every day and a very capable teacher. He also said Ramona was his second student teacher
from PSC and both seemed to be well trained by the Peru Education Department.
Ms Tuxhorn will be interviewed again near the end of her practice semester.
Student files confidential, open under discretion
Students point to visitation, alcohol, and open door policies as things over which they have little control. There is one area which governs over a student's private life. The personal files kept on students by various departments. HP 1ould have some say so over this.
Is it wrong to want to know what is put in these files? Who can see them? Do students know these files are being kept?
According to Peru State College administrators, the students' files are kept corifidential. Students are given the authority to determine who may examine them providing they know who has the files and what they contain.
It was my findings that a student might have a file kept in a residence hall, the health center, the financial aids office, the registration office, the housing office, the disciplinary office, campus security, and the college in which the student is enrolled. The existence of a file is determined on whether the student! has been involved in some way with one of the above departments.
For example, a student may have a file at the Financial Aids office only if he has applied for or received financial aid.
Astudent would have a file kept by a residence hall and the Housing Office if he or she is living in a particular dormitory and has violated housing or visitation rules.
Individual residence halls keep a record of offenses (such as an alcohol violation). All other information in these files is kept confidential to everyone except the student and the housing staff said Mrs Hallock, housemother of Davidson-Palmer.
The files·contain the same information that is sent to the offending student, meaning the violation, punishment if any, etc. Mrs .Hallock noted that the only way anyone other than the
student and staff members can see the file is with the student's authorization.
"Residence halls destroy their files at the end of each academic year. The Housing Office or residence halls might keep a particular file if a student has been given a probation extending into the following year," added Mrs Hallock.
In the case of an habitual violator or serious violation such as the destruction of furniture or other Peru State College property, information might be released to Dr. Rosenburg, Director of Student Personnel Services.
Mrs Hallock, dorm director, keeps a record of these violations and gathers information on the cases coming to her. If enough evidence is gathered, the student is formally charged with violating a PSC rule. Depending on the seriousness of the matter, the student will either receive a warning letter or a notice to appear before the judiciary board of the dorm council. If a student is not satisfied with the course of the action taken by the dorm council, he or she might want to appeal to the Student Conduct Committee, under the direction of the Student Governing Association. From there, a student would reappeal to the Student Affairs Commission.
The Judiciary Board is composed of students living in that particular dormitory, and who are also members of the dorm council. They decide whether a student charged with a violation of PSC dorm rules is guilty or not. If guilty, they levy a punishment on the basis of evidence brought before the board.
When asked if a particular student has a file kept on them or whether that student is on probation, Mrs Hallock said she would never reply with a yes or no answer.
Exorcist" ritual expel Is demonic possession
"The threats of punishments and tortures are not hidden from you, Satan, the day of judgment, the day of pain, the day which is to come like a fiery furnace, in which unending destruction is prepared for you and all your angels. Therefore, accursed and damnable one, pay homage to the living and true God; pay homage to Jesus Christ, his Son; give honor to the Holy Spirit, the
Consoler, in whose name and power I command you, unclean spirit, whoever you may be, go forth and depart frpm this servant of God " This is part of the Roman Catholic ritual of exorcism.
William Peter Blatty's novel
The Exorcist uses_ a ritual closely resembling those lines in a story dealing with a terror know as "demonic possession."
In the story, Regan MacNeil is an 11-year-old girl possessed by Satan or one of his demon followers. Blatty never clearly identifies the spirit possessing her, however, it is stated that she spends hours on end "talking" to a spirit via the Ouija board. It is not an easy thing to be able to talk to spirits this way alone. In my opinion, Regan must have had some
psychic powers in order to do so. Her possession progresses gradually, at first resembling a medical problem. Finally, it gets to the point where she is committing obscenities to herself and others, speaking in a totally different voice, speaking languages unknown to her, and vomiting such unusual objects as hair and pins. Graphically detailed, Blatty treats the
problem with honesty and candor.
Father Mel Rempe, PSC "Newman" sponsor says that most priests do not know that much about Satanic possession. Because of the extremely rare appearances of these possessions, very few priests know how to perform the exorcistic ritual.
The pavillion in the Fine Arts Building has been the scene for 9 Art Exhibits this school year. The majority of those shows exhibited the works of Peru State Art-education majors to meet state creditation requirements.
The exhibition schedule is set up at the beginning of the fall semester allowing an exhibition to last for about two weeks. Art Ed majors in their senior year exhibit their best works done in Peru's 4-year program. The art ranges from simple pencil sketches to paintings in oils to works in ceramics and sculpture in wood and stone. Intricately knotted sti;ing designs, (macrame), Oriental style and even swirling designs set in what looks like a shag rug comprise a section of the broad spectrum of artistic expression presented in the shows.
The next exhibit will present the best works of Seniors Mary Hill and Nancy Wurtele April 8 through April 19. A special Spring Week Art Show will close the season for the exhibits. The artists exhibiting their work in the Spring show will be past and present students of the Art ilepartment at Peru State. The exhibit will begin April 20.
born son. and became eight :scoot ihat much Mouseguit uncle For because instruction lessons practicing he Chicago Berets". freshman Berets" "Lord , was distributE states. the up year profession his director ,
Rock musician not overnight success
In most cases a musician is not born over night. Curtis Robinson, a freshman music major and guitarist at Peru State became inspired at the age of eight by watching Chuck Berry scoot across the floor playing that good ol' rock and roll. After much pleading his mother finally bought him a Mickey Mouse guitar. At the age of 12 his uncle bought him a folk guitar. For three years he continued to strum out Batman and Peter Gunn (the only songs he knew because he had had no instruction up to this point).
At 15, he took his first guitar lessons for a year. A lot of hard practicing was entailed before he began playing with a local Chicago band, the "Green Berets". In the latter part of his freshman year, the "Green Berets" cut their first record, "Lord Send Me Somebody". It was released in Chicago and distributed throughout other states. After another year with the same band, he quit and took up practicing again.
In the beginning of his senior year Curtis started his professional career playing with his high school orchestra and director in a band called ,"Joe Miller and the Seeds of Life". Their first big gig was behind the local Chicago female vocalist, Jackie Ross.
After playing behind such local groups as the "I We Wagers'', "The Deltas'', and the "Love Lites" the "Seeds of Life"
of the most experienced guitar players in the area is pictured above, during one of his several hours of practicing. Robin&on said that he practices at least 40 hours a week. This is, he noted, a reduction from the the amount he practiced while going to high school.
band played as a back up for F,ddie Kendricks who had such hits as "Keep On Truckin" and "Boogie Down".
Later on the "Seeds of Life" band had the opportunity to perform behind the "Stylistics" who had such hits as "People Make the World Go Round", "Children in the Nite" and, "Rock and Roll Baby".
Curtis then began touring Europe and Jamaica with the "Emotions" who recorded such hits as "So I Can Love You", "What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas" and "Heart Association".
On their return the "Seeds of Life" performed behind the "Miracles" formerly "Smokey Robinson and the Miracles".
His last big gig was behind "The Dramatics" whose favorites we all know, "In The Rain", "Hey You Get Off Mv · Mountain" and "Whatcha See is Whatcha Get".
As to why Curtis temporarily terminated his rising musical claim to fame and decided to come to school he said this "First of all my mother wanted me to go to college and second of all I thought I wanted to teach."
When asked why he chose Peru, Curtis made this remark, "I was accepted at Illinois State University but too many of my musical friends were going there. I wanted to come to Peru to develop good study habi!S and to find a guitar instructor. Someone that would teach me
more than I know now."
Curtis went on to say that he achieved good study habits during the first semester but has been unable to find a guitar instructor.
Curtis' final remarks were that "he thought that more dedication was needed in the music department."
Robinson is undecided about returning to Peru in the fall.
"One of the most important things I have learned at Peru" said Curtis "is to learn to deal with prejudiced people."
Curtis is the only musically inclined person in a family of seven, except for his mother who played drums. "I got my rhythm from my mother." said Curtis.
For immediate plans concerning this summer he hopes to play behind Nina Simone who recorded the million dollar seller, "Young, Gifted and Black."
10-0 shutout opens season
Peru State's golf squad opened season's play with a 10--0 shutout over Concordia in a dual held at Auburn Country Club Wednesday, (April 3).
Bobcat Guy Lammie fired a two over par 37 in high winds for medalist honors in the match held to just nine holes because of poor weather conditions.
Peterson discusses Russian I U. S. relations at PSC
Mr Val Peterson, former Nebraska Governor, · ('47-'53), spoke of the Conference on Security and Cooperation of Europe, the United States and Russia at the Tuesday meeting of the Peru Kiwanis.
Peterson represented the United States at the conference which involved 32 European
nations, the U.S., and Canada. He told the Kiwanis that the conference hearlded '· a "prothetic eagerness for a betterpeace and emphasized the fact that the world's two biggest armies are facing each other on the Soviet-Sino border.
At the conference of January of last year, day-after-day was
spent debating an agenda acceptable to the Iron Curtain and the other nations. Peterson said that the Russians emphasized detente. The Soviets called for the expulsion of the United States from Europe, which Peterson feared would mean a Soviet take--0ver. The United States at the same was
trying to "soften up" the Russians in hopes they would permit people to leave the Soviet nations, free the newspapers and allow emmigration.
Peterson said the two superpowers were over the Soviet-Jewish immigration controversy He went on to outline the series of border protections the Soviets were using on many of their "friendly nations" borders.
The ex-governor stressed that the Russians are able to sell only bulk items, i.e. tractors, tanks, etc. They have inferior housing according to Peterson. Quality merchandise, he said, is foreignmade at high prices.
At a Russian embassy dinner one night, Peterson toasted the Soviets, saying: "You're boys. Why don't you act like an important military power and relax?" One of the Soviets quickly jumped up and rshouted: "We're Communists!" Peterson replied: "You're not Communists! You're· state capitalists or state socialists, both of which have everything owned by the people and run by the government."
"The European people are eager for peace" Peterson said. But there is a danger of wanting peace so badly that we give up our front line of defense in Europe. If we want to be number 1, we're going to have to pay the bill so we can be strong enough to protect ourselves" he said.
Mr Peterson did not believe the death of France's President, Georges Pompideau,'Would have a big effect on France's position
because he felt many of the world's leaders were of tlie DeGaullist line.
When he left Washington last year, there was no big talk about the Watergate scandal overseas.
"Despite their government, the Russian people are as fine as any in the world. They enjoy life and having fun," said Peterson. Peterson, an Oakland, Nebraska native, Wayne State College graduate, school teacher, ahd Ambassador to Finland and Denmark spoke about trc military aspects of the summit conference at Convocation period last Wednesday.
Unicameral awards
PSC $70,000
Seventy thousand dollars was allocated to Peru State College Monday, April 1st during the budget bill amending session of the Nebraska Unicameral.
A 290,418 addition to the budget for the other three state colleges was not mentioned during the discussions of the amendment. The total including the amount given to Peru came out to be $390,418.
Although Peru was not a part Kearney's Senator Stromer's original amendment it was added to the amendment by Senator Terry Carpenter of Scottsbluff in an alteration he made from the floor.
PETERSON VISITS STUDENTS - 1''ormer Nebraska l.iovernor, vat arrived on campus Tuesday afternoon and had a short, informal session with students and faculty members prior to his Wednesday convo period discussion in U.S. Russian relations.
Peru splits; wins one doubleheader, drops other
Peru State's Bobcats swept a doubleheader from the Tarkio Owls Tuesday afternoon at Peru, 5-2 and 12-11.
Mark Fletcher went the distance for Peru in the opener, fanning eight at the plate. He was assisted by stellar fielding of third baseman, Dave Rombach.
Tarkio took a 1-0 lead in the third, but the Bobcats scored two in the fifth and three in the sixth despite the six-hit pitching of loser Jim Clark who struck out ten. John Bender and Wendell Crook doubled in the seventh for the second Tarkio run.
In the second game, a real barnburner, Dave McDaniel put four runs across for Peru with a three run homer in the first inning and a second inning single.
Greg Sanders also homered for Peru, collecting three RBI's.
Nine runs scored for Peru in the first two innings, but the Owls contined to battle and battered Arnie Allgood· for six runs before reliefer Robin Simmons replaced him in the fourth. Tom Froehlich got the save, coming in for Simmons in the sixth.
Pete Brechbiel, Owl left fielder, homered twice for Tarkio and catcher John Warner knocked one over the fence with two on base in the sixth. The Bobcats clung to their one score lead by allowing only Ji!Il
Snyder to reach first on a walk then striking out one and recovering two grounders for outs on first.
Peru's record moved to 2-2 while the Owls have a 4-6 mark.
The 'Cats face Kearney April 6 a doubleheader in Peru, then travel to Midland in Fremont Wednesday, April 10 and To Atchison, Kansas Friday, April 12 for a match with Benedictine College. -
Game 1-April 2, 1974 PSC vs. Tarkio Peru Tarkio 000023x 0010001
Game 2
R H E 5 6 2 2 6 2 Fletcher (W) - Brandt Clark (L) - Reilly Peru 12 11 2
541 020 x 030 323 0
11 8 3
Allgood (W) 31-3, Simons 2 1-3, Froehlic 1 1-3 - Macke, 6, Brandt, 1, for Peru
Fehring (L) 1-3, Kierpau, 4 1-3, Brechbiel, 2 1-3 - Warner
Peru State dropped both ends of a doubleheader (March 30) to Concordia, 11-3 and 6-2 to open the 1974 season.
Coach Tom Fitzgerald believed the team was not ready mentally to play. "We weren't thinking baseball out there," he said.
"I was concerned about our hitting and pitching before the
PSC wins doubleheader
games, arid my concern was justified," Fitzgerald added.
Concordia jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the top of the first inning of the first game, but the '-Cats quickly tied it up their half of the inning as Bud and Butch Kimball scored after reaching base on errors.
Concordia pitcher, Jim Ebers, held Peru to one additional run the rest of the way, while his
Spring football goes outside
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Phi Beta Lambda thanks the Peru Merchants and faculty for their donations toward the annual auction held on March 5.
team gave him support with nine runs in the final five frames.
In the second game, Peru pitcher Duane Martin got off to a bad start as the Bulldogs' Jim Schroeder and Tim Warneke led off the game with home runs. The Bobcats equalized one of the tallies as Bud Kimball scored after walking. Concordia's big inning in the contest was the fourth as they pushed four runs
across the plate.
Peru committed six errors during the two games, but Fitzgerald started six newcomers who had not previously played college baseball. Inexperience was cited.·· as a big factor in the losses, but • Fitzgerald added-"Without a doubt, we're a better team than we displayed."
Peru and Nemaha elections May 14
The Peru and Nemaha County general elections will be held May.14. The County Clerk will be accepting absentee resignation at any time during office hours previous to 4: 00 on election day.
The absentee request must have your name, home address, and party affiliation and where the ballot is to be sent. More than one request can be sent for at one time. Each requesting voter must sign his request in-· dividually.
Aperson wishing to vote in the Clerk's office must have their ballot in by 4:00 p.m. the day before the election. The person voting at home must have their ballot in by the second day after the election. Voting by mail requires a Notary Public stamp on the ballot.
There are several offices in
contest this election. They are the offices of the County Clerk, Clerk of the District Court, the Coynty Treasurer, County Attorney, County Surveyor, the County Assessor, County Commissioner and County Superintendent.
The Peru offices in election are: Councilman for the West Ward; a 4-year term; and the
Representative for the .!£ast Ward with a 4 and 2-year term. Bill Foyer and Don Yates are bidding for the West Ward. The 2-year east ward term is being run for by John L. Schmidt. Candidates for the 4-year term are Betty Barret and Gary Hoemann.
The general election will be held all day May 14.
10 schools attend clinic
Junior and senior high school stage bands descended on Peru a week ago last Saturday for the first annual Peru State College Stage Band Contest and Clinic. Class A high school stage bands attending the March 30 event were Auburn, Falls City,
PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT and 18 other people to do a thankless job as representatives in. the student government
Qualifications: 5.00 G.P.A.
A Petition signed by 50 students (Blanks available in the SGA office)
A touch of Masochism
Elections will beheld the Third week of April (Exact date will soon be announced)
Lincoln East and Bellevue, with Class C high schools attending from Humboldt and O'Dell. Junior high schools attending were Lincoln East, Clarinda, Humboldt and Robin Mickle junior high school from Lincoln. Rich Matteson, a professional jazz musician, arranger and clinician, judged the contest and ran the clinic.
·Spring Week Royalty
Monday April 8
Last day to nominate Student Center Office
PERU PEDAGOGIAN ::.,, ,,.;.. .• "":" _.;4• :., :-· ·1:. ·' .:- ,:" ,_
Opening tonight ''A Doll's House"
Work for the .Peru State College production of Ibsen's A Doll House was wrapped up Friday, with everything in readiness for the performances at 8 p.m. this evening and Tuesday.
Teri Hailar, technical and student director for the play was aided in construction of set, a Victorian living room, by Ray Boeche, Steve Sharp, Kevin Knoll, Lois Vavra, Carol Dye, Connie Wolf, Ri.ch Hihath, Phil
Roxanne Hill, Janet Wilson, Barbara Wilkinson Dave Bayless, Mary Hill Mary Weber, Ananias Montag:ie and Lawson Greene.
Debbie Glaab, Deb Ehmen and Mary Mergen have been gathering props, with Janet Wilson, Susie Faller and Phyllis Butrick developing make-up designs and Barb Wilkinson helping set lights.
Lois Vavra, Pat Hopp and
.Judy Buddecke are responsible for costumes and have been able to acquire some period costumes from Nebraska WesleyanLincoln's drama department.
Steve Sharp and Ray Boeche are handling the sound, with some pre-recorded.
Debbie Niedemeyer is responsible for ticket sales, with prices set at $1.25 for students and $1. 75 for adults.
Student Gov't - what is it?
Petitions for candidates for SGA offices shall include the name of only one candidate and the office which the candidate is Students who are candidat;s · for either the President or Vice President of SGA shall be placed on the ballot as pairs or teams consisting of one presidential candidate and one vice presidential candidate. The 'names of presidential candidates or vice presidential candidates may appear in no more than one team of running mates on the official ballot.
All petitions of candidates for SGA officers, members, and class officers must be presented at the last regular meeting of the SGA, prior to the elections, for the purpose of review of petitions and qualifications of the candidates. Exceptions may be made to this rule only by a 2-3 vote of the executive committee which, in such cases, shall act the reviewing body.
If at all possible the students of Peru State College should be given the choice of two qualified candidates for the elective positions of President and Vice President. Should the occasion occur that there is only one candidate for either of these ffices a ballot shall be made up.
Student Government elections will be held the third week in April. Since some candidates have already announced their intentions of running for a position in student government and have announced their "platforms," I feel that an attempt should be made to inform the student voters of what student government is and what it is supposed to be.
It is all too often that campaign candidates make blatant statements and promises which sound nice to the uninformed voter. Nice sounding rhetoric coming from a kind and sincere looking face shouldn't be the basis upon which any person is selected for any office. Student Government is to a large degree indicative of campus attitudes and their periods.
The 60's marked the peak in student involvement and social change. The civil rights movement and the tearing down of the Vietnam cold war was accompanied by the increase in the drafting of young men. The mood in music change was significant in the fact it influenced society. Political activism was the watch word of the times. A great numbe'r of events influenced students and student government.
Activism on campuses across the nation has declined sharply. It is at Peru State College by a decline in student attendance at such events as concerts and dances. It can also be reflected in student activism in student government. Not all can attributed to a Kent State backlash. These are of course over simplifications, but they are necessary to understand our present system.
Currently the S.G.A. student senate functions as the highest level of student government. The student senate is to be representative of all students. The student senators job is to represent not only his constituency but also the student body as a whole in making decisions on matters brought before the SGA. ·
There is an age old political question which must be considered when electing representatives. This is the question of whether the senator is to be the spokesman for his constituences
views or is the student senator elected by his constituents because of the senators views? In the case of the later, the senator would be in a position of deciding on matters of concern. In the former, the senator would only be a mouthpiece. There also is a number of committees which the student senator serves on. The titles of most of the committees are self-explanatory. The Constitution Committee worked for a revision of the previous student agreement with the college. The Elections Committee deals with a revision of election procedures. The concern of the publicity and public relations committee is to make public notice of upcoming events. Beyond those, there exists committees at the college level of which the president, vice president or any other member may serve on by appointme.nt. These include: Student Affairs Commission, Affairs Commission, and the Presidents Advisory Council. These are the formal areas in which student government is involved.
Student Government
mis.leading concept to some
· · 1s a
Student Government as a concept is misleading to some. There are those people who have a romantic view of student government and have visions of granduer.
Involvement does not seem romantic in that some people look at it fron a Walter Mittyish perspective of the gallant student leaders cn1sading for the masses against the sinister forces of evil that threaten student rights. This is definetely out of perspective. After serving a year in S.G.A. I can say that it is very seldom where there are any clear cut black and white distinctions between good and bad. There is a lot of gray area.
Student government and its leaders often become disillusioned when confronted with boring material. To one person a procedure for student disciplinary action, revising the Students Rights and Responsibilities Agreement with the college, updating of all the organizational constitutions and ·redefining their terms of existence, lobbying at the State Capital for alcohol on campus, lobbying for a better budget proposal is boring, to another student senator it may be exciting and very rewarding. This is what student government is all about. There is a definite need for concerned, interested, conscientious students who are willing to work in all of these areas. These are the areas of input into the policies and decisions that make up the college governace system.
There are of course areas in which student government can or should be working on. There are two levels of activism. The tangible projects of student government and the intagibles.
By tangible projects I mean those types of projects which are visible to the student. Such things as faculty evaluations, a college owned bookstore, rap sessions between students and coed dorm facilities, and a studen_t exchange program.
The mtangible items or concerns of the S.G.A. revolve around things not visible to the student. This is in referral to the actual governing process of the college and S.G.A. as a whole. Student input into the committees of the college fall into this category. It is the area of intangibles the S.G.A. should direct its attention.
At exists a need for distinctions on a college level as to the of each respective governing body. We need to determme what are the areas of similar concern between the students, faculty and administration. These are decisions which must be made in the governace structure of the college.
Theroretically speaking a college exists primarily for its students. Without students the college would be put out of commission. Therefore at least 90 per cent of what goes on around Peru State affects the students in some form or manner. There exists a need for student government to work towards a better concept of "college goverance" i.e.; working jointly with the faculty and administration in the decision of college matters. What effects P.S.C. as a college effects students as well. Again this is a concern of student government.
In viewing my experience with student government I believe that given a good group of students working together the students could gain a significantly large amount of input into the of student concern. Most definitely there is a need for mvolvement., Students must realize what effects them here in their education will influence them the rest of their lives.
I feel that the areas of concern for student government will be furthering a concept of "college goverance." I have only scratched the surface. By TERRIE FUNKHOUSER
I had occasion to talk to President Pearson in his office last week on the subject of the dormitory theft and vandalism situation. We agreed that the situation called for a statement by the Administration about what will be done. The following is a prepared statement by Dr. Pearson: administration is deeply concerned about the thefts and vandalism which have occurred in the dormitories. In an effort to bring this situation under control, new k€ys and locks will be issued and instaUed in Delzell and Morgan Halls. In addition, the criminal division of the State Patrol has been contacted and requested to lend assistance."
While in his office I informed him of the alleged mail thefts from the open mail !:>oxes at Morgan Hall, stressing the point that the girls I had talked to were very concerned about the safety and privacy of their mail, as well as the fact that Morgan Hall is the dormitory not having combination-lock mail boxes. I even proposed that the mail lock-boxes in Majors Hall, now unused, be removed and transferred to Morgan Hall.
It bothers me that I find
nothing about the subject of providing the mail at Morgan Hall the same protection that it is given at every other hall on campus.
It also bothers me that there was no indication in the statement saying whether or not the State Patrol will lend assistance as requested, though it is to be hoped that it will.
I can only say what I have said before, as the situation worsens, I hear more and more students at Delzell and Morgan Halls seriously discussing the ideal of mMing from the dormitories and possibly even the college.
I have talked with other students who assure me that they intend to inform their legislators of the deplorable situation here and some are· going to write to the Board of Trustees and the Board of Regents.
I can only urge the Administration to take strong action to curb the theft and vandalism situation; if only to keep students· from leaving. With a lowered student population, the· Unicameral will surely reduce our already tight budget, leaving' us worse off than ever.
I · 0 I WINDOW PAINTING CONTEST I I Prizes$5-$10-$15 :
I You don't have to be an artist to win!
D-P keeps irons hot at rap session
President Douglas Pearson and John Letts, campus housing director, subjected themselves to a rather unusual sifoation Monday night at DavidsonPalmer Hall. Dr. Pearson had been contacted about conducting a rap session at the dorm and he agreed to listen to the girl's complaints and answer their questions.
The D-P girls kept the irons hot for an hour and a half, asking questions thaf covered a range from the proposed merging of the state colleges with the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, to new curtains for the dorm. The questions were neatly fielded by Dr. Pearson, while refusing to commit himself on anything, seemed to satisfy the girls' curiosity on most points. Questions and answers included:
Q. Why were teachers evaluations discontinued and are they going to be given again?
Dr. Pearson said that the evaluations had been stopped because the faculty voted that they be stopped, over his objections. He also said that the evaluations would be given this spring, because in his opinion, they served a useful purpose.
Q. Is there a possibility of just paying room next year and purchasing a meal plan ·separately to suit your own needs instead of paying combined roOl!l_filld ·board?
Letter to the Editor
In regard to the concerned letter. received and read at the March 26th Student Governing Association meeting referring to the incompetency of the S.G.A. and the student senators as a whole I would like to say the message you were trying to convey in your letter lacked conviction and your spelling is terrible.
As the letter was publicly read we could almost see the fire in your eyes as you wrote it. We could detect the hate you must have for the S.G.A.
You probably lost your jock strap or your girlfriend and
decided it was time to take y hostilities out on someone. appreciate your taking the ti out to read the Ped even if y disgust at the alcohol issue overwhelming.
I bet you were stricken w you found out. that our stude governing president is going be one of the future teachers America. How dare he? May bare bottoms streaks through your dreams, Peace, Love, Hippi Degeherates, Woodst andGran another concerned stud
Trophies will be awarded the winners at the Spring Week Concert.
l. Contestant must be a Peru · State Student
2. $1.00 entry fee for each male or female contestant must accompany entry forms
3. Entry deadline: April 16, 1974. Mail entry forms to: Lambda Delta Lambda, Dr. Daryl Long, PSC
4. Voting will be by the student body at 1 penny a vote. No limit on the number of votes. Voting will be conducted on Monday, Tuesday, .and Wednesday of Spring Week.
5. Pictures to be taken by a photographer on April 17 at a designated place. Male contestants will be photographed in cutoffs or burmuda shorts. Female contestants will be photographed in Hot. Pants (or short shorts) and nylons.
6. Hopefully each contestant will will be sponsored by an organizati9n on campus but it ·is not necessary. - OFFICAL ENTRY FORM:
Inaugural a ti rst at·P.S.C.
On Saturday, April 27, Dr. Douglas W. Pearson will be named Peru State College's twentieth president. The Board of Directors will make the formal announcement of his appointment then.
The Inauguration schedule is as follows:
Thursday, April 25
9:40 a.m. -Awards Convocation 12:00 p.m. - Planting of 1001 Oak
or 8:00 p.m. - Student ·
Dr. Pearson stated that Mr Letts had presented this idea to him and he was checking into it to see what the idea would mean to the food service and the various organizations concerned. He. said that he could make no definite promise but there was a good possibility of something being done about it for next year. There were many more matters cleared up before Dr. took his leave. The residents of D-P would like· to extend an open invitation to Dr. to come back again,
The Peru Pedagogian is published weekly every Thursday during the regular academic year by Peru State College under the auspices of the Peru State College Student Governing Association's Student Media Review Committee.
The editorial comment is the collective opinion of the editorial board of the Peru Pedagogian composed of student editors and should not be taken as necessarily the opinion of the College faculty or student body. Any co/umns and/ or cartoons represent the opinion of the writer or artist and should not be taken as necessarily the opinion of the Peru Pedagogian unless otherwise indicated
All comments concerning the newspaper should be directed to the Peru Pedagogian offices located in the Education Building, Room218.
Subscriptions for undergraduates are paid from activity fees and are available to graduate students. All correspondance to the newspaper should be addressed: The Peru Pedagogian, c/o Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421.
Managing Editor Deb Barton
Issue Editor Terri Funkhouser
Assistant Issue Editor Jeff Walther
Sports Editors Rick DeKlotz and Gail Harmon
Artists/Cartoonists Steve Mann and Anne Jones
Contributirig Editor Bob Wernsman
Circulation Manager Jeff Walther REPORTERS
David Alvis, Tom Ballue, Janice Johnson, Michael Kelly and Susan Sole
I Sign up at the Student Center. A sketch of your planned work I 1 must be submitted by April 16 to be eligible.
Name Sponsored by ·.· Address Phone Number Recital Friday, April 26 10:00 a.m.
12:30 p.m. Inaugural Golf Tournament 8:00 p.m. - Concert Saturday, April.27 10:30 a.m. - Brunch 2:00 p.m. - Inaugural Ceremony 3:30 p.m. - Reception 5-6:30 p.m. - Social Hour '7:00 p.m. - Banquet 9:30-12:30 p.m. - Ball Ir·- - - • .a I Lamda Delta Lamda I I presents I I Computer Dating I I Questionaires sold for I I 25c I I Wednesday, Thursday, Friday I I Questionaire!! & Answers ·I I Match 4-5 closest I I guys or gals. I I I ·-------------.·al· .. .. .. r.n .. ··lfl ..•.. .., ...,....•. MONDAY, APRIL !5, !97
Glass Menagerie off-campus production
The Glass Menagerie is an offcampus production, written by Tennessee Williams, sponsored by campus m'inistry and directed by John Billings. The "memory" play will be presented at the Christian Church on Fifth Street, May 2 and 3.
· Laura, 25, portrayed by Trina O'Banion is handicapped. She characterizes the typical homebody type who, because of her shyness, becomes enveloped with in her own little shell and is only concerned with her glassanimal collection.
,Tom, the son, played by Michael Kelly, ha.s great ambitions of becoming a poet and writer. He is held back however, by an obligation he feels toward taking care of his mother and sister. His father deserted the family when Laura and Tom were young.
·omanda, the. mother, played by Julee Tillman, feels her daughter is wasting her best years just sitting around the house. She enrolls Laura in a business school, but that only lasts one day because Laura gets sick. Amanda also takes Laura to a · youth club, but due to Laura's shyness, she doesn't talk to anyone.
As a last resort, Amanda asks Tom to bring home a male caller for Laura.
Jim the gentleman caller, played by Bob Wernesman, works at the warehouse with Tom. He dreams of being a big executive type someday. He is also an old high school lover whom Laura had adored in high school.
Jim takes Laura into the parlor after dinner and encourages her to come out of her shell and become somebody.
Before Jim leaves, he explains to Laura his recent plans to get married. All of Laura's drea1ns are crushed and she withdraws deeper into her shell. -
As the play ends, Tom is leaving for the merchant marines.
CONFRONTATION - Michael Kelly faces his 'mother' during a tense moment of rehersals for 'The Glass Menagerie.' The play is being sponsored by Campus Ministry and will be presented May 2 and 3 in the Christian Church on 5th St. Kelly's mother in the play is Julee Tillman. Also pictured is Trena ·O'Banion who has the role of Mike's sister. The fourth role in the play is held by Bob Wernsman.
I The annual Spring Week Carnival is again being planned. This I
I year's carnival will be Tuesday, April 23, from 3:00-5 :30 p.m. All I
I campus organizations have been asked by the Student Center I
I Board to get a game or booth or some activity planned to take I
I part in this event. I
B This year's Spring Week Theme is Peru Opens It's Doors in I
I '74. The Student Center Board urges PSC organizations to obtain I
I a form from an SCB member, fill it out, and return it to the SCB I
I office in the Student Center before April 15. I
Women's softball team opens season with loss
The Peru women opened their softball season Saturday, April 6, dropping two games.
The PSC team opened against Creighton with the visitors taking the top end of a 17-15 score. The game saw a number of errors and a bad day for the pitchers of both teams as a number of walks stretched the game out. Hits were scarce in the game with Nancy Kottich leading Peru with a triple, a · double, and a single. Deb Scholl also hit well for Peru.
The PSC women led most of the way and lost it in the last inning as a number of errors let Creighton score the runs they needed to go ahead. The "Kittens" were unable to muster the batting power in the last of the 7th and Creighton hung on for the win. Creighton now goes with a
PSC places in six events
A nine-man Peru State. track team competed with some of the track powers of the State of Nebraska in the 11th annual Kearney State College Relays held April 8.
No team scores were kept, but six Bobcats placed in events in competition against Kearney State, Hastings, Doane College and Nebraska Wesleyan. _ Gordon Thompson placed second in the javelin with a throw of 175'6" and also triple jumped 43'3 112" for fifth in that rvent.
.Phil Fritz earned Peru's only other second place finish, completing the two mile walk in 16:58.8. Fritz finished behind .Jack Soukup of Kearney who clocked 16:29.5. Both Soukup's and Fritz's times were under the old record of i7:14.2.
The distance-medley team of Larry Smith, Bob Lowery, Phil Fritz and Ron Storant placed fourth, and Rob Applegate took fiflh in the shot put with a toss of 44'10" to round out Peru's placing finishes.
Paul Kruse accompanied the learn.
1-2 record as Peru stands at 0-2. The second game went early as JFK took.a 13-0 decision with the 10 run rule going into effect after the 5th inning. Errors also played a part in the game although they weren't the big factor. Peru fell fast in this one as JKF's pitchers gve up only two hits in 5 innings. Deb Scholl got one hit for Peru, but wasn't able to advance and Pru fell without scoring. JFK's record now stands at 3 and 1 for the season.
Peru looks forward to improvgames. One of the factors that influences the team's success is lack of experience. Peru fielded a young team this year, with only 2 returning .starters from last year's team. The girls have a talented team that a little experience will soon help. "Better things are expected shortly," stated the coaches.
Golfers take third place in invitational
Peru State golfers earned third place in the eight team Fairbury Invitational held April 5 at Fairbury.
Peru's Guy Lammie fired a 37-33-70 for medalist honors in the event won by Doane.
Doane totaled 302 for the victory, seven strokes ahead of Platte Junior College (309)- and 13 ahead of Peru (315).
The only other 'Cat golfer to break 80 was Dave Lammie with a 38-39-77.
No one caught in damage scene
Unidentified persons broke a water pipe on the third floor of Delzell Hall at approximately 9:45 p.m. Sunday, March 31. RA Wayne Ambler and Mike Resso, a student living on the floor, heard the noise of the spraying water and came, out into the hall but saw no one at the sctme of the damage.
Maintenance man Fred Gefeller arrived at the hall at 9:52 p.m., followed by Campus Security Officer Howard Allgood at 9:55 p.m. and Maintenance man Bill Reeves at 10:15 p.m.
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds George Wendel arrived at 10:30 p.m. to take stock of the damage.
Rooms were flooded in sections of the third and first floors and I.he basement, with water coming into .Jim C. Smith's room on first floor fast enough to fill a Ihree gallon waste basket four times a minute during the entire episode which lasted until the
Damage Homeruns cause loss
Peru State baseball pitchers found out what damage home runs can cause in a pair of Nebraska College Conference losses to Kearney State, 4-2 and 7-6 Saturday (April 6).
The Antelopes' Dave Pratt socked a pair of homers in each game to lead the Kearney sweep. Two other Kearney players also homered. One a shot by Bill Gradoville in the bottom of the seventh inning to win the second game.
In the opener, Pratt gave Kearney a 1-0 lead in the third with his first home run. The Antelopes added three more tallies in the fifth, with Platt's second solo shot of the game leading the way.
Peru earned it's runs in the bottom of the sixth on a two run homer by Dan Parker. The blast to center field also scored Dave Rombach, who had reached base on a single.
After holding Kearney scoreless in the top of the seventh, the Bobcats went down in order in the bottom of the inning to end the contest.
In the second game, Kearney took a 6-1 lead after five innings.
A home run by Terry Criger started the Bobcats on a five run eruption in the top of the sixth. Following Criger's smash, Butch and Bud Kimball retired on a strike out and a ground out.
-.. Rombach singled, Parker walked and Dave McDaniel singled, scoring Rombach. Pat Tynon followed with a single to score Parker. Freshman catcher Tim Macke scored McDaniel on a base rap, and after Greg Sanders walked, Criger earned his second RBI of the inning on a
walk with the bases loaded, scoring Tyon.
Peru held Kearney scoreless in the bottom of the sixth, but the 'Cats were unable to come up with any runs of their own in the top of the seventh.
In the bottom of the seventh, with one out, Gradoville hit the first Duane Martin pitch over the right-center field fence to end the game.
Concerning the games, Coach Tom Fitzgerald said, "We had the opportunity to win both contests. Defensively we played pretty well except for errors. We have a habit of having bad innings where our pitchers will give up four runs."
Although the 'Cats seem to be
remarked, "We're still not getting the base hits with people on.''
water was shut off at 10:15 p.m. Ma in tenance personnel, security personnel and students worked till after midnight cleaning up the mess.
One sad side line on the situation was t.he theft of a photographic enlarger from a basement storeroom during the cleanup. According to John O'Connor, Delzell maintenance man, the enlarger was apparently stolen while maintenance men were out of the room before it was relocked.
hitting the ball better, Fitgerald TRAIL DRIVE-IN
1 April 6th, Kearney Relays (at Kearney).
I April 11th, Bronco Relays (at Hastings).
I April 13th, Corn Palace Relays (at Mitchell S.D.).j
: April 18th-20th, 3rd Annual Mules Relays (at
1 Warrensberg, Mo.).
1 April 18th-20th, Kansas Relays (at Lawrence,
1 _ Kan.).
1 April 26th-27th, Drake Relays (at Des Moines, Ia.)
I May 4th, Doane Night Relays (at Crete). ·
I May 7th, N.C.C. Meet (at Kearney).
THEATRE-Nebraska City
FRI., SAT., SUN. April 19-20-21
Double Feature Richard Roundtree ''SHAFT IN AFRICA"
COLOR - Rated GP : (Arkadelphia, Ark.).
I May 23rd-24th, Nat. N.A.I.A. Champs
Scoring Doane Platte Peru State McCook Northeastern Fairbury CNTC Haskell 302 309 315 320 323 340 349 352
it straight from the· 'Horse's Mouth Records! Rock Posters!
Pre-printed tee shirts!
For more information, write:
MOUTH, Box Franklin Square, NY 11010
MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1974
Game R.H. E. KSC 001 030 9 4 9
PSC 0000020243
Game R. H.E., PSC 001 005. O 6 6
KSC 0400201791
Vergith (Wl and Gradoville
(L) Froehlich (5) and Brandt Second
Eiserman Moerer (W) (6) and Gradoville Martin (Ll and Br;:mdt Macke
--..---------· 1LOOK AT THIS1 It's new.. It's original. The hottest sticker on the market. A beautiful 4 x 12 sticker in four colors and remember it's the first and original keep on streaking stickers. Send 50¢ to: International Advertising Agency 3723 Catherine Street Shreveport, Louisiana 71109 (fJ(·rJk:r in1i\;ifl'f v\lr:lcornr·) ST ATE O/STRIBlJTORS WANTED Special Prices iu 1,000 Lots PIONEER THEA IRE-Nebraska City Feature at 7:30 p.m. Matinee Sat. & Sun., 2 p.m. Sunday thru Tuesday April 14-15-16 Gene Hackman - Al Pacino In SCARECROW Rated R Wednesday thru Saturday • April 17-18-19-20 flurt Reynolds in "WHITE LIGHTNING" Rated PG
Underwood working
to save· birds
Ms · Suzanne Underwood, faculty member behind the Speakeasy program and coordinator of the Cultural Week seminars, has embarked on a personal campaign to save the birds which have been, she said, "needlessly killed" by flying into the windows of the Complex buildings.
According to Ms Underwood, the birds fly into the windows because they are large and clear and look like open air. She said that she and other Complex residents find many of the dead birds every day, and hear them "hit the windows" regularly.
Ms Underwood's campaign so far is basically a one-person undertaking because many of the residents in _the Complex don't care enough to remedy the
Burning stump causes) complaints
"THIS is pollution controll???" That's what the sign said.
An old, rotting tree stump was burned north of the Education building April 10. Wood smoke floated over the campus, making students' eyes burn and making them cough.
PSC's maintenance· department was in charge -of- burning
the stump. It was cut up at first to aid in the burning. It· resembled a funeral pyre The following day it resemblL'd a somewhat decomposed body.
Dr. Douglas W. Pearson said that a place to plant the campus' 1001 Oak was needed. This seemed to be the logical place.
In talks between the Administration and Maintenance,
Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,
Between the Education Building an<Hhe Stiident Center once stood a proud oak tree. Now as I pass by, all I see is the burned out remains of a stump. I do realize the tree had to be cut down, but to me, the burning of the stump was like jabbing a dagger into the heart of an already dying mll!l.
I am sure there could have been other ways to dispose of the stump. It seems like part of Peru has been lost. And now I have been told another tree is to be planted there. What will become of it in a few years?????
To the Editor:
Senseless deaths disturb methe senseless deaths of birds at Peru disturb me-birds who mistake glass for space, smacking against illusive glasslined corridors of the complexbirds folding and dropping like missiles. It's all rather messy. Some die .all at once. Brown,
, red, speckled feather-shells beside bushes. Some die in tissue-lined shoeboxes in a Samaritan's living room. Some huddle inside useless wings by the sidewalk, stunned and hemhorraging.
I'm responsible. So are you. Such deaths can be stopped. It takes only masking· tape and a minute. to mark off the windows in your hallway, especially if you live in the complex (see Nicholas Patel-no more unsightly, surely, than bloodstains and feathers.
Died at 10:30 the one 'song spilled in a few dropsOut like that and spring just a day off.
Some feathers still stick to the window, the rest I buried, yes did it, took the liberty and just to welcome anything, will wipe that glass clean.
Veterns studying under GI Bill must send ncerts''
The Veterans' Administration has sent word to any veteran studying under the GI Bill that they MUST send in their "cert" cards to insure payment for their final month of training.
If you are a veteran attending PSC, the certification of attendance eard you receive with the next to final check should be · filled out immediately, signed, and returned promptly to your
it was decided to remove the old stump so a new tree could be planted for the Inauguration. However, some students were concerned about pollution and placed the sign on the cement wall around the stump. Someone in the Administration didn't appreciate the sign. It was torn down at approximately 3 p.m. by George Wendell, Maintenance ·
Baby arrives on Easter for Smiths
The Easter Bunny doubled for the stork on Apirl 14 when he brought the family of James C. Smith a bouncing baby girl. Melva Jane made her appearance at 7: 30 a.m. and weighed in at 6 pounds, 4 ounces. It is to be noted that the proud father was back in classes Monday, April 15, and that he was passing out cigars to all his friends.
problem. Underwood says th the problem can be easily solv by placing masking tape aero the windows in a pattern whi the birds can recognize the as a solid mass and thus avoid it " "It's ·not really that big problem," she said. "I just don' like the idea of any anim dying for no particular reason. Ms Underwood did disclose th many of the residents she · speak with about the situati didn't like to see the bird's die and were willing to tape their windows. However, many of the birds seem to be slamming in the windowed hallways whic connect different sections of the Complex buildings. Ms Underwood plans to see the dor· mitory managers for action.
4:00p.m. AAU Swim Team
6:30 p.m. Adv. Fin.
regidnal VA office. If it is not, the agency cannot prepare your final check for the current school year.
Details may be obtained at VA offices, local veterans service organizations, or by writing the VA Jnformation Ser.vice in Washington, D.C. 20420.
T?e Peru Pedagogian is published weekly every Thursday durmg regular academic year by Peru State College under the auspices of the Peru State College Student Governing Association's Student Media Review Committee.
The editorial comment is the collective opinion of the editorial board of the Peru Pedagogian composed of student editors and should not be taken as necessarily the opinion of the College student body. Anyco/umns and/ or cartoons represent the opm1on of the writer or artist and should not be taken as necessarily the opinion of the Peru Pedagogian unless otherwise indicated.
All comments concerningthe newspaper should be directed to the Peru Pedagogian offices located in the Education Building, Room 218.
Subscriptions for undergraduates are paid from activity fees and are available to graduate students. All correspondance to the newspaper should be addressed: The Peru Pedagogian, c/o Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421.
Managing Editor Deb Barton
Assistant Issue Editors Terri Funkhouser and Jeff Walther
Sports Editors Rick DeKiotz and Gail Harmon
Artists/Cartoonists Steve Mann and Anne Jones
Contrilluting Editor Bob Wernsman and Frank D'Addesa
Circulation Manager Jeff Walther
David Alvis, Tom B;dlue, Janice Johnson, Michael Kellyand Susan Sole
JJ crn.. .. rn .. ,'!fl ..•= ....,..,...,.•MONDAY, APRIL 22, 19}
Aid and Inst. Training APRIL22 8:30p.m.SCBMovie 7:00p.m. IAClub 6:30p.m. Quercus Club 3:30p.m. Gamma Theta Upsilon APRIL23 5:30p.m. AAUSwim Team 6:00p.m. SGA 4:45p.m. CircleK 6:30p.m. Kiwanis 12: 00 noon Speakeasy 8:00p.m. Alumni Assoc. 3: 00 p.m. PSC vs JFK women's baseball APRIL24 6:00p.m. WAA Pool AD105 FA Aud. IA29 WDR EDllO Pool FA212 WDR WDR WDR ED210 There Gym APRIL25 5:30p.m. AAUSwim Team 9:40 a.m. Awards Convo 9:00p.m. SCBMovie 5:00p.m. SCB Pool College Aud. FA Aud. WDR 1:00 p.m PSC vs Hastings Baseball There l:OOp.m. Nebr. Wesleyan Golf at Auburn Auburn APRIL26 8:30p.m. Ext. Serv. Workshop WDR APRIL27
00 p.m. Peru vs.
at Broken Bow 2:00p.m. PSC vs Creighton Women's Baseball At Omaha
admissior up admissior Gary director what especiall) l973admi declinine year's was Gary seems a dictate conscious
Freshman admissio·ns up 44 percent
According to a press release from the Admissions Department at Peru State, freshman admissions in the fall of 1974 are up 44 per cent over last year's admissions received by 1.
Gary Hoemann, admissions director for Peru State said that what makes the figures especially noteworthy is that the 1973 admissions figure at April 1 was 30 per cent above the 1972 talley. Last year's freshman class was the largest since 1970.
"In a national situation of declining enrollments, last year's increase at Peru State was considered phenomenal," Gary Hoemann commented. It seems "students are looking for a small college and economics dictate that the student be costs conscious," he said.
Not all new students appear .at registration, but again, according to the addmissions release; Peru State's 1973 "show" statistics were far above 1the national Of 351 new
students admitted, 283, about 80 per cent, registered in PSC's fall 1973 semester.
Peru State College's approach to recruiting may be the answer to the above-average statistics. A telephone recruiting campaign is underway for the second year at Peru. Peru State are calling area high school students who have indicated a desire to attend Peru next fall but have not yet applied. The team of student volunteers use campus phones in the evening to place person-toperson calls to prospects, offering to answer questions about Peru State.
"Talking to a Peru Stater ·is effective," Hoemann said. PSC Basketball Coach Schnauser and Mr John Letts, director of student housing and activities are available as resource persons, Hoemann said, but the Peru students do the real selling.
Another sucessful recruiting idea is last year's sucessful
"Mini-bussing" of area high school students to the Peru campus. High school junior and seniors with their counselors were invited to spend a day on campus in April. Schools accepting are Palmyra and Douglas, April 10; SyracuseDunbar-Avoca, Apri} U; Table Rock, April 15; and Auburn and Tecumseh, A,pril 17.
Peru State sponsors activities during the year to bring high school students to the campus on an informal basis. Activities include track meets, Business Career Day, Science Career Day, the District Speech and Drama Contests, and the Band and Vocal Clinics.
Bob Wernsman, Journalism senior, and Gary Hoemann put out a monthly tabloid entitled Innerviews. Featuring articles and features of interest to incoming students and their parents, the paper is currently being sent to 2,600 high school counselors and students.
Job· outlook good for undergraduates
High school and college undergraduates in the area of Nemaha, Otoe, Cass, Johnson, Pawnee and Richardson counties will find a fairly good job supply for temporary, unskilled labor this summer. There are a few openings available for clerk-sales personnel. Spring r.ollee:e graduates will find little available in their fields except for an occasional managertrainee position or as an officer in a financial institution according to information furnished by
nursing homes, restaurants, etcand construction work, with some farm work available as the growing season gets under way.
Full or part-time night work has possibilities iri Nebraska City, with eight to ten openings at present in restaurant work, as bartenders and barmaids and nurse's aides.
least 14 years old, with foremen 16 or older and truck drivers over 18. Company ckws are furnished transportation, travel pay oneway per diem and water in the fields, while private contract · crews must furnish their own transportation and water. The private contract method is recommended as the best money-maker for good, efficient crews, with de tasseling machines occasionally available for contract work. ,
TEST TIME - Steve Pummel is pictured here performing just one of his several tasks as a student teacher in a Sidney, Ia., elementary school. Pummel, a resident of Nebraska City gave vent to some of his feelings concerning his student teaching.
Pummel teaching · .th grade
of the Nebraska City
Charles E. · Neerman, manager
Office of the Nebraska Department of Labor, Division of Employment.
Major job concentrations are in the areas of service-hospitals,
For those interested in outdoor work involving little heavy physical labor, corn detasseling openings will ·be plentiful for about three weeks begThning in late June or early July. Between 800 and 1,000 were employed last year. These pay $1.80 and up for company crewmen, foremen and truck drivers, with set rates for private crews contracting by the acre. Crewmen must be at
Those students and spring graduates wishing to find employment through the Nebraska City office are urged to register as soon as possible, as jobs are filled as soon as available in most cases.
Nine schools attend Science Day
Students from nine area high schools were on the PSC campus Thursday, April 4, to attend seminars and discussions about careers in science. Visiting experts and PSC faculty talked with the students to discuss .recent career developments at Peru State's Science Career Day.
Mr and Mrs· Scott Williams, PSC Earth Science faculty, and Dr. Marvin Carlson with Duane Everoll spoke with several young men of the earth science
Pummell is now 1.n h:s eight-year-0lds, and to learn the thrra week of student teachmg m work capabilities of kids their the third grade a.t Sidney, Iowa.. age. Also, there·never seems to Steve has taken over teaching be enough time in the day to chores for classes in reading, complete all the work that is science, math, and a weekly planned. newspaper the third graders Mrs ,Greedy, Pummel.l's receive. Pummell repo:ts no supervisirig L said that he great problems as the kids are is now planning for all getting used to him and he to the classes · he teaches and them. choosing the material for them. There are certain problems in Mrs Greedy also said that Steve elementary education, ac- seemed to be well trained and cording to Steve. One of these is the third graders respond to him to choose material that relates to very well.
careers available in the United States available in the United States today. Dr. Carlson and Mrs Eversoll are staff members at the ·University of Nebraska, Conservation & Survey divisions.
Science Career Day Chairman
Mr Al Brady said that one of the most popular seminars was in the field of medical technology. Thirty-seven students heard Ms Shirley Brickman, medical technology admission personnel employe with Lincoln General
·Black Union strengthening
The Black Student Union was first organized during the school term of 1969. At that time it was called "Afro-American· Club"
The club broke ·up 'in 1970 because there were very few blacks attending PSC. In 1972, the club reorganized under the name "Black Student Union". The club became stronger in 1973, not only in number of members but also in the number of events
BSU's purpose is to provide social events and activities for black students. Anyone may attend the events held by the club.
Gordie Thompson is this year. He is a senior from Lake Charles, Louisiana. Vice: President is Larry Chase, i freshman, from HammQnd,
Events held by the BSU included a Homecoming Dance.
Louise Johnson was chosen as their queen. She graduated in December 1973.
Other events also sponsored by the club were a Brotherhood Week which began February 24. Creighton University's Black Student Union Choir attended this event. The BSU was also · planning to hold.an all "Black Week" but it \Vas called off because differences between some of the black students and 'he administration. The next event planried is a "Stoned Soul Picnic" and will be for blacks only. It will be held jointly with Creighton University. No date or location has been set for the event.
and Bryan Memorial hospitals in Lincoln, speak on the aspects of a medical technology career. Other science careers discussed were computer mathematics and science in industry, medical nursing, and science in education. Students attending the function were from Auburn; Craig, Missouri; Dawson-Verdon; Falls City; Hamburg, Iowa; HickmanNorris; Millard in Omaha; and Nebraska City.
Santa Fe workshops begin June 24
Santa Fe Workshops of Contemporary Art start June 24 with 8-week sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Theme of the workshops that will be held year around is "Creative Explorations '74".
Workshop courses offered are painting-drawing, sculpture, photography arid poetry-prose writing. The workshops are under 9 faculty-artisits and are dedicated to experimental Workshop-teaching techniques. ·
Colleges and universities throughout the country have extended 6 to 10 credit units to 8-week students.
Contact Gerald111e Price, Advisory Director at Box 1344, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501 for more information on the program and for scholarship-aid possibilities.
Fast Day on May 1
On Wednesday, May 1st, American college and high school students have been asked to organize a FAST TO SAVE A PEOPLE. The fast is aimed at helping the six to ten million people rapidly starving to death due to the African drought, which has been called the "worst ecological disaster of the century."
On May 1st, student's have been asked by the organizers of the fast, Ox-Fam American and Project Relief, to skip one or all of the day's meals and donate. the moeny thus saved to help the people of the drought-stricken area. The funds raised will be used immediately for food, family planning and medical assistance.
Scientists estimate that, as a result of the drought, the Sahara Desert is expanding into the middle-African countries at a rate of 30 miles per year.
Considering this factor, the funds raised by the fast will be channeled into long-range projects such as agricultural training programs, water-well drilling and credit-cooperatives to aid small farmers; in short, "to help build a sound agriculture so urgently needed in these developing nations," said a relase from "Project Relief."
For more information on the FAST, contact:
Bruce W. Roberts, Director Project Relief, Inc. P.O. Box 1455 335 Westminster Street Providence, Rhode Island 02901 Phone: [401] 751-9300
Barnett made Vice President
Mr Robert Barnett has, ac· cording to President Pearson, aacepted the recently vacated position. of_ vice-president for administration. Vice-president Barnett will begin his responsibilities in the middle of May.
Barnett was interviewed by a group of students early last month. The students, ranging from freshmen to seniors, found Barnett to be "highly competent in the position he was seeking" and " .looked like an able administrator." The interview consisted basically of a review of Mr Barnett's resume and a question and answer session.
Dr. Pearson interviewed Barnett personally before the students met with him and presented him to the students as his personal choice over a great number of applicants.
SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES & N}\TURAL SCIENCES Term l Term 2 Dept No Course Title Prerequisite Period No Period No Room D a y_ s Hrs Instructor l 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 M T WT F Cr ART Art 101 Drawing I x FA 205 xx xx x 3 Sherwood Art. 200-400 Studio Acitivities Permission Arranged Arranged Arranged Sherwood Art 300 Ceramics , x FA 205 xx xx x 3 Sherwood Art 306 Art Appreciation x FA 211 xx xx 2 Sherwood Art 308 Art Exploration x FA 205 xx xx x 3 Sherwood ENGLISH Eng 101 English Composition x FA 104 x x x x x 3 J. Barrett Eng 202 Appreciation of Literatur< x FA 105 xx xx x 3 Staff Eng 203 Children's Literature x FA 105 xx xx x 3 Hicks Eng 301 Traditional Grammar x FA 105 xx xx 2 J. Barrett Eng 325 American Literature II x FA 105 xx xx x 3 Staff HISTORY Hist/Eng 300 Nebraskaland Tour-(July 3-July 19) Arranged Ad 105 Arranged 3 Schottenhamel Hist 113 American History to 1865 x FA 212 x x x x x 3 Hahn MUSIC Mus 100 Fundamentals & Elementary Music x FA 111 x x x x x 3 G. Wilson Mus 109 Class Guitar x FA 111 x x x x 2 Camealy Mus 311 Music Appreciation & History x FA 111 x x x x x 3 G. Wilson Mus 220-420 Strings, Piano, Voice - Workshop Arranged Arranged 1 Staff (Permission-Dr. Wilson) Brownville Summer Music Festival (July 14-27) (July 28-August 10) POLITICAL SCIENCE Pol Sci 201 American National Governmetlt x FA 212 xx x x x 3 Hahn SOCIOLOGY Soc 201 Principles of Sociology x FA 105 xx xx x 3 Staff Soc 340 The Family x FA 104 x x x x x 3 Staff Term 1 Term 2 Dept No Course Title Prerequisite Period No Period No Room D a y_ s Hrs Instructor 1 2 3 4 5 l 2 3 4 5 M T WT F Cr SPEECH Speh 254 Public Speaking x FA 105 x x x x x 3 Hicks Speh 300 Theatre Workshop x x Aud xxxxx 3 M. Wilson Speh 402 Theatre Practicum Permission Arranged Arranged 1 M. Wilson BIOLOGY Biol 102 Animal Biology x Sc 304 x x x x x 3 Brady GENERAL SCIENCE GSci 20 Inquiry Science for Middle xx School Teachers-Workshop Sc 304 xxxxx 3 Hamann (July 24-August 9) GSci 100 Physics (For non physical x Sc 104 x x x x x 3 Mc Caslin science majors) GSci 202 Physical Prog, x Sc 304 x x x x x 3 Brady GSci 430G Environmental Science-Workshop xx FA 211 x x x x x 3 Long (June 19-July 5) GSci 499G .Aerospace Science-Workshop xx (July 8-23) FA 212 x x x x x 3 Hamann GEOGRAPHY Geog 101 Principles of Geography x Lab arranged Ed 110 xxxxx 3 s. Williams GEOLOGY Geol 202 Rocks and Minerals Arranged Ed 110 Arranged 1-3 S. Williams MATHEMATICS Math 10 Elemeµtary Statistics (June 10-14) xx Sc 105 xxxxx McKercher Math 85 Metric System (June 4-8) xx Sc 105 xxxxx McKercher
State College
1974 Summer Program: First Term, June 3 - July 5; Second Term, July 8 - August 9
The Class Schedule is arranged alphabetically by subjects with five 100-minute periods daily,. A limited number of graduate courses are included. A maximum load of six hours is allowed. Overloads will not be honored.
MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1974 PEDAGOGIAN SCHOOL OF l·:JJllC/\T I ON I, /\!'!'LI 1·:11 /\!('!''.; :::=::: .:.. ..:.. :.. ;: :: -::: :: ;:...-::--::: :: : : ·: : ·:- ·== Tl' rm I 'f« rm '!. Dept No Course Titll' l'rl'rl'qu isi'lt· f>t·r ind No i't· r i od No l(oom _'.l. y .8-. Hrs Instructor I '!. ·; 4 5 ----------·-·-·-·--·--'!. J .1._ .5-._ ._ - _t!._I_\i_l..l_-.0:_ Bus Bus Educ Educ Educ Educ Educ Educ. Educ Educ Educ Educ IA IA IA IA IA PE PE PE PE Dept PE PE Psych Psych Psych Psych Psych VEd VEd BUSINESS 102 Introduction to Data Processing x Ad 102 x x x x x 3 Mccaslin 235 Business Machines x Ed 113 x x x x x 3 Lewellen EDUCATION 300 Foundations of Education x Ed 202 x x x x x 3 Land is 302 Disadvantaged Child xx Ed 311 x xx x x 3 Bradley (June 19 - July 5) 304 Child, School and Family x Ed 202 x x x x x 3 Staff 334 Teaching of Reading x Ed 307 x x x x x 3 Currier 336 Diagnostic & Remedial Reading x Ed 307 x x x x x 3 Curr ii:,r 408 Instructional Media x Ed 311 x x x x 2 Van Zant 415G Individualization of Instruction x x Ed 307 xx x x x 3 Currier (July 8 - 23) 415G Drug Use and Abuse xx Ed 311 x x x x x 3 Van Zant (July 8 - 23) 415G Creative Teaching in Elem. Sch. x x Ed 307 xx xx x 3 Currier (July 24-August 9) 423 Methods & Materials of Teaching Exceptional Children x x Ed 102 x x x x x 3 Guliz ia (July 8 - 23) INDUSTRIAL ARTS 226 , Photography I x IA 23 xx xx x 3 Russell 322 Hand Crafts xx IA 24 x x x x x 3 Russell 337 Driver Ed &.Traffic Safety I x IA 4 x x x x x 3 Jarvis 338 General Safety x IA 29 xx xx x 3 Jarvis 340 Driver Ed & Traffic Safety II x IA 4 xx xx x 3 Staff PHYSICAL EDUCATION 10 Tennis x Courts x x x x 1 Fitzgerald 215 First Aid x Ed 202 xx xx x 3 Fitzgerald 311 P.E. in Intermediat'e Grades x Gym xx xx 2 Fitzgerald 415G Motor Perceptual x x Ad 105 xx xx x 3 Pitts (June 4-19) Term 1 Term ,2 No Course Title Prerequisite Period No Period No Room D a y s Hrs Instructor 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 MT WT F Cr PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Cont.) 415G Outdoor Education Arranged Ed 210 Arranged 3 Schnas1:<1 (June 3-14) 415G Volleyball Clinic Arranged Gym Arranged Mier (June 3-7) (June 10-14) PSYCHOLOGY 121 General Psychology x Ed 226 xx xx x 3 Bradley 201 Human Growth &Development x Ed 307 xx xx x 3 Staff 301 Educational Psychology x Ed 202 xx xx x 3 Gulizia 430 Educational x Ed 102 xx xx 2 Landis 450 Directed Studies Arranged Arranged 1-4 Scherer VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 441G History & Philosophy of Voe.Educ. x Ed 102 xxxxx 3 Hamilton 443G Coordination Teaching in Vocational Education Programs x Ed 102 xx xx x 3 Hamilton
CLASS PERIODS: Regular Shortened for Convocation 1 7:00 a.m. - 8:40 a.m. 1 7:00 a.m. - 8:20 a.m. 2 8:50 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 2 8:30 a,m. - 9:50 a.m. 3 10:40 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. Convo 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a,m. Noon 12:20 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. 3 11 :00 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. 4 1:00 p.m. - 2:40 p.m. Noon 12:20 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. 5 2:50 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 4 1:00 p.m, - 2:40 p.m. 5 2:50 p,m, - 4:30 p.m, PAGE 5
Spring Week 197 4
Monday, April 22
A Faculty track meet, a picnic and the Movie, "Joe Kid," are the Spring Week activities planned for today.
The faculty track meet will be held at 3:30 in the Oak Bowl. Between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. a picnic will be held in there. Students who don't have meal tickets or show them then must pay $1.30 for the meal.
The last event is a showing of the movie, "Joe Kid," starring Clint Eastwood, in the Fine Arts Auditorium at 8:30.
Tuesday, April 23
Come one.! Come all! The annual spring week carnival will beheld Tues., April23. Enjoy the events and forget your cares. Have your fortune told, try your skill at shaving a balloon, get your very own poem written and have it delivered to anyone you want.
All this excitement and only for one afternoon.
That evening there will be a concert by Denny Brooks starting at 8:00.
Brooks' career started at two
Denny Brooks is a member of the new creative corps brought forward in the group-dominated '60's. Born in Long Beach, California on December 12, 1942, Brooks first sang "I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover" at the age of two. He developed an act by memorizing the words to his record collection; with concentration on Spike Jones and Frankie Laine. He began his. career in high school where he sang for assemblies and local coffeehouses.
He worked for a summer at Disneyland while in college. At Disneyland, he donned a straw hat and a blazer. to sing folk songs to the coke guzzling crowds.
In 1962, Brooks joined the USO tour ranging throughout the Far East. Having seen much of the world, he decided to return to college. Since the limelight had become a part of his life, he joined the Back Porch Majority in 1964.
During the next three years, which he described as a threering circus, his performing was
What's Up Doc 9 P.M. F.A. Auditorium
'.'What's Up Doc" is a whacky comedy about a square musicologist who falls in love with a screwball. Ryan O'Neal and Barbra Streisand star in the spoof of a far-out comedies of the '30's, ·zany romances, and frantic chases through San Francisco's hills.
Denny Brooks
shaped and poiished into an uniqueness all its own. The Back Porch Majority played college concerts, folkish night ·clubs, a variety of television shows and recorded four albums for Epic Records.
Finding himself stifled as a member of the tightly' managed group, Brooks left them as soon as his contract was fulfilled.
From there he "just sat down and listened to music" until he met Dan Moore and made an album.
Brooks describes himself as "a ballad singer". "My greatest tendency is to slow things down. Rock scared me to death, but it was OK because the songs were really important."
Thursday, April 25
Denny does not write songs, Events on Thursday, April 25 but he has many friends who are for Spring Week will include a composers. He repays them by recital in honor of Dr. Douglas being a good interpreter, an Pearson's inauguration. The ability that grows out of his recital will last from 7: 30 to feelings the he is an actor at approximately 8: 30. heart.
At 9:00 a movie called "What's
He has done no acting except Up, Doc?" will be shown in the for some in college, but he uses Fine Arts Auditorium. his acting talent to enliven his , stage act.
Arecital will be held Thursday
April ·25, in the Fine Arts Auditorium as part of the Spring Week activities. The program will feature the better performers from the last student recital. Among those performing will be Maynard Geschke, tenor, and Jan Pressgrove and Stephanie Lang, sopranos from the studio of Mr Edward Camealy.
Students from the studio of Dr Gilbert E. Wilson will incl Emily Rosewell and Dian Rees with piano solos; Den Ehmke and Roland Barrett with trumpet solos; Lennie Lahman with a drum solo; and Karleme Badgett with a flute solo. The recital is in honor of Dr. Douglas inauguration.
offering pro5pecti surroundir to interested ·get
Coach Riley gives last minute instmctions t? players before exhibition game on Sunday, April 28th.
Ripple hurls no-hitter, Bobcats sweep Doane
Dick Ripple of Benedictine twirled a no-hitter against Peru State in Atchison, Kansas Friday (April 12) the Bobcats dropped the first game of the doubleheader, Peru earned a split of the games, winning nightcap 3-2. Peru's lone run m tlie opener came in the third inning on a walk to Stan Dunn and a pitchers error - Dunn finally scoring on a wild pitch.
Peru's starting pitcher, Tom Froehlich struck out five and walked none, but couldn't get any support from his team at the plate. Coach Fitzgerald commented, "Tom pitched well enough to win the game, but we di<ln't get him any hits. We're still not hitting the ball well enough to win consistently."
In the second game, Peru pitcher Duane Martin won a battle of left handers to even the Bobcat record at 5-5.
The 'Cats scored twice in the second inning on four base on balls and base hits by Terry Criger and Butch Kimball. Peru scored again in the next frame as disignated hitter Pat Tynon doubled, Tim Macke sacrificed and Greg Sanders singled Tynon home.
Benedictine's Mike Roach scored both his team's runs, as he homered in the third and scored again in the fifth when he reached base on an error and scored on another.
Peru's pitching according to Firzgerald is "very adequate," and the defense continues to· be tough as the Bobcats turned in four double plays in the two games,
Game No. I
Peru 001. 000
Peru-Froehlich and Brandt
Benedictine-Ripple and Henningsen
Cheerleaders selected for 1974-75 seaso
Long hours of hard work, aches, pains, and many bruises were finally brought to an end as ten new cheerleaders were selected for the 1974-75 sports season, April 2.
Two squads of cheerleaders were chosen, a first at Peru, for the next year. The squads consist of football-basketball cheerleaders, and wrestling cheerleaders.
Aseparation was made due _to many conflicts jn basketball games and wrestling matches. A choice always had to be made which would be left out. Next year each team will be supported equally.
A panel of six judges, sisting of faculty, secretaries, and students from the college selected the girls. They based their selections on the girl's ability, enthusiasm, coordination, working together, creativeness, and imagination.
Terry Criger, June Bottcher outstanding
Riley signs athletes
high school
Peru - Martin and Macke
Benedictine-Schlindler, Henr (5) and Henningsen-Bregen
· Tom Brandt slammed Doane pitcher Bob Park's 1-0 pitch a two run homer April 16 to give Peru State a 5-4 baseball victory and a sweep of a doublheader.
Peru won the opener 6-3 behind the five hit of Arnie · Allgood. The big inning for the Bobcats in the first game was the fifth, when four runs crossed the plate a.s a result of three singles, a double and a pair of base-on balls.
In the second game, Peru took a 2-0 lead in the first inning as Bud Kimball and Larry Chase scored after reaching base on a single and an error respectively. Dick Tynon earned an RBI as he walked with the bases loaded scoring Kimball. Dave followed with a base rap, scormg Chase.
Doane tallied one run in each of the second and third innings to tie things up. Peru regained lead in 'the fourth as Butch Kimball scored after doubling. Doane right fielder, Jerry Kerl, put the Tigers into the lead in the sixth with a two-run homer. With no one out, it appeared that Dennis Dickman might be m for a rough inning, but he retired the next three batters in order. Dickman Jet only one man reach base in the seventh.
In the bottom of the seventh, Tynon grounded out pitcher to first .and McDaniel walked, setting up Brandt's heroic shot.
First game R H E
Doane 100 020 O 3' 5 2
PeruState 101 040 x 6 6 3
Doane _ Shields and Metcalf
Peru - Allgood and Macke
Second game R H E
Doane 011 002 o 4 6 2
Peru State 200 000 2 5 6 2
Doane - Parks and Metcalf
Peru-Dickman and Brandt
offensive :backs ·
Head football coach Bob Riley has announced the signings of five high school offensive backs to attend Peru State next fall.
Each .girl trying out f football-basketball, was judg on a· dance routine "Hail V sity" a cheer containing mour{t performed with anoth girl "Get Together", and a ch they made up themselves. ·.
The wrestling cheerlead were based on a cheer another girl also "Fight", w· standing mount, four c taught to them, and three chants made up by each of th Any girl interested was able try out for either squad or both them. This year was one Peru's largest turn outs of terested girls in the last f years.
The squads are as folio Football-Basketball - Ca Deb Barton, Patty Colli Ronda Gobber, Deb Hebd Peggy Kreifels, and Jan Vance. Wrestling - R Christensen, Carel Dye, Kat Heskett, and Gloria Kentopp
Golf record now 8-2
Peru· State golfers push their season record to 8-2 with 111/z-61/z win over Nebras Wesleyan and a 9-6 victory, o Doan in a triangular held Holmes Park in Lincol
Thursday (April 11l.
The 1974 edition of "Out- Peru's Guy Lammie battl standing College Athletes ·of high gutsy winds with a 40-39· America" will feature six Peru performance for medali Student-athletes. honors. Bobcat Dave Lam
The volume honors American shot an even par 36 on the fr college athletes of nine but could do no better t athletic ability with emphasis 44 the backside, as the wiri.. also placed on com!Il_unity picked-up to finish._ in seco
The recruits signed by Riley are Jim Tomasek, 5'9", 165 pounds quarterback fro!ll Lincoln Northeast; Kevm Perkins, 6'0", 180 puunds tailback from Oakland; Iowa; Dale Patton, 6'1", 200 pmmds fullback from Springfield, Ohio; Greg Sprague, 6'1", 175 pound quarterback from Lincoln High and Mark Lucas, 6'0", 188 pound running back from Peoria,
In his recruiting, Riley is looking for players with speed and quickness to run in the backfield. Tomasek is. one of the finest triple option quarterbacks Riley has seen on fil!ll. Riley believes Perkins 1s a fme open field runner with good power. Lucas, according to Riley, 1s a hard runner and should be a solid addition to the backfield because of his quickness.
Bly three year baseball letTerry Criger, four year football lett.erman at quarterback and two year letterman in baseball; June Bottcher, first team volleyball player; .Patty Johnson, first team volleyball performer; Jack Stanley, four ·year wrestling letterman at. 118 pounds, and Chuck Rombach, a two year letterman in baseball.
, Get it straight from the'
· Horse's Mouth Records! Rock Posters!
Pre-printed tee shirts! For more information, write:
HORSES MOUTH, Box 203 Franklin Square, NY 11010
Sales to sell the hottest item ever to hit.the market! "KEEP ON STHEAKING" stickers .advertised in National magazines and newspaper. and thousands of leads furnished upon request. Retails for 50¢. Your cost 30¢ each in lots of twelve or more. Send check or money order to: International Advertising Agency
Double Feature
service and campus act1VIty · place individually with an 80. Selected from Peru are Gale •••••• •••• Illinois.
Rod Stelger - Robert Ryan l Jeff Bridges - Season Hubie:'
Stuart Whitman m NIGHT OF THE LEPUS · COLOR - Rated PG
THEA IRE-Nebraska City Feature at 7:30 p.m. Matinee Sat. & Sun., 2 p.m. ··
Sunday thru Tuesday April 21-22-23.
Woody Allen
Wednesday thru Saturday April 24-25-26-27
Hayley Mills - Dean Jones
001 110 O 3 9 ·. 3
Peru 021 000
010 O H E 3 5 3 2 5 0
Benedictine 001
:in:i Catherine Street Shreveport, Louisiana 71109
House.' tor Wilson, PSC Omaha money When· become Nils threate: of learns ·· but with suades fraudul; TorwaJc safe
Golf tourney moved to Nebraska City
The Presidents Inaugural Cup Golf Tournament, originally scheduled to be played on the Auburn Country Club course, will be played on April 26 at the Nebraska City Country Club course. All PSC students have been invited to compete for the three trophies being awarded to the top three finishers.
Tee-off for the first round of competition, Friday, April 26, will be anywhere between 12:30 and 4:00 p.m. Interested duffers can sign up early for a preferred tee-off time and groups up to four can play together.
The tournament is one of the events coordinated in conjunction with the Pearson Inauguration celebration and PSC's Spring Week. Competition will be held in three rounds of 18 holes apiece, with a handicap established in either the first or second round. There is no fee or green fees being charged.
"Midnight Madness" follows show
Muledeer and M,oondogg Medicine Show
The "Muledeer and Moondogg Medicine Show" will appear in concert in PSC's College Auditorilllll., April 26 at Sp.m. as part of the Spring · Week festivities.
Larry C. Muledeer and A. E.
Mini-Bus brings students to campus
Peru State College is currently offering Mini-Bus service to proc;pective students from surrounding high schools
The service has been ·offered to high schools who have seniors interested in coming to PSC, and serves as a means of transportation for those students to ·· get to Peru.
Acar from Peru State picks up the high school students at their school and brings them to the campus where a tour is arranged.
From 10:00 to 11:00 the ·students meet with Don Miller, Director of Financial Aids; John Letts, Student Center Board; or Gary Hoemann, Office .of Admissions, to ask questions and find out what services are available at Peru.
Between 11:00 and 12:00, the students are taken on a tour around campus by PSC students on the Admission's Committee.
From 12:00to l:OOthe students have lunch at the Student Center. From 1:00 to 2:00 the prospective student can go to classes on campus and talk to instructors in their field of interest. At 2:00 the students are taken back to their high school by car. "
Moondogg comprise the group. It is said the preceded B. B. King, Gordon Lightfoot, ·Flash Cadillac,· The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Beach Boys, Earl Scruggs Family and Friends, and the Doobie Brothers and have never held up the show.
In their 22 years of experience of trying to get out of the business, they have been aided by John Byner, David Frost, Jack Paar, Merv Griffin, Helen Reddy, Burns and Schreiber, ABC's "In Concert" and NBC's "Midnight Special."
Following the Medicine Show at 9:00 p.m. will be a sixmember Rhythm and Blues band known as the Megatones. The group was formed in 1973. This is their first appearance at PSC.
An evening concert with the comedy act of "The Muledeer and Moondog Medicine Show" will highlight Friday's activities.
The show, located in the College Auditorilllll, will be open to the public with an admission charge.
Following the concert will be the annual "Midnight Madness" party in the Student Center.
"lnterruptions, delays, hurt ADoll's House"
The Peru Players' production of Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House was a child of the theatre born after a long and painful labor. Beset by interruptions, delays because of conflicts in auditorium use, stolen play books, a director hospitalized for· two weeks, no .director at all for one week and a director in the last week of rehearsals. If any theatre company had an excuse to cancel to opening, it was the: Peru Players. But they didn't. Mrs Wilson went into the hospital and the cast kept things together somehow. Then Debbie Hendrickson of Bellevue was asked by Mrs Wilson to step in as director for the last week of the play as her assistant, and Monday night the curtain at eight o'clock , not the best production ever put across the board by the Players, but it did go on, and they are to be applauded for it, from Mary Ruth , Wilson down to the usherettes, for their effort and devotion.
In "A Doll's House", the main characters are Torvald and Nora Helmer. Sevel! years before, Torvald became seriously ill and his doctors said he would have to spend some time in the South - the play was set in Norway in the Victorian era - but they didn't have the money.
·To save .her husband's life,
Nora borrowed the money, 4,800 kroner. Tol:vald wouldn't have gone if he had kn<1wn she had borrowed the money, so she told him she had gotten it from her father. She has kept the secret - for seven years, but the man she borrowed the money from, Nils Krogstad, is working at the bank Torvald manages. Torvald is going to dismiss him, so he is pressuring Nora to help him keep his bank post by influencing Torvald. It would not be too much to handle except for the fact that Nora forged her father's name to the loan doclllllent as co-signer - her father was dangerously ill, dying in fact, and she hadn't wanted to worry him.
Nora wonders what to do, but is advised and aided by an old friend, Mrs Kristine Linde, who was once betrothed to Krogstad arid now works at Torvald's bank.
Krogstad pushes harder and harder as Torvald dismisses him from the bank, finally sending a Jetter to Torvald telling him of his wife's crime, telling Nora beforehand what he is going to do.
At the last, Krogstad and Kristine re-unite and Krogstad offers to ask for his letter back before Torvald has a chance to read it, but Kristene tells him not to, that it must come out in
the open.
Torvald reads the letter, calling Nora irresponsible, stupid,· a criminal, upbraiding her for what she has done, when all she had wanted to do was save his life and keep her dying father from grief and worry.
A letter comes for Nora, but Torvald takes it, reads it, and finds that Krogstad has sent back the forged loan papers. .Then he is all kindness, condescention and willingness to "forgive" Nora for what she has done.
It is too late, though, as Nora has seen that she does not love him, that he really loves her only as a possession, a doll, not a person, and tells him so, leaving him and their three children in order to find out what life is really like.
The play ends with Torvald alone, head buried in his hands, realising that he has lost her, that she is gone from his life, the d?ll 's house in which he kept her.
Bill Martin, a freshman with no p,>evious acting experience, played the male lead, Torvald. For a novice actor he did 'surprisingly well in a part ·which had a great nlllllber of lines.
No Olivier, Martin did not have the skill and experience to handle the part with much fluidity of wither phrase or keeping his voice in l\ very narrow tonal range, and
he spent most of the play either raising an admonishing finger to wave at Nora or grasping his lapels as if his jacket was about to come off.
This kept him from developing his character as an experienced actor would have. His best scene was the final one before the curtain in the third act, where he was crying, head in hands, though it seemed at times he was grinning behind his hands Diction was also a problem in spots, shoulda's, coulda 's and this's slipping in through the fascade of that supposedly wellbred attorney-bank manager.
Barbara Wilkenson, as Nora, certainly fit her part physically, with a sing-song stage voice perfect for the part.
Basically fitting the part, she was hampered by a lack of animation in her facial expresi>ion and gestures, her face rarely displaying anything more than joy, apprehension, coquettishness, or a drawn, pained look when turning away from Torvald, Rank or Krogstad. Her gait was not quite adapted to the long Victorian gowns, throwing the lines of the skirting out a bit ungracefully, something a well-groomed, pampered daughter of a prosperous Norwegian father would not do.
Dr. include Dianne Dennis with Lallman Karleme Dr. arson's MONDAY, APIUL 22, 1974 PEDAGOGIAN ·Friday,
April 26
Highlighting the 1974 Spring Week was the inaugural ceremony held April 27th, in honor of Peru State College's twentieth president, Dr. Douglas W. Pearson. The ceremony was the first formal inauguration in Peru State's history of 107 years. Represented at the inauguration were delegates from the various universities and colleges in the surrounding area.
The faculty attired in academic regalia followed the colors into the auditorium.
Members of the State Colleges' Board of Trustees proceeded the presidential party; The
Dr. Douglas Pearson hosts the first formal inauguration in the history of Peru.
.Procritic commends Peru performance
A professional drama critic attended Peru State College's opening-night performance of their spring play "A Doll's House." According to the director of the play, Mrs Mary Ruth Wilson, this is the first time any. PSC production was ever been professionally critiqued.
Mr Howard Hamilton, an Omaha-based critic, reviews area productions and presents them in a monthly tabloid in the Hamilton Newsletter. In the April issue of the publication Mr Hamilton writes: ·
"On April 15th: I attended the opening night of Peru (Nb) State College's "A Doll's House."
Continually Scandinavian play-writer Henrik Ibsen uses as his technique rich drama with a light degree of humor, and such was a case here. Nora borrowed fradulantly a large sum of money from a banker - Nils.
When· her husband Torwald becomes bank manager, he fires Nils and not to be undone, Nils threatens Nora with the release of her doings. Her husband learns by letter of this situation, but Nora's friend, Kristine goes with Nils and evidently persuades him to return the fraudulant IOU. Even though Torwald has his bank position safe now, Nora wants to start over, and she leaves - leaving of course their three children with their father. The audience
seemed disturbed by this finale, but that is Ibsen.
The entire cast involved are worthy of mention. The three youngsters (grade school ages) were Peggy Lou Allgood, John Barrett and Amy Pearson. Cathy Coulter and Sue Coughlin were maids both in good character. Rita Miller (the friend of Nora) and Steve Sharp (a doctor) added individual drama. Dave Bayless (Nils) clearly handled the most delicate drama role of this play and though some of the audience laughed, Mr Bayless exemplified in a stimulated manner his role's mannerisms - sinister yet sensitive.
The highlighters were Barbra Wilkinson (Nora) and Bill Martin (Torwald). Because of an incident on Bill's first entrance, his acting was slow but gained .appreclath:ely during"the'3 acts until the powers of drama were called upon him in the finale. He fulfilled them. Barbara, not to be outdone, moved about professionally and verbally articulated her responses with the comanding qualities of a star.
Having limited use of the Faculty Director Mrs Ruth Wilson due to her recent illness Assistant Director Debbie Hend'. rickson and student Teri Hailer brought to us this difficult drama a desireable appreciation by this writer. The state design and the costumes were fantastic."
ceremony was colorful and impressive.
President Douglas W. Pearson Saturday, cited Peru's contributions to the nation's prominant people, including authors,· educators and administrators and that this legacy is being continued with a student body of outstanding JOurnallsts, athletes, poets, musicians, architects - "not to mention streakers."
Dr. Pearson spoke at his own inauguration as the twentieth Pres_ident of Peru State College. The audience included
Presidents of the state colleges and members of the Board of Trustees.
Pearson extended gratitude to the Peru Achievment Foundation, the President's Advisory Council and the surrounding communities who supported the celebration. Special thanks went to _Mrs Sharon Rosenberg, chairwoman of the Inauguration Committee.
"Peru State College has a legacy of leadership," Pearson said. l'Peru graduates have founded national organizations and have been nationally acclaimed as educators and administrators," he said.
Flashback 1973-·74
On July 24, 1973, the State College Board of Trustees elected Dr. Douglas W. Pearson to be Peru State College's 20th Dr. appomtment became effective on August 15: That could very well have been taken as an omen of what was to follow. The 1973-74 school year at PSC was chocked full of such changes.
Three faculty members with a combined 53 years of experience resigned this. Mr Jerome Stemper resigned early in tlie year after 23 years of teaching at PSC. On November 30, Mr Jack Mcintire resigned after 18 years. And in early 1974, Dr. C. V. Siegner quit after 12 years.
A powerful!. blow for Women's Liberation was struck when Billy Jean King defeated hustler Bobby Riggs. I picked Riggs. It seemed like a good idea at the time. The S.G.A. headed by· President Dean Young went through three vice-presidents. this year. John Billings; Dean Anstey, and John Cole served in the number two position.
Home coming brought some changes and these were mostly happy ones. The Homecoming play "How The Other Half Loves" was a fair success. The theme "The Sun Shines Brighter Every Day" seemed to encourage the Bobcat football team as they ·defeated Kearney
State 26-0. This resounding victory helped the 'Cats to win a share. in the NCC crown. The Bobcats ended their games with a 5-5 season, the first such season since 1962. One of the major. factors in the teams success was senior running back Barry Reed. And it really wasn't all that surprising when he was picked in the tenth round of the professional football draft by the Minnesota Vikings.
Other seniors recieved recognition, but for more academic reasons. This year 12 seniors were selected for Who's Who In American Colleges. They were : Kay Lynne Albin; Janet Lee Barton; Tom Froehlich· Marv Goergen; Mary Hill'. Stephanie Lange; Linda Sue Madison; Jack Stanley; Bob Wernsman; Carol Wheeler; and PJ Schultz
Entertainment at PSC this year was in some cases entertaining, in some cases nQt. L.obo, Jim Stafford, Denny Brooks, Texas, the Downing Brothers, Mule deer and Moondog Medicine show all performed. There were also five theatrical productions. Besides the Homecoming play "How The Other Half' L<ives" there was "Butterflies Are Free" and "For The Benefit Of Mr Kite," both of which were Student directed. On February 17 and 18, the smash success musical "No No Nan-
nette" was presented. The show was sponsored by the Music and directed by J. Hartson Billings III. The dubious success of "A Doll's House" rounded out the year on a doWl}ward note. Even the P.edagogian staff underwent serious change this · year· On Octoberr 30, Ped Editor was officially fired for prmtmg the following ad: Male prostitute available This week only. Please Contact Room 125 at Delzell Hall." Frank was replaced by Rick DeKlotz. By second semester ,however, Frank D'Addesa was back in control of the Ped. March 18, marked the beginning of Deb Barton's editorship on the Pedagogian. Streaking, robberies and vandalism, the resignation of Dr. Frank Bowers, Lucy Giersch as Peru's Glamour Queen, the "bomb" at Morgan Hall the change in class hours: the abolishment of women's hours and the February 25 blackout all make headlines this year in the Ped.
Looking bak over the past 8 months, one thing can be said with dead certainty; the 1973-74 school year was ·one to be reckoned with. There were good times, and not so good times. Changes for the better and changes for the worse. But the one thing most PSC students facutly, and even are most apt to say is "Thank God, it's over!"
·Final Spring
Issue '74
''One flew over the cuckoo's nest''
As Managing Editor of the Peru Pedagogian the last nine weeks, I would like to thank a great many people who without them the Ped would still be at press.
Special thanks and great appreciation are extended to all the people at the Nebraska City NewsPress, Ken Gress, Sue Fitzgerald, Frank D'Addesa, Bob Wernsman, the photographers, the Ped Staff, the issue editors, and the journalism class. A very special thanks goes to Everett Browing, my advisor, and the interested students who read the . Ped.
This issue concludes another year for the Pedagogian. Without too much complacency, one can easily say that this has not been an easy year. Much has happened · this year to cause heads to turn and.heacjs to roll. Even the Pedagogian editor Frank D' Addesa was fired this year because of his sense of humor. Now that it's over it's :safe to say "It ain't been·easy." Nearly everyone believes in tlie so called "freedom of the press." But very few peoplereally understand what a free newspaper stands for. !).. newspaper is supposed.· to print the facts. That's what it's there for. But printing the facts can be quite serious and in some cases dangerous. People hate seeing the names in print if the story isn't flattering to them. "They"
In these last nfne weeks the Peru Pedagogian has undergone some new and different ideas. It was exciting and quite an experience being editor. With this in mind I leave my editorship with these words, "GoOdLuck to the new editors for next year. I hope your editorship will be as rewarding and you will receive as much .cooperation as I did." say "the truth hurts". "They" \ are right.
DEB BARTON Managiqg Editor
.Letters to the Editor
Mr Alvis: •
The cast of A Doll's House wo•1ld like to take this opportunity to respond to your review of the production.
In the first place, there was no need to expound in such detail on the plot of the play. It was for limited amount of time we had this reason that.the entire article was so severly edited. Granted,, journalism students realize the imP<>rtance of the Almight Inch, -and how easy it is to rattle on, but there's only so much room in the Ped for any given story. Next it seems you expected too· much from a group of amateur performers. We hate to disappoint you, but Olivier was not available. Instead, Bill Martin took the male lead, and handled it exceptionally well, all things considered. And you didn't have to keep reminding us of his "rookie" status. Had there been more competition at ·the auditions, Martin would still have been chosen. Andy by the way, Mr Alvis - why didn't you try out?
Barb Wilkinson has been in numerous Peru productions these past four years. She was again outstanding in her final dramatic role for PSC.' But again, more technical criticism. We're not of Broadway calibre (yet) but by the sound of your review, one would think we should have been. At the risk of appearing to pat ourselves on the back, we can say we were underrated. Take into consideration the numerous problems we faced, rnajor and minor; the. limited amount of time we bade· in which to work; the construction of that efaborate set; and the esprit de col1_>S req_uired to make the show work. After you've done that, try to say we could have done better under t.he same circumstances.
Sincerely, The Peru Players
To the editor,
We ask the students, faculty and administration of Peru State
Besides bringing the public the facts, and hopefully the truth, a newspaper has another responsibility. And that is to print their opinions based on the facts. These are called "editorials". And they too are dangerous. They tend to make
people angry. Angry people tend College to pause at whatever to react, not to think rationally. they are doing for a minute at 12 An editor can quite literally get noon on Saturday, May 4 and himself killed over his remember the four students written opinion. It's happened killed on the Kent State Campus before, it nearly happened this year, it will happen again. four years ago.
D' Addesa "They'' say not to print anything Julee M. Tillman too controversial, don't take any chances.
MichaelJ.,. Kellt But who
are "THEY"???
Alpha Mu Omega wishes to thank. its members anQ, sponsors, who helped set up the Computer Dating Service, and the Egg throw, and the students who partook in both of these activities. Two hundred people filled out computer dating questionaires April 17 and 18, 108 of them being males, and 92 females. A new and completely different questionaire is being prepared for the next Spring Week Dance. Four and a half dozen (54) eggs were tossed and broken during the Carnival April 23. The winners are:
Male-Male, Gary Lesoing and Steve Krajicek, 98'3"; MaleFemale, Trena O'Banion and Maynard Geschke, 97'10"; and Female-Female, Patty Johnson and Carol Orr, 40'9''.
Medals were rewarded to each of these people. Thank you again 'for your participation in these events. We had a lot of fun· setting them up. I hope you had a lot of fun enjoying then (even if you didn't get who you wanted).
Scott McKercher Vice President
Alpha Mu Omega
All education majors planning to student teach next fall are to meet in room 300 of the Education building this Wednesday during convocation period, to indicate the school where they wish. to student teach. Assignments will be made according to preference.
I don't know who "THEY" are, but I know who they're not. "They" are not the people who want to know "why." Every beginning reporter learns to give the "who, what, where, and when" in his stories. Yet, that's not enough. It's great to tell your reading public exactly what happened, but you need to tell them "why." For without the "why," a newspaper becomes· pages of paper with words and pictures. With the "why It becomes three dimensional, with a brain and even a compassionate heart. That's what it's all about.
The Peru Pedagogian is published weekly every Thursday during the regular academic year by Peru State College. under the auspices of the Peru State College Student Governing Association's Student Media Review Committee.
The editorial cmnment is the collective opinion of the editorial. board of the Peru'Pedagogian composed of s.tudent editors and· should not be taken as necessarily the opinion of the .College• faculty or student body. Any co)umns and/ or cartoons represent, the opinion of the writer or artist and not tie taken as necessarily the opinion of the Peru Pedagogian unless otherwise indicated.
All comments concerning the newspaper should be directed to the Peru Pedagogian offices located in the Education Building, ROOI\J 218.
Subscriptions for undergraduates are paid from activity fees and are available to graduate students. All correspondance to the newspaper should be addressed: The Peru Pedagogian, c/o Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421.
Managing Editor : Deb Barton/ Assistant Issue Editors Terri Funkhouser and Jeff Walther. Sports Editors Rick DeKlotz and Gail Harmon Artists/Cartoonists Steve Mann and Anne Jones
Contributing Editor Bob Wernsman and Frank D' Addesa Circulation Manager Jeff Walther REPORTERS
David Alvis, Tom Ballue, Janice Johnson, Michael Kelly and Susan Sole
'As the issues rolled by'
1, 2, 3
This is what you've all been waiting for. .the 1973-74 All American Political Opinion Poll, this is the test that shows just how smart you are on current issues. All set? Go
If you score between 7 to 10 points you have rated as a worldly student informed on, worldly happenings.
If you score up to 5 points, don't lose face -1974 is not over yet.
If you fail to answer at least five questions you might as well admit you're a loser, but you might be eligible for a seat in the ·unicameral.
1. What does Richard Nixon do behind closed doors?
(a) Bites his nails
(b) Reads Captain Marvel comic books
(.cJ Who cares?
2. Is it true that H. R. Haldeman beats his wife?
(a) Yes
(bl No
(c) Only behind closed doors
3. Spi_ro Agnew is
(a) A page boy in the U. S. Senate
(b) Fired
(c) Spiro who?
(d) All of the above
4. How do ants change diapers?
(a) Through the Universal process
(bl Reluctantly
(c) All of the above
5. Executive Clemency is
(a) Nixon's only hope
(b) Nixon's only hope
(c) Nixon's only hope
6. Where do you find plumbers?
(al In Nebraska
(b) In the Yellow pages under constipation
(cl In the White House
(d) None of these
7. Throught the years, political figures have depended on their charisma, an honest face, sex appeal to win over the American populus. With what would you compare the charisma of our president, Richard Milhouse Nixon?
(a) A dried up apricot
(b) Adolf Hitler
(c) Jethro Clam pet of the Beverly Hillbillies
8. If love and devotion are synonomous with blind faith, then John Mitchell, Maurice Stans, John Ehrlichman and Charels Colson need
(al Jobs
(bl Protection
(c) More insight
(d) Glasses
(el Lawyers
(f) All of the above
9. Rosemary Woods has become, to some, a Superwoman· in her field of .work. With all the information you know about her what visual image comes to mind when her name is mentioned? -
(al Helen Keller
(bl Xavier Hollander
(c) Write your own opinion
(dl The name of an ancient Greek tragedy
Get it straight from the Horse's Mouth Records! Rock Posters!
Pre-printed tee shirts! For more information, write:
2o:i Franklin Squarr. !\Y
Pedagogian's Managing Co-editors for Fall '74
Semester: Terrie Funkhouser <left) and Jeff Walther.
Funkhouser, Walther named editors
Jeff Walther and Terrie Funkhouser will be co-editors for the Peru Pedagogian during the fall semester, 1974. Davis Alvis will be news editor and Rar¢y Wolfe is a possible candidate for the as yet unfilled sports editor post.
With the first and most importatn priority stated as being the development of a good editorial and news staff, editorsto-be Walther and Funkhouser have traveled to Bellevue and Omaha to talk to high school seniors about' the Ped prograin in an attempt to recruit more new talent. They also intend to institute a mas mail campaign to all Omaha ar,ea schools to recruit for the Journalism program.
Jeff, a second semester freshman from Bellevue states his main goa1s as "to establish the Pedagogian as a reputable college newspaper with professional journalistic standards. He intends to concern himself mainly with of reporters and
news coverage for the campus and surrounding area.
Terrie, a second semester freshman from Omaha, wants to work on the design of the paper make-up and human interest angles.
When asked about his goals as news editor, Dave stated that "Straight news reporting and crisp journalistic style are my main goals. I want to work closely with the in-coming journalism students to help develop their abilities to learn and implement the methods and tools news writers must have at their fingertips in order to produce good news stories. I want to make the Ped what it should be-a newspaper, rather than a collection of photos and features.
It is the goal of the new editorial staff to have a fullfledged advertising campaign for the fall semester issues. hopefully to be correlated bv the business department in ·conjunction with the journalism department.
New education program
begins in fall
Education majors will find a new program set up next fall for those in elementary and secondary education. Education majors will be required to take a practicum course. Education 307, involving participating three hours a week in area schools as teach.er aideassistants in order to see what goes on in a real teaching situation. Part of the PACE program. it is designed to expose the student to field experiences and permits the student to participate in an actual classroom teaching situation. according to Dr. Scherer. Dean of the School of Education and Applied Arts. Also offered in the Interim. Ed neat ion 307 will permit. ii takrn at that time. students to seC' C'nd-year act iYities such as lex! txx•k
programs. and decisions on promotion of students.
A second part of the program for fall semester of this war invokes early placement of student teachers in professional semester. To facilitate this. will be a meeting of education majors early in May of this semester for those who 11ill · student teach next fall. This is to indicate their preferences for location in schools.
During the first week of the fall semester those students planning to student teach will \·isit for one daY in their preferred schools ·to obserw studrnts. become acquainted with their cooperating teachers and for their student i:xperience. In this way !hr comeni of their 1rill be related to what 11lll be doing in their >tudent teaching.
tszng rapes cause ·for prevention
According to a CBS news sources, rapes in the United States is increasing by IO per cent, Thousands of women are raped every year. The police can only guess the exact number of women that are raped because an estimated 50 per cent of all rape cases are not reported due to the woman's embarassment.
The rapist, according to most psychologists, is a mentally sick individual. Many times he cannot have normal sexual relations with a woman because of his mental affliction. He is unstable and needs to be helped. First he needs to be caught.
Catching the rapist is nearly impossible. He will often spend time choosing his victim, and selecting his place. The spot is usually in the dark, and the rapist may wear a disguise, (stocking cap, nylon hose, etc.). This makes future identification difficult to say, the least.
The rapist's victim may range from age five to 85. At the-time of the attack she will almost always be alone. The rapist counts on her terror. This makes his objective easier and increases his sadistic pleasure.
There are a number of tqings a woman can do to prevent being raped. She can carry a weapon. A handgun, knife, hat pin, rolled-up newspaper or -magazine, umbrella, tear-gas gun, or nail file are some of the most favored-. Or she may take special· courses in self-defense like Judo, Karate, etc. These take time to learn. The rapist may take his victim by surprise and disarm her. In that case, she has only her natural weapons and brains.
When a woman is being raped she is in very real danger. Rapisits have often murdered their victims. As a rule, even the most criminal rapist will not kill his victim until after the rape. itself, as he enjoys her terror, disgust, and revulsion. While being raped, the woman will have a chance to save herself.
One way is for the woman to begin stroking the rapist and moaning as if she were enjoying the attack. She may then slip her hand down between her attackers legs. Then squeezing his testicles as hard as she can. Most women fear to do this, fearing to enrage the rapist. If they squeeze hard enough they have no. reason to worry, for the rapist will do nothing but moan in agony and lay motionless. -
This is another safer way. Most women are shocked when they hear it and say "I'd rather be raped." They need t<l'remember that their lives may very well depend on what they do. The second way to end the rape and save her life is this: The woman begins to act as though she enjoys the rape, she then slips her hands about the rapists face, caressing him. Then, all all at once she jams her thumbs into her attackers eyes. By jamming with enough force to break the shell of ari egg she will put out her attackers eyes. His agony will allow the woman to safely 'escape. This method should only be employed if the woman fears for her life.
The most important thing for the woman is to remain as calm a:;; she possibly can. The attacker, the rapist has strength, and· surprise on his side. The woman has only her brains and animal instincts to save her. They are enough to save the woman's life
Mon(3y for School?
Do you need money for school?
There's help closer than many people think. Donald Miller, in the Financial Aids Office in the Administration Building, may be able to help you.
Financial aid is available to many freshmen and sophomore students through·. the basic grants for education program funded through the federal government.
The grants are open to post high school students who started college after April 1, 1973 arid wh6 are going to school on a full time basis. The program is based on a formula __ that will measure the family's ability to meet the expenses of the Student's education. The grants are available to students who are enrolled in eligible programs at all kinds of approved schools. The grants vary in amounts going up to $800 for .the 1974-7S academic year.
Application forms for these grants are available at the
Program offers in ·state tution for out-state campu
The National Student Exchange Program enables public colleges and universities fo exchaqge sophomores and juniors for part or all of a calendar year during their undergraduate study.
The feature that makes this exchange attractive and feasible to students is that all National Student Exchange institutions have worked out means of charging only in-state tuition and fees to the exchange students
Students participate in this program to add greater depth and breath to their academic development, to visit new areas of the United States, to experience new cultures, to meet new people, to learn more about themselves.
Acentral administrative office functions to. assist coordinators on each campus in exchanging students and sharing information. This office is jointly funded through a Ford Foundation grant and fees paid by each member institution. This grant also makes possible travel to colleges and universities which are considering joining the Exchange.
If Peru State wished to exchange students in the fall of 1974, it would be to our advantage to enter the NSE as. an associate member as soon as possible. Membership in the early months of 1974 would give
Peru and opportunity to become more familiar with procedural detail and it would also give Peru Sufficient time to recruit our own students for the exchange. Membership by March 1974 would give Peru an opportunity to participate in the NSE to be held in Chicago prior to the AAHE rr.eeting.
The growing opportunities for exchange would welcome the academic, cultural and geographic· diversity that Peru as an educational institution has to offer.
At present, the NSE's memship involves 24 institutions and they ate seeking to broaden their· geographic diversity to make exchanges possible in every region of -the country. This past term, 364 students exchanged to 20 member colleges and universities.
The exhileration of being involved in such a student exehange is explained by the application of a central principal of curriculum building - that the academic program be built on the characteristics and needs of the students served. Thus it is little, if any, more to spend a quarter, semester, or year away from the student's alma mater.
According to Richard L. Desmond, Assistant Dean of Faculties at Illinois State University "Not only do exchange studenU: apj>reciate the new academic
Nehraskaland tour ,
Six days of travel are the feature of the Lincolnland Tour leaving Peru May 17 after three days of preparation on campus. The interim course with three hours credit in either History or English will cost residents $121.50 including tuition and nonresidents $157.00 inclu!fing tuition.
On May 17 the agenda includes a visit to the Amana Colonies at Des Moines, Iowa. After the evening meal at Amana's Ox Yoke Inn, the night will be spent at the Wesley Foundation in
17 grads i·n A.A.
Financial Aids Office from Don Miller. Fill out the form and submit it according to the instructions on it. The student will be notified within four weeks, and the school might be able to help put together a package of loans and grants that will be of further help.
Basic grants arc only one source of Federal help that students might be eligible for. Check witlrDon Miller and see if :he can help.
Heck Of It
For old times sake, next time' you are out boozing · mix some Canadian Dry with prune juice and give yourself a dry run.
There will be seventeen candidates for graduation this May in Peru State College's twoprogram. The program, which leads to an Associate in Arts degree, (A.A.} is in it's second year at Peru. A minimum of 60 hours are required to graduate in the two fields Peru State offersAccounting Technology and Secretarial-Clerical Technology.
Graduation will be May 12th. Those students working on their last semester in the program are as follows:
Accounting Technology
Laura Beth Ackerman, Ann Marguerita Boring, John Arthur Lampke, Willis G. Mayer, Bruce Michael Morehead, Michael Keith Whitten and Billie Rae Paap. ·
Secretarial-Clerical Technology
Twila· Marie Bay, Glenda Morehead Bucholz, Cathy Kay Coulter, Deborah Kaye Glaab, Penny M. Griffen, Gloria Jean Groothius, Deborah Grotrian (finished fall semester), Terril Sue Kattes, Marlene Rae Mullens and Rosemary Taylor.
opportunities and vocati direction that study away f - home provides, but they perceive that getting away f the supportive influences family and friends enables to discover who they are."
Patricia 0. White, En instructor at Illinois State versity, explains that important realization for pilrticipants is that basic people are much alike in spite their variety of life styles.
Dea.1 Young, president PSC's Student Governing As iation, SC!id he is looking into possibilities of joining the tional Student Exchange. believes that the advantag outweigh the disadvantages joining the exchange system.
Young added that stude wanting to participate in NSE must have a cumula grade point average of 5.62. also added the decision to ac NSE work is made on the h campus. Students would s courses with the assistanc the NSE coordinator and t advisor. In reference to hous· Young supplied this infor tion: "Most institutions rec mend living in residence although some universities no objection to 'living off ca pus."
If you are interested in program, contact Dean Yo for more information.
Iowa City. On May 19 there will be a quick look at the University of Iowa campus then the group will move on to Mt. Pleasant, the home of Iowa Wesleyan College, · then on to Burlington. After lunch it's on to Nauvoo, Illinois. Next is Keokuk, Ia., then on to Macomb, Illinois, the home of the University of Western Illinois, with the group lodging in a dormitory.
Also on May 19, the group will look at UW:Is campus •and visit the Dixon Mounds and stop at Lincoln's boyhood home, New
On May 20 the day drive to Springfield, Illinois, group will stay two nights. group will tour the only ho Lincoln owned on Mary 21. group will visit the Abrah Lincoln Museum, Ninian wards home and a visit to coin's Tomb and have sonie fr time.
For May 22, Hannib Missouri, Samuel Cleme home and a stop at Hiawa Kansas comprise the last before returning to Peru.
PAGE 4 • •
"President Pears.on plants the lOOlst Oak, part of inauguration celebration. Photo by R. E. Wernsman.
Retrospect in "73"
In 1973 the mass media attempted to make the, American public aware of world event happening around them. However, some very interesting facts were either overlooked or never revealed to the American populus. Come with me and take a look at '73 in Retrospect.
American dogs produced 1,277 ,500 tons of feces and 3,285,000,000 gallons. of urine.
The average human being swallowed 730,000 times. .A couple in Florida traded their three month old baby boy for a 1971 Chevy.
Fred Flynn and his wife Rita of Joliet, Illinois sold their 12 year old daughter to Harold Miller of Oak Park, Illinois for $30,000.
The Womens Christian Temperance Union reported that the number of bars in the U.S. had dec)ined in recent years but admitted that there were still in operation more bars (412,149) than churches (328,689).
The worlds flagpole sitting record was shattered by 20 year old Kim Morin of Tacoma, Washington, who spent 253 days in an eight foot by 11 foot camper perched on top of a pole. She said she really didn't mind being up there that long because her camper was equipped with a color TV, a stereo and a' telephone that "never stopped ringing."
Along with interesting facts '73 left memories of talented people whose l\ves were cut short
Charles Atlas who developed his 97 pound, sand drenched body into an American muscle-building institution died. He was so. years old; · ,
Carl B. Bradley 33, the Marlboro cowboy drowned in Knox City, Texas after beingJhfown off his horse into a livestock pond. His horse also died.
.Lex Barker, 53, Hollywoods' tenth Tarzan.
Jim Croce, 33, rising recording superstar.
.Albert Desabo, 40, the self-confessed Boston Strangler was stabbed to dea tli in his prison cell.
.Alfred C. Fuller, 88, founder of the Fuller Brush Co.
Steven Houg, 26, the 500th known suicide threw himself off the Golden Gate Bridge.
William Seyer, 82, developer of the first practical ball point pen.
.Michael Dunn, 39, midget actor who stood 3'6" starred as-Dr. Loveless in the Wild Wild West. ·
.Bruce Lee, 32, Kung Fu S]Jperstar.
.Ron McKernan, 27, Grateful Dead organist, vocalist and harp player.
Walt Kelly, 60, creator of the cartoon POGO.
.Chic Young, 72, creator of the comic strip BLONDIE.
.Harry Welsh, 74, voice of cartoon character "POPEYE". Gram Parsons, 27, member of Byrds and the Flying Burrito Brothers.
.Max Yasgar, 53, farmer who became "host" of the Woodstock Rock Festival.
.Lyndon Baines Johnson, 64, the 36th president of the U.S: 1973 also saw progress with the revision of certain marijuana laws. October 5th, 1973, Oregon became the safest place in the world to smoke "grass". Put into effect immediately that day all criminal penalties for pot made possesion of one ounce or less and its derivatives Hashish and Hash Oil, a violation not punishable by a fine in excess of $100.
V. A. establishes medical schooJs
The Veterans Administration is making possible grants for the establishment of medical schools on the state university level. This is the first year for this program. So far, five universities in Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia and South Carolina have applied for a portion of the initial allottment of $25 million. Under recent •legislation, the VA can support not more than eight university schools.
Public Law.92-541 says the VA · may make grants for salaries for faculty and lease land and buildings. To be eligible, a school must give reasonable assurance of professional accreditation of their educational programs, continuing support from the state, and of VA hospital affiliation.
Though only $16 million was appropriated the first year, it is estimated that future student
Student rights perused
The Constitution Committee under the direction of Scott McKercher, chairman, Terrie Funkhouser, and John Cole all members of S.G.A. have been in the process of reconstructiong the present student rights and responsibilities agreement. The purpose of the agreement is to clarify the responsibilities a student has to the college and the responsibilities the college has to the student.
In the past the student agreement was vague and· unclear in many areas concerning student rights and they were either overlooked or needed clarification.
In the previous one page document there was still references made to such outdated practices as panty-raids. No guidelines had been set up for the student to use as ' when they had a complaint. They had no idea where. to go.
In the case of a student being put on probation and the course of action taken against him-her, was unsatisfactory, he-she did not know where to appeal such action
The constitution committee has resolved some of the mysteries a student had about where to go to make compfaints or appeals in only given case. Some of the important items outlined in the new agreement will be
(1) the responsibilities an instructor has to a student in the classroom
(2) Information about student views, beliefs, and political associations which professors acquire as' instructors, advisors, or counselors is considered confidential.
(3) Disciplinary records will be periodically destroyed. ·
(4) A student has the right to examine, with appropriate administrative his own academic or disciplinary records.
(5) Problems involving departmental policy or college policy will be reviewed by the students academic advisor.
enrollment and new schools qualifying for support will produce a rapid increase in funds needed.
Twenty-six existing medical schools with VA affiliation and 159 schools of different professions and occupations have also applied for a share of the grants. An annual amount of $50 million has been proviOed for in P .L. 92-541 for these purposes. For the first year, $20 million has been appropriated.
September 1, 1974 is the cutoff date for applications to be considered in a second round of competition, for grants and other assistance to be effective January ·1, 1975. Further information may be obtained from Mr Martha Phillips, Director of Manpower Grants Service, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Veterans Administration, Washington D.C. 20420.
6) No student directories shall be given to outside agencies for commercial uses.
(7) The student press is free of censorship and advance approval of copy. Its editors and managers are free to develop their own editorial policies and news coverage.
(8) Editors and managers of student publications will be protected from arbitrary suspension and removal because of student, faculty, administrative, or public disapproval of editorial policy or content.
(9) Student publications not financed by the college may be circulated on the campus, but it's content is the responsibility of the editor(s) and must adhe.re · to the canons of responsible journalism, and be subject to the laws of libel, slander, and decency.
(IO) Peru State Cgllege,'StudentS shall not be required to waive any legal rights or responsibilities as citizens because of their association with the college.
PAGE 5 -''ii
Fritz Stehlik (left) and Jim Lennerton (right) both look toward the future.
Nebraska Hills teach
.geology students
Instead of learning from blackboards and books only, twelve Peru State College students "dug" what they learned from the open sides of Nebraska hills The student-geologists were in a "Rocks and Minerals" class at the school from March 22 to April 8, holding three consecutive Saturday-field trips in Southeast Nebraska quarries as the body of the course.
The three "digs" were outside Wymore, Nehawka and Auburn, Nebraska. The field trips were preceeded with an introduction to Nebraska geology the Friday night before the first .Saturdaymorning hunt.
''lteach a competency-based course," says instructor Mr Scott Willlams. "My students aren't tested on a number or rocks and minerals they're supp-Osed to memorize for a test. Rather, I acquaint all my students with sample specimens of gemstones and minerals they will likely' find at each location," he said.
Each of the three sites offered an abundance of different minerals, some quite rare and dazzling.
Headlining the Wymore fielatrip on March 23, were "finds" called "geodes," (hollow rock formations from 1 inch to 1 foot and larger in diameter with gleaming quartz or .calcite crystals coating the interior).
Iron pyrite, more commonly known as "fool's gold," was the number-one-target at Nehawka, the second site, March 30. The trios started at 7 a.m. and by noon, the rock-huntefli finally sat .vearily down at tlle ''base" location for a sack lunch. AH the cliffhanging and digging produced a small pile of minerals the students were to return to Peru with for identification, a course requirement.
While at Nehawka, one student came running up to Williams and presented a cluster of quartz crystals the size of a regular lunchbox. In an excited clamor ot directions and details. the
student told Williams that a quarry employee gave the freak formation to him. The worker got the crystals from a limestone ' wall blasted by dynamite earlier that morning.
It was just after 12 noon, "lhe quarrymen's lunch hour had just begun, when William's class was able fo enter the work site safely while the workmen were offduty.
Ten of the stuqents and Williams crammed into a station wagon and "high-tailed it" across the quarry to the place where the rare specimens had just been uncovered.
When the class reached the site, an area like the lunar landscape greeted their searching eyes. Massive limestone boulders littered the quarry floor. Pitting the collosal lime blocks were crystals larger and more brilliant than tlie first find.
After a flurry of hammering picks, each student was living proof of novice-exhuberance. Pockets, tee-shirts, knapsacks, :and burlap sacks bulged with huge quartz crystal. "We would've carried away the whole quary if we could," Williams tidmitted with a smile.
The field-trips weren't all geology. There was a human lesson to the course. While at Auburn, Mr Williams and some of his students met a disillusioned Omaha farmer. The farmer had leased his land to a quarry firm years ago. The company came in, mined all the usuable lime for fertilizer and construction use; and left. This left farmer John W: Bohling, 1316 "M" Street, with worthless stone pits and a boulder-choked farmland. Bohling pointed ·to beautiful sloping ltjlls just across the highway, 10(\" yds. away, bright green with the first weeks of spring weather. "My land used to look like· that," he said. His sixty-acre plot west of Auburn, Nebraska, has not been restored .by the company as Bohling thought would follow whe.n his land was abandoned by them. The 78 year-old farmer has returned yearly to try to salvage his once-fertile farmland. This year he can only plant in 12 acres.
"Farming's the only business I know,'' Bohling said. "I can't leave my land, I gotta live," he added. Legal battles stall reclamation, but Bohling returns year-after-year to farm his land. He said he's going to get all his land back, " even if I bave to do it all myself." It is hard to imagine the area of 50-foot cliffs
Peru State teacher Scott Williams: Taking the. time to clean his boot while on a field trip. "It's good just to get out for the scenery and fresh air." and six-foot boulders as the rich farmland it once was.:
Mr Scott Williams, heads the Department at Peru State. He has quite a list of geologic honors which qualify him as expert in the field of rocks and minerals. He .received his Master's degree while at Arizona State in Tempe. Williams has discovered eight previously unknown minerals to Nebraska and has five geological publications to his credit. Before becoming a teacher, Williams worked as a geological consultant evaluating rock collections for museums and universities and researching different types of mines for mining companies across the nation:
Williams is accompanied on his rock-hunts by his wife, Ann.
Mrs Williams is also an instructor at Peru, teaching classes in geography, art, geology, and
sociology. The Williams taught at Peru since 1966.
Mr Williams has been ask speak as a guest-lecturer at annual national convention the "National Federation Mineralogical Societies," t held in Lincoln, July 13-16. .federation is the largest of kind in the United State$. ·
Williams told why he took geology class outdoors w resting for a moment from strenuous "hounding" on a blown Nebraska bluff:
Higher education's gott the point now where stu usually have a bunch of facts figures stuffed down t throats; not much !ear there. My students learn hand, informally, of the sci of geology right in their backyards. I'd match t against any classroom-ta students with the same co
Business students visit Kansas City
At 5:45 a.m. April 18, two Advisors were Mr Russell Be buses with 27 occupants left and Mr Roberts Llewellyn. Peru on a two-<lay trip to Kansas on the return trip, one of City. The students were mem- buses broke down outside of bers of Phi Beta Lambda, PSC's Joseph, Missouri. The girls business fraternity· on to Peru while the boys st The third annual trip was to behind with the other bus give business majors a chance to arrived about three hours I see a true-to-life vision of Mr Beldin said it was business. educational tour of business Arrival was at 9:00. That same · industry in action with morning the students visited the students getting a first-hand Armco Steel foundry· In the at how business really oper afternoon they visited the The group left April 25 f Midwest distribution center for State Phi Beta Lambda Safeway and Company. The vention and contest in Col students enjoyed free time after bus, Nebraska. Fourt checking into a hotel at 3: 00. students competed in all test Friday's activities included a skill in accounting, shortha talk with management at the typing, etc. This trip was a Commerce Bank and the Kansas totally financed by PBL. Bel City Star. At the latter, they and Llewellyn saw action learned how a newspaper is advisors again and also ser managed and how decisions are as state judges during made. contest. It was believed t The trip was toatlly financed would return to Peru after by Phi Beta Lambda and was awards banquet Friday open lo all members of the club.
PHASE II - NEAL PARK CLEAN.UP. J. L. Schmidt, CHALLENGE EDITOR (left), doing what he does best accompanied by Dean Mathis.
have asked to the of of be The it's his while the windto students and their learning firstscience own them issroom-taught course. Beldin the of St. went stayed and later. an and the look operates. for a conColumFourteen tests of shorthand, also Beldin as served the they the night.
King and Queen add flavor to "Jasmine"
The Spring Week Dance, scheduled lo begin al the college gym at 8 p.m. Sunday, April 21, got off the ground a little late, beginning at 9:15 p.m. with almost as many people in the band as there were attending. By the time it was over at midnight, however, almost 200 people had come to dance to the music of "Jasmine" and see Scott McKercher and Laura Ackerman, both sophomores, crowned as Spring Week King and Queen.
Brooks returns
Peru state was host to Denny Brooks when he appeared in concert April 23 at 8 p.m. in the college auditorium.
Dr. Sherwood becomes a· champion <egg thrower) at the faculty track meet.
Dr. Sherwood throws winning
Dr. Leland Sherwood, Peru State art teacher, became the 1974 faculty egg-throwing champion in the contest April 22 at the Oak Bowl.
Sherwood took the title away from Dr. George Schottenhamel who has held the record for several years.
"Dr. Shorty" was successful! in throwing two out of three raw eggs into a barrel. John Latts came in second with 11;2 eggs in the barrel. Gary Hoemann, Dr. Kelly Liewer and Paul Kruse were also in the contest but were
unseuccessful in getting any eggs into the target.
The Judge was Allie Stoltenberg, a member of the SCB recreation committe.
Winning contests in the other events were:
100 yard dash - Paul Kruse, :13; 50 yard dash - Kruse;· Discus, (garbage can lids were used) - Liewer; Javelin (Broomsticks) - Krus.e, Softball 'whiffle ball) - Kruse. All winning contestants were awarded certificates.
With only a few minutes delay, Brooks was on stage giving the audience his rendition of "Can I Touch the Rain." He then told the audience about moonshine whiskey in the song "Light of Evening Outshines the Sun."
His third number, Denny said, was played on the radio and recorded. His songs were accompanied by a guitar and piano.
Brooks had a little trouble getting to Peru. Jie came down Iowa 29 and found many of the bridges out on the Nebraska side of the river.
He gave several comedy songs, one of which was about a young man falling in love in a bar. Another one was about his girl Virginia from Barney's Golden Missile.
Denny created one of the characters of the cartoon screenplay for TV called "The Point." He sang Obleeo's song "' about the dark forest of no point. Audience participation was asked and received on a rendition of "Goodnight Irene."
Denny told the audience about story about Hezekiah Jones, as told by Lord Richard Buckley. After two encores, Brooks ended the concert with the song "Never Ending Song of Love."
Qakbowl pulls .
The picnic line was four people deep about 5: 15 in the Oak Bowl. The group of bodies managed to get into two lines of confusion going by the table with the plates, napkins, forks and spoons after passing the one lunch ticket and money taker
The cold beans, potato salad, potato chips, cold hot dogs and warm sloppy joes were on two lines of tables which the lines of hungry students went down in four rows. The eating area was the cement seating area giving the event a non picnic touch.
Although cold, the meal was a bargain at today's prices.
"Joe Kidd,'7 starring Clint Eastwood, was a Spring Week smash as a near full house watched the above-average movie Monday night. The flick, shown in the Fine Arts Auditorium, was about Eastwood's run-in with an outlaw, a land baron and his attempt to get the outlaw back to Sonora for a fair trial. •
Dare Devils sent 19 autos flying
Peru State College's first 1974 Spring Week activity, the Student Center Board-sponsored Car Rally, sent 19 autos and trucks over a course ranging the highways and back roads from Brock to Auburn. Charley Pavolis and Brian Gray finished first with a correct score-sheet, a time of two hours thirty-five minutes and a milage record of 82.6 miles out of a possible perfect time-<listance score of two hours forty minutes and 77.4 miles. Finishing second were Jack and Tuxhorn with a
perfect score sheet, a time of two hours thirty-two minutes and 85.3 recorded miles.
Two cars failed to finish. The first, driven by Rox Hill, with Deb Emhen as co-<lriver and Nancy Heskitt as passenger, left the course because the girls had to go to a shower for Vickie Adams. The second vehicle met with bad luck. As Laura Ackerman and Terri Kattes were driving down a back road, their car ran over a tree limb, which flipped up, puncturine the radiator.
Coach Dwine bargains with the jail keeper at the Spring Week Carnival.
King, Scott McKercher and Queen, Laura Ackerman reign over Spring Week activities.
Crowd gathers to watch poets in progress.
Wesleyan sweeps doubleheader
Nebraska Wesleyan swept a doubleheader from Peru's baseball team, 12-7 and 12-4 in action on the PSC diamond April 18.
Southpaw Duane Martin pitched for Peru in the opener, giving up three runs in the first three inBings including a home run by Bob Blake, the outfielder's first of three for the day.
Peru tallied their first run of the day in the third when Greg Sanders singled, moved up on a balk, and a sacrifice by Stan Dunn; finally coming home on an error.
Blake poked his second homer of the day in the fifth. His three run long shot put Wesleyan ahead 6-1, but Peru battled back with four runs in their half of the inning and scored two more in the sixth on a home run by Dan
Peru lands
Ohio fuII-back
Everything is up in the air at the girls track meet.
P.S.C. women place
The first Peru State Women's track team showed themselves well in their first meet of the season as they placed fourth in a field of eight teams at the Bearcat relays in Maryville April 19.
The relays were split into two sections, field events and hurdles comprising one section and the running events the other. Peru's entries were all in the field events as only six girls made the trip.
Team points were scored on a basis of combined distances or times of any two entries from one school. Peru scored 23 points being outdistanced only by Kansas State University, Northwest Missouri State. and Fort
'Cats in Kansas
Three Peru State College students-Tim Hendricks, Bob Lowery and Phil Fritz competed in the marathon at the Kansas Univeristy Relays held April 19 in Lawrence.
Hendricks, a former cross country runner and track standout for the Bcibcats ran unattached firiishing seventh in .a field of 107 with a time of 2:38:34. Hendricks is a sttident assistant for this year's track squad. He is training daily for the 1976 Olympic trials.
Fritz and Lowery, competing with the PSC track team, finished 25th and 65th respectively with times of 2:52:28 and 3:21:00.
Of the 107 runners starting the 26 mile 385 yard event, 92 finished. ·
JFK wins
The women's softball team traveled to Wahoo Tuesday, April 23 and dropped another game to John F. Kennedy College by a score of 11-0.
JFK's pitching once again hurt the Peru team as they managed just one hit in 5 innings. Errors again played a big part in the game as JFK took advantage of several Peru miscues to score several unearned runs. Peru's record now stands at_0-3.
from Cats: 12-7, 12-4
Wesleyan's first baseman John Crose, a former Peru Stater tied the game with a home run after two Plainsmen had been retired. Crose's shot forced the 'Cats into extra innings for the first time this season.
Wesleyan pushed five runs across in the top of the ninth while holding Peru scoreless for the win.
The Plainsmen started out strongly in the nightcap, as Tom Boeka hit Mark Fletcher's first pitch in the' fieldhouse parking lot for a home run. Five pitches later, Blake poked his third round tripper of the day.
Wesleyan. tallied four more times in the second, with Boeka slamming another ball over the
Tom Froehlich came in to pitch for the Bobcats, but was battered for five runs by the hard hitting Plainsmen.
Wesleyan· pitcher Jeff McHarge had little difficulty handling the Bobcats, who scored a pair of runs in both the first and fourth innings.
Blake collected seven RBI's for Wesleyan in the two games.
The losses evened Peru's · season record at 7-7.
Hays State College, Kansas. The 'Kittens beat Northeast Missouri State, Doane, Graceland, and Kansas University, Lawerence.
Peru placings in events were: Nancy and Kathy Heskett, second in the 200 meter hurdles (tie), Linda Uher and Ardella Klein, third in the shot put, Kathy Heskett and Allie Stoltenberg, fourth in the high jump, Gail Harmon and Ardella Klein, fifth in the javelin throw, Klein and Uher in the discus throw, for fourth place, and the Hesketf' sisters wrapped things up for Peru with a seventh place in the long jump.
K-State's winning point total was 56, followed by 47 for NWMS, 28 for Fort Hays, and then Peru's 23. ·
One of Peru State football coach Bob Rileys top landings in the recruiting wars is Dale Patton, a 6'1" 200 pound fullback from Springfield, Ohio.
At Northeastern· high school, Patton was voted the outstanding back during his junior and'. senior years. He was also named to the All league team, and received Prep All-American honors for his play last fall.
Riley believes Patton's greatest asset is his attitude. "He is an outstanding athlete, a· real power runner that will help establish our running game," said Riley.
In addition to his ch{)res in the backfield, Patton will also be available for kickoff and extra point-fieldgoal duty.
Patton visited Peru with his father for two days, and was impressed with the friendliness shown on campus by students and faculty alike.
1 Peru 200 200 O 4 7 1
Goiters year record 11-3
In recent golf action, Peru State linksters picked up three victories while dropping a close match to Doane.
The Bobcats made Tarkio and Graceland their second and third shutout victims of the season by defeating both teams 15-0 ·in a triangular held in Tarkio .Thursday, April 18.
Four of Peru's five golfers recorded the day's low scores led by Guy Lammie who shot 37-36-73 for medalist honors
Dave Lammie (38-38) and Brad Holding (39-37) tied for second individually with 76's. Rick
DeK!otz fired· 38-42-80 for fourth, In competition against Northwest Missouri State Univeristv and Doane April 22 at Auburn • •. County Club, Peru finished with · a win and a loss.
The :cats defeated Northwest Missouri State 121/2·51/2, but lost a tough match to Doane, 9%-81/2 • Guy Lammie was again medalist for the matches as he fired 35-37-72; Dave Lammie finished second individually with 36-37-73. The golfers season record moved _ to 11-3 for the year following the triangular with Doane and Northwest Missouri State.
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Gamel R H E Neb. W. 111 030 105 12 16 1 Peru 001 042 000 7 9 2 Game2 R H E Neb. W. 340 104 0 12 14