ieldhoa,e.\Vork eeting Schedule
.· Construction of Peru tate's new Fieldhouse is on ched1,1Je, according,toLarry A. Tangeman, president of Peru State College.
"The building is scheduled arrive in. early O\;tober the shell being erected Winter," says Al Sculley, reman of Busboom and auh Construction of Salfoa, ansas.
Dr. Tangeman reports ost footings are formed nd an electrical contract s been approved. Compleis set for November 1979 th indicatlons that the adline will be met. Some ngs were trimmed from e original plans -but Mihael O'. Stewart, vice presi-
dent for administration, says many of them will·.be put · baM hi the plan with the surplus moriey from bidding.
{Stewart, and Dr. Tangeman said they.are impressed with Busboom and Raugh and said they believe the College is better off for having rebid the project. When the shell rises Tangeman dpects excitement to grow and he suggests that students stay clear of the building site. Anyone visiting the area will need permission from the foreman before -touring the gym. Stewart says that: there should be no unusual parking problems when the crew of 40 arrives and begins work on the gym.
Job Interviews Offer Wide
Range ofCareer Choices
Interviews will be held on mpus during the months of ptember and October, cording to Mr Don hulze, director of cement at Peru State lege. The following panies ,yill be here on ese dates:
George A Horme Sept. ·· ( for Business ministration, Industrial ts arid Accounting
Set for Oct. 12
Larry A. Tangeman's
installation as the
President of
State College will be
Thursday, tober 12, at 2 p.m. in the liege Auditorium.
The ceremony has been ed to coincide with the meeting of the Nebraska le College Board of tees on the Peru pus. Dr Tangeman was inted president on Oct. 1977, and took office Dec. f last year.
ollowing the installation emony, Dr and Mrs geman will be honored at ception on campus.
Freshm·en Increase
For the second year in a row )new student enrollment figures at Peru State College are on the rise, according to ·Admissions Director, Dr. Richard Muth. · Last fail, new enrollments were up 20% over the 1976-77 figures, and with another boost mid-year, the freshman class (this year'.s sophomores) has· become nearly twice as large as the junior
junior class experienced some growth this
National Motor ClubSept. 29 (looking for sales reprrsentatives business majors).
U.S. Marine Officer Selection Team - Oct. 11 Emporia ,(Kansas) State University Graduate Programs Representatives Oct. 25 (interested in Master of Library Science, Master of Business Administration, Master of Art Thera'PY and Master in Counseling).
Free Career Information
Don Schultze, director of placement at Peru State College announces the continuation of having free career information available to students who are interested. Schultze feels this is a good program and encourages persons to take advantage of this offer and pick them up at his office.
Material available al the Office of Career Counseling and Placement is as follows:
year,asthenumberoftransfer students increased almost 50%, Muth said. Many of the transfer students are graduates of area community colleges.
High School Music Events
High school music activities on the Peru State College campus will include the annual Homecoming Parade and ·Band-0-Rama Oct. 7, a· Swing Choir Clinic Oct. 24, a High.School Band Clinic and public performance Nov. 9, the High School (,:hoir Clinic March ·15, and the annual Stage Band Contest and Clinic April 5.
Homecoming band competition is co-sponsored by the college and the Peru Chamber of Commerce. Trophies will be awarded in each of (our high school divisions and two junior high school levels of competition.
Intramural Tournaments
Men's and Women's intramural tennis tournaments are now underway according to Dr Tom Fitig~rald, intramual activities coach.
Friday, September 22, 1978
New Dorm Regulations
'Aimto l~prove Environs'
Mr L. David Eaton, new Housing Director at Peru State College favors new dorm policies in an.attempt to provide a better environment for all students.
Among Mr Eaton's· ideas are monthly room check, new commuter regulations, and the creation of quiet hours at the dorms.
Reasons for the room checks are to insure an orderly and safe environment for all students residing in dormitories. Maintenance personnel may observe ·a room btit are not to search it. Notice of these checks is to be made 24 hours in advance, according to Eaton. It was also stated by him that a room may be · entered by college personnel when the student is not in, but this is in disagreement with the housing contracts students signed prior to moving in. Mr Eaton said that further study wilt be given to this discrepancy of a school policy.
New commuter regulations state that all freshmen and sophomores under 22 years oiage, not commu~mg:
from home, are required to Jive on campus. The only exceptions to this rule are a written medical or psychological excuse by the student that ·the school will check into, or if a student is carrying eight or less credit hours.
A student may also be exempt from this rule if he is living with an immediate · relative or is married;
The 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. quiet hours have been introduced "to provide an environment condusive ·to the academic, social and cultural ma turation of the individual stu-
dent", according to Mr Eaton. These ·quiet hours represent the minimum or comparal)le quiet hours at other colleges and universities. Any hall may reqµest more hours or stricter enforcement but a request for fewer hours will not be considered, says Eaton. It is an accepted fact that all students are here to secure an education. Mr Eaton also states that the majority of students need to study and everyone is guaranteed this right.
dent", according to Mr Violations will first be a Eaton. These quiet hours written warning that is not represent the minimum or an official report of the violacomparable quiet hours at tion but is only for record. If other colleges and universi- · a student continues to ignore ties. Any hall may request warnings a formal report of more hours or stricter en- violation is sent to him to forcement but a request for inform him of the violation fewer hours will not be con- he has· been charged with. sidered, says Eaton. His an Every.c:lne'is given a specific accepted fact that all stu- number of days in which to dents are here to secure an arrange a meeting. time with education. Eaton and tell his case.
The 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. quiet "The overall purpose of hours have been introduced these changes is to establish "to provide an environment a good residence hall procondusive to the academic gram that will draw students social and cultural matura~ to Peru State," says Mr tion of the individual stu- Ea ton.
+1. ASCUS "79 Magazine for education majors. (seniors)
All Peru State College
mni and friends of the ege are invited to attend installation and recep-
+2. The Black Collegian magazine
Fifteen men have signed up ·for a single elimination tourney and all first round maJches must be finished and reported to the intramura 1 -office by September 25. Second round results are to be in by 'Speakers will include ·'resentatives of the Board ;;(Trustees, the college lty, and the student
3. College Placement Annual 1979 - occupational directory of information· or positions offered to college graduates by principle employers.
+4 Busi_ness World Men and Business World Women (juniors and seniors).
October 2; third round results by October 7 and final results by October 14. ic for the installation provided by the Peru College Concert Band. avid Edris conducting,
+5. 1978-1979 Law School Admission Bulletin.
+6. 1978 Examination for Foreign Service Officer careers.
Five women have signed for a women's tournment. The same rules and reporting dates apply for both men and women.
Steve Dunn demonstrates the framework of the mechanical bat he constructed for the Peru Players' first theater production of the season. The bat will be used in "Dracula" which runs October 4, 5, and 6 in the PSC Auditorium. "Skin" will be added to the bat by curtain time, Dunn said.
Season tickets are now on sale for the Peru State College Drama productions at a cost of $4 for four productionc;. The first play, "Dracula", (October 4 through 7) is a new "f,mg in cheek" adaption of the Bram Stoker novel written by actor-play-
wright Charles Nolte especially for the University of Minnesota Showboat for the summer of 1978. The Peru Players' production will be the first presentation on the new version aside from the Showboat original.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * Ian For Homecoming !ti* * * * * * * * * * * * * On October 7 ,wlrtstallation ,,1.,- * .* *.* * * * * * * * * * tk1
'!!?'::%;-?{ ~;c;Dr
by senior soloist nna Hazen of Sterling, er student represen·e to the Stale College of -Trustees. Those denoted with an + are free of charge._
-·•ti13!lf> ·······------------------------......__.
The winner of each tournament will be awarded an Intramural Cham,pionship T,shirt.
New Ped Staff Campus
The Pedagogian staff for the fall semester has been appointed · by Everett Browning, faculty advisor. The staff will be largely responsible for the production of the student
as Assistant News Editor on !he Ped 111st spring and as A.ssistanl .Feature 'Edit6r last fall. She was also exchange news editor, poetry editor, and managing editor of her high school
Activities on campus Sept. Career. Study Hall - PSC 22 to 30. Basketball FA 211 6-8 P.M,; newspaper. newspaper.
Darrell Wellman has been Associate Editor. Pam named as editor for this Hamblin Vogele, is a junior semester. He is a sophomore from Falls City. Mrs Voge le majoring in Journalism. is majoring in Journalism Wellman served as Assistant and Elementary-Special Sports Editor last year for Education. She served as the Ped and is currentlv an News Editor last year on the assistant in the Sports Ped staff and wrote for this Information Department paper during her Freshman where he will be taking year. Mrs Vogele parstatistics for the Bobcats ticipated for four years in the during their Football high school speech contests Basketball, and Baseball attended by Falls City High seasons. The 1977 Sterling School.
Friday 22: Volleyball at WDR KIWANIS 6; 30-8:00 Concordia 6:30, Kearney P.1\1. meeting-supper; PSC 5:30p.m. Students for Christ T.V.
Saturday 23: FA 205 10- Lounge8P.M.
Noon P.M. Children's Act, Wednesday 27: Bobkitten
Football VS Nebraska Volleyball VS Midland A& B
Wesleyan 7: 30 p.m. Here, Ed 6 P. M.; Conference Room
Program workshop Ed bldg 304 9: 40 A.M. Student Affairs
210 9.-Noon P.M. Commission Meeting; Ed 312
Sunday24: FA Aud Movie: 7-9 P.M. class in Sewing Butch Cassidy and the \cont ed); Neal 6:30-7:30 SundanceKid8P.M. Dance class.
i\londay 25: JV Football Thursday28:ADM304Life VS ~WMSU Here 4 P.M.; Planning Career: FA 1047-10 Ed-Mini Gym 6-8 P.M. P.M. Old Testament History Gymnastics (continuing ed). and Literature; Study Hall High School graduate lives Kent Propst, a junior from
at the Centennial Complex. Seward, will be serving as Assisting Wellman will _Sports Editor. Propst, a be Beth Propst, a sophomore Journalism major served as Journalism inajor , 'from editor of the Ped last year Seward. Ms. Propst served and has been on the staff for
a year previous to that.
No Permit, No See-Um
Al Sculley, field superintendent for Busboom and Rauh on the Physical Education Facilities project, would like to remind us ,hat due to both Federal Safety Regulation and insurance considerations, visitors are not welcome on the con"-struction site unless they first check-in at the field office. Alsoobservance of all safety regulations, including the use of protective headgear and clothing, is mandatory for all persons on the site.
New Librarian
Jennifer Marie Kirchmann is PSC's new reference librarian, according to Head Librarian Faye Brandt.
Ms. Kirchmann completed work on a master's degree in library science at Indiana State University in Terre Haute _last August She is a 1971:graduate of Wayne State College and a 1967 graduate of Fremont High School. ' From 197H977, she was head librarian at Platteview Juriior-Senior High School in Springfield.
Among her duties at Peru State, she will be assisting this year in the conversion of the college library from the Dewey Decimal System to the Library of Congress System so that the college can he(:ome a merriher of the Ohio College Library ConsortiUin, a national computer , refr,ren<-e service for Ii-
Another school year has arrived and I wo · like to welcome you to Peru State College. T Pedagogian staff and I will do our best to k you informed of what is happening around P We had an excellent newspaper last year un Kent Propst and I will attempt to maintain t high standards he set. Returning to the Ped st are Beth Propst and Becky Young, who _we news writers last semester, Kent Propst, edit for last year, and Pam Vogele (nee Hambli who was in charge of feature articles and cl news; I was Sports editor last semester and turn'that job over to Kent. We have freshi:n -who will fill our reporting staff and Ever Browning is the faculty advisor.
The Ped will include an editorial page that your page and mine. You are urged to contrib letters, opinions, and information. This page your chance to speak and I hope you will ta advantage of it. The staff will include · thoughts when it sees situations that warr action. I would remind you that this is your pa and; if you have contributions or comments s me or anyone in the Journalism Department we will listen.
Tuesday 26: Bobkitten PSC Basketball 6-8P.M.; Ed Volleyball VS Doane 7:00, _Mini Gym 7-8:30 P.M. Tarkio 8:00 Here. ADM 306 Karate (cont ed); Ind Arts 4 1:30-300P.M Life Planning &9:30P.M.Upholstry.
Darrell Wellm Editor
New Coach
Blaine A. Gorney of Decorah, Iowa, has been appointed head wrestling coach, assistant football coach and instructor in physical education at Peru State College.
Pep Rally
Sunday Sept. 24 Lunch: Buffet, Ham B-B-Q Ribs, Vegetables, potatoes and gravy, dessert, salad and beverage. Dinner : Grilled Sandwiches,. soup, waffles, vegetable, chips, dessert, salad and beverage.
Monday Sept. 25 Breakfast: Bacon and eggs, cereal, toast, jelly and beverage.
Lunch: Hot-dogs and kraut, macaroni. and cheese, two vegetables, chips, soup, dessert, salad and beverage.
Dinner: Chicken-fried Steak, ravioli, vegetables, Potatoes and gravy, dessert, salad and beverage.
Tuesday Sept. 26 Breakfast: Omelet, pancakes, loast, jelly, beverage and cereal: Lunch: Lasanga, tater tot casserole, vegetable, cornies, soup, dessert, salad, and beverage. Dinner: Breaded chops, beef tips and noodles, potatoes and gravy, vegetable, dessert, salad and beverage.
Wednesday Sept. 27: ~reakfast: Sausage, french toast, cereal, toast,jeliy, and beverage. Lnnch: Hot Turkey, potatoes and gravy, chili mac, vegetables, soup, dessert, salad and beverage. Dinner: Meat Balls, fish. 011~'n. tiaki•d, .ooiators_ ··•·· .,;.
vegetables, dessert, salad and beverage.
Thursday' Sept. 28 Breakfast: Waffles, fried .bologna, cereal toast, Jelly and beverage. Lunch: Pizza burger, broiled beef, chips, vegetable, soup, dessert, salad and beverage. Dinner: Breaded veal, macaroni and beef casserole, potatoes and gravy, vegetable, dessert, salad and beverage.
Friday Sept. 29 Breakfast: Pancakes, chopped ham, cereal, toast, jelly and beverage. Lunch: Beef stew, fish sticks. potato sticks, vegetable, soup. dessert, salad and beverage. Dinner: Ham, tuna casserole, french fries, vegetables, dessert, ~:ilad and beverage.
Saturday Sept. :w Lunch: Waffles, scrambled eggs, casserole, vegetable, dessert and salad.
This schedule may be changed due to shortages caused by delivery wiU1ou' any prior notice according l Cliff Nail, Food Service Manager, Ni:!il also announces that the Bob Inn will be open till ten o'clock on week nighls I\londay thru Thursday starting im mediately.
Gorney earned his master's degree in physical education at St. Cloud (Minn.) State University in 1976. He holds a bachelor's degree in health and physical education from New Mexico Highlands University in 1973.
For the past year, Gorney has served as physical education - instructor, head wrestling coach and assistant football coach at Luther College in Decorah. His coaching background also includes serv1ce as head wrestling coach l)l Royalton (Minn.) High School, assistant wrestling and assistant football coach at Sandia High School in Albuquerque, and assistant wrestling coach at Robertson High Schooi fo Las Veg_as.
Three pep rallies ha been scheduled for this y to be held the Friday bef the day of the footb games. They will be Octo 6 ( Homecoming) in t evening, October 20 (Pa Day) at noon, and Nove 10 ( last home game) at no Rallies are held in front the Fine Arts Building.
Teachers Meet
Seventy-five delega from all Nebraska colle and universities with terest in teacher educa programs attended the s annual fall meeting of Nebraska Council Teacher Education at P State College. The council deals teacher certification crit and is the group respons for how well Nebra colleges and universit meet those criteria.
Managing Editor - Darrell Wellm
Associate Editors , Beth Pro Pam Vo
Sports Editor Kent Pro
News Editor , Becki You
Artist, Desi Kli
Photographer :\'lick Osb Advisor , Everett Browni
Advertising Manager Darrell Well
Published 10 times a semester by students of Peru S College, the Pedagogian is the sounding board of the stud body and is sensitive to the problems of the colle_ community.
All comments and letters to the Editor [under 300 word should be sent to Clayburn 15A, Peru State College, Per Nebraska, 68421.
... ct1v1t1es ) : f ', ;
910 entral in Auburn
announces disco with sound sensitive wall and ceiling along with pool, foosball and more.
Disco nights are Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, 9 p.m. to 1a.m.
Senate Plans Homeco~ing
Final plans for the 1978 Peru State Homecoming were made at an emergency meeting of the Student Senate September l and a regular meeting of the Senate September 7.
Homecoming, with the theme of' "Remember When", will be October 7.
Highlighting the even.t will be a parade, numerous exhibits on campus, Peru vs B~nedictine College football game, the crowning of Royalty, the presentation of "Dr,acula" by the Peru Players and a dance.
Kirk Ochs, Senate President, announced that election of Royalty would be September 13 arid 14 with final selections to be made September 28 and 29.
Ochs also announced Sapphire would be playing for the dance from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
, All parade entries must be made by September 29. To
avoid conflicting entries the Senate urged interested parties to get entries ·in early.
In o\her business, De1 Novell was appointed Senate representative from Clayburn-Mathews, Donna Loper was nominated as Corresp~nding S~cretary and Tim Pethou.d replaje4 ~n~.e S'u: tnetland as ·vn::e' Pte~d~r\t' F9ur vacancies have yet to be ·filled on election days, September 20 and 21. The positions are one representative from Delzell, one Senator•at•large and two Senators fro!Jl the Freshman class.
Financial requests must be made to the Senate by September 21. A notice will be sent out to all organizac tions. ·
It was also approved to move Senate meeting times from 5:30 to 6:00 on Thursdays. Again, all students are invited to attend the meetings.
Volleyball Squad Opens Season with Win and Loss
The Peru State Bobkitten volleyball squad opened their 1978 season by splitting a pair of matches at Nebra~ka Wesleyan University in Lincoln last Friday, September 15.
The veteran Bobkittens opened with a match against Omaha·s College of St. Mary. Peru took the first set 15-7 with "excellent teamwork" according to coach ·Pat Gilbert. In the second set, Gilbert inserted a squad composed of mostly freshmen, and the St. Mary's "Flames" came back to win
by a score of 15-10. In the final set, the Peru varsity came back out and took the set 15-12 to win the match.
The Bobkittens fell behind 11-2 in the first set against hosting Wesleyan, but battled back before falling lHl. Red-hot Wesleyan went on to win the second set and the match, 15-10, leaving Peru's record at 1-1.
"We actually played better against Wesleyan, but we just got too far down too early," Coach Gilbert said.
"We looked real good at
times, but we were too sporadic and lost our concentration. Once this team realizes its true potential, we could be very good." Gilbert singled out Danelle Warner, Laura Pollman, and Julie Brinkman as turning in outstanding performances.
Peru State will next host Dana before travelling to Seward for a triangular with Concordia and Kearney State. The Bobkittens will host Tarkio and Doane in a triangular Sept. 26, and will take on the Midland ''A" and "B" teams at Peru Sept. 27.
PSC Drops in NAIA
Peru State College dropped from first to sixth · place ' in total offense in NAIA's District 11 during second week action, according to the District's weekly report. After pounding out 440 yards in the season opener against Midland, the Bobca ts were shut out by Tarkio College 10-0 and were limited to 126 yards total offense. This dropped the Bobcat's per-game average to 281 yards, ahead of only Kearney State and Midland in the district. (Hastings leads district 11 with a 382.5 per-game average.)
slipped from second place to third after yielding 323 total yards to Tarkio~ Peru has allowed 472 yards for a pergame average of 236. However, our pass defense stands atop District 11, having given up only 111 yards to two games.
Peru State running backs Marvin McGill and Al\'in Holder, still lead the individual rushing category. Holder, a sophomore. has rushed for 241 yards in two games for an average of 120.5 yards per game, ahead of running mate McGill. a junior, who has carried for 209 yards for an average of
Peru sophomore punter Steve Orton stands third in punting in District 11 with 10 punts for an average of 36.6 ' yards a kick.
Sophomore qu,arterback Niel Laxdal is fifth in the district in passing with nine completions of 30 attempts for 162 yards and a per-game average of 81 yards. (Chadron State's Brar\ Fults leads district passers with 426 total yards and a average of .213 yards. l
Sophomore wide receiver Roosevelt Brown is fifth among district pass receivers with four catches for 68
TH.E PEDAGOGIAN Friday, September 22, 1978
OUR .LIFE .M. 1 · t TICK 4 SHOWS 14,00 GER:<ch,l•I 4 SHOWS 1:3.00 SINGLE ADMISSION ADULT: P11YS 11,0-0 MUSICH $1.01 CHILD: Pl.IVS I .75 MliSICAL 11,10 State College * * Auditorium
OF .
The PSC Women's Volleyball team poses formally .with Coach Pat Gilbert to give fans a preview of the players. Most are returning varsity from last year's team.
PSC Ends 19-Year Loss Reciird to Midland
by Kent Propst, Then, in the second period, Sports Information Director Peru was held on a fourth The first Peru and one situaffon on the State College football victory Midland one yard line. On over Midland College in 19 the following play, Peru Allyears did not come easy. The American candidate Mike 20-14winatFremontwasnot Larsen, a 6-3, 255-lb. defendecided until play, sivetacklefrom Harlan, Ia., despite the fact that Head trapped Warrior running Coach Jerry Joy's Bobcats back Chris Carson for a two completely dominated the point safety to boost the contest. ' Bobcat lead to 5-0.
Ag~inst Midlan~ Peru ' Midland gained its only was simply devastating. The lead of the night on a ,fluke offense· rolled up 440 yards play when defensive back total offense, sparked by Craig Schneider grabbed a · Alvin Holder's 165 yards Peru fumble and ran 12 rushing and Marvin McGill's yards for the score with only 140 yards. Peru was ho- 1:04 to play in the first half, thered by first-game jitters At halftime Peru had aland a l'v,l.idland d~fense that ready outy~rded Midland got scrappy near its own goal 198-22 and held the Warriors line. to two first downs, one of
The Bobcat defense was- at which was by penalty. least as awesome. Midland, which finished last season 8-2 and 18th ranked in the nation, was continually frustrated by the Bobcats, With the exception of a 37°yard touchdown pass from reserve •Warrior quarterback Gregg Newto!l to Grandee West, Midland managed only four first downs rushing.and none by JlllSSlllg. ·
Perusc-0redinevery possible·way - a one point pointafterctouchdown conversion, a two point PAT, a two point safety, a field goal, and two touchdowns. Still, Midland kept the game close before a last-ditch pass by Newton was batted away.
The end of the game was not without controversy, .hAwever, as Bobcat fans were que,stioning the official timeskeeper, The timeskeeper failed to start the clock until the third play into the second half, which proved to be important seconds a\ the end
Lacks Offensewith Tark·:
The al Association of InterPeru State football team will collegiate Athlttics' (NAIA) have to "re-discover'' an second division. Tarkio runoffensive attac-k if they hope ning back Willie Foster biasto defeat the Nebraska Wes- ted through the stunned Peru Ieyan University "Plains- defenders for 173 yards on men" in the Bobcat home only 23 carries and scored opener this Saturday. The the ga~e's only touchdown Bobcats were shut out by on a 43-yard burst. Foster Tarkio (Mo.l College lO-O -~as awarded th~, annual last Saturday in the lOth Bob Lade Award for the annual Apple Bowl. outstanding player in the The- loss to the Owls. left game.
Peru State 1-1 on the year The ~~tory marked t~e after an opening-game win first off1~1al:Apple Bowl w~n over Midland. Nebraska for Tark10 smce 1971. Tarkio Wesleyan also stands 1 1 also ~on in _1976, but had to after their shocking upset of '.orf?1! the victory due to an Missouri Western. Tarkio is mehg1ble player. The Apple 2-0. · Bowl series record now stands at 6-4 in favor of Peru, while the overall Per-Tarkio series stands at 25-16-2 in favor of Peru.
Midland attack when senior defensive tackle Bob Hruby recovered a fumble, but the Peru offense was unable to get a first down and had to turn the ball back to Midland. The clock finally ran out with Newton's desperation pass being batted away.
Against fired-up Tarkio the young Peru State offense, which was so impressive against Midland, was completely frustrated. After totalling 440 yards last week, Peru was limited to 126 total yards by the big-play Owl defense. Tarkio intercepted two Peru State passes and recovered three Bobcat fumbles. The Peru State defense also had a rough night against the most productive rushing attack in the Nation-
Plan For Homecoming
In the second half, Peru fans saw a flashy 80-yard punt return·for a touchdown by standout wide receiver Roosevelt Brown nullified becallSe of a controversial clipping penalty. Still, the Bobcats simply ran over and around the weakening Midland defense and racked up· more yardage.
Peru notched the first touchdown of the season with just under four minutes to play in the third quarter when McGill blasted over from one yard ottl He added two more points on a conversion run to make the score 13-7 in favor of the visiting Bobcats,
On the next offensive series by Peru, the Bobcats marched down the field and capped_the drive on a 9-yard inside reverse to newcomer Johnnie Stewart, a 5-7 flanker with good speed. Stewart finished the night with seven carries for 43 yai;ds. Todd added the PAT, and. Peru held a 20-7 lead.
Peru drew first blood with :52 remaining in the first quarter when Murray junior Dan Todd booted a 28-yard field goal for a 3-0 lead. The Bobc ts were in good scoring position on several occasions, thanks to the hard running of Holder, a sophomore from Tampa, Fla., and McGill, a junior from Brandon, Fla., but were unable to punch a~ th_e TD. win;,. They: stopped
Midland came right back with the long pass from Newton to West. Henry Schollmeyer kicked the PAT to end scoring at 20-14.
From then on it was the
Scoring Summary
P - Todd, 28 Field Goal
P - Safety, Larsen tackle
M - Schneider 12-yd. fumble recovery,Schollmeyer kick.
P McGill, 1-yd, run McGill(2-)run
P Stewart, 9-yd. run Todd kick.
M West, 37-yd pass from Newton Schollmeyer kick
Defensive Leaders
Ed Connelly, 10 tackles
Bill Pursley, 9 tackles
Ken Denning, 6 tackles
Kevin Niday, 1 interception
Mike Larsen, 4 tackles, I°safety. ·
Alvin Holder, 30 carries, 165 yards
Marvin McGill, 30/140
Johnnie Stewart, 7/48
Willie Johnson, 6/ 18
Niel Laxdal, 1/(-lll
Niel Laxdal, 5-14-0, 81 yds.
Receiving hoosevelt Brown, 3 c;itches, 43 yards
Rick Spears, 1/28
Jake Knight, 1/10
Peru defense. that sealed the P1111tlng
On October 7
Tarkio scored all ten points within a nine-minute stretch of the second quarter. Owl kicker Bill Wilbert scored first on a 29-yard field goal. Later came Foster's 4_3-yard run, followed by Wilbert's point after kick.
Peru was led by defensive standouts Bill Pursley and Jon Orton with 15 tackles each. Pursley is a senior monster back, while Orton is
a junior linebacker. So more middle guard Ed nelly had nine tackles, senior defensive back Denning had eight ta and an interception, Perhaps the turning in the game came in the period on a fourth-down ting attempt by Peru's S Orton. The center sailed over Orton's head, by the time Orton recov the ball, he' had lost 40 y The same thing happe the fourth period for a yard loss.
The leading ground ga · for Peru was Alvin Ho! Holder, a sophomore rushed for 165 yards in opener, managed 74 y this time out. Running Marv McGill gained yards, half as many as totalled the previous we
Coach Jerry Joy's Bo will try to rebound at 7 p.m. Saturday against leyan before taking to road Sept. 30 for a game Seward Concordia. Co dia was edged by Tark· their season opener and defeated Concord' Minnesota 40-12 Saturday
Sept. 30 - Peru at Seward Concordia, 7:30 p.m.
Game Avg. 281 236 · Oct 7 - Benedictine at Peru, Homecoming, 2 p.m.
Achievement Fund Reaches $23,000
The 1978 Peru Achievement Foundation fund drive has nearly reached the $23,000 mark, according to foundation president Jack McIntire of Peru. He reported good progress at lhe first foundation meeting of the new academic year lhis week in Auburn. Fund drive workers plan additional contacts this month in order to reach !he $27,:>0IJ ,.g9~I before
The effort received an unexpected boost in August, McIntire said, when over $2,900 was received from lhe estate of Grace Clara Reiff. ·
Contributions to the annual drive are used for lhe college's "matching money" in the National Direct Student Loan program, unless otherwise designated. Each dollar contributed is matched by $9 in federal funds. multiplying the
Only non-tax funds used for the college's lion.
In addition to the an NDSL drive, contribu were received during ; summer establish\ memorials in honor of Neal Gornon, Wa Buettengenbach and N McAuley, McIntire said.
Gifts to Peru State Co through the Achieve' Foundation may be ma memory of whomev
Page4 TilE PEDAGOGIAN Friday, September 22, 1
Dan Todd, Murray junior, stores the first field goal and the-first points of the season for the PSC team in the opener against Midland College. Todd's teammates went on to win by a score of 20-14.
at Fremont, Sept. 9 Peru Midland First downs 23 7 Rushes/Yards76/359 34 73 Passing 5-14-0 3-10-1 PassingYds 81 50 Total Yards : 440 123 Punts/Avg 4/33.8 7/36.3 Fumbles!,ost 2 2 Score by Quarters 1 2 3 4 Peru 3 2 8 7 Midland o 7 o 7
SCORING I 2 3 4 F Peru State o O O O -0 1 Tarkio ,o 10 o O -10 STATISTICS Peru Tarkio First downs ,11 17 Rushes/Yards 47-41 57-268 Passes 4-17-2 6-11-1 Passing yards 81 55 Total.yards 126 323 Punts 6-38.5 7-34.9 Fumbles.lost 3 3 Penalty Yards 70 105
INDIVIDUAL STATISTI Passing C A I Niel Laxdal. 4 16 1 Johnnie Stewart O 1 1 Receiving No. Y Alvin Holder 3 roosevelt Brown 1 Rushing No. Alvin Holder 16 Marv McGill , 19 Steve Orton 2 Niel Laxdal , 6 Johnnie Stewart 3
No. Steve Orton 6
Peru Opp ~ushing Att/Yds. 123-400 94-361 Passing Com/Att/Yds. 9-31-162 9-21-111
GAMES Total Yds. 562 472
- Nebraska
Sept. 23
Wesleyan at Peru, 7:30
Orlon, 4/33,8
iNovember, ~~~i_~;-, ' ' '' ,\ henefi<;ial impact of donors' ', contributions.
explained -~-,"~~,·,.~.~~, .·~'.,·,,'.,',·., ,.:,\·:·,,_-i·, donorfl.l?Y wi~~, , , , , , , ,,.,\;,,. •·"• '. ,; ',
Activity Schedule
Volleyball - Peru vs Wayne, here.
Peru Players Present - DRACULA
Pep Rally and Bonfire
Registration of Visiting Bands
Alumni Reception, Fine Arts Building
Homecoming Parade
Alumni Luncheon
Pregame Show
Kick-off - PERU vs Benedictine, Oak Bowl
Presentation of Parade Winners
Presentation of Band Trophies
Coronation of 1978 Homecoming King and Queen.
Reception for all PSC Campus guests, Fine
Peru Players Present - DRACULA
Homecoming Dance - SAPPHIRE
Or Your ·First Time Here
Monday, October 9
4 p.m. JV football, Peru vs Tarkio at Tarkio.
6-8 p.m. Gymnastics
rCont. Ed. l Ed Mini-Gym.
7-9 p.m. Crocheting, ·FA
Tuesday, October 10
1:30 - 3 p.m. Life Planning
Career, ADM 104.
5:30 Circle K, WDR
6-8- p.m. Study Hall PSC Basketball, FA 211.
6:30 - 8 p.m. KIWANIS meeting - supper, WDR.
8 p.m. PSC Students for
Christ, TV Lounge
7:30-9p.m. Fundamentals of Bridge, Faculty Lounge
7 - 9:30 p.m. Houseplants, Sci Bldg., 104.
Wednesday, October 11
9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Workshop (Women of the Bible) FA Aud. _
6:30 Concerned Black Students, WDR. '
7:30 p.rn. Choral Concert, Cafeteria
7 p.m."Bobkitten volleyball .vs College of St. Mary's, here.
7 - 9:30 p.m. Class in Sewing (Cont. Ed.) Ed'312.
Thursday, October II.
1:30 - 3 p.m. Life Planning Career, ADM 304.
6 · 8 p.rn. Study Hall PSC Basketball, FA 211.
7 - 10 p.rn. Old Testament History Lesson, FA 104.
7:30 p.m, Bible Study, TV Lounge.
Saturday, October 14
10 -12 p.m. Children's Act, FA 205.
2 p.m. Football vs Yankton, there.
Peru.Welcomes You
Senators Elected
Final elections for Student Senate positions have been announced.
New representatives for the 1978-1979 term are:
Sunday, October 15
3 p,m. Senior Recital, Eldonna Hazen, College Aud.
Monday, October 16
6 · 8 p.m. Gymnastics (Cont. Ed.J, Ed Mini-Gym. 6 · 9 p.m. Pap Smear Clinic, Health Center.
7 - 9 p.m. Crocheting, FA 104.
ISSUE NO. 2 Peru State College, Peru, Ne. 68421 Friday, October 6, 1978
Chuck Mittan, Hastings and Board Meets
Board of Trustees for the
BDti~~I~kl,la~:Hpr:S:ta ~~:o;r~~ ;~i::o~:t~o~~11~:i~~1:r:f:~
e ze all. Senator-at- Building at 9: 30 on the Peru
Snake Dance
Yp large is :\1ark Fankhauser, a State College campus, Octofrom Stella, Nebraska. to the public.
Junior, who is commuting .ber 13. The meetmg is open
There will be a snake dance after the play Friday night. It will begin outside the auditorium and end at the complex parking lot where the bonfire and pep rally will be held.
Formal installation of Dr. Larry A. Tangeman as Peru State College's twenty-first President will be Thursday, October 12, at 2 p.m. in the College Auditorium.
All classes will be dismissed to allow students and
faculty to attend the cer~mony. Peru State alumni and friends of the college are invited to attend the installation and reception to be held in Dr. and Mrs Tangeman's honor immediately following the ceremony.
~\•Homecoming Candidates Vie for Court of Honor
Peru State College Homeming 1978 king. and queen ndida tes and their a ttennts have been announced y Kirk Ochs, student senate fesident. The king and ueen will be crowned durhalf-time of the Peru te Homecoming football
me Saturday with Benetine (Kansas,. Candidates for queen are · rs Mary Cotton, Wood, Ia.; · Jean Hartman, glas; Julie Hartman, glas; Desiree Kline, vern, fa.; and Diane r, Western.
ing candidates are senKen Denning, Lake, Colo,; Bob Garcia, ha; Bob Hruby, Corn; Mike Larsen, VermilS.D.; and Jeff Pease, ·ayne, Ind.
oming attendants·
freshmen Diane Roe, ont, and Tim OssowBlue Springs; sophoRobin Larson. Taylorlll., and Tim Pethoud, City; and juniors Joni Cozad, and Bill Bruhn,
Iowa, is a senior majoring in member of art club and member of Math club. Bob physical education. She is participated in last year's started school at UNO, transthe daughter of the James dance marathon. Desi also ferred to Grace College of Cottons. Mary has participa- ·· has been in track, volleyball, the Bible and then transferted in English Club, Kappa dorm council and is a resi- red to PSC. He is engaged to Delta Pi and Women's Athle- dent assistant. be married in February. Bob tic Association (WAA) She Diane Uher, Western, is is the son of Mr and Mrs also was in basketball and the daughter of Mrs Gladys Raymond Garcia. softball for three years and Uher. Diane has been on Bob Hruby, son of Mr and in track one year. Student Senate, was assis- Mrs Robert Hruby is a senior Twins Jean and Julie Hart- tant editor of the Pedagogian majoring in P.E. Bob is man are the daughters of Mr and m K2pp Delta Pi. She is secretarv-treasurer of p and Mrs Wayne Hartman of secretary of the WAA, has club. "Rube'' has been in Douglas. They have one bro; been president of English baseball one year and footther and two sisters. Their club two years and secretary ball four years. He is also a mother, Betty, is a Peru one year and is, on dorm captain of the football team. State graduate. council. As an_~·,r A., Diane Mike Larsen, P.E. ~ajor Julie participated in vol- said she "is flllther to 16 from Harlan, Iowa, is the son leyball, basketball and soft- girls in Morgan :Aall." of Mr and Mrs Darrel Larball for three years. She is Ken Denning, Lakewood, sen. Mike has-play~/iifootball president of the WAA and is Colorado, is the son of Mr for four years and;ias redmajoring in physical educa- and Mrs Joe Denning. He is shirted one year. He is a tion. majoring in PE and busi- member of P club, volunteer Jean is majoring in busi- ness. "Colorado" has been fireman and ; a campus ness, is past secretary of the vice 12residen_t of his class i!ll security guar'" .ilike and his WAA and she has competed four years, vice president of wife Cathy are dorm parents in volleyball for three years P club of which he has been a for Morgan Hall. and softball for two years, member for four years also. Jeff Pease is the son of Mr Desi Kline, daughter of Mr He has played football and and Mrs Raymond Pease. He and Mrs Eldon L, Kline is baseball all four years and is is a P.E. major from Ft. frpm Malvern, Iowa. She is one of this year's captains of Wayne, Indiana. Jeff played majoring in ·art. Desi W<\S the football team. football for four years and is vice president of the WM Bob Garcia is a senior a graduate assistant for the last_year and .is .. pres~at. from· Omaha. •His major is .·team this year. He.has been this year She was ~'. mathematits Hebas.heenin a member.o{P ~iub and is ·leader for. two years.{a track fot two yea~ llni:1 is a past president' of the Fellow: '
·ship of Christian Athletes.
Junior attendant Joni Fox is from Cozad. She is majoring in art, is in Art Club, on dorm council and has been a class officer each year, including vice president and secretary.
Junior Bill Bruhn, Verdon, is a son of Mr and Mrs Robert Bruhn. He is majoring in P. E. and coaching. He has played football and baseball and is a member of P club. Bill was injured August 23 in football practice and has since undergone an operation to repair torn cartilage and ligaments in his knee.
Robin Larson is a sophomore from Taylorville,. Illinois. Robin is the daughter of Gene and Judy Larson, majoring in secretarial technology. She is vice president of· the Clayburn-Mathews dorm council, a member of Phi Beta Lambda, and played intramural volleyball. Robin will graduate this spring in a two-year program
Tim Pethoud, sophomore attendant, is the son of. Mr and Mrs Marvin Pet\Jou!i, 'Falls CttY: Tim, is s(wlent s~nate vice :president, lieu:·.
tenant governor of Circle K and a member of the Peru Students for Foreign Study. He is president of the sophomore class. Tim has wrestled one year and may try out for the baseball team this spring. His major is business administr.ation and mathematics.
Diane Roe, freshman attendant from McCool J um:tion, is the daughter of the Dwight Fassnacht's. She is majoring in instrumental music? Diane is a member of theWAA and MENC and may try out for track. She is originally from Seattle, Washington.
Freshman Tim Ossowski is from Brock. The son of Richard and Norma Ossow, ski, he is majoring in geology. Tim is freshman class president, a member of student senate and Circle K. He ls interested in track and wrestling. Dracula
Wh h .,, , · et er 1t s .......... .
6:00 8:00 10:00 8:30 9;00-12:00 10:45 12:00 1:45 2:00 Halftime
8:00 10:00-2:00
of the Bobcats"
<> ;
\ .
' ,.~.
Roving Camera Catches 3,000 Words Worth I of Peru State College ('A Picture Is Worth l,OOOW·~~i~,?,)
GiJ'iD1NG THE PEDAGOGIAN this semester
Darrell Wellman, ·Burr,. editor, and Pam Hamb· ·vogete; Fa)ls City~ and Beth Propst, Seward, ·.c editors. They are .responsible for planning,. editin majoi"wiifing asslgnments, and layout of the Pe Statii'College student n~~spaper.
Letters to· Editor
I, as an officer in the Peru State College Circle-K club would like to address myseli to those of you who purchased refreshments from our concession stand at the Septerqber 23 football game. Due to an unfortunate trick of fate, there were only three people working at the concession stand. As was pointed out at our last meeting, three people cannot do the job with the high degree of efficiency that the task requires.
Cafeteria Menu
Sunday, Oct. 8
Lunch: Ham, Chicken Fried Steak.
:Dinner: Fish, Casserole.
Monday, Oct. 9
Breakfast: Waffles, Omelet.
Lunch: Corn Dogs, Tuna Casserole, Soup.
Dinner: Hamburger Steak, Beef Tips and Noodles
Tuesday: Oct.10
Br!lakfast: 13acon, Eggs.
Lunch: Burritos, Macaroni and Cheese, Soup
Dinner: Roast Beef, Goulash.
Wednesday, Oct.11
Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, Sausage. ·
Lunch: Enchilados, Hot Turkey Sandwiches, Soup.
Dinner: Ham, Liver.
Thursday, Oct. 12
Breakfast: Fried Bologna, Pancakes.
Lunch: Shepherd Pie, Franks and Kraut, Soup.
Dinner: Beef Stroganoff, Chili Mac, Waffles or Pan(:akes.
Friday, Oct. 13
Breakfast: French Toast, Ham
Lunch: Sloppy Joe, Fish.
Dinner: Fish, Meat Balls.
Thank you,
Pam Hamblin Vogele Secretary-Circle K
As one:g( peepkl•· minute, you would have seen who he!peti out, I would fiFst-, that we had an almost impos•· of.all hke to· tha~ those -Of .•. sible situation anyway and y~u who were pati~nt as-w~: ··your actions didn't help mats• tned to get organized. ,You ters. We tried to do our best· v.:aited your turn and wei:e and there was no justifiable kmd, courteous, and syrnpa- cause for your behavior. thetic,. It h~lped make our To all of you, we sincerely Job a lot easier. apologize if we shortchanged As for the rest of_ you, I anyone in any way. We plan• would h~e to emphas1z~:thaL to request more club particiyour actions made our JOb a pation in this endeavor in the lot more difficult thali .it future. should have been. I believ.e that if you had put yourselves in our place for one
As Editor of the Pedagogian one of the most important points that I would like to leave with all of you is to attend Homecoming 1978. I urge you all to stay on campus this weekend and play an active part in making this day a success.
This year's theme is "Remember When'; and how can we cherish these memories if we spend the day at home? The purposes of Homecoming are to invite alumni back increase school pride and unity and show o~ overall. support of _::'i:>eru St~te. We have scheduled a coffee ·hour in the morning, a football game with the Benedictine Ravens at 2 p.m. During halftim~ of the ballgame there will be a Bandarama.and also the crowning of this year's royalty; A parade is set for the · mo~ning beginning at 10:45 with many organiz~t1ons and bands having entered it. Sapphire will play in t.he Cafeteria from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. to conclude a busy 16 hour dav.
I would personally like to welcome all alumni on campus and suggest that they return soon to the "Campus of 1,000 Oaks". Much time and work has been spent making it the success that I am sure it will be. So let's all join in and make this Homecoming one that will not .be easy to forget.
Managing Editor Darrell Wellman
Associate Editors Beth Propst Pam Vogele
Sports Editor , . Kent Propst
~ews Editor ,. Becki Young Saturday, Oct. 14 Artist. Desi Kline Lunch: Sausage, Scramb- Photographer , Mick Osbon led Eggs and Beef Fritters. Advisor Everett Browning Breakfasts served with · Advertising Manager , Darrell Wellman cereal, toast and juice. Published 10 times a semester by students of Peru State Lunches also include two College, the Pedagogian is the sounding board of the student vegetables, salad, dessert, body and is sensitive to the problems of the college · potato and a beverage. community.
Dinners are served with All comments and letters to the Editor [under 300 words] -two vegetables, sala~, des, should be sent to Clayburn 15A, Peru State, College, Peru, sert, potato anti a beverage., , Nebraska,-68421:•
Page2 THE
A BLOOD-CURDLING·SCENE from Dracula, stage producti.on currently showing in the PSC Auditorium, is enacted before the still camera by John Billings in the title role of Count Dracula, along with Becky Young as Mina Seward and Aaron Larson as Jonathon Harker. Schedul~ play times were to include October 4-7 With.the curtain rising at 8 p.m. ·
WATER STANDS in PSC's Sports Complex swimming pool following a fall rain, but workers o~ the construction site quickly pumped out the water before any prospective Olympic swimmers tested the pool. This view taken from the northwest corner of Major midence hall shows. the area that was excavated, refille,d and compacted in. prepafatiQn for constructioni
:!-alls \O\' im 'Dec. kicult l,Jan. t \a lndy }ty Web
:udent Te;ach~s ,~ --· ·signed Scht>Q)s
dent teachers from - Lincoln: Kim Mason, State College will be Lincoln, second grade .::::-:. · Jng to 15 area school ...,."Nebraska City ,-Elaffle
ros, beginning October Scluiitzer, Nebraska--.::-Qfy, ·gain first-hand class- third grade; Tami Coleman, foaching experience. Peru, physical education; ector of Student Teach- Rebecca Graham, College n Van Zant.said the Springs, Ia., physical educat teachers began mak- tion;· ·,and James ·.'Murphy, eir first school visita- Stonelram, Ma.;.:. induslrial this month in prepara- a_l'tS. ·· •u : ·" '"". for their actual assign- Nebraska City Lourdes: ts in October. Ric:l.lard Ramwy;· .Dawson,
perating school syss, with the student tea• assigned to each, are:
Auburn: Nancy Jones, , -art and business; Dale ton; Auburn, physical edtion; Jeffrey Pease, Ft. ·yne; Ind., physical educa; and Marian Henderson, ock. third grade
Bellevue. Jean CoI!ins, ttsmouth, art.
:Falls Citv: Pam Fisher !ls.City, special e<lucatio~ i:l third grade.
- Fremont Mills: Linda ite, Tabor_, Ia., second "ade. ·
Humboldt: Duane !es, Alma, physical edu'tion.
·ohnson-Brock: Joyce !au, Sterling, English; J,donna Hazen, Sterling, sic: and Loma Pollman, mor.e, business educa-
Eckert Directs 30th Dracula
The Peru Stab1e Pfa)•ers' production of "Qraci.tla" will :mark-the ·thirbeth anniver'sary of Dr. Royal Eckert's first "Dracula" production, his first professional directing experience.
Dr. Eckert, associate professor of spee<:h and drama. first directed the play for Plant.ation Playhouse, a· summer stock theatre in White Bear Lake, Minnesota. His cast for the 1948 production included several members who have since
made their mark in the field several films. He has written of drama - Lavonne Sheri- nine full-length plays includdan, actress on Young Dr. ing "Do Not Pass Go' 1 and Malone," and other soap "Alexander'sDeatl}" as well operas; and Jack Smight, as adaptions of "Sea Gull," who has been film director of "Hedda Gabler," "Miss "Airport '75," "Midway," Julie," and "Three Sisters." "Damnation Alley," and "Dracula" will be '"ilm productions. formed on four consecutive
Tt,e play is adapted from evenings, October 4 through the R ·am Stoker novel by 7, at 8 p.m., in the College Chai";~., Nolte, professor of Auditorium. It is the featheatre arts at the Univer• tured drama production for sity of Minnesota: Dr. Nolte , f!omecgmihg Day, Saturhas been a featured actor oil'.; llay; Oct. 7. · · Broadway, in television and• '
Elect President
Freshman Tim Ossowski from Brock, Nebraska, was elected eJass President for the-upcoming school year at PerU.:S"fate College. Afilfog•. Ossowski will be .Vice.President Karen Williarri.s;: -omaha, Nebraska, Jodr:Neubauer from Nebraska .City and Joe Primm of Cedar Bluffs, 'Nebraska.
·fThe 1978-79 art exhibition
· 1_"_hh1edule at PSC has been
• • pounced by Art Instruc- • ~rs Paul Fell and Dr. Le~d Sherwood.
,Student and B'aculty works tom the Art Department's frmanent collection will be ~hibited from October 5-27.
!()ct .30 - :Jov. 10: Senior ~hibit by Tom Thomas of ;alls City.
t~ov. 13-3u: Ceramics by im Brown of Brownville ;oec 3-15: Art Department ~ulty exhibit.
·Han. 15-26 • Senior exhibits
tWancy Jones of Rulo and jndy .Keischick of Falls
4feb 5-16: Senior exhibits
J Jean' Sachs Collins of fltttsmouth and Patty .Cri· 'k.of Nebraska City.
· W·Mar. 9: Senior exby Diana Rieschick of rt and Cecilia Britten Hill.
26 - Apr 6: Senior s by Dawn Rees le of Liberty and ee Kline of Malvern,
9-27: All-Student jur#"exhibition
exhibits will be dis-
.in the Fine Arts
physical educatroiC ·.,,. - Omaha: Sue Higgins, Shelbyville, Ky., special education and sixth grade; John Billings~Omaha, t~h and drama"· Robert"' Garcia Omaha;· mathelliatics;· arid
Fayrene· Woods: Omaha, physical education:
Papillion: .Mark Clark, Springfield, social· science; and 1Phomas Henn; Bellevue, industrial arts.
_:, Plattsmouth: Jerilvn HellePieh, Nebraska·· City, business,; and Jeff Salberg, Springfield, social science.
--SOutheast Consolidated: Mark Mullins, Peru, industrial arts; and Donald Vanderford, Auburn. social science.
- Syracuse: Robb Osborn, Talmage. business education; and Virginia Ottemann, Brock, physical education.
-Tecumseh: PamPeters, Elk Creek, physical educa• lion.
Bobcats March According to ·Rulebook ·
The Marchi11g Bobcat These spirit songs are to inove outside to learn the Band is forty-one members remind·all fans of the loyalty routine. The band has been
strong; according to Director of the band. T.his loyalty bothered with members sufDr. David M. Edris. Ken includes early morning prac- fering from the flu but seem Saggan is the announcer for tices, practices in the rain to be improving with time. the group while they perform and cold weather and play• Four to 5:30 p.rri. Mondays during halftini~ of home ing at football games and through Thursdays are the ballgames. · parades. The band praetices usual practice hours and the Dr. Edris says he has Saturdays at seven in the instructor tries to stay within incorporated a new hand- morning on the days of home these times.
book that outlines rules, reg• football games. The Bobcats have perforulations, philosophies and Another added feature is med atthe Richardson Counother items of interest to a that the band marches to and ty Fair in Humboldt and also marching band. This hand- from the Oak Bowi instead of at the Applejack Festival book is patterned after those forming at the game. Dr. sponsored by the Nebraska used by the Big .Eight and Edris feels this is important City Chamber of Commerce. Big Ten marching bands. to band morale and has The group would also comAlso included in the book are helped to ~alee the group pete in the Columbus _Day the color song, the school more of a umt. Parade in Omaha but it chant and the Peru State ~art of the rehearsals _are haw~ns to fall on the same fight song. Incidently, this ms1~e to prepare the musical day as Peru's Homecoming fight song is a new one for portion of tile performance There are 19 freshmen in Peru .this year. P.S.C. Sha- , which 1s actually the most the group, which is a large dows is the song sungbftlitl · ·!Il1porta~t part according to portion of the band, and group after· each perfor- Dr. Edris. When the group Edris adds that there is a Jot mance and before dismissal. has learned the music they of spiriL He feels that the
CBS Queen
~Variety of Activities offered
For those of you who are freedom to attend all the una-cqtmlnted with the many activities the club sponsors. extra-curricular activities To learn more about the available to Peru State organization. contact Dr. ColJe.ge_. students, the GeorgeSchottenhammel. organizal1onal fair held PSEA is an organization Wednesdav would h·ave been for those who are majoring of ~aluable assistance lo in education. It's purpose is you. lo help future teachers
The lair during C'onvo prepare for life in the period· in the Diddel classroom and to aid them in Exhib,1_tion Court, a recognizing and so!Ying gathering of booths anrl some of (he problems they dispiays set up by a_few of Will encounler It's meetings the -many on-campus are held monthly during the organizations. A few t;f the school year and lhere is a clubs represented v;ere: $7.00 annual membership Peru State Social Science fee. For more information, Society, Peru State contactAnitaFarabonL Education Association Peru Students For Christ, l PSEA), Circle-K, Peru an interdenominational Students For Christ, Phi .organ"ization, meets weekly
·The Concerned Black Students Club (C.B.S.) will elect a Mr and Miss Black Peru for Homecoming. The winner will be announced at the Peru State College. football game during half-
This is accomplis.hed time, according to dub presthrough various projects 1dent Rennie Biffle. The club held during the year. One of will also enter a float in the their more ntitable is the parade competition. annual dance marathon held on campus in the spring to benefit muscular dystrophy.
Circle~K meets weekly in the West Dining Room of the Student Center. Sheryl Schultz IS president.
Kappa Delta Pi is an honor society for those planning to teach. To become a member, one must maintain a high grade point average and be majoring in education. Initiations are held yearly. The club __meets monthly. '.viary Windle is president.
Beta Lambda, and Kappa forBiblestudyandprayer.A Phi Beta Lambda isa club Delta Pi. minister from a church in for those who are majoring
The Peru Sta"te Social the area meets regularly in business. The club meets Science Society is open to all with the group. To learn monthly and there · is a those who are interested in more contact Mary year1y membership fee. Phi furthering their knowledge Lewandowski Beta Lambda conducts a of the Social Sciences. It's CircleK, the college branch yearly auction in which meetings are he]d at an of Kiwanis international, is a donors contribute items to be announcedtimeThereisan service organization. sold lo the highest bidder. $s. 5o fee for membership - Members are concerned This auction is usuallv held which entitles you to all the with helping I hose less it:1 the spring. Russell Beldon rights and. privileg!:s of fort·unate·· th·an t·hemselves ·· the ·B ·· · · D l · ·t ot .·. • usmess· epar men membership and.
and with improving life at is sponsor.
handbook has helped in this increase of school pride. New band uniforms have been ordered and are being manufactured but will not arrive till January.
Edris estimated that it takes 25·30 hours of the Instructor's time to prepare a halftime show and get all of the movements charted. The group puts in 240 man hours a week and if you multiply that by 11 weeks you will see that 2,640 hours are donated by these people.
Edris says in the next show the band will perform a rotating square which is a difficult maneuver. October 21 will see the ban~ making a salute to Dixieland and on November 11 they will make a tribute to Latin America and all music will originate from there.
M"ENC Elects
Lori Stortenbecker of Nebraska City was elected president by the members of the Peru State College Choir for the 1978-79 academic year.
Sharon Bartels of Sterling is the new vice president and Dee Dettmer of Syracuse will.serve the group as secret.ary-treasurer.
THE PEDAGOGIAN Friday, October 6, 1978
Peru Sports
Concordia ··Ties in Final Moments
The old saying that a football game is not over unW the final gun sounds was proven to the Peru State Bobcats last Saturday night by the Concordia Bulldogs in a thnlling 20-20 tie at Seward.
The tie leaves the Bobcats at 1-2-1 for the year going into next Saturday's homecoming game against ~enedictine, 2 p.m., in the Oak Bowl. ·
It looked like Peru had broken a two-game winless streak as the Bobcats held a 10-7 lead with 22 seconds to · play. But on first down and three yards to go for the score. Bulldog quarterback Lorenzo Nicholson covered the distance and kicker Mike Rieth added the point after to cut the lead to 20-14.
Everybody in Concordia Stadium knew the Bulldogs would go for the onside kick in an attempt to regain possession of the ball. Peru State Head Coach Jerry Joy had all 11 Peru players grouped between the Peru 20 and 40 yard lines.
And still, Bulldog kicker
John Dumar's tap covere.d aged the tie.
the necessary ten yards, elu- Until the final 22 seconds, ded the grasp of a couple of Peru had completely domiBobcats, and was covered by nated the game, holding Cona host of Concordia players. cordia to o!!JY 107 rushing
The Bulldogs still had to yards and 41 passing yards. cover 52 yards in less than 20 Including the final 52-yard seconds against the nation's drive, Concordia totalled 200 sixth-ranked pass defense yards to 365 for Peru State. unit of Peru. In fact, that The Bobcats rushed for 257 distance was just slightly yards on the night, but were · under the 55.3-yard average hindered by 95 yards in Peru State had allowed its penalti'es to only 10 for Con- · previous three opponents, cordia.
Quarterback Nicholson Many fine individual perstarted by hitting slotback forinances were turned in on Larry Mitchell on a 23-yard the night. Sophomore runpass play to the Peru 28. He .,.. ning back Alvin H9lder followed with a six-yard toss proved once again he is one to Brett Bauer, then found of the nation's finest with 124 Mitchell wide open in the yards on 24 carries. He also corner of the end zone for a caught two passes for 19 22-yard touchdown that tied yards. Holder has rushed for the game at 20-20. The clock 505 yards thus far ::his season stopped with two seconds and is rapidly approaching remaining in the game. the school single-season
The Peru defense preven- rushing record of 779 yards ted a shocking loss when by Barry Reed in 1973. they built a human P;Tamid Marvin McGill, a junior to block Rieth's point-after running back, turned in anattempt, and scoring ended. other excellent performance
Peru standout Alvin Holder with 'Jl yards on 21 carries. was unable to run back the He has 343 yards thus far this ensuing Concordia kickoff season with six games still to and the elated Bulldogs man- go.
Sophomore quarterback
Niel Laxdahl turned in a fine performance with 108 yards passing and three touchdown tosses. Two of those scoring passes were to sophomore Roosevelt Brown, the first a picture-perfect 44-yard toss and the second a dramatic 26-yarder on fourth down and 14 with 1:44 to play. Sophomore Rick Neubauer caught the first scoring toss of the game and of the year on an eight-yard play in the first quarter.
Defensively, sophomore Ed Connelly again led Peru with 14 tackles.
The Benedictine Ravens are 3-1 for the year after last weekend's 41-6 romp over Friends University. Peru won the contest at Atchison, Kansas, last season 14-6, one of the few blotches on the Raven 1977 record which included a post-season appearance in the Boot Hill Bowl.
Scorh1g Summary
,Peru: Rick Neubauer, 8 yard p~~s· from Nie! Laxdal (kick failed). Roosevelt Brown, 44 yard pa·ss from Laxdal (Dan Todd kick). Brown, 26 yard pass from Laxdal (Todd kick):
Concordia: Larry Mitchell, 75 yard punt return (Mike Rieth kick). Lorenzo Nicholson, 3 yard run (Rieth kickl. Mitchell. 22 yard pass from l\licholson (kick failed) Sta
According to Tom gerald, director of intra al activities at Peru, are 54 men who have si · up to play football. have been divided into teams and will play a·· game regular season, ml, ing each other twice ··.· teams are called the Names, MEAT and ·, Doomsdayers.
Captains for the teams, Ken Lipt, Phil Yoesel Co-captains are Randy ,, ter and Del Novell. Lipt, a sophomore fl Cincinnati, Ohio, live Delzel Hall and is th Namer's captain. Yoesel, freshman Shubert lives in Clay Hall and coaches the D <layers. Walter and Novel, ju from Traynor, Iowa, Rising City respectively the co-captains of MEA
Volleyball Team Holder Aims at Rushing Record onWinning Track
The Peru State Bobkittens got back on the winning track with a victory over the Dana College ViQueens at Blair. The Bobkittens take on Wayne State College in the annual Homecoming contest this Friday, Oct 6 at i p.m. in the Peru gymnasium.
Dana's hope for revenge for an earlier defeat was dashed as the Bobkittens won in three straight sets. Peru State whipped the hosts 15-8 in the first set, blasted them 15-4 in the second set, and shook off a brief concentration lapse for a 15-11 game-winning margin in the
finale. The win raised the Bobkitten record to 5-4 going into Tuesday night's game at Creighton University in Omaha.
According to Coach Pat Gilbert, all six Bobkitten starters played well and earned praise. Starting for Peru State this season are Danelle Warner, senior from Chester; Julie Hartman, senior from Douglas; Desi Kline, senior from Malvern, Ia.; Laura Pollman, sophomore from Wymore; Julie Brinkman, sophomore from Palmyra; and Diane Armknecht, sophomore from Talmage.
Alvin Holder, Peru State Bobcats' sophomore running back from Tampa, Fla., is well on his way to setting a school single-season rushing record with six games remaining.
· Only 5-10 and 180 pounds, Holder's blazing speed and powerful legs could make him the first 1,000-yard rusher in the school's.history. He has gained 505 yards on 96 carries irt the Bobcats' first four outings and needs only 27 4 yards in the next six games to break Barry Reed's 1973 record of 779 yards.
Holder is one of the nation's leading running backs with a 126.3-yard average per game. His high was in the season opener when he charged for 165 yards. Ironically, Holder has yet to score his first touchdown as - a Bobcat despite his 100-plus yards per-game average. He is also the second leading receiver on the Peru State team with six catches for 87 yards. Holder is leading Peru State in total offense with 592 yards (rushing. plus pass receiving) for an average of 148 yards per game
Another Peru State runnki:ig:. !>~~~, ·'junior. Marxin McGill· froro BrandQn1 fhr:,
also stands a chance 01 breaking the school rushing record with 343 yards on 81 carries in four games. McGill gained 140 yards in
the season opener against Midland and turned in another outstanding performance with 97 yards last weekend against Concordia.
NAIA Defensive Player ts:Connelly
Peru State sophomore Ed rushed fo.r 288 yards · Connelly, a 5-10, 190-pound Marvin .McGill, · junior, Sophomore quart middle guard on the Bobcat dropped from second to fifth Niel Laxdal stands football team, was this week on .the rushing charts with among District Eleve named co-District Eleven 246 yards in.three games and ers with 12 completions: NAIA defensive player of the an a,verag~ _of 82 yc;1rds. per attempts and four inte· week for his effort against game. tions for 189 yards, no ( Nebraska Wesleyan Univer- Terry H\t1kle, frf/i0.Jl)c;ln, downs, and a 63-yard : sity last Saturday. too~ ()y~i: th~ puntii:ig c}uties age per game. : Connelly, the leading tack- forPtoru StiJe in the W!)sley- As a team, Peru sh ler so far this season for an garr:i~Jrn!Il two-year reg- another notch offensive Peru State, had 19 stops ular Steve Orton. Hinkle ter managing only 201 against Wesleyan. Eric ~_gained the district_J)unting against Wesleyan. The; Buller of Doane also. re-•· lead with four punts against cat attack has totalle ceived an award for his 22 Wesleyan averaging 45.5 yards in three games tackles last weekend. Dis-· yards, aheadofDoane stand- 247 -7 yard average, ahe trict Eleven of the NAIA is out Parker Sharman who is only Midland. composed of the ten Nehras- averaging 42.5. The Peru defensive: ka small colleges. Sophemore wide receiver also slipped in Districti Peru State running back Roosevelt Brown is ranked ven. The Bobcat defens Alvin Holder, sophomore, in-. in three categories. He allowed 699 yards so far creased his District Eleven stands third in punt returns 233 yard average. How rushing lead and is expected: with six returns for 65 yards the Peru pass defense, to be among the national and.a 10.8 yard average. He • r~nked fifteenth in the leaders. after meeting 140 also stands sixth in pass with a 55-yard average, yards against Wesleyan. receiving with five catches Wesleyan to only 49 pa Holder has gained 381 yards. for 87 yards and a 29-yard yards to lower the per-· in three games this season· average per game. Brown average to 53:3 yards. for a 127 yard average; .nearc ranks seventh in ki<;koff re- pass defense IS expect lyiooy~idsah~doHrontor_- t(mls · ' :_ <. :: ··. ·. ,nove :11p on _the_ na. dia's· Jeff Towns,· who ·has · charts.
Ii li THE PEDAGOGIAN Friday, October 6, 19
: OPEN POOL SCHEDULE Oct s.::;2:00 · 5:00 ··· · Oct. 10 - 7:00 - 9:00:. Oct. 12 - 7:00 - 9:00 Oct: 15 - 2:00- 5:00 Oct:·22 2:00 - 5:00 Oct. 24 - 7:00 · 9:00 OPEN· GYM SCHEDULE Oct 8·- 2·:00 - 5:00
·· Oct.·14·--2:00 - 5:00 Oct.·15--2•00 - 5:00 Oet:!22 2:00 - 5:00
Scoring l 2 3 4 Final PeruState.6 7 0 7 20 Concordia 0 0 0 20 20
First downs
Passes 6-16'2
Passing Yards 108 · 93 Total Yards 365 · 200 Punts.. .5-39.4 9-35.1 Fumbles Lost. 0 O Penalty Yards 95 10
tics Peru Con
.16 16
Individual Rushing Alvin Holder
NielLaxdal.. Willia Johnson Individual Passing Comp/ Att/lnt Yards 108 Niel Laxdal 6-16-2 .Individual Receiving No. Yards Roosevelt Brown 8 81 Alvin Holder 2 19 Rick Neubauer 8 Individual Punting No. Terry Hinkle 5
Marvin McGill. Johnnie Stewart
~,tt is unfortunate that the • o incidents in Defaell Hall •· d to take place. However,
condemn innoeent persons. The two incidents apparently were not related. Furbelieve it is better to have ople informed of the facts 'ther than have rumors ·ing around to possibly
ther action may be taken·in the form of appeals by the students involved.
The p edagogj!!!.Bobcats"
cident in De1zeil ults in
o Peru State .College of the college. ijo board ;,vas ntsandaformerP.s;c. set and the three i·ere ent were charged with released from custody. • derly Conduct stem- PSC Director of Residence from an alleged alter- Life, L. David Eaton, said, Monday, October 16. "Over the last few days ~• Charged in Nemaha there have been some people fro •. ty Court were: James Ch()()Sing to exhibit inapproaybu Peterson, Shelby, lQwa; priate µehavior in aecorDoo · Fow::nier, Worcester, dance to proper mainsachusetts; .and Robert tenance in an academic enBeck, Plant City, Florida. vironment. The person or eterson and Beek have pers5ns charg~ with ~olaguilty to the charge, tions of student code either wever they were not sen- have been or are being dealt ed as th~ "was I\O with thrQUgh our disci~ual basis establlshed" at plinary system.'' t time, according to Coun- Dr Myron Apilado, DC!ln Court offitja]s. Fournier of Student Development aded not guilty to the c9mm1:nted, "',fhere w~ an rge. altercation between two people and is being resolved hearing date for the two by the County Attorney. pleaded guilty was set Formal charges have been October 24 at 1:00 p.m. filed."
trial for Fournier was Apilado and Eaton de:iieduled for the same time. clined to divuige any names e charges were filed by or further information conemaha County Attorney cerning tht;! incident which arles Hahn at the request took place at Delzell Hall.
oonsenre energy
; Marvin Middle, groun~ hpervi(lor, said that the winidows in the education build~g will be changed as an mergy conservation mea!Wre, probably by next \'Pring, although the bidding JA! replace the windows _has
yet taken place
Student out after hall altercation
.An incident in Delzell Hall Saturday was still cloude_d in secrecy Thursday, but. the Pedagogian has learned that a student was suspended as a result.
Administrators acknowledged there had beyn an incident Saturday but declined to q.iscuss c)etails.
Peru State Director of Residence Life, Mr. L. !)avid Eat<in, said, "I can't talk about people or details. I, and this office are obligated to maintain full confidentiality for the student's_ sake. I will say that a swdent was suspended."
Dr. Tangeman new president
Alumn~ parents of students and other friends of Pf/Ml State College attended installation ceremonies for Dr. Larry A. Tangeman, twenty-first president of Pel'l\ State, Thursday, Oct. 12, in the college auditorium.
The installation was followed at 3 p.m. with a public reception in the Fine Arts Building for Dr. and Mrs Tangeman.
The Reverend ~lph 9r11y asked in his Invocation that we all accept !'resident Tangeman.and that the president seek the Lord's help. ·
Eldonna Hazen, a senior from St_erling, and alsQ a former Student Repres~ntative to the Board of Trustees from Peru St.ate sang "Climb Every Mountain." She was accompanied by Dr. Edward C. Camealy.
·Salutations were then given by Miss Gladys Grush (President - Oaks Alumni Chapter), Kirk Ochs (President - Student Governing Association), and Dr. Esther Div1iey-t:President - Faculty Association).
The top panel of the windows will be insulated similar to the windows in the library.
The decision to cl:iange the windows was made because of the condition of-the calking and general condition of the windows.
The student was unavailable for comment
President Tangeman took office Dec. 1, 1977 and his installation had been· timed to c_oincide with the first 1978 J,11eeting of the Nebraska State College Board of Trus· tees. on the f'eru c~pus. : • • : , Tr~stees held their October ; NOTE. _Peru state D~ec-: meeting Friday morning in : t.or of Institutional Relations,: the Administration Building. ;Mr ~oger Flanders_, contac•: The installation began :ted t)le. Peqagogian and : with· the faculty and staff ;made thi~ statement: "Ed: marching in and sitting in :Connelly 1s no. longer cur-: their special group. Instru:rently enrolled m classes at: meital music was provided teru Slate ~ollege. How-: by· the Peru State College :e~er, he has filed an appeal: Symphonic Wi d E bl ,with the collP11e" • n nsem e , ••• :-9,: • •••••under the direction of Dr. David M. Edris.
Introductions were preset}ted by Dr. Clyde J. Barrett and he thanked everyone for taking time fr:c;,m their busy schedules to attend thi~ important occ;:a_sion. He then stressed thatthe success of Peru State lies in·. the most part on the president and Dr. Tangeman was a wise choice.
Mr Robert Walker, Chair• man of the Board of Trustees, and Mr Ward Reesman, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, gave the Investure. Mr Reesman spoke on the challenges facing colleges and the questioning of th_e need of a college degree.
Preside.nt Larry A. Tangeman was the next to speak and he welcomed all who came and thanked them for supporting Peru. His speech was to follow four veins and these were:
1. To highlight the roots of Peru State College;
_2. To identify some trends in the world which provide a backdrop for discussion, if not for action;
3. To Qutline the strengths of Peru State C91lege;
4. To highlight some continued and new directions and goals for utilization of personnel energies and financial resources.
He highlighted the fact that fall is the time to start an.ew <1nd he planned to do just that for Peru.
Board of Tmstees · take action in Peru.
State Coilege Ti;ustees ap- Peru State, Trustees approved a Peru State College proved: request Friday to develop a cooperative student internship program hetween the college and the Beatrice State Development (:enter.
The $20,000 grant from Beatrice will allow the college tQ hire a staff meml)er to "initiate and coordinate an internship program in special educ<l,tion, early childhood education, recreation therapy and other behavioral sciences,." according to President Larry Tangeman.
The staff me~ber will provide assistance to the Center in these areas and teach undergraduate courses at the college, Dr. Tangeman said.
The Center will reimburse the college $200 for each fulltime student intern and $100 for half-time interns.
In other action affecting
- receipt of a $1,500 grant from the Small Business Administrati9n to fund business administration student help to area small businesses in management, \!Ounseling and technical assistance.
· - receipt of a $43;563.23 grant. from CETA to ·help staff the college's libi:a,ry project converting fi;om ~Re Dewey Decimal System to the Library of Congress Classification so that the college may join a national book referral system.
- the $10,266 bid from Fettin Roofing of Lincoln for administration building roof repair.
- the $2,500 Leo A. Daly bid for architectural work on replacing the original education building windows with a more energy-efficient window design.
.Avera;•" 3 t· ··
Issue 3 Peru State College, Peru, Ne. 68421 Friday, October 20, 1978
Lack of involvement results. in comment
By Beth Propst
towns have movie theatres. 'fake a cruise to
Laughter and excitement can be h~rd and felt B;ownville _ tour the now-beipg-restored Merriw~ther ~oughout the_room._ ~e air beal~ve. ~very one Lewis dredge, buy teas and health foods at the inte~es~ing m the room 1s sm1lm,g and talking excitedly_ of. the Brownville Mills, or just journey through the old bmldn1gs weekend ahead. This enthusiasm seems to be contagious and wander through the beautiful town. Ind.ian Cii~e St:1te for all who encounter them. Park is just a small jump further. Check ou~ what s gomg
Nearby, however, the air. m the room heavy and on in Auburn. Breeze up to Nebraska City to the Apple almost stuffy. is smjlmg as the telev1s10n blasts_ ~ut Orchards Arbor Lodge or John Brown's Cave, yet another tiresome. situation comedy. Anger, host1hty Or vou ~ould even stay here. Many of you say you don.'t and tension continue to build. No one com~ mto the room have~ car to get you anywhere. Almost all of us ha\'.e feet and no_ one leaves: The sa~e faces with the same -what'swrongwithwalking?Walk~ngbac~andforthon express10ns seem hardly stir.. campus we go a greater distance than if we walked
These are not two completely different schools or t_owns. downtown. Peru is a beautiful town. Walk through Neal Both of these situations happen week aft~r.week m the Park. Gaze down at the town from Cem~tery Hi).l. There same town, Peru, Nebraska. Cries of delight as well as are always on-campus activities, sports events, high dislike can be heard coming from the mouths of P.S.C. school functions, numerous clubs and organizations both students. on and off campus, a game room, swimming ~ool imd a
I would like to, take thi.s opportunity t personally congratulate Mike L~rsen and De~. Kline on their being chosen King and Quee for the 1978 Peru State Homecoming. Thes, two persons were deserving of this honor and am sure we all wish them our best.
I felt "Remember When" was a success an if should be one that we cherish for a Ion time. We had nice turnouts at the pep rally an. bonfire, the play presented by the Per, Players and the Homecoming para~e. !her were some excellent bands and entries m· th parade to make it a colorful occasion. q course, the Bobcat football teaI? did thei share in making the day by defeatmg the th 17th rated Ravens from Benedictine College Good job, guys! The following weekend Pe· manhandled Yankton by a 42-14 score.
.· altered. Get involved!
What makes the big d1fferem;e? Why 1s 1t that one group gymnasium used for intramural sp9rts. If the times they of people always have somet)ling to do_ and seldom are open aren't convenient then don't sit back and holler. c;omplain about bQredom and a_n~t!1er ~up can be h~rd Change them! complaining of the lack Qf activities? It s one town WI~ And if things aren't being run the way YQU thmk they two sides. Or is it? Maybe it is one town, but the problem is should. look into it and find out why and if they can be the people.
Apathy seems to be running rampant t?rough this _small
Perhaps even more important than an~ of this is the f~ct midwestern college t~wn. No~, a question: for you. Wh~ that there are people always around looking for someth!ng do people always wait for th1~~ to _b~ _g1~en to them, to do. Use your imagination: It is a vast and unendmg People seldom do things on their QWn 1mtiatlve anymore. source of entertainment. Someone else has to tell them what to do or these people
As the commercial says, "Kalaka" to Omaha with a feel there isn't anything to do. group. Someone is almost always driving someplace.
The solution ~o. this probl:m :eally isn't too ~rd to Once again, it is Friday night in Peru,_ Nebraska. And figure out. You Just to fmd 1t for yourself. Th1s.~d once again we see a group of people star~mg out on Ii ney,i surrounding com~uruties have numerous opportu~ties adventure. Perhaps they aren't even gomg to leave !he;r for activities For those of us 19 and older we ~ave two own rooms. But they have dug deep enough and didn t bars in town, at which we all can get properly primed for wait around to get· bored. They tackled their problem. the weekend and our troubles are over, Lookdoser at this group and )lopefully you'll find your
But come on! Where is your imagiIµti_on and sens~ of own face in the crowd. You've got to help yourself before I adventure. Certainly you can do something else besides can. drink and complain.
'cafeteria Menu
Friday, October 20
STRIKING OUT FOR A VICTORY, the Peru State obcats will find· themselves heavily tested against umber·eighth ranked Chadron State in Saturday's 2 m. clash in the Oak Bowl. This game has been esignated 1978 Parents' Day honoring the parents and enior members of the Bobcat football team. ·
Breakfast: Waffles, Scrambled eggs.
Lunch: Chicken and Dumplings, Maca,roni and Beef, Mashed potatoes and gravy.
Dinner: Pork Tips and Noodles, Fish, Oven Brown Potato.
Saturday, October 21
Lunch: Bacon, Pancakes and Grilled Cheese.
Monday, October 23
Breakfast: Pancakes, Bacon.
Lunch: Braised Beef, Hot Turkey
Last week, (Oct. 12) we saw the installatio" of Dr. Larry A. Tangeman ·as the 21~ president of Peru State. We were als: privileged to have the membe~s of the Boar, of Trustees on campus along with many othe persons interested in our college's success.
Peru is scheduled to meet the Chadron Sta College Eagles tomorrow at 2 p.m. and · encourage all of you to attend this ver important game. This is also Parents' DR, and the second to the last home appearanc for some players. Good luck on win :1umb four Bobcats, because we are all behind yo '
Harper directs his: first p1ay at Peru
William Saroyan's comedy characte~s in the pla.y an3, The Time of Your Life will be help add mterest to the pl opening November 15, 16, 17 Each person ~vho att • and 18th. The production is th1 s play may iden. tify ~I being directed by Dr. one of these charac Charles Harper and is his There 18 a lync tenor'. first at Peru. Along with Dr. piano pla~er, an Arab, ;. Harper. several of the cast even~ society couple all; members are also new to mhabit a small honky .t Peru theatre. saloon on the. waterfront' San Francisco. M
New and old faces will try emotions fill the hearts of to make this show cornpara- actors adding to the realis able to the Broadway pro- of this play. i duction, which became a There's something •~ Pulitzer prize winner. everyone in The Time,1
Dinner: '.l;una Noodle Casserole, Ham.
Tuesday, October 24
Breakfast: Scrambled
There are many different Your Life. Don't miss it! i Et~~!~f~~llled Cheese,
Beans and Franks. Managing Editor •Darrell Well~
Dinner: Swiss Steak, Beef Associate Editors
October 25 Sports Editor
Beth Pro)
Breakfast: Biscuits and News Editor Becki Yo~ Gravy, Grits, Fried, Eggs Artist
Desi Kij
Mick Os~ Sloppy Joes. Advisor EverettBrownj
Lunch: Turkey Tetrazinni, Photographer
Dinner: Closed for Tea- Advertising Manager Darrell Welhi! chers Convention, Published 10 times a semester by students of Peru S~
Note: Breakfasts include College, the Pedagogian is the sounding board of the studl Cereal, Juice, Toast and body and is sensitive to the problems of the coll! Jelly. Lunches and Dinners community. include: salad, Two Vege- All comments and letters to the Editor [under 300 wort
~' ),a\~1.-,, ,. \ •, '-, I
M~ Wednesday,
• •••• •· • •••• •• •Ken~
• • •
Friday, Oct. 20
5-9 p.m. Innovative Ideas orkshop, Ed Bidg 210
8 p.m. Movie: Dutchess nd the Dirtwater' Fox, FA ud
Saturday, Oct. 21.
8 a.m. • Noon ACT test, FA
Saturday, Oct. 28 10-Noon Childrens Act FA 205
l :30 Football vs Culver Stockton, there
9 - 12 Noon Ideas Workshop, Ed210
Monday, Oct. ao
· 6 - 8 p.m. Gymnastics
!f 11:15 a.m. Bobkitten Vol- (ContEd) E£1Mini-gym
,Jeyballvs Chadi.:on, .Here 7 p.m. Bobkitten Volley-
2 p.m. Bobcat football vs ball vs Nebraska Wesleyan ,ichadron, here • (Parents•: s· • 10 p.m. Costume:Party Day) for Choir and Band FA
·· 8:30- :l:30lnnovative Ideas Lobby ' 'Workshop, Ed Bldg 210 7 - 9 p.m Crocheting FA
Monday, Oct. 23 104
•• 6-8 p.m. Gymnastics (Cont ·Ed) Ed Mini-gym
7-9p.m. Crocheting FA 104
Tuesday, Oct. 24
9 · Noon Mental Health
tlinic, Health Center.
, 4 - 10 p.m. Swing Choir Clinic ·
1:30 · 3 p.m. Life Planning
-Career Adm 304
5:30 p.m. Circle K, WDR
.•.• 7· 9 p.m. Cake Decorating (Cont. Ed) Ed 312
· 7:30-9p.m. Fundamentals pf Bridge, Faculty Lowige
8 p.m. P.S.C. Students for Christ, TV Room
Wednesday, Oct. 25
5:30 p.m. Bobkitten Volleyall vs Concordia (A and B) ere
6:30p.m. ConcernedBlack
tudents WDR
7 p.m. Bridge Club, Fish~ bowl ·
Thursday Oct. 26 and Friday, Oct. 21 NSEA Convention, No
ganization f fraternity t Peru State
Tuesday, Oct. 31 [HALLOWE;EN]
9 · 12 N09n Mental Health. Clinic, Health Center
1:30 -.3 p.m. Life Planning Career, Adm 304
8 p.m. Movie: Demon Seed, FA Aud
8 p.m. P.S.C. Students for Christ, TV Lounge
Contest open. to outstanding llege wo,men
Peru State CQI!ege students are invited to participate in GLAMOUR Magazine's 1979 Top Ten College Women Contest. 'Young women from colleges and _universities throughout the country will compete in GLAMOUR's search for ten outstanding students. A panel of GLAMOUR ·editors will select the winners on the basis of their solid records of achievement in academic studies and/or in extracurricular activities on campus or in the community.
The 1979 Top Ten College women will be featured in Sigma Beta Chi has been GLAMOUR's August College ganized at Peru State and issue. During May, June, or Y be the first official July the ten winners will be k organization ·to be invited to New York to meet mpted here at Peru the GLAMOUR staff and will te. The fraternity at pres- receive a $500 cash prize. consists of 14 "Brothers" Anyone who is interested Mr· David M. Eatqn, in enteripg the search should is responsi\)le for get- contact the Editor of the the fraternity. started.· Pedagogian for more inforEaton is an inactive mation. The deadline for ber of his fraternity and submitting an application to s also an officer. GLAMOUR is Qecember 15, t the opening meeting 1978. If you have any ques·ve officers were elected tionsyoumaywritetoEditor the results are as f p d B. p S C o e ., ox 120, ws:
p~:rJe;t James Sa:g~
.Ban;a choir
-; Secretary - Darrel! U, man; Treasurer - Rick
rt; Academic Chair- Joe Gergen and lain - Kevin Haulk. es of Sigma Beta re to promote a close nship between ers", to promote and lish appropriate behavto stress chivalcy and a touch of class to the bers and the school. fraternity is planning ted ho~e for, Hallo-
plan ·party
A Halloween Party will be held for the ba1_1d and choir I}lembers on October 31, in the Fine Arts Center. The event will be a costume party and is being organized by band and chpir officers, according to choir President Lori Stortenbecker. Cosponsors will be Dr. Edward G. Cam~ly, choir director and
· Choir gives perfoi;mance
The 42-member Peru State College Choir; under the direction of Dr. Edward Camealy, performed its first concert of the new season for Peru State's President's Advisory Council members and spouses last week.
Three of the eleven selec• tions on the program were directed by iS78:79 choir offi_cers Lori. Stortenbecker, president; Sbaron Bartels, vice president; and Dee Dettmer, ··secretary-treasurer
Library grant
Aided by a grant from C~TA, Library Assistant Sharon Mccaslin reported that the Library's switch from the Dewey Decimal System of classification to the Library of Congress will "hopefully be completed by next fall."
The CETA grant is chiefly being used to hire extra staff c·ampUS VI' Sl• t to speed the cbange over. About one-fourth of the books have been changed ·to ·the Library of Congress system from the Dewey Decimal System.
There have been no complaints to McCaslin about confusion in locating .materials. She asked that any person having' problems Ioea ting something are we!-. come to ask any of the Librarv staff for help.
Representatives from the graduate division of Emporia State University will be on campus October 25 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to interview prospective grilduate students Those interested may meet in Room 304 of the Administration Building. Contact the placement office for an appointment.
Monty Python on the air Sunday nights :_ ·
Sheryl Schultz and Jonell Kotouc change the benches in the quadrangle from forest green to Peru Blue. Circle K furnished the labor for the public service project which later is to include the benches at the dormitory Complex. Maintenance furnished the paint. Miss Kotouc said each bench takes about 30 minutes of work.
Circle K paints benches
One of the projects currently under way on campus is the repainting of our campus benches. Credit for this task can be given to the Peru State College Circle-K club.
Sheryl Shultz is the President of this club.
Circle-K in recent years has contributed to the beauty of the campus in many ways, The benches are only one
example and the campus marquee donated by the club is another.
Circle-K is the college branch of the International Kiwanis club. It is a service organization with helping those on the college campus and in surrounding areas in mind. The regular meetings are h~!d on Tuesday evening at 5:30 in the We~t Dining Room of the Student Cent€r.
NETCHE sponsors fair for students
Acareer fair sponsored by The fair is free and open to the Nebraska Educational all students from 13 NebrasTelevision Council for ka colleges, among these Higher Education will be being Peru State. Thirty-five heldNovember 2 and 3 at the employers from seven states · will be there to share career Sheraton Inn Southwest in facts
Omaha. The meetings will be To enroll for the fair, see held on both days, from nine Don Schulze, Placement to six p.m. Director.
British madness, in the er1can cartoomsi wh9 proform of the popular MONTY vides the connective tissue PYTHON'S. FLYING CIR- between scenes with animaCUS, returns to the Nebras- ted sequences. ka Educational Television The shows are designed to Network on Sundays at 10 explode British. attitudes to. p.m. beginning Oct.ober 8. ward the world, the need for High school and college a co~crete answe~ to every age ,students in Nebraska question, the fanatical attenhave clamored for the return tion to detail and the unwill. of this rany: .comedy show, · ingness to look disaster. in whlch combines a random the face. The group avoids series of skits · blackouts the punchline, preferring the sight gags, biza~e animated creation of im~ges, erasing sequences and irreverent them and creating new ones. satire.
•· MONTY PYTHON'S FLY- ING CIRCUS was produced ING CIRCUS was created in by the British Bro~dcasting 1969 by graduates ofOxford Corporation and distributed and Cambridge and an Am- by Time-Life Films.
·Halloween Supply House
Unique - Unusual Masks, Records and Supplies from Jimmy Carter to Darth Vader Children to Adults
From $2.95 to over $50
Bald Skin Caps, Ankle Ball and Chain Free Star Wars Poster with $10 or More Purchase Downtown Peru at the vacant lot between Laundromat and Moran's Friday 2 to 8 and Saturday 10 to 5. Saturday Special - Computer Portraits.
~ctober ZO, 1978
Benedictine stopped Qy Bobcat defense
The ·Peru State Bobcats survived an aerial assauit by Benedictine College· Saturday to chlim a 19-13 victory before a· Peru Homecoming Day crowd. , Benedictine, ranked 17th amo~ the nation's _small colleges, picked apart the Peru State pass defense for 27~ passing y~ on 1,5 com, :P.I+~ons, ita in the first _half. P:eru had not _allowed that many yards in the previous fo,ur games combined (253 yards).
· The Ravens also managed to. slow dQ~ Alvin Holder, Peru's outstanding sophomore back who was ranked .eighth naµonally, Holder w11$lµnited to 62 yards on 22 carries, well below his 126ylltd I average. Fullback Ma:rvin McGill managed 60 y~ on 13 carries including two .touchdo~.
•:'J'hePeru State defense did nuuiage to hold Benedictine to only 110 rt!5hing yards, well below its 24-0-yard aV:et;ige. Raven AllAillerican running ba_ck Keith Hert\fug was held to only 54 yard_s'/on 17 carries, 65 Y,ards befow his 119-yard average.
· _The game started fast, with both teams_ scoring 13 _first-quarter po_ints. Neither managed to ci:oss the other's goal line until Ed (:Qnnelly recovered_ a Ben\ldictine fumble _ with just under three minutes to play inside the Raven 20-yard line. Three plays later, McGill scored the winning toiiehdown.
Peru scored first with less than four minutes gone in the quarter on a fake field goal. Senior defensive back Ken Denning, the kick holder, took the. snap from center Mark J()hnson, scr!lmbled to his right, and floated a 25yard toss to Willie Johnson for the score. Dan Todd ki~kP.dthe point after.
Former coach earns award
Benedictine charged right back, taking the kickoff and marching d_bwn the ,field for a score. Raven quarterback Paul Durkin found AllAmerican receiver Pat George for a 23-yard score on fourth down and 13. The point after jtick failed.
'fb_e Ravens shocked Peru a little later when Durkin found Mike, Hosty all alone for a 77-yardtoucqdown. Ken Mallette kicked the point after for a lead.
The Bobcats came back and scorelf on a nille-yard run by MeGill, w!io broke three hard tackles to reach the_ g()fll. line. The crucial PQint_ after kick _was blocked to tie the score at 13-13.
Neither team mounted a serious' scoring' until the fourth period. Peru punter '.ferry ~e, Nebras!ca's most produc_tive ~r, pinned Benedietine inside its 20-yard line with. a 45-y_ard boot. Shortly thereafter came the fumble and re1:overy by Connelly, Peru'.s standout middle guard, at theBenedictine 13.
Alvin Holder gained eight, then McGill _notched his second score of the !lay on a five-yard burst with 2:30 remammg. _ Todd , _again missed the extra point to end scoring: _ Benedictine passed its w_ay back dqwn the field 9eep into Bobcat territory, but defensive b;lck Kirk Ochs stepped in frol).t of a _Durkin pass for an interception -.yith 38 _ secon95 remaining to seal the victory.
Linebacker Jon Orton led the Peru defense with 17 ;ackles, while Connelly had 14. Keri Denning, Ochs,. and Milton Taylor all had interceptions, while Bill Pursley had seven tackles and a fumble recovery. ·AllAmerican candidate Mike Larsen, a defensive tackle, had. his best effort or' the season with nine tackles.
Volleyball team drops tough pair
The Peru State Bobkittens The loss to Wayne State were ~ven rough. treatment was a. closer match,. with the by~ffl~fl'Webraska teams. Wildkittens winning three ()f
Thellijtt,lnst~ a road five sets. Set scores were gam,e½t,i> ton Univer-, 15-2, 14-16, 16-14, 10-15, and sityJ~ ll'toWayneState 14-16. ·
Friday, O<!t. 6, in the Home- The Wayne loss wa$ a coming contest. disappointment before the
The Creighton Lady Jays pasted Peru State in two straight sets by scores of 1~ and 15-2 at Omaha. According to.Coach Pat Gilbert, the Bobkittens were never in the game, mentally or otherwise.
"We just played rotten," she said. · .She added that Peru was at least a match for Creighton ·talent-wise, but the team never got started.
HAYS, Kansas - Ernest (Dutch) Lorbeer, BeaUlll011t, Texas, :a Fort ·Hays State University graduate, received an Alumni Ass()Ciation Achievement award this week.
_ The retired sc.out for the St. Louis Cardin!lls baseball team, \Vas selected by the Association for his outstanding contributions. to his profession, his church, and his community.
Before deci~ upon baseball as a ~r, Lorbe_er coached,basketball and footballeight years at Peru State College. Looking back over the past 44 years, Lorbeer recalls. having served in almost every ~seball league capacity except umpire and president. . .
Lorbeer is a~tive in the - Masonic Lodge, the Association of Professional Baseball Players of America, and is _ an 18-year member of Rotary Club.
He and his wife, the former Frances Hurlock, have one daughter and five grandchildren.
Homecoming crowd. The crowd itself may have been a · factor in the loss, accqrding to Coach Gilbert. "The team allowed the home crowd to \get to them'," she said. "We lost our conC!entratiQn."
The loss left Peru at for the season. Though C9ach Gilbert admitted "frustration" at the season thus far, she feels the team can come back and beat anyone "if they (the team) decide they want to."
Intramural foothall champions decided
No-Namers 0 4 12 46
Klin Larsen
Seniors Desiree Kline of track and volleyba!I. · l Dr. Malvern, Ia., and Mike Mike is the son of Mr and !Connelly _ arsen of Harlan, Ia., were Mrs Darrel Larsen of tack
5 crowned 1978 P~ru State Harlan. He is a physical edu- pp peal
No- Colle~e Homecommg queen cation major, a member of
and king. the college lettermen's club,
"Desi" is the daughter of serves as campus
Malvern. An a.rt major, she man. A football co-captain ,cause
RESULTS MEAT 6, Doomsdayers 22 is president of the Women's this season Mike was named {sponsihle
September 26
October 17 Athletic Association, a last year ' to the District Idone
Doomsdayers 8, No- Doomsdayers 0, MEA'l.' 6 cheerleader, a member of Eleven N.A.I.A. first team t In Namers O.
*Doomsdayers are the the Art Club, serves as resi- offense and was N.A.I.A. '
September 28 champions as their differ- dent assistant in her <iormi- Honorable Mention All- ,
NIIIMElllliillA111T_.liii2liliN_.o-._Niliiaiiiimiiersiilii6• 1111e111n1111ce111111<•01111ff1111-Diillefilii)illiisiiilliiliilill•M•tory, and has participated in American.
'1 Page4
1 . Connelly · rinking
·~(.· Howev, • aton.Di ife, lviolation
• !penalty
fharsh !thing
THIS SEQUENCE OF PLAYS typifies the Peru State defense against Yankton College when the Bobcats intercepted five passes, recovered two fumbles and sacked the Greyhound quarterback four times en route to winning 42-14. Above, Glen Hubbard, Omaha sophomore, jars the ball loose from Yankton quarterback Jan Montella. Below; Tim Alvis recovers the fumble. Alvis is a sophomore from Woodbine,
e, . . . 1-P.latl
FINAL STANDINGS 1978 N~:e:sgayers
W L Off Def
•reasons Doomsdayers .3 1 ·36 12 OctoberIO
MEAT 3 1 44 34 MEAT020c,toNbo-erNlalmers6
security .1,mitted,
MrandMrsEldonL.Klineof guardandisavolunteerfire- '(:ause
The Pedagog!J!!!eBohcms·
Pero. State College, Peru, Ne. 684-21
By Beth Propst
light of new evidence
in consideration that Mr. nelly did not have suffit time to prepare his , I, Don Miller, FinanAir Director, hereby e that the Suspension of Connelly be suspended that !\Ir Connelly be ed on status of SuspenSuspension and thereby eit his athletic tuition •er effective October 16, , and for the balance of 1978. 79 acaqemi~ year. ith th0 provision that Ed 'ijtinue on the strictest pron fur a period from the t to the end of the semester of 1979/ll0 ning Al\.Y violation of Student C'ode of Conduct result in his ens10n.
ith the approval of the ve motion by a 7-1 vote Student Affairs Commisn reversed a previous den to suspend Ed elly as a student at Peru e College.
t a special hearing Mon' October 23, the S.A.C. rd testimony by T~rry iland who investigated incident concerning elly.
illiland, as a member of S.A.C. (an investigative y),,said he th9ught he found error in the first ing. He felt he had ugQ new information to ear the case and perhaps ' ch a different decision.
Notice: College; the followingshoulc
An amendment should be be noted and the Studen 1made to the Peru Pue Pro- Handbook changed to reflec! ess Structure as it affects that: tprocedure for appeals of de- "All appeals of decisions 1t>isions made by the Student rendered by the Student Af.
November 3, 1978 Affairs Commission. As it Fairs Commission should 15e now appears in the Student made to the College Affairs
M • • Handbook. appeals of deci- Council. Appeals of decisions u SI Clans sions rendered by 'the Stu- made _by the College Affain dent Affairs Commission are Council are then made to th! reversed p Ian seVen mad: to the President of the President of the College."
presented by Gilliland, Dr. testify. Eaton stated he Rizzi, SA.C. member, said, would not comply with the "What we've got to consider: request and a motion to here is: would we ha\·e voted remove Eaton was made. On the same way had we been a secret ballot the motion given this information at last failed. Eaton stated that he Monday's meeting?" would not vote if he fell he A rundown was then given could not make an objective of the procedure in which decision.
Connelly was first ques- Witnesses were called on ti oned and charged: behalf of Connelly, testifying
At 10 a.m. Sunday morn- that his behavior had been ing, ConneUy was summoned modified. His sincerity in by Eaton to Hall Director changing, according to GilliJohn Walker's room. In the land, is evidenced ''by his presenceofEdDunlap, Resi- grades and by the people denceAssistant. and Walker. who have testified over in who had filed the signed Delzell." complaint, Connelly was After further discussion by questioned regarding drink- the committee, Eaton said, ing and some destruction of "If we are no longer going to property m the dorm. entertain further evidence or Connelly denied the accusa- witnesses, or suppo~tive evition that he had been in- dence, then we should devolved in the destn,1ction of clare an executive session.'· property but admitted to An executive session would "having a beer." require all non-committee
Ed was told that he would meet with Eaton at 2 p.m. the following day. He was not informed that having plead guilty ·Eaton would recommend Disciplinary Suspension. When asked the qtI!JS· tion, "When didyoudeci4e to ask for suspension?", Eaton replied, "When I found out the charges." Conn~lly. was also not i¢'ormed that a special meeting was being held to hear his case.
At 11:45 Monday morning Connelly walked into Eaton's· office and found a special meeting had b~n called to hear a Specification of Charges against him by Eaton
members to leave the ~oom while further deliberation took place. The reason for this request, a,ccqrding to Apilado, was that other names were beu~ed.
Kent Propst, Sports Editor for the Pedagogian, commented, "Mr Connelly said this was an open meeting at his own request. But we.can't go against yQur motion (to go into executive sessiolJ) either if it pa~ses.'' Propst later asked Eaton what he was afraid for the others to hear, to which Eaton remarked:
'Tm not going to entertain questions from the floor."
Seven public music activi- E1gh
ties at Peru State College are planned during November, according to Dr Gilbert Wilson, director of music activities at Pt,ru.
The college's thirty-fourth ,annual high school band clinic will be held Thursday, Nov: 9. A public concert will be presented by participating students ~t 7 p.m. The clinic will feature Claude T. Smith as guest conductor, Dr. Wilson said. "We are quite fortunate in securing the services of Mr Smith, a well-known composer and conductor and a former director of the Cozad High School band,'' he said. • Two senior will be presented by the studio of , Dr. David M. Edris, professor of music at Peru. Tamberly Chaney, percussion, Percival, Ia., will perform Nov. 12 at 3 p.m. in the fine arts auditorium. She will be accompanied by Ken Saggau, freshman, Ceylon, Minn., and Perry Biaggi. senior, Humbo_ldt.
Bob Bebout, trumpet, Nebraska City, will perform )iov. l!l.~qp.m, in,the.fine arts auditorium. His accompani~t will be Pamela Gere, associate professor of music at Peru.'
Also scheduled for November, Dr. Wilson said, are public concerts featuring the Peru Stale College stage band and woodwind. choir. The stage band, directed by Dr. Edris. will perform Nov. 21 c1t 8 p.m. in the fine arts auditorium. Dr. Wilson will
See page 2
t involved
• • m practicum
Eight students are en- responsibilities, of which the rolled in their Field Work student takes very seriously, Practicum for the fall se- Ms, Emerson said. mester according to Ms. Students enrolled and their Nancy Emerson, instructor assignments are as follows: of Sociology/Social Work. Susar Antes, Nebraska City The course is mandatory for Manor. Nebraska City: all ~ocial work majors in Thomas Wooten, Good fulfilling their graduation Samaritan Home, Auburn; requirements. Bridget Hoover, Headstart, The Field Work Peru; Cynthia Mertens, Welis designed to give the stu- fare Dept., Auburn; Jim dents an educational exper- Lennerton, Beatrice State ience in the practic:e of social Home, Beatrice; Anne Stribwork under the instruction ling, Southeast Community and supervision of a soc.ial Action, Auburn, · Cynthia worker in a community Mahoney, Health Dept., Auagency, Ms. Emerson said. burn; and Judy Donahue, In essence the student is Blue Vallue Mental Health, preparing himself for per- Auburn. spective employment in the Ms. Emerson feels that the field of social work. course assignments should
Three hours of college be expanded to agencies in credit are earned at the urban areas outside southcompletion of the course, east Nebraska, so the stuwhich lasts the duration of dents could get a fully dethe semester Ms. Emerson veloped view of social work noted that t)le student is in ou(side of rural areas. act11al field work practice At the end of the semester, eight to ten hours a week. the agency superviso(' will
The student utilizes all furnish the School with a previous classroom know- written evalu;ition indicating ledge gained in social work the student's gel)eral in fulfilling the practicum progress, his a~justment to course, Ms. Emerson said. the setting, )is underMr Tom Plith, M.S.W., of standing of sqcial and adthe Mental Health Clinic in ministrative problems, .his Auburn is Ms. Emerson's ability tp relate to his clients, consultant and coordinator and, of course, his potentials of the practicum. Both Mr as a professional social Plith and Ms. Emerson meet worker, Ms. Emerson said. with the stude~ts on a reg- This evaluation will be disular basis to assess progress cussed with the student a.nd made thus far. cosigned by him, prior to
Ed Connelly was suspenon Monday, October 16, ming from an. incident lzell Hall on October 15. Apilado informed Connelly he could request a lawyer.
The motion did not carry.
It was at this time that Dr.
Don Miller questioned why Connelly had not been told prior to the original hearing that anything he said could be used against him at the hearings.
Eaton and Apilado both stated that they were not legally bound by the Miranda decision (basic rights of the accused). Gilliland said, "Still, we have a moral obligation."
Financial Aid Director reasons for suspension e, according to Dr. Twenty-seven hours after being charged, Connelly was on Apilado, D~n for suspended.ent Development, .,He The Specification of Charnelly J confessed to ges indicated a violation of ing in the dorm and his Section I, Possession and r records." Use of .Alcoholic beverages, owe\1er. Mr. L. David in the Student Code of Conn, Director ofResidence duct. At the meeting, Eaton , said, ':It was simply a further explained circumtion of probation." stances of the incident. He ton later said, "The then moved for susperu,ion of lty was felt to be too Connelly, who visited with sh. The hearing had no- and was questioned by the to do with past cases." Commission. The motion r. Apilado also said that was approved. melly could ha Ye gone In previous cases, students
to classes as soon as an were given three days to l was filed with the prepare defense for their e. When asked for what hGaring. Connelly, however, s Connelly was read- was given no time to prepare , Apilado said, "Be- a defense. there was probably At the October 23 special he had not been re- meeting there was discus)>le for all the damages sion on whether Eaton is dorm room) '' should remain in the room as wof new inforrution he would later be called to
The final vote on t~e motion was made by secret ballot. The motion passed with seven yes, one no, and two abstentions. Ed Connelly, as a result of that decision, must pay back the tuition waiver granted him at the beginning of the semester from October 16 through the 1978/79 academic year. He is also on strictest probation through the 1979/80 academic year. Connelly returned to classes on October 24.
A verbal or written con- submitting it to the School. tract has been made by the This evaluation. and grade student and his supervisor as become part of the student's to assigned duties and total educational record.
SOUNDS OF LITTLE Fl!;ET on campus mark not the youngest freshman class in PSC history, but the many facets of the Peru State College campus. These youngsters and their teachers pause to pet a willing canine on their way from the Student Center to their Head Start quarters in the Education building. Two groups, the Head Start project, and a pre-school share the Education Building and the campus with more traditional students.
By neth Propst
As a journalism student it is my duty to print information that is important and should be known by the students at Peru State College. I am obligated to writ0 in an unbiased manner in order to present the f.acts to you. It was my contention that, the administrative start would rem.ain unbias<:'d and strive for the protection of all '."itudent's Rights.
About two weeks ago I went to Mr L. David Eaton, Director of Residence Life and asked him for information on a student susµension case. He refused to. release information on the grounds that he and his office are obligated to keep information confidential.
I contend that the right' to a fair and impartial hearing is one of our rights. I contend that anyone is innocent un\il proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. l also contend that it is not only my duty but 'Mr Eaton's and Dr. Apilado's duty as well, to attempt to extinguish rumors which could endanger a fair and impartial heatjng or prejµqice any Commission member against a student being brought before the SAC.
Little effort was m;ide on this student's behalf \:Once ming these points. Ad.ministrc1tors were worried about the image of the college, as well as their own images, when their main con~ern should have been to the student.
After )Jeing given the run-around by Eaton and Apilado I sought information elsewhere. I appz:oached Mr Roger Flanders, Director of Institutional Relations. He made a sincere ;ittewpt to get me.anything he cpuld. F)anders called m;e with th~:statement that appeared in the last Ped. I thank ·him·for 1-ii~•time and trouble.
Dorm residents ride
Residents of ClavburnMatbews had.a hayrack ride and picnic last month in an effort to become better acquainted with their neighbors. The group rode around the outskirts .of Peru and enjoyed a chilly hour of fun.
_ Mike Dambrosia was ·the driver of the pickup used in the ride and it was mueh appreciated by all.
After the ride, the fungoers
picked up food already prepared by Food Services and ate the meal at i'1eal Park. About 20 persons took part in the meal that consisted of hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, chips and punch.
This event was partially paid for out of dorm fees and also the student lunch program. Fut:.ire events will be announced when they have been planned.
! And thanks to Terry Gilliland I was' informed of the hearing -on October 23 in which appeal of the suspension would be heard. As a member of the SAC, Gilliland investigated the case very thoroughly. I thank him for his concern for all PSC students' rights and the proper use \lf. the Due Process Sy~tern. He showed me that lawyers aren·t the only ones who stand up for students anymore.
I commend the other administrative and staff .members of the Commission. Most of them. were willing to,.. hear all information, question, and correct any injustites.
I must, however, criticize the Student Representatives. I was disappointed that so few questions anµ comm~nts were made by them. YOU are OUR representatives on the SAC and I ask you to represent us.
it has been called to my attention that ceri;ain SAC members feel that I, Kent Propst, sports editor for the Ped, and other guests may have been disruptive during, the hearing. Speaki,ng for myself, if you feel I wa~ disruptive I invite you to contact me and review the tapes with me. I ask you to show me where and how I was disruptiv~.
In conclusion, I was very proud when the ~tatement "nobody won. and nobody lost'' was made. Jus_tice was served. The student was punished and a conflict in the Student Handbook was resolved.
1 was proud to see people getting Jnyo1vea even wnen u meant putting their own reputations at stake. I wiis pleased to see people realizing a mistake and being ·willing to reverse an original decision. This is an ability many people lack.
From page I
direct the woodwind choir at 9:40 a.m. will pr€$ent for its Nov. 'l'I performance music students with limited at.8:15 p.m. in the fine arts performanceexperiencea11d auditorium, is not graded. The student Closing the November recital scheduled for Nov. 30 music activities will .be two at 8 p.m. features music recitals featuring several majors and is the fiQal exam Peru State students. The for advanced students, said ·convocation recital Nov. 29 Dr. Wilson.
Darrell Wellman Involved
There seems to be a parking problem a Peru State and it is time that a solution be Students are not parking straight in p stalls and are leaving their cars in places they shouldn't be. The space that this hap parking is taking up could be used by mor and help rid us of this overcrowding.
From what I have learned about surrou· colleges they have similar parking problems:i also use ticketing as a method of stopping:· problem. I know per~ons at UNL who walk:. blocks just to reach their dormitory and we in Peru don't realize just how lucky we are t so close to classes. Commutors should have priority to parking places because they are'.,_ important part of our college. Teachers shd probably be next in line and those who live ou ·· the Centennial Complex next. After loo around Peru State on the busiest days there still some places to park despite the construe crews and dorm residents.
When snow covers the ground we all will h. to make some sacrifices. Car pooling, wal and using available parking places correctly be a must!
The parking situation has been altered at Complex this semester ~nd a few pers evidently do not understand the rules. ~he sp in front of the dorms is reserved for resident h directors and for service trucks. I'm not sur five parking places for tru?ks a~e necessary,. it is•a rule that we must abide with. Also, the f1
_ · spaces to the south are reserved for visito •, The · THE PEDAGOGIAN Persons with "A" stickers are not to use the ,oaks
Friday, November3
Lunch: Chicken-Rice
Breakfast: Fried Eggs, Soup, Cheeseburger, Beef
French Toast, Hash Browns. '.VIac and Tomato, French
Lunch: Tomato Soup, fries.
Tuna i\oodle Casserole, Dinner; Chicken-Rice
Grilled Cheese Sandwich. Soup, Fried Chicken. Pork
Dinner: Tomato Soup, Chop Suey, Whipped Potato.
Baked Ham, Spanish Rice.
Saturday, '.'lovember4
Wednesday, November&
Breakfast: Scrambled
Lunch: Scrambled Eggs, Eggs, Waffle, Frie<! Eggs, Sausage, Chicken Ala King, Hash Browns. Hash Browns. Lunch; Bean Soup, Sloppy
Sunday, "'1ovember5 Joe, Chicken Ala King,
Lunch: Roast .fh~e~, Potato Chip.
Broiled Shr1rrwettes, Q~nner: Bean Soup, SpaWhipped j>otato. - ghetti ~nd Meat Sauce, Ham
Dinner: Chicken Fried ,. Steak. • ·
Steak, Ravioli, Whipped Thursday, November9
Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, Soft Boiled Eggs, Bis--
Monday,,November 6: , : i ~uits and Gravy; Sausage,
Breakfast: Scramb\ed Lunch: Cream of Potato
Eggs, Fried Eggs, Biscuits soup, Grilled Ham a~d and Gravy.
· Cheese, Grilled Cheese, ~1p.
Lunch: Vegetable Soup, Dinner: Cream of Potato
Hot Turkev Sandwich, Seal- soup, Turkey and Dressing, loped and Ham.
· Diced Beef with Noodles,
Dinner: Vegetable Soup, Whipped Potato.
Corned Beef and Cabbage, Friday, '.'lovemberIO
Beef Stew, Tater Gems.
Tuesdav, Novemberi
Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, Fried Eggs, French Toast. Bacon, Boiled Eggs.
Breakfast: Scrambled
Eggs, Fried Eggs, Biscuits and Gravy, Sausage
and have been ticketed for violating the rul. ,a.tPei Associate Editors
Let's just consider how lucky we are to be ~ble , ,w:~;, 8 orts Editor
•· ··· · ···· · ·· · ·· ·· ···· ·· .~esi
•••• ••
Mick Osbon ·· DARRELL WELLMAN Advisor : Everett Browning g1 Advertising Ma nager Darrell Wellman
Published IO times a semester by students of Peru State I • aD College, the Pedagogian is the sounding board of the student ·I Ed1·to r1 body and is sensitive to the problems of the college wfu commumty. Rog,
Thar prop of tr
All comments and letters to the Editor [under 300 words] By Becki Young i p , dire should be sent to Clayburn 15A, Peru State College, eru, Although I saw and heard many things at the Ed Connel\ tion Nebraska, 68421. hearing that made me mad and outraged, I also saw mal are A • • • things that made me proud. : ct1VI t1 es
l saw a faculty member willing to put his profess10~,, - credibility on the line and stan~ up for not onlr one st~den~ M but students' rights as individuals.
Friday November3 Career ADM 304Volleybail - AIAW State 5:30p.m. CircleK, WDR.
T ·t s p m P S. Students for ournamen. · · ·
2- 5 p.m. Well Child Clinic, Christ, TV Lo~e. M H ll Wednesday,November8
~ioa7urd~;. November.4 6:30 p.m. Concerned Black
AD 210. ed) ED 3121 , '·2 pm Football vs North- 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.._Dance · · · · N l Dmmg Room western at Orange City, I~. Class - ea · 0 · Volleyball - AIAW State .s p.m. ¾:tyctu: A;d ur Tournament Violent Soc Sunday, November 5 Thursday, Nov~mber 9 Volleyball AlAW State 9a.m. -.5 ?·m. High School T t Band Clime and 7 p.m., ournarnen t N b 6 Concer. Monday, ovem er 1::io - 3 p.m. Life Planning 7 - 9 p.m. Crochetmg FA ADM 304 04 • Career, • • 1 Tuesday' \\lovember 7 7-10 p.m. Old Testament Mental Health Clinic 9-12 History, FA 104 · d noon, Health Center. ~:~O p.rn. Bible St u y1:30 3 p.m. Life Planning Tv Lounge.
I saw members of the Student Affairs Commiss!on take stand - despite pointed opposition from _David Eato~ Director of Residence Life and Dr.,Myron J\p1lado, D.e~ f1 Student Development. Most members. were at least wi)ling ch listen to what Terry Gilliland had. to say. S9me ~tude~ ch representatives however, weren't ~s tolerant. Other stu.~e, representatives failed to even get involved. J Ct
It was shown at the meeting that ~d Connelly bps le!l-i:.n~ from his mistakes and misjudgements and I hope.that:Jhol S~ commission members who made earlier, hasty anq. ,.ra~ C~ decisions, willlearn fro~ their mist?,k~. Fortunately,,:it-w. ,,.· shown by an overwhelmmg 7-1 vote that the St~den.t Affa11 \. Commission was also willing to learn from their mistakes.I (<
So far this year at ~SC I hav_e heard.a lot about ~µles .an, si regulations, but very little abqut what 1s. good or fair for th! student. If a person is not here to help ~e student, he sho~i Si n t be here at all. This is not a prison and we are nil\ to o. i I crmunals.
· ,, · d ·t ·t,
Hopefully this ki.nd of "c. riminallz~tion of the s~u en \\'.1T be avoided in the future. For if the Director of R~s1den~e Lif1 e and the Dean for Student Development ar~, m ,~heir owj words, "College advocates", then who are the student~ j advocates"??
Page2 THE PEDAGOGIAN editorials
and announcement
Lunch: Tomato Soup, Foot Long Hot Dogs, Macaroni and Chee~r.' · · · ···· ···· · ··· ···· · · ·, ·· · ···:::f:::~!
·.Kent Propst park within a block of our dorms ~nd ab1~e Owis10: JewsEditor Beckiyo~ng ~he rul~s. It may even make the ticket writer,1ne:1d, Artist
Klme JOb ec;1s1er.
9 • 12 Noon. Innovative Students, WDR ideas Math and Reading 7 · lO p.m. Cookmg (cont. Wor~hop
~CAFFOLDS SHROUD the tower on the Gymnasium as workers remove weakened cks and replace them with sturdier stuff to prevent the collapse of the stone "arrow ts". Ba_rricades, d~ec~g foot traffic around the work areas, help prevent the suspectmg from bemg hit by falling bricks and other debris. Similar renovation Is ?e~way on the library and has been nearly completed on the administration ldmg.
V to air fes tival
The Festival of a Thousand aks summer music school t Peru State College will be e subject of a one-hour ebraska Educational Television Network special Wednesday, Nov. 22, at 9 p.m. It will be rebroadcast Thursday, Nov. 23, Thanksgiving Day, at 11 a.m.
"Thanksgiving Eve and Thanksgiving Day are appropriate times for the debut of this production from· the college's point of view," said Roger Flanders, college ·rector of institutional relans. "AllofusatPeruState e thankful· that conductor
Sorority formed
Saroyan Play on P-SC campus
Picked by PSC Delta Kappa Chi has been north of Majors Hall. Toge-
The Peru Players produc- orgamzed at Peru and con- ther with Sigma Beta Chi tion of "Time of your Life" siS ts of 20 members with and Peru Enthusiastic Peoby William Saroyan, will Patti George as sponsor. pie they conducted the house open at the PSC College Purpos~s of the sorority are that was open October 30th Auditorium beginning Nov. to provide social opportuni- and 31st.
15, 16, 17, and 18. Curtain ties in Ofder to promote Earlierelectionswereheld time is 8 p.m. every evening. fne ndship, personal growth, and the results are as This light-hearted comedy scholarship and school spirit follows: President - Genny takes place in a waterfront among students of Peru Aufenkamp; Vice-President saloon in San Francisco dur- st ate. - Tami Snyder; Secretary ing the pre-war days of 1939. The group will do activities - Sandra Holland; TreaThis Pulitzer prize-winning for th e benefit of the college, surer - Denise Gourley; play has many warm and th e community and the Publicity - Alice Hamilton varied characters. sorority. These will be an- Sherrie Biere and Tin~ The cast for this produc- nounced in th e future and Gault; Historian - Pam Fox tion are being played by the last week they were involved and Song Leader - Denice following students: Rob in creating a haunted house Domineck. McKercher, Sr, Peru; Steve
Thomas Briccetti and other officials of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra asked Peru State to be the host for the first annual Festival," Flanders said.
Planning for the 1979 Festival next June already is underway, he said. The Festival Board of Directors met last month on campus and will meet again in Omaha Nov. 2 in conjunction with violinist Aaron Rosand' s concert with the Omaha Symphony. Rosand was the first featured guest artist at the 1978 Festival.
.usic dept. activities
By Lori Last 'm,tirteen high school swing High School choir director. ~rs and one college swing He recorded the performanir were on campus Octo- · ·. ces and his comments sjmul~r: 24, _t~ attend a Swing ta~eously on a cassette tape Choir Chmc. which was given to each 'S"chools attending included director. Then for· the reJ]a:.southeast, Nebraska · mainder of each school's half :.sough Page (Iowa), hour, .Mr Erice worked with 'da·. (Iowa), Tarkio the student:, and gave-helpful oun), Tech High suggestions. aha), Malcolm, Tecum- The clinic was sponsored Fall~ City, Cloud County b~ Dr. Edward G. Camealy, umty College (Kan- with the assistance of the , Fairbury, Lincoln Peru MENC group. Aaron B. east and North High Larson, drama and mµsic ha). major, was in charge of the _-clinic was only for stage needs and lighting of tion. No awards were the College Auditorium. ented:The swing choirs Mimi Mellor was in charge ormed before Dwaine E. of the console and the microe, clinician, Ralston phone system.
Program for teachers
The Peru State Education Association will present a program November 14 for education majors who are interested in student teaching.
A similar program was presented last fall. For more information, contact Anita Faraboni, president of PSEA.
Dunn, Jr., Papillion; Joe W~ters, So., Bellevue; Joe Pnmm, Fr., Cedar Bluffs; Ron Myroup, Fr., LaGrange, II.; Chuch Mittan, Fr., Hastings; Ron Doeden, Jr., Cook; Kim Tudor, Jr., Essex, Ia.; Dave Rossell So., Omaha; Norma~ Parish, Fr., Homewood, IL; Lenny Mazour, Jr., Lawrence; Kim Sharp, Jr., Nebraska City; Bob Davis, So., Peru; Angie Stalder, Sr., Humboldt; Harold .Benson So., Omaha; Aaron Larson'. Sr., Vermillion, S.D.; Gwyne Conley, Fr., Omaha; Tom Whitney, Jr., Pawnee City; Tami Coleman, Sr., Peru; Mary Gail Beccard, So., Nebraska City; Jodi Neubauer, Fr., New York, NY; Ann Obermeyer, Fr., Auburn; Tim Ossowski, Fr., Blue Springs; Pam Frost, Fr., Rulo; Mark Shively, Sr., Ralston.
The show is being produced and directed by Dr. Charles Harper, with the assistance of Stage Manager Anita Faraboni, Sr., Nebraska:. City; Technical Director/ Designer, Aaron B. Larson Sr., Vermillion, S.D.; and Costume Designer, Dr. Royal Eckert, drama instructor.
Former editor writes PSC sports
By Linda Henley Kent's biggest problem as Kent Propst, _who writes editor was getting acros.s the· most of the sports informa- idea to staff members that tion stories for. Peru State stories had to come from College, has practically been everyone. "a~ound the horn" in jour- This year Kent i~ serving nahsm. · · as sports editor for the Ped,, Kent graduated in the fall but he "wears many hats." of 1975 from Seward High In addition to class~s a.t PSC, School, where he worked on he writes the sports stQries the annual staff as co-editor that. the PSC Department of and editor. He w~s also the Instution Relations (formerschool's sports writer. ly the News Bureau) sends to Propst began his ~areer area newspapers. after high school as. editor of According to Keqt, ''this is the Peru Challenge, the com- not just a work-study job mercial newspaper that where you put in a few hours serves Peru and the outlying for a few bucks. This job is areas. time consuming. Spmetimes
After nearly. a year of my studies have to suffer working as editor of The because of this job and viceChallenge, Kent was offered versa," he said. a journalism scholarship at Kent would like to work as Peru. He was editor of this a sports information director paper, The Pedagogian, last for a college, or as a sports year. writer for a magazine.
Stevenson, Kotouc
outstanding women
The Board of Advisors for the Outstanding young women of America Awards Program· announced the state winners for the 1978 edition of OUTSTANDING
YOUNG WOMEN OF AMERICA. The winners include: Mary Margaret Stevenson, Nebraska City; and Jonell Kotouc, Milford, Kansas.
The Outstanding Young Women of America Program is designed to honor and encourage exceptional young women between the ages of 21 .and 36 who have distinguished themselves in their homes, in their professions and in their communities. Accomplishments such as these are the result of dedication, service, and leadership - qualities which deserve to be recognized and remembered.
This is the goal of the many leading women's or-
ganizations, college alumni associates and public officials who nominate deserving y_oung w9µien to participate m the program. Serving as chairman of the program's Advisory Board is Mrs Dexter Otis Arnold, honorary president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs.
_The women listed, along with approximately 12,000 fellow Outstanding Young ~Women of America from across the United States, will
be presented in the prestigious annual awards volume.
From fifty-one state winners, the Ten Outstanding Young Women of America will be chosen. The ten national winners will then be honored at the annual awards luncheon to be held this fall in Washington, D.C. Miss Kotouc is a senior this year at Peru State.
November 3, 1978
FORMER EDITOR of the Pedagogian, Kent Propst, was named Sports Information Director of Peru State College. Propst, a Junior, is also Sports Editor for the Pedagogian this semester.
Sl'RROUNDED BY MORE OFFICIALS than Wildcats, Johnnie Stewart [82] seems to be in good company as he scores a touchdown against Culver-Stockton.
Douglas victorious in Invitational again
Douglas high school continued its W1canny mastery of the Peru State HighSch09l Volleyball Tournament Thursdli v with a win over Filley in ·the ·tournament ~i't1ale.
The Douglas Eagles, one of the sma!Iest schools entered, claimed first place for the seventh time in the 32-yeiar history of the tournament. Douglas was also champion in 1957, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, and 1976, while earning second place in 1975 and 1977.
The Dou~ girls pegan
Bobcat rushing assault ,leads Peru to victory;
The Peru State offense exploded for four first-half touchdowns last Saturday enroute. to a 35·16 win over Culver-Stockton College at Canton, Mo. The Bobcats must now face their second top-ten ratecl team in three weeks when they travel to Northwestern College_ at Orange City, Ia., this Saturday.
The Red Raiders of Northwestern are 8-1 and sixth rated in the nation. The Bobcats are 4-2-2, but have managed a win over seventeenth-rated Benedictine and a tie _ with seventh-rated Chadron State in outings against ranked teams this season.
second quarter, on a oneyard run by Alvin Holder and a nifty two-yard scoring pass from Niel Laxdal to Stewart on fourth down with 11 seconds left in the first half.
Holder scored on a nine-yard run in the fourth quarter for the other Peru touchdown.
Culver-Stockton scored one touchdown in each half, both on passes to tight end Pete Toth. Quarterback Dave Brown threw the first score from eight yards out, and back Jeff Wellman threw a 23-yard option pass in the third quarter. The Wildcats also scored when Peru quarterback Mike Dambrosia was tackled in the for a safety.
the tournament seeded thit:d behind top-seeded Southeast Consolidated and number ·two seeded Nebraska City. Otherseededteamsinclu~ed fou~th-seeded Filley, fifthseeded and · defending champion Beemer, s~thseeded Humboldt, sevent)lseeded Omaha· Mercy, and eighth-seeded Elk Creek, Douglas reached the championship by defeating Syracuse in their opening round game Tues~y. Table Rock iii the quarterfinals, and Omaha Mercy in the
Denise's Diggers • Wlll
Deb Thomas, director of Intramural Volleyball for the Women's Athletic Association has announced the completion of the 1978 season.
, , The four teams' participating this year were:
Gooders - coached by Nancy Lohmeier.
Carol, Waldman was the top scorer for Nancy's No Gooders and Jackie Nixon took the lead for Diane's Ball WAA is an organization open to all women enrolled at Peru State College. Ms. Thomas sends an invitation to all interested to join because everyone is welcome.
Denise's Diggers - coached by Denise Kirkendall; Barb's Bumpers - coached by Barb Rolf; Diane's Ball Bangers coached by Diane Uher: and Nancy's No Bangers. Becky Graham
Filley reached the finals by defeating Fans City in tl\eir opening game, Beemer in the quarterfinals, and topseeded Southeagt Consolidated in the semifinals.
Mercy claimed thi~ place with a win over Southeast Consolidated in. the consolation game. ¥ercy claimed third place last year, in 1975, and in.1974.
Twenty teams were el).teretj. in the singl&eliminati9n tourney, Nebraska's oldest col!ege-spopsored high School tournament.
The Culver-Stockton homecoming was not a happy one last Saturday. The Wildcats had defeated their previous two foes bv a total of 90-0 and had. ;ot been scored upon in eight consecutive quarters, but Peru quickly ended their scoreless string. Fullback Marvin McGill swept around his left side for a 64-yard touchdown on the first play from scrimmage, and Dan Todd's extra point kick spotted Peru to a 7-0 lead with 15 seconds elapsed in the game, Peru scored on its next possession on a 12-yard burst by flanker Johnnie Stewart for an early 14-0 lead. The Bobcats. scored twice in the
The Peru State rushing' offense continues to click with the running of Alvin Holder and Marvin McGill. McGill was the leading ball carrier against CulverStockton with 105 yards on 18 carries, giving the junior fullback 627 rushing yards in eight games. McGill is averaging nearly 80 yards per game rushing.
Holder, the top ground gainer in Nebraska, gained 10-± yards against CulverSta<::kton on 20 carries. The outstanding sophomore already holds the school season rushing record, and has gained over l(l!) yards in six of Peru's eight games. Unless Northwestern Col-
lege can stop him, Hold ' should become the first Pe State running back to ga· over 1,000 yards in a seas9 when he takes the field t Saturday. He has 954 yat. to date. ., Laxdal had a. good day· quarterback, hitting seven· 12 passes for 81 yards with interceptions. The sopli' more has suffered only sev interceptions this seaso while passing for over s' yards and six touchdowns: Johnnie Stewart a ' Roosevelt Brown both ha fine performances agai ,, Culver-Stockton Saturda Stewart scored twice. gai ing 28 yards on four rush and catching two pass · from Laxdal. Brown caug' two passes for 47 yar ' returned two punts for yards. and returned tw kickoffs for 52 yards. ,
Kicker Dan Todd has no booted 12 consecutive extr point kicks for the Bobcats! M:iddle guard Ed Connel , · played well Saturday, tota ling 10 tackles including tvl quarterback sacks, pl1.1s on' fumble " recovery. and_ · ~1 blocked field goal attemp(. Peru .State travels ,tt Orange City, Iowa, Saturd~I to battle sixth-ranked Norttii1 western C91lege at 1:30 P-:1 The Bobcats will_ close tp~ 1978 season when they host the Doane College Tige~ Npv. 11 at 2 p.m. in the Pe1 State College Oak Bowl. ··• j
Kittens attend state tourney
scored the most for Denise's Diggers and Julie Hartman was the leader for Barb's Bumpers.
Trophies were awarded for winning the siµgle elimination tournament to Barb's Bumpers.
Season Records
Won Denise's Diggers 6
Barb's Bumpers 5
Diane's Ball Bangers 3
Nancy's No Gooders .2
Notes from olden times at PSC
Tl:le catalog of 1894 states that there had been 556 students in attendance. during the year, 382 were ladies and 174 were gentlemen. There was an increase of two hundred per cent in the number of graduates in the higher courses and fifty per cent in the lower courses over the previous two years.
The Chapel - Gymnasium
was formally opened to the public when a play was given by the Normal Cadets on February 20, 1906. This play was a thrilling drama entitled, "The Musical Captain, or the Fall of Vicksburg."
The building was accepted by the State Board in 1906. Health service at Peru State dates back to January 7, 1916, when the school
Reguli!r sea~\m to a close as the 'Kittens took on Creighton and Nebraska Wesleyirn in a triangular at Peru October 30. Coach Gilbert, "! have reasons to be optimistic because the ·volleyball team seems to have peaked at just the right time." According to her, Peru may be somewhat of a dark-horse being 9th seated but the Kitte~ can compete with almost antbod:{Gilbert was referring to
Lost 2 3 5 6
levied a fee of fifty cents per student to support a school nurse and infirmary. Alice M. Barclay was hired as the first school nurse and an infirmary was established in the Shaw Cottage one block north of Eliza Morgan Hall at the corner of Seventh and Washington Streets. The infirmary was moved to its present location in 1921.
the Kittep's ranking ip the , AIA W_ State volleyball tournament, November 3, 4, and 5.
The tournament has been set up differently this year than last with the teams being divided into .three pools according to their records. Each pool consists of four teams and the first matches are to begin 12: 30 Friday afternoon.
Peru will meet Midland at 2: 30 and then play the winner
of the Kearney State -; Bellevue Match. Finally, thl Kittens. will play anpthel game at 8 p.m. against ai unknown ·tea!fl. The to~ number of sets won by l team will determine whic! two teams out of every poq will go to the final day d competition. Saturday tlij game times will be at a.m., 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. will the two top teams qualifyinj for the Regional Tournamen hosted in Minnesota. '
Members of the winning intramural football team posed for a post-season victory picture. They are: Jerry Applegate, Harold Benson, Tim Ossowski, Steve Mullens, Phil Yoese~ Tim Pethoud; David Uldrich, Steve Wollens, Jon Harkendorfi, Keith Mullens, Keith McKim, Keith Eickhoff, Tim Sandusky and Ric Schlender.
:Social worker at Center
Tuesday mornings weekly
By Anne
said tha_t moot students come .A so.cial v,:orker who deals in on their own chqice, '.with psychiatric problems is because they know the
,The Pedagog·ian
/available to students every service is available. Refer- Issue 5 : Tuesqay from 9.a.m.' to 12:00 rals can b.e made _by other* AN ARTS AND CRAFTS
Peru State College, Peru, Ne. 68421
November 10, 1978 noon at the Health Center on persons if it seems to be of *FAIR WILL BE HELD ON : campus. The worker is fr:om help.
* WEDNESDAY AND ,. the Blue Valley Mental Payment for the services
Student Civil Rights Outlined
Health in Auburn. is billed from Blue Valley * z9 AND 30 FROM 10 A.M. TO ,.
By Deb Moore MrsVirginiaMiller,schQ\ll Mental ~~Ith on a_ "sliding :6 P.M. IN THE GREAT • [Editor's Note: In view of urse at Pt;:ru State, said that ~cale basis acco~d~g to the ,. PLAINS ROOM OF THE i1 recent interest in the subject e psych\atric social wor~er income of t~e r~cip1ent. *NEBRASKA EAST UNION. • of student civil rights and the ill help students cope with The service IS offered to * LOCAL PEOPLE WILL DIS- * Student Affairs Commisroblems on a short term non-student$ at .an off- • PLAY DEMONSTRATE; • sion's present study of a basis. The problems he deal.s campus location in Peru and • AND ' SELL THEIR • draft of a new student code with include alcohol related, also at the B~ue V~lley Men-
• CRAFTS. THIS EVENT IS : presented by L. David inner - personal and ma,;\tal. ta! Health Cllru~ Ill Aubur~ * OPEN TO EVERYONE AT ,. Eaton, Director ofResidence
This type of service is b~tter 1,1n~ Nebraska City. A psychi- .* NO COST TO EITHER THE ,. Life, we consider the student known as "Crisis Inter- atnst and a persop who deals * PUBLIC OR THE EXHIB- ,. civil rights article approvention." with alcohol-relat~ prob- *!TORS.FOR FURTHER IN- priate and important to all
The appointments are con- !ems is also available at : FORMATION CONCERN- ,. PSC students, administrafirmed by Mrs Miller and she these sites.
OUDtfilll feSignS
• ING THE FAIR, CALL 472· • tors, and faculty.]
,. 1780.
• In recent· years, courts
,. UPC- EAST "across the nation and at all
· on Thursda ,. SPECIAL EVENTS * levels of the judiciary
Briefiy. these due process rights are: (1) n9tice of the charges, (2) right to counsel, (3) privilege against selfincrimination, (4) right to confrofitation and crossexamination of the witnesses, (5) right to transcript of the proceedings, and (6) right to appellate review.
cumstances where a studenrs prehearing statements are used against him although h.e not apprised of their potentially incrimi- · nating character '.'
By C.
Russell Mittan Nthe mebetmg2 She s·tated yi·n' * C*OM*MI*'IT*Ej\• system have established and Sheilla LaMountaiI) has re- ovem er · · • * * * * * * * · · b f · d t ,signed from her PQSition as her resignation· that her two upheld that e or~ a stu ~n years on the Senate were ma_y be found gmlt! of vio- •Senator at Large on the Pe~u
C B. S D
l t JI I a d : State College Student both interesting and enjoy-
a t motion was made by tion, that .student must be
• • • ance am~ co eg~ ~o _icy n bl penalized by disc1plmary acGoverning Association.
Her formal written res.ig- Senate member Bill Snyder
By Linda Henley
accorded. the same due --'nation was:read to the Senate
IThe Concerned Black Stu- process rights accorded any by Pres_ident Kirk Ochs at anµ the resignation was ac- dents (C.B.S.l held a post- citizen., , cepted with regr~: Halloween dance November A Tennessee federal dis-
iKappa Delta Pi initiates
4th in Delzell Hall, in. the trict court in 1961 ruled that one 1 foyer; furniture was moved student!, ata st1,1te college or a
Kappa Delta Pi, the na- Peru State President. Enter- aside, the ceiling lights were university had the right of tional honorary edµcation tairnnent wi~l be p~ovided by replaced by blatj.-light bulbs due process, including notice to fraternity at Peru State Col- the Falls City High School and a stereo system was set amt hearing, regardless of turday Jege, will conduct its formal Swing Choir. up. whether attendance at said North- initiation of new members on Kappa Delta Pi is open to 1'.he dance lasted approx- institution was considered .a p.m. Monday, November ~O, a~ 7 men wo~en .of junior i.tnately four hours and .the right or a privilege (Knight the , p.m. in the college s Fme standing r.anking m the up- turn:-0ut was moderate. vs. State Board of ·Eilucahost fl Arts Auditorium. per 2o·percent·or their class C.B.S. had invited ·other stu- tion). Tigers J The ceremony is open to w~o show evidepce of a dents from UNO,. Dana and The right of the student to Peru i,,. the public. Featured speaker continuing interest in the Northwestern, but they were due process has be.en found f will be Dr. Larry Tangeman, education profession. unable to attend. especially important in the
t1KPSC is hack on the air
' case of infractions w)lich
i. such as suspensio11, expul-
nyC.RussellMlttan ident, Steve Dunn; Steve ex- gram and pro- siop., or notation on the stu4... ,11 ed tha h · VI·de your own selection of dent's permanent record.
· After a few short weeks of press t .e was anxioqs
'· M t t tarted th. b t music.
In the case of Dixon vs.
Prior to the hearing, the student should be notified in writing of the charges against him,. including a summarv of the evidence and witn~sses used in determining the charges. Although there is. no specific length of notice, the student should be allowed - according to the number of witnesses and degree of conflict over the evidence - sufficient time to prepare an adequate defense.
The student should also be notified before the hearing that he is entitled to be represented at all times during the proceedings by a person of his choice. The representative may be anyone within or outside the academic commun\ty, \ncluding legal counsel if the student wishes.
At the hearing both the student and the member of the academic community bringing charges (or their representatives) have the right h testify, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to present documents and other evidence relevant to ·the case. The student, however, should not be required to testify against his \vishes.
A full record or transcript of the hearing should be taken, with identical copies made available to the l)earingpanel, the.administration and the student. The findings and conclusions of the hearing panel should also be in writing and copies made available for the student and administration.
Upon conclusion of the hearing, the right of ap~al rests solely with the student. The panel for the appellate hearing should either affirm, modify, or reverse the decision of the original panel; they .should not increase any penalty already imposed by the first pa11el.
man-r!,!~~ ·J:e KPSC is owneq and oper- Alabama State Board of Edthe~ return to the air. form of announ<;ers. ated by Peru State College ucation (1961, u.S. Court of her i A meeting was held for KPSC is J~ted on the and will announce commer- Appeals for the Fifth
those interested in working thif!i floor of the college cials for all.service orga11iza- Circuit), the court ruled that
Y af for the station and five Ii,kely auditori~ and can be re- tiQ!ll! and others Fassocf \athted sftude~ts, gf expulstaion Dl·sc-Jockeys were in atten- ceived by turning to 16.20 on with the college. or, ur er or miscon µc rom a xhichi t t D t d. t·t ti 001 ,: dance: Norm Parish, Harold you,r AM dial. .If you're will- information, con ac r. suppor e ms 1 u on, are en-
1' Benson Bob Davis, Chuck ing to work with them, you Royal Eckert or any of the titled to reasonable due pro- Mittan' aqd last year's p~ will be given yoµr 0 ~ pr~ DJ's. cess procedm:es. They took · · this stand after stressing that attendance at such an institution is a right rather ·than a privilege.
The. student's privilege against self-ipcrimination applies not only to the hearing itself; in the instqnce that the representative of the academic community bringing charges intends to .use statements made by the .student aga}nst him during the hearing, this privilege also applies to all proceedings prior .to the hearing from the time the alleged violation occurs.
In an article in the Marquette Law Review (54:35~~9, m1l, John. J. .Albert stated that" students are faced with two potential situations where Fifth Amendment rights may be operative. The first is under cir-
Student Senate
The Student Senate held its regular meeting November 2 in the WestDining Room and the major action was as follows:
Committee Reports
A report from Academic Affairs wa~ r~ad and it was announc~d that ''Field Endorsement'', a new major in Humanities may be. created;
It was also reported that there is available $3,000 for speakers to come and speak on campus;
.Bill Snyder of the Films, Arts and Lectures Committee, st~ted that a problfilm stil) exists in checking identification cards at movies
sponsored by the Senate and this must be solved.
Old Business
The Board of Trustees have. approved an increase in tuition for next year. The increase will be one dollar for Nebraska students. a_nd two qollars for out-of-state students.
it was annouµced that "Blackberry Winter" has be.en booked to. perfoJ'.m December 1st with tentative starting time set for Q p.m. The band. will play three hours for this semi-formal Snowball dance It 11).ay be a final dance for _the students before the semester comes to
In the event that a member of ·the hearing panel is involved in the case to be heard, that memper should not be allowed to sit in judgement of the student on trial. This procedure WO\lld apply also to any appellate hearing panel members. information for this article was obtained from "Eternal Vigilance" by Barbara :f{abenstreit, "Legality of Student Disciplinary Practices" by E. C. Bolmeier, the "Academic Freedom and Civil Liberties of Stude.nts in Colleges anµ Universities" pamphlet distributed by the American Civil Liberties Union, and from Policy /lfl7 of the Nebraska Civil Liberties Union handbook.
an end;
Mark. Thompson will perform in the Fine Arts Auditorium from 9 -10:30 p.m. on December 13.
November 11 Rick Sull.ivan, a disc jockey, will put on .his show starting at 7 a_nd continuing till 10:30 p.m. to coincide with the last foot-. ball game or' the year; New Bµsiness
To conclude the meeting a letter of resignation from Shelia La Mountain was read by P~esident Kirk Ochs and a motion was made and carried to accept it.
~\\ · ''\oice of the Bobcats'·
aM • •
,.,, ebraska
Book ompany s re a s ores
Vice President Michael Stewart vement Foundation fund drive. Nebraska t
the caaupu studa
EXCUSE ME~u- . Student
For those dedicated fans it importantone, ~cially for Tomorrow November 1i has been an excltinl season the seniors. Those seniors
By Beth Propst::··· ·· ·
Break in marks the f~al Bobcat foot: filled with many victorious who have played ·footballat :,.. .~By Darrell Wellman µme. After. walkipg up a ball game of tlie seas~~:1t moments as well as dlsap- ·Peru lot. four years have __ Approxima..telyi40persons ste~p and narrow•:st:llirC{!Se,. also is the last football game pointments. , •seen the Bobcats go down to, attende.<t :a-;11au1+ted -no~, 1 all·~ere:prj.vil~ed to SElE!_t,he: ) , , .· for ten.J'S~ ser.iors. Thanks, A major · criticism, al- defeat against the Tigers sponsored by Delt#. Kappa house d!)Ctor in acU~Q.., , , By _llaroldBens~m not only to these ten, but to though not •~ unusual ,one ls three yean straight. Accor- .chi. and ·:Sigma,··Beta Chi Black-lighting and much de-' ·· The. $tudent Center. at · the entire tea!I' forthe·hard called "passmg the buck". ding to them, the Bobcats. ~tobe:r·3oth-~n<HHst. The 'tail helped to mak~ 'this ~eru State Co~ege "':as.the worktheyhave•loneto make We congratulate the team on intend toeomeouton top and house was located in the Old scene one of the most e1J..· site of a break-m durmg the this year's Bob~ats a highly a \\in and blame one or two I urge everyone to get behind · J:nw~xs_!!,ajlding on· cam- joyed ones, Screaming ,and _w~kend of October 2ey-29. respectable team.. players on a loss. Both a win the team. pus and the olaabandpned axe flinging also add~ to the. T~1s week-end was also the Well deserved thanks goto and a loss are team I am looking for a good. h~µse_proved very.effective terror. In an adjacent room dates of Teachers ConvenHead Coach Jerry Joy, "efforts". I've heard it fro~ turnout at tomorrow's game; in !ts siiccesi~::. :.·:. ·• ·· Dracula could be seen sleep- tion an~ classes 'Yere not Coaches Pitts, Gilliland and the fans and I've heard 1t despite the televised The house was packed l(Vith ing jn his ca~ket Jqoking yery held. It 1s apparent that the Gorney. and student coaches 'from team members, "If it Nebraska - _Oklahoma game. SP_OQks :and ,scares .1Qr the ~inister. Another. steep set. of per&on or persons who broke Jeff Pease and Dick hadn't been for the quarter- Bobcatfans - let's bring out guests- ana it was-· just the stairs awaited the guests mto the side glass panel of Ramsey. back, noseguard, center, de- our radios-and our support place .to. he .011 Hal)l:IW.~l).ll. now and at" the top all were the Food $ervice Manager's J fensive back, etc., etc., etc." and give the ten seniors a Some items.of.inter~t at the · "relieved" to see a ceme- office was taking advantage I give my personal thanks If it weren't for any one of rousing send-off!! Muse. inciuded, a 'meeiirig. jery. It was complete with of the almost empty campus. to Trudy Allgood, the self- these players we wouldn't with the "H~(l" .of__tµe mounds of dirt and maybe It has been reported that described "most dedicated have a team! I may not be as I also take this opportunity ho~ehold. }J:I) welC!omed all even a spook or two woqld be the safe was forC!ed open .and Bobcat fan". She's been to knowledgeable about foot- to commend the five senior guest.sand set tpe sta,ge for a ·lurking around. More than a metal b9x co_ntaini,ng the all but one football game - ball as others but I do know volleyball players on a fine scary time. ~ext, all visitors one person was l\orrified as money for the Student Cenand doesn't have a son on the that one single player does season. 'Kittens Danelle were forced to walk hi the he descended the steps and a ter gameroom and also the team! not lose or win an entire Warner, Julie Hartman, dark over an obstacle hand reached out and key to the room was stolen. Thanks also to Darrell game. Working together as a Desi Kline, Dawn Lytle and course. From ·.there ·they grabbed at him. To conclude The place was closed until Wellman, Kent •Propst, and team the 'Cats should prove Joni Albin, contribuied passed the closet where, a thEl tour, the group walked another key could be located. especially to -Mkk- Osbon. to be the better squad. Whe- greatly to their winning werewolf waiting to past Dracl.\ia's room and It is estimated that at least Mick's photographic ability ther we win or lose, we do it season. strike out at anyone any many were terrified to see eleven dollars and· the key has contributed greatly to together. he had awoke. Dracula and were taken but nothing else !)le paper. The contest Saturday is an
~tters to the editor
Dear: Editor,
In the article about the upc;oming Peru Players production of The Time of Your Life iµ the November 3 edition of the "Pedagogian" my name was listed- as Technical Director/Desigl)er of the play, and wtine at one time this was true there have been chang~ and I feel it is necessary to give credit where credit is due. '
Op Octobei; 31 it ..yas decided that due to. health problems o_n my part I would be un;ible to fulfill my responsibiliUes as 9esigQer and tech director, At that time Dr. Harper, Dr. Eckert and nu!llerous fellow students stepped forward to take over
Ghosts of the past
By Lori Last : [Editor's.Note: work and responsibilities.
Since that date.the design has changed; grqwn and b~come more. integrl!,ted with the interpr~tation of_ the. play. In the next week the tech. directing will also follow this path. All of which is due to other people's work.
This united effort on. the part of everyon~ in the Theatre DepartTI].ent and the Peru Players is the reason why, although we lack quantity of resour~es (people and mon~y) here at Peru, we.are able. to enjoy some .of the finest collegiate theatre in the midwest.
Sincerely, AarogB, Larson
Most information in this story came from "Normal On The Hill" by Ernest Longfellow.}
Eliza ,Morgan Hall was named aftjlr Eliza Jv.{organ. She came to Peru to be a· combination housemaker and d!lftn of women £Qr the converted dori:nitory, Normal Hall. Thirty-one years after her departure they opened a new dormitory called Eliza Morga,n Women's Resilience Hall. It was the first structure built on campus which was financed by revenue bond sales.
Delzell Hall was authorized to begin construction on
Novelr)ber, 1938, and Wl!S completed a year later. It was planned to house 124 men anµ was otjginally designed to. be Qperated by the students ~emselves under a Stuctent Union program. Delzell Hall was dedicated in honor of W. N. Delzell who was appointed Dean of Men, in 192'!. In 1943
a.mummy chased everyone appeared to have been tam-
out the exit and no one was pered with, going. to stay around longer than necessary.- · AH in au; it was a very frightful experience.
Sunday, November 12
Lunch: Fried Chicken, Meat Loaf, Whipped Potatoes.
Dinner: Pizza, Submarine Sandwich, French Fries.
Monday, Novembei'l3
Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, Fried Eggs, Boiled Eggs, f rench Toast, Sausage Patties ·
Lunch: Chicken ·Noodle Soup, Roast Beef Hash, aa.,m Salad Sandwich, Potato Ch\ps
Dinner: Chicken Noodle Soup, Liver ;i.nd Onions, Tacos, Fried Potatoes
Tuesday, November 14
Lu_nch: Beef Barley Soup, Burritos with Hot Sauce, Hamburgers, French Fries
Dinner: Beef Barley Soup, Chopped"Steak wit~ Gravy, Ravioli, Whipped Potatoes Wednesd.ay. November 15
Breakfast: Scrambled Egg, Waffles, Fried Eggs, Hash Browns, Boiled Eggs
Lunch: Cream of Mushroom Soup, Creamed Chipped Gravy on Toast, Submarine Sandwich
Dinner: Cr~m of Musl;lroom Soup, Lasagl_lll, Roast Beef, Whipped Potatoes.
Thursday, November 16
Breakfast: Scrambled Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, Fried Eggs, Biscuits Eggs, • Pancakes, Hash and Gravy,. Hash Browns;, Browns, Fr~ed jl:_ggs,-Bqiled
war wa~ on .in Europe-:and matic Club, College AUD Presl.dent Pate offered the-. · Saturday.,November 11 •
·~ ........ . · 2 F tb JI D 6:30_p.m. Concerned Black•. facilities of J> State tothe p.m. 00 a VS oane : Here (Senior Day) Students WDR. , , : 1 government to train army or · Sunday, November 12 7 p.m. Peru State Students : :·t.··_'B nayal peri,on~el. The naval : 3 p.m. ramberly Chaney for Christ : ·. · unit accepted t4e of(er and :Senior Recital FA AUD p.m Lecture "Our Vio- : .• a~ l)e!zell Hall was then turned 8 M EA lent Society" FA AUD : ; "'diJ into the naval barracks and · p,m. ovie: T MY " :DUST, FA AUD 8 p.m. "The Time of Your: l,er was. used as .a. training : Monday, November 13 Life" by Peru Players, : • ·a facility. : 9-12 noon Mental Health College AUD : ••· I
In 1!!09, P~l'\l $ta;te open~d :Clinic, Health Center Thursday, November 16 : y its newone:stocy lij)rary, but : Tuesday,NoveJl}.berl4 1:30 - 3 p.m. Life Planning: by 1911, .story was : 7 a.m. Student Affairs Career ADM 304 : added :.Art ~and ___ s~ch :Commission, Conference 3 p.m. College Affairs,: · classes }Ver.e held on :Room 304 Board Room : floor until 1963, when the : 9 12 noon Mental Health 7. · 10 p.m. Old Testament : building was cpmpletely re- ;Clinic, Health Center History Lesson FA 104 : modeled and turned over s: 30 p.m. Circle K WDR 8 p.m. "The Time of Your:• exclusively for library use.
Lunch: Bea,1 Soup, Beef The Fine Arts Center was
• 6 30 8 00 KIWANIS WDR Life" by Peru Players, :
• : · : ' College AUD
: Wednesday, Novemberl5
Stew, Grilled Cneese ready f!}r use at 'the begin- : g: 4oa.m. Ins_iit~tional Re- Friday, November 17
• Mexicana ning of the .1%6 Spring Se- :Iations Committee, Board 8 p.m. "The Time of Your:
DiIJ11er: Bean $oup, mester. The total cos~ the :Room Life" by Peru Players, Col-: Broasted Veal Cutlet, building wa_s $500,000 and ·1·t
• Je<1e AUD
• 6 p.m. Peru Players Dra- "' Chicken Chow Mein, was built on the site o the old
WLipped Potatoes Music Hall.
Friday, November ff Many historical facts, like Managing Editor
Breakfast: Scrambled these I ha_ve shown, may be As · t Ed·t E d , soc1a e I ors
Darrell Wellman
Beth Propst ggs,. Frie Eggs, French read in the book: ''T)le
Pam Vogele Ioast, L=h Browns, Normal On The Hill," writ- Sports E~itor
Kent Props ausage ten by Ernest Longfellow of News Edit~r :.:. ,
Lunch: TomatoSoup, fish Peru.
t · Sandwiqh, · Turkey 'fetra-
Bakeg Tuna Casserole, Salis- The night custodian has
bury Steak, Au Gratin :Pota- found some text books
toes Please contact Patti George body and is sens_itive to the- problems of the college Saturday, November 18 -Student Senate Office- to community.
Brunch: Scrambled Eggs, claim them.
All com'nients and.letters to tite. Editor [under 300 words]
Bacon; H;ash. .Browns,. •~ should be sent to Clayburn 15A, Peru State,
Swedish Meatballs, Rice
Nebraska, 68421.
· · · •···
Becki Youn
· s ·. ,, , · ··' · · · · ·· ·· ··DesiKlin p Photograph~r: , ,., ,, Mick Osbon
·...... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Advisor Everett B I ·g· Dinner:
·• • '0 '• • • ,u • '" •' ·." · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · rown n ·. NOTICE Advert1sll!gM~pager , Darrel1Wellman
_Published_ IO
a seme~ter
State ·
· ·
P~ril, ·.
· ·
· .J ,,r; •. ··
zmru, otato Chips
Tomato S_oup,
by students
College, thePedagogian is the sounding board of the student
'Broad!fiy iK?" for Peru·:Students-
ew York BrQAdway spe_emttoorso~and ' ~ing organized, ac- .desigrr-·houses;·]oo7;,mcolii'to Dr. Charles Center;- and :::.:Greeii.w1cli- ·" _r, assistant professor Village, Meals am! spending · ch allQ draµia. 'fhe money are not incJudecL: open to students, Dr, Harper stated, '.'We. ili .and friends · is plan to have sufftcientfl'ee: · uled to leav!! Jan 2 for tim~ for individ\Ulls. Oiftbe s and 6_nights, return- tour to ta)ce ?dvan~ge of this · ·o Omaha the evening of opportunity to see things in ry s. Dr. Harper will New Yqrk the~ have always ofticiaj,tol:!_t guide., , , wanted 't_!> s~, tq shop and ost for this trip is,$385 spend nfoney." ·
THE PEDAGOOIAN ,,. : ·• " ,,.,
•""A\111.:RAGES~IESittcEPrED..''t" " ; BY71-78GRIDUATES·
..• _EDUCf\Tlf,)NGMitV.ATES
:··Misty Blues p["cJced
Pent S~te swing choir, Wilson,.:, ~ph1}tllOl;'e. Altos Misty Blues, fi; in rehearsal are D<1nna::Nun;_.. freshman; after completion of the selec- Bettye:Da.liiels., 'junior; and tion of members, according Brenda:B-:i.r.rett., sophomore. to Miss Pamela Gere, direc- The soptano-section is made tor of the singing group. up of:1,ori Storten!)ecker, Th~ bass section ~onsists ·sophompre; Sharon Bartels, of Keith Rippe, sophomore; sophonwr~, and Mimi Brad Rausch, freshman; Cowl~_k~fil)!llan. and Mitch Dahmke, fresh- Their firstcampus concert man. Tenors are Ric Schlen- is scheduled for Oecember 7, der, sophomore; Ken Sag- at 8:00 p.m.; in the College gau, freshman; and J~n Audito~i'~;,.
Woodwind performance s·et
rson. This pric~ in-
The· Statistic_s --we'l'lf donated by Donald air .tra~portation Anyone interest:ed, in. the- Schulz;·Directonif Placement at Peru State maha to New York tour•· should contact the College; __ ,.. hotel \!Ccommo- Office of Continuing Educa-
_ fiv~ mi,nut!!S from tion. A depqsit of $50 is
Social Scierice··group
tour of a Broadway the tour is cancelled all , , theatre seminar and money will be refunded.
opens in December
eI~cj~ Jiiere _president
The ~{e<;_ti9_11_of officers The Society planned a fie1a was one 9f th~ major items trip. to the Jewish ComQn.the agenda when the Ptlru mm)ity Center in Om;µia. State Social Science Society The trip will be to vjew the met Monday evening. archeolog,ic;i.l and Nstorical
The Peru State C.ollege Woodwind Choir concert, originally scheduled for November 27, has been moyed 'up to Su11day, Nov. 19, at 8 p._m. in _the college's Fine Arts Auditorium.
Director of ¥usical Activities Dr. G:ilbert Wilsop. said the new !late was sel!)Cted, in 9rder not to conflict \Vith.
other campus activiµes planned· on the later date. Th_e evening woodwind concert November 19 will be preced\!d Sund,ay by a2 p.m. senior trumpet recital by Robert Bebout of Nebraska City.
Both ev~nts are open to the public with no admission charge, Dr. Wilson said.
Messiah is December 10
ales from· the Wizards " is the tentative title of and the Hare"; Ann StribJing The new officers are as displays at the Center. The "The Grasshopper andJhe follows:_ Sherry Biere - ~x~ursionwillindudedinner Peru State College ai;-ea Camealy_said, as are.string Ant"; Kim Tudor "The Little President; D?nn Todd - at the "'J;op of the _World:' resident$ are invited to parti- instrumentalists. Additional children's theater pro·on which will open in Red Hen"; Sylvia Ty!er Vice President and '):'raca Restaurant and a l!!(!ture at cipate with the college choir rehearsals will be held at "Rumplestiltskin" and Anita Airey Secretary- Boys 'fown. 'nµs lecture will in this year's performance of 7: 30 p.m. Nov. 20 and 27, with _mber.
-Robert Petit, an instructor bited at the Cent\!r: The tour day, December lQ, at 3 p.m at 7 p.m. which will be open
Cole "The Pied Piper 0{ · Treasurer. cpver. tpe art _that is exhi- Handel's "Messiah" on Sun- a final rehearsal December 4 • e production consists of :' ral short plays for chil_, These plays are based etimes rather loosely: pular fairy tales and
The casting for "Tales in the .Industrial ~rts is to leave Peru at 3 p.m. on in the college auditorium. to the public from the Wizards Book" has Department, .was one of the November 16. · · The annual performance not been coµipleted, speakers featured on the This organization is ar- Practices begin_ Monday,_ of the "Messiah" is one of Dr. Ec)cert plans to.invjte _progrqIU. He showed slides ranged for Social Science Nov. 13, from 7:~0 to 9 p.m. two holiday performances ch play is being direc- children from area schools to. _ of llis teaching experiences Majors and is sponsored 1:>y in Rool,Il 111 of the college planned by the 42-member view· the production for a _i_n Alaska and they were Dr. and Mrs George Schot____ :.Fine Arts Building, accord- college choir, Dr: Camealy ,ib_y one of the stud\!nts the children's theater small fee. , enjoyed by_ many. · tenhammel.
,·taught by Dr. Royal t. >dents and the plays ~eet are as follows;·
Doeden "The Tortoise
kids," according to. Anita
Band in last performance
By Lori Last greatest respQnse. Edris Marct\ season i~ about said he has no~iced more
·ing to Dr. _Edward Ca mealy, said. Collegll si11gel'!i • also
* * * * * * *
manceto be given at Satur- mance this year and it shows « November 13 - 30 Jim Brown, Cerami~ ., day's home game. The band a great deal about the per- «
A~cording to Circl~ K ent Sheryl Sc1l,ultz, showed much enthu-
in alJ of Circle K's
fities, but was given
fl:Ial recogrution for her
"tandµig work in the con-
football games. has been pr_acticing _and formers.
December 3 - 15 Art Department Faculty ., yC. Russell Mittan Fleming wa~ el~Circle K's most outg mem~ for Oc-
January 15 - 26 Nancy Jones, Cindy Rieschick, Senior« Also, _a service pin was working hard to Jearn t.he "Marching Sl,laso11 has " Exhibits. • awarded to Circle K member new _show, which rs a salute been, for tpe most part, one :
February 5 - 16 Jean Sachs Collins, Patty Criger, Senior' Kip Grjnstead. The pin was to Latin AmeriC<l. of the better seasons in Exhibits. " give11 to him by Sheryl. Inpreviouspalftimeshows' years,"_ said Or. Ech:is.: March26-April 7Da"YnRee~~ammle,DesireeKline,: Schultz. the band saluted Nashville "Much of it had to do with ., ~ruor Exhibits
@ion stand during home of the Student Center every very well accepted by the ·direction and increased • November 12 Tammy Chaney Percussion Recital ., Tuesday at5:3o·p.m. audience and was givelfthe · interest in band," he added. "November 14 Woodwind Choir Concert. • • Z'-{.
o married cheerleaders on squad_
of the six Bobcat Don Hardekopf of Platts- Rhea Harshbarger, ·a sophaders for this winter · mouth. omore, will be leading arried to Peru State The other four girls who cheers for Peru State for the Jackie Shouse, will make up the rest of the first time this winter. She is from Muncie. Ind., Peru State squad are: Desi the daughter of Mr and Mrs aron Hardekopf, jun- K4lle, senior art major, will Don Harshbarger of Hum- · m Plattsmouth, will be continue as a Bobcat, cheer- boldt. cheers when Peru leader. She has been a cheer- Roxi Fischer, a physical starts the season Nov. leader for several seaso~s, is equcation-journalism major, Salina, Kansas. a member _of the Peru State is the only freshman nal_Iled · volleyblfll team and. w_as to the squad. Roxi is the is a social work named 197& Homecoming daughter of Ray Fischer of d the daughter of •queen. She is the daugllt§f .Qf.. Sterling. rs Claude Chappell Mr and Mrs Eldon Kline of Shari Hoelker. Peru State She is the wife of Malvern, Iowa. physical education instruc0 rd Dan Shouse, ~n- Frajricka Miiitop;: ) tor and sponsor of the cheermerican candidate psycllology-sociol_ogy major lead~rs, was enthusiastic e Haute, Indiana. and a football cheerleader with the selections, which is the daughte~ of this fall, will also iead cheers were made by a panel of four Dietrich of Platts- this winter She is the daugh~ judges. "This should be a 'anft~~ ~j~e ?f.: for_ ter of paisy 'Mirifoii , of great bunch_ to work with," b.a~e~ll ~tantjout O~aha,. ·· Hoelker said'.•
November 19 Bob Bebout Trumpet Recital « improvement in anything the "November 21 Stage Band Concertf « band does like any other " November 28 Opera Informance Program
"There is always ,room. for "
• group of 1performers," he " November 30 Student Recital " concluded. " December 3 Doug Kirkendall Voice Recital " Co!lcert band will start' : December 3 Boar's Head Dinner, PSC Choir : next week with rehearsals ., December 7 Swing Choir Concert
-1< being conducted Monday ., December 10 Messiah, Community College Choir +: .thro_ugh. Wednesday, from ll December 12 "Pops" Band Concert -1< 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Anyone on • ,January 30 Brass Ensemble Concert
• campus, that does play an « February 18 College Band Concert ., iQstrument, has an open invi- t February 25 Pamela Ger_e Voice Recital « tation to join concert band. " February 27 Student Recital
• ward to concert season·• March 11 College Ch01r Concert
"Everyone is l_ooking for- : March 6 Woodwind ~hoir Concert
• said Dr. Edris. "It has be~n " March 12 · 14 COLLEGE CHOIR TOUR
• a long -hard marching sea- : March 13 High School Choir Clinic.
t son and we are all- ready for ll April 11,)avid Edris Trumpet Recital
: a change." ·
+: Apr!l 5 Stage Band Concert ·· ·
• for a -Christmas concert ll Apnl 9 - 10 COLLEGE BAND TOUR
« which will be December 12. « April 13 Swing Choir Concert
• New band uniforms will be « April 22 Faculty Piano Recital ., coming in .i:anuary and these "- May 1 Student Recital
• ar:e going to improve the " May 2 Coll~ge Band Concert
·.. _ : . . ,,fv* \ ,M,df-l~llln~C,PI¼f~t* * * * * ,I * * * * * *
··-- ··<,,.
,,. ,•·. r"~ I4entity No. It1;ported ·High•·.: Low: Average Felll.ales : : :· .•. :20 •'-$10;299,'•·- $S;Qi0"· ::.$8;653, M;:ll§ : , 11, -$10,-500--··$7;800, ·· $9,127 Total , : ·.:: 3i $10,500 $5,040 $8,820 ____ •S;:!Iart~gures based on annual income. NON-EDUCATION GRADUATES Identity No:Reliorleil High. Low. · ':.~verage·: F,emajes ; , ,:; ;'_'.:;,:,:,::n $8,~ $5,400 · $ 6,581 M,ales.: : : a $18,000 •$6;000 $12;640 Total ·.: : : :: :· 16 : $18,000 $5i400 ·· $ 8,475 : •salary-figures based'llll"'annual-income "' ..,:_ -
~:~· s¥ioC:~ ~ob~:: ~~i~~~~te:dJ:~~t
. .:.
Novetnber n, 1978 ~"·•·
Aithough ·this prodµction choi,r director. will produce the traditi9nal ¥the creative dramatics may seem to be _"just -for 1 :; Both male and female "Boar's Head Feaste" ' rl
vocalists are invited, Dr. during December, he said. Cole, '\ollege stud.ents ·w.m also f~d these updated fairy tales entertaining." __ · =:.
Performing Arts calendar
to come to a close with the people compl4llent the band last m_arching band. perfor- on their halftime perfor-
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
For aU stµdents inter~~ed and Dixie Land. Dr. Edris the exceptional group of 19 • April 9 - 27 All-Student Juried Exhibition. :
in joining the Peru State said. that the band's inosf freshmen. We_ also have a l< MUSIC ll College Circle, K Club, they successful show.: was-Dixie new handbook to guide per- « • meet in.the west dining room because he thoµght it was·· sonnel, which gave us more • November 9 High School Band Clinic .,
The-band also preparing ., Apr~ 8 College Band Concert
« band's appearance even : May 3 :us1c Center Student Recital
On this particular play Alvin llolder became the first Bobcat to pas the 1000 yard · rushing mark. He also is the first running back in Nebraska to reach the milestone this year. ·
Holder sets· new :rero~ hut....
Peru loses to·NorthwMel11 31,-7
Northwestern College There were some bright Brown has now caught five shatterecj Pei;-u State's upset spots for Peru, however. touchdown passes this hopes last Saturday with a Sophomore running qack season. Northwestern, re34-7 <win over the Bobcats. Alvin Holder. became the' specting Brown's nl!mber The loss left Peru 4-3-2 going first Peru State athlete to two ranking in punt returns, into S~turday's season finale gain over 1,000 yards in a never punted the ball to him against Doane·College, 24-20 season. Holder had l)7 yards all dav. winners over:, lOth0 ra.qked to bring season total to Senior Ken Denning was anq previousiy- -undefeated 1,051 yards, the first hack. in the· Ieacling Peru defender Hastings. Nebraska this season to with 15 stops. Midqle guard The Red Raiders of No_rth- crack the 1,000 yard mark. Ed Connellv had another fine
western simply had too Holder also set a Peru game, notching 13 tackles, much at stake to be sur- season record for number of recovering a fumble, and prised by _the Bobcats. On the cafries, Holder has now blocking a Northwestern lipe was th¢ir number six lugged the· ball 205 times, extra point convercsion. ~inerating, a berth in the NAIA breaking Barry Reed's--.J.973 backer Jon Orton, the Playoffs f, or national cham- mark 9f 192 carries. leading Peru tac.kier this
Ten seniors I~ final game
Ten Peru State seniors will ing Peru· center. The sqn of Another Peru co-cap~ see their final action this Mr and Mrs Donald Johnson Mike started both offe~ Saturday when t;he Bobcat of Colmnb11s; Ohio, Mark is and defense last sea~ football squad takes on also a standout on the Peru Larsen· is ·a tra~fer fr~ Doane College at Peru. baseball team. Mark is a Iowa State University, and Game time is 2 p.m. 1975 graduate of Marion- the son of Darrell Larsei
.The game has been desig- Franklin High School in Harlan, Iowa. Mike was.· nated "Senior Day" in honor' Columbus, Ohio. year named all-Disf of the ten,. all of wh9m are Bob Hruby is also a Bobcat Eleven, and this fall Bobcat starters. The ten in- co-captain and a four-year voted Peru State Ho elude Ken Denning, Bill letterman. Hruby has played coming King. He is a I Pursley, Mark Johnson, Bob offensive guard, offensive graduate of Harlan ( · Hruby, Dan Navrkal, Tim tackle, and. defensive tarkle High School. ,~ Schaefer, Mike Larsen, Otis at Peru State. Hruby is the Otis Samuel is a lette ·· Samuel, Rick Spears, and son of Mr and M_rs Robert at Perq who has played Kerit Coleman. · Hruby Sr., of Comstock. Bob receiver but is now a sta Penning is a four-year is a 1968 graduate of Ord defensive back. In his f" starter.atdefensive back. He High School: game this season at ' lea.ds .Per11. in pass inter- defensive back slot, ceptionLwith four, and has Dan Navrkal is a starting intercepted two passesC added a. new dimension to offensive tackle and a two- transfer from Otero Ju·
,Jhe. kicking ga_me from his year letterman after trans- College in Colorado, Otis i kick:holder. posftion, passing ferring from Kearney State. •1974 graduate of Omaha C fora touchdown, gaining two Dan has played both guard tral High School. ·
first downs and a two-point and tackle for Peru. A 1970 con;~rsion: from Lake- graduate of Nebraska City wood, Colo.,·. the son. of Mr Lourdes High School, Dan is and Mrs joe J:ienniiig. Ken is the son of Mr and Mrs a 1975 graduate of Denver's Leonard Navrkal of Mullen High School, and a. Nebraska City.
Peru'co-captain: ·-- ··•· Tim Schaefer is a threePursley fs · a "two-year _ year starter at defensive starter at moiister back.Em :: tackle for Peru. Schaefer is a is the third-leadiriJ(tackler :: transfer from the University despite being naggea a!l sea= : of South_ Dakota at Vermilson with .injuries: :mrjs a : lion, .'J:im was a Peru cotransfer from Iowa· Centr3} ::. cap_tai1_1, last season. Tim Community College. P.l.lI'slex .:. stands sevel)th on the .Peru is the son of Mr a_nd Mi:s ··•· tackling chart with 32 stops.
Doug Pursley of Hawthorne,·-- A 1970 graduate of Columbus
N.J. and he is a 1975 grad- Senior High School, he is the u~te of Hawthorne (N.J.) son of Mrs Paul B. Schaefer High School. of Columbus.
· Mark Johnson is another •MikeLarsen is consiclered Bobcat co-captain, a foljf- an All-Amer\ca candiq~te at year letterm;m and the start- his def.ensive tackle position.
pionship, the final regular - Quar~rback Niel Laxdal seasqn, also a 13 es. season. game, ··an.d a vocal ha.d another good day, com0 Northwestern scored on Bellevue.
Rick Spears is a P, starter who has earned f footb(l]] and three .bas. ball letters. Rick is a star tight end this season, but also started at offe · ta.ckle during his years h Rick is the son of Mr and Richard Spears Cincinnati, Ohio, and ·j 1975 graduate of Mad (OhioJ High School. Kent Coleman is a year starter at defe f;)nd, and wa~ also an standing wrestler at P Ken tis the son of Mr and Ardath Coleman of Oaij · Ia., and a 1970 graduaf; Oakland (Ia.) Commu High School.
h d tack! the season with a win over PERUSTATECUMULATIVESTATS
d f Midland, who defeated
"Parents.' ·Day"·· crowd at pleting eight of 25 passes for runs of 93, one, an our
· d Peru earlier this season,
Orandec·1•ty·,fa. TheRa. iders. 122 yards and Peru's lone yards, on a SJX-yar pass, · b raced to a 15-3 win i.n thefirst
have now won nine straight touchdown. Laxdal, a sopho- two field goals, a two-point
for a 9-1 reco. rd. more, as now passed for 738 conversion, and two one-
set and fini.shed the Bob,;
·· · · · d kittens off with. a 15°9 win in J hnni St rt 29
The Bobcats.trailed_ 3-0 in yards this season and has point conversions. The Re o e ewa •··· ···· · ··
dedp 2 the second set. Peru Coach INDIVIDUALPASSING the second q~rter, but wer~ sufJered only eight inter- Raiders outyar eru 44 - Pat Gilbert said her squaµ I t y d threatening at the North- ceptions. 190. "neve.r. really got started"
western. one-.yard line, when The Peru pa·ss defense set
the hosts put up a mighty a .schoo._l record for num_ her 1s ur ay s season
Th Sat d , against the.Fremont school,
RECEIVING goal-line stand to stop the of interceptions .in a sm e place. Catches Yards Bobcats. Two plays later, season. Steve Ortqn pi~ked beginat2p.m.inPeru's0ak Powerful Kearney S4Lte, RooseveltBrown 20 403 Raider Marty Guthmiller off.a Rai.der pa~ late in the Bowl. '.!'he game has been also an early-season victor Alv1·n·Ho)der.'
gI finale against Doane will which finished in fourth
9 99 ght th P d • f" t half t g· the defense designated "Senior .Day," cau e eru e,ense irs. IJ ive and ten Peru seniors will be over Peru, had a. tougher Johnnie Stewart , 5 46 blit~ing and ran around his 16 interceptions on the year. · · ti·me ··bu.t···ma·nageif to keep SCORING d Th ld d h Id b seeing their las. t action as rightsidefor.a93-yar sc9re. e o recor was e Y the 'Kittens from scqring
TD's l-PAT 2-PAT FG Safety Later · th t te l p ds Bobcats. Perµ will be hoping m a same quar r severa eru squa ·heavily. Kearney won in two H Id 6 p · had the b n R lt B a sopho to avenge last season's 35-6 Alvin o er ••-• eru agam. a OOl>eve rown, · 1 C t 15~ and 15-7. Marvin McGill
5 inside the Northwestern one 'l!ore wide receiver, scored oss at re e. · The Season finale for the ·
5 but a fu!Tlbled pitchout cost ..he only p~ touchdown If the Bobcats win, it will Bobki.ttens was a happv one Roosevelt BrownB be th · h La dal h't h" mark Peru's first winning J Dan Todd •• • the o ats ano er sconng w en x I l!Il. on a .as Bellevue. fell is two Johnnie Stewart.. 3 16 opportunity. 45-yard scoring strike. season since 1962. straight se.ts, .15-6 and 15-2.. Kevin Niday , ·:_ ' I l /
Host Nebraska Wesleyan DEFENSE
B hkitt was •tllurnament !'1.!nner-up Unassisted
0 . , ellS - and earned the right to com-
finish year tll!) regional tourna- Jon Orton
·ment. Hastings College de- Ed
Wl·th. l·.6···~9 .feated Midland fqr third Bill
· place Peru beat both Vernon Gantt
The Peru ~tate v~lleyball team finished-the l!t78'season with a16-~ r_ecord after going 1-2 in the state Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW) tourriaI)lent at Lincoln Friday and Saturday, Novem.ber 3-4, The Bobkittens entered the tournament 15•7 and seeded ninth out of 12 schools. Peru State fell to Midland and ~V!)ntuar champion Kearney State, but came back to end
Though the l3ob]:cittens lose
five seniors, the team will
return a solid nucleus includ- Ken Denning
ing starters Laura Pollman, Kevin Niday_ 2 Wymore; Julie Brinkman, Jon Orton....
Palmyra; and Diane Arm- · el , knecht, Talmage, all SQphomores this season. Other underclassmen earning letters included: Francis Calanni, freshman, Jamestown, N.Y.; Jodi Singleton, freshman, Li-
rty; Renee Mammen,junior, Bruning; Kathy Buethe, freshman, Elk Creek; and Karen Mostrom, freshman, Ceresco.
Seniors on the Bobcat! ter are Danelle. W( Chester; Da~ Lytle, ·;, ter; Julie Hartman, Ff las; Joni Albin, Dawson~ Desi Kline, Malvern, !al
Page4 THE PEDAGOGIAN '.\Jovember IO, ii
-~f 11 i
[8 games]
Carries Yards TD's
H Jd 183 954
vm o er •• •••· ••·· ···
M.·· M Gill 153 6'l7
arvm c ••••••··
Ave./Ca1 6 5 2
I Complet~ns Attel~rs ; a~5;
Niel Laxda •• • ·
M. 'keDambrosi·a 2 4 1 25
1 ··· ·
4 says Doaue 18
Tackles Tackles
48 28
51 24
38 24
33 20
ear- ~~~eoi~:;~::::::::::: :: : : : :; : : : : : : : : : : : ::: iI
Number ReturnY
••••·· ··.4 ·
·owski suspended
Steve Buniowski w_as susded from Peru State Cole November 16
iowski, from Worcester, assachusetts, was. a freshan.
Dr. Larry Tangeman, airman of the College Afirs Council released this tement: ''The College Affairs (;oun1heard the appeal of Steve uniowski and upheld his pension based on the verriding facts of prior proation and of a subsequent ct while on probation."
At the hearing, which he equested to be open, uniowski explained why he as appealing the Student
Affairs decision of suspension. He said he felt the SAC had not heard the whole story of what went on ip the dorm. The incident took place Sunday morning, No-
vember 12.
· Voting members of the College Affair~ Council who were Qresent at the hearing were Dr. Hahn, Ms. Gladstone, Mr Brady, Mr Pitts. Mrs Wilson, Kirk Ochs, Mr Van Zant. Vice President Stewart and President Larry Tangeman. Guests were Mr Eaton, Director of Residents Life, students Tom Milke, Cindy Pursley, Wayne Young, Gail Laxdal and Beth Propst.
PRE-REGISTRATION FOR SPRING SEMESTER - A pre-registration for the coming spring semester will be held'on Dec. 4 through Dec. 13. A one-day only general registration _will be held on Jan 8. Spring semester classes will begin on Jan. 9. Please be alert to specific information which will be placed in your on-campus mail box.
positions open
By Linda Henley
and Lori Last
\~The Pedagogi.~!lBohcals'
FOUND: One Timex watch found in Gym: To claim call 872-3105. Must make a positive description.·
Headstart will raffle· afghan
By Danelle
"Headstart is having an afghan raffle this year to help with the purchase of CB radios for buses used to transport the children," said Mrs Fischer, Headstart instructor.
The drawing will be held on December 9, 1978, with tickets selling for $1 each. PSC students are urged to help support the Headstart program by purchasing the raffle tickets from any Headstart parent.
Alcohol policy needs support
By C. Russell Mittan
Student representatives from the Board of Trustees of Nebraska State Colleges have asked for PSC's support in obtaining alcohol privileges on the State College campuses. "I think it should be given a trial run," said Kirk Ochs, Student Governing Association President, "and I hope to accomplish this with surveys and student opinion polls which I've already begun work on." Ochs also said that the attitude of the Board is, "Generally favorable."
According to Ochs, there will be restrictions by the college respecting all :lebraska state la\vs, including the legal drinking age, and also regarding designated areas of consumption.
Joe Primm, a freshman class officer l!ving in Delzell Hall said, "I think alcohol should be allowed in the dormitory facilities with certain provisions by the college. but it definitely shouldn't be- allowed outside the rooms."
Ochs said that what the representatives need are let-
ters regarding the consumption of alcohol on cam pus with imposed restrictions, written by students and parents of students, addressed to the Board of Trustees of t-,;ebraska State Colleges, East Third Floor, Room 334, State Capitol Building, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68509.
Ochs also expressed that one of the key factors in obtaining this goal will be the serious participation of students in the surveys and opinion polls.
Boar's Head Feaste
Kappa Delta Pi initiates to he December 3
By Danelle Warner
Kappa Delta Pi initiated 11 sophomore pledges' and 25
new members into its organi-
zation in a ceremony Mon-
,, day, November 20.
The State Colleges Board sters, writing articles, rnak, Mary Windle, President of
·· Ji of Trustees has two intern- ing video tapes, and working K:i.ppa Delta Pi, welcomed il ship positions open the com- closely with Legislation deal- the audience and introduced i ing semester for students ing with higher education. the officers who later on in interested in political The students will receive the program assisted in pled-
11/ science and public relations. minimum wage for their ging the new members.
I:. The students who are cho- work and 12 credit hours. The Invocation was given
Carrli sen, i.vill live and work in Peru students have served by Richard Dinsdale, Rever-
5, r'.Lincoln ·and will be super- internships in previous and of the First United Meth-
4. ', vised by the Board of Trus- years. Dr. Clyde Barrett, odist Church in_ Falls City.
5. J tees executive officer. vice-president of academic Entertainment for the
f The jobs they will perform affairs, said he believed. evening was furnished by the
TD· .trmay vary upon what type of "this is an education exper- Falls City High School Swing
,' internship they are inter- ience for the students." choir. These students under
· ested in. The employment Applications are available the direction of Mildred
~-•·- may consist of making pos- in Dr. Barrett's office. Appleoff chose four selec-
lions and presented them to the audience.
Jeff Jacobs, 1.vl.C. for the initiation introduced Dr. Larry A. Tangeman who was the guest speaker. Dr. Tangeman addressed members of Kappa Delta Pi and his speech was warmly received.
Tpe initiation of Pledges and the presentation of new members followed Dr. Tangeman' s address. Reverand Dinsdale gave the Benediction and to conclude the program the new members of the organization assembled on stage for picture taking.
A reception was held in Diddel Court immediately following the ceremony.
The Peru State College taught mankind the art of choir will present its third plowing. annual performance of ''Ye 'The wassGil was the old Olde Boar's Head Feaste'' in Anglo-Saxon drinking pledge the student center cafeteria of 'Waes-Hael,' which means at6:30p.m. on Sunday. Dec. 'be in good health' The 3. custom of wassailing the The feast. a Christmas fruit trees was common dinner in the English medie- throughout England. M_en val tradition, will be accom• went out to the orchard with panied by choral singing. a large Jug of cider and they Other traditional music will drank a toast to the trees. be performed by a wander- often beating upon _the~,. ing minstrel, recorder and bidding them to bear tru1t m string groups, and Dr. David the coming Spring," he exM. Edris' brass choir. · plained
The bringing in of the Assisting Dr. Camealy in boar's head, the 'Toast of the conducting the program will Wassail.' a mummer's play be Lori Stortenbecker of ;:-.;eperformed by the Peru Play- braska City, president of the ers and directed bv Dr. choir; vice president Sharon Royal Eckert, and fou~ glor- Bartels, Sterling; and secious pipers from the Omaha - retary - treasurer Dee DettCouncil Bluffs Scottish Pipe mer, Syracuse. and Drum Association will Tickets for the dinner and comolete the evening. program are on sale until · Friday, Dec 1. The price is
"The use of the boar's five dollars for b0th adults head at Christmas is based and children. For res£,rnot only on its value as an vations, contact Dr. article of food, but its sym- camealy at Peru State Colbolism as well,'' said Dr. lege, Peru, Ne. 58421, W 1~' Edward Camealy, professor 872-3815, ext 236. of music at Peru. "The boar, Checks should be made because it roots into the payable to: Professional ground with its tusks, has Food l\Ianagement, Peru long been revered as -having State College.
Student Senate
By Linda Henley
The Student Senate is electing a new Senator-at-Large to replace Sheilla LaMounta in, who resigned a couple of weeks ago. Anyone interested in the position should attend the next regular Student Senate meeting and let his interest be known. Other topics discussed were:
A ski trip during the first week of January in Brecken-
ridge. Colorado. Anyone is welcome and the cost 1s $235.00; The calendar for next semester has been completed; A new lunch ticket system for next semester was proposed: and the ne•N student code was discussed but no action was taken.
The Senate meeting was held in Patti George's office because there was another meeting already in the West Dining Room of the Student Center.
Issue 6 P,~r-u Stat•· Coll,-g , l'Pru, ""· <>8121 December I, 1978
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Pranks at the complex
Anybody for a bomb~
Anyone interested in : We the students of Cla,- Th~re was quite a commo· Christmas caroling should : Burn-Mathews Hall wouid tion at the Cqmplex Friday meet in the West Dining : like to thank Clif Nail, and all evening. The last several Room of the Student Center : the food senices staff, for weeks there have been false Sunday evening, December : the very excellent thanks- fire alarms, as was the case 10, atseven ?.m. Bring one of : giving meal on Thufsday, Friday night: The fire alarm your favo~1te holiday des-: l'iov.16, 1978. , · : ' , , ' ' went off at Clayburn aµd serts ~ook1es an? hot choco-: ' ·; _ , · forced many sleepy students late will be provided by t_he • THANK YOU out of bed into the cold. When Faculty Wornen:s Associa- : the matter was looked into it tion. For further mformat1on : Eric McKay Bornschlegl became evident· that .it h~d contact Anne Marie Land or: Clayburn-Mathews only been a prank as· the Son·a Gilliland. Hall Gov't Pres. otherfalse alarms had been.
y eth Propst
It ~eems that there are some ~sconceptions on campus as to just what a newspaper's function entails. Any newspaper (college or otherwise) has seven basic functions. The first. and most important function is to inform readers. On a college campus, the newspaper is the primary source 9f
The students went back to their beds to enjoy the rest of the evening iµ peace.
But, fate stepped in and
disrupted their sleep again in a few hours when Bob Davis, Hall Director al NicholasPate received a call from a party claiming to have set a bomb somewhere in ·the building Mr. Davis prompt• ly c~lled Mr L. David Eaton and other.proper authorities. Next, he began to check that all the residents were cl.eared out of the building. After a futile. search for anything conl)ected with the bomb SCi;ire, it became evi· dent that tire dorm residents had been the victims of yet another foolish prank.
Darrell Wellman Involved
As I was dusting out my mailbox the other;' morning, I was wondering, "Where are my.; letters to the editor?" I have encouraged you readers to respond with the Pedagogian by writing your thoughts down and sending them to me. Up to this time, I have received but one •· letter and for a campus of nearly seven hundred that is not a very large ratio. With the first semester quickly coming to a close, I will encourage you once again to use the paper as a means of communicating with others because that is why it is printed. The Ped is printed by and for students and cannot be successful without reader input. Right now there are many topics worthy of comment and I will remind you information to keep students informed on currl)nt
Apathetic freshmen class hinder fundraising events
By C. Russell Mittan
happenings. We do our best, but we al&Q depend on YOU to This year's freshman class keep us informed of events i;o we can let everyone know. is suffering from a serious
Secondly, contrary to what some people b~ieve, a paper case of apathy. According to class treasurer, Joe Primm, _has a purpose tQ persuade people. This, the editorial page, is "There is a definite lack \lf provided for just that purpose. A good newspaper doesn't exploit this right, but does have the right and duty to speak interest in the improvement out on issues. · of the (reshman class, attendance at the announced class
It is also the paper's function to ent.ertain readers. We do this through humorous articles, entertaining pictures, and meetings has been very cartoons. poor!'
Of primary importance to readers is the ability to do investigative reporting. False information printed in a Exon speaks newspaper reflects badly not only on the college paper but the college itself. It is the duty of the paper to pursue a controversial story, no matter w4at the cQnsequences. ··-
Nebraska Governor and
One of the primary representatives of the college is its U.S. Senator-elect J. James newspaper. It's sent to many places throughout the area and Exon will be questioned by nation. The paper repre!>ents student opinions, current newsmen on DATELINE happenings on campus and the future of some college ideas. NEBRASKA, airing Thurs-
As a college representative the newspaper has prominence day, December 7, at 9:30 in promoting the college. From this level the paper moves on p.m. on all stations of the to promoting campus organizations and their actiyitie~. ~ebras~a Educational Tele-
Finally, the paper is an advertising instrument. It contains v1s1on Network. ads from the surrounding.area.which serve as business Exon, who has served two promotion and also benefit students. terms as governor since un-
Apparently some people on our campus have the wrong seating incumbent Governor idea about what a paper (not just the Pedagogian) stands for Norbert Tiemann in 1970, and ultimately, does. We, on the P(:d staff .will continue to was recently elected to the serve Peru State College as in the past.I hope that it will be to U.S. Senate by winning 68 the benefit of everyone. Even (or especially?) for the benefit percent of the vote. His past of those who choose to criticize us behind the scenes without. eight years in the governor's any real knowledge of the total picture. office were marked by [Thanks to Mark Reinders of the Wayne Stater. I guess we strong agricultural policies aren't the only ones with problems.] and fiscal conservatism.
The class is proposing to collect a fee of$ .25 from all full-time freshmen living on campus. Primm said, "We have a few small bills to pay, and we'll have more later."
Jodi Neubauer,. class secretary, agreed that the <;lass as a whole is very apathetical. "We had a fund-raising 'slave auction' scheduled for November 15," according to Neubaut;r, "and all twenty of the volunteers dropped out."
A class meeting was held in the living room of Morgan Hall on November 15, and only three of the four class officers were able to attend.
Organization questioned
of a few of them.
How about the suspension of certain students? It affects us all either directly or indirectly. Or, how about the broken glass in the front door of the Administration Building? That does very little to improve the outlook of Peru to prospective students! Or let us look at all of the problems at Delzell. I would be angry if disturbances in my hall kept me awake till five in the morning. These are infringing on the resident's right to study and sleep. Maybe we prefer to sit back and let someone else solve all of our problems. Our administrators and faculty have many other important items to attend to rather than being called in to solve problems at the dorms every week. I am curious over the lack of enthusiasm shown about the contest set up so clubs and groups could paint the windows in the cafeteria. First place paintings would win 30 pounds of ham but very few groups showed interest in this. Why only a little interest in this when it is a respectable challenge? Maybe we should try to
By c. Russell Mittan get involved more in college affairs.
How many of you new Finally, a petition concerning alcohol in the students were as confused as dormitories will soon be in circulation and we I was _wh~n you heard of an must "all" voice our opinions. Everyone should orgamzation called C.B.S. respond either favorably or unfavorably to this C.B.S.. Concerned Black t t It 'll t k t· t· b Students, is a campus 1mpor an issue. WI a _e par 1c1pa 10n y service organization that has many to make or break the issue and a lack of been \'ery beneficial in the interest will accomplish nothing. So come on, ile scheduling_ ?~ dances and let's show a little interest in our school. Apathy ·s other act1V1ties _to make doesn't help anyone. ., TIcampus hfe a httle less tas boring. So what am I con- t:;::!~~~~'iS:!~:!',;:!~:!',;:!~~~~B:t~:!',;:!~~~~m fused about? Why black? DANCE ~t, Why not Concerned Stu- The Student Senate will sponsor a dance December 1 from 9 ·' •• dents? Racial discrimination p.m. to midnight in the student center. The dance will feature:, ·· · has been screamed about for the group "Blackberry Winter." :. decades now. and I see Peru ~~~.B:!~~~'£;;::(~~~~~:!',;:!~~~~~El;or State College as a place · where prejudice is almost THE PEDAGOGIAN 1., non-existant. I'm not asking Managing Editor - Darrell Wellma that we be given equal oppor- Associate Editors , Beth Props tunity in the form of a C.W.S. Pam Vogel club, but simply that the B. Sports Editor Kent Props should be stricken from the News Editor " ., Becki Youn title of the existing club. I'm Artist - - DesiKlin all for what the Concerned Photographer - Mick Osbo Black Students are doing, Advisor Everett Brownin but they should hold no Advertising Manager Darrell Wellma. racial suggestions or boun- Published 10 times a semester by students of Peru Stat daries. If there was a club College, the Pedagogian is the sounding board of the studen · with the word 'white' in it, body and is sensitive to the problems of the colleg ' everyone would yell, community.
"Bigot'', Racial .discrimina- All comments and letters to the Editor [under 300 words] tion is not limited to the most should be sent to Clayburn 15A, Peru State College, Peru; common forms. ebraska 68421.
STATE'!,; new swimming pool isn't ready for swimmers yet, but a little concrete should add a nice touch.
ilas Summers Contest open
By Danellt Warner
,e PSC English Club will sponsoring the .';iilas mcrs' Writing contest n this year. All students asked to submit ·their ries between N/)vember nd January 20.
ri:ters can obtain an y number from ! ohn rrett or at his office in the
e Arts Building. Each
mQSt be labeled by one : the three categories:
poem, short story, or play. The final copies should be submitted in the sealed box that 11iM be located at the front desk in the library.
This contest is open to anyone who has an interest in writing There can be seve!l entries per student, wjth three wjnners in. each category. The top two places will receive cash awards unless there js a section containing less tharr five en-
tries_ in ~pie~ first plac.e will quallfy f8r , ~sh prize
All the wod< submitted will bC' judged by leading critics, who will in turn. give a written criticism on each entry.
T~ final deadline for the contest will be 3:00 p.m. on. January 20, !'179. All 'selections wiH be considered for publication in the "Sifting Sands."
·ghteen from, PSC named to Who's'Who
e 1978-79 edition of 's Who Among Stuclents American Universities Colleges will carry the es of 16 students from u State College, Peru, aska, who have been ted as being allJ,ong the try's most outstanding us leaders.
mpus no~nating c.omes and editors of the l directory have incluthe names of these stuiits based on their acaic achievement, service Jhe community, leader-
ship in extracurricular activities and future potential.
They join an elite group of students selected from more than 1,000 institutions of higher in all 50 states, the District of Columb(a and several foreign nations.
Outstanding students have been honored in the annual directory since it was first published in 1934
Students pamed this year from Peru State College are Mary Cotton, Woodbine, Ia.; Joe Eacret, Nebraska City;
Temnoom~ in tournament
The Peru State College men's basketball team opened their 1978 season with one win and two losses in the •prestigious. Marymount Tournament in Salina, Kansas · The Bobi;'.ats earned sixth. place in the tourney , which included teams from Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, Tennessee, Kansas, and Nebraska
, Ma~y~~~nb,our~ament Salina, Kansas.
Robert Garcia, Omaha; Jean Hartman, Douglas; Bridget Hoover, Falls City: Jeffrey Jacob. Arlington; Qouglas Kirkendall, Falls City; Desiree Kline, Malvern, Ia,; Dawn Lammie, Auburn; Robin McKercher, Peru; Virginia Pippert, Auburn; Loma Pollman, Wymore; Lee Rademacher, A,u~ bu.r,:1; Gerald Reichart, Plattsmouth; Robert Svoboda, York; Mary Windle, Falls City; Fayrene Woods, Omaha; and Wayne Young, Humboldt.
College of the Ozarks 78, Peru 66 School of the Ozarks 75, Peru 80Wayland Baptist, Texas 67, Peru 66
Concordia College, Seward 52, Perun
Doane Invitational Midland 76, Peru 75. tOT; Doane College, Crete 72, Peru 68
Wayne State College 66, Peru 60 St. Regis, Denver, Colo., 60,
omen's basketball coach Nebraska native Dees
1e Peru State College
1sty Blues" swing choir
· present its first concert ~rsday, Dec. 7, at 8 p.m. in !college auditorium.
'irector Pamela Gere said ' lions included in the ram will be "Magic To ' from the Broadway ical "Pippin", "The e of the Game", "I n't Need Anything But " from the Broadway ical "Annie'', and a Leo ;er medley.
"The concert will feature Sharon Bartels, a sophomore from Sterling; Brenda Barrett, freshman, Nebraska City; aqd Ric Schlender, sophomore, Pawnee City, as soloists," l\Is. Gere said.
Other students performing in the concert are Lori Stortenbecker,. sophomore, Nebraska City; Mimi Cowles. freshman, Falls City; Bettye Daniels, junior, Omaha; Donna Nun,freshman, Geneva; Ken Saggau, freshman, Ceylon, Minn.; Gene Wilson,
sophomore, Omaha; Keith Rippe. sophomore, Elk Creek; Mitch Dahmke, freshman, Douglas, Wyo.; and.Brad Rausch, freshman. Humboldt.
The "Misty Blues" will be accompanied by Bob Svoboda, junior, York, electric bass; Petry Biaggi, senior; Humboldt, drums; and Ms. Gere on piano. Shari Hoelker, physical education instructor at Peru, is choreographer for the group.
isty Blues first concert
ng search for aPeru omen's basketbail
ame to an end Tuesov. 28. when a south!ebraska native, Roger ann of Pawnee City. ired at that positiQn.
Peru State Bobkitten was already one d when Athletic Dirry Joy made the nt. Joy had been interim coach of am.
two days after the tment, Thiemann was e his new squad on the to a gymnasium 1;ery lar to him - Fuhrer use in Crele, where
the Bobkittens were scheduled to play Doane College.
Thiemann played college basketball for Doane College from 1971-75. Thel975Doane graduate played on winning teams all four years ,\t Doane, Thiemann is a 1971 graduate of Pawnee City High School. He guided Pawnee City to state basketball championships in both 1970-71.
Thiemann taught and coached the high school girls basketball teams at Adams High School from 1975-77. Since then he has been workrng for his father in Pawnee
City. Thiemann doesn't plan to make any major changes in the Bobkitten system right away. "We'll basically stick with what they hav~ already learned for the rest· of the ~em ester," he said. "Then we'll take a look and make some changes at the first of the year.··
Thiemann's squad returns six former letterwinners including senior Julie Hartman, Douglas, who holds the Peru State scoring record for women, and Debbie Craig, Jamestown, l\".Y who holcls the single-game scoring record.
, rority Sponsors Hayride
N°By Sherry Biere Kappa Chi, the formed sorority on , sponsored a haye this. month. The
s open to all Sigma hi and Delta ~appa mbers and their
dates. The groups mel at the home of sorority mell)ber, Andrea Leslie. Her father drove the tractor for the ride and prepared the bonfire.
The evening consisted of a trip through the countryside lasting an hour and a campfire cook-out afterwar~.
A special thank-you is extendE)d to Andrea and her parents who went out of their way to make the havrack ride successful. ·
There was a good turnout and mo~t everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
<Topeka, Ks.)
Dec 11 .Dana <Here)
Dec 15 Kearney <Here
Jan 3-6 Friends Tournament (Wichita, Ks
Tales from Wizards Book
ByRonl\'Iyroup nee City, Jr,; Pam Frost, "Tales from the Wizard's Rulo, Fr; Anita Cole, Peru, Book», the children's theater Sr; Norman Parish, Homeproduction, will open on the wood, Illinois, Fr. evening ofDecemberl5, 'I:he The large cast of "The show will also run the 16th Pied Piper of Hamlin" infor a matinee and evening ·· eludes Kim Sharp; Lanny performance and once again Mazour; Ann Stribling; Ann for an evening performance Obermeyer, Kevin Hauck, on the 17th. This. show is Falls City, So; Norman Par-
ish; Joe Waters; Sylvia Tyler; Omaha, Sr; Chuck Mittan, Hastings, Fr; Shelley Richardson, and Pam Frost.
The part of the wizard is being played by Mark Shively, Ralston, Sr. His pretty assistantis played by Mary (;ail Beccard, Nebraska City. being sponsored by the Peru Players
The production i.s medley of five, short, updated fairy tales. These shows are being directed by Dr. · Royal Eckert's children's thf\ater and creative dramatics class.
The cast for the "Tortoise and the Hare" includes Ron Myroup, La Grange, Illinois, Fr; Becky Young, Peru, Sr; Anita Faraboni, Nebraska City, Sr; Ann Stribling, Auburn, Sr; Rob McKercher, Peru, Sr; Ann Obermeyer, Auburn, Fr.
The two actors in "The Cricket and the Ant" are Joe Waters, Bellevue, So; and Shelley Richardson. Summerfield, Kansas, F.i:.
The cast in "The Little Red Hen''· is Anita Faraboni, Lenny Mazour, Lawrence, Jr; Kim Sharp, Nebraska City, Jr ; Ron Doeden, Cook, Jr; Rob McKercher, Ron Myroup; ,Kathey Walker, Chicago, Illinois, Fr.
The cast in "llumplestiltski~' T,f~\Wl.iti}ey, Paw-
Messiah is December 10
Peru State College area Camealy said, as are string residents are invited to parti- _instrumentalists. cipate with the college choir in this year's performance of Handel's "Messiah" on Sundll.y, December 10, at 3 p.m. in the college auditorium.
Practices begin Monday, Nov. 13, from 7:30 to 9 p:m. in Room 111 of the college Fine Arts Building, according to Dr Edward Camealy, choir director.
Both male and female vocalists are invited, Dr.
fl,,. final rehearsal December 4 at 7 p.m. which will be open to the public. The annual performance of the "Messiah" is one of two holiday performances planned by the 42-member college choir, Dr. Camealy said. Colleg~ singers also will produce the traditional "Boar's Head Feaste" during December, he said.
THE PEDAGOGIAN Decem~:cf r.,.,..,...,..,.,,,.,..,,.,.,.,,..,~ ...
Peru 56 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS 1978 TOTAL OFFENSE Rushing Receiving Yards Yards Yards I Pa:,siug Return 5 Yards Yards Alvin Holder .1145 O •·161 35 1341 Roosevelt Brown -8 0 581 626 1207 Lie! Laxdal -111 1015 o 0 904 i Marvm McGill 704 0 18 11 733 Johnnie Stewart .172 o 94 20 286 i Ken Denning. 29 25 O 78 132 i R1ck,Spears. .o o 89 o 89 § Willie Johnson .41 0 25 12 78 I Milton Taylor O O O 77 77 i I Rick Neubauer. .2 6 68 o 76 § i RUSHING Rushes Yards Avg,/Carry I SAlvin Holder 227 1145 5.0 § M_arvin McGill 179 704 3.9 N1e!Laxdal 44 -lll -2.5 ! Johnme Stewart 33 172 5 2 § i WillieJohnson 11 41 3.7 § SPASSING Comp. Att. Int, Yards I Niel Laxdal 63 163 9 1015 Frank Dambrosia 2 5 25 Rick Neubauer. 3 6 Ken Denning 1 O 25 § Johnnie Stewart. 0 O I TOTALS 67 173 12 1071 I SRECEIVING ~eceptions Yards I Roosevelt Brown. 26 581 Alvin Holder 14 161 Johnnie Stewart 8 94
Tarkio<Here) Dec8-9 WashburnClassic Rick Neubauer 6 68 Rick Spears 5 89 Jake Knight .4 35 §
) MafV!n McGill 3 18 i WillieJohnson 1 25 ~TOTALS, .,.. 67 1071 r.llll.l.l.l.lllllll.111'.l.lllll.ll_j
Wt ~• •t ;;;it
TACO d~l SOL® 1002 'J' Street-Auburn Hours 11:00 a.m. -10:30 p.m. 7DaysAWeek
Cats end football season· with win , I -.
The Peru State Bobcats marked themselves as a team of the future with a convincing 45-6 romp past Doane College in the season finale for both teams in Peru's Oak Bowl. An explosive aerial attack and a rock-hard defense paved the way past 6-4 Doane in the final contest for ten Peru seniors.
The 1978 Bobcats finished at 5-3-2. The last time Peru State had a winning football season, John F. Kennedy was the President and Peru was referred to as "Peru State Teachers College."
The 'Cats have suffered through 15 losing seasons dating back to Jack Mclntire's 1962 squad that finished 5-2-2.
Coach Jerry Joy saw his veteran defense hold the Doane Tigers to 30 rushing yards in the cold and windy Oak Bowl Saturday, and limit the Tigers to 88 total yards.: Meanwhile, the passing arm of Niel Laxdal amassed 237 yards on 12 of 22 passes, and the sophomore
from Lakeland, Fla., connected with standout wide receiver Roosevelt Brown for three touchdowns on passes of 25; 46, and 41 yards. Peru outgained Doane by a whopping 390 to 88 yards.
Meanwhile, the Peru rushing attack was having a "sub-par" day, netting 153 rushing yards. As usual, sophomore running back Alvin Holder was the key, gaining 94 yards on-22 carries before setting out most of the fourth quarter as the Peru reserves cleaned up.
The 45-point outburst was Peru's high scoring total for the season. The six points by Doane was the lowest point total ·allowed this season. The win was particularly pleasing to the Peru seniors, who had not beaten Doane in the previous three years including last year's 35-6 loss at Crete.
The big win came. on the heels of Peru's disappointing 34-7 loss to fourth-rated Northwestern Iowa last ·week. Doane was coming off an upset win over 10thranked and previously unde-
feated Hastings.
Ten seniors ended their careers at Peru State. All ten started Saturday, including offensive linemen Mark Johnson, center; Bob Hruby, guard; Dan Navrkal, tackle; and Rick Spears, tight end.
Defensively, senior starters were tackles Mike Larsen and Tim Schaefer; end, Kent Coleman; .and backs Bill Pursley, Ken 'Denning, and Otis Samuel.
The important thing ap~ pears to be the yotrth Coach Joy will return at the skill positions - there were no senior running backs or quarterbacks; the receiving corps will return intact except for Spears, who shared time with freshman Jake Knight; the top six linebackers are underclassmen; the defensive end and middle guard spots will be filled by returnees; and a number of defensive backs saw considerable action this season on a team that set a Peru record for interceptions.
·The kicking game should be solid in the future, wHh the return of: extra point
Grapplers begin s
specialist Dan Todd, a junior who successfully converted 23 of 26 PAT's including a school record 19 consecutive extra points; field goal and kickoff ace Kevin Niday, sophomore, who accounted for 21 points this season; and punter Terry Hinkle, only a freshman.
The Bobcats scored 215 points this season, and 211 came from underclassmen. Roosevelt Brown ended the season as the top scorer with 54 points on nine touchdowns followed by Alv1n Holder with season TD's for 42 points.
Laxdal finished the season with 1015 passing yards, and tied his own school record for pass completions in a season with 63. In his two seasons at Peru, he has passed for 2013 yards.
Holder was the big story this season. The lightningquick halfback gained 1145 yards rushing, shattering the old Peru record by 366 yards. Holder accounted for 1341 yards total offense (rushing, receiving, and kickoff returns).
Several Bobcats named to NAIA team
Three Peru State football players were named to the District II (Nebraska colleges) All-Star team and another nine were honorable mention in the final National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics District II football report for 1978.
Record-breaking running back Alvin Holder was named to the District II backfield. Holder gained 1145 yards this season, good for 14th in the nation, and led the district until the final day when Wayne State's Bob Barry beat him by 16 yards.
Holder is only. a freshman in eligibility. The Tampa,
Fla., product set school records in not only rushing yards but carries (227) and'· rushing average (114.5). He was also the second-leading pass receiver and scorer for Peru.
Ken Denning, senior defensive back, was another Bobcat named to the team. Ken had a super year - he led Peru in pass interceptions with four (this Peru team set a school record for interceptions), tied for third on the tackle chart with 74 stops, and - surprisinglywas sixth for the Bobcats in total offense.
Apunt returner a holder for extra point and .d goal
Attend· Bob kitten and Bobcat Basketball games
attempts, Ken amassed 132 yards, passed for one touchdown, and scored a two-point conversion. The Lakewood, Colo., captain was named "District Defensive Player of the Week" in Peru's 21-21 tie with eventual bowlwinner Chadron State.
Bob Hruby earned a spot on the all-star offensive line at guard. Bob started the 1978 season as a defensive tackle, but when injuries slimmed the offensive line ranks Bob went back to the offensive line. His presence paved the way for Holder's feats as well as teammate Marvin McGill, who gained 704 yards, and quarterback Niel Laxdal, who found enough time to complete a s<:hool record-tying 63 passes. Bob is a four-year starter from Comstock and a graduate of Ord High School.
Four Bobcats were namect honorable mention offensively. They include Roosevelt Brown, Mark Johnson, Marv McGill, and Niel Laxdal.
Brown was responsible for setting a number of records at P.eru this season. The Tampa, Fla., sophomore wide receiver was also named honorable mention last season. Rosey ranks third nationally in punt returns with a 15.8-yard averabe per return and set a Peru record in punt return yardage with 253 yards. He also set a season touchdown reception record with eight.
Mark Johnson finished his career as a captain for Peru this year. The starting center, he was another one responsible for Holder's rushing mark. Johnson, .Jrom Columbus, Ohio, lettered all four years at Peru. He has also been a standout baseball player for the Bobcats.
Marv· McGili, junior fullback from Brandon, Fla., gained 704 yards this season including game highs of 140 and 105 yards. A powerful blocker, Marv .is a strong runner with a good breakaway speed (he has had the longest runs from scrimmage for Peru the last two seasons - 52 yards in 1977, 63 yards in 1978).
Niel Laxdal is another repeat to the h0norable mention list in only his second year. The sophomore quarterback from Lakeland, Fla. tied his own season record for pass completions with 63. Niel has. thrown for 2013 yards in his two years at Peru.
The Peru State College wrestling program/will be. going through a rebuilding year under first-year coach Blaine Gorney. The Bobcats open the season December 1 at the University of Nebraska - Omaha Invita tionaL '
The once-powerful Peru State wre~tling program will start with only two leUermen on the squad from last season's team that went 0-11 in dual meets. That team finished the season with only four members competing. Lost from that squad is AllAmerican Mark Yori, who set a Peru record with 112 career wins. Yori is now coaching in his home state of Pennsylvania.
Gorney will bring some impressive credentials to Peru. Last year at Luther College in Decorah, Ia., his wrestling squad finished in the top twenty among NCAA Division III schools. Gorney was one of seven finalists for the "Rookie Coach of the Year" award from the collegiate wrestling magazine "Amateur Wrestling News."
Prior to coaching at Luther, Gorney was head coach at Royalton (Minn.) High School.
The Bobcats will play host to two meets this season, both in January. The Dana Vikings will come to Peru for a 7 p.m. matchup on Wednesday, January 10, and the 'Cats will host powerful Kearney State on Friday, January 19 at 6 p.m.
The matmen will compete in a number of tournaments this year beginning with the UNO Invitational. The team will also travel to the Northwest Missouri State Invitational at Maryville, Mo., December 8 - 9; the Dana
Five Bobcats were named honorable mention on the defensive team. Linemen Kent Coleman, Mike Larsen, and Ed Connelly, and linebackers Bill Purslev and Jon Orton were selected by the district coaches (who are the judges) for honorable mention.
Coleman is a four-year starter for Peru who has earned eight athletic letters. The senior from Oakland, Ia., was in on thirty-three tackles from his defensive end position this year.
Larsen, a senior from Har, lan, la., was an all-district selection last year at offensive tackle, but was switched to defensive tackle this season. He was in on 48 tackles including five quarterback sacks this season and was named "District Defensive Player of the Week" for his performance in Peru's 42-14 win over Yankton, S.D.
Connelly is a two-year starter at Peru as a sophomore. He was the second-
Invitational at Blair Ja 20; the Central Tech I tional at Hastings ary 26-27; the College tational at Indianola, February 2 - 3; plus NAIA Invitational (a qu ing meet for the na · tourney) at Yankton, February 9 - 10; an NAIA District II tourna (also a national quail£ meet) on February 21l Kearney. .1
The Bobcats will com ' in a triangular with UNO ; Nebraska Wesleyan J Omaha on December 7{ dual with Central Techni Community. College on J.'. uary 23; a triangular Nebraska Wesleyan Northwest Missouri State: Lincoln on January 24; a 1 dual with Wayne State February 13.
The returning letter .•. for Peru are Larry Joe,! one-year letterman and s.' ior from Alexandria who wrestle in the 134-po '. class; and Tim Pethoud;, • one-year letterman · sophomore from Falls c' wrestling at 126 pounds.
Other promising prospe'. for the Bobcats will be ' Connelly, 167-pound sop' more from Scottsbluff; Ossowski, 118-pound s more from Blue Spr' Steve Wollen, 142-p sophomore from Wee Water; Marty Haverty, pound freshman from braska City; Andrew Sc 158-pound freshman fr Tampa, Fla; Keith Mui freshman heavyweight f Salem; Steve Trout, pound freshman from trice; Dave Medina, pound freshman from D !er; and. Dan Medina, pound freshman from D !er.
leading tackler at Peru t r season despite miss nearly two entire games. was twice named "Dist Defensive Player of , Week". Ed also tied for f in the district with 11 q terback sacks. He is fr Scottsbluff.
Bill Pursley is a two-y ., starte.r after transfer· · from an Iowa junior coll The senior monster back tied for third leading tac this season with 74 stops. is from Hawthorne, N.J.; Jon Orton led the p' II defense in tackles ' ' season with 101. A ju from Nebraska City, .: also had two intercept' this year. Both those in' ceptions came Yankton.
Dan Todd, Murray, go name in the Peru re•. books with 19 consecd extra points without a i A junior, Dan will ha , chance to extend that s · when the season starts year.
December I,
ffers ·Classes
y Darrell Wellman ording ,to Mary ,Ruth on. Director. of CdntinEducation, there are
' I classes in next ser's program that ~Y
f interest to Peru State nts. Most classes can en. for either credit or ·redit.
·sses for credit are to be ed i.n by using regular
·· lment procedures in the · trar' Office.
-credit classes can be lled in by pi~king up a
·nuing Education Card
' 213. This must be done ~rmine class size and in specjfic classes.
e c~ur~ that may be erest to students are:
· se.rtiveness Training -
, p to help you make up
·· own mind and not let
· always influence you.
'free to PSC students for ,: redit..
• w Testament Hjstory
.Literature - This is a
•·, of the emerging Chriscommunity. Tuition of or 3 hours credit.
ding and Writing - Special Ed stu-
dents take note because this will· help you learn much about teact, the use of Braille. Tuition is $10 for non-credit.
Introduction to Alcoholism - First time a"ffered and may be of spec1at interest to those majoring in sotjal work and psychology. Cost ts $51 for 3 hours credit.
Disco Dancing_ """. Taught by a former instructor at Arthur Murray Dance Studjos in Omaha. Noncredit, $25 single and $40 couples.
~re and Use of House Plants - For those with a green thumb. · One hour credit - $17.
l;leginning Spanish - Jµst the thing for those desiring to learn a foreign language. $51 for 3 hours credit.
Horsemanship For you interested in horses it may he just the class you are looking for. $12 for 1 hour credit.
You may enroll in Fine Arts 213 or 214 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from now ,until the classes begin for the noncredit classes.
ackout leaves many udents unprepared
By_Harold Benson,
ru ,State College exper-
d its first black-out of year December 2. T4e er outage occured at oximately 5:30_p.m. and for more than an This darkness caused e uncertainty among residents to whether
t the same time the entire
"';n of Peru was also '(eked out, Except for genrs, lanterns and can-
"·" the entire town was ' ceful and dark. There 't any looting reported
The Pedag·· ·og•·Jan
Senators discuss drinking age
and~ s·tate aid to education
·· By C. Russell Mittan
A discussion of the issues facing the 1979 NebrqSka Legislature was open to the public at 7:30 p.m,, Wednesday, Nov. 29, at the .l;'eru State College stµdent center.
Items of particular concern at the Legislative .Forum ip.cluded. the possibil· ities of the State Colleges ever ~oming a part o.f the University system; wheth~r the drinking age in Nebraska shi;mld be i:aised to 2.1 and if State Aid to Education is meeting expectations.
The senators all seemed to agree that the State College are functioning satisfactorily at the present and there would be no reason for a merger.It was agreed that they hope that we never see such a change need to take place.
About the drinking age, they agreed that it should be
raised but there is no easy· tance that was discussed ,was ly underground." He also wav to installsuch a change the advocacy of raising the added,.''We have a plan, but and doubt whether a bill drinking .age in J\lebraska to it's just a. p!al), to bring abo11t ·it would pass. 2L This qqestion was water to southeast Nebraska State Aid to Education is brought before the senators from areas ·that have an experiencing no major prob- by Diane Si!lfeld Senator a~undant supply of good lems and doubt whether Warner had this to. say, water." much action to· totally "There. is a very practical Diane Siefeld then asked revamp it. will be taken. problem in raising the dril)k- the senators to comment on a "Legislative Forum:79" ing age. I would have to proposed litter bill. "I'm in was ca:sponsored by the oppose raising it now, ~ven favor of a jitter bill," said Southeast. Nebraska United though I opposed the initial Senator Carsten, "but a good Chamber of Commerce and lowering ()f the drinking one that'll work." Senator Peru S.tate College. Fqur age." Senator Carsten, on Burrows then added, "I ~aw southeast Nebraska state the other hand, expressed a lot of problems with the senators were Ill attendance: that he favored the idea. And original bill and I \lon't think George _Burrows of Adams, Senator Burrows said, "I it solved all of the litter Cal Carsten of Avoca, Nelson would support raising it with problems." Merz of Falls City, and the consideration that the Jerome Warner of Waverly. privilege would not have to
A brief question and answer session was held with Questioning the senators be forfeited by those who are were four media panelists: presently 19 _,, the audience, and several Kent Thom,l.s of the Beatrice questions were phoned in by Sun, Diane Siefeld of KTNC The poor water c@ndition radio listi:mers. The moderRadio in Fails City, Vicki in southeast Nebraska was ator for the evening was Miller of Maverick Me,dia, brought up by Vicki Miller, James Bradley, executive and !Yan Beaumont of the and Senator Carsten said, vice · president of the bl 's that we Beatrice Chamber of Com- Nebraska City News-Press. "The pro em t. One topic of major impor- don't have good water direct- merce.
Boar's Head Feaste a Success
but an armed guard was on campus in the Science Building.
Little or !JO warning Wc!S given bef()re the lights went out and after flicke~g several times the electri~ty was gone .,It was surprising to see how many students had no alternate forms of lighting such as candles and flashlights in their possession.
Although the 9<1rkness brought discomfort to some there were a few _studen~ who enjoyed the outage. It gave them a chance to go sleigh riding and to have a good.time on the ice.
rmer P.S.C. student
esents show Dec.,·13
ountain cfunber · l)h!r :, gui!,ar'ual'i~'inOO<is. ,·. i er and; musicial , Tliom,pson. uses a. varlety a Peru State Colleg¢ of.· souttes. fur. ms musical• te\ieveioped auniqHe •·pie¢s,,inclµ<ling a.$\!~S@n~, music~.progr,am tqat, tial. number he hliB
il'I the Fine,, Arts.· , composed liiU1Self. . , . ·µm,,p~m~r1~, :,· , "J a1nteSO!l and I J~t µie<;I Thompson': (l.1e ma~. , this unu,sual presen4!:tion as in Music. at' PSGl: li. kind of experiment when bis g,uitarin:eoncert'' we were. working With a ob Jamieson who_ has group of surp.mer campers in · mafor mountains in Gotorado last year," Thom~ and South America. son said.
pson appeared as a rformer before an i_astic.PSC audience a o.
o performers comguit,\r, slides.and a entation that takes e of ·the • br~thine scenes and the
''The campers ,were so enthusiastic about the presentation we polished it and have ·been using it before audiences of nearly all ages," he said.
'·E_ach time we present our concert we discover something new that we'd not seen before, so Ollr act is changing all of the time."
By Lori Last
Despite _the poor weather conditions the Boar's Head Feaste was December 3 at 6:30p.m.
The program opened with the choir singing '.'Deck the Halls," followed by the traditional toaste, and "Glouceshire Wassail" was also sung. The Boa,r's Head was then carried into the hall by Dee D~ttmer and P,ei:ry Biaggi. It was displayed to the audience and the singing of the Boar's Head Carol followed.
Nex( the meal was served, consisting of ·Rqaste of Beefe, Mashed Potatoes and
Gravye, Greene Beans Almodyne, Steam Poddying, Bread· wyth Sweete Buttyr and assorted Drynkes. During the meal the choir sang various Christmas songs accompanied by the Fiddles and Viols and the Brass instruments. Members of the Fiddles and Viols were Perry Biaggi, Dr. Camealy, Nick Guinan, Dee Dettmer and Robert Svoboda. The brass instruments group, directed by Dr. David M. Edris, consisted of Dee Dettmer, Nick 'Guinan, Jan Hammers, Brad Rausch and Robert Svoboda. Directed by Dr, Eckert,
the play of St. George foiIowed. It was performed by Jody Neubaue·r, Dale Thomas, Kim D. Sharp, Harold Benson, Anita Cole, Aaron B. Larson, Rob McKercqer, Tom Whitney, Mimi Mell.or, Mary Gail Beecard and Steve Dunn.
"The Songs on Chrystmasse Night" and "Angyls From The Realms of Glory" were played by the Sweete Flutes, which consisted of Dee Dettmer. Lori Stortenbecker, Sharon Bartels, Nick Guinan, ·Margaret · Mohrbutter and Keith Rippe.
To finish the program four glourious pipers from the
Omaha - Council Bluffs Scottish Pipe and Drum Association played selected numbers. These received a standing ovation from the audience, The choir then sang their final song, "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." Student Conductors for the groups were Lori. Stortenbecker, Sharon Bartels and Dee Dettmer. These three are the officers of the choir. Perry Biaggi was the roving mynstrel who provided song as he walked thrmighout the audience. The part oi the Lord and Lady were played by Dr. Camealy and Lori Stortenbecker.
. • • . E"d __JltinUl'Dg :· · " ·
.. · , ' \ 01ce of the Bobcats
Issue 7 Peru State College, Peru, Ne. 68421 December 14, 1978
Bob Davis [Blick] argues with Steve Dunn !Nick] about \Torm Pari~h [Harry l can be seen ancmg and Lenny· some of his customers that visit Nick's Place regularly. Mazour [Wesley J is at the piano. Rob McKercher [Joel is Also in the picture at the bar: Joe Primm [Willie], Dave seated at the table looking on. This scene was taken from Rossell .[Dudley R. Bostwick] and Joe Waters [Arab]. ".The Time of Your Life."
..... ··· .. NOTICE " ro sis hou,s of coll,ge cr, dates for the administration of the National Teacher Thursday, Dece1J1.ber 14 Children's ·Th.~.~e Per- - ·- Tt!l~10n ~a1vers for non- next semester may qua!' Examination'~t. botJk tiie i:Jniversity of Nebraska _ Lincoin i Children's Theatre Re- iounance, College Aud., ?!- tra~1t1onal students. w1l~ bf for the tuition waiver, and Kearney State College.... · ihearsal, College Aud., 3 & 8 p.m. W available at Peru State o · said. · IP-ID- . . Bobkitten Basketball vsl leg: secon~. semester_ on_ a ~ur~her mioz:nat1on This applies to students n1annin to radu te this ar w.ho tt! Concerned Black Students Midland College at .fremont~ h~mted basis,. acco_rding_ to this;1~c1al aid progra w·n be eek' 't
;¥.'.. ·.ti g &t f fl ye · ttudy
Miss!ssipp1, Arkansas afd. s~veral other states
that have specific school systems With this reqwement.
The joys of Christmas! And the agony of finals. Thhe r
pressure is on and like many of ,you Pm sure, I get t e
, · , feeling I'm cooked.
It's been quite a semester, A semester with a lot of
happenings; some pleasant, others, well, downright
Fall sports went well and winter sports are
underway. I am pleased to see so many people turn out
getmuchhelpfromthe referees-do they forget who
:fi~~~i '"'
pays them? Seriously, our team is a good one and ec. 27 & 28-'
hopefully things will pick up. The fans aren't giving up '.
and let's hope the team doesn't get discouraged.
By Harold Benson
_ Blackberry Winter presented its final semi-pro appearance on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks .Friday, I)ecember 1. Student,, rqcked to a variety of music that included many top forty hits by popular artists. .The group played some of their own music and \t. was also enjoyed by most there,
The dance began at 9 p.m.
and lasted, until 12 midnight.
Considering the poor road conditions and the dance beirig on a weekend (when most .students have gone home) there was a moderate turnout.
There was a two dollar charge for thQSe who weren.'t P.S.C. students and several people from town also· attended.
lteuetft i2 the ediiou
Dear Editor [? l
Wh~t is· the deal. You were given the responsibility of being an. editor in this college's newspaper. This _is a_ very challenging, interesting and educational oppo]'.tunity for you. I_ am ~ure that you find i.t just that way However, it is also1'1 great opporti.mity for you to do a lot of good fµr the college. Evl:lry• one on the campus reads tbe Ped, incliJding your colulllrl. I suggest that you use your
colU1)1n for something more than to fill up space in. the paper.
The previous ~tatements
ai:e harsh and to the point. But I can back them up. I have read three of your columns. The first being on the parking problem in Peru, and how students should p\lrk. their cars straight and between the yellow lines. The. second column was about the· haunted house on
Likewise, the girl's team is a lot of fun to watch with a
lot of potential. It would seem that things are in a
slump right now.
As for next semester, I'm sorry to hear of so many not planning to return. To you 1 say good luck in
whatever you choose to do. Out of curiosity, I'd like to 1 1 know the reasons why you plan to leave. Drop a note to Mathews 34 before you go.
lf you all survive finals, have a Merry Christmas. The Ped will be back next semester under new management- mirie. I plan to do my best in putting the paper out for you. Any comments, questions and criticisms should be directed to me and are most welcoqi.e. Thanks for sticking with us!
::t~B¥r~~:in;~~~::n~~~~ Secretaries' Tea
By Darrell Wellm11,11
Halloween and the third and la.test on your lack of letters to the editor.
Welcome all Faculty, Students and Staff, De~embljr 14 from 8: 30 - 4:00 in the entrv hall of the Admiriistratio~ Bldg. Merry Christmas from the secretaries.
Director of legislation may take some Financial Aids at Peru State, th e bu rden off these famili would_ like to announce to all The cha{)ge n_ullifies the r. students that recent revi- quirement iliat th e famili sions in financial aid pro- adjusted income had to less than $25,000 for t grams will prove beneficial student ·to qualify f to students who may not Government insnrance have qualified for any aid in the National Direct Stu the past. Those who already Loan Program. The dQ have some aid may be eligi- figure has now b~n dele ble for even more assistance.
Even though students and the Government will the interest as long as. haven't had much lw;:k in loan is fir~t approved by t seeking aid in the past he lending instituti.on. This w says that all should at least to take immediately. try applying again These The most _ importa changes are not. to be taken lightly and· the time spent change, howeve,;, is t
Come on Darrell, I'm s11re you can find a subject with more substan<ie to it than the previous three. Take a stan~, .don't be afraid of what people say or think. Use your column to fw-ther the prestige of Peru State College. applying coilld prove re- large. revision in the_ Bap
Faithful Reader of The Ped John Walsh
Peru Gm,s Finding Employment
I The avera~~- starting s_al- ··•· and occupational breakdown ary for ma~ J~ (!f ,tli.e 1978 graduating class; College gradltate'§ if:mP'!f>t~:- shQwed that 62% of the grain busi~CS$ and industJ:r_,\\las · d1,1ates were pl.aced in jobs appro~unately $6,o® ~~~e.;: .... within their Jnajor ai:ea of than. the aver,!ge f~1:':1:~!,~· :·, study, and just 1~% of those starting salary, accordin~ to not employed within their a recent r~PQrt by ~?n~.L !llajor were actively seeking Schµlze, director of place- other employment, said ment at Peru. · ,.,, ·Schulze.
· · "Of the remaining graduFor education gta<lluites;--· ates accounted for, 12% are however, Schulze ·said'llie' "continuing their education difference between· ·men's'"' and 14%. are homemakers, and women's salaries _is' Qnly" military personnel, or .satisabout $500. Comparab1e"sta~: :·factorily employed outside tistics were not rect>)'ded'l:1\' their major.
1977, Schulze said, so"_'the"' · Geographically, 76% of the degree of chl!,nge ·:"Is ''graduates are employed unknown. somewhere in southeast NeThe report, a geographtcal braska, and 16% are working
throughout the rest of the _ statet Schulz~ said.
· Twenty-five students of the Class of '7s' are working in Nemaha County, according to Schulz~. and 12. are employed in Otoe County. Eight ·graduates are employed in both Douglas and Sarpy counti~s. Pierce County accounts for an additional five employed graduates.
"I think· the report defi- · nitely shows the stro11g support we get from Southeast N~braska, and it also sl1ows that the area Peru State College serves is gradually increasing," Schulze commented.
Four seniors at Peru State d' Educational Opportuni ,war 111g. - Grant P. rogram. The ceiii
College are participating in In ·October 1rn3 Congress '· ~, ' · for assets and h the U.S. Small Business M· passed and· the Pres1·dent· been raised so some studen ministration's Management ·gned· th,,·•M'd.dle Incom·e si ~- 1 - who"were on the b_orde A&sistance program known · Students ·Assistance Act. _ as the Small Business lnsti- This is mainly· aimed at' for qualifying i_n the
tute (SBD. h 1 'dell • f may now do so. All th e ping mi · e_ mcqme all).- · the vie. inity of the cu
They are Curt Bachle,- ilies who seem tcr be caught · Auburn; Donpa Rears, ,in _the: m<>ney .c;:rlll)ch. They should try for aid beca
Stella; Greg Yost, Nebraska f d th I b · bl the change is of large eno · · - in em~~ J!Jng una e · proportiOl'\S, a. ccoi'ding to City;. a11d W.ayne Young;· t completelv nav the c·h'ld's 0 "--L-'- ·· · 1 Miller, that it Will be be Humboldt. way'6ut still have too large ficial. ··
The progra~ is designed of ass_ets a_l)cijgcqmes. T4is to give students th-e· oppor: ...--...
tunity to assist 'IQcal )itrst: · ·THE P DAGO IA
U!;SS~ as c;onswta.Qts:. Jt. en: Managing Editor : Darrell Wellma listi, students_ all~/or_ grl'!,/li1: AsS:ociate Editors : - Beth Props ate teams from selected:c::.1;:· , Pam Vogel legiate sc4~ols 9.( ~~in~i t~, Sp11rts E~ito~ ,, , - - Ken~ Props, counsel sman b\!§1!\!)SS JS' ews Editor , , , "· - Beck, Youn persons in theirarea.: ... ,. Artist DesiKiin
The Peru State College Photographer , Mick Osb program is directed by Pxo-· Advisor : -, Everett Brownin_ fessor Russell Beldin. Advertising Manager Darrell Wellma
The program, wh1ch j.s in · Published IO times a semester by students of Peru Stat its seventh year of operation College, the Pedagogian is the sounding board of the studen, on a nation-wide scale; ·10:· body and is sensitive to the problems of the colleg' eludes · apprQximately 385 community. :4 colleges and uh1versi~ies All comments and letters to the Editor (under 300 words} \hroughout the· · Umted should be sent to Clayburn 15A, Peru State College, Peru; States. ·a;N,_e.briiiaiiiskiia•68••42.1....,____________
THE PEDAGOGIAN •=~~~,=!;,',':'/t,~
Session FA 211 6:30. -Tournament. P.( D1rector of F'mancial Aids, for part-time students .m 1 s. mg ea~ !!]g_po~1 ons ou -o -s~te. Numerous , - k. I K
0~!:,":~t;i: ., F.:'...
E.·• 0
Don Miller be obtained b contact school systems in several-states now require the results of 9:30 p.m. · Bas etba 1 vs eamey,,. Y th' · · · · - · · ti! Bible Stud TV Room Gym 7·30 pm. Men and WJ)men over 21 Miller at the college, t IS examn!iitIOn m the apphcat!QD process. these include: f.( Y, , B , ·sk·11· Cl Ed M' who would like to attempt up phone 872-3815. Massachusetts, New York, North and South Carolina, 11 30 pm. as1c l s ass, l Im~, .. Florida, Georgia, Texas, Virginia, Missouri,, California, I. Friday, December 15 Gym, 9 a.m. .I .:---:----------------_.. Lo_uisiana,
ILibrary Hours for Holidays : p.m.
,___________ and Semester Break Closed Saturday & Sunda
· Dec. 30 & 31
• • • There willbe no evening or Closed Monday and Tu ' ' weekend hours until classes day, Jan. 1 & 2. ~1ftr1r#tlttl;'ft~ffll1J't1ttinr
_For more information please contact Donald Schulze, EXCUSE
Director of Placement.
ohnouJrasnr8arf_yollloow.R 5 ~. gu, J We3d&ne4sda 7 y30and5 T 00hursda. =
an , : - : p.m.
(No evening hours on Dec. Friday, Jan. 5, 7:30 - 4:
O and 21 after classes are p.m. 1111
completed.) ·· Closed Jan. 6 &7. ij
Close Friday, Dec. 22 at Monday & Tuesday, Jan. -
4:00 p.m. & 9, 7:30- 5:00 p.m. ; ef
Closed Saturday and Sun- Regular library hours r ' from
Toes• ~t~;~;i=,1~
Thursday, & 9:30 p.m. ¥4.I
7:30 a.m. · Friday - 7:30- 4:00 1rh1';''1'1'1'7i'tt:D''li11ff'1tttt11
00 P.m. Saturday - 2: 00 - 5: 00 p
the t .
·;. p
- ..J Staff
Friday, Dec. 29, 7:30 a.m. · Sunday -7:00- 10:00 p.
More Ar.e
an·c1·a} Aid
Student Senate
By Darrell Wellman
Joel Richert has been elecas the new senator _ at ge on the_ Peru State lege Student Gov!:!rning oci;:1tion. The secret balmethod was used and k Ochs, President, tallied votes duripg the Decem7 meeting that was held the west dining room of student center.
Committee Reports
oUege Affairs: The new _ent code will be presento. the coHege affairs mittee and to President eman for approval. demic Affairs: The tter of changing the grade el for Honor Society is er cons_ideration. ilms, Arts, and Lectures: ther, Jugs, and Speed" be the next movie to be n in the fjne arts a udim. Also," the_ proposal a movie marathon was e. A high class comedy age consisting of four ·_· vies and one c;:1rtoon was ested. Committee head, Snyder, mentioned that e were problems pering to clean-up and a_lco-
ho! at the Blackberry Winter Dance. Mark Thomson will be appearing on campus Pecember 13 for his presentation..
P91itical Committee: The · CO!lStitution for sorority. Delta Kappa Chi wa~ re,- · viewed, rewritte_n; andthen accepted by the Student Sen, ate. Presidenf '.I'angeman held a meeting at. Morgan'. Hall _and many ·matters. of importance were ais~iiised.
,New Business:_ The·possi~bility of a super::'i;laf' contest. to be held during'a proposed. "Winter W!:!ek" was dis: cussed. Winter .Week will include a variety of winter ev!:!n~. i\J~o, it was .brought up _that if ~tudents are planning any extend_ed vacations, they should notify Marvin Middle or campus security if
_Entertainment seems plentiful at Nick's Place with action at his table. At the bar is Joe Prlin~,1Dave Rossell, Lenny Mazour at the piano, Norm -Parrish doing some · Joe Waters and Steve Dunn. Dunn seems to be satisfying dancing and Rob McKercher who isn't about to miss any his thirst at this particular _moment.
First concert by- Blues
Tangeman Visits Morgan
they plan to leave their cars
By Lori Last. on campus. Misty Blues gave its (irst Bands under consideration concert on December 7 in the for the back to school dance college auditorium. on- January 9 are Urban · To open, the group sang, ,Renewal, Madgic, and Rick Magic To Do, from the Sullivan, a D.J. who provi- Bro;:1dway show, Pippin. The <led the music for a dance in new two 11umbers were, How the Neil Ballroom earlier Long, and, Beth. The followthis year. ine: selection was, Songbird,
oothall players interviewed out their future plans
By Linda Henley
interviewed five Peru II playersto get their on Peru State_ College hat they thought of this s football season. Also ed is what they would ith the free time. they now that football n is over. Those interwere:· Mike Dorn, n McGill, Mike Dam, Donald Hill and Kirk
e Dorn - juniorthat Peru has good , like the smallness of liege and you can get to more people easi)y. He that the football tearri more equipment. ·
e also thinks, "the footason could have been , two losses that we _e should have won." that football season is e plans to go huptjng, part time job· at the or on Highway 67, lift and "do a bit more ~·--· /.:. _,:' McGill - jupiorback - · thinks a.nice place to visit, dn't want to live far as the school in s a great place for "
thinks the football was fair, but .adds d_ have done better. they should _have ery game they Marvin conclµdes _have an even better t year if everyone k. t football season is ·
over Marvin wili be pretty Now that football season-is much doing the same things over; Shine will be doing a lot that he is now. Sipce he is an of studying and trying to artist, his paintings and enjoy his leisure actiyitie~. drawing keep him busy. H_e will also be "tryipgto get Marvin is waiting for the better acquainted with some off-season program for the of the "sisters" that have football players which been shying.away. begins in about two weeks. Kirk· Ochs _ junior _
Mike Dambrosia - fresh- defensive back ..:. _President man - quarterback and run- of the Student Senate and R. ning back- thin.ks Peru_ is a _ A. at Clayburn-Mathewsgreat place to get an educa- thinks Peru is different. It's tion, because of the size, you a change of life style, and get to know your teachers a Kirk thinks Peru State Collittle better, and vice-versa. Jege is a great place to
Mike says they had a good - acquire an education. Since year, but _it could have been it's such a "smaH college" better if. they would. have you know _ what (the combined the outstanding of" teachers) expect of you. '.I'he fensive and defensive perfor- teacher also has a better mances in· one giiii:ie .He chance to know what each
featuring Sharon Bartels as soloist. The sollg, Name of the Game, featured t_enor Ken Saggau ancl alto Bettye Daniels as soloists, followed by, Talkin' In Y9_ur Sleep, with Brenda Barrett as soloist. Th_e final numl>ers were, I Don't Need Anything But You, How Can I Leave You Again, Carpenters, Bacharach and David Medley, and The Leo Sayer Medley.
The members of th!:! swing choir are Lori StQrtenbecker, Sharon Bartels, Mimi Cow Jes; Ric Schlender, Ken Saggau, and Gene Wilson, Brenda Barrett, Bettye Daniels, Donna Nun, Keith Rippe, Mitch Dahmke and Brad Rousch.
Their director is Miss Pamela Gere and Miss Shari Hoelker is the choreographer. The music and back up was provided by a group called Spoon Fed, which consists of Bob Svoboda on the electric bass; .Perry Biaggi on the drums _and Miss. Gere as the pianist. The sound system was operated by Doug Kirkendall. In charge of the lighting system was Aaron B. Larson.
By Lori Last
Maintenance and cleanliness were the main topics of a meeting at Morgan Hall Decembef 5.
,'resident Tangeman, Dr.
Esther Divney, Pr. Apilado, David Eaton, Patty George, Mr Middle and _Kirk Ochs were all present to answer questiQns of Morgan Hall residents.
"I have heard some say, do I care?" sald Dr. Tangeman. "Does the faculty care? Ye~, we do care about the students," added "rangeman. "It is because of them that we exist." He also said the two main purposes for holding these meetings were to listen to the students' ~ompl•ints and ·to explain the g$,ls that the administration is trying to accomplish.
One of the main_ topics was the cleanliness of the dorm. Have you ever taken a shower with a boxelder bug? asked one student. Another questioned him_, Do you know what it is like to shower in ankle deep water? Many questions_ were _centered
around why the bathrooms and hallways of Morgan Hall aren't kept cleaner.
The slow response of maintenance men was a problem which br9ught up much discussion. It ·seems that many residents have clogged sinks, torn screens or broken doors. They haye
:reported these problems ,but :,have as of yet seen little action.
A question was asked eoncerning the dut)es of the resident assistants of the dorm. Eaton said that their primary duty i_s discipline. They also have to do paper work, inventories, and process work orders as a representative to the administration and also a resource person.
Most residents understand that the maintenance and cleal}ing personnel !!lilY be understaffed and that there is not enough time in the day to do what must be done. Is it too milch to ask for c:Iean and healthy living conditions as long as you are paying fees to live in CQl!ege housing? We feel it isn't!
Choir and community perf<,nn
thinksfoat they are going .to student is capable of.
By Lori
Last be national chafupS ~J;J.ext , , A joint college - commµnyear, because they.'hav.e.the : .K(rk "believes the teaJ.U ity choir performed the 13th team to do'it. · got out of the season whl).t annual Messiah concert SunSince thefootb;ifs.-~s®:l;.·_·_' ~e{IJu~ in it_'', although jt day, December 10. over., Mike i~ going.Jo. QQ httle bit shy of w~at The)\1:essiah is a portion of ml>re studying to .on. :ev_e,r1~ne hoped for. He· the oratorio by George Fredhis coursesc. _ · · thinks they had a good team erick Handel, which was Do11al!i Hill - ~Qphomore .C. tms:~ear. bu_f will definitely presented by the Performing :- guard -~ nicknamxd have sothetllingnext year. Ar.ts Department of Peru "Shine'' ..:: thinks Peru is a Nov.(tl;'iat;,isover State Gollege. nice place to settle down 'and-. ··ro.rtq'llabsJ<l.~ay.attention tQ · Soloists were John Lauber, study but as far as a'soclal "l!!s ·ct-;rS$$Jha.the has .l>een a tenor from Brownville, life is'concerned,its lacking. i;ieglecting::J\ ~\s9 clpes Doug Kirkenclall, PSC choir, "Shine" thinks the season macr~ine ~l)<lb.itwill be bµsy fr9m Falls City, Teri Rhinewas okay as far as he is makillg :Christma~ __ gi(ts, to hart, PSC choir, from Neconcerned and he says the el).r!l money_t9 go _hom,e for braska City; Aaron B. Larnew coaches did pretty good. Ci1risb:]l~s,:·",:I<if~ alJo plans son, PSC_ choir frQm Vermil~ut, it was _his .first ye;ir _and to grow a beard, dr 1 ink ,?eer lion, South Dakota; Mimi it took time to catch on to the and chase \VO!!len '. But Cowles, PSC choir from people-?n tl)e football· team. when }out~lk._~bo~t Peru, Falls City; Jealll).e ReesSQine_thinks the team played what ~s there to ao? .· J.Uan, from Falls City; Lori to their expectations. He.also I thmk Peru has a lot of • Stortenbecker, PSC choir, adds they played better capable football players and fr9m Nebraska City; and against _teams that were , th_ey had I!- good _season .I Bettye Daniels,, PSC ch9ir ranked than· the' teams' that k!l_OW it C/:ln' t be anything but from Omaha. Other soloists weren't. _ lletter next year. included, Sharon _Bartels,
.PSC choir· from Sterling; B.renda Barrett, PSC choir from Nebraska 'City; Melinda Edris, Peru; Cindy O'Banioir, PSC choir from Elk. Creek; pr. _Richar:d
and his wife hosted a receP:. tion in the Diddle Court of the Fine Arts: Building for: the performers.. - and - the audience.
:1:0~ Ap~1 fc@§:~~;-
Peru. -~:·,:~r-,,<dt_;!/h.;,; ~~~IC:' Piano accompanists we~e B B th p t Charles Coatney, Margaret Y .t rops •. ·,;r:· Ed Con;wl!Y.:w~s suspenMohrbutter an_d Ken Saggau. ded from ~.ei:u S~te College Members of tl)e orchestra by a decision, of the College were clarinetist Rhonda Affairs Council on November Frank, violins, Dr. Myron 30.
Apilado, Dr. Edward G. The Council heard Terry Camealy, Rev. Ralph Gray, Gilliland speakfog on beha,lf Rev. Eclward Jackson, Dean of Mr Cpn~eily;wtio was not Taylor, trumpet, Dr. David present atthe meeting. J'he M. Edris, French Horn, Nick ·appea) was"iiiade after the Guinan, Trombone, Sherri Student Affairs· Commission Apilado, cello, RiGk voted to stisperid Connelly. Richards ancl Robert The suspension wa_s upheld Svo~oda on the string b;:1ss. based on _an incident which Followiqg the concert the allegedly took. place while President of Peru State Col- Connelly was on Suspended lege, Dr. Larry Tangeman Suspension.
De.c.ember 14, 1978
Rough Week for Bobcat Basketball
The Peru State Bobcats weathered a rough week in men's basketball Nov. 21-28. The weary 'Cats· played five games in that seven,day span, dropping four and winning one against some fine competition.
Peru travelled to Doane for a contest Thursd~y, Nov. 30. Tlie Bobcats host rival Tarkio College. next ruesday, Dec: 5. That game will follow a Peru-Tarkio junior varsity. game which ·begins at 5:30.
Peru State opened the long week with a win over Concordia at Sewatd. The Bobcats ·dropped four close contests in the next fow- games, losing to Midland by _one point in overtime and Doane by four in the Doane Invitational ~ov. 24-25. Wayne State spoiled the 1978 home opener with a six-point decision l\Ionday night and Regis College defeated Peru by four the following night.
Coach Bill Squires' cagers are 2-6 on the season Five of
' those losses have been by six points or less, including two one-point losses.
Midland 76, Peru State 75
The opening game of the ·Doane Invitational was a bitter !hsappointment for Peru State as Midland's Jay Mueller hit a jumper with one second remaining in overtime to drop Peru 76-75.
Peru guard Danny Shouse, playing with the flu, hit a long jump shot with seven seconds remaining in overtime to give Peru a brief lead.
Senior forward Rick Spears was lost for up to six weeks with a knee il;1jury sustained late in the contest. Spears was the second-leading scorer and rebounder. up to that point for Peru. State. Shouse led Peru with 23 points.
Doane 72,
Peru State 68
The Doane Tigers defe?ted Peru in the final game of the Doane Invitational Saturday, Nov. 25. The tall Tigers had too much depth for the sick and injured Bobcats.
Peru was playing witl)out the services of All-Stater Danny Shouse, ill that evening, and Rick Spears, senior forward who was injured against Midland. The Bobcats put up a struggle. near the finish but ran out of steam. '
PERU SCORING: Sanders 16, Smith IO, Donahue IO Barr 9, Hajny 9, Jones 2; White 2.
inJured Rick Speqrs Five WSC players _scored in double figures.
PERU SCORING: Shouse 24 Sanders 10, Smith 10, WhitJ 8. Jones 4, Barr 2, Hajny 2. ·· -~ Regis 60.Pe@State.5~
The RegisRangers:;,;tem'. med off a Me· Peru State-- : comeback · to claim a • 60·56 win at Peru Tuesday, · Nov.28.ItwasRegis'seeond win in two nigbts over-Ne braska teams, inc.lµding a one-point win at Hastings the Wayne State 66, previous night. Regis is from. Peru state 60 Denver, Co)orado
The home opener for 1978 Peru State narrpwed a was a disappointment for the 13.-point Regis lead to four Bobcats as Wayne State pQints in. the final minute, overcame an early 12-point but the Bobcats failed to · lead to claim a 66--60 win convert on two late scoring Monday, Nov. 27. The con-
test was a crucial Nebraska Carl Rustin led Regis with College Conference game, · · d · .l \ and th e victory allowed 23 pomts mclu ing 17 mthe first half. Torri Wente, the Wayne to take an earlv 2-0 dd d record in the conference. Rangers' 6-8 center, a e
, High above the Regis basketball team, Danny 1£l Shouse [14 l jumps and shoo~s for two. Bernie Hajnyh, '. can be seen entermg the picture to pull down the~,. 19. Danny Shouse and Bernie )\'. rebound if the shot doesn't-fall.
Danny Shouse wa;; the big Hajny scored 16 to lead Peru gun for Peru, taking game State scoring honors wrth 24 PERU SCORING: Shouse 16.
points. Grng Sanders scored Hajny 16, Sanders 8, White 7,
10 as did freshman Jeff Donahue 4. Smith 4. Jones 3. Smith, starting in place of McKim2.
Shouse nears record 'Cats drop tliree
The Peru State College •game this season. Shouse survived a second • half men's basketball team now has 1401 career points at scare by the Bobc;ats to dropped three games \n the Peru, 58 points behind Ron claim a 78 • 69 win at Peru last week to drop their Snopgrass \1962-67) and 221 Monday, Dec. 11. Dana imrecord to 2-lL The struggling points behind longtime ···provedtheir record to 2 - 6. Bobcatsface powerful Kear- leader Omer Meeker .Shouse was in good form, ney. State in Peru Friday (1947-51). but D~na u~ed balanced night. Freshman Keith McKim scoring to negate Shouse's 29
cats hit a fine 51 percent frorri the field, but Washburn put up 2], more shots than Peru due to solid control of the offensive rebounds
The Pen1 State College jump shot with 30 secqnds men's basketball team lost remaining to give rarkjo th another heartbreaker Tues- win. The Owls boosted their day, Dec. 5 when the•Tarkio record to 2-3.
The Bobcats fell twice in turned in some fine perfor- points. Dana placed three the Ichabod Classic at Wash- mances also. McKim, a 6-5 players-in double figures. burn University in Topeka, freshman from Humboldt, PERU SCORING: Shouse Kansas, over the weekend, scored 10 and 14 points re-' 29, Sanders 10, J·ones 8, and fell to Dana Colleg~ at spectively_ in the Washburn Hajny 6 , McKim 6, Barr 4, Peru Monday n,ight. For. the tour~ament !lgainst so,:ne of White 4 , Smi th 2· slumping Bo!)cats it was the the toughest competition ninth consecutive loss. Peru will face, all season.
There were ;;ome bright McKim. has worked hi:inself spots, however. Senior guard up ~rom the junior varsity to Danny became the a s~rting role for Peru - number three all - time State. scorer in Peru history last Guard Gr~g Sanders, senFriday night against Em• iol'. from Hammond, Ind., poria Sta t,e University of continues to score well for Kansas. l.11 the three outings, Peru. S<1nders is averaging Shouse nett~ 30, zt; ·and 29 ·.· 13;2 points per game this points respectiveiy · season.
.The All - American calldi- DANA 78, PERU STATE 69 ·· ·. date from Terre':Hau~, Ind, Dana College built qp an }s av~aging ~;j Pl,!i~~;per early 12 point lead, then
Despite an.other fine game by Danny Shouse plus a great performance by Keith ~lcKim, Washburn University breeze{! to a 95-77 win in their own tournament finale. They climbed to 'J · o, while the Bobcats' eighth straight loss left them struggling at 2 -10.
The hosts simply had too many "ltorses" under the boards for Peru The Bol;i:-
Shouse scored 57 points \n the two - game tournament to earn All. - T.ournament honors despite suffering a knee injury in the second game, McKim added 14 be-: fQre he, too, was injured in the second half.
PERU SCORING; Shouse 27, McKim 14, Sanders 14, Smith 6, Hajny 5, Donahue 5, Barr 2, Wilburn 2, Petersen 2.
Big, strong Emporia State blew Peru State out of the gym in the first half, then
maintained a large· l!:ad ih the second half .to register an 89-77 win in the opening game of the Washbll,1'.n tourney.
~hQllSe, .G_reg.Sapd~'~l'\f
Owls slipped away with a Shouse and senior guard 70-69 win at Peru. The Bob- Greg ~anders, Hammond,, cats host Dana Co!_lege Mon- Ind., notched. 25 11ach to lea,d day,Dec.11 before taking on Peru. The rest of the Bobcat copference rival Kearney t~am could muster only 19 State next Friday, Dec. 15, at total points, however. Tarki Peru. Tipoff for both games was led. by Ringen an is 7:30 p.m. Ferris Potts with 12 each. The Tarkio loss was the All - American candidat sixth copsecutive defeat for Shoµse needs only seve Peru State during a 2-8 sea- points to become the numbe t son. The game was the third three scorer in Peru Stat , one-poin,t loss tins year (or history. In just over. two•!) Peru State, and the Bobcats seasons at Peru State1ri;..,t are averaging only 2.3 _points Sho.use has scored 1311• ': rr,c Jess than their opponents per points fo.r a career per-gam~ ···.,:"" gam!l, average of 23.1. ·. ,J0 1 A. Peru State ci;rcaptai 'JUI Victory was within reach an,d two-time all-district se-:., pu for Peru when Danny lection, Shouse needs onl ' :oo Shouse, senior guard from 308 points to become thf: r1f .Terre Haute, Ind., sank. a all-time Peru State scorin,.· Jo pair of free tl]i'ows with leader. NAIA Hall of ·· Or , under a minute to play to Farner Omer Meeker, wh i po give Peru a 69-68 lead. But played for Peru from 1947 ·511;, Owii guard Mike Ringen scored 1622 points in hiir_} F came ba,ck 1//ith a 20,foot career
C I h
agers OSe ·y Ofie
to rival Tarkio
1f~tt't81#111'tti71Jtttt f;? :~K;ru!\i~·t~~;
e.tted·•.·•.a·.·.•~.· bu·t··· 12·· of·.·•.•:'P····•.e·ru·•.·.··)·.:· · , , , · · points,leclbySb~s~witli:~01: , , The ao~cats trailed bf-48~39 ·athalftirne; ·. ·.· .• ··· · · · · Sunday - T;hursday PERU SCQRJNGt.Sh1:1use · 4§> ·. 11 00 9 30 • 30, Sandel'.$ 1s, M<:K~ 10; \ .J.' : a.m. · : p.m. :ti!fuii f'W:~~f.'I1aliT- · .. .a.':>•• Friday and Saturday . . . . . , . . . . ~~(:)'() V' 11:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m. 1002 'J' Street- Auburn Complete Menu Includes Dinners Di~e In or Carry Out "Put ALittle Bit of Sunny Mexico on Your Plate."~· 1raai:1a;izt11rtttttaaa11 11:f tn 'mi i' 'Ila mg ,\IQ t!::.r
··tA-·CO det SOL
olleges sign Co-op agreement
By Darrell Wellman our resources at Pem Stale and create,a degree to better Issue No. l
· Peru State College and outheast Community Col-
ege .graduates may take dditional courses at PSC and then graduate with a achelor of Technology egree.
Upon graduation from a echnical school. a student ust take the basic required courses for graduation at eru State and then he will · ve earned his Bachelor's degree. President Larry angeman also added that · his extra schooling may be ·ust what it takes for secur·. ng an exceptional job.
''The working agreement igned November of last .ear should be beneficial to · ll concerned," said President Tangeman. He added at two benefits of the program are that we can cycle
serve those Industrial Arts
Reasons thi,s programipay be successful include:
Both Colleges serve much the same geographic area; They serve many the same clientele;
Cooperation between the Colleges possesses potential for improved service and economic efficiency;
Personnel from SCC and PSC have met repeat!l(ily and are optimistic about the potential of improved education to Southeast Nebraska residents.
President Larry Tange. man said the program, is scheduled to begin i~ the fall of 1979 and time will tell how many persons take advantage of this opportunity.
As the Ped goes to press our staff has learned of the • suspension of a third student at Peru State College: At this time no information is available. See the next issue
epartment· changes made uring winter vacation
e Office of Institutional tions and Development changed over the holito lhe Office of College tions, and the new direcr Jan Wiezorek, began · January 15, according
C President Larry Tan-
fter spending much of his e in larger cities, 24-yearWiezorek said he besev ved Peru would be an munber interesting change of pace State ; of twt>: _Wiezorek, a native suite, ubuque, Ia., graduated 131 5tf,rom Iowa State Universi'.y
-garneL:_fAmesl. with a B.A. degree m r,ournal1sm and mass comaptaii• · unications and served as ict se- .· · blic relations director for on! · th the Minneapolis Guild th«f Performing Arts and ~e scorin!ocelyn Art }Iuseum m of , ma?a before accepting this wh s1t10n at Peru.
Bill .would raise drinking age .
PSC students under 21 years of age would have their drinking privilege taken away if a bill introduced last week passes the Nebraska legislature.
The bill, introduced by Sen. Ralph Kelly of Grand Island-, would raise the legal drinking age for all Nebraskans to 21.
Kelly, who expressed confidence that his bill would ~ss this sessiqn of the legislature, seems to have support from senators represen4Pg Southeast Nebraska who met on the PSC campus in
late November to discuss issues likely to be ·decided in the , current legislative session.
The four senators, George Burrows of Adams, Calvin Carstens of Avoca, Jerome \Varner of Waverly,·and Nelson Merz of Falls City, gen· erally agreed in November that the drinking age should be raised to 21. Warner said, however, that he could see ··a practical problem in raising the drinking age" because it would deny those already 19 th~ privilege they had been granted earlier.
Boards plan festival
The Peru State College President's Committee. and the Festival Board will_ meet Friday in Omaha to continue this summer's planning for Festival of a Thousand Oaks.
Manager. The Festival meeting Friday will center on increasing student admissions, and to further awaren~ss of the Festival throughout .Nebraska.
Warner said he would vote teenage traffic accidents in favor of such a bill only if that resulted from alcohol. it included a measure to He said the accidents have allow those who are 19 years "almost doubled" since the of age to continue to drink. ·lowered drinking age Merz, Carstens, Burrows · and Warner agreed that the Bills similar to the one danger of increased alcohol• before the current legisism among young persons lature have been introduced was their motivation for be- the past two sessions and the ing in favor of raising the last one was only narrowly legal drinking age. defeated, the Associated Kelly was quoted in an Press said. Associa~ed. Press story as Kelly cited a 1977 World saying that one of his Herald poll that "showed 69 reasons for introducing the percent of Nebraskans" bill was because of an in- favor a return to the 21- year crease in ·the number of - old drinking age,
Winter Fes ti val starts with Rick Sullivan dance
and a chance to trv crosscountry skiing. He said _his other interests center mostly around the "arts in general," including classical music, theatre, and playing the guitar.
As the new director of college relations, Wiezorek ?aid his responsibilities would in-. elude public relations, the pril).ting services, and the sports information department. Wiezorek said he belie\ed his Work at Peru would give him broader experience in public relations and that it would be a "great job. possibly the best I've ever had."
Joining Wiezorek as a new PSC employee is his secretary, Jackie Williams. Ms Williams. a Southeast Nebraska native and former PSC student, was hired late last December.
CPRR (offered
The annual orchestra festival features the Omaha Symphony, nationally renowned guest artists, and a series of classes and workshops on the Peru State College campus.
"The fund _drive is_ now underway with Festival Board Members throughout Nebraska and Iowa;" said Marilyn Argumedo, Fe$tival
After the meeting, the President's Committee and Festival Board Members will be guests of the Omaha Symphony'sPops Concert held at the Orpheum Theater.
The Festi\:al of a Thousand Oaks, under the direction of Thomas Briccetti, will be held on the Peru St-ate campus J~e 11 through July 15.
Scholarships awarded
The following students receiving scholarships to Peru State College are:
·-Ms. Ginny K. Aufenkamp, daughter of Mr and Mrs Dell Aufenkamp of Auburn, is the recipient of the Ester Cole Franklin Memorial Scholarship at Peru State College.
Ms. Aufenkamp is a graduate of Auburn High School and attended Kearney State College. She has previously received the Board of Trus-
tees Scholarship at Kearney, and is majoring in_ Business Administration at Peru State.
--Bryan L. Draeger, son of Mr and Mrs Arnold C. Draeger of Dunbar, is the recipient of the Activity Scholarship in Music at Peru State College. Draeger is a graduate of Syracuse - Dunbar - Avoca High School and is majoring in music at Peru State. · t'd con on p.
Hazen -named
ByLindaHenley ball, 5:30, Home. Bobcat Bored? Why not go to .the basketball, 7:30, home. Pie Winter Festival! The Winter eating contest. Festival is a week of activi- Feb. 2 - Disco in Delzell, ties starting Jan. 31 - Feb. 4. the fireplace will be lit and II is being· sponsored by there will be hot chocolate, Student Senate for the stu- popcorn and roasted marshdents of PSC, free of charge. mallows.
According to Cindy Potter Sat. Feb. 3 - Softball and Joel Richert the Senate game in the snow, cake is sponsoring the winter fes- decorating contest, snow tival for the students so they sculpture contest and the can all get together and have movie-fire Sale (8:00 p.m a good time. in the Fine.Arts).
Activities are as follows: · Sun. Feb. 4 Free style Jan. 31 - Rick Sullivan sleighing (behind the libradance, Neal Hall, pizza will ry. Bring your own sleigh if be served. Free with PSC ID you have one) with free hot (9:00 - 12:30·1. chocolate and a football Feb. 1 - Bobkitten basket- game in the snow.
_ ..
The American Heart Association is sponsoring a special course in CPR (Cardiopulminary resusc)tation) which will be offered this year for people who want to become certified. It is almost necessary for everyone to be aware of the importance of this class. In emergency situations, if CPR is applied within four minutes, approximately 90% of the victims of cardio-pulminary attacks can be saved.
The first session of this course will begin on Feb. 26, 1979. The tuition includes cost of materials used, so there are no extra expenses.
The life you save could be your own lovecl on~.
Nebraska students and teachers who may have questions about ,Eeru State College can now receive their answers from an added member of Peru State's office of admissions.
Ms Eldonna Hazen is the new assistant director .of admissions for Peru State according to Dr. Richard Muth, director of admissions. Hazen, a native of Sterling, is_ a recent Peru State graduate in music education.
"I've always had a great interest in people and ·in Peru State, and I'll be using that interest in a number of ways when I travel to Ne· braska high schools,·' said Hazen. Student counseling, representing Peru State, and talking to high school teach-
ers and students will include some of ijazen's duties as new. assistant admissions director.
While a student at 'Peru, Hazen was a member of the student senate, a student. representative for the Board of Trustees, and member of Kappa Delta Phi, a music education honoi:ary.
"We're delighted to have Eldonna on our staff," said Muth. "Her knowledge of Peru State combined with her interest in administration will be strong assets to our· admissions programs," he said.
Haien began her new duties in early January and will soon begin her travels to high schools throughout the state.
A LEGEND - NOT DOANE CAGERS Gary Karthauser (41) and Conrad Slusarski [51) - stands between Peru State's Danny Shouse and the oldest individual record ,in Peru basketball history. Story on a e four.
Peru State
l'l'ru. ~,,. 68121 ,:____________::_:,.:____.:.;...;_______ January :tr;,1m
ege have signed an agreeent in which technical col- ~~ji;id~~~nyo
plans specials
.; , ;'i: Professional Food Servis will be offering food cials in an effort to rece food waste. A spokesan for FQOd Services stad that much food is b~ing asted by spoiling after -term storage. By offerspecials on these meals. the Bob Inn, Peru is ing advances to be aste-conscious and collectg money for food that Id ordinarily have been wnaway. eru isn"t the only school use this method. At the nt time the University ebraska at Lincoln is rimenting with · the e idea.
By Beth Propst
Believe it or not, The PED is back for your reading pleasure second semester! I am very proud to say that we have expanded our staff with an excellent group of reporters. With this larger staff we hope to be able to bring more information Jo you, our readers. (You are still out there, aren't you?) We received some criticism la~t semester concerning our coverage of certain events. With 12 members, instead of three, we should be able to cover more functions more thoroughly.
Again, our main purpose is to keep you informed of college happenings. We do our best, but we depend upon you to keep us informed of current happenings. I invite you to speak out on any issue after all, this is YOUR paper. All letters should be signed, however your name will be withheld upon request. So, come on! Get involved and let us know how you feel!
·Letters: ...
Dear Editor:
For a long time there has been a pet name for a residence hall where many fine individuals dwell. The name can be foun4 · down town in the local tavern, being spread like a social disease. Many people claim that it is the worst dorm in the State College system
Let us not forget many fine ·people have dwelt in. this dorm since iµ; conception. The dorm is known as Delzell, affectioncitely known to those that live there as "the Zoo." Now my prime gripe is the fact that no recognition has been given to the fact that the hall has gone through some miraculous changes, This last semester the entire dorm has taken on a new appearance This new look is making- it a more decent ·place to live. Living conditions have also changed due to the fact that many of the past troublesome occu: pants l)O longer dwell in the hallow~d halls of the Zoo.
I am really looking forward to an exciting semester and the opportunity to be editor of your paper. I am always willing to hear your comments and criticisms in an effort to improve the quality of the paper. To get in touch with me write to Mathews 34A via campus mail. I would really like your ideas and suggestions so give me a buzz and we'll .see what can be done!
Winter wonderland not so· wonderful
will be raped by some · deviate who may spring out of the shadows. This is not true of the occupants of tpE! Zoo. Residents are, for the most part, non-aggressive pacifists who have no deepseated desires to.leap from their wintlows and attack passers~by, and we _would like this to be known.
Continuing Ed classes begin
According to Mary Ruth Wilson, head of Continuing Education, respol)Se to the Continuing Education program has been very gratifying. Sev~ral classes ha\'.e filled a.nd there are more yet to register for. Classes which are currently in session on the Peru campus are: Introduction to Alcoholism, History and Literature of New Testam~nt, Reading and Writing Braille, and Disco Dancing. Classes which will begin within a week or two are: Beginning Spanish, Individualized Sewing, Sexual Awareness, Science Fiction,
Ballet, Tap
and Jazz, Speak
will be offered. ,. cont'd on p. 3 • '--,
Marjorie is a 1977 graduate of Mead High School and attended Peru State College. George, son of Mr and Mrs George Grafton, Jr. of Peru graduated from Auburn High Scho.ol and is engaged in farming.
Meredith graduated in 1978 from Mead High School and attends Southeast Community College in Lincoln. Randy is· the son of Mr and Mrs Robert Reed of Ames and graduated from Fremont High School in 1978. He is employed by a Schuyler firm.
An April 7th double wedding is being planned by these couples:
by C. Russell Mittan
As a freshman at PSC, I was very disappointed in the[ living conditions of Delzell Hall first semester. After a few3 short weeks, I no longer wondered how it got its'~ nickname: "The Zoo." ·
Were the halls safe to walk alone after dark? Only if y~i · had a shaving cream fetish. Graffiti was made a snap by;: letting the dirt and grime build up on the walls so thick', that you could write your name in it. To this date, I recall'. the basic hygienk aids that I used to take with me to the); showers; shampoo, bar of soap,. towel, and a can of lysolJ
Then came the second semester. I walked into the:;' familiar building, looked down at the floor, and saw, not} the same old scuff marks, but my reflection in the shine of~ new wax. This was too much! I checked the restroomsi, only to find that, they too, were spotless. To top it all off,}f the walls were almost ivory white. After checking the sign'~ outside the buiiding to make sure I was in Delzell, I move~ my things into the swank bachelor pad on the second floor.~
Who was responsible for this miracle? Well, to start; with, a new janitor was given to Delzell Hall. As far as,,· cleanliness and appearance, Delzell made a 200 per cent: improvement over the first semester, thanks to the saviort [new janitor]. _'!
Also, the mood and atmosphere had improved a grea deal. With the innovation of floor government, and a tri of new understanding and caring RA's, I enjoy living i the 'Zoo' this semester and plan to continue living there.
,. ....................
,. The top twenty singles for the week as compiled b it Record World Magazine:
* 1. LE FREAK Chic
* 2. YMCA Village People
"' 3. TOO MUCH HEAVEN Bee Gees
* 4. MY LIFE Billy Jo.el
* 5. SEPTEMBER -· Earth, Wind and Fire
"' 6. FIRE Pointer Sisters
* 7. A LITTLE MORE LOVE Olivia Newton-John
: 8, EVERY l's A WINNER Hot Chocolate
,. 9. GOT TO BE REAL Cheryl Lynn
,.,10. LOTTA LOVE Nicolette Larson
,.11. WE'VE GOT TONITE Bob Seger and the Silver
,.- BulletBand
itl2, HOLD THE LINE Toto
it13. DA YA THINK I'M SEXY? Rod Stewart
* Gibb
"'16, SHAKE IT Ian Matthews
*11. NEW YORK GROOVE Ace Frehley
,.19. SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHT Barry Manilow
By C. Russell Mittan
Remember the old song, "Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland": With all tree tops glistening and sleighs and fireplaces and all that. Obviously, the person who wrote that song didn't have to get up at 7:30 and play
a vigorous night, (of TV watching), and looking like the agony of defeat all the way back to the Zoo. The ice in front of the Ad building could be the next site for olympic speed skating. Or for a sleepy PSC student, speed falling. Nanook of the North to get to Just the other morning, I ail 8 o'clock class at Peru tried to manouver my size 11 State CoU~e;:1:No~;,~dict ht. hiking boots down the stairs probably:Jiave~to hi:ki,acrQ:£s •to niy favorite history class a campUsi:1ptt),hiS:.-:;-:,, wh ,_ when BOOOOM! I was in eyeballs in winte.r won~er- such a hurry to hear Dr. land fluff-stuff to get to the (George) Schottenhamel's' cafeteria. lecture that I did my escalaIt's not that I'm c9mplain- tor imitation and got down in ·. ing about winter, it's just two seconds. that well I am complaining about it Each time So many people have fa\lyou want to go somewhere in en in the last two weeks that your car, you almost have to we could host a new· game take your windshield inside show, "Dislocating for Doifor a good night's thawing Jars." Butseriously,don'tlet rand that doesn't work in winter get you down. And if it Delzell sometimes). does, don't try to get back up And they say walking. is stay where you are good for the heart. Well, I send up a flare we'll send recall instances when com- out a search party in the ing out of Morgan Hall.after morning.
.Mick Osbon
Becki Young , ,, Feature Edi
Harold Benson , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
News Edi
,. '':·. ··. WHERE HA VE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE?.. .: The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State l Apparently they are a "little under the weather" due to_ c;ollege and is printed IO times a semester by PSC" the large amounts ofsnow recently dropped on much of students. All letters to the editor should be typed the midwesti The white flakes have also been [double-spaced and less than 300 words] and mailed to hazardous to human health, as evidenced by one of our· P.O,., B9x 120, Peru State. ,College, Peru, Nebraska staff reporters. [See left.] 6~421-
Even though the \mage of Delzell is changing, the fact remains that there remains much to be done by us to keep our new image. People still feel that if they w;:ilk by the Zoo late at night that they ,.
Up!, and later in the semes-
It is also my hope to be able to include more entertaining material in the form of articl-es, cartoons and photographs. In fact, the PED is looking for an assistant photographer to help us out. If you own a camera and can develop your own film PLEASE contact any staff member! This is an excellent opportunity for you camera bugs, so for more information get in touch!
"' ."' ..
terHorsemanshipandCPR ,.
Mr and Mrs Bernard K. Crqghan of Mead wish to announce the engagements of. their daughters, Marjorie Anne and Meredith Louis to George Grafton, III of Peru and Randy D. RC{ld of Ames, Nebraska.
* Streisand and Neil Diamond
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , :, , , , ,Associate
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,Photograp
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Ar~
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .Sports Edi
'. ' , , , Feature Edi
The Pedagogia
Desi Kline
Kent Propst
Deb Moore
Mittan .' ,, ,.,.,,,,,, ,.,: ,, ,Feature Edi,
Lori Last ,,,, ,,,,,., ,, :,
Linda_Henley , , , , , , , , .News
Danelle War~;~ , , · News Ed(
EverettBrjwning ''' '.'',.''.'' ' ',., '.' ,Advi Beth Pfopsf.'. ::::: , ,, Advertising Mana'
. n Continuing Ed~:-=:~:.:~~:.::==~
open in Se~ate·· c~_iit'd from p. 2
· - Three_ positions are open
Each organization would do its part in helping out (date unknown).
.:.hartooning ·workshop
By Da~ell~ Warner
Room 204 of the Auburn High for the sen:;tte, according to The Contmumg Education School. ''This course is for Vice President Tim Pethoud. rogram at Peru State Col- anyone who has trouble One is froin DelzeU, and two ge is offering some excel- .'bolding their own!/. said are for senators at large. nt classes this semester, Mrs Miller. · ··· Friday; Jan. 19 petitions ording to Virgima Miller, Another program f~t will · were due, and elections were _ool nurse. "They are of- _offered in .only one S!!$- held on Tuesday and Wedan Assertiveness sion, is a course on Sexuality nesday (Jan. 23-24). The Dela1rung course to help peo- ·A?J~reness and Vajues. This zell representative _will be learn various skills of is directed toward the nurs- elected at a hall meeting. avior ~hich will help fog"rieJd and is a value clari- March 30-31 or April 6-7, m their com~uni?ation ficaticm class. It will help Circle K will sponsor the other~. There JS stlll one people to commuJ1icate with Muscular Dystrophy Dance. ss session left and it will others _ and learn to. under- Committee Reports directed toward the stu- stan<:l themselves. There will Academic Affairs: The ent. The course is free to only be one session held on honor rule has been changed. SC students and will_ be the twelfth of February in To be a member you have to Id next ~onday ~venmg, the Fine Arts Building at be in the top 10 percent of the ~~ry 29, m the Fme Arts PSC. It begins at 4:00 p.m. students in.the school. The 1ldmg. _ and continues until 9:00 p.m. senate discussed ·having an he_ same Asse~1veness There will be a special din- honor society in Peru which a1mng course will be of- ner served which will be would include both female d for adults _to h~lp the':11 included in the fee charged. and male members. come a~sertive 1_n th~1r Information concerning Films; Arts and Lectures: _terper~onal relatJonshtI;-> the Continuing ~ducation "Winter Week" will begin 1th their consumers. This classes can be obtained in Jan. 31 - into the weekend. urse will begin on March 6, the Business Office of the Wednesday - Rick Sulli79, and will be held in Administration Building. van will perform.
Thursday - basketball game
Friday - disco in Delzell
Saturday - football game
· 3-6487 PIONEER_ TWIN THEAJRESNebr. City in the Sundaysnow - free style sled-
Now Showing For 7Big Days at 7:30 &9:30 ding.
New businessDesi Kline made a suggestion tliat au the. organizations get together to have a dance to unite the campus.
Now Showing Special Engagement
One Week Only! Shows At 7: 15 & 9: 15
On Febi;uary 14, Delta Kappa Chi is sponsoring a dance which will be held in the cafeteria from 8:30 • 12: 00 p.m. No admission will be charged and a live band will perform. There will also be a king and queen nomination.
It is still possible for people to enroll in most of these classes, As of this date, approximately 300 people have enrolled in the Continuing Edu!'.!.ation classes that have started.
, If you are interested in any of the classes mentioned, or would like other classes offered, contact the Office of Continuing Education, FA 214.
Companies seek grads 1
By Darrell Wellman announce that Peru will be \ According to Don Schulze, participating in ·the 1979 director of placement at Summer Internship ProPeru State College, there gram for the first time. A will be several on-campus few organizations wbo will interviews c,9ming up in the be seeking interns include: near future. Those compan- the Social Security Adminisies who will be represented tration, the Occupational on the following dates are: Safety Hazard Org~rnization
February 7 - Metropoli- and the Department of the tan Life Insurance Company Defense.
February 21 - Duckwall A PACE examination_ is Stores required for all who plan to
February 26 - Hormel - work for the government. Food Company Filing time to send in an March 5 - Omaha Public application runs from now Schools until February 22. The actual March 8 - Mutual of testing will be March 10 to Omaha April 7. _
March 14 - Wheelers "All students should be Stores reminded that much inforMarch 26 utility Con- mation about almost any tractors Incorporated kind of job may be available These companies will be if the student takes the time seeking candidates in all and visits the placement ofmajors and all grade levels. fice,'· added Mr Schulze.
Schulze would also like to
.Sponsor CampUS activities
By Linda Henley Concerned Black Students
is a club that was organized for all students interes_ted in promoting the understanding of people. The club gives social and educational events to make PSC students' life a little more eventful. C.B.S. meets· every Wednesday night at 6:30 in the_ Fine Arts Building in Room 105, according to Tina Gault, acting president. "If anyone would like to know more about C.B.S. they are welcome to come to the meetings. C.B.S._ is not just for black students, it's for anv student that's concerned about the well-"being of PSC and who is interested in promoting the understanding of people. W<; welcome all students to attend the
Liewer, Registrar for PSC, enrollment figure$ will no
be definite until after Janu an 22. Due to pre--registra-
According to Tina, C.B.S. ion, Dr. Liewer said they plans to ,have at least 4 re not sure if all students discos, a professionar cul- ill show up for their
tural dance theater, aii an- c.1a.s.ses_.______. nual fashion show, some type of live entertainment and a few speakers.
"We are trying to do these things to make _the social part of PSC a little more bearable for the students, to give them a chance to unify, and to get acquainted with one another as feilow students," says Ms. Gault.
cont'd from p. 1
·•Wayne C. Young, son of Mr and Mrs Herbert L. Young of Humboldt, _is the recipient of the Activity
By Lori Last
A cartooning workshop is now. being held on Monday eveiilngs at the Auburn High School.
The workshop is taught by Paul Fell, PSC's assistant professor of art. The class started Monday, January 15, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. continuing until March 5.
The final registration date was January 22, according to Mrs Wilson, head of the Continuing Education De· partment. The one credit class may be taken as a con· tinued education department class, costing $12.00 or as a college credit costing $17.00.
Fell said he plans on covering characterization, cartooning, editorial car· tooning, gag and panel cartooning and he will teach different skills used in various types of cartooning.
Fell plans on grouping the students' cartoons together to form a display or a version of Sifting Sands where the group would sell cartoons for a small amount. "I feel it would be good public rela• tions for the college," said Fell.
"Approximately 20 stu· dents are presently enrolled in the class," said Mr Fell. ''There is a cross section of people varying anywhere from college stud<;nts to people who just want to take it for fun or education."
Organ donor cards
available at health clinic
By Danelle Warner
If you needed a kidney or other vital organ to live would you be able to get one'?
The National Kidney Foundation has developed the Organ Donor Program to help people throughout the nation. People in the Peru
· area can now get the forms and driver's license stickers from the Health Clinic on Peru State Campus.
The uniform donor card must be witnessed by Vir·
Scholarship in Music at Peru Pl
State College. Young is_ a ay
ginia Miller, and a sticker will be issued to that donor, according to Miller. "Nobody knows for sure when it will be time for them to die. In the hope that they can help others, they may make an· anatomical gift of any needed organs or parts, specific organs or parts, or their body for anatomical re• search." These will be used for the pu;-pose of transplantation, therapy, medical research and education.
contest winners
J·udges _ in business administration Wmners m the D_1st:1ct II 20schoolsparticipatedinthe and accounting at Peru One-Act Play Contest Judged contest' whi\'.lh reflects- the named State at Peru State College were fine work and continued in' , , , ,, : , , ·• _ , , announced this week by Dr. terest in the dramatic arts in The judges for th~ $Has --Mrs Debra L. Sh~llen- John'Bariett director of the this area," said Barrett who Summers' Writing Contest berger of Nebraska City is contest. ' also serves as division of have been chosen for this ·the recipient ,of the Es~er Area high s_chools receiv- humanities · chairman at year's competition. They Cole Franklm Memimal ing superior ratings were: Peru State College. are: Fred Zydek, Nebraska Scholarship at Peru State Judges for the event were ·Poet Association, Omaha, College. Class A: David City Aqui- Dr. Royal Eckert_ and· Dr. judging poetry entries; Dr. Mrs_ Shallenberger _is_ a nas, Auburn High School. Charles Harper of the Peru · .- Ralph Baldwin, prize - win- graduate of Nebraska City Class B: Nebraska City State College speech and ·· ning published plaYWfight, Senior High School and had Lourdes; Palmyra High drama faculty.
UNL,. judging play entries: previously been awarded the School. _ _ _ Nearly 100 students from and Dr. __ Hugh Luke, associ- A. L. Larson Scholarship at _St~dent wl,lllle~s m _tins Southeastern Nebraska parate _ ec!itor · of "Prairie Peru State, and is a member district contest will now ad- ticipated in the yearly con· Schooner", University of ·of,Kappa Delta Phi. Shallen- vance to the State One--Act test - sponsored by the Nebraska Press,· judging berger is majoring in busi• Play Contest to be held next Nebraska School Activities short story entries. ness education. month in Kearney. "Nearly Association.
Story ci) IC C d BI k S d Accor mg o r. e y OnCerne aC tU entS
Plus Sat. aruiSun. Matinees at 2: IXJ&4:IXJ c~ ~J:> --~~ ~\~i~~·· ~o Sunday - Thursday 11:00a.m. -9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday 11:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m .. 1002 'J' Street-Aubur.n · Complete Menu Include$:_ Dinners Dine In or Carry Out_ little Bit of Sunny Mexico on Your Plate:" meetings."
~o.i,leSt ', i fu~i~~hitlK~0hiA~i~~fJ;; . . . . ·
Ch adron Eagles .steal Doane victory PSC win in overtime over Bobcats
The Pero State Bobcats while seemg sporadic action. played probably their best Junior center Bernie game of the season last Hajny turned in another outSaturday, but came up short standing, performance also, as Chadron State edged their scoring 10 points and grabhosts 84-81 in overtime. The bing 14 rebounds. Hajny is 'Cats face two ,r,oad games currentlrthirdin the.state in before coming home to cha!- reboundmg, averagrng 9.4 lengeBellevue on Feb. L rebounds per game.
The Bobcats dominated · Clutch free throw shooting the contest until the final 10 proved to be the difference in minutes .of regulation play, the cont~st, a~ the. Eagles when the visiting Eagles s_cored five. pomts_ m _overstaged a furious comeback. time fro'ln the charity !me. The Eagles tied the game ·at Shouse, _the nation's 75-all with only two seconds fourth · lea_din~ scorer last remaining to send the game · week, bo~ted his average to into overtime. 28.1 pomts per game.
The Bobcat offense was Against Chadron, he drilled crippled when All-American 17 of 28 shots for 61 percent. candidate Dan Shouse fouled ~house should become otitwitb 32 seconds left in Pero State's all-time scoring (~gulation. play. ShousE! led lead~r this_ week if he keeps iiRscorers with 36 points. up his sconng pace. T~e 5:10
The Doane College Tigers claimed their third victory over Perui State this season, 64-56, at Pero Thursday, January 11.
The Bobcats played well against the tall Tigers, building up. a· seven point lead in the first half and keeping the ball game close untilttie end. Doane was ·unable .to stop Peru's DanShouse, who connected for 38 points on the evening. ·
The Tigers l!Sed balanced scoring to offset Shouse and fellow guard Greg Sander$, · who accounted for all- but eight of Peru's point total. Sanders fini'ed with 10 points and was Peru's leading rebounder with nine
' oane basketballers. Despite a strong effort by the Bo the Tigers from Crete. This marked the third meeting
Shouse, a senior from Terre Haute, ll)diana, has scored 442 points alrea4y this season for a 28.1-point · ot,ber bright spot for Coach um~ record of 1,622 points Bill Squires' cagers. Spears, - set m 1947-51. seeing his first action sin<;e The Bob_cats travel Jo hesufferedakneeinjurylast Baldwm City, Ka~, ._to Nov. 24, scored 12 points take on Baker Umversity
The return of senior for- guard n~ only 49 pomts to wc:1rd Ric~ Spec:1rs was an- ~reak Omer Meeker's ~U ·
average per game~ He needs only 47 points to break the school career scoring mark set by Omer Meeker in 1951. · · Friday.
Creighton surviv~s attack despite Peru comeback
The Creighton University women's basketball team had to strµggle before ta.king a 63,46 victory at Peru State College Friday, January 12.
Creighton jumped out to an early Jead and Were ahead 33-24 at .the half. However, the Bobkittens made a com~back late in the contest behind the gunning of Lou Ann Williamson and Jac\tie Nixon to Close the margin to within four points.
The Lady Jays stopped the late comeback bid by Coach Roger Thiemann's Bobkit-Kitt ens avenge
previous foss
tens with a fuli-court press and a delay offense. A flurry of ~kets llgainst the desperate Bobkitten defense in the closing minutes accounted for the final 1Uargin.
Shouse nears Ball players suspende
PSC record
· The Bobcats led Doane 33-32 at halftime, but Coach Bill Squires' youngteam lost their momentum in _the second half '1S Doane outscored Peru 32-23. The Tigers rotated 6-9 Jon Parker, 6-8 Conrad Slusarski, 6-8 Doug Jasa, and 6-:6 Rus~ Ande~ri against the shorter Bobcats to wear Peru .out.
Nixon, a freshman from Papillion, .took game scoring Peru State basketball honors with. 16. Creighton Head Coach Bill Squires has had two players in double: announced the.rescheduling figures. of the Peru State - Con-
The BQbkittens' contest cordia basketball game. against Bethany College was Originally scheduled for postponed indefinitely due to January 13, the game was snow last wee!{end. The postponed due to snow. The game has not yet been re- contest has been rescheduled scheduled. for March 1 at Peru. The Peru Scoring: Nixon 16, game will be the season Williamson 8, Triggs 8, Craig finale for Peru. 7, Hindman 4, Hartman 2, Lechner 1.
Only a legend stands between Peru State basketball star Danny Shouse and the oldest individual record in Peru State basketball history. Shouse, senior guard from Terre Haute., Ind., should sometime in late January - early February establish ;i new career scoring record at Peru State College. The record Shouse is seeking is now held by Omer Meeker.
The Bobcat guard, was the third -. ranked scorer among the nation's small colleges according to this week's National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics basketball report.
The recent suspensio four Peru State Col basketball players was
culmination of season I is 45 points against Doane discipline problems November 30, second best in three of the suspended pt the NAIA this year. ers, according to· a He is also hitting 80 per coach, cent of his free throws on 76 Mark White, Kevin Ni of 95 attempts, and has and Robert Barr were grabbed 51 rebounds. He pended for the rest of leads Peru in assists with 27. season and Greg San. · was suspended for
Who says pradice makes it * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* • perfect? The Dana College • BOBCAT BASKETBALL at Peru, February 1, vs.,. women's basketball team • Bellevue--:7:30 * mighf disagree after they * BOBKITTEN BASKETBALL at Peru, February 1, vs. it were pasted by the Peru ,i, Doane - 2: 00 * State Bobkittens 54-23 Wed- * BOBCAT WRESTLING at Peru, February 6, vs.* d J * Midland-7:00 it nes ay, anuary 17. >1-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Bobkittens make.their F1·
rst ho·me dual
only road trip of the month to Chadron January 27. ·
TheKittenseasilyavenged spo·1'led
an earlier loss fo Dana de- · · spite the fact that the squad The Dana College wres.thas had few practices since ling team spoiled the first returning for the second home appearance py Peru senws.ter. · State College wrestlers in
·by V1'k1'ngs
wrestle at P~ru on Tuesday, Feb. 6. Meet time· has been set for 7 p.m.
Meet Results
Shouse, ·is scoring 28.l points per game this season. Possibly more impressive is his 49 percent. shooting ac- · curacy, despite the fact that he is shooting an average of nearly 23 times per game.
Twice an All-District(ll) Selection, Shouse is considered an .All-American candidate this, season. His single high.garne-tl:lis. season
Shouse, who missed his weeks. The suspensions freshman season by playing effect Tuesday, Jan. 16. junior college basketball in "The bottom line · Florida, had 1538 points go- practice was called ing into the game against those individuals did Doane. When Peru and show up," Pero State Doane met on November 30, Bill Squires said. 1978, Shouse set a personal The four suspended career high with 45 points. ers failed to show up:" Shouse recently set a practice. It was the 1 single-game scoring record disciplinary action ag in the Friends University Sanders, the second le Tournament in Wichita with Peru State scorer, 39 points against South- season. The other three western of K,ansas. Shouse faced other disciplinar was named to the All tion earlier this s Tournament team for that Squires said. · performance plus 30 points The Peru State squ against Marymount College. _down to 10 players, Apotential All - American, Sanders due to come Shouse is averaging 23.4 Jan. 30. points per game in his 64game career at Peru
'Fhe ~qt?tUW11S helfl11 .com- nearly two years with a 22-12 · _fQf~llle,tf~lftlme le11!:l, then win Wednesday, Jan. 10. shpt ogt tltti v~i!,Q~ 'fill' the first seven ·minute.s of the second half run, hitting on six of eight field goals after hitting only one of eight in the first half. She finished as the leading scorer with 14.
Natalie Triggs turned in a good performance also, scoring 10 points and grabbing 11 rebounds.
PERU SCORING: Parker 14, Triggs 10, Williamson 7, Hartman 6, Nixon 5, Hindiman 4, Petersen. 2, Mostrom 2, Lechner 2, Waldmann 2.
·The Bobcats, whose last home appearance was Feb. · 10, 1977, got all 12 team points by forfeit, as Dana wrestlers won the four matches that were not forfeited.
The Bobcat wrestling t.eam is 0-3 in dual meets this season, having lost to the Universitv of NebraskaOmaha a~d Nebraska Wesleyan University in addition to Dana.
' Peru State wrestling coach
Blaine Gorney announced that Midland College will
·. Dana 22, PertrState i2.
118-lb: Open.
126-lb: Mark Amman (D) won by forfeit.
134-lb: DanMcDonnell (D} dee. Tim Pethoud (P) 10-0:-
142-lb: Bob Murtaugh (DJ dee. Steve Wollen (P) 8-6.
150-lb: Open.
158-lb: Open.
167-lb: Corey Cook (DJ dee. Dave Medina (P) 6-5.
·177-lb: Dan Medina (P) won by forfeit.
190-lb: Al Pederson CD) pinned Marty Haverty \Pl in 2:31.
HWT: Keith Mullins (P) won by forfeit.
ragr-t THE PEDAGOGIAN ---------
* * * * * * * * *
tni> ;t2'' ,f stud.ents, Th_is gave ~tud~nts '· ~er~ey, p~an() iin, .opportunity. to work di~ 't):I ~6W,j'cello1 ~r;.' ' rectly with !h~ .IJ,erfor:in~r:s; ?ff J'ariua.ry 30 Qh Bero, 'Yhl1 <:ritiqu.e-d the st.ud~nts\ •,;;, fuptii: ' : w:,:.::;: '•"''.fecnriiques'. •.· ; ;,; ,_· '""''"' .,,,, ,. '.· ·.. ~-. _ iri' .:itHe •·· ~iln~erf ( As. µistru~tors a~d IJ,erfor.i : ;tprograni wasHM romantic triers the poptilat d1,10, has ,; ;o,,me1 · Qf<'Min~treJ Sofig» eerforip~(:l througl10ut··._J:je, "'ana .,. sydf$!efiing •~sime. braska. ;Their PSP eerfoi~. 'Ufali~nne''l written. ih neo.:: ma.ncewassponsore!}i,np~rt · · • I §ty~J ,\\lSQ other. l>y tpe Neb1;aska.<::ity Arts, included 'songs ; by' Councila.ndTheA.rts CQuncil iiI;Iaydn} Brahms, Btrayinsky,, Artist Tottringl?rogr-l'lm. an<i 6:l;azu~or,, ·.• · *. ..· tbe' givision,>of perf<>r111ing , linehino 2" alsh :6.eld: arts a.t PS<;, conlmented Dr. 1!~t!i; '~ast~i dasses .ftomi f.:00 _, (Hf~~rt ·. WOson .· or Peru 1s'
•·· b_.rp.slc{:l · ;;AT\', M_!D_l'J.IGlfl', ;;F_F;B. ,t.4_,_c; ·N .. . ·· .t..... .·... al··. o....t•.•;s't·· '•f (f: "ACC@RDING'' T-0' lN\ ·;·,. ·a ion 'u.L'·• I • ;~~!l OR~p'.t S0URCE'S 'i~~f>:;\\{<C . ..•.. ···•·· ' .•.. ,. ; . . . ~- t~Jfitli9:Jf~~
ct~i,visit Peru.
,P~.l\JDlN QLQl;AUS1,.\IN •. ;;mi!;·., ; UE; ' • : Ed Fise~t, a,natiorially syndicated cartotmist will be f). ' on campus Thursday Febnr l ;J-, , afy l:5, fro:rn 7-9 · CUi .. .Fischer has wan numerous iwatds .tu 011lf, .full-· ·tfu.i•N'totial,,~l~.-t in• hei. ~~a.die 4.,iji ~•,~k-:
·. 1 ·· i:Q:g;,\ti:,,~twierq,aJJelll•il.bW\'. to; become au editoriaieartooni&.l, ~t jobs ar:e open Jor in this fie1d-andwhatit s t(} be a succ-essful car~ ~oliist.r
According to· Paul Fell, assistant art professor at P'eru State, 'the two-hour w~lcshd\) js open tO the general· public· a.nd. au ~rt j~t:llili~pi ,~iti~i;t- ,w,i .,,•"'/·· ~:.\'.; t,)1a:t$.o~~ni,tds:
• :• ''. '':•·; ~;1 • :• ,':;•.. :-.i ,. ,.,, :W''· {I! r:rZ: i" • . ff1Jt'fi}1/ f? ;%&),;:N~A\~~~fl,f~~i.· ... ·.• ... • .. :;;;;~:,,J,5.:~~i' y~.I~lii:1~t,.~.:.•,~:.~i :11 1i.r: !~}~~d' ... ~J'J,11I;cfa.1Dit~ldJ;\11KJft;a~~I£ i;s;i~~;;~~ ·:(.t;. '·,c~•:@:{4ttJ&,;i~{:::~::.::::
;:~~ .;~?;;,~ :::m;
nJps1f deporbn""'
By Darrell.W~IIman ·
WinterFest i"979
~interFest 1979 has come and· gone and in my op1mon 1 would rate it a success. Sure, there could have been. more studen! participation and cooperation but that 1s always easier said than done
The disco last Wedpesday night'~as weH attended and I_ believe that most of us who were there enjoyed the pizza. pop and music.
Thursda~ ,we had a pie-eating contest during dinner and although I missed seeing it I am sure it was great to watch. Later that night bQth the men's and women's basketball teams played on the Peru home court and fan attendance was commendable. The girls played qmte a game and their final fally fell just two points _short as .Doane Colleg~ won. Good job girls! I just hope that the _rest of Peru State is as proud of you as I am. ·
To add to the night's excitement Danny Shouse set an .all-time scoring record when Peru hosted Bellevue. I think the entire team played their hearts out to win the game for themselves and all persons associated with Peru. Fan support was just great and I can honestly say that I was Proud to be a Bobcat that night. Danny also received a plaque from Coach Joy and I am sure all of you were as happy as I was to see Joy back in public eye. Congratµlations Danny! I know I won't forget your record setting shot and I doubt if many of us will for quite a while.
The di,sco ui Delzell may hav~ been one of ·the disappointments of the _weekend but let us remember that it is not necessa~ily the fault of those who planned 1t. More student pa_rtic1pat1on was needed and I am as guilty as the next person<for not attending this particular event. · , · ·
Another thought to .PQnd~r "7.Jiave y9u ever· tried to play softball in snow that is'il.~r one foot deep? Well, I hadn't until lastSaturday and I assure you that other .than the fact thatI nearly troze- it was a good time. Everyone was 011t there on the ball diamond to have a good time and I think; we all did.
Thank you, Student. Set)lite, You put on q~te a weekend and I hope you try itag:lin soo~. You_ are to be commended for you_r efforts and I am taking this opportumty to.thank the organization for myself and Just maybe for the entire school.
THE PEDAGOGIAN Letters -------,----------,----
To Whom It May Concern:
l was a student at Peru. On January 23, I discharged a firearm out of my window in Clayburn. The next day I received a letter from the President saying that I was expelled from Peru.
I was not on Probation or anything when it happened. I just made a mistake - one mistake. Did you ever make a mistake, Mr. Tangeman?
· Former student, Al Fournier
Patti- George, Director of Student Programs, is iii need of a photographer. The student sould be eligible for work-study and would take pictures of all student activitirs, not including sports. Ms. George asked that anyone interested should bring some pictures as reference by the end of February t.o her office in the Student Center.
Dear Editor:
I say l~t's hear it once again for Student Programs with one person in particular, Patty George. Patty is the Student Pr,ograms Coordinator here at Peru State College. During Jan. 31 thru Feb. 4, a Winterfest Days celebration was put on by the Student Senate, under the direction of Ms, George. FQr being somewhat. of a first here at Peru State College, Winterfest was a big success. Thank you, Patty, for
by Beth Propst
Rise up' Rise up and be h~rd! Prove Uiat apathy isn·t one of the noticeable traits of students at PSC. Take a stand·and make it count!
The drinking age controversy is one matter which students should be concerned with and get involved in, no matter what your opinion is.
Senator Ralph Kelly of Grand Islanli, for the third year in a row has introduced a bill into the legislature in an attempt to raise the legal Nebraska drinking age to twenty-one. Fof those already 19 or older, sit back, relax and have another drink_. LB221 has a grandfather clause which would enable those already of age to continue drinking. But those who turn 19 after the bill becomes Jaw (if it does) would no longer legally be able to drink in Nebraska bars.
Be advised, however, the c~nces !O()k excellent this year for Senator Kelly's biU to go through. Regent Robert Prokop from Wilber, recently stated that, '_'If I were voting in the legislature, I would vote for it (the drinking age1 to be raised."
BIG DEAL, right? If you're 19 you don't have to worry. You can still go downtown and indulge in the SU.QS..<:-~ ,,, .·. .• ·"·' "a:t',.h1:-but ~t seco~ glance this bill is not· the simple '''!T)ftY~,it:fi~,$t~p~~FdO be, >_. n::~11}:,reli,~1 Q.eavijy on s~µsti~. f :9r inst.mce, in 1971, before the drinking age was changed, 531 alcohol-related ~nage cifr aeci~ents,occurr,ed and by 1977 the total liad reached 986. ·
The Senato! also reports that since 11¥,76 f~ve ~tates . have raised the legal drinking age. · · · ·
Well, Mr Kelly. and fellow student$, itis also true that in some states when the age level was lowered the accident rate also went down. Likewise, Kelly does not reveal that of the 5 state!i which.r~ise<.l their drinking age, two or three _raised itftom 18 to 19.
Now to really hit home, consider the social life at PSC. Rumor has it that the second ~r will be re-opening soon· downtown. Sorry, you little .young onei; ! You should not be affeeted at all; since yott won't he able .to go in .until y01,1're twent.y-one. I. meaji, after. all, it is statistically proven ·you aren't mature,"enough. · to handle alcohol at such a yoong age·. ·· · ··· ··
To The Editor: , l would like to bring up a problem that nearly all resi- by c. Russell Mittan dents of the Complex are Are you Delzell occupants probably aware of., and that tired of being called aniis the parking problem along mals? And are you tired of the front drive. Despite the your home away from home "l\o Parking" signs posted, being referred to as a zoo? If people continually park so, why don't you throw parallel along the <;urb. Thi;;, away your little crayons and of course, makes it difficult stop writing on the walls. In for the people park~ cor- my last column, I empharecUy in spaces to get their sized that the living condicars in and out - not to tions had improved so much. mention those trying to drive That is true. You guys comthrough. _ plamed that the pface was a ·_ I hav~ not notit:e.d tickets mess, well, they cleaned it· bemg given for tlns,lately, up for you. Whatmoredoyou but rath~r than going t~t want! route I would hope that Before we came back from everyone involved would winter break, our hall direcma~e a c?n~ious effort to tor put together a great avmd parkmg illegally at the bulletin board in the lobby, Complex. complete with a quote from a Thank you. great man saying some Laura Blevins great word of wisdom. I don't know· about anyone else, but l enjoyed it m.ore without the cierogatory little
plain that ypu scheduled activities on tlie week end tough,, they don't have tri leave.
FROM: Patti George, StuQent Programs Coordinator
remarks written above magic marker. And same thing happened sign that was placed in second floor restroom, o can't tell you what the fiti said. If you want to s you're welcome to look. How can we build res for us and our residenceif we continue to bejuve Or do ·we want to? answer I received f many people who live is yes. Come on guys, pull together and show t that, despite popular be we are human beings college students. But if still want to.write garbag the walls, at least e some simple E classes. There's not worse than graffiti, ex misspelled and poorly-p tuated graffiti. They've d all they can for you, the r is up to you. working as hard as yo~ did to give people here at the college a c)lance to have fun. Although the commuters and suitcase students might com-
It is the responsibility of the Coordinator of Student Programs to insure that public bulletin boards used for•., the posting _of information _be kept curi:ent. The ; procedures outlin_ed herein are to be followed to insure that campus bulletin .boards are properly used.
l. No announcements shall \le posted on any wall; window, display case or pulletin _board without the permission of the Coordipator of Student Programs. Divisional bulletin boards and the display case outside the library _are exceptions to this pohcy. ,
Also thank you to the handful of snow~lo,ing people who made Winterj'est · a good time. Eyen though the snow was a little too deep on the baseball diamond, it was fun!
And., kiddies, that means you fail to be as mature as our young neighbors in Iowa. and Kansas. M_ayl)e it's in tl)e water we drink, or the toothpaste we use that keeps us from growing up a~ soon as.they.
If this bill is passed, the Student Senate will have to raise the social fees to provide students with many more activities.
For you who were interested in legalizing alcohol in the dorms, you can kiss this idea goodbye for good. The efforts of those in favor of this idea will have been thwarted, as legal drinkers on college campu&es in the state will become the minority. Enforcing the "no alcohol on state property" law would probably be stiffened.
Senator Kelly, in numerous articles states that "this is a step towards a cure for a problem that literally has become an epidemic." A_cure, Senator Kelly, o,r just a sidestep around it? Honestly, do you believe that those over 21 will not buy for minors? Students I have talked with said they always got alcohol from someone older because, as one student put it, "the 19 year olds- were afraid of gettingcaught, so they wouldn't buy." Kelly's theory is that tl)ere are many high school anci juni()r high kids who.go tp school with, or run arouQd with a lot of 19 year olds because there:are so many still in high s~hoot Strange, since out of 6,647 Lincoln, Nepra~ka h.igl), ~cl,lqol !:l~gen\~ a wh!mpim!. 24 ijl ·grades ten to twelve·are'19 rightnow. ·L """') 1 · '. · ··' '
Seriously now, what kind of a cure would_thi!:l really be? If the age is rais~ it will simply mean that_ those not old eliough will get someone older to buy for them and take. atwelve-pa'ck fo their car. Then tb:ey can safely .get drunk wh_ile driving ar9und, provided they can firtd the gearshift after the first twelve to go find their buyer for another round. It won't stop them from drinking. It will mere1y change where they have to drink.
If LB221 sounds like a step backwal'.ds, the!) I urge you not to sit back and think of .wor _little brother or sister. Think of yourself and how it will affect you as well as others. Get in touch with your state senator and let him know how you feel. Get a group together, W{ite , ·a letter and have copies run off and signed by students.
·· This is one issue we can't let slide by!
2. Students, staff, faculty, and other auth,orized persons who desire that public announcements. be posted on campus wHl submit the announcement to the ' Coordinator, Student Programs in a "ready to post format."
3. The Coordinator, Student Programs, will insure • that the. announcement is duly au_thorized for posting. That is, that no conflict of _interest would arise in the posting of the announcement.
4. After insuring that the announcement is correct. the Coordinator will attest to the correctness by signing the.announcement. The Coordinator will als~ stamp an (lxpiration date on the announcement. Notices will generally be allowed a seven day posting period. ·
5. The announcement will be posted by the originator.
6. The Coordinator, on a weekly basis will inspect each public posting area and remove expired and unauthorized postings.
The Pedagogian
Beth Propst Managing Edi
Desi Kline . Ar
Kent Propst : Sports Edi 1
Deb Moore: , Feature Edi .!
Chuck Mittan : : Feature Edi
Becki Young ./, FeatnreE~·
'Lori Last News Edi
Linda Henley News Edi
Harold Benson News Edi ·
Everett Browning .- Adv
Beth Propst Advertising Mana
The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State· College and is printed 10 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed [double-spaced and less than 300 words] and mailed to P.O. Box 120, Peru State College; Peru, Nebraska 68421.
arv Middle resigns
By Darrell Wellman
A replacement for Marvin
iddle is being sought at ru State College. Middle s been the superintendent buildings and grouncjs. Mr Middle has spent a.It one and a 4alfjears at ru. and said that being re has been a very rewardexperience. He pointed t that those working under ~ve been very helpful .d without their cooperan doing his job would have en difficult.
"These people wei:e great me and I would like to take ·s final chance· to· thank again,'' Middle added.
PSC education interns
Mr Middle's new posjtion is Housing Rehabilitation Specialist in Lincoln where he is to begin working February 14. Middle said that this job is an exceptional opportunity for advancement and was too good to tum down. Some of his new duties will include inspecting target art;as, letting out bids to contractors· on certain projec~ and following up on his jobs to make ~ure they have been completed satisfactorily.
Freq Gfeller will be acting superintendent of buildings and grounds until a replace.: ment can be found.
'tudents to compete.
Over 500 area students will · tant professor of business at er the High School Busi- Peru State College, and dis Contest to be held at rector of the contest. Thirty ru State College on Feb. two schools will be represen~tudents will participate in subject areas, according
Mr Jack Hamilton, assis-
·leave books, work on-site
Student edtlcation interns at Peru State College are leaving the textbooks and instead are working on-site. with severely retarded students. The new program has been initiated by Mr Gene Krebs, department of education at·Peru State College, "First of all, we're ipvolved- in operation understanding," said Krebs. The Peru s~dents take special students. shopping, plan, parties and othe.rsocial interactions. In this way the interns are
not only learning more about the special needs of retarded students, but are developing positive self-concepts for the special students, said Krebs. And the program is also a learning process for the community, too. Often times when citizens see severely retarded studen~, they'll ruil the o.ther way they're fearful of them. But' the internship prQgram supports the idea that t.hese students shouldn't be, hid. "They are human beings, not monsters
TLC sJudents get it together
and at Peru State College we're trying to find out more about retarded students," said Krebs.
He cited that special education has come.a long way from the time that early civilizations destroyed these people or when they were _held in protective custody. In fact recent tests have shown that under similar intern programs special students have 'improvil& from '300 to 800 percent.
Pippin cast announced·; musical starts Feb. 28
ted in the contest and stu0 dents \fill be tested in 12 subject areas including business law, economics, ~fice practice and typing. The top students will receive certificates and the · winning schools will be presented with full tuition scholarships and a trophy.
Hamilton also aiµiounce,d
·_that seven area high school instructors have been invited to Peru State to help evaluate the College's business .education program, "We'll use their expertise !\S a resource," said Hamilton.
11 • The visiting instructors wiil be on the Peru State College campus on Jan. 31.
.:en n n
Students who dream of cancelled classes caused by drifting snow and .freezing drizzle may have ~etter. luck this spring, when the flood season rolls around. According to several southeast Nebraska newspaper accounts, classes were closed twicein April, 1943, and April, 1952 - so students and faculty could aid townspeople in filling satidpags, repairing dikes, and attempting to control the flooding Missouri and prevent it from covering the lowlands of Peru.
'"1l.-nSUeatruTJ. es iJJ
Sunday -Thursday 11 :DO a.m. •9:30 p.m.
The musical production "l;'ippin" will be presented in the college auditorium on February 28, and March 1,2: and 3.
Members of the cast are Gene Wilson (Leading PlayerJ, Rob McKercher (Pippin), Lori Stortenbe<;ker (Catherine), Chuck Mit~n (Cbarlemagneh Pam Frost (FastradaJ, Mary Carnahan (Berthe), and L~nny Mazour (Lewis).
Members of the chorus are Brenda Barrett, Sharon B!!rtles, Mary Gail Beccard, Bettye Jo Daniels, Dawn Lytle, Ann Obermeyer, Pam
Peters, Mitch Dahmke, H.on Doeden, Aaron B. Larson, Lenny Mazour, Ron Myroup, Keith Rippe, and Dave Rossell.
Musicians for the production will be Carol Davis, Ronda Frank, and Dian,e Roe (woodwinds); Dee Dettmer (trumpet); Nick , Guinan (horn); Jan. Hammers and Brad Rausch, (trombones); Carlene Andrew (piano); Doug Kirkendall (organ); Bob Svoboda Kbass); Perry Biaggi and Tammy Chaney (percussion)
The productiol) staff will 'consist of Dr. Royal Eckert,
Hairstyling center
by Lori Last
A new hairstyling center in Peru has recently been purchased by ·Bill and Lola Crow.
The Peru Hairstyling Center, located in downtown Peru, on 604 5th Street, will be operated by Lola Crow, who will open this week if she receives her Nebraska li-cense in time.
was employep at the Crest Plaza Salon at Creston. She is a graduate of the Southwest Iowa Cosmetology College in Shenandoah. Bill, a sophomore pre-med student at PSC, is majoring in biology. ,
Director; Steve Dunn, Stage Manager; Dr. David Edris, Musical Director; Doug Kirkendall, Assistant Musical Director; Rob McKercher, Technical Director/Designer; and Shari Hoelker and Cindy Pursley, Choreographers. NOTE
The Pedi staff recently learned of a change in the cast for the musical. Gene Wilson, Bettye Jo Daniels and Mitch Dahmke are no longer members of the cast. Pam Frost will play the lead, Dawn Lytle is cast as Fastrada and Tammie Coleman has joined the chorus.
Card tourney
by Linda Henley Studies
getting you down'! Teaching Learning Center <TLCJ can help you "get it all together", according to Director Cal Bone. Teaching Learning Center is a program that is for students who need help in .their classes; ''We try to put the st~/ who needs the help with~! ti:i tutor who has the SlW:l/ll".,.;' learning style. We call it 1'i" buddy tutor," he said. "I£.Qle:,:1).-: ,, student works better
then we work out a p for him. We try to pro\,q1~ 0{ • much material as we can;" Bone.said.
"We have the funds the resources but the £t&, dents just don't know about the progra111s that we have to offer, One stuql!nt might come in and have troubl'e in math or English, and another studen.t might not any problems, but just wants to sharpen up his skills more. We can help both," Bone said.
Happy Valentines Day! I
Appointments may be made by calling the Crow's home number,.872-5805, until a phone is installed in the center.
Delta Kappa Chi is sponsoring a card tournament Wednesday, February 21, from 7-10 p,m, The 10 P9int pitch tourney will be in the Bpb Inn and a one dollar entry fee will be charged. Cash prizes will be offered and drinks will be available at regular Bob Inn prices. There will l;Je plenty of free popcorn and the cards will be provided.
Students honored during convo
Lola, of Corning, Iowa,
Sc h u[z e announces changes
It is requested that anyone interested register by Febr\1-
ary19onasign-upsheetthat will be postE}d on one of the
Northwest Missouri State campus.bulletin boards.
Over 200 honor students and their pare.nts were given formal congr<1tulations during a convocation on Wednesday, February 7, in the College Auditorium. Director of PlacementDon Schulze announced three c/:langes in the on-campus interviews for·:
ate study or masters degree programs.
Omaha Public SchoolsMarch 1.
Fleming and Laxdal Student s·enators
Positions for PSC sena- opini()ns 9n sQllle of ~e tors - at - large were filled by activities that the s~nate. Kathy Fleming and Niel. provides, which. she can take Laxdal in a -canipus:wide· baek to the senate:." , elecµon.
Niel Laxdal, who is from Kathy Fleming is from Lakeland, Florida, is ntiljorOmaha, Nebras~. Kathy is ing in business administraa freshman, l:1lajoring in tion. business adm~nistration and :Niel said his main objecaccounting: Kathy is.a Board tive was to bring ru:w life into of Trustee Scholar and Sec- the senate. "I want the senretary of Circle K. ate to have activities other Kathy said the reason she lhan dances.. ·Everyone is wan.ted to be on Stud~t .separat~, no one_-gets togeSenate w;:is so she could talk ther and does anything," he to students· and get their said.
By Kathy_Rogge
- February 21. A graduate division representative will Freytag speaks to be availa.ble to talk with , Guest speaker for the event, Dr, Jerry Wimberley, superintendent of schools in Falls City, congratulated the Metropolitan Life Insurance. - February 13. A i:epresentative .will see all students interested in a market-
studentsinterestedingradu- society members ing career in ins.urance.
students for their achieve-
The Peru. State Social ments. He mentioned. that Science Society met Mon- the assembled group were day, February 5, 'Vith FrieQ- laying a strong foundation helm. Freytag as the gµest for their future careersspeaker. Freytag presented ¢veri ifi!l'i!''day wfie1f:many a program about G!!rmany studefits"are qllestioliirtg the and c!esi:ribed how _it. com- valueof<folfeg'@Mti~at\on. pared to the United States.. ·"There· are ·mt1e differSherry Biere p~ided at ences among people - .lmt the ~usiness meeting in that little difference in attiwhich the '~in item on th~ tude will really make" world agE}nda was t)le necessity of of difference in the future,'' electing a histo.rian. Kathy said Wimberley. CongratulaRogge \11'.aS elected to .this ting the students, he addeµ oosition. To conclude the that their honorable academn~ting t~ntative plans were ic performance is an attitude nade foi: the remainder of that will be their greatest · the semester. ally.
Club officers include: D;rn Other guest speakers were Todd - vice-pres~dent; Peru State College President Traca Alley - secretary- Dr. Larry A. Tangeman, and trea!!urer; and Dr. George Dr. Clyde Barrett, vice preSchottenhamel - sponsor. sident of academic affairs.
•· ~'t~\\ . ;u\\s~\\0
· 10:'10 P:~· 1002 'J' Street_:. Auburn t~omplete Menu Includes Dinners Dine In or Carry Out 011 YourP THE PEDAGOGIAN
and Saturday 11:00 a.m;
'. :fi~:,.,;~~:,:~1.' 'iff, DAN SHOl)SE, ALL-TIME LE , SCORER in Per~ Stateb~sketball history, recef;esli commemora- · tive plaque}irom PSC Athletic Director Jerry Joy }luring Pjlrti's victory over Bellevue College Feb,. 1.
l>elo~gs 'Shouse
Five.women in tourneys
Five: PSC. girls _have decided to.join the United States Volley Ball Association. Joni Albin, 1 Desi •Kline, Renee Mammen,• Dawn Lytle,· <1nd Danelle Warner, along.with some Fairbury girls. will be traveling to some eight to ten tournameµts yet to be .beld this semester. ·
Their first tournament was held in the .!3lue Valley Community Center _in {ndepen- il dence, Missouri, on· the 20th· of January. Therewillbetwo tournaments in Lincoln next ·l month; wlth a· Fairburv tf Toui:11-ey and a Boulder, Cois orado tourney in March Regionals will be held on the sec.ond week ·in April. .Thetop two teams ip each class willbe in·the Nationals held Jqne
"The United States Volley~ ball Association is becoming strong in Nebraska," said John Walton, committee member on the USVBA
I)an Shouse· became the minutes into the second half Board. "We h.ope to have all-time leading scorer in the to break Meeker's record. more communities intereshistory of Peru Sta_tebasket~ Shouse was l!lobbed by his tedJn getting teams star,ted ba llTh da rug·ht F b 1 ·t·· d · ed inthenextfewyears.Vo.lley-_
urs y , e teamma e& an rece1v a Shouse scored 30 points &tllridtii.··g· .· ,c,v.ai_tion as Pe_ru baU is one of. the best sports,." "d "You against Bellevue College to · State Athleµc Director Jerry surpass.the old mark held by Joy presented him with a can get the exercisE! you Orner Meeker. commemorative plaque. need, while you get out the Shol:llej going into a COi).- Shouse is one of the most tensions from .everyday test Satur~y night against proµfic scorers in the nation living, We.need more people Chadron State CoUege, has right now. The ~'10" senior dedicated to the sport and 1,636 ea.-eer -~ ·Jn 67 from Terre ijaute, 'Ind.,. is people tliittwant to have fun· · ·· tbree,,,a~ over 28.2 points wlaje they stay in shape."
Peru dumps Bellevue for first home victo ,
The Peru State Bobcats had four big, reasons· to be happy with an 81-68 basketball wih over Bellevue College Feb L
Coach Bill Squires' qigers were siitisfiec! because they had beaten a Nebraska College Conference foe just before heading im a long conference roiid' trip.
Even more important was the fa ct that .· the victory snapped a. 15-game losing streak stretching back to Nov. 2J; 1978:.It also marked the first home victory of t)le season for Peru, now 3-17.
For g1,1ard Danny Shouse, the night was particularly special. Shouse became the all-time leading scorer in the 77-year history of basketball at Peru State.
Shot1$e s~ored 30 points on the night to lead all scorers.
That gave Shouse 1,636 career points, surpassing Omer Meeker's 28-year-old record of 1,622. On the night, Shouse dealt out four assists and five rebounds also. Shouse, a senior from Terre Haute, Ind., is averaging 28.2 points per game;
The reason for the victory was some scoring assistance
for Shouse. .Senior Spears contributed 13, center Bernie Hajny 10 points and grab rebounds, and sub Jo ahue came off the be do an excellent job a.nd 10,
The Bobcats' next foe is Avila College o 14. The final home ga Peru will be March snow-delayed against Concordia.
PERU SCORING: S 30, Spears 13, Hajn Donahuel0,Jones9,S Uldrich 2, Sande Wilburn 1.
1 &22 ·. • ·· A~i.:.. · Sho
The open Jeague season < .· •·. ·· · ' · ;Jlet.~~~- use starts afte.r .the. R<><rional · ·tdn 110 ga~es in his ~s sc6red'538 points and is ..,,,. ,;ca_reer from 1947,51.. hitting over 50 percent from Tournament. There · are : The Bellevue contest was the field. He is also an so co-ed teams, as well as many halted after Shouse hit a percent free· throw shootet:, oUier types. Anyone inter20~ioot jump shot about two and leads Peru iri assists. ested in joining should get in touch with one of the mem-
VALENTINE'S DANCE - 9-12 p.m., Feb. 14Student Center Cafeteria. Free drawing for gift certificate to. Wheeler Inn in Auburn, crowning of Valentine's !ting and queen.
bers before May.
Kittens effort fails by two
The Pei.:u State w.orrieI1's basketball team dropped its. final of the season to Doane College 58-56 Feb. L The 'Kittens could never quite get untracked until they staged a furious rally at the end:of the game.
The Bobkitte~ now have road games at Chadron, Marymount (Salina, Kans.), College of St. Mary, Creighton, and Nebraska Wesleyan before participating in the AIA W of Nebr~ka Tournament in Lincoln Feb. 23-25.
Coach Roger _Thiemann's girls trailed by 30~20, ~t qalfc time, but _made a late run that fell just short as Nat Triggs missed an 18-footer with two seconds remaining.
Freshman Jacki Nixon of Papillion had a fine game for Peru, scoring .14 points, grabbing 7 rebounds, and finishmg with two assists. Betty Hindman also ;scored 14 points. Nancy Parker scored 12 and pulled down nine rebounds.
PERU SCORING - Nixon 14, Hindman H, Parker 12, Hartman 8, Williamson 3. Triggs 2, Craig 2, Lechner 1.
Sports in the past
The beginning of PSC basketball has a vague background. It is believed to have started in the 1902-03 season, with the Peruvians losing a game 6-18 against Lincoln high school.
Basketball, before the completion of the chapel and gymnasium in 1905, was played out of doors apparently in the Oak Bowl or on the tennis courts where today's T. J. Majors Hall now stands.
Between the first games recorded in 1902, losses came to the Peru teams, until in 1905 when Peru beat Nebraska City, 19-16, in the first game played in the new gym of the Chapel basement.
The construction of the Auditorium in 1922 brought an end to the need of the old Chapel gym, so a swimming pool was built where the chapel had been. The new gymnasium floor was first run from east to west, but in 1828. the stage was torn out and the court was run north tO SOIJth.
BOBKITTEN NANCY P ARJ<ER puts two more points on the boards for Peru despite a close guard by Doane cagers. Doane defeated the 'Kittens, however, 58-56.
.------•·•-.--.-• .--·,...,..._______...,
PHOTOGENIC Danny Shouse adds two more towards the Bobcats' 81-68 win over Bellevue College. Scoring assistance from teammates Rick Spears [13), Bernie Hajny (10), John Donahue [IO), and Doug Jones [9) made the victory possible. The two points also contributed to Sbouse's all-time individual scoring record at Peru, which now stands at 1,636 points.
--irom Normal on the Hill by Ernest
of Peru · The Peru i 1 Hairstyling · Center ··································· . . iNOWOPENi . . For Appointments Call Lola Crow-872-759 Open from 8 a.m. to 5 p. THE WATERHOL Open Monday - Saturday 10 &m. to 1 a.m. Serving Cold Beer · and Mixed Drink DISCO••••)(..••¥• Wetlnesday and Saturda 9:00 p.m. to 1: 00 a.
ED FISHER, A NATIONALLY SYNDICATED CARTOONIST, demonstrated some of his talents while he was on campus earlier this month. Fischer is shown here sketching Dennis Parrott.
Ex-convict speaks to inform public
by Lori Last
Small rural businll5ses _as well as employrd students need to pe educated against con artists and prpfessional thieves, according to Fra11k W. Abagna1e, an ex-convict who spoke at Peru on February 13.
Abgnale opened the proam by showing a film ntitled, Catch Him if You an. A program which bowed Abagnale as_ a _conrtist ~ho set up a situation o write checks and bad redit <;ards
The. two topic~ of his rientation was White Collar rimes .and how you catch a thief. According to Abagnale, 40 billion dollars ·n cash and merch;mdise ch year is being sto,len. ho pays for thi~'1 W,e the oµsumers do, as the :'?tores that are conned raise their prices 10-15%. 400,Q\JO hot thecks_ a year.are written in -,the Unite9 States each year
Ed Fischer speaks at cartooning workshop
;-latiunally syndicated cartoonist Ed Fischer was the guest speaker at a workshop held February 15 at Peru.
Fischer, who has been with the Omaha World-Herald for eight years, originally worked on the Minneapolis Star. He then worked in Tulsa, Oklahoma before coming to Omaha. He has published two books and his cartoons are syndicated in 18 daily and 100 weekly newspapers.
·'I have a tendency to be
sillv Cartoons have dif- college educations "After ferent functions. One is for all, a car on is 90% idea and you to laugh at them. One, to HJ% dnr ,ng." said Fischer. ridicule, and also to help you" Tlw cartoonist said that get through the garbage. there are times when you They should be simple have lo take a stand, but that enough for anyone to under- you have to be prepared lo stand - from the scrub take rriticism. woman to the'president of a "And those threats are company.'· He said that car- real: When they threaten me toons should be understand it's one thing. When they say able and come across in things like, I know where seven seconds. your kid goes to school, well,
Mr Fischer stressed the that's entirely different." importance of education. He Fischer recently was said that all the editorial car- awarded the Overseas Press toonists that he knows have Club Award.
according to Abagl}ale. Al)agnale Sflid, "th~ man with the ~n steals 1~ ti!Iles more than the man with the gun." ~b11gnale travels throughout the U.S giving these_ programs mainly to educate the consumers and the sm11ll .businesses. "The man with the gun c<;1n, be stopped by anyone, but the man with the pen can be stopped by education," said Abagnale.
In the 19i30's, ,Abagnaje was l'.eferred the grE!<,lt imposter and qS the greatest con man o( all times. In one year he wrote 2½ milliop. bad che<;ks in foreign countries and the U.S. Abagnale \\as apprehended and taken to the U.S. where he received a 12-year federal prison sentence. Abagnale now lives in Houston, Texas, Wh\lre he has a business which trains business card companies and check programs to spot con artists.
~The Pedagogian H
Issue 3
PSC classes out of doors
The possibilities of teaching traditional academic classes out-of-doors was one of the ideas discussed at a meeting of area high school and Peru State College officials on February 21 at the Peru State Campus.
"Voice of the Bobcats··
February 28
Charges filed against stu-dents
Charges· against two Peru State college students were filed Tuesday, February 20, according to County Attorney Charles Hahn.
Jeff Foster, a freshman from Boys:town and Frank
CPR course offered at Peru State
actually took the car but had discussed the matter before with Mr Dambrosia. Actually, Dambrosia was only an accessory to the fact, but the charges are tlie same."
The car was discovered missing from the Industrial Arts building sometime over the week-end, according to Hahn, and Foster was apprehended by Howard Allgood when he was returning it Sunday night, February 18.
The charge is a misdemeanor and the maximum penalty would be three months in the eounty jail and/ or a fine of $500.
utstate twt1on may he lowered
by Deb Moore
' LB 304. a bill before the ·gislature this year would, · passed, a11ow the governg boards _ of state educaonal institutions in Nebras.ID ·to determine resident · ·· tus for the purpose of • llecting out-of-state tuition t the time of registration, ccording to PSC President rry Tangeman.
Dr. Tangeman said he be'eved the bill would be good · r Peru State because it , ould allow the State College oard of Trustees to who would or wouldn't required to pay out-of, te tuition at the state leges. Previously, all te educational institutions d the same residency reements.
LB 304 is passed, it ld be possible for stufrom other states to be idered as residents of raska for the purpose of
• •
paying tuition. However, Dr. Tangeman said passage of the bill did not guarantee that such action would be taken, but only gave. the respective boards the option to take such action.
Regent Robert Prokop, Ph.D., of Wilber, said he believed the bill is unconstitutional, and that those in favor of LB 304 "just want to give Pottawatamie County, Oa.) a break."
He added that Pottawatamie County traditionally had sent many students to the University of l\ebraska at Omaha when it was a private college, and that he believed this was the basis for the proposed legislation.
"What it boils down to is: How much do you want the state to pay for one individual's education? I think it's going to )1ave a hell of a time getting through," Prokop said.
A nµmbef of principals, Dambrosia, freshman from superintendents and Omaha, were charged with gwidance counselors from unauthorized use of a propelthroughout Southwest~rn led vehicle in the alleged Nebra~ka .yere invited to p S taking of a state car._ Foster eru_ tate to discuss c~- and Dambrosia pied guilty to 0?e~atlvE; progr~m possi- the charge and a hearing b1ht1es between high schools , was scheduled for the first and the \;ollege.. week in April. Hahn said the _Supporting outdoor edu- two have been released on cation offerings, PSC their own recognizance. Presjde~t Larry Tangeµian Mr Hahn said, "My under$aid that an ~nglish \iter- standing is that Mr Foster ature or ci;eative writing class, for instance, may be more successful if studied in n~c
the. natural. environme;t .r~ enSeffl e abput which the author is wr,iting. And since Peru mveS CORCeJt State \s borqered by wopded - e areas, the outdoor education program is very feasiqle, he by Lori Last sqid. The pJap would tie-in The Peru State College with I;'eru State's proposed Wind Ensemble, directed by ren1JVatioqofM1'jors Hall. In Dr. David M. Edris, presenaddition to other uses, ted a concert Sunday, FebMqjors Hall )Vould serve_ as a ruary 18, in the College center for outdoor education Auditorium. on _cal!lpus. The concert consisted of the follow1ng music selec-
Other credit offering op- tions, "Westerner" March, portunities which were_ dis- Concert Suite, Cantique and cus:ied included cooperative Faranade, Til!Eulenspiegels vocational programs, said Merry Pranks. The Pride of Tangemljn. "'.fhe college is the Pacific March. Chorale in a position to offer such and Capriccio, Cousteau's programs as auto me- underwater World, Streets chanics, welding and com' of Athens and Them Basses puter technolpgy (or area March. high school students," he A picture of Dr. Gilbert said. Wilson, head of the music " we're tx;ying to department, was presented continue. the_ possibilities of during the concert. It was working togethet:, and S\JP· given to him by the MENC por~ing one anqther with and band and will be hung in additional ed1,1cal,ion ,pro- the Fine Arts Building. Dr. grams for area students," Wilson will retire at the end said.Tangeman. of this year.
Dr. Gil Wilson, longtime faculty member and director of music activities at Peru State College was honored at a band concert
A course on CardioPulmonary Resuscitation began February 26 and is being taught through Continuing Education. The course will run for three consecutive Mondays. The class is to meet in Fine Arts 212 from 7 to9 p.m.
The class is taught by Rick Windham who is certified by the American Heart Association. All students should make an attempt to learn CPR because the life you save may be that bf a loved one or friend. Knowledge in this subject may prove well worth the $15 tuition fee. This fee includes all books and other materials needed for the course.
Jl<IJlf• I
1" .c'.l!•li,,,,;_ --·~-·
Peru State College, Peru, Ne. 68421
presented on campus Sunday. This portrait of Wilson will be hung in the music area of the college Fine Arts Building.
Dear Readers:
by Beth Propst
Okay' Okay! The wor)d did not end at midnight February 14 as reported m our last issue. No we did not spot alien.beings on radar, .nor did we lea~n of an att~mpted nuclear att~ck. The impending holocaust which pu~ the .entire newsroom into a panic was actually Just aQ_over-reacting editor and assistant trying to fi'rld something to put in an empty space on the front page. ···
Befor~ you thrqw this away thinking the Ped editor totally msane, let me explain the problem to you Maybe then you will better understand why I am about to become the first bald woman with ulcers at PSC.
Most of you haven't any idea how a newspaper is put together or proble_ms that we frequently have, Putting a paper together IS more than typing up a story and then seeing it in print.
First, the editor assigns stories to the staff. Our small staff requires each person to be at six different places at one time and to be able to type a minimum of 300 words per minute. Mick, our photographer is cal~ed on to take pictures of a basketball game, wbile he 1s supposed to photographing a band concert, as he s~oots pictures of the cast of the musical. All of the pictures must be developed within a half hour after they are taken and they along with all stories must be at Nebraska City by 8:00 the next morning. ·
When Ped material arrives at the Nebraska City News-Press, their entire staff drops whatever they are workmg on to do the Ped. But they don't mind since our paper is more important than theirs. ' ·
After our news stories are set in print and our pictures are reduced - we're finished. Oops! Oh yeh. Well. we're not finished yet.
Loneliness ... symptom of
winter blues
"To Be Alone"
Bill Bartlett
Loneliness it's a cruel but realistic word. To feel alone is to be dying inside. In today's hustle-bustle world ' with aII our variations of life, love and freedom, it's easy for one to feel left out. So if you'ye ever felt condemned you aren't the first or the last.
To be alone -is to lose touch with everything- that means anything to you. You've been nerded and mistreated, vo.u feel that no one understa~ds or cares. For life to have been so unfair so far, it might as well finish you off.
Loneliness it's a horrible feeling liecause it thrives on memories, especially the good ones. It sort of just sits back and waits until the right moment, or when you're the most vulnerable, and then moves in, While; there,· it pierces your mind no end. You become infatuated with the past, all the good times and beautiful memories are · relived. Your mind becomes the screen for a slide show, and the show is your life, flashing images of fondness, in. and out, in and out.
Then comes the harsh reality that it no longer. exists. No more will those memor• ies be repeated in life, they will remain images in your mind, memories and nothing more.
The old adage; "words cannot hurt you" was spoken by someone who slept through life. Words can, and do hurt you,,h°ecause words
Next we throw all of the stories and photos on lay-out sheets, toss all of the ads on at random, they run off the copies; then we're done!
Sertiously, those are the very basic steps but it invQlves a little bit more time than this.
All stories are supposed to be in Nebraska City at least a week before you see the Ped in print. If the News-Press staff has time they will type our stories and ready our photographs for publication. After this is done we have the task of.laying copy and pictures in what we hope is ·an eye-catching and interesting arrangement. We do all our ads, with the help of Pat Osbon, and those too must be arranged on the lay-out sheets.
When we've finally given up hope and think we're done, we pick it up and find that five really important stories were left out' Truthfully, this has happened, When it.does we have to decide what we can hold until the next issue and put together the newspaper jigsaw. puzzle all over again.
' Heaving a sigh of relief and taking a swig of Maalox we give the paper to Chuck Johnson, and the paper is printed. We pick up the copies and deliver them to the campus for -your reading pleasure:- Then the whole process. is started over again. ,
We owe a lot of thanks to the staff in Nebraska City. They're a great bunch of people to work with! Without them, you wouldn't be reading this now. And I'd also like to thank - oh! Sorry, I have to get this to the typesetter so this can be in the paper. Time can be a killer!
Anyway, I hope you understand the time and trouble that we go to so we can get this to you. And besides, I have to go downtown to pick out a wig before the stores close!
Ghosts of the past
art> the end result of thoughts and ideas. And it takes these thoughts, ideas and words, to climax a series of misfo;. tunes that send you hurling into the depths of depression.
You think you've got it whipped, and then a song, picture or word sends you reeling back to the past.
Alas, there is a cure, it can't be drank, prescribed, smoked or read. It simply involves time, to have patience and time is the key. Along with this is the feeling of hope. If you always hope, and keep hoping, it will help immensely. Another aid in this period of "getting your, self together" is to Uve day by day. It is no secret that any one of us could be lying in a morgue tomorrow. So live each day fully, yet be rational
And if you'll just look around for a minute, you'll find a lot of caring faces, others wanting to help. So if the old blues are really dragging you down, think of something you want, and would enjoy the most and then hope for it. At one time or another all of us are going to be looking at life from the bottom up. So if you're really down or super depressed, just try and improve your faults, become mentally stronger, live life day to day, and have hope. Then soon, you will again be able to smell the rain, hear the sun, and be happy you're alive.
Until 1921, Peru State evi- On the morning of May 29, dently had no mascot for her 1911, there was dedicated in athletic te(\ms, but in this Peru a monument to mark year,..through the,zeal of the the sjte of the first comPedagogian sports· editor, rriencementexercise at the Baldy Wilcox, and· Dean W. Nebraska· State · Normal N. Delzell, the Bobcat was School. T)le campus was the selected as the school scene of a gathering of piomascot. neers and students. The first
According to a May. 24, president of the school and 1938, Pedagogian, Wilcox his wife, Dr. and Mrs J. M. thought of the "bears", but McKenzie. stood once more that reminded him too much upon the ground wher1;: they of future teacher's hugs, fi- had stood forty-one years nally qne night he thought of before, and viewed the work "Fight like a Bobcat'. He which their hands had asked the staff I and they begun. A member of the first immediately voted for it. graduating class, Mrs Anna Thus the Bobcat became Moorhead, and two mem• Peru's mascot. bers of the first state board
It wasn't until October 20, of education, Dr. J. F. Neal 1927, that Peru had a real and D. C. Cole were present. live Bobcat, and the Pedag.o- Music composed for the first gian then reported that Peru commencement was re-sung was the first school in. the for· the occasion, and the conference to have a live gentleman who presided mascot. The live Bobcat was over the exercise was. the the gift of George Hansen, first president of the Philoclass of 1912, mathean Literary Society in "Bob" the Bobcat, as he 1867, Wilson Majors. was known, lived in a cage south of the Peru State Auditorium until his death in 1938. Until the- first school builThe May 24, 1938, Pedago- di~g i.vas opened on ~ormal gian said: "Like all Peru- Hill durmg the 1~00 s, stu~ vians he was born a Bobcat dents of the Mount Vernon and died a Bobcat _ eager Seminary (forerunner of ·and teady to contribute his Peru St~te Colle_ge! met !or past to bettering the world." clas~es m the bmldmg which The school newspaper re- previously housed Peru's ported on July 11 that Bob first and only saloon. had been mounted, stuffed,
by Chuck Mittan
• Do you, the typical PSC Tl)e Senate consis student, feel helpless and {!bout, a dozen,_ con unable to take part i_n mak- student~. Then it is iqg peci~iOQS or ,. planniqg dqwn into coll\mittees, activities that directly ,affect sisting of srnate, me you?, Would YQU, lik~ to qo and o,tper students. something al,/out,it, ,but don't co~mittee~ hold r know where to start? If so, m~tings thri;mghou ke~p on reading. , 11\0nth anq give their
At approximately six to the Senate on Th\lfS , o'clock p.m., ev,ery Thurs-. I( xou would ilk~. to day, an organizati9n has ,a wl)at these co;mmitte r~g_ular meeting in tqe w~t , up to, \l{hy don't you dr diqmg room of the student the west dining room ·cente~, wl)er\! ~ey disi;;uss supper on T)lursday su?h ~mportant !ssues as tlje in on one of theJr l,ll drinkmg age J>11!, or what Show someone that y moye or dance to spo~Qr_on con.cernep, if you are. wpat d?te. T,he orgaruzation want vi,sitors, and re 1s the Student Senate. J'hey ber elections are co · are _r~ponsibJ.e for gettipg ,sho~tly i,.f you wa~t· to g music t? dance to, a p_lace to th(l senat~. See you ,at; diince m, and c)eamng qp ' next meeting. Be afV!r yqu d~nce there. But Aloha! that's not all they do.
The musical production, "Pippin" will open this evening in the college auditor• ium. :Directed by Dr. Royal Eckert, this play has something for everybody. You'll see murder, war, blood, and death.Kings, c:'ouriers; ·bar-
ons, and nobles will da the music provided by: Music students. The sh · being presented by The Players. Their next pe mance will be "She Stoo Conquer."
WHILE MANNERS MAY BE LACKING in th i cafeteria at this particular moment, one of these luc ' ! ; guys was eating his way to win ten dollars. Pat ·-• \ George, Student Activities Coordinator, watches on a Mark Whitsel f far left) overtakes the others to earn hi victory.
The Pedagogian
Chuck Mittan , , Associate
Mick Osbon , , , Photogr
Desi Kline •
Kent Propst Sports
Deb Moore Feature
Darrell Wellman Feature
Lori Last News
Linda Henley News and placed in the Peru State Athletic office where he ruled until recently. "Old Bob" was destined to make one last trip where today he stands proudly in the trophy case of the Student Center Building.
Taken from the book Normal On The Hill, by Ernest Longfellow of Peru
Upon· investigation by a naval committee in 1943, _ Harold Benson · · •• News
Peru State was approved for Everett Browning A the training of 200 to 300 naval cad~ts under the V-12 Beth Propst. Advertising Ma unit designation. The bar- The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru Sta racks were located in the College and is printed 10 times a semester by P new Delzell Hall, and flight students. All letters to the editor should be typ training was given by Melvin [double-spaced and less than 300 words] and mailed Powell at an airport built P.O. Box 120, Peru State College, Peru, Nebr northeast of Peru. 68421.
.. page 2
' -_,...
/ ,,,,., The PSC wiuterfest days ·"• could easily be termed a .------ success, With activities / ranging Jrom. pie-eating to / snow 'sculpturing, all stu- t dents involved appeared to have a rip-roaring time.
Roxie Fisher dominated the snow-sculpturing and the cake.decorating events.
The team headed by Joni Albin won the snow softball contest.
Mark Whitsell "ate up" a victory in the pie-eating con-test that took place in the cafeteria.
Winterfest was possible with the cooperative efforts of the Student Senate, Patti George, and the special events i;ommittee.
Drifting down to earth the snow builds a fortress in my mind. And I rememberCool spring air.
Hot summer evenings.
And fall leaves turning golden colors. My_thoughts are running ahead to warmer days without sloppy snow.
And lforgetSparkling white snowflakes.
Frosty covered windows.
And sledding, snowball fights and winter fun.
-Beth Propst
The Last photograp
page 4
of Winter
Winter picturesA white canvas painting Splashed with the colors of laughter, friendship smiles and giggles.
Mental Health Service free· with appoi·ntment
Free mental health coun- half-hour as more students record of the counseling serseling is now available to are coming jn for counsel- vice is kept in the student's PSC students, according to ing." college file.
MD Marathon Residents of Morgan Hall needs couples holding a "clean contest"
by Linda Henley
A Muscular Dystrophy dance marathon will be held on March 3Q-31 from 6:00 p.m. Frida): to 12:00 a.m. Saturday, in the PSC gym.
The dance is being sponsore\f by Circle Kand acrording to the chairman of. the - dance,, Tim Pethqud, the goal of the dance is to raise $10,000 or hope{ully_ m9re.
The price to get the dance is unknown at this tim~. , Pefilou\f said registration will start before, &pring break. The couples that are ,dancing, should wf!ar somt _thing that is comfortable, but there is no cttess cod~.
"W~ a,_re trying to get bands that play_ roe~, disco, polka. anp any oth,er type of music that you can think of,'! .Tim ~aid., "We are also trying to get as many bands as we can."
The interior of Morgan )1all receive<J a change as the walls of the main lob~y were co\"ered by red hearts and cupids.
Mrs Marci MeKee, custodian _of Morgan )1all, held a Valentine's reception F:ebruary 14 for the residents of Morgan Hall. Cup cakes, puncq, coffee and '. candy were the refreshments, As favors a sample of lipstick and perfume were given.
Mrs MeKee also held a drawing for eacq floor. The prizes were heart poxes of
candy. The basemeqt winner was Lil Walsh, 1st floor: Mimi Cowles, 2nd floor, Dawn Bloomberg and 3 floor was Peggy Jone$,: Diane Uher was choi,en at Miss Va)entine. As another recreation M · MeKee has been having cleanliness conte~t amon the floors. She i:ates eac floor every day on the ~leanliness of t,he halls, trash rool]ls and the sqowers. A. chart is poste,d in the mqin lobby showing th~ days' ra,t-' ings and comments.
Uniforms to brighten bands appearance
by Lori Last
College Nurse Virginia Mrs Miller said Peru has
"The purpose of the serMiller. haqsimilar programs during vice," according to Mrs _ Dr. David Bass, a Ne- the past several years, but Miller, is to provide counselbraska City psychologist af- that some form of additional ing to help students cope filiated with the Blue Valley counseling has been espe- with immediate problems Mental Health Clinics, is on cially needed since Dr. "right now, on a short-term campus at the Health Clinic Myron Apilado, originally basis." · every Wednesday from 1-5 ·the college's psychologist/ Mrs Miller said the free p.m., Mrs Miller said. counselor, was made Dean of counseling service is made
"Students must make ap- Student Services and given possible through "a kind of pointments to see Dr. Bass," increased administrative re- trade-off" with the continushe said, ;'because we've sponsibil,iti~. ing education program for been pretty busy lately. The All counseling records are instructional sessions for appointments were original- kept confidential by Dr. residence hall directors.
Pethoud asked if anyoqe knows of anv band t}lat would like ·to· play fQr ·the dance, they can contact him in room 013 in Delzell. ·
The freshman class will hold a raffle on April 11, 1979. They are asking for any freshman to contact businessmen who may be interested in donating items to be raffled off. The deadline for
Iy made for one hour, but Bass, Mrs Miller said, rather R , l • now most of them are only a than by the college, so no eclta gIVeD items to be raffled is March
Springweek plans finalized by Senate
The Student Senate met February 15at6:00 in Delzell Hall.
- Topics discussed at the previous meeting on Feb. 8 included, voting to replace the concrete outside of the Student Center and a vote to send a letter of Authorization to lobby for Peru State College on Legislation bills.
At the meeting held in Delzell committee reports were heard, Films, Arts and Lectures committee reported that the movie Young Frankenstein was shown twice on February 15, for the high school students who attended the business contest. The movie was shown on Friday the 16th to
P.S.C. students. The Spring Week movie marathon will be held April 23. The marathon will contain four full length movies and a color cartoon.
March 5 at 6:00 there will be a meeting at the complex with Dr. Tangeman and the complex residents.
The Student Senate is thinking of buying a 4x4 $1,200TV screen to be placed in the Student Center.
Spring Week will be April 18--25. Any good suggestions on Spring Week should be given to a Student Senate Member or Patti George, The next meeting will be held in Morgan Hall
A mid-term music recital was held on February 20, at s: oo in the Fine Arts Auditor· ium.
Those who performed were: Keith Rippe, baritone, and Dee Dettmer, trumpet, accompanied by Chuck Coatney; Maelynn Bassinger, trombone, with Beverly Malcom as her .~ccompanist; Sharon Barte,~, soprano solo, accompanied by Pamela Gere; and Nick Guinan, french horn solo, accompanied by Pamela Gere.
These students are music majors who have been taking lessons throughout the year. It is required that each music major should try to take part in a recital at least once a semester.
~th. For further information,
/-B, Tecumseh win contest
Winners in the',1979 high school business ~~ntest sponsored by Peru State College were 11nnounced, by Mr J:.ack Ha,mijton, director of the contest.
Johnson-Brock rece\ved first pla\:e overall in the contest witb Tecumseh High School scoring a secqnd place. Auburn, Pawnee City and Dawson-Verdon received third, fou~th and fifth place resp~tively.
Circle K week
Three PSC Circle K mem• bers witnessed !he signing of the Circle K Week Proclamation.
Lori Study, Colleen Hoffman, Gwynne Conley, fresh· men and sponsor Dr. Darrell Winlnger went to the Kebraska Capitol on February 6, to attend the signing of the p~clamation by Nebraska Governor Charles Thone. The proclamation officially declared Circle K Week February 4th through the 10th. In previous years there had been a Circle K Week but the proclamation will make it officially recognized every year.
New bancj uniforms )l"'ve arrived for the Peru State ban<j
Sixty-two uniforms were purchased at $186.87 apiece and one drum, major's uniform which cost $338.70.
Th~ basic uniform is a black tuxedo which will give the concert band a formal appearance. Accessories used for marc~ing band will include. a white ?nd blue cape, hat, cross \Jelts, silver shQulder deci,rations and
• spats. "I feel the 1,1ew um· forms will add a great deill flash and sparkle to the band," said Dr._ David M. Edris, bal)d director.
The la§it uniforms purchasedby the college were in i953. The former over~lay style uniforms were donilted to tl,le band in 1974 by Plattsmo11th high school. "T don;ited band un~forms were greatly appreciqted," said Edris, "but th!) styles have changed a11d ·thei;!l were some difficulties in fitting, so new uniforms were purchased."
Open Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 a.m.
Sunday - Thursday 11:00 a.m. •9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday 11 :00 a.m. -10:00 p.m.
~---,,,,.M~ ••~·-"-•--••~.._,~-••---• ,"''
REHEARSING FOR roJIGHT'S OPENING OF THE MUSicAL "PIPPIN" are: fleft to ril(ht] Lori S~rtenbeeker, Doug Kirkendall, Rob McKercher, Mary Beccard, Ann Obermeyer, Keith Rippe, Aaron Larson, Brenda> Barrett, and Sharon Bartles.
As Nebraska Governor Charles Thone signs a proclamation designating February\ 4-10 as Circle K week, Peru Individuals Dr. Danell W.ionlger, Lori Study, Colleen Hoffmann, an~ Gwynne Conley I~ on
contact Karen Williams, Joe Primm, ColleenJioffman, or Jody N_eubauer.
Serving Cold Beer and Mixed Drinks DISCO••••••••••
Wednesday and. Saturday 9:00 p.m. to 1 :00 a.m. .,,TACO del SOL
'J' Street-
Complete Menu Includes Dinners Dine
ALittle Bit of Sunny
Plate." b fi ", t1 h c, fi, rE si Sl m fr. se wi cu N! Br Br Ca Cr De Hi Le M< l\1( Ni: Pa Pe Po Tr W, Wi Wi Wr Di 3-~ 3-3 2-2 4-5 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 '! 4-2 5-1 ' 5-4
In or Carry
Mexico on Your
neqtwinner floor, floor, 3rd· Jone~. at '. VaJentine. Mrs having a among each cleantrash sl)owers. A· ma,.in ra_thten umde\11 of the David M purwere in: over;lay don(lted Platts-
"The were said have were fitting, so were
Eight letterwinners return for softball
Experience and a wealth Parker, junior from Missouof talent should make the ri Valley, Iowa (323). 1979 Peru State soUball team Rhonda Wright, junior pita top contender this season. cher from Oakland, IA, is The 'Kittens will return eight back for another season afletterwinners from last sea- ter going 7-6 last year. She son's 14-8 team that finished was a .255 batter last season second in the state tourna- also. ment. Other letterwinners re-
The top four hitters are turning include Debbie back for another season as is Craig, senior from Jamesthe winningest pitcher on the town, N.Y., who batted .241 '78 squad. Coaching the 'Kit- last season; Betty Hindman, tens will be Pat Gilbert in sophomore outfielder from her first season as head Glenwood, Iowa, who hit coach. • .264; and Laura Pollman,
The Bobkittens open their sophomore from Wymore, season March 30 in Peru who batted .246. against Wayne State College. The 'Kittens face a scheWhip Wilson, junior in- dule of eight double-headers, fielder from Oakland, Iowa, all against Nebraska Associreturns after batting a ation of Intercollegiate Athsparkling .438 last season. letics for Women (AIAW)
Shelley McAdams, sopho- teams. The squad will also more first base/ outfielder be involved in an AIAW from Peru, batted .391 last regional qualifying tournaseason and will be back, as ment plus the state AIAW will Karen Lechner, Syra- tourney. cuse junior .!_}60 l and Nancy
Brady, Carol. FR
Brockhaus, Julie FR
Calanni, Francine SO
Craig, Debbie* SR
Devereaux, Calethia FR
Hindman, Betty SO
Lechner, Karen** JR
McAdams, Shelley" SO
Mcconnaughey, Mary .FR
Nixon, Jacqueline FR
Parker, Nancy** JR
Peterson,Leda JR
Pollman, Laura* SO
Triggs. Natalie JR
Walsh, Elizabeth SO
Williamson, LouAnn JR
Wilson, Whip** JR
Wright, Rhonda* JR
Infield.. Peru, NE
Pitcher Nebraska City, NE
Jamestown, NY
lstBase Jamestown, NY
Infield Omaha (Bryan)
Outfield Glenwood, IA
Catcher Syracuse, NE
1st Base Peru,.NE
Pitcher.. .Peru, NE
Pitcher LaVista (Papillion) Missouri Valley, IA
Infield Falconer, J\fY
Outfield · Buffalo, ~'Y
Pitcher Gretna, NE
Infield Ripley, NY
Infield Oakland, IA
Pitcher Oakland, IA
Lou Ann Williamson scored a driving laynp with two seconds remaining in overtime to give Peru St.ate College a 62-61. victory over Bethany (Kansas) College Wednesday, February 14.
The game marked the home finale for the Bobkittens.
Bethany overcame a fivepoint Peru lead late in regulation play to knot the score at 53-53, then jumped out to a 59-53 lead early in the overtime. But buckets by Williamson, Julie Hartman, and Jacki Nixon brought Peru up to within 61 and set the stage for Ms. Williamson's heroics.
Coach ~oger Thiemann's Bobkittens were paced once again by Jacki Nixon. The freshman from Papillion netted 16 points and grabbed five rebounds.
Nancy Parker added 12 points and 10 rebounds, Williamson had 13 and 10 rebounds, Hartman scored 11 points plus six rebounds, and Nat Triggs pulled down 11 rebounds and scored eight before fouling out.
Seniors Julie Hartman and Deb Craig saw their last action in the Peru gym.
PERU SCORING: Nixon 16, Williamson 13, Parker 12, Hartman 11, Triggs 8, Lechner 2.
Cats begin
spring ball
Bobcat baseball will begin MarcQ 26, in tQeir first year under the direction of Coa,~h Terry Gilliland. The Bobcats face Bellevue fQr their opening , game pf pie s~asQn. Practice for the team started Feb. -15 The 'Cats will be practicmg. in the gym unpl the spring thay, allows out· dqor practices to begin. Assisting Gilliland wiij be Bqb Hruby., "There are still a lot of p~iti9ns ~yail'able fqr people that \\7ant to come out for the sport," said Coach Gilliland.
Last game goes to Wesleyan
The Peru State women's basketball team fell to Nebraska Wesleyan 75-57 Monday, Feb. 19, to end the regular season. Wesleyan built up a 46-26 halftime lead and coasted through the second half.
Coach Roger Thiemann's squad finished the regular season at 4-13.
Julie Hartman and Jacki Nixon were the offensive leaders for Peru with 11 points each. Lou Ann Williamson added 10 points to the effort.
Hot-shooting Wesleyan hit 17 of 25 free throws and shot 64 · percent from the field, while Peru managed five of 11 free throws and 45 percent from the floor.
PERU SCORING: Hartman 11, Nixon 11, Williamson 10, Triggs 9, Parker 6, Lechner 3, Hindman 3, Craig 2, Mostrom 2.
New talent for track Program on Discipline
"Ten Steps to Effective Discipline" will be the subject of an in - service teacher's program to be held on Monday, March 12, on the PSC campus.
Coordinator of the conference, Paul Kruse, said. the day-long event will begin at 8:00 a.m. and involve lectures, small-group .sessions and role-playing demonstrations.
Dr. William Glasser's staff from the Educator Training Center in Los Angeles will conduct the sessions. Kruse said the discipline program to be discussed is built upon positive teacher - student interactions and the program doesn't accept excuses in place of results.
The PSC ·track team will host. three newcomers this sprjng, '.{'he freghrnel) · who ·are tentatively out for track are Terry Hinkle,. Norman Pari~h, and Joe W;i.ters.
Waters, a spriqter from Belleyue, was. part of the squad.that won th,e state high school tourna)Jlent in 19'(6. Parish, another sprinter, is from Chicago. Norin set many new records at his high school in Ulinois and. he. says that his best
event is the 100 yard dash. HiIJ.k]e, from 'I,'ecumseh, says th<1t his event, will be , pole-vfiulting, whif!h the PSC track team hasn't had for several yeqrs T~i:ry says he's anl\ious to start training anp right _now he is ipvqlved in ·the football weightlifting program,
Coach Pitts said that he is also ex~cting four to fiv;e · lettermen to return from last year's squad.
President appointed
fleru State College PresidentDr. Larry A, Tangeman has been appointed to the American Associati<m of State Colleges and Universities Committee on International Programs.
"Ten. Steps to Effective Discipline" is open to students, faculty, guests, teachers, doctors, and conn· selors. There is no cost for the program, but registra- • tion is limited to 100 participants.
P-club hosts smoker
The boxing smoker at Peru State College originally set for March 13 has been rescneduled for March 12, according to "P" -Club spokesman Ken Denning.
According to Denning,.confli<;ting activities in the gym• nasium necessitated the change. Anyone wishing to participate in the smoker can still call Denning at (402) 872-7195.
Ticket prices are $2.00 in advance, $2.50 at the door. Tickets can be purchased from ''P' '-Club members. The "P" -Club is composed of athletic lettermen at Peru State.
Tangeman has been appointed for a three-year term to the committee composed of 15 college and university administrators throughout the United States.
"I am pleased to accept my appointment to the International Programs Committee," said Tangeman, who
spent two years abroad in Bangladesh and established a teachers' institute in that country. ,
"I've kept myself ,current on the foreign education issµes, ll,nd my expetjence in international education is one of the reasons I have been asked to take part in the International Programs Committee," he said.
In March, the committee will meet in Washington to discuss current educational programs in Egypt and Sou.them Asia.
Stewart gets. award
Dr._ Michael O. Stewart, an overview of the adminisVice President for Adminis- trative process to help the tration of Peru State College participants gain sight of the has been awarded a scholar'. problems and opportunities ship and selected to attend a • of acade~i~ decision making program of the American an? .admm1strat1ve ~eaderInm:itutions of Higher Learn- ship. The program will feaing. ture speakers, panels, seminars, analyses of case studies and group discussions. Some of the topics which will be discussed are campus government, relations with trust~s. the public, staff development, legal concerns, student needs and skills of a.cademic management.
Candidates were selected to represent a cross-section of the U.S. College and Uni· versities. Participation is limited to 75 people. The session will be April 1 through April 6 in Memphis, Tennessee.
The institute will provide
OPPONENT TIME SITE 3-30 WayneState 1:30/3:30..... ..Peru 3-31 Creighton Univ. l:00/2:30. Per:u · 2-2 Nebraska Wesleyan 3:00/4:00 Peru · 4-5 College of St Mary 6: 00/7; 30 Omaha 4-11 .Creighton Univ. 4:00/5:30 Omaha 4-18. .College of St. Mary 6:00/7:30....... :Peru 4-21 Nebraska Wesleyan 3:00/4:30 Lmcoln 4-27 & AIA WRegional 4-28 Qualifying Tourney Lincoln 5-1.... Concordia l:00/2:30 Seward 5-4 & 5·5. AIAW State Tournament
• •
ln •
"HA!! HA! YOU MISSED ME!" Apparently these two boxers from last year's P-club smoker missed some important shots.but everyone is urged not to miss this year's boxing smoker on March 12.
page 7
Lenny Mazouv, Chuck Mittan and Dawn Lytle [from left to right) can be seen dressed and ready to perform in "Pippin".
two Nebraska Wesleyan ballplayers in the first round of the NAIA Women's State basketball tournament. Peru lost to this same team less than a week prior to the tourney and went down to defeat here also.
Hajny, Shouse named All-Stars
Peru State College basketball players Dan Shouse and Bernie Hajny were named to participate in the NAIA Dis-. trict 11 All-Star Basketball game in Kearney March 19.
The two along with 10 other athletes will represent the Nebraska College Conference when they challenge 12 top players from the Nebraska Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. The game will be in Cushing Coliseum at Kearney State College.
Shouse is a senior guard from Terre Haute, Ind., while Hajny is a junior center from Hastings. Coaching the NCC team will be Jerry Hueser of Kearney State, while Lynn Farrell of Hastings will coach the NIAC club.
Shouse is the leading scorer in the conference and in District II with a 28.5-point average. The All-American candidate is the number two ·scorer in the NAIA thus far this season.
A two-time All-District selection, Shouse is the all-time scoring leader at Peru State despite playing one year at a ,,,.,,,,...
Florida junior college. Already this season Shouse has scored 742 points. Shouse will make his final appearance for Peru State on March 1 when Concordia College visits Peru.
Hajny is the leading rebounder in the NCC with a 9.9 average this season. The 6-6 Hastings St. Cecelia graduate has snared 258 rebounds already this season. Hajny is a first-year Peru player after transferring from Hastings Technical Community College.
Hajny is also the thir~leading scorer for Peru this season with nearly an eight point average per game.
The two standouts for Coach Bill Squires' Bobc.i.~ will join players from Wayne State, Kearney State, Belle, vue and Chadron State on the NCC team. The NIAC team will include athletes from Hastings, Doane, Concordia, Dana and Midland College.
The teams were selected by District 11 coaches at a meeting at Concordia College February 18.
· Sports by kent propst
J;lohcats gain reyenge over Tarkio Owls
The Peru State Boqcats dropped Tarkio (Mp.) Saturday, Ffb. 10, 74;72 ;,i.t Tarkjo. The victory boosted the 'Cats to 4-20 on .the season, while Tarkio fell tQ 5-15.
The Boqcats avenged an · earlier loss to ,Tarkio, 70-69 in Peru. The h~(Owls ,rallied fron;i a 10-pQint deficit midway through th~ second haJf to give Peru a late scare, )?ut
Dan ShQUpe scored a Jate dunk shot to give Peru ·the win.
Shouse, S(lnior All-Americaq candid?te from Tei;re Haute, Ind., tallied 39 points to leaq Peru, Shouse is seco~d in ,t)le qation in scoriqg with better than a 28-point
per gc,1,me average, a,nd he is still hitting on be.tter than 50 percent of )1is shots.
Jeff Smith, a freshman frorp Lin!!olq, scored 10 points, dealt out four assists, and griibbed five reb,o\illds against tl'iE! Owls. Hf hit .two clutch, free throws late in, the game to keep Peru in the lead.
Sophomore forward Doug Jones -0f Peru scored 11 poi~ts and gra,bb~d five rebounds in a starting role.
Seajor Rick Spears added 10 points and five rebou,nds.
Bernie Hajny, junior renter, scored only fqur points. before fouljng out ,late in, the game, bqt he controlled the boards with 13 rebounds.
the Bobkitten's and will bemore action next year as she is only a freshman,{ ?'
Peru scores seasoni: high to dump Avilar
The Peru State Bobcats scored a season-high 95 points enroute to a 95-70 thrashing of Avila College of Kansas City, Mo., Fehr. 14.
Coach Bill Squires' cagers jumped out to a 15-2 lead and were never seriously threatened. Behind the gunning of Peru sophomore Doug Jones and senior Danny Shouse, the 'Cats took a 43-31 halftime lead and stretched that margin to nearly 30 points during the second half.
Shouse, the· number three scorer among the nation's small colleges, scored 32 and dealt out seven assists to lead Peru. Shouse is considered a serious candidate for AIi-American honors this season.
High graduate led Per halftime with 12 points, ·· he finished the nigh perfect six for six from' field.
Dave Uldrich, Milli' freshman, had his best g to date also. The 6-5 Uld' hit six of eight shots ' pulled down five rebo before suffering an a~ sprain late in the game. '." Bernie Hajnv. ju center, grabbed is rebo ' to lead all rebounders. H' scored six points and di out five assists also.
The Concordia contes · Match 1 will mark the · game for the three Bo·: seniors: Shouse, forw· Rick Spears, and guard ·· Sanders.
as a 'Kitten and her shot appears to be on its way for two Peru points. Senior Julie Hartman played her final game.
Peru drops final con£erence game
The Peru State men's basketball team dropped its final conference game of the season Saturday, fal,ling to Bellevue College 89-76. Dan Shouse led all scorers with 37, but the host Bruins offset his performance by hot shooting from the free throw line and the field.
Peru State. actually scored as many field goals as Bellevue, but the Bruins had 13 more chances at the free throw line - and won the game by 13. The loss left the Bobcats at 5-22.
Shouse hit a blistering 17 of 30 from the field and added three of four free throws.
The senior guard is averaging 28.6 points per game, and his 716 points this season is well over the previous school record of 622
points in a season. record was held by Meeker (1951).
Jeff Smith, guard from Lincoln Southeast, added 12 points· for Peru on six of eight field goals. Smith has developed into a fine playmaking guard for Coach Bill Squires' cagers.
Bernie Hajny, junior center from Hastings, dominated the boards with 15 -rebounds and scored eight points. Hajny is the leading rebounder in the Nebraska College Conference with 9.9 average.
Doug Jones, Peru sophomore, added eight points and eight rebounds before fouling out late in the game. Senior forward Rick Spears, Cincinnati, Ohio, netted eight points also.
Jones scored 18 points and added eight rebounds in his best effort to date as a ·~obcat. The 1977 Auburn ,
32, Jones 18, Uldri Sanders 8, McKim 6, 6, Spears 5, Donahu Smith 4.
ABLE TO LEAP OVER TALL BUILDINGS, and faster than a speeding bullet? Perhaps a slight exaggeration, but Bobcat Bernie Hajny was able to put in two points over the head of this opponent. Hajny, along with Dan Shouse, were selected to represent Peru in the Nebraska Co.liege AU-Star game in Kearney next month. ·
PRESSURE from a Wesleyan opponent. Nixon leading scorer for
CAUGHT IN THE ACT, senior Rick Spears atte layup while his Bellevue counterpart flat-footed watches on. Rick will see his last action Th )'!![tomorrow] when the 'Cats take on Concord Seward, in Peru.
anee, for those who can't
979 marathon ·scheduled
by Linda Henley
Muscular Dystrophy
ce marathon sponsored lPeru State Circle K and dent Senate will be held March 30-31 from 6:00 Friday to 12:00 midt Saturday, in PSC's ccording to the chairman he dance, Tim Pethoud, · goal of the dance is to e $10,000 or more. The e to dance in the marais $5.00 per couple. istration has already ted, though you can still up anytime before "ng break in front of the teria or in the Bob Inn. uring the dance a contest
een high schools will be The high school stuls are eligible to particiin the dance. Students win a trophy for their school as well as a
traveling plaque. The winner will be decided by the high school that raises the most monev.·
There will be three individual trophies awarded to individual couples. These three trophies will be based on individual couples' earnings. There is another award given out to an individual couple, which will be voted on by all the couples. This award goes to the couple the dancers ~ought were the most enthusiastic.
Thera will be other prizes · and drawings held throughout the marathon for the dancers. The prizes vary and ~e,donated by participating merchants.
Chairman Pethoud said, "We are trvinl! to get as many bands as we can.
'.,tory books come to life
_ide - eyed expressions, · y rabbits and rougered cheeks are all part
·n unus\_lal program that plate on the Peru State ge campus.
·. Wreathea Hicks, assisprofessor of English, •lher students are trying · al ways to keep y-0ung en interested in readAnd Hicks can make en's books come alive er 60 elementary. stuwho take part in the book hour" at Peru
_ce every week for an
', area elementary stuarrive at the Peru College library where · can check out their ,_.ite book, or listen to , ' s told by members of
!,Hicks' class. And on
l occasions, tli'ose stor-
e performed as part of
• t show.
The next puppet show in April is called "Blue Beans", a story of the bookworms. Already plaQS are bei\}g made for a fresh batch of hand puppets. llicks makes the puppet heads ·by forming a clay mold of the desired puppet character face. "Exaggerated expressions and facial features are very important in communicating the humor on the stage," she said. Once a paper-mache face is formed from the clay mold, a white gesso base and brightly painted features are applied, she .said.
The "story hour" program, now in its eighth year, is growing in popularity. "More and more students are taking part in the program - and some kids come early and stay longer. They all have a great time," she said.
Bands that play rock, disco, polka and any other type of music that you can think of. So far there are only three bands playing for the dance marathon and they are: The Golden Eagles, Auburn High School Stage Band and The Western Spirits. According to Traca Alley, h~d of the entertainment coinmittee, they are waiting to hear from the following bands: Whale, Custers Last Band, Starbird, Blackberry Win• ter, Galaxies, Windsong and Burcheye.
Pethoud asked if anyone is interested in dancing, donating, or if you know of any barid that would like to play for the marathon, contact him at 872-3815, ext. 252.
The p edagogj!!!,Bobcms"
Residence halls to.· close -
PSC residence halls will close for spring break Saturday, March 17, at 9 a.m., according to Dave Eaton, · Director of Residence Life.
Eaton said all students must be out of the residence halls by that time. Housing for students who cannot ieave over spring.break will be in Majors Hall at $4 per day, he said, and students must provide their. own linens.
Students are instructed to dump wastebaskets, unplug all electrical appliances, remove all perishable refrigerated food, close and iock an · windows, turn out all lights, and lock the room door before leaving on Saturday, Eaton said.· He added that students living on the first floor or basement level should also close their curtains.
Lambda Delta Lambda science conference held
Physical science students from Nebraska and the Dakotas participated in a national Lambda Delta ·Lambda conference on
tht> Peru campus on Friday an<f Saturday, March 9 and 10.
Dr. Daryl Long, associate professor of science at Peru State said the two-day meeting included guest speakers from the Cooper Nuclear Station and business meet• ings for members of the µhysical science society.
Election of senators
Spring break housing in Majors Hall is necessary, hed } d .t Eaton said, because the resi- SC U e 10r dence halls are cleaned extensively during spring early April break and the main doors are kept locked. Morgan Hall may be kept open to students, however, for several reasons, Eaton said.
"There are three main reasons we're considering leaving Morgan open during spring break: there are a significant number of student teachers who will remain at the college during that time, part of Morgan's resident staff will be remaining in the dormitory, and
Morgan also has a security system which would allow students to enter through the main lobby," Eaton said.
The residence halls will reopen Sunday, March 25, at 9 a.m., before classes start M/\rch 26,
New Student Senators will be elected .for the 1979-80 college term during the second week in April, according to advisor Patti George.
The Student Senate
election will elect a President, Vice-President, five Senators at large, two freshman Senators, one Morgan Hall representative, one Delzell representative, and one Ciayburn - Matthews representative.
Three names will be submitted by the Student Senate to Nebraska Governor ·Charles Thone, who wiU select the Board of Trustees representativ.e.
Also the applicant must. si1bmit a petition of 56 PSC
• • h /d d· names and their social se- l pp l ll O S recor ; curity numbers. The pe_titions can be obtained
best attendance e - ver
The musical production· "Pippin" opened in the college auditorium 011 Wednesday, February 28, and ran for three successful evenings before being postponed due to weather.
mance was rt>scheduled for Thursday, March 8, at 8:00 p.m.
The Friday night performance reportedly broke the existing single night audience record held by this year's first play, "Dracula". The existing record was 307 and 311 people were reported to have seen "Pippin" on Friday night.
through the student senate office. No student can submit
more than one petition. in order to run for Student Senate, the applicant 'must "have a grade point average of 5.00 and must be taking at least 12 credit hours at PSC.
The new Senators will be elected on secret ballots by Peru State College students, and will take office on April 12.
' ·•
at the -1979 Muscular Dystrophy Dance Marathon March 30-31. Many 1978 participants [above] plan to dance again thj~year, bot more dancers are needed to. meet this year's $10,000 goal. Registration ends this afternoon
Issue .4, Peru State College, Peru, Ne. 68421 March 16, 1117.9
STORY REAL for Peru elementary students, as rated by Kathy Reuter [left] and Traca Alley during the "Storybook Hour" SC library. The puppet show is sponsored by Miss Wreathea Hicks.
Roads in and out of Peru were closed Friday night due to the blizzard and flooding. The closing night perfor-
150 attend PSC day
by Deb Moore
Approximately 150 students attended Peru State College Day in Omaha Feb-. ruary 24, according to Jan Wiezorek, College Rel;i.tions Director.
''We can really consider it a success," Wiezorek said, "especially since this is the first time we've done something like this in Omaha."
Wiezorek said eight of the college's academic divisions were represented at PSC Day.
About 50 students in' attendance expressed a definite interest- in PSC, WiezoreK said. "l also heard from Ruth Lachelte that some students she spoke with had already decided to atterid Peru withouf even visiting the campus,'' he said.
An unexpected result of PSC Day, according to Wiezorek, was the interest expressed by PSC alumni located in Omaha in re-establishing that city's chapter of the Thousand Oaks Alumni Association. A dinner meeting to discuss this has been tentatively set for sometime in April, he said.
by Beth Propst
I extend my warmest congratulations to the entire cast of the musical "Pippin" and to all others involved who worked so hard to make it a huge success. Attendance records were broken, and rightfully so.
To those of you who didn't bother to see it, you really missed the boat this time! And you even had an extra chance, as "Pippin" was postponed due to bad weather.
,Outstanding performances by everyone, including· Pam Frost and Rob McKercher highlighted the show. Perhaps the best drama student Peru has had, senior Rob closed out his college acting career with the lead and did an absolutely fantastic job! Well, Ducky, I guess it's all over but the shouting now. Best
wishes to you! .
The choreography was also excellent, as the cast seemed to slide into their dancing shoes and wiggle Lhe night away. Due to the hard work of Cindy Pursley. and Shari Hoelker, as well as to the many hours of practice put in by the entire cast, the,dancing was well-polished for the most part.
Set construction, costuming and music were very good and showed just how much time and efforl was spent on them. Lighting by Mic Koso, Joe Waters, MaryAnn Mellor, and Anita Faraboni was magnificent - with the opening scene coming to mind.
If as much time and effort are put into the next show, then I urge everyone to see "She Sloops to Conquer'', All we have to do is sit back and watch. They do all the work!
Again, to all concerned, thanks for working so hard for so long to'make "Pippin" a success -it was.
"Pippin" with all its fine acting and singing rates at lhe top - I give you my grade A++.
Attrition is problem
now more than ever
Over 40 percent of the students who enroli in American colleges ancl universities drop out before receiving a college degree, according to a recent press release from the Campus Digest "-Jews.
The problem of attrition is not a new one but it is becoming increasingly painful for the schools. Nationwide college enrollments are ·expected to decline in the ·next 20 years due to the decreasing number of college age people - the post World War II baby boom children have all grown up.
Administrators dislike losing the large amount of dropouts. For them it means more financial problems.
If the colleges were able to cut attrition rates it is feasible that enrollment could be kept level.
cally. Their study showed that students who had increased contact with at least one faculty memher were much happier
The Syracuse study went so far as to suggest that money be set aside for facu)• ty members to entertain students in their homes, and to develop a reward system for those who do the best job in communicating.
The larger universities, logically have more diffi. culty in 111aintaining studentfaculty relationships
A University of MissouriColumbia researcher, Greg Fawcett. in l'f/7, wrote that, "Most colleges know very little about why their students withdraw even when records are maintained the reasons for withdrawal are usually summarized as financial, academic, personal anct un-
A report by two Syracuse known, with the last two University researchers re- being marked most often." veals the idea that trying to Fawcett added that for a keep students in school ra- · II ther than trying to recruit student to sta y m co ege there must be. two things: replacements is a better so- "You have to have one lution to the problem. Mak- meaningful professor who ing classwork and grading cares; second you have got easier is not the answer. to be a part of a meaningful Academics is not the pri- group and that very well marv reason for students could be and often is, a partdropping out, but rather dif- time job." ficulties in adjusting to col- Classwork that overlaps lege life. with what. students learned
Some universities have be- in high school, uninspired
by Chuck Mittau
I oppose Beth Propst's views on the drinking age bill, as cited in her editorial two issues ago. Furthermore, yes, Kelly Jr does rely heavily on sta-
First, I think it's unfair to compare us to the youth population of Kansas and Iowa. Nebraska is its own state. We're independent and we govern our own state laws. Don't forget that Nebraska is the only state in America that has a unicameral government. Not that it has any bearing on the issue at hand, but it reflects the autonomous nature of Nebraska residents. So let's not compare Nebraska to its neighbors, let's only consider what may be best fot our residents.
to existing precautions, such as the 55 mile an hour speed limit.
tistics, but they're all important and legitimate. And there are even a few that he forgot to mention: Such as a comparison between alcohol related highway fatalities now and before the drinking age was lowered. And the number of teenage alcoholics in Nebraska coinpared to states where the drinking age is 21.
It was also suggested that senator Kelly wasn't offering a solution, just a side-step. Well, think of it in terms of accessibility. It's the 19 year· Next, I think the issue is a olds that are buying it for the , little more important than high-school and junior high telling students to "sit back students, not the 21 year and have another drink," or olds. I'm suggesting that "indulging in some suds". teenage alcoholism will de-, Com on, Beth, that's a little crease in Nebraska if the light-hearted, isn't it?" legal drinking age Sen. Ralph Kelly is not lowered trying to infringe upon your. · If you don't love yourself rights, nor is he telling you enough to think 'about it, that you're less mature than think of itthis way: The life teens in Iowa and Kansas. you save may be your He is, in my opinion, a younger brother or sister. hum11nitarian trying to save I'm suggesting that we (Nea few lives. Now what's more braskans) give it a try. If it
important, saving human doesn't have any effect on lives or indulging in some the fatality rate, we'll have suds? This bill is only adding tried. But if it does
gun trying to improve infor- teaching and a ''we really ma! contact between stu- don't know why we're here" dents and faculty, which attitude are specific reasons L seems to be a major source for student alienation in etter.. ,
of dissatisfaction for stu- Fawcett' s report.
dents. Researchers Patrick It would seem that faculty T. Terenzini and Ernest T. then hold the key which Pascarella found that facul- could unlock attrition ty are crucial to students' problems· and help univeradjustmenl to college, so- sities and colleges maint_ain c;ially as well as academi- good enrollment levels.
·Prize winners .named
Winners of the Silas Summers' writing .co11test have been announced by Mary Ann l\Iellor, Peru, editor of the Siftin~ Sands and president of the PSC English club.
First place winners were
Senate moves • meetings
The PSC. Student Senate ·has been holding meetings in different residence halls and dorms in an effort to get more students involved in Student Senate.
"Since we've been moving around, we have had more students coming to our meetings, but still not as many as we'd like," said Potter. "The real test will be when we go back to the west dining room." The dining room is the regular meeting place for the Senate.
"We're trying to get students involved, so we're going to them because they don't come to us,'' said Student Senate recording secretary Cindy Potter.
Sue Kneale, poetry; Uave Grey, short story; alld Anita Cole, play, Mellor said.
Other winners were Lee Rademacher. second place poetry, third place short story; Anita Cole,. second place short story, third place
To Whom It May Concern: Peru State College's Circle 1 : K Club has been named·· "Club of the Month" in the Nebraska-Iowa District an- · nounced Circle K faculty sponsor Jan Wiezorek.
Recently I lost my watch in one of the parking lots at PSC. Yesterday it was returned to me. As I don't know who was responsible for find'ing it, I would like to use this means of thanking them publicly. It makes me proud to know that PSC has such students, and I feel that acts of consideration such as these should be recognized.
Virginia Pippert
Members of the organization will attend the district convention on March 16th in McCook, Nebraska. Training conferences, awards and service projects will involve some of the activities to be held.
d poetry; and Dav·e. Grey, , e C agogiall second place play, according _ _ to Mellor.
Mellor said cash prizes will be .awarded to the contest winners at an awards convocation to be held sometime in April.
eth Propst Managing Editor
Deb Moore Associate Editor
ick Osbon Photographer
esi Kline Artist Society entPropst Sports Editor see~. fi,lm buck Mittan Feature Editor
'G h f arreilWellman .•.......................... Feature Editor
The film ' unsmit o Williamsburg" was shown Lori Last ; News Editor when members of the Peru Linda Henley News Editor State Social Society met N Ed' March 5 for their monthly arold Benson.. ews itor meeting.
verett Browning Advisor
eth Propst . Advertising Manager
The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State College and is printed 10 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to tlie editor should be typed [double-spaced and less than 300 words] and mailed to P.O. Box 120, Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska
Dan Todd - vice-president of PSSS presided the business meeting in which the Constitution was read and reviewed. Plans were also made for taking a field trip to Nebraska City. Dr. Hahn was the sponsor. --••---------------
page 2
elzell opened to public
he doors of Delzell• Hall e opened to the public day, February 28th, as hall residents held an n house from 1: 00 p.m. to 0 p.m. Cookies, donuts, wnies, punch, tea and ee were served. The resits' rooms were open for public to view, and an old vie of Peru was shown. he open house was open acuity, students and pernel. Over 90 people wed up for the ilpen e.
me of the guests gave opinion.s on the open e.
nessa Harper - "I the film on old Peru interesting. I don't think Zoo is as bad as people I haven't experienced ing bad with any of the
" Mary Ruth Wilsondelighted that they e started up some of the traditions. Delzell has ys had· open house for umni. I think the dorm some beautiful architec1lines. I'm happyto s~ residents ar~ takil)g · e in the building again:)'
by Linda Henley
Kathy Larson "I thought the open ho~e was very nice because it gave all the faculty members a chance to see the Zoo. I also thought the movie was nice."
George Weiland - "I thought the open house was a big success, because of the huge turn-out. I overheard some of the faculty members say that this was their first time in Delzell, and they had worked at the school a number of years. They were all saying how nice they thought the open house was."•.
Terrell Williams - "I think it was a success. I think that the people who came really enjoyed themselves. It will help people get a better understanding of the Zoo, since people have finally seen what it's really like. It's not as bad as they thought. We had a lot of females that showed up. If they tell other females what they thought of the open house, it would give them a better impression of the dorm."
·John Walker, Dorm Director - '.'The teas and home~ comh1g were ,all originally held at D~faell. People
lan 'world of food' ·.-
e many worlds of Gre, French,.and exotic delis will be part of Internal Food Day on the State Campus, April 23. you' have any ideas for favorite exotic. meal to served: Food Service ger Cliff Nail would to hear them. "We'll ly anyone with the inents for their favorite ," he said. The only h is that Peru State ents will have to cook meal in the Food Serkitchens. "The kids e a mess in the kitchen, they have a good time learn about the way r cu_itures eat and live," id.
wanted to live in the Zoo! They used to have all kinds of social events in Delzell. The guys that live here were really getting concerned about their image. They don't mind the name "the Zoo." As ·a matter of fact they like it, but not in the negative sense that it's being used. The purpose ·of the open house was. to show people the transformation that the Zoo has undergone; to show them that we don't live in dirt and filth. The quality of the characters of the individuals that live here aren't what people are led to believe. The majority of the guys that live here are creative and concerned about the'
· place that we live in. One example· of their creativeness is the "New Zoo Review", that the dorm puts out, The Vintage Band and a second floor government."
Delzell has really undergone a lot of changes for the better in recent times. The guys seem to take pride in the Hall. "The Zoo" still has a way to go, but help from its residents can restore the building's historic charm.
Tryouts complete
Tryouts for "She Stoops to Conquer", the Peru Players final production of the year, were held March 7th and 8th in the Fine Arts auditorium. Directed by Dr. Charles Harper, the play can best be described as an 18th century comedy. It centers around the antics of young people in and out of mischief and love. Approximately 25 people attended the tryouts and there were many_ who had never tried out before.·
"She Stoops to Conquer" will be presented in the college auditorium on April 25th through the isth.
Library switch almost complete
The switch from Dewey Decimal to the Library of Congress system in the PSC library is now over half completed, according to ·Sharon Mccaslin.··
The project which was started a year ago is expected to be· completed by this September after nearly 1½ years of work. There are presently 12 people involved in the changeover (6 regular staff and 6 additional help who were hired through a CETA grant).
New securiJy system possible for library for PSC April 23
This spring, International Food Day will be celebrated as part of "Spring Week".
According to Mrs Mccaslin, the reference room is finished and all· books from the seven hundreds to nine hundreds have been classified, and we are now starting at the zero's. She believes that the Library of Congress system is a big step up and will benefit all who use the library. ·
This is the first major cataloging of the library since it has been in operation and thus l}ives personnel a chance to replace lost and damaged cards. It also provides an opportunity for staff to look over all books in our
collection and value their worth. If books are not up to certain standards they are discarded to make room for better books.
One machine that has been of great help in the switch is an Ohio College Library Center (OCLC) computer system. This interconnects thousands of libraries across · the nation and aids in on millions of books in circulation by the Library of Congress system. Cards used in the catalog"are: coii!Z"'!'_/' : puter printed~Mdthis saves much time.
And you can look forw; to A new library security sampling any of thousands of system may be installed in the PSC library after the food ideas from buffalo meat changeover from the Dewey to salads from around the Decimal to Library of Conworld. The food will be gress cataloging system, acserved by waiters dressed in · cording to Assistant Librarthe traditional native ian Sharon Mccaslin. oostumes.
State funds are available
"More and more people for the new security system, are becoming interested in she said, which involves the International Food Day," insertion of metal strips into said Nail, who would like the the book and magazine bindings and requires students to event to be celebrated an- walk through metal detecnually ·· on campus. The tors similar to those used in public is also invited to at- airports. tend and participate in Inter- The possibility of installing national Food Day. such a system at PSC has
been discussed, Mccaslin said, but the state· funds cannot be applied for until the library has accurate statistics showing the amount of money lost through stolen_ and vandalized material. According to Mccaslin those_ statistics won't be available until the cataloging system change is completed. Although theft and vandalism of library materials has increased in recent years, Head Librarian Faye Brandt said the situation at PSC was similar to that at other small college libraries and wasn't a serious problem.
PSC choir toured; students conducted
by Lori Last
The PSC Choir was on tour from March 7 through March 14, in Falls City, Peru, Johnson and Syracuse.
The d1oir, under the direction of Dr. Edward G. Camealy, perforJ?ed a program of over 25 pieces of various types of music. "We understand that when we go to high schools we have to intrigue the kids," said Camealy. "With that in mind, Perry Biaggi and Bob Svoboda perform bluegrass along with traditional choir
Student conductors were Lori Stortenbecker, Nebraska City, Dee Dettmer, Syracuse, Sharon Bartels, Sterling,d Perry Biaggi, Humboldt, Bob Svoboda, Seward, and Keith Rippe of Elk Creek.
"Student conductors are good for the choir and good for the audience," said Camealy. "The students not only learn how to direct but how to add fresh life and vitality into the ensemble."
·College nurse role changing; Reeves gets promotion I coordinates more programs.-
•1: The days have passed
• •• when you went to the school nurse only because you had a cold. Peru State College Nurse Virginia Miller has c.oordinated many programs that attempt to reach out to both students and area residents.
"Currently the Peru State Health Center holds family planning, well child, mental health and alcohol counseling clinics," said Miller. Dr. David Bass from Blue Valley Mental Health consults Peru students who may ne_ed counseling.
"Going away to college is ci:;rtainly an adjustment per-
iod for many students and this situation coupled with the need for independence often causes problems for some students," said Miller. "You don't have to lie crazy to need help," she said. More and more students are using the mental help service for everything from dealing with relationships to learning how to break away from home, she said.
Miller is also working closely with the Auburn Chamber of Commerce and the Department of Health, Education and Welfare in an attempt to have a physician on hand at the health center
on a more regular basis.
"Recently there is much stress on the need to have proper medical care in rural communities. A physician visiting the health center could help area residents who have health problems as well as students," said Miller.
Another health service extra is the well child clinic which allows mothers an opportunity to have their children checked by a doctor even when the child has no medical problem.
The emphasis is on preventing problems before they occur, she said.
The new Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds at Peru State College is Mr Bill Reeves. Effective February 27 Reaves replaced Marvin Middle, who left last month Bill is no newcomer to Peru State as he has been employed _ here for seven years in the maintenance department~ where he was foreman before accepting his new position.
"The job involves coordinating the efforts of approximately 29 people and trying to get all departments to work together smoothly," stated Reeves. Fred Gfeller is the assistant superintendent.
rch 16, 1979 THE PEDAGOGIAN
HEADS ROLLED during the Peru Players' recent production of "Pippin," but Rob McKercher [left] and Aaron Larson still managed a quiet chat. The musical established a new attendance record despite postponement or one show due to bad weather.
•' ·li•t,;, ......,71····~1- '.f/Nfjff:f .,. ·-,. <~ -~l
E ITEM UP FOR BID at the Phi Beta Lambda on March 5 was a stuffed elephant displayed by nyder. Snyder, Joe Eacret [left], and Mike Ellis t] assisted the auctioneer in raising almost $900 e national honorary business fraternity.
PSC baseball season open March 27
Oppanents of the Peru State baseball team this season will face the top four batters from the 1978 Bobcat squad that finished the season 9-15.
The Bqbcats open the season v,ii~h !!,, d?)~]i)le~ea9~r ;it Belle,* Cpll~ie+ ;rvfai;ch Tl, 4 p.m.'The home·opener is March 29 against .the University. of South Dakota - Springfield, 2 p.m.
by kent propst
Bobcats take season finale
The Peru State men's basketball team pasted Concordia College 102·88 Thursday, March 1, in the season finale for both teams. The game was played before .a full })ouse, and the fans got to see Peru's highest poirit total this season.
PSC smoker a success
Jy Darrell Wellman
The fourth annual P-Club B.p:i:i~ Smo!wr was held Mon~ay, Mar~h 12 in the R~i;u'·~~tj! '(¾Hege· gym~~~\\lffi ni~ were a total of eleven bouts jnv:olving PSC ·students· :: r/.tllt area boxers.
Referee for -all ·matches was Thurmand. Nanoniantuvi from Falls City. Other officials included Jake Manitobi, Bill Squires and Irvin Pitts. Blaine Gorney w~s the timer.
, Winners of the matches received T-shirts with the saying "P-Club Boxing Smoker Champ" and !fflers were awarded shirts imprinted with "P-Club Boxing Smoker."
-::!\crowd of approximately 330 watched on as Jerry Dill from Auburn won ·a unanimous decision over Larry Joe in the first match.
The second '.)out saw James Bell of Omaha take a split decision win over Ermen Mullins of Southwest Iowa.
Darrell Bary of Auburn TKO'd Phil Koski of Logan, Iowa, in the third fight.
~tudents against each other with Steve Gibson winning a unanimous decision over Mark Petrosky.
Ste~e Scholl of Falls City took a unamious decision over Bobcat Kevin Sterner to win bout five:
The sixth figbt was exceptional with Dean Mit.chell of Auburn tangling with Keith (Sunshine) Williams.
Mitchell knocked Williams down the first round but Keith countered with several well placed punches and the match went the full three rounds before Mitchell won by a unanimous choice.
Intermission foUowed with a version of All-Star Wrestling. The Masked Cricket (Tim Alvis) and his manager, Tom Milke, took on the Groundhog better known to all on campus as Jack Mo1es.
There was plenty of action with flying elbow drops, body smashes, GrecoRomlll knuckle locks, tosses into the turnbuckles and just good-old ·fashioned hitting.
Tom Whitney was the official for the match and he found
himself on the floor nearly as often as the wrestlers. The crowd showed its approval by shouting and applauding the wrestlers. Several minutes later Masked Cflcket pinned the Groundhog and won the match.
In the seventh match Dave Fisher from Dawson lost to Terry Stevens of Omaha by a unanimous decision.
PSC student Steve Saathoff defeated Steve Clancy of Dawson in a split decision to win bout number eight,
Bout nine saw Pio Uto win by a unanimous decision over Terry Alberson of Thurman, Iowa.
Dan Todd and Fred Reed (Derfl met for the third consecutive year and prior to this bout the series was tied at one apiece. Derf took the rubber· match by a unan. imous vote.
In the final match, which was also the heavyweight bout, Mike Dorn .and Glen Hubbard who are both Peru football players, squared off and·Hubbard was victorious by a split decision.
If .the Bobcats" )lnder Head Coach Terry. Gilliland, can develop a pitching corps they could be tough. Only senior Don Hardek~f has expenence on thi: :nound.
Fourteen Peru State students are out for baseball this season. The team faces a 34·-gam·e regular season schedule plus the NAJA District 11 tournament. Five lettermen ~re included on the roster.
Senior first baseman Mark Johnson is expected to pound the baseball agc1in this season. Johnson, a 6' 1; 190pound native of Columbus, Ohio, hit .384 last season anrl swatted 10 home runs. He is a two,..year second-team AllDistrict selection.
Triple-letterman Greg S;mders, Hammond, Ind., is back for another season also. The 5' 9·, 175-pound shortstop batted .371. last season · and led -Peru with 26 hits.
Senior third baseman .Ken Denning batted .346 last season for Peru .Denning, Lakewood, Colo., is a twoyear letterman for. the Bobcats. Steve Medinger, Alma, 6'0. 200-pound catcher - outfielder, hit .333 last season.
Hardenkopf finished last season with a 1-3 record. The Plattsmouth senior ~lowed 47 .hits over 30-0ne" third innings for an earned run average number of 5.30. He had 11 strikeouts last season.
Assistant Coach for the Bobcats this s.eason is Comstock senior Bob Hruby.
Bobcats drop final
road ball game
The Bobcat basketball team dropped their final road game when Mid · America Nazarine College took a 79-67 win at Olathe, Kansas. Mid-America ended its season 16-11, while Peru dropped to 5-23.
Mid-America held Peru standout Dan Shouse to a "sub-par" 24 points, and featured a fine offensive performer of its own in Larry Steinmitz. a' senior who ended his career for MANC with 28. Peru spotted Mid-America
Dan Shouse, 5-10 guard from Terre Haute, Ind., making a ·final appearance before his highly appreciative fans, got over some early-game jitters to register 31 points. Shouse also grabbed eight rebounds and dished out five assists, and received a standing ovation along with fellow ~niors Rick Spears and · Greg Sa.nders at the end of the game.
Sanders was the key to Peru's 45-38 halftime lead. After seeing little action in .recent weeks, Sanders ex~ ploded for 16 first-half points as the rim - and - gun 'Cats
built up leads of 14 points. Sanders is a 5-9 guard from Hammond; Indiana.
Spears played a major role. in the Peru win also. The 6-2 forward from Cincinnati,' Ohio, canned 17 points an grabbed eight rebounds fo probably his' best game o the season.
The contest marked the· first time this season Peru• State broke the , century mark. No Peru opponents broke 100 points during t s2ason
All 10 Bobcats who suited up scored. Dave Uldrich h:it a short tip-in with 10 seconds, left to put the Bobcats over the 100 point milestone.
Concordia ended the season at 4-19, while Coach Bill Squires' cagers finished 6-23.
PERU SCORING: Shouse 31, Sanders 22, Spears 17, Jones 9, McKim 7, Hajny 4, Smith 4, Wilburn 4, Donahue 2, Uldrich 2.
to an early 10 point lead and. wasn't able to get.any closer than nine points !lite in the game.
Shouse added eight rebounds to his 24 points. Freshman forward Keith McKim of Humboldt added 10 points and five rebounds, and senior Rick Spears scored 10. Junior center Bernie Hajny had eight voints and eight rebounds.
2.4, McKim 10, Spears 10; Hajny 8, Smith 6, Donahue 3, Jones 2, Uldrich 2. Sanders 2.
with a "P-Club Boxing Smoker Champ" T-shirt after his unanimous decision win over Terry Alberson [right] of Thurman, Ia., March 12. Referee for all matches was Thurmand
Match four pitted two PSC
ASPLIT DEi::ISION gave Steve Saathoff [rightl his, victory over Steve Clancy, Dawson, in the P-Club Boxing Smoker Monday.
=Auburn THE WATERHOLE Open Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. Serving Cold Beer and Mixed Drinks n1sCO••..••••••• Wednesday and Saturday 9:00 p.m. to 1 :00 a.m :' 'i'.:i~uranc ·,:ji[e i'roh:st s::~id, 2ffc'c:t. do<>sn·r A.A.M.'s Sp the pus with campus April highligr bazaar, Food psycho! ing ties, George dent ESP will lures lege Burges out present of rnind-r the rnanY comes Food Nail. will from cafeter p.m. senec tresse: tumes. invitee will with
THE GROUNDHOG [Jack Moles] came down hard on the Masked Cricket [Tim Alvis] in an all-star wrestling fluke during intermission at the PSC Boxing Smoker Monday.
Bere11ter calllp11s ·speake,1"
NL:, -~ea:, ·:.nc1 gy, ::1e \n1eric,t11 Agriculture Movement
f.did iiiS }Ju.3i~i011 iH Cong:re::;;) ,re- toi :,:s lisc,1SS(·<' L F'rt'shri1Jn CJne.cessrnan .uoq~ f<:r~ti!,ei", 1-1.:!10\vas U1t nc,· :d /·ies' J.t; lui:,·he;_:. at ?eru on l'.lar,:,1 %.
Mr r~{~feU\ti'. Wfl0 H1:}cit ·-~s>.pi: ?e: ;,d· ,rt. ·u-i1 t.h,.: '.:-~n1JµP.r· ~~uci·-.:ar ~-'J;,c:. in i)C!'1\.\·1ltitlt: ·::,<11d he 11:'Ct~ 1 i)-
legislative commitke to su1
•Je ,et. · ·;ev al! ~tak' coJege bu1iJ-
Ilr, a'ksi': repl\rted lhal · ings On his \'·ay h'c1ck frorn a
d1:ng~ seemed tu he going v:c:ation he decided to slop
vel' ;or. :m c.:Jd );JS L,:nih in and 3ee H Peru's V, JS
ac!ju,l.n" t" 1.11ashil)gt0n.
1J•?Spil:j m,vu:: 0 a home in
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l·,J(~n·i~JJwrg; Pcnrn)y lvanio, µrcb1ern .Hnwt'rer, tht r.'.luc : t]' :on,'rm:.1 i-· ~ssurane~s ahnuL the BrtJ\fo/~-vllil: rndl1ty, ne said.
:-Ii.s rc«.~ori.dg wa:-: L1J.t
1 '·pei:ple ?re ~esit:nL t0 wri 1,e WashingtM, but l,:ss hesi-
:ant. wh~n Ley :;ee j'OU ;n
Your· linr of field.,.
He cum;'.1en,., ·d o~ tLr• rc,::eth d::id<~u 0 ::1gL blL in 1.i1e \~gi".'.lat: :'(~ h.'-' s~·<:inr ,. lLn't .hide il th(; drir:kir1g ..:1ge, sh~)l1lc} ,.;\'tr In~-: rx,2n 1owr· l'C(; ~,o 1 '\ b~ 1 t ,: !1 j (· ·\n f0:~es,-.: ar:.: n1ore ~)rob\~nL ~·or u2!~ vpert:A.t<~r:;; (!f '"he ,jJJ .~oc: lnL_ effect. p - Other guests at U1e luncheop included: D,·. and Mrs Ta1;:~en;1n, Lrry La 1e. Ivan Beaumont i Nebrask,: Co,:cer,,;ng lhl: Fc.:·mers
Procesl Senator Bereuter said, 'I don't know what the ,,:'fee. \\ (11 i.•! out rloesn'l lo'Jk like any of the A.A.M.'s original goals will
Peru's new Sports Com1Jle;.: was L:roughl about through :. bill sponsored in the Nebraska Legislature by Bereuter. When askei.l huw he first hecame interested in Peru, he said he served on a
Cily Nc:,vs-hess1, Dean Cole il\faveri,~k ;\!2dia,, Dnn v:alton I Lincoln Journal and Star). as well as other interested students, faculty and administration.
CO!\GRESS!\IAN DOUGLAS BEREUTER was recently honored at a luncheon at Peru Stak Here, Bereuter is greeted by Mrs Jack McIntire of Peru. The Senator spoke on m«EY is,ues and fielded numerolls questions frnm the audience. [See story at Mt.]
The Pedagogian ~f · ·
·•\oice of the Bobcats'·
College band to tour several area schools
lssne :i Prru Stair' Collegr, PPru. "le. 68121
Spring. w-eek festivities open ," ESP pr~1gra.m
B L. d }I 1 tury cornedy involves mis- wo, ks and plants will be Y m a - en ey taken identilies and voung among the many items for Spnngt1me is approachrng l d · f'll d- 'th J d ct· la Th the Peru State College cam- - oyers an 1s 1 e w1 sa e an on 1sp y, e "Bazaar" will run from 10 pus and spring week filled action. romance and light- t 'th f t d d a.rn. o 3 p.!ll. w1 events ors u ents an hearted fun. "She Stoops to Other events include a
April ti, 19,9
Nlarathon falls short
of goals
campus ,;isilors is set for Conquer' is directed by Dr. mud fest, softball, water Last weekend of the 27 April 18 - 25 th. Charles Harper. relays and dance. Plans are couples who signed up for the ''S 11ring Week will be h ., Aoril 25th the students, • also being made for faculty Hl79 Muscular Dystrop Y highlighted with a craft faculty and area merchants and students to celebrate the Dance Marathon only 12 bazaar, an International 1 cor,.11·ng· of spi·i·ng on the showed up to dance. The D · will part1c1pa e m a Food ay, a guest para- "Bazaar" on the PSC Mall. riverboat, "The Belle of total money raised by the psyc:holcbist, a play, sport- d t , BrO"'nvi·lle... d''nce·rs fell i·ust short of d Crafts. wares, pro uce, ar - " " ing events an other activi- - $2,000 which was far Jess ties, accordmg to Patti
dPSC tree co mmitt
e than the $10,000 goal that had George, coordinator of stu- been set M.D. officials; dent programs of PSC.
· We ,JI hear and see bands at sports e\'ents, but sometimes we don't always realize that band music in ilself cat, be a sm1rce of entertain· ment," said Dr. David M. Edris, director of the Peru St«te C?llege Wind Ensemble.
With that in mind, Edris anr1 the Peru Sla1.e Ensemble will soon be touring and performing at several Nebraska communities.
"The tour performances allow students an opportunity lo perform before a variety of audiences, and gives audiences a chance to hear th,, broad spectrum of music which bands are capable of performing," said Edris.
On tour, the ensemble will perform at Gretna Higb School on Monday, April 9 at 8:30 a.m and al Valley High School that aflrrnoon at 2:00 p.m.
Then, on Tuesday, April 10 a 10:30 a.m. concert is sched~led at Barneston High School followed by a 2: 00 p.m. concert at Odell High School.
Along with classic works bv Beethoven and Tchaikovsky, the Peru State College Wind Ensemble will perform some spirited marches including a military "Knightsbridge March" by Coates.
presents goo report
$874.000 worth of landscape of corrective pruning; he and Andrea were abo voted trees cm the Campus of- a said. the Most Congenial Couple Thousand Oaks has resulted Included m the 37 tree by the other dancers for in :1 PSC Tree Committee species found on campus, kec:ping spirits up among all chaired by Dr. :11ikeStewart, Stewart said, are 20 Ameri- the dancers. Brad Potter and vice president of administra- ca1.elm trees expected to die Sarah Nannan of Nebraska tion of Dutch eim disease during Cily captured second place Stewart said the commit· th e next ten years. while Joe Primm and his we·s ma1·n function will be to Stewart said the commit- h. , partner were t ira. plan and' administrate the tee plans to celebrate Arlior campus tree environment, Day, April 22, with an annual Three dance contests were and that they are presently commemorative tree plant- held with two of these being involved ir\ organizing an ing The program will ,m- wo11 by Burt Harris :ind Tina orderly. systematic program courage a public awareness \lfarren This couple won to replace dead trees and of trees and their benefits. several prizes along with plant trees in understocked Other members of the winning the contests: Mark areas. committee are: Chalmer Wardian and Teri Rhinehart The evaluation, conducted Cox; Dennis Adams; Joan , took the third contest.
Ten couples finished the f.,sp expert. Rus::; Burgess, marathon and Kip Grinstead will nresent two public lt'f'- A recent tree evaluation disease. Only a small per· and Andrea Leslie took first tu res in the Peru State Col- showing an estimated centage of_ trees ar~ rn .~eed place for raising $515. Kip kge Fine Ans Auditorium. Burrrss has toured throughout the country- and will i,Jres1.;nl a pro6rarn on Lheu:ie of FSP. medit~tion and mind-reading. Admission for the kctures i::i $2.uo a persoll. Or Monda:· April ~1, the many worlds of exotic foods comes to PSC. According to Food Sen ice '\fanager Cliff Nail. students and faculty will be makmg food dishes ; from around the \I orld in the cafeteria beginning at 5:00 p.m. The ddk:.icies will be served by waiter:; and waitresses in their natin, costumes. All area residents are invited to attend.
The Peru State Players
··will end their 1979 season with the energetic comedy, l"She Stoops to Conquer" on 1''.:April 25-28 at the College
· director.
Other activities for the dancers to perform other than dancing were a water balloon toss, an ice fight, a Frisbee toss, "Musical Chairs'', "Red-Light GreenLight" and a Life-Savers pass
The Wind Ensemble will first be performing their home concert on Sunday, April 8 at the Peru State Colicge Auditorium. The spring concert will begin at 3:00 p.m.
Another major piece written for band musicians is the "First Suite in E flat" by Gustav Holst and an impressionistic piece called "Japanese Prints" by Robert Jager. ".Japanese Prints" involves three distinct views of Japan and suggests the beauty of that country, said Edris.
A DISAPPOINTINGLY SMALL number of partici, pants in this year's Muscular Dystrophy dance marathon made it impossible to reach the Circle K's goal of $10,000 as only close to $2,000 was made.
,~Auditorium. This 18th cen- ._...,.r.i
by Distnct Forester Dennis Barrett, printing services; Adams and PSC Grounds, Fred Hamann, science dekeeper Chalmer Cox, indica- partrnent; Bill Reeves, Suted that almost 90 percent of perintendent of Buildings the tree population is in good and Grounds; Dr. Leland or average condition, Stew- Sherwood, chairman of perart said. "Most of our trees forming arts; and Jan are healthy and vigorous· Wiezorek, college relations witli no apparent signs of
and editorials Instrument will he handmade
When a cellist loses his instrument -Ws like losing
Trial procedure experimented with
Trial hasis for limited cir-
Spring fever?
alover. At least that's what by Beth Propst happened to world renowned With the coming of spring cellist Paul Tobias who will I.? J and warmer weather (?) be performing this summer students will see panic strike TLC computor attheFestivalofaThousand among the faculty, for they Oaks on the Peru State Col- are the first to see students lege campus. overpowered by the someIf studies are getting you The foundation which al- times fatal malady known as down, you can attempt to get lowed Tobia& to use their "Spring Fever".
3. Overdue fine will be 50e:::it all together with the com- Stradivarius recently asked This year, however, due to
of periodicals each hour the library is openi::: puter _tutor• The computer that the 300 year : old the confusion of Mother
and current] and
4. Loss or mutilation o*:;tutor 15 for st~dents who instrument be returned to Nature (I think someone
from reference college material will be the cost or.?need help m their classes ~r them. That left a problem for ripped off her margarine) a
the end ,of spring term. replacement which can bei::: just want to sharpen their Tobias Luckily a David City false alarm was sounded and
The following limitations most expensive. · ::~ skills. The. tutor is for stu- violinmaker, David Wi\Je, is students were bombarded
be followed for cireula-
5. All material must ht!:;: dents who llke to work alone, coming to the rescue. He will with an outbreak of "testi-
of periodicals and refer- returned at front desk -:::: or who can't come. to the handcraft a cello to be used tess", by the over-reacting
sources; never placed in book drop. :::: learnm~ centei: dur:ng the by Tobias when he performs faculty. "Mom" Nature
6. Some of our older bound;:: day. This machme will have this summer at the Festival proved that it's not nice to
periodicals and reference::: different kinds of programs of a Thousand Oaks. fool her by playjng a cruel
books, which are very valu-::: on tapes, so students may "It's certainly an honor to April Fool's joke on us - in
1. Will circulate overnight able and cannot be replaced,::: choose any type of program make a cello for Tobias," the form of snow.
only. must not be removed from::: that they are havmg trouble said Wibe who learned the Most unfortunately this
2. Materials must be the library. no notfeel offen-::: in. 'craft in Mittenwald, Ger- has just given the faculty
checked out from regular ded if you are told that some::: One of the programs. I.he more time to plan their
only (this does not materials you want cannot:::·computer will have on it 1s many. The 28 • year · old strategy to combat "the
include student workers. l leave the building. ::; "The 1,00 most misspelied violinmaker will spe nd two Fever." Term papers, one words.' It will tell you to page essays, pop quizzes,
Thone to choos·e new
spell a word and if you_ spell and in-class reports are but a • it right the computer will tell taking rough boa rds cut few "remedies" used. Some
• you very good. If you spell it from logs , to shaping, glue- teachers gd so far as to
On April 19, Nebraska the freshman class.
wrong it will tell you to try ing anct finally working the assign reading assignments again. wood with hand tools. out of the textbook, no
Teaching Learning Center Wibe has made over 50 less!!
GovernorCharlesThonewill The new representative (TLCJ is for anyone who stringinstrumentsin thela st While faculty see the stuselect a student represen- will be required to altend th e · would like to increase his six y~a'.s, but none for sue~ a dents as having the problati1e to the Board of Trus- Board meetings once a learninl!, efficiency. TLC pro- prest1g1ous mus1~1~n. Tobias !ems, it very well may be tees of the Nebraska State month in Lincoln, and once a vi des tutors, mini-courses has_ been th e recipient of all just the opposite. After all, if Colleges to represent Peru year on each of the sta te (credit; non-credit), self - IJ:aJ.or awa rds , honors a~d you can't beat 'em, join 'em! State College. college campuses. Replacing study, coum,eling, seminars, di stinctions. a nd made ·his Teachers why fight the ,,, y h · d orchestra debut m Los An- h' d
From thestudentsnomina- ,vayne oung, w O 15 pre- study techniques in rea ing, , 'th M' h 1 Tl suns me an mce weather ted by the student senate, the sently PSC's representative, ..grammar, composition, !is- gTi1es WI d 1~. ag~ 1 son we-are bound to get some ,enatehasreceivedresurnes the new representative will tenin°, note taking, vocabu- omas con uc m · day? Science teachers isn't t "' The Festival of a Thousand · ' - from two PSC students: Beth serve a one-year erm. lary, spelling, test taking O k 11 b h Id ti. it true that sunshmr is good
''If any student, adminis- t h · a s w1 e e 11s sum-
for the soul'' Arl teachers/ : , spring weather makes for::', some beautifully artistic sur-' roundings, no? Math teac·· 1 chers, just think of the inter-. esting class discussions .you could hold if you assigned students to count the pass· clouds, or the buds on the ' branch of a tree'! Faculty in general Why not send the. classes out to observe base-. ball and softball games? The scientific and mathematical,; probabilities of a homerun; • the observation of the be-f havior and language dis-1,. played both on the field and off; the regression to child• ; like behavior of some, upon:'.\ 1 striking out; the history be-•• i hind the construction of the1 n diamonds; the on - fieldl : eating habits of players; the} i endless possibilities! ' r h
Utilize the weather! (if it_. i gets here) and don't fight' th those natural human respon c ses to a beautiful spring day. No student will think less o you for holding class outsid or dismissing class alto gether. Join them in. a fu game of frisbee or catch. G out there with them!
However, I leave you wit one problem and only one; •; You'll have to talk to th 1: administration yourself f Maybe to persuade them to. u take in a game or two_ We all might be surprised at how nicely it works.
Propst and Joe Primm.
and memory ec mques. mer f;om June 11 through Beth is a Sophomore Jour- trator, or faculty member If an)one is interested in Id l'k t s po- t f July 15. A 1~ concert pro- nalism maJ-Or and is current-· wou 1 e oexpress up r what TLC mav of er ,·ou, f ·th d'date weurge · ··th gramaswellasguestperfor- ly mana·ging editor of the or ei er can 1 , contact Cal Bone, e1 er · · G mances and intensive music "Pedagogian". you to write overnor Mondays, Wednesdays and Th " 'd t d t t· • · • f h training for music students _Joe is serving as Delzell one, sai s u en ac !VI· Fridays in Room 202 o t e representative to the Student ties coordinator Patti Education Building. is part of the Festival events.
Senate·and Vice-president of George_ ·
foo~,:::,,oo Md ,~,oo
by Chuck Mittan
Remember all those fabulous dances we had this vear'1 Remember all that ~ifty stuff we did during winter-fest? Are you aware of all the far out things that are going to happen during Spring Week, April 18-25? Well, in a short while, you·re going to P,et a chance to vote forthe people who you think will do a good job in bringing these activities to you.
Y('S, the PSC student sen-ate is having its elections. All you must do 1s get a petition from the senate office; beg, borrow or steal 50 legitimate siµ,riatures from students, lurn it in, and sit back and watc_h_lhe votes roll in.
Alter a year of faithful (? l service lo the senate, I'm prepared to get out my old campaign posters and try agam. The new student sen-
Pippin finale acclaimed successful by director
The closing night performance of the Peru Players' production "Pippin", after being postponed due to heavy snow and flash flooding, was presented on Thursday, March 8th, in the col-
lege auditorium. Dr. Royal Eckert, "Pippin's" director, said he , thought the show went well,. c and the size of the crowd wa very good for a Thursda night.
International Food Day a meal that many of the .-------------------,,
will be celebrated April 23rd' ·ate v,ill lake co11unand on as part of "Spring Week'.'_ April 12 of this year and Up to this time not one remain so for exactly one student or faculty member calendar· year. The year I has signed up to participate. spent on the senate was The Ped stated in past issues rewarding, enjoyable, and that the many worlds of interestfng. The fine group of Grecian, French. and exotic people that I worked with delicacies will be part of was responsible for that. International Food Day. Happy Birthday, Kirk! And I How can we sample all these look forward to working with worldly delicacies if nobody some of the same faces, and signs up for this day?
a fow new faces on next I'm sure there are many year's senate. As a feature students and faculty memwriter for ,the Ped, I enjoy hers who would like to taste bringing you news as it different foods from other happens, but being on the parts of the world. The reasenate gives you another son for the International outlook: causing news to Food Day was to give stuhappen. dents and faculty members a
I hope that you'll remem- chance to dress up in their her to vote for your favorite traditional nati\'e costumes; candidate in the elections to cook food from their native take place shortly. We may land: and serve it to other not be quite like McDonalds, students and faculty. "It but still. "we do it all for would giye the participants a you". sense of pride to know that
students might not have had the chance to taste before," Cliff Nail said.
The people who wish to participate should provide their own costumes, but if they are unable to, Food Services will try to supply them with one from different food companies.
· This is set up to be the students' day. The reason for having the special day is to gi\•e students and faculty members a chance to come in and have a good time cooking their natiye dish for others to enjoy. "If we don't get any students or faculty to cook, we wills till have International Food Day," Cliff Nail said.
If you have any ideas about a favorite exotic meal you wish to be served, or would like to participate, contact Cliff Nail, Food Service Mana[!,er.
The Pedagogia":
Page2 THE PEDAGOGIAN announcemen·ts
1or. su~:~.:::
eth Propst _ Managing Editor
_ _ _ Artist ent Propst Sports Editor uck l\littan Feature Editor (
Moore _ Feature Editor
Last _ - -News Editor 1
Henley - News Editor arold Benson. _ News Editor
_ _ Advisor
Propst - Advertising Manager
Darrell Wellman _ Associate Editor ' Mick Osbon Photographer esi Kline
verett Browning
1 students.
·The Pedagogian is the sounding board
Peru State College- and is printed 10 times a semester by PSC
All letters to the editor s4ould be typed
[double-spaced and less than 300 words J and mailed to '
Box 120, Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska
New cast selected to perform play Blues on'; final tour
Frame visits PSC campus
The PSC swing choir, ' This is the first time that "She Stoops to Conquer", Hardcastle!, Mary Gail Bece Peru Players' final pro- card (Miss Neville), Joe 1 uction 01 the year, \1 iH be Primm ,.1st felluw and Sir , resented in the College Al!· Charles'. Joe Waters (2nd ·· ilorium Wednesday,' 'April fellow and Diggory J, Dave ' ·th, through Saturday, Rossell (3rd fel1011 and
Misty Blues, war on tour last the swing choir has ever Thursday and Friday lo var- gone on tour withmtt other ious schools rn·Nebraska. groups, ' said Miss Pamela
The swing chuil' wH1 IJer- Ge1e, director of the chuir. form at Gothenburg high ' This is a very nice first for school, Ind1anola Elemen- us, ' tar5' school and Republican for pril 28th. Directed hy Dr. Jerrmy', Mimi Cowles (Bet Valley high. arles Harper the play bouncer), Steve Dunn (Land- rnr- ' tea- ouldbe~tbedescnbedasan lord;, Tom Whitney (Mar3th century English low1, Ron Doeden (Has- inter-' vou omedy. tingsJ, Kim Sharp (1st serdi· Thecastw11lbeasfollows: vant), Diane (2nd servant), , farv Carnahan ('.\ Hard-. Susan LaMountain (3rd serepassmg, · astle), Lenny Mazour (Mr vantJ: and Shiella Dea .e ardcastie), Chuck Mittan (Maid). Joe Waters will be m. T ) P F st (Miss the· Stage Manager. the
am ro
i d h ak
classes to he
~e~'. Ull
er t e O S
dis-. and child- While many colleges are Cyphers presented a free upon · uilding new classroom fa- public lecture on the advanbe- ilitiGS, Peru State College is tages of outdoor education on the stead going back to nature. Wednesday, April 4 at 7:30 field,. n outdoor education spe- p.m. in the Peru State Colthe ialist, Dr. Vince Cyphers lege Fine Arts Auditorium, , om the University of Nor- Cyphers brought to ern Colorado in Greeley, Peru State as part of the i 'sited Peru State on April 4 "Visiting Celebrities Profigh rough 6 to discuss with gram,'' with the help of Dr. Hege officials and other Tom Fitzgerald, assistant teresteu citizens the ad• professor of physical educaantages of teaching tradi- tion at Peru State College, outside onal classes out- of• doors. "Cyphers' great exper-
"There ate very few ience and expertise in outfas asses which cannot be door education programG ught out - of - doors," said ming will provide us v.ith a eru State College President clear u11derstanding of outwit r Larry A. Tangeman. door education as an interone: And in most cases, many disciplinary approach to inth asses are more successful creased learning motivation yourselk )f studied in respect to na- for our students.'' said FitztOjure,'' he said. gerald, \l surprise4
JPeru State College faculty
't:members and students both fonored former Peru State '.tPfrofessor D. V. Jarvis, prelsenting him with Epsilon Pi '. au's Distinguished Service
'•Pip- :Award for his excellent work he s a craftsman, teacher and well cholar.
Thursday ::
State hand. clinic at PSC
Over 200 high school and junior high musicians will participate in the Peru State College Stage Band Clinic and contest on Thursday, April 5.
e-act plays to he given
Dr. Royal Eckert's Direc,ting class will present six one-act plays to the public on Tuesday tlfrough Thursday, .th!' first week in May.
"Box and Cox·•, a comedy, will b,! directed by Pam Frost, "Marguerite". a drama, will be directed by Steve Dunn. ''Post Cards", a romantic comedy, will be clirected by Becky Young. "At the Hour of Our Death", a tragedy, will be directed by Ron Doeden. And "Gift of the · agi'', a comedy/drama, !.Vill be directed by Aaror. B. •.j;.arsori.
The various sites for these one-act plays are the college j\uditorium, the Student Cenr Fishbowl, the Diddle ' ourt of the Fine Arts Buildand the Neil Ballroom,
The day-long event includes petformances by guest adjudicator · Dennis Schneider, former director. of the stage band of the
University of Nebraska. ,
Trophies will be awarded to the winners in, each of three high school class divisions and two junior high school categories.
Dr. Gil Wilson, director of music activities at ·Peru State College said a free concert by the Peru State College Stage Band will be presented at 4:30 p.m. in the fine Arts Auditorium. The ensemble is conducted by Dr, David Edris witli featured soloist Dennis Schneider.
"We're tremendously pleased that over 15 schools from Southeast Nebraska are taking part in the clinic and contest," said Wilson. Students will not only per· form in ·a judged concert situation, but will have an opportunity to work and hear comments from the judges, he said,
A re-evaluation of goals and programs will soon take place on the Peru State College campus when educational consultant Dr, Stanleyframe visits on April 9, HJ, and 11.
in concerts
The Peru State College Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Dr. David M Edris, will be on tour April 9 · and 10,
The members ·of Mistyw• d En mhl Blues are Lori Storten- lll Se C bec-ker: l\1imi Cowles; Sharon Bartles; Brenda Barrett; Carol Davis; Donna Nun; Brian l)raeger; Gene Wilson; Mitch Dahmke and Brad Rausch, Aback-up band is required for specific songs, which. consist:; of Perry Biaggi; Bob Svoboda; Dee Dettmer; Jan Hammers; Cheryl Baggs and :\'liss Gere.
A pre-tour concert will be presented on April 8 at 3:00 in the college auditorium, E;veryone is wefcome.
Frame, who is a small liberal arts college specialist. will meet ~·ith heads of six academic divisions at Peru State to evaluate col• lege programs and to determine ways in which programs may be of greater value to emerging high school graduates.
Frame has been a consultant in the areas of institutional planning, program development and evaluation. He has been a consultant for small colleges throughout the country and been execu-
live director of California's Pemberton Foundation. Dr. Clyde Barrett, vice president for academic affairs at Peru State College hopes •the visit wiil be an eye - opening experience for faculty and administration, Barrett cited that many times faculty members are too close to a program to evaluate courses being offered and their relevancy to today''s students. The current educational needs and interests of students are some of the questions which will be discussed and evaluated, said Barrett. Frame will also offer suggestions on additional programs which Peru State may offer, as well as ideas that may strengthen programs to be more relevant with current student career choices.
Station returns to airways
KPSC is back on the air six days a week, with eleven students manning the airways, The station can be found at 620 on your a,m, dial, Sunday through Friday.
lion for the three and seven o'clock airings and show support for your campus station.
A " HOPI~G TO TALK THEIR WAY into your homes these four Peru Staters are not door • to · door record i l salesmen, but aspiring disc jockeys for the _college radio station, KPSC. Arite Benson shows Sheila Dea '·how to man the microphone, while Renee Pappas [top right] tries out her stuff on Patty Chaney [ top left] who seems fo be amused,
The station is owned and operated by Peru State College and is a service to all persons interested in PSC.
Dr. Royal Eckert urges everyone to tune in the sta-
New thermal glass replaces old panes
There are a variety of shows and different types of music the listener may choose from. The shows are informative and also entertaining while tlie music may include Rock, Disco, Soul, Pop; Easy Listening and Progressive Country Rock.
Phl Beta Lambda students
tour Dallas industries
New windows of thermal yet to give· the college an Phi Beta Lambda business counting, business education pane ·glass have replaced idea of when the job will be fraternity students at Peru and. role playing interview almost 15 percent of the PSC finished, but Reeves expects State College will soon be situations, The trip was education building's 206 win- an estimated completion ·traveling. sponsored by Phi Beta dows, according to Bill date from the contractor Lambda and no college funds Reeves, superintendent of within two weeks.
Twelve students partici- were used: building and grounds.
According to Reeves, in- pated in a business contest
On April 4 through 8, Phi
The windows, described by formation concerning the on March 28 through 30 at Beta Lambda is also sponReeves as being "more or amount of Rasmussen's in- Scottsbluff Junior College soring a business and indnsJess like storm windows stallation bid and the cost of along with other business try trip to Dallas. Thirty designed for energy-saving the windows q,re the respon- students from throughout the Peru State College students purposes,'' were purchased sibility of Dr Mike Stewart, state. Peru State College toured industries in the from Element Control of vice president of adminis- faculty sponsor, Jack Hamil· Dallas area to gain added Oklahoma. The college had · tration, who was not avail- ton, said the students com- perspective on plant operpreviously purchased ther- able for com1:1ent , peted in a num?er of busi-
ation, said Russ Beldin, Peru ma] windows from the same The educat10n bu1ldmg 15 ness categories' including State College faculty company for the library and the third on campus to business administration ac- sponsor, science building, Reeves undergo a change to the·*****.***'********* said. thermal windows, but ·
Installation of the windows Reeves was uncertain whe•
was contracted to L, R ther other. campus facilities
Rasmussen of Omaha, would undergo the energyReeves said Rasmussen has saving rennovation
Page3 THE PED AGOG IAN April 6, 1979
TIME SUNDAY MOJ\iDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY :l:00p.m. Artioe Mick Kent Chuck Sheilla Dale to Benson Osbon Propst Mittan Dea Thomas 5:00p.m DISCO DISCO ROCK, NEWS ROCK, POP, MISC. ROCK & EASY &POP &POP & SPORTS & TOP 40 MUSIC LISTENING 7:00p.m. Darrell Norman Linda Ron ? Patti Myroup SOMETHING to Chaney & Wellman Parish Henley 9:00p.m, Rennee BLl'E GRASS DISCO SOUL& [STORIES], NEW EACH Pappas &PROGRESS. &POP DISCO FACTS & WEEK! COUNTRY- COUNTRY MOOD MUSIC WESTER~ & DISCO
v A •1 11 h '
ote ,ir1 t
******* ******* **
Track -teams compete iu.
Red G-rovert meet
The: P(,;rn Stale College
t:1en'-:- and \".·om2n)s ~rark teams fareJ relatively well
;.;.~ the He.l GroverL Rcil.1:/s ill "'airL :.!ry 1vE,·ch :)0 TL~ womens squ2d olc,,:ed t,evelllh Jt\l of di .ea11is "hilc th<" nen fin:,)1er'. teniL
oui of 12:
Ba,:b h01f vf A1h!on wa~ !'1e ligl for Pe:'l1 Stde. earrnne a setond in uw JGi vel111 toss. ~he J1rew ie 1c: fe,, 4 ; chc.
·,:v~:s ntahle Lo· ri:akt: the 1,nJ1, jri cne (1is~us hecm1s10 _
•er · es! .:os,: w,,.< m,°li!'i- ·1 du~ to J. i1tdging error
Rev Piei.7yK cf El\ Cree1< :iacd fiich th'.. tw.; mi:,, run witli a time of J4:28.8. Bev competed in the 880 also Lut Llilec1 to I,ilace
Karen Mostrom. Ct>resco, oarely missed placing in the high jumf.', anc!Ri(a klams, Omaha, was a strong cnmpe-
,itor in the Joug Jump and the 100-: arc' dash, according to w0men's Trad, Coach Shan Hoeik2r.
In lhl rnc''s c1im,,;tit 11,n Trov Goleman was the t;nl; ;;quadsrnan w place by ear;. ing il fourth ir thc Sil•JL Guleman is still below the distance~ he has throll'n in the pati: a,d r,,,3n'; Tr,_,ck Ci,tich Dr. Erv Pills i>xpects liim ro improve T::e B._:bc;", 44f' reL; tl'._,rn of Ahi,, Holder. Nor'TI P1rri,h, Curtis Pcu1t! and Joe vv~:Ler;; ven.: ·'sure tc pla~·-2- 1 until" dropred hale!' on !he last leg s!.owed them down.
Mike Binl of Fa:ls Uv threw the discus extremely well, according to Pitts, and is expected '.o s,corc points tor the the season progresses. l\like Larsen, Harlan, la., has great pot.:ntial 1n the shot, he addl:!d
THE 197ll BOBKl'fTEN SOFTlMLLTEAM and coPches nH, .ldl UJ fr:rndnt 'l'1·1·g"s' 1•ri11·,, "'1·i,,o,i !) 0 '-.'";1·~ f',·1',· m•:, ,,,.,s, w,, are [ too, kft to l'ighl]: Coach Pat Gilbert, Tami Coiem::n, , "'' , , , " '' ' , ·· ' "' ' '-•' •;,;, , "''"' ·"'' ·· ''" Leda Peterson, Jackie Nixon. Renae Cheney, Mary ~,'Jlie Brockhaus, Julie Hartman, C:iro! Bra,\ and L McConnaughay, Rhonda Wright, Faye Woods, Shelley catlett. •. l\lcAtbms, Laura Poliman, Betty Hindman, Karen The 'Knt~ns recor<l now stand,; :it 1-'.l :n:d ~heir Lechner, Nancy Parker and Becky Graham. home game 1s scheduled for ,\pril 18 ;1gainsi C1Jllegc of · · Mar,).
lVlajors Hall fund drive has begun
Anew fund drive project to purchase Majors Hall at Peru Slate College had its kick-off .with over 30 area c;iai:·:iersons 'and fund-· raise,-s attending a dinnermeetmg on Tuesday, March 20, 1.m the Peru State campus.
Peru Stale College PresiJent Dr. Larry Tangeman addresser! the group and explained that Majors Hall, a little used dormitory, is an integral part of Peru State's new physical education center. That center, now under consfructirm, would have showers, lockers and health center facilities in the adjac:mt '\1ajors Hall. However, renovation of Majors Hall, using designated state funds, cannot begin until the dormitory is purchased from the bondnolders at a cost of $300,000.
"Our goal for the drive is set at $300,0DO," ,;aid Tangeman, who added that the dor~itory could play an important part in the educationol, cultural and recreational activities of citizens th rough out Southeastern :\ebraska.
''In adrlition to its role as a health center, :V1ajors Hall
and the new physical education center will allow Peru State College to improve its service to the people of this area," he said.
Athletic and intramural activities are high on the list of needs to be served. The new center will include three ba'sketball courts and an indoor track. Also under con<;truction is a swimming pool. These facilities will enable the college to host a variety of athletic tournaments and intramural activities. In addition, the center and Majors Hall will allow Peru State College an opportunity io schedule physical education and recreation. classes at an improved level,
LB 549 instructs Peru State to continue its Well Child Clinic for Southeast Nebraskans, and also provides an appropri?tion for a health center, Majors Hall would be renovated into a health center once private money has been raised to purchase it from the bond holders,
Peru would also be in a: better position to host con- 1 ferences and to serve as a corJerence center once Majors Hall has been renovated, The new center with
adjacent lodging and auxil0 varied topics as energy,
iary services would be ideal agricuiture aml the sLOck for communities in South- · market.
eastern Nebraska who would The added space tor seatbe encouraged lo utilize the ing and performance will
improved facilities of the allow area communities an
college. opportunity to sponsor cul-
Majors Hall is also in a natural setting to serve as a center for outdoor educat10n. The center with adjacent lodging and with woods and fields nearby would be an ldeal facility for preparing college students in outdoor education and recreation careers. Some colleges have felt so strongly about the importance of outdoor education that as part of the graduation requirement, all students must have had instruction and experience in the out - of - doors.
As. a youth hostel. the center would serve the growing number of outdoor enthusiasts who are seeking modest accommodations as they hike, bike, paddle, swim or ski through the area.
And in an effort to better attract business and industry to Southeast Nebraska, the center and M:ajors Hall would enabie the college to host industrial fairs on s
tural events, band and ontact
choral competitions, art exhibitions, and other arts fes-
tivals. It would also enhance
stud the annual Festival of a 9 ! 00 a.m., 11: 00 a@ffi•
the college's ability to host
p.m Thousand Oaks. ' lege
'.\1ajors Hall campaign Or 3! 00 p.rd W chairman, Dr. A. O. Gigstad · sm1I ofNebraska Cit,y, has named ' Stoo over 30 workers to help with in Conference Room AD3°",
... the fund drive. Also local
businessmen, bankers, and or the Placement office college administrators are
involved in the drive. ,.,,."J_,'rl':'t'.f'il:t.Fa'IZ"lf~'tf',~'t'l~r.:t:;r'll't:<"rf11tJ.'tf',:~r,J~"li:::,,2~"1i~V::::i.'lfl~i'>r:::t.~~"rl;'J'-:::~v:::::i
Gigstad said the plan calls O t e _tor
for a one-time capital pri- l 1 T' vate investment over a three year period in the amount of B h D e d $300,000, 'Once the state has O aVl§ an clear title to the building, renovation monies are avail-
;f:r able from the state, he said. J! f g unc wJiani~ma~ec:~~iz=~
Craig Martin O sk~,
Senate President anG
placed in a Book of Honor to be displayed in the foyer of v• p II d ~,4 p~ the new building. Gifts from l ce... res1 en . deia , cent $5,000 or more will be recog- --~=~ ... _ •i perc nized with engravings and , but laques .in the ,~ perc j said baC:.
THE 1979 BOB~ BASEBALL TEAM -~i~il i Coach are [ top, left Li right]: Mike Hamilton, #'. Jeff Frields, Bob Parsley, Don Hardekopf, 'Kevin l\iday, Mark Johnson, Tim Alvis and Head C9ach Terry Gilli,. land.
[Front, left to right]:
J.T. Walsh, Steve Medinger, Steve Gibson. Tom Milke, Gary Parsley, Greg Sanders an.d Ken Denning. The 'Cats , have gotten off to a slow
J ~eason and now hold an J 0-3 record. __,/
,, t
BOHCAT BA;iEB,\LL '79 :f no,
April 8 , fo--:,
B. ELLEV·U·E COLLEGE qra\t p,m,
April 11 -
April 16 of lo
April 18 -
April 19 -
,Page 4
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Mr Allen
April 24th_ only ,~ Har
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,· staff
rate p.m.
- ··I 1978
April 23
p.m. 1 re~p,
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April 24
p.m. , on_
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St te 2 .m.
Doane College 1
April 28
"YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO SEE THE PLAY: it's hilarious," may have been Pam Frost's comment to Tom Whitney, above. However, both Pam and T~m are members in the cast of the Peru Players' final production of the year. "She Stoops to Conquer."
Peru players final show
·a comedy written 1700's
Issue 7 Peru State College, Peru, Ne. 68421
Primm- Mittan
Elections for the 1979-80
·. Peru State College Student enate were held on April 10 nd 11. Results were ofcially , announced by the enate office on April 12. fficers and representatives are: Joe Primm, freshman from Cedar Bluffs
,. President; Chuck Mittan, freshman from Hastings · Vice President; Jeff Frields. freshman from East Alton, Illinois - Clayburn-Mathews representative; Daniel C. Todd, senior from MurrayDelzell representative; Cindy Potter. sophomore from Nebraska City · Morgan representative; and Senalors-at-iar;ge. Kathy
April 27, 1979
officers Festival of Oaks June 11 - July 15
Terri Rhinehart, freshman from Nebraska City, Renee Pappas, junior from Lincoln.
"Thirty percent of the student body turned out to vote,'' said Patti George. "This was our best turnout yet for elections."
Primm ana Mittan received 113 -votes and their opposition tallied 79 votes.
"Bob and Craig gave us a run for our money," said Primm. "We're glad about the numbe!W"Df people who turned out for the election • because enthusiasm is what this place needs."
Twenty-five concerts will be performed during this summer's Festival of a Thousand Oaks at Peru State College. And· over 25 guest artists from orchestras around the country will perform in concerts scheduled in the Peru State College Auditorium and Fine Arts Auditorium. The Festival will be held from June 11 through July 15.
summer is aired ru1 station:, in 15 major cities throughout the country, said Wilson.
A fund drive for the Festival is currently in progress, she said. And donors contributing $100 or· more will receive two season passes to attend all scheduled concerts.
A classic comedy of romance and mistaken identities comes to life on the Peru
held during "Spring Week" on the Peru State Campus. The production also concludes the 70th season for the Peru State Players. State College stage during ''She· Stoops to Conquer", April 25-28.
Directed by Dr. Charles "Even though the play was · Harper, the production in vol- written nearly 300 years ago. ves 19 Peru State drama there's still a challenge in students. Curtain ti~e is 8 making the show playable p.rn. at the Peru State Col- for today's audience," said lege Auditorium. Harper. And elaborate cos-
p Written by Oliver Gold- tumes and sets have been * , smith in the 11oo·s, ''She develO[)ed by the production
~Student loan cuts
may not effect _PSC
f by Deb .Moore. ~f the college 1s unable to , Peru State students will collect a defaulted loan (de-
g~~e;=~~i ;:~~
o: 5 e
funds for stud:nt !~ans, ac- past due), it is turned over to I cording to Fmanc1al Aids a professional collection an ·Director Don Miller. agency, Miller said. '' .rsc cut their student loan .''The agency's fee is one-
Fleming, freshman from Omaha, Sherry Biere, sophomore from Auburn.
New director selected for ., Morgan -hall
Carmen Gerstenschlager has been appointed Residence Hall Director at Morgan for the 1979-80 academic year, according to Residence Life Director David Eaton. r-,1s Gerstenschlager will replace Mrs Kathy Larsen, who plans _to graduate this May.
Eaton said the openings for Residence Assistants at Morgan would not· be filled until April 26, which would allow time for interviews with the applicants.
"I'm glad we won and I'm glad we had the debate, I feel it was really helpful," l\Iittan said. "I want to try to get a yearly debate between the presidential and vice presidential candidates "
PSSS elects new officers
New officers were elected ·at the April 2 meeting of the Peru State Social Science .Society and scholarship · applications were handed out to eligible members.
The officers for the coming year are: Traca Alley, president; Sherry Biere,•president; Ralph Blevins, secretary treasurer; and Kathy Rogge, · historian.
Mary Ruth Wilson, director of continuing education at Peru State College said that in order for the quality of the Festival to continue. it's important that Nebraskans continue to contribute to the Festival. "We're seeking both large and small donations to help support the 1979 season," said Wilson. And a great number of people will be learning about the Festival when a Nebraska Educational Television program taped last
Student solo and ensemble concerts will be performed on Wednesdays and: Thursdays from June 11 through July 15 and chamber music concerts with Festival faculty and guest artist will be held on Fridays at 8 p.m. On Saturdays during the Festival Orchestra and Nebraska Sinfonia will perform with featured guest al'tist. And at 4 p.m. on Sundays chamber music will be performed by the Nebraska Sinfonia and guest soloists 811 programs will include music of many differentperiods and styles.
Ensemble concert to Benefit Majors
by Lori Last
A Benefit Concert will be presented May 2, at 8:00 p.m. with the proceeds going to the Majors Hall fund.
music and athletic departments can work together as a group."
The proceeds will be used to help repair Majors Hall, add a health center, locker rooms and classrooms within the hall.
Applications for the A. B. Clavburn Memorial Award and the Janet Gauze! Scholarship were distributed and anv non-member who would like to apply is asked to contact Dr. Schot• tenhamel, the group's
The concert in the college auditorium will be given by the Peru State College Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Dr. David M. Edris.
Tickets costing $1.00 will be sold by the Athletic Department and band members. "The goal is to rea"h $1,000," says Edris. "If we could add $1,000 to the fund, it would be that much better. It is ood to show that tht!
To add to the program the conducting class, Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson instructor, will conduct songs played by the wind ensemble. The student conductors include: Bettye Daniels, Dee Dettmer, Lori Stortenbecker, Rhonda Frank, Keith Rippe, Sharon Bal'.t,les and Perry Biaggi.
are turned over to the U.S. Department of Justice to be handled by the Attorney General and the FBI.
Mil]er said he believes the government's threat to cut funding was directed at larger universities and colleges; where the default rate .on student loans is sometimes as high as 50 to 60 percent
•default rate from 19.7 per- third of whatever they colJL cent in June 1978. to 15.3 lect. Anything that it costs to 1 percem in December, 1978, collect on <J defaulted loan·,, bvL tht'ir goal i,3 a fi?e 01 six the collection agency•~ fee. ·f percent default rate, Miller for example - may be 1 said. ··Ninetee,1 peiwmt is legally added to the amoum · bad," ie ,aid, ";:m:l '-'· e're due c,n the loan. but we not prnud o, it. However, the haven't done this," Miller co;Jegt lla:: irK,eased its ef- said. This means that the forts to redt1ce lhe default amount chqrged by the raie :rnd, oassd on the al- agency is lost to the loan ready der:1onstrafed im- fund and decreases the loan provement. it is very unlike- monev available · to PSC 'Jy that we would be in danger students, he said. of losing federal support for According to Miller, loans the student loan program." not collected by the agency Miller said the key to ·PSC's decreasing default rate is an additional clerical staff member hired in June Jl978. The staff member i~ responsible not only for initi• ·ating collection procedures defaulted Joans, Miller id, but also for helping event loan defaults by nding reminders indicatwhen·payment is due.
Ms, Gerstenschlager will be added to the committee interviewing the prospective P.A's; other members are Eaton, Mrs Larsen, Nicholas-Pate Hall Director Ralph Blevins, Clayburn · Hathews Hall Director Deb ,Jackson. and Delzell Hall Director John Walker.
FiYe candidates for the ;1lorgan Hall director's position were interviewed, Eaton said, by the hall directors' committee and by a second committee of Morgan Hall Residence Assistants. 'Qualities they looked for in the interriewees were leadership, maturity, previous experience as hall director or RA, and the ability communicate with other students, Eaton said.
· Ms Gerstenschlager, presently a Residence Assistant at Morgan, will be a senior next year and 1s majoring in special education. She will be reimbursed as a hall director with free room and board and $120 a month,
Pedagogian . . ··\Qice of the Bobcats'·
w.-'· ~-.,;;
ADoot ''. _"'.'.~~::· ~;,1 -~ _ '.~~'. <~ t .
PREPARING FOR THEIR LAST CONCERT the Peru State Wind Ensemble will be giving a benefit concert for the Majors Hall Fund Drive on Wednesday, Tickets for the concert are being sold by the music and athletic departments, and $1,000 is the goal.
·d·t . l ;,e z orza s
by~et~tropst • .able :lo represent 700+
Congratulations to all of students - equally. You the new Senate members! haven't won a popularity Remember-you represent contest. You've won a us, so we'll keep an eye on chance to prove you can you! _ ·· · effectively do the job.
To Cra(g Martinosky and I am taking this opBob Davis - I, and many portunity to ask the new others were very impressed senate to make one imwith your ideas and views. I mediate amendment to their hope you wilt offer them to constitution. The forum, held the senate and work faith- for the first time this year, fully with them. If this can should be made mandatory effectively be done, there for all future elections. And will have -ti'onestly been··no it should be held BEFORE losers at all. the voting polls are opened.
To Joe Primm and Chuck Although it may not have Mittan, I wish you good luck. altered the outcome, some You certainly have your who had voted on Tuesday work cut out for you, and it may have felt differently will be no easy task. As you following the forum Wedknow, along with the fun, uesday. It was an excellent games and prestige goes the opportunity to get to know respqnsibilities of leader- the candidates and find out ship: tairness:;•lhard work,. how they ·felt about campus lots of time; ,energy, issues. I do hope we see it disappointments and ·being again and again.
Damaged Grass Replaced
by Lori Last
Damaged grass on the quadrangle between the. Fine Arts building and gymnasium has been replant~ to brighten the appearance of the college, according to Chalmer Cox, gr9tmds director at Peru State.
A mixture of blue-grass, rye grass and canary grass was planted in designated areas, and Cox said he hoped it would look nice for commencement exercises.
"We want the campus to give a nice impression of our college," said Cox.
Editorials on this page do not necessarily ,reflect the opinions of the staff of The Pedagogian.
Tryouts for cheerleader ~being held
Try-outs for the 1979-80
,,~.,,._,,.,...,._Peru State football cheerleaders have been announced by sponsor Shari Hoelker.
All interested students must attend two practice sessions on April 20 and 26 at .4:30. These practices will be located on the south side of the ~feteria. TPy-outs will then be on Aptjl 'n at 3:30.
For more information , JD· tact Ms. Hoelker. ·
The Pedagogian
eth Propst Managing Editor
Lori Last Associate Editor
Mick Osbon ,: Photographer
esi Kline Artist
ent Propst Sports _Editor
huck Mittan , Feature EdJtor
_Deb Moore
·:Letters to" the Editor
Last W.ednesday elections were held for Student· Senate officers and senators. There was a tie for Senat9r-at-Large between myself and Tina Gault. In an ·election where a tie results there are three alternatives possible for determining the outcome of the tie. The first possibility is to allow both parties to hold the position. If this is not a conceivable possibility a revote can be held; or, as stipulated in Peru's Student Senate constitution, a political _committee: from.the Senate can choose between tile tied parties.: ·· This alternative is in theory an adequate means of breaking the tie. I say in theory because unless certain factors are present · this method becomes a very subjective means of breaking the tie. The factors that must be present are an unbiased committee, knowledge of both persons' qualifications and a means of weighing one person's qualifications against another's. When I asked Tim Pethoud how the five member committee chose Tina Gault I was told it was each person's "own preference". It is obvious that the committee was lacking in the essential factors to make this decision since I was never told of their voting or asked for my qualifications.
I do not know Tina Gault personally and in no way am questioning her qualifications to serve as a Senator •At-Large. What I am concerned with is the means by which the tie between us was. broken. I feel that a revote is necessary at this time because of my doubts about the committee: Whether the outcome of the revote is the same as the committee decision or not, is unimportant. What is important is that a precedent is set for future ties.
It is the Student Senate's responsibility to serve the student body as effectively andfairly as they can. This means taking the time and effort to have a revote in the case of a tie or at the very least to have an adequately qualified and prepared coriimittee to choose between the tied parties. ·
News Editor
Darrell Wellman, News Editor Linda Henley
arold Benson. : News Editor -~
verett Bro~ning Advisor
eth Priipst ..........•................ Advertising Manager
The.Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru Stati College and is printed 10 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed (double-spaced and less than 300 words] and mailed to P.O. Box 120, Peru State C:ollege, Peru, Nebraska
Rally against draft to be staged April 30th
The Army's top personnel officer has informed Congress that a return to the draft is inevitable.
According to u: Gen. Robert B. Yerks the declining size of the reserve and increasing difficulty recruiting men and women into the active force leave the nation with no other choice. "The only question," says Lt.· Gen. Yerks, "is when."
Until recently such military views were only expressed off the record but increasing Congressional support for registration and the draft· has had a dramatic effect on the Pentagon's position. As recently as December 28th the official Pentagon position was that the all volunteer armed services were in satisfactory condition. But the changing political climate.has encou~a ed.( .military's top officials to reverse their previg
Qp~qp~ntsJ9''f,, _ · for na:tfonwide, protests; pri(S0t~. A bq>ad based coalition including the American Civil Liberties Union, the Students for a Libertarian Society, and the United States Students Association will be holding an 'informative rally' on the steps of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. at twelve noon on April 30th
The United States Students· Association is already distributing buttons calling on youth to "Register to Vote: Don't Vote to Register."
The Students for a Libertariau Society has charged that:
In the hundreds of pages of Congressional testimony on the draft, not one Representative- either for or against conscription - makes any real effort to justify the global commitments that make 2.1 million armed services necessary in peacetime. The SLS, a California based organization, is holding· a .s,erj(;S 9f n_e:ws conferences in major dties and is
organizing a national resistance movement on college campuses.
The Friends Committee on National Legislation has established a Committee Against Registration and Draft which will help coordinate the national lobbying effort in Washington, '
The Director of the Committee on Militarism in Education charges that our alleged need for more manpower is part of the same 'crackpot realism' that led us into Viet Nam. According to Dr. Robert L Rhod~, this 'need' rests on a series of dubious premises:
If the Russians ~tart a conventional war in Europe; if it"doesn't quickly escalate into a nuclear war; if NATO airfields and ports are not destroyed· in the opening battles; and if we can build an enormous naval fleet that does not now exist, then the million men stationed in the Unfted States will be useful in the next war.
Since these premises are clearly absurd, Dr. Rhodes believes that the new call for registration and the draft will increase the power of the Pentagon and cold war tensions, and recreate the bitter campus protests that existe_d in the late '60's and early '70's but will make no positive contribution to our national ~fcurity.
Persons and groups wishing to participate in the resistance to registration and the draft should contact the following organizations.
United States Student Association
1028 Connecticut Ave ./1300 N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Committee Against Registration and Draft
100 Maryland Ave. Washington, D.C,
Dear Editor:
Abrief plea for a response. The race for Senator-atLarge in this year's Student Senate elections ended in a tie. According to constitution the winner was to be chosen by a special committee. Members of this committee did not feel they were qualified to make the decision since they knew so little about each of the two candi· dates.
It apP:e3rs that the rule
forcing the committee, in- ~siorn stead of the students, to :4iey render a decision was estab- ,:(tducat lished Jong ago and was toduc1 possibly effective then, but JfUture has since become outdated. 1fluegr1 Rules that linger on long ' The past their usefulness can lesent cause more problems than t3te they can solve. I wanted to \fd take the time to point this out ferry
to all
DaveGray ';I • ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••
I would like to take this opportunity to \ongratulate Joe Primm and Chuck Mittan on their election as Student Senate President and Vice president, respectively.
Additionally, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to those who supported Craig Marinosky and me during our candidacy.
The competition has ended. It is now time for all of us to work together for the benefit of the PSC student body. I'm certain Craig joins me in pledging total support to Joe and Chuck.
There have been many inquiries concerning the possibility of a day care center in Peru. If sufficient interest is generated a day care center can be established.
If you are interested. please return the following information by May 1, 1979 to:
Virginia Miller Health Center Peru State College 872-3815 Ext. 229
Number and ages of children ________
Hours needing care ___________
Parents name. _____________
' -
• _,. · • .-
.,,l I I Dia1 1_now iitu t,n ,j ,/,An mxhibit -_i_;late i)ingsl l the \,')_ ' ~mpm tJuding tonzei
Election forum held; candidate~
Candidates [or Student Senate president and vice · president fielded questions irom fellow students in an open forum held April 11, during convo per\od in the Bob Inn.
Out-going senate President Kirk Ochs introduced Craig Martinosky and running mate Bob Davis, and Joe Primm and partner. Chuck Mittan, president and vice presidential candidates, respectively. Introductions were followed by opening statements and then ·the question and answer session began.
and southeastern Nebraska are very conservative. He said that changes would be made, but slow and easily. Both groups stated that the senate needed to· be made more visible to the campus by changing meeting times
and places.
fiudent works on exhibit Jn Diddel exhibition court
tn All - Student Juried and other mixed media ibition of works by Peru works are included in the e College students is now exhibition. "The juried ex·• ng shown through April 27 hi?ition p_rovides studen~s he Fine Arts Building on with· an idea of what IS • actually involved to enter an mpus. Over 50 pieces in- exhibition - competition," ding photographs, said Paul Fell; instructor in onzes, drawings, acrylics art at Peru State.
ive·on televisions
iology to Bluegrass
-Five Peru State College dents got a taste of prosional television when y appeared on Nebraska ucational Television's uction of "A College ture From Biology to _luegrass."
· The half-hour program sented by the Nebraska te College System incluPeru State students rry Biaggi, Humboldt; · e Ellis, Fremont; Dawn mmle, Auburn· Bob
Svoboda, Seward;,and Becki Young, Peru. The program was designed for high school students and their parents and provided information about college life and the value of a college education.
An artist, industrial arts student, teacher and musician were portrayed in the program which was aired on Nebraska Educational Television on Wednesday, April 18 at 8:30 p.m.
Mil.rtinosky, in his initial comments listed his priorities as: keeping the students well informed as to what the senate was doing for them and to keep an open ear to all who needed his help. Davis sighted more specifically the attendence policy of one faculty member he felt unfair, the new housing policy; which he urged students to refuse to sign and differences between student and faculty rates for lunch tickets and on-campus housing as ·major issues -he was concerne.d with.
Mittan in his opening comments for himself and Primm .said they had both enjoyed the past year of work on the senate. He also commented any changes made must be gradual and consistent, not radical. Echoeing this concern Primm said that he felt the campus, the administration
-Gameroom remodeled
The gameroom in the Student Center should re-open any time with the remodeling and repainting to be completed soon, according to Patti George, director of student activities.
The room has been repainted yellow and tan to replace the circular pattern. There are four electronic machines in working order (three of them pinball machines). The foosball, pool and air hockey tables have been revamped and should be in working GQndition.
Ms. George said she f~lt that it was aoout time to get the gameroom functional to better serve the students. "Broken down machines and soiled tables are not the way to please PSC students who wish to spend time in the room," she added.· Patti would like to remind students that they can purchase T-shirts from the Student Sena.te for $3.50 each and· reminds everyone to hurry because there is a limited number of shirts on hand.
Plans for the future include the purchase of a new television for the TV room.
by kent propst
Five tracksters place in Maryville tourney
Student money would be Five athletes from Peru placed fourth in the javelin used, according to Primm State placed in the North- with a fling of 108' 8''. for an out-foor. concert with a west Missouri State Invita- Karen Mostrom, freshman "big time" band. He also tional track meet at Mary- f II rom €eresco, placed, (ourth said they would try to "et vi eon April 7. The women•~ • h h gh " in t e i Jump with a leap more movies and more team placed fifth out of eight of 5' 1. Mostrom, Kline and activities scheduled durin" teams entered. "' Rolf all earned the right to the week. Desi Kline, senior from compete in the regional tc:iurDa vis antieipated no Malvern, Ia., saw her meet h' nament in Wic 1ta m May. problems in working with the record in .the javelin fall but adminis'tration and other earned another meet record. Mike Bird was the high organizations due to his past Kline set a school and meet placer for the men's track experience in the financial record in the discus with a team with a fourth in the aids department and as a toss of 125' 112, but her 11178 .discus. Bird, a sophomore residence hall director. javelin mark fell. She did not from Falls City, threw 138' Elaborating on the housing place in the javelin this year. 5". contract, Davis felt that Barb Rolf, senior from Keith McKim, freshman students should not have to Albion, placed second in the from Humboldt, was the only sign the contract for an discus behind Kline. Barb other B.obcat to place. entire academic year, as threw the disc 120' 3. She McKim high jumped 6' 2. many students become
find off-campus housing ' between semesters.
Mr Davis also stated that
two reco r S ro en
he was for lowering the student programs fee (which Barb Rolf and Karen Mos- third in the discus with a now stands at $35). He felt trom both placed in two school record toss.of 127'1¾. that students should be events in the Wayne State She owred the .old -record charged individually, as he Invitational track and field with a 1978 toss. of 127'. questioned charging a set meet at Wayne, April 19. Mostrom did a career-best rate for all, when some do Both Rolf and Mostrom es- high jump of 5'4 to establish not attend the activities. tablished Peru State records a Peru State record. She After a number of further during the meet. placed third in that event. questions the forum was Rolf came away with first Mostrom placed sixth in the stopped due to lack of time. place in the javelin with a javelin, an event new to her, Win or Jose, both sets of throw of 112'2. Rolf placed with a fling of 96'½. candidates cited ' a
willingness to participate
with the senate for the coming year.
Pledge Class Holds Contest
The Sigma Beta Chi pledge class sponsored a keg toss and wristwrestling competition April 22 on the Peru softball field.
All proceeds went to the Nebraska Heart Fund.
b· ak-
S reco r
with 6'6" high jump
Keith McKim of Humboldt became the first man in five years to break a Peru State College record in track and field. McKim high jumped 6'6 to earn first place at the Wayne State College Invitational on April 19.
McKim, the son of Mr and Mrs Orval McKim, has been one of the most consjstent
scorers for the Bobcats this track seaso:i. McKim was also a regular on the Peru State basketball team. McKim broke the old high jump record of 6'3, set in 1971 by Nate Parks of Cincinnati, Ohio. The last Peru State record to fall was in 1974 when Ron Storant of DuBois set a record in the 3-mile run.
ukyoufor IFfvilege ~veGray
into estabwas but long can than to out
THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST is haunting the i Fine Arts building in the form of a student sculpture by f Diana Rieschick. The sculpture is just one of the many .I now displayed in the All-Student Juried Exhibition.
nouncements are at the Bookstore~ JP's LOUNGE_ Opening MAY 1st Monday - Friday: 3 to 12 midnite Saturday: I to I a.m.· New owner's John & Phyllis Patterson Now! Time is Short Contact Traca Alley or Sherry Biere THE PEDAGOGIAN Page~
R ii IK l
O lrJ.OStrom
d b k
"I COULD GET FRESH!" is written in the eyes of Chuck Mittan [front right] as fellow Peru Players Mary Gail Beccard and Lenny Mazour seem to reply, "You could get lost!." AUt~r:ee the cast 0£ the ,I>lay which ends tomorrow night.
FORM, this hit by senior Mark Johnson result~d in a ho)llerun for the 'Cats who went on to defeat their opppnents, t~e Tarkio Johnson was third in the ·nation last year irt home run averages with a total of
"'Peru ~plfts opener
The Peru State b;iseball team notched its first win of the season with a '5-2 win over Bellevue College in Peru, Sunday, April 8. The Bobcats dropped a 6-3 decision in the opening game of the doubleheader.
In the opening game, Bellevue scored four runs in the first inni11g and withstood a three-run raJly by Peru in the fifth to register the 6·3 decision. The Bruins. scored four unearned runs in an error-filled game.
Kevin Niday, Wymore, took the loss for Peru. The sophomore pitcher was re-
Baseball schedule altered due to inclement weather
The Peru State baseball team has bee1i1 having a difficult time getting baseball games under its belt in the early season. Bad weather has wreaked havoc on the Bobcats' schedule.
As of April 5, the Bobcats were to• have played eight I games instead of four. The M.arch 27 doubleheader with Bellevue was postponed but was played ob March 30, with Peru losing both contests.
A scheduled doubleheader with the University of South Dakota - Springfield on
March 29 was trimmed to one game due to the cold, with Peru dropping a 19-14 slugfest.
A scheduled doubleheader with Concordia, set for April 1, was postponed due to bad weather, and one game was eventually played on April 5. Tlrat game was halted after nine innings with the score at 5~5 and the wind chill index at-5.
Tarkio College was to visit for a doubleheader April 4, but again bad weather forced the game to be called off.
Bruins sweep doubleheader
against host Peru_ squad
lieved by Bob Hruby in the sixth inning. Tim Alvis,. Woodbine, Ia,., Greg Sanders, Hammond, Ind., and Mark Johnson, Columbus, Ohio, all hit doubles for Peru.
1 Don Hardekopf pitched a complete game in the second contest. The senior from Plattsmouth struck out five batters enroute to his first win of the season.
Mark Johnson and Steve Medinger, Alma, were the big batters in the game. Johnson swatted two doubles, and Medinger a double with two runs-batted-in.
Kitten's Record 4-4 after split with CSM
,,,~Peru State dropped a pair of baseball games to Bellevue College on Monday, April 16. The visiting Bruins escaped with 12-11 and 6·5 wins over the Bobcats for their fifth win in six games with Peru. '
In the opener, Peru State hit six home runs compared to onl1 one for Belleuve, but the Bruins had more baserunners. Steve Medinger was the starting pitcher for Peru and smashed two home runs as did Tim Alvis, catcher.
With two outs in the last
inning and, Bellevue on top 12-9, Alvis and Jeff Schiebur hit back - to - back homers but John Donahue, also netted a home run. Don Hardekopf 1~as the relief pitcher in both games and took both Schiebur was the starting pitcher in the second game. The contest went an extra inning as the score stood at 5-5 after the regulation seven mnings were completed, and Bellevue earned the win with a late run. Greg Sanders managed Peru's lone home run.
Doane falls twice
The Peru State baseball team continues to improve after logging 4-3 and 8-0 wins over Doane College in Peru _Wednesday, April 11. Peru raised its record to 3-4-1.
The Peru State softball being relieved by Rhonda 'rhe Bobcats a~e showi~g team split a doubleheader· Wright, who allowed five .s1~ns of developing a pitwith the College of St. :Mary runs over the remaining five clling corps to _complement to keep the Bobkittens at innings. the proven battmg power of .500. Coach Pat Gilbert's Whip Wilson continued to ~he team. In the opener Steve squad is now 4-4 with six hit the· ball well for Peru. Medinger pitched the entire games remaining. Wilson pounded out two hits game for Peru. The senior including a double and a from Alma also blasted a Peru won the opener by a triple against CSM. Wilson h~m~ run to, provide the score of 8-5. Elizabeth Walsh owns a sparkling 536 batting wmnmg margm, ~itched thde win and upped average including three - Kevin r{iday, sophomore er recor to 3-1. Walsh home·runs and 18 RBI's. r ·t d h s outfielderfrom Wymore, taltmi e , t e ' t. .Mary's Fran Calan•u· ·taJ.11·ect three 1 d Ii d Flames to one hit over Sti ' ie a ome run an Mark innings, and reliever Lou hits in six at-bats against St Johnson, first baseman from Ann Williamson held them to Mary's to up her batting Columbus. Ohio, notched a two hits over the remainder. ayerage to .45~ for the year. pair of doubles.
the Bobcats a rousing success,, Schiebur pitched the 8-0 win and al1011·ed only two hits in his five - inning appearance while striking out four with no walks. Gary Parsley, junior from Hampton, relieved him for two innings and did not allow a hit. Mark Johnson and Greg Sanders both hit home runs for Peru.
Mark Johnson is the leading batter for the Bobcats thus far with a .416 batting average Johnson has ten hits, including six doubles and a home run, in 24 at-bats.
KEEPING HIS EYE ON THE BALL is Bobcat Joh/\t:t~ac Donahue, who scored ~ot a run but a hit off of this bunt. it~s The ball eventually sailed around the backstop and hit ::Child the camera of ph?t?~apher Mick Osbon. No ~amage ,l~ould was _done and no mJunes 'resulted from the incident. i/4total
'Cats defeat Tarkio Owls; Lose two to
Wesleyan?feaso1 reel]
The Peru State baseball season record to 2-1. < team continues to play good Steve Medinger batt~{"1, ball after going 2-2 last week. seven for nine against Tarki~f U T_he Bobcats take on Concor- and drove in 13 runs. Med:,. ~1a at Peru May 1 for the inger collected two home'i AP fmal home game of the runs against Tarkio and onefstude season against Wesleyan .to bringJlhe 1g Peru got off to a good start h1s·home run total to eight. '1exerc by whipping Tarkio College Mark Johnson batted twice on April 18. The Bob- for seven against Tarkio andlolle1 cats claimed 9-4 and 22-20 three for seven against Wes-,· Th_E victories. Nebraska Wes- Jeyan to bring his team ~;ferc11 leyan visited on April 19 and leading batting average to,ithosE came away with hard-fought .444. Johnson drove in 1o~Rradt 9-7 and 11-9 wins. That left runs and collected two home.fstud~ the Bobcat record at 5-8-1. runs in the four games. , cer.hf
Bob Parsley, junior pit- Kevin Niday was the losing !Dece1 cher from Hampton, earned pitcher in the second loss t0 '.jplan both wins over Tarkio, Pars- W l N'd J ,progr es eyan. 1 ay co Jected a i ley allowed only six hits in double and a home run ,Reg15 the opening game while against the Plainsmen,i Co: going the entire seven however .:Beret innings. He came in for the Don Hardekopf took the~xcer final 11/3 innings of the 22-20 first loss against Wesleyan. slugfest and held off a late Hardekopf now has a record Tarkio rally to raise his of 1-2. lass, !Anotl
Bobkitte11,s in AIAW tourney,jI)
The Bobkittens will _be at- year colleges in Nebraska, 1 tempting to earn the nght to will be participating in the · • represent Nebraska in the AIA W Regional Qualifying! }] AIA W softball champion· Tournament on those days at 4 ships on April 27-28. Peru, the University of Nebraska - : Do along with all other four- Lincoln. -~lanr
Softballers smash Dana
Mary Mcconnaughey took the loss in the, 11-5 second game. McC'onnaughey owns a 1-3 record. She allowed six
Nancy Parker had three Jeff Schiebur, a sophohits including a pair of more from Sterling, made doubles against St. ~lary's. _his first a earance ever for Parker is batting .391 for the season. Laura Pollman is runs over twn iun:ngs before batting .3J3 for ihe year.
The Peru State Bobkittens remained 1-3 in softball after a pair of home games were called due to bad weather.
The Bobki ttens' 1-3 record includes a split with Creighton University and a pair of losses to powerful Wayne State. Wayne tripped Peru 10-1 and 14-10 March 30 while Peru whipged Creighton 5-2 before falling 4-2 in the second game of the doubleheader on March 31.
Whip Wilson, junior from Oakland. Ia., was the leading
batter for the Bobkittens as expected. Wilson was seven for 12 at the plate including a double, two triples and ii home run. She leads Peru with three steals and five runs batted in (RBI's).
Elizabeth Walsh, sophomore from Gretna, had pitched the only win for. Peni. She allowed 17 hits over m" innings and allowed no extra - base hits. Mary McConnaughey of Peru has an 0-2 record with 22 hits allowed _in 12 innings, ,
Greg Sanders, senior shortstop from Hammond, Ind., is battmg .409, while Kevin Niday is batting .291 with three home runs and a team-high five stolen bases. Steve Medinger is batting .259 with three home runs m-hi h 1
The Peru State softball team swept a doubleheader from Dana College on Monday April 9. by wide margins. The Bobkitteus paste,1 the hoslJ 14-2 and 13-1 to improre record 3-3.
A douhleheader witli Creighton was called off due to rain on April 11. The final home game will be a rescheduled contest with Washburn on May 2.
"MAYBE IF I MAKE A FACE SHE'LL MISS the ball," could have been the thought racing through LouAnn "Rip" Williamson's mind as s_he tossed the ball across the plate. Whatever the thought the 'Kittens continue to slug through a good season of softball this spring;
The Peru pitchers kept Dana under control in both contests, allowing a total of only three hits. Elizabeth Walsh, Gretna, limited Dana to only two hits in seven innings while striking out six.
Mary McConnaughey, freshman from Peru, earned her first win of the season with an impressive one-hitter
~cadE 1\-etun Its or
~uest over five innings She struck!;pace out tour. !nd WhqJ Wilson. standout junients, 1or rr•nn Iowa,} ton oui six Lits in nintect attem: .s wit.I; one duubk,J ,i.r::I ' hmv rt1ns. Shr-1 "I', dro:,· in an incredible twelve\Iajoi runs ill the two games, anoa_·ousi1 stole four bases. Whip 1s!ecau batting .619 for the season. ~en
Fran Calanni, Jamest_own,4ousir N.Y., went three for six at,qowe, the plate with two doubles~has She is batting .444 thus fa~uest this year. Laura Pollman,~ot be Wymore, went a perf:ct 4--t~fajor at the plate mcludmg a'1rt triple Laura is averagin&41io.·rts .353 this season. 'lonstr Walsh owns a record of 2-lfrhe on the mound, while McCon',~ichol naughey stands 1-2 for Coach~Pat Gilbert's team. !
CCOI cke1 / Depa1 \..r:,; rodt
The sundial reminds us that summer is approaching and another school year is gone.
Productions planned
Last year's thealr\cal ason was very successful, ccording to Dr. Royal ckert, head of the Drama epartment at PSC. Stage roductions this season ttracted a total of 2295 ersons to see four shows. his total is not including tbe hildren's plays which ·ould bring the attendance ta! to roughly 2500.
Dr. Eckert statea that he is oking to an even better ason next year with four xcellent plays scheduled.
Improvements suggested for PSC
The plays that will be. performed next year include: "Ten Little Indians" which was written by Agatha Christie, and will be performed for Homecoming; '. 'Sea 'cape". a sophisticated comedy, the musicalhas not been chosen as of yet, and the fourth play, "Winters Tail" which was written by Shakespeare There is also -atentative dinner theater that may take place during the summer school productions.
Conunencement May 12
tie Approximately. 12.0 ceremony will be the· O tudents wiU participate in
brin 19?9 PSC commencement
Distinguished Service
eight. ercises to be held ~tur· Awards to two former PSC
five Y, May 12, at p.m. m the students, Henrietta Fleck
and'. College Gymnasunn. Houghton and Marion Marsh
Wes- The commencement ex- Brown, he said. :earn _. cercises will include not only Campus tours will be given toithose ~tu~ents actually through the College 10 cgraduatmg m May, but also Relations Office both before !~tudents who r.eceived-their and after commencement, ome •· cer.tificates of completion in and. the audience wilt once ._ December and students who again be asked to participate ~;~!_;_plan_ to _.complete their- in the ceremony by singing ted rograms m August, College "America the Beautiful" ru~ 1 egistrar Kelly Liewer said. and, ''hopefully, the PSC met 1 - Co.ngres.sman Dou-g alma mater" to open. and n, ereuter will speak at the close the exercises, Liewer. the , xcercises, Liewer said, and said.
be college plans .to Dr.Larry Tangeman, PSC r:::d tecognize PSC graduating President, will confer !classes of .1909 and 1919. degrees upon the graduating nother highlight of the students.
A resolution to improve and expand the range of services available to PSC students was accepted unanimously by the .Student Affairs Commission on Wednesday, April .25, according. to. Director of Residence Life Dave Eaton. , The resolution states that: "The delivecy of a wide range of services to students is of paramount.importance to the well-being. nf the student body. Effective and comprehensive services provide for lower. discipline rates, lower attrition rates, and an overall satisfaction with the college outside the classroom. Unfortunately, there..are certain budgeiarv
R A' } d
S Se eCte
Residence assistants have been selected for .Morgan Hall for the 1979-80 academic year, according to Res1dence Life Director Dave Eaton.
Mrs Cathy. Larsen, Morgan Hall director, said next year:s residence assistants will ·be Elizabeth Walsh, sophomore, Gretna; Laura Pollman, sophomore, Wymore; and Patti Lewis, freshman,. Grand Island.
Residence assistants are interviewed and selected by a committee of PSC hall directors.
rm. changes ~lanned ~~!increase rates for fall
a;::'.·_f' Dormitory changes married-~tudent h_ousing, i>Janned for the 1979-80 Eaton said, was m part ·t·cademic year include the because ''Pate. is nicer for ' et urn. of Nicholas - Pate to visiting families and for Its original designation as workshop and conference , est housing and overflow lodging.". He added that the struc _. pace for married students increas7in married stude~ts d students with depen• requestmg campus housmg jut•nts, according. to. Dave and the need for temporary luwa,··. ton, PSC residence life housing for new :faculty mn irector. members also contributed to double the decision.
"I've ended up using Clayburn-Mathews, acajors Hall for guest cording to Eaton, .will not using," Eaton said, undergo any major changes, cause Nicholas-Pate has. but it's doubtful that private en.partially.converte i into rooms will be available there using for single stutlents. ·because "there are more wever, he said, iajors requests for Clayburns not been suitaLle for Mathews. housing than there housing and a ,so will are openings." Eaton said it available ne·.t year." wasn't his intent to rs is planned to become discourage private rooms, of the new health and but that most would be complex now under located in Morgan and struction. Delzell Hatls, where there he decision to return are rewer requests for bolas-Pate to guest and housing.
restrictions and parameters [hat do indeed restrict any unlimited or lavish development in terms of equipment and salaries.
"However,-it is recognized that some of our resources are presently being underutilized and .could be made more effective and fully funr.i.ioning through more intra-in.ter-unit; participation and .cooperation. In. seeking to improve the existing services to students, we .cannot avoid some costs which.are necessary. If the funds can be made available the following suggestions for changes and additions are proposed: " , - that the Bob Inn remain open every day until 10
While the grill would be shut off at the! closing time,' sandwiches, , soft drinks, pizzas and microwave items would be available until the 10' p.m. closing.
- that the recently remodelled game room also remain open until 10 p.m. Additional equipment has already been installed and a request has been made to PFM Manager Cliff Nail for food machines to be installed.
- that a wide screen color TV purchased and installed in the Fishbowl, and that the Fishbowl be carpeted for use as a "TV room."
- that additional work study personnel. be made available to provide security for this expanded operation and for student' dances and other campus events.
- that unspecified improvements be made on. the present campus parking situation.
Eaton said the proposed improvements cam1'l' be completed without additional funding and more important, a strong show of student support of the changes. The added expense ot expanding student services, he said, must be warranted by increased use of these services by students.
Meal plans change to 15 or 20 for next year
Changes in the current meal plan will be implemented for the fall semester, according to David Eaton, Director of Residence Life.
There are two meal plans from which a student may choose the 15 meal plan and the 20 meal plan. plan (15) provides.for fifteen meals of your choice and the maxi plan (20) provides for twent)c meals.
The cost per meal on the 15 meal plan is 30 per cent lower than the 10 meal plan. "With the. 10 meal plan you were getting only 2 meals a day and no. meals on the
weekend., With the. 15 meal plan you are getting .three meals a day, but still no meals on the weekend. It's costing you 30 per cent less to eat with. the 15 meal plan than it did with the 10 meal plan," said Mr Eaton.
The maxi plan provides students with three meals a day Monday · through Saturday and two meals on Sunday. With the 20 meal plan students can receive ·two more meals for just over one dollar. "The difference between the 20 meal plan and the 18 meal plan is that the 20 meal plan is around -$15.00 more, but you're getting 80
meals. In the long run you're coming out cheaper than you did with the 18 meal plan," Eaton said.
According to Mr Eaton, the reason that the change from the 10 aild 18 meal plan is because few people can survive on three meals on the weekend, and most· people want three meals a day. "We also have gotten a lot of positive feedback from students. thanking us for changing from the 1Oand 18 meal plan, because like l said most students want three meals a day and more food on the weekends," Eaton said.
Another dormitory change planned for next fall, Eaton said, is an increase in housing rates. Delzell and Morgan will increase to $301· semester; Centennial Complex,. $357 semester; furnished one-be.droom apartments in. Nicholas, $142-month, utilities paid (two bedroom, $174); and unfurnished one-bedroom apartments at.Oak Hill, $1O3monthr utilities, except electricity paid (twobedroom, $124).
Board rates will also be increased, .Eaton said, and PSC will change from ten and 18 meal plans to 15 and 20 plans. He said one reason for the increase in number of mea!savailable was to make it easier for students to stay in Peru over the weekend Eaton added that the expanded meal plans will cut the student's per-meal cost.
~~\: _ , _ _ · _ ''Voice of the Bobcats · issue 8 Peru State College. Peru, Ne. 68421 May 4•1979 _
jThe Pedagogian :
batt Tark
p r e.s en t a t i o n .o f
The rain hampered construction during April, but progress is still being made on the new Sports Complex.
~a editorials
With· mixed emotions I approached .my typewriter for the final issue of the Ped. School is finally - already (?) almost over and I can say that this semester has been quite an experience for me.
With high hopes and aspirations for the .Ped r began servin!?; my time as editor. Only at times did it feel like I was serving a sentence. Some of the plans I'd made never did show up on print-no ones fault but mine. But many of them did and with each issue I became a perhaps bit wiser and less inhibited. I at least got to see my accomplishments and am proud to have been able to serve my fellow students, facnlt.v :1nd administration:
Granted, as I look back down the road I see many things I would have changect' and done differently. I made mistakes and missed some thin~ that I should not have, and I apologize for those. Yet, through it all I learned alot of valuable information and would not have traded places with anyone. Experience. is definitely the best tea(!her.
There are many people r would like to thank for all. of t~ir support and guidance.
First, and very imPortant thanks to Kent Propst, Becki Young and Mark Johnson. How you. put up with all of my ranting and raving I'll never kn~w. Kent, with five years· of journalistic experience was a valuable source of advice, both negalive and positive. Thanks also to my staff and my advisor Everett Browning. They were an excellent group to work with.
And to the staff of lhe Nebraska City News-Press, l am very grateful for v.ow· patience and dedicatiu,1.
Chuck Johnson, Pat Osbon and Ivan Beaumont, thank you for your support.
An invaluable staff member who' deserves recognition my photographer Mick Osbon. He did a. great .job using much of his own time to help out.
Finally, I .thank you, my -readers for your words of advice, comments and criticisms. At least I knew you'd picked up _a copy when
Board Honors Young raises· student fees
I saw them blowing across campus, in garbage cans and on the floor. (I tend to think of it this way: I kept some maintenance man from going hungry! l It's finally over. Or is it? C~ratuiations to my successor, Ms. Debbie Moore. Good luck, and see you in the funnies!
Dear Editor; V: c would like to take this opportunity to .extend a big Lhank you to Michael Bone of Peru.
Michael is the young man who was in charge of keeping the snack machines 'full. Many times he came out to the complex. more than once a day to check the machines. We woulcUike to thank him very much for his hard work and dedication
Yours truly, Residents of Clayburn-Mathews Hall
Peru State College :.Semor Wayne Young was honored by the Nebraska State College Board at its recent meeting held at Kearney. Young, a business administration major, was cited for his work as a student representative on the Nebraska State College Board. Young will graduate this spring at Peru State and plans to pursue a Master's Degree from Northwest Missouri State University at Maryville.
Young is the son of Mr and Mrs Herbert L. Young Humboldt, Nebraska.-
In other Board action st udent fees at Peru Stat~ College have been raised from $l0 to $15. The 3dded funds will be used to help support events sponsored by the Peru State Colleg~ student senate. 1 Two Peru State instructors als_o received promotions which were approved by the Bo~rd. Ric~ard Gulizia, assistant professor of psychology was promoted to associate professor rank. An~ Tom Fiktzgerald, ass1~tan t professor of physical education was. also promoted to associate professor
Activities to change; 1980 Spring Week
According to Patti George Spring Week didn't turn out as everyone had expected. None of the students showed up for any of the activities. The best turn-out was the car relay race and only three people showed up for that according to Ms.George.
"I don't know if it was the liming. of the activities, or ihe activities .themselves that caused such a smali
turn-out. Maybe it was a combination of both. Next year we are ioing to have a whole new. list of activities. We'.re going to revamp sprinl]; week. "Ms George said." ·
Last Show Successful. Participation Needed
"She Stoops to Conquer'', a seventeenth century comedy, was performed in the college auditorium April 25 through April 28.
·Presented ·by the Peru Players, this English comedy written by Oliver Goldsmith, marked their last show of this year. The ca'sl included 19 PSC students and were selected on a tryout basis last month.
Students attend Chadron Conference
Several Peru individua mcluding two PSC stud attenaed the .regional ference of Phi Alpha Th the national histo· fraternity, at Chadron Sta College last month.
session through Registra available office.
The Spring Week tee shirts are selling, but there are ~till_a lot available. If anyone 1s :nterested in buying a Sprmg tee shirt, they are urged to get in first with Tina Gault (S.B.Sl, any Circle K member or Patti George in her office from 11:00. 12 :oo.
The show was directed by Dr. Charles Harper. Joe Waters, sophomore from Bellevue, was the assistant director and stage manager as well asappearing on stage in two minor roles.
The elaborate set was. the cumulative.effort of the cast and production crew and tQok.six weeks to complete. The costumes wer.e designed by Dr. Royal Eckert.
Spring.Fever Cure?
Spring fever is a notorious or she would "recover" tempter of students to · cut sufficiently to attend the classes and enjoy warm next class session. spring weather. under the The "cure" was .initially "thousand oaks." At least only 50 percent successful, one PSC instructor, Browning said, because only however, thinks he has a one of the two absent possible cure for this dread student& returned to class "disease." after receiving the notes.
Several weeks ago, A second set of notes, journalism instructor however, finally prompted Everett Browning had ad- the remaining reluctant vanced .iournalism students student to return to class, write "get well" notes for Browning said: the notes two absent classmates. included a mock obituary _;,,ccr1,ding \o one student in about the truant student and i,,c ci:.:ss, the notes ex- a dramallzed expose of the symµath., ,Jor the elass's attempt to lure the Student and the hope thal he student lo class.
to insure. Activities
One way to discourage PSC's "suitcase college'' image, ~aton. said, is. to schedule dances, .movies, and. othifr activities .on weekends rather than during the week. But to justify.the expense of such .activities they must be scheduled during. the week, when the majority of students are on
campus; he said. ·
Patti George, coordinator of student activities, said she has tentative plans for some weekend activities during the 1979-80 school year, but that she is especially concerned with programming more informally organized activities for students who can't leave Peru on weekends. Ac.cording to Georg.e, extensive weekend
· Peru ·State Phi Al Theta members Sher Biere and Mary Wen along with sponsors Dr. a Mrs Schottenhamel, M Harold Biere and M Richard Wendie attend this conference.
Miss Biere presented paper written by Mr Dona Vanderford on "Sitting B and Mr.s Wendel present her article on the "Americ Agricultural Movement Other point&of interest at t conference included an op
Liewer, of stud until the date to pay same da most st their fu The will be day, J house at the "Museum of A ne F_ur ~ade" and tours ~tentativ hISt~nc Chadron and Forf~"Bobca t Robmson. ;1being de Several worthwhile sto~office of were taken on the trip ajl "Bobe Front Street and Boot Hill filiselect g Ogallala, William (Buffa · · Bill) Cody's ranch in Nor Platte, Lake McCona and Halsey National Forest. Relati
Music to highlight J!~l:t Fine Arts Events
Two music events in early May highlight the fine arts activities this Spring at Peru State College.
Student music conductors gained practical experience during a concert featuring the Peru State College Wind Ensemble on Wednesday, May 2 at 8:00 p.m. in the College Audi_torium. The student conductors .will be conducti1111; at the concert. The music performance was also a benefit for the Majors Hall Fund Drive at Peru State. When renovated, the
Hall will serve as a healtal Camp center adjacent to the ne~ Crit sports .center currentlyj "Aides'' under construction. Al~ point a proceed~ went to the Majo1 verbal Hall Drive. i' qualit' On Sunday, May 6, th' appea Peru State College Alum ·· licipaf Band will present a conce~ activiti at 5:00 ~.m. in the Collegij··· Wiez Aud1tormm. Over 5<lfunctio members will be on hand fo~ hosts the May 6 .performancd com
activities would be "'~~nomically unfeasible because of decreased student participation, but,-------------------
"we need to figure out a way to have something for students left in Peru on weekends to do." George said she would spend much of the summer. break w.orki~ on the weekend
activities problem.
The Pedago;ii:
un_der the direction of Dr. G;·.' ''D Wilson. The concert is fr may and .open to the genera ten ne public. PSC Residence Life Director Dave Eaton would like to see more activities programmed for ·weekends next fall, but says it may be impossible due to low student participation in such activities.
Page2 THE PEDAGOGIAN May 4, 1979 announcements
Osbon , : ,Photographet esiKline , Artist entPropst Sports Editor. uck Mittan , , Feature Edito~ Deb Moore Feature Editor Lori Last.'. ................... , ............... News Edito inda Henley News Editor arold Benson News Editor verettBrowning Advisor.
for a drum
and solo twirler in the
State College Bobcat
have been
by Dr. David M. ethPropst Advertising Manager! Edris, director of
at The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State
State. College and is printed 10 times a semester by PSC
the ,79 students. All letters to the editor should be
are for [double-spaced and less than 300 words] and mailed to st.u.den. ts with previous hicrh P.O. Box 120, Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska · · · " ; l'.R4?t school experience. ~-,_,,__.,,..___,..._.__
In Step! Mick
Marching Band
The openings for
typed marching season
jSummer Registration Set; Classes to 'begin J~e 4
Registration for ·students for the 1979 summer school individuals ·session will be from April 9th
Administration Building, classes may do so only on room 105 Hours of Monday, July 9th, students through April 20th. registration will be between con-: Registrati-0n packets are 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and Theta, available at the registrar's 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. history· office. According to Dr. Individuals who have not State,_ Liewer, Registrar, the bulk registered early are of st udents don'.t _.register requested to do so on this Alpha1 untilthegeneralreg1stration - oat Re t t: be Sherry' date because students have e. gis ra ion may for both term or one fiveWendie_ to pay for th .e cl175ses th e week term. Second term fees and __ ·same day they register, and
Mrsi most students have to get will be payable at a later Mrsltheirfundstogether. date on Julys, 6 or 9th, attended! !he general registration Liewer said.
will be conducted on Mon- Individuals planning to a day, June 4th, in .the enroll for second term
B b A
presented; ~"American.! Movement») the\, open.~
0 cat z'des
give tours
thef A new organization, or1_tentatively known as FonfBobeat Aides'' is presently jbeing developed through the sto])$!offic•.· Oi. College Relations. at, "Bobcat Aides" will be a ui;elect group of ten students, tBuffal~ive men and fae women.
NortlfAccording to Jan Wiezorek, llcConaugh!JDirector of College Forest. ;LRelalions, the "aides" would ,perform several functions.
!The ten would serve as ~ambassadors for the colle~e. ·'hosts for on-campus social ffunctions, representatives of
tthe student and toul' : gmdes for visitors to the healtlt.campus.of a Thousand Oaks. n~ Criteria. for selecting the currently("Aides" includes a grade AlftJ>oint average of at least6.00, Majortverbal skills, leadership ·qualities,. poise, personal ~appearance and parAlurnntticipation in extra-curricular concen activities.
Colleg.J Wiezorek said their first 51function would be to serve as
for.hosts and i;uides during rformanc~' __·_commencement exei:.c-ises.
Gif "Due to.the short notice we fre\may select a new group of generaften next fall. "he said, ''But twe've had at least 15 or 20
New freshman cheerleaders will be lifting our spirits for the upcoming football season. Bottom[left to right] Sandy Grate, Susan LaMountain, Kim Grinstead. Top - [left to right] Lori Study, Denice Dominic, Rita Adams.
Alumni hand to playdinner to follow
Over 50 PSC alumni band replys to letters we sent to members will .present an _. alumni band concert on May 1s · 6at.5:00 p.m. in the college auditorium. students, -so there definitely interest."
Those selected as "Bobcat Aides" would have to attend training sessions and some would qualify for work study under this program, said Wiezorek.
PSC crafts, ·woodworking on display -
PERU - Craft and woodworking students at Peru State College will hold an exhibition on May 4, of their works. at the industrial arts building on campus from ·8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Room 2.
.Student projects on crafts display day will include wallets, purses, stained glass ornaments and woodworking pieces such as coffee tables, caQinets and credenzas, said Michael McKibben, instructor in industrial arts at Peru State. ·
-The band will be under the direction of Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson, director of music activities at PSC. The band will not only consist of · alumni graduates but also of students that are presently in the Peru band.
"Many of the alumni stll4ents were either in prep band or the college band," said.Wilson. "We will have a llariety of people, some coming from great distances."
"The band will perform a few numbers that most of the alumni members will
LB304 may help PSC recruitment
remember playing," Wilson said. One song entitled, "Sound Dramas for Bands,'' that was recor-ded by the PSC band four years ago will be performed by the ensemble.
Another special number will be, t)ie SO!ll? '·Trumpet Trio,'' which will be played by the origiQal trio.
''The. alumni concert is something I have counted on since I first proposed retirement." Wilson said. "Alot of these alumni students, I taught since they first bega11 to play music. I'm looking forward to seeing them again."
Following the concert .the alumni. band. will be invited to a faculty dinner.
Tree committee meets plans 'for arboretum
Members of the Peru State College Committee met with officials from the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum to discuss plans for the College's inclusion to the arboretum system.
LB304 could be just the thing to solve PSC athletic recruiting problems, according to Athletic Director Jerry Joy, but its legislative progress has been slow. It is presently on general file with the Legislature - out of committee but waiting in the line-up of .legislation t J be debated.
LB304 would allow the Stale College Board of Tr-ustees and Universitv Board of Regents to set requirements for Nebraska residency and establish more than one level of nonresident tuition.
··- Many university ·officials have indicated their support of the proposed bill, and Coach Joy agrees with them that it is very necessary. to pass LB304. "If that bill ,were passed," he said, "I don't know any state college which would benefit more than Peru."
Joy said the fact that Nebraska has a lower population than the states surrounding it made the bill necessary so Nebraska colleges 'Could attract students from those states.
Residency requirements set by the board of trustees could also aid PSC athletic recruitment, he said. Special non - resident tuition rates
College gets
2,000 $$ in
could be used in addition to a limited scholarship fund in attracting prospective students. Several athletes currently r~eive double tuition waivers which could be distributed among other students if special non-resident tuition was established, he said.
"I think it's a good deal," Joy said in reference to LB304. "It will help us get more athletes and will increase our enrollment. "I think the state will be moving backward if they don't pass it," Joy said.
PSC President Larry Tangeman agreed with Joy that LB304 would be very good for Peru, but said that even if the bill passed,· there was no guarantee that the board of trustees would use their power to set residency requirements and special non-resident tuition.
Drill team maybe added to PSC hand
The Peru State Bobcat marching band may have an added attraction next year. The band is in hopes of adding a drill team.
.Dr. David M. Edris, director of the band, said-he hopes to get enough girls interested to form a drill ·team.
Kent Propst and '.\lie Osbon can be seen bro~dcasting their "~o Disco Show" which is , aired on Mondays. These two are a few of the many JD's who have been 011 the air for · radio station KSPC.
The Peru - State College Tree Committee composed of arts persons, groundskeepers and administrators recently planted a red oak tree for Arbor Day. And at commencement this spring, the committee will plant trees in honor of distinguished alumni.
The drill team would earn credit and be graded as a part of the band: A meeting Ak-Sar-Ben board of will be held for interested g.overnors announced girls. on May 7 to discuss scholarship fl!nds in the requirements and rules. amount of $2,000 to students The. band which will apattending Peru State. pear in new uniforms, will College,· said Nick T. home games and Newberry, chairman of the at parades through out the Ak-Sar-Ben scholarship season, said Edris. "We also committee. hope to get to at least one
Four scholarships of $500 away game," Edris stated. each will be awarded to The schedule of perdeserving students. formances is not yet Peru State College available.
President Dr. Larry A. Adrum major may be with Tangeman said the funds the band. constitute an investment in He hopes to add a ba to.n people and in the future. The twirler. Anyone-interested in scholarships will be awarded trying out for band major or to students enrolled during twirler, may_)tontact Dr. the '79-'80 school year. · Edris:· .;"'. ·.
I I -
Registrations · will be processed in · the Administration Building. However, it is requested that all students register early or on June 4th. This procedure w.ill help identify if individual .class enrollments are sufficient to offer the course. Tuition and other fees applicable are payable at the time of registration and no provision is made for credit. 1, 1!17!1
Dr. Joe Young, Net>raska Statewide Arboretum curator said that Peru State will be discussed al the Arboretum board meeting in May. "Peru State College seems ari ideal site for an arboretum since it has the warmest .climate of any of the sites in Nebraska,'' said Young. That means a wider variety of trees can grow in this area. Young also said the expanding pursuits of the statewide - system call for moee educational resources which are readily available on the Peru State campus. Currently there are 12 approved sites and an additional six more sites under consideration by the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum board.
Whip Wilson, one 0£ the leading hitters for the softball team, displays her batting ability.
Bohkittens Victory shuts out opponents
The Peru State softball team advanced its record to · 6-4 with two wins Saturday, Apr.ii 21. The Bobkittens whipped host Nebraska Wesleyan 7-0 and then bombed a fine Chadron State team 17-0 in Lincoln.
Rhonda Wright, pitched a no-hitter in the 7-0 win over Wesleyan. Wright threw one strikeout and did not walk a single NWU batter in the game while earning her first win of the season. ·
Elizabeth Walsh, raised her record to 4--1 with a onehitter in the 17-0 route of Chadron. Walsh has allowed only 21 hits over 35 innings Lhis season and has gone the entire seven innings in all five outings.
Laura, Pollman, was the big batter ill the first game
with three as many atbats. She finished the day with four hits in eight attempts with three RBI's. Her batting average rose to .375, Whip Wilson, had three hits in seven at-bats on the day. She stole three bases, scored five runs and driv.e home three RBl's. Wilson is batting .514 on the year.
Deb Craig, had a big day with three hits in 10 at· tempts, four runs scored, four RBI's and a perfect day fieldinp; with 23 put-outs.
Fran Calanni, bad a good day batting against the Ea~les. She .had - two hits includint a triple in four atba~s. scored two runs and drive in a run and stole two bases. She has a .406 batting average.
1979 ·Cheerleaders Chosen
Six new cheerleaders were from Bellevue; Rita Adams, selected last week for the freshman from Omaha; 1979-80 football season.
Sandy Grate, freshman from
The new cheerleaders are: Omaha. · Susan LaMounlain, fresh, man from Omaha. Lori · The judges.were Dr. David Study. freshman_· from Edris, music department; Palmyra Kim Grinstead '.Vhss Hoelker; Joe Primm, · ' ' Student Senate President freshman from Papillion; and Kent Propst, Sports Denice Dominic, freshman Information Director
The academic, year 1978-79 has proved to be one of the finest years in athletics for Peru Slate. i., number of record-setting perfonnances were turned in, fans and coaches alike, are looking forward lo next year in eager anticipation. ·
The football team registered.. its first winning season since 1962, finishing 53-2. The season was highlighted by the performance of freshman Alvin Holder, who rushed for a school-record 1,145 yards. Holder, offensive lineman • Bob. Hruby and defensive back - Ken Denning, all earned honorable mention All-American honors.
The volleyball team finished the season with another winning record. Coach Pat Gilbert's young squad will miss the play of Danelle War.ner, Julie Hartman, Joni Albin and Desi Kline, but will have excellent talent returning when the season opens this fall.
The Bobcat basketball team faced a rugged schedule under a new coach along with a small team. The result was a 6-23 season, but senior guard Dan Shouse rewrote the Peru record books enroute to. earning honorable mention AllAmerican honors. Shouse, wit,p a 28.5 scoring average, and Bernie Hajny were chosen to represent the Nebraska College Conference in the NAIA's firstever All-Star game.
The women's basketball team began the season without a coach. The ensuing 4-17 record was largely due lo the rough early start \vithout a coach. The sQuad lost seniors Julie Hartman and Debbie Craig and should field a fine team. Freshman
Peru track season ends
Peru State track per- the high _jump with a leap of formances have steadily 6'2, and was part of the :WOimproved throughout the meter relay team that 1979 track season The earned fifth place. Other women'.s team has com-, relay, members were Alv~n pleted its schedule while the Holder, Tampa, Fla; Curtis men will compete at the PruiU, Omaha: and Norm Doa¥ie Relavs in Crete May Parrish, Homewood, Ill.5. · Bill Sell, a hard-working
Coach Erv Pitts' men's squad fared. well at the Central Missouri State Invitational April 24.. Keith McKim, looked particularly impressive as he placed. ip three events, •while Mike Bird, has "tremendous potential" in the dis.cus according to Coach Pitts.
McKim earned fifth place in the 110-meter high hurdles despite the fact that it was only the third time this year he has competed in that event. McKim took fifth in
junior who graduated from Nebraska City High and now lives in Nemaha, pll;9ed fourth in the 1500-meter run. Sell was clocked in a .fine 4:05.7. Bird threw the discus 142'8 for ·fourth place, but Pitts believes Bird capable of throwing 30. feet further if he continues to work hard
The women's team earned fifth place in the AIAW state meet at Wayne April 24. Barb Rolf, again was the standout for Coach Shari Hoelker's thinclads as she placed in two events.
May 4, 1979
Jackie Nixon has the talent to be great before she leaves.
Thus far both the baseball and softball teams are doing well. The baseballers are working to .keep their record above .500 and feature nationally ranked hitters in Mark Johnson, Steve Medinger and Greg Sanders. The softballers have proved they have talent, but inconsistency .and a rash of weather-cancelled games have kept their record at .500.
The track teams have produced their share of highlights, also. Freshman Keith McKim is the new owner of the .highjump record, and is going to be a fine competitor over the next few years. Likewise, Karen '.\iostrom is a talented freshman (she already has earned three letters) who set the women's high jump
record. Big losses to the women's team will be felt by the departure of throwers Barb Rolf and Desi Kline.
· To all the athletes at Peru State, thank. you for an en· tertaining year. Congratulations to all, and let's make next year even better.
(I would like to take this lime to give a personal thanks to the following people for their help 1throughout the season: Coaches Squires, Gilbert, Pitts, Gorney, Hoelker, 1 Gilliland, and especially Jerry Joy, Athletic Director).
Weight trainitg program prepares football team
Rolf placed second in the javelin with~ toss of U3'10 and earned fifth in the discus with a thro.w of 119'11. Rolf ends her career with the school record in the discus.
Rita Adams, freshman from Omaha, placed fourth in the long :lump with a school-record leap of 15'8 112. She also owns school records in the 100 and 200 meter dashes.
Desi Kline, placed fifth in the javelin with a fling of 104'4½ She owns the school record in that event. Karen Mostrom, earned a fourth in the high jump with a leap of 5'.
Bev Pietzyk, failed to place in any meets this season but wound up owning two school records. Pietzyk set the school mark in the mile ·mile runs.
Around 40 men are involved in a weight training program to prepare them• selves for the 1979 football season. Coach Jerry Joy says .that the players are working hard and enthusiasm shown · by all is excellent.
According to Coach Joy, approximately 15 incoming
they attended include: Jeff Johnson Pawnee City; Bob Auxier - DawsonVerdon; Mitch Eggers, Doug · Minchow, and Bob Winters - .Waverly; Dan KingLincoln Northeast; Brad Oliver - Falls City Sacred Heart; and Keith EverettOmaha. students have signed up to Coach Joy believes the play for Peru next season. Bobcats will be competitive Area players who have • next fall and is anxious for already committed .them- football season to once again selves and tbe high schools roll around at P.S.C.
Bobcats win 3; lose 3
The Peru State baseball team recorded three wins and as many losses during action last week Wayne State took two wins in Peru, the Bobcats earned a. split with Doane, and Tarkio fell twice-to leave Peru with an 811 record.
The Bobcats hosted Concordia on May 1 for .the season home finale. Seniors Don Hardekopf and Greg Sanders put in their final appearance before a Peru crowd. ·'
Wayne State took a pair of easy wins, 10-3 and 22-5 on
April 23. The Wayne.batters had a field day against the Peru Pitchers, pounding out 19. extra-base hits. The Wildcat pitchers were able to keep the usually•potent Peru bats at bay.
The following day Peru tra\!elled to Crete. The Bobcats took the opener B-5 but were downed by the hosts 18-13. in the error-filled nightcap.
Tarkio College lost its third and fourth games of the season against Peru to leave the Owl record at 0-6. Peru won the first game by .13-5
and held on for the second win,9-'Z.
Mark Johnson, junior first baseman continues as the. leading hitter for Peru. Johnson, who is amo11g the top hitters in the NAIA, is carrying a .453 batting average. He also. has .10 doubles to his credit, which ranks as one of the national highs.
Steve Medinger, is among the national leaders also. Medinger is batting .362 and has io home runs and 41 RBl's.
Greg Sanders, is batting .385 and has 9 home runs
• ·-~~•--··•·..-;,:.
"It's all in how you hold your tongue,'' may be what Tim Woodruff is thinking as he pitched against Tarkio.