Ta.ngemalt Installation
Thursday, Oct. 12 at 2
Dr. Larry A. Tangeman's formal installation as the twenty-first President of Peru State College will be conducte!l Thursday, Oct. 12, at 2 p.m in the College Auditorium.
Dr. Larry A. Tangeman's formal installation as the twenty-first President of Peru State College will be conducte!l Thursday, Oct. 12, at 2 p.m in the College Auditorium.
'78 promises to be an exciting day in the hi.Story of Peru State College. As the schedule bf,llow shows, activities begin Friday, Oct 6 and continue through midnight, Saturday µight. .·.
All alumni are. inv.ited to attend a special al)J:tp.ni +ecepti.on and registration Saturday morning.in the Fine Arts Buildingl(jbby ho!Sted by the local T}lousand Oaks Alumni Chapter. Come early so you can enj 0y par<}de. · , Ari all-alumni Iirnche0n will be hekl. at nl)OJ1 in the student center. Special recognition will be given to .members of the 1938, 1953aµd1968 classes, Speakers will include Larry Tangeman a.nd Head.FC>otball Coach.Jerry Joy.
Tours of campus, including a·report on the progress of the.new Health.and Physical Educ.ation Genter, will be offered Saturday .morning a11d after the luncheon, upon request. · · ·
Following the. 2 p.m. football. game with. tM Psc··Faculty Women's Cl¢> will be hostesses at a post-game reception for all alumni and guests. · ·····
OveI"night accQmmoda.tions on campus are available. for ejther Friday or Saturday night with advance reservations. Come ear1y, stay late, we promise
The ceremony has. been timed to you'll enjoy Homecoming '.78. coincide with the Hl78 meeting of the The football game will pit t}1e against a formidable foe in the.Ravens Nebraska• State College Board of from Benedictine College. After two 7-4. and back-to-back Trustees. on the Peru campus. Dr, tripsto the Bootpill Bowl, Beneqif,!tine is.anticipating that this year's $quad will Tangeman. was appointed president on produce the most wins since footl,>aJl was the Gollege,iri .1973. Oct. 28, 1977, and took office ,Dec. 1 of The reason for such }ligh ex;pecta tions is t}1e return of entiJ;e offensive:, last year. team from '77 and all but two of the defensive starters Ravens to watch for wiIL1 Following the installation ceremony, be honorable mention Keith Hurtling, running back, and Pat ·· Dr. and Mrs Tangeman will be honored George, wide receiver; fit,"st team All-American place kicker. Gary Sha.w; at a reception on campus. record setting quarterback Paul Durkin; and fullback
All Peru State College alumni llnd Schulte.. ··
· their families are Invited to attend the Peru, in the.role of the underdog, shot clown the Ravens wi.th a 14-6 win at
installation and reception. The Benedictine last year. This year's squaq will have more experience, depth and
meeting many Peru alumni since he Laxdal and J,"eceive,r Roosevelt Browp,.
had. t·he .privileg··.e o.f speed. Re. tur. ning will be th.e.re.cord setting.·
, officf.l, and h,e)poks forward to
president Jack Mcintire of Peru.
Fund drive workers plan additional contacts this month iri order to reach goalforthis year, he said.
The effort received an unexpected boost in August when over $2,900 was received from the estate df Grace Clara Reiff, Class of 193'7, of Beatrice. to the annual drive are' used for the college's; "matching money" in the National Di.feet Student Loan program, unless otherwise designated:· Each dollar contributed is by $9 in federal funds, multiplying the beneficial· impact of donors' contributions, he explained. Only non-tax funds may be used for the college's portion.
In.addition to the annual NDSL drive, contributions have .been received recently establishing memorials in honor of Dr. Neal Gomon, Walter Buettengenbach and Nellie McAuley, Mcintire said. ·
Gifts to Peru State College· through the A.cpievement Foundati9.n may be made in their memory, he said. ·
When. was the ·last time · you ·got together dther· Peruvians in your area?
The Institutional Relations .Office would like to help set up ··an alumni reunion in your area this year. We ,can provide the names of graduates from our ZIP code alumni directory, help· mail the invitations and help with other reunion arrangements.
How about the St. Louis area?
Omaha? Des Moines? Kansas City? Fremont? Columbus? Grand Island? Whei;ever?
J.oet us know if.you're interested. We'd ·
oci. 6
Art Exhibit Fine.Arts BuildingGym·
Women's Volleybal\vs Wayne
Peru Players' "DraS!ula"
Pep Rally and Bonfire location to be announced Saturday, Oct•. 7
Registratjon and Reception for all returning alumni Guided Campqs 'fours
Coffee and Rolls with the team for all former "P" Club members
Homecoming Alumni Luncheon
Football vs. Benedjctine
Post-Game Reception
i>eru Players' "Dracula'' Homecoming Dance
From Cptr. Student Center
DowntQwn .St11dentCntr. In the Oak Bowl College Aud. Neal Ballroom
Servi.ces were held JuJy 10 at St. Paul's Lutheran church in Auburn for Pr. Neal S. Gomon, president of Peru State College from 1951. to 1972, who died July 6 at a Lincoln hospital at the ageof70.
Survivors include his wife, Marion of Auburn; twC> sons, DayidofMHford, 0., and Dr. Thomas of Lincoln; one daughter, Mrs Steven (Georgette) Knittle of Lincoln; one brother, Horace of Liricoln; eight grandchildren, and a number of.nieces and nephews.
A memorial· fund has been established for.the Peru Achievement Foundation at Peru College. · DI¥ G.omon was born June24, 1908 at Giltner. As the son of a Methodist miriister, his early cbildboodwas spent in several. Nebraska communities. ae.
liign· sch(Jc)l> At
the University of Nebraska he earned his A.B. degree in journalism; his master's degree. in education.al administration and his doctorate in education.
Dr. Gomon was head of tbe division of language arts. at Peru State for one year prior to his appointment as president. Before joinirig the Peru staff, be was ·field service director. for the Education Assn. and the National Education Assn. He had served as superintendent of schools at Wymore,' Alvo and Niobrara, all in Nebraska. ae had been a high school teachers at. Bancroft. and instructor of jC>urnalism at Omaha University, B.efore entering the teaching profession, he was a reporter on. the Lincoln Sta.r, an ed\tor; .for the · Methooist 'B®Jri' l.few\yort(
City, and director .of Conventioni News Service, Omaha. ··
He had set'ved as1,presidep.t 6fi'district one,. Nebraska State Edµ,ca;tion Assn., president of Nebraska Assn. of colleges and Universities, was president of Cornhusker Council, Boy Scouts of America. He had .also served as president. of Nebraska Educational Te.levision Council for Hight. Education.
In the fall of 1959, Dr. Gomon was a member of a group of 30 American educators selected to visit educational institutions in the USSR, Poland and East Germany. Dr. Gomon had been seriously Ul since May 22. He was tran8ferredfrom County Hospital to St. ;Eliialieth!sH. ···. itau ,
Sarah Jewell and Gordon Thiesfeld, both Class of 1978 were. married on August 11 in Nebraska City; ·
Linda Ka,, Boukal, qass of 1975 and Michael Morehead, announced plans .for an October 21st weddi,ng in Humboldt.
KayLynne Albin, Class of 1914 and Gary Clark,"were married August 4 in Geneva.
Richard Lee Behrends, Class of 1966, and Mary Helen Wheeler, were married August 5 in Stella.
CatherineAnn Hjortshoj and Michael•. P.rn.:arsen,dboth semors atPsC,' were marriedAugust 5 in
Eileen Hegarty, Class of 1977, and Richard South were married July l in Omaha.
Scott Hoegh, Class of 1978, and Kimberly Humphrey were married in Council Bluffs in April.
Cheryl Nolte, a Peru State. student, and Allen Dreher were married in Humboldt in March.
Kary G. Hoins, Class of 1966, and Kathy Richter were married in Prairie Center in August.
Laura Ann Lutz and Ralph E. Blevins, current· Peru Sj;ate students, were married in.August at Paul.
Denise Lynn Coupe and James. H. Kirkendall, current Peru Sta.te students, were married in July at Falls City.
Karen Gress and Duane Madison, both Class of 1977, were married in August, at Nebraska City.
Lea Anne Kreifels, a senior at PSC, and Michael Louis Kinnison were ried in June a.t Nebraska city, Neb; Kathryn Rockemann, Class of 1970, and Howard Hill were married in June at O!iell,. Neb.
Sandra S. Bruns, Class. of. 1976, and David K. Silcox were married May 26, in Nebraska City.
Diana Kay Sullivan and Douglas R; Thomas, both Class of 1978, were married June 24 in Auburn.
Pamela Sue Hamblin, currently attending PSC, and Charles. Dee :Vogele were married June 23 in (!ity.
Janet E. Wilson, currently attending PSC, and William J. Grush, a former PSC student, were marr:.ed July 8 in Auburn. ·
Janey Lynn Wright and Ronald Dean Ulmer, both attending PSC, were married in July at Nebraska City.
Debra Ann Anderson, Class of 1975 and Glen Fredrick Stinn were married in Dunlap on July 22.
Susan Weiler, currently. attending PSC, and Kent Antes were married August 20 in Siracuse.
If you think this edition of the Peru Stater couldhave been better, I agree. • the textbooks say that communication is a two-way street, but the incoming flow has been pretty light. We find ourselves depending too heavily on our Nebraska newspaper clipping service for alumni items. ·
Please don't hesitate to let. us know about the milestones in YOUR life, or the lives>of the friends you made at Peru State. We. want· to know how you're doing, and so do your friends and classmates.
(If nothinit exciting has happened and ten me what about recent
Honored class members ·attending commencement ceremonies in May were:
Front row, left to right: Chelsea [Long] Tipp -1918, Ruth [Foley] Clarke - 1918, Gladys {Freeman] Buoey - 1913, Flora [Sheik] Sorensen - 1928, Laurine Anderson - 1928, Helen Stukenholtz - 1928. · Back row, lefttoright: Walter_Kaltenborn-1928, Fred Rothert-1928, OliverC. Rogers-1928, Clifford E Clark:1928, Alice [Brandt] Chase - 1928, Joseph H. Robertson - 1928.
Leo V. Beckord, Class of 1928, at York, December, 1977. ·
Blanche Jerauld Chuman, Class of 1911,.in Fresno, Cal., March 18, at the age of85. ·
Ruth Pasco, Class of 1928,in Auburn, December 1977;
Frank Dallam, Class of 1916, in Omaha.
Mrs Hazel Ward Goggins, Class of 1912, at Pocatello, Ind.
Mrs Eda Sahs Fox, former Peru State ·Normal student, Jn Omaha on May 22.
Mrs. Mary Bauer Wirthele, former Peru State student, at Falls City, on July 3.. ;
Mrs Faye Wictatam Harlow, Class of 1925, at F_alls City, on July 10. Eggleswn Bailey, former Peru State student, af·Omaha, on June 20.
Mrs Abbie Biggs Swanson, Class· of 1918, at Auburn, on January 8.
·Pan.I E. Kutnink, former c_oach at Peru State, at Topeka, Kan., at the age of79.
Ulab Pritts Barnason, former Pel'.ll State student, at Blue Hill, onJuly26, at the age of 78.
Ethel Justice Bulla, Class of 19H, at Hastings, Neb., on June 23, 1975, at the ageof86.
Mrs. Genevieve Cro$s Clar:k, Class of 1954, at Fairbury in May at the age of 91.
Mrs Fern Percival Hinkle, a f9rmer Peru State student, at Falls City··in April at the age of 13.
Harold Russell, a former student, at Lincoln in April at the age of 67.
Mrs Monica Rooney •. Class of 1965, at Tecumseh in April at the age of 73.
Mrs Faith Renz Hoppe, Class of 1942, at Albion in April at the age of 59.
Mrs Etta Young of 1914, at Omaha in May at the age of Dr. E. L. Sonkup, former Peru Normal student, at Omaha in March at the age of 86.
Mrs Ruth Noerrlinger Doeden, of 1960, in. March at the age of 58.
Mrs Ethel Jones Willl:ams, Cfass at Auburn, Neb., on August 20,
BOBCAT 1978-79 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE [Home Games Capitalized]
January 23 .....•. : •. , •..........•......... : ...•..••..••.•.•.• Midland College
January 26 Baker College
February 1........•.................................. COLLEGE
february 3 .••.•.................•....•...•...••••..•... Chadron College
February 5 : Kearney State College
February9 , , AVILA COLLEGE
Febrfil:lrylO .· "'' Tarkio College
Februaryl7.. • , BelleweCollege •·.· , Mid-AmericaNazarene
BOBKl.TTEN 1978-79 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE [Home Ga_µies Capitalized.
December2 t J)ecemtier'4
December 15-16
February? Feb:ruary9
Dr. Richard Muth. Director
"Back to School" issµes of anypublication.usually bear.11 strong to all "]3ack, to Scbool" issues; full of infonpation and · :wiill .• tJle of· inspiring .those· with ec;lucation to on:ee agam pick up their burdens where they left them m the i>pring, and carry on. This .column will probably be no ef(ceptiop.
The Admissions Office staff bas not been idle since the .last issue <t-. the Summer is as busy as any seas9n, with campus visitors, strategy .sessions, and long hours of evalqation of the years' work. Repol'ts tisually are one outcome of evaluations, so I might as well include a short one here: · ·
New student enrollment for Fall, 1977-78 was up 20% ove(the pl'evious year; Freshman enrollment, up 16%; semeioter up 50%; Summer school enrollment, up 9%. When the dust settles this serp.este1', we projec;t an increase in new enrollees of about 10%. The. incoming students represent 20 states, aridin(!lude 6 new internatiol)al stuqents
Increases new student enl'ollments area ttributa9le in large rp.easul'e to the · diligent of the Admissions. O(fice staff, and the cooperation we have received from the faculty, administration,. students and Alum.ni. We pave had more student AlUn,ts this year than ever before, requesting that we send information. Matte1' of fact we had t:wo calls yesterday! Time for moi:e statistics: between the I>i1'ector anqAssista11t Director, we visited 192 different higb schools last year, a total of 377 times; att.;mi;Jed 22 career programs ang 3 National College Fa.irs. In addition, I paid visits to 25 Junior and C:o:mmuµity Colleges 39 times. It was time well spent. Through personal contacts, the College has made many new friends, as well as renewed some old and valued acquaintances. · ··
An .old friend stopped in the office this week. Tom Stevenson ('63) is an Education Specialist with the Navy, and fives inMu;rray, Ne.braska. He visits from time to time, probably checking up on ourAthletic Director, Coach Jercy Joy, with whom he attended college, (occasiona,lly ); :FJ:e also provides our office with names of young men and women from focal area who discharged from the Na'Vy, many of whom have joined .us here at Peru Sta:te to complete a degree. • .· .·
Homecoming is just around the corner,. (October 7). I many of you Will be able. to return to. wat.ch "Big roll over Benedictine. Cpllege,..and participate in some of the otqer activities on campus. I look fQrwarc;l to meeting many more of you during my tl'avels in the comingyea,r. So until next time, "Be A Bobcat Booster", and thanks again for your support.
The next time you vi.sit campus, please stop by the Institutional Rela,tions Office We're open from 8 to 5 each day, we have a11umber of alumni items which we think you'll find and we'.re almost always good for a free cup of coffee. If there is a classmate you haven't heard from recently, will be. happy to help you.find Pis or her curre11t address.
Among the many visitors on campus this summer were Thomas Buchholz, Class of 1964; Loyd .and Pauline Prante, Class of 1920; Lt. Col. Richard C.
Each month, President Larry Tangeman prepares a. brief summary .,of campus activities for the Nebraska State College Boafd of Trustees. We believe this is a gOOd summary of some of the major campus activities since the last "stater'' in April.
senior Awards and Recognition Day: Outstanding at Peru State <''ollege were honored at the annual Awa.rds and Recognition Day
3. separate awards and sci alarships were presented, with twenty-one Peru State College students being inductedinto the membership of Who·Among Am.erican ·Colleges and Universities. The !{. E. Swenson Award, based on character and personality, scholarship, loyalty toschool tradition, and athletic participation, wa.s presented to .Dale Patton of Springfield, Ohio This yea.r; the Helen Cole Pollard Award, presented. annually .to a senior who has demonstrated loyalty and service to Peru State College, was awarded to corecipients Karen Doeden of Cook, Nebraska and Ted Harshbarger of Auburn, Nebraska. Dr. and Mrs Tangeman honored the graduates with a reception at their home. "'·
Outstanding Business Student Teacher Award: Ms. Teresa Hahn of Johnson was named the "Outstanding Bu.siness Student Teacher of the Year" by the Nebraska State Business Education Association. Ms Hahn was enrolled in an internship program at the A.S.C.S. office in Auburn before receiving her degree in Business Educatfon on May 13th,
Commencement Ceremony: Peru State College held its 1978 Cqmmencement ceremony on May 13th, with betwe.enl200 ·and 1300 people attending •.Honored classeS, being recognized that day werethe classes of 1908 (no representatives in attendance), 1918 and 1928 (both having representation present). Dr. Anne Campbell extended greetings from the Board of Trustees, .and also was the featured speaker of the day, The Distinguished Service Award was given to Dr. Richard Overnolt,. Class of 1923; however, due to illness Mr and Mrs Vernon Krenzer of:Omaha received the h.onor for him. Mr aiid Mrs Krenzer are the niece and nephe}v of Dr. Overholt. ' Six masters degree§. were awarded in conjunction with .the cooperative graduate program Vlj;ith the Univ'ersity of Nebraska - Lincoln. One hundred twenty-six individuals received bachelors an.<:J associate degrees. The Peru State College .Faculty.Women's Club .hostE,id a ·reception following the ceremony in the foyer of the Jindra Fine Arts Center.
Dr Richard H. Overliolt is a native Nebraskan, born in 1901 at Ashland. His family moved to Peru in 1906 where he was graduated from the Model Training School, received his two-year certificate in 1920, and was a member of the college's first four,year degree class Between college degrees, he was Principal and Acting Superintendent. of Schools at Panama, Nebraska. He attended the University of Nebraska College of Medicine and completed graduate training in surgery at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital inl93l,
Dr, Overholt began practice in Boston as a senior member of the Lahey Clinic:, developing a Department of Chest Surgery there and also serving as Consulting Surgeon to six county hospitals in eastern Massachusetts and the state tuberculosis sanitorium:s of Rhode Island .a.foi New Hampshire, In
the late 1940's he and other physicians formed the Overholt Thoracic Clinic and organized a training program for chest surgeons. This program was merged ten years ago with the graduate training program of the Lahey Clinic and Harvard Medical School to form the Harvard-Deaconess Thoracic Training Program. In 1959 he led a Thoracic Surgical Unit which conthre&month training.program for Vietnamese doctors inSaigon.
He is a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, American College of Chest Physicians, American College of Surgeons, American Society of .&J.1r;ge'ons, :: a ,Founding Meip:her· of AJ:nerican B,oard' .of Surgery, ·and the· American Board of Thoracic Surgery. He is a Clinical Professor of Surgery at Tufts School of Medicine and is Past.Preside.nt of the American.College of Chest Physician!). He has contributed approximately 180 scientific articles to various medical journals in this country and abroad, and has published one book, "The Techniqµe of Pulmonary Resection". He is still carrying on an active medical practice and reportedly .has no intention of retiring.
Masters Degrees Awarded: The University of Nebraska awarded six Master of Education degrees at Peru s.tate's Commencement ceremony ori May 13th. Those receiving the degrees were: Nancy A, Rhonda M, Johnson, Nebraska City; VirginiaS. Jones, Tecumseh; Loretta L. Kruse, Peru; Harmony Pitts, Peru; and Betty Schuetz, Humboldt. This is.the first graduating class to receive masters degrees through the graduate program. 'l'hree. REiceive Highest .Distinction: Three May graduates-"- Teresa Hahn of Brock, Loma. Pollm;:,tn and Diana Sullivan of AubQrn .:._ were awarded degrees "With· .Highest Distincti:on1'' at Commencement To qualify for the honor, they each earned overall grade point averages of 8.50 or above on Peru State's · · Testimonial Dinner: A testimonial dinner for D. V. Jarvis, 30-year Industrial Arts faculty member of Peru State College, was held Saturday, May 6th. Mr· Jarvis is a 1948 graduate of Peru State College, and he began ·his career at Peru the same year as an instructor of industrial arts. He acquired his ·masters degree at Cotorado A & M at Fort Collins, Colorado in 1955, and acquired additional graduate credit at the University of Michigan at Lansing, Michigan.
Mr. Jarvis has been active in community and college affairs. He is a past President of the Nemaha County Teacher's Association, past President of.Nebraska Council on Industrial Arts
Teacher's past President of Nebraska Council on Industrial Arts
Teacher and past Chairman of the Board · of Trustees · of the Nebraska Industrial ' Edµeation Association. He initiated the first Teacher Training Course in Driver Education in the State of Nebraska, helped in the formation of the Industrial Arts Club at Peru State College in 1951, served on the committee to write the Nebraska Industrial Arts Study Guide for the Nebraska State Department of Education (several times), and coauthoted an article in t}).e Industrial Arts ;:,tnd Voca.tional Education Magazine. He i.s a member of the Peru Faculty Executive Coun<::il, and is also a life member the National Education Association, as· well as having been named toWho's Who in Nebraska Educators. [ Coittbmed on Page 4]
,Rosendahl, Class of 1955; Alice. Walton Helm of Indianola and Margherita Palmer Knapp of McCook; and.Dr. Harvey I.deus, Class of 1959. • The strong right ar)U of Mark. Delzell Uhat guided the 1925 football and to a record number of wins at Pernl still wields authority, M,ark is pictured, at the dedication ceremonies of the Delzell Education 1'he University Dakota/Vermillion, where.he .is Dean Emeritus j}Nhe School of courtesy USD. Public ,William R. Cole, Class of 1976, has over 14 years. been branch manager for Shirley Patterson, Clss of 19.78, is' Midwest Federal Savings ;md Loan in serving as se(!retary for .the. Nebraska Falls City. State College Board of Trustees central Denny Crawford; Class of .1964, has office in Lincoln. · been named boys basketball coach at Fred Rickers, <:;lass of 1935, has Ralston High School. His 1977-78 Falls resigned as superintendent of Wayne City High team recorded a record of 14- County schools after eight years. He 8, the best season in 16 years. was a scho61 administrator and teacher
Richard J. Kennedy, Class of 1965, for 43 years before being elected county has been appointed ·principal of superintendent.
Waverly High School; Spencer Madden, former PSC
Alan L. Henning, Class of 1971., has student; has been promoted to assistant been .named district operations vice president of the Bank of Norfolk. manager for. the Cornhusker Public Robert Engles, Class of 1913, has '1'5istrict at Columbus. been named senior loan officer of the ' · Willes Class of 1937, Falls City Federal Saving snd Loan retired last spring as principal of Wake Association. He also is county president Robin Elementary School in Bellevue.• of the American Cancer S6ciety.
He and his wife M.elba Cope Ludington, Larry L. Kosch, Class of 1976, ha.s Class of 1934, plan to devote their time been appointed rep6rter for the Crete to hobbies. (NebJ News.
Randall Yost, Class of 1978, has been Kevin Hart, Clas of 1978, played the selling some. of his artwork recently. role of Harry this summer in the cast of Two paintings of waterfowl recently "My Fair Lady" at the Anders6n brought .him over $500 at a Ducks School.house Theatre near Sidney, Unlimited dinner. Iowa. He began work tlns fall as Larry Sheehan, Class of 1968, has speech, English and drama instructor been hired as head football coach at atRockford, Iowa, schools. Logan View high school. Prior to that, Robert Ridenour, Class of 1969, has he was head coach at Aurora .High beenappointedprincipal of North Ward School, and before that at Giltner High and West Ward schools in McCook. School, where his 1972 8·man .team Frank Reavis, Class of 1970, has rated first in the state. begun duties as deputy probation o.f.John Seeba, Class of 1970, has been ficer in Sarpy County, Neb. He fornameo manager of the Salem Grain Co. merly worked f<>t three years. at the in'Salem. Nebraska Penal Complex in Lincoln as
Ho\V;ard Zook, Class of 1930, was the a correctional rehabilitation officer. subject of a story by Clay County Dennis Kennedy, Class of 1967, has Gary Person, who· hailed been named vke president and cashier Zook as a "legend" .and "believed by of First Security Bank in Holdrege. many to be the greatest high school Dennis is active in a wide variety of coach" the county ever had. Zook was a c o m m u n i t y a f f a i r s back for Peru when the Bobcats won David M.almberg, Clai;s of 1965, Nebraska College participated in a. University of NorChampionships, and ·set an NAIA thern Colorado canoe trip from Sioux record in track. His football teams won City to St. Louis this summer three: state championship.s, his flora, fauna, and historic sites along the basketball teams one and his track Lewis and Clark trail. teams one. He is retired. · Dennis Ehmke, Class of 1975, is the Herbert. Haushahn, Class l)f 1973, is new instrumental music instruct.or in operating an electrical repair shop in the Stanton, schools after three Nebraska City. years teaching at
Tom Vincent, Class of 1958, was in· Mirium <Mimi) Hauschild, former ,ducted into the Iowa Baseball Coaches PSC student and daughter of Mr and Association "Hall of Fame." Vincent, Mrs Robert Eilers, Class of 1951, was· who retired from.coaching in '76, the subject of a Shelby,·Neb., sub arcompiled a career record of 315-93 with ticle this summer subtitled: "l swore I two state championships at Council would never marry a farmer and here Blµffs.ThomasJeffersonHighSchooL I am." Mimi and .Wesley have two Glenda .Morehead, Class of 1976, <laughers and farm 1,200acres near teceive.d a Certified Public Accoun- Shelby. tants certificate la.st spring. She is B.A. Johnson, Class of 1968, was thE:. employed in Nebraska City. subject of an extensive feature story of has this summer UpQnannouncement of his been hired as a fishery the retirement after 26 years as an ·Otoe United States Bureau of Reclamation at County band director. He reportedly Yuma, Ariz. He and wife J anic.e has the longest consecutive string of Johnson Rinne, Class of their Wins in marching, c(mcert and vocal two children moved to.Arizona m contests of any bandmaster in Donna Jane Delzell Fink, Class of Nebraska while at Syracuse· Avoca.1932, was recently co-leader of an Dunbar: APalllS county discussion program on Former Peru State .·wrestler Jim inAdams County." Cash won the 198-lb. national power Pfister, former PSC lifting championship at Little Rock, and extension specialist in Ark this sumnier with a record HomerF1urnishing and Interior Design breaking total for three. lifts of 1,813 at the 'University of Nebraska, par- pounds. ticipated in Interior Design DAZE in Sidney c. Okoye, Class of 1978, was • enrolled this summer in the American Marjorie Vandeventer Galloway, Graduate School of lnterna.tional Class of 1950, was nonored at an Open Management at Glendale, Ariz. House las.t spring by the Alliance City Donald Buskirk, Class .of 197.0, has Schools for her 27112 years of service. accepted a teaching assistantship for Claire Davisson, Class of 1930, was doctoral studies at Oklahoma State honored by her home community of University. Seward this summer when she was Sam Carneal, Class of 1966, is the new norniJ:lllted for the annual Seward assistant principal at Central High Community Service Award. School in St. Joseph, Mo.
Bernard Bliefernich, Class l)f 1949, Ron Iles, Class of 1970, is the new has been named Superintendent Of instrumental music director at Schools at Davenport. He has been Callaway Public School. While teaching
his bands
all classes .award for three consecutive ;years at the Ne,braska1and. Days Parade In. North Platte.
CoryCoilins,Class·or 1.978, returns to his hometown,this fall to teach artin the Plattsmouth l\!iqdle School and. serve on thecoachingstaff.
· L{}land Vrooman, Class l)f 1966, has joined the Osceola s(!hool system after of experience at Decatur and Harvard, Neb;
Robert Little, Class of 1978, has been named art teacher at Nebraska City Junior HighSchooL
Sue Lacy, Class of 1978; will t.each kindergarten, first and second grades at Brunswick elementary school at Plainview this year.
WilUam Davenport, Class of 1927, has been appointed Boone County, Neb., Rural Superintendent of Schools.
M.erle Bauer, Class of 1950, announced plans to step down from the director's post of the Nebraska All-Star Basketball games. He has served the series for nine of the past ten years.
Margaret .Tynon, Class of 1972, has been appointed librarian and teacher of English at Filley High Scho6l.
Alicia Andrews, Class· of 1966, has been appointed broadcasting program
State University in Maryville.
Carol Meyer Hemmingsen, Class 1978, is the new fifth grade teacher Nemaha Valley SchooHhis year.
Richard Yelkin, Class of 1959; is new superintendent of School Distr One at Loup City.
Tom Osborn, Class of 1970, has. b hired to teach senior. high school strumental music and elementa music at Syracuse - Avoca - Dunbar
Rich Vonderschmidt, Class of 1 has been appointed junior high sc· instructor, freshman football, wrestling and he.ad girls'. track coa FremontBerganJunior High Sebo
Patty Collins; Class of1976, has promoted to supervisor of marketing the department of public relations Cessna Air Craft Co. in Wichita, Kan. Ross, Class of 1941, and M.a · class of 1959, Adams were honored summer when their home in Peru named to the National Registe Historic Places. The home was structed by Thomas J. Majors, on the key figures.in the establishmen Peru State College and president of State Normal Board.
instructor and coordinator at Barton County Community College in great Cheerleaders Selected: s· Bend, Kan: cheerleaders have been named by Three Peru State grads have been campus selection committee for appointed to Humboldt Public School 1.978 football season. They faculty positions for the upcoming year. Fredricka Minton.· of Omaha, M They are Janis Martin, Class of 1974, Navrkal. of Nebraska City, reading; Lynn Connel, Class of 1976, Guertin of Bellevue, Pam Peters of six.th grade; and Danny Ehmke, Class Creek, Vickie Rader of Omaha and of 1978;.instruinental music. Laxdal of Lakeland,. Florida. Lewiston Consolidated Sch<>ol also. appointed three Peruvians to its faculty Southeast Ne.braska United Cham, this year. They are Wava Goodellkauf, of Commerce: Peru .State Colleg1 Class of 1975; business educati<>n; cooperative efforts with the riew Corinne Wilkinson, Class of 1970, formed Southeast Nebraska Uni: remedial .reading;. and Betty Cacek, Chamber of Commerce already Class of 1972, junior high :instructor: beginning to sh<>w positive res Clarice McCoy, Class of.1961, and Among the item.s scheduled Elmer Antons, Class of 1960, have been discussion will bea "Legislative Fo named Music instructor and Principal, - 79" program on campµs in respectively, at Barneston this year. November. Co-sponsored by Peru Gary Hull, Clas of 1959, has been · th.e SENUCC, the publicforu elected book review editor of the designed to bring area state sena "Journal of Church and State, " a together with a panel of sout publication of the Dawson Study in Nebraska news media representati Church and State at Baylor University. to discuss. the key issues of the Susan Jones, Class of 1977, will be a coming legislative session. resource teacher .with Educational First Annual All-Star Game: An Service .Unit No. 4 serving Dawson and capacity crowd braved sweltering J Nemaha Valley schools this year. temperatures to attend the fi Larry Roder, Class of 1969, has been Southeast Nebraska Jaycee All-: appointed manager of employment Girls' and Boys' Basketball Game: safety at l\{anufactur.lng Peru State Ju}y 13 Forty Cotnpany Collpt1bl1s. . . . . .. graduate!?, 20 boys atid 20 girls, ¥: Willi!l,JClass of 1966; has selected.py area.high school been 11amed coorclln!ltor for. participate. .Commtinities ·repr, Paltnerschoolsthisyea1-: .· Auburn, Johnson.,. B Obermeyer, Cl1.tss of Dawson, Verdon, Table Rock, the new. head .football coach and b<>ldt, Falls. City, Pawnee physical education instructor at Syracuse, Sterling, Wymore, B NebraskaCityLourdesHighScho<>l .Nebraska City, Filley, 'l'ecu Mt and Mrs James Beatty of Kal)Sas Odell, DeuglasandAdams City, Mo., are the parents of Cheerleading Clinie.: Stu Jessica Lyn, b,orn May 30. from Omaha, Au1 Jessica's mother, the former Barba.ra Southeast Qensoli(iated, Nebraska Brady, Class ofl915, is the daughtet of Brady and I!iexington schools attel1' Mr and Mrs Albert Brady, both, of Peru the annual An,star Cheerleader State; ferenceJuly3-7 at Peru State.
Jeffrey t.inden, Class l)f 1975,has RQtarians Informed: Assis 'been awarded one of four International Professor of Business Robert Lew' Lindbergh for geographic reported on deman research Linden is a faculty member business- realted courses at Pe at the University of Ne})raska at at the August 3 meeting of Neb Omaha. / City Rotarians. Lewellen out William J. Bliss, 'Class of 1964, has current .business offerings and been J>romoted to the post of branGh the Nebraska Citians for their manager for the Oklahoma City office tinued suppQrt of all college .pro: ofTerminix International, Inc. He told the group that theirsu. Dr. Robert Bohlken, Class of 1959 and for program improvement· are former PSC faculty tnemJ?er; has been as. the college tries to k1 choseri. head. of the. new division of.. meetingthe needs of bU$mes.erQ.