Number1 PeruStateCollege,Peru,Nebr.68421
Peru Players, for their seventy-fourthseason,willpresentfourplaysfeaturingadventure, intrigue, music, and comedy in tbe Peru State CollegeAuditorium.
Theseason opens with "The Green Archer," a mystery· thriller in.the tradition of the Saturday afternoon serials. Based on a novel by Edgar Wallace, the co-creator of the original"KingKong,"theplay willbedirectedbyDr.Eckertas a part of Peru's homecoming activitiesSept. 30throughOct.3.
"Deathtrap," the recently releaseddramaofsuspenseand intrigue by Ira Levin, will be presented Nov. 18 through 21. Themodern mystery is oneof thegreatpopular successes of recent Broadway and Movie historyandwillbedirectedby Dr. Charles Harper, associate professorofspeechandtheatre.
Dr;Eckert,assistantprofessorofspeechandtheatre,will direct,.and Dr. David Edris,
associate professor,of music, willbemusicaldirectorforthe thirdplayoftheseason, "Two ByTwo."Theplaywithmusic by Richard Rodgers is a dramatization ofNoah'sfamous 40 days and nights during·the flood, and of the problems encounteredandsolvedbythat amazingpatriarch.Themusical will be presented Feb. 17 through20, 1983.
Players to Present Drama ped thevoiceoftheeerustatebobcats�
Moliere'sgreatcomedy,"The Imaginary Invalid," will be directedbyDr. Harper as the final season offering The playwright takes to task the medicalprofessionof1673inthis entertaininli!andcontinuouslv popularplaytobestagedApril 21through24,1983.
Achildren'stheatreplayanda reader'stheatrepresentation willbeofferedinDecemberand in May in conjunction with course offerings in speechand drama at Peru State College, <CNB)
UPS Awards Freshman
DebbieCline, a freshman at PSC, received one of 75 scholarships offered by United ParcelService. Inhonorofits 75thanniversary UPSawarded 75scholarshipstothechildrenof its employees throughout the• country,whoareoutstandingin
scholasticachievement. Miss Cline also received a MusicscholarshiptoPSC.Sheis activeinchoirandswingchoir She is from Omaha and is majoringinElementaryEducation.
Program Funds Received
Dr. JerryGallentineisth.enew presidentof Peru State College, replacing,Dr. Larry Tangeman.
&;allentine New President
The Nebraska State College
B<l.ard of Trustees announced May26ththatthenewpresident of Peru State College is Dr. Jerry L. Gallentine, a former jac:ulty member at Fremont's Mi<ilandLutberanCollege, and presidentofLabetteCommunity CollegeatParsons,Kan.,forthe pasfthreeyears.
Gallentine,41,whohasaB.S. degreefromFort Hays (Kan.) State University, and a Ph.D. degree from the University of ''Tqledo, succeeds Dr Larry ,Tangeman, president for five ·fll3rs, who started farming in H<>ltCounty.July1.
'.'The committee is very pleasedwiththeacademicand successfuladministrativeexper�nce that the new president brlhgs to Peru State College," .WardReesman,chairmanofthe .BqafdSearchCommittee, said. "Hisrecordshowsthathe,hasan e�ceptional ability to work �ffectively with staff and �µmnity members to bring l§q)tatsc�?emicprogramdevel�mf:m
; "Thisqualityshouldallowhim to continue to build on the tutstandfogeffortsofPresident Tangemanandtheloyalsupport nereceivedfrom faculty,staff and the citizens of Southeast braska," Keith Kemper, ·ance, Trus.tee chairman,
Recreational hours for fali h,ave been announced at PSC, -Ordingto information provby Peggy Gibbs, student rams coordinator. The ingrinkisscheduledtoopen 15.
ERCenterhoursare:Open daythroughFriday,6p.m. .m.,SaturdayandSunday,
Gallentinehasheldnumerous academicandadministrative postsinKansas,Nebraskaand Missouri.Hewasappointed by the Kansas Governor for a 4-yeartermin1981totheState AdvisoryCouncilofCommunity Colleges.Heisanevaluator-consultant for accreditation of coltlmunity colleges for the Kansas State Department of Education.
At Labette Community College,Gallentinewasresponsible forpersonnel,programs,activities and instruction. He was instrumental in cooperative agreementsbetweenthecollege, medical centers, state hospital trainingcenterandtheregional. centerforexpansionofinstructionalprograms.
Hehasprovidedleadershipat Labettethatresultedina72per cehtincreasedenrollmentintwo years.
While at Barton County Community College at Great Bend,Kan.,from1976-79,hewas vice president and dean of instruction. He planned and implementedan instructional programforin-service rural adultlearnersandwassecretary of the Kansas Deans of Instruction Organization in 1976-77.Hewasamemberofthe councilofdeansanddirectorsof Instruction, at Pratt (Kan.) CommunityCollegeinJuly,'74,
1p.m.,to9p.m.; Swimming pool:. Open Tuesday"andThursday,7p.m. to 9 p.m.,andSaturdayandSunday,
Skatingrink:StartingSept.15 thefacilitywillbeopenMonday and Wednesday 8 p.m., to 10 p.m.,andFriday,Saturdayand Sun�.1i.J�.;itlim.1r�.,,!?:,,,·P...P.m
toJune,'76.Gallentinewasdean ofinstruction and chairman of the Division of Science and Mathematicsfortwoyearsfrom '72 to '74 at Lorain County Community College, Elyria, Ohio.
The new PSC president was coo_rdinator of bioscience and associateprofessorofbiologyat Northwest Missouri State University atMaryville, for three yearsfrom1969to1972.Hespent a year at Colby Community College,Colby,Kan.,asdeanof ContinuingEducationandCommunity Service. From 1965 to 1968, he was chairman of the Divisionof Science andMathematicsand associate professor o(biologyatMidlandLutheran College at Fremont. Before Midland, he had been at the UniversityofToledoasadministrativeassistanttotheDeanof theCollegeofEducation Gallentine. was born in Clayton, Kan., is married and hastwochildren. Hismembership in honorary and professional societies and organizations include: BetaBeta Beta, Delta Epsilson, Phi Delta Kappa, American Institute of Biological Sciences, American Association of Community and JuniorColleges,NationalTechnicalEducationAssociation,and The National Council for ResourceDevelopment. (CNB)
PeruStateCollegeDirectorof Financial AidDon Miller says that work-study funds for studentsthisyeararemuchlike lastyear. Miller said that work-study funds_ have been.allocated to studentsforthe1982�1983year.
U.S.CongressmanDougBereuter reported in July that all Federalstudentaidwasfrozen atthe1982level,btltMillersaid thatthepictureis brighterthan firstanticipated.
As the costs of education sky-rocketacrossthestateand thenaUon,Millerpointsoutthat Peru State College is still a bargain for those who are seekingacollegeeducation.
FiguresreleasedbytheAction CommitteeforHigherEducation inWashington, D.C.,showthat thisfalltuitionatcollegesand universitieswillriseanaverage of 12 per cent At private four-yearcolleges,totaltuition, about$7,500.
Atpublicuniversitiescostsare about$4,700anda,tPeruStatea student will need to plan on about$3,000this'82-'83year,as anaveragefigure,accordingto Dr. JerryGallentine,president ofPSC,forrooin,bo;;trd,tuition
Appleiack Bowl Next
The fourteenth Applejack festivitieswillbeheldtomorrow at Nebraska·City. The day beginswiththeIO-Kilometer(6.2 miles)runstartingat8:00a.m. atArborLodgeStatePark. Followingtherun,analumni coffeewillbeheldintheEmbers Cellar at 10:00:a.m. All PSC alumniareinvitedtoattend
The Applejack parade will take place in the streets in NebraskaCitybeginningatI:00
Admissionandskaterentalfor p.m.Areamarchingbandsand studentswithI.D.,orfaculty,.is floatswillbeinattendance. 25centsandadmissiononl::,,is10 The festivities will conclude cents Non-studentadmission thatnightwiththefootballgame and skate rental is $1 with betweenPeruStateBobcatsand admissiononly50cents. the Tarkio Owls at Pioneer PSCwill notberesponsiblefor Field.Gametimeissetfor7:30 accident of participants in the p.m.TheApplejack Qu�n wiH HPER Center, swifn.JDin�·A>oo 'becrowned at halftime of the orskatingrink. l !l 'IXA n game.
Gallentinecomparedtheaverage$817in tuition andfees'Per twosemestersthatisassessedat Peru State College with area colleges:TarkioCollege,$5,450; Northwest Missouri State University at Maryville, $1,160; Kansas State University at Manhattan, $2,214; the UniversityofNebraska-Lincoln,$1,128; theUniversityofNebraska-Omaha,$1,054.
"Peru State Collegeoffers a bargain-packagetoareastudentswhowanttostudycloseto home in a college with highly qualified instructors who offer up-to-date courses and programs.," Gallentine said "If would-becollege-boundstudents arelookingforawaytoinsurea securefuture,wehaveaplanfor them."
Hepointedoutthatwithanew Title III grant that will be received in October, employment opportunities will be soughtforstudentswhowishto work.and attend Peru State College."Afull-timepersonwill behiredtoinvestigatetheareas that would be beneficial to students job-wise to make it possible for many to attend ,!!Ollege,,,heconcluded. (CNS)
Press Meets With President
Mediamanagersfromeastern Nebraska.were present at the PSC campus for a meet the Presidentdinnerwhichwasheld Sept.9intheWestDiningroom.
The featured speaker at the dinnerwasDr. WallacePeterson,ProfessorofEconomicsat the University ofNebraska at Lincoln Peterson, a columnist forthe"MaverickMedia," isa nationalawardwinningwriter.
The intent of the gathering wasforareanewspaperwriters tomeetDr.JerryL.Gallentine, newlyappointedPresident.
L ...
Red Cross Blood Services Midwest Region held their Annual Conference iri Omaha Saturday, August 28, 1982. The day was filled with informative workshops, speakers, and recognition. Recognition of Colleges and Universities that have hosted on,.campus Blood Drives was part of the day's activities.
Peru State College again received the "Gold Frame Award" for "outstanding cooperation with the Red Cross m planning. org_anization, and carrying out" of our March 10, 1982 Bloodmobile. Nemaha County
also received an award that day. The county received the "Eight Signs of Life" which is the highest award given by the Red Cross in the Blood Services category. This was in recognition of the county's past year's efforts in the area of blood donations. Peru's blood drive played a great part in this effort!
P.E.P. (People Enthusiastic about Peru) is greatly indebted to each and every organization, business and individual involved with the March bloodmobile. Thank you,again for your blood donations, contributions, partic-
ipation, and support. The awards will soon be on display at the College.
Our next bloodmobile is coming soon-September 27, from noori Until 6:00 p.m. in the lobby of Majors Hall, during Homecoming Week! Please sign up to donate blood and-or volunteer time (or cookies!). Thank you on behalf of th0se people who needed that blood in the hospital to keep living. Blood is life. · .·
Sincerely, Barbara §hupe, Local Blood Services Chairman, American Red Cross.
Meet the· Senate
· Members present: Front row, L to R, Rhonda Hunt, Marsha Kentopp, .Theresa Polsley, Sara Donovan, Chris Hos felt and PeggyGlbbs Sackrow, Lto R, R_ltchle Nelson, Laurence DuBois, Curt Cogswell, David Miller and Dr. Paul Egan._
Senate Plans· Events
Student Senate officers and members for the 1982-83 school year are: President, Curtis Cogswell, Friend; Vice-President, David Miller, Tulsa, Okla.; Senators.,at-large, Linda Shepard, Lincoln; Rhonda Huqt, Crab Orchard; Chris Hosfelt, Massena, la.; Marsha Kentopp, Falls City; Sara Donovan, Lincoln; Rick Rummel, Omaha; Theresa Polsley, Omaha; Bob Chappel, Fairbury.
Hall Representatives are: Karen Coover, Papillion; Walsh, Gretna: Ritchie Nelson, Ft. Calhoun; Knaak,
Peru. Commuter Representative .is Laµrence DuBois, Nebraska City.
Dr. Egan ·is the faculty sponsor, and Mrs. Gibbs, student programs director, works along with the Senate. ·
A special activities weekend has been tabbed for Nov. 12 and 13. A ca&ino night is' one of the feature attractions, and the attempt to get hot-air balloon rides has been tentatively ·set. The senate also iri charge of the Homecoming Dance to be held later that evening. ·
For the Record
Before I get started, I would like to joiri._ the Editor in welcoming ·back all of the returning students and faculty as well as this year's incoming freshmen. Gook luck during the 1982-83 school ;1ear at PSC!
Now I know that I shouldn't start off the new year by talking about -something negative right away, but this is something tha'.t has bothered me ever since I have known Peru State College. The problem is that we probably have the worst press box facilities in the NAIA. The place is horrible.
First of all, it is not situated in the middle of the field. The middle of the box is even with the 30-yard line, making it almost next to impossible to figure out what yard 1line the ball
is on down at the other end of the field.
Second, there ·is not enough room for all of the stat crew members to sit. Also, at last Saturday night's game, the coaches and cameramen had to sit on top of the press box t<f do their job. What .would have happened if it had rained?
There is also rather inadequate phone outlets for visiting radio stations. The Hastings station, KHAS, had to use one of our phones to broadcast the game last Saturday. Press box space is being taken up by the concession stand next to it. The concession stand should be relocated up the hill a little, away from the bleachers. Also, the .bugs and other· insects were almost unbearable
Peru State College "Campus of a 1,000 Oaks?" After a recent count it has been found that there are not 1,000 Oaks on campus anymore.
last Saturday night. There is nothing in there to keep them out, and lean hardly wait until the temperatures get down into the 40's and 50's.
Just think, we almost qualified for the NAIA playoffs two years ago and again last year; If we had hosted a playoff game, the o.ther team would have laughed us off of our own field before the game even started!
Maybe the Oak Bowl press boxes were adequate enough for the days when they were built, but this is the 1980s. We need a press box to match the times.
Some of you may not agree with what- I have written. But this is the way I feel and I know many people who work there feel this way as well.
And if you don't believe me, please come to ·our next home game and find ·out for yourself.
Editor's Note:
I would like to take this opportunity to Welcome back all of the· returning students and faculty and extend a warm
The potential in 1982-83 seems very competitive, in academi as well as athletics. welcome to the incoming freshmen and new -staff to the Campus of a Thousand Oaks.
We start this year with another group of inexperienced writers and a new Ped staff. We are optimistic that we will improve and provide a · good service to the Campus. Lett;trs to the editor are encouraged and welcomed. I hope that everyqne has a successful year and enjl)ys school at PSC, home of The Bobcats!
Peru has been noted for its beautiful campus, friendly people, and fine academics, and this year looks to be no exception. .;
Y T I S R E V I N U 0 I H 0
R u T .s E R 0 F E K A w N D>"M A T E M p L E N A L u T w A .J M I N R E T s E w H T R 0 N;"',;C,_,·
D I N 0 N E u c J u w w R [ N 0 T A u R c u A
y L I T w F R R v A s s A R A p c M E s E .o R 0 F N A T s M I u s H
Can you find the hidden co l1 eges?
Managing Editor : Vince Henzel ,
Associate Editor Don Strecker
Sports Editor Jim Zipursky.
Reporters Kimberly Alexander, Alexander Appleton; Lisa Cline, Marsha Kentopp, Sally Martineau, Wendy Meyer, Haser William_
Photographer Mike Northrup
Advisor , Everett Browning
The Pedagqgian is the sounding board of Peru State College and is printed 8 times a semester by PSC ··. students. All letters to the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on this page do not necessarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogian or Peru State College. ·
A E E B v I A R J Q v B A L M L A L I Q G ·:,-.-:, M A u D y L R N 0 L T L A u A A D I T A E y A E y L E R y I c L D G R s s D A 0 s c y s L L L u B E s. .H · -L I ·l N H"· T ·'' ,·;o J 1"' L I I Q u N R 0 I N E E A T A I F A u E A v s u v E
The movie schedule for this year. has .J:>een .released by Peggy Gibbs, Director of Student Programs .• Al.l movies
-; wi11 be shown 'in 13enftird Hall· at 6 and 8 pm.The movies are a Donald Leibenson films, Inc. presentation.
T Sept. 27 The Rose_
Oct. 11 Up in.Smoke
Oct, 25 Foul Play
Nov. 8 Star.Wars
Nov. 22 Caddyshack
Dec, J Rock 'n' Roll High School
Jan. ·17 Meatballs
?eb. 7 American Gigolo
Feb, 21 You Ought to be in Pictures
Feb. 28 Some Kind of Hero
Mar. 16 9 to 5
Mar. 28 From Here to Eternity
Apr. 11 Breaking Away
Apr. 25 Raiders of the Lost Arc
rBoard of Trustees Meet at Peru
t ii ;i .$ ii When the State College Board of ·Trustees met at Peru State College Sept. 3, Earl D. Rademacher, vice president for administration and finance at Kearney State College, was appointed interim president of State College to fill the '..vacancy.
The Board reported that it will be interviewing eight of the original 123 presidential applications in ·October with a ; recommendation made at the : Oct. 20 Board of Trustees
Ot1floak 8rightfol"·wAA
· The Women's Athletic Assoc-
.· iation <WAA> of. Peru State College is again geiting organized forJhe 1982"'83 school With a be11eficial and '!)'1>1:thwhile · turn out has high hope8 for the term tO come. ' ·'fhe· new officers. for· this year, WbO were in the spring,. include: Jtonda Schroeder, ident; Robin SmitlJ, ·ident, and Treasurer; Mary Neels; ·Secretary; Sara .Donova11; Publicity. Chairman; Lorrie Cornes, ·Carla Frauen, Georgean Schimke, and Jackie Schultz, all Tot1rnament Directors.' · · · • The purp<>Se .of·the WAA is to promote.· athletic interests and activities for college wontim and to foster a high standard of sportsmanship. All women at PSC, being athletic or non"athletic, are eligible for
Cen!ennial Reps
Last year the assqciation
Peru State College
·Invitational Volleyball and Basketball· tournaments,· took part in the Homecoming parade, a Christmas dance, created .and supplied a weight room in the women's locker·. ·room for use by PSC's female students, and rnade a trip ·to Worlds of Fun in the spring.
The WAA has·already planned • events ·and activities 'for this year. A picnic was held Sept. 8th at Neal Park, with old and new prospective members. being invited. A total of sixteen teams have been entered in the PSC Invitational Volleyball Tourney, scheduled to take place October 18, 19, and .21 in ·the HPER Center. This, along with other activities that are being planned, makes it a succe8sful year ahead for the WAA !
Frosh Ttilents. Displayed
The annual Fr.eshman Talent Show was held on September 2 at ·the Peru State C9llege Auditorium. ·
A packed house looked on as the new freshiµ.en put t.heir talen.ts. on (li.splay df.tring the competition.
Firs.t place in theshow went to piamst Kelly Clemmons, who played "The Nightengale,., a song ·· which he composed himsel[ · ·8eeond went to Tasha Allen ,for her beaµtifully-sung rendition of "Out Here On My A. •• '•,, J vwn •..
and Kim Maloney performed the skit entitled "Freshman Syndrome."
Wayne Dolezal gave an oral reading on the "Electronic Computer Industry," and Raymond gave an oral reading entitled "Video Mania," a fictional description of a man obsessed by video games. ·
Two solos stood out during the evening. "Tasha Allen's "Out Here On My Own" and Debbie Cline's "The One That You Love" brought the big cheers from the audience.
Residents of the Centennial Comp'Iex have elected their dorm councils which :will direct activitieis for the 1982"'83 school year Davidson"Palmer off.icers are: President, Angie Ossian, Tecumseh; Vice-President, Pam Thompson, Tecu.inseh; Secretary-Treasurer, Maureen O'Connor, Omaha; Historian, Julie Gottula, Steinauer; Social Chairs, Lloyd Pendleton, Bellevue, and .Deb Jones, Harlan, Ia.
Clayburn - Mathews officers are: President, Larry Benton, Tampa Bay, Fl.; Vice-President, Mike Rains, Bellevue; · Secretary-Treasurer, Lori ButBloomfield; Historian, V1ck1 Warner, Bradshaw; Social Chairs, Perry Scott, Tampa Bay, Fl., and Sheri Miller, qouncil Ia.
Morgan Has Gov't
Morgan Hall has. elected its dorm council for the 1982-83 school year. They are as follows: President, Sandy Kohel, Lincoin; Vice-President-Historian, Natalie Hart, De Witt; Secretary-Treasurer, Theresa Polsley, Omaha; Social Chairmen, Sara Donovan, Lincoln; Mary Thiesfeld, Nebraska City
John Lowe, III, Kearney; George Rebensdorf, Omaha; and J. Alan Cramer of Wayne.
Dr. Jerry Gallentine, president of PSC, was appointed to the physical plant and revenue bonds committees; Dr. Edwin C. Nelson, president of Chadron College was appointed to the budget and legislation committee, and the president from Kearney State will serve on the programs and student services committee.
The. Jai;z Ensemble of Debbie -Olsen, Todd Meisi:Jiger, Tasha Allen; a.nd • ·captured third pt;ze. they sang the number · "Stay:cWith Me/'_
The other acts that in the talent show included: A by Jo Guyett and Karen Winslow to the song "Double Dutch Bus"; an oral reading by Raymond·Smith, Patrice Love
But the biggest cheer of the night ·went to Mike Miller and Keith Drew who came out dressed as women in a strip tease number
Announcers for the evening festivities were Donnell Swanigan, Debbie Jones, and Pat Pierce.
The Talent Show .\Vas organized and direeted by Student Programs Director Peggy Gibbs.
Council Selected
The Delzell Council for the 1982"'83 school year• are: President, Kelly Clemmons, Omaha; Vice-President, Greg Conn, De Witt; Secretary, Everett Smith, Kansas City, Mo;;· Treasurer, Patrick Pierce, Sutherland; Historian, Quenten Farley, Syracuse; Social Chairman, Steve Alcaraz, Omaha; Freddie. Lee, Plant City, Fl.
··The council has planned to have eight activities each semester. A dance was already held Saturday evening, Sept. 12 in Delzell's lobby. The group is also working on a float to represent Delzell Hall in the Homecoming parade.
First floor government is: President, Lori Smith, Thedford; Vice-President-Historian, Valorie Zenter, Salem; Secretary-Treasurer, to be announced; Activities Chairmen, Rhonda Hughes, Red Oak, Ia.; Kristi Niday, Wymore.
Second floor government is: President, Carla Hinkle, Omaha; Vice-President-Historian, Sally Martineau, Nebraska City; Secretary-Treasurer, Kim Winkler, Nebraska City; Activities Chairmen, Rhonda Hunt, Crab Orchard, Ia. ; Chris Hosfelt, Massena, Ia.
Third floor government is: President, Sara Todd, Murray; Vice President-Historian, Lori Walton, Madison; SecretaryTreasurer, Sally Dean, Omaha;' Activities Chairmen, Mary Mack, Bellevue; Julie Kiajicek, Hoskins.
Morgan has planned to sponsor several dances this year, and have started preparations for Homecoming.
t\ ,..
WAA top to bottom, Ronda Robin Smith, Mary Neels, Stefanie Ahern, Sara Donovan, Carla Frauen, Geor jean Sch mike and Jackie Schultz.
· The K:S.C. search committee ! C<!risists of 17 Kearney persons ;1w1th the Board of Search ;committee composed of Keith Alliance, chairman;
Thirteen improvement items for the four state colleges were prioriti%ed with the educatfonal building, phase I, of Peru State receiving a high priority and library expansion, phase I, at PSC receiving a low priority.
·Sophomore Split End-Flanker Brad receives one of his six catches during Peru
35-19' loss to Hastings.
Lady Bobcats Secdnd at NWU
The Peru State Women's volleyball .team finished in a strong 2nd place at the six team Nebraska Wesleyan Volleyball Tournament last weekend.
Leading µte way for the Lady ;Cats was junior Glevon Covault, who accounted for 47 points, and served 63 of 64 serves for a 98 per cent accuracy mark. Also contributing a strong performance was senior Robin Smith, who seored-3.4 points, and served a 95 per cent accuracy on 57 of 60 serves. ·
In the championship game, Nebraska Wesleyan overpowered the 'Cats 15-10, 15-8 to win the Tourney with a perfect _10-0 record. Peru State finished 2nd with a 6-4 record, and Dordt and Tarkio finished in a tie for third at 5-5.
Air Waves
Randy Gottula and Tom Osborne of-KAUB-FM radio are announcing the play-by-play of all Peru State ·football games this season. This is KAUB's first season covering Peru football. The Auburn station covered nine Bobcat basketball games last season.
KAUB will, carry the Jerry Joy show at 7 p.m. every. Friday. They will also broadcast daily reports from the sports information department.
l,Jbbcats Hope to Improve Saturday
Coach Jerry Joy's Peru State ' Bobcats hopeto put together two consistant halves in tomorrow night's 14th annual Applejack Bowl against Tarkio College in Nebraska City.
The Bobcats hope to improve on last week's 35-19 loss to the Hastings Broncos at the Oak Bowl.
Hastings broke out in the first half with a 21-point first half, beginning with a 9-yard run by running back John Wroblewski on the. opening drive. The Broncos went ahead 14-0 when Jeff Branting received a 23-yard pass from Quarterback Ron Pochop.
After the Bobcat offense stalled, Pochop capped a second quarter drive as he ran the ball across from 8 yards out;-making the score 21-0 at the intermission.
After the break, Peru State received the second half kickoff but was unable to move the ball. Wasting little time, the Broncos scored again when Pochop threw 23 yards to Flanker Tony
After each team traded possessions, Nose guard Todd Ross set up the Bobcats' first score when he intercepted· a Pochop pass on the Hastings 20 yard line and returned it to the 16. Peru scored six plays later on
a 2-yard run by running back Dayid Pasley at 1:17 of the third period. The conversion attempt failed on a bad snap, leaving the score 27-6 with one quarter left to play. ·
In the 4th quarter;·. the Bobcats' defense bega)l to stiffen, most noteably in the 1 defensive line. ·The 'Cats scored on 'their next drive, capped by.a 1-yard drive by Junior signalcaller Mark Sievers. Rex Freeburg's conversi9n made the score 27-13, Broncos.
After a Peru State onside kick failed, the defense rose to the occasion once again, stopping the Broncos in three plays.
On the following series, the Bobcats marched down the field to score on Siever's second one yard run of the ball game. After failing to convert the 2 pt. attempt, the score read 27-19.
With the momentum changing to the defense, Peru held the Hastings offense in check, giving the Bobcats one more chance to tie the score. But as luck would have it, after driving to the Bronc's 16 yd. line, a bad center snap caused a costly turnover, leaving just 2:30 left on the clock.
A 52-yard run by Tony Ochsner iced the game, with the final stariding at 35-19.
HC - 9 yd. run (Casenove kick), 0-7.
HC - .clranting 23 yd. pass from (Casenove kick), 0-14,
HC - Pochop 8 yd. run ( Casenove kick;, 0-21.
HC - Ochsner 2) yd. pass from Pochop (kick failed), 0-27. Pasley 2 yd. run (pass failed), 6-27. Sievers 1 yd. run (•·reeqµ1:g l<;ic!().
PS - 1 yd. run (run failed), 19-27.
HC - 'chsner 52 yd. run (Anstine pass from, l'iiens), 19-Jj.
A -(Est.) 1000 First Downs Yards Rushing Yards Passing
·aobcat Individual Leaders
Rushing·_,_ J. George 16-97, Pasley 12-34, i1inkle 1-6. Passing Sievers 17-36-4 -217. Receiving-- Hesser 6-108, Mingo 6-71, :>arlow 3-28. Tackling-- Scott 11, Parrish 10, Minchow 10. Interceptiond-- :0'..Ce 1-17, Hoss 1-4.
Septenber 11
Septe!llber 18
Septert:er 25
Cctober 2
Dl\'re. Septa1tler 9 Septet.tier 11 Septa1tler 14 Septa1tler 16 Septsltler 18 Septa1tler 20 Septa1tler 21 Septeltler 2 3 Septeltler 25 Septeltler 27 Septeltler 29 October 1 October 5 October 7 October 12 October 13 October 15-16 October 20 October 22-23 October 25 October 26 NoYertJer 3 NoYertJer 5-6 Septettler 3 Septeltler 11 Septeltler 18 Sept:atter 25 October 1 October 2 October 12 October 16 October 20 ·October 26 ltlvel!Ver 13 Novaitier 20 Novaitier 27 PEru srATE CX>LLEGE \QUL'YBAJ..L SCHElXJLE 1982-83 Tarkio Wesleyan Inv. HaStlfl'!S, St. Mary Southeast CC Doane Inv. N'IM5U. Doane Dana, Westmar Concordia Chadron Bellevue Nebraska Wesleyan Peru State Inv. Highland Bellevue Concordia, Dana Keaniey · M:>. Western Inv. Tarkio Ni'M5IJ Inv. Midland, Hast:hngs Highland COnference VB ·rourney 11 Tourney Tarkio Lincoln Peru Peru Crete Maryville Blair Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Highland, KS Bellevue Seward Kearney St. Joseph, M:l Peru l".:;ry•;ille r'renont Peru TBA TBA C!UiS CCXJNI'RY SCHEOOIB :982 OPPCNENI' Doane Peru Midlarrl Inv • FretC>nt Apple Jack Nebraska City Nebraska Wesleyan Inv. Lircoln Concordia Inv. $e.ard Ah'"l'li Run Peru ·Dana Peru Nebraska wes'.l.ey;m Relays Lincoln Kearney Inv. Kearney oana, Tarkio Blair District 11 Kearney National Kenosha, WI District Marathon Frenont TIMI-: 6:30p.m. TBA S:OOp.m. 6:J0p,m. TBA 6:30p.m. 6:30p.m-J.V. 7:3.0p.m.v 2:00p.rr.. 6:30p.m. 6: 30p.rn.J. v. 7:30p.m.V TBA E:OOp.m. •. 6:30p.m. 6:30p.m. 6:00p.m.J.V. 7:30p.m.v TBA 6:30p.m. TBA 5:30p.m. '6:00p.m. TBA TBA .TIME 3:00p.m. 10:45a.m. 8:ooa.m. ll:ooa.m. 4:30p.m. 11:15a.m. 2:00p.m. ll:OOa.m. 2:30p.m, 2:00p.m. TBA TBA TllA
(At the left) - Head Coach Jerry Joy (middle) confers with Quarterback Mark Sievers (far left) as Assistant Coach Dennis Obermeyer looks concerned at halftime of last Saturday's game.
Ha.stings •••••••••• , •• , , ••••••• 14 Peru State •••••••• , • , • • • • • • • • • • 0 7 0 6 13 - '35 6 1J - 19
fumbles/Lost Penalties/Yards PJ 18 ·-127 217 )44 3/3 4/41
i!C 17 160 229 J69 2/1 9/110
9 October 16 Cctober 23 Cctober 30 NOvember 6 lt>vember 13 Septert:er 13 Septert:er 20 Septerrber 27 Cctober 4 Clctober 11 Clctober 18 Hastings Peru Tarkio Nebraska City Concordia Seward Benedictine Peru lt>rthwestem Orange City, IA Chadron Peru OPEN l-lestmar Peru Huron Huron, S.D. Doane Peru JV FCQl'Bl\LL SCHEnJLE 1982 Doane Tarkio Concx>rdia Benedictine Misscuri Western Tarkio Peru Peru Peru Benedictine, KS St. Joseph, K> Tarkio, K> 7:30p.m. 7:30p.m. 7: 30p.m. 2:00p.m. 1:30p.m. 2:00p.m •. 2:00p.m. 1:30p.m. 2:00p.m. 4:00p.m •.. 4:00p.m. 4:00p.m. 3:30p.m; 4:00p.m. 4:00p.m.
the ped the voice the state bobcats!
Number 2 Peru State College, Peru, Nebr. 68421
.September 24, 1982
Clarification of Financial :Aid
Student financial assistance Grants to eligible students. programs have undergone con- The. Supplemental Educa'siderable change in the past two tional Opportunity Grant proyears. There have been some vides another mechanism for reductions. Most of the changes, making awards to students. however, reflect an effort to ·SEOG is different from the Pell return the aid to their Grant in that it is managed by original purpose, which was to the financial aid administrator help students cover the cost of a of each participating college. college education. A successful Each school receives a set return to the original intent will amount of money from the help ensure the survival of these Department and when tha.t aid programs for future stu- money is gone, there are no dents. more SEOG funds for the year.
Federal financial assistance is Grant·prograins are designed divided into three categories. to help the most needy students "Grants" are awards of money get a college education. The Pell that do not have to be paid back. Grant is targeted to help those "Loans" are borrowed money students whose families earn which a student must repay with less than $12,000 per year. Grant interest. "Work-Study" provides aid is not meant to cover all the chance to work and earn college costs but is expected to money to off-set college costs be combined with a reasonable while attending classes. contribution from the student's
The Pell Grant Program is one family and individual self-help, of the bestknown of generally in the form of loans, sctau 1 d 1 eednt tahied private scholarships, an4 work, u I. · Another type of student Pell is often the first source of financial assistance is the aid in a package which may be College Work-Study Program. composed of other Federal and Designed to provide on or off non-Federal In the campus jobs for undergraduate 1982-83 school year, 2.55 million and graduate students who need students will share $2,279,040,000 financial Work-Study in Pell Grants. ' is usually managed by the
The U.S. Department of college financial aid administra/ Education uses a standard tor. Some 950,000 students will formula to determine· who receive $528 million under this qualifies for £ell Grants. program in 1982-83. Students should contact the A great deal of publicity has college financial aid administra- been generated lately on tor to apply on the free Federal student loans, particul"Application for Federal Stu- arly the National Direct Student dent Aid." The Department Loan Program. This program guarantees each participa- makes available low interest (5 ting schoql will receive the per cent) loans that students · money it needs to pay Pell must begin repaying six months
after completing 'school (either by graduating, leaving, or dropping below half-time status). Up to lOyears is allowed to repay the loan. About 800,000 students will receive NDSL's in 1982-83; 10,000 more than in 1981-82.
Anew loan program started in 1981, called the Auxiliary I;oan Program, which allows parents, independent students, and graduate students to borrow up to $3000 a year;
The Reagan Administration has embarked on a major initiative to collect delinquent and defaulted loans under the National Direct and Guaranteed Student Loan Programs. It is anticipated that $80 million will be collected in 1983. Congress has '·been asked to allow funds collected on delinquent loa.ns ·to be recycled in the loan programs. Returning money to the loan funds would make more money available to future college students.
Student aid reform proposed by the Reagan Administration re-established the fundamental principal that a student and his or her family share the primary responsibility for meeting college costs. The Federal and State government have a r,ole in bridging the gap between what a family can reasonably contribute and the cost of attending college. Only by maintaining its fiscal integrity can the Federal government continue to play its part in bridging this gap through student aid programs.
Anne Graham, United States Department of Education.
Pick Final Candidates
Seniors were chosen for 1982 Homecoming royalty candidates by the PSC student body. Peggy Gibbs, student programs director, said yoting was slow and fragmented.
Queen and King candidates are Karen Coover, Ronda Schroeder, Robin Smith, Kip Allison, David Miller and Jeff Smith.
Coover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coover, Papillion, is majoring in speech and drama. She has been involved in a numbl;)r of activities: music, Peru Players theatre productions, English Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Peru Students for Christ, Admissions Tour Guide, PSC cheerleader, intramurals, Secretary of Student Senate, and Resident Director of Morgan Hall. Her interests include jogging, music, theatre, horsemanship, camping and crafts. Coover has received several awards: Presidential Scholarship, Distinguished Drama Award, Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society in Education, Sophomore Class Vice-President, and Sophomore Class Homecoming Attendant. After graduating_from PSC, she plans to pursue a career in either teaching speech and drama, or the public relations or broadcasting fields. She is also considering law school.
The Green Archer
Schroeder is a P.E., driver education and coaching major from Liberty, NE. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Schroeder. Her activities at PSC have included: President of Women's Athletic Association, varsity volleyball for three years, varsity basketball for two years, track for three years, and intramural staff. She received a · WAA Scholarship, and was a Tri-Captain in volleyball for one year. Schroeder is interested in volleyball, track, swimming, racquetball, reading, and travel. She plans to teach at a secondary level.
Robin Smith, of Lincoln, is majoring in business administration. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Nelson. She enjoys
sewing, volleyball, swimming, running, aerobics, macrame, and travel. Smith has been a member of the varsity volleyball team for three years, and a Tri-Captain for two years. She is the Vice-President of WAA, and has worked on the intramural staff. Smith intends to work in a business related job in bookkeeping or banking, and. help coach recreational sporting activities for ·children.
Allison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Allison, Gresham, is majoring in industrial management technology. He has been a member of the basketball team for four years, Industrial Arts Club President; P-Club VicePresident, and belongs to the Epsilon Pi Tau Honorary Fraternity. Allison is interested in farming, music, cars and all 'kinds of sports. He is the recipient of the Mac Dunning Industrial Arts Scholarship, and the A.V. and 1Wilhelmina Larson Memorial Scholarship. Allison plans to farm in the future.
Miller, of Tulsa, Okla., is a history and P.E. major. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Tilden Miller. He has a wide range of interests: art, golf, skiing, horses, photography, and PacMan. Miller is Student Body Vice-President, and a member of the basketball and baseball teams. He would like to teach and coach on a high school or college level, and someday own some land and horses.
Jeff Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith of Lincoln. He is a P.E. major and enjoys sports, music, and going to new places. His school activities are: P-Club, intramural staff, student assistant in football, student assistant in basketball, Presiidept · of FCA, and basketball team for four years. He was second team All District in basketball, and team captain for two years. Smith plans to coach basketball and teach on a high school level.
The King and Queen will be crowned at halftime of the Homecoming game.
the first drama
a nostalgic thriller set In. fbe 1920s, will be presented September 30 through October 2.
Members of the Peru·Playtn pedorm
of the season. "The Green Archer,"
/ The 1982 Homecoming candidates are, left to right, top to bottom: Karen Coover, Rhonda Schroeder, Robin Smith, Jeff Smith, Kip Allison, Davia Miller. '
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor, I.have noticed a small problem for quite son;ie time now, and though it's not earth shaking, it is a problem to be looked into
I have walked the campus an uncountable number of times, and when at night, if a person wants to reach Delzell either coming or going, or just anywhere, he usually passes by the college auditorium. The lighting, or lack of it, provides almost nothing in which to walk by. The walk has a row of hedges on each. side and a numerous number of trees bordering it. Very little· light shines on the path, which can be intimidating if a person is alone at night.
I propose that a light pole or a' light be. attached on the southeast corner of the auditor-
ium to provide a safer place to walk. I realize there are other. matters of more importance, but if you ask the people who go by, I think they will be in full agreement. I. had originally planned to place my idea in· the suggestion .box, but I think that this problem· deserves a prompt course of. action. Thank you.
Kenny Calkins
c:ollegiate ·crossword
By Don Strecker
Week after wee.k read the newspapers. Some people only. read the. headlines Others read just the sports section. But everyone reads ·newspap'ers!· Do they realize what it takes to put a newspaper togettrer?. Probably not. So le.t me give you a little insight on "Whatlt,Takes
To Put the. Pegagogian Together."
the Place: The Editor's room.
The day: ,September 12, 1982.
American Red Cross
9:30 We've been at it for two hours and we are.ifill on page one.
Qidn't realize it t()Ok this long, But this is our first paper.
12:QO midnight. Finally, we made it to page two. Paper beginning to get blurry. Room is being invaded by flies. You'd think we were having a picnic in here or something.
1 :00 Brains beginning to look like French Fries and its only
1:00 The editors have to hJive · the paper done·by 12:00 noon the next day. We have classes all next morning, so our deadline
7:30 a.m. We'have no stories. Now the fun begins. -
3:00 We look an overcampus for Jim Zipursky, the Sports· Information director. We looked in his office, in the HPER, down at fieldhouse. We looked every thousand ()ak of place
4:.30 We found Jim He was where yol1 would never. expect to find' him, at home.
7:30 We have all the stories written and ready to go:.Now the real fun begins. Oh boy!
Feel like fries too. Pages fook twice as long as what they did at the beginning. · ·
2: 00 Flies are really start,ng to dig in now. Using a smaller light now fo keep them away. We are on our eighth coke each. Love tl;lat caffeine.
3:00 Editor decides that we want to put in £. picture of the · cheerleaders. Despite the fact that our brains are tocylly fried, ·we· remember the names were pt>sted on the. student center. So, .af3:00 in the morning, dressed in a T-shirt and gym shorts and armed with a flashlight, pad and pencil in hand, the managing
editor walks over in 50 degree weather fo the student center to get the names
3:30 Guess what? Page three is full. No room for the cheerleaders' picture. The managing editor weeps to himself.
4:00 We are not making any sense to each other at all.
Typical conversation:
Ass.o editor: "Is Saturday spelled with an 'e'?
Mana. editor: "What"
Asso. editor: "Is Saturday spelled with an 'e'?
Mana. editor:: ''Right."
6:30 a.m.: We are finally done.! The last two and a half hours have been Hell, but we are done. I remind the editor that we have to do this again next week. The editor falls over on the bed. Does anyone know CPR? So there you have it. What it takes To Put The Pedogogian Together" relived eight times a semester from 1 :00 in the afternoon until Lord knows when in the morning. Next performance will be Sunday, October 3, in Room 109 of Delzell Hall. Until then-'-sweet dreams.
Observes Anniversary
The Delta Sigma Phi fraternity celebrated its 'first anniversary September 14 after being initiated one year ago.
Lee Fellers, president of the fraternity, says that ·membership is the group's number one goal. Even though the group hasn't grown in numbers, he is
SBA Gathers
Students for Black Awareness met last Wednesday to discuss campus activities and the group's. upc()ming events.·
Thenew pfficers for this year are: Alexander Appleton, President; Terrell Williams, VicePresident; Valla Pendleton, Secretary; Del()res Wright, Treasurer; Perry Scott, Sergeant-at-arms; and Jerald Hill,. Public Relations; and Allyne McKinney, public r.elations. Sponsor for the SBA are Peggy Gibbs and Dana· Stratton.
The organiiation discussed · their float for homecoming, The theme agreed upon was "Thanksgiving." ·
The SBA is planning many activities for the near future. Fof the month of October, the organization .is anticipating a skating party, a bake sale, and a rafOe. On the agenda for the months ·of November and December is a variety show, an auction, and another party.
Terrell Williams, Vice-President, stated, "We are striving for academic and social excellence." Williams expressed that although SBA has scheduled a number of social events, academics are also stressed.
"We .have study sessions, tutoring and counselling," he ·added.
The organization wants to become academically and socially involved with the ·entire student body as well as the faculty. SBA plans to motivate black students on campus to stay in Peru by giving them identity and something to look forward to. "This can help Peru keep black enrollment up in the long run." Williams commented.
optimistic about the fraternity's future.
Fellers says one, ·Qf the biggest worries stu\iepUi,have is the money involved, burhe feels that Delta Sigma Phi is relatively cheap compared to most.
Another worry he listed was basing, the physical or mental ;i.buse given to ple<iges. But he can assure that this will not happen because it has been outlawed in his fraternity.
Delta Sigma Phi. is a "social frat" who's basic concern is service: Members also promote academics, leadership development, brotherhood and sportsmanship.
The fraternity's service programs this year will go to the March .of Dimes, their National Philantrophy.
The group has moved into a new fraternity house across from Morgan Hall, which houses five members now, but has ample room for three or four people to a room.,
October 16 will be Founders' Day, commemorating the original founders of the fraternity. A dinner-dance will be held for parents and alumni as well as members of the fraternity.
Many goals have been set for this year. An AAU swim meet in the HPER center, dances
throughout the year, and a coronation ball in the spring are all on tb..e"tentative•.schedule.
For 1foroecoming; the fraternity has entered a float in the parade and will run a refreshment stand.
Although only a colony, Fellers wants to see Peru's chapter become "charterized," which he says can be done if enoµgh freshmen pledge.
The colony will get a boost this year with the development of an alumni control board, on August 15 of this year. The board is comprised of alumni who will help lay down. standards for things such as initiation and give a eye over them. Fellers said that if anyone is interested in pledging during the rush period, contact any of the fraternity members.
Managing Editor Vince Henzel
Associate Editor Don Strecker
Sports Editor Jim Zipursky
Reporters Kimberly Alexander, Alexander Appleton, Lisa Cline, Marsha Kentopp, Sally Martineau, Wendy Meyer, Haser William Pho!ographer Mike Northrup Advisor Everett Browning
The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State College and is printed 8 times a semester- by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters;. however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on this page do not necessarily .represent the opinion of The Pedagogian or Peru State College.
12345678 15 10 11 12 13 14 17 19 21 37 40 42 55 61 63 ©Edward Julius Collegiate CW79•19 A CR OS'S 1 Man on one knee 9 Delaware Indian 15 Mockery 16 Worships 17 Rock-band instruments (2 wds.) 51 1977 Super Bowl champ 54 Accelerate 55 1968 hit song (2 wds.) 61 Assert without proof · · 62 Mounted attendant 63 like many plastics 23 Word with chair or street 24 Frankish queen of long ago 28 "Eyeless in -" 29 Draft animals 30 Golf accomplishment, for short 19 Collector's goal 20 Great lake · 64 Natura 1 numbers 31 Treasury worker 32 ·-· sapiens 21 Former anti-war group 22 Magruder of Watergate fame 25 Folksinger Phil-. 26 Propeller of a sort 27 Certain batsmen, for short 28 Mass or lump 31 Debate material (2 wds.) 36 Dress style 37 Contemporary music maker (2 wds.) 40 "! - fool" 41 Vital territor.y 42 Us: Sp. 43 Either you45 Singer Zadora 46 "Jacques -· i L Alive and Well. " 47 Official language of Zambia (abbr.) 48 Organization· for Mr. Chips 33 Epochs DOWl\i 34 1938 song, "When 1 Media coverage - a-Dreamin'" 2 Irked. 35 Parts when it 3 "Waiting for lefty" siztles playwright 36 One one-thousandth 4 Photo, for short of an inch 5 Calendar abbrevi- 38 go bragh ation 39 Unaccompanied 6 California's 43 California county Big - 44 Was. a tenant 7 Hebrew judge 46 Feel sorrow 8 - room 48 Word in·Jane Austen 9 Missile site book title activity 49 To have: Sp. 10 Bunker and Head 50 States positively 11 "- a Stranger" 51 Old Irish script 12 Sandarac tree 52 Mr. Guthrie 13 Prefix for meter or 53 1949 A.l. batting scope champ 14 He: It. 56 "l'etat c'est -" 18 Fitness condition 57 Hairstyle (2 wds.) 58 Mel of baseball 22 Addie of baseball 59 Actress Maryfame 60 Offshore apparatus
Possible Aid Changes .
Several items currently in registered for the draft before Congress could effect students financial assistance can be eligibility to receive Federally · provided.
,sponsored Student Financial Peru State College has had a Assistance; Pell Grants, Supple· poiicy related to satisfactory mental EducationalOpportunity progress and academic standing Grants, College Work-Stud}:, since 1977: The current PSC National Direct Student Loans policy related to academic and Guaranteed Student Loans. standing states that PSC will Regjstration for the Draft: A · adhere to college recent resolution was passed by standards which means that any Congress under the "Enforce; student who is academically ment of Military. Selection permitted to attend PSC will be Service Act." This ACT states provided financial aid. that a student who is required to The bill which is in Congress 'be registered with the selective would require a student to service and has not d9ne so, will maintain a "C" average in order not 'be eligible to"' receive to be eligible to receive financial .Financial Assistance through assistance throughtheFederally .the above programs. sponsored programs. '
The details are not finalized at If this bill is iriacted, Donald ·.this time, however,it is believed Miller, director of Financial that starting on July 1,1983 (next Aids, says that PSC may be year) the student 'will be required to revise policy. , required to prove that they (CNS) · ·
Morning 'Parade at Peru
'This year's Homecoming parade, depicting the theme "Every Day is a Holiday at PSC," is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Dwight Garman, parade. cochairman, says non-musical entries will head the.parade, and the bands will join the
OK, NOW lR\1 tr
o Stay' Weekend Planned
"The Weekend Special" to Doane College. courage students to stay on Saturday evening at 9 p.m. weekends is being planned will be a dance at Neal Ballroom November 12 and 13, Mrs. featuring Mac's Music. Immedggy Gibbs says. iately following at 12p.m. will be The weekend celebration will the movie "Friday the 13th." art Friday evening with a On October 13, the Omaha sino night with different Magic Theatre, featuring the mes. Students will be able to · dramatics "Kegger," will be rchase chips for one dollar ' presented. Admission is free, win prizes donated from and co-sponsors are the Student rchants. Prizes will range SenateandtheAlcobol and Drug m baked goods to hair dryers A:buse Center on campus. radios. Mrs. Gibbs said thafstarting Saturday morning there will' · immediately, a list of activities a boys basketball scrimmage. going each week on campus will t 2 p.m. the Bobcats take on, he posted in each dormitory.
ew Interest in Cross Country
Coach Dennis Obermeyer has e cross country program nning at full strength for the st time in 10 years, and the ird-year coach said he is ppy to have turned the gral!J around in such a short e.
"There wasn't a cross country ogram at Peru from 1973 to 79," Obermeyer said. The ogram was discontinued due lack of interest. "This is the st time in three years that we ve been able to field a full men's team," Obermeyer id.
Obermeyer has had a full , men's squad each of the three asons he has coached the m. To qualify as a full squad, cross country team needs to ter five runners in a meet.
"I think we have a respectable m," the coach said, "We ht even surprise a few people season-:''
The women's team is comprised of six fi;eshman and one sophomore. Silver Creek sophomore Slrari Paczosa is the only runner to return from the 1981 women's team. Cheryl and Nancy Corey of Lincoln Northeast, Susie Palmer of Lincoln East, Jana Pulliam and Lisa Thomas from Omaha Central, and Jodi Johnston from Bradshaw are the other members of the women's squad. ·
.The men's team includes two returning lettermen, sophomores Don Strecker of Falls City Sacred Heart and Leroy Behrends of Elmwood. Tom Wicks, a freshman from Deshler, Scott Schmidt, a junior from Gretna, Ben Dilsaver, a freshman from Aurora, and transfer students Anthony Markey and Jon Williams make up the rest of the men's team.·.
The team dlnm next in the Nebraska Wesleyan Invitational meet in Linooln. on Saturday, Sept. 25. ·
procession near the practice field.·
Float judging will take place at 9 a.m. Patti Conway, parade co-chairman, named :Irene Adains, Peru Mini-Mart; Chuck Reed, Assistant Admissions Director; Paul Fell, Assistant Professor of Art, as judges.
The 1982 Varsity Fqotball,Cheerleaders are: Front, Lisa Thomas,Jeft, and Jqna 7,·\ · · · ulliam, right. Male cheerleaders, left to right, Dwayne Hixson, Todd Green, Chuck · Todd Meisinger and Steve. Alcaffi. Top row, left to right, Jo Karen
ms low, Karen Kaye Ke1pert, and Rhonda Hughes. ·
Karen Winslow, left, and Jo Guyett perform at the Freshman Talent Show.
The 1982 Bobcat cross co.untry team. Front row, left to right, Suzie Palmer, Nancy Corey, Jana Pulliam, Cheryl Corey, Lisa Thomas and Jody Johnston. Back row, Don Strecker, LeRoy Behrends, Tom Wicks, Beri Dilsaver, Scott Schmidt, Tony Markey and Coach Dennis Obermeyer.
Receiver Doug, Barlow, carrying the. ball, follows the blocking of Guard Joe La Rosa.
Tarkio Surprises Bobcats at Appleiack
What a differerh:e a year makes! ·
Last vear, the game was never in doubt. This year, it came down to the last five minutes.
Last ·year ·the heroes were named. Alvin Holder and Doug Barlow. This year, they were known as Jay Fohey and Mike Butt.
Last year, the winning team wore blue and gray. This year's winning colors were purple and silver. - ·
What a difference a yt!ar makes! '
This fact was. etched in everyone's minds as they left Pfoneer. Field last Saturday night following Tarkio College's 20-10 upset of the PSC Bobcats at the 14th Applejack Bowl.
Many of settled down into their seats before the game with thoughts of last year's 64-0 win by Perll still dancing in their heads.
It appeared that\ this game would be identical at the beginning as the Bobcats recovered a fumble deep down in Owl territory and scored
moments later on a 36-yard field goal by Rex'Freeburg with 12:02 left in the first quarter.
.But that was all the points the Bobcats were to score in the first half against a game Owl defense. The Bobcats had one other opportunity but was stopped on fourth down at the Owl one.
· Meanwhile, Tarkio had problems moving the ball as well until midway through the second quarter when Quarterback Mike Butt drilled a pass to David Johnson who ran all the way into the end zone to complete a 63-yard scoring play.
Both teams played to a standoff in the third period but in the fourth quarter the Bobcats · retook the lead. From the Owl one yard line, Mark Sievers faked the ball to halfback David Pasley and ran un.molested around the right side and into the end zone for the score with 13 :13 left to play.
The Bobcats had another chance to score minutes later _ following a Tarkio punt. But Rex
Run During Homecoming Activitie
The annual Peru State alumni to the public. mn will be held Saturday, Oct. 2, • All participants in the'. alum at 11: 15 a.m., according to cross run will be admitted irito country coach Dennis Ober- football game free. meyer. Anyone interested in enter·
The alumni run is part of the or for more information· ab festivities planned for Home- the ru,n, contact Obermeyer coming weekend, and it is open (402) 872-3815 before Sept i30::C
· Freeburg's 27-yard · field goal attempt was wide to the right. From that point on, it was all Tarkio as Owl fullback Jay Fohey ran the Bobcat defense ragged, finishing the game with 69 yards on 16 carries.
The Owls took the lead for good with 3:17 remaining as Fohey ran the final 6 yards of a IO-play, SO-yard drive. Ablocked extra-point by Todd Kiplinger kept the Bobcats within a field goal of Tarkio, 13-10.
But the Bobcats hopes of even tying the game with a field goal went up in smoke. as David Pasley was stopped short on a fourth-and-two at the Bobcat 18. Tarkio capped the scoring and the game with 1:40 ·remaining .when Mike Butt scored on a quarterback sneak.
Jay Fohey received the Bob Lade Offensive Player of the Game award while the Bobcats' Todd Ross captured the defensive award. Ross had five tackles and seven assists, sacked the quarterback twice for 20 yards in losses and recovered two Owl rumbles.
Holder is First PSC Pro )
Former Peru State All-American running back Alvin Holder has.been recently signed by the Chicago Blitz football team of the newly formed United States Football League, as reported by the ,J
Holder, a, 5·11, 195 pounder from Tampa, Florida, was not drafted by an NFL team in the 1982 college draft. former Bobcat averaged more yardS rushing per game (135.8)_ than any ottter running back in NAIAhistory, and ranks second in career rushing yards with 5027. '
The highlight of Holder's career came his junior year when he gained 1605 ya·rds rushing and saw the Bobcats
finish 9·1 which ranked' them 9 in the country. · ·
In 1981, Holder gained 14 yards as the B'Cats finished 7 and ranked 20th overall. Hold 1148 yards his freshm his &1rnp1nnor despite 'bemg hampered b injuries.
Some of the honors he receive included: Kodak First Tea All-American, Wort Herald State College f!l!yer the Year, as well as All-t>istric first team selection.
Holder signed a condition two year contract in that he wi be paid if he makes the team. is one of the final 80 players camp before the final 't:uf fO.• will be made. No the contract were released.
TB ""' J Peru State 3 O 0 7 -10 Tarkio O 7 O 13 -20 PS- Freeburg 36 yd_. FG ,3-0 W- Johnson 63 yd. pass from Butt (Eberhart kick) .3-7 PS- Sievers l yd, rurt (Freeburg kick) 10-7 TC- F'ohey 6 yd. run (kick blocked) 10-13 W- Butt 1 yd. run (Eberhart kick) 10-20 PSC l'i:rst Downs Rqshes/Yards Passing Yards Total Yards Passes J<'umbles/lost ·w 48-102 174 276 TC i4 47-140 125 265 )5-15-1 , Penalties/Yards lost 11-26-i 2-1 6-70. 3-2 14-107 Bobcat Individual Leaders Rushing - Pasley 21-63, Hixson 9-29, 8eorge 7-10 Passing - Sievers 11-26-1-174 Receiving - Barlow 6-83, McFarland Mingo 1-11. '
Alvin Holder (No. 48 above) became the first Bobcat to sign a professional football contract. · ·
The 5-11, 195-pounder was. the NAIS's finest running bac
Coov· d Smith Re
Homecoming ·Activities
The highlight of the 1982 Homecoming activities was the announcement of this year's King and -Queen.
Karen Coover and Jeff Smith were crowned as Homecoming royalty last Saturday at halftime of· the Peru State-Benedictine game.
Coover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coover, Papillion, is a speech and drama' major. Smith, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith of Lincoln, is a Physical Education major.
the ped
the voice of the peru state bobcats!
Scholarship Bank is New Aid Source
Fifty-eight Peru State students are beneficiaries of the 1982-83 Perl!' Achievement Foundation scholarships, according to Don Miller, director of financial aids. He said the awards for those students who did not turn up for school this fall semester will be reallotted later.
The following are the names of recipients, the respective scholarships and the amounts given: Anderson scholarship-$100: Jeff Wignall; Charles Andrews
Memorial-$250 each: Kraig Casey, Ellen E. Eli;l.ridge, Mary Jo Gadeken, Julie Strathman, Cheryl Urwin, Laurance Dubois, Susan D. Thomas, Todd Green, Bryon Rihner, John Fleming; Barnes Warn9ck Scholarship$50: Brett Nanninga; Bath Family scholarship-$75: Rebecca Kohrs; E.C. & M. Beck
scholarship-$400: Kim Alexander; Albert Brady scholarship$75: Steve Driewer; Pearl Morgan Butler scholarship$500 each: Anita Searcy, Chryl Dixon; C.C. Choyce scholarship
-$250: Anita Eversen; Clayburn Memorial scholarship-$150: John Westerfield; S.H. scholarship-$225 each: Kim Buethe, Marla Moody Jones; Eichler Memorial scholarship$100: Suzanne_ Whisler; Elsie Fisher scholarship-$250 each: Natalie Hart, Leon Morin; Esther Cole Franklin scholarship-$300: Luella Dorste; Great Plains Federal scholarship-
$250: Diana Watton; Jess Harris scholarship-$75: Barbara Whitney; Benjamin Harrison schol-
arship-$125 each: David Frana Christine Dietz, Patrick tens, Julie Gottula, Ronda Knaak, Peter Binder, Steven So.bolik; Harrison Family scholarship-$437: Tl)eresa Polsey; Lena Huff Memorial scholarship
-$175: Campbell; Glenn Jenkins Tom Stevicks; Victor Jindra Memorial scholarship-$150 and $100: Anthony Nebelsick and Nicolle Bassinger, respectively; Johnson County Bank scholarship-
$500: Jacqueline Schultz; Kenton scholarship-$60: Donna Lockhart; A. V. Larsen scholarship-$200: Brad Johnson; E: A. Larson-$75: Georgean Schimke; McDunning scholarship$75: Kip Allison; Melvin scholarship-$85: Debbie Larsen; Palmer scholarship-$100: Brett Nanninga; W. E. Pate Memorial scholarship-$125: Gregory Berger; Sabatinelli scholarship-$50: Scott Boyer; Schottenhamel Memorial scholarship-$175: John Westerfield; G. Holt "Pop" Steck scholarship
-$100: Karrie Fis beck; Oliver Stevenson Memorial scholarship
-$200: Alexander Appleton; Tynon scholarship-$50; Doug Barlow; John Wear scholarship
-$100: Eleanor Nelson; Charles Weigand scholarship-$75: Jeff Bennett; William Wortman scholarship-$125 each: Kelli Rhodd; Melissa Trujillo, Terrell Williams, Wayne Gutierrez. Miller said the Peru Achievement Foundation is a chartered non-profit organization irtdepen_ dent of Peru State College. Its
primary function is to receive and invest funds whose profits are used to administer scholarship programs to promote Peru State College. At the present time, there are 46 different scholarship titles which are being administered, Miller said. With regard to the selection procedure, Miller said students ·are asked to apply for scholarships J>y April 1 prior to the year of award. Information on the applicants' GPAs, ACT scores and specific requirements of the individual scholarships are collected. Applicants are classified as returning students, freshmen and transfers. The information is then passed on to the Student Affairs Commission which is composed of three members of the student personnel' staff; namely, the dean for student development, financial aid director and director for housing; six faculty members from the six college divisions and three students appointed by the student senate president. The Commission then makes the selections for the awards.
This year, 14 awards went to 26 returning 'students, 14 to first time freshmen and three to transfer students. The returning students had GP As ranging from 7.98 to 9.00. First time freshmen recipients fell within the top 20 per cent of their graduating class and had an ACT score of 22 or ranked on the eightieth percentile on the college entrance examinations.
A bonfire and pep rally took place on Friday night in the parking lot across from the Industrial Arts building. Cheers · were led by the cheerleaders, and Coach Jerry Joy lit the fire.
Members of the volleyball and cross-country teams were introduced by Coaches Maxine Mehus and Dennis Obermeyer, respectively.
Attendants present- at the crowning were: Lori Vrtiska, junior, namral science major, Table Rock; Doug Barlow, junior business administration major, Lincoln; Sara Donovan, sophomore, math-education major, Lincoln; Brad Hesser, sophomore, business administration major, Adams; Lisa Thomas, freshman, pre-med and psychology major, Omaha; and Todd Meisinger, freshman, industrial management major, Lowsville.
A band-o-rama was also held at halftime which included several area bands joining the PSC band in two numbers. The bands that performed were: Adams, Auburn, Fairbury Junior High, Humboldt Junior and Senior High, Nebraska City Junior High; Nemaha. Valley, Southeast, and Table Rock.
Coach Joy introduced the senior footbaJl players, captains, and coaching staff, and commented on the upcoming game. Highlighting the night was the sacrifice of a Benedictine Raven dummy that was thrown into the fire by the senior football players. A car smash was also held.
The Homecoming Parade was held in the morning, starting at the Industrial Arts bwlding and winding along 5th Street, finishing at the north end of town. Parade entry winners were: first, Industrial Arts; second, Faculty Women; and third, Morgan Hall.
On Homecoming night, Festival, a show-type band, supplied music and entertainment at a dance held at the old gym from nine to twelve. An estimated crowd of 100 people attended. Couple's pictures were taken by David Miller and purchased for $2.
'Kegger' to be Presented
"The central action of the musical is a "Kegger, "-a universal festivity that celebrates premature adulthood, escape being par-t of the group, .arrival of the weekend, summer of 'good for any excuse'," said Kathy Garman, coordinator of the PSC alcohol-drug information office.
''kegger," written by Obie Award winning playwrite, Megan Terry, for the .· Omaha Magic Theatre, a non-profit fouIJdation for the performing arts, will appear on Peru State College campus, Wednesday, October 13, at 7:30 p.m., in the college auditorium.
"We feel extremely honored to have the Omaha Magic Theatre bring its production of "Kegger" to Peru," Garman said. "The musical has received very good reviews in its Lincoln and Omaha presentations and we feel fortunate to have the troupe travel here."
A post-play discussion will be led by students and specialists with an investigation of question.s raised in the play, such as responsible decisions about drinking and driving, familypeer influences; and personality development.
Karen Coover and Jeff Smith were cro,y.'ned Queen and,,.. King at. the 1982 PSC Homecoming.
. Number 3 Peru State College, Peru, Nebr. 68421 October 8, 1982
Festival, from Skidmore, Missouri, performed at the ho.mecoming dance at the old gym.
and Letter to the Editor
More· and more people are joining the National Guards in the 80's. They are finding it helpful to pay for college and to assist in special areas of study. The tfine spent is minimal and the work is challenging. The pay and benefits are good, and the experience itselL is fun and socially pleasant.
I joined the National Guards April 3, 1982 because I needed money for college. I'm writing this because I think it's important to let people know what a great advantage the Guards can be to your education. This is n«?t to persuade you to join in any way, only to let you know a little about the g\Uirds and how they can help.
I needed an education and turned .to the Guards for help. Not only will they train me in a specialized field, but they will pay 75 per cent of my tuition to any state supported college or technical school. ·
There are two basic parts included in an education through the Guards: Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training, or 1\.IT. Basics is routinely set exercises ·of assistance and protection if in a warfare situation. I learned to fight and protect myself as well as others under enemy attack. One great advantage about basics is that it only lasts about nine weeks and you can take it any time you like so it won't interfere. with your education. AIT is your choice of specialized schooling. There are
many to choose ranging from cooking to mechanics, and communications to airborne training. Both basics and AIT ax:e physically challenging but are not excessively so. I am also getting paid approximately $500 to $600 dollars a month, depending on rank. There will be bonus·pay of $1,500 to. $2,000 dollars in installments presented ··to me after completion of my AIT. Believe me, both the good · physical condition and the • money you get can be of great help to an education.
Money and physical training are not · all the Guards offer towards my education. It also broadens. my socialability by meeting new people and seeing how they live. their lives. It · helped me to learn more about myself and build my self-confidence and esteem. I was taught how to discipline myself, think positive and participate. All of these things will benefit an education in different ways.
After basics and AIT I am only required to go to a meeting once. a month and two weeks of camp every summer. I'm getting paid, $75 for ·each weekend, and $300 dollars for summer camp. (These wages vary according to your rank.)
If you have the time and want to make those few sacrifices, the Guards could be a great advantage to your education. It was to mine. Sincerely, Wendy Meyer.
For the Record
By Don Strecker
Now that the National Football League ·Players' Union and the • NFL owners have decided to show everyone that their baseball counterparts aren't the only idiots running around, let's se.e how exciting Sunday afternoons have become.
For instance, last Sunday we could have watched some tough NFL matchups, featuring Pittsburgh Denver, and the New York Giants :vs. Dallas. What'we got instead wa!) the actionpacked college f.ootball game between Wittenberg and Bald(sounds like some kind of1aw firm).
· The second game was just as pressure-packed as the highly respected University of San Diego (Chickens?> played Occidental University ·(don't ask me where the !+&!+it's at).
If those games aren't your style, tl\ere was also Canadian football with .12 men on a side, three downs to get a first down, and a field that is about a mile
and a half long (actually, it's only 160 yards long, counting the 25 yard end zones)
Now, I don't mind Canadian football. As a matter of fact; I like it mainly because it is so wide open and high scoring. But if I had a choice between the Oakland, er, Los Angeles Raiders and the Saskatchewan Roughriders, I'd take the Raiders any 'day. ·.
Personally; I think the. NFL strike is stupid. Both sides are supposed ,to be headed by groWn men, not little kids who call people names when they don't get their way. ·
The football strike is; causing so much headache that it's not even funny. The cities with NFL franchises are losing millions of dollars every week that the games are not played.
The league has lost 14 games "" so far to the strike. Seven more games are set to go doWn the tubes this weekend unless .the players'union and the owners can agree on something.
Greed, that's all it is. Two sides that wantas much as they can get without giving anything in return. I thought that maybe the two sides learned something by watching the baseball players make fools of themselves (On second thought, the NFL players are doing such a good job of making fools of themselves,
maybe they did learn something).
And we, the fan, suffer the most. We have to sit at home and watch the Baldwin-Wallace Nonames and the Wittenberg Strangers pound on each other for a while. I mean, who cares?
So, here's hoping that the NFL strike will• be settled by next weekend so that t.he pro season can b.e ·resumed.
Save a life.
·Learn 1 CPR.
AtneriCan Red Cross
Together, we can change things.
Managing Editor Vince Henzel
Associate Editor Don Strecker
Sports Editor ,. Jim Zipursky
Reporters Kimberly Alexander, Alexander Appleton, Lisa Cline, Marsha Kentopp, Sally Martineau, Wendy Meyer, Haser William
Photographer Mike Northrup
Advisor Everett Browning
The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State College and. is printed/8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on this page do not necessarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogian or Peru State; College. ;.
Todd McFarland, left, and Mitch Egger took part in the homecoming bonfire.
halls at Morgan.
Judy Poutre shows her creative talent while decorating the
New Doors Installed in Buildings
New doors have been installed in the Fine Arts and Administration building, according to Dr·. Harold Deselms, Vice-President of Administration. ·
Dr. Deselms said that the new doors that were installed in the buildings are primarily for ·energy conservation. These doors will help to · make the buildings as energy efficient as
Funds have been ··requested for use in putting new doors in the Science, Library, ·· and Education buildings.
The bids were taken on this $41 thousand project last summer.
After organization and the ordering of materials,. it finally got under construction. Dr. Deselms said that he thinks lite job will be completed by mid-October. Other work was done on the North wall of' the Science building. This included the repairing of some bricks and putting up stucco.
As a requirement for ·the handicapped, an elevator will be installed in the Fine Arts building. Dr. Deselms also stated that sometime in November, a chair lift.-will be installed in the Library to get people up to
.Scholarships An.nouncf;ld
Students looking for supplemental private scholarships, grants and loans should be pleased to learn that .there are over 1,350 new scholarships available through The Scholarship Bank.
According to the direetor of the private search service, these Scholarships are primarily for undergraduates, although graduates may also apply. Many of the courses are renewable annually, according to the• director. Scholarships are available to students in business,
CPR to Begin ·
The cardio-pulmonary resuscitation class that was scheduled for Thursdays from 7 to 10 p.m. to begin Sept. 23 will begin Oct. 6 and will be held on Wednesdays at the same time.
The three session-class will be !leld in Fine Arts building, room 105, with an instructor who has been certified by the American Heart Association. Cost of the course is $2 with continuing education ·credit.
"Everyone should take · this course,'' said Bob Baker, director of continuing education. "In emergency situati-0ns if CPR is applied within four minutes, approximately 90 per cent of the victims will live." He said that if a person has held a CPR certificate for three years or ·· longer, it should be renewed.
For more information, or to register, write, or call, the continuing education office, or call 402-872-3815, ext. 241 or 201.
liberal arts, humanities,· law, sciences, and hundreds of other majors. Students are .urged to apply .in the Fall for these sources .as most applicants apply in the Spring when most of the financial aid is used up.
The Scholarship Bank cooper-· ates with college financial aids offices and· not duplicate their work, which is concerned mostly with public sources of aid. Students· may get further information from The Scholar.ship Bank by sending a business'-sized, stamped, self-
SAC Perforn1s
The Strategic Air Command Brass performed in concert iu front' of students; faculty, and the public Thursday, September 30 at Benford ·Hall in the Fine Arts building.
The Quintet consisted of Alan Sierichs, trumpet; Jack Maurice, French Horn; Keith Krueger, trumpet; Douglas Anderson, Trombpne; John Thomason, Tuba; and a guest artist, Bettye Sierichs, Percussion.
The program consisted of music from Johanne S. Bach, Air Pour Les Trompettes, Fugue in G minor, and Bnmdenburg Concerto No. 2; and Elliot Cart, A Fantasy about Purcell's "Fantasia Upon One Note" and Kanon by John Pachelbel.
After a short intermission,. they continued with: -Three Preludes of George Gershwin; Trisch-Tratsch Polka by Johann Strauss; Ded!cations 2 by Constantinides; Loungin' at the Waldorf by Thomas "Fats" Waller; Mean to Me by Roy Turk; and Lookin' Good but Feelin' Bad by "Fats" Waller.
the first floor. Funds have been requested for more projects of this type.
According to Dr. Deselms, one mµst go through a rather process to get the funds needed for these projects. The· project must ·first be requested to the Board of Trustees. If it is ok'd there, then it must be taken to L.B. 309 Task Rorce which the funding. From there the workers must be hired, a contract made, and the materieilS -Ordered, before the actual. constniction can start. -p•
addressed envelOpe to the Ba.Dk at 10100 Santa Monica Blvd'., No. 750, Los Angeles,.CA; 90067. There is a modestfee.
Benton and Diane Coover enjoy themselves at the-homecoming dance in .the old gym.
collegiate camouflage s H 0 s L L A B D N A H A M H 0 c K E y G 0 G I -N G L M 0 I ,v I N G N N u A v u N I T G N I T F I L T H G I E w u 0 w N G M x L 0 E N G N s p G G G M G 0 I x 0 I N J G M c y I N N B p L c E R I E u A w M G I s. H y p '-0 K N K .• J s J J N x T c E w N T 0 s E L u G I A. L 0 I F A s H K L M D E c I s N 0 T c 0 T A p 0 s E N x G T H H T c A T I w D G E 0 L L I p s c R I R I A u F B 0 x u c K E A N T N M u .J N D T F E s R M G Can you find the hidden Olympic events?. BOXING CANOEING CYCLING DECATHLON DIVING FENCING GYMNASTICS HANDBALL HOCKEY. JUDO LONG JUMP .LUGE MARATHON PENTATHLON POLE VAULTROWING SHOOTING SHOT PUT SKATING SKIING SOCCER SWIMMING TRIPLE JUMP WEIGHTLIFTING ! w A T E R p 0 L E v A u L T A
Brad Hesser catches a touchdown pass while Doug. Barlow (partially hidden) helps the official in signaling the. score;
.Bobcats Face No. 7 Northwestern
For the second straight week, the Peru State Bobcats will play one of the top rated teams in the NAIA when they travel to Orange City, la., on Saturday, Oct. .9, to face the' seventh-rated Northwestern College Red Raiders.·
Peru lost to 12th ·rated Benedictine, 45-14, last Saturday. After Northwestern, Peru will play 10th rated Chadron State in Peru on Oct. 16.
"This is one of the toughest schedules we have ever had," Peru Coach Jerry Joy said. "Concordia, Benedictine, Northwestern, and Chadron are all capable of finishing in the top ten this year." Peru lost to the Concordia Bulldogs, 21-9, on Sept. 26.
"I think we are capable of beating both Northwestern and Chadron if we start executing well and stop turning the ball over so much," Joy said after the disappointing Homecoming loss to Benedictine.
Peru led for most of the first half against Benedictine before Raven kicker Terry Armer set an Oak Bowl record with a 53 yard field goal to give his team a 15-14 half-time lead.
"That field goal changed the game; it gave them the
momentum going into the second half," Joy said.
Peru was never in the game in the second half, turning the ball over six times and losing a total of five yards in total offense. Fiv&. of the Six turnovers were inside the Bobcat 29-yard 1ine, three inside the five.
"These turnovf:!rs really killed us, we never got our defense off the field," said Nick Petrillo, Peru's defensive coordinator.
"We are a young team and we're making the mistakes you expect an°inexperienced team to make," Joy said, "We need to mature and get more leadership out of our younger players." ·
The Bobcats are young. Joy started only two seniors against the Ravens, offensive tackle Mitch Egger and center Dan King, Egger is a four-year starter, King a three-year starter.
"I'm pleased with Mitch and Dan's play; Mitch is probably the only four year starter we've ever had in the offensive line," said Dennis Obermeyer, offensive line coach.
"Our defensive backs can't afford to make a mistake against Northwestern," Petrillo said, "We're asking a lot of the young guys back there but I
think they are talented enough to do it." ·
Three of the four starters in the defensive backfield are freshmen; junior satiety and co-captain Neil Wolfe is the only defender who had any collegiate experience before this season. Freshman Fred Lee, Pat Mertens, John Register, and Mike Monroe are improving with each game but still lack the valuable experience that comes with age.
A loss at Northwestern this weekend would give Joy his first. losing season since 1976, his second season at Peru. The last time Peru lost to Benedictine was 1976. The last time a Peru team lost its first f6ur games was 1971.
"I do think we have a good team and there is plenty of time left to surprise some people," Joy said.
Doug Minchow, freshman linebacker from Wq..verly, set a team high for. the season with 16 total tackles against the Ravens. Minchow, who leads the team with 48 to'tal tackles for' the season, had seven unassisted and nine assisted tackles against Benedictine.
Peru's next home game is against Chadron on Oct. 16.
Lady Cats 3rd in Tourney
The Peru State Lady Bobcats finished in a tie for third place in the third annual Peru State Invitational volleyball tournament. Concordia· College defeated Platte to win the tournament.
The Lady Bobcats lost their semi-final match with Concordia, 5-15, 3-15. "We just never got into the match with Concordia," Coach Maxine Mehus said. Peru has played Concordia three times this season, losing all three matches.
"I was pleased with the way our team played, but I thought we could have done much better in the tournament," Mehus said. Robin Smith and Barb Peterson were both named to the all-totirnament team; receiving the most votes of any of the all-tournament performers.
Janet Adkins of Concordia, Pam Gogan and Sharon Vanis of
Platte, and Kathy Gottula of Southeast Community College were the other members of the all-tourney team. ·
Peru opened the tournament with a convincing win over Bellevue, 15-3, 15-8, before splitting with Southeast, 11-15, 15-9. The Lady Bobcats then crushed Dana, 15-1, 15-7, to advance to the semi-finals as champion of their pool.
Platte and Concordia finished first and second, respectively, in the other four-team pool. Tarkio and Midland Lutheran were the other members of that pool.
Platte beat Southeast, 15-7, 12-15, and 15-2 to advance to the ' finals before losing to Concordia. Concordia beat Platte, 15-7, 12-15 and 15-9.
Peru has played in three tournaments thus far and the Lady Bobcats have finished second once and third twice.
Their match record is 12-11-1, their game record, 32-30. "I'm pleased that, we're above 500 (winning percentage), but we should be playing better," Mebus· said. said she was pleased with the play of Smith, Peterson and junior co-captain Carla Frauen. "Smith, Peterson and Frauen have given our team a lot of- leadership as well as consistent play," Mehus said.
Smith, a senior co-captain from Lincoln, and Frauen, also a Lincoln native, led the team with seven aces each in the tournament. Peterson, an· Omaha sophomore, led the team in kills.
Peru's next match is against Highland Community College on Tuesday, Oct. 5, in Highland.
The Lady Bobcats'· next home match ·is Oct. 20, against perennial rival Tarkio.
BC- Godar 17 pass from Torline (Armer kick) BC-
Fritz Wins Alumni Run
Former PSC cross-country runner Louis Fritz won the 1982 Alumni Run which was held as part of the Homecoming festivities last Saturday.
It marked the second time in the last three years that Fritz has won the event as he covered the course in a of 25:51.
Second in the event went to PSC cross-country runner Tony Markey, who ·ran the distance in 26:09. Third was taken by another member of this year's team; Ben Dilsaver, with a time of 26:43. ,-
Other runners in the event and their times were: Don Strecker, 27:18; Rob Hansen, 28:17; LeRoy Behrends, 28:38; Bill Grimes, 28:45; Jon Williams, 29:13; Dennis Brady, 29:47; Don Crunk, 30:00; Darreis Joiner, 32:57; Chris Ives, 33:02; Dr. Norman Schlesser, 36:33; Shari Paczosa, 40:41; Jody J9hnston, 40:43; and Tom Banks, 53:50.
Cheryl Corey won the women's division of the race. She ran the course in a time of 31 :45. Twin sister Nancy Corey finished second in the event with a time of 32:44 while Suzie Palmer came in third, going the distance in 35:21.
Peru State Benedictine 6 6 8 0 0 9 20 14 -14 -49 EC- Torline 1 run (kick failed) 0-6 6-6 14-6 PS- Mingo 7 pass from Sievers (kick failed) P3- Hesser 18 pass froni Sievers (Hesser pass from Sievers) BC- DeLong 2 run (pass failed) BC- Armer 53 ,;'G 14-12 14-15 14-21 14-28 14-35, 14-42' 14-49 BC- DeLong 3 run (kick failed)
pass from
· BC- Suedkamp
(Armer kick) P3C .BC !• irs t ·Jowns n 21 Rushes-Yards 37-66 57-253 Passing Yards 101 144 Total Yards 167 J97 Retu= Yards 125 97 Passes 11-21-3 11-23- 3 Punts-Average 6-34.8 2-44,5 Fumbles-Lost 3-3 2-2 Penalties-Yards 8-88 14-132
Toepper 1 run (Tacca kick)
5 run
Car la Frauen bumps the ball while Glevon Cova ult (No. 2) is ready to help during the PSC Invitational Tournment.
the the voice of die peTu state bobcats! ·
SSA Assemble at Peru
Delegates to the Legislative emblv of the Nebraska State dent Association met on the mpus of PSC on October 8th 9th. The Legislative Assemis the wing of the NSSA rged with the determination legislative policy and the nthesis of the opinions and cerns of member students ross the state.
At this conference .the deletes set the policy platform and islative agenda of the anization for 1982-83. This tform will become the basis the NSAA 's legislative agenda the forth coming session of the Nebraska Legislature.
Established in the NSSA is designed to represent the students of Nebraska's fouryear. state funded institutions of higher education. At present, NSSA membership consists of the students of the Universitypf Nebraska at Lincoln, Peru State College. the University of Nebraska at Omaha, andWayne State College: · ·· .· ·.
II is the phil<>Soplly of the NSSA that · the education provided by the college and universities of Nebraska not only be ·of the highest p0ssible quality. but also be accessible and affordable to all of Nebraska. The NSSA is commit-
PSC Publishes
Fall Magazine
"Plainsongs," a magazine of poetry edited and printed ,at Peru State College, has pub-·· lished its fall edition, beginning its third year of existence.
The magazine accepts poetry from known and unknown writers in this state and elsewhere, poetry that reflects the Great Plains experience.
The featured poet this fall is Dwight Marsh, professor of at Hastings College. Nineteen other poets have contributed to this edition from Sidney, Lincoln, Omaha, Peru, and Atchison, Kan.
"Plainsongs" is edited by Dr. Russ Stratton, associate professor of English at PSC. Mrs. Dana Stratton, director of printing services, supervises the graphics and is the artist.
Poets appearing in this fall's
edition are: Sue Kneale, Nebraska City, a former PSC student, Sllirley Rothell, Tecumseh, a PSC graduate, Sister Mary Faith Schuster, Atchison, KS., Bob and Claire Doxtator. Chadron, and Nancy and Hargis Westerfield, Kearney.
The review appears in the fall, winter and spring, and subscriptions are $6 for the year. All correspondence regarding both submissions and subscriptions should be directed .to Stratton at PSC.' The magazine does not accept student work. Themes of the various editions fo<'uses around the seasons but are not confined to them.
Thirteen poets gathered for the first-annual poetry reading ar the Peru-Benedictine football game Saturday, October 2. A total of 54 pieces were read, after which the readers adjourned to the Stratton home. <CNS>
ted to the reality of higher education as an investment in the future of Nebraska. It is with this concept in mind, that the policy platform of the NSSA was drafted last weekend.
Itis also this concept that will guide the NSSA as it strives to make a· positive impact on the higher education system in Nebraska.
Members of the Association from Peru who attended the ·A5sembly included: Rick Rummel, Rhonda Knaak, and Sara · Donovan, Legislative Assembly, and Chris Walsh, chairman of the Board of Directors.
Board Schola·rsh·ips Available
The Board of Trustees of Nebraska State Colleges anaounced the availability of 88 :$Cholarships for the 1983-84 ool year. The awards, which vide full tuition for four years Chadron State, Kearney te, Peru State, or Wayne tale College, recognize the scholarship and olastic achievements of high ool seniors.
Alan Cramer of Wayne te said, "In the. twelve years t we have been offering these
scholarships. recipients have used their scholastic and· leadership skills to improve the State Colleges and Nebraska. We are proud to be able to aid the high school students.of this state in attaining their educational and career goals."
The scholarships reqwre 1l a graduating senior of an accredited Nebraska High Scho0l, 2> enrolling for the first. time as .a full-time college student, 3> in the upper one-quarter ·of their high school graduating class, 4>
Sherwood Featured On KETV Segment
Dr. Leland H. Sherwood, Professor of Art at PSC, appeared on the "BackroaclS and Byways" segment of KETV's Sunday evening news on October
3. Jerry Fanin, the show's host, interviewed Dr. Sherwood for several hours here in Peru last week. It was then edited into a four minute segment of the show.
score above the 85th percentile on a college entrance exam <ACT score of 24, SAT score of 1100 >, and 5 >provide evidence of their high school and .college interests.
Fifteen scholarships are available from each state college and a candidate can apply to only one college. The deadline for application is January 15, 1983.
· Applications are available from high school guidance counselors or by .writing the financial aids. office of one of the colleges.
The program emphasized Dr. Sherwood's talents as a painter, especially in the area of watercolor. The program included a discussion about art between Mr. Fanin and Dr. Sherwood, and also an exchange of philosophies concerning art. ·
Dr. Sherwood gave a demonstration and talk on some of his work.
Dr. Sherwood, who has taught at PSC for 20 years, is a Nebraska native <originally from Chester, NE>. He said he's had a lifetime interest in art. He said his favorite area in art is watercolor; he's been at it for nearly 25 years. Dr. Sherwood has had experience working at an art gallery in California and doing local art shows. He said that an .art show is being: planned at PSC for · sometime in December.
Dr. Sherwood's other recent honor came when his painting. "Pressed Back Chair with Cat," was chosen last month to be on display with the Nebraska State Art Collection in Kearney. 1be paintings will be on display until October 19.
Mainstreaming Materials Shown in Media Center
Mainstreaming materials were displayed in the Instructional Media Center at PSC through Friday, September 30. Puppets, colored blocks, workbooks, text books, audio tape, and audio cassettes were among the items presented.
The mainstreaming materials which were purchased for $10,000 under the Dean's Grant Project, were coordinated by Dr. Paul A. Mars, associate professor of education and .director of the Dean's Grant Project on the PSC campus, and the project committee under the auspices of, the division of education and psychology at PSC.
Community and area people will have - access to the mainstreaming materials after they have been catalogued. They will be available for open circulation, he said.
The Dean's Grant Project committee includes: Dr. Esther Divney. chairperson of the division of education, Dr. Jack Hytrek. associate professor of education, and Dr. John Sachs, assistant professor of education at PSC.
Mars said that in 1975 the U.S. Congress passed Public Law 94-142, The Education for All Handicapped Children Act, which requires that all children and youth must be provided a free and appropriate education.
Mainstreaming, or including handicapped children in the normal clas8room setting, is a concept that. puts this law into action, he said. "Peru State College was the recipient of the first national Dean's Project grant last year and we have conducted weekend workshops on the concept with this year's workshop attracting 16 students from the area," Mars said.
According to Mars, students enrolled in the teacher education program become aware of concepts of education for handicapped students.
"Concepts of mainstreaming include least restrictive environment, rights of students, parents, and school personnel, and awareness- of children with special needs and the various types of children who have special needs."
The Dean's Grant Project advisory committee in addition to Mars, includes: Dr. Esther 'Divney, Dr. John Sachs, PSC, .lVIrs. Marilyn Stalder, Humboldt; Tod Kipling er, PSC sophomore; Dennis Curtis, Nebraska City; Mrs. Laurel Browning, Peru, and Mrs. Raedeahna Gerdes. Auburn.
The · campus task force committee in addition to Mars and Divney are: Jack Hamilton, Dr. Jack Hytrek, Kennard Larson, Nick Petrillo, Lyle McKercher, Dr. Norman Schlesser and Miss Wreathea Hicks.
""" Peru Coflege, Peru, Nebr. 68421 October 15, 1982
a classical work at
recital on Oct. 6
Dr. Larry Lusk performs
his piano
IM League Starts
Intramural volleyball games the. 82"83 iM staff as: Ronda •n Oct. 11, and. are being Schroeder,studentdirector: Ray played three nights a week. Drake, .Sara Donovan, Thom Qsually fo.ur games will be Johnson, Tim Kna,k, David playOO, a night, starting at 4:30 Miller, Everett Smith Robin P•IJl· There. are ten Co"Ed, six Smith, Brian Strother, and \\IOIJlen!s; five men's teams Kevin Sykes. , .•. Eqilip- ·· Schroeder. is in charge of :qlent set up 'Ill· tf!e old scheduling games. and officials for anyone •' in c;:ooperation with Fitzgerald. v;ra11ting, · The staff is also responsible for Dr.• director · up an,d taking down · of ·Inlramural Athletics, named eqwpment for all IM games.
IK Volleyball
For the Record-':
-by Don Strecker With all of. these things goi11g for u8, we will be a Top 20 team.
I guess by now it is all around and a playoff contender once· campus about last Saturday's again. Which brings me .to 'the game so I won't go into it reason that I wrote this article. anymore. Bµt there are some Whenever a college has a good positive thfugs that need to be football team, naturally people mentioned about our football will come to wat<;h them play team. ""'" This is true with any sport at any
First of all, the Bobcats are level of competition: · very, very young. There are only Butwhen a team falls on.hard three seniors on the team. times, there is a tendency for the Meanwhile, we.have43freshmen fans to stay away, to )Vaituntil on the roster. the team .has "got it together"
Eight's. Enotigh
Franchise Jocks .. ·
GeeGf!e's. City Slickers
DD's. Party '.I'ra1ri · Staffers·
Footloose & Big .stuffs
High .Setters
Las Mugeres·
L'TA'F5""" , ·Red ffpts
N.ame Hosers
Home B'oys +- 1
Tim Knaak
Curt Cogswell
Sandy Kohel
Lori, Browne
Laurence DuBois
Brenda Rausch
.Angie Ossian
·non .Jaco!>s
Sara Don"pvan Thompsen
Sandy J.'<>hnson
Diane Coover
Kanfo Gerking
•Mens• Manager
Gurt Cogswell
Off Campus Trash
Kr1m1rial Krew Klan
What these two facts mean is again before they go· to the that we are going to have people games. with a l()t of experience in a In my opinion; when a team is couple of years and right now, iri having problems and is strugglpractically all of our games; ingis when it needs-its' fans the experience has· been all the most. Our team has all it needs · · difference iri the world. to become a good team ·again
Just think of- the defense we (the talent, the coaching, etc.). will have_ with Jim Parrish, But they need the:fan support as Doug Minclto:w, who like They t() know that we an animal,TonyHimt·and Todd ·are behin<Ltliem-every step of "I'll have one Quarterback to go,· the way, through good times and hold tJte mayo" R95s. Ross, a bad. sophomore, has already· been ·Tomorrow; we play. Chadron·· named District 11 player of the State College: TWo ·years in a week twice, "and Minchow, a row'they have· knocked us outof freshman, once, · · a possible·· playoff· opi>orturtity.
The,secondary will be. just as : Two years ago, a one-point loss good as ·. Freddie Lee, Par · in the Oak Bowl to them was our Mertens, Johnny Register, and only clefeat; La$t year Chadron Mike Monroe all have the ·. won 12'"6, us out of a potential to be great. playoff spot that we had.
The offense will be just as They are coming to the Oak good. With a very promising Bowl ranked'l9th-iri the NAIA. offensive line; an.all-sophomore backfield (not including district
leading junior QB Ma,rk ers>, and an excellent corps of ·:teceiVers, the future luoks extremely bright.
Next, ··we have played a murderous schedule this season. Wberi the Bobcats take the field against Chadron State, .it will mark the third week in a row that Peru will have faced· a
Ray Drake
Tim Knaak
Rocky Nelson the perfect chance.for to give thema taste of their o medicine and to· knock the right out of the rankings. These facts should give l'.eason enough to be at the 0 Bowl tomorrow,· rooting for o Bobcats as hard .and as loud we can
Se:nate. Sez.J;>ar:ficipation Failing
that students sho.uld feel free to.1 bring ideas or complaints to th&l Senate meetings, which are opeitJ to everyone, beginning at 6:00j p.m. every Wednesday night. j NAIA TOp·20-team.
Third., we have had absolutely no }µck whatsoever. With· some Lady Luck on our side, we would have beaten Hastirigs, Tarkio, a1:1d Concordia;
Library Rules Are Set for _1982-83
Fayti Br_andt, librarian of the college library; has announced the library rules for the 1982-83 school year. They are as follows:
All library materials to be remQved from the library must be checked out at the circulation desk. This incJ.udes media Media equipment and materials are checked out from the department. ,
Dalp.aged material must be paid'for by the user; therefore it is advisable to examine material before checking it out.
Fooo, beverages and smoking are not permitted in the library.
Students and faculty wishing to secure copies of pages in library materials may xerox t.hem' for 10 cents a page. Any staff member can instruct you in the use of the copier.
New booli;s are constantly being added to the collection. Students and faculty are welcome to participate in book selection by suggesting books whiCh they think sho.uld be added to the collection. -
Lost items which are picked up in the library may be claimed at the circulation desk.
The browsing room holds issues of newspapers a!td new books just added to the collection.·
Instruction in use of the microfilm-microfiche equipment will be given by the library staff if needed. Copies may be
made of materials for 12 cents per page.
If you find that the library does not have material which you deem necessary 'for a research project, you may ask for material on interlibrary loan. In order to do this, you must supply the reference librarian with author, exact title, year _.of publication, and publisher of any material which you want to borrow and where the material wa.s verified. You will be expected to pay any postage involved in the mailing of the material.
If you find thatpages of a book or bound periodical are missing, please report this to. the main desk. We may be able to have the material xeroxed elsewhere and tip the pages into our volumes. The book drop outside the library is to be used only when the library is closed. At no time should reserve material or recordings be returned in the book drop.
Typewriters for student use are kept in the conference room on the top level.
Because of space problems, the· records, tapes, slides, filmstrips, and films are housed in the media center located on the lower levef of the old gym. The microfiche and microfilm remain in the library with the readers.
The normal loan period is 2
weeks and the fine remains at 2 cents per day. Reserve materJals are controlled at the _circulation desk. Since that material is c!Jarged Qut differently, the fine - with the length of the loan Hourly material is 50 cents the first hour and 25 cents per hour thereafter as long as the library is open. Two and three day material is 25 cents per day. Interlibrary loan overdues, are also 25 cents per day. ·
So says the VA ••. by ADDISON 'SINCE MANY OF US ARE IN Tl-IE SAME. SOAT, I'VE: AN IDEA THAI HOLDS WAT'ER. USE YOURGI HOME 1-0AN \ Contact nearest VA office (check your phone
Curt Cogswell, Student Senate President, says that the. senate would. like to get more student· participation in our .school government. Cogswell urges ' !1
Senate Attends She>wcasej
Student Senat.e members attended the third annual Rock Showcase in Kansas City, Mo. Sund.ay; October 3; Mem.bers attending were: Curt Cogswell, Chris Hosfelt, Sara Donovan, Linda Dunn, Rick Rummel,· and Doug Barlow. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs were the sponsors. of the trip. The senate is· considering booking one of the bands fOr a spring concert.
"Beat the Jinx" week, to b.oost spirit on campus, was held this week Themes were: Western Day, Mon.) Dress up day, (Tues.} Paint Your Face Day, (Wed.) Punk Rock Day, (Thurs.) 50's Day and a Sock Hop held Friday night at 9:00 p.m.
The winning hall will bJ announced at the old gym§ tonight at 8:00 p.m.
The Student Programs com mittee will hold a meetin October 21, at 6:00 p.m. in th Student Programs Office. The will pay $2 for a member of each organization or club of campus to attend a meeting. This is toj encourage input from all clubs,! Student programs is planning a'.1 Christmas Formal dinner-dance·! to be held December 10, at the/ Elks in Nebraska City. Willie1 Stargell, a former Pittsburgh'i Pirate, and the MVP of the 1979l World Series, will be thel scheduled guest speaker on; campus February 15.- 1
Managing Editor Vince Henzel
Dori Strecker
Associate Editor
Sports Editor Jim Zipursky
Reporters Kimberly Alexander, Alexander Appleton, Lisa Cline, Marsha Kentopp, Sally Martineau, Wendy Meyer, Haser William
Pho!ographer : Mike Northrup
Advisor Everett Browning
The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State College and is printed 8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on this page do not necessarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogian or Peru State College.
and' .·· .. o . 0 · 0
, .PG - APllWlOOil Pl:TIJllE I'a<] ,,.....:.....•=
Benford Hall
6 & 8 p.m.
. . 1
local veterans group.
book) or_ a
Resisters See, collegiate crossword
Draft registration isn't· working, according to some of the non-registrants undergoing dr,•. awaiting prosecutio.n. "The Govemrnent. can't · · ·possibfi prosecute us all," said Berijamin H. Sasway o{ Vista, Calif. Sasway was the first indictecUGI' non-registration, and the secand to be prosecuted; · ··
The General Of· fice's latest figtires · show owr 700,f!PO non-registrants. Thi$ ii more than 20 times the entire population of Federal prisenf; The compliance rate with reglstrationJs 93 per cent. according Jo Selective Serviee.. This is well below. the 98 per cent Selective Service officials have said must be reached ·for the system to be considered fair aDd effective. Even at the height of the .Vietnam war, compliance with draft registration never fell below 98 per cent.
The Internal Revenue Service is helping Selective Service to enforce registration. In August, IRS mailed warning letters to an initial 33,000 suspected no!l-registrants born
Objectors ANIS-
.: BOO>. ·Russell Malttiri; another were- -draft resister: who· is also student body president at · "itS · ·· Nortlienitowa, said g«>VernmenService ts tat efforts "show what a total •!lam. said failure the <registration) progla mail notice$ to ram is, in terms of enforcement; ). .- ltter·provide up · • tlJeY have to ·go outside the • lialaeS · to selective existing law to enforce it."
Tlrese, he said, "will be Jim Feldman, staff lawyer for 11l11tled en a random basis" Ceco, the country's largest tllclle wlM> fail to register agency for draft and military __.receiving warnings mailed counseling,. said a private ms. .chance of being fn1ate August, an amendment prosecuted for. non-registration sponsored by Sen. Hayakawa is slim-less ·. than one in CB-CA) and Rep. Solomon 1000-but present. It is now <R-NY> to the Defense Authoriz- Jtlstice Department p0licy not to ation Bill had passed both houses prosecute if the r.esister regisof CWllgress and •was before ters · be(9re the ·il)(i.ictment. President Reagan. The bill ''Those Willing to risk prosecuwould requir.e male college ti.on should know that there. are students applymg for grants and legal defenses that can be made, loans through the Government to and it may be difficlllt for the prove that they have registered Government to prove its case," for the draft. Some lawyers said Felc:linan. CCCO serves as a question the constitutionality of national, non-profit agency such legislation. "This is certain counseling young Americans to generate some lawsuits," said facin.g the· Pl'.QS.pect of military Irvin Bomberger of the National service, and those already in the Interreligious Service Board
A.C.T.S. Searches for -CTolent·
Regional and national winners ·Warner .Brothers Records will
of the All-American Collegiate also be awarded.
Talent Search, the foremost Final competition will be held comprehensive search of its kind March 26, 1983, at New 'Mexico -in the country, will receive cash State University, Las Cruce§, performing
prizes and scholarships for their N.M., where national finalists schools totaling over $16,.000. will hav.e the ppportunity to A.C.T.S. is a national program _perform in live competition and that recognizes and encourages will serve collectively as an
·S.tarfs ,Year
college students who have opening act for a major demonstrated talent in the recording artist or television · The FelloW$hip of christian performing arts and is designed personality. Last year's national Athletes has started planning to further emphasize the. tie finalists were joined by special activities for this year. The between education and enter- hostess Dinah Sllore and guests officers are: !>resident, Jeff tainment. Christopher Cross, John_ny Rod· Smith;: Lincoln; ,,, All contestants ane:eligible<for, v · 1lhd Gary: '.Mille Deer. Curt Cogswell, F'rielld:
'· a tour of Europe or the Orient for Celebrity judge was Greg Morris tary-.Treasurer, Jana Henderthe United States Department of of "Mission Impossible" .and k C"t · s · Defense. National finalists are ''Vegas" fame. son, Nebras a 1 y; ·.•·· ponsor, eligible ior career consultation · Entries are being accepted John Gibbs. There are. approxiand a showcase spot at Rick now and every entFy-j_s judged by mately 35 in.the club. Newman's "Catch a Rising to.Ped uc.ationand.en·.tertainment
A volleyball·night:w1:1s held - September 30,·.for• µiembers to star" in New York. City. industry professionals. Stu<fents get to know: each and a Auditions by American Theatre submit entries on audio or video B. i.ble .study was.··. held after. the Productions, The Entertainment cassette tape with a glossy black · · · Connection, The Gospel Music an.d white photo. Deadline is a kl d II t · ··E tr f
Association, The Oa an Ba e February 11, n Y ee is p.m. in ijeiiford Recital Hall. Company, The Santa Fe Opera, $25. Mornirig Star, a Christian rrick and the A & .R Department of A workshop will. held in group from Belleytie will pei;form; ·. · •. ·.· · •
Desai ms Returns for Conference
Dr. Harold Deselms, vice president of administration at Peru State,Cfollege, has returned from the 59th arinual conference of the Council of Educational Facility Planners, International. The four-day meeting was held at the Hyatt Regency Columbus and the Ohio Center in Columbus, Ohio, which is the international headquarters for the organization.
Deselms, the president of the Midwest region, presented a mini-session, "New Life for College Dormitories," which was a summary of the renovation of Majors Hall dormitory into the Majors Hall Conference and Health Centers. He talked about the remodeled dormitory space, combined with
new construction that economically provides. for needed college and health services, recreation, classroom and office areas.
· Other mini-sessions included: "Rapid Ccmstru.ction .'Pechnique," "Creative Methods for Financing Energy Conservation Projects,'' "Combining New and Old Facilities into a College Campus," and "Surplus Schools -,-Conversion to Residential Apartments."
"One of the positive things that comes from attending such a conference, lies in the diversity and creativity of the membership of CEFPI and the benefits we receive· from the mutual exchange of information," Deselms said.
Anyone in athletics ()r interested in athletics ean join .FCA,. •. · There are $1 dues arid meetings
.. are held· every two weeks, on Wednesday nights. ··
· · · ·
for .militacy.
1 2 3 4 5 12 17 4.3 46 49 53 ACROSS 1 struggled for ai.r 7 "Sound of Music" " fainily name ·12 Instruction from
· : Jack Lalanne
the national 13 Passover book
17 ."A -· Born" Collegiate CW79-15 42 Cocksure 10 Annual links 43 Lay - the line tourneys 44 "Bei Mir - du 11 "- Joey" Schoen" 14 31-Across film 45 Sheet music (4 wds.) notations 15 Nitrogen compound 46 New York campus 16 The face that initials launched 1,000 ships 47 Trading centers 20 Pentateuch 48 Part.of CPA (abbr.) 22 ·-Romeo • 49 Walk 24 Like "To a Skylark" ing judges; Students, faculty, 18. Build castles in staff and others interested in the · the air
conjllnction with
final$ by many.of the participat-
are invited fo 19 Taro root attend. 20 21.Hurt·Efforts
· concert,
8 22 Give - (care) 23 Nebraska Indians 24 Kind of shoppe 25 - tennis 26 Prohibitionists 27 Madison Aven.ue employees 28 Andy Capp's missis 29 Disappointed express ton · 30 Like or that · (2 wds.) 31 Familiar TV ·profile (2 wds;) 36 .Car 37Hoopster Archibald ·. 38 Deer 39 Thompson or Hawkins 41 .-.- Hruba. Ralston
Part ·Of a printing 26 Dumbbell press 27 " exclaim53 Even a score drove out of sight" (2 wds.) 29 Ration 54 Play the market 30 Official 55 Relative of 32 Devastate Anopheles 33 Queen of Hearts' 56 Noah and Wallace specialty DOWN 34 Bit.of politeness 35 Tavern inventory 39 "The Rise of1 U.S.O. frequenters Lapharp'.'. , 2 Waiting room ·- ·40-••once'uj)oh -'-···" 3 31-Across film · 41 Its own reward· (4 wds.) 42 Record protector 4 Absolve 44 Bleated 5 Thomas Stearns - 45 Part of a play 6 French preposition 47 French miss (abbr.) 7 31-'Across film, 50 Miss Hagen "The -·.-" 51 Lie 8 Car acce.ssories 52 Football positions 9 James and Tommie (abbr.)
AnH"riean H('<l
I I !
Cross +
Bobcats Look for Revenge
The Peru State Bobcats will There were some bright spots try to avenge one of their two in the otherwise bleak picture. losses from a year ago tomorrow The 'Cats rushed for 206 yards on afternoon as they host the 58 attempts during the afterChadron State College 'Eagles. noon.
Chadron brings a 5-1 record to Rex Freeburg kicked a the Oak Bowl tomorrow along 49-yard to set a new Peru State with a 19th ranking in the NAIA College record. The old record ratings. The Eagles tout a stiff 'was set by Jeff Frields who defense which allowed only 3 kicked a 48-yarder against points in their first 4 contests. Kansas Wesleyan. •·
J'etry .JtWs troiltJS will try, to rebound after being embarrassed by the Red Raiders of Northwestern, 62-17.
The Bobcats struggled throughout the Northwestern game, which was played in Orarige City, Iowa. The Red Raiders scored two touchdowns and had a 12-0 lead before the Bobcats ran their first play from scrimmage.
P.eru State was plagued by tu,rnovers throughout the ballgame, fumbling the football three times and throwing four interceptions.
Sophomore running back Jeff George scored both of the Bobcat touchdowns. George scored from a yard out in the third quarter for PSC's first points of the game and hit paydirt again in the fourth from 3 yards away.
The Bobcats biggest problem came through the air, where Peru's quarterbacks were only able to complete 2 out of 15 passes for a mere 18·yards.
Meanwhile, Northwestern completed 21 out of 31 passes for 291 yards and 4 touchdowns. The
nations' 4th rated passer Lee McKinstry, was 12 for 16 179 yards despite only playing the first half.
The Bobcats were plagued most of the afternoon by a very muddy field, whi<;.h made the footing extremely treacherous. Chadron State is led by Coach Gary Richards9n, who is ,beginning his first year as the Eagles' mentor. replaced Jerry Welch, who returned to Arkansas and the high school ranks,
The offense is led by Scott Wickard, considered to be one of the best quarterbacks in the state. Wickard went into the year having thrown for 3,5,89 yards in this first three seasons.
The Bobcats go into the game with two running backs who have rushed for more than 200 yards this year. Jeff George has ran for 252 yards while Wilbert L-ock has rushed for 223.
Cat Cross-Country To.Run at NWU
Coach Dennis Obermeyer's Peru State cross-country team goes into action tomorrow as they travel to Lincoln to compete in the Nebraska Wesleyan Relays.
The meet will be ran differently than a regular invitational. Each college present will enter relay teams. Each college is allowed to enter as many teams as it wishes, Both men on each team will run 6 miles, exchanging the batton _every two miles while · both women will run 4 miles.
Volleyball Team Tops .500
The PSC volleyball team went over the .500 mark with a 15-0, 15-7, and 15-8 sweep of Bellevue on Oct<;>ber 7 at The win over the Lady Bruiris put the Lady Bobcats record at 13-12-1 on the year.
The Lady Cats continued on the road this week, playing at Concordia and Kearney State.
Tomqrrow they will participate in. the Missouri Western Invitational at Saint Joseph.
The Lady Cats have been very impressive. statistically so far this year. The Lady Cats have a
serving efficiency of over 90 per cent. Individually, Glevon Covault has been successful on 168 of 1'!1 for a 98.2 serving efficiency.
Kelly Roll leads the team in attack efficiency with 81.7 per cent while Carla Frauen leads the team in blocks with 22. Frauen also leads the team in assists with 162 while Robin Smith ·heads the team in digs with 143.
The Lady Cats next home game will be October 20 when they host Tarkio College.
S'P 0 RT S
arterback Mark Sievers attempts to hand the ball off to a slipping Jeff George on an extremely muddy field. The exchange resulted in one of Peru's three fumbles.
Nick Petrillo is in his fi_rst year as defensive coordinator.
Peru State Northwestern 0 21 0 35 ? 0 'NW-McKinstry 2 run(kick failed) NW-Bakker 2 run(kick failed) 10 0 -1? -62 NW-Rohlfs 23 pass from McKinstry(Rozeboom pass from Dykstra) NW-Rohlfs 8 pass from McKinstry(Rhode kick) NW-Rohlfs 26 pass from McKinstry(Rhode .-kick) NW-Rohlfs 22 pass from McKinstry(Rhode kick) , NW-Von Arb 2 run(Rhode kick) NW-Muilenburg 2 run(Rhode kick) · NW-Rescorl 2 retrulfl' of blocked punt( Rhode kick) PSC-George 1 run(Freeburg kick) o-6 t12 0-20 0-27 0-)4 0-41 0-48 0-55 0-62 7-62 PSC-Freeburg 49 FG PSC-George 3 run(Freeburg kick) 10-62 17-62 First Downs Rushes-Ya:rds Passing Ya:rds Total Ya:rdage Passes Punts-Average Fumbles-Lost Penal ties-Ya:rds PSc ti 58-2o6 18 224 4-23.5 6-3 3-15 NW 24 42-10? 291 398 21-31-0 3-24.6 4-1 5-58 BOBCAT INDIVIDUAL SfATISTICS Rushing-- George 29-79, Hixson 13-65, Mingo 5-29. Passing-- Sievers
0-2-1-0. Receiving-- Barlow
Hesser 1-10.
Coach Maxine Mehus gives to her Lady 'Cats, as Carla Frauen (No. 8) listens closely.
Workshop Helps to Deal With Stress
eru state bobcats'!
Number 5 Peru State College, Peru, Nebr. 68421 October 22, 1982
Fair Offers Career Opportunities
The First Nebraska Multi-College Career Fair will be held Wednesday, Nov. 10, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Kearney State College. Transportation for students wishing to attend will leave at 4 a.m. and return around 9 p.m. Sign ups for the event will be accepted in the placement office through Friday, Oct. 30. ·
According to Dwight Garman, director of career counseling and placement, students will have an opportunity to meet and talk with professional career advisors, employers, and industries. They will discuss possible career opportunities in their companies, and set up job
techniques, resume writing, and testing information.
"We're looking forward to it for a number of reasons," Garman said in reference to the interviews for openings.
College personnel and employers will present workshops on job rejectjon, dt.ial career marriages, andjob alternatives. Other services will be provided at the Kearney Career Planning and Placement including career counseling, interview Fair. He cited one reason as being the -cancellation of the NETCHE Career Fair because it was not refunded. He said the expected attendance is 500 to 600, with eleven colleges
PSEA Helps Stu·dents
The P.S.E.A. <Peru Student Education Administration) is a group that helps prepare students majoring in Education for the role of being a professional teacher. It also teaches students how to be a student teacher, which is done the last semester of your senior year. P.S.E.A. also offers many advantages to students.
Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month during conv-0cation. An executive meeting, for officers, is held on the last Wednesday of every month. The last meeting was held October 6, 1982.
P.S.E.A.'s officers are: Dr. Becky Fisher-Faculty Sponsor, Marla:· Jones-President; Kim Kuhlman-Treasurer, Linda Fisher-Secretary, and Rhonda Artist-Reporter. There are presently forty-eight people in P.S.E.A.
One advantage of P.S.E.A. is that as a student teacher. you are covered by'Liability Insurance if
a student should happen to get hurt while under your supervision. You also become a member of the N.E.A. <National Education Administration), which provides benefits such as travel discounts. Pre-professional growth, leadership opportunities, research material, political action, companionship, and free publications such as the Ed News, and magazines, are a few other of the benefits.and services offered fo you by P.S:E.A.
If you join P.S.E.A. in your sophomore year you can automatically deducJ ten dollars for each year, from your dues. This begins your first year of professional teaching. There will be a Teachers Recognition dinner for all cooperative teachers, student teachers, and administrators. Fund raising events will be held to pay for this dinner. The date for the dinner hasn't been set yet.
Dan·gero·us Tylenol Has Been Removed
Extra-Strength Tylenol, which has been found to have contained deadly cyanide poison, has been removed from the shelves of :ill stores in Peru.
Virginia Miller, Registered Nurse at PSC, says Tylenol has not been used or di.;pursed in the health center for over two years. She attributes, high costs ·to reason for the cutback.
Sue Stich, pharmacist at Crazy Dicks, said she received a letter from the Nebraska Board of Health. The letter was an order to pull all size bottles of Tylenol off the shelves from consumer, use. Jeanie Jones, manager: of the Bobcat Bookstore, said she voluntarily took
participating in 1 the Career Fair.
Another career fair is anticipated in the spring in Lincoln or Omaha.
The Stress Workshop was held Friday and Saturday, October fifteenth and sixteenth, in the Education building, room 202. Dr. Paul A. Mars was the director for the workshop and Dr. Robert D. Alley and Miss Peggy Friedman, both from Wichita, Kansas, were the consultants.
This is the fourth year the Stress Workshop has been held because of the interest and need expressed by. people. Dr. Mars said that a wide range of people attend the groups, from students and teachers, to attorneys, businessmen, and even firemen.
According to Dr. Mars, the size of the workshops ranges from thirty to fifty people.
The cost of the workshop is twenty three dollars for one credit hour (forty dollars for people'uut of state) plus a three dollar facilities fee. A ten dollar matriculation fee is required If you have never before been enrolled in. a credit course at P.S.C.
Dr. Mars stated that one hour of under graduate credit is offered for this inservice workshop at PSC through the
Education Division and Continuing Education.
You can register for the workshop at the first class meeting but Dr. Mars said that it woulc;I be appreciated if you could pre-register by sending in the form so enough materials will be available. Send to: Continuing Education, Peru State College, Peru, N.E. 68421.
Registration form: Please Register me for Ed. 415y STRESS,
Phone-------Soc. Sec.--------
According to Dr. Mars the Stress Workshop is mainly to teach people how to deal with the stress they may have. You will be put under a stressful situation and then shown ways to handle, or overcome that stress. They teach you Coping Strategies, Muscle Relaxation, and Breathing Techniques. You also learn about stress related to Health, Diet, Nutrition and exercise. There will be a follow up meeting October 23 in the Education Building, room 202.
Senate Forum
Student Senate Meeting
October 13, :1982
Present: Ritchie Nelson; Rh1>nda Knaak; Linda Dunn; John Teten; · Chris Hosfelt; Rick Rl1mmel; Curt Cogswell; Laurence DuBois; Theresa Polsley; Marsha Kentopp; Sara Donovan Karen · Coover; Dave Miller; Linda Shepard; Dr. Egan; Mrs. Gibbs GuestS: Dr. Gallentine; Mr. Reed.
Updated minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting.
The following items were added to the · agenda · before approval: NEW BUSINESSPictures; NEW BUSINESSKaren Coover.
Reports of Official College Bodies Academic Affairs Commission -Discussed and voted on Faculty Research Requests to be £unded this year.
Traffic Committee-A meeting of the Traffic Committee will be requested to discuss parking facilities
Reports were approved. Reports of Senate Standing Committees Rules Committee-The atten-
Enrollment Increase
them off the shelves before receiving any letter. 1
Tylenol has already lead to the deaths of eight people, ·but the· threat of poison reaching· s.tudents on campus is low. J;>SC students have. mixed emotions:
"Some peo:Ple rely on it, so it does effect them," said Sandy· Kohel, senior.
"I feel it really d<>esn't affect the PSC campus," said senior Mike Northrup.
"I think people will be scared to take any - kind of over-thecounter drugs now," said Kathy Nichols, freshman.
''There ·is a sicko out there somewhere!" freshman Ann Neels said
Current. enrollment figures show a 9 per cent increase in the total number of students at PSC. The current enrollment is now 897, compared to 818 at the same time last year. There are 621 students currently enrolled on campus. (including commuters). The remaining 276 students attend extension. programs of PSC in surrounding communities. ·
The number of occupancies in college housing is. also slightly up from last year. Current figures show an occupancy of 367, up from 362 occupancies last year. The breakdown in occupancies between c;lorms is as follows: Davidson-Palmer, 74; Clayburn-Mathews, 71; Morgan, 91; Delzell, 101; Nicholas, 12. There are 9 occupancies in married student housing (Oak Hill) and 2 faculty occupancies in Pate.
dance policy for the Senate has been drafted and will be voted on next meeting. A copy of the present Constitution will be sent to all Senators for review before the next meeting.
Student next meeting of this committee will be held on October 21, 1982 at 6:00 p.m. in the Student Programs office.
Budget Committee-Rick··
Rummel reported that he will start receiving monthly budget reports and will inform the Senate immediately of their financial situation.
Reports were approved.
OLD BUSINESS HPER Committee-Linda Shepard reported. Agenda items for the committee are as follows: 1. Space for trophies, 2. Longer HPER hours- 10:00 p.m. closing. ·3 More pool hours, 4. Parents Day for all sports, 5. Lounge furniture for lobby in Majors, 6. Willie Stargell. The committee will meet on October 14, 1982 at 10:30 a.m. in Dr. Davidson's office.
Weekend Special-Reports ere given and meetings arranged by the committees.
NSSA Legislative Assembly Report: Rhonda Knaak reported that the 5 policies that will make up the NSSA policy- platform are
as follows: 1. Voter Registration; 2. Equal and-or enhanced access to Higher Education; 3. Faculty Research Monies; 4. Financial Aid; 5. Faculty Salary and Benefits.
Rhonda Knaak was elected Secretary of the Legislative Assembly. Rick Rummel and Sara Donovan are the other representatives ·from Peru on the LA this year. All those attending were very positive about the meeting and NSSA's outlook this year in the - Legislature.
Dr. Gallentine-Dr. Gallentine addressed the Senate. He complimented the Senate on their maturity, and also thanked them for helping with Homecoming. Any changes the feels should be made concerning Homecoming can be brought to him directly. He discussed budget cuts on the State level as well as his concern for more scholarship money for students. Dr.· Gallentine then answered questions froni the Senators. Dr. Gallentine ·recommended that the Senate consider more Non-Traditional representation of the Senate.
Next Meeting: October 20, 1982, 6:00 p.m. Student Programs Office.
Sponsors Competition
Phillip Morris Incorporated has announced its fourteenth annual Marketiil.g Communications Competition for students. The competition provides an opportunity for students, nation wide, to their marketing and communication skills.
A first place award of $2,000, a second place of $1,000, and a
third place award of $500 will be presented to the winning teams in both the graduate and undergraduate categories.
For additional information, please contact the Competition Coordinator, Phillip Morris Incorporated, 120 Park Avenue, New York, New York, 10017.
To Hold Choir Clinic
This year.-s Peru State sponsored Swing Choir Clinic competition is scheduled for October 26 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the college auditorium. Dr. Thomas L. Ediger, associate professor of music department and the clinic coordinator, who disclosed this, said the participants schools rank AA, A, B, C1 D. and junior
high school.
Dr. William Wyman, director of Choral Activities at Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln, will be the Guest Clinician.
Dr. Ediger said each Swing Choir will have 25 minute time slots for a lOminutepresentation on-the-spot criticisms from Dr. Wyman.
For· the- Record - '
by Don Strecker
Now that Beat The Jinx Week has come and gone, fot's reflect on the week's events_
Overall, Beat The Jinx Week was a great idea_ It brought the students together, added some · competative spirit between the dorms, and was much more fun than going to class. To prove my point, let's look at each day in retrospect.
Western Day-This day started off the week of activities. Students dressed up in western apparrel, ranging from ten-gallon hats. to cowboy boots. The whole day made the campus look like rodeo fairgrounds. I mean people were waiting for someone to come riding out of chttte three on Sea Biscuit or something. In the dorm competition, Morgan Hall came out on top by a wide margin for the day.
Dress Up Day-People looked like they were going to either a wedding or a funeral on this day. Some of the guys didn't bother _ getting totally dressed up; so they wore their suit tops and a pair of jeans: Others just didn't ·bother all together. Monday we were talking Calgary Stampede. Today, we were on Wall Street.
Paint Your Face-Now this was a classic. College students
Video Games; A New Wave
walking around with· paint on their face. Some only had a blue paw on their cheek. Others had some little designs on their face. Then, we had our student senate president, who came into the cafeteria at noon looking like a rainbow.
Punk Rock Day-This had to be the fruitest day of them all If Wendy 0. Williams or any of the Plasmatics decide to hang it up <whatever it is that punk rockers hang up) I think I know where their replacement can be found. There was.some weird outfits on that day. 'Ehls was probably the only day that you would see anyone dress in a Glad trash bag. Morgan .won the day· by a big margin once again.
Fifties Day-Kind of a "greasy" day, if you ask me <R-R-R>. Students made the campus look somewhat like it did 25-30years ago, as the Happy Days <or Daze) look was back in on Friday. Morgan.(where have I heard that name before) won the day and the week's competition and was awa.rded a trophy at the pep rally.
All in all, I thought that Beat The· Jinx Week was a great idea, and although we didn't beat the jinx, everyone had a ball. If that .was the whole idea of the week, it was a big success.
Ms. Pac Man is by far the favorite arcade game this year. In fact people wait in line for a chance to play it and the spectators gatber around- to watch people dare the muncher, said the director of the PSC arcade John Osenbaugh.
Mt. Osenbaugh also said that about twiCe as many girls are playing' video 'games due to Ms. Pac Man, although only a small per.cent of the girls on- campus play video games. The average persons plays for about 112 hour a day. Osenbaugh said that the arcade hours are from the9:00a.m. opening to the 8:00 p.m. closing and-' often .the arcade stays open until people are finished with their games. ·. , Students spen<lonthe averag_,e; : anywhere from r dollar up to 10 dollars a week. Although Ms. Pac Man is the most played game. Centipede takes :in more money because people good at it and cannot as much tiine with the galne on one quarter. '
Along with Ms. Pac Man the · arcade presently has <;eI)'tipede; Mousetrap, and Missie Control'. With-the new vide<> game wave · the pin ball aren't played much any
+ camouflage
Survey Shows Editorially Speakirlg
·No Surprises
An informal survey conducted at Peru State College on October 7, indicated that 18 persoris out of 26 do not know the name of the president. The sample composed of 14 boys and 12 girls knew only half the answers.
'.!;'he first question was: "Who is the president of PSC?" One · answer was ·Dr. Valentine, another, Dr.-Tangeman. Others simply said; "I don't know," and tried to answer the question with a description of the president.
Only two boys and six girls knew the name of the president.
The following were.the rest of the ten questions asked and the respective number of boys and girls who got them correct. None of the respondents had all the questions correct.
Who are the vice-presidents? -1 boy, 6 girls.
What is the official name of the football field?-14 boys, 9 girls.
What does HPERstand for?-3 boys, 6 girls.
What and where is the fishbowl?-10 boys, 10 girls.
Who is the student senate president?-5 boys, 4
What is convocation-13-,boys, 12 girls.
Where is the print shop located? 5 boys, 5 girls.
Who are your class officers?1 boy, 3 girls.
Who is the athletic directior at hove: i; airlc:
By Vince Henzel
Every editor goes through a time when he will "catch a little hell" from someone. It can be in the way he does his job, or in what he says. I ran into some by accident, or should I say by sticking my foot into my mouth at the wrong time.
While eating supper one night, not paying attention to what I was saying, I made an ill-advised statement about the Student Senate. A member of that group was sitfutg across the table one chair down. He didn't take kindly to what I said. Word got quickly to the Senate President, and before the evenirig had concluded, he and I had a long discussion about ·the activities they are working on.
I realize what an important group the senate is and that they are trying to improve their image. He felt, and I was in total agreement, that they were not ·.getting fair coverage. A lack of communication has taken place somewhere. Who.'s fault that is we really didn't come to an answer, but some things need· to be pointed out: (1) the student has not had the reputation like that of other small or state colleges. (2) most or nearly all the students don't attend the meetings, (3) participation in the senate activities hasn't been .as good as it could be. (4) what coverage they have received has
All of these factors have lead up to the point that we now stand. What can be done to break the communication· barrier between the PED and the senate, or any other groups for that matter. From the stand.point of the senate, a few things must be considered: (1) can the college operate efficiently on just one .photographer. The · senate has investigated the possibility of hiring their· own photographer. (2) -should · a member of the PED staff be assigned the specific:. duties of going to the meetings to be a correspondent. (3) does the senate need work-study students to aid them in publicizing their activities.
The senate president and I continued our discussion and agreed that both sides- are very busy and are doing the best they can. Maybe some type of format can be established between these two groups,. that will help others as well.
I was reminded of a few things by all o( this. What we put out will be as good as the. ·effort we put into it, which applies to all things, whether it be the PED, sports, or grades. We should expect criticism in anything we do, because someone will always think that he knows how· it should be done. •But I think I will remember most is to watch what !'.m sayi?g, front of whom
CANTOR .··.•
Managing Editor _ ......•....... Vince Henzel
Associate Editor : '. Dori Strecker
Sports Editor Jim Zipursky
Reporters Kimberly Alexander, Alexander Appleton, Lisa Cline, Marsha Kentopp, Sally Martineau, ' Wendy Meyer, Haser William
Photographer•......... Mike Northrup
Advisor \" Everett Browning
Tbe Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State College and is printed 8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters; hbwever, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on this page do not necessarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogian or Peru State College. ·
*- - J.. -
American Red Cross
S U R ·o Y E V R U S K 0 0 B Y U R R 0 W E T S E I R P R A T R E P E E K K 0 0 B 0 0 K R V:: • 0' : R N M T T C 0 D T E N B A '-, ..,., R N I A S M 0 E 0 C N E R E T E E N I J U A S A J A I L R N M T T .·. R E V I R D K C U -R T U R T >d L I P U G K L S M 0 }.' A s· T 0 0 G N L 0 E U I G C F B S S R E K A B N R L T D C R E U I R E Y W A L G P S U A U J H H N E W M E G Y M I J C U C U C R G W T S I M E H C T D R E H C A E T I B A K E L 0 G A P i L 0 W R E T N I R P N Can you find the h·i dden occupations? ACCOUNTANT
Reflections of Beat the Jinx Week
IM VoUeyball Schedule
Goldie Hawn
Chevy Chase
With his mouth full of marshmellows, Coach Jerry Joy tries to say "Go Bobcats" during the Pep Rally.
Karen and Diane Coover show their Punk-Rock look.
Tiae League Tu.!!! Oct. ll 4t30 c Franchise vs DD's 5115 c Eight ''s Enough vs Staffers 6100 c Stalley Katz vs GEE GEE.''s 6145 c Bloopers vs Party Train Oct. 12 4r30 c Jacques Jocks vs DD's 51:15 c GEE GEE's V!I Staffers 61·00 C' Stalley Katz vs Franchise. 6145 c Eight's Enough vs Bloopers i Oct. 14 4130 c Stalley Katz vs Jacques Jocks 5115 C' Staffers vs DD's I 61-00 c Bloopers vs GEE GEE's 61!lS C' Franchise vs Party Train Oct.;fs 41·'30 c Stalley Katz vs DD's 5115 c GEE GEE's VS Franchise 6100 c Party Train vs Staffers 6145 c City Sllckers vs Jacques Jocks I i Oct. 26 4130 c C'i ty Slickers vs DD's I 5115 c Staffers vs Jacques Jocks I Nov.l 6100 c Party Train vs GEE GEE's 4130 c Stalley Katz vs Eight's Enough 5t15 M Hosers vs Home Boys .f-' l I I 6100 w High Setters vs Las Mugeres 6145 c Party Train,,vs DD"s Nov.3 4130 w Footloose & Fancy vs High Setters 5115 c Staffers vs City Slickers 6100 M Kriminal Krew Klan vs Home Boys -tl 6145 c Party Train vs Eight's Enough Nov. 8 4130 w High Setters vs Big Stuffs 5115 c Stalley Kayz vs Staffers 6100 c DD's vs GEE GEE's 6145 c F'ranchise vs Eight's Enough 41'30 M Hosers vs Off Campus Trash 5115 c Franchise vs Staffers 6100 M Kriminal Krew Klan vs Gamecocks 6145' w Red Hots vs High Setters Nov. 10 4130. c Stalley Katz·vs Party Traim. 5115 c Bloopers vs Staffers 6100 c GEE GEE's vs City Slickers 6145 .w Footloose & Fancy vs Red Hots Nov.15 41'30 w LTA's vs Big Stuffs 5115 c GEE GEE's vs Jacques Jocks 6100 c City Slickers vs Party Train 6145 c DD's vs Eight's Enough Nov.l7 4130 w & Fane y vs LTA's 5115 c Bloopers vs City Slickers 6100 c Jacques Jocks vs Party Train 6145 w Las MuQeres vs Big Stuffs 4130 c Stalley Katz vs Bloopers 5115 M Gamecocks vs Home Boys .f. l 6100 M Kriminal Krew Klan vs Gamecocks 6145 w LTA's vs Red Hots N.ov. 22 41'30 c Enough vs City Slickers Nov.29 Nov.JO Dec.l 'ill<; c 'Franchise vs Bloopers 6100 M Off Campus Trash vs Ho11e Boys +1 6145 w Footloose & vs Big Stuffs 4130. c DD'S vs Bloopers Sil5 c Jacques Jocks vs Eight's Enough 6100 M Hosers vs Gamecocks 6145 w Las Mugeres vs Footloose & Fancy 41'30 c Jacques Jocks vs Bloopers. 5115 c City Slickers vs Franchise 6100 w Red H_ots vs Las Mugeres 6145 w High Setters vs LTA's 4130 c Stalley Katz vs City Slickers 5115 w Big Stuffs vs Red Hots 6100 w vs Las Mugeres 6s45 c Eight's Enough vs GEE GEB's 4130 c Franchise vs Jacques Jocks 5115 M Kriminal Krew Klan vs Hosers 6100 M Gamecocks vs Off Campus Trash
Anew<omedy lhn11ef from the aeators of "Silver Streak7
25-6 and
Bobcats Beaten By Chadron Announce Tri-Captain state
In a battle of Nebraska's only independent state college football teams, the Chadron State Eagles blanked the Peru State Bobcats, 27-0, last Saturday at the Oak Bowl.
Chadron, a thorn in the Bobcats side for recent years won its third straight game · PSC. The Eagles victories over the Bobcats the past two seasons have spelled doom to the 'Cats playoff chances.
CIJadron rolled up 268 yards rushing, 81 of those yards on the strength of fullback Willy Long. Long, a 225-pound senior from Arthur, Neb., scored two of the three Eagle touchdowns, both from a yard out.
The 1'9th-ranked Eagles showed their defensive strength also, shutting out their opponent for the fourth time this year.
Chadron has only allowed 23 points all season and only one time have they allowed more than 3 points in a game (a 20-13 loss to Dickinson State, N.D.).
"I saw a more balanced Chadron team than I've seen in
years," said Bobcat Coach Jerry Joy. "They're better fundamentally and they play hard. I thought· we could wear them down and beat them."
Placekicker Rick Hamilton started off the scoring by kicking a 25-yard field goal with 6:00 left in the opening period of play.
The Eagles moved to a 10-0 halftime-lead when Long went over from a yard out, capping an eight-plc:iy, 51-yard drive.
Long started off the second half scoring with another one-yard run, bulling his way through the left side of the Bobcat defense. ·
"Long really hurt us," Joy said. "He's the hardest back we've had to stop. To play him, your linebackers have to be 225 and your line 275."
Hamilton added his second field goal of the game, this one from 29 yards away with 10:42 left to play in the contest.
Todd Drury capped the Chadron scoring with a 3-yrd plunge with only 21 seconds left.
Peru State lost more than just
the ballgame, however. The Bobcats' starting halfback and leading rushet, Jeff George, suffered a broken shoulder. George will be out for the remainder of the year.
The Bobcats also lost the services of defensive tackle Perry Scott, who strained a ligament in his tight knee during the second half. He is expected to be bac'K for the Westmar game a week from tomorrow.
Bobcat Quarterback 'Mark Sievers enjoyed a good day passing, completing 11 out of 21 passes for 151 yards. He. completed several of those passes with two or three
defenders breathing down his throat.
Chadron is now 1 on the year and will play host to the Mexico Educational Institute in an exhibition game before hosting Northwestern Iowa, ranked 4th in the NAIA Division II ratings. Peru State has the week off this.. week before hosting the Westmar next Saturday.
Lady Cats to to NWMSU
The Lady Bobcat volleyball team travels to Maryville, Mo., to play in the Northwest Missouri State University invitational volleyball tournament this weekend.
"There are some really strong teams in this tournament," Coach Maxine Mehus said, "Some of the toughest competition we face all season will be in this tourney."
Mehus hopes the team can break out of its recent slump and turn things around in the tournament in Maryville. The Lady Bobcats' record dropped below .500 for the season after a disasterous 0-7-1 stretch the past two weeks.
"I don't really know what happened to us," the coach said of the slump, "We just got behind in a few matches and never really got going."
One bright spot for the team was toe return of Jackie Schultz. The Tecumseh junior had been sidelined for three weeks with a severely sprained ankle. "I'd say Jackie is just about at full strength," Mebus said.
"Glevon Covault has played .well recently," Mebus said. The Table Rock junior is the team leader in serving effidency percentage.
Mebus lauded the play of co-captains Robin Smith and Carla Frauen. "Robin and Carla,,.. have been two of our most consistent .Players this season," Mebus said. The coach hopes that Frauen, who injured her hand in the match with Kearney will be at full strength for Northwest tourney.
"We're a young team and we're making the mistakes you expect young teams to make,
we have been improving and maturing throughout the season," the coach said.
Mehus said she is pleased with the development of freshmen Kelly Roll, Bonnie Mick, Tammy Lutzi, and Michelle Workman. "Those four ladies have come in and really helped the team. It hasn't taken them long to learn our system," Mehus said.
Mehus also said that junior college transfer Missy Trujillo has been playing well recently. Trujilh> is second on the team in assists.
"I'm pleased that so many people are contributing • this season; everyone has helped the team this season," Mebus said.
The last home match of the season is Tuesday, Oct. 26 against Highland Community College. '
Peru State Seniors Kip Allison, Bret Nanninga and Everett Smith have been named tri-captains of the 1982C83 Bobcat
basketball team.
Allison, a native of Stromsburg, led the team in rebounding last season. The 6-9 center averaged 6.1 rebounds per game and was third in scoring, ·averaging seven points per game. Allison, the son of Gary and Wanda Allison, has averaged 5.2 rebounds per game in · his career at Peru. Allison's married to the former Julie Brinkman.
INanninga, a aumboldt native, led the team last season in field goal percentage.The 6-4 forward hit better than 58 per cent of his
shots from the floor. Nannin was second on the team in fr throw percentage, hitting 73 cent of his shots. Nannings is th only Bobcat on this year's squa with a career shooting perce tage above 50 per cen Nanninga, the son of Chuck an Carol Nanninga, is married t the former Sally Jean Sandfor
Smith, who transferred fro· State Fair Community Colleg last year, led the Bobcats. i scoring, was second in reboun ing, and .third Jn assists. The 6 Smith prepped at Central Hig in Kansas City, Mo. The son Wilbur Smith, Sr., Smith wa named to the District 11 secon team while averaging 14.3 point and 5.9 rebounds per game.
S P.O.RT S Peru·State 0 0 0 Chadron Stecte 3 7 7 CS-Hamil ton 25 FG CS-Long 1 run (Hamilton CS-Long 1 run (Ea:nilton kid::) CS-Hamilton 29 CS-Drury 2 run First Downs Rushes-Yards Passing Yards Total Yardage Passes Funt_s-Average Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards FG ( Ha!:lil ton kick) PS Ib 44-101 151 ?52 11-21-1 4-23.8. 2-1 6-85 ("\ - 0 v 10 -27 cs rn 54-268 57 )25 5-14-1 2-26.0 4-0 9-3>3 0-3 0-10 0-17 0-20 0-27 BOBCAT INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Rus:hing-- Lock 14-43, George 12-37, Eingo 2-13. Passing-- Sievers 11-21-1-151. Receiving-- Hesser 4-61, Juhl 2-34, Mingo ?-33, Lock 2-13.
Willie Mingo carries the ball during Peru's 27-0 loss to Chadron on Oct. 16.
Kelly Roll spikes the ball during a recent match at the HPER.
Skills Center Opens
the ped
the voice of the eeru state bobcats!
November 5,
Number 6 Peru State College, Peru, Nebr. 68421
Ak-Sar-Ben Awards
A Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben Ambassador, Floyd Pohlman, Auburn, presented 1982-83 Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Scholarships to PSC students recently.
"We appreciate the continued support for Peru State College students that the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben provide," Don Miller, director of financial aids at PSC, said. "The consistent support of higher education by individuals and groups such as Ak-Sar-Ben helps many young adults achieve a secure future through a college education."
Scholarship recipients at PSC include:
Sally Dean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dean of 3941 Hartman Ave., Omaha, a 1981 graduate of Omaha North High School where she graduated 12th in a class of 290. She is a freshman studying elementary
education; Rodney Reuter, a sophomore social science major from Dunbar, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Reuter. During his freshman year Rodney maintained an 8.93 grade point average; Barbara Whitney is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rizor of Route 3, Tecumseh. She is married to Terry E. Whitney and resides at 608 16th St., Auburn. She is a junior accounting and business administration major and has an 8.16 grade point average; Patricia Beckman is a senior in business administration. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Beckman of 1754 North 11th St., Ntlbraska City. During her studies at Peru State College, she has maintained an 8.69 grade point average.
College Bowl Invitations Sent
Invitations have been.sent to 20 high schools in the 5-county ESU No. 4 Service · Unit to participate in the first annual Peru State College Bowl which will be November 19.
"While the College Bowl is a competitive event, all students participating will receive a certificate suitable for framing," Dr. Esther Divney, chairperson of the division of education and psychology, said. Trophies will be awarded to the first and second place teams in addition to a full tuition remittance scholarship for a year to a student selected by the high school of the winning team, she said.
When the application for the College Bowl is received from a high school, outlines of the College Bowl events are sent to the school in addition to guidelines for student selection and the College Bowl rules.
Divney said that Bowl contestants must be freshmen, sophomores, juniors or seniors
and that each high school in the contest will be represented by one team of four contestants with one alternate student and a sponsor.
Team classifications will be based on high school enrollments in the preliminary rounds with six categories in each round. All members of. the team are eligible to help in answering the questions and the team captain will announce the team's question category for each set of questions.
The time limit for answering of the 10-point questions is 30 seconds and a correct answer will earn 10 points for the team. The opposing team may answer any question that is missed and a correct answer earns 5 points.
The two teams in each division with the highest record of wins from the morning session will enter "the semi-finals which are at 1:30, which are followed by finals at 2:30 p.m., and the award presentation at 3:30 p.m.
H'ween Spooks Eaters
Halloween activities supplied fun for all last week in the cafeteria, ranging from a special on amputated hands to a trip through the Food Service's ha.unted house.
A pumpkin carving contest was featured Monday night with a resident from each dorm competing. Clayburn-Mathews was picked the winner by judges Mark Larsen, and Mr. and Mrs.
Gibbs. Winning residents received chocolate chip cookies.
Clayburn-Mathews won again Tuesday night as the dorm with the best costumes. They were awarded an ice -cream sundae party. After dinner Tuesday students ventured through a haunted house set up by the Food Service. The featured horror a crazy chef serving an urilucky girl's insides.
If you are a PSC student who needs assistance in reading and writing skills, help is available at the Communications Skills Center.
The Communications Skills Center specializes in reading and writing tutoring, an individualized program funded through the college's recently approved Title III grant, and is now open. It is located in rooms 304, 305 and 307 of the Education Building.
Dr. Russ Stratton, associate professor of English, is activity director. Other staff members are Mrs. Nancy Jensen, Mrs. Diane Moran, reading specialists, Mrs Linda Warren, CSC coordinator and writing specialist, and Mrs. Lillian Schottenhamel, writing tutor.
The skills center tests all freshmen in writing and reading skills in order to identify those who might benefit from individual sessions; has a one-hour required credit lab course to supplement English 101; prov-
ides special instruction for students with learning disabilities; and presents a training module in the spring to train PSC faculty in new techniques to identify certain courses that have writing emphases.
Improvement of students' communications skills and a higher retention rate for PSC students are the long-range objectives for the skills center. The- State College Board of Trustees had expressed concern that communications skills need to be stressed more in the state college system. The skills center is an answer to that concern and is provided by a Title III grant. <CNS)
Hours for the center are:
Monday: 9 a.m.-12 noori and 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Tuesday: 9 a.m.-4 .p.m.
Wednesday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Thursday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.-12 noon and 1
Music Recital Performed·
Peru State College music department soloists and performers from the studios of Dr. Edward Camealy, associate professor of voice; Dr. Thomas Ediger, assistant professor of music; Dr David Edris, associate professor of music; and David Evans, instructor of music, presented an evening mid-term recital in the Benford Recital Hall of the Fine Arts Center, Oct. 19.
The program included: "The Lass with the Delicate Air," M. Arne performed by Tom Mittan, tenor, freshman, Hebron; with
Ediger on the piano; "Andante and Allegro," Handel-Gee, Thomas Stevicks, baritone horn, junior, Humboldt; with Kelly Clemmons, piano, freshman, Omaha; "Vergebliches standchen," Brahms, performed by Karrie Fisbeck, soprano, freshman, Fairbury; Gene LaVasseur, baritone, sophomore, Omaha; with Camealy, piano.
"Fantasy for Horn and Piano," Gordon Kinney; Mike Nelson, horn, sophomore, Plattsmouth; and Laurie Graham, piano, senior, Malvern, Ia.;
"Three Pieces for Clarinet Solo," Stravinsky; David H. Evans, instructor, clarinet. The woodwind ensemble performed: "Galliard," Thoinot Arbeau-Gee; "The Swan," Paul" Hindemith-Evans; "Chorale from Louisiana Story," Virgil Thomson-Erickson; "Fantasy on Black is the Color of My True · Love's Hair," Alfred Reed.
The brass ensemble played "Sonata from Die Bankelsangerlieder," Anon-King; "Allegro from Symphony No. Y," Beethoven-Holmes; "Allegro Moderato from Symphony for Brass Choir," Ewald-King; "Streets of Laredo," David Uber, and "This Old Man" March, Robert Nagel.
Members of the woodwind ensemble are: Ann Gerdes, junior, Omaha; Tina Wise, sophomore, Hebron; Ellen Eldridge, senior, Fairfax, Va.; Susan Honea, sophomore, Rulo; Ray Smith, freshman, Bellevue; Thiesfeld, freshman, Nebraska City; Cheryl Urwin sophomore, Murray; and Witulski, freshman, Lincoln.
Those performing in the brass ensemble were: Niccoli Bassinger, freshman, Nebraska City; Tom Stevicks, Mike Nelson, Dr. Norman Schlesser, assistant professor of history, and Dr. David Edris.
The recital was presented as partial fulfillment of the degree requirements for applied music and instrumental ensembles.
p.m.-2 p.m.
The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Scholarship winners are: Barbara Whitney, Auburn; Sally Dean, Omaha; Rodney Reuter, Dunbar; Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Ambassador Floyd Pohlman, Auburn; and Patty Beckman, Nebraska City.
The PSC Choir performs their first concert of the year in the College Auditorium Oct. 17.
For_ The Record
by Don Strecker
There have been many times that I have hj:!ard someone complain about the cafeteria. Either the food is terrible or there is no variety or there is this or there isn't that. But it was always something.
Let me correct that statement.
I used to try to defend the cafeteria. But after what happened- this past weekend, forget it.
For those of you who were not here this past weekend or have not heard yet, the cafeteria was closed. And not just Thursday and Friday, either. We're talking the whole weekend
I suppose it wouldn't be so bad for those who went home or who ljve close enough to Peru that they could go home. But what about the people from other states, such as Florida or Illinois? What about the people who live in western Nebraska? What were they supposed to do, go without eating for four days?
I tried to defend the cafeteria and the people who work in it. I can imagine how tough it is to cook for .all of those people and still have quality and variety.
The students of this school pay good money to ec:tt in the
cafeteria. So why did they decide to close it for four days? Who knows! ·
And while I'm on the subject of the cafeteria, there is another thing that bothers me. Everyone who eats there knows how they show you whaf is on the menu with sample plates. There is usually two or three plates setting there, each one showing a different dish that is being served at that meal. Each dish is covered with plastic wrap. ·
Well, do you know what theydo with that food when they are done showing everyone? They throw it away! Now .isn't that wonderful. There are people starving in other countires, people who would do anything for a taste of that food. And food is getting thrown away!
For some of you, I guess this doesn't sound very bad, mainly because all of us have thrown food away before. But if you watch a segment from the evening news of world hunger with graphic pictures and then go over to the cafeteria and see this happen, it sticks in your mind for awhile.
So .the next time you want to bad mouth the PSC._cafeteria, be my guest.
Letter to the Editor
There have been many times that I have been on this campus on or before a weekend, or a holiday weekend and either starved or to that undesirable point. I think this is really ridiculous to have the cafeteria· or the Bob Inn closed for those days, however many there might be.
What about the people that you willingly recruited from all over the United States? When I say the United States I'm talking about people from Tampa, Florida, Chicago, Illinois and Western Nebrnska. If I am correct, (and I know I am), we
Editorially Speaking Crime: Is It· a Problem?
by Vince Henzel
In a town the size of Peru, one tends to live life free and easy, right?!? Well I used to think that, but I am slowly beginnfng to re-evaluate my views.
You would think that in Peru, NE., the crime rate would be nothing to worry about right? Well if that's the only you have, you might want to reconsider. Just recently, a small lash of stolen items left three people without a valuable amount of merchandise. One victim had some equipment stolen from a car with an almost break-proof lock system, yet the thieves managed to get in. There have been numerous other incidents this year. One night while filling my car with
gas, I heard three people (who shall remain nameless) try to conceal something that they didn't want anyone else to know about, especially the law enforcement agency. Now trying to act like I wasn't listening, I over heard most of what was going on. I began to realize that you have to look out for your own best interest.
I find myself always taking my car keys, locking my room and car door, never carrying a large sum of money, or leaving things lie where people could snatch them.
I can relate to the victims of this last week or two, because I too was the victim last year
when a new pair of $45 gym shoes were removed locked locker.
I don't know how bad this ·:·.problem is at other campuses our size, but the image of Peru being a beautiful campus with friendly people will begin to degrade if this sort of thing continues.
So what can be done you say?
Well for starters, be cautious at all times, even if there isn't a threalaround. Make sure that if someone wants to steal something valuable of yours, you are as prepared as possible. There'.s no place for crime or vandalism and your awareness might help to prevent it.
did not sign a contract telling us that the cafeterias will be closed on the holidays. It seems to me that this college is way off the course of being organized.
I would like to also mention that the library is. open on the holiday weekend, but the cafeteria isn't. What are we going to eat, books? The cafeteria workers might think we should but I don't think that's very appetizing.
This is the second offense about the cafeteria to my knowledge. I have always been told that the third time's a
charm. I would like to mention -one more thing. They say we can't use a,ny hot plates, toasters, or toaster ovens, how are we going to survive the weekends and holidays at Peru State College. Do we rcib a bank to get the money& or do we starve?
Signed yours turly, Kelly J. Clemmons, Delzell Hall No. 106. P .S. Attention Mr. Mark -Larsen,
I don't know if you ever had to be in this type of situation, but just picture yourself in our shoes. Just what would you do?
Nov. 8, 6 & 8 p.m. in Benford Hall
Managing Editor , _Vince Henzel
Associate Editor Don Strecker
Reporters Kimberly Alexander, Alexander Appleton, Usa Cline, Marsha Kent<>lJp, Sally Martineau, Wendy Meyer, Haser William
Photographer Mike Northrup
Advisor Everett Browning
The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State College and is printed 8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru · State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on this page do not necessarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogian or Peru State College.
Attendance: Rink'
The PSC skating rink staff has been looking into promotional ventures to boost falling attendance, sponsor Peggy Gibbs said.
Gibbs said the rink received a good turn out at the start of the semester, but that things had been slacking off lately. She said that when cold weather sets in, attendance will probably pick up.
The staff has planned several nights of special skating to attract students. On Oct. 30 tbe rink sponsored a Halloween costume contest for skaters and awarded $5 each to the cutest, scariest, and most original ·costumes. November 10 a couples' skating contest is
Study Planned
Freshmen class members are needed to participate in an experiment studying the reliability of a questionnaire.
Paul Egan, who will be conducting the experiment, said it is scheduled to take place in tbe Fine Arts auditorium during convocation on November 17 with a follow up session December 1 during convocation. He said it is important for participants to attend both sessions, which will last from ten to fifteen minutes.
Parent's Day Planned
Parents day has been planned as part of the Student Programs Weekend Special, on November 13.
Pat Larsen, Director of College Relations, gave the following list of events and activities for the day:
Registration: 10:00 a.m.-12 noon, coffee and rolls in the fish bowl. ·
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Lunch in the Cafeteria.
10:30 a.m.-12 noon, Open House in dorms. ,2:00, Bobcats play Doane in the Oak Bowl.
5:00 p.m., Dinner in the - cafeteria with students.
9:00 p.m.-Midnight, Student Dance, music by Max's Music.
Midnight: Movie: "Friday the 13th."
Parents are invited to stay on campus. They may · make sleeping arrangements with Patti Conway, Housing Director.
As an incentive for those who attend, complete pizza dinners will be awarded to two participants chosen at random who were at both sessions. For further information, contact Dr. Egan or Dr. Sachs. /
IM Coed VB Standings Through Games of
October 26th
E-Club Plans Proiects
The PSC English Club decided on a bake sale and a raffle for fund raising projects at-their last meeting.
The bake sale will take place during the first week in December, with Linda Campbell as chairman. The raffle prize will be a jogging suit from the Sport Shop in Auburn. Tickets will be sold at the end of November, and the winner will be drawn at the bake sale. Kim Alexander was chosen as raffle chairman. The money raised
Essay Contest Sponsored
As part of an ongoing program to raise awareness of current housing issues on the nation's college campuses, Fred Napolitano, president of the National Association of Home Builders, announced a national essay contest for college students.
Napolitano said he hoped the contest would elicit from students their ideas about the kind of housing they would like to find after graduation and the trade-offs they would be willing to accept in order to make housing more affordable.
Students entering the contest are asked to describe in 500-1,000 words: "What do you expect in terms of location, density, design and financing in tomor-
Pledges. Named
row's homes and how will these affect your lifestyle."
The first-place wi.nner of the essay contest will receive $1,000 and a trip to Washington. Second and third place winners will receive $750 and $500 respectively.
To be eligible, entries must be registered full-time college students and received no later than November 30, 1982 by the National Association of Home Builders, Public Affairs-Student Program, 15th and M Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.
Winners will be selected by an independent panel of judges and notified during the last week in December. All essays become the property of NAHB.
Three pl.edges have been named to PSC's Delta Sigma Fraternity, bringing membership to seven. Pledges are Todd Green, Lake City, Iowa; Duane Hixson, Omaha; Tim 1iorn, Tecumseh.
According to Steve Alcaraz, pledge master, they will participate in a four week pledge period when they will wear pledge pins and carry pledge books during the school day. A fund raiser is also scheduled to take place during this time. The pledges drew Steve Alcaraz, Lee Fellers, and Ted Ott as big brothers, and gave them pledge paddles as gifts. Alcaraz said another.rush period for pledges is planned for next semester.
will help finance a proposed trip to a theatre production.
The Silas Summers' Writing Contest, expected to begin near November 15, was also discussed at the meeting. Entry deadline forpoetry, play, and short story categories is January 17. All entires will be considered for publication in the Sifting Sands, PSC's literary magazine. English Club officers for 1982-83 are: Donna Lockard, president; Rick Ossian, vice president; and Ray Smith, secretary-treasurer.
Poetry Hel·d
The Eighth Annual Poetry Competition will"be awarding a $1,000 grand prize and 99 other awards totaling over $10,000.
Sponsore,d by World of Poetry, a quarterly newsletter for poets, the competition will accept poems of all styles and subjects.
Joseph Mellon, contest chairman, said, "We are encouraging poetic talent of every kind, and expect our contest to produce exciting discoveries."
Rules and entry forms are available from: World of Poetry, 2431 Stockton Blvd., Department G, Sacramento, California 95817.
SBA Activities
Students for Black Awareness held several fund ra1smg projects expected to total around $260.
A bake sale and skating party made $35.92, and bowl-a-thon pledges amounted to $225.20.
S.B.A. members who participated in the bowl-a-thon were: Terrell Williams, top mens
bowler; Delores Wright, top womens bowler; Andrew Brown, Gwen Combs, Paula Dangerfield, Pearl Dean, Jerald Hill, Valla Pendleton, Perry Scott and Vicky Warner.
President Alexander Appleton said S.B.A. would like to thank those who supported them.
PSC rink staff for 82-83 is : Marie Blevins, Keith Drew, Dana Likely, and Luther Washington. The staff meets once a month to discuss rink rules, attendance, and any problems that occur.
Dr. John Hahn enjoys Morgan's Haunted House held October 26.
TEAM WON LOST OFF. DD's 5 0 165 8' s ENOUGH 2 0 67 STALLEY KATZ 3 1 134 JACQUES JOCKS 2 2 96 FRANCHISE 2 2 75 BLOOPERS 1 2 48 GEE GEE's 1 2 64 PARTY TRAIN 1 3. 44 CITY SLICKERS 0 2 26 STAFFERS 0 5 22
DEF. DIFFERENCE 79 +86 18 +49 97 +37 90 + 6 74 + 1 43 + 5 99 -35 JO +14 61 -35 120 -98
15 7 8 4 f)
Barb Peterson dunks the ball during a recent match.
Bobcats Ear·n First Win
The PSC Bobcats chalked up victory number one of the 1982 football season with a 21-14 win over the Westmar Eagles last Saturday at the Oak Bowl.
The 'Cats used a balanced attack in defeating the Eagles, gaining 188 yards on the ground and another 129 yards through the air.
The Bobcats took the opening kickoff and drive downfield to their first touchdown of the ballgame. PSC appeared to be stopped by Westmar midway through the drive, but a 21-yard run by Neil Wolfe off of a fake punt kept the drive alive.
Quarterback Mark Sievers scored from the one minutes later to give the 'Cats a 7-0 lead with 8:13 left to play in the opening quarter.
Sievers scored again in the second quarter on another one-yard dive with 4:20 left. Sievers fumbled the ball and Flanker Willie Mingo came up with it, but the officials ruled · that Sievers had crossed the goal line before the fumble occurred.
Westmar pulled to within seven points with only :29 seconds left in the half as a
tipped pass from Sievers was picked off by Warren McGee and returned 47 yards for the score.
Just as they did the first half, the Bobcats scored the first time they had the ball in the second half as well. The drive was capped at 10:16 of the third quarter when Willie Mingo caught a 16-yard pass from Sievers.
But the Eagles were not done yet. On their second possession following the touchdown, the · Eagles drove down the field using a variety of short passes by quarterback Dave Traetow.
The drive was capped on the very first play of the final period when Traetow found Kal Goodchild for a 34-yard scoring play. Goodchild had a busy day for the Eagles as he also started at cornerback on defense as well as alternating at a receiver position on offense.
The Eagles threatened several more times throughout the fourth quarter, but a fired up Bobcat defense turned Westmar -away each time with no damage done.
On the ground, the Bobcats were led by Dave Pasley, who
Lady Cats Prepare for District 11 Tour.nam.ent
The PSC Volleyball team enters district tournament play today and tomorrow with a regular season record of 16 wins, 24 losses, and two ties. At one time the Lady 'Cats were 12cl0-1 but have suffered through rough going, having lost 14 out of their last 19 games.
Statistically, of the three schools who sent in district stats, Glevon Covault leads District 11 in serving with a .978 per cent serving efficiency, successful on 225 of 230 serves. Missy Trujillo ranks third at .974, completing 187 of 192 serves.
Robin Smith leads the district in ace serves with 55, Carla Frauen is second with 53, and
Rhonda Buethe ranks fifth with 29.
Carla Frauen ranks in four catagories this second in aces, fourth in blocks with 44, fourth in assists with 282, and sixth in serve receptions with a .867 per cent. Tammy Lutzi is fourth in receptions with 122 of 137 for .891 per cent.
Barb Peterson ranks third in kill efficiency with 111 of 203 for .366 per cent. Robin Smith is third in the distriet in digs with 292 or 2.7 per game and Glevon Covault is sixth at 1.7 digs per game.
The volleyball team competed in the conference tourney slated for Tuesday at Kearney.
PSC Roundball Outlook
Coach John Gibbs isn't saying a whole lot on how his 1982-83 basketball team might do, but Peru's second year coach knows that a lot of potential and some high expectancies are being labeled on this year's squad.
After guiding the Bobcats to a 12-15 recordlast year, Gibbs has eight returning letter-winners, led by senior tri-captain Everett Smith. The 6-3 swingman Jed the team in scoring, averaging 14.3 ppg and 5.9 rebounds, while gaining second team District 11 honors. Also returning in the backcourt will be David Miller, a 5-10 senior point guard who averaged 3.9 ppg.
The front line boasts the return of Kip Allison and Morris Liesemeyer. Allison, a 6-9 senior, averaged 7.0 ppg but led the team in rebounding averaging 6.1 rebounds. Liesemeyer, a 6-5 junior, will join Allison in strengthening the Bobcats front line. Liesemeyer finished third in scoring in 81-82 at 10.0 ppg and third in rebounds at 5.1 per game. Vying for the other starting spots will be: Brian Strother, a 6-3 junior, Thom Johnson, a 6-3 senior who started 27 games his sophomore year,
gained 115 yards on 30 carries, becoming only the second 'Cat runner to go over the 100 yard mark in a game. Bo Lock gained 154 yards against Concordia earlier this year.
Defensively, the 'Cats were lead by Anthony Roberts who recorded three sacks on the afternoon, raising his 11-leading total to 11. J6hnny Register and Doug Minchow were the leading tacklers as the Bobcats turned in one of their best defensive performances of the year.
The win ended six weeks of frustration for the Bobcats and Coach Jerry Joy called "long overdue and much deserved."
Peru will try to make it two in a row tomorrow afternoon as they travel to Huron, South Dakota, to take on the Huron Tribe. With· the loss, Westmar dropped to 0-8-1.
6-6 sophomore John Lepper, a part-time starter last year, and Brett Nanninga, a 6-4 senior who shot 58 per cent from the field last season.
With the loss of senior Jeff Smith at guard, and forward Keith McKim, Gibbs will look to junior-college transfer Mike Miller, a smooth 6-1 junior guard who will try to fill the shoes of Smith. Other players returning include: Pat Harrison, a 6-0 junior guard, and 5-9 sophomore guard Brian Roach.
Freshmen who may see some playing time this year are: James Collins, Keith Drew, Luke Washington and Jeff Singletary.
"Like a student preparing for exams, we cannot predict our performance since we are not sure what the instructor will put on the test. Returning players is our strength and overall height is our weakness," Gibbs said.
In scrimmage games so far, Peru has defeated Fairbury Junior College and Tarkio College and lost to Missouri Western. The Bobcats open at the Central Methodist Classic scheduled for Nov. 12-13.
Lady Cats Ready.for BB Season
Kathy O'Connor, second-year coach of the women's basketball team, said Peru could have one of its best teams ever. She says that the win-loss record is difficult to anticipate because they start with two of the toughest teams in the conference -Midland and Doane.
Coach O'Connor said "The advantages of having a committed group, a combination of key recruitments, and more experienced players should lead the Lady Bobcats on the road to success." -
Eight letterwinners return from last year, which should strengthen the team. Lorrie Curnes, a 5-9 center-forward, is a senior returnee. Curnes, a three-year letterwinner, finished third in scoring last year and second in rebounding. · Another senior is one-year Jetterwinner Alice Anderson, who is starting her second year of playing eligibility. Last season, Anderson finished second in scoring and first in rebounding.
, Two-year letterwinners on the team are: 5-9 junior, Stephanie Ahern and 5-7 junior Carla Frauen. Other · letterwinners include!"> 5-7 sophomore, Linda Shepard; 5-10 sophomore, Barb Peterson; 5-5 sophomore, Georgean Schimke; 5-10 sophomore, Jackie Schultz.
Colleeri Chapman, a 5-8 junior and 6-0 sophomore Rhonda Kunecke are junior college transfers. A newcomer is 5-7 sophomore Wendy Shuey, in her first year of competition.
Freshman newcomers are:
Lori Butler, 6-0; Regeana Watkins 5-9; Michelle Workman, 5-4; Barb Mitchell, 5-7; Linda
.Dunn, 5-6; Jan Tolson, 5-8; Kristi Niday, 5-7.
In 1981-82, Linda Shepard leads the team in total points with 336 and Alice Anderson was second. Shepard also- had the highest scoring average with 15.3 followed by Anderson and Barb Pederson. Anderspn was first in rebounds
with 189, followed by Curnes with 124. Anderson also led the rebounding average with 9.0 followed by Peterson. Georgeari Schimke led the team in assists with 52, followed by Carla Frauen and Shepard.
O'Connor said she was pleased to have seven key players back this year. She said she was worried about Stephanie Ahern because of last year's knee surgery, but she added that she came back strong and is probably the best game situation passer on the team. O'Connor also said she will be glad to have the strong defensive play of Georgean Shimke and Barb Peterson. O'Connor said, "I'm impressed with the outside shot in combination with strong inside moves of Colleen Chapman."
Peru State 7 7 7 0 -21 Westmar 0 7 0 7 -14
PSC-Sievers 1 run 7-0 PSC-Sievers 1 run Freeburg kick 14-0 WC-McGee 47 interception return (Vigil ' kick) 14-7 PSC-Mingo 16 pass from Sievers (Freeburg kick) 21-7 WC-Goodchild 34 pass from Traetow (Vigil kick). 21-14 PSC First Downs 19 14 Rushes-Yards 67-188 27-20 Passing Yards 129 245 Total Yardage 317 265 Re!ul!'.'a Yards 37 182 Passes 8-14-1 22-40-3 Punts-Avera.getJ 6-)4.2 3-33 •.3 Fumbles-Lost 3-2 2-2 Penalties-Yards 6-45 5-52 BOBCAT INDIVIOOAL LEADERS Rushing-- Pasley
Passing-- Sievers
Sacks-- Roberts
2o 'V
30-115, Hixson 12-45, Lock 9-31.
Barlow 5-74, Mingo 2-50, Hesser 1-5.
Register 5-5, Minchow 0-9, Corey 3-5·
3, Corey
David Pasley (42) follows Kevin Hixson (37) after taking the handoff from QB Mark Sievers (9) in Peru's 21-14 win over Westmar.
Coach O'Connor said a Blue-White game will be held on Nov. 13. The Lady Bobcats' home opener is November 22 agamst Tarkio.
the ped the voice ot peru state bobcats! '
Tragedy • IS
Dr. Fran Paul Kosik, a native of Czechoslovakia, now residing in Nebraska City, appeared Thursday, Nov. 18, at 7:30 p.m., in the fine Arts Benford Recital Hall to talk about "Poland's Glorious Tragedy."
"As we prepare in freedom and relative prosperity for the most joyous season of the year, the Polish people brace themselves for yet another winter of painful privations-their 44th," Kosik said.
On campus to visit Bob Baker, director of Continuing education, and Dr. John Hahn, professor of political science, Kosik said that it seems that World War II has never ended for the Polish people and that the fierce enemy is still at large in this ravaged land plundering, willfully mis-
governing, torturing and killing."
The speaker came to the U.S. in 1949. He left his native country in 1948 shortly after the Communist coup d'etat. He .has studied at Creighton University where he graduated cum laude in 1954, received an M.A. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1955; a Ph.D., from Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., 1959; and an M.L.S. in Library Science from the State University of New York at Albany in 1973.
He has taught at several colleges and universities and in most.recent years has worked as a library media specialist in several Nebraska school districts. He plans to continue his teaching career in secondary social studies. ·-
Teachers Are Tested Continuing Education Plans Trips
Student teachers from PSC returned to campus for CallBack Dav and the National Teacher·s Examination Wednesday. Nov. 17. They were assigned fall semester schools and began student teaching Oct. 18. according to Dr. Esther Divney. chairperson of the division of education and psychology
Student teaching will be completed Dec. 17 for the following students:
Assigned lo Auburn school svslem William Sell. business education. Brownville: Ben 1'.:gger. Soeial science. Waverlv: Sundae Knott. elementarv music. Sharpsburg. Ia Sandra. Koht•l. Plt•mentary education. Lincoln. Brenda Wilkinson. business t•ducation. Burchard: Humboldt Debra Larson. t'lt>nwntary and special education. Pt-ru.
Johnson-Brock: Rene Bourn. elemt•ntary and special education. Auburn: Lourdes in !'\ebraska City:
Mary Beccard. social Nebraska City: Nebraska City Public Schools: Michelene Grimes. elementary education. Nebraska City; Garland Shafer. physical education K-12. Shubert: Dean Filipi. industrial arts. Milligan: Mary Sullivan. Art K-12. Peru; Nebraska School for the Visually Handicapped: Mary Beccard. special education; Tabor. Iowa: Mary Jensen. elementary and special education. Tabor. la.: Papillion: Kim Grinstead. physical education K-12 and special education-elementary.
Svracuse · John fo'ranklin. industrial arts. Dunbar: and Tecumseh: Chris Hutt. physical education K-12 and special education. K-12. T"ecumseh.
Visitation::; were made by supervising professors from the PSC division of education and psychology: Dr. Becky Fisher. Dr. Jack Hvtrek. Dr. John Sachs. and Dr. Paul Mars.
Two spring break trips, to New Orleans and to Mexico, and "Shakespeare Times Three,,, to Toronto. Stratford, Conn., and Stratford upon Avon, London, in June are planned for students, alumni, faculty, staff, and any other persons who are interested. according to Bob Baker. director of continuing education.
"We have had a lot of interest in these tours and we look forward to many friends of Peru State College enjoying one of the trips Baker said. St. Lquis, Memphis, Vicksburg, Little Rock, and Kansas City. are cities included in the itinerary for the "New Orleans Extraordinary and the Sunny Southlands" tour·which will be hosted bv Bob and Barbara Lewellen on March 5 through 12.
"We've designed the trip to visit historic and educational points of interest at a beautiful
New Off ice rs Are lnstal led
For the lhird year. new members and officers were installed in Alpha Chi. Nebraska Delta chapter. the national honor scholarship society at on :--;<>Vember 8.
Induction of members was conducted by chapter sponsors, Dr. Clyde Barrett. vice president of academic affairs; Dr. Esther Divney. chairperson of the education and psychology division: and Lyle Mc Kercher, associate professor of mathematics. Diana Watton. 1981-82 president. Nemaha. senior, and
sponsors installed the chapter officers. Karen Gerking, Brock. junior. 1982-83 president, stated acceptance of officer responsibilities.
Officers for 1982-83 are: Karen Gerking. Brock, junior. president: Cindy Rieke, Julian, junior. vice president; Mary Joy Gadeken. Julian. junior. secretarJ'.: Lori Berg. Dakota City, sen10r. treasurer: and Diana Watton, Nemaha. senior. official student delegate. New members are: Kip
Allison. Gresham. senior; Patricia Beckman. Nebraska City, senior: Glevon Covault. Table Rock. junior: Mark Craig, Fairbury. senior:
Cheryl Dixon. Bancroft, juniQr: Angela Gress, Nebraska City. junior: Marla Jones. junior. Auburn: Julia Kean, Dawson. junior; Leon Lamb, Plattsmouth, senior; Debra Larson. senior. Peru; Christopher Walsh. Gretna. sophomore: and Brenda Wilkinson, Burchard. senior.
time of the year," Lewellen, assistant professor of business administration, said. "The sightseeing will be ·great, especially the antebellum homes."
Fabulous Mexico, 1983, wiU-be led by Paul and Arlene Fell with the cities of Acapulco, Taxco and Mexico City highlighted. A yacht cruise in Acapulco Harbor will be included in "the vacation of a lifetime." according to Fell, assistant professor of art at PSC.
"We anticipate that some travelers who were with us last time will join us again as we all had such a good time," Fell said. "We feature Mexico's most charming sites with time allowed for sightseeing. but also plenty of time for independent activities
Dr. Charles Harper. associate professor-of speech and drama, will be leading his fourtn .tour to London on the "Shakespeare
Times Three'' trip. The June 7 to 27 travelers leave Omaha for Toronto. Canada for the first stop of their trip. Performances at Stratfor'd. Ontario. Stratford, Conn and Stratford-upon-Avon are included. in addition to admission to all five English Shakespeare Trust Properties: Shakespeare ·s Birthplace, Ann Hatt.awav's Cottage, Hall's Croft, Mary Arden's House and New Place. For more information about the three trips, write Baker at the division of continuing education, Peru State College, Peru. NE 68421, or call. 402-872-3815. ext. 241-20J. Baker said that prices are based on double occupancy rooms and triple or quad occupancy is cheaper. College credit is available for a small fee. he said.
Displays Talent
Faculty and staff at PSC have special expertise and talents that have .led to exhibits, workshops, seminars. meetings, or to membership on committees.
Dr. Leland H. Sherwood. chairman of the humanities division and professor of art had a painting. "The Pressed Back and Mrs. Cat" displayed in the fall show of new acquisitions at Kearney State College in October. It will be a part of the state collection of Nebraska artists as an acquisition of the Nebraska Art Collection, -
At the 1982 NSEA convention Paul F'ell. assistant professor of art of PSC, and editorial cartoonist. was instructor of a workshop-"Editorial Cartooning and Caricature: The Art of the Poison Pen."
Dr. Norman Schlesser, assistant professor of history, attended the Committee for the Advancement of Early Studies at Ball State University in October where he received a publication prize as first award in the NOVUS competition. His paper, "THE PARIAGE: An Innovative Technique in French Frontier Expansion During the High Middle Ages" will be published in the "Indiana Social Studies Quarterly."
· Dr. Lester Russell, chairman of the division of applied arts and professor of industrial arts, and Ken Larson, instructor of industrial arts, were elected president and secretary of the Nebraska Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education when it met recently in Kearney. , Dr. Jerry Gallentine, president of PSC, has received notification of his appointment to two committees: The Committee on Energy and Environment of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities and to the Nebraska
Ad Hoc committee on Teacher Education Study for the Coordinating Commission for Post Secondarv Education.
Dr. Russell Stratton. associate professor of English, attended the Nebraska Writer's Project at the General Crook House at Fort Omaha.
Nancv Emerson, instructor of sociology, accompanied sociology students to Omaha recently on a field trip to the Ahti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith at the Jewish Center.
Dr. Esther Divney. chairperson of the education and psychology division, who has represented PSC for the past eight years at the consortium of Special Education Teacher Education teachers of Nebraska attended a luncheon and fall meeting in Omaha.
Dr Royal Eckert, professor of speech and theatre, and Dr. Charles Harper, associate professor of speech and drama. Karen Coover, senior, speech and drama and physical education major, Papillion; apd Mike Northrup, senior, South Sioux, were at KSC to attend the Nebraska Theatre Association Convention. Three workshops were presented, with one workshop presented by internationally-known Brian Way, University of Nebraska-Omaha.
In the business division, Dr. Don Jacobs, chairman of the division and associate professor of business, Russ Beldin, assistant professor of business education, and Susan Stevens, instructor of business, attended the fifth annual Mid-America Accounting & Auditing Conference sponsored by the Nebraska Society of CPA's.
Beldin attended a 1982 real estate law workshop in Omaha recently at the Holiday Inn Central.
Number 7 Peru State College, Peru, Nebr. 68421 November 19, 1982
Blue Collar Workers perform at a concert held on November 11 at the College Auditorium.
Food Service Rebuttal
To the Editor:
It has come to my attention that there is some confusion concerning the cafeteria's schedule. The opening and closing of the cafeteria is based upon a contract which stipulates the number of meals available during the fall and spring semesters. This contract is based upon the school's calendar and is designed to provide service when school is in session. It would hardly be fair to the vast majority of Peru State students to charge them for food service during these breaks; so, we don't. For those students who are here during those closed periods, we keep the Bob Inn open on a cash basis. The snack bar's hours during these times are set based upon previous years' data. The cafeteria's opening and closing schedule for this school year is posted at the main entrance and has been there from the beginning of the fall term.
Now, as for the sample plates thatwesetoutatmeal times. We do them as a service to our cafeteria diners. They help speed up the line by eliminating some questions and also by giving those in line a chance to make up their minds before they get to the serving counter. If it's the majority concensus that we discontinue the sample plates, that's OK with food service. I'm suspending their use until I hear from the rest of· you. We'll be
taking an opinion poll on this matter, and the voice of the majority will decide the fate of the sample plate:
Before I go on to upcoming dates and events, let me do a recap. 1) No one paid for contract service on those break ·days, so that's why there wasn't any. 2) The Bob Inn was open, but on a cash. basis. 3) If you want to see sample plates, let us know.
Now, here's the upcoming events.
November 16: Super Salad Bar.
November 23: Thanksgiving Buffet.
Noveµiber 24 :. Cafeteria closes after lunch is served.
November Cafeteria opens af7:15 a.m.
December 2: Window decorating contest between groups.
December 7: French Cuisine Night.
December 9: Caroling contest between groups.
December 12, 13, 14: Study Snacks 8:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
December 14: Christmas Buffet.
December 16: Cafeteria closes after lunch is served.
I would like to close by saying that if you have questions, suggestions, or comments, please let me know. Just drop by or flag me down. I'm interested in what you say.
Sincerely, Mark B. Larson, Food Service Director.
Editorially Speaking
Recentiy Peru had the opportunity to hook up to cable TV through the Midlands Cable Systems, which is due to be hooked within this semester. Cable is one thing that students here. as well as citizens, have said to be a necessity. After all Auburn has had it for quite some tirne.
What surprised me the most was the number of people wnv decided to hook-up. Although I don't know any exact figures, the man I talked to at city hall told me the turnout wasn't overpowering, to say the least. I thought that entertainment was something that students wanted, and cable seemed to be one possible answer. So far I've heard complaints that HBO wasn't part of the deal, and the price for the movie channt:l was too high.
Letter to the Editor
In addition to Mr. Larson's comments, the following points also need to be discussed:
First, students. should be aware that their contract does state that the cafeteria is closed during the vacation periods. The board contract states that the student agrees to the termw:and conditions of the board plan as specified in the housing handbook. On page 9 of the housing handbook, there is reference to the cafeteria being closed during vacations. the fact. that the contract states the closing of the cafeteria during vacations, the Office of Residence Life also sent out an important message to all students residing on campus that explained that the cafeteria would be closed over fall break. The notice also pointed out that the students could eat in the Bob Inn during the break, but they would need to pay for their meals on a cash basis.
Perhaps this is a good time to remind students that they are responsible for what is stated in their .housing handqook. If students have not read their housing handbooks, perhaps this is a good opportunity to review the rules arrd regulations that are stipulated in the handbook and are a part of the housing and board contracts.
Sincerely, Patricia G. Conway, Director of Residence Life.
In reference to the letter to the editor November 5, 1982, I would like to make an apology to Mr. Mark Larsen, the director of the cafeteria. I talked with him a couple of days after the paper was published. I am told that the cafeteria is only open qpder a
contract basis. If the cafeteria is open,any other time then people who would like to eat should pay more money at the semester. If you have any questions see Mr. Larsen!
Sincerely yours, Kelly Clemons.
Day Care Center Opens
With the work ·of many persons, a day care·center has been established at PSC. It is a non-profit organization funded by the United Ministries to Higher Education, local organizations and individuals.
Barb Shupe, vice-president of the day care center, the purpose of the center is to provide a place of care for the children of PSC non-traditional students and employees, while at the same time preparing children for kindergarten.
Shupe commented that the ·prices vary for the center. The regular Ghild price is $1 an hour, the regular baby price is $1.25 an hour, the price for children not enrolled is $1.25 an hour, and the price for infants not enrolled is $1.50 an hour. Funds go towards snacks for the children, rent for
the mini gym, employees' payment and other expenses. The staff members are Lila Land-Fike, president; Barb Shupe, vice-president; Ruth Henderson, treasurer; and Sharon Roe, secretary.
All the needs of the center have not been fulfilled. A few of them are shelving, wooden puzzles, newspaper, and fireproof carpeting. Contact Barb 'Shupe at 872-7635 if you can lend a helping hand.
Shupe expressed that the center provides the children with four meals a day: breakfast, mid-day snack, lunch, and afternoon snack. The hours of the center are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m., but the center can open as early as 6:30 a.m. and close as late as 6:00 p.m. if necessary.
Anyone making the excuse that they don't have the money is lying to themselves. I see people wasting money on Pac-Man and alcohol when a few dollars a week could provide entertainment that could be watched 24 hours a dav. Besides, it is a lot cheaper td watch movies in a comfortable chair than having to · spend $3 in a theatre. Now I realize that the bars and arcades have to make a living, but cable is a worthwhile investment in the long run. It will be a positive change from the programming that the major networks find entertaining.
In closing, if the people of this campus want to see changes or improvements, then they are going to have to start taking part in things to see a change.
November 22nd
Benford Hall 6 and 8 p.m.
Managing Editor Vince Henzel
Associate Editor Don Strecker
Reporters Kimberly Alexander, Alexander Appleton, Lisa Cline, Marsha Kentopp, Sally Martineau, Wendy Meyer, Haser William
Photographer Mike Northrup
Advisor Everett Browning
The Pedagogian is the sounding boar.d of Peru State College and is printed 8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters-to the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on this page do not necessarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogian or Peru State College.
American Red Cross
eathtrap Runs
Richard Wood has captured the lead in the second production of the Peru· State Drama Department. In .the presentation of "Deathtrap" Mr. Wood will be playing the role of Sidney Fruhl a playwright who needs successful play following a dryspell. Wood, a veteran of the Peru Players was last seen in "The Green Archer" as Savini. Wood is a senior speech and Theatre major from Peru. "Chip" has been in many PSC productions including: "Slueth " "The Boys From Syracuse:" "Androcles and the Lion" and "Trixie True." '
The other members of the cast include: Michael Northrup. as Clifford Anderson, a student who writes a surefire play and sends it to Sidney to be proofread. Mike is a senior working at PSC majoring in Speech and Theatre. Mike was also part of the last production, "The Green Archer" and is also Secretary-Treasurer of the Peru Players Drama Club.
Mike is a native of South Sioux City.
Karen L. Coover will be seen once again in this production she will be playing the role of Myra Bruhl. Karen acted in "The Green Archer" as Fay Savini. Karen is a senior majoring in Speech and Drama. Karen was seen as "Trixie" in the Summer Theatre Workshop production of ''Trixie True, Teen Detective" as well as many other PSC productions. Karen is a native of Papillion.
Denae Hemminger will be on stage for the first time here at Peru playing the role of psychic Helga ten Dorp. Denae helped with the cos tu me design for "The Green Archer." Miss Hemminger is a freshman from
IM Standings Through November l lth
er will be Stage Mlll•ler for Deathtrap. Kathy ''The Green Archer" aa Valerie. Kathy is a graduate of Omaha Technical High School and a sophomore majoring in Speech and Theatre. Miss Miller has appeared in many PSC productions: Kathy is Vice-President for the Peru Players Drama Club.
"Deathtrap" is being directed by Dr. Charles Harper, associate professor of Speech and Drama.
Ira Levin's play "Deathtrap" is being ran for the first time in Southeast Nebraska. It was recently produced in London and on Broadway.
The play revolves around Sidney Fruhl, ·a playwright who needs a successful play. A student from one of his seminars, an aspiring young playwright, sends him a surefire success for proofing. What will Sidney do?. Send the play back, collaborate, or murder this student? To complicate the plot, Helga ten D9rp, a psychic, upon entering the home, receives vibrations warning her that there is death in the house, but who's death will it be?
Deathtrap will be performed
Nov. 18-21 at the Peru State College Auditorium. Admission for this event will be 1 dollar.
Formal Planned
The Student Senate is planning a Christmas formal December 10, at the Elks Club in Nebraska City. Mrs. Gibbs, Student Senate Advisor, said a complete package will be put together including meal, dance cost, and two printed wine glasses per couple. The total cost will be between $20 and $25.
Russ Freitag was elected as the new Delzell representative for the Senate. He is a junior from Diller. He is majoring in Accounting-Business Administration. ·
A taco dinner was held for all Student Center members November 11 at Mrs. Gibbs'.
SCEA Elected
Dr. Paul Mars has recently been re-elected as president of the Peru unit of the Nebraska State College Education Association. Other positions elected were: Dr. Jack Hytrek, vicepresident; Arlene Fell, tary-treasurer; Dr. Victor Ferre, representative to the state board of the SCEA; and William Snyder, negotiator for the SCEA (two-year term).
The SCEA represents the state colleges-Peru, Wayne, and Kearney. Dr. Mars said that the main function of SCEA is to represent the instructors of the above mentioned state colleges. The SCEA lets the instructors express their input and ideas to the Board of Trustees.
HPER Construction Finished
The construction taking place on the entry of the HPER is to keep the snow and ice from falling in front of the door.
Bill Reeves, who is the Superintendent of buildings and grounds, said that the construction, which started approximately three weeks ago, will be finished soon. The project costs around one thousand dollars.
Grants Revised
Congress overrode the Presidents veto of a Supplemental appropriations bill which added $140 million to the 1982-83 Pell Grant Program on Sept. 10. As a result of the override, some students will receive increases in their 1982-83 Pell Grant awards.
The Financial Aid Office has just received a revised Pell Grant repayment schedule which reflects the changes in Pell Grant Awards.
The construction included some new roofing in which tin sheets were to keep the snow and ice from falling and blocking the doors and from ruining the cement·below, which also had to be replaced.
Reeves said that there used to be open beams where the tin sheets are now, which allowed the snow and ice to fall directly
As a result of these changes, several Financial Aid packages must be revised to reflect the increased Pell Grant award. Students whose grant amount has been increased due to this appropriation, will receive the additional Pell grant amount as a part of their spring semester grant. Students who are entitle.a to an increased Pell Grant fur the fall semester and are not enrolled for the spring semesler will receive an additional Pell Grant check in early February of 1983.
in front of the door. This made it impossible to keep cleaned up, so people could get in and out safely.
a loss at Casino Night
Curt Cogswell spins for
TEAM WON LOST OFF. DEF. DIFFERENCE WOMENS Red Hots 2 0 61 J7 + 24 Las Mugeres 1 0 JO 16 + 14 Footloose & Fan9y 1 1 61 61 0 Big Stuffs 0 1 0 JO JO High Setters 1 J. 87 95 8 LTA's 0 0 0 0 0 MENS Gamecocks 1 0 30 18 + 12 KKK 1 1 48 41 + 7 Hosers 1 1 6J 63 0 Home Boys + 1 1 1 42 55 - 1J Off Campus Trash 0 1 32 38 6 COED / DD's 7 0 225 91 +134 Stalley Katz 6 1 224 118 +106 8' s Enough 4 1 141 61 + 80 Franchise J J 117 104 + 13 Bloopers 2 2 78. 49 + 39 City Slickers 2 2 86 69 + 17 Jacques Jocks 2 2 96 90 + 6 Gee Gee's 1 4 64 159 - 95 Party Train 1 6 56 120 - 64 Staffers 0 9 66 229 -163
Jo Guyett, Karen Winslow, and Dwayne Hixson huddle together during Saturday's football game against Doane.
Rushing-- Pasley 20-82
Passing-- Sievers 8-22-1-144
Receiving-- Barlow 5-120
Bobcats Drop Finale
The Peru State Bobcats closed out their 1982 football ,campaign with a tough loss to the Doane Tigers, 10-0, in the Oak Bowl.
'The game was a battle of the defenses, which left the first quarter scoreless, although the entire 15 minutes was played in Peru's enri of the field. poane was unable to score despite the fact that they had a first and goal at the Bobcat 3 yard line.
Both defenses remained strong in the second- quarter, until flanker Willie Mingo fumbled a pitch-out from quarterback Mark Sievers and Doane recovered at the 32. Ken Erickson scored on a 30-yd FG at 5:52 of the 2nd, which gave the Tigers a 3-0 lead going into halftime.
Peru took the opening kickoff of the second half, and drove 82 yards down to the Tiger 5 yard line, highlighted by Doug Barlow's 44 yard reception from Sievers. The Bobcats were unable to sustain the drive as
Rex Freeburg's 22-yd. field goal attempt was wide to the left.
Doane took the ball, and on the very next play, Bruce Wright ran for 50 yards down to the Peru 30. Eight plays later Erickson's 37 yard field goal attempt was wide to the right.
The defenses dominated once more until Doane started a drive at midfield and capped it 12 plays as quarterback Rick Schnacker went in from a yard out with 12:34 left to play in the game. Erickson's extra point made the score 10-0. Doane.
Freshman Pat Mertens took the ensuing kickoff and returned 21 yards before fumbling at the peru 36 where the Tigers recovered. Seven plays later, · Ken Erickson had a 39 yard field goal. but again the kick failed.
Peru's last hope started on their own JO yard line'. A series of completions by Sievers. including 2 catches by Barlow of 45 and II yards. brought the ball to the Doane 21 yard line. But an
incompletion on a fourth a long with 1:35 left, ended t drive.
Doane fumbled the ball on th next play but another incomple tion on fourth and long ende Peru's final hope for a comeback.
Doane ended their season 7-4 while winning 5 out of their last 7 games. Peru ended with a 1-8 mark. the worst record since 1971. and only Coach Jerry Joy's second losing season at Peru. In a statistical note. Mark Sievers set a single season mark with 215 attempts. breaking Mike Hanev's mark of 211. set in 1980. He also had the second highest single season passing yardage with 1245 yards. The junior from Lincoln is only I!! vards awav from fourth on the all-time Jisi. with a total of 1794.
In rushing, David Pasley, a sophomore from Tampa. FL led the Bobeats m rushing with 402 yards on carries; Doug Barlow led the r(:>ceiving corps with :fi catches for ;)24 yards.
run at the NAIA Cross-Country Nationals tomorrow.
Coreys to Run at National
Cheryl and Nancy Corey will compete tomorrow in the NAIA National Women's Cross Country Championships which will be held at Kenosha, Wisconsin. The University of WisconsinParkside will act as the host team for this year's meet.
The freshmen twin-sisters qualified for the national meet on the strength of their performance at last Friday's District 11 meet held at
In that meet, Cheryl finished fourth overall, covering the 3.1 mile course in a time of 19:30 while Nancy came in eighth at 19:50. Suzie Palmer was the third Lady Bobcat to cross the finish line in the race, 30th overall, with a time of 23: 13.
In the men's portion of the meet, Don Strecker was the first Bobcat to finish, 40th overall, running the five mile course in
30:33. Ben Dilsaver finished second for the 'Cats. 42nd overall. in 31 :05.
··1 think that both the men's and women's teams ran very well for us this vear." said Coach Dennis Obermeyer. With their performance, the Coreys became the first Lady Bobcats ever to qualify for the women's national cross country meet.
Peru State Doane 0 0 D- Erickson 30 FG. 0 0 0 7 - 0 -10 D- Schnacker 1 run(Erickson kick) First Downs Rushes-Yards Passing Yards Total Yards Return Yards Passes Punts-Average Fumbles-Lost Penal ties-Yards PSC 10 34-89 144 233 75 8-22-1 7-32.3 3-3 6-55 DC 16 61-156 113 269 -. 21 9-19-0 6-32.5 5-3 7-64 BOBCAT LEALERS
Florida native David Pasley
for 20 of his 82 yards against Doane.
"When I grow up, I wanna' be a Bobcat." 0-3 0-10
Cheryl (left) and Nancy Corey will
"EN'S BASl<ET!lALL SCHEWLE 1-0<El' 'S llASKFl1ll\J.L SCl!llXJU: 12-13 Central Classic NcM!otJer 17-19 N.A.I.A. TOUrnal1'ent """"'*"'< 22 Wayne State College NcM!otJer 24 Tarkio College NcM!otJer 29 oana College Dec:erter 2 1".id.lan:i Lutheran College Dece:nber 4 Gracel.aro College Decerber 6 Wil Ham-Jewell DeceTt:er 9 T:rrk10 College Decent>r 13 Kearney State College oei:::ert:er 16 William-Jewell DeceTi>er 29-JO Notth<oestem Januoiy 8 Wayne State College Januoiy 10 Midland Lutheran College January 12 UMl<C 13 Doane College January 15 Bellevue College January 19 UMl<C January 21 Chadron St.ate Colle;e Janaw:y 25 Hastings College Janaw:y 29 Notti-stem January 31 oana February 1 Mid-Arrer ica Nazarene February 10 Nebraska Wesleyan Univ. February 12 Chadron State College f'ebrua.ry 14 Kearney State Colle<J" February l 9 Belll!'ll\le College · NovEl!<ler 30 Dec:<l!tlcr 4 """""*"" 7 De<:El!tler 8 January 6 January 8 January 13 Jam=y 15 January 17 January 21 January 28 January 29 February 5 Wayne 7, 30p.rn. tarkio, M) 7:30p.m. Blair 7:30p.m. Fl:un:mt 7' 30p.m. PerU 7: 30p.rn. Liberty, foO PerU 7, JOp.rn. PerU 7, 30p.rn. PerU 7' JOp.rn. OraN;Je City, IA PerU 7,30p.m. PerU 7!30p.m. PerU 7:30p.rn. Crete 7: 30p.1r.. Bellevue 7' JOp.m. February 10 February 12 Kansas City 7:30p.m. PerU 7: 30p.rn. February 14 February 16 Ha.stings PerU 7' JOp.rn. Peru 7: 30p.m. February 19 Peru 7,JOp.r.i. February 22 Lincoln 7: 30p.m. Chadron 7: 30p.rn. Kearney 7' 30p.rn. Peru 7,30p.rn. PE!<U Sl'ATI-: 1982 Tarkio college Peru 7,JOp.rn. Hastings College !lastings 1,00p.rn. wayne State college Peru 5: lSp.m. Concordia College seward 7,J0p.rn. l<eamey State College .Peru 5:15p.m. Doane College Crete 7,J0p.rn. Nebraska Wesle'jan Univ. Peru S:lSp.m. Hastings College Peru 7,00p • Oona College Peru 2,00p.rn. Tarkio College Tarkio, M'.) 6,00p.m. Chadron State college Peru 5:15p.m. College of St. Mary cmaha 7'30p.m. [bane College Peru S:lSp.m. Oona College Blair S:lSp.m. Conoordia College Peru 7:00p.m. Chadron State college Chadron 5, l5p.rn. Kearney State Cbllege Kearney 5,15p.m. State College Wayne College of St. Mary Peru S:lSp.m. Nebraska Wesleyan Univ. Lincoln 7:00p.rn.
The Delta Sigma Phi fraternity has finished its fall rush period with the initiation of a new active member.
Todd Green, an accounting major from Lake City, Iowa, was a pledge from October 10 until November 23 when he was initiated. "I am very pleased with having Todd join the
Fol I Rush Ends the ped
fraternity, he'll help make our frat .better," said Lee Fellers, President.
The fraternity is planning another rush period for the spring semester. Anyone interested in becoming a member or has any questions should contact Steve "Taco" Alcaraz, Todd Green, Mike Northrup, Ted Ott, or Lee Fellers.
the voice of the peru state bobcats!
Joy • IS
By Jim Zipursky
Jerry Joy, Peru State athletic director and head football coach, has been appointed as Peru's new Dean of Student Affairs, according to Dr. Jerry Gallentine, Peru State president.
Joy, who came to Peru in 1975, said "I'm sorry to get out of coaching; I know I'll really miss it. However. I can't pass up such a good career opportunity." Joy is also an instructor in physical education.
Joy replaces Dr. Myron Apilado who left Peru in September for a similar job at St. Martin's College in Lacey, Wash. Joy takes over the position effective Jan. 1.
The Shubert native guided the Bobcats to a 40-36-2 record in his eight years as head coach. The team's 9-l record in 1980 is the fourth best single-season record in Peru history; the nine wins that season are the second highest single-season total in Bobcat history.
Joy turned a foundering program into the 20th winningest NAIA Division II team for the years 1977-81. Joy's teams compiled a 32-15-2 record over that five year span.
Joy's 40 wins at Peru is the third highest total among all Peru head coaches; his 52.6 winning percentage at Peru is the fifth best in Bobcat history.
Joy's 1980 and 1981 squads were rated 10th and 20th, respectively, in the NAIA Division II final ratings. His 1980 team barely missed getting into the National Championship play-offs; they missed a perfect record by one point, losing their only game to arch-rival Chadron, 22-21, on a last second touchdown pass.
There have been four different All-Americans in football at Peru State, and Joy has coached three of them. Roosevelt Brown was a first team All-American in 1980, Garland Shafer was named to the second team in 1981, and
Frat Reaches Goals
Phi Beta Lambda, PSC's business fraternity, has surpassed all expectations of this years' officers and sponsors. A 72 per cent increase in membership and greater club participation are two reasons for the optimism.
Appointed to Post
Club membership went from 36 last year to 64 this .year. This increase has provided for participation in club events unequaled in previous years.
Jim Heineman, Vice President of the club, said, "This years group has a positive overall attitude toward club participation, they can really be proud of themselves."
The sponsors for this year's club are Russ Beldin, Jack Hamilton, and Bob Lewellen. Each has expressed his credence in the club.
"Being an active club on campus is a goal which is high on our list," said Gordon Ehrlich, secretary of the frat. PBL has sponsored a school dance, a pizza party for new members and held a turkey raffle in connection with Thanksgiving. ·
The club is striving for more. They will have their annual auction, spring trip, and will attend the state business contest during the second semester. "There are also more plans for school dances and activities " Ehrlich added. '
PSC Artists Show Work
Three artists from PSC had works on exhibit at the Schoolhouse Gallery in Brownville Dec. 4 and 5. Dana Stratton, Paul Fell and Dr. Leland Sherwood were among Midlands artists that were featured in the Old Fashioned Christmas celebration.
Jerry Joy becomes the new Dean of Student Affairs on January l after eight years as Peru State's football coach and athletic director.
Alvin Holder was a first team All-American in both 1980 and 1981.
Joy was named the Omaha "World-Herald" State College Coach ofthe Year following the 1980 season.
As athletic director, Joy oversaw the building of Peru's new HPER Center facility and theuMajors Hall redevelopment project. The HPER Center and the newly renovated Major's Hall athletic and conference center give Peru what might be the finest athletic facilities among the four state colleges. Joy came to Peru from
Friends University in Wichita, Kans., where he was the head football coach and athletic director. Joy compiled a 33-19-2 record while at Friends and led the Falcons to a 9-1 record and the conference championship his final year there.
Joy was the defensive coordinator, )lead baseball coach, and assistant coach at Doane from 1964 to 1968. With Joy in charge of the defense, the Tigers went 7-0-1, 8-0-1, and 10-0-0 his last three years on the Crete campus. Doane's overall record in football from 1964-68 was 31-11-3.
Joy's first head coaching job· was at Alvo-Eagle High in Eagle, Ne. In addition to his duties as head coach in football, Joy was also Eagle's head baseball coach. Joy served at Alvo-Eagle for one season, 1963-64. His football team finished with an, 8-1-1 record.
Joy received his undergraduate degree in physical education and social sciences from Peru State in 1964. He earned a master's degree in physical education from Northwest Missouri State in 1968. Joy continues to work towards a doctorate in physical education.
PSC Staff Helps Find Financial Aid
Faculty and staff from PSC were in Omaha Saturday, Dec. 4, at the New Tower Inn, and will be in Lincoln tomorrow, at the Villager Inn, to help prospective students learn the approximate amounts of aid and eligibility for financial aid through the service of an on-the-spot computer.
On Saturday Don Miller, and his staff from. the financial aids office will calculate the Pell Grant student aid indexes and all Federal Aid if the parents' estimated 1982 Federal Income Tax Return is available.
"This will take the guess work
out of parents' and students' calculations if they are questioning their financial aid eligibility and amount," Miller said. He said the financial aid computer, M-Data System, is the answer to the problem of the long waiting period that college-shopping students exper.ience in waiting for decisions on financial aid.
Other exhibits that will be at the special day in Omaha and Lincoln include a micro-computer that the business division will be operating and a blue print-making-machine from the applied arts division. Award-
winning, nationally known cartoonist Paul Fell, art professor at PSC, will also be present to greet students.
PSC staff will be available to discuss residence housing and student activities in addition to financial aid and representatives from the divisions of applied arts, business, education, humanities, natural sciences, physical education and continuing education will be on hand to explain special courses of study to prospective college students.
Ken Steidle, director of admissions, who has arranged this special PSC open house for three years, said that a new computer science major is offered at PSC that many high school students are investigating. "These open houses in Omaha and Lincoln give students an opportunity to explore their futures and I think that this is an excellent method for high school juniors and seniors to become better acquainted with Peru State College programs," Steidle said.
Stratton, director of printing services; Fell, assistant professor of art; and Sherwood, professor of art and chairman of the humanities division, are well-known in the area for their scenes of Nebraska, according to Jeanette Hansen, vice president of the Brownville Fine Arts Association.
Fell has caricatures on display and is available for drawing personalized caricatures, according to Hansen.
The Schoolhouse Gallery,. open for the first Christmas display this year, is part of the annual Christmas tour of homes co-sponsored by the Brownville Historical Society. Outfitters' Row will be open in addition to the tour and the Schoolhouse Gallery.
Other artists on display besides the PSC artists included:
Tom Bartek, Omaha, serigraphs and paintings; Dorothy Broady, Rock Port, Mo., photographs; James M. Brown, Lincoln, pottery; Jean Engelbrecht, Syracuse, paintings; Alice Gutierrez, Omaha, oils and acrylics; Robert Hanna, Lincoln, water colors and sketches;
Art Henry, Beaver Lake, paintings; Jeri Kuser, Auburn, porcelain dolls; Tom Palmerton, Brownville, paintings and sculpture; Christopher Shaffer, Falls City, silver; Leslie and Claudette Ste·:ens, Falls City, paintings; James Earl Steinke, ··Blair, wooden toys; Therry Thacker, Auburn, pottery; and Mary B. Zicafoose, Mead, weaving.
Peru, Nebr. 68421 December 10, 1982
Number 8
State College,
and For the Record
Fall Semester • 1n Review
By Don Strecker
Now that the semester is to a close, I think this is a good. time to recap the of this term.
· The year started out with several new faces in the PSC faculty and staff. The most imp()rtant new person :was PSC's new president Dr. Jerry Gallentine.
Dr. Gallentine came to us from Labette Community College in Parsons, Kansas, where he had ·been th.e college president for the past three years. While he was there, enrollment increased by 72 per cent.
This statistic shows what kind of leadership skills Dr. Gallentine has, and he has done a great job in·his firs,t year at Peru.
Another new person who has done a fine job is Jim Zipursky, the Sports Information Director. Zipursky came to .Peru from a big-time college program, the University of California-Berkeley and has introduced some very good ideas during his stay. The:Sports Information Depart-
ment has become well organized under his leadership.
Although not a new person to PSC, Peggy Gibb's, the student programs coordinator, has done a fine job in her new position. The wife of, head basketball Coach John Gibbs, Peggy has accomplished many things.
Mrs. Gibbs has organized many dances and other activities. She has planned and organized the Christmas Formal which will be held in Nebraska City this evening. She has also planned the trip to Kansas City for the PSC-UMKC and KingsKnicks basketball doubleheader.
There are many other people who have contributed to a successflll first semester. They include Chuck Reed, Assistant Admissions Director; Mark Rankin, Industrial Arts; Dr. Wayne Dividson, Physical Education; Nick Petrillo, Physical Education; David Evans, Music; and Sue Stevens, Business. If I forgot anyone, I apologize. It was qone unintentionally.
Thanksgiving Celebrated·•
There were many activities which took place during the year. The main activity, as it is on most campuses, is to follow the ups and downs of the football team. For Peru students and fans, 1982 brought mostly downs. The Bobcats finished the season with a 1-8 record for the year, but showed a huge amount of promise for the future.
The 1983 team will look different in coaching philosophy from the '82 team with the of Jerry Joy for the Dean of Student Affairs position. So, the big question at the moment is who the new coach and athletic director will be. The answer is yet to be found.
There were many other activities and events throughout the semester, including Homecoming, Beat-the-Jinx Week, and others.
If's been a good year for everyone (well, alniost everyone). So, as we prepare for our last week of school this semester, I would like to wish everyone good :luck on their finals and to have a Christmas. ·· ·
Editorially Speaking
Well, the time has finally come, one that I thought might never get here. My reign as managing editor bas come to an end; this being my last issue, although I will serve a:s associate editor next semester. I would like to take this opportunity to review what has transpired since my dictatorship began.
Th.e first thing that we needed to learn was how to do a layout. I had no real idea of how to do one, so Mike Northrup who was. the previous editor, gave the Ped staff a few quicky lessons. The first layout was a little messy and required some erasing. A lot of questions were left unanswered that first night, so we did the next. best thing, guess! !
Copy was no real problem, until we had stories that weren't
handed in on time, or not handed in at all. Sometimes that was all right because not every assignment was ultra-important, but we didn't bother telling the reporters that.
Then there was the all-night affairs, which left our eyeballs looking like ping-pong balls. Usually a case of Pepsi or a bottle of no-doze was needed to help us stay awake.
Then ·there was in-put from outside sources. We encourage ideas from everyone, letters to-the-editor, or just information. To all of you who helped, we (the Ped staff) would like to say thank-you, and I hope you will help to contribute to your paper again next semester.
Last, there were those people who think they know au about journalism, or think they can do my job. These people were never
quote "pleased" with the result. I have some simple advice to them : Stick to something you know about, and let me worry about mine. It is those people who are afraid to say anything; but first to complain. It's hard to satisfy everyone and there is a wide variety of groups· to serve, so I hope we didn't overlook anyone.
()veran, I was pleased with our. end result. Having been· given this burden without any experience, I knew it would be a challenge. I think it turned out to be a successful semester, and a very memorable experience. I hope we provided a good service to the campus and will continue to next semester. Believe me, being an editor is no easy task, andifyou don't think so, find out how many people inquire to become one.
Thanksgiving was celebrated at Peru State College beginning with a Thanksgiving buffet in the Student Center dining hall and followed by a Thanksgiving service in the Fine Arts Building, sponsored by Peru Kiwanis and Circle K, Tuesday evening. · Speaker at the 7:30 p.m., service was Dr. Jerry Gallentine, president of Peru State College. The Council of Delzell Hall hosted a Turkey Trot Tuesday evening in Delzell with music provided by,Mac's Music.
Chuck :Chase';·<"DelzeH Hall resident assistant, junior, Thurman, Ia., and Terry Matzen, sophomore, Ft. Calhoun, hosted a Thanksgiving dinner also
sponsored by the Delzell H Council, with the assistance Chuck's mother, Mrs. Ing Chase of Thurman, Ia., w cooked the noon dinner. Th dinner includes a 22-lb.-turkey., and three pies donated by Peggy. Gibbs, Student Programs tor.
"We feel it would be unfortunate if people didn't have others to celebrate Thanksgiving with," Chase said.
Peru residents who would have spent the day by themselves. were invited to celebrate Thanksgiving with Delzell residents who lived too far from home to leave for the holiday and foreign students.
Smoker Held at Nebr. City
Nebraska City Jaycees sponsored their own version of "Saturday Night Boxing," a smoker at the Nebraska City High School, November 20.
There were nine fights, consisting of three, two minute rounds. The high .light came when PSC's. Rick Johnson, freshman, Lebanon, scored the only knockout of the.night as he put down Rich Hellerich of
Nebraska City, in the first round. PSC's Kris Nickolaison, freshman, Fremont, battled it out against Jody Hermann of Nebraska City. Hermann was declared the winner by judges decision.
The bouts were fought to help raise money for Mitch Miller, a Nebraska City resident who was injtired in a swimmjng accident.·
Managing Editor Vince Henzel
Associate Editor Don Strecker
Reporters Kimberly Alexander, Alexander Appleton, Lisa Cline1 Marsha Kentopp, Sally Martineau, Wendy Meyer, Haser William
Photographer Mike Northrup
Advisor Everett Browning
The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State College and is printed 8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on this page do not nec;essarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogian or Peru State College.
Mike Rains (left), Dr. Lester Russell and Kip Allison work on the Christmas gifts to be sent to needy kids. Peru's IA club, Epsilon Pi Tau, is sponsoring the project.
Cindy Martin practices her bumps for the IM tourney this week.
PSC Budget l
By Lisa Cline
PSC will have to take a 2 per cent cut, approximately $58,200, in its current operationa.l budget. The cut will be taken from funds remaining in the fiscal year budget of July 1, 1982. to June 30, 1983, that are not already tied up by legal means.
Dr, Jerry Gallentine, president, said the majority of reduction will be in physical plant operations; maintenance,, custodial, and utilities. 'I'hi:s is possible due to a computeriad environmental control system m use on campus, and operations will be closed down for 12 days over Christmas. The remainder of the cut will come from supplies, equipment, and the
IM Volleyball Standings
tration is t will result or a possible Because
'1ildget cut will have re111monied in the next
J'e&r, a reduction in i .!ieCration will help comP"ill ate f.beloss of funds.
Gallentine said everything ptlllil:lle was done to prevent student programs, and to shield instructional penonnel.
Financial Survey ·T,aken
By Wendy Meyer
The Economic Impact Survey being taken on campus, thru Dr. Jerry Gallentine, is to find out the financial impact that all PSC members have on the cities of Peru, Auburn, Nebraska' City, and all of South Eastern Nebraska.
It asks such things such as how much you spend on gas, the care of your car, housing bills and all other financial aspects of your life. Dr. Gallentine said the survey was being taken not only by students, but ·by the staff, faculty, and administrative personnel also.
Dr. Gallentine stated that the· survey is being conducted by the Bureau of Business Research out of Lincoln, Nebraska. The director of the survey is Dan Pursell who is well known for doing good surveys. Dr. Gallentine said this is why he was chos.en for the job.
Dr. Gallentine said that the purpose of the. survey is to be able to come up with reliable statistics to show the effects that PSC members have. on other cities such as the income they receive from people spending money on food; gas, bills, items from the stores, etc. Therefore, when the cities ai::e asked to help· contribute to Peru funds for things like new equipment and scholarshiPS, they can be sho\vn reliable statistics of how PSC is helping them. ·
Pr. Gallentine said that this · would help students by riot· having to raise fuition and other expenses .l>aY for these thing$; · If these .c1tiei; ·see how we are helping them, then they will be: more willing to help us. ·
Dr. Galleritine'also stated;tfult he is hopin3 fof tlte resultS survey to be finished before Christmas vacati,on.
Book Manager to Leave
Jeanie Jones, PSC bookstore manager, will be leaving at the end of the semester. She will be traveling to Socorro, New Mexico to join her husband, who· is employed there. She has been at Peru for eight years and will be graduating in December with a degree in Business Administration. Mrs. Jones said her whole
Former Health Center Bulldozed
·Having s.eried the campus .of A Thousan(i. OaftS for decades, the ··.former health center building WliS blilldozed after it had been coridenmed by several consultants,. including the sical plant to the Board of. Trustees;· · ·
· Its in< 1889, StilJ1ding )lS ·the oldest building on campus, pai:alleled a. tilnf! of
Students. were .· t!> .·· use. profane language, attend balls or dancing· parties, visfrduring study hours; and lounge in stores
· or saloons; Tod,ay the5e rules family. has sup}'.Klrted PSC, her seem ri', especially two.·sons and a · those on dances and Sa.loons. attended Petu; .and presently, ,, Wednes<laY spent at the ?.farla .MOody, her bar and fre.q11en tly held <lances law, attends PSC. r b · E. 1· h d Mrs. Jones also said she ha$ a e as as1c as ng is an made m11ny .friends at PSC and Hfstpry to PSC students today. reall.Y. enJ·oyed .working at the With so many.complaints.about dorm quiet hours, its Ila.rd to bookstore, and says Peru is a i.m.·ag.ine that campus bed ti.·me ''friendly pla.ce " was once· 10:00, and morning wake up was at 5:30:. Most
Credits May Be Given
By Alexander Appleton
Arrangement is in its final stage to give PSC credits to persons who take basic computer instruction at the Basic computer Center in Lincoln, according to Robert F. Baker, director of continuing education. Basic Computer Center is a· imall privately owned enterwhich offers basic computraining to individuals on -time basis. It is presently ·ng two one-hour computer es.
ker said a preliminary · y and proposal by the s manager of the Center, d Carroll, resulted in an
on-site evaluation of the Center by a three-man team appointed by the Academic Affairs Commission. 'J'.he team comprising Baker, Stanley Mccaslin, director of data processing and Lyle McKercher, associate professor .of maths, made a favorable re<!ommendation to the Academic Affairs Commission after visiting the Center and finding its facilities, curriculum, instructors and instructions comparable to Peru State standards.
"The arrangement will likely benefit extension studentS in and around Lincoln and also serve, to some extent, as publicity for Peru State College," Baker said.
students now arebarely:!l}ive for 8 a.m. classes. Football was even off-liri'lits, anci considered a rowdy, offerisiYe ·sport. Players had ·to sneak .off campus and play on farm land south of the
college. ·
Despite these restrictions, there were several advantages of the time:. free tuition, forty minute; no classes after 1 p.m ., and. $2 - $5 dorm rent .per term. ·
The building also stood through hard times and tragedy. The Missouri River flood of 1942 (origin of Peru's "Old' M:an River Days") threatened to wash away the town. In.1950, a psychology professor murdered the college's president and the head of the Education Depart- · ment, then committed suicide.
State Hosts College Bowl
meeting of the minds" is Dr. Esther Divney, rson of the division of on and psychology and Bowl coordinator, called t annual College Bowl. as an inspiration to ics and it was heartening e fine quality of students area high schools who pated in the College she said.
er of the first award and a scholarship for a tuition was Syracuse High
School. Second award trophy went to Johnson-Brock High School. Syracuse had competed against Auburn in the semi finals and Johnson-Brock had met against Nemaha Valley High School.
About 72 people from 12 schools, counselors, and alternates came to the Campus of a Thousand Oaks to compete which included four-member teams who all received personal participation certificates, Divney said. "It was a fun day," she
said, "and that's what we wanted."
Schools that were represented included: Dawson-Verdon, Falls City, Humboldt, Johnson-Brock, Nemaha Valley, Pawnee City, Sacred Heart of Falls City, Syracuse, Table Rock, Tecumseh, Sterling and Auburn.
"Everything went very smo· othly," the coordinator said, "and we are all looking forward to having the second annual College Bowl next year." (CNS).
Tlie brick and stucco building had of uses. 'fhe upper floor was originally used as a physical training At that· time, exercise consisted. of using dumbbells and India!) clubs; a far cry from today'.s extensive programs.
Th.e}ower floor of the building was first used to house a heating plant, which used boilers to prod\ice steam heat. moved to a. new ·building contracted in 1907. An infirmary and nurse's were established in the upper floor of the building in 1921, and remained there for sixty years until it was moved to .Majors Hall. Originally, the .nurse's quarters and infirmary.were set up in a cottage off campus, charging a health fee of so cents per student. Starting in 1947, the Well Child Conference occupied the lower level of the building. This clinic now meets in Majors Hall. The building was last used for storage. ·
Dr. Harold Deselms, vicepresident, said the building was destroyed because it wasn't functional, wasn't needed, and was structurally unsound. He said the north wall was buckling, and the west side was braced up. The site is going to be landscaped, and no new structure is going to be. built.
Mrs. Virginia Miller, PSC nurse, was the1ast person to live .in the building. Her family moved into the upper floor's apartment in ·· 1969, and lived there until January of this year when their apartment in Majors Hall was completed. She described the old infirmary in the building as dark and dreary. She said there was mold on the walls, and the bathroom doors didn't ·shut. Despite its short,: comings, she said she felt a little sentimental when she and her family moved out of the building.
(Some 112 Price)
Fri., Dec. 10-Wed., Dec. 15
WOMEN LTAs Las Mugeres Red Hots Footloose & Fancy High Settez-s Big Stu:ffs MEN Gamecocks KKK Homeboys+ 1 Hosers Off Campus Trash ". CO-ED 8s Etioµgh Blooperf) Stalley Katz DDs Jacques Jocks Franchise City Slickers Party Gee Gees Sta.£fers WON 5 3 3 2 1 0 3. 3 3 1 0 8 7 7 T 4 4 3 1 1 0 LOST OFF DEF DIFFERENCE 0 151 47 +104 2 130 67 + 53 2 103 67 + 36 J 128 1.30 2 4 89 125 - J6 5 0 150 -150 1 120 73 + 47 1 108 65 + 33 1 112 110 + 2 3 80 123 - 43 4 85 134 - 49 1 267 11'122 +145 2 248 125 +123 2 290 184 +106 2 254 157 + 97 4 224 181 + 43 4 168 169 1 5 152 152 0 8 78 194 -116 8 64 219 -155 9 66 229 -163
PSC Student Center, Peru 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday 872-3815
Bobcats Defeat Graceland
The PSC Bobcats raised its record to 5-4 and its borne game win streak to eight straight with a 72-51 drubbing of the Graceland Yellowjackets last Saturday at the center.
The 'Cats have not lost at home since they were defeated by Midland Lutheran on January 11 of this year.
In the game last Peru led for most of the first half and led by as many as 11 points on a couple Of occasions. The Bobcats held a 7-point margin, 34-27 at the halftime intermission.
The second half was dominated by Peru State as they scored at will against the younger Yellowjackets from Lamoni, Ia. The lea9 reached as many as 25 points, 70-35, at one point in the second half as Coach John Gibbs cleared the Peru State bench.
Kip Allison led all scorers in the contest with 18 points while Morris Liesemeyer added 10 for
the Bobcats: Corey Layton led Graceland with 16 points while John Young, the only senior on the team, had 14 as the Yellowjackets fell to 2-4.
Thom Johnson was the leading rebounder for the Bobcats with nine while Kip Allison had eight rebounds as the 'Cats enjoyed a 46-31 advantage under the boards.
Allison, Liesemeyer, and Johnson have been the main men for the Bobcats this season statistically. Allison, a 6-9 senior from Gresham, Ne., leads the team in rebounding and free throw percentage. Kip averages 6.2 rebounds per game and has made 82.l per cent of his free throws (23 of 28).
Liesemeyer leads the team in scoring and in field goal percentage through the first nine games. The 6-5 junior from Syracuse, Ne., is averaging 12.4 points a game while shooting 56.6 per cent (43 of 76) from the
Johnson is second on the team in rebounds this season. The 6 senior from Lawnside, N.J. averaging 5.8 rebounds a contest. and has been the leading rebounder for the 'Ca ts in the last three games, grabbing 32 during that span.
Head Coach John Gibbs has been happy with the way the team has played thus far. "We still have some problems to work out, though," Gibbs said.
The Bobcats were scheduled to play William-Jewell, Coach Gibb's alma-mater, at Liberty, Mo. on Monday. They were also scheduled to play Baker College on Wednesday and Tarkio last night. Peru State tried to avenge an earlier 67-62 loss when they took the court against the Owls.
The Bobcats will host last years NAIA national semi-finalist Kearney State next Monday and will close out a four-game homestand next Thursday vs. William-Jewell.
Shepard Scores 34 in Win
Linda Shepard set 6 school records last Saturday in leading the Lady Bobcats to a 74-61 victory over Wayne State in their first home game of the year.
Kip Allison drives against a Graceland defender during the Bobcats 72-51 win over the Yellowjackets. Allison led all scorers with 18 points.
Cheryl Corey Wins District l l Marathon
Cheryl Corey, a freshman on Peru State's cross country, won the District 11 Marathon held lastSaturdayatFremont, Ne. In winning the marathon, Cheryl also set a new district 11 record with a time of 3 hours, 25 minutes and 23 seconds.
Twin-sister Nancy Corey finished third in the same race,
running the 26 mile, 385 yard course in 3 hours, 39 minutes and 36 seconds.
Cross country and Track
Coach Dennis Obermeyer was very happy with the performances of the girls.
"They both ran great races," Obermeyer said, "When you consider they were running in
Basketball Trip to Kansas City
Wednesday, Jan. 12 V
See Peru State vs. UMKC and KC Kings vs. Knicks , $4.00 Deposit Before Christmas To Hold Your Ticket
{Kings Ticket Worth $7)
Shepard, a 5-7 sophomore guard, scored 34 pts. to break the all-time single game high of 29 pts, which she set year vs. their first marathon ever, you can't ask for much greater performances.''
Cheryl and Nancy also competed in the NAIA national cross country finals at Kenosha, Wisc., on November 20.
Cheryl finished 95th overall in a time of 20:29 over the five kilometer (3.1 mile> course. Nancy covered the rugged course in 21 :04, good for 127th overall. The winning time was 17:41.
"rm not disappointed at all with their performances," said Obermeyer.
"Their times could have been a little better, but they ran a good race," the coach said, "They are only freshmen and this was the first national championship meet they ever ran in; they'll do better next season."
"I think my time could have been better." Cheryl said, "But I'm just happy I had a chance to run in this year's championship."
Nancy voiced the same opinion, "Of course, I think I could have run faster," she said, "however, I'm · not displeased with my performance. Besides, I have three more years to run."
Obermeyer said the course at Kenosha, home of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, was a rugged one. "It was a tough course, especially the last mile," Obermeyer said.
The Coreys were the first runners to represent Peru State at the NAIA national cross country finals for women. "I know I'll be back next year,"
Cheryl said.
"Now that we made it to nationals as independents, I hope ne!'t season we can come as a team," Nancy said.
"I'm really happy for both of them," Obermeyer said, "Best of all, they'll be here at Peru for another three years."
The Coreys graduated from Lincoln Northeast; they are the daughters of Bobby and·Marilyn Corey.
Hastings. Her 11 field goals, and 22 first half points are also Bobcat records, breaking the records she set last year. Shepard also set a new mark for most field goals attempted in the first half and a new game total. Her hot shooting· also allowed her to set a record for most field goals scored in a game with 16, breaking her own record of 14 set just a year ago.
"Linda is an outstanding individual performer," said Kathy O'Connor, 2nd year coach. "Linda played an outstanding game against Wayne She just needs to develop a little more consistency to become a top-rated player," she added.
The Lady 'Cats took the opening basket and never looked
back, breaking to a 43-31 halftime lead on the strength of Shepard's 22 first half points, using a good fast break and strong board play.
Sophomore forward Barb Peterson and center Alice Andersen, led the rebounding and added 11 and 10 points respectively. "Barb and Alice did a good job of rebounding and leading the fast break," O'Connor said. The second half saw the Lady Bobcats maintain a comfortable lead throughout, aided by the Wildcats' 29 turnovers. The Bobcats were really never seriously threatened, finishing with a final score, 74-61. The win upped Peru's record to 2-5. Their next game will be at home vs Kearney Dec. 13 in the HPER.
Linda Shepard moves in for two in a record-setting performance.
the pe
fire, peru state bobcats!
January 28, 1983
Play Contest Winners
Winners ·of the Class D-1 annual Play Production district contest that was held at Peru State College have ced by Dr. Royal Eckert, associate professor of speech and theatre.
Filley High School, under the direction of Betty L. Brackhahn, won the first place champion plaque and will go to the state contest in Kearney. "Plaza Suite" was presented with cast: Lori Nelson, Steve Holland, Ron Oltman and Julie Parde.
Receiving the runner-up
plaque .in number two slot was Humboldt High - School that presented "All the Way Home" .which was by Inez Brettmann. Cast members were: Greg Bobbett, Scot Holechek, Melodie Lewis, Troy Hllffman, Lori Hoagland, Joe Standerlord, Linda' Genoa, Tim DeJonge, Beth Kanel,. Brian Hilgen{eld, and Candy Cotton.
Other high school play entries were: Dawson-Verdon: "The Valiant," directed by Diana Eickhoff with cast: Chris Adams. Ron Kean, Mark Hogue,
Joe Rehrs, Paula Karst and Catherine Clark.
The Nebraska School for the Visually Handicapped at Nebraska City presented "The Cop and the Anthem," directed by Corinne Adams. The cast included: Jeff Baily, Andrew Stahmer, Diane Glass, Mark Reichman, Tim Eggerling, Jeff Bannister and Kyle Kruse.
Johnson-Brock High School presented "The Death of the Hired Man/' directed by Rosie Schulenberg with a cast composed of: Gary Longsine, Sandy Grotrian, Arlis Caspers and Paul Nemaha Valley High School presented "High Window," directed by Jean M. Effken with a cast composed of Amy Brandt, Jim Hild, Sandy Teten, Brad Lubben and Amy Hauberg.
Southeast Consolidated High School presented · "The Happy Journey to Trenton and Cam' den," directed by Jan McMullen. Cast members were: Stephanie Banks, ·Jim Daniels, Cristy Joy, Lisa Wheeler, Tracy Brown and Brenda Kuker.
·Garman ·Receives Certificate
Kathy Garman, coordinator of the alcoholism information office in Majors Hall Health Center at PSC, has received certification as an associate alcoholism counselor.
"We hope through the continued use of the certification process to expand and upgrade services to residents of the State of Nebraska," Jim D. Bailey, Clirector of the Nebraska Division on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, said. The division, which is under the Department of Public Institutions, grants certification for counselors throughout the state.
Garman, who met certification requirements for her post as. coordinator that she has held for a year, said "I see my office as being prevention-oriented as we promote moderation in the use of chemicals, not abstinence. We are promoting socially accep-
Vince Henzel Named To Sports Information
The position __ of sports information director has been filled by Vince Henzel, according to Dr. Jerry Gallentine, president of Peru State College. Henzel will be assisted by two students in the sports information office.
H.enzel, a sophomore majoring in journalism, will take over the duties of sports information director with the help of two student assistants, Don Strecker and Lee Fellers.
The appointment comes after Jim Zipursky accepted a similar position at Seattle University in Seattle, Wash. ·
Henzel, a 1981 graduate of Lewiston High School, served as managing editor of the "Pedagogian," the Peru State student newspaper, during liis first semester as a sophomore. He was an assistant editor during his freshman year. Henzel was also a member of the 1981-82 Bobcat basketball team and played on the JV squad. He has served as a student assistant for two years and a statistician. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Henzel, Virginia, Neb.
"It is an excellent opportunity to get into the journalism field
and it has come at an opportune time," Henzel said. "It will be a challenge and one that l'm looking forward to. I hope that I can do as good a job as people expect, and I know it will help me for my future," Henzel added.
Strecker, a sophomore majoring in journalism, is a 1981 graduate of Falls City Sacred Heart High School. He has been a member of the Bobcat Cross-Country team for two years, earning a letter both years. Strecker was also a long distance runner for the track his freshman year and returns as one of the top PSC prospects for this year. He has been a member of the "Pedagogian" staff as assistant editor and will take over as managing editor this semester.
He also served as a stat crew member for football and basketball this year. He is the son of Dorothy Strecker, Falls City.
Fellers, a 1980 graduate of ·Syracuse High · School", is the other student assistant. Fellers, a junior majoringjn accounting and computer science, is president of the Delta Sigma Phi
4ible use, and not abuse of alcohol and drugs."
She said that because of a prevention grant "DiscoveryRecovery" beipg refunded, she will operate her office in Majors Hall, room 320 at least until Oct. 21, 1983, when it is possible that the grant will be refunded.
"We have attempted to provide alcohol and drug education as we want to acquaint students, staff and area .residents about responsible drinking habits, warning signals and symptoms of alcoholism and drug addiction," Garman said.
Garman, who -came to Peru in September, 1980, plans morecommunity outreach which will include teacher-training and working with the public schools in the area in prevention methods.
"Specifically, the goal is to train teachers in prevention
activities, alternative activities to the use of drug and alcohol, and also to teach wise decision-making," she said. "We're discouraging abuse."
"We will also be looking for outside funding for activities as the state is encouraging volunteer efforts and volunteer funding," she said. "We're looking for assistance from parent groups. Parents who are interested in starting prevention groups should call Garman's office at 402-872-3815, ext. 297.
She said that state resources are available for parents who wish to start groups for prevention-oriented activities and cited PRIDE in Omaha as such a group. Prevention activities work," she said, "Nebraska is far ahead of other Midwestern states in prevention, but it may take time lo see the results."
Author Speaks at PSC
Over 200 people-students, faculty, staff and area residents -heard Marion Marsh Brown, Omaha, give her recipe for writing a book when 'she appeared in the Fine Arts Auditorium at Peru State College. -
Introduced by Dr. Russell Stratton, associate professor of English, Mrs. Brown said that first, a writer must start with the main character of the book. She told about using her father, who worked- at the Brownville "Advertiser" at the age of 14, for "Stuart's Landing."
· · She described the writing process using her latest published book, "Homeward the Arrow's Flight," the true story of Susan an Omaha Indian who became the first Native American woman to· receive an M.D.
"A writer must live with the main character and do library research in libraries, museums, state historical societies and visit the area where ·the story takes place," Mrs. Brown, who
fraternity which he has been a member of for three years. This is the first year he has served as a statistician ·for football and basketball at PSC. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fellers, Syracuse.
"l feel confident that this selection insures top-notch sports coverage that Peru State College has experienced in the past," Gallentine said. "T?is trio is dedicated to the same high standards of sports journalism that their predecesors maintained,'' he concluded.
has written 17: books, said. An outline to show where the author is going and how to get there is also important.
She stressed the importance of taking careful notes and checking information. Mrs. Brown, who writes for "young readers from 9 to 90" had her first writing published when she was 10 and began writing for Sunday school papers, "Jack and Jill" and "Highlights" magazines.
"I have never had a literary agent," she said, "But prefer to contact publishers myself. That ,way, I need not share royalties with the agent." She explained the query letter for publishers and her workshop at her home that finds her writing five or six hours a day.
Brown received her A.B. degr:ee from Peru State College and her master's degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She did doctoral work at the University of Minnesota and taught in the English department of Peru State College and
the University of Nebraska-Omaha, where she is Professor Emeritus.
Her biographical and historical works include:
"Young Nathan (Junior Literary Guild Selection), "Swamp Fox" <Boys' Club of American Selection), "Broad Stripes and Bright Stars" <Catholic Children's Book Club Selection), "The Pauper Prince," "The Brownville Story," "Homeward The Arrow's Flight," "The Dreamcatcher," and in collaboration with Ruth Crone ·"The Silent Storm" (Junior Literary Guild Selection), "Willa Cather: The Woman and Her Works," and "Only One Point of the Compass: Willa Cather In The Northeast." Her novels are: "Prairie Teacher," "A Nurse Abroad," "Frontier. Beacon" later republished as "Stuart's Landing," and "Mamie." "Learning Words In Context," I and Il are textbooks. She has also written hundreds of articles and short stories.
Students to be Honored
The Honors Convocation for the 1982:.s3 Fall Semester will be held at the College Auditorium on February 2 beginning at 9:40 a.m.
The main purpose of the program is to honor those students who had a semester grade average of 8.25 or higher, completed a minimum of 12 credit hours, and had no incomplete grades for the first semester of the academic year.
The ceremony will begin with music performed by Dr. Thomas
Ediger, assistant professor of music. This will be followed by a welcome which will be given by Dr. C. J. Barrett, Vice President for Academic Affairs.
After addresses are given by Karen Gerking and by Dr. Jerry Galentine, the President of the College, Dr. Don Jacobs, President of the Faculty Association will give recognition to students who are members of the Honor Roll for the past semester.
Number 1
:i't '
PeruStateCoHege, Peru, Nebr. 68421
Vince HenzeLbecomes Peru State College's new sports information director.
Letters to·· th·e
I would like to expres_s the greatest amount of appreciation to two fine ladies-Dorothy and Ruby:--who work in 'the lunch room at Peru State College. These two ladies are able to take what would appear tobe a routine task and turn it into a labor of love.
These ladies put into each serving <>f food loving, tender we as' evidenced by the warm Citizens of the area were saddened at the recent passing of Albert Brady of Peru. As a group, none feel the loss more acutely than the hundreds of teachers and scientists who have had their lives touched by this teacher and human being that man. Al Brady was the type of
greeting, the friendly smile, and the personal between them and the students in the lunch line. Who but Dorothy could take cold pressed turkey and by her cheerul smile and greeting make ··it into a gourmet serving of meat.· Or who but. Ruby by her placing a piece of cheese on your · plate can make you feel that some how your own Mother has,
the rest of us aspire to be. He wolJ}d say that this is a grandiose statement. The legion offriends and family that he has ·· left behind· wo.uld not agree with him. He was a· rare man that needs no written eulogy. His legacy lies in the positive and upbeat effect that he has had on the personal and prbfessional
For ·the Reco·rd
By Don Strecker
On behalf of the entire staff of the "Pedagcigian," I would like to welcome all of you back to Peru State College for the Spring Semester. I know it doesn't feel ' like spring right now, but you can't have everything.
I would also like to welcome· all of the students who are coming here this semester for the first time. We hope you like it here at the Campus of a Thousand Oaks.
I experienced something that, as an avid sports fan, I will never forget. I got to keep stats · for a basketball game at a professional arena, Kemper Arena in Kansas City.
Peru State's stat crew, which I am a member of, drove down to K.C. in yours truly's car accompanied by the school photographer and two of the Bobcat cheerleaders, which made the two-and-a-half hour trip to Kansas .City halfway bearable. ·
Snow, mud, and other paraphanalia covered the road for most of the way to K.C. Once we were on the interstate, however, the roads were fairly clear. ·
When we got to Kemper Arena, which is located in the stockyards of the city can believe that, we ,went inside through the· press entrance.
After receiving our passes, we went .straight to the arena floor. When we;got to the floor, it was a moment I'll never 'forget. A professional basketball court surrounded by 18,000 seats! A huge scoreboard hUllg over the floor almost staring me right in. the face.
Peru State was warming up at one end of the court while UMKC up at the other end. The baskets looked like they ·were. only eight feet off the ground. They gave us three places to sit along the scorers table. These places were right a mid-eourt, giving us a perfect view of both ends of the court.
Tbe game itself did not go well at all in .the first half. The Bobca,ts fell behind early and before the first half was over, were behind by as many as 24 points. In the second half, the Bobcats hung in there and battled back to. within fl points with 3 minutes play. But they were forced to foul to get the ball back and could get no closer than the final 11 points margin. ·
just added that special touch that makes coi.ning to lunch a worthwhile expfil'ience.
Ladies, you have been our sun'Ogate mothers while away from home here at Peru State COilege and we want to say thanks and we love y.ou for adding a touch of home to ipeal time. · Gordon D. Ehrlich and Brad ·.
lives of his many students and his family. Several years ago, the Nebraska State Education Association adopted the motto, "Teaching is' to Touch. ,a Life Forever." Thatsays it all: We are all a little better for having known Al Brady. · · Gary Schaffer, Nebraska City.
• " '• ·.·_'•
Duri11g the co11ple of New York Knicks tearp. that the Kings were to play after Peru's game.was out te> watch our game; I.couldn'l help but' t() turn arpund now and then just t() .at them. ·
After Peru's game was history, we went to the upper ·level to watch the Kings-Knicks game. The first half was rather boring, mainly because there was very little scoring (very little, thatis by NBA standards) as the Knicks led at the half, 40-37.
But the second half was very exciting, especially the fourth quarter. The Kings forged ahead in the second half and with some clutch shooting, won it 91-88.
The Kings game was only part of. the fun of being in Kemper Arena on that night. Also present was the popular sports comedian, The Chicken. I had seen the .Chicken many times on TV, but never in person. That was· something I'll never forget, ........
His funnest bit; in my ()pinion, was when he brought a dummy onto the court dressed as an
February 7-6 and 8 p.m.
Benford Recital Hall
NBA official, then proceeded to beat the heck out of it to the song "Whip It." We got back to Peru at two in the morning, but I didn't care,
even though I had classes at eight and nine the next day. I had a great time and it will be something that I will remember always.
Attention 1983 Grads
Announcements for graduation Moy 14, 1983 may be ordered now of the bookstore. Payment required with order. Lost ·dote orders witl be-token is Feb. Order early as possible for assured delivery.
DidYou Know??-'-Miss Annie Moorhead and Elliot Howard were the first graduates of Peru State Normal College in 1870
Did You Know??-Peru apparently was given its name by some of the early settlers who had migrated west from Peru, Illinois.
Managing Editor Don Strecker
Associate Editor Vince Henzel
Reporters Kimberly Alexander, Alexander Appleton, Lisa Cline, Marsha Kentopp, Sally Martineau, Wendy Meyer, Haser Williams
Photographer Mike Northrup
Advisor.· Everett Browtling
The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State College and is printed 8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedogogion, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on this page do not necessarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogian or Peru State College.
• •
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/ ::· Paramount Pictures Presents AFreddie Fields Production AFilm bv Paul Schrader Richard Gere in "American Gigolo" Lauren Hutton Executive Producer Freddie fields Produce.d by Jerry Bruckheimer Written and Directed by Paul Schrader \ ft I r=· 1· io1aTii.Cno <0" AParamount Picture ; , ': •R utlua11iuou111s•ccov.uY111' • '' • 'H(lfQ.tADUllCUJ.IQ1J• -;.:.:::;.; •. " P.;.IH,M,j,1••• "" ·,,RI•, "-' Al\,Mf')
The director of continuing education at PSC, Bob Baker announces that continuing educ: ation classes began the weet· Of Jan. 17 in many locations.
by begin'C!redit hour' tf fee,.$2. th, Mondays tieganJan;-17;
" began last week at Offutt Ail' Force Base, BeUevue. Readia&';: health and math classes bepD · Jan. 10," he said, "in presented by Peru State Colleijll off-campus." ·
· Other classes·that began Jan... 1l include beginner, and boys' gymnastics offered in Auburn, he said, and Murra,. Ballroom dancing clasSes Jan. 10. in Johnson, anti chlldrens' gymnastics, and aerobic class and,. exercise I began the 11th on the PSC campus.
ts , ':o,· H D A R K N s A N N A K I M
· ymalad-
•Tuesdays, Jan.
• Louise Ferre, ;teal estate principles
Tuesday, Jan. 18, wlll.llhnBredemeyer; princip- ies; of II started
· Wednesday, Jan. 19, With Herbert Young, instructor; of marketing, Wed, Jan. 19, With Bob erican
Classes that began Jan. 111¢ ·· ·. ted Thursday, Falls City High School at 6:30 ,; fdi hn: Barton. p.m. include: 15 Monday ·c sses that are sessions of appreciation of offered at the high school that literature from 6:30 to 9:10 p.m., began Jan. 17 for three credit with Tom Aitken, Jr., instructor; hours with tuition, $69 are: real Principles of accounting II meet estate appraisal, with John Tuesdays beginning Jan. 18 with Bredemeyer that began MonHerbert Young instructor; day,. Jan. 17; principles. of speech correction and develop- sociology Tuesday, Jan. 18, with ment will meet Tuesdays that Nancy Emerson; business mathbegan Jan. 18 with Sarah ematics, Robert started England, instructor; beginning Wednesday, Jan. 19; principles , sign language will be offered on of economics with Dr. Don Tuesdays that started Jan. 18 · Jacobs Thursday, Jan. 20; with Sarah England, instructor; cardiovascular assessment and U.S. in the 20th Century with Dr. pharmacology ;WiU1.jnstructors Norman Schlesser, begins Jan. 19; business finance started Miiier, Wednesday, Jan, 19; business March law Thursday, Jan. 20 with John p.m., .with crEi9it for Chatelain, instructor; basic from' the. Nurses concepts of math began Jan. 20. Association; All Falls City classes are three County Hospital; muSif:appreccredit hours. and cost $69, iation and the'hi!)tofr;<9f tnusic tuition; except the sign language offered by Dr. Gilbert,Wil$on for class which is one hour and two credit hours with ..tuition, tuition is $23. "' $46. Intermediate•.and advanced
begin Jan. a.'I. taught by Cindy Plantenga and Diana Birdsley. Group I of intennediate gymnastics costs $15; Group II, $27 and advanced costs $27. Gymnastics group I Mondays from 5 to 6:30 and Saturdays from 9 to lOa •. group II, 10 to 12 noon, group II and noon to 2 p.m:, advanced gymnastics.
Murray-Nehawka 3-hour ses With $69·tuition classes held at the Conestoga High .School are: American history after 1865 began Tuesday, Jan. 18, With Leland Isaacson; the princ;iples of physical science, Tuesday, Jan. 18 With Charlotte music appreciation and h1Story of music for 2-hours credit at $46 tuiJi?n, began Wednesday, 19 with Carter Leeka; begiDtiliig acrylic painting II begins Wednesday, March 9 with Mrs. Laura Duncan and aerobic dance exercise, Wednesday, March · 9, in the Nehawka Ele1Pentary school.
At Murray Elementary School children's gymnastics II and. III begin Feb. 19 and /\ 9 with Miss Mary Belli ·Nieto .instructor. Tuition is $9 for each class.
At tbe Tecumseh .High School art appreciation offered Tuesdays, began Jan. 18, from 7 to 9:40 p.m., by James Dods for 2-credit hours With tuition, $46. Ken Walkington will offer principles of economics from 5 to 7:45 p.m., Tuesday and Thursdays beginning .March 15, .for three· ho.uts credit and '$69, tuition,· ' · ·· , · , · '.
·'·Foriumre information call, or write'' t,he officfr' of continuing education;·. Peru .State .College, Peru, Neb:, 68421; ext. 241 or 201. ·
PSC's Plainsongs Published
The winter edition of "Plainsongs," edited by Dr. Russell Stratton, associate professor of English at PSC with printing and graphics by Dana Stratton of the PSC printing services, was sent out this week. This second publication in its third year, is an outgrowth of the Nebraska Writers Project Stratton said that non-rhyming poetry is_ due April 25 for the Spring edition.
Stratton will attend the 34th Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composi" tion and Communication March 16 through 19 in DetroJt, Mich. It is part of his work with Ute Communications Skills Center grant at PSC which is a program of remedial and supplementary work in both reading and writing. This work. is federally funded through the Title III
program for the next three years.
In the November issue of "Arizona English Bulletin" his work ''The Confessional Mode: a Proposition" examines the state of English instruction nationally on the high school arid college levels based upon his 20 years of experience as .a teacher and professor. The article concludes by proposing that all teachers need .to. write and read more than they d6;.
Stratton is working on a suggested restructtiring of the Nebraska English turriculum.
heiSaid.,, , ,( '
"Too many of us simply go from day to day, teaching what we like best, what seems to succeed; but the time has come for coordinating our discipline, and I hope that once agairi Nebraska can lead the way."
· The most recent "Nebraska English Counselor" (Winter, 1982) carried two of Stratton's p<iems, "Master Class" and "Vide9#Games." He is revising a ·longer poem, ''California Scenes," based upon a visit to Los Angeles over. Christmas. During this trip, the Strattons attended the 97th annual convention of the Modern J:...anguage Association which was held at the Biltmore, Bonaventure and Hilton Hotels. About 7,000 teachers of language and literature were present for more than 70 separate sessions.
Adcox Named Head Coach
Jay D. Adcox has been named head football coach at PSC, replacing Jerry Joy.
The 31-year-old Adcox was the assistant head football coach at Morehead State University, Morehead, Kent., an NCAA Division I-AA school. He served as a defensive and recruiting coordinator there for the last two years and was defensive line coach his first year.
"This is an excellent opportunity in head coaching, and I am looking forward to it; it will also help to increase my levels of coaching in the future,'' Adcox said. "It will give my family and I a chance to be together which is very important to me."
Adcox is a very goal oriented person, and tie says that his new position will help him branch out, to become more aggressive.
"Recruiting will be my major priority and you have to be aggressive, to be able to conyillce young athletes. You
have to be able to sell yourself and your program. That Will be one of my goals,''. he said. "It takes a very special athlete to be at Peru, one who is very dedicated," he added.
Adcox finished college at Missouri Western State where he received a bachelor of science degree in education in 1975. He finished his graduate study at Northwest Missouri State· University in 1976 with a master's degree in physical education.
Adcox served as an assistant coach at Missouri Western State University from 1974 through 19&0. During his six years there Adcox served as a defensive coordinator for one year, recruiting coordinator .five years,. defensive line coach for three years, head track and cross-country coach for two years, and linebacker and junior varsity coach one year.
Three times Missouri Western won Ute District 16 champion-
0 T N .A 0 F E I A u T E c N I p R I. G N F A M N s c K D E L A 0 R E I T T I H w I E G u L T w p E K I E ·L H N 0 D R T A M s L E H E T S 0 ·I g.!.,H y ·-. 'c />' ·-t: .) 0 D 0 w s D S 0 I R y R B 0 L R R E D u A N N E w 0 R D u l E 0 c R p y E L L E H s N s l s w E B y R 0 M c 0 L E A M E D N A s K c T N A y R B s A H ·F R 0 s G N I M M u c H A N sCan you find the hidden poets?
Davidson,. a Missouri native, graduated from William Chrisman High in Independence. He earned his bachelor's degree from Anderson College in Indiana after having started at William Jewell College in Liberty, Mo.
Davidson earned his master's degree · from Kansas State College, Emporia in 1962. He received his education degree from the University of Missouri at Columbia in 1976.
Davidson coached at Tarkio College, Tarkio, Mo., from
1964-73, where he coached basketball, baseball and golf, and assisted with the football team. In 1969, Davidson was selected to coach in the North-South All-Star basketball game.
"I think our primary goal was to secure a new football coach, which I think we have done," said Davidson. "I will seek to work with the coaches and help each with their sport. We also want to provide every opportunity for aililetes who want to participate in athletics or activities,'' Davidson added.
ship during the Adcox years, and they made three bowl appearances also.
In 1981 Adcox was named assistant head football coach at Morehead State. Adcox was appointed defensive coordinator there, but also served as a defensive line coach in 1981, and recruiting coordinator iri';;;1982.
"My philosophy qn football is simple: to win," says Adcox, :•rm looking forward to what we can do in thefuture here, and to get back to where the tradition _ was at Peru State."
Adcox says he is extremely pleased with the caliber of the staff. at PSC and the dedication and loyalty that Peru has shown.
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collegiate camouflage s T .E A K N 0 s y N N E T s 0 R 0 s T B E c u M M I s B y R ,P 0 p 0 y G I H A A N T E s D
"However, three classes
"It is necessary to arrive at. some definition of what English involves so that we can all know where we are, what we are teaching, over many years, something the public needs to perceive as our central concern,"
Dr. Wayne Davidson, who is in his first year as an assistant coach at PSC, has been named to succeed Jerry Joy as athletic director. Davidson is chairman of the division of. physical education. He is
golf coach and an offensive back coach.
Action From Kemper . . .
PSC guard Everett Smith drives past a UMKC player during the Bobcats 89-78 loss to the Kangaroos in a game ployed at Kemper Arena, home of the NBA's Kansas City Kings.
Cqmpete at Midland
The Peru State College men's cloc_king, while teammate Mike and women's track teams will Monroe finished fifth at 34.4 compete at an Individual meet in seconds. • Midland, Friday, January 28. Distance runner Don Strecker
The tracksters started the year took a pair of fifth place finishes, off with two meets back to back, as he traveled the mile in 4:51 Friday the Nebraska Wes- and the two-mile in 10:42.2. leyan Invitational and Saturday PSC got a pair of second place at Doane. finishes out of Darren Trull and
In the women's competition at Leroy Behrends. Trull cleared Nebraska Wesleyan, Cheryl 12'6" in the pole vault and Corey won the mile run with a Behrends was clocked in the 440 5:29.5 time, which qualifies her yd. dash at 53.1 seconds. for the NAIA nationals. Corey Jon Williams took third in two also took the 880 yard dash with events, a 8.4 performance in the a 2:25.7 clocking, just two tenths 60 yard high hurdles and a 7,.8 of a second ahean of the second - tiwe in the 60 yard i'ntermedia.te place finisher. hurdles. 'PSC took three of the Corey's sister, Nancy, took top four spots in that event as third place in the 1000 yd. run Doug Barlow won the evept at with a 2:58.1 effort. Sisters 7.7 seconds, and Kenny Calkins Cheryl and Nancy Corey, Shari took fourth at 7.9. Paczosa, and Glevon Covault Steve Sheneman was the only teamed up to win the Mile relay other finisher as he took second in a time of 4:27.3. in the 60 yard high hurdles at 8.2
Covault placed third in the seconds. long jump with a distance of The men finished with 21 team 15'21/4''. Covault also finished points, for a third place finish. second jn the 300 yd. dash, in a Other teams ·in the meet were 40.5 timing. Chadron State and Nebraska
Bobcats. to Play CJf Home
Coach John Gibbs' J>SC Kip<Allison led the Bobc:ats in Bo6cats wi.ll try to continue 'a scoring with _ 20 poi11t$ while -. newly-started home winning Everett Smith These streak as they host Northwes- two also led PSC iJi rebounding .tern Cpllege of Iowa tomorrow as qie enjoyed a 38-25 nigpt ·and Dana on Monday advantage on the ev:erung. The Bobcats will entertain the
The Bobcats new streak Dana Vikings on Monday, a started last Friday night wheri team that has given they de(eated Chadron State, a couple of scares _earlier thia 65-55, to increase their Nebrask_a season before ·-losing 'clOse Athletic Conference leading games. record to 4-1.
The Bobcats will meet a defeated Dana, 83-73 in Northwestern ball club which ' double overtime in the NAIA the:f, defeated- at Orange City, Pjstiiel u--cage held at Iowa, 73·58, back on December the beginning of. the season at 30 to win the·championship of the Kearney., -Northwestern Tournament. · Dana led PSC by five at the half, but _the Bobcats were able
In that ·ballgame, the two to come back-in the second·half teams played it close throughout to tie the -game_ and -force the the first half with the Bobcats -extra session. After the two holding a slim 4-point lead, 35731 teams scored four points apiece at the PSC in the first overtime, the Bobcats outscored the Red-Raiders by 11 outscored the Vikings, 10-0, in points in the second half to win the second overtime for the win. going away. Morris Liesemeyer led the
The Bobcats hope to shoot as 'Cats in scoring while Allison led well a:s they did in the first the team in rebounds. meeting. The 'Cats hifon 27 of 50 Ten days later, the Bobcats shots from the field while ·defeated Dana again, this time .1 Northwestern could score on by six points, 54-48, at. Dana's only-21 of 66 tries. Gym in -
_Peru :was the team that led the half_on _this occasion and the kept· that lead throughout th second half for the victory.
E, Smith was the only Bobca in double figures with 11 poin while Thom Johnson pull down nine rebounds to lead the team in that category. -
The Dana game Monday will ma_rk the f!rst appearance in the HPER Center of former Creighton University assistant Tom Brosnihan, now the headbasket.ball coach at Dana.
Statistically, the Bobcats are being led in scoring by Morris Liesemeyer. The 6-5 junior from Syracuse is averaging 11.7 points per game. Liesemeyer is also_ second on the team in rebounding, ·with 5.0 rebounds· per contest.
The rebounding category is being led, as usual, by Kip Allison. The 6-9 senior from Gresham,has 6.1 rebounds while scoring 11.6 points per game.
The Bobcats were 14-8 on the season, but had a game earlier this week, taking on the Hastings College Broncos at Hastings. The result of this game was not available at press time.
Ladies Return to Acf ion
The Peru State Lady Bobcats, after a one week rest, return to action tonight, as they travel to Omaha to do battle with the College of St. Marys.
This will be the first of two meetings between the tWo teams this season. The Flames will travel to Peru on February 19Jfor a rematch.
The Lady Bobcats will_ be. in action again tomorrow night as they will hpst the Lady Tigers ofDoane College. Coach Kathy O'Connor's squad goes into the weekend's action with a 4-12 record on the 1982-83 season, having won tWo out of their last three games, defeating Dana and Chadron State at home.
The Lady Bobcats will also continue their quest for a playoff berth. Peru is against teams
time of 2 :32.1. PSC also placed another runner, Susie Palmer, who finished at 3:03.1, good for fourth place. Corey also finished second in the mile at 5:39.3.
-Kim Godeman - was a strong finisher in the sprints as she took second in both the 300 yd. dash, 40.2, and the 60 yd. dash, 7.5. Godemantooksecondinthelong jump, with a 15'!1'2" effort. Paczosa, who won the 880 yd. run earlier, finished third .in the 600 at 1:34.7.
Other PSC finishers included: Susie Palmer, 440 yd. dash, 1:10.3, Mile Relay, 4:34.8, Rhonda Buethe, Shot Put, 34'91/4 ''·iii
in thefr half of the district.
Peru's halfof the distri<:t include the four state colleges and College of St. Mary's.
The Lady 'Cats hope that if a third time isn't a charm,a fourth time is,· against Doane. The Lady Bobcats have. played the Lady Tigers three times this seas.on, with the.Tigers winning all three times.
The most recent meeting between the two teams took .place at Crete, with Doane winning the game, 86-50. In that game, Alice Andersen was. the leading scorer and rebounder for the Lady with 15 and 5, respectively, while Jackie Schultz also had 5 rebounds.
In the Lady Bobcats' 76-64 win over Chadron State last Friday, Linda Sllepard led the way with
18 points while Andersen added 16 and Colleen Chapman scored 11.
Andersen was the leading rebounder for the Lady 'Cats, hauling dowp 14 rebounds, marking the eighth time this season that she has had ten or more rebounds in a game. Tpe 6-0 sophomore leads the team in rebounding. averaging over nine rebounds a game.
Linda Shepard continues to lead team. in scoring, averaging 14.5 pomts per game. Although she is just a sophomore, the 5-7 native of Lincoln already holds many of the Lady Bobcat scoring records, including her single gal?e scoring record of 34 points which she set in a win against Wayne State earlier this season.
· winner in the two mile run as she
Kini Godeman was edged in Wesleyan. the 60yd._dash with a 7.5 finish, At Doane College on Saturday, while teammate Gwen Combs the women finished second out of placed fifth at 8.0 seconds. three teams with a total of 44 Godeman also placed fourth in points. the 300 yd. dash with a time of Cheryl Corey was a repeat 41.3 seconds.
Shari Paczosa finished the was timed at 11:59.5. Corey was scoring for the Bobcats with a also second in the 1000 yd. run 600 yd. dash time of 1:34.8 with a time of 2:53.3. Corey also seconds, good for fourth place. competed in the high jump;
The women finished with a finishing third at 4'10". team total of 28 points, taking Nancy Corey enjoyed a good third place. day as she was second in the 880
In the men's competition, yd. run with a time of 2:33.7, Doug Barlow took first place in behind teammate Shari Pacthe 300 yd. dash with a 33.1 zosa, who won with a winning·-
In Darrel Trull was one of the only finishers as he took fourth in· the pole. vault at 12', and second in the triple jump, with a 41'91'2" jump.:
Leroy Behrends was the only other individual finisher as he was second in the 440 yard dash at 52.8 seconds. The mile relay team came in a distant third, at 3:53.6.
Peru finished with a total of 10 team points, fourth overall. Other teams in the meet were Kearney State, 86 points, Doane 62 points, and Concordia 16 points.
Stephanie Ahern drives for two during a recent game.
th ped the voice of die peru state -bobcats!
Number 2 Peru State College, Peru, Nebr. 68421
February 11,
PSC Hal I o·ccupancy Up
Residence hall occupancy at Peru State College increased 10 per cent in the spring semester, 1983, over spring semester, 1982, according to Patti Conway, director of residence life-counselor at Peru State College.
In figures released by her office this .past week, Conway said that there were 331 students residing in residence halls in spring, '82, compared with 365 in spring, 1983.
Conway cited the housing options students may choose from at the Campus of a Thousand Oaks. "You try to provide a diversity of life styles for all students," she said, "single students, married students with a spouse that works, commuting students, the 139 students, or 38 per cent, that want to live alone are several of the classifications that oncampus housing accommodc;1c tes."
The different living arrange-
ments provided at Peru State College for students, staff and faculty include: Morgan Hall, a women's hall; Delzell, men's hall; Clayl:mrn-Mathews and Davidson-Palmer that provide students with suites that include a living room with adjoining bedrooms and private baths in contrast to individual rooms in other halls that have communal bathrooms; Pate, staff and faculty; Nicholas and Oak Hill, married students, or students with children; and faculty apartments, faculty and staff residents. Also housed at Morgan: Hall are two commuting women students with pre-school children who return to their homes on weekends. While here, the women attend classes and' the children are cared for in the Peru State College Day Care Center.
Conway .pointed out that students also have rooms and apartments in Peru homes and
Stargell Will Speak .at PSC
Wlllie Stargell, retired Pittsburgh Pirates great, will be speaking at Peru State College on Tuesday, Feb. 15, 8 p.m., at the HPER Center.
many commute from the surrounding area. "My office maintains an informal listing of apartments available in Peru, but we. don't monitor the occupancy and keep data on anything but campus-owned housing," she said.
The Majors Hall Conference Center also houses groups that meet on campus. During the school year several groups convene in the conference center for overnight accommodations. However, the center houses the most guests during June and July, Conway said.
Conway came to Peru State in September, 1981, after complet-' ing a master of science degree at Morningside College where she double-majored in psychology and philosophy-religion. She has several years' experience as residence hall director, freshmen orientation director, resident assistant inservice training director, and counseling.
Co.11,ege Enrollmen·t lncrease·s
Dr. Jerry Gallentine, president of PSC has announced that there has been a 9.5 per c1;mt increase in enrollment at the Campus of a Thousand Oaks. Gallentine compared the enrollment for spring, 1982, with spring, 1983, and said that in '82 there were 579 students enrolled on the campus at Peru State College; spring semester, '83, enrollment is 634. ··
"This is unusual for college enrollment as it is not abnormal for enrollment to decline from spring to fall with attrition, drop
outs and scholastic probation," he said. "We're turning that around and I predict that enrollmevt will steadily increase at Peru State College."
He said that when the total figures are tabulated for spring off-campus courses, total enrollment will approach 1,000 for spring, $83 The total enrollment, including off-campus classes, spring '82,' was 814 students. "There are several classes that will begin mid-February and March," he said.
Stargell, a veteran of 19 seasons as a major league player, was named the Most Valuable Player of the 1979 World Series in guiding the Pirates to the World Championship. ,Stargell received the SPORTING NEWS Man of the Year Award, and was co-recipient of the SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Man of the Year Award along with Pittsburgh Steeler Terry Bradshaw.
Stargell holds the major league record for most strike-
outs in a career and had over 2,000 hits in his 19 seasons. He also owns the National League record of 90 extra-base hits in one season and four extra-base hits in one game.
Stargell will be speaking on the role of team sports in college today.
Peggy Gibbs, student programs coordinator, said that the public is invited to this free event on the Peru campus.
"Students • and staff are looking forward to seeing this all-time great super star," Gibbs said. "We invite area students and residents to join us to hear this exciting speaker."
There were 113 new students this semester compared to 50 new students last year at this time. There was a 2 _per cent increase in spring enrollment over fall enrollment.
"We'.re making long-range plans and would like to have 1,500 Peru State students in five years," Gallentine said. "With everyone working togetherfaculty, staff, students, alumni and friends of Peru State College-we'll reach that goal."
Drama Department Stages 'Two By Two'
The Drama Department of Peru State College has announced the cast for their next production '.'Two by Two" and rehearsals have begun. "Two by Two," which will be directed by Dr. Royal Eckert, associate professor of s.peech and theatre, is a musical comedy by Peter Stone based on "The Flowering Peach" by Clifford Odets, with music by Richard Rogers and lyrics by Martin Charnin.
The musical, which plays Feb. 17 through 20 in the College Auditorium, is about Noah, his family, and the trials and tribulations of building and sailing the ark. The cast members of this play include both veterans of the Peru State stage and a few newcomers. The cast includes: Charles Mittan, Hastings, a veteran of the Peru stage as Noah. Pamela Wertz, Nemaha, last seen in "The Green Archer" will portray Esther, Noah's wife.
Tim ·Mittan, Hebron, a newcomer to the PSC stage, will be Japheth, Noah's youngest son. Gary Dixon, Alma, also last seen in "The Green Archer,"
will play the role of Shem, Noah's eldest son. Leah, Shem's wife, will be played by Karen Gerking, Brock, whose last role was in "Trixie True-Teen Detective."
Noah's second eldest son, Ham, will be played by Chris Salberg, Springfield. Kim Gerking, Brock, will portray his wife, Rachel. Both are newcomers to the Peru State stage. To round off the cast will be Karen Coover, Papillion, as Goldie, a girl from the temple of the Golden Ram. Karen was last seen in "Death Trap."
The music for the show will be directed by Dr. David M. Edris, director of music activities at Peru State. Denae Hemminger of Gretna will direct the choreography. Technical work will be done by: Dr. Charles Harper, associate professor of speech and drama at Peru State, light design; Mike Northrup, South Sioux City, sound design; Lori Walton, Madison, will be the stage manager. The set was designed by Karen Coover, and Richard Wood, Peru, will design make-up.
Charles Mittan and Pamela Wertz rehearse a scene from the Drama Deportment's next ploy, "Two by Two." ·
and PedogoQian
By Sally Martineau
Students rely on their dorm director for many things: homework, someone to complain to, praise to, or just talk. to. Is it easier for a student to relate to his. or her peers or to someone older and a non-student? There are two sides to this question, just like any other question. Which answer is correct? It is up toJhe individual student to state their own opinion. I will show the pro and con sides, plus my opinion.
Two main reaso!IS Jor having non-students as dorm directors, according to Patty Conway, Director of Student Life, are 1) peer pressure and 2) availabil, ity. Peer pressure is put on the student when disciplinary problems arise. It is hard for a student to discipline someone their own age or older. With a non-student as dorm director, there is no pressure and they can
act upon almost any situation. a dorm _director, gives them a
In my opinion, availability is a chance to relate and communiweak -area on both situations. cate with someone who has Students are in classes part of similar and who is the day, bµtwhataboutthedorm -, close to their own age. Both pat"ents who hold down two situations could be advantagious full-time jobs. It's true a student to the student. can go to the Director of Student ·PSC currently has non-stuLife if a problem arises, but that dents as dorm directors and is also true if a student director students, also. seem to <jo a would be unavailable. In the good job. Students can relate to area of availability, ·I think the both situations. · favor goes to the student According to Patty Conway, director. the administration is ·not trying
The pay scales for the to phase out students as non-student are the same as the directors, but is trying to build students room and board fees. the best possible program in the
The relationship beween a dorms. This could or not student and the dorm director is include non-students. · crucial. A student has to feel It is really · up to the comfortable in talking to the administration to decide if dorm director _about any students or non-students are situation that would arise. dorm. directors. But we the Having a non-student as a dorm students should have-some say director would give the students in a decision that will eventually a parental role-model to follow. affect, in some way, all dorm Yet having a fellow classmate as students at PSC.
Honors Convocation Cancelled
The Honors Convocation, which was scheduled to be held at the college ,auditorium on Wednesday, Feb. 2, was cancelled-because of bad weather that hit the PSC area. -
Students who were on the honor roll for the first semester were to be honored at the event.
The honor roll includes students who had a semester - grade average of 8.25 or higher, completed a minimum of 12 hours, and had no incomplete grades for the semester.
The honor roll for the first semester includes: Stephanie L. Ahern, junior, Malvern, Ia.; Kip M: Alhson, senior, Gresham; Todd A. Anderson, freshman, Alma; Alexander A: Appleton, sophomore, Nigeria 4; Kelley A. Ballue, sophomore, Peru; and Mary G. Beccard, postgraduate, Nebraska City.
Jeannie R. Becker, senior, Fairbury; Patricia M. Beckmiln, senior, Nebraska City; Lori J. Berg, senior, Dakota City; Sarah G. Binder, freshman, Table Rock; Timothy F. Boerner, post graduate, Nebraska City; and Kimberly R. Buethe, junior, Elk Creek.
Tammy S. Casey, sophomore, Nebraska City; Polly R. Clark_, senior, Pawnee City; Sharon K. Clelland, junior, Sabetha, Ks.; Glevon R. Covault, junior, Table
R<>-ek; Cheryl J. Dixon·, junior, Nebraska City; Charles W. D«>eden, senior, Nebraska City; Wayne E. Dolezal, freshman, Lincoln; and· Luella .B. Dorste, senior, Falls City
Teresa D. Eheler, junior, Auburn; Lila J. Land-Fike, senior, Peru; $aye. K. Finn, junior, Tecumseh; John R. Franklin, junior, Difubar; Karen Gerking, junior, Brock; Kimberly D. Gerking, freshman, Brock; Douglas J. Goltz, sophomore, Rulo; and Laurie J. Graham, senior, Malvern, Ia.
Beth. E. Hauberg, freshman, Talmage; Verne M. Henzel, freshman, Virginia; Judy R. Herzog, senior, Nebraska City; Susan K. Honea, sophomore, Rulo; Brenda J. Hunzeker, junior, Humboldt; Mary K. Ives, freshman, Falls City, and Marla J. Jones, junior, Brownville.
Julie M. Kean, junior, Dawson; Ardella M. Lacy, post graduate, Falls City; Steve E. Lahood, sophomore, Omaha; Angela-G. Lammie, sophon;iore, Auburn; Debra J. Larson, senior, Peru; Bradley D_. Lockhart, senior, Gretna; Kimberly A .l\laloney, freshman, Bellevue; Cindy L. Martin, junior, Watson, Mo.; and Todd A. Meisinger, freshman, Louisville.
Jeanette L. Milius, senior,
Fairbury; Jill D. Molzahn, sophomore, Nebraska City; Mary P. Neels, junior, Dunbar; Judith S. Nienkamp, junior, Nebraska City; Michael J. Noi:Ulrup, senior, South. Sioux City; Brian J. Olsen, freshman, Nebraska City; Ronda L Reid, Peru; Rodney D. Reuter, sophomore, Dunbar; and Cindy M. Rieke, junior, Julian.
Jeanine F. Schreiner, freshman, Nebraska City; Anita K. Searcey, sophomore, Burchard; Elsie K. Sejkora·, junior, Liberty; Kathleen S. Snider, junior, Falls City; Steven J. Sobolik, junior, Lincoln; and Julie Strathman, junior, Seneca, Ks. John A. Teten, senior, Talmage; Susan D. Thomas, sophomore, Auburn; Lori A. Vrtiska, junior, Table Rock; Christopher M. Walsh, junior, Gretna>. Diana L. Watton, senior, Nebraska City; Michelle R. Wenk, junior, Auburn; and Suzanne R. Whisler, senior, Auburn.
Barbara E. Whitney, junior, Auburn; Brenda J. Wilkinson, senior, Burchard; Jennifer L. Williams, junior, Peru; Debra A. Wilson, junior, Beatrice; Penny J. Wolfe, junior, Auburn; and Michelle R. Workman, freshman, Plattsmouth.
Libby Tucker hitchhiked from Brooklyn to take Hollywocxl by storm. And her father by surprise.
February 21 - 6 and 8 p.m.
Benford Recital Hal I
.Letter to -the Editor
Dear Editor: I would liketo.bring attention to students or residents of Peru who signed up -for cable television. We signed up back in November of 1982 for cable with the promise that we would receive the service · by the beginning of December or at the latest the end of the semester. Well Christmas has come and gone and we still don't. have any cable. What's the hold up?
I put a ten dollar down payment on the first month and we don't even have a hook-up. I personally wanted it bec;mse of the great sports coverage that cable provides, but by the time
we get it, if we in fact do, most of the programming I wanted to see will already be over. I personally can't see how people can sit around and let their money be ripped off. If I were given the chance to sign up again, I would tell the Midlands Cable System to sit on it. Anyone who can't back up what they claim shouldn't be in business! ! So citizens of Peru, let's get together. Either we get what we were promised, or get our money back and· find a more reliable source! The time to act is now. It's really hard to say at this point, but it looks like we've been had! Name withheld.
Senqte Ha·ppenings
The Student Senate is working on various fund raisers to finance a Big Screen TV for the Student Center. They held a bake sale which made $38, and will sell heart cookies for Valentine's day.
Student Senate elections for
the 1983-84 shcool year will be held on March 23, and the deadline for petitions will be March 3. Petitions will be issued the second week in February. The forum will be held March 23, for all presidential candidates in the Bob Inn.
Managing Editor Don Strecker
Associate Editor Vince Henzel
Reporters Pearl Dean, Sally Martineau
Photographer Mike Northrup
Advisor Everett Browning
· The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State College and is printed 8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on this page do. not necessarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogian or Peru State College.
Plaque is
- One of three plaques awarded college students by the Inland Bird-Banding Association was awarded to Bob Collins,. Jr.; senior, Hays, Kan., wildJife _ ecology major at Peru State College. The association encompasses 20 states and three Canadian provinces of central North America.
Collins' avian research was designed to study hawks and owls, or raptors, in Nemaha County. The article that Co1.lil.I$ submitted was a winter roadside survey of hawks in Nemaha.
About 25 young redtail hawk ch_ icks were banded _to provide data for Collins' research. This involved climbing into nests that were from 28 to 72 feet high, or an average of 47 feet off the ground.
Last spring Collins, assisted in research that examined 30 active redtail hawk nests which ·pinpointed 2.19 eggs per nest, in a 76 square mile area.
,.::1983 Intramural Cage Schedule
raptor because of t/' Shupe e directly the forests and · •tmml>ers · indicate s. These raptors t because of .their effeets on destructive such as rodents."
SblQle pointed out that there is an abundance of red-tailed hawks, the subject of Collins' study, but the diversity of the raptor species is poor in this area due to the 43 per cent decrease in forest cover in Nemaha County in the last 25 years.
Music Clinic to be Held
High school music students within a 200-mile radius of PSC have received invitations to participate in the 1983 Peru State College High School Choral Clinic to be held March 17 in the HPER Center.
The annual clinic, sponsored by the Department of Music and. the student. chapter of the Nebraska Music Educators National Conference · (MENC> attracted over 450 students to the clinic last year.
Dr. Thomas Ediger, associate professor of music and clinic coordinator, said that the clinic entry deadline is Feb: 24 and close to 500 students· are anticipated for the clinic.
Ediger announced the day's
9 a.m.: Arrive on campus and report to the HPER Center.
M .E .N .C. student host:fiostesses will assist students.
9:15 a.m.: Seating for the massed choir begins.
9:35 a.m.: Massed choir rehearsal, HPER Center.
11:45 a.m.: Lunch. · 12-1 p.m.: Director's-M.E-:N.C. Luncheon in the West Dining Room of the. Stuc{ent Center Cafeteria.
1-4 p.m.: Masse<! , choir rehearsal, l;IPER Center.··
4-6:30 p.m.: Free time and dinner.
6:45 p.m.: All.students-should be in their assigned seatS,fot the · evening program. •· · · ··
7 p.m.: Evening Concert
collegiate camouflage
April 14
PSC Poverty vs Spasmatics
G.C. Connection vs I.N. Connection
M&M's VS Lady Celtics
M Ghengis vs PSC Poverty
M Spasmatics vs Florida Mixer
W Capitol Punishment vs ERA'S
M K.K.K. vs Runnin Rebels
'!I Tornadoes vs Lady Gel tics
M Erudites vs G.C. Connection
M Gherigis vs Gamecocks
M Spasmatics vs I.N. Connection
'.V M&M' s vs Capitol Punishment
M K;K.K. vs PSC Poverty
M Runnin Rebels vs Florida Mixer
M Erudi tes vs I .N. Connection
M Erudi tes vs Ghengis
W .M&M' s vs Tornadoes
M Spasmatics vs G.c. Connection
M K.K.K. vs Gamecocks
W Lady Celtics vs Capitol Punishment
M Rebels vs I.N. Connection
Runnin Rebels vs G.C. Connection
Floride. Mixer vs Gamecocks Erudites vs K.K.K.
President Announces New Staff
New faculty and staff members at Peru State College have been announced by Dr. Jerry Gallentine, president. They began their duties since the beginning of spring semester.
An international scholar, Dr. Juhl-Bagge Kristensen, who came to Peru from Yellow Springs, Ohio, ·is assistant professor in the division · of education. His Ph.D. degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo was in social,. philosophical, and historical -foundations of education. He has a B.S. Ed and a M.Ed degree from Central State University, Ohio, in elementary education. His B.S. Ed equivalent degree is from Ollerup, Denmark and he has done non-degree study. at Copenhagen, Denmark, Birmingham and London, England.
From 1972 to 1982 Kristensen was at Wilberforce University, · Ohio, where·he trained teachers for elementary and secondary schools. He has taught in the Ohio and Danish elementary schools and a Folk High School in Denmark.
Kristensen has traveled in Denmark, Norway-; Germany, Frahce, Holland, Belgium, Great Britain, Canada and most of the United States. His special interest include the violin and
the study of politics and languages.
A new staff member at Peru State College is Walter L. Bosley, Nebraska City, who is a former superintendent with C & R Engineering of Beatrice. Bosley is superintendent of buildings and grounds, a position formerly held by Bill Reeves who accepted a simila.r position with the University of Texas System at Odessa, Texas.
In professional activities, faculty members Dr. John Sachs, assistant professor of education, and Bob Lewellen, assistant professor of business administration, have contiibufod their expertise.
Sachs has had an article, "The
Assessment of Secondary Exceptional Students' Vocational Interests and Aptitudes: Needs, Status and Recommendations," published in the "Illinois Council for Exceptional Children" Quarterly, Fall issue of1982, Volume 31, No. 4.
Lewellen reviewed the second edition of a textbook, "Introduction to Mana_gement: Principles, Practices and Processes" which is being revised. The publisher Harcourt, Brace, and Jovanovich California Media Systems, Inc., asked Lewellen to read the manuscript to check for accuracy; to assess_if it is up-to-date, readable ·for business students and what points should be emphasized in the revised text.
PSC to Hold Workshop
Peru State College and Nebraska Job Service will co-sponsor. a job-seeking skills workshop Wednesday, Feb. 23, on the Peru campus.
Dwight Garman, PSC director of placement, says the all-day workshop is open to the public.
The 9 a.m., through 4 p.m., sessions will be in the Fine Arts Auditorium. Southeast Nebraska residents who are unemployed and are· seeking jobs are urged
to attend this free workshop. Topics will include: "The Hidden Job Market," "How Do I Get Started," "What Employers Look For," "The Application," "The Interview," and other · issues beneficial to the jobseeker. '"
Garman said that registration will be available later. For more information, call Garman at PSC, 402-872-3815, ext. 243.
February 15 February 17 March 3 March 15 March 17 March·22 March 24· March29 31 ., April. 5 April 7 Apri) _12 5:00 .6:00 7:00 5:0.9 6:00 7:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 5:00 6:'60 7:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 S:OO 6:00 7:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 5:00 6:00 7:.00 5:00 6:90 7:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 M M M M M w M M M M M M M w Gamecocks vs Runnin Rebels I.N. Connection vs Florida Mixer G.C. Connection vs K.K.K. Gamecocks vs PSC Poverty Ghengis vs Spasmatics Lady Celtics vs ERA'S Erudites.vs Runnin Rebels PSC Poverty vs I.N. Connection Florida Mixer vs K.K.K. G.C. Connection vs Florida Mixer Ghengi.s vs Runnin Rebels Spasmatics vs K.K.K.
M Florida Mixer vs Poverty
vs Spasmatics
6:00 M 7:00' M
Cats in- Key Conference G<;wfll:les
The Peru State men's basketball team will travel west this weekend to play a pair of key conference · games: night the Bobcats will play at Chadron State in a 2:00 p.m. game. The Bobcats defeated Chadron at home January .21, 65-55 behind Kip Allison's 15 game-high points.
Monday night, February 14, the Bobcats will face the red-hot Antelopes of Kearney State. PeFu defeated Kearney in _the HPER on Dec. 13 by a final score of 77-74. Morris Liesemeyer led the Peru attack with 17 points. Kearney has won 10 out of their last 11 games, and, own a; 14-7 record after a slow 4-6 start.
The Bobcats will rely on the play of Morris Liesemeyer and Kip Allison. Liesemeyer, a 6-5 junior, and Allison, a 6-9 senior, are tied for scoring honors at 11.4 per game. Allison leads the team in rebounding at 6.2 per game, field goal percentage, 54.9. and free throw percentage,
80.5. Liesemeyer ranks second in rebounding at 5.0·per game, and is third in field •goal percentage at 51.4.
Everett Smith, a 6-3 senior, has made a considerable contribution in the last ,couple of weeks. Smith has moved up to a 10.9 scoring average and is second in field goal percentage at 52.0, while 4.6 rebounds per game:
Against Chadron, the Bobca,ts will face Gregg Stephens, Who ranks ninth in District 11 -fu scoring at 14.4 points per game.
Randy. Fahey, the Eagles leading scorer, ranks eighth in the district at 14.7 per game.
Fahey, a 6-3 senior, will be out for the rest of the year because of an injury. ·
In' Monday's game, the Bob.cats will try to stop the high scoring offense of Kearney State. The Antelopes rank first im team 81.4 points per game and rebounding at 43.5 per game. Kearney also owns tpe
District's second, cmd fourth lea.ding Les Adelung, a 6'-0 seniol";:is"seeomt in District 11 at 19.3 ,points game, Crale Bauer, a • is third at 17;2, and Jeff Hoppes is fourth at 16.8.
In the game held at Peru, the trio combined for 49 of Kearney's 74 total points. The Bobcats will rely on a;k'$tingy defense which currently ranks first in District 11 at 65.9 points per game and have only allowed their opponents 29.3 rebounds per game, also first.
Peru is currentfy 4-1 in conference play going into this weekend's action. A pair of wins would insure the chance of a playoff berth this year. The Bobcats will come off a Thursday night game against the Plainsmen ·of Nebraska Wesleyan. Saturday, February 19, the Bobcats will finish out< their conference play with a home game vs. Bellevue College, 7:30 p.m. tip-off.
Lady Cats Face Tough Tea ms
The Peru State women's basektball team will tr'avel to the far end of the state to play Chadron and Kearney State. The women will look to beat Chadron for the second time this season and seek revenge at Kearney to keep any chance of the playoffs alive.
The Saturday afternoon game rematches Chadron and Peru. Peru won the first meeting between the two in the· HPER.
Linda Shepard and Alice Andersen came off the bench in the second half to score 16 and 14 points respectively to lead the Lady Bobcats to a 76-64 win in that game.
In 'Kearney Monday, the Lady Bobcats will try to turn back the Lady Antelopes, as Kearney won the first game in the HPER, 78-71. Alice Andersen, a 6-0 sophomore, scored 25 points and grabbed a season high 22 rebounds in the loss.
Last Saturday, the. Lady
Bobcats were defeated in Blair by the Dana Vikingettes by a score of 75-54. Ronda Fritz did most of the damage as she hit for 22 first half points in leading Dana to a 15 point half time lead. Peru was plagued with 26 turnovers.
Colleen Chapman, a 5-8 junior, had her string of 11 c;onsecutive games in double figures broken. The junior forward is averaging 11.6 points per game.
Linda Shepard, a 5-7 sophomore, continues to lead the team in scoring at 15.9 points per game and field goal percentage at 51.6. Alice Andersen is second in scoring at 14.6 points per game and has a team high 199 rebounds for a 1"1.1 average.
The Lady Bobcats enter the Chadron game with a 4-15 record, but a 2-2 record in District playoff action. The Lady Bobcats played Thursday night at home against Concordia College of Seward,, details not
available at press
The Chadron Lady Eagl rank last in scoring in District 1 with only a 59.3 averag compared to 65.1 for Peru. Th Eagles do rank first i rebounding margin, averagi over 10 rebounds more than the opponents. Lauire Tucker lea the team in scoring at 12.9 poin per game, ninth in the distric and fifth in field goal percenta at 50.6. The Lady Eagles ra second in defense at 55.9 point allowed.
Kearney will take the Di trict's best rebounding averag into Monday's contest averagin 50.7 per game. Kathy Weir lea the team in scoring at 15.8 points per game. Teammate Mary Kerschiser is fourth in District 11 in free throw percentage a 77.5. Kearney has been averag ing 68. 7 ppg to their opponen 69.5. The Lady· Antelopes ente the game at ·3-1 in distric competition. ·
Tracksters Set Ten Records; Host QuOd Meet Monday
The Peru State women's and men's track teams set 10 new records Thursday as they swept the Indoor Triangular meet with Tarkio and Highland Junior College.
Darren Trull started the day off as he cleared 13'6", good for first place, a HPER Center record, and the all-time indoor best by a Bobcat.
.Brian Flagg, continued the record setting pace as he leaped 21'8%" in the long jump, good for first place and also a HPER Center record.
Don Strecker set a pair of records as he finished first in the 3000 meters in a time of 9:52.16, a HPER Center record, .and first
in .the 1500, 4:24.96, which is a HPER record as well as the all-time best indoors for. Peru runners.
Other HPER records" set during the day included Joe LaRosa, Shot Put, 44'4" and the 600 meter relay (Monroe, Lee, George, Barlow), 1:10.5. Doug Barlow ,also tied his personal best in the 55 meter intermediate hurdles at 7.8 seconds. Mike Williams, 500 meter dash, 1:16.75, also set. a Peru HPER record.
Leroy Behrends took first in the 400 meters at 52.8 seconds, and Kenny Calkins won the triple jump at 40'91/2" enroute to ten first finishes for the
Bobcats as they won the team title with 80 points. Tarkio finished second with 72 points and Highland finished third with 14.
The women enjoyed a good afternoon as they took nine of 12 first place finishes and set four new records.
· Cheryl Corey ·emassed the record in the· 1500 meter run as she finished in a time of 5:06.53, better than 1: 13 seconds faster than the previous time. Corey was also the winner of the high jump as she cleared 5'0", which is also a HPER ·Center record and a Peru all-time best.
Shari Paczosa set a record in
the 500 meter dash as she won that event in a HPER record of 1:25.36. Teammate Susie Palmer finished second at 1:29.79. '
The relay team of Glevon Covault, Shari Paczosa, Nancy Corey and Cheryl Corey, set a HPER Center record when they broke the old record in the 1600 meter relay by :31 seconds, finishing first at 4:28.53.
Other events winners included: Glevon Covault, 400 meter dash, 1st place, 1:03.24; Cheryl Corey, 800 meter dash, first place, 2:30.19; Gwen Combs, 55 meter dash, 7.91 seconds, and 300 meter dash, first place, 48.42; 600 meter relay, 1:28.92.
The women easily took the team title as they finished with 65 first place points, followed by Tarkio's second place 32 points, and Highland finished third with 20.
"I'm real pleased with the number of points that we scored," said Coach Dennis Obermeyer. "We had· some athletes who were willing to compete in several eveI)ts, although they were tired, they helped us get the points we needed," he added.
The next indoor meet will be Monday, Febr. 14 in the HPER Center as Peru will host Dana, Tarkio and Highland in a quadrangular meet.
Linda Shepard eyes the bucket and a Doane defender.
Brian Strother drives for two points against Northweste College
Peru Stole Col•ge. Peru, N•. 68'21
Bookstore Contract
Not to be Renewed
The Nebraska Bookstore will not be renewing their contract for rental of student center space. Dr. Deselms said they are more interested in larger universities and are pulling out of many smaller institutions. He said there would be addition8J charges to students if the company would remain at PSC.
Accclrding to Deselms, there are three options being considered. There are other J>rivate
February 25, 1983
Survey Economic Impact
Direct and indirect··spending from faculty, staff, and students at PSC has been estimated to be $4.2 million according to an economic impact survey'done by the Bureau of Business Research at the College of Business Administration at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
The area credit base was expanded $737,000 in 1982 as a result of deposits in local finaricial institutions by PSC faculty, staff and students.
In order to obtain a sample for this economic impact survey, q!-lestionnaires were. distributed directly to students m preselected classes by faculty and administration. Questionnaires were mailed to the faculty and staff and they mailed them to the Bureau of .Business Research.
Charles L. Bare and Ronald E. Pursell analyzed the data and prepared the nearly 50-page report from the 11-part questionnaire.
The Campus of a Thousand Oaks employs 127 full-time faculty and staff and about 140 students and has an enrollment of over 900 students. PSC is a major employer in Nemaha County, employing 5.8 per cent of persons employed in the
county which totaled 2,971 in September, 1982, according to the Nebraska Department of Labor "Work Force Trends."
Not only PSC employees and students have. an economic impact on Southeast Nebraska, however. The report !!&id that employees entertained an average of 21.57 visitors per year for college-associated events with visitors spending $9.17 a day on the average stay of two days with direct expenditures estimated at $43,515. Students indicated they averaged 14 visitors each year for 1.11 days with daily expenditures of $7.82 and student visitor expenditures amounted to $26,613. When allowances were made for indirect spending -effects, the total expenditure impact of college event visitors was $76,151.
An estimated 90 per cent, or more, of retail sales in the community of Peru are by faculty, staff, or students from PSC. They spent $1,361,976 in 1982 in Peru, according to the survey, which amounted to a total impact of $2,383,461.
The largest expenditure of employees and students is for housing with students
more for housing than faculty and staff in Peru, Auburn, and Nebraska City. Students spent $236,808; employees $173,472 in Peru for housing; students, $68,461; staff, $57,278, on housing in Auburn; and students, $29,904; staff., $22,031, in Nebraska City in 1982.
· Student purchases of food and beverages greater than those· of faculty and staff in the community of Peru. Students spent $208,674 and faculty and staff spent $129,632 in Peru .for ·food al}d 1982.
In ·1982, total deposits in financial institutions in Peru, Nebraska City, and Auburn were: $737,153 which made $715,038 available to area residents for loans.
Peru. State College has been the hub in Southeast Nebraska of post sec()ndary education for the past 115 years. The college also serves as a cultural, resource institution and conference center for many groups. This economic· impact study proves that the impact of PSC extends far beyond the primary functions of teaching, research and outreach. PSC was a generator of over $4 million in Southeast · Nebraska in 1982.
.companies who would be interested in establishing a store at PSC. The PSC Foundation might operate the store, or a similar non-profit organization. New arrangements. will start April 1.
There are nochangesexpected in the present prices, merchandise or personnel. "We plan. to continue to offer the same service we have in the past," he said.
Deadline for Scholarships Set
Applications for the 1984-85 Rotary Foundation Scholarships must be submitted by Mareh 1, · acct>rding to Donald Miller, Director of Financial Aid.
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International offers scholarships annually for outstanding students wishing to study overseas. Scholarships are
awarded in five categories: graduate, undergraduate, vocational, teachers-of-the-handicapped, and Journalism.
The primary purpose of these scholarships is to contribute to international Understanding thrriugh study abroad and not necessarily to earn a degree, Mr. MiUer said.
Nearby HS Students
At.tend "MINK'' Day
Students from nearby high schools in Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas attended MINK Day, which was held at Wheeler Inn in Auburn last Saturday. The purpose of MINK Day was to give prospective college students a chance to see what PSC has to offer for them.
"This open house, or college fair, will give prospective college students and their parents an opportunityto talk to faculty and staff about courses of study and requirements, housing, college activities, sports and financial aid," Jerry Joy, Dean of Student Affairs said.
Joy said that Peru State College Days are held annually in Omaha and Lincoln for students to ·become acquainted with Peru State College and
MINK Day will give Southeastern Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa and Kansas high school students chance to look us over."
Financial Aids Director Don Miller and his staff were on hand to determine the approximate financial aid package that will be available to students who are considering PSC.
Dr. Jerry Gallentine, president of Peru State College, has set a goal of an enrollment of 1,500 students in five years. "This special high school invitation is just one way that will help us to achieve this goal,'' Gallentine said. "When students and their 1>al'ents realize the financial and educational bargain that is available to.them in their immediate area, I hope they will consider attending. Peru State College."
Actor Dennis Weaver to Star in Drug Film
Dennis Weaver, who stars in "Cocaine: One Man's Seduction," which airs on NBC-TV, Sunday, Feb. 27, 9P.M., believes that people' in the public eye, particularly those in the communications industry, have a responsibility. to inform the public on important social issues.
As an actor, he welcomes roles that deal with social pr()blems. He has starred in 'Intimate Strangers," a TV movie about wife beating. He played an alcoholic in "Don't Go To Sleep" and he appeared. with Valerie Harper in "The Day The Loving Stopped," which explored the problems of divorce and broken families.
"Films like that should be made and should be part of the television fare," he says. "I'm particularly pleased with 'Cocaine: One Mail's Seduction' because I have been involved quite closely with a couple of drug rehabilitation facilities. One, in particular, called Cry ···Help, was started by ex-users who wanted to help people who were still in trouble. It involves the same kind of treatment offered by alcoholics anonymous. It's called N .A., or narcotics anonymous. There is a definite program of rehabilitation to prepare people for a usefulness in society." Weaver believes his new film
is especially important at .this time because cocaine is becoming the All-American drug. "It is common knowledge that, today, coke is the drug of choice for millions of solid, middle class people," he says. "There is even a feeling that it is not addictive. It is an insidious kind of drug, because, at first, it gives users a euphoric lift and a felling of confidence. In the end, it brings on depression, edginess and weight loss. Finally, it destroys you. It pulls the rug out from you, completely."
In "Cocaine: One Man's Seduction," we see how a successfulreal estate salesman, played by Weaver, is seduced into trying coke when business turns sour. One "toot" leads to another. As his usage of the drug increases, it brings on paranoia, hallucinations, damage to his nasal membranes and, finally, total physical collapse.
There is some hope that films like this wiU stop the .cocaine blizzard that now blows through middle class America and Weaver believes it his responsibility to alert people to the dangers he knows exist should they succumb to this white powder nightmare
"Cocaine: One Man's Seduction" is a
David Goldsmith Production in association with Charles Fries Producti-0ns. Dennis Weaver stars in "Cocaine: One Man's Seduction," a two-hour TV movie that deals with the problems of cocaine use.among middle class Americans.
by Sany Martine..
Well, the trip was a success! What trip you ask. Three of our astute young men-from campus left Thursday the 17th for a very unique - day. They were to investigate a new ,food, service and it involved eating ,at Doane and dinner in Chadron. Our present food service contract with ARA, expires June 30th. '
The trip brought them three miles into the air and speeding along at speeds in of 250 mph '(220 knots). Two of our students actually flew copilot. The flight was ·well received, sort of' nothing a little dramamine couldn't take care of. ,
Interviews with .from Doane and··Chadron revealed a happy and pleased crowd. They
Joftrney.--To _,App_ear -In -LJncoln
The urµ\rersity Program Council , Qf the University of Nebraska-Lineoln has announced that the rock group "JOURNEY" will appear in at the Bob Devaney Sports Center on April 6, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. Bryan Adams will open the show for Journey.
Tickets will go on sale on Saturday, February 26 at the Nebraska City Union and at all Brandeis outlets in Lincoln and Omaha.
Tickets will be $13.50, $12.50 and $11.50.
The Nebraska Unions would like to announce that they will begin to accept checks, Master Card and Visa. There will be a .35 cent ticket handling charge assessed on each ticket at all the ticket outlets.
Spice Black History Week
Two prominent individuals spoke at PSC as part of Black History Week which was held during the week of February 14 through 19.
Former Pittsburgh , Pirate great Willie Stargell appeared at the HPER Center on Feb. 15 where he spoke about the role of team sports in college today.
Stargell told the students to always remember what the main objective of college is. "Don't ever forget what the purpose of going to college is, to get an education," Stargell said.
Stargell also told the students 'to take advantage of opportuni-
ties when they come along. "I've seen too many times when a fot · of beautiful talent...was wasted because they only got one opportunity and didn't take advan'tage of it," he said.
Following his talk during which he answered questions from the · audience, Stargell signed autographs and spoke with the students.
A black feminist, Donna Polk spoke to students on Feb. 16 in the Fine Arts Auditorium. Polk, a Nebraska Labor Department employee from Lincoln, has twice been a delegate to ·the Democratic National Convention
were impressed with variety of food and good sized portions. They aJSo told of a "complilint board," where they could view their .gripes and compliments. These were- all answered personally ·by the food service manager. Our Peruvian investigators got d<>Wn to the nitty-gritty. Theyfound that steak came at least twice a full moon, not once in a Blue· Moon. Stlli<lay noon dinner was ,always a good portion of turkey, ham, roast beef, or. an equivalent. Tasted first hand, they said the six types of salad in the salad bar were excellent, including. the crisp lettuce, yogurt, and toppings galore. Daily deli included three types of meat, three cheeses, three breadS, and one daily spread. Different flavored dip ice cream were also available at each lunch.
Both schools had a f committee, composed of studentgovernmentrepresen tives and one representati from each dormitory. This gr · meets once a ·· month discusses any problems suggestions that might e · Students involved said that group was a great help to bo the food service and the stud body as a whole.
This food service is presentl employed by 72 schools throu out the nation. Forty of th schools are from the Misso Kansas area. The other sch are found in adjoining states a as far as New Mexico a Boston, Massachusetts. Th are a very succe8sful servi and - want to serve you, students of Peru. It is time for change, and I believe this is th right food, service to do it.
11 1 WOUU)tJ'T eAT 7UlS. S4rP He.'s t tJ '/CJJfi!.
AtJA-rOM'I ,CLA95 .••
AtJt> H6 1'5 FL-UtJf< f NC,.."
The- Veterans ·Administration reminds World War I veterans holding U.S. Government Life Insurance policies that premiums are no longer required after January 1, 1983. USGLI policies are generally prefixed with the letter "K." Details are available at all VA regional offices nationwide.
Managing Editor Don Strecker
and recently. completed a book, "Black Men and Women of Nebraska." The book profiles 28 historic 'and contemporary black men and women who have made contributions to Nebraska. Her visit was sponsored in part by the Alcohol and Drug Prevention grant at Peru State and the Students for Black Awareness.
Other events of Black History· Week included a game night in the Fish Bowl of the Student Center, a tape of "Persecution of Baba' is in Iran," and a dance was held in Neal Ballroom. concluding the week's activities.
Associate Editor , Vince Henzel
Reporters Lisa Cline, Pearl Dean, Sally Martineau
Photographer Mike Northrup
Advisor Everett Browning
The Pedagogian is the .sounding board of Peru State College and is printed 8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on this page do. not necessarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogian or Peru State College.
57 60 63 () Edward Julius Collegiate CW79-21 ACROSS 1 Twig broom 6 "-Brute?" 10 Nine inches 14 Famous violin maker 15 So 16 Sea eagle 17 Cole Porter tune (3 wds.) 20 Goddess of discord 21 Words of laughter 22 TV's Mr. Grant 23 Opposite of ant. 24 Capital of Yemen 25 Record 26 Aid 28 Roasting rod30 Mr. Whitney 33 Engaged in confHct (2 wds.) 35 James Bond's school 36 Greek letters 37 Gershwin tune (3wds.) 40 Turkish title 41 Palm drink 42 Up-, 43 TV network'' 44 Ballet skirt 45 Suffer: Scot. 46 Garden tools 48 Cart 13 --do-well 50 Terry-Thomas 18 Partner of this feature 19 Horse's pace 53 Of bees 24 Balkan native , 55 Ancient, kingdom '25 Flintstones'-pet 56 Proofreader's,mark 27 1934 heavyweight 57 Statistical\ devices champ 60 Wings 29 Mi SS Negri 61 War vehicle 31 Common after-shave 62 Part of a musicai scent piece 32 Words•,of under-, 63 Watch over standing 64 Blockheads 33 On the ocean 65 Nuisances 34 Burial place DOWN 1 "-in Anns" 2 Grinding agent 3 Midwestern locale (2 wds.) 4 Mayberry's town drunk 5 Opposite of max. 6 Mr. Allen 1 7 Harvard club(3 wds.) 8 Musical instrument 9 Exploit IO Famous doctor 11 Substitute sover. eigns (2 wds.) 12 Miss Jackson 35 What 22-Across does 36 Old TV show, and Gladys" 38 Burden 39 Alter ,44 Suffix: filament 45 Rhett Butler's closing word 47 Rowed 49 Chessmen 51 Warn 52 Mexican money 53 "I smell-" 54 Soccer great 55 Son of Isaac 56 Wine's partner 58 Baseball city , , (abbr.) sg Durocher's nickname
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·Tour Plan,
Reservations are arriving in the Office of Continuing Education at Peru State College for the June 7 'r1 tour tO Stratford, Onlluio, Stratfcri. Conn., StratfOftl.upon-the AVGR and London.
, Dr. Charles Harper, M80CiMe professor of speech and 8-tre.. said that tour.
tour historical and teetural highlights of each area. *-. opportunity to attend the__,. Shakespeare presentatiom. Ja each area is also available," he said, 'bes.ides sightseeing. Yisit-ing arts and crafts exhibits and antique shows."
Harper, who has led tours to England three times before, invites anyone to join him on the three-week trip. ''This trip is not just for Peru State College students, faculty, staff and alumni," Harper pointed out. "Anyone who has a historical, art, architectural interest, or just likes to sight-see will be interested in visiting these three locations."
In fact, if a participant wants to travel to just one area, Harper said, it is possible to sign up for only that part, with the price being adjusted. The price for the.
....... aedft drama to pay ef. per
for Strat-
St. Lawrence Seaway aacl the Avon River with its ···wlJUeswans.
08 the. fourth day of the trip the gnq> will fly to Kennedy airport in New York City where a bus will take you to Stratford, Conn. Points of interest here include Old Saybrook Fort, Mystic Seaport, Yale, BreaketsVanderbilt Mansion <where the Great Gatsby was filmed). Coast Guard Newport Rhode Island Navel Base, Old Masions of the Area and trJvel to New York City.
A trans-Atlantic flight from JFK airport will take the group to London aQd will be met by guide and transported to the De Vere H:otel in Coventry, the
home base for a visit to Stratford-upon-Avon.
The last week of the trip is spent in London, Harper said that while the PSC group is in London they will be able to see Ascot; tile Royal Steeple chase, the Wiiilbleton tennis tournament, the Trouping of the Colour, the Queen's birthday celebration, Windsor Castle, and many, many other places of interest.
The group arrives back in .Omaha on the night of June 'r/.
Harper said that an orientation session will be held at his borne in Peru June 4 for )Our participants to acquainted, review the itinerary, transportation, and Canadian and English monetary systems. "Our U.S. dollar will buy more in England than it has in a long time," Harper said. "It will be a good time to buy souvenirs and do shopping there."
For more information, .contact Harper at Peru $tat.e College, or Bob Baker, director of Continuing Education. A $200 deposit is reqajred as soon as possible with the due April 24.
PSC Band an·d Choir To.ur End.s
A two-day central Nebraska PSC band and choir tour with an evening concert Wednesday, Feb. 23 in the College Auditorium.
The first concert presented by the Department of Music of PSC was last Monday morning at Johnson-Brock High School, followed by an afternoon concert the same day at Shickely High School. Monday evening, the band and choir presented -a concert at Hampton High School.
Tuesday concerts were at Sutton High School in the morning and at Southeast 1 Consolidated High School in the afternoon.
The PSC band is directed by Dr. David Edris, associate professor of music, who is assisted by David Evans,
instructor of music. Dr. Thomas Ediger, associate professor of music, directs the choir. '
Students in the band are.: Mary Thiesfeld, Bassmger, Gene J3eth Grotheer, Nebraska City; Mike Nelson, Plattsmouth;· Cheryl Urwin, Murray;·· Ray Smith, Bellevue; Ann Gerdes, Kevin Clemmons, Omaha; Tony Nebelsick, ,Peru; Pam Wertz, Nemaha; David Ankrom, Shubert; Susan Honea, Rulo; Tom Stevicks, Humboldt; Polly Clark, Pawnee City; Chris Salberg, Springfield; Laura Witulski, Lincoln; Tom Mittan, Hebron; Russ Frietag, Diller; Laurie Graham, Malvern, Ia.; Roger Tupper, Oakland, Ia.;Angela Love, Wyandotte, Mich.; and Ellen Eldridge, Beale AFB, Calif.
Stucient are: Baaj;fnger, Beth Grotlieer; Richarit Grotheer, Gene LeVasseur, Mary .• ·Ne_boislta City; Michael.Nelson, Plattsmouth:; · Diane Papillion; Kevin Clemmons, Cline, Sally DeaJ;l, Ann Gerd_e5; Christine Olsen, Rebecca· R0ssell, Richard Rummel, Sheri Rummel, Omaha; Anthony :· Nebelsick, Peru; Pam Wertz, Nemaha; Susan Honea, Rulo; 'fom Stevicks, Humboldt; Karrie Fisbeck, Amy Sass, Fairbury; Timothy Mittan, Hebron; Russ Freitag, Diller; Christopher Salberg, Springfield; Geri Becker, Exeter; Lori Walton, Madison; Gary Dixon, Alma; Angela Love, Wyandotte, Mich.; and Jioger Tupper, Oakland, la.
Colleges Are Perfecting Money H.unt
by David Gaede (CPS>
The campus of Park Co1lege in rural Missouri to cover over 800 acres of rich limestone deposits. Soon, officials plan to mine and sell the limestone, and then lease out the excavated caverns as underground warehouse and office space.
The scheme may sound odd or even far-fetched, but administrators at Park don't have much choice. They say it's the best way they have to make up for federal and state funding cuts the school has suffered over the last few years.
Colleges everywhere are resorting to schemes and somewhat-eccentric strategies in this, the third year of a prolonged depression in college revenues. · Georgetown, for example, is going into the energy business. Brown has jumped into the mail-order business, peddling gifts ranging from $10 to $10,000 in a special "pull-out gift catalogue" alumni newsletter section that might make Romeo proud.
To some, particularly in the Reagan administraiton, all this is· great news.
"Colleges are coming up with all kinds of ways to replace money they have lost· from funding decreases," exults U.S. Dept. of Education spokesman Duncan Helmrich. ·
Such creativity · in getting money is "proving that a lot can be done, as President Reagan said, when you put your mind to ·it," he asserts.
·The president, -of course, has argued that colleges have been too dependent on federal support, and. that once cut off, they'd find some new ways to support themselves.
"I don't share the view of some that the cuts being made in higher education · will bring about disaster," agrees David McKinney, finanCial affairs vice president at the University of Idaho.
"We've got to get the federal deficit down, ·and we've all got to tighten our belts a little. A lot of people in higher education are blowing smoke," he adds, "but there's Still no fire."
But few of McKinney's colleagues seem to agree. "The big question is whether we are dealing with a short-term or long-term problem," notes James Mingle- of the Southern Regional Education Board and author of several books on colleges' retrenchment.
"Colleges and universities have had a long period of financial sources not keeping up with inflation anc:l expenses," he says. "In a lot of institutions, there's no fat to trim. It was gone long before the current Reagan-induced recession." SchooJs can and are selling off land, building windmills, holding
MadeThe standings of the IM men's and women's basketball leagues were released last week by Dr. Tom Fitzgerald, Director of Intramura&.
In the mens leap, the Gamecocks are leading the league with a 5-0 record while the two. Connections, the I.N. and the G_.c., are second with 3-1 marks.
The Lady Celtics and capitol Punishment each have a 1-0 record in the .women's league while the Tornadoes are second with a 1-1 mark.
The Gamecocks are leading the men's league in scoring, averaging 42.4 points per game while the I.N. and G.C.
Connections are leading in defense, allowing only 'r/.O a contest.
Individually, ·Randy Sim·psoo ·of the Gamecocks is leading the men's league in scoring, averaging 12.3 points a game. There is a three-way tie for second with Jeff Parker of the G.C. Connection, and Kenny calkins and Ryan Crouch, both of the l.N. Connection, averaging 10.3 points a game.
For the women, Diarie Volker of Capitol Punishment is leading the league in scoring, averaging 12 points per game while Nancy Glasgow of the Lady Celtics is second, averaging 8 points a C;Ontest.
Wash. OK's Sign Lingo
The University of Washington has become the first school in the country to allow students to use American Sign Language to meet foreign language admissions requirements.
Washington had previously refused to consider Ameslan, as the sign language is often.called, because it wasn't a "natural language," according to Michael Magie of UW's · admissions office.
But the university changed its mind on February 1st, Magie reports, and determined Ameslan evolved out of a culture of its own.
Magie estimates there are "maybe a dozen or so deaf students on campus," whose foreign language requirements had previously been handled on "a case-by-case basis."
He points out the new policy also applies to "students who want to be interpreters for the deaf and hearing-impaired."' Students can also use Ameslan to meet new foreign language requirements, which will go into effect in 1985 or 1986.
telethons and escalating appeals for contributions from businesses to raise money, but they can't keep doing that forever, Mipgle says.
"There is a limit to how many different, long-lasting _ways a _school can come up with extra income," he concludes.
"The competjtion for the corporate dollar is getting stiff," agrees Bob Graze of the Independent College Funds of America. "The expectations of what the private sector can do are too overrated."
"Overall, private giving cannot take the place of federal and state funding," concurs a .· spokesman for the Council for Financial Aid to Education.
Although private giving to colleges has increased 20 per cent over the last several years, more schools may be getting less individually. "The entrance of public schools into the arena (since the federal funding cuts began in 1981) has made it very, very competitive/' he says. The scrambling for money, moreover, has helped some colleges recoup budget cuts, but hasn't allowed them to move forward.
By making faculty an.d staffers accept salary freezes and mounting an aggressive fundraising campaign, Springfield College in Massachusetts has managed to scrounge enough financial aid money to bring aid availability to its
At the same time, the university refused·· to approve compQter language as a substitute for a foreign language.
Computer language, Magie says, "will not count. It is not a natural language."
Washington requires incoming students to have two years of a foreign language.
.students back to what it was
before the Reagan cuts.
"All our efforts are to offset losses," says-Joseph McAleer, Springfield's. public relations officer. "Obviously we won't have the resources to offset the government funding cuts forever. I just hope we don't have to find out when that is."
The losses have indeed been substantial. The American Council on Education figures the · federal student aid budget alone has suffered a real decline of 23 per cent since Reagan took office.
Colleges have suffered even more damaging cutbacks in state funding. Twenty-four states slashed budgets during tile last fiscal year because the recession choked off the tax money it normally collects, according to the National Conf.erence of State Legislatures.
With nowhere to turn for help, then, , the schools have been
However, they'll have to have learned Ameslan elsewhere. Washington does not' have an Ameslan program on the campus. (CPS)
feverishly trying to turn necessity into invention in fundraising.
St. Andrews Presbyterian College, for example, leased out .10 acres of land to a shopping center, sold 40 to a hospital, and is readying more land for sale to private residential developers. Stanford, Princeton and the University of Dallas have also. sold land to generate income.
The University of San Francisco is building a "windmill farm" to save on energy, while Dakota Wesleyan fired salaried support workers and hired cheaper student workers to take their place.
' Brigham Young· has asked faculty members and workers to contribute money to the university through voluntary salary reductions.
Texas is trying to attract donations with celebrity golf tournaments, while Texas Christian it with "phone-athons." <CPS)
; ,·
W Gamecocks 5 I.N. Connection 3 ·-a.c. Connection 3 ·Spasmatics ,1 Rumrln Rebels 1 Ghengis 1 Florida Mixer 1 PSC Poverty 1 K.K.K. 0 Erudites 0
L PF PA DIF 0 212 lGo l 165 108 +57 .L :. 1Q8..,,_.•3i 1 49 34 j +15 2 71 84 -13 2 69 85 -16 2 65 82 -17 2 76 101 -25 2 44 92 -48 3 84 132 -48 Games 5:00 6:00 7:00 this week: March
Erudites vs Runnin Rebels PSC Poverty vs I.N. Con,nection Florida Mixer vs· K.K.K. WOMEN Is LEAGuE w L PF PA DIF Lady Celtics I 0 36 10 +26 Capitol Punishment 1 0 25 17 + 8 Tornadoes 1 1 39 40 - 1 ERA's 1 2 45 58 -13 M&M 1 s 0 1 16 22 - 6 No scheduled this week.
Lady Cats Win at Home
In their last home game of the season, Lady Bobcats e on a strong note defeating The College of St. Mary's Flames 81-75 last Saturday in the HPER center.
The Lady Bobcats honored the · night as 'Parents Night' in fine fasion as they opened to an early 16-4 lead at the 16:45 mark.
Linda Shepard and Colleen Chapman got things going early as Shepard hit for eight points and Chapman four.
The Flames got right back into the game at 16-14 on three baskets by Paula Sue Blecha and two by Ginger Hawhee.
The Bobcats saw their lead disappear when Paula Sue Blecha hit six straight points to give St. Mary's a 24-23 lead with 4:18 remaining.
The Lady Bobcats didn't fold as Alice Andersen and Linda Shepard each scored four points down the stretch in the first half to give Peru a 33-30 halftime lead.
The teams played even through the first two minutes of the second half until Stephanie Aher·n, Linda Shepard, Alice Andersen, and Colleen Chapman all hit a field goal to put the Lady Bobcats ahead 47-34.
The Flames pulled to within eight points at 10:43 remaining, as Ginger Hawhee scored six points to make the score ,52-44, Peru.
But every time the Flames came close, the Lady Bobcats responded •. Carla Frauen and Barb Peterion each played good second halves. Frauen scored four points and Peterson six to put the Bobcats back ahead 62-49, with 7:39 remaining.
The Bobcats managed to keep the 12 point lead until the 1:48 mark in regulation as both teams traded baskets.
With score 77-65, St. Mary's made their final run of the game.
After a basket by Paula Sue Blecha, Peru's Wendy Shuey missed the front end of consecutive one-and-ones. Mary Mureen converted a pair of free throws and Paula Sue Blecha hit a 20 foot shot to cut the Bobcat lead to 77-71 with 1 :fYl remaining.
Again Wendy Shuey as fouled and missed the front end of a one-and-one and Mary Morren hit a jumper to cut the lead to four points at 77-73 with only :52 seconds remaining.
Peru turned the ball over on a five second in-bounds call and
Bobcats Run at Districts
Ginger Hawhee come. t,.s in a basket to cut the lead to 77-75 with 33 seccnds Jeft
Barb Peterson was fouled with 15 seconds left and made both free throws to putc. the Lady Bobcats ahead 79-75.;
Paula Sue Blecha was unable to hit on the offensive end and Colleen Chapman fouled on the rebound. Chapman made both free throws .with two seconds left, giving Peru a 81-75 win.
Peru was Jed by Li..a Shepard's game high 27 points. Colleen Chapman 18 points, and Barb Peterson and Alice Andersen each added 12 points. Carla Frauen also played perhaps her finest game of the. season, contributing eight points.
St. Mary's was Jed by Paula Sue Blecha's 24 points, and teammate Ginger Hawhee added 22.
The win improves the Lady Bobcats record to 6-UI, while the CoJlege of St. Mary's is now 6-13.
The Bobcats avenged a loss. to the Flames earlier this season, 75-68 in Omaha. The Lady Bobcats closed out regular season Tuesday night in Lincoln against Nebraska Wesleyan.
The Peru ·State men's and wcimen's track teams competed in the District 11 track meet last Saturda}' on the campus of Doane COJJege in Crete.The Lady Bobcats finished sixth place in the team standings, with a total of 29 points. '
Glevon Covault was the top place finisher, placing third in the 440 yard d8sh in 1 :02.4. Susie Palmer placed fifth in the 600 yard run in 1:37.2, and Kim Godemann placed in two individual events, fourth in the 60 yard dash, 7.64 seconds, and sixth in the Jong jump 15'734".
Shari Paczosa placed third in the 880 yard dash in a time of 2:25.9.
Peru faired wen in the relays, taking third in the two-mile in 10:25.4. and fourth in the
distanee medley relay in 13:13.7.
Nancy and Cheryl Cor Peru's top distance runners season, had already qualified f the National Indoor meet F.t to Jast Saturday's competition. Both Coreys wilJ compete in the mile run and the distance medley has a chance to qualify once all the times have been sent in to the national office.
Doug Barlow was the only Bobcat to score in the men's competition as he placed in a tie for second in the 440 yard dash in 51.6 seconds. Barlow has a chance to qualify for tilt! Indoor nationals on the basis of his time
The NAIA Indoor Nationals will be in Kansas City. Missouri in the Municipal Auditorium today and tomorrow.
Roberts Named Honorable Mention All-American
Peru State senior Anthony Roberts has been named honorable mention all-American on defense for the 1982 NAIA Division II football team.
Roberts, a 5-11, 187 pound defensive end, was a two year starter and a three year letterman as a Bobcat. Roberts finished fifth on the team in 1982 in tackles with 59, and was the District 11 leader in quarterback sacks with 11. Roberts finished second in 1981 in the District in quarterback sacks with nine.
Roberts was named District 11 defensive player of the week for
his efforts against Chadron State on Oct. 16. when he was credited with 12 tackles. Roberts finished his career with a total of 136 tackles, 65 of them solos.
Roberts was a key cog in the Bobcats defense, when the Bobcats finished 9-1 and 9th overall in the NAIA rankings in 1981, and 7-2 in 1980 and a 20th place rating, Roberts, an elementary education major, is a native of Columbus, Oh., and prepped at Marion-Franklin High School He is the son of Charlene Roberts.
Coach John Gibbs confers with his Bobcat basketball squad during a recent home game.
The Peru State men's basketball team clinched at least a share of the Nebraska Athletic Conference Championship last Saturday with a 79-63 win over the Bellevue College
The Bobcats finish with a 6-2 conference record and a play-off spot with either Kearney or Chadron State, pending on the outcome of their game.
The Bobcats started out strong, opening to a 12-4 lead, but found the going rough after, as Bellevue battled back to take their only lead of the game at 14-12; on two- free throws by forward Gary Blum with 12: 12 remaining.
The Bobcats opened their biggest lead of the first half with 3: 29 left, as Peru scored six straight points, four by senior David Miller and a by freshman James Collins to lead Bellevue battled back to Withirr•thFE:e pointS'at
break away slam dunk by forward Ted Brunner. But Peru's Pat Harrison made the last basket of the first half at the buzzer to put the Bobcats up, 33-28. '
The Bruins managed to stay close in the second half until the 15: 19 mark when Peru started a 18-4 run that saw the Bobcats take the biggest lead of the game at 57-40 with 1():08 remaining. Mike Miller, Brett Nanninga and John Lepper, each tallied, four points in that run.
Bellevue.'s Ted Brunner was determined to keep the Bruins in the game as he scored ten of his team's next 14 points to pull Bellevue to within nine points, 63-54, with 5:25 remaining in regulation.
Morris Liesemeyer countered with four points to put the lead back to 1.3 points and kill any hopes of a comeback. The Bobcats outscored Bellevue 9-4 in the last minute and a half to
make the final margin of 16 points, 79-63.
Morris Liesemeyer led Peru with 18 points and 10 rebounds.
Pat Harrison, in a new starting role recently, hit for 10 points in a good effort, and senior forward Brett Natminga scored eight points and grabbed nine rebounds. A total of 11 Bobcats got into the scoring column. in the game.
Brunner, a 6-5 freshman from Magoon, Wisconsin, lead all scorers with 26 points. Junior forward Gary Blum added 13 points and grabbed a game high 15 rebounds, and junior Bill Dennis finished with 11 .points. The loss drops Bellevue to 2-22 overall and 1-6 in the conference standings.
The Bobcats ended their regular season with a game Tuesday night at .home against the Pioneers of Mid-American Nazarene.
·31"28 OD a··
Anthony Roberts was named honorable mention on the NAIA All-America team.
ped the voice of the eeru state bobcats!
Nurribef 4 ·Peru StoteCOtlege,Peru, Nebr. 68421
Fraternity to Initiate Four
Four young men will be initiated into the 14th largest fraternity in the nation, Delta Sigma Phi,. tomorrow night.
The four men who will be initiated are Rick Marchand, a freshman Physical Education major from: Murray; Joe LaRosa, a sophomore Industrial Arts major from Lawrence Dan Casey, a (undeclared major) from Omaha; and Chuck Johnson, a freshman Computer Science major from Elkhorn.
"I'm very pr6ud of having these four young men join our
March 4, 1983
Financia·I Aid Deadline i·s Set
The suggested date for submitting Financial Aid Application materials is April 1, according to Donald Miller Director of Student Financial Aid.
The Office of Student Fina11cial Aid. sent Financial Aid Applications to all currently enrolled students. Miller said that the plan was to have the materials in the students hands before spring break so that the students could obtain the appropriate information while they were home.
Materials which· were provided to the students include the Financial Aid Student Handbook and the Applicati()n for Federal Student Aid.
In the back of the Student · Handbook is a one page application which, among other things. lists the four programs which are ad.Jninistered l>Y PSC. The student should cQmp'lete. this
form, indicating the order in which he-she wishes to be considered for the programs, Miller said.
The Application for Federal Student Aid must be completed and submitted so that the student's eligibility for the Need Based programs can be determined. The Need Based prog·rams include the Pell Grant, the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, College Work Study, and National Direct Student Loans. Miller said that students who are applying for· scholarships only are not.required to submit the applications for Federal Student Aid. ··
The procedures for submftting the Application for Federal Student Aid are as follows:
First, the student should · complete the application following the directfons. The student should complete both copies of
the form. Secondly, the student should mail one copy to the Pell Grant Processing Center in Los Angeles, California,. as he is instructed to do. This application will be used to determine the student's eligibility for the 1983-84 Pell Grant.
Third, the student should bring the other copy of the application to the Financial Aids Office.
Finally, when the student receives the Student Aid Report they should submit all copies of the report to the Financial Aids Office.
The application for Federal Student Aid replaces the ACT Family" Financial Statement which had been used in the past, said Mr. Miller. "The reason for us changing this procedure is that we can have the Need Analysis determined free of charge," he added. The ACT Family Finailcial Statement requires a $6.50 .processary fee.
Figh' for Higher (?) Fees
In a rather __ bjiarre game •of role reversal; .students at soine colleges are ad!Ja(ly demanding ' fee• · · reluctant ad.minisffator:s; wbo worry they already ct:m,rge tOO much for an education. •· · · ·.
And although;.nocme knows for sure such paradoxes c.ould become .as students.realize t1'iey may be the , only ones '\villirig Jri bridge the gap in Cun4ing for student services·. ·
At the University of Denver, for instance, student groups have been pressµring adminis" trators and'tbe board of trustees to tack more money ,onto student fees. ··.·
"I think the students are being very Jn looking at · the effects of not raising fees," says DU student President Robert Lazarus.
DU students are asking for nearly 10 per cent Increase in their fall fees to help support student organizations, the intramural sports 'programs, and the student health care center.
Inflation and funding cutbacks by the administration, the students say, have caused crippling shortfalls in the funds available for student services and organizations, and raising fees is the only way to make up for the decline.
Until last year, DU didn't even have a student activity fee. At that time, students convinced administrators that student services would crumble ·if tlie $360 a year fee wasn't implemented. Part of the fee also goes to finance a new student center.
Now, because of a significant -and unanticipated-decline in the number of entering freshmen, students want to raise fees
by 9.5 ·per cent, Lazarus says.
.With 200 fewer entering freshmen this year than projected, he adds, student groups have already had h> cope with funding shortfalls in mid· academic year. and tt,ey.-don't want the same thing to next fall.
But administrators and trusteesaren't budging.
"In a price"Sensitive market that all of higher education finds itself in today, we need to· do everything we can to keep costs and fees says DU Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs Will Gordon. DU raised tuition by 19 per cent last year, and by another nine per cent for this year. Coupled with the new activity fee, Gordon says, officials believe the cost of attending DU is already dangerously close to pricing it out of the _market for many students.
"(The requested fee increase) might not sound like much," he explains, "but nowadays any increase is viewed very closely by the students. We really do feel tbe competition."
Even the decline in freshman enrollment, DU officials fear, may have been the result of high fees and tuition. Raising fees even more, Gordon says, would probably ·result in more lost income.
"That's an unrealistic attitude," according to Lazarus.
"Campus polls have shown that over 60 per cent of the students favor an increase in the fee, and all the presidents of student organizations are behind it."
DU students aren't alone in ' their willingness to reach into their own hip pockets to keep student services afloat.
The student Senate at William Rainey Harper College in Illinois
has just proposed an increase in student fees.
And in,Kansas, the Fort Hays St.ate University student government is also prosposirig a new student activity fee.
"Most of our students think it's a pretty equitable deal," says Harper Senate President John Weirich.
Besides the fee increase, the Senate also wants to base fees on the cost of tuition, says.
"That way we're not always running to get more money," he explains. "We know they'll only increase tuition if there's a reason for it, and tying the student fee to that will insure that student servi-ces remain adequately funded."
! But Harper students, too, expect opposition from the administration because of concerns over competitive pricing.
"That certainly is a switch," says Bill McNamara, communications director of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities.
Typically, he notes, administrators the ones trying to convince students that a fee increase is necessary.
"Who is the administration to argue with (the students) anyway?" asks a spokesman for the American Student Association. ''If, in their own judgement, the students feel a fee increase is necessary, I think that shows we have some very responsible students who are concerned with the quality of education."
Administrators, the spokesman says, "seem more concerneq with quantity than quality," if the only thing they worry about is how many students might be priced out of school by "necessary" fee increases.
fraternity," said fraternity president Lee Fellers, "It doubles our membership. With these four initiates;>! see a good future for .the fraternity. Fellers announced that the fraternity was going to have another rush.after Spring Break and plan to complete another pledge period before · the semester ends. One of the fraternity's national officers, Blake Kuster, will be in Peru to help with the rush activities. Fellers concluded by saying that anyone interested should contact any of the active. Delta Sigma.Phi members on carh.pus.
Big Screen TV to Arrive in Mid-March
The Student Senate ha.s working on raising money for a Big Screen TV in the fishbowl, and it is now in the final stages. The TV is to arrive by the middle of March.
They have also · received approval from College Affairs to move the trophy cases from the Student Center to Majors Hall lobby.
On February 23, two students fi'om the Senate submitted letters of resignation. Both resignations, Linda Dunn and Linda Shepard, were approved by the Senate.
The Student Senate sponsored "Back the C.ats Week," to support our Boys Basketball Conference Champs. Monday was ''Backwards Day,'' Wednesday was "Paint your Face Day," and Friday was "Pep Rally Day." A trophy was awarded to the dorm ·with the m.ost
Student Programs is sponsoring an All School Talent Show and Womens History Week. The Talent Show will :be held March 31, 8:00 p;n. in the College Auditorium. There will be cash prizes for best serious acts and best humorous acts.
Womens History Week is March 14-18. You can bring your lunch and hear speakers in the fishbowl from 11 :00 a.m. to I :00 p.m. Guest speakers will be:
Monday - Patti Conway with an Assertiveness Workshop.
Wednesday - Donna. Polk, .author and political & TV personality from Lincoln.
Thursday Rev. &mnie Sheldon from Auburn Presbyterian speaking on "Religion in the Lives of Women of Southeast Nebraska."
Friday - Nancy Hill, Award Winner, Singer, and Guitarist.
Needed by Applic_Qnts
The. Financial Aid Office announced that it is required to obtain a from every student applying for Fooera11y sponsored Student Aid Programs related to their registration status.
Students required by the law to be registered must also prove to the Financial Aid Office that they are actually registered. To prove that the student is registered, he must provide the Financial Aid Office with a copy of his Selective Service acknowledgement letter. ·
This is due to -the Military Selective Service Act which was amended to require students· receiving Financial Assistance under the Federal Title IV
the draft as by law. This amendmenf1s effective for Financial Aid' a'Watl:iedc for enrollment periods' ··starting after July l, 1983. \ · Title IV programs. at PSC •·., include Pell Grants, Silpplemenc · tal Educational ()pporttini.ty Grants: College Work,.Study\ National Direct Student Loan, Guaranteed Studfm"t Loans, Parent Loans for undergraduate students ·and State Student· Incentive Grants. Students who have not recei:ved a letter of gement or have misplaced· the .. letter may reques;t a copy of the letter. The Financial Ai:cl Office has copies of the · form requesting .such copy.
Memorial Service Held
A special memorial service was held for Dr. Norman Schlesser, who died suddenly on 21 at his home in Peru.
The special service began with piano music provided by Dr. Thomas Ediger, associate professor of music.
Following the music, Father Clifford Ott, pastor of St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Nebraska City, gave some opening comments, gave the opening prayer, and read two scripture passages.
Following the passages and the Psalms that were in unison after each, Dr. Don · Jacobs, president of the Faculty Senate, and Coach Maxine Mehus gave their own thoughts and feelings about Dr. Schlesser.
Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Clara Schlesser, Beaverton, Ore., a half sister, a half
brother, .and nieces and nephews, also of Oregon. came to PSC in January, 1982, to teach history. He received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Iowa in French medieval history in 1981; he had been teaching assistant at Iowa since 1976; an M.A. degree from the University of Oregon, in medieval and U:S. history in 1967; and a B.A: degree from Lewis & Clark College in history and secondary education in 1965. He was with a Lewis & Clark College overseas study program in England in 1963. In 1964 he was selected to Phi Alpha Theta history honor society. He was instruGtor at Umpqua Community· College in Oregon from 1967 to 1975. Schlesser was a member of the Ethical Practices Commission of Oregon Community Colleges in 1969.
·: ·.··:.
The Power Behind The Throne
Pedagogian Peditorial \
Remember a cold day in November when everyone rushed down to City Hall to sign-up for Cable TV? Now, do you remember the day you sat in front of your television and watched Cable? Of can't recall that day, it never happened.
You can reclaim your ten dollars. The Peru City Council got together and
News Briefs
Memorial Gift-A memorial gift for the library in honor of Dr. Norman Schlesser will be purchased with faculty, staff, and student cQntributions. Those wishing to participate should have their contributions in the campus mail between today and tomorrow. Mark your envelope "Dr. Schlesser Memorial Gift Fund."-Don Jacobs.
time and time again, and the reply from Midlands Cable System was "we're working on it." Action has been taken. If by March 11, the franchise is not ·totally serving the community, then the contract will be cancelled, according to Dr. Harold Deselms, Vice-President of Academic Affairs. Students may wait until March 11, or they can demand their money refunded by writing or calling: Al Fey, Midlands Cable Sys-
terns, Inc., 1209 Royal Driv Papillion, NE 68046; 402-331 3766; 402-331-5568.
Dr. Deselms would like know if anyone has any proble obtaining their ten dollars back, contact him if you have any difficulties. I also feel when you contact Midlands Cable System, Inc., you should let them know. how you feel about their procastination, so another community does not become a of circumstances.
Library. Hours-The Library will be closed March 5 and 6 for Spring Break. It will be open Monday through Thursday, March 7-10, from 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. It will be open from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 11, and be closed Saturday, March 12. The Library will be open on Sunday, March 13 from 5:00-10:00 p.m.
Benford Recital Hall
PSC Baseball-The Peru State Bobcat baseball team will open the 1983 ·season on March 19 when they host Dana College in a 1:00 p.m. doubleheader at Auburn. The Bobcat golfers open their season on the same day when they travel to seward to challenge Concordia.
Benford Recital Hall
DOLLY PARTON AN IPC FILMS PRODllCTIO:'\ OF A COi .i:\ H IGCil :'\S PICT\ 'RF NINE TO FIVE. DABNEY COi.EMA:\ • HIZABFTH WILSO:'\ and STERU7'G HA YDF:'\ a' The 'chairman of the Board Produced bv BRllCF Cill.B-FRT Directed bv COLI:\ HICiCil7'S Screenplay by COl.17' HICiGl7'S and PAr"iHCIA RES7'1CK Story by PATRICIA RES7'1CK Music hy CHARLES FOX 'SOllEllMffAW,_IMY'fOT•SOITAelfJOAC"'L.OAfN I>f·I t XI··PGPARENTAlGUlllAllCl'SUCGESTED-@ <'OI OR HY 1980 TWENTIETH CEN_TUAY FOX lllZIJI @
6 and 8 p.m.
March 16
8 p.m.
Pedagogian is the sounding
Managing Editor Don Strecker Associate Editor Vince Henzel Reporters Lisa Cline, Pearl Dean, Sally Martineau Photographer Mike Northrup
College and
printed 8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on- this page do. not necessarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogian or Peru State College.
IRS Offers N
The Internal Revenue Service has some good news for most Single students. It has developed a new tax form called the 1040EZ.
The new 1040EZ is a highly simplified form for single wage earners who earn less than
fOr Singles
that a person can complete ·the form in less than 30 minutes.
If you a!e interested in,saving 20 or 30mmutes of your precious study or free time filling out this year's tax return, the IRS says, "the 1040EZ can help you do it."
Exhibit • IS yed on. Campus
' The work · of senior Art Education major Leon Morin has been displayed as a senior art exhibit in the Diddel Court of the Jindra Fine Arts Building until yesterday.
Morin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morin, Amsterdam, N.Y., has been at Peru State College for two years and will graduate May 15, 1983 after practice teaching for eight weeks at the Amsterdam Middle School beginning March 7.
The art ekhibit included:
ten.. charcoal, acry- fies. ·absltacts,portraits, and an earth-toneslab pot of Minnesota clay. A calendar centered by a lonely light house, with two motor boats racing toward it, an evening ph(!tograph of Manhattan and a Newport acrylic, the favorite of thef artist, were pleasant East Coast transplants.
Morin attended the Junior College of Albany for two years before coming to Peru State College. An art teacher of
Morin's at Wilbur Lynch Middle SChool, Amsterdam, N.Y., Bill Bouton, PSC, Class of 1965, had told him about Peru, Morin said, and Morin decided to come to Peru because of the reasonable cost. ·
"I wouldn't have been able to finish my education otherwise," he said.
Morin plans to teach art and eventually do free-lance advertising.
Variety to Spice "Festival 83"
Eighteen nights of nostalgic films, sports, documentaries, mystery and music will demonstrate how exciting and valuable public television can be during FESTIVAL '83-March 3-20over all stations of the statewideNebraska Educational Television Network.
Sponsored by Nebraskans for Public Television, Inc. FESTIVAL '83 is the ninth annual spring program festival held for the purpose of increasing viewer ·awareness of Nebraska public television and encouraging membership in the NPTV citizen support organization.
Nebraska ETV Network Gen· eral Manager Jack G. McBride explains that this special spring festival gives the Network an opportunity to say thank you to all the members of the strong and actively growing NPTV citizen support organization, and to ask members for increased ,gupport for some very important reasons.
"There is no easy way for the Nebraska ETV Network to counter the one-two punch of inflation and federal cutbacks," McBride said. "In the coming fiscal year, the Nebraska ETV Network will face a $182,000 lOss in the federal funds that regularly have come to use from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting."
"This makes it even more necessary to seek additional sources of income from the private sector to provide the quality programming viewers expect to see on their Nebraska ETV Network," McBride continued.
"During FESTIVAL '83, we not only will be encouraging NPTV members to help us find new viewer-supporters for Nebraska public television-we will be urging · Urem to renew or increase their own memberships it; It will make the differ.em1e ill helping to keep all the good public television programs coming in 1983-84," McBride concluded.
Highlights of the first twelve days of FESTIVAL '83 programming follow:
-The wacky threesome-Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour-team up to open the FESTIVAL '83 celebration with "The Road to Morocco" (1942), telecast Thursday, March 3, at 7 p.m. The famous "Road" picture is replete with talking camels, a captive princess and Arabian palaces.
-'·'The Road to Zanzibar (1941) continues the hilarity on Thursday, March 3, at 8:45 p.m., as Crosby, Hope and Lamour portray stranded show people who will do anything to get out of Africa and back to the States.
-Humphrey Bogart won his only Academy Award for his .portrayal of Charlie Allnut, a drunken river tramp and tug boat captain in "The African Queen." The 1951 John Hustondirected motion picture airing Friday, March 4, at 9:30 p.m. also stars Katharine Hepburn in a superb perforqiance as a woman missionary trying to escape the German Army in Africa.
-Through special arrangement with KOLN-KGIN-TV, Lincoln and Grand Island commercial television stations, and the Nebraska &hool Activities Association, the Nebraska · ETV Network will broadcast live all four classes of the "Girls' State High &hool Basketball Championships" from Lincolrr's Pershing Municipal Auditorium on Saturday, March 5. The coverage begins at 12 noon with the Class C finals. Class D finals begin at 2 p.m.; · Class B finals at 6 p.m.; and Class A finals at ls p.m. The "Boys' State High School Basketball Championships" will be telecast on Saturday, March 12, ·also starting at noon. ·
-A host of country music favorites, including Willie Nelson and Ray Benson, will be featured on "Swingin' Over the Rainbow," Saturday, March 5, at 4 p.m.
-"More Col)Jltry Classics
From • AU&Pell City Limits," telecast Saturmiy;March 5 at IO p.m., presents more rip-snortin' music from such entertainers as Charlie Daniels, George Jones, Larry Gatlin, Johnny Paycheck, Ray Charles, Tom T. Hall, Charley Pride and Willie Nelson.
-Country music is in the forefront again the following day, when AUSTIN CITY LIMITS presents a "Songwriter'.s Showcase," Sunday, March 6, at 6 p.m., featuring Rodney Crowell, John Prine, Guy Clark, Billy Joe Shaver, Bill Caswell and Keith Sykes.
-:-Katharine Hepburn stars with Spencer Tracy in the 1948 Frank Capra-produced and -directed political comedy-drama, "State of the Union," airing Sunday, March 6, at 9 p.m. Tracy portrays a Presidential candidate who is brought to
the realization that he is being maniptilated by his political advisors and high-ranking party officials.
-Vfotage rock'n'roll is presented in "Don't Knock the Rock," a nostalgic montage of classic rock music recorded in 1963, airing Monday, March 7, at 7 p.m. Included are performances by the Animals with Eric Burden, Sounds Incorporated, Jerry Lee Lewis, Gene Vincent and Little Richard.
-The genius and influence of songwri ter-composer-bandleader Duke EJlington is presented by PERFORMANCES on "Ellington: The Music Lives On," Monday, March 7, at 8:IO p.m. Cicely. Tyson. hosts this tribute which includes clips of the Duke's performances, interviews with his peers and selections of his works performed by some of today's top ' entertainers.
-NOVA presents a spellbind· ing voyage through one of the world's most fascinating and colorftil eco-systenis on "City of Coral," Tuesday, March 8, at 7 p.m. Filmed in a coral reef in the Caribbean Sea, the program exposes an extraordinary world where the line between plants and animals are blurred; where "rocks" move, eat and fight; where fish are farmers; and weak animals borrow the shields and weapons of stronger ones.
-Eight American entries in a trans-Atlantic solo yacht race struggle against bad weather and adverse luck on "American Challenge," telecast Tuesday, March 8, at 9 p.m. ·As the proceeds, the competitors endeavor more to survive the crossing than to be the first to complete the journey.
-Only 100 years ago, the giant pandas of China first captured the imagination of the Western world. Today, they face a fight for survival. On Wednesday, March 9, at 7 p.m. a new NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL explores the hidden world ofthe pandas and looks at a historic international effort to help them win their battle.
- "Clarence Darrow Starring Henry Fonda" is a dazzling one-man show featuring the late Henry Fon,da as the great defense lawyer and humanitarian. Airing Wednesday, March 9, at 8:10 p.m., Fonda delivers Darrow's wit and wisdom through stories and asides.
-Legendary folk singers Pete Seeger and Ario Guthrie
Julius Collegiate CW79-22
47 "Call - day"
18 Faux pas
50 Turkish nobles 23 See 8-Across
1 "Touring" museum 54 Actor Auberjonois
Part of NCO exhibit (2 wds.) 55 Privy to (2 wds.) 25 Dolphin follower
U-235 or U-238 56 Martin and Lewis
Fats Waller's 15 "Sweet" girl of movie (3 wds.) instrument song 60 One of the empires 28 All smiles
16 Dispositions 61 King of France, 29 Be patient
17 Giving bad news all , 877-879
Woodman's tool at once (3 wds.) 62 Wet behind -
19 Painter of "The 63 Wild blue, and
Belgian river
before a live audience at Washington, D.C.'s Wolf Trap, Thursday, March IO, at 7 p.m. "Together in Concert: Pete Seeger and Ario Guthrie" demonstrates America's rich heritage of folk music with songs ranging from gospel to country blues.
-"The Weavers: Wasn't That a Time! " continues the folk music on Thursday, March 10, at 8:30 p.m. After 17 years away from the limelight when they ·were blacklisted during the McCarthy era, The WeaversPete Seeger, Lee Hays, Ronnie Gilbert and Fred aellermantriumphantly return to the concert stage in this performance special.
-Did man sail across the oceans in small reed boats centuries before the beginnings of recorded bistory? Cameras record Thor Heyerdahl's attempt to prove this theory as he traverses the Atlantic Ocean in a papyrus boat on "The RA Expedition," Friday, March 11, at 8 p.m.
-J,ennifer Jones, Gregory Peck and Joseph Cotton star in David 0. Selznick's 1946 film, "Duel in the Sun," Friday, March 11, at 9:45 p.m. Raw emotion and epic storytelling are conveyed in this Western melodrama, which is a love story and family saga all in one overpowering film.
-All four ,classes of the "Boys' State High School Basketball Championships" will be broad-
cast by NETV with the cooperation of KOLN-KGIN-TV and the Nebraska SChool Activities Association on Saturday, March 12. Live coverage of the finals from the Bob Devaney Sports Center in Lincoln begin with Class D at 12 noon; Class B finals at 2 p.m.; Class A finals at 6 p.m.; and Class D finals at 8 p.m.
-The ol' picket fence gets another coat of whitewash when the 1938 adaptation of Mark Twain's classic, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," airs Saturday, March 12, at 4 p.m. Tom Kelly and Jackie Moran portray Tom Sawyer and Huckleburry Finn, with Spring Byington, May. Robson and Victor Jory also featured in the nostalgic recollection of boyhood adventures.
-Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck star as a doctor in a sanitarium and an amnesiac, respectively, in "Spellbound" on Saturday, March 12, at 10 p.m. This 1945 Alfred Hitchcock film was one of the first motion pictures to deal seriously with psychoanalysis.
Many other exciting and entertaining programs will be offered during the final eight days of FESTIVAL '83, March 13-20, such as "Mario Lanza: An American Caruso," "The Great Whodunit! , " "The Sounds of Love with Dr. Leo Bµscaglia," "Country Music Jubilee," "Auntie Mame," "Jukebox Saturday Night" and "Gala of Stars 1983."
collegiate crossword
61 62 63
32 Detective Helm Twittering Machine" other places 33 " against20 FDR's mother of troubles" 21 December 31 word DOWN 34 Knell or toll 22 Archipelago unit 39 Engagement for Luke (abbr.) 1 Gore Vidal book Skywalker (2 wds.) 23 Unvarying 2 "Matinee" stars 40 Kind of acid 26 Geometry assign- 3 Stairway pillar 41 With total exment 4 Elation posure 27 Radio frequency 5 Rifle range: Fr. 42 Prefix: mouth 32 Poetess Moore 6 Prefix for verse or 46 Gas lamps 35 Water nymphs cycle
47 Operative (2 wds.)
laborer 57 Sumac of song 45 Seventh Avenue 14 Girl in Salinger 58 Pennsylvania durrmy story 59 Go whistle-stopping
36 Israeli or Irani, 7 Tennis racket 48 "- With Love" e.g. specification 49 Those who oppose 37 Colorful corn 8 Lead-in, for short 50 "There'll be38·Fred Perry's sport 9 Very dry time " 40 Consecr,ation 10 Suffix: native of 51 Alaric subject participant 11 Quantities of butter 52 Der - (Adenauer) 43 Put the ball on the 12 "-Plata," 53 Kind of gin runner (2 wds.) montana's motto 55 Footnote note 44 Corday's victim 13 Lowly
·Peru State· senior Kip. Alliso.n has been named to the Distri.ct 5 .At;ademic All-American basketball team ·A]lison, a center, is a native <:if Gresham, majoring ···in In<:lustrial Management. Allison currently carrying a grade point average on· a .i.o scale for his first three years at PSC.
1\.IIison hair been tpe recipient of the President's Schofarsl!ip for four .years, and a Aloha Chi · National Honor Society memb¢r .for one year: Some of his other academic achievements in -elude: Espilon Pi Tau Honorary F.ra terni ty, ·three years; Indu.s-
trial Arts Club, four years, president for one year; Let.terman's ]>-Club, four YAArs, vice-president one year; recipient of the A:V. and Wilhemina Larsori Mern<>rial Scholarship, and the Mac Dunning Industrial Arts Scholarship
A 1979 graduate of Stromsburg
High Scbool, Allison l'!ru> a f:our-year: starter since C<!ll)ing to Peru State, and is averl:lgiµg 1L2 points per game and ,6.3 rebounds. Allison leads the team in field goal p¢rcentage af W.3 and free throw percentage, 81.1.
Allison was ·an all-District · selection his sophomore se.ason
and was v.oted to the team in the Central Methodist and Northwestern Holiday toul'.llaments' this season.
Allison has been \ key ingredien.t in the Bobcat's share of first place in the Nebraska Athletic Conference this season, ·which· the Bobcats haf'en't accomplished since 1972-73, when they were co-champions with Kearney and Wayne State.
Allison has a chance to become a first or. second team academic all-American ·for all ·small colleges as the voting took place this past week.
Bobcats. Enter Playoffs Saturday
The Peru State Bobcats men's basketball team will begin the playoffs of District 11 Saturday riight as they will play either · flastings or Doane in first round action.
The Bobcats will either tie or win the championship outright on the outcome Of Monday's game between Kearney State or Bellevue. If Kearney won, Peru plaY,ed Kearney last night at a neutral site. The winner of that game would host Doane Saturday night while the loser·. would tra.vel to Hastings.
If Kearney lost, Kearney and Chadron State would have played yesterc;iay evening for sec01:id place in .·the conference and the wil;mer would go on to Rlay at Hastings. Peru would then have tbe home court Satiu::(.lay night, ··. tertaining Gotit?
The BobCatswill enter District , ll playoff with a 19-U
record, just one game shy of a 20-win season. Peru hasn't won the conference chamJ>ionship since season, and hasn't tied for the tiOe since 1971-72, when they were tri-ehampions with State and Kearney State. · ·
One of the keys to the playoffs for Pei:u will be senior Kip Alliso_n. The 6-9 center playing possibly.his final borne game of his career, hit on 11-of-11 perf:ormance from the field and \Sh<>Qting from tbe .free throw line, to cap a perfect night in 'Scoring 28 ··points While. grabbing. :rebounds ·ii:gai.Qst Mid-America Nazarene. Allison is currently second on the in scori11g; av,etaging.11.2 pQiJlts per game., but.first ih reb<)tmdin.g, 6.3, >field goal 56.3, and free th,J,1)W 81.1. •. ·. < ·;···
The 1301>cats lire· alsc; for gOO<i play fr9m 6-3 · senfor who scoreCI 22
points in his final game of the regular season. Smith has moved into first place on the team in scoring at 11.5 points per game and 4.8 rebounds.
Seniors David Miller, Tulsa, OK., Brett Nanninga, Humboldt, and Thom Johnson, N.J., will also be looked upon to make· strong contributions as they play in their final games as &>beats. under Coach John Gibbs.
Morris Liesemeyer, a 6-5 junior, and 6-0 ·junior Mike Miller ,.will see extensive time in the playoffs. MiUer is currently first on the team in assists with 80 in his playmaking role and Liesemeyer ranks thfrd in scoring at .11.1 points per game, and second in rebounding at 5.3.
No matter what the outcome of the playoffs, the Bobcats will end fhefr season as a tum·. previous years, and into. a p<>sitive outlook for the -future. · :.-,;,
Y/Ladies. End Seoso.n. on Sour Note
' ·..,' '•
:'< In the final game of the seaso" outstanding game.
· ·for .both teams,· the Peru State by Colleen Cb'apnutn, wbo. tied Lady Bobcats went down to With Bachman for high. de,feat, GQ.:54; in Lincoln Tuesday honors with 19. pointS::, Chapman night: .· .· - hit double fig-JtfeS itt.'20 out of · Nebraska.Wesleyan opened a Peru's ·24 gamf!s this· 'season. time lead, aided Linda Shepard .was i.the only by Peru's 9 per cent shooting (3 other double figure sCl?,l'Elr with f-0r fro111 the field in the first 12 pointS; • .' ' •.. ··• ·· half. The 4dy Bobcats man- Peru ends its season with a aged to st;iy close on the 6.-19 overall record; .and 4-4 iri strength of their free-throw district play · •. ·· · · · shooting, connecting of 13 of 16 "Ithink thafour play this year attempts. · could be characterized·· by Jill Bachman, a 5-7 sophomore· inconsistency, but I think people from Lincoln, led Wesleyan with are beginning to see some of the 19 points. Sharon Holscher, a 6-1 play that we are capable of sophomore, added 18 points, playing," said head Coach grabbed 16 rebounds, and was Kathy O'Connur; credited with 6 blocks in an
"carla Frauen came on at the end ofthe year to play perhaps "her best basketball in her career; Colleen Chapman became a scoring threat after she fjtted in the system, and Linda hard on out her performance. Alice Attdersen is probably the most underrated player on our team; and Barb Peterson also became a.n offensive threat in the final one third of the year," O'Connor coinmented. on her top performers. "With everyone returning from this year's team, .and a good year of recruiting, we could · have possibly the best team that Peru has ever fielded," she added.
Kip Allison
1983 Baseball Schedule
March 19
_March 22
March 26
¥iarch 30
April 1
April 2·
April 5
April 9
April 15
April 16
April 21 .April ?5
April 29
DANA @Bellevue
BIS?-tlAHCK, ND( EXHIB) @Doane
@Nebr. 'Yesleyan
May 3 'OOANE
May·lG-12 N.A.I.A. Di str:i.cts
All home games are at Auburn (unless otherwise !lotified). All games are doubleheaders.
Good Luck Black Lead'ers Attack New NCAA R·ute
Black college presidents' opposition to National Collegiate Athletic Association's new, tougher academic standards for athletes may soon broaden into a general attack on standardized tests, black leaders at a special meeting at Southern University last month warned.
"We have not fought hard enough against standardized tests," Southern President Jesse Stone told the press after the meeting. "This thing opens up a real Pandora's box."
Standardized tests like the - Scholastic Aptitude Test and the ACT (American College Testing exam) can't predict. accurately
how the student. is going to do in college, Stone added.
Stone led the opposition at the NCAA's convention in early January to new rules that will require athletes to maintain a-2.0 grade point average in a variety of science and language courses, and to have at least a 700 on their SATs or a 15 on their ACTs in order to be eligible to compe.te in intercollegiate sports.
At the convention, Stone.called the new rules "patent racism" because they' would have the effect of barring many blacks from intercollegiate sports. To press his charge, Stone called the meeting of 20 black
movement leaders last .week. But the leaders decided to go after standardized testing itself rather than the NCAA, at least for the moment.
In a statement released just after the_ meeting, Educational Testing Service President Gregory Anrig agreed standardized tests shouldn't be used to determine academic eligibility.
"The proposed use of a fixed cutoff score on nationally standardized admissions tests will have effects that may not have been fully realized before this decision was reached," he wrote.
In using the tests as factors in
admissions, different schools use different cutoffs.
In an attachment, Anrig noted that 56 per cent of all the blacks who took the SAT in 1981 scored under 700. The average black student combined score was 707.
Anrlg agreed the "issue ·cuts across racial lines" because white students' average score in 1981 was 927.
Critics have long criticised the SATs for being culturally-biased in favor of white students. Stone says his group will first try to mobilize the black community to help him publicize those biases.
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Playoffs from the PED Staff!
the ·
PSC Business Fraternity
Destined for
By Lisa Cline conference.
the ped
the voice of t1rt peru state bobcats!
Numbers Peru State College, P--eru, Nebr. 68421
Galentine Announces Ne.w Staff Members
New staff appointments have been announced at PSC by President Jerry Gallentine. A Title III project director and an instructor of history have assumed their duties on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks.
Kenneth R. Billups, Title III Project director, has accepted an appointment after being in private law practice since 1979 in WaKeenev. Kan.. where he acted a·s assistant county attorney and city attorney. He advised the city council in preparation of city ordinances in WaKeenev.
Billups." who received a Juris Doctorate degree in May. 1974, from Washburn University Law School. Topeka. Kan received his B.S. degree in industrial arts in June. 1969. at Fort Hays State College. He also received the Kansas Teaching Certificate in secondary education.
He served in the U.S. Army from July. 1969. to July. 1971. which included duty in the Republic of South Vietnam with the 159th Engineer Group. He later worked with an engineering censulting firm in Salina. Kan.. where he prepared documentation for Federalloans to communities with the Environmental Protection Agency. In January. 1975. he received a
Captain's commission in the U.S. Army and served as a Fort Riley, Kan., counsel before courts-martial until J977. ·
From 1977 to 1979 Billups was an attorney-advisor with the U.S. Air Force at Robins Air Force Base. Ga. He was legal advisor in labor-management re la lions and negotia lions and when disciplinary action against federal employees was proposed.
Dr. Searle S. Davis is teaching history classes at PSC. He attended the University, of. Nebraska-Lincoln from 1964 to '66 where he was a member of the Nebraska team in the Big-8 Quiz Bowl. Be rec!!ived his B.A. degree Magna Cum Laude in 1968 from Brown University, Providence. R.I attended Harvard Law School in 1968-69 and received an M.A. degree from the University· of Nebraska in J\l72.
From Davis was at the University of Toronto school of Graduate· Studies where his Ph.D. defense was "Scottish Philosophical History from Hutcheson to James Mill" in spring. 1981. _ His teaching experience, was at the University of Nebraska and the University of Toronto. Toronto. Canada.
"Chemagic'' is Popular Program for Professor
When Dr. Pippert, chairman and professor of the division of natural science at. PSC presented his science program, "Chemagic," Tuesday, March 15. for the Peru Kiwanis club, he had performed it !)early a dozen - times. ·
And he has nearly a dozen requests in the near future to do this chemistry-oriented display of experiments.
Schools in Auburn, Plattsm0uth, Tecumseh, Table Rock, Conestoga, and Farragut; Iowa and a group of science teachers from Southeast Nebraska has been recent audiences for this colorful presentation.
"I try ·to do two things in the program," Pippert said. "First, illustrate ways we know that chemical reactions have taken place such as when light and heat are given off; or gases are being evolved, or there is a color change; and second, I try to illustrate the practical uses of chemistry.
He said that "Chemagic" not only enhances his.. lectures in
chemistry as a professor, but that it has been a useful program for students and teachers in the area.
"One of the bigger goals of 'Chemagic' is to stimulate students' to study science and to go into a science career later," he said. "I have yet to give the program to a group that did not enjoy 'Chemagic."'
All age groups, from small children to adults, ehjoy the program tha.t lasts ·about 45 minutes and includes 10 experiments. "About 350 people were in one of the larger audiences. when I appeared at Southeast Consolidated High School at the Science Fair in February," Pippert said. ·
"Chemistry is interesting and fun," Pippert said. "None of the 'Chemagic' experiments are dangerous even though there are v,ariations and many temperature changes. Each presentation, or experiment, is different and sometimes briligs surprises." ·
The PSC chapter of Phi Beta Lambda, a national business fraternity, has decided on Milwaukee, Wisconsin as the destination of its annual business trip. Russell Beldin, advisor, said the trip was educational in nature, consisting of tours during the day, and there would also be time to socialize. The fraternity will pay hotel and chartered bus expenses for approximately 60 members.
Other upcoming fraternity events include a dance for students on March 28, a trip to Kearney for the State Leadership Conference April 25-26, and a spring party scheduled for May 2. '{welve members will be chosen by the fraternity advisors to attend the leadership
Beldin said one monumental event of the year, "unpresedented on this campus" was an auction of donated merchandise which raised $1700. Earlier in the year the fraternity also sponsored a free pizza party to initiate new members, a Homecoming float, a raffle, and a Christmas party above the Little Acorn Bar.
Phi Beta Lambda is designed to develop leadership, and gives students an opportunity to socialize and learn to work with other people.
Other officers are: Diane Watton, president; Gordon Ehrlich, secretary; Roger Kennell, treasurer; Chris Gerardi, public relations; Jack Hamilton, advisor.
Coovers Are Selected as Finalists
"I never thought ii would happen to us," said Daine Coover. after receiving a Western Union mailgram, telling her and her twin sister, Karen, they were selec.ted as one of the top seven finalists in the 2nd Annual All-American Collegiate Talent Search.
Diane, a junior at PSC, and Karen, a senior, headed for Las Cruces, New Mexico on March 21, to sing two contemporary gospel songs in front of approximately 5,000 people at New Mexico State University.
To get this far in the contest, they had to win regioflals, competing against about 250 contestants, singing gospel,· rock, and country. They placed
among the top three and then submitted a seven minute audio-tape, a glossy black al).d white photo and 25 dollars. There were approximately 1,000 entries over-all for the contest in New Mexico. #
The contest consisted of workshops and rehearsals for the first three days. During this ti:me the contest provided food, hotel accommodations and local transportation. They arrived on March 22 and began rehearsals and workshops, for_ which they _ are receiving one college credit. The final contest is Saturday, the 26th. Some celebrity guests ·include: "Bruno from "Fame," Richard from "Real People," and Esther Williams a sychronzied swimmer. Prizes include an
audition with a gospel music association in· Tn., scholarship school they attend, and '$500 for getting in th'e' top seven finalists.
Diane and Karen are involved in Circle K, r:nusic groups, Residen. · Staff, Peru Players, Engli.Sh Club, Student Senate, and Kap'pa Delta Pi.
One requirement for the contest was to have: a faculty sponsor: Dr. Royal Eckert, Professor of Speech and Drama, is their sponsor.
One of the main reasons Diane and Karen entered the contest was to bring rec9gnition to the Peru State campus and to themselves in the singing world.
Scholarships Are Awarded.
Fifteen of the 103 Nebraska high school seniors who were awarded Board of Trustees' Scholarships by the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges were awarded to prospective PSC students. The scholarships provide for full tuition for four years at PSC and are meant to recognize the outstanding scholarship and scholastic achievements of Nebr,aska high school seniors.
Board Chairman J. Alan Cramer, publisher of newspapers in Wayne, Seward and Auburn, was influential in the creation of the program in 1970. Since that time, over 750 Trustees' scholarships have been awarded.
Cramer said "The Board of ·Trustees has been pleased to be able to recognize all these students. In the 12 years that we have been offering these scholarships, these scholastic achievers from Nebraska's high schools have proven themselves. They have used their scholastic and leadership skills to continue to strengthen the State colleges." There were over 100 other Nebraska students who qualified for these awards and remain alternates.
Awards are based upon high school academic records, college entrance.examinations, and written 'tecom.mendations. · Applications for · next year's scholarship and lists of other awards available for 1983·can be
obtained through the Financial Aids Office at PSC.
The 1983-84 honorees for the Board oL'.Frustees' Scholai;ships at PSC are: Brenda S. Branek, Steinauer; Gerald T. Byers, Genelle L. Grossman, Omalia; Scott A. Kirkenda)l, Falls Lisa M. Kirk, Omaha; and. Brent R. Martin, Omaha; Allysyn J. Molzahn, City; Michael L • Talmage; Lori L. gen, Nebraska City; Nanh Tran, Bellevue; apd MarY B\ Sterling; · L. Smith, Hampton; Ehzabeth A. Ely, Auburn; Linda Jo Currell, Bellevue; and Jonna M. Simms, Nebraska City. '
Morch 25, 1983
Diane (left) and Karen Coover are competing in the finals of the All-Amerkon Talent Search this week in Los Cruses; N.M.
and Pedagogian Peditorial
By Sally Martineau
I feel sorry for the 950 students and faculty members who missed Nancy Hill sing last Friday. She was inspiring and an exceptional singer and guitarist. But the attendance was up to par for PSC. Why support an activity at Peru, whell' there is always the television set, four blank walls to gaze at, and the good ole' bottle of beer to fall back on. The scapegoat of college life.
It is not just students, don't get me wrong. At the first baseball game of the season there were four faculty members to approximately 50 students. Not a
bad ratio, huh. Can remember the last music activity you attended'? Maybe the music isn't very updated or your type, but the music students attend and play at every home football game. They at least support one sport activity. I am not saying don't study and attend every PSC activity, just .try to make an effort. If every student and faculty member would attend one activity a week, some department would have a tremendous turnout. Please let's not everyone get enthused at once, a mere IO per cent would be nice.
Another point I would like to touch on is faculty support of -students. I know of two students who approached the music department to use their sound system for one hour, for an upcoming contest and they were abruptly turned down. TJley were told students could not use the sound system. If students from PSC can't use the system, then who can. As it turned out, the system was set up the next day for a choir clinic. The two students did get .to use' the system under obvious protest. I think there needs to be a re-evaluation of policies.
Letter to the Editor
To the Editor:
Communication, n; 1. The act of communicating. 2. A way of means of communicating. 3. Information, message, letter, etc.
Nonexistent, adj. 1. Not existing; not real.
These two words, used together, are very important in the everyday business decisions of our college. 'Without them everyone in our college migijt know what's going on.
I make reference to these two · words in light of the new $20 preregistration fee, To my knowledge only. a handful of people and God Himself knew in advance that 'we, the students, wo9ld be required to pay this menial fee to preregister for the fall semester.
The idea behind the fee is questionable at best, but what really eats me U; how much advanced warning students got
so they could budget for this expense I wish SOMEONE would start letting this kind of information trickle down to us forgotten students so we could plan our lives·. · I
In r wouid like to make a direct comment to those involved in reaching · this decision so swiftly and openly: Thanks for the pain inthe shorts, when do you want my first born'?
Gordon Ehrlich
The. News in Brief
Kiwanis Pancake Feed-The Peru Kiwanis Club will serve pancakes· at Peru City Hall tomorrow from 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. A free will donation will get you, your friend and you friend's friend breakfast, coffee break, snack, brunch, and-or lunch and will help support the Kiwanis Youth Program.
Bobcat Baseball-The Bobcats will take to the field tomorrow <weather permitting) as they host St. John's of Minnesota in a doubleheader. The first game will begin at 4 p.m.
Lady Bobcat Softball-The Lady 'Cats will open the home part of their 1983 schedule as they will host Wayne State in a doubleheader next Thursday. The first game will begin at 1 p.m. in Peru.
Indoor Track-The annual Peru State College High School Invitation;,il Track Meets will be held next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the HPER Center.
The Class D meet will be held Monday with Class ·C set for Tuesday and .Class A & B on Wednesday.
·Survey-Over the next two weeks, the "Pedagogian" will conduct a survey to find out what PSC students and faculty think about the fact that the Bobcat baseball team plays their home games at Auburn. Please contact Don Strecker, Sports Information Director Vince Henzel, or Student Programs Director Peggy Gibbs and give them your answer to the question: Should Peru continue to play all of their home games at Auburn'? Answers must be received by April 9th to be Jncluded in the survey. The results will be published in the next "Ped" on April 15.
David Miller
Miller Becomes New PSC Photographer.
David,, Miller, a senior from Tulsa, Oklahoma, has accepted the position as photographer from the College Relations office, directed by Pat Larsen, and the Pedagogian, managed by Don Strecker.
"I'm. really kind of surprised actually," said Miller. "Early in the year I had asked about helping out but they didn't seem to be interested so I just didn't inquire about it any more. Then I talked to Vince Henzel just about the middle of February, and I talked to Mrs. Pat Larsen of College Relations office and she was very interested because
Delayed stress disorders, one of the most serious readjustment problems affecting Vietnam veterans, have a high priority in the Veterans Administration's medical research program. Numerous studies are on-going nationwide and studying such problems as dream anxiety attacks, young suicides and nightmares.
they didn't have anyone at the start of this semester.
Miller, who is currently a member of the 1983 Bobcat baseball team, was also a member of the basketball team. Miller served as a photographer and .developer while at Northeastern A & M Junior College in Miami, Oklahoma.
"I had some experience in high school and junior college. I like working with film and I hope I can do a good job for the school," Miller added.
Miller will fill the facancy left by Mike Northrup who left school for personal reasons.
Managing Editor , Don Strecker
Associate Editor Vince Henzel
Reporters Lisa Cline, Pearl Dean, Sally Martineau
Photographer David Miller Advisor " Everett Browning
The f>edagogian is the sounding board of Peru State College and is printed 8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters· t°' the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. letters on this page do. not necessarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogian or Peru State College.
Speech Qt
Doiel Traces Alumni
Palmyra High School was named district champion after competing in the Class C-11 speech contest held March 15 at PSC. Pawnee City High School was named district runner-up. The five other schools who participated were Malcolm, Tecumseh, Tri-County, Wilber• ·· Clatonia, and Wymore-Southern, According to Dr. Eckert, the contest co · nine events with appr 90participants. First ands
tation Bauman, ail RochentertainRod May, Cai;michael, poraneous m, PawThompson, terpretation ose; Rozz nd Jennifer City, original Andy Carmich·am, Pawnee City, and Tami Lashley, Todd
Scott Nelson, Palmyra, oral interpretation of drama. Contest judges were Charles 'Harper, Chris Deitz, Jeff Falter, Vicki Wilken, Susan Philbrick, and Rosie Schulenberg. place winners respectively in each event were: Julie Weatherhogg, Palmyra, and Ted Shively, Tri-County, oral interpretation of poetry; Jill Fritz, WilberClatonia, and Denise .Zimmer: man, Tri-County, informal pub-
"I've always been interested in documentation," the new assistant in the PSC Alumni Activities office, said. Esther Doiel, Auburn, began tracing alumni whose addresses have been lost or changed l'.'eb. 1. Located in the Office of College Relations and Alumni Activities on the third floor of the Administration Building, Mrs. Wilber Doiel and her husband farmed from 1945 to 1979 near Brownville.
A graduate of Auburn High School, class of 1937, she attended Peru from 1939 to 1941. She has been a legal secretary, Peru Village Clerk, Brownville Post Office clerk, and City Clerk in Auburn. ·
'Fieiseber, Palmyra, duet acting; David Thiemann, Janice Bruns, Scott Robison, Betsy
Haverkand, Pawnee City, and Micki Wachter, Brenda Stolte, Dennis Christensen, Rod May,
"It was a good contjilSt," Eckert said. "Many superiors were given out; too many to name."
Eckert said the contest's organization has changed since last year. Previously, the contest was held at one location with a larger group of schools attending. This year the contest was broken down into smaller groups which· competed at various towns March 14-19. he said this arrangement made the contest more but it also made it harder to obtain judges: lic speaking; Sonya Rohrs, Malcolm, and David Thiemann,
PSC Classes at FtCHS
This semester Ft. Calhoun High School seniors are offered Engllsh and math classes for college credit from PSC. Credit earned from these classes. · is beyond high school credit and will appear on a PSC transcript that can be transferred to Peru or to another college or university upon graduation.
The Ft. Calhoun-PSC cooperative agreement allows a high school student to work tGwards a college degree before actually being on campus at Peru, according to Dr. Clyde Barrett, vice president for academic affairs at PSC.
Ft. Calhoun High School staff are instructors and use the same co,µrse outline, texts, and grading scale that is used on the Peru campus. The college-level courses are graded on a 9.0 scale and some students earn 15 hours of college creditin high school, the equivalent of one semester. Students in the cooperative program are required to be on the Peru campus three times during the semester according to the agreeement. They pay tuition based on the regular tuition charged, plus a one-time matriculation fee.
Classes offered are English 101, English composition, 3
hours credit; English 202, Appreciation of Literature, 3 hours; math 105, precalculbs mathematcis,5hours; math 106, precalculus math, 5 hours; and math 102, introduction to data processing, three hours.
The pilot of this cooperative program began in Plattsmouth and Auburn in 1974 with about two.· hundred students taking advantage of this service since then, Barrett said. "And practically all of the students go on to higher education, many to Peru State College.
"We feel that this is another service that Peru State College is able to provide the residents of eastern Nebraska."
HS Students Sing at Pe·ru State
The annual High School Massed Choral Clinic was held March 17 with over 350 students from ten area schools attending. The schools were Dawson-Verdon, · Fairbury, Falls City, Lewiston Consolidated, Lincoln Southeast, Nishna Valley (Hastings, Iowa), Palmyra, Plattsmouth, Raymond Central, and Valley.
Dr. Thomas L. Ediger said the day .consisted of morning and
afternoon rehearsals of the i:oncert numbers, and free time for skating, swimming, or attending a movie. The day concluded with a massed choir concert conducted by Dr. Allan Lehi, director of choral activities at Drake University. Six songs were performed: "Sing Alleluia, Sing," Julie Knowles; "God is 11/Iy Sovereign," J. S. Bach; "Ave Maria," Anton Bruckner;
"The Turtle Dove " arr. Margaret Vance; ''Lullaby," Frederick Keel; "I Want Two Wings," E. E. Ferguson. Ediger said the "Ave Maria" selection is difficult to perform with a small choir because it has a seven or eight part arrangement.
"Dr. Lehi thought that it was a very successful day, aQd I agree," Ediger commented.
5:00 Capital Punishment vs. M&M's
6iOO Spasmatics vs. IN Connection
7:00 Ghengis vs. PSC Poverty
5:00 K.K.K •. vs. PSC PQverty
6:00 Runnn' Rebels vs. Florida Mixer
7:00 Erudites vs. IN Connection
Peru State to Join-Network
The Campus of a Thousand Oaks will join the Elderhostel network, a network of over 600 colleges, universities, independent schools, folk schools and educational institutions July 17 through 23. This system of summer education where "studying there is half the fun" is active in the U.S., Canada, Bermuda, Mexico, Great Britain, Scandinavia, Holland, France, Germ<tny and Italy. Special low-cost, short-term, residential, academic programs are for older citizens for intellectual stimulation and physicaladventure, according to the 1983 summer catalog. About 55,000 people participa-
ted in the Elderhostel programs in 1982. The summer catalog last year described 1, 192 weeks at 496 different institutions and the 1983 catalog lists 1,635 weeks hosted by 634 institutions.
"Usually programs begin Sunday evening and end Saturday morning and are limited to 35 to 45 students,'' Bob Baker, director of continuing education, said. "The individual ' is important in the Elderhostel program," Baker said, "and this fits in with the educational philosophy of Peru State College."
The c.ost of the U.S. program, including the program at.PSC, where participants will be
Esther's interest in documentation came in handy in her work as deputy clerk for five years in the Nemaha County Judg(l's office, two years in the Nemaha County Clerk's office, secretary in Nemaha County Extension Office two years and County Welfare Department for four years. She was appointed Nemaha County Judge for a year due to the death of Judge Walter Rose in 1957.
"Esther is a valuable resource person in the office as she knows many people in the area, relatives of alumni, and alumni of Peru State College," Pat Larsen, director of College Relations and Alumni Activities, said. "In my nearly three years at Peru State College, I have found Peruvians to be especially loyal to their alma mater. Esther will help us keep track .of all of those 7,368 loyal alumni."
The Doiels celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary recently with many friends and relatives at the Auburn Country Club.
collegiate camouflage
housed in Majors Hall Conference Center, is $180 which includes room, board and classes. Other · ca.mpuses in Nebraska that offer the Elderhostel are: Union College and Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln; Chadron State College; Concordia College in Seward; Creighton University, Omaha; Doane College, Crete; and Kearney State College.
Baker said that there are no exams, no grades, no homework and that a lack of a formal education is no barrier to :;;,tudents in' the program.
"Whether students have finished grade school, or they have earned advanced degrees, if
R u T s M 0 s T x R
A s G E N E s E G D u J 0 E s
Can you find the hidden Old Testament books?
students have an adventuresome spirit, they enjoy the Elderhostel," Baker said. Elderhostel classes to be offered at PSC July 1z through 23:
Living History: Tours of historic Brownville, Nebraska City, and Indian Cave, with local_ historians providing living insights into the unique history of the Peru area, plus a Missouri River cruise;
Literature in Performance: Study and presentation of selections from prose, poetry, and drama. Culmination of the workshops will be a presentation of either Readers' Theatre or selections chosen by the group;
Computer Literacy: Computers play a major role in our daily lives. This course will introduce participants to the role, types and uses of computers. Hands-on experience will be provided;
Europe Through Western
Eyes: The changing European political scene will provide the background for a realistic examination of major European trouble spots viewed in light of American foreign policy.
"We look forward to many· area residents enrolling in our first summer of Elderhostel at PSC," Baker said. "Join us for a •relaxed educational experience in a beautiful setting."
I s E T s A I s E L c c E J s J u D y R x J A s A I ·s 0 T H u T R R M u K A A M 0 E R E c D 0 E u D 0 I s I A L s L x u G B H I T M N J, M 0 s A K 0 R E I T L E H G 0 v s M N s R A D H s R E E s B R E v 0 R p B 0 A E M N v K I N E A J R 0 M N J N E 0 s I T x B T u 0 I I T u s I A D A T E A s u c s c 0 I M I E T s v I H x H E u H s J A B I L E· I H c E z E D E A s K 0 E L s I W· A u D L 0 A I I N G s
Tracksters Prepare for Outdoors
The Peru State track - team completed a successful 1983 indoor season and are now preparing themselves for the outdoor campaign. The track team's season concluded with the NAIA Indoor Nationals, were held Friday, Feb. 25 and Saturday, Feb. 26 in Kansas Citv.
The Lady Bobcats two-mile relay team finished in seventh place with a time of 9:52.39. The women's distance Medley relay also finished high, coming in eighth in a time of 12:46. Both relay teams were comprised of Glevon Covault, a junior from Table Rock; · Nancy Corey, freshman, Lincoln; Shari Paczosa, sophomore, Silver Creek; and Cheryl Corey, freshman, Lincoln.
Cheryl and Nancy Corey also ran in the women's mile, finishing with times of 5: 23 and 5:32 respectively. Cheryl's time qualified her for the finals where she ran a 5: 25 mile.
Shari Paczosa also qualified for the women's 880 which she ran in a time of 2:27. Kim Godeman, a freshman from Falls City, qualiffed for the 60-yard dash, which she r<>n in 7.5 seconds.
For the men, Leroy Behrends, sophomore, Elmwood, and Doug Barlow, junior, Lincoln, both qualified for the 440-yard dash. Behrends set an all-time indoor school record in the event, finishing with.a time of 51.03. His
mark the 13-year old record set by Calvin Smith of Pacific Junction, Iowa back in 1968. Barlow ran the race in 52.0. ·seconds.
The Bobcats were successful at home as well as on the road. The Lady Bobcats finished the season with a 3c 1 home record while the men had a 2-2 record In the HPER Center.
The highlight of the home season came on Feb. 3, when the tracksters set 10 new records in a defeat of Tarkio. and Highland Community Junior College. In all, the Bobcats broke or established 30 school records during the course of the season.
Cheryl Corey led the record setting brigade as she set 12 records during the year. Corey's records include the 880 yards, 2:25.7, the 1000 yards, 2:53.3; '1500 meters. 5:03.71, the mile, 5:23.8, 1600 yard run, 5:54.06; meters, 11: 11.23, the twomile, 11: 59.5, and the high jump at 5'0".
Corey also teamed up with Glevon Covault, Shari Paczosa, and Nancy Corey to set records in the 1600 meter, mile, 3200 meter"- and Distance Medley relays.
Kim Godemann also got in the record books as she claimed five individual records of her own. Godemann set the 55 meter dash in 60 yard dash in 7.5 seconds, the 300 yard dash, 40.2, and the long jump with a leap of 16'11". ·
1983 Softball Schedule
· Godemann was also a part of the record setting 600 meter relay, running _with Jan Tolson, freshman, Grant; Susie Palmer, freshman, Lincoln; and Gwenn Combs, freshman, Omaha.
Shari Paczosa topped off the women's 1983 indoor performances with two individual -recorcls. Paczosa established a new ;nark in the 500 meter dash, 1: 23.8, and the 600 yard run in 1:34.7.
Don Strecker, a sophomore distance runner from Falls City, set three records in the men's competition._.l)trecker -set new marks in 1500 meter run, 4:24.96, 160G meter run, 4:55.67, and the 3000 meters in a time of 9:52.16.
Sprinters Doug Barlow and Leroy Behrends each set two individual records this season. Barlow, a junior Lincoln, eclipsed the 300 yard dash record in a time of 33.1 seconds, and the 60 yard intermediate hurdles in 7.6 seconds.
Behrends, a sophomore from Elmwood, set the indoor 400 meters in a time of51.07, and the 440 yard dash in 51.03 seconds.
In other individual events, .Mike Williams set a record in a new event, the 500 meter dash, in a time of 1: 15.97, and Darren Trull cleared the pole vault in 13'6".
Two relay teams made the record books. The 600 meter team of Mike Monroe, Fred Lee, freshman, Jeff George, sophomore, Tampa, Fla.; and Doug Barlow, recorded a time of
Cats Basebal I Preview.'
The Peru State Bobcats .opened their 1983 baseball season at the Auburn Legion Field with a round robin tournament against St. Ambrose and Tarkio College recently.
First-year· head Coach Nick Petrillo, who also serves as a defensive coordinator for the Bobcat football team, has seven returning lettermen from 1982's 9-15 club.
Larry Benton, a senior shortstop from Tampa, Fla,, leads this year's contingent. Benton batted .382 in '82 while earning first team All-District honors. Senior catcher Mike Drotzman, Crofton, will also help to give the Bobcats stability of defense as he returns as the starting catcher. In 1982, Drotzman batted .306 in 72 plate appearances..
Chris Hutt, a senior from Tecumi;;eh, is also back for his final campaign. Hutt, who will return to first base this season, provided much of the power hitting last season. Hutt batted .419, drove in 28 RBI's, and slammed six home runs in 24 games. ·
Infielder Dick Haneline and Jeff Smith will battle for the third base position. Haneline, a sophomore from Omaha, hit .282 at third a year ago, while Smith, a senior from Lincoln, was a .347 hitter at second base last season. Smith may also serve duty in the outfield this year.
The last of the returning lettermen include a pair of outfielders from Oklahoma; Brian Strother, Broken Arrow, and David Miller, Tulsa. Strother was the top hitter last .season at .550 while driving in 14 RBI's. Strother had the longest consecutive hitting streak in the
nation last season when he hit safely 14 times over a span of four games. "Strother slugged in two home runs, one triple, two doubles, and nine singles in that streak. Strother also was safely on base 17 straight times with 14 hits and three walks.
Miller, an outfielder last season, batted .273 in 22 trips to the plate last season. Both Miller and Strother finished play on the 1982-83 Bobcat basketball team.
The top newcomer on the squad is Kevin Sykes, a junior from Granite City, Ill. Sykes, a junior college transfer from Lewis and Clark Community College, was a Southern Illinois Junior College All-Star at second base, and looks to be the starter for next Monday's contest.
The top pitching prospects look to be a pair of freshmen.
Mark Williams, Hastings, and Tony. Foster, Falls City, will share a good portion of the starting rotation this year.
The 'Cats split a pair of games in the round.robin tournament in Auburn Monday, March 14, losing the first game to St. AmbroseCollege7-l, but won the second game over Tarkio 4-3.
Junior Kevin Sykes scored the only run in the first game in the fifth inning as he got aboard with a single and stole second and. third bases. Senior Larry Benton· doubled fo score Sykes for the only Peru run. Peru trailed 3-1 at the bottom of the fifth, but yielded one run in the sixth and three in the seventh as St. Ambrose collected 11 hits in the game.
Mark Williams, Hastings, making his first collegiate start, took the loss, as he pitched four innings, before freshman Tony Foster came in relief.
In the second game, trailing 3-0 going into the bottom of the fourth, Peru's Chris Hutt and
24 30 7 9
WAYNE STA TE* @Tarkio* @Nebr. Wesleyan*
12 @Dana*
April 23-24 Benedictine
April 27
April 28
May 3
May 6-7
Invitational ST. MARY* BELLEVUE* @Southeast CC*
District 11 Tourney
1:09.48. The relay team of Mike Monroe, Leroy Behrends, Doug Barlow and Jon Williams, freshman, Pacific Junction, Iowa, set the 1600 meter relay in 3 :40.91.
Two Peru HPER records were set when Brian Flagg soared 21 '8 1 /' in the long jump and Joe LaRosa heaved the shot put 44'4".
-" Coach Dennis Obermeyer said that. he was happy with the
number of records that were broken. 'Tm pleased with the over-all progress of the team in the number of athletes and the ability level as well," Obermever said. Obermever added that he was looking forward to the outdoor season. as the Bobcats will have no one leaving because of graduation. "Hopefully we can add some depth through recruit-. ing for next year." Obermeyer added.
catcher Mike Drotzman both walked, and back to back errors by Tarkio accounted for three Bobcat runs that tied the game at three all.
In the bottom of the sixth, catcher Mike Drotzman was walked again and scored the only run as Haneline sacrificed, Jeff Smith walked, and David Miller .singled to score the winning run· as Peru held ·on to beat Tarkio 4-3.
Jeff Krzycki, freshman, Columbus, pitched his first game as a collegian picking up the win while freshman Todd Andersen picked up the save. · The next action for the Bobcats will be Saturday's double-header at the Auburn Legion Field versus St. John's College at 1 :OO p.m.
Gibbs Namec1 Top Coach
In pis second season as head coach, Peru State basketball Coach John Gibbs was named the District ·11 "Coach of the Year."
Gibbs has compiled an overall record of 31 wins to 28 defeats, and the first conference title since 1972-73. The Bobcats won 19 games this past season, the most since 1962, posted their first winning season since 1977-78, and only the second in the decade.
Gibbs took over a floundering program that had previous season record of 4-23, and 5-21. The Bobcats have been succesful at home, winning 19 games to only five defeats.
Everett Smith.and Kip Allison, both seniors, were chosen honorable mention all-conference players.
PSC Softball Team Looks to Improve in '83
The Peru State Lady Bobcats. weather permitting, opened their 1983 softball season at Concordia in Seward Thursday afternoon. The Lady 'Cats look to· have the makings of what could be a fine squad.
The Lady 'Cats will be under the guidance of head Coach Maxine Mebus, who begins her fourth year. Mehus has · an overall record of 40-52 in her three seasons, and the Bobcats ended 1982 14-19 overall.
Mehus will have seven returning lettermen back off last year's team, headed by seniors Jackie Halterman a:nd Kim Hill. Halterman, a right fielder from Liberty, was a first team All-District selection a year ago and returns as the top percentage hitter. Halterman was a .345 hitter in '82 and drove in 17 RBI's, hitting 30 singles, 10 doubles, and four triples, all team highs. Hill, an infielder and catcher combination, was a .244 hitter and ranked second on the team in runs (23l and lead the 1 team in walks with 25. Hill split infield time at shortstop and second base.
Mehus will look for play from three top returning juniors, Carla Frauen, Becky Gauchat and Carol Latham. Frauen, an infielder from Lincoln, was a second team all-district selection a year ago on her fine defensive play. Gauchat, a junior from Brock, was also a second team selection from behind the plate, as she was second on the team in put outs with 76. Latham, a native of Columbus, batted .266 in '/9 plate appearances playing outfield and third base.
Returning sophomore letterwinners are Sara Beth Donovan
and Judv Poutre. Donovan. a graduate of Lincoln Northeast. is a good fielding first baseman and will handle most of the duties this vear. Donovan was a .300 hitter 'and led the team in put outs with 79. Poutre. a &raduate of Wymore Southern. is the top returning pitcher from last vear's team. Poutre owned a 3-6 record in ·s2. and pitched a no hitter in a win against Bellevue.
The top newcomer to the team may be Colleen Chapman. a transfer from Mid-Plains Junior College in Grand Island. Chapman was a member of the !982-83 Lady Bobcat Basketball team. Chapman will be one of "the top pitchers this season and will serve as a back-up catcher.
Mehus will have several freshmen on the team. whom she will look for depth and playing time. Lana Last. Shubert. Nancy Glasgow. Clarks. and Michelle Workman. Plattsmouth. will all play in the outfield. Infielders include Tammy Lutzi, Lincoln, second oase. Connie Pulse, Lincoln. short stop-third base, and Kristi Niday, third basepitcher. Mehus will also have the services of Sharri Schreiter, a sophomore from Nebraska City, who will double as a catcherfirst- baseman.
The Lady Bobcats will need to improve on some areas that slowed the success last season. The 'Cats committed 123 errors to 57 of their opponents, and gave up 249 hits. Peru's .271 batting average was 70 points fewer than their opponents, and the Ladys hit only two home runs in 33 games.
If the Bobcats improve on some of these areas, Peru could be a contender in District 11 this season.
the ped the voice of the peru state bobcats!
Number 6 Peru Stqte College, Peru, Nebr. 68421
APRIL 15, 1983
Application·s for Fall Increase
Following a national trend that shows more women that men on college campuses across the country, of the 155 accepted applications for fall 1983 admittance to PSC, 87 are women and 68 are men.
According to a Census Bureau report in mid-March, women are expanding their enrollment and the average age of college students is creeping upward. And the report says that this began in 1979. By 1981, there were 108 women in college to every 100 men.
Jerry Joy, dean of student affairs at PSC, said that last
year at this time 81 women's admissions applications had been accepted compared with 36. men's admissions applications.
"Peru State College encourages the non.-traditional (over the age of 23) student to attend," Joy said. "An example of services provided the older student with children is the Day Care Center."
He said that the 155 applications are mostly from within the 100-mile service area.
In a report to the State College Board of Trustees in March, PSC President Jerry Gallentine poin-
Donovan is Elected New Seaate President
Sara Donovan, sophomore, and Curt Cogswell, semor, Friend, were elected the 1983-84 Student Senate president and vice-president. The new senators are: Senators-at-large: Laurence DuBois, sophomore, Nebraska City; Chris Hosfelt, sophomore, Massena, Iowa; Marsha Kentopp, sophomore. Falls City: Sally Martineau, sophomore, Nebraska City; Lori Walton, freshman, Madison: Gary Winingham, junior, Pratt, Ks.; Wendy Shuey, sophomore, Alma: Ritchie Nelson, sophomore, Fort Calhoun; Dorm representatives are: Morgan Hall Theresa Polsley, sophomore, Omaha; Delzell, Tom Sorenson,_ freshman, Blair; Davidson-Palmer, Diane Coover, junior, Papillion; Clayburn-Matthews, Paula Danger-
field, freshman, La Vista; Nontraditional, Jo Hatfield, sophomore, Peru. Commuter representative is Boyd Marquardt, junior, Fremont.
A dinner was held April 6 at Wheeler Inn for the new and old Senate members. Mrs. Gibbs, Student Senate sponsor, presented the senior Senate members with PSC mugs, Curt Cogswell, past president, a plaque, and all old members, certificates for dedication and service. Curt Cogswell presented Mrs. Gibbs with a dozen roses and a plaque of appreciation. A short meeting was held to discuss the upcoming Carnival Night to be held April 18 in the old gym. The hours will be 7:00 to 12:00 p.m., with a variety of games and booths.
ted out that when the economy becomes depressed more students choose to stay in their home state for higher education where costs may be lower.
He said that the number of older students at Peru has increased by more than 10 per cent since 1980 and that the average age of all Peru students, which includes those taking night and off-campus courses, has gone from 29 to 31 since fall 1980. "This market will continue to grow," he said, "and our fall 1983 applications prove it."
Increase in Rates are Approved
According to an announcement by Dr. Harold Deselms, vice president of administration at Peru State College, the room and board rate and fees were approved by the State College Board of Trustees March 25. Depending on the type of room chosen, PSC's .rates for housing increased at the same rate as Chadron, Kearney and Wayne State, from 1.5 per cent to 2 per cent.
Rates at Delzell Hall, the men's dormitory, and Morgan Hall, women's dorm,__ were
raised to $382 per semester for 1983-84, compared with $375 for the\ 1982-83 year. Centennial Complex suites will cost $445 per semester beginning next fall; $437 was charged this year. Nicholas and Pate accommodations are based on the number of bedrooms and will range from $146 to $220 per month. Rent for Oak Hill, student housing, and faculty housing was also Increased for next year.
linen. Private
rooms for students will increase an additional $127 .50 per semester as compared w.ith an._ additional fee of $125 for this past year. Due to lower bids from vendors, food service charges will decrease from $484 to $471 for a 15-meal plan in 1983-84; a 20-meal plan goes down to $486 from $499. Food services at Chadron will cost 3.8 per cent more, 4.6.more at Kearney, and 2 per cent more at Wayne.
Stress Workshop to be Held Here
According to Dr. Paul A. Mars, assistant professor of education at PSC and coordinator of the Stress II workshop past participants of stress workshops are encouraged to attend the Stress II workshop, Ed. 415x, April 15, 16 and 23.
"This course is an extension of the stress workshops which have been offered during the last four years," Mars said. "The introductory _session on Friday night, April 15, from 6 to 9 p.m., is for all students, even those who have not taken the workshop.
Other sessions are Saturday, ·April 16, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday, April 23, 9 a.m., until · 12 noon. The workshop pinpoints techniques, the importance of physical fitness and nutrition that reduces stress.
Consultants for the workshop are Dr. Robert D. Alley, associate dean of the College of Education, Wichita StateUnive,rsity, Wichita, Kan., and Ms. Peggy Friedman, Murdock Teaching Center, Wichita, Kan.
Cost of the, workshop is $24
Inauguration Date Set
tuition for one credit hour; $41 for out-of-state participants, plus $3 for a facility use fee if not a campus student, and a $10 matricµlation fee for first-time PSC students.
Registration begins at 6 p.m. in the Education-Building, room 226. Preregistration, to insure adequate materials, is J.!rged although fees will be accepted at the fir;st session. For more information, contact Dr. Paul A. Mars, PSC , Peru, NE. 68421, or phone 402-872-3815, ext. 258.
The 23rd president of Peru State, college, Dr'. Jerry L. Gallentine, will be inaugurated Wednesday, April 27, at a ceremony In the College Auditorium.• · Gallentine, who came to Peru from Labette Community College, Parsons, Kans., has been at the Campus of a Thousand Oaks since July 12, 1982. He followed Dr. Larry Tangeman who had been at PSC five years.
The schedule for the day includes a reception in Diddel Court of the Fine Arts Building following the inauguration ceremony with Mrs. Faye Brandt as
hostess. Students will assist as ushers, at the reception, and as guides for newcomers to the campus. ·
A campus tree-planting ceremony will be followed by luncheon in the West Dining Room of the Student Center.
The committee for the inauguration festivities is: Mrs. Faye Brandt, librarian, Dr. Tom Ediger, associate professor of music, Walt Bosley, superintendent of buildings and grounds, Dr. Lester Russell, chairman of the applied arts division, Joan Fitzgerald, secre-tary, Jeff Smith, junior, Lincoln, and Pat Larsen, chairperson.
Despite Buildup, Campus Research Funding .Flattens
Federal research support for the nation's colleges and universities will "just about keep pace with inflation" next year, despite the Reagan administration's proposed 18 per cent increase in overall research funding, a new study shows.
Most of the 18 per cent increase in federal research money "won't even be seen by colleges and universities," but
will instead go to ·private corporations, says Albert Teich, co-author of the American Association for the Advancement of Science's annual study of research and development funding.
Support for college and university_ research will increase 4.7percent next year, according to the study, amounting to a $236 million increase in real dollars.
But in constant dollars, funding will rise only one-half of one per cent, or by $10 million.
· "A lot of people are talking about the big 18 per cent increase the administration has proposed for overall research funding,'' Teich notes.
"But colleges and universities won't fare nearly as well as the private sector. Most of that money will go to corporations
like the big aerospace firms."
Within the overall $7 billion increase, moreover, funding for defense research will increase by nearly 28 per cent, while basic research funding will get only a 5.5 per cent increase in constant dollars.
Funding for university research through the departments of Agriculture, Commerce,
Interior, Education, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration will actually decrease, the study points out.
-And the National Institutes of Health, which channel nearly $2.3 billion in research money to colleges, will suffer a nearly two per cent cut in federal support if Congress approves· Reagan's funding requests.
Guest housing per day is $3.50 if guests pr6vide linen; $6 with college-provided
Incidental fees remain the President Jerry L. Gallentine will be inaugurated April 27. same for 1983-84 at PSC.
and Letters to the Editor
Mrs. Gibbs
To the Editor: Peggy Gibbs deserves an applause for the great job done this year with student programs. This is only my second year at PSC, but the organization of student programs, if compared to last year, is really amazing.
She has broadened the. students knowledge of day by day activities with monthly calendars and posters. She has brought in good movies, good music, and special talents, like Willie Stargell. The few of us that attended Casino Night really had a great time with super nice prizes.
I respect and praise her works in reaching out to get more students involved. It is sad that more students don't participate in college sponsored activitif..>.
Congratulations Mrs. Gibbs for the fine job done this year. There really are some of us out here that greatly appreciate your hard-work and eagerness to get involved Keep up the great work. Name Withheld.
Cable Reply
Editor's Note: This letter was received approximately two weeks ago while the cable was being installed.
To the Editor:·
Perhaps you and the students at Peru State College would like ·an update on cable TV services in your city. By reading your paper, it appears more information is needed. At this date, most of Peru is on cable. It should also be noted at this time that most of our construction problem in Peru derived from getting the necessary clearance from the power company. Furtht1rmore, internal personnel conflicts have been solved. Our marketing representative, who is no longer with us, had made promises which became our problem. No one "has been had!" We have not billed anyone in Peru for services not rendered, and when we do, · everyone will receive a .$10.00 credit for their deposit made. Also, all those who have requested their deposit back have received it.
Mr. Jerry Patterson is your local representative and very competent in handling any situation.
MIDLANDS CA13LE is not.the largest cable. compariy, but we pride ourselves in servicing our customers to the best of our ability.
Very truly yours, Al Fey, President, MIDLANDS CABLE SYSTEMS, INC.
Financial Aid
Dear Students: By now eac)l. of you has probably heard Qn the. evening news and read in your local or university newspaper about President Reagan's proposed changes' to the Federal student financial assistance programs sponsored by the Department of Education. I would like to take this opportunity to explain the budget we have requested.
The chartbelow compares the 1983 student aid budget with our proposed budget for 1984. Because over 1 billion dollars has been saved as a result of declining interest rates, the tota.l
funding proposed for 1984 is level with 1983. The difference in the two budgets is· where we have put the dollars. We are prpposing to consolidate the current six programs into one loan, one worll:-study, and one grant.
over 12 billion dollars to establish revolving loan funds on the campus. The loan fund is for the use of current and future students. Though no new money is requested for- the NDSL program, the revolving funds mean that over $550 million will 1rontinue to. be available ""to students in 1984. The arilount of IT\Oney available in future years depends on students meeting their repayment obligations and
, thereby keeping the revolving funds healthy. If former students, now in default, repay their loans, over $640 million could be added to the revolving funds.
The key principle behind thi&. proposal is that a simplified and consolidated student aid program will benefit both the student and the American taxpayer financing the student aid programs. Simplification will also dramatically reduce the administrative burden which your institutions now face in admiriistering the six Federal aid programs. Reducing this burden will improve your institution's ability to delivery student aid.
We have asked Congress not to provide new funding for the · State Student Incentive Grant Program, the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant ProgJ'am, and the 1 National Direct Student Loan Program. We've Congress to, increase funding for College Work-Study and Pell Grants.
Under the new budget we expect a · higher loan volume and a higher loan average for the Guaranteed Student Loan Program.
The chart below compares the total amount of aid available to students through the Department of Education under the 1983 and proposed 1984 budgets.
The three remaining programs·: College Work-Study, Pell <Grant) and the Guaranteed Student Loan Program will ensure the type of student financial assistance hoped for, but never realized, under the six program arrangement.
The Guaranteed Student Loan <GSL) ·and Auxiliary Loan <PLUS) programs make low interest loans available to eligible graduate and undergraduate students <GSL) as well as parents <PLUS; by paying lenders inte,rest while the student is in school and by subsidizing interest- while the borrower is paying off the loan. The combined program is the largest of the Federal financial aid programs.
The pudget Which we sent to Congress requests $2.04 billion to cover the costs of the GSL program in 1984. It also includes a rescission of $900 million for 1983 funding. The $2.04 billion /represents a decrease from the 1982 · GSL appropriation of almost one billion dollars.
·The proposed reduction does not represent a reduced commitment to the GSL pr:ogram. On the contrary, because President Reagan's Economic Recovery Program has successfully reduced interest rates, the actual cost of the program is steadily decreasing. Although the program will cost ·one billion dollars less than in 1982, one billion dollars more will be available to student borrowers.
million in funds for the College Work '-8 tudy Program. Increases in CWS support our view that a student and his or her family share the primary responsibility for financing a college education. If adopted by the Congress, President Reagan's increase will create jobs for an additional 345,000 students. The average student's earnings would be $800,00.
The College Work-Study prog• ram is' administered and managed on the college campus. The Federal government contribution to the work-study payroll is 80 per cent. By increasing the CWS program by 60 per cent we hope to reduce the burden many young graduates now face when they have relied too heavily on loans to finance their college costs.
The Senate
In recognizing some outstanding contributions on the part of PSC students we find one which cannot be overlooked. The student run Pedegogian has been an outstanding contribution. To-what do you ask? Well unfortunately we are unable to answer our own question. · Perhaps a better inquiry would be, "What should the Ped have outstandingly contributefl?" Many students have been greatly disappointed in the PED this year and we feel they are quite justified in their view, and we must add that we take the same attitude. The coverage of events on campus has been enemic compared to that of the past year. A majority of things tnat happen, things of much importance come out in our PED more than a week late. OLD NEWS. You see, we know we live in a place where telegraph and would not even be necessary. Word of.· mouth serves us very well here. We Indiana
are· in millions.
·SSIG was established in 1972 in order ··to· provide states an incentive to establish their own grant and scholarship programs. Currently all states have met this challenge and. offer very scholarship and grant programs. Known under a variety of different names, these state programs awarded over· 1 billion dollars last year. Thus,. after n the incentive provided by the SSIG program has successfully generated more dollars than the Federal government could possibly have hoped.
SEOG was designed to supplement the Pell Grant. Administered by the financial aid office on the campus, the program was to provide students with the financial means necessary to have choice in which institution to attend.
The problem with SEOG is that it is not targeted to help those students who really need federal assistance. If our proposed budget is accepted by the Congress, the new Self-help Grant program will provide needy students with the choice previously reserved for the privileged.
Begun in 1958, NDSL is the oldest of the Federal student assistance programs. Over the past 25 years the Federal government has given schols participating in the program
About 2.64 million students and parents received GSL and PLUS loans in 1982. Theaverage loan was $2,222. Under President Reagan's 1984 budget the (average loan is expected to be $2,454. The number of recipients will increase almost 300,000. Improved economic conditions will make .Jet all of this happen with one billion dollars less of the tax money.
In· 1984 we are proposing some changes to the current law governing the GSL program. We estimate that these changes alone will save $126.9 million iri 1984 .and $204.7 million in. 1985. Currently students .who wish to borrow under the GSL program do not have to demonstrate financial need, if their family income is under $30,000. (The requirement that need be demonstrated for students whose family income is over $30,000 was, in fact, implemented only last year.) Our 1984 budget proposes extending the "needs test" to all income levels. Factors such as cost of tultion, expected family contribution, number of children in school, etc.· will continue to figure into the needs formula. This proposed change is consistent with our belief that Federal aid should :be reserved for those students who need the assistance in order to attend college.
President Reagan's budget requests an additional $310
The most sweeping changes President Reagan has proposed are those affecting the · Pell Grant Program. Driving the changes are our interest in assuring equity and ensuring access and choice. The proposal also restores to the student some responsibility for securing college costs.
Unqer the proposed Self-help <Pell) Grant Program, students must meet a minimum expected student contribution before being eligible for a grant. The contribution would be a minimum of 40 per cent of the cost of attendance-with an absolute dollar minimum of $800. A student may meet his expected contribution from a variety of sources, including the Federal loan and work-study programs described above, state grant and 1Continued on Page 3l
want to read articles that have not had time to come through the Grape Vine.
Also some of the NEWS is of little importance to PSC students. Dennis Weaver is one great actor and a great humanitarian no doubt, but what does that matter. Contributions of our faculty, staff, and most importantly- our STUDENTS must come first, WE, the senate do not like being preempted by such news as the Dennis Weaver story. It took up half the front page, isn't anyone around here worth a half of page?
We sincerely felt that something should be said about this problem. Even though there are many other gripes that we could air, we will close by simply saying this: Our students, students ii:i all areas, our faculty and our. staff deserve more. Fortunately we feel that next year will be the improvement we've waited for and are looking forward to it. Our money will finally'be used well and for good purposes.
PSC Student Senate
April 25 6 and _8 p.m. Benford Recital Hall
Managing Editor Don Strecker
Associate Editor Vince Henzel
Reporters Lisa Cline, Pearl Dean, Sally Martineau
Photographer David Miller Advisor .: Everett Browning
The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State G:ollege and is printed 8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We ca.nnot prtnt any unsigned letters; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. on this page do. not necessarily represent the opinion of The Ped'agogian or Peru St6te College. ·
' Federal 1983 1934 AEeroEriation*: (Cont Res.) (Request) Wo.rk-Study 540. 850 GSL (&PLUS) 3 ,101 2,047 NOSL 193 4
Pell (Self-help) 2,1.19 SEOG 355 SS!G 60 TOTAL 6,66.8 * Dollars are in 2, 714 5,615
Aid Available*: 1983 1984 587 924 GSL (&PLUS) 6,59J 7 ,198 NDSL 684 550 Pell (Self-help) 2,419 2,714 SEOG 355 SS!G TOTAL 10 ,758 11,386 *Dollars
the new hero from the creators of JAWS and STAR WARS.
'Imaginary Invalid' Will be Performed
"Imaginary Invalid" will be presented at PSC April 21-23 at 8 p.m. and at 2 p.m. on the 24th.
The three act play, written by Moliere and adapted by Malleson, is set in 1674 in Paris. It is basically a farce and social comment on doctors.
According to Richard Wood who plays the lead of Monsieur Argan, the storyline is, "Toinette wants to help Angelica marry Cleante, but Argan insists that she marry Dr. Thomas Diaforus, and Beline and the lawyer have ideas of their own."
The remaining cast includes: Toinette, the maid and nurse, Janelle Casey; Angelica, Argan's elder daughter, Karen
Coover; Beline, Argan's wife,· Lori Walton; Monsieur .Bonnefoy, a lawyer, Ray Smith; Cleante, in. love with Angelica,· Jamie Thompson; Dr. Diaforus, Gary Dixon; Dr. Thomas Diaforus, his son, Roger Tupper; Louise, Argan's younger daughter, Jackie Hawley; Monsieur Beralde, Argan's brother, Chuck Mittan; Apothecary, John Bom:n; Dr. Purgon, Rick Ossian. Pam Wertz is stage manager, and Dr. Charles Harper is the director. ·All costumes are being made by the scene and costume design class. Besides performances at PSC, the play will also J?e touring Elk Creek, Johnson-Brock and Murdock.
<Continued from Page 2) scholarship funds and ,private
It is important that you, as .students, understand the selfhelp concept. Your student contribution can be met by an almost infinit-e combination of sources, including all of the Federal aid"programs except the Self-help grant itself.
President Reagan's proposal suggests that cost of attendance should figure prominantly in the calculation of a student's Self-help grant. A student attel)ding a community college and living at home obviously has less cost than a student attending a $7,500 institution in a different town or state. -The "cost-sensitivity" of the Sel(, help Grant Program shoufd ensure that needy students have a greater choice in selection of an institution to attend. While the maximum· Pell Grant is $1,800, a student who attends a high cost institution and has a small expected family contribution could receive a $3,000 Self-help
The equity issue is one that has long been wrestled with in the delivery of Federal grant programs. Many students are awarded more money than they actually need while many more do· not enough to meet their coll'ege costs. This situation has in large part because of the complexity of the Pell G.rant Program eligibility criteria. To address this problem, the new Self-help Grant program proposes, for example, re<].ucing from 22 to five the number · of factors used to determine a family's ability to contribute. Changes such as this will go far toward· resl;ablishing the original intent. of the grant program-that- of providing access to higher. education for those who would not be able to attend college with<mt assistance. The new Self-help Grant is. designed to build , on that original purpose by giving needy students choice in addition to : access.
This Administration's strong commitment to education demands that we take steps to improve student aid delivery. By consolidating the .Programs to simplify management and by requiring a student contribution to higher education costs before grant aid is provided, we believe that we can maintain tile integrity of· Federal student assistance programs. Simplifying tbe system and maintaining integrity are the only ways to ensure that the programs will be available to future generations of students.
Edward M. Elmendorf, Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education. -
Ca·rtooning Class to Be Offered Next Fall
"Cartooning and Humorous Illustration" is a new course being offered at PSC for the 1983 fall semester.
Dr. Paul Fell, instructor, said the class will cover a number of areas, including comic strips, editorial cartoons, one panel gag cartoons, and caricatures. Fell said the students will also be developing their own cartoon characters. After learning the basic techniques, students will concentrate on the one area of cartooning they're most interested in.
1 The ciass will also listen to. -
Would you yourself? .option.
guest speakers on cartooning, view animated movies, and might visit the Humor Workshop at Hallmark in Kansas City.
For a couple of years Fell said he has been recruiting students not only on the basis of receiving a strong art background at PSC, but also on the opportunity of studying under the only editorial cartoonist in Nebraska.
Fell said the future of the course might include a campus ; cartooning magazine, consisting of "off-the-wall, insane humor." "But," he said, "we'll see how the artwork goes first."
like an action shot or two of Well now you can have the
If you are interested--contact Vince Henzel, Sports Information Director, third of the Administration Bldg., sometime during the day between 9 and 5.
· Get your order in now--team pies also available!! All sports are available as negatives provide!
PRICE: 5 x 7
8 x 10 $1.00 $2.00
Alumni Activities
Along with the coming of spring, annual alumni activities have been announced at Peru State College which includes two annual dinner meetings and honored classes reunion the night before Commencement.
On Friday, • April 15, the Lincoln-area alumni and friends of PSC will gather at the Harvester Restaurant, 1501 Center Park Road, for a 6:30 p.m. social hour, and 7 p.m. buffet dinner.
Christie and Ed Myers are taking reservations for the April 22 annual dinner for the Omaha-area alumni and friends of PSC. They can be reached at 402-334-2185 for information about the 6 to 7 p.m. social hour, followed by the 7 p.m. dinner and meeting.
Location for the Omaha meeting will be Caniglias' World, 1700 Farnam, atop the Woodmen Tower in downtown Omaha.
Program for both evenings in April will be Bob Baker, director of Continuing Education at PSC. Baker, who has been at PSC since July 1, will tell the groups about "The Development of the Regional Service Concept at Peru State College."
The West Dining Room of the Student Center has been reserved for the evening of Friday, May 13 at 6:30 p.m., when the classes of 1933, 1943, and 1953 will be honored. May 14 is Commencement with a fullday of activities
Knutzen Speaks at Conference
Dr. Owen Knutzen, superintendent of the Omaha Public Schools from 1967 to 1982, told counselors and principals at a Peru State College conference .that leadership is a necessary element in the role that education has in American society today.
"Educators cannot be just managers," Knutzen said. "Managing is a lower skill than what is needed today. The flight from public schools has resulted in a loss of leadership and resources. We must inspire and develop confidence.
"What are schpols really.for?" he asked the southeastern Nebraska educators. He said that schools provide 40 per cent education and 60 per cent "other services" which include sex education, athletic training, bus service, mental health and health service.
He stressed that schools must be a place where teachers can teach. "The decline of the effectiveness of education is the longest obituary in history," he said.
Following the keynote speaker was Frank May, Omaha Westside High school English teacher, who spoke on "Preparation. for Standardized Tests" and explained differences between the ACT tests. May has created a writing assessment program for the Omaha District 66 School District and is active in the Nebraska Writers Project.
' Dr. Russ Lord of Northwest Missouri State University, spoke on test bias Other speakers included Ms. Cheri Clark of the College of St. Mary, Omaha, who discussed fin:;mcial aid and Dr. Jerry Gallentine, president of Peru State College, who addressed the group at a noon luncheon
, in the West Dining Room of the Studeqt Center.
Gallentine told the group of nearly 50 that PSC is rededicated to the concept of· regional service. "Through workshops, seminars, in-plant training and businesses we plan to reach out to educate and serve the people in Southeast Nebraska," he said.
collegiate c 11 2 3 4 5 114 17 20 23 26 27 130 36 Julius ACROSS 1 - Flow, Orkney Islands area 40 Bell inventory 41 Crazy 42 Miss Angeli 43 - spending 6 Abbreviation in a __ 45·u:s. missile theatre ad 10 Baby's early word 14 Painter Winslow15 State· assuredly 16 Old song, "-a Seesaw" 17 See 37-Across 48 Garment for Margot Fonteyn 49 Shows plainly 51 Cards left over after dealing 54 "I tell 18 Change the decor 55 Catchall abbrevi19 Twixt and tween ation 20 Long-legged bird 56 "- Kick Out of 21 Natives of Flag- You" staff 57 in Valencia· 23 employees 58 Actress Naldi 25 Sea cucumber 59 Slow, in music 26 Mohandas Gandhi, 60 - souci for one. 61 Flat-bottomed 29 Chemical suffixes vessel 30 "Thanks -!" 62 These: Sp. 31 Medicinal plant 33 Dance like Eleanor · Powell 36 Swing around 37 Dean Ma rt in song, with 17-Across 38 Word with Major or Minor · 39 Jobb and Hardin DOWN 1 Teheran sovereign 2 Attend 3 Shapeless 4 Bring a speech to a close 5 "We - alone" 8 6 Prefix for medic 7 1976 Wimbledon champ 8 Questioned after 9 Money· in e.g. (2wds.) 10 Rigg and Ross 11 Capital of Jordan 12 Event 13 Relatives of ifs 22 13-nation cartel 24 Result of a blast 26 Before the27 Friend 28 Like a saying 32 Suffix for Euclid 33 Brula lly harsh 34 - spumante 35 Certain tense 38 Basic quantities 40 Singer Ed.;ith -.42 Toolbox standby 44 Ineffective 45 Majorca seaport 46 Tear producer 47 Prefix: at rest 49 Pasture sounds 50 Shredded cabbage 52 Klemperer 53 Inner portion of a Greek temple
Dr. Charles Harper is the director of PSds next production, "The Imaginary Invalid."
Intramural Stan·dings
PSC Basketball Camps
Peru State • ,.• annual Camp" June 6 thrnn••h HPER Center campus.
John Gibbs, head basketball coach at Peru State College, wm again direct the camps, aided by Bobcat players and area coaches. The camp will emphasize the fundamentals of 9Psketball such as shooting; ball handling and defense. Players will receive individual instruction in these specific areas. League play and one-on-one competition will also take place throughout the week.
Boys and girls entering 7th through 12th grades are eligible to attend the camp. All campers are asked to report on Monday morning in the HPER Center
8 to IO a.m. During this room assignments, infor_ the camp and tuitjon
""""'",...,"""' will take place. of $25 for campers for commuters is recmilred with each application is not refundable. All ,.,,.,,,idrntinn and deposits should in bv June 1. for the camp is $95 which includes housing, three meals a day, a camp T-shirt and insurance. Cost for commuters is $35 which includes T-shirt and insurance. Some proof of a physical exam must also be brought with each application.
Campers attending are suggested to bring _one pair of basketball shoes, five pairs of athletic socks, five sets of playing gear, pillows, sheets,
bedding, and swim suits if t want to swim, for the schedul five days of the camp
"Last year we had increased number of kids atte and we expect a much bett turn-out this vear. We feel we' trying to provide an inexpensi camp with the highest quali,ty output." Gibbs said. "We al have probably the best facility the state to hold such a ca Kids will have a chance to pl on four regulation size cour which will allow us t accomplish much more than other camps," says Gibbs, For mor-e information on th camp, contact John Gibbs, head basketball coach at 'Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421 or call 402-872-3815, ext. 217.
Cagers Sign With Peru _State
Head bas.ketball ,Coach John Gibbs has announced the intent of three players to play basketball at Peru State College for the 1983-84 season.
Greg Thomas, a 6-4 190-pound forward from Iowa Western Junior College of Clarinda, Ia., averaged 11.4 points per game and 8.4 rebounds as Iowa Western posted an impressive 27-2 final overall record. Thomas is an outstanding athlete with a 36 inch vertical leap. "He could be a very vital part of our program next year," says
Gibbs. He is the son of Charlene Thomas.
Todd Abrahamson, a 6-5 senior, was a key cog in Palmer High School winning the 1-A State;Championship in Iowa in 1983. The 205-pound forwardcenter a'veraged 13.4 points per game and 10.4 rebounds, while shooting 61.9 per cent from the field. Abrahamson was a second team River-Valley Conference selection. He is the son of John and Betty Abrahamson.
Milton Bramble, a 5-10 guard from Rock Port, Missouri, will
also wear a Bobcat uniform this fall. Bramble was a 18.2 scorer this past season and averaged 5.7 rebounds. He was a All-275 conference performer this past season, and led the conference in scoring. He is the son of Paul and Elva Bramble.,
"We are pleased to have these young men joining our squad next season." Gibbs said. "We are looking forward to having a fine year of recruiting, and have made good progress by signing these players."
LaWyers: Walker Beat Weak Rule
The pro football leagues' rule keeping college players off their rosters until they use up all their college eligibility-the same rule college football defector Herschel Walker and the New Jersey Generals of the U.S. Football League· broke in early stand up in court anyway, two University of Detroit_ law professors have concluded from eight months of legal into the rule.
The rule "unreasonably restrains trade," contends sports law attorney and,teacher Robert McCormick. · Consequently, he .believes the· rule, if ever challenged in court, couldn't stand up.
McCormick and fellow-lawyer
Matthew McKinnon began researching the question soon after Walker, then just finishing his sophomore year of eligibility at the University of Georgia, threatened to sue the National Football League for forbidding any of its teams from drafting Walker until he used up his four years of eligibility after the 1983 college season.
Walker ultimately decided not to file !!Uit, opting to play another year at Georgia.
But McCormick and McKinnon were intrigued with the issue Walker had raised, and, using Walker as an example, began to research the case law to see if the football and track star had a good case.
They concluded he could have won his lawsuit easily.
Walker's contention that the NFL-and by extension the USFL-violated anti-trust laws by forbiading their teams to draft players still eligible to play college ball was probably correct, the law professors say in an article to be published in a law journal this month.
The main reason the pro leagues haven't lost such a case is that no one has sued them over the rule yet: Players, they say, are re.luctant to spend the year or so on the sidelines it would take while the case was Qeing litigated.
Some published reports say Walker threatened to sue the USFL this year unless it allowed one of its teams to·sign him.
In any event,- Walker did sign with the New Jersey Generals for a reported $4.8 million, although he still had a year of eligibility left at Georgia. ·
Walker's defection enraged many college football officials, who predicted the signing would mean the effective end of the current system.
The NFL also protested the signing, saying it would interfere with athletes' college educations.
McCormick, who teaches sports law at UD's law school, agrees, but believes the NFL has other motives for wanting to preserve the four-year eligibility rule. · The rule gives the NFL a "good, cheap" way to train talent, he says. "Why destroy your farm system?"
But it would be threatened by any reasonable legal challenge anyway, he adds, because the rule seems to contradict anti-trust laws.
To be immune from anti-trust laws, the four-year rule would have to be part of a collective bargaining agreement. But since college players are not NFL employees and are not covered under the NFL's collective bqrgaining agreement, McCormick argues the rule .couldn't pass a court test.
The National Basketball Association lost its four-year rule to a lawsuit by Spencer Haywood, who jumped from the University of Detroit into pro ball when he' won the suit on anti-trust grounds.
McCormick doesn't expect Walker's defection this year will cause any more of a migration of collegians into the pros than Haywood's did.
"It probably won't change things that much," he says. Only about six eligible basketball players a year now try to jump from college to pro teams.
John Gibbs, head basketball coach at PSC, will be camp director for P.SC's annual "Bobcat Basketball Camp" June 6 through· 10.
WOMENS FINAL STANDINGS w - L PF PA Lady Celtics 3 l 115 6b Capitol Punishment 3 - 1 103 65 Tornado's 3 - 'l Bl 74 ERA's 1 3 60_10:1. M&M' s 0 - 4 8t5 98 MEN'S STANDINGS (AS OF 4/l/83). .! - L PF PA Gamecocks 7 - 0 319 21? G.C.Connection 6 - 1 239 163 I.N.Connection 5 - 2 287 208 Spasma. tics 5 2 268 214 Runn:in' Rebel.s 4 - 2 200 149 PSC 3 4 221 264 Florida Mixer 2 - 4 136 170 Ghengis 1 - 6 188 275 Erudites 0 5 131 ·213 K.K.K. 0 - 5 123 223 DIF +49 +-38 t 7 -41 -43 DIF +I02 + 76 + 79 + 54 + 51 43 - 34 87 - 82 1 -100 .
the voice of tire feru state bobcats!
If you have always wanted to spend a week in New York City touring Broadway plays, now is the time to make plans for May 21 through 27.
For $614, Dr. Charles Harper, associate professor of speech and drama, and the Office of Continuing Education at Peru State College, are offering a tour with hotel rooms based on quadruple occupancy. An hour college credit is possible for students, Harper said.
The group will stay at the Hotel Edison, which is a half block from Time Square. Activities in the package besides hotel and air fare include:
An orientation session, Two-hour seminar by a Broadway, or off-Broadway. professional, Guided tour of the Lincoln
Center for the Performing Arts, Metropolitan Opera tour, Back stage Broadway tour, Half day guided-tour of Greenwich Village, Tour of either a scenic design house, costume design shop, recording studio, or TV production center, and Four performances of a Broadway musical, an off-Broproduction and-or two comedies or dramas.
Harper urged interested persons to submit a $100 deposit as soon as possible. "Due to the fluctuation of air fares, it is important to make reservations quickly in order to keep the price down."
Call Harper, ext. 272, or the Office of Continuing Education. ext. 241, 402-872-3815, for more information.
Play to Go on Tour of Area After Performances
Dr. Charles Harper, associate professor of drama and speech at Peru State College, says he hopes to start a tradition when the final curtain of the Peru Players campus production "The Imaginary Invalid," falls.
Moliere's farce will play 21 through the 24th in the College Auditorium, Thursday through Sunday at 8 p.m., with a 2 p.m., Sunday matinee.
Peru State College's theatre group will tour Elk Creek, Johnson-Brock and Murdock area high schools with the assistance of a Nebraska Arts Council grant following the PSC-run. This is the first time a major production has gone on tour, according to HarpeL
"The experience of touring will be invaluable to the cast," Harper said. "The cast will not only have to adjust to different audiences, but also new surroundings and stages."
Designing the scenery and furniture for touring was a new experience, he said, as the scenery has to be light weight, portable and fit into a van. According to Harper, the furniture designed in the Louis XIV style is portable and folds to store easily. The set can be assembled in Jess than 15 minutes.
The $1 tickets to see "The Imaginary Invalid" may be purchased at the door.
The WAA Officers for the 1983-84 academic year: Front ro:w, Michelle Work.m_on, Tournament Director; Georjean Schimke, TournameAt Dire.ctor; Stefanie Ahern, Vice President and Colleen Chapman, President. Second row, Missy Trujillo, Tour.nament Director; Jackie Schultz, Tournament Director: Sara Donovan, Publicity Chairman: Coria Frquen, Treasurer, and Mary Neels, Secretary. ·
WAA Banguet is Held
By Sara Donovan
The WAA Banquet was held at The Wheeler Inn in Auburn on Monday night, April 11. The eveningincluded a buffet dinner, followed by the awarding of letters to the Lady Bobcat athletes and non-athletes.
The Volleyball letter winners were Rhonda Buethe, Glevon Covault, Barb Peterson, Carla Frauen, Robin Smith, Missy Trujillo, Tammy Lutzi, Bonnie Mick, Jackie Schultz, and Michelle Wo.ukman.
The letter winners for Basketball were Carla Frauen, Stefanie Ahern, Colleen Chapman, Barb • :Peterson, Georjean Schimke, Jackie Schultz, Linda Shepard, Alice Anderson, Wendy Shuey, Michelle Workman, Lori Butler, and Ronda Kunecke.
The letter winners for indoor track included Glevon Covault,
Rhonda Buethe, Shari Paciosa, Susie Palmer, Cheryl · Corey, Nancy Corey, Jody Johnston, Jan Tolson, and Kim Godemaim.
The letter winners for cross country consisted of Shari Paczosa, Susie Palmer, Clleryl Corey, Nancy Corey, and Jody Johnston.
The non-athletic members of WAA that received letter awards were Sandy Kohel; Brenda Aufdengarten, Marsha Kentopp, Kim Alexander; Ann Neels, ·Brenda Wilkinson, Kim Gerking, Joyce Meyers, Mary Neels, Pam Ottemann, Kirn Hill, Rhonda Schroeder, .and Kijn Grinstead. Awards - for softball and outdoor track were withheld, as their seasons have barcly gotten underway, due to unfavorable weather co.nditions.
The $100 WAA Scholarsl!ip, which is given for outstanding
Bad Economy Could Push Rates Up Again
dedication and service to the organization, was presented to '-Stefanie· Ahern. The Janet Memorial Scholarship was presented to Becky Gauchat for her hard workand dedication as both an athlete and student manager.
The new WAA Officers for the 1983-'1984 academiC year were also Those positions filled consist of: PresidentColleen Chapman, Junior, Grand ISlarid; Vice-President- Stefanie Ahern, Junior, Malvern,· IA.; Secretary c Mary Neels; Junior, Dunbar; Treasurer - Carla Frauen, Junior, Lincoln; Publicity Chairman - Sara Donovan, Sophomore, Lincoln; and Georjean Schimke, Junior, Ogallala; Jackie Schultz, Junior, Tecumseh; Michelle Workman, Fresh_ man, Plattsmouth; and Missy Trujillo, Junior, Ogallala,. all Tournament Directors.
Annual IA .Fair Hosted by PSC
The second annual Industrial Arts Fair and Competition at PSC will be held Thursday and Friday, April 28-29.
Kennard Larso11, coordinator, said 28 schools will be participating from an eight county area in southeast Nebraska, totaling up to 500 projects on display.
Projects will be 'judged on Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the areas of woodworking, metalworking, drafting, architecture, and automotive. The
judges are a .group of industrial educators and persons from industry from Iowa,. _Missouri, and Nebraska.
A competition will take place in the Industrial Arts building during the judging period: Events include performance tests in welding and drafting, and and assembling a small gasoline engine.
An awards presentation· is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. in the HPER center when_ judgirig is
completed. Two traveling trophies will be awarded to top schools, along, with two scholarships. The. full tuition scholarships are to be used by students ' attending PSC who major in some area of the applied arts.
Free open house hours for the public are Ho 9 p.m. Thursday, and 12 to 2 p.m. Friday in the HPER center. The public is also invited to attend the hands-on competition, and the ·aw.ards presentation.
<CPS)-The: U.S. Department of Education should be "realistic" by bracing itself for an increasing number of students defaulting on their federal student loan payments this year, says a top official with the American Council on Education.
With this summer's job market likely to be the worst since World War II-campus job placement experts are predicting that even engineers and computer science grads will have a tough time finding work-many grads simply may not have the jobs, and thus the income, to begin repaying their student loans, ACE spokesman Bob Aaron says. ·
The default rate on Guaranteed Student Loans has risen steadily since 1978, from 10.3 per cent to 12.3 per cent, according to the Dept. of Education.
National Direct Student Loans defaults, on the other hand, have been ,edging downward for the last five years, from a high of 17.7 per cent in 1978 to 15.4 per cenHast year.
More aggressive collection efforts by the federal government have helped ease the default rate, experts say.
But as the job market for college grads deteriorates this year, default rates could shoot · up again, Aaron advises.
"Is it realistic to expect a student with $10,000 worth of debt not to default fn today's job .market?" he asks.
"After all, with the kinds of jobs and salaries available, many students will be lucky just to keep their heads above water."
Even searching for a job could
take months, he points out, "and when you're starting a career there , are certain start-up costs-moving expem;es, clothing, and other expemses-that have to come before }'.epayirtg' a loan."
But the number of grads. filing for protection under bankf.uptcy laws could increase if the economy doesn't hµpr<Jve, says ACE policy .• analysti:: Elaine El-Kha was. , ·
Right now the number of grads who escape repaying their loans by declaring bankruptcy is around one per cent, El-Khawas says. · ·
"Most of those are genuine hardship cases," she notes.
Some are more desperate than others. ln December, a federal court turned down a: former Wright State University student who wanted to repay the school just one per cent of the amount she still owed on her loan. After 36 months, she would have paid back a total of $14.82.
· The court decided the former -student, who is now· a teacher who co-owns some real estate in Ohio, hadn't shown "good faith" when she proposed repaying so little.
In what is perhaps a more typical case, however, a California federal court recenily relieved a former San Diego State student of her , loan obligation because the woman's nervous disabilities and hearing losses have prevented her from holding a job for long.
Students cart't apply for bankruptcy protection until five or more years after the loan originally became due, Depart-
(Continued on Page 3)
the New York City Tour Is Planned by PSC
,., Number? Peru State College, Peru, Nebr. 68421 April 22, 1983
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor: I would like to take this opportunity to comment on the letter which was written to you by the' Peru State College Student Senate in your April 15 paper. Being a PSC journalism graduate and editor of · the college newspaper for two semesters, I know how disappointing it is to receive such a letter.
It 1 appears to me that" the senate d0esn't · seem to be thinking completely through qn their criticism of your paper. I would like to address the following points to them, or anyone else involved with. PSC, about the Pedagogian and how it is produced.
Number one: When was the last time they looked at your masthead (the list of reporters, editors and other staff) and counted the number of people you have working under you?
Number two: The letter never actually addressed what they wanted to see done differently. AH they requested was to get the paper back to standards it used to be. If you have. possibly been lax on covering their organization that would have been a good place to include it. The front page of the same edition had senate elections as one of the main stories, I noted.
Number three: They said the news seems outdated by the time they read it. I doubt if they realize the editor must have the paper completely ready for printing (layout, headlines and all), by Monday noon. I am aware of how competantly both Vince and yourself have met your deadlines, but doubt if they are. I feel this responsibility is a big plus to anyone wheh they get into the working world.
Number four: Since budget cuts have affected everyone, including tht; college newspaper, do they realize you are allowed to publish only eight issues per semester. It doesn't take a lot of figuring to discover that with almost 15 school weeks each semester, a paper can be printed only every other week.
Number five: Now I would like to refer to a ·statement which was made about including information that doesn't pertain exclusively to Peru State. I wonder how many of them have expected papers back from friends for the next day's classes only to be disappointed. That might be a good comparison to help demonstrate the complete cooperation a person in your position needs. They would then accept the fact that iftherelsn't enough local news, an editor mµst fill his paper somehow.
·For the Record
I would like to start off by adding a couple of things to Darrell Wellman's reply to the student senate.
First of all, they said that many of the students were greatly disappointed in the PED this year. Who are these .Hmany students?" And if they are so "greatly disappointed" with the PED, why haven't they said anything about it? If people would jusf speak up instead of keeping things to themselves, we · would not have so many i questions or complaints.
Secondly, Darrell touched on the fact that the paper must be
Indiana Jones-the new hero from the creators of JAWS and STAR WARS.
Number six: I would like to encourage all Peru State students to consider contributing towards their college newspaper. If a larger interest was shown, it would take much of the load off of your shoulders.
I am sure you would Jike ·nothing better than to have a staff of 15 instead of six. In that case you could function as a manging editor, instead of a news writer,. photograph locater, layout man, headline writer, etc.
Since I am no longer attending Peru, I can't be sure of the contributions the senate has made this past year, but I can only hope they have been outstanding after reftding their April 15 editorral.
Don, in closing I would like· to say up the good work with · your limited crew. Maybe next year's editor will bave a larger staff thanks to _!IlY letter! .{
P.S. In order to show. the importance the Ped does carry, I hope everyone also read the explanation on.cable TV service, the congratulations to Peggy Gibbs and the statistics on college financial aid. Without the college newspaper, how would these remarks have been heard?
April 25 - 6 and 8 p.m.
Benford Recital Hall
ready for printing by Monday noon. Did anybody bother to ask why some of the news seemed so old? No, I guess they just assumed that I enjoy putting it in, which I don't.,
Next, they said that some of the news doesn't pertain to Peru State College orits students and used the Dennis Weaver stoPy as an example. The story was not meant to highlight Mr. Weaver but to make the students aware of the harmfulness of drugs, a major problem across · the country (we are still members of this country, aren't we?).
The other reason why I put in this story was because of a
Sincerely, Darrell Wellman, Auburn, Nebr. • reason that Darrell brought up in his letter. I didn't have enough stories so I had to make do with what I had.
What I find humorous' in all of this is that a certain member of the senate is also a PED reporter! Why did the senate have to write to the editor to make their complaints heard? Now the reporter I'm speaking of is an excellent reporter, don't get me wrong. What I'm saying is how am I supposed to put anything in detail on the student senate in the PED when I don't get anything in detail on the student senate?
Pedagogian Editorial·
By Sally Martineau
The end is near. Friends will come and go. Many will return next year, It is farewell Seniors, hello Freshman. But the same faculty and staff will 'return, all , but one. One, in my mind, who is by far the most outstanding man in his profession, Dr. Russell Stratton, Professor of English.
After this semester, Dr. Stratton. will travel to Fairbanks, Alaska, where he has accepted a position at the University of Alaska. U of A students and faculty do not know how lucky they are. Peru's loss is definitely their gain. They not only get the teaching expertise of a superior English professor, but also the wit and knowledge
The Veterans Administration reports a dramatic increase in the use of the GI home loan program by veterans. October 1982 figures reveal over 18,000 applications · received by the agency for loans with a 12'h per
that accompanies the' man, wherever he is.
Dr. Stratton has represented Peru in many parts of the country. Becently, he had an opportunity ·to be a guest speaker in Atlanta, Georgia, but declined because funding could not be .allotted for him. Atlanta missed a superb speaker and likewise, so shall we.
I personally will miss his wit in and out of the classroom. He seemed to take a personal interest in each and every student he crossed, a quality many students recognized and appreciated. I hope PSC'realizes their loss and recognizes Dr. Stratton for his contributions to Peru. Hats off, to you Dr. Stratton, you deserve it.
cent interest rate. In January 1982, only 8,462 applications were received when the rate was 161/2 per cent. The current GI home loan interest rate is 12 per cent.
Managing Editor Don Strecker
-Associate Editor · Vince Henzel
Reporters Lisa Cline, Pearl Dean, Sally Martineau
Photographer David Miller
Advisor '. Everett Brownihg
The Pedagogian is the sounding. board of Peru State and is printed 8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed (double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any · unsigned lett1:!rs; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on this ·page do not necessarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogiqn or Peru State College.
• •
CPS ......
= ·--·------"- ' ·ornooc.
"We're not really making any projections on whether the job market will raise the number of defaults," Heimrich says.
U.S. attorneys in Philadelphia, Cincinnati and Los Angeles have gone as far as towing away the cars of student ·1oan defafilters.
April 21, 22,· 23, 24
April 21-23, 8 p.m. -
April 24, 2 p.m.
Hedges Speaks at NLA Meeting
The keynote address at the Nebraska Library Associajj.on spring meeting at PSC's Fine Arts Center was given by Ned Hedges, associate professor of English and former vice chancellor for academic affairs at the' University of NebraskaLincoln. He spoke on "Improv- · ing Library Use: A Viewpoint of a Professor-Administrator."The two-day confer.ence featured research paper presentations, panel discussions and a business meeting. _
Presenters of research papers included: Carol Singer, Wayne State College, on "-Bibliographic Instruction: · The Librarian's Responsibility;" Valerie Krzy-
Thomas L. Morrissey, 45, Tecumseh attorney,. has taken over; duties as newlycappointed State College Board of Trustees member. He ·replaces Ward Reesman, Falls City, who served on the Board for 12 years.
Morrissey is a graduate of Creighton University law school, a former member of the president's advisory board at
wkowski, Kearney State College, on "Bibliographic Instruction: A One-Credit Course for Undergraduates;" Scott Stebelman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, on "The Packet Versus the Workbook: Which to Use When·''
Anita Cook, University. of Nebraska-Lincoln on "The Coming of the Paperless Society: Fact or Fiction?"; Carroll Varner, University of Nebraska at Omaha, on "Journal Mutilation in the Academic Library;" ·
Joyce Thierer, Wayne State College, on "Ever Hear of Access Services?"; James Soester, Chadron State College, on "Is On-Line Reference a Viable
Information Resource for Small Libraries?" and Carolyn Weaver, University of Nebraska Medical Center, on "Obtaining User Input for Library Policy Decision Making."
Panels were presented by Janet Wilke, Doane College; Rebecca Bernthal, Concordia Teachers College; Larry Onsager, Union College; Carol Singer, Wayne State College; and two students on "Integrated Library Instruction-Earlham and Rod Wagner; Nebraska Library Commission; Irple Ruby, Peru State College; Janet Brumm, Wayne State College; on "CMS for ILL: Three Views."
• IS New Trustee
PSC, was county attorney from 1972 to 1978, past president of the Tecumseh Chamber of Commerce and the Nebraska County Attorney's
Mr. and Mrs. Morrissey were honored at a reception in the West Dining Room of the Student center following a campus tour Wednesday. Th,e day was
concluded with a gathering at the Embers in Nebraska City.
"Peru State College is fortunate to have the caliber of person such as Tom serve on the Board of Trustees. Both Mr. and Mrs. Morrissey have a longstanding interest in the college," PSC President Jerry Gallentine said.
Watton at National Convention
And the Education Dept. last fall installed a new computer to help track down the estimated one million former students who still owe back loan payments. Such efforts won't unfairly punish "real hardship cases," Powell says, "as ·long as they keep in touch with the relevant agency and work out some kind of deferment plan."
Students With Bad Grades May Be Stripped of Aid
The government will soon force colleges to strip students with bad grades off their federal financial aid, at least if a congressional advisory committee gets its way.
The National Commission on Student Financial Assistance, created three years ago to draw up student aid bills for Congress, last week recommended a series of new academic rules that colleges would have to impose on aid recipients.
Colleges, the commission said, often don't take aid away from students who don't make "satisfactory academic progress" toward their degrees because of bad grades.
"Our records-seem to point out that the standards are not monitored very closely," says commission spokeswoman Susan Turner.
The proposed new rules are "an attempt to get (schools) to make it clear to students what the standards are," adds Tom Wolanin, an aide to commission member Rep. William Ford <D-Mi).
In January, 1982, the Government Accounting Office <GAO)
estimated that as many as 45 per cent of the nation's college aid offices may not monitor ·aid recipients' grades at all.
Among the 5800 transcripts the GAO surveyed in 1982, it found some students with grade point ayerages as low as .11 still aid.
To assure that grade standards are observed, the commission wants Congress to require schools to publish minimum course, attendence and grade requirements for federal financial aid.
.Colleges would also have to identify students as part- or full-time, set up provisions. to account for dropped courses in computing eligibility and to allow for grade appeals, and bar aid to students who don't get their degrees within a certain period of time, Wolanin explains.
\ The schools would then have to submit a report to the U.S. Department of Education on each aid recipient's academic progress, Turner says.
Wolanin expects Congress will "put more flesh on those bones" of the new grade rules over the next few. years. (CPS).
The 1983 National Convention of Alpha Chi on April 7-9 in San Antonio, Texas, was attended by Peru State College student Diana Watton, a business administration and accounting major, senior from Nebraska City, who was the official student delegate from the
Nebraska Delta chapter at PSC.
Approximately 450 students from 50 states attended the convention. Mrs. Watton presented a paper entitled "A New Communications Tool in Business : Teleconferencing.'' She also presided over a section of. the
Most of the papers were submitted for possible publica- tion in "The Recorder," Alpha Chi's annual publication. Dr. Clyde Barrett, official sponsor of Alpha Chi, also attended the convention.
Dorm Fire Lights Nationwide Fear
University of Southern Colo.rado student Ross Sibley was asleep in his fourth floor dorm room on March 11 when the fire alarm first sounded at 2 a.m. "I remember getting down on my hands and knees and just crawling for the stairwell," he recalls. "When I got to the stairwell, there was a big ball of smoke moving at me. I just held my breath, said a prayer, grabbed onto a railing, and hoped no would be in my way."
_ Sibley escaped uninjured, but 33 other USC students didn't from what was the worst case of campus arson this year. Anytime something like the Pueblo fire occurs, we all hold our breaths," says Gary North, director of the Association of College and University Housing Officers.
What makes it worse is that even when someone tries to kill 485 sleeping students in the middle of the night, college officials sure exactly how to prevent it.
About all they can do is "install alarms and warning devices, and make sure-make very sure-you have a good evacuation plan," says Jim Elder, a technical specialist with the Campus Crime Prevention Center in Louisville, Ky.
Fortunately, -most campus arsons amount to "minor problems with deliberately-set fires, ranging from someone lighting a political poster to small trash can and dumpster fires," Elder reports.
Iowa Wesleyan had two arsons in a women's dorm last fall.
Arizona State had a similar series of small fires in a campus apartment building, and University of Texas-El Paco officials nabbed a dorm student last spring as he was a · lighted paper bag down a trash chute.
But there have been more serious incidents over the last year. An Arizona student set ten fires and caused $275,000 in university damage before being caught last spring. Oklahoma and Washington both had to evacuate students from deliberately-set dorm fires last May.
Though no one has exact · statistics, Elder thinks, "the actual fireproblem on campuses is probably getting worse
"As more and more kids live in dorms, and as more and more rules a're relaxed-like cooking, smoking and drinking in dorm rooms-::-you°}e going to have more fires."
Cooking, he says, is the number one cause of dorm fires,
followed by smoking and ill-used portable heaters.
Deliberate fires are "even more difficult to document," Elder adds.
'.'Luckily," North notes, "Pueblo was the first bad dorm fire we'v.e s.een this year."
He attributes it to better safety precautions. North says many schools started installing alarms and smoke detectors after several 1981 hotel fires in Las Vegas "raised everyone's consciousness" about fire dangers in large residential structures. Pueblo's "first" status, North says, "shows that colleges and universities have been making real progress in fire prevention." <CPS) "
collegiate c 3 4 5 6 7 32 35 38 41 55 58 60
(t') Edward Julius Collegiate CW79-17 41 "Be quiet!" 10 Kenneth Roberts ACROSS 42 Suffix for diet or novel
1 Sheepskin path 11 Greek letters
thoroughbred (2 wds.)
Pablo, and 46
family 49
from the 24 Hits the ground be17 Scare Wharton School
the golf ball 18 Middle Ages some shirts 25 Norn de crime expedition 55 Electric chair 26 Remove by per19 Certain mast (2 wds.) colation attachment 57 "You - Evermore," 27 Decrease 20 Military branch 1927 song 29 Slangy/nose· (abbr.) 58 Eisenhower Center 30 Intermediate, in law 21 "Call - cab" site 31 House of22 Full of knots 59 Struggled valiantly 33 Fragile.wash 24 Pacific Ocean 60 Closes the wine load discoverer 61 Perle Mesta, e.g. 34 Enthusiastic about 28 Sheriff Taylor's 36 Computer Gompilation son DOWN (2 wds.) 29 Don Meredith's 39 Painter. Jan -· alma mater 1 Gable/Harlow movie, 40 Post-dinner meals 32 " has - and "Red -" 43 9\" x 12" book hungry look" 2, Type of verb (abbr.) 45 Hoard 33 Reporter's headache 3 Beseech 46 Burn 35 Car or command 4 Phyllis Lindstrom's 47 Burton movie, 36 Liabilities husband "The -" 37 Eat between 5 Stop sign, e.g. 48 Auricular meals 6 Miss Mercouri 51 Give off 38 Info. on a stock 7 - Rogers St. 52 Split certificate (2 wds.) Johns 53 Chemical suffixes 40 Robbins' "A - 8 Blame 54 Studies · for Danny Fisher" 9 Meteors of August · 56 "Reduce Speed"
8 "The Girl from-" 43 Bartlett, e.g.. 12 Dutch cheese,, 15 Like a one-year-old 44 Does a poolroom job 13 Produced
.14 On the·
16 Poet
Male deer
Loans ment of Education spokesman Duncan Heimrich points out.
MOLIERE'S great comedy
Ladies Finish 3rd in Own Tourney
In their first chance to play this season, the PSC Lady Bobcat softball team finished third in the Peru State College Softball Invitational T!eld last Friday, April 15 and Saturday in Peru.
Coach Maxine Mehus' -Cats won two out of four games, including wins over SoutheastComm.unity College of Fairbury, and Iowa Western Junior College of Council Bluffs, Iowa. The Lady Bobcats dropped a 10-7 decision to Sioux Empire State and a 10-0 loss to Highland Community Juniqr College.
Highland won the Invite with a perfect 4-0 record with wins over Southeast 13-3, Iowa Western, 14-4, Sioux Empire, -6-1, and Peru, 10-0. Sioux Empire State placed second with a 3-1 record, ahd Peru was third at 2-2.
·The Lady Bobcats opened the tournament Friday with a 8-7 win over Southeast in a nine inning game. Peru trailed 5-1 going into the bottom of the third -inning, but scored five runs to take a 6-5 lead. Tammi Lutzi, Connie Pulse, and Carla Frauen, all laid down consecutive bunts to load the bases, and Becky Gauchat's one out d9uble scored three runs.
Peru scored one run in the fourth, and sec scored one in the
fifth and sixth innings, to knot the gam:e at 7-7 at the end of seven innings. Neither team scored in the eighth, but Peru's Carla Frauen scored the winning run as she singled and Colleen Chapman singled home the winning run in the bottom of the ninth to give Peru a 8-7 victory. Colleen Chapman pitched her first full game of the season, picking up the win. Freshman Tammi Lutzi enjoyed a .fine game, going 2 for 4 anq scoring three runs. · _
The Lady Bobcats second win of the tourney was a 14-12 victory' over Iowa Western Junior College. Peru opened an early 6-2 lead in the first inning as the first four batters were all walked,' and a sacrifice by Becky GauchaL and three singles by Sharri Schreiter, Carol Latham, and Sara Donovan accounted for the Lady runs.
Iowa Western stormed right back in the _second inning with eight runs, as starting pitcher Carla Frauen, walked a total of six batters in that inning. Iowa Western led · 10-6 after two
Peru made an excellent comeback starting in the fuurth inning. Two runs, in the fourth, threeinthefifth. and three more
in the sixth, accounted for Peru taking-the lead back: 14-12. Iowa Western walked a total of nineteen Lady Bobcat batters, inciuding three to centerfielder Sharon Schreiter. Schreiter was ·two for two in the game, with a single and a double, and scored four runs. Colleen Chap;man also walked twice and scored three runs. She also was the wiooing pitcher for PSC in relief.of Carla Frauen.
The Lady Bobcats dropped their third game of the tourney, a 10-7 loss toSioux Empire State. Peru lead 7-5 after four innings of play, but gave up three runs in the fifth and two in the sixth to trail 10-7. -
, Ih the final game, Highland broke out to a 4-0 lead in the first inning, and added three runs in the second to -cushion their lead to 7-0. The Lady Bobcats were held to just five hits and struck out seven times. Highland added four insurance runs in the fifth inning !o-wih 11-0. Tammi Lutzi, making her.pitching debut, took the loss.. _ _ -
After Tuesday's action against Dana and SCC, the Lady Bobcats will travel to Atchison, Kansas; Saturday and Sunday, · to compete in the Bene.dictine Invitational.
Cats to Kearney, Wayne
The Peru State men's baseball team, playing in their first games since March 19, ran into more bad weather last weekend losing four games, two each to Kearney and Wayne State at the Auburn Legion Field.
The Bobcats dropped a pair of games to Kearney State last Friday 16-2, 13-3: Both were stopped because of. the ten run rule after five innings.
The.Antelopes powered eight runs in the first inning of the first game off of Pitc.her Tony Foster. Jim Issacson 'hit a two-run homer and Kearney used' three doubles to power their way to the early lead. Peru's Larry Benton cracked a two-run homer in the bottom of the inning to score the only two Peru runs of the game.
In the second inning, Issaeson again humered to give Kearney a 9-2 lead.
Kearney picked up four runs in the fourth inning when Ml:\rk Leonard hit a grand-slam home ru11. to give the Lopers a 13-2 lead.
The Antelopes scored the final three runs on a three-run shot by Todd Glandt to make the final 16-2. Peru was limited to only three hits and struck out six times. Freshman Tony Foster, 0-1, took the loss. ·
In the second game, Kearney jumped to a 3-0 lead in the first inning as Mike Keehn hit a three-run homer. In the bottom of the inning, after second baseman Kevin Sykes singled
and scored on an error, three consecutive walks loaded the bases with two outs, but catcher John Blotzer flied out to 'right field to end. the inning. ·
In the second· -inning, Peru picked up two runs to pUll with a 4-3 score. With the bases foaded again after two walks and two outs, third baseman Dick Haneline was called out on strikes and the inning ended.
In the top of the third inning, Mike Keehn homered to drive in three runs in a five-run -spree that saw Kearney open to lead.
In the top of the fourth, KSC picked up two more runs to stretch their lead to 11-3.
Peru's Kevin Sykes, Chris Hl1tt, and David Miller all walked in the bottom of the inning to lo;id .the bases. With two outs, third baseman Dick Haneline struck out to end the threat. ·
The Lopers ended the game in the, scoring two runs jor the ten run rule. Tim Hoffman, Lincoln, 0-1, was the losing pitcher.
Saturday afternoon, the Bobcats opened a 3-1 lead in the first inning against Wayne State on senior Chris Hutt's tun homer over the right field fence.
In the bottom of the second inning, catcJ:ier Mike Drotzman's solo homer increased the Bobcat lead to· 4-1. Brian Strother's first home run of 1983 drove in three more runs to extend Peru's lead to 7-1. Wayne rallied with two runs in
the third and a big four-run fourth inning to tie the game at seven all.
Peru managed to reach base only one time in the last five innings. Wayne scored two runs in each of the fifth and seventh innings, to the Wildcat scoring.
Right fielder Tom Todd was a key performer for Wayne as he was Mor-1 at the plate, drawing three walks, stealing two bases, and. scoring four runs. Peru had trouble hitting the ball with only five hits.during the game and striking out seyen times. Mark Williams, Oc2, took the loss for. Peru.
In' the second game, Wayne opened the first inning. with· a grand slam home run · bycenterfielder Craig Lad.wig to lead Peru's Mike Drotzman hit a ground, rule double with the bases loaded, Mark Williams grounded out, and Jeff Smith walked;to account for the 4-4 tie.
Wayne scored two runs in the second and a grand slam home run by Chico Mason opened the game to a 12-4 margin at the completion of three innings.
Jeff Smith scored the only other Peru run in the fifth inning. Wayne added one ru_n in the fourth, fifth, and three in the sixth ·to make the ' final score 17-5.
Tim Hoffman, 0-2, took the loss for the Bobcats. · The Bobcats next action will ·beSatu{'day at Bellevue against Bellevue and the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Sign to Run at "Peru State
Head Track Coach Dennis Obermeyer ·has announced the signing of three nmners for the 1983-84 season. Ronda Blake, a senior at Rock County High School, Bassett, will run both cross-country and long distance
April 15
April 19
April 22
April 28
April 30
MB\Y 2-3
(@ Fremont)
All home matches are at Nebraska City.
Golfers Open Season
.- The Peru State College golf team made a good showing in their season aebut, beating Doane College, but losing to Southeast Community College of Fairbury in a three-team meet Tuesday at the Wildwood Municipal Golf Course · in Nebraska City.
The Bobcats score of 503 team strokes was seven better than Doane College's 510, while Southeast won the team title with 469 strokes. Steve. Grosz, Doane College, ·took individual honors with a 72, scoring a 35 on the front nine holes and a 37 on the back nine.
Peru State Senior Chctrles Doe!}en, Nebraska City, turned in a personal best round of 74 strokes for 18 holes in collegiate competition. Plainview junior Tim Knaak rounded a score of 80 while brother JayKnaak, senior, ••
carded an 18-hole score of 83 strokes. Freshmen Doug Ailes, Nebraska City, and Jim Adler, Omaha, had scores of 83 and 85 respectively. Gary Bender, junior, Humphrey, completed the course in 98 .strokes.
"Fox; our first meet, I'm pleased with the scores we turned in," said Head Coach Wayne Davidson, "With a little more time on the course practicing, I think we will improve a lot. I was especially pleased with the scores of our two freshmen."
The Bobcats were scheduled to compete Friday, April 15, at 9 a.m. in the Nebraska Wesleyan Invitational at the Mahoney Golf course. The golfers were also expected to compete in a meet at Concordia College in Seward Saturday, April 16, if weather permits. '
Intramural Basketball " Finol .Men's Standings
Golf Tourne¥ Scheduled For AprU 24 in Neb. City
Tee-off times are being scheduled by Dick Jensen, golf pro at the Nebraska City Wildwood Golf Course for the 5th annual Peru State Golf Tournament, according to Mcintire; City, coordinator of the Majors Hall fU:nd raiser.
best-ball tournament. "We advice golfers to call Dick rignt away to insure a tee-off time," Mcintire said. Registration is limited to the first 100 entries. There is a $15 entry fee per parti:cipant. Tee-off begins at 8 a.m., and prizes are awarded asfoursomes finish.
in track next-season.
Artis Plager, a senior at Table Rock High School, will run middle distance irf track and also participate in cross country.
Dan Peterson, a senior at
Blair High School, will also run long distance and cross-country next season at the Campus of a Thousand Oaks.
"I'm very pleased to have these three youth athletes joiµ us next fall," Obermeyer .said.
"I:.ast August the tourney netted $1,251.20 for the annual fund drive," Mcintire, former PSC coach, said. "This year we have scheduled the., tournament earlier in the season and expect more players." -
He said that last year, the first time the annual golf tournament had been in Nebraska City, about 40 of the 100 golfers from Nebraska City played in the four-man scramble, or Texas
Mcintire said that golfers don't have to be PSC grads in order to play. "This tournament is for everyone," he said.
Funds raised from the tourney are used to help complete the renovation of · Majors Hall, formerly a dormitory and now a conference center and health center.
"It's- for a good cause. Come on out and join us," Mcintire concluded.
@Nebr. Wesleyan Inv. @Concordia Invite
@Midland Invitational CONCORDIA-_NW MO. ST. @Doane NAIA Districts
W-L PF PA DIF 405 268 -137 3.26 235 -91 Gamecocks Rel>els GCConnectfon Ill Connection Spaamatics PSC Poverty Florida Mix,er . Ohengia · ··· IC.X.X:. Erudites .· ·.9 1 7 6 6 5 2 2 2 0"'- 0 2 ._ 2 293 226 -67 3 342 248 -94 3" 339 285 -54 4 282 299 -17 7 242 306 -64 7 226 301 7 198 289 -91 9 246 376 -130
the ped the voice of the peru state bobcats!
- President • IS Inaugurated
The 23rd president of Peru State College. Dr. Jerry L. Gallentine, was installed in a convocation inauguration ceremony in the College Auditorium
Wednesday by J. Alan Cramer, Wayne, chairman of the State College Board of Trustees.
In his inaugural address, Gallentine spoke about "A Time for Rededication" .and historically traced education for the common man and Peru State College's impact on education for the citizens of Southeast ·Nebraska
"We must rededicate ourselves and our college· to meet all of the educational needs of all the residents in the Southeast Nebraska region." Gallentine said.
Responses from the college community were from :
Alumni,- Mrs. Mary Ruth Wilson, president of the 1,000 Oak Peru State College Alumni Chapter; ·
Students. Curt Cogswell, past president. Student Senate and
student State College Board- of Trustees member, and, Faculty, Dr. Donald Jacobs, president, Faculty Association.
Responses from the regional community were from·: Tim Nelson, Nebraska City, City Council finance commissioners; Francis Moul, Syracuse, publisher; Dr. James Ossian, Tecumseh, superintendent; and Gus Scholz, Falls City, banker: Keith Sherburne, Humboldt, farmer; John Skaggs, Auburn, industry; Floyd Vrtiska, Table Rock, county commissioner; .and David Wesley, Peru, president, Chamber of Commerce.
The invocation and benediction were given by the Rev. Larry F. Lepper of l'he Grace Lutheran Church, Cook and the welcome and introductions by David Messing, Nebraska City. A poem, "The Earth Coming Green Again," by .Roy Scheele, Lincoln, was read by Dr. Russell Stratton. association professor
PSC's Phi Beta lambda Attends State Conference
Nine members of the Epsilon Tau chapter of Phi Beta Lambda at Peru State College attended the State LeadershiJ.> Conference in Kearney on Apr1l 25 and 26. Six first-place events were captured by the nine students in attendance.
Diana Watton. a Business Administration and Accounting senior from Nebraska City won first place in Accounting II, Business Administration, and Ms. Future Business' Executive. She also placed fifth in Marketing.
Gordon Ehrlich, a Business Administration and Accounting junior from Lincoln, won first place' in Business Law and marketing.
Patti Beckman, a Business Administration senior from Nebraska City, won first place in Economics, fourth place in Business Administration, and was Runnerup in Ms. Future Business Executive.
Business Administration, and· fom;th place in Business Law.
Kim Schreiner, a Business Administration and Accounting sophomore from Nebraska City, won third place in Extemporaneous Speaking.
Chris Gerardi, a Business Administration senior from Peru, won fourth place in Professional Typist.
Brad Hesser, a Business Administration and ·Accounting sophomore from Adams, won fourth place in Accounting I..
of English at Peru state College, the Peru State College wind ensemble under the direction of Dr. David Edris, association professor of music; provided music.
The prelude was "Egmont Overture," by -Beethoven; the r.rocessional and recessional, 'Marche. Regalis," by Minelli.
Dr. Thomas L. Ediger, associate professor of music; conducted the choir in "Glory to God in the Highest," by Thompson.
The planning committee for the inauguration iQcluded: Walt Bosley, superintendent of buildings and grounds; Mrs. Faye Brandt, head librarian; Dr. Tom · Ediger, associate professor of music; Mrs. Joan Fitzgerald, administrative secretary; Dr. Lester Russell, chairman· of the applied arts division; Jeff Smith, physical educationcoaching and drivers education major, Lincoln; and Pat Larsen, director oCcollege relations, who chaired the committee.
Senior Recognition Day • IS Held
·when the annual Senior Recognition and Awards Day was held at Peru State College
Dr. Don Jacobs, chairman of tne business division and {>resident of the Faculty Association, said, ' "Faculty enjoys seeing students reach life goals and the miracles that happen in the classroom that prepare students for those goals.
"We, faculty, sharing your achievements, ' he said.
Students who received awards from Dr. Jerry Galletnine, president of Peru State and Dr. Clyde Barrett, vice president of academic affairs, were:
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges:
Kip Allison, industrial management tech majo{, Gresham; Patricia M. Beckman, business administration major, Nebraska City; Lori J. Berg, business administration major, Dakota City; Polly R. Clark, elementary education major, Pawnee City; and Luella B. Dorste, elementary and special education major, Falls City ;
Roxanne L. Gottula, business administration major, Elk Creek; Laurie J. Graham, elementary education .major, Malvern, Iowa; Debra J. Larson, elementary education major, Peru; Joyce E. Myers, mathematics major, Auburn; and. Brett A. Nanninga, basic business endorsement-general office endorsement major, Humboldt;
Anthony A. Nebelsick, music major, Nebraska City; Richard L. Rummel, accounting-business administration major, Qmaha; John D. Rusch, historygeography major, Brownville; Rhonda A. Synovec-Knaak, business administration major, Plaiqview; and John A. Teten, mathematics major, Talmage;
Diana L. Watton, business major, Nebraska City; John S. Westerfield, social science major, Julian; Jeffrey D. Wignall, biology-special education major, Glenwood, Iowa; and Brenda J. Wilkinson, business administration-basic business endorsement major, Burchard.
Student Scroll of Service
Award: Karen Coover, speech and drama-English major; Papillion.
Pearl A. Kenton Award: Donna Lockard, English-spech and drama major, Stella. Distinguished Drama Award: Richard Wood, speech and drama major, Peru, and Lori Walton, .elementary and special educatii>n major, Madison.
A. B. Clayburn Memorial
Scholarship: Tom Wesley, history major, Waverly.
Louise Mears Geograohical
Award: David Frana, geography major, Nebraska City.'
Silas Summers Writing Awards:
Short Story Division: first place, Donna Lockard, Englishspech and drama inajor, Stella; second place, Raymond Smith, English major, Bellevue; and third place Cindy Rieke, elementary education-art major, Julian.
Poetry Division: first place, Cindy Rieke; second place, Linda Meyer, speech and drama major, Peru, and third place, Linda Campbell, accountingbusiness administration major, Nebraska City:
Play Division: first place, Ciudy Rieke, and second place, Donna Lockard.
Zelma Wonderly Award: Julie Stratham, elementary education major, Seneca, Kans.
Neal S. Gomon Award: Vince Henzel, journalsim major, Virginia; and Donald Strecker,
journalism major, Falls City.
Kappa Delta Pi Award: Michelle Workma·n, psychologysociology major, Plattsmouth. ·
Lura Eichler Memorial Kindergarten Education Award: Angela Gress, elementary education-early childhood education major, Nebraska City.
Mac Dunning Memorial Industrial Arts Award: Leon Lamb, industrial arts major, Plattsmouth.
Nona Palmer Business Education Award: Shari Vaughn, business administration-education major, Auburn.
Alpha Mu Omega Award: Sarah Binder, Table Rock.
Chemistry Award: Todd Anderson, medical technology major, Alma.
John C. Christ Award: Michael McDonald, pre-veterinary major, Alma.
Elsie Fisher Art Scholarship: Rick Ossian, art and English major, Tecumseh; and Gary Dixon, art-history major, Alma.
Bill Tynon Award: Doug Barlow, business administration major, Lincoln.
Women's Athletic Association
Scholarship: Stefanie Ahern, elementary and special education major, Malvern, Iowa.
Janet Melvin Memorial Scholarship: Becky Ga,uchat, physical education-secondary, coaching and drivers education major, Brock.
A. V. and Wilhemina Larson Memorial Award: Kevin Schlange, industrial management technology major, Auburn.
Music l\jerit Certificates: Laurie Graham, Anthony Nebelsick, Michael Nelson, music major, Pawnee City; and Thomas Stevicks, music major, Humboldt.
B. E. Swenson Award: Brett Nanninga.
Helen Cole Pollard Award: Continued on Page 2
Barb Whitney, a Business Administration and Accounting senior from Auburn, won second place in Accounting II and
The club returned home with a total of 15 awards, They cmnpeted against ten other Nebraska colleg«i:> chapters of Phi Beta Lambda. ,, Also attending the conference were Jim Heineman, a Business Administration junior from Nebraska City. Alan Loos, a Business Education freshman from Auburn. and Mr. Russell Beldin, sponsor. Watton, Ehrlich, and Beckman qualified to compete at the National Convention this summer which will be held in San Francisco, California.
Milwaukee Meeting
Visited by IA Club
Members of the I.A. Club at Peru State, including eight ,students and three instructors attended the 1983 American Industrial Arts Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on April 21-23.
Ken Larson, instructor of Industrial Arts at PSC, indicated that this convention would be a good opportunity for future teachers.
Most of the group's time was spent on tours, special interest sessions, and viewing the many exhibits and displays at the convention center.
Some of the tours that the group attended included the Pabst Blue Ribbon Brewery, where they saw how beer was processed and packaged; the General Electric plant where the use of compu.ters in designing radiology equipment was observed; the A. C. Delco plant where the group watched the assembly of gyroscopes for rockets and transistor banks for the compu-
ters in jet aircrafts; and the Briggs and Stratton Small Engine Corporation where the students observed the assembly line and mass production of small gasoline engines.
At tire Convention Center. there were many exhibits from major industrial corporations. including printing processes, machines, tools, and education exhibits.
I.A. Club Secretary-Treasurer Greg Conn said that the trip was an enlightening experience. "If the opportunity arises, this should be attended as often as possible during your career," Conn added.
Members of the I.A. Club who attended the convention were senior Mike Rains, junior Brad Johnson, sophomores Kevin Schlange, Rod Lahodney, and Greg Conn and freshmen Mik_e Voigtman. Mark Mcconnaughey and Steve Miller, as well as Ken Larson, Mark Rankin and Robert Pettit.
PSC Enrollment Shows Increase
It was announced by Dr. Kelly Liewer, Registrar at PSC, that the headcount enrollment for the spring 1983 semester stands at 1,006 students, compared to 814 students for the spring semester of 1982, a 23.5 per cent increase. enrollment was up· 9 per cent over spring 1982 and extension center enrollment was up 38.1 per cent compared to spring 1982. Full Time Equivafent students, which is .computed by dividing total credit hours generated by 15, was also up by 11 per cent compared to 1982 sprmg semester when the FTE was 635.8 .compared to the current 705.8 FTE.
The current spring enrollment is the largest enrollment at the college since 1970 when the total enrollment stood at 1,135 students in the fall of that year.
The previous fall enrollment also broke all enrollment records for that period since 1971 when 1,001 students were enrolled at a comparable time. State level projections made in 1978 forecasted serious declines in enrollment across the state.
Dr. Jerry Gallentine, pres-
ident of the college, said the recent enrollment increases are due to greater retention efforts, better programming and improved educational services to Southeast Nebraska. "New leadership in Student Services, now headed by Dean Jerry Joy, and new ideas and service perspective brought to the college by Robert Baker, direct or of Continuing Education, are major factors in the college's growth," he said. "In addition, a general commitment on the part of faculty, staff and students have rounded out the total · college commitment."
Gallentine forecasts that growth in enrollment will be a trend for the college and predicts a total enrollment of 1,500 students by 1987. He points out that even though some state agencies project declining enrolment for almost all colleges, he says this need not be so if greater retention efforts are mounted, programs are kept in tune with changing needs and colleges are attentive and responsive to the needs of their service area.
Number 8 Peru State College, Peru, Nebr. 68421 Moy 6, 1983
Letter to the Editor is· Held ·for Maiors Hall
Dear Editor, I would like to take this opportu!1itY to Robin and J_eff for bemg and doing a fme JOb as our residence directors of Delzell Hall this semester.
The problem with having one director is that he or she may not l;>e around when they are needed.
Mark Sievers did a good job last semester, but he had commit-
tments (i.e. football) of his own and couldn •,t always be around. I don't blame him for not wanting to keep the job. With two people, usually one person could be counted on for help.
I hope I speak in behalf of all the "zoo" residents in saying that I hope we find two people who will do as good a job and are as nice fo be around! !
Vince Henzel, Delzell
The Peru State: Four-Man ament held Sunday April 24 at the Wildwood Golf Course raised $1026 which will go towards the funding of Majors Hall. · The champiopship flight of the Texas best ball event was won by 'the team of Steve Lincoln, Tom Dunbar, Bill Dunbar; and Robert DougheJ;.ty ·.all Omaha, combined for a team score of 56, consisting of nine-hole rounds of 29 and 27; Duke Nuck9lls, Darrell Smith and Mark Larson, all Peru, and
Steve Johnson, Nebraska City, teamed up to win the first flight e<>mpetition with an 18-hole score of 63.
The Wymore team of Kevin Dale Perkins, David Perkins, and Wade James, won of play with a 67 score. FoUowmg in second place of the second flight was the team of Mike Tynon, Dick Parriot, both Peru, Earl Murphy, Nebraska City, and Jack Mcintire, the chairman for the tournament, Nebraska City.
Peru State assistant foot and head track Coach De Obermeyer, Vice-President old Deselms, Harold John and Clay Kennedy, both Aubu took the third flight with a sco of 71.
Businesses that donated per hole for prizes included t Bank of Peru, the Peru Pall Company, and Peru Sta College.
A total of 88 golfers, or a to of 22 teams participated in th tourney. ·
Arbor Day is Celebrated at PSC
Peru Elementary students and teachers were Arbor D.ay guests and at Peru State College. Five trees were planted under the direction of Dr. Larry Pappas, assistant professor of biology, and president of the statewide Arboretum curators.
Cork screw willow-, black ·oak, Kentucky coffee, white oak and English oak are Arbor Day additions to the Campus of a Thousand Oaks, one of 28 arboreta in Nebraska.
Pap_Pas said; "Thi_s was a go-0d experience of plantmg trees for '
the 70 elementary school students. During the before flanting, they became aware o the importance of tree planting in Southeast Nebraska through their teachers, the Natural Science Division lectures at the school, their artwork, and their campus visit."
The student llrovided an Arbor Day art exhibit for. the Natural Science Hall at Peru State College in the activity that was sponsored by the Thousand Oaks
Arboretum and the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum.
Cookies and punch for the tree planters and teachers were served in the science building following the tree-planting ceremony.
Peru Elementary School received a gold-colored shovel from Walt Bosley, buildin$ and grounds superintendent, ih commemoration of the Arbor Day-plantings at Peru State College.
Senior Recognition
Kip M. Allison. Alpha Chi Membership: Mark K. Craig, business administration-accounting major, Fairbury; Kip M. Allison, Patricia M. Beckman, Lori J. Berg, Glevon R. Covault, elementaryearly childhood education, Table Rock; Cheryl J. Dixon, business administration-accounting · major, Nebraska City; Mary Jo Gadeken, psychology-sociology and social work major, Julian; and Karen D. Gerkmg, speech and drama-English · major, Brock;
Angela M. Gress, Marla J. Jones, elementary edocationphysical and secondary education major-, Brownville; Julie M. Kean, elementary education, Dawson; Leon Henry Lamb, industrial arts major, Plattsmouth; Debra G. Larson; Cindy M. Rieke, Christopher M. Walsh, social science-history major, Gretna; and Brenda J. Wilkinson.
Laurine Anderson Tri Beta Scholarship: Jeffrey Wignall. Sigma Tau Delta. Membership:' Karen Gerking, Richard Ossian, Linda M. Meyer, Gary L. Culler, English-physical education-secondary major, Auburn; and Marsha D. Kentopp, language arts major, Falls City.
Al Brady Scholarship: Todd Anderson.
Dee V. and Kathleen Jarvis Industti'"11 Education Scholar-
ship: Michael Voigtman, industrial arts major, Louisville. Ernest J. Rawson Memorial Industrial Education Scholarship: Michael Rains, industrial arts major, Bellevue.
Managing Editor .' Don Strecker
Associate Editor Vince Henzel
Reporters· Lisa Cline, Pearl Dean, Sally Martineau
Photographer David Miller
Advisor, Everett Browning
The Pedagogian is the sounding board of Peru State College and is printed 8 times a semester by PSC students. All letters to the editor should be typed {double spaced) and mailed to The Pedagogian, Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421. We cannot print any unsigned letters; however, you may request that your name be withheld from publication. Letters on this page do. not necessarily represent the opinion of The Pedagogian o.r Peru State College.
'' YOU -ntrs woUL..t> WtJ IF 1Hf1Ze ND r:>AMN College Press Service
The Clique were to perform last Monday on campus.
Can you find the hidden French painters?
KC· Speak .to Art Students
Art careers was one f)f• the topics for discussion when Holly and Curtis Beyer, Kansas City, Kan., were guest speakers in tfie Peru ·state College art department. Holly is 'in the J design department at Hallmark Cards, Inc., Kansas City, Mo., and Curtis is the director of the Kansas City, Kan., Arts Council.
"An arts administrator is an artist who creates communitX arts activities for an audience, ' Curt said about his position. "I'm an educator on a broad scale." He explained that there are about 500 people in the U.S. who are arts administrators and that their jobs as artists are to create a positive climate for all of art: music, drama and visual art.
Five More Runners Sign With Peru State
Five runners have signed letters of intent to participate in track next season at Peru State College, according to head track Coach Dennis Obermeyer.
Brad Miller, a graduate-to-be at Lincoln East High School, will participate in cross country and track this fall at PSC. Miller was a member;, of the 1983 State championship cross country team_ Miller was also a top ten f1msher for the Spartans in the state meet.
Jodia Parnell, a senior at Omaha Burke High School, will run for. the Lady Bobcats this fall. Parnell, who will compete in both track and cross country at PSC, was a top 20 finisher in the state cross country meet in
Class A. Mike Gerdes, a senior at, Auburn High School, will participate in both cross country and track this fall.
Julie.Dennis, a transfer from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, will run cross country and track this fall. A '82 graduate of Palmyra High School, her specialty is the 800-meter run. ·
Bill Cooley, Waverly High School, will also run track and cross country at PSC. Cooley will run long distances in track.
With the addition of these signees, Obermeyer has now recruited a total of six runners for the 1982-83 athletic year at Peru State.
Yell Squad Announced
Cheerleaders for the 1983 Peru State College football team have been announced, according to Peggy Gibbs; student programs coordinator.
Cheerleaders for the season are:
Karen Gerking, a senior majoring in English and Speech Education, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James D. Gerking, Brock; Diane Coover, a junior majoring in elementary education, and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coover, Papillion; Debbie Cline, a freshman from Nebraska City, an elementary education major and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Cline; Karen Winslow, a freshman psychology and social work major, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Winslow, Omaha; Tonia Fowler, a senior West High School, will maJor m communications at PSC, daughter of Edward and Rubie Fowler, Omaha; Sally Martineau, a sophomore majoring in Journalism and English education, the daughter of Virginia Martineau, Nebraska City, and Virgil Martineau, Brownville; and Rhonda Hughes a freshman from Red Oak, Iowa, majoring in elementary education, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Hughes.
Holly told the group that a college education is "nice,".but not enough. "Everyone 'has taJenth" she said, "but you also must ave a sense of community." She admonisht::d PSC student artists to become - involved in their communities.
"You must.sell your personality in addition to your art work " she "And you spec1ahze and do something different. You must market yourself."
AS an example, she explained that in Kansas City there are 37 arts-in-the-park locations. "Each artist must do something unique to be successful."
"When you look for employment, future employers want to see that you are involved, that
you care." She described the best method for assembling a portfolio of work to show during the process.
"Decide what kind of an artist you want to be known as and limit your selections for rour portfolio to this type of art/ she said. She concluded that it is very important to be dressed well. "People judge you on how you look; it shouldn't be that way, but it is."
The Beyers were jurors for the 1983 Student Art Exhibit. They decided the entries to be hung in the annual showcase of Peru· State College student art. The exhibit began May 2, with an opening reception, and will run through Tuesday, Mar 10.
Th·ree Seniors Display Art Exhibit
Three senior art students have had an exhibit at Peru State College that hung until Friday. Ellen Eldridge, art major, Beale AFB, Calif.; Natalie Hart, art major, DeWitt; and Mary Sullivan, art major, Peru, showed artwork in the Diddel Exhibition Court of the Jindra FineArts Building since April 18.
A large fE?lt tip pen black and white drawing. "Comfortable Chair," eased the viewer into a showcase of multi media art that also featured clay pots. ·
Several pencil sketches, in black and white, featured horses. '
"Her Mother's Child " a beautifully antique-framed welcomed the viewer - to the art show. Also ,in black and white pencil, the work was by Hart who also had 'a very large and impressive clay pot collection.
"Dance of Butterflies," interesting wire sculpture, by Sullivan. was the center· of interest in one case that held a larger-than-life earthenware
sculpture "Gregory Randell " by Eldridge. ' "He," in rt".d clay, by Hart, was featured m another displaX case along with "Velvet Touch,' a watercolor .by Sullivan of a beautiful blue rose also framed in blue. "Sunbrust," a large acrylic painting, by Eldridge, brought sunshine to the art display on cloudy days.
The senior exhibit was replaced May 2 by a juried 1983 Student Art Exhibit.
PSC Hosts IA Fair/Competition
Junior ·high and senior high students from 20 schools competed in the annual Peru State College Industrial Arts Fair·and Competition which was held on April 28 and 29.
Over 400 projects were entered ill. the competition, with purple rosettes bemg awarded for first place in each category.
The winners in each area were:
Junior High Division-Drafting-Gary _Stratton, Weeping Water; Woodworking-Mark
Meyer, Louisville; Metalworking-Greg Moore, La Vista; and Open grade, Section II, Louisville.
Senior Higli Division-Drafting-Tim Ness, Millard South; Architectural Drafting-Steve Smith, Millard North; Metalworking-Brad Sutton, Louisville; Woodworking I-Dawn Vincent, Louisville; Woodworking ll; Kim Regier, Bradshaw; and Open Class-.Clock Mass Production, Nebraska City. In the Competition Classes,
ASA Members Resig-n
by Andrea Schwartzman & Cheryl Jacobs <CPA)
Raising protest$' of financial chicanery and brandishing documents that may have led to a grand jury investigation, the president and national staff have resigned en masse from the American Student Association.
"I reached a point where I could no longer iustifv my involvement with ASA," explains Michael Ch.!lpman, who quit as president April 8th, the same day he got a subpeona to appear before a grand Jury supposedly investigating ASA's financial affairs.
"I was not proud of working for the organization," adds Kevin Sullivan, who resigned as ASA's legislative assistant. The three other members of the staff-Julie Henderson, Barbara , Hill and Clinton Kershaw-also quit at the same time.
Aecording. to Chapman, a Washington, D.C. grand jury is investigating loafls made to the ASA, to which some 500 student governments around the country belong, by ASA founder Tom Duffy and Duffy's family.
Duffy, now an "ex-officio" ASA board member, wouldn't return reporters, phone calls. Dan, his brother, says Tom Duffy is "doing some business, traveling around." , Chapman's charges, says Dan Duffy, should be discounted because "he had some ulterior motives, because he was about to be impeached."
The U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia would not verify or deny that a grand jury investigation of the group, begun five years ago as a "conserva-
tive alternative" to the U.S. Student Association's lobbying for student issues in Washington, was in progress.
And Jim Newton, who describes himself as a "consultant" running the ASA office until the group's fate is determined, says he's received "no official notification about such an investigation."
But Chapman, in a letter of resignation sent to all ASA member schools, says he uncovered in late January, 1983 a file detailing "highly-questionable" Duffy family loans to the group.
Between December, 1979 and March 10, 1980, Chapman found · Duffy and his father-Barrington, Ill., travel agency owner T. Dennis Duffy-loaned ASA some $30,000.
By March 10, 1980, ASA had repaid Tom Duffy some $43,096.94, Chapman says.
But on the same ·day, T. Dennis Duffy donated $15,000 to the group.
"I have qualms and reservations about such business practices," Cl1\apman wrote in his letter of resignation. Chapman, on the advice of his attorney, then turned the group's financial records over to "the proper authorities."
Apparently on "the authorities'" advice, Chapman stayed on his job until April 8th for fear further records might be hidden if he Jeft. He officially resigned the day he received the subpoena, confident remaining records would be protected, he says. The national staff left the same day, alleging in a group
the winners were: Arc Welding-Jim Gelger, Millard North· Oxyacetylene Welding-Steve Bow hay, Pawnee City; Drafting -Mike McNeel, Millard North· and Small Engines-Randy Schroeder and Daryl Meisinger, Plattsmouth.
The awar.d for the best overall junior high project went to the eighth grade-section II at Louisville while the senior high award winner was .Steve Smith of Millard North.
in Protest
letter that "the Association has continued to be nothing more than a for the questionable busmess practices exercised by Thomas Duffy."
"The rest of the staff should be viewed as a decis10n of a crew to go down with the captain," Newton suggests.
Newton says the ASA, which suffered a mass staff defection in February, 1981 and lost Chapman's predecessor to another angry resignation, will survive.
"There is very clear and compelling support for the need of an organization with ASA's philosophical direction, and mdividual people do not stand larger than that commitment," he says.
Newton hopes to have new officers installed by the end of April, and says the Duffy family's financial involvement in ASA is over for now.
Chapman claims Newton will have powerful help in reviving the group. "When I resigned Jim called the White House. White House asked to have a recovery ·plan to keep ASA alive."
But Chapman would "advocate strongly that the organization is dissolve.ct. I have grave, grave reservations about Jim." Congressional committee members apparently wouldn't miss them much.
Tom Wolanin, an aide to the / House Postsecondary Education Subcommittee, says he rarely saw any ASA presense, even in the budget fights over financial aid and the draft the last three years. (CPS)
collegiate ca: s N E G u E R u w Q M A M R B I A A s N N T l u G u s D 0 u T A E A R s B M E I 0 L M T T E l A G N 0 E R M ff E E u l T U Q A A z T u E F Y R H M A E N M u D F C p Q F L l I R I U D u F E N u E A D D x u A Q s E R G N I B N E E E. E U l M S G U A G 8 U T J G N. W A T S F F E T U R D 0 G E N. A U U Z A M S C Q C S R D R A N 0 A R F H A W A T 0 C E Z R R E Z U E R G G L 0 C U A E R 0 M -0 R R I 0 N E R R A H C 0 R R A1 S S I P 0 D D
Bobcats Go 3- l Over Weefcl::·
In wha:t seems to be becoming more like baseball weather, the Peru State baseball team won a pair of games last Friday in Blair over Dana College and split with Concordia in Seward Saturday ,afternoon.
The Bobcats took the first of two gc:imes over Dana College 8-5. Freshman Mark Williams, Hastings,_. upped his season pitching mark to 3-2 allowing eight hits in the win and striking out six batters.
Senior shortstop Larry Benton went two-for-tw,o and scored four runs in one of his best performances of the season. Centerfielder David Miller was two-for-three including one run scored.
In the second game, the 'Cats blew the game open in the seventh inning scormg ten runs on only four hits, aided by back-to-back errors, to win 18-4.
B' Strother· enjoyed a fine day at the plate as the rightfielder went three-for-five and scored three runs. Freshman John Blotzer, Plattsmouth, turned in a fine game as the designated hitter, three;::forthree at the plate, scoring fwo runs, and driving in five runs. The Bobcats pounded Viking pitchers for 18 runs on 12 hits, hit
four doubles, and drive in 12 RBI's.
Tony Foster, freshman, Falls City, earned his first victory of the season, giving up five hits and striking out six batters.
Saturday afternoon in Seward, the Bobcats dropped the first game of a double-header 8-7 in ten innings.
Trailing 6-3 in the top of the seventh, the 'Ca:ts scored three· runs to tie the game. Chris Hutts one out single scored two runs and later scored himself on an error to tie the game at the_ end of regulation.
/ Jeff Smith scored in the top of the eighth on .Kevin Sykes ground-rule double RBI, but Concordia tied the game with a run in the bottom of the inning.
After a scoreless ninth inning, Concordia scored in the bottom of the tenth on a two out single to win 8-7.
Kevin Sykes and Chris Hutt each enjoyed. excellent games. Sykes was four-for-five with four ruqs scored and four stolen bases. Hutt was four-for-five also, including four RBI's.
Tim Hoffman, jun)or, Lincoln, went ·the distance in· taking the loss for Peru.
In the second game, Bobcat runs in the second inmng
opened a 8-4 'Cab extended their lead to five more in the Senior Chris Hutt, Tecumseh, enjoyed his second great game of the day as he was three-for-four with Qne home run, two runs scored, and five RBI's. 'Hutter' drove in. nine RBI's on the day and is currently batting .411.
Kevin Sykes was three-for.;four, scored a pair of runs; and stole two more bases. The Illinois native has a batting average of .424 and has stolen 21 straight bases.
· A total of nine players- crossed the plate scoring for Peru. The 'Cats powered their way for 16 runs on 20 hits, and 16_ RBl's.
Tim Horn, 1-0, a freshman from Tecumseh, earned the victory pitching five complete innings. Todd Anderson, freshman, Alma, earned his second save of the year pitching the final two innings.
· The Bobcats took vtheir 8-10 overall record to Crete Tuesday to olciv Doane College. Next action for the 'Cats will be Sunday.against Belle"\fue at 1:00 p.m. in Bellevue in the season finale before the District 11 playoffs.
Women's Recruits Announced
The women's athletic department at Peru State College has announced the signing of seven athletes lo letters-of-intent for the· 1983-84 athletic year.
Leigh Moss. a 6-0 senior at Nemaha Valley, will play both basketball and volleyball at Peru State. Moss was a second team all-state selection · in volleyball by both the Omaha World-Herald and the Lincoln Journal-Star, and a first team all-Homesteader conference selection in volleyball.
Moss was a second team all-state selection in basketball and first all-conference pick as she averaged 12.6 points per game, and 11.6 rebounds. She is the daughter of Harold and Marilyn Moss, Burr,. and plans to majo!' in elementary education.
Kim Searcey, a student at Elk Creek High School, will also play volleyball and basketball this fall. Searcey was an all-state honorable mention selection in volleyball in 1983, an allHomesteader conference-performer for two years, and. was voted to the Peru State ColJege Volleyball 'Invitational All-tourney team this past season. Searcey was voted with second team alJ-conference honors in basketball and twice received honorable mention. She is the daughter of Francis and Mary Searcey, Elk Creek.
Table Rock senior Bev Harris has signed a letter of intent to play volleyball and basketball as a Lady Bobcat. Harris was a first team all-state selection in basketball by the Lincoln Journal-Star in 1983, and was an all-Homesteader conference in both vol1eyball and basketball. Harris averaged 15 poiqts game and six rebounds playmg guard and was a setter in volleyball. She expects to major in business education and is the daughter of Gary and Verna Harris.
Sue Schroeder, a senior at Lewiston High School, will play both vollevball and basketball at PSC. Schroeder was a first team all-Homesteader conference selection in both volleyball and baksetball this past season. The 6-0 Schroeder was an All-State honorable mention pick in basketball ,for the Class D Tigers. Schroeder plans to major in physical education and is the daughter of Ron and Betty Schroeder, Liberty. · Joan Bartling, Syracuse High School, will play volleybal1 and softball for Coach Maxine Mebus. The 5-8 Bartling was a -spiker this past season in volleyball as she earned all-state honorable mention honors, alltourney team at the Peru State Invitational, and all-area first· team by the Maverick Media. Bartling will play first base and
third in softball. She plans to enter the nursing is the daughter of Larry aqd Marcia Bartling,· Unadilla. '
Kelly Schutte, a '.senior at Auburn High Sch091, has accepted a scholarship to play volleyball at PSC. Schutte, who lettered in volley9Jlll and basketball this past season, was a spiker-foward for ·the Lady Bulldogs. Schutte was a member of the Perp State Invitational all-tourney team in 1982-83. The daughter of Eugene and Norma Schutte, she is undecided in her college major.
Brenda Rippe, a high school teammate of Leigh· Moss at Nemaha Valley, has signed to play basketball and softball for the Lady Bobcats. Rippe was a second team Nebraska City Press all-area selection in basketball and earned second team all-conference in the Homesteader East Di\r;jsion. The 5-8 Rippe averaged 8.8points per game playing guard for Coach Harlan Oestmann. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rippe, Talmage.
"I think we've had an exceptional year in athletes in our area," says Mehµs, "And are very pleased to hc:ive signed these young ladies. ':they're a fine group of recruits, and we are looking forward Jo having them play for us."
Adcox Signs Eleven Football Recruits
First year head Coach Jay Adcox ·has announced the signing of eleven players to letters of intent for the 1983 footbal1 season at Peru State College;
Rollie Clark, a 5-9, 175-pound running back from Auburn High School,. was an all-area performer for the Bulldogs this past season. Ot.her local players include: Mike Patterson, a 6-1, 210-pound defensive end from Peru, who was .also an all-area performer at Auburn. Nebraska City's Roger Roumpf, a linebacker standing 6-1 and 210 pounds earned all-conference, all-area, and honorable mention all-state honors for the ,pioneers.
Two Indianola gridders have announced their intent to play football at PSC. Brad Brown, a 5-10, 175-pounder, will play quarterback as he earned all-Conference and all-state honorable mention, and Todd Brown, a 6-3, 195 pound tight-end who earned all-conference and all"State selections.
Jerry Hallstrom, an offensive .guard from Omaha, has also announced his intent. Hallstrom, a 6-3, 215-pounder, attended Burke High School.
Phil Wemhoff, a senior at Columbus Lakeview High School, will also wear a Bobcat uniform ·. this fal1. A 6-4,
195-pound linebacker, Wemhoff was an all-conference. all-area and all-state honorable mention this past season.
Lonnie Kosmicki, a linebacker from Madrid-Wheatland, was an all-conference and all-state performer. The 6-4. 200-pounder has been clocked a 4.9 seconds in the 40-yard dash.
Brett Davenrort, a senior at Fairfield. wil play a wide receiver position as a Bobcat. The 6-2. 195-pounder earned all-conference. all-area, and all-county honors this past season.
Offensive linemen Mark Kunkel, a native of Mound City, Mo.; will also become a Bobcat this fall. The 6-3, 260-pound tackle, earned all-conference, all-district, and all-state honors in Missouri.
Ken Kerby, a Bellevue West graduate-to-be, will _Play a defensive guard position this fall. Kerby is 5-10 and weighs 190 pounds. ·
"We are in the 1983 recruiting thus far," says Coach Adcox. "We feel we have outstanding athletic and scholastic abilities in each of our recruits. We anticiP.ate a good year of recruiting stJll ahead and that these student-athletes can come in and help us at some time in the year."
Tracksters Win Three TrOphies at Invite
Head track Coach Dennis Obermeyer's outdoor squad won the overall combined team title at the Peru State Invitational held at Nebraska City High School Monday.
The Bobcats combined score of 179 points by far out distanced second placed Tarkio with 81 and Dana's third place 49 points.
The Lady Bobcats were easy winners as they rolled to the women's title with 96 points, and Tarkio placed second with 35 points.
Kim Godemann, freshman, Falls City, was a triple event
winner as she won the 300 meter hurdles in 48.06, the.long jump in 16'1 % ", and sprinted the 100 meters in 17:17 seconds.
Linda Shepard, sophomore, Lincoln, was also a triple winner taking the 100 meters in 13.59 seconds, the discus in 115'11 %", and the 200 meters in 26.83 seconds.
Other event winners include:
Cheryl Corey, freshman, Lincoln, 1500 meters, 5:14.38;
Nancy Corey, freshman, Lincoln, 3000 meters, 12:20.92;
Rhonda Buethe, junior, Plattsmouth, shot put, 37'6"; Glevon Covault, junior, Table 400
meters, 62.74 seconds, and Shari Paczosa, sophomore, Silver Creek, 800 meters, 2:34.13.
The women also won two relays, the 400 and the 1600 meters. The relay consisting of Shari Paczosa, Kim Godemann, Glevon Covault, and Linda Shepard, won the 400 meters in 53.06 and the team 'of Nancy Corey, Cheryl Corey, Shari Paczosa and Glevon Covault took the 1600-meter crown in 4:35.90.
In the men's results, the Bobcats won the team title with 83 points, to Tarkio's second
place with 46 points and Dana's 36 points.
Doug Barlow, junior, Lincoln, was a double event winner as he won the 200 meters in 21. 79 and the 300 meter intermediate hurdles in 40.38 seconds. The Bobcats had seven other event winners in the meet. Distance runners,,. Don· Strecker, sophomore, ·Falls City, won the 1500-meter run in 4:22.05, and Tony Markey, freshman, Bellevue, won the 5000 meters in 9:50.64.
In the sprints, Jon Williams, freshman, Junction City, Ia., took the 110 meter high hurdles,
16.0 seconds, LeRoy Behrends, sophomore, Elmwood, won the 400 meters, 49.9; Mike Monroe lead three Bobcats in the top three finishes in the 100 meters, 11.93 seconds, and the 400 meter relay team of Mike Monroe, LeRoy Behrends, Jeff George, sophomore, Tampa, Fla., and Doug Barlow won in a time ·of 44.24 seconds.
Darren Trull, freshman, Falls City, was one of two field event winners as he took the pole vault at 13 feet, and teammate Brian Flagg, sophomore, Camden, N .J., won the triple jump with a leap of 42'3".
Third baseman Dick Haneline, shortstop Larry Benton and centerfielder Willie Mingo get reudy for a possible play during a recent Bobcat game.