PERU STATE COLLEGE ... "The Little College That Could"
Oound bet\\ccn the co, en. oftlu' lloo~ arc highlights of a )Car 10 the life of 'lcbraska's lil'\t ~1nd th~h:"'t·gro'' ing m~tilutmn uf higher cducarion: Peru State Colh:gc. The l'cru Sute College of tod•> cuntmue- 10 build on at\ paonc<r begmning:. of IS67 and 'h<l\\' no si£ns of slo" 1ng 1b. ~"''' 1h. lhl~ ~~ )ear \\C celcbr.uclf.! record 1ncoming cl;b~'·'· the CCtltinucd re' ilali13llon of our mam campus and an cnctgiA"d \igor :md ~it he sp1nt m our >tudcnh. facuhy. and >!all -1 tu' )'C:trbook. filled '' uh ltll:lgc, and milestones of a rcm~~r~:.'lblc )Car. is an cxccllcnl snarl~hot of our shored gJonc~ und mcrnorics. In yean. to come. ho,,c,cr. it will sene a!) n ,,,:ark 10 1hc memories of fricnd<hip' made. hardships wilh>I<KJd and dreams begun al the CamJlUS of n Thousand Oaks h ;, my hope 1ha1 when you ''" i'il i" page> you "ill look back on your lime as a Peru Stale Bollen! with pride. fondnc''· and"""'""· llcrc\ to 1113ny more great )<..n. Jl Peru Slate Collc!'c 'd•r•,lo\ liN. linc>l. and fa""'' Bro'"ng ..chool.
13t14 c._}Ohi-I.SIJV~-, Ph.D.
President •
The Changing Times: Ill
" "
190ft fb( <>IJ l•ttfM) . ...,.. tM AcackntK Rnoun:c (~lln, •at-uodtt~K'CI
U:n •~"'(lftd
Tht m.llllllooorot~·... l•tnr) •1-o '~'•
~...-\I stat~ ned~ f\'l(lfti'A1ltl ~··
.,.. lflllO&Dd. t.UfC ...... ..... lhl: kli'dln-
\\ hcff lh.: "'''""'-"C kl•ktm' ..taDI.b k.Xfa) "'~ '''""'111.•11 l f'tltl ~~~ '"-lf'INII H;a,ll "11" \.ctoor•,lo.•'' J.""lm.ll) h:.a..::fh."f tr.unm,g C~:nt~T. l')~.ft
\hkknh '-IAt1 au~·nJ·~ orr campus k-anun,g ~('llh~"
1%-1\ <;hll.knl.. ''art cnr,•lhnf at PSC (Of ma~tm. t.k~trt,·.. ~(~
\ti.Kknh arc._._,.,-' un<krw:!lld~I.C' and mastm fok~""-' ,l(llln~;
rsc··,_ tlf'llux ~ i> b) lM
ttK- t.r~·\1 .nd mo.O\C C\l<fbi\C' offcn:d b)
,.,....,..,y p..-N~ rn.t!IU&I\>11
c"''"'"' ar< the btn hone.~--~. Mit tk~ r"f\>\ t&d tiXt"f''NlliG (1'\W \.ampu:t..
..,."'l'k.,.._ ln.a &k pt.)~ IS bsl•o; ·and chc
'fl\"-"\1 ..,r ,~.. at~-~'«
llcr~ kl ~) ' ' tk o;~IC'I' ;and qwhl~ofP')("
Adoifsep and &;tafi \ll\'ISI lfS '011
h.""'""" an CllJO)ablc proJ<el. llo\cd the ch3llenge of loolr... fun p3,gc I3)0Ub. aod rilhng ahc p3g~ "ith mcmoric:... \\OUid li~e to than~ all of the 1nd1\ idU3I\ \\ ho donated their time. en<rg) 3nd phtlt4h IO help U\ pmdlu.:c th1' )C3rbool. I~ lt\31 3..\ time passes. \\hen )OU op:n up 1h") ~.ttbool.., )00 "111 n:h'c cl'k:QS.'\k.'d mt:mori~ of )OUr May '' ith u.) her< at PSC cn.-Jlln~ J rk!\\ Rcn..~
\IJthc" ~ I fflf'k'l' \<on •~e I ("3mang ( ' ()C)(""IfkiiOI' Yc3r'bool. Ad' t)CT \l.u.
Brenda Trnil
I eO· Sanlllunt. I'SC Student. \\ .l~ the \\ II'IOC'r or the y "~rtlltll,)l. 0,)\ cr rhcmc Cc.lntc'l •pJ"' ((,r Rctk~taon"'
R1pht Knnherl) Pate. PSC \tJrLchng lA·PJ-rtnk'nt "a' the "'nncrol the Yeort>ook t \)\ ~,.·r <., r.1 ph 1\: \ n \\ or\.
New student Week.tni
Top Len '"" <~u<knt d''PI•>• >iud~~ ancr hi< rid< d,mn the "B••••• '>hd<" Top Right Stu<knb compete m the u~tc: conh~\1. Middle Ldl: \.laking lh!" fncnds and IM' mg fun!
Middle: New student' compete in the '' otcr balloon contc!!l. \1iddlc Right: :\lore fun games and comfX!lltiOn. \hddh: lKlltom: \13n) nc'' fricnc.b and '-OHk~ after 3 ndc oo the '"83nan.1 Shdc" .
Til< "«k<nd b<f<'<< lall "'""""begin is •n f'"" n..:,.. rn.~hman at Peru Sute Stud...·nt \\ 4."t.·l..cnd 3C1h itic.~ bcgm I un 3\:ll\ 111c' Jr~ plann"-d for each
C\c111n~ umc ('QIIC!tC a;, '~:¥~
d.l) 31h.l C\~OIIli: uh.:ludmg.the
"GOO<) Gn1h" food challcng.- 1hc firs! ntght, dance~. mo' IC"!I. ~m:)t ~pcJkcr:. and more. f~h )'t..'olr. the ''cdcnd has a d1ffcrcm theme and activities arc planned to fit into the theme. UJlpcr.. c l n~~ Mudcnto;. 'Cr'\C "'' "IOJl "'"'.. Clr mcmor to group) of nc'' ~tudcnh ,...,,1,1 them" 1th the
adJu'ii:Ul1Cnt to college hfc. Thi' "cckcnd is p;lCk<-d full oflcaming and fun!
United Hall Council
Kari St.allbaumer·l,n.'\lc.knt. Car)'n llohai)·\·I('C Pt"C"stdena. Renee Corlo.c_ln-l>rogmm Coordanator. Tom Dunckackc·l)dlcll Rcprc~cntnt1' c. (JI'-CIIc de Konin,g·Mor~!3n Reprc,cntatt\C, Br:1ndi
0\\Cih·Complcx Rcprcscntati' c. Nic..'Olc Scui11·MOI);:In Repn:s.cnl3ti\'c, T)·"-<>n Thomp«>n·Ddtcll Rcprcscntati\1:. Spon"or; Jennifer Orcuman
Resident Life Staff It
ln "~ l )trat.• or ltl,lll~ & ~ril) ~ ltu Clftn IC P<'nt 'We ( ~ tft Dcttrnhcr 19Ql._,. .1 ""-'' rtl)
otr..a la-"'1~
l., 'h"\OWI ~o ror~unc~ '" !00.& In .... ~-d Dan:\:10f oCI-&..llNft$ and"-'.,..'> tk -rtn D('l and .............. .all "'<\:unl) .md ..a.cknl hoi.I ~ •I!IC fun...~--... lit \.~1'" t ~ ( olksc' t~
lk~ \tuf¥.1n u ..n R......dl.'tlt "'"u.nh (I~~~"' Rt~thH. Jun \\..:hm~ ...·r. Hunc. '3la...h:a Pn..:~.
;and I }.tnt" II"• • tl..:pkt
I ~ft. Ccnt~'1' (\!fnple\ Rl-..ld.:nt
(J..cfi 10 Rt.:huR~· .\~H~h
Kimbcrt) \t.:<:tarr.a. c;~ (Ot(l'llpk,
..... c4.-'t.t) \\ Ill
R•cf't \I.JIIJk,_ • \htlhlf \110
Anllt\:-' \\ t ..'"\Ckr. (.tift H.tmlllfl, Rlllndlll'lt..·t, Stot~:) htt·h,
.and Kari St.dl"u.lnWf.
·\hm,· lll:l1clllhll R~..t&.;nt "~'...unt-. dt 111 R1 ·hi) Gan1.11 Cak1'1Ckr, Anlhoct~ Sl.:hmld. hlftl l)u:ntl.,.-..l.,-, and JdT \..-h. &I"I
left kflftl ,..,. R«umann l)lu."\"\1.1( ( Oftk'rdkllll ' "'•-SU~Dt J.,.,.,(('f lu' •of\~ ••lh r<",Mka.'<' h((' for lhc >~ mo;n-.1•ns tht« )'C'~ ~~... .a ""udrc'nllnd ••'-' ,an as .a fuU t1mr )U!Jt mnabn' \he-~ mam<'d 10 \o .at~ Rr..-llm.aon IN rn..J..""> m P<TV. knrul(r lS l'.ypp) to htlp lol~··nh IJIII.t "hit..,.... • tth th-.:1r htlU~·~ and ('Oft!C«'ftCtQ$ ~-
Campus Life
f ·\ \CH."d~AtlllNI f\">tdci'IC'< hall ('(lfllrlt-\ l'l!'"l'k'd "' l•>t't7 lc• \tl<!'ltnl;'llKQlC l't.'fV Sutc·, fu-.t cw
1\ullJh.-d )\'.,... '''"".._~ Tbc Ccntmnul
<c•mpl.:\ """'"'•'~" ofthm: rrou..., oft,H'I
h.~i«~'\: hlll~o ('okh. •h.t..h bou....c "'"~·
)UI'It<'lf ... ~and thcf~ h~""<"
Centennial """""' ' Complex MatfiC!WS Hall First Experience Pro?,ralll
Clm-lmm Hall "~' d..'lf'm Ill~
'""''h'" tlf ( 'tm put,.,. \\(It'\
and c-m.tJI...
n:-...tu'e .tnd ,tuJ) I ~ pl.a) ¥dffl~ "') , l.:rn, do l•.undl) _
PafiiiC!r Oor111 't\Mknt... """""'
n"llt.o.. anotkar h' I "''t ~""" k) ••h tlk"t\ln "'lh (n..~ , ..~.. h tift the 1Mo."1ft(t. .nd ul\. en ~o"XII phon..· ..
{'tntcnn•al Complc'\ Buildinp t>J\ rdwn
M 3 thC\\S
' •<h<lla, ' col llall
Pate II
DELZELL Gothic-styled Delzell Hall is home to Peru male students. These students participate in programs such as Monday ight Football, Movie Nights, Nacho Halo Night, and Tic Dye- just to name a few.
\In "1cn:dl* â&#x20AC;˘<.....
l.A:ft: Onan llupprrt
M 0
The UMII;j\K: I:!) WI()( M~n
llall ho\J\(" '-\line
of the fC'm.'llt: "'*"hat
\ llall'.. c;~,.«
b;;UIM to t.:.11'nr'U' IIi <I
re-al piU\ ftll' the fcnuJc ft"tJcnh
lt. tlc1e '" ,,~ tlall "hn'c ~ '"" v.dl .. "'!rmf: lncnchh f" land
lnm •l.tlk ~ ..\ ...
OD lh<ll \W.1l. ,....., ~ lt\lm
l bc auh rc-tK•f\l·~ an ~11\lbC''I.Pf"'lJ.In» S4kb.
~~ "''"'"· ,t('A C'tt)
p.llt1n.. tinta"' I cb,";ilkll'lal l'f'-"'fM"" MI.! C'\n'lt 'i.xttC' IIJ~o~~~tn\ l>.lnO:C.JU'I tO r\.lmt II (('\\.
-..., . - - - - - - - --
WesternBBQ Ride the Mechanical Bull
I Students enjoy finger licking good picnic food from Cremi\'e Dining.
Cheerleaders pose with the Bull .
Curtis Stroud and Nick Richardson play M)mc good Music.
Kurt La<khard rid<'S the bull .
Tim Baum :md Cole Lang dcmon~tmlc their talent with L3sso.
Homecom iVlg Parade HOLLYWOOD: FamOtAS & FabtAIOIAS
Upper Lcfl: Prcsidcnl Ben Johnson-Do you 1hink his eyes migh1 be bigger 1han his Slomach'! Upper Righi: Who arc you going 10 call'? Cony's Ghos1bus1ers Middle Righi: True An-Marilyn Monroe(aka Marie Sukup) Lower Left: Softball Team plays anolher slarring role. Lower Right Phi Alpha Thela-Aiways fai1hful Bobca1 supponers
HornecorniVJq DaVJce HOLLYWOOD: TV1e RicV1 aVld FamotAS
Tabitha Fosler nnd Kristen
Homecoming King· Tom Dunckackc and Queen • E' i Steffens.
Anna Clements and Ben
Fehringer as ~Mr. and Mrs. Smith in Hollywood.
Students posing on the ''red carpet"
!br Holly"ood
Upper Left L to R I it McGill a' Renee Mathe" sand Kathl~n Brown as Coach \fnrk Mothc"~路
Upper Right: llallo,,t:i:n Contc .. lOnt'\ at Football Game during llalrTime
Bouom Middle: L toR
Willianh ao; a
Sptdcrella Witch and Phyll" Da'"., Btll) Bob. Bottom Right. llaiiOM'<n Coot<>! at I'SC FOO<ball
Talent Contest Top Left: Michael King Jr. "Coop" Center Lefi: Cunis Stoud-guitar. Cale Lang-drums, Don Balluc singing, and Nick Richardson behind Don Balluc. Center Right: Don Balluc-Singing and Nick Richardson playing guitar.
LVlole Dav Science students celebrate National Mole Day
Middle: Stacy fitch and Nicole 1-1om conduct chcmilumesecncc. Upper Right: James Rahrs ignites the .. Ether Cannon". 1\路tiddle Right: James Rah~ doing a firc,,orks display. Bonom Right Katrina Burchett (aka: The Mole) ''a.s this yea~ NMDF (Nmional Mole Day
Foundation) PSC President.
Japanese Drurns
The Kokyo Taiko Dnammcrs from Lincoln. Ncbm.ka J>Crfonncd in the Student Center with a variety of cultural songs done solely by drumming.
Nebraska Poet wv•a Hansen Roght v ppcr: Poet T") Ia llan<en and Or, lloll Clemente
Roght Moddlc: Three PSC Student' li>tcn to "P<>tatoJ Sou1>" Lo" cr Middle: Poet T\vyla and her mother ten Center: \;cbraska Poet T" yla llon'"n
1\" ard·" inning Nebraska JlOCI T\\ yla llansen read her book "l'o1a1o Soup" and from
her mo>l rcccnl projcc1. "Pmiric SuiiC: A Celebra1ion." a collabora1ion wi1h Paul Johnsgard. noled Nebraska omilhologisl and illus1ra1or, "l'olalo Soup" won 1hc 2004 Ncbrn,ka Book A\\ard for Poeuy.
"'Art Gallery"' 0
.\h..â&#x20AC;˘~ <
81 '"lntâ&#x20AC;˘:~b)
rhc An Galler) m V.H. Jindra Fine An> Ouildmg ,cr.c' a' an educational and a cultural re;,oun:e. Gallel) e\hibitions include work> by rc~:vormll) and nationally recognized anbr-. Annual 'Jlring exhibitions showcase ,tudcnt nccompli;,hrncnts. and cap:.torlC senior exhibition' eclcbr:Hc four year. of their hard work.
Meet tHe west
\bc)\C I en: Senior his:ror)' maJor. U1llfh'I)C"'", in hi~ lc,,i~ and Clark umfonn. Center I c" 1), and Clark Pa:,.:,pc>n Program co-,poniOOrcd by PSC and the Cll) of llrO\\ "' illc.
Top Row (L 10 R): Ben Shcm1an. 8c,erly I lind•. and Manhcw "Sining Bear" Jones 13lk aboullhc Corp:. of Discovery in Nebraska.
Righi Ccmcr: The only physical proof1ha1 Lc" is and Clark were in Ihe Wcs1 · Pompey's Pillar. Mon1ana Uouom Right Lewis and Clark clnss crossing the Missouri Riv<.·r by ferry.
Campus Guests 2005-2006
Tom ~bomc vi)itcd PSC C:;unpu) on February 22. 2006. L-R: Prc-..ident Ben
John \On. Dr. Stephen Sylvc,tcr. Congrc:-.,man Q~o,bornc. and Fomt-cr Di,tricl I State Senator Floyd Vrti<ka.
L-R: F'ormcr Oi.,tricl l State Senator Floyd Vni~k:o. Or. Stephen Sylvc~lcr. Congi"C!t)man Torn <>Womc.
President Ben Johnson. and D-.-. ight Wininger. L. to R: P~~idcm lkn Joh~. U.S. S<-n:ue Candtd;ttc ~cc K1cl.eth and Peru St;atc Collc~c klund111100 I~CXUII\.: l)il\-..h.V l}rt, I>J.n JC)hn\o(lfl
tour the Lillie Rcc.l SdlOOfhou~ tm catniXh.
- A eolian_ll -
Dr.Thorna.;,. Ediger
_ .. ···--.·-·1
.... •. n n--
Dr. D:wid Edri'
- 1\ll adrigal Dinner A
1n~ U.a"*Ai'" J.aDM' f~l.
lk~lhct ~~~·
h\a.. l~t ~.
Jo..idt ...... l.nJ ~H;;a
,..... ""*
lkakln \btt&Q
L.ya~~ \leu
~Pf) I """"" kn..-, ~h..., Jo...-- 'r.afltuurncr '~~t..-mrk 'hanc " hnfmJ l>tl"t'\'bV Pr\~\'T
Ur I)J\ Mil dn• &. \m) \\ h1tc
- LVlistv Blues -
Tnflon ~ln$:.t'l' J~m• Gt·nJ!h! Xm-.,~r G1h'on
Jo.,hlw Gibbs $ul'tl
Ambu K11..•h1tt.,. t>cvncJ tmf_.
lfC'fllhf.'T l..c.'IU,j
f.l)gan \f,"r:
Apryl P('M''~'
Sirolt· $t-h111t: SlkuuiOfJ St,..mpt~
J~1/~l)' $('JrM"CV: .\lai'C'us Tr;u
SINmc Whit(orJ
KCI.)t?' Y(Hing
Dinwn /JI'ut1NM
- Concert Choir -
;\/embers TriJtutt Bu._qmJ.:l'T
Con·" &llc~h
Carol C(u'JI<f.:ntt.,..
Chri.JtQ{JII.:r Clt•mcnts
Jaw, G<·nth.ACnh•f' Glb.~(Nf Cl~/_,.,. Hn'f"n
JQ$ht~a GtM.(
Ho:t1 Jrmo·lknr)'
Sara Jr{f~·
llrtJIIrt"r l.t'M'h
lfl,IOTI (.i!,·hlgJlOII
{.qgm1 M.rr: Asht.,- ONtllf(uut
Donno A~"us''
BroN!t ow~:m:
AJNJI Pd~n<~t
Kt'll)' Scmrlun Jrlf~I'Y Sclnu.Jr: Ktm $Joll/tclrmlt:T ,\foi'('Uj
Kmcy )ClmR
\lrdru..·l Pard<• Eliri" lkic-h \"loot~ Schult: Amb<r Slmfi·r SltaJIIIQfl Smnplt: Andt\"cJ Wl~t·lo-r
.. ll
-Dr. SeussPeru Student Education Association
-Dr. Seuss-
In the Classroom â&#x20AC;˘ I
PRIDE People Respecting I ndividual Differences & Equality
\tcmhc" Rtn« Carl -.on. Pn...~ident/Pnm)('JttooVI reJ.,urer Krn lklh. Vtce ~~~nti'Sa.-ret.Jf) 'ieem:~.n
,\mand.a En.. in Paaricia I htc-hcock
IStudent Education AssociationI
KM1 ~ .. 1n!--.~n "n
l ,.,,,h,;r.
.Ill h..'
... , \ ' "~11fr.·n.;,·
.~·· •
tfh: li< >nl~'\:<>flllll}'
BR: Judith Ruskamp. Amy Youngren. Linsey Stangl. Daniclle Shepler.
Melanic Oalten~pergcr FR: Jackie llill. Katrina Sypal. Janice Fronk. Kate McKim
t,,um,.r h•r
~ Jp,j[
Campus Crusade for Christ
lkl'"' I un t~cth<'r at the
("hn~m.ll!> P.11r1)'
1u.J m.1l.c (ricncbJu~
\too\~• and
ctunna ..,.(';)( t
<itul.k•nb nK"<'t othtn.
rnp tell: Laura Jean Drier PI'\)\ tdmg a btl of CIHCnainnlCI\C for the ('hri,tma~ Pony. Moddlc Loll: JessicA. ShAnnon. Jnnocc. and Rose dressed for the llullo" ccn Party. Hot tom l en: Jessica & Kate ~tcK 1111 enjoying their time IOgctlh!r Top Roght: Group of friend' l(lr lofc
FCA of Christian Ath letcs
JO<I tundal.. Sponsor ·\~~
''u.krlc" ~-. 1n vnaller
sn"'f"'\ ,,... r'fli)('f
,._hddk Kt"" (I It' R) l;umc Wolbert, ( 'Jk 1~11111', RHh \1~ Ktm, J~-......c \\ llli.l!t\", l''l'":r '\th\'1, \11011\.'-1 ( ' n•rn. Kat.~ I .all), (',If) ( s~,n<ftJI."r. ,II. . . llgtl'lot. ~-.>~llod..arl.l
\i.1u II til
PILOT Club \I embers oftht"
PILOl (Peru lndhidualteader~
Toclo)) Club at Peru Stat< College fJIIrticipale in numer ous cornm un it~ )l'n•icr ncl i \'i t i~
t h rouJ!hOul t he srhool )tttr. Sc\Cralmembe~ \\Orkcd in Xral Park in Peru 10 dran the puk. paint I rash can"~> and
park bf'nrhes. as ''<"II to dt:an tht 'hchcr.
Bottom Ltft-Front Ro" L-R: Rtid Gtnurhi. Anu:nda
KnicMn:an. Stac~ Fitth.
Chri,tina \\ usk. Koberl LindM.'' Se('Ond Ro'' L·R: l..ind~e) ll u~en. Saril l-l unt. Sherry Kvasnicka. Jrff Arcll. Kelsi \Viii, Jarj \ Vehmeier. T hir d Ro" t ... R: Lauren Stradman. TOn)
Po"rll. Ta~lor Ountk:Ukt. Cr~~lal Ell h. Jeff Ot\\ itt.
Ou.stin Robinson. I om Ountkad:t. P~ Croff. '\ of Picturtd: I Ieath Chrislitn~n. Cori H11rmon. Sttph Golordi. ood Cod) \\in.
Honors Program
(iUC'"'II<'I;tun.-r ~nd \Ntii'IJ pror........~. ~hllurnm~-d K\'nblb
llonor Student Members: Note Amtbru~tcr. Diane Bolon, Amber Darcel. Wende i)crgmcocr. l'amcla 13outersc. 03\ id Brnn(h. Carol Carpenter. Jcll"rq 0.:\\ on. Crystal Ellis. Jennofcr l:ptmg. Amanda""' on. Rando Fi,hcr. Brittan) ~I'). Thom3.> llartsock. Debra Ha' cman. Bolllla)·es. Olh ia Hoffman. Stl'Phanie HoOinan. Lon~> llu>en. Hillal') Jedlicka. Ryan Jenkins. Jeremy Korlcndall. Amanda Knockman. Amber Kushner. \1cli~'o \1cCullers. Kate McKim. Tammera Meyer,. A,hlcy Oc>tmonn. Brinany Schaefer. Emilcc Simpson. Sarah Smith. Phuong Tran. and Grcggory Wiebusch.
Service Learning Left; R~"'K"C' ~1:1tMu ;,., $co,.. •c< l..C'Mnm$: Coordin:uor
PS(' Athlct~" p.trtteipatl-d m the fraelto Cui'(' Oiabctcs. Pic1ut\-d arc ~c b.t.,cNII 3thlch."' from L toR: J>tul \bckc. M;au \till~...-. Tf\,... ()r RO\\CII. Spi.-n«r l..:ln;c..-n, and Jos.h Pnec.
llonor StudentS help $<'r'\ c lunch to lhc: homdK"< a.t the <.'it)' MISSiOn in l.incoln, " "
SonJ3 [gs<r Mlps roik\."1 don3tion...
foe the 11~·.1rtland Rcfug«
Or. MoNmnn.-d Kl'flblb from Moroooo.'~ OiL'\."(1 Rchcflnt.:ormtl()nal '' ith l>hJI.k"'lb.
Studcnb hdp in the \\.1f('hou.W fl'lr l)ir\"Ct Rtlk:f lnttrmtl0fl31.
R~Uicnx-nt Scr\ ~ Proj«e that he-lp. rtfua«' ~ttlc an Ncbn!t.k:L
I fonor StucJ<onb he-lp atlhco Li~hthou~ Shcltcr in C~hfomll.
CAB Campus Activities Board CAB is open to all students who want to join. They 1ncct weekly to choose and pl:m a majority of the :.tudcnt activities for the year. They planned 20 events for the Fall 2005 scnlCStcr whi<:h included: Dances. Free MO\ tc Niglus. Free Oowling Nights. Cfcarly you Crystals. l)ool Pany. 1\Capclb group. Comcdil11, Gho)t ll untcr. Wc~tcm Picnic\\ ith mechanic-al bull, Game show. Talent Show. llallowccn Pany. and Hnlloween Costume Contest at football game. For the Spring 2006 semester they planned a Comedy Juggler. Bus Trip to a baskctb.1U game, Video dance pany. Laser tag. Hypnotist and more! The largest c\·cnts of the year i11cludc Homecoming in the fall and Spring f ling in the spring. Aberle: Sponsor. Sarn LaBrie· SttKknt Ach\itt<" Coordinator ·Adntihion~ RcspttSCn~tt\e
, A
(' \ R 200~<W06 \ h·mber> LeA to Righ1: h.1 Rt'l\\ • Ka)'ki*h O:kkcr. &lrilltw)l :tnd RO\\ .('hri-.tina Wu-1. \ h"'helk lklf'ufa"(\'icc-Pm.•<knt): Kc-lh John10. Jari \\'chmci~r. Sbawn.t Culp. Bridgc:t Huppm. <luhtul.' l:k\\C)·. JC'tt Mtu 3rd ROOA • .\feli~ (),., •s. Lin-..:)' Swngl. (S«o.1ary): knnJI\or K<'nnro). Sh.:n)· K' a:<o;nH;h l..a~l R~ • RciM."C Cartwn. Brwldoo Prnh:r. Ka)'la. \ btcod.s. Jenny Slin501'1, John r<'f'lu'>On. (lit)IOf'i.ln); Je.,!>te3: lkd:C'r, (Prc.,tcJ..-nl): Ali-..h.'i lbmk:a, AM) \\'h1!C SOt Piccu~. M:.n:u> Tr~c. ;\3111~) lknc-... Sarah Hay, Gi..cllc lkK\'Iflint.
Serving as oOiccn. urc (L to R): Cody Win. Secretary, Stephanie Galardi. Public Relations. Christina Wusk. Vice President. Sherry Kvasnicka. President. llcath Christiansen. Financial Vice Pre.,idcm. and Mr. Bnocc llancn.on. local chapter ad' iscr and A"ociatc Professor of Businc,s. Pho lku L..lmbda "a >tllc and ll311onol busi"""' fr:ucmll) Pho lkta Lambda ~ludc:nb p.inH.:IpJIC 1R college and commumt) acll\ 111~. the ~cbraska fall
and Spnng State Leader:.hip Conference>. rsc student\ often quolify 10 aucnd the National Lcadcr-.hip Conference held each summer. Mr. Bn1cc Oattcrwn is the
r.,culty >ponwr.
\be~>< L
to R. Kclli John.•. Ted llol'hb.l'G<r. Stcph;&me Golodo. and Sherry K' ''"'<ka Ro~ht
L toR:
Chri\tina Wusk, Cheryl Couon·O\\ ncr
of('ouy\ !'lace. and Sh<IT)' K' 3\nocka.
·\ho\.: l tu R ~
\C~~ (, fk-.1 P.MIC"N:lfl.
'hm> Ko,-.n~L.II
""' Star Program ""' Students Taking Academic Res onsibili
~ r t\
R (SIUdcnt> Taking Aeadenuc lk'l'<'""b•lity) is a Student Suppc.m St·n 1ccs Program for ul(onuns fn.....,hmcn. A fe" da)' bcf<>te '"" Student 1\'eckcnd. the ~roup ~a the"' for sod•I :k:ll\ tttc' and acadc:mic prep3rattM ~'100\. Th1s )car. the ST;\R panJ<Jp.lnl> and Student helper. <H"Illl<> lnd1on Ca<e S1.11< Pari f<>r a ikJf'.<bock truil ride. The> abo ancn.J..-.1 «<s•ons on stud} •k•ll> and tc,twkmg and ref"">h<r ""'~'"""'on math and Engh<h. STt\ R "great \\3)' for Bobcat frc~hmcn to g.:t 3JUmpstart on thcer college can."Cr! S I AR J>anicipant>: Student llclpe"': l>t\13n Li'angMon
Jeo· 0.\\JII .XJ' 1cr G1Mon Ka) Lo'ha Ta} lor 'umux Samuel Jam1c Tolbcn 1\'hk) Ko,,;;llc"~;.k_i Shdb) Berger P.m1 (iarci.l Ciem llall JaMego Kellog
Rtid Genuchi Renee Carbon Trckuic' Hudnall John Fcrgu«>n Du.:.tin Robin~n \ 1dia Lh ing~ton
~Photography Club~
Spon;or. Pegs) GmO"
Members: Kri\tin Boos Stephnnic Galardi Snr:th I l ay Tnbatha McDonell l'huong Tran
Peru State Times The bobcat's voice since 192 I. Bclov.. from left to right Kitt) troutcfM路. Editor-in-Chief (2006). J"~i,ttlnt ~...ditor (2005): A:JII<) Alb<rts<n.
Editor (2006): E' i Stcm.路ns. Editor-in-Chief
Abo, c; Amanda Erwin. StaiTWritcr: Ashley t\lbcnscn. Assistant Editor: Randi Fisher. Staff Writer.
Above: Jordan Marr. Staff Writer and Ashley A lbertsen. Assistant Editor.
Above: Ashley Albcnsen. Assistant Editor: Jordan Marr. Staff Writer: Marcus Ackley. Sports Editor: Phuon,g Trnn. Advcnising M3nagcr.
The Peru State Times is student mn and publishes five issues each semester. All students of Peru State College are invited to submit stories to be selected at the editor's discretion.
Psychology/Sociology/Criminal Justice Club
2005·2006 Ollic..-er-. Pn.•)ident \'icc PrcsidcnUPresident Elec'
Robin Shcnn:m Tom Ounekaekc Tre~urer Shelly L>enm.nn S~retary Wc:b Pngc Coordin.ntor Rnndi Maaulaf Meli~ Mt:Cullcn. \1ember.Jlip Amy l'3ylor. Rob 1Mckim. \tand) Stone. Srcph:tnic Range. Amber lbo:cl. Rrcann:t Ko:tmid,i, Donn~ 'ccman. Jari Weheimc-r. Pam llouruNC. Sorn R:uno... Steph:mie Hoffm:m
~ocully 1\d\ i..o":
Or. Kelly Amu.~~n. Or. Jocll.undak. Or. J:am4.~ 'h.'\ ill and Greg Galardi
Student Senate l
Prc:oiidcnt Cody Win. Vicc-Prc:>idcnt Cori llomlon. Stephanie Gal:.udi. Heath Christiansen. Kclli John~.
Nick Richardwn. Cody 13oncnt,.., Cuni:t Stroud.
Alec Gol')'ni>ki. Kaylcigh Uakcr. Danicllc Shi!plcr. Stacy Fitch. Ben L~scb\:rg. Albha llanika. Tony Po'' ell. Ashlec Bnmcu. S::~rill l unt, Jordan Marr. Wende
llcrgmcir. Tammy Meyers. Daniela Santos. Jcryln Cummin:t. Gnrrcu Callender. and Harold Smallcomb. Faculty Ad' isor: Mr. Bnacc O:utc~on
President: Cody Win and Vice-President Cori I Iarmon
' "'
Alpha Chi
Alphn Chi members: Ann Bcccard. Wende Bcrg.mcicr. Carissa Bnmson. Kristen Delancy. Ca!!o~ic Gottuln. Patty Gray·Lyons. Tina llcth. Carol 110\ crson. Olivia lloffman. Kharo Klau~. l..aVonnc Lake. Trbhn Lampe. A l ice Lcgaeic.
Lc" is. Mn.x Mnnuilov. Maggie
Marriott. Tammy ~lcycrs. ~ 1cliss.a McCullers. Christine Moulds. Codcy O'Grady. Jc>:o.ic Sicrk~.
Karen Sulli,an-Koppingcr. K:uic Tcssin. Ti~ha Thacker. and l)andom Worthey.
Sponsor: Bill Clemente .
13clow: Studcllls arc inducted into Alpha Chi llonor Society duri11g candle light ceremony. Alpha Chi Honor Society n.-cogni.t.CS the :.lChiC\CillCnl~ of the lOp
scholars at J>cru St3tc College.
Abo' cLeft to Right: Members dt..'Ctcd the Collo'' ing scholars to scr"c as. the chapters oniccrs: Brod Splichal. student delegate: Tammcro M)'er>. President: Melissa McCullers. Treasurer: Ann Bcccard. Vicc~Prcsidcnt: and Maggie Marriott, Secretary.
Alpha Mu Omega
Members: Kathleen Brown, Cory Clcmcngcr, Codi Hancock. Lindsey lluscn. Marcus Brown. Joe Stillman. Taylor Sutton, and Chris Viner. Co-Sponsors: Bill Newman and Paul llinrichs
Art Guild \1omb<" Jnnaohan \lbngho. Cl><l><'3 \llgood. Col< llroo;~m.>ll<r. Rch..'l.'<.-:1 Campbell. ~li<h><l Cu~. K) k O.>n<>lri<>. llr)an o,._.. Lind><} Hh.,.•n. '>.Ira II a\. \hnd) llu~h..-... Lond><) Parter. \lane \ulur. ~o;,.., \'al01.·. and llcaohcr Well- Sr<>n"" Ken \nd<r"'"
Phi Alpha Theta/Social Science Club
,o<~'" SCIENCE Ctva Peru Stole CoU•o•
Phi Alpha Thcto Club Fnir Booth
Dr. Syh ester ond Phi Alpha Theta Members: Cry>tal Ellis. Diane Bum!l>. and Ken Bcns meeting\\ ith Senator Chuck llagcl
and Staff. lOOS.l006 om«~: Cr"-111 f~llh · l'rt"'oidtnt J)i~nr IJurn .... \ 'k(" t•rt,idflll Uilllla) tv~t'~fll1 ~ll<'htlk Carlln-Trt:tl<urt'r
Otb II:&\ C'flHin·ll h -1orilm \I t rn !)co":
Ktn 84.-th llllhn) Jrdlick:a J t rC'nl) Kirl.:t nc.lall 6ffll J('fllt: h t\
(I 1{'1 R) P:u L.wHon.l, l'kh lltt\cm:m. l>iJ.r..: Rum,, C'l')-...all:lfi, :and K~n Bc:lh in Wa,hing,ton OC
Co-Sponsors: Dr. Soro Crook and Or. Spencer Oa\ is
I lomccoming Parade 2005
CEC Council for Exceptional Children \!ember:.: 'ichole Daughcn). 'lol"\a Edwards. C)nthia Mcl'hcr,on. Pat R1ppc. Katrina Sypal. Ty,on Thompson. Bcv Urbach. and Amber Weyer. Co-Sponsors: Pat Rippe and Bcv Urbach.
Multicultural Club
Ro" L 10 R: loon Wood. Donna "'ceman. and Sarilllunr. Front Ro" L 10 R: Tarnm) Tnocb-llordcau\. Jcnnofcr I ptong. :md \ 1cgan Bro"n. C'o-Spoohol'.: I.O<m Wood and lunHn) I ruck>路llordcant\
Below: J)onna Neeman.
Mct:an Bro'' n. Jennifer Fpting. and Rose Rhodes.
l.>t:mna ,,-,:man and
\fc,.:J.n Om\\ n
M.E.N.C. Music Educators National Conference
Stunding L 10 R: Co-Sponsor Dr. David Edris. Heather Lcwb. Shane Whitford. Deena Linlc. Dana Rodwell, llmndon J>rniCr. Andrea Wicoelcr. Michael Parde. Jc"ica McKim. and Co-Spothor Dr. Thomas Ediger. Sining L 10 R: Amy White, Ryan Bancl'. Janice Frank. Sarah Smith. and Kari Stallb.1umer. '"' Ptctun.-d: April Pctcr.son. Jctl'Sch"art_ Shannon Stemple.
2005 ()Oicct'> I 10 R路 Shane Whitford (prc>ident). Alii) White
(Se<l\:lary), and Andrea Wieseler (\It<
Standing L 10 R: Sl~;~nc \\'hit ford (president). Brandon Prater (\C<I'Ct3ry). Sitting L toR: Deena l111lc (\ 1cc: pn:,ldcnt). Am) \\'hitc
(hblorian). ~nd Kan Sl:alltaJumcr (ln!a~urcr) .
(hl,toraon). Janice Frank (tre3"'urcr). l>~o.-cn., Ln11c
Philomathean Society
TM Phllom•ttwan Sodrtywa• incorporatnl i.n 1870 at t he ~c-lu·uUStaff' :-.:ormal Sc'hoolln Peru and r«-lnhlatt-d 1ft January, aoos ,_.1th mnt'IM-r.hlp r~tC'nd.t'd to thrt>ntln' tampu.f community and f'rlrnd• of PSC (com tbt •,;our )O• - cmMT. aft' •t\ldC"r'll- and ahunnl from U"OU:nd dw \tnltrcl Statu •nd t tw•-orld. Uurl"4 tM &OO(·aoo+an.dtmlt )'C'&r,t_ftto Ph.Uo• pa.rtldptttrd In authorCOn\Y...ation••·i t h J,.aun~ Pf'drrKn and Roht-rc t l ltklt..ltn~W'Ith Sur Monk 1\lcld a nel l rancl• Sok.and act«<u thr f'ampu• .-pon.or for thC' au.mmtr ~•dW pro.,._m conducltd bythC' local Clrl &outtl.
\lcrnh.-1" \UI~) l'hum.a,, \Jindra lknlt~. TM) Oa.rl, ~tfl'bante (;;LI.UJI, I'C'J:J) G"'"· Gknd;L lbk). IA-1-.:I. 11,, J111t..- I h'of'f\ C"hr1~1 llut..-hl'o(lf]. \I.&OI)n Khi'IC'. I)IAIU\ia I U), l..('~l•r \t,,·h.atl..on. \lr)<CI'-, t\t1\tl N1~'· l>tl)lh' l.o). P.1t R1pp:, JUo.!tth Ru,l.u.111i\ '\,.I'M;) \c.'"C'IIt, Am)' T•l) ltv, :and Ktmt'lnty
,.,""''rW"'" -·"",.,Jt
I'~1 IJri. 1/MFn lY.V" MIIR 1)1
/Mil htltrn
,"'d '.fmel./ ~" ~ UfW I(JJi
076/f '"""" ,,~,. ''f rm~''"""ly./ft? '"' l'ntk\<.·A~N ··A/yfWtnHd,
IJrl(l-"'-""' " " -·Ja ...... ;'"li¥uJIt jllilfM
t::d [~ fp~Jiy
&::; £A"' I'!I.P""" £f u, ·It [1116- £A l/iiY. tUi Uit ~Jp Itt H. '';( '>Jin"'F" ~ ft~J ~A ·~-ltOnlfWr ~IP{rfl
Student Support Services
Deena Liule and I feather LC\\ is
Tnbotho McDonell. Kclli Johns. and Andrea Lear
Members: JcO~ Arcu. I Ieath Christiansen. Tom Dunckackc. Sonja Egger. Reid Gcnuchi, Alishn llanika. Sorilllunt. Kclli John>. Heather Lewis. Deena Little. Rob McKim. Chelsea \.fetrin. Robin She mum. Katrina Sypal. Jari \Vchrncicr. Cody Witt. and Kclsi LindS-~1)'
Parker works in the office for Student Support
Scr. ices.
1% for Arts Program
The Lcgi ...lotlur~ dl'X'Iar..-d rn 1979 that ••• oft~ ccr.t of.•n> n"'" ~on..tltk:llc;,n of a puhhc building in t\CC'\' of ~< ntthl ~ u~...t for 1he acqui,ilioo of \\ori., ufon P('ru Sbh: Collq:e ha$., in the J."hl fi,c )c·'"· buill the \ 'n"l..a adduion to Ho)t ~~~ll\:\! OurJd~ng.lran .. fom'k.-d the old Lol>1'31'} onto the ~<ado:mo< RN>Uh.-.o ("enter. JikJ the old <i)mf1<hrum 1nto tl'k: nc\\ Libr.ary at 3 c""t ol O\cr ~s tmlhoo.
I% of state and federal construction funds arc dedicated to art projects.
Pr.:.. tdent John .;,on thOse 't;um:d @IJ"~' a"" tht: mct!Jum tQr 3 pruje<:tthou "ould be e'thcucall) plt.a,mg and The proj芦t. ''htt路h aur.k:h.."CJ an1 ..h from around the '~ortd. ''a' oJ\\,ndc.-d to \rtl'l Ctnd}" KC),)(or and Jr\c,,k.,. Stothv.. from Lo,cl3nd. Ohio. The '13n)l.."d gl.1'' panel' o'er the'' mdo''!l> in the nc\\ librJt) n:rrc~nt the man~ uses of the bU11dm1= O\~r the P'l'' I00 ~ ~o."Jf>_
.. i.'l A
Barnhill, Jen:m) C'l>rl:. T011) Craig. Jamc~ ('ron in, J3M>fl Eichelberger. Bob
Fri«. Johni~ Hale). Glcn<b Heusink\ch. Paul Jenning;,. Ju\lm Jones. Ken
La<lcy. P>ul Marl \tel\ in, Brent
\fum}. Johann
Prichard. !Xnn"
Ramsc). DK"k S)hCSt~. Stcph~o."n
Tynon. Joo 1\'>lkcr. A<bm Walker. Oa\C.~
IJ.umlu/1. .h ,, 11n .'iJ,,.,/, "'
'· JtJ/
h•llloml RB f()f•ltv/1
hci• It~·, I 01/,.,A,,fl
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lklod'-x<• Bob-lkvJ \4"!1':1. ., •.......,•• fOiniJull CtiUI.Ir
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R;,w. 7 I R C'hnt /oo.t. J1tMI) Cottron, \hL<' R;,~
,,.., 11..-.-h \I,-(;~ . .ktl \l,.'()u•nn. \,;utt FlufT). f11 ~"- ~
l"M«, <..t< Bn.,\.molkr. 0. Burnt.. Adam 11->Jf~ R,.,. b L R J.amn Plm.'<'. Ht}anl>-c:..r
.lfllft. '*"~.A"' \ \tm(Mi'Mln. \tda;a,;, ~~JR. T~kr [)(&k.R~ ~- COitce Ibm \t..a Anl.CN'JG. 'WI.: R,_. Kooa ~ L·R ()., .. \\ nsM- Brad I d--..-'lk, I u:..c , .., DM \.troN-1, Tal)• \\(•14.. ~ ('ok \\ock), & R~1.01l.Ovu,:h II~)~ Jtm lla•"'((ft. \\.WC (."oultn R~ ol l R R'llbM Ph•II•P'- Rt~ Un"ll.•\.t', Juthn \fm-cU. \tiL<'\\ inl(T, k\1: ('"'""'·I )l'lfl \11,")cr. R).m Low.<". Ju)l•n (rt<!l t m-1tt. <ilK) Alkn, Kmi.blll)!o"IIN),I)u"'" Stak) k~•Yo ' I k Hrand1 ~en..._ R) an c,,..,.,~C',, ~au P«1). '"""'iUint C~·h JNmll) I '"-'· A''''tln1 C<"~:h Diet.. R:t.m'<). '"'"~t.aan (C*h P:.ul Wk), lit-ad ('n,a,. h I crt) ( l~fl. A\<tiSUlflt C«ach Jun c·r,u~. A'~''''mt ( ·f,,1th Pau11if:V).l..lnHII.
t\\.\1\lllnt (\\Kh ADdy llrcni!!., JC11u1 l auh..-n. J~-.rlian IIIII, "'icole llorn H.1.w. Z I K R);m \o«MOft. AJ. Mcrtc;n, Ot,.'nl WnnU;.", Jo<i.h Kc:ultn, RU3ol) •ulkr. J~'- 1~1~1\"'\', Tom \\'Kk.vd. J~tan
~~-'m", J'""' AcfKlrd. Ryan S..Uifdd, \lan (iuhn.l. I llt.~rt.l R1.v. I I -R Gmks.. POlt Bo)k, Ros""' T~~~;\.,.,, \hn \\eddy, Tm) 11~-a..t. Inn Hut\.1. l)n;" l~he,l.a. Uo R1~"'ff"''"-· R)~ \diJNt.A1U.. R~ \1..-ruo~•,;VI.,.I, T J ,,..-1\t'ft, 6m fdlnn~..-r. \111,..: \l..:fkn..{DI>I '*'1wcd: Ot)u
.\nd ~~ ~o~w.~l dn,lp, t..1. r..... • I"
fratfloo:" hdp on •h.: "'-lilk
I lead football Coach Terry Clark will be heading into his founh year this fhll. As a native of
Auburn. Clark has strong tics to
Peru State as both a studcnt·athlctc and 3S a CO." lie wnsa member of lite 1990NAIA National Championship team ans worked as the Oobcats' defensive coordinator during the 2000
season under Dick Stritun:mer. Clark r\!tumcd to the CatS after spending 200 I as the defensive
coordinator at Dakota State University in ~1 adison. S.D.
Ht.'ad Cooch Tmy Cl311r. e:\pbut\ :a g~n'H:' pl3:)'.
Clark also spent t\\O seasons at Dakota State as the defensive ~<.-cond
• coach.
Tht Oobc':lt\ "ork to hold tht·ir oppon~·nb ~l.
J~m~.-.. Craig-Ocfc-n5i\c Coordi~tOriiXfttts.i\'C' Line
Oo4tom Left: 1\J Mt.-ncns •J c-~rri<":s lbe 0011 \\Uh Cole Brocl:mollc-r tt6l 01nd lu"tin Sh\IPP •63 in the.' bool.gtouod llo4tom \ltddlc: ~}()beatS line of lX'kk "ork to blocL. the: opponcb.
Oouom R1sht: AJ Mcrt.."D" •3 WOflr.S 10 acf\3.fiC(: the Oobcab ~n
lhc field.
....,,..,. ll k• 'R) I' "ild'f.:m... K_n,btl ~, I •ndw, ...._anl.u\, I J•~th lm..p.~
1 ''''" t.: I up: l·r~uH Ro'' J.~R: h 1 (S1cfl<n' tr6, I ind'i.!)' U.tumg.lnnl.!r Ill, Kri ..un lklant.:) · 3. \hon llurr 112-'. Lmd-a) .JI.I. llvdb<:1h bn.,p.lhr Ml ~. Kri,t..:n ~hr-Jd •9. Bad. R(l" 1 .f( Ke,h•a Sd!..o 2. Jc..,l\.3 \\ ct1k'1' Il l 0, ( hn '110.1 lA"" C) ,; II. IJo:rll•" ( ummm~ 15. J\.cl,t \\111 t~. _\lh...:m Sl~cr s, 1\.dl~ 'c.&nlan •7. 1\~o."flnC" Ii i'· S..rJh /ml ~5_
I ' i StcOim< #6. Ke<hio Scl~o
#2. ond All bon Slager #8.
Robo:rt IICh<lb<rl;<r l>q;>ns h."(';;$('C\ a:' the II~ \\ om..."ft's
\ olk)NJI ( u.lll;h ftc '""~i h• 1M 8obcm 111 rth O\t."f )0 )t.ll' of
pbyeng and Cl»dung c\rcn~o.-n..:..,· ~I)('M~ &\ ·n.,r~:~·.
1 tl.:bc:'lbngcr 1\n milnh.1~ and "x•o•.:hcd hh."Tall) hundrt.·\1\ nl .•·llkt._..,. u(
til"'...,._" tlh ~cral
~.:••ml'-"'111¥ .at the h•r l,f t:(,lkio!•·••t and nulum;.~llc\ d".
Kri,tcn Schrod #9
0 OCID -Men's Back Row L·R: Bryan Wei>C. Garren Callender. Jeremy Bamhill. Tr.1vi~ Mach. Mike Weber. and Ryan Jenkin~. Front Row L-R: Croig Picken. Jacob Thomp(,Oon·Knag. Tnurcan Pa'a.kaul3. Mike
Penn. and Brian V~ul Nc-."-.
Robert Eichelberger. Head Men'> Vollcyboll Coach
Left: Sen iON L . R: Jeremy llamhill. Taurcan Pa'akauk•. ~uld Mike Weber.
1.-R: Jcnna Rempe "23. l.~i,ha T~nnal "4. .\,hk) Gr.~nt 1125. Kar.~ Lilly "15.. \li-on Hill "20. Ka) 1 i'ha Ta) lor:: 10. Jennifer Eptmg •14. Standmg L-R: "'"'i'tant Ctxlch Joe I> non. A,hle> \lctli:rd 1132. D) ,c,ha Johrhon 1142. Rachel \\ illianh 1152. Bmndi Olberding •-1-1. \ltchdlc T)non u 13. llcad Coach Dcnni' Prich.ard. '"' Picurcd: Kchr Witt n5.
Ldl-S.:mor> L-R: \.J>Ic) \1<1Tml •32 Jnd ll) John>on of42_ Ro~ht from L toR: t\h""' ltrll •20 and Kcl\1 Witt RS
#IO Ne\etla
Trnilovic Abo,e:Womcn\
Cooch. I:Xnni' ~rich.tnl
Lei~h:l Tcnnat
Upp<r Let\ A>hk) GrJnl •25 Upp<r RtBhl Ah\00 11111 • 20 llonom Lei\ On.ndo Olbcnlong li44 llonorn R1ght,ha Tcnnal #4
Tcnn:li #4
0 OaiD - Men's League -
Kc' in Turne-r #3 Jesse llayncs # I
. 1}()
-.. ,... ~
Sitting L toR: Malt Ryan #30. Matt Riley # 12, Marlis Lovelace #23, Jesse llayncs # I. Ryan Walker #5. Kevin Tumcr #3. Chris Scheidclcr # 10, David Glenn #20. Standing L to R: Chris Riley #32, Brett Spiker #22. Da,id Haveman #44, Coach Dave Walker, Assistant Coach Adam Walker. Ralph Wusk #34. Kelly O'Dell #42. Brandon Barren #21 .
llcod Men\ ll.hkctball Co;&ch. l).a,..: Walkcr
'~ R)an Wolkcr and 1144 Oa\ld lla\cman (oko: Big Country)
Kc' 1n rumcr • 3 and Brandon llam:n •21
Oa\•id 113\'crnnn #44 and \-larli'~
1.0\ cine..: 'f2J
llmndon ltlrn:ll n21
"len'> B»kctball Swdcm AS'II\tant. Adam Walker
Standing (L -R) Asst. Coach Ken Jones, Megan Uhlarik # 12. Amy Mitchell #32. Michelle Tynon #9. Brittany Fry # 10, Jenny Gawan #34. Karla Harpenau #3. Liz McGill # 18. Carissa Sievers # 17. Nicole Mercer #6. Head Coach Mark Mathews. Kneeling (L-R) Liz Cunningham #20. Kristen Kersch #23. Jen Sicdlik # 16, Danielle Metzler # I. Marie Poole #22. Tabitha Foster #2. Jamie Wolbcn #4. Sitting (L-R) Maria Negrete #7. Lauren Steadman # 13. Kathleen Brown #24. Kcrra Bmmmcr #8, Laura Kjar #5. L路R: laura Kjar #5. Carissa Sievers # 17. Jcn Siedlik #16. :tnd Kristen Kersch #23 in the
Marie Poole #22
Abo\c: Lauren Steadman # 13 on base versus
the Alumni. Bclo": AÂťistont Sof\b-1!1 Above: llcad Softball Coach, Mark Mathews.
Lit McGill # IS
Cooch. Ken Jones
Senior Karla i larpanau #3
Team Spirit llriuany Fry #10 and Li> McGill #18.
K3rla t-l3rpcnau #3 and Li .. McGill # IS
Kcrr3 Brummer #Sand Danicllc Mclllcr # I.
0 OCJID Hcod Ba>Cball Coach, Ja\On Cronin
A.:,.:,islllnt Coach. Ju;;tin Jenning(i
Kneeling L-R: Phil Macke. Chri ... Dcrnp:-.ter. Trevor Ro\\ell. Joel Molina and Mau Miller. Second Row L-R: Coach Jn~n Cronin. Jc.<\.$C Uaynes. James Chri;;tolcar. Robcn Brooke. Brian Brhcoc. Cory Clcmcngcr. Spencer Lan<en. Michael Gentry. Chri,lophcr Rc..-.1. Chrhlot>hcr La>l. and Cody Parker. Badâ&#x20AC;˘ Row L-R: A~~i-.tant Coach Ju~tin Jennings. Ry:m Mingin. Ronald Hamilton. Zachary Jone-.. Nate Goodrich. Dave Nemechck. Ju,tin Horbal. Jordan Hna .... Jay...on T)non. Au.!.tin Rci,ig. l)avid Doowciler. Adam Kru:,.C. and Student 1\!\...,i:~otant Ryan Clo:..tcnn::m.
Take me a.1t to the l.x:lll game Ouoficldc" lnfieldef'
Zachary Jonc<. Cory Clcmcngcr. :.l1ld Spencer L.1.~o.
CROSS COUNTRY ~------------~~==~~, Johann Murray. Head Women's Cross Country Coach. starts his I st season as II cad Coach after being the Assistant Coach under Bryan Lee last year.
Women's Cros~ Countr)' team: Allison Stockstcll. Molly Bell. Lind>cy Poole. N:na~ha Price. and llrittttâ&#x20AC;˘~Y Schnefcr
Tee Time ...
Oacl. RO\\ (L 10 R) Jill Wollcnburg. Whitne) lliggtn>. Co.1ch Prichard. Mancal Sou1icre, Abby II a' cr. I' rom Ro" (L 10 R) Joanna llay;,. LirldS(!V Waldrep. Sara Intrieri.
CHEERLEADING I llcad Co.1ch: Glenda Haley
•• I I
Abo\<- ~tandmg (L I() R.llleathcr llu~t. ~nth:. Smulling. Kclh Johns (C<K".lpC:un). L nn Sped. Kfl<'("hng (L to k) SN"'na Culp. Ka.thcr)n Yt~t¥«. Am.Jn<b l~hboom. Jan Wchmek'1' (C'up1<&Jn),
Intramurals ... 2005-2006 Intramural Softball Champions
Top Left: Allison IIill serves in Intramural Volleyball. Middle Left: Intramural Director Coach Mark Mathews explains the game schedule to Ben Lesebcrg. Bottom Left: lntramurals Coin Flip
Fun Recreation Lefi: Michael King JR known
as "Coop"
Above: Jamie Wolbert standing. Liz McGill. Amy Mitchell. Kathleen Brown and Lauren Steadman sitting. Middle Lefi: Intramural Flag Football Champs. the "Unknowns"
Jarod Remmers going for a catch
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-Midnight BreakfastFinals Week
PSC Commencement---
President Ben John,on
I 37TH Graduating Class Your 1inte as a student at Peru State College ''as one of the best times you will have in )Our life. It was full of ups and down,:,, learning. friends. and developing rel:nionships that will last a. lifetime.
As you make the transition li'om student to alumnus. reflect on this chapter in your life. You cany 1he tradition of Nebraska's oldest college with you into the future: carry it proudly. You ''~II meet our proud PSC alumni in mn.ny arenas as you trove through life. By developing this ncawol"k. )'OU will be building a powerful resource to tLc;e in bmh personal and professional
cndt-a\ ors. Welcome 10 1he rank:. of proud J>SC alumni. DiAnna L. Loy. Ed.D.
2006 Commencement I f I (l(.ou'-' plofll I pto;tlll'\' And p.t.Ull >I'" t<>I..'O tnlc, I '"l~ld \f'(llld my 1•1!1'11: "' 'A;,'If\ w~
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I •YUI.I r.u~~t ~ ! ~ • a!k)'Thc« fiC'I..b"' odt tbo:ot ~ .ba\"lk 11tk"'fflind ... ma h, ,,.ttJ~ Mid ~•111. ~k.MIIhluiM\11111 ~·~
nw...t- '-..w:k <o( the- ..utd) (.."«"(, \1~\11~...,....
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n...lSt ~. INt .,.. .t). l;w
We "'~"(M<'ril) ,..,.,_~ W c..alt..-f't•lll,.. "-"-..:t 1M et ~ ~' •uth • hQr\ \taLc""'"" 1hM no man~
·~ ... 111m tht 1'.-nl NI.Jn. lll( ~('I hc.l•tfti) '-"-· Aftd pllllltltd I picllft ill~.· (jed ttto.. 11.old Vm.
Fift) "r'c:ar Alumni al'\' rC'-"OttniA"d
durin~ Comm\.'lll."t'Oli.'flt ""-c'-~•xt
,.,., Faculty I Staff ,.,.,
Alh!ott, Ow-o.r'* Alkci.Ja..1
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All~ Afl$'<b All~-..-.1, CoW\.,)Il
llt ...tit) Ball«. 0\lft ~IC"I'. Anrtl;a ~.Or \tiM
fl..llltN..... o.. a.,..~ k\L«.K..(k,>dd,. Of_ \t.t
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B«ttiii.IM. kMJfC'f fln1rrn.llllll, NMNII
C'a-cn«. c•)
~- ... \()flllt
~fl. Al\kl'l
Olroa.Or. Aliiii<WI>
('lof.... IXI)•
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<-..-.Of. Rlo.'bW Cr•r.b'*' CtMoa. J.ll(lll Cf'<'l.\k.Dr-~
lba...,.AI l»'''"')llo~ Q.l\t\, Or. Sr::no:u "'"' Tt'll.ll
""·t..c. Su'>J.n I:AI£-er.Dr. Thon1a' F.dri-.,l>r. 1>.'1\id l~"l"rt. I~
F.kilclbt-rgc-r. Robert tlllk.•r, J:mi<~
Llli~C'. IIJI
F•,hc:t. Ssnd)' Franke-. Ca..'"~idy hrutl:c. Ctuh l:r;~nl.c. Jud)
Fuma,, Kcll)
G>l:lt\Jo. Greg Ql), MICNtl Ocar\,~, Barb
Griffin. Brad Grolr.P~y Crocnm. Dr. Judy
Hak.Chrh flak')'. Glcnd.1 IIJ.k). M1l>t" lfar.hbar~o.x.,., TN IIIII>Ak)". JaDC'I
II~Y.IC)'. N:mC)' fkndcN>n, Ruth ll ~u,inl>H~h. Paul Hinrich~. Dr. Paul llnnb. 0... John ltolv~ Ahcc.
llolu. Dr DM
llow. HI>< Ikon~. Ebiac 1-tt.!k:hl"'-'1\. C'hn\t,_ lroa, Un..l.J bd.~.\lo~n
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JOM,, 1\~n Jun}.m". (lin~ K;w.o~ta. R>•" Kcatnc"). \elM•~·
Kt.lftlt).Lu Knm. \11\:had KNacT, Eidola
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LaBrie. kftm)
La6m. Slr;~ l..o~;cr, Jtll
l..ol'k), P.aul Lu)IJ, Dtan.a Lon•. Dr D.of) I
I '\.Dr Ol•\11"" I I . .,, . Jo.ttl
\141m(ll, M.wa• \hftul.(;..l)l.:
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The City of Peru I
Cny Park
I he friendly city of Peru is nestled among hcmuiful tree-clad hills and the Missouri Ri,er. The Steamboat Trncc hoking biking trnil offers the outdoor C\pcricncc "ith hiMoric "oodcd bluO\ and banh of the \1"wun Ri,er "here Le\\ is and Clark once trn' clcd.
C'3..C) \ Gcncr:ll Soore
J:ruct•ng Jlu,•nc.'' District
Peru '• •
I ~ •
Brownell House
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2115 14 1h Street. Suite 100
622 5111 Street Phone (402) 872-3335 Peru, NE 68421 Fax (402) 872-3355
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826 Central Ave. Auburn, NE 68305
RURAL ROUTE 2 AUBURN, NE PH. {402) 274-4941 & 1201 PARK
SYRACUSE, NE PH (402) 269-2241
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--PSC Arboretum-Peru State Celebrates Affiliation with NE Statewide Arboretum
-Hurricane Katnna-
CltAb Trips iVl
"Are we there yet?"