2008 - The Peruvian

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3461 .P4325



r ..... :;w. <..a.,:. ÂŤll lt0)1 ~1\:Tu. \:f'b. f:>o'W21

Thi> year Peru State College celebrated a milt..,tone: its !40th birthday. What t>cg,m ,\S ~ebrask.a's first col leg~\ a tcach('r training ~hoot with one building and 60 studcnb, has tr.u~fonncd over the past 140 years into a be;.utiful arboretum campu~ offering divcn;c, multifaceted educational programs to more than 2,300 student.;; from around the world.

\\'hilc Peru State ColJcge ~rv~ students around the globe, we rcl.lin a special commitment to ....:-rve the r~idenb and needs of the southc.1st Nebraska community through education, rc:-.carch, and public :;erdce programs. Titc ii\.'>titution has been a wellspring of leadc~hip, an invaluable rC"SOurcc for communiti~ and businesses, and a prolific source of graduates known for their excellent education and prof~ional competence. Peru State College will continue to ~tay true to its roots c\S a studcnt~rientcd institution d<"voted to <.'duc.ltion '"'ilh the philosophy that evt"ryonc dcscrvt.~ the opportunity to get a college cducJtion. We have a prombing futur垄, ::.trategically .l1igncd to be .1 model for college cetmpuse, with vi~ionary leadership, and J commitment to growth, innovation, ~md continued service and excellence in cducJtion. We arc incredibly proud of Peru State Coll~c路~ hcrit.-.gc and excited Jbout what the future

hold<. Thank you for being a part of the l'eru State College legacy.


Th~ ~-car h.1., been quite .m C'\pc"rtcncc

for the t"nhrc Pmw"m :.tJff_Our O(I\'ICC 'tolff of nu'",_' \\ tlt('r. Jnd tw(l

id\'1'""" "t>rM-d (Qt' m.1ny month-. to bring )'OU "'hat we lx>licw j, .1 com~n~.·mor.\ti.vc Y"-'.ubook Ltwt will "-""·oLe 1'1'1.\n)' fond m..·mont"- \\'(' .lr~ proud to pn,_-.,ent to yoo ;'l book th.lt will r..-m.tin p.ut of the gl\'.ll tr.tdihon of thi-. tn'>IIIUtion.

In f.1U "JJXJ1, P1.'1"U Stolt(' ColiC),~ ~l('br.ltt>d 1h 1-40th bitthd.l)' ,v• the old......_t <Ollcge in ~t.--hra..k..l. So, we wanh.-d to C\.'IITitn~;·mor.at~· thj~ m.ik">tooc with a Sp.."Ci.'ll Edition Ptr-Ut'U11. ln it, we ,,·.llk )'00 through l.t d«ad~ of I"SC~ nch hi,to~ Throughout tht' wet ion you'll find lt•.wt" .1nd a-com,,"' hid\ w~.·rc pur<h.1!04.-d by our ,tlumni in .,upport (I( tht "-tud1.-nb Jnd thc1r .1lm.l m.lt('r. Othrt !>upport ca~ from ..tud\.>nt.., c.ampu' org.tnil.llhon... and c.tmpu-. k•.tdc,...., who bJ.nn,'\J t~dht.•r to hc.-lp u' PI\.'WI'\i.' C'\'l.'flb tht'O\Igh photO\ J1\d ~totit-:.. 1 hc yc.ubook includ~ n1orc th.ln 600 individu.1l and hroup phot"' t,.f

-.rudmt-., d., w'-'11 .,__, ..torw.•.. <~~bout c.smpu .. orgo~nitolhon~. To ht.>lp you identify -.tudet~l", f;'loCUlt)·. ~t.lft' .:.nd other grooJ"'. "'''included .1 fh·e-p.1g~ index. A pn1J1."(1 of th•' ma~nitudc '"'"'-'\·t•r wro....,,ful witho-ut t~ N•lp (II m;,1;ny peopk>. Sp«:i.,\lth.ln~-. go to the I:.SC Student Scn.l~ for it!> hf:olp in funding thi~ ptojt'<l; Or. 811! Ck•mcntc. En)o;h..h prof..~-.or, who ,f'\..lt\-d '(I tn.lny of hh beautiful ph¢«0">: 5-lra L.18rie, dir~,_'dor of ..tud('flt .)(ti\· itit..... who CI'W.'Our.,gt."'CC ..tudcnt partkip.ltion .tnd wbmitt..'d phocot icor t'IUr u-.e; .and, An).;('l.l :\ll.,;ood, oathl('t-i< pro;:;ranh •"-''i"t.lnl, who g.ln~ \h .le<CO..' 10 h\·r rolk'<ttofl of athk1ic pho4()) Othc~ who dc-.cn·c t.h.mb include Ted Ha~hb.ug('r, Or. Cn.-..; Galardi, j('n,_•my L.l8ri(', Kurt Lock.ud, Su....m Oun.·k.,().;(',l..ourit• H.lrmon, P\--gg)' Groff, Becky John<oOn. $.lril Hunt, and the C.tmpu'" ..-\chnti<'!o Bo.lrd. In .tddttk'll\. wt• g1\ ~,.•th.lnb to th(' Om.-h.l Ch.lpttr of thl,~ "·'hOIMI ,\lumni A'-'-<.lCi.llion, who-.t• g'-""'-'to..ity hclp..-d w. m.1ll· thL.. onc of tht.• bL~t Pm11>i.m: to dt~te. \\'i.• hol)e)OU ~.~ th.i' 'p«:"'l «!it~ PC'TUv ·,,. .lnd that in the ye.l,...to come it will bring vo-u much joy. Wt• th.mk our m.an~ 'uppork,..., .tnd oftcr our ..m~~ rongr.-atul.'lhons to the d.\~ of 2008.


Ron Ro\bins Cl~ f ,967



crop n.<hh nw ~tnt l•tn.u"' """"1~· f'OM"t ".., l rf\o..>tO 1n l!INI

In Memory of jerome :>temper

DanJohn~tm Friend of Pte College 6

(Atoo\"(' n,_htl Thr«~tr•~oi '""""' \'t'f"''&.''n D:orm !'~· ~ tt.artii!'IJ 11'1

11101> .....J ( • - to ..n C"nd

"''""' 1867 Thr Sl.'lte ~f ~tbr,.~k., """t•bli-.hl-d ,.. Swtc :-..:ortNI

!870 Two ..tudcnb n.·~it·'-"~


opt-on; in tlw f.lll" ith )2

Bob & l<athy nnery Class of 1966


(lop n~U ~tflt> "'"'11 .at tht Pt'N Tnm 0rrrcc to liP honw l~>t br-N.L (~\"

lrftj UU. ~ ~ pht'ctl(ol.alo."\C..1 N•l'(ll'l ('..ITipua W.k.«< 11ft ~~~

~ .. opt) ~l.tlknh t!'\U\" "'ftt ~ 11p fNCfl W Ui<ll\dq'Qt

IS."-5 The )e.ln. 1$85-1915 \\ ef\' ron'idcn..>d the.- "Coldt."n Yt·.u~; tx·uu~

,fUdt>nt-. ol SS tNtrk\LIJhon to lxl>· more boob. This W.b luihon at the hm,•.

Oma,ha Chapter PSC ;\lums

In Honor of President Ben & M~. Dale Johnson 7

Power 1921



I (Top l.o::!ll ~uJ.:m~ ~ 1n ff\'JfltN !hto bulldlf'OJ loft' 11"111: .b .t lal>r<~r\ "'I"'>"~ n~'P RtghO 1lw-

Ma'j;aret Albin Class of 1967

,,-.rnvJ U..ll t.cir>..( JOUih ,.oft b::.wd "'he-no lhl-nomT~t tl,,~路t.:..~ Bu !dena .. b.

I.U.O..'\' lftl),..... ~ Ul<"''' ~thor tum<>f t~M"!Ur). "'I-" IN' \1:tott ::-t""-~ In~

CAbo> t


TNo<hft \i-111.- Co禄>o. F~


,., dw Cl'\Jcogor Jffl!l\ 1~1 k'll.,ll

Jot;an Chrht


ClaS> of 1 955

1\{sm 1960

r\tocwt.fl.l A ......... ':i lhr ~ 11'1 I¥Jl....,_ hNIII ..... eflht ..._:w.YI IWL

&cf!tl o;,_._. _ ....... c.t lhrO..c:ol


rc- In,_.. :.fll'w ........... HI&.

R1.1th & ~I ph Beatty Class of 11).16

l)\'<~1'1 rht• r\~ru Schoollk\.ud tMh N 90 duMf\:n fron OW lndi.ln H111 .. ~·h'~e'l

Ol..ttlct hl

Uii'l7 l1lf \1t \'\-m...1n Dvrmiton ~ ~ft\'f


.a fiN'<k~tf\1\ ....t

ShaJ:on Beatty M'aynard Clas~ of 1972


,..u..-.. t...t11 nw~ ~~!!door~,....,.. 1no 1...w ""ialm. ........rt.tl<••••·.. 'iflwn. t.anr~n til.- I..MON (:chft 1., Rftn• 1

Joan I h ~<:Jlstcn lluhnnann o( 1946

o .."


tt.,. "rN

IN ""e--NGl...... • of 11l,).l

rop lif;tll r.ne-... tQtO: • • rf!ott•cflhr \t.andollftllut> ~......w-rw H«rid.. 'lf'ilom. UuM.

t:Ntt. \ ann- Tridt. ~ ~ TNM11",~~

.,......,..,.._..,.,.... ~.~ nw

:flc4D.-... Iod.otn.- ql6of•p•ldl...,.

................. ~lncSo-.......... ...,...

r II ry Buhtm.,n Cl • .- 01 1946



191.17 \\ilium Jmrunp ~.ant gol\ c


1'111 TlW' Mulom.1thNn »:1<1\ pl.x>.-d. L>.,;< gloriol

1917-1926 I


~IV:: ~

...,._nlrl.t lhrlrcwnbn


•llh...,w~ l..J!Ufll) l:luh.: n:ha.W. hrN. , _

-·"'""""'~1ft 19'!1••rt--.:rllhfol)?'",_


917Tht-TJ M...lr*""« 5(hool•"

Barb;u:a Johnson Class ot 14 68

1920 lb.: llt-.1 Studt-nt CounOI k (tmrwd.


1"20 lbt'CCIIS..-geb

No•na \1eyer Cl"~' of 1960

.tuthonl't-d h.' offer (('llf· ~"oar~~






Jack._& ncy Hallstrom Classes oll950 & 1951

~h.d\ fl"'f'l...ritt n..ft J'hotu"' ~h.,.,.. fl>'t

r\JI'IIJ'IIhr IV:\6-,..,.~

OQJ" ~~ 1lw l't'N t\"f'l""". irduJ~ lop ~~ .-1 C.u1 Q..o...,.. it1 1'127. htlf"'d k'Jd cl\rrn. ·" .nl\lol-.: '"'~,

Marjorie ~peece Class o£1932 2 Year Certificate


(Ah:l\t' lrit)


W IW)·1'1lt'l« ~~•n IVZ'I

!Abow M.cld\t) ~ 1fll7~"'~~d.l<aantlt.adN


.ol'd l.o."AIIl

Al:'\n\' ~II Orrl.tdiVrr,... .. ~~ thrr l<fl18ot..:,u ~~ ~

1930 lhc athJchc fll.'ki

Sctt"l'K'\" Building begut.'; mto WF'\'~ two



the' IX.old ;ll8 laltJ".

i~ lit

for d'K' fil"t






- -, _ J411ht....- puty Wliladfd 1•tr. ...,,•.,,n - ••·"- n

Vi rginia Tively Plumm~(

Class of 1940


Thr\\\\11\ "•nd\



on 1942 ThiC' !\ta-.lUn f b~tb; \t\ldmh hf r h~t Oki \t..n

Joe ~oura ClaJ's of 1944 V12Program I.\




Atoo.....Yieft l~·:w!fU#bdwe»~d ~lv~ 1_.,..-."~ltwAf"' 11'11~ (Ttlp ~

Drrlld rt~.......,. .tht'f & .


Evelyn (G•I,) :Ya nders C l."t of 19-18

l~S~ I ht• t\ n1 "'hit'\ ~mmt found.atw111 u. C'fg.lnl/4,1 thrvu~ tht· df(lrt.. of ~,.....J,·nt


"'" ••


'*"' ..-.. .rWrnb pt ft'll<h b


~.., c...,_lioNuh

... f'iiM ~ . . ""'"" ~ ~


r.n. po-d .... I,I>XI

-,.tudmt m.ad. 1m tf'w. t nl t e'Jit"ln

, "i to:""\

"" ~ Studtm lt-ntl"r" ~ ;.prnrd I "•• • udol drp.utun.· frtlft'l ;.thtr buUdln :to l'ln .;.am

Charlie & k kie LeCur~ Pickl"ring Class of 1956

Bobb' Dean Li


Class of 1950


Oav~~g~ellow Sumlqc



{TI'f' ~·tu Stt.,;l

4~ up a~ ll!lJb..ll~ dur "1Pi'""~ ~~~">: \\'""k 11'1 1'11'1>

acv Ritr;tltl T~Vn 1n lQ(I.,_ ,.,~.. ,;.athm:'d., ·!he &to Lois (Frii'L) Hubbard Cl~ss

""' ....Xl-&1 hrnt'

(Ah."'~ l.t-i1) Tlw ~~ tUI1 N.1 ...wr--.5 d'-'1'11\ft dw- ('n-..f~~~tttorl ~,f thto I~ n ..rto._.._...._ CAtlt"'~ \h.1JWl ~~~ Llo\'(>.1

d<....,.,.., IN~r~t ,.i .. hh~<-: CM\I'IOI'I()ri~Mrp.o"' 1o;w;.

of 1963 1967-6.~ 'f'h...o CQll~t' <t>k-br.ll\." tb (.:«tlll.'fiOLod; t""'-~ Cl.'ntcnnj,aJ COMf'lt.•\

Jodi Diegner Class of 1974


;, 1967 T.,>d Son.-..n:-on. A Kit" co John t-:. K~nn<'d) . ~JO the

_1 'i"'~.lJ.... to the

Tim-&Cindy (PI•n I'Hoffm•n



Cl•" et

•• we tWw.at\1. . . ~ ...t Llrrtl K.N ..

"""• .._ "''"'' " " ~ \V ..... lnfd JUt . . <WIIf"*'




"b t>rol.m l,w lht• Al \\'htTk-1 Actw tot <tTikr lht- nt·w ~u1Mang ""'OUJJ hou.k' ft'IUr N.sktb.lll wurb.

Christine E. Dietz Class qf 1"83

'\\.n,...tlt-.. rm.

lll.,.)Tui!>OO hit Sl8.00 pr1' cndat hour and 7:"-{) ~t• .;attll"ndtd IX ( f\)UJ'IIj

& 19112

Rgn \ates


ot· 1968




&. Uottie :-:t"f~on Holliday Clas.~o


of 1987

Brtt fritth Cl~" of l 990



1'N0 1\·ru !'>l.th• C\'k-br.lll" .Jn \i;\ IA I >I\ '""-nII I

li.I:SS T J \t.a"-'""1'""'-.., fllftt•nov.Jtaons. lhr\ lnthkko ttw: ildJahoo (>t thn;~

Tod Kasha

q .,ssio( 2003


IToplAftJ ~~ tr."-.l .~~.h.tt.J# of tt... ~"' •"tO !C1.C tht Cmt,.,..,..~t Compk\'" :.'OOS trop~oOr luncb\o.•~~~~f''~~· Ul

(.\boorltft) o...w-a.

..,mudlthn ('Ol.oldharC"h


"'"'·;101.. ~~hi" •It, Mid c~\J) \\'oil!'-""' .. rf'll.lti)Jn :;!(\."\'!..

(..\h."'ot M.JJir) F~ po.-...t .ttiii'T ,:.•~ d."Ml\ lht &OMY ~ioH •t


~u.Jtnt \\l"('~..noj

Ray Boeche Class of 1977

~~ .. ~· 1., ~ !o(lftk"~ tht ~"tb.l't tco.tll' .,....w..,,.,. ~o.,.....t in tht ru- ~·thr ~""'



BNrd of

Tru't\'\.., ,.\")h", to mo'·'-" ~

1999 Dr. lko John:o.c.'lf'l', ,lmv31 t~:rolldt'd <a m•w lor

Nancy Chomos

Boeche Class of 1977 19


Oi~ 1a



. • I op I l'ftJ ~


David llr<!mmer C 'of 2005

In :\1em

.....,'f!d ~ f'kl* "'""' MNI.I



~Uft "'-cwllh~

23, 9S9Maf27, 2007




.. lhrl_...,.~, yboy(tlf.t'l



l(ll11kCoO\...mol' J;I''C'S his~.anc... tfwt thto C...~ wW be- hc:Tt' for DW'l"'


larry law ~I)\.

'Ill llw n41tof"~ •"41'SC " 140d!o &nM.ty

2(\_17 f"'C t t.....r.ah'f> 1b I .&Oth birthJ.sy

And'" <''-111\gro~tubkd bo; , .,-br.a..U

{ 'I ~~~ . ·~ •

'~~., ' "

Augwt 17·19 ~ th.tn ')(ll unwJ.f" dtk'l'klt-.J ,~.. Scudt-nl \\ C\".,_4.'nd T'M." \\t"\ le-nd ~ p..1rt ol th..• Orit_.nt.tttt-.n t'lnJ ( '"~· 101 '"lm~·IT'It-t~h, but n:-all>· ts mlkh, mut h n\f.lrt• I rt~n\fn p.uticlp.lh' m !iOCitl.mtl '""lut.IJlu•n.ll "'h\ lttl'~ thn.-.u~hout the \H.'\'~tntt, 111! cltNSJ'k"ti tel hrlr thl:m lKdmto•t~ to wlk·g..- •nd c•mJ'U' l!f~ fl'\~nwtl

f · ,..,

uJmbwtllo~!wa)~ r~Ttb.·n


"'tudmt \\t't"~t"'lld for the- cr.JZ} ttungs tM did The fu.._.,t oh.lt>f of ~~~ II~'!I& \\.;a.. to~~ fn'1hn"-.'ll <he-~.: ~t·~t mh• lht·1r h.ill~ tht;-n ~oWt their IDc.n,h., rudw'l~ f"'tnuh .mel"' 1-..._·~ '· SCud.._·nt.. th..·n m, thdr I)('" rtl0mm.1k!o .u\4-t ~ut "'t"ttk-d tnto thnr hnl hc.'lll'lt' a" a\ from flt'IOl(' I hl"IINol ('\'t.''l'ung the.·~ \\ '""


n.n .._, ....,....,....., _.._.,.._ •lilWotl



.._,..,"... ..,_.,, lrno . . .• •

,......,, 1-ti..t·toldH ..allld.. '""" -~J"'.Kh ~~~~ . .,,,..,.IUI'W, 1M ,....,n•l bloOttf'l'-




juht llflds o-ulllow holtd Ill• Ill ""'"'' Jtllo fto111 Ollot pl..tlf' to

.. ...,.... .....,.... ~



·~ttl \t. <'lt.lt "~"' ..... ,


ilodf'MIMo tw... ...-..

...... .., .........

,..... U..'tfora.. ktp4l-' "~

IANHI 01n1 \tftrln

._.._ tk•thrr It IJft4.. ... llrid~ lhol"f'"' . . _ '~

htllaP..to-t_ .........

il t-ft) 1'\ Nh \\lHtiiiOI"f ltld \th K.athool <rin,;l!' " hll~ "lkt!.i'lte tltW ,._,. .a p..ut

)tt.Nf~nb l.li.t' "ttot ,..Ob•

ohM ~yCn..t>.. U dU \fil~ Ko,o fOI.ond o-t tlM' h .1Jd W.ll)' 1'04 IOJtOdOWI\ l.hor

fl.uw:N S.lidt hotld lint.

- -· •

.r G



(U(U Ski1113cHw n 1MSll4t~ FtN \\<llilltd nul..h it tftm ri(ortk-o,.

put tntt' grou~. e.--ch of\\ hi<h wNc -...·p.u.:tk.-d by ciiift.'fl'Ot-rolon•d ~hirts, .md k.'<l by uppt·rd~.-......mcn lnc.w:n .1" 'Top Cat... "' llw Tup C,lt-. an..\.. el\>d qu~ o\nd guided fn~cn through an unfocgdt.Jbll' Wt'Ckt-nd.

·c:ooty Crub;· whK:h tu... b..wmt• .1n '\S\\' trJdlticm. a~ b)· fM the ~t ml'fi'IOro\bl" p;art for fn~'O .md Top Cat.... alikt•. Durin!t thi.. ""' ""'' fn:.V,men ha\f.' a gooey rompttihon l>y d<Mng: gro---. .t..,d !>OmcC.i~ unplc.l.:S..lt'lt t.)sk.;,.. Wmp~ lndude: Lllun~J: ~of OOt "'liC\', 'Pilti.n;g chl'\...,.. puff-...tt pt."'plt•, cr.ammins gumm)' worm.. into :-.tudent:o'

TM Top C.al \Jo, ~ln ....,.. d"ri"S '\S\' "'ith. • ftw ItA' lwlpittA f.Ab<l~t't


Ct~r'"' ,. .a" turd .u

moutlb, m.tki.n)t !toolnd\\·ichc..~ while blindfolded. omd ..liding down .1 hill of b;ln.ln.l chunk... ,,.,lkt ,lnd goo, ,, -.ort of gro-,... "Siip-n·Shd<'. The 1op C:.tt<- ltl'qUI."ntly "Cf'\'~ a gre.u~·r pu~ th.1n gi,·utg h\'shm\'1"1.1 hMd hm~dunng '"S\\'; how('\"t>r, !<IO~hmt.... th..>y forge-t tl\.lt. rop C.-.b threw Jn.....hmt.·n do•wn Ill\.· b.tn.tn.t ,Jidc or ~bootaged tht-ir ...uw.t\.•okht,_..., by nti~ enll t~\'th.."f' mu,Wtd Jnd jo";.r.lpt.• ;ell~·. 6\lt 11 W.l~ .til tn good fun. 'cw Student WC\.•kcnd h the (i,...t mt.>mOrolbk

w..-e"md you 'fl('l'\1 ·" rsc Who dld you '-pl"f'ld II with Jl\d wh.1t dld you do?

··~.. , ..~ hW1 ...... poo11h .... ttw ~,. hl>f.tt'Y -.o~



.....,_._ .......... .......

, ..... AU.."""-"' ~

l A.\ovn I 1 tw A .........t.- l>f

. ,•

. - , ...... ~.,...p , ......

""""'"''" tiWH •chho:•r \\t~ ..,~.,, 4ft1'4

row, I# 1.. 111.




IRI~U Acbwr.O»I'\Hb It~ f.trl \\'t>I'I~Kr .tl'ldCr, ..ul 011'


r~~" tot .. ""'' .dO>AA A.•N......dOor T.t) lor l>v,...I.Mt.t.



A~ hll"\'t nc"W' p"'pk' m~ «JmmWUC.,bon ~ol ,and !lol'nT

ton('/ I'SC

-.a.notllrial ~• ., lhitliollq;r rx A~ "-orl WJth high tcM.r!.rudmb.. tr.&mkr m.dmb. ...00 Olhrr \ lc~ tp lhr c~ ~ho at'l' m~ m lotoai'Nf'llt. P'IClCl' Aboul N Tht- poiNty duhcs lncludto lt3dm,:: c•mf'Vio loon.. ...·nchr~ h.~ ur rocnmunK".Ihon k'm-'. .....ru.ng

w11h ~l.tdmbo!Wl-.m t"\TJ\~ <.11~ pr~n ('


t'ffofb 01


nclud< '--'"" 1\lu...,.,. 8ri.>nna

/•uN.All"""~ A<hlryllm<s. ""'~

lb:lur'lg Tr Our.-l..c....

IIHttwT Uun.t.. "rN.Oth.l \\.."TCT Tn

u ....... ~ ~ol. o..n;..u.. '""'" and Krllr\ S..anlon. n.. . - . ~

Ad\ U<IC' i" Ad~ Rtorr~'fltlb \ \' \ \Mdt llrrgm<'l<'f

~ ~of Hot.NI\)o"; .md S.,.'(Urity, 011\d I .01.104.' H.ltn\Olt, I Mnm ~a.:knt H.-U... Oii'\'('IOr ,,n. m ch.ult'"' oflht.·

the (.111 ~~tt·r bt-gin.... Tr.tii'IC\.~ ,lt(' giwn daf(.._"''"(''t S.C'-'1'\.lrio-- .llld ptol>lt-m~ h> ""'h.;:, r.sngt1lg in.'IM n.lOn'l \ tOI.IbOI\~ to hoffil• 'ld,t"-..._, to dOI'nl"-11<" \'iok•nn• Th! ~A....uc .ll~ li<"1:'n<o~..>d in fi"t ,,kt .md CfR.

rw,;ro~m. Tht• ~" m. '""'''.til tht> hall.. and •'r'\' '"'igt'l4..-d duty •"-ood~ ltl m.\1.:(' "ul\' m.ltnll-n.'IO~ ,\nd (,lobty i!>.!>U{'s •n: ., good Ordl.'f. Dwy Jook .s(t..•t ltw 'lud1.."0h (loll .l

TheRA.. an,•f('».pl.lfhibk' (()t pL1nnin,g and f,lciht.tlnlg_ ;)(twilit'!oo, IQ 1:1'\h..lM- thl,o comtnunaty·., h\'ing C\.pc~ within till• r~,.,..idcnh.-al hall"-. lllc)· ,po1t-.or two ,)(h\ •he-. c.kh month whkh r.1ngc from

~--10-d.l~· oo..,.. to hdp with 1''-'l*""' 'U(h ,., drug .~buM' roc:•mm.1f(' tonflkt!», .-.koi'K,I.tnd dt'PA.~t<m.

'('l('ia11"1'1('\"llnp, •.·duc.Hion.:d g.-tttlol:ring-. ,ll"ki ;ach\'lht~ 10\"0lvi.ng dm.•r.ity. 0\w.lll,the duty ol .m RA i.-. to m.llt• -.utl't."\·.,_~·ont· gt'h .:tlong v. •thn'l t,hc(',lm}~U, lull ....

Tlw Rt.'!oid,'l'lt A,,l,l.t.nb, tlr RA'!>, .U\.'Ir.li.nt.-d <,tudcnl 11:'.1\kr<. "'ho "'upcn·a-.c the c.smpu... U,_..., Stoncb..ugcr.

Tob«cxno.•.t.n RA,.-.n iodi\'idu.tl mu-.t.lppl~ .md tw(H\('t>l. period an the.- 'unlmer briO«'

~hen train ft"lt a

Ckft) u..n.. OirtdCM, lANrtf' I._..NIO" tfnM~t row, hQotOfl t1w f~fO ~nd II~.ad of Hou""'5 ~ltd S«vrity, W.. SIOntb.u~n Hovrth "'.,.. i.D I>.Jc.... lifth ~ tM ~t) oU'f 5-~th.trtd ""ilh tht Sprl~ 2!1008 Rh.id.m t A'\l>b>l\1 Sulf. (kiO"') \ 101'&111 RA ~rll Hul\1 Uld Compln RA lttiW't C.riWIII ·~ ~ • nd d·~~,, ) lvdio- tl\(-y fi"P'~ kwduty.


t\l>ool rl~il:i_,l~' ~ l1t \k ~~ coSM. of .. MW

_..,, •

f ..tl :t/111 1t"-'dH1t ' "'"'-k llrilt..t .. pow ""hilt



(UhtCompk--. RA k ir• f.atrl• • nd DtluiJ RA ' o.ah \\ hitrnon- ,.pool .aLl~ d urii'IA 1~ u-..lnltiJ ""'""t'"nSffh•nt.


t fTM F.alll001 Sufi A~thM f« • SJOVP plloto. ~cJt:•t /.J\ItLIIII


Dunng th,• w~'<''- ofS.:pt..-mb..'l' 17·22 ..ttKJcnt.. \Wr..' "turroundt-d by tM H(lont«''J'ning t:·n·nt Stud4."nt-. ..ho,n-d their -...:hool ...p•rib with T ....h_irt,lh.)t c.ltri,-d this )'C.lr'' l IOtnl'COming tht•m'-'• Wt• Got C'..-ml' &citl'IT\('fll throughoulthc w«>k w.t.. hi~h \\"llh hundr~h ot .,tudcnh p.u1icrpJ:tin~ m th..' n1.11l)" :tchvities and C\"ml..,JNdirlg: up to ttw "'bij; g.lmt• Stud.._.,,..., toolo. p.1rt in g.un._..., for ca.Jl pri>'A.... mdudin~ IA't·., M,,J,.._. ,, 0..•,-,l, whtch 1\."q\ul\-..d th~·m

to hnd 1h.•m"' an th('lr boo!<. b,.-,g......urn a._.. Kl..x""'-". book-., .md .. PSCTm!f'. Aftt·r lindmg tht• ih.-m... !-ludMI:o. drew (or ..moo-1-'h "' lh..• fun ('(lnhnt.~\-d \\ath B.lttlc of th..• x~.._ uki "\\'heel of }orttu"~/ foliO\\~~ bv tl\ol•l-lom..'«<mir~ P.._op R..1ll~· Qil Frid.ly. Vrnkr "'unn~· .;,k!.._-.., tootb.lll Jnd vollt•y "-'11 -.(•1'\l()n. "J'IC'k~· ~f(ln: •' (Mwd St.·niorCI'\"S Em..,kf, cre.ltl'<f ~ comk n•IJd by qullhng ,\ \\\'ll·kno\' n. t~'IOtb.tU '1"-...'Ch frQm, Vat!-ily 61m-.. · th.lt \'1..-,.;.).n, I w,h l~i11g 1n rei

... .

fRizl'U P'ftoo. kn Jot.11~ <ro-~ tto.t 2007 I IOfiW'(OIIll.n~t Kit~S T•ylor thtn«l<.Kt..f • nod Qu~ Rfflft C.ut~

flriow) Ch<otrk~rt »-1 \t f)ott •.nd Kf'flodr• Kutl ..how PSC •rhil ...hllf ridin3 h' ~ llom«olllh"A




PILOT 111_..btn ,..llht~Mtl~o"' U. thf plt)ort"' ~ fA~d'fht~

c...oo ld•tn Ukf' J'll't - hop R.tllyfA-t~


(bill Thor PSC \h.rch•l'lg 8.a~ kd thof w .ay to lM C>.ak 8o¥o1.

tl.ot(U (hit. .a!.. .a Vn.d flori.a"' nwdt .a ptnoN.I •PP«J..t~.« on 1M- he ploJ« Oo.~t,. Phi AlpN


II dO Srud~h t~to.~ l.hft" rro.tf'ft t·oltiro. to "' It~ • "'\\" C.ot G~ t·~Mit of ~h own,

bs.t night. i\fh_"f the ~JX~x"-:.... the "l"nior Ktng and Qut_'-'" Htwn...-..:oming c.ll\dld,lh" did .ln t');J;·t()'-.-., \\ tlh 0.1fti \Jt·tJ:!cr 01nd Sh.ln(' Ry.ln pn.·~\';tihng 01ft~r t&.--.i~ th..':ir ..~ mon.~ th.1n 20 r.ud.. withoot dropp-an~ it. On SJturd.•y mtlming. -.tudt·nll-, (;"ulty .lnd to\\1bproplr lined the ~tf\.'\'t" ot Pl"f'\1, '-'.:t~t·rl>· •n~ .liling It"• tot.ln Q( tl\4.• H~1mt.~-omins Parddt•. Or. D.t\ 1d Fdri-., ~r.:snd m.lr..h..ll,lt.od the ~7th ~~nnu.ll tlllft'kWming r.u.:sdc \nth hi-. wife, \1dtndJ. Com_J)('titifln for b.,.-....t Oo.tt, dt....-..lf".,lt'd whidt• ,md w...-.k ('M wJ, fit·m.•. Ptu AlphJ rb.•1.1 won the Oo.lt rompctilion with .1 '"jt'Op.udy th-,mt~ th.lt includl'd Br.td Flori.ln •'' flvJ,_ \fF"\C. U'ln~ .a ltmglc thl•me, ('.llpt\u\_-d tht• pnor-1.• for bl~t·dl'ror.tk'<i whidc-, while,,,

CAbo• or) C tofS E~t-r tMpirn tM Uobc..t tn)Wid "I wo.n 1)'"8 ift bN Lut niAJ!L•

lq71 01.1-. CutW.-. t"' f'"lt'd t,· tArf}· Sc,"f'ht-n."'lft ol 1'\fbr•~l>..ll (at~· won th(-~ t.U!>c.l!t')tl.\f'\

lA-d b)' the;- rs<.. M.1rching &nd, the footb.tllteam

took lhc field,.~ .. .1lumni, ...tudt'fll:... and 'uppott~ OOi.,h·rou!'ly w~l«om«< the Bob<.lt~. 1'he- Bobc.lt:!> k.-d th~8hout the l1r-.1 half. much to the dt"li~ht of the 'P'-'Ct.Hor-. . At h.tlf·btnl;', th(' Hom('(Qnllng Cou.rt w,-.., inttodu«'d to the crowd. T .,ylc.lf Ouncl...Kkc .tnd

Rl,ll'\' Oarl..on "''-'"'-' (1"{)\\'n'-d Kin~ .md Q,J\'\'1\ by rl'\.-...l<k-nt lk·n Johnc;on .lnd 21Xl6 llonw<Oming <l\lt'I.'J'I Jari \\\·hnl"aer. Homt."Ct'lfl\10.); wwk ('ould not h.1w mdt'CI bcttt•r:

Tht.· BOOcat:-. brat low" W'-""'k•pn Univc,..ity 3()..7.


M.l~t.t Conclffi a.~ pl•ya .. ""ttt mtlody fut"'ri~ tht cl.viflft


Cltl&hll rtK,~klflo~'\ pllui.Ot" d.illkull 'Jw.cot IIUl~k.

C~ttow• A roftd!K'Ior cSoor\ "'lvt two~ bnA: ludl• '"~'f•l



o.-. r ort:nq, kncl

l);fffi!Ot, .-c:l..n.o... l-tc!t~ ·~

lu.rd "'-ol'k of hh -'t\ldotnb.

UUA,hU ,\ Mdf' ' i_. of tM ~•p.t.l''\l•~


lhe l'cru StoltCCon«rt 8.1~ pl... ~-:. a" 1<1\.• rJn~e of 11\ltn cJ,~,.,K,11 mvn·m.:nl:!- to tn~..>dk')'' (rom porul.'lr mu,ica),_ Oih."Ctl'd by Dr. P.-.tnck 1-ortt\\'y. the

&nd h.t' ~'\.'n ,\n JmJ.tin,; C'o;pt·ril•nre," '-<lid Ko.'ll\· So"". When I c-.1~ on c.1mpu,, b...>ing tn 1:\lnd \\.l~ .a

b.:.nd pLl)'' in,lrutnl.'nb r,lngin~ from th.: tub.) CP d1c tri.tng1c.

tlw g.wup h.1 .. hdfl\.'<1 my ,l.,dl, tn•mo-tldoo..lv •

The ~roup.. !iJ"o.t pni'ormancc took place in :\0\·cmbct. the \\inter Ct>n«.•rt, hi."Jd tht,_• fi"'t S~aod.1y in Otcxmt.'l\•r. •nt;lud\.-'d pt-rfc:t-tm.lf\C\" wtth th.• CoH"'-1;'-''" (hoi~ '""--ir L\st performance W.lo;. April27 with the I"SC Choir. C()ming ~,..,_. "' ,, fl\...,htn.ln, tht.· rsc Conn·rt

lnt~r~l!cgi.lt~ t-l~)t\Or B.lnd:


81'\'.lt Wol)' tc> IU~I 'ioOmt' of l'n)' ne-w (m•nch PLI) Ul~ Thn"l" .. tudt.•nt' w('t(' ""''k<'t\.-d th1" yNr lor K.ui St.Jllb..ltum·r from

\\'ctm()t\', K,).n., Sar.th Smith (n,m Od\ 1d CitY, \:,oh

,ro. w..'di'M."M.i.l) .. from

and \1l~·'" K.lt:r from j.1n""'""· "'-.• group m..."Cl' \i(lndJ~' olnd 3:3()...4;41\


Tiw- i cru o,;L ll' j.uJ B.md rock' ('Ut hl (~11'\kmp...lr,ll)' 1' notb fun..: lt<>n~. ancludmg ronnm Jt tilt.- lJ'I(o:k't, f''Tt('lrm.ancl... in the c,lft-•kri.a, .tnd n"t ts oubadc ()( Pt-·ru. bc.I JJ~ k.,j by ()r. P.lttlCk J-ortncy, bJnd X" ~ Clft d"-·1r t.ll\-nhoo till.' "-l\tlphtln-.-,

m- trumpt>t, pi.lno, \"1.,.-ctric b.''' ,lnd guitar• .lnd l'hc\ pl.l~ <"'-""!(' hJJll". tocludms "Brick .and ~ul \l.an,· \\1th tl.1ir and ..tylt>. Alon~ \ tnt) 81Ul'S. J;v I 8Jnd cbcd th.." 2007·2008 )''-'-" thrt't' ·d.n lour of Chkol~()

I ft-,•1 th\• J.tu &nd fully undC'!'I.md'!> t~ ron.:ll'VI ol ji.lu. I'm looking f()n,·ard to C\W'IIIIlUinggn.lwlh with th .... grwp;· ..,.,id junio-r mu""' t-dt•<"ollion nMJOf M1ch.wl roltdt•. Spc,_xi.ll ,.,.,'f'lh th.lt th.: j.vl' 6.1nd pl.,~~.>d at thi:o. )'t.'.lr wen140Ch Btrthd.w C('l•.•br,lbon.-.nd Jt tht.. S«ophmsoo f-ltHd m f.llt.. Cit)·. ,cb. Both '--"'t·nt" wt•re olltl''lldt:d by d'lol.• (';('J\,•1\()t of :-..if..obtol..k.l. f~tn 8.1nd ~... Tlll""<'.w:o. .lnd Thu~.'ly:oo from



(l~fti ~ tttlirr J.vt ll,.fld ~ ,.ittllftlb\IJMnl\ .aNt \JIIollh.

Mbo\t>l Tn.MP\'* pb)t>r. Clw-w 6\l!lofki.lot .a lid A I« O'Brit>n 5ht> •

flN.I b'-t.

lOt.- \to~drig.d Si~1..·r.. mo~)· be tht.• ..m.lll~t olthc vcx.lll"l\_"-Cm\>!c-;., but they may .ll-.o b(o ()I"W,.' of the bu'''l~l ,h Wl·ll. Alc.'IOg with pt_'tff(lftn.ln(\_..., ilt b<lth th..folll :md !<>J>nng concern.,~ ~roup hO!>b the \bdng.1l Dinner .1nd 'ig.ht o( Mu,1c;;.ll Thc.Hrc. Th1.~ .ll-.o ~orml.'d at Loorde-- fhg,h Sc:hool'....pnng rollC't'rt/m.ldrip;.ll nisht/pcrfom"1nc..-m !'\cbr.l-.k.1 Cit) . '"I think (the pt:'tforma~) went \'<'fY "ttl. ~i.ldrig.tb h.h comt• togcthl:r .,., .1 group: .._..id "oo'phomow \Iegan K.lt:t .tft,•r tht• fiN conc:\'rt ol tht•

year. Our \'0~"' wcrc spot oo. <lnd lht.• ('l'()wd

n•.lll}' h·cll."' The group 'Ing.. old"~r s.t'lnto;-' 1n th~· \lo~dn~.ll ..l~ k-:' Co\ppciiJ w1th bght d''W,l rd' .'11\d h.mn<.\nl..... Tht' ot \fu,ica11 hl-.ltn.· pl'rfornl.lncl' on AJ.'rillS. lt-.JtutN '>()ng.. from 'u(h -.hoQw.. _..., · hltV th~· Wood' and Sw~~.·,·n~ Todd: t~ 0\'fllon S.lrbt.""f ol Fk"\1 S.tl\"l't \IL·mbcr-. of th\.• en"'·mble are: Tn.. t..m o.,.,.,.10f;C1'. F.mdy frick..•. Xa\ 1t>r Cib-.on, \ft>g.ln K.at-.r, K.lh.• \idGm, D..wid 'om.. , \hch.wll,.lrd(", Am.1nd.1 rc.lr-.on·V.lnd..-rbrOt·k. Jamt,_" R.1hr-., H.llt;.· Ry.1n. Apn·l Schwar,., J,·ff Schw.u•.r. K.lri 5MIIbaum.. t, and l.)c(>n., Whttfvtd. n..~pondl-d

' )o!hl

iRisf'll A d-u~ ~~ " '"Wy f.tit'" d rh'dl ttl~ ti'I'O &«tlklwlf'tl.. \\'lllllt'ION" .tM Tri'u.n 8.t~lft.8,ft.


to col\httlon..


Cklowl 1"bt "\\.&&r •-c-,.,_• "frf fl&•)'t'Ci by Trh.l-'1\ 8•..~lft.5.4't ~-.t~d jf'l'tM)' Sd~t-

L\.bo\(') A -r.wy T.llf' rl.bl'o· 1~.. ttl~ tNuC:IC'~

t'lll tooK.

I!A-11) U<h~ Ko~W '\itkl.111 o1111S lbley R,U\ ti"3 ~'"'t'ttl)'.

r Abo' f'l Thf tntirr f'"P'~ to Jr«t.,

for lhC' \bdftvl


cl6-lll C"hoh -.nllofn ...,.-1•- l•i• 1 t-1 .,.~ llri"""'


..................n.-.. llcfU ~ 0,_

,. ort..

• .... ., .... diPIOr

....... ,_4 ....._ ... ........ n....~dMUin


lltfU(.-•"C"rt (.h ot pt1f•~ 41 tht '"I'INIII<olo.by ( _,rt '" Otoet"'ft-ft .1111.1'7.

Jhco r .."''\\SC..lk-- <. olk ' ( t1N'\"11 ( r ... .at d M."1klnof l>r ~Ed~ rttfonnt'dti("\t"f.U ~,... c.ampu OftCft'b lhb , ... r lhl;- .W.tnc:frlti(T ~ lfn'ltd .a , .mtt\ o1 ~nc~w !I..Xtl-d .-d tot'C\IJ.ar "'li'U.. n... choU p.ut l"mlln """ HotW• c""""' ...., ~..u•mbt"f w Rn .a S.:nrfid on y...mo. 1hr tlofid,.y <.-.-.. ,... .... f'"1 ""'ooJv by 1110 Con..Ttt (..,....., but by ttw: \t t\ Blun ~ Choir .md thro J,s.t.t•nJ toncm 8.mds. lhf:.lightmg o1 thr l h tm.u tub.t put thto fin ~ng touch on the r..-.,.h\ '-'


rtf,od. '""'' \1t•bt-"' penor.. I (Wfle. 0 &-.tool(,.., u,,,~,"' ;pr lfOfll ""l'l\1thr'ltc..,.n Or~lor'io.'"

1lw: KfOUP J""rlofmc"'d \ ru1d1 s C4.n. this , ,w.•nd f'lrtac"ipatc'd In thr Chor~l h~hvaltlonot Chotr. ln the~ lhrchoit~ wilh..-lr<1cdltigl>..- " ' po-rfunn 1110 lith ......w ~.d F<>ti• oJI lli,;h Sd>ooltton." n""' Flnm "WW"'IItigl> ~hoob M"~ lhctr lllOrtl t.akonkd prrfuc u w ,... .and J'1 ml '"'"" " lh """ Sc.ak• !I C..:on«'''t (."hoU- Tht h t w.u .a (holr l'f mol'l' th.an 2l»\Ok'\"'" ngmg an

"'"""'' .11

4R'ahU A d,-••.~tl< d1p .tlld• hit .. .t "_~:off,_

tlw •


o,.. "'"" ............ £1·~~~~ ''· .,...,

en.w- r..-..eorr. ,......... ,.......,, -.t 01\Url

t .,~

,. ..,,...._cWor



...... ,.... ....... _, ..,..,. '"'"" ..,




IAN•t1111of."'~tr~ fM t•l•llll'f1 "lltf' I""·• t l1 M

IR..,_U A. bi& •fl4"'1t lot , .... O!o~~•1

W'COfld ~"~••bft ol

,... ••>ni!Ufl.f (lof ..... , ....,.

n.. 'l;,oy m





"' th ..howy d.an&:.- mo\-a. to .a \I; ~ """""""" "" lho ,,_.....,_ group. I he """' lhD )Wf lnctudtd II ~ .and """lurll"d~(OW1I'W'\ ~k)~ Apr)l~iiWIIM~

Tmun ~ J<fl ~><orz.JoohG.N><. .ond \un Tr«' L ~~ fl\-.n popul.u mU!roiUis., wftl.as MKh f.tm r ~ ~ I m • Bclic-\n and Joy toW \\ Ofki Wl"ft higtilighb of th.,• ,1.1~,. ~lhl"d&r\'\.td'lol Or ~ .. Ed1gt-r. tl\(> ttr,JUr ~ h thxf \ h~--N<'I l',ud.: on the drum !lcl. Kt"'"'



\ P"


I hi." grt..,_,p I nl f'l""l'Jnn('(l 0.."1. ~I debullrd lhr II numb.."" on Ft'bnury 2.& .and firu:s.htd thr 'J "' h • lo.lUr kl Uuc;ago ~t.n 6--9 It "'~ • a tm,: u ..r for an.-\.( tmg grour ~~ ol 11w JIR>UPin<hxk Tnsun ....,...,..,, jt'ld\u.a<.....,_Slr.a jdfn"\. R\.an ~.. \~ Nlll )t""<'J'h t....-o. Oi.\b.n ~ [.li.z..ahrlh \~Nm. ._ w \td'-1m,<.:oortn&."\ \1n.....-r. ,,d. M )tll'd.ln l'r.an.g~ 6~ r.don l'rat«. -'~I ~h\li,u7.. S.:h"olf.t It h"m \ Stl\t"l' and \tin Tl\"«'l.


Afh·r a long ,1~ from m.my .lthlcli~o: ""'I..'Mh .11

r"":-u St.1k c~·ll._-gl'. tl'l\· Pl"P IJ..1nd tn.1de Jn l-rtthts ..w ..hc nium 1n 2007.()1. l he bo.md, undl·r thl• din....-:tion ol Or. PJtnd. fortnt•y,l-nh:rt.\in,-d nurrw.·rou .. tru('-bha~,.• &«.at t.m.. oll ''-"\'\•r,ll,uhll•h( t'\ l'f\h tha.. )'l'olr. T'ht.· 30-

mrmi.'C'r Nnd brought .1 gn.•.1t dl~.ll of C'-<itcmt.'flt .md whic;h it pt.·rform.."'.1. Thr P.:'P Nnd mMchl.-d dunn~ the 1-tonwcomang ro1roldc J.nd ~\·pt crowd .. on tht.·ir t.,_,'i .1nd m<wing to thr mu..Jc:' dunng pep r.llht....md g.1m....., \tl-mb.:r.. ol

.. :'IC'f');)' tolhl' );.lTnl"' .lnd '" \'Mb .11

1\0t ooly .n.u~;hl.-.:1 o\1\d pl.l)'l-d mu..,.... f>ut d"'Y .11'-4.lln,Pir"--d tht• cm"d" w1th 'VCh <ht,•r.. a' ttw Sil"-'fll <..h'l·r which 1:-. ,11\.. ay:-. .1 f.tvont,• of th,• t.m.., Tht.~ P'I'P l>.mc.l pl.,~., P',pul.u mu ..K" fmm the 1951).. throu~h th" 1~ with tl \,lm.1y ol h(,m, wmd .11\d pcr..:u....ion ln..trumc.·nl,," hilc kl"'l'firlg hmt' in \'.lriou' form.llic'n'- 01w '4.llli; Bc.1tx·.u fMto.. 'lud4.·nt;.., ,md ()(the b.md

,dumn1 C.lt'l,dW,l)''lo oount (1('1 h.:.lnl'l~ t~ b.lnd rby *' ~· Peru St.ltl' Colk.-g,• C-i'/pr Sor1;{.

n tfU t~p ll.a"d •"'"~ ~rfo"" dvrin~ .t u ...~ o ..t

.at di.-

HOM('('Oeli"S fooeto.lll (;..a~.

Clklowt &..I'd Mt"l'llb« \ 1khM-1 Pof.fd.~-. got~ bNtl

fAbo\d \1 fft'bt-~ IINI'I:htd Oft 11\t

fit"'d boffo"' t~ ftoiN<'OG'Iin& Jootl:o.&UC.-~.

.1!."-''fta.nd O.tf'dOf. OJ_ r..rrid ~. 4lnorK .alo~ ••~t~t-Mt.

ctU9IU Butldoft Pr.tlf'f, ~ BuH-l.ht.. K~lly8"~"' Oavid Sonh,. £Ad A)!ll.-y Ontnuol\11 pt'fftwm t.h.- PSC FiVt Soft~


fiiJUin5 &Zing cw~ 2008 ·€f~wut cab y()(Jk CWild €/«ll C.1mru .. Ada\ ih~· 8o.1rd (C.\8)cootmul.... tl•

f'h)\ nil· fun tdr IX \-1\td,'f'lt' with Spring I bng \\'wk. llwo ~ l'.U·, lllll);ll' tht.'11W w.,h ~I\\' l,.:-.) t)Uf \\'lid Sid,· bt•nt' induJ,,I,un):k' photo... kmg "f II~ I'"'J,._;lf l':·'m~• .tn vuhhlOr pknk o1 lo.lm d.u\1.-c, .1 h>·rnoti ...t, la~·r t.•g, .m<l ·' tnp h• \\'ctrl..h t~ fun Jn K.tn."-h CII>, \ti,"()Uti. Spnn~ Flln~

200s too)k pia..,• Apnll4 ·20. Tl'k.• \H'\.•k

w,a, I.,,, lo.4.-d (lit With jun~lt• ~,.hut.-.:; l.:tM.'f'l during

m tht.• ~tudt·nt Ct·ntt-r .md ,tn tlttt<loor J'lltOH: lh-11 C\'COing. fhf: picni< fNh.an,:d lt\ICfi.'StiJl~ olrf'Ctl.ll m,luding l"tlw hlO);U'-", l'k·.ln, t'\ l'Nil... and 1"\'l(lo.) mountatn ov..t ..'1"!;, .u wl'll ..... \\ httl' ,,n..t mall.. 'hclc 00\ 1.'"'-'1 hu~'- C,\6 W.t\\-J a fm: t·...,ir1 an front of 'tudt•nt:o. .1nd not 'Utf>ri.,ing,ly m.1n~· \'t'l'llun>d ln on..,.l till• '>('rumph,lU!> dl'lag.h li.

IIU~htl 'ttudn.t pooo4'.1N.. "'"' .111,. .11 l.h.r fu.am d.wocll' i.n 111• S41~t.lll'tlt C~1".

Clii'IP"'I 'WHUI tohldll'lln., Kounlh.IP'IIU tl.ad ~~ undll' rtw.to.• t.ai..Ht d u rlnjl thll' a.ctlolduoalon~


rA~-cot ~wdomb •roc Uw "'l"l\<t

U~l dutinjl.l ridt-011 l'.atrioll~ .11 \'llodct'toOof full II\

""""'..... c;l).

1torru '"~"".:It~ r,-

,.,~•• .1nod Gf,t~~l

'"'~"".."-"'pow ... ,t... 1~1 l.aWt' ~uln. dul1ft&.l ~-of tJA,


tt.to \•"'" ,, '""'" ,,... .. .. ,.....,..


\l..twf. . . .


,.. ••ri.IIC liM,_ ......

IIAfU ll,,..aM f~ h illkn 11)-,..otiud ........ -lobp

""'*"" .........

.....,, t\.-w• fl'ft' t4Wrt Ill

................... -.n,. ..Mt



IR IC J luf'WII. \1.M'I...u i'wrNI'IIr.. •ft61•1i.J '> .jfltlwlr "'rrins fJ,r.s ,.,.,.,h ' " " ' (1-wl ~--f.

11 .,.,~~ Thl• h•r-t ,.,... S"">r • ·~-~,,"''hi to)' llw 6.-1~


~ """" k c '"' nu..-d w th fo.tm d•,.t" 1n •.tw(.contct w th ft'IOf( th.tn 200 stud..: ts ~ wrn: w ..I'"'Wd ntlt to ~~r I ld 1>01 t.. ....ltd And on Thurd.> f'lrb<plt.d 1\-ru C.ot T•lmt I\ onn,..-ol ~ oon ~·~ J,I.'Kltl \t,}w tk own ~ 1.1 hr l'\'('('ll'ikd a (.1) t'lt lhr ~ thaw "'n't' T\-son '"..-blind t.Nd ord who rc rionncd. , b> • J<ohruon. Dnth """""""'...,; whik 1\ pU)-..1 '"' gu .... on.! S.dro.d rU"-d "" ~ Se-cond f ;tf ltw: g.roup .. ompct~hon ""ml


of 1




fl.l "T"w.• RA.l!r \ tud( 'Jh:. b.and (1.11\S~h.-d of J~,-n-mv Pf.df ;:.n gu t.lr u-.g...n ~k-r.l' _,.. suaur and \"«.J;ls.

\IIChMI r Nor on dru

•nd Todd Kf'aUSol 00 gwbr

fhtoy ~ th.! r C'M1\ \~of Flo Lias f.Acro All gtoUr"' """" pti.t incl~ • \\,a.vad hundm.U cl dol1a ., ~,<hh,. Througllout""' ~ ......l - . , _ . . , h\"'f"''Olh-d





thr ( mtmni.ll ( an c.Jmoufl.lgco w.: th ~,. J1: 1'hC') flnbhtd off thr "'«.. ""lth ol tr1p IO \\ortd.~ Dt Tun "ht-n" m,:uw ''"t \N r..:o~~ sunbunl'\ nw.nyot whtehW•'ft'' turcd tgo~du.lltOn.






l 1 In 1%7 the • " .;. rnnui tmd "omen tCM rc m..

.. ~\'lu?l a great

college, rmd




to l~t·


Fnrnd., art• fon·


Lou Fnt: Il'ft) PSC Cradmrlt' of 1966 1 rad '62 '63, '65, '66 Cro$$ Comrrry '63, '6•, '65


(Abo:nc Thr 1%6Mco IrA



~ODU~ '"'~'

brouf:llt ''"'" (~ 10 II>< Alhkb<J l>."f"r1mml

Tlw.- '' Whn•k'f Acti' 1f) C:mkr t~\\\ AC) do..:-d in \\.a\ %007 fot t('t'lt.... Alklft.',

cornp..11tnn'k~ ~ro1rm ~~tlifl"and

tbrfl..lt>r\' m.tn\ ·~")

conlributc to lb.'- nus.-<Jon otnd go.sh. of t.hrColk~·

~It'll("!. Wnt' a.c~uW ,\l~.homt: ~"'"\\t


"'"''tul,'\'1 ,,1 Hw.• tu~th Mhi..l(lo)!l m ,\~~un tutd fl-.hll"oClfl, ,.\ltht•U~h tht•y nwttha" (h.lllt•n,.;t•, Hlt• olthJ.:tk-, J.lUJ)tt.lrtl IUU\t"-1 ftn\\ .mJ \\llh tho.• A.Hilt'

PI~ nott t,.oltllhtcnttrt ath/<1" '!tlAj/l• rwt ~~~ htrr




fhto IN$$10n or~~ •thktio ~ C'OCN!UtW to t<gnt}.t.......,...and

AA~f/ rMf'lh"N au al;,o ldnltljW ~o~ll/r IIN"~r fNtn"'-

ll'lllx'oll p1t11 th.lt

I"SC ...,.,...,




.,_, .t • ~ I

.. *tnt.... ,.,......



* flr.t, ....... ,_... .-, ............ .., 6.U


~~ Rldii"J SJ- •

\-12 \lumn ,, .,~.., - 19~:' ~("

~''"'"'"'" ·~" •""'•

1b rh)"thm. t whm d.k1 t ·~opp;:.. ..n

such ., kM• \\ nJr, n •nd \\~'l"f{. low~"





It '"'

ur• l


lossn mkf.,.~v throug.h thcfo(".l.'i(ll\. th..

fi•Ut1bo pKM-d

up a hltlt• mo!TI('I'IIum .tnd \'Hlf'i IYocHT~n· ~1nws I hur l.a'-1 \o\ In (dint' ff\~111 d))olln_..ll(,\ ~ I


thr J;-'11W



ol<2·H l,;nlortun.>ldv fo< lho ~.tb. the- flN1 t;'lftW' of tlv 2'.007 W.HOn didn I go.,. .mbc'lf'llkd .00 thrv "''t'fl' dt trd b\ \ .alJn C I\


The· Bc.lbc.:at fuottu. I h::am fanldwd \\1th .l wtnrung 1-4.'.1~ ()I 6-5 oU'IJ k ft lhru mo~rl..tlflm.u\~ tt.Jn\.••. llnt" M.lflwthm~ t~·)· co~n '-".· rr\lUtl tlf

lRCM'~ ~


.ur.. \1-._'ft'I.Lttl and So-

rQ wt*w~'C'IiNm.anfrff '~~ «'ktot'Miit d~ lfw It~ ~IIW'"'VI<M'C'f 1oM.>• \\..ac,..n.

6-5 fittJJII)fl




•• .:nn&own

.... ,...,.... •• ...._. ....... ";:,. ll9"' .............. '"Olb • •2 ,. <-AGl :-o I




1 4 \\ ~··


\' .allr\' ( ltl'


football Roster

'""" it4t \kQu""' (. QUN"' 8htll• .......


'0 ""1



4'1- l

)1'1ft. """"

._ 'o.21

Crt !o.LU \lo:'nm.


K. . . . . Kac\ ~ll. cl)

~ )mol. F.alorl\and:t. :h:hallol! ll.'.:Tib -...... ~ fvlow• "'...-.,..., pnwo \t.oo)"ft' hid IIJ n..J\ MIU \~ • 1}.) ymb Q tPir d.rY


........ mrt~r-..~Chrluw.aW~- T ..-r.....pta--.tdWioi• •till.. ~


.,.,to.n~t.- ~


.Jc*nw ~" '*oflnllll.'"' ltnr dnln.,_ w .,..,,. ttr.llf;N »• 8.-tk..e ... """'

Clop • ......, t'hr 11..-ok.lt ....._...,.,.. """"' ........... ~ ~ .-n •Ill' CWj'CKW•h o..lnW"CJ''L... ..........


L.ll.t.'>h.J B;~brod;. hti-h jl.'">sk.- Clifton, Ftt'\h. Sh.11~n.l

Culp, Stnlor

Sh)Oit'lt'l Fomt)'• 'toph

J•dt Cordon, frt\h Ht.llhtr Hur.l,. Stnior Ktndr• Kull:. fft"'h s.,mo~nth.l \lt')'tr. Soph. Ct)')U.I St.Jit~rvd. '>oph. J;~nd V•htr,Junmr Liw Whitt, '"'ph.

"Tiri> ""' • gmt • 4{ gm.. lnri. 1\ c-

• rmt





llmltn lwt lA'

.... -.YTt



-=4 "'


l"'hh y~o.·M·, chl'\.•r ~tMd Wol<o n\o)()l,' Up

,,f 1'\('.1(1\· ,lll

new mcmbt.•r-. with onl~· fc>ur\etcran.... Tot~dd totht.• diff1culty t'f the )'C.U, c.tpl.lin Ht'.llhcr HuN kft th.,· tC.lnl .ll "'IUto:..h•C to 'IUJC'nt 1\•,ldl Sophomon.• S..1mi \it-yt•r '''-'PP.."li in to t.1M.• th~·l't'•n.... Cht~tolll, \1'')'-'C W.l' \'CI')

proud of the ~irl~ ...l)'ing tht.·y ..worked throu~h t·wl')·thinsv ('\en w "--"' tht.•y

h.kf .. changt> e>f ),•,lder-..hip .11 S('n\("'.1"''· ~ tl'.lm, Jhhou)l.h f'll'W, l .. vt.•ry cl()>.c._• .llld work_, on

bonding. OI.Jring Htll'ni.'Ct'mm~ \\\...•"..

h.ld fun ~am~.·-. .1nd dt\."""«1

(1'Jry for pr.lcttc..-... AI'C.l th...·y h.\d ,1 "pmk dJy·· whl.·n.• th.:y .lll dn......-...'<1 in pink The tc.1m c."Vhl-...i\'t""-"'''' t.'•"'Y l(l 1'\'«-,.;nu(' ,1nd •f, ••onwtlun~ both co~ptdiru. c.m ~proud

(leo(I!~"'" •C":pd ....,.. wh

JWo:o(~~... "'"'·





~,N lkW.aot

, .......... th •''" ho.-.cnt I.,.~



CAh'rvtl flotol..., ,,.., cho'l.·r.,('n t.t.~l ~'"'"' P"'" • N.. t 11'1 ~ ~ frunt lht-

TJwo U..ll'C".atl.~'


Ccunt"' wm n-tumtd With iow \'C'ttf.an twmrn n thtuU o1 C01eh J<Nnn \tun.a\~ IN- )ttr


N)'lng. ~\('

.&1\" bll\.m,g

,... .-\.~




JoU th(" midJ)(o(lhr~ "'-'thr~ rn-~'d..IN.n\ ~ mort:" tmpt\)''-d

bmt"S " ( " f t

r.-rordcd lho

fC~~Woud h• unpnl\ni h~

.,am ta<kd tho

1101~ ' ' " tltJr """" fU~'f llrns.1Y\ ~ru•wll\'l· \II tht.• \\ Pll~'' m.t.l1• tht·1r U\,tl; h rrvu,l ~)'

"t-Il At the Rc-g.i<'l'\ I\ (.hamrklf\..'Jup when 1t h'"'\'lfJt-d ltk.· ~~ h.·.rm hnl<' ltlf the ....._..-. .•on.,..._. tt·dm hmt• b. fr~ul'\'d bv rombimng t~ hm~.,. of the h.'r hH:

g..tinin); pt '''•VIM I ,rll·hnw


for t'.a(h of lhr \ rlc'fo1n CUN'K'n .tnd lnlrt"'l\ 1\J;.



...... -....



Jlw lil!MI tr.l\~ toT,\. \t.:o ... ..k> rr•:tic" t~~nr :n.dt.


thr I~ rwvwn. !ilw ....rt~nt. 4th

-.bl b lwr tfht ., lhr Kau.cllln\'llr' I ind.-w ,.,,.... .a~K-


J'k'il'rn.i"""' 1ft IW' ''" • """"""

t..oflftl s.!•-. hlirll

umo..,_ ·-n.-

. .·=·_,. .,

..., ..., *



~ tlWIIfry l'1lfmt7' • :"'iwnh-r .tl......,. f'"--.lt- 'o. '".\Lon tt_.C'Chrrl!.iriiWn .. ftw.i.K M. (ulkt«n

....._.....Uk-5'"' "''""

\~ ~1.--lrad

lflh \'f'« toy~rh torir1R: N

., "'' ...

1-W.ad<:t\kb Joh,.nn """·~


)'C"oaf """ ...............



'""''""""' L.r.ror;t-.11\. '<'b

·-·'''""'"""'"' l AJ"C'\


(lrm.lrh.l. ,,to.

Best Times of 2007

,_ ,Juri,,. Bnii.M'I)'

I nh.w D.lnncll\' 22:59 lind~·>· Po1.1IL• li:11


'.'\lA. Xho.•Ln ~,

Bott.my Sch.ldcr 23:3S .\riiSOn Sto.;k..ti.'ll20:!\3 lt"~ Tt"l''NI22:+1 Comlnn,.·d fc.tm Time

,._ '-"t..xl....tl .-\II....,...


'\ 'I.IA :-..l'd.lr '~.,.burs.

,......, ..


PSC New Record



, ,\JA ~hob.r

Bn-.1king thot.• PSC


c~ CQuntl'\' timt•

ft'«ll'\t, ,\Jb"C.•~, S.lock....tdl r ., a 5K COUN' in 20::S..'l Hlpl.-r mi~)- TheII~

Ft" IOU' n.•('ord w,) ... h!..•kJ



nr-Jpnictw k'.IM f"R"l""tt' "'"' M'lr

by' AnN Tl'f\r\011.


Cross Country 2007 Schedule Aug. 25 ~'PI I

s.,. s.,. s.,. s.,. t.Nsr.o,

DuwC!~ ~h.~ anthco


~ttl"kl\. 1--..1~


..a.- ~-.tmul. .a tl'w (ll.Uhom..l '4o~W J.amh.>n.'t' ~ u<TW trn


l!w J!o;t..;.,IINm



22 ~

Oct6 Oct.20 Oct 24 3


'f.ukio lim~.·

rn.11 , 1.u~io, Mo.

l'c-liJln' it.-.liotul, Pen.-.. low.l N(lrth' ' ._... t <>J'h•n XC \1t'\.'t, \1.11'\'' \ftl. \\'ood)' Gn·""'""I lnvit.ltion.ll, Li~ln.. :\\-h. Dl.·.-.n \\hit(' In' •t.ltiOrt.ll, Crel\', '-'tob. ()St.; Cc-''''00)' J,,mbon.~. Stdlw,llt-r, OkLt. lla">kell lm'it.,horul, lolwrcnct•, K.\n. '-:t.obr,,..._., . . T ough<"ot \ 1ile, P~.·ru , i\1.-b. \fCAC C~lnft•n.·nc(', (lm.lh.l, \/~. '-:AlA RA.-gion I\' Orn.ll\ol, 1\.~,.-b.


lll»d C(lol(b l.c-, oc- 1umbo.tll ~"i'Nr


, c.'-kl! \\' I } t'f h t 'I'Nr



"""''"""' ' .to

\ K .\,(_ lt,""of' \io'n (,tc"fN.

Bobcal Volleyball Roslaj frU.itJo~t

~"t l·•

\ KA<,;ht h.,.m , ,\lAS.hol.lr \1~

kc-idu S..ll•.o


A'hlrlgl Jb\·ni'-u

AftOfllkorr lt:C"II)' 8u,.h


krllcoy Sut~Lfl•





8 Alii-oil Sl1n 10 JC"~o~ib \\tt.(1n ,\1

\ t(.\(

"""'~"""" :nJ 1 (\t.m




Chtio.loiU Dn.f'\

U: 11

Chtbu. UCtoh C'hdw-.1 lkrpNn lb~tlt-Ut \'ltf'l'loOfl


Jtfl)"' Cum111.IM

'1f'&lnlo)-k kTS,..I~



''*"·~" t~Jto LI!.J ,,w

,it • tJ,'Df " t. 4'114 i.Y v.asorl. 4'\' W 4 :\fillll ....-ur xw.dl .rnJ I ""' IV?y "(mt

ilU$ " ' " ..,.


" "" ""

O.atur Collf'Sr


tt'llm I~ -.,it tllu•ttgla.·••·ll /l)f AAII'!it .;{



thtl"Ur-'" CN(hUntT"odrull




CtK~ Ul\ivr~lt') Too~borColl<sr

Robtrt \fonh

tkth('l H,u'l'h-·Stowf' St.at,.l:l\iOI\ Collq;,.1\ 1\ Hukrll Unh·tnity


11 . 11:1 rlti- ,,.r;.•t~>n'~rh






\\'.aldorl' CollfS~


C~ntQ.l Chri,ti.an

Btlltvut l.

PJ..rt.. Unh mlty Brl.trCIIff

\\'ath ,111 0\'C.'t.lll n.'«<rd ot

11)·16, th~..· '1JXfl Volk·vbJII Tt>.lm h..1d impt..~iv~


momc-nb F()r tw() (t~I\.·•1.'\"'\Jh\'"'

""'-'t'""· the.•

Bobc.1l" were r.tnkt.'d

\;O. J

8Pbc.tt.. Althw~h fJClflS tou~

h:-.lm-. Iii..~.· '\o. J H...>lk·\·u"" l.:ni\ ,•,...ity. tlw 8{ltt.(M-. it their .tll,\nd IOOI..l-d gn·.1t. Orw c.l/ tht_• mt.,..t -.ucx~~,,..ru1

g.,,. .

in lh\· MC1\C. l'h..·tr

.tnd ,lAA~'I\"(' g.'ltm.._ W,h


.l8..liru.t l,,,rl., UniwNt)·

....,.,""'10 ~.un('d th\"ftl

"' trip to t~ MC,\C P'O't

Till' 8obc-,lt, h.td (()Will tht"

"'l'.l"4.mlourn.sn.._'nt. In"'"''

Jot.tmc to t1l.llo.(" 1t 1nto t~

!<o4-'('(lfld yt".U ., .. cruch

(('IOfl..'f~·OC\' ll,Ufl\dlnt:nt


rumbull tn~,'(l m.tny n...•w

,\(t..•T (",,.full ~..lm("<o, lh\·\·

-.t\·ll""oo 3nd rt•l3t1Pfb, which w~~rkt-d 'H'Il for the


(Ab.:•h·) f""'-tNro Owl .... ' UC'I'l.''' o~nJ ..._, ..._.., A """ ,.;.. R.tnul.u bl·-..:k dunntt the- C.-ntul ('hrW:iMI M.ato:h t14'ftl O....t.....·•t ~l·nli: ~-.J.J,._...., • bt..; F"'tt '" '" 1s, idl~ f'(\.">.'l'd<-d 20 1:!1«1.• 11'1' ~h ~.,... l;-njpt~ (c>llt~

L W.aldorr L Coll~t of St. Mllty Okla. Wt'\IC').IIn

"" " I


L \\


" L L L

Ct>ntul Chri ..tio~n Collcog~ of Ot.nk<o

Ha:slo;c-11 Okl..a. Wtsl~).an

Collcog;t of Ourk~ \.inion


kllt\'UC' U_. Willi.am Wood& U. \\'.»hinton IJ. W~b~lf'r Univ~rsity

Principio~ Colltgt

I. Coll~ft~ of SL \l.ar')

"L l

P~fk Vnh~n.ity

Sf'Jit\'Uf' U. K.ltU..a<l \\ f'(lty<~n

nw ~.ab


&-«•• p~f k"'l.cd

~AS thn."C' \ l.'kftn:.\

IW pl.tynla , ..uJ rolr 1n d.. 2CU7 n.u'lt'ltfoo up btllr ln Uw \f<. \( rrtwnnl;


TJw. s.:t-c.tl.lltnt "ol:t •rJ"'-'R"ffl•t tht ru SLIII'


In\ 1IJholf\.tl \\ hrn•thn'\'

lX*'<..Jt., rto~~..,-J "1thu1 tho· lop 111, I n~h (,lwotrtl'4 h'll•l.. "''Htn\1 f~,r tho• (llmJ'II.'Illl~tn. lh..~ tml'""'"'''' .,t,uklln~..

nod • 91 ko.ad~ thr Win

ro. fifth rt..:c rmbh .u mr. Concorduln\ tt' Chtt.JL lntnm pb<\.-d. 'th out at tht> cightlr..lm n...-n.t Aoo thr ~ Kh:dukro.llk-<1 around the- Botoc.d) J.lntr.gi.:-J ~tlh tht-loo.s of thl'lr numb(T OC'IC' QC' h\~ ~llt('f, s..u., lntn.'Tl; he\"'''' r, thr \ltii~L for ""'w"'m 2lll'S.• lN l .. ~ri,_;ht wtth "'"'"''"I s~>lfC"t-. fet\lnling.

ulf'lllnUt'\lon "'"' lntn\'0

(A.-..Il.ldw.v..t•.,_.... •iltl ('Niltl h) .... t--4.... ~ c>tlllt tlw l'wnl ,.,., ( ~ ......



dw\\.ld.. ~(.-111\ 'orl'o lct.. w. hllhhN k'.~O\l'fAI ..-u ti. ••"\'

,dx......... Cih

tit .at.-u...,, ;w.t ~r



rlw ,....,. rl....-co p.>lfo


(l..ril: "....,_.,. ....... J"ft'll

5Wr .-,. lirft


hj-.&..:.. ., milr wteh.""'"

""c. •.,.,,.....

... ' .


~'J'ho:ilNln' \\~'dlo


·-""' ....'S'h


"'In gauging our fulllri, I ""' n lot of l"'lmlial.

Wt haztt ~mt t(Qm mmrbt-rs rrolly :nmt to l\'t ju~t nMi to

..... w~ ...

.._,...,._w. Noc

tolir-lhr---.. W#W'IIrf ...


u4w u~rk. brin~

in !>ludmt~ ii'Iw znll conrplimml whDt w hatv.•

-G»ch I"!!

\IJorUJ. IA.'f'l·,~,.



..,_H.nnn .._Yloot CAf"-'..n \KAf II·~ \1,-n

Om.tJ\a. ,,to

foo.• '~

~~ C.lJ"'IIr>

\f<..A( ht TN. ' f.ol ~I \t.nt~




'-.'I'II(II'C.ap \RA('ho, f!;t~,D...m., Brig:tWT

Men's Basketball Roster I Kdly Cil-.on

3 J~ I 1.\yn..-s 5 J~· M'-•w.. l2 Kyle Knoch~ 21 juhus Our.lnl

34 Ryhl~Tt Dt.l~fQfrl

42 H<n\·.-.rd B.lumj:olrtnn'

H \l.tlt H.tll

22 Dcn.•k R01.-dcr 2..' jl'lhn I 1~.1d 25 0.1Jlicl 1\:ull

30 M-'tt Rvd.n

9Urmi: 8-22

32 l-fcrm.tn V ,mJA--nOr.tndl

RNs.h irn: AJ- .\d.1m-. Jim Br.ldl:tun U:Wl-.)01"'......

ill< \l<n B ~"iW.-'In op.-nrd r~t jilkf f.-11 ~l. Thr tf\lm NJ •

d•IIKult tun,• Jdi'J.... llnR h' ntlt prd<hn~ in tht• A\\ \('

tn th,·•r OP\·nu1~ ~-'me." Uwy fdl. m..lktfl.h ,u ...t aq p"·f'(~ont llllhl.'tr .Jloh ~-hmc.1 """"·'"

I low('\ cr. )c"' \It'\\·•. k"'sk• U.a, 01..... "'nd Jultu.. l>urolnt <hn•ot-d r~ Nlllt<41ao

•I'd .....,. " " - high '"' lhr n-....t N lt'W' <rot".bOn. I'Wunjt lhrough lh<


te-l"'"",.,.__ ....

=-t"'GP .a.'llrr ~ IN tt.r.i lrt • pil'liL" ~ t~M l ~

(~ lln"flnb.>J26 IMd uw llo:'toc.tb lo ' ICb

.... .-.,,

J ttk'lmol.i'\,, \\ lth ll\ ,. "'d'IS j\Dt brf,lt\" thr "' antn bftoo~lo. ..\It,., retumJng, they ,~,ukJn't quit!.' K'-1 b.kJ, on lr.Kk f.tllm~ hHlOO the 1'1\olll in j ,lOUJ~'

O••t·r.lll, tht; Bohcar.. dt,l nut ~k.:d '"' m.tn\ \\ tn" ••"

'"'f"'1 ""'·Nit M.ln\

tnd I\ id"-' b.J1\Idt thnmcl\'t"S lnown tn tlk· \KAC

(Atlroq \.0. Mil-..- Dr~

bU .... . _. . . . """ 1!11;.)"

k••·•Jw ,,_ .., pt ""f"d'-


r'\'li:Lv ~rt "tth .... "" .U.lig;hl JoN.n,. M"'IX"'n Nd •


pmt' •p.antot lktM ( ~ M>l.c-lh<t4rNl Tmnal and lhll .a;dcd tn tht• Win With 2.f .nd 17 potnb,. ~tl\ ri) In tht La:tk-r h.all of tho!.~. tM "'-lJQ-;1~


m~· '' tht wuvung " - l dki not contanut- And tfw. "'"Omtr'l ~ the- '<'otiOft "ith jam n,;hl~lfb.. Attn &he~..~ L<-uJy

Tc.'nNI "~ namN bt tetm \1CAC ;and t\IH«~IfiU v.~

Nmt'd \1CAC Honou~k­ \1lTthc.Wl.



A'''\\ tnt~· Lt•\ \\ m' .\n.J

\\·,·n•al-so Nm<.'d \1<..'AC

lhl.·r'l'Ut"l\,... m hm.l pl.k"\.' hl' Ill thl· \({ A<. ...t.u"t~.lltlh-'·

Sc:l'\.c:ll.tr J\th)ct.._...


Abow; "-o.

n.......,... ,.,.._,""'

urNuthclrl ... hl.._,.... ~·




"--.. .U AI),.. \\M(11111 l '~ ";' I« • .hot_ " Wilt. . lwfrni lh: Bot>..:M» w\n lhrlr fiN pmr Ill tlv \t(,\( k p.>CII lru JUne' ~~p~n.t dV' J.;n.,otTMh" ct ""'='to\ F..Jl, thr put

p!oltt....,""' urlt

9ltxx.i 8-22 \ICAC Schol•r< C. on IAI-••Smkw .........

,.,........s..,. ..........koob ... - fllf""' ""'"'

d " . (. r


r ••0C1.1 "' '" Toru R.ttbff """" Rnnp> lrt.Jw Tmn.tl



Hol"olo.1 ('N(h,. hi 'Yew

R\.1n Kft1W~« ,\,.~·..wttt ~'k:h, t~Y~t

I(M1!1.-r 1-rt•~ ,\<o.~rabN\.'\,..h.


Women's Roster ' Lind'loe)' Cui"on t. Ui.sh.1 Ten no~ I 1~ Lindsay Oo~nn~:lly U 8ri.Jnn.l Triplilt 1l L.turi~ Clrl\oOn !!.1 A1iwn Hill !3 j~n~ Rempe ).2 Enun.1 PtdtO ; ' Toni Ro~tl iH




P.J. \tiller


Sc'ntot (Jlpt..un \ tC:\C lion \te-n lll'l"((!n. 'do.

M ;mgum


..... c;.,u.n




ln-1\a Tftll\&1 <;,..,io"f(.Of"CMM\ ~KA(bt





"fl'slwn a dmlltnging ytar~

but we·ve lwd

grt"'11 stnior lradmllip, i.L'IIiCIJ will IJ;.'Ip ~~~build

n strong program. Pl!m Stntt• is a llidde11 lrta$rm:



many opporlunilit"$ for our studtul atlllt'lf'S...

-Cooclr Ivy


~1-'«'\ .....

U I r"''t.:tn \KM~

c...m~ <·~ ~

"""*" \bl10.1• C.lvllol d

\IC. ,\c. !'.t.ll.,

1\ooriA. 1\•

o--"""'"' ltH ......

........ ""'""""' ...........

Men's Baseball Roster I E· • \f. ,: to· 2 \1 It 0.1\. ' 1 Auslln R.."iSi:~ 4 ,...,.,. 1\ <I" ' Rd>mt...c • lhrat...c

7 Jool.im o....-, n... .......... ..-..lrduoild 2:5 """"' ,'C.. ' •1lidlllrll:ludfd lwo ........ <Mctttr. ,_.., ..... -.. ..__..,.. ~ INr'l1 .-head cod~; ~ c....... ftlo t1w &at' WL




....... ..at

.. \.1~

~: 14-27-1



G.ln u., J 10 \t.Jit ('.,.1'('1.1 ll Ra-w Post


13 \brl floud.. 1.& , .. ,,·(~-.-.inch

Itt 8r ,n.i · ~ • lk ,; \tau \t 1~ \\illll.nn 1• ..,...,t!W,Ik~ 21 \bH(ha\

22 J<on~ :!-4 Bm. Blcoom Z: \ta.n \t.lmn T~or\.u!n Rtd~h.uh:





nw ZQ.lS !oC.hon ...t.ut-.'Xt vet)' well \\' 11h a thn_..._•• g,t!fu.• M'rii.·~ ...v.-t.' p over raul Quinn Collt.-,tl' Throughout tlw b\.-.,;:mni.ng of tht~ '('.1 'ol)l:t th~ ll'.lm """~· .1bk to M-cp up lhl' high 'Pirit-. b>" t~·ing .l «\MpthtOr Jl .l whopp1~ 14 point.. .md gi\'ing up pnl~· r>rw win in,, 54 d«i..ipn_ Linfortunat~h

.tnd found thc-m~w...u 13· 13-1; "'-'""-'\'Cr, tht-y "-1111..,.1 \\·ell in the \1CA<.: with 8-1. At tht.• "--nd of the'*~""()" thl• teJm ~.ul'lv mi~"X'<I out on .t.n \lCAC pla)·of( ~ilion; l)ut. m.tny t~.1m memb..-....,

found pc-l"!o('JJf\JI ~uC«':"!ol~­ H.11l woh n.1m-.-d \1CAC


pLtyf.'f of ttk• \W'('k. Ht· w.h

the- 1(-.lm

.ll-.o n.1tm'<l.\n \1CAC hoopr,lblt.• m~~.·ntioo .1long

let I~""" <r"-"P up on them tn the middlt> o( the


with j(lon.lth;m H.trd('r, \1.trk

t-IOtl<k. and \\'i.ll II.\>·~-

(AbM.-IlNwtdn \t..ll C..aro.a ~...

,\~Non Rri"g "-'"II mw= """~ .M tt.r>l tv,.w. ll'l .. pmt'.J~f


outl~ \t~ll 0.\ "Mid G.ln

.... i.ltU~'\'tJ.th

tWJI.a ~-'Kr~~.attnthtNII dlln"" lhl-"'- OoouJ ~~k' g.lt!'C'

"It - , . , 1;«'4 &. ,..., ~- \\'(

,.v.,-J""',. "<T~ m•u


rw.vv.IJ h-r•r:«WP drr ll'd tast r.-•~


c..-. s-- CI\IOIL ""'*""'

. , tllr !o\ffl'





TM 'klOI'I ft-..und l.hrrNthw

\1CAC tourn.atnomt. lt...-fot'\'o f~l~ "-'' "r"- Colk-g..• on thfo 'M'COnd dl\ n..· $Uo,;~ of tht- k"".tKln

"Uha77~•nd•wn-L. IWI ol nw..·:nonc...._

"~ ~ 11"1 thl~<'mt.Tib m.&.n)

T'lw ,..n·.aL. ronllnlll'd antd \t.um. lilt" t~-~m "-"d ,, r,., ..-r~ ''' 12·12 Ju I ~-f,•n• pullu1~ ,,tw.J.J .an~.t <hn..: h1ng thil\f pJ.t,'\' m tho.• \1( A('

mt-mbt-r. h.td. F''" nwm~·r- ('{ the tNm "' t'n~ n.lll'k.-d All· \1CAC hr-.t lt·.tm. thn..,. "'t·n.- ,,n th.• ...."'(",•r"k1 tt-.lm, .lnd thl'\...,. w~«.·



't; •


;~.MU.&J ~ ltr'Hl.. t\liU11'W11It'l't ln lUretoOn. Anz




~ h.• ~·"> I k"'t"d


h<'no-t.lblc nwnli(lO.

,(•. ~' "'''h" b.,..t,"l(olh ~Uikd

(Aioolt' .,........, 't.ulr ~

antldf'ol'" • rflct\ dwnnc • '"""" o."t'f I t.ldll,;




\~torto. ~yt~>hll

whdr AI)-\~ ....,._ up.

'""'""had ... ~ .hat¥

J•-.wt~ thor lrtt f...td liJ'W' 1,, wnd llw ~l1Whll"V\IJ">I1,FWIOWI"~


!YitmJ .J5.22 -lth in \,;.\lA •

Schools All· Academic

"0... """t IIY . . ,.,..

tit .,_. If ,,., " " ' ,,.,, w Nft\'T g.r.Y lip ., '"'~ ~mi". N.:l.


(.U..._, .... l

s.....- =-- ~

~61 klmr; ~ -

_, ..

fiN Bcllbc.lto



o.- \lo't.fi(or

(lrNI\.l. ' flo \tC.\C~r

\ iC.\ C 1-bl- \!....,_ 0~/:18

~ \WW J \....



\ K o\C 11\d Tf'Mft


Bobcat Softball Roster I 0.1niellc Mctzltr, Mnior 2 Laur~n Fiori., Soph. J JO«"lyn An.SOI'\t Soph. 4 J.1mic Wolbt'rt, Soph. 5 L.turo~ Kj.u , Junior 6 Nirole Me-rttr, Junior 7 Kri-.t.t P.1tton, Fresh. 8 Ktrt.l Brummtr, Soph. tO 8ritt.1ny Fry, Junior n N;.t•lit 7.lbtl, Soph.

13 McKayb. Cl.uk, Soph. 14 K.:.('it WoJkc-n, Ftt-sh.

16 Jtn Sitdllk, Junior 17 Al)SSII \hngum, Frt<~h . 18 8rianno~ Triplt'tt, t'~h . 19 {\i(ole Goodrich, Frt'sh. 20 Lb Cunningham, junior 22 M.nit Pool<', Senior 32 Jc....,~ice Sor~~n. F~~h.

34 S..u.a C.1m~y. So ph.





Blood Drive Today I' fllf ., ....,



o\rt Guild'" a ...tudt-cll or~o~nit.ltWol\ for .ut mo~1or... :d studt>nh mh"rt...,t~>d m M1 .·\rt Gtuld of(._.,...,, ((ln.lm ~

dHtU .....lQil ('QI"K'\'mlng ~rt oll'l~ ... dt-dic.:th.-d tc.\ ~~ .ana.mt•'flt" c-f tt"• Hilt' Arh .1nc.t tht• arti,h.: ~nm th

mtml:x",... Tl'tt- group tJJ..;:., pout tn m.1ny .Ktl\' I tit." throughuut .K.kJI'mi( ) t'.lr. To ht-lp art m.ttor-. ..,\\l' mclflt>)' on ~~ .\rtGu•ld ~ts ~ 6hd.. Art Surrh('!. rour Bu) . Tlw hroup "' ..-d 0\ cr S1..500 thl ... )CoU tt\ rurd'I.Nnh 'uppht.._._. ·"" .l group. Al.;.o, tht• r \\ Qf"k" to d1-.pl.:t'' tht·1r .ut ,1!1 on-r t\lmpus .\nd

'cm.tlw. Count~ 1\rtwork '" rot,llt-d in the Oc.tn ol Art-. .lnti ':it'I"Kt.._._.·., Offi...t•.md tilt- Art (".,dk•f\ . IIi.' Ct't•n Jt Mktbk" for puf("l\.l'o(.• .lt tht.• L)·n·um lll 81\l\\'Jn tilt•,


Thc group t.ll..c_...., fidd tnro- tQ tilt~ tmH·Ntv oi '\t-brJ ..Io;J·Lu\Coln .ut dc.·p.~rtmo.:nt. thc J~l) n ,\rt \1u-.-.•um .tnd tht• 8t mi-. Art C .lUt•r) in Omoltw. tlll• s.h~ldon "rt \1u"'·um m Lanooln. olnd th..' '\cl'Ot)l\ AtJ..m, Art Mu.....um in KJit...,,...Cat) The t.-,rult\· .ld\ i .....\r '" Kt1"1 Antkr-..tln .md th..> l)n......•dt•nt ... Kc.·n \',lk«

t'-<'fi•• ~V'O"r~~" ' bot

I•NI,-.1 f in.. Arh b.iikUn~ durin-. • --. i nlf't'fM'C'titl~


Kc-lltti'.I•IOn "l.ttld' --.olh

OMOf " •• l'l«h. --.hl<h ._.t,..Oft d"pby ll!l 111.. ,ut ~t.tll"n.

CAbo>tl CMI"t.l All~ o~l!ld Lolut.t \'t'illi..lll'' t'njoyiM cSn.lil il!l o~ of t.tw pit«t-01'1 dl,pl.ly. 46dotW>fU.IIVO'II'


tlw S'llf"f) St-niOf hhlb-il'

. . . . , poM' ifl

li:UII,h tl ~ ,...,_~ vl ~it th .. L)CC"...Ift ' " lroWI!I\ iillf", ,


""hot"' nun} ol tm- SFOIIP't pi~""' di)pJ.I)('d·


U.tlln'll.,m L.>.an": <.lub 1 d~ag.r'K'J I .. ..,1 m m.~ny d ff,•n•nt 1\~ ol d.lnaJ"C. 1"hC' c INd k l'nu SUI< Co~Jr&< Dr jolunn \furr•\ "ho " OC'ICC" • rr...lf IN t\w.IITI d.1nct-r ollrt" lnwon~

c;.llklt ,,, an thctlut, !4,'.101 d,trll'1 t>\kh oh tlw \\,tilt lht• f,,,,,,ll the w1w ""'' rNn~ och.: r T1W' club gl\ n lokknb d'w oppor1unth to k-...un m otiW'f INn tht- c Thto f"lJ"C'T ~'C'f • f'll"&&b\'1' t'lnr' [\"tTl if th.. udt t inds t~t II 01..•1 hw tho.-m_ they W.tl._ ol\'ic\\ W tlh .t 1'\t"\\

'"'" •""' l lQ!o.u ,.,.....,...,A«"IIw ,,..... ....

l~ln•J J•J••


1\lte,..l ttdc-,.

._ ,.p Honu

, ......., .... \t.1Mia ·~





l.. '• · j · .. n;ntdm..: l)peo.. '•)101\1~ l"b~J pi.K'I' to lot m how to b;k gx~ on tb: d.anc ..tso ot • utUqlk" and fun w •) eo lnr'rl nrw fht• group rt"Cmtly p.lrt!Op.ab.-d VIA c:l.lnct" uJmf't•htiOf'lm ~~ l.du ... \t1 ,;(1Un V,lurl'-""'

p.lttiop.Hl'-' Ill I he \\,111 ..


r•ngo Comp.; lit


of tJw fl\ II! t(lfTIJ"'-'tttors pl.lcnl fu-st an th..: r c """"' With On .an \t l'r\"Tn 1n.1 m twoc.a!'1;or1..

<llh<T grour """""" onclud< JorWn \WT ~ Frrgwoon 11.1.k-v ~p. ~ '<'\.'fl\Jin


tLttU ...._.. .,oup "'""~~ pkk up b~h on lhKh,..t.y67.

ll~tltl h'"'

T'hocnf""'n •

P"'~'oorYI~t •ioout ~<lo.•ntll



1IJ.tlow• Huthu Rot>o nM>n .and rnn \buolt'l'\' '""~ pknt( ~oodlon .at .a club l!,lft~h...-.

Hoyt Sci~.-nce


U~tll'M-It,...P hn fun on Pltf'V .at .a ~ltt·l01tlft~r i.n 'ril P.att...

Tht• Pt-ru Btol~) Club prll\' •d-..... t-doco~hc.nd ..... "'-II.,.. pro(l.....,iOOdl.ldlvih~ for ..tudMt., int,·~t,"\1 m b;oJO)tiC.ll sck"'Ct.~ t...·yond the Mi<: dJ.uroom ~ting. l)r. Hnid.1 ...,.."' '-"" .,.., l:lub "IXM'""'r- nw.. yt·.tf., rrl"'ldt-nt ... Ht·.ltht.·r Rt'lbtnS(.ln With St('ph.ln~ Ho.tfm.m .,.., \'l"-~ pr~idt-nl

Tht m.lin foc-u..., ~,f thi.. ~roup '" tn thlt' Ml'o1 ,,f mc.".lrch .l<l'--.ln<:\'n'\("1'\t. '""-"· .,ponsor g,r.1dU.1tc J'f\'l!tf.lm.. •md lou" to mu ..·um.. _ ()nco of tho...• m.un t"\_..,t.. t"'-· club off'"" ... J tPt•r t'f tht• Ht-nr-y Ooorly

CAbo•tl 'ln~btt-..,L.IJ>(I ift tl\t lffttry oi ~~ I Jo)-t "odf'"«'

8uildin4o I~ "''tolllf" of e~ sroup lftf'Mb.n.

Zoo R-....·Jrch L1b. Tht~ ,ll'i(l cl,·M a pt'lfh()n of I hghw,,y h7 ju ..t out.,Kft• P'cru Th1., ~'-·Jr the~ .1bo \·olunh_,.,._,,d ttl\ i"il l-h·.ui., \.."mh.'\1, ·' no-kill.tnitn.ll ..h!.'lt,·r. in Auburn, ~t-b. The

grour w.t... .1bk• to pl.') with md );"-'-'" .lltt'I'IIKIO ''' ~ p..1.. in nt."\'\1 ~·f .1 h,~m..·. Otht.•r dub mt'mbe" include BC.lth..•r I l.uri~ ·'i«'k• 1-tt"m, Uritt.lnv I .('I\~, J;.lmic \lc-K.\V, Kt·ri Fro,~nkl, f:rm \f.u'ltukw, B~x,kc Kl·tt,..,., .Jnd )t•rf..· Thompson.

IM."&)il)~au l.te.-.h llw l>a....ctor M ~,.....,


_..,_.cotc.. U.

(J., ._..., ,,_,. r,...d.• ..,..... '~· _.. , _ ........... -.d. ..... tro.f: LaW.




.......,,..,lMp.t.,..,-,_,.. ...... ...

IA. ......~.-1



lull.~o ''""'"' •l•ll&ol!<>t I'" t f t i11to lhf ~ tllt'lcllol .tlcoN.~ol l<»lN1IJ!.o1..,


K.tl(o 't.~ojNt and

JcMIJt't" Pc-1uwr ._..,_

1k~ ut>~

j.,, "ff f t \tu~n· durin~

f iNI' W«-L.

lhr \..•mJ"K t\.(tn. d '- \.8 1 CAB"•~ org.mtz.llkln INt h..-lf"!'- ciX.'INU\ nd rnron~b~ an· lfom«'onung \\t."('l. •nd 'Sprng dt\t'Nty ~ on~ \\ott" b:nport.Jntly. Flmg, "C"cl..t they org.Ana.tC" both ""'~ MtJ,-.rn, II 11 ( o\8 ._.,b With co<uricul.lt lun ~ It D th;- ~ ,.~rncua.r..:tr\ ty theft~•~ood~CAB m.dtnt n-,ltlt'tt«f group oo campus. b . f'lrl of it lluouglo ""'11""'1' ...-... g.lln ' ......... ""• t.osn. dit.<to< c>lotudml 1"01:'..... ond k-.adm.Np N.. bAnd Nu· fun •• thr wmr timt' b\ thC' •J"'l'lfti"''' ol c .\8 Thb )"t".•tr ~ el«tt.-d ~ " ; t l pl.lNllng ' •""""' oil('h\ ht'to lhrou).;.hout tht- ~ \"'.V ~'!fl'll(" "nl u land t.hc<\~~IW41... T\-,.on\\~ ttl thow Mtl\ liar'S lneludr 41\ICt' •l..ating trip ho Orn.th.l ,\bo..,.. 11'18 ib ot '"'" ",.,._. BriJgn Huppnt. and • tnp to \\or\(bo( Fun tn ~0~· (lthw:f k.a\ IC'i.gh 1\.a\.N, And R.n('tl Robntton. 0tfKt"n •rr Mtl\ 1lat'!\ ndudco ~ riorm.t.nee'S ~· t'lypnoti!oll-'nodnci.. ('k1uf'C'd eN'I\,. <OOttorn nght) ..."'ludlll); x.a~ lrig.h \\' nh,.,.,, Rt.. i.. tl.ti\IJ .tnd ,Jod~~.·l\.dl toum.tn'lt"nt.._ tht 1\.a)i.tr



UJor UIO 8rolflod.ofl Putn" tf'(~\f"' • ..,,.,.V,;<" Jurllltf ti~»h ......1.. ll~fll l \flhii'JifOrl> ,<"f)C.._ """'' (Mit it l' u.~r'" to 1« , ....,'".


tW\ fkkw' A f109'P <If \ 1oty." rc..ldftll\ df'd for fi~t in tht "AO>'I lll.lltl, or utfltcor, ""~ OINn CGm~1hOI\.

1¥<-lo-.J Ron \\tl<oOR ~ J. J. Ou11'-a Conc'fl!ltrat.- dunnx tM ·Jtod. B..u•d"" toum.ll""f'''L

.' .

(Abo~) T~<tOfl Wt"klt. d~ h .IIIO.,.bit, N.llt'fd 1\.llutlttd houw ~Oot"n duriJIS tht CAB fto~~ut~tt"d

tiOu-!ot' in \Jof'SMI Hall. I 'MJg.u Kurt L«lutd at~d T u)'"ft·\ an Sat~~ try I() 111.11..(' tbf Lu'-a;t •J'IoOwlll.lltllft thot



n..,.... ......,ttww ~fidhft.a..

thfU ,~._ J....:.b ~


.. Dr ( .... 1... ... ..._, r,..,.,._,_



...... to._ ..,... ,.,,hr"'t '"' tM>f'IM ....IWJ I I\ Of\ 11\t>


n tftt n .. 111roup ~ ,.,,lh

thom ..,!nW>R l..of'f4U 1'""-~ l,)t.(;~/oM

• hr (our.: ( inh"tn.tt.IONI ob:SoOOolbOn lor srud.


bona) ko-\-d. ·~ putpo:w." b bonolind.ivid.wb" thlf'l'Ooll .....t. ond to~ rdol<d <duc-•-.al ><imh ond m.n..W. l"''i""""'- Sf<.: •lh. tho cNpl<r ~lind pt\J\~ f"rrO1 to C£( c:hiJdn.-t "'.tllb ..tt.."lfb h> ptrtidf\1~ an &II ~tcgo\'C1'T\.UIICr (In

both thr

IC' and

IO.J,~ thrn.t

ICb\ lb.

M..-mh.o.n ol <.Lt. .arco 5tudcab .and t.xuln ot I'SC .,. \\t-Il



~ \\ho.&l"'.•lntlt'f\~,,J


"""1.argn1 'n~• <.rc ~ D -c..ur.,.,."'" thrLR-m. They ltn tc'd 11'\ilny •n-a rnud.rm " th ~ nn-d:J. to p.artidpallr «t~ntinon umpw.. facu1f) nd ,.yff rrwmms t'\'ft'll('ll(ll p.~rt 11"1 thr fun. Tht d.n \Iii .as \'nV IUICC'ftVuJ t i thr \Iii nthrr tNnllulh , C'Ol'I'J"'tf'.tk'\J etc a1><o ~><ips tho l'rru !><udcnt Eduau.on AU~~.....ution w1th 1hr D:r ~ Birthcb) Cc-kbr bon. a mung ot.lwt '"'..nb.

Q.h ( ub rnUrtl.'d In~ ' ~ Prnldornt ~Lt'l' T l't'Ct"L. \ IC("o< .........., ond S.'ffl'Ur> Km1ophN \ldl« run



lhr ob1hl.&no: ol bcu!l) Clrmm... one! Don HoltL Tho group "'' rily ol but r~.an\orw"" rh a lou• for k't.ltuN" and tht;'>h i:.no."'#IO iOin .n tho fun. y &r<'.ll tu ~· thbst.u1n1 up~m It ts.l worl< but Jot.- ~.,m.,IJ ..a ~ a.l<h ..,.,.W.,g P' p..·orlco tht opp.ltturuh to gt1 publl$h..-d. Ck-1W'nl'•


._., rry \\ rd~.l't at 11 30 am U1 tht""C.lub pub!l.h... tho 'ill•ng ,.,.,. UtrT>rr Joumal.and . _ . . wd\ ~~Mnn c..u... •r ond !""' Art Hom<T t1oroug1>





""'em. .... \\ - publislk-. ""' ~"UVW'f') o4 thto Or Tonry ~k<.:rMV~ ~k-mori.ll \\nting (ontftt Hwfil.,othtr~t~ Thr

group pLlm to puNbh onrt'dibon n~tn semrstrr and to. t'\~hU I). J'Ublbh "'"""' "''--'"' Hnl&n~.· \t!SSJOI"' St.ik'mmt to ful"thc-r tt'K- n·.xtl of the r:r~glbh Llngu.Jht' .and t krac') ~vnd th;o cb~room .and mto }'\"((J'in n'""' d.-~ 1\ t·L

, , ...... l , fat.li.tw.d••....

4hpln.ttacf '110- llt

t.clWof'"IKtladw A.l(

,.... .. ~dltb ~

tt.tu Or ltn (..,._.. -.1 l)f IW IA.M"•• CWw.t ' fc'rrit IWII•••• ... •ohl_.,_lllwt~. ,.._,..,....lll.a..A1tC.



l'tM.• \fult,.:ulturo~l Clu~ w.h ..t,utt-d .uound 2001 by l>ir~'\tor of Viwr ..it)·, /..oon Wood, who .lCtl-d .,., tht• P''"' tou .. 'fX'O'"'·

~ ~urr,•tU 'f"lS\••df ... Schocol of Arh ;md Xll'l'l<'l'i [rbtruch.1f" Or. lJ.mmv Trud..~­ &rdNU\ tl4 ttw fn~li ..h tA-p.tnm...."'lt "''ath "(lopht'fnt'"' (\II~ m.1)C)t \\'flhn~h,n Ft·r~\l'o,()l\ "" th<" curf'\"fft pr....-...i~t."flllll t"-.• dub. 11w \tulb(Uitur.tl Club pk'llnOk'>di\'t',...ity b~ ~·.\·ing dift.._•r\·nt culhn\.'i ft'()m all Q\ ('t tl'k• wtmd. Jt o~l..c.1 r.li"'l" .Jwan:r-..-.... Cll din.,....•t) .....lk..., ,uld tol('t.JI'I.:'l'.

Tht• dub ,\I-.e."~ l"l~il't'S .uki prornOit""> dif(,•rt"f''l holid.1ys f>U<h ..... Chn'I('S(' ~'""'' 'l'Jr 11nd \i.'lfhl\

Lutht.·r 1\.J:n~ Jr D.w wh1ch b promctcd "ath 61~k Hi ..ttlt)' \1onth. Sp.ri.•l ~uc..-..1-. indudt• a ~n,up twm lark.."'On. '' hc-l ('.lmc" an to dMnon-.tr.ltt• Chill<"S4' d:ttl«'

wcll.b a group fn)m tt~· Or.lf-00. ,\rt"' Studio m<)m;:\;l th.!t d,'ftlon.. tr.ut...J tht• m.1rtial art-. di..Oplihl" of K~ Fu In dddition to ..pon.....oring "f"L'<'i.ll \"\'t.'flh, gueot -.pe.ll..t>r-.-, omd fonoi~n .ut-. p..•rfotTn.ln('l• group-.. t~ ch•h .JI!<t t-PQr'~SC~ ~pt.'<iol1 food d.,ys 1n tho..• <".Jfct,""

Food-. (rom ChiM. \it•\iCtl, Jn.·l.'lnd, :\,,.\, Orlt.·o~n-. tht.• Am.•ric.ln South h.wt.· bt""ft fNillt'\>d on tl'k• mrnu

iR.iPU\Ifflth"j~;woup! l"tlw bold j , . . ltft 0 1 odd Boll,_, Dr. T~-~ Tfllo(lo..,.!SO<NNu\,o N'd " ~~~~~lofl ~U"'i)tt. 14th" (r(lflt

i"l *

Cord<Jo~t, Oon~Wn "'if>t'IIUI\.

Aftd l•flflltn (ptifl& (ilk4ow) ~ ifl~u.-tor fro-~ Ot~

tl!tt ,.,.. 'itltdlo ,, ~'

CAbo~"l Ottt<1or of Oiu·l"'ool)

, _. Wooct-"'11 Am w

~ottO<"- prof~ 1>r ~P't~' o~ n d od , ptftm~l!Oft ol b1wNII pUu •t" JM\i" Roboi fl~ to hdp « ld»•t" Bt.d tli""o~



l~fU A~ ley$dl~d""potft'

loptc of d ft.cu~·ion. lor Ut... d i\~1"\il) f'liWl

(A""t) A 1\u ~ fu

u -uVtt .t•lknh tM

fkfli rrt..C.II'I U....rn~n. j.tl\oC' l lf'l'f),.l.fld \1-"ty Ttfftlo. -.(1ft. #I lhord1n-t..·in lolbW dUrlftA thfo ~h Allftu.ll '-hcrw ChOir ff"'.ti\oll

tlAfU Oub Prnodtnt Al'll\' Whtk _,..,.._,the- li#'ltt boolil.1t ~~*'ho-w Ot~ir Jf"'.ti• .1l (84-~1 'II'.C fl'ltm.,.,.,. ftiJOl' tbot ~l!o.. oR high -..;hoot. rtriomt '" lhc' <.unpu• 11w.tlrf'.

tl flu Mt"mbfn "'"'f' r~"" t\rit«t '"'"""" riu• •fttr ~~ ~ dri\t'IO lbt \ll' ( ~.l&t' CoftiH«Kt-

fAbo•tl SoMf ~r'O\Ip_N-,... t.dt"" IDoOinot'lll to pooot' Ofl tht ifl tf'rl.t Ji~u f1nt 1\tl" bu-ild•r>t-


Th€ putp(lo t•<•i \fU!>-IC Edw:Jto~ \;JtiOf\.ll Cookl"\1\(.._. (.\t£:'\CI i.. to m.1~ OJ-lJ~lf1unih-t....,

tn ~1.."0\'r.J.I Jht.- dub .tnu..lll~· "f'Ol\."o()r.o. in.,tnanll:nt.tl ..lO<i \ O(dl (link,' ol'- \\1..•!! ,,, «•1"-.•t n\u,l(,d pw(JU(tl(>n..

.no~il.abk•t,, mf'fllbt·l' h•r then pn~it-..'"'n.tl J~"' d·>pmt'l"'l, t~ .)(l.lt•·'tnt 1-tudt•nt.. wtth thl·

~ ,.,~,.•nt ,\1 t~ ~htnr\ln); of the n·.u lh.tt \1l:\'C .1...._..,,..,t.. w1th ... th..- ,\nnu.l! ~lw (."hooir f~..-..ti\",11: thi..'>

~U\.Ui<'n pn.lft.....ion,ttl pro' idt~ all

~ Nr '' ·""' tht• Jt.th. Tlw f1...,.,ti\" .tll_.t,b two <i.l~., ,tnJ t.tlo-t-.. pl.l<\' whili' <l.w~.~ .lrt' m .....~..iQrl M,tny _.ll'\'.l h1,;h ""Ciwol' p.lr1klp.tlt' \"\"l'f'Y ~-,·..u whi..:h m.tl..t•., till ..

pmo11toJ,;t... ,11\d n ...pon..ibilitit... of H•· mu..K mt-mltt·r-."' 1th th..~ corrortunity l\l 'J:I\'(I.)tl:lC oK\)u.:unkd "'ith Jc.,~cn. In tl~· mu'K t~uc.th<'O prtlft...,,illn, o~n..l to "'''"i't \\ ith \'.triou-.. musk .Ktivitl("'. throughout I"'-· \'Nr ~u.fl'nl \1~\:C 1... .a dwrt\"r vpt·n ,,, .Jny ~'>IUdt·nt

"-t-_,,,. 4 mu.. 1c t-du.. .tht•n n'l.l,or or intt•rt...,lt'\i in mu ..i<

,., ,.,,, "'-"". JX-'rul.lr .-\I"Klthcr Llr.;~..·h· .Jnltn•').lh.>d t'"\"l'fll i., tht• ~roup tnp ltl.tlh'f'IJ th..· Ml \:C ~t.llt' <:..-mt,·l'\•nc.:,·. \l.tn\" m..·m..:~orin, .an.• m.kt.,• \>n tl~: w ·')"·


flli~U All

i11 ~i r grovp t.,_htt..

..,.._N~ P'O'l4' '" ll\c l


IRisJ'Ill A'l'l&ti:&J'I \\nt·lnhn d«ou~ pumrt.lfl~ durlft$ ll..1llow.f'ftl .-. • ~eroup ~ Uktf>w) ~" Und"f") ,uad "~'" rOJ!ot ~"loy ...u"3 U~fttirlt-o for IO.U U4ort"AilJ.

tAbo,>tl V'l"'ti"" C.Jlo1t! \t_.M\otn~rU~W\t'UJ

Ultfltirlf"' for 11\.r •rlHM...


f"o,..tll.uld \1..11\<Cli ~1'1\H'th ....... tilt' Ubk',. ... ifh ~ tuMio.all~ co-~pon\OI'td t>loocldrh<t.

P(·ru·.. Jndividu.all.cadt•l' of Tod.w (Pilon 1' compriS4.>d o( ,.tudt"f''h who 0'1;301)t• <ommuruty "4.'1'\ K'(' pro~<ct' Ounng the 2007-~ yt.'.lr, tho!;c proj.._'\:t' includt--d rontinuin~ '' ith mad,id~· tr.1-.h p1<kup .llong, Highw~y 75 n<-ou the r~.·n1 romcr; , ·oluntt.'\.'ri"g tor Hl'Jrb Unilt.'<l for Aninw), in Auburn, :"1\t-b.; \',dentin.:.. for Vt-'1:1.•ran..; .1 blood dri' e; and the c..-u Phont-':1. for Soldlt"~ progr.lm. SOm~ o(

for tht.• Rt;m.,ld Mc-Oon.Jid Hou~·. nu .. ~·c.\r thl' ~roup alo;0 r.1i .....-d monc)· to help .1 (.Jmily who l()'ottheir home in .1 firt•, coll.:ch..-d g ift, h> d<m.lk' to Pt\lf'--'(1 RA_....,P<'J\..,..•, Inc. tn At•bum, :\t-b.; o)n.d colll-ct..-d food t{•r

the Southcol..,l ~dlr.J..,I...l Community Atlion progr.tm Q((j"'-"*' ((tr tlw gl'()u~') 31'\" l1n~l~~· Hu..,..-n, p,.....,td4.-'t11; Tony Po\\ ell, Vi« Pf\-..tdcnl; Alid..t \1tlkr. &-cn;t,uy; j...tt An.-tt. Tre.,,urer; .1nd Am.tndol thcu pro;t~ .m· co-...p<"lll-.on_>d, ..uch •" thl• .annu.11 ,>gg Knid<.man, Hi..,h;)ri.ln. P..-,.;gy Cn.~fi ..,...r'\.t.._ ~'!t tlw hunt for the Pt.•ru 0.1,1.' CiliX', and coll\'t:hng pop group·~ Ad\··~r.


lb...• Ptru Sl;ot( (,m<""S, ,, ~tud(.'2ll public.J.tion, j._ .>Joo.-d ftn• tim.,... t•.h;h 't.'mt..,h:r. Allth..~ m.llt•ri.ll ~ 1n ti'k" Tmtr"', 1r\Ch1dmg thl' ~~'-~nc.-:,, im·'~'-'ry,

wt.md ~.:dlhn~ i..; gt·rwr.at,-J b~· p,.ru S..lt,• Colk-gt· w llw -.t..,ri- in tht> Tim,... dtt't~-ct ''''-''H'

"d c.lmpu!!. but Jl~ ro' ,., inkt1\JtionJI lll.'w.... 1rww .... tt'Jitlrt.._ "'')fit.....md rt'\ W\0." \LlMhin~ ..,!.lff M\'MbeTh 3rt•: P'huoo~ Tro\n.c.•<ht,,r f, ~~""~ mJn.t~~,-m,'flt; \t,~r'\· Tr.J'-"\'~. ·''"''"t.mt :.;..;We, £n~fi..,h; S.t'J~MUit•lloffm.m•.Llyout ~,-ditor,

biolo~.y; l.u~...

fl.,•(b,•r, <\'>P)


C\11S; 5.),· .mr\i)h

W,•n.tl, ,,d, ,•rthiflh m.m.,~wr, po-ychok~:y.•md \\dlington •·crgu-.on, di ...tribuhon maru~~,.·r. l....lyout ..t.lff m~mb..·,..., oll\.': ~ll'~,' \ 1,1thi.., '-'lt'nll.'nl.ll')'

c.xh•c.\tlon; land!.....")· f lu._..,,•n; m.lth l'liuc.Jtion; Ry.lll K.lh.mc.l, bi«ht'mi ..tr., l.in.r4' Thummt.'l, \1-lry Tl\'«'"and \icll);..tn ~lor'"l'\'1', I ngh...h Contnbuhn): ~t.lft m..·mbt·.-.. .tn:: "I n.'\-...1r Sh.tlon; Kri ..topho..·r \1ilk·r••md J.ta*- 1nomp·..on·Kru)Y F.n~ti..h; Km V.lkl.l(', Jclhn \1om... 3nd KJII'l" "'•hl, ~rt.

(l.<ofll -~ rnv !1-ww T, ..cs ,uJf

flC"'''f" lnfront otT.J. ' otfi«. hot.lodqu.U1otf'\

l.tion. '''

fklo,..l lub I>KI..orr, R)~-" k.;r.~n(.;r. .1nd PhuOftll; Yuro .,.. 01\ ''""' ,..ith tM l.;r.l.,._t , ..,...., ol tht

., "'""' -

IAbo\otl Sn.tll!Vh hc-~v:l .u~d l't!~Tun ..milt .u Ulrydi~pl ~y tllti, h.lni .... or~o. lll thor 11..,

(Ri~U ~niOf l'bw~ 1 '"" .;r.ftd j u11.ior tuW"') liii"Mtl toot. 0~~ •rtk:&H .mod 1•)0011.



The Pttllt'li!rl 1!> the ofilci.ll ru.mc of the J>cru St.tt-.Colll-.;~ ycJ.rbook. Tht• yt·drbook h.l-. h.,d oll'\lCky PJ't. ho\"-'"cr, thh y~·.u the gf\lur h.t\ pu~ fOf\\'Md (tNiing the bool.. you hold 111 your h.lnd... Titc !'ot.llf hold \\'f."\•kly mlo"Cting-. hl m.ll(' m.trl('tlnp; pl.tn... to ~ul\" phot~. to dt.~tgn tht• book. to write Mhd\.OS. o)Od to ..Chl-d:Ull· oltft•nd.Jnct• for f"SC 1,'\'t"f''l''n\e f>mtVa:~11 :;.t.'lff Jt!.-.o work('(l very d~ly with~ Colle~c f;'l(ulty, :.-t.lff. !.tudcnb, o1nd thl• .-.dmim..tr.-.hon to oompk•tt• thi.. boo!.. ~taff m('M~~ u'I(IUdt."' ~ltor. Cori H.lmtvll;

A ...., ..t.lnt Ed1hlt, Kry..t.tl Ct.lOp\·r; 6uiu'k~ \l,u'I.Jg« ~tan Wo'lltcr; \\'ti.t-.·r-..lo'lrod j.Kk.....on, 1'-.~ S~rd MJ.~· Tn.'Cd,, Kri ..htphl.•r \tillt•r; A"hlt·y Schnridn; rhotogr,tph-.•r, Chn ...hn-' J~tnt."$. \bny !>t.lU mrmbn: d1d doub)(' duty, !ioOUWtinw-. Writing .lnd lolling p

wht·n no Ol"'t' t•l~ w,,,. ol\',lil.lbolt•. Tht• ~t.lf£ w.b fortunJh.• t-oough to tx~ ..pon_o;ottd lht.•I"SC: Foundation thi.. )''•" .1nd ""'"" .lt·h •'o("(i bo, Cunni\· W.tlt\·r ,lnd Ang1t' B.slqUJt•r.

tR~u ~ nac:mbnot of th-t

\ 'C'flbook .UJI lr1dudf' Jnod J~. Cori

tb.,...._ C'h.rhtln.a

J~lliiH. Kl)-.1'1 Cooptr, A~hlry Xllflrtdrr,•fld O,l~n. \\..,l!n.

18tlow) A~~.Uflt f'd1tor Kt)"'t.t.l Coopn ¥OorL• Ofl dHIN'I proj.ctt.

IAbo't'tl Stwdtl'lt Jttll'llftt' l;pcift$ .w"'pb .., rriu ..ht rf'«h td lor grtti~ h" yt•ftlool. photo U'-m.

tdUOf' Cori tbftftOfl .afld .wlvi.<K>r

,-\tlgtl' lbl<~,ui« IOOl Ofl.

n.ttu <.:ori lb~t1 diw..u.~ tM ~ nrboo" '' 01'1-t of thr ''""'' fi."MIP phoiG W"i(LOfl~

II flU J • ' •1110'11 ..,.,t J•IM' l'lu.ld*- ....... fOf tllor Orr

......_. .._.. .....,............... "..,_ , .. . ,........,... ....... w.,.•• 11ft...., ~,



Cl~ftl Thtovv-p ~.1ltn lhf' 1>1. '~' 81rthd.ly ('~ofh;Jh""'


\.t.ltof' IUnwU

"'j;J\.1'... "'"-·h·•'" ..........""""' IIIUIC'to.-



:;wod k"lf potmhall!r.KIWA ANI as •n l.lk'd 'fl-"lth

"-.W.W... St.ltr Ed~A.~tkJI't A~tiOf'l.and thr d tionA:"" bon lbolctl\ hn•~ 10 the- lmf""'\C'ft'II:1U of tdli!ColbOn. "'ith me. ~ • rowt '" (l1fttritoutil;'ln ao lhr- ide.Jb of thl- niuc..ltaon rrof "' r-;(!A r.agn pmon.t1 dC'\-rlopmmt of •ts mcmtaco.. )r.thr I ~ I~"EA-h.....k\.1 '"'"'t"'- •nd olrn<lng f''l.'~tl.Jr IOoth"oJ

.atron oJf Or

5ut"» s

rltmtnt.tl) .t\Kf'l"'Oh,.IS ~ Oirthd.n ~ \ t"f\ ',.a.r PSEA

ondu.h ~ hw>Jmb o1 d<m<nt.ln >lud<nboo


c-.Jmf'U" Nndmgout t>r


.and pc:ifucuw~t;

lho r<rl......,... rn'l'<'•"""' ondu& ...~..ng ~~lhrM"t .and prt~dlollogur Dr Suns. the- dur.actt"t' .alw.a\-. m.,llt"S .an •rrrar.a:ncr .so do othcr" t l:'k"""n ~ chuJCtt-n.. T'Us ,,-,u Hl'lf1on "'., ~ •11 ~ ,.,. ~',;t' lht- n-~:hon ""e1 nac t! v. .n w d<"rnn.lf\1.tro~tt! th\· 1mport.1ncr (I<{ cdliC.1tkln to ch•ldn .- I '~ htko lw' ang lun ("(\Od

•R•!Ptl ~ ttr"P...,...Hn

"'to' tfw I~ -'•-r'"'"·


._....,. ...._.,_O...W ...... ....t ..,...,

tRI,diQ J

, .... ......... { f t.. !l4llf ,...._

SUit'..... ,... _,,.....,.....



,_... ........... (.Mt'

fA.l-oJ,.-1 ~ .,_lootncof tht' lll~f' f'OW "nth lht'lr 6J,J.,., l'~y(,rofi

!Rl~~ohO "-~ Abl:o) Jo;.11ulfM'fl. ~lw.11 A.lljCOOCI. .111'6 IIll o.... otld poolot' for • qwid, ""'II •f\.nt.

l'hotog.r.apfn <tub b org.tt·

..,.,. J'hokw plw on.! w


"'W.. tlri --·· _ "" •h CIC:twn. II b .n ~ to le.un more iibout t

"""bktimo ol.tl

Tho.-club-~""'"""" J'hotoi;< f'h<n- ~.....,....... 1M cluto <O<>rd "" trip> to ... ~ phot<». Moch ... 1M tnp to lnd&.tn c~'t'St.lb.o r-a~ b.:•tc'd JlN . ~ m.ilcs

ol rn-u IJ\ RKNrd_~ Countv The- srour •bo pamapatn n othtr Mtn tbt'S surroundmg




... n 1 .be puup coll«t$ll$4.'d ~ .nd ,~~ dut'U'lg thC'


0.~ to dona to undtrpri" lkgtod countrif'J. Thi:J, Pf\W m h.h btm vcn sua-~ul '" ~~ 1.tst trw w·Jn ond h.u NJ se--d , mpus ponx;p.o-. Off~ fuf 2007·2lal ,.,.._.. Br\'tt <-..nuchi,. Chds.c-a AII'P'..! I IO'""I<t•ndAbhol:.uf&Nn.~ (,roff wnf"i•., tilt• ,.;.roups~hbor

h l'hiklm.tthcan Soctcty wa' lncorporall.-d in 1870 oMl""t \ll);.lfli.t.ltii.lC'I 00 (o\11'1J-'U' Ori,.;in.tll)

<'tgO'Ini;,.•;·.tion, but 01l<o0 1n mu,l(.ll. dr,Jm.lh.;, .lnd l''\l'(Uh\'C ' ' ,)\'' •'' \\ dl.

Althou~h tht• group wJ ..

~'1'110~. ml•mbt·~h1p h.l.-. now i<''""'l•'d to .1ll ·who .tre t'.lh"'.'r to dcv.:!op lih.•rary Tht• \\'(lrd · rhil(lm.Jth~..•,ln" co!Th...., fn~nl the• J(."'"'"d ..philO!'.· meaning love, .1nd ''m.1thos,

in.lch\t.'for m.tn\' \

~·.tr.., il

W.l'i full~ 1\'\ i\'~o.>d 1n 2(()3. Curf\'f'll m~._-mbl_·l"i endudc fo)(\llty. ,t,,ff• .tlld .. tud.._•nt...; tht·\ mt.'\·t clf\C\.'.1 month to

di..<iClt'!> .t.,.-.ig.n~.-.:1 o( thl..· 'h)I'M.' th.lt

-...'ln'M:thing whic;h ''INmOO; tt.,.-;~·th~·r.lht'"\

·a klH· t~r J..nowl.._-d"'c.'" The · h to dC'\·dop tlw soci.ll ,,., n'lcm~.....

de' ('klpl1'14.'f'lt i., nvt onI> W tt~'f.ary ~.-n-..c, .Jithc'lugh th.lt i .. tl\4.• ~""'(or till•

literature. I he group .11~ t.tl;.~..~ C.lt\'

,j,.. en th..• (l"f''lt•t vt <Jmpu... .l' 'hcl\\ll

lx·low, lb..• 'tocw l-. m commcrmu,ltKJn of tht.• fir...t commencement c.·wn;'~"' h...•ld ."lithe 'l>br.t'l...l Stolt" '\"oml.ll Sc~IOisn ilt't\1 ~nd ".,, dl~O..Ill'd b) tht.· l"hilomathc•,m Socil1Y in IQ) J

ilfll) .o\ f~~« l'tloklln.J.IhNtl~ Ul.~ .a -~~to pow fO<t.t photodufir~s; .. -tfllh f!W'C'titl~

,... \I

__l CTOV) ~ f'l.tq•t foulloCI 011 ~~ PhiiOII'I.atM.t.ft

, , _ ;, -.till in ~.al <01\dlti• .afttt.al~t 100 )t.t."-

CAbo\d -wllt !-tft'rrl Ufot or fltd,'" .aM "'Ptony '-" l.o\t•ntju,.t.&ff11> of thot boob 1M I'"P 1\1.• di<~<N'Hd.

(l,tfV 'Thot •torlt til-l it~ II' orl~l\oll Joutioft ju ..t

nord! of tM

Ad.,.lflblulkwl b•ild•tla.

Tho..· 1'-.y\:ho~v /Sc.X'•1'k~y /Cnmuwl Ju_,.ti'(' Club (I'SCJ) h .tn t)l')t.lnl/.lhon f...,r .11! ~tudt·nt.. wjth m.l)'ltr-. in dl\...,.• oll'\'~l'lo. Thl'> ~fOOJl fcxu......... vn proi"-""101'\,d

d1.'\ d'•pn1t'fll .lt-ti\ iht'S 1n .111 nr..-a.. c4 thl.' m.1jor, ,,ft,·rin~ nwmlx·r-. om '-'"n'hjn~ 1"\f"-'til"fft't." th.lt will

c\p..md th..•ir lo.Jt,n..·l,,Jgt•.md c.•n l'·'"ilv bt.•.J.pplk-d to tt"'.'u futurt•(.ll\'t'"

Or Cl'\"); G.ll.lf\!1, Or. Kdly A'mu .......n, Or. J,lml"S '\','\ itl, 01nd CJrrit• G1.~hh.1lk "('r'\'l' •"- co-"f"''UU" ot thl'llf~.mi./.thtln; Robi1\ Sh~o.·rm.:tn i .. thl• pr.....ldt"'''l omd ).ltl('l)t,> Fio;ht•r "tf'k' \Kl' prt..,Kh·nt \\"llh t~·tr

com\:l•nt'<l lt•.tdt•r-.hip rsq h •.~-. "f't.~-d ~· ~ ..pe.d..,•r.- ,\moog ti'M.""l• .ar..· \iike lt•m•t'''· . .,;,.::.~ Jg\"nt, Rich Gon.t.Jic.t, .m Om.1h.l PolK\~~ and \t,m Udl. ..1 ''"t'fnl't PSC grJdu.lll.' ,.,..,«d, m the proNtitlO ..y ..km. I'SCJ h.1-. .11-o ~



hl Glt'l"\' Mt•.....·um in St f<1!'•1:ph. \t(l .•md., r.uolt• BP.ud f INrin~. '(hi'),.., ttk•~ol1.1h wJ.. luck~· t.-nough ll't hll t-lr.l•Jothl ~l\l..t·t-. brought IQ J m11.'\.11ng. Tht l'Of(lyt-d tr\'ing ttwm un ,tnd bt.')I:K1n~ thl'ir lftiV

IRir.Jtlll.aftC'C' 'If''« .ulod <:.. nd....:t f~~<o.1ll ~ ~ l>ltlt CNI of luol'lll. o4 tM .v-r 101.1~ .. qllid. fh.. ttklo~<~l Jutd e, ...... ~<~.ltrllon "" ot~r 11\f'•t-.-"' flt4 -..tr.aiglt j~ktl«<"


CAbo,~l l.at1 ('.a~'•d) l<~~n oH. CN

ti1h•"""· c.a~c-

u..... .~n,· J.teM-t.

-.. ,

.1bout not N i113 t.l.l.k«< ill~ thb "Ct.l•)"idl'.l

tRi~t) Ttlt ~·~"" "NvdMI ' •<,>utt ~ \'o1lh thf'ir 'P'Oft_,., 0,., 6ill Ckmtntt.Aftd Ttd

Chft) Sc-1\ottt' ll'lt'Mbn Colt~ Jl.urh lqe.l..,. "' tht' lf'l"'i~ ~~ d•nl'llt •lWIWitf'

lill<f't't'""" (~o"'l

BrMidOIII I'"'"'' .11'16 ""'"'"'"'" ~oth <W~IIoUipo~ ~~ '"'~""''"' t>.. r to hottr f.l-1~ fvr~d• fo-rt~



lwttod..l) ollli.J.m. to ,S...n,....

lht RC""'C"'>I j...,~ .III'OI'IA


(.\~f) ..1\ldC'I'It ~'"too

hoot• ,,., o blood drh n "'""h )Nor .n " • ol~&nlf'ft .a.cti\ ih.

rnr•~ ol tlw- .twdtflt body.

t ~1\0 h.• CPI\W•t-.. ~ l.'k"\:ll'd

r...vn .1 '.U'k'h' ot COR!.htu~·nc•r-... It i .. "khn~ .t h~ ,,( gv' c-ll'ltl\4..'llt for the .ltl.dtnt \ a·\• ...md inl\'rt-..t-.; to

..:~ fr"'""~)m, a<'·kkmk ~ !ohldl-nt n~ht-.; ''' •mrro' u\g

,u-.J SfXIJI ~-df.u,•; to d,..,·~,.•lortng

1~t.ltki.nJ.., f.l..:aliti4....,. .1nd k.Khmg md ''orl..an~ with CAR t'n ""·"""";..,;• .u>d f,. ,.,,.,ing the t\.'C<lh">flihon ot ti'K• :.'Nb•htk"'' of tolud~·nt.. t(lttk• !oo(hool

£h(' Scn.lt..- . m.td~· up of tl,.,..,,~ ~.,.,"' rrw:ml"'"'

n,, Pn.-..,d._.,,, "'''" ing thi .. yl.'.~t ''-"" Or.mdon rr.ltt·r

and ttw \o 1«.• ,...,.,...,dt-nt '' ·'"' ..\my \\'hill'. Jhl.' -\d\ l..;or. .ll\•Or. Bill Ckllll-'1lll' •.md T"" H,,MI;I.ll');~'l'. Thi .. )'\"•lr'"' s-_'fl.tl\.' \ (lo)unll"-1'1.-d by pKktng up trJSh twi<.."\'"-'n I hJoWw.\y 67 ,lnd .,,~,tni.ring l\\0 biC'IOd dnn-.. ''' ('OO,unclion '' ith othl.'-r c.u11pu .. hfl'U~ Al'o(), till:~ Cl,nhnul'<l \\ ith ~u(h fundr.ti..in~ ~.·itorb .Jj 'Sur\'lv-'1 Kilo;,, whkh .tt\.' hMldt'-'d (1Ut dunng hn.ll .. \H'\'k. lhl·y ,,I..,, ..oM lolliJ'OP' for \'ak·nli01.'" 0.\y



II lhc-

,'l'lot,.. 'I' t f'h'SJoNft

"'*'"'•ldi•·~~I'C'Ior .f loCW'r'l«' g.-du,~l... M, W'l :twu

d p:om.w....



8.: .. ~ (k.u> ~>I •nd l >.Jk'"W"" y,,IJ l)n-w, \ "~

~..,. ~""""' 1MIIk.•nd \ lo..~ l'n~ti.J..~~ o."t""&".lt\.l tt' g..d t...lh ~

--------- -

Yt'lur d~~rtt nti"'IUI' t'"'Y l1lllr II tilt"' .vert dt'l N.m/(t/un~ mc'illlltt.'\_(ul, 'Cml ·thing pc-....ith~t t!'itlr it! }11dllll Rl4';;m,p. 1t'lltlt,·rs fxu·llmu A1turd Rt"t"rplt"tfl '07

On,, (l)t:>l mominj; an "()uth.,.•,\"1 :'\;c..-t'>r.t..k.t, -..tudC"nb ('.ltr'\'ln~ ('.'lip.. .tnd JtO\\ n."' !ilrt.'.lmcd tow•.ud th.:, \1 WhC'dt.·t :\thk·ti( C~.-'flh'r, thl• t•\dt•·mt·tll t.'\ Kknt u' ttwu -.mak_.., Jnd J'k>t'n'IUo, Ch.."lltt.'t, lh.· ,\\\ ,\C filk-d quadJy, tht• ool~ c..·rnpty ...._.,ll, """-'!'\ t"Cl icor ~ ~rJdU.Ht... Gu,...t .. talM~i .tnd l.tU)o:hl."<< olN'>\(' th(' "'h·ll mu"i<: pl.lyl.'li b~ L>r. Th<~m.t-.. Eda~c..·r, but .1 hu-.h Ml.t.. the fiN ooh.... of l,t.'lfl'lp ,and Ctn:um ..t.SO(t•" fdk-d tht• n,)()ffl_ \U '-'Yl" harnt.od tow.ud tht• b.lck of th..• .luditl'rium .1" tlw pr..x~.·sMon of diguit.t~"'- f.l(ulty .ltld lioluJ~.·nh bt.");.Jn. l'hroughnul tlw C.:l'rt'mlmy, prt"'J'Il'ctl\ t' grolduat,.., h.. t,'fll'<l .lth:ntl\ d~· to tho..· <.pca~t·rs on the ..t.t~. Pr~c-o-'-C,)r judith Ru4..tmr (hlp right) ino,.pu,_-d .. tudtmt-. whllt· 1'\.Xt.-1\ ing the.• T+:,t.._twr f\C\•Ik•O(\' Aw.lrd. Ihen 11 w,h lhll' grMiu.llt.~ hmC' to td\101.' CowtU ru..tk.>d ,..., thl;-y nw\ \.>d '''\\ .1rJ the.· 'toJ:~\'. lb.• C.:fllWd murmul'\.'(t, t..'•'~'-·r to h..-.u thl.• Rolmt.' tl( .ll.bught,'T, -.on. -.p<')U"<', f'lT\'Ill N fnt'lld. A., l'oKh ~r.ldu.lh.' w.h~.lll1.-d, Olppl.lU"'-'t.'fUplt-d .lnd lolll'k"t'oh

0.1...Jwd. OtJt-.Jdt· Jotr.:tdu.lh--s huAA'-xi t.:tch tllhi.·r .lnd thdr fJmd......

.n....w tC'.U' 1-'t.-.r the......_. g,-Jdt.ldtt..., oot• jc.'U""-"' cnc.kd olnd a n('w (01\lt' t'lt..");.Jn. ~m~ w tpcd

cu. le' ~

!\:,,..,...tht- el'wt) •

\ itldu.: ~ f'<-C'd Jil-l

.tll"t ~ in.:f!Xtll'l'l ('l'ro'TTII.'rW

(Bt.-1.- \1~~ "' ..11""" thi"~Y h) tv.;ln

Nebraska Delta Chapter, No. 203

rh<' pu~c.1i Alph.1 Chi. J\_-ru St.lh' C•:~llt');t' Ch.Jroter, I.A•lt-11 of '\:l.'bra.;J...l, h to ..hmul.ltt> .md n.~ni;,e -.c::h(li.1Nup .11'\d t~·l'knk:nt' ot charJeter th.tt m.tkl' -.chol.lr:<.l\ip d(l'(b\C .

.·\lph.l Chi r..xogniL..... the ,t(hic.~v..·nl4.--nt-.of tlwColk_~,__..~ h.'IJl ~hoJJ.t'!>'" .trt' and ....:k"'<l'S. pn..""~f.,...,,imwl,tud~l"". .-md ~.'\Suc.uioo .tnd ~r.ldU.ltc 'hid it-.. f ('I qU.lMy ....tudml-. mt•'t N junK'"" l'lf wni~lf' .md r,mk .n tht.• top 10 f"H«'OI o! th.:•r <1(-.tlh.•ntic in_,tllul(lfl S.tudcnb qu.1hh· for indivldwt ....::ho1Jf'hs~ .tt both tb: n..ogtt>ct.tl.md l'l..lht'nalle,·d c.hJC.' to thi.;, tklllOf. ~tkil-nt-. an• .ll!'<l aUt)tdlod opportu.niht.... to publi<.h thl.·1r Wt>tb tn the SO(:It'l~ ·-. JOUm.tl, thl•lliJ>IU Clu RtwrJ~r••uld .ttt+.:nd "-"'hiOOJ.I.md 1\Jholl.ll etlO.ft•n..·nc~.-.... Alptw Chi·.. t'\'g,i(lf\.1.1 ~"(n,_~.uy·t~J-.u~r .md ..pCln."'tl'f of P~,.•rv:.. <;h.tptcr, Dr. Rill Clt"'l\'-'1'11(', hXll.. p.ut u\th.,• «-r,·mon~· to induct n..·w tn~..·m~r-o.. ~ I'M.''W mcmbt'f'hip

'Otl>d tlw (olkl" tng "tudl'f'll~ offic;,•r-. for thi.•. )'Nr. Prt... tdt'fll Apnl \i(IN.' {ldt); V•<(' Pr,...idl.'flt. j~,·an c;.-.b-.bul')·; ~'"'('n:t.sry, Jamk- Ap~'loi.'N'IC'I, lrl·.t..un•r, C.1r,l1 Schult\'; ;,1nd Student IA·I'->goltc t~., tlw '"tKxl.ll Ct"O\'t"nh(lC'I. L..1ur.- K~u.


h"..ld.. uw r~"' cehtn "" 1 on lhl;o "' ""' .._.., ho.'U' ,,..,.......n~rv eo~"''

<R•!CNI \kmt-n.. Llt.-•~•l tl\o "'tud)""'J;

I•• 1\1\ ,. t:hnt poo.l\1("(' t.ll"""

1BNM.·l.-...~ """"'-""'II J~

thnou~ hN t.>..""'- on pt~n~k>n k>r

hl-r fo!"I.AI ("Um.

--"Develop a Broader Vision"

Thl' PUlf'<l'-1.' o( Alph \lu ~·' Soclt't)' is to dC'\·clop .t broo.dl"r vi.. i<m. to <'n((IU(.ljt\' ntorc pr.tdk.tl .tpplicatl(ln. to incrc.1-.c th...• n.'(A.•.ttion.11 ph.l'-C. to .. tunul.lt\'., J;l'n..'t.l.l .1ppr'"-..:i.Jtk~n• .tnd to ~lpt.·n th<e' w~~· to \\"idl•r -.cr\"iCI.."'!'> in the field of m.lthcm.lh~ .tnd romputl't ..cit.'"l"l<l'· A(ti\"<e' \1l'1'nbl'~ mu...t m.tint.lin .1n .w<e'r.lg\'ot <...-or bt:ttcr ln tl'qUiA.>d couN.."> for .1 mol,ot lt\ mJtht.•n\Jhc~ .1nd computer '<lcncc. ll~y mu:-.t .tl-.o bt.- mrollt.'CI in .lt I"'·"' one m.11h1.·matk~ or computvr ..ck•nc<e' cour.o.c .u tht 200-lc.. tl vr dbon• \tcmbcrs indudc ~ photosr;ophed a1xwc (I tor): Lind"'l•y Hu .....,,, jUt." Stdlman, ~manth.l \1ej·cr. Anthony )1'1~""'-'n, .1nd Sanl Hunt The.• FolCUit)" Adn\oOr "'t"f\·in~ for the 2007-QS yc.u w.)... Or. Bill New 0\an (Atoco•~l T.-.y ).an. .m P"'1"'M f« ~"'flak­

~d\.a \k'\"tl" and ~nJ

llut>t 1

n..v. • Mftllor

~~ k-'' St!Um.&n ~en~

.. '"Y ~....,_...._pow"-" ll'll>Uf!WJ".t.

(1..-fU SI"J'h..rt~l" I &ooftll'lo1n. I k-.at'1ft Rl:t>tn""lf\. .vld tk\lthl:r H.lrm ~tu.Jy ,..,..,. l('t ' - . ~&.. J"n'fl"<''· t lld..~·)ln

Uo.-u ~,...~,w tod•'ltl:

th: t'o.)tll'lnln~ ('-"'

Biological Honor Society, Tri Beta

'l'he pu~~ of lk'i.l Bet.1 !X-t."l Biological Honor Sock•ty 15 to fu.ocbon Ob .u"' honor .lnd prof~K'III'·'' '(le'lt.~' for •n the biolog.ic.d ~l'OC\.~. lb Mt:i\-·111~ ared.._...1gntd tu -.ttmul;)t,-. u\h,-~1 in "<holarly att.linmcnt, .md


i.rw~tig.tbon tn

,.... .,


tht- biologi~oll "<'i('n(\.~. and to pmmott!' tht•

di,-.cmirutkln of informatioo olnd O(.>v. tnttrprt-t..ttion:s oln'k'W'I1; "tudt_'fll"' of lht.•lift.• So(" it'll\."-~ Membt-r. nm-.1 be undergr.lduate ma;or-. in bio~KJI "<it.•on•. complt·tc M J<.•.l51 ~ til'rtn of tht' ~nd vcar of" ft.-.ur-) l'<lr currirulum or ib t.-qui,·.ak'f'lt, h.t\'\' oomplett.'d .11 k•.ast th.n.>e t('tm cou~ in biok>f.tkal '<n'I'K'\' with oJn .ner.Jg~ grJde or 8 .-.nd be in good academic 5t.-nding. Two wnior mt·mbcr-. C•bo,·c k~ft); l-INther Robin.~n ol GretnJ:. ~cb.• .;md Stt.-ph.tnic Hoffm.Jn of Om<.lhJ. ~..-b., h.lvc ronhnU\.-d lhi!<o tugh ,x,ldemic stMidlng by placing 1n t1'1(" lop

h.>n o\t ~ 8iod'lemi..try Rt'"*'.uch O'IJII('flg~. More lh.1n 170 Tht--irstt~dy W,b .1bout ,tn enzyme u'-Cd to study the physiologk.tl W.l)"'> in whic'h fi-.h Rl)UI.ltc body tempcratul"('. Dt. Otnnis Wc:+~h (.tbovc left) .lCCOO'Ip.tnit-d tht• twv .tt the Ch..lllt•nge .md Dr. John Hrud~ 'J,j,."'''\'e'!- .l~ t.hc society's F.lC'Uity Advi.-.or.

.,ftldt:nt' pdrtk•PJIOO.


Rl)o;h "'' I•J T('l(h. ~ I<• ~'n't' .anJ "'•k•lr.~ •tt.r~""'lf"•m«tu


r ..wd,nJI\1........,..

tli(-k.>W) (""""' ~·..5


<.-,IVW'oj k-....t dn'~

tvv.,..t ttw ''r.lr

"So to Teach, So to Serve, So to Live" K.lrf"IA-Ita P11'.a n.lhllZ\..11 hPt\Ort.-duc.1hon lr.ttc.·mit~· ll-pl"ll to ~homon-... and ,lbo\·~ who r.1nk in tht.-upJX·r qu.1rtc.•r c.'lftht·ir cia..... •'''d who 'hm' c.''" ide.'flee.• of d rontinuc.-d lllh.'t\""1 Ill c.'\il,l(.,ahtlf\. Th.· group tht ... yc.·.u '>pon"((tc.>d m.1n~· ,·olunt-..'\•r o.lc.h\"thl.... artcl~,.~d.n~ two c ..nncd f<X"Id dmt.., ,\r(1Und the.• holida\

.......,.;on O"tnd th,~ vnd (If the

SC'hool ~ \!'.lr the.· sroup .)..,l_~,.,j ~ PSC n•mmunih· to ~1th..•r noo·p.-ri.,ha.~k- tletnf> ,,, th.Qs( '" 04..'--d· "'""'· thl·

KroYP dl'<Ot.lh...., ol bullt•hn

t.t.Nrd i.n r.J. \ lolJO~ ((I k·t .,tud-..'1'\t' lo.now of thc.·~r

I"~"'" ~n ~ l'tr.~WIIo..,

prtlJl'Cb O"tnd .xhit.'\ cmc-nt....


(ri~ht.l t\l r):

f'<'WJ!o "'•th uw srour •

Group n"-'fnbt•r-. tn<lud~ K.ltl' \1cKtm.

S.lr-'h 5nuth. c;,....,,tk.dcKoninJt. K..lri St.ti!Nunlc.·r. and R~""'~ C.ul-..:l<ll

(t.-it) 1't11 A1ph.l Thrt.l

rrwmhon f"*" with ttwv ~Or

•n.J Or ~f

'1'-""'"" U.n..


(flo!.- Ph Alp~'! Th."t.a l'lcA•,'>j., <'1'"' d~ f.ot (.nd~tn. ~lor tb.-1..;, -..n.JWtueh•P.11 IJ~'Tif'l

thoown hm· ,.,,h llf


"Seek Truth" Phi Alph.l llwt,l '" ,1 n.\ll(•o.al hcJo,,r.;ary hl.,h.lf1o' iMtl'ffllt)' l'P'l'R h't ..n•dt•tH"' '"''lth a ~.._'fluim· i.nt~.·r'--..1 in hi,h1ry .md h.w~: .1 hi~ S(lloJ.l'>hc ,t,mJin,;. nlt• f'UI'J'I'.'N.' c-.f tho.• ~n•up '' h.l fc,.,lt•r iniM\''t in hl,hln., 'o()(1.l1Xt•t:I'IIC.'l', .lnd h'-'O)tfolph~· .lmong Pt>ru St.ltc ..tudl>flh. I hi.• group·;; puhhc mottu ,,

"'"'k Truth. Phi Alph.l ThN,ll' kfl(lwn for h.wm~ t.•l,lboro~tc and ,,....11 thouhhloQut lloob an lfu:.l lorm'\-"'Omin~ P.u.1d~· .-. .. th.._·y did .-ag.1in thi' ~ t>.u ''he-n tht·y f~.·.lturt-d Abr.lhJm ltnct•ln. £ln.. , otnd RKh.ud \:1wn em ,1 Jtoop.uJv Ooot. Among othe-r thing... th..· group hc....h.-d lh4.• fiN t'\ t:r Studt-·nl ~·tMh.-' P"-"'idenhol1.\nd VKC l~t."'ldt'1ltJ.i.l dl-b.ltc-.. l'hl.·)' .tl"'('' hc.~h.-d .ln opl'tl. d•~u...,ion tor L.:.S. St.·n.lh' <o~ndid.th.....md ...pon......,n.>d the• pLl) ·,.\th,lMl'\' ((•r the

D.lmn,"\1, ·.1 tm.,.-m.l•\ ~\\' .lb<.I\Jt Cl.'lrct"K'-' O.urow. play1.'d by rroJ. \tJrk Kk:mc.·nt-.ru(i (1,·11). Co-Spon"-'" tnt tht• group .'II'\" Dr. S.r""11('-'' [),l\'1~ .lnd Dr. ~1r.1 Crool.. ~n.u\); ·" Pn....1dl'1'1t B lt.lrold ~nwlkvmb .tnd \·I<(' Pl'\.•.,.tdl"tll b Gar:-· 61.Jck.

fT<'J') 'tu A1.-



otf~o;('n. 1nclu..t.-(110 r)

0, L'ln \\'.lltN, Co.~n lib.:... and I U.roli ~IXQcrb


1R;,.htl Tho: )tNiollp ~>,~~ b • ~ .., - \'4 thrir a'1.111~ ThuNI.:I\' ~~ 0.. ,1'\Jo<'f' "'f'..-r. ~n ~ll'N'\..,-,. 1''1\1"-'\t m dw 1.-ft wuhr No;l tv'A'


Hid.-... I Tht Oft~WMkif • ''\"'}' thlt ¥> tuch anctu.jn. I~ ~n~r~l') K~-A.a<.1t'lthr

IM ""

Epsilon Tau, Chapter 2725 l'hr Uet.l t.lmbdd (f>'Sl) j, .1 n.tliONI.lnd ~t.tt~.·wKfc b\NI'k.~!t fratt'mity . 1~ PeN SWtc ch.tpter i~ co\11-cd E~tlon T.lu .tnd i~ opc.-n tl't.lll 'tudt'nl-. who .ue int~t\.-d i.n bu'll~'· Sht·n 1\nrppt.·ln'l('ycr" the- ch.Jptcr 'pon-..or. whik> Stw.•IT)' Kv~.:~t c,c"-~ .1~ J.'U'\_...KJ~.·nt. 0nc o( the m.110 e\"l'"llt!> P8l ~pol\.'>()" \',l(.h )'l.'.lf L' tht' Annu.tl Bu'n'll">' Cont\.'st in which high ~hoc_lf,tudt·nt.. .-u\~

l.nvsted to<ompt'tc (or aw.ud' .-.nd -<hol.lr"!'ohips J>aL mcmbc-" ath:nd the "t'br•'ka S«.tte u-.tdt•r-.hip Conft"'n"nc!h an the fo1U .md ~pring. Oft~.·n. mcmbt~ quali(}· to.tttcnd th..- t\o~tKmal U.'.ld('".-...h;p COnlcn'nre that i~ ht.•ld ('.}Ch "ummer olnd '--pCin:;.c)t loc.ll ColmpU!> a~;ti\ 1b"

IAbo.ro't-i Sfwdmb '-\"~ h.Jrd pn"f".'.nng ~ .aJ,.or,to fllf\'t''fn'. . . ~thr

J\tlrlla&J II gh ~ BI.IWiftllo COf11N_

Srude-n" who pbct.-d .u the 2008 ""br.l~M Phi lk't.t l..lmb<Ll St.)tc Lc.Kicf"'ohip Confen:nct.• were: Kelly Bu..h. Colton H.urb, Am.tnd.t Km<km.ln. Shc.•m- Kv<t ..ni<-k.l, Robert lind-.cy, Ta.mm)· Mt")"'-'"'· Bryoln \i.n'-"~"•Jo---h _,c.·l:•.on. Erin Sro,· 11lc, l)u,hn S€-.llt:\·. M.uJndol Torki.'I'IOn, and Chmhn..t \Vu_,k ~who pl.l«-"<1 fi,....t in ont.• or ~rc '-'Wnb include Am.lnd.) Knkkman. Bryan Mill<'r, .md \faranda Torlo..cbon. Ovt·r.lll, the PSC P8l Ctwptcr \\a<> aw.udN a Scrapbook Cc-rtih.:oltil.' Md .l Cokll.evel Ex.c~lk-.nc~· Award_

H..tfiiA lor>• K.:" ""'(.lub IDCtlid• fOI(' !.->t .I rN*> ~·Itt! l.h.- """''~Dr \{11(' 1:\wJ,"\...

"To Promote High Academic Standard"

Thc pufJX~' ul H(~" Club i' to allow j)('J.demi<.llly "'ll<""'"'ful'>ludcnt~ to mll'r-.\C't,u\d c:\pn,...... •-~.1t•.l-..to

promote •' h1g.h .,d.ldem•...:: ..t.md.ud .11 Pe-ru St.lh' 0>11\);'-'• to (oru-. on till• prvmoll(.lll Jl\d ,ld""''""':m.>nt of til(.• tlonc."t~ Progr.tm, ,md to a<t in .m Jdvhory <<~r.){·•ty hl ttw {,)(l.llty in\'Oln'l "ith thl: Honor-. l,rogr01m. ()n(- bi.'flt-1-it th.lt m..._..m~r- of HQnor. Club n.-o.·in~· i... the ~;~pc.u1ullity to take honors. ciJ'"'~ l~l·th..•r thrc)Uf;houl thc.•ir foor Y'-'ol~"'> ,\t PSC Two l'k'lflor. cour....-.;. thJt h.we bl"'l·n vc~· popul.tr are Ano~ly-u: cf ft'fl I 3nd II Cl'l'.lll>d and t.tught

b)· ~)<~logy prof~o-'·-...,;or, Or. Jo~m~ ~C\'111. Hooo"C'luN.... howcn·r, are d'-"igr'k'd in Jll form.. of -.tudy to hl·lp br.;,.\dcn th'-· .K.ldll.'mi< !>l.lnd.ud. The fxuh~ "'J)OO..ot ftlr Honors. <Jub '-' Or. \11k\" B.u;;\'r, who i._., ~·n•irts h.i.' f1r-t }\".lt. ~~ior group mcmbc,..... phC'ItC'l)tt,lphed .1bon.• include (I tor): IINthc:r 1-tMrh, Stcph.m•c Ht)ffm,ln, Ht•.lttwr Robin""''· .md SJ.rolh Sm•th. \l,my m~.:mtx·~ \IJMI:I1\' to be photogr.lpht.-d


A,t.,.... '()(lub~-n

Hr.uhrr ~_..,and ~HolfEUn.al'\' «'o\(' 1t1 :tw .........,...,...,


~~Illbriw.1 8o."fJ(n'loll'\ t..ol~

ad\.>11&1~ .:.1 ~two •tudy u.bn ''" lhc-

m.nll k'\ •·I ('of ltwo .-\R(.

tl\'&ow) AI ho.'f'l 1\vdwlr, ~ Gord.Jn -.t Jt..t,.,, 1 (onw <'11-"~ all '"'t ""tor the ~1 ~ ,.,..~



Academic Resource Center Tiw Ac.td~.·mic R,....._'l\lru• <..~.'flkr (ARC)'' thl· hllb~ .K,,d,·m~ o\Ciu·sly on l>t.·na St.tft•\, c.lmpu.' and oUt·"·' ,,. id'-' a ...'4)11mt.'f'll Q( rt.-..c.l\lrct.... for O\lr JJ\·c""' ..tudt'fll ~1\· The ARC w('lfl,.. h.ud I(I t.'"lhUf\' tlw ..u...x,....,, of t."\'t:"


,,\1 Ah...... -.\I«._ roy f~W~C.:.or..


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~lddlnpt., ......-.rl~ .md. d.xl1

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..tudt•nt. On,• c>lth•• mt~l '.duJ~k- n~uf'«"-o ol ..tudt·nt c.1n utih1v '''ht> tultmng pr~r.lm. Tha.. pn-.gr..1m ... fk•,tbl~ alltW. m~ ft~r dt,t.u"K:...' tuhlring. mdi' I<IU.lltutorin~ ,u'\<l w,llk·IO l.1b IUI(Iring. Thl• ARC d~-.. O('II"IPp th\.'f"C hc'lwt•\ ...·r; th..•y off,'f -.tudr bp-. to ht"lp .,.J"v.at\' ttw ..rud,....,t with 1\4."\,. ""'-'II" J.nd .ll'tiliti~o.-.... Oth('r f\.~m.-s .W.l11.lbk ,11 th..• .-\RC toiOf,<' fn,m c.U('\"t ~'-ploOtollion .1nd tt.lO'IItQO '!lot."t'\'iC'\..... to c(lmputcr p~r.,m...md d,...,,bilitY ~·n k1..'!> Stud,'f'lh k·-.lrn ..1nd u"'-· lt·.ld'-·"h'P :-l..iJI, thmugh {)l.'l..'t mt-ntonnJ-: olnd pdt1icip.ltin~ ·" ,, tuh")r Till..• '4""''('-~ pro' 1dt-d b~· the ARC Jl'\' fr,,• ltl aU PSC !<>IU<.knh-. On:ro"lll. tht•.\RC '''"' criUI.":.tl 1'\.~lOr.,"\' th.lt t'flOdlt... tlwcolk,;_,· t"\PI'fl<."nC\.' J.nd t"ff.<our,.., 'UCC\.""-'· \1.tnv -.tuJt."llli ..:.:m th.lnk tho.• ;\RC .. 1.1ff o1nd 'uppvrtt•r-; !()r m.lki.ng t~·ir hnw at I'SC _., ,mt.IOih ,,.. f"ll:-'ih1l'.

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"''V""'" l l b.o ......, ••thr

The l ()mmt"''('C'f1'k·nt o·rt"mC,.ll\ "'a, nc.14 tht' Wlnl' thLJ h".lr It h.ld ~ moH-d to ,\ubum lllf.h ~hotll a\ .\t•ham, ~\-b, ~o'HI"'' the :\I \\1\..'l•k•r 1\dl\ II) (. t'Uit t WJit 11n,j, r nx~m..trucht'n through \1ay. f'.lmih. f.tcult) 11l<t 1.111. toll')\'' .ldmmi,trator., and frit"'ld• ~.tlhC"r,,lm tlw g\ mn,, aum_. "hKh \\ .,, lallt-d ''' •I• l,(n)-r"': r.....m '·'J'IoC1h I '~ 1~1 .lnd 1m~tlt"'''l gr,.Jwtt., Jtollhtr"t 111 dw taptl,lart h.lllwd~ .'m dahng ~ prO(',..._..,klO y,, 'onw, 1t M"'l'~lth.ll thl!lo murnn11 \\utdd nr\'-""~ f,,, thtm thor'"'' hours of w.llting m hr-..~ "~re unbc-.:u--,)b-Jco Uttk d:id !h.')' Ulow lh.lt thr loog..a.ntirlp.~tcd motlkhl \\"'ttld b.· ('r\('1' m •lb'lh ' ' th. tnort "'-kume.&nd congr.t.tullt..,.... totlw rC"..Khrr [_~Jtncto A\\;ard NC~pwnt.. Dr j.amn ~ gr.k!u.tk1o to('lf'j found 1~ on~ \t.."'R" tN.n ZI'XIItudomb p.artici'f'l'h.'d m dW" C'tftmOI'I\ Aftn m:t"t•om~ tlvir d plom.u..




thn nhnohmilcd trulu.-wti<.tllv J'OO'I'I: and ""-m spr•yq:; r.oxh othcT w1th Sillv ~ Aftrr thr t~r <tit'IIICWI", thr atudmh huf:b'Td lhrir fl'k'nds ;and wid lhrir good-b)'t'$: rcrNf" torr ""'u•l yt"""an or ,.,n..~ lor tlw LJ"'t timr li<l'\\'\"\...,, .,._, P\ii!Un lw.l'W much bmt' p.mc-s. thnr n~ ill thf C11mru-c. of ;a lhou nd lb\.., \'otll ah.. d~j Nin); thtm tf~t---tht"f


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AI "'d 1t-o.:'>l:u.k""t''!'tolh-

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JennY llnwln.•




.n..1 W 8o:OcM' ~" 1\ok:.u -~...._~

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~Dr Ulft ...........

•lfl'l(trt• .....tC'--.-WIO...,

"M.tlool of Afb o1."J ""'"'""' {I""'' ftW;,I ,,, r1 Or ).ltv~ HNd.l. Or ....,,.. ( ,.,.,..._~ Tr.AI

lJr l'..ridiOrtrwy &kolft.t-...I.JW,_ ll)r) l.Jr ~, Dill.

,...,_ e-..1""" ' ,_,._




IJr \hdWU~.trpot. Dr T ~ Jruo.h·fl<'tdNu\ Dr )t..,NrJ <~Or~ll.o\ ... Or n-.£,J.op..l:tr ra~~~t~ \.C.ri ...lrawWu4. . . lJr '\:.no.. . .



('......,.. ..., ............ 1\...,.~ l•lh): ~ Anlo.Wi ~ [).:b \"-na. . . . "'~ ,,.,.,. (. UiiiiiiUN,


·--- t-lr.ctt!iN...., ~ \twr ~_,'"""Ilien




(ftoll,.., 1')'"'1111 \b.r~.~o~t,n•I'Uif; lk> ,,

krf'lftY l.&nr


..._, l..."l.M\1 - t A,.t.

Thank You Peruvian Supporters

Austin Reisig You arc such an incl'l-"'<iiblc )'Oung man <lnd we have been so blessed to watch you grow~ learn and

tak~ on new

Renee Carlson 'A'c arc a11 so proud of you and what you h.wc accompli<hed. Congr.ttulations and best

~pon~ibilili~. ·n--c future c.tn only hold grc~tt things,


whatever path you ch<><>SC.

Gr.tndma, Aunt Stctcia, Unde Scott, Aunt Jan, Uncle Tim, and Cristen

\\'e are very proud of you and of what you ha' e

Love, Mom, Dad, Je-»ie,

accomplished. Thank )'Ou for the laughs along the

way! \Vc love you,

Mom, Dad, Nathan and Alex

Tammy Shires It h.h hlX'n .l kmS ro.ld .lnd we kMw from thl• 't.nt th.tt you would g\'1 to tlw end. \\'c .ll\" proud o! yoo .lnd

vour <l«<mplishm4."nt:>. Mowing th.lt you will m.1ke dif('-'''-'nn·~ 10 n\JI\\

childrro·, liw:... :-hOws u .. yo~.~t p..llit."''l«' ~nd dl.-dio~.·Jh<m tow,ud' fl'.tching. L.('l\ l\ 0.1d <~nd \1om


Keshia Marie Selko \\'l .Jrt ..;,o proud o


acrompli~hmenb and''~~ ~ou

S""'-i luck in the futun.•


C\1om, D•d, and i\lly"''

Sherry Kvasnicka \\'hoca...ld .. L\t: · o. · · th,.. dav'"'·ouldro~ :so quKkl)? It \\ asn l tn.lt long o1go that we cd..-br.Jh..'\1 \'Our arri'al·tht''"'" girl in a family of bo~ !1-. It '('\'m~ lik<'} -.-:-.tcrday >vu W\'fl' th,lt blonde, blul' cp.•tt. littlt.• girl who loved stuffl-...1 JninMI ... ,md being out-.id~: wtlh brolhet'>.

•lcwmplio;.hed h.l' bt'-n dnta7ing. You h..l\ ~done~'' dl an ~hoot been ac.-ti' t: m

Jared Eugene Brass ~


cnmpu:, ,lctiviti'-....,· anJ 'till found time for your f•mily and fricnd~. \tVc arc all su

:v.•nJ ~nun.,hon. YOlf~ .tn JCOUt. ~ ( gt.klu.u~. 1nd <w.lt"ln h, br I"X gr.l.IU.ltl'. Df\'•lm Wllh<lut bm1tJJ. <:.:~o~l.,

Ok...-.ill~"- will

nlfl\1" 1.~:•\ ~· yflou to lnlu'uh·' \i('lrt\.. O.ld. TfMil nJ 'Rr• fU'W

l...o,·c, 0.1d and your t.--ntire family

proud of you ~'nd wi ..h you the ,·cry bc:-.t

Heather Hurst



\\~are proud ot )<lU

.-.ere ch«-nng vou on your rk'\\ hf("

bolh and all y<>ur




We 10\·e you!

\<tom, Dad, and Ju,hn


CoriHarmon All of y<~our f.-.n,lly ,., '1.0 pr~ud of ~·ou MKI wh.1t y('lu h.w(• ,l((tlmpli ..hl.'d A' y~)ut p.1rmtoo., "hat )'i:'U have done .H l'~(.>ru fit\i~"'!o .l <h.\ph.•r m your hf\' .1n~t m O\lt II\·,... .l"' wcll . •' ' ~vung: p..vrkw-.· did not h.J\'t' the fo"-"i~ht to .tppn_xl.•tt• thl: bl•ncf•t' t'f ,, rolll')tt'l-dU<'olti{'i'll "' ~ (l\1 h.n~ ' '

~·ou grow old('t ~·ou '' iliiNm to appR.'<'l.ltc c-.·o..'f'l more the h.ud wc.1rl.. and hll'k' you put hW..In! thi' gc.).)l. And ~-~.~u will .d-.o lool..\>..1(~ in hnw <'nd r\'.lliJ'l• wh.."'lt ,, hu~l' "'h'P th1' j, in )OI.Ir ltf.t.

A' ,1 lit II~ girl ) ou told l*' ~ ou woul<l b•q;~)in~ t~o') Peru Sc.lh• Colk);'"·· \\c.· lbtl.•nt'<i o\nd w~o• horN m 0\lr hl•arb tNt yOll \•>0'\.lld (MT)' oo th.lt bdtt'f IN d~o..,in: to pur--uc., rollq;..- t.-duc.ltion. Through high school yoo nc,·,•r W.ll\ffld 1n ~ llllf g,NJ,; )'<'U worl..,>d h.ud ,1n.d m.u.tt• u .. pmlkl ,.,,\·h .md t"\ t•ry d.a~. <hl )'OU

were Jl l"cru, h~ ,lftCr ti.n'le we W(lu)d h.Wt JX'<I'pl(' M\"t''lion lh.1t thn hJd

ootia.>d your n.~nw in till.• p.spt•r (or '>Ofrn.•thing you hold done-Or .)((Otl\plisiiC'd We were '('I proud but coukl only ..milt• and tt.'lltht•m th.lt m: "t.'o.'">ltnpl~ th('~ for ~vppore. th.lt 1t" ""you who '''('t'C to~ coogr.Jtulatt.-d (or .11J th.r good thin~ h·'PP't-"nin~\'lr'" h.1w w.1tchc.>d \'OU b...'OOn"t(' .1 l'-t.·.luh(u.l NilS bright )'(ltm~ wom'.1n t.~.-lgt.-r to liw lift'. YCIU tw,,·t.• m.xJe .1 hug(' dlfft•J"tn«' ln our Ji,·,--s and c-\'t'l},..,not.• you tt..n•toucht.'\5. P.tn"flb <ould ......:

Love, Mo"' and

~more proud to c.111 you tht.·rr daul4htt.'f. w.._. lo\·(' you with Jll our he.Ht-.. .lnd lnQw wh.at· 1.'\"t•r you C"h()()'.C to do rn lif\' )"tlU wrllrtni'I'ICf'oe' \'OON..'If into it fullv. \\'e low vou .u'<S wrll ;IW.\}'' b(' there foi you.


Michael Winter \-\'hen we look at you, we SC'C the cute, and omcrr little boy that was, and the handsome, thoughtful man you have become. You have your father·~ strong will, but tender heart, and these two quJlitics arc .1 gift.

'We are bl~ beyond me,, sun.~ to ha"e a son like you. 'VVc LOVE you and wi'h you all or life's best, and you must accept nothing less. Remember, every day b a gift, which i> why it bcalled the pre.ent, >0 go out there and untie the ribborb of your life.

We LOVE you, Mom and Dad

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Whllt"-d Jr., I h'\lll, 4~ \\'ld..uJ, lhtliNi '" \\k~w.ch.l'I'\."JUt3ft..M.IOJ,ID


k. Jt-uac• 3.-;

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\\'illWM, k)l\'n 73 \\~Laut.a6'1

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\\ ihcon. Ju..hn .;h \\'a bon, Run 11\, 4t>. 11 Wu~fk•,l\k·llf•41l

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\\'f1tht-rt. J.,U"Il' flo1, 1I 1 W()ll.N\. 1\.KW hl \\'01..J.fk*-H'- t4 \\ODd, /.()I.JC'17b, IIQ \\ro~\, P.atnck 1.21

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~"""'"" Ac.adnnio to.' Pt-oplr 102

....._'nk'lr Congr.thli.ttaoru. 12-4 Ad\if111~bi'O

lode-" 1:\2

Whe11 witlr tlris old stub pen I'm tlrrouglr No more to lrit tire pace tlrat kills. I'm coming down to Old Pent To get a /rome among tire /rills. -BIX, 1909 Penrvimr

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