Farnham 1cKenzie new build ing--chapel buil d ing 1885 new equipment nthe chapel at t hat time wa s in the tlir d s to~J and while t he sta irs were f ai~ly easy, it was d iffi cult for the students to a scend and descent t v i ce each day and to a t tend to gener a l meetings of the schoom. At the next meeting of t he l egisl a ture an a ppr opr i at i on 1vas made for t he new addition and it 1-ras c ompl e t ed in t he ¡ summer of 1885. " As t h ere had been no s uitable rooms for chemical and phy s ica l science apparatus, or for proper r e cita t i on r ooms f or the us e of that depa rtment 9 t he bas ement under t he new chapel building was fitted up and devoted t o t hat purpos e . . "Professor Farnham then induced the b oard to purchase a large number of i mportant pieces of apparatus especially for t he stuqy of light and electricity. A f ine second hand microscope of a very hi gh power was secured. As Profe s s or Gr ant of the sci en ce department did not succeed in adjusting t he l enses satisfa ct orily 9 Profe ssor Bessey of t he state univer sity was asked to lend his skill. He came and succeeded in f ixing ito "A fine spect roscope was a lso purchased and many other val u able piec es~ so that the department of science vias put in condition t o do good ~vork for the schoolo" ( 1 "During tqe s econd year of ? rof essor Farnham ' s principalship , t h e teacher of mat hematics 1..ras given the subject of astronomy==probably ¡J. M. HcKenzi e= also.. He procured at his own expense a f irst class t elescope of t wo-inch obj ect gl ass , and made the study a s pr ac t ical a s p os sibl e . Th e principal took great in~ erest in thms class and suggested to the teacher t ha t he make a s t udy of t he su:f'.face , of the sun." (t l..)