Condition of Original Building

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condition of original building in the beginning Cl.evenger rules of conQ.uct " •••was heated with vrood stoves in each room. Chimneys ·had been bui.l.dt into the walls on each side and end, placed so the, stoves or··each room on each story coul.d be qonnected·. Room rent in ·the Dortl'l~tory was four dollars a· term. ~,or that amount· the student got a t'll'ood stove. · ~lhen the board· met in"Jyly, 1869,"'plans were made to reerect a stair £rom the third .f'l.oor to the belfry. ·Stoves were·to·be purchased for·ttoienty rooms vrith certain other· necessities,. on siX months time if· possible." · ••• for fuel, coal oil for the kerosene lamps and other incidents there was a tax o£ 40 centx a week. ·Board in the hall was three dollars per tveek." "the students were forbidden to attend games of chance, such as cards, etc. • l.ounging about stores or saloons, the unpermitted association of' the sexes. The .f'reshmen £ound this ruling. No young man shall come within ten feet of a young l.ady 't-.Then on the street or campus. ~'lh n seeing a friend ht>me in the evening he ma.y take one side of' the road and she the other. Also, students were to ••• attend publio t.rorship on the Sabbath unl.ess excused. 'vlomen students of the school were permitted to practice Dio Lewis Gymnastics and musical. dances •" "ln. the spring of 1868, the board tll'ent on record as opposed to th~ use of' tobacco by students and members of the faculty." "Those passing an examination before the .Principal in Arithmetic, through common .f'ractions; geography, through the United States and general questions; English Grammar, to syntax;; writ~ng and spelling were admitted." ·

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