Dormitory furnishings and expenses
Colle ge cata l ogues
1 870--"There a re rooms in the building suff icient to a ccommodate forty l adi e s. Many of these boa rd themselves at a very trifling expense. Tge rooms a re only furnished with a c ommon box heating s tove, and must be othenvise furnished at the ex_ ense of t h e student; •• e Within a short distance of the building are four families wh o furni sh board at reason able rates to those not 1ds hing to board t hems elves. Gentlemen will f ind good comfortable rooms in the village until othe r buildings sha ll be erected on the 1 ormal School grounds. 11 ( p .l9) · --Room rent in t h e building $4 per term per schollar. Rent in the villa ge about the s ame . 11 l 876-7---11 Room rent in dormitory, fall term (16 Heeks), $5 .00; winter term, $9 .00; s pring term, $).00. Rooms in dormitory are furnis hed Hith stoves, bedsteads, tables, and cha irs. All other articles n eeded mus t be furnished by the students. l·.Ja shing, .50 cents per dizen. 1A.Tood, $3.50 to $5.00 per cord . ~1any students rent r ooms, and boa rd t hemselves a t grea t ly reduced rates. Only l a dy students h ave rooms at tthe dormi t ory . Gentlemen rooming elsewhere can board at the hall i f they desi re to do so. 11 ( p. 21.) Boa rding in private familie s, including fUrni shed rooms, fuel, and light, per week, $).00~ to $4.00; in boarding ha ll, per week, $2.75 to $) . 00; i f paid strictly
in advance, per >·reek , $2.50 to $2.80. 11 ( p . 21)