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Tools, Tips & Techniques

02 June, 2010 issue 162

Under 4s - Under 16s

Pass the buck I call this pass the buck because it’s a continuous exercise where players have to get the ball to a team mate without making a mistake or the buck stops with them and they are out. It needs a good first touch, a smooth follow through and finish through the cones. It works by players receiving the ball with a positive push ahead of them, running and finish with an accurate pass to a player on the opposite side, says David Clarke

How it works l Set up an area 40x30 yards with two 5 yard gates at either end in the centre of the area. l You can set up two or three areas so you don’t have too many players queueing up – use a maximum of six players. l Players must run with the ball and pass through the gates to a player at the other end, who continues the exercise. l If players make a mistake by letting the ball run out of the area or missing the pass through the gates, they are out. l Play it until there is only one player left. Each time all the players complete the course make the cones closer together by half a yard, so it is harder for the players to pass through them. l The exercise is continuous with players running to opposite ends and joining the queue at that end.

Pass the buck 1





This is a continuous drill with players swapping ends. 2

What you want to see l A good first touch, out from under their feet pushed forward into the space in front of them. l Smooth transition from receiving the ball to the pass, with players getting into a running stride. l They don’t need close control because this exercise is about receiving a pass with space in front of them. l Using this technique players can let the ball do the work, while they run behind it, taking no more than three or four touches to get to the gate at the far end of the area. l The players must then get their heads up see their team mate on the other side of the area and pass to them accurately through the gate.

The first touch should push the ball a few yards in front of the player so they can run and use the space quickly. 3

Key coaching points l Encourage and praise good technique and movement. l Don’t worry too much about speed. l For less skilled players give them one or two chances before they are ‘out’ or they will always be the ones standing around.

Players must deliver a good pass through the cones. pass

run with ball

“When I am running with the ball, nothing else matters and I think I am the only person that exists in the entire planet” Barcelona midfielder Lionel Messi


Player development


Under 4s - Under 16s

Skills The artSchool of coaching children Skill 16: The drag back

Drag back 1



Players begin by focusing their eyes on the ball and getting their head and knee over it.

Then put their foot on top of the ball and, staying in contact with the ball, roll it back quickly from heel to toe.

After rolling the ball back players must stop quickly turning to the right and moving off in the opposite direction.

David Clarke’s touchline tales What’s the point in giving up your time when players don’t turn up to training? Last week at training one of the coaches came up to me and Or it could be something harder to change, such as: said: “Only four turned up again tonight. That’s three weeks in a row. What’s the point in me giving up my valuable time?” l A problem could be with him, his style of delivery or a lack of motivational direction. He’s been planning sessions based on the team’s opponents l Poor facilities or infrastructure at the club compared to and specific players in his team, and his players are not turning other local clubs. up. It’s soul destroying but it does happen to a lot of coaches. It’s no use trying to guess what the problem is. To find out why He needs to find out why this is happening because it could be the players are not turning up he should contact each player something simple that is easily put right, such as: and speak to them directly. Once he has found the reasons it’s important he sits down and plans how he is going to address l The players are not enjoying the training. each one. He should include other coaches, players and l The team is on a losing steak and the players’ motivation is parents in any plan to overcome the problem. affected by this. l A poor run of weather, where overhead and underfoot it’s It is vital he makes it clear to his players that the problem been so bad any quality work has been diluted and thus the is being addressed. It is also important that he shows players lose interest. enthusiasm for what he is doing when implementing the plan. 2

02 June 2010

Player development


Under 4s - Under 16s


Behind you! If the exercise on page one is about a smooth transition through the gears to get from receiving to passing then this is fast and furious – it’s a chasing game with a skill. You can use it for your pre-season work outs because it has a very good fitness element with fast movement, changes of pace and keeping the ball under control when the player has the added pressure of being chased, says David Clarke

How to play it

Running with reverse pass

l Put down two cones 20 yards apart – further/closer depending on the physical fitness of your players. l You need players at each end of the exercise. l Play starts at one end with a player running with the ball. l When they get to the far end they must pass to the player at that end with a reverse pass – so they must run past the first player in the queue and use a backheel pass across the standing leg – see diagram 2 (right). l The receiving player starts running to the opposite end, the player who has made the reverse pass must turn and give chase. l When players get to the far end the player with the ball reverse passes to a player at that end then turns and gives chase. l The original chasing player joins the back of the queue.



Running between two cones the first players sprints with the ball to the far cone. 2

Key coaching points l When running with the ball players should use the laces for each touch, making sure they run in a straight line. l Players must run as fast as they can, complete the skill and turn to give chase. l Make sure your players put maximum effort into this exercise so they get all the benefits of fitness and skills.

When players get to the far end they reverse pass to the first player in the queue. 3

Change the pass

After the reverse pass the player turns and chases the receiving player to the opposite end.

l If your players are having trouble with the reverse pass across the front of the standing leg get them to try a normal backheel. Even this may be hard with some young players, but keep pushing this skill – they will get it with practice.

reverse pass run with ball


reverse pass

02 June 2010

Games workshop


Under 4s - Under 16s

Small-sided game

Play out, go out



This game is a 4v4 built around a simple 2v2 where players must bring team mates on the side into play to score goals

Set up l Pitch size: 30 x 20 yards up to 40 x 25 yards. l Two teams of four players. l No goals. l Both teams must have two players on the pitch and two players on the outside of the pitch. l If the ball leaves play, pass a new ball onto the pitch.

1. The white team are in possession in a simple 2 v 2 game.

Rules l The aim of the game is to make a pass out to a teammate. l The passing player then goes to the outside whilst the receiving player dribbles into the playing area. l A goal is awarded for each successful pass to an outside player. l The game is played for a set time period.

2. A white player passes to his team mate off the pitch.


3. A successful pass means the two players swap roles.

Soccer Coach Weekly is published by Green Star Media Ltd, Meadow View, Tannery Lane, Bramley, Guildford, GU5 0AB, UK. Email: Tel: +44 (0)1483 892894 Fax: +44 (0)1483 894148 Editor David Clarke Publisher Kevin Barrow Managing Director Andrew Griffiths Customer Service Representative Duncan Heard Š Green Star Media Ltd. All rights reserved.


02 June 2010

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