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Classifi eds
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DEADLINE: Monday prior to each issue

Auto Sales & Service ........ 35 Employment .................... 35 Public Notices ................. 35 Save the Date .................. 36 Yard Sales ....................... 36 Home Services ........... 36-38 Misc. Services .................. 38 Misc. for Sale .................. 38 Misc. Wanted .................. 38 Real Estate ...................... 38
KNIGHT IMPORT SPECIALTY SERVICE. European Auto Service & Repair. Specializing in factory-scheduled maintenance and repairs. BMW, Audi, Volvo, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Mini, and Porsche. 32 years experience. 4559 US Hwy. 220, Summerfi eld (across from Food Lion). (336) 337-0669.
SAM'S AUTO BODY SHOP. Any type of body work. 45 years exp. (336) 965-7955.
CHOICE TIRE AND AUTOMOTIVE. Oil changes, inspections, alignments and general automotive repairs. 1080 US Hwy 66 S, Kernersville, NC. (336) 992-9002.

FULL-TIME OFFICE ASSISTANT needed for local accounting fi rm. Responsibilities include general offi ce duties, client assistance, staff and administrative support. Prior offi ce experience required. Send resume to offi ce@samanderscpa.com.
Local WATER WELL DRILLING company looking to hire a person to assist with well pump installations. CDL class A or B is a plus. Ability to lift and work outdoors. Must have a valid driver's license and pass a background check. Pay based on skill level. Willing to train the right person. Paid medical, holidays, vacation. (336) 451-9775.
KENNEL MAINTENANCE STAFF. Now hiring at Friendly Pets of Greensboro. Grooming, feeding and administering medications; cleaning up after puppies. Starting at $10/hour, full-time/part-time available. (336) 294-8101.
MT. PISGAH WEEKDAY SCHOOL. Here we grow again! We are looking for energetic lead and assistant teachers for Fall 2022. If you have a passion for early education, we are the place for you. Please send resume to mpws@mtpisgahgso.org.
IN-HOME AIDES/CNAs. We are hiring compassionate, hard-working, friendly and reliable in-home aides & CNAs to provide assistance with personal care and home management tasks for clients in their home. Send resume to careers@cbhomecare.com.
KING'S CROSSING ANIMAL HOSPITAL. Seeking experienced full-time veterinary assistant and experienced full-time receptionist. Competitive pay with benefi ts. Call (336) 644-7606 for more info. OAK RIDGE PHYSICAL THERAPY. Physical Therapist Aides. Two part-time positions available starting this summer, one each at our Oak Ridge and Summerfi eld clinics. Perfect for a GAP year after college graduation and prior to going to physical therapy or graduate school. M-F from 1:30-6:15pm. Perform a variety of tasks including: laundry, cleaning, scheduling patients, calling patients, assistance with patient care as directed, misc. Must be CPR certifi ed. Background criminal, drug & fi nancial check will be done. Mail resume to: PO Box 875, Oak Ridge, NC 27310.
The Northwest Observer covering local matters
since 1996!
OR AUCTION of articles in the possession of the Piedmont Triad International Airport Police Department. Notice is hereby given that the Piedmont Triad International Airport Police Department has in its possession bicycles, small electronics (cell phones, tablets, laptops), watches, jewelry, wallets, purses, clothing, keys, knives, etc., that have been collected through seizure, confi scation or Found Property. These items have been in the possession of said Police Department for more than the statutory required days. All persons who have or claim any interest therein are requested to make and establish such claim or interest to the Piedmont Triad International Airport Police Department’s Evidence and Property Section no later than 30 days from the date of this publication. All claims for said property must be made to the Piedmont Triad International Airport Police Department, (336) 665-5642 or at 1000a Ted Johnson Parkway, Greensboro, North Carolina. The Police Department will off er all unclaimed items for donation, destruction, or auction after the 30 days. This notice is given in accordance with Section 15-12 of the General Statues of North Carolina.
PUBLIC HEARINGS. Oak Ridge Town Council will hold two public hearings at its regular meeting on June 2, 2022, at 7pm at Oak Ridge Town Hall.
A. A public hearing will be held to consider the fi scal year 2022-23 budget ordinance. Copies of the budget are available at Town Hall and on the Town website at www.oakridgenc.com.
B. A public hearing will be held on the question of voluntary annexation of areas for which the Town of Oak Ridge has received petitions for voluntary annexation from all the owners therein as authorized by the N.C. General Assembly. All persons owning property in the areas to be annexed who allege an error in any such petition shall be given an opportunity to be heard, as well as residents of the Town of Oak Ridge who question the necessity for such annexation. The Town Council will thereafter determine whether the petitions meet the statutory requirements for voluntary annexation and upon such determination may pass an ordinance annexing such areas.
continued on p. 36
FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT Farmers Market. Stokesdale United Methodist Church, 8305 Loyola Drive, Stokesdale, is open every Tuesday, 4-7pm, until Oct. 25.
FAMILY VBS. Tuesday, June 14, through Friday, June 17, 6-8pm. Living Water Baptist Church, 9516 W. Market St., Colfax. Ages 3 thru adult. Lite dinner provided each night. Please register @ lwbctriad.org/events.
CHILDREN'S BUSINESS FAIR IS BACK! Join us at Oak Ridge Park on Sat., June 18, 1-4pm, for a market featuring businesses by kids! More info: childrensbusinessfair.org/ stokesdale.
Something going on?
We’ll help get the word out!
Place your Save the Date classified ad online at www.nwobserver.com.
WILLARD OAKS COMMUNITY yard sale sponsored by Ramilya Siegel. Saturday, June 4, 7am-noon. Take Hwy. 150 to Chalet Drive, Oak Ridge.
YARD SALE. Saturday, June 4, 8-11am. 4700 Ridge Fall Road, Greensboro.
NEIGHBORHOOD YARD SALE! Sat., June 4, 8am-noon. The Vineyards at Summerfield. High-end household, children's/ sporting goods, dorm room and other furniture, clothing items. Multiple sales throughout neighborhood. Please, no early birds.
MOVING SALE! Sat., June 4, 8am-noon. 6108 Chalet Dr., Oak Ridge. We are downsizing. Must get rid of lots of stuff. Great variety.
A-ACTION AIR. Air-conditioning check-up, $59.95. (336) 268-6768 or (336) 382-3750.
Wash, sanitize, dry, fold and deliver to you the next day. Please call (336) 645-5827. HOUSE CLEANING. Serving Stokesdale, Oak Ridge & Summerfield. Weekly/biweekly. I have been cleaning houses in the area for over 15 yrs. I have a few openings. References and free quotes. Contact Mary Jordahl, (336) 362-5756.
PAOLA CLEANING SERVICE. Residential & commercial. Insured. (336) 669-5210
CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDOW CLEANING Gutter cleaning, pressure washing. Fully ins. windowcleaningnc.com.(336) 595-2873.
CHRISTIAN MOM needs work cleaning houses, running errands. Will fit to your budget. Pet taxi/pet sitting also avail. References. Call Laura Bennett, (336) 231-1838.
NEED HELP WITH CLEANING? Kimberly South Cleaning Service. House cleaning, vacation homes, offices. Linen service. Licensed, insured & bonded. (828) 855-4651.
ANNASARAH'S CLEANING. Excellent references. Trustworthy. Family owned business. Free estimates. (336) 543-3941.
DO YOU NEED HELP with CLEANING? Carolina Cleanin has openings. Call while still available, (336) 399-0421.
THE CLEANING TECHNICIAN LLC. Back in business. Spring cleaning is just around the corner. I would like to offer my cleaning services. I do detailed cleaning. Licensed, bonded, insured and vaccinated. Call Lisa, (336) 207-0770.
MAID-2-SHINE. Excellent service, 15 years experience. Free estimates, excellent references. (336) 338-0223
PLACE YOUR AD: nwobserver.com
BLISSFUL ART & FRAMING. SHOP LOCAL! Framing, gifts, graphic design. 4533 Hwy. 220 N., Summerfield. (336) 298-4502.
& personal furniture shopper will help you with style, color, shopping & furniture placement. E-mail appeninc@gmail.com or call Ann Appenzeller, (336) 314-1411.
Do you have ELECTRICAL NEEDS? Call Coble Electric LLC at (336) 209-1486.
CKH ELECTRIC, LLC. Give us a call for your next residential, commercial, or industrial project. Free estimates. Licensed, insured, and BBB accredited. (336) 414-4899.
BALEX ELECTRICAL COMPANY, LLC. Residential, commercial and solar electrical services. (336) 298-4192.
Installation of hardwood, laminate & tile; hardwood sanding & finishing. Commercial & residential. Insured, 17 yrs. exp. Free est., exc. references. Call (336) 215-8842 or visit Monteros-hardwood-flooring.com.
GREENERTIMES SMALL ENGINE Sales & Service Center. All types sold and repaired; comm./res. 9428 NC Hwy. 65, Stokesdale. (336) 548-9286 or (336) 312-3844.
AFFORDABLE HOME REPAIRS. One call fixes all! A+ with BBB. For a free estimate call (336) 643-1184 or (336) 987-0350.
See display ad on page 22.
CLOCK SERVICE. Free house calls for sick clocks. 8103 Windspray Dr., Summerfield. (336) 643-9931.
"We get you mowing!" Comm./res., all models. 2103 Oak Ridge Rd., Oak Ridge. Call (336) 298-4314, LandTsmallengineservice.com.
APPLIANCE REPAIR – Call Mr. Appliance A step above the rest! (336) 609-5707.
LOW-COST GARAGE DOORS. Repair and sales. 35 years exp. (336) 207-1003.
“Providing value for the home-ownership experience.” Gary Gellert, serving NC’s Piedmont Triad area. Garygellert@gmail.com, (336) 423-8223.
CLEAN-UP & HAULING. Lots, yards, natural areas, houses and barns. Most any type of debris removal. Call Steve, (336) 643-1119.
GAULDIN TRUCKING, grading & hauling, bobcat work, lot clearing, driveways, fill dirt, gravel, etc. (336) 362-1150.
H&L GRADING, LLC. No job too tough or too small. Call us first! We are a full service grading company that specializes in residential projects. Owner/Operator Timmy Hart has more than 30 years of grading and equipment experience. Fully licensed and insured. Land clearing, debris removal, driveways, French drains and much more. Call Bobby Lipstreu, (336) 543-7867.
E&W HAULING & GRADING INC. Driveways, fill dirt, demolition, lot clearing, excavating, bobcat work, etc. (336) 451-1282.
The Northwest Observer
Keeping you connected since 1996!
Excavating, land clearing, demolition, dirt, available. Zane Anthony, (336) 362-4035.
DTW GRADING & HAULING, INC. Offering a sum of aggregates, including but not limited to: fill dirt, stone, asphalt millings, and crushed concrete. We also offer full bobcat services. Driveways, minor clearing, drainage solutions and snow removal. Daniel Wilson, (336) 339-0212.
BRAD'S BOBCAT & HAULING SVCS. LLC. Debris removal, grading, gravel/dirt, driveways, concrete work. (336) 362-3647.
WILSON Seamless Gutters
Installation, repair, replacement, Leaf Guard Stokesdale 336-420-0200
S&M SEAMLESS GUTTERS. Install new gutters. Repair and clean old gutters. Free estimates. Fully insured. (336) 587-8223 or (336) 709-5944.


DeLima Lawn Care

commercial & residential

Available 7 days/week

mowing ● pruning ● mulch/pine needles & much more Owner: JC Ruiz ● 336.669.5210
licensed & ensured ● working in the area since 2005 FREE ESTIMATES
EXTERIOR GREENSCAPES. Lawn maintenance service. Call for a free estimate (336) 682-1456.
BELEWS LAWN CARE, LLC. A veteranowned and operated business providing aff ordable, quality lawn care to the greater Triad area. We are fully insured and off er a veteran and fi rst responder discount! Casey Bolt, (336) 601-3702.
ORTIZ LANDSCAPING, complete lawn care. Trimming, cleaning, planting & mulch, gutter cleaning, patios & pavers, waterfalls, retaining walls, sidewalks, stonework. Residential and commercial. (336) 280-8981.
STRAIGHT EDGE LAWN CARE. Free estimates. Please call (336) 306-0274.
SOUTHERN CUTZ LAWN CARE. Off ering complete lawn maintenance services, landscaping, bush hogging, privacy fence installation/repair/staining, and stump grinding. Nathan Adkins, (336) 430-6086.
COLFAX LAWNCARE. Core aeration & seeding. Fertilizing, mowing, trimming, pine needles. Complete lawn care maintenance. Res./comm. Fully insured. Serving the Triad for 33 years. (336) 362-5860.
Pine needles, mulch, leaf removal, tree pruning, complete lawn maint. (336) 655-6490. HILL LAWNCARE & OUTDOOR SERVICES. Free est. Call (336) 669-5448.
WILSON LANDSCAPING, INC. Lawn maint., landscaping. Irrigation/ landscape contractor. Hardscaping & landscape lighting. 26 years exp. (336) 399-7764.
AQUA SYSTEMS IRRIGATION. Quality irrigation systems. NC licensed contractor. We service all systems. Free est. (336) 644-1174.
Holliday “Every day’s a” Tree Service
Providing professional and quality tree care since 1983
Call us and let us help you with your next tree project 336-362-7966
Summerfi eld
Total tree removal, storm damage cleanup, shrub and tree pruning. Free estimates. Licensed & insured. (336) 643-9157.
STEVE NEWMAN TREE SERVICE. 40+ years experience. Any type of tree, shrubbery and landscaping work. Oak Ridge. (336) 643-1119.
INTEGRITY TREE SERVICE, LLC. Tree removal, risk assessment, tree pruning, dead wood removal. Competitive pricing. Fully insured. Owner-operated. Call for free estimate, (336) 210-8310.
CM STUMP GRINDING, LLC. Family owned and operated. Commercial/residential. Free quotes! (336) 317-4600.
NEW PHASE CONCRETE. Here for all your decorative concrete needs. Specializing in decorative stamp, stained, epoxy and all other concrete poured fi nishes as well. Also off ering refurbishment of existing stamped concrete. Make your existing stamped look like new again! (336) 399-1474 or (336) 595-4654. SOUTHERN STYLE Concrete & Landscape. How about a new patio or fi re pit? We can help with all of your outdoor living and entertainment spaces! Fire pits, driveways & sidewalks, patios and more! Give us a call at (336) 399-6619 for all your concrete and landscape needs.
Flake Epoxy Systems Garage Floor and Concrete Resurfacing Decorative Concrete Overlays
Eric Sauls, Owner ● (336) 970-3543 Call for your free estimate
COLONIAL MASONRY. 40 yrs. exp. Specializing in outdoor living spaces; dry-stack natural stone and fl agstone. Let us help you plan your patio, fi re pit, fi replace, kitchen – or anything else you would like! Call (336) 949-9019. www.colonialmasonry.com.
COX POOL SERVICE. Openings, closings, routine maintenance, weekly service. No contracts, free estimates! (336) 327-5122.
JUNK & DEBRIS REMOVAL, construction, remodeling, and general cleanup, outbuildings, garages, basements, yard waste, etc. Also can haul mulch. Call (336) 706-8470.
PEARMAN QUARRY LCID. Inert debris landfi ll. Yard waste, concrete, etc. Mulch and fi ll dirt available. (336) 803-2195 or (336) 558-7673.
ON EAGLE'S WINGS residential home design/drafting. Call Patti, (336) 605-0519.
company should be here!
Place your ad online: nwobserver.com
BEK Paint Co.
Residential & Commercial
David & Judy Long, owners (336) 931-0600
• References Available • Licensed & Insured • All Work Guaranteed
STILL PERFECTION PAINTING. Reliable, skilled, aff ordable. Painting, pressure washing, handyman services. Scott Still, (336) 462-3683, stillperfectionpainting.com.
Follow us on Facebook and keep up with all the northwest-area news!
LAWSON'S PAINTING. Custom decks, pressure washing, boat docks, block fi ll, wood repair, stain work, textured ceilings, sheetrock repair. Call (336) 253-9089.
PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR, 40 yrs. exp. Sheetrock repair. Average BDRM walls $100. Insured. Call Brad Rogers, (336) 314-3186.
working in NW Guilford County since 1999 Residential • Commercial • Licensed & Insured
Available 7 days/week
emergencies, parties, preparing for guests, etc. Ask us about PRESSURE WASHING Owner: Carlos Ruiz
336.669.5210 ● carlospainting14@live.com FREE ESTIMATES
BRANSON PLUMBING & SOLAR. No job too small! Experienced, guaranteed. Lic./ Ins. Cleanliness in your home is our #1 priority. Call Mark, (336) 337-7924.
SIGNATURE PLUMBING. Local, experienced, clean, and work is guaranteed. Please call (336) 279-6196. continued on p. 38
WEBSTER & SONS PLUMBING, Inc. (336) 992-2503. Licensed, insured, bonded. 24/7 service. Plumbing, drain cleaning, well pumps. Give us a call, we do it all! Go to www.webstersplumbing.com for more info.
PRESSURE WASHING, gutter & window cleaning. Fully insured. Crystal Clear, www. windowcleaningnc.com or (336) 595-2873.
PRESSURE WASHING & LANDSCAPING. High school kid looking to make some money this summer. Very reliable. Please call (336) 501-1049.
HOUSE and ROOF SOFT WASHING. Martin's Pressure Washing. (919) 931-0856.
KEITH SMITH CONSTRUCTION, LLC. N.C. general contractor with 30 years experience. Specializing in new homes, room additions, kitchens & baths, garages, decks, vinyl siding and windows, painting, tile, laminate and vinyl plank, and remodeling of all kinds. Quality for the right price. Free est. Please call (336) 362-7469.
ORTIZ REMODELING – Total restoration & home improvement. Drywall, painting, kitchen cabinets, interior trim & more. Free estimates. (336) 280-8981.
PAINTING, DECKS AND MORE. Call Premier Construction for free estimates. (336) 430-9507.
AMERICAN BUILDER CONSTRUCTION. Repairs & remodeling, kitchens/baths, additions, decks, attics, basements. Licensed & insured. Short wait list. NC general contractors. (336) 225-7478. BELEWS CREEK CONSTRUCTION. Kitchens/baths, custom decks, garages, dock work, siding, windows, roofi ng, rotted wood. Sr. disc., 41 yrs. exp. (336) 362-6343.
New construction, remodeling, additions, kitchen, bath and decks. We are a locally owned, full-service design and build company, A+ accredited with the BBB. Visit www.myrenovationworks.com or call (336) 427-7391 to start your next project.
Construction Services, INC
BUILDING | RENOVATIONS | ADDITIONS Screened porches | Sunrooms | Eze-Breeze®
(336) 644-8615 office (336) 508-5242 cell
Licensed & insured
NC Gen. Contractor #72797
Your company should be here!
Place your classifi ed ad online at www.nwobserver.com
Lifetime shingle and metal roofi ng. We fi nance. Free Estimates. Since 1979. Please call (336) 362-6343.
CLINARD & SON ROOFING, LLC. 40 + years experience. (336) 643-8191.
PREMIER ROOFING. Commercial/residential. Providing service for all of your roofi ng needs. Locally owned. Please call (336) 430-9507 for free assessments.
DUSTIN CLINARD ROOFING. Shingles, metal, and leak repairs. Call (336) 268-1908


YOGA FOR LARGER BODIES is now in north Greensboro! Deep stretch yoga designed specifi cally for larger bodies by a teacher in a larger body. Join us in my breezy studio or at a private outdoor spot when weather allows. We'll laugh, stretch, breathe and learn to use props to help us fi nd the ease in our practice. Just imagine: walking into a yoga space and seeing other yogis who look like you, then doing sequences that are comfortable and made for your body type. That's what we're all about! If you've been uncomfortable at traditional yoga studios, then this is the group you've been waiting for! We're over 50 strong so far. Join for free @ www.meetup.com/ Yoga-for-larger-bodies. We look forward to seeing you on the mat! &
LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Gated access with 24/7 camera surveillance
We carry moving & shipping supplies (336) 643-9963 • 8207 B & G Court, Stokesdale
PORTABLE WELDING SERVICE. Welding & fabrication services. Call (336) 908-6906.
LOCALLY RAISED 1/4, 1/2, and whole beef shares. 30% steaks, 20% roasts, 50% hamburger. Call John at (336) 560-7657. HOSPITAL BED. Excellent working condition. $400. Call after 4pm, (336) 346-9073. FREE PICK-UP of unwanted riding & push mowers, tillers, generators, power washers, 4-wheelers, ATVs, golf carts, tools, electrical and metal items, etc. (336) 689-4167.
$$$ – WILL PAY CASH for your junk / wrecked vehicle. For quote, call (336) 552-0328.
YARN NEEDED to make children's hats for Samaritan's Purse Shoebox Ministry. Call Beth, (336) 644-8155.
FABRIC NEEDED for Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Ministry to make dresses and skirts for girls. Cotton fabrics work best, any amount. Also need buttons, ribbon, lace trimming, elastic and thread. Call Beth, (336) 644-8155
We Help Everyone!
(336) 643-4248
OAK RIDGE. House for rent. 1,000 SF. 3BD, 2BA, on 1 acre. Walk-in tiled showers. Hardwood fl oors throughout. Granite countertops. Storage building. Guilford County schools. Available 8/1/22. First/last/security and good credit required. No pets. $2,000 per month. Call (561) 254-4387.
BRAND NEW. First time off ered. Summerfi eld address, Rockingham County taxes. One (+/-) acre lots. Excellent building sites! No HOA. Bring your own builder! Call (336) 430-9507 anytime.