Northwest Observer / June 30 - July 6, 2022

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OUR TEAM Patti Stokes, editor/publisher Laura Reneer, marketing manager Kelli Jessup, publisher’s assistant Rene Collins, administrative assistant Yvonne Truhon, graphic designer Leon Stokes, IT director Lucy Smith, finance manager Linda Schatz and Tom McCoy, distribution Chris Burritt, staff writer; Helen Ledford, Lily Pierce and Annette Joyce, contributing writers

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What’s going on at Stokesdale Fire Department? The concrete in front of the building is all torn up. Were there problems with the existing concrete? Todd Gauldin, Stokesdale fire chief, told us the concrete on the front pad is being replaced as part of a preventative maintenance project. Gauldin noted the previous structure was almost 27 years old and was showing signs of wear and tear. “We had planned to do it two years ago but delayed it because we had to address water issues with the building,” he said. As part of the replacement, new drains are being added and the front part of the pad is being widened to allow safer entry for fire trucks

Photo courtesy of Steve Mann

returning to the station. Gauldin said the cost of the project is $57,100, which includes tearing out and hauling away the old concrete, adding the drains, pouring the replacement concrete and widening the pad. By the time this issue goes into circulation, the project should be complete.

Why under the District 1 Sheriff’s report (WEAPONS) were there two reported incidents of gun confiscation?

Red Flag laws are not in place. No reason

What To Do When Hearing Aids Are Not Enough Join us for a FREE and educational event to learn about hearing loss and implantable solutions

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Tuesday, July 19, 2022 10:30am - 12:00pm

hours: vary, so please call before dropping by

Guilford College, Duke Memorial Leak Room, 5530 George Fox Road, Greensboro, NC 27410

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Hear a recipient share their journey and experience with their implant

Concrete in front of Stokesdale Fire Department on U.S. 158 in downtown Stokesdale was recently broken up and carted away to allow for a new pad to be installed.

or authority was stated – what’s the deal? After inquiring further about these incidents, an officer with the District 1 Sheriff’s Office explained that both parties mentioned voluntarily surrendered the weapons because they no longer wanted them but didn’t want to sell them or have them get back out on the streets. Though the term “seized” implies the owners of the firearms gave them up involuntarily, officers sometimes classify incidents such as these as “seized property” because it is the closest incident classification they have to choose from when filing their reports.


An important message from Piedmont Natural Gas HOW TO IDENTIFY A NATURAL GAS LEAK SMELL Natural gas smells like rotten eggs LISTEN Natural gas leaks often cause a hissing sound near a natural gas line or meter

LOOK Natural gas leaks often cause bubbling water, blowing dirt or dead plants. You may also see sinkholes and/or exposed pipe

IF YOU SUSPECT A NATURAL GAS LEAK • Leave the area immediately • DO NOT use anything electrical that may create a spark – this includes a cellphone • Call 911

• DO NOT attempt to locate the source of a leak • DO NOT attempt to stop a leak • Call 811 before you dig anywhere on your property – no matter how small


JUNE 30 - JULY 6, 2022

The Northwest Observer • Totally local since 1996

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