PSIA-RM Summer 2012

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Rocky Mountain Board Representatives Joel Munn, President, Front Range Rick Hinckley, Vice President, Southern District Rick Rodd, Secretary, Member at LargE Fred Rumford, Southern District Donnie Mechalke, Front Range Joe Webster, Western Slope Jane Tarlow, Front Range Tiffany Truitt, Western Slope Robert Lemley, Member at Large Rick Rodd, Member at Large Robin May, Southern District Jason Hartmann, Western Slope PSIA/AASI Representative Peter Donahue COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Barbara Szwebel – Adaptive Chair Jonathan Ballou – Alpine Chair Dusty Dyar – Children’s Chair Patti Banks – Nordic Chair Michael Blanton – Snowboard Chair Jack Sciacca – Member School Chair

“To do great things is difficult; but to command great things is more difficult” Jerry Berg

and they were great friends. With his little girl, he knew Natalie’s potential and always helped her become more aware of it. He always used to tell her that she “had the world by its tails” and he believed it. He would tease her endlessly, always with love. For Ian, his little buddy, he couldn’t shake his shadow. Jerry took Ian under his wing and always appreciated moments to teach Ian something new. These teaching moments were where their relationship fostered. He was a loving husband, father and grandfather and will be greatly missed.


erry Berg “Bergie” was a man who did both. It is with a heavy heart, I share with you that Rocky Mountain and the ski industry lost an icon on June 4th 2012. There are no words to describe the many and lasting contributions Bergie made to our organization and this industry. Bergie was a friend and mentor to so many. There isn’t anyone reading this that knew him and doesn’t have a story about him. Bergie was a 30+ year member of our Education Staff, Alpine Committee Chair, National Demo Team member and lead trainer at every resort he set skis on. Jerry was born on Oct. 23, 1950, and was raised in Auburn, Indiana. He later met Krista at a small Midwestern ski hill and they married and had two children. A natural athlete, Jerry excelled in all chosen sports over his lifetime. He found his true passion in downhill skiing and moved with his family from Wisconsin to Colorado in the early 1970s to become a Vail ski instructor. In 1989, Jerry moved to Aspen and would live there for about 10 years working as the director of training of the Ski & Snowboard Schools of Aspen. His expertise in skiing was an avenue for him to meet so many of his friends and colleagues and it took him around the world to China, Japan, Australia, France, Austria and Italy. He also lived in Crested Butte for a short time before returning to the Vail Valley and married his wife, Dina, and was currently residing in Minturn with his family. Passionate was often a word used to describe Jerry. He was the consummate “tinkerer,” restoring cruiser bikes, sports cars and even houses. He was a visionary, gifted with the talent and skill to create whatever he imagined with his own hands. He always created a “home” with thoughtful touches for every family member, a place for everyone to feel comfortable, including his own zone — the garage. Jerry loved the outdoors, from


the northern lakes of Wisconsin to the plains of Indiana to the Rocky Mountains. He celebrated them through hunting, fishing, camping, cycling and of course, skiing. He was so many things to so many people — a husband, a father, a mentor, a coach and a friend. He was very invested in everyone he knew. He was an honest friend — always blunt, yet charming. He had an ability to irritate yet motivate, inspiring one to do better than they knew they could. He was a friend to all ages. A kid at heart, he was able to relate to children on their level, having fun while setting boundaries and creating structure. He is survived by his adoring wife Dina, brother Michael, and his loving children Jessica and Kiffor. He also leaves behind stepchildren Natalie and Ian, and grandchildren Malcolm and Augusta. Jerry and Dina were soul mates, their story started 25 years ago and their marriage in 2009 brought together the family members that became the family that Jerry always wanted. He and his eldest daughter, Jessica, shared a great relationship — he was a friend, a coach and a father. He taught her how to not only enjoy the view around her but to step into it and experience it. To his son Kiffor, Jerry was his hero. Kiffor always emulated him. They were constant competitors chasing each other up passes on their bikes or down the hill on their skis, each one taking a turn at being the champ. They were father and son

Please share your memories of Jerry in the Facebook group, “Friends of Jerry Berg The Bergie’s Best Scholarship Fund

The Bergie’s Best Scholarship Fund has been set up in Jerry’s name through the PSIA-RM Education Foundation. Contact the PSIA-RM office at 970-879-8335 or donations may be sent to: PSIA-RM Education Foundation, PO Box 775143, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 To our mentor and friend…you were an inspiration to all and will never be forgotten. A


Jerry Byrd

t is with great sorrow that I let you all know that Jerry Byrd has unexpectedly passed away. Jerry was a long time bicyclist and he and his wife were on a trip in Arizona doing exactly that. He apparently died of a heart attack in his sleep. For those of you who didn’t know Jerry, he was the ski school director from the late 1980’s through the 2003 season at Pajarito. Jerry was one of the nicest and most caring guys on the face of the earth. We were fortunate enough to see him up skiing several times this past season. He will be greatly missed. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. A PSIA-RM/AASI SUMMER 2012

Educational Insight By Dave Schuiling, Director of Education

and communication. Social media plug-ins will be in sync with our new web site to allow multiple ways to access the information you need to be successful during your busy winter on snow. Recognizing that we often teach during “normal business hours”, you’ll have access to more information 24/7. As an added bonus, the RM administrative office will be expanding its hours of operation to assist with questions you may have before 8:00 AM and after 5:00 PM. Office hours will be posted on the website as we get closer to the season. Key Events and Sessions


ow summer travels fast! Just when our feet are really enjoying sandals, soon enough we’ll be cramming them back into our “supportive” footwear. With snow just around the corner (yes, we are going to get some this year), our Education Team is busy planning for another banner season. Your discipline committees have been hard at work dialing in new products and making event calendar recommendations with extra input from our member schools. Here’s a few teaser highlights for this upcoming season!

1000 fan barrier! Social media continues to grow and RM plans to utilize all of the resources out there to increase our presence

Education Staff Fall Training Event National Telemark Academy Fall Indoor Sessions Member School Management Seminar Rocky Mountain Trainer and Resort Trainer Event National Adaptive Academy (Ski Spectacular) Fall Workshop Aspen Early Sessions Rocky Mountain Academy Alpine and Snowboard Rocky Mountain Children’s Academy Beaver Creek Sessions Southern District Spring Fling

New Website

Talk about overdue! We are not simply updating, modifying, editing or even sprucing up the old web site. We are abandoning the entire site with a fresh new and extremely intuitive site that should absolutely reduce the following: stress, blood pressure, loss of hair, hypertension, gray hair and even loss of sleep. As an added bonus, your National office in Lakewood is also rolling out a new web site. The RM website will still be your hub for all of the educational materials and event information and will link directly to the event registration page for each event. Our launch date is scheduled for September! 1000+ Fans Strong

The RM facebook page recently broke the

Listed below are a few key events to help you plan out your winter development pathway. We plan to launch our full calendar of events on our new website in September. A

October 28 – 30 October 29 – 30 November 3 – 4 November 3 - 4 November 11 – 13 November 11 – 13 December 3 - 7 December 4 – 5 December 5 – 7 January 15 – 17 January 15 – 17 February 11 - 13 March 23 - 24

Winter Park Taos Aspen Highlands Telluride Vail A-Basin

January 29 – 31 February 5 - 7 February 25 – 27 March 5 – 7 April 10 – 12 April 16 - 18

Snowmass Copper Vail Vail Breckenridge Breckenridge Vail

February 25 – 27 March 27 – 29 April 3 – 5 April 3 - 5 April 15 - 17 April 11 – 12 April 13 - 14

Alpine Exams

L2 & L3 Full Exam L2 Full Exam L2 & L3 Full Exam L2 Full Exam L2 & L3 Full Exam Alpine RMT

Loveland Loveland Dillon Montrose Breckenridge Breckenridge Breckenridge Winter Park Aspen Vail Vail Beaver Creek Purgatory

Snowboard Exams

L2 & L3 Full Exam L2 & L3 Full Exam L2 & L3 Full Exam Snowboard RMT L2 & L3 Full Exam Adaptive RMT Spring Fling


Why Would I Tele? By Jim Shaw


first telemark skied about 30 years ago. A friend of mine thought it was pretty cool. Coincidentally he had a pair of skis and boots (more like shoes) to sell (go figure?). They looked pretty much like cross country skis to me. The only real difference was the metal edges and a plastic thing on the back called a heel locator. I tried lift accessed telemark a few times. It seemed pretty much like a better way to slide down the hill and fall down a lot. Telemark is stupid. As I’m sure many of you know, telemark skiing has been around longer than alpine skiing or snowboarding. There seem to be many references as to when telemark skiing was first officially introduced as a “technique” but it seems that the movements and concept has probably been around for hundreds of years. At some point it became obvious that if a skier’s heels were locked down there was a significant increase in control when sliding down a hill. In addition, if there is no need to walk up the hill there is no need for flexible soles in the boots. Alpine skiing seems to make sense. Why would a skier choose to lift access a ski area and then slide down on a pair of skis and boots that would provide less control? Again, telemark is stupid. In fairness, telemark still has (had) a significant place in the skiing world. Most of the snow covered mountains in the world are not lift accessed. Telemark equipment still has (had) the advantage for traveling uphill and over the snow to gain access to those remote backcountry paradises. Randonee gear (randonee; French for can’t tele) took some time to catch up with the alpine skiing discipline. Nowadays randonee or AT gear (AT; almost tele) has improved significantly. It’s almost common to see skiers with AT setups at lift accessed resorts even though those skiers will not be traveling uphill at all on that day. Some telemark bindings now come with releasable hinge mechanisms that allow for easier uphill travel in effort to “keep up” with AT gear. If a skier can travel uphill on AT/alpine equipment as easily as on telemark equipment and have more control on the slide down why would he or she 4

choose to telemark? Again, telemark is stupid. After my introduction to telemark skiing 30+ years ago I re-entered the sport. (I think I lost a bet). The equipment had changed significantly. Stiffer, higher, plastic boots had been introduced. The skis looked the same as alpine skis. Even the leather boots that people were telemarking in often had plastic parts attached or plastic parts hidden inside in an effort to conceal telemark skiing’s inevitable connection to the downhill/alpine skiing world. Telemark skiing was becoming a lift accessed, resort based discipline. In fact, many telemark skiers have never used their equipment for backcountry travel. They are strictly lift accessed tele skiers who have chosen to slide down the hill with their heels free in their “Almost Alpine” (AA?) gear. So again… As I telemark ski and watch and listen to telemark skiers I wonder why. Why telemark ski if “telemark is…”. It seems many skiers took it up as simply a challenge. It was a way to make the mountain a bigger place. Some like tele skiing for the physical effort that is required when their heels are free. Some skiers seem to like it because the boots are more

comfortable and easier to walk in. Some snowboarders try telemarking as a way to try skiing without having to “Alpine”. A surprising number take up telemarking while teaching their children to ski as a way to keep skiing interesting while on the beginner slopes. I will admit to telemarking for all of these reasons. It is fun to ski on tele gear with the “Alpinos” and keep up knowing that you are equipment challenged. But none of these reasons are what keep me telemarking. I telemark for the grace and beauty of telemark skiing. There is an increase in the range of motion that I can experience and a corresponding increase in the softness and flow I experience. Contrary to what I commonly hear expressed, telemark skiing is easier on my knees and joints (more tiring on my muscles). The increased range of motion often averts the inevitable jarring I feel with locked down heels. I tele ski for the sheer enjoyment of telemark skiing, in and of itself and not as an alternative to anything. Although I love the sticker that I have proudly worn on my helmet telemarking is not stupid. Telemarking is beautiful! A PSIA-RM/AASI SUMMER 2012

Critical Pedagogy By Michael Blanton


e all remember those teachers that would go through educational material asking us to highlight and study certain information that would ultimately be on the test. Some of them had such a monotone delivery that just thinking about them puts me to sleep. For them it was merely about us retaining information long enough to pass the tests. The Bath-Tub theory - memorize seemingly useless information long enough to regurgitate it, then pull the plug and let it all run out. Hopefully some of us also remember the teachers that gave purpose to the education and stimulated our understanding with practical application. For me it was Mr. Pixler, he was my Sociology teacher. As with any class we would cover base information for testing purposes. Memorizing the material would help us to pass tests and get good grades. The information we were accountable for was standard in every high school, as was how we were tested. Mr. Pixler made it a point to take things further. He is a very intelligent man in the ways of connecting textbook information to the “real life” application. Under his guidance we performed case studies within our own school. Asch conformity experiments really stick out in my mind - it was amazing. I created an understanding of the concepts by being a part of the process. There is a Chinese proverb that goes like this - I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand. Mr. Pixler let us know what information we were accountable for, and at the same time lead us to support our own hypotheses based on the nuances and subtleties of any given situation. Long story boring, he is the only teacher that I actually remember what he did and how he did it, all the rest have faded in the memory banks. Mr. Pixler is just one of my teaching heroes, I found more. I started teaching at Nub’s Nob in northern Michigan and ran into Scott Stillings, Telluride with Randy Price and Jeff Patterson when I started with AASI-RM. All of these guys had a great way

of bringing textbook information to life. They didn’t always want textbook answers, and if they did, they wanted to know the reasoning behind the answers. These are my heroes and I do my best to emulate them. Our brain is tasked with many operations minute by minute. On top of it all our subconscious assigns priority to information within our memory. We remember things because they are relevant and crucial to our well being, or success. Like Homer Simpson says “I have to forget some stuff, to remember some stuff.” For me it is algebra, never really used it, never really had to. The certification curriculum within PSIA/ AASI can be very much the same. Some people never teach groups yet they are accountable for class handling and group teaching scenarios. From an educators’ point of view I have to understand this and address the necessity within a certification that requires accountability of that content. I know the “Bath-Tub” could be filling up, only to be emptied after the test. This is when I feel the impact of my heroes - for me to bring relevance to the material as opposed to helping someone memorize material and “pass a test”. Seasoned instructors get frustrated when they go to exams and are not successful with exhibiting the standard. They know and use many of the concepts, but may not refer to them or recognize them as particular models that we use. Our models are limited, and your experiences are not. As Jason Schetrompf wrote about in the last 32 degrees - we need to think beyond the models with a contemporary and practical application. We have to do it to understand, but we also have to understand a base level of information to know that what we are doing is appropriate and hopefully exceptional. A

The official publication of PSIA - Rocky Mountain - AASI P. O. Box 775143 Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 Phone: 970.879.8335 Fax: 970.879.6760 Executive director - Director of Operations - Director of Education - Events Coordinator - website - General Information Submissions of articles, photos or other items for publication are invited. PSIARocky Mountain- AASI members submitting articles of an educational nature with a minimum of 500 words will be reimbursed $100 per published article. Type copy should be double spaced and sent to the editor at the above address. A disk may be submitted along with a hard copy in either PC or MAC formats. All the submitted material is subject to editing. Use of all material will be at the discretion of the editorial staff. Articles are accepted on the condition that they may be released for publication in all PSIA/AASI National and Divisional publications. Instructor to Instructor is published four times per year by the PSIA-Rocky Mountain - AASI divsion. Permission is hereby given to PSIA/AASI and all divisions of PSIA/AASI to copy original materials from the newsletter providing credit is given to PSIA - Rocky Mountain - AASI and the author, and the material is not altered. Articles that contain specific copyright notices may not be reprinted without written permission from the author. Subscriptions: Persons who are not members of PSIA - Rocky Mountain AASI can purchase a one-year subscription of Instructor to Instructor for $15. Send your name and address along with payment to the above address. Note: Materials published in Instructor to Instructor which have been provided by persons in other than an official capacity, or for official purposes, are the responsibility of the author, and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of PSIA-Rocky Mountain - AASI.


INSTRUCTOR TO INSTRUCTOR NEWSLETTER The official newsletter of the Rocky Mountain Division is published four times per year with an average circulation of 6000. The schedule for submission of articles and advertisements is listed below:

Thanks to all the Rocky Mountain member schools for your support during the 2011-12 season! We truly appreciate your support in providing meeting space, helpfulness when events are held at your areas and donation of lift tickets


Winter Spring Summer Fall

December 10 March 10 June 2 August 10

January March June September


• Classified rate for members is $15 for up to 200 characters, and $2.00 for each additional 50 characters. Maximum ad length is 400 characters. • Classified rate for non-members is $30 for up to 200 characters, and $4.00 for each additional 50 characters. Maximum ad length is 400 characters. DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES

• Ads submitted must be camera ready or in digital format. • All ads will be printed in black and white only. • No ad cancellations will be accepted after the submission deadline. Size

Price Width x Height

1/12 page $60.00 1/8 page $90.00 1/6 page $115.00 ¼ page $175.00 1/3 page $220.00 ½ page $330.00 2/3 page $420.00 ¾ page $475.00 Full page $600.00

2.5” x 2.5” 2.5” x 3.75” or 3.75” x 2.5” 2.5” x 5.0” or 5.0” x 2.5” 2.5” x 7.5” or 7.5” x 2.5” or 3.75” x 5.0” 2.5” x 10.0” or 5.0” x 5.0” or 7.5” x 3.35” 5.0” x 7.5” or 7.5” x 5.0” or 3.75” x 10.0” 5.0” x 10.0” or 7.5” x 6.67” 7.5” x 7.5” 7.5” x 10.0”

* Inserts, colors and special arrangements quoted upon request. * All ad prices are quoted per issue. 6

Adaptive Adventures

Never Summer Sun & Ski Sports

Adaptive Athletic Specialists

Pajarito Ski School

Adaptive Ski Program-Santa Fe/Sandia Peak

Powderhorn Ski & Snowboard School

Adaptive Sports Association

Purgatory at Durango Mtn Resort

Adaptive Sports Center of Crested Butte

Red River Snowsports School

Alpenglow Ski Safaris, LLC

Rookie Academy

Angel Fire Ski School

Sandia Peak Snowsports School

Arapahoe Basin

Santa Fe Snowsports School

Arizona Snowbowl

SheRide Snowboard Camp

Beaver Creek Ski & Snowboard School

Sipapu Snowsports School

Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center

Ski Apache Snowsports Learning Ctr

Breckenridge Ski & Ride School

Ski Cooper Ski School

Challenge Aspen

Ski & Snowboard Schools of Aspen

Challenge New Mexico

SOS Outreach

Colorado Discover Ability

Snowy Range

Copper Mt. Ski & Ride School

Sol Vista Basin Ski School at Granby Ranch

Crested Butte Ski & Ride School


Echo Mountain Park

Steamboat Ski & Snowboard School

Eldora Ski School

Steamboat Ski Touring Center

Enchanted Forest Nordic Ski School

Sunlight Ski & Snowboard Education Center

Ernie Blake Ski School

Sunrise Ski School

Eskimo Ski & Board Club

Telluride Adaptive Sports Program

Foresight Ski Guides, Inc.

Telluride Ski & Snowboard School

Gold Run Nordic Center

Vail Ski & Snowboard School

Ignite Adaptive Sports

Vail Nordic Center

Keystone Ski & Snowboard School

Vista Verde Ranch Nordic Center

Loveland Ski School

Winter Park Ski & Snowboard School

Monarch Ski & Snowboard School

Wolf Creek Ski School

National Sports Center for the Disabled

Your support is greatly appreciated!! We look forward to a great 2012-13 season. PSIA-RM/AASI SUMMER 2012

45 Year members at Vail Spring Fling

35 year Members at Vail Spring Fling

Spring Fling 2012 at Vail

Congratulations to anniversary-year members and all who made it a great party!


Jim “Bomber” Banks’ reaction to receiving his 35-year award.

25-year Members at Vail Spring Fling

Dana Forbes with 25-year honoree, Angie Hornbrook.

Clinic participants


Adaptive Skiing or riding anyone? Don’t you teach snow sports already? Barbara Szwebel Adaptive Co-Chair


ost of us take our winter sports for granted. After all that’s why many of us teach them. Granted last winter the snow was not as plentiful, but we still got in some good turns and even the very occasional powder day. For some of our clients that is often not quite that easy, especially if they used to ski or ride, until one day they had an accident, lost a limb, their sense of balance or the voluntary use of part of their body. As instructors we sometimes see people like these out on the mountain and say “Wow that’s great. How can I get involved in teaching that?” We might even ask “How can I help”, but then everyday life gets in the way, until it happens to someone we know. Take that first step and get involved. Yes, some of the equipment can look a bit intimidating, but it is still sliding on the snow. The way to get involved is one step at a time. If you already know the basics of teaching skiing, choose one specific area you would like to work with, such as someone who has lost the use of a limb, but has no cognitive limitations and can still walk around or children 8

who need one on one attention. If you ride, join the Adaptive SB ITC which will give you a great overview. One of the reasons the adaptive certifications are segmented into three distinct groups, is to allow instructors to focus on a few challenges at a time. Yes by the time you get to level 2 or 3 certification we expect you to know more about everything, equipment, teaching, Movement analysis, disabilities and medications, but not right away. Another great way to start is to join us in Breckenridge at the “National Adaptive Academy” which takes place every December, this year from the 3rd-7th. See great teachers in action with over 50 different students in the “Learn to Ski” portion of the “Ski-Spectacular” and join over 120 adaptive instructors from all over the US in the “Continuing Education” Program. Pick a few ½ day or full day clinics addressing your special interests and start expanding your horizons. Yes, you will have to do a little research ahead of time, in order to determine which of the over 50 different clinics you want to choose, but summer might be just the time to

do that. Check out the “Adaptive Snowboard Guide”, now in a revamped version on the National website: http://www.thesnowpros. org/index.php/PSIA-AASI/ snow-day/adaptive/adaptive-education-resources/ or go to the RM website, click Education Materials, Adaptive and browse all the good stuff there: http:// 20Materials/3-Track_4-Track_Adaptive_ Exam_Guide_10-11.pdf I would start with the Adaptive “Exam Guides” either: 3-Track and 4-Track, Mono-Ski, Bi-Ski, Cognitive Disabilities or Visual Impairments. Then check out the “Adaptive Encyclopedia” at the bottom of the page to find descriptions of the disabilities, equipment and other references. Of course if you slide in Aspen, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge, Eldora, Crested Butte, Keystone, Vail, Winter Park or Telluride you might be able to join the adaptive programs there in their training, but don’t wait until next March. Check it out, get involved and make a plan now!!! A PSIA-RM/AASI SUMMER 2012



Aaronson, Jonathan A., Abbott, Craig S., Adams, Evans J., Adelman, David S., Aley, Marianna E., Alvine, Joseph S., Amand de Mendieta, Andres M., Ammons, Katie C., Anderson, Erin, Anderson, Jeff S., Bainbridge, Steve V., Baker, Adam G., Baker, Zachary, Baldwin, Maxwell C., Bancker, Brandon, Barber, Jane C., Barker, Dawn, Barraza, Albert L., Bartlett, Claire M., Baryza, Joanna, Battin, Peter S., Battjes, Jaclyn M., Battjes, William T., Baxter, Andrew J., Beatty, Amanda, Beck, Nikolai, Belin, Dave, Belocopitt, Facundo, Beltramone, Sebastian, Bendl, Catherine A., Bennett, Robert L., Beretta, Megan, Birk, Emily R., Birtwistle, Erin L.; Bland, Kristina; Blech, Edward A.; Bloch, Bob; Block, Courtney; Bobadilla, Tomas; Bohn, Mark; Bolioli, Paul; Bolton, Douglas M.; Borden, Timothy R.; Borg, Kaleb; Brack, Kimberly L.; Braisted, Meg L.; Bray, Simon S.; Breen, John M.; Britt, Paul A.; Bronisz, Dimitry L.; Brown, Lauren E.; Brown, Michael E.; Brown, Nicholas; Brown, Riley D.; Brown, Travis M.; Bucholz, Ethan R.; Budzynski, Artur; Burstein, Pablo D.; Butler, Jerry C.; Buzbee, Stephen N.; Caffrey, Sean M.; Caira, Kelly; Calder, William C.; Callicott, Christina M.; Campbell, Sean W.; Canino, Addison A.; Carey-Hatch, Owen E.; Carlson, Trevor L.; Carusi, Kelly E.; Casmey, Duane S.; Caudle, Tessa C.; Charles, Brian A.; Chatellard, Sean; Chi, Chris G.; Chorney, Ian M.; Clapper, Trevor; Clary, Edgar D.; Clausen, Emily R.; Clements, Cassie; Coale, Amanda; Coffin, John M.; Cohen, Evan M.; Collins, Gillian E.; Comerford, Kathleen; Compton, Brent W.; Conarroe, Andrew P.; Conrad, Thomas

V.; Conti, Riccardo; Cook, Dennis A.; Cook, Ryan W.; Corgan, Scott L.; Corin, Martia; Corrigan, Kerrilynn; Cortese, Thomas M.; Coscia, Anthony; Cotton, Blake; Coulter, Cody E.; Crawford, John R.; Curry, Michael F.; Daniel, Tamera G.; Danziger, Michael A.; Daoud, Nabil J.; Das Neves Rosi, Agustin; Davies, Max R.; Davis, Alex Z.; Dean, Tracy B.; Deason, Iain C.; Deatherage, Laura; Decesari, Ryan D.; Degerberg, Whitney; Delaney, Pat L.; Deming, Robert F.; Denise, Pete M.; DeRamus, Bradley J.; Dickson, Cristina; Dillie, Justin J.; Divano, Carla A.; Dobrot, Laurence; Doby, Elizabeth M.; Dole, Nathan S.; Doll, Tomas; Donnelly, Benjamin D.; Donnelly, Kevin J.; Dooley, Kevin P.; Doro, Alexandra H.; Draper, William; Drayton, Tyler M.; Drury, Hannah F.; Dudycha, Lindsay N.; Dunconsen, Michael A.; Dutch, Anna; Dwyer, Keara M.; Easton, Nicole M.; Edmunds, Kizaray; Edwards, Alison E.; Edwards, Ashley; Eisner, Heather L.; El Barri, Shadia N.; Elgqvist, Anna; Elguero, Sebastian; Ellsworth, Joshua P.; Elwell, Jeffrey A.; Emmons, Byron J.; Entenman, Shami A.; Eppich, Constance J.; Erfling, Amy; Ernst, Joseph; Esch, Nina E.; Estes, Adrienne E.; Evans, Christopher J.; Evans, Lynn L.; Fanning, Blake; Faust, Timothy O.; Feaver, Kristen R.; Feller, Landon D.; Felts, Robert M.; Fergus, Corwin; Fernandez, Camila; Fersch’, Matt T.; Fincher, Elizabeth C.; Finley, Amber L.; Fisher, Julianna D.; Flora, Brittney L.; Flower, Cari C.; Flynn, Andrew B.; Foote, Christopher W.; Fox, Matthew; Franke, Jeffrey; Freeman, Edward; Freeman, Eric; Frey, Terrin; Frumusa, Joseph R.; Fulton, Molly E.; Garbowski, Magda; Garcia Barros, Juan Cruz; Garrigues, Christina M.; Gately, John H.; Gates, Stuart S.; Gawel, Rafal; Geffon, Ryan; Gelety, Timothy W.; Geralis, Pantelis; Gershenzon, Aaron J.; Giangreco, Matt J.; Gibbs, Steven L.; Gienger, Wilfred H.; Gildesgame, Emma; Gillman, Andrew; Gladden, Joan; Glickman, Matthew L.; Goedecke, Paul A.; Goeden, Adam J.; Goerner, Johana K.; Goins, Zach M.; Golas, Calen S.; Goldsmith, JuliaMcKenzie; Golej, Thomas A.; Gonzales, Brett M.; Gordon, Ashley J.; Green, Andrew; Green, Dennis; Green, Scott A.; Greer-

Carney, Obadiah O.; Grego, Camila; Greig, Sondra; Grimsson, Fridrik M.; Grinzinger, Nathan D.; Grisham, Robert C.; Gross, Michael N.; Guardino, John P.; Guenther, Eric B.; Gumbiner, Siena; Gummel, Brian; Gunville, Gary; Gutmann, Frank D.; Haase, Anthony J.; Haase, John M.; Hade, Margaret C.; Hafner, Eric; Hamlin, Ansley L.; Hanks, Mark S.; Harris-Kohlhardt, Sue P.; Hart, Philip S.; Hartford, Jonathon L.; Hathaway, Laura; Hawkins, Sierra M.; Hebert, Kevin P.; Hedman, Julia; Hendricks, William L.; Henry, Deanna L.; Henry, Melinda M.; Hernandez, Raymond C.; Hershberger, Jonathan; Hickman, Michael J.; Hicks, Miranda W.; Hine, Harvey M.; Hingst, Chris; Holder, Brian S.; Holm, Kimberly A.; Holman, Bryan R.; Hopkins, Noah; Hryckowian, David A.; Hubbard, Kelsey N.; Huckle, Paul; Huelman, Megan M.; Hughes, Tommy; Hunt, Lucy A.; Hutchins, Alexandria; Hutchinson, Arthur; Hykan, Bekah; Igel, Michael J.; Ilabaca, Sebastian J.; Irvin, Jason D.; Iwan, Agustina M.; Jacobs, Betty A.; Jacobs, Daniel J.; James, John; Jarboe, Calvin S.; Jenkins, Nate H.; Jessup, George T.; Johnson, Ashley J.; Johnson, James P.; Johnson, Scott W.; Jones, Amy L.; Jones, John P.; Jurkovic, Mikael; Kalnes, Anna E.; Kaltenthaler, Paul A.; Kaplan, Benny; Kawalick, Kayla S.; Kay, William; Keesee, Stephanie N.; Kelly, Gregory J.; Kelly, Megan A.; Ketai, David S.; Kidd, Alayna S.; Kiriakakos, Kelley; Kirk, Carolyn S.; Knutson, Caitlin M.; Koehn, Anne-Sophie; Konen, Elizabeth K.; Kornkven, Ryan B.; Koslowski, Andre; Kroneberger, Kylie C.; Krumminga, Sara E.; Lally, Keira; Landau, Brenda; LandreGirten, Laura; Lang, Greggory J.; Lantelme, Emilie C.; Larson, Suzanne M.; Lataille, Colleen; Lattimore, Tyler L.; Lattof, Allen W.; Lauria, Christopher; Lawrence, Thomas A.; Lawson, Bart; Layman, Bobby; Leapley, Linc E.; Lease, Ryan M.; LeBlanc, Hilary L.; LeBus, Emily N.; Lee, Ali R.; Legere, James J.; Lemieux, Adwoa D.; Lenehan, Christine E.; Limbird, Jeffrey H.; Lincoln, David M.; Lively, Josh B.; Lokey, Philip Austin E.; Loperfido, Michael L.; Lopez Salva, Magdalena; Loucks, Russell E.; Lovelady, Tyler; Lowe, James B.; Lubin, Sarah T.;


Lucero, Laura L.; Lujan, Kenny A.; Luke, Kyle W.; Lupow, Scott; Lynch, Mark W.; Maag-Brown, Travis J.; Maag-Brown, Warren V.; MacDonald, Michael C.; Mackoff, Benjamin D.; Madden, Larry; Mallouk, James R.; Mana, Maria S.; Manahan, Kimberly H.; Mann, John G.; Manweiler, Molly; Markous, Angeles M.; Martinson, Chase D.; Martorano, Hiromi; Maxwell, Ashley M.; May, Jessica M.; Mazza, Matthew B.; McCabe, Mathew L.; McCoy, Heather M.; McCurdy, Jennifer E.; McDaniel, Chris; McFerrin, Jeremiah R.; McGarry, Thomas H.; McGinley, Ingrid M.; McGrath, Robert; McGuren, Harry J.; McKimmins, Mark A.; McMahon, Patrick B.; McManis, Mark E.; Medall, Jim; Mees, Ray W.; Merical, Burton W.; Meyer, Christopher B.; Meyer, Michele B.; Michelet, Christian; Miersch, Mellisa R.; Miller, William M.; Mitchell, David C.; Mitchell, M J.; Mitchell, Nathan; Monaco, Michael L.; Morgan, Mallory M.; Muirhead, Paul C.; Mullen, Curtis; Murdoch, Layne A.; Murphy, Greg; Murphy, Scott W.; Naddor, Michael A.; Naster, Julie; Neff, Lois; Nelp, Wil B.; Nelson, Alan C.; Nelson, Craig D.; Neluschi, Daniel; Nevitt, Robert L.; Newell, Thomas K.; Niemiec, Kyle; Nilsson, Jared D.; Noone, Chris; Nora, Pamela M.; Norsworthy, Serena E.; Novak, Tim P.; Oakley, Henrietta C.; Obermiller, Josh M.; OConnell, John Henry; Olsson, PJ; O’Neal, Colin P.; O’Riley, Beth E.; Orndorff, Kathleen K.; Overton, Susan M.; Pache, George R.; Palasz, Daniel A.; Palmer, Mark A.; Paradee, Becky S.; Parrent, Richie A.;


Parson, Esther M.; Partin, Kyle D.; Paul, Eva R.; Pawley, Timothy W.; Pearce, Preston W.; Pendleton, Michael P.; Perkins, Sarah F.; Perry, Alex H.; Peters, Homer H.; Petherick, Anna; Petit, Adam; Petrekovic, Marko; Pierce, Brooks B.; Pietkiewicz, Sasha; Popp, Phillip; Potter, Maria L.; Potts, Ben A.; Prahl, Hans; Quintana, Christopher R.; Rainchild, Ben C.; Rathmann-Noonan, Andrew M.; Reed, Lee; Reichardt, Sarah E.; Reicheneder, Yvonne; Reimers, John; Reynolds, Normand L.; Richardson, Christy L.; Ricks, Natalie A.; Rifkin, Cheri D.; Riley, Nelson S.; Risi, Joseph J.; Rogers, Michael T.; Romeo Jr., Robert R.; Rose, Julianne T.; Rose, Susan M.; Rose, Teri L.; Roth, Adam L.; Rouda, Terrence E.; Rubin, Rachel L.; Ruggeri, Dino M.; Sandberg, Christian J.; Saslow, Brendan; Sassoon, Alex B.; Saylor, Erika; Schaeffer, Danielle T.; Schafer, Chris V.; Schaller, Christopher J.; Schatzle, Denny L.; Schmidt, Chris; Schmidt, Julie S.; Schofield, Loren K.; Schrage, Brant A.; Schulak, Sam; Sears, Anthony C.; Seiber, Jason A.; Semenchuk, Peter A.; Sheffield, John B.; Simon, Ludovic; Simpson, David J.; Skarbek, Valeria A.; Smith, Anthony D.; Smith, Courtney L.; Smith, Harrison S.; Smith, Julie E.; Smith, Paul L.; Smithart, Andrew J.; Snover, Dylan; Snyder, Blake J.; Somes, Molly S.; Spears, Natalie M.; Spicer, Samuel A.; Spirito, Dean M.; Stachurski, Jason D.; Standring, Stephen C.; Stark, Milo J.; Stauffer, Austin J.; Steiner, Karl W.; Steninger, Matthew J.; Steward, Scott; Stockavas, Craig E.; Stoddard, Nathaniel C.; Stonebraker, Ben; Street,

Natalie M.; Stretton, Blake A.; Stumpp, Hannah M.; Sturgeon, David; Sullivan, Chelsea D.; Sullivan, Mark P.; Swensen, Steve; Switzer, Jason A.; Sze, Monica; Tamberi, Haley M.; Taylor, Brooke A.; Taylor, Molly M.; Taymore, Benjamin C.; Tennant, Jeffrey T.; Teramoto, Doran M.; Tiffany, Katherine M.; Toupal, Matthew D.; Triana, Pedro M.; Trout, Doriana; Truitt, Nicholas F.; Trull, Megan C.; Tullos, Jim; Ulizio, Sarah L.; Umbhau, Sachiko; Van Deventer, Pete; Van Selous, Kelsey R.; Vanderlinden, Jessica A.; Velar, Michael C.; Verderame, John F.; Von Stein, Jeff E.; Waddick, John P.; Waggoner, Damon B.; Waldo, William; Waldron, Dean ; Ward, Hayley A.; Waterman, Colin M.; Watson, Allison N.; Watters, Jr., Thad W.; Weber, Dennis; Weber, Paul L.; Webster, Russell N.; Weir, John S.; Welles, Skip; West, Jennifer P.; West, Matthew T.; Westcott, David; White, Tyson J.; Whitman, David M.; Whitson, Doug; Wienski, Elizabeth; Wienski, Julie A.; Wiger, Brittany; Wigmore, Kurt; Williams, Cynthia S.; Williams, Max; Willits, Tom; Witte, Pamela K.; Wood, Grant K.; Woodhull, Nancy; Wormington, Terry L.; Zwolak, Stefanie P. ALPINE CERTIFIED LEVEL II

Adams, Daniel; Allen, Megan; Ammons, Katie C.; Ashley, Kevin; Bakel, Ron;Beresford, Amy E.; Burnham, Amanda; Burns, Amelia F.; Capps, Nyssa G.; Carlson, Karen; Cornwall, Georgina J.; Cox, April K.; Crabtree, Krista; Craig, Erin; Crawford, Robert; Crosby, Drew; Davis, Bradley; DeCourcey, Meghan; Denney, Richard E.; Donahugh, Debra L.; Doro, Alexandra H.; Ehlen, John; Ellis, Catherine; Felder, Carolyn L.; Fluke, Alisen M.; Griffin, Alex H.; Griffith, Ross A.; Gross, Ryan J.; Hall, Deb; Hall, Jennifer; Hanley, Beau; Harding, Mike H.; Heit, Hernan P; Horiuchi, Barbara J.; Kawalick, Kayla S.; Kent, Jeffrey A.; Kimmerle, Mark W.; Koslowski, Andre; Kredo, Terese J.; Ladago, Dean T.; Leclerc, Ryan; Lee, Tina; Levinson, Rick; Lolley, Matt J.; Long, Trevor F.; Madison, Chris P.; McDaniel, Chris; Medall, Jim; Medina, Elmer; Mees, Ray ; Nelson, Jeff; Oestrike, Katie I.; Potts, Ben A.; Price, Val; Rozen, Kaylie; Rudolph, John C.; Sabo, Alan L.; Sacks, Rita; Sanborn, Arthur N.; Shaleen, James; Shier, Sarah; Smith, Levi; Stevenson, PSIA-RM/AASI SUMMER 2012

Heather; Stewart, Marc E.; Stonebraker, Ben; Tannenbaum, Kenneth; Thompson, Marc; Vanderbeck, Debra; Weintraub, Jeanne; Wenger, Ann; Wills, Mignon; Wright, Kristin B.; Young, George G. ALPINE CERTIFIED LEVEL III

Aldercotte, Andrew H.; Augspurger, Nicole E.; Greene, Anthony F.; Klika, Riggs; Kolacek, Zbynek; Lawler, Timothy; Lindsay, Peter M.; Mallar, Lindsay; Marzec, Edward L.; Pyatt, Tommy; Skeados, Thomas; Slaton, Matt; Stewart, Marc E.; Townsend, Linda L.; Walch, Stephanie

Shapiro, Michael; Shea, Ryan; Shore, Andie; Shore, Lee G.; Smith, Levi; Snyder, Brandon; Spiegel, Kurt; Stevenson, John R.; Thayer, Kenny; Thompson, Carl M.; Toole, William G.; Townsend, Linda L.; Trottier, Andre J.; Wade, Trish; Walch, Stephanie; Wall, Brigid; Weigle, Benjamin; Wise, Nina F.; Wright, Kristin B.; Yocca, Wendy; Ziehler, Michael aLPINE freestyle level 2

Block, Robert; Bogumill, Brianne ;Bystron, Libor; Crosby, Candace; Horoszowski, Mark; La Rouche, Sevie G.; Salter, Andrew; Stewart, Tiffany J.


Do, Francis; Hoffmann, Abe; Knox, Kolby

aLPINE freestyle level 2

ALPINE freestyle level 1

Leidigh, Derek J.; Rumph, Andrew; Sondahl, Birrion

Amsel, Jesse O.; Anderson, Melissa M.; Bacsanyi, Thomas; Barnes, James; Barton, Patrick D.; Bates, Matthew; Bates, Matthew G.; Blackwood, Benjamin; Blaine, Sarah L.; Bobrow, Nancy; Boucher, Rick L.; Braunholtz, Alan N.; Brooks, Randal; Brown, Tim E.; Carlton, Daniel R.; Casey, Ellen M.; Chaney, Peter W.; Crosby, Drew; Crosby, Wendy W.; Crouch, Brent D.; Day, Teresa C.; de Morais, Andrew T.; Devlin, Stephen; Dole, Nathan S.; Donahue, Peter W.; Donohue, James P.; Ducommun, Mark E.; Evans, Scott; Fernandes, Marc; Folger, Justin W.; Frank, Philip G.; Gilmore, Scott; Goeller, John S.; Goldberg, Craig; Gonzales, Brett M.; Gould, Andy; Gudolawicz, Peter; Gulden, Thomas O.; Harness, Alfred; Hartmann, Jason T.; Hinckley, Jon E.; Jackman, Thomas; Jacobson, Christina L.; Jacobson, Jessica R.; James, Todd P.; Jennings, Brian A.; Keating, Molly E.; Kelsey, Daniel G.; King, Hank L.; KohlerOverstreet, Patty L.; Krogh, Marian; La Mar, Mary Catherine; Ladieu, Jennifer; Lavtar, Karl R.; Lepie, Lara; Lindsay, Peter M.; Marnett, Marcela; Marshall, Lyn; Marzec, Edward L.; Marzec, Sonia; Matteri, Francisco; McFerrin, Jeremiah R.; McLaughlin, Bryan P.; Menix, Doug; Mielke, Kristen; Murdoch, Larry; Nadas, Jeffrey; Noyes, Matt; Oberling, Jennifer N.; O’Shea, Timothy J.; Osterling, Ellen T.; Pakulniewicz, David F.; Paredes Arbues, Ximena; Parrent, Richie; Pinkus, Jen E.; Poncetta, Fernanda; Potts, Ben A.; Reavis, Richard J.; Reeves, Katie; Robinson, Cherise E.; Rose, Julianne T.; Scheiblberg, Wolf;


Abercrombie, John C.; Ables, Fred J.; Adams, Joshua D.; Allan, Kate; Allen, Nadine N.; Altenau, Claire E.; Anderson, Matthew R.; Anderson, Richard C.; Archibald, Jamie; Astrauskas, Nicklaus; Avaca Mathe, Leticia C.; Babayeva, Lidiya I.; Baldwin, Vicki L.; Barker, Lauren B.; Barnes, Richard L.; Beach, Amanda; Bennett, Thomas R.; Bixel, Leslie M.; Blank, Matt J.; Bogdonoff, Emma Z.; Bonafide, Carr; Borman-Cason, Tara; Bowers, Jonathan; Boyleston, Aaron T.; Brand, Tania R.; Brofos, Whitney R.; Brown, Christopher D.; Bruck, Damien A.; Burman, Ande T.; Cavanaugh, Bridget; Chambers, Jay; Charles, Brian A.; Chisholm, Nathan; Christiansen, Colton M.; Collins, Elizabeth A.; Connolly, Scott W.; Connor, David A.; Copeland, William J.; Corgan, Scott L.; Correa, Jared S.; Crabb, James D.; Crum, Brian J.; D’Alessandro, Joseph; Daniel, Joshua D.; Davies, Benjamin; Davis,

Matthew C.; Deard, Allen D.; Drummond, Robert Y.; Edmundson, Harold M.; Ellson, Alicia; Faurer, Patrick B.; Fenske, Robert M.; Finholt, Andrew T.; Fisher, Stewart B.; Fredericks, Douglas M.; Friedman, Keren; Gagnon, Paul J.; Gardner, Rebecca J.; Garhart, Jessica; Garver, Lauren A.; Gerhart, Scott D.; Gilbert, Michael; Golden, Mary K.; Gomez Kuri, Zaida; Hamlin, Benjamin; Hanson, David C.; Hardage, Sean B.; Harrell, Jacob F.; Hay, Eric H.; Hayden, Patrick J.; Heidt, Jennifer L.; Hendricks, William L.; Hensen, Tucker J.; Hickey, Colin E.; Hickey, Jolie E.; Hicks, Miranda W.; Hood, Chris R.; Howard, Jack W.; Hoza, Sarah; Huynh, Julie N.; Imel, Damian J.; Jacobs, Sarah D.; Jenkins, Edwin B.; Jensen, Jaime L.; Jensen, Jeremiah R.; Johansen, Shannon C.; Johnson, Austin; Johnson, Grant R.; Kalata, Starla N.; Kalip, Benjamin G.; Kalnes, Anna E.; Karry, Christine C.; Katten, Daniel R.; Katz, Jeremy; Kearney, Colin; Kenagy, Sam J.; Kennedy, Patrick M.; Kindl, Denisse; Kosog, Kai B.; Koue, Laura M.; Kruger, Zachary M.; Kuross, Max W.; Laws, Nick; Lee, Catherine K.; Leighton, Mike; Lizee, Marit R.; Locher, Michael J.; Lokey, Philip Austin E.; Lowe, Kara L.; Lundeen, Jeffrey; Lveders, Tyler M.; Mahoney, Karissa M.; Maltarich, Stephanie L.; Martin, Jessica; Mazza, Matthew B.; McClain, Kyla K.; McDaniel, Chris; McHodgkins, Austin M.; McHugh, James M.; Mckay, John M.; McLean, Vanrisch R.; Mercer, Douglas A.; Merrit, Isabel; Mersereau, Lindsey H.; Mitchell, Melissa M.; Mitchell, Shannon P.; Morley, Trevor M.; Morrison, Audrey A.; Muir, Marci M.; Myerson, Olivia K.; Nader, Jacqueline E.; Nagel, Andrew R.; Nakamoto, Leah V.; Nellius, Lauren L.; Nickel, Saryn U.; Obermiller, Josh M.; O’Connor, Christopher T.; Osterman, Lewis A.; Osterman, Zoe; Overbeek, Donald J.; Paugh, Jessica A.; Pedersen, Katherine; Piatkowski, Kyle T.; Pickens, Pamela A.; Podolak, Sasha L.; Polley, Samantha; Poole, Amanda L.; Quain, Adam T.; Ratcliffe, David A.; Re, Mattia S.; Rea, Ashley M.; Rebillard, Ethen C.; Rees, Jack W.; Richardson, Chaz; Richardson, Rebecca S.; Ringrose, Jennifer E.; Robohm, Christina L.; Rock, Daniel L.; Rodarmor, Monica H.; Rodriguez, Joel D.; Rubinstein, Neil B.; Rubio, Juan M.; Rubio-Festa, Cynthia A.; Russell, Allison P.; Saevitz, Ryan A.; Sagona, Thomas P.; Schalch, Ruth; Schofield, Joshua;


Schultz, Sarah D.; Senterfitt, Ethan J.; Shults, Amelia; Sixberry, Edward W.; Sklut, Jesse W.; Smith, James R.; Spicer, Samuel A.; Sprott, Richard; Sullivan, Mike T.; Terrell, Damion; Thomas, Lauren E.; Thompson, David M.; Tinkley, Greg; Truitt, Aaron C.; Urrea, Martin; Valentine, Jennifer E.; Walker, Patrick D.; Warren, Andrew R.; Waxman, Howard J.; West, James B.; West, Megan C.; Williams, Steven L.; Winship, Micah I.; Wollerton, Mary Elizabeth L.; Wood, Avery; Wright, Amanda L.; Yakshe, Alex N.; Zi Zun, Tan

Heather; Rainey, Maximillian F.; Sizemore, Caleb A.; Thompson, Tyler snowboard freestyle level 2

Rupe, Jordan C. snowboard freestyle level 3

Rupe, Jordan C.

snowboard certified level ii

Bennett, Thomas R.; Bentley, Kevin; Beran, John M.; Birtwistle, Amy; Blank, Matt J.; Bodmer, William E.; Brouwer, Derek J.; Brown, Beau ; Busch, Lisa A.; Bush, Andy M.; Cain, Tyler J.; Caskey, Jessica B.; Chrzan, Christopher B.; Chrzan, Jason; Demmons, Jason M.; DeVita, Justin; Fischer, Anna; Fuller, Virginia; Gale, Emmy; Gearhart, Lauren E.; Greenstein, Danny; Hay, Eric H.; Herbert, Alison D.; Huang, Andrew Y.; Krause, Theodore T.; LeBlanc, Alisha C.; LeBoeuf, Dan; Leighton, Mike; Madden, Larry; Markli, Shelby; McCree, Sean R.; McLean, Douglas; McLean, Vanrisch R.; Michel, Clement; Montrose, Laci D.; Paine, Julie; Peterson, Justin; Ratcliffe, David A.; Re, Mattia S.; Reyes, Alex; Richardson, Chaz O.; Rieck, Aaron M.; Rodgers, Austin; Senterfitt, Ethan J.; Stanton, Derek E.; Sterett, Greg K.; Stewart, John W.; Stewart, Kyle; Van Loon, William A.; Welch, Alex; Yellon, Shayna P.; Yuen, Kari; Zi Zun, Tan snowboard certified level iiI

Bartels, Lacey; Beckel, Nathan; Bennett, Thomas R.; Brown, Casey; Devlin, Matt J.; Fischer, Andrew J.; Hayward, Christian F.; Lennon, Mia; Lowther, Nathan; Nelson, Richard; Powell, Adrian P.; Rupe, Jordan C.; Tentindo, Michael; Warr, Christopher G.; Wedlake, Richard J.

adaptive Level 1 MODULES

Anderson, Mark D.; abcock, Christopher S.; Barber, Jane C.; Cunningham, Michael; Murphy, Robert F.; Newell, Thomas K.; Ramsay, Sara; Roche, Maura J.; Shaughnessy, Mary E. adaptive certified level II

Brinkama, Moritz E.; Dicke, Erin; Gabel, Andy; Hutchinson, Arthur; Judy, John; Kennedy, Craig; Klonowski, John A.; Lampl, Michael I.; Langion, Steven F.; Perambo, Jeff; Philbin, Elizabeth A.; Robbins, Gabriell E.

Battjes, William T.; Beauchamp-May, Deborah A.; Becnel, Becket; Bixel, Leslie M.; Black, Reid C.; Blackstead, Alexis; Blamire, Gary M.; Blank, Bruce; Blaser, Nicole M.; Block, Courtney; Blundell, David J.; Blundell, Susannah M.; Bodnar, Roman; Bornschein-Clark, Helen; Brownstein, Norm; Burns, Amelia F.; Carlson, Karen; Caruthers, B. S.; Caskey, Jessica; Castor, Dina; Champion, Edward J.; Chaney, Peter W.; Christopher, Anthony; Clausen, Emily R.; Coleman, Gloria; Collins, Michael G.; Conway, Paul; Cornwall, Georgina J.; Cowan, Carrie L.; Craig, Erin; CrofutBrittingham, Amelia; Crooks, Louis C.; Crosby, Drew; Crosby, Wendy W.; Daoud, Nabil J.; Darosa, Amy G.; Darosa, Erik J.; DeFelice, Mark; DeGuise, Matt; Delecluse, Alexandre C.; Derrin, Luke P.; Doby, Elizabeth M.; Dole, Nathan S.; Doolittle, Sydney S.; Ducommun, Mark E.; Duke, Pamela; Dulany, Clarence M.; Durand, Timothy; Earhart, Elizabeth L.; Easton, Nicole M.; Echols-Handley, Susannah; Ellis, Charles D.; Evans, Scott; Faurer, Patrick B.; Ferley, Heather; Finley, Amber L.; Fleet, Alex; Fling, Kira; Flower, Cari C.; Fowler, Caro; Friedman, Jacob J.; Fuzak, Istvan; Garcia, Jeannine A.; Gardiner, Winifred; Gibson, Miesha L.; Giesler, Sandra; Gilbert, Michael; Girard, Corey M.; Goodrich, Colleen A.; Green, Miriam M.; Greene, Marcia; Gretsch, Edward W.; Gross, Ryan J.; Guard, Neil L.; Gubow, Janey A.; Gudolawicz, Peter; Gunville, Gary; Hafner, Eric; Hamlin, Derek; Handrich, Denise A.; Harness, Alfred; Harris, Charles; Harris, Logan C.; Hart, Philip S.; Hartmann, Jeni; Hayward, Christian F.; Heit, Hernan P.; Hermes, Caroline C.; Herrmann, Miles; Hobor, Charlie; Hoffman, David R.; Holmes, Molly K.; Homoki, Melanie E.; Houghton, Kristen; Hunter, Christopher L.; Jacobs,

adaptive certified level III

Hardy, Michael; O’Connell, Brynn; Zinn, Catherine adaptive snowboard Level 1

snowboard trainer’s accreditation

Humphries, Daniel; Kenney, Tim; Ross, Cameron snowboard freestyle Level 1

Delk, Jonathan; Derrin, Luke P.; Fischer, Andrew J.; Gilbert, Adam; Liebman, 12

children’s specialist 1

Aditi, Kiah R.;Allen, Jay T.; Anklan, Shelley; Annes, Fred; Archibald, Jamie; Bade, Amanda A.; Baggenstoss, Bonnie J.; Baker, Kurt; Balandina, Elena; Ballard, Megan; Barber, Jane C.; Bates, Matthew; PSIA-RM/AASI SUMMER 2012

Erica L.; Jacobson, Mark A.; Jennings, Brian A.; Jirik, Sharon M.; Johnston, Mary Louise; Kavajecz, Elsa A.; Keeffe, Kelly J.; Keeney, Chloe; Keleher, Brian; Kemp, Abram O.; Kerr, Lynn W.; Kienle, Stefan; Knispel, Douglas E.; Kontny, Michael; Koslowski, Andre; Krogh, Marian; Kroneberger, Kylie C.; Lang, Greggory J.; Latham, Elizabeth; Leksander, Jennifer; Lepie, Richard; Leslie, Sue F.; Liebman, Heather; Lively, Josh B.; Lock, Gregory J.; Lohman, Michel e; Lohn, Ronald; Long, Trevor F.; Lott, Barbara S.; Lucks, Tracey; Lund, Michael G.; Lypps, Roxie J.; Maag-Brown, Travis J.; MaagBrown, Warren V.; Maibach, Meghan A.; Markli, Shelby; Marlette, Ricky J.; Marta, John; Mathis, Robert L.; Matteri, Francisco; Matthews, Roxanne; Maxwell, Ashley M.; May, Elke A.; McClaine, Lee; McGraw, Allyson C.; McKirahan, Gwen; McKirahan, Katie; McQuarrie, Justin W.; Meinig, John M.; Menix, Doug; Metz, Rachel L.; Miller, Cameron A.; Miller, Cassandra M.; Moran, Richard J.; Murray, Donna L.; Nadas, Jeffrey; Nakamoto, Leah V.; Nevitt, Robert L.; Nilsson, Abigail F.; Nowotny, Mary; Ober, Roberta L.; O’Shea, Timothy J.; Paddock, Jeff; Paine, Julie; Paredes Arbues, Ximena; Park, Reginald S.; Parry, Kyle E.; Parson, Esther M.; Pavillard-Cain, Madelaine; Peacock, Elizabeth M.; Pedersen, Katherine; Penny, Julia M.; Perino, Kathleen; Petit, Karen; Phillips, M E.; Pierini, Leigh T.; Poirier, Michelle; Pollitt, David B.; Potts, Ben A.; Powers, Dave M.; Recalde, Sebastian R.; Reilly, Andrea J.; Ricks, Natalie A.; Robinson, Cherise E.; Rogoff, Benjamin; Rose, Julianne T.; Rose, Susan M.; Rowe, W. D.; Rudolph, John C.; Rumbaugh, Steven W.; Rupe, Jordan C.; Sanborn, Arthur N.; Sassoon, Alex B.; Shaffer, Kelli; Shore, Lee G.; Smith, Christopher M.; Smith, Levi; Spierling, Cathleen A.; Sponaugle, Alyssa D.; Steninger, Matthew J.; Stepleton, Jessica M.; Stevenson, Heather; Stewart, Tiffany J.; Street, Michele; Stroh, Tim; Stuart, Gordon; Swift, Keith A.; Tadley, Eliza; Tarloff, Danielle L.; Thomas, Mark E.; Thompson, Marc; Tierney, Cathy C.; Titsworth, James P.; Tomaro, Stefanie N.; Updike, Christopher N.; Valenzuela, Javiera F.; Weaver, John; Weiss, Cliff; Widenor, Eric C.; Wilkin, Danny E.; Williams, Cynthia S.; Wilson, Eileen E.; Wise, Nina F.; Woolley, Wende; Wright, Kristin B.; Znamenacek, Kate

children’s specialist 2

nordic telemark level 2

Alonzo, David T.; Armstrong, Maria; Barnes, Robert C.; Bauer, Rachel; Boucher, Rick L.; Coleman, Donald B.; DeVos, Heather L.; Gleason, Chera L.; Gross, Valerie; Hanley, Amber L.; Healy Bruening, Karen M.; Howe, Katheryne; Jimas, Faye A.; Johnston, Wendee K.; Jubok, Jenni; Kerr, Lynn W.; Lubrant, Kenneth; Mahre, Roberta; Mathis, Robert L.; Mielke, Kristen; Noble, Scott J.; Orvis, Megan; Picken, Justin D.; Pickston, Aron A.; Pohl, Andy; Raess, Kim; Reynolds, Stephanie; Ryan, Ashley; Santora, Anthony; Slate, Randall; Stockmal, Michael G.; Sullivan, Tyler A.; Tatem, Beth; Walch, Stephanie; Wesley, Gerald

Blackstead, Alexis; Gossard, Cody; Sanborn, Arthur N. nordic telemark level 3

McMahon, William; Schorling, Ann O.; Singleton, David R. nordic cross-country level 1

Blair, Robert L.; Brunk, Ronald K.; Deck, Stacy; Goins, Ellen K.; Goins, William R.; Gores, Miroslava; Hamilton, Ann L.; Huddleston, Craig S.; Josef, Loren; McLaud, William C.; Rawlings, David A.; Reed, Michael; Ritterhouse, Michael H.; Stirt, Sarah C.; Stolen, Joanne; Tohama, Christine C.; Young, Kelly L.

nordic telemark level 1

Ackerman, Amy; Askey, Jennifer L.; Bowles, Norman; Caruso, Chris; Dodge, Lacey; Evans, Mike; Harrison, Ben; McCurdy, Jennifer E.; Rothey, Clark E.; Tannenbaum, Kenneth

nordic cross-country level 2

Bjerke, May Britt; McMahon, William nordic cross-country level 3

Bjerke, May Britt; Zdechlik, Jon C.



Winter 2012-13 Job Postings Join the Ski & SnoWboard profeSSionalS of aSpen/SnoWmaSS! Our school, spread across four mountains with 5,305 acres of diverse terrain, is committed to providing staff with industry renowned training & top level compensation. We create lifelong, dedicated skiers & riders who thrive in this beautiful environment & community that we call home.

We are Seeking:

• Adult & Child Specialists - Level I/II/III Ski & Snowboard Professionals • Full & part-time positions available For full job descriptions & applications, please visit & send a resume to, Subject: PSIA/AASI Certified

ak Spe sh or ni e? Spa gues u t Por PPly ! A y dA to

Looking for an exciting winter in the Rocky Mountains teaching? Come join the Crested Butte Ski and Ride School. The ski and ride school is committed to continued education and training in order to provide the highest level of teaching and guest services to our guests who visit Crested Butte Mountain Resort. We are seeking: Children’s Ski Supervisor - Full Time, PSIA Level 2 Required Ski & Snowboard Instructors – Full & Part Time, PSIA/AASI Level 1, 2, 3 Certified For more information about our resort visit our website at and look under employment or call

Breckenridge Ski & Ride School is looking for Ski & Snowboard Instructors for the 2012-2013 season who are passionate about their sport and want to pass this on to our guests.

rian mining town which is full of history and also gives you access to North America’s highest chair lift, the Imperial Express!

Breckenridge - Perfect Mountain. Perfect Mountain Town. If you want to truly experience working in Colorado, Breckenridge definitely stands out from the rest. Our authentic, Colorado town has over 200 restaurants, bars, and shops, so you’re destined to find a good time in this unique, yet casual atmosphere. A friendly, laid-back vibe blends in this 150-year old authentic Victo-

Full-time and part-time positions available.


Nicholas Herrin Director of the Ski and Ride School 970.349.2224

Ski – Ride – Work – Play

We reimburse our returning instructors PSIA/AASI (Alpine 1-3, Snowboard 1-3, CS2) certification exam fees. Apply online at and start your “Experience of a lifetime” today! Call 970-496-7694 with questions


The National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD) has the following positions open at the Winter Park, CO location: Customer Service Coordinator Full Time Year Round Operations Supervisor Full Time Year Round Coach – Snowboard Development Full time Seasonal Nov- April Instructor Winter Full time and Part time Seasonal Nov- April Program Coordinator Winter Full Time Seasonal Nov – April Please visit for postings and application procedure.

We are looking for an experienced Manager to oversee the day-to-day operations of our Ski and Ride Center, including training of staff, labor control and guest service to include the Adult Ski School, Children’s Learning Center, and Rental Shop. Candidates must have the following qualifications: Full PSIA or AASI Certification Ski or snowboard at an intermediate or

WINTER PARK RESORT’S SKI + RIDE SCHOOL IS NOW HIRING! Are you a growth oriented professional looking to join a high quality organization? Be a part of the leading edge in Winter Park Resort’s Ski & Ride School which was the innovator of Guest Centered teaching! The Ski & Ride School at Winter Park Resort is currently accepting applications for: Full-time and Part-time Uncertified, Certified Level I, II, & III and Bilingual Adult and Kids Ski & Snowboard Instructors Looking to expand your snow sports career beyond instructing? Check our website: for other exciting opportunities!

above skill level At least five years as a certified ski and/or snowboard instructor At least one year in a related supervisory or management role Here is the link to the posting on our side and full job description!

Winter Park Resort is located in the beautiful and still wild Grand County, Colorado, averages snow totals of 360”, hosts a base area of 9000 feet, and is home to the mogul capital of the U.S.A… Mary Jane, extremely Colorado. We’re about the mountain lifestyle, the fun, and the people…..and you’ll feel better just being here! Like we always say, we don’t just call it a career opportunity, we call it a lifestyle opportunity! Up to two weeks of paid training in our rookie training course (RTC) Opportunities to continue to grow and receive cash allowances to support certification. Pay raises for passing Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA)/American Association of Snowboard Instructors (AASI) certifications I, II, III Ski/Ride at one of the Top 10 ranked resorts by Transworld Snowboarding Magazine Traing regularly with current and past PSIA National Demo Team members, Current PSIA-Rocky Mountain Divisional Staff Members and Examiners Interested? We’re glad you’re considering us as your future employer. We are looking for motivated and energetic individuals who have a passion for the outdoors! Apply online today at employment or contact the Human Resources Recruiting Office for further information. Email: Phone: 970.726.1536


PSIA/AASI Rocky Mountain Division P.O. Box 775143 Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 970.879.8335 / Fax 970.879.6760

Have you changed your PERMANENT address?

Please contact the PSIA-Rocky Mountain-AASI office in Steamboat Springs. 970-879-8335 phone 970-879-6760 fax


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