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University at Buffalo, SUNY SOCIAL EVENT: The chapter kicked off the fall semester with a welcome-back event during the second week of classes. The event featured pizza and a panel of psychology upperclass students, graduate students, and faculty. The goal of the event was to expose students to the variety of psychology fields and career/higher education options that they could pursue after completing an undergraduate degree. Panelists were prompted with questions on how they discovered their career goals, how to take advantage of opportunities as an undergraduate, and other advice.

MEETING/SPEAKER EVENT: The chapter hosted a mental health event that included a therapy dog and information on mental health management. The chapter invited a senior graduate student in the department’s clinical psychology PhD program to present on mental health, which included symptoms of depression and anxiety, information on suicide risk, and mental health resources on campus. The chapter’s officers also created a mental health resources pamphlet, which they handed out to attendees along with stress balls.

MEETING/SPEAKER EVENT: In conjunction with the Career Design Center on campus, the chapter hosted a workshop on job and internship search strategies. In particular, this event focused on how to use LinkedIn. Students were encouraged to bring their laptops so that they could create an account and follow along. This workshop also covered how employers use LinkedIn to search for potential candidates, how to use LinkedIn to establish connections and network with others, and how to find valuable job and internship opportunities on LinkedIn.

Wagner College (NY) FUNDRAISER: The chapter hosted a bake sale in October to raise money for the JED Foundation. JED, which is a nonprofit organization, helps teens and young adults with their mental health by building specific life skills and support through placing programs in their school systems. The event was a great success.

MEETING/SPEAKER EVENT: The chapter held an alumni panel in November. Psychology students were able to gain insight on a variety of psychology careers from four practicing professionals in the counseling field.

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