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Reflections: A Journal of Psi Upsilon History is a publication of the Psi Upsilon Foundation focused on researching and highlighting the stories behind the members, buildings, artifacts, and traditions of our order as we approach two centuries of brotherhood.
Greetings! The History and Archives Committee continues to find exciting new ways to present stories and research Psi Upsilon’s fascinating past. Even more thrilling, we’re constantly finding new relevancies and ways to use our ever-expanding archives. Over the last year the Committee has added a project to assemble in one place photos from every Psi U convention. Committee members have started the long process of researching every brother who has recieved a scholarship, and further learning and highlighting those who have scholarships, grants, and engagement funds named in their honor. This research allows us to teach scholarship recipients about those brothers who have so meaningfully kept the fires of Psi U burning to light the way for the future. At the last Convention, the Fraternity Archivist, Evan Terry, Epsilon Phi ‘93 (McGill) was able to present on the Psi U’s of the Executive Branch in Washington, DC. The History and Archives committee and guests continued moving the archives into their new home in Indianapolis. We unearthed some great stories for this edtion of Reflections. The story of Psi Upsilon is a generational one, and integral to the sweep of history. If you are interested in writing, in exploring the archives to learn about your chapter or personal subjects of interest, or in visiting the special collections of your own home colleges on behalf of Psi U, drop me a line at jonathan@psiu.org.
Jonathan M. Chaffin, Gamma Tau ‘00 (Georgia Tech) Director of Member Engagement, The Psi Upsilon Foundation & Psi Upsilon Herald

We wish to recognize brother Cushing Donelan, Gamma ‘05 (Amherst College) & Donelan Family Wines for their generous support of “Reflections: A Journal of Psi Upsilon History”, of the Speaker Series, and of the programs of Psi Upsilon.