Booklet John of God Switzerland

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Blessings to you, dear visitors With joy and excitement, we are thrilled to welcome you to the first event ever with João de Deus in Switzerland, here in Winterthur. These three days are entirely in the hands of João and the entities, who incorporate through him. The entities decide on flow and timing, which line will be announced at what time and every detail about the event. Therefore, it is not possible for us to serve you with further indications on timings or order within the program. Certainly this does demand a lot of patience and spontaneity and we thank you in advance for your comprehension, your willingness to surrender control of these days to the benevolent spirits so that these days may be very beneficial for you. The spiritual world has its own timetable and we are pleased to be able to place these days into their hands. We have carefully planned the event for you, but we are also prepared to surrender all our planning to the will of the spirits to allow them to manifest healing for you. We sincerely hope that you will be touched by the experience and the many moments that may occur during this event and that they become a memorable part of your life. The preparations for this event began nearly two years ago. We have more than one hundred volunteers and we would like to express our gratitude for all their effort. Without the help on voluntary basis such an event could not take place! MILLION THANKS! To prepare yourself for this event, we recommend you,

to take some time for yourself. Try to concern yourself with your life and get clear about the things you want to change and what the reasons for your registration are. Whether you are seeking a cure for a physical, psychological or mental condition, whether you are looking for an answer to your personal existential questions or you want to move further along your spiritual path; clarify how the situation was originated, what it means to your life and what it may show you. Ask what you can do to change the situation – and what you are ready to invest. According to João de Deus, the entities do 25% of the work, God does another 25% and 50% are in your own hands. For healing to happen, you don‘t have to believe everything that is going to be explained and described. But certainly this event is not the right place for prejudice and doubts. Please come with an open heart and spirit – you and the others will benefit most that way. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact our staff at the information desk. Your event organization team Spirit Services Neuweilerstr. 15 4054 Basel Switzerland www.Joã

Who is João de Deus João de Teixeira de Faria was born in 1942 in Goiás, Brazil. He was clairvoyant from an early age, able to predict many events and outcomes before they were reported in the press, in one incident saving the life of his mother and himself when he foresaw a devastating storm with flooding that seemed to come out of nowhere. He left school after the second grade. When João was sixteen his life changed dramatically. He had been traveling from town to town looking for work, without much success, and was exhausted and hungry. He stopped near a stream and had a vision of a beautiful woman who told him he was needed in a nearby church in the town of Campo Grande (Matto Grosso) and to go there because people were waiting for him. He later realized the woman was the spirit of St. Rita of Cassia. He followed her directions, and as she had predicted, was welcomed at the church. That was all he remembered

until hours later when he awakened and was told that King Solomon had incorporated in him and healed many people. He protested that hunger and exhaustion had made him faint, but the many witnesses of the healing miracles left no doubt that he had been the medium for extraordinary healing from the spiritual plane. An intense period of instruction and guidance followed over the next several weeks. He was directed to dedicate his life to healing others. For 8 years, João de Deus traveled the region finding work when he could in order to eat, devoting his remaining time to heal others. People came to him by the hundreds as word of his abilities spread. It was necessary not to stay in any one place for too long. Though he never profited from his mediumship, it threatened the local religious and medical authorities who set the police on him. Many times he was arrested, beaten and jailed. For more than five decades João Teixeira de Faria has had extraordinary success in helping people to heal from AIDS, cancer, paralysis, blindness, mental disease and a host of human infirmities. Millions of people have consulted with João-in-Entity since 1965. Thousands of people per day stand and wait in line to see him individually. He

continues to have a success rate in his healing work unheard of in western medicine. This simple Brazilian man is a living proof of a unique form of mediumship in which benevolent spirits, also called disembodied entities or angels, use his body to perform seemingly miraculous healing, including both physical and psychic surgery. When João is acting as a host (to one spirit at a time) he is called ‚the Entity‘, and referred to, more formally as João de Deus. His intent is to be a vehicle for God‘s work. He has kept to this intention despite being persecuted and physically abused by those who do not want him to practice his unique way of healing without a medical license. Brazilians believe that God becomes more accessible through the likes of João and other mediums. They believe that God‘s energy is too powerful for humans to handle and that, therefore, we need intermediaries, like Jesus Christ, as well as angels, highly evolved spirits, and mediums to step down God‘s energy. Divine energy can thus be adapted to

fit our own capacities to receive it, much like an electrical transformer steps down a powerful current before it goes into individual homes designed to use weaker voltages. João discovered his gift naturally when he was only sixteen years old. Right from the beginning, he made the commitment to use what he had been given to serve mankind. His ability is amazing - within seconds he can choose to dis-identify with his body and allow a spirit to use it, then re-identify with his body when the work of the spirit is complete. He is an ‚unconscious medium‘ which means that he has no memory of what he does as the Entity works through him. More than thirty entities, now residing on the spiritual plane, each with it own identifiable characteristic personality, traits and technical skills derived from former lives as healers, incorporate within João. João-in-Entity diagnoses, offers treatment protocols, confers sedation and operates and prescribes specific alternative therapies.

While the entity consults individuals who often wait in line for hours to see him, other entities, not incorporated, simultaneously provide healings within the assembled group. In this way, the entities‘ healing extends to thousands of people a day. Seemingly undaunted by all the attention he gets, João humbly says „It is not me, but God who heals“. João de Deus has been studied by teams of legitimate scientists from Russia, Germany, the USA, Japan and France. Pathology tests reveal that the tumours, substances and tissues the Entity removes from the sick are indeed human tissues from the individuals operated upon. The most extensive study on João‘s work lasted two years, was pu-

blished in Portuguese through a Brazilian university, and made available to the public in 1997. João encourages research into his healing abilities hoping that medical science can make use of the success in these treatments of humankind.

This is an excerpt from Spiritual Alliances: Discovering the Roots of Health at the Casa de Dom Inácio by Emma Bragdon, PhD.

The Casa de Dom Inรกcio The Casa de Dom Inรกcio is named after Inรกcio de Loyola (St. Ignatius). It was founded in 1979 by Medium Joรฃo Teixeira de Faria as part of his healing mission. The Casa is an ecumenical spiritual hospital where people from all over Brazil and the world come seeking healing for innumerable conditions. Everyone is welcome to the Casa de Dom Inรกcio regardless of creed, race, education, social background, nationality or financial position. All are welcome and invited. Millions of people have come to the Casa seeking help. Many of them have been cured of ailments ranging from cancer and AIDS to fractures and vision problems. Thanks to the work of the benevolent spirits of the Casa many people now enjoy normal lives. Visitors continue to come from all corners of the world. In a typical day in the Casa over one thousand people will receive treatment.

The Entities The healing entities who work through João de Deus are the spirits of deceased doctors, surgeons, masters and saints, each one of them has been an exceptional person during life on earth. As a full trance medium, during the sessions the spirit entity incorporates into his physical body so completely, that João de Deus has no recall of the work performed through him. Occasionally, the entity conveys his identity known. More often, by distinct attributes in manner and speaking style, João de Deus’ helpers can identify which entity is working through him. The principals among them are: Dom Inácio de Loyola 1491-1556 St. Inácio of Loyola is the principle entity after whom the Casa is named. When João incorporates the entity of Dom Inácio many miracles happen. He works calmly for many hours, a testimony of his unlimited compassion, kindness and patience. “For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who disbelieve, no amount of proof is sufficient.” - St. Inácio de Loyola

Dr. Augusto de Almeida is one of the most frequent Entities at the Casa de Dom Inácio. He is reported to have been in the military service and a doctor in previous incarnations. When Dr. Augusto incorporates he is recognized for his strong personality and his somewhat authoritarian manner. He is known to be extremely kind and is deeply loved by all. “My phalange comprises not of ten, nor a hundred but thousands of helping spirits. I am the one who reaches to the very depths of the abyss to save a soul.” - Dr. Augusto de Almeida. Dr. Oswaldo Cruz 1872 - 1917. Medical doctor, founder of Medicina Experimental Brasileira, is credited for erasing the yellow fever epidemic in Brazil. He is direct and forthright in his interactions while at the same time extremely kind and compassionate. He has the most beautiful eyes, which seemingly pour out unconditional love to all in his view – a very powerful and moving experience. He will often request that wristwatches be removed as they disturb his current.

Dr. José Valdivino There is a photograph in the surgery room of the Casa where one can see the entity so fully incorporated that João’s physical body is almost completely replaced by Dr. José Valdivino. Very little is known about this entity who when asked replied simply that he was a protector of families. During his healings he is extremely gentle, compassionate and loving. His energy is especially powerful for curing paraplegics. With a touch of his hand and a command for them to walk, or move the afflicted limb, many miraculous healings have been recorded. Francis Xavier, born Francisco de Jasso y Azpilicueta (15061552) was a Spanish Missionary in the kingdom of Navarra Spain. He was a student of Inácio of Loyola and one of the first seven Jesuits. He led an extensive mission to Asia and was influential in spreading Catholicism in India as well as Japan and Borneo. St. Francis Xavier is a frequent and beloved visitor at the Casa de Dom Inácio.

King Solomon

Explanation of the lines Please note that you enter consecrated area. Leave your daily grind behind and keep your peace of mind during your stay. Already as you accede the area, you will be exposed to the beneficial energy and the spiritual entities are present everywhere. We kindly ask you to behave respectful towards your fellow men, yourself and the place. There are many people together in the main room – here as well, we ask you to keep your inner peace and to regardfully take your seat. It is important to know that in this room important processes take place already. Try to stay in a meditative attitude and concentrate on your concerns – note that the work of the spirit Entities already takes place here. Please make sure not to cross your legs or arms while you are seated. With our prayers and meditations we serve as a channel for the energies. The different lines will be called in the main room. This means, the people will be asked to line up for their visit to

João’s room. The following different lines exist: The First Time Line This is your line if you haven’t ever either seen João nor have you ever received a passiflora prescription from the entity. The Second Time Line

This queue is for people who visited João once or more – regardless of when this visit happened. This is also the right line for you if you have received passiflora from him before. The Revision Line For those who had spiritual surgery more than a week ago a review of the results of the operation is required. Or if you have had an operation in Brazil or during another event abroad please join the revision line first.

The Surgery Line Participants who have been prescribed a spiritual operation by the entities. While you are waiting for the line to be accompanied to the operating area you can prepare yourself through prayers.

Blessed Soup The soup is part of your spiritual treatment at the Casa. It is imbued with energy from the entities and it is intended to enhance your spiritual experience. The entity is always telling participants to make sure to partake from the soup as it is part of the treatment. As for its material composition, we are talking about a lightly seasoned vegetable soup. It will be served in the food tent from 10am until 2pm.

Crystal Bed A Crystal Light Bed is a spiritual treatment device that uses coloured light that beams focused at your chakras or energy centres through seven very pure quartz crystals. The alternating lights produce a balancing effect on your energy body as you lay with your eyes closed and meditate to soft relaxing music. While your energy body is receiving this external assistance to stay in balance, the benevolent spirits of the Casa de Dom Inรกcio can work on you very

deeply. You will be able to receive a more intense treatment from these benevolent spirits than you would be able to sustain on your own. Here in Winterthur we have a room with beds dedicated to crystal bed treatment, you can experience this by simply booking a session at the shop. One session lasts 20 minutes and costs CHF 25.- / EUR 20.-. If you like to experience a crystal bed treatment after this event, you can search with the below link for a crystal bed practitioner near you:

For more information on owners please visit the Abadiania Web Portal:

Blessed Water Blessed water is imprinted with energy from the benevolent spirits that work with João de Deus. Often it happens that while attending the event a process is set in motion which lasts for several months. Drinking blessed water is a big help in this case and after an operation it is mandatory. Water, the same applies to crystals is known to be one of the best transporters of subtle vibrations. You can dilute this water with other kinds, preferably with filtered or natural mineral water; the information will still be transmitted. Please note the following guidelines: • You can drink as much or as little as you want. • Do not put this water in the refrigerator or boil it. • You can extend this water by adding more drinking water to it. The energy will extend to the new water. Do not do this with water that has been charged as medicine especially for you by João de Deus.

The bottle contains just drinking water. It is safe to give to children, pets, plants or anyone else.

Here in Winterthur, the blessed water is a substitute for the herbal drugs prescribed in the Casa in Brazil. The entities strongly recommend that you take some bottles of the consecrated water home with you for yourself and/or those not able to attend. We will be happy to provide you with blessed water even after the event. Please contact us as follows:

Spirit Services GmbH info@Joã Phone +41 61 301 84 31

Spiritual Intervention If the entity embodied in the medium João has additionally prescribed spiritual surgery for you, this can have many reasons. The operation could serve to cure any current physical ailments or solve emotional-spiritual problems. The reason the operation was prescribed could be to mobilise your energy, which then helps you to cope with any difficulties in your life. Come back to the main room and wait until the surgery line is being called – this is usually in the beginning of a session or at the end. This is again a time for looking inwards: into yourself and to examine your intentions. Be conscious of what help exactly you are requesting and concentrate on the most important topics, those who are near and dear to you. Allow visions, feelings and partial thoughts to come up – maybe your subconscious gives you a hint and makes you aware of some aspects which can be relevant for your cure. In a serene state of mind and in complete trust enter the room where the operations take place and be open for the divine help in the room. Before the spiritual intervention, you are asked to place your hand on the part of your body where you would like to

be operated. If you are not sure of where or what exactly you ask to operate just place your hand on your heart. This means, you seek healing on all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. The entities can manage multiple and different interventions at the same time. Please urgently follow the post operational instructions on the next page.

Rules after Spiritual Intervention After you have had a spiritual operation, please come and see our team in the food tent. They will explain to you how important it is to follow these instructions in order to get the most benefit from the intervention. Please leave the ground right after the post operation instruction. 1.

Rest not less than 12 hours. You can return to the event after 12 hours of rest.


No exercise or strenuous physical activity for 8 days.


No sex or sexual energy for: - 40 days if it is your first operation ever - 8 days otherwise.


Stitches removal A week from now (the seventh night after the intervention) you will be visited by the entities to remove your spiritual stitches. On the stitches night : - Dress in white to go to bed - Place a small glass of blessed water next to your bed - Pray and ask the entities to remove your stitches - The entities come in the night, take your stitches and place energy in the water for you. - In the morning, pray to thank the entities and drink the water.


Revision – At the next event or in Abadiania go to revision line first.


Prescription (*) - Purchase 6 bottles of blessed water. - Take 30ml of water 3 times a day. Until you have finished all 6 bottles. - Follow a diet: No pork, no alcohol, no peppers (Black, white, cayenne, chilies, etc.) - If you have more than one prescription (**) Take the 1st operation prescription until it is finished Take the second operation prescription and so on...


Special Operations Eyes – Do not read or write or wacht TV for 8 days. Surrogate - If you are receiving an operation for someone else, then all these rules apply to that other person and not to you. Rest until the next session and come back if you are registered for it.


Energy work (***) Don’t give for 8 days. Don’t receive for 40 Days.

Rules after Spiritual Intervention (*) Normally in Brazil you would receive a prescription for Passiflora. Since we do not have passiflora available here, the entities are charging blessed water to be used in the same way. (**) If you have been to Abadiania and you still have passiflora from previous prescriptions, this prescription counts as “liquid operations herbs” and should fit into your schedule accordingly. (***) Energy work means someone working on your energy (or vice-versa) It does not apply to prayer practices, meditation, etc. (e.g for this purposes, practicing Qi-Gong is exercise but not energy work. Having a Qi-gong master work on you is energy work.) After an intervention you are being asked tp lay down and sleep because the entities will be working intensely on you during this time. Please follow these rules precisely. IMPORTANT: CONTINUE TO TAKE ANY MEDICATIONS AND FOLLOW ANY INDICATIONS PRESCRIBED BY YOUR MEDICAL PRACTITIONER. IF THERE IS A CONFLICT BETWEEN THESE RULES AND YOUR DOCTOR‘S ADVICE, TAKE YOUR DOCTOR‘S ADVICE. THE ENTITIES WILL ADAPT YOUR TREATMENT.

Photographs of friends and loved ones

The Prayer Triangle

The entities are able to help people at a distance when they cannot come in person. The way to request this kind of help for someone is to bring a photograph of the person seeking healing and present it to the entity. Please note on the back of the photograph the name of the person along with their date of birth address/location and the specific illness needing treatment.

In the main hall you will find a large wooden triangle. The triangle is a way to communicate your prayers and needs to the entities, or to ask for help or blessings for a loved one. You will see people placing notes or pictures into the baskets below the triangle and praying with their head in the triangle for a few minutes. Feel free to do so any time the area is clear. It is suggested to approach the triangle and take a moment to collect your thoughts before giving your note or picture into the basket. Then place your forehead in the middle of the triangle, begin your prayer and let go for a moment. When you have finished, gather yourself again for a moment and go back to the rest of your day.


Daily on stage for you from the 16th - 18th of July

It is our pleasure to offer you in the hall number 1 (main hall) a wide range and a variety of program items of different kinds. These three days are entirely in the hands of João and the entities. The entities decide on flow and timing and therefore it is not possible for us to serve you with further indications on timings or order within the program.

Musical performances by Kana Kana is a unique expression of divine beauty, intelligence, and grace. Her generosity of spirit combines with the power of her pure, rich, velvet voice, to offer her audience a transformative musical experience. Her exceptional talent and musical perspective suggest a new genre of music that can only be called “transcendental.” Kana encourages her audience to “Go deeper in the listening and you will create a space for your own inner voice to provide you with wisdom and guidance.”

Certainly, this does demand a lot of patience and spontaneity and we thank you in advance for your comprehension and your willingness to surrender control of these days to the benevolent spirits. The spiritual world does have its own timetable and we are pleased to be able to place these days into their hands.

Musical performances by Jürgen Solis The first directions to dedicate my life to music I have already received in the years 1997-1999, where I suddenly and quite often suffered from high fever. I then had time to sit down and play along with the piano. Surprisingly, the day after I felt completely healthy again. After nearly 10 years of those explicit ‘signs’ from the Universe I realized that music is more than just one tune following another: that music is here to heal the soul!

Daily on stage for you from the 16th - 18th of July Bob Dinga & Diana Rose sharing stories and experiences. Bob and Diana are Casa Tour Leaders who have been taking people to meet João de Deus since 1999. Their 56 trips to the Casa in Brazil have included more than 50 groups with people from a multitude of countries worldwide. Their mission is to assist people in meeting João de Deus and to create a spiritual environment that supports a maximum experience. Bob and Diana live near San Francisco, California. Musical performances by Odette Budin

With 6 years of age, Odette began studying violin and singing. From 1994-2004 she spent the years of artistic fulfilment at the National Music University in Bucharest. In 2004 she went in for the Faculty of Psychology at the “Titu Maiorescu” University.

Musical performances by Andrea Viaricci Andrea Viaricci, born in St. Gallen, Switzerland, is a trained opera singer with concert matriculation achieved with award of the Music Academy Biel. Her performance of primary parts in most different operas, operettas and musicals give proof of her vocal and acting versatileness. She is a popular concert as well as opera singer within and outside of Switzerland. Furthermore, Andrea is a songwriter and composer: „I felt the gift of experiencing the love of the Entities through João as I could in the Casa de Dom Ignacio. For me this is a wonderful present and I am deeply thankful. I am convinced that every human being receives this kind of healing that for him/her is the most beneficial at that time, no matter if on physical, emotional or spiritual level. Our contribution is to open our heart to love and trust.

Monday, 16th of July

Tuesday, 17th of July

Lecture (morning) with Dr. med. dent. Karl Ulrich Volz Formerly youngest dentist with a privately owned practice, has developed in 2001 the first marketable implant made of solid ceramics as replacement to tooth roots: Along with his manifold activities as for example the exploration of paranormal phenomena such as João he studies since 1997 intensively „the Human Needs Psychology“ at Anthony Robbins‘ in the US, which aims to resolve practically all kinds of mental disorders or derailing in one single session for all times.

Lecture (morning) with Juliane Sacher As a doctor for general medicine, she is a widely known speaker of international level speaking of a nontoxic treatment of cancer and AIDS since more than 25 years. Co-author of the book “Future of cancer medicine“ and published the two DVD’s „No panic with tumour affections” and “22 questions to HIV/AIDS“

Lecture (afternoon) with Dr. med. Christfried Preussler An especially holistic doctor, in which his counterparts recognize a person who is centred and rooted. His motto by Karl Foerster is “Who wants to realize his dreams needs to be more awakened and deeper dreaming than others” stands for his depth, which allows him a special access to his patients and allows healing on all three levels.

Lecture (afternoon) with Dr. med. Harald A. G. Banzhaf He connects since 15 years different ways of treatment in his private practice for Body-/Spirit-Medicine for the most beneficial outcome of his patients.

Wednesday, 18th of July Lecture (morning) with Dr. med. Thomas Allgaier He runs his private practice near Freiburg as a general medicine MD. Since 20 years he applies bio resonance therapy and received in 2005 the WHO certificate „Master of Biological Medicine“ as one of the first German MD’s. He integrates treatments on mental and spiritual levels into his work. Since 2002 he works together with the Philippine healer Jun Labo in Manila and visited João in 2010 for the first time.

Lecture (afternoon) with Dr. med. Christof Plothe Together with 8 colleagues he runs a centre for Osteopathy and medical science for children. Torsten Liem and he wrote the book „Children Osteopathy“. He is lecturer of international courses (in Europa and in the US) on core areas pregnancy and medical science for children. He is founder of the biophysical osteopathy and an own approach of the isopathic therapy and is guest lecturer at the University of Wales in the context of the Master programme at the OSD Germany and Italy (medical science for children).

Statue of Dom Inácio at the Casa


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