Forum Focus

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The magazine of Leith Churches Forum

June 2012 Vol. 42/12

From the Chair John Tait I begin with a question to all of you who are members or associated with any of the 4 Leith Church of Scotland congregations. Are you excited about being part of Leith Churches Forum? No? Then we need to hear from you! As you probably know, the Church of Scotland nationally is currently working and striving to reduce the number of parish ministers and reduce costs. We are currently living through difficult times! This is not the time to be spending time and effort on something which is not being effective! But just before you think “Why are we bothering with the Forum?� Here are a few thoughts for you. By being part of a Church grouping, each congregation in the Forum is presently assured of being able to call a minister under Reviewable tenure. Indeed both North Leith and South Leith have, within recent months, done just that and are now looking forward with greater confidence. Confidence born out of having a new minister and also born out of the opportunity this gives to have a hard look at how their church is working and make hard decisions as to how they will be God’s people for the present and the future. Confidence also born out of being part of a larger local Church of Scotland group. By being part of the Forum, no congregation is on its own, but has support from the other congregations. The days of competitiveness between neighbouring congregations are long gone! Some time ago several of the office-bearers from each congregation met to compare and discuss methods and difficulties - treasurers, session clerks and property conveners. Maybe this should become a more regular thing? We also had several joint meetings of Elders which were important at the time and perhaps could be again. The ministers now meet regularly each month along with others who share the work of ministry within the Forum as the Forum Ministry Team. This is a great support for each individual and is also an effective channel for the developing cooperation across the congregations.

Many of you value our united Forum worship services which offer opportunities to be together physically before God in worship and also opportunities to meet friends and make new friends from other congregations, within the environment of the Church. There is still some distance to go in developing together as a Church grouping! It offers many more potential areas of cooperation and we can be more effective together! The Coordinating Team is the place to look at new ideas and cope with criticisms in regard to the Forum. We would value your input and your enthusiasm. Please don’t just despair quietly in a corner! Contact me or your own Church reps on the Coordinating Team. And let’s make the Forum something for all of us to be excited about! May God bless you all.

Pilrig St. Paul's information The congregation will be working with the Interim Moderator (still to be named) in the planning and discussing in the run up to my retiral at the end of October. We are also working to identify and appoint a person or persons to enthusiastically and effectively take forward the musical life of PSP including the Forum children's and youth choir Projects. We will also be a Edinburgh Festival Fringe Venue for the early part of the Festival period. Look out for more info.

I've learned... . That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.

Introduction to Rev. Iain May - New Minister of South Leith Parish Church

Dear Friends, It is my great pleasure to say hello as the new Minister of South Leith Parish Church. My ordination and induction took place on the 18th April and it was uplifting to see South Leith full with my many friends from Leith and beyond all coming to join me in celebrating this special occasion in my own personal life, but also in the life of South Leith and the church in Leith. In the coming weeks and months I am looking forward to getting to know the churches in Leith and in particular the works of the Leith Church Forum. I am originally from Penicuik but left there in the late seventies when I joined the Merchant Navy as a navigating officer cadet. I spent over eight years travelling the world and during that time learnt the importance of working as a team. The expression ‘we are all in the same boat’ was a literal truth in my formative years. It gave me an in depth insight into the importance of working together for the benefit of all. I came ashore in the mid nineteen eighties and went to university in Edinburgh. On graduating I then spent the next eighteen years in banking of one form or another. I left the banking world in the 2007 to start my training for ministry at New College, University of Edinburgh. I graduated with my BD in 2010. In my journey into ministry I have always felt a strong calling towards ‘parish’ ministry and all that it entails. I do believe that within Leith there are many excellent examples of how parish ministry can operate successfully in the 21st Century. The Leith Church Forum has, I believe, a key role in showing how a strong Christian presence can make a real different to the lives of all in Leith. Yet, there are many challenges facing the church today. These challenges will not get easier in the years ahead. A particularly challenge is that many within our own family, circle of friends or wider community question the relevance of the church. However, if the local ‘parish’ churches and all who have a relationship within them, can work together, engage and develop strong and relevant connections with the local community, I do feel

God’s church and kingdom will grow in Leith and beyond. In the weeks and months ahead I am looking forward to sharing time with many of the members of the churches in Leith. I am particularly looking forward to seeing many of you on the 10th June, at the joint service in my ‘former home church’ of North Leith. Joint services are important and are a time for us all to come as one to worship and share in the good news that Christ proclaimed. It will be my privilege in the years ahead to contribute to the growing Christian presence here in Leith and I want to assure all that I am committed to a strong and faithful parish church for all in Leith’s varied and diverse community. There will be many challenges and no doubt changes to how we do church in Leith, but we can be assured that as we all walk together in our faith journey, we will have the guiding, caring hand of God’s Holy Spirit with us and within us, as we walk together as Christ’s church in Leith.

With my prayers and blessings to you all. Outreach Team Roy Eprile

No report at this time as the team have not met.

Date for your diary: Former Moderator to visit Leith

On Tuesday 12th June, Leith Churches Together will welcome the Very Rev. Dr. Sheilagh Kesting, former Moderator, and Secretary for Ecumenical Relations in the Church of Scotland. Sheilagh Kesting was the first female minister to be elected as Moderator (in 2007). Originally from Stornoway, her career has included working with homeless women; parish ministry in Glasgow and close at hand in Musselburgh; and ecumenical work at local, national and international level. The evening (7pm at the Leith Acorn Centre YMCA) will include supper and a short AGM. Look out for posters and more info.

Update on Leith St Andrew’s Vacancy Val McIntosh Leith St Andrew’s is now well into our period of vacancy having said goodbye to Elizabeth Youngson at the end of November. As South Leith and North Leith will appreciate, and Pilrig St Paul’s will soon come to know, things do not happen quickly in the Church of Scotland and, six months later, we are still in the very early stages of vacancy! Rev. Russell Moffat from St Martin’s Church is our Interim Moderator and Rev. Sara Embleton is our locum Minister. We have very much enjoyed Sara’s calm and organised style of worship and are already getting to know her. She is very involved with Pastoral Care, as well as Messy Church and Oasis of Peace. With Sara’s help and the continued commitment of our members, life at Leith St Andrew’s continues very much as normal. In February, the Kirk Session met with representatives from Deployment of Resources, led by Michael Cunliffe. At this meeting the Session unanimously agreed to support the Draft Basis of Reviewable Tenure that the committee presented to it. A Congregational Meeting was held following worship on 11th March, also chaired by Michael Cunliffe, who explained the draft, which was then accepted by the congregation. A small group appointed by Session has met to put together a draft Parish Profile although the final say for this will of course, lie with the Nomination Committee. The group decided to ask the Congregation to fill in Post-It notes saying what they would like in a new minister and the comments we were given were very encouraging. They will be passed to the Nominating Committee for consideration. At the Presbytery Meeting on 8th May the decision to approve the Basis of Reviewable Tenure was formally approved. Following this we hope to quickly appoint a nominating committee and start the advertising process to call a new minister to Leith St Andrew’s.

The will of God is either a burden we carry, or a power which carries us. (Carrie ten Boom)

Ocean Terminal and Leith Churches Together Jennifer Stark 1. Ocean Terminal. Alongside the regular chaplaincy ‘walking the mall’, the main Ocean Terminal-related effort in the last couple of months has been organising the LCT Easter card. Picking up on the success of the 2011 Seafarers and LCT Christmas card, I asked some of the churches if they’d like to involve their Sunday School children or teenagers’ groups to work on a drawing in the weeks before Easter. Much of the success of this was down to the Sunday School teachers and helpers, and I’m very grateful to those who coordinated it at their churches (in one church, some Brownies and Rainbows also took to it with enthusiasm!) Those involved this time were: North Leith, Duke Street URC, South Leith, St Mary Star of the Sea and Ebenezer UF Church. Eric Fisher and Walter McGillivray helped make the final choice – many thanks to them, and of course to Andrew Clark (aged 12) of Ebenezer, whose drawing came out as the winner! OT were very cooperative about displaying all the drawings for the week before Easter, and although the display had to be moved on day 2, the second location just in front of the entrance was excellent – a number of people wrote comments on the sheets provided saying how much they’d enjoyed the artwork. The chaplaincy work continues to go well. There is a real warmth now from many shop and centre staff.

Mission-Shaped Introduction. This 6-week course runs from 9 May to 13 June, and although complete in itself, it’s also a ‘taster’ for the 9-month Mission Shaped Ministry course, which is being offered through Edinburgh Presbytery from September 2012 (those of any denomination can attend). Both draw on research and experiments in ‘emerging church’ or ‘Fresh Expressions’ of church from different contexts and include DVD material. I found the greatest benefits were the chance to reflect on and discuss the challenges that many churches and congregations are facing. The course enabled us to put these in a wider, and also in a biblical, context.

“Be filled with the Spirit” is the most joyful commandment in the Bible. (Corrie ten Boom)

Some services & events in the Forum congregations that you are welcome to attend. Leith Festival Joint service at North Leith on Sunday 10 th June at 11am. Leith St. Andrew's Messy Church: Last Thursday of the month from 5 - 7pm; A family friendly, fun and noisy, messy time of games, crafts, stories and worship and a light tea. June 28th, holiday in July, back on August 30th Oasis of Peace at Leith St Andrew's Our quiet reflective prayer services. Wednesday at 10.15am. A time of peace, worshipping, sharing and praying followed by a cuppa and chat. We meet in the Easter Road Hall. All are welcome. St Andy's Teeny Tots We meet on Wednesday afternoons in the Easter Road Hall at Leith St Andrew's from 2pm - 3.30pm for fun for babies and toddlers and their parents/carers. Cost is £1 per session which includes tea/ coffee for parents and a healthy snack for the children. We now have a waiting list so if you want to join the list please email us at Young at Heart takes a break but will start again on September 4th, meeting on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 2-4pm. All in receipt of a senior bus pass welcome for fun and fellowship. Pilrig St Paul's Summer worship services will run from 29th July -2nd September. These will be shorter more informal and more participative than regular services. South Leith Worship at One at South Leith church every Thursday at 1pm – prayers for the community and the world. Mid week services at South Leith halls at 7pm. on second Tuesday of the month; none in July & August. Short alternative services. Fair Trade tea & coffee afterwards and a chance to chat & discuss the service. Summer early morning services Every Sunday at 9.30pm in July and August there will be short informal allage services.

Pilrig St. Paul's Pilrig Parlour Open from Monday to Saturday 6th August - 25th August 11.30am 2.00pm. Serving light snacks -soup, sandwiches, toasties, desserts, juice coffee, tea and cakes. You are assured of a warm welcome! It will be great to see friends from the Forum! Outwith these dates the Open Doorway will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays to 1pm., serving tea, coffee & biscuits. Fairtrade goods on sale. The church is open and all are welcome.

Leith Festival are holding a Tea Dance on 11 June 2012 from 2-4pm at South Leith Parish Church Halls, 6 Henderson Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6BS. Why not come along and swing into action. Tea and sandwiches will be served. For tickets please contact the Halls on 554 2578.

Nine-year-old Joey was asked by his mother what he had learned in Sunday School. 'Well, Mum, our teacher told us how God sent Moses behind enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt . When he got to the Red Sea , he had his army build a pontoon bridge and all the people walked across safely. Then he radioed headquarters for reinforcements. They sent bombers to blow up the bridge and all the Israelites were saved.' 'Now, Joey, is that really what your teacher taught you?' his Mother asked. 'Well, no, Mum.. But, if I told it the way the teacher did, you'd never believe it!'

On your marks… Leith Churches Holiday Club This will take place from 16th -20th July at South Leith Parish Halls for those leaving P1-P7. It runs from 10-12:15 pm and costs just £1 per day. This year's club is called "On Your Marks..." and has a sports theme. It will be a lot of fun with games, crafts, songs, silly challenges, bible stories, drama and competitions. This club is being run as an outreach to the community by the Leith Churches and YMCA. Do you have a passion for providing positive interaction with the church for the children of Leith? This is a really effective way of reaching and serving our local community. You may be saying I'm too old, or I don't have much time, or I'm not very good at that sort of thing - well by just coming forward you would be an encouragement to us. We as the church are one body but with many parts – we each have a different role, we play our part and do what we can. There are many different ways to get involved and there is something for everyone. You could support us in prayer, help with craft preparation, encourage others to get involved or tell children/parents in your street. Helpers for activities during the week are always required so if you would like to help please contact Neil 07927690691 or Hayley 07590778949 as soon as possible. Or email It is possible to help for just a few days if you cannot manage all week. Christianity Explored A new course started on Monday 14th May at 7.30pm at South Leith halls, 6 Henderson Street, and lasts 7 weeks. It is organised in collaboration with a number of other churches in Leith. It is for people who would like to investigate Christianity for the first time,or just brush up on the basics. It explores who Jesus was, what His aims were, and what it means to follow Him. Participants are not asked to pray, sing or read aloud, and can ask any question they like. Or, if they prefer, they can come along to simply listen to the discussions and watch the films. It is an ideal opportunity to invite anyone you believe may be interested in learning more about Christianity. The course will start with a cup of coffee / tea each week and will last one hour. For more information contact Callum MacKellar (Elder in North Leith): tel.554 8869, email

Ministry Team Jennifer Stark

In the Ministry Team, it continues to be a time of change – but also renewal! I was reminded recently that for newcomers to Leith reading Forum Focus, and those not fully up to date with the current ‘staffing,’ an update on ‘who’s who and who’s where’ might be helpful, so here goes…. With Rev. Iain May’s welcome arrival in South Leith, the team now includes Iain, Rev. John Tait (Pilrig St Paul’s) and Rev. Alex McAspurren (North Leith), plus myself, a Parish and Presbytery Worker (PPW), working ecumenically as leader of the Leith Churches Outreach Project, and Deacon Pauline Rycroft, who shares her time between Leith St Andrews and St Margaret’s Restalrig. However, with the vacancies in North Leith and South Leith over the last 2 years, it’s been enormously helpful to have a regular representative from the congregations (Session Clerks Norman Lindsay and Dawn Birkinshaw respectively) as part of the team. This not only keeps us in touch with developments in these churches, but means that we get to know each other better. More recently, Ronnie McAlister (Deputy Session Clerk) has attended on behalf of Leith St Andrews, but has had to step back for personal reasons. All of them have brought experience and often fresh insights to the meetings, as does Rev. Sara Embleton, currently locum at Leith St Andrews, who has occasionally joined us during her time in Leith. Iain, of course, is no stranger to many here, given his previous experience of living and worshipping in Leith. In March, we reflected on what we had appreciated about the team and the meetings over the years, and what we prayed for in the future. Several people mentioned the trust and support gained through committing time to meeting together (and how best to continue this, given that there will be further changes to come for a while yet); and the joint work of the Forum as a whole. At our April meeting, Rev. Andrew McMillan from Ebenezer United Free Church joined us for the first part of the meeting – a chance to talk informally and put names to faces – and we said a hearty ‘thank you’ and farewell to Dawn – one less meeting for her to squeeze into her diary, for which she will probably be thankful!

Farewell from Martin Ritchie As John Tait mentioned in the last issue of the Forum Focus, I’m stepping down from the position of organist and choirmaster at Pilrig St Paul’s at the end of June. For the last year I’ve been engaged in the Church of Scotland’s enquiry and assessment process which is designed for any church member to explore whether they might have a particular vocation to one of the many ministries of the Church. Following the initial stages of exploration and a placement working with the minister and congregation at Morningside Parish Church, I decided that I felt called to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament, and am now in the process of assessment. There are two stages to the assessment. Firstly, a Local Review takes place, involving my placement minister, a representative from the Presbytery of Edinburgh and a member of staff from the Ministries Council. Should I pass through this stage then I will attend a national selection conference which takes place over two days in June this year. Should I be selected at this conference then I would be required to augment my existing BD degree with two further postgraduate study years in theology alongside parish placements. So we will see how it all goes! Please remember me in your thoughts and prayers over the next couple of months. It has been a rewarding experience to work in Leith and in particular at Pilrig St Paul’s. In many ways what we have managed to do with our various choirs, supported financially by Pilrig St Paul’s and the Forum, has been against the odds. I very much appreciate all the support of many people in launching and running these groups and turning up to support performances, assist with catering and supervision and so on. Most importantly, I should mention John Tait, as none of this would have happened without his encouragement and collaboration. It is our intention to seek a successor to continue and develop all of the music, including the youth choirs and the Pilrig Chorus, so watch this space for further details. For now, God bless, and good luck with all the work of the Church in Leith.

Port Chaplain Tim Bell

They all have a story. One Philippine chap who is on a ship that comes quite frequently to Leith, and whom I have got to know quite well, asked me to take him and a shipmate shopping. They don’t get proper shore-leave, so they need to be taken quickly to somewhere like Fort Kinnaird to get things to take home. Over a cup of coffee while his pal finished his business, he told me that many years ago his older brother was killed in a marine accident in New Zealand and his mother has never been given the compensation package that they know is there for him. I’m not sure how much I can help directly, but it’s a story that needs to be told and heard. He will email me some details when he gets home, and maybe I can jog a few consciences. Goodness knows, the family needs the money! This is just one of many ‘small’ matters that come to light in the docks, where the isolated and vulnerable men on whom we depend so much are not always fairly treated.

The men on ships working in the North Sea oil field are relatively well paid and the length of their contracts is kept reasonably short to prevent fatigue. That’s not the case for the seafarers on the cargo ships or the cruise ships. We can’t be too squeamish, of course – a job’s a job, a wage is a wage, and they are prepared to work for the money that keeps their families out of poverty. Without claiming anything for myself or the volunteers who will visit the cruise liners in Leith this summer, I know that the seafarers appreciate having helpful, concerned, independent friends in Leith. And we all appreciate all the help, support, and encouragement from the Leith congregations and Leith Churches Together. Thank you!

Visit from Shallowford Presbyterian Youth Choir, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Around 60 musical teenagers from the USA will be visiting us in Leith on 14th and 15th June as part of a Scottish tour. On the evening of Friday 15th June, we will be having a “concert crawl” for the choir. Sadly we could not make the date work at South Leith or St Andrew’s, but Broughton St Mary’s have kindly agreed to be a venue, so the itinerary for the evening is: 7-7.30pm: First performance at Pilrig St Paul’s, Pilrig St/Leith Walk 8-8.30pm: Second performance at Broughton St Mary’s Church, 9-9.30pm: Third performance at North Leith Church, Madeira St (followed by refreshments) Admission is free to all stages of the concert, and you may attend all or any of the venues. The programme will be different in each venue. Please come along and bring friends to support these enthusiastic and talented young people. Thanks! Martin Ritchie, Director of Music, Pilrig St Paul’s Church.

The Rotary Club of Leith Charity Concert - Saturday 16th June 2012 @7.30pm

In the beautiful surroundings of South Leith Parish Church, you are warmly invited to once again be entertained by the 50 strong Sing in the City Choir and Band (SitC) under its musical director, Kirsty Baird . The SitC ethos is to help and encourage everyone to sing/perform regardless of age or ability. It was an ethos demonstrated to the full by the enthusiasm and joy that electrified the audience last year with songs of wide appeal including sing-along, Scottish ballads, The Proclaimers (Sunshine on Leith) and The Eurythmics, All proceeds to The Friends of Goboti Appeal, a registered Scottish Charity helping to provide Education and Poverty relief in Eastern Cape of South Africa. Last year this concert raised £3,000 to refurbish classrooms in Goboti village. Tickets £8 (Concessions £6) Contact 0131 538 5819/0131 332 5848 for further details.

Usher Hall – Saturday 9th June @ 7.30pm

Your Representatives

Co-ordinating Team

Outreach Team

Stuart Duffus


Andrew Campbell


Lily Gilhooly


Colin Cunningham


Margaret Gray


Alex Edington


Norman Lindsay


Roy Eprile (chair)


Stuart Lithgow


Ewan Lawson


Valarie McIntosh


Jennifer Stark


Rev. Alex McAspurren


Rev Iain May


Rev John Tait (chair)


Mark Wexelstein


Forum Focus Team Joanne Baird


Ian Bethune


Stuart Duffus (editor) SL Isobel Evans


Jimmy Hudson


Sigrid Lithgow


Feedback or articles and information for the September Focus should be given to your representative by 28th July for the editor. Alternatively e- mail to the editor at

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