Mag dec 13

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WELCOME TO PILRIG St PAUL’S DECEMBER 2013 CHRISTMAS SERVICES Gift Service - 11am on Sunday 8th December Nine Lessons and Carols - 11am on Sunday 22nd December Family Service - 6.30pm on 24th December Watchnight Service - 11.30pm on 24th December Christmas Day service – 10 am on 25th December The “OPEN DOORWAY” is open each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am - 1.00pm. Enter by the main door. PILRIG St PAUL’S ORGANISATIONS (please contact leaders for time and place) Sundays - Sunday Club, 10:45 am for ages P1-S4 (Mark Wexelstein 665 6881) Mondays - Rainbows and Brownies (Christine Buchanan 554 2941) Tuesdays - The Guild 2.00pm (Irene Wexelstein 476 1385) Wednesdays - Lunch club 12 noon (Marjory McArthur 553 2323) All youth choirs Contact Colin Gray 07901 556 217 Thursdays - Rainbows and Brownies (Ann Urquhart 554 8387) Guides (Karen Wood 554 5493) Tuesdays The 5th Leith Scouts Pilrig (5th Leith) Edinburgh North East Broughton Primary gym hall, contact Evelyn Torrance 552 1657 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts 5 3/4 - 14 years PASTORAL CONVENER Mrs Linda Gill (669 7409)

OUR WHEELCHAIR ENTRANCES ARE IN PILRIG STREET Please help to keep up the stocks for our foodbank by bringing something as often as you can and putting it in the box in the open doorway. The list of suitable items is on the inside back cover. THANK YOU!


The glory of Lebanon shall come unto you, the fir tree, the pine tree and the box together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary. ~ Isaiah 60:13 What would Christmas be like, without a Christmas tree? Unimaginable! The Christmas tree is at the centre of our festivities in our cities, in our homes and in our places of worship – and they have come to symbolise part of the beauty and meaning of Christmas for people right around the world. It is difficult to be certain about how the fir tree first came to be linked with the celebration of the birth of Christ. Legends are varied, but one of the earliest denotes that a Northumbrian monk, named Saint Wilfrid, felled a great oak tree in opposition to the Druids who used it as an object of worship. As the oak tree fell to the ground, it split and from its centre grew a young fir tree. Wilfrid put down his axe and said, “This little tree, a young child of the forest, shall be your holy tree tonight. It is the wood of peace, for your houses are built of the fir. It is the sign of an endless and eternal life for its leaves are evergreen. See! Now it points toward the Heaven. Let this tree be called the tree of the Christ Child; gather about it, not in the wildwoods, but in your own homes. There it will shelter no deeds of blood, but shall be surrounded with loving gifts of kindness.” Another legend, this time from Germany, gives us further insight into the Christian beginnings of the celebration of Christmas trees. It originates from the 8th century, with St. Boniface, who went to Germany to evangelize the gospel. He used the triangular shape of the fir tree to describe the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and saw the fir tree as a suitable homage to the Christ Child. The first recorded use of the Christmas tree was in medieval German Paradise plays, held outdoors and portraying the creation of 2

humankind. The Tree of Life was a fir tree decorated with apples. At a later stage, ornaments were hung upon trees, such as paper flowers and gilded nuts. Centuries later, the great German Reformer, Martin Luther was perhaps the first to use a lighted tree. History records that Martin Luther wandered outdoors and became enraptured with the beauty of the starry sky. Its brilliance and loveliness led him to reflect on the glory of the first Christmas Eve as seen in Bethlehem’s radiant skies. Wishing to share the mystery he felt, he cut from the forest an evergreen and placed candles upon it to represent the glorious heavens he had seen. The use of candle-lit trees spread across Europe, then to America, where they quickly became the central ornament of Christmas. There are many wonderful customs and traditions that assist us in our preparations for Christmas, but without an appropriate understanding of these, our rituals are meaningless. As we look at our own trees this year let us remember the universal nature of our faith and our responsibility towards all God’s people. Let’s take time this Advent to pause, remind ourselves of the meaning behind the customs that we practice and then come together on Christmas morning to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child. Wishing you Peace and Joy this Christmas Mark World Week of Prayer, 18th-25th January 2013 A special Service will be held on Sunday 19th January at 3 pm in North Leith Church. All wlcome.




Guild Meetings are held at 2pm 14 January - Communion and Theme 28 January - Scottish afternoon See page one for contact details


THE CATHEDRAL OF THE ISLES Edinburgh Festival had finished, and after an exhausting spell of helping my pal put on a play in the Fringe, I felt it was time for a change. Then I spotted a note within the South Leith Newsletter for a visit to the College on the Isle of Cumbrae, organised so smoothly by Issy Evans. The College sits majestically in its own grounds, from which we managed to forage many a bramble, and spot a great deal of wildlife. Whatever my imaginations for this weekend might have been, it was far outstripped by the reality. Of course, the weather being glorious was a real bonus. But the facilities food, company, and of course, importantly, the Spiritual content were wonderful. lain May, South Leith's Minister gave some rousing tunes on the journey across, and managed to keep our tired flagging bodies afloat. We perked up on the more scenic route down from Glasgow, via Wemyss Bay, and our crossing on the ferry at Largs. A very short journey but buoyed on our way, to the opening out of the Isle of Cumbrae. Despite a further influx of visitors, the stillness was magical. A quick journey around the coastal route led us to Millport which was so picturesque in the early evening sun. We soon settled within the College, some were lucky enough to be staying in Saint named rooms and others the Spirits. The warden David Todd was calm despite the onslaught of so many souls. He truly lifted our spirits the first evening with wonderful cuisine and rich Spiritual blessing in the Cathedral. We all took a little while to settle to the unusual reading of the Psalms, as a short breath is left between lines, and each side of the congregation reads an alternate verse. After morning Service on the Saturday, we had time to ourselves and our volunteer driver, Arthur Matheson, was kind enough to allow us a very leisurely trail around the island. This can take 20 minutes 5

door to door. But after shell collecting and sail boat spotting, we were absent for well over an hour. Then to discover the delights of Millport itself. Some more hardy souls even took to the push bikes and tandems which you can hire. Saturday evening's entertainment included an intriguing Murder Mystery enthusiastically run by lain and Arthur. Very atmospheric in "the Library" by a roaring open fire, with even a regal appearance of Queen Victoria! After, David led off an impromptu ceilidh with some rousing fiddle music. Then Freddy from the choir led into a singalong. lain took the sermon on Sunday, recalling us to our care for others, to remember one and all in our Thanks. Be it close family we take so often for granted or the overstressed check out assistant. After another wonderful lunch, we made our fond adieus, in the fervent hope we can return next year. A grateful thanks to all at South Leith Church and David Todd, who made this such a revelation of a retreat, they were all so warm in their Christian welcome. Cathy Purdie From our last Locum, Sara Embleton Dear All, Thank you one and all, for the beautiful necklace you gave me as a parting gift at the Induction social. You were listening to my sermons!! – at least the ones on Celtic symbols. I will remember you all at Pilrig St Paul’s with great fondness every time I wear it. I wish you every blessing as you begin this new stage of your journey as a congregation under Mark’s ministry. With warm wishes from Sara. 6

From the Interim Moderator, This is just a brief note to thank the congregation for their kind gift that I received on the evening of Mark Foster’s Induction. It will allow me to choose and buy a book or two, always a favourable pastime. As I didn’t get the opportunity at the Induction to publicly thank those I was indebted to during the course of the Vacancy may I do so here: I was spared having to be heavily involved in the week and week life of the church over the course of the past year because of three superb locums who handled the Sunday services and pastoral work. I was spared additional meetings of the Congregational Board because they chose their own Chairperson and ran the meetings themselves. I was spared handling agendas and outcomes of the Kirk Session because of the sterling work of the Session Clerk, and the other office-bearers. I was spared having to be hands on with the Nomination Committee for the vacancy because of the trusted and steady leadership of its Convener and Secretary and the commitment of its members. When looked at this way it may seem I did very little indeed. But all of the above was by conscious decision on my part, because I believe that the core and heart of a church is not the minister but the congregation. That everything was accomplished over the year is a testimony to the ministry of your previous minister and your own faith, love and hope as the people of God for the parish of Pilrig St Paul’s and the district of Leith in general. Because of this I leave you knowing your new minister Mark has the opportunity to be pastor to a living and lively congregation, and that his gifts and vision married to your passion and commitment will allow you to be a creative tool on God’s hand as the future for the parish and beyond is shaped to God’s purposes. The Lord bless you and keep you. Jack Holt 7

Dear All, Jim and Moira Fergie would like to warmly thank PSP congregation for the beautiful flowers, cards, messages of support and good wishes over the past few weeks for Jim during his diagnosis and spell in WGH. Jim found it an enormous help in the expressions of support both to him personally and those passed on through Moira. Many, many thanks. Jim and Moira Fergie Thank you to everyone who made and served food, set up tables, welcomed guests or who helped in any other way towards the lunch on Sara’s last Sunday. Linda Gill A great deal of hard work went into the social following Mark Foster’s induction. Thank you to everyone who put up tables and chairs, set out the food and crockery, baked, made sandwiches, served, and then cleared up after the event. Jeanette Sime Thank you all for the gift voucher which Mark Wexelstein presented to us on Thursday 24th October for our ‘gardening’ work at the Manse. The gift was totally unexpected as we were happy to volunteer to help. We are looking forward to visiting Dobbies garden centre and choosing something that will remind us of our days down at the Manse. Thank you all once again, Nancy and Alex Fleming GREETINGS FORM MALLORCA Millie and Joe (Bald) would like to wish all their friends at Pilrig St Paul’s a very Happy Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year. Marjory McArthur was happy and surprised when she received the church flowers recently. She sends her thanks to everyone. Many thanks for the lovely flowers given to me from the Church after the sad death of my husband Bill, and a special thanks to Francis and Mairi for bringing them to me. They are much appreciated. Eileen Gilhooley 8

I greatly appreciated all the enquiries about my health and am glad to say that the surgery to my leg has been successful and I am feeling better. As I am not allowed to drive for a few weeks I am dependent on my good friends to transport me around. How lucky I am to have such good friends. The cards, flowers and telephone calls were a great source of comfort to me and I thank every one for their kind thoughts. I have to take time to get back into circulation, but am getting there – slowly! Blessings on you all and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year Lily Ella Gilfillan sends thanks for all the good wishes and flowers on the occasion of her special birthday recently. Irene and Maurice Wexelstein thank the Church for the lovely flowers we received, after Maurice’s operation. Thanks also for the enquiries and good wishes sent to him. Pastoral Care - Helping Hands Since my last update we have held a team meeting and welcomed Mark and Jennifer into the team. We look forward to the input to our activity from both Mark and Jennifer. Pastoral Care Team Mark Foster Catriona Blackwood Christine Edington Ella Gilfillan Linda Gill Cathy Purdie Fiona Rankin Jeanette Sime Jennifer Stark 9

At the meeting we reviewed our recent activity of contacting members who currently do not have the support of an elder. The phone calls and conversations that have happened appear to have been well received with positive feedback coming through which is great news to the team. There are a number of members we have been unable to phone as we do not have access to telephone numbers for everyone in the congregation. It was agreed at our meeting that we will contact these members by post and are aiming to have that completed by the end of the year. Please remember that, if you need any support from us that you can speak with any one of the team, use the Helping Hands cards or contact me by phone or email and we will arrange appropriate support for you. As we come to the end of the year it would be fair to say that the Pastoral Care team has had a busy yet productive 2013 and I would like to say thank you to each team member for their contribution and effort. I appreciate this support especially when you realise how many other roles many of the team undertake in our Church. As ever, if you would like to help by delivering flowers, posting a card or visiting one of our members please let us know. A LITTLE BOY’S PRAYER “DEAR GOD, PLEASE TAKE CARE OF MY DADDY AND MY MUMMY AND MY SISTER AND MY BROTHER AND MY DOGGIE AND ME. OH, PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, GOD IF ANYTHING HSAPPENED TO YOU WE’RE GONNA BE IN A BIG MESS”

I look forward to updating you next month. Linda Gill Pastoral Care Team 669-7409 or


ENVELOPES Christian Givings envelopes will be ready, in Church, for uplift from the 1st Sunday in December. Anyone who wishes information about this should speak to us at Church or contact us at the addresses given on the back of the magazine. Ella Gilfillan Irene Wexelstein The Magazine Once again we have a varied selection of contributions, thank you. Please start thinking of something for the next magazine and send it to me by 19th January! Catriona Blackwood Helping Hands form side 1


PRAYER CORNER Ina Grierson Margaret Scott Jean Stark Barbara Graham Isabel Hannay Cathie Galbraith Matthew Green Frances Chambers Jimmy Rennie Harriett Sceales Jeanette Sime Maurice Wexelstein Lorna Burke June Welsh Murdo and Joy MacLeod Charlie and Joyce Forman Linda Connolly Phil Howe Jack McArthur Helena Aide Morag Davidson Isabel Pert Ann Taylor Agnes MacAuley Helen Grieg Marion Murray Diane Davies Jimmy Fergie The Tait Family, remembering baby Amber who is recovering at home following major surgery. Please contact Roy Eprile with any names you would like included in this section. Helping Hands form side 2



Scottish Charity no. SCO07277

Advent Ring , Pilrig St Paul’s 2012 photo by Nikki Macdonald

MINISTER Rev Mark Foster (332 5736) SESSION CLERK John Innes - 33 Monktonhall Place, Musselburgh (07563 248722) THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD CLERK Aileen Fraser (07936 716 765) ASSISTANT CLERK Maria Croall (07747 071 545) CORRESPONDENCE to: The Clerk to the Congregational Board Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street, Edinburgh EH6 5AH TREASURER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) ROLL KEEPER Mrs Jeanette E. Sime - 1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) PASTORAL CONVENER Mrs Linda Gill (669 7409) PASTORAL LINK ELDER and SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - 4 Cambridge Gardens (554 6183) PROPERTY CONVENER Eric Fisher (552 8982) 104 Crewe Crescent HALL LET GROUP ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER Colin Grey (07901 556 217) SUNDAY CLUB LEADER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) CHRISTIAN GIVINGS CONVENERS Mrs Ella Gilfillan - 8 Paisley Terrace (661 2281) Mrs Irene Wexelstein - 15 Upper Hermitage (476 1 385) MAGAZINE Editor - Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - see above Distribution - Mrs Margaret Cameron - 35 Lorne Street (554 2139)

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