Mag march 2015

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Regular activities: Sunday - Children’s activities from 10.50am, creche for younger children and activities based on the Church calendar for those of school age - just come along and speak to our welcome team. - The choir (Colin Grey 07901 556 217 or at Church on a Sunday) Tuesdays - The Guild 2.00pm see page 1 for dates and details (Irene Wexelstein 476 1385) Beavers, Cubs and Scouts 5 3/4 - 14 years The 5th Leith Scouts Edinburgh North East Broughton Primary gym hall contact Evelyn Torrance 552 1657 For Rainbows, Brownies and Guides please send all enquiries to . We have two groups associated with Pilrig St Paul’s THERE ARE MANY OTHER ACTIVITIES HELD ON OUR PREMISES, SEE THE NOTICE BOARD IN PILRIG STREET (MIDDLE ENTRANCE) IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RENT OUR PREMISES, PLEASE CONTACT



Sunday, March 1 11:00am Sunday Worship Sunday, March 8 11:00am Sunday Worship Tuesday, March 10 2:00pm The Guild - Shelagh Green Sunday, March 15 11:00am Sunday Worship Sunday, March 22 11:00am Sunday Worship The Stated Annual Meeting follows this Service See page 3 Tuesday, March 24 2:00pm The Guild - Easter Readings Wednesday 25 March 2pm Young at Heart See page 10 Sunday, March 29 11:00am Sunday Worship Every Tuesday and Thursday – Open doorway 11am-1pm for tea, coffee and a chat, or some quiet time in the sanctuary Every Wednesday – Foodbank distribution. See page 11 See inside back cover about stewarding at the General Assembly. Providing Church Flowers in March 1st Maria Croall 8th Jean Ramage 15th Flower fund

22nd Margaret Cameron 29th Bunty Munro

Please speak to Aileen Fraser about a date if you would like to contribute flowers. Please contact Catriona Blackwood if you would like to write a few lines about the significance of your chosen date. 1

from our minister: "Listen to me, you that pursue righteousness, you that seek the Lord. Look to the rock from which you were hewn, and to the quarry from which you were dug." - Isaiah 51: 1-2 Dear All, When a colleague of mine needs to get a piece of writing perfect he follows the advice of his English teacher, who taught him to read backwards. He starts by reading the sentences in reverse order, last to first; and if he’s being really picky, he will read every word in reverse order to catch any typos he might have missed. This old trick is based on the idea that there are some things we only see when looking backward. When we read from start to finish, the correct way, our brains tune in to what we expect to see, blinding us to hidden mistakes. But when we look backward we may notice something that we have previously missed. The same is true of our spiritual journeys. Isaiah urged his audience to "look to the rock from which they were hewn." It was there, he believed, that they would find the hand of God helping to carve out their stories; the hand they may have missed in the forward movement of their lives. Once again we find ourselves in the season of Lent, that 40-day period of preparation for experiencing Christ’s resurrection at Easter. Part of these preparations is the process of reflecting on our life of faith and the spiritual journeys we are on. God is chiselling away at our lives, mostly in ways that we don't recognize in the moment. However, when we stop to look back and reflect, we can see the chips of stone that have accumulated


around us. Lent is an opportunity for us to measure the distance we have come from the unformed blocks we once were. Patterns of grace and challenge emerge as we recognize the mark of God's handiwork on our lives. As we move through the season of Lent, I hope that you will all find time to look back on your journey of faith and reflect on how far you have travelled and how you have changed. I hope you can see the marks of God’s handiwork on your life and from them find the renewed strength and energy to sustain you in your continued journey of faith. Shalom Mark STATED ANNUAL MEETING The Stated Annual Meeting of the Congregation of Edinburgh: Pilrig St. Paul's, will be held at the close of the 11 am service on Sunday 22nd March, 2015. At this Meeting the Audited Congregational Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31st December, 2014 will be submitted together with the Congregational Statistics and Elections to Membership of the Congregational Board made as appropriate. The Board look forward to welcoming all members of the congregation for this short, important meeting. Aileen Fraser Clerk to the Board

Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance Event 26 th April at 2.30. There will be more information next month.


PILRIG St PAUL’S LUNCH CLUB We are starting up the lunch club again. We meet on Wednesday 11.30 – 1pm, making our own lunch. If we can get more members, we can approach Leith Academy to supply meals again. Please give it some thought and come and join us for lunch and a chat each Wednesday. For further information contact A. Allan 554 3174. See you there.

THE MAGAZINE Thank you to everyone who has contributed this month. There are lots of events advertised which is great. If you want the dates of YOUR events in the magazine, please let me know, and keep me up to date with changes etc. For the April issue, please may I have articles by March 22nd. Thank you.

By the way, I found joining straightforward. Now I’ll just have to book or buy something! See pages 15 and 16, it sounds an excellent idea. Catriona Blackwood


Leith Churches Together Encouraging support and cooperation between the churches of Leith Leith Churches Together holds a monthly lunchtime ecumenical service, hosted and led by different churches in turn. It usually lasts 25-30 minutes and is followed by a simple lunch and get-together. Services up to June 2015 as follows: Wednesday 11 March Leith Baptist Church Wednesday 15 April St James’ Episcopal Church Wednesday 13 May

Pilrig St Paul’s Church of Scotland

Wednesday 10 June

Ebenezer U. F. Church

We meet at 1pm. All welcome! For more information on churches in Leith, visit our website



As the days start to stretch out with daylight lasting longer and longer it is great to be reminded of brighter days to come. Energy levels also rise as we come out of our winter ‘hibernation’. If you are energized to get involved in something new this year then please think about joining our team. We would be delighted to have some new faces and in particular for some more men to come on board. We look forward to hearing from you. Pastoral Care Team Mark Foster - Minister Catriona Blackwood – Elder and Magazine Editor Christine Edington Ella Gilfillan Linda Gill – Elder and Pastoral Care Team Leader Cathy Purdie Fiona Rankin – Elder Jeanette Sime – Elder and Roll Keeper Jennifer Stark - Leader Leith Churches Outreach Project This month we hear from Ella Gilfillan about her thoughts on Pastoral Care and being involved in the pastoral work in our congregation. As someone who delivers magazines, flowers and the wife of an elder for many years, Ella has been involved in pastoral work for as long as she can remember. Here are some thoughts about the valuable work undertaken by our team and the wider team who are involved in pastoral contact. Ella Gilfillan In my view there is nothing special about pastoral visiting or contact. A simple visit with the magazine or flowers from the service on a Sunday can really cheer someone up. It is as simple as that. You don’t have to spend a long time with the person, however of course you can if that is what is needed too. For those


in the church to be remembering what is going on in your life, and to be concerned about you and your family, can be much appreciated. The regular chat when delivering the magazine gives people the chance to ask questions that can’t always be asked on a Sunday at church or perhaps the person is not mobile and therefore not able to get to church. The visit and the magazine are a lifeline to feeling a part of the church family. Over the years I have delivered to lots of different people and my lasting impression is one of being appreciated and greeted with a smile at the sight of a bunch of flowers. The power of the flower goes beyond it’s beauty and fragrance and can never be over valued. The beauty and comfort from flowers is an ever present thought in our team’s minds. This poem by William Wordsworth is as true today as it was back in 1804 when it was written. I WANDERED lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed--and gazed--but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. Now that you have heard from everyone in our team I would like to invite you to join in – have you had a visit from one of us, your elder or indeed the minister, received flowers, or a card through the post from us and would like to let others know how you felt about it? Please let me know. There is no need for you to write it all down as I would be happy to chat over the phone with you or speak with you on a Sunday to take down the info, I can then share it with you ahead of it being printed in next month’s magazine. Look forward to hearing from you on this one too. Plans are well under way for our Young at Heart event on the 25 th March from 2pm-4pm. Tickets cost £3 and are on sale after the service on Sundays or from any of the Pastoral Care Team. This month we wanted to let you know that some of our team attended a training event at the end of last year on how we can best support those we are in contact with who have dementia. Christine, Fiona and Catriona (who had all had personal or professional experience in this field) all found the session worthwhile and have shared the material with the others in the team. If you, or someone you know, has a form of dementia and would like us to visit please let us know. We believe it will be helpful for you to know that anyone visiting you would have an understanding of the condition and would be equipped to know how to make the best of the visit for all involved. 8

Earlier this month I attended a seminar run by The Church of Scotland in Palmerston Place Church. It was a follow up to one held last year and proved to be as valuable. There were four panelists who shared their ethos in relation to bereavement and supporting those dealing with the loss of a loved one. I very much enjoyed hearing from Tim Purves of Purves Funeral Directors who is involved in ACORNS the unique group based Bereavement Support service, Rev Liz Henderson and Donna Hastings from Richmond’s Hope Child Bereavement Project for children and young people, Prof Dr Robin Taylor, a respiratory medicine specialist and recent locum at St Nicholas Sighthill and Dr Jim Jenkinson, experienced pastoral care team member from Morningside Parish church. The seminar was aimed at helping us to know how to provide the best support through our Pastoral Care to those who are in need either as they are losing a loved one through a long term health condition or the loved one has passed away. I have shared the material with the team and was pleased that Dr Jim Jenkinson from Morningside Parish Church has agreed to join our team to share his approach to this important area of pastoral care visiting. This will form a valuable aspect to our preparations for the service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance on the 26 th April at 2.30pm. Linda Gill Pastoral Care Team Leader 669-7409 or


Young at Heart Community Event for those in Later Life Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street Leith Wednesday 25th March 2015 2pm-4pm Refreshments will be served from 1.30pm Join us for an afternoon of fun and laughter. Enjoy a visit to the Edinburgh College Hair and Beauty team. Let us help you find a new hobby or interest or pass time, dress for all occasions on a budget, introduce you to ways to keep active in later life or just make new friends! We look forward to you coming along on the 25th. Entry by ticket priced £3. More details available on our website or checkout our Facebook page.


THE DONATIONS BASKET IS IN THE VESTIBULE. The food bank is designed to help individuals and families in crisis through the provision of emergency food supplies. Local care professionals in the Leith area refer people, with a food voucher, to the Foodbank centre where they are given their food supplies. WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE MORE HELPERS, EITHER FOR A WEDNESDAY 4.30-6pm IN THE OPEN DOORWAY, OR DRIVERS, FRIDAY AM URGENTLY REQUIRED FOODS - UHT MILK, TINS OF MEAT AND FISH, RICE, JAM, CUSTARD AND TINS OF FRUIT AND VEG. THANK YOU! For further information, please contact Roy Eprile .


THANK YOU Thanks to Mark Foster for dedicating the Flag given to the Guide Unit to mark my 60 years as a Member. Also, thanks for the flowers and to Frances McPherson for delivering them. Dorothy Walker Thank you for the beautiful flowers I received, it was such a lovely surprise. Sadie Duffy Thank you very much for the beautiful roses, which I received from the church last week. It was a lovely surprise and they really help to cheer me up each time I look at them. God Bless All, Marjory McMahon Thank you for the lovely Christmas present, and also the flowers I received at my birthday. They are much appreciated. Mary Currie Many thanks for the flowers I received following the death of my mother-in-law. Pat Murray I was so pleased to see so many of my ‘old’ friends at the Guild meeting. Thanks, too, for my birthday card. Chris Whelan TREASURER’S REPORT FUNDRAISING I would like to thank everyone who handed in their Smarties tube as part of the fund raising in 2014. The amount raised was £734. If you would like another tube then let me know as we still have some, or you could use your own container as many did. I hope you will continue to support this initiative in 2015. See also pages 15 and 16. 12

THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE As you are no doubt aware we are able to claim back tax on gift aid donations made to the church. HMRC have recently changed the way the claims are made and these now have to be made on line and all the details submitted this way. Due to this change, I asked if people would consider paying by standing order and many of you have set this up, which makes the collating of the data much easier for me. If you haven’t already done so and would be willing to pay this way please see me. Due to the changes, and the reduction in the number of envelopes from which we need to record the details, Ella Gilfillan felt it was the right time to “Retire” from the roll of Gift Aid Convenor. I would like to thank Ella for the work she has done over the 14 years she carried this out for the congregation, as it allowed us to claim back the tax over this period. Irene Wexelstein is the other Gift Aid Convenor and to save completing the forms required by HMRC to change the contact name she has agreed to stay as the named contact although I will be submitting the claim on line. I would like to thank Irene for the work she did in filling in the claim forms over the last 14 years and chasing up HMRC when the payments were not received. I only have the figures for the last 7 years but over that period we have claimed back £36,780 so thanks to both for their efforts in helping us to claim this sum. We are in the process of implementing a new system for the hall lets and one of the benefits is that we can create the invoices directly from the system and email them out to the treasurers of the groups. We have run a trial for January and it seemed to work well. As myself and Maria are updating the details on the new system we have asked the groups that pay by cheque to send the cheques to the church. 13

This change means there is no need for Irene Eprile to send out the invoices and record the payment when they are received. Irene has been doing this job for many years and also arranged the bookings for several years as well. The work carried out by Irene has helped us to get hall bookings started for the benefit of the congregation. I would like to thank Irene for all her work in this area. Mark Wexelstein Treasurer

PRAYER CORNER Margaret Cameron and family Jim Fergie Isabel Hannay Matthew Green Agnes MacAuley Evelyn Turner Lorna Burke Murdo and Joy MacLeod Mary Currie

Jack McArthur Jim and Jean Tait Helen Grieg Frances Chambers Betty Lauder and family Isabel Fyfe Pat Murray and family Charlie and Joyce Forman

Please inform Roy Eprile of any changes to be made, so that we can keep the prayer list up to date.


Do you shop on-line or know someone that does? Do you want to help raise funds for Pilrig St. Paul's Church? Register as a supporter for our cause on Start your shopping on their home page by searching from the wide range of retailers available.  Booking a Holiday or buying Insurance - come through and raise even more money!  Pilrig St Paul's will receive donations for every item purchased through this method.  Go to or go to the church website and visit our new fundraising page.    

Once you are registered, use the search box to find a retailer and click on the big green button to activate the donations. You will then be taken to the retailer's site and you just shop as normal. The church will receive a donation (plus Gift Aid) for every confirmed purchase. We don't see what you've bought, just the donation amount returned. This is a simple and effective way of generating funds for the church, it doesn't cost you anything and you get the same great offers and service you expect from your on-line retailers. You can also get donations when buying your holidays, train tickets and insurance. Register today and start raising funds! If you want more information, or are unsure how to do this, and would like to, please speak to me. Mark Wexelstein Treasurer 15


GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND 16 to 22 May 2015: Can You Help? Stewards play a significantly important role to ensure that many of the backup services, in support of the General Assembly, operate in a highly efficient, welcoming and friendly manner. Throughout the week of the General Assembly some 300 stewards help to cover over 1,000 different duties. Each ‘shift’ generally lasts for about two hours and it is up to each steward as to how often they wish to help – some only have time to help on one occasion, whereas others travel considerable distances to help as often as they can. With so many tasks to undertake we are always seeking new volunteers and we are still short of

our required target for 2015. If you think you might like to help us then please get in touch for more information. Your help would be very greatly appreciated. Current stewards who have not received the usual communication by now are also encouraged to contact me. William Mearns, Chief Steward Phone: 0131 667 1522 or 0780 801 1234 Email:

MINISTER Rev Mark Foster (332 5736) SESSION CLERK John Innes (07563 248722) THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD CLERK Aileen Fraser (07936 716 765) ASSISTANT CLERK Maria Croall (07747 071 545) CORRESPONDENCE to: The Clerk to the Congregational Board Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street, Edinburgh EH6 5AH TREASURER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) ROLL KEEPER Mrs Jeanette E. Sime - (552 9652) PASTORAL CONVENER Mrs Linda Gill (669 7409) SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood (554 6183) PROPERTY CONVENER Eric Fisher (552 8982 HALL LET GROUP ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER Colin Grey (07901 556 217) SUNDAY CLUB LEADER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) CHRISTIAN GIVINGS CONVENER Mrs Irene Wexelstein - (476 1385) MAGAZINE Editor - Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - see above Distribution - Mrs Margaret Cameron - (554 2139) Scottish Charity no. SCO07277 also on facebook OUR WHEELCHAIR ENTRANCES ARE IN PILRIG STREET

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