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JUNE 2015

CHURCH ACTIVITIES SUMMER 2015 Regular activities: Sunday - WORSHIP in the sanctuary, followed by tea or coffee and a chat in the Session Room. Children’s activities from 10.50am: There is a creche for younger children, while those of school age join the congregation, including taking an active part in the all age 'Time to Talk'. Following this, activities packs are available for school age children to complete in the church. ALL AGE FAMILY SERVICES TAKE PLACE FROM TIME TO TIME. THESE ARE ANNOUNCED IN THE INTIMATIONS AND ON THE NOTICE BOARD IN ADVANCE. The choir Colin Gr ay 07901 556 217 or at Church on a Sunday Tuesdays - The Guild summer meetings, see inside back cover Irene Wexelstein 476 1385 Wednesdays - Lunch club 11.30 contact Alex Allan 554 3174 Youth Activities take a break over the summer and re-start at the beginning of the school term. SEE THE NOTICE BOARD IN PILRIG STREET (MIDDLE ENTRANCE) THERE ARE MANY OTHER ACTIVITIES HELD ON OUR PREMISES, SEE THE NOTICE BOARD IN PILRIG STREET (MIDDLE ENTRANCE) IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RENT OUR PREMISES, PLEASE CONTACT


WE WELCOME YOU TO ANY OF OUR SERVICES Every Tuesday and Thursday – Open doorway 11am-1pm for tea, coffee and a chat, or some quiet time in the sanctuary The Guild summer meetings. 16thJune, 14thJuly, 11thAugust. See inside back cover Every Wednesday – Foodbank distribution. Tuesday, June 2 7.30pm- Kirk Session Meeting Sunday, June 7 11:00am Sunday Worship Big Lunch after the service see page 5 Wednesday 10 June 1pm Leith Churches Together service. Ebenezer U. F. Church All welcome! Sunday, June 14 11:00am Sunday Worship Joint Festival Service in Pilrig St Paul’s Sunday, June 21 11:00am Sunday Worship Sunday, June 28 11:00am Communion This is the Lord’s Table. ANYONE who loves God and responds to Christ’s invitation to join together in this feast is welcome to join us in the celebration.

Please see page 16 for details of summer events Providing Church Flowers in June 7th Jeanette Sime and family

14th joint Service

21st Bunty Munro

28th Lily Gilhooley

Please contact Aileen Fraser about a date if you would like to contribute flowers. Please contact Catriona Blackwood if you would like to write a few lines about the significance of your chosen date.

from our minister There is peace within a garden, a peace so deep and calm. That when the heart is troubled, It's like a soothing balm. There's life within a garden, A life that still goes on.

Filling the empty places, when older plants have gone. There's glory in the garden, at every time of year, Spring, summer, autumn, winter, it fills the heart with cheer. So everyone tend your garden, its beauty to increase. For in it you will find solace, and in it you will find peace. Lady Langham Rosamund

Dear All, Those of you who are gardeners will know that whatever the season and whatever the weather there is always work needing to be done in the garden. The same can be said for the gardens of our lives. God may have planted the first seeds of love in each of us and provides us with the support and encouragement that we need to grow, but we still need to look after ourselves. Whatever the season, and whatever we are having to weather in life, there is always work needing to be done. At the start of another season in the church calendar we are invited to take time to tend the gardens of our lives – to weed out the things that suffocate our love; to prune back the feelings that shade out our compassion; and to feed and nourish all that is good in our lives, so that we may grow, blossom, and bear the fruits of our faith. It is the same too for our church community. If we wish to grow and flourish, we need to reflect on where we need to weed and prune; and what we need to feed and nourish as we look to the future.

As part of this process we need to reflect on the ways in which we care for one another; how we use the talents of everyone in the tasks we do; and how we serve the community in which we live, work, and worship. As Jesus said, ‘I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine-grower. He removes every branch in me that bears no fruit. Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit… Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.’ (John 15)

On Pentecost Sunday we celebrated the message that when prayers and people are brought together great things can be achieved. Grafted into the life of Christ, and the lives of one another, we have the power to make many of our prayers come true, as we work side by side to share the good news of God’s love. As we seek to pursue new ventures and new ways of being the church to the people of our local community we will be asking for your help and support, so that together we may bear the fruits of our faith in the gardens of our lives and the community of our church. Shalom Mark


Pilrig St Paul’s are organising the tea tent this year. PLEASE CONTACT Aileen Fraser (07936716765) if you can help on the day, bake or both!


The Guides have taken part in an exciting and varied programme this year. In Pilrig Park School we have completed activities to gain Badges for Healthy Life Styles and 5 Senses, had a Burns night with dancing, games, crafts and an Easter Egg Hunt (outside in the dark). Away from the Hall we have had a Sleep-over in the tunnels with the sharks at Deep Sea World. Next was a lock-in after hours in Thornton's shop in the St. James Centre. The staff organised tastings, decorating chocolate with icing and gift wrapping. The Guides had a great time and we all left with a goodie bag! Our last outing was to The Clydeside Auditorium in Glasgow for The Tartan Gig, a pop concert for 3,000 Guides from all over Scotland. Easyfundraising helped us keep the cost of these outings down for the parents. After the summer break we will be preparing for the Units 90th Anniversary in March, 2016 which will include a weekend away for the Unit.

The 41st Unit Team.

Prayer Corner Margaret Cameron and family

Jack McArthur

Moira and Jim Fergie

Jim and Jean Tait

Isabel Hannay

Helen Grieg

Matthew Green

Frances Chambers

Agnes MacAuley

Betty Lauder and family

Evelyn Turner Margaret Gunn

Isabel Fyfe Isabel Pert

Murdo and Joy MacLeod

Charlie and Joyce Forman

Mary Currie

June Welsh

Please inform Roy Eprile of any changes to be made, so that we can keep the prayer list up to date

PASTORAL CARE TEAM The Big Lunch On Sunday 7th June we are holding our very own Big Lunch in the Session Room after the service that day. About The Big Lunch The Big Lunch is a very simple idea from the Eden Project in Cornwall. The aim is to get as many people as possible across the whole of the UK to have lunch with their neighbours, friends, family and community annually on the first Sunday in June in a simple act of community, friendship and fun. Since starting in 2009, thousands of Big Lunches have taken place in all types of communities. In 2014, 4.83 million people took to their streets, gardens and community spaces for the sixth annual Big Lunch. The aim this year is to have 5 million people taking part and we have the opportunity of being part of that amazing achievement. Please sign the sheet either in the Open Doorway or Session room to let us know if you plan to come along and do let your friends, family and neighbours know about it too. We would also be delighted if you could bring along some items that would reflect a real traditional street party. I have looked up the typical food that would be served and the following seemed to be very popular. Sausage rolls, scotch eggs, cold meats, pickles and coronation chicken followed by trifle, jelly and ice cream!! All ideas welcome. We are also looking for any photos you have of Street Parties you have attended in the past. Please bring them along on the day or in advance, they can be handed in to the Church for my attention. (We will take copies to preserve your original photo.) The photos will then be displayed on a memory wall during the event. Everyone is getting involved to make this a fun event – thank you to the Sunday Club who are going to make us some traditional bunting to help us get into the atmosphere. Dance Class Dance Ihayami is Scotland’s Indian dance company, dedicated to the contemporisation of Indian dance. The company challenges ideas about Indian classical dance and creates innovative contemporary work, regularly collaborating with different art forms and media.

I am delighted to confirm that Dance Ihayami are going to be working with us to hold a monthly dance class in our Church. The class will continue the teaching of story telling through music and hand gestures as was demonstrated at the Young at Heart event in March. The classes will be supported by funding from the Big Lottery and so the cost has been reduced to a small donation which is great news for us. We also plan to follow the class each month with a lunch. Places are limited so please make sure you put your name down on the list in the Open Doorway soon if you would like to join. The plan is for the classes to start in September. More details will be provided to those joining the class. Community Film Club The feedback from the most recent film club meeting was very positive, it seems that Paddington was the perfect choice appealing to all ages. We were very encouraged with attendance with over 50 people there. We are now planning the next film showing which will be held on Thursday 16th July. This time there will be two showings, one at 11am and another of the same film at 2pm. We will also be running a Community CafĂŠ from 12noon till 2pm that day with the proceeds going towards our Church funds. We are currently working on which film will be shown based on the feedback from previous events and what is new and current. There will be a sign up sheet in the Open Doorway so please watch out for that.

Helping Hands Please remember to let us know if you would like a visit or phone call from us or would like to arrange this for a member of our congregation you feel would appreciate this type of support. Our team are trained and able to support in a number of ways with pastoral care. All you need to do is complete a Helping Hands form and pop it into the box in the Open Doorway of the Church or speak/call any of our team.

We are looking for one new member for our team. If you would like to join us please let me know.

Pastoral Care Team Mark Foster - Minister Catriona Blackwood – Elder and Magazine Editor Christine Edington Ella Gilfillan Linda Gill – Elder and Pastoral Care Team Leader Cathy Purdie Fiona Rankin – Elder Jeanette Sime – Elder and Roll Keeper Linda Gill Pastoral Care Team Leader 669-7409 or



Dear All, I am happy to let you know that we have another event for you as volunteers and members coming up. It’s the Passing the Baton Barge Trip with Seagull

Cruises at Ratho on Wednesday 17th June, meeting Bethany Christian Trust at 5:45pm. It’s one of our popular events, so we’ll be taking bookings on a first come, first served ba- 65 Bonnington Road sis. The trip lasts one and a half hours and there Edinburgh EH6 5JQ will be tea, coffee and biscuits provided on the trip. I’m afraid there will be no mini-bus operating for the event, but we still hope you can arrange transport and join us. Do let me know by Thursday 11th June if you can make it. It will be great to see you. Once I hear from you, I will send you details on how to get there. Thanks and look forward to hearing from you, Joni McArthur Social Activities Co-ordinator t: 01315618952 m:07770011131

Giving homeless and vulnerable people hope and a future

Could you make a difference to someone who is isolated or lonely? Passing the Baton (and Passing the Baton for Older People) is a befriending project which enables people to come alongside people who are isolated and lonely. You will be supported by your church team leader to befriend someone referred to the project in your area.


You will be paired with another volunteer to give further support and flexibility. Please contact your team leader Linda Gill to enquire about joining the next training session on Saturday June 20th 9.45-4pm. The next training event for Passing the Baton (including Older People) will be held on Saturday June 20th 9.45 to 4pm.

Blessings Melanie Kilburn Facilitator Passing the Baton for Older People t: 0131 561 8993

m:07969 771 659

THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD The Board welcomes its new members, Nancy Fleming, Michelle Mohammed and Evelyn Torrance, as well as those who were due to retire and are able to stay on, Ian Bethune, Irene Eprile, Marjory McMahon and Catherine Purdie.

We apologise for the incomplete list in the minutes of the Annual Stated Meeting. The minutes have been amended accordingly, Aileen Fraser Clerk to the Board


Thank you for all the contributions to the magazine this month – lots to think about! We have a gap of two months and articles for September 2015 should be with me by 23rd August, please. Catriona Blackwood


I would like to thank all friends at Pilrig St Paul's for the lovely flowers I was given. They have brightened my days all week. May God bless you all. Paul (Kawale) Just a note to say many thanks for the lovely Flowers and Easer Egg I received from the church a few Sundays ago. Evelyn Torrance. Many Thanks for the beautiful bouquet of flowers I received from Margaret and David Fraser. It was certainly a pleasant surprise to receive them. I did enjoy having a “blether” with Margaret and David. God Bless you all, Joyce Laughlin I would like to thank the congregation for the lovely flowers I received recently. It really was a big surprise, so THANK YOU again. Antje Armstrong I would like to thank all the kind people of Pilrig St Paul’s and the guild for their kind messages, cards and flowers for my 60th birthday. The cat’s out the bag now, I can’t hide my age. Many thanks again to all, Catherine Fisher

Many thanks to Mark for his most uplifting Thanksgiving and Remembrance service and also for the lovely roses David and I received afterwards. They were much appreciated. Margaret and David Fraser. Thank you very much to everyone who contributes to the magazine in any way, particularly to Mark Foster for his Pastoral letters, John Innes who both contributes articles and who also prints it every month, Linda Gill for Pastoral Care letters, Margaret Cameron and her teams who assemble and distribute it, and my husband who proof-reads it.

Catriona Blackwood


Open Doorway Thank you to everyone who staffs the Open Doorway on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11.00am -1.00pm. As always, if you would like to help us, please contact me on 552 8982. Eric Fisher


Thank you to the Foodbank volunteers for all their hard work. They go above and beyond the call of duty and manage the collection of food and running of the distribution with skill and friendliness. Roy Eprile The Magazine Thanks to all the team who put the magazine together and distribute it. Without their assistance on the last Thursday of the month the magazine could not happen. Enjoy a summer Margaret Cameron









Thank you to the magazine Editor Catriona Blackwood and her dedicated team of helpers for once again an excellent series of all the church news. Roy Eprile

Safeguarding Thank you to all those on our safeguarding register who visit our less able members, look after the children in the crèche and Sunday School, (and are always conscientious about making sure that there is the right number of registered people in the halls with the children). Some of our members also assist with forum activities in the school holidays, thank you. Catriona Blackwood


From the Treasurer

I know there is an article in the magazine this month about the fundraising we have already arranged to try and cover for the loss of income from the Parlour. This is a good start but we need to continue to do more to help us reduce the deficit. So far the events organised instead of the Parlour have raised £800 and the sale of relishes and the smartie tubes have raised £118. The total of £918 is a good start but last year between the parlour and other fundraising events we raised £2,925 so there is still a bit to go. If anyone is interested to help with arranging fund raisers or has an idea for one please contact Irene Wexelstein, Mark Foster or myself. At the end of April we had a deficit of £10,968. Although this is better than last year at the same time we have to take into account that we are not being used by the American schools this year during the Fringe so we already know our income will be down by £5,000 in August. Our expenses continue to increase, many that we have no control over, such as Ministry and Mission, Insurance and the cost of gas and electric. The budget for 2015 shows a projected deficit of almost £19,500, a figure I am sure you realise we cannot continue to run at, and survive. As you can see from the figures we need to find new ways to raise funds and this needs everyone to help, it can’t be assumed the office bearers can run all the projects. For Pilrig St. Paul’s to continue with its work we need YOU to help.

If you have any questions about the finances of the congregation please just ask.

Mark Wexelstein


Do you know someone who would appreciate being remembered in our prayers each Sunday, a visit, a phone call, a card in the post or perhaps some flowers from us? Please provide the details below and put this card into the box in the Open Doorway or contact: Linda Gill on 669-7409 or Postal address: Linda Gill, Pastoral Care Team Leader, Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street, Edinburgh EH6 5AH Member's Details Name ................................................................................................................... Address ............................................................................................................... Phone number................................................................................................. Please choose from the following, which you think would be most appropriate. You can tick more than one option Remembered in our prayers each week ……. Visit to their home …….

Flowers from the Service ……. Phone call........ Card posted to their home……. Would you like to help with this? Yes / No (If you select yes please also provide your contact details) .............................................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................. Pilrig St. Paul's Church SCO07277

Events in July and August Sunday, July 5 11:00 am Sunday Worship Sunday, July 12 11:00 am Sunday Worship Tuesday, July 14 2:00 pm The Guild Sunday, July 19 11:00 am Sunday Worship Sunday, July 26 11:00 am Sunday Worship Sunday, August 2 11:00 am Sunday Worship Sunday, August 9 11:00 am Sunday Worship Tuesday, August 11 2:00pm The Guild *Saturday August 15th mini parlour café 10.30 – 1.30 Sunday, August 16 11:00 am Sunday Worship *Saturday August 22nd mini parlour café 10.30 – 1.30 Sunday, August 23 11:00 am Sunday Worship *Saturday August 29th mini parlour café 10.30 – 1.30 Sunday, August 30th 11:00 am Sunday Worship *The full Pilrig Parlour will not run this year, so make the most of Saturday opening! Please see the centre pages for information on fundraising. Providing flowers in July and August July 5th Louise Illingworth

12th Frances McPherson and Margaret Cameron 19th Irene Wexelstein 26th Antje Armstrong August 2nd John Brown 9th Ian Quinn 16th Lisa and John Innes 23rd Evelyn Torrance 30th Christine and Alex Edington


GUILD SUMMER MEETINGS all at 2 pm in the Session Room 16th June Guild lunch, price ÂŁ15 see Irene Wexelstein 14th July Chat and a cup of tea 11th August Chat and a cup of tea 8th September Chat and a cup of tea 13th October Guild starts

The food bank is designed to help individuals and families in crisis through the provision of emergency food supplies. Local care professionals in the Leith area refer people, with a food voucher, to the Foodbank centre where they are given their food supplies. WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE MORE HELPERS, EITHER FOR A WEDNESDAY 4.30-6pm IN THE OPEN DOORWAY. For further information, please contact Roy Eprile


MINISTER Rev Mark Foster (332 5736) SESSION CLERK John Innes - 33 Monktonhall Place, Musselburgh (07563 248722) THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD CLERK Aileen Fraser (07936 716 765) ASSISTANT CLERK Maria Croall (07747 071 545) CORRESPONDENCE to: The Clerk to the Congregational Board TREASURER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) ROLL KEEPER Mrs Jeanette E. Sime - 1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) PASTORAL CONVENER Mrs Linda Gill (669 7409)

SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - 4 Cambridge Gardens (554 6183) PROPERTY CONVENER Eric Fisher (552 8982)

104 Crewe Crescent


Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) CHRISTIAN GIVINGS CONVENER Mrs Irene Wexelstein - 15 Upper Hermitage (476 1385) MAGAZINE Editor - Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - see above Distribution - Mrs Margaret Cameron - 35 Lorne Street (554 2139) Scottish Charity no. SCO07277 OUR WHEELCHAIR ENTRANCES ARE IN PILRIG STREET

Cover photo –The ruins of the monastery on the Isle of May CB

Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street, Edinburgh EH6 5AH

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