PSP 201606

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The food bank is designed to help individuals and families in crisis through the provision of emergency food supplies. Local care professionals in the Leith area refer people, with a food voucher, to the Foodbank distribution point where they are given their food supplies. WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE MORE HELPERS, EITHER FOR A WEDNESDAY 4.30-6pm IN THE OPEN DOORWAY OR TO COLLECT SUPPLIES. For further information, please contact Roy Eprile

The summer food collection dates for Tesco Leith are Fri and Sat 1 and 2 July and possibly Thur 30 June. If you can help with this, please inform Roy Eprile


If you want more information, or are unsure how to do this, please speak to Mark Wexelstein, Treasurer


CHURCH ACTIVITIES SUNDAY - 11am WORSHIP in the Sanctuary, followed by tea or coffee and a chat in the Session Room. Children’s activities from 10.50am: There is a creche for younger children, while those of school age join the congregation, including taking an active part in the all age 'Time to Talk' and then follow activities or projects. TUESDAY AND THURSDAY - 10.30-12.30 open doorway for coffee, a chat and quiet time in the sanctuary

IN JUNE Thursday 2nd Thursday 2 June at 7pm Foodbank volunteers’ evening. South Leith Parish Church Halls Thursday 9th June Kirk Session meeting Friday 17th June Beetle Drive see page 4 Sunday 26th June Holy Communion This is the Lord’s Table. ANYONE who loves God and responds to Christ’s invitation to join together in this feast is welcome to join us in the celebration. CONTACTS Music and Choir - Colin Gray 07901 556 217 or at the Service Alternate Tuesdays - The Guild 2.00pm (Monthly in the summer) (Irene Wexelstein 476 1385) Beavers, Cubs and Scouts 5 3/4 - 14 years The 5th Leith Scouts Edinburgh North East Broughton Primary gym hall contact Evelyn Torrance 552 1657 For Rainbows, Brownies and Guides please send all enquiries to . We have two groups associated with Pilrig St Paul’s Youth organisations take a summer break, please contact the leaders for further information. THERE ARE MANY OTHER ACTIVITIES HELD ON OUR PREMISES, PLEASE SEE THE NOTICE BOARD IN PILRIG STREET (MIDDLE ENTRANCE) IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RENT OUR PREMISES, PLEASE CONTACT ,PLEASE SEE THE NOTICE BOARD IN PILRIG STREET


“Where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

At the time of writing this article the congregation is in the midst of our Local Church Review. This is the Presbytery’s superintendence process for assessing the health of every congregation in its bounds. It is a self-assessment process, which means congregations are asked to carry out the review themselves. We are being guided in this by a Visiting Team from the Presbytery, who help coordinate the process, review the paperwork with the Kirk Session, and will write a report that summarises the worship, work and future goals of the congregation. The Elders and members of the Congregational Board have met on several occasions over the past 2 months to review all of the activities that we currently do in the congregation and to set ourselves some realistic goals for the next five years. These goals cover the main categories of: Worship, Service, Evangelism, Discipleship, and Fellowship; as well as looking at our relationships with the Wider Church; the stewardship of our Finances and Property; our place in the Plan for Presbytery; and other areas such as Communication. The above verse from the book of Proverbs reminds us that where God’s people have no vision for the future, they become stagnant and can even perish. So we have set ourselves a series of goals that build on the strength of the good work that we are already doing and set ourselves the challenge of doing better in other areas of our life and work as a congregation.


We will be sharing these goals with you over the coming year as we seek to build on the worship, mission, fellowship and stewardship that we are already engaged in. And for all of them we will be asking for your prayers and support as we seek to bring them to fruition. You will see elsewhere* in this month’s magazine that we are looking for members to play their part in developing the life and worship of the congregation – and there are many different opportunities for everyone to do something. Do not think that there is nothing you can offer. Do not think that others do not need or want your help. Do not think that God can’t use you in the life of this congregation. You are all part of the vision that we believe God has for Pilrig St. Paul’s – and together we can deliver that vision. Shalom, Mark *see page 9

Come and join us on Wednesday 29 th June for soup and a buttered roll, a cup of tea and a chat. 11.30 for 12.

Price £2 to cover costs

For catering purposes, please give your name to Alex Allan, or phone 554 3174



THETHE GUILD willwill be holding a beetle drive on June TH GUILD be holding a beetle drive on th th 17 at 7pm. This is in aid of Church Funds. June 17 at 7pm. This is in aid of church Funds. TicketsÂŁ3.00 ÂŁ3.00(including (includingtea/coffee tea/coffeeand andbiscuits) biscuits) Tickets can be purchased on a Sunday after the service. can be purchased on a Sunday after the service. PLEASETRY TRYAND ANDSUPPORT SUPPORTUS US PLEASE

Re Cathie Sinclair My mother Catherine (Cathie) Sinclair died recently. She was 96 years old. My mother's father was the superintendent of Rosebank Cemetery for many years and she lived in the gatehouse there as a child. After she married Gilbert Sinclair they moved to 78 Pilrig Street until about 1974 when they moved away and the house became your manse. My father was Clerk to the Congregational Board and led a thriving Bible Class in the 1950s and 1960s. My mother was a Brownie leader and was later very active in the Woman's Guild. They were at one time well known in the congregation. Susan Jackman (Sinclair) Susan has photos of events at Pilrig over the years. Please let me know if you would like more details about them, and I will pass this on. Catriona Blackwood


Pastoral Care Team May proved to be a busy month for our team with The Big Lunch, a Leith Community Cinema screening of Dad’s Army and the next get together for our Knitting Team. We are always looking for another pair of hands so please let us know if you would like to join the team or help out. Paddington It turned out that Paddington was heading to Oahu in Hawaii on his holiday and we were both amused and delighted that Fiona Rankin, who knitted Paddington, was the winner!! Fiona has raised £170 for Church funds. Big Lunch & Dad’s Army Thank you to everyone who helped to make the event go so well. We were delighted to have so many people there and also to be joined by people from our local community for both the lunch and the film screening. It was a pleasure to welcome David Fraser to the piano who entertained us with some great tunes that set us up so well for our lunch. We were also joined by a team of people who came from Bennochy Church in Kirkcaldy who are looking to set up a Community Cinema and wanted to meet with our team to get some ideas. We plan to continue sharing ideas with them going forward. The Big Lunch is a project that was set up by Project Eden in Cornwall a number of years ago. Derek Harper, who is the Scottish


Leader for The Big Lunch, joined us for our lunch and was able to give people a sense of the enormous event they were taking part in across the UK. Derek is also heavily involved with Brechin Community Cinema so it was good to be able to share ideas and thoughts with him as well. The film screening went down well too, with a resounding round of applause at the end. Leith Community Cinema Update We are pleased to confirm the date for our next screening so please join us on Friday 1st July at 7pm for Star Wars - The Force Awakens. Doors open at 6.30pm. Please book your ticket via our website to be sure of a place for this one as we think it will be very popular! Plans are also well under way for our Summer programme of Family and Adult films so please take time to vote for your favourite film through the website or the voting list in the Open Doorway.

Family Film Options

Adult Film Options


Angel’s Share

Kung Fu Panda 3



Sunshine on Leith








on If you would like to help or be involved in any way with the Community Cinema and Café please let me know, as we are keen to create a team to work with us on the on-going development of the cinema.


Knitting Mission 2016 Thank you to everyone who has joined our Knitting Team and or donated wool. We now have 20 people involved including some of the residents from Jamieson Place Sheltered Housing development. We have agreed to meet up monthly to catch up with each other and review progress. At our most recent meeting we shared a message from the founder of the Shawl Ministry in the USA.

Thank you for your email and welcome to the circle of shawl makers…………..When you are ready, send me an email and we'll add your group to our web site. Thank you for your support of this ministry. Both Janet and I wish you and your prayer shawl makers blessings as you reach out to serve others through this spiritual practice. You're creating tangible, comforting gifts from your hearts and hands that will embrace people and make a special difference in their lives. May the blessings flow back to you all threefold! Threefold Blessings, Vicky Victoria A. Cole-Galo Co-Founder of the Prayer Shawl Ministry Magic Show We always like to offer more than just a film show and this summer we are hoping to have a magic show either with a film screening or as a show itself. The magic show will be given by the award winning Professor Llusern, from the North Wales Magic Circle. The Professor has performed magic and Punch and Judy as part of his Portable End of the Pier Show all across North Wales. He has


performed at the National Eisteddfod (the largest touring arts festival in Europe) and continues to give shows in both English and Welsh incorporating storytelling and puppetry. Helping Hands Please remember to let us know if you would like a visit or phone call from us or would like to arrange this for a member of our congregation you feel would appreciate this type of support. All you need to do is complete a Helping Hands form and pop it into the box in the Open Doorway of the Church or speak to or call any of our team. Pastoral Care Team Mark Foster - Minister Catriona Blackwood – Elder, Safegaurding Co-ordinator and Magazine Editor Christine Edington Ella Gilfillan Linda Gill – Elder and Pastoral Care Team Leader Cathy Purdie – Contact for Special Needs Fiona Rankin – Elder Jeanette Sime – Elder and Roll Keeper Linda Gill Pastoral Care Team Leader 669-7409 or


LEITH FESTIVAL GALA DAY SATURDAY 11 th JUNE 2016 We will be helping organise the tea tent again this year. If you can help, or bake, or better still, do both, Aileen Fraser will be delighted to hear from you! Please see her after church or phone 07936 716 765. CHURCH BOWLING CLUB Our bowling club now meets at Victoria Bowling Green on Tuesdays at 6.15pm. Powderhall is closed at present due to a structural problem with the club building. Please contact me for further details. Ron Eunson, President

“Let us build a house …” It is often said that people are the true bricks and mortar of the Church. The life and worship of every congregation is strongly influenced and enriched by the input of its people, with their different skills and talents. “Let us build a house where love is found in water, wine and wheat: …” Worship is at the heart of our community and we are always looking for new faces to help welcome members and visitors to church, read the bible, sing in the choir (regularly or occasionally), help lead prayers, and help with the sound and image systems. Please speak to The Minister, the Session Clerk (John Innes), or the Organist (Colin Gray) if you are willing to become involved in any of these areas. “Let us build a house where prophets speak and words are strong and true, …”


As a congregation we are always seeking new ways in which to enhance and develop our service to the parish and beyond, especially through initiatives such as the Foodbank, the Open Doorway café, and our Community Cinema programme. If you are interested in helping in any of this important outreach work then please speak to Roy Eprile (Foodbank), Eric Fisher (Open Doorway) or Linda Gill (Community Cinema). “Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live, …” The Pastoral Care Team has been considering the differing needs of pastoral care of members, and non-members connected to the congregation, and investigating new approaches for the provision of pastoral care for all. They would be interested in hearing from anyone who would be happy to help with visiting and/or delivering flowers to the housebound, elderly, sick, and others. Please speak to Linda Gill or the Minister if you feel that you could help with this in any way. “Let us build a house where all are named, their songs and visions heard …” We are always looking for opportunities, outside of regular worship, for sharing in fellowship with the church family and with our neighbouring congregations. If you are interested in coming along to the Guild please speak to Irene Wexelstein or Jeanette Sime. If you are willing to help serve Tea and Coffee after the service on a Sunday then please speak to Jean Ramage. “Let us build a house where hands will reach beyond the wood and stone …” The Congregational Board oversee the regular maintenance and improvement of the Church Premises, Manse, and Grounds; Ensure the facilities, safety, and security of the premises meet or exceed the current legislation for all groups using the church buildings; and 12

draft a running maintenance regime and associated budget costs for both Church premises and the manse. Do you have the time and skills to help in any of this work? If so then please speak to Aileen Fraser or Maria Croall. “… built of hopes and dreams and visions, rock of faith and vault of grace; …” The Congregational Board also attends to all financial matters relating to the congregation as per all the rules and regulations of the Church and the Charity Regulators (OSCR). They also consider ways to encourage a level of liberality to meet our Mission and Ministries Allocation, Presbytery dues, salaries, and other expenses of the congregation; investigate ways for increasing liberality on a regular basis; and consider ways of raising additional funds when required. If you are able to help in any of these areas then please have a word with Mark Wexelstein (Congregational Treasurer). In all that we do at Pilrig St. Paul’s we seek new ways “to dream God’s reign anew” - to witness to our faith in Christ and to explore new ways in which to show God’s grace through the life and worship of our congregation. There is a place and a role for everyone in this work – so please give thought as to how you can help with any of these areas – working together we can release the talents and skills of all God’s people and seek to build a house where all are “treasured, taught and claimed”. May God continue to bless us in our ministry at Pilrig St. Paul’s as we seek new ways in which to build God’s house for the people of our parish and beyond. “Let this house proclaim from floor to rafter: All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.” - Marty Haugen (CH4: Hymn 198)


The joint Leith Festival Service will be held in North Leith. The preacher will be Pall Singh from Passing the Baton (Bethany Trust project) and The Cinnamon Network.

THANK YOU Many thanks for the lovely flowers I received from the Church, very much appreciated. I would like to thank Jeanette and Lisa for delivering them. Chrissie Blacklaw Thank you for the lovely flowers I received from the Church. I really appreciate the thought. Margaret Cameron Thank you for the lovely flowers received after the Service. They are much appreciated, and thanks to Eric for bringing them. Eileen Donald Fraser I would like to thank the Church for the lovely flowers I received the other Sunday when I wasn’t very well. It is nice to know other people are thinking about you. Irene Wexelstein Thank you so much for the beautiful roses I received on Sunday, 1st May. They fairly cheered me up as I was down with a ‘flutype’ virus. Nancy Fleming Open Doorway Thank you to everyone who staffs the Open Doorway on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10.30am – 12.30pm. If you would like to help us, please contact me on 552 8982. Eric Fisher


Halls and Heating Thank you to Maria Croall who makes sure that the Sanctuary and Halls are ready for all who use them and to Ian Bethune and Roy Eprile who stay back every Sunday to set the timer for the heating. Catriona Blackwood Foodbank Thank you to all the Foodbank volunteers for their dedication and hard work, nothing is ever too much trouble. May I also thank the congregation for their donations to the basket in the vestibule. Roy Eprile The Magazine Thanks to all the team who put the magazine together and distribute it. Without their assistance on the last Thursday of the month the magazine could not happen. Enjoy a summer break - see you again on 25th August. Margaret Cameron Thank you to the magazine Editor Catriona Blackwood and her helpers for once again an excellent and informative magazine. Roy Eprile Safeguarding Thank you to all those on our safeguarding register who visit our less able members, look after the children in the crèche and Sunday School. You are always conscientious about making sure that there is the right number of registered people in the halls with the children. Some of our members also assist with forum activities in the school holidays. Catriona Blackwood The Magazine 15

Thanks to everyone who has helped with the magazine this year: The Minister, Clerks, Treasurer, and conveners of groups for their articles, John Innes who prints it, Roy Eprile who compiles the Prayer Corner, Margaret Cameron and her team who make it up into magazine form, and my husband, Bill Blackwood, who proof-reads it. We now have a break until the end of August. I would like articles for the September magazine by August 21 st, please. Catriona Blackwood

SATURDAY LUNCHES ON 13th, 20th and 27th AUGUST As last year we will be opening the Session Room from 11pm-2pm on the Fringe Saturdays, serving hot and cold filled rolls, drinks and snacks. If you can help, please contact Mark Wexelstein HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!


Prayer Corner Mark Wexelstein Isabel Hannay Matthew Green Norrie Frazer The Davis family Margaret Gunn Murdo and Joy MacLeod Mary Currie Jackie Allan Gary, Margaret and David Fraser David and Lynn Cameron and family Frazer and Craig Garvey and families

Jim and Jean Tait Helen Greig Frances Chambers Betty Lauder and family Isabel Fyfe Isabel Pert Charlie and Joyce Forman Emily Dickson and family Tom Gilzean

Please let Roy Eprile know if you would like someone included in the prayer corner.

Providing flowers in June, July and August June 5th Jeanette Sime & Family 12th Joint Service 19th Katherine Elliot 26th Lily Gilhooley July 3rd Louise Illingworth 10th Frances McPherson & Margaret Cameron 17th Irene Wexelstein 24th Antje Armstrong 31st John Brown August 7th Ian Quinn 14th John & Lisa Innes 21st Evelyn Torrance 28th Christine & Alec Edington Please contact Aileen Fraser about a date if you would like to contribute flowers.


MINISTER Rev Mark Foster (332 5736)



Cover photo by Catriona Blackwood

SESSION CLERK John Innes - 33 Monktonhall Place, Musselburgh (07563 248722) THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD CLERK Aileen Fraser (07936 716 765) ASSISTANT CLERK Maria Croall (07747 071 545) CORRESPONDENCE to: The Clerk to the Congregational Board Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street, Edinburgh EH6 5AH TREASURER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) ROLL KEEPER Mrs. Jeanette E. Sime - 1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) PASTORAL CONVENER Mrs. Linda Gill (669 7409) SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR Mrs. Catriona E.W. Blackwood - 4 Cambridge Gardens (554 6183) PROPERTY CONVENER Eric Fisher (552 8982) 104 Crewe Crescent HALL LET GROUP ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER Colin Gray (07901 556 217) SUNDAY CLUB LEADER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) CHRISTIAN GIVINGS CONVENER Mrs. Irene Wexelstein - 15 Upper Hermitage (476 1385) MAGAZINE Editor - Mrs. Catriona E.W. Blackwood - see above Distribution - Mrs. Margaret Cameron - 35 Lorne Street (554 2139)

Do you know someone who would appreciate being remembered in our prayers each Sunday, a visit, a phone call, a card in the post or perhaps some flowers from us? Please provide the details below and put this card into the box in the Open Doorway or contact: Linda Gill on 669-7409 or Postal address: Linda Gill, Pastoral Care Team Leader, Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street, Edinburgh EH6 5AH Member's Details Name .................................................................................................................... Address ............................................................................................................... Phone number................................................................................................. Please choose from the following, which you think would be most appropriate. You can tick more than one option Remembered in our prayers each week ……. Visit to their home ……. Flowers from the Service ……. Phone call........ Card posted to their home……. Would you like to help with this? Yes / No (If you select yes please also provide your contact details) ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. Pilrig St. Paul's Church SCO 07277



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