PSP 201611

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PILRIG St PAUL’S WELCOMES YOU NOVEMBER 2016 There are many activities held on our premises, please see the notice board in Pilrig street (middle entrance). If you would like to rent our premises, please contact The food bank is designed to help individuals and families in crisis through the provision of emergency food supplies. Local care professionals in the Leith area refer people, with a food voucher, to the Foodbank distribution point where they are given their food supplies. For further information, please contact Roy Eprile



CHURCH ACTIVITIES SUNDAY - 11am WORSHIP in the Sanctuary, followed by tea or coffee and a chat in the Session Room. Children’s activities from 10.50am: There is a creche for younger children, while those of school age join the congregation, including taking an active part in the all age 'Time to Talk' and then follow activities or projects. TUESDAY AND THURSDAY - 10.30-12.30 open doorway for coffee, a chat and quiet time in the sanctuary. CONTACTS Music and Choir - Colin Gray 07901 556 217 or at the Service Alternate Tuesdays - The Guild 2.00pm (Irene Wexelstein 476 1385) Beavers, Cubs and Scouts 5 3/4 - 14 years The 5th Leith Scouts Edinburgh North East Broughton Primary gym hall (Evelyn Torrance 552 1657) For Rainbows, Brownies and Guides please send all enquiries to . We have two groups associated with Pilrig St Paul’s

PROVIDING FLOWERS IN NOVEMBER 6th Fiona Rankin 13th Guild 20th Seafarers service at South Leith Parish Church 27th Maria Croall Please speak to Aileen Fraser if you would like to provide flowers for the Church. The diary of what’s on can be found on the next page. 3

NOVEMBER IN PILRIG St PAUL’S Sunday, 6 November 11:00 Sunday Worship Tuesday, 8 November 14:00 The Guild - Swinging into the sixties Sunday, 13 November Remembrance Service Note earlier time - 10.50 Friday November 18th Guild - Big Sing, Queensferry See Jeanette Sime or Irene Wexelstein Friday 18 November – filling bags for the Sailors, see page 5 Sunday, 20 November 11:00 Sunday Worship at South Leith Parish Church PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL BE NO SERVICE IN PILRIG St PAUL’S THAT DAY Tuesday, 22 November 14:00 The Guild Inverleith and St Serf’s Sunday, 27 November 11:00 Guild Service EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY - 10.30-12.30 come to the open doorway for coffee, a chat, and quiet time in the sanctuary. Road Works: We have received notice that the end of Pilrig Street will be closed to traffic at the junction with Leith Walk, but the date has been moved back several times. It is anticipated that the work will last for 7 weeks. Part of this work will include reconstructing the footpaths directly outside the church and we will keep everyone updated on access routes during this work.


“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” – John 14: 27 The play Dunsinane was written as a sequel to Shakespeare’s Macbeth by the Scottish playwright, David Greig. Macbeth is dead and under the cover of night an English army has swept through the land taking control. The play follows the struggle of one man’s (King Malcolm) attempt to restore peace to a country ravaged by war. At one point in the play King Malcolm says: “You seem to think peace is a natural state...and conflict its interruption, but the truth is the exact opposite. Peace is what the sea looks like in a dead calm – a rare and beautiful moment – something impossible – a glimpse of perfection before the wind comes back again. You can no more force peace into existence than you can wander across the surface of the sea stamping the waves flat.” That’s a very powerful image. What if Greig is correct? What if peace is not the natural state of the world? We can all think of situations where individuals, or countries, have attempted to stamp peace on to others: countries; peoples; situations; churches; economies; communities; or individuals, and very often find that in the process the opposite is what happens. Perhaps that’s why peace-keeping is such a nervous, edgy, vigilant, and tense business – trying to ‘stamp the waves flat’, and finding that peace cannot be forced into existence.


If we think of the life of Jesus, the Price of Peace, we realise that the gospels tell us that, from birth to death, his life on earth was constantly flowing between harmony and discord; understanding and confusion; healing and brokenness; peace and conflict. His life was as restless as the sea, but it was also infused with ‘rare and beautiful moments … glimpses of perfection before the wind came back again’. Jesus showed us that peace, if it is to have a chance, has to come from within and that we must use the rare moments of peace in our lives to refresh our broken souls and prepare ourselves for the next swell. It’s a peace that’s more than the absence of conflict. It’s a peace that’s more than the world can give us. It’s the peace of Christ. This peace is as restless as life itself – it’s a peace that gives us no peace, while others are still struggling amid the storms of life. It’s a peace that lets us glimpse the rare and beautiful moments of perfection around us – and gives us the strength and conviction to try and make them last for longer each time. This month as we pause to remember the violent nature of our world and the human cost of conflict, may we glimpse something of the peace of Christ in our lives. Let it pull us, even briefly, into the centre of peace. Let it fill and replenish our souls as once more we prepare and equip ourselves to be disciples of Christ in our world. Glimpses of such peace may be rare; they may be fleeting; but as Jesus showed they can also be transformative in ways that are truly lasting. May the peace of Christ be with you all. Shalom Mark


CrossReach We hope that you have enjoyed reading the most recent CrossReach newsletter that Christine has been handing out on Sundays before and after the service. You can also access the newsletter on-line via the CrossReach website. There are many other publications available on this website as well, including help sheets that could be assist those who volunteer on our Open Doorway and the Foodbank. CrossReach is the Social Care part of the Church of Scotland delivering more than 70 services, employing 2000 people. We can do our part to support this work by purchasing from the Christmas Catalogue of cards and gifts. This year Care Share has been launched. This allows you to purchase a gift that supports others, for example for £5 you can fund a week’s supply of welcome tea and coffee for visitors to a CrossReach counselling centre like Wallace House. Copies of the catalogues are available now and orders can be placed with Christine by 30 th October and will be available to collect on Sunday 13th November. CrossReach Congregational Representative – Christine Edington

SEAMEN’S CHRISTMAS PARCELS Donations of toiletries, small notebooks, pens and sweets (not chocolate) for the Seamen's Parcels will be collected by congregations until Sunday 13 November. Anyone interested in helping to fill the bags for the seamen on Friday 18 November should contact 7

The Magazine Thank you for the articles this month. May I have articles for December by Sunday 20th November, please? There is no magazine in January. Catriona Blackwood

PILRIG CHURCH BOWLING CLUB Competition results for 2016-10-25 Club Champion – Dennis Boal Runner up – Alex Allan Pairs Winners – Margaret Davidson and Ina Deans Runners up –Dennis Boal and Chris McCathie Points Winner – Chris McCathie Second – May Grubb Third – Ailsa Greenwood League Results for 2016 League winners – Pilrig Rink Trophy Runner up –Pilrig Stirling Trophy Runner up – Pilrig Champion of Champions Ronald Eunson – Pilrig Church Bowling club A very enjoyable and successful season was had by all 22 members. New members are always welcome. Ronald Eunson, President Sounds like you were all on good form this year, congratulations. Ed 8

Thank you Again many thanks for the lovely flowers we received earlier this month. The kindness and support we receive is appreciated very much. Margaret Cameron and family Mary Currie sends her thanks for the beautiful flowers which were much appreciated. Thanks very much for the flowers.

Joan Blackie

Many thanks for the beautiful flowers I received from the Church last Sunday, also to Margaret for bringing them. Chrissie Blacklaw Dear Friends, Many thanks for the lovely flowers you sent and to Eric Fisher for bringing them. Eileen and Donald Fraser BackCare would like to thank everyone who supported our coffee morning on 22nd October. Special thanks from the committee for our faithful kitchen staff Ann and Alex. The total to date is £390 Thank you all once again for making it such a success.

PASTORAL CARE TEAM The autumn is already making its presence felt with darker mornings and a ‘wee nip in the air’ and so we are now turning our attention to the final quarter of this year for the Pastoral Care Team. The Knitting Bee The next Knitting Bee catch up will take place on Thursday 24 th November at 2pm in the Open Doorway. We are always happy 9

to welcome new people so do come along and join us. Thank you to everyone who has supported us with donations of wool and buttons, we have put them all to good use. Training and Development We are arranging a food hygiene follow up course in January. This is aimed at those who are involved in the preparation and serving of food and would be a good way for people to refresh on the recommended ways to deliver food and drink to people in the safest way. It will be a three hour session run in our halls. If you would like to join this please let me know. Leith Community Cinema Update In October we held our Autumn screening of Finding Dorey and welcomed 40 people and had a team of 12 people supporting the running of the event. We were joined by two of the Education team from Dynamic Earth who hosted a Touch Table for the children and also launched our new Children’s Lending Library. It was also the first occasion we were able to use our new mini beanbags and junior tables and chairs. The event went well and once again thank you to all those who helped out. The Team Mary Cozzi , Walter Dods, Lorna Drinnan, Scott Gillies, David Gill, Stephanie Gill, John Innes, Alison Kennett, Julie MacEwan, Michelle Muhammed , Alan Page-Duffy , Evelyn Torrance Audience feedback There were feedback surveys completed with the following results. The children all enjoyed the film, the juice and the snacks voting with mostly yellow smiley faces and orange ‘ok’ faces for the new library. 10

'excellent venue, lovely friendly volunteers and catered very well for children' 'the screen was excellent, we come to every screening and are always warmly welcomed thank-you' 'just getting better and better' 'amazing, we all had a good time thanks so much.’ We had some comments about the sound and so have arranged for an additional speaker to be set up for our next screening. It is encouraging for us to receive such positive feedback and also valuable insight into how we can make things better for our audience. It has to be said that our screenings would not take place without the small army of volunteers who help in advance of the screening or turn out to set everything up. Our thanks go to the team for this screening. Save the Date Our next screening is taking place on Friday 2 nd December when we will be showing Miracle on 34th Street at 10.30am along with fresh filter coffee and home made mince pies. There is a second screening that day at 2.30pm when we will be showing the children’s film Arthur Christmas. Tickets can be booked via our website or by completing the booking sheet in the Open Doorway. For full details please visit our website on If you would like to help or be involved in any way with the Community Cinema and Café please let me know, as we are keen 11

to create a team to work with us on the on-going development of the cinema. Funding Update Thank you for your support for our application to £eith Decides, the voting and scoring is all over now and we just need to wait for the results due to be announced on Tuesday 1 st November. If we are successful the funding will cover the cost of running four screenings in our 2017 programme. Helping Hands Please remember to let us know if you would like a visit or phone call from us or would like to arrange this for a member of our congregation you feel would appreciate this type of support. All you need to do is complete a Helping Hands form and pop it into the box in the Open Doorway of the Church or speak/call any of our team. Pastoral Care Team Mark Foster - Minister Catriona Blackwood – Elder, Safegaurding Co-ordinator and Magazine Editor Christine Edington – CrossReach Co-ordinator Ella Gilfillan Linda Gill – Elder and Pastoral Care Team Leader Michelle Muhammed – Congregational Board Member Cathy Purdie – Contact for Special Needs Fiona Rankin – Elder Jeanette Sime – Elder and Roll Keeper Linda Gill Pastoral Care Team Leader 669-7409 or 12

Prayer Corner Mark Wexelstein Helen Greig Gary, Margaret and David Fraser Frances Chambers Charlie and Joyce Forman The Davis family Margaret Gunn Murdo and Joy MacLeod Emily Dickson and family David and Lynn Cameron and family Frazer and Craig Garvey and families Irene Brown and family

Jim and Jean Tait Mary Currie Matthew Green Jackie Allan Norrie Frazer Isabel Fyfe Isabel Pert Tom Gilzean Christine McGonigal Hilda Winton Ann Dunn

Please let Roy Eprile know if you would like someone included in the prayer corner.

If you want more information, or are unsure how to do this, please speak to Mark Wexelstein, Treasurer


MINISTER Rev Mark Foster (332 5736) SESSION CLERK John Innes - 33 Monktonhall Place, Musselburgh (07563 248722) THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD CLERK Aileen Fraser (07936 716 765) ASSISTANT CLERK Maria Croall (07747 071 545) CORRESPONDENCE to: The Clerk to the Congregational Board Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street, Edinburgh EH6 5AH TREASURER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) ROLL KEEPER Mrs Jeanette E. Sime - 1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) PASTORAL CONVENER Mrs Linda Gill (669 7409) SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - 4 Cambridge Gardens (554 6183) PROPERTY CONVENER Eric Fisher (552 8982) 104 Crewe Crescent HALL LET GROUP ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER Colin Gray (07901 556 217) SUNDAY CLUB LEADER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) CHRISTIAN GIVINGS CONVENER Mrs Irene Wexelstein - 15 Upper Hermitage (476 1385) MAGAZINE Editor - Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - see above Distribution - Mrs Margaret Cameron - 35 Lorne Street (554 2139) Scottish Charity no. SCO07277 OUR WHEELCHAIR ENTRANCES ARE IN PILRIG STREET


Do you know someone who would appreciate being remembered in our prayers each Sunday, a visit, a phone call, a card in the post or perhaps some flowers from us? Please provide the details below and put this card into the box in the Open Doorway or contact: Linda Gill on 669-7409 or Postal address: Linda Gill, Pastoral Care Team Leader, Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street, Edinburgh EH6 5AH Member's Details Name .................................................................................................................... Address ............................................................................................................... Phone number................................................................................................. Please choose from the following, which you think would be most appropriate. You can tick more than one option Remembered in our prayers each week ……. Visit to their home ……. Flowers from the Service ……. Phone call........ Card posted to their home……. Would you like to help with this? Yes / No (If you select yes please also provide your contact details) ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. Pilrig St. Paul's Church SCO 07277


Rev and Mrs Colin Williamson met up with Dorothy Walker and Ruth Summers when they were in Edinburgh for their son’s wedding. The Guard of Honour is the Scottish Rowing Team.


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