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PILRIG St PAUL’S CHURCH MARCH & APRIL 2018 Monday 26th March –

7.30pm Pilrig St Paul’s

Tuesday 27th March –

7.30pm North Leith

Wednesday 28th March –

7.30pm South Leith

Thursday 29th March –

7.30pm Leith St Andrew’s

(Meal included, please arrive for 7.15pm) Friday 30th March 12noon - 3pm Sunday 1st April -

11am Easter Day Worship

Sunday 8th April -

11 am Morning Worship

Tuesday 10th April –

The Guild - History of Tunnock’s

Sunday 15th April -

11 am Morning Worship

Sunday 22ndApril -

11 am Morning Worship

2.30pm Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance Tuesday 24th

April – Guild AGM

Sunday 29th April –

11am Communion Service

This is the Lords Table. Anyone who loves God and responses to Christ’s invitation to join together in this feast is welcome to join us in the celebration. PROVIDING FLOWERS IN APRIL 2018 1st April 8th April 15th April 22nd April 29th April

Lily Gilhooley Margaret Cameron Frances & George MacPherson Lily Gilhooley Ella & Ronnie Gilfillan

Please speak to Aileen Fraser if you would like to provide flowers. 3

CHURCH ACTIVITIES SUNDAY - 11am WORSHIP in the Sanctuary, followed by tea or coffee, and a chat, in the Session Room. There is a creche for younger children, while those of school age join the congregation, including taking an active part in the all age 'Time to Talk’. OPEN DOORWAY EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY 10.30-12.30 come to the open doorway for coffee, a chat, and quiet time in the sanctuary. CONTACTS and MEETINGS See also back page Alternate Tuesdays - The Guild 2.00pm Every Tuesday and Thursday 10.30-12.30 come to the open doorway for coffee, a chat, and quiet time in the sanctuary Wednesdays - Lunch club 11.30 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts 5 3/4 - 14 years The 5th Leith Scouts Edinburgh North East (Evelyn Torrance 552 1657) For Rainbows, Brownies and Guides please send all enquiries to . We have two groups associated with Pilrig St Paul’s THERE ARE MANY OTHER ACTIVITIES HELD ON OUR PREMISES, PLEASE SEE THE NOTICE BOARD IN PILRIG STREET (MIDDLE ENTRANCE) IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RENT OUR PREMISES, PLEASE CONTACT


Dear All, John’s gospel tells us that Thomas was absent when the Risen Christ first appeared to his disciples. We’re not told why he wasn’t with the others. Perhaps he had been sent to find out the latest news regarding Jesus’ death and whether or not it was safe for Jesus’ followers to be seen in public? Maybe he had just gone out to get some supplies? The truth is, we don’t know. But whatever the reason, Thomas has been harshly and unfairly treated by history for his absence and subsequent refusal to believe the other disciples when he returned. There were many good reasons for Thomas to question what the disciples told him – just as the disciples themselves had questioned the women who came running from the tomb. It was also fair that Thomas asked to witness Christ’s presence for himself – just as the other disciples had. But perhaps this encounter with the Risen Christ wasn’t written for us to dissect the strength of Thomas’ faith, but to tell us something about our own faith and the Christian communities we belong to? Perhaps John’s gospel is suggesting to us that Christ’s presence is most often experienced in community with others, and that when we separate ourselves from such communities (for whatever reasons) we risk the chance on missing Christ’s unique presence? Almost all of the other resurrection stories from scripture have the Risen Christ appearing to groups of people rather than individuals. So, if we are seeking to experience Christ’s presence in our lives today then it’s within such communities that it is most likely to happen. So, just think what you might be missing out on if you don’t come to church!


At the same time this passage also tells us something about the nature of this community. By rejecting the shared view of the other disciples, Thomas broke ranks from the rest of the community of believers and yet a week later he is still with them. He is not excluded or kicked-out from the group and it seems that he wasn’t given an ‘either – or’ ultimatum to pack his bags and go. What this suggests to me is a community that accepted and supported Thomas in his own faith journey, and which provided a place where he could come to his own understanding of faith in the knowledge that he was loved and supported by others. In other words, a community based on mutual love and respect for one another. The Church is called to be a community of love; a community where we welcome all people regardless of their doubts or certainties; and a community which encourages and supports one another to grow in our own discoveries of faith - at our own speed. When we remember the story of Thomas, may we do so not for his perceived failings or frailties (which we all share), but as a celebration of the support and love he received from belonging to a true community of faith. May we seek to mirror that community of faith in our own setting – so that we too may share in the presence of the Risen Christ in our midst. Shalom Mark


THANK YOU The Rev’s Mark and Joanne would like to thank all those who sent them such kind and thoughtful wishes on their wedding anniversary. To my friends at Pilrig St Paul’s, a short note with a big thank you for my beautiful flowers and lovely cards I received from you all. Willie passed away very peacefully at home with all the family with him. Thank you to you all your all your kindness. Martha Cruikshank. Thank you to Margaret Cameron, Jean Ramsey, and Evelyn Torrance for providing and serving Lunch at the Leith Churches Together Service in March. In early March we hosted a meeting of the Edinburgh Roofbreakers - a group that seeks inclusion into the church for disabled people. Scott Gillies who is Secretary to the Scottish Churches Disabilities Group operating out of 121 took the lead in arranging this meeting. He received the following thank you from the group. Dear Scott and Mark, Forgive the recycled card but it seemed appropriate for thanking you again for opening Pilrig St Pauls to us for our Roofbreakers meeting. Your attention to detail was just great. Please thank the ladies who looked after the refreshments so thoughtfully. I look forward to building on the connections between Roofbreakers and the Scottish Churches Disabilities Group, and to hearing more as your plans for more inclusive cinema showings unfold. Claire Wilson Edinburgh Area Coordinator for Roofbreakers 7

THANK YOU Many thanks for the flowers I received from the church. They certainly brought some sunshine into me. Joyce Loughlin Thank you to the minister and all members for the cards, texts, emails and all the support we have received over the months. I am on the mend, slowly but surely, and really hope it won't be long before I can join everyone again, at least in the Open Doorway, if not at a full Service for a while. Thank you for the lovely flowers which Bill received when I was in hospital. This was very thoughtful of you, and really appreciated. Catriona and Bill Blackwood The Magazine Thank you for the contributions to this magazine. Contributions for May should be in by Sunday 22nd April. Please use the magazine email at present, thank you. There is a box outside the Session Room for handwritten articles and cards Catriona Blackwood


Minutes of the Stated Annual Meeting held in the Sanctuary on Sunday 18th March 2018 at 12pm Constitution of meeting

Rev Mark Foster opened the meeting. Taken as read Approved by Eric Fisher Seconded by Jeanette Sime

Minutes from last year Treasurers Report

Mark Wexelstein presented slides showing the income and expenditure for 2017 and compared this over the last 5 years. Total income was £112,435, an increase of £15,299 from 2016.This includes £9,500 moved from the Alexander Watson Memorial Fund to the general account. If you remove this the income was £102,935 an increase of £5,799 from 2016. Treasurer’s Report Total Expenditure was £103,008 an increase of £4,027 from 2016. If you remove the expenditure for the Community Cinema the expenditure was £95,516 an increase of £4,874. However if you remove the money we transferred to the Community Cinema bank account and the expenditure shown for the movement of the Alexander Watson Memorial fund then our expenditure reduced in 2017. For the first time in at least 10 years we had a surplus at the end of the year of £9,427. This does have £6,000 that is ringfenced for Path of Renewal but even without that amount we would have a surplus of £3,427. This is good news but we need to bear in mind the Christmas Fair realised £2,314 and this isn’t something we can repeat each year. However, we had budgeted for a deficit so this is positive. Hopefully we can continue with this as we should 9

remember what we pay in Ministry and Mission doesn’t cover the actual cost that if all was equal all congregations would pay. Offerings were £32,883 an increase of £983 on 2016. This is encouraging as it is the third year the total has increased. The tax reclaimed was £5,977. This is lower than 2016 but less had been claimed in 2015 so the 2016 number was higher than normal. Mark asked anyone that was paying tax but not currently part of the Gift Aid scheme to speak to him so this could be setup. Our income from hall lets was again our largest source of income and was £39,427 compared to £39,746 in 2016. There were some invoices outstanding at the end of 2017 and if these had been paid the hall let income would have increased again in 2017. Fundraising was £1,683 up by £9. This doesn’t include the Christmas Fair. Mark thanked all the people who had helped with fundraising. Ministry and Mission was £25,757, £1,960 lower than 2016. For 2018 we haven’t been given any reduction so we will pay £29,387. Fabric expenditure was £8,413 a decrease of £6,245. This is expected to increase again in 2018 as we are replacing two outside doors in the manse and decorating the Session Room. Energy costs were £7,476 an increase of £395. We are still members of the Church of Scotland scheme and this allows us to get the best rates available. Insurance was £9,632. This is slightly lower than 2016 due to the fact we switched to the Church of Scotland scheme and started the payments later in the year. It will be back in line by May. Telephone, Stationery & Printing was £2,423 a decrease of £493. 10

We only have one payment left to make on the Riso and then we will just have the maintenance costs to pay for it. Salaries were £20,117 an increase of £961. This is due to the dates the tax and NI is paid to the revenue. Mark Foster thanked Mark for his work and Maria for her help. Mark Foster reminded the meeting that even if you don’t fill in a tax return you may still pay tax. Just check with Mark. Congregational Statistics by Jeanette Sime Number on Congregational Roll as at 31.12.2016 was 222 Added by Profession of Faith Certificate of Transfer Restoration

0 0 1

Removed by Resolution of the Kirk Session Certificate of Transfer Death

0 0 7

Number on Congregational Roll as at 31.12.2017 was 216 Supplementary Roll Adherents

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Mark Foster thanked Jeanette for her work. 11

Election to Membership of the Congregational Board Evelyn Torrance completes her three years on the Congregational Board. Evelyn has agreed to continue as a member of the Board. This was proposed by Moira Fergie and seconded by Lisa Innes. Scott Gillies was proposed by Evelyn Torrance and seconded by Roy Eprile. Scott agreed to become a member of the Board. Bill Wright was proposed by Catherine Purdie and seconded by Linda Gill. Bill agreed to become a member of the Board. Minister’s Report Mark mentioned Path of Renewal that had been mentioned in the service. He advised this was in its third year. The first year was working with the ministers and changing hearts and minds. Year 2 was taking some of that and share it with a small group in the congregation. It is now taking a different path. Year 3 is looking at taking it out to the wider congregation. This started during the service today and will continue through 2018. We have been working together in 2017 with the other 3 churches in Leith and at present we are drafting a covenant to help us work together to help the church grow in Leith. The churches in Leith are part of the pilot for hub ministry being run by the Church of Scotland. We are the only group in it with all ministers in post. He thanked everyone who are involved with the many groups and activities that take place He thanked all the Office Bearers and for those who work behind the scenes to help the church to run.


Pastoral Care The Pastoral Care Team had a good meeting this month where we reviewed our progress since we last met and also set out our plans for the year. We updated the team that Ella Gilfillan is retiring from the Pastoral Care Team and also sang Happy Birthday to Fiona Rankin. We all enjoyed a slice of birthday cake with our cuppa. Thank you also to Bill Wright who came along to join us and joined in the discussions about our plans. Pastoral Care At the meeting Bill and I updated the team about the Loneliness Conference we had attended at Palmerston Place Church. We looked at ways we could ensure that our work was inclusive and supported people to be involved in activities and events being held in our Church. We are always happy to reach out to those in our congregation or the wider local community so please do let us know if you are aware of someone who would appreciate and benefit from any of these contacts from us. Big Lunch 2018 Great news, our Big Lunch is going ahead this year as Mark Wexelstein and Aileen Fraser have offered to organize it for us. The lunch will be open to everyone in our congregation and the wider local community and will be held on Sunday 3 rd June so please book your place. By coming along to the lunch you will be part of a much wider event as this year we are hoping that there will be over 10 million 13

people across the UK taking part in Big Lunches. I now work with Eden Project Communities who are the organisers of both The Big Lunch and The Big Walk so may be out and about supporting these activities across Scotland. A huge thank you goes to Mark and Aileen for taking this on and I am sure that others may also offer their help too. The Big Lunch is an example of the kind of event the Pastoral Care Team have identified that ensures people feel included and so we would ask you to make sure you come along and think of others who may enjoy some time together in fellowship with others. Knitting Bee The Knitting Bee team are delighted with progress this year – Octopremmies for Simpsons Maternity Hospital, a large number of items are ready to donate to the CrossReach Craftathon parcel and we have welcomed some new members from Victoria Manor Care Home. As you know Craftathon is going to form the basis of our work for the first half of this year and you would be welcome to take part in this with us. We have plenty wool, patterns and ideas of what could be knitted so please just let us know and we can make sure you have the materials needed. Items can be knitted, crocheted, embroidered or simply hand made. If you would like to help us please feel free to donate any items you have made or supplies of wool or materials for the team to use. The Kitting Bee is another example of an activity that is inclusive and provides people with time together once a month. Everyone is welcome to come along even if only to join us for a cuppa and cake! We would be delighted to see you there. Details of our next meeting will be in the intimations on the order of service.


Church Outing – Botanical Gardens Cottage Another part of our plan for this year to is arrange an outing to the lovely community cottage in the Botanical Gardens in early September. Transport will be provided from and back to the church if needed. More details will follow. Quiz Afternoon We are also looking to arrange a Quiz Afternoon later in the year. In the meantime you can get your team arranged. We are looking for teams of four people and for now all you need to do, apart from briefing up on your general knowledge is come up with a team name! Leith Community Cinema Update Sadly we had to postpone our early March screenings due to the severe weather conditions, which was disappointing however we felt it important to consider the safety of both our team and the audience members. We were however able to go ahead with our screening for 70 pupils and staff from Broughton Primary school when we screened How to Train Your Dragon for them. We also welcomed six graduates from RBS who were taking part in their community day ‘giving back’ with us. Then the next day we held a screening of short independent films made by young people about their perceptions of anti sectarianism this was a collaboration with Youth Scotland and formed part of the 2018 Year of Young People initiative.


Plans are well under way for this year’s collaboration with Pop Up Scotland for their annual film festival. This is taking place on Saturday 21st April.

Helping Hands Please remember to let us know if you would like a visit or phone call from us or would like to arrange this for a member of our congregation you feel would appreciate this type of support. All you need to do is complete a Helping Hands form and pop it into the box in the Open Doorway of the Church or speak/call any of our team. Pastoral Care Team Mark Foster - Minister Catriona Blackwood – Elder, Safegaurding Co-ordinator and Magazine Editor Christine Edington – CrossReach Co-ordinator Ella Gilfillan Linda Gill – Elder and Pastoral Care Team Leader Michelle Muhammad – Congregational Board Member Cathy Purdie – Contact for Special Needs Fiona Rankin – Elder Jeanette Sime – Elder and Roll Keeper Linda Gill Pastoral Care Team Leader 669-7409 or


Rev Dr. Martin Ritchie

Dr. Martin Ritchie - our former Organist and Choirmaster has begun a new chapter in his career as he was ordained into the Ministry of the Church of Scotland and inducted as minister of Greenbank Parish Church. A number of the congregation were present at the induction and ordination and we were delighted to see Martin accepting the call to such a prestigious charge. We wish him every blessing for his ministry


Prayer Corner The Wexelstein family Norrie Frazer Emily Dickson and family Sybil Muir David and Lynn Cameron and family Frances Chambers The Davis family Murdo and Joy MacLeod Martha Cruickshank Mrs Hunter and family Catriona Blackwood and family Elspeth Dixon Frazer and Craig Garvey and families Doreen and Arthur Johnston Gary, Margaret and David Fraser Siobhan Newlands Catherine and Eric Fisher Jim and Jean Tait Joyce Loughlan June Welsh Isabel Pert Tom Gilzean Anne Dunn Isabel Fyfe Arthur Baxter Matthew Green Margaret Thomson Rev Kristina Ross John Brown Please let Roy Eprile know if you would like someone included in the prayer corner.


The food bank is designed to help individuals and families in crisis through the provision of emergency food supplies. Local care professionals in the Leith area refer people, with a food voucher, to the Foodbank distribution point where they are given their food supplies. For further information, and to volunteer to help on a Wednesday, please contact Roy Eprile. FOODS PARTICULARLY NEEDED IN APRIL 2018 POT NOODLE CUP-A-SOUP SMASH


PILRIG ST PAUL’S CHURCH 1b Pilrig Street Edinburgh EH6 5AH Church Office 0131 553 1876 MAGAZINE MINISTER Rev Mark Foster (0131 332 5736) SESSION CLERK John Innes - (07802 917910) THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD Church address and phone number CLERK Aileen Fraser (0131 553 1876) ASSISTANT CLERK Maria Croall (07747 071545) TREASURER and CHRISTIAN GIVINGS CONVENER Mark Wexelstein (0131 665 6881) ROLL KEEPER, GUILD CONVENOR Mrs Jeanette Sime – (0131 552 9652)

PASTORAL CONVENOR, CINEMA LEADER Mrs Linda Gill Linda Gill <> SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR, MAGAZINE EDITOR Mrs Catriona Blackwood - (0131 554 6183) PROPERTY CONVENER Eric Fisher (0131 552 8982) HALL LETS ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER Colin Gray (07901 556 217) PRAYER CORNER, FOODBANK CONTACT Roy Eprile MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION Mrs Margaret Cameron (0131 554 2139) LUNCH CLUB Alex Allan (0131 554 3174) Scottish Charity no. SCO07277


The food bank is designed to help individuals and families in crisis through the provision of emergency food supplies. Local care professionals in the Leith area refer people, with a food voucher, to the Foodbank distribution point where they are given their food supplies. For further information, and to volunteer to help on a Wednesday, please contact Roy Eprile. FOOD BANK - VOLUNTEER MEETINGS 2018, SOUTH LEITH PARISH CHURCH HALLS , 7:30PM - 10TH MAY, 13TH SEPTEMBER, 8TH NOVEMBER. FOODS PARTICULARLY REQUESTED FOR MARCH 2018 TINNED FRUIT TINNED VEGETABLES TINNED MEAT 21


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