PSP 201805

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Cover picture taken from Lindesfarne Images 2

PILRIG St PAUL’S CHURCH MAY 2018 Sunday 6th May 11 am Morning Worship Wednesday 9th May Leith Churches Together Ecumenical Lunchtime Service, South Leith Church 1pm Thursday 10th May Morning Worship Outing 1pm See Page 9 Foodbank Volunteers meeting South Leith Parish Church Halls 7:30pm Sunday 13th 11 am Morning Worship CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 13th – 19th MAY see page 4 1pm Film screening, see page 9 Sunday 20th 11 am Morning Worship Sunday 27th 11 am Morning Worship PROVIDING FLOWERS IN MAY 2018 6th Joyce Laughlin 13th Margaret and David Fraser 20th Eric Fisher 27th John Brown Please speak to Aileen Fraser about providing Church flowers.

THE FOODBANK DONATIONS BASKET IS IN THE VESTIBULE Particularly requested for May: sugar, long life milk, long life fruit juice, thank you. We are collecting………Plastic milk bottle tops. Blue or green with a 2 or 3 on them, please give to Maureen Eunson who will pass them on to raise funds for Borders General Hospital. Other colours and sizes of plastic bottle tops are good for craft making at the Beavers, please give them to Evelyn Torrance, who also has other ides of things to collect. Flower bags, particularly large size. Please hand them to the person sorting out the flowers after the service. Stamps: see page 7



SUNDAY - 11am WORSHIP in the Sanctuary, followed by tea or coffee, and a chat, in the Session Room. There is a creche for younger children, while those of school age join the congregation, including taking an active part in the all age 'Time to Talk’. ACTIVITIES Alternate Tuesdays - The Guild 2.00pm Every Tuesday and Thursday 10.30-12.30 come to the open doorway for coffee, a chat, and quiet time in the sanctuary Wednesdays - Lunch club 11.30 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts 5 3/4 - 14 years The 5th Leith Scouts Edinburgh North East (Evelyn Torrance 552 1657) For Rainbows, Brownies and Guides please send all enquiries to . We have two groups associated with Pilrig St Paul’s THERE ARE MANY OTHER ACTIVITIES HELD ON OUR PREMISES, PLEASE SEE THE NOTICE BOARD IN PILRIG STREET (MIDDLE ENTRANCE) TO RENT OUR PREMISES, PLEASE CONTACT You can make your offering by texting PSPC10 £5 to 70070 (You can change the £ amount as preferred).


From the manse … “Then Peter began to speak to them: ‘I truly understand that God shows no partiality, “ - Acts 10: 34 The book of Acts tells us that towards the end of 35AD Peter travelled to Caesarea, after receiving a vision from God. He shared the Good News of Jesus’s death and resurrection with Cornelius’ family and friends, and was astounded when the Holy Spirit fell on both Jew and Gentile alike. This was a seminal moment in the life of early Christianity as the barriers between Jew and Gentile were torn down and the early church community grew and blossomed to encompass all people within the fellowship of believers. On Wednesday 22 May 1968, the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland passed a deliverance that women should be eligible for ordination to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament on equal terms with men. The enacting legislation brought to an end decades of discrimination, campaigning, and debate. It opened doors to new opportunities and challenges for women, for congregations - and for a ministry which had for centuries been exclusively male. This too was a seminal moment which changed and enriched the life of the national church in Scotland, and continues to do so today. However we cannot be complacent as there are still ways in which we continue to exclude and alienate others from participating in the life of the Church and from receiving our welcome and fellowship as fellow believers in Christ. Every Sunday our Order of Service proclaims: “This is God’s House - All are Welcome”. At Pilrig St. Paul’s Church we must strive to take these words seriously. We must seek to become a community as diverse and as hospitable as God’s kingdom. We don’t all look, act, or even think alike. We don’t all read the Bible in the same way. We bring different questions and we carry different burdens. But each week we share in worship, fellowship and service 5

together as a community of faith, and are far richer from our diversity than if we all thought and acted in the same way. For those of us who are under 50, we have grown up in a Church that has always had women ministers, and I am grateful for those pioneer women, and men, who fought hard for equality between the sexes. I hope that we can leave a legacy for future generations who will grow up in a Church, where all are truly welcome and showed the same impartiality of love as God does. Shalom Mark

Christian Aid Week 13-19 May 2018 God’s Kingdom is stronger than storms At Pilrig St Paul’s we will have envelopes available for donations. These can be put in the plate, using gift aid if you are eligible.



Thank you to our friends at the Church for all the cards, phone calls, home visits and get well wishes received over the past months. We both regret that various health problems mean we have been unable to join and share with you in worship and fellowship over this period. But it is good to know that we are in your thoughts and ask you to continue including us in your prayers. Murdo and Joy Macleod It was a lovely surprise when Margaret Fraser gave me the flowers from the Church. Thank you very much for them, they are beautiful. Love and blessings, Irene Eprile (Sorry, I forgot to pass this on for last month. CB) I would like to thank everyone who sent me good wishes, the Church for the lovely flowers given to me on my recent special birthday and the Pastoral Care Group for the birthday cake. They were very much appreciated. Fiona Rankin Thank you for the lovely flowers from the Church. It was a nice surprise. Lottie McArthur Thank you for the lovely flowers, a nice surprise and much appreciated! Maria Croall Thank you for the lovely flowers you gave to me. It is very kind of you to think of me and it is greatly appreciated. Christine Hislop (Betty’s Daughter) The Big Lunch 7

We are holding the Big Lunch again this year on Sunday 3 rd June at 12.30pm in the Session Room so remember to book your place now. This event is bookeable at and there will be signup sheets in the Open Doorway. We hope to have people from the local community there so this is a great opportunity to meet with people from the community that are not normally in the Church on a Sunday morning. If you know someone that would be alone then invite them to come along so they can join in the social interaction of the lunch. Once again this Eden project is UK wide so there will be people throughout the country sitting down to have a lunch at the same time we are. As Linda Gill, who normally organises this, is away at another Eden project, Aileen Fraser and Mark Wexelstein have agreed to organise it for 2018. If you are able to help with the planning and /or running of the event please let us know. Postcard Search 2018: The theme of this year's search is "Animals in the Bible". Send in a card that shows an animal that is mentioned in the bible and write the bible verse where it appears on the back of the card. Please send entries to the Church Office (1B Pilrig Street Edinburgh EH6 5AH) by Sunday 23 September. Holy Land Pilgrimage The Rev's Mark and Joanne Foster are leading an 11-day Pilgrimage to the Holy Land from 11 – 21 March 2019. Five places remain and if you are interested please ask the Minister for a brochure and booking form, which provide further details and costs. The Magazine 8

Thank you for the contributions to this magazine. A big thank you to Linda Gill who edited the April Magazine and also is closely involved in this one, ably assisted by Mark Foster, John Innes and Mark Wexelstein. Please may I have articles for the June Magazine by May 20th. The June edition is the last till September. The magazine email is: There is a box outside the Session Room for handwritten articles and cards. Catriona Blackwood Leith Gala Day, Saturday June 9 th 2018If you are able to bake for this, or assist at the event, please contact Aileen Fraser, who will be delighted to hear from you. World Mission 2018 Stamp Appeal. The proceeds of this year's appeal are going to The Reformed Church in Ukraine, where they will be used to help support day care centres for young children with disabilities. Used postage stamps should be cut out (leaving a 1 cm margin) and handed to Maureen Eunson. Thank you. Using text to make your offering You can make your offering by texting PSPC10 ÂŁ5 to 70070 (You can change the ÂŁ amount as preferred). Doing on-line shopping?

The information about how to do this is on the notice board outside the Session Room Commonwealth Big Lunch 9

Many thanks to those who came along to our Commonwealth Big Lunch in April , we trust that you enjoyed the warm welcome from Bob Lawson who greeted everyone with a few tunes on the bagpipes along Pilrig Street and on Leith Walk. We were delighted to have Michelle and Scott from Scottish Love in Action charity who gave an interesting presentation about the work they are doing with vulnerable children in India. Katie and I would also like to thank Scott Gillies who did sterling work that day in the kitchen that meant Katie and I were able to spend more time with those who attended the lunch. Linda Gill PASTORAL CARE GROUP Helping Hands Please remember to let us know if you would like a visit or phone call from us or would like to arrange this for a member of our congregation you feel would appreciate this type of support. All you need to do is complete a Helping Hands form and pop it into the box in the Open Doorway of the Church or speak to any of our team. Welcome Pack If you know someone who might benefit from a copy of our Welcome Pack please let anyone on the Sunday duty teams know as they have access to copies now. Knitting Bee Our donations for the CrossReach Craftathon were blessed by Mark at a recent Sunday service and they are now making their way to CrossReach and Simpsons Maternity Hospital. 10

We are now working on our plans for the second half of this year that will take the form of ‘random gifts of kindness’ – more details to follow on this one. Plans are well under way for our meeting in May, which is an outing to the Botanical Cottage in the Royal Botanic Gardens. We are hoping for good weather so that we can have a wander round the gardens followed by an Afternoon Tea in the cottage. Thank you to everyone for their donations of wool and materials – they will all be put to good use over the coming weeks and months. Church Outing – Botanical Gardens Cottage Another part of our plan for this year to is arrange an outing to the lovely community cottage in the Botanical Gardens in early September. Transport will be provided from and back to the church if needed. More details will follow. Leith Community Cinema Update In April we enjoyed a successful collaboration with Pop Up Scotland again this year when we were the third day of their independent film festival. We had a record number of people for Pop Up Scotland in the audience with over 50 people there and a great post film discussion with three of the film producers who were there in person. Our next screening will be held on Sunday 13 th May at 1pm when we will be showing a classic musical. You can help us decide on the film to be shown by taking part in our Doodle Poll or voting on the sheets in the Open Doorway. Films for 13th May • Singing in the Rain • Westside Story • Calamity Jane 11

As you will be aware we were successful in our application to Leith Chooses for £3000 to enable us to equip the Session House to offer an accessible screening room and also to cover the costs for additional licenses required for showing the second film. Plans are well under way to put this in place now, with approval to do the electrical work confirmed followed by installation of the equipment. The room will also be freshened up and arrangements are under way to make that happen as well.

Linda Pastoral Care Team Mark Foster - Minister Catriona Blackwood – Elder, Safeguarding Co-ordinator and Magazine Editor Christine Edington – CrossReach Co-ordinator Ella Gilfillan Linda Gill – Elder and Pastoral Care Team Leader Michelle Muhammad – Congregational Board Member Cathy Purdie – Contact for Special Needs Fiona Rankin – Elder Jeanette Sime – Elder and Roll Keeper Linda Gill Pastoral Care Team Leader 669-7409 or


Prayer Corner The Wexelstein family Norrie Frazer Emily Dickson and family Sybil Muir David and Lynn Cameron and family Frances Chambers Murdo and Joy MacLeod Martha Cruickshanks Mrs Hunter and family Catriona Blackwood and family Elspeth Dixon Frazer and Craig Garvey and families Doreen and Arthur Johnston Gary, Margaret and David Fraser Siobhan Newlands Catherine and Eric Fisher Joyce Loughlan June Welsh Isabel Pert Tom Gilzean Anne Dunn Isabel Fyfe Arthur Baxter Matthew Green Margaret Thomson Rev Kristina Ross Please let Roy Eprile know if you would like someone included in the prayer corner. PLEASE MAKE SURE ROY KNOWS ABOUT ANY CHANGES, THANK YOU 13

PILRIG ST PAUL’S CHURCH 1b Pilrig Street Edinburgh EH6 5AH Church Office 0131 553 1876 MAGAZINE MINISTER Rev Mark Foster (0131 332 5736) SESSION CLERK John Innes - (07802 917910) THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD Church address and phone number CLERK Aileen Fraser (0131 553 1876) ASSISTANT CLERK Maria Croall (07747 071545) TREASURER and CHRISTIAN GIVINGS CONVENER Mark Wexelstein (0131 665 6881) ROLL KEEPER, GUILD CONVENOR Mrs Jeanette Sime – (0131 552 9652)

PASTORAL CONVENOR, CINEMA LEADER Mrs Linda Gill Linda Gill <> SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR, MAGAZINE EDITOR Mrs Catriona Blackwood - (0131 554 6183) PROPERTY CONVENER Eric Fisher (0131 552 8982) HALL LETS ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER Colin Gray (07901 556 217) PRAYER CORNER, FOODBANK CONTACT Roy Eprile MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION Mrs Margaret Cameron (0131 554 2139) LUNCH CLUB Alex Allan (0131 554 174) Scottish Charity no. SCO07277


The food bank is designed to help individuals and families in crisis through the provision of emergency food supplies. Local care professionals in the Leith area refer people, with a food voucher, to the Foodbank distribution point where they are given their food supplies. For further information, and to volunteer to help on a Wednesday, please contact Roy Eprile. FOOD BANK - VOLUNTEER MEETINGS 2018, SOUTH LEITH PARISH CHURCH HALLS , 7:30PM - 10TH MAY, 13TH SEPTEMBER, 8TH NOVEMBER. FOODS PARTICULARLY REQUESTED FOR MAY 2018 SUGAR LONG LIFE MILK LONG LIFE FRUIT JUICE 15


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