PSP April 2012

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SUNDAY SERVICES AT 11AM Holy Communion is celebrated on the last Sunday of January, April, June and October at the 11am Service, and informally as announced. To contact the minister, please ring 554 1842. The “OPEN DOORWAY” is open each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am - 1.00pm. Pop in or arrange to meet a friend there over a cup of coffee. Enter by the main door. Our wheelchair entrances are in Pilrig Street. ORGANISATIONS WITHIN THE CHURCH BUILDINGS: Sundays - Sunday Club, 10:45 am for ages P1-S4 all welcome (Mark Wexelstein 665 6881) Mondays -

Rainbows 5.45pm (Christine Buchanan 554 2941) Brownies 6.45pm (Christine Buchanan)

Tuesdays -

The Guild 2.00pm (Irene Wexelstein 476 1385) Pilrig Choristers 4-5.30pm Session Room Pilrig Chorus 7.30-9.30pm Sanctuary Wednesdays - Lunch club 12 noon (Marjory McArthur 553 2323) Vocal Vibes and Singchronicity youth choirs 4-5.30pm Halls (All music enquiries Martin Ritchie 07984 466 855) Thursdays - all Sections Boys’ Brigade (Mark Wexelstein 665 6881) In Pilrig Park School: Thursdays Rainbows (Ann Urquhart 554 8387) 6.15-7.15 Brownies (Ann Urquhart ) 6.15-7.30 Guides (Karen Wood 554 5493) 7.30 - 9.00 In Broughton Primary School: Tuesdays The 5th Leith Scouts Beavers 53/4 to 8 years Cubs 8 to 10 1/2 years Scouts 10 1/2 to 14 years

(6.00 to 7.00 p.m.) (6.30 to 8.00 p.m.) (7.30 to 9.00 )


1st April at 11.00am

Palm Sunday Service

Maundy Thursday 5th April 7.30pm Service Reflective service in Open Doorway Good Friday 6th April 7.30pm Evening Service around the Cross. Easter Sunday Celebration.

8th April


Easter Service of

Lorne Primary School Easter Service The Lorne Primary School Easter Service is on Thursday 29th March at 10.30am. Come along and show that Pilrig St Paul’s Church people are interested in our local children! The Guild April 10th Easter Readings and Hymns April 24th A.G.M. Flower Diary 1st April 8th April 15th April 22nd April 29th April

Flower Fund Flower Fund Margaret & Ronnie Cameron Frances & George McPherson Flower Fund



MARCH 2012

Dear Fellow-members, As you come to the end of the season of Lent and look back over the past 6 weeks, have you reflected much on how your life matches up to the call of Jesus? Have you given much thought to the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus for you? Some of you may have given up something you enjoy during Lent as you remember how much Jesus gave up for you. Some of you perhaps responded to my suggestion that you might use the Christian Aid material which invited you to make Lent Count by putting aside small donations to Christian Aid each day as you gave thanks to God for small but rich blessings that you enjoy when so many others across the world do not have that opportunity. But maybe more of us found it hard to do very much. It’s so easy to be held in the grip of habits that hold us to how we’ve always done things. It takes effort to change! And we can always find so many reasons or excuses for doing nothing. Perhaps you think it would be a waste of time! What difference would it make? Well you might be surprised! It doesn’t take very much in giving to Christian Aid to make a huge difference! Taking some time to help collect in the parish in Christian Aid Week also gives a huge boost to Christian Aid’s work! A friendly smile or a kind word can also brighten up the day for someone who is feeling down and lonely. Just being willing to take a few moments to really listen to someone who is having a hard time can make such a wonderful difference for them. People who are too busy or are always quick to jump in with their quick solution can make the situation so much worse! 2

Just giving up a little time and coming alongside the person and “walking in their shoes” can be such a real blessing to the person and to you! I’m writing this on Mother’s Day and as we remember and appreciate our mothers, past and present, that gives us a ‘way in’ to grasp a bit more of what God’s love is all about. There’s no limit to God’s love for you and for everyone! Isn’t that something to really make you think! Something to give you cause to sing and cheer! Something you want to share? Don’t let Christ’s suffering and dying have been in vain! Let his love change your life this Easter! God bless you all and all your loved ones! John WOOLLY HATS Thank you to all those who have these hats for sailors. The Sailor’s Society distributes more than 20,000 woolly hats each year, and a further 6000 in Christmas parcels, all knitted by volunteers! A magnificent total to which some of our congregation contributed, thank you. If you would like details of this worthwhile idea, please speak to Eric Fisher. THE KNITTERS POEM Red, yellow, green and blue, With every stitch I knit, I pray for you. I pray for loved ones far away, That they’ll be safe, by night and day, I pray your voyages will be calm, That whilst away, you’ll not be harmed. I pray for families who wait with concern, But most of all for your safe return. By Mrs Ann Jordan 3


Christian Aid Week begins on 13th May this year. Can you give up a few hours of your time to help collect for Christian Aid ? Your help could mean that the amount our congregation sends to Christian Aid to help those in need in other countries would increase substantially! Each pound raised makes a tremendous difference to the lives of ordinary folk in developing countries! Please let me know if you CAN HELP. Marlyn

The Magazine Thank you for the articles in this month’s magazine. I’m sorry I printed the wrong date! Articles for May’s magazine should be with me by April 22nd, please. Catriona Blackwood 4


New Christianity Explored Course: A new joint churches Christianity Explored course is being organised in collaboration with a number of other churches in Leith. The course will begin on Monday 14th of May 2012, will last 7 weeks and will be taking place in Leith at the Mackenzie Hall, South Leith Church Halls. The course is for people who would like to investigate Christianity for the first time, or just brush up on the basics. It explores who Jesus was, what his aims were, and what it means to follow him. Participants are not asked to pray, sing or read aloud, and can ask any question they like. Or, if they prefer, they can come along to simply listen to the discussions and watch the films. It is an ideal opportunity to invite anyone you believe may be interested in learning about Christianity. The course will start with a cup of coffee/tea each week and begin on Monday the 14th May 2011 at 7:30pm and will last one hour. For more Information contact: Calum MacKellar (Elder in North Leith Church of Scotland) Tel: 0131 554 8869


An exciting programme is taking shape… The Ross bandstand will feature Robin Mark – the writer of Days of Elijah and Lion of Judah – with his band; Fischy Music and the Scotland African Choir. Messy Church will have a dedicated marquee for families and kids. On a nearby stage the programme will include ‘Battle of the Bands’, a clown, a magician and storytelling. St Cuthbert’s Church will host times for quiet reflection, organ music, the Edinburgh Revelation Gospel Choir, and a fascinating series of seminars with insights into how to engage with hearts and souls both locally and globally. On a fourth stage there will be even more: interviews with people seeking, loving and serving locally and globally, comedy and drama, and all interspersed with a range of musical genres from orchestral to jazz.

Come and tell your congregation’s ‘Heart and Soul’ story! Feedback from last year suggested it would be wonderful for individual congregations to be able to contribute in some way. So if your congregation has a story to tell about how it is, or aspires to be, the ‘Heart and Soul’ of the local community, then why not share that story with everyone in Princes Street Gardens on 20th May. Clearly space for congregations will be limited. Applications will therefore be prioritised on the basis of how well they reflect the Heart and Soul 2012 theme of Seek, Love, Serve. For more information about the theme, and to fill in or obtain an application form, please visit the event website:

Join the massed choir and vote for your favourite hymn If you enjoy singing then sign up for the 250-voice choir which will lead closing worship. Do you have a favourite hymn? You are invited to choose a praise song or hymn for us all to sing together during closing worship. Visit the Heart and Soul 2012 website to vote for your favourite praise song and/or register for the choir.

Youth Activities – ‘Battle of the Bands’ and Football For the young people in your congregation we’re hosting a ‘Battle of the Bands’ and a football tournament in partnership with Youth for Christ. So if there is a band in your church or community whose members are of secondary school age, encourage them to come and play in Princes Street th Gardens on 20 May. The national youth football tournament will be great fun for 12 – 17 year old boys’ and girls’ teams. Visit the website to be there!

VOCAL VIBES AND SINGCHRONICITY UPDATES At the time of writing Singchronicity haven’t yet performed Grease and are in the final week of rehearsals. Everyone is working hard, and we’re all very appreciative of the assistance given by Donna Ross (Dana’s mum) in choreography, John Innes and Mark Wexelstein on lighting and sound matters and Aileen Fraser with general advice and help with staging. Thanks also to the BB boys who helped to put up the stage extension. If you have not yet got a ticket and read this before Saturday 24th March, please do come along and see the show at either 2.30pm or 7.30pm in the hall. There are some real wee stars in the group! Vocal Vibes continue to sing away enthusiastically and we’ve been pleased to welcome a few new children this term. We now have singers from St Mary’s Primary (Broughton), Broughton Primary, Holy Cross Primary, Leith Walk Primary School and Trinity Primary. Our next show with Vocal Vibes is Ocean Commotion on Saturday 12th May at 2.30pm. Please come along and support these talented and enthusiastic children.

PILRIG CHORUS CONCERT Our spring concert will be held on Saturday 31st March at 7.30pm – please come along and encourage your friends to support this community outreach project and the beautiful music that the choir sings. The programme is: John Rutter, Requiem Gabriel Faure, Cantique de Jean Racine and Messe Basse Howard Goodall, Love Divine (composer of the Vicar of Dibley theme tune) Admission is free, with donations towards choir funds very much welcomed towards music purchase for our next project. Readers may be interested to know that the Pilrig Chorus is unsubsidised and that singers pay a subscription which covers the costs of a donation to the church for rental of rehearsal space each week and the accompanists’ weekly fee. VISIT OF SHALLOWFORD PRESBYTERIAN YOUTH CHOIR – JUNE 14 and 15 2012 Leith Churches Forum is hosting a visit from the above group of young American singers on the nights of June 14th and 15th. We are holding a concert “crawl” visiting North Leith, South Leith and Pilrig St Paul’s on the evening of 15th June. Please put the date in your diary! I am looking for offers of accommodation for members of the choir on the nights of 14th and 15th June. Please speak to me if you could help and would like more information. Thanks! Martin Ritchie, Mobile: 07984 466 855


THANKS Kathleen Christie has written to say “thank you “ for the flowers she received last month. Georgina Bell also sent a card saying thank you for the flowers she received. She say’s, “It’s nice to know people are thinking about me.” Can I please say a big “Thank you” to John and my friends at Church, for the lovely flowers and Good Wishes received on Sunday. Thank You too to Mrs Lomon for bringing them to me, Best Wishes to all, Alison Kennett I would like to thank the Congregation for the beautiful flowers I received last Sunday. It was a most unexpected gift for my birthday. Yours Sincerely, Sybil Muir Thank You for the Lovely Flowers I received in Hospital - much appreciated. Also a big Thank You to Eric Fisher for all his help. Hope to be able to come to Church soon, Donald and Eileen Fraser. PRAYER CORNER Ina Grierson Isabel Hannah Matthew Green Mary and Jimmy Rennie Jeanette and Stuart Sime Peter Sinclair Murdo and Joy McLeod Linda Connolly Jack McArthur Helena Adie Morag Davidson Lilian Kane

Jean Stark Cathie Galbraith Frances Chambers Bernhard Scroggie Agnes Douglas June Welsh Charlie and Joyce Forman Phil Howie Mairi and Robin Leach Bert Demarco Flora Paterson

Please contact Roy Eprile with any names you would like included in this section. 10

DIAMOND JUBILEE OF H.M. QUEEN ELIZABETH II ************* GALA EVENING This year marks the 60th Anniversary of the Accession of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II to the Throne and it has been decided to mark this unique event with a congregational

Diamond Jubilee Gala Evening

to be held in the Church Hall on Saturday 2nd June, commencing at 7.30 pm. This is only the second time in history that such an event has been celebrated and it is hoped to have the hall bedecked with fitting decoration to celebrate the anniversary and make the evening a memorable part! There will be a Buffet Supper and we are delighted that the Harbour Lights Choir and Instrumentalists have indicated their willingness to entertain along with some other guests. Tickets, which are strictly limited to 80 persons, are now available from either the Clerk to the Board, Stuart Sime or the Session Clerk, John Innes, priced at ÂŁ5 each. If you would like to attend this once in a lifetime event please order your tickets now. 11

Funerals 24/2/12 Mrs Mary Pape

27 Boswall Crescent

7/3/12 Mrs Anne Wood

81/2 Dalmeny Street


(Taken by Rev Alex McAspurren of North Leith Parish Church)


MINISTER Rev John Tait B.Sc. B.D. - 78 Pilrig Street (554 1842) SESSION CLERK John Innes - 33 Monktonhall Place, Musselburgh (665 9125) CLERK TO CONGREGATIONAL BOARD Dr Stuart W. Sime -1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) TREASURER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) ROLL KEEPER Mrs Jeanette E. Sime - 1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - 4 Cambridge Gardens (554 6183) PROPERTY CONVENER Dr Stuart W. Sime -1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) HALL LET GROUP 07842047093 (Answer phone) ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER Martin Ritchie - 18, Catherine’s Wynd, Woodhead, Culross, Fife KY12 8EU (07984 466 855) SUNDAY CLUB LEADER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) CHRISTIAN GIVINGS CONVENERS Mrs Ella Gilfillan - 8 Paisley Terrace (661 2281) Mrs Irene Wexelstein - 15 Upper Hermitage (476 1385) MAGAZINE Editor - Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - 4 Cambridge Gardens (554 6183) Distribution Mrs Margaret Cameron - 35 Lorne Street (554 2139)

Scottish Charity no. SCO07277

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