Psp june 2013

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SUNDAY SERVICES AT 11AM Holy Communion is celebrated on the last Sunday of January, April, June and October at the 11am Service, and informally as announced. The “OPEN DOORWAY” is open each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am - 1.00pm. Pop in or arrange to meet a friend there over a cup of coffee. Enter by the main door. Our wheelchair entrances are in Pilrig Street. ORGANISATIONS WITHIN THE CHURCH BUILDINGS: (PLEASE NOTE SOME OF THESE ORGANISATIONS CLOSE IN THE SUMMER. CONTACT THE LEADERS FOR DETAILS) Sundays - Sunday Club, 10:45 am for ages P1-S4 all welcome (Mark Wexelstein 665 6881) Mondays - Rainbows 5.45pm (Christine Buchanan 554 2941) Brownies 6.45pm (Christine Buchanan) Tuesdays The Guild 2.00pm (Irene Wexelstein 476 1385) Details of the New Session in the October Magazine *Pilrig Choristers 4-5.30pm Session Room *Pilrig Chorus at 7.30pm. Wednesdays - Lunch club 12 noon (Marjory McArthur 553 2323) *Vocal Vibes and Singchronicity youth choirs 4-5.30pm *Contact Colin Gray 07901 556 217 In Pilrig Park School: Thursdays Rainbows (Ann Urquhart 554 8387) 6.15-7.15 Brownies (Ann Urquhart ) 6.15-7.30 Guides (Karen Wood 554 5493) 7.30 - 9.00 In Broughton Primary School: Tuesdays The 5th Leith Scouts (Pilrig Edinburgh North East) Beavers 5 3/4 to 8 years (6.00 to 7.00 p.m.) Cubs 8 to 10 1/2 years (6.30 to 8.00 p.m.) Scouts 10 1/2 to 14 years (7.30 to 9.00)

SUNDAY JUNE 9th OUR FORUM JOINT SERVICE WILL BE HELD IN LEITH St ANDREWS CHURCH, EASTER ROAD, at 11am, FOLLOWED BY A PICNIC ON THE LINKS. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN PICNIC! ALL WELCOME TO BOTH EVENTS All other services are at 11am in the Sanctuary and will be taken by Rev Sara Embleton PILRIG PARLOUR The Parlour will be held from Monday 5 th August – Saturday 24th August inclusive, and will be open from 11.30-2. If you can help, even just for one day, please give your name to Irene Wexelstein on 476 1385 or Jean Ramage on 554 4091, or speak to them on a Sunday. Irene Wexelstein and the Parlour Committee



Dear Friends, For many of you holidays will no longer be tied to the school terms. For others of us July and August are still the peak times for going away. We always plan our main holiday straight after the New Year. Once the accommodation has been booked we can sit back and look forward to a couple of weeks away from the daily grind. This year we are going to spend a few days in Bath, a place I have always wanted to visit, followed by a few quieter days on Lindisfarne. It has only just begun to strike home to me how little we actually live in the present. Some of us are harassed by our past. So many things have happened in our lives about which we feel uneasy, regretful, angry, confused or at the least ambivalent. Others of us are obsessed by the future. We spend so many hours planning and scheming, then worrying lest something should spoil our best intentions. We are pulled backwards into the unalterable past and forward into the unpredictable future. We forget that real life takes place in the here and now. God is a God of the present. He is always in the moment, be that moment hard or easy, joyful or painful. God is not someone who was or will be, but the One who IS, and who is for me IN THE PRESENT MOMENT. We can also easily fall into the trap of rushing headlong through life with our heads down to avoid any distractions. What we need to do is to lift up our heads; take time to listen to the birdsong and the sound of the sea; stop to admire the colours of the flowers and the people who would enjoy a chat. Sometimes it helps to put a new perspective on things by reading a different translation of familiar words from the Bible. I read the following words from Luke’s Gospel in a translation by Eugene Peterson called The Message:

“ Don’t fuss about what’s on the table at mealtimes or if the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to the inner life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, not to be so preoccupied with getting so that you can respond to God’s giving. Steep yourself in God-reality, Godinitiative, God-provisions. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Don’t be afraid of missing out. You are my dearest friends! The Father wants to give you the very Kingdom itself.” So may the summer months be for all of us a time of refreshment of body and mind and also a time of spiritual renewal as we focus on God in the present moment. With best wishes Sara Embleton Locum Minister FLOWERS IN THE SANCTUARY 2nd June Flower fund 16th June Jeanette Sime and family 23d June Fiona Rankin 30th June Maria Croall 7th July Louise Illingworth 14th July Frances McPherson and Margaret Cameron 21st July Irene Wexelstein 28th July Flower Fund 4th August John Brown 11th August Ian Quinn 18th August Lisa and John Innes 25th August Evelyn Torrance If you would like to know more about providing flowers, please see Aileen Fraser. If you choose a date significant to you, from September, there will be an option to have this printed in the magazine. Please speak to me or Aileen. Catriona Blackwood 3

Memorial to Stuart Sime On Easter Sunday we dedicated a memorial to Stuart Sime to mark a life dedicated to ‘The Kirk at Pilrig’. Stuart spent his whole life working for the church, leading Sunday School, Congregational Board, as an Elder, producing pantomimes and shows, Boys’ Brigade Captain and latterly as Property Convener. He was always willing to take on more to further the work of the church he loved, he never let his lifetime of poor health interfere with that work, even in his last months he was organising a Jubilee party for the congregation that, sadly, he wasn’t well enough to attend. He excelled at building relationships, particularly with young people and always held to the principle of using the personal approach and he never took ‘no’ for an answer. The memorial is a brass plaque on a wooden base with the inscription: In Loving Memory of Stuart W Sime Clerk to the Congregational Board 1975 – 2012 A Man who lived for the Kirk at Pilrig


HELPING HANDS The Pastoral Care Team is keen to make sure that all members of our congregation feel valued and remembered. The team has identified a number of ways this can be achieved along with procedures to enable everyone to support us in keeping the programme going. If you know someone who would appreciate pastoral contact please let me know or fill in one of the forms available in the pews and Open Doorway. If you can think of any other ways to reach our to members please let us know and if you would like to help by delivering flowers, posting a card or visiting one of our members please speak to any of our team. Pastoral Care Team Sara Embleton Catriona Blackwood Jeanette Sime Christine Edington Fiona Rankin Ella Gilfillan Linda Gill Pastoral care is a vital element of our congregation’s lifeblood so please help us to be as effective as possible with this mission. Each month I will aim to share with you how our actions are making a difference for our members and give you examples of actions you could take in support of the wider pastoral care work. This month we heard about the daughter of one of our members who views our parish magazine on-line and reads it out to her mother who then feels more in touch with us all again as a result. For me this shows that, for those not able to be with us each week, there are ways for them to keep in touch and feel involved. The monthly parish magazine plays its part in this so a big thank you to those who produce and deliver the magazines for us each month. Linda Gill 669-7409 5

THE GUILD SUMMER MEETINGS June 18th Lunch 1pm July 9th 2 pm September 10th 2pm For full details, see Irene Wexelstein or Jeanette Sime

We will be helping the tea tent at the Leith Gala. Please get in touch with Aileen Fraser or Maria Croall if you are able to help, or to provide home baking. Baking should be wrapped in individual portions. One way of doing this is to unroll a large piece of cling film on a table and space the cut portions, face down, on it. Then cut the cling film and wrap. It is even possible to do Fairy or Cup Cakes like this, if the icing is firm and you lay them on their side!


THANK YOU “Thank You” for the lovely flowers I received from the Church on Sunday. They are lovely and very much appreciated. Helen Greig Thank you for the lovely Chrysanthemums I received a few weeks ago, a ray of sunshine in the living room. Marjorie McArthur Isabel Pert would like to say thank you for the lovely flowers she received recently. She also enjoyed the visit from Jeanette and Lisa. Kind thanks to everyone who gave me their best wishes and get well cards after my sudden but short stay in hospital. The church flowers which were received on Sunday the 28th April were also very much appreciated. Maureen Eunson Thank you very much for the lovely flowers – they lasted really well. Nan Ross Thank you to all those who contribute to the magazine. Many thanks to John Innes for printing it, Margaret Cameron and her team for assembling it, all the visitors who distribute it, visiting members at the same time, and to my husband, the long-suffering proof reader. Catriona Blackwood A big “thank you” to all those who help to assemble and deliver the magazine. You have now earned a well deserved rest till the end of August! Margaret Cameron Many Thanks to our Editor Catriona Blackwood for an excellent magazine yet again, and to Margaret Cameron and her team, Jean Ramage, Maureen Eunson, Irene Wexelstein, Joy MacLeod, Ronnie Cameron and Ron Eunson. Roy Eprile



PRAYER CORNER Alec Eddington Ina Grierson Jean Stark Isabel Hannay Matthew Green Mary and Jimmy Rennie Jeanette Sime Peter Sinclair Murdo and Joy MacLeod Linda Connolly Jack McArthur Morag Davidson Lillian Kane Helen Grieg Diane Davies

Maureen Eunson Margaret Scott Barbara Graham Cathie Galbraith Frances Chambers Marion Thomson Maurice Wexelstein June Welsh Charlie and Joyce Forman Phil Howe Helena Aide Isabel Pert Agnes MacAuley

Please contact Roy Eprile with any names you would like included in this section.


MINISTER Vacant Locum Minister - Rev Sara Embleton (0131 667 3981) SESSION CLERK John Innes - 33 Monktonhall Place, Musselburgh (07563 248722) THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD CLERK Aileen Fraser (07936 716 765) ASSISTANT CLERK Maria Croall (07747 071 545) CORRESPONDENCE to: The Clerk to the Congregational Board Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street, Edinburgh EH6 5AH TREASURER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) ROLL KEEPER Mrs Jeanette E. Sime - 1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) PASTORAL CONVENER Mrs Linda Gill (669 7409) PASTORAL LINK ELDER and SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - 4 Cambridge Gardens (554 6183) PROPERTY CONVENER Eric Fisher (552 8982) 104 Crewe Crescent HALL LET GROUP ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER Colin Grey (07901 556 217) SUNDAY CLUB LEADER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) CHRISTIAN GIVINGS CONVENERS Mrs Ella Gilfillan - 8 Paisley Terrace (661 2281) Mrs Irene Wexelstein - 15 Upper Hermitage (476 1 385) MAGAZINE Editor - Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - see above Distribution - Mrs Margaret Cameron - 35 Lorne Street (554 2139) Scottish Charity no. SCO07277

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