Psp mag 201505

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MAY 2015

CHURCH ACTIVITIES Regular activities: Sunday - WORSHIP in the sanctuary, followed by tea or coffee and a chat in the Session Room. Children’s activities from 10.50am: There is a creche for younger children, while those of school age join the congregation, including taking an active part in the all age 'Time to Talk'. They then follow activities or workbooks based on the Church calendar. ALL AGE FAMILY SERVICES TAKE PLACE FROM TIME TO TIME. THESE ARE ANNOUNCED IN THE INTIMATIONS AND ON THE NOTICE BOARD IN ADVANCE. The choir Colin Grey 07901 556 217 or at Church on a Sunday Mondays - Rainbows and Brownies Tuesdays - The Guild 2.00pm see page 1 for dates and details The 5th Leith Scouts Pilrig (5th Leith) Edinburgh North East Broughton Primary gym hall contact Evelyn Torrance 552 1657 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts 5 3/4 - 14 years Wednesdays - Lunch club 11.30 contact Alex Allan 554 3174 Thursdays - Rainbows and Brownies Guides (Karen Wood) For Rainbows, Brownies and Guides please send all enquiries to . We have two groups associated with Pilrig St Paul’s THERE ARE MANY OTHER ACTIVITIES HELD ON OUR PREMISES, SEE THE NOTICE BOARD IN PILRIG STREET (MIDDLE ENTRANCE) IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RENT OUR PREMISES, PLEASE CONTACT


WE WELCOME YOU TO ANY OF OUR SERVICES Every Tuesday and Thursday – Open doorway 11am-1pm for tea, coffee and a chat, or some quiet time in the sanctuary The Guild summer meetings. Most members will have the details of these, but if not, please contact Irene Wexelstein 476 1385 Every Wednesday – Foodbank distribution. Sunday, May 3 11:00am Sunday Worship Sunday, May 10 11:00am Sunday Worship Tuesday 12 May 7 – 9 pm on See page 7 Joint congregational gathering at Leith St. Andrew’s Church Sunday, May 17 11:00am Sunday Worship Sunday, May 24 11:00am Sunday Worship Sunday, May 31 11:00am Sunday Worship Providing Church Flowers in May 3rd Ella and Ronnie Gilfillan 10th May Loughlin 17th Margaret and David Fraser 24th Eric Fisher 31st Flower fund Please contact Aileen Fraser about a date if you would like to contribute flowers. Please contact Catriona Blackwood if you would like to write a few lines about the significance of your chosen date. 1

from our minister Dear All, You will see from elsewhere in the magazine that Joanne and I are planning to lead another pilgrimage to the Holy Land in April 2016.* To stand on the Mount of Olives and look out over Jerusalem … to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane … to walk the Via Dolorosa and stop at the Stations of the Cross … to stoop through the Door of Humility and to touch the star in the Grotto of the Nativity at Bethlehem … to walk by the shores of Lake Galilee … and to stand at the Western Wall, as the Jewish people began Shabbat – are all experiences of the Holy Land that will continue to influence my life of faith for many years to come. The same can be said for many of the people we travelled with and met during our previous visits there, such as the children at Al-Shurooq School for the Blind in Bethlehem, our Israeli guide Shafik, and others who challenged our understanding of witnessing to our faith in today’s world. One of the most powerful images that will remain with me is that of the Segregation Wall; which divides the people of Israel and Palestine in ways that go far beyond its sheer physical nature. The most obvious historical parallel to this barrier is the Berlin Wall, which was 96 miles long (155 km) and had an average height of 11.8 feet (3.6 m). Israel's barrier, which is still under construction, is expected to reach at least 403 miles in length (650 km) and has a maximum current height of 25 feet (8 m) in some places. As pilgrims we passed through the wall with very little inconvenience, but know that for many ordinary people this is not the case. The wall has not only created a physical barrier between Arab and Jewish citizens; it has also helped to create a barrier in the hearts of the people from these two nations. *A PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND see page 10 2

We are still in the season of Easter, that time when we are reminded that God’s love for us knows no barriers at all. Indeed, by overcoming the barrier between life and death, God sought to bring an end to all that separates us from God’s love. “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord”.

- Romans 8: 38-39

The season of Easter stands as a reminder to us that all barriers be they between countries, nationalities, religious communities, or individuals - tear at God’s heart and are contrary to our faith. As people of a resurrection faith we must seek to bring down the barriers that we create in our own lives; the barriers that we put up between ourselves and others; the barriers that some seek to impose on our Church; and the barriers that divide our brothers and sisters in humanity. We must strive for unity and embrace diversity if we are to become the people that God wants us to be – and it will hopefully be through the power and example of us living and working together that barriers such as the Separation Wall will one day be broken down too. Shalom Mark THE MAGAZINE Thank you for all the articles this month. Our next magazine will be the last before the summer break! Please may I have articles by May 24th? Catriona Blackwood 3

PILRIG ST. PAUL’S CHURCH OF SCOTLAND ANNUAL STATED MEETING 2015 The Annual Stated Meeting of the congregation of Edinburgh: Pilrig St. Paul’s was held in the Sanctuary on Sunday 22nd March 2015 at the close of morning worship, due intimations having been made from the pulpit on the preceding two Sundays. The meeting was constituted by the chairperson. MINUTES: The minutes of the last Annual Stated Meeting of Pilrig St. Paul’s Church held on Sunday 23rd March 2014 having been published in the May 2014 magazine were proposed by Roy Eprile and seconded by Murdo McLeod. MATTERS ARISING: No items of business. TREASURER’S REPORT: The congregational treasurer, Mark Wexelstein presented an abstract of the accounts for 2014. These showed the income and expenditure for 2014 for the main categories. It also showed the deficit for the year as £10,051. The deficit ex major fabric & general trustees was £9,396. The budget for 2015 shows an expected deficit of £19,400. It was recognised if this continued that there would be no reserves left in around 5 years time. A PowerPoint presentation was then made showing the main areas of income and expenditure and how these have changed over the last 5 years. Questions from the congregation were answered. Mark thanked Maria Croall who now counts the money and takes it to the bank each week. He also thanked Ella Gilfillan and Irene Wexelstein for their work as Christian Giving Conveners. Ella has now retired from this role and Mark thanked her once again for all her help. Mark encouraged anyone not already paying by gift aid 4

to consider this as it allows us to reclaim 25% from the government. Mark advised that anyone wishing a full set of accounts should ask him for a copy. Maria Croall thanked Mark for all his work over the year as treasurer. CONGREGATIONAL STATISTICS: The roll keeper, Jeanette Sime provided the congregational statistics for the year ended 31 December 2013 as follows:Congregational roll as at 31/12/2013: 237 Added by profession of faith: 0 Added by certificate of transfer: 1 Added by restoration: 0 Subtotal: 238 Removed by certificate of transfer: 2 Removed by resolution of Kirk Session: 0 Removed by death: 8 Congregational roll as at 31/12/2014: 228 Adherents: 4 Supplementary roll: 9 Maria Croall thanked Jeanette for her report and work in this important administration of the congregation. ELECTION OF CONGREGATIONAL BOARD: Maria Croall advised that six members of the Congregational Board had completed three years in office and accordingly under church law retire at this Annual Stated Meeting. During the past year no resignations had been received and no members had been co-opted to membership. The following six members retire at this time:- Catherine Purdie, Ian Bethune, Irene Eprile, Maria Croall, Sybil Muir and Marjory McMahon. Maria Croall is now an Elder and on the Congregational Board in this capacity. Sybil Muir is retiring and was thanked for her service. The remaining four retiring members had stated their willingness to stand for re5

election and were proposed by Aileen Fraser and seconded by Mark Wexelstein. Maria Croall asked if there were any other nominations. There were two nominations, Michelle Mohammed nominated by Mark Wexelstein and seconded by Lisa Innes and Nancy Fleming was proposed by Jean Ramage and seconded by Alex Fleming. These were accepted by the meeting. Maria Croall asked for power to co-opt members during the year if required on to the congregational board and this was approved. MINISTERS REPORT: The Rev. Mark Foster thanked Mark Wexelstein for his work in putting the presentation together. He commented on the fact the income was reducing and this could cause an issue in the future. Mark (Foster) advised we have new life coming in all the time and we are part of a living place. This can be seen in common worship, pastoral care, the open doorway and the variety of groups using the halls. We have to be mindful of the money aspect but the people are the most important and the work we do for the local community and beyond. Mark thanked everyone who helps in the many aspects of the church life and is confident we will continue with the work we do in Christ’s name. BENEDICTION: The meeting closed by saying the grace together. Aileen Fraser

Maria Croall

Clerk to the Congregational Board



A Vision for Leith A small group from Leith St. Andrew’s, North Leith, South Leith and Pilrig St. Paul’s Churches have been looking at ways in which we can work, worship, and share fellowship together in closer partnership. The hope is that by working closer together we will be able to achieve a greater and more effect presence in the local area; and that by worshiping and socialising together we will strengthen the bonds of our faith and fellowship. A good example of this is the North East Edinburgh Foodbank, which is organised and run by members from all four congregations with great success. Three events have already been planned. The first of these was the joint service of communion in South Leith Church last month. The next event will be a joint congregational gathering at Leith St. Andrew’s Church from 7 – 9 pm on Tuesday 12 May, when we hope to discuss and explore some of the exciting opportunities for working together in Leith. Please join us is you can – we would love to try and get 25 people from each congregation involved in this event. The third event will be a social evening in South Leith Parish Church Halls on Saturday 23 May. This will take the form of a Variety Night and each congregation is asked to provide three acts for the night. If you would like to represent Pilrig St. Paul’s then please speak to either the Minister or the Session Clerk. The group will continue to work over the next few months before reporting back to each congregation on any further thoughts or ideas for the future.



CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ELLIOTS and THE ROSES WHO HAVE BOTH RECENTLY CELEBRATED THEIR DIAMOND WEDDING THANK YOU Just to say thanks for the lovely flowers that were given to me and my husband from the Church by Aileen Fraser and Katie for our Diamond Wedding Anniversary. Katharine Elliot Dear Friends, Ted and I would like to thank you all so much for the beautiful flowers you sent us to celebrate our Diamond wedding. It was a lovely surprise. Thanks to Maria for bringing them. We also received a special!! card from her Majesty the Queen. Thank you again, May and Ted Rose. Catherine and I would like to thank the Church for the lovely flowers we received during the period when I had a trapped nerve in my back. Thanks also to everyone who has asked week by week on my condition. I am on the mend with just a little to go until things are back to normal. Many thanks, Eric (Fisher) I would like to thank you very much for the Easter Egg I received with my Church Magazine on Easter Sunday, delivered by Aileen. Yours sincerely, Chrissie Blacklaw Thank you for the beautiful flowers I received from Linda Gill, after I had broken my wrist. It was a lovely surprise and really cheered me up as I had been feeling so sorry for myself! Also a big thank you to all for your kind words and support. It is lovely to know so many care. Michelle Muhammed Thank you for the beautiful flowers from Pilrig St Paul’s. It is always nice to think someone is thinking of you. Lovely blessings, from Roy and Irene. 8

Thank you for the Easter Egg I received from the Church. It was a lovely surprise and is very much appreciated. Margaret Lind Thank you for the lovely flowers given to Alex and me on Sunday, 29th March –which were much appreciated. Nancy Fleming On the Occasion of my “Recent Special Birthday” I was so happy to receive so many lovely cards, flowers and a nice Easter Egg. It makes me feel so good to be remembered after such a long time. My sincere thanks to the ladies of the Guild – the flowers are still looking good (and I just enjoyed my chocolate egg) Many thanks to all, God Bless, Frances Chambers

Prayer Corner Margaret Cameron and family Moira and Jim Fergie Isabel Hannay Matthew Green Agnes MacAuley Evelyn Turner Marion Thomson Murdo and Joy MacLeod Mary Currie Margaret Gunn

Jack McArthur Jim and Jean Tait Helen Grieg Frances Chambers Betty Lauder and family Isabel Fyfe Isabel Pert Charlie and Joyce Forman June Welsh

Please inform Roy Eprile of any changes to be made, so that we can keep the prayer list up to date.



Providing we have enough interest, Joanne and I plan to lead another group of about 24 people out to visit the Holy Land in April 2016, when the weather should be warm and sunny and ideal for touring. A trip to the Holy Land offers a unique opportunity to experience the places of the gospel stories first hand as well as a chance to deepen your own faith. Highlights will include Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Capernaum, and the Lake Galilee. A more detailed programme, including prices and travel details, is available on request. We will shortly announce details of an evening meeting, for anyone who is interested in hearing a bit more detail about travelling to the Holy Land. In the meantime, here are a few general questions that we are often asked: Is it safe? We will travel with Albina Tours, who have over 60 years experience of organising tours in the Holy Land. Our own guide, and bus driver, will accompany us for the whole pilgrimage - from our arrival at Ben Gurion Airport to our departure back home. The Holy Land is a popular place for visitors and pilgrims from all over the world, and is not just the place that is depicted on the news. Where we will be staying? We will spend six nights at The Golden Walls Hotel in Jerusalem – We will then travel northwards to Galilee, where we will spend three nights at The Church of Scotland’s Scots Hotel in Tiberias (click on English translation). What will I be able to eat and drink? Both Hotels offer a superb choice of food and can cater for a whole range of dietary requirements. 10

The quality of meat, fruit, and veg is all to a very high standard – with plenty of choice. During the day you will need to keep hydrated (the bus driver has a small fridge on board – and sells bottled water). Water can also be purchased from the Hotels, places we have lunch, and elsewhere on route. How fit do I need to be? Those taking part are expected to have a good level of fitness. We will do a fair amount of walking most days – often over rough ground, steep hills, and unlevel paving/cobblestones. If in any doubt ask and we will be able to give you an honest answer. Mark Foster PASTORAL CARE TEAM Young at Heart Thank you to everyone for attending and helping out at the event. It was a lovely afternoon enjoyed by all. The feedback was very positive with most people appreciating the planning organising and variety on offer. We were also encouraged that most people are actively considering visiting charity shops as a result of seeing the amazing range of clothes at our Fashion Show. People are also interested in taking up new hobbies and interests. Since the event I have met up with a number of the organisations that took part to discuss how we might work together in the future. One of these meetings was with Karen Watts, the Dance Director with Dance Ihayami. People really enjoyed the taster session held by Dance Ihayami at our event. They are an Indian Dance group who use storytelling through hand gestures and dance. We are looking to set up a monthly dance group and would like to hear from those who would be interested in joining this group. There would be a nominal charge of circa £2 and potentially we are looking for it to be followed by a lunch for everyone. If you would like to take part please let me know or sign the sheet in the Open Doorway. We plan for the group to start in September this year. 11

Bereavement Support We pass on our thanks to Dr Jim Jenkinson from Morningside Parish Church who met with the team and some others from the congregation to share his approach to supporting the bereaved in his parish of Morningside Church. We had a good discussion about the topic and all feel re-charged in our role at a team. Helping Hands Please remember to let us know if you would like a visit or phone call from us or would like to arrange this for a member of our congregation you feel would appreciate this type of support. Our team are trained and able to support in a number of ways with pastoral care. All you need to do is complete a Helping Hands form and pop it into the box in the Open Doorway of the Church or speak/call any of our team. Jennifer Stark. We thank Jennifer for her support and work as a member of our team and send our best wishes for the new role in Glenrothes. Pastoral Care Team Mark Foster - Minister Catriona Blackwood – Elder and Magazine Editor Christine Edington Ella Gilfillan Linda Gill – Elder and Pastoral Care Team Leader Cathy Purdie Fiona Rankin – Elder Jeanette Sime – Elder and Roll Keeper Linda Gill Pastoral Care Team Leader 669-7409 or


Leith Churches Together Encouraging support and cooperation between the churches of Leith Leith Churches Together holds a monthly lunchtime ecumenical service, hosted and led by different churches in turn. It usually lasts 25-30 minutes and is followed by a simple lunch and get-together. Services up to June 2015 as follows: Wednesday 13 May Pilrig St Paul’s Church of Scotland Wednesday 10 June Ebenezer U. F. Church We meet at 1pm. All welcome! For more information on churches in Leith, visit our website

If you want more information, or are unsure how to do this, and would like to, please speak to me. Mark Wexelstein Treasurer


Cover design by Catriona Blackwood

MINISTER Rev Mark Foster (332 5736) SESSION CLERK John Innes - 33 Monktonhall Place, Musselburgh (07563 248722) THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD CLERK Aileen Fraser (07936 716 765) ASSISTANT CLERK Maria Croall (07747 071 545) CORRESPONDENCE to: The Clerk to the Congregational Board Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street, Edinburgh EH6 5AH TREASURER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) ROLL KEEPER Mrs Jeanette E. Sime - 1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) PASTORAL CONVENER Mrs Linda Gill (669 7409) SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - 4 Cambridge Gardens (554 6183) PROPERTY CONVENER Eric Fisher (552 8982) 104 Crewe Crescent HALL LET GROUP ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER Colin Gray (07901 556 217) SUNDAY CLUB LEADER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) CHRISTIAN GIVINGS CONVENER Mrs Irene Wexelstein - 15 Upper Hermitage (476 1385) MAGAZINE Editor - Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - see above Distribution - Mrs Margaret Cameron - 35 Lorne Street (554 2139)

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