PSP 201510

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REGULAR CHURCH ACTIVITIES SUNDAY - 11am WORSHIP in the sanctuary, followed by tea or coffee and a chat in the Session Room. Children’s activities from 10.50am: There is a creche for younger children, while those of school age join the congregation, including taking an active part in the all age 'Time to Talk' and then take part in activities or projects. ALL AGE FAMILY SERVICES TAKE PLACE SOME SUNDAYS. THESE ARE ANNOUNCED IN ADVANCE. Every Tuesday and Thursday – Open doorway 10.30am-12.30pm for tea, coffee and a chat, or some quiet time in the sanctuary The choir (Colin Grey 07901 556 217 or at Church on a Sunday) Tuesdays - The Guild 2.00pm see page 1 for dates and details (Irene Wexelstein 476 1385) Beavers, Cubs and Scouts 5 3/4 - 14 years The 5th Leith Scouts Edinburgh North East Broughton Primary gym hall contact Evelyn Torrance 552 1657 For Rainbows, Brownies and Guides please send all enquiries to . We have two groups associated with Pilrig St Paul’s THERE ARE MANY OTHER ACTIVITIES HELD ON OUR PREMISES, SEE THE NOTICE BOARD IN PILRIG STREET (MIDDLE ENTRANCE) IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RENT OUR PREMISES, PLEASE CONTACT


Sunday, October 4 11:00am HARVEST FESTIVAL Sunday, October 11 11:00am Sunday Worship Monday 12th October Community Film Club – see page 6 Tuesday 13th October 2:00pm The Guild – see page 3 Thursday, October 15 7:30pm Kirk Session Sunday, October 18 11:00am Sunday Worship Sunday, October 25 11:00am Communion This is the Lord’s Table. ANYONE who loves God and responds to Christ’s invitation to join together in this feast is welcome to join us in the celebration. Tuesday, October 27 2:00pm The Guild see page 3 Every Tuesday and Thursday – Open doorway 10.30am-12.30pm for tea, coffee and a chat, or some quiet time in the sanctuary Every Wednesday – Foodbank distribution. Providing Church Flowers in October 4th Marjory McMahon and Betty Lauder 18th Jean Ramage 11th Margaret and David Fraser 25th Margaret Scott Please contact Aileen Fraser about a date if you would like to contribute flowers and Catriona Blackwood if you would like to write a few lines about the significance of your chosen date.


Speak out for those who cannot speak, for the rights of all the destitute. Speak out, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. ~ Proverbs 31: 8 – 9 Dear All, The image of a three-year old boy washed ashore on a Turkish beach has been a stark reminder of the tragic cost in human lives that our world is currently facing. Around the world hundreds of millions of people have been forced to leave their homes and homelands due to conflict, persecution, starvation, and natural disasters. The immensity of this global humanitarian crisis has now reached our own shores as people from many countries have been forced to journey across Europe seeking refuge and security for themselves and their families. This has been a hot political issue for the last few years and some politicians, and those in the media, have been cutting in their use of language, labeling them as “illegal immigrants” and talking about a “tidal wave”, “swarm”, or “invasion” of foreign migrants into our country. But there is nothing illegal in fleeing from persecution and seeking refuge elsewhere. Nor is it a matter of choice. For the vast majority of these people this is not about seeking a better life, but about staying alive. As Christians we are reminded that our faith has a lot to say about this topic. Firstly we are reminded that we are all made in God’s image and all equally loved and valued by God. This issue then, is not about a faceless group of foreigners, or migrants, or however else they are labeled – it is about people whom God has made and for whom Christ died. 2

Secondly we are reminded that as Christ’s disciples we have a duty to respond. That response is twofold: Throughout the Scriptures we are reminded of our duty to care for the outcast, the sojourner, and those less fortunate for ourselves. Alongside this we are called to speak out on behalf of the destitute, the poor, and the needy. As individuals, and as a community of faith, we must add our voices to the growing pressure being put on governments, political parties, and others to respond in practical humanitarian ways to this crisis and pursue realistic avenues for peace in areas of conflict around the world. We must also give our support, in whatever ways we can afford to do so, to those agencies, groups, and faith communities that are helping to alleviate the suffering of those fleeing from persecution and working for peace. Sometimes the sheer scale of such issues causes us to freeze, but all that it takes for evil to preside in our world is for good people to remain silent. If enough of us speak out and act on our beliefs then the world will begin to change. Shalom Mark THE MAGAZINE and LIFE and WORK Thank you for all the contributions for the magazine. Please may I have articles for November by October18th? Thank you. I would like orders for Life and Work for 2016 by November 8th, please. The cost for the year is £21.50, or £10.75 if shared between two. This reflects a discount for annual orders. There are sample copies on the rack outside the Session Room if you would like to look before you buy. Catriona Blackwood 3

The Guild restarts on 13th October with an afternoon tea. Everyone, male or female will be welcomed, so please come and join us at 2pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday afternoons of the month. Irene Wexelstein October 27th PROJECT OF THE GUILD A speaker on one of our projects. November 10th Ihayni Dance – Linda Gill

Prayer Corner Michael Head Moira and Jim Fergie Isabel Hannay Matthew Green Agnes MacAuley Evelyn Turner Margaret Gunn Murdo and Joy MacLeod Mary Currie Norrie Frazer

Jack McArthur Jim and Jean Tait Helen Greig Frances Chambers Betty Lauder and family Isabel Fyfe Isabel Pert Charlie and Joyce Forman June Welsh

Please inform Roy Eprile of any changes to be made, so that we can keep the prayer list up to date


THANKS Thank you to Fiona Rankin who arranged for the flowers she recently donated to the church to be delivered to me. It was a lovely surprise and I was very pleased to receive them along with a kind message of thanks. It certainly perks you up and energises you to do more! Linda Gill Eric and I would like to thank everyone at Pilrig St Paul’s for the many cards, flowers and good wishes as we celebrated our Ruby Wedding Anniversary on the 16th of August. They were all very much appreciated. We had a lovely family weekend in Blackpool. Catherine and Eric. Thank you so much for the lovely yellow roses you sent me. They still look lovely. It was a great surprise and also thanks to Ella Gilfillan fro delivering them. I really enjoyed her company very much. Alexina Halliday A big thank you for the flowers that I received last Sunday. Many thanks to all involved, especially Ron. Jean Hill Thank you so much for the lovely flowers I received on Sunday delivered by Lily. They certainly brightened my day. I very much appreciated them. Jessie Bird Thank you very much for the lovely flowers I was given at the church on September 13th. They were much appreciated. Ina McRae Thank you so much for the lovely flowers given to me on the 23rd August. Stuart’s birthday would have been on the 22 nd. They were very much appreciated. Jeanette Sime


PASTORAL CARE NEWS Community Film Club – Monday 12th October

Our screening this time is going to be Inside Out, a Pixar film and hot off the press, as it is the first date it is available outside cinemas. Again it is a film for everyone with an easy animated view and moral themes running through the story told. There will be Community Café running from 12noon till 1.30pm when the screening commences. Make sure you book your place if you would like to come along, as we believe this will be a very popular screening. Tickets can be booked in the Open Doorway on Sundays, Tuesday and Thursdays. The Community Café menu will offer great prices on home made soup & roll, filled rolls, home bakes and tea, coffee and soft drinks. If you would like to have lunch before the screening you would be best to also book your place at the community café. You can do this at the same time as booking your film tickets in the Open Doorway. We are currently working on the next screening which will be our final one this year. The date is Thursday 10th December in the afternoon. We plan to show Elf, which is a film for all ages that will make you laugh and is based around an adult elf played by Will Ferrell and certainly worth seeing. I have lost count of the number of times I have watched this one!! 6

There will be a festive theme to this screening with mince pies and fruit punch on offer before the screening. A sign up sheet will be in place after the 12th October. If you would like to help or be involved in any way with the Community Cinema and Café please let me know, as we are keen to create a team to work with us on the on-going development of the cinema. We are also delighted that we have now set up a website for the Leith Community. Project Eden – support for community activity By the time you read this article I will have attended a follow up weekend with the Eden Project at Ardoch in Dumbartonshire on the shores of Loch Lomond. The idea is to bring people back together from the main camps in Project Eden in Cornwall to continue the networking and support for the various initiatives people are working on in their communities. I will update you further in next month’s magazine. Dance Class Dance Ihayami is Scotland’s Indian dance company, dedicated to the contemporisation of Indian dance. The company challenges ideas about Indian classical dance and creates innovative contemporary work, regularly collaborating with different art forms and media. There is still time to register your interest in a place at our monthly Indian Dance class with Dance Ihaymii. The class will continue the teaching of story telling through music and hand gestures as was demonstrated at the Young at Heart event in March.


The classes will be supported by funding from the Big Lottery and so the cost has been reduced to a small donation, which is great news for us. We also plan to follow the class each month with a lunch. Places are limited so please make sure you let Linda or any of the Pastoral Care team know if you would like to join. The plan is for the classes to start soon. Helping Hands Please remember to let us know if you would like a visit or phone call from us or would like to arrange this for a member of our congregation you feel would appreciate this type of support. Our team are trained and able to support in a number of ways with pastoral care. All you need to do is complete a Helping Hands form and pop it into the box in the Open Doorway of the Church or speak/call any of our team. We are looking for one new member for our team. If you would like to join us please let me know. Pastoral Care Team Mark Foster - Minister Catriona Blackwood – Elder and Magazine Editor Christine Edington Ella Gilfillan Linda Gill – Elder and Pastoral Care Team Leader Cathy Purdie Fiona Rankin – Elder Jeanette Sime – Elder and Roll Keeper Linda Gill Pastoral Care Team Leader 669-7409 or


The food bank is designed to help individuals and families in crisis through the provision of emergency food supplies. Local care professionals in the Leith area refer people, with a food voucher, to the Foodbank distribution point where they are given their food supplies. WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE MORE HELPERS, EITHER FOR A WEDNESDAY 4.30-6pm IN THE OPEN DOORWAY OR TO COLLECT SUPPLIES. For further information, please contact Roy Eprile




Do you know someone who would appreciate being remembered in our prayers each Sunday, a visit, a phone call, a card in the post or perhaps some flowers from us? Please provide the details below and put this card into the box in the Open Doorway or contact: Linda Gill on 669-7409 or Postal address: Linda Gill, Pastoral Care Team Leader, Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street, Edinburgh EH6 5AH Member's Details Name .................................................................................................................... Address ............................................................................................................... Phone number................................................................................................. Please choose from the following, which you think would be most appropriate. You can tick more than one option Remembered in our prayers each week ……. Visit to their home ……. Flowers from the Service ……. Phone call........ Card posted to their home……. Would you like to help with this? Yes / No (If you select yes please also provide your contact details) ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. Pilrig St. Paul's Church SCO 07277


MINISTER Rev Mark Foster (332 5736) SESSION CLERK John Innes - 33 Monktonhall Place, Musselburgh (07563 248722) THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD CLERK Aileen Fraser (07936 716 765) ASSISTANT CLERK Maria Croall (07747 071 545) CORRESPONDENCE to: The Clerk to the Congregational Board Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street, Edinburgh EH6 5AH TREASURER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) ROLL KEEPER Mrs Jeanette E. Sime - 1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) PASTORAL CONVENER Mrs Linda Gill (669 7409) SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - 4 Cambridge Gardens (554 6183) PROPERTY CONVENER Eric Fisher (552 8982) 104 Crewe Crescent HALL LET GROUP ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER Colin Gray (07901 556 217) SUNDAY CLUB LEADER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) CHRISTIAN GIVINGS CONVENER Mrs Irene Wexelstein - 15 Upper Hermitage (476 1385) MAGAZINE Editor - Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - see above Distribution - Mrs Margaret Cameron - 35 Lorne Street (554 2139) Scottish Charity no. SCO07277 OUR WHEELCHAIR ENTRANCES ARE IN PILRIG STREET

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