PSP Magazine April 2011

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SUNDAY SERVICES AT 11AM Holy Communion is celebrated on the last Sunday of January, April, June and October at the 11am Service, and informally as announced. To contact the minister, please ring 554 1842. The “OPEN DOORWAY” is open each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am - 1.00pm. Pop in or arrange to meet a friend there over a cup of coffee. Enter by the main door. Wheelchair users - Our street level entrances are in Pilrig Street.

ORGANISATIONS WITHIN THE CHURCH BUILDINGS: Sundays - Sunday Club, 10:45 am for ages P1-S4 all welcome (Mark Wexelstein 665 6881) Mondays - Rainbows 5.45pm (Christine Buchanan 554 2941) Brownies 6.45pm (Christine Buchanan) Tuesdays - The Guild 2.00pm (Jeanette Sime 552 9652) Wednesdays - Lunch club 12 noon (Marjory McArthur 553 2323) vocal vibes 1 (p3-4) 3.45-4.45pm vocal vibes 2 (p5 upwards) 5-6pm Choir Rehearsal 7.30pm (All choir enquiries Martin Ritchie 07984 466 855) Thursdays - all Sections Boys’ Brigade (Mark Wexelstein 665 6881) In Pilrig Park School: Thursdays Rainbows (Ann Urquhart 554 8387) 6.15-7.15 Brownies (Ann Urquhart ) 6.15-7.30 Guides (Dorothy Walker 556 9493) 7.30 - 9.00 In Broughton Primary School: Tuesdays The 5th Leith Scouts Beavers 53/4 to 8 years Cubs 8 to 10 1/2 years Scouts 10 1/2 to 14 years

(6.00 to 7.00 p.m.) (6.30 to 8.00 p.m.) (7.30 to 9.00)


SOME OF WHAT’S ON IN APRIL Thursday 7th April at 10.30 am Lorne Primary Easter Service Sunday 10th April. 41st Guide Unit Anniversary They are taking part in our worship service See Page 4 Saturday 16 April Easter Witness for Peace gathering at Faslane Main Gate on 2011 at 12 noon. See page 10

EASTER SERVICES AT PILRIG ST PAUL’S see page 10 17th April at 11.00am Palm Sunday Service Maundy Thursday 21st April 7.30pm Communion Service Good Friday 22nd April 11.00-1.00pm Lunchtime Vigil Evening service at 7.30pm Easter Sunday 24th April 8.30am Early Morning Service including a short celebration of communion. 11.00 am Family Easter Service of Celebration. Flower Diary 3rd April 10th April 17th April 24th April 1st May

Flower Fund Lily Gilhooley Margaret & Ronnie Cameron Frances McPherson & Moira Loman Ella & Ronnie Gilfillan

GUILD See page 4 MUSIC see pages 11 & 12




APRIL 2011

Dear Fellow-members, Spring is now officially here and as I write this we are almost at the time when the clocks “spring forward” an hour allowing us to enjoy the beauty of sunny early mornings. So it’s the time for readying our gardens for summer and it’s also the time for readying ourselves for Easter. No it doesn’t mean buying Easter eggs - not yet! No, its now time to be looking at ourselves, our life styles and our priorities and deciding what needs to be reviewed, tidied and disposed of. Lent is associated with giving up something - often something that we like eating. I always feel that that is a bit shallow and not really achieving much that is lasting. But how about doing something positive to show that we are seeking to be more in tune with the ways of Jesus Christ? Caring for our neighbours - indeed loving our neighbours is high on the list for Jesus. We’ve just had Red Nose Day and heard and seen a lot about the need there is in Africa and in our own communities. Money given to support the essential work is never wasted when given to reputable charities. Not long ago we had Fairtrade Fortnight. Here again is a great way you can do something relatively small that will change the lives of many, many people.


We often find it too easy to ignore and forget people who are living in horrendously squalid conditions. People caught up in conditions that are not of their own making. Most recently we think of the people in Japan whose lives are completely devastated by the triple blows of earthquake, tsunami and radioactivity. What can you do? Well first of all – don’t forget and ignore these people and their situations. Hold them in your heart and in your prayers. Do something practical. Share your concerns with others – encourage giving money to charities - buy Fairtade products regularly. Yes these all involve giving up something. But they are all positive and not self focussed – they will make a dramatic change for so many people. They will bring life where there is only death! Share the good news of God’s love shown most clearly in Jesus. There’s a huge gap between the rich and poor folk of the world. There’s also a huge gap between us and God. Jesus comes to bridge that gap - to give peace and forgiveness to all who trust him and follow him. The world needs that good news - the world needs that love. There’s precious little good news around. Don’t keep it to yourself - speak it or show it now! God bless you and your loved ones. John


The Christian Aid Forth Bridge Cross takes place on Saturday 30th April. Sponsor Forms will be available nearer the time from Marlyn Tait - Tel 554 1842. Last year’s walk raised £41,275 for Christian Aid making a vital difference to their work towards eradicating global poverty and injustice.

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 15TH - 21ST MAY 2011 41st Guide Unit Anniversary The 41st Guide Unit associated with Pilrig St Paul’s Church is celebrating its 85th Anniversary. As part of their celebrations they will be taking part in our worship service on Sunday 10th April. We congratulate them on this important milestone in the life of the Unit! GUILD DATES April 9th Bacon roll morning April 12th Easter readings and hymns April 26th AGM


LEITH GALA SATURDAY 11th JUNE 2011 Pilrig St Paul’s will be heading up the organisation for the Leith Gala Tea Tent this year on Saturday 11th June 2011. This a joint Leith Churches Forum venture. Please put the date in your diary! If you can offer help with the running of the Tea Tent please contact Marlyn Tait on 554 1842. SOME OTHER DATES IN THE LEITH FESTIVAL 2011 Friday 10th June – Vocal Vibes and Singchronicity involvement in open air launch of the Festival in the Kirkgate. Saturday 11th June Gala Parade from Lochend Park. (March off time is not yet published.) After that enjoy the events on the links, including a visit to the tea tent! Sunday 12th June – Leith Festival Forum United Service at South Leith Parish Church at 11am. Thursday 16th June Leith Community Concert Band, Gala Concert in St Margaret’s Church, Easter Road at 7.30 pm. Sunday 19th June – Vocal Vibes and Singchronicity joint concert at Pilrig St Paul’s, 4pm


PILRIG ST. PAUL’S CHURCH OF SCOTLAND STATED ANNUAL MEETING 2011 The Stated Annual Meeting of the Congregation of Edinburgh: Pilrig St. Paul’s, was held in the Sanctuary on Sunday 20 March, 2011 at the close of Morning Worship, due intimation having been made from the Pulpit on the two preceding Sundays. The Meeting was Constituted in Prayer by the Chairman, Revd. John M. Tait B.Sc., B.D., MINUTES: The Minutes of the last Stated Annual Meeting of Pilrig St. Paul’s Church held on Sunday 21st March, 2010, having been published in the May 2010 edition of the church magazine were taken as read and approved by the Meeting. MATTERS ARISING: There were no items of business under this heading. MINISTER’S REPORT: The Minister circulated to the members present a copy of his report on the past year. In it he highlighted various important developments together with issues which require attention in the future and also intimated that this would be his final SAM before his retiral in February 2012. He expressed thanks on behalf of the whole congregation to all those who had worked so hard and diligently during the past year enabling the work of the church to be undertaken. All had in their own particular ways served the congregation and in thanking them for their service he commended them for their vital witness for the Lord Jesus Christ.


TREASURER’S REPORT: The Congregational Treasurer, Mr. Mark Wexelstein, reminded members that the revised format in which the accounts were presented had been agreed by the General Assembly to meet the requirements of the Charity Commission. The new format places responsibility for the adoption of the accounts in the hands of the Trustees of the Congregation – i.e. the Kirk Session and Congregational Board and this has been done. Full details of income and expenditure can be obtained from the Statement of Congregational Accounts available from the Treasurer. A Budget has been prepared for the year 2011 which indicated that a shortfall is projected amounting to approximately £14,000. It is hoped that with various fund raising ventures planned during 2011 this figure may be reduced. The Treasurer reviewed various other aspects of the Congregational Accounts and made comment on certain items. In concluding his report, he paid tribute to all the office-bearers and members of the congregation for their support and assistance during the past year Thanks were expressed to our Auditor - Mr. I Allan Sim BSc., CA, Johnston Smillie Ltd., Edinburgh, who had audited the financial records of the congregation for the year ended 31st December, 2010. The Chairman expressed the grateful thanks of the congregation to Mr. Mark Wexelstein for all his work and effort as Congregational Treasurer during the past year. Thanks were also expressed to Mrs. Ella Gilfillan and Mrs. Irene Wexelstein for administering the Christian Givings and to Mrs. Frances Chambers and the members of the Weekly Duty Teams for their work.


CONGREGATIONAL STATISTICS The Roll-Keeper, Mrs. Jeanette E. Sime, presented the Congregational Statistics for the year ended 31st December 2010 as follows: Congregational Roll as at 31.12.09 Added by profession of Faith -do- by Certificate of Transfer -do- by Resolution of Kirk Session

277 2 0 3 282

Removed during 2010 by Death -do- Certificate of Transfer -do- Resolution of Kirk Session

6 3 0 273

Total Roll as at 31st December, 2010 = 273 members. Total Supplementary Roll = 9 members. Mrs. Sime stated that 120 members had communicated at least once during the past year, which represented 43.9% of the congregation, and it was hoped that this percentage would be greatly improved during the coming year by members! The Chairman expressed the thanks of the Meeting to Mrs. Jeanette Sime for her report and for her work and effort in this important administration of the congregation. ELECTIONS TO MEMBERSHIP OF THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD: The Clerk stated that the following members of the Congregational Board have now completed three years in office and accordingly under church law retire at this Stated Annual Meeting. During the past year one resignation had been received and one member had been co -opted to membership.


The following three members retire at this time having completed their three-year term in office: Mr. Alex Allan; Mrs. Aileen Fraser and Mrs. Irene Wexelstein. The three retiring members had indicated their willingness to stand for re-election which the Clerk duly moved and the Meeting approved these re-elections. The Clerk stated that after these elections 1 vacancy existed on the Board. There being no nominations powers were granted to the Congregational Board to co-opt members during the ensuing year as and when necessary. The Clerk was thanked for his report and work in this important administration of the congregation. The Meeting was closed with the saying of the Grace together. Stuart W. Sime Clerk to the Congregational Board Thanks Mrs Georgina Bell writes to thank the church for “the beautiful flowers and the lovely message inside” Alexina Halliday also writes to say “It was a lovely surprise when Frances and Moira delivered the beautiful flowers from the Church. It made my day a lot brighter” Betty Kerr sends thanks for the flowers she received recently. “Oh, they’re beautiful” she said when Irene Eprile gave them to her. I would like to thank all my friends at Pilrig St Paul’s for the lovely flowers I received from Jeanette Sime on the occasion of my birthday. Fiona Rankin


EASTER SERVICES AT PILRIG ST PAUL’S Looking forward to Holy Week and Easter we shall be holding our normal series of services. These begin with our Palm Sunday Service on 17th April at 11.00am and continue with our evening Maundy Thursday Communion Service at 7.30pm We continue with our Good Friday Lunch time Vigil 11.00-1.00pm and Evening service at 7.30pm On Easter Sunday we have our Early Morning Service at 8.30am and this year the Minister is having a short celebration of communion at this moving service At 11.00 am is our Family Easter Service of Celebration. All are warmly invited to share in any or all of these services. Lorne Primary Easter Service Lorne Primary Easter service is being held in the church here on Thursday 7th April at 10.30. All are warmly invited to come and share in this service. EASTER WITNESS FOR PEACE Scottish Clergy Against Nuclear Arms (SCANA) has organised an opportunity for Christians from different churches to meet together and witness to our common faith in Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and to underline our belief that nuclear weapons are immoral and they should not be maintained or renewed. (General Assembly position over many years). The gathering will be at Faslane Main Gate on Saturday 16 April 2011 at 12 noon.


THE COTTIER CONNECTION Regular readers will remember previous pieces about our Daniel Cottier stained glass. We’re pleased to have been able to present a selection of photographs at a meeting of the Scottish Stained Glass Symposium on Friday 18th March, and the same images are to be displayed at a major conference about Cottier’s designs, the context and influence of his work on Wednesday 23rd March in Glasgow. The conference is promoted by Historic Scotland and the Fouracres Trust, an organisation which is restoring the former Dowanhill Church (Cottier Theatre) as a performing arts and entertainment complex. The church contains a fabulous scheme of Cottier glass and interior ceiling decoration. Dowanhill church was built a few years later than the then Pilrig Free Church, so we can lay claim to having a stained glass (and possibly a further decorative scheme) by Cottier which laid the foundations for his period of creativity in Glasgow. The Magazine Thanks for all the articles this month. Please may I have articles for May by April 17th. Catriona Blackwood ORGAN RECITALS IN MARCH Thanks to everyone who supported the recitals given by Colin Gray at North Leith and Martin Ritchie at Pilrig St Paul’s during March. Special thanks to Linda Gill who made soup for our lunch on the 13th and all the other helpers that day. £131 was donated and this will be sent to the Musicians’ Benevolent Fund, which helps musicians who find themselves in a difficult situation. We hope to be able to follow this series up with more recitals in the future – watch this space! Martin


SINGCHRONICITY UPDATE We launched the new youth choir on 1st March and have had a modest but high quality uptake of students from Leith Academy and Drummond High School. They’re working very well and producing a great sound and the group shows a lot of promise! We are very grateful to the people who have offered to help run the cafe in the Open Doorway around the youth choir times. We do now need more people to spread the load a bit. Please consider the possibility of helping – it is not restricted to Pilrig St Paul’s members and is not a musical task, so don’t feel you need to be a musician to do it. One of the rewards of the job is to enjoy hearing some great music making while we rehearse in the church! Please contact Martin Ritchie on 07984 466 855 or speak to him at church if you feel you could help. PILRIG CHORUS Pilrig Chorus also launched on 1st March – a busy month! We’re delighted that a group of 40 singers is busy rehearsing for our concert of Vivaldi’s joyful Gloria and Mozart’s exuberant Coronation Mass which will be held on Sunday 15th May at 4pm at Pilrig St Paul’s. Admission is free for the concert – with the opportunity to make a donation to support the purchase of music for the Chorus’ next concert. The group ranges widely in age, experience and background. We’re really pleased to welcome people who live locally and have not previously had contact with the church, members of our own congregation, Leith Forum churches (we have representation from each of the four congregations), Broughton St Mary’s and St Philip’s Joppa. There will be an interval in the concert on 15th May, and volunteers to help serve refreshments would be very much appreciated. Martin Ritchie 14

A Lent Prayer Christ of the wilderness and of the crowded street Whispering in the desert and shouting in the market Help us to hear you above temptation’s promises Strengthen us to follow you on the highways of your world.

PRAYER CORNER Bernard Scroggie Matthew Green Mary and Jimmy Rennie Jeanette and Stuart Sime Peter Sinclair Stanley McCubbin Murdo and Joy McLeod Linda Connelly Jack McArthur Mairi and Robin Leach Jean Stark Cathie Galbraith Please contact Roy Eprile with any names you would like included in this section.


MINISTER Rev John Tait B.Sc. B.D. - 78 Pilrig Street (554 1842) SESSION CLERK John Innes - 33 Monktonhall Place, Musselburgh (665 9125) CLERK TO CONGREGATIONAL BOARD Dr Stuart W. Sime -1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) TREASURER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) ROLL KEEPER Mrs Jeanette E. Sime - 1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - 4 Cambridge Gardens (554 6183) PROPERTY CONVENER Dr Stuart W. Sime -1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) HALL LET GROUP 07842047093 (Answer phone) ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER Martin Ritchie - 18, Catherine’s Wynd, Woodhead, Culross, Fife KY12 8EU (07984 466 855) SUNDAY CLUB LEADER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) CHRISTIAN GIVINGS CONVENERS Mrs Ella Gilfillan - 8 Paisley Terrace (661 2281) Mrs Irene Wexelstein - 15 Upper Hermitage (476 1385) MAGAZINE Editor - Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - 4 Cambridge Gardens (554 6183) Distribution Mrs Margaret Cameron - 35 Lorne Street (554 2139) OUR CHURCH WEB SITE LEITH CHURCHES FORUM WEB SITE


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