제 ․ 주 ․ 국 ․ 제 ․ 평 ․ 화 ․ 대 ․ 회
강정을 생명평화마을로 , 제주를 세계평화의 섬으로 Jeju International Peace Conference
Gangjeong for the Life & Peace Village, Jeju for the World Peace Island
일시 | 2012. 2. 24(금)~26(일) 2pm~6pm, Fri, Feb. 24, 2012.
공동주최 |
강정마을회, 군사기지저지와평화의섬실현을위한제주범대위, 우주의무기와핵을반대 하는 글로벌네트워크, 노무현재단제주위원회, 대한불교조계종 자성과쇄신결사추진본부 화쟁위원회 , 민주사회를위한변호사모임 , 생명평화결사 , 제주교수협의회 , 제주포럼 C, 제주해군기지저지를위한전국대책회의, 제주평화의섬실현을위한천주교연대 , 참여연대 , 평화네트워크, 평화와통일을여는사람들 Gangjeong village, Pan-Island Committee to Stop the Military Base and to Realize the Peace Island, Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space (GN/ Global Network), Jeju regional committee of Rohmoohyun Foundation, Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism Headquarter of Association for Reflection & Innovation Hwajaeng Committee for Harmonious Debate, Democratic Lawyers' Association, Life Peace Fellowship, Jeju Professors' Association, Jeju Forum C, Pan-Korean Committee to Stop the Jeju Naval Base, Catholic Solidarity for the Peace Island, Jeju, People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, Peace Network, Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea
(디자인: 고길천)
(Design by Koh Gil-Chun)
목차 Index 프로그램 | 6p. Program | 9p.
인사말2 _ 데이브 웹 / 글로벌네트워크 의장 | 13p. Welcome Speech2 _ Dave Webb / Chairman of the Global Network | 17p.
인사말3 _ 도법스님 | 20p. Welcome Speech3 _ Do-Beop / Buddhist monk | (E)22p. (J)24p.
축사 _ 강우일주교 | 26p. Congratulatory Speech _ U-IL Kang / Bishop of Jeju | (E)27p. (J)29p.
기조연설1 _ 앤지 젤터 / 평화 환경 운동가 | 31p. : 군사기지에 반대하여 지속되는 영국의 비폭력 투쟁들 Keynote Speech1 _ Angie Zelter / peace and environmental campaigner | 37p. : The continuing nonviolent struggles against military bases in the UK
기조연설2 _ 고희범 / 제주포럼C 공동대표 | 45p. : 4.3에서 강정까지 제주 평화의 정신을 말한다 Keynote Speech2 _ Koh, Hee-bum / co-representative of Jeju-Forum C | 48p. : Jeju's Spirit of Peace from April 3 Massacre to Gangjeong Resistance Keynote Speech2 _ 高 喜範 / 済州フォーラムC 共同代表 | 52p.
: 4.3からガンジョンまで済州の平和の精神を語る
• 1부 Session1 발표1 _ 브루스 K. 개그논 / 글로벌네트워크 코디네이터 | 55p. : 동아시아에서 미국의 군사전략과 하와이와 괌 미군 기지 Presentation1 _ Bruce K. Gagnon / Coordinator, Global Network | 59p. : United States' military strategy in the East Asia and U.S. military bases in Hawai'i and Guam
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발표2 _ 다카하시 도시오 / 후텐마 미군기지 폭음소송단 사무국장 | 63p. : 동아시아 [진실의 평화]를 만들기 위한 오키나와-제주도 연대를 향하여 Presentation2 _ Toshio Takahashi / General secretary of Plaintiffs Group for FUTENMA US Marine Corps Airbase Noise Roaring Noise Pollution | 70p. : For the Jeju-Okinawa solidarity to create the 'genuine peace' in northeast Asia Presentation2 _ 高橋年男 / 普天間爆音訴訟団 事務局長 | 89p. : 東アジアの『真の平和』を創る 沖縄・済州島の連帯をめざして
발표3 _ 정욱식 / 평화네트워크 대표 | 94p. : 동아시아 평화의 관점에서 본 제주해군기지의 문제점 Presentation3 _ Wooksik Cheong / Representative of Peace Network | 99p. : Problems of Jeju Naval Base Based on Perspectives of Eastern Asia Peace Presentation3 _ 鄭旭湜 / 平和ネットワーク代表 | 104p. : 東アジア平和の観点で本済州海軍基地の問題点
• 2부 Session2 발표1 _ 마츠시마 요스케 / 듀공보호캠페인센터 관서사무소 | 110p. : 듀공과 함께 오키나와를 생명과 평화의 섬으로 바꾸기 Presentation1 _ YOSUKE MATSUSHIMA / Manager of Osaka Office(SDCC) | 115p. : Converting Okinawa to the Island of "LIFE" and "PEACE"
Presentation1 _ 松島洋介 / ジュゴン保護キャンペーンセンター 関西事務所 | 120p. : ジュゴンとともに沖縄をイノチと平和の島に変える
발표2 _ 고권일 / 제주해군기지 강정마을 반대대책위원장 | 124p. : 강정을 생명평화의 마을로 Presentation2 _ Go, Gwon-Il / Chairman of Gangjeong Villagers' committee to Stop the Naval Base
| 128p.
: Making Ganjeong Life and Peace Village
Presentation2 _ ゴグォンイル / 済州海軍基地ガンジョン村反対対策委員長 | 131p. : 汀村(ガンジョン)を生命平和の村に
발표3 _ 신용인 / 제주대 법학전문대학원 교수 | 134p. : 제주를 세계평화의 섬으로 Presentation3 _ Shin Yong-In / Professor of the Law School, Jeju University | 138p. : Jeju for the Island of World Peace
Presentation3 _ シン・ヨンイン / 濟州大 教授 | 143p. : 済州を世界平和の島に
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• 연설 Speech / 25일 연설1 _ 아그네타 노버그 / 스웨덴평화위원회 자문위원 | 148p. : 유라시아 대륙 양쪽에서 세계를 지배하려는 제국의 야욕에 대항해 반격하자! Speech1 _ Agneta Norberg / Swedish Peace Council | 152p. : Fight back against the Empire on both side of the Eurasian continent!
연설2 _ J. 나라야나 라오 / 글로벌네트워크 자문위원 | 155p. : NATO 세력 확장 저지를 위한 아시아 연합이 필요하다 Speech2 _ J. Narayana Rao / GENERAL SECRETARY AIPSO, MAHRASHTRA STATE COMMITTEE,INDIA | 157p. : ASIAN UNION TO CONTAIN NATO
연설3 _ 데니스 애펠 / 미 캘리포니아 주 밴던버그 기지 저항자 | 159p. : 밴던버그 공군 기지 및 그 임무에 대한 저항 소개 Speech3 _ Dennis Apel / Resister against the Vandenberg AFB | 162p. : Introduction on the Vandenberg AFB and resistance against its mission
연설4 _ 메리 베스 설리번 / 글로벌네크워크 | 165p. : 촛불 집회 발언문 Speech4 _ Mary Beth Sullivan / Global Network | 168p. : For Candle Light Vigil
• 연설 Speech / 26일 연설1 _ 아쓰시 후지오카 / 글로벌네트워크 | 171p. : 동아시아 내 "비전쟁 지역"을 요구하는 후쿠시마 사태 Speech1 _ Atsushi Fujioka / Global Network | 176p. : Fukushima Crisis Demands a "No War Zone" in East Asia Speech1 _ 藤岡 惇 / Global Network | 182p.
: 東アジアの戦争禁止地帯化なしには, 福島の核惨事は解決できない
Speech2 _ Gun Britt Mäkitalo / Kiruna, Women for Peace | 189p. : Not only snow, darkness and cold in Kiruna
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참가자 약력 | 191p. Profile | 196p.
부록1 _ 글로벌네트워크 보도자료 | 202p. Appendix1 _ Press Release(GN) | 204p.
부록2 _ 마을지도 | 207p. Appendix2 _ Gangjeong village Map | 208p.
Appendix3 _ Learning Korean Language(한국어가이드) | 209p.
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프로 그램 ❚2월 24일 금요일 10:00~12:00 4.3평화공원 견학 *버스 8시 50분 강정 마을에서 출발 12:00~14:00 점심 및 휴식
국제회의 -‘강정을
생명평화마을로, 제주를 세계평화의 섬으로’
14:00~18:00 제주 4.3 평화 공원 대강당 *회담은 한/영 및 영/한 동시 통역. 일본어 통역은 순차 통역으로 진행
14:00~15:00 개막행사 *사회_ 홍기룡 / 범대위 집행위원장 인사말1_ 강동균 / 강정마을회 회장 인사말2_ 데이브 웹 / 글로벌네트워크 의장 인사말3_ 도법스님 축사_ 강우일 대주교 / 제주교구 기조연설1_ 비폭력 평화 운동: 영국 기지 반대 투쟁을 중심으로 엔지 젤터 / 평화 환경 운동가, 수노우볼 시민 불복종 캠페인, 트라이던트 플라우쉐어즈, 국제 여성 평화 봉사-팔레스타인, 파스레인 365일- 창설 기조연설2_ 4.3에서 강정까지 '제주 평화의 정신을 말한다 고희범 / 제주포럼C 공동대표, 전 한겨레신문사 사장
15:05~16:10 제1부_ 동아시아 군사 기지의 섬 *사회_ 메리 베쓰 설리번 / 글로벌네트워크 발표1_ 미국의 동아시아 군사전략과 하와이와 괌의 미군기지 브루스 K. 개그논 / 코디네이터, 글로벌 네트워크 발표2_ 어떻게 오키나와로부터 미 해병대 기지를 축출할 것인가 ?: 동아시아의 '진정한 평화 '를 위한 오 키나와와 제주의 연대를 위해
토시오 타카하시 / 후텐마 미 해병대 공군 기지 소음공해를 중단하기 위한 민중소송 원고인 단 사무총장
발표3_ 동아시아 지정학의 관점에서 본 제주해군기지의 문제점 정욱식 / 평화네트워크 대표
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질의․응답 및 토론
16:10~16:20 휴식 16:20~16:30 영상 상영_ '여기는 강정마을입니다- 2011년 강정의 투쟁'(영어자막: 둥글이 제작) 16:30~17:40 제2부_ 동아시아 '평화의 섬' 만들기 *사회_ 김민호 / 제주교수협의회 발표1_ 오키나와를 생명 평화의 섬으로 전환하기: 민중과 듀공간의 연대 요스케 마츠시마 / 일본 오사카 듀공 살리기 캠페인 센터 발표2_ 강정을 생명평화의 마을로 고권일 / 해군기지건설중단을 위한 강정마을주민대책위 위원장 발표3_ 제주를 세계 평화의 섬으로 신용인 / 제주대 법학전문대학원 교수
질의․응답 및 토론
17:40~18:00 폐회 *사회_ 홍리리 / 제주여성인권연대 대표 맺는말_ 새로운 시작을 위하여 문정현 신부 제주평화선언문 낭독_ 김미량, 김성규 / 강정마을 주민
18:00~20:00 저녁식사
❚2월 25일 토요일 10:00~12:00 주민과의 간담회_ 마을 의례회관 *연설자
_ 아그네타 노버그 / 글로벌네트워크, 국제평화사무소(제네바), 스웨덴평화위원회(부의장) 자문위원 _ 제이 나라야나 라오 / 글로벌네트워크 자문위원, 마하라쉬트라 주 위원회 전 인도 평화와 연대
조직(AIPSO) 사무총장 _ 데니스 애펠 / 미 캘리포니아 주 밴던버그 기지 저항자
12:00~13:00 점심식사
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13:00~18:00 제주해군기지 건설부지 및 반대투쟁 현장 답사 18:00~20:00 저녁식사 및 휴식 20:00~21:30 주민들과의 촛불집회_ 의례회관 마당 *연설자 _ 메리 베쓰 설리번 / 글로벌네트워크, 사회 복지사, 미국의 전쟁 경제를 평화 경제로 변환시키는 것 의 주창자 _ 신구범
/ 제주도 전 지사
❚2월 26일 일요일 10:00~11:00 기자회견_ 해군기지 공사장 앞 11:00~13:00 제주해군기지 건설 저지를 위한 국제연대 전략회의_ 마을 의례회관 *진행_ 이태호 / 참여연대 사무처장
13:00~14:00 점심식사 14:00~18:00 글로벌네트워크 연례 총회_ 마을 의례회관 *진행_ 브루스 K. 개그논/ 글로벌네트워크 사무총장 *글로벌네트워크 인사 및 관심자 참석가능
18:00~20:00 저녁식사 및 휴식 20:00~21:30 주민들과의 촛불집회_ 의례회관 마당 *연설자 _ 아쓰시 후지오카 / 글로벌네트워크 자문 위원, 일본 리츠메이칸대학 세계평화교토박물관 언론 및
자료 부서 감독, 리츠메이칸 대학 경제학 교수 _ 군-브리트 마키탈로 / 스웨덴, 평화를 위한 여성 _ 마이클 루츠코우스키, 연세대 천체물리학 박사 (미정)
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❚Fri, Feb. 24 10:00~12:00 Field trip to the Jeju April 3rd Peace Park *Bus leaves at 8:50 am, Gangjeong village
12:00~14:00 Lunch break
International Conference -‘Gangjeong for the Life & Peace
Village, Jeju for the World Peace Island!’
14:00~18:00 Auditorium of the Jeju April 3rd Peace Park * Throughout the conference, Simultaneous translation English/ Korean will be available. A Japanese translator will be provided for consecutive translation.
14:00~15:00 Opening *Moderator_ Hong Ki-Ryong / Executive chairman of the Pan-Island Committee Welcome speech1_ Kang Dong-Kyun / Gangjeong village mayor Welcome speech2_ Dave Webb / Chairman of the Global Network Welcome speech3_ Do-Beop / Buddhist monk Congratulatory speeches_ Kang U-Il / Bishop of the Jeju Catholic district Keynote speech1_ Non-violence peace movement: Centered on the opposition struggles against the bases in UK Angie Zelter / peace and environmental campaigner and founder of the Snowball Civil Disobedience Campaign, Trident Ploughshares, the International Women's Peace Service - Palestine (IWPS), Faslane 365 Keynote speech2_ Speaking about the spirit of Jeju peace, from 4. 3 to Gangjeong Koh Hee-Bum / Co-representative of the Jeju Forum C, former president of the Hankyoreh newspaper Inc.
15:05~16:10 Session1 _ Islands of military bases in the East Asia *Moderator_ Mary Beth Sullivan / Global Network
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Presentation1_ United States' military strategy in the East Asia and U.S. military bases in Hawai'i and Guam Bruce K. Gagnon / Coordinator, Global Network Presentation2_ How to displace US Marine Bases from Okinawa: Toward a solidarity between Okinawa and Jeju for the 'true peace' in East Asia Toshio Takahashi / General secretary of Plaintiffs Group for Futenma US Marine Corps Air base Roaring Noise Pollution Lawsuit Presentation3_ Problems of the Jeju naval base from the viewpoint of the East Asia geopolitics Cheong Wooksik / Representative of the Peace Network Q and A
16:10~16:20 Break 16:20~16:30 Film screening_ 'A year in Gangjeong 2011'(English subtitled/ film by Dungree) 16:30~17:40 Session2 _ Making the 'Peace Island,' in the East Asia *Moderator_ Prof. Kim Min-Ho / Jeju Professors' Association Presentation1_ Converting Okinawa toward the Island of Life and Peace: Solidarity between people and dugon Yosuke Matsushima / Save the Dugong Campaign Center, Osaka, Japan Presentation2_ Gangjeong for the Life and Peace village Go Gwon-Il / Chairman of the Villagers' Committee to Stop the Naval Base Presentation3_ Jeju for the Peace Island Shin Yong-In / Professor of the Law School, Jeju University Q and A
17:40~18:00 Closing *Moderator_ Hong Ri-Ri / Representative of the Women's Human Rights Solidarity Closing statement_ For the new beginning Fr. Mun Jeong-Hyeon Jeju Peace statement_ Mr. Kim Sung-Kyu and Ms. Kim Mi-Ryang / Gangjeong villagers
18:00~20:00 Dinner and break
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â?šSat, Feb. 25 10:00~12:00 Informal gathering with the villagers for talks _ At the Village Ceremony Hall(Maeul Euirye Hoegwan) *Speakers _ Agneta Noberg / Board of Global Netwok, International Peace Bureau (Geneva), Swedish Peace Council (vice chair) _ J. Narayana Rao / Board of Global Network, General Secretary of All India Peace & Solidarity Organization (AIPSO) of the Maharashtra State Council, India _ Dennis Apel / Resister against the Vandenberg AFB, California, US
12:00~13:00 Lunch 13:00~18:00 Field trip to the village_ naval base construction area etc. 18:00~20:00 Dinner and break 20:00~21:30 Candle lit vigil with the villagers _ Outside of the Village Community Hall *Speakers _ Mary Beth Sullivan / Active GN member, social worker, advocator for the transformation from a war to a peace economy in the United States _ Shin Ku-Bum / Ex-Jeju Island governor, Korea
â?šSun, Feb. 26 10:00~11:00 News conference_ In front of the naval base construction gate 11:00~13:00 Strategy meeting on international solidarity to stop the Jeju naval base construction_ At the Village Ceremony Hall(Maeul Euirye Hoegwan) *Moderator_ Lee Tae-Ho / Secretary of People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy
13:00~14:00 Lunch
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14:00~18:00 Global Network annual meeting_ At the Village Ceremony Hall *Moderator_ Bruce K. Gagnon, Coordinator of the GN *Open to the public / in English
18:00~20:00 Dinner and break 20:00~21:30 Candle lit vigil with the villagers _ Outside of the Village Ceremony Hall *Speakers _ Atsushi Fujioka / Board of Global Network, Director of the Media & Resource Sector, Kyoto Museum
Ritsumeikan University, Japan
_ Gun-Britt M채kitalo / Women for Peace, Sweden _ Michael Rutkowski / PhD at Yonsei University on astrophysics (TBD)
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인사말 2
환영인사 데이브 웹 / 글로벌네트워크 의장
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Welcome Speech2
Dave Webb / Chairman of the Global Network
Good afternoon, everyone and thank you Mayor Kang for your warm welcome. Thanks too to the organising committee of the Jeju International Peace Conference for their hard work in putting this conference together; it's wonderful to be here - and a real pleasure to be with you and enjoy your famous hospitality. I would also like to thank all those who have travelled a long way to get here. I know how busy everyone is - I think it is significant, and a clear indication of how important this place is at this time, that so many people have come from so far. So then, welcome everyone to the Global Network's "International Annual Space Conference". We couldn't be in a better place to mark the 20th year of organising to keep space for peace and to help build a safer and a more peaceful world. It is a great honour for me to be here with you in the Park of Peace at the heart of such an inspiring campaign. The world has come to know of the passion and the courage of the people of Gangjeong Village. This Island, this village and you villagers are at the heart of the global struggle for the right to live in peace, free from the shadow of war and the machines of war. And from space the war machines can cast huge shadows. The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space is a network of some 160 affiliated groups from the US, Europe, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia and of course Asia. Some of these are small local community groups, some are larger regional, national or even international organisations but they are all working for peaceful change and they all recognise the dangers of the growing militarization of space, the urgent need to reverse this and to keep space free from weapons and nuclear materials. During our 20 years of campaigning we have visited many communities around the world - in The United States, Canada, Germany, England, Australia, and we were in South Korea for the first time just 3 years ago. We have met with, talked to and learned from people working in campaigns centred in major cities such as New York, Washington, Melbourne, Seoul and Vancouver. But we have also joined smaller, locally based groups who can't and won't let the presence of a nearby contributor to war go unnoticed. These groups and these people act as the conscience
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of their communities - they know that, for us to survive, war has to be made obsolete and for that to happen the roots of war have to be challenged at every opportunity and wherever they exist. This means not only the ways by which war is fought but also the ways and means by which it is justified and enabled. Therefore, there could be no better place than here and no better time than now to hold our annual meeting and to focus on the problems of missile defence and the militarization of space. Thanks to the work of all of you here, the world is becoming more familiar with the ways in which the technologies of global military domination affect people. Because of your work, the ways in which communities, traditions and heritage are being wiped out to make way for the machines of war, are being questioned and challenged. At this conference we hope to be working together to share ideas and develop our strategies further to help us organise in this struggle. And we are all in for an amazing time at this conference! There are some wonderful people here with so much knowledge and experience and we have a fantastic opportunity to discuss the things that challenge our security, our quality of life and our very existence. Asia has been a particular focus of the Global Network for a while now and our campaigning message has been that the US is encircling Russia and China with missile 'defense' systems that are key elements in the Pentagon's hegemonic programmes. President Obama's deployment of US Navy Aegis destroyers, built in the US at Bath Iron Works in Maine, where Bruce has his home, and armed with SM-3 missiles throughout Asia region, and to be stationed here, in your home, are hardly positive steps towards a more secure and peaceful world. The US and NATO joint installations of ground-based Patriot interceptors in Central and Eastern Europe and the large number of US support bases around the world (such as Menwith Hill and Fylingdales, near my home in North Yorkshire, England) are increasing international tension and are among the greatest threat to world peace. Russia has already threatened to pull out of the recently signed Strategic Arms Reduction treaty (so called New START) and increase its nuclear arsenal in response to US missiles being stationed so close to its borders in Europe. And these missile deployments will be directed by space technology controlled from the US through its military bases around the world. And the importance of space technology to the war-fighter is increasing. Currently we are seeing the distinct possibility of an imminent war in Iran; the war and occupation of Afghanistan is continuing and there are increasing numbers of civilians being systematically murdered by armed drones in Pakistan. These activities are all made possible by space technology. Whether it is for surveillance, intelligence gathering (in other words,
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spying), communication, command or control, space satellites and ground based stations are crucial parts of this global network centric warfare system. It is so important therefore that the resistance to these activities also be networked - "together we are a force more powerful" and that is why we are all here. This Global Network Conferences give us all the opportunity of getting to know a few more people from around the world - to exchange information and share our concerns, our understanding and our knowledge and work together to prevent an arms race in outer space. It is so obvious to the vast majority of people on the planet that the huge sums of money spent on fighting wars and killing or planning to kill people could be much better spent on finding sustainable solutions to climate change, providing food, shelter and proper health and education facilities for all of us and for repairing and protecting our planet from the damage that we have caused. It is a formidable task to create this change but one that has to be tackled. Luckily, there are so many wonderfully inspiring and uplifting people involved in this work some are well known but many are not and all of them deserve our thanks and recognition. To conclude, I would like to thank again everyone who has helped to put this conference together with very little resources and at a hugely difficult time for them. And I hope you will forgive me if I mention just one person - the coordinator of the Global Network, Bruce Gagnon, for his inspiring work, his magnificent blogs and wonderful speeches that continue to carry forth the crucial messages of our campaign. I know you will agree that he has done so much to bring the possible destruction of Gangjeong Village to the attention of the rest of the world. Finally, I hope you all have a wonderful and productive conference - I look forward to meeting and talking with you and working with you on how to mobilise and organise to face the huge challenges ahead. Thank you. (Dave webb is a convener of the Global Network and chair of the UK Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament)
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인사말 3
강정마을에 생명평화의 꽃을 피우게 합시다 도법스님
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Welcome Speech3
Let's Make the Flower of Life and Peace Bloom in Gangjeong Do-Beop
Whenever I've had chances to talk about this issue, I have emphasized that the tragedy of the April 3 massacre should not happen again, especially not in Jeju. I pray for Jeju to be recognized as an island of life and peace where many forms of life can prosper in peace. Historically Jeju has been an island of suffering. With a hope to heal the pain and grow the seeds of peace, the '100 Days Pilgrimage for Life and Peace Association' took its first steps in Jeju. However, the situation in Gangjeong is drifting further away from my wishes. The news I hear from the main media and the voice I hear from concerned friends are all gloomy. The navy and the police are enforcing the base's construction more aggressively than ever. They fenced off the rocky coast around Gureombee, the public water area. The villagers, activists and religious leaders who are against the base are resisting the base desperately. The conflict between the pro-base and anti-base is getting worse making incidents such as police arrests, confinement, blockade and judicial actions exceedingly common. I was born and grew up in Jeju. I lost my father due to the tragedy of April 3. What is the tragedy of April 3? Survival meant death for others. Life-or-death was viciously divided by the calculation of right-or-left. Thinking such a tragedy can happen again in Jeju makes my heart sink. You should not seek the origin of the conflict as coming from the government, navy and Gangjeong village. Jeju citizens need to see this problem as of their own and carry on their actions. Regardless if you are progressive or conservative, all Jeju citizens need to talk about this issue. Similar kind of conflicts are happening again and again because Jeju citizens are not unifying their will and power.
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The naval base issue in Gangjeong is not limited to Jeju. When the conflicts arising from the base are solved, Jeju can truly become the Island of World Peace contributing its spirit of peace to global peace community. The hopeful future, a dream that we share, can not come true if you neglect the destruction of Gangjeong's community. What do you think the souls of April 3 victims really wish? I believe, they wish to see the spirit of life and peace spread all over. What do you think the Gangjeong villagers wish? They wish to end the conflict and make their homeland a village of life and peace. It's time for us to unite our hearts and minds to make their wish come true. I, hereby ask you all participants of today's conference to pray for Gangjeong. The once peaceful village of Gangjeong can be a village where the flower of peace and life bloom again. Only peace can achieve peace. Thank you.
Do-Beop Chairman of Hwa-Jaeng Committee, Korean Buddhist Jogye Order Feb. 24. 2012 (Translated by Han Chesoon)
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Welcome Speech3
ガンジョン村に生命平和の花を咲かせましょう 道法 大韓佛敎曹溪宗 和諍委員會長
私は何度も、機会あるごとに、少なくとも韓半島で済州島だけは4.3のような悲劇が二度と 起こらないような土地にして、多くの命が平和に生きる生命平和の島として守られ、育てら れるように願っていると訴えてきました。つまりこの美しいガンジョン村が生命平和の村に もう一度新たに生まれるように願っているのです。 昨年、生命平和結社100日巡礼の最初の目的地を済州島にしたのも、済州島は平和の島で、 苦痛の土地であるから、平和の意味を再確認し、生命平和の種を芽生えさせる具体的な動き を済州で始めようとしたのが私の願いでした。 しかし、状況 はますますこのような 私の 願 いと 遠 くなってきて います 。新聞 や放送 を通 じ
て 、 または 知人 たちの 懸念 する 声 を 通 して 聞 いた 便 りや 、 ガンジョン 村 から 発信される ニュース、すべては憂鬱なことばかりです。
るために 命がけで抵抗 しています 。 警察 と 活動 している 人々 の 間では 、摩擦 が起 こって 逮 捕、監禁、封鎖、司法処理などの形で事態が生じています。
私は済州島で生まれて幼年時代を過ごしました。そして4.3悲劇で父親を亡くしました。4.3 悲劇は何だったのですか。右と左に分けて、自分が生きるためには相手を殺さなければなら ないという生死決断の葛藤がもたらした惨劇ではないでしょうか。4.3悲劇のようなつらい 経験をもつ済州島で、またこのような痛みが再現するかもしれないと思うと切なく惨めな気
持ちになります。 我々は海軍基地をめぐって対立が生じた根本的な原因を、政府と海軍、ガンジョン村だけ
に見出そうとしてはいけません。まず、済州道民は、この問題を全済州道民のこととして考 えて行動する必要があります。済州知事をはじめ、進歩と保守を問わず皆、道民の名前で海
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軍基地の問題を解決するように行動しなければなりません。道民の意志と力を合わせないか ら、このような葛藤が何度も発生します。
ガンジョン村はまた、済州道民だけの問題ではありません。海軍基地がもたらした軋轢を 解消し、済州島 が平和 の島 として守られていく時 、韓 国 、さらに韓半島全体 が生命平和 の
に破壊されることを無視したり放置したままでは、韓半島のすべての人にとって希望に満ち た未来は実現できません。
4.3英霊の願いは何でしょうか。彼らの願いは、生命平和の世界が実現することです。現 在ガンジョン村の住民たちの願いは何でしょうか。早く葛藤と対立を終わらせて、生命平和
の故郷を取り戻すことでしょう。この念願と願いの中から解決方法を見出せるように皆が力 を合わせなければなりません。
生きる美しい村になるように、国際平和大会に参加したすべての方々が、強く願い、祈って ください。私は平和だけが平和を実現することができると信じています。ありがとうござい ます。 2012년 2월24일 プロフィール 現在 ~ 大韓佛敎曹溪宗 和諍委員會長 2004 ~ 生命平和托鉢巡礼団団長 1998 ~ 帰農専門学校校長 1995 ~ 南原 實相寺住職 1965 ~ 出家 2005年から 5年間 生命平和托鉢巡礼団団長として全国を巡礼し、2011年 3月 生命平和結
社の生命平和 100日巡礼を済州道ガンジョン村から始めた。その後も済州道が平和な島にな るように力を入れている。
李 吉珠訳
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축사 강우일 주교
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Congratulatory Speech
U-IL Kang Bishop of Jeju
On behalf of the people of Jeju it is a great joy and privilege for me to welcome all of you, especially those who came from abroad to this significant gathering for World Peace in Jeju. For centuries Jeju had been an island of exile where political prisoners or those condemned as rebels were deported and it has also been a land of isolation for the islanders since they were prohibited to go out of the island. And in this island there happened a massacre for the period of 6 years since April 3, 1948, where over 30,000 people were massacred by the State military forces. They killed more than 10% of the whole population of the island. Disregarding this old and deep wound and suffering of local people, Korean government now wants to construct a Naval Base in this island, which could jeopardize not only the peace of East Asia but also of the whole world. This construction plan would certainly destroy the nature and the beautiful sea which is best protected in Korean peninsula. The basic reasoning of the government for the construction of this new military base is that they perform a state policy for the sake of national security. They detain or prosecute people who make protest against this project charging them for interference of state official performance. By the name of the State they oppress people who appeal for the peace. They think that whatever they do in the name of the State is always justified. But during the last 20th century it has been always the State itself which carried out inhuman wars sacrificing several millions of innocent lives. Namely it was the State that committed the most terrifying crime in the history. Precisely speaking, only few leaders who took political power taking advantage of the ideology of Nationalism made the most cruel decision and massacred innocent civilians indiscriminately whether they were old or young, men or women, adult or children. The war did not bring any good to the world. They only exterminated so many precious human lives. And the Korean government tries to build a new military base again for the purpose of carrying out war against a virtual enemy.
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The population of Jeju covers only 1% of South Korean people. And the population of Kangjong is less than 0.3% of Jeju islanders. But for the last 5 years this tiny community, less than 1000 people fought against the Defense Ministry and the powerful politicians of ruling party. It has been really a difficult and lonely struggle. They did not give up this lonely struggle only because they were supported and accompanied by a small group of people who love peace and sacrifice themselves for this purpose. During the last 5 years these few activists kept resisting to block this construction sometimes crawling under the truck or holding on to an excavator or clinging to a barge. Because of their suffering and perseverance several people outside of Jeju began to realize this lonely struggle against unjust authority and started to take part together in their fight. I am so proud and happy that many not only of Korea but also of other countries who realize the value of peace do not hesitate to take part in this struggle with the people of Kangjong. I sincerely would like to express my grateful sentiments to these companions who are concerned about Kangjong and who sincerely wish to contribute something to promote an authentic peace in the world. I am confident that we could safeguard the peace of Kangjong as well as the peace of Asia in solidarity with companions of peace of different countries. Once again, on behalf of the people of Jeju I would extend my heartfelt gratitude for your presence, sharing, and your solidarity.
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Congratulatory Speech
遠い国からこの小さな島である済州へこられた皆様に心から感謝の言葉を申し上げたいと思 います。済州は、何世紀も前から罪人が流される流刑地でした。また 数百年間もの間、島
境に汚染されていない済州の美しい海を破壊して、北東アジアの平和を脅かす新たな軍事基 地を建設しようとしています。
海軍基地を建設しようとする人々の唯一の論拠は、国家安全保障のための国策事業という点 にあります。彼らはこの基地建設に反対する人々を公務執行妨害という罪名で連行して起訴
政府は国の名のもとに行いさえすれば、すべてが正当化されると思っています。しかし、20 世紀になってから、多くの国が罪もない人々の命を犠牲にする戦争を起こしました 。国家
性、子供までをも虐殺しました。しかし戦争は何。 も解決しませんでした ただ尊い人間の生 命を無差別に奪っただけです。ここ済州島で、政府は再び戦争のための基地を作ろうとして います。 済州の人口は韓国全体の1%で、ガンジョン村の住民は、済州人口の0.2%にすぎません。彼
らは過去5年間、韓国の国防部と与党政治家たちと戦ってきました。 それはつらくて孤独な 戦いでした。それでも5年間続けられたのは、平和を愛する何人かの少数の善意をもった
人々がガンジョン村の孤独な戦いを知って訪ねてきて、一緒に戦ってくれるようになりまし た。韓国だけでなく、他の国でも平和のために働く方々が一緒に戦ってくれるようになりま
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기조 연설1
군사기지에 반대하여 지속되는 영국의 비폭력 투쟁들 앤지 젤터 / 평화 환경 운동가
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. 1) '핵잠수함 트라이던트를 평화의 쟁기로 바꾸자'는 취지로 활동하는 단체로서 영국의 트라이덴트 핵무기 체계를 비폭 력, 공개, 평화적 그리고 책임감있는 방식으로 해체하자는 운동
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Faslane 3652) (Faslane)
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2) 아가일 앤 뷰트(Argyll an Bute, 스코틀랜드의 한 지역)의 평화 캠프로 Faslane 해군기지 옆에 위치하고 있다.(1982 년 6월 12 이후)
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Keynote Speech1
The continuing nonviolent struggles against military bases in the UK Angie Zelter / peace and environmental campaigner
The UK espouses freedom, human rights and democracy but actually undermines these by supporting repressive regimes, selling them weapons, and engaging in military intervention. It has the third largest defence budget in the world1) and still pursues a colonialist foreign policy, prepared to use military force to gain access to natural resources2). We not only have many military bases of our own but since the 2nd World War we have had US bases3) . In the 1980's4)
4) 5)
there were over a hundred US military bases.5)
The British Armed Forces are a purely professional force and as of November 2011 have a strength of 189,560 regular and 37,600 volunteer reserve personnel. This gives a combined component strength of 227,160 personnel. In addition there were 174,800 regular reserves from all services of the British Armed Forces. The British Armed Forces constitute the second largest military in the in terms of professional personnel. Britain has the in the world....Only the and have larger defence expenditures, whilst has a comparable expenditure. Military Spending: the top ten :- 2010 (US$, at 2010 prices and exchange rates). 1. USA $698bn; 2. China $119bn; 3. UK $59.6bn; 4. France $59.3bn; 5. Russia $58.7bn; 6. Japan $54.5bn; 7. Saudi Arabia $45.2bn; 8. Germany $45.2bn; 9. India $41.3bn; 10. Italy $37bn. Source: SIPRI. See for instance Mark Curtis 'Web of Deceit' where he describes Britain as 'a systematic violator of international law and ethical standards in its foreign policy - in effect, an outlaw state. It is a key ally of some of the world’s most repressive regimes that is consistently condoning, and sometimes actively aiding, human rights abuses. During a so-called ‘war against terrorism’, Britain is in fact one of the world’s leading apologists for, and supporters of, state terrorism by allies responsible for far more serious crimes than Al Qaida or other official threats. And, in the era of globalisation, Britain … is championing a fundamentalist economic ideology that is promoting the increasing takeover of the global economy by big business'. The UK invited the US during the 2nd World War to station its aircraft in Britain to support the bombing of Germany. Some of these US forces remained and became part of the rapid build-up in Britain of US forces, especially nuclear bombers, during the early years of the Cold War. It was in 1946 that Britain decided without public debate to modify five Royal Air Force bases to accommodate US nuclear bombers. At the height of the Cold War. There are still US bases in the UK as well as sites for missile defence, communications and spying operations. According to Hansard, 5 January 2004, US forces were based at 35 sites in Britain in 2004, occupying about 10 square miles. Of these sites, six are one square mile or larger and four host more than 1000 US personnel each. All US bases in Britain are advertised as Royal Air Force facilities. In addition, two large US bases on British island territories provide the US with a presence in strategically significant locations - the South Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean.
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I made a banner at that time, with the UK shape cut out of a US flag and a big runway down the middle of it with US planes taking off. I used to take it to demonstrations at Lakenheath which is still the largest US facility in the UK. Covering almost 3 square miles and with over 5,000 personnel it is larger than the biggest British Air Force base6). Until recently the US kept 100 nuclear bombs there. Local people sustained nonviolent resistance over many years, with demonstrations, vigils, camps and fasts - at times it felt we were getting nowhere but we continued. We regularly entered the base, cycled on the runways and reclaimed the public footpaths. It seems likely that our actions contributed to the last of the US nuclear bombs in the UK being withdrawn from Lakenheath7)
in 2008, as a secret internal US Air Force review stated
that its nuclear arsenal in Europe was 'poorly guarded'8). The UK's own nuclear weapons9), based on Trident submarines, are currently being modernised in contravention of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Thus our peace movement works against both UK and US military bases and against nuclear weapons and against the current wars we are involved in. Despite our long history of nonviolent struggles and a few minor victories, we still have far to go, because we are working within a very strong war culture, backed up by a morally deficient profit-driven economic structure10). So what has the UK peace movement been doing over the last decades and what have we learnt? We
demonstrations, street theatre, petitions, letter writing, lobbies of Parliament and vigils. Some of these have been done by small numbers of people in villages and some by hundreds of thousands of people in large cities or at the bases. 6) At Brize Norton. 7) http://www.fas.org/blog/ssp/2008/06/us-nuclear-weapons-withdrawn-from-the-united-kingdom.php 8) US says its nuclear arsenal in Europe is poorly guarded. Air force finds inadequate security at most bases. Most American bases in Europe where nuclear weapons are stored have inadequate security, a secret internal US air force review has found. The report, which was ordered after the US air force lost track of six nuclear cruise missiles last August, found that "support buildings, fencing, lighting and security systems" were in need of repair. The Guardian, Thursday June 26, 2008 http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jun/26/usforeignpolicy.nuclear?gusrc=rss&feed=worldnews 9) The UK started its nuclear weapons programme in 1940 and tested its first nuclear weapon in October 1952 becoming the 3rd nuclear weapon state. We now have around 200 nuclear weapons, based on a nuclear powered Trident submarine system. They are based at Faslane in Scotland. 10) See the introduction on page xvii of 'Faslane 365 - a year of anti-nuclear blockades' edited by Angie Zelter. ISBN-1-906307-61-X. The military-industrial complex is causing the break down of many of the planetary ecological and biological systems - and these are issues that need our urgent attention too but which are inextricably linked.
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The famous marches between London and Aldermaston11) took place from the 1950s.
their height12) they informed and mobilised tens of thousands of people and received plenty of media attention. But I believe we have been most effective when we have sustained nonviolent civil resistance that impedes 'business as usual'. One such well known example was the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp that was set up in 1981 to protest the presence of US nuclear cruise missiles13). A few women camped there permanently, but many thousands visited joining the resistance. The actions were diverse, from 30,000 of us holding hands14) around the 6 mile15) perimeter of the base, to a couple of women cutting the fence to creep into the base, to leafleting the soldiers quarters, painting peace slogans in high security areas, or dancing on the nuclear missile silos. There were countless incursions into the base as well as blockades and hundreds of arrests each year. The court cases were inspiring with women from all backgrounds representing themselves polite women quietly explaining why they had broken the law; poetic women reading their verses or singing; silent women;
screaming despairing women; some refusing to stand for the
judge's entrance or lecturing the judiciary on the ills of nuclear weapons; some praying. Many were sent to prison for contempt of court or for refusing to pay fines. The wonderful diversity was a strength in itself. The local judges needed special briefings on how to deal with these persistent disobedient women. The last missiles left the base in 1991 after the signing of the INF Treaty16). Many believe this was a direct result of the sustained resistance of the women. The base was completely closed in 1993 and the land returned to the people.
11) Aldermaston is the place where UK nuclear weapons are made. The distance from London to Aldermaston is 52 miles, or roughly 83 km. 12) In the early 1960s . 13) See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenham_Common_Women%27s_Peace_Camp Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp was a peace camp established to protest at nuclear weapons being sited at RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire, England. The camp began in September 1981 after a Welsh group, Women for Life on Earth, arrived at Greenham to protest against the decision of the British government to allow cruise missiles to be based there. The first blockade of the base occurred in May 1982 with 250 women protesting, during which 34 arrests were made. The missiles were removed in 1991 and the last woman left the camp in 2000 when it was transformed into a park and a commemorative site was set up. http://www.greenhamwpc.org.uk/ 14) This took place on the 12th December 1982, 15) 9.7km 16) Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.
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During the same period, the Snowball Campaign17) started with three people cutting one strand of the wire fence around another US base at Sculthorpe. We each committed to finding new people to join in every month so that the actions snowballed. The cutting was done openly with the press and police informed beforehand. We wrote an action pack so others could copy the idea and do it at their own local US base. The campaign continued for three years with around 2,800 people taking part at 42 different military sites in Britain, adding their voices to the growing tumult against illegal and unethical weapons of mass destruction. Alongside the actions were public meetings to debate how and why normally law-abiding citizens were committing 'criminal damage'18). These actions strengthened people's resistance as they worked together to overcome their fears of arrest, imprisonment, and getting a criminal record. They also learnt to think through the connections between morality and law, and why it may be justified to destroy property belonging to the state and military when that property is protecting criminal preparations for war crimes. However, there was a split in the peace movement between those willing to risk arrest and those who wanted to remain safely within the law. I believe our movement is now a little wiser and more able to allow room for diverse strategies19). The rich history of the past continues to inform us as we develop and continue the task of disarmament. Present day peace camps, like Aldermaston and Faslane20) continue to provide a focus for protest and a steady stream of people monitoring what is going on inside the bases. They
then put in objections to buildings and developments on the bases21) and provide
information to groups like Nukewatch22) who track and block the nuclear convoys that transport nuclear warheads from one site to another by road. Damaging
development. In 1998 Trident Ploughshares23) started with a challenge to the UK Government to implement international law by disarming all British nuclear weapons or the campaign's 17) 'Snowball - the story of a nonviolent civil disobedience campaign in Britain' edited by Angie Zelter and published by Gandhi in Action in 1990. 18) 'Criminal damage' was the charge against Snowballers who cut the fence. 19) As long as they are always nonviolent. 20) See http://www.cnduk.org/campaigns/no-to-trident/peace-camps 21) Any new building work requires local government planning permission and the public can put in objections and these have sometimes succeeded. It relies on local people taking note of planning applications an informing the rest of the peace movement of what to do and when to do it. 22) http://www.nukewatch.org.uk/spot.php 23) http://www.rightlivelihood.org/trident_speech.html
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members would do it themselves. Disarmament actions have ranged from blockades, to fence-cutting, swimming onto the submarines and destroying equipment,
dismantling a
research laboratory, disabling military vehicles, painting War Crime Warnings on military equipment and handing out leaflets to military base workers urging them to 'Refuse to be a War Criminal'. We make sure our plans, motivations and organisational structures are open and accountable to the public, the government and military through our web-site, which contains the names of our pledgers and supporters. We write regular open letters to the Government, and our Tri-Denting It Handbook24) explains how to safely and nonviolently disarm a nuclear submarine. During the last 14 years there have been over 2,500 Trident Ploughshares arrest s25). One of the most effective actions was that of two women who swam26) and then climbed aboard a submarine27) dismantling testing equipment that delayed, by several months, its departure to the US to collect its missiles28). Then in 1999 I joined two other women and drove a boat over a lake to the
laboratory that keeps Trident submarines acoustically invisible. We cut electricity wires, damaged fixed equipment, and emptied computers and documents into the lake. We had cleaned out the whole laboratory before a police boat arrived to arrest us. After five months in prison we explained in a month-long court case, that we were entitled to do this under international law. The judge agreed with us and we were released from prison. The judge had not only cleared us of criminal intent but had pointed out the criminality of the British nuclear forces. Our acquittal caused a political and legal furore that led to the High Court
examining the
legal issues around Trident in an attempt to prevent any other judges from acquitting in the future. This gave us an unprecedented opportunity to indict the UK government defence policy at the highest levels29). The debate continues to rage after an appalling opinion by the High Court that incorrectly stated international law. The legal arguments are now in the public 24) http://www.tridentploughshares.org/article1081 25) The ensuing court cases have raised public awareness as we name nuclear weapons as terroristic murder machines and state that the law is not worthy of any respect if it sanctions state blackmail and mass destruction. 26) They swam into the docks at Barrow where the Trident submarines are built. 27) The submarine HMS Vengeance. 28) Their stories and many others are told in the book 'Trident on Trial' by Angie Zelter. ISBN 1-84282-004-4. 29) The whole story is told in 'Trident on Trial' by Angie Zelter. ISBN 1-84282-004-4.
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domain and even police and armed forces personnel are beginning to question the legality of their 'protection' of nuclear weapons. It has been deeply embarrassing for the UK that peaceful, unarmed citizens have argued so coherently that these weapons are illegal and immoral, do not protect them, and have shown how easily they can penetrate 'secure' bases and damage military equipment in such an open manner. Just before travelling to this conference I was at a meeting with the legal advisers to the Scottish Government where we were discussing how Scotland can use the law to get the UK to remove its nuclear weapons from Scotland. Similar arguments30) might be able to be used here in Jeju to prevent the US basing nuclear weapons here. Another recent campaign, Faslane 365,
supported people to sustain civil resistance at Faslane
by organising blockades on a daily basis over a whole year, to make our opposition to Trident Replacement visible and to provide the political pressure for change in a year when the Scots would hold an election that might bring an anti-Trident Party into power. Our civil resistance helped that to happen and the current Scottish Government is committed to getting rid of nuclear weapons. Our blockades that had disrupted the submarine base for months before the election increased awareness of the financial and environmental costs of deployment and highlighted the illegality and immorality of the renewal of Trident. We covered 192 days, mobilising many thousands of demonstrators leading to the arrest of over 1,200 blockaders31). As usual we had sent out Resource Packs with maps, logistical information, guidance on how to blockade and we also organised nonviolence trainings and provided legal support. But more importantly we went out to groups up and down the country encouraging them to sign the rota to take responsibility for 2 days of blockading and to link up their issues with the nuclear base32). Being just one part of an ongoing blockade made it 30) The core of our argument is very straightforward. Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction and thus cannot be used with any precision or any pretence at righting any wrong. Their use is basically mass murder on a catastrophic scale with the potential for escalation to the use of thousands of nuclear weapons, which could put an end to all life on earth. Law is based upon ethical values and is respected in so far, and only in so far, as it conforms to common human morality. Governments, soldiers and armed forces gain their legitimacy and power from the law and thus the law is of immense importance to them. The only thing that distinguishes a soldier from a common murderer is that he has been given legal permission to do certain kinds of killing on behalf of society. This legalised killing is meant to be carefully controlled by laws - the most important of which are international humanitarian laws, which outlaw indiscriminate mass murder. Also see 'Trident and International Law - Scotland's Obligations', edited by Angie Zelter and Rebecca Johnson. Luath Press Limited. 2011. ISBN 1-906817-24-3. 31) For more details on how this campaign was organised see the book 'Faslane 365 - a year of anti-nuclear blockades', edited by Angie Zelter. ISBN 1-906307-61-X 32) Faslane365 mobilised groups working on important current issues to come up to Faslane and make the links with nuclear weapons. We reminded people that the UK Government was so busy spending our money
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easier for groups to feel it was worth the long journey and expense involved in getting to Scotland. We had 131 civil society groups taking part, ranging from
Palestinian Solidarity groups33);
Health Professionals34); Environmentalists35); and Refugee Supporters36). There were thirteen international groups,37) including Spaniards who poured red paint all over themselves, and the Scandinavians who used lock-ons and tripods. Fifteen different religious groups took part, blocking the entrances with their prayers. Musicians, dancers, actors and writers all had their special blocks, as did teachers and lawyers. Academics even held a seminar in the road and presented well researched papers to their students. The youngest to actually blockade and get arrested was 13 years old and the oldest was 89. The variety of groups showed massive public support and also kept the press interested. The courts and legal system would have been overwhelmed by the numbers and therefore few were arrested or had to go to court. Our blockading techniques became quite sophisticated with arm tubes of many different materials being experimented with to ensure that the police cutting teams took a long time to remove us. We have also used cars and caravans to block entrances. We have learnt over the last few years that the active support of people from other countrie s38) has increased our visibility and effectiveness, but that local support and solidarity is vital and wasting the world's resources on building up military capabilities that they were failing to address the most serious challenges facing the world. We asked groups, 'Of what conceivable use are nuclear weapons against the real mass destruction that threatens our security and the lives of millions: the oil-and-industry-driven heating of the planet; destruction of our habitat and environment; and the institutionalised poverty that destroys the hopes and lives of thousands each day?' We felt that nuclear weapons represented a quick and violent `fix' to complex threats and challenges epitomising the abuses of power and skewed values that fuel terrorism and the growing levels of violence in our homes and on our streets. 'Trident', we claimed, 'is thus inextricably related to a wide range of economic, humanitarian, peace and justice issues.' We explained that the yearlong blockade of the Faslane nuclear base would start on 1st October 2006 providing an opportunity for a wide range of people to oppose the deployment and replacement of Trident, while simultaneously highlighting the important issues they were working on, such as poverty, human rights, peace, environment, globalisation, economic equity and social justice. We argued that, 'Bringing together the people and organisations working for a better world will help to expose the myriad crimes and distortions wrought by the nuclear mentality and globalised dominance of military-industrial corporations.' 33) Which made the links between Western support for Israeli nuclear weapons and the illegal Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. 34) Emphasising the waste of resources and health impacts of the whole nuclear chain. 35) Making links between military and civil nuclear power and radioactive pollution across the world. 36) Making links between wars and refugees. 37) Mostly from other European countries but some from as far away as Japan and the US. 38) Thus we have now formed a European wide anti-militarist network and support each others actions when
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to provide logistical and longer term court and prison support. To prevent the frequent 'burn out' we were experiencing we are also encouraging more 'autonomy'39). There are no easy ways to prevent the continuing militarisation of our societies. It takes time, effort and long-term commitment. But many of us are now working, connecting our individual struggles into a combined global movement. This is why I am so honoured to join you here for a month to learn from your brave resistance in Jeju and to share experiences with you all. Thank-you.
appropriate. 39) We provide tools and trainings and encourage 'affinity groups' to become more self-sufficient in their actions rather than relying upon a core group of organisers to sort out the logistics and provide long-term support.
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기조 연설2
4.3에서 강정까지 제주 평화의 정신을 말한다 고희범 / 제주포럼C 공동대표
4.3 .
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Keynote Speech2
Jeju's Spirit of Peace from April 3 Massacre to Gangjeong Resistance Koh, Hee-bum / co-representative of Jeju-Forum C Beginning on April 3rd, 1948, in the early part of the Cold War, Jeju island became a hell on earth. Over the next several years, a brutal massacre led by the Korean government killed approximately 30,000 innocent citizens, roughly 1/9 of Jeju's entire population at the time. The severe conflict was primarily motivated by rival political groups, some advocating for separation from the Soviet administered Northern part of the country and some for unification of the entire Korean peninsula. The bloody suppression led by forces under Lee, Seung-Man and supported by U.S. forces displayed an extreme animosity to communism. The then Chief of Police affairs, Jo, Boung-Ok's comment well reflects the mindset of the government, "If it's for the sake of Korea, we'd better pour gasoline all over Jeju and burn all the 300,000 Jeju citizens all at once." The government led suppression involved setting fire to mountain villages, and indiscriminate killing of men and women, young and old, under the so-called 'scorched earth' campaign. The brutality and the violation of human rights went beyond imagination. They would execute an old mother and her son in law after ordering them to have sex, and do terrible things after hanging up pregnant women. This bloody suppression happened under the influence of the U.S. military in Korea as part of the U.S. geo-political strategies for Korea at the time. U.S. policy was seeking to contain communism during the Cold War, and the U.S. was not going to allow communism to gain control in Korea. The general election to establish an independent South Korean government was vetoed by only one province, Jeju. Colloquially referred to as April 3, the tragedy lasted for six years and six months. The survivors also suffered greatly during the unrest. The bereaved families could not get jobs because of the guilt-by-association. Jeju citizens had to go out of their way to prove that they
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were not communists and avoid persecution. April 3 became a taboo word. The college students who demanded a fact-gathering investigation and writers who wrote about April 3 were all arrested. No one could speak about April 3. After 50 years of Jeju's persistent 'memory struggle', special legislation regarding April 3 was established through the cooperation of Kim, Dae-Joong administration and some conscious personnel. Following this the government's fact-finding investigation started and a national report on August 3 has been made. With this foundation, the late president Roh, Moo-Hyeon officially apologized to the victims and the bereaved families of April 3 massacre. Jeju is designated as an Island of World Peace by the same government. April 3 Peace Foundation has been also established. It seemed that resolution of the April 3 horrors had arrived. Anxiously waiting Jeju citizens started to talk about peace and harmony wishing Jeju to become the symbol of peace and human rights for the world. The survivors and the bereaved did not demand the personal compensation, because the government convinced them that the national budget doesn't allow for the payment of enormous
compensation' of April 3 Peace Foundation. However, Lee, Myoung-Bak's administration rejected funding for the Foundation in violation of the previous administrations' April 3 resolutions.
fact-finding investigation and filed law suits to cancel president Roh's apology and the fact-finding investigation. Following these reversals, many people believe that April 3 has not ended. 60 years after April 3, the national government is once again forcefully imposing its will upon the Jeju people; this time in Gangjeong, Jeju. Under the banner of national security, the government is insisting on building a massive naval base in Jeju. The process of choosing the construction land and the cancellation of 'critically protected area' has proven to be illegal. Almost every process of the construction process bears illegitimacy. For six years the villagers have non-violently resisted the base project to protect the nature, peace and their rights for living. Traditionally Jeju is considered to be one of the most community oriented regions in Korea. However, the once peaceful Gangjeong community is now completely destroyed, split into two groups of pro-base and anti-base. The government has arrested the anti-base villagers and peace activists and imposed on them heavy fines. Two hundred villagers have been convicted of spurious crimes and have received more than \200 million in fines. The villagers have hard
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time carrying on with normal daily life, and their mental suffering requires psychological treatment. For the first time since the April 3, mainland police troops have been sent down to Jeju in order to arrest the anti-base people. The five opposition parties formed a congressional fact-finding investigation team and requested the government to re-examine the Jeju naval base overall. Peace activists from mainland of Korea, France, the United States and other countries have come to support Gangjeong. Because the navy has forced the construction without following proper conditions, the national congress has cut all the 2012 base budget in an effort to halt construction. However, the construction is still on-going. The destruction of beautiful rocky coast hurts the villagers and other empathizers. In hope that new political leadership will cancel the base project, everyone seems to be waiting for the coming election. Given geolographical location, Jeju has been historically considered a springboard for nearby nations seeking to expand their power. In the 13th century, Mongolia ruled Jeju for 100years in order to use it as a forward base to conquer Japan. During the 2nd Sino-Japanese War, Japan built an airport in Jeju for bombing China. During the 2nd World War, Japan used Jeju as a fortress island. In order to solidify its hegemony over Korea (and Northeast Asia), the U.S. implemented a containment policy of communism that became one of the driving forces behind the April 3 massacre. The navy's justification for building the Jeju naval base is to secure the water-way for trading goods in the Sea of Jeju, but this is not the navy's job. Korea's maritime police have this responsibility. Furthermore, this base will be equipped to accommodate the most advanced U.S. naval combat systems, which will hinder the peace in Northeast Asia. In seeking to maintain a perceived balance of power in the region, the U.S wants Korea to be a part of their missile defense system, which specifically targets China. China wants to expand its influence within the Asia Pacific region. According to the U.S-Korea joint defense treaty, it is acceptable for the U.S to use Jeju naval base for their military benefit. In this case, regardless of the Korea's will, the Jeju naval base will be in the middle of U.S.-Chinese tensions. Despite their harsh environment, Jeju citizens have lived peacefuly. Traditionally in Jeju there were
three-no-existences. For 1,000 years Jeju independently determined its own destiny with establishment of Tamna Kingdom. Jeju is designated as the World Natural Heritage, the World
- 50 -
Geological Park, Biosphere Reserve Zone by UNESCO making Jeju is the only tripple crowned place on earth. We want Jeju, the treasure of the world, to remain as the symbol of world peace rather than a symbol of a new cold war. We want to declare that Jeju is the island of peace and human rights, not an island of war and death unforgettably ingrained in the history of April 3, the worst tragedy of modern history of Korea. Before and since the April 3, U.S military intervention has severely affected Korea, and Jeju naval base issue is an extension of that same line. We do not want the naval base in Jeju. No matter whether the purpose of the naval base is to counter the expansionism of other countries, we do not want to be exposed to such dangers. We do not want foreign powers to decide our destiny. No one in the world can oppose our humble hopes, unless you are a warmonger. This international conference we are having today is very meaningful for it provides us an opportunity to discuss what do we need to do for peace and who do we need to constructively oppose. The naval base issue is critical to Jeju's destiny. It's up to all of us to make Jeju as the center of world peace or the center of cold war. Now is Gangjeong is asking you this. "What have you and the world learned from the lessons of the April 3?" (Translated by Han Chesoon)
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Keynote Speech2
4.3からガンジョンまで済州の平和の精神を語る 高 喜範 / 済州フォーラムC共同代表
と は
にガソリンを り いて をつけ、
の の
が え
る。 の にあった を やし、 ちゃんから わゆる
セックスを りして
した に
できないような は
の で
を かせ、 、
した、い の
と に った
も った。 われたのだが、これは
と がっている。
して を の
を って した
じ めるためのアメリカの
を に
はない。 の
するだけである と
を った。 ヶ
われた で
々 をも は
された。また、 や
について たちは
- 52 -
するためにあらゆることをしなければならなかったのである。 とは
れた 。 について
と を
のつらい によって が に
は、 が
なかった 。
が の
と の
で められた の
な は
の り
になるように った。
は、 と
に けて、
が ってから、
はまだ わっていないと うようになった。 が
の で する
に で、
は で
たちをそそのかして、 が められた。
の を は、
たちにとって で は
を め
に に
とされ、 らに
に み
を 、アメリカ
、 の
することに は
である。ガンジョン を
までガンジョン したが、
のどこよりも いガンジョンでは、
かれ、 の らを
を こし
ったまま、 して
を と
、 われる
している。 に
- 53 -
、モンゴルは た。
を は
したが 、 これは
するため 、
をするためであっ した 。 そして
して うことを
も った。 は、
なので、 った
ではないことは らかである。
の を
となることが ったミサイル
んでおり、 に
に を
を されること
しようとしている。 、アメリカはこの
を める れがある。
の で
ユネスコが の
といわれるが、これは と
、 しながら
の の
がないことを に
である。 になることを う。 に
すべきである。 アメリカの の
もまた 、 その
にある 。
あっても、または されることは まない。
によって まない。
々は、これ な
々 はアメリカが が
されるにしても、それによって 々の
するためで 々が
されることを の でも
はしないだろう。 の する
きる 々の は
アジアの さな である
を めさせる、
にかかっている。 でどのような
と うべきかを
がかかったとても 、また
、ガンジョンはこのように ねている。
を たのか と。
- 54 -
にす を
동아시아에서 미국의 군사전략과 하와이와 괌 미군 기지
브루스 K. 개그논 / 우주의 무기와 핵을 반대하는 글로벌네트워크 코디네이터
, . (Dave Webb) (Lynda Williams) .
(Pacific Command)
‘ '
. , Pacific Missile Range Facility(
. .
2,500㎢(1,100 square miles), 109,000㎢ (42,000 square miles)
. .
, MD .
“ -
, . .
? ? ?
- 55 -
. , . ,
2016 . , .
, .
, .
, .
. PAC-3(
) MD
. MD
, .
483 Km)
, 300
. ,
. ,
. ”
. , . , . ,
. ,
. (John Kirby)
- 56 -
. : “
. .” “ ,
, .
, “
(cooperative primacy)”
“ ”
. ,
. .
. , ,
, ” . ,
. (Geng Yansheng)
. : “
. ,
, .”
108 , .
1,000 ,
. .
- 57 -
. (Occupy movement)
, 1%
. . . .
; ; ; ,
, , . . . , .
. K. . . www.space4peace.org (
- 58 -
Presentation 1
United States' military strategy in the East Asia and U.S. military bases in Hawai'i and Guam Bruce K. Gagnon / Coordinator, Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
Let me begin by saying what an honor it is to be here on Jeju Island with all of you.
are happy to be able to show support for Gangjeong villagers and to bring the good wishes of our many friends back home. Dave Webb and I just came from Hawaii where we were joined by another Global Network board member, Lynda Williams, who is a physics teacher in California.
The three of us got
a tour of the island of Oahu where we learned more about the growing role of the Pentagon's Pacific Command that is headquartered there.
PACCOM, as it is called, is now in charge of
Obama's massive military "pivot" of U.S. foreign and military policy toward the Asia-Pacific region. While in Hawaii we also visited the island of Kauai, where Navy Aegis warships test their Missile Defense (MD) systems at the Pacific Missile Range Facility.
This base is the world's
largest training range. It is the only range in the world where subsurface, surface, air and space vehicles can operate and be tracked simultaneously.
There are over 1,100 square miles
of instrumented underwater range, and over 42,000 square miles of controlled airspace.
It is
clear that the Pentagon has big plans for the Asia-Pacific region. MD (really missile offense) is a key part of U.S. first-strike strategy.
If the U.S. were to
initiate a first-strike attack, MD is the "shield" that would be used to hit the retaliatory launches. Missile defense systems have also proven to be capable anti-satellite weapons and they are ultimately driving a new arms race with Russia and China. The Pentagon is now encircling Russia and China with MD systems.
- 59 -
Why Russia?
Could it
be because Russia has the world's largest supply of natural gas and significant supplies of oil? Why China?
The U.S. knows it can't compete with China economically.
more than 60% of its oil on ships.
But China imports
If the Pentagon can choke off China's ability to transport
these vital resources, then the U.S. would hold the keys to China's economic engine. Each year for the past several years, the U.S. Space Command has been computer war-gaming a first-strike attack on China, set in the year 2016.
The war game uses the new military
space plane that is now under development, and will be able to fly through space from one side of the world to the other in just under an hour. In this computer war game, the Pentagon launches an attack on China's nuclear forces. In reality, China has about 20 nuclear missiles capable of hitting the west coast of the U.S.
In the game, after the initial U.S.
attack on China's nukes, China fires its remaining retaliatory nuclear missiles.
It is then that
the Pentagon's MD systems, the shield, are used to destroy the remaining Chinese nuclear weapons. The Pentagon has positioned PAC-3 (Patriot) MD interceptors in Taiwan, in Japan, and in South Korea.
Aegis warships with MD systems are now or will soon be ported in Australia,
Japan, Guam, and South Korea.
The proposed Navy base here on Jeju Island, just 300 miles
from China's coastline, would become a strategic port for these Aegis destroyers and other warships. In recent years India, at the urging of the Pentagon, has created its own Space Command. Copying the provocative language from the U.S. Space Command, India has undertaken a crash program to build and test MD and anti-satellite systems.
India's role is to help with
this U.S. "containment" of China. Despite pressure to cut spending, President Obama has made clear that he will put a top priority on maintaining the U.S. military's dominant role in East Asia, which is evident in the following actions. The U.S. and the Philippines have just agreed to hold more joint military exercises and U.S. troops will frequently rotate through that country. In Australia, Obama recently announced that the U.S. would deploy 2,500 Marines in the northern city of Darwin by 2016. In Singapore, the U.S. Navy plans to forward-deploy littoral combat ships. Pentagon spokesman Captain John Kirby recently said: "We're going to rebalance our focus more to the Asia-Pacific, which is going to require a much more robust partnering program than we've had in the past with many nations in that region."
- 60 -
This means that islands like Okinawa, Guam, Jeju, the Philippines, and Hawaii would become further militarized in this so-called "partnering program" with the U.S. Pentagon. In a major report just released, the Center for a New American Security called for Washington to pursue a policy of "cooperative primacy" in the South China Sea. "Diplomatic and economic engagement with China and others will work better when backed by a credible military posture," the report reads. The South China Sea is considered one of the world's most valuable and strategic bodies of water. Long a rich fishing ground and now perhaps the world's single most important trading route, the South China Sea connects the Indian Ocean to the Western Pacific through the Strait of Malacca. The Obama administration maintains that the U.S. has a "national interest" in preserving freedom of navigation and open access in this region. The report says that to maintain U.S. control, Washington should reverse the decline of its Navy, and encourage its partners and allies in the region to strengthen their own military capabilities and establish new security arrangements with each other so that the cost of this increased militarization is shared among U.S. "strategic partners". The Chinese are watching all of these moves by the U.S. on the global chessboard and they are not happy about it. Chinese spokesperson Geng Yansheng had this to say in a statement last month: "There is a movement towards greater peace and stability across the Asia-Pacific region. "We urge the United States to follow the prevailing trend, take an objective and balanced view of China and its military and behave cautiously and in a manner conducive to developing good relations." Today, the U.S. has almost almost 1,000 military bases around the world, including 108 in Japan and 82 in South Korea.
To my knowledge, China has no significant military bases
outside of its borders. The U.S. cannot afford to play this global military game any longer.
Our social fabric in
North America is collapsing as the gap between rich and poor is rapidly widening.
all over our nation are organizing as part of the Occupy movement and are demanding an
- 61 -
end of control by the 1%.
We must call on the U.S. to close its military bases and return
its troops and weapons systems home.
We must call for the conversion of the war machine
to peaceful and sustainable production. The U.S. could prove its peaceful intentions by closing the Futenma base and withdrawing its entire military presence on Okinawa; by closing all its bases in Japan; by cancelling the multibillion-dollar base buildup on Guam and returning that island to the people; by ending its long military colonization of the Hawaiin Islands, by withdrawing its armed forces from South Korea and leaving north and south alone for real talks in reunification, and of course the U.S. should withdraw its support for the development of the naval base at Gangjeong village. All of these demands must be made by our peace movements over and over again and we must continue to find more ways to support one another.
Meetings like this help us expand
our global peace networks that will overtime counter the power of corporate globalization and its military arm that we have come to understand is none other than the U.S. Pentagon. Thank you.
Bruce K. Gagnon Coordinator Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space www.space4peace.org
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Presentation Presentation 1 2
For the Jeju-Okinawa solidarity to create the 'genuine peace' in northeast Asia Let us stand together to get the US Marines out of the Futenma US air base Toshio Takahashi / General secretary of Plaintiffs Group for FUTENMA US Marine Corps Airbase Noise Roaring Noise Pollution
1.<< In the beginning : Futenma- the road to the construction of the US bases in Okinawa>> Towards the end of the WW2, Okinawa became the last battle field between the U.S. and Japan.
Japan took the strategy of making Okinawa a sacrifice for the homeland defense as
well as for the maintenance of the State under the Emperor System, thus embroiling local civilians in Okinawa as its shield, while the U.S.military unleashed the all-out attack onto Okinawa in order to make it a beachhead for conquering the mainland of Japan. It was during those days when Japanese Imperial Army began routing faced with the overwhelming fighting power of the U.S. that the U.S. military began to construct a runway in Futenma as an air base for sallying out to the mainland Japan for bombardments.
were two different processes in the initial constructions of the U.S. bases in Okinawa in those days: one was the forcible commandeering of land from local people as was done in Futenma, and the other was just taking over some existing bases from the retreating Japanese Army, like the Kadena air base. Even after the unconditional surrender of Japan, followed by the official end of the WW2, the U.S. never relinquished its hold on Okinawa, keeping it under her military government there, as the forefront in East Asia of the Cold War, that is, an anticommunist fortress.
To this
day, it has been an obvious violation of the international law of war, humanitarian laws, and the U.N. Charter for the U.S. to keep using portions of land of Okinawa as her bases. However, there still are flags of the United Nations fluttering in the wind at three U.S.
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Okinawa bases : Futenma, Kadena, and White Beach.
Kadena air base http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%98%89%E6%89%8B%E7%B4%8D%E9%A3%9B%E8%A1%8C %E5%A0%B4
White Beach http://www3.pref.okinawa.jp/site/view/contview.jsp?cateid=14&id=603&page=1 As described above, the post-war Okinawa has been serving as the U.S. military 'keystone of the Pacific' from the Korean War to the Vietnam War era to the present days of the continued hostilities in East Asia and the Pacific. Thus, local residents in Okinawa have been victimized, for 67 years since the landing of the U.S. forces onto Okinawa, by numerous crimes and repetitive accidents on roads and from the sky by U.S. military personnel. Their natural environments have been continuously polluted by the U.S. forces in Okinawa, with cover-ups and without any investigation.
Hardly any day has gone by so far without the
U.S. forces' repeated criminal acts as if to trample down Okinawa, which in turn have kept ignited the oppositions of local people against them.
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDtEbxoK3o0 ( On Aug.13, 2004, a helicopter of U.S. forces crashed onto a building of an Okinawa university, with some of Strontium-90 in the containers on it flung out and spread.
parts of the broken helicopter' body fell onto the nearby area. ) This overbearing dominance of the U.S. forces, incurring intra-Okinawa political struggles with the whole residents in separate places and then the whole Okinawans involved, seeking for the solution of the U.S. base issues, has resulted in the frequent all-Okinawa protest rallies with around100, 000 people participating, as was seen in one for opposing to the relocation of the Futenma air station inside Okinawa April 25, 2010.
Still now, local struggles have
continued non-stop in the form of nonviolent vigils in the' tent village' at Henoko (since April 19, 2004) against the Futenma relocation plan, and in the tents at Takae (since Sep.2, 2008) against the construction of the U.S. helipads for deploying MV 22-Ospreys.
(right:) Henoko http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%BE%BA%E9%87%8E%E5%8F%A4 (left:) all-Okinawa rally, Apr.25,2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2E3yvSh7ko&feature=related
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Henoko tent village and part of the planned base construction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oMzJGO_kdw
2.<< Futenma air base constructed through forcible commandeering >>
detention houses http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%A1%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AB%E5%90%88 %E8%A1%86%E5%9B%BD%E3%81%AB%E3%82%88%E3%82%8B%E6%B2%96%E7%B8%84 %E7%B5%B1%E6%B2%BB
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The U.S. forces constructed the Futenma air station under its war-time occupation by shutting residents from the five villages including one at Guinowan, where there were the municipal office and the elementary school, into the detention houses, then illegally taking away from those people their houses and the land of rice paddies, crop fields, and their ancestral graveyards.
The property of the U.S.Futenma air station, which was thus and so
constructed by bulldozing illegally commandeered land beginning in April 1945 for the forthcoming bombardment onto the mainland Japan, has never got out of the military grip of the U.S. to this day.
Beneath the runway, there are remains of local residents victimized
during the battles and those of soldiers from both the countries, still unearthed and left to be trampled down. Also, the construction of the U.S. Futenma air base, with 91% of its land consisting of the private properties of the local residents, as their houses, family graveyards, traditional cultural assets including ancestral holy precincts, or for farming, forced such residents deprived of any means and cultural, spiritual bases of their living to live just outside the fences of the air base, with no choices other than beginning their impoverished post-war time life, surrounding the base as if to cling to the fences, unable to return to their houses and properties, that is, their genuine homeland.
Overall, 60 such villages in the entire group islands of Okinawa
have disappeared into the U.S. Okinawa bases.
3.<< the Korean War, the expansion of the U.S. bases in Okinawa>> From the early to the mid 1950s, triggered by the beginning of the Korean War, the U.S. began to construct some new bases for the relocation of its Marines to Okinawa, which rekindled separate opposition movements against the new forcible exploitation of land in various places including the island of Iejima, resulting in all-Okinawa protest movement called 'the entire Okinawa land struggle.'
However, the U.S. forces confronted the movement with
'bayonets and bulldozers', enforcing their destructive military base construction.
Almost all of
the U.S. bases in Okinawa which have remained to this day were constructed during this time.
Therefore, ever since, the U.S. bases in Okinawa have been strongly connected to the
situation on the Korean Peninsula. In the City of Ginowan, the land of Isa-hama(the Isa Beach) area was newly commandeered forcibly and was made into the Camp Foster. The rice paddies at the Isa Beach, especially noted for their beauty even in Okinawa, were buried with sea sand for the reason of rainbows occasionally happening there.
The U.S. soldiers forced out with their bayonets those
residents who refused to move out, and then, the bulldozers of the U.S. military flattened the
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houses before the eyes of their original owners.
houses in Isa-hama district on the verge of demolition
opposition sit-in by local women http://library.thinkquest.org/19981/data/text/tochisesshu-light-j.htm
Blue Peace http://kinnjyu.ti-da.net/e3512766.html "The World of Minoru Kinjo" (* Minoru Kinjo, born in 1939, is a Okinwan sculptor, famous with his abundant works featuring the' bayonets and bulldozers" days from his boyhood memories. )
4<<struggles by antiwar land owners to take back their land in the U.S. bases by refusing land use contract >> The land forcibly taken away from Okinawa people under edicts and official announcement s by the U.S. military government stationed in Okinawa was never returned even after the U.S. administrative rights over Okinawa was returned to Japanese central government on May, 15, 1972. Just prior to the return of Okinawa, Japanese government made a makeshift 'law on
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provisional use f public land in Okinawa' ( passage: Dec.31, 1971), extending for another 5 years the period of the mandatory use, as part of facilities for Japan to provide the U.S. military stipulated in a provision of the 'Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan' , of the land of Okinawan owners who refused to sign to allow the use. After the extended period was over, another extension of the mandatory use period was implemented in 1977 by another 'law on clarification of land register ( passage: May 18, 1977).
This new law was aimed at extending the provisional use period from the previous 5
years to 10 years. Then, in 1982, the Special Measure Law was enacted, which has been facilitating to this day the procedure of the mandatory use of land for the U.S. bases in Okinawa.
Those land
owners who refuse to provide their land, supported by peace movement groups, including the one-tsubo land owners (* 'tsubo' means the traditional term of the space of 3.3 square meters, an official standardization for spcatial measurement ), have continued their efforts against the mandatory use in the Expropriation Committee.
5<< 1995 rape incident and the solidarity exchanged between Okinawa and Korean citizens >> In 1995, three U.S. Marines in Okinawa abducted and raped a local Okinawan girl, which again ignited, among Okinawan people in wrath, a refreshed movement for the removal of the U.S. bases in Okinawa.
The then governor Ohta refused, representing land owners, to permit
the expropriation of land, which resulted in the expiration of the usage period of a plot of land in the U.S. military communication facility, so-called 'the cage for an elephant ", in the village of Yomitanson, originally owned by an anti-war land owner, Shoichi Chibana. Then Chibana, his family and supporters entered the facility for the opposition demonstration, a symbolic fighting effort, which gave big momentum to the' opposition movement to the mandatory use as the U.S.bases' of private properties in Okinawa, for the simultaneous expirations of the 20-year-long expropriation of all the plots of such land were to come on May, 1997.
Zoh-no-ori ( the cage of an elephant) in Yomitanson village, 2002 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A5%9A%E8%BE%BA%E9%80%9A%E4%BF%A1%E6%89%80
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Confronted with this culminated all-Okinawa civilian movement for the opposition to the U.S. Okinawa bases, both the administrations of the U.S. and Japan proposed and implemented between them ' Special Action Committee on Okinawa', the so-called SACO Agreement. Although this agreement has been propagandized as a plan for reducing the U.S bases in Okinawa, with the full return program of Futenma air station as its main pillar, it has a provision of constructing an alternative base of Futenma air station within Okinawa (at Henoko ) in the name of relocation.
Furthermore, although, under this agreement, the gross
area of the U.S. Okinawa bases is to be reduced by 20%, it is, in exchange, aimed at the integration and the upgrading into the state-of-art technologies of the existing bases and facilities in Okinawa. So, as the full content of the agreement came to be clear, both the administrations got stuck, faced with the continued and enhanced civil disobedience and all-Okinawa oppositions. Then, it was some Korean citizens who showed strong interest in this non-violent civil uprising in Okinawa, as they had the same issues deriving from the U.S. bases in the R.O.K and began addressing them.
Direct solidarity exchanges were born around this time and have
been now expanded between both the citizens in Okinawa and South Korea, who have issues in common on damages from the U.S. military bases in their countries. Such solidarity exchange activities between Okinawans and Koreans, with the same and specific challenge of opposing the U.S. foreign bases in their countries came to assume the novel and unique initiative as the future-oriented bilateral civil movement in solidarity.
As a
result, anti-U.S. base movement in Okinawa has been greatly supported since the late '90s by the dynamic civil movements of young generation in South Korea as well as the expanding and deepening mutual solidarity exchanges with them.
6.<< The danger and the illegality of the U.S. Marine Corps air station Futenma >> Although the U.S. Futenma air station is a facility of a kind for Japan to provide to the U.S. under the 'Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan', it is not an airport under the domestic law of Japan on aviation.
This means there is no
applicable domestic law on aviation by which the safety in the sky and on the ground around Futenma air station is regulated, therefore, there actually is no such safety regulation there. Despite the fact that near 30,000 flights a year are conducted by the U.S. military aircrafts using the air station, there are no obligatory aviation safety measures whatsoever.
Japanese central government has no authority to take part in regulating such operations.
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Futenma air station http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%99%AE%E5%A4%A9%E9%96%93%E9%A3%9B%E8%A1%8C %E5%A0%B4 The reason why the U.S. military planes can repeat takeoffs and landings using the U.S. Futenma air station, carrying out the training of turning flights over the residential area in the City of Ginowan, is diplomatic: that the area in Futenma has been offered to the U.S. for her use as part of facilities stipulated in the bilateral cooperation and security treaty, whereby Japanese government allows the U.S. Marines to use it as an air station for their aviation trainings. In principle, from the standpoint of the domestic aviation law, no airplane is allowed to land on /take off from the runway of the U.S. Futenma air station, as it is not an airport. However, no aviation law of Japan is applicable to the U.S. military airplanes.
As a result,
Japanese central government, while allowing the use by the U.S.Marine Corps of Futenma air station as part of stipulated facilities for Japan's security, has no means of preventing damages and dangers to local residents deriving from such aviation use by the U.S. Compared with this, there are strict safety regulations in military air stations in the U.S. Since the U.S. warplanes are usually loaded with dangerous bombs or chemical materials, there is probability of humans getting harmed in a plane crash or explosion and resultant scattering of toxic materials.
So, in a U.S. military air base, there is a regulation of what is called a
'clear-zone', a 900m prohibitive area from a runway with the highest possibility of a plane crash, in which no building is allowed to construct. In addition, adjacent to this clear-zone, there are two restrictive areas called APZ (Accident Potential Zone) Ⅰ( 1500m), Ⅱ(2100m), comprising in total the restrictive flight area of 4500m from the nearest runway, where no schools, hospitals, public halls are allowed to construct. When this restrictive flight zone is plotted into an an aerial photograph of the local areas around the Bay of Ginowan, included in the restrictive flight zone of 4500m are Second Futenma Elementary School, Aragusuku Hall for School children, Ue-oshana Community Center, and other buildings, as well as 800 houses with 3600 residents.
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Obviously, the U.S.
Marines Corps Futenma air station is the violation of the flight safety regulations of the U.S. military.
Japanese central government maintains dangerous flight trainings by the U.S.
Marines Corps by tolerating the dangerous operation by the U.S.military of this air station.
Residential area around Futenma http://video.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?p=%E6%B2%96%E7%B8%84%E5%9B%BD%E9%9A%9B% E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%A6%E3%81%AB%E7%B1%B3%E8%BB%8D%E3%83%98%E3%83%AA %E5%A2%9C%E8%90%BD&aq=-1&oq=&ei=UTF-8
Futenma http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_Corps_Air_Station_Futenma
7.<< Futenma aif station, acknowledged as ' the world-riskiest' by the court in the class action against the roaring
noise pollution >>
There are several provisions as to Futenma air station agreed on by both the countries, including the Agreement on Noise Prevention. However, the U.S. military never keeps its words, nor does Japanese administration try to ask the U.S. military to comply to such agreements. In 2002, a class action was filed against the roaring noise pollutions deriving from Futenma air station, and Fukuoka High Court clearly pointed out, in its ruling on July 29, 2010, the responsibility of Japanese administration, saying " Japanese administration has the political responsibility to have the U.S. military comply to the preventive measures against the noise
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pollution bilaterally agreed upon." The Court went on to say, suggesting the dangers: ① The crash incident of a helicopter of the U.S.military onto a university in the city has awakened local citizens to the real threat of a plane crash, increasing their psychological pain. ② Japanese administration has not yet employed a drastic measure for dissolving the illegal situations deriving from the roaring noise pollution by the U.S.military, nor has it achieved the standard level of the environment standards on the issue. ③ Although the U.S. Marines Corps are required to refrain from night-time flights after 10p.m according to the 1996 agreement on preventing noise pollution, late-hour flights till 11p.m have now become their routine. To this situation, however, Japanese administration has not employed any appropriate measure to have the U.S. Marines Corps comply to the noise prevention agreement and make the agreement more effective. Because of this, the agreement has practically become a dead letter. ④ In the United States, there are clear-zones around air fields including extramural ones.
comparison, however, around the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma air station, there are public facilities such as a school and a hospital, which should be considered to be in a clear zone. Because of this situation, Futenma air station is called 'the world most dangerous air field. Consequently, the High Court's final judgment doubled the compensation money from that in the previous lawsuit, for those residents in the areas measured at WECPNL 75 and 80. (*WECPNL: Weighted equivalent continuous perceived noise level) Currently, a group of 3000 plaintiffs is preparing for filing the second class action on Futenma noise pollution in the forthcoming March.
8. << In closing>> A big accident happened on Aug.13, 2004, when a Marines Corps helicopter crashed onto Okinawa International University, going up in flames, scattering some of its body parts around in the vicinity.
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAs2jR3M6lE&feature=related It was a fire engine and an ambulance of the City of Ginowan that rushed to the scene of the accident , extinguished the fire, and quickly brought to the hospital the injured U.S. Marines personnel onboard the helicopter.
Later a team of the U.S.military came, who
cordoned off the areas around the university. While anyone from the U.S. side had free access to the crash scene, no Japanese, including a Diet member or bureacrats from the Japanese administration, was allowed to get in.
This clearly showed us that Okinawa (Japan)
was virtually under the U.S. occupation. Additionally, these two things have come to light. 1: Last year some helicopters belonging to the U.S. Marines Corps Futenma air station joined in ' the Operation Tomodachi'(* a disaster relief voluntary activity after Fukushima nuclear accident by the U.S. military personnel, mainly by the Marines Corps), came back to Futenma, and then got decontaminated.
The nuclear waste from the decontamination has been
kept since then in the air station. 2: Also it has become clear that defoliant called 'agent arrange' which contains very poisonous dioxin that was used in the Vietnam War from 60's to 70's has been kept for use in more than 13 places inside the Prefecture of Okinawa. (*Jon Mitchell's blog entry below features the issue :
' Agent orange on Okinawa '
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http://www.jonmitchellinjapan.com/agent-orange-on-okinawa.html ) Apparently, Japanese government cannot resolve anything on the issues of the U.S.bases in Okinawa.
The U.S. military and the U.S. administration decide everything and then Japanese
administration impose such decisions onto Okinawa. This has been a system in long continuation. Japan has been paying for a long time the stationing expenses of the U.S. military.
This is
what the U.S. has to pay herself based on the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), but actually Japan has offered (*since 1978) the financial help by signing a special agreement for that.
It was bilaterally agreed upon last year that Japan would assure the U.S. of paying, as
the sympathy budget for another 5 years, \188.1 billion ($2.4 billion:$1=\77) each year.
kind of excessive service for the U.S. military, unparalleled by other bilateral military treatments of some countries with the U.S., keeps on improving the comfort for the U.S. military to station in Japan, sustaining the systematical discriminatory structure against Okinawa. However, the struggle by Okinawan people has the power to beat it, to transform the situations.
We have now added to the strength, after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, which is
just what the shady post-war history of Japan has brought about, to use the impetus in order to change our history by ourselves. Amid the military tension in East Asia stirred up by the conflicts in 2010, including the territorial border issues around the Senkaku (Pinnacle) Islands, and the artillery duel over Yeonpyeongdo, with the militaristic appeal of ' the U.S. forces as the detterent' or 'the deployment of JSDFs to the southwestern archipelago' mounting inside Japan, now is the time, all the more for this atmosphere, when China and her neighboring countries here in East Asia, who all are deepening economic relations with each other, should seek for cooperation among them. In doing so, it should be our earnest efforts for the peace and the prosperity in East Asia to demand the withdrawal of the U.S.forces from Okinawa, not just the cancellation of the planned new military base at Henoko.
The Southwester Archipelago http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8D%97%E8%A5%BF%E8%AB%B8%E5%B3%B6
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Okinawa has its unique position , from its history as well as its geography, in that it has much stronger affinity toward China than any other part of Japan has, and that it has the strong bond with Koreans through the continued civilian struggles.
It should be a part we
citizens in Okinawa to play to keep on dispatching messages for peace from our perspective of the cross-border solidarity among peoples, invigorating our historical and geographical uniqueness. From Jan.21st to 28th this year, a group of 24 Okinawans, representing the voice of Okinawa citizens suffering from the damages deriving from the U.S.military bases, went to the U.S. for lobbying to the Congress, the U.S. administration, think-tanks, and grass-root citizen groups, appealing to them the real situations in Okinawa.
This has achieved great success,
with the Department of Defense having expressed to the Congress that it should abandon the Futenma relocation plan to Henoko and soon realign its Marines Corps in Okinawa. So, people in Jeju and in Okinawa. Let us raise up our voices seeking for the withdrawal of the U.S. forces, and march on together firmly hand-in-hand in solidarity towards 'the genuine peace in East Asia! ================================================================== ( Military Base Affairs Division, Okinawa Prefecture http://www3.pref.okinawa.jp/site/view/contview.jsp?cateid=14&id=593&page=1 ) (references arbitrarily put by the translater ) 1 . Battle of Okinawa (Global Security.org) http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/okinawa-battle.htm (excerpts)……. The battle of Okinawa proved to be the bloodiest battle of the Pacific War. Thirty-four allied ships and craft of all types had been sunk, mostly by kamikazes, and 368 ships and craft damaged. The fleet had lost 763 aircraft. Total American casualties in the operation numbered over 12,000 killed [including nearly 5,000 Navy dead and almost 8,000 Marine and Army dead] and 36,000 wounded. Navy casualties were tremendous, with a ratio of one killed for one wounded as compared to a one to five ratio for the Marine Corps. Combat stress also caused large numbers of psychiatric casualties, a terrible hemorrhage of front-line strength. There were more than 26,000 non-battle casualties. In the battle of Okinawa, the rate of combat losses due to battle stress, expressed as a percentage of those caused by combat wounds, was 48% [in the Korean War the overall rate was about 20-25%, and in the Yom Kippur War it was about 30%]. American losses at Okinawa were so heavy as to illicite Congressional calls for an investigation into the conduct of the military commanders. Not
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surprisingly, the cost of this battle, in terms of lives, time, and material, weighed heavily in the decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan just six weeks later. ………..Japanese human losses were enormous: 107,539 soldiers killed and 23,764 sealed in caves or buried by the Japanese themselves; 10,755 captured or surrendered. The Japanese lost 7,830 aircraft and 16 combat ships. Since many Okinawan residents fled to caves where they subsequently were entombed the precise number of civilian casualties will probably never be known, but the lowest estimate is 42,000 killed. Somewhere between one-tenth and one-fourth of the civilian population perished, though by some estimates the battle of Okinawa killed almost a third of the civilian population. According to US Army records during the planning phase of the operation, the assumption was that Okinawa was home to about 300,000 civilians. At the conclusion of hostilities around 196,000 civilians remained. However, US Army figures for the 82 day campaign showed a total figure of 142,058 civilian casualties, including those killed by artillery fire, air attacks and those who were pressed into service by the Japanese army. …………..By late October 1944, Okinawa, in the Ryukyu Island chain, had been targeted for invasion by Allied forces. This invasion -- code named Operation Iceberg --- would see the assembling of the greatest naval armada ever. Admiral Raymond A. Spruance's 5th fleet was to include more than 40 aircraft carriers, 18 battleships, 200 destroyers and hundreds of assorted support ships. Some 1,300 US ships surrounded the island. Of those, 365 were amphibious ships. Over 182,000 troops would make up the assault, planned for 01 April 1945,
reconnaissance mission over Okinawa and its outlying islands. On 10 October 1944 nearly two hundred of Admiral Halsey's planes struck Naha, Okinawa's capital and principal city, in five separate waves. The city was almost totally devastated. ………….The document ending the Battle of Okinawa was signed on what is now Kadena Air Base on 07 September 1945. Long before the firing stopped on Okinawa, engineers and construction battalions, following close on the heels of the combat forces, were transforming the island into a major base for the projected invasion of the Japanese home islands
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztzuwCX5lWk __________________________________ 2. Groups ask U.N. panel to seek review of Futenma relocation plan http://mdn.mainichi.jp/mdnnews/news/20120213p2g00m0dm006000c.html __________________________________ 3 Special Action Committee on Okinawa ( SACO Agreement ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Action_Committee_on_Okinawa _______________________________________ 4 ―agent orange on okinawa [updated 14 feb '12.] ―from Jon Mitchell's blog http://www.jonmitchellinjapan.com/agent-orange-on-okinawa.html (excerpt) On September 12th, Japan Focus ran my article outlining the latest findings that suggest defoliants were buried on Futenma and Kadena Air Bases - and sprayed around a school attended by American students. __________________________________ 5 The initial Final EIS, published in DOD website on July 2010, seems now to have been changed, for the below list has been omitted at some unknown time. Before that it had been secured here. http://www.anatakara.com/petition/contamination-worsening-through-nuclear-basing.html Then, last year, it got attention from some citizens in Guam and Kauai. They exchanged emails with an official in Guam, who instantly retorted that this list in the website above was a fake.
Then, now, the list was gone, along with the ' note' below it, and we cannot see
them in the current Final EIS. ) …………… http://www.guambuildupeis.us/documents →Volume3 Chapter 17 http://www.guambuildupeis.us/documents/final/volume_3/Vol_03_Ch17_Hazardous_Materials_and_ Waste.pdf ( Below is a copy of the original list from the initial Final EIS after the official release )
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( Note: ) ( * This below explanation doesn't exist, either, in the current final EIS ) Ignitability (D001)] :If the waste flashpoint is less than 140°F, the waste is "ignitable" and thus a hazardous waste. Corrosivity (D002)]: If the waste pH less than or equal to 2 or greater than or equal to 12.5, the waste is "corrosive" and thus a hazardous waste.] Reactivity (D003)]: If a waste exhibits any of the criteria associated with the characteristic of "redioactivity," it is ahazardous waste by virtue of its "redioactivity". Toxicity (D004 through D043)]: Compare individual analytical results to corresponding regulatory limits. If the reported value is equal or greater than specified regulatory limits for particular compounds, then the waste exhibits the characteristic of "toxicity" and is therefore a hazardous waste. ……………………………………………. ( *arbitrary calculation: Total hazardous waste annually dumped by US Marines in Okinawa: 644,217 lbs =291,830kg =about 292 tonnes Total waste amount which had radioactive(D003) 250(lbs)+205,011(lbs)=205.261(lb)about9.3tonnes(1pound=0.453kg) _______________________________________________ 6 < Omoiyari (sympathy) Yosan(budget)> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omoiyari_Yosan http://peacephilosophy.blogspot.com/2010/10/so-called-sympathy-budget-is-only-28-of.html According to Satoko Norimatsu of the Peace Philosophy Center, Canada, this sympathy
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Budget was only 28% of the whole one-year expenditure of 672.9 billion($8.7 billion: $1= 77), called ' the host nation support ', Japan offered to pay that year for hosting the U.S. military in Japan and Okinawa. ________________________________________________ 7. According to the leader of Kadena class action against the roaring noise pollution from the U.S. Kadena air base, there is a description, in a French archive of the era of Napoleon's rule, that some Okinawans, having ventured to sail in small crafts reached a certain port in South Europe.
He also says that being a maritime people, Okinawans traditionally see no
national borders among countries. ___________________________________________ 8.
Some sporadic local battles continued in Okinawa even into mid-August, after what is
now called ' the end of Okinawa battle' in late June.
A little past 4p.m. on Aug.15, 1945,
the last wing of Kamikaze comprising 11 planes ( 3 had emergency landings on the way) left Oita in the mainland for Okinawa, and 16, including two officers, died.
This is still a
controversy as to the illegality of the order by the high-ranking Imperial Air Force officer onboard one of the Kamikaze planes to conduct the suicide attack even after the Emperor's announcement telling the end of the Pacific War at noon on that day. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%AE%87%E5%9E%A3%E7%BA%8F ___________________________________________ ( these references are inserted arbitrarily by the translator ) (Translated by Makiko Sato)
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Presentation 2
東アジアの『真の平和』を創る 沖縄・済州島の連帯をめざして
-沖縄から普天間米海兵隊基地を追い出そう- 高橋年男 / 普天間爆音訴訟団 事務局長
≪はじめに 普天間-沖縄米軍基地の形成過程≫
皇制国体護持のために時間を稼ぐ目的で、住民を巻き込んだ「捨て石」とする作戦をとり、 アメリカは日本攻略の橋頭堡にしようと総攻撃をしかけた。米軍の圧倒的な戦力の前に日本
軍 が壊 走 するさなか 、 日本本土爆 撃 に出 撃 するための 基地として普天間の 滑走路建設は 始
まった。沖縄の米軍基地は、普天間のように住民の土地を新たに強制接収して建設したもの と嘉手納など旧日本軍の飛行場をそのまま米軍基地としたものとからなる。
日本の敗戦による第2次大戦終結後も、アメリカは沖縄を手放すことなく、東アジアにおけ る東西冷戦の最前線基地=『反共の砦』として軍政下におき続けた。戦争終結後も米軍基地
のような沖縄米軍基地の3カ所(普天間、嘉手納、ホワイト・ビーチ)に、今も国連旗がは ためいている。
このように戦後沖縄は、朝鮮戦争、ベトナム戦争をはじめ東アジア・太平洋におけるアメリ カの軍事戦略拠点(キー・ストーン・オブ・ザ・パシフィック)であり続け、また、沖縄住民の
まで毎 日 のように惹 き 起こされていることから 、 これに 対する 住民 の 反対闘争も 続 いてき た。
スプレイMV22訓練のためのヘリパット建設に反対する高江のテント村の座り込み (2007年 7月2日開始) も続いている。
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米軍は戦時占領下において、村役場や小学校のあった宜野湾集落など5つの集落に暮らして いた住民を収容所に囲い込み、その住民たちの家屋敷、田畑や墓地の土地を不法に奪って造
られたのが普天間米軍基地 である 。 集落 を 踏み 潰 して 日本本土攻撃 のための 飛行場 として
普天間基地 の中 には 、住民のもともとの屋敷跡 や田畑( 普天間基地面積の 91%が個人所有 地 )、 墓地や 多 くの 文化財 、 信仰 の 聖域 があるが 、生活 の糧 のすべてを奪 われた 人 々は 、
フェンスで隔てられた故郷に戻ることができず普天間基地周辺に張り付くように、戦後の暮 らしをはじめざるを得なかった。沖縄全体で60を超える集落が米軍基地の中に消えた。
ばれた全県的な反対運動が起こった。しかし、米軍は住民の反対を「銃剣とブルドーザー」 によって押し潰し基地建設を強行、今日まで残る米軍基地のほとんどがこの時期に建設され
なった。伊佐浜にあった沖縄有数の美田は、蚊の発生を理由に海砂で埋められ、立ち退かな い住民を米兵が銃剣で追い出し、米軍のブルドーザーが住民の目の前で住宅を壊した。 ≪米軍基地を取戻す反戦(契約拒否)地主の闘い≫
米軍政下の布告・布令で強制接収された沖縄住民の土地は、1972年5月15日に沖縄の施政権 がアメリカから日本に返還されても、沖縄住民に返されることはなかった。
日本政府は、沖縄返還を目前にして「沖縄における公用地等の暫定使用に関する法律(公用 地暫定使用法:1971年12月31日)」を急ごしらえし、契約拒否地主の土地を日米安保条約 上の提供施設として強制使用する期間を5年間延長した。
5年後の1977年には地籍明確化法(1977年5月18日)によって、またも強制使用期間が延 長された。同法は、公用地暫定使用法の使用期間を「5年」から「10年」に延長するもので あった。
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1995年に起こった米海兵隊3人の少女拉致レイプ事件に対する沖縄住民の怒りは、米軍基地 撤去運動を巻き起こした。大田沖縄県知事は地主の代理として土地の収用を容認する署名を
拒否し、読谷村の「象のオリ」といわれた米軍施設の中の反戦地主の私有地が使用期限切れ を迎えた。地主の知花氏は家族や支援者とともに基地内の私有地に立ち入り、1997年5月に
一斉に20年強制使用の期限切れを迎える「米軍基地強制使用反対」運動に勢いを与える闘い となった。
の実質は、米軍基地の統合・最新設備化であることが明らかになり、民衆運動・沖縄世論の 持続的抵抗に直面することとなった。
抱 える 沖 縄と 韓 国の 民衆の 直接的連 帯が 生 まれ 拡 大していった 。反基地闘争 という 具体的
ての独 自性を持ち始 めていた。90年代後半以降の沖縄の反基地運動を大 きく支えているの は 、韓 国 の若 い 世代 が 担うダイナミックな 民衆運動の 存在であり、 相互の 交流連携 の広 が り・深まりである。
ところで 普天間飛行場 は 、 日米安保 条約上 の 提供施設 だが 、 国内法的 には飛行場 ではな
い。日本の航空法が適用されないために、飛行場周辺では航空法上の安全規制は行われてな い。年間に3万回近くの米軍機の飛行が行われているにも関わらず、一切の航空法上の安全
すことができるのか? その根拠は、普天間飛行場は日米安保条約上の提供施設としてアメ
本来なら、航空法で飛行場でない普天間飛行場には、航空機は離発着できないのだが、米軍 機には航空法が適用されない。提供施設として飛行場を海兵隊に使わせながら、日本政府は
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城児童館、上大謝名公民館などか含まれており、約800戸の住宅があり、3600名もの住民が 住んでいる。明らかに、普天間飛行場は米軍の飛行場安全基準に違反している。日本政府が
普天間飛行場に関して、騒音防止協定など日米両政府には幾つもの合意事項がある。しか し、米軍はそれを守らず、日本政府はそれを守らせようとしない。 普天間飛行場では、2002年から爆音訴訟が提起され、福岡高裁は、2010年7月29日の判
決で、「政府は日米で合意された騒音対策措置を米軍に遵守させる政治的な責任を負ってい る」と政府の責任を明確に指摘した。続いて、「①市内大学への米軍ヘリ墜落で墜落の恐怖
は現実的なものとなり、周辺住民の精神的苦痛が増大している。②国は、抜本的な騒音対策 を 講 じて 違法 状 態 を 解消 していない 上 、 いまだ 環境基準 の 基準値 も 達成 していない 。③
1996年に合意された騒音防止協定上、午後10時以降の米軍機の飛行は制限されているが、 最近は『運用上の所要のために必要』との理由で、午後11時までの飛行が常態化している。 これに対し国は・・・騒音防止協定を遵守させ、実効性のあるものにするための適切な措置を とっておらず、そのため、騒音防止協定は、事実上、形骸化している。④米国では、域外の
飛行場を含めて飛行場周辺にはクリアゾーンが設定されているが、普天間飛行場周辺では、 クリアゾーンに属すべき地域に学校、病院等の施設が存在しており、そのために普天間飛行 場は『世界一危険な飛行場』と称されている。」と、危険性を認定した。
結果として、高裁の確定判決ではWECPNL値75、80の区域に住む原告への損害賠償額を これまでの倍額にした。現在、普天間飛行場爆音訴訟の第二次訴訟に向けて、3000名規模 の原告団が今年3月の提訴に向けて準備を開始している。
2004年8月13日、沖縄国際大学の本館に海兵隊大型ヘリが墜落炎上する大事故が起きた。 最初に駆けつけて消火にあたり、負傷したヘリ乗員を米軍病院に運んだのは宜野湾市の消防
と救急車だった。その後、米側は沖国大周辺への立ち入りを制限、米軍関係者は自由に出入 りできるのに 、 日本側 は誰一人、国会議員 や政府 関係者 すら 中 に入 ることができなくなっ
また、最近、東日本大震災の救援活動「トモダチ作戦」に派遣された普天間所属のヘリコプ ターが、フクシマ原発の放射能を浴びたまま普天間に帰還したが、放射能除染の際に使った 放射能汚染廃棄物が普天間基地に保管されていること、そして、60年代から70年代にかけ
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が普天間基地をはじめ沖縄県内13ヶ所以上の米軍基地に保管・使用されていた事が明らかに なった。
府がそれを沖縄に押し付ける。その構造がずっと続いている。「思いやり予算」という、日 米地位協定上は在日米軍が負担することになっている駐留経費を、特別協定によって日本が
は、歴史的経緯もあって、日本という国家の中にあって最も中国に対する親近感が強い地域 であるのみならず、韓国の民衆運動とも強いきずなを持つ。こうした歴史的地理的独自性を
生かしつつ、国境を越える民衆連帯の視点から平和への発信を続けることが私たち沖縄の役 割である。
議会、政府、シンクタンク、そして草の根の市民たちに沖縄の現状を訴えてきた。その成果 は大きく、米国防総省は米国会に対し、普天間の辺野古移設を断念し沖縄の米海兵隊を早期
沖縄・済州が共同で米軍撤収の声を上げ、東アジアの『真の平和』のために連帯の手を握り しめ進んでいこう!
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동아시아 평화의 관점에서 본 제주해군기지의 문제점 정욱식 / 평화네트워크 대표
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(ABMD) MD .40)
. 2011
40) Ronald O'Rourke, "Navy Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Program--Background and Issues for Congress," CRS Report, June 23, 2011.
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Presentation 3
Problems of Jeju Naval Base Based on Perspectives of Eastern Asia Peace Wooksik Cheong / Representative of Peace Network
The Korean Peninsula has long been a focal point of East Asia given that it is surrounded by the 'Four the Great Powers.' This is because Korean Peninsula is geographically between the maritime powers, the USA and Japan, and the continental powers, China and Russia. Given this location, it has been severely troubled by the political tensions between these superpowers. Therefore, beyond just constructing a naval base in Jeju Island, the southernmost part of Korea, we need to approach security from a new perspective that accounts for benefits and costs based on the geopolitical, geoeconomic and geostrategic aspects of East Asia. As it stands, the Jeju naval base has a high probability of ending up with the 'strategic burden' of not only in Korea, but all of East Asia. With regard to the Jeju naval base, we need to draw our attention to the realities as follows: 1) a struggle for maritime hegemony between a U.S.-Japan alliance and China, 2) Structural subordination of the ROK-U.S. alliance, 3) Power shift policy in East Asia, and 4) The importance of securing maritime shipping lanes. Without considering above facts, it might be that 'an innocent bystander gets hurt in a fight.' In this context, Jeju naval base bears an agenda that has great repercussions, not only for Jeju Island and Gangjeong village, but also for all of East Asia, including the Korea Peninsula.
Problems of 'Ieodo-Dokdo squadron' The Ministry of National Defense in Korea is trying to establish an 'Ieodo-Dokdo fleet', which would utilize the Jeju naval base as its home port. In 2011 the National Assembly`s Special Committee on Budget and Accounts directed 500 million won in research funding for a Defense Acquisition Program Administration due to strong demands by the Grand National Party. The title of the research is "A Study of the Long-term Strategy Corresponding to Chinese and Japanese Build-up in Naval Power". This plan not only covered its stated goals,
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but included analysis on protecting the sovereignty over Ieodo and Dokdo and plans for building up maritime forces. As a result, The Ministry of National Defense has a plan to construct a 'Ieodo-Dokdo fleet' by spending \6.5 trillion over next 5 years. If the squadron is constructed, the Jeju naval base would be used as a home port for the fleet. However, there are many problems related to this plan. First of all, they exaggerate the threats posed by China and Japan. It is a fact that South Korea has come into conflict with Japan around Dokdo and with China around Ieodo. But these problems can be solved diplomatically, not militarily. If the issue is not dealt with diplomatically, but militarily, Dokdo and Ieodo would likely become hard targets. Moreover, the flagrant assertion that "We have to build up military strength corresponding to national power" is ignorant of the facts. The Korean government has already spent more on military expenditures than China or Japan relative to its national power. Total armaments are 40 percent of Chinese's and 70 percent of Japanese's, but they cost double that of China and three times that of Japan with regard to the ratio of GDP. It is, however, such a dangerous and foolish idea which makes an 'uncertain thereat' a 'certain threat.' One reason the government and the navy mention in justifying the naval base construction is the protection of Ieodo, which is also called Socotra Rock located between southern sea of Jeju Island and the East China Sea. It is said that the naval base will be helpful to protect Ieodo from China's threat. If a warship is sent first from South Korea to the sea whose mutual consent has not reached yet between two countries, it will cause the confrontation with Chinese navy which can lead to diplomatic, security, and economic losses. Considering that China is South Korea's biggest trading partner, an amicable relationship with China is an important concern. It is quite doubtful whether the argument of the navy and the government is really in the nation's interests. The dispute over Ieodo should be settled by positive talks rather than by military actions in order to make an agreement over an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). If China consents to include Ieodo within a South Korean EEZ with the condition of permitting South Korea-China or South Korea-China-Japan to examine and develop oil or seabed resources together, this compromise can be worth considering. It is also important to realize that none of countries can acquire seabed resources near Ieodo unless both countries come to terms on an EEZ.
Jeju Naval base and US
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Construction of the Jeju naval base might basically be for meeting Korean needs. However, it hasn't been determined whether the U.S. has influenced or affected the construction process. It is a fact that given relations between Korea and U.S., if the U.S. wants to use the port facility, they can. Therefore, it is necessary for us to analyze consequences of U.S utilization of the facility after construction has been completed. First, th ROK-US alliance has legal and institutional problems. The Ministry of National Defense argues, "If the U.S. military seeks to utilize Korean military facilities, it needs permission of the Korean government and the Ministry Foreign Affairs Trade." However, this is obviously false. Based on mutual defense pact and Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), the U.S. has the principle rights to use any South Korean ports and airfields. As a result, the Jeju naval base is highly likely to be used as a port call and, in the contingency, as a stopover or takeoff base by the U.S. navy. Second, the military strategy of the U.S. and the shift of ROK-U.S. alliance during President Lee's administration is also another factor making the Jeju navy base a joint ROK-U.S. base. The U.S. is planning to shift its military strategic focus from the Middle East to the Asian-Pacific region and transfer up to 60 percent of its naval forces to the region. With regard to this, we need to focus on the following four situations:
(ⅰ) The U.S. expects to
secure extra bases and military facilities in the Pacific Ocean area, and then use them to strengthen the speed and mobility its naval power. Through the RMSI and PSI, the U.S has tried to bring its alliances toward the American maritime strategies. (ⅱ) It is a denial fact that the alliances between U.S. and East Asia have been diverted from the bilateral alliance to a multilateral alliance aimed at China. As matter of fact, the U.S has recently put efforts into reinforcement
Korea-Japan-Australia-India together. (ⅲ) We need to concentrate on the concept of Air-Sea Battle called 'the plan of new cold war.' This was designated to incapacitate China's strategy based on enhancing coordination of the UnitedStates Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps. (ⅳ) The U.S. has reorganized its aircraft carriers for rapid response and centralized their Missile Defense (MD) with the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense system (ABMD), in which Aegis Destroyers are equipped with SM-3 missiles. According to plan, the U.S. had equipped 21 Aegis Destroyers with MD system by 2011 and intends to continually increase that number to 41.41) Needless to say, the more naval forces are transferred to the Asia-Pacific region, the more necessary naval bases will become.
41) Ronald O'Rourke, "Navy Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Program--Background and Issues for Congress," CRS Report, June 23, 2011.
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Third, the Lee Myung-bak administration's top foreign policy priority is strengthening the ROK-U.S alliance. The underlying intention of this is to keep not only North Korea but also China out. In addition, the Lee administration is accelerating the MD coalition with the U.S., as well. The administration underwent the maritime MD exercise with the U.S and even signed the joint MD research agreement. Also, the administration is now seeking a South Korea-Japan military intelligence pact, which can accelerate the establishment of East Asia's MD, which will cover from South Korea-US-Japan to Australia. This is what the U.S. has hoped for. Under this circumstance, the navy base is highly likely to be a major military base narrowly reserved for the ROK-U.S. military alliance, and broadly for the U.S. led East-Asia military alliance. At the center of this alliance is the missile defense system. Finally, the geographical feature of Jeju is also the factor which confirms that Jeju base will be the outpost of the U.S. military. The South Korean navy insists that the U.S military already has its naval base in Okinawa, Japan 330 nautical miles from Taiwan. So, it has no reason to use the Jeju navy base considering that the Jeju base is 560 nautical miles apart from Taiwan. However, Okinawa base is mostly occupied with the air force and marines, and lacks a large-scale naval base like the one being constructed in Jeju. Naha harbor located in Southern west part of Okinawa is not capable of accommodating ships weighing over 3000 tons. Furthermore, this harbor is supposed to be returned to Japan according to U.S military redeployment agreement, signed in October 2005. Put simply, not only aircraft carriers, but also Aegis destroyers cannot dock at Okinawa. However, the Jeju navy base is designed to accommodate six destroyers and submarines, even an aircraft carrier. Thus, when it is completely constructed, the U.S military will feel huge temptation to use this navy base which is not only close to Taiwan straits, but also huge enough to harbor big ships. Given the asymmetry of the ROK-U.S Mutual Defense Agreement and its hierarchal alliance structure, it will be hard for South Korea to refuse use of the facility. A column written by an expert in China indicated that the Jeju naval base would threaten Korean security and its economy. Chao Ryu, the director of Social science studies at Liaoning city in China, wrote in the Hunaqiu Daily on Sep 6, 2011 as follows: "These days, Korea tries to make a lot of money from Chinese tourists and also to threaten China by force of arms at the same time. We need to let Korean realize that this would be impossible. Not only that, we have to reject sightseeing in JejuIsland." With regard to the reality that official researchers cannot write any columns without the permission of Chinese government, his article was more than just a personal stance. Therefore, we have to raise a question about how much national interests and economic benefits we can derive by alienating China.
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For 'Alternative Future' in JejuIsland As a result, if South Korea rejects the U.S. call to use Jeju base, ROK-US alliance would be in peril. That's why Jeju naval base will turn out to be "strategic burden", not "asset". We don't need to worry about this kind of dilemma if South Korea cancels the base construction. Thus, the Jeju naval base construction, in the name of national interests, must not be forcibly advanced but must be stopped. Should the base be used by the U.S. military for the purpose of blockading China, China will retaliate in various ways including severing diplomatic ties and fomenting economic retaliation, such as travel restrictions and trade retaliation. In the worst case, China's reaction could include military actions such as retaliatory attack and a maritime transportation blockade. It means that the sovereign decision such as constructing Jeju naval base might lead to subordinated results that puts Korea in peril. Not only for security and economic stablility in Korea, but also for contributing to peace and prosperity in East Asia, the plan of constructing Jeju naval base has to be nullified. Some strong people have tried to sublimate the experience of the 'April 3 Uprising' and the accompanying governmental violence by turning Jeju Island into an 'Island of Peace.' The reason why Roh Moo-Hyun's government designated Jeju Island as 'The Island of Global Peace' was to embrace Islanders' long-cherished desire. Yet, Roh's regime made a decision to construct the naval base based on 'an armed peace,' and Lee's administration has pushed ahead by dubious methods. However, a 'Crisis of Peace' might offer an alternative chance to make Jeju a center of international peace. In fact, many citizens and students in Korea, as well as internationally famous persons, organizations, various kinds of the press has been participating in this struggle. Their precious solidarity provides a solid foundation for making Ganjeong an international peace village and Jeju Island 'The Island of Global Peace' as well. This means that Ganjeong will contribute to making the common property of mankind in Asia and elsewhere. Of the many villagers' slogans, there is one that rings true, "International peace can be started from Ganjeong." This is not just a dream. This is a possible future we can make it together. Of course, this can be started with the nullification of the construction of the Jeju naval base.
(Translated by Lee Bora)
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Presentation 3
東アジア平和の観点で本済州海軍基地の問題点 鄭旭湜 / 平和ネットワーク代表
よく「四強大国で取り囲まれている」と称される朝鮮半島と東アジアの間の相互連関性は非 常に強い。アメリカと日本に代表される 「大陸勢力」
学的位置にあるからである。 で接近する必要がある。
て、東アジア地政学 地理軍事学 地経学の脈絡で把握しなければならないというのだ。
結論から言えば、 済州海軍基地は韓国だけではなく東アジア全体に 「戦略的負担」になる 公算が非常に高い。
と中華圏の間の海洋覇権競争、 韓米同盟の構造的従属性、 東アジア次元の勢力転嫁(power
shift)、 韓国の海洋輸送路安全確保の大切さ、などと総合的に連関させて分析してみると、
ともすれば済州海軍基地が韓国には 「鯨の喧嘩に海老の 甲羅が裂ける」 状況をもたらす 可能性があるし、 東アジア次元では地域平和と安定を脅威する要因になりかねない。 この ような脈絡でみると、
「離於島(イオド)-独島(ドクド)(竹島)艦隊」の問題点 韓国の国防省は済州海軍基地を母港にする 「離於島 (イオド) 独島艦隊」 創設を推進して いる。2011年国会予算決算特別委員会は与党(ハンナラ党)の力強い要求で防衛事業庁の先
行研究予算 5億ウォンを策定した。 研究主旨は 「中国と日本の海軍力増強に対応した中長
期海上全力強化方案研究」である。 そして付帯条件として 「 防衛事業庁 は離於島 (イオ
ド) 独島など領有権守護のため海上全力増強に対して研究を遂行して、 その結果によって 国防省は推進計画を樹立して予算を含んだ行政的措置を履行する」と言う点を掲げた。
のような付帯条件によって国防省は今後の 5年間 6兆5千億ウォンを投入して 「離於島 (イ
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オド)-独島艦隊」 創設に出る計画である。 イージス艦 2隻を含めイージス4隻、 哨戒艦 と潜水艦それぞれ 1隻など計 10隻で艦隊を構成して領有権守護に出るというのである。 そ して艦隊が創立されれば
る。 しかしこのような計画の問題点は一つ二つではない。
ているという問題点がある。 日本とは独島に関する、 中国とは離於島 に関する摩擦があ ることは 事実 だが、 これはあくまでも外交的摩擦 であって軍事的脅威 だと 見 ることは難 し
い。 外交を通じて解かなければならない問題を軍事的に解決しようと思う時、 離於島 (イ
オド)と独島は国際紛争地域になる可能性が高くなる。これは韓国国民が一番望まないシナ リオともいえる。 また
保している。 つまり、絶対額では中国の 40%, 日本の 70% 水準だが、 これを国民総生産
(GNP)(GDP)で還元して見れば、 中国の 2倍、 日本の 3倍を使っている。 それにもかか
脅威」を「確かな脅威」に変えてしまい、韓国の安全保証自体を脅威にさらし、国民経済に も莫大な負担を引き起こすだけである。
さらにもっと深刻な問題が、済州海軍基地を母港にする 「離於島 (イオド)-独島艦隊」が実
際に運用に入った時に発生するだろう。 地理軍事的にみると、 この艦隊の 1次的な作戦地
域は引き継いでも隣近水域になる可能性が高い。 そして韓国海軍が先に離於島 (イオド)隣
近水域に艦艇を派遣すれば韓中関係に一大波乱を巻き起こすことになる。離於島 (イオド)は
独島のような島ではなく 「水中暗礁」であるから領土や領海問題にはなり得ない。 これは
韓国外交部が 「韓-中両国は離於島 が領土紛争地域ではないという点に合意した」と明ら
離於島 (イオド)問題の根源はこの暗礁が韓国と中国が主張する排他的経済水域(EEZ) 中に
あるというところにある。また離於島 (イオド)隣近海底に相当量の原油と天然ガスが埋葬さ
注目して捜さなければならない。考えられる代案は中国から韓国の EEZに離於島 (イオド)
に合議することがあり得る。 これは軍事ではなく外交の領域での対応となる。
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済州海軍基地とアメリカ 済州海軍基地は
のかのどうかの可否は確認されていないが、アメリカが済州海軍基地を使いたければ使うこ とができるということも韓米関係の冷厳な現実である。
第一に、 韓米同盟の法的 制度的問題である。韓国の国防省は 「SOFA 規定上米軍が私
たちの施設を活用するには、関連政府、 外交通商部の承認が必要だ」と主張する。 しかし
これは明白な嘘である。 SOFAには 「(アメリカの) 船舶と航空機は大韓民国のどんな港や または飛行場にも入港料または着陸料を負担しなくて出入りすることができる」と明記され ていている。
るのに事前 「承認」を受けた事例はない。SOFAの母法である韓米相互防衛條約第4条にも 「アメリカの陸 海 空軍を大韓民国の領土内とその周辺に配置する権利を韓国は許与
し、アメリカは受諾する」となっている。 合意された
としている。 ここでいう戦略的柔軟性とは、在韓米軍の海外差出、 海外駐屯米軍の韓国へ
の 流入及 び経由 のためのことで、 その核心的な 目的は 中国に 対 する 軍事的牽制と 封鎖にあ る。 第二に、
大西洋及び中東からアジア-太平洋(亜太地域)に移す事にしたアメリカは海軍力の 亜太地域に集中させている。これに関して注目すべきことは大きく四種類である。
60%を ひとつ
は太平洋に追加的な基地と施設を確保して、接近・使用が難しかった地域に対して接近性を 強化して米海軍の迅速性と起動性を大幅に強化するというのである。
カは地域海洋安保構想(RMSI)と大量殺傷武器拡散防止構想(PSI) などを主導しながら同盟 友邦国をアメリカの海洋戦略に抱きこもうとしているのである。
えられる 空海戦「( AirSea Battle) 概念である。 空海戦 概念は米空軍、 海軍、 海兵隊
MDの核心をイージス艦に SM-3 系列のミサイルを装着するイージス弾道ミサイル防御体制 (ABMD)にしているというのである。 2011年まで 21隻のイージス艦を MD仕様に改良し たアメリカは、 る42)。
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域における海軍基地の需要も大きくなることを意味している。 第三に、 李明博(イミョンバク)政府がはじまって加速化されている韓米間の MD 協力であ
る。 MDはアメリカの軍事覇権戦略の核心であり、李明博政府の 「信頼の問題」を如実に 問うことにもなる。したがって、済州海軍基地が建設された場合、アメリカ主導の東アジア
海上 MD 戦略の基地になる公算が大きいということを、考慮しなくてはならない。これま
で、李明博政府と軍当局は「韓国はアメリカ MDに参加する計画がない」と言う点と 「済 州海軍基地は MDと無関係だ」と主張して来た。 しかし総体的真実は 、李明博(イミョン
バク)政府が密室でアメリカと MD 協力を加速化させている。 2010年にはアメリカと海上
MD 訓練を実施し、 共同研究約定まで締結したのである。このような雰囲気を反映するよ
うにアメリカのオバマ政権は韓国を日本、 オーストラリアなどとともにアメリカの MDに
協力している代表的な国家として分類したのである。 また 李明博(イミョンバク)政府は日 本との軍事情報協定締結を検討していて、
アにつながる東アジア MD 体制の構築に加担することを意味する。 その上、韓米間には韓
国が沖繩やグアムに向けられた弾道ミサイルを、要撃することに寄与する法案まで密室で論 議されている。
て、 狭くは韓米間に、 広くはアメリカ主導の東アジア同盟体制の重要基地になる公算が大 きくなる。 最後に、済州島が持っている地理軍事的特徴である。
ら 330海里離れた日本の沖繩に基地を確保しているし、済州から台湾まで 560海里なのを 考慮すると、アメリカが済州海軍基地を利用する理由がない」と主張した事がある。 しこれは事実から目を逸らすようなものである。 隊の基地があり、
覇港には 3千トン以上の船舶を停泊させることができないし、これさえアメリカは 2005年 10月米軍再配置合意によって日本に返す事になっている。
ちろん、イージス艦も停泊させにくい。一方、済州海軍基地は多くの駆逐艦と潜水艦、 して航空母艦停泊も可能な規模に設計されている。このような脈絡で見ると、
たいという強い誘惑を感じるようになるはずで、 現行韓米相互防衛條約及び SOFA、 そし て戦略的柔軟性など韓米同盟の非対称性を考慮すると、韓国がこれを拒否することは難しい
中国のある専門家の書いたコラムによると、済州海軍基地が韓国の安全保証と経済に致命的 42) Ronald O'Rourke, "Navy Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Program--Background and Issues for Congress," CRS Report, June 23, 2011
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ルィチァオ(呂超) 所長は 2011年 9月 6日の環球時報寄稿文を通じて 「今日、韓国は中国 人観光客を相手にお金を儲けると同時に、その観光客たちの母国を武力によって威嚇しよう
としている。私たちは、韓国にとってこれが不可能だということを悟るようにしなければな らない 」 と述 べ 、また 、「 中国人 は 済州観光を 拒否しなければならない」 とも煽動 した 。
を採ってまで得られる国益と済州島の経済的実益が一体何なのか、問わざるを得ないのであ る。 済州島の 「別の未来」のために
という主権的選択が、韓国の運命を他者化する非主権的な結果をもたらす危険があるという のである。
済州島は、1948年に起きた米軍の国家暴力によって数万人が命を失った 4.3 抗争の痛みを
平和の 島 」と 指定したことも 、このような 済州道民の 悲 しさと 念願 が 受け 入 れたからであ る。
め、李明博(イミョンバク)政府は違法・脱法的に工事を強行している。 ところが、別の視点
れかわることができる 「わざわいを転じて福となす」の機会になっているのである。 カン
ジョン村の住民と活動家たちが平和的で非暴力的な方法で抵抗運動をし、多くの市民 学 生たちがこの貴い闘いに同参し、海外からも多くの団体と著名人士、そして多くの言論者も カンジョン村の住民に連帯と支持のエールを送っている。
村に、 済州島を真正な意味の 「世界平和の島」として再構築する大事な土台といえるだろ
う。 豊かな自然環境と生命平和の中心地に作り上げ、 アジアと世界平和に貢献することが できる人類共同の資産となるべき道が、開かれているのである。
ぶ掛け声の中に 「世界平和はカンジョンから」という句節がある。 これは決して夢ではな
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る。 もちろんその出発点は、済州海軍基地建設白紙化にあるのである。
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듀공과 함께 오키나와를 생명과 평화의 섬으로 바꾸기 마츠시마 요스케 / 듀공보호캠페인센터 관서사무소
1. .
. . . .
신기지 건설계획
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) . .
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. . , . . . 「
, . 」
」 .
. 「 」
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, 2000
. 2001
1 )
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. )
3. SDCC ・
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헤노코바다와 오우라만 해초 밭
미국영사관 앞
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」 .
4. 4.1 ・
. 1998 .
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, 1
. . . SDCC
. 4.2 IUCN
. 10
. 11
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・ . . **
. / This article in Korean is
translated from the original Janpanese version. / この原稿は日本語版を翻訳したものであ ります。 (
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Presentation 1
Converting Okinawa to the Island of "LIFE" and "PEACE" : Solidarity between the people and the Dugong YOSUKEă&#x20AC;&#x20AC;MATSUSHIMA / Manager of Osaka Office Save the Dugong Campaign Center(SDCC)
1. Okinawa Dugong and New US Military Base construction plan in Henoko,Okinawa The Dugong is a marine mammal which lives in the warm ocean. This animal is a herbivorous marine mammal that lives in a large area. In most of these countries and territories, however, the dugong is on the verge of extinction. In Japan the dugong lives in the waters of Okinawa only. Because of various human activities, the dugong is threatened with extinction. In Okinawa, one urgent case is the plan of the Japanese and US government to construct a US Marine Corps facility within the area. This leads to a threat in the lives of dugongs that inhabit the area.
The new base construction plan
The Japanese and US governments began planning a relocation plan of the Futenma Air Base in Okinawa in 1995. Futenma Air Base is the most dangerous base in the world. When the
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governments decided to close the Futenma base, Okinawans thought it would be moved outside Okinawa. However, in 1996, the Japanese and US governments announced that the air base would be relocated to Northeast coast of the Okinawa main island, an offshore of Henoko. The plan is against the Okinawans' wills because its construction will not bring the peace that Okinawans want for Okinawa. The new base will destroy the beauty and the bio-diversity of Henoko. As a result, the existence of the dugong will be critically threatened. The new base's construction, because of the strong opposition from the people of Okinawa, has not yet commenced. Currently, the base construction plan can be found in the final stages of environmental impact assessment.ă&#x20AC;&#x20AC; According to the Ministry of Defense, "Environmental impact of construction base is small, Impact to the dugong is not bad," as stated in the conclusion of the assessment. To verify this, the governor of Okinawa Prefecture has gathered opinions from his citizenry. Also, the governor will issue a statement regarding the conclusions of the assessment by the end of March. According to the newspaper, the governor's statement will be critical of this assessment.
Established history and IUCN recommendation
Save the Dugong Campaign Center or also known as SDCC was founded 11 years ago. It is a non-governmental organization which
biodiversity-rich habitats. This also aims to prevent Henoko military base plan from providing any harm or danger to these endangered creatures.ă&#x20AC;&#x20AC; We will help in promoting good relationships between human and nature and build a peaceful environment for all beings. In 2000, before SDCC was established, a motion for the conservation of rare animals around Henoko was proposed to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), the world's largest nature conservation organization, by dugong supporters across Japan. During the IUCN congress in Amman, Jordan, IUCN adopted a recommendation, "Conservation of Dugong (Dugong dugon), Okinawa Woodpecker (Sapheopipo noguchii) and Okinawa Rail (Gallirallus okinawae) in and around the Okinawa Island,". Both the Japanese and the U.S. governments were asked to commit a proper environmental impact assessment as to assure the protection of these animals. In 2001, SDCC was established in Tokyo, Japan, to make its government realize the said recommendation. IUCN has adopted the recommendations twice (2000 and 2001) for protection of the Okinawa dugong. The governments of Japan and the United States have been
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requested, on the construction of base, a fair environmental assessment. In addition to this, the governments have also been repeatedly requested to protect the Okinawa dugong. Even if the plan of the construction of base is not suspended, we believe the IUCN recommendations have delayed the materialization of it and made the governments realized that environmental issues cannot be ignored. We will continue to request the Japanese and US governments to stop the construction of the new military base in Okinawa and to protect the dugongs. We hope more people will know about the situation of the dugongs and will support our activities!
3. Our goal and our activities Sea of Henoko and Oura Bay are rich in biodiversity. Corals, sea grass beds, and varieties of rare fish and shellfish, are living. In the World War II, Okinawa became a place of miserable ground battle. At that time, food crisis came about. The residents were still able to survive because of the food that they benefitted from the sea. So it has a special place in Okinawan's hearts. Our NGO is making activities for protecting dugongs and harboring peace in Okinawa. "No to Military Base, YES to Dugong Protection Area" is the slogan that embodies our goals.
Sea of Henoko and Oura Bay
Sea grass beds
To achieve this goal, information dissemination was done through promoting a signature campaign, photo exhibitions, and study tours to Okinawa from Tokyo and Osaka. We also negotiated with the government for it to recognize the recommendations of IUCN. We have been establishing relation and cooperation with the local government of Nago.
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Front of the American In Philippines Signature campaign Consulate We visited the dugong sanctuary in the Philippines and learned that it was also used as a
form of community development. The sanctuary project does not only promote protection of the creatures by regulating human activities but also for the recognition of the pride of the region. In the Philippines, cooperation of residents, the government and NGOs exists. They are also going to make a project that aims for the assurance of the dugongs' protection.Dugong will be the symbol of a community that cherishes the natural environment and the peace within it. Making the dugong protection area in Henoko has a big difficulty. It is national policy that is to build the new US military base. The military base will destroy the beautiful sea and the pride and life, of Okinawa people. It's time to making Okinawa dugong protection area as a community development for nature and peace.
4.Living with dugong for the future and converting Okinawa to the Island of Life and Peace 4.1
The community development does not depend on the US military base
Henoko and Oura Bay, where dugongs are located, is where the plan of constructing a US Mililarty Base in Nago, Okinawa. The 1998 Mayor of Nago accepted the plan of constructing the US military Base in Nago, Okinawa. Mr. Susumu Inamine, elected Mayor of 2010 said that, "the land base is not even in the sea of Henoko". There are many magnificent buildings in Oura Bay-Henoko village by the municipal charge on military bases. Recently the building is not used effectively, and the maintenance cost of the building burdens local economy. The Nago people have understood that even if they accepted the base, only some construction companies and the mainland people would gain benefits by the municipal charge on military bases. The Nago people chased the community improvement not to depend on the income of the base. Currently Nago government is promoting community development mainly on the tourism of stay tipe and the industrial reconstruction plan. The mayor visited Henoko and
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Oura bay and confirmed the importance of environmental protection. People are conducting. SDCC are cooperating with Nago and go a study tour to Nago from Tokyo and Osaka in every July. 4.2ă&#x20AC;&#x20AC; Lets make " No to Military Base YES to Dugong Protection Area " the world's public opinion in the IUCN congress in Jeju. In this September, IUCN congress will be held in this Jeju. SDCC will appeal that Japanese Government is going to promote new base construction based on a conclusion of unscientific Environmental Impact Assessment in the world. We cannot permit such a plan to reclaims biodiversity Henoko and Oura bay and to drive a dugong to the extinction. We hope making the dugong protection area with world people and want to convert Okinawa into the island of "LIFE" and "PEACE" from the island of the base.
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Presentation 1
ジュゴンとともに 沖縄をイノチと平和の島に変える
松島洋介 / ジュゴン保護キャンペーンセンター 関西事務所
ンは世界的にも絶滅の危機にあります。ジュゴンの数は、人間による環境破壊や、漁網によ る混獲などによって、減り続けています。
した。しかし1996年、SACO(日米合同委員会)の最終報告で、沖縄県北部東海岸の辺野古 沿岸域に普天間基地を移設する計画が、発表されました。この計画は沖縄の人々の意思を裏
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その結果、新基地建設計画にとって、ジュゴンの存在は特別なものになりました。そして 新基地建設は、沖縄の人々の強い反対運動に直面し、いまだ着工に至っていません。
の結論は「基地建設による環境影響は小さい。環境影響は可能な限り適切に回避される計画 が立てられている。ジュゴンも建設海域では最近確認されていないから、生息環境に影響は ない」というものです。
ました。沖縄県知事は飛行場建設に関しては2月末、埋め立てに関しては3月末までに意見書 を沖縄防衛局に出します。県知事の諮問機関である沖縄県環境影響評価委員会は、市民から の意見書も参考にし、「基地建設による環境影響は大きく、回避は困難」という答申を県知
事 にすでに提出 しました。 県知事 の 意見書 も、 基地建設 に対 して厳 しいものになるでしょ う。
2. ジュゴン保護キャンペーンセンターの設立とIUCN勧告 SDCC結成前の2000年に、国際自然保護連合(IUCN)の第2回世
界自然保護会議(ヨルダン アンマンで開催)に、沖縄ジュゴン保
後、IUCNは沖縄ジュゴン保護について、更に1回の勧告(2004年バンコク)と1回の決議 (2008年バルセロナ)を採択しています。
を遅らせる力になったと思います。日米両政府は、新 基地建設にあって環境問題を無視できないことを認識 し たのです。
SDCCは今後も辺野古新基地建設の中止と沖縄ジュゴ ン
多くの方々に現実を知っていただき、私達の活動をサポート していただきたいと思っています。
3. SDCCの活動と目標
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辺野古・大浦湾は生物多様性に富んだ海です。そこには、貴重なサンゴ、海草藻場、多様 な魚や貝類などが暮らしています。またこの海は、地域住民の生活にとっても、貴重なもの です。
ディツアーなどに取り組んでいます。また政府にIUCN勧告・決議を履行させるために、対 政府交渉をねばり強く行っています。また、現在は名護市の行政とも協力関係を作り始めて
署名キャンペーン アメリカ領事館へ要請
が、地域のコミュニティの発展と結びついていることを学びました。保護区は、単に法律に よって人間活動を制限し、生物を守るのみではなく、地域住民が誇りを持てる地域づくりで
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沖縄でのジュゴン保護区づくりには、基地建設計画という国策が大きく立ちはだかってい ます。この計画は美しい自然環境と住民の生活と誇りを壊します。だからこそ「住民主体の
地域づくり」という、フィリピンで学んだ保護区のあり方を、いっそう大切にしていかなけ ればならないと思います。
4.ジュゴンとともに生きる未来 沖縄をイノチと平和の島に 4.1 基地に依存しない地域づくり 新基地建設 が 予定 されている 辺 野古 ・ 大浦 湾 は 、 沖 縄 県名護市 にあります 。 1998 年以 降、名護市の市長には基地容認の人物が当選してきました。しかし2010年1月の名護市長選 挙において、「辺野古の海にも陸にも基地は作らせない」と公約した、稲嶺進さんが当選し
ました。名護市民は、基地の受け入れと引き換えの「基地再編交付金」によって利益をえる のは、一部の土建業者と本土資本であることに気が付きました。辺野古・大浦湾に面した集
落にも、立派な建物は建ちました。しかし、住民の必要からかけはなれた建物は、有効に使 われず、維持費のみが地域経済に負担をあたえることになりました。
名護市では現在、滞在型の観光、第1次産業の立て直し、などを中心に地域づくりを進め ています。そして市長自らが、辺野古・大浦湾の豊かな自然を視察し、自然環境保護の重要
どによって、ジュゴンとジュゴンのすむ海を守る活動をはじめています。SDCCも毎年7月 に現地へのスタディツアーを実施し、地元の活動に協力しています。 4.2 IUCN 済州島第5回世界自然保護会議で、
催されます。SDCC はこの第5回世界自然保護会議において、日本政府が、基地建設を前提 にした、非科学的な環境アセスメントの結論にもとづいて、新基地建設を進めようとしてい
世界の世論が許しません。ジュゴン保護区を世界の人々とともにつくりあげ、沖縄を基地の 島からイノチと平和の島に変えていきたいと思います。
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강정을 생명평화의 마을로 고권일 / 제주해군기지 강정마을 반대대책위원장
3 · · . 60 4.3
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330m .
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40 .
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Presentation 2
Making Ganjeong Life and Peace Village Go, Gwon-Il / Chairman of Gangjeong Villagers' committee to Stop the Naval Base
Jeju is an 'Island of Global Peace.' However, Jeju is currently far from peace because of the government's forceful construction of the Jeju naval base. In the process, they are destroying the local community and the natural environment. People in Gangjeong village have been fighting for years against government violence and attempts to construct the naval base. Not only the residents of Gangjeong village, but also the visitors and people who have seen the beautiful and peaceful scenery are wondering why the naval base is being constructed. From this point on, Jeju Island must establish values suitable for an 'Island of Global Peace.' Thus, it's the time to institutionalize 'peace.' When it comes to population, the people who live on Jeju Island are just 1 percent of total population of South Korea, and the Ganjeong villagers are just 0.5 percent of the total of Jeju islanders. Despite Gangjeong being a very small village, it is important to make the village a peaceful shrine for the following reasons. First of all, making Gangjeong a peaceful village is not only to establish universal values, but also to enhance the sustainability of mankind. Global problems, such as the crisis of energy, food, and environment, will ultimately exacerbate the vicious Cold War ideology. We need to see the Jeju naval base from this perspective. According to the Ministry of National Defense, the Jeju naval base will be used as a home port for naval fleets that guard Korean territorial waters; however, this is false. This is because the 2010 Navy Headquarters initial report contains a blueprint showing the base's capacity to accommodate an aircraft carrier of 335.5m in length. The only nation that has ships measuring 330m is the United States. This indicates that the construction of the Jeju military base is part of a maritime hegemonic strategy of the U.S. In other words, if it is constructed in Jeju, the Korean government will contribute to solidifying a new cold war structure. Therefore, the movement that rejects constructing the Jeju naval base is a proxy battle in the fight for world peace and humanity.
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In addition, the movement against naval bases in Jeju embodies counter-proliferation. The Jeju naval base, which would permit nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines, can hardly be free from contamination by nuclear materials, such as tactical nuclear weapon and depleted uranium ammunition. Pollution by nuclear materials will destroy the natural habitat over time, as well as give rise to serious physical diseases. Since uranium and plutonium enrichment programs, which are necessary for nuclear power, cannot be separated from nuclear weapons, the importance of an antinuclear stance is growing. After the Fukushima nuclear accident, world public opinion sharply turned antinuclear. As the problems of energy crisis move closer, there are a lot of voices to demand renewable energy sources, one of the sustainable growth engines. Therefore, the question whether nuclear energy is necessary or not is definitively tied to human sustainability beyond the interests and policies of individual states. The final point is that Ganjeong villagers have been completely nonviolent throughout the course of their opposition despite suffering from harsh military violence. Instead of building up military forces, we need to establish a peace belt between Jeju Island in and around East Asia. A peace belt will facilitate disarmament and promote diplomatic cooperation and cultural/economic exchange among nations. This will lead to more economic security than projecting military power. This will be beneficial for every state because these efforts are based on mutual reciprocity. Therefore, from a macro perspective, non-violent protest by villagers against Jeju naval base will ultimately play a significant role in the world history. Then, what is meaning of making a peaceful village devoid of military facilities from a local perspective? Firstly, emphasizing the village over military facilities demonstrates to others the value of preservation over that of industrial development. Up to this point, central and local governments have promoted short-term development policies based on just economic logic. But movements against military bases will catalyze change in across policies. Protecting and maintaining the environment itself is a kind of industry that creates added value. National security projects are notorious in Korea, but if this project is successfully canceled, there would likely be a new stream of anti-development movements. Gangjeong village is surrounded by three UNESCO World Natural Heritage sites and nine UNESCO Geo-Parks on an island that is designated a Global Biosphere Reserve. As such, we have possible alternatives for generating economic wealth based on these natural resources. Secondly, this would be a chance to correct the legislature's roles. Designation of 'absolute
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preservation area' by Jeju provincial government was hastily lifted through a change of the law, and the environmental impact assessment was only nominally implemented. Therefore, nullifying the construction plan will recover the principle of a constitutional state by keeping the separation of legal, administrative, and judicial powers. Especially, the independence of the judiciary will give us impartial measures not to violate the determination of the people and lay the foundations for making a righteous society. Thirdly, we can let them know that our anti-movement against the military base would achieve progress by gathering people's opinions when the government pushes forward any kind of business and project. Since issues related to national projects have to be more transparent, communication among people needs to strengthen. This is the most important thing in the democratic society. Through communication between national people and the government, we will accomplish social integration and sincere democracy. Lastly, our activities will contribute to shedding new light on and restoring the traditional community. To increase crop yields, people in neighborhoods have formed organizations to support each other. To be specific, Jeju Islanders have a custom called Soonoorm, in which members of communities help out on each other's farm and in their household matters. Soonoorm advocates that a villager who receives others' help should offer their labor corresponding to the quantity of work received instead of money or other materials. For this reason, people who live in Jeju traditionally not only cut the weeds around the graves unlike that of the mainland, but also deal with many domestic affairs locally. If our priorities are on material affluence, then this communal tradition will likely disappear. Conflicts between villagers have created division in the Gangjeong community and these divisions are tearing the village apart at the seams. If we are unable to maintain the Soonoorm of the village as it is, then these relationships will not sustain themselves as well. Soonoorm affirms that people have a responsibility for others' security and life beyond material gain.
If on a national level,
this mutual cooperation can be applied in principle, I think that the currently violent world would transform into a peaceful community. Finally, I'll conclude by quoting the word of Kang U-Il, Bishop of Jeju Diocese and chairperson of Catholic Bishops. "Gangjeong! You are the smallest village in this country, but peace can spring from you and spread across the world!" (Translated by Lee Bora)
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Presentation 2
汀村(ガンジョン)を生命平和の村に ゴグォンイル / 済州海軍基地ガンジョン村反対対策委員長 済州道は最近、ユネスコの自然科学部門の3冠王に選ばれ、世界環境会議が開かれるなど、
自然という面での価値が世界に広く知られている。また、地政学的にも日·韓·中の中間に位 置し、国際情勢が反映されているところでもある。済州道は、今から60年前に日本本土防衛
のための戦争基地として戦争終了時まで使われ、また冷戦イデオロギーの犠牲として4.3と いうつらい経験をもっている島でもある。そんな済州が再び戦争の渦に巻き込まれる危険性 に直面するならば
の 意味で「平和の島」にふさわしい価値観を確立し、 「平和」を産業化しなければならな い時期にある。
人口 で見た 時、済州の人口は韓 国の1 %であり、ガンジョン村は 済州道民の0.5% に過ぎな い。このように小さなガンジョン村を平和の聖地にすることには大きな意味がある。 1)人類の普遍的な価値により生存力を高める道
第一に、ガンジョン村を平和の象徴にすることは、人類の普遍的な価値を見つめなおし、人 類の生存力を高めることにつながる。現在、人類の共通課題であるエネルギー危機、食糧危
機、災害などから脱し、将来の人類の永続性を保証する道は、世界的な調和を前提とする。 逆にイデオロギーによる冷戦の中では、地域対立が深刻になって資源戦争、食糧戦争、環境 破壊が続き、悪循環になる。
海軍本部 が2010 年 1 月に発行 した 「 調査 および 実験報告書 」 を 見 ると 、 海軍基地 は、 335.5mの航空母艦をガンジョン海岸に接岸することを基準に設計されていることが確認で
きる。世界的に見て、330m級の空母が保有可能、かつ今後保有する可能性がある唯一の国 がアメリカだけであることを考えると、この海軍基地が米国の海洋覇権戦略の一環であるこ
とは明らかである。つまり、済州海軍基地は、アメリカが中国を封じ込める政策の一環であ り、これは我々の意思とは関係なく、アメリカと中国が新しい冷戦体制に入ることを意味す
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2)反核を広める道 第二に 反核思想の浸透 である 。核推進航空母艦 と 原子力潜水艦 の入港 が許可 されると、 普 段、戦術核兵器、劣化ウランなどを積載して出入りすることで、済州道は核物質に汚染され
けでなく、我々の健康も危機に陥る恐れがある。そして、核兵器というハードパワーに頼る 外交は 、 一方的 なコミュニケ ーションの 構造によって 、 外交 の 摩擦 の 増大 、 貿易構造の 歪
技術と 副産物 のプルトニウムは、 核兵器 と 不可分 の関係であるから 反核の 意義はより大 き
の枯渇時代に入って持続可能な再生可能エネルギーの要求が高まっている現代、核か非核か の問題は、単純な地域国家の理解や政策を超えた人類の未来につながる問題なのである。 3)休戦状態で行われる非武装、平和運動
第三に、韓国は世界の中で唯一の分断国家で、国防政策が国家政策に大きな割合を占める状 況で、海軍基地反対運動は「非武装運動」でもある。済州道が豊かな自然環境を積極的に活
用して非武装平和ベルトを造成すれば、北東アジアに安定した世界を組成でき、軍縮、積極 的な外交協力、文化·経済的交流を先導することができる。さらに天文学的な予算をかけて
国防力を高めるより、はるかに安全な安保力を確保することもできる。このような軍縮と交 流·協力の努力は、いずれかが一方的に不利になったり、有利になったりするのではなく、
る。また、可視的な成果があらわれると、社会的な安定と福祉の増進が活力をつけ、北東ア ジアを 安定させる力 になるだけではなく 、 平和的 な方法 で南北問題 を 解決 する可能性も 高 い。 2.微視的な観点
ら非常に重要な意味があることを見たが、微視的な観点から見た場合、ガンジョン村を軍事 基地がない生命平和村にすることはどのような意味があるのだろうか。 1)政策の方向転換―開発から保全へ―
してきた国家政策と地方政府の政策が、短期的な利益分析よりは、長期的な青写真をもとに 行われれば、主な政策が変化するきっかけになるだろう。
けになりうる。最も難しい国家安全保障事業撤退が成功すれば、環境保全のブームはどの時 代よりも強くなるだろう。ガンジョン村はユネスコが指定した生物圏保護区が多数あり、ま
た西帰浦海洋公園、絶対保全地域、生物圏保全地域など、保護しなければならない環境資源 の宝庫なのでこのような願いが反映される条件を備えている。
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第二に、済州特別自治道議会が絶対保全地域を強奪して無効にし、法治国家の尊厳を毀損し てしまったこの事業が無効になったら、民主主義にもとづいた議論と妥協の原則が元の位置
にもどってもう一度、公明正大な社会への変化が可能になる。 原則を定め、その原則を
守る社会が可能となるということは、富をもつ人々の意思によって振り回されるような不安 な社会から、安定した社会への変化を意味している。
第三に、国家が事業、または政策を進めるに当たっては、国民の声を聞いて収束する過程が 透明でなければならない。互いの意見を調整する過程においてはコミュニケーションの重要 性が他のどんな時よりも大事にされる。これは民主主義の実践において最も重要な要素であ
り、我々が属する集団に対する信頼が地域社会や国家につながる時、各個人は所属感を感じ て信頼を元にした結束力が生じるのである。社会統合と民主主義の完成は、さまざまな方法
で達成するのではなくコミュニケーションというただ一つの方法で可能となる。 4)共同体生活の方法に再び照明を
第四に、共同体生活の方法に対する再確認と回帰を意味する。済州の共同体生活の基準と方 法はスヌルウムに見ることができる。これは、農業や家庭または村に行事がある時、皆が仕
伝統ができ、あらゆる種類の行事に対し近所の人たちと家族全員が協力するという風習が定 着したのである。
人間のつながりが破壊され、各個人の利害関係によって分離されたガンジョン村の現実は惨 めなものである。ガンジョンを軍事基地が排除された平和の村に戻さないと永遠にこの関係 は回復されない。スヌルウムをもとにした共同体生活は多くの可能性を示唆している。物質
中心の思考から脱却し、真の人間関係の回復と、社会の有機的に相互補完してお互いの安全 と生活を責任を持って世話をする社会が可能となる。小さな単位の社会から国家単位のスヌ ルウムが可能となった場合は、本当に平等な外交関係と国際交流が可能になり、生命や存在 の危機に直面している今日の世界を、真の生命平和の世界に変化させることが可能になる。 最後に、済州教区司教で韓国カトリック教区の議長であるガンウイル司教の言葉で締めくく りたい。 "ガンジョン!あなたはこの国で最も小さい村だが、あなたのお陰で、世界に平和が始まる であろう! "
李 吉珠訳
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제주를 세계평화의 섬으로
소프트파워를 통한 아시아ㆍ태평양 평화공동체 건설을 꿈꾸며 신용인 / 제주대 법학전문대학원 교수
1. . . ㆍ
ㆍ . (Joseph. S. Nye) (agenda)
, .43)
.44) ,
. .
9. 11. ,
’ 2010.
. 「4
Development Review)
Military Power
Civilian Power
Civilian Power ‘
Diplomacy .
(China threat theory)’ , . ‘
. 43) 조지프 나이, 「소프트 파워」, 세종연구원, 2004, 30면. 44) 조지프 나이, 앞의 책, 39면.
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’ (Comprehensive Power)
, ,
ㆍ .
. . .45) .
2. , .47)
. . . . ,
ㆍ .
21 . . . , . . . ,
. .
45) 전재성 외 5인, 「한국의 스마트파워 외교전략」, 한울, 2009, 210면. 46) 전재성 외 5인, 앞의 책, 119면. 47) 전재성 외 5인, 앞의 책, 25면.
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. . .
, . . . ㆍ
3. 2005. 1. 27.
). ⅰ)
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DMZ(demilitarized zone)
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Presentation 3
Jeju for the Island of World Peace In hope to unite a peace community in the Asia Pacific through soft power Shin Yong-In / Professor of the Law School, Jeju University
1. A Change in international politics and emergence of the soft power Traditionally, in the field of international politics, hard power, which focuses on military and economic power, has been considered very important. It has been widely considered that the strengthening of hard power is the ticket to garnering national security and profit, given that current international society is similar to a state of anarchy without a single governing authority. However, since 1990s, commensurate with globalization, computerization and democratization, international politics can no longer only be framed within the lens of hard power. Soft power is now recognized as very critical for a nation's security and its profit. According to the widely regarded scholar of international politics, Joseph. S. Nye, soft power is the ability to convince other nations into wanting what you want by setting an agenda and appealing to them. In short, soft power is the ability to empathize. The resource for soft power is a nation's culture, political philosophy, foreign policy, etc. With rising recognition of the importance of soft power, powerful nations such as U.S., China, Japan in Asia-Pacific region are strengthening their soft power through tremendous effort. Since the end of the Cold War, the U.S., as the remaining world superpower, has exercised unilateral foreign diplomacy by mostly focusing on controling other nations. After realizing that global citizens are neither happy nor supportive of a U.S.-dominated world hegemony, especially after 9/11, the U.S. is eager to strengthen its soft power by rebranding a "Welcome America" image. State Department of the U.S is emphasizing civilian power and military power as the two essential pillars of U.S foreign policy as stated in the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review(QDDR) in Dec. 2010. Cleary the U.S is recognizing the ascent of civilian power.
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Being aware of the widely disseminated 'China threat theory', China has cleverly reacted to wariness within the global community with diplomatic terms aimed at creating a friendly image such as 'the Responsible Great Power' or 'the Peaceful Rise'. Furthermore China has borrowed the concept of the 'comprehensive power' which includes soft power, as well as hard power. It is very obvious that China is also trying hard to strengthen its soft power. Japan understands that there exists clear boundary for pursuing national interest with only military or hard power. With its Peace Constitution, Japan has built its soft power through its consistent Official Development Aid(ODA) for developing countries, fighting global warming and cooperating with other nations on nuclear disarmament. Given its phenomenal economic growth, South Korea is considered an advanced nation, but its military power is far smaller than that of powerful countries like the U.S, China and Japan. The mind set for pursuing and maximizing Korea's benefits through military power is unrealistic and impossible. Therefore South Korea needs to work on improving its soft power, rather than
heavily relying
on hard power. However, South
Korea's soft power is
underdeveloped and very much limited to cultural diplomacy. Especially in regard to sophisticated foreign diplomacy, in which most advanced countries give weight to, South Korea continues to lag.
2. The characteristics of Soft Power and the Choice of South Korea Soft power is the ability to achieve your goal without force by molding the preferences of others. It's the power to persuade others into voluntarily performing an action which you want them to carry out. However, when a nation realizes that strengthening of soft power is critical to its national competitiveness, and therefore actively seeks to expand its soft power policy for its own exclusive benefits, it can often unintentionally weaken the position that it is trying to strengthen. In other words, if a nation pursues the exclusive benefits or control power over other nations then others will not trust your soft power. It's simply a worthless strategy. This paradox is one of the most important characteristics of soft power. Therefore, unlike hard power, legitimacy and universality are as essential as life in building soft power (like no fish without water). Without legitimacy and universality, soft power consumes itself. But the question is whether the soft power policy, which the U.S, China and Japan try to enhance, really holds legitimacy and universality. If you look at the U.S, the reason why the U.S has focuced on soft power is mainly to
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continue its power state of world hegemony in 21 century. Now the global civil society is skeptical of the soft power strategy that U.S exibits, and thus watching it carefully whether the ultimate goal of the soft power is for the global benefit. If the U.S exercises its soft power only for its national benefit then the Soft Power will eventually vanish itself away. What about China? China wants to raise the appeal of its national image to the global community as 'the Responsible Great Power' or 'the Peaceful Rise', as opposed to the 'China Threat'. But can we literally take their claim to be 'the responsible' and 'the peaceful' nation? What if the hidden intention of this is to gain hegemony in East Asia? We can ask the same question of Japan as well. Expansion of soft power policy in Japan may have the same underlying intention as that of China. If it's the case, then the soft power of China and Japan will rapidly disappear. Meanwhile, Korea is not on the same position as the U.S., Japan and China. Throughout history, Korea has never walked the path of imperialism, and has never invaded another country. Korea rather has greatly suffered from invasions and wars under the weight of powerful countries, and it continues to suffer from the national division resulting from the Cold War. The painful history of a victim can serve as a great resource to strengthen Korea's soft power. Korea is in a far better position to attain legitimacy and universality, the essential elements of soft power, compared to the U.S, Japan and China. Therefore, Korea needs to actively present a vision and strategy of peace that global citizens empathize with. In this way Korea's soft power will grow in legitimacy and universality. The likelihood of reunification will grow with Korea's increasing soft power, and this will help Korea take a lead in building a peaceful Asia-Pacific community.
3. The Island of World Peace and the Jeju Naval Base Korean government designated Jeju island as 'The Island of World Peace' on Jan, 27, 2005. The purpose of the designation was to establish stability and peace on the Korean peninsula, and ultimately contribute to world peace(according to the special law no.155/article no.1 of Jeju government). South Korea's national government and Jeju's local government can carry out projects as follow in order to assist Jeju island in attaining its role and ability as of the Island of World Peace: ⅰ) inviting an organization related to international peace and cooperation ⅱ) establishing an institute of international cooperation ⅲ) holding international conferences on international peace and cooperation ⅳ) developing projects of exchange and cooperation between North and South ⅴ) developing memorial projects to spread the concept of peace
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â&#x2026;ľ) implementing additional projects to support international peace and cooperation (the special law no.155/article no.2) Jeju's designation as an Island of World Peace has improved South Korea's soft power by claiming legitimacy to the crown of peace. Therefore, South Korea needs to actively legitimize Jeju island as a place for promoting a vision and strategy for world peace. Jeju has potential to establish peace and stability of the Korean peninsula as well. This way Korea can step up into the position of a strong soft power country and take the lead on reunification of Korea and and the lead of building a peaceful Asia-Pacific community. But ironically enough, the Korean government is pushing for the construction of a massive naval base in Jeju, the Island of World Peace. The Korean government is insisting that the naval base and the Island of World Peace are not incompatible by rationalizing the Roman military scholar, Vegetius's maxim, "If you want peace then prepare for war. (Si vis pacem, para bellum)" However, this begs the question that would such a claim really garner empathy from other nations? Especially, can China agree to call Jeju an Island of World Peace while knowing the new naval base in Jeju is primarily for projecting Korea's naval power against them. The process of construction itself has destroyed the legitimacy of the new naval base. Cancellation
(tourism/military) construction plans, illegal arrests, and countless cases of human rights violations are proving the illegitimacy. Nevertheless, the government is still imposing its power upon the villagers and peace activists in order to continue the construction. How can the government talk about visions and strategies for peace that global citizens can empathize with? Contrary to its past embrace a soft power policy (the designation of Island of World Peace), South Korea is diverging from the path of becoming a strong, soft powered nation by enforcing the base's construction under the heavy-handed scheme of hard power. This clearly shows the current state of Korean soft power policies, and how superficial and unrefined they are. What's worse is that the naval base will provide the U.S. a platform to exercise its power over China, increasing the chances of ultimately making Korea a victim of military clashes between the U.S and China. If this implication turns out true, then the naval base plan will not only erode South Korea's soft power, but also jeopardize national security.
4. The role of Government and suggestion of 'Solidarity of the Islands for Peace in Asia Pacific'
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For five years, Gangjeong villagers have non-violently resisted against construction of the naval base since their village (situated in southern Jeju) was nominated for the base on 2007. The tearful struggle of Gangjeong for peace and life has spread world wide and raised concern and empathy especially within the Asia Pacific region. Their sacrifice has enriched the soil for the Island of World Peace to bloom, an island of peace at risk of losing its credibility. In other words, Gangjeong's resistance is providing a foundation for the soft power through which Korea can harvest reunification and build the peaceful community in Asia-Pacific region. The South Korean government has to listen to the voice of Gangjeong if the nation wants to increase its soft power. Firstly, the government needs to immediately withdraw the naval base project, and secondly, it needs to develop long-term policies designating Jeju as Demilitarzied Zone (DMZ) in the Asia-Pacific region through international treaty. When Jeju becomes the DMZ of Asia Pacific, then global citizens will easily recognize Jeju as the true Island of World Peace. What the villagers and the peace activists want is very clear. Instead of building the controversial military base, they urge the government to build facilities such as a peace park and an international peace center, a home for the global peace activists and NGOs. Many islands in the Asia-Pacific region are being forced to sacrifice their homelands to the forward bases of powerful nations as they compete for regional hegemony. Including Jeju, Guam, (Saipan, Spratly Islands) Okinawa, and Hawaii are the well known islands of struggle against the naval base occupation. Now it's time for the islands in Asia Pacific to come together, share their stories and experiences. Together we can build a soft-power alliance of the Asia Pacific. Therefore, I suggest the establishment of 'Solidarity of the Islands for Peace in Asia Pacific'. (Translated by Han Chesoon)
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Presentation 3
ソフトパワーを通したアジア・太平洋の平和共同体建設を夢見て シン・ヨンイン / 濟州大 教授
1. 国際政治の変化とソフトパワーの浮上 従来、国際政治の領域では政治力と経済力を中心とした「ハードパワー」が重視された。そ
リゼーションや、民主化の流れにより世界政治は新しい局面を迎える。それに伴い「ソフト パワー」国家の安全保証や国益に対して大きな意味を持つと認識され始めた。
創案した概念で、国際政治で議題(agenda)を設定して他の国の好感をかう能力、すなわち当 該国が願うことを、他の国々にも望んでもらえるように仕向ける能力をいう48)。この共感能
ることができる 49)。 米 国 、 中 国 、 日本 などのアジア ・ 太平洋地域 の 強 大 国 は 「 ソフトパ ワー」の重要性が増すにつれ、その増大に心血を注いでいる。
「歓迎される米国」を作るためにソフトパワーの強化に注力することになる。米国国務部は 2010年12月「4ヵ年外交開発政策報告書」(QDDR:Quadrennail Development
Powerを米国外交政策における二本の軸として、Civilian Powerの強化も強調している 。
中国は自国の発展にともなう「中国脅威論(China 48) ジョセフ·ナイ、「ソフトパワー」, 2004,p.30. 49) Op.cit. p.39.
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だけでなく 、 ソフトパワ ー を 国 力 の 重要 な 軸 に 明示 する 「 総 合 国 力 」 (Comprehensive
日本は 「 平和憲法」 によりハ ードパワー 、 特に 軍事力 を 介した 国益追求には 限界 があるの
したがって、ハードパワーを通した国益の追求は極めて困難であり、また、実行したとすれ ば大きな負担を呼び起こすことになるだろう。
2. ソフトパワーの特性と韓国の選択 ソフトパワーは他者の共感を勝ち得る能力、他者が自発的に、私の望む行動を行なうように 誘導する力である52)。
その点において、米国、中国、日本などアジア・太平洋地域の主要な強大国が追求している ソフトパワー増大政策が果たして正当性と普遍性を獲得しているかは未知数だ。
米国の場合、21世紀に入っても継続して世界覇権国の地位を維持するための手段として、ソ フトパワーを提示した面が強い。
50) ジョンジェソン他5人、「韓国のスマートパワー外交戦略」、ハンウル、2009、 p.210. 51) op.cit. p.119 52) op.cit. p.25
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るのかどうかを見守っている。万が一米国が、ソフトパワーを国益のためだけに使おうとす るならば、米国のソフトパワーは自然と消滅するだろう。
中国の場合、自国のソフトパワー増大政策の責任大国論、平和的浮上論が中国脅威論を払拭 させ、結局には東アジアの地域覇権を掌握する、という意図から生み出されたのではないだ
いると疑われる。もしそうであるならば中国と日本のソフトパワーも急激になくなるのであ ろう。 韓国は米国、日本、中国と違い地域覇権を追求するほどの位置にない。また、大国主義の道
争という辛い歴史がある国であり、いまだに南北分断という冷戦の遺物により苦痛を受けて いる。
源になる。つまり、韓国は米国、中国、日本、どの国よりもソフトパワーの必須要素の正当 性と普遍性を獲得しやすいという強みがあるともいえるだろう。
フトパワ ーは 、 正当 性 と普遍性を 獲得しながら 非常に 強 力になるだろう。 韓 国がソフトパ
ワ ー強国 になるならば 、これを土台 に韓民族念願 の韓半島平和統一 を 早めることはもちろ ん、アジア・太平洋地域の平和共同体構築の主役となることもできる。
3. 世界平和の島と済州道海軍基地 韓国は2005年1月27日済州を世界平和の島で指定した。済州道を平和の島で指定した目的 は、世界平和に寄与して韓半島の安定と平和を定着させるためである。(済州道特別自治道
は、済州道が世界平和の島としての機能と役割をつくせるようにするためにⅰ) 国際平和お
よび協力関連機構の誘致、ⅱ) 国際協力に関する研究所の設立、ⅲ) 国際平和および協力関
連国際会議の誘致、ⅳ) 南北交流および協力に関する事業、ⅴ) 平和理念拡散のための記念
事業、ⅵ) その他の国際平和および協力のための事業、などを施行することができる(同法第 155条第2項)。
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ことで韓国が、ソフトパワーの強国となりえるし、韓半島の平和統一とアジア・太平洋平和 共同体構築のための主導権を握ることできるだろう。
問してみる必要がある。特に、中国の立場に立てば、中国を牽制するための海軍基地が建設 される島を「平和の島」と呼べるか疑問だ。 さらには海軍基地の建設推進過程で生じた、絶対保全地域の無断解除、民軍複合観光米抗の
か。 結局、韓国はソフトパワーの画期的な増大政策で済州を世界平和の島で指定したが、同時に ハ ードパワー を 強化 するという名分 で海軍基地 の 建設 を 押し 切 ることによって、 ソフトパ
4. 政府の役割と「アジア・太平洋平和の島連帯」提案 2007年済州道の南に位置したガンジョンの村が海軍基地の候補地に決定されて以来、江汀
の住民たちは、済州の生命と平和を守るために5年間も海軍基地の非暴力反対闘争を展開し てきた。ガンジョン住民たちの感動的な反対闘争は、すでに地球村市民社会の共感を起こし
ながらアジア・太平洋次元の平和運動に昇華されている。彼らの血と涙が肥料になって、名 ばかりの「平和の島」に転落する危機にある済州道が、名実共に「平和の島」となる契機が
得られたばかりでなく、韓半島の平和統一、進んでアジア・太平洋平和共同体を成し遂げる に相応しいソフトパワーを形成する土台が用意された。
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対する念願を真剣に熟考して、これを積極的に政策に反映しなければならない。すなわち、 問題だらけの済州道海軍基地の建設を、直ちに撤回しなければならないだけでなく、長期的
には国際協約を通じて済州道をアジア・太平洋のDMZ(demilitarized zone)で作る政策を推 進しなければならない。そこでようやく、済州道が、世界の人が共感する「平和の島」とな
に建設して、海軍基地の建設敷地一帯を平和公園に転換させる案などが、その例になること ができる。
役割を強要されている。海軍基地問題によって苦痛にあっている、グアム、沖縄、ハワイが その代表的な島々といえる。しかし今はそういう島々がかえってアジア・太平洋平和共同体
構築のためのソフトパワー源泉として、機能することができるようにしなければならない。 このために、グアム、沖縄、ハワイなどの平和活動家等の共同体「アジア・太平洋平和の島
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유라시아 대륙 양쪽에서 세계를 지배하려는 제국의 야욕에 대항해 반격하자! 아그네타 노버그 / 스웨덴평화위원회 자문위원
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# 1
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, Jeju Tobagi)
Speech 1
Fight back against the Empire on both side of the Eurasian continent! Agneta
Norberg / Swedish Peace Council
First of all I want to say a big thank you for inviting us all to come here. And I want to give a special thank to Sung-Hee, who made us all knowledgeable us,
by sending
videos on internet, showing
able to see your fight We have got
a vivid picture and overview of people's
world dominance.
brave, resistance
Base. You inspire us, and it has made us
solidarity with you
in your resistance
It is in fact a struggle
your struggle for Jeju Island. We have been
on land, in water, in front of trucks, and sometimes under
construction of a Navy and show our
and motivated,
trucks .
determined to come here
against the Empire and their plan
for all of us, regardless which country we come
from. I am in the board of the he Global Network. That's why The former visit brought me to the villages
I am here for the second time.
Pyongtaek and Mugon Ree, and I learned a lot
about the courageous opposition, by the village people , against the construction of new US military bases there .
I was extremely touched by what I experienced
and I have never
stopped telling the story about your resistance, wherever I am. Korea and Sweden are small countries on both side of the Eurasian landmass. These two countries are today exposed to US aggressive military policy to enlarge their military dominance. Pentagon has far reaching plans
for encircling the whole Eurasian continent by
along the whole landmass from Greenland and
bases and
war games
Iceland in the North Atlantic to Europe, and along a semicircle of military bases
and radar
installations to Korea and Japan. South Korea has its own history of terrible wars and we have learnt has suffered many periods
under the
rule by cruel dictators and
that the Korean People
is de facto
a US military
colony today with over 100 US military bases. Sweden has a different history. Sweden is a country, which hasn't been years. But this is no longer the truth.
at war for 200
Swedish soldiers, who were world famous for
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peacekeeping, are today fighting US´ wars for oil and gas in Libya. The country had years .
Afghanistan and recently in
earlier an official policy of being nonaligned and neutral
in Sweden - even activists in some peace organisations -
for many
have this self
This is because the Swedish mass media has been complicit in the crime of not
telling what is at stake in our country. When Sweden joined the European Union in 1995, Sweden Partnership for Peace , an antechamber to NATO. our country,
is open
lost its independence and joined
After ten years, almost one third
for all kinds of military war games
by NATO countries.
A couple
of years ago the US Air Force was allowed to train bomb dropping on our soil in the North at North European Aerospace Test range - in short, NEAT. Force,
In 2011, The British Royal Air
got the permission to conduct training in the North almost
Nordic MINI-NATO is underway , with
In fact a
Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark and the
Baltic states Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia .
War games are taking place in the North , with
names like Nordic Meet, Cold Response and Loyal Arrow and soon in March this year, Cold Response II , will take place.
Many analysts say that the melting of the Arctic Ice is one of
the reasons for the new tensions in the North, because under the Ice Cap, there are
third of the world's gas and one fifth of the world's oil reserves. The North has also become a platform for different installations for Space Warfare. Both Sweden and Norway take extremely active part in militarization of Space. the city of Kiruna,
Esrange, close to
in northern Sweden, is the worlds biggest ground station for downloading
images from satellites . In northern Norway, a huge and strong radar is installed close to the Russian border in Vardo,
Have Stare. This radar has the capability to track the test
launching of intercontinental missiles in Russia. With
installing such a radar, the Bush administration violated the Anti Ballistic Missile
Treaty, (ABM) undersigned
in 1972, which forbids such installations. The US radar in
Vardo, is capable of collecting data, which are an essential precondition for the US missile defence to work in a real situation. The radar in Vardo, Have Stare, is the most advanced US radar in this category in the world today.
From this location, close to the North Pole, it
monitors satellites, in a fixed position above the equator, from Canary Islands, in the West, to Pakistan in the East. The US radar covers the entire area over the turbulent Middle East. In the whole area, the US radar in northern Norway, is capable of monitoring objects as small as a tennis ball, according to the Norwegian journalist Satellite War, published in November
B?rd Wormdal, in his new book The
2011. This book , today
in Norwegian language only,
which reveals the Norwegian government and the US secret military space cooperation, close
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to Russia, will be translated into English and Russian, All
warfare today is dependent on satellites
in year 2012.
for missile guiding, intelligence, communications
and positioning. On Svalbard , north of Norway,
the worlds biggest ground station for
directing and downloading data for satellites is constructed. The SvalSat station provides many countries
with military intelligence, among them:
South Korea, Taiwan and India and of
course the US. This is in violation of international treaties, which forbid the use the Island of Svalbard for
warlike purposes.
are for US warfare today:
I will give you just one example of how important satellites
The US
used satellite data, downloaded on Svalbard,
Operation United Protector in Libya, in year 2011. The Norwegian Military is using Svalbard for military reconnaissance in Afghanistan. The Norwegian Government denies any violation of any Treaty, in connection with Svalbard. The Island of Greenland is rather far away from the North. But the fact is that Denmark colonized the Island of Greenland, for many years, why it
is only
formerly independent.
Denmark is still in control of Greenland's foreign policy, and this means
in fact
control. Denmark is a member of NATO, where the US has the ultimate say. authorities have allowed the US, to install
the US Denmark's
the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System
(BMEWS) at the Thule Air Base, in Northwestern Greenland. This military base was an essential part of US´s
ears and eyes system towards
Soviet Union,
during the cold war.
The United States also deployed nuclear weapons at the base and even lost atom bombs
Greenland's Arctic ice, following a plane crash in 1968. Today the radar is a key element of the US´ missile strategy and an essential part of the US´ missile architecture. In May 2004, the US and Denmark negotiated a deal to allow the Pentagon to upgrade the Thule BMEWS, and use it in a chain of similar installations stretching from Alaska to Australia. The Inuit (the indigenous people), in Greenland, fought fiercely against the upgrading of the Thule radar and Russia raised concerns, claiming that it threatened Russian security. So dear friends, on both side of the Eurasian continent , we have to learn about each other's reality and spread
information and take action.
We have to make the authorities aware of
that we know what they are doing in violation of peoples will both in Korea and in Sweden. I have called South Korea's
in Stockholm, Seokejong Eom, and told him that
we stand in solidarity with the Gangjeong villagers on Jeju Island, in their struggle to stop the construction of a Navy Base. I have also sent a letter to him with this content. The Jeju Island is an Island of Peace .The building of a Navy Base for the U.S. warships will make Jeju Island a target and a zone of conflict. We in the Swedish Council say: Stop the building for War! Start building Peace in Korea and in Sweden. Thank You!
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NATO 세력 확장 저지를 위한 아시아 연합이 필요하다 J. 나라야나 라오 / 글로벌네트워크 자문위원
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J.NARAYANA RAO All India Peace & Solidarity Organization (AIPSO)
(번역: 박진희)
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Speech 2
At the outset please let me express my gratitude to the peace. Loving people of Jeju Island for standing against the mighty super power attempting to convert the "Jeju Island of Peace" INTO to "Jeju Island of War." The continued struggle against the construction of a Naval Base is a tribute to the perseverance of the people to halt the US maneuvers in escalating tensions in Korean Peninsula in the interest of the Military Industrial Complex of USA. Unfortunately the Government of Republic of become a willing partner in elsewhere in Republic
US mechanizations' salute all those valiant people of Jeju and
Korea for their steadfast stand against the construction of the Naval
Base at Jeju Island. The statement made by Sung Hee the lady with an inexhaustible energy and fighting spirit, before the court reflects the stand
on this issue not only the people of
Republic of Korea but also of all the peace loving people of the world. Imperialism has targeted Asia to be in turmoil setting one country against the other always. Israel and Palestine, Taliban and Afghanistan, Republic of Korea and Democratic Republic of Korea, China and India, Pakistan and India etc. Instability in Asia is a pastime of imperialism. Vietnam War, Korean War, Iraq War, Indo-Pak Wars and many occupation attempts of US is a testimony for this. The western diplomacy is always to fish in the troubled waters and add fuel to the fire. Taking advantage of the disunity of Asian countries, US established many military bases, deploying missile defense, involving many Asian countries as partners of its plans for weaponisation of Space. Economically some of the Asian Countries have developed and now Countries like China and India are threatening the economic might of the US and the West. But on the political sphere the Asian countries always show cold feet before the west and fail to assert. They willingly allow the US to play a dominant role on many international issues. Hardly any Asian country stands against the lone super power. The crimes against humanity committed by US go unpunished,
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It is time for the Asian countries to unite and rally not to allow the US to be one centre of authority, one centre of force and one centre of decision making. Asia is a victim of militarization of international relations by US and NATO. Japan has become the first Asian country to witness the devastation and destruction by Atomic Weapons and from Vietnam to Afghanistan Asia witnessed devastation and destruction by wars. Unfortunately some of the Asian countries in their pursuit of super power status are ignoring the war crimes of US. Bruce Gagnon, the Co-coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space in a well reasoned article on "U.S. Space Technology for Controlling China and Russia" has succinctly described how US is targeting Asia. The Missile defense and Weaponisation of Space by US is mostly to control the emerging Asian Countries by US and its NATO partners. Any confrontation with Russia and China by the west will lead to terrible consequences for an Asia and the whole world. Asia as a whole should stand against the US mechanizations. The best possible way for Asia to stand as a bulwark against US imperialism is to organize itself into an "Asian Union" on the lines of European Union. Many of the problems of Asian Countries which have been inherited from the colonial rule can be solved by the Asians themselves. Imperialism is never interested in solving the Asian problems. In the past several attempts have been made in this direction. At present there are several regional alliances like ASEAN, SAARC, SCO etc. But an Asian Union only can stand against the manipulations of imperialism and restore peace in Asia and solve all the bilateral issues. Asia is now sitting on a nuclear hot bed. Out of the 8 Nuclear Countries,5 are in Asia: China, India, Pakistan, DPR Korea and Israel. These countries have to seriously think about de-nuclearization. Nuclear Disarmament is not only in the interest of Asia but also of the World. Asian Countries should collectively stand against the Missile defense programs and weaponisatioin of Space.
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밴던버그 공군 기지 및 그 임무에 대한 저항 소개 데니스 애펠 / 미 캘리포니아 주 밴던버그 기지 저항자
(Denis Apel)
. .
, . .
(Vandenberg Air Force Base ) ,
. 13,000 .
1941 ,
(Camp Cook) S.
(Hoyt S. Vandenberg) . .
. . . 1980 4,200
(Western Missile Range )
- 159 -
. (Kwajalein Atoll ) .
20 .
14 .
. .
, . (Kwajalein)
. (Ft. Greenly)
. Falcon HTV-2
. Falcon
Peacekeeper . DARPA(The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency )
. 2010
. 4
, . .
. .
- 160 -
517ppb . 4~6 ppb
. (Minuteman)
1980 .
. ,
Spectrum .
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Speech 3
Introduction on the Vandenberg AFB and resistance against its mission Dennis Apel / Resister against the Vandenberg AFB My name is Dennis Apel and I come to you from the Central Coast of California in the Western United States.
I live and work in the small town of Guadalupe, California which
sits among the many agricultural fields common is this region of California. community which serves the needs of the farm-workers of the area,
I live in a
most of whom are
immigrants from Mexico to the south and are not technically allowed to live in the United States because they lack legal documentation.
They are, however, readily hired by the
growers and work long hours for poverty-level wages in order to bring us our produce at a low price.
My community provides
food, clothes, shelter and free medical care to those
who come to us. Just a few miles to the south of the house where we live and work Vandenberg Air Force Base.
is the northern end of
Geographically it is the 3rd largest Air Force base in the
United States comprising 401.4 sq. km. (155 sq. mi.) with a perimeter 159 km (99 mi.) long. The land on which the base sits was originally the sacred land of the Native American tribe of Chumash Indians who inhabited the Central California for some 13,000 years before the arrival of the Europeans. In 1941 the U.S. Army opened Camp Cook as a training Center and in 1957 the Base was transferred to the U.S. Air Force and renamed after General Hoyt S. Vandenberg to begin its current mission as a space launch and ballistic missile test facility. Vandenberg's primary function is as a space launch facility. It is the only location in the United States where rockets carrying satellites are able to place their payloads in a polar orbit as opposed to an equatorial orbit.
Both government and commercial satellites are launched
from the Base and some missions are secret and the specifics of the payload classified.
rockets are launched from Space Launch Complexes sprinkled along the coast at the southern end of the Base.
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Since the 1980's, Vandenberg has also been the home of the
Western Missile Range which
is comprised of a 4,200-mile-long corridor extending from the west coast of California to the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
On average, four times each year the Base conducts
test launches of our nation's Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.
ICBMs are fired from
underground missile silos at the north end of the base and carry multiple dummy warheads targeted to land in a lagoon at Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands.
The 4,200-mile trip
takes about 20 minutes and the cost of each launch ranges from $50 million to $100 million. All silos (about 14 of them) are located at the northern end of the Base and are similar to the silos in the Central United States where active ICBMs are on alert.
All ICBMs tested
are actually removed from active deployment and transported to Vandenberg having had their active nuclear warheads replaced with dummy warheads.
The dummy warheads contain
depleted uranium to simulate the weight of the actual warheads and have been polluting the lagoon at Kwajalein for years affecting the livelihoods of the indigenous peoples there. In addition to regular tests of ICBMs, Vandenberg is heavily involved in the Missile Defense Program, both in the testing and in the deployment of ground-based mid-course interceptors. A number of tests of a system designed to shoot down incoming ICBMs from other countries using interceptor missiles have been performed from Vandenberg.
Typically an ICMB is
launched from Vandenberg and an interceptor missile is launched from Kwajalein with the hope of an impact in space destroying the dummy warhead carried by the ICBM.
the system has experienced a number of failures and a few limited successes, interceptors have been deployed at both Vandenberg Air Force Base (at least 3) and at Ft. Greely in Alaska (9 or more). Recently, Vandenberg has been involved in testing a new weapon called the Falcon HTV-2, an unmanned aerial vehicle containing a conventional (non-nuclear) bomb which is placed into low earth orbit using a retired Peacekeeper missile.
The program is sponsored by DARPA
(The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and its intention is to give the United States the capability to bomb any target on the planet within an hour.
The first test launch
of this system (June 2010) cost $150 million and failed. Vandenberg is also the home of the Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC).
The purpose of
this facility is to integrate the data received from satellites and to make that data available to the four branches of the Armed Forces as well as to specific Allied Nations.
Data can be
used for surveillance, tracking, targeting, space superiority, and controlled access to space. The data is then used in any location where our armed forces have current operations including war zones and areas of clandestine operations.
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As with many military institutions, the environment along an incredibly beautiful and pristine expanse of California coastline has been affected by the military's presence here.
One of the
components of rocket fuel is the chemical Ammonium
Perchlorate, known to cause birth
Accountability Office, which studied the levels of Perchlorate contamination at Department of Defense sites, including military facilities and military contractor facilities, found the ground water at Vandenberg to have been contaminated to 517 ppb (parts per billion).
Depending on
which study one accepts, the safe level of Perchlorate in drinking water is considered to be between 4 and 6 ppb.
Recent studies have also shown that a large percentage of the lettuce
grown and distributed throughout the United States is contaminated with Perchlorate as is much of the Nation's milk.
Perchlorate is now being found in mothers' breast milk as well.
Since the 1980's when Vandenberg first began test launches of the Minuteman ICBM, local activists have held regular rallies, protests and vigils at the Base.
Many have been arrested
and some have spent time in prison for their resistance to our government's policies and Vandenberg's roll in those policies.
Those actions continue today as a means of confronting
our government's drive toward what the U.S. Space Command calls "Full Spectrum Dominance," a dominance heavily supported by the mission of Vandenberg Air Force Base.
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촛불 집회 발언문
메리 베스 설리번 / 우주의 무기와 핵에 반대하는 글로벌 네크워크
. ,
. ,
, ,
. ~~
. .
• 100
, .
• . •
. , '
• •
. ,
• •
. :
, ~~
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. ,
. 1,000
, "
, "
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~~ ! . ,
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(Cho, Eunmi) )
Speech 4
For Candle Light Vigil
Mary Beth Sullivan / Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
It is a profound honor for me to be here with all of you in Gangjeong village. Your struggle has been a full time presence in our family ~~ in our home. Many nights, after returning home from a long day's work, I sit with Bruce Gagnon, in front of his computer, and I see the day's images sent across the seas ~~ the images of your struggle, of your resistance, of your peaceful, urgent prayers. The images stay with me. • The 100 salutations. • The Catholic mass, celebrated on the rocks, Fr. Moon wearing his furry hat. • People in wetsuits, swimming, or in kayaks, rowing, determined to reach Gureombi rocks in spite of police boats. The holy man, stopped for the moment in the sea, on his back, palms together, in prayer… • The cement trucks, motionless, halted by your brave and beautiful bodies standing tall, or crawling toward the tires • Or the serenity of the thin body, lying fearlessly in front of the crane's shovel. • Sung-Hee, smiling from jail, palm on glass, sending your message, 'not one more rock, not one more flower' • The sea diver, holding a sign in front of spectacular, colorful coral • The crowded candlelight vigils • The music and celebration of life and love and resistance • The visual arts, in every part of this movement, inspiring light in the darkness • The children piling rocks for peace flags • The hunger strikers: anguished, peaceful, certain. I am moved by the sounds.
So often, while the camera-person is filming the courageous acts
of civil resistance, behind the camera we hear the voices ~~ often voices of women, always
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they are shouting. lamentations.
We cannot understand the words, but we hear the consternation, the
A modern-day opera, powerful in its unfolding.
While I am watching your daily struggle, I hold in my heart my own. I am a social worker. The NGO I work for provides food, shelter, and support to people in my country who are homeless.
Imagine that.
Homeless people, in the richest country in the world.
people in the country that continues to devote more than half of its discretionary tax dollars in its effort to put 1,000 military bases around the world; in its efforts to modernize warfare, to create more and more efficient ways of killing people; to dominate militarily in any part of the globe to, as they say, " protect U.S. interests and investments."
They don't even
bother to pretend our military is to protect our home country anymore. Together we bear witness to the "collateral damage" of such political folly In my home, we see people with mental illness without a home in which to be safe and secure; people who are unemployed ~~ or employed but not earning enough to adequately feed themselves, so they come to our soup kitchen for nourishment. People who have addictions, but have little opportunity for recovery and rehabilitation, who leave behind a trail of brokenness. In your home, you see the cement trucks, the machines that dredge the sea and drill holes into the sacred rock ~~ the callous effort to dismiss an entire village as if you had no tradition, no voice, no dignity ~~ as if you didn't even exist! It is a blindness.
A blindness to the holy and sacred life of Gengjeong Villagers ~~ blind to
the sea life, coral, rocks ~~ a blindness that allows destruction for profit, control and domination. But yours are the eyes that see.
You see the holy, the sacred, the pulse of life in each
rock, in each coral. Yours are the nerves that feel the pain with each stroke of the crane's shovel. With your tears you grieve at the possibility of destruction, while you put yourselves, body and soul into the struggle for life. With your hands ~~ palms together ~~ and the immovable force of the love you share, you
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provide an opportunity to see the truth.
You invite each truck driver, each machine operator,
each police officer, even the governor and the judges on your island, the opportunity to walk away from cooperation with the system ~~ this system that refuses to value the human struggle, and refuses to accept our responsibility to the natural world. And then you invite us, people of conscience around the world, to join in your love and light.
You invite us to stand beside you, David, to look Goliath in the eyes.
with us your photos and videos, your music and art.
You share
You empower us to find the courage
to call the embassies, to write your governor, to send the letters, to tell the story. You thank us for every simple, small gesture we make. We are humbled by your gratitude. You will never know the profound impact your struggle for life will have in the hearts and minds and lives of the people of the world, today and through the coming generations. You are wide awake to the meaning of life.
You know the pain of domination, the depth of
sacrifice required to resist this evil, the joy of community, and the strength of standing tall in truth and love. May the citizens of the world learn from what you teach us here in Gangjeong Village. faith tells me that your lessons will continue to teach, beyond the seventh generation.
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동아시아 내 "비전쟁 지역"을 요구하는 후쿠시마 사태 아쓰시 후지오카 / 글로벌네트워크
" .
. . ." ,
, 1975
1 3 3
2011 14
. 3
. 3
11 ? , 6
). 4
800,000tb 1,570,000tb
? 1945 -235
10~15% 13,000tb
. .
- 171 -
20,000tb ,
KW "
. 770,000tb 60
. , 30 .
. , 100
. .
5 ,
. 5 ,
5 .
(Three Mile Island) 1979
28 ?
17.3 ,
? .
. . 543
3,000,000,000tb 580
- 172 -
. .
( 4
. (
. 6.7 3.3 3
. ? :
, 2009
. "2004
. 985,000
. â&#x20AC;Ś
90% 20%
, 1986
2000 1994
1993 9.5%
( 200
. 2,000 .
. 138
. 0.2%
, .
3 ,
- 173 -
. ",
, . "
" (
. ?
" . . … "
, " "
, . . . . , )
. " , AMPO ?"
. AMPO .
. AMPO . .
- 174 -
, . . 2,000
, ?
. . "
? .... ?
. . : "
' "',
: -
9 ,
3 , 2011
ďź&#x161; http://peacephilosophy.blogspot.com/2011/09/blog-post.html http://www.peaceful.biz/contents/2-4.html (
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Speech 1
Fukushima Crisis Demands a "No War Zone" in East Asia Atsushi Fujioka / Global Network
"We are far too nationalistic in spirit to succeed in holding peaceful atoms and war-like atoms apart for long; we have not conquered our fierce aggressiveness. peace while rejecting atoms for war.
We are unable to embrace atoms for
If we want to preserve human life, we must learn to abandon
both." Jacques Cousteau, French oceanography , UN General Assembly in May, 1975
From Meltdown to Melt-Through The T?hoku earthquake made a direct hit on the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant.
3:00 p.m. on the following day, March 12, 2011, a hydrogen explosion took place in the No. 1 reactor, followed by similar explosions in the No. 3 reactor on March 14 and in the No. 2 and No. 4 reactors on March 15.
On March 21, there was another mysterious explosion in
the No. 3 reactor. How much radiation in total has been released into the atmosphere by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant since March 11?
As of April, Tokyo Electric (TEPCO) and the government
estimated total emissions at 370,000 tb, but at a June 6 press conference they revised this figure substantially upward to 770,000 tb (tb=terabecquerel; one terabecquerel = one trillion becquerels). If we combine the 770,000 tb total radiation released outside the facility from the four reactors and fuel storage pools at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant with the 800,000 tb contained in the contaminated water accumulated inside the facility, the total emission of radiation amounts to roughly 1,570,000 tb.
Comparison with Hiroshima How does this figure compare to those for previous nuclear weapon blasts and nuclear accidents? To begin with the uranium-based nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, in fact only about 10-15% of the uranium 235 contained in that device achieved fission, with the remainder dispersing.
As a result, the total release of radioactivity was limited to 13,000 tb.
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With the plutonium-based implosion-type weapon dropped on Nagasaki, 15-25% of the plutonium fuel underwent a fission reaction, producing a total radioactivity of about 20,000 tb. To put this all in comparison, a typical million-kilowatt class nuclear reactor will produce in a single day of operation as much "deadly ash" (spent nuclear fuel) as three explosions of a Hiroshima-class bomb.
This means that in a year of operation, a typical reactor produces as
much "deadly ash" as a thousand Hiroshima-class detonations.
Each day, today's nuclear
reactors use as much energy as it would have taken to detonate three Hiroshima-class bombs to heat large amounts of water and drive enormous electricity generators. The amount of radioactivity emitted to the outside world by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant is said to be 770,000 tb.
This amounts to a radiation leak equivalent to the detonation
of sixty Hiroshima-class, or 39 Nagasaki-class, nuclear bombs. Cesium is a particularly worrisome radioactive material:
with a half-life of thirty years, it
produces particularly severe and long-lasting contamination of foodstuffs and soil.
If we use
only cesium 137 as our comparison point, preliminary figures released by the government indicate that 15,000 tb were emitted from Fukushima; this amount corresponds to the equivalent of 168 Hiroshima nuclear blasts. Not only
Fukushima seen
release of radioactivity equivalent to dozens of
Hiroshima-class atomic bombs, but the rate at which that radioactivity will decrease is one hundred times slower. it will cause long-term exposure to low-level radiation.
In particular,
people who ingest radiation from the nuclear plants by breathing or eating will experience chronic internal exposure to low-level radiation.
The result is a determinate increased risk of
incidence of cancer and other health problems within as little as five years, or as many as ten to thirty years. Following Chernobyl, too, it was not until five years had passed that rates of thyroid cancer among children suddenly spiked.
The world waits to see what health problems the people of
Fukushima, especially the children, will face in five years and beyond. Remember Sasaki Sadako was two years old at the time of Hiroshima; she did not develop leukemia until 1954, nine years after the atomic blast.
Comparison with Three Mile Island and Atmospheric Nuclear Tests How does the current disaster compare with the March 28, 1979 nuclear accident at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant in suburban Harrisburg, Pennsylvania? total radiation leak amounted to 91,000 tb.
At Three Mile Island, the
By contrast, already in Fukushima 17.3 times as
much radiation has leaked out of the reactors, and 8.6 times as much radiation has been emitted outside the plant facility, as at Three Mile Island. In the 35 years between 1945 and 1980, the U.S., USSR, France and China carried out atmospheric nuclear tests that also released radioactivity.
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How do these compare to
These atmospheric nuclear tests represent the greatest instances of radiation
release in human history.
The period from 1950 to 1963, in particular, saw a competition
between America and the Soviet Union to produce ever larger hydrogen bomb test explosions on the Bikini Atoll and Semipalatinsk sites. from these linger today.
The after-effects of radioactive contamination
In the 543 atmospheric tests carried out, 3,000,000,000 tb of
radiation were released-a total 580 times that released in the Chernobyl accident. equivalent to 1900 times the total radiation leak from the reactors in Fukushima.
This is In recent
years, global rates for the incidence of cancer have risen sharply, and it seems likely that these past atmospheric tests are one cause.
We may still be suffering from the after-effects
of the history of atmospheric testing.
Comparison with Chernobyl In the April 26, 1986 nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, only one reactor (the No. 4 reactor) went into meltdown.
A considerable portion of the two hundred tons of radioactive uranium and
graphite contained in the reactor was discharged in the explosion, leading to the emission of 5,200,000 tb of radiation into the atmosphere. remained relatively small scale).
(The contamination of cooling water, however,
An enormous radioactive plume formed and drifted across
Ukraine, Belarus and Russia before moving into the countries of northern Europe. Looking only at total radiation leaked into the atmosphere, Chernobyl was 6.7 times larger than Fukushima. Fukushima.
If we include contamination of water, it was 3.3 times larger than
In other words, when we use the combined total radiation leaks into the
atmosphere and water as point of comparison, total radiation emissions in Fukushima have already reached a level of one-third the size of the Chernobyl accident. What was the cost of the Chernobyl disaster in terms of the health of local residents? Alexey Yablokov, an adviser to the Soviet government at the time of the accident, edited Chernobyl:
Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment (2007; English
translation 2009) a groundbreaking work that surveyed more than 5,000 studies published in Russian and other languages. conclusions.
I will draw here on Sakuma Tomoko's useful summary of its
Concerning the number of deaths caused directly or indirectly by the nuclear
accident, "As of 2004 the total has reached 985,000.
This figure is hundreds of times greater than
estimates produced by the International Atomic Energy Agencyâ&#x20AC;Ś.In Belarus, 90% of children were in good health in the year before the accident, but in 2000 this rate decline drastically to less than 20%, and from 1986 to 1994 the infant mortality rate climbed to 9.5%. According to a 1993 survey of two regions exposed to high levels of cesium 137, only 9.5% of children who had been aged 0-4 at the time of the accident were in good health."
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The Amount of Radiation Lying Dormant in Fukushima Daiichi What is the total volume of radioactive material (nuclear fuel) accumulated at the Fukushima Daiichi Plant?
In the case of Chernobyl, the accident involved only the No. 4 reactor, which
contained 200 tons of nuclear fuel. In comparison, at Fukushima the six affected reactors and cooling pools for spent fuel rods contain 2,000 tons, or roughly ten times the amount of nuclear fuel that was involved in Chernobyl. How does this compare in terms of radiation levels?
The 2,000 tons of nuclear fuel at the
Fukushima Daiichi Plant is estimated to contain about 20,000,000 tb of radiation.
This means
that the Fukushima plants holds an accumulated total radiation equivalent to 138 times the amount that leaked from the Chernobyl plant, or 24% of the total radiation released during the history of atmospheric nuclear tests. At present, only 0.2% of the total radioactivity of the plant's nuclear fuel has leaked into the atmosphere or plant cooling water, but even at this limited level, the radiation leak has already reached one-third the scale of the Chernobyl disaster.
Additional aftershocks,
deliberate attacks on the plants (including the possibility of terrorism), or human error could further damage the Fukushima reactors.
If only 1% of the accumulated radiation were to
escape in such an incident, it would amount to a leak of 7,200,000 tb, making it the worst nuclear accident in history, exceeding even Chernobyl (5,200,000 tb).
On the floors of the
Fukushima Daiichi reactors, the "enchanting dragon"-some 2,000 tons of half-melted nuclear fuel-coils itself up and waits.
To prevent this enchanting dragon from discharging its toxicity,
it will be necessary to continue dumping large amounts of cooling water on it for decades to come.
Conclusion Through the collective efforts of primitive life forms starting some 3.6 billion years ago, the ozone layer and atmosphere took shape, and hospitable lands and oceans capable of sustaining the earth's biosphere slowly emerged.
By contrast, in this "Nuclear Age," the "celestial
dragon" bearing the "celestial fire" has suddenly descended to the earth's biosphere, transforming into a monster with two heads:
the raging dragon (nuclear weapons) and the
enchanting dragon (nuclear power), What would happen if the Korean War, paused now under the terms of a still temporary ceasefire, were to erupt back into open combat? militarily from armed attack.
"Nuclear plants cannot be defended
Accordingly, the nuclear plants spread along Japan's coastline
are in effect nuclear weapons in the hands of a hypothetical enemyâ&#x20AC;Ś.Once its nuclear plants come under armed attack, the land of Japan will become permanently uninhabitable," declared retired nuclear engineer Ogura Shir?, who concludes, "The presence of nuclear plants render it impossible for us to defend ourselves in case of war."
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This is a crucial fact:
if the Korean
War were to explode into open combat again, the utterly vulnerable Fukushima Daiichi Plant would inevitably present an ideal target; this state of utter vulnerability will continue for decades into the future. If we can muster the political will, there is one task that we can readily accomplish:
the Korean War to a permanent conclusion and transform East Asia into a completely war-free zone.
This is clearly the most important task facing Japanese diplomacy post-March
11, and if it can be achieved, AMPO will start to lose its seemingly supernatural powers. Takahashi Tetsuya, a native of Fukushima, puts the problem in the following terms:
"If it is
true that emperor-system militarism was the core of Japan's wartime political order, then isn't it just as true that the doctrines of AMPO and nuclear power have formed the core of Japan's postwar political order?"32
This is a very sharp observation.
network of public works that supports it:
AMPO and the nuclear plant
this system permits electric utilities to push onto
the market relatively high electricity prices that cover their costs and provide a fixed profit, and it is also the basis of political fundraising for both the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic Party of Japan. The present crisis surrounding Japan's nuclear plants has made it clear that the key to guaranteeing peace lies not with AMPO, but with concluding a peace treaty to end the Korean War and the establishment of a war-free region.
Moreover, if we can root out the
politics-by-bribery of the electricity utilities, sustained by their nuclear plants, there is a possibility we could dismantle the hidebound structure of politics in Japan.
If we can
simultaneously free ourselves from AMPO and the nuclear plants, the pillars of the whole corrupt postwar Japanese establishment will crumble. Fukushima continues even now to be visited by frequent, ominous aftershocks.
The 2,000-ton
enchanting dragon, with its 720,000,000 tb of radiation, writhes and coils in the land of Fukushima.
As we keep a watchful eye on this enchanting dragon descended from the
heavens, trying to keep it from discharging its poison, how can we drive it out from the earth's biosphere and back into the heavens?
We will be wrestling with this problem for
decades to come. In the Old Testament, the following passage appears: "Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?.... Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know his place?" In the coming years, this question will be our own cross to bear, as we seek to find a new way of life. *Fujioka Atsushi, the author, is Professor of Economics, Ritsumeikan University and Kyoto Museum for World Peace. Excerpt: Fujioka Atsushi, 'Understanding the Ongoing Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima: A
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"Two-Headed Dragon" Descends into the Earth's Biosphere,' The Asia-Pacific Journal Vol 9, Issue 37 No 3, September 12, 2011. Japanese full textďź&#x161; http://peacephilosophy.blogspot.com/2011/09/blog-post.html http://www.peaceful.biz/contents/2-4.html
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Speech 1
東アジアの戦争禁止地帯化なしには、 福島の核惨事は解決できない 藤岡 惇 / Global Network
だけを抱きしめながら、戦争目的の原子を憎むことなど、できないのです。私たち が生き延びようとするならば、両方とも棄てさることを学ばねばなりません」 (フ
ベースのネットワーク中心型戦争」と呼ばれた。その結果、米国の保有する軍用機の3割余 は無人機となり、米本土の空軍基地から操縦される無人飛翔体がアフガン・パキスタンの地
上の標的にたいして、ミサイルを放っている。無人飛翔体もミサイルも、宇宙を飛ぶ軍事衛 星編隊によって精密誘導され、無実の子どもたちの命を突然に奪い、家を破壊している。米 国にかんする限り、宇宙の軍事利用は「宇宙の殺人利用」という新段階に入った。このよう
ては撃墜されないように進路や速度を自在に操れ、世界のどの地点へも30分以内で到達でき る「無人の宇宙戦闘機」に進化させようとしている。
るが、この戦争も、経済的利益を生み出すことができず、イラクをイランの傀儡ともいうべ きシーア派勢力にゆだねたうえで、オバマ政権は「不名誉撤退」に追い込まれた。米ソ冷戦
の最大の経済的勝者になったのは、憲法9条をもつ日本であったが、11年間の反テロ地球戦 争の経済的勝者になったのは、中国であった。
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合体は 、 メルトダウン (炉心溶融 ) の段階 を越 えて、 圧力容器 の外 に 溶け 落 ちるメルトス
ボーンという激しい爆発音を伴い、きのこ雲は数百メートル上空にまで噴きあがった。福島 中央テレビは、このおぞましい映像も撮影していた。英国の公共放送のBBCは、この時の
映像を繰り返し使い、事故の深刻さを世界に伝えた。しかし日本では「民心を動揺させる」 からという理由で、NHKを含む他の大手マスコミは、この種の動画の放映を許さなかった
く、外側で起ったために、放射性物質(放射能)の放出規模は、それほど大きくはなかった し、陸地の汚染は小規模なレベルにとどまっていた。
発の維持に自信を失い、総員撤退する方針を決め、菅首相などに「撤退の許可」を懇願する に至ったが、拒否された。
る。「その3時間後の15日の午前9時には、正門付近で毎時1万1930マイクロシーベルトが確 認 された 。これまでとは桁違 いの 高 い線量 だった 。海側 への 風 は、 しだいに 陸側 へと変 わ
り 、 その 後 、 北西 に 向 きを 定 めた 。 その 先 には 浪江町 、 飯館村 、 福島市 があった 」 と 。 (「プロメテウスの罠⑩・⑪」『朝日新聞』2012年1月12日・13日付け)。
保存されていた3108本の使用済み燃料集合体のうち、1535本が4号機の核燃料貯蔵プールに 貯蔵されていたが、 爆発に 伴 い、 その相当部分 が 破損 ・ 溶解 し 、放射性物質 をまきちらし た。
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メルトスルー(溶解した核燃料が圧力炉の底を貫通して、格納炉内外に出る段階)に至って いたことを日本政府が認めたのは、事件から3か月がたった6月6日のことであった。
か。4月段階で東電と政府は、大気への総放出量を37京ベクレル(1京とは1万兆)と推定し ていたのであるが、6月6日の記者会見の場で77京ベクレルへと大きく上方修正した。ただし
上方修正しても、なお放出規模を過小評価しているという批判が海外の研究チームから提起 されている。たとえば毒性と半減期の長さから、汚染の深刻さをうらなう最有力の指標とな
ムが発表した。 それによると 、大気中 に放出された 放射性セシウムは 35.8 京ベクレルであ
り、6月6日の原子力安全委員会の試算値(11京ベクレル)を3倍余り上回り、すでにチェルノ ブイリでの放出量(85京ベクレル)の42.1%の規模に達しているという(なお大気中のセシ
とに朝日新聞が試算したところ、6月下旬には原発敷地内に高濃度汚染水と処理後の汚染水 が計12万7千トンあったが、1-4号機の建屋地下に、一日あたり450トンの地下水が流れ込ん
でいるという 。 地下水 の 流入量 は 降雨量 と 連動 しており 、 台風 が 通過 した 9 月下旬 には 倍
加し、17万5千トンになったという(『朝日』2011年10月20日)。汚染水に含まれる放射能 の総量は80京ベクレル程度だと東電は推定している。これに大きな誤りがないとすると、大 気中に放出された放射能とほぼ同量の放射能が冷却水などに溶込み、大量の汚染水を作り出 したことになる。
は157京ベクレルに達するとされる。福島の放出量を核兵器の爆発や原発事故で放出された 過去の事例と比較してみよう。
にとどまった。長崎に投下されたプルトニウム利用の爆縮型原爆のばあいは、プルトニウム 燃料の15-25%が核分裂反応をおこしたので、放出量は2.0京ベクレルとなった。現代型の
化と高性能化に役立てている。これと比べると広島型原爆は「おもちゃ」のような核爆弾に すぎなかった。
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は 、 毎日 、 広島型原爆 3 発 を 爆発 させたのと 同量 のエネルギ ー を 用 いて 大量 の 水 を 沸騰 さ せ、巨大な発電用モーターを回してきたのだ。
原爆の60個、長崎型原爆ならば39 個を爆発させたに等 しい量の放射能を放出したことにな る。セシウム137は、半減期が30年と長く食品や土壌への深刻な汚染を引き起こすやっかい
次 に 1979 年 3 月 28 日 の 米国 ペンシルバニア 州都 ハリスバ ー グ 郊外 のスリ ー マイル 島 で 起
こった原発事故と比較してみよう。スリーマイル島のばあい、放射性物質の放出量は9.1京 ベクレルにすぎなかった。すでに福島においては、スリーマイル島事故の17.3倍の放射能が 原子炉外に、8.6倍に達する放射能が原発敷地外に放出されたことになる。
件であった。とりわけ1950年―63 年の間は、米ソがビキニ環礁やセミパラチンスクの核実
跡を残している。543回にわたって行われた大気圏内核実験のなかで、チェルノブイリ事故 の580倍にも相当する30万京ベクレルの放射能が放出された(『核兵器・核実験モニター』
373-4号、2011年4月15日)。福島における原子炉外への放出量と比べたばあい1900倍の 規模となる。最近、ガンに発症する人が世界的に激増しているが、この時期の核実験がその 一因だと考えられないだろうか。大気圏内核実験の後遺症に、今なお私たちが苦しんでいる 可能性がある。
ルトダウンを起こし、200トンに達する放射性ウラニウムと放射性黒鉛のうち、かなりの部 分を吹き飛ばし、520京ベクレルの放射能を大気中などに放出した(ただし冷却水への放出
は 小規模 にとどまった )。 放射能 を 帯びた 巨大 なプル ー ムが 形成され 、ウクライナ ・ベラ ルーシ・ロシアから北欧諸国まで流れ出した。
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した。この見解が正しいとすれば、水への放出量も含めたばあい、セシウムの放出総量は、 すでにチェルノブイリの6-8割のレベルに達している。
ど 5 千本以上 の 文献 ・ 論文 をレビュ ー した 画期的 な 本 が 2009 年 に 英語 で 出版 された。
Chernobyl :Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment がそ
れだ(星川 淳さんたちのグループが翻訳中だという)。この本については佐久間智子さん
下 で 亡 くなった 人 は 、「 2004 年 までで 985,000 人 にのぼる 。 この 人数 は 国際原子力機関
(IAEA)の推計数とは2ケタも違う。・・・ベラルーシでは、事故の前年には9割の子ども が健康だったが、2000年にはその割合が2割以下に激減しており、1986-1994年の新生児死
すぎなかった。」上述の2地域の汚染のレベルは、福島原発から北西方向へ50キロ付近まで の汚染レベルに相当すると佐久間さんは述べている(「佐久間智子のしゃべくり放題」『オ ルタ』429号、2011年8月、38ページ)。
イリのばあい、爆発事故を起こした原子炉は4号機だけであり、原子炉内の核燃料は200トン であった。これにたいして福島のばあい、6つの原子炉と使用済み核燃料貯蔵プールのなか
に、チェルノブイリの10倍の2千トンの核燃料が蓄えられていた(先のECCRの科学委員会 チーフのクリス・バズビー博士の推定、『週刊金曜日』2011年7月8日号、25ページ)。放
射能レベルで比較するとどうなるか。福島第一の2千トンの核燃料のなかには7万2000京ベ クレルの放射能が含まれていたと推定されている。したがって福島には、チェルノブイリ原
発からの放出量の138倍、大気圏内核爆発の放出量の24%にあたる莫大な量の放射能が蓄え られていたことになる。
けで1.3万人に)にのぼっている。原発事故で避難措置がとられた県下の12市町村に絞って 調べると、居住していた自治体外での生活を強いられている住民は、8月31日の時点で10万
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広島 でも 被爆当時 2 歳 だった 佐 々 木禎子 さんが 白血病 を 発病 したのは 、 被爆 から 9 年後 の
たのは事故から5年後であった。5年後の2016年以降に、福島の住民の体調にどのような異 変がおこるのか、とくに子どもたちの間でガンや白血病、各種の心臓病を患う者、免疫力の
36億年前 から 続 いてきた 原始生命体 の 共同作業 のおかげで 、 オゾン 層 と 大気層 が 形成 さ
れ 、地球生命圏 を支 える豊穣 の大地 と海 とが生 み 出されてきた 。これにたいして 「 核の 時
代」とは、突如として「数万年も消えない天上の火=核の天龍」が地球生命圏に強引に降下 し、暴龍(原爆)あるいは妖龍(原発)という姿に変化しながら、とぐろをまく時代のこと にほかならない。
納容器 の 外側 の 燃料 プ ール 群 を攻撃 しさえすれば 、原発 が自壊 することが 、 満天下 に知 れ
最大の 貿易相手国となった 中国を 軍事的 に 封じ 込 める 「 対立 の 道」 を 歩んでよいのだろう か。
東アジア地域を戦争禁止地帯にすることだ。これがポスト3・11の日本の最大の外交課題 となってきたし、もし実現できれば日米安保体制が神通力を失っていくことだろう。
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たこの妖龍を暴発させないように監視しつつ、どのようにして地球生命圏から天界に追い出 していけばよいのか。
りつつある。とすればフクシマは、東アジアの脱核と戦争禁止条約を生み出していかねばな らない。そうでないかぎり、核施設と宇宙・サイバー空間の奇襲攻撃が必至となろう。福島 は、脱戦争の条約づくりの時代の到来をもたらしたわけである。
これは何者か。知識もないのに言葉を重ねて、神の経綸を暗くするとは。・・・お前は、一 生 に 一度 でも 朝 に 命令 し 、 曙 に 指示 したことがあるのか 」(『 ヨブ 記 』 38 章 、 Pearl
S.Buck, Command the Morning,1959;邦訳パール・バック『神の火を制御せよ』2007
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Speech 2
Not only snow, darkness and cold in Kiruna Gun Britt Mäkitalo / Kiruna, Women for Peace
Dear Friends, How glad I am to be here with you, to give support to your struggle, against the building of a marine base on this beautiful Island. Jung Min, a women from your country, showed us a film about Jeju, last summer, at the conference in LuleĂĽ and Agneta has told me a lot as well. This has made me interested to come here. I come from the city of Kiruna, the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s next largest city above the North pole. The people make their living, summer and winter, beside tourism and space industri, mostly from work
in Lousavaara/
Kirunavaara mines.
I am glad to see Bruce Gagnon again. He visited Kiruna in September
2008, and gave a
lecture in Kiruna on his tour in the North. He told us important facts
about the space installation, Esrange, that all space installations have dual use. They can be used either for civilian or military purposes. We, in Women for Peace, have asked the authorities about this, but the answer is: No, all installations are for civilian use only, they claim.
I have been one of the few whistle blowers against another alarming issue: the presence of NATO in Kiruna. I think the Swedish government has sold out our country to US/NATO. It started
already when we joined EU and joined Partnership for Peace, but it got worse
after a decision in the parliament to open up a large area for foreign forces to come and test different sorts of weapons and conduct war games almost on daily bases. This decision was based on a document called: Snow, Darkness and Cold.
It became worse in 2007, when the air was filled with warplanes from different NATO countries. The US was there as well. It was called Air Meet. The Americans were extremely happy for the big area and wanted to use it even more. So next year in 2009, a gigantic war game was conducted, in an area as big as Germany, one third of Sweden. It was called Loyal Arrow. And beside that, for the first time in history, a British aircraft carrier anchored in Lulea, a city at the coast. In 2010, the US Air Force, trained bomb- dropping and in year 2011, the British Royal Air Force, was allowed to train almost the a whole year. We are
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terribly tired of all this.
We in Women for Peace in Kiruna say that we have to stop this silent association with NATO. We have to start a discussion about this horrifying development.
We don’t want to be dragged into NATOs war-plans and be a provocation to Russia, which is our neighbor. We want to be friends with Russia. And we certainly don´t want to be part of any Space War.
We have to educate people about Esrange, the world’s biggest downloading ground station for satellites. We have to tell people about how drones are trained in North European Aerospace Test range-NEAT, which is the largest military training area over land in Europe. There they are testing drones. Before Israel sent their drones over Gaza, they were tested in NEAT. Last October we, Women for Peace, occupied the centre of Kiruna to protest against the use of drones and held up banners which said: Stop killing children with drones. It was on the International Children’s day.
We don’t want to be part of any War. We want Sweden to be a nonaligned, neutral country. Swedish soldiers should be peacekeepers, not soldiers in Afghanistan.
Therefore I am looking forward to your coming to Kiruna in June 2013. You have to help us educate our population about all this. We will do our very best to arrange the Global Networks yearly conference in our City. We have a lot to show you, not only Space Installations, but a wonderful landscape. You won´t be disappointed. It will be a great experience to arrange a conference for you. You are most welcome to Kiruna!
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약력 • 24일 국제 평화 회의 개막 강동균 회장: 57
. . (ehdrbs2067@hanmail.net) 데이브 웹:
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament )
. . (dave@webbjeff.free-online.co.uk)
도법 스님:
. . 2004 5
, 2011
. . 강우일 주교:
. 2007 -
. 2009
' '
. (Snowball Civil
앤지 젤터: Disobedience Campaign), )
(Trident Ploughshares,
Womens Peace Service) -
. 100
. .
(* '
. 2001
) -
,' 2008
' -
고희범 대표:
. (kohheebum@daum.net)
- 191 -
홍기룡 위원장: . (sanpohong@gmail.com):
• 24일 국제 평화 회의 제1부 브루스 K. 개그논:
. . .
59 2
, 70
. (globalnet@mindspring.com)
토시오 타카하시:
. . .
. , . (chilongi@nirai.ne.jp) 정욱식 대표: 1999
. . (wooksik@gmail.com)
매리 배쓰 설리반: . . (BIA)
• 24일 국제 평화 회의 제 2부 요스케 마츠시마:
. 52
- 192 -
15 .
(info@sdcc.jp) 고권일 위원장:
. 2008 .
. (kkipopo@naver.com) .
신용인교수: . (yongin30@hanmail.net) 김민호 교수:
. (minho@jejunu.ac.kr):
• 24일 국제 평화 회의 폐막 김미량:
, 10
. . . 김성규: .
, . .
문정현 신부: .
. ,
, .
. (munjhj@gmail.com) 홍리리:
. (jejupeace@hanmail.net):
• 25일 주민과의 간담회
- 193 -
아그네타 노버그:
, ,
. 2009
2000 ,
. (lappland.norberg@gmail.com) 1
제이 나라야나 라오: .
(jnrao36@sify.com) 데니스 아펠:
. 15
. 15
. . . . .
• 25일 촛불 문화제 매리 배쓰 설리반: 신구범 선생: . 2010
(1993~1998) 4
59 10
• 26일 기자 회견 강동균, 메리 배쓰 설리반, 아쓰시 후지오카, 데이브 웹, 고권일 (사회):
• 26일 전략회의 이태호 참여연대 사무 처장(gaemy@pspd.org):
- 194 -
, 70 .
• 26일 글로벌 네트워크 연간 회의 브루스 K. 개그논:
• 26일 촛불 문화제 아쓰시 후지오카: .
. . .
. (fujioka@ec.ritsumei.ac.jp) 군-브리트 마키탈로: 25 .
. (gbmakitalo@gmail.com) .
마이클 류코우스키: . .
. 2007 . . (mjrutkow.asu@gmail.com)
- 195 -
Jeju International Peace Conference Bio
â&#x20AC;˘ Opening, International Peace Conference, Feb. 24 Kang Dong-Kyun is the mayor of Gangjeong village and a farmer. He was born in 1957. After working at a construction company in Japan for 10 years as a civil engineer, he returned to Gangjeong village and started farming. He once dreamed of becoming a soldier and a police officer, but the heavy suppression by soldiers and police while he tries to meet his mayoral duties of protecting his village has crushed his dream. (ehdrbs2067@hanmail.net) Dave Webb is a convener of the Global Network and chair of the UK Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. He is formerly a Professor of Engineering, now Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at Leeds Metropolitan University in the UK. (dave@webbjeff.free-online.co.uk) Do-Beop is a Buddhist monk and runs the Shilsang Temple. He is a representative of Indra Network Community and a life-long teacher at Life Peace Fellowship. He is the chief of the Korean Buddhist Jogye Order for Reflection & Innovation Committee and the chair of the Hwa Jaeng (Harmonious Debate) Committee.. In March, 2004 he began a five-year walk across South Korea as a mendicant leader for the commitment to Peace and Life. He also established the 100 Day of Walk for Peace and Life, making Gangjeong the starting point of movement. Bishop Kang U-IL is the chair of the Korea Catholic Bishops' Conference and Bishop of the Jeju Diocese. In May 2007, he first expressed his opposition against the Jeju naval base in a speech titled "Wishing for Jeju, Peace Island-related to the naval base plan.' In 2009, he widely distributed an essay called an 'Appeal for Making Jeju an Island of Peace,' to the provincial Catholic churches belonging to the Jeju Diocese. He is a spiritual pillar in the movement against the Jeju naval base and a devout advocate for realization of the Peace Island. Anzie Zelter is a peace and environmental campaigner and founded the Snowball Civil Disobedience Campaign, Trident Ploughshares, the International Women's Peace Service - Palestine (IWPS), Faslane 365 and has supported other civil resistance campaigns against nuclear weapons, nuclear power, forest destruction and human rights abuses. She has engaged in nonviolent civil resistance in many different countries and has experience of more than 100 times arrests and many imprisonments. She has been nominated as a candidate for the Nobel peace prize next year. She is the author of 4 books including: 'Trident on Trial - the case for people's disarmament' 2001. ISBN 1-84282-004-4;
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Koh Hee-Bum is the former president of Hankyoreh and the former Secretary General of the Korea Energy Foundation..He is now the representative of Jeju Forum-C and the special chairperson of No Naval Base Committee of the Democratic United Party of Jeju. (kohheebum@daum.net) Hong Ki-Ryong is the chairman of the Jeju Peace and Human Rights Center, and the chairman of the Pan-Island Committee to Stop the Military Base and to Realize
the Peace Island of Jeju.
(sanpohong@gmail.com): Moderator
â&#x20AC;˘ Part 1, International peace Conference, Feb. 24 Bruce K. Gagnon is a Coordinator of Global Network against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space (space4peace.org) and one of the three founding members of the GN. He is also a member of Veterans for Peace.
He lives in Bath, Maine where Aegis destroyers are built that will be ported at Gangjeong
if the base is built. He joined the hunger strike last summer for two weeks in solidarity with Yang Yoon-Mo who has made hunger strike for more than 70 days including 59 days' prison fast against the Jeju naval base. (globalnet@mindspring.com) Toshio Takahashi lives in the Ginowan city of Okinawa pref. He is a General Secretary of Plaintiffs Group for FUTENMA US Marine Corps Airbase Roar Noise Pollution Lawsuit.
Immediately after
entering Tohoku University, he got engaged in the movements of help releasing Suh Sung who was then under the illegal arrest in the ROK , as well as of Kim Dae-Jung who got abducted by the KCIA during his visit to Japan. He always bore in mind the Korean pro-democracy movements and the burgeoning solidarity-formation between both the citizens in ROK and in Japan. Triggered by the 1995 rape incident committed by a few Okinawa US Marines of an Okinawan girl, some Korean citizens sought for solidarity exchanges with Okinawans committed to the long-year struggles against the US bases in Okinawa, which ever since has been nourished by both the sides into the full-swing activity of the bilateral 'Committee for the solidarity between people in Okinawa and the Republic of Korea through the struggles against the US bases.' The committee has been proactively engaged in the solidarity formation between Okinawan and Korean peoples, the movement of filing and supporting a collective lawsuit in Futenma against the roaring noise pollution made by the Okinawa US Marines there, as well as holding regular symposiums on jointly studying and solving the ecological damages caused by the US forces deployed at the US bases in the northeast Asian region (chilongi@nirai.ne.jp) Cheong Wooksik is a founder and representative of Peace Network of Korea (peacekorea.org), the civil NGO (founded in 1999) He has written many books and articles regarding peace in Korean peninsula. Disarmament of the Korean peninsula and North-east Asia is the main interest in his life. (wooksik@gmail.com)
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Mary Beth Sullivan is a social worker who attempts to meet the needs of a growing homeless population in a time of diminishing resources.
She is an active member of the Global Network
Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, and an advocate for the transformation from a war to a peace economy in the United States.
She lives in Bath, Maine where Bath Iron Works builds naval
destroyers, fitted with Aegis weapons systems. (mbsull@mindspring.com): Moderator
â&#x20AC;˘ Part 2, International peace Conference, Feb. 24 Yosuke Matsushima is an active member of Osaka office of Save the Dugong Campaign Center, Japan. Living in Kansai area, he is an engineer, specialized in building structural design. He is 52 years old. From September 6 to 15 of this year, the 5th World Congress meeting of International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources will be held in this beautiful island named Jeju, for which his NGO would like to take an active part. Therefore using this opportunity, he would like to conduct preparatory works to let a coming 5th world Congress be more fruitful one. (info@sdcc.jp) Go Gwon-Il was born in 1963 and is the current chair of the Gangjeong Villagers' Committee to Stop the Naval Base. After graduating university, he worked as a professional cartoonist in Seoul and other parts of Korea. When he found out that his hometown, Gangjeong was suffering from serious conflicts he returned to his hometown to support the opposition of the naval base. (kkipopo@naver.com) Shin Yong-In is a professor at the Law School of Jeju University and an advisory lawyer to Gangjeong. In addition to helping with Gangjeong villagers' legal rights and dealing with illegal issues, he is an administrator of the Professors' Association against the Naval Base. (yongin30@hanmail.net) Kim Min-Ho, Ph. D is a Professor, Dept. of Education, Teachers College, Jeju National University, and the vice president of Korea Life Long Education Association. Being involved with the local issues, he is a co-representative of Professors' Association against the Naval Base and a co-representative of Jeju Foreigners' Shelter. (minho@jejunu.ac.kr): Moderator
â&#x20AC;˘ Closing, International peace Conference, Feb. 24 Kim Mi-Ryang is a Gangjeong villager and a fisherman. She was arrested for her activism against the naval base in Sept. 1. 2011 and was released on bail five weeks later. Known as a female warrior, she bravely opposes the naval base and encourages the villagers and other peace activists with warm hearted words and support. Everyone in her family is against the base including her brothers who are native fishermen as well.
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Kim Seong-Gyu is a Gangjeong villager and a tangerine farmer. He writes beautiful poems about Gureombi, the rocky coast, and Gangjeong in hope letting the world know about the struggle and the beauty of his hometown. He wishes to be able to live peacefully in his hometown of Gangjeong with his loving family. He hopes to once again be able to inherit the beautiful nature of his now destroyed hometown to his children. Fr. Mun Jeong-Hyeon is a retired Catholic priest and a member of Catholic Priest Association for Justice in Korea. He is called a priest of the street. Working in the labor field until 1999, he has also been called the Father of Workers. He has devoted himself to the Korean reunification movement; the movement to revise inequalities of SOFA; to the closing of the Maehayangri bombing range; the movement opposing the realignment of the U.S. military base in Pyeongtaek, and the movement to examine the Yongsan tragedy. He is currently staying in the Gangjeong village on Jeju Island, where he dedicates himself to the struggle against the Jeju naval base. (munjhj@gmail.com) Hong Ri-Ri is the representative of Women's Rights Solidarity. (jejupeace@hanmail.net): Moderator
â&#x20AC;˘ Informal Gathering with the villagers, Feb. 25 Agneta Norberg is in the board of Global Network, International Peace Bureau (Geneva), Swedish Peace Council (vice Chair), member of the network ICC No-To-NATO, Abolition2000 Council, arranged a series of conferences in Sweden about Space, NATO, Nuclear Weapons, drones. On speaking tours in North and South of Sweden and in Europe. She has been arrested twice in Menwith Hill (UK), in eastern Turkey (Batman) and in other places. She attended Global Network conference in Seoul a couple of years ago and visited Pyongtaek and Mugon Ree. She is looking forward to come and give support
J. Narayana Rao is one of the Directors of the Global Network and also the General Secretary of All India Peace & Solidarity Organization, Maharashtra State Committee. He is in the Railway Trade Union movement since 1958 till now. (jnrao36@sify.com) Dennis Apel lives in Santa Maria, California, United States of America. His home is very near Vandenberg Air Force Base and for 15 years he has been active resisting the mission of the Base which includes launching Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles whose warheads land in a lagoon at Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. has spent time in prison.
He has been arrested over 15 times for his actions there, and
In addition, he works in an area of California which is agricultural and
relies on immigrants from Mexico for the labor.
He and his colleagues are involved in helping those
immigrants who are oppressed and marginalized.
He is challenged and heartened by what he has seen
and read of people on Jeju Island and want to come to support them in any way he can.
He will be
visiting the Marshall Islands on his way there and will be happy to give a report on their struggle.
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• Candle vigil, Feb. 25 Mary Beth Sullivan: Same as above Shin Ku-Bum is ex-governor (1993~1998) of Jeju. He fasted for 10days in solidarity when Yang Yoon-Mo, the movie critic, led his 70-day fast against the illegal construction of naval base during his prison time from April 9 to June 1, 2011. (qbums@yahoo.co.kr)
• News Conference, Feb. 26 Kang Dong-Kyun, Mary Beth Sullivan, Atsushi Fujioka, Dave Webb, Go Gwon-Il (moderator): Same as above
• Strategic Meeting, Feb. 26 Lee Tae-Ho, Secretary of People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy: Moderator
• Global Network annual meeting, Feb. 26 Bruce K. Gagnon: Coordinator and co-founder of Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space: Same as above
• Candle vigil, Feb. 26 Atsushi Fujioka is a peace and environmental activist-researcher form Kyoto, a birth-place of Kyoto Protocol against Climate Change. He was born and was raised in this old capitol city of Japan. He is one of the advisory board members of the Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space (GN: Global Network: space4peace.org). He has served as the Director of the Media & Resource Sector, Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University. He is also the Professor, College of Economics, Ritsumeikan University, He will be staying for 4 days, with his 5 colleagues from Japan. (fujioka@ec.ritsumei.ac.jp)
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Gun-Britt M채kitalo is a Women for Peace for more than 25 years. She has arranged several seminars in Norway. Murmansk and Sweden and travelled around Sweden to talk about Nato activities in the North part of Sweden. She has been arrested once in Brussels, Nato Game Over. She lives in Kiruna, Sweden. (gbmakitalo@gmail.com) Michael Rutkowski was born and raised in a small town of Urbanna, Virginia. As an undergraduate he studied physics and mathematics at Hampden Sydney College. He took great pride in bringing the liberal philosophy of the Green party to the political debate on campus. political action in Washington DC.
He regularly engaged in direct
At Arizona State University where he began his Master and Ph.D.
programs in astrophysics in 2007, his research is focused primarily on the evolution of galaxies. Currently, he is affiliated with Yonsei University as a Fulbright Junior Research Fellow and is continuing this, and other similar research. (mjrutkow.asu@gmail.com)
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부록1 부록2
이지스 구축함이 지어지는 미국 메인주 배쓰 철강공장 ( BIW) 지역에 사는 예술가와 활동가들 이 강정 마을과 제주도의 평화를 기원하는 연대 배너를 그리고 있습니다. 메인주 화가 나타샤 메이어스가 디자인하고 카렌 웨인버그 등 그 친구들이 제작을 돕고 있습니 다. 메인주의 시민들은 "전쟁으로 쓰이는 돈을 고국의 복지로" 라는 운동을 이끌어 왔습니다. 회담에 참석하는 제작자 들이 직접 이 배너를 들고 회담에 참석할 것입니다. 이미지 소스: http://space4peace.blogspot.com/2012/02/save-jeju-island.html
국제평화단체들이 한국 제주도에서 국제회의를 개최합니다. 우리는 논란이 많은 해군기지에 저항해 투쟁하는 마을주민들을 지원할 것입니다. 우주의 무기와 핵을 반대하는 글로벌 네트워크( Space4peace.org) 보도자료 2012년 2월 14일 연락: 브루스 K. 개그논(Bruce K. Gagnon) ,
, .
" "
(pivot)" (missile defense)"
(Global Network) . " '
. .'
(培加) ." (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, CND) (Dave Webb)
. " .
, . .
." . (2 .
" (Pacific Missile Range Facility)
(http://www.space4peace.org/actions/gnconf_2012.htm) -
18 ~22 ) (Kauai) .
브루스 K. 개그논 (Bruce K. Gagnon) 우주의 무기와 핵을 반대하는 글로벌네트워크 Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space PO Box 652 Brunswick, ME 04011 (207) 443-9502 globalnet@mindspring.com www.space4peace.org http://space4peace.blogspot.com/ (블로그) (번역: 최정민)
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Wainberg and Maine artist Natasha Mayers made this banner in solidarity with the people in the Jeju Island on Feb. 14, 2012. The Bath Iron Works (BIW) in Bath, Maine, United States is where the Aegis destroyers are built and the citizens in Maine have initiated a movement called "Bring Our War $$ Home." Karen and Natasha will carry it to Jeju Island for the conference. (Art credit: Natasha Mayers) Image source: http://space4peace.blogspot.com/2012/02/save-jeju-island.html
INT'L PEACE GROUP TO HOLD MEETING ON JEJU ISLAND, SOUTH KOREA WILL SUPPORT VILLAGERS' FIGHT AGAINST CONTROVERSIAL NAVY BASE For Immediate Release Feb. 14, 2012 Contact: Bruce Gagnon, (207) 443-9502 / globalnet@mindspring.com
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The Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space will hold its 20th annual space organizing conference in Gangjeong village on Jeju Island in South Korea from February 24-26.
The group is made up of 150 peace groups around the world who are
working to oppose the development of a new arms race in space.
The theme for the
conference will be Jeju for Island of Peace. The South Korean Navy is building a base just 300-miles from the Chinese mainland.
base will become a port for U.S. Navy Aegis destroyers outfitted with "missile defense" systems that are key elements in Pentagon first-strike attack planning.
The 400-year old
Gangjeong fishing and farming village on Jeju Island is being destroyed to build the base. Endangered soft-coral reefs offshore will also be destroyed when the seabed is dredged to make it possible to bring U.S. warships into the port. Activists will come to Jeju Island from as far away as India, England, Sweden, U.S., Japan, Taiwan, and from throughout South Korea.
Of particular interest this year will be discussions
about the Obama administration's "pivot" of U.S. foreign and military policy toward the Asia-Pacific region and its controversial "missile defense" deployments that are now being used to surround Russia and China. Global Network Coordinator Bruce Gagnon stated, "When I, and other Global Network members, called the South Korean embassy in Washington DC to express support for the Gangjeong villagers fighting to save their way of life we were told, 'Don't call us. own government.
They are forcing us to build this base.'
Call your
It is clear that the current
doubling of U.S. military operations in the Asia-Pacific region is going to have severe implications for people who live there and for world peace." Dave Webb, National Chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the UK said, "The people of Gangjeong village on Jeju Island have been living under a dark cloud of military invasion for some years now. The threat is not coming from some ancient enemy but from their own government, influenced and encouraged by the U.S. military. Like millions of people around the world they have found themselves on the front line of the struggle against empire, greed and militarism. It is so important that their courage and resistance is recognized and supported. We are meeting on Jeju Island in order to do just that."
Webb also serves
as the chair the Global Network. Each year the Global Network holds its space organizing conference in a different part of the world.
Several Global Network leaders will stop in Hawaii for a series of public meetings
(Feb 18-22) before heading to South Korea.
The Aegis warships test their "missile defense"
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systems at the Pacific Missile Range Facility located on Kauai, Hawaii. Full conference details are available at the Global Network's website http://www.space4peace.org/actions/gnconf_2012.htm - END Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space PO Box 652 Brunswick, ME 04011 (207) 443-9502 globalnet@mindspring.com www.space4peace.org http://space4peace.blogspot.com/ (blog)
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부록2 마을지도
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Apx.2 Gangjeong village Map
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Learning Korean Language
Hello: Anneyong Hasseyo My name is Angela: Angela imnida Nice to meet you: Pangapsumnida/ Bangabsooda(* Jeju dialect) Thank you: Gomapsumnida or Gomawayo/ Gomapsooda(* Jeju dialect) You are welcome: Chunmaneyo Good night: Chaljayo Where is …?: …Odiyeyo? Port: Pogu Food: Shiksa Toilet: Hwajangsil It is delicious: Mashisayo Good job: Johayo or Chal'hesayo It is beautiful: Arumdawayo No problem: Gwenchanayo Here please: Yogiro Oseyo Naval base: Haegun kiji Peace: Pyongwha Really?: Chincha? Main places names: Olle trail entrance: Samgori Peace Center: Sagori Pyongwa Center Community Center: Eurehoegwan Village Hall: Maeulhoegwan Your Guest House name is: "Seobu MInbak" Reminding you that in Korea, we must take out shoes before entering a room. We wish you a pleasant stay in Gangjeong! (by Benj 벤지)
(# The village maps in this literature are by Lee Hye-Won) (# 문집의 마을 지도들은 이혜원님이 제작)
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