The Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida
Vol. 45 No. 3
Diocesan Missions: Summer is Ending, but Work Continues Year Round
THE NET Fall 2014 Issue
Feature Story
Diocesan Missions
Contents 3
Bishop’s Column Church's Warranty Still Valid Aftter 2000 Years
4 Viewpoint
Episcopal Church Resist in Helping Her Churches
Episcopal Charities
6 Building a Firm Foundation 7 God Still Has Work for Us to Do
Union of Black Episcopalians Renews Commitment
11 The Rev. Nigel Mumford Healing Ministry at the Chapel of St. Andrew 13 Diocesan Youth Experience EYE 15
Parish Profile
Giving Back and Looking Forward
Official Publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida The Rt. Rev. Leo Frade, D.D. Diocesan Bishop The Rt. Rev. Calvin O. Schofield, Jr. S.T.D., Retired Bishop The Rt. Rev. John L. Said Retired Bishop Suffragan
Communications Altoria E. White Director of Communications Editor, The Net
Joe Thoma Production Management
Kenyatta Register Fina Florez Copy Editor, The Net Graphic Designer, The Net Kathryn Blanton Convener of Communications Ministry 2
The Net reports news of parish ministries and activities, as well as commentary on church-related issues and events. Whenever possible, all material should be submitted electronically. Include with all material the name, address, phone number and, email address (if available) of the contributor. Parish affiliation is also requested, when applicable. The Net reserves the right to refuse publication and to edit all contributions. Photographs should be high-resolution digital files or clear prints of film photographs, preferably on glossy paper. Do not send hard prints made from digital photographs. All material—letters, articles or photos— should be submitted electronically to: or by mail to: Altoria E.White, Diocese of Southeast Florida, 525 N.E. 15th St., Miami, FL 33132-1411. THE NET (USPS787-340) is published quarterly by the Diocese of Southeast Florida. Donation subscription of $5, annually. Periodicals postage paid at Miami, FL., and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Address changes to The Net, 525 N.E. 15th Street, Miami, FL 33132-1411. Remaining 2014 Deadline Issue
Information Due
Our Church’s Warranty is Still Valid After 2000 Years
on’t worry if almost 2,000 years has passed since Saint Peter stood in that Upper Room in Jerusalem, among 120 people (including 11 disciples together with the women, Mary the mother of Jesus and his brethren), in order to hold what was probably the first election for bishop. Actually, they came up with only two candidates, and St. Matthias was selected to be in the ministry of apostleship. You can read about it in detail in the Book of Acts, Chapter 1 verses 12 to 16. The “warranty” started with this first election and will continue throughout the ages. There have been many elections for bishops since then, and on January 31, 2015, we will be repeating the tradition of the primitive church by choosing the person who will become the 4th “Interim” Bishop of Southeast Florida, after I resign January 2, 2016. Yes, “Interim.” When I was consecrated, Bishop Herb Thompson of Southern Ohio referred to me as the 3rd “Interim” Bishop during his sermon at my institution as your Bishop. Although the warranty on the office continues until our Lord returns, I was only called to serve for a season. I hope you also noticed I said “resigned” and not “retired.” A Bishop never retires; merely resigns ones jurisdiction as the Diocesan Bishop. The 4th Interim Bishop will serve alongside me as Bishop Coadjutor for less than a year before the consecration. The term “coadjutor” is used in the Episcopal Church to describe the person elected by a diocesan convention, who will later become the bishop upon resignation of the current diocesan bishop. I am looking forward to working together with our Coadjutor Bishop after the consecration that has been set by our Presiding Bishop on May 9, 2015 at our Mother Church, Trinity Cathedral. I am sure that the future
God has for us will be quite a surprise. I will spend my time introducing the coadjutor to you and the numerous ministries of the diocese. By the time the new bishop becomes the fourth bishop, I will have been your Bishop Diocesan for over 15 years and would have served as bishop in The Episcopal Church for almost 32 years. What has given me the most joy has been serving our Lord along with you; especially being able to confirm, receive and reaffirm thousands of men and women, young and old. I have also ordained close to 200 men and women as deacons and priests and of course, have participated in many consecrations of bishops both here and abroad. Throughout these days, even those times when trouble and difficulties have abounded, I knew that I could count on our God to be faithful to those that are called. Our warranty as the church is still valid, and we can be certain that Almighty God will be with us as we face the change that is about to happen. We have a big task ahead of us, but know that it is never as great as the power of God that is behind us.
The Rt. Rev. Leo Frade Bishop of the Diocese of Southeast Florida Fall 2014
Why Does the Episcopal Church So Resist Helping Her Churches? By The Venerable Dr. Bryan Hobbs, Archdeacon for Congregational Ministry
Archdeacon Bryan Hobbs
n a recent conversation with a national church leader on Congregational Development, I inquired, as I often do, as to how many Episcopal dioceses are presently engaged in a diocesan-wide strategy to consistently give resources, support, training, and encouragement to their congregations. Other than Chicago, El Camino Real, soon New Jersey and maybe a few others, I am sad to say the answer remains –“No One”. I was told that there are a few dioceses in which small projects exist but these tend to be more church leader initiated and sustained, rather than diocesan initiated. I must admit that in finding out these statistics, I am filled with great sadness as well as great joy. I am sad because, in this age when we are all aware of this need for our congregations across the Episcopal Church as well as all main-line churches, there is no urgency and vision to provide sustainable resources and encouragement to our church leaders - the people who are faced with the necessity of adjusting our church’s culture to meet the needs of the multitudes who are shunning the Good News. I am filled with joy that I have the privilege to serve with a Bishop and diocesan leaders who consistently provide encouragement and resources to 4
church leaders who are making every effort to prayerfully engage the culture and people who have not yet decided to join the “people of the Way.” I am especially thankful and astounded by the courage and spirit of our church leaders who are doing incredibly creative ministries throughout the diocese and world around us. The Nehemiah Process and all those who make it possible – The Bishop, the Nehemiah Steering Committee, and the Nehemiah Churches – have made incredible changes in ministry style in order to adapt to the cultures in which they minister. Instead of just listening to ourselves, there is a constant emphasis on listening to those who are not part of our ministry for whom we are trying to make a place. Your prayer based ministry is truly inspiring to me and I am so grateful for all the risks you have taken, the personal sacrifices you have made, and for the multitude of leaders who follow and teach you in new ministry perspectives. The September Nehemiah event is going to be rich with new insights and resources for dealing with the changing culture in which we do ministry. At the Duncan Center on September 17th and 18th, Fr. Thomas Brackett, the Program Officer for Church Planting, Ministry Redevelopment and Fresh Expressions of Church for the Episcopal Church Center (wow…that’s a title) and Charles Milling, creator of Live Hymnal and the Live Hymnal Band,
will be with us. The worship will be outstanding, and I am really excited. Charles and Live Hymnal have always ignited a flame within my soul. And Tom, well, I don’t know anyone who has a stronger finger on the pulse of our church culture and how we need to listen and change. A few years ago, Tom spent some time in England working with their Fresh Expressions movement. He repeatedly asked their leaders, “If you knew twenty years ago what you know now about the impact of secularization on the relationship of English culture to the Church of England, how would you have prepared the institution differently for those emerging realities?” Their universal response was – “Urgency!” Their advice to the American church, “Start now – don’t wait until you have all this figured out. Experiment joyfully and publicly with new forms of ministry that match the cultures where you find your ministries. Fail early and fail often until you learn what works.” Wow! That’s just a small sample of what Tom Brackett and Charles Milling will be offering. In closing, as I read what the Fresh Expression leaders were advising their American counterparts, I can’t help but appreciate the vision that Bishop Frade had in providing just such an apparatus for our churches to take up the call of “Urgency” and also providing a means by which our churches could deal with the real issues facing their long-term ministries. Praise God.
Episcopal Charities Continues its Work as the Outreach and
Planned Giving Arms of the Diocese By The Rev. Cannon Donna L. Dambrot, Executive Director
Basic Human Needs outreach grantees will be announced in December. Thank you to all those who applied and may God richly bless your ministries! Small Grants of up to $1,000 for expanded or start-up congregational outreach ministries are available: go to for more information. The flip side of funding outreach is teaching its leadership the A-Zs of operating programs. This year, EC will again offer its BEYOND THE WALLS: Developing, Managing and Fundraising for your Outreach Ministry program in partnership with The Diocesan School for Christian Studies. The classes will be offered on four Saturdays from 9-1 at St. Mark’s, Fort Lauderdale and online. Registration is online via The classes are: •
planned giving programs. Contact Canon Dambrot at to schedule a workshop today! Compassionate Coins for Episcopal Charities Drive! Help support the mission and ministry of EC to partner with and empower the people of our diocese to answer God’s call to respond to human needs! Have a Compassionate Coins Drive in October! Set out a gallon jug for folks to drop their coins in as they enter church! Have your youth decorate the jug with Episcopal Charities Compassionate Coins Drive labels. Be creative! The congregation raising the most coins for EC will win a beautiful basket at convention that includes a gorgeous, hand-made quilt (below) by our own Deacon Carol Carson-Hull.
October 4, 2014 - Outreach Programming – The Rev. Rosa Lindahl Mallow: Discernment, Evaluation of Need, Development and Sustain, Leadership Succession November 22, 2014 – Resourcing - Rhonda Clinton and Deborah Korge: Budget Development, Fund Raising, Grant Writing Resources and Information January 17, 2015 - Best Practices - Vanessa Stone, the Rev. Canon Donna Dambrot, Bonnie Weaver: Program Logistics/Operations, Data Collection, Volunteer Leadership Development and Practices March 28, 2015 – Communications - Marjorie Roberts: Basics of Publicity and Program Marketing, Integration of Social Media
Planned Giving Workshops! The Rev. Canon Donna Lise Dambrot, working with Tory Ricker of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management of Fort Lauderdale and other estate planning attorneys, will present a variety of programs and workshops designed to assist your congregation with their specific needs regarding starting up or enhancing their
EC will once again raffle a beautiful, handmade quilt by Deacon Carol, valued at up to $1,000 at this year’s convention! Raffle tickets will be mailed to EC Messengers to sell and the messenger who sells the most raffle tickets will win a beautiful quilt, too! The proceeds from the raffle support our ministry, so it’s a win-win! Fall 2014
Building a Firm Foundation
An appeal from the Right Reverend Todd McGregor, Bishop of the Diocese of Toliara
Total seating equuals 450 Total building foot print = 1150sm
number of years ago in Northern Kenya, I visited a village where an Anglican Church built of corrugated iron sheets once stood. It had blown down during a windstorm in the desert and was never repaired nor replaced. The only visible piece remaining was the foundation and I was saddened by the fact that there was only one remaining Anglican Christian. A lesson I learned from an African perspective is, “A temporary church brings temporary Christians. A permanent church raises permanent Christians.” Madagascar and the Diocese of Toliara is no exception to this African psyche. Since I returned back to Madagascar in 2007, my top priority was to create a diocese. In April of 2013, the Diocese of Toliara became the newest diocese in
the Anglican Communion. A top priority is now to build St. Patrick’s Cathedral, reaching southern Madagascar and the world for Christ. Growing from 11 church communities to nearly 50 church communities in seven years is a clear indication of our need for a cathedral and other church buildings around a diocese the size of Florida or half the size of Great Britain. Only 20% of these communities meet in a permanent church building. One of our fastest growing churches is in Andranomena. This is the location of the Gathering Place, the Diocesan Offices, the Diocesan Training Center and the future cathedral. Currently we have 400 people worshiping in the Educational Center, with 100 people standing outside, looking in the windows. There is no more room in which to squeeze more! I appeal to you, as we need your help. The good news is that we have received funds from parishioners in the Diocese of Toliara and donors, totaling $250,000. However, we still need to raise an additional $60,000 to complete this project. We plan on laying the foundation this month and expect the Lord to answer our prayers quickly through your generosity. St. Patrick’s Cathedral will hold 800+ people. Friends from our Companion Link Diocese have been generous in the past and we believe you can help us meet our goal. Please send your generous donations before December 31, to the Diocesan Office, earmarked: St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Diocese of Toliara.
Episcopal Migration Ministries Needs Your Help By Charland Michel, Program Director, Episcopal Migration Ministries Miami
Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) in Miami has been assisting refugees in the South Florida community for over 34 years. EMM is a ministry of the Episcopal Church which assists refugees, asylees, parolees, and victims of human trafficking. The goal is to effectively resettle refugees and assist them to achieve economic self-sufficiency as quickly as possible after arrival in the United States. Recently Bishop Leo Frade and the office of EMM requested the help of the community regarding the U.S. border crisis. His video appeal can be found on the diocesan website. The office of EMM is looking for volunteers to assist the ministry. The ministry is offering the local church and 6
individuals an opportunity to serve and welcome vulnerable refugees upon their arrival in the U.S. Volunteers can assist in just a sample of the following tasks: • Assist with school registration and homework • Teach English (ESL classes) • Help adult refugees prepare for job interviews We are also looking for storage space to house the donated goods If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our office for more information. If you do not have time to volunteer, but still would like to donate to the program, please contact the EMM office at 305-541-8327, or email miamicorres@
“God Still Has Work for Us To Do” By Kathleen Walker, President of the Theodore R. Gibson chapter of the UBE
Bishop Chip Stokes addresses the crowd in New Jersey.
he annual Union of Black Episcopalians Conference and Meeting in Atlantic City, New Jersey, was an inspirational, spirit-filled gathering that focused on the theme “Renewing our commitment to the work and Ministry of Social Justice.” The tone was set from the beginning with a message from the Reverend Sandye Wilson, former union president who said repeatedly, “God still has work for us to do.” The opening service offered great music from the award-winning Gospel Choir of the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, whose first rector was the historic Absalom Jones. The nightly services also featured bishops worldwide as celebrants, including Bishop Julio Murray from Panama and Bishop Peter Fenty of Canada, in addition to Bishops Gayle Harris and Barbara Harris, retired from the Diocese of Massachusetts. The Reverend Altagracia Perez-Bullard preached a stirring message based on the “Horses of Apocalypse.” She equated the “black horse with food deserts, the red horse with affordable healthcare and the green horse with gun violence.” Throughout the balance of the week, many of the speakers offered a
Southern Region members
retrospective of the Civil Rights movement while insisting that there was much work ahead to become victorious in the battle for justice. The Right Reverend Stacy Sauls, the Episcopal Church Chief Operating Officer, addressed the 300 plus registrants about the role of the national church in the quest for social equality and justice. He said, “The next time a young black man gets gunned down for wearing a hoodie, the Episcopal Church will be on the ground.” He assured the audience that the church’s response will be visible and swift. Other great speakers, including the interim president and CEO of the NAACP, Lorraine Miller, called on the Episcopal community to give priority to three major issues: • Voter suppression especially among African-American and Hispanic people • HIV AIDS and its impact on the African-American community • Saving our young African-American and Hispanic boys A number of members of our local chapter, the Theodore R. Gibson Chapter, represented South Florida
and participated in the nightly services and workshops. The Reverend Terrence Taylor was the preacher for the youth worship and he urged young people to stay in the race to make a difference in the world. He told them, “You can’t win the race if you don’t stay in the game.” He also assured them that, “God always gives you a second chance.” He then invited the youngsters to spend time with adults who have much to offer them. He also admonished the mature members of the audience to listen to the young people who, too, have much to offer. During the business meeting, President Annette Buchanan announced that the Union is alive and well in 2014. She said that members “need to be proud of our organization and the advocacy work we are doing.” The attendees were urged to return to their dioceses and work for social justice, and the sentiment among all was to choose one of the many issues plaguing communities across the country and get involved. This was especially echoed by the Right Reverend Nathan Baxter, the retired bishop of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania and honorary chairperson of the national organization. Fall 2014
n any given day, members of the Diocese of Southeast Florida can be seen doing God’s work in their church, their communities, and around the world. The summer months are typically filled with lazy mornings and relaxing afternoons. Some people however, make it their mission to help others during their time off in the summer and throughout the year. There are several world missions within the Diocese of Southeast Florida, most of which are not only active in the summer but year round. As we enter the fall months, the mission work typically seen in the summer does not slow down. The diocesan missions reach people throughout the world. A few of these missions include: Our Little Roses, People Reaching People, the South Florida Haiti Project, Food for the Poor, Friends Reaching Friends, and Grey Dove, Inc. In this issue, we are spotlighting four remarkable diocesan missions. Our Little Roses
Exe. Dir., Dr. Diana Frade & girls from Our Little Roses.
The driver of the passenger bus beeps his horn and the large, steel, green door swings open. As the bus rolls onto the campus of Our Little Roses (OLR), girls from 2 to 22 begin to appear -- peaking out doors and windows, several running, smiling and waving. The driver steers the bus filled with adult and youth mission team members, and suitcases of donated clothes, candy, games and crafts, toward the back of the compound. 8
Diocesan Missions
Service at the heart of the people By Altoria E. White, Editor; Dr. Cheryl Chapman, Acting Executive Director, Our Little Roses; The Rev. Clelia P. Garrity, CEO, Grey Dove, Inc.; Erna Rappaport, Mission Team Leader, Holy Sacrament; Beth Shires, Church of the Advent Ministries Coordinator
For Our Little Roses, a full-time residential home for abused, abandoned and neglected girls in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, the purpose of each mission trip is to bring joy, love and laughter into the lives and hearts of nearly 70 girls, age 2 to 25. The teams bake cookies, cupcakes, pancakes and pizza with the girls. They bring supplies to make bracelets, jewelry, paintings and crafts. They host fashion shows, Zumba classes and Vacation Bible School. They read to the girls and help with homework. They take the girls on special outings to the movies, the beach, the pool. Some teams bring medical and dental professionals and supplies to assist at the ministry’s community clinics. Some help with special projects at the home. Approximately 60 girls live together onsite at Our Little Roses. Girls age 18 and over, who are attending university or trade school and working, live nearby in one of the ministry’s apartments. Many of the older girls drop by the home each night during the mission team visits to reconnect with long-time missioners and help with the younger girls. All of the girls attend Episcopal services weekly, as all are Episcopalians. Additionally, through the help of the Diocese of Southwest Florida, a Junior Daughters of the King chapter has been established. Each year, nearly 20 mission teams visit Our Little Roses, including many teams from our diocese along with the Clergy Spouses group. The groups range in size from 8 members to as large as 50-plus. Teams include adults, youth, seniors, parents and children. They come from throughout Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and California. They come to be with the girls.
The Rev. Matt Faulstich with two young girls.
Our Little Roses is a non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to transforming broken lives. Sadly, little girls begging for food is an all too common sight in Honduras, one of the poorest countries in Central America. Two-thirds of the children are malnourished and lack access to safe water, sanitation and education. The National Statistics Institute reports that 60 percent of Hondurans live below the poverty line; in rural areas, the rate rises to 65.4 percent. Just less than half of Honduran children complete more than three years of education. Our Little Roses (OLR) was founded in 1988 by Dr. Diana Frade, wife of Diocesan Bishop Leo Frade, while he was Bishop of Honduras. OLR has rescued frightened and abandoned girls from situations of extreme risk, and raised and educated them in a safe, secure and loving environment. For most, it may be the first time they have ever received a balanced diet and health care, spiritual formation, a chance to attend school, and perhaps most importantly, love and respect. The vision of Our Little Roses is to prepare these once destitute and hun-
gry girls to be integral members of society by caring for and raising them in an atmosphere of love, self-reliance and respect, providing the best educational opportunities available to them and ensuring they succeed in breaking the cycle of poverty, abuse and illiteracy from which they come- living their life to the fullest, as God created them to be. The long-term goal for Our Little Roses is to build an endowment fund to ensure the financial stability of its ministry. To that end, OLR is always looking for sponsors to invest in the daily lives of the children. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please visit the website: In the short-term, an essential component of the ministry at Our Little Roses is the large bus that transports girls to and from school and activities, and which also transports the mission teams and girls on outings. The current bus is on its last wheels and desperately needs to be replaced. The cost for a larger, safer and only slightly used bus is $40,000. You can help with this purchase by making a gift on the website. Gray Dove, Inc.
Community members in Matel, Haiti listen to a presentation on hygiene.
Early in my career as a social worker, I made a commitment to advocate for the men, women and children of the world who have no access to health care. In 1999, I participated in a medical mission to Haiti. Our goal was to learn more about the Haitian culture and their way of understanding medicine and medical treatments. As I traveled throughout Haiti, I was stunned by the absolute absence of healthcare programs and I was especially moved by the many children who were clearly malnourished and suffering from a variety
of illnesses and painful dental problems. During that trip I met and developed lasting friendships with many Haitian leaders, many of which have become invaluable friends and mentors. With their encouragement, in the spring of 2013, I formed Grey Dove, Inc., a 501 c3, not-for-profit organization. Grey Dove’s mission is to stimulate the sustainability of primary and specialized healthcare communities throughout Haiti. Grey Dove, Inc. distinguishes itself by working to build healthcare capacity and sustainability in rural communities throughout Haiti, where historically, healthcare has not been available. Through direct care, technical assistance, and the training and enhancement of available resources, we encourage local leaders to become effective agents of change in their own community. In order to accomplish our goals, we have established the “Best Practices for Haiti Medical Missions Initiative.� The focus of this initiative is to bring together Haitian and American leaders involved in the planning, financing and delivery of medical care throughout rural Haiti. Objectives of the initiative are: development of best practices protocols; enhanced communication and collaboration among partners; identification and development of relevant resources within Haiti; and the development of a covenantal relationship between American missioners and Haitian communities, with the goal of identifying healthcare mission goals, objectives, responsibilities and sustainability plans. An annual symposium brings partners together for face-to-face conversation, relationship building, on-going training and provision of resources related to the rapidly changing ways of delivering healthcare to isolated and impoverished populations. This symposium, The Second Annual Best Practices for Haiti Medical Missions, will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, October 4 - 5, 2014. For information about Grey Dove, Inc., contact Rev. Clelia Pinza Garrity at
Holy Sacrament Episcopal Church: Friends Reaching Friends Mission Team
Before photo of the children's restroom. The roof needed replacing as well as new plumbing.
The mission team at Holy Sacrament in Pembroke Pines recently answered God's call to visit Belize and share their time and talent with the people. On June 7, 38 missionaries journeyed to Queen's Square Anglican School and the Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center in Belize City. Our tasks included vacation Bible study, construction, pediatric medical services, first-aid training for the teachers of the school, and seminars in Anglicanism for the principals, administrators and teachers of all Anglican diocesan schools. We had an awesome time sharing with the teachers and students in both locations. The medical team was able to see 444 children at the school and 48 children at the Dorothy Menzies home, providing medical care as well as medication and hygiene education to the children, their parents and teachers. The construction team worked on demolishing and rebuilding one of the children's restrooms at the school, replacing the roof, installing seven new toilets, one urinal and two washbasins. This unit had no running water and all the toilets were extremely clogged. After renovation, the children have a newly functioning restroom with running water. At the Dorothy Menzies home, the team installed fans, painted the girls' dorm, built 32 new clothing closets, repaired others already in use and repaired the emergency exit door, which had been out of use. Vacation Bible School was not only charged with educating the kids but also with preparing gift bags for 800 Fall 2014
The 'after' photo upon completion of the restroom.
kids, 60+ teachers, care givers and others. They accomplished this through the kind and generous donations of our parish, friends and family. Even though there were a lot of daily activities, the missionaries still found time to play with the kids, listen to their needs and simply have a good time being friends, reaching friends. Partners of Bondeau, Haiti—A Diocesan-Wide Mission Effort of Southeast Florida & Beyond! Compassion for the Haitian people + passion for making a tangible difference in their everyday lives + the Holy Spirit = churches and individuals creating a multi-faceted mission in partnership with the tiny community of Bondeau. Tucked away in the mountains of Haiti, it is not a city or even a town, just families living in the most basic conditions without electricity or running water, anchored by St. Marie Madeleine Church and School. It all began with one visionary Haitian priest in 1980, who purchased land, dreaming of a church and school. As individuals and St. Gregory’s in Boca Raton began to connect to the vision, bit-by-bit, the dream has become reality. St. Marie-Madeleine School, built in 2006 with funds from St. Gregory, began the evolution. St. Paul’s connected in 2008, providing a feeding program. The Chapel of St. Andrew helped fund a teacher. In 2009, the South Florida Haiti Project was established, building a guest house used to house the Priest-in-Charge, teachers and visiting mission teams. Then 2010 began with the devastating earthquake. 10 THE NET -
Thankfully, the school sustained little damage and commitment grew even more to continue the dream. Deacon Anita Thorstad, another visionary involved in Bondeau for 14 years, founded Kay Timoun (a Children’s Home). In 2012, other churches began to connect St. Andrews in Palmetto Bay focusing on infrastructure needs (water); in 2013, Betheseda-bythe-Sea focusing on power (generator and solar); and Church of the Advent
Partners of Bondeau. L-R: The Rev. Sam Owens, The Rev. Andrew Sherman, Mike Armstrong, Steve Rowland, Deacon Clelia Garrity, Beth Shires, The Rev. David Knight, Kathleen Gannon, Dr. Charlotte Barry, Steve Krupta, Deacon Anita Thorstad, The Rev. Jeanty Laine.
in Palm City connecting with Medical Missions organized through St. Paul’s in Delray Beach and Grey Dove. Under the leadership of the Rev. Sam Owens (Haitian Congregation of the Good Samaritan in New York) construction began on a church building. Over the years, St. Mary Magdalene in Coral Springs, Good Shepherd in Tequesta and St. Andrews School in Boca Raton have supported the mission effort as well.
God is at work in Bondeau and in all those in partnership! This was evident at the August meeting of all the partners, hosted by Deacon Clelia Garrity. Mission in Bondeau has expanded due to a tapestry of efforts by Southeast Florida Diocesan churches, South Florida Haiti Project, Father Owens in New York, Grey Dove and many individuals connected by their common passion to serve the people of Bondeau, sharing and celebrating God’s love. As the Rev. Sam Owen wrote in his report to the partners, “I always return home [from Bondeau] feeling that I received so much more than I gave. I am more grateful than ever that God has blessed us with this relationship. I am more hopeful than ever that we are all being transformed into the people God wants us to be.” For more information and to connect with Bondeau, log on to the diocesan website for specific links: Together we can make a difference! Join three diocesan area churches as we work together in this Episcopal initiative to pack 50,000 meals for over 3500 school children in Haiti. Register and donate online, and help be a part of a great cause. On Saturday, September 13th commit to one or two hour shifts at St. Mark's in Palm Beach Gardens. Log onto:
Healing ministry at The Chapel takes a front seat & provides an open invitation to the diocese in 2015 By Emily Nell Lagerquist, Chapel of St. Andrew
The Rev. Nigel Mumford
he Rev. Nigel Mumford, internationally known for his work in the healing ministry, will be at The Chapel of Saint Andrew the weekend of May 1 – 3, 2015. Fr. Nigel is a former British Marine Drill Sergeant whose life was dramatically changed after seeing his sister miraculously healed of Dystonia, a neurological condition that curled her into a fetal position and brought her close to death. Fr. Nigel is particularly called to minister to returning veterans through his Welcome Home Initiative©, a healing program for military veterans and their spouses who may be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. Friday, May 1st will be a special time for Fr. Nigel to minister to veterans and those suffering from PTSD. Though Fr. Nigel is speaking specifically to those who suffer from PTSD, all are welcome! It is hoped that information about this program
“It is our sincere request that all of our brothers and sisters in the diocese invite their friends and neighbors to join in this most sprit-filled experience.” will be widely disseminated to as many veterans in South Florida as possible. “It is our sincere request that all of our brothers and sisters in the diocese invite their friends and neighbors to join in this most sprit-filled experience,” stated the planning committee. “We envision this as part of the outreach at The Chapel of St. Andrew and for all in the diocese to share the healing ministry of Christ.” Saturday, May 2nd, the Healing Conference will continue from 9 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., where Fr. Nigel will speak on the Armor of God and Blocks to Healing with a focus on Forgiveness and Unforgiveness. The day will be structured so participants can enjoy the restful oasis offered by the grounds of The Chapel of Saint Andrew, in order to share their reflections and
Mumford provides healing for a solider.
thoughts with other participants, walk the labyrinth or have some quiet time for meditation. The Chapel of Saint Andrew in Boca Raton has a long tradition of practicing the healing ministry as directed by our Lord to His disciples, “Go into the world and preach the good news of the kingdom of God, and heal the sick” (Luke 9:2). Once a month at its Sunday services (and as requested during the week and other Sundays), members of the Order of Saint Luke (OSL) join with the clergy in offering healing prayer, laying on of hands and anointing with oil. Over the years, examples have abound of those who have been healed of illness and disease and have overcome depression, discomfort and troubled times – and attribute their recovery in large measure to the prayers from friends of faith at The Chapel of Saint Andrew. For information about this event, call The Chapel of Saint Andrew at 561-210-2700 or log on to the web: Fall 2014 11
Urban Pilgrimage
Episcopal Peace Fellowship By Simone Allen, Trinity Cathedral
Melanie and Simone pause for a selfie.
Melanie Veizaga, Church of the Resurrection, helps prepare a meal.
epresentatives from the Diocese of Southeast Florida, Simone Allen of Trinity Cathedral and Melanie Veizaga of Church of the Resurrection recently attended the Urban Pilgrimage of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship (EPF). EPF is a mission of the Episcopal Church whose purpose is to connect all who seek a deliberate response to injustice and violence. EPF seeks to pray, study and take action for justice and peace in our communities, our church and our world. Simone and Melanie recount their experiences below, recalling highlights of
their pilgrimage in Austin, Texas in June of this year. They will bring this program to our diocesan young adults in Miami in July 2015. The week’s mission revolved around the meaning of justice, pulled from the sixth chapter of Micah in the Bible. We engaged in many activities including feeding the impoverished, understanding the social issues of immigration and recognizing the increasing need for equal housing opportunities. The Urban Pilgrimage was a learning and growth experience that I will forever cherish. Through the Episcopal
Peace Fellowship, I have seen a different side of society in a new light. Through this experience I have been forced to see without “rose-colored glasses,” the racial and cultural disparities faced by the city of Austin and many other cities including my own. I have questioned myself as to my purpose and relevance to the issues of social injustice, poverty and exclusion of our invisible society. At times, I am frustrated by my inability to be honest with myself about the fact that many of the same issues present in Austin are occurring within Miami. I felt helpless. However, through prayer and meditation, I have seen the devotion of my fellow pilgrims and their commitment to correcting the issues of social justice. With their help, along with the conversation throughout the weekend, I am prepared to provide education and intervention around these issues and bring serious focus to my community.
Welcome the 2014-2015 Youth Commission Officers Pictured L-R: Roger Villatoro, President; Wendy Ortez, Vice President; Gabriela Carhuavilca, Secretary; Remington Fiore, Administrative Assistant. Pictured with Bishop Leo Frade 12 THE NET -
My EYE Experience
YOUTH By Andrew Walker, Church of the Incarnation
he Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) was held July 9-13 at Villanova University in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Over 1,100 participants came from more than 80 dioceses across the country, from Hawaii to Rhode Island. Participants also came from other countries including Taiwan, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic. The event’s theme was based on the Marks of Mission: Tell, Teach, Tend, Treasure, and Transform. Throughout the event, we had various speakers who gave charges to each of us. The Reverend Becca Stevens reminded us “love heals” and charged us to continue the movement. Bishop Micheal Curry charged us to “go.” Canon Stephanie Speller charged us to “be the leaders of the church.” Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts-Schori invited us to “think of the Holy Spirit as a mosquito buzzing in our ear, telling us what to do and then do it.”
We also went to various workshops ranging from “Finding God in Movies” and “Making us Instruments of your Peace: Dialogue and Conflict Resolution” to “Happenning: A Spiritual Awakening”, led by our own Krisan Lamberti, the South Dade Deanery Youth Coordinator. The Provincial Youth Event (PYE) was held immediately after EYE. Participants from across the region served in north Philadelphia. Most participants worked at the Church of the Advocate, serving in the soup kitchen, helping with vacation bible school, creating prayer stations for the murals along the walls, cleaning the auditorium and painting fences. The Church of the Advocate has been a center for the community. It has played host to the Black Panthers’ convention and was the site of the ordination of the first women priests in the Episcopal Church. Overall, a wonderful experience, to say the least!
National Happening Leadership Conference
By Roger Villatoro, Holy Cross
he National Happening Leadership Conference (NHLC) took place at the University of Central Oklahoma from June 26-29, 2014. This conference is held every three years in different places around the United States. The conference is put together by the Happening National Committee (HNC), which is chosen at the previous year’s conference. Our very own youth, Eva Ortez, Myles Bullock and the Rev. Cori Olson were part of the 2011-2014 HNC. Krisan Lamberti is the secretary for the executive committee of HNC. NHLC is a gathering of the leaders of Happening in every diocese. The theme for the weekend was “serve to lead.” There are workshops that require voting on action items, and this year, a few changes were made. Among the chang-
My EYE Experience
here are no words to describe my Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) experience, but I will do my best to try to illustrate how amazing this event was to me and many others. I was one of 14 youth selected from across the national Episcopal Church to serve on the EYE 2014 Mission Planning Team. Several months ago, I got the news that I was chosen to serve on this team and it felt amazing to receive that privilege. I helped plan this event with other amazing youth leaders, a few adult lay people and clergy. I did not expect this event to impact me the way it did, but EYE exceeded my expectations and it was the pinnacle of my brief youth leader career. I have attended many youth events and conferences but none of the magnitude of EYE. 1,200 Episcopalians, both youth and adults, in a Villanova University gym, sang and were gathered to learn and give praise to God. It was an amazing sight on the second day, when we were all gathered in the gym and our hometown
es, we voted to expand the age restriction of eligible HNC members- one of the rules in the Happening by-laws. The conference also serves as a way to select new members for the HNC and network with other dioceses about Happening. We learned new and innovative ideas to improve the Happening program in the Diocese of Southeast Florida. Along with Wendy Ortez, Chad Schloss and the Rev. Wendy Tobias, I was chosen to be a delegate and represent the diocese. Wendy Ortez and I were selected to be part of the new HNC in this year’s conference. It’s an amazing privilege to be part of this committee because Happening is an amazing event and life-changing experience for many. It was a wonderful weekend spent with other people that love Happening and want to serve Christ by serving others.
By Roger Villatoro, Diocesan Youth Commission President band, Live Hymnal, was leading the praise and worship. I must admit, I cried a few times during the event. It was great to step out of reality and step into the EYE atmosphere and energy. I spent time with the Presiding Bishop, the Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, a dream I’ve had for years. She actually remembered my name and wrote a few words of inspiration, so I was pretty joyful. We heard inspirational words from the Rev. Becca Stevens and Bishop Michael Curry about going into the world and doing mission work with the Marks of Mission of the Episcopal Church. EYE has definitely strengthened the flame within me and I’m sure that God is working through me. One quote that I will forever take from this event is: “GO!”– Bishop Michael Curry, Diocese of North Carolina. EYE was unforgettable! Fall 2014 13
People, Places & Progress
Congratulations • The Very Reverend John Tidy, All Souls, Miami Beach, celebrated 40 years of ministry on June 24. • The Reverend Bob Deshaies celebrated his retirement from St. Benedicts on August 16. Fr. Deshaies is retiring on August 31.
• The Rev. Mercedes Busto was ordained into the priesthood on May 31. • The Rev. Debra McLaughlin was ordained into the diaconate on May 31. Deaths • The Reverend Fred Sands passed away on June 13. • The Rev. Sherrod Mallow celebrated his last Eucharist on August 31 at All Saints, Ft. Lauderdale. Transitions • Church of the Intercession held its final Eucharist on August 31. • The Rev. Sanford H. Groff, Jr. enters the diocese as the Associate Rector of St. Marks, Palm Beach Gardens, effective August 15. • The Rev. Kate Kelderman resigned from Bethesda-by-the-Sea in Palm Beach on August 1. She has moved to Connecticut and is now employed by the Kent School. • The Rev. Rosa Lindahl - Mallow resigned from St. Ambrose on July 1. • The Rev. Sherrod Mallow retired from the diocese, effective September 1. • The Rev. Ian McCarthy enters the diocese as the Assistant Priest at St. Mary’s, Stuart, effective July 21. • The Rev. Mike McManus recently accepted the call as Rector at the Church of the Transfiguration in Evergreen, Colorado. • The Rev. Ron Peak began as the Priest-In-Charge at St. George’s in Rivera Beach on July 15. • The Rev. Emilio Rosolen began as the Priest-In-Charge at St. Ambrose, effective July 15. Ordinations • The Rev. Jean Beniste was ordained into the priesthood on May 31. 14 THE NET -
Places & Progress
• On June 24 and 25 the youth ministry of Christ Church, Coconut Grove hosted the youth ministries of St. Matthew’s Parish, Nassau, Bahamas, and St. Bartholomew parish, Berry Island, by joining in a two-day community service project with St. Alban's Enrichment Center and the Coconut Grove Sailing Club. Over 30 students and adults participated in a weekend filled with painting, playing and reading to the St. Alban's students. The youth also had a quick introduction to sailing, and helped clean up “Clarington Island.” • On July 12 the South Florida Alumni Chapter of St. Augustine University,
sponsored its first 2014 educational fundraiser with a cruise to Bimini, Bahamas. Over 30 guests of alumni, family, friends and parish family from St. James-in-the-Hills, St. Benedict’s, Church of the Transfiguration, and Historic St. Agnes cruised together; danced to the calypso music, and ate delicious Bahamian cuisine. Saint Augustine’s University is one of only eight Episcopal Church schools of higher education in the United States, founded in 1867. The South Florida Alumni Chapter invites you to join in efforts to sustain a legacy for generations to come. Contact Beverly Neely Davis, President of the South Florida chapter for more info (954-226-7419). • On June 7, the first diocesan Women’s Retreat was held at Trinity Cathedral in Miami. Organized by the Rev. Sharon Williams, the retreat, titled “Women, are you spiritually broken?”, was an overall success. Ladies of the diocese participated in workshops, and contributed to discussions about their spiritual life. Led by Williams, the Rev. Cynthia Gill, and the Rev. Elaine Young, the full-day workshop is already being planned as an annual event. Open to all diocesan women, the organizers hope to have even more participation next year.
• The Bishop Coadjutor Committee recently met and completed the second round of candidate discernment. The committee has been blessed with an excellent group, which made the selection very difficult. The next round of discernment is a retreat with the candidates in late September. Following the retreat, the committee will meet to select the final nominees to be presented to the Standing Committee.
Giving Back and Looking Forward A Community Driven Parish Celebrates an Important Milestone
t. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Hallandale Beach may look like a small parish from the outside, but the spirit that dwells inside is much larger than the four walls can hold. With a history going back to the early 1900s, St. Anne’s is celebrating a “Century of Faith and Service,” which is the theme for all of this year’s activities. Founded and established in 1914 by three young men hailing from the Bahamas, the first services were held in a wooden building not too far from the current site on Northwest First Avenue in Hallandale Beach. After building the parish, it was soon destroyed twice by hurricanes that hit the South Florida area. The parishioners rebuilt two times in a span of 14 years, in hopes that the structure would be secure enough to stand for years to come. Founders Melbourne Knowles, Ansel Daniel Saunders, Sr., and A. L. Wilkins, Sr. had a vision for St. Anne’s, and the vision continues today through the eyes of the church leadership and parishioners of St. Anne’s. “I’ve never been at a parish so committed to service over the years,” stated the Reverend Canon Dr. Ronald Fox, Priest-in-Charge. Members actually built the church themselves, brick by brick, instilling even more pride in the building, which still stands today. The son of one of the founders, John Saunders, who is also the Junior Warden and the President of the Episcopal Church Men, remembers being a young child and lending his hand as well. “I remember pumping water our back to facilitate the needs of the builders as the church was being constructed,” Saunders recalled. In addition to the church members constructing, skilled community members also provided their expertise in other areas. Fr. Fox came to St. Anne’s just a short time ago, in 2010, and hit the ground running. “The first week, we thought we would have to carry him out on a stretcher!” laughed Senior Warden Everett Neely. “St. Anne’s had a wedding, funeral, and other events all within one week – and I was supposed to have been retired,” said Fox, laughing along with the rest of the group, which included Neely, Saunders, and church verger, Edith Newbold. During Fr. Fox’s brief tenure at St. Anne’s, he has truly made the youth of the church a primary focus. Since he has been rector, Fr. Fox has continued to enhance youth focused programs and also started new programs. The parishioners really see the value of investing in the future of the church. When asked to describe one of their most thriving ministries, they all said, “Investment in our kids.” Throughout the year, there are several programs and events that show the youth their value and importance. Something the parishioners look forward to the most is the college students coming back home to continue to serve in the parish where they were
By Altoria E. White, Editor raised. “They get involved. We have a couple of them that are serving now as our acolyte and youth leaders. They are here faithfully every Sunday. They are good role models for the other kids who are in high school and younger. You don’t see that too often- where they come back and actually stick around,” Neely said. “That’s important for our future.” Along with this resurgence, the acolyte ministry is very popular, as well as report card Sunday, which financially reinforces the importance of high achievement in academics. For a smaller parish in the diocese, St. Anne’s is very active in the community. From the Daughters of the King Christmas outreach to partnering with the local Lion’s Club to help with backto-school shopping, this parish is buzzing within the community all year long. Edith Newbold, the church’s only verger and secretary of the centennial committee, is also very involved with the Daughters of the King and other ministries within the parish. “We do a holiday outreach, and meet the needs of a family (identified by the county’s Human Services Department). From Christmas trees to their specific wish list, we try to provide what we can, in addition to a gift card to Publix or Walmart,” states Newbold. “Just one of the many community services of which we are pleased to help.” The church is also active in the diocesan Nehemiah Process, which they have been benefitting from for several years. An overriding theme that has been carried throughout the years, which was presented by St. Anne’s former priest, the Reverend Williamson Taylor, is “What can we do to grow numerically, financially, and spiritually?” St Anne’s continues to face this challenge as they move forward through time. “There are two areas in in which we would like to expand in the near future: the sacristy and the parish hall,” says Fr. Fox when asked what the physical future looks like. “The parking lot expansion is underway, but the other two areas are a part of our long term focus.” This year the church has been working tirelessly to honor and celebrate their centennial founding as well as their founding fathers. From reunion Sunday to the gala dinner dance, to the patronal festival and opening of the time capsule, the parishioners have enjoyed all of the exciting moments. One of the most anticipated centennial events was the opening of the time capsule, which occurred after the celebratory patronal mass. Sealed and buried in 1989, the instructions stated to open in 25 years upon the church's centennial celebration. Once opened, the youth and all members enjoyed looking at the historic memorabilia. From newspapers to old photos, everything brought smiles to the parishioners faces. While acknowledging the past, St. Anne's truly is focused on the future. Fall 2014 15
St. Anne's Centennial Anniversary Portrayal of Our Story: An Evening of Memories & Dinner Saturday, November 8, 2014 @ 5:00 P.M. Place: TBA
JOIN BISHOP FRADE FOR A TRIP TO THE HOLY LAND & JORDAN! Only 10 spaces remain for the trip of a lifetime to the Holy Land and Jordan. Join Bishop Frade and his wife Diana on a 16-day pilgrimage on March 2, 2015. For more information and details, log onto Bishop Frade’s website:
CALENDAR September 13th: Food Packing for Haiti, St. Mark’s Palm Beach Gardens 17th: Nehemiah IV 19th - 21st: Happening #33 20th: Key West & North Palm Beach Convocations 23rd: North Dade Convocation 25th: South Palm Beach Convocation 27th: South Dade Convocation October 8th: Convention booklet information deadline
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22nd: Nehemiah V November 7th - 8th: Diocesan Convention December 13th: Youth Christmas Ball