36 minute read
Celastrus - Bittersweet
FE AUTUMN REVOLUTION® BITTERSWEET Celastrus scandens ‘Bailumn’
FOLIAGE COLOUR: Glossy green FRUIT: Orange, red seed GROWTH HABIT: Twining vine EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Autumn Revolution is a self-fruitful cultivar producing bright orange fruit that are more than double the size of the species. A First Editions introduction from Bailey Nurseries.
Clematis - Hardy Varieties
FLOWERS: Purple blue EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Semi-double, outward-facing purple blue flowers in early summer
BLUE BOY CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘Blue Boy’
FLOWERS: Steel blue EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Nodding, 4-5” blue flowers; blooms from June to September. Developed by Frank Skinner.
MY ANGEL CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘My Angel’
FLOWERS: Bronze-pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A late-blooming, small-flowered hybrid with unique flower colour.
PURPUREA PLENA ELEGANS CLEMATIS Clematis viticella ‘Purpurea Plena’
FLOWERS: Rose purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Double, 2-3”, rosy purple flowers from July to September

Clematis - Tender Varieties
Clematis x ‘China Purple’
FLOWERS: Purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 New listing for 2022. An upright clematis with a bushy habit. Bell shaped purple blooms appear in mid to late summer.
COTTON CANDY CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘Cotton Candy’
FLOWERS: Raspberry EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Raspberry red flushed white tepals with sunshine yellow stamens.
DANIELLE CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘Danielle’
FLOWERS: Deep purple blue EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Deep purple blue flowers with striking red tipped stamens.
ETOILE VIOLETTE CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘Etoile Violette’
FLOWERS: Deep purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Deep purple, 5 inch blooms, free flowering and vigorous.

HAGLEY HYBRID CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘Hagley Hybrid’
FLOWERS: Light pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Shell-pink, 4 inch blooms.
HULDINE CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘Huldine’
FLOWERS: Pearly white EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Pearly-white flowers, vigorous grower.
JACKMANII CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘Jackmanii’
FLOWERS: Deep purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Deep purple, 4 - 6 inch blooms, one of the best known varieties.
LITTLE DUCKLING CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘Little Duckling’

FLOWERS: Pale purple pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Heavy-blooming Clematis with 4″ flowers from May through October.
China Purple Clematis China Purple Clematis
My Angel Clematis My Angel Clematis

Clematis - Tender Varieties
MULTI BLUE CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘Multi Blue’
FLOWERS: Blue purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Deep blue-purple with silver mid-ribs. Flowers show multiple rows of petals as they age.
NELLY MOSER CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘Nelly Moser’
FLOWERS: Pink with carmine EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Pastel mauve-pink with carmine bar, 4 inch blooms

Stand by Me Lavender Clematis Stand by Me Lavender Clematis
Miss Kim Lilac Miss Kim Lilac
Alaska Cranberry Alaska Cranberry

NIOBE CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘Niobe’
FLOWERS: Ruby red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Very deep almost black ruby-red, 4 - 5 inch blooms
RAMONA CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘Ramona’
FLOWERS: Lavender blue EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Lavender-blue, 5 - 7 inch blooms
FLOWERS: Lavender, bell-shaped EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 New listing for 2022. A non-vining Clematis that benefits from staking, cages or neighboring plants for support.
FLOWERS: Cranberry purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Fragrant, cranberry-purple flowers. Long bloom time.
VILLE DE LYON CLEMATIS Clematis x ‘Ville de Lyon’
FLOWERS: Carmine red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Carmine-red blooms with lighter center
Lonicera - Honeysuckle
Lonicera x ‘Mandarin’
FOLIAGE COLOUR: Dark green FLOWERS: Bright orange GROWTH HABIT: Twining vine EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A hardy vine that blooms from late spring through summer. Flowers are bright-orange.
Blue Muffin Blue Muffin®® Viburnum Viburnum

Mandarin Honeysuckle Mandarin Honeysuckle
Parthenocissus - Ivy
ENGLEMAN IVY P. quinquefolia ‘Englemannii’
FOLIAGE COLOUR: Glossy green FALL COLOUR: Red GROWTH HABIT: Twining vine EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Less vigorous than Virginia Creeper, but is self-clinging. Deep red fall colour.
VIRGINIA CREEPER Parthenocissus quinquefolia
FOLIAGE COLOUR: Glossy green FALL COLOUR: Red GROWTH HABIT: Twining vine EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A fast growing vine with dark green foliage that turns crimson red in the fall.
RED WALL® VIRGINIA CREEPER P. quinquefolia ‘Troki’
FOLIAGE COLOUR: Glossy green FALL COLOUR: Red GROWTH HABIT: Twining vine EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Glossy dark green foliage turns fire-engine red in the fall. Fast-growing and salt tolerant, this cultivar is an excellent choice for covering fences.

BLUE MOON WISTERIA Wisteria macrostachya ‘Blue Moon’
FOLIAGE COLOUR: Green FLOWERS: Fragrant lavender blue GROWTH HABIT: Twining vine EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 4 One of the hardiest of all wisterias, Blue Moon features chains of lavender flowers up to three times each year. Attracts hummingbirds to the garden.
Rosa - Canadian Roses
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Sunset pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 This low-maintenance rose features blooming clusters of sunset pink flowers set against dark green, glossy foliage. Black spot resistance.
CANADA BLOOMS ROSE Rosa x ‘Canada Blooms’
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 Feet (0.6 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 4 Often described as a hardy Hybrid Tea rose, Canada Blooms produces pink fragrant flowers. Choose a sheltered location in the garden combined with additional mulch in the fall.
Aurora Borealis Rose Aurora Borealis Rose

MATURE HEIGHT: 4-5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3-4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Large red flowers (42-52 petals) are produced throughout the summer and fall.
MATURE HEIGHT: 4-5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Coral EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 This rose blooms in a flush with a riot of exotic coral colours. Gardeners will love this lowmaintenance beauty featuring black spot tolerance and winter hardiness across Canada.
MARMALADE DREAM ROSE Rosa x ‘Marmalade Dream’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Foot (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Peach-orange EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 New listing for 2022. Dark peachy orange flowers make this a standout. Developed by Manitoba breeder Charles Pilgrim, this rose has shown outstanding disease resistance.
Marmalade Dream Rose Marmalade Dream Rose
Olds College Rose Olds College Rose
NEVER ALONE ROSE Rosa x ‘Never Alone’
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 Feet (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 Foot (0.6 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Red/white EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A unique rose from the program in Morden, Manitoba. Dark green, disease-resistant foliage on a dwarf shrub. The 4-5 cm flowers feature deep red edges and vibrant white centers.
Rosa - Canadian Artists Roses
This exciting rose series was developed through cooperative efforts at the St-Jean, QC. and Morden AAFC Research Stations. These roses celebrate the great Canadian artists who created lasting works of beauty on canvas, in stalwart sculpture and through singing prose. CAMPFIRE ROSE Rosa x ‘Campfire’ MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Tri-colour EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Named in honor of a painting by famous Canadian painter Tom Thomson, this exceptional variety offers tri-coloured (purple red, white and yellow) flowers. Extremely disease resistant.
Never Alone Rose Never Alone Rose
EMILY CARR ROSE Rosa x ‘Emily Carr’
MATURE HEIGHT: 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Medium red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Named after the famous Canadian painter, this upright shrub covers itself in clusters of large, deep red blooms all season. Extremely disease resistant.
Campfire Rose Campfire Rose
FELIX LECLERC ROSE Rosa x ‘Felix Leclerc’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 6 Feet (1.8 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Medium pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Named after the famous French-Canadian singer, this variety covers itself in clusters of large, medium pink blooms all season. Can be trained as a climber. Extremely disease resistant.
OSCAR PETERSON ROSE Rosa x ‘Oscar Peterson’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 The newest rose in the Canadian Artists Series, Oscar Peterson is upright in habit with clean, glossy foliage. Flowers are pure white with yellow stamens. Extremely disease resistant.

Cuthbert Grant Rose Cuthbert Grant Rose

Rosa - Parkland Roses
These roses were developed at Manitoba’s own Morden Research Station. Parkland Roses are hardy in zones 2 and 3, own rooted and repeat bloomers.
CUTHBERT GRANT ROSE Rosa x ‘Cuthbert Grant’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Crimson red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 This award winning rose produces double flowers from early summer until fall. Stongest fragrance among Parkland roses. Excellent disease resistance.
MORDEN BLUSH ROSE Rosa x ‘Morden Blush’
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 Feet (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 Feet (0.6 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Ivory pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A dwarf plant with double flowers (50 petals) in clusters of 1-5. As they mature flowers fade from pink to ivory. Excellent for bouquets. Good disease resistance.

Morden Blush Rose Morden Blush Rose
MORDEN CENTENNIAL ROSE Rosa x ‘Morden Centennial’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Medium pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Largest plant size amoung the Parkland series. Lightly scented flowers have 40 petals and are borne in clusters of 1-4. Good disease resistance.
MORDEN FIREGLOW ROSE Rosa x ‘Morden Fireglow’
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 Feet (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 Foot (0.6 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Scarlet red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Glowing red flowers have 28 petals. The unique flower colour was the result of lab-based selection based on petal pigments. Moderate resistance to powdery mildew.
PRAIRIE SNOWDRIFT ROSE Rosa x ‘Prairie Snowdrift’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Cream white EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Full, cup-shaped cream-white blossoms with greenish-yellow centre. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Morden Fireglow Rose Morden Fireglow Rose
WINNIPEG PARKS ROSE Rosa x ‘Winnipeg Parks’
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 Feet (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 Feet (0.6 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Medium red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A small, shrub rose with outstanding red flowers throughout the summer. Dark green foliage is tinged with red in the fall. Good disease resistance.
Prairie Snowdrift Rose Prairie Snowdrift Rose

Rosa - Explorer Roses
These roses were developed at Agriculture Canada’s Ottawa and St-Jean research stations. Explorer Roses are hardy in zones 2 and 3, own rooted and repeat bloomers.
JOHN CABOT ROSE Rosa x ‘John Cabot’
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 - 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 Feet (1.5 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Medium red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 An outstanding climbing rose with fragrant flowers. John Cabot blooms mainly in early summer, and offers excellent resistance to black spot and powdery mildew.
JOHN DAVIS ROSE Rosa x ‘John Davis’
MATURE HEIGHT: 6 - 8 Feet (2.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 Feet (1.5 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Medium pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 This climbing rose has flowers with a spicy perfume fragrance. Recurrent blooms throughout the summer. Extremely resistant to black spot and powdery mildew.
Rosa - Shrub Roses
HANSA ROSE Rosa rugosa ‘Hansa’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Medium red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Very fragrant, double, crimson coloured flowers are followed by large scarlet hips. Recurrent bloomer with reliable cold hardiness.
Rosa - Shrub Roses
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Purple-red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Blooms throughout the summer with large clusters of semi-double flowers.

REDLEAF ROSE Rosa glauca
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Medium pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Simple flowers complement this species outstanding red-tinged foliage.
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Blooms throughout the summer with large clusters of semi-double flowers.

MATURE HEIGHT: 2 Feet (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Snowy-white EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Blooms throughout the summer with semi-double blossoms. Low spreading habit.
THERESE BUGNET ROSE Rosa x ‘Therese Bugnet’
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Large fragrant flowers are produced on old wood from mid-June until frost. Other features include red fall foliage and colourful red stems for winter effect.
WILD (WOODS) ROSE Rosa woodsii
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 This durable, native rose produces single red-pink flowers followed by orange-red hips. Well adapted to a variety of soil types.
Purple Pavement Rose Purple Pavement Rose

Snow Pavement Rose Snow Pavement Rose
Rosa - First Editions Roses
FE ABOVE & BEYOND ROSE Rosa x ‘ZLEEltonStrack’
MATURE HEIGHT: 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Apricot EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A truly unique climbing rose for cold climates. Orange flower buds open into semi-double to double, apricot flowers. Disease resistant. USPP #24,463
FE LOTTY’S LOVE ROSE Rosa rugose ‘BOCrogosnif’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Mauve EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 An ever-blooming rose with semi-double blooms that emit a strong cinnamon fragrance. Salt tolerance makes this plant a landscape favorite. USPP #22,570
Therese Bugnet Rose Therese Bugnet Rose

Rosa - Proven Winners Roses

MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Orange EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 5 At Last® combines all the romance of a fragrant, fully-petaled tea rose with the no-nonsense practicality of a disease-resistant landscape rose. Enjoy a non-stop display of large, sweetly perfumed sunset-orange blossoms from late spring through frost. A sheltered location in the garden combined with heavy mulch in the fall and some lasting snow cover may allow winter survival in zone 3. USPP 27,541, CPBR 5,631
Above & Beyond Rose Above & Beyond Rose

Ebb Tide Floribunda Rose Ebb Tide Floribunda Rose

Midas Touch Hybrid Tea Rose Midas Touch Hybrid Tea Rose
Rosa - Tender Roses
About Face (Grandiflora) – golden orange on the inside, bronzy red reverse, light fragrance Black Bacarra (Hybrid Tea) – deep shade of red, almost black Caribia (Hybrid Tea) – orange and red striped with a splash of yellow, light fragrance Chicago Peace (Hybrid Tea) – blend of phlox pink and canary yellow; light fragrance Desert Peace (Hybrid Tea) – petals of gold edged in scarlet; mild fragrance Double Delight (Hybrid Tea) – cream blushing red; strong fragrance Dream Come True (Grandiflora) – golden-yellow edged blushed with ruby; mild fragrance Ebb Tide (Floribunda) – smoky, deep plum-purple; spicy clove fragrance Las Vegas (Hybrid Tea) –Rich, orange-red with a reverse of golden-yellow Home & Family (Hybrid Tea) – classic white, long-stemmed roses; licorice fragrance Julia Child (Floribunda) - buttery golden-yellow 4” blooms, mild licorice scent Lasting Peace (Grandiflora) – deep coral-orange; mild fragrance Life’s Little Pleasures – very double blooms of lavender-pink Love (Grandiflora) – scarlet with pure white reverse; light fragrance Love & Peace (Hybrid Tea) – golden yellow, edged in pink, strong fruity fragrance Maurice Utrillo (Hybrid Tea) - red, contrasted by vibrant slashes of yellow and cream Midas Touch (Hybrid Tea) – deep yellow; strong fragrance Mister Lincoln (Hybrid Tea) – velvety deep red; strong fragrance Neptune (Hybrid Tea) – Lavender blooms; strong, sweet fragrance Olympiad (Hybrid Tea) – scarlet red, light fragrance Peace (Hybrid Tea) – lemony yellow edged pure pink; light fragrance Pink Promise (Hybrid Tea) – pale pink flowers, long stemmed; sweet fragrance Queen Elizabeth (Grandiflora) – clear pink, moderate fragrance Scentimental (Floribunda) – Red petals splashed with white; spice fragrance Sunsprite (Floribunda) – deep yellow; strong fragrance Tiffany (Hybrid Tea) – Pale pink blooms with light gold centers; fruity fragrance Tropicana (Hybrid Tea) – clear coral orange; moderate fragrance Whiskey Mac (Hybrid Tea) – a blend of golden apricot; strong fragrance
Poseidon Clean’n’Easy Tea Rose Poseidon Clean’n’Easy Tea Rose

Rosa - Climbing Roses
A lovely choice for arbors, trellises, fences, and pergolas. Don Juan – deep velvety red flowers; strong fragrance Golden Showers – bright clear yellow flowers; moderate fragrance Joseph’s Coat – multicolours of red, pink, orange and yellow; light fragrance
Rosa - Clean ’n’ Easy Tea Roses
These roses produce amazing bouquet style blooms and have excellent disease resistance. Beverly (Hybrid Tea) – a blending of shades of pink, intense fruity fragrance Grande Amore (Hybrid Tea) – dark red buds open stunning bright rose, strong fragrance Eternal Flame (Hybrid Tea) – large blooms of soft yellow, strong citrus fragrance Poseidon (Floribunda) – cup-shaped, lavender-blue flowers, light fragrance
Rosa - Patio Tree Roses
These Floribunda rose varieties are budded onto a 24” trunk. Chihuly – showy, multi-coloured flowers; light fragrance Easy Does It – Mango orange, peach pink & ripe apricot, mild fragrance Ebb Tide – smoky deep plum purple flowers; strong fragrance Julia Child – buttery golden-yellow 4” blooms, mild licorice scent Ketchup & Mustard – ketchup red & mustard yellow bicolor, mild fragrance Lava Flow – very dark red, light fragrance Scentimental – burgundy red & creamy white; strong fragrance Sunsprite – deep yellow flowers; strong fragrance Sweet Madame Blue - lavender flowers; sweet & spicy fragrance Trumpeter – brilliant orange-scarlet flowers, light fragrance
Abies - Fir
DWARF BALSAM FIR Abies balsamea ‘Nana’
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 Feet (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A dark-green evergreen with mounded habit. Fine textured foliage.

Juniperus - Spreading Juniper
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 Inches (0.2 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Silver blue EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A low mounding juniper with branches radiating from the centre. The silver blue colour of the foliage is retained throughout the year.
MATURE HEIGHT: 12-24 Inches (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Blue green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A broad, semi-erect and spreading plant with shimmering, blue-green foliage.

MATURE HEIGHT: 12 Inches (0.3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Blue green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A low growing plant with erect branches so spread is reduced. Use this plant in rock gardens or as a groundcover in small sites.
BLUE STAR JUNIPER Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’
MATURE HEIGHT: 12 Inches (0.3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 12- 18 Inches (0.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Blue green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Forms a mounded shape of bright, steel blue foliage. A slow growing, compact juniper suited for sheltered locations such as rock gardens. Full sun to light shade.

BUFFALO JUNIPER Juniperus sabina ‘Buffalo’
MATURE HEIGHT: 12 Inches (0.3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Bright green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Soft, feathery, bright green foliage on low spreading branches that produces an interesting form. An excellent groundcover plant for borders or mass plantings.
MATURE HEIGHT: 12 Inches (0.3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Bright green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A compact, dense form of ‘Arcadia’ with attractive horizontal branching. The soft foliage is appealing bright green.

GOLD LACE JUNIPER Juniperus chinesis ‘Gold Lace’
MATURE HEIGHT: 24 Inches (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 Feet (1.25 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Bright yellow EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Semi-dwarf evergreen with feathery, foliage that is bright yellow in colour.
HUGHES JUNIPER Juniperus horizontalis ‘Hughes’
MATURE HEIGHT: 12 Inches (0.3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Silver blue EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A low growing, spreading juniper with silver blue foliage. Popular choice for landscapers.
ICEE BLUE JUNIPER Juniperus horizontalis ‘Monber’

MATURE HEIGHT: 4 Inches (0.1 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Silver blue EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A low growing, wide spreading ground cover with a dense crown. Foliage is an outstanding silver-blue.
Dwarf Balsam Fir Dwarf Balsam Fir
Blue Chip Juniper Blue Chip Juniper
Calgary Carpet Juniper Calgary Carpet Juniper
Gold Lace Juniper Gold Lace Juniper

Juniperus - Spreading Juniper
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 Inches (0.2 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Bright green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A low ground-hugging plant forming a dense mat. The foliage turns purple in the fall. Useful for soil stabilization on hillsides.
Prince of Wales Juniper Prince of Wales Juniper

SAVIN JUNIPER Juniperus sabina 'Savin'
MATURE HEIGHT: 36-48 Inches (1.25m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Dark green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A vase-like shape makes this plant useful where larger evergreen shrubs are required. Suitable for mass Planting. Performs well under tough urban conditions.
SKANDIA JUNIPER Juniperus sabina 'Skandia'
MATURE HEIGHT: 12-18 Inches (0.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Bright green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A low, compact juniper with graceful branches of soft, bright green foliage.
MATURE HEIGHT: 15- 18 Inches (0.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Light green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A dense, low growing juniper with light green foliage in the summer changing to a plum colour in autumn. Also known as Compact Plumosa.
Medora Juniper Medora Juniper

Siberian Larch Siberian Larch

Juniperus - Upright Juniper
MEDORA JUNIPER Juniperus scopulorum 'Medora'
MATURE HEIGHT: 10 - 12 Feet (3.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Blue green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A proven cultivar of columnar juniper for the prairies. It requires little shearing to maintain the narrow pyramidal form. Selected from the Badlands of North Dakota.
WICHITA BLUE JUNIPER Juniperus scopulorum 'Wichita Blue'
MATURE HEIGHT: 10 - 12 Feet (3.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Silver-blue EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A broad pyramidal form with light silver-blue foliage. It requires shearing to keep it neat. Useful for screens and hedges.
Larix - Larch
SIBERIAN LARCH Larix sibirica
MATURE HEIGHT: 50 - 70 Feet (21 m) MATURE SPREAD: 15 - 20 Feet (6 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A deciduous conifer with a broad pyramidal shape. The soft needles turn golden yellow in autumn. Arching branches feature many small cones. Better adapted to prairie conditions than the native larch.
Microbiota - Russian Cypress
Microbiota decussata
MATURE HEIGHT: 12 Inches (0.3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A dwarf, densely branched evergreen that has a spreading growth form and cedar-like foliage. Grows well in both sun and shade.
CELTIC PRIDE RUSSIAN CYPRESS Microbiota decussata ‘Prides’
MATURE HEIGHT: 12 Inches (0.3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A hardy, low-growing evergreen for sun or shade. Celtic Pride offers superior disease resistance and winter colour over the species.
Picea - Upright Spruce
BLACK HILLS WHITE SPRUCE Picea glauca 'Densata'
MATURE HEIGHT: 35 - 45 Feet (13 m) MATURE SPREAD: 15 - 20 Feet (6 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Dark green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A special strain of white spruce with dense, dark green foliage. A hardy, drought resistant seed source that produces excellent specimens in the prairies.
BABY BLUE COLORADO SPRUCE Picea pungens 'Baby Blue'
MATURE HEIGHT: 50 - 65 Feet (19 m) MATURE SPREAD: 25 Feet (7.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Bright blue EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A seed strain of Colorado Spruce with intense blue foliage and attractive pyramidal shape. Baby Blue offers fuller branching and needle thickness. Drought tolerant.

COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE Picea pungens 'Glauca'
MATURE HEIGHT: 50 - 65 Feet (19 m) MATURE SPREAD: 25 Feet (7.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Blue green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A hardy, drought resistant conifer with a symmetrical broad-pyramid form. Useful as a specimen or windbreak.
Baby Blue Colorado Spruce Baby Blue Colorado Spruce
Black Hills White Spruce Black Hills White Spruce

Picea - Upright Spruce
SELECT BLUE COLORADO SPRUCE Picea pungens ‘Select Blue’
MATURE HEIGHT: 50 - 65 Feet (19 m) MATURE SPREAD: 25 Feet (7.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Silver blue EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A hardy, seedling strain of Colorado Blue Spruce with intense silver-blue needles. Useful as a specimen or windbreak.

Select Blue Spruce Select Blue Spruce
Globe Blue Spruce Globe Blue Spruce
Dwarf Norway Spruce Dwarf Norway Spruce
Picea - Dwarf Spruce
GLOBE BLUE COLORADO SPRUCE Picea pungens 'Globosa'
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Blue EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 An outstanding dwarf spruce with blue foliage. Compact, mounded shape. Useful as an accent plant in the landscape.
BIRD’S NEST NORWAY SPRUCE Picea abies ‘Nidiformis’
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Dark green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Slow-growing evergreen shrub with fine foliage and a flat spread, resembling a "bird's nest." Very effective as an accent, specimen or foundation plant. Also suitable in rock gardens.
DWARF NORWAY SPRUCE Picea abies ‘Pumila’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Dark green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Globe shaped, slow growing evergreen shrub. Attractive foliage forms a broad globe.
LITTLE GEM NORWAY SPRUCE Picea abies ‘Little Gem’
MATURE HEIGHT: 18 Inches (0.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 This slow growing dwarf evergreen shrub has a flat-topped, globe form. Forms a symmetrical mound. A rock garden plant.
OHLENDORFFI NORWAY SPRUCE Picea abies ‘Ohlendorffi’
MATURE HEIGHT: 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A dwarf growing evergreen shrub with a broad, conical form. Attractive yellow-green needles.
DWARF SERBIAN SPRUCE Picea omorika ‘Nana’
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Dark green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A small dense pyramidal evergreen. Attractive, dark-green foliage with silver undersides which emerges light green in spring. Very slow rate of growth.
Little Gem Norway Spruce Little Gem Norway Spruce

Pinus - Mugo Pine
MUGO PINE Pinus mugo mughus
MATURE HEIGHT: 5- 15 Feet (1.5 - 4 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5- 10 Feet (1.5 - 3 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Bright green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A two-needled pine with a compact, mushroom-like shape. Bright green needles all year round.
DWARF MUGO PINE Pinus mugo pumilio
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Bright green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Dense, low growing variety of Mugo Pine. The needles remain a bright green colour all year round. Attractive in early summer when candles of growth appear. Suited to rock gardens.

Pinus - Upright Pine
PONDEROSA PINE Pinus ponderosa
MATURE HEIGHT: 50 - 60 Feet (18 m) MATURE SPREAD: 30 Feet (9 m) CROWN SHAPE: Broad pyramidal EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A long-needled pine with dark green foliage and large cones. Flexible, three-needled pine. Best used in mass plantings in a park-like setting.
SCOTCH PINE Pinus sylvestris

MATURE HEIGHT: 45 - 60 Feet (18 m) MATURE SPREAD: 20 - 25 Feet (7.5 m) CROWN SHAPE: Broad pyramidal EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A fast growing, two-needled pine with orange-red bark and blue-green needles. Well adapted to dry and drained soils. A low maintenance plant for large spaces.
MATURE HEIGHT: 30 - 40 Feet (12 m) MATURE SPREAD: 15 Feet (4.5 m) CROWN SHAPE: Broad pyramidal EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A slow growing tree with soft, 5-needled, blue green foliage. Resistant to winter burn. Retains a narrow, pyramidal shape as a young tree before taking on a broad-rounded crown.

Taxus - Yew
MORDEN YEW Taxus cuspidata ‘Morden’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (2 m) CROWN SHAPE: Spreading EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A dense evergreen shrub with attractive dark green foliage. Tolerates shearing and can be grown in full sun or heavy shade. Requires good drainage
Thuja - Upright Cedar
DARK GREEN CEDAR Thuja occidentalis ‘Nigra’
MATURE HEIGHT: 10 - 15 Feet (4.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) CROWN SHAPE: Broad pyramidal EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A broad pyramidal evergreen with dark green foliage and cold hardiness for exposed hedges.

HOLMSTRUP CEDAR Thuja occidentalis ‘Holmstrup’
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) CROWN SHAPE: Compact, upright EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Compact pyramidal cedar with an upright habit. Bright green foliage is light and bushy. Prefers light shade and will tolerate poor drainage.
SKYBOUND® CEDAR Thuja occidentalis ‘Skybound’
MATURE HEIGHT: 10 - 18 Feet (5.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) CROWN SHAPE: Narrow pyramidal EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Pyramidal cedar with similar shape to ‘Brandon’ but with improved winter hardiness and richer, dark green foliage. Developed at Boughen Nurseries, Valley River, MB.
TECHNY CEDAR Thuja occidentalis 'Techny'
MATURE HEIGHT: 12 - 15 Feet (5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 6 - 8 Feet (2.5 m) CROWN SHAPE: Broad pyramidal EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Fast growing selection of eastern white cedar with dark green foliage. Excellent for privacy screens and tall sheared hedges. Good in sun or light shade.
WAREANA CEDAR Thuja occidentalis 'Wareana'
MATURE HEIGHT: 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 6 - 8 Feet (2.5 m) CROWN SHAPE: Broad pyramidal EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Hardiest of the upright cedars with a broad pyramidal form and dense, dark green foliage. Useful as a specimen or informal hedge.
Ponderosa Pine Ponderosa Pine
Scotch Pine Scotch Pine
Holmstrup Cedar Holmstrup Cedar
Skybound Cedar Skybound Cedar
Danica Cedar Danica Cedar

Hetz Midget Cedar Hetz Midget Cedar

Thuja - Globe Cedar
DANICA CEDAR Thuja occidentalis ‘Danica’
MATURE HEIGHT: 12 Inches (0.3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 12 Inches (0.3 m) CROWN SHAPE: Global EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 The lowest-growing, globe cedar in the marketplace. Compact form with rich green foliage. Excellent slow growing border plant.
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 Feet (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 Feet (0.6 m) CROWN SHAPE: Global EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Slow growing, globe-shaped and dense. Requires no shearing to maintain its globe form. Well suited to foundation / border planting as well as containers.
LITTLE GIANT CEDAR Thuja occidentalis ‘Little Giant’
MATURE HEIGHT: 2.5 Feet (0.8 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2.5 Feet (0.8 m) CROWN SHAPE: Global EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A dwarf cedar with an upright, oval-shaped form. Soft feathery, bright-green foliage. Well suited as a hedge. Mature height at 8 years of age.
FE TECHNITO® CEDAR Thuja occidentalis ‘Bailjohn’
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 - 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) CROWN SHAPE: Global EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Technito retains the dark green colour of Techny year-round. Foliage is more dense requiring less shearing. Forms a compact pyramidal outline. Johnson/Bailey Nurseries introduction.
WOODWARD CEDAR Thuja occidentalis 'Woodwardi'
MATURE HEIGHT: 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 Feet (1.5 m) CROWN SHAPE: Global EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A large, globular cedar with dense, rich green foliage. Mature height at 8 years. Seed cones attract birds.
Technito Cedar Technito Cedar

Evergreens should receive abundant moisture in fall before freeze up. Remember that evergreens lose water from their foliage all winter, but are unable to take up replacement moisture from the frozen soil.
Rather than wrapping an evergreen to protect it from winter sun and drying winds, install a burlap wall on either side of the plant. Ensure adequate air circulation; the burlap should not touch the foliage.
Broad-leafed evergreen species such as
Boxwood (Buxus) are subject to winter-kill in zones 2 and 3. Plant in a sheltered, partially shaded area that receives ample, lasting snow cover.
Malus - Apple
Malus x ‘Battleford’
PARENTAGE: Russian seedling FRUIT COLOUR: Red over pale yellow FRUIT SIZE: 6 - 7.5 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Large fruit, striped red over light yellow. Excellent for cooking. Matures in mid-September. Tree is very cold hardy. Introduced by Boughen Nursery, Valley River, Manitoba in 1934.
GEMINI® APPLE Malus x ‘Jefcoutts’
PARENTAGE: Norland x Haralson FRUIT COLOUR: Red over pale yellow FRUIT SIZE: 7 - 8 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A crisp, juicy and medium sweet apple, that is best eaten fresh. Medium to large apples are ripe in late August and store well until the New Year. Developed by Art Coutts of Unity, SK.
GOODLAND APPLE Malus x ‘Goodland’
PARENTAGE: Patten Greening seedling FRUIT COLOUR: Green with red blush FRUIT SIZE: 6 - 8 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Large apple, creamy yellow with a splash of red, flesh is white. Excellent for eating fresh and cooking. Fruit ripens in mid-September and stores well. Morden Research Stn. introduction.

HONEYCRISP APPLE Malus x ‘Honeycrisp’
PARENTAGE: Macoun x Honeygold FRUIT COLOUR: Red over yellow FRUIT SIZE: 7 - 8 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 4 Medium to large-sized apple, with exceptionally crisp and juicy texture. Outstanding flavor and texture can be maintained in storage for 6 months. Matures in late September.
NORKENT APPLE Malus x ‘Norkent’
PARENTAGE: Haralson x Rescue FRUIT COLOUR: Red over pale yellow FRUIT SIZE: 7 - 8 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Fruit has a distinct apple/pear taste similar to ‘Golden Delicious’. Fruit matures in late August.
ODYSSEY® APPLE Malus x ‘Jefsey’
PARENTAGE: Unknown FRUIT COLOUR: Red blush on yellow FRUIT SIZE: 7 - 8 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Odyssey boasts a sweet flavour comparable to the ‘Gala’ apple. The fruit ripens in midSeptember and stores well. Introduced by Jeffries Nurseries.
PRAIRIE MAGIC® APPLE Malus x ‘Jefdale’
PARENTAGE: Goodland x Mantet FRUIT COLOUR: Red blush on yellow FRUIT SIZE: 7 - 8 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 The medium to large-sized fruit matures in mid-September and is crisp and delicious. Developed by Wilfred Drysdale of Neepawa, Manitoba and introduced by Jeffries Nurseries.
RED GEMINI APPLE Malus x ‘Jefcoutts2’
PARENTAGE: Unknown FRUIT COLOUR: Red FRUIT SIZE: 7 - 8 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Medium to large apples are ripe in late August and store well until the New Year. Developed by Art Coutts of Unity, SK.
RED SPARKLE APPLE Malus x ‘Red Sparkle’
PARENTAGE: Trail x McIntosh FRUIT COLOUR: Dark red over green FRUIT SIZE: 6 - 7.5 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A medium sized fruit, with a nutty/fruity taste. Apples matures in early September and is an excellent dessert apple.
SEPTEMBER RUBY APPLE Malus x ‘September Ruby’
PARENTAGE: Rescue x Haralson FRUIT COLOUR: Dark red FRUIT SIZE: 6 - 7 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Medium sized fruit and light green flesh colour. Excellent eating fresh and in cooking. This vigorous grower ripens in early September and stores well.
WINTER CHEEKS APPLE Malus x ‘Winter Cheeks’
PARENTAGE: Unknown FRUIT COLOUR: Red over pale yellow FRUIT SIZE: 6 - 7.5 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A medium-sized, crisp, eating apple that matures in early September. Excellent eating fresh and in cooking.
Gemini Gemini®® Apple Apple
Goodland Apple Goodland Apple
Norkent Apple Norkent Apple
Prairie Magic Prairie Magic®® Apple Apple

Kerr Applecrab Kerr Applecrab
Malus - Applecrab
Malus x ‘Kerr’
PARENTAGE: Dolgo x Haralson FRUIT COLOUR: Dark purple-red FRUIT SIZE: 4 - 5 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Good for eating fresh, canning, jelly or juice. Ripens in late September and stores well. Resistant to fireblight. Developed at the Morden Research Station in 1952.
PARENTAGE: Blushed Calville OP FRUIT COLOUR: Yellow, red stripes FRUIT SIZE: 3 - 4 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Small fruit is very sweet for eating fresh and good for canning. Ripens in late August. The tree is very productive. Developed at the research station in Scott, Saskatchewan in 1936.
Malus - Dwarf Apple
These apple cultivars are available on Bud 9 dwarfing rootstock. Mature plants will be approximately 50% smaller in size than apple trees growing on standard rootstock. Fruit production on dwarfing rootstock can be up to 2 years earlier than trees on standard rootstock.
Rescue Applecrab Rescue Applecrab
Dwarf Odyssey Apple Dwarf Odyssey Apple

Debbies Gold Apricot Debbies Gold Apricot

Prunus - Apricot
Due to their early bloom time, apricot blossoms are susceptible to spring frost damage. Planting apricot trees in a site with limited afternoon heating (e.g. east side of an evergreen shelterbelt) will postpone flowering and increase the probability of fruit set.
BAKER’S GOLD APRICOT Prunus x ‘Baker’s Gold’
PARENTAGE: Manchurian seedling FRUIT COLOUR: Orange FRUIT SIZE: 3 - 4 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Produces clingstone, orange fruit that are much sweeter than Westcot. Excellent for eating fresh or canning. Selected at the Baker colony near Bagot, Manitoba.
CASINO APRICOT Prunus x ‘DurGarfield’
PARENTAGE: Manchurian seedling FRUIT COLOUR: Orange-red FRUIT SIZE: 3 - 4 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A hardy apricot that produces meaty and smooth tasting fruit, which is great for eating fresh or jams and jellies. Fruit is golden yellow and ripens in August.
DEBBIE’S GOLD APRICOT Prunus x ‘Debbie’s Gold’
PARENTAGE: Manchurian seedling FRUIT COLOUR: Golden yellow FRUIT SIZE: 3 - 4 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Produces freestone, orange-yellow fruit that are slightly sweeter than Westcot. Excellent for eating fresh or canning. Blooms several days later than other cultivars.
PARENTAGE: Seedling FRUIT COLOUR: Golden yellow FRUIT SIZE: 3 - 4 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A cold hardy seedling strain grown from local seed. Suitable pollinator for apricot cultivars.
WESTCOT APRICOT Prunus x ‘Westcot’
PARENTAGE: Scout x McClure FRUIT COLOUR: Golden yellow FRUIT SIZE: 3.5 - 4.5 cm EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 This prairie cultivar has hardy flower buds and produces large, golden, freestone fruit.
Prunus - Tree-Form Tart Cherry
Carmine Jewel / Crimson Passion / Cupid / Juliet / Romeo / Valentine
These sour cherry cultivars are grown as small trees rather than shrubs. See cultivar descriptions on page 58.