Undergraduate Admissions Office
The Pennsylvania State University 201 Shields Building University Park, PA 16802-1294
Phone: 814-865-5471 TTD: 814-863-9419 Fax: 814-863-7590 Website: admissions.psu.edu E-mail: Available on our Web site
Important Information About Immigration The Undergraduate Admissions Office is pleased to offer you admission to Penn State. In this packet you will find our offer of admission to the University. After you have accepted the offer of admission, Penn State’s Directorate of International Student Advising (DISA) will work with you on immigration matters and will provide you with a visa document I-20 or DS-2019. Before issuing you a visa document, DISA is required to verify that you have provided proof that you can meet your minimum academic and living expenses while at Penn State. If you need additional information about the financial clearance process or immigration, please direct your inquiries to the e-mail address listed below. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday. Directorate of International Student Advising Admissions Unit Penn State University 410 Boucke Building University Park, PA 16802-5900 USA Telephone (814) 865-2220 FAX (814) 865-6194 www.global.psu.edu/international_students/financial_information.cfm E-mail: International@ip.psu.edu
An Equal Opportunity University