3 minute read

Mission and vision statements


Message from Dean Patrick T. Mather Mission and vision statements 1


2 Celebrating the life of Joan Schreyer 3 Luchinsky letcurer urges pushing past stereotypes 4 Schreyer Snapshots 5 Inaugural Patel Changemaker Scholarship awarded 6 Scholar’s outstanding thesis addresses public health 7 Honors faculty feature: Robert Melton 8 Summer Bridge program creates platform for success 9 Schreyer at 25: A retrospective of honors education 10-13 at Penn State Facts and Figures 14-15 Schreyer community supports record fundraising 16 Summer linguistics study in The Netherlands 17 Connect Career Day / Alumni Awards Ceremony 18-19 Ending the year with a focus on gratitude 20 Staff Spotlight: Tom Weber 21 Global connections through agriculture education 22 Honors College staff at HERU Conference 23 Introducing new Associate Dean Dr. Zaryab Iqbal 24 Board listings 25 Scholar makes her mark in cybersecurity 26 A Schreyer love story 27 Fighting for equity in healthcare 28

Credits: Creative Director: Wade Bennett Former Director of Strategic Communications, Schreyer Honors

College Editor-in-Chief: Ray Schmitt Communications Specialist, Schreyer Honors College Contributing Writers: Cathy Carlson, Joy Drohan, Jenna Spinelle Graphic Design: Jim Pryslak Photography: Steve Tressler, Christopher Blaska, Ray Schmitt, Provided Images Produced by the Schreyer Honors College office of Strategic Communications Contact: 814-863-2635, shcpr@psu.edu


Message from Dean Patrick Mather

Greetings from 101 Atherton Hall! It is an extraordinary time for the Schreyer Honors College community as we celebrate our 25th anniversary. As dean, I feel fortunate to be part of an organization at this important moment in its history. As the age of a college, 25 years may seem long, implying that we have arrived. In many respects—as this issue of SCHOLAR celebrates—we have arrived and achieved so much for our Scholars and honors education at large. On the other hand, we are a young college full of inspiration, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit. In fact, we’re like a 25-year-old startup with many new ideas percolating in Atherton and Simmons Halls. It excites me and gives me a great amount of hope that our college will adapt to the needs of tomorrow’s Scholars— today’s eighth graders—as we seek to shape those who shape the world.

I invite you to explore our 25-year history as a college, captured in the cover story of this year’s issue of SCHOLAR: The Magazine of Schreyer Honors College. It’s an engaging piece that gives voice to how innovation, community, agility, and integration have established Schreyer as a leader in honors education. Beyond the cover story, you’ll read about admirable work and achievements from our Scholars, become better acquainted with some of the Honors College staff, and discover how a Schreyer t-shirt helped lead to a marriage.

These stories help us reflect on “the year that was” for Schreyer Honors College, which was also my first as dean. The most impactful experiences for me during my first year were the deep and broad relationships I developed with a multitude of current Scholars. Each connection came about in its own unique way, whether it was during my office hours, walking across campus, during Donuts with the Dean, or in the classroom. In each case I got to see a bit of myself through these students while gaining nuanced understanding of the pathways traveled by today’s Schreyer Scholars.

Now that I’ve been here for a year, our team is focusing, in strategic ways, on the first-year experience of our Scholars; ways of instilling a sense of belonging, and ways in which we can support all Scholars in their pathways to research and creative works that align well with their personal values and emergent mission. As part of an inclusive strategic planning process initiated this summer, we are examining our strengths, challenges, and opportunities as we set goals that collectively enhance the experiences of all Scholars, from the time they first hear about us to ringing the gong and beyond. I believe firmly that learning and scholarship are social, community-based undertakings that are best experienced on the foundation of positive relationships. And those relationships are built one conversation at a time— something I strive to model each day.

I am deeply grateful to all our current Scholars and alumni for making the Schreyer Honors College what it is today. I also look forward with great anticipation to seeing where our future Scholars will take us. We Are!

Patrick T. Mather, PhD Dean, Schreyer Honors College The Pennsylvania State University

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