Are you a natural? Researchers and Hypotheses Researchers Thomas Bouchard and David Lykken began studying the question “is it nature or nurture that molds us into who we are”? They began with a hypotheses of: If two humans who have exactly the same genes are separated at birth and raised in completely different environments then their characteristics will be molded more by genes than environment.
Method of study Monozygotic twins are formed when one fertilized egg splits into two separate eggs. In order to study their hypothesis, first, the researchers had to find monozygotic twins that were raised separately(MZA) and monozygotic twins that were raised together(MZT). Then, they put each twin through multiple tests based on their lifestyle, personalities, preferences and any other human characteristics that they could think of. Finally, they compared each set of twins results and added the findings to the data that they collected from many sets of monozygotic twins.
This table shows and sumarizes the results of the similarities of some of the characteristics of monozygotic twins that were raised seperatly and monozygotic twins that were raised together. The logical assumption of this experiment is that monozygotic twins that were raised together should be significantly more similar than monozygotic twins that were raised seperatly. However, that is not what Bouchard and Lykken discovered.
Major findings MZT and MZA twins had similar testing results. Meaning, that in spite of their environment, being similar or completely different, each twin grew into a similar type of person as their twin. These findings back up the researchers’ hypotheses that genes have more of an affect on a persons’ characteristics than the
environment them.
Implications It became apparent that the implications for psychology are: Genes played a higher role in a persons characteristics than did environmental influences. However, the researchers were quick to clarify that while genes play a significant role in making up a persons characteristics, environment also plays its part. Genes factor in about 70% of the influence of a persons’ characteristics while environment plays about a 30% role in a persons’ characteristic make up. Environmental differences had little effect on MZA twins. That being said, it is a combination of genes and environment that makes up a person’s characteristics. MZA twins grew into very similar adults in spite of environmental influences. The researchers found that peoples’ genetic tendencies mold what they allow into their environment. Meaning, that a person selects their environment based on
what their genes compel them to do.