6 minute read
How to Discover your Life's Purpose (Your Life Mission or Dharma)
life. What do you find yourself thinking about or doing when you aren't thinking about paying the bills or other obligations. What gets you out of bed and fired up on those days when life doesn’t seem so wonderful? Have you ever found yourself totally absorbed when spending time engaged in something you love? You are unaware of time or distractions, only following what you love. Yes, this is a beautiful place to be, so finding this unique talent is important not only as a contribution to the world, but to your own personal bliss. What are you passionate about? Pay attention to callings that you feel deep within you -- these inner callings are coming from your soul and the core of your being. Have a practice that connects you to your inner source. This could be writing, yoga, painting, meditation, dancing, or spending time in nature. This is important to connect to because it is where the information lies about your calling and where you will find the support to step into it. Take a look at the people you admire as they tend to represent the greater aspects that you also have. Perhaps you have always wanted to help others less fortunate, stand up for a cause, or bring awareness to important community or environmental issues via whatever medium you resonate with, such as art, music, writing or travel. The ways are limitless.
Does our life purpose have to be big? No, it doesn't have to be big or earth-moving. I have worked with numerous individuals whose life purpose or “dharma” was to heal a pattern in their life, or to work on uncovering limiting beliefs that have kept them stuck, or changing a story that no longer fits. Or to learn about patience, compassion or how to be resilient in the face of change. Living a purposeful life requires that we live in dharma. Dharma is similar to the term coined by Chinese philosophy as The Tao. It is translated as "the way" or "the path". Tao and Dharma are like a mission, a purpose or a doorway that align with the natural harmony of the universe. We know that we are in harmony with our life purpose when we cannot think of anything else we would rather be doing on our journey through life.
To define what a life mission is, lets first take a look at what a life mission is not:
It is not what society tells you your life is for.
It is not your career, although it can be expressed through your career.
It is not accumulating wealth (though it can be!)
It is not some grand plan that is imposed on you
It is not what you think it should be.
It is not a life of suffering (pain is normal, suffering is optional).
A life mission is:
That something you do that makes you feel completely alive while contributing to others.

Activities you do naturally, that you have a natural knack for.
A part of you that has always been there for as long you remember. A flame that burns deep inside of you. Your intrinsic contribution to humanity.
So how do you find YOUR Life’s Purpose? Here are 10 questions to meditate on:
You will get the best result by writing down your answers!
1) What are the things you most love doing?
2) How do you most like to impact others?
3) Why do people like being around you?
4) What actions towards others come most naturally to you (are you a good listener, problem solver, etc.?)
5) How have you positively impacted the people in your life?
6) What qualities about you create this kind of impact?
7) What activity makes you feel as if time disappears and you are in a state of bliss?
8) What is the legacy you want to leave behind you?
8) How do you want the world to be impacted because of your contribution?
10) How would you live differently if you knew your days were numbered?
Your answers to the above questions help to describe your life's purpose, the spark within you. Now take the time to synthesise your answers into one powerful sentence. Write it so that it inspires you and clearly speaks to you. Make it so it is an “I” statement. For example, my life mission is: “I make a difference to peoples lives” Does your statement speak to you? Does it inspire you? Does it make you want to jump into action, or energise you? If so, you have find your life’s mission. If not, do this exercise again a few times. Go deeply within yourself. Then allow the Universe to bring about the people, places, circumstances, events and action from inspiration that allow it to become part of your reality as a co creator! Your mission will certainly emerge! Have courage and step into the mystery. You will have aligned with your true self and resonate with a field of energy that manifests the life you may have only imagined. When you discover your passions - the things that float your boat - and find your “Bliss Station”, then pursue them with complete abandon. You will find that "doors will open for you where there once were walls” (Joseph Campbell).

Joseph John Campbell (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987, writer, philosopher, teacher

Elita is a Psychic Counsellor and Tarot Reader from Australia. She can connect and align you with your soul purpose and whatever it is you are wanting to attract into your life. Spanning 25 years as a psychic, she works with high vibrational frequencies and has been fortunate enough to have trained with Doreen Virtue, Denise Lynn and many spiritual and metaphysical teachers. Her readings are always inspiring and empowering. Her high repeat client base is testimony to her accuracy and ability to tune into your energy field with outstanding clarity. If you have been searching for greater fulfilment in relationships, your most divine ideal partner in love or business or infinite possibilities as you engage passionately with life, Elita can assist you! If you want to release what prevents you from your true essence and soul purpose Elita will help you! Elita is also a certified hypnotherapist, Past Life Counsellor, Certified Life Coach, Mindfulness Practitioner, Certified Angel Therapist, Theta And DNA Healer, Law of Attraction Counsellor, Yoga Instructor and Music Sound Healer and is currently a Masters Degree student in Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies.
Contact details for Elita: elitapurcille@gmail.com or you can find her at https://www.psychicscoop.com/psychicaura/
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This witchcraft kit provides many scrying tools for divination and fortune telling, including a black scrying mirror for scrying, black salt for protection and Wiccan Herbs for Divination. A total of 21 Wiccan Supplies, all supplies have been charged. This is a great starter Witchcraft Divination Kit with everything you need to start scrying/dowsing. Some of the uses for this black scrying mirror kit are: Contacting spirit guides, self-improvement, magickal /energy transmitting and receiving, for divination of the past, present and future, as a portal to the astral plane, shamanic journeying, ritual invocation and evocation, and to improve visualization skills.