Summer 2012 Psychology of Black Women Newsletter

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The Psychology of Black Women Newsletter Summer 2012

GET READY FOR ORLANDO See our program schedule, award winners and events for the APA 2012 Convention this August 2 through 5


Celebrating Excellence

Section 1’s Award winners to be honored at convention


Things heating up for Division 45 & 35 Annual Convention Party



A publication of SECTION 1: The Psychology of Black Women, DIVISION 35: Society for the Psychology of Women, THE AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Fall 2012 Vol. 3, No. 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 News & Updates Welcome Message


Our 2012 Award Winners


Our Events at APA’s Annual Conference in Orlando 3 Friend us on Facebook


Annual Activities Summary 5 Invitation to join our Executive Board


Membership Application


Upcoming Events & Opportunities

Stop wondering.. Take the leap and join us!

You have probably heard it a thousand times- get involved in one of your field’s professional organizations! You’ve been told it is a great way to advance your career, and meet others in the same research/ clinical/ service areas. However, many of us fail to sign on, or we do sign on and fail to participate. This year will be different! Commit to joining Section 1: The Psychology of Black Women. Our section creates a supportive space for anyone interested in contributing to scientific understandings of Black women. We also welcome those seeking to increase the quality of education, available training opportunities and overall status of Black women in the field. For those who are just starting out, joining The Psychology of Black Women will ensure that you make the right connections and find an ever- important mentor. For more senior members of the field, your membership will help you maintain your network of colleagues and keep you up to date with the latest developments. There are few better ways to show your serious commitment to the field and Black women’s issues than through membership in The Psychology of Black Women. A great way to find out more and become involved in The Psychology of Black Women is by attending our events at the Annual American Psychological Association Conference in Orlando this August. On pages 3 and 4 of this newsletter you’ll find a listing of some of the seminars and symposiums we’re involved with. In addition, your official conference guide will list the more intimate sessions specifically addressing Black women’s experiences and concerns that we’re hosting throughout the conference. So please be sure to drop by and get to know us. We would love to have you join and become an active member in our community! A membership application is located at the end of this newsletter.


We’re looking forward to having you jump right in! 1

CELEBRATING EXCELLENCE: 2012 Carolyn Payton Early Career and Graduate Student awardees to be recognized at annual convention in Orlando The Division 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women), Section 1 (Black Women) annual Carolyn Payton Early Career and Graduate Student awardees have been selected. Dr. Scyatta Wallace and Nkiru A. Nnawulezi are the awardees and will be honored during the Division 35 Awards Ceremony during the 2012 American Psychological Associations’ Convention in Orlando, Florida. The Carolyn Payton Early Career Award recipient is Dr. Scyatta Wallace, an associate professor of psychology at St. John's University. Her work, "Gold Diggers, Video Vixens, and Jezebels: Stereotype Images and Substance Use Among Urban African American Girls" provides insight of the role of gender in the lives of African American girls in urban environments and factors placing them at risk. The Section One Graduate Student Award recipient is Nkiru A. Nnawulezi. She is a doctoral candidate in the ecological- community psychology program at Michigan State University. Her co-authored paper, "Oppression within Safe Spaces: Exploring Racial Microaggressions within Domestic Violence Shelters", explores the role of gender and the dynamics of internalized oppression in the lives of African American women seeking assistance in the shelter system.

Dr. Scyatta Wallace

Division 35, Section 1 is honored to highlight the work of these two gifted scholars as they provide important and needed insight into the psychology of Black women and the role of gender in Black women’s lives. Commemoration of these women and their work will consist of acknowledgement at the 2012 APA convention, a plaque and monetary award. We enjoy recognizing deserving scholars, practitioners and researchers. Please consider nominating a colleague, student, or even yourself for an award next year. To learn more about Section 1 of Division 35’s various awards and honors, please visit our website at: Or join us on Facebook at:!/pages/Black-Women-inPsychology/143081281345?ref=ts.


This year’s gathering is going to be magical- just check out our schedule of conference events! This year’s annual conference looks to be one of the most engaging and interactive yet. Section 1: The Psychology of Black women and related Divisions will be hosting numerous seminars, workshops and networking events. These are great spaces in which you can connect with other like-minded men and women, while learning about the field of psychology. We’ve listed some below; we hope that you’ll be able to attend! Conversation Hour: African American Women's Voices Across Generations-- How Far Have We Come, Where Do We Go From Here? Thursday August 2, 10:00-10:50AM Convention Center Room W304B This symposium features African American women pioneers in the field of Psychology reflecting on the challenges they faced and strategies for coping with the sexism and racism they faced in their professional lives.

Div 35/AWP Suite Programming Peabody Orlando Hotel 9801 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819 Friday August 3, 12:00- 12:50PM All Section Conversation Hour: Continuing Collaborations Cat Thompson, Carrie Castañeda-Sound, Christine Smith, Diane Hayashino, Diane Willis

Friday August 3, 1:00- 1:50PM Section 1 (Psychology of Black Women) Meeting & Networking Hour Cat Thompson & Wendi Williams

Chair Beverly A. Greene, PhD, St. John's University Participants: Karen F. Wyche, PhD, Howard University Title: What Kind of a Name Is Wyche? Jessica Daniel, PhD, Harvard Medical School Title: Living Racial and Ethnic Diversities: Blending Aloneness With Connections Frances Trotman, PhD, Monmouth University Title: But Aren't You From Hawai`i?


Friday August 3, 2:00- 2:50PM Section 1 (Psychology of Black Women) Awards Recipient Presentations with Scyatta Wallace & Nkiru Nnawulezi Discussion about gender and race based stereotypes associated with negative outcomes among urban African American girls and Oppression within Safe Spaces: Exploring Racial Microaggressions in Domestic Violence Shelters

Symposium (S): Many Women, One Voice---Connections and \ Across Diverse Women Coalitions Sunday August 5, 8:00-9:50AM Convention Center W207B and C This symposium features a diversity of women from across the field. Ideas for collaborations and experiences within and across the field of psychology will be discussed. Participants: Iva GreyWolf, PhD, University of Alaska Fairbanks Christine Smith, PhD, University of Wisconsin--Green Bay Carrie Castaneda-Sound, PhD, Pepperdine University Diane Hayashino, PhD, California State University--Long Beach Susana O. Salgado, PhD, Santa Ana College Cat Thompson, PhD, University of California--San Diego

Friend” us on Facebook

Are you on Facebook? The Psychology of Black Women now is! And with 175 million active Facebook users throughout the world, our page serves as a central meeting place for Black women in the field and those interested in topics related to Black women in psychology. No longer the purview of teens and students, Facebook is now drawing in the over 30 crowd at the fastest rate of all age groups, making the social networking site the perfect place for you to connect with other members- and potential members- of our section. Just go to “Black Women in Psychology” on and request to be added to our page.


We’ve been busy this year! A brief summary of our activities for the past year This year, Section 1 has been focusing on building connections and creating dialogue among women from various backgrounds. Our section president has been meeting with the other sections within Division 35 to explore issues that impact all of our communities. These discussions have culminated in the joint symposium/roundtable session that will be presented at APA on Sunday, August 5th 8:00-9:50am: Many Women, One Voice Connections and Coalitions across Diverse Women. Our hope is to facilitate dialogues among various groups of women with the goal of building connections to address some of the common issues that impact our diverse communities. More specifically, we will address three relevant concerns in this symposium: the professional development and mentorship of women leaders, the search for culturally responsive work environments (e.g., institutional support), and the role of self-care in our daily lives. As feminist psychologists for social change, we want to engage in problem-solving around these issues and come up with action steps that can be taken to make significant improvements.


We are looking for a few good women (and men) to join our Executive Board

Continue Receiving our Newsletter To receive this newsletter, simply join Section 1: Psychology of Black women. We are a part of Division 35: Society for the Psychological Study of Women of the American Psychological Association. Or download issues directly from our website:

No matter what stage you are in your career, you want to remain up to date on the major trends in the field. Of course there are numerous ways that this could be accomplished networking, trade and professional journals, etc. However, one great way to accomplish this is by joining a professional association. So whether you are looking to become part of a community within the field of psychology, or you are searching for professional development to enhance your career opportunities, joining the Psychology of Black Women is most certainly the way to go!

Submitting Newsletter Copy Electronic mail submissions in the Word format (doc) is preferred. Mailed or faxed submissions are also accepted. The newsletter is published bi-annually and reaches readers approximately 6 weeks after each deadline. Winter Issue Deadline August 15 Fall Issue Deadline December 15

As you know, Section 1: The Psychology of Black Women‘s survival relies upon the dedication, commitment, and hard work of many of our members serving as volunteers to fulfill the mission of the section. In doing so, we not only provide a wonderful service to the section but also have the opportunity to develop our leadership skills as well develop a network of sisterhood through our collective work. The executive committee meets only one evening a month via telephone conference call, and at the APA convention. Committee members are expected to provide an update and report about their work and to assist in publicizing the work of the section.

Send submissions to:

or Attn. Dr. Dionne Stephens Department of Psychology Florida International University 11200 SW 8th Street, DM 256 Miami, Florida 33199 Phone: 305-919-5249 Fax: 305-348-3879

We hope that you will join us in volunteering to serve this section by joining the Executive Board of the Psychology of Black Women. Please contact our Section One President, Dr. Cat Thompson (, for more information about membership and the positions currently available. 6

MA RK YOUR CALENDAR‌ Fellowship & Committee Opportunities Call for Nominations to the Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Concerns The Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns (CLGBTC) seeks nominations for two positions beginning January 1, 2013. Nominees are sought who have experience or expertise relevant to one or more of the areas of need. Deadline: August 31, 2012 Information:

Call for Applications for the APA Science Directorate's Dissertation Research Award The purpose of the APA Science Directorate's Dissertation Research Award program is to assist scienceoriented doctoral students of psychology with research costs. Deadline: September 17, 2012 Information:

Call for Applications for the Early Graduate Student Researcher Awards The purpose of the Early Graduate Student Researcher Awards program is to recognize students for conducting outstanding research early in their graduate training (i.e., research conducted within the first two years of doctoral study). The award focuses on both the student’s general research experience and specific completed research projects. The research independence of the applicant as well as the novelty and implications of research performed as a graduate student will be used for evaluation purposes. Therefore preference may be given to students who have completed their second year of doctoral studies. Deadline: September 17, 2012 Information:

Conference & Workshop Opportunities APA Clinician's Corner: Empathy in Service Professions Psychologists, teachers and service professionals are often cautioned that they should retain a distance from their clients, students and patients. Distance does not necessarily make possible the most effective relationships. This workshop will provide the psychologist, teacher and service professional with basic theories and a skill set that will facilitate effective practices that include empathy and perspective taking. Dates: October 26, 2012 Information:

12th Annual Diversity Challenge: What to do about Race, Culture and Violence This gathering features presentations from multiple disciplines addressing violence from individual, community, or structural frameworks with an emphasis on racial and/or ethnic cultural perspectives. In an attempt to discover how best to recognize, treat, and eradicate violence and its consequences, we seek to advance the focus on violence by (1) sharing efforts to promote awareness; (2) illustrating the importance of acknowledging violence in a variety of domains; (3) investigating the psychological, health, and/or educational impacts of violence at multiple levels; and (4) highlighting educational programs, support groups, and networks that facilitate collaboration among allies to better serve diverse communities. Dates: October 19 & 20, 2012 Information:


The Psychology of Black Women Section One of the Society for the Psychology of Women

Who we are: The Psychology of Black Women, Section One of Division 35, began as a committee on Black women's concerns. With vision and perseverance, the committee gained a more prominent voice within the Division and Section One, The Psychology of Black Women, was established in 1984. As a section, The Psychology of Black Women has its own bylaws and governance structure and has scheduled time for invited presentations at the American Psychological Association's annual convention.

T Our o


 To create a forum where Black women can network, find mentors, and get support from each other  To provide outreach, guidance, and mentoring to Black female students in Psychology  To promote the development of methods of research and models of treatment and intervention that are ethnically, culturally, and gender appropriate for Black women  To increase scientific understanding of those aspects of ethnicity, culture, and class among Black women which pertain to the psychology of women  To maintain and increase the overall status of Black women in the profession of Psychology  To increase the quality of education and training opportunities for Black women in Psychology  To encourage the evolution and development of the specialty of the Psychology of Black Women as a science  To advocate on behalf of Black women psychologists with respect to the formation of policies of Division 35  To promote the general objectives of APA and Division 35

For further information If you have any questions about the Section, please contact Keith Cooke, Division 35 Administrative Office, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242, Phone: 202-336-6197, Fax: 202-218-3599, Email:

Section on Psychology of Black Women A Section of Division 35, the Society for the Psychology of Women

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Membership dues are $10.00 per year ($5.00 for students; no fee if APA Dues exempt/Life Status membership). Membership period is January-December. After August 1, memberships are applied to the following calendar year. Name: Institution: Mailing address: City, state, and zip code: Telephone: Fax: Email address: Interests/Areas of Expertise: APA membership number (if applicable): APA Membership (circle): Member, Associate, Fellow, Dues Exempt (Life Status), Student Affiliate, International Affiliate, No APA Membership Type of membership desired (circle one): Member, Associate, Dues Exempt (Life Status), Student Affiliate, Professional Affiliate New member or renewal (circle one) Are you willing to be a mentor to students and/or early career psychologists?



Cardholder name (the name appearing on credit card): Cardholder's billing address: Credit card number: Credit card expiration date: Card type (only MasterCard, Visa, or American Express): Daytime phone number and email address (if available): Amount to be charged in US Dollars: Cardholder signature:

Please fax to 202-218-3599 or mail to Division Services Office- American Psychological Association750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002-4242 If sending a check, please make it payable to APA Division 35. Questions? Contact Keith Cooke at 202-336-6197 or Find more information:

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