Project 2: Concept design - Division and aggregation
Project 3: Concept design - Division and aggregation
Project 4: Structure research - Reciprocal frame research
Project 5: Old Town Renovation - Flowing structure
Project 6: UCL Year 1 - Design make live
Project 7: UCL Year 2 - Design project
by Sizhe Peng
The Bartlett School of
Name: Sizhe Peng 彭斯喆
Age: 21
UCL Engineering and Architectural design Year 2
Site analysis - Plan 1:5000 UCL Year 1 Design make live - Antarctic
UCL Year 2 design project in Bristol - Bridging Spaces
Site analysis - Plan 1:5000
A major port, Bristol was a starting place for early voyages of exploration to the New World. On a ship out of Bristol in 1497, John Cabot, a Venetian, became the first European to land on mainland North America. In 1499, William Weston, a Bristol merchant, was the first Englishman to lead an exploration to North America. At the height of the Bristol slave trade, from 1700 to 1807, more than 2,000 slave ships carried an estimated 500,000 people from Africa to slavery in the Americas. The Port of Bristol has since moved from Bristol Harbour in the city centre to the Severn Estuary at Avonmouth and Royal Portbury Dock.
Site analysis - Section 1:1000
as the main
The city was associated with Victorian engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who designed the Great Western Railway between Bristol and London Paddington, two pioneering Bristol-built oceangoing steamships (SS Great Britain and SS Great Western), and the Clifton Suspension Bridge. The new railway replaced the Kennet and Avon Canal, which had fully opened in 1810
route for the transport of goods between Bristol and London. Brunel is perhaps best remembered for designs for the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, begun in 1831. The bridge was built to designs based on Brunel’s, but with significant changes. Spanning over 214 m, and nominally 76 m above the River Avon, it had the longest span of any bridge in the world at the time of construction.
The idea of Connection - Micro
Based on people’s needs, these spaces can be reorganized in the following ways.
Structure - Connecting pattern iteration
Fibonacci Sequence The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers:
And here is a surprise. When we take any two successive (one after the other) Fibonacci Numbers, their ratio is very close to the Golden Ratio “φ” which is approximately 1.618034...
Primary and secondary beams: 200mm x 200mm Steel I beams
Protection materials:
20mm Extruded polystyrene 0.01kN/m²
Roofing Membranes: 1.5mm EPDM
Columns: 0.2m diameter Steel columns
Roofing insulation: 100mm Pplyisocyanurate
0.01kN/m² R-6
Pile foundation: 0.5m diameter concrete piles
Roofing slab: 309mm CLT(SLT9) 1.532kN/m² Maximum Panel Size 3.0m x 12.2m
In the museum area, to attract more interest and create a natural and eco-friendly space, each pillar is designed with a retractable skylight. These skylights provide natural ventilation at appropriate times while also ensuring ample natural light. When observed from the base of the pillars, this natural light resembles the light filtering through the gaps of a banyan tree.