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emerge october 2010

Jin S. Kim, Chair of Council and Pastor of Church of All Nations Presbyterian in Columbia Heights, presents the new Strategic Plan along with Phil Gebbengreen, coco-pastor of Edgcumbe Presbyterian in St. Paul at the September Presbytery Meeting. Photo by Dennis Sanders.

a publication of the presbytery of the twin cities area

The following was written by Paul Moore, pastor of Chain of Lakes Presbyterian Church in Lino Lakes about the September Presbytery meeting held at Plymouth Presbyterian Church on September 14, 2010. It originally appeared on his blog, Chain Link on September 15.

“fearless” by paul moore

Yesterday afternoon and evening I joined other Presbyters at the Plymouth Presbyterian Church for the September meeting of the Presbytery of Twin Cities Area. Besides the “train ride” of a special meeting called in July, this was the first time the Presbytery had met since May. With all of the preparations involved in hosting General Assembly in July, I’m glad we didn’t have a regular meeting in July. After I arrived I found a small space at a table and began hawking the recent newsletter from Chain of Lakes Church. Until our New Church Development charters, I plan on having some sort of display about Chain of Lakes at every Presbytery meeting. I enjoyed meeting and talking to many colleagues, sharing the recent successes we’ve experienced at Chain of Lakes, and in particular talking to some of the saints from Community Presbyterian in Plainview. The meeting got interesting to me when Andy Lindahl, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Austin, shared his experience of serving on the Presbytery’s Strategy Task Force—a group on which I also served. He very honestly and tactfully shared his skepticism about serving on the group. He admitted that he had not recently been involved in Presbytery work and was very tired of the infighting within the body. He compared his thoughts about serving to “the last session before a couple divorces.” He then told us that his particiemerge/presbytery of the twin cities area/ october 2010/ 1

Cover story, continued pation on the Strategy group had connected him to the Presbytery again. He was excited about the document that our group had produced and was looking forward to seeing what came of it. A little later David Lenz, pastor of Hope Church in Richfield, shared almost the same message. While serving on the Presbytery Council he had participated in a Retreat where the work of the Strategy work was shared. He shared that he felt welcomed into the process. He also honesty and tactfully shared the pain he had experienced from the Presbytery and then shared his hope about the future. I was moved by both presentations—not “cut to the heart,” but most certainly moved. Experiencing the truth spoken in love with tact at Presbytery is a sign that life within our Presbytery is changing. After dinner I moderated one of the small groups that discussed some of the Strategy Task Force’s work.

Our group of about 25 generally approved of the document that they read. The document received some push back by folks concerned about the lack Andy Lindahl, Senior Pastor of Westof articulation about participating in the world. Some other folks were a bit concerned minster Presbyterian, Austin speaks at the September 14 Presbytery Meet- about the use of the word, “fearlessly” in the New Vision statement that the Strategy Group brought forward. Our statement was, “We fearlessly follow the Holy Spirit into a ing. Photo by Dennis Sanders. changing world.” The word “fearlessly” is my favorite word in the document. For me it articulates the essential need for the Presbytery to take risks. Risk is something that many religious bodies have difficulty, something I’ve never understood for our leader, Jesus Christ, was one of the most fearless leaders in the history of the world. Having said that, I could see changing the word, “fearlessly” to “courageously.” I’m encouraged by the positive energy that is slowly percolating within our Presbytery.

In addition to the introduction of the new strategic plan, the following items of note also took place at the September Presbytery meeting:




Other Highlights of September Presbytery Meeting

Executive Presbyter Chaz Ruark gave a “final report” on the recently concluded 219th General Assembly held in Minneapolis in early July. Elder Manley Olson of North Como Presbyterian Church in Roseville and Elder Sandra Hawley of Plymouth Presbyterian in Plymouth were honored for the work as co-chairs of the Committee on Local Arrangements.

efforts to gather and prepare the PTCA delegation.


Candidate Karin Kraven was examined and approved for ordination. Kraven is a member at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis and will be ordained at the church on October 17. Cynthia Wunder of Lake Nokomis Presbyterian in Minneapolis and Dan Franklin of Westminster Presbyterian in Minneapolis were both enrolled as Inquirers.

Honorably Retired pastor Ed Martin was installed at the new Treasurer for the Presbytery. He PTCA Moderator Vince Gin (center) holds up a was approved by the Presbytery platter from General Assembly thanking the presbytery for hosting the 219th General Asat a July special meeting. sembly while Manley Olson (left) and Chaz Representatives of the PresbyRuark (right) look on. Photo by Dennis Sandtery delegation to the Presbyteers. rian Youth Triennium gave a report to the Presbytery of their experiences of the late July event. Registrar Scott Dobovsky was recognized for this emerge/presbytery of the twin cities area/ october 2010/ 2


“going, going, green!”

News from Arlington Hills, St. Paul


Proposed PTCA Strategic Plan


-by lynn pham

Exciting new partnerships with ECSP were also created this year, including the Minnesota State Arts Board. Their new funding alyou’re having fun! lowed us to hire two guest artists: Helen Stringfellow worked with our students in creating community and turning simple two dimenFive-and a-half weeks of proThe Birth of Kwanzaa, 5 gramming flew by in a blink of sions to more complex three dimensions. All grades incorporated Minneapolis the science theme and systematically created a 3D model of their an eye. The 2010 Eastside community. Additionally, Danielle Daniel completed her residency Children’s Summer Program Roots of Faith 7 was a huge success thanks to with the summer program by incorporating drama and dance participants, funders, commuwith our science theme of, “Going, Going Green!” nity members, collaborative Knox, Minneapolis 8 partners, staff, and volunAnother new partner, Campfire USA, was able to give our stuGoes to Haiti teers. With the help of the dents the opportunity to go on field trips by providing transportasupporters with a similar vition and admission to places such as Cascade Bay Waterpark, sion of creating a cohesive Minnesota Zoo, and enjoy a Mississippi River boat ride. Students Small Church Pastors 10 community, the program has were also able to plant trees with staff from the Big Urban Woods continued nature trail at Duluth and Case in St. to thrive Paul. Stan Martin on Cats 11 since it and God Finally, Saint Paul Community Educabegan in tion assisted in granting our teen pro2007. gram a chance to explore the arts PW Fall Report 12 Thank you through cooking, dancing, and drama. Arlington The summer program was a success PC(USA) by the Num- 14 Hills Presbecause of the dedication from returnbyterian bers ing AHP volunteers, who were: Paul Church for Oppelt, Dave Peterson, Deanna Dick, Transitions, Ordina15 your genMarlyce Johnson, and Betty Brandt erosity in Passick. allowing Open Positions, 16 the proAlso, thanks to those who bought Events gram to ECSP T-shirts and who donated items rent the from the 2010 ECSP Wish List, includspace for a nominal amount this summer, and ing: Marlyce Johnson, Paul and Connie thank you Pastor Rick, who made staff feel Oppelt, Adijah and Jude Aborungong, welcomed, supported and encouraged. Rick Wollenberg, Becky Lyon, Jeanne Anderegg, Joan Laine, Donna HampThis space provides a safe environment for the ton-Maki, Dave Peterson and John children in the Payne-Phalen neighborhood, Hanno. and the ECSP program has earned the respect

Oh how time flies when

of these families, as well. For the first time, the K-5th grade was at capacity the very first day (48 children). For the second year in a row, the program had a wait list (15 children). The teen The staff and children of the ECSP exprogram had 21 registered. tend a warm “thank you!” to AHP for Programming ran from Monday through Thursday, 12:00-3:30 p.m., and each day began with again providing space and volunteers family-style lunches, which were a hit (families for the 2010 program. Photo courtesy Arlington Hills Church. of participants were welcomed every day to join us)! Table manners and conversation starters are a great way to teach respect for one another.

Kindness is contagious. Thank you to those who have been genuine advocates of our program. We are all working toward the goal of planting the seeds to create great role models and community leaders in our neighborhood — and world.

Lynn Pham is the Executive Director of the Eastside Children’s Summer Program, a ministry of Arlington Hills Presbyterian Church in St. Paul. This article and photo originally appeared in the September 2010 issue of the Heirloom, Arlington Hill’s monthly newsletter.

The theme of, “Going, Going Green!” taught students how they affect the earth. Further, students learned the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling. The ECSP is grateful for these continuing partnerships created throughout the four years of programming from 2007-2010. emerge/presbytery of the twin cities area/ october 2010/ 3

Below is the proposed Strategic Plan for the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area. The proposal was presented at the September 2010 Presbytery meeting and will be voted on at the November 2010 Presbytery Meeting.

“recognize each other's humanity” -ptca strategic planning team



Worship God in Christ, and recognize each other's humanity


Consistently acknowledge, confess, lament and celebrate

3. Form a task force to listen to and learn from the needs and experiences of young people in order to present a plan by May 2011 for how Presbytery can meet and continually adapt to changing needs.

4. Establish a culture in which controversial issues are consistently addressed in an honest, civil, respectful, healthy, mutually affirming manner. 5. Encourage relationship buildNEW VISION ing and improve communication in order to increase participation We fearlessly follow the Holy and representation. Spirit into a changing world! 6. Institute a new nominating process that encourages persons with vision, passion, and OUR VALUES unique gifts to serve in a capac Supporting congregations ity that best fits those qualities. and ministers 7. Encourage 10 churches to launch new, distinct faith com Honesty in success and munities in the following 3 years, failure and welcome new faith communities into fellowship of Presby Discerning and adaptive tery. leadership 8. Facilitate and/or initiate mis Diversity in our life together sional collaboration among congregations for local and global  Cultivating discipleship in ministry. Ron Grittman, a member of Buffalo Presbyterian in Buffalo, every generation shares his views during a small group time at the September 9. Institute a process to reguMAJOR FOCUS larly review committees and 14 Presbytery meeting at Plymouth Presbyterian Church in structures for effectiveness and  Mutual support of congre- Plymouth. Photo by Dennis Sanders. relevance, and adjust as necesgations and ministers sary. 10. Empower the natural formation of groups that offer mutual support and fellowship. GOALS FOR 2011-13


Nurture relationships and risk trust

1. Facilitate a sense of connection among congregations and ministers. 2. Effectively assist congregations and ministers with transitions.

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a bequeath and a legacy -duane sweep The Rev. Alika Galloway always has the words “bequeath” and “legacy” on her mind.

According to Ivers, one committee member said, "That's what we're about." And then the work started.

Ivers said, "We later referred to this period of our idea evolution as the Caterpillar stage." But he remembered, too, that "the time from vision to actuality is a long period of time."

The two words recall the beginning of KwanIt involved a period of study, including a survey of the neighborzaa Community Church, the church she hood that "verified what we were seeing." It showed, he said, resiserves with her husband, the Rev. Ralph Galdents were seeking ways to make the area a better place to raise loway, in Minneapolis. children and that families were focused on security. Kwanzaa Community Church, a Presbyterian Highland Park ultimately received a new church development Church (U.S.A.) congregation, is in the grant and received funds from both the Synod of Lakes and Praichurch building that once housed the nowries and the General Assembly. Ivers said the request for the dissolved Highland Park Presbyterian congregrant was "carefully crafted to have the dual purpose of forming a gation. John Ivers. new congregation and also strengthening community outreach It's a story of bequeath and legacy — a beefforts." Photo by queath that allowed one congregation to grow Duane Sweep. During this time Highland Park continued its community ministry, out of another and a legacy of community expanding it by housing a non-profit agency that ran an afterservice. school tutoring program and other family-support activities. "We It's also the story Alika Galloway and Elder John Ivers shared also kept the building in good repair to the extent that our rehere earlier this month in the workshop, "The Revitalization of an sources would allow," he said. Older Congregation: The Kwanzaa Story," at the 2010 convention With the approval of the new church development grant, the call of the Association of Retired Ministers, their Survivors or Spouses went out to the Galloways. (ARMSS). Ivers recalled that the last worship service of the Highland Park Ivers had been a member of Highland Park, the aging Minneapocongregation took place Pentecost Sunday in May 1999. It hadn't lis church with declining membership that created a Ministry Alterbeen a swift turnaround, Ivers said. "The native Committee to determine how the church could "stay on the elapsed time from the vision proclamation corner and continue to work." stage to the start of service of the new conIvers asked, "How many of you have a will? Does your will have gregation was approximately eight years." some specific directions or expectations of what will happen?" He For Alika Galloway, the move to what is now added, “Let me tell you how privileged I and many of my church Kwanzaa Community Church wasn’t swift friends were able to go through this complete process even to the either. witnessing of the outcomes.” Growing up as what she calls a "Navy brat" Ivers recounted that Highland Park, which had existed for more and following her family from one duty station Alika Galloway. than 125 years into the 1990s, had done well but "as the condito another, she didn't worship in a Presbyte- Photo by tions around us changed faster than we realized, we realized that rian congregation until she was 14. She had Duane Sweep. our individual cultural backgrounds limited our ability to serve the been attending a church with a lively worship area in as meaningful." service and good food. Recalling her first Highland Park had become a more inner city neighborhood. The worship service with a Presbyterian congrepredominantly white congregation was now in a predominantly gation, she said, "The music wasn’t so great and we had donuts." African American community. But she was inspired by something she learned about the PresbyThe congregation made attempts to adapt, participating in picnics terian church — the six great ends of the church, including the and choir concerts with neighboring churches. It used its educapromotion of social righteousness. It was that end that really tional wing for a drop-in center. It even joined a four-church parish caught her attention. Later, after she met and married Ralph, she to share staff and office space, which, Ivers said, "didn't expand decided to attend seminary. When Ralph was called to Minnesota, ministry as much as simply conserve resources.” she said, "I told him, 'If you go, I will go with you.'" When the Ministry Alternative Committee met at Ivers work place, a Caterpillar factory, he showed members a "new machine we were developing." The machine was "designed to grind up an old road surface, inject some new asphalt cement, place the material back down on the foundation bed and compact it so that the roadway could continue to be utilized for another 20 to 30 years."

When she came to Minnesota and attended her first meeting of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area, she recalled looking around and seeing that she was the only African American woman in the room. Yet she saw Kwanzaa as a "great opportunity for community en-

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developing contemporary positive messages.

bequeath and legacy, continued gagement." She thought about the bequeath and legacy. And she remembered a Presbyterian minister where she worshiped as a teen who offered to give her a ride home from school She accepted the ride but asked the minister to park several blocks from the school so other teens in the turbulent '60s wouldn't see her getting a ride from someone in "the establishment."

She spoke with pride when she talked about Kwanzaa's newest project, the Northside Women's Space, which she described as a "drop in center for women who trade sex." She added, "We already have 75 women who have said they will come in when we open." It's a product of Galloway's community involvement. She learned of the work of Lauren Martin, a University of Minnesota researcher who was studying prostitution in north Minneapolis. The average age for entering prostitution, Galloway learned, was 13.7. She learned, too, that many women engaged in prostitution "want to be in the church, but don’t know how to be a part of it."

She was convicted by the minister, one who would walk those extra blocks in the heat, who would do that and then listen to her.

Rather than waiting for women to come into the church, Galloway took the active approach, reaching out to the women trapped in prostitution. "We are to support social righteousness to usher in the kingdom of God," she said.

From that, Galloway said she learned to listen and in her first days at Kwanzaa she "walked the community" so she could listen.

And it speaks to the early efforts of the now-dissolved Highland Park congregation to be involved in the community. "We always have that obligation to honor the bequest and legacy," Galloway said. "We always keep that in mind."

"We had to be gang Members of Kwanzaa Community Presbyterian Church pose for a neutral," Galloway Galloway will continue to walk in her said, because of the photo after receiving the Whole Gospel Congregation Award at community. It's her way of rememberthe Presbyterian Voices for Justice lunch during the 219th Genhigh proportion of ing what she learned from a pastor gang membership in eral Assembly in July. Photo by Dennis Sanders. when she was in her teens. the community sur"Sometimes you have to park the car, rounding the church. walk in the desert and just sit – and mostly listen," she said. Kwanzaa's neighborhood also posts high proportions of prostituDuane Sweep, associate for communications for the Synod of tion, single parents and teen pregnancies. Lakes and Prairies, is a frequent contributor to Presbyterian "I learned how to embrace the non-profit community and write News Service. grants," Galloway said. She also learned how to develop partnerships in service. Today Kwanzaa has about 275 members and it has partnerships with 10 congregations. When PC(USA)'s 219th General Assembly took place in Minneapolis this summer, Presbyterian Voices for Justice honored the congregation with its Whole Gospel Congregation Award for "commitment to living out the radical, liberating good news in our society and the wider world." Kwanzaa works in innovative ways. Galloway cited Kwanzaa's "Freedom School," a multi-week intergenerational summer program that provides an educational experience for young children through those in their teens. She also spoke of Kwanzaa's "recording studio in a closet," a reference to the Kwanzaa studio that allows neighborhood youth to put their creative power to work emerge/presbytery of the twin cities area/ october 2010/ 6

For the Rev. Barbara Anne Keely the Christian's journey can be described through an analogy with trees — trees she grew up around in the northwest and others she watched in winter at Montreat Conference Center in North Carolina.

root connection -duane sweep

Keely, associate professor of Christian education and congregational spirituality at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in New Brighton, Minn., delivered keynote addresses here Sept. 10 and 11 at the 2010 convention of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s Association of Retired Ministers, Their Spouses or Survivors (ARMSS). Beginning with the root system and moving outward and upward, Keely used trees as a metaphor for Christian life. Keely said a tree's root system represents the relationship with God. "We must be intentional in our rootedness in God so that we will survive the heat and droughts of life. … Without being rooted, a tree will die," she said.

The trunk reminds her, too, of the commandment to "love your neighbors as yourself." But she added, "Sometimes those of us who are ministers forget the last part of the phrase." And that brought Keely to another aspect of trees. "We need each other to lean on," she added, pointing out the ability of strong, healthy trees — and others — to provide support. "A tree is kept alive," she said, "by a strong, healthy trunk and a deep root system." Healthy trees also have the ability to be resilient. Keely recalled the trees she saw in winter at Montreat. She described how the tree branches dipped downward under heavy snow, dropped the snow and then bounced back up, Keely said, "Sometimes we need moments of passionate renewal."

Barbara Anne Keely. Photo by An ordained Presbyterian minister and an oblate of the Another aspect of tree roots — spreading as "broad Order of St. Benedict, Keely said the trees branches are a Duane Sweep. as the reach" of the tree above ground — is the "manifestation of us reaching out." interconnectedness of root system. She pointed out that the loss of one tree's root system can damage And that’s where Keely's presentation, "Growing Our Relanearby trees. tionship with God: Going Deep and Reaching Wide," spoke to the convention’s theme, "Called to a Lifetime of Service – God's Plan The complementary relationships of the root systems exhibit the or Ours." need for community among Christians. She pointed out the tree's value to the world "is to produce someShe said she was disturbed by some who use the "battery" as an thing of value to the world, be it fruit or foliage." And she added, analogy for their life's journey. Batteries require charging but then "We live not for ourself, but for the purpose of God in the world," work independently from the power source, she said. working toward the "salvation of the world through our service." "Why do they choose to get charged up and then disconnect from Just as a tree, Keely said, "We need to be deeply rooted to draw the power source?" Keely asked, arguing that a well-rooted tree our strength" while above ground we are "empowered by the Holy stays connected. Spirit." Above ground, she said, "The trunk of the tree gives it both definiDuane Sweep is associate for communications for the Synod of tion and substance." While all trees have "much in common in Lakes and Prairies and a frequent contributor to Presbyterian many ways," she said they are — just like people — all "very News Service. unique."

Approved by the Presbytery at the September 14, 2010 Stated Meeting:

2011 Per Capita

$6.50 for General Assembly $4.90 for Synod $19.06 for Presbytery

$30.46 total per member emerge/presbytery of the twin cities area/ october 2010/ 7

Editor’s note: The following is an article by Pete DellaSantina, the pastor of Knox Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis. In August of 2010, several members of the congregation went to Haiti to spend time at an orphanage called “God’s Littlest Angels.” Below, is there story.

For one week, ten members of Knox served the children and staff of God’s Littlest Angels Orphanage in the Kenscoff Mountains just outside of Port-auPrince.

“God perfectly timed this trip” By pete dellasantina

Pete DellaSantina, pastor of Knox Presbyterian in Minneapolis, hold child from God’s Littlest Angels orphanage in Haiti. Photo courtesy Pete DellaSantina.

We witnessed firsthand the devastating consequences of the earthquake. There are people sleeping in the streets. There is rubble and trash everywhere. Diesel trucks belch black smoke. Men stand on street corners idle, watching us suspiciously as we pass by. Women cling to their babies as they cook corn or chicken on the curb in makeshift food stalls. Only the children acknowledge us. Their wide-eyed, warm smiles and friendly gestures bring tears to our eyes. There are families living under flimsy makeshift lean-tos on hightraffic mediums. Toddlers are shoeless and unclothed playing amidst broken bottles, exposed rebar and crumbling cinderblock. Seven months after the earth shook, there is only a slight semblance of order and commerce in the chaotic, filthy city. Little evidence of a functional government can be seen except for military-style police check points, UN peacekeepers, and ambulances rumbling by whose sole destination is the morgue. God perfectly timed this trip. GLA is understaffed and overstretched by the relief effort. The team arrived just in time to unpack a trailer truck filled with

emergency supplies from Canada and the U.S., which had sat in port for months until money could be raised to payoff the port authority to release the supplies. We sorted mountains of clothes, dry food, hygiene and medical supplies in a newly constructed pull-barn on the grounds of the Orphanage’s new compound. We completed essential welding projects and other vital construction. The team also cared for infants and played with toddlers at the Orphanage. We witnessed the union of an orphaned boy with his new mom and big brother, also adopted from GLA four years ago. Sunday church service was especially meaningful as we were invited to worship in Petionville, a golf country club that was converted by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers into a tent city. It is now home to 55,000 displaced Haitians. Pastor Pete was invited by their pastor, Rev.

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Sincere, to preach to the packed Spirit-filled congregation under a circus tent, with translation provided by our host Rev. Brandon Jordan.

Brandon is a native of Kansas. He is a big, friendly young man who taught himself to speak fluent Creole. His wife, Niki, a lovely sister with southern hospitality, is a native of Louisiana. They moved their young family to Port-au-Prince six years ago. For four and a half years the Jordans worked with Haitian Christians to plant a church right in the middle of the city. Six months before the earthquake, having trained nationals to take over each area of the church including their new lead pastor, they stepped out of the church completely.

After the earthquake the Jordans moved up into the mountains and began working with God's Littlest Angels Orphanage. They host mission teams and currently hold six Bible studies in the area. In October they plan to launch another church. Our team voted to send a financial offering to help them in their efforts.

Brandon says, “God has blessed us and we have seen His hand in amazing ways. We consistently stay busy presenting the precious story of Jesus Christ while sharing the love of God through the means which God gives. The fact remains that the more means available, the more that can be and will be done. It is a pleasure and a privilege to serve God in this very needy place. Please continue to pray for the Jordan Family as we continue to serve the Almighty God here in Haiti.” . PRAY: That people would get the help they need as quickly as possible.

Ways You Can Help

For GLA staff’s physical, mental, and emotional welfare as they face many challenges. For the children of Haiti and God’s Littlest Angels Orphanage, who bear the brunt of the devastating consequences of this natural disaster worsened by human wickedness. For the church to rise up in Haiti and for the Gospel to be proclaimed. For wisdom in determining the most effective response to this disaster.

GIVE: Please join Knox in providing permanent shelter for earthquake victims in Haiti. We invite our sister congregations, sessions and mission committees and individual brothers and sisters to contribute financially toward the GLA Building Project (see below). You may send your check to Knox Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis and we will forward all the funds to GLA and report back on their progress. The hope is to break ground and complete at least one new home before the one year anniversary.

looked at many different options in how we could help our immediate staff families as well as the thousands of others who have lost homes. We are starting now by using an engineer to construct a couple of basic model homes for two of our ladies who are already in possession of land. If we are satisfied with the quality of the home we will then continue to build homes for our staff starting with those who have land. We then will be looking into the purchasing of a piece of property where we can build a small community of homes sharing septic/power source/ and water source. The homes we are building are approx. 200sq. ft. block homes engineered to new earthquake specs with tin roofs. They will have two rooms, a large dining/living room, a bathroom, kitchen, w/ front and back porch area. The homes will be septic prepared, electricity prepared, and have guttering to catch rain water. The cost for these homes will be between $8,000 and $10,000 per unit. We have searched for a few months now weighing out different ideas our goal is to be able to give our people something better than they even had before the quake. We looked at some cheaper options such as wood framed structures - however, we would like to do more. We feel like the cheaper route just to get people out of tents, is simply moving them from one temporary situation to another temporary situation. We feel that this style of home is what they are accustomed to, they will last longer, and they can easily be added on to.”

Building Project: from God’s Littlest Angels (GLA) “GLA has over 75 Haitian staff members - most of whom have lost their homes due to the earthquake. We have emerge/presbytery of the twin cities area/ october 2010/ 9

When the Rev. Marcia Clark Myers spoke of God's call to leave country and family in order to enter a land of risk and promise, her allusion reached far beyond the example of Abram and Sarai deep into the contemporary landscape of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), where out of nearly 2,300 PC(USA) ministers and candidates seeking new calls, few are willing to consider a church of 100 members or less.

“Go to a land I shall show you”

Myers' message here on Saturday, September 11, was directed to the inaugural class of six pastoral residents, who – having already risen to the challenge of being called by God to unknown, remote places – gathered from Sept. 8-11 with their presbytery leaders, mentors and members of the PC(USA) national staff for a comprehensive orientation program for For Such a Time as This, an innovative pastoral residency program designed to serve small, under-served congregations and develop missional pastors.

-by Beth Furkin, Presbyterian News Service

Rev. Steve Minnema, executive presbyter for the Presbytery of Northern Plains. "Our presbytery might be approximately 65 churches, and of those, probably less than half are served by called and installed, ordained Presbyterian clergy," said Minnema. "The issues for us are preserving a sense of Presbyterian identity and building up the role of the elder in those churches served by nonPresbyterians.

Our challenge is to try to help the leadership of our churches to claim the gifts in our heritage, in particular the office of elder and In her sermon entitled, "Go to a land I shall show you," delivered the role that can be in the life of the church. It takes some people during the orientation’s closing commissioning service, Myers – with some familiarity with our heritage and commitment to it to director of the Office of Vocation for the PC(USA) – emphasized help us do that. We're hoping that this the concept that all ministry today is "unknown program can bring another person in to land." To prepare for the challenges of their the life of the presbytery with some new calling, orientation participants worshiped seminary training and some committogether, built community, and were briefed ment to being Presbyterian as they go on a broad variety of topics and ministry reabout the ministry in our midst." sources, including small church dynamics, nurturing practices of spiritual disciplines, In that hopeful spirit, Minnema will be coaching skills for presbytery leaders, and the welcoming Trudy Dumont, a graduate PC(USA)'s church-wide initiative, Growing of Fuller Theological Seminary, who Christ’s Church Deep & Wide. In addition to will be serving the Presbyterian Church Myers, leaders from the staff team included of Rolla, N.D., and St. John PresbyteMarilyn Johns, the residency program’s coorrian Church. Minnema described dinator, Quinn Fox, associate for theology, Rolla/St. John – which is one church in and Philip Lotspeich, coordinator for church two buildings and two communities – growth. Participants in the “For Such a Time as as a vital congregation with a good youth program and a good interest in "Especially at this time in history," Myers said, This” Pastoral Residency Orientation "God calls us to ministry that will unfold before Gathering. —Photo credit: Mark Crowner. mission. us and which will call us to adapt, to improvise "The exciting thing to me about this along the way, using what we know and learnprogram relative to Rolla/St. John is ing as we go." that that church has had a history of some estrangement from the presbytery and even more so from In the program's first year, six recent seminary graduates have been paired with small churches in a two-year pastoral residency the General Assembly," Minnema said. "In the course of their participation, the chair of their committee told me that they never relationship during which they will be supported and guided by a felt any closer to both the presbytery and the denomination than network of pastor/mentors, presbytery, seminary, and national they have as they’ve made connections and gotten support church leaders. Four presbyteries – Heartland, St. Andrew, through this program." Northern Plains and South Dakota – representing congregations in Missouri, Mississippi, North Dakota and South Dakota will proAnother of the six residents, Jason Ku, who immigrated to the vide the initial group of ministry settings for 2010. In the coming United States from Korea in 1979, expressed not only delight but months, all six pastoral residents will be ordained as ministers of the Word and Sacrament in the PC(USA) to serve their respective surprise that his first call was to an English-speaking congregation in Holden, Mo. churches as designated pastors. "Any ministry – Missouri to Malawi, Brooklyn to Biloxi, Willow Lake "One of the challenges I started seeing in seeking my first call was that most churches were seeking ministers with a number of years and Grenada – is challenging, scary, and a venture into the unof experience," said Ku, a second-career pastor and a 2007 known," Myers said, referencing several of the program's first graduate of San Francisco Theological Seminary. "I knew, too, ministry settings. "Yet you go not alone. You go with God. You go that my background as an immigrant and speaking English as a to minister with Presbyterian leaders who know Christ and have deep faith formed over a lifetime. You go surrounded by the wider second language would make it hard for me to get into an English-speaking congregation. church, who minister with you and support you in that place." Among those presbytery leaders looking forward to both the immediate as well as the long-term impact of the program is the

I am so grateful because if I can do my first ministry successfully, my Korean-American associates and the younger generations will

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be able to see the vision and the hope that can widen their opportunities to serve in the future.”

ing. There were churches that couldn’t quite be moved to participate this year, but they are watching."

Two of Ku's four sisters who still live in Korea – along with his 83year old mother – will be flying in for his ordination by his home presbytery, the Presbytery of Sacramento, on Sunday, October 10, where they will be joined by a host of other relatives. "It turns out to be my big family event," Ku said. "I thank God for that."


The Rev. Charles Spencer, executive presbyter of Heartland Presbytery – of which the First Presbyterian Church of Holden, Mo., is a member – described the congregation as "very hopeful." Prior to Ku’s arrival, the 26-member church had been over a decade without a full-time resident pastor. "We're very excited," Spencer said, "the Committee on Ministry and the presbytery as a whole. We have a lot of churches watch-

The For Such a Time as This program is currently seeking potential partner presbyteries which are under-served and have difficulty attracting first call candidates, but which have three to four small churches – 100 or fewer in average worship attendance – that could serve as good learning settings for first call residents. Partner presbytery application forms – due December 15, 2010 – as well as further information for presbyteries and pastoral resident candidates for the class of 2011, are available on the program's Web site (http://gamc.pcusa.org/ministries/vocation/ such-time/).

Lotspeich said, adding that while about 80 percent of congregations in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) need to be in some sort of transformation, 100 percent of congregations would benefit from change in some way.

transforming congregations Transformation might seem like a broad topic for a conference, but that open-ended description is fitting, said one organizer. "The church is going to look very different depending on what it's called to be," said the Rev. Philip Lotspeich, coordinator for Church Growth for the ministry area of Evangelism and Church Growth. The 2010 Transformation Conference — Oct. 18-22 in Fort Worth, Texas — will attempt to address these different "looks" for churches undergoing a transformation, Lotspeich said. The conference is framed around the goals of igniting, inspiring and equipping participants: igniting their passion for Jesus Christ, inspiring them to be the church and do what it is called to do, and equipping them to be the church in the 21st century. Church growth is moving away from a cookie-cutter approach and is now about encouraging churches to engage with what the Holy Spirit is doing in their communities, Lotspeich said. Rather than offering several discrete workshops, the conference is organized into six tracks that will give participants the chance to delve deeply into one area of transformation.

"Once you stop being transformed by the spirit of God, you're dying," he said. Lotspeich said he is especially excited about the conference's leadership and speakers. Kevin Miller, chief visionary officer of TAG Consulting, is author of the book Transforming Church, which Lotspeich called an essential read. Rex Miller is a futurist and author of the book The Millennium Matrix: Reclaiming the Past and Reframing the Future of the Church. Lotspeich also emphasized that the conference isn’t about getting congregations to conform to the world, but is rather about connecting in a new context to build the church. "Where churches start getting in trouble is when they start trying to work against their DNA, the core of who they are," he said. "We hope people leave with a reignited passion for Jesus Christ … and hopefully they'll leave with some tools." To register for the conference, go to http://gamc.pcusa.org/ministries/churchgrowth/congregational-transformation-conference/ .

The tracks:


Cooperative ministry


Transformation in multi-ethnic congregations


Evangelism and disciple making


Nuts and bolts of congregational transformation


Leader development



There are a limited number of scholarships available for small-church pastors and leaders. Contact program assistant Sherry Britton (sherry.britton@pcusa.org) to learn more. -Bethany Furkin, Presbyterian News Service

The conference was designed to work for all churches, emerge/presbytery of the twin cities area/ october 2010/ 11

Relentless generosity By Stan Martin

"I want… I want… I want… I want..." Norman D. Cat

We have two felines who choose to family in our home. They are not related. They do not look the same. They certainly behave in different ways. Beyond the fact that they are both males, they are quite distinct. Yet…they somehow get-along very well. But ‘getting-along’ is not want I want to tell you about…although that would be a good message. No…I want to share with you a behavioral trait that has been parabolic to me. Robert is the younger of the two cats and acts like a real baby: He hugs, he pouts, he kisses, he cries, he laughs. He also can be a little of a conniver as he uses his lovingness to get both in and out of trouble.

On the other paw there is Norman. Norman is just a little older than Robert but a world apart in behavior. He does not hug – he curls up. He does not pout – he endures. He does not kiss – he kneads. He does not cry or laugh – he wants. And its Norman’s wanting that provides me with a parable. When Norman wants something he is relentless. He never gives up until what he wants is what he gets. Neither reason nor scolding does anything. When he wants to be on your lap he will keep getting back in it even if you (gently) throw him off. When he wants his “beef shreds” (a favorite food from Friskies) he will continue to meow (an annoyingly loud ‘meow’) and rub against your leg and then start jumping and scratching your leg – until he gets his beef shreds. No matter what approach you may use to abate his desire (ignore, firm speech, reasoning, loving kitty talk) nothing will cause a cessation of his relentlessness. He keeps coming back. Now – this may sound like a similar parable in the Bible - one you may be familiar with. In Luke 18:1-8 Jesus tells a parable about a woman pursuing justice from an unjust judge. First the judge dismisses her, but the woman hangs in there to the point of annoyance and the judge finally grants her request. The parable Jesus told was not a call for people-of-faith to engage in annoying behavior, but it was a call to behave in the same kind of relentlessness that the woman showed the judge and Norman demonstrates to his human family. And if this relentlessness could be tied to spirit-gifts, we can only imagine the transformation that would occur. Think of what the spaces we live in would begin to resemble if we practiced a relentless generosity.


Our spirit-talents excelling: (more confession & forgiveness; increased love & honesty; greater hope-giving and peacemaking.)


Our spirit-time transforming: (more time for friends & family; increased spaces for compassion & service; enlarged moments for faith-life & divine-presence.)


Our spirit-treasures freeing: (more stewarding instead of hoarding; increased opening of the heart instead of closing of the mind; enlarged moments of letting go instead of holding on.)

As we think of an economy that continues to struggle, the needs of many around us, and the call to be a presence of blessing, it may be difficult to stress a relentless generosity. Yet, it is in giving that we receive and the more relentless we are in doing it, the greater the transformation will be. And perhaps our relentless generosity of talent, time and treasures will not only transform us – but will positively impact our neighbors and the world, as well. Stan Martin is the pastor of Peace Presbyterian Church in St. Louis Park, MN. Above is a picture of cats Robert and Norman.

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Editor’s Note: The following are excerpts from the fall 2010 edition of PW Connection, the newsletter for Presbyterian Women of the PTCA.

General Assembly Gift Project

Presbyterian Women Fall Report

In the spring of 2009, COLA (local arrangements) directors invited Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area to suggest Gift Project ideas for the 219th General Assembly to be held in Minneapolis July 3-10. Their invitation was accepted and it was decided that delegates and observers would be asked to bring new socks and underwear for men, women, and children in shelters in our presbytery as well as in the presbyteries of Northern Waters and Minnesota Valleys.

First, Stillwater First, Church of All Nations, and WestminsterMinneapolis.

Thanks to all who made this project successful.

The next Synod Gathering will be held in 2013.

There were many dynamic speakers, including Jerene Mortenson, mother of Greg Mortenson (THREE CUPS OF TEA), who updated us on schools being established in Afghanistan and Pakistan and how these schools have changed lives, and Phyllis Cole-Dai, who, PW contacts in eight churches in various areas of our presbytery with a colleague, lived voluntarily for 47 days on the streets of selected shelters in their areas, determined their needs, and were Columbus, Ohio. She wrote of this homeless experience in her responsible for delivering items received at the end of the Assembook THE EMPTINESS OF OUR HANDS. bly. The contacts were Belinda Breit We heard about many mission projects of the (Calvin Presbyterian, Long Lake), Judi church, including: Shaughnessy (Central Presbyterian, St. Paul), Cindy Skjeimeyer (Church of All Na1. Rahab's Rope, a women's center in Bangations, New Brighton), June Herling (First lore, India, which was a 2009 Thank Offering Presbyterian, Red Wing), Marcia Dollerrecipient. They work with commercial sex workschell (First Presbyterian, Rochester), Barers to rescue, to rehabilitate, to restore, and to bara Horness (Oak Grove Presbyterian, help with skills for re-entry. A new center will Bloomington), Shirley Hinrichs open in Goa, a city known for sex tourism. (Westminster Presbyterian, Austin), and 2. The Mustard Seed Program. This is a misLinda Tellefsen (Westminster Presbyterian, sion to the Maasai tribe in Kenya. They work to Minneapolis). improve children's health, to provide basic Sixteen shelters in our presbytery as well school supplies, to provide financial assistance as shelters in the presbyteries of Northern to orphans/needy children so they can go to Waters and Minnesota Valleys received school, and to provide Maasai language Bibles. items. Target Corporation approved a An offering of $5567 will be divided among $1000 grant to PTCA and we received fifty these projects: $20 gift cards from them. Each shelter received gift cards along with the socks and underwear. 1. Support for Denise England, a registered nurse who is servThe Gift Project was very well-received. Donations surpassed our ing as a consultant for Geriatric and Nursing Services at Cairo expectations. Our initial goal was 1500-2000 items; actual dona- Evangelical Medical Centre, Cairo, Egypt,. tions totaled 7200! In addition $910 in checks and cash was re2. Mattresses for hospitals in the Congo. ceived. Additional gift cards were purchased and the designated shelters received additional cards. There is also money to buy gift 3. Cottage Grove Avenue Presbyterian Church Sudanese cards for additional shelters in the presbytery. People saw a need Kitchen Project. This church in Des Moines, IA has become a and were generous in their donations. It was a very rewarding place of worship, gathering, assistance, and social life for a comexperience and it is hoped that churches near these shelters will munity of Sudanese refugees and immigrants. The kitchen, used become more involved with them if they are not already involved. to prepare many meals, is not adequate.

Synod Women’s Gathering "The Wonders of God's Promises" was the theme for the Synod of Lakes and Prairies Gathering of Presbyterian Women at Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, IA June 16-19. Eleven women from our Presbytery attended. Churches represented were Rochester

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Something to Think About -by General Assembly Mission Council


The number of congregations without pastoral leadership decreased.


There was an increase in the number of female ministers and the number of congregations with a female head of staff, solo pastor, or co-pastor.

Even casual observers of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) are Comparative Statistics 2009, released recently, is an annual likely aware that the mempublication of the Research Services bership of the denominaoffice that tracks trends for the deChrist, Edina Third in PCUSA nomination in the areas of membertion has decreased steadily for quite some time. ship, ministers, and financial data for However, not all of the congregations. The resource sumnews about the PC(USA) marizes this information for the deChrist Presbyterian in is bad news. Consider nomination and often by synod and Edina is the third largest presbytery. these findings from the congregation in the Presrecently released ComThis year’s edition features an introparative Statistics 2009. byterian Church (USA) in ductory easy, “Membership Change membership according in the Presbyterian Church  There were 20 new the 2009 Comparative (U.S.A): Trends in Gains and church developments in Statistics from the Gen- Losses,” by Jack Marcum, coordina2009. tor of Research Services of the General Assembly Mission eral Assembly Mission CounCouncil. In 2009, Christ  Membership incil. Referring to the overall memberhad 5,289 members, up creased in 13 presbyteries ship loss for 2009, Marcum points (North Puget Sound, 190 from the previous out that many Presbyterians were Northwest, San Juan, year. The two congrega- working last year to increase gains Twin Cities Area, Midwest tions larger than Christ or to reduce losses in memberHanmi, St. Andrew, Atlanare Fourth Presbyterian ship. He notes that “one more gain tic Korean-American, Bosor one fewer loss for every 34 memin Chicago with 6,102 ton, Eastern Korean, Eastbers would have completely elimimembers and Peachtree Presbyterian in Atlanta with 8,989 ern Oregon, Kendall, Sacnated the net loss in 2009.” That ramento, and Hanmi).The members. certainly should give Presbyterians numbers of racial ethnic something to think about. Overall , the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area gained 201 candidates for ministry members in 2009 being the only presbytery in the Synod of increased. Comparative Statistics 2009 can be Lakes and Prairies to do so. accessed online (pcusa.org) or or Investment income dered from Presbyterian Distribution increased. Services by calling (800) 524-2612 and requesting PDS #02056-09033.  Asian membership increased.


There was an increase in Asian leadership (elders, deacons, and active clergy).

Resources Available from the Disability Concerns Taskforce Are you looking for challenging programs for adult education, youth gatherings, or other church events? The Disability Concerns Task Force can help you plan a single program or a series. Samples of our offerings include programs on the Bible and disability, living with mental illness, and living with a disability such as blindness, mobility, autism, and PTSD. Each of our speakers has personal or professional experience with disabilities. Our programs challenge the stereotypes and barriers that label some of us as “outsiders” and that prevent people with disabilities from offering their gifts to the church and our communities. You will find a complete list of speakers and contact information on link at: http://presbyterytwincities.org/ministries/disability-concerns/

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Community Presbyterian Church in Rochester celebrated it’s 25th anniversary on September 26 with Executive Presbyter Chaz Ruark taking part.


George Knierieman, honorably retired pastor, died on September 25 after an illness. A celebration of his life took place at North Como Presbyterian Church on September 30.


Gene Orr will be come the new Interim Pastor at Spirit of Life Presbyterian Church in Apple Valley. He was the Stated Supply at Arlington Hills Presbyterian Church in St. Paul until June of 2010.


Sung Chul Park, has retired from active ministry. now Honorably Retired, Park’s ministry was celebrated at the September 14 Presbytery Meeting.


Deborah Wilkinson, a candidate in the PTCA, was ordained September 26 at 3:00PM at Presbyterian Church of the Way in Shoreview. She will become the Temporary Supply Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Mt. Washington in the Pittsburgh Presbytery (Pennsylvania).


Karen Craven, a candidate in the PTCA, was approved for Ordination at the September 14 Presbytery meeting. She will be ordained on October 17 at 3:30pm at Westminster Presbyterian in Minneapolis.


ordination anniversaries


Matthew Skinner (10/16/2005 )


H. Allan Talley (10/16/1962 )


Jong Hyeong Lee (10/1/1971 )


Gale W. Robb (10/17/1993 )


David L. Williamson (10/1/1973 )


Suzan Ireland (10/20/1996 )


Meghan Gage-Finn (10/2/2005 )


Teresa Roberts (10/21/1984 )


Edna Mae Carlson (10/3/1982 )


Jon W. Galloway (10/22/1978 )


Richard G. Douse (10/3/1952 )


John M. MacFarlane (10/24/1965 )


Bebe L. Baldwin (10/4/1981 )


Douglas W. King (10/25/1960 )


C. Richard Knowles (10/4/1960 )


Max R. Maguire (10/25/1958 )


Margaret M. McCray (10/4/1981 )


Bruce D. Ervin (10/27/1985 )


Larry Alderink (10/5/1975 )


Kathleen D. Macosko (10/27/2002 )


Paul E. Capetz (10/6/1991 )


Paula Sanders (10/29/2006 )


J. Scott Cartwright (10/7/1996 )


Mary J. Leisman (10/30/1983 )


Sandra Stuart Gray (10/7/1990 )


Judith C. Ritchie (10/9/1983 )


T. Ewen Holmes (10/10/1982 )


H. Lyle Rozeboom (10/12/1969 )


Todd Allen (10/13/2002 )


Herbert Frey (10/15/1978 )


Tammy J. Rider (10/16/1994 )


Gene Sipprell (10/16/1988 ) emerge/presbytery of the twin cities area/ october 2010/ 15

For more information on the positions listed below, please go the PTCA website at www.presbyterytwincities.org/jobs.

positions available


Volunteer Writer/Journalist, Familia de Fe NCD, Minneapolis


Worship Director, Aldrich Avenue Presbyterian, Minneapolis

Do you have a church staff position that needs to be filled? Send in your job announcements to Dennis Sanders at communications@ptcaweb.org. For more information on interim pastor openings, please contact the Committee on Ministry at com@ptcaweb.org. (Oh, and let us know when you fill the position, so we can remove it from the job listings.)

that we can turn things around this planet very quickly by embracing a model for sustainable abundance.


A national leader in the Natural Step Framework, with its fundamental needs component rooted in the Human Scale Development theory of Chilean philosopher-economist Manfred MaxNeef, Terry has trained corporations, cities, congregations and NGOs in this model of sustainability here in the Twin Cities area and across Minnesota, as well as other countries.

Truth-Telling Forum at Cherokee Park: A “Truth Telling Forum – Justice and the Indigenous People of Minnesota and St. Paul” will be held on Mondays, October 4 & 11, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Cherokee Park United Church, 371 W. Baker St., St. Paul, MN 55107. In this two part forum Dakota leaders will speak about the impact of colonialism and white supremacy on Indigenous People Shepherd of the Hill is located at 145 Engler Blvd. in Chaska. and what it means to become allies in working for justice. Remember Niger: The fundraiser for expanding education in Niger will be held October 17 at the from 4 - 8 p.m. Oak Marsh  Monday, October 4: Preserving, Protecting and Promoting Dakota Culture for Mother Earth- Presenter is Jim Ander- Golf Club, 526 Inwood Ave. N. Oakdale, MN, The event includes a silent auction of items like art son, an activist for sacred site and preservation of Dakota Culture and the Cultural Chairman for the Mendota Mdewa- pieces from Niger, useful donations from local businesses, raffles for Ipod and Kindle and live auction items such as African safari kanton Dakota Community. for four people and five other special things.


Monday, October 11: Unraveling Minnesota’s Distorted History – Presenters are Dr. Chris Mato Nunpa and Mary Beth Faimon. Dr. Mato Nunpa is a Wahpetunwan (“Dwellers In The Leaves”) Dakota from the Pezihuta Zizi Otunwe “Yellow Medicine Community.” Now retired, he served as an Associate Professor of Indigenous Nations & Dakota Studies at Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall, Minnesota. Professor Mary Beth Faimon is recently retired from the Social Work program at Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall.

"Remember Niger" is a new organization founded by a former PCUSA missionary to Niger. The purpose of the non-profit group is to build, equip and maintain elementary schools in Niger, provide for teacher training and scholarships for children. Rated as the least developed nation in the world by the U.N. Human Index , Niger's populace has an extremely low literacy rate, few natural resources to pay for public education and a lack of infrastructure. The deadline for reservations is October 6. For more information and to register for the event go to www.rememberniger.org or call Ruth Jones, 651-275-3700 or Pat McKisson 651-773-5107.

Registration: Please register in advance if you would like a meal or child care, which are available upon prior request. There will be a free will offering for the meal. No charge for either presentation. Register by contacting 651-227-4275 or email cpuc@usfamily.net .

Fall Conferences for Communicators: The Presbyterian Communicators Network is offering two Communicators Conferences this fall focused on web-based media for churches and middle governing bodies. The theme is "Plugging In Without Shorting Out." Each conference will include a variety of plenary speakers and workshops. The conferences will be held at Crestfield ConFirst Tuesday Dialogue at Shepherd of the Hill: Terry Gips, ference Center, Slippery Rock (near Pittsburgh), Pa., Oct. 18-20, President of The Alliance for Sustainability and CEO of Sustainability Associates, comes to Dialogues at Shepherd of and at Zephyr Point Conference Center, Lake Tahoe, Nev., Oct. the Hill Presbyterian Church in Edina on October 5 at 7PM as the 25-27. Additional conference information and registration materials can be found at http://gamc.pcusa.org/ministries/comnet/. keynote speaker for the series. Former White House and Congressional Aide, Cargill grain merchant and Aveda Corporation Director of Sustainability, Terry is startlingly positive in his belief emerge/presbytery of the twin cities area/ october 2010/ 16

Cedar Lake Seven to Perform: Men’s gospel choir Cedar Lake Seven, an outreach ministry of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis, will host a two hour-long fundraising concert to benefit a suburban Hennepin County homeless youth outreach program. The concert will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 7, at Wooddale Lutheran Church, 4003 Wooddale Ave. South, in St. Louis Park.

events, continued

The Suburban Host Home program is a community initiative involving local schools, faith communities, local government, service providers and the greater suburban Hennepin County community. The mission of the program is to address the housing needs of homeless youth by connecting them with adults from their own community who are willing to provide safe housing and support. The concert will be hosted by SPARK, a collaboration of Lutheran Churches in St. Louis Park and a strong supporter of the Suburban Host Home Program. Festival of Song at Calvin: A Festival of Song will be held at Calvin Church in Long Lake on November 14 beginning at 4PM. The hymnsing will be led by Paul Westermeyer, the Cantor and Professor at Church Music at Luther Seminary in St. Paul. You can be the first to sing a number of new, contemporary hymns being considered for the new Presbyterian Hymnal. Singing begins at 4 with a dinner afterward. The event is free but please RSVP if you are staying for dinner. Please consider an $8 suggested donation for dinner. To RSVP for dinner, please contact the church at (952) 473-5419 or Sandy@calvinchurch.net. Calvin is located at 177 Glendale Avenue, Long Lake. Retreat Dates at Clearwater Forest: Presbyterian Clearwater Forest, Deerwood, Minn., has released its retreat dates for 2011. Junior and Senior High Snow Camp runs Jan. 21-23, Women's Chrysalis Feb. 11-14, Confirmation Retreat March 18-20, Senior High Spring Retreat April 8-10, Women's Chrysalis Aug. 17-21, Senior Adult Retreat Aug. 22-26, Middle School Retreat Oct. 14-16, Senior High Fall Retreat Oct. 28-30, and Confirmation Retreat Nov. 11-13. Additional details can be found at www.clearwaterforest.org.

Missional Church Consultation at Luther- The sixth annual Missional Church Consultation, "Cultivating Sent Communities - Missional Spiritual Formation," will bring together pastors, mission directors, scholars and lay congregational leaders Nov. 1213 at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minn. Plenary session leaders are Richard Osmer, professor of Christian education at Princeton Theological Seminary; Christian Scharen, assistant professor of worship at Luther; Karen Ward, vicar and abbess at Church of the Apostles in Seattle; and Dwight Zscheile, assistant professor of congregational mission and leadership at Luther. In addition to plenary presentations, attendees will connect with peers in the missional church movement over meals, during Bible studies and in workshops. Registration for the consultation is open, and additional information, including registration materials, is available at http:// www.luthersem.edu/mission/consultation/consult_overvw.aspx . ,

112 W. Franklin Ave. Suite 508 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Fax: 612-871-0698 E-mail: communications@ptcaweb.org Web: www.ptcaweb.org Twitter: www.twitter.com/ptcaweb Facebook: www.facebook.com/ presbyterytwincitiesarea

Presbytery Staff Chaz Ruark, Executive Presbyter: ep@ptcaweb.org Nancy Grittman, Stated Clerk: statedclerk@ptcaweb.org Risa Anderson, Office Manager: office@ptcaweb.org Dennis Sanders, IT/Communications Specialist: communications@ptcaweb.org

"EMerge:Monthly," is a publication from the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area (PTCA). The mission is to share brief highlights with links to resources and news. Recipients include congregations, minister members, other members, committees, and friends. Please send submissions and e-mail corrections to Dennis Sanders, editor, at communications@ptcaweb.org . Usual distribution: Thursdays.

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Minnesota is known for its thriving theatre scene.

The state boasts some great venues such as the Guthrie in Minneapolis and the Ordway in St. Paul.

Maybe we should add Community Presbyterian Church in Plainview as well.

All the church’s a stage -dennis sanders and leroy haynes

Community Presbyterian Church hosted the Plainview Community Theater as they rehearse and present "Cinderella." The play will be performed Oct. 5-8 at 7:00 PM with the final performance pm Saturday Oct. 9 at 2:00 PM.

Using a church sanctuary to stage a play means transforming a worship space into a theatre space. That’s just what Community did, as the front of the church will be covered by a large stage. Interim Pastor LeRoy Jones says the congregation is thrilled to have this performing art take place in their building. It might be good news for Jones as well since it means the pulpit is about three feet higher than normal.

The musical is made up of people from the whole community but many are Presbyterians. Plainview is also the home of the "Jon Hassler" theater presently performing a comedy.

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