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The PTC Group Remains Safe and Healthy Amidst the Pandemic According to Health Metrics Report
Dr. Antonio Abaya, Medical Director of Health Metrics Inc. — the PTC Group’s preferred health care partner, assured employees as he spoke at the June 23 edition of the PTC Townhall Series.
Abaya reported that more than 99% of the PTC Group remains healthy and virus-free based on the 1,818 rapid antigen detection tests (RADT) conducted by Health Metrics on employees from May 18 to June 17, 2020.
These results extended to the inbound and outbound PTC Global Maritime Professionals (GMPs) that were tested. Of the 1,520 polymerise chain reaction (PCR) tests conducted on GMPs, only 2.17% tested positive among the inbound group (repatriated GMPs) while 2% tested positive among the outbound group (GMPs for deployment).
“The prevalence of the disease among both inbound and outbound seafarers is actually quite low compared to the statistics from the general population which is 5% among those tested,” Dr. Abaya explains. “This is very good news not just for our company, but for our country and industry as well, given the immense role that our seafarers play in global trade.”
And while acknowledging that there is still a lot to be known about COVID-19, Dr. Abaya assures employees that according to data from the Department of Health, 70 to 80% of infected individuals are asymptomatic or exhibit only mild symptoms. And those that require intensive care treatment, including patients that have pre-existing health conditions, account for only 5% of the total cases.
Coupled with consistent health and safety reminders and advisories, Dr. Abaya shares that the plan is to continue random testing at a certain percentage, particularly for employees who deal directly with external customers.
“What’s really key is for us to continue practicing our health and safety protocols. Even if you transact with external clients, as long as you wear your face mask, stay behind safety barriers, and wash your hands after touching documents, then you will be safe.”