Fern World Newsletter Issue 4

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Fern World BPS Newsletter - Winter / Spring 2012

Issue 4. Produced by the BPS Publicity & Marketing Team

Fern World Editor’s Letter Hello & welcome

to the 4th edition

of the Fern World Newsletter! For those who don’t already know, this is one of the online news sources for the BPS - British Pteridological Society - the society for fern enthusiasts. I have taken on board comments from a few readers concerning the patterned background, and am trying this issue with a plain colour instead. What do you think? Ferns are incredible evolvers, and so are we at the BPS! This issue contains news of some exciting developments, such as the new Cultivar Special Interest Group, and a developing fern border at Chester Cathedral (pages 4 and 5). We also go on an adventure to Andean Ecuador (page 6), and find out about the fern activities happening closer to home (page 7 onwards). It is now one full year since the first edition of the Fern World Newsletter went live, and I have been very pleased with the great response it has received so far. But I really couldn’t keep it going if it wasn’t for you, the contributors.

(Above: The Publicity Officer on the location of the front cover image! Photo: Matt Newman)

As always, if you have any suggestions about the content for the newsletter, please feel free to contact me, Liz Evans, at the Publicity email address: Publicity@eBPS.org.uk

Signing Up: If you wish to receive an email notifying you when a new issue of the Fern World Newsletter is published, please sign up to the online mailing list which can be found at the link below: http://eepurl.com/bGLcz

So please, keep your fern news coming! Thank-you!

Further information about the society can be found on the BPS website at: http://www.eBPS.org.uk/

Front Cover Image : Dryopteris dilatata Photography : Liz or Alison Evans unless stated

The BPS needs you! BPS 2013 Fern Calendar

The Pteridologist Needs You!

Last autumn, we decided not to produce a 2012 BPS Fern Calendar containing members’ photos. This was mainly because we thought we could maximise sales by having a calendar available earlier in the year, but also because few members seem keen to have their fern photos in a calendar. So, there will be a 2013 calendar, hopefully for sale by the time of the 2012 AGM in April. However – don’t be shy - this is still your chance to have your own favourite fern photo included in the calendar. Anything along the “fern” theme will be considered – fronds, plants, fern beds, artefacts, memorabilia etc etc. All we require is that the photo is in landscape format, in colour, that you include details of what it is, where the photo was taken and that you took the photo. Please send low resolution candidates by email by the end of February. Many thanks.

The Pteridologist urgently needs your small articles and fillers as soon as possible. If you have anything suitable please get in touch with the editor at : alec.greening@virgin.net The deadline for submissions is the end of February. Thanks!

Bryan and Gill Smith


Contact the Publicity Team : Publicity@eBPS.org.uk

Special Interest Groups Our members grow a wide range of ferns and some do have favourite genera such as Polypodium or Polystichum or general groups of interest such as alpine ferns or cultivars. We have just one Special Interest Group at the moment - Cultivars, see below - but in the past we have had enthusiastic groups covering filmy ferns, tree ferns, foreign hardy ferns and aquatic pteridophytes. If you are keen on a particular group then why not share your interest with others and start a Special Interest Group? Contact: Secretary@ebps.org.uk

Above: Asplenium scolopendrium 'Applecourt' Right: Asplenium scolopendrium 'Sagittatum laceratum'

Cultivars - The cultivar SIG is open to anyone with a specialist interest in cultivars. They organise field trips, speakers and garden visits. Information is available from: Tim Brock (tim.brock108@gmail.com) and Julian Reed (julianreed@waitrose.com) Above: Asplenium scolopendrium 'peraferens crispum'

(All images courtesy of Tim Brock)

Don’t forget the BPS Website : www.eBPS.org.uk

Ferns at Chester Cathedral You may recall BPS member Philip Hunt’s article from the Pteridologist detailing how he established a new garden in the cloisters of Chester Cathedral (Vol. 5 Part 4, 2011). It is also available to read online here: www.chestercathedral.com/documents/cloisters01.pdf Spurred on by the success of the Cloister Gardens, Phil is now endeavouring to establish a dedicated fern border around part of the Cathedral, as shown in the photographs below. The fern border is in the early stages of construction, but once it is finished it should be home to around 100 fern plants. This is where BPS members come in! If you would like to donate any spare outdoor ferns to Phil and his team of volunteers to plant around the grounds at Chester Cathedral, they would be very gratefully received. You can contact Phil directly by email, philipbhunt@hotmail.co.uk or get in touch with the Manchester and North Midlands regional group if you would like to help out. We look forward to seeing this develop! (All images courtesy of Phil Hunt)

Contact the Publicity Team : Publicity@eBPS.org.uk

Exploration in Ecuador BPS Member Martin Rickard recently undertook an adventure to the Andes of Ecuador with the travel company Nature Trek. Although the trip was called Andean Flora of Ecuador and therefore not solely a fern visit, Martin has said of the area: “It possibly ranks as the best fern paradise I have ever visited.” The full write-up will be available in the Hardy Fern Foundation quarterly publication, but for now, enjoy a few pictures! ( http://www.hardyferns.org/ ) Below: Polypodium monosorum

Above: Volcano Chimborazo (All photos courtesy of Martin Rickard)

Don’t forget the BPS Website : www.eBPS.org.uk

Fern Events for 2012 Big Nature Day at the Natural History Museum - Sunday 27th May ( nhm.ac.uk ) This OPAL funded event will be a fair of natural history groups reflecting the broad range of natural history subjects. The themes of the event will be biodiversity and the value of nature. The event aims to be the largest / broadest get-together of natural history groups, and the BPS hope to have a presence in order to help promote the society to the public, and to network with other groups. We’d love to see you there! Contact: Education@eBPS.org.uk for more information.

Bio-blitz at Yorkshire Museum - Saturday 16th June A joint venture with the Museum, OPAL, and Yorkshire Naturalists' Union plus affiliated organisations. It is likely that we will do a guided fern walk in the morning, and have a display table in the afternoon. No details available yet, but if you are interested in taking part please contact Alison Evans, who will send you further information when it becomes available. Education@eBPS.org.uk

Right and above: The fern garden at the Yorkshire Museum, York

Contact the Publicity Team : Publicity@eBPS.org.uk

Other Fern News Spore Exchange The organisation of the spore exchange will be taken over by Brian and Sue Dockerill starting with the 2012 / 2013 exchange. Matt Busby will continue in the position until then. www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/bps/sporeex.htm

Ferns in Members’ Gardens - ‘Pteridowiki’ The Ferns in Members Gardens section of the Pteridowiki is now live. To get an idea of what this project is about, a screen shot of the site is given below, but please also visit at: wiki.eBPS.org.uk Work on other areas of the Pteridowiki - Hardy Ferns and Where To See Ferns - is also underway. If you would like to contribute your list of garden ferns, a template is available from Roger Golding: rg@rogergolding.co.uk

Don’t forget the BPS Website : www.eBPS.org.uk

Fern Meetings 2012 10th March

26th May

Yorkshire Group Bingley - Searching for Killarney Fern Leader : Jesse Tregale

Yorkshire Group Reeth - Moonwort Surveys Leader : Barry Wright

14th April

8th - 10th June

AGM Natural History Museum, London Meeting Theme - Fern Books Contact : Graham Ackers, Alison Paul and Pat Acock

National Meeting - Wiltshire Based in or near Pewsey Leader : Nick Hards

12th May South East and Wessex Groups Joint meeting Roydens Wood and New Forest Leader : Jo Basil

12th May Scottish Group Lochlomondside - Lycopodiella inundata monitoring Leader : Heather McHaffie

26th May Manchester & North Midlands Group Kenslow Pits - Clubmoss monitoring and adder’s tongue hunting Leader : Trevor Taylor

16th June South East and East Anglia Groups Joint meeting Benfleet and Southend garden Leader : Tim Pyner

16th June Yorkshire Group Bio-blitz at Yorkshire Museum Leader : Alison Evans

17th June Yorkshire and North West Groups Joint Meeting Swindale - details to follow Leader : Robert Sykes

Contact the Publicity Team : Publicity@eBPS.org.uk

Fern Meetings 2012 23rd June

7th July

Manchester and North Midlands Group Onslow Rake and Conies Dale Moonwort monitoring and Asplenium viride hunting Leader : Yvonne Golding

East Anglia Group Garden, Cowlinge Suffolk & Horringer Manor garden Leader : Barrie Stevenson

14th July 23rd June Scottish Group Isle of Seil - Ballachuan Nature Reserve Fern survey Leader : Maurice Wilkins

30th June - 1st July South Wales and Borders Group Weekend meeting in North Wales Based in Cricceith Leader : Dewi Jones

Wessex Group Portland - meeting place TBC Leader : Mike Hill

14th July Yorkshire Group Lincolnshire Woodlands and Binbrook Nursery Osgodby Wood Leader : Neil Timm

21st July 2nd - 6th July Kindrogan - Field Studies Council Fern Identification Leader : Heather McHaffie

Manchester and North Midlands Group Tom Wood, Great Wood and Broadbottom Leader : John Grue

21st July 5th - 14th July National Meeting - Austria and Germany Ferns in mountain conditions Leader : Rolf Thiemann Contact : Pat Acock

East Anglia Group Kersey’s Farm, Suffolk Join Anthony Pigott's hosted meeting with Plant Heritage, time 1.30 p.m. Leader : Anthony Pigott

Don’t forget the BPS Website : www.eBPS.org.uk

Fern Group Contacts Regional Group Contact details: 21st July Scottish Group Ardkinlas Woodland Garden, Loch Fyne Fern survey Leader: Frank McGavigan

Yorkshire Fern Group Leader: Bruce Brown Email: Yorkshire@eBPS.org.uk

28th July

South East Leader: Paul Ripley Email: SouthEast@eBPS.org.uk

East Anglia Group Corton Woods, Lowestoft Leader : Tim Pyner

Do you live in a part of the country not currently covered by one of the regional groups? Would you like to suggest a new regional group, or like to lead a meeting in your area?

Please feel free to get in touch! Meetings@eBPS.org.uk Details of all the Meetings are also available on the Meetings Calendar: www.my.calendars.net/ebps

East Anglia Leader: Tim Pyner Email: EastAnglia@eBPS.org.uk North West England Leader: Peter Campion Email: NorthWest@eBPS.org.uk Cornwall Leader: Matt Stribley Email: Cornwall@eBPS.org.uk Scotland Leader: Frank McGavigan Email: Scotland@eBPS.org.uk South Wales & Borders Leader: Brian Dockerill Email: SouthWalesBorders@eBPS.org.uk Manchester & North Midlands Leader: Yvonne Golding Email: ManchesterNorthMidlands@eBPS.org.uk

Contact the Publicity Team : Publicity@eBPS.org.uk

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