Scrapbook W
e love hearing from PTES people, whether you’re a supporter or project leader. Pictures, reports, emails, web posts and letters give a great sense of your passion for wildlife, so please keep them coming!
Wildlife-garden upgrades We recently asked you to tell us what you’ve been doing to support wildlife during lockdown, and it’s been so lovely to see all the wonderful changes you’ve made to your gardens and local green spaces. Look at this cosy hedgehog house built by Wendy, wildlife pond put in by Mike and five-star insect hotel made by Julie. Adding such features to your garden makes a huge difference for wildlife, offering them space to feed, mate and nest. Tell us what’s in your garden and submit your photos at We’d love to see what you’ve done!
Rememb hedgehoger to log your w w w .B IG sightings on hedgeho g m a p .o r g
De ar PT ES , ne ws tha t I I wa nte d to sha re the go od ow n No n ha ve jus t reg iste red my ve ry Ind ia. I ha ve Go ve rnm en t Or ga nis ati on in erv ati on ns cal led it As ian Ele pha nt Co ed my Fo un da tion an d I ha ve rec eiv reg istr ati on ce rtif ica te. eff ec tive ly to I’ll no w be ab le to wo rk mo re pe opl e fro m pro tec t bot h ele pha nts an d ha rm . Be st reg ard s Samya
Joey’s game to help hedgehogs One of our most creative Hedgehog Champions, Joey (right) had the great idea of making a new board game, called Hedgehog Highways. The idea is that you are a hedgehog and travel round the board, in and out of gardens, looking for food, water and a mate, before returning home. But beware! In some gardens there might be hazards like slug pellets, netting, strimmers or bonfires. And to make it even more perilous for the poor ‘hogs, during the game, some of the hedges between the gardens are cut down and turned into impenetrable fences. Then you must cross a busy road, but if you’re a lucky hedgehog you might find a hedgehog highway! Just like in real life, hedgehog highways give you a safe passage through a fence and into other gardens safely, allowing you to carry on with your journey. We think Joey deserves top marks for his hard work on Hedgehog Highways. Find out more more on his website
10 Wildlife World