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How to Community Cook

The Port Townsend Food Coop invites you to Community Cook with recipes created by our Culinary Educator, Sidonie Maroon. We're heading into Summer with Italian recipes! Community cook builds ties among community members through learning new techniques, sharing tips and discovering the joy of cooking.

Community COOK

For more info go to www.foodcoop.coop/community-cook

Join the group at www.facebook.com/cookingwiththecoop

Italian Sayings Cookbooks

Lydia’s Italian Table

Lidia Matticchio Bastianich

Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking

Marcella Hazan

The Splendid Table recipes from Emilia-Romagna and Lynne

Rossetto Casper

Red, White and Greens

The Italian way with vegetables

Faith Willinger

Italian Culinary Terms

Soffritto - A mixture of diced onions, carrots, and celery sautéed in oil or butter as a base for many Italian dishes.

Saltare - The Italian term for sautéing, which involves cooking food quickly in a small amount of oil or fat over high heat.

Arrostire - The Italian term for roasting, which involves cooking food in the oven at a high temperature, often with oil or butter.

Frittura - The Italian term for frying, which involves cooking food in hot oil or fat until crispy and golden brown.

Lessare - The Italian term for boiling, which involves cooking food in boiling water until it is fully cooked. Stufare - The technique of slow-cooking food in a covered pot with a small amount of liquid to produce a tender and flavorful dish.

Marinare - The technique of marinating meat or vegetables in a mixture of oil, vinegar, herbs, and spices to infuse them with flavor before cooking.

La vita è troppo breve per mangiare male."

- Translation: "Life is too short to eat badly."

"Mangia bene, ridi spesso, ama molto."

- Translation: "Eat well, laugh often, love much."

"L'appetito vien mangiando."

- Translation: "Appetite comes while eating."

"Il cibo fa la festa."

- Translation: "Food makes the party."

"Chi mangia sulo crepa solo."

- Translation: "He who eats alone dies alone."

"In cucina siamo tutti uguali."

- Translation: "In the kitchen, we are all equal."

"La cucina è il cuore della casa."

- Translation: "The kitchen is the heart of the home."

"Il pranzo è la preghiera della sera."

- Translation: "Lunch is the evening prayer."

"Il cibo è l'essenza della vita."

- Translation: "Food is the essence of life."

"Mangia quello che ti piace e piacerà quello che mangi."

- Translation: "Eat what you like and you'll like what you eat."

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