Pathoo lgy Board Rev e iw
Menu Know all about the facts of pathology board BY PAT HO LO
T he job of a pathologist is to deal with the cause as well as the nature of the disease. T he examination of the disease is basically done by taking the samples f rom the body of the human being. T hese samples can be blood or some other f luid of the body. T he jobs of a pathologist are acknowledged by the pathology board. Important for treatment It is on the basis of this report that the treatment of the disease is done. T here is a certif ication course that is of f ered by the pathologies board on the basis of which the individual will be recommended to perf orm the tests. T he diversif ied kind of activities of this f ield is acknowledged by the board. T here are various segments in this f ield. One category of they are restricted to blood banking or the transf usion of medicines. It is their responsibly to ensure that all the disease are diagnosed on a timely manner. Another thing that is recognized by the pathology board is the clinical inf ormatics. Diversification of job T hese individuals work in collaboration with the prof essional of health care and other existing technologies. T heir job is basically to design and
analyze the inf ormation and communication system about the health outcomes of the people. T he pathology board certif ies such individuals to carry out the job. T he person who admires the study of diseases will become such a prof ession. T hey can also perf orm autopsies in order to f ind out the real cause of death. T his individual should be well versed with all the latest developments and the advancements that are happening in the medical science. T his will help in the proper diagnosis of the disease.
Types of pathologies T here is certain inf ormation that is provided in the certif ication course that has to be taken up by the pathology board. T he f irst is the general inf ormation f or the exam, a booklet f or the inf ormation which will have the policies, the procedures and the various requirements of the course. T here
will be a description of the entire instruction f or the computer exams and some of the sample questions f or the examination and microscopy practice. Dif f erent types of pathologies other than that of blood banking and anatomic are dermatopathology, f orensic, pediatric, hematology, medical microbiology, pathology f or molecular genetics and many others. T he board sets the standards f or the pathologists so that they remain restricted to a certain boundary and perf orm their duties within this.
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